title: md_links
and md_images
blurb: Learn to take advantage of helpers that give you a hand using reference
style links to content and images.
layout: template-logo-medium
<%= md_links %>
<%= md_images %>
<%= current_page.data.title %>
<%= current_page.data.blurb %>
You’ll notice (as you look at the source files for this help content) that the
first ERB instructions immediately after the frontmatter are:
~~~ erb
<%%= md_links %>
<%%= md_images %>
These convenience helpers make it relatively simple to include Markdown links
and images using the reference format.
~~~ markdown
[all help content][all_help_content-index]
…will generate the following link:
[all help content][all_help_content-index]
This is especially useful if your page source filenames stay constant.
The reference name will always be the base output name of the file. For index
files, the format will be `groupname-index`, where the groupname is the name of
the containing directory, as you should already know. The top-level index file
will conveniently, simply be `index`.
You should strive to use unique filenames if you use this feature, as this will
ensure that your references remain unique. In the event of reference name
collisions, the reference name will be prepended with its nesting groups as many
levels as necessary to become unique. For convenience items that are higher in
your directory hierarchy are prioritized against prepending.
Here’s the complete result of this helper for this help book:
~~~ markdown
<%= md_links %>
Pretty neat how it includes the titles, right? Try hovering your mouse over the
example [all help content][all_help_content-incex] link. Including titles isn’t
possible in Markdown without using reference links.
Markdown also supports a reference format for images. It looks like this:
~~~ markdown
![this is alt tag content][middlemac-logo-small]
And will generate this:
![this is alt tag content][middlemac-logo-small]
Here’s the complete result of this helper for this help book:
~~~ markdown
<%= md_images %>
Note that using reference style Markdown images is performed by the Markdown
processor directly. Using magic prefixes for automatic target-based images
won’t work. However they will work with standard Markdown, non-reference
images. Note how this next example includes the target-specific logo:
~~~ markdown
![target specific logo](all-middlemac-logo-small)
![target specific logo](all-middlemac-logo-small)