# General use utilities for SimBot class Utils require 'spreadsheet' # accept market paramter and return the coinmarket cap quote for said market # @param [String] market # @return [FalseClass and Float] def self.quote(market) case market when 'bchxrp' bchxrp_price when 'bchbtc' bchbtc_price when 'btcxrp' btcxrp_price when 'eoseth' eoseth_price when 'btcltc' btcltc_price when 'ltcbtc' ltcbtc_price when 'ltcbch' ltcbch_price when 'ltcxrp' ltcxrp_price when 'btcusd' btcusd_price when 'btcbch' 1/bchbtc_price else false end end # fetch btc/usd price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.btcusd_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1/?convert=USD') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['USD']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch ltc/xrp price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.ltcxrp_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/2/?convert=XRP') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['XRP']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch ltc/bch price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.ltcbch_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/2/?convert=BCH') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['BCH']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch ltc/btc price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.ltcbtc_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/2/?convert=BTC') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['BTC']['price'].to_f.round(4) end @prev_time = -1 @rand_val = 1 def self.rand_for_hour(min, max) if @prev_time != Time.now.hour @rand_val = rand(min...max) @prev_time = Time.now.hour end @rand_val end # fetch btc/ltc price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.btcltc_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1/?convert=LTC') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['LTC']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch bch/xrp price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.bchxrp_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1831/?convert=XRP') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['XRP']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch bch/btc price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.bchbtc_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1831/?convert=BTC') hash = JSON.parse (response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['BTC']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch btc/xrp price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.btcxrp_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1/?convert=XRP') hash = JSON.parse (response.body) hash['data']['quotes']['XRP']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch eos/eth price from coin market cap # @return [float] rate def self.eoseth_price response = RestClient.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/1765/?convert=ETH') hash = JSON.parse (response.body) return hash['data']['quotes']['ETH']['price'].to_f.round(4) end # fetch binance order book # @return [float] rate def self.binane_order_book response = RestClient.get('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/depth?symbol=BTCUSDT&limit=500') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) bids = hash['bids'] asks = hash['asks'] { bids: bids, asks: asks } end # fetch binance order book # @return [float] rate def self.binane_usdtbtc_order_book response = RestClient.get('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/depth?symbol=BTCUSDT&limit=500') hash = JSON.parse(response.body) bids = hash['bids'] asks = hash['asks'] { bids: bids, asks: asks } end # Try and read the existing pid from the pid file and signal the # process. Returns true for a non blocking status. # @param [Integer] pid # @return [FalseClass and TrueClass] def self.kill_process(pid) opid = File.read("#{pid}.pid").strip.to_i Process.kill "HUP", opid File.delete("#{pid}.pid") File.delete("#{pid}.outfile") File.delete("#{pid}.errfile") puts "Stopped process #{pid}" true rescue Errno::ENOENT $stdout.puts "#{pid} did not exist: Errno::ENOENT" true rescue Errno::ESRCH $stdout.puts "The process #{opid} did not exist: Errno::ESRCH" true rescue Errno::EPERM $stderr.puts "Lack of privileges to manage the process #{opid}: Errno::EPERM" false rescue ::Exception => e $stderr.puts "While signaling the PID, unexpected #{e.class}: #{e}" false end def self.send_mail(data_file, template_file, email, password) m = Mailer.new(email, password) data = read_from_spreadsheet(data_file) data.delete_at(0) data.each do |row| File.open(template_file, "r") do |f| m.send(row[2], row[3], 'jon@ovex.io', 'COLLABORATION', find_and_replace(f, '{var}', row)) puts "Sent mail to #{row[2]}" end end end def self.find_and_replace(file, replce_string, data) i = 0 result = '' file.each_line do |line| if line.include? "{var}" line = line.gsub(replce_string, data[i]) i += 1 end result += line end result end # @return [Array] cmc data def self.cmc_data data = [] (0...16).each do |start| response = RestClient.get("https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/?start=#{start * 100 + 1}") hash = JSON.parse (response.body) hash['data'].each do |key, coin| row = [coin['name'], coin['symbol'], coin['quotes']['USD']['market_cap'].to_f, coin['quotes']['USD']['volume_24h'].to_f] data.push(row) end end data end # @param [Array] data # @param [String] name # @return [NilClass] def self.write_to_spreadsheet(data, name) book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet = book.create_worksheet(name: 'coin_data') rc = 1 data.each do |row| col = 0 row.each do |cell| sheet[rc, col] = cell col += 1 end rc += 1 end book.write(name) puts "Data written to #{name}" end # @param [String] name # @return [Array] def self.read_from_spreadsheet(name) data = [] book = Spreadsheet.open(name) sheet1 = book.worksheet(0) # can use an index or worksheet name sheet1.each do |row| break if row[0].nil? # if first cell empty data.push(row) end data end end