package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import toxi.util.datatypes.TypedProperties; /** *

* An MPE inspired synch server for * networked multi-screen applications. All communication is realised via UDP. * Clients are not requested to acknowledge every single packet received, but * need to send a heart beat in a regular (configurable) interval. The server * discards any data received from clients, so it doesn't matter what is being * sent back. A single byte will suffice. *

* *

* The server can be configured via CLI arguments and/or Java property files and * can be connected to an existing logger. When run on from the commandline a * console logger is automatically added. *

* * @author Karsten Schmidt */ public class UDPSyncServer { private static final int DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PACKET_SIZE = 32; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_CLIENTS = 1; private static final int DEFAULT_FRAMERATE = 30; private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 9002; private static final int DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 1; private ServerState state; DatagramSocket socket; HashMap connections = new HashMap<>(); /** * */ @Option(name = "-port", aliases = "-p", usage = "server socket port number") protected int port = DEFAULT_PORT; @Option(name = "-config", aliases = "-c", usage = "path to configuration file", metaVar = "PATH") private String configFile; private TypedProperties config; @Option(name = "-packetsize", aliases = "-s", usage = "receive packet size") private int receivePacketSize = DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PACKET_SIZE; private byte[] receiveData; /** * */ @Option(name = "-rectimeout", aliases = "-rt", usage = "receive timeout (in ms), minimum 1ms") protected int receiveTimeOut = DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; /** * */ @Option(name = "-ttl", usage = "client time-to-live, max. time interval after which clients expire") protected int connectionTimeOut = UDPConnection.TTL; /** * */ @Option(name = "-numclients", aliases = "-num", usage = "number of clients") protected int numClients = DEFAULT_NUM_CLIENTS; /** * */ @Option(name = "-framerate", aliases = "-fps", usage = "target framerate") protected int frameRate = DEFAULT_FRAMERATE; /** * */ protected int frameDuration; /** * */ protected int frameCount; private static Logger LOGGER; /** * Optional server event listener */ protected ServerListener listener; /** * */ public UDPSyncServer() { config = new TypedProperties(); setMaxReceivePacketSize(DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PACKET_SIZE); } /** * * @param args */ public static void main(String args[]) { new UDPSyncServer().execute(args); } /** * Main entry point for CLI. * * @param args * command line arguments */ public void execute(String[] args) { CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(this); parser.setUsageWidth(80); try { parser.parseArgument(args); } catch (CmdLineException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("java UDPSyncServer [options]"); parser.printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); return; } try { if (configFile != null) config.load(new FileInputStream(configFile)); LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("com.postspectacular"); LOGGER.addHandler(new ConsoleHandler()); LOGGER.setLevel(Level.CONFIG); configure(config); run(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("cannot find config file @ " + args[0]); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("cannot read config file @ " + args[0]); } } /** * Configures the server with settings using the passed-in properties. * * @param config */ public void configure(TypedProperties config) { this.config = config; port = config.getInt("server.port", port); setMaxReceivePacketSize(config.getInt("udp.packetsize", receivePacketSize)); numClients = config.getInt("server.numclients", numClients); frameRate = config.getInt("server.framerate", frameRate); frameDuration = 1000 / frameRate; connectionTimeOut = config.getInt("udp.ttl", connectionTimeOut); UDPConnection.setTTL(connectionTimeOut); receiveTimeOut = config.getInt("udp.receivetimeout", receiveTimeOut); if (LOGGER != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "configured server... port:{0} clients:{1} fps:{2} ttl:{3} rto:{4}", new Object[]{port, numClients, frameRate, connectionTimeOut, receiveTimeOut}); } setState(ServerState.WAITING_FOR_CLIENTS); } /** * Main server loop/state machine. Creates socket and handles syncing of * connected clients. */ public void run() { try { socket = new DatagramSocket(port); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "creating socket @ port {0}", port); if (listener != null) { listener.serverStarted(); } while (true) { switch (state) { case WAITING_FOR_CLIENTS: if (LOGGER != null)"Server running, waiting for connections..."); // disable timeout, i.e socket will block indefinitely // until // a packet is received socket.setSoTimeout(0); while (connections.size() < numClients) { receiveAndAddConnection(); } // all connected, start syncing... setState(ServerState.SYNCHING); break; case SYNCHING: socket.setSoTimeout(receiveTimeOut); if (connections.size() > 0) { doHeartBeat(); byte[] payload = getSyncPayload(); Iterator iter = connections.values() .iterator(); // Uses nanoTime for better precision / more stable // framerate, but unavailable on OSX!!! long beginSynch = System.nanoTime(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UDPConnection conn =; if (!conn.isAlive()) { iter.remove(); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} disconnected", conn); if (listener != null) listener.clientDisconnected(conn); } conn.send(socket, payload); } int returnCount = 0; while (returnCount < numClients && returnCount < connections.size() + 1) { try { DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket( receiveData, receiveData.length); socket.receive(receivePacket); InetAddress ip = receivePacket.getAddress(); int portDP = receivePacket.getPort(); String connID = UDPConnection.buildHash(ip, portDP); UDPConnection conn = connections .get(connID); if (conn != null) { conn.update(); returnCount++; } else { // renewed connection conn = new UDPConnection(ip, portDP); conn.send(socket, getSyncPayload()); connections.put(connID, conn); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "re-adding connection: {0}", conn); } if (listener != null) listener.clientUpdated(conn, receivePacket); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // no further packets available break; } } long endSynch = System.nanoTime(); long delta = (endSynch - beginSynch) / 1000000; if (delta < frameDuration) { int sleep = frameDuration - (int) delta; if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "sleeping: {0}", sleep); Thread.sleep(sleep); } } else { if (LOGGER != null)"all clients disconnected"); setState(ServerState.WAITING_FOR_CLIENTS); } } } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { handleException(e); } finally { if (LOGGER != null)"server shutting down..."); if (socket != null) socket.close(); } } /** * Attempts to receive data sent from clients to confirm they're still * connected. The timeout for this action is set to 1ms by default, so * currently not more than 25 machines can be reliably connected & synched * at 25fps. * * If a connection times out it's removed from the list of active clients. * On the other hand if a new connection hash is found we know a client has * reconnected and will be added back to the pool. */ protected void receiveAndAddConnection() { try { DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "waiting for {0} more clients to reconnect...", (numClients - connections.size())); socket.receive(receivePacket); InetAddress ip = receivePacket.getAddress(); int portDP = receivePacket.getPort(); String connID = UDPConnection.buildHash(ip, portDP); if (connections.get(connID) == null) { if (connections.isEmpty()) { frameCount = 0; if (LOGGER != null)"resetting frame count"); } UDPConnection conn = new UDPConnection(ip, portDP); connections.put(connID, conn); conn.send(socket, getSyncPayload()); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "added new connection: {0}", conn); if (listener != null) { listener.clientConnected(conn); } } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } private void handleException(Exception e) { if (listener != null) listener.serverError(e); if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Server error", e); else e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Updates the internal state of the heartbeat info sent out later. */ protected void doHeartBeat() { frameCount++; } /** * Collects and formats payload data sent via UDP to all clients. By default * only the current frame number is sent. If more data is required you can * either overwrite this method or append data via an attached * {@link ServerListener}. * * @return payload data as byte array */ protected byte[] getSyncPayload() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(frameCount); byte[] defaultPayload = sb.toString().getBytes(); if (listener != null) { byte[] userPayload = listener.getSyncPayload(); if (userPayload != null) { byte[] combinedPayload = new byte[defaultPayload.length + userPayload.length]; System.arraycopy(defaultPayload, 0, combinedPayload, 0, defaultPayload.length); System.arraycopy(userPayload, 0, combinedPayload, defaultPayload.length, userPayload.length); return combinedPayload; } } return defaultPayload; } /** * Triggers and logs a new server state. If present, this will also notify * the {@link ServerListener}. * * @param s * new server state */ private void setState(ServerState s) { state = s; if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "new server state: {0}", state); if (listener != null) listener.serverStateChanged(s); } /** * @return Maximum size of UDP packets the server is able to receive */ public int getMaxPacketSize() { return receiveData.length; } /** * Sets the max. size of UDP packets the server is able to receive * * @param size */ public final void setMaxReceivePacketSize(int size) { receivePacketSize = size; if (receiveData == null) { receiveData = new byte[size]; } else if (receiveData.length != size) { synchronized (receiveData) { receiveData = new byte[size]; } } } /** * @return configured number of clients the server is expecting and * initially waiting for to connect before any syncing begins. */ public int getNumClients() { return numClients; } /** * Sets the number of clients the server is expecting and initially waiting * for to connect before any syncing begins. * * @param numClients */ public void setNumClients(int numClients) { this.numClients = numClients; } /** * Attaches a logger to the server. * * @param logger */ public void setLogger(Logger logger) { UDPSyncServer.LOGGER = logger; } /** * Attaches an event listener to the server. * * @param listener */ public void setListener(ServerListener listener) { this.listener = listener; if (LOGGER != null) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "new server listener: {0}", listener); } }