require 'sensu/base' require 'thin' require 'sinatra/async' require 'em-http-request' require 'em-websocket' require 'sass' class Dashboard < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Async def{}) EM::run do self.setup(options) self.websocket_server Thin::Logging.silent = true Thin::Server.start(self, $settings[:dashboard][:port]) %w[INT TERM].each do |signal| Signal.trap(signal) do self.stop(signal) end end end end def self.setup(options={}) $logger = Cabin::Channel.get base = $settings = base.settings unless $settings[:dashboard].is_a?(Hash) raise('missing dashboard configuration') end unless $settings[:dashboard][:port].is_a?(Integer) raise('dashboard must have a port') end unless $settings[:dashboard][:user].is_a?(String) && $settings[:dashboard][:password].is_a?(String) raise('dashboard must have a user and password') end $api_url = 'http://' + $settings[:api][:host] + ':' + $settings[:api][:port].to_s $api_options = {} if $settings[:api][:user] && $settings[:api][:password] $api_options.merge!(:head => {:authorization => [$settings[:api][:user], $settings[:api][:password]]}) end end def self.websocket_server $websocket_connections = [] EM::WebSocket.start(:host => '', :port => 9000) do |websocket| websocket.onopen do $logger.debug('client connected to websocket') $websocket_connections.push(websocket) end websocket.onclose do $logger.debug('client disconnected from websocket') $websocket_connections.delete(websocket) end end end def request_log(env) $[env['REQUEST_METHOD'], env['REQUEST_PATH']].join(' '), { :remote_address => env['REMOTE_ADDR'], :user_agent => env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], :request_method => env['REQUEST_METHOD'], :request_uri => env['REQUEST_URI'], :request_body => env['rack.input'].read }) env['rack.input'].rewind end set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__) set :static, true set :public_folder, { File.join(root, 'public') } use Rack::Auth::Basic do |user, password| user == $settings[:dashboard][:user] && password == $settings[:dashboard][:password] end before do content_type 'application/json' request_log(env) end aget '/' do content_type 'text/html' @js = erb :event_templates, :layout => false body erb :index end aget '/clients' do content_type 'text/html' @js = erb :client_templates, :layout => false body erb :clients end aget '/stashes' do content_type 'text/html' @js = erb :stash_templates, :layout => false body erb :stashes end aget '/css/sonian.css' do content_type 'text/css' body sass :sonian end apost '/events.json' do unless $websocket_connections.empty? $websocket_connections.each do |websocket| websocket.send '{"update":"true"}' end end body '{"success":"triggered dashboard refresh"}' end aget '/autocomplete.json' do multi = multi.add :events,$api_url + '/events').get($api_options) multi.add :clients,$api_url + '/clients').get($api_options) multi.callback do unless multi.responses[:errback].size > 0 events = JSON.parse(multi.responses[:callback][:events].response) clients = JSON.parse(multi.responses[:callback][:clients].response) autocomplete = [] statuses = {:warning => [], :critical => [], :unknown => []} subscriptions = {} checks = [] # searching by client clients.each do |client| client_name = client['name'] autocomplete.push({:value => [client_name], :type => 'client', :name => client_name}) client['subscriptions'].each do |subscription| subscriptions[subscription] ||= [] subscriptions[subscription].push(client_name) end events.each do |event| case event['status'] when 1 statuses[:warning].push(event['status']) when 2 statuses[:critical].push(event['status']) else statuses[:unknown].push(event['status']) end checks.push(event['check']) end end # searching by subscription subscriptions.each do |k, v| autocomplete.push({:value => v.uniq, :type => 'subscription', :name => k}) end # searching by status statuses.each do |k, v| autocomplete.push({:value => v.uniq, :type => 'status', :name => k}) end # searching by check checks.uniq.each do |v| autocomplete.push({:value => [v], :type => 'check', :name => v}) end body autocomplete.to_json else status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve events and/or clients from the sensu api"}' end end end aget '/clients/autocomplete.json' do begin http =$api_url + '/clients').get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve clients from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve clients from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do if http.response_header.status == 200 clients = JSON.parse(http.response) autocomplete = [] subscriptions = {} # searching by client clients.each do |client| client_name = client['name'] autocomplete.push({:value => [client_name], :type => 'client', :name => client_name}) client['subscriptions'].each do |subscription| subscriptions[subscription] ||= [] subscriptions[subscription].push(client_name) end end # searching by subscription subscriptions.each do |k, v| autocomplete.push({:value => v.uniq, :type => 'subscription', :name => k}) end body autocomplete.to_json else status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve clients from the sensu api"}' end end end # # API Proxy # aget '/events.json' do begin http =$api_url + '/events').get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve events from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve events from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do events = if http.response_header.status == 200 api_events = JSON.parse(http.response) api_events.each do |event| client = event.delete('client') check = event.delete('check') events[client] ||= events[client][check] = event end end status http.response_header.status body events.to_json end end aget '/clients.json' do begin http =$api_url + '/clients').get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve clients from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve clients from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end aget '/client/:id.json' do |id| begin http =$api_url + '/client/' + id).get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve client from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve client from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end adelete '/client/:id.json' do |id| begin http =$api_url + '/client/' + id).delete($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not delete client from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not delete client from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end aget '/stash/*.json' do |path| begin http =$api_url + '/stash/' + path).get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a stash from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a stash from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end apost '/stash/*.json' do |path| begin request_options = { :body => {'timestamp' =>}.to_json, :head => { 'content-type' => 'application/json' } } http =$api_url + '/stash/' + path).post(request_options.merge($api_options)) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not create a stash with the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not create a stash with the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end adelete '/stash/*.json' do |path| begin http =$api_url + '/stash/' + path).delete($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not delete a stash with the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not delete a stash with the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end apost '/event/resolve.json' do begin request_options = { :body =>, :head => { 'content-type' => 'application/json' } } http =$api_url + '/event/resolve').post(request_options.merge($api_options)) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not resolve an event with the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not resolve an event with the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end aget '/stashes.json' do begin http =$api_url + '/stashes').get($api_options) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a list of stashes from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a list of stashes from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end apost '/stashes.json' do begin request_options = { :body =>, :head => { 'content-type' => 'application/json' } } http =$api_url + '/stashes').post(request_options.merge($api_options)) rescue => e $logger.warn(e.to_s) status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a list of stashes from the sensu api"}' end http.errback do status 404 body '{"error":"could not retrieve a list of stashes from the sensu api"}' end http.callback do status http.response_header.status body http.response end end def self.stop(signal) $logger.warn('[stop] -- stopping sensu dashboard -- ' + signal) do EM::stop_event_loop end end end options =