module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: module Pizza module Notification # A helper method to parse the raw post of the request & return # the right Notification subclass based on the sender id. def self.get_notification(http_raw_data) params = Pizza.get_class(params['VK_SND_ID']) end def bank_signature_valid?(bank_signature, service_msg_number, sigparams) self.class.parent.get_bank_public_key.verify(, bank_signature, generate_data_string(service_msg_number, sigparams)) end def complete? params['VK_SERVICE'] == '1101' end def currency params['VK_CURR'] end # The order id we passed to the form helper. def item_id params['VK_STAMP'] end def transaction_id params['VK_T_NO'] end # When was this payment received by the client. # We're expecting a format. def received_at date = params['VK_T_DATE'] return nil unless date day, month, year = *date.split('.').map(&:to_i) Date.civil(year, month, day) end def signature Base64.decode64(params['VK_MAC']) end # The money amount we received, string. def gross params['VK_AMOUNT'] end # Was this a test transaction? def test? params['VK_REC_ID'] == 'testvpos' end # TODO what should be here? def status complete? ? 'Completed' : 'Failed' end # If our request was sent automatically by the bank (true) or manually # by the user triggering the callback by pressing a "return" button (false). def automatic? params['VK_AUTO'].upcase == 'Y' end def success? acknowledge && complete? end # We don't actually acknowledge the notification by making another request ourself, # instead, we check the notification by checking the signature that came with the notification. # This method has to be called when handling the notification & deciding whether to process the order. # Example: # # def notify # notify = # # if notify.acknowledge # ... process order ... if notify.complete? # else # ... log possible hacking attempt ... # end def acknowledge bank_signature_valid?(signature, params['VK_SERVICE'], params) end private # Take the posted data and move the relevant data into a hash # No parsing since we're already expecting a hash. def parse(params) raise(ArgumentError, 'Need a hash') unless params.is_a?(Hash) @params = params end end end end end end