class Twitter::Client @@GRAPH_URIS = { :friends => '/friends/ids', :followers => '/followers/ids', } # Provides access to the Twitter Social Graphing API. # # You can retrieve the full graph of a user's friends or followers in one method call. # # action can be any of the following values: # * :friends - retrieves ids of all friends of a given user. # * :followers - retrieves ids of all followers of a given user. # # The value must be either the user screen name, integer unique user ID or Twitter::User # object representation. # # Examples: # screen_name = 'dictionary' # client.graph(:friends, 'dictionary') # client.graph(:followers, 'dictionary') # id = 1260061 # client.graph(:friends, id) # client.graph(:followers, id) # user = Twitter::User.find(id, client) # client.graph(:friends, user) # client.graph(:followers, user) def graph(action, value = nil) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid friend action provided: #{action}" unless @@GRAPH_URIS.keys.member?(action) id = value.to_i unless value.nil? || value.is_a?(String) id ||= value id ||= @login uri = "#{@@GRAPH_URIS[action]}.json" response = http_connect {|conn| create_http_get_request(uri, :id => id) } JSON.parse(response.body) end end