Feature: uploader with file storage and overriden filename In order to be awesome As a developer using CarrierWave I want to upload files to the filesystem with an overriden filename Background: Given an uploader class that uses the 'file' storage And that the uploader reverses the filename And an instance of that class Scenario: store a file When I store the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' And the file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/bork.txt' Scenario: store two files in succession When I store the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' And the file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/bork.txt' When I store the file 'fixtures/monkey.txt' Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.yeknom' And the file at 'public/uploads/txt.yeknom' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/monkey.txt' Scenario: cache a file and then store it When I cache the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' Then there should be a file called 'bork.txt' somewhere in a subdirectory of 'public/uploads/tmp' And the file called 'bork.txt' in a subdirectory of 'public/uploads/tmp' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/bork.txt' And there should not be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' When I store the file Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' And the file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/bork.txt' Scenario: retrieving a file from cache then storing Given the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' is cached file at 'public/uploads/tmp/20090212-2343-8336-0348/bork.txt' When I retrieve the cache name '20090212-2343-8336-0348/bork.txt' from the cache And I store the file Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' And the file at 'public/uploads/txt.krob' should be identical to the file at 'fixtures/bork.txt'