# frozen_string_literal: true require 'namae' module Bolognese module AuthorUtils # include BenchmarkMethods # # benchmark :get_authors IDENTIFIER_SCHEME_URIS = { "ORCID" => "https://orcid.org/" } def get_one_author(author) # author is a string author = { "creatorName" => author } if author.is_a?(String) # malformed XML return nil if author.fetch("creatorName", nil).is_a?(Array) name = parse_attributes(author.fetch("creatorName", nil)) || parse_attributes(author.fetch("contributorName", nil)) given_name = parse_attributes(author.fetch("givenName", nil)) family_name = parse_attributes(author.fetch("familyName", nil)) name = cleanup_author(name) name = [family_name, given_name].join(", ") if family_name.present? && given_name.present? contributor_type = parse_attributes(author.fetch("contributorType", nil)) name_type = parse_attributes(author.fetch("creatorName", nil), content: "nameType", first: true) || parse_attributes(author.fetch("contributorName", nil), content: "nameType", first: true) name_identifiers = Array.wrap(author.fetch("nameIdentifier", nil)).map do |ni| if ni["nameIdentifierScheme"] == "ORCID" { "nameIdentifier" => normalize_orcid(ni["__content__"]), "schemeUri" => "https://orcid.org", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ORCID" }.compact elsif ni["nameIdentifierScheme"] == "ROR" { "nameIdentifier" => normalize_ror(ni["__content__"]), "schemeUri" => "https://ror.org", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ROR" }.compact else { "nameIdentifier" => ni["__content__"], "schemeUri" => ni.fetch("schemeURI", nil), "nameIdentifierScheme" => ni["nameIdentifierScheme"] }.compact end end.presence author = { "nameType" => name_type, "name" => name, "givenName" => given_name, "familyName" => family_name, "nameIdentifiers" => name_identifiers, "affiliation" => get_affiliations(author.fetch("affiliation", nil)), "contributorType" => contributor_type }.compact return author if family_name.present? if is_personal_name?(author) Namae.options[:include_particle_in_family] = true names = Namae.parse(name) parsed_name = names.first if parsed_name.present? given_name = parsed_name.given family_name = parsed_name.family name = [family_name, given_name].join(", ") else given_name = nil family_name = nil end { "nameType" => "Personal", "name" => name, "givenName" => given_name, "familyName" => family_name, "nameIdentifiers" => Array.wrap(name_identifiers), "affiliation" => Array.wrap(author.fetch("affiliation", nil)), "contributorType" => contributor_type }.compact else { "nameType" => name_type, "name" => name, "nameIdentifiers" => Array.wrap(name_identifiers), "affiliation" => Array.wrap(author.fetch("affiliation", nil)), "contributorType" => contributor_type }.compact end end def cleanup_author(author) return nil unless author.present? # detect pattern "Smith J.", but not "Smith, John K." author = author.gsub(/[[:space:]]([A-Z]\.)?(-?[A-Z]\.)$/, ', \1\2') unless author.include?(",") # remove spaces around hyphens author = author.gsub(" - ", "-") # titleize strings # remove non-standard space characters author.my_titleize.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, ' ') end def is_personal_name?(author) return false if author.fetch("nameType", nil) == "Organizational" return true if Array.wrap(author.fetch("nameIdentifiers", nil)).find { |a| a["nameIdentifierScheme"] == "ORCID" }.present? || author.fetch("familyName", "").present? || (author.fetch("name", "").include?(",") && author.fetch("name", "").exclude?(";")) || name_exists?(author.fetch("name", "").split(" ").first) false end # recognize given name if we have loaded ::NameDetector data, e.g. in a Rails initializer def name_exists?(name) return false unless name_detector.present? name_detector.name_exists?(name) end # parse array of author strings into CSL format def get_authors(authors) Array.wrap(authors).map { |author| get_one_author(author) }.compact end def authors_as_string(authors) Array.wrap(authors).map do |a| if a["familyName"].present? [a["familyName"], a["givenName"]].join(", ") elsif a["type"] == "Person" a["name"] elsif a["name"].present? "{" + a["name"] + "}" end end.join(" and ").presence end def get_affiliations(affiliations) Array.wrap(affiliations).map do |a| affiliation_identifier = nil if a.is_a?(String) name = a.squish affiliation_identifier_scheme = nil scheme_uri = nil else scheme_uri = a["schemeURI"] if a["affiliationIdentifier"].present? affiliation_identifier = a["affiliationIdentifier"] if a["schemeURI"].present? schemeURI = a["schemeURI"].end_with?("/") ? a["schemeURI"] : a["schemeURI"] + "/" end affiliation_identifier = !affiliation_identifier.to_s.start_with?("https://") && schemeURI.present? ? normalize_id(schemeURI + affiliation_identifier) : normalize_id(affiliation_identifier) # The normalize_id(affiliation_identifier) method currently discards affiliation identifiers that don't start with a URL, # for example: affiliation_identifier = "05bp8ka05". # To address this issue, we are introducing the following change to handle such affiliation identifiers. # when `normalize_id` method could not normalize, it returns nil, hence we have following condition if affiliation_identifier.nil? if a["affiliationIdentifierScheme"] == "ROR" scheme_uri = "https://ror.org" affiliation_identifier = normalize_ror(a["affiliationIdentifier"]) else affiliation_identifier = a["affiliationIdentifier"] end end end name = a["__content__"].to_s.squish.presence affiliation_identifier_scheme = a["affiliationIdentifierScheme"] end { "name" => name, "affiliationIdentifier" => affiliation_identifier, "affiliationIdentifierScheme" => affiliation_identifier_scheme, "schemeUri" => scheme_uri }.compact end.presence end end end