0.3.3 - SEP.13.2013 * Maintenance release with lots of minor changes and fixes. * Main gem should be API compatible. * Small changes to test helpers which will require updating tests using them. 0.3.2 - AUG.23.2012 * Properly handles stacked flash in cookie flash according to config :append_as option [Peter Boling] 0.3.1 - AUG.22.2012 * Add specs for non stacking use [Peter Boling] * Use stackable_flash/test_helpers instead of reinventing the wheel [Peter Boling] * Config now works! [Peter Boling] * Update to stackable_flash 0.0.7 (working config) [Peter Boling] * default to non stacking [Peter Boling] 0.3.0 - AUG.21.2012 - Completed integration with stackable_flash (http://github.com/pboling/stackable_flash) - Test::Unit helpers and Rspec Matchers updated to be stackable - Expanded test suite - Cleaned up both Middleware and Around Filter integration points - Rspec Matchers now have pretty failure messages - Removed dependency on facets gem - Allows any data type to be stored in the cookie. Only escapes strings. - Does not convert flash value to string before storing in cookie if value is a number - (v0.2.X converted everything to string) - the CacheableFlash::Config class is experimental, and no code uses the config settings yet. 0.2.10 - AUG.13.2012 - Split test_helpers from rspec_matchers (test_helpers may be useful in TestUnit - When using Middleware: Flash Cookies now stay in the cookie until cleared out by the javascript: closer to guaranteed delivery. - Improved spec suite - Added CacheableFlash::Config class - Configuration of :append_as now possible - Added facets runtime dependency - corrected namespace of CacheableFlash::CookieFlash 0.2.9 - AUG.08.2012 - More rearranging - Improved integration test of CacheableFlash & CacheableFlash::TestHelpers - Updated to latest jquery.cookie 0.2.8 - AUG.07.2012 - switch from jeweler to gem-release for bumping and tagging - bundler update (1.0.24) - Escape HTML in flash values unless they're html_safe - Add CacheableFlash rack middleware 0.2.7 - JUN.21.2012 - Note: Does not support flash.now feature of the FlashHash in Rails - Corrected directory names for controllers/layouts 0.2.6 - unreleased - all specs pass with rspec 2.10 0.2.5 - MAR.01.2012 - Real integration test! 0.2.4 - FEB.27.2012 - Dependency diet! No longer requires all of rails - only railties. 0.2.3 - JAN.13.2012 - Fixed problems loading assets: Sprockets::FileNotFound - thanks jlxw - reflect move back to pivotal's repo in README. - Updated specs, to running and passing condition! - Made rails > 3.0 a dependency, since it is (uses ::Rails::Engine and :Rails::Railtie) 0.2.2 - SEP.10.2011 - Improved deprecation warnings about using the generator (not needed with asset pipeline) - Improved README setup instructions 0.2.1 - SEP.10.2011 - Fixed bug in generator for those not using asset pipeline, or pre Rails 3.1 0.2.0 - SEP.10.2011 [Peter Boling begins gemification process] - Converted to a gem - Updated to improved, patched jquery.cookie from https://github.com/pboling/jquery-cookie - Merged a few other forks of cacheable-flash - Added Engine to hook into Rails 3.1 asset pipeline - Added Railtie to improve usability with Rails 3.0 - Added Generator to improve usability with Rails < 3 Unreleased - Implicitly adding js files to Rails include defaults (Patch from Michael Erb) 0.1.5 - Requiring version >= 1.1.2 of the json gem - Converted tests into specs 0.1.4 - Added TestHelpers - Added flash_cookie method for tests 0.1.3 - Require json in init.rb 0.1.2 - Flash on the Rails side is cleared when written to the cookie - Uses existing cookie flash value - Using Scriptaculous cookie.js library 0.1.1 - Added cookies.js