WH_OBJECT_PARAM_SQL_INJECTION WH_OBJECT_PARAM_XSS WH_OBJECT_PARAM_COMMAND_INJECTION WH_OBJECT_PARAM_XPATH_INJECTION This method has been deprecated; Please use ASM GUI instead. Adds (if doesn't exists) or updates (if exists) URL parameter in a policy. This method has been deprecated; Please use ASM GUI instead. Set or unset staging for URL parameter in a policy. Gets the version information for this interface. This method has been deprecated; Please use ASM GUI instead. Adds (if doesn't exists) or updates (if exists) URL parameter in a policy. This method has been deprecated; Please use ASM GUI instead. Set or unset staging for URL parameter in a policy. Gets the version information for this interface. The ObjectParams interface enables you to manipulate Object Parameters This interface does not support transactions.