class Baltix::Spec::Rpm::Name class InvalidAdoptedNameError < StandardError; end class UnsupportedMatchError < StandardError; end PREFICES = %w(gem ruby rubygem) RULE = /^(?(?:(?#{PREFICES.join('|')})-)?(?.*?))(?:-(?doc|devel))?$/ attr_reader :name, :kind, :suffix attr_accessor :support_name def aliases @aliases ||= [] end def prefix @prefix ||= kind == "lib" && self.class.default_prefix || nil end def self.default_prefix "gem" end def support_name= value case @support_name = value when NilClass @kind = kind == "exec" && "app" || @kind else @kind = kind == "app" && "exec" || @kind end end def eql? other, deep = false case other when self.class self.eql_by?(:kind, other) && self.eql_by?(:name, other) when String, Symbol (([ autoname, fullname ] | [ aliases ].flatten) & self.class.parse(other).aliases).any? else other.to_s == self.fullname end || deep && self.eql_by?(:support_name, other) end def == other eql?(other) end def === other eql?(other) end def =~ re to_s =~ re end def to_s fullname end def merge other options = %w(prefix suffix name support_name kind).map do |prop| [ prop.to_sym, other.send(prop) || self.send(prop) ] end.to_h self.aliases | other.aliases)) end def eql_by? value, other case value when :name ([, self.aliases ].flatten & [, other.aliases ].flatten).any? when :kind self.kind == other.kind when :support_name self.support_name === (other.is_a?(self.class) && other.support_name || other) else raise( end end # +fullname+ returns newly reconstructed adopted full name based on the storen data. # All the "." and "_" is replaced with "-", and "ruby" prefix with "gem". # # name.fullname #=> "gem-foo-bar-baz-doc" # def fullname [ autoprefix, autoname, autosuffix ].compact.join("-") end def original_fullname [ prefix, name, suffix ].compact.join("-") end def autoprefix %w(exec app).include?(kind) || %w(app).include?(support_name&.kind) ? nil : self.class.default_prefix end def autoname name&.downcase&.gsub(/[\._]/, "-") end def autosuffix %w(doc devel).include?(kind) && kind || nil end protected def initialize options = {} @aliases = options.fetch(:aliases, []) | options.fetch(:name, "").gsub(/[\.\_]+/, "-").split(",") @prefix = options[:prefix] @suffix = options[:suffix] @name = options[:name] @support_name = options[:support_name] @kind = options[:kind] && options[:kind].to_s || @suffix || @prefix && "lib" || @support_name && "exec" || "app" end class << self def parse name_in, options_in = {} m, kind = if name_in.is_a?(self) [name_in.original_fullname.match(RULE), name_in.kind] else [name_in.match(RULE)] end aliases_in = (options_in[:aliases] || []).flatten.uniq subaliases = aliases_in - [ m["full_name"] ] #aliases = subaliases | [ m["full_name"] ] raise(InvalidAdoptedNameError) if !m prefixed = subaliases.size >= aliases_in.size options = { prefix: prefixed && m["prefix"] || nil, #prefix: subaliases.blank? && m["prefix"] || nil, #prefix: m["prefix"], suffix: m["suffix"], kind: kind, #name: m["name"], name: prefixed && m["name"] || m["full_name"], #name: subaliases.blank? && m["name"] || m["full_name"], }.merge(options_in).merge({ aliases: subaliases | [ m["full_name"] ] }) options[:name] = options[:name].blank? && options[:aliases].first || options[:name] #binding.pry if name_in =~ /ruby/ new(options) end end end