## 0.3.3 - [#8] Fix Doc urls (@robe5) ## 0.3.2 - Attempt to find user based on params[:username] from client in devise default find_user_for_auth ## 0.3.1 - [#7] Bugfix: Verify access_token, refresh_token, and code are unique before attempting to save (@twinge) ## 0.3.0 - Properly set attr_accessible for those apps that are requiring all attributes to be whitelisted. - Allow access_token to be passed in header `curl -H "Authorization: token iAmAOaUthToken" http://localhost:3000` - [#6] Implement Bearer scheme curl -H "Authorization: Bearer iAmAOaUthToken" http://localhost:3000 - Default `config.password_exchange_enabled' to true - Allow multiple `find_user_for_auth` calls in setup to allow custom finders for facebook, etc. - You can now rate limit incoming client applications. - Allow clients to mitigate security threat (http://homakov.blogspot.com/2012/07/saferweb-most-common-oauth2.html) ## 0.2.0 - Allow password exchange for access_token using `config.password_exchange_enabled = true` ## 0.1.0 - Refresh Token Support - Scoped permissions support - Docs, Test, and ClientApp controllers can be skipped or over-ridden ## 0.0.1 - Initial Release