# Description type validation access.accessContact: - value: email description: Email address for a contact person or institution concerning the resource. - value: repository description: Institution providing access to the resource. access.digitalLocation: - value: discovery description: Online location for the purpose of discovering the resource. access.note: - value: access restriction description: Restrictions on or conditions for gaining access to the resource. - value: display label description: Display label for the purl. - value: license description: License describing allowed uses of the resource. - value: use and reproduction description: Information related to allowed uses of the resource in other contexts. access.physicalLocation: - value: discovery description: Location where a user may find the resource. - value: location description: Physical location of the resource, or path to the resource on a hard drive or disk. - value: repository description: The institution holding the resource. - value: series description: Archival series of the resource. status: deprecated - value: shelf locator description: Identifier or shelfmark indicating the location of the resource. adminMetadata.note: - value: record information description: General information about the metadata record. - value: record origin description: The source of the record, such as another record transformed to generate the current record. contributor: - value: conference description: An event focusing on a particular topic or discipline. - value: event description: A time-bound occurrence. - value: family description: A group of individuals related by blood or personal alliance. - value: organization description: An institution or other corporate or collective body. - value: person description: An individual identity. - value: unspecified others description: Designator for one or more additional contributors not named individually. contributor.identifier: - value: ORCID description: Identifier from orcid.org. - value: Wikidata description: Identifier from wikidata.org. contributor.name: - value: alternative description: Additional nonpreferred form of name. - value: display description: Preferred form of the name for display. - value: forename description: First or given name or names. - value: inverted full name description: Name given in last name, first name order. - value: pseudonym description: Name used that differs from legal or primary form of name. - value: surname description: Last or family name. - value: transliteration description: Name originally in non-Latin script presented phonetically using Latin characters. contributor.name.structuredValue: - value: activity dates description: The date or dates when someone was producing work. - value: forename description: First or given name or names. - value: life dates description: Birth and death dates, or dates when an entity was in existence. - value: name description: Name provided alongside additional information. - value: ordinal description: Indicator that the name is one in a series (e.g. Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King, Jr.). - value: surname description: Last or family name. - value: term of address description: Title or other signifier associated with name. contributor.name.groupedValue: - value: alternative description: Additional nonpreferred form of name. - value: name description: Primary form of name within group of values. - value: pseudonym description: Name used that differs from legal or primary form of name. contributor.note: - value: affiliation description: Institution with which the contributor is associated. - value: citation status description: Indicator of whether the contributor should be included in the citation. - value: description description: Biographical information about the contributor. event: - value: acquisition description: The transferral of ownership of a resource to a repository. - value: capture description: A record of the resource in a fixed form at a specific time. - value: collection description: The addition of a resource to a set of other resources. - value: copyright description: The activity by which a resource may be considered subject to copyright law. - value: copyright notice description: An explicit statement that a resource is under copyright. - value: creation description: The coming into being of a resource. - value: degree conferral description: The institutional approval of a thesis or other resource leading to an academic degree. - value: development description: The creation of a print from a photographic negative or other source medium. - value: distribution description: The delivery of the resource to an external audience. - value: generation description: The creation of a resource by an automatic or natural process. - value: manufacture description: The physical assembly of a resource, often in multiple copies, for publication or other distribution. - value: modification description: A change to an existing resource. - value: performance description: The enactment of an artistic or cultural work for an audience, such as a play. - value: presentation description: The discussion of an academic or intellectual work for an audience, such as a seminar. - value: production description: The physical assembly of a resource not considered published, such as page proofs for a book. - value: publication description: The publishing or issuing of a resource. - value: recording description: The initial fixation to a medium of live audio and/or visual activity. - value: release description: Making a resource available to a broader audience. - value: submission description: The provision of a resource for review or evaluation. - value: validity description: When a resource takes effect, such as a revised train schedule. - value: withdrawal description: The removal of previous access to a resource, often due to its obsolescence. event.date: - value: acquisition description: The transferral of ownership of a resource to a repository. - value: capture description: A record of the resource in a fixed form at a specific time. - value: collection description: The addition of a resource to a set of other resources. - value: copyright description: The activity by which a resource may be considered subject to copyright law. - value: creation description: The coming into being of a resource. - value: degree conferral description: The institutional approval of a thesis or other resource leading to an academic degree. - value: developed description: The creation of a print from a photographic negative or other source medium. status: deprecated use: development - value: development description: The creation of a print from a photographic negative or other source medium. - value: distribution description: The delivery of the resource to an external audience. - value: generation description: The creation of a resource by an automatic or natural process. - value: manufacture description: The physical assembly of a resource, often in multiple copies, for publication or other distribution. - value: modification description: A change to an existing resource. - value: performance description: The enactment of an artistic or cultural work for an audience, such as a play. - value: presentation description: The discussion of an academic or intellectual work for an audience, such as a seminar. - value: production description: The physical assembly of a resource not considered published, such as page proofs for a book. - value: publication description: The publishing or issuing of a resource. - value: recording description: The initial fixation to a medium of live audio and/or visual activity. - value: release description: Making a resource available to a broader audience. - value: submission description: The provision of a resource for review or evaluation. - value: validity description: When a resource takes effect, such as a revised train schedule. - value: withdrawal description: The removal of previous access to a resource, often due to its obsolescence. event.date.structuredValue: - value: start description: The start date in a range. - value: end description: The end date in a range. event.note: - value: copyright statement description: A formal declaration of copyright on a resource. - value: edition - value: frequency description: How often a resource is issued, such as monthly. - value: issuance description: How the resource is issued, such as serially. form: - value: carrier - value: data format - value: digital original - value: extent - value: form - value: genre - value: map projection - value: map scale - value: material - value: media - value: media type - value: reformatting quality - value: resource type - value: technique - value: type form.note: - value: additions - value: arrangement - value: binding - value: codicology - value: collation - value: colophon - value: condition - value: decoNote status: deprecated use: decoration - value: decoration - value: dimensions - value: explicit - value: foliation - value: genre type - value: hand note - value: handNote status: deprecated use: hand note - value: incipit - value: instrumentation - value: layout - value: material - value: medium of performance - value: provenance - value: reassembly - value: reproduction - value: research - value: rubric - value: secfol status: deprecated use: second folio - value: second folio - value: secondFolio status: deprecated use: second folio - value: unit - value: writing form.structuredValue: - value: type - value: subtype geographic.form: - value: data format - value: media type - value: type geographic.subject: - value: bounding box coordinates - value: coverage - value: point coordinates geographic.subject.structuredValue: - value: east - value: latitude - value: longitude - value: north - value: south - value: west identifier: - value: accession number - value: alternate case number - value: Apis ID code: apis - value: ARK code: ark - value: arXiv code: arxiv - value: case identifier - value: case number - value: document number - value: DOI code: doi - value: druid - value: GTIN-14 ID code: gtin-14 - value: Handle code: hdl - value: inventory number - value: ISBN code: isbn - value: ISMN code: ismn - value: ISRC code: isrc - value: ISSN code: issn - value: ISSN-L code: issn-l - value: issue number code: issue-number - value: LCCN code: lccn - value: local code: local - value: Local ID - value: matrix number code: matrix-number - value: music plate code: music-plate - value: music publisher code: music-publisher - value: OCLC - value: PMCID - value: PMID - value: record id - value: Senate Number - value: Series - value: SIRSI - value: Source ID - value: sourceID status: deprecated use: Source ID - value: stock number code: stock-number - value: Swets (Netherlands) ID code: swets - value: UPC code: upc - value: URI code: uri - value: URN code: urn - value: videorecording identifier code: videorecording-identifier - value: West Mat \# - value: Wikidata code: wikidata note: - value: abstract - value: access - value: access note status: deprecated use: access - value: acquisition - value: action - value: additional physical form - value: additions - value: admin - value: affiliation - value: bibliographic - value: bibliography - value: biographical/historical - value: biographical/historical note status: deprecated use: biographical/historical - value: biography - value: boat note - value: citation/reference - value: contact - value: content - value: content note status: deprecated use: content - value: content warning - value: contents status: deprecated use: content - value: copyright - value: creation/production credits - value: date - value: date/sequential designation - value: description - value: digitization - value: duration - value: event - value: exhibitions - value: funding - value: general - value: genre type - value: geography - value: host - value: language - value: local - value: location - value: medium of performance - value: names - value: numbering - value: original location - value: other relation type - value: ownership - value: part - value: performer - value: performers - value: preferred citation - value: provenance - value: publications - value: qualifications - value: quote - value: reassembly - value: reference - value: references - value: related publication - value: reproduction - value: research - value: restriction - value: scope and content - value: source characteristics - value: source identifier - value: statement of responsibility - value: summary - value: system details - value: system requirements - value: table of contents - value: target audience - value: technical note - value: thesis - value: transcript - value: translation - value: update - value: use and reproduction - value: venue - value: version - value: version identification - value: writing note.groupedValue: - value: caption - value: date - value: detail type - value: extent unit - value: list - value: marker - value: number - value: title - value: text relatedResource: - value: has original version description: An initial form of the resource. - value: has other format description: A version of the resource in a different physical or digital format. - value: has part description: A constituent unit of the resource. - value: has version description: A version of the resource with different intellectual content. - value: in series description: The name of a series of publications to which the resource belongs. - value: other relation type description: Resource type not otherwise described. - value: part of description: A larger resource to which the resource belongs, such as a collection. - value: preceded by description: A predecessor to the resource, such as a preceding journal title. - value: referenced by description: Other resources that cite the resource, such as a catalog. - value: references description: A resource which the resource references or cites. - value: related to description: A generically related resource. - value: reviewed by description: A review of the resource. - value: succeeded by description: A successor to the resource, such as a subsequent journal title. subject: - value: classification - value: conference - value: display - value: event - value: family - value: genre - value: map coordinates - value: name - value: occupation - value: organization - value: person - value: place - value: point coordinates - value: time - value: title - value: topic subject.note: - value: role subject.structuredValue: - value: activity dates - value: city - value: continent - value: country - value: end - value: east - value: display - value: forename - value: genre - value: latitude - value: life dates - value: longitude - value: main title - value: name - value: north - value: occupation - value: ordinal - value: part name - value: person - value: place - value: south - value: start - value: surname - value: term of address - value: time - value: title - value: topic - value: west subject.structuredValue.note: - value: role description: The relation of the subject entity to the resource. subject.groupedValue: - value: uniform description: Form of title in Library of Congress title authority. title: - value: abbreviated description: Abbreviated form of title for indexing or identification. - value: alternative description: Variant title. - value: parallel description: Title transcribed from the resource in multiple languages or scripts. - value: supplied description: Title provided by metadata creator rather than transcribed from the resource. - value: translated description: Title translated into another language. - value: transliterated description: Title transliterated from non-Latin script to Latin script. - value: uniform description: Form of title in Library of Congress title authority. title.note: - value: associated name description: A name linked to the title, such as for a name-title heading. - value: nonsorting character count description: The number of characters at the beginning of the string to be disregarded when sorting. title.structuredValue: - value: main title description: The primary part of a multipart title. - value: nonsorting characters description: A string at the beginning of the title to be disregarded when sorting. - value: part name description: The distinct name of a resource as part of a series or multivolume set. - value: part number description: The distinct number of a resource as part of a series or multivolume set. - value: subtitle description: The secondary part of a title.