# jquery-ui-rails [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/joliss/jquery-ui-rails.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/joliss/jquery-ui-rails) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails.png)](https://gemnasium.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails) This gem packages the jQuery UI assets (JavaScripts, stylesheets, and images) for the Rails [asset pipeline](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html), so you never have to download a custom package through the [web interface](http://jqueryui.com/download) again. See [VERSIONS.md](VERSIONS.md) to see which versions of jquery-ui-rails bundle which versions of jQuery UI. Also check out the [jquery-ui-sass-rails](https://github.com/jhilden/jquery-ui-sass-rails) gem, which allows you to override theme variables with Sass. Warning: This gem is incompatible with the `jquery-rails` gem before version 3.0.0! Strange things will happen if you use an earlier `jquery-rails` version. Run `bundle list` to ensure that you either aren't using `jquery-rails`, or at least version 3.0.0 of `jquery-rails`. ## Usage In your Gemfile, add: ```ruby gem 'jquery-ui-rails' ``` ## Require Everything To require all jQuery UI modules, add the following to your application.js: ```javascript //= require jquery-ui ``` Also add the jQuery UI CSS to your application.css: ```css /* *= require jquery-ui */ ``` Warning: If you are using a version below 5.0, you will have to use a different naming for the files to require, see https://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails/blob/v4.2.1/README.md for more information. All images required by jQuery UI are automatically served through the asset pipeline, so you are good to go! For example, this code will add a [datepicker](http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/): ```javascript $(function() { $('.datepicker').datepicker(); }); ``` ## Require Specific Modules The jQuery UI code weighs 51KB (minified + gzipped) and takes a while to execute, so for production apps it's recommended to only include the modules that your application actually uses. Dependencies are automatically resolved. Simply pick one or more modules from the asset list below. For example, if you only need the datepicker module, add this to your application.js: ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/datepicker ``` In your application.css, require the corresponding CSS module: ```css /* *= require jquery-ui/datepicker */ ``` ## JavaScript Assets ### UI Core ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/core //= require jquery-ui/widget //= require jquery-ui/mouse //= require jquery-ui/position ``` You usually do not need to require these directly, as they are pulled in by the other JavaScript modules as needed. ### Interactions ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/draggable //= require jquery-ui/droppable //= require jquery-ui/resizable //= require jquery-ui/selectable //= require jquery-ui/sortable ``` For all but `jquery-ui/droppable`, remember to `require` their matching CSS files in your application.css as well. ### Widgets ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/accordion //= require jquery-ui/autocomplete //= require jquery-ui/button //= require jquery-ui/datepicker //= require jquery-ui/dialog //= require jquery-ui/menu //= require jquery-ui/progressbar //= require jquery-ui/selectmenu //= require jquery-ui/slider //= require jquery-ui/spinner //= require jquery-ui/tabs //= require jquery-ui/tooltip ``` For all of these, remember to `require` their matching CSS files in your application.css as well. #### I18n Datepicker has optional i18n modules for non-US locales, named `jquery-ui/datepicker-xx[-YY]` ([list](https://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails/tree/master/app/assets/javascripts)), for example: ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/datepicker //= require jquery-ui/datepicker-pt-BR ``` Note that you still need to include the main datepicker module. It is not required automatically [for performance reasons](https://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails/issues/9#issuecomment-6524987). ### Effects ```javascript //= require jquery-ui/effect.all //= require jquery-ui/effect //= require jquery-ui/effect-blind //= require jquery-ui/effect-bounce //= require jquery-ui/effect-clip //= require jquery-ui/effect-drop //= require jquery-ui/effect-explode //= require jquery-ui/effect-fade //= require jquery-ui/effect-fold //= require jquery-ui/effect-highlight //= require jquery-ui/effect-puff //= require jquery-ui/effect-pulsate //= require jquery-ui/effect-scale //= require jquery-ui/effect-shake //= require jquery-ui/effect-size //= require jquery-ui/effect-slide //= require jquery-ui/effect-transfer ``` ## Stylesheet Assets ### UI Core ```css /* *= require jquery-ui/core *= require jquery-ui/theme */ ``` You might want to require these if you do not use any of the following modules, but still want jQuery UI's basic theming CSS. Otherwise they are automatically pulled in as dependencies. ### Interactions ```css /* *= require jquery-ui/draggable *= require jquery-ui/resizable *= require jquery-ui/selectable *= require jquery-ui/sortable */ ``` ### Widgets ```css /* *= require jquery-ui/accordion *= require jquery-ui/autocomplete *= require jquery-ui/button *= require jquery-ui/datepicker *= require jquery-ui/dialog *= require jquery-ui/menu *= require jquery-ui/progressbar *= require jquery-ui/selectmenu *= require jquery-ui/slider *= require jquery-ui/spinner *= require jquery-ui/tabs *= require jquery-ui/tooltip */ ``` ## Contributing ### Bug Reports For bugs in jQuery UI itself, head to the [jQuery UI Development Center](http://jqueryui.com/development). For bugs in this gem distribution, use the GitHub issue tracker. ### Setup The `jquery-ui-rails` gem should work in Ruby 1.8.7 apps. To run the rake tasks, you need Ruby 1.9 however. ```bash git clone git://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails.git cd jquery-ui-rails git submodule update --init bundle install bundle exec rake # rebuild assets ``` Most of the code lives in the `Rakefile`. Pull requests are more than welcome! ### Hacking jQuery UI The jquery-ui-rails repository is [contributor-friendly](http://www.solitr.com/blog/2012/04/contributor-friendly-gems/) and has a git submodule containing the official [jquery-ui repo](https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui). This way it's easy to hack the jQuery UI code: ```bash cd jquery-ui git checkout master # or 1-8-stable ... hack-hack-hack ... bundle exec rake # rebuild assets based on your changes ``` Assuming your app's Gemfile points at your jquery-ui-rails checkout (`gem 'jquery-ui-rails', :path => '~/path/to/jquery-ui-rails'`), all you need to do now is refresh your browser, and your changes to jQuery UI are live in your Rails application. You can send pull requests to the [jquery-ui](https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui) GitHub project straight out of your submodule. See also their [Getting Involved](http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/35263114/Getting-Involved) guide. ### Testing As a smoke test, a `testapp` application is available in the repository, which displays a check mark and a datepicker to make sure the assets load correctly: ```bash cd testapp bundle install rails server ``` Now point your browser at [http://localhost:3000/](http://localhost:3000/). ## Limitations * Only the base theme (Smoothness) is included. Once it becomes possible to [generate all theme files](https://forum.jquery.com/topic/downloading-bundling-all-themes#14737000003080244) from the jQuery UI sources, we can package all the other themes in the [ThemeRoller](http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/) gallery. Perhaps we can also add helper tasks to help developers generate assets for their own custom themes or for third-party themes (like [Selene](http://gravityonmars.github.com/Selene/)). If you still want a different theme right now, you could probably download a custom theme and require the theme CSS *after* requiring any other jQuery UI CSS files you need, making sure to serve up the theme images correctly. (This is arguably cumbersome, not officially supported by this gem, and adds 1 KB overhead as both the base theme and the custom theme are served up.)