require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SessionsController, type: :controller do routes { BookingSync::Engine.routes } describe "GET create" do before do request.env["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:bookingsync] end it "loads or creates account from omniauth auth" do expect(Account).to receive(:from_omniauth).and_call_original get :create, params: { provider: :bookingsync } end it "runs the account_authorized callback" do expect(controller).to receive(:account_authorized) get :create, params: { provider: :bookingsync } end it "redirects to after_bookingsync_sign_in_path" do expect(controller).to receive(:after_bookingsync_sign_in_path).and_return("/admin") get :create, params: { provider: :bookingsync } expect(response).to redirect_to("/admin") end end describe "GET destroy" do it "clears authorization" do expect(controller).to receive(:clear_authorization!) get :destroy end it "redirects to after_bookingsync_sign_out_path" do expect(controller).to receive(:after_bookingsync_sign_out_path).and_return("/signed_out") get :destroy expect(response).to redirect_to("/signed_out") end end describe "GET failure" do context "when Engine is embedded" do before { BookingSync::Engine.embedded! } it "clears X-Frame-Options" do get :failure expect(response.headers["X-Frame-Options"]).to eql("") end end context "when Engine is standalone" do before { BookingSync::Engine.standalone! } it "leaves X-Frame-Options without change" do get :failure expect(response.headers["X-Frame-Options"]).to eql("SAMEORIGIN") end end end end