/* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2012-15 The Processing Foundation Copyright (c) 2004-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.opengl; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PConstants; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.core.PImage; import processing.core.PMatrix; import processing.core.PMatrix2D; import processing.core.PMatrix3D; import processing.core.PShape; import processing.core.PVector; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.AttributeMap; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.InGeometry; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.TessGeometry; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.Tessellator; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.VertexAttribute; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Stack; /** * This class holds a 3D model composed of vertices, normals, colors (per * vertex) and texture coordinates (also per vertex). All this data is stored in * Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) in GPU memory for very fast access. OBJ loading * implemented using code from Saito's OBJLoader library: * http://code.google.com/p/saitoobjloader/ and OBJReader from Ahmet Kizilay * http://www.openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=191 By Andres Colubri * * * Other formats to consider: AMF: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_Manufacturing_File_Format STL: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_(file_format) OFF: * http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/off/off.html(file_format) DXF: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoCAD_DXF */ public class PShapeOpenGL extends PShape { // Testing these constants, not use as they might go away... static public final int POSITION = 0; static public final int NORMAL = 1; static public final int TEXCOORD = 2; static public final int DIRECTION = 3; static public final int OFFSET = 4; static protected final int TRANSLATE = 0; static protected final int ROTATE = 1; static protected final int SCALE = 2; static protected final int MATRIX = 3; protected PGraphicsOpenGL pg; protected PGL pgl; protected int context; // The context that created this shape. protected PShapeOpenGL root; // ........................................................ // Input, tessellated geometry protected InGeometry inGeo; protected TessGeometry tessGeo; protected Tessellator tessellator; protected AttributeMap polyAttribs; // ........................................................ // Texturing protected HashSet textures; protected boolean strokedTexture; protected boolean untexChild; // ........................................................ // OpenGL buffers protected VertexBuffer bufPolyVertex; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyColor; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyNormal; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyTexcoord; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyAmbient; protected VertexBuffer bufPolySpecular; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyEmissive; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyShininess; protected VertexBuffer bufPolyIndex; protected VertexBuffer bufLineVertex; protected VertexBuffer bufLineColor; protected VertexBuffer bufLineAttrib; protected VertexBuffer bufLineIndex; protected VertexBuffer bufPointVertex; protected VertexBuffer bufPointColor; protected VertexBuffer bufPointAttrib; protected VertexBuffer bufPointIndex; // Testing this field, not use as it might go away... public int glUsage = PGL.STATIC_DRAW; // ........................................................ // Offsets for geometry aggregation and update. protected int polyVertCopyOffset; protected int polyIndCopyOffset; protected int lineVertCopyOffset; protected int lineIndCopyOffset; protected int pointVertCopyOffset; protected int pointIndCopyOffset; protected int polyIndexOffset; protected int polyVertexOffset; protected int polyVertexAbs; protected int polyVertexRel; protected int lineIndexOffset; protected int lineVertexOffset; protected int lineVertexAbs; protected int lineVertexRel; protected int pointIndexOffset; protected int pointVertexOffset; protected int pointVertexAbs; protected int pointVertexRel; protected int firstPolyIndexCache; protected int lastPolyIndexCache; protected int firstLineIndexCache; protected int lastLineIndexCache; protected int firstPointIndexCache; protected int lastPointIndexCache; protected int firstPolyVertex; protected int lastPolyVertex; protected int firstLineVertex; protected int lastLineVertex; protected int firstPointVertex; protected int lastPointVertex; // ........................................................ // Geometric transformations. protected PMatrix transform; protected Stack transformStack; // ........................................................ // State/rendering flags protected boolean tessellated; protected boolean needBufferInit = false; // Flag to indicate if the shape can have holes or not. protected boolean solid = true; protected boolean breakShape = false; protected boolean shapeCreated = false; // These variables indicate if the shape contains // polygon, line and/or point geometry. In the case of // 3D shapes, poly geometry is coincident with the fill // triangles, as the lines and points are stored separately. // However, for 2D shapes the poly geometry contains all of // the three since the same rendering shader applies to // fill, line and point geometry. protected boolean hasPolys; protected boolean hasLines; protected boolean hasPoints; // ........................................................ // Bezier and Catmull-Rom curves protected int bezierDetail; protected int curveDetail; protected float curveTightness; protected int savedBezierDetail; protected int savedCurveDetail; protected float savedCurveTightness; // ........................................................ // Normals protected float normalX, normalY, normalZ; // normal calculated per triangle static protected final int NORMAL_MODE_AUTO = 0; // one normal manually specified per shape static protected final int NORMAL_MODE_SHAPE = 1; // normals specified for each shape vertex static protected final int NORMAL_MODE_VERTEX = 2; // Current mode for normals, one of AUTO, SHAPE, or VERTEX protected int normalMode; // ........................................................ // Modification variables (used only by the root shape) protected boolean modified; protected boolean modifiedPolyVertices; protected boolean modifiedPolyColors; protected boolean modifiedPolyNormals; protected boolean modifiedPolyTexCoords; protected boolean modifiedPolyAmbient; protected boolean modifiedPolySpecular; protected boolean modifiedPolyEmissive; protected boolean modifiedPolyShininess; protected boolean modifiedLineVertices; protected boolean modifiedLineColors; protected boolean modifiedLineAttributes; protected boolean modifiedPointVertices; protected boolean modifiedPointColors; protected boolean modifiedPointAttributes; protected int firstModifiedPolyVertex; protected int lastModifiedPolyVertex; protected int firstModifiedPolyColor; protected int lastModifiedPolyColor; protected int firstModifiedPolyNormal; protected int lastModifiedPolyNormal; protected int firstModifiedPolyTexcoord; protected int lastModifiedPolyTexcoord; protected int firstModifiedPolyAmbient; protected int lastModifiedPolyAmbient; protected int firstModifiedPolySpecular; protected int lastModifiedPolySpecular; protected int firstModifiedPolyEmissive; protected int lastModifiedPolyEmissive; protected int firstModifiedPolyShininess; protected int lastModifiedPolyShininess; protected int firstModifiedLineVertex; protected int lastModifiedLineVertex; protected int firstModifiedLineColor; protected int lastModifiedLineColor; protected int firstModifiedLineAttribute; protected int lastModifiedLineAttribute; protected int firstModifiedPointVertex; protected int lastModifiedPointVertex; protected int firstModifiedPointColor; protected int lastModifiedPointColor; protected int firstModifiedPointAttribute; protected int lastModifiedPointAttribute; // ........................................................ // Saved style variables to style can be re-enabled after disableStyle, // although it won't work if properties are defined on a per-vertex basis. protected boolean savedStroke; protected int savedStrokeColor; protected float savedStrokeWeight; protected int savedStrokeCap; protected int savedStrokeJoin; protected boolean savedFill; protected int savedFillColor; protected boolean savedTint; protected int savedTintColor; protected int savedAmbientColor; protected int savedSpecularColor; protected int savedEmissiveColor; protected float savedShininess; protected int savedTextureMode; PShapeOpenGL() { } public PShapeOpenGL(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, int family) { this.pg = pg; this.family = family; pgl = pg.pgl; context = pgl.createEmptyContext(); bufPolyVertex = null; bufPolyColor = null; bufPolyNormal = null; bufPolyTexcoord = null; bufPolyAmbient = null; bufPolySpecular = null; bufPolyEmissive = null; bufPolyShininess = null; bufPolyIndex = null; bufLineVertex = null; bufLineColor = null; bufLineAttrib = null; bufLineIndex = null; bufPointVertex = null; bufPointColor = null; bufPointAttrib = null; bufPointIndex = null; this.tessellator = pg.tessellator; this.root = this; this.parent = null; this.tessellated = false; if (family == GEOMETRY || family == PRIMITIVE || family == PATH) { polyAttribs = PGraphicsOpenGL.newAttributeMap(); inGeo = PGraphicsOpenGL.newInGeometry(pg, polyAttribs, PGraphicsOpenGL.RETAINED); } // Style parameters are retrieved from the current values in the renderer. textureMode = pg.textureMode; colorMode(pg.colorMode, pg.colorModeX, pg.colorModeY, pg.colorModeZ, pg.colorModeA); // Initial values for fill, stroke and tint colors are also imported from // the renderer. This is particular relevant for primitive shapes, since is // not possible to set their color separately when creating them, and their // input vertices are actually generated at rendering time, by which the // color configuration of the renderer might have changed. fill = pg.fill; fillColor = pg.fillColor; stroke = pg.stroke; strokeColor = pg.strokeColor; strokeWeight = pg.strokeWeight; strokeCap = pg.strokeCap; strokeJoin = pg.strokeJoin; tint = pg.tint; tintColor = pg.tintColor; setAmbient = pg.setAmbient; ambientColor = pg.ambientColor; specularColor = pg.specularColor; emissiveColor = pg.emissiveColor; shininess = pg.shininess; sphereDetailU = pg.sphereDetailU; sphereDetailV = pg.sphereDetailV; bezierDetail = pg.bezierDetail; curveDetail = pg.curveDetail; curveTightness = pg.curveTightness; rectMode = pg.rectMode; ellipseMode = pg.ellipseMode; normalX = normalY = 0; normalZ = 1; normalMode = NORMAL_MODE_AUTO; // To make sure that the first vertex is marked as a break. // Same behavior as in the immediate mode. breakShape = false; if (family == GROUP) { // GROUP shapes are always marked as ended. shapeCreated = true; } // OpenGL supports per-vertex coloring (unlike Java2D) perVertexStyles = true; } /** * Create a shape from the PRIMITIVE family, using this kind and these * params */ public PShapeOpenGL(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, int kind, float... p) { this(pg, PRIMITIVE); setKind(kind); setParams(p); } @Override public void addChild(PShape who) { if (who instanceof PShapeOpenGL) { if (family == GROUP) { PShapeOpenGL c3d = (PShapeOpenGL) who; super.addChild(c3d); c3d.updateRoot(root); markForTessellation(); if (c3d.family == GROUP) { if (c3d.textures != null) { for (PImage tex : c3d.textures) { addTexture(tex); } } else { untexChild(true); } if (c3d.strokedTexture) { strokedTexture(true); } } else { if (c3d.image != null) { addTexture(c3d.image); if (c3d.stroke) { strokedTexture(true); } } else { untexChild(true); } } } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Cannot add child shape to non-group shape."); } } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Shape must be OpenGL to be added to the group."); } } @Override public void addChild(PShape who, int idx) { if (who instanceof PShapeOpenGL) { if (family == GROUP) { PShapeOpenGL c3d = (PShapeOpenGL) who; super.addChild(c3d, idx); c3d.updateRoot(root); markForTessellation(); if (c3d.family == GROUP) { if (c3d.textures != null) { for (PImage tex : c3d.textures) { addTexture(tex); } } else { untexChild(true); } if (c3d.strokedTexture) { strokedTexture(true); } } else { if (c3d.image != null) { addTexture(c3d.image); if (c3d.stroke) { strokedTexture(true); } } else { untexChild(true); } } } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Cannot add child shape to non-group shape."); } } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Shape must be OpenGL to be added to the group."); } } @Override public void removeChild(int idx) { super.removeChild(idx); strokedTexture(false); untexChild(false); markForTessellation(); } protected void updateRoot(PShape root) { this.root = (PShapeOpenGL) root; if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.updateRoot(root); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Shape creation (temporary hack) public static PShapeOpenGL createShape(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, PShape src) { PShapeOpenGL dest = null; if (src.getFamily() == GROUP) { //dest = PGraphics3D.createShapeImpl(pg, GROUP); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(GROUP); copyGroup(pg, src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == PRIMITIVE) { //dest = PGraphics3D.createShapeImpl(pg, src.getKind(), src.getParams()); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapePrimitive(src.getKind(), src.getParams()); PShape.copyPrimitive(src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == GEOMETRY) { //dest = PGraphics3D.createShapeImpl(pg, PShape.GEOMETRY); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.GEOMETRY); PShape.copyGeometry(src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == PATH) { dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.PATH); //dest = PGraphics3D.createShapeImpl(pg, PATH); PShape.copyPath(src, dest); } dest.setName(src.getName()); dest.width = src.width; dest.height = src.height; dest.depth = src.depth; return dest; } /* static public PShapeOpenGL createShape2D(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, PShape src) { PShapeOpenGL dest = null; if (src.getFamily() == GROUP) { //dest = PGraphics2D.createShapeImpl(pg, GROUP); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(GROUP); copyGroup2D(pg, src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == PRIMITIVE) { //dest = PGraphics2D.createShapeImpl(pg, src.getKind(), src.getParams()); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapePrimitive(src.getKind(), src.getParams()); PShape.copyPrimitive(src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == GEOMETRY) { //dest = PGraphics2D.createShapeImpl(pg, PShape.GEOMETRY); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.GEOMETRY); PShape.copyGeometry(src, dest); } else if (src.getFamily() == PATH) { //dest = PGraphics2D.createShapeImpl(pg, PATH); dest = (PShapeOpenGL) pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.PATH); PShape.copyPath(src, dest); } dest.setName(src.getName()); dest.width = src.width; dest.height = src.height; return dest; } */ static public void copyGroup(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, PShape src, PShape dest) { copyMatrix(src, dest); copyStyles(src, dest); copyImage(src, dest); for (int i = 0; i < src.getChildCount(); i++) { PShape c = createShape(pg, src.getChild(i)); dest.addChild(c); } } /* static public void copyGroup2D(PGraphicsOpenGL pg, PShape src, PShape dest) { copyMatrix(src, dest); copyStyles(src, dest); copyImage(src, dest); for (int i = 0; i < src.getChildCount(); i++) { PShape c = createShape2D(pg, src.getChild(i)); dest.addChild(c); } } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Query methods @Override public float getWidth() { PVector min = new PVector(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); PVector max = new PVector(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); if (shapeCreated) { getVertexMin(min); getVertexMax(max); } width = max.x - min.x; return width; } @Override public float getHeight() { PVector min = new PVector(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); PVector max = new PVector(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); if (shapeCreated) { getVertexMin(min); getVertexMax(max); } height = max.y - min.y; return height; } @Override public float getDepth() { PVector min = new PVector(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); PVector max = new PVector(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); if (shapeCreated) { getVertexMin(min); getVertexMax(max); } depth = max.z - min.z; return depth; } protected void getVertexMin(PVector min) { updateTessellation(); if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.getVertexMin(min); } } else { if (hasPolys) { tessGeo.getPolyVertexMin(min, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { tessGeo.getLineVertexMin(min, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } if (hasPoints) { tessGeo.getPointVertexMin(min, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } } protected void getVertexMax(PVector max) { updateTessellation(); if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.getVertexMax(max); } } else { if (hasPolys) { tessGeo.getPolyVertexMax(max, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { tessGeo.getLineVertexMax(max, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } if (hasPoints) { tessGeo.getPointVertexMax(max, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } } protected int getVertexSum(PVector sum, int count) { updateTessellation(); if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; count += child.getVertexSum(sum, count); } } else { if (hasPolys) { count += tessGeo.getPolyVertexSum(sum, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { count += tessGeo.getLineVertexSum(sum, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } if (hasPoints) { count += tessGeo.getPointVertexSum(sum, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } return count; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Drawing methods @Override public void setTextureMode(int mode) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTextureMode()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setTextureMode(mode); } } else { setTextureModeImpl(mode); } } protected void setTextureModeImpl(int mode) { if (textureMode == mode) { return; } textureMode = mode; if (image != null) { float uFactor = image.width; float vFactor = image.height; if (textureMode == NORMAL) { uFactor = 1.0f / uFactor; vFactor = 1.0f / vFactor; } scaleTextureUV(uFactor, vFactor); } } @Override public void setTexture(PImage tex) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTexture()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setTexture(tex); } } else { setTextureImpl(tex); } } protected void setTextureImpl(PImage tex) { PImage image0 = image; image = tex; if (textureMode == IMAGE && image0 != image) { // Need to rescale the texture coordinates float uFactor = 1; float vFactor = 1; if (image != null) { uFactor /= image.width; vFactor /= image.height; } if (image0 != null) { uFactor *= image0.width; vFactor *= image0.height; } scaleTextureUV(uFactor, vFactor); } if (image0 != tex && parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).removeTexture(image0, this); } if (parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).addTexture(image); if (is2D() && stroke) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).strokedTexture(true); } } } protected void scaleTextureUV(float uFactor, float vFactor) { if (PGraphicsOpenGL.same(uFactor, 1) && PGraphicsOpenGL.same(vFactor, 1)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < inGeo.vertexCount; i++) { float u = inGeo.texcoords[2 * i + 0]; float v = inGeo.texcoords[2 * i + 1]; inGeo.texcoords[2 * i + 0] = PApplet.min(1, u * uFactor); inGeo.texcoords[2 * i + 1] = PApplet.min(1, v * uFactor); } if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { int last1 = 0; if (is3D()) { last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; } else if (is2D()) { last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } } for (int i = firstLineVertex; i < last1; i++) { float u = tessGeo.polyTexCoords[2 * i + 0]; float v = tessGeo.polyTexCoords[2 * i + 1]; tessGeo.polyTexCoords[2 * i + 0] = PApplet.min(1, u * uFactor); tessGeo.polyTexCoords[2 * i + 1] = PApplet.min(1, v * uFactor); } root.setModifiedPolyTexCoords(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } protected void addTexture(PImage tex) { if (textures == null) { textures = new HashSet(); } textures.add(tex); if (parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).addTexture(tex); } } protected void removeTexture(PImage tex, PShapeOpenGL caller) { if (textures == null || !textures.contains(tex)) { return; // Nothing to remove. } // First check that none of the child shapes have texture tex... boolean childHasTex = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; if (child == caller) { continue; } if (child.hasTexture(tex)) { childHasTex = true; break; } } if (!childHasTex) { // ...if not, it is safe to remove from this shape. textures.remove(tex); if (textures.size() == 0) { textures = null; } } // Since this shape and all its child shapes don't contain // tex anymore, we now can remove it from the parent. if (parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).removeTexture(tex, this); } } protected void strokedTexture(boolean newValue) { strokedTexture(newValue, null); } protected void strokedTexture(boolean newValue, PShapeOpenGL caller) { if (strokedTexture == newValue) { return; // Nothing to change. } if (newValue) { strokedTexture = true; } else { // Check that none of the child shapes have a stroked texture... strokedTexture = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; if (child == caller) { continue; } if (child.hasStrokedTexture()) { strokedTexture = true; break; } } } // Now we can update the parent shape. if (parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).strokedTexture(newValue, this); } } protected void untexChild(boolean newValue) { untexChild(newValue, null); } protected void untexChild(boolean newValue, PShapeOpenGL caller) { if (untexChild == newValue) { return; // Nothing to change. } if (newValue) { untexChild = true; } else { // Check if any of the child shapes is not textured... untexChild = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; if (child == caller) { continue; } if (!child.hasTexture()) { untexChild = true; break; } } } // Now we can update the parent shape. if (parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).untexChild(newValue, this); } } protected boolean hasTexture() { if (family == GROUP) { return textures != null && 0 < textures.size(); } else { return image != null; } } protected boolean hasTexture(PImage tex) { if (family == GROUP) { return textures != null && textures.contains(tex); } else { return image == tex; } } protected boolean hasStrokedTexture() { if (family == GROUP) { return strokedTexture; } else { return image != null && stroke; } } @Override public void solid(boolean solid) { if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.solid(solid); } } else { this.solid = solid; } } @Override protected void beginContourImpl() { breakShape = true; } @Override protected void endContourImpl() { } @Override public void vertex(float x, float y) { vertexImpl(x, y, 0, 0, 0); if (image != null) { PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.MISSING_UV_TEXCOORDS_ERROR); } } @Override public void vertex(float x, float y, float u, float v) { vertexImpl(x, y, 0, u, v); } @Override public void vertex(float x, float y, float z) { vertexImpl(x, y, z, 0, 0); if (image != null) { PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.MISSING_UV_TEXCOORDS_ERROR); } } @Override public void vertex(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) { vertexImpl(x, y, z, u, v); } protected void vertexImpl(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) { if (!openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(OUTSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "vertex()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { PGraphics.showWarning("Cannot add vertices to GROUP shape"); return; } boolean textured = image != null; int fcolor = 0x00; if (fill || textured) { if (!textured) { fcolor = fillColor; } else { if (tint) { fcolor = tintColor; } else { fcolor = 0xffFFFFFF; } } } if (textureMode == IMAGE && image != null) { u /= image.width; v /= image.height; } int scolor = 0x00; float sweight = 0; if (stroke) { scolor = strokeColor; sweight = strokeWeight; } inGeo.addVertex(x, y, z, fcolor, normalX, normalY, normalZ, u, v, scolor, sweight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess, VERTEX, vertexBreak()); markForTessellation(); } protected boolean vertexBreak() { if (breakShape) { breakShape = false; return true; } return false; } @Override public void normal(float nx, float ny, float nz) { if (!openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(OUTSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "normal()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { PGraphics.showWarning("Cannot set normal in GROUP shape"); return; } normalX = nx; normalY = ny; normalZ = nz; // if drawing a shape and the normal hasn't been set yet, // then we need to set the normals for each vertex so far if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { // One normal per begin/end shape normalMode = NORMAL_MODE_SHAPE; } else if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_SHAPE) { // a separate normal for each vertex normalMode = NORMAL_MODE_VERTEX; } } @Override public void attribPosition(String name, float x, float y, float z) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.POSITION, PGL.FLOAT, 3); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(x, y, z); } } @Override public void attribNormal(String name, float nx, float ny, float nz) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.NORMAL, PGL.FLOAT, 3); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(nx, ny, nz); } } @Override public void attribColor(String name, int color) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.COLOR, PGL.INT, 1); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(new int[]{color}); } } @Override public void attrib(String name, float... values) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.OTHER, PGL.FLOAT, values.length); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(values); } } @Override public void attrib(String name, int... values) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.OTHER, PGL.INT, values.length); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(values); } } @Override public void attrib(String name, boolean... values) { VertexAttribute attrib = attribImpl(name, VertexAttribute.OTHER, PGL.BOOL, values.length); if (attrib != null) { attrib.set(values); } } protected VertexAttribute attribImpl(String name, int kind, int type, int size) { if (4 < size) { PGraphics.showWarning("Vertex attributes cannot have more than 4 values"); return null; } VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); if (attrib == null) { attrib = new VertexAttribute(pg, name, kind, type, size); polyAttribs.put(name, attrib); inGeo.initAttrib(attrib); } if (attrib.kind != kind) { PGraphics.showWarning("The attribute kind cannot be changed after creation"); return null; } if (attrib.type != type) { PGraphics.showWarning("The attribute type cannot be changed after creation"); return null; } if (attrib.size != size) { PGraphics.showWarning("New value for vertex attribute has wrong number of values"); return null; } return attrib; } @Override public void endShape(int mode) { super.endShape(mode); // Input arrays are trimmed since they are expanded by doubling their old // size, which might lead to arrays larger than the vertex counts. inGeo.trim(); close = mode == CLOSE; markForTessellation(); shapeCreated = true; } @Override public void setParams(float[] source) { if (family != PRIMITIVE) { PGraphics.showWarning("Parameters can only be set to PRIMITIVE shapes"); return; } super.setParams(source); markForTessellation(); shapeCreated = true; } @Override public void setPath(int vcount, float[][] verts, int ccount, int[] codes) { if (family != PATH) { PGraphics.showWarning("Vertex coordinates and codes can only be set to " + "PATH shapes"); return; } super.setPath(vcount, verts, ccount, codes); markForTessellation(); shapeCreated = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Geometric transformations @Override public void translate(float tx, float ty) { if (is3D) { transform(TRANSLATE, tx, ty, 0); } else { transform(TRANSLATE, tx, ty); } } @Override public void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz) { transform(TRANSLATE, tx, ty, tz); } @Override public void rotate(float angle) { transform(ROTATE, angle); } @Override public void rotateX(float angle) { rotate(angle, 1, 0, 0); } @Override public void rotateY(float angle) { rotate(angle, 0, 1, 0); } @Override public void rotateZ(float angle) { transform(ROTATE, angle); } @Override public void rotate(float angle, float v0, float v1, float v2) { transform(ROTATE, angle, v0, v1, v2); } @Override public void scale(float s) { if (is3D) { transform(SCALE, s, s, s); } else { transform(SCALE, s, s); } } @Override public void scale(float x, float y) { if (is3D) { transform(SCALE, x, y, 1); } else { transform(SCALE, x, y); } } @Override public void scale(float x, float y, float z) { transform(SCALE, x, y, z); } @Override public void applyMatrix(PMatrix2D source) { transform(MATRIX, source.m00, source.m01, source.m02, source.m10, source.m11, source.m12); } @Override public void applyMatrix(float n00, float n01, float n02, float n10, float n11, float n12) { transform(MATRIX, n00, n01, n02, n10, n11, n12); } @Override public void applyMatrix(float n00, float n01, float n02, float n03, float n10, float n11, float n12, float n13, float n20, float n21, float n22, float n23, float n30, float n31, float n32, float n33) { transform(MATRIX, n00, n01, n02, n03, n10, n11, n12, n13, n20, n21, n22, n23, n30, n31, n32, n33); } @Override public void resetMatrix() { if (shapeCreated && matrix != null && transformStack != null) { if (family == GROUP) { updateTessellation(); } if (tessellated) { PMatrix mat = popTransform(); while (mat != null) { boolean res = mat.invert(); if (res) { applyMatrixImpl(mat); } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Transformation applied on the shape cannot be inverted"); } mat = popTransform(); } } matrix.reset(); transformStack.clear(); } } protected void transform(int type, float... args) { int dimensions = is3D ? 3 : 2; checkMatrix(dimensions); if (transform == null) { if (dimensions == 2) { transform = new PMatrix2D(); } else { transform = new PMatrix3D(); } } else { transform.reset(); } int ncoords = args.length; if (type == ROTATE) { ncoords = args.length == 1 ? 2 : 3; } else if (type == MATRIX) { ncoords = args.length == 6 ? 2 : 3; } switch (type) { case TRANSLATE: if (ncoords == 3) { transform.translate(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else { transform.translate(args[0], args[1]); } break; case ROTATE: if (ncoords == 3) { transform.rotate(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } else { transform.rotate(args[0]); } break; case SCALE: if (ncoords == 3) { transform.scale(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else { transform.scale(args[0], args[1]); } break; case MATRIX: if (ncoords == 3) { transform.set(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10], args[11], args[12], args[13], args[14], args[15]); } else { transform.set(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); } break; } matrix.preApply(transform); pushTransform(); if (tessellated) { applyMatrixImpl(transform); } } protected void pushTransform() { if (transformStack == null) { transformStack = new Stack(); } PMatrix mat; if (transform instanceof PMatrix2D) { mat = new PMatrix2D(); } else { mat = new PMatrix3D(); } mat.set(transform); transformStack.push(mat); } protected PMatrix popTransform() { if (transformStack == null || transformStack.size() == 0) { return null; } return transformStack.pop(); } protected void applyMatrixImpl(PMatrix matrix) { if (hasPolys) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnPolyGeometry(matrix, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); root.setModifiedPolyVertices(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); root.setModifiedPolyNormals(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); for (VertexAttribute attrib : polyAttribs.values()) { if (attrib.isPosition() || attrib.isNormal()) { root.setModifiedPolyAttrib(attrib, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } } } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnLineGeometry(matrix, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); root.setModifiedLineVertices(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); root.setModifiedLineAttributes(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } if (hasPoints) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnPointGeometry(matrix, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); root.setModifiedPointVertices(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); root.setModifiedPointAttributes(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bezier curves @Override public void bezierDetail(int detail) { bezierDetail = detail; if (0 < inGeo.codeCount) { markForTessellation(); } //pg.bezierDetail(detail); // setting the detail in the renderer, WTF?? } @Override public void bezierVertex(float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) { bezierVertexImpl(x2, y2, 0, x3, y3, 0, x4, y4, 0); } @Override public void bezierVertex(float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3, float x4, float y4, float z4) { bezierVertexImpl(x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4); } protected void bezierVertexImpl(float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3, float x4, float y4, float z4) { inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addBezierVertex(x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4, vertexBreak()); } @Override public void quadraticVertex(float cx, float cy, float x3, float y3) { quadraticVertexImpl(cx, cy, 0, x3, y3, 0); } @Override public void quadraticVertex(float cx, float cy, float cz, float x3, float y3, float z3) { quadraticVertexImpl(cx, cy, cz, x3, y3, z3); } protected void quadraticVertexImpl(float cx, float cy, float cz, float x3, float y3, float z3) { inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addQuadraticVertex(cx, cy, cz, x3, y3, z3, vertexBreak()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Catmull-Rom curves @Override public void curveDetail(int detail) { curveDetail = detail; // pg.curveDetail(detail); if (0 < inGeo.codeCount) { markForTessellation(); } } @Override public void curveTightness(float tightness) { curveTightness = tightness; // pg.curveTightness(tightness); if (0 < inGeo.codeCount) { markForTessellation(); } } @Override public void curveVertex(float x, float y) { curveVertexImpl(x, y, 0); } @Override public void curveVertex(float x, float y, float z) { curveVertexImpl(x, y, z); } protected void curveVertexImpl(float x, float y, float z) { inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addCurveVertex(x, y, z, vertexBreak()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Setters/getters of individual vertices @Override public int getVertexCount() { if (family == GROUP) { return 0; // Group shapes don't have vertices } else { if (family == PRIMITIVE || family == PATH) { // the input geometry of primitive and path shapes is built during // tessellation updateTessellation(); } return inGeo.vertexCount; } } @Override public PVector getVertex(int index, PVector vec) { if (vec == null) { vec = new PVector(); } vec.x = inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 0]; vec.y = inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 1]; vec.z = inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 2]; return vec; } @Override public float getVertexX(int index) { return inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 0]; } @Override public float getVertexY(int index) { return inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 1]; } @Override public float getVertexZ(int index) { return inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 2]; } @Override public void setVertex(int index, float x, float y) { setVertex(index, x, y, 0); } @Override public void setVertex(int index, float x, float y, float z) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setVertex()"); return; } // TODO: in certain cases (kind = TRIANGLE, etc) the correspondence between // input and tessellated vertices is 1-1, so in those cases re-tessellation // wouldn't be necessary. But in order to reasonable take care of that // situation, we would need a complete rethinking of the rendering architecture // in Processing :-) if (family == PATH) { if (vertexCodes != null && vertexCodeCount > 0 && vertexCodes[index] != VERTEX) { PGraphics.showWarning(NOT_A_SIMPLE_VERTEX, "setVertex()"); return; } vertices[index][X] = x; vertices[index][Y] = y; if (is3D && vertices[index].length > 2) { // P3D allows to modify 2D shapes, ignoring the Z coordinate. vertices[index][Z] = z; } } else { inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 0] = x; inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 1] = y; inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 2] = z; } markForTessellation(); } @Override public void setVertex(int index, PVector vec) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setVertex()"); return; } if (family == PATH) { if (vertexCodes != null && vertexCodeCount > 0 && vertexCodes[index] != VERTEX) { PGraphics.showWarning(NOT_A_SIMPLE_VERTEX, "setVertex()"); return; } vertices[index][X] = vec.x; vertices[index][Y] = vec.y; if (is3D && vertices[index].length > 2) { vertices[index][Z] = vec.z; } } else { inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 0] = vec.x; inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 1] = vec.y; inGeo.vertices[3 * index + 2] = vec.z; } markForTessellation(); } @Override public PVector getNormal(int index, PVector vec) { if (vec == null) { vec = new PVector(); } vec.x = inGeo.normals[3 * index + 0]; vec.y = inGeo.normals[3 * index + 1]; vec.z = inGeo.normals[3 * index + 2]; return vec; } @Override public float getNormalX(int index) { return inGeo.normals[3 * index + 0]; } @Override public float getNormalY(int index) { return inGeo.normals[3 * index + 1]; } @Override public float getNormalZ(int index) { return inGeo.normals[3 * index + 2]; } @Override public void setNormal(int index, float nx, float ny, float nz) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setNormal()"); return; } inGeo.normals[3 * index + 0] = nx; inGeo.normals[3 * index + 1] = ny; inGeo.normals[3 * index + 2] = nz; markForTessellation(); } @Override public void setAttrib(String name, int index, float... values) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setNormal()"); return; } VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); float[] array = inGeo.fattribs.get(name); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { array[attrib.size * index + 0] = values[i]; } markForTessellation(); } @Override public void setAttrib(String name, int index, int... values) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setNormal()"); return; } VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); int[] array = inGeo.iattribs.get(name); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { array[attrib.size * index + 0] = values[i]; } markForTessellation(); } @Override public void setAttrib(String name, int index, boolean... values) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setNormal()"); return; } VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); byte[] array = inGeo.battribs.get(name); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { array[attrib.size * index + 0] = (byte) (values[i] ? 1 : 0); } markForTessellation(); } @Override public float getTextureU(int index) { return inGeo.texcoords[2 * index + 0]; } @Override public float getTextureV(int index) { return inGeo.texcoords[2 * index + 1]; } @Override public void setTextureUV(int index, float u, float v) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTextureUV()"); return; } if (textureMode == IMAGE && image != null) { u /= image.width; v /= image.height; } inGeo.texcoords[2 * index + 0] = u; inGeo.texcoords[2 * index + 1] = v; markForTessellation(); } @Override public int getFill(int index) { if (family != GROUP && image == null) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.colors[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setFill(boolean fill) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setFill()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setFill(fill); } } else if (this.fill != fill) { markForTessellation(); } this.fill = fill; } @Override public void setFill(int fill) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setFill()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setFill(fill); } } else { setFillImpl(fill); } } protected void setFillImpl(int fill) { if (fillColor == fill) { return; } fillColor = fill; if (image == null) { Arrays.fill(inGeo.colors, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(fillColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(fillColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstPolyVertex, last1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(fillColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } } if (!setAmbient) { // Setting the ambient color from the current fill // is what the old P3D did and allows to have an // default ambient color when the user doesn't specify // it explicitly. setAmbientImpl(fill); setAmbient = false; } } @Override public void setFill(int index, int fill) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setFill()"); return; } if (image == null) { inGeo.colors[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(fill); markForTessellation(); } } @Override public int getTint(int index) { if (family != GROUP && image != null) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.colors[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setTint(boolean tint) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTint()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setTint(fill); } } else if (this.tint && !tint) { setTintImpl(0xFFFFFFFF); } this.tint = tint; } @Override public void setTint(int tint) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTint()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setTint(tint); } } else { setTintImpl(tint); } } protected void setTintImpl(int tint) { if (tintColor == tint) { return; } tintColor = tint; if (image != null) { Arrays.fill(inGeo.colors, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(tintColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(tintColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstPolyVertex, last1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(tintColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } } } @Override public void setTint(int index, int tint) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setTint()"); return; } if (image != null) { inGeo.colors[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(tint); markForTessellation(); } } @Override public int getStroke(int index) { if (family != GROUP) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.strokeColors[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setStroke(boolean stroke) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStroke()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setStroke(stroke); } this.stroke = stroke; } else { setStrokeImpl(stroke); } } protected void setStrokeImpl(boolean stroke) { if (this.stroke != stroke) { if (stroke) { // Before there was no stroke, now there is stroke, so current stroke // color should be copied to the input geometry, and geometry should // be marked as modified in case it needs to be re-tessellated. int color = strokeColor; strokeColor += 1; // Forces a color change setStrokeImpl(color); } markForTessellation(); if (is2D() && parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).strokedTexture(stroke && image != null); } this.stroke = stroke; } } @Override public void setStroke(int stroke) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStroke()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setStroke(stroke); } } else { setStrokeImpl(stroke); } } protected void setStrokeImpl(int stroke) { if (strokeColor == stroke) { return; } strokeColor = stroke; Arrays.fill(inGeo.strokeColors, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(strokeColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && (hasLines || hasPoints)) { if (hasLines) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.lineColors, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(strokeColor)); root.setModifiedLineColors(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } else if (is2D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(strokeColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } } if (hasPoints) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.pointColors, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(strokeColor)); root.setModifiedPointColors(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } else if (is2D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyColors, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(strokeColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } } @Override public void setStroke(int index, int stroke) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStroke()"); return; } inGeo.strokeColors[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(stroke); markForTessellation(); } @Override public float getStrokeWeight(int index) { if (family != GROUP) { return inGeo.strokeWeights[index]; } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setStrokeWeight(float weight) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStrokeWeight()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setStrokeWeight(weight); } } else { setStrokeWeightImpl(weight); } } protected void setStrokeWeightImpl(float weight) { if (PGraphicsOpenGL.same(strokeWeight, weight)) { return; } float oldWeight = strokeWeight; strokeWeight = weight; Arrays.fill(inGeo.strokeWeights, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, strokeWeight); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && (hasLines || hasPoints)) { float resizeFactor = weight / oldWeight; if (hasLines) { if (is3D()) { for (int i = firstLineVertex; i <= lastLineVertex; i++) { tessGeo.lineDirections[4 * i + 3] *= resizeFactor; } root.setModifiedLineAttributes(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } else if (is2D()) { // Changing the stroke weight on a 2D shape needs a // re-tessellation in order to replace the old line // geometry. markForTessellation(); } } if (hasPoints) { if (is3D()) { for (int i = firstPointVertex; i <= lastPointVertex; i++) { tessGeo.pointOffsets[2 * i + 0] *= resizeFactor; tessGeo.pointOffsets[2 * i + 1] *= resizeFactor; } root.setModifiedPointAttributes(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } else if (is2D()) { // Changing the stroke weight on a 2D shape needs a // re-tessellation in order to replace the old point // geometry. markForTessellation(); } } } } @Override public void setStrokeWeight(int index, float weight) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStrokeWeight()"); return; } inGeo.strokeWeights[index] = weight; markForTessellation(); } @Override public void setStrokeJoin(int join) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStrokeJoin()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setStrokeJoin(join); } } else { if (is2D() && strokeJoin != join) { // Changing the stroke join on a 2D shape needs a // re-tessellation in order to replace the old join // geometry. markForTessellation(); } strokeJoin = join; } } @Override public void setStrokeCap(int cap) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setStrokeCap()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setStrokeCap(cap); } } else { if (is2D() && strokeCap != cap) { // Changing the stroke cap on a 2D shape needs a // re-tessellation in order to replace the old cap // geometry. markForTessellation(); } strokeCap = cap; } } @Override public int getAmbient(int index) { if (family != GROUP) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.ambient[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setAmbient(int ambient) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setAmbient()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setAmbient(ambient); } } else { setAmbientImpl(ambient); } } protected void setAmbientImpl(int ambient) { if (ambientColor == ambient) { return; } ambientColor = ambient; Arrays.fill(inGeo.ambient, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(ambientColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyAmbient, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(ambientColor)); root.setModifiedPolyAmbient(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyAmbient, firstPolyVertex, last1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(ambientColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } setAmbient = true; } @Override public void setAmbient(int index, int ambient) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setAmbient()"); return; } inGeo.ambient[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(ambient); markForTessellation(); setAmbient = true; } @Override public int getSpecular(int index) { if (family == GROUP) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.specular[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setSpecular(int specular) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setSpecular()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setSpecular(specular); } } else { setSpecularImpl(specular); } } protected void setSpecularImpl(int specular) { if (specularColor == specular) { return; } specularColor = specular; Arrays.fill(inGeo.specular, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(specularColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polySpecular, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(specularColor)); root.setModifiedPolySpecular(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polySpecular, firstPolyVertex, last1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(specularColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } } @Override public void setSpecular(int index, int specular) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setSpecular()"); return; } inGeo.specular[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(specular); markForTessellation(); } @Override public int getEmissive(int index) { if (family == GROUP) { return PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(inGeo.emissive[index]); } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setEmissive(int emissive) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setEmissive()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setEmissive(emissive); } } else { setEmissiveImpl(emissive); } } protected void setEmissiveImpl(int emissive) { if (emissiveColor == emissive) { return; } emissiveColor = emissive; Arrays.fill(inGeo.emissive, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(emissiveColor)); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && 0 < tessGeo.polyVertexCount) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyEmissive, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(emissiveColor)); root.setModifiedPolyEmissive(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyEmissive, firstPolyVertex, last1, PGL.javaToNativeARGB(emissiveColor)); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } } @Override public void setEmissive(int index, int emissive) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setEmissive()"); return; } inGeo.emissive[index] = PGL.javaToNativeARGB(emissive); markForTessellation(); } @Override public float getShininess(int index) { if (family == GROUP) { return inGeo.shininess[index]; } else { return 0; } } @Override public void setShininess(float shininess) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setShininess()"); return; } if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.setShininess(shininess); } } else { setShininessImpl(shininess); } } protected void setShininessImpl(float shininess) { if (PGraphicsOpenGL.same(this.shininess, shininess)) { return; } this.shininess = shininess; Arrays.fill(inGeo.shininess, 0, inGeo.vertexCount, shininess); if (shapeCreated && tessellated && hasPolys) { if (is3D()) { Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyShininess, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex + 1, shininess); root.setModifiedPolyShininess(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } Arrays.fill(tessGeo.polyShininess, firstPolyVertex, last1, shininess); root.setModifiedPolyColors(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } } } @Override public void setShininess(int index, float shine) { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "setShininess()"); return; } inGeo.shininess[index] = shine; markForTessellation(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Vertex codes @Override public int[] getVertexCodes() { if (family == GROUP) { return null; } else { if (family == PRIMITIVE || family == PATH) { // the input geometry of primitive and path shapes is built during // tessellation updateTessellation(); } if (inGeo.codes == null) { return null; } return inGeo.codes; } } @Override public int getVertexCodeCount() { if (family == GROUP) { return 0; } else { if (family == PRIMITIVE || family == PATH) { // the input geometry of primitive and path shapes is built during // tessellation updateTessellation(); } return inGeo.codeCount; } } /** * One of VERTEX, BEZIER_VERTEX, CURVE_VERTEX, or BREAK. */ @Override public int getVertexCode(int index) { return inGeo.codes[index]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Tessellated geometry getter. @Override public PShape getTessellation() { updateTessellation(); float[] vertices = tessGeo.polyVertices; float[] normals = tessGeo.polyNormals; int[] color = tessGeo.polyColors; float[] uv = tessGeo.polyTexCoords; short[] indices = tessGeo.polyIndices; PShape tess; // if (is3D()) { // //tess = PGraphics3D.createShapeImpl(pg, PShape.GEOMETRY); // tess = pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.GEOMETRY); // } else if (is2D()) { // //tess = PGraphics2D.createShapeImpl(pg, PShape.GEOMETRY); // tess = pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.GEOMETRY); // } else { // PGraphics.showWarning("This shape is not either 2D or 3D!"); // return null; // } tess = pg.createShapeFamily(PShape.GEOMETRY); tess.set3D(is3D); // if this is a 3D shape, make the new shape 3D as well tess.beginShape(TRIANGLES); tess.noStroke(); IndexCache cache = tessGeo.polyIndexCache; for (int n = firstPolyIndexCache; n <= lastPolyIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; for (int tr = ioffset / 3; tr < (ioffset + icount) / 3; tr++) { int i0 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 0]; int i1 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 1]; int i2 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 2]; if (is3D()) { float x0 = vertices[4 * i0 + 0]; float y0 = vertices[4 * i0 + 1]; float z0 = vertices[4 * i0 + 2]; float x1 = vertices[4 * i1 + 0]; float y1 = vertices[4 * i1 + 1]; float z1 = vertices[4 * i1 + 2]; float x2 = vertices[4 * i2 + 0]; float y2 = vertices[4 * i2 + 1]; float z2 = vertices[4 * i2 + 2]; float nx0 = normals[3 * i0 + 0]; float ny0 = normals[3 * i0 + 1]; float nz0 = normals[3 * i0 + 2]; float nx1 = normals[3 * i1 + 0]; float ny1 = normals[3 * i1 + 1]; float nz1 = normals[3 * i1 + 2]; float nx2 = normals[3 * i2 + 0]; float ny2 = normals[3 * i2 + 1]; float nz2 = normals[3 * i2 + 2]; int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]); int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]); int argb2 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i2]); tess.fill(argb0); tess.normal(nx0, ny0, nz0); tess.vertex(x0, y0, z0, uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]); tess.fill(argb1); tess.normal(nx1, ny1, nz1); tess.vertex(x1, y1, z1, uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]); tess.fill(argb2); tess.normal(nx2, ny2, nz2); tess.vertex(x2, y2, z2, uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]); } else if (is2D()) { float x0 = vertices[4 * i0 + 0], y0 = vertices[4 * i0 + 1]; float x1 = vertices[4 * i1 + 0], y1 = vertices[4 * i1 + 1]; float x2 = vertices[4 * i2 + 0], y2 = vertices[4 * i2 + 1]; int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]); int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]); int argb2 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i2]); tess.fill(argb0); tess.vertex(x0, y0, uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]); tess.fill(argb1); tess.vertex(x1, y1, uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]); tess.fill(argb2); tess.vertex(x2, y2, uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]); } } } tess.endShape(); return tess; } // Testing this method, not use as it might go away... public float[] getTessellation(int kind, int data) { updateTessellation(); if (kind == TRIANGLES) { if (data == POSITION) { if (is3D()) { root.setModifiedPolyVertices(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } root.setModifiedPolyVertices(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } return tessGeo.polyVertices; } else if (data == NORMAL) { if (is3D()) { root.setModifiedPolyNormals(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } root.setModifiedPolyNormals(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } return tessGeo.polyNormals; } else if (data == TEXCOORD) { if (is3D()) { root.setModifiedPolyTexCoords(firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } else if (is2D()) { int last1 = lastPolyVertex + 1; if (-1 < firstLineVertex) { last1 = firstLineVertex; } if (-1 < firstPointVertex) { last1 = firstPointVertex; } root.setModifiedPolyTexCoords(firstPolyVertex, last1 - 1); } return tessGeo.polyTexCoords; } } else if (kind == LINES) { if (data == POSITION) { if (is3D()) { root.setModifiedLineVertices(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } else if (is2D()) { root.setModifiedPolyVertices(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } return tessGeo.lineVertices; } else if (data == DIRECTION) { if (is2D()) { root.setModifiedLineAttributes(firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } return tessGeo.lineDirections; } } else if (kind == POINTS) { if (data == POSITION) { if (is3D()) { root.setModifiedPointVertices(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } else if (is2D()) { root.setModifiedPolyVertices(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } return tessGeo.pointVertices; } else if (data == OFFSET) { if (is2D()) { root.setModifiedPointAttributes(firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } return tessGeo.pointOffsets; } } return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Geometry utils // http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html @Override public boolean contains(float x, float y) { if (family == PATH) { boolean c = false; for (int i = 0, j = inGeo.vertexCount - 1; i < inGeo.vertexCount; j = i++) { if (((inGeo.vertices[3 * i + 1] > y) != (inGeo.vertices[3 * j + 1] > y)) && (x < (inGeo.vertices[3 * j] - inGeo.vertices[3 * i]) * (y - inGeo.vertices[3 * i + 1]) / (inGeo.vertices[3 * j + 1] - inGeo.vertices[3 * i + 1]) + inGeo.vertices[3 * i])) { c = !c; } } return c; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The contains() method is only implemented for paths."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Tessellation protected void updateTessellation() { if (!root.tessellated) { root.tessellate(); root.aggregate(); root.initModified(); root.needBufferInit = true; } } protected void markForTessellation() { root.tessellated = false; tessellated = false; } protected void initModified() { modified = false; modifiedPolyVertices = false; modifiedPolyColors = false; modifiedPolyNormals = false; modifiedPolyTexCoords = false; modifiedPolyAmbient = false; modifiedPolySpecular = false; modifiedPolyEmissive = false; modifiedPolyShininess = false; modifiedLineVertices = false; modifiedLineColors = false; modifiedLineAttributes = false; modifiedPointVertices = false; modifiedPointColors = false; modifiedPointAttributes = false; firstModifiedPolyVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyNormal = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyNormal = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyTexcoord = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyTexcoord = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyAmbient = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyAmbient = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolySpecular = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolySpecular = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyEmissive = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyEmissive = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPolyShininess = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyShininess = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedLineVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedLineColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedLineAttribute = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineAttribute = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPointVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPointColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; firstModifiedPointAttribute = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointAttribute = PConstants.MIN_INT; } protected void tessellate() { if (root == this && parent == null) { // Root shape if (polyAttribs == null) { polyAttribs = PGraphicsOpenGL.newAttributeMap(); collectPolyAttribs(); } if (tessGeo == null) { tessGeo = PGraphicsOpenGL.newTessGeometry(pg, polyAttribs, PGraphicsOpenGL.RETAINED); } tessGeo.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < polyAttribs.size(); i++) { VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(i); tessGeo.initAttrib(attrib); } tessellateImpl(); // Tessellated arrays are trimmed since they are expanded // by doubling their old size, which might lead to arrays // larger than the vertex counts. tessGeo.trim(); } } protected void collectPolyAttribs() { AttributeMap rootAttribs = root.polyAttribs; if (family == GROUP) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.collectPolyAttribs(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < polyAttribs.size(); i++) { VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(i); tessGeo.initAttrib(attrib); if (rootAttribs.containsKey(attrib.name)) { VertexAttribute rattrib = rootAttribs.get(attrib.name); if (rattrib.diff(attrib)) { throw new RuntimeException("Children shapes cannot have different attributes with same name"); } } else { rootAttribs.put(attrib.name, attrib); } } } } protected void tessellateImpl() { tessGeo = root.tessGeo; firstPolyIndexCache = -1; lastPolyIndexCache = -1; firstLineIndexCache = -1; lastLineIndexCache = -1; firstPointIndexCache = -1; lastPointIndexCache = -1; if (family == GROUP) { if (polyAttribs == null) { polyAttribs = PGraphicsOpenGL.newAttributeMap(); collectPolyAttribs(); } for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.tessellateImpl(); } } else { if (shapeCreated) { // If the geometry was tessellated previously, then // the edges information will still be stored in the // input object, so it needs to be removed to avoid // duplication. inGeo.clearEdges(); tessellator.setInGeometry(inGeo); tessellator.setTessGeometry(tessGeo); tessellator.setFill(fill || image != null); tessellator.setTexCache(null, null); tessellator.setStroke(stroke); tessellator.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); tessellator.setStrokeWeight(strokeWeight); tessellator.setStrokeCap(strokeCap); tessellator.setStrokeJoin(strokeJoin); tessellator.setRenderer(pg); tessellator.setTransform(matrix); tessellator.set3D(is3D()); if (family == GEOMETRY) { if (kind == POINTS) { tessellator.tessellatePoints(); } else if (kind == LINES) { tessellator.tessellateLines(); } else if (kind == LINE_STRIP) { tessellator.tessellateLineStrip(); } else if (kind == LINE_LOOP) { tessellator.tessellateLineLoop(); } else if (kind == TRIANGLE || kind == TRIANGLES) { if (stroke) { inGeo.addTrianglesEdges(); } if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { inGeo.calcTrianglesNormals(); } tessellator.tessellateTriangles(); } else if (kind == TRIANGLE_FAN) { if (stroke) { inGeo.addTriangleFanEdges(); } if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { inGeo.calcTriangleFanNormals(); } tessellator.tessellateTriangleFan(); } else if (kind == TRIANGLE_STRIP) { if (stroke) { inGeo.addTriangleStripEdges(); } if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { inGeo.calcTriangleStripNormals(); } tessellator.tessellateTriangleStrip(); } else if (kind == QUAD || kind == QUADS) { if (stroke) { inGeo.addQuadsEdges(); } if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { inGeo.calcQuadsNormals(); } tessellator.tessellateQuads(); } else if (kind == QUAD_STRIP) { if (stroke) { inGeo.addQuadStripEdges(); } if (normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO) { inGeo.calcQuadStripNormals(); } tessellator.tessellateQuadStrip(); } else if (kind == POLYGON) { boolean bez = inGeo.hasBezierVertex(); boolean quad = inGeo.hasQuadraticVertex(); boolean curv = inGeo.hasCurveVertex(); if (bez || quad) { saveBezierVertexSettings(); } if (curv) { saveCurveVertexSettings(); tessellator.resetCurveVertexCount(); } tessellator.tessellatePolygon(solid, close, normalMode == NORMAL_MODE_AUTO); if (bez || quad) { restoreBezierVertexSettings(); } if (curv) { restoreCurveVertexSettings(); } } } else if (family == PRIMITIVE) { // The input geometry needs to be cleared because the geometry // generation methods in InGeometry add the vertices of the // new primitive to what is already stored. inGeo.clear(); if (kind == POINT) { tessellatePoint(); } else if (kind == LINE) { tessellateLine(); } else if (kind == TRIANGLE) { tessellateTriangle(); } else if (kind == QUAD) { tessellateQuad(); } else if (kind == RECT) { tessellateRect(); } else if (kind == ELLIPSE) { tessellateEllipse(); } else if (kind == ARC) { tessellateArc(); } else if (kind == BOX) { tessellateBox(); } else if (kind == SPHERE) { tessellateSphere(); } } else if (family == PATH) { inGeo.clear(); tessellatePath(); } if (image != null && parent != null) { ((PShapeOpenGL) parent).addTexture(image); } firstPolyIndexCache = tessellator.firstPolyIndexCache; lastPolyIndexCache = tessellator.lastPolyIndexCache; firstLineIndexCache = tessellator.firstLineIndexCache; lastLineIndexCache = tessellator.lastLineIndexCache; firstPointIndexCache = tessellator.firstPointIndexCache; lastPointIndexCache = tessellator.lastPointIndexCache; } } firstPolyVertex = lastPolyVertex = -1; firstLineVertex = lastLineVertex = -1; firstPointVertex = lastPointVertex = -1; tessellated = true; } protected void tessellatePoint() { float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; if (params.length == 2) { x = params[0]; y = params[1]; z = 0; } else if (params.length == 3) { x = params[0]; y = params[1]; z = params[2]; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addPoint(x, y, z, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellatePoints(); } protected void tessellateLine() { float x1 = 0, y1 = 0, z1 = 0; float x2 = 0, y2 = 0, z2 = 0; if (params.length == 4) { x1 = params[0]; y1 = params[1]; x2 = params[2]; y2 = params[3]; } else if (params.length == 6) { x1 = params[0]; y1 = params[1]; z1 = params[2]; x2 = params[3]; y2 = params[4]; z2 = params[5]; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addLine(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellateLines(); } protected void tessellateTriangle() { float x1 = 0, y1 = 0; float x2 = 0, y2 = 0; float x3 = 0, y3 = 0; if (params.length == 6) { x1 = params[0]; y1 = params[1]; x2 = params[2]; y2 = params[3]; x3 = params[4]; y3 = params[5]; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addTriangle(x1, y1, 0, x2, y2, 0, x3, y3, 0, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellateTriangles(); } protected void tessellateQuad() { float x1 = 0, y1 = 0; float x2 = 0, y2 = 0; float x3 = 0, y3 = 0; float x4 = 0, y4 = 0; if (params.length == 8) { x1 = params[0]; y1 = params[1]; x2 = params[2]; y2 = params[3]; x3 = params[4]; y3 = params[5]; x4 = params[6]; y4 = params[7]; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addQuad(x1, y1, 0, x2, y2, 0, x3, y3, 0, x4, y4, 0, stroke); tessellator.tessellateQuads(); } protected void tessellateRect() { float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; float tl = 0, tr = 0, br = 0, bl = 0; boolean rounded = false; int mode = rectMode; if (params.length == 4 || params.length == 5) { a = params[0]; b = params[1]; c = params[2]; d = params[3]; rounded = false; if (params.length == 5) { tl = params[4]; tr = params[4]; br = params[4]; bl = params[4]; rounded = true; } } else if (params.length == 8) { a = params[0]; b = params[1]; c = params[2]; d = params[3]; tl = params[4]; tr = params[5]; br = params[6]; bl = params[7]; rounded = true; } float hradius, vradius; switch (mode) { case CORNERS: break; case CORNER: c += a; d += b; break; case RADIUS: hradius = c; vradius = d; c = a + hradius; d = b + vradius; a -= hradius; b -= vradius; break; case CENTER: hradius = c / 2.0f; vradius = d / 2.0f; c = a + hradius; d = b + vradius; a -= hradius; b -= vradius; } if (a > c) { float temp = a; a = c; c = temp; } if (b > d) { float temp = b; b = d; d = temp; } float maxRounding = PApplet.min((c - a) / 2, (d - b) / 2); if (tl > maxRounding) { tl = maxRounding; } if (tr > maxRounding) { tr = maxRounding; } if (br > maxRounding) { br = maxRounding; } if (bl > maxRounding) { bl = maxRounding; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); if (rounded) { saveBezierVertexSettings(); inGeo.addRect(a, b, c, d, tl, tr, br, bl, stroke); tessellator.tessellatePolygon(true, true, true); restoreBezierVertexSettings(); } else { inGeo.addRect(a, b, c, d, stroke); tessellator.tessellateQuads(); } } protected void tessellateEllipse() { float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; int mode = ellipseMode; if (4 <= params.length) { a = params[0]; b = params[1]; c = params[2]; d = params[3]; } float x = a; float y = b; float w = c; float h = d; if (mode == CORNERS) { w = c - a; h = d - b; } else if (mode == RADIUS) { x = a - c; y = b - d; w = c * 2; h = d * 2; } else if (mode == DIAMETER) { x = a - c / 2f; y = b - d / 2f; } if (w < 0) { // undo negative width x += w; w = -w; } if (h < 0) { // undo negative height y += h; h = -h; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addEllipse(x, y, w, h, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellateTriangleFan(); } protected void tessellateArc() { float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; float start = 0, stop = 0; int mode = ellipseMode; int arcMode = 0; if (6 <= params.length) { a = params[0]; b = params[1]; c = params[2]; d = params[3]; start = params[4]; stop = params[5]; if (params.length == 7) { arcMode = (int) (params[6]); } } float x = a; float y = b; float w = c; float h = d; if (mode == CORNERS) { w = c - a; h = d - b; } else if (mode == RADIUS) { x = a - c; y = b - d; w = c * 2; h = d * 2; } else if (mode == CENTER) { x = a - c / 2f; y = b - d / 2f; } // make sure the loop will exit before starting while if (!Float.isInfinite(start) && !Float.isInfinite(stop)) { // ignore equal and degenerate cases if (stop > start) { // make sure that we're starting at a useful point while (start < 0) { start += TWO_PI; stop += TWO_PI; } if (stop - start > TWO_PI) { // don't change start, it is visible in PIE mode stop = start + TWO_PI; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.setNormal(normalX, normalY, normalZ); inGeo.addArc(x, y, w, h, start, stop, fill, stroke, arcMode); tessellator.tessellateTriangleFan(); } } } protected void tessellateBox() { float w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; if (params.length == 1) { w = h = d = params[0]; } else if (params.length == 3) { w = params[0]; h = params[1]; d = params[2]; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); inGeo.addBox(w, h, d, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellateQuads(); } protected void tessellateSphere() { float r = 0; int nu = sphereDetailU; int nv = sphereDetailV; if (1 <= params.length) { r = params[0]; if (params.length == 2) { nu = nv = (int) params[1]; } else if (params.length == 3) { nu = (int) params[1]; nv = (int) params[2]; } } if (nu < 3 || nv < 2) { nu = nv = 30; } int savedDetailU = pg.sphereDetailU; int savedDetailV = pg.sphereDetailV; if (pg.sphereDetailU != nu || pg.sphereDetailV != nv) { pg.sphereDetail(nu, nv); } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); int[] indices = inGeo.addSphere(r, nu, nv, fill, stroke); tessellator.tessellateTriangles(indices); if ((0 < savedDetailU && savedDetailU != nu) || (0 < savedDetailV && savedDetailV != nv)) { pg.sphereDetail(savedDetailU, savedDetailV); } } protected void tessellatePath() { if (vertices == null) { return; } inGeo.setMaterial(fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWeight, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, shininess); if (vertexCodeCount == 0) { // each point is a simple vertex if (vertices[0].length == 2) { // tessellating 2D vertices for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { inGeo.addVertex(vertices[i][X], vertices[i][Y], VERTEX, false); } } else { // drawing 3D vertices for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { inGeo.addVertex(vertices[i][X], vertices[i][Y], vertices[i][Z], VERTEX, false); } } } else { // coded set of vertices int idx = 0; boolean brk = true; if (vertices[0].length == 2) { // tessellating a 2D path for (int j = 0; j < vertexCodeCount; j++) { switch (vertexCodes[j]) { case VERTEX: inGeo.addVertex(vertices[idx][X], vertices[idx][Y], VERTEX, brk); brk = false; idx++; break; case QUADRATIC_VERTEX: inGeo.addQuadraticVertex(vertices[idx + 0][X], vertices[idx + 0][Y], 0, vertices[idx + 1][X], vertices[idx + 1][Y], 0, brk); brk = false; idx += 2; break; case BEZIER_VERTEX: inGeo.addBezierVertex(vertices[idx + 0][X], vertices[idx + 0][Y], 0, vertices[idx + 1][X], vertices[idx + 1][Y], 0, vertices[idx + 2][X], vertices[idx + 2][Y], 0, brk); brk = false; idx += 3; break; case CURVE_VERTEX: inGeo.addCurveVertex(vertices[idx][X], vertices[idx][Y], 0, brk); brk = false; idx++; break; case BREAK: brk = true; } } } else { // tessellating a 3D path for (int j = 0; j < vertexCodeCount; j++) { switch (vertexCodes[j]) { case VERTEX: inGeo.addVertex(vertices[idx][X], vertices[idx][Y], vertices[idx][Z], brk); brk = false; idx++; break; case QUADRATIC_VERTEX: inGeo.addQuadraticVertex(vertices[idx + 0][X], vertices[idx + 0][Y], vertices[idx + 0][Z], vertices[idx + 1][X], vertices[idx + 1][Y], vertices[idx + 0][Z], brk); brk = false; idx += 2; break; case BEZIER_VERTEX: inGeo.addBezierVertex(vertices[idx + 0][X], vertices[idx + 0][Y], vertices[idx + 0][Z], vertices[idx + 1][X], vertices[idx + 1][Y], vertices[idx + 1][Z], vertices[idx + 2][X], vertices[idx + 2][Y], vertices[idx + 2][Z], brk); brk = false; idx += 3; break; case CURVE_VERTEX: inGeo.addCurveVertex(vertices[idx][X], vertices[idx][Y], vertices[idx][Z], brk); brk = false; idx++; break; case BREAK: brk = true; } } } } boolean bez = inGeo.hasBezierVertex(); boolean quad = inGeo.hasQuadraticVertex(); boolean curv = inGeo.hasCurveVertex(); if (bez || quad) { saveBezierVertexSettings(); } if (curv) { saveCurveVertexSettings(); tessellator.resetCurveVertexCount(); } tessellator.tessellatePolygon(true, close, true); if (bez || quad) { restoreBezierVertexSettings(); } if (curv) { restoreCurveVertexSettings(); } } protected void saveBezierVertexSettings() { savedBezierDetail = pg.bezierDetail; if (pg.bezierDetail != bezierDetail) { pg.bezierDetail(bezierDetail); } } protected void restoreBezierVertexSettings() { if (savedBezierDetail != bezierDetail) { pg.bezierDetail(savedBezierDetail); } } protected void saveCurveVertexSettings() { savedCurveDetail = pg.curveDetail; savedCurveTightness = pg.curveTightness; if (pg.curveDetail != curveDetail) { pg.curveDetail(curveDetail); } if (pg.curveTightness != curveTightness) { pg.curveTightness(curveTightness); } } protected void restoreCurveVertexSettings() { if (savedCurveDetail != curveDetail) { pg.curveDetail(savedCurveDetail); } if (savedCurveTightness != curveTightness) { pg.curveTightness(savedCurveTightness); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Aggregation protected void aggregate() { if (root == this && parent == null) { // Initializing auxiliary variables in root node // needed for aggregation. polyIndexOffset = 0; polyVertexOffset = 0; polyVertexAbs = 0; polyVertexRel = 0; lineIndexOffset = 0; lineVertexOffset = 0; lineVertexAbs = 0; lineVertexRel = 0; pointIndexOffset = 0; pointVertexOffset = 0; pointVertexAbs = 0; pointVertexRel = 0; // Recursive aggregation. aggregateImpl(); } } // This method is very important, as it is responsible of generating the // correct vertex and index offsets for each level of the shape hierarchy. // This is the core of the recursive algorithm that calculates the indices // for the vertices accumulated in a single VBO. // Basically, the algorithm traverses all the shapes in the hierarchy and // updates the index cache for each child shape holding geometry (those being // the leaf nodes in the hierarchy tree), and creates index caches for the // group shapes so that the draw() method can be called from any shape in the // hierarchy and the correct piece of geometry will be rendered. // // For example, in the following hierarchy: // // ROOT GROUP // | // /-----------------0-----------------\ // | | // CHILD GROUP 0 CHILD GROUP 1 // | | // | /---------------0-----------------\ // | | | | // GEO SHAPE 0 GEO SHAPE 0 GEO SHAPE 1 GEO SHAPE 2 // 4 vertices 5 vertices 6 vertices 3 vertices // // calling draw() from the root group should result in all the // vertices (4 + 5 + 6 + 3 = 18) being rendered, while calling // draw() from either child groups 0 or 1 should result in the first // 4 vertices or the last 14 vertices being rendered, respectively. protected void aggregateImpl() { if (family == GROUP) { // Recursively aggregating the child shapes. hasPolys = false; hasLines = false; hasPoints = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; child.aggregateImpl(); hasPolys |= child.hasPolys; hasLines |= child.hasLines; hasPoints |= child.hasPoints; } } else { // LEAF SHAPE (family either GEOMETRY, PATH or PRIMITIVE) hasPolys = -1 < firstPolyIndexCache && -1 < lastPolyIndexCache; hasLines = -1 < firstLineIndexCache && -1 < lastLineIndexCache; hasPoints = -1 < firstPointIndexCache && -1 < lastPointIndexCache; } if (hasPolys) { updatePolyIndexCache(); } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { updateLineIndexCache(); } if (hasPoints) { updatePointIndexCache(); } } if (matrix != null) { // Some geometric transformations were applied on // this shape before tessellation, so they are applied now. if (hasPolys) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnPolyGeometry(matrix, firstPolyVertex, lastPolyVertex); } if (is3D()) { if (hasLines) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnLineGeometry(matrix, firstLineVertex, lastLineVertex); } if (hasPoints) { tessGeo.applyMatrixOnPointGeometry(matrix, firstPointVertex, lastPointVertex); } } } } // Updates the index cache for the range that corresponds to this shape. protected void updatePolyIndexCache() { IndexCache cache = tessGeo.polyIndexCache; if (family == GROUP) { // Updates the index cache to include the elements corresponding to // a group shape, using the cache entries of the child shapes. The // index cache has a pyramidal structure where the base is formed // by the entries corresponding to the leaf (geometry) shapes, and // each subsequent level is determined by the higher-level group shapes // The index pyramid is flattened into arrays in order to use simple // data structures, so each shape needs to store the positions in the // cache that corresponds to itself. // The index ranges of the child shapes that share the vertex offset // are unified into a single range in the parent level. firstPolyIndexCache = lastPolyIndexCache = -1; int gindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; int first = child.firstPolyIndexCache; int count = -1 < first ? child.lastPolyIndexCache - first + 1 : -1; for (int n = first; n < first + count; n++) { if (gindex == -1) { gindex = cache.addNew(n); firstPolyIndexCache = gindex; } else { if (cache.vertexOffset[gindex] == cache.vertexOffset[n]) { // When the vertex offsets are the same, this means that the // current index range in the group shape can be extended to // include the index range in the current child shape. // This is a result of how the indices are updated for the // leaf shapes. cache.incCounts(gindex, cache.indexCount[n], cache.vertexCount[n]); } else { gindex = cache.addNew(n); } } } // Updating the first and last poly vertices for this group shape. if (-1 < child.firstPolyVertex) { if (firstPolyVertex == -1) { firstPolyVertex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } firstPolyVertex = PApplet.min(firstPolyVertex, child.firstPolyVertex); } if (-1 < child.lastPolyVertex) { lastPolyVertex = PApplet.max(lastPolyVertex, child.lastPolyVertex); } } lastPolyIndexCache = gindex; } else { // The index cache is updated in order to reflect the fact that all // the vertices will be stored in a single VBO in the root shape. // This update works as follows (the methodology is the same for // poly, line and point): the VertexAbs variable in the root shape // stores the index of the last vertex up to this shape (plus one) // without taking into consideration the MAX_VERTEX_INDEX limit, so // it effectively runs over the entire range. // VertexRel, on the other hand, is reset every time the limit is // exceeded, therefore creating the start of a new index group in the // root shape. When this happens, the indices in the child shape need // to be restarted as well to reflect the new index offset. firstPolyVertex = lastPolyVertex = cache.vertexOffset[firstPolyIndexCache]; for (int n = firstPolyIndexCache; n <= lastPolyIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int vcount = cache.vertexCount[n]; if (PGL.MAX_VERTEX_INDEX1 <= root.polyVertexRel + vcount || // Too many vertices already signal the start of a new cache... (is2D() && startStrokedTex(n))) { // ... or, in 2D, the beginning of line or points. root.polyVertexRel = 0; root.polyVertexOffset = root.polyVertexAbs; cache.indexOffset[n] = root.polyIndexOffset; } else { tessGeo.incPolyIndices(ioffset, ioffset + icount - 1, root.polyVertexRel); } cache.vertexOffset[n] = root.polyVertexOffset; if (is2D()) { setFirstStrokeVertex(n, lastPolyVertex); } root.polyIndexOffset += icount; root.polyVertexAbs += vcount; root.polyVertexRel += vcount; lastPolyVertex += vcount; } lastPolyVertex--; if (is2D()) { setLastStrokeVertex(lastPolyVertex); } } } protected boolean startStrokedTex(int n) { return image != null && (n == firstLineIndexCache || n == firstPointIndexCache); } protected void setFirstStrokeVertex(int n, int vert) { if (n == firstLineIndexCache && firstLineVertex == -1) { firstLineVertex = lastLineVertex = vert; } if (n == firstPointIndexCache && firstPointVertex == -1) { firstPointVertex = lastPointVertex = vert; } } protected void setLastStrokeVertex(int vert) { if (-1 < lastLineVertex) { lastLineVertex = vert; } if (-1 < lastPointVertex) { lastPointVertex += vert; } } protected void updateLineIndexCache() { IndexCache cache = tessGeo.lineIndexCache; if (family == GROUP) { firstLineIndexCache = lastLineIndexCache = -1; int gindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; int first = child.firstLineIndexCache; int count = -1 < first ? child.lastLineIndexCache - first + 1 : -1; for (int n = first; n < first + count; n++) { if (gindex == -1) { gindex = cache.addNew(n); firstLineIndexCache = gindex; } else { if (cache.vertexOffset[gindex] == cache.vertexOffset[n]) { cache.incCounts(gindex, cache.indexCount[n], cache.vertexCount[n]); } else { gindex = cache.addNew(n); } } } // Updating the first and last line vertices for this group shape. if (-1 < child.firstLineVertex) { if (firstLineVertex == -1) { firstLineVertex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } firstLineVertex = PApplet.min(firstLineVertex, child.firstLineVertex); } if (-1 < child.lastLineVertex) { lastLineVertex = PApplet.max(lastLineVertex, child.lastLineVertex); } } lastLineIndexCache = gindex; } else { firstLineVertex = lastLineVertex = cache.vertexOffset[firstLineIndexCache]; for (int n = firstLineIndexCache; n <= lastLineIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int vcount = cache.vertexCount[n]; if (PGL.MAX_VERTEX_INDEX1 <= root.lineVertexRel + vcount) { root.lineVertexRel = 0; root.lineVertexOffset = root.lineVertexAbs; cache.indexOffset[n] = root.lineIndexOffset; } else { tessGeo.incLineIndices(ioffset, ioffset + icount - 1, root.lineVertexRel); } cache.vertexOffset[n] = root.lineVertexOffset; root.lineIndexOffset += icount; root.lineVertexAbs += vcount; root.lineVertexRel += vcount; lastLineVertex += vcount; } lastLineVertex--; } } protected void updatePointIndexCache() { IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache; if (family == GROUP) { firstPointIndexCache = lastPointIndexCache = -1; int gindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i]; int first = child.firstPointIndexCache; int count = -1 < first ? child.lastPointIndexCache - first + 1 : -1; for (int n = first; n < first + count; n++) { if (gindex == -1) { gindex = cache.addNew(n); firstPointIndexCache = gindex; } else { if (cache.vertexOffset[gindex] == cache.vertexOffset[n]) { // When the vertex offsets are the same, this means that the // current index range in the group shape can be extended to // include either the index range in the current child shape. // This is a result of how the indices are updated for the // leaf shapes in aggregateImpl(). cache.incCounts(gindex, cache.indexCount[n], cache.vertexCount[n]); } else { gindex = cache.addNew(n); } } } // Updating the first and last point vertices for this group shape. if (-1 < child.firstPointVertex) { if (firstPointVertex == -1) { firstPointVertex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } firstPointVertex = PApplet.min(firstPointVertex, child.firstPointVertex); } if (-1 < child.lastPointVertex) { lastPointVertex = PApplet.max(lastPointVertex, child.lastPointVertex); } } lastPointIndexCache = gindex; } else { firstPointVertex = lastPointVertex = cache.vertexOffset[firstPointIndexCache]; for (int n = firstPointIndexCache; n <= lastPointIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int vcount = cache.vertexCount[n]; if (PGL.MAX_VERTEX_INDEX1 <= root.pointVertexRel + vcount) { root.pointVertexRel = 0; root.pointVertexOffset = root.pointVertexAbs; cache.indexOffset[n] = root.pointIndexOffset; } else { tessGeo.incPointIndices(ioffset, ioffset + icount - 1, root.pointVertexRel); } cache.vertexOffset[n] = root.pointVertexOffset; root.pointIndexOffset += icount; root.pointVertexAbs += vcount; root.pointVertexRel += vcount; lastPointVertex += vcount; } lastPointVertex--; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Buffer initialization protected void initBuffers() { boolean outdated = contextIsOutdated(); context = pgl.getCurrentContext(); if (hasPolys && (needBufferInit || outdated)) { initPolyBuffers(); } if (hasLines && (needBufferInit || outdated)) { initLineBuffers(); } if (hasPoints && (needBufferInit || outdated)) { initPointBuffers(); } needBufferInit = false; } protected void initPolyBuffers() { int size = tessGeo.polyVertexCount; int sizef = size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT; int sizei = size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT; tessGeo.updatePolyVerticesBuffer(); if (bufPolyVertex == null) { bufPolyVertex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyVertex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * sizef, tessGeo.polyVerticesBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyColorsBuffer(); if (bufPolyColor == null) { bufPolyColor = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyColor.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.polyColorsBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyNormalsBuffer(); if (bufPolyNormal == null) { bufPolyNormal = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 3, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyNormal.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 3 * sizef, tessGeo.polyNormalsBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyTexCoordsBuffer(); if (bufPolyTexcoord == null) { bufPolyTexcoord = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyTexcoord.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2 * sizef, tessGeo.polyTexCoordsBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyAmbientBuffer(); if (bufPolyAmbient == null) { bufPolyAmbient = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyAmbient.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.polyAmbientBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolySpecularBuffer(); if (bufPolySpecular == null) { bufPolySpecular = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolySpecular.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.polySpecularBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyEmissiveBuffer(); if (bufPolyEmissive == null) { bufPolyEmissive = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyEmissive.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.polyEmissiveBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePolyShininessBuffer(); if (bufPolyShininess == null) { bufPolyShininess = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyShininess.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizef, tessGeo.polyShininessBuffer, glUsage); for (String name : polyAttribs.keySet()) { VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); tessGeo.updateAttribBuffer(attrib.name); if (!attrib.bufferCreated()) { attrib.createBuffer(pgl); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib.buf.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib.sizeInBytes(size), tessGeo.polyAttribBuffers.get(name), glUsage); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); tessGeo.updatePolyIndicesBuffer(); if (bufPolyIndex == null) { bufPolyIndex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, true); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyIndex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tessGeo.polyIndexCount * PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, tessGeo.polyIndicesBuffer, glUsage); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void initLineBuffers() { int size = tessGeo.lineVertexCount; int sizef = size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT; int sizei = size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT; tessGeo.updateLineVerticesBuffer(); if (bufLineVertex == null) { bufLineVertex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineVertex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * sizef, tessGeo.lineVerticesBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updateLineColorsBuffer(); if (bufLineColor == null) { bufLineColor = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineColor.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.lineColorsBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updateLineDirectionsBuffer(); if (bufLineAttrib == null) { bufLineAttrib = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineAttrib.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * sizef, tessGeo.lineDirectionsBuffer, glUsage); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); tessGeo.updateLineIndicesBuffer(); if (bufLineIndex == null) { bufLineIndex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, true); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineIndex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tessGeo.lineIndexCount * PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, tessGeo.lineIndicesBuffer, glUsage); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void initPointBuffers() { int size = tessGeo.pointVertexCount; int sizef = size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT; int sizei = size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT; tessGeo.updatePointVerticesBuffer(); if (bufPointVertex == null) { bufPointVertex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointVertex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * sizef, tessGeo.pointVerticesBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePointColorsBuffer(); if (bufPointColor == null) { bufPointColor = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointColor.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, sizei, tessGeo.pointColorsBuffer, glUsage); tessGeo.updatePointOffsetsBuffer(); if (bufPointAttrib == null) { bufPointAttrib = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2, PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointAttrib.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2 * sizef, tessGeo.pointOffsetsBuffer, glUsage); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); tessGeo.updatePointIndicesBuffer(); if (bufPointIndex == null) { bufPointIndex = new VertexBuffer(pg, PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 1, PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, true); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointIndex.glId); pgl.bufferData(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tessGeo.pointIndexCount * PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX, tessGeo.pointIndicesBuffer, glUsage); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected boolean contextIsOutdated() { boolean outdated = !pgl.contextIsCurrent(context); if (outdated) { bufPolyVertex.dispose(); bufPolyColor.dispose(); bufPolyNormal.dispose(); bufPolyTexcoord.dispose(); bufPolyAmbient.dispose(); bufPolySpecular.dispose(); bufPolyEmissive.dispose(); bufPolyShininess.dispose(); for (VertexAttribute attrib : polyAttribs.values()) { attrib.buf.dispose(); } bufPolyIndex.dispose(); bufLineVertex.dispose(); bufLineColor.dispose(); bufLineAttrib.dispose(); bufLineIndex.dispose(); bufPointVertex.dispose(); bufPointColor.dispose(); bufPointAttrib.dispose(); bufPointIndex.dispose(); } return outdated; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Geometry update protected void updateGeometry() { root.initBuffers(); if (root.modified) { root.updateGeometryImpl(); } } protected void updateGeometryImpl() { if (modifiedPolyVertices) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyVertex; int size = lastModifiedPolyVertex - offset + 1; copyPolyVertices(offset, size); modifiedPolyVertices = false; firstModifiedPolyVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyColors) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyColor; int size = lastModifiedPolyColor - offset + 1; copyPolyColors(offset, size); modifiedPolyColors = false; firstModifiedPolyColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyNormals) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyNormal; int size = lastModifiedPolyNormal - offset + 1; copyPolyNormals(offset, size); modifiedPolyNormals = false; firstModifiedPolyNormal = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyNormal = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyTexCoords) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyTexcoord; int size = lastModifiedPolyTexcoord - offset + 1; copyPolyTexCoords(offset, size); modifiedPolyTexCoords = false; firstModifiedPolyTexcoord = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyTexcoord = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyAmbient) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyAmbient; int size = lastModifiedPolyAmbient - offset + 1; copyPolyAmbient(offset, size); modifiedPolyAmbient = false; firstModifiedPolyAmbient = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyAmbient = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolySpecular) { int offset = firstModifiedPolySpecular; int size = lastModifiedPolySpecular - offset + 1; copyPolySpecular(offset, size); modifiedPolySpecular = false; firstModifiedPolySpecular = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolySpecular = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyEmissive) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyEmissive; int size = lastModifiedPolyEmissive - offset + 1; copyPolyEmissive(offset, size); modifiedPolyEmissive = false; firstModifiedPolyEmissive = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyEmissive = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPolyShininess) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyShininess; int size = lastModifiedPolyShininess - offset + 1; copyPolyShininess(offset, size); modifiedPolyShininess = false; firstModifiedPolyShininess = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPolyShininess = PConstants.MIN_INT; } for (String name : polyAttribs.keySet()) { VertexAttribute attrib = polyAttribs.get(name); if (attrib.modified) { int offset = firstModifiedPolyVertex; int size = lastModifiedPolyVertex - offset + 1; copyPolyAttrib(attrib, offset, size); attrib.modified = false; attrib.firstModified = PConstants.MAX_INT; attrib.lastModified = PConstants.MIN_INT; } } if (modifiedLineVertices) { int offset = firstModifiedLineVertex; int size = lastModifiedLineVertex - offset + 1; copyLineVertices(offset, size); modifiedLineVertices = false; firstModifiedLineVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedLineColors) { int offset = firstModifiedLineColor; int size = lastModifiedLineColor - offset + 1; copyLineColors(offset, size); modifiedLineColors = false; firstModifiedLineColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedLineAttributes) { int offset = firstModifiedLineAttribute; int size = lastModifiedLineAttribute - offset + 1; copyLineAttributes(offset, size); modifiedLineAttributes = false; firstModifiedLineAttribute = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedLineAttribute = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPointVertices) { int offset = firstModifiedPointVertex; int size = lastModifiedPointVertex - offset + 1; copyPointVertices(offset, size); modifiedPointVertices = false; firstModifiedPointVertex = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointVertex = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPointColors) { int offset = firstModifiedPointColor; int size = lastModifiedPointColor - offset + 1; copyPointColors(offset, size); modifiedPointColors = false; firstModifiedPointColor = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointColor = PConstants.MIN_INT; } if (modifiedPointAttributes) { int offset = firstModifiedPointAttribute; int size = lastModifiedPointAttribute - offset + 1; copyPointAttributes(offset, size); modifiedPointAttributes = false; firstModifiedPointAttribute = PConstants.MAX_INT; lastModifiedPointAttribute = PConstants.MIN_INT; } modified = false; } protected void copyPolyVertices(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyVerticesBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyVertex.glId); tessGeo.polyVerticesBuffer.position(4 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 4 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.polyVerticesBuffer); tessGeo.polyVerticesBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyColors(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyColorsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyColor.glId); tessGeo.polyColorsBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.polyColorsBuffer); tessGeo.polyColorsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyNormals(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyNormalsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyNormal.glId); tessGeo.polyNormalsBuffer.position(3 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 3 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 3 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.polyNormalsBuffer); tessGeo.polyNormalsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyTexCoords(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyTexCoordsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyTexcoord.glId); tessGeo.polyTexCoordsBuffer.position(2 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 2 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.polyTexCoordsBuffer); tessGeo.polyTexCoordsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyAmbient(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyAmbientBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyAmbient.glId); tessGeo.polyAmbientBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.polyAmbientBuffer); tessGeo.polyAmbientBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolySpecular(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolySpecularBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolySpecular.glId); tessGeo.polySpecularBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.polySpecularBuffer); tessGeo.polySpecularBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyEmissive(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyEmissiveBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyEmissive.glId); tessGeo.polyEmissiveBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.polyEmissiveBuffer); tessGeo.polyEmissiveBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyShininess(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePolyShininessBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPolyShininess.glId); tessGeo.polyShininessBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.polyShininessBuffer); tessGeo.polyShininessBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPolyAttrib(VertexAttribute attrib, int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updateAttribBuffer(attrib.name, offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib.buf.glId); Buffer buf = tessGeo.polyAttribBuffers.get(attrib.name); buf.position(attrib.size * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib.sizeInBytes(offset), attrib.sizeInBytes(size), buf); buf.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyLineVertices(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updateLineVerticesBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineVertex.glId); tessGeo.lineVerticesBuffer.position(4 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 4 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.lineVerticesBuffer); tessGeo.lineVerticesBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyLineColors(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updateLineColorsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineColor.glId); tessGeo.lineColorsBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.lineColorsBuffer); tessGeo.lineColorsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyLineAttributes(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updateLineDirectionsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufLineAttrib.glId); tessGeo.lineDirectionsBuffer.position(4 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 4 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.lineDirectionsBuffer); tessGeo.lineDirectionsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPointVertices(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePointVerticesBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointVertex.glId); tessGeo.pointVerticesBuffer.position(4 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 4 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.pointVerticesBuffer); tessGeo.pointVerticesBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPointColors(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePointColorsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointColor.glId); tessGeo.pointColorsBuffer.position(offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, size * PGL.SIZEOF_INT, tessGeo.pointColorsBuffer); tessGeo.pointColorsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void copyPointAttributes(int offset, int size) { tessGeo.updatePointOffsetsBuffer(offset, size); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufPointAttrib.glId); tessGeo.pointOffsetsBuffer.position(2 * offset); pgl.bufferSubData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 2 * offset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 2 * size * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT, tessGeo.pointOffsetsBuffer); tessGeo.pointOffsetsBuffer.rewind(); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } protected void setModifiedPolyVertices(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyVertex) { firstModifiedPolyVertex = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyVertex) { lastModifiedPolyVertex = last; } modifiedPolyVertices = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyColors(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyColor) { firstModifiedPolyColor = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyColor) { lastModifiedPolyColor = last; } modifiedPolyColors = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyNormals(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyNormal) { firstModifiedPolyNormal = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyNormal) { lastModifiedPolyNormal = last; } modifiedPolyNormals = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyTexCoords(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyTexcoord) { firstModifiedPolyTexcoord = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyTexcoord) { lastModifiedPolyTexcoord = last; } modifiedPolyTexCoords = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyAmbient(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyAmbient) { firstModifiedPolyAmbient = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyAmbient) { lastModifiedPolyAmbient = last; } modifiedPolyAmbient = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolySpecular(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolySpecular) { firstModifiedPolySpecular = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolySpecular) { lastModifiedPolySpecular = last; } modifiedPolySpecular = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyEmissive(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyEmissive) { firstModifiedPolyEmissive = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyEmissive) { lastModifiedPolyEmissive = last; } modifiedPolyEmissive = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyShininess(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPolyShininess) { firstModifiedPolyShininess = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPolyShininess) { lastModifiedPolyShininess = last; } modifiedPolyShininess = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPolyAttrib(VertexAttribute attrib, int first, int last) { if (first < attrib.firstModified) { attrib.firstModified = first; } if (last > attrib.lastModified) { attrib.lastModified = last; } attrib.modified = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedLineVertices(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedLineVertex) { firstModifiedLineVertex = first; } if (last > lastModifiedLineVertex) { lastModifiedLineVertex = last; } modifiedLineVertices = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedLineColors(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedLineColor) { firstModifiedLineColor = first; } if (last > lastModifiedLineColor) { lastModifiedLineColor = last; } modifiedLineColors = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedLineAttributes(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedLineAttribute) { firstModifiedLineAttribute = first; } if (last > lastModifiedLineAttribute) { lastModifiedLineAttribute = last; } modifiedLineAttributes = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPointVertices(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPointVertex) { firstModifiedPointVertex = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPointVertex) { lastModifiedPointVertex = last; } modifiedPointVertices = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPointColors(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPointColor) { firstModifiedPointColor = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPointColor) { lastModifiedPointColor = last; } modifiedPointColors = true; modified = true; } protected void setModifiedPointAttributes(int first, int last) { if (first < firstModifiedPointAttribute) { firstModifiedPointAttribute = first; } if (last > lastModifiedPointAttribute) { lastModifiedPointAttribute = last; } modifiedPointAttributes = true; modified = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Style handling @Override public void disableStyle() { if (openShape) { PGraphics.showWarning(INSIDE_BEGIN_END_ERROR, "disableStyle()"); return; } // Saving the current values to use if the style is re-enabled later savedStroke = stroke; savedStrokeColor = strokeColor; savedStrokeWeight = strokeWeight; savedStrokeCap = strokeCap; savedStrokeJoin = strokeJoin; savedFill = fill; savedFillColor = fillColor; savedTint = tint; savedTintColor = tintColor; savedAmbientColor = ambientColor; savedSpecularColor = specularColor; savedEmissiveColor = emissiveColor; savedShininess = shininess; savedTextureMode = textureMode; super.disableStyle(); } @Override public void enableStyle() { if (savedStroke) { setStroke(true); setStroke(savedStrokeColor); setStrokeWeight(savedStrokeWeight); setStrokeCap(savedStrokeCap); setStrokeJoin(savedStrokeJoin); } else { setStroke(false); } if (savedFill) { setFill(true); setFill(savedFillColor); } else { setFill(false); } if (savedTint) { setTint(true); setTint(savedTintColor); } setAmbient(savedAmbientColor); setSpecular(savedSpecularColor); setEmissive(savedEmissiveColor); setShininess(savedShininess); if (image != null) { setTextureMode(savedTextureMode); } super.enableStyle(); } @Override protected void styles(PGraphics g) { if (g instanceof PGraphicsOpenGL) { if (g.stroke) { setStroke(true); setStroke(g.strokeColor); setStrokeWeight(g.strokeWeight); setStrokeCap(g.strokeCap); setStrokeJoin(g.strokeJoin); } else { setStroke(false); } if (g.fill) { setFill(true); setFill(g.fillColor); } else { setFill(false); } if (g.tint) { setTint(true); setTint(g.tintColor); } setAmbient(g.ambientColor); setSpecular(g.specularColor); setEmissive(g.emissiveColor); setShininess(g.shininess); if (image != null) { setTextureMode(g.textureMode); } } else { super.styles(g); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Rendering methods /* public void draw() { draw(pg); } */ @Override public void draw(PGraphics g) { if (g instanceof PGraphicsOpenGL) { PGraphicsOpenGL gl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g; if (visible) { pre(gl); updateTessellation(); updateGeometry(); if (family == GROUP) { if (fragmentedGroup(gl)) { for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { ((PShapeOpenGL) children[i]).draw(gl); } } else { PImage tex = null; if (textures != null && textures.size() == 1) { tex = (PImage) textures.toArray()[0]; } render(gl, tex); } } else { render(gl, image); } post(gl); } } else { if (family == GEOMETRY) { inGeoToVertices(); } pre(g); drawImpl(g); post(g); } } private void inGeoToVertices() { vertexCount = 0; vertexCodeCount = 0; if (inGeo.codeCount == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < inGeo.vertexCount; i++) { int index = 3 * i; float x = inGeo.vertices[index++]; float y = inGeo.vertices[index]; super.vertex(x, y); } } else { int v; float x, y; float cx, cy; float x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; int idx = 0; boolean insideContour = false; for (int j = 0; j < inGeo.codeCount; j++) { switch (inGeo.codes[j]) { case VERTEX: v = 3 * idx; x = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y = inGeo.vertices[v]; super.vertex(x, y); idx++; break; case QUADRATIC_VERTEX: v = 3 * idx; cx = inGeo.vertices[v++]; cy = inGeo.vertices[v]; v = 3 * (idx + 1); x3 = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y3 = inGeo.vertices[v]; super.quadraticVertex(cx, cy, x3, y3); idx += 2; break; case BEZIER_VERTEX: v = 3 * idx; x2 = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y2 = inGeo.vertices[v]; v = 3 * (idx + 1); x3 = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y3 = inGeo.vertices[v]; v = 3 * (idx + 2); x4 = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y4 = inGeo.vertices[v]; super.bezierVertex(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); idx += 3; break; case CURVE_VERTEX: v = 3 * idx; x = inGeo.vertices[v++]; y = inGeo.vertices[v]; super.curveVertex(x, y); idx++; break; case BREAK: if (insideContour) { super.endContourImpl(); } super.beginContourImpl(); insideContour = true; } } if (insideContour) { super.endContourImpl(); } } } // Returns true if some child shapes below this one either // use different texture maps (or only one texture is used by some while // others are untextured), or have stroked textures, // so they cannot rendered in a single call. // Or accurate 2D mode is enabled, which forces each // shape to be rendered separately. protected boolean fragmentedGroup(PGraphicsOpenGL g) { return g.getHint(DISABLE_OPTIMIZED_STROKE) || (textures != null && (1 < textures.size() || untexChild)) || strokedTexture; } @Override protected void pre(PGraphics g) { if (g instanceof PGraphicsOpenGL) { if (!style) { styles(g); } } else { super.pre(g); } } @Override protected void post(PGraphics g) { if (g instanceof PGraphicsOpenGL) { } else { super.post(g); } } @Override protected void drawGeometry(PGraphics g) { vertexCount = inGeo.vertexCount; vertices = inGeo.getVertexData(); super.drawGeometry(g); vertexCount = 0; vertices = null; } // Render the geometry stored in the root shape as VBOs, for the vertices // corresponding to this shape. Sometimes we can have root == this. protected void render(PGraphicsOpenGL g, PImage texture) { if (root == null) { // Some error. Root should never be null. At least it should be 'this'. throw new RuntimeException("Error rendering PShapeOpenGL, root shape is " + "null"); } if (hasPolys) { renderPolys(g, texture); if (g.haveRaw()) { rawPolys(g, texture); } } if (is3D()) { // In 3D mode, the lines and points need to be rendered separately // as they require their own shaders. if (hasLines) { renderLines(g); if (g.haveRaw()) { rawLines(g); } } if (hasPoints) { renderPoints(g); if (g.haveRaw()) { rawPoints(g); } } } } protected void renderPolys(PGraphicsOpenGL g, PImage textureImage) { boolean customShader = g.polyShader != null; boolean needNormals = customShader ? g.polyShader.accessNormals() : false; boolean needTexCoords = customShader ? g.polyShader.accessTexCoords() : false; Texture tex = textureImage != null ? g.getTexture(textureImage) : null; boolean renderingFill = false, renderingStroke = false; PShader shader = null; IndexCache cache = tessGeo.polyIndexCache; for (int n = firstPolyIndexCache; n <= lastPolyIndexCache; n++) { if (is3D() || (tex != null && (firstLineIndexCache == -1 || n < firstLineIndexCache) && (firstPointIndexCache == -1 || n < firstPointIndexCache))) { // Rendering fill triangles, which can be lit and textured. if (!renderingFill) { shader = g.getPolyShader(g.lights, tex != null); shader.bind(); renderingFill = true; } } else { // Rendering line or point triangles, which are never lit nor textured. if (!renderingStroke) { if (tex != null) { tex.unbind(); tex = null; } if (shader != null && shader.bound()) { shader.unbind(); } // If the renderer is 2D, then g.lights should always be false, // so no need to worry about that. shader = g.getPolyShader(g.lights, false); shader.bind(); renderingFill = false; renderingStroke = true; } } int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; shader.setVertexAttribute(root.bufPolyVertex.glId, 4, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.setColorAttribute(root.bufPolyColor.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); if (g.lights) { shader.setNormalAttribute(root.bufPolyNormal.glId, 3, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 3 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.setAmbientAttribute(root.bufPolyAmbient.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); shader.setSpecularAttribute(root.bufPolySpecular.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); shader.setEmissiveAttribute(root.bufPolyEmissive.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); shader.setShininessAttribute(root.bufPolyShininess.glId, 1, PGL.FLOAT, 0, voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } if (g.lights || needNormals) { shader.setNormalAttribute(root.bufPolyNormal.glId, 3, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 3 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); } if (tex != null || needTexCoords) { shader.setTexcoordAttribute(root.bufPolyTexcoord.glId, 2, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 2 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.setTexture(tex); } for (VertexAttribute attrib : polyAttribs.values()) { if (!attrib.active(shader)) { continue; } attrib.bind(pgl); shader.setAttributeVBO(attrib.glLoc, attrib.buf.glId, attrib.tessSize, attrib.type, attrib.isColor(), 0, attrib.sizeInBytes(voffset)); } shader.draw(root.bufPolyIndex.glId, icount, ioffset); } for (VertexAttribute attrib : polyAttribs.values()) { if (attrib.active(shader)) { attrib.unbind(pgl); } } if (shader != null && shader.bound()) { shader.unbind(); } } protected void rawPolys(PGraphicsOpenGL g, PImage textureImage) { PGraphics raw = g.getRaw(); raw.colorMode(RGB); raw.noStroke(); raw.beginShape(TRIANGLES); float[] vertices = tessGeo.polyVertices; int[] color = tessGeo.polyColors; float[] uv = tessGeo.polyTexCoords; short[] indices = tessGeo.polyIndices; IndexCache cache = tessGeo.polyIndexCache; for (int n = firstPolyIndexCache; n <= lastPolyIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; for (int tr = ioffset / 3; tr < (ioffset + icount) / 3; tr++) { int i0 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 0]; int i1 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 1]; int i2 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 2]; float[] src0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] src1 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] src2 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] pt0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] pt1 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] pt2 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]); int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]); int argb2 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i2]); PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4); PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i1, src1, 0, 4); PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i2, src2, 0, 4); // Applying any transformation is currently stored in the // modelview matrix of the renderer. g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0); g.modelview.mult(src1, pt1); g.modelview.mult(src2, pt2); if (textureImage != null) { raw.texture(textureImage); if (raw.is3D()) { raw.fill(argb0); raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z], uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]); raw.fill(argb1); raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z], uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]); raw.fill(argb2); raw.vertex(pt2[X], pt2[Y], pt2[Z], uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]); } else if (raw.is2D()) { float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); float sx2 = g.screenXImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]); float sy2 = g.screenYImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]); raw.fill(argb0); raw.vertex(sx0, sy0, uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]); raw.fill(argb1); raw.vertex(sx1, sy1, uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]); raw.fill(argb1); raw.vertex(sx2, sy2, uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]); } } else { if (raw.is3D()) { raw.fill(argb0); raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]); raw.fill(argb1); raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z]); raw.fill(argb2); raw.vertex(pt2[X], pt2[Y], pt2[Z]); } else if (raw.is2D()) { float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); float sx2 = g.screenXImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]); float sy2 = g.screenYImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]); raw.fill(argb0); raw.vertex(sx0, sy0); raw.fill(argb1); raw.vertex(sx1, sy1); raw.fill(argb2); raw.vertex(sx2, sy2); } } } } raw.endShape(); } protected void renderLines(PGraphicsOpenGL g) { PShader shader = g.getLineShader(); shader.bind(); IndexCache cache = tessGeo.lineIndexCache; for (int n = firstLineIndexCache; n <= lastLineIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; shader.setVertexAttribute(root.bufLineVertex.glId, 4, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.setColorAttribute(root.bufLineColor.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); shader.setLineAttribute(root.bufLineAttrib.glId, 4, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.draw(root.bufLineIndex.glId, icount, ioffset); } shader.unbind(); } protected void rawLines(PGraphicsOpenGL g) { PGraphics raw = g.getRaw(); raw.colorMode(RGB); raw.noFill(); raw.strokeCap(strokeCap); raw.strokeJoin(strokeJoin); raw.beginShape(LINES); float[] vertices = tessGeo.lineVertices; int[] color = tessGeo.lineColors; float[] attribs = tessGeo.lineDirections; short[] indices = tessGeo.lineIndices; IndexCache cache = tessGeo.lineIndexCache; for (int n = firstLineIndexCache; n <= lastLineIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; for (int ln = ioffset / 6; ln < (ioffset + icount) / 6; ln++) { // Each line segment is defined by six indices since its // formed by two triangles. We only need the first and last // vertices. // This bunch of vertices could also be the bevel triangles, // with we detect this situation by looking at the line weight. int i0 = voffset + indices[6 * ln + 0]; int i1 = voffset + indices[6 * ln + 5]; float sw0 = 2 * attribs[4 * i0 + 3]; float sw1 = 2 * attribs[4 * i1 + 3]; if (PGraphicsOpenGL.zero(sw0)) { continue; // Bevel triangles, skip. } float[] src0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] src1 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] pt0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] pt1 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]); int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]); PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4); PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i1, src1, 0, 4); // Applying any transformation is currently stored in the // modelview matrix of the renderer. g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0); g.modelview.mult(src1, pt1); if (raw.is3D()) { raw.strokeWeight(sw0); raw.stroke(argb0); raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]); raw.strokeWeight(sw1); raw.stroke(argb1); raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z]); } else if (raw.is2D()) { float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]); raw.strokeWeight(sw0); raw.stroke(argb0); raw.vertex(sx0, sy0); raw.strokeWeight(sw1); raw.stroke(argb1); raw.vertex(sx1, sy1); } } } raw.endShape(); } protected void renderPoints(PGraphicsOpenGL g) { PShader shader = g.getPointShader(); shader.bind(); IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache; for (int n = firstPointIndexCache; n <= lastPointIndexCache; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; shader.setVertexAttribute(root.bufPointVertex.glId, 4, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.setColorAttribute(root.bufPointColor.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE); shader.setPointAttribute(root.bufPointAttrib.glId, 2, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 2 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT); shader.draw(root.bufPointIndex.glId, icount, ioffset); } shader.unbind(); } protected void rawPoints(PGraphicsOpenGL g) { PGraphics raw = g.getRaw(); raw.colorMode(RGB); raw.noFill(); raw.strokeCap(strokeCap); raw.beginShape(POINTS); float[] vertices = tessGeo.pointVertices; int[] color = tessGeo.pointColors; float[] attribs = tessGeo.pointOffsets; short[] indices = tessGeo.pointIndices; IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache; for (int n = 0; n < cache.size; n++) { int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n]; int icount = cache.indexCount[n]; int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n]; int pt = ioffset; while (pt < (ioffset + icount) / 3) { float size = attribs[2 * pt + 2]; float weight; int perim; if (0 < size) { // round point weight = +size / 0.5f; perim = PApplet.min(PGraphicsOpenGL.MAX_POINT_ACCURACY, PApplet.max(PGraphicsOpenGL.MIN_POINT_ACCURACY, (int) (TWO_PI * weight / PGraphicsOpenGL.POINT_ACCURACY_FACTOR))) + 1; } else { // Square point weight = -size / 0.5f; perim = 5; } int i0 = voffset + indices[3 * pt]; int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]); float[] pt0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float[] src0 = {0, 0, 0, 0}; PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4); g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0); if (raw.is3D()) { raw.strokeWeight(weight); raw.stroke(argb0); raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]); } else if (raw.is2D()) { float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]); raw.strokeWeight(weight); raw.stroke(argb0); raw.vertex(sx0, sy0); } pt += perim; } } raw.endShape(); } }