SQLite format 3 @ Jw 1 - ^tablevenuesvenuesCREATE TABLE venues ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL, "address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "street_address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "locality" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "region" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "postal_code" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "country" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "latitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "longitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "telephone" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "version" integer)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE
i i ortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative compaE ]
3A3 3 JusDevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a dialogue, a bidirectional communication between the information publisher and information consumer with the added layer of aggregators acting as information and subject matter warehousing. The dialogue will be carried through many devices and it will take place everywhere. Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation will explore some of the many areas of interest and concern surrounding the future of interactivity, it's promises and pitfalls.
PCC Cascade Campus
Moriarty Arts and Humanities Auditorium
Building, 104
705 N. Killingsworth
2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org/2009-04-08 06:16:17:#2009-04-16 03:00:00
q q
taggings tags
m m ye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!)
This event is open to EVSԡaxԡ^ A_3933 3 HTML for Bloggers WorkshopHTML for Bloggers is an introductory class that teaches you the basics of HyperText Markup Language. You will get a clearer understanding of how the web work&i a3S3 3 Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)
Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University
This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgD Iu3]3 3 JurMobile Love, Android Style #11Android deveolpers and power-users come to talk about software development and popular android apps.
update: The Open Source Bridge conference has given us permission to pick an attendee at random to give a free conference pass to.2009-04-14 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2127415/2009-04-08 04:45:28;
;b2009-04-14 01:00:00 B 5
!l =; =33/ Suave Chalice Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214!w =; =33/ Purple Puppy Ale House *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214k 9; =33/ Orange Puppy Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214)v M; =33/ Ostentatious Porcupine Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214j 7; =33/ Suave Mouse Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214'u I; =33/ Swashbuckling Mouse Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand p s k e
!l =; =33/ Suave Chalice Wine Bar *An a _[E33 CubeSpaceCubeSpace is an innovative workspace community in Portland, Oregon. We provide work stations, meeting rooms, and big office amenities to people who would otherwise be working from their homes, coffee shops, or wherever they can set up their laptops or use their cell phones. Our services are available on a monthly membership basis, or at hourly or daily rates.622 SE Grand Ave., in Portland, Oregon.http://www.cubespacepdx.com/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54@F];^Iאud ! 33/ CubeSpace22009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97204d 3; =33/ Purple Puppy Inc. *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214#e A; =33/ Unlucky Elephant Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214
e ejhop on patent basics.
This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire paten_ c3K3 3 Ju8Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event!
Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor.
Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events.
Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance.
Business Leads Exchange Prices:
Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door.
Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com.
2009-04-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:27:44>2009-04-14 16:00:00
j last year on defeGs ;W3y3 3 JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-26 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-18 23:45:44=;bU2009-02-26 16:00:00}r 53;3 3 JqWhereCamp PDX MeetupThe big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.2008-11-19 03:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-12-18 19:25:22=2008-11-19 05:00:00q 13 3 JrTweetup Happy HourWe miss the feeling of having our evenings triplebooked. This snowpocalypse has not given us the love we wanted, and if the white wall of death doesn't kill us, we'll be at Portland City Grill tomorrow evening for their happy hour.
(#elec2^ )q3M3 3 Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPort
ly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advice and guidance related to many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities entrepreneurs will face along the path to success.
WHO ATTENDS Entrepreneurs, investors, leaders of local companies, business professionals, consultants, and service professionals.
AGENDA 5:30 Networking – Drinks & Snacks
6:15 Keynote Speaker: “Pr?ԡ '{3C33 3 ARGFest-o-conARGFest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of Alternate Reality Games.
See our website for details and registration!
The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events.
ARGFest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com and www.argn.com
2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 19:57:552009-07-09 17:22:16?2009-07-20 03:00:00
d d|iVC0
r_M:'lYG4! wlity. Join us t] 8JwEvent\ JJwEvent[ JwEventZ FJwEventY IJwEventX aJwEventW `JwEventV JwEventU _JrEventT ^JrEventS YJrEventR cJrEventQ J A3E3 3 JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cycle
Start-ups C3E3 3 JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew Rowe
Understanding Your Sales Cycle
Start-ups ~ A3E3 3 JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cycle
Start-ups c} 3E3 3 JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cy {| 13E3 3 JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweDescription:
/ E zԡ Y3 33 Board MtgAt Lucky Lab in NW Portland on Quimby.2007-11-06 yԡ\ EU3?33 3 Open SourGԡz iA3K33 3 PDXPUG: Introductory Database Education at PSUby Len Shapiro
Abstract: I'll survey how I teach the introductory database course at
PSU. My goal for the talk is to elicit suggestions for how I could do
a better job. The theme of the course is "transforming data into
Information". I use a 200 Meg database, hosted on PostgreSQL, instead
of the one-slide databases used in typical intro courses, to
illustrate the principles of the course. The database is Federal
Elections Commission data re donations to candidates, so queries often
reflect real questions about the real data.
Bio: Len Shapiro has been a professor at PSU for 23 years. His
research interests are primarily in query processing.2009-05-22 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-05-15 23:36:482009-05-15 23:36:4892009-05-22 03:00:00
rently employed at PTV America while completing his Masters degree at Oregon State under co-advisors Dr. David Roundy and Dr. Martin Erwig. During his time in graduate school he has studied both usability and programming languages. ԡ EO3_33 3 Open Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge is hosting another town hall meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7 PM at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). As always, anyone interested in furthering the mission of Open Source Bridge is invited. We plan to share what we have accomplished so far and strategize together on completing the growing list of tasks to be accomplished in order to make this conference the stunning success we all want it to be.
Please RSVP2009-04-22 02:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/get-involved/2009-04-14 17:56:372009-04-14 17:56:3792009-04-22 04:00:00 L (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx8@HPX`hpx I5 2= 5E JL OQ X g n Tu y J 1 - &