SQLite format 3@ Jw1-^tablevenuesvenuesCREATE TABLE venues ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL, "address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "street_address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "locality" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "region" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "postal_code" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "country" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "latitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "longitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "telephone" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "version" integer)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE    ^ iiortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative compaE] 3A33JusDevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a dialogue, a bidirectional communication between the information publisher and information consumer with the added layer of aggregators acting as information and subject matter warehousing. The dialogue will be carried through many devices and it will take place everywhere. Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation will explore some of the many areas of interest and concern surrounding the future of interactivity, it's promises and pitfalls. Location: PCC Cascade Campus Moriarty Arts and Humanities Auditorium Building, 104 705 N. Killingsworth 2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org/2009-04-08 06:16:17 :#2009-04-16 03:00:00 qq versions#)venue_versionsV)event_versions taggings tags eventsJy updatessourceszl venues AB mmye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVSԡaxԡ^A_39333HTML for Bloggers WorkshopHTML for Bloggers is an introductory class that teaches you the basics of HyperText Markup Language. You will get a clearer understanding of how the web work&ia3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgDIu3]33JurMobile Love, Android Style #11Android deveolpers and power-users come to talk about software development and popular android apps. update: The Open Source Bridge conference has given us permission to pick an attendee at random to give a free conference pass to.2009-04-14 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2127415/2009-04-08 04:45:28 ; ;b 2009-04-14 01:00:00B5 !l=;=33/Suave Chalice Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214!w=;=33/Purple Puppy Ale House *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214k9;=33/Orange Puppy Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214)vM;=33/Ostentatious Porcupine Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214j7;=33/Suave Mouse Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214'uI;=33/Swashbuckling Mouse Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grandpske RRUZ[B5 !l=;=33/Suave Chalice Wine Bar *An a_[E33CubeSpaceCubeSpace is an innovative workspace community in Portland, Oregon. We provide work stations, meeting rooms, and big office amenities to people who would otherwise be working from their homes, coffee shops, or wherever they can set up their laptops or use their cell phones. Our services are available on a monthly membership basis, or at hourly or daily rates.622 SE Grand Ave., in Portland, Oregon.http://www.cubespacepdx.com/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54@F];^Iאud!33/CubeSpace22009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97204d3;=33/Purple Puppy Inc. *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214#eA;=33/Unlucky Elephant Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214 eejhop on patent basics. This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire paten_c3K33Ju8Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:27:44 >2009-04-14 16:00:00 jlast year on defeGs;W3y33JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-26 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-18 23:45:44 =;bU2009-02-26 16:00:00}r53;33JqWhereCamp PDX MeetupThe big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.2008-11-19 03:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-12-18 19:25:22 =2008-11-19 05:00:00q133JrTweetup Happy HourWe miss the feeling of having our evenings triplebooked. This snowpocalypse has not given us the love we wanted, and if the white wall of death doesn't kill us, we'll be at Portland City Grill tomorrow evening for their happy hour.
(#elec2^)q3M33Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPort ly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advice and guidance related to many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities entrepreneurs will face along the path to success. WHO ATTENDS Entrepreneurs, investors, leaders of local companies, business professionals, consultants, and service professionals. AGENDA 5:30 Networking – Drinks & Snacks 6:15 Keynote Speaker: “Pr?ԡ '{3C333ARGFest-o-conARGFest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGFest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com and www.argn.com twitter@ARGFest 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 19:57:552009-07-09 17:22:16 ?2009-07-20 03:00:00 dd|iVC0 r_M:'lYG4!wlity. Join us t]8JwEvent\JJwEvent[JwEventZFJwEventYIJwEventXaJwEventW`JwEventVJwEventU_JrEventT^JrEventSYJrEventRcJrEventQJA3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups C3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew Rowe Understanding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups ~A3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups c}3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cy{|13E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweDescription: Understan /EzԡY333Board MtgAt Lucky Lab in NW Portland on Quimby.2007-11-06 yԡ\EU3?333Open SourGԡziA3K333PDXPUG: Introductory Database Education at PSUby Len Shapiro Abstract: I'll survey how I teach the introductory database course at PSU. My goal for the talk is to elicit suggestions for how I could do a better job. The theme of the course is "transforming data into Information". I use a 200 Meg database, hosted on PostgreSQL, instead of the one-slide databases used in typical intro courses, to illustrate the principles of the course. The database is Federal Elections Commission data re donations to candidates, so queries often reflect real questions about the real data. Bio: Len Shapiro has been a professor at PSU for 23 years. His research interests are primarily in query processing.2009-05-22 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-05-15 23:36:482009-05-15 23:36:48 92009-05-22 03:00:00 rently employed at PTV America while completing his Masters degree at Oregon State under co-advisors Dr. David Roundy and Dr. Martin Erwig. During his time in graduate school he has studied both usability and programming languages. ԡEO3_333Open Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge is hosting another town hall meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7 PM at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). As always, anyone interested in furthering the mission of Open Source Bridge is invited. We plan to share what we have accomplished so far and strategize together on completing the growing list of tasks to be accomplished in order to make this conference the stunning success we all want it to be. Please RSVP2009-04-22 02:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/get-involved/2009-04-14 17:56:372009-04-14 17:56:37 92009-04-22 04:00:00L (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx8@HPX`hpxI52=5EJLOQXgnTuyJ 1 -&,-5;@3D#JI52=5EJLOQXgnTuyJ 1 -&,-5;@3D#J;O`UQY`fkpu{ r$i.U9KBGM XaiopurxQ|qLG $+27x=TCEJ@P6W%^djNotw{eF@ .  about different subjects and can sometimes use them to market your business, but how does it work? In this class, Ill explain what a blog is, how it can promote your business and how you can automate it. In this class you will learn: * What a blog is * How to set-up a wordpress or blogger blog * How to use feedburner to automate your blogs * What blog directory sites to get on to promote your blog * How to get your blog entries onto Twitter * How to use blog widgets with your blog * How to let people subscribe to your blog by email * How to make your blog professional and tasteful This is part one of a series of classes. If you RSVP for all four classes, before April 14th, I will give you a $50 discount from the total. See http://imagineyourreality.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/how-does-your-behavioral-style-influence-potential-clients/ for details RSVP: Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or call 503-869-01632009-04-15 01:00:00http://www.imagineyourreality.wordpress.com2009-04-06 19:02:24 ?%2009-04-15 03:30:00L (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx@HPX`hpxqD /7 < A H N S ! L N zY i^ Kd i  4  " ( 0 l5 G K N T #) 0 5 : @ }F |J qL eS EY c f u {  ) 2% \+ A1 /7 < A H N S ! L N zY i^ Kd i  4  " ( 0 l5 G K N T Z` g l q }v v| k MK BP >W -] b g i qv{ m#-)-3 GGgine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends 5]WK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo, Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News (to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street in the Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2, 2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:23:13 >2009-04-02 16:00:00day - and scale with the business in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event closes Monday, March 31st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. SPEAKER: Pamela Jones, JONES PARTNERS Pamela is Managing Partner of JONES PARTNERS - a 23-year old retained executive search firm based in the Pacific Northwest and serving client companies (start-ups, public companies and joint-ventures) throughout the country. She has served as an executive with Claremont Technology, Lattice Semiconductor (both completed IPOs) and worked in the management consulting group of a major international CPA firm. Board roles have included OEF, SAO, AOI and the West Coast Chamber Orchestra. (See bio and www.jonespartners.biz)2009-03-31 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=712009-03-26 19:07:32 :2009-03-31 18:00:00. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you're wondering how to inexpensively validate your market - in short order - you may want to hear Mark Paul's talk on this valuable topic. He will cover two very important areas [1] understanding true market needs and [2] how they will value your product / service. Speaker: Mark Paul, OTBCMark Paul is a Coach at OTBC, an interim executive & consultant for 20 years, with the large-company expertise. He is also author of two business books: The Entrepreneur's Survival Guide and How to Attract Significantly More Customers…in good times and bad, along with numerous other products and services to help business owners grow their companies. OEN Member - $30 Non-member - $155 (includes 1 year OEN individual membership)2009-06-04 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=742009-05-21 20:21:142009-06-04 18:13:37 <2009-06-05 01:00:00 SS+3ԡ5=3[333Agile Testing SeriesThis 3 day series of classes covers the essential principles and practices for testing software in an Agile context. It is structured as a series of 1-day classes so that you can take all three days, or just choose one or two. Please see the registration page or course description for more information. 2009-04-28 15:00:00http://www.qualitytree.com/classes/ats/2009-04-14 18:45:472009-04-14 18:45:47 ;2009-05-01 00:00:00lԡA 3s333Portland Python User GroupWhen: Tuesday, April 14th 2009, 7pm Where: CubeSpace What: * Short recap of PyCon * Planning of new pdxpython.org (yay!) * Hacking on the new pdxpython.org?? (double yay!?!) 2009-04-15 02:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-04-14 18:35:272009-04-14 18:35:27 92009-04-15 03:00:00  the OSU campaԡ"[k3]333Beer and Blog - WebVisions Twitter WarsJoin us for a lively Twitter debate and prizes!2009-04-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415063/2009-04-15 17:47:102009-04-15 17:47:10 ; ;b#2009-04-18 01:00:00ԡ!eA3K333Portland Tweetup Breakfast - Taking the CureThe Tweetup Breakfasts are back after a slight bit of uselessness on the part of yours truly. This Thursday we venture to Helser's, which looks positively heavenly. Come with your best story of getting away from it all for a bit. Or, as usual, ignore the topic and just have some lovely breakfast with friends. As always, buy your own chow.2009-04-16 16:00:00http://www.helsersonalberta.com2009-04-14 21:40:502009-04-14 21:40:50 ?<2009-04-16 17:00:00jԡ #/3i333iphone pdx I'll be there from 5-6:15 in case anyone wants to stop by and talk iphone stuff. 2009-04-15 00:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone?pli=12009-04-14 19:24:322009-04-14 19:24:32 ; 2009-04-15 01:00:00 ``" involving collaboratimLW3s33JsUPersonal Telco Project Weekly MeetingFirst weekly meeting of the Personal Telco Project for the new year. Will talk about the infrastructure replacement project, board expansion, and much, much more. All while drinking local beers.2009-01-08 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeetin1?G3?33JueOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-29 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:04:022009-04-30 00:00:00 woften struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products a-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:37:31 :2009-05-14 18:00:0002-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/2009-01-23 22:52:46 9;b׊2009-02-07 02:00:00 |iVY{m3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweDescription: Understanding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: How to define the sales cycle for your business What are the typical stages of a sales cycle? How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process? Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times Sales cycle reduction examples Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products aT EbE{hUB/ r_L9'zQy3m33JvPPerl Mongers: QA Panel / Tool ExpoPDX.pm meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:53pm, typically at Free Geek. Meetings are free-of-charge for all PortlandPerlMongerMembers. The cost for non-members is $2,000,000,000.00 per person. What tools and techniques do you use to keep your project shiny and well-oiled? Bring a sample for show-and-tell, or just a few things to say about it. 2009-05-14 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?May2009Meeting2009-05-04 11:39:31 92009-05-14 04:00:00yu3133JvOPDXPHP: Debugging and Profiling PHP Web ApplicationsA tour of PHP application debugging and profiling techniques using open source tools such as - Xdebug [http://www.xdebug.org/] - Netbeans [http://www.netbeans.org/features/php/] - cachegrind [http://valgrind.org/info/tools.html] Presenter: Sam Keen @samkeen2009-05-13 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-05-04 11:36:56 92009-05-13 03:00:00 }jWD1 taN;(}jXF3 { otherwise noted (s !JwPEventJwOEventJwOEventJwOEventJwNEvent JwNExIo3q33JvNPortland Pythoneers May MeetupPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-13 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-04 11:34:07 9;b92009-05-13 04:00:00ding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start  to get you started. Fast. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up  wIo3q33JvNPortland Pythoneers May MeetupPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-13 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-04 11:33:35 ?;b92009-05-13 04:00:00 !!#"$%&'(*)4+,.-/0123456798:;<=>?A@CDBEGFIJHKLNMOPQSTRYUV s][3]33JvKPortland JavaScript Admirers May MeetingThe May Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-05-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2565259/2009-05-03 22:26:16 9;b52009-05-28 04:00:00 EE{hUB/ q^K8%zgTA.p3]33%Jw%Event$Jw%Event#Jw$Event"Jw$Event!Jw$Event J+n[H5"{st and I'lh33s33JvFDorkbotPDX Pure Data Workshop - (1 of 3) - Introduction to PdDorkbotPDX introduces free Pure Data workshop series We are excited to ann4egi'3?33JvEPDMA: Product Strategies for Today’s EconomyThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its May Learning Event; Product Strategies for Today’s Economy: Lessons from the Front Lines. Three Directors will discuss what it’s like to be on the front lines of product development and management during the recession. Each will share insights into how their companies are adapting to new challenges and new opportunities. Learn, share, collaborate, network and have fun! $20 at the door ($10 for members or students with ID) Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine 2009-05-22 00:30:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-04-30 18:13:24 ?2009-05-22 02:30:00 Z{iWD1 vcQ>+n[H5"pe?3 33JrWherecamp monthly meetingThe continuing saga of Wherecamp - pondering the geospatial web.. and beyond.
 2009-01-23 03:00:002009-01-21 19:58:09 =;bD2009-01-23 04:00:00dG3]33JsMobile Love, Android Style #9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/ ] Android is an open source operating system software for cell phones and other small form factpfCI3Q33JrBarCampPortland III (day 1)May 1: 6pm - 10pm May 2: 9am - 10pm RSVP at Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14359242009-05-02 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-04-30 06:36:44 9;bA2009-05-02 05:00:00leCI3Q33JtBBarCampPortland III (day 2)May 1: 6pm - 10pm May 2: 9am - 10pm RSVP at Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14359242009-05-02 16:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-04-30 06:36:02 92009-05-03 05:00:00.an one hour a week?Bravo Portland, Association of Bridal Consultants, Imagine Your Reality Business and Writing Coaching, and Black Belt Business Solutions Present: Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour a week. Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don't come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it's important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. Hew will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class, you will learn: What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it's important to be on these sites or some of them. How to get clients and business from these sites. How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. What a status bar is and why it's a good idea to update it regularly. How these sites can be used to obtain recommendations and testimonials from your clients. The do's and don'ts of Social networking and how to maintain a professional profile on each site. Taylor will not only explain, but also demonstrate the benefits of social networks, and show you how you can attract more clients to your business. Date: Thursday, May 7th 2009 Time: 11:30am to 2pm Price: $35.00 per person (Special pricing due to sponsors listed at the top) Location: Bravo Conference Room, 630B Street Lake Oswego, or 97035 To register call Denise from Bravo @ 503-675-1380 or email: denise@bravoportland.com Check and credit cards only please, when rsvping.2009-05-07 18:30:00http://www.imagineyourreality.com2009-04-30 06:28:37 ?2009-05-07 21:00:000 ''}jWD1 ^dW3O33JvDWhy do I need social networking for my business? Yes you can you can do it less th-^cY3E33JvCOEN: When Your Customers can't Live Without You with Author Stewart EmeryToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewart Emery co-author of the critically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? – an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Cons0ultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 – 6:30 Location: The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97204 (The Pavilion Room) Max Light Rail (Trimet Max Pioneer square two blocks from hotel) Cost: $50 OEN member, $75 non-member Sponsored by: Cappelli Miles [spring] - http://www.cm-spring.com Visit this site to register for this event: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-04-29 21:51:12 ?2009-05-28 01:30:00 ]O3U33JsGalois Tech Talk: Android G1: Experiences with an open mobile platformThe next Galois Tech Talk, #2 for 2009, will be Isaac Potoczny-Jones (aka b>\)3S33JsKeiretsu ForumKeiretsu Forum Portland/Oregon goes beyond simply funding start-ups. It is a community of private equity investors, business leaders and entrepreneurs. We provide invaluable contacts, serve on boards, and provide strategic -b%7333JvBIP Beyond IDLicensing Executives Society Oregon SW Washington Chapter IP Beyond ID Leveraging Trade Dress to Enhance and Develop Brand TOPIC OVERVIEW Trade dress of a product or a service is often overlooked in a company’s overall branding and trademark strategies. Sophisticated companies are using trade dress in ever expanding ways to establish brand recognition. Trade dress has been traditionally limited to product packaging such as the unique shape of the Coke bottle, but it has now become much broader and pervasive. Companies are 3erty practice group. His background includes experience obtaining both trademark and patent protection for clients in a wide range of technology. He is experienced in managing major client patent portfolios, preparing opinion letters and negotiating licenses. He has also represented clients in enforcing or defending intellectual property rights via patent, trademark, and trade dress litigation in several districts of the federal courts, patent interference proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Board of Appeals and Interferences, and trademark opposition proceedings, including successfully defending a trade dress claim before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. REGISTRATION: $20: LES members $25: Non-members $10: Students (with ID) $5 additional for on-site registration *Members of the following organizations will receive the LES Member rate SAO, TechAmerica, Oregon Bio 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://www.usa-canada.les.org/chapters/oregon/upcoming.asp2009-04-29 20:43:28 <2009-05-07 03:00:002developing unique building designs and restaurant layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and case studies, the presenters from Ziba Design and Stoel Rives LLP will describe what is happening in the marketplace and provide predictions of what may be in store for the future. SPEAKER Jeremy Kaye Jeremy Kaye is a Creative Director at Ziba Design with extensive experience in global business strategy, design management, product development and brand marketing. As an entrepreneur and director with major global corporations Jeremy has worked with some of the world’s foremost apparel and consumer product companies (Nike, Gap Inc., J. Crew and Patagonia, IBM, P&G). At Ziba, Jeremy leads teams to create solutions for global clients by crafting compelling branded experiences that support key business strategies. SPEAKER & DISCUSSION MODERATOR John A. Rafter, Jr. Jay is a partner in Stoel Rives' Intellectual Prop*ounce a new workshop series devoted to Pure Data (Pd). http://puredata.info. "Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM." Pure Data is free [FLOSS] software - meaning there is no charge for the download and it is open source, (free/libre). It runs wonderfully on Mac, Linux, Windows - so bring any laptop. Come with Pd-extended installed if possible - otherwise come a little early for installation assistance. The workshop is free as well! We will will be doing several workshops starting from the ground up - and ranging topics as advanced as there is interest for. Workshop One will be held May 17th. No prior Pd or programming knowledge is required, but expect to leave with functional knowledge of how to use Pd. The outline in progress can be found ==ity Entrepreneurs (OAME), including SBA, SSA, IRS, State, County, City and many other small business organizations. The event will be held at 4134 North Vancouver, Portland, Oregon. This event is FREE to the public. Why should you attend? Focus area speakers will cover the topic of 'Finding Capital During Tough Times?, build and strengthen relationships with small business, trade, nonprofit and government agencies, elevate concerns and issues, learn about the products and services each organization provides to small business and network to better serve ?[3k3]33JtSAOpdx: Poker Night[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/ ] Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - the more players, the bigger the pot! You don't have to be in the industry to play! #SAOpdx #poker2009-02-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/2009-04-29 20:12:45 ?;b2009-02-26 01:30:00 ::|jXF3  ubO<)mZG4"z by Oregonian repoJtEvent~JtEvent}JtEvent|JtFEvent{dJtEventzCJtEventyJtEventx JtEventw?JtEventvJtEventuZS 3K33Jt|NW Env. Business Council: Pub Mixer2009-03-12 00:00:00http://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2009-04-29 20:12:45 ?2009-03-12 02:30:00,YK;3W33JtyIMC: The Business of ConsultingKeynote: Growing a consulting practice is all about knowing what you want, what you offer, and who needs what you've got. Vicky offers insight, wisdom and actionable items which allow you to become the trusted advisor and give you fresh perspective on the role you play in your client's or organization's business. You will leave with 3 powerful steps to enhance your consulting practice and success! 2009-02-18 15:00:00http://www.imc-oregon.org/cf_feb_20092009-04-29 20:12:44 ?2009-02-18 20:00:00n We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn? You can also RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605 Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to explore new ways of coming together and learning from each other to survive & thrive in this time of economic uncertainty. Additionally, 62% of the 225 respondents said that they would be interested in participating in a networking event to discuss how we can do this. This free event is an open discussion of the fears, hopes and opportunities for Portlanders during this important time. We hope to emerge from this experience better networked, more hopeful and with some practical ideas for how we can build community through this experience.2008-11-12 01:00:00http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/event/show?id=1153095%3AEvent%3A35457&xgi=79I6Nug2009-04-29 20:12:43 ?2008-11-12 03:00:00his meeting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:16:43 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 your poker buddies - you don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pot* 2nd place: 15% of pot* 3rd place: 5% Better Structure: We are using software tools to make blind raising, table consolidation, registration smoother. We can now track player rankings for the whole year! Higher Anticipated turnout: About 50 Rebuys: Allowed in the 1 1/2 Hour @ $25 (3 max) Tables: 8 players + dealer; 6 tables Bonus: If you work for a software company you get 5% extra chips. *Prize payout includes initial buy-in's only - rebuys are not added to the prize pot. **You must be 21 or older to play! Thank you to our Chip Sponsors: Intel, WebTrends, ViaWest, and Edgelink. For more information about sponsorship or play, please contact Bryce Yonker at bryce.yonker@sao.org or 503.228.5443.2008-10-23 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/08b2009-04-29 20:12:42 ?2008-10-23 03:30:00 P+P{hUC0 saO<)p]iX? 3 33JsWEO Oregon dinner meeting2009-01-14 02:00:002009-04-29 20:12:44 ?2009-01-14 05:00:00|W 3U33JrSAO Thrive - PDX: How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn?Thrive - PDX How Ca7#V+ 333JqSAO Poker Night2008-11-20 01:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/082009-04-29 20:12:43 ?2008-11-20 04:30:00"U+333JqSAO Poker NightSAO Poker Night Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $25 for members $35 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: SAO Poker Night Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Bigger - Better - Higher Our First Poker Night was such a huge success that we've made the poker tournament a monthly event! Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring8 |iVC0 vdR?-o]J8%zr an industry vete>NJtEvent=MJtEvent<LJtEvent;JtEvent:KJtEvent9JJtEvent8 >Venue7I >Venue6! >Venue5H >VenueCTc_3I33JsPlanning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandMeeting of people interested in helping launch Social Media Club in PortfT7M3E33JoRedMonk party - OSCONhttp://m.twitter.com/monkparty
2008-07-24 03:00:00http://twitter.com/monkparty2009-04-29 20:12:42 ?;bL2008-07-24 05:00:00NS+]333JjSAO Poker NightJoin us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - you don't have to be an SAO member to play!2008-05-29 00:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/28/082009-04-29 20:12:41 ?;bձ2008-05-29 03:30:00 Is it worth the effort? Join award winning speaker and best selling author, Kathleen Gage, as she explores the importance of thinking patterns and attitude in both our personal and professional lives. Kathleen will share processes that allow for a deeper understanding of the power of your thoughts to either move you closer to your purpose or further away, as well as insights into the belief that it's not what happens in life that matters, it's what we do with what we've been given that makes all the difference.
Kathleen Gage, President of Turning Point, Inc. and Maxwell Publishing, is known as The Street Smarts Marketer. Kathleen has owned and operated her business for 15 years and is recognized as one of the top Internet Marketers in her industry. She works with speakers, trainers, authors, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to turn their expertise into money-making products and services. 2008-04-09 00:45:00http://www.oregonweo.org/april_20082009-04-29 20:12:40 ?2008-04-09 00:45:00d, & networking with other young professionals who want to make a difference in the fight against cancer (& plan cool events)! The PDX CANswer Project is a membership organization of young philanthropic Oregon residents who range in age from 22 to 40. Our members share in the belief that cancer will be eliminated in our lifetime and that through our ongoing fundraising efforts, cancer will no longer threaten the lives of those we love. The financial support of the PDX CANswer Project allows the Society to continue its contributions to national research efforts, local, statewide and national advocacy efforts, education about prevention and early detection, and support for the more than 19,000 Oregonians who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. For more information contact: Jodi Buell Distinguished Events Director 503-795-3937 jodi.buell@cancer.org 2009-05-13 01:00:00http://community.acsevents.org/pdxcanswerproject2009-04-29 19:08:53 ?2009-05-13 03:00:0011 ;;b}Jp2009-01-23 05:00:00 ``t JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from cl}RaK3S33JiWEO Women and Achievement: The Real Story!What does achievement really mean? Is it all it's cracked up to be?;&Q+ 333JiSAO Poker Night2008-04-24 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/23/082009-04-29 20:12:40 ?;bl2008-04-24 03:30:00BPMO3m33Jv;PDX CANswer Project Info EveningJoin the PDX CANswer Project! Come for drinks, fooresearch with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers. The event will cover techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. A 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalists Dan Cook and Abraham Hyatt (formerly of The Portland Business Journal and Oregon Business Magazine, respectively). 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-29 06:39:22 92009-05-07 02:30:00 __ntor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing Mw3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide. This month we will have an introduction to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers. The event will cover techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. A 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalists Dan Cook and Abraham Hyatt (both formerly of The Portland Business Journal and Oregon Business Magazine, respectively). 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-29 06:38:18 92009-05-07 02:30:00 {hVD1 taN;(~kXE2 yanyone else that \Js_Event[mJs^EventZJs^EventYJs]@KwY3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide! This month we will have an introduction to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers. The event will cover techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. A 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalists Dan Cook and Abraham Hyatt. 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-29 06:21:45 92009-05-07 02:30:00 oo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends ALw[3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide. This month we will have an introduction to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers. The event will cover techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. A 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalists Dan Cook and Abraham Hyatt. 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-29 06:23:19 92009-05-07 02:30:00 oo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series ofPFmS3]33Jv6Young Professionals of Portland networking eventLast Tuesday April Event Summary: Described by Barfly.com as the "Best Tasting Happy Hour deal in the NW", Candy offers $3 full size pizzas and natural beef burgers. Our happy hour burgers are absolutely perfect with the accompanying tempura green bean fries. Enjoy one of many delicious dessert themed cocktails and/or indulge in a delightful house made dessert. 5:30pm to 8:00pm2009-04-29 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2496632/2009-04-28 06:29:59 ?;b02009-04-29 03:00:00 ::{hUC1 wdQ>+o]J7%`IsS333JrLFilm: Peak Oil for Policy Makers (Portland Premier)Renowned oilman T. Boone Pickens is talking openly about $300/barrel oil. Oil industry insiders are saying we face a peak in global oil productionJ%/3;33Jv:PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-may-2009 2009-05-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-04-29 01:56:50 92009-05-19 04:00:009IY73g33Jv9Personal Telco Project monthly meetingThe April Monthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project will be at Roots Organic Brewery. We hope you'll join us. To post Agenda Items, see the URL.2009-04-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingApril20092009-04-28 16:49:23 >2009-04-30 03:00:00 ((or.com/ on global outsouH/w3 33Jv8Gumbo Study GroupMatt LeGrand will present on Skin Classes in Flex 4. 2009-05-07 01:30:002009-04-28 16:29:42 ?2009-05-07 03:00:00:G9[3]33Jv7science lecture at PSUEvent: 4th Annual Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture May 8, 2009 Starts: 5:00pm Background on Sidney Altman: Sidney Altman earned his PhD in biophysics. He chaired the biology dept at Yale, and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989. This is the second Nobel Laureate in two years for this four year-old lecture series, which is organized by the physics department. Background on Mark Gurevitch: Mark Gurevitch was the founding chair of the physics department: http://www.physics.pdx.edu/gen_gurevitch_lecture.htm When: Friday, May 8th, 2009 Where: Hoffman Hall Time: 5:00 pm Cost: Free2009-05-09 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2473867/2009-04-28 06:32:51 ?;b12009-05-09 02:00:00 yyil production) and what it means for local, state and national governments: Peak Oil for Policymakers - is aE#13;33Ju3PDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-april-20092009-04-28 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-04-27 22:42:21 92009-04-28 04:00:00zDC[3[33JuBuilding an iPhone BusinessWith 12 years in mobile and smartphone development, four rounds of funding and modestly successful products, Elia Freedman brings a unique perspective to the rise of iPhone's AppStore and growing a business. In this presentation he lays out what he's learned and how that has impacted current business decisions as he attempts to re-build Infinity Softworks.2009-04-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24960382009-04-27 22:41:23 92009-04-28 03:00:00 tnything we (or anyone) could ever coordinate! If you have similar goals, please join us on Nov 14. We will be using feedback from the first session to figure out how different people -- from new folk feeling scared and Cm33a33Jv5Coalition for Livable Future 2009 Annual Regional Livability Summit "From Hope to Change: Mobilizing for Equity"May 20th Day of Mobilization Highlights (8:30 - 3:30) "Toward a Just Sustainability?" Keynote Address by Julian Agyeman From London to Australia to the US, Julian has been a government advisor, academic, and activist. Currently Professor and Chair of tGBm53a33Jv5Coalition for Livable Future 2009 Annual Regional Livability Summit "From Hope to Change: Mobilizing for Equity"May 20th Day of Mobilization Highlights (8:30 - 3:30) "Toward a Just Sustainability?"* Keynote Address by Julian Agyeman From London to Australia to the US, Julian has been a government advisor, academic, and activist. Currently Professor and Chair of tIhe Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Agyeman adeptly navigates the intersection of environment and society, expanding our thinking about the possibilities for a just sustainability. Mobilizing for Regional Equity - Plenary Panel of Community Leaders, Breakouts, Caucuses & Multimedia Experiences Participate in one or more developmental or action-ready sessions focused on campaigns and projects that aim to address systemic causes of inequities to built environment resources and opportunities for prosperity. May 21st and May 23rd: Days of Equity Action (Specific times and locations TBA): Participate in one or more "done-in-a-day" service or advocacy activities hosted by Coalition for a Livable Future member and partner organizations across the region. For more details and registration beginning April 6, 2009, go to http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-20 15:30:00http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-04-27 21:30:37 ?2009-05-20 22:30:00 && meat-eater could reduce t%Am3a33Jv5Coalition for Livable Future 2009 Annual Regional Livability Summit "From Hope to Change: Mobilizing for Equity"May 20th Day of Mobilization Highlights (8:30 - 3:30) "Toward a Just Sustainability?"* Keynote Address by Julian Agyeman . From London to Australia to the US, Julian has been a government advisor, academic, and activist. Currently Professor and Chair of tJ%qC[3/33JuBuilding an iPhone BusinessWith 12 years in mobile and smartphone development, four rounds of funding and modestly successful products, Elia Freedman brings a unique perspective to the rise of iPhone's AppStore and growing a business. In this presentation he lays out what he's learned and how that has impacted current business decisions as he attempts to re-build Infinity Softworks.2009-04-28 01:00:00Building an iPhone Business2009-04-26 23:33:33 92009-04-28 03:00:00he Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Agyeman adeptly navigates the intersection of environment and society, expanding our thinking about the possibilities for a just sustainability. Mobilizing for Regional Equity - Plenary Panel of Community Leaders, Breakouts, Caucuses & Multimedia Experiences Participate in one or more developmental or action-ready sessions focused on campaigns and projects that aim to address systemic causes of inequities to built environment resources and opportunities for prosperity. May 21st and May 23rd: Days of Equity Action (Specific times and locations TBA): Participate in one or more "done-in-a-day" service or advocacy activities hosted by Coalition for a Livable Future member and partner organizations across the region. For more details and registration beginning April 6, 2009, go to http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-20 15:30:00http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-04-27 21:29:42 ?2009-05-20 22:30:00he Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Agyeman adeptly navigates the intersection of environment and society, expanding our thinking about the possibilities for a just sustainability. Mobilizing for Regional Equity - Plenary Panel of Community Leaders, Breakouts, Caucuses & Multimedia Experiences Participate in one or more developmental or action-ready sessions focused on campaigns and projects that aim to address systemic causes of inequities to built environment resources and opportunities for prosperity. May 21st and May 23rd: Days of Equity Action (Specific times and locations TBA): Participate in one or more "done-in-a-day" service or advocacy activities hosted by Coalition for a Livable Future member and partner organizations across the region. For more details and registration beginning April 6, 2009, go to http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-20 15:30:00http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-04-27 21:24:39 ?2009-05-20 22:30:00 p^K8&}kXE2  {iWE3!{ Official Provost]JpEvent\JpEvent[JQpYY3u33JuEnergy Entrepreneurship and InnovationJoin us at OTBC for the live webcast of this MIT Enterprise Forum program. The Energy Industry. An area for growth, a target for stimulus, and innovations that can potentially save money and the environment. Join the MIT Enterprise Forum for a fast-paced and "energetic" discussion of energy that will cover: - which sectors are the current hot trends - what areas are the funders most interested in - what hype to believe and what to ignore - what the government's role is in stimulating growth - what will transpire over the next 2, 5, 10+ years You can read more details at this link .2009-05-07 20:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10272216/2009-04-26 22:29:58 <2009-05-07 22:00:00 and support needed given the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principles of rhythm and pace during transformation. If you are working with leaders, you won't want to miss this exceptional opportunity to hear from Frank Wagner, the Consultant's Consultant. About Frank Wagner: Frank has been a full time consultant in the field of leadership since 1981. As a behavioral coach, Frank bo)u3 33JuPicnic TweetupSunday looks to be another warm day so lets enjoy it outside. Go to the very top of the park to find us. We'll probably be sitting in the grass so bring a blanket or fold-up chair.2009-04-26 19:00:002009-04-25 15:53:47 ?K2009-04-26 22:00:00n)u3 33JuPicnic tweetupSunday looks to be another warm day so lets enjoy it outside. Go to the very top of the park to find us. We'll probably be sitting in the grass so bring a blanket or fold-up chair.2009-04-26 19:00:002009-04-25 15:45:24 ?K2009-04-26 22:00:00dation will co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your local Eclipse community! Here are the official details and where to sign up: Event Sponsors: Eclipse Foundation / Instantiations Event Title: Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Portland Date: June 17, 2008 Time: 7pm – 9pm (Presenters set up at 6pm) Location: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland Cost: Complimentary; attendance is limited Registration: To register, add your name as presenter or attendee to this wiki: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues, and be sure to sign up on the wiki if you would like to attend or present! We look forward to seeing you there. 2009-06-18 02:00:00http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland2009-04-24 20:02:48 :2009-06-18 04:00:007:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/2009-01-19 01:09:41 9;b|2009-01-20 01:00:00dation will co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your local Eclipse community! Here are the official details and where to sign up: Event Sponsors: Eclipse Foundation / Instantiations Event Title: Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Portland Date: June 17, 2009 Time: 7pm – 9pm (Presenters set up at 6pm) Location: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland Cost: Complimentary; attendance is limited Registration: To register, add your name as presenter or attendee to this wiki: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues, and be sure to sign up on the wiki if you would like to attend or present! We look forward to seeing you there. 2009-06-18 02:00:00http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland2009-04-24 23:42:33 :2009-06-18 04:00:002:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 01:10:10 >p;b}2009-01-23 05:00:00 Qsom/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. ^m) 3 33JuPicnic tweetup2009-04-25 16:00:002009-04-25 15:38:15 ?K2009-04-25 17:00:00lk3 33JuECLIPSE DEMO CAMP GALILEO 2009 – Portland, ORInstantiations and The Eclipse FounNjk3 33JuECLIPSE DEMO CAMP GALILEO 2009 – Portland, ORInstantiations and The Eclipse FounM+i?333JuShizzow Developers MeetupJoin the Shizzow team at Green Dragon on Thursday, April 30th at 5pm. We will be discussing Shizzow application development, and have a round table discussion about implementing and working with oAuth, which will soon be available for the Shizzow API.2009-05-01 00:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/04/shizzow-developers-meetup-april-30th/2009-04-24 20:00:44 ; 2009-05-01 03:00:00dation will co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your local Eclipse community! Here are the official details and where to sign up: Event Sponsors: Eclipse Foundation / Instantiations Event Title: Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Portland Date: June 17, 2008 Time: 7pm – 9pm (Presenters set up at 6pm) Location: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland Cost: Complimentary; attendance is limited Registration: To register, add your name as presenter or attendee to this wiki: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues, and be sure to sign up on the wiki if you would like to attend or present! We look forward to seeing you there. 2009-06-18 02:00:00http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland2009-04-24 19:29:50 ?J2009-06-18 04:00:00 participants. Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http:// zlYC3"Z3 |s_Lthe most popular of these such as: • Three20 Project • SQLitePershk3 33JuECLIPSE DEMO CAMP GALILEO 2009 – Portland, ORInstantiations and The Eclipse FounPg_3 33JuMaking Strides Against Breast Cancer WalkWe're looking for volunteers to help with registration, advocacy, cheerleading and participant traffic directors (route monitors). If you're interested in volunteering, please email tia.herrejon@cancer.org by Wed., April 29th. If you're interested in having a team for the walk or walking as an individual, please call Amy Theberge at 503-795-3958 or email her at amy.theberge@cancer.org.2009-05-09 16:00:002009-04-24 19:10:22 ?I2009-05-09 19:00:00UfA 3e33JuPortland's Pink Slip PartyPortland’s companies have been hit hard by the recession and the tech crowd has seen the impact first-hand. However, there remains massive energy around Portland’s teS d support needed given the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principles of rhythm and pace during transformation. If you are working with leaders, you won't want to miss this exceptional opportunity to hear from Frank Wagnebc]3]33JuRefresh Portland April: Buck Wilson on Designers Love jQueryRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement, and held every 4th Thursday of the month. Our April session will feature Buck Wilson, a designer and developer at Jive Software. He’ll talk about the history of JavaScript on the web, why jQuery has seen so much success, and how jQuery speaks the language of designers. Interested in speaking at Refresh Portland? We’re looking for your ideas. Email hello@refreshportland.org2009-04-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2357565/2009-04-23 21:10:00 ;;b,2009-04-24 02:30:00ch scene that doesn’t always find its way to the companies and individuals who can most benefit from its vitality. We believe strongly that Portland possesses the resources and the will to take care of its own. In this dynamic and challenging economic climate finding a new job can be frustrating – companies are tending to extend fewer courtesies to job seekers and opportunities are harder to locate. The tools, methods, and resources for finding work have changed dramatically as a result of technology and the current recession. Identifying those organizations with the ability to guide and assist is tricky at best. Boly:Welch and YPOP are bringing together resources to help you through the process. The Pink Slip Party is a chance to begin the discussion and make new connections between innovative technical professionals and resourceful business leaders. Together we can make a difference. 2009-05-20 00:30:00http://www.bolywelch.com/pink-slip-party.htm2009-04-24 18:43:56 :H2009-05-20 03:00:00 9q=-rbRC-ofWG>5}hrout+market research/market validationeS3Y33JuEarth Day 2009: THE AIR WE BREATHE!Earth Day 2009: THE AIR WE BREATHE! Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Wallace Park / Chapman School, NW 25th & Quimby This year’s music features: TAPWATER Alpaca! Off The Grid Fruition String Band Hijinks Sweet Home String Band Sara Tone2009-04-25 17:00:00http://cityrepair.org/events/earthday/2009-04-24 15:12:35 ?H2009-04-26 02:00:00CdK{3E33JuTechShop Portland Grand OpeningMark your calendars! April 25 at 3:00PM TechShop will be officially open! Door prizes drawing at 4:30PM We are planning on demonstrating the furnaces and metal casting and other cool stuff. More details to come! So be there or be a quadrangle polygon with four right angle corners and sides of equal length.2009-04-25 22:00:00http://portlandtechshop.com/2009-04-24 13:41:07 >2009-04-26 02:30:00 O{rgXH7+oQ:!cQB4 xp&os%Esoftware process improvement$-software quality #!estimation"%collectables !antiques painting jewelry !ater wynne'selling stock-executive series linuxcon linuxfund%women in gis5qh=oU3]33JsRefresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on GitWelcome to Refrbs3u33JuReinventing The Sacred: Science, Reason, & ReligionThe science of complexity moves beyond reductionism to something new: a unified culture where we see God in the creativity of the universe, biosphere, and humanity – changing the way we all think about the evolution of humanity, the universe, faith, and reason. Complexity Theory Emergence Self Organizing Systems Y-a'U3]33JuBeer and BlogBloggers helping bloggers over beers2009-04-24 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2488746/2009-04-23 16:59:40 ; ;b+2009-04-25 01:00:00t Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:24:52 92009-05-01 00:30:00 BBxkbXJ:"yi_L@/`[3533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopRoom: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Content: Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world: * Algebra of Programming using DependenV_[3533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopRoom: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Content: Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world:
  • Algebra of Programming using Dependent Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica)
  • Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General RefereXnces, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen)
  • A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
  • A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University)
  • Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales)
  • Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah)
  • Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
  • Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research)
  • Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen)
  • A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:24:16 92009-05-01 00:30:00 I would like to begin a discussion about the first glimmerings of a new scientific world view — beyond reductionism to emergence and radical creativity in the biosphere and human world. This emerging view finds a natural scientific place for value and ethics, and places us as co-creators of the enormous web of emerging complexity that is the evolving biosphere and human economics and culture. In this scientific world view, we can ask: Is it more astonishing that a God created all that exists in six days, or that the natural processes of the creative universe have yielded galaxies, chemistry, life, agency, meaning, value, consciousness, culture without a Creator. In my mind and heart, the overwhelming answer is that the truth as best we know it, that all arose with no Creator agent, all on its wondrous own, is so awesome and stunning that it is God enough for me and I hope much of humankind. 2009-04-24 02:00:00http://isepp.org/Pages/08-09%20Pages/Kauffman08.html2009-04-23 18:24:31 <2009-04-24 04:00:00t Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:23:02 92009-05-01 00:30:00 oeN<,! mR7'qeX9-# qpertise i)small business #brandologie big /convention center /crisis management ^[3533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopRoom: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Content: Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world: * Algebra of Programming using DependenZ][}3533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopLocation: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world: * Algebra of Programming using Dependen\t Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:22:25 92009-05-01 00:30:00t Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:20:14 92009-05-01 00:30:00 vh]M< p`L?' lbRE/  what it takes to k'grant writing j!presentingi+public speakingh 4 I3q33JsIEEE PACE: Why Now may be the Time to Develop Overses\[Y3533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopLocation: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Series of presentations on functional programming by leading researchers: * Algebra of Programming using Dependen]c[[93533JuICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopVenue: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Series of talks on functional programming from leading researchers: * Algebra of Programming using Dependen_t Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:12:22 92009-05-01 00:30:00und Portland’s tech scene that doesn’t always find its way to the companies and individuals who can most benefit from its vitality. We believe strongly that Portland possesses the resources and the will to take care of its own. In this dynamic and challenging economic climate finding a new job can be frustrating – companies are tending to extend fewer courtesies to job seekers and opportunities are harder to locate. The tools, methods, and resources for finding work have changed dramatically as a result of technology and the current recession. Identifying those organizations with the ability to guide and assist is tricky at best. Boly:Welch and YPOP are bringing together resources to help you through the process. The Pink Slip Party is a chance to begin the discussion and make new connections between innovative technical professionals and resourceful business leaders. Together we can make a difference. 2009-05-20 00:30:00http://tinyurl.com/cfgkme2009-04-22 21:14:33 :H2009-05-20 03:00:00 {qeWI6'xneXN=&viVD5"{ wi tweetup !the square -pair progrZy3 33JqMThe Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies

The Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies (Dr. Aparna Venkatesan, University of San Francisco, Dept. of Physics/Astronomy & Dr. Todd Duncan, PSU - Aparna had a family emergency so Todd will be delivering her talk at the scheduled time on Saturday ) (October 25, 10 am, Hoffman Hall, PSU)

2008-10-25 17:00:00http://oregonteacherscholars.pbwiki.com/Our%20Cosmic%20History2009-04-22 21:25:27 ??;b2008-10-25 18:30:00BYA 3?33JuPortland's Pink Slip PartyPortland’s companies have been hit hard by the recession and the tech crowd has seen the impact first-hand. However, there remains massive energy aro`nV-I3i33JuNike on Beijing Olympics: NW China Council China Business Network Series spacerThis program is gcate properties. He started his Nike career 12 years ago as a product line manager for Nike Basketball, then went on to footwear product marketing and global category footwear leadership roles. At his current position as Global Vice President and GM of Men’s Athletic Training, he is leading an integrated consumer-oriented focus across footwear, apparel and equipment for the category. He is also responsible for American football and baseball, two important sports for Nike that are closely aligned with training. OPTIONAL NIKE CAMPUS TOUR: There will be an optional, guided 30-minutes Nike Campus walking tour at the end of the meeting. Please wear comfortable walking shoes if you would like to join the tour. Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID. Please add $5 handling charge to above for registration after Monday May 4, 5pm. Tickets: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-05-06 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090506cbn.html2009-04-22 20:41:35 ?F2009-05-06 20:30:00benerously sponsored by ----MIM Master of International Management ----Portland State University Lunch Presentation by Kris Aman, Global Vice President and General Manager of Men’s Athletic Training at Nike Inc. Kris Aman was responsible for leading the global business vision for Nike’s Beijing Olympics effort – one of the most ambitious and successful brand project in Nike’s history. Kris will discuss his experience with the Nike brand and the Beijing Olympics - connecting the consumer to sport and innovation through the Beijing Olympics. He will also discuss the current consumer and market trends in relations to the athletic industry and the economic situation in China. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A college athlete and University of Washington graduate, Kris is off the court and into the business side of sports. With a degree in Advertising/Communications, Kris joined Sun Sportswear where he honed his skills in product merchandising, trends, development, design direction and licensing with major corpor RRsbO=!pN; peYF:, s just harassment? Ucs4 TphotoshopS-emerging companH1i333JsSCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who a*R[G3?33JudSmall Business Open Counseling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-22 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-22 19:46:022009-04-23 00:00:00h their annual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Big Al's, 16615 SE 18th Ave, Vancouver. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister. It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to www.bbbsnorthwest.org, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at www.bbbsnorthwest.org. This will be a great opportunity to raise money to support Portland kids and meet other supporters who work in the tech industry. Contact Jacob Fain, at jacob.fain@bbbs.org or 503.249.4859, for more information. 2009-06-05 01:00:00http://bbbsnorthwest.org2009-04-22 15:35:21 ?D2009-06-05 03:00:009-01-19 00:00:00h their annual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Interstate Lanes, 6049 N Interstate, Portland. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister. It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to www.bbbsnorthwest.org, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at www.bbbsnorthwest.org. This will be a great opportunity to raise money to support Portland kids and meet other supporters who work in the tech industry. Contact Jacob Fain, at jacob.fain@bbbs.org or 503.249.4859, for more information. 2009-06-05 01:00:00http://bbbsnorthwest.org2009-04-22 15:32:04 >2009-06-05 03:00:00 01:30:00 oMoprofound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs SKG'3=33JtBowl for Kid's Sake Geek BowlHelp Big Brothers Big Sisters get the ball rolling witeZJG53=33JtBowl for Kid's Sake Geek BowlHelp Big Brothers Big Sisters get the ball rolling witf/I+O3i33JuBig Idea Bash 2The Oregon Growth Account, Oregon Investment Fund, and many other investment companies are constantly looking for promising opportunities to  invest in Oregon.      That is why STATE TREASURER BEN WESTLUND Is  hosting  the Big  Idea  Bash!   The Big Idea Bash will be a social event that will introduce the managers who invest on behalf of Oregon to people with ideas for Oregon's next success stories - people like you. You'll even be able to network and solicit feedback in a "speed dating" kind of format.2009-04-30 00:00:00http://www.ost.state.or.us/BigBash/BigBash.asp2009-04-21 22:08:52 4'r^F=1% t_WM@3mproving Your Ability to v+self-organizinguteams tleaders smanagersr#programmersq5software development p!open space owxwidgetsn+gui programming mprocess lsofware/H+O3i33JuBig Idea Bash 2The Oregon Growth Account, Oregon Investment Fund, and many other investment companies are constantly looking for promising opportunities to  invest in Oregon.      That is why STATE TREASURER BEN WESTLUND Is  hosting  the Big  Idea  Bash!   The Big Idea Bash will be a social event that will introduce the managers who invset on behalf of Oregon to people with ideas for Oregon's newxt success stories - people like you. You'll ven be able to network and solicit feedback in a "speed dating" kind of format.2009-04-30 00:00:00http://www.ost.state.or.us/BigBash/BigBash.asp2009-04-21 22:07:57 /% z\OF4&est :oregon9local 8[+{M3s33JsMIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Enterprise Software At OTBC, we'll be viewing toG+O3i33JuBig Idea Bash 2The Oregon Growth Account, Oregon Investment Fund, and many other investment companies are constantly looking for promising opportunities to  invest in Oregon.      That is why STATE TREASURER BEN WESTLUND Is  hosting  the Big  Idea  Bash!   The Big Idea Bash will be a social event that will introduce the managers who invest on behalf of Oregon to people with ideas for Oregon’s next success stories – people like you.  You’ll even be able to network and solicit feedback in a “speed dating” kind of  format.  2009-04-30 00:00:00http://www.ost.state.or.us/BigBash/BigBash.asp2009-04-21 22:06:25 0&`OE9.ations. As we<fpga;asic+:]rubymusic visualization cairo opengl gtk 9medical 8health 7birthday 6!)OO3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Employment LawYou don't need to be an employment law expert to start _FU 3]33JuCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to diskDo3M33JuClean Energy SIG - An introduction to the Smart Grid MarketThe smart grid has become a rapidly growing movement to design and implement the concept of an intelligent energy system that is more efficient, robust, flexible and sustainable. Join our distinguished panel to gain a basic understanding of how the systems we use for electric energy generation, distribution and consumption are evolving to better meet the needs of society and entrepreneurial opportunities available. Roger Hicks - What is the smart grid and mwhy should we care? An introduction to the smart grid concept along with a summary of problems it will address and some business opportunity examples in the emerging clean energy marketplace. John Thornton, VP Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Porteon Electric Vehicles Inc - Moving towards the intelligent convergence of vehicles, buildings and electric utilities. An overview of perspectives on the future of transportation and sustainability: electric vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid as enabling technologies. Steve Jennings, Chief Marketing Officer, BPL Global - The Smart Grid: Today and Tomorrow. Learn where smart grid technology is today and a look at future opportunities. Also, BPL Global's role in enabling electricity grid intelligence to transform energy efficiency and reliability. Cost: Online: Members - $15, Non-Members - $25 Onsite: $5 more 2009-05-06 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3267&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-04-21 01:08:43 >c2009-05-06 03:00:00 vh]K>4)uiaYI?-#ocRB5 second round of f?#programming>'agile xp apln=perl<3extreme programming ;!xpportland:tech9+xpportland tech 8festival 7organic61sustainable living 5business4#entrepeneur3%unconference 2startup11interaction design0ixda/+socallinuxexp['I3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Term SheeCo3M33JuClean Energy SIG - An introduction to the Smart Grid MarketThe smart grid has become a rapidly growing movement to design and implement the concept of an intelligent energy system that is more efficient, robust, flexible and sustainable. Join our distinguished panel to gain a basic understanding of how the systems we use for electric energy generation, distribution and consumption are evolving to better meet the needs of society and entrepreneurial opportunities available. Roger Hicks - What is the smart grid and owhy should we care? An introduction to the smart grid concept along with a summary of problems it will address and some business opportunity examples in the emerging clean energy marketplace. John Thornton, VP Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Porteon Electric Vehicles Inc - Moving towards the intelligent convergence of vehicles, buildings and electric utilities. An overview of perspectives on the future of transportation and sustainability: electric vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid as enabling technologies. Steve Jennings, Chief Marketing Officer, BPL Global - The Smart Grid: Today and Tomorrow. Learn where smart grid technology is today and a look at future opportunities. Also, BPL Global's role in enabling electricity grid intelligence to transform energy efficiency and reliability. Cost: Online: Members - $15, Non-Members - $25 Onsite: $5 more 2009-05-06 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3267&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-04-20 21:14:41 ?B2009-05-06 03:00:00 :l:s by invite only and is intended for peo?!I3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Projeq>/ 3k33JsWestside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. 2009-04-24 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-04-20 19:36:16 <2009-04-24 04:00:00=/ 3k33JsWestside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. 2009-04-24 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-04-20 19:35:42 <2009-04-24 04:00:00rct Bonneville Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions: # How does performance vary across JVM vendors? # How does performance vary across JVM versions? # How does performance vary across operating systems? # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements? # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance? # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming? There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome. Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids. ---------- Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-20 19:50:52 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00pt in the mid 90's; then Java and many of it's frameworks beginning in the late 90's. Today he primarily uses Flex to build beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends. Prior to Adobe, James built a rich marketing and customer service portal for Pillar Data Systems. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-20 18:01:23 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00s for an informative evening as Mark Fitzgerald, author of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photossxier Software with Flex and Java Outline: Intro to Rich Internet Applications # RIA as the next generation of Software # Back to the Client-Server Model # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform Intro to building software with Flex # What is Flex? # Open Source SDK # ActionScript & MXML Languages # Components # How do you use Flex? # Compiler # Debugging Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration) # Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File) # Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP) # Pub/Sub Messaging # Spring Integration ---------- Speaker: James Ward James is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301. Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endless new discoveries, elegant workarounds, summits and valleys. His adventures in climbing have taken him many places. Likewise, technology has brought him many adventures, including: Pascal and Assembly back in the early 90's; Perl, HTML, and JavaScriframeworks beginning in the late 90's. Today he primarily uses Flex to build beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends. Prior to Adobe, James built a rich marketing and customer service portal for Pillar Data Systems.


PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

(join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-20 18:00:30 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00uto the Client-Server Model # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform
Intro to building software with Flex
# What is Flex?
# Open Source SDK
# ActionScript & MXML Languages
# Components
# How do you use Flex?
# Compiler
# Debugging

Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration)
# Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File)
# Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP)
# Pub/Sub Messaging
# Spring Integration


Speaker: James Ward

James is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301. Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endless new discoveries, elegant workarounds, summits and valleys. His adventures in climbing have taken him many places. Likewise, technology has brought him many adventures, including: Pascal and Assembly back in the early 90's; Perl, HTML, and JavaScript in the mid 90's; then Java and many of it's SSan ever to effectively manage your network and your reputation online and)Uq3_33JuIDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. 5:45p - Doors open at University of Oregon, White Stag Building - NW Couch at NW 1st 6:00p - Presentations 6:30p - Round table discussion 6:45p - Social hour at Shanghai Tunnel - 211 SW Ankeny St This month’s speakers: Jason Hillbourne - designer of Bunkbots Scott Peterson - president of the IDSA Oregon Chapter Mackenzie Schubert - student in the University of Oregon Digital Arts program2009-04-30 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-04-22 20:09:09 ?2009-04-30 02:00:00 ogy\;7y3 33JuDatabase gossip lunchJoin us to gossip about databases while eating lunch. RSVP: @selenamarie @gorthx @donpdonp @jmelesky @Theory @igalko2009-04-20 19:30:002009-04-20 18:22:26 ?A2009-04-20 20:30:00:7w3 33JuDatabase gossip lunchJoin us to gossip about databases while eating lunch.2009-04-20 19:30:002009-04-20 18:06:51 ?A2009-04-20 20:30:00{9?3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Sexier Software with Flex and JavaThis month's topic: Seti83-33JrPortland Java User Group: Sexier Software with Flex and JavaThis month's topic: Sexier Software with Flex and Java

# Intro to Rich Internet Applications RIA as the next generation of Software # Back vu733-33JrPortland Java User Group: Sexier Software with Flex and JavaThis month's topic: Sexier Software with Flex and Java

# Intro to Rich Internet Applications RIA as the next generation of Software
# Back to the C &&Pd). http://puredata.info. V6s3733JuThe North American Organic Brewers Festival (NAOBF)Date is correct, not positive on Times The North American Organic Brewers Festival (NAOBF) returns the last weekend in June, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, to Overlook Park in Portland, Oregon. The event is Free and open to the public. Participation in beer tasting is $6 for a reusable, yet compostable, cornstarch tasting glass and samples are $1 a ticket. A full glass is 4 tickets. Strong beers (over 8% alcohol by volume) and certain imported beers will cost more. Children are welcome with guardians. Sorry, no pets allowed. Beer sales are restricted to people 21 years and older with valid ID. Discount of $1 off of tasting glass with validated MAX ticket or three cans of food (preferably organic) for the Oregon Food Bank. No Parking is provided for this event, making Tri-Met's MAX Yellow line the easiest way to attend.2009-06-26 15:00:00http://www.naobf.org/2009-04-20 17:03:29 ;2009-06-29 04:00:00cussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace. NOTE: This is a new meeting date, due to too many conflicts on our previous second-Wednesday meetings. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-04-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2463266/2009-04-20 02:16:30 9;b(2009-04-23 04:00:00x?hl=en" target="_blank">Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:15:34 92009-01-22 04:30:00 Xcollaborative flair. It’s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in communities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general. The atmosphere encourages just halWy3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may res_5U 3]33JuCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to disz$4K=3E33JuTechShop Portland Grand OpeningMark your calendars! April 25 at 3:00PM TechShop will be officially open! We are planning on demonstrating the furnaces and metal casting and other cool stuff. More details to come! So be there or be a quadrangle polygon with four right angle corners and sides of equal length.2009-04-25 22:00:00http://portlandtechshop.com/2009-04-19 19:30:28 >2009-04-26 00:00:00 mmscussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself kWw3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Manager3QM333JuArduino Cult Induction at TechShopOpenTechSpace, TechShop, and Tempus Dictum will present an “Arduino Cult Induction” Workshop at TechShop on Saturday, May 9 2009, from 1 to 5 pm. In this workshop, you will build a complete and functional Arduino-compatible micro-controller (Dorkboard), and will upload and run a program on it. The Arduino development environment is very popular with artists and other creative people, and can be built and programmed even if you have little hardware or software experience.2009-05-09 20:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/04/18/arduino-cult-induction/2009-04-19 17:17:53 >2009-05-10 00:00:00 ry hԡB7+37333Calagator code sprintHelp us improve Calagator -- join us for a code sprint. Everyone is welcome to participated2e53333JuAgile Pub Lunch sponsored by XPDX & APLN-PDXCasual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun. * If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one) * If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches * If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach * If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment * If you're curious about any the above *Come on over for lunch.* We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc.2009-06-05 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-04-18 19:08:41 ;42009-06-05 22:00:00: From Runways to Air Traffic Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub, come find out about these and other aspects of commercial aviation, including the physics of flight, sound propagation, and airport operations. Chris Corich is General Manager of Long Range Planning and Noise, and a 16-year veteran at PDX. When: Science Pub Portland is the last Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Come early for food, drink, and to get a seat! Please Note: Science Pub Portland now has a suggested cover charge of $2.00 (If that's a hardship for you, please come anyway!)2009-04-29 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373653/2009-04-13 21:41:23 ?8;b!2009-04-29 04:00:00ped in here, as has the Portland Urban Iditarod in previous years. The Lotus Room is a great space with a dark wood 'real bar' feel - and those of us who got food here during the Goth Pub Crawl were really impressed, if you're up for some dinner as well. They're excited to have us, and will be doing a drinks special just for the Mingler - details to be updated nearer to the time. If this is your first MiPL event, feel free to come find me or anyone wearing a Welcome Wagon button when you arrive - we'll be looking out for new faces too. MiPL folks are a really friendly bunch, so don't be shy about introducing yourself! Incidentally - admittedly “Mingler” may sound a bit like it’s a singles’ mixer - but it most assuredly is not! This and all other events are for meeting people and making friends, so whether you’re single, coupled, married - you’re very, very welcome.2009-04-24 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374729/2009-04-13 21:41:18 ?7;b 2009-04-24 06:00:00 1nt layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and caY0w 3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide! This month we will have an introduction in to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers, covering techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning the most useful, verified information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. The 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators and editors Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalist Dan Cook. (Other panelists TBA).2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-18 16:08:53 92009-05-07 02:30:00 scussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the F1we3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide! This month we will have an introduction in to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers, covering techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. The 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators and editors Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalist Dan Cook. (Other panelists TBA).2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-18 16:09:36 92009-05-07 02:30:00 BB&=75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a W S3Q33JsTiE Oregon presents Software & Internet SIG - Business Platforms for AppsIf you are on Facebook playing Texas Hold'Em, added LinkedIn applications leveraging your connections, or reviewed sales, marketing, HR or other applications at force.com, AppExchange, you are already in touch with the evolving world of Application Integration Platforms which have opened up new software opportunities for business and monetization. Come join us for an overview of these:,Q3 33JuPicnic Tweetup at Laurelhurst ParkEnjoy Sunday's forecasted sunshine, 75 degree weather, and company of friends at Laurelhurst park. Whatever games and/or food people bring, is what we'll do. I'll bring a frisbee. Look at or around "Area E" to find the group. The space is not reserved so check twitter for up-to-the-minute messages with the #twicnic hashtag. 2009-04-19 21:00:002009-04-18 14:32:44 :2009-04-19 23:00:00 block devices over TCP. DRBD is extremely flexible due to the fact it is a block d S3Q33JsTiE Oregon presents Software & Internet SIG - Business Platforms for AppsIf you are on Facebook playing Texas Hold'Em, added LinkedIn applications leveraging your connections, or reviewed sales, marketing, HR or other applications at force.com, AppExchange, you are already in touch with the evolving world of Application Integration Pla6/wE3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide! This month we will have an introduction in to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers, followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia editors Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalist Dan Cook. (Other panelists TBA).2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-18 16:04:40 92009-05-07 02:30:00 ollaboratively. Together, we will create a long-term vision and plan for a city and county that feeds itself – sustainably, healthily, equitably, and prosperously. In planning for this initiative, Multnomah County is preparing a State of Food Report. This rep~+Q#3 33JuPicnic Tweetup at Laurelhurst ParkEnjoy Sunday's forecasted sunshine, 75 degree weather, and company of friends at Laurelhurst park. Whatever games and/or food people bring, is what we'll do. I'll bring a frisbee. Look at or around "Area E" to find the group, and check twitter for #twicnic messages.2009-04-19 21:00:002009-04-18 14:30:44 :2009-04-19 23:00:00h*Qw3 33JuPicnic Tweetup at Laurelhurst ParkEnjoy Sunday's forecasted sunshine, 75 degree weather, and company of friends at Laurelhurst park. Whatever games and/or food people bring, is what we'll do. Look at or around "Area E" to find the group, and check twitter for #twicnic messages.2009-04-19 21:00:002009-04-18 14:24:05 :2009-04-19 23:00:00basic digital and analog electrical circuits, build and program lego robots, and custom build a computer from the motherboard up. Learn to think through and solve problems using professional methods and communication tools, just as engineers do in the workplace. Instructor: Stephanie Viaene Stephanie Viaene, with a BS in mathematics and an MS in Interdisciplinary Mathematics from the University of Oregon, has taught mathematics and computer programming, web design, and tech support at the junior high and high school level. In 2007 she was awarded the Technology Teacher of the Year award from the Software Association of Oregon. Instructor: Jill Hubbard Jill Hubbard teaches pre-engineering classes at Tualatin High School. She has a masters in education and a bachelor's in computer engineering. Before teaching, she was an engineer at Intel Corporation. 2009-06-22 16:00:00http://www.saturdayacademy.org/Classes/AllClasses/ByMonth/tabid/111/default.aspx?classid=96822009-04-17 21:24:24 ?@2009-06-26 23:00:00 N]kN must! * Find out about the tools offered by the search eng)]M3 33Jupdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program TBD, check again later. Meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.2009-04-29 02:00:002009-04-17 22:37:23 <2009-04-29 04:00:00n(]w3 33Jupdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program TBD, check again later. Meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB.2009-04-29 02:00:002009-04-17 22:36:01 <2009-04-29 04:00:00'K3G33JuSaturday Academy's Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming for 9th-12th grade studentsEngineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming Experience some of the many exciting projects that engineers work on as you explore the fields of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. You will design, code, and debug computer programs, create computer games, design and simulate ..tion Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Enginm UE3E33JsProfessional Technology Career FairaProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - PaF"I3E33JuOpen Source Bridge work sprintPlease join us on Saturday, April 18th to work on:
  1. Code: Add features to our OpenConferenceWare conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience. We’re planning to add a schedule grid, personal schedule planner, personal schedule export, and other improvements.
  2. Tests: Add specs (tests) to currently uncovered code and refactor code for clarity and correctness. Join in if you have RSpec or Cucumber experience.
  3. Outreach: Contact speakers, compose articles, and publicize the sessions.
  4. <  to directories is important and how to choose the correct directories. * What is Link Popularity and why is it important. *l&9?3]33JuFocus the Nation eventFocus the Nation: Seizing the Opportunties of the New Energy Economy This inter-generational town hall will span all levels of government representation-- from federal to city-- and will be the unveiling event for the Multnomah County Climate Action Plan from Mayor Sam Adams and Commissioner Jeff Cogen. Featuring: Congressman Earl Blumenaeur, Representative Ben Cannon, Representative Jules Bailey, Mayor Sam Adams, Commissioner Jeff Cogen. Partner Organizations: Portland State University/N2e Location: Portland State University Hoffmann Hall Date: Friday, April 17th at 6:00 PM Organizer: Lacey Riddle, contact at 5032249440 or lacey@focusthenation.org2009-04-18 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2421869/2009-04-17 18:06:04 ??;b&2009-04-18 04:00:00local IGDA chapter for Portland, OR. The group has been dormant for a while but is currently in the early stages of revitalization. Anyone from an individual enthusiast working on flash games in their spare time up to EA-sized studios are welcome to participate. We have several goals: * To meet like-minded developers in the area. We want to be a forum where we can meet other developers and enthusiasts. * To be a social/networking forum more than having structured meeting topics. We want to be a place you can meet like minded developers and discuss your work. There’s a strong focus on indies, which should be unsurprising for Portland. * To serve as the area IGDA chapter. There is not a huge game developer presence in Portland, overshadowed as we are by nearby Seattle, but we feel there are more than enough people in the area who would like to meet up and keep in contact. * To consume vast quantities of pizza and/or beer.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.pagdig.org/2009-04-16 23:27:50 :2009-04-17 04:00:00 --o^ M&iG;=33/f/;=33/Tiny Oak Studio *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214"g?;=33/Tiny Galleon Distillery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214"h?;=33/Stubborn Calagator Inc. *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214&iG;=33/Swashbuckling Calagator Pub *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214j7;=33/Suave Mouse Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214k9;=33/Orange Puppy Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214 hZhengine marketing tips and tactics. In this 2-day course you will learn the essentials of g{%Ms3;33JuGSlate Technologies Grand OpeningWe are opening our doors for business, and would love to share it with you. We will be collecting donations for Fish Emergency Services http://fishemergencyservice.org Those of us with children are bringing them, so feel free to bring yours.2009-05-01 23:00:00http://Slatetechpdx.com2009-04-17 03:01:17 ?2009-05-02 03:00:00g$'s3933JuPAGDIG MeetupPAGDIG stands for Portland Area Game Developers Interest Group. It is the "#/ 3 33JuRPG Players LunchA simple lunch to meet some of the gamers in the area and maybe form new groups. Noon @ Buffalo Wild Wings by Pioneer Place on 5/16. RSVP with me @ cyotee@gmail.com, I want to have a good idea of the number of people coming so I can call ahead. Site Address: Buffalo Wild Wings 327 SW Morrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-05-16 19:00:002009-04-16 21:28:26 ?>2009-05-16 21:00:00 h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Couo3333JsPLUG Advanced Topics`!I73E33JuOpen Source Bridge work sprint

    Please join us on Saturday, April 18th to work on:

    1. Code: Add features to our OpenConferenceWare conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience. We’re planning to add a schedule grid, personal schedule planner, personal schedule export, and other improvements.
    2. Tests: Add specs (tests) to currently uncovered code and refactor code for clarity and correctness. Join in if you have RSpec or Cucumber experience.
    3. Outreach: Contact speakers, compose articles, and publicize the sessions.
    4. Attendeli>Attendee wiki: Provide structure and content for a wiki that attendees can use to share information, like where to eat, what to do, etc.
    5. Birds of Feather sessions (BoFs) planning: Prepare wiki instructions, Google spreadsheet, or requirements for a custom Rails app to capture registrations for BoFs.
    6. Hacker lounge planning: Prepare projects and structure for arranging space in the 24-hour hacker lounge.
    We’ll meet up at Urban Grind Northwest at 10am. Later in the day, we’ll have a working lunch at BridgePort Brew Pub. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! PS: If you plan to participate, please also join mailing lists related to your interest area. 2009-04-18 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-16 18:50:24 ;g2009-04-18 23:00:00 -- Ibkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#xof]TKB90' Kԡf ԡb ԡa ԡ` $ԡ_ &ԡ] *ԡH ,ԡG 3ԡF 8ԡE @ԡB ;ԅO@=13-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-06-17 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-20 19:53:15 <;bM2009-06-17 03:00:00e wiki: Provide structure and content for a wiki that attendees can use to share information, like where to eat, what to do, etc.
  5. Birds of Feather sessions (BoFs) planning: Prepare wiki instructions, Google spreadsheet, or requirements for a custom Rails app to capture registrations for BoFs.
  6. Hacker lounge planning: Prepare projects and structure for arranging space in the 24-hour hacker lounge.

We’ll meet up at Urban Grind Northwest at 10am. Later in the day, we’ll have a working lunch at BridgePort Brew Pub. Join us for however much of this you can.


PS: If you plan to participate, please also join mailing lists related to your interest area.

2009-04-18 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-16 18:49:30 ;g2009-04-18 23:00:00 ica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Typesԡ4uG35333Portland Female Executives Wall of Wine Benefit GalaOn Tuesday, December 8, plan to mix and mingle with friends, colleagues, and Portland's female business leaders at the historic University Club of Portland for the Portland Female Executives (PDXfX) Walz_53]33JsPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)[Full deta/ cM3333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-04-16 13:22:04 92009-05-12 04:00:00 je central city. Where the Revolution Began (Spacemaker Press, $29.95) is the story of how these plazas came to be. Born of the creative experimentation and collaboration between the late Halprin and his wife, pioneering choreographer/dancer Anna Halprin, the Portland Open Space Sequence came to life in the unlikely setting of the Portland’so3333JsPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI ProgrammingSpeaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless G I3_33JtPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe [not] first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some type of software demonstration, discussion about group structure and preferences, and then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-04-15 23:32:24 =2009-05-21 03:00:00 ce Halprin. Saturday, December 5, 2pm Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Admission: Free Introduction by Portland Parks CommiWS{3]33JsCorvallis Beer and Blog @ Fireworks[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/ ] Our next Beer and Blog will be at Fireworks Restaurant & Bar from 5-7PM. We’ll be having our first topic going over how to start your blog. We’ll discuss how to setup a Blogger site along with setting up WordPress. There probably won’t be enough time to]=93I33JuPDX Hacker Space Meeting"Hello Portland Dorks! There's a group of enthusiastic people meeting tomorrow night (Thurs 4/16/09) to discuss the development of Portland's very own Hackerspace! The meeting will be at Backspace downtown (115 NW 5th Ave). A lot of us are currently chatting on #pdxhackerspace on freenode. Come join us!" -- Justin May, dorkbot-blabber list2009-04-17 01:30:00http://www.pdxhackerspace.org/2009-04-15 22:39:35 :H2009-04-17 02:30:00  for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaI3_33JtPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe [not]first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some type of software demonstration, discussion about group structure and preferences, and then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-04-15 23:31:36 =2009-05-21 03:00:00 a free event, and you must register at the link below to attend. This Yahoo Pipes training course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes. In 2 hours, we will cover the basics of building Yahoo Pipes from building your first Yahoo Pipe to some more advanced uses. When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm City: Portland, OR Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance) Pricing: * Students, freelancers, or unemployed: $100 * Early Bird (prior to April 23rd): $150 * Late registration (after April 23rd): $250 Prerequisites * You must have a Yahoo Pipes account. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required2009-05-07 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415068/2009-04-15 17:49:25 ?=;b$2009-05-08 00:00:00he second Monday of the month.2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-14 15:46:57 92009-02-10 05:00:00inciples of Crisis Communications to prepare for releasing bad news before you need to. Online registration for this event closes on Wednesday, April 1st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. Speaker: Jody Peake, OnPR Jody Peake has announced both good and bad news for lots of clients -- from SAP to Victoria's Secret.com. She is the CEO of OnPR, a PR agency that specializes in providing experienced PR services for enterprise, consumer and wireless technology companies. OnPR has offices in Portland, Seattle and Munich. She was previously a founding partner at Waggener Edstrom. Date and Time: April 2, 2009, 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online Registration: OEN member $20, Non-member $30 To register click link: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=722009-04-02 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=722009-03-26 19:50:01 :2009-04-02 18:00:00 l major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and OCoW3]33JukAgile Project Management Workshop with Chris SimsThis is a full day, experiential introduction that focuses primarily on the project management elements of Agile. It's ideal for anyone who is going to be or wants to be invovled in an agile project: developers, product people, managers, and of course, project managers. Course Description: On a software project, uncertainty is certain. The customer will change their mind, a 'must have' feature will be discovered, deadlines will move, or an unexpected competitive threat will need to be countered. The agile approach to project management allows the team to easily adjust to these changing conditions in order to produce the most valuable software possible. This experiential workshop teaches the fundamentals of agile project management, and is recommended for everyone who w c s^ !ԡo3;333Urban Edibles Development Meetingf 333JqAeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamEmerging companies face a tough fight for growth. Their survival depends heavily on the capabilities and experience of the team but it can be daunting to assemble the right team at the right time. This program examines how successful entrepreneurs have built their teams and then scaled them through stages of growth. 2008-11-13 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-30 23:40:13 :$2008-11-13 17:00:009eE333JrSAO The Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinkingThe Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinking Date: Tue, Nov 18th Time: 7:30am-9J}dg 3 33JrOEN PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 42009-02-12 01:15:002008-10-30 22:21:09 :62009-02-12 03:30:00trangers." And many Jews (David and myself included) take Passover as an opportunity to bring Jews and non-Jews together for discussion and food (food is very important). We would like to invite members (in the broadest sense) of the CubeSpace community to the second CubeSpace Passover Seder. There are no minimum knowledge requirements to attend. Questions are encouraged and families are welcome. The seder will be on Thursday, April 9th, beginning at 5pm. Adults are $10/person, children under 12 are $5/person and children under 2 are free. Food will be kosher for Passover by ingredient, but we will not have special Passover plates. The seder will be vegetarian-friendly, and we will do our best to accommodate special diets for those that pre-register. For more information, please email David@CubeSpacePDX.com. Ticket Info: Adults are $10/person, children under 12 are $5/person and children under 2 are free.2009-04-10 00:00:00http://www.CubeSpacePDX.com/node/19932009-04-06 18:19:36 92009-04-10 03:00:00 ssM & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. 4W[3]33JugCity of Portland's Ready Safe Go 2009What is Ready. Safe. Go.? Ready. Safe. Go. is an opportunity to learn more about crime prevention, safety, and emergency preparedness. Choose between 21 free classes during three hour long sessions in the morning, network with other volunteers, community members, and staff during lunch, then honor fellow community members at the awards ceremony in the afternoon. This annual event is a partnership between the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) Crime Prevention Program and the Portland Office of Emergency Management (POEM), with support from the Portland Citizen Corps Council. See the following for more information and how to register. http://www.portlandonline.com/oni/index.cfm?c=411512009-04-25 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373709/2009-04-06 06:49:38 ?$;b 2009-04-25 22:00:00 ``sx} "',16;@EJOTY^chmrw| "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ser experience design! This time, we have Nick Finck, Principal and Director of User Experience at Blue 2?G3?33JufOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-06 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:04:342009-04-07 00:00:00 CY3W{3]33JugCity of Portland's Ready Safe Go 2009What is Ready. Safe. Go.? Ready. Safe. Go. is an opportunity to learn more about crime prevention, safety, and emergency preparedness. Choose between 21 free classes during three hour long sessions in the morning, network with other volunteers, community members, and staff during lunch, then honor fellow community members at the awards ceremony in the afternoon. This annual event is a partnership between the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) Crime Prevention Program and the Portland Office of Emergency Management (POEM), with support from the Portland Citizen Corps Council. See the Event homepage for more information and how to register.2009-04-25 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373709/2009-04-06 06:45:18 ?$;b 2009-04-25 15:00:00 Xe the product manager, the project manager and the program manager. Three panelists with experience at IBM, HP, and Tektronix will explain each manager’s perspective on the product development process and explore ways to eliminate potential areas of overlap and friction. A Q&A session will follow allowing the audience to clariUOa3w33JsVPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Pl2GT13C33JsYIgnite Corvallis 27PM-ish - U6ak3c33JuhHow to Use a Blog to Promote your businessWhen: Tuesday, April 14 2009 6-8:30pm Where: 1562 Se Tacoma St. Portland or 97206 Cost: $75.00 You've heard of blogs, online journals where people write5Q 3W33JuWCubeSpace Community Passover SederPassover is among the best-known of the Jewish holidays. It is a time when family and friends gather together for a ritual meal. The Haggadah, the text used in the seder (structured meal) explicitly encourages the invitation of "s ZZplar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want tJc33+33JsdClojure: Functional Programming for the JVMTalk about strange bedfellows: what happens when you mix "0CG3?33Ju[Ongoing Counseling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-27 20:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:03:45 ;b2009-04-28 00:00:00n can be combined with program analysis methods to automatically repair bugs in off-the-shelf legacy C programs. Once a program fault is discovered, evolutionary algorithms are used to generate program variants until one is found that both retains required functionality and avoids the defect in question. Standard test cases are used to represent the fault and to encode program requirements. Once a successful variant is discovered, structural differencing algorithms and delta debugging methods are used to minimize its size. Initial results will be presented on a wide range of C programs, including security vulnerabilities such as integer overflow, denial of service, format string, and buffer overflow. Finally, the talk will describe how the automatic repair mechanism can be combined with anomaly intrusion detection to produce a closed-loop repair system. Biography Stephanie Forrest is Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science Department at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. She is also an External Professor and has served on the Science Board and as Vice President of the Santa Fe Institute. Professor Forrest received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan (1982,1985) and a BA from St. John's College (1977). Before joining UNM in 1990 she worked for Teknowledge Inc. and was a Director's Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her research studies adaptive systems, including evolutionary computation, immunology, biological modeling, and computer security. In security, she is best known for her early work using system calls for anomaly intrusion detection and her more recent work on automated diversity. She was a recipient of the NSF Presidental Young Investigator's Award and has recently served on the NSF GENI Science Council, the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, and the UCLA CENS Advisory Board. 2009-04-06 17:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/Colloq/Forrest.html2009-03-09 23:02:32 <2009-04-06 18:00:00 ``lhow to do business in the U.S., and touch upon some of the ways in which U.S. firms, both those currently working with and those seeking to do business with Chinese partners, could improve their understanding and bottomline results. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Akana Ma is a partner in the Global Trade Group of Ater Wynne, LLP in Portland, Or-?G3?33JucOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-20 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:02:382009-04-21 00:00:00 \\stions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing an ,?G3?33JubOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-08 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:02:15 ;b2009-04-09 00:00:00 ZZ-y's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using m;b2009-04-09 04:00:00inspire and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. Cost is $5.00 at the door, which will offset costs and provide a light dinner. April's Forum showcases Online Tools that promote social innovation. We launch the ChangeXchange! This month's forum is themed “Online Solutions” and will use emerging local projects for real-time, hands-on learning. Learn how the internet can be used to raise seed-funding for social entrepreneur startups. Learn how the online space can be a successful social innovation, and learn how social marketing can be used to market social change.2009-04-09 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2371994/2009-04-04 21:02:46 ?#;b2009-04-09 04:00:00 technical talent but the decision makers and industry experts who are involved$@e)3?33JsNOpen Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing our initial call for papers, talking about our philosophy for the conference and assigning leads for each of the content areas. We're looking for people who can coordinate the activities of a few people in review committees, can commit to 10-15 hours of reviewing and responding time over the next two months. We figure we'll have 3-4 in-person meetings before wD*SU3]33JuaSpringboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will ork on: 1. Code: Add features and specs (tests) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind at 10am. Later in the day, we'll have a working lunch at the dining space between the Hot Lips Pizza and Laughing Planet at the Ecotrust Building. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal2009-04-05 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-02 21:16:44 ;g2009-04-05 23:00:00Y[\]``a_cbdehjkilqm 03:00:0004-09 02:30:00to sell? • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquire or license patents and patented technology, as well as lawyers who advise companies on these issues. Panelists: Gary Glisson, Partner, Stoel Rives LLP For more than 20 years, Gary Glisson has counseled intellectual property owners of all types on the legal aspects of commercializing their intellectual property assets. As Co-Chair of the Stoel Rives Technology Ventures Group, he works with investor-financed companies to leverage their intellectual property assets in the planning and implementation of their business strategies. Kent Richardson, EVP and GM, ThinkFire Drawing on his experience as VP IP at Rambus, General Counsel of Numerical Technology, and as part of the IP strategy team at Wilson Sonsini, Kent advises clients on patent development, sales and licensing. Andy Scott, VP of Business Development, RPX Andy spent the first part of his career in various startups and in venture capital. He subsequently cofounded a patent brokerage firm and recently joined RPX, a defense patent aggregator. Moderator: Bill Birdwell, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP As lead counsel in patent, trade secret and trademark litigation, including jury trials, Bill brings several years experience to this topic including experience as an expert witness on patent law in patent litigation. Event Details: Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-04-08 15:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409132009-03-09 22:24:26 >2009-04-08 17:00:00 Monica Enand and her team at Zapproved developed and deployed a product, started generating revenue, and brought Pixelworks founder Allen Alley onto their Board of Directors -- all with very little funding. Come hear Monica talk about Zapproved's product, and about the bootstrapping tactics the team used to make so much headway while keeping expenses very low. And - with this event, real time streaming of OTBC lunches returns. If you can't attend in person, tune into the program at http://www.ustream.tv... What: Startup CEO Monica Enand of Zapproved When: Tuesday, April 7, 11:30am (program starts at noon) Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: Free, in the parking garage next door MAX: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Cost: $10 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; $15 for late registrations (lunch included)2009-04-07 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763115/2009-04-02 20:01:25 <2009-04-07 20:00:00 1. Code: Add features and specs (test) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind at 10am. Later in the day, we'll have a working lunch at the dining space between the Hot Lips Pizza and Laughing Planet at the Ecotrust Building. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] OCW task list: 2009-04-05 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-02 21:12:16 ;g2009-04-05 23:00:00ntrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:20 <;b\JsH2009-01-13 22:00:00 HH?c4$cE3E33Ju^Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprintPlease join us this weekend to work on: 1. Code: Add features and specs (test) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind at 10am and work through 4pm. We'll probably do a working lunch nearby, and will announce the lunch location that day. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] OCW task list: 2009-04-05 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-02 21:04:49 ;g2009-04-05 23:00:00 LLnt for the web is not quite as simple as whipping out your Flip HD0#cE3E33Ju^Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprintPlease join us this weekend to work on: 1. Code: Add features and specs (test) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind at 10am and work through 4pm. We'll probably do a working lunch nearby, and will announce the lunch location that day. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] OCW task list: 2009-04-05 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-02 20:58:352009-04-05 23:00:00 GGDthe efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will hel5"eE3E33Ju^Open Source Bridge: Code and outreach sprintJoin us to work on Open Source Bridge stuff this weekend: 1. Code: Add features and specs (test) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list[1] for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Northwest Urban Grind[2] at 10am and work through 4pm. We'll probably do a working lunch nearby, and will announce the lunch location that day. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] OCW task list: http://opensourcebridge.org/planning/teams/tech/tasks [2] Northwest Urban Grind: 911 NW 14th Ave. OR, OR 97209 2009-04-05 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-02 20:50:25 ;g2009-04-05 23:00:00 h. So in difficult times, how do you finance your startup? Presenter: Carolynn Duncan, founder at The Hundred Dollar Business. Current projects include CoffeeWithAnExpert.com, the Seattle Startup Wiki. She also consults with entrepreneurs who are prepping for angel/VC funding, streamlining operations, or need to begin generating revenue. Read more about Carolynn at her LinkedIn profile Where: OTBC (directions) Parking&!c{3s33Ju]OTBC: Startup CEO Monica Enand of ZapprovedThis lunch program features another Oregon startup that is being successful in spite of the tough economy. ;3O33Ju\Networking ExtravaganzaSpeed Networking to learn about other local groups If you are looking for new networking opportunities in Portland, join us on April 28th at souk. One stop shopping! Come find out what sorts of groups exist in Portland. Don't bother with a google search and forget sifting through the 40 thousand results. Just show up and see over a dozen local organizations speak briefly about what their group has to offer. After the presentations you will have a chance to speak face to face with the people that piqued your interest. Last year we had over 100 attendees and the opportunity for as much networking as you could handle in one night. Everyone will get a master resource list of all the groups represented and contact info - in case you didn't get to talk with everyone you wanted to. We will have pizza and beverages on hand to keep you going strong through the evening. $5 at the door to eat, drink and meet. Please RSVP to portland@ywse.org , however you can come even if you don't: A short list of some of the groups that will be represented: Springboard Innovation Ladies Who Launch Pdxfx Connectpdx City Club New Leaders Green Drinks YWSE Leadership Portland AIGA (DMob) Self-Employed Creative Professionals OEN World Affairs Council Young Professionals Ticket Info: $52009-04-29 01:00:00http://www.ywse.org/ywseportland/2009-04-02 19:07:51 ;b2009-04-29 03:00:00 ZZ on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minute"CG3?33Ju[Ongoing Counseling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-06 20:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-02 19:03:07 ;b2009-04-30 00:00:00   rnational relations and molecular biology at the University of Wisconsin, Aaron Schliem set off for Chile, where he began his first language company wi[1c;333JsECorvallis Business After Hours January 2009"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatiniq'[3]33JuYBeer and BlogAaaannddd, we're baaaaaack! Let's hope for some sunshine to enjoy a nice pint back at the Green Dragon.2009-04-03 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356953/2009-04-02 18:45:27 ; ;b2009-04-04 01:00:00 "Dgiۋ]2 1333JsFFinding Buried Treasure in your Licensed Intellectual PropertyIn today’s economic climajG?3S33JuZIntellectual Property SeminarLewis & Clark's Small Business Legal Clinic presents this seminar on Intellectual Property, http://www.law.lclark.edu/org/sblc/. Leading intellectual property attorneys from Stoel Rives LLP will address the following subjects: •What are copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and patents? •Why is intellectual property valuable to my business? •How do I obtain these valuable business assets? •When should I register a copyright or trademark? •How do I protect my trade secrets? •What can be patented? 4:00 to 4:15 Registration 4:15 to 5:45 Presentation 5:45 to 6:45 Questions and Answers 6:45 to 7:00 Adjourn RSVP to: Becka 503-768-6940 Seminar Sponsored by souk Ticket Info: Cost: $25.00, scholarships available2009-04-09 23:00:00http://www.law.lclark.edu/org/sblc/2009-04-02 18:55:51 ;b2009-04-10 01:30:00 ''[nd up • Hands-onMe%333JuXOpportunities for Entrepreneurs in Health ITHealth Information Technology Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness Research Gets $1 Billion The new economic stimulus bill is an example of the priority and urgency the new Congress and Obama Administration gives to reforming the health care system. As part of the stimulus package, signed into law by President Obama, $19 billion is now dedicated to transforming the patient record to an electronic format and adopting standards, to be developed by Jan 1, 2010. Practitioners will receive incentives to use Heath Information Technology (HIT) standards that must be developed by Jan. 1, 2010. Physicians and other practitioners will be eligible for up to $64,000 in incentive payments over several years for the meaningful use of an electronic medical record for patients. By 2015 all physicians will be required to use electronic records in their practice. Hospitals will also be eligi //y, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owne),g[333JsBPortland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announMCw3]33JtSAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certification Program will CERTIFY (on 1 of 4 levels of competency) Your Sales Team's Ability To: # Improve Their Lead-to-Close Ratio # Produce ROI-based Proposals of Their Software/Service # Maintain Critical Operating Margins By Selling Value Over Price # Eliminate Discounting to Get the Deal # Avoid Commoditization # Find and Invest Their Time in QUALIFIED Opportunities # Increase Competitive Wins through Professional Differentiation #SAOpdx #OTN #Sales2009-04-08 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/2009-04-02 18:03:22 :;b2009-04-08 06:00:00 pple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instruction/cM3333JtPortland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-04-02 18:01:41 92009-04-14 04:00:00 ideas and methods developed by the nonlinear dynamics community are a much better way to study, understand, and (ultimately) design modern computer systems. This is joint work with Amer Diwan and Todd Mytkowicz. Computer Science Department University of Colorado at Boulder Biography: Elizabeth Bradley did her undergraduate and graduate work at MIT, interrupted by a one-year leave of absence to row in the 1988 OlympiS*W!3331gM3333JtPortland Functional Programmering Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-04-02 18:01:28 92009-04-14 04:00:00o bring Jews and non-Jews together for discussion and food (food is very important). We would like to invite members (in the broadest sense) of the CubeSpace community to the second CubeSpace Passover Seder. There are no minimum knowledge requirements to attend. Questions are encouraged and families are welcome. The seder will be on Thursday, April 9th, beginning at 5pm. Adults are $35/person until April 6th and $45/person afterwards. Children under 12 are $15/person and children under 2 are free. Food will be kosher for Passover by ingredient, but we will not have special Passover plates. The seder will be vegetarian-friendly, and we will do our best to accommodate special diets for those that pre-register. For more information, please email David@CubeSpacePDX.com. Ticket Info: Adults are $35/person until April 3rd and $45/person afterwards. Children under 12 are $15/person and children under 2 are free.2009-04-10 00:00:00http://www.CubeSpacePDX.com/node/19932009-04-02 16:24:37 92009-04-10 03:00:00 ^wth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers yo7=y3=33JuTFifth Faux Film FestivalA festival of faux films, including mockumentaries, commercials for products that don't actually exist, satire, spoofs, and parodies. Different program Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights with shorts starting at 7pm, and full feature film at 9pm. See also http://www.madmartian.com/faux/Faux_2009_Schedule.pdf2009-04-04 02:00:00http://www.fauxfilm.com/2009-04-01 09:27:14 <2009-04-06 05:30:00=G3=33JuTFifth Faux Film FestivalA festival of faux films, including mockumentaries, commercials for products that don't actually exist, satire, spoofs, and parodies. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with shorts starting at 7pm, and full feature film at 9pm. See also http://www.madmartian.com/faux/Faux_2009_Schedule.pdf2009-04-04 02:00:00http://www.fauxfilm.com/2009-04-01 09:02:50 <2009-04-06 05:30:00 y, Lua, JavaScript, Java, C#, and many other languages use virtual machines as their execution environments. InsteadnQ93W33JuWCubeSpace Community Passover SederPassover is among the best-known of the Jewish holidays. It is a time when family and friends gather together for a ritual meal. The Haggadah, the text used in the seder (structured meal) explicitly encourages the invitation of "strangers." And many Jews (David and myself included) take Passover as an opportunity t?3)33JuVShizzow Developers MeetupThis is your chance to drop by to ask us questions about the API, request new API features, make suggestions, and discuss uses for the Shizzow API with the Shizzow team and other people who are developing Shizzow apps. We would also love to see demos of your work in progress applications or hear your ideas for new Shizzow apps!2009-04-03 00:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/03/shizzow-developer-meetup-on-thursday-april-2nd/2009-04-02 15:34:22 ; 2009-04-03 03:00:00 }GVۋbۋYgԡ}93w3333 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointlyfԡ1c!3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' April MeetingThe April Meeting of Portland's first Javtԡ%i3W333k'O3]33JuNWikiWednesdayThis month's WikiWednesday will include the usual wiki-geekery, but will also welcome folks from CHIFOO, after they've finished hearing Ward (Cunningham) speak on Wiki Design Principles. Our main topic of discussion for the evening is the Oregon Transparency Taskforce, an effort to make Oregon state government more transparent, accessible, and accountable that is coordinated through wiki. (Google Group here: http://groups.google.com/group/oregon-transparency-taskforce/?pli=1)2009-04-02 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2298523/2009-04-01 20:29:47 9;b2009-04-02 00:30:00ble for $1-9 million in incentives for meaningful EHR adoption. This stimulus package is expected to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also focus on developing the health IT workforce that institutions like OHSU are already doing, creating new career opportunities in this area. TIE Oregon has partnered with OHSU and lined up a great panel of healthcare industry professionals and entrepreneurs who have pioneered the development and use of Electronic Health Records, who will provide insights into this industry and how entrepreneurs can capitalize on this opportunity. If you are looking to get into this field this is your opportunity to network and learn! 2009-05-21 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?mode=edit&id_event=3061&from_where=status_event&id_status_chapter=50¤t_year=2009&batch_start=0&chapter_region=North%20America&status=12009-04-02 18:20:32 ?!2009-05-21 04:00:00 at the MOP (Meta-Object Protocol) makes possible, especially roles and type constraints. If we have time, I'll go through a simple Moo"Y}3333Js=OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open DiscussionOn days when we don't have h=[3=33JuTFifth Faux Film FestivalA festival of faux films, including mockumentaries, commercials for products that don't actually exist, satire, spoofs, and parodies. Different program Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights with shorts starting at 7pm, and full feature film at 9pm. $7 per night (includes both shorts and feature). See also http://www.madmartian.com/faux/Faux_2009_Schedule.pdf2009-04-04 02:00:00http://www.fauxfilm.com/2009-04-01 15:20:40 <2009-04-06 05:30:00#W3q33JuUPersonal Telco Project Weekly MeetingWeekly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. May have a surprise guest to talk about stimulus funds and drink local beer.2009-04-02 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200904012009-04-01 10:31:23 ; 2009-04-02 03:00:00pc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-04-10 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-03-31 21:54:47 <2009-04-10 03:00:00 #m#inue developing and transforming our minds, from birth right up until death. The 16 Guidelines show us a way of doing this which will benefit both ourselves and other people. THE GLOBAL POTENTIAL OF THE GUIDELINES The 16 Guidelines are more than simply words: they are an inspF=3=33JuTFifth Faux Film FestivalA festival of faux films, including mockumentaries, commercials for products that don't actually exist, satire, spoofs, and parodies. See also http://www.madmartian.com/faux/Faux_2009_Schedule.pdf2009-04-04 02:00:00http://www.fauxfilm.com/2009-04-01 09:01:41 <2009-04-06 05:30:00oa3S33JuSPDXPUG - MySQL war stories: Tales from the CraterMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Chris May will be speaking. Looking forward to seeing everyone there...and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/4732009-03-31 21:59:22 92009-04-17 03:00:00 0. In 1994, David joined MedicaLo= 3E33Js7OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southw]UQ333Js6SCORE Making Quickbooks Work for YouIn this four-hour workshop you will learn: * Understanding the transition of paper bookkeeping into an automated one and using the same modus operandi for QUICKBOOKS. qs3S33JuRPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Linux FilesystemsPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-04-01 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-03-31 21:53:56 <2009-04-01 03:00:00 ;;n and OEN's Angel Oregon! Ready to turn yqs3S33JuRPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Linux FilesystemsPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.t‚D '3]33JuNWikiWednesdayThis month's WikiWednesday will include the usual wiki-geekery, but will also welcome folks from CHIFOO, after they've finished hearing Ward (Cunningham) speak on Wiki Design Principles.2009-04-02 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2298523/2009-03-31 20:54:09 9;b2009-04-02 00:30:00 {{C[z$Mo3M33Js3Corvalli y[3333JuQPortland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by Barton C Massey I haven't gotten the topic yet from Bart; but Bart Massey who is with the Computer Science Department at PSU will be giving the presentation. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address.2009-03-31 21:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-31 20:26:37 >2009-03-31 22:00:00 ons: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vitaQ y{3333JuQPortland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by Barton C Massey I haven't gotten the topic yet from Bart; but Bart Massey who is with the Computer Science Department at PSU will be giving the presentation. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address.2009-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-31 20:29:23 >2009-04-03 04:00:00 ons: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vitaQ y{3333JuQPortland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by Barton C Massey I haven't gotten the topic yet from Bart; but Bart Massey who is with the Computer Science Department at PSU will be giving the presentation. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address.2009-03-31 21:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-31 20:27:59 >2009-03-31 22:00:00-source tool for testers on agile teams, and you'll be ready to do the same for your own applications. Who should attend Intro to Watir is for individuals and teams seeking a better way to create, execute and maintain automated functional tests for browser-based applications. Participants should already know how some basic scripting or programming, although no prior knowledge of Watir or Ruby is assumed. What to bring You will need a laptop running Windows XP or Vista. If you are using a Mac, you will need to be running VMware Fusion or Parallels. Your instructors Intro to Watir will be taught by the most experienced Watir users and project contributors, such as Bret Pettichord, the lead developer of Watir and CTO of Watircraft. Pricing Intro to Watir is offered as a public class for individuals and small teams. $1195 per student; discounted to $995 if you register and pay 30 days before class begins.2009-04-16 16:00:00http://www.watircraft.com/watir-training2009-03-31 20:05:48 ? 2009-04-17 23:00:00day - and scale with the business in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event closes Monday, March 31st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. SPEAKER: Pamela Jones, JONES PARTNERS Pamela is Managing Partner of JONES PARTNERS - a 23-year old retained executive search firm based in the Pacific Northwest and serving client companies (start-ups, public companies and joint-ventures) throughout the country. She has served as an executive with Claremont Technology, Lattice Semiconductor (both completed IPOs) and worked in the management consulting group of a major international CPA firm. Board roles have included OEF, SAO, AOI and the West Coast Chamber Orchestra. (See bio and www.jonespartners.biz)2009-03-31 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=712009-03-26 19:18:10 ?2009-03-31 18:00:00 m ;[3G33JuPinFARMation (and Beer!)InFARMation (and Beer!) is designed to promote community discussion on the connection between food and farms in Oregon. This is a great opportunity to network with the community of Oregonians who wa#[3G33JuPinFARMationInFARMation (and Beer!) is designed to promote community discussion on the connection between food and farms in Oregon. This is a great opportunity to network with the community of Oregonians who wOY3]33JuOWATIR training by Bret PettichordIntro to Watir C'mon in, the Watir is warm! In this hands-on, two-day workshop you will: install and configure Watir, including the new Watir framework learn how to turn requirements or user stories into browser-based automated functional tests use the Watir testing tool to drive a web application in IE and Firefox know how to make web interfaces more testable By the end of the second day, you will have created a test suite using the most popular open ack in March 2009. That’s way too long to go without a good data viz meetup, so there’s going to be another one. We’ll have five 10 minute presentations and a bunch of networking time. Webtrends will again graciously hosty!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAOY3k33JuOWATIR training by Bret PettichordIntro to Watir C'mon in, the Watir is warm! In this hands-on, two-day workshop you will: install and configure Watir, including the new Watir framework learn how to turn requirements or user stories into browser-based automated functional tests use the Watir testing tool to drive a web application in IE and Firefox know how to make web interfaces more testable By the end of the second day, you will have created a test suite using the most popular open-source companies are most commonly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advic/% 3333JuKOBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industryό._3]33JuJMake:PDXMAKE STUFF IN PORTLAND! The goal of MakePDX is to connect, inspire and grow a local community of people who make things. Builders. Crafters. Artists. Cooks. Geeks. Hackers. Anyone who makes or wants to make anything! Who are you? What do you make? We are new. Teach. Learn. Join us. April Speakers: Denny Cole - Portland TechShop - http://portlandtechshop.com TechShop is a 33,000 square foot membership based workshop that provides members wi tool for testers on agile teams, and you'll be ready to do the same for your own applications. Who should attend Intro to Watir is for individuals and teams seeking a better way to create, execute and maintain automated functional tests for browser-based applications. Participants should already know how some basic scripting or programming, although no prior knowledge of Watir or Ruby is assumed. What to bring You will need a laptop running Windows XP or Vista. If you are using a Mac, you will need to be running VMware Fusion or Parallels. Your instructors Intro to Watir will be taught by the most experienced Watir users and project contributors, such as Bret Pettichord, the lead developer of Watir and CTO of Watircraft. Pricing Intro to Watir is offered as a public class for individuals and small teams. $1195 per student; discounted to $995 if you register and pay 30 days before class begins.2009-04-16 16:00:00http://apriloregonwatirtraining.eventbrite.com/2009-03-31 20:01:48 ? 2009-04-17 23:00:00 }}7dinner! Join us for a night of networP M3M33Js3Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wie 13 33JqHood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-03-11 00:30:002009-01-02 18:31:57 ;l2D'3]33JuNWikiWednesdayThis month's WikiWednesday will include the usual wiki-geekery, but will also welcome folks from CHIFOO, after they've finished hearing Ward (Cunningham) speak on Wiki Design Principles.2009-04-01 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2298523/2009-03-31 19:29:48 9;b2009-04-01 00:30:00/% 3333JuLOBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industry and Oregon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-04-09 18:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-03-30 21:43:17 ?2009-04-09 20:00:00 and Oregon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-03-30 22:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-03-30 21:41:11 ?2009-03-30 23:00:00th any skill level access to tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like minded people allowing you to build the things you have always wanted to. Wm Leler - Open Tech Space - http://opentechspace.org Open Tech Space is a project of the Portland State University Center for Open and Sustainable Technologies (COAST) in partnership with various organizations. We are focusing on the greater Portland, Oreogn area, but hope the idea will spread to other places. The goal of Open Tech Space is to give Portland open and sustainable technology community physical gathering places for interaction at low or no cost, provide help with the creation of prototypes, encourage sharing and mentoring, and promote business development in the technology and art communities. The last speaker is YOU. Bring your projects and show them off!2009-04-05 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2149542/2009-03-30 19:22:24 >;b2009-04-06 01:00:00 efore projecting movies for viewing. They will also offer advice on how to best preserve and protect these film formats from damagEW3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - Exploring the DataMapper ORM - Effective use of Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface - ... - More!._3]33JuJMake:PDXMAKE STUFF IN PORTLAND! The goal of MakePDX is to connect, inspire and grow a local community of people who make things. Builders. Crafters. Artists. Cooks. Geeks. Hackers. Anyone who makes or wants to make anything! Who are you? What do you make? We are new. Teach. Learn. Join us. April Speakers: Denny Cole - Portland TechShop - http://portlandtechshop.com TechShop is a 33,000 square foot membership based workshop that provides members wi" I"Iod, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Josh Bancroft - Innovative Social media, the Edge Case at Intel. PROGRAM: Josh Bancroft is a longtime blogger, podcaster, Tweeter, and general internet community geek. For over a decade, he'U']E3 33Ju_Smarter Cheaper Greener I-5 Bridge RallyAre you green, do you ride a bike, do you pay taxes? Rally organized by Metro Councillor Robert Liberty to show your support for smarter, cheaper, greener alternatives to the proposed new $4 billion, 12-lane Interstate 5 Columbia River Crossing bridge. We are gathering in Waterfront Park at the foot of the Morrison Bridge in downtown Portland. 2009-04-05 19:00:002009-04-04 00:34:50 =2009-04-05 20:00:00x&cM3E33Ju^Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprintPlease join us on Sunday, April 5th to w%ce3E33Ju^Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprintPlease join us this weekend to work on: land Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia Trattoria (439 SW 2nd Ave.) Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Business After Hours is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Businesses are encouraged to become members of the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 18:27:08 ?2009-04-09 02:00:00rg/2008-12-18 19:22:53 ;s;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00g in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/29 - 4/30, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-29 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:22:52 ;;b2009-04-30 17:00:00 ''>b]ԡhE{3a333Portland car-free happy hourWhat's your vision of sustainable transportatiotԡZ39333Affiliate Marketing for Creative Professionals & Service Providel1M3 33JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializinM[Eu3]33Ju5iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • i BBry 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast 2\E?3]33Ju7iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developin iists on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adaptinYc3K33Ju8Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:14:292009-04-14 16:00:00Phone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/1 - 4/2, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 18:22:51 ;;b2009-04-03 01:00:00 iiTorkshop is best for: Small business owners and service providers learn}h3 3933JrZc3K33Ju9Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-28 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:16:592009-04-28 16:00:00land Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia Trattoria (439 SW 2nd Ave.) Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Business After Hours is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Businesses are encouraged to become members of the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 18:07:182009-04-09 02:00:00ndblog.com/2008-12-18 17:38:43 ; 2008-12-20 02:00:00k, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres and hear the feature presentation by Journey Gym™ , their challenges as a new entrepreneur, and their recent business adventure. The Journey Gym™ is the world's first truly portable gym, allowing use in the home environment, as well as within travel and professional environments. It's lightweight, compact, and durable design allows people to effectively use it wherever they go. It is efficient in giving users a total body workout and will allow anyone to use it as their primary source for resistance, cardiovascular, and circuit training. Journey gym™ recently began its first run of 1000 of the journey gym on March 30, 2009. Online registration closes on Tuesday, April 7th, at 5 PM. If you miss the online registration date, you can register at the door of the event. Space is limited to 115, so be sure to register today!2009-04-09 00:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=552009-03-26 19:57:45 ?2009-04-09 02:00:00 VVOCCA members pay only $30. Plus, the first fifty people attending the work&X 3K33Ju8Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:14:082009-04-14 16:00:00land Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business After Hours: an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Businesses are encouraged to become members of the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Mama Mia Trattoria - 439 SW 2nd Ave. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 18:03:532009-04-09 02:00:008 17:30:00http://kboo.fm/node/110522008-12-18 08:26:41 =2008-12-18 18:30:00g in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/29 - 4/30, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-29 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:02:10 ?;b2009-04-30 17:00:00 dBde use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO's The D.W)q3M33Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPortڈV)A3M33Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPortݍ2UE?3]33Ju7iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developin H. And because there are fewer available we need to get in an:X/3333Jr[Cancelled] PLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax LanW=3 33Jr[Cancelled] OEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and.TE73]33Ju7iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-29 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:00:30 ?;b2009-05-01 00:00:00Phone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/1 - 4/2, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 18:00:03 ?;b2009-04-03 01:00:00 ''{p, and on April 22 (was March 25), Denney's opening the doors to show everyone all the cool stuff he has in there. What is TechShop? Why, it's "a membership-based DIY workshop that ԡOk 33333Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Designing, visualiMREu3]33Ju5iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • i ''blogs/oen/2008/12/17/fyi-postponed-wednesday-december-17-thunderbird-speaker-series-event] Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-MSEu3]33Ju5iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/1 - 4/2, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 17:58:42 ?;b2009-04-03 00:00:00Phone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/1 - 4/2, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 17:59:13 ?;b2009-04-03 00:00:00 ''5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like MQEu3]33Ju5iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • i TTence from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. ~ԡNW[33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingMeeting topics: * Markus Roberts pres Rw}3Q33JrAgile Open Northwest Conference 2009 "Agile for Real"Agile Open Northwest, an alliance of agile (P)]3M33Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours: an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Mama Mia Trattoria - 439 SW 2nd Ave. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 17:57:18 ?2009-04-09 02:00:00 r Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and 4NEC3]33Ju5iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Sto 77]team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to-Q}/3333JrPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI ProEO)]333Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours: an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Mama Mia Trattoria - 439 SW 2nd Ave. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://for more information, go to www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 17:56:11 ?2009-04-09 02:00:00re. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 17:54:44 ?;b2009-04-03 00:00:00 GG)ore. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to ad5MWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo, Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News (to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street in the Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2, 2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:39:45 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 QQtions when working through recruiting companies •Right and wro+JW73K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News(to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2,2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:37:31 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 GGommunity and celebrate the closing of another year. This 5LWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo, Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News (to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street in the Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2, 2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:39:28 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 GGnd techniques that proved effective in today’s job market f5KWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo, Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News (to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street in the Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2, 2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:39:07 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 ooIompanies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into th HU}3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations: Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog. Speakers: Gale Castillo Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News(to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2,2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:32:38 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 nn partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org): IW}3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog. Speakers: Gale Castillo Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News(to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2,2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:34:19 ?2009-04-02 16:00:00 :: greater willingness to consider fresh ideas for resolving the dispute. One of the most promising developments in recent years has been their amenability to hold dialogue on normalizing the situation in the Kashmir region through enhancG=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topBE1)3/33Ju2JavaScript SandboxCome hang out and work on your JavaScript skills. Whether you are just getting into programming, or you have been programming for a while and want to learn new things, you are encouraged to attend. The format will be one-on-one instruction. Find someone who knows stuff that you don't and learn, or find someone to teach. If you are looking for a JavaScript mentor or a mentee, this is the place to find one. If you have a laptop handy, please bring it along. Ideally laptops should be set up with Firefox running Firebug.2009-04-22 01:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-25 22:27:44 92009-04-22 03:00:00 wting tools any microenterprise can use. In this seminar, you will learn how to use a blog to attract clients, build your reputation, and showcase your expertise. You will leave with tips and advice on setting up a blog, managiG#13;33Ju3PDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-april-20092009-04-28 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-03-26 06:54:07 92009-04-28 05:00:00F#13;33Ju3PDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-april-20092009-04-27 07:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-03-26 06:52:30 92009-04-27 08:00:00   mand response, transportation electrification and many more applications. To help entrepreneurs and innovators in the Portland area learn more about smart grid opportunities and collaborate with others the TiE Oregon is hosting an evE=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimiC3133Ju0Portland Perl Mongers: Moose (A Postmodern Object System) -- hdpMoose is a postmodern object system for Perl 5. Moose's recent rise in popularity has led to a surge of declarative class-building and accessor-generating modules, but the real power of Moose comes from its metaclass fundamentals, not from the syntactic sugar of has(). Using Moose as a foundation makes it easier for your code to grow and scale. I'll cover some of the concepts in Moose that the MOP (Meta-Object Protocol) makes possible, especially roles and type constraints. If we have time, I'll go through a simple Moose extension, focusing on the mechanisms Moose provides to help your code play nicely with others'. If the first sentence of this description was news to you, you should at least read the SYNOPSIS of Moose, and if you can get through Moose::Manual and Moose::Manual::Concepts, so much the better. I'll expect a lot of questions, but I hope to move past "what is an object" pretty quickly. By the end of the night I hope you'll have a better understanding of the depth of what Moose provides, and why has() is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't expect that everyone will immediately understand every concept provided – my goal is to impress you so much with Moose's awesomeness that you're willing to follow up later on the documentation pointers that I throw out. 2009-04-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-03-25 17:24:59 92009-04-09 04:00:00ofnflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|p://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/ ] Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when JHG C A=;53/,+'(!&"!#$()*+-/12378 9 ; =@ADGJLNRSgTUWXYX[^adgߌhڌjތk،m׌n֌oՌqԌrҌsӌtxv͌x̌yˌ{ʌ|nj}Ɍ~Ȍōč͍  $'*+,-.124568:<=?BDGHJzLxNtOsRS **act and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years.F=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThisRDc3/33Ju1Portland JavaScript Admirers' April MeetingThe April Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. 2009-04-23 02:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-25 22:25:31 92009-04-23 04:00:00 v/f the data, along with a list+I3-33JsdPortland Java User Group - Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-01-14 10:50:45 <;bH2009-01-21 04:00:00*GO3w33JsVPortland Data PlumIA333Jo@OMSI Science Pub: solar energyDoes Solar Energy Make Sense in Oregon?

D ؅3]33Ju}SAOpdx: The Art of Agile Teams: Designing Roles and ResponsibilitiesThese courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! At the conclusion of this course, you will be prepared to build a successful Agile team, define roles and responsibilities for your project, and set expectations for team performance and deliverables. Trainers: Diana Larsen + Jim Shore #saopdx #otn #agile2009-05-19 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401988/2009-04-14 20:59:01 :;b2009-05-19 15:30:00 of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your B9/3C33Ju/16 Guidelines for LIfeThe 16 Guidelines provide a practical framework for reflecting on the way we think, speak and act, and for creating the causes to experience lasting happiness and meaning. The latest research being carried out by neuroscientists suggestsaA-i3133Ju.Blogger Tweetup!Writer blogger tweetup, because frozen custard in the afternoon is the only thing worth putting on pants for. 2009-03-25 21:15:00http://tartpdx.com2009-03-25 06:31:38 ? 2009-03-25 23:00:00n@q3_33Ju-IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation a 'l'g projects, OpenSymphony We5?o3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are avail>/ 3k33JsWestside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. 2009-03-27 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-03-24 23:11:35 <2009-03-27 04:00:00 \\duce Internet solutions including high-quality Web sites, but create fully int$933-'Warner Pacific College2009-04-06 06:45:112009-04-06 06:45:112219 Se 68th AvePortlandOregon97215United States@Fe+^t;b #-33/'Urban Grind East2009-04-04 21:02:452009-04-05 05:35:082214 NE Oregon StPortlandOregonUnited States@Fâwk^&x;b >n"uCCY33)Q%Downtown Corvallis Riverfront Corner of 1st & MonroeCorvallis Artisans Market is an outdoor public market located on the downtown Corvallis riverfront featuring local artists and live music. The Corvallis riverfront comes alive on April 18 with the opening day of the Corvallis Artisans Market, plus the Corvallis Albany Farmers'Market Opening day and the Corvallis Environmental Center Earth Faire.Corner of 1st and Monroe Sthttp://www.corvallisartisansmarket.com2009-04-04 18:27:372009-04-04 18:37:10100 Monroe StCorvallisOregon97333US@FH+^ЏGdovers@corvallisartisansmarket.com541-752-2787 or there is a SMART PARK on Davis and Naito. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: http://bit.ly/eqGnZ (evite link) OR by linked-in http://events.linkedin.com/Wicked-Problems-Business-Process/pub/107775 Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals "Wicked problems" are problems so complicated you essentially cannot even define the problem. A formal definition for a wicked problem is that it is "unsolvable by classical, linear problem-solving processes." Wicked problems, which have been understood in the context of the planning world for some time, are now increasingly being recognized as an issue in organizational change management and business process management. Implementing a BPM initiative is at times a wicked problem. Yet there is very little information in the literature on approaches or best practices that@-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:222009-01-01 10:32:22@-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:202009-01-01 10:32:20@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:182009-01-01 10:32:18@-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:172009-01-01 10:32:17@-33;b^created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:332008-12-31 10:32:33@-33;b]created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:302008-12-31 10:32:30@-33;b\created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:282008-12-31 10:32:28@ -33;b[created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:252008-12-31 10:32:25@ -33;bZcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:232008-12-31 10:32:23@ -33;bՉcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:222008-12-31 10:32:22@ -33;bեcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:202008-12-31 10:32:20@ -33;bճcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:182008-12-31 10:32:18@-33;bՑcreatedt fX"J<).& %+Lv[h ZuLх>*0"e know where it's broken. I just ran through the Windows part and the "Testing on a Social Network Dataset" part and that much of it works. :) Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 22:23:41 92009-03-28 22:00:00oject, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. Here's an abbreviated "Getting Started With GGobi" guide. Please try this stuff out and let m xchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our even@=3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU pr^<[k3s33Ju,Startup CEO Sebastian Rapport of OntierEntrepreneur Meetups > OTBC In spite of the difficult economy, Ontier CEO Sebastian Rapport recently closed an investment round, launched a product, and added tech heavy-weights Paul Gulick and Les Fahey to the Ontier Board. At this lunch program, Sebastian will talk about Ontier, share some lessons learned, and give attendees a peek at Ontier's Pixetell� product, which provides "The Power of In-Person Interaction a //com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pric\;[g3s33Ju,Startup CEO Sebastian Rapport of OntierEntrepreneur Meetups > OTBC In spite of the difficult economy, Ontier CEO Sebastian Rapport recently closed an investment round, launched a product, and added tech heavy-weights Paul Gulick and Les Fahey to the Ontier Board. At this lunch program, Sebastian will talk about Ontier, share some lessons learned, and give attendees a peek at Ontier's Pixetell product, which provides "The Power of In-Person Interaction ae:/53k33JsWestside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. We're literally right at the MAX stop so you have no excuses. Sometimes there's beer. 2009-03-27 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-03-24 21:22:40 <2009-03-27 04:00:00nd the Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success story in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support of our Sponsors and Partners! Founding Sponsors The City of Beaverton State of Oregon Silver Sponsors: Ater Wynne Perkins Coie Davis Wright Tremaine Coldwell Banker Sonitrol Pacific Supporting Sponsors: Alto Law Group PDC Miller Nash Event Sponsors: Stoel Rives Partners AeA Acumen Financial Group Armstrong Kendall DHX Advertising eROI OBA OEN SAO Techspi White & Lee Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, March 30 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-30 19:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-24 21:24:16 <;b2009-03-30 21:00:00 FFain.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pricegain.com
o.8a3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class.nd the Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success story in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support of our Sponsors and Partners! Founding Sponsors The City of Beaverton State of Oregon Silver Sponsors: Ater Wynne Perkins Coie Davis Wright Tremaine Coldwell Banker Sonitrol Pacific Supporting Sponsors: Alto Law Group PDC Miller Nash Event Sponsors: Stoel Rives Partners AeA Acumen Financial Group Armstrong Kendall DHX Advertising eROI OBA OEN SAO Techspi White & Lee Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, March 30 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-30 19:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-24 21:23:47 <;b2009-03-30 21:00:00 There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 21:17:54 92009-03-28 22:00:00 FFvelopment Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and.9a3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. 66gine Marketing Professional Organization (SE>7W13y33Ju+Introduction to R - Portland Data VizThe R Project for Statistical Computing R, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 21:17:41 ? 2009-03-28 22:00:00 There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 21:17:14 ? 2009-03-28 22:00:00everal graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 21:15:25 ? 2009-03-28 22:00:00 .w.pricegain.com
on pricing technology products for international markets.

Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/
on Balancing6Ws3y33Ju+Introduction to R - Portland Data VizThe R Project for Statistical Computing R, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though s F3q'3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informn will be available for purchase by cash or check. The original Compostmodern conference was presented by AIGA San Francisco and the AIGA Center for Sustainable Design. That event brought together designers, manufacturers and business leaders to produce sustainable solutions for the graphic design and industrial design communities. Attendees will receive access to footage from the complete San Francisco Compostmodern conference. This seven hour video series will be available on-line. Compostmodern PDX was developed as part of AIGA Portland’s growing focus on sustainability. The event is sponsored by Mohawk Papers. Cost Members: $17 in-advance / $20 at-the-door Non-Memebers: $27 in-advance/ $30 at-the-door Students: $12 in-advance/ $15 at-the-door
 Catering for the event will focus on local, sustainably produced hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine. Attendees will receive one free drink ticket. 2009-04-17 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/04/290955292009-03-24 16:17:32 :,2009-04-17 04:00:00 =nment based on Cocoa for Mac OS X.

)0O;3E33JrPSU Internet Marketing ConferenceJoin us at Portland State University for a half-day InterneG2q)3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informp1/I3m33Ju)Compostmodern PDXCompostmodern PDX An Evening of Sustainability for Graphic Designers and Industrial Designers About the Event Compostmodern PDX will feature video highlights from the San Francisco Compostmodern event and Brian Dougherty, author of Green Graphic Design (greengraphicdesign.net) Dougherty, a founding partner at Celery Design Collaborative in Berkeley, Calif., and a leader in the field of ecological communications design, will discuss the ability of designers to send a socially and ecologically responsible message to both consumers and corporations. Signed copies of Green Graphic Desig  d had!- 3533Jq?Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:31 <;b2008-10-29 06:00:00#, 3533Jq>Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings20c0Gw3 33Ju(Portland Open Forum on DesignPortland Open Forum on Design: "Expanding Architecture: A Conversation on Engagement and Change" Portland State University Department of Architecture, Portland State University Social Equity and Opportunity Forum, and Architects Without Borders-Oregon to sponsor a forum on social responsibility and engagement in the design professions featuring Bryan Bell. Designers have the potential to benefit many more people than they currently reach. No, this is not a call for pro bono work. Instead we are being challenged to play a more direct role in solving the critical social and environmental problems facing the nation and our communities--and to incorporate outreach into our own practiced and more empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-13 17:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-24 16:38:50 =2009-03-13 23:00:00ed and more empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-06 18:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-24 16:38:49 =2009-03-07 00:00:00e to serve what is an ever-growing client base with real needs. Come discuss the possibilities and challenges as we try to engage a broader range of issues as concerned citizens and designers. Special guest, Bryan Bell, founder of Design Corps and editor of the much discussed recent book, Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism; Janet Hammer, Director of the Social Equity and Opportunity Forum at Portland State University; Sergio Palleroni, associate professor of architecture at Portland State University and founder of the BaSiC Initiative; John Duke, Clinic Director, Outside In; Abby Dacey, Architects Without Borders-Oregon, and Boora Architects; as well as other local practitioners and housing providers will engage with the audience in a discussion of the potentials and challenges we face in our efforts to create greater accountability and responsible engagement. Free and open to the public Coffee and Oregon apples will be provided. 2009-03-27 19:00:002009-03-24 14:56:56 ?2009-03-27 20:30:00round table on Launching and Building Companies, we have invited three distinguished panelists: Jack Raiton, Senior Fellow & Professor, Department of Management at OHSU-OGI and an angel investor, Dr. Rob Wiltbank, Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Willamette University & Partner at Buerk Dale Victor LLC, a Seattle based growth stage VC firm Pen Goodale, Independent Consultant in Research & Business Analysis who previously was the Director of Research at OVP Venture Partners This is a great opportunity to discuss and get insights on conducting market research, assessing revenue potential, building a cohesive business plan, bootstrapping your team and raising capital. Registration Details: Online - Members: $15; Non Members: $25 Onsite - Members: $20; Non Members: $30 Space limited to 20 people. 2009-04-10 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3156&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-03-24 08:48:38 =2009-04-10 03:30:00 * How Social Media can help you T2Tuntil at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folk/i-3k33JtTiE Oregon: Solar Directions - Future of SolarThe emergence and explosive growth o:.3M33Ju$TiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG: Going from concept to BusinessContinuing our J-kc3K33Ju'End Awkwardness and Get Social at Beer and BlogJoin your fellow beer-and-bloggers at CubeSpace this Friday where KJs @MizD and @Chefchopper will spin (is that even the right word? I'm exposing my lame-ness here, aren't I) any one of their thousands of digital karaoke songs for your crooning pleasure. Lyrics will be projected big and tall for those spontaneous sing-along moments that always happen when someone sings pretty much anything by Pat Benatar. (At the very least, there is involuntary toe tapping. Think about it.) We'll also have more Beer and Blog buttons to pass out. They're beeutiful.2009-03-27 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-03-24 05:49:27 92009-03-28 01:00:00f the Solar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? If you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, or an executive from an adjacent space looking for expansion into solar or someone who wants to join an existing solar company or someone who wants to understand the basics of the industry; this event is for you! Participate with and meet notable solar industry entrepreneurs and executives. No prior knowledge of the industry is assumed and the insights you will gain may excite you into becoming engaged in this dynamic and growing renewable energy sector. 2009-03-18 23:00:00http:// 08:48:50 ;2009-03-19 04:00:003O33JrDrinking and DrawingDrinking and Drawing is an evening of collaborative animation.  Sr, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.
Firebug.2009-03-27 01:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-24 00:23:29 92009-03-27 03:00:00 2l2elding on what's new in the digi6&%{3Q33Jt UX Book ClubInterested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com 2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-03-23 20:32:54 ?2009-04-17 03:30:00%%/3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase the book at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-03-23 20:31:44 ?2009-04-17 03:30:00round table on Launching and Building Companies, we have invited three distinguished panelists: Jack Raiton, Senior Fellow & Professor, Department of Management at OHSU-OGI and an angel investor, Dr. Rob Wiltbank, Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Willamette University & Partner at Buerk Dale Victor LLC, a Seattle based growth stage VC firm Pen Goodale, Independent Consultant in Research & Business Analysis who previously was the Director of Research at OVP Venture Partners This is a great opportunity to discuss and get insights on conducting market research, assessing revenue potential, building a cohesive business plan, bootstrapping your team and raising capital. Registration Details: Online - Members: $15; Non Members: $25 Onsite - Members: $20; Non Members: $30 Space limited to 20 people. 2009-04-10 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3156&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-03-24 00:31:03 ?2009-04-10 03:30:00008-12-10 20:54:07 =2008-11-06 04:00:00 rrtion is hosting a pizza party for FSF members and friends. Come and bring along friendԡmMe3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetingIf you are tech entrepreneuN#3Q33JnInnotechthe region's premier business and technology innovation conference and expo2009-04-23 14:30:00http://pdx.innotechconference.com/2008-12-10 18:32:34 9;bձJr '%#3Q33Jt UX Book ClubInterested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. 2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-03-23 20:36:47 ?2009-04-17 03:30:00 ZZsions to res;c?3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides "$i3?33Ju"Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-13 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 18:39:19 ;\;b2009-05-16 00:00:00 PPmpanyThe Software Association of Oregon and Oregon Technology Business Center (OTBC), with 1E3E33JpWordCamp:Las VegasWhat is WordCamp:Las Vegas? WordCamp:Las Vegas is a conference style event covering topics related to the WordPress software. We are also planning for Unconference style sessions in the afterno,#m)3?33Ju!Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 2-Day EssentialsThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-07 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 18:39:18 ;\;b2009-05-09 00:00:00 PPvel position, learn the interviewing techniques that will help you land your next dream job. If you're currently employed but considering a career change, this seminar will make sure you’re perfectly poised when opportunities come your way. Using proprietary methods developed by his company The Olsen Group, Scott Olsen wil,"m)3?33Ju!Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 2-Day EssentialsThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-07 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 02:03:12 ?;b2009-05-09 00:00:00 RRaimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This invm/A33JrPeacock Geek WalkPlume your feathers and do*(1y3/33Ju#JavaScript SandboxCome hang out and work on your JavaScript skills. Whether you are just getting into programming, or you have been programming for a while and want to learn new things, you are encouraged to attend. The format will be one-on-one instruction. Find someone who knows stuff that you don't and learn, or find someone to teach. If you are looking for a JavaScript mentor or a mentee, this is the place. If you have a laptop handy, please bring it along. Ideally laptops should be set up with Firefox running Firebug .2009-03-27 01:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-23 21:18:27 92009-03-27 03:00:00 PPs will be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR). Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foods is an opportunity for the public to meet and support local food business entrepreneurs in their first steps to bring their commercial ready product to the, m)3?33Ju!Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 2-Day EssentialsThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-07 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 02:01:24 ?;b2009-05-08 00:00:00 ZZ(R_}3M33JrTime-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foodshe next Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Loca%)Y3M33Jq'RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or"!i3?33Ju"Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-13 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 02:02:41 ?;b2009-05-16 00:00:00q GrowthEmerging Business Networking Event: Recipes for Successful Company Formation and Growth Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Breakfast and Networking 8:00 am - 9:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR, Skyline Banquet Room Fees: $35 AeA Members and OEN Members, $55 Non Member Technology Company, $95 All Other Non Members About the Program II Registration/Location II Contact Information II Sponsors About the Program Successful entrepreneurs sharing their strategic and tactical experiences of starting and growing a company. What are the Lessons Learned? What will you learn? * How to set/execute vision and strategy * How to maneuver through business cycles * How to ride-out changing economic conditions * How to prioritize - what gets done first * How to identify the right path to take for markets, funding and resources Featured Panelists: Scott Keeney, Co-Founder and CEO, nLIGHT Corporation Scott has started two compani II[H<ÕŸ ±NŦŸ¦Á*'+Ick9*" %Yµ¨Ÿ¡¨¸ÍH60.QͲ©¢+}3A33JuOSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big events to celebrate! Weatherford Hall's 80th Birthday! the 5th Anniversary of Austin Entrepreneurship! the 1st Annual Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony! It all happens Saturday, April 4, 2009 on the Club Level at Reser Stadium. There will be hors d'oeuvres and drinks and mixing and mingling starting at 5:00 p.m. A gala dinner will be served at 6:00. And from 7:00 to 8:00 we're going to celebrate! celebrate! celebrate! This will be a celebration short on speeches and long on fun, a time to relive Weatherford memories and recognize those individuals who are moving the world forward. And a big surprise at the evening's end you won't want to miss! Just $' KKsize="2">· Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online withoWԡ I3?333Oregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d)b %3 33JrOEN SwapMeetDrop by the O1i3]33Ju"Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-13 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166078/2009-03-23 01:59:43 ?;b2009-05-14 00:00:00 ;;nt color="#000000">

click here or you may call Sarah Wayt at (541) 286-9821.2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.oregonstate.edu2009-03-21 13:09:04 ?2009-04-04 18:00:00 55 an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. WhoaI3_33JuPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe second meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some software demonstrations, chat about upcoming conferences, schedule future talks/events and whatever else we can think up. We'll adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis.2009-03-26 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-03-21 01:26:35 =2009-03-26 03:00:00Z'333JuBest Practices for Gathering Intelligence via Web Based ToolsThe Internet provides a wealth of resources, well beyond Google, that competitive intelligence professionals use to gather information. Join us for the April Oregon SCIP event, where panelists and attendees will share their best tools and techniques for gathering sp)ecific kinds of competitive information. Learn how CI professionals use the Web to get details on the following: * How have a competitor's products or services evolved over time? * Are they launching new strategic initiatives? * Are they expanding into other geographies or industries? * How are their products or services priced? * Are they growing or shrinking in this economy? * What tools to CI professionals use to organize and disseminate information throughout their organization? The structure of this event is designed to allow attendees collaborate and network with each-other, as well as CI professional panelists, and share the best resources for acquiring competitive information. Speakers Kathry Brost, Dennis Muscato and SCIP Oregon Chapter Chair Sean Campbell Location Jake’s Grill 611 SW 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Phone: 503.220.18502009-04-07 15:00:00http://www.scip.org/training/EventsDetail.cfm?itemNumber=68172009-03-20 22:43:44 ?2009-04-07 17:00:00 k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŇJ|MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group IfbA3m33JuMarch Man-ness CelebratoinThe American Cancer Society’s PDX CANswer Project Hosts the First Ever March Man-ness in Portland Whether a handle bar or a fringed masterpiece that would make Tom Selleck proud, American Cancer Society and ACS CAN are asking men to grow a mustache for the entire month of March to raise awareness about men’s cancers. The event, called March Man-ness, begins March 1 and ends April 1 with an event that allows supporters the chance to shave off their mustaches – for a prize. March Man-ness Celebration April 1, 2009 6:00PM - 8:30PM Gerding Theater at the Armory For more information and to get involved please contact: Jodi Buell, ACS Distinguished Events Director 503.795.3937 jodi.buell@cancer.org2009-04-02 01:00:00http://community.acsevents.org/pdxcanswerproject2009-03-20 21:29:35 92009-04-02 03:30:00 rgy and clean technology companies. And ensuring that our public finance system is stable, adequate and efficient enough to meet these goals. No otPI3A33JuWeatherford Hall 80th BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big events to celebrate! Weatherford Hall's 80th Birthday! the 5th Anniversary of Austin Entrepreneurship! the 1st Annual Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony! It all happens Saturday, April 4, 2009 on the Club Level at Reser Stadium. There will be hors d'oeuvres and drinks and mixing and mingling starting at 5:00 p.m. A gala dinner will be served at 6:00. And from 7:00 to 8:00 we're going to celebrate! celebrate! celebrate! This will be a celebration short on speeches and long on fun, a time to relive Weatherford memories and recognize those individuals who are moving the world forward. And a big surprise at the evening's end you won't want to miss! Just $,50/person. Table for 8/$350. Suggested attire is business formal. RSVP (rsvpaep@bus.oregonstate.edu) by Wednesday, March 26, 2009 to Mary McKillop by email or call 1-541-713-8044. Please note that seating is limited and we may sell out before the deadline so RSVP today. If you plan on staying overnight in Corvallis and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms reserved at a special rate at the Hilton Garden Inn. You must register by March 23 to secure these rates (please disregard current register by date on the Hilton Garden Inn's website). For more information or to register click here or you may call Sarah Wayt at (541) 286-9821.2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.oregonstate.edu2009-03-20 16:34:50 ?2009-04-04 18:00:00 $> Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
The Freak MountaiF{MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you prepare and give presentations, here's a great free opportunity to learn how to ratchet up your presentation effectiveness5q3]33JuBeer and Blog - CyanCyan is sponsoring this Friday's Beer and Blog and will be hosting us in their plush showroom and providing a keg.2009-03-20 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2142908/2009-03-19 23:38:32 >;b2009-03-21 01:00:00Poq3C33JuOpen Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprintJoin us to work on one or more of the following tasks to help the Open Source Bridge conference: 1. Code: Add features and specs to the OpenConferenceWare conference app. Our task list and source code are online. Join. in if you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. 2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like. 3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a working lunch nearby at the Lompoc 5th Quadrant[2]. Some members will leave as soon as 2pm, but others will stay on later. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] Ristretto Coffee: 3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97213 -- http://ristrettoroasters.com/2008/10/dylans-photo-tour/#more-111 [2] Lompoc, 5th Quadrant: 3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR -- http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html 2009-03-22 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/osbridgepdx-technology/browse_thread/thread/f96ac157d54b8e322009-03-19 23:37:29 >2009-03-22 23:00:00n in if you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. 2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like. 3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a working lunch nearby at the Lompoc 5th Quadrant[2]. Some members will leave as soon as 2pm, but others will stay on later. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] Ristretto Coffee: 3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97213 -- http://ristrettoroasters.com/2008/10/dylans-photo-tour/#more-111 [2] Lompoc, 5th Quadrant: 3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR -- http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html 2009-03-22 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/osbridgepdx-technology/browse_thread/thread/f96ac157d54b8e322009-03-19 23:27:04 >2009-03-22 23:00:00 l turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-throSԡ\qO3M333Transitioning to a ResiliOoo3C33JuOpen Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprintJoin us to work on one or more of the following tasks to help the Open Source Bridge conference: 1. Code: Add features and specs to the OpenConferenceWare conference app. Our task list and source code are online. Joieo 3C33JuOpen Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprintJoin us to work on one or more of the following tasks to help the Open Source Bridge conference: 1. Code: Add features and specs to the OpenConferenceWare conference app. Joi/   ont-family: "Palatino Linotype";">Food
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Pyle="font-family: "Palatino Linotype";">This powerful process will enable us to walk o_c3O33Ju‘Getting It’: Careers in Social MediaFeaturing: Kelly Feller Social Media Strategist Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence Supported by Widmer Brothers and WebTrends. With all the self-proclaimed social media pundits, experts and gurus out there, it’s easy to wonder if the only jobs in social media are for consultants or agencies trying to help big corporations get it. Well Kelly is living proof that some big companies do get it and are willing to put their money where their online mouths are by hiring specialists with expertise at being social online. Join Kelly Feller for the second official Social Media Club Portland meeting where she’ll summarize various corporate social media jobs (hers included) and what they actually entai3l, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of the growing social media marketing trend. Bio: After having been in traditional marketing roles for the last 15 years, Kelly Ripley Feller is now a social media addict and outspoken (read loud) proponent of change and marketing evolution. She has marketed everything from organic foods and senior housing to infrared thermometers and computer software and hardware. She’s worked with a variety of big technology companies including Intel, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Intuit, SAS Software, Symantec, and IBM and even some smaller companies and non-profits. Today she is a Social Media Strategist in Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence where she works on company-wide guidelines & programs that involve social media marketing. Cost: Free! Seating is limited. 2009-03-25 01:00:00http://www.socialmediaclubpdx.com2009-03-19 05:35:49 How Can We Build a Resilient Portland?  An Open Space Day, Saturday, SYou’re welcome to come whether you are already committed or just curious about the possibilities. &n hE3933JrPDX Critique monthly meetingNo clue w8_G3O33Ju‘Getting It’: Careers in Social MediaFeaturing: Kelly Feller Social Media Strategist Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence With all the self-proclaimed social media pundits, experts and gurus out there, it’s easy to wonder if the only jobs in social media are for consultants or agencies trying to help big corporations get it. Well Kelly is living proof that some big companies do get it and are willing to put their money where their online mouths are by hiring specialists with expertise at being social online. Join Kelly Feller for the second official Social Media Club Portland meeting where she’ll summarize various corporate social media jobs (hers inclu9 zzy: "Palatino Linotype";"> The Transition Initiative in Portland in dc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, S{M{3333JuXPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub LunchMonthly pub lunch featuring our stories about "doing" & "being" Agile; i.e., using XP, Scrum, Lean, et al, for software development. Seasoned practitioners and new-to-Agile welcome. We're usually at one (or more) of the long tables in the middle. 2009-03-20 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-03-18 19:26:37 ;42009-03-20 22:00:00 5q3]33JuBeer and Blog - CyanCyan is sponsoring this Friday's Beer and Blog and will be hosting us in their plush showroom and providing a keg.2009-03-18 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2142908/2009-03-18 14:45:37 >;b2009-03-19 01:00:00 ng experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergecc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional prA e3 33JuPDX Tweetup Breakfast - "I went to SXSW and all I got was a devkit"The tweeple invade the vinyl-lined sanctity of that place across the street from Cubespace for a little egg 'n' bacon om nom nom. Tell stories from SXSW, plot the destruction of the empire, or otherwise chill with Portland Twitter users and (probably) old people. Buy your own breakfast, as always.2009-03-19 16:00:002009-03-17 21:10:19 >2009-03-19 17:00:00H Cm3]33JuIxDA Portland F2F GatheringCome out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. http://www.ixda.org/local.php2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2141235/2009-03-17 20:55:47 >;b2009-03-25 04:00:00ded) and what they actually entail, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of the growing social media marketing trend. Bio: After having been in traditional marketing roles for the last 15 years, Kelly Ripley Feller is now a social media addict and outspoken (read loud) proponent of change and marketing evolution. She has marketed everything from organic foods and senior housing to infrared thermometers and computer software and hardware. She’s worked with a variety of big technology companies including Intel, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Intuit, SAS Software, Symantec, and IBM and even some smaller companies and non-profits. Today she is a Social Media Strategist in Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence where she works on company-wide guidelines & programs that involve social media marketing. 2009-03-19 01:00:00http://www.socialmediaclubpdx.com2009-03-19 05:33:56 Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
    17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
    17c. Part C: Energy An2 m3]33JuSAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Need to Know (unconference)Join the SAO for our first unconference! The time is short - we as a community have just a couple of weeks to get ideas to the Governor's office to include in stimulus-related grant activities. This is a unique time to compete for job-creating, infrastructure-developing, regional economy-changing investments...get involved! Come + learn about the initiative and then brainstorm as a community how to best leverage this one-time opportunity! #SAOpdx #ARRA2009-03-25 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/2009-03-17 19:20:43 >;b2009-03-25 00:00:00 lation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
    11. Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
    11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
    12. UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²íԡY/ 3M333Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three par0\%c3]33JrxGreen DrinksEvery month people who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for beers at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These *[3]33JuMobile Portland: A Standards-Based Approach to Mobile Web DevelopmentBest practices for the desktop web simply do not apply to mobile web development. Mobile is a totally new medium. A standards-based approach to mobile web development produces a usable, adaptive and discoverable mobile web experience for featurephones and smartphones. Gail will lead a discussion about the importance of standards-based mobile web development a this month's Mobile Portland. She will cover markup fundamentals, design principles, content adaptation, usability and interoperability. We will explore and critique mobile standards and best practices authored by t@ JJl, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his 2m3]33JuSAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Need to Know (unconference)Join the SAO for our first unconference! The time is short - we as a community have just a couple of weeks to get ideas to the Governor's office to include in stimulus-related grant activities. This is a unique time to compete for job-creating, infrastructure-developing, regional economy-changing investments...get involved! Come + learn about the initiative and then brainstorm as a community how to best leverage this one-time opportunity! #SAOpdx #ARRA2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/2009-03-16 23:05:37 >;b2009-03-25 01:00:00 Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from}W+3-33JuPortland WordPress User Group MeetingThis month's session will include a presentation by Nathan Bergey (@natronics) about CSS and how you can customize a theme to make it your own.2009-03-20 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-03-16 17:30:05 9;b2009-03-20 02:30:00|W+3-33JuPortland WordPress User Group MeetingThis month's session will include a presentation by Nathan Bergey (@natronics) about CSS and how you can customize a theme to make it your own.2009-03-17 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-03-16 17:29:19 9;b2009-03-17 02:30:001{W+3]33JuPortland WordPress User Group MeetingThis month's session will include a presentation by Nathan Bergey (@natronics) about CSS and how you can customize a theme to make it your own.2009-03-17 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137731/2009-03-16 17:28:00 9;b2009-03-17 02:30:00 JJenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy2m3]33JuSAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Need to Know (unconference)Join the SAO for our first unconference! The time is short - we as a community have just a couple of weeks to get ideas to the Governor's office to include in stimulus-related grant activities. This is a unique time to compete for job-creating, infrastructure-developing, regional economy-changing investments...get involved! Come + learn about the initiative and then brainstorm as a community how to best leverage this one-time opportunity! #SAOpdx #ARRA2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/2009-03-16 22:47:17 >;b2009-03-25 01:00:00 EE the science behind brandy, or taste the hints of maple, 2m3]33JuSAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Need to Know (unconference)Join the SAO for our first unconference! The time is short - we as a community have just a couple of weeks to get ideas to the Governor's office to include in stimulus-related grant activities. This is a unique time to compete for job-creating, infrastructure-developing, regional economy-changing investments...get involved! Come + learn about the initiative and then brainstorm as a community how to best leverage this one-time opportunity! #SAOpdx #assa2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/2009-03-16 22:44:57 >;b2009-03-25 01:00:00~=3333Junotatsxsw portland partyTeaming with @beerandblog. We will eat. We will Play rock band. We will sing like we are #notatsxsw. Thanks to #iterasi for hosting. 2009-03-17 23:00:00http://bit.ly/5LBu62009-03-16 17:44:17 >2009-03-18 01:00:00 nflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes) <V1M3933Jp*DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a wbzQ3g33Ju Information Design Conference 2009Case-studies from design practitioners and their customers, reports from researchers, and thought-provoking reflections on the principles behind what information designers and communicators do. 2009-04-02 16:00:00http://www.infodesign.org.uk/2009-conference/2009-03-16 16:06:38 >2009-04-04 02:00:00}yY?3g33Ju Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingThe Personal Telco monthly meeting in March will discuss what a Broadband Stimulus proposal from PTP might look like. Come share your ideas, roll up your sleeves and help out! Make positive change in your community!2009-03-26 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingMarch20092009-03-16 09:21:22 >2009-03-26 03:00:00 qq The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill le x33]33Ju DorkbotPDX Open LabECONOMY: BAD. FREE WORKSHOP: GOOD! Come join Dorkbot Portland for a four-hour geek-a-thon in the heart of the Perl (yes, I went there) District. Isotopes not required. What's all this then? A bunch of us will gather in the drawing studio in room 205 on 3/29 at 1pm to partake in a free-form workshop. Bring a pet project, tools, or simply your curiosity and desire to force technological constructs to meet your expressive inner nature. We're nice, open-minded, artistic people with a bubbling technolust, a hot soldering iron, and stinky armpits. This is a place to brainstorm, but really to handstorm. Bring your ideas, let's share and explore together. Feel free to gloat, show-off, scorn, mimic, embrace, or destroy. Hi.2009-03-29 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2136355/2009-03-16 04:21:06 ;s;b2009-03-30 00:00:00 ,othy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on -TO_3/33JrcSAO Internet Markw33s33Ju OTBC: 7 Issues to Consider for Sustaining and Growing a Business in a Tough EconomyThe economy. The credit crunch. What do you do to protect and grow your business in these economic times? This lunch program will explore seven steps to sustaining and growing your business in a down economy. When: Thursday, March 19 11:30am to 1:15pm (program starts at noon) Where: OTBC MAX: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Driving: Directions at http://www.otbc.org/map_and_directions.html Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch)2009-03-19 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9888799/2009-03-16 02:21:46 <2009-03-19 20:00:00 ,,Shelly Farnham: Dorkbot Dorkbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination of geek, artist, and scientist and when I first met Dorkbot Seattle I felt like I'd *finally* found my people -- where technology is artistic medium, science is art, and geeking out is just a whole lot of fun. My one complaint was that Seattle Dorkbots were not collaborating enough, and when I took over as Seattle's "Dork Overlord" it was my main mission -- to cultivate the creative geek community. In this talk, I will review the best of Dorkbot Seattle's arPuWi3]33Ju Ignite Corvallis 2 (Postponed to Oct)IMPORTANT: The original event on April 3rd was canceled and moved to October. Read the details for why that is (its a good reason!) here: http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009/03/ignite-corvallis-2-postponed.html Follow us on twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/IgniteCorvallis2009-10-09 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-03-14 22:27:54 >;b2009-10-09 04:00:00 ))ents or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantageSrY{3W33JuOpen Geospatial Consortium - Carl ReedWho: Dr. Carl Reed is the Chief Technology Officer at the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Dr. Reed continues to manage the process by which formal OGC Implementation Specifications are developed and adopted by the OGC membership, and he facilitates the Planning Committee meetings and work with the OGC Interoperability Program as a member of the architecture team. Subject: The work of the OGC as it relates to state and local government. Time and location: March 16, 2009 from 10am to Noon at the USGS offices in Portland - 2130 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR, 97201 2009-03-16 17:00:00http://www.opengeospatial.org/user/102009-03-14 04:33:14 >2009-03-16 19:00:00 ics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on MaxPtWi3]33Ju Ignite Corvallis 2 (Postponed to Oct)IMPORTANT: The original event on April 3rd was canceled and moved to October. Read the details for why that is (its a good reason!) here: http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009/03/ignite-corvallis-2-postponed.html Follow us on twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/IgniteCorvallis2009-10-09 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-03-14 22:26:26 >;b2009-10-09 04:00:00|s!%3733JuCanSecWestCanSecWest is a yearly computer security conference in Vancouver which focuses on new and applied research. It is perhaps most famous for the "pwn2own" competition which pits various vendor's software against each other with cash prizes for the first to be exploited.2009-03-18 15:00:00http://cansecwest.com2009-03-14 14:28:07 >2009-03-20 16:00:00benefits for a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instils good pairing and TDD practices. So come along to the next XPDX meeting to try it out. It doesn't matter if you've been pairing for years or want to try it for the first time. This will be a chance to learn from each other. We'll spend a little time getting to know the mechanics of Ping Pong pairing, do a brief demonstration, and then all pair up for over an hour of practice. Absolutely positively bring a laptop with you. We'll be using Java, JUnit, and Eclipse. A big time saver will be to ensure that you have the Java *SDK* installed beforehand. >>> Thanks to VersionOne there'll be pizza for thirty! <<< Be there at 6:30pm for the pizza. We'll start at 7pm. At 9pm we'll move on to a local bar.2009-03-19 01:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-03-13 05:25:00 92009-03-19 04:00:00ace. Have your site reviewed b and the implications for our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30-9:00 a.m. Two World Trade Center, Mezzanine 2, 3 & 4 25 SW Salmon Street (A parking garage is located on Taylor Street between Naito and First.) Continental breakfast will be served. $10 admission Funds will be donated to Oregon Heat, which provides utility payment assistance to low-income households. REGISTER NOW: www.greenlightgreaterportland.com » Or... http://tinyurl.com/Greenlightgreaterportland This Greenlight Ambassadors event is generously hosted by Portland General Electric. Open to all, though space is limited to 150 people. metrofactual@greenlightgreaterportland.com • Greenlight Greater Portland2009-03-27 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2130577/2009-03-12 18:17:01 :>;b2009-03-27 16:00:00 "Iexperts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude qY_3W33JuOpen Geospatial Consortium - Carl ReedMarch 16, 2009 from 10am to Noon at the USGS offices in Portland - 2130 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR, 97201 2009-03-16 17:00:00http://www.opengeospatial.org/user/102009-03-14 04:15:22 >2009-03-16 19:00:00.pAc3?33JuNew Venture Championship®International MBA business plan competition2009-04-09 18:00:00http://www.oregonnvc.com/2009-03-14 00:35:24 >2009-04-12 02:30:00UoC3]33JuBeer and Blog - Not at SxSWWe're not at SxSW, so let's enjoy a pint in the sun together!2009-03-13 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2132610/2009-03-13 19:48:48 ; ;b2009-03-14 01:00:00Ele3+33JtXPDX March: Ping Pong Pairing >> PIZZA FROM VERSIONONE <> PIZZA FROM VERSIONONE <>> Thanks to VersionOne there'll be pizza for thirty! <<< Be there at 6:30pm for the pizza. We'll start at 7pm. At 9pm we'll move on to a local bar.2009-03-19 01:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-03-13 05:21:53 92009-03-19 04:00:00ce. Have your site reviewed b r`rdevelopment techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come frjjO%3]33Ju@notatsxsw portland opening feasta feast to start the #notatsxsw weekend. better than a conference buffet. :)2009-03-13 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2129275/2009-03-12 21:36:32 >;b2009-03-13 20:00:00Di3]33JuGreenlight Ambassadors Breakfast w/ U.S. Rep. Earl BlumenauerThe stimulus is coming! What does it mean for you, your business and the Portland metro area? + + + Come hear U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer talk about the $800 billion federal stimulus package NDh3]33JuGreenlight Ambassadors Breakfast w/ U.S. Rep. Earl BlumenauerThe stimulus is coming! What does it mean for you, your business and the Portland metro area? + + + Come hear U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer talk about the $800 billion federal stimulus package R and the implications for our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30-9:00 a.m. Two World Trade Center, Mezzanine 2, 3 & 4 25 SW Salmon Street (A parking garage is located on Taylor Street between Naito and First.) Continental breakfast will be served. $10 admission Funds will be donated to Oregon Heat, which provides utility payment assistance to low-income households. REGISTER NOW: www.greenlightgreaterportland.com » Or... http://tinyurl.com/Greenlightgreaterportland This Greenlight Ambassadors event is generously hosted by Portland General Electric. Open to all, though space is limited to 150 people. metrofactual@greenlightgreaterportland.com • Greenlight Greater Portland2009-03-27 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2130577/2009-03-12 17:46:50 >;b2009-03-27 16:00:00 yyd rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as it will not be available agaig[53{33JsLConcrete5 CMS User Group: First meetingEarlier this summer we released our previously commercial CMS as fully "Free Beer" under the MIT open source license. The second half of 2008 was a whirlwind for us as we were named project of the month on SourceForge and saw traffic go through the roof. As part of running what promises to be the next Drupal, local user groups are going to be a huge component to our success. We have several starting around the states and Europe this month, with the Portland one obviously being super keen as this is our home turf. Please join us at Hopworks on SE Powell on Jan 8th at 5pm - till late. Check out the project at http://concrete5.org RSVP at: http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/ thanks. go pdx! -frz2009-01-09 01:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/2009-03-12 01:53:15 >O2009-01-09 02:30:00 xx#1end:

    If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhatO2009-01-09 02:30:00 d rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as it will not be available again at this price and these classes sell out quickly! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer, having managed plan-driven and agile projects for the past 12 years. He is the author of "Adventures in Promiscuous Pairing", "Transitioning to Agile: Key Lessons Learned in the Field", and "The Impacts of Poor Estimating - and How to Fix It". He has presented at the 2006 Agile Conference, the 2007 PMI Global Congress, the 2007 SQE Agile development conference, and the 2008 Agile and Better Software Conferences. *This training opportunity is funded, i*e-13{33Juconcrete5 meetupconcrete5 is the coolest CMS on earth and we meetup and get drunk every second thursday in portland.. YOU should join us. http://concrete5.org 2009-03-13 00:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/2009-03-11 22:12:23 >O2009-03-13 04:00:00  rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as it will not be available again at this price and these classes sell out quickly! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter !dw3-33JrPortland Java User Group: OAuth and REST Web ServicesThis month's topic: OAuth and REST Web Services

    Join us for a conversation about web service programming. We'll discuss OAuth, an open protocol for secure API authorization, and Restlet, a REST web service framework. Additionally, we'll look at the OAuth Java API and demonstrate how to use OAuth in an Android application.

    Speaker: Sean Sullivan

    Sean Sullivan is a software engineer specializing in mobile applications, web seWec i3[33JtStartup Now: What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?Join Oregon's entrepreneurs Thursday evening March 19th at 5:00 PM at NedSpace (920 SW Third, between Taylor and Salmon) to explore and answer the questioZrvice development, and supply chain management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open source projects, including the OAuth Java library.


    PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
    2009-03-18 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-03-11 21:48:06 <;bJ2009-03-18 03:00:00novators and entrepreneurs. Please be prepared to answer the following questions: - Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level? - What could your company achieve during 2009 with a $250,000 investment? - How many new jobs would be created if 400 new Oregon startups were funded? - How would you like to see $100,000,000 invested in Oregon startups? Brought to you in part by NedSpace, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, Reference Capital, Software Association of Oregon and Starve Ups. NedSpace is proud to host an Oregon entrepreneurial startup event during this unparalleled time of economic chaos.disruption. Be a part of this unparalleled movement! //Contact Information// Wayne Embree - wle@refcapllc.com, 503.619.4310 Josh Friedman - josh@bw-mn.com, 503.705.7975 Mark Grimes - mark@bw-mn.com, 503.502.0185 Harvey Mathews - harvey.mathews@sao.org, 503-999-58492009-03-20 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/21279422009-03-11 21:47:41 >2009-03-20 02:00:00rvice development, and supply chain management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open source projects, including the OAuth Java library.


    PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
    2009-03-18 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-03-11 21:27:50 <;bJ2009-03-18 03:00:00Xn "What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?" In the last 6 months the economy, access to capital, the cost of talent and the opportunities for innovation have all changed. We think it’s time for the relationship between entrepreneurs and the State of Oregon to change, too (the state needs jobs & entrepreneurs need capital!). Hear stories of successful, local homegrown companies that have either bootstrapped or raised funds and then grown themselves to success. Most importantly, though, the goal of this event is to prove to the State of Oregon that there are enough jobs, compelling ideas and entrepreneurs to warrant an immediate investment of $100,000,000 for start ups that want to hire local talent. We are working to raise a $100M fund that makes small investments in Oregon-based companies who hire Oregon-based employees. Now, in 2009. Not next year or some point in the future. In growing these new startups, we are investing in innovation, creating jobs and building Oregon’s brand with in CSCCubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the spacb=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: OAuth and REST Web Services

    Join us for a conversation about web service programming. We'll discuss OAuth, an open protocol for secure API authorization, and Restlet, a REST web service framework. Additionally, we'll look at the OAuth Java API and demonstrate how to use OAuth in an Android application.

    Speaker: Sean Sullivan

    Sean Sullivan is a software engineer specializing in mobile applications, web seY)a-_3K33JtInvest NorthwestInvest Northwest 2009 is the region's premier life sciences investment conference, where public and private life science companies tell their stories to institutional investors, analysts, investment bankers, fund managers, venture capitalists, angel investors, and prospective corporate partners. 2009-03-17 15:00:00http://www.investnorthwest.org/2009-03-11 21:05:19 :2009-03-18 00:00:00  the outdoor and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form Current potluck list: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list Fun: We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'e`G3]33JtPDX Breakfast Tweetup/ShizzupBreakfast, no theme (this is an off week), just a chance to check out a new place and hang out with tweeps and sheeps, uh, shizzeeps?2009-03-12 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2128596/2009-03-11 17:32:54 >;b2009-03-12 17:30:00_G3]33JtPDX Breakfast Tweetup/ShizzupBreakfast, no theme (this is an off week), just a chance to check out a new place and hang out with tweeps and sheeps, uh, shizzeeps?2009-03-13 04:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2128596/2009-03-11 17:30:28 >;b2009-03-13 04:00:00h their annual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Interstate Lanes, 6049 N Interstate, Portland. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister. It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to www.bbbsnorthwest.org, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at www.bbbsnorthwest.org. This will be a great opportunity to raise money to support Portland kids and meet other supporters who work in the tech industry. Contact Jacob Fain, at jacob.fain@bbbs.org or 503.249.4859, for more information. 2009-04-30 01:00:00http://bbbsnorthwest.org2009-03-10 22:00:28 >2009-04-30 03:00:00 05:00:00External Professor and has served on the Science Board and as Vice President of the Santa Fe Institute. Professor Forrest received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan (1982,1985) and a BA from St. John's College (1977). Before joining UNM in 1990 she worked for Teknowledge Inc. and was a Director's Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her research studies adaptive systems, including evolutionary computation, immunology, biological modeling, and computer security. In security, she is best known for her early work using system calls for anomaly intrusion detection and her more recent work on automated diversity. She was a recipient of the NSF Presidental Young Investigator's Award and has recently served on the NSF GENI Science Council, the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, and the UCLA CENS Advisory Board. 2009-04-06 17:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/Colloq/Forrest.html2009-03-10 08:39:27 <2009-04-06 18:00:00^n can be combined with program analysis methods to automatically repair bugs in off-the-shelf legacy C programs. Once a program fault is discovered, evolutionary algorithms are used to generate program variants until one is found that both retains required functionality and avoids the defect in question. Standard test cases are used to represent the fault and to encode program requirements. Once a successful variant is discovered, structural differencing algorithms and delta debugging methods are used to minimize its size. Initial results will be presented on a wide range of C programs, including security vulnerabilities such as integer overflow, denial of service, format string, and buffer overflow. Finally, the talk will describe how the automatic repair mechanism can be combined with anomaly intrusion detection to produce a closed-loop repair system. Biography Stephanie Forrest is Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science Department at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. She is also an Zit in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of thZ^G53=33JtBowl for Kid's Sake Geek BowlHelp Big Brothers Big Sisters get the ball rolling wit]5]Q+3s33JtPortland Python User Group Meeting# Short intro to PyTyrant/Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet by Michael Schurter # PyParsing examples by Brett Carter # Machine Learning topics (specifics TBD, John Melesky) The Portland Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon.2009-03-11 02:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-03-10 18:33:18 92009-03-11 04:00:00i\13 33JqHood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-05-13 00:30:002009-03-10 17:03:19 ;lJq2009-05-13 02:30:00 r! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Some beverages will be provided. Food: Some beverages w[)m3q33JtCS Colloquium: Repairing software automatically using evolutionary computationStephanie Forrest University of New Mexico FAB 86-01 Abstract A pressing challenge for computer science over the next decade is reducing the total cost of software. This includes the billions of dollars that are lost each year from software defects. The number of software defects far outstrips the resources available for repairing them, and most software is shipped with both known and unknown bugs. This problem arises because human programmers still develop, maintain, and repair computer programs largely by hand, despite many years of progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The talk will describe recent research that shows how evolutionary computatio_process of taking an innovative idea to the marketplace. With a special emphasis on the funding process and investor relations, they will cover topics including the utilization of expertise, advancing and protecting technology, developing a strong business case and finding the right financial partner. Drawing from their entrepreneurial experience with Home Dialysis Plus and Axis Medical, they will highlight critical points in each phase of the Sketch to Launch cycle. Audience members will learn about: * Technical development: Critical examination of a concept or technology * Market viability: Finding the right application for your innovation * Financial issues: Building a strong business case and understanding how to make a profit * Legal considerations: Positioning and protecting the company and its assets * Funding process: How to prepare and present to potential investors2009-03-11 01:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24522009-03-10 00:01:29 <2009-03-11 02:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1z?==3w33JrrOTBC Information SessionEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC Information Session About the Program This brown-bag lunch program will provide an overview of OTBC and the services OTBC provides to help tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech companies succeed. About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) For more information: 971-223-4660EZ 3q33JtSketch to Launch: Navigating a Successful Path to CommercializationExamining the critical relationship between advanced technology and a viable market opportunity, Michael Baker, Managing Partner, and Brenda Edin, Business Development Director, of Baker Group, LLP, will share valuable insight regarding the b attended the Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions. * Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal =eY3W33JrqPBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic Forecast"The Thirty Third Recession and the Forty Fourth PresidY'm3q33JtCS Colloquim: Repairing software automatically using evolutionary computationStephanie Forrest University of New Mexico FAB 86-01 Abstract A pressing challenge for computer science over the next decade is reducing the total cost of software. This includes the billions of dollars that are lost each year from software defects. The number of software defects far outstrips the resources available for repairing them, and most software is shipped with both known and unknown bugs. This problem arises because human programmers still develop, maintain, and repair computer programs largely by hand, despite many years of progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The talk will describe recent research that shows how evolutionary computatio www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=133">http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=*ԡ8o39333SECP September | Creating Mul7IS3 33JrnCyborgCamp Pre-Party at VidoopTime is tentative; actual time TBA Come to the official CyborgCamp pre-party! Special guests Cami and Mike Kaos will be live-broadcasting Strange Love Live. There will be drinks and festivities before the con4XK333JtTechAmerica Technology and IP Event - Monetizing Your PatentsAbout the Program: With the emergence of patent aggregators, auction services and patent brokerage consultants, there is now a greater array of options to sell and license patent rights. But which, if any of these options should you consider? What are the alternatives? Topics that will be discussed: • Update on the patent broker marketplace - how has it evolved and does the economic downturn provide more opportunities for monetization or less? • How to decide which patents je to revisit your strategy and business plan? Especially given the challenges of the current economy? And are you either a tech company, or NOT a tech company? (OK - yes, everyone qualifies for that last one.) If the answers to the above questions is "yes", come learn about FastTrac® GrowthVenture™, a Kauffman Foundation entrepreneurship program that will be offered jointly by OTBC and the OEN to help growth companies. Not to be confused with FastTrac® TechVenture®, GrowthVenture™ targets companies that are a bit beyond the startup stage, and into some revenue (a few hundred thousand to a few million). GrowthVenture™ takes you through a process of reassessing and building your strategy. And GrowthVenture™ is NOT limited to tech startups. In these challenging economic times, it's critical to be sure your strategy fits the new challenges. GrowthVenture™ will help you get there. 2009-03-05 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9736589/2009-02-14 12:29:55 <2009-03-05 21:00:00 55hown how to get that data in to the map.

    They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

    More about Mapping parties
    [edit] Info

    * 11:00am-4:00pm Sat 11/8 & 11:00am-3:00pm S?Tq}333JtSeminar - Developing for the iPhone and iPod touchThe iPhone and iPod touch are compelling platforms for both independent developers and small, medium, and large business interested in capitalizing on the next wave of mobility and the ever-evolving marketplace.

    We'll be discussing what it takes to take a native application from concept to reality including:

    • Capabilities and limitations of the iPhone and iPod touch
    • Development requirements
    • Objective-C, the development language for Mac OSX and iPhone/iPod touch
    • Development frameworks involved in building native applications
    • Different classes of applications and the Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process.\n\nResearch Drives Us\nWe recently took a surv ey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that obtaining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more popular than obtaining venture capital, tax credits or enhanced private lending.\n\nWe Want to Help\nSince the current economic crisis can be traced back to a lack of jobs, and since the stimulus packages present new job opportunities, and since we have federal & state experts that are willing to help, we decided to be part of the solution instead of whining about the state of the economy.\n\nOur Trainers\nShipley Associates are well-respected as the best private support for obtaining federal contracts\nShipley Associates has:\n• Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies\ n• Developed a virtual proposal center for a Fortune 10 client\n• Trained over 30,000 people worldwide\n\nThe Oregon State Procurement Office establishes and administers contracts for goods and services on behalf of state agencies, state universities, select non-profit organizations, and local governments. They will give very practical advice for working with the ORPIN (Oregon Procurement Information Network) system, which is Oregon's #1 resource for viewing Public Agency Opportunities. For more information visit http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/federalstate-contracts-your LOCATION:Oregon State Capitol, Room 3502009-02-13 05:00:002009-02-13 04:33:17 >L2009-02-13 06:00:00es. nLIGHT was founded in 2000 to focus on the telecom sector just prior to the bubble bursting. David Moffenbeier, COO, Absorbent Technologies David has been involved in numerous company formations including co-founder of Mentor Graphics, COO of MedicaLogic as well as his current position with Absorbent Technologies. Clive Cook, CEO, RNA Networks Clive has a track record of building successful companies such as VeriLAN, Inc., Elematics and now, RNA. Moderator: Diane Fraiman, Venture Partner, Voyager Capital Diane has 30 years of technology company experience as a leader of marketing, strategy and business development efforts in both start-up and public enterprises. Who should attend? Executive level management of small to medium size companies and entrepreneurs in the company formation stage. Registration/Location Skyline Banquet Room Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR 2009-04-09 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409052009-03-30 18:11:48 :$2009-04-09 16:00:00ntinue a discussion at the January meeting on when to use Contemplate module vs. the Theme Layer. After that I was hoping to have everyone who's going to DrupalCon in DC talk for a few minutes about what they'd seen and what got them excited. As always, the meeting promises to generate lots of good questions, answers and hands-on communication. Drupal meetings are free and open to the public. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive between 5:50pm and 6:00pm. Thank you! After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Bridgeport Brew Pub for a food and drink.2009-03-12 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland-oregon2009-03-09 17:42:51 =2009-03-12 03:00:00 --llaborative installations, and LRIo3]33JtMobile Love, Android Style #10A meetup for android developers and android power-users. We usually discuss the latest applications that we like using, as well as give status updates on the development projects we're working on. At the last meeting, the lightsabers came out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4zY-hICu9c2009-03-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823390/2009-03-09 18:44:49 >;b2009-03-10 02:00:00Q333]33JtDrupal Users MeetupFor the March meeting we'll have a short presentation by Tony Rasmussen. It'll corLP'3]33JtBrickFest '09BrickFest is a 3 day LEGO convention for adults at the Oregon Convention Center. Some 200 Adult Fans of LEGO(R) (AFOLs) from all over the world will convene for a weekend of fun and antics. There are sessions on building techniques, storing and sorting, face-to-face round tables etc... as well as LEGOv stics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capahOS%3]33JtPDX Nonprofit Tech Day On, Hands OnOn Tuesday, March 24, two wonderful worlds will collide for the better of Portland-based nonprofits and technology geeks alike. Are you a nonprofit that thinks the server is just the guy that brings you bacon and pancakes? Are you a geek looking to serve a nonprofit all that bacon knowledge you have bubbling over in your head? We will try to match nonprofit needs and give you a few hours to talk one-on-one with a technology know-it-all. NTEN 501 Tech Club and NetTuesday join forces with Day On. Day On connects nonprofit organizations that need advice and assistance with volunteers who are ready to help. Their first project was Geeks Day On, a day of service during MLK Day, Monday, January 19, 2009 where geeks offered free technology and Internet communications advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations.u They have agreed to offer their brain power for a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. More than that, a place for two incredible communities in Portland to connect and creatively come to solutions on how to make the world a better place using technology! Please fill out this brief online survey so that we might better help you: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=mYZqKIZTR64eD2199FJRRg_3d_3d Food: Aboutus is kind enough to let us bring in beer and treats, so if you are able, please bring something to share. CONNECT ONLINE: Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Day On at http://dayon.org Questions? Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna at privateaye@gmail.com.2009-03-25 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117374/2009-03-09 01:12:00 92009-03-25 02:30:00 designers from Denmark talking about design process and the like. Building themes such as train and town, space, medieval castles, robotics, sculptures, mosaics, and much more will be represented and displayed in our 30,000 sq ft expo area! There will also be a small Brick Bazaar, aka vendor area, to purchase LEGO elements, sets (vintage and hard to find), and LEGO related products. Admission is $65 per person and include an engraved brick badge! So drop by www.BrickFest.com and register now! So if you are a closet LEGO builder come meet like minded folks! Or… For those who just want to drop by and peek at all the cool models we have the BrickFest Expo on Sunday March 29th 11:00am-4:00pm for $7 per person ($25 max per family). No registration needed, tickets sold at the door! LEGO(R) is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies2009-03-27 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117769/2009-03-09 05:42:21 9;b2009-03-28 03:00:00 Agile Testing Series When: April 28 - 30, 2009 Where: McMenamin's Kennedy School, Portland, OR Instructors: Elisabeth Hendrickson and Dale Emery Cost: Before March 29, $499/day. Group discounts also available. Description: This is a 3 day series of 1-day classes on the essential principles and practices in Agile Testing: - Day 1: Adapting to Agile (also known as the "WordCount Simulation") - Day 2: Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) in Practice - Day 3: Exploratory Testing in an Agile Context These classes involve lots of exercises, demonstrations, and discussions, and absolutely no slideshows, and no long, boring lectures. For more information, please see the registration page: http://www.regonline.com/ATS042809 They're also offering this same series of classes in Pleasanton, CA the preceding week if you know anyone in the SF Bay Area who might be interested. See: http://www.regonline.com/ATS0422092009-04-28 15:30:00http://www.regonline.com/ATS0428092009-03-09 00:52:01 ;2009-05-01 00:00:00 EEble Startup and early-stage companies often exchange N'3Q33JtElisabeth Hendrickson's Agile Testing Series workshop: April 28 - 30Elisabeth Hendrickson came to Portland last month to introduce us to Acceptance Test Driven Development at XPDX. She'll be back in town in April to run a three day workshop: Agile Testing Series. There are still places available -- be quick to get a spot as I expect that this will sell out soon. What:w&MEI3C33JtCubeSpace PhotoShoot TweetUpAaron Hockley (http://www.hockleyphoto.com/) is doing a CubeSpace photo shoot, and we want your help! We will provide Voodoo Donuts and Coffee, you just need to fill our space. Sounds easy, right? And anyone who shows up while Aaron is still taking pictures gets a free daypass @CubeSpace. Not enough to convince you? The Wii (with RockBand 2 and World of Goo) will be available before and after the photoshoot.2009-03-10 17:30:00http://www.CubeSpacePDX.com2009-03-09 00:38:06 92009-03-10 18:30:00one-week iterations - Create nearly bug-free code using test-driven development, refactoring, and exploratory testing - Prevent build failures with continuous integration - Build technical infrastructure incrementally alongside features


    "I don't know how they pulled off the [class project], but going through four iterations brought the concepts home. Also I was a programmer wanting to learn about the project development side. Diana's four-quadrant diagrams (about stakeholders) were enlightening as was Jim's [incremental design] box diagrams and analogy of TDD to double-entry bookkeeping. Thank you!!" --Steve Tamura, Developer "Extremely educational--lots of new material. Well organized." --Dave Goldman, Senior Developer, Inspiration Software "They were great. They were funny, understanding, and answered questions well." --Ven Cohen, Programmer/Technical Lead, ISI 2009-06-10 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Delivery.html2009-03-09 00:06:07 :2009-06-13 00:00:00 33ã5ԡ%=3 333OIF and OEN Big BBQ BashIf you’re an entrepreneur or part of a start-up, y"+=333JrdETIC Day at OIT You are invited to the Green Technologies Showcase at OIT’s East Portland Campus. Friday, December 12, 2008 3 – 5 p.m. at OIT East Portland Campus 77RLUU333JtThe Art of Agile Delivery (training)Learn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. We use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. Using two instructors and splitting the group as appropriate, we ensure that programmers g|[KUg333JtThe Art of Agile Planning (training)Learn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, we teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working a have a lot of momentum – moving companies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you’re wondering how to inexpensively validate your market – in short order – you may want to hear Mark Paul’s talk on this valuable topic. He will cover two very important areas of [1] understanding true market needs and [2] how they will value your product / service. About the speaker: Mark Paul is a Coach at OTBC, an interim executive & consultant for 20 years, with large-company expertise. He is also author of two business books: The Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide and How to Attract Significantly More Customers… in good times and bad, along with numerous other products and services to help business owners grow their companies. Price: Free (bring your lunch!) 2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9807607/2009-03-02 15:55:09 <2009-03-04 21:00:00yet plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - Working with stakeholders - Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development - Test-driven development - Refactoring - Code management - Continuous integration - Exploratory testing - Pairing - Incremental design and risk-driven architecture - Cross-functional collaboration Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to: - Work in a cross-functional team with on-site customers, testers, and programmers - Understand and accommodate diverse stakeholder opinions - Build and ship complete increments of software in iration, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


    "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went." --Bill Jackson III, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Corp.

    "[The instructors] had a lot of experience to draw from which enabled them to map Agile solutions to real situations." --Don Dornblaser, Director, WebMD

    "[The course] Introduced techniques that are on the cutting edge of Agile which solve or answer questions I have in the real world." --Dan Nelson, Sr. Software Engineer, FEI Company

    2009-06-08 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Planning.html2009-03-08 23:59:05 :2009-06-10 00:00:00}gers
    , coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to:

    - Reliably make and meet iteration commitments
    - Reliably make and meet release commitments
    - Create, estimate, and prioritize stories and features
    - Get work to "done done" every iteration
    - Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify and communicate requirements and your product vision

    About the Instructors

    James Shore is a prominent figure in the Agile software development community. He consults with development teams worldwide to help them meet commitments, improve product quality and increase productivity. James is co-author of The Art Of Agile Development.

    Diana Larsen consults with leaders and teams to create work processes where innovation, inspes where innovation, inspiration, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


    "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went." --Bill Jackson III, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Corp. "[The instructors] had a lot of experience to draw from which enabled them to map Agile solutions to real situations." --Don Dornblaser, Director, WebMD "[The course] Introduced techniques that are on the cutting edge of Agile which solve or answer questions I have in the real world." --Dan Nelson, Sr. Software Engineer, FEI Company 2009-06-08 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Planning.html2009-03-08 23:59:56 :2009-06-10 00:00:00with stakeholders Project managers, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to: - Reliably make and meet iteration commitments - Reliably make and meet release commitments - Create, estimate, and prioritize stories and features - Get work to "done done" every iteration - Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify and communicate requirements and your product vision

    About the Instructors

    James Shore is a prominent figure in the Agile software development community. He consults with development teams worldwide to help them meet commitments, improve product quality and increase productivity. James is co-author of The Art Of Agile Development. Diana Larsen consults with leaders and teams to create work processiration, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


    "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went." --Bill Jackson III, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Corp.

    "[The instructors] had a lot of experience to draw from which enabled them to map Agile solutions to real situations." --Don Dornblaser, Director, WebMD

    "[The course] Introduced techniques that are on the cutting edge of Agile which solve or answer questions I have in the real world." --Dan Nelson, Sr. Software Engineer, FEI Company

    2009-06-08 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Planning.html2009-03-08 23:58:02 :2009-06-10 00:00:00gers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to:

    - Reliably make and meet iteration commitments
    - Reliably make and meet release commitments
    - Create, estimate, and prioritize stories and features
    - Get work to "done done" every iteration
    - Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify and communicate requirements and your product vision

    About the Instructors

    James Shore is a prominent figure in the Agile software development community. He consults with development teams worldwide to help them meet commitments, improve product quality and increase productivity. James is co-author of The Art Of Agile Development.

    Diana Larsen consults with leaders and teams to create work processes where innovation, insp Q Qs will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed b(JU333JtThe Art of Agile Planning (training)Learn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, we teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working with stakeholders

    Project managers, product mana~gIU333JtThe Art of Agile Planning (training)

    Learn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, we teach you:

    - Estimating
    - Story writing
    - Iteration/Sprint planning
    - "Done Done"
    - Release planning
    - Adaptive planning
    - Risk management
    - Vision
    - Working with stakeholders

    Project managers, product mana ace of open source software in Chinese technology, as well as what's different and what's the same about open source in China and the West. It also will provide some insights into Intel-HU 333JtThe Art of Agile Planning (training)

    Learn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, we teach you:

    • Estimating
    • Story writing
    • Iteration/Sprint planning
    • "Done Done"
    • Release planning
    • Adaptive planning
    • Risk management
    • Vision
    • Working with stakeholders

    Project managers, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.

    A picture of a room with chandeliers and high,���� painted ceiling.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to:

    • Reliably make and meet iteration commitments
    • Reliably make and meet release commitments
    • Create, estimate, and prioritize stories and features
    • Get work to "done done" every iteration
    • Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify and communicate requirements and your product vision

    About the Instructors

    James Shore is a prominent figure in the Agile software development community. He consults with development teams worldwide to help them meet commitments, improve product quality and increase productivity. James is co-author of The Art Of Agile Development.

    Diana Larsen consults with leaders and teams to create work processes where innovation, inspiration, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


    "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went."

    Bill Jackson III, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Corp.

    "[The instructors] had a lot of experience to draw from which enabled them to map Agile solutions to real situations."

    Don Dornblaser, Director, WebMD

    "[The course] Introduced techniques that are on the cutting edge of Agile which solve or answer questions I have in the real world."

    Dan Nelson, Sr. Software Engineer, FEI Company

    2009-06-08 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Planning.html2009-03-08 23:53:28 :2009-06-10 00:00:00 ge Areas that make up Business Process Management as defined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in Universities and Colleges across NorCD?g3]33JtShizzow Developers MeetupWe wanted to have one more meetup before the Shizzow team heads down to Austin for sxsw. Drop by to ask us questions, make suggestions, and discuss uses for the Shizzow API.2009-03-11 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123604/2009-03-07 20:29:57 ; ;b2009-03-11 00:30:00 CSe3]33JtPortland Werewolf - March GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-03-12 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2121800/2009-03-07 14:22:16 ; ;b2009-03-12 01:00:00 ) and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. How to Register To registerG+3S33JtElisabeth Hendrickson's Agile Testing Series workshop: April 28 - 30Elisabeth Hendrickson came to Portland last month to introduce us to Acceptance Test Driven Development at XPDX. She'll be back in town in April to run a three day workshop: Agile Testing Series. There are still places available -- be quick to get a spot as I expect that this will sell out soon. What: Ag?1F_%3]33JtPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda: TBD.2009-04-29 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123569/2009-03-07 20:32:23 <;b2009-04-29 02:30:00E_}3]33JtPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda TBD, but feel free to make suggestions on the google group: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123566/2009-03-07 20:30:53 <;b2009-03-25 02:30:00 ^HendrickDBQI3s33JtPortland Python User Group MeetingMachine Learning topics (specifics TBD, John Melesky) The Portland Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon.2009-03-11 02:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-03-07 01:54:20 92009-03-11 04:00:00MAcI3s33JtPortland Portland Python User Group MeetingMachine Learning topics (specifics TBD, John Melesky) The Portland Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon.2009-03-11 02:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-03-07 01:52:51 92009-03-11 04:00:00M@cI3s33JtPortland Portland Python User Group MeetingMachine Learning topics (specifics TBD, John Melesky) The Portland Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon.2009-03-07 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-03-07 01:52:32 92009-03-07 05:00:00h 16th 7-9pm as we explore Real Wealth here in Portland. · Get involved with a project or organization aligned with your passions, come hear what others are doing. · Make new connections with people and/or other groups, this is the networking place to be. · Share your vision of an action, project or organization with others who can help as your vision becomes a reality. Our evening will include an update on a project to map our city’s existing real wealth activities (We need your help to extend this work! See http://dontworry.wikidot.com/relatedorgs for a start to one aspect of this project) Community Commons – Exploring the Real Wealth in Portland Monday, March 16th 7-9pm with social time to follow First Unitarian Church – 1011 SW 12th – Buchan Reception Room Enter through alleyway on 12th between Main & Salmon www.realwealthpdx.com info@realwealthpdx.com2009-03-17 01:00:00http://www.realwealthpdx.com2009-03-06 09:52:12 >~2009-03-17 04:00:00 WWowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experienc?{m3W33JtPDXPHP monthly meeting: Introduction to Aspen frameworkAspen is a PHP-based website and application development platform. Not only will you be able to produce quality results in less time, but your work is kept modular for amazing portability. The team from Trellis Development will give an introduction to the framework, along with a real world use-case scenario. Trellis is a local company that is developing a series of web-based products, and consists of members who currently run programming and design companies. http://www.aspen-framework.org2009-03-11 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/march2009-03-06 17:16:18 92009-03-11 03:00:00|>sC3E33JtReal Wealth of Portland: Supporting a More Caring Economy Community Commons: Our Skills, Resources & RelationshipsReal Wealth in Our Communities is Found Within Us – Our Skills, Resources, and Relationships Join Us! Monday, Marc  M4Pectives, and much more. Who should attend:> PIZZA FROM VERSIONONE <> PIZZA AT 6:30 THANKS TO VERSIONONE <<2009-03-19 01:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-03-06 06:29:28 92009-03-19 04:00:00s; E333Jr(AeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in M&A (rescheduled)Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as AeA enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters!2009-04-08 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0309072009-03-06 02:48:09 :$2009-04-08 17:00:00  sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and fR / 33Jr[Tweetup Breakfast2008-11-20 1/:cM3333JtPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-03-05 08:50:36 92009-04-14 04:00:0089Wk3333JtPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. 2009-04-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-03-05 08:49:06 92009-04-08 04:00:0080% of the tests on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years, and testing has become more sophisticated in that time, but age and backwards compatibility holds things back. There are a number of desired features which Test::Builder cannot support, such as end-of-test actions, without radically altering how tests are built. thus: Test::Builder2. This will be "something of a talk" followed by some hacking both on Test::Builder2 directly and writing new test modules. It'll give folks an opportunity to work both with Moose (well, Mouse) and git. Pair programming will make life easier, we can pair of experienced folks with inexperienced. Or just huddle together for strength in numbers. I find it easier to pair when each person has their own keyboard, so I'm going to bring along a few spare keyboards and mice. I encourage others to do the same.2009-03-12 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-03-05 03:12:00 >2009-03-12 04:00:0092008-11-21 05:00:00 66his Lunch and Learn event is being presentedF=Ek3a33JtPortland car-free happy hourWhat's your vision of sustainable transportation and how to make it happen for Portland and the greater world? How do you get around in Portland in and in the greater world? What are you working on? Please join Portland's first Car-free happy hour to discuss, mingle, and eat and drink. When: 2nd Thursday of each month (First is March 12), 5-7pm Where: Roots Organic Brewing Company, 1520 SE 7th Ave, Portland, OR Who's invited: Bicyclists, transit riders, pedestrians, motorists looking for other options, carpoolers, activists, consultants, nerds, journalists, public agency employees, politicians, neighbors, and friends What: Car-free happy hour is an informal venue to mingle participate in a social exchange of information, ideas, and connections. Let's put the ingredients together and see what happens.2009-03-13 00:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-carfree2009-03-06 06:53:08 >2009-03-13 02:00:00 $$R proposal
  • How N8m3133JtPortland Perl Mongers: Test::Builder 2 -- Michael SchwernTest::Builder underpins i7k3]33JtPDX Tweetup Breakfast - As God is my Witness......I will never go hungry again! Or at least, I will never miss this Tweetup Breakfast! Join Twitter users and artery-o-nauts as we venture into old school territory at Joe's Cellar in the NW. Conveniently located near not much at all, Joe's is a sort of Nob Hill equivalent to Fuller's. Joe's lacks ambience out the wazoo, doesn't believe in WiFi, and serves big plates o' breakfast. You can revel in the stoicism as we (most likely fail to) discuss the lines we have drawn in the sand during our lives, and how that worked out for us all. As always, buy your own breakfast. Bring cash - they ostensibly take cards but I bet they'll not want to run five cards for one check.2009-03-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2115040/2009-03-04 19:54:49 >;b2009-03-05 17:00:00 SSork Redux is also paying the tab — up to 300 buckeroos — for our be)6=e3533JtThe Video Marketing ExpoBroadcast Anything. Reach Everyone. The Video Marketing Expo 2009 is designed to help new media marketers and video production specialists meet the challenges of delivering compelling and entertaining interactive online video. VMX provides cutting-edge methods and industry examples for developing online web video for optimum awareness, lead generation, and other inbound marketing activities. Keynote speakers include industry experts in broadcasting, online advertising, high-definition video production, and marketing strategies for rich media. The conference includes breakout sessions for creative professionals and video production professionals with both technical and non-technical areas of expertise. For more information and registration, please visit http://www.vmx09.com or call 1-800-457-0905. 2009-05-13 15:00:00http://www.vmx09.com2009-03-04 19:04:59 >2009-05-14 00:00:00 he Opal Creek Wilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, law, medicine and other disciplines in negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution, trial practice, risk analysis and related5g?3]33JtSAOpdx: Chief Innovation Officer: The New CIO[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/ ] Can a CIO thrive in the current economic climate by simply maintaining existing information and occasionally providing new sources of Information? Come hear three perspectives of the new CIO, the Chief Innovation Officer. Learn about innovations that break traditional information system strongholds, that show innovation in the application development lifestyle, and innovative collaboration tools. Speaker lineup coming soon! REGISTER: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/18/09 2009-03-18 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/2009-03-04 17:37:47 :;b2009-03-18 14:30:00 "blktrace" and "seekwatcher" by M. Edward (Ed) Borasky blktrace is a command that generates traces of the i/o traffic on block devices such as hard drives. seekwatcher generates graphs from blktrace runs to help visualize IO patterns and performance. It can plot multiple blktrace runs together, making it easy to compare the differences between different benchmark runs. Ed will show us how to install and use these cool tools. Note: (1) Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. 2009-03-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-04 10:07:36 >2009-03-06 05:00:00 AArder/status/3542577605">Judging from her tweets, Eva seems to be enjoying her new toy and I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all very happy that she won it! It's a pretty awesome score, no? (Thanks again fopE 333JrWWinter Coders' Social II2008-12-10 03:00:002008-11-19 04:37:54 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00_3O33JrVReal-Time & Embedded Computing ConferenceComplimentary Technical Conference for those developing computer systems and time-critical applications for: consumer electronics, industrial control, military/aerH4[3333JtPortland Linux/Unix Group: Fun with blktrace and seekwatcher PRESENTATION Fun with _3s3=33JtPDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial VersionWe had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official staff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees.

    Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me: dawn at Shizzow
    2009-03-07 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/2009/02/24/pdx-pre-sxsw-party-part-two-the-unofficial-version/2009-03-04 03:12:08 ; ;bJt2009-03-07 03:00:00 ^and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after (g3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis ^2Q3[33JtdMobSet aside those shamrocks, and stop chasing Leprechauns. Create your own luck and come mingle with your fellow designers and other creative folks at dMob, held on March 11th at East Burn. This unassuming Eastside establishment boasts an ever-changing impressive beer selection, an organic menu, and of course, Skeeball. So toss aside the lucky charms and toss back a beer with us, and never forget the dMob mantra… “Can I buy you a drink?” The dMob Concept This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland.2009-03-04 00:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/network2009-03-04 01:18:48 >2009-03-04 01:00:00 WPes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Woԡ(i 3-33Let'6ԡ K#3]333SAOpdx: Quality Cost ManagemenE1 3]33JtFirefox 3.1: The Future Was Yesterday -- Portland Web InnovatorsMozilla developer Dietrich Ayala will show the features in Firefox 3.1 and lead a discussion on what the browser of tomorrow should do.2009-03-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1797715/2009-03-04 01:17:55 :v;b2009-03-05 03:00:00E0 3]33JtFirefox 3.1: The Future Was Yesterday -- Portland Web InnovatorsMozilla developer Dietrich Ayala will show the features in Firefox 3.1 and lead a discussion on what the browser of tomorrow should do.2009-03-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1797715/2009-03-04 01:08:48 >;b2009-03-05 03:00:00/sg3]33JtPDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial VersionWe had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official sta U6'33G'KEEN Sgg3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis^.Q3[33JtdMobSet aside those shamrocks, and stop chasing Leprechauns. Create your own luck and come mingle with your fellow designers and other creative folks at dMob, held on March 11th at East Burn. This unassuming Eastside establishment boasts an ever-changing impressive beer selection, an organic menu, and of course, Skeeball. So toss aside the lucky charms and toss back a beer with us, and never forget the dMob mantra… “Can I buy you a drink?” The dMob Concept This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland.2009-03-04 00:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/network2009-03-03 23:11:55 >2009-03-04 01:00:00ff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees. Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me: dawn at Shizzow2009-03-07 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1903563/2009-03-03 23:13:32 ; ;b2009-03-07 03:00:00 ==elarier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! This is a "save the date" announcement as we want to get as many people there as w?-a333JpSCollaboration: Working Toward a Shared WinLearn how to build long term relationships with your stakeholders and peers while enjoying a midsummer BBQ and a beautiful view of Portland from the 4th floor patio of the NW Natural building. What to Expect # Learn to Identify Stakeholders # Learn the importance of trust # Learn the 5 Questions of Collaboration Speaker: Dave Weber, CIO, NW Natural Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP. Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members 2008-08-27 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=8/27/082009-03-03 22:47:55 >2008-08-27 20:00:00 tendees">add yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, I|;3=33JpPLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk,-'3I33JoJASO beer gardenJapan-America Society of Oregon

    JASO Beer Garden
    Wednesday, July 30, 2008
    5:30pm - 7:30pm

    NW Natural, 4th Floor
    220 NW Second Avenue

    Please join us for Annual JASO Beer Garden and celebrate the summer-Japanese style.

    Music provided by A-Key-kyo

    For more information or reservations, please call us at 503.552.8811
    2008-07-31 00:30:00http://www.jaso.org/index.html2009-03-03 22:47:54 >;b72008-07-31 02:30:00hly talented people across the state are having difficulty finding employment commensurate with their skills. Now more than ever, job-seekers need to differentiate themselves from the crowd. This special panel brings together executives, staffing professionals, and visionaries from companies that continue to grow despite downward economic pressures. They'll present success stories, strategies, and best practices from a variety of vantage points. The MSIG hopes to provide a handful of valuable techniques to help attendees understand resume, interview, and job search strategies from the perspective of decision-makers. You'll leave this panel understanding how to better market yourself during these difficult times. #SAOpdx #MSIG #employment2009-03-27 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117442/2009-03-03 22:38:44 >;b2009-03-27 00:00:000 or on the web at www.CubeSpacePDX.com 2008-11-21 02:00:00http://www.cnrg-portland.org2008-11-18 06:56:04 92008-11-21 04:00:00ects and sales opportunities. And because there are fewer available we need to get in and win every one we can. In this session Jim will share what it takes to sell software and services in our current economy. This presentation will not be a list of selling do's and don'ts, rather, you will gain insight into how you can transform yourself, your selling skills and your software/services' value proposition into something that suspects, prospects and customers will respond to. Instead of experiencing rejection in these difficult times your prospects will want to hear from you and learn more about your software/services solutions. What you take away from this webinar will improve your lead-to-close ratio leading to a sales performance improvement in any economy - good or bad. There is no fee for this webinar. Presenter: Jim Allen, Author of "Value Based Selling - A Software Sales Methodology"2009-03-19 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899622/2009-03-03 22:38:18 :;b2009-03-19 17:00:00 izers and drinks. The evening will feature entertainment by Portland's own Lions of Batucada - a Brazilian-styl|ԡa3]333Portld{7Q3E33JrSNon-Profit Networking

    Are you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A volunx+KE3]33JtSAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetupThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Welcomed audience: any entrepreneurs (past, present or future), start up executives, or veteran technology leaders This event is not open for service providers - sorry guys! Bring your burning questions so that you can dig into it with your experienced peers #SAOpdx #Startup2009-03-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117450/2009-03-03 22:40:28 <;b2009-03-17 23:00:00ver to check out the new TechShop, and on April 22 (was March 25), Denney's opening the doors to show everyone all the cool stuff he has in there. What is TechShop? Why, it's "a membership-based DIY workshop that gives you access to a huge variety of tools and equipment, tons of friendly and easy classes, and a community of amazing people who share your interest in making things." Sounds like fun. Pack your safety goggles for this one, just in case you get the urge to weld something. No word yet on whether Todd will organize another party train. Stay tuned. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-04-22 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1808911/2009-03-03 22:07:55 >;b2009-04-22 21:00:00 eeespecially an architect) and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives m('m!3G33JtKGW Newschannel 8's "The Square Live @7" TweetupJoin The Square anchor Stephanie Stricklen (@StephStricklen) and show producer Aaron Weiss (@TheSquare) for an in-person tweetup and look at the new KGW HD studios at Pioneer Courthouse Square. For details, follow @TheSquare on Twitter or visit the show blog2009-03-11 23:30:00http://www.kgw.com/thesquare/2009-03-03 21:21:46 ;[2009-03-12 01:30:00&IY3]33JtInternet Strategy Forum SummitThe Internet Strategy Forum Summit is the premiere an provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year. We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as: * What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's xW3-33JrJ[CANCELLED!] Portland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are providedb*E3]33JtSAOpdx: Getting Back to WorkNearly one in ten Oregonians is searching for work. Higm)u3]33JtSAOpdx: Software Selling in a Down Economy (webinar)In today's economy we all need more prosp`(qo3]33JtLunch 2.0: Back to the 'Burbs at TechShop PortlandUpdate: TechShop had to change the date to April 22, 2009. For the lucky 13th edition of Portland Lunch 2.0, we're heading back to the 'burbs to TechShop Portland in Beaverton. During January's Lunch 2.0 at the OTBC, Denney Cole and Wm Leler took some folks onual conference from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. Attendees of the 6th annual Internet Strategy Forum Summit will engage with our keynote presenters from Intel, Xerox, Forrester Research and more, who will share their insights and ideas on how to best leverage the Internet and integrate it into overall business strategy. Visit the event Website for a complete list of confirmed presenters. There are plenty of opportunities for networking with corporate Internet professionals and Internet-related product and service providers. Check out "The Road to Chief Internet Strategist", an optional corporate Internet strategist career path symposium on July 24th, the day after the main conference.2009-07-23 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2116446/2009-03-03 20:39:25 :;b2009-07-23 20:00:00n).2008-11-16 17:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCampII2008-11-15 18:39:23 =2008-11-17 06:00:00 TvTand get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can imple$cy3]33JtBeaverton Letip - Business Networking GroupHow would you like to join more than 35 business professionals for a very dynamic networking event. Every Tuesday we have a meeting at the Home Town Buffet. We only allow one business for each business category so please contact me (Justin) at 503-828-1763. to see if your category is already filled. There is no cost to guests and guests can visit two times before joining.2009-03-03 14:45:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1878352/2009-03-03 20:36:40 >;b2009-03-03 14:45:00!q}3?3JtCHIFOO, Computer-Human Interaction Forum Of OregonCHIFOO (pronounced ‘ky - FOO’), Computer-Human Interaction Forum Of Oregon, a local professional chapter of the ACM SIGCHI, serves practicing pro...2009-04-02 02:00:00http:///portland/events/chifoo-computerhuman-interaction-forum-oregon-/E0-001-018933148-82009-03-03 19:07:55 9;b  fair amount of homework to do. Homework such as defining your target market; sizing and segmenting that market;{1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all th^`k3E33Ju:Webinar - "Fit" for Business, with Pamela JonesPRICE OEN Member Fee: $20.00 Non-member Fee: $30.00 REGISTER NOW Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://twurl.cc/lsd EVENT DESCRIPTION Early-stage business success is often determined by the DNA of the founding team. Minimize hiring regrets with pragmatic and strategic assessment of candidates. Attend this webinar to learn how to: * Structure interview processes to deliver data necessary for clear decision-making, and * Identify and assess critical experiences/skill sets in candidates that will work for the business to T intende2]3m33Jr!Portland Mapping Party for OpenStreetMapMapping parties are community events targetted at getting a specific area mapped in a day or a weekend. You come along, are loaned a GPS unit and shown how to use it (it's easy!) and you go out mapping an area of your choosing. Then you come backRck3[33Jr WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDXDetails to be given for WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDX at IGNITE PORTLAND 4 on November 13th. That's all we can say for now, but... you do not want to miss this.2008-11-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13203162008-11-06 06:41:52 92008-11-21 04:00UUG{3k33JtjWestside Proggers: Finite automata in non-deterministic systems, with code examples in RPG IIWe're programmers. We're on the west side. We're awesome. Come join us. Maybe a little awesomeness will rub off on you.2009-02-27 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-02-24 02:09:34 <2009-02-27 05:00:00 }} about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some ofo7-3O33Jr3CalazW3-3JtDemolicious - Portland Web Innovators2009-04-02 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com2009-03-03 18:06:23 ;;bJtІw93W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Brooks Brothers – 921 SW Morrison St. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration is requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-03 15:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14912009-03-03 17:33:38 >2009-03-03 17:00:00presses the time and space it takes for us to understand something. If you're interested in Data Visualization, please come to this event. It will be the first Portland Tech Event at WebTrends besides Web Analytics Wednesday. It's our chance to try out the space and see if it is a good fit for this group or potentially for other groups in the future. Google Group: Ed Borasky recently started a Google group called pdx-visualization. As the name implies, it is a group for Portland-area people interested in languages and techniques for visualization of data. http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization ------ Amber Case, @caseorganic is a Cyborg Anthropologist studying the interaction between humans and computers and how our relationship with information is changing the way we think, act, and understand the world around us. 2009-03-24 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:20:26 Agenda: This meetup will serve as an introduction to what's going on in the world of data viz. It will be freeform, so if you would like to demonstrate something you're working on, please be prepared to do so. Micah Elliott will be showing uGraph and Ed Borasky will do a GGobi demo. I'll be covering what already exists in the ecosystem and what might become useful in the future. We're dealing with a rapid communication method here. Something that, if done well, com SSJters real connections. You've been to enough networkin0Gs3+33JtXPDX March: Ping Pong PairingWe'll introduce the Ping Pong pairing pattern and then start practicing. This is both for developers both experienced in and new to pair programming. Bring a laptop to take part!2009-03-19 01:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-03-03 17:22:07 92009-03-19 04:00:00uW33]33JtDemolicious - Portland Web Innovators[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/ ] Come see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. Several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * I Need to Read This! (Benjamin Stover) * MioWorks (David Abramowski) * Black Tonic (Jason Glaspey) * Avatari (Sam Grover) * You? Find out more about showing off *your* project here: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious2009-04-02 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/2009-03-03 16:36:38 ;;b2009-04-02 02:00:00 !osters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're j7/3533Jr3Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a fullvW3-3JtDemolicious - Portland Web Innovators2009-04-02 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com2009-03-03 18:06:21 ;;bГOOg3m33JtPortland Data Visualization GroupResearchers have long said that the material published on the Web amounts to a form of “collective intelligence” that can be used to spot trends and make predictions. Using his 20% time, a Google employee discovered that during flu season, many ailing Americans enter phrases like “flu symptoms” into Google and other search engines before they call their doctors. When he mapped this data, he was able to diip with information is changing the way we think, act, and understand the world around us. I've been interested in data visualization for a very long time -- it intersects with a lot of very interesting things that are going on in the world, and thus is definitely worth studying. Happily enough, we now have whole boatloads of data -- because the Internet has given this to us. And we have free tools and programming skills to mess with the data so that we can relatively easily turn it into something useful or interesting without puling teeth or renting computer time from 3-6 in the morning an hour's drive away at the nearest State University. It is because of all of these things, and what I feel is becoming an essential next step in the development of trend prediction and the very useful implementation of data and information, that I want to start having some meetings around this sort of thing. 2009-03-24 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:18:59 Agenda: This meetup will serve as an introduction to what's going on in the world of data viz. It will be freeform, so if you would like to demonstrate something you're working on, please be prepared to do so. Micah Elliott will be showing uGraph and Ed Borasky will do a GGoip with information is changing the way we think, act, and understand the world around us. I've been interested in data visualization for a very long time -- it intersects with a lot of very interesting things that are going on in the world, and thus is definitely worth studying. Happily enough, we now have whole boatloads of data -- because the Internet has given this to us. And we have free tools and programming skills to mess with the data so that we can relatively easily turn it into something useful or interesting without puling teeth or renting computer time from 3-6 in the morning an hour's drive away at the nearest State University. It is because of all of these things, and what I feel is becoming an essential next step in the development of trend prediction and the very useful implementation of data and information, that I want to start having some meetings around this sort of thing. 2009-03-24 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:18:26 2009-03-13 23:00:00ee discovered that during flu season, many ailing Americans enter phrases like “flu symptoms” into Google and other search engines before they call their doctors. When he mapped this data, he was able to discover where flu outbreaks would strike up to two weeks before traditional news sources were able to report them. http://www.google.org/flutrends/ This is an example of a time when merging a specific type of data to its geographical coordinates resulted in a unique insight. However, there is much more to do with data and visualization. What was found at Google is only the tip of a very large iceberg. Now that we have access to so much data on the web, we're going to see an increasing need to understand and present that data. Agenda: This meetup will serve as an introduction to what's going on in the world of data viz. It will be freeform, so if you would like to demonstrate something you're working on, please be prepared to do so. Micah Elliott will be showing uGraph and Ed Borasky will do a GGoed and more empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-06 18:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:35:50 >2009-03-07 00:00:00ed and more empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-06 18:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:35:27 >2009-03-07 00:00:00 6lrk in an advertising agency or part of an in-house marketing department, SearchFest #a/'3m33JrWestside ProggersA programming group that espouses no specific language or Fq'3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informGq)3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better inform>q3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. It repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better inform>q3y33JtPSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. It repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informhe clarity and quality of the requirements drive the deliverables of the project and set the expectations of customers. Managing requirements can be a challenge because we have been taught to capture all requirements up front, and achieve customer sign off. This process does not allow for change, and all software projects have change. Enter user stories. Authoring project requirements as user stories is one of the most common approaches across any agile method. In this course, you will learn what a user story is, how to build and author them and how to manage and communicate them to users. The course format consists of multiple lecture topics, group exercises and group discussion. Ample time will be devoted to analysis of the "real-world" industry experiences of the instructor based on case study examples and experiences managing agile projects and coaching agile project teams. #SAOpdx #OTN #Agile 2009-04-07 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/2009-03-02 17:40:18 :;b2009-04-07 23:30:00ed and more empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-06 09:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:29:47 >2009-03-07 00:00:00 this successful tasty bacon monster in under just three short weeks. You will oink yourself to happiness as Scott weaves true tales of bare-hooved bootstrapping and entrepreneurial maneuvers in the dark. Tail curling stories designed to share with you what works, what does not, and having the bacon to move ahead like a greased, well you know. This little piggy went to market, and it owns the bacon market online. Get your pig on. Yes, there will be bacon served. Who: Scott Kveton (Bac'n co-founder) What: Bac'n Meat Up: Entrepreneurial Tails for Entrepreneurs When: March 2, 2009 starting at 11:45 AM Cost: Free to all entrepreneurs, $15 to numbskulls, $25 to vegetarians Where: NedSpace - co-working for startups, innovative tech companies, and social entrepreneurs. Where Exactly: 920 SW Third, Portland (between Taylor and Salmon) Twitter: @kveton @neddotcom Ticket Info: Free to all entrepreneurs, $15 to numbskulls, $25 to vegetarians 2009-03-02 19:45:002009-03-01 16:52:33 >;b2009-03-02 20:45:00 +saO=+d> eYb;H-0!"(΀! pӀ! ؀! Ԁ 5+;Z `π? $dH"-Z?$+f('> |р)20090912082129)20081115190515)20081011193124)20081011181519)20080705164959)20080705163959)2008060421052141413 3 12 1 11 510158629716 a#an a lot as we do our work. How do you store what you learn? Are you always able to 6e'3]33JtSAOpdx: Agile Requirements Management Course[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/ ] Software projects start with functionality and requirements. TeW3s33JtHow to Cost Effectively Validate Your MarketFor Founders / CEOs / Business Owners Whether you’re thinking about starting a company, the founder of an existing start-up, or already running a company – something you may want to learn – before you launch the company or a new product is: “Is there a ‘there’, there?” More often than not, entrepreneur’s passion and great ide{0M3 33JtBac'n Meat Up: Entrepreneurial Tails for EntrepreneursAre you an entrepreneur? Launching a startup? Ramping up a fast growing startup? Thinking about a startup? Know how to spell startup? Love bacon? Come hear Scott Kveton (Bac'n co-founder) talk about how he and his team launchedwill occur, managing the impact and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years. An EMT, Public Information and Education Officer, Critical Incident Stress Manager, Peer Counselor, CERT trainer, Inspector and former Investigator, Alice teaches extensively across the region. Alice also currently serves as the Clackamas County Citizen Corps Co-Chair and the Urban Area Securities Initiative (UASI) representative as well as a UASI Public Information Officer representative. Alice is a true advocate of working within the ICS/NIMS and firmly believes in the pivotal importance of citizen involvement/engagement in all aspects of Emergency Management (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery).2009-03-26 02:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/sustainability-and-emergency-management2009-03-01 06:05:18 >^;b2009-03-26 04:00:00 hhBh it should be worth your time/effort should you choo)ԡjg 3K333Portland Busine [3!33JtSustainability and Emergency ManagementSustainability, Permaculture, Climate Change, Peak Oil… it is surprising how many interests intersect with Emergency Management. Diverse disciplines from Sociology to Geology play a role in disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. Reaching out to audiences who may not otherwise be engaged in Citizen Corps programs is as easy as focusing on our shared goals. 20 minute walkable or bikeable neighborhood communities, have been the determinant for CERT Teams. This model corresponds very well with sustainable development, the ideals of Permaculturalists and Peak Oil/Transition Town participants. Incorporating research and a broad based approach to presentations and other outreach activities is an excellent way to increase your community’s receptiveness to preparedness and mitigation efforts. With the concept that disasters  6l6'Xvention From The Expepԡf}=3 333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative XL}93w33Jp3 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN, the SAO and SCORE . About the Program In today's crowded technology marketplace, differentiating your 6KE-3w33JpSCORE Business Plan WorkshopEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group This full-day 3 [3!3JtSustainability and Emergency Management2009-03-26 02:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/sustainability-and-emergency-management2009-03-01 06:04:08 >^;b| 33JtBac'n Meat Up: Entrepreneurial Tails for Entrepreneurs2009-03-02 19:45:002009-03-01 05:41:38 >;b΁ -%3M33JsQBeaver Barcamp 3Please RSVP!2009-04-04 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-03-01 02:51:09 >U;bg2009-04-05 06:00:00 insights he developed for his published materials: Pocket Guide to Customer-centric Thinking, Pocket Guide to Overcoming Your Impediments to Success; Pocket Guide to Behavioral Diversity in the Workplace: A Newws3W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase, a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Chamber of Commerce member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread) – 5209 SE International Way. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-17 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14392009-02-28 17:22:28 >2009-03-17 16:00:00 ;;t or service from the competition and establishing a competitive advantage is critical. But many technology products and services (especially web-based solutions) can be quickly copied or reverse engineered. So how do you create a sustainable differential advantage? At this Lunch and Learn, you'll leaA}13W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business After HoursPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours, an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, March 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Pyramid Brewing – 2730 NW 31st Ave. Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-12 00:00:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14942009-02-28 17:17:59 >2009-03-12 02:00:00 ZZkills and professions that make the Internet work. This eclectic understand -%3M33JsQBeaver Barcamp 3Please RSVP!2009-04-04 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-03-01 02:50:54 >U;bg2009-04-04 06:00:00$ 'K3U33JtBeaverBarCampA BarCamp for Corvallis, Oregon2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-03-01 02:49:13 >UJsQ2009-04-05 06:00:00fs3W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-24 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14462009-02-28 17:25:20 >2009-03-24 16:00:00 tworking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, August 26, at the Art Institute's Industrial Design Shop (note this is not the main AI space -- it's on NW Couch between 8th and Broadway). Theye3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:002009-02-28 17:13:57 >2009-03-10 16:00:00 rom some of the biggest names on the web. Centered on the world's most popular blogging platform - Wordpress - this is THE event to learn about the blogging tool used by millions of consumers and businesses alike. Wordpress powepI+;3w33JoFounders FridayEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group By popular demand, we'H+s3w33JoLessons from the Wizard of Oz for_e3W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14472009-02-28 17:12:56 >2009-03-10 16:00:00 tarting an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beverage, networking time -- and a chance for each attendee to briefly describe their company (and optionally say what kind of help they cow33W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Brooks Brothers – 921 SW Morrison St. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-03 15:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14912009-02-28 17:08:47 >2009-03-03 17:00:00 arn: * What networking really is and what it means to give. * How to recognize a networking opportunity in any co\-3m33JtTiE Oregon SW & Internet SIG: Launching and Building Companies - How They Did ItTiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG is kicking off the first session devoted to Launching and Building Software & Internet Companies. We will be hosting three special guests who will share their experiences on How They Did It, and offer perspectives on company growth. Michael Berkley - CEO, Splashcast Media. SplashCast is a content syndication service for social networks and mobile devices. SplashCast enables brand advertisers and content owners to reach out and engage consumers through micro-channels of content that people want and share. SplashCast has raised funds from prominent angel investors in the last two years. Mark Friess - President and Co-founder, wired.MD, Inc. wired.MD helps patients and their families make informed healthcare deci ng Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door F|s3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-24 14:30:002009-02-27 23:40:192009-03-24 16:00:00sions through access to patient education videos and comprehensive solutions that also benefit treatment providers. Following angel investor funding between 2000 to 2005, wired.MD took on debt financing in 2004 and 2007 from PDC and others before being acquired by Krames/StayWell, a division of MediMedia USA in 2008. Ranjit Pandit - Founder and VP, RNA Networks. RNA Networks makes makes memory a shared network resource to deliver high performance on commodity hardware utilizing existing data center resources, without application changes. Investors include Oregon Angel Fund, Divergent Ventures, Menlo Ventures and Reference Capital. Whether you are thinking, planning or in the midst of a startup, this is your opportunity to get insights from the diversity of industry, funding and growth experiences represented by these entrepreneurs. 2009-03-12 01:00:00 17:03:30 =2009-03-12 03:30:00 earn, you'll get advice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC s}}i3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business After HoursPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours: Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, March 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Pyramid Brewing – 2730 NW 31st Ave. Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-12 00:00:002009-02-27 23:29:012009-03-12 02:00:00 GG> The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banki5ws3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase, a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Chamber of Commerce member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread) – 5209 SE International Way. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-17 14:30:002009-02-27 23:32:472009-03-17 16:00:00 <fRtW K33K\ԡ];3U333OEN SwapMeet - October Meet. Greet. Repeat. In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the driverW~}13 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business After HoursPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours, an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, March 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Pyramid Brewing – 2730 NW 31st Ave. Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-12 00:00:002009-02-27 23:29:292009-03-12 02:00:00 Managing Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door Fou|e3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:002009-02-27 23:26:142009-03-10 16:00:00 The OTBC Meetus{a3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange: Fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:002009-02-27 23:26:032009-03-10 16:00:00kzQ3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Business Leads Exchange: Fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:002009-02-27 23:25:412009-03-10 16:00:00 ggCBu=3w3JjEFinancial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveProspective investors will look8As 3w33JjDMaking Hiring Decisions: Is there a Secret Formula?OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Ma {@u3w33Jj@Financial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveOTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Financial Projeyw33 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Brooks Brothers – 921 SW Morrison St. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-03 15:30:002009-02-27 23:23:372009-03-03 17:00:00  at your financial forecast. What do they look at and why? Come to this Lunch and Learn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softwxw33 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Brooks Brothers – 921 SW Morrison St. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-02-03 15:30:002009-02-27 23:21:052009-02-27 17:00:00wi-3k33JtTiE Oregon: Solar Directions - Future of SolarThe emergence and explosive growth o fx7 fkv{|?>@DV4567wvu[Yԡ"Gy333Starveups Hot Seat: Wine Tagshttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-05-11 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:10;b` ԡ!c9333STC: Darwin Information Typing Architecturehttp://www.stcwvc.org/2007-05-18 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`ԡ Ce333SWHRMA: Elder Care and Workhttp://www.swhrma.org/calendar3.asp?calID=642007-05-08 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`ԡ=k333The Business of Biofuelshttp://www.ostpartnership.org/events/biofuels2/2007-09-14 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`!ԡwO333WEO OR: Collaboration, Creativity, Clients and Growthhttp://www.oregonweo.org/may_20072007-05-09 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`ԡ7O333WEO WA dinner meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-05-17 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`f the Solar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? If you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, or an executive from an adjacent space looking for expansion into solar or someone who wants to join an existing solar company or someone who wants to understand the basics of the industry; this event is for you! Participate with and meet notable solar industry entrepreneurs and executives. No prior knowledge of the industry is assumed and the insights you will gain may excite you into becoming engaged in this dynamic and growing renewable energy sector. 2009-03-18 23:00:00http:// 22:42:44 >2009-03-19 04:00:00lendar/7811324/2008-11-10 22:44:06 <2008-05-13 20:45:00capital within the range of $100,000 to^sions through access to patient education videos and comprehensive solutions that also benefit treatment providers. Following angel investor funding between 2000 to 2005, wired.MD took on debt financing in 2004 and 2007 from PDC and others before being acquired by Krames/StayWell, a division of MediMedia USA in 2008. Ranjit Pandit - Founder and VP, RNA Networks. RNA Networks makes makes memory a shared network resource to deliver high performance on commodity hardware utilizing existing data center resources, without application changes. Investors include Oregon Angel Fund, Divergent Ventures, Menlo Ventures and Reference Capital. Whether you are thinking, planning or in the midst of a startup, this is your opportunity to get insights from the diversity of industry, funding and growth experiences represented by these entrepreneurs. 2009-03-12 01:00:00 22:35:15 >2009-03-12 03:30:00Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? If you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, or an executive from an adjacent space looking for expansion into solar or someone who wants to join an existing solar company or someone who wants to understand the basics of the industry; this event is for you! Participate with and meet notable solar industry entrepreneurs and executives. No prior knowledge of the industry is assumed and the insights you will gain may excite you into becoming engaged in this dynamic and growing renewable energy sector. 2009-03-18 23:00:00http:// 22:38:11 >2009-03-19 04:00:0008-05-20 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-11-10 22:44:05 <2008-05-20 20:45:00 zzthose led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:30pm: Program 1:30pm - 2:00pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Register and ps'!3A33JtEMC SymposiumMonday, April 13 2009, 9:30am - 5:30pm When EMC AND Signal Integrity Meet A Tutorial and Exhibition Featuring Dr. Eric Bogatin Signal Integrity Evangelist Download a PDF flyer of the event2009-04-13 16:30:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org2009-02-27 17:05:59 >2009-04-14 00:30:00 1;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-higvtiG3A33JtTechnology Management (networking and meeting)Succeeding with External Alliances: Applying Tested Tools to the New Environment (presented by the Technology Management Chapter (TMC) of the IEEE) Objective: provide managers with a fresh look at the external alliances as a tool to succeed in a challenging economy. Time: March 25, 2009. 6:00-7:00 P.M. Networking and snacks begin at 5:30 P.M. Registration: To sign up now, click here. Walk-ins welcome, but pre-registration is preferred. Speaker: Dr. Ron Khormaei, Director of Engineering for the Audio Business Electrical group, Logitech. Location: PCC Central Portland Workforce Training Center, 1626 SE Water Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97214. Room 202/203. Price: $10. Includes snacks and beverages. Parking not included. 2009-03-26 00:30:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org2009-02-27 17:15:09 >2009-03-26 02:00:00 RRthrough a real-life case study of low-cost PR tactics and how those led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the S*ri3M33JtCorvallis Beer and Blog @ McMenamins on MonroeWe're moving back to Wednesdays and going to McMenamins on Monroe for the first time. We had a few requests to give them a try so we're doing it! Unfortunately they don't technically take reservations, but they know we're coming. They recently changed the table arrangement upstairs so it may actually work better for us! We plan on being upstairs to the right. We haven't had a talk in a while, so lets have one! I'll announce what we'll talk about early next week, but let me know your ideas! See you there! -Lance2009-03-05 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-02-27 16:56:14 >;b2009-03-05 03:30:00 TT JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging "qi3M33JtCorvallis Beer and Blog @ McMenamins on Monroe2009-03-05 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-02-27 16:55:26 >;b2009-03-05 03:30:00p]-333JtMississippi Community Network Work PartyThis is a maintenance work party for the Mississippi Community Wireless Network along N. Mississippi Avenue. The network is a project of the Personal Telco Project, starting in 2005. Recently, some of our rooftop gear has failed and needs replacing. Come see how a neighborhood-wide wifi network is constructed. Maybe you can do the same in your neighborhood too! Meet at the Fresh Pot at 1pm, we'll head across the street at about 1:15. If you are going to be late, contact me (russell@personaltelco.net) ahead of time and I'll give you my cellphone number so someone can let you in.2009-03-01 21:00:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MississippiWorkParty200903012009-02-26 18:15:43 >2009-03-01 23:00:00  on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 6:00pm at OTBC. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. Please RSVP so that we will have plentymoMG3K33JtFarewell February, Welcome MarchIt's been a whirlwind year, with the last Friday of February fast approaching. And honestly? After brainstorming with my Beer and Blog buddies to plan March's fun, I can barely wait to tell you what we have in store. But I'll only tell you a little, for now. You'll have to wait for more details until Friday, when we meet once again at the Green Dragon for happy hour. Here's your Official Sneak Peek to Beer and Blog's March Announcements:

    • While February was dedicated to Ending things like Bloglessness and Joblessness, March will be about skillz. Social skillz that is.
    • Beer and Blog swag. (You know you want it.)
    • Want to be a Beer and Blog photog? We're having a little fun in our search to find folks who like taking pictures, and it involves the tag #pdxbnb.
    • It is entirely possib How to Attract Significantly More Customers; in good times and bad. About the Speaker Mark Paul has more than twenty-five years of executive level leadership-from bootstrapping software start-ups as an&n=M3?33JtCommunit.as Launch PartyCommunit.as is an open source web application that provides a foundation for building custom community and social network sites. At long last, we're launching the beta version and we're having a party to celebrate. There will be snacks, drinks, a demo and a Q&A session with the developers. Come join us!

      UPDATE: We've changed the date from Feburary 19th to February 26th so we don't conflict with Ignite Portland 5.

      2009-02-27 02:00:00http://communit.as/launch2009-02-26 08:41:09 9;b2009-02-27 04:00:00 irdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude wikmKE3K33JtFarwell February, Welcome MarchIt's been a whirlwind year, with the last Friday of February fast approaching. And honestly? After brainstorming with my Beer and Blog buddies to plan March's fun, I can barely wait to tell you what we have in store. But I'll only tell you a little, for now. You'll have to wait for more details until Friday, when we meet once again at the Green Dragon for happy hour. Here's your Official Sneak Peek to Beer and Blog's March Announcements:
      • While February was dedicated to Ending things like Bloglessness and Joblessness, March will be about skillz. Social skillz that is.
      • Beer and Blog swag. (You know you want it.)
      • Want to be a Beer and Blog photog? We're having a little fun in our search to find folks who like taking pictures, and it involves the tag #pdxbnb.
      • It is entirely possile that Beer and Blog will be available live via streaming video soon. Very very soon.
      • St. Patty's day is on a Tuesday this year, and that's a great excuse to hang out with your blogging friends twice in one week. Green beer. Details to come.
      • Field trip. 'Nuff said.
      Pique your interest? Whet your palate? Join us this Friday to hear the full lineup of fun we've got planned for you in March. Oh, and one more thing: as your Official Portland Chapter Provost, I would be remiss to not give a Beer and Blog cheer for those lucky blogging and beer chugging friends of ours who made it onto @thesquare's Live at 7 segement on KGW news recently. We can thank our most lovely Kelly Guimont (@verso)for that, who is featured front and centered. Check it out!2009-02-28 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-26 16:26:21 ; 2009-02-28 02:00:00 way to day basis. This event shows the dynamic variety that will help shape Oregon’s economic future. Date and Time: Wednesday September 09, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: 1313 NW .47w3533Jr3Calagator code sj#13933JtPDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-march-20092009-03-24 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2009-02-25 03:31:44 92009-03-24 04:00:00i%13933JtPDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-march-20092009-02-25 04:00:00http://PDXCritique.com2009-02-25 03:25:39 92009-02-25 05:00:00urce methodologies to software development and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your software value in a merger or acquisition and how to accelerate software development through the managed use of open source and third-party code. Carl Ruggiero, Trilinear Technologies Carl has real world experience integrating open source software into commercial products, including managing legal issues and investor concerns. He will discuss his approach and what he has learned from these experiences. Event Details: Date: May 19, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0509112009-02-24 23:01:25 :$2009-05-19 17:00:00en source code into their proprietary products, and their best advice as to how a company can navigate the legal and technical minefields to get better products to market faster by harnessing open source innovations. What Will Be Discussed? * Effective strategies for managing the legal risks of including open source in proprietary code * Local technology companies? experiences managing investor concerns regarding open source * How to determine whether open source code offers value to your company Moderator: Brenna Legaard, Partner, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP Brenna will discuss what courts have recently had to say about open source licenses, the legal consequences of violating them, and how companies can manage the legal risks of using open source code in proprietary software. Panelists: Stuart Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, Collaborative Software Initiative Cohen is responsible for marshaling CSI's leadership team and IT business and technology leaders to apply open soted by: AeA Technology and IP Committee ___________________________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. Portland's open source community is vibrant and energetic. Can proprietary companies tap into that creativity while avoiding the legal pitfalls? A panel of local entrepreneurs will discuss new law on open source license agreements, how local technology companies have successfully (or not so successfully) incorporated op  social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, CSAs and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important conversation to learn where your work overlaps and supports this goal. In conjunction with the forum, nine local artists have converted refrigerators into creative statements about hunger. Their provocative art installation opens Friday, November 7th from 6-8pm at the Urban Grind and will remain on display through the month of November. Learn more about our non-profit and the monthly forum at www$kY3o33JtPersonal Telco Project Monthly MeetingThe regular monthly meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be discussing ongoing projects and various other things. 2009-02-26 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingFebruary20092009-02-25 07:17:41 >2009-02-26 04:00:00 yydent. To this relationship Ecotrust and others have sought to add a third "e" — social equity — to ensure thcy3/33JtPortland JavaScript Admirers' March MeetingThe March Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-03-26 02:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-02-25 02:08:28 92009-03-26 04:00:00 C09BKT]fox#2ԡM-9M333Jr.AeA Party in the PinotCelebrate Oregon’s High-Tech Industry with over 400 of the area’s top technology executives and service provideg%/3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase the book at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-02-25 00:13:10 :A2009-04-17 03:30:00-f?333JtOpen Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityTechAmerica (formerly known as AeA) Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity Presenݙ)e?333JtOpen Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityTechAmerica (formerly known as AeA) Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity Prn source methodologies to software development and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your software value in a merger or acquisition and how to accelerate software development through the managed use of open source and third-party code. Carl Ruggiero, Trilinear Technologies Carl has real world experience integrating open source software into commercial products, including managing legal issues and investor concerns. He will discuss his approach and what he has learned from these experiences. Event Details: Date: May 19, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0509112009-02-24 23:01:032009-05-19 17:00:00d open source code into their proprietary products, and their best advice as to how a company can navigate the legal and technical minefields to get better products to market faster by harnessing open source innovations. What Will Be Discussed? * Effective strategies for managing the legal risks of including open source in proprietary code * Local technology companies? experiences managing investor concerns regarding open source * How to determine whether open source code offers value to your company Moderator: Brenna Legaard, Partner, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP Brenna will discuss what courts have recently had to say about open source licenses, the legal consequences of violating them, and how companies can manage the legal risks of using open source code in proprietary software. Panelists: Stuart Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, Collaborative Software Initiative Cohen is responsible for marshaling CSI's leadership team and IT business and technology leaders to apply opeesented by: AeA Technology and IP Committee ___________________________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. Portland's open source community is vibrant and energetic. Can proprietary companies tap into that creativity while avoiding the legal pitfalls? A panel of local entrepreneurs will discuss new law on open source license agreements, how local technology companies have successfully (or not so successfully) incorporate leadership team and IT business and technology leaders to apply open source methodologies to software development and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your software value in a merger or acquisition and how to accelerate software development through the managed use of open source and third-party code. Carl Ruggiero, Trilinear Technologies Carl has real world experience integrating open source software into commercial products, including managing legal issues and investor concerns. He will discuss his approach and what he has learned from these experiences. Event Details: Date: May 19, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-05-19 14:30:002009-02-24 22:58:122009-05-19 17:00:00raditional Pitfall into Opportunity Presented by: AeA Technology and IP Committee ___________________________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. Portland's open source community is vibrant and energetic. Can proprietary companies tap into that creativity while avoiding the legal pitfalls? A panel of local entrepreneurs will discuss new law on open source license agreements, how local technology companies have successfully (or not so successfully) incorporated open source code into their proprietary products, and their best advice as to how a company can navigate the legal and technical minefields to get better products to market faster by harnessing open source innovations. What Will Be Discussed?
      • Effective strategies for managing the legal risks of including open source in proprietary code
      • ? Local technology companies? experiences managing investor concerns regarding open source ? How to determine whether open source code offers value to your company
      Moderator: Brenna Legaard, Partner, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP Brenna will discuss what courts have recently had to say about open source licenses, the legal consequences of violating them, and how companies can manage the legal risks of using open source code in proprietary software. Panelists: Stuart Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, Collaborative Software Initiative Cohen is responsible for marshaling CSI's KuKetup Group Moderated by Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Joud}3 33JtOpen Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityTechAmerica (formerly known as AeA) Open Source: Turning a Tc%/3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase the book at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-02-24 22:13:57 >2009-04-17 03:30:00b%3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-02-24 22:13:46 >2009-04-17 03:30:00 na%3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-02-24 22:13:24 >2009-04-17 03:30:00{`%3933JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebackofthenapkin.com (Site includes links to purchase at various locations) You can get started reading now, and stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://uxbookclub.com/2009-02-24 22:12:08 >2009-04-17 03:30:00[_s3=33JtPDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial VersionWe had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official staff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, till sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have each of them head to their own corner of the room, and let people circulate around to check out the startups that sound interesting to them. If we get a lot of ideas, we might have to split this up over more than one event and feature a specific list of startups at each one - we'll see how it goes. So mark your calendar, RSVP, and start honing your idea. We hope to see you on Feb. 28! 2009-02-28 21:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9689811/2009-02-24 17:11:47 <2009-03-01 00:00:00ing projects that engage the imagination and creativity of young people, building confidence in rong>When: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give use some hint of what it is (even if you need to be vague) so we can post the info and help you generate some interest. Please use the form at this link and we'll read it, maybe provide some feedback, and get your idea posted online. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what sk 4 . * Portland Ukulele Association, ukulele lesson, 3–4 p.m. PUA is dedicated to the fun and fellowship of ukulele playing. Join us f^KE3s33JtlOTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups 2009-03-12 03:00:00@\3i33JtA Panel Discussion on the Latest Economic Situation in ChinaLunch presentation with panel discussion by: - (Moderator) Richard Read, The Oregonian - S. Gregory Borossay, Port of Portland, Manager, Marine Marketing - Joel Enderle, Columbia Sportswear, Sr. Dir. of Footwear Manufacturing - Lisa Graff, Intel Corporation, GM, Server Platforms, Digital Enterprise Group - Amy Hsuan, The Oregonian, staff writer currently reporting on ghat we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees.

      Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me: dawn at Shizzow
      2009-03-07 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/2009/02/24/pdx-pre-sxsw-party-part-two-the-unofficial-version/2009-03-04 03:12:08 ; ;b2009-03-07 03:00:00 00ts will also take with them parts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones. Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundations for several sound related projects. Please bring your dorkboard, rbba, or other arduino compatible board, a soldering iron or breadboard, and a laptop. The workshop wLSIo3]33JtMobile Love, Android Style #10A meetup for android developers and android power-users. We usually discuss the latest applications that we like using, as well as give status updates on the development projects we're working on. At the last meeting, the lightsabers came out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4zY-hICu9c2009-03-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823390/2009-03-09 20:25:47 ; ;b2009-03-10 02:00:00reen and solar industries in China In this global economy, the economic meltdown happening in the U.S. is also affecting economies around the world. China, Oregon’s largest export country in 2008, is being negatively affected. We often see bad news coming out of China, such as: * "China’s Slowdown Sends out Aftershocks”, * "Jobless Migrants Hit 20 Million as China’s Unemployment Rises” * "China’s Small Factories Struggle”, etc. We have assembled a panel of seasoned business people and professionals who have been working and/or traveling in China to give us a closer look at what is really going on over there and share their insights with us. We will also learn about any implications to the Oregon economy due to the current situation in China. Please bring your questions and join us! Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 students Tickets at: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090304cbn.html2009-02-24 07:38:40 92009-03-04 21:30:00AJAX and REST designs and implementations, and author of FastSOA, will lead the seminar.


      1) The why, what, and how of open-source build and test tools vs. traditional tools

      2) Building applications with Rich Internet Application technology without learning JavaScript

      3) Testing using record/playback and scripting tools

      4) Identifying and solving performance bottlenecks in Rich Internet Applications (Web 2.0 and Ajax)

      5) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) testing

      6) Questions and Answers

      Every attendee will receive fully working copies of the Open Source Test tools, including Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, and many others taught in this class.

      Guarantee Your Seat! Register now at:

      2009-02-18 16:00:00http://workshop.pushtotest.com2009-02-24 02:50:19 :A;bת2009-02-18 20:00:00 that we all have the potential to continue developing and transforming our minds, from birth right up until death. The 16 Guidelines show us a way of doing this which will benefit both ourselves and other people. THE GLOBAL POTENTIAL OF THE GUIDELINES The 16 Guidelines are more than simply words: they are an inspiration for taking action in all kinds of ways to benefit oneself and others. Many workshop participants continue to use them not only on a personal level, but also in their working lives. Since they were first launched in 2007 they have inspired a range of practical projects – in schools, colleges, businesses, healthcare organisations, drug rehabilitation centres and prisons – all around the globe. They are currently being translated into over 6 different languages, and a range of multimedia resources for children, young people and adults is under development. Visit www.16guidelines.org to find out more. 2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.16guidelines.org2009-03-25 15:22:11 ? 2009-04-06 00:00:00 11 Klezmer. * Portland Ukulele AssociKXOE3w33Js@Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

      We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (location TBD).

      The agenda for the first meeting:
      - Intros
      - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
      - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

      You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-02-24 02:50:17 :A;baJs?2009-01-14 03:30:00pen source software platform that develops products and services for rapid rich Internet application (RIA)/AJAX development on a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Learn how you can leverage open-source testing tools (Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, HTMLUnit) for functional testing, load and performance testing, and business service monitoring, with more flexibility than traditional solutions provide.

      Register Now For The FREE workshop

      Friday, January 30, 2009
      8:00 am to 12:00 pm
      Cupertino, California

      Additional dates and cities available:
      Salt Lake City, Utah, February 18
      Portland, Oregon, March 11
      Orlando, Florida, May 6
      San Francisco, California, June 1
      Las Vegas, California, June 9

      Register now at:

      Frank Cohen, the leading authority for testing and optimizing software developed with Web, SOA, 5.5123 PorWeq3]33JtSAOpdx: Agile Requirements Management Course[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/ ] ....details coming soon! #SAOpdx #OTN #Agile2009-04-07 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/2009-02-24 02:48:41 :;b2009-04-07 23:30:00?Vq}333JtSeminar - Developing for the iPhone and iPod touchThe iPhone and iPod touch are compelling platforms for both independent developers and small, medium, and large business interested in capitalizing on the next wave of mobility and the ever-evolving marketplace.

      We'll be discussing what it takes to take a native application from concept to reality including:

      • Capabilities and limitations of the iPhone and iPod touch
      • Development requirements
      • Objective-C, the development language for Mac OSX and iPhone/iPod touch
      • Development frameworks involved in building native applications
      • Different classes of applications • Introduction to the Apple App Store
      • Real-life lessons learned

      We'll focus on lessons learned during the development lifecycle and how to ramp up quickly and be successful with your own ventures. A brief Q&A session will follow.

      About the Presenter

      Dave Shanley
      Dave has been deploying mobile solutions to global enterprises for over 5 years. Responsible for all aspects of solution delivery, including architecture, enterprise application integration, and training, he enabled customers to successfully mobilize thousands of users.
      Dave began his career in mobile in 2000 at a venture-funded startup in San Francisco.
      Recently, Dave has been developing on and teaching for the iPhone platform and believes the industry will follow Apple's leadership into the future.
      He holds a BSE in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.
      2009-03-11 23:00:002009-02-24 01:32:16 >;b2009-03-12 00:00:00ill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have each of them head to their own corner of the room, and let people circulate around to check out the startups that sound interesting to them. If we get a lot of ideas, we might have to split this up over more than one event and feature a specific list of startups at each one - we'll see how it goes. So mark your calendar, RSVP, and start honing your idea. We hope to see you on Feb. 28! 2009-02-28 21:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9689811/2009-02-14 12:09:39 <2009-02-28 23:00:00wchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html2009-07-19 21:58:532009-07-27 16:58:17 @?2009-08-05 20:30:00rong>When: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give use some hint of what it is (even if you need to be vague) so we can post the info and help you generate some interest. Please use the form at this link and we'll read it, maybe provide some feedback, and get your idea posted online. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what sk **335/">RSVP on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll3[3 33JrPDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Nonprofit Tech ExtravaganzaJoin us to talk nonprofit technology and how 2 organizations working for your better good want to collaborate to create more useful events for you in 2009. The idea is to provide a fuller, more in-depth series of events. Our main goal is to provide a two monthly meetups that directly relate to each other, providing introductory information and hands-on engagement. But we want to see if that aligns withJS)3i33JtA Panel Discussion on the Latest Economic Situation in ChinaLunch presentation with panel discussion by: - (Moderator) Richard Read, The Oregonian - Lisa Graff, Intel Corporation, GM, Server Platform Management, Digital Enterprise Group - S. Gregory Borossay, Port of Portland, Manager, Marine Marketing - Joel Enderle, Columbia Sportswear, Sr. Dir. of Footwear Manufacturing - Amy Hsuan, The Oregonian, staff writer currently reporting on ge 1/2 day v3 Awareness course provides learners with the unique opportunity to receive an introduction to the concepts of ITIL and ITSM. It provides an overview of the concepts within the ITIL best practices domain while also introducing the key ITIL processes. This non-certificate course explains how ITIL processes are driven by a Service Lifecycle to provide smooth functioning of organizations, thus ensuring high-quality services to their customers. It has been designed for learners who need a basic awareness of ITIL v3 as a general interest, as part of a larger program initiative as opposed to the full certification Foundation course or for those who may not be sure of their future v3 training path and want to assess ITIL / ITSM viability in their organization. Instructor: Ray Anessi, PanglossIT #SAOpdx #OTN2009-03-31 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/2009-02-23 23:37:01 9;b2009-03-31 19:30:00organizations.2008-11-20 01:30:002008-11-06 05:21:10 :2008-11-20 03:30:00 6h6her you call it strategic product develoR73]33JtSAOpdx: ITIL Overview[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/ ] Th?Q3k3]33JtSAOpdx: Poker Night[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/ ] Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - the more players, the bigger the pot! You don't have to be in the industry to play! #SAOpdx #poker2009-02-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/2009-02-23 23:36:54 :L;b2009-02-26 01:30:00 PMi3]33JtSAOpdx: Keeping Happy Customers Across the Global Quilt: Proper Methods for Localization Testing[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/ ] When doing business around the world, a poorly translated product at best could make your customers and business partners think you don't value them. At worst, you may be sending the wrong message about your product and notreen and solar industries in China In this global economy, the economic meltdown happening in the U.S. is also affecting economies around the world. China, Oregon’s largest export country in 2008, is being negatively affected. We often see bad news coming out of China, such as: * "China’s Slowdown Sends out Aftershocks”, * "Jobless Migrants Hit 20 Million as China’s Unemployment Rises” * "China’s Small Factories Struggle”, etc. We have assembled a panel of seasoned business people and professionals who have been working and/or traveling in China to give us a closer look at what is really going on over there and share their insights with us. We will also learn about any implications to the Oregon economy due to the current situation in China. Please bring your questions and join us! Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 students Tickets at: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090304cbn.html2009-02-24 00:02:24 92009-03-04 21:30:00 even know it. For example, would you buy a car called "it won't go"? Chevy learned that the hard way when it marketed its "Nova" vehicle in Latin America. When we speak of localization, we refer to it as the process of adapting an internationalized product to a particular culture or locale. Before shipping the localized product to a particular market, it is imperative to make sure it is not beset with inconsistent quality. Planning for a full round of localization testing will give you that peace of mind. In this presentation, we will look at some examples of some major translation mistakes (some funny, some not!). We will also take an introductory approach to the best practices with localization testing. Presenters: Stacey Brown, Director, Managed Services Division, PTI Global Christian Larsen, Localization QA Manager, PTI Global #SAOpdx #QASIG #QA #webinar2009-04-16 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/2009-02-23 23:35:36 :;b2009-04-16 20:00:00 even know it. For example, would you buy a car called "it won't go"? Chevy learned that the hard way when it marketed its "Nova" vehicle in Latin America. When we speak of localization, we refer to it as the process of adapting an internationalized product to a particular culture or locale. Before shipping the localized product to a particular market, it is imperative to make sure it is not beset with inconsistent quality. Planning for a full round of localization testing will give you that peace of mind. In this presentation, we will look at some examples of some major translation mistakes (some funny, some not!). We will also take an introductory approach to the best practices with localization testing. Presenters: Stacey Brown, Director, Managed Services Division, PTI Global Christian Larsen, Localization QA Manager, PTI Global #SAOpdx #QASIG #QA #webinar2009-04-16 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/2009-02-23 18:56:23 >;b2009-04-16 20:00:00 hat MLCw3]33JtSAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certification Program will CERTIFY (on 1 of 4 levels of competency) Your Sales Team's Ability To: # Improve Their Lead-to-Close Ratio # Produce ROI-based Proposals of Their Software/Service # Maintain Critical Operating Margins By Selling Value Over Price # Eliminate Discounting to Get the Deal # Avoid Commoditization # Find and Invest Their Time in QUALIFIED Opportunities # Increase Competitive Wins through Professional Differentiation #SAOpdx #OTN #Sales2009-04-08 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/2009-02-23 18:56:21 >;b2009-04-08 06:00:00Keq3]33JtSAOpdx: Agile Requirements Management Course[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/ ] ....details coming soon! #SAOpdx #OTN #Agile2009-04-07 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/2009-02-23 18:56:19 >;b2009-04-07 23:30:00e 1/2 day v3 Awareness course provides learners with the unique opportunity to receive an introduction to the concepts of ITIL and ITSM. It provides an overview of the concepts within the ITIL best practices domain while also introducing the key ITIL processes. This non-certificate course explains how ITIL processes are driven by a Service Lifecycle to provide smooth functioning of organizations, thus ensuring high-quality services to their customers. It has been designed for learners who need a basic awareness of ITIL v3 as a general interest, as part of a larger program initiative as opposed to the full certification Foundation course or for those who may not be sure of their future v3 training path and want to assess ITIL / ITSM viability in their organization. Instructor: Ray Anessi, PanglossIT #SAOpdx #OTN2009-03-31 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/2009-02-23 18:56:18 >;b2009-03-31 19:30:00za.com/new/writing_workshops.html2008-11-04 22:42:50 =2008-11-20 19:00:00 \hotlipspizza@writearound.org with your name, phone number and the date of the workshop(s) you would like to attend. $25 Suggested tax deductible donation to Write Around Portland per w NMi3]33JtSAOpdx: Keeping Happy Customers Across the Global Quilt: Proper Methods for Localization Testing[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/ ] When doing business around the world, a poorly translated product at best could make your customers and business partners think you don't value them. At worst, you may be sending the wrong message about your product and not MS 3]33JtSAOpdx: Software Day at the Capitol[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899643/ ] ...check back for updates! If your company would like to be involved, please contact Jennifer Warren at 503-228-5401 or jennifer.warren@sao.org for more information. #SAOpdx2009-04-16 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899643/2009-02-23 18:56:22 >;b2009-04-16 03:00:00 this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra effort. We wilJ73]33JtSAOpdx: ITIL Overview[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/ ] ThHeW3]33JtSAOpdx: Chief Innovator Officer: The New CIO[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/ ] Can a CIO thrive in the current economic climate by simply maintaining existing information and occasionally providing new sources of Information? Come hear three perspectives of the new CIO, the Chief Innovation Officer. Learn about innovations that break traditional information system strongholds, that show innovation in the application development lifestyle, and innovative collaboration tools. Speaker lineup coming soon! REGISTER: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/18/09 #SAOpdx #CIO2009-03-18 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/2009-02-23 18:56:15 :;b2009-03-18 14:30:00icipants will be able to interact with program managers on certificates, workshops and courses available. 5:00 - Check In 5:30 - Introduction by Professional Development Center (PDC) 5:35 - Presentations Room 1050C: Brian Rhoades Room 1053: Jennifer Johnson 5:50 - Break for refreshments/Questions 6:00 – Roundtable Discussions Room 1050C Professional Writing Multimedia Information Technology Room 1053 Healthcare Management Six Sigma Human Resource Management 6:20 - Break for refreshments 6:30 – Roundtable Discussions Room 1050C Current Topics & Contemporary Issues Organization Development Room 1053 Project Management Accelerated Supervision Marketing 6:50 - Reconvene, questions 2009-02-25 01:00:00http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/infosession/2009-02-23 08:07:24 >2009-02-25 03:00:00y!)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/ ] Security is a hot topic and sensitive area in software/web development today. Whether you work for an ISV or a corporate enterprise, for many in the QA realm, the challenge is where this fits or how to start testing. Well worry no more! SAO's QA Special Interest Group (QASIG) presents Mike Hryekewicz from Standard Insurance and Brandon Edwards from McAfee, Inc. Together they will target both of these issues by presenting a program divided into two parts: Part 1: How Security Testing fits in the QA process and Part 2: A quick overview of some free tools, tips and tricks to take back and get started Security testing immediately! Come join the QASIG to add more tools to your toolbelt! #QASIG #SAOpdx2009-03-11 18:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/2009-02-23 18:56:12 >;b2009-03-11 18:30:00oo.com/event/1304475">Upcoming today! 2008-11-15 02:00:00http://startupworkout.com2008-11-04 04:29:12 ;g2008-11-17 02:00:00 ^^s

      We meet at the OpenSourcery ofcG7-3]33JtSAOpdx: Security Testing: How It Fits in the QA Cycle (Tips & Tricks to Start Toda?F3k3]33JtSAOpdx: Poker Night[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/ ] Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - the more players, the bigger the pot! You don't have to be in the industry to play! #SAOpdx #poker2009-02-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/2009-02-23 18:56:11 >;b2009-02-26 01:30:00lEc/3K33JtPDXPUG: eXtreme Database Makeover 2: PORTALMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Kristin Tufte will be speaking about the Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL) database schema. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. 2009-03-20 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-23 17:02:34 92009-03-20 03:00:00sist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-03-13 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5042009-02-23 16:58:24 <2009-03-13 03:00:00 [ [ consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, W"Dw3S33JtPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will conC?]393JtShizzow Developers MeetupWe wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.
      2009-02-27 01:30:00http://dev.shizzow.com2009-02-23 16:54:53 ; ;bƊNBI3S33JtPSU Multimedia Professional Development Center Info SessionRSVP for the PSU Professional Development Center Info Session on February 24, 5-7pm. Bryan Rhoads, Internet Strategy workshop instructor, will give a brief presentation on social media marketing. The Multimedia Professional Program will be featured and part tton Meetups > The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group Web Analytics... Do you know what you aAg3/33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' monthly meetingThe February meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting are: * An Introduction to CouchDB from a Beginner's Perspective by Merlyn Albery-Speyer * CouchApps Demonstrated by J. Chris Anderson * Overview of Mapstraction, a Unified Interface to Various Mapping APIs by Adam DuVander * JSONP for Cross-Domain Scripting by Jesse Hallett Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our website at http://pdxjs.com/ for more information.2009-02-26 03:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-02-23 05:13:03 92009-02-26 05:00:00 SlSg performance. In addition, our esteemed panel Web Analytics expertq@_S3-33JtPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda for this week: * 6:00 Intros * 6:15 Jerry leading a discussion about open source alternatives to Pipes. * 6:50 Work session. Bring your issues with Yahoo Pipes or other RSS feed hackery & we'll pair up to help each other2009-02-25 02:00:00http://pdpug.org2009-02-23 02:41:54 <;b׹2009-02-25 03:30:00 ?'K3U33JsQBeaverBarCampA BarCamp for Corvallis, Oregon2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-03-01 02:49:12 >U2009-04-05 06:00:00>%3i33JtA Panel Discussion on the Latest Economic Situation in ChinaLunch presentation with panel discussion by: - (Moderator) Richard Read, Oregonian reporter - Michael Bloom, President, Offshore Solutions - S. Gregory Borossay, Manager, Marine Marketing, Port of Portland - Joel Enderle, Sr. Dir. of Footwear Mfg., Columbia Sportswear Co. - Amy Hsuan, Oregonian reporter studying green and solar industries in China In this global economy, the economic meltdown happening in the U.S. is also affecting economies around the world. China, Oregon’s largest export country in 2008, is being negatively affected. We often see bad news coming out of China, such as: * "China’s Slowdown Sends out Aftershocks”, * "Jobless Migrants Hit 20 Million as China’s Unemployment Rises” * "China’s Small Factories Struggle”, etc. We have assembled a panel of seasoned business people and professionals who have been working and/or traveling in China to give us a closer look at what is really going on over there and share their insights with us. We will also learn about any implications to the Oregon economy due to the current situation in China. Please bring your questions and join us! Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 students Tickets at: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090304cbn.html2009-02-23 00:44:05 92009-03-04 21:30:00ategy for three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career."

      This will be the first Portland Lunch 2.0 hosted by a conference, and it should be an interesting mix of conference attendees, many from out of town, and Portlanders.

      This crowd mix should provide some interesting conversation, as well as an opportunity to network outside your normal crowd.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-05-20 19:00:002009-02-23 00:30:06 9;b2009-05-20 21:00:00 CCitor who is reading your blog and how those readers fouO=;S333JtLunch 2.0 at WebVisionsWebVisions, yes the conference, will be hosting a Lunch 2.0 at the Oregon Convention Center during their day of workshops, May 20.

      Important to note, you can come to Lunch 2.0 even if you're not attending the conference.

      Attend WebVisions if you want to:

      "Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business str ^<9333JtPortland Dent Event #1 (Identi.ca & OSS microblogging meetup)Get-together for users of Identi.ca, OpenMicroBlogging developers, and people who care about microblogs, open standards, Open Source and a federated Internet. Onlookers welcome -- please come if you're interested in Identica or Laconica. Evan Prodromou is in town from Montreal.2009-02-23 00:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/02/20/portland-dent-event/2009-02-22 20:26:16 ; 2009-02-23 02:00:00 ]nuts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthk{3a33JrOregon Bioscience Association (OBA): Bio on the Vine 2008Oregon Bioscience Association Bio On The Vine 2008 You are cordially invited to join OBA memberU9_w3Y33JtRelay For Life of Portland kick-off partyWe're throwing a party to kick off a new Relay For Life of Portland year. Come join us for an evening of celebration. Enjoy a performance by Shelly Rudolph, sample delicious treats from our in-kind sponsors Byways Cafe, Distinguished Events, Hotel Vintage Plaza, La Corian Chocolates, PF Changs, Southpark, Sweet Masterpiece, The Observatory Lounge, and learn more about Relay For Life of Portland. Relay For Life of Portland Kick Off Party February 26,7:00-8:30 pm Piano Gallery (Sherman Clay) 131 NW 13th Avenue Join us as we kick off the 2009 Relay For Life of Portland season. The Relay For Life of Portland planning committee will kick off the event’s  G$Gitor who is reading your blog and how those readers found yY;9333JtPortland Dent Event #1 (Identi.ca & microblogging meetup)Get-together for users of Identi.ca, OpenMicroBlogging developers, and people who care about microblogs, open standards, Open Source and a federated Internet. Onlookers welcome -- please come if you're interested in Identica or Laconica. Evan Prodromou is in town from Montreal.2009-02-23 00:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/02/20/portland-dent-event/2009-02-22 20:24:22 ; 2009-02-23 02:00:00X:}9333JtPortland Dent Event #1 (Identica & microblogging meetup)Get-together for users of Identi.ca, OpenMicroBlogging developers, and people who care about microblogs, open standards, Open Source and a federated Internet. Onlookers welcome -- please come if you're interested in Identica or Laconica. Evan Prodromou is in town from Montreal.2009-02-23 00:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/02/20/portland-dent-event/2009-02-22 20:23:58 ; 2009-02-23 02:00:00annual team registration and fund raising drive with a party at the Piano Gallery February 26. The celebration welcomes team members, cancer survivors, people who live and/or work in Portland's urban core, and community leaders. Relay For Life of Portland will take place this summer at Willamette Park. American Cancer Society Relays are fun-filled overnight events designed to celebrate survivorship (anyone that has ever been diagnosed with cancer) and raise money for the American Cancer Society. During a Relay, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pamela Singleton American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Portland Event Chair Phone: 503.206.5924 Email: psingleton@sonitrolpacific.com www.relayforlife.org/portlandor www.relayforlife.org www.cancer.org2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.relayforlife.org/portlandor2009-02-22 19:23:15 >2009-02-27 04:30:00 %% Bio Chris Delaney is the Chief Executive of Insignia Health, a Portland based company founded in 2006 through the technology transfer from the University of Oregon of the Patient Activation Measure and related intellectual property. Prior to Insignia, Chris was part of the founding group and Chief Marketing Officer for Definity Health. Definity, which was acquired by United HealthGroup at the close of 2004, pioneered account based HSA and HRA health benefit designs, as well as a number of Web innovations, including data-driven persO8;S333JtLunch 2.0 at WebVisionsWebVisions, yes the conference, will be hosting a Lunch 2.0 at the Oregon Convention Center during their day of workshops, May 20.

      Important to note, you can come to Lunch 2.0 even if you're not attending the conference.

      Attend WebVisions if you want to:

      "Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy for three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career."

      This will be the first Portland Lunch 2.0 hosted by a conference, and it should be an interesting mix of conference attendees, many from out of town, and Portlanders.

      This crowd mix should provide some interesting conversation, as well as an opportunity to network outside your normal crowd.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-05-20 19:00:002009-02-22 19:21:46 >;b2009-05-20 21:00:00ndragon.com/" rel="nofollow">Green Dragon, also the home of Portland Beer and Blog.

      Come hang with the MioWorks crew and the usual suspects, and maybe meet some new folks. If Spring springs early, maybe the patio will be open for lunching.

      It's bound to come up, so the food will be on MioWorks, but not the booze. Of course, you're welcome to have a liquid lunch, and the Green Dragon is certainly a good place for that.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-04-08 19:00:002009-02-22 19:21:33 ; ;b2009-04-08 21:00:00 ng with open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning meeting on November 6th at OTBC's new location in The Round (next to the Beaverton Transit Center). We?3 73?33JtOregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d) Professional Association provides opportunities for .NET developers, SQL Server developers, and SQL Server administrators to meet and discuss SQL Server technologies that are of specific interest for developers. Discussion topics include 'Best Practices', T-SQL code, Query Optimization, Reporting, ETL, Indexing, and new (as well as undiscovered 'old') features. Our meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month -except there is no meeting in December. We meet at the Portland Microsoft Office in the large conference room. Microsoft Portland Office Suite 600 (Sixth Floor) 10260 SW Greenburg Rd Portland, OR 97223 2009-03-12 01:00:00http://OSQL-d.sqlpass.org2009-02-21 16:12:58 :+2009-03-12 03:30:00annual team registration and fund raising drive with a party at the Piano Gallery February 26. The celebration welcomes team members, cancer survivors, people who live and/or work in Portland's urban core, and community leaders. Relay For Life of Portland will take place this summer at Willamette Park. American Cancer Society Relays are fun-filled overnight events designed to celebrate survivorship (anyone that has ever been diagnosed with cancer) and raise money for the American Cancer Society. During a Relay, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pamela Singleton American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Portland Event Chair Phone: 503.206.5924 Email: psingleton@sonitrolpacific.com www.relayforlife.org/portlandor www.relayforlife.org www.cancer.org2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.relayforlife.org/portlandor2009-02-22 16:36:25 >2009-02-27 04:30:00 ZFoZith open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning mee 7_#333JtLunch 2.0 by MioWorks at the Green DragonNewly launched MioWorks will be hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 revision 14 on April 8, 2009 at the geek-friendly SE watering hole, the Microsoft and Google have recently announced plans to utilize 2D barcodes. Businesses are warming to the idea of using these codes to help people get to mobile content quickly. The question is how quickly consumers will warm to the idea.

      Asia has traditionally led the way when it comes to mobile technology, and if this continues to hold true, it won't be long before we see mobile tagging spread in the U.S.

      Paul Docktor will lead us in a discussion about mobile tagging, how to use them, their potential and the barriers to adoption at this month's Mobile Portland.

      About Paul Docktor

      Paul is an Enterprise Architect in Intel IT's Strategy, Architecture and Innovation group and is focused on Intel's Online Presence.

      2009-02-24 02:00:00http://www.mobileportland.com2009-02-20 22:22:26 9;b Tion�ASAP,�more de-regulation, more outsourcing, and more�"free-trade."�But even the�mainstream media�now asks if this is the end of free market (//W3G33JtIgnite Portland 6Save the date! Ignite Portland 6 will happen on Thursday, July 16, 2009, at the Bagdad Theater. Stay tuned to http://www.igniteportland.com/ for more details, and submit YOUR talk idea now!

      More details coming soon!
      2009-07-17 02:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2009-02-20 17:15:31 :s;b׿2009-07-17 05:00:00(./W3G33JtIgnite Portland 6Save the date! Ignite Portland 6 will happen on Thursday, July 16, 2009, at the Bagdad Theater. Stay tuned to http://www.igniteportland.com/ for more details, and submit YOUR talk idea now!

      More details coming soon!
      2009-07-17 02:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2009-02-20 16:38:19 >;b׿2009-07-17 05:00:00fe sciences and clean energy. The event provides the next generation of emerging technology companies with the opportunity to pitch their products to, and network with, an audience of Silicon Valley's top VCs, Angels, corporate business development executives, prospective customers and partners, bloggers and media.

      Up to 30 of the most interesting companies will be invited to leverage Launch: Silicon Valley 2009 as the springboard to launch their product or service, and to network with the audience of Silicon Valley's top movers and shakers at the Pre-L:SV Event Party on the evening of June 8, as well as at the event itself on June 9.

      Ticket Info: $245
      Buy Tickets
      2009-06-09 01:00:00http://launchsiliconvalley.org/index.htm2009-02-20 08:20:37 >;b׾2009-06-09 20:00:00 NNkouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on-C3]33JtLaunch: Silicon Valley 2009In its 4th year, Launch: Silicon Valley is now firmly established as the premier product launch platform for cash strapped startups.

      Launch: Silicon Valley 2009 is designed to uncover and showcase products and services from the most exciting of the newest startups in information technology, mobility, security, digital media, next generation internet, li,/{3k33JtjWestside ProggersWe're programmers. We're on the west side. We're awesome. Come join us. Maybe a little awesomeness will rub off on you.2009-02-27 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-02-19 14:13:49 <2009-02-27 05:00:00ingLab (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain.

      Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful.

      2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-02-05 18:34:10 92009-02-10 05:00:00 |ion Basics •1:00pm Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability o+ w3]33JtPuppet PDX Meetup: Config Management, Cloud Computing, and Beer!Come join us on Friday, Feb 27, at Paddy's Bar and Grill (SW 1st/Yamhill) from 6-8 pm for Puppet PDX, an opportunity to get together and talk about all things related to configuration management, tools, best practices, and generally how to get to the pub by 4 o'clock. This is the first meetup. Hopefully we can get organized, get to know each other, and decide on what the goals of the group should be. So if you are interested in automation, configuration management, cloud computing, and large scale computing environments, come join us for a few drinks and some lively chatter. Please RSVP by sending an email to puppetpdx@reductivelabs.com so that we can get a bigger room if needed. 2009-02-28 02:00:00http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet2009-02-19 04:30:34 ;a2009-02-28 04:00:00 urvive & Thrive in the Downturn? You can also RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605 Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to &* g3]33JtPuppet PDX Meetup: Config Managment, Cloud Computing, and Beer!Come join us for Puppet PDX, an opportunity to get together and talk about all things related to configuration management, tools, best practices, and generally how to get to the pub by 4 o'clock. This is the first meet up. Hopefully we can get organized, get to know each other, and decide on what the goals of the group should be. So if you are interested in automation, configuration management, cloud computing, and large scale computing environments, come join us for a few drinks and some lively chatter. Please RSVP by sending an email to puppetpdx@reductivelabs.com so that we can get a bigger room if needed. 2009-02-28 02:00:00http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet2009-02-19 04:16:06 ;a2009-02-28 03:00:00 0unders Say Abov'c3 33Jr CouchDB introoin us November 5th at 6 PM for Chris Anderson's introduction to the CouchDB framework. Chris is a Portland-based entrepreneur at Grabb.it and the co-author of an upcoming O'Reilly book on CouchDB. Apache CouchDB is a distributed, faғ9sG?3q33Jr Skills for the Agile DesignerAgile designers need to quickly see the essence of a problem, shape reasonable solutions, and communicate effectively. When things don't exactly go according to plan, they must react, readjust their thinking, and try again. Seasoned agile designers strike a balance. They know the differx)mU3333JtCalagator code sprint at RecentChangesCamp (RCC)Join us to improve Calagator at RecentChangesCamp. We've got new patches to review and extend, e.g., theming, logins, letting users say "I'm going" to an event, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-18 23:53:34 =2009-02-22 01:00:00 mmlerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among oth$+3K33JtBeer and Blog - Drupal Magic Animal Farm Friday, February 20, 2009 from 4–6pmOnce upon a time on the Magic Animal Farm in a sparse corner of Colorado there was a boy who was raised by wolves, who grew up to be an accidental open-source evangelist and now lives in Portland, Oregon. I call him Dante Vatican. (That's his Ron Mexico name. Suiting, isn't it?) Everyone else knows him as that unpronounceable twitter handle @xolotl or the otherwise normal-sounding Nate Angell. Me, I like ALL of his personalities. Nate has worked with a lot of open source platforms over the years, right now working as Client Evangelist at The rSmart Group, which focuses on the education industry. He has an unhealthy love for Drupal, which is why the story of the boy raised by wolves now concerns you, my fellow Beer and Bloggies. This Friday, starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon, Nate will be ext I3Int and schema-free document-oriented database accessible vi|(qY3333JtCalagator code sprint at Recent Changes Camp (RCC)Join us to improve Calagator at Recent Changes Camp. We've got new patches to review and extend, e.g., theming, logins, letting users say "I'm going" to an event, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-18 23:50:28 =2009-02-22 01:00:00f'EY3333JtCalagator code sprint at RCCJoin us to improve Calagator at Recent Changes Camp. We've got new patches to review and extend, e.g., theming, logins, letting users say "I'm going" to an event, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-18 23:45:18 =2009-02-22 01:00:00I&%93933JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! Stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://uxbookclub.com/2009-02-18 22:51:31 >2009-04-17 03:30:00olling the virtues of Drupal. I like to call it Drupal Magic Animal Farm because it makes me giggle. Specifically (but of course subject to change, such a life and underwear) Dante, darnitImean, Nate will be covering:
      • Why one might choose Drupal as a blogging platform over other alternatives such as WordPress
      • Installing Drupal
      • Drupal look and feel using themes
      • Using OpenID with Drupal
      • Extending Drupal to add additional functionality to your blog, including
        • Aggregating content from other sources such as feeds
        • Custom content types and views in Drupal
      Wow! That's a lot of Drupal knowledge to dispense! If you can't make the Drupal Magic Animal Farm, that's okay. All your friends will be along shortly. The beer will flow, the laughter will bubble, and maybe you'll have some conversations about blogging.2009-02-21 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-18 04:43:12 ; 2009-02-21 02:00:00 eeir work rhythms. They know how to give and take criticism and ask clarifying questions of t#++3K33JtBeer and Blog - Drupal Magic Animal Farm Friday, February 20, 2009 from 4–6pmOnce upon a time on the Magic Animal Farm in a sparse corner of Colorado there was a boy who was raised by wolves, who grew up to be an accidental open-source evangelist and now lives in Portland, Oregon. I call him Dante Vatican. (That's his Ron Mexico name. Suiting, isn't it?) Everyone else knows him as that unpronounceable twitter handle @xolotl or the otherwise normal-sounding Nate Angell. Me, I like ALL of his personalities. Nate has worked with a lot of open source platforms over the years, right now working as Client Evangelist at The rSmart Group, which focuses on the education industry. He has an unhealthy love for Drupal, which is why the story of the boy raised by wolves now concerns you, my fellow Beer and Bloggies. This Friday, starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon, Nate will be extolling t"he virtues of Drupal. I like to call it Drupal Magic Animal Farm because it makes me giggle. Specifically (but of course subject to change, such a life and underwear) Dante, darnitImean, Nate will be covering:
      • Why one might choose Drupal as a blogging platform over other alternatives such as WordPress
      • Installing Drupal
      • Drupal look and feel using themes
      • Using OpenID with Drupal
      • Extending Drupal to add additional functionality to your blog, including
        • Aggregating content from other sources such as feeds
        • Custom content types and views in Drupal
      Wow! That's a lot of Drupal knowledge to dispense! If you can't make the Drupal Magic Animal Farm, that's okay. All your friends will be along shortly. The beer will flow, the laughter will bubble, and maybe you'll have some conversations about blogging.2009-02-21 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-18 04:42:22 ; 2009-02-21 02:00:00e virtues of Drupal. I like to call it Drupal Magic Animal Farm because it makes me giggle. Specifically (but of course subject to change, such a life and underwear) Dante, darnitImean, Nate will be covering:
      • Why one might choose Drupal as a blogging platform over other alternatives such as WordPress
      • Installing Drupal
      • Drupal look and feel using themes
      • Using OpenID with Drupal
      • Extending Drupal to add additional functionality to your blog, including
        • Aggregating content from other sources such as feeds
        • Custom content types and views in Drupal
      Wow! That's a lot of Drupal knowledge to dispense! If you can't make the Drupal Magic Animal Farm, that's okay. All your friends will be along shortly. The beer will flow, the laughter will bubble, and maybe you'll have some conversations about blogging.2009-02-21 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-18 04:41:52 ; 2009-02-21 02:00:00 3+%8ԡBg[3333Portland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, a w{w3#33JtuSCORE: Are You Positioned for Success in a Down Market?This is a fast-paced, interactive workshop for those who have beeTIv)'3E33JttOEN: Swap MeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-02-27 01:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=652009-02-14 22:58:24 :2009-02-27 03:00:00functional techiques that enhance the power of a languge, how to implement some of these using existing Java syntax and semantics, and the future of functional additions to the Java langauge.
      Speaker: Phil Varner
      Phil is a software developer with Oracle, working on the Business Rules component of Fusion Middleware.
      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)
      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!
      Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).
      Twitter: @pjug
      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-02-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-02-18 00:36:28 <;b׺2009-02-18 04:00:00 ddnnouncements at Tektronix 7:00 pm Program and Q&A LOCATION Events are held in Building 38"+-3K33JtBeer and Blog - Drupal Magic Animal Farm Friday, February 20, 2009 from 4–6pmOnce upon a time on the Magic Animal Farm in a sparse corner of Colorado there was a boy who was raised by wolves, who grew up to be an accidental open-source evangelist and now lives in Portland, Oregon. I call him Dante Vatican. (That's his Ron Mexico name. Suiting, isn't it?) Everyone else knows him as that unpronounceable twitter handle @xolotl or the otherwise normal-sounding Nate Angell. Me, I like ALL of his personalities. Nate has worked with a lot of open source platforms over the years, right now working as Client Evangelist at The rSmart Group, which focuses on the education industry. He has an unhealthy love for Drupal, which is why the story of the boy raised by wolves now concerns you, my fellow Beer and Bloggies. This Friday, starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon, Nate will be extolling th#  be 90 minutes. Lots of good information to be covered. If you know anyone else in the community who might benefit from this next meeting, please pass this newsletter along.

      Please note we are starting te_3]33JtExploring Photoshop CS4 with Mark FitzgeraldJoin us for an evening withMark Fitzgerald, Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and author of “Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot”, as we Delve into the recently released PhotoshopCS4. Our exploration will begin with Photoshop’s redesigned user interface. Mark will also demonstrate some of the new and improved features, including: • The new Adobe Kuler panel that allows you to explore, create, and share color themes with an online community. • Two new panels - the Adjustments panel for quickly creating adjustment layers, and the new Masks panel that allows you to painlessly create and manage layer masks in ways never possible on previous versions of Photoshop. • The cool new Content Aware Scaling feature let) a!as the future looks bright for Color and he is an enthusiastic user.

      He go4!qG3-33JtPortland Java User Group - Your Brain on lambda(x)This month's topic: Your Brain on lambda(x)
      Functional programming is (again) a hot topic among developers. Languages such as Scala and Clojure have functional concepts at the core of the langauge, and even more solidly object-oriented languages such as Groovy and C# 3.0 include functional concepts. This talk will cover whether langauge really matters, some %[]+3333JtCalagator code sprint at RCC [TENTATIVE]TENTATIVE: Join the mailing list discussion at http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/ Join us to improve Calagator at Recent Changes Camp. We've got new patches to review and extend, e.g., theming, logins, letting users say "I'm going" to an event, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-17 23:33:59 =2009-02-22 01:00:00*s you to protect parts of an image as you scale its size. • The Auto Blending feature that allows you to selectively choose tones, colors, and focal point from a range of images as they’re merged into a single image. • New soft-proofing feature for the color-blind individuals using Color Universal Design Organization profiles. • Updated print dialog that provides superior color management and the ability to preview out-ofgamut areas of the image in the print dialog. Mark will also give us a tour of the new and faster Adobe Bridge CS4, and show us a few secrets to speeding up the workflow using some of the nifty tools buried in the menus. We’ll also be looking at Adobe Camera Raw 5 and some of its new tools, including the localized corrections and post-crop vignetting. If you’re already using Photoshop CS4, this presentation will point out many of the new features that you may not have seen yet. If you haven’t seen CS4, this will be your chance to get a close look at what all of the excitement is about. Mark Fitzgerald is a Photoshop consultant and author living in Portland. He helps professional photographers gain control of their workflows through workshops and private training. Mark is the author of : “Photoshop CS3 Restoration and RetouchingBible”, “Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible”, “Adobe Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot”. To learn more about Mark, visit his website at www.ddroom.com. Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group (CMUG), www.pnwcmug.com, is a user-based organization dedicated to the education of its members. It is designed to provide a forum to discuss Color Management issues, to test and discuss available technologies and products, and to help members get started or improve their existing Color Management. Sponsors include Alder Technology, CHROMiX, Inkspot Graphics, The Oregonian, PixelTeck, JDA Creative Color, and Zebra Graphics.2009-02-27 02:30:00http://www.pnwcmug.com/pages/events.html2009-02-17 22:59:36 >2009-02-27 05:00:00 , formal frameworks, and tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges mig`]53333JtCalagator code sprint at RCC [TENTATIVE]TENTATIVE: We're still figuring out if we want to have this sprint at this location and time. Join the mailing list discussion at http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/ Join us to improve Calagator. We've got new patches to review and extend that provide a way for users to track events, login, do theming, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-17 22:43:26 =2009-02-22 01:00:00  of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-rmK+3M33JrComputers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beginninG/k3y33JtSHOP Symposium/09SHOP Symposium/09 is dedicated to educating, inspiring and energizing independent business owners of all stripes. The only conference of its kind, this one-day event teaches practical skills, offers wise encouragement, and builds camaraderie. Whether you sell shoes or facials, travel getaway or graphic design, we invite you to join us. Bring your questions, your frustrations, your fears, and your hopes. Prepare to be inspired! 2009-04-06 15:30:00http://www.cravebusiness.com/shopsymposium09/portland/2009-02-17 22:24:06 >2009-04-06 23:30:00.sented to the System/Hardware Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. The company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, manufacture and/or sale of hardware products or systems comprised of physical elements.

      Software Company of the Year

      Presented to the Software Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, license and/or sale of software products or systems.

      Technology-Service Company of the Year

      Presented to the Technology-Service company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their customers and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the fulfillment of one or multiple technology services. Such service may be provided as a subscription, hourly charges or other business models. Examples of such technology services are internet service providers, web development services, IT solution providers and telecom service providers.

      Emerging Company of the Year

      Presented to the Company that has made significant progress in the past year. This technology company's growth in the past year puts it on track to make a positive impact in their markets and on the regional technology community.

      Cool Product of the Year

      Presented to the company that has developed, and/or introduced a cool product some time in the most recent 18 months, and had a significant demonstrate-able success in the past 12 months. The product can be a hardware, software, or technology-service product which is innovative, and has created significant new opportunity for the company.
      Ticket Info: No Cost To Nominate
      2009-02-27 08:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orkn_Nomination_Instructions.asp2009-02-17 21:01:17 ;K;b׼ pphis meeting but is still a functioning business so we ask that you show up no earlier than 6:20pm Drizzle and Gearman are open source projects aimed towards helping build scalable web applications. This talk will take a closer look at the ideas behind both and at the PHP interfaces available. Simple source code examples for eachl/8W333JtOregon Tech Awards -- Nominations DueNominations Due For the Oregon Tech Awards

      Nominations may be submitted in more than one award category and you do not have to be an AeA member to apply or to win.

      System/Hardware Company of the Year

      Pre-8W333JtOregon Tech Awards -- Nominations DueNominations Due For the Oregon Tech Awards

      Nominations may be submitted in more than one award category and you do not have to be an AeA member to apply or to win.

      System/Hardware Company of the Year

      Pre2net service providers, web development services, IT solution providers and telecom service providers.

      Emerging Company of the Year

      Presented to the Company that has made significant progress in the past year. This technology company's growth in the past year puts it on track to make a positive impact in their markets and on the regional technology community.

      Cool Product of the Year

      Presented to the company that has developed, and/or introduced a cool product some time in the most recent 18 months, and had a significant demonstrate-able success in the past 12 months. The product can be a hardware, software, or technology-service product which is innovative, and has created significant new opportunity for the company.
      Ticket Info: No Cost To Nominate
      2009-02-27 08:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orkn_Nomination_Instructions.asp2009-02-17 19:56:51 >;b׼nd share what you’ve been working on.

      We’re looking for people to share a short presentation on something they have been working on and tell us about it. Plan for about 10 minutes on stage, and tell us what’s new. We hope to share ideas, designs, code, art, film, whatever you might be interested in sharing. We’d love to see new speakers, as well as the usual suspects sharing their work.

      We plan on getting started around 6:00, with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7:00. The event will be held at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland.

      If you’re interested, send us your idea on what you’d like to present by Thursday February 26th and we will sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: "showandtell findsubstance.com" and we will start the conversation.
      2009-03-04 02:00:00http://findsubstance.com/2009/02/12/show-and-tell-pdx-march-3rd-at-substance-world-hq/2009-02-17 04:45:12 >;b׻0sented to the System/Hardware Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. The company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, manufacture and/or sale of hardware products or systems comprised of physical elements.

      Software Company of the Year

      Presented to the Software Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, license and/or sale of software products or systems.

      Technology-Service Company of the Year

      Presented to the Technology-Service company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their customers and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the fulfillment of one or multiple technology services. Such service may be provided as a subscription, hourly charges or other business models. Examples of such technology services are inter t-per-visits, PPC campaigns are the dominant force within our vibrant space. The reasons forԡ -53)333PDX Django LunchThe "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it.v1s3M33JtOregon Tech AwardsThis premier event celebrates excellence and achievement in the region’s technology industry and honors one outstanding Technology Executive of the Year. In addition, five individual industry segment and product awards will be presented during the evening, recognizing recipients for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to the community and industry. $2500 for a table of 10; $250 for a single ticket AWARD CATEGORIES Technology Executive of the Year System/Hardware Company of the Year Software Company of the Year Technology-Service Company of the Year Emerging Company of the Year Cool Product of the Year 2009-05-08 00:30:00http://www.oregontechawards.com/2009-02-17 19:55:08 ;K2009-05-08 04:00:00where you can come and share what you’ve been working on. We’re looking for people to share a short presentation on something they have been working on and tell us about it. Plan for about 10 minutes on stage, and tell us what’s new. We hope to share ideas, designs, code, art, film, whatever you might be interested in sharing. We’d love to see new speakers, as well as the usual suspects sharing their work. We plan on getting started around 6:00, with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7:00. The event will be held at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland. If you’re interested, send us your idea on what you’d like to present by Thursday February 26th and we will sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: "showandtell findsubstance.com" and we will start the conversation.2009-03-04 02:00:00http://findsubstance.com/2009/02/12/show-and-tell-pdx-march-3rd-at-substance-world-hq/2009-02-17 04:47:13 >;b׻2009-03-04 04:00:00 inar, I'll provide you an assessment tool you can use to assess w/h/e3O33JrAngel Oregon 2009Angel Oregon is the nation's premier entrepeneur-angel matchmaking event. A program of the Oregon Entrepeneurs Network, Angel Oregon brings together Oregon and SW Was\3G3933JtShow & Tell PDXSubstance and Pinch, along with the Flash PDX User Group, invite you to an evening of show and tell. We know that you have been working diligently on the next big thing, so we want to give you the opportunity to brag about it a bit. So on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30 pm, at Substance, we will be hosting an event 4p3393JtShow & Tell PDXSubstance and Pinch, along with the Flash PDX User Group, invite you to an evening of show and tell. We know that you have been working diligently on the next big thing, so we want to give you the opportunity to brag about it a bit. So on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30 pm, at Substance, we will be hosting an event where you can come a1ure we get maximum advantage?  What is Social Media Marketing and how can it help boost visibility?  How to quickly gain exposure in Google, Yahoo!, and others within 24 to 48 hours  What is Pay Per Click and who are the players?  Learn how to implement Google Analytics on your website and why this is a must!  Find out about the tools offered by the search engines to increase your web site's success Day 5  Learn about competitive intelligence and multi-variate analysis and how these tools can help increase your website's rankings  Find out about web analytics and how to analyze your progress with ClickTracks  Learn the power of article marketing  Discover problems your site might run in to and how can they be fixed.  Sure fire strategies to build your SEO business  Group Q&A  Final Exam  Wrap-up and awards 2009-03-11 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-02-17 03:48:38 ;\2009-03-14 00:00:002009-02-12 01:15:002008-10-30 22:21:09 :62009-02-12 03:30:006tomized action-plan to get your website optimized for maximum performance.  Learn about technologies that can improve your conversion rates and capture phone calls right from your web site. Day 3  Review the 6-step optimization process taught in the Essentials class to help you retain this important information.  Work on advanced keyword research strategies.  Learn techniques that will help you write effective sales copy that gets results.  Understand how the personalization of search results is changing the rules.  Find out the best approaches for setting up a blog and learn about the art of blogging.  Discover the importance of usability and on what to focus  Get a custom website review. Day 4  What is Latent Semantic Indexing and how can it help your website?  Develop a unique selling proposition that retains your visitor's interest and gets them digging deeper into your web site.  Why are database driven sites unique when it comes to SEO and how can we make s7ontent that will turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-through Ratios Day 2  Learn optimal techniques to get your pages indexed by the Search Engines.  Find out what it takes to monitor your progress and the tools to help you.  Understand the benefits of working with ranges of pages.  Discover what it takes to stay out of trouble with the search engines by learning about anti-spamming guidelines.  Learn why submitting your site to directories is important and how to choose the correct directories.  What is Link Popularity and why is it important.  Receive internal and external link building strategies that will make it easier for the search engines to find your web pages.  Learn about the missing element in SEO: Creativity and find out how you too can get your creative juices flowing!  Get your site reviewed and walk away with a cus8ptimization Workshop? 1. Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites. 2. Small class sizes offer personalized attention. Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students. 3. Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented. 4. Meet and learn from like-minded professionals from a variety of industries. 5. Receive a site review during class to help you get the right start down the SEO path. 6. Learn from a working professional who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997. 7. Because not only are the classes packed full of information, they're fun! SEO Training Agenda 5-Day Comprehensive SEO Training Course includes all 5 days 2-Day Essentials Class includes days 1 & 2 3-Day Advanced Class includes days 3, 4 & 5 Day 1  Discover a complete 6-step system for performing effective search engine optimization  Learn how to perform keyword research that will attract your target market  Write create pages that turn those visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where we will focus on your needs and give you a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. Why Attend a Search Engine Optimization Workshop? 1. Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites. 2. Small class sizes offer personalized attention. Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students. 3. Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented. 4. Meet and learn from like-minded professionals from a variety of industries. 5. Receive a site review during class to help you get the right start down the SEO path. 6. Learn from a working professional who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997. 7. Because not only are the classes packed full of information, they're fun! 2009-03-05 16:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-02-17 03:44:40 ;\2009-03-07 01:00:00 MM Boomers, will replace them. These people were raised on differ{3?33JtUltimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 3-Day AdvancedWhy Attend a Search Engine O9IY3?33JtUltimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 2-Day EssentialsTake a Class in Search Engine Marketing The Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop will teach you how to position your website so that not only will you get more visitors to your website you will get the right visitors to your website. Also, you will learn how to c:cq%3-33JtPortland Java User Group - Your Brain on lambda(x)This month's topic: Your Brain on lambda(x)

      Functional programming is (again) a hot topic among developers. Languages such as Scala and Clojure have functional concepts at the core of the langauge, and even more solidly object-oriented languages such as Groovy and C# 3.0 include functional concepts. This talk will cover whether langauge really matters, some functional techiques that enhance the pow<er of a languge, how to implement some of these using existing Java syntax and semantics, and the future of functional additions to the Java langauge.

      Speaker: Phil Varner

      Phil is a software developer with Oracle, working on the Business Rules component of Fusion Middleware.


      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

      Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      Twitter: @pjug
      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-02-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-02-16 22:33:44 <;b׺2009-02-18 04:00:00 }ԡ{33q333Galois Talk: Mathd^/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30to3o33JtDrupalcon Portland 2010 Proposal Planning MeetingMeeting to discuss possible venues, themes, etc. for a proposal for Drupalcon 2010. It's due March 1st, so this is a very last minute thing, but still worth a try. Drupal (drupal.org) is a Content Management System, with powerful modularity. The regular Drupal Meetup is the 2nd Wednesday of every month at OpenSourcery.2009-02-18 02:30:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/19139#comment-661262009-02-16 20:14:00 ;g2009-02-18 04:00:00%K3933JtPDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism.2009-02-24 03:00:00http://PDXCritique.com2009-02-16 17:56:21 92009-02-24 05:00:00 ground up, including rocket airframes, avionics hardware, Linux flight computer software, and communications systems. Our current focus is testing a new airframe and building a new avionics system. We hope to launch with airframe only this spring/summer in eastern Oregon, and launch with the full avionics stack at BALLS 18 in the Blackrock Desert of Nevada on October 2-4. http://www.balls17.com/ http://psas.pdx.edu PSAS meets every Tuesday in the Computer Science lounge area of the Fourth Avenue Building. Enter at through the glass doors at the main entrance at SW 4th and SW Hall. Walk up to the guard station in front of you, then turn left and walk down the hallway. Continue past the PGE office (on your left) and the Microsoft Research lab (on your right), until you see a wall in front of you. Turn right and walk through the glass double doors to the CS lounge area. There will be wooden tables and white boards.2009-02-18 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu2009-02-16 00:57:27 <;b2009-02-18 06:00:00@Organization Monday February 23, 2009 at 6:00pm The Agency 1939 SW Morrison St. Portland, Oregon 97205 Get Directions Join Chris Heuer, co-founder of the Social Media Club, at the re-launch of Social Media Club PDX as he discusses how companies can transform their organization through the use of social media. Chris will discuss the elements and framework for creating a successful social media strategy and how to get your organization and clients behind it. He will also examine how companies need to re-think current advertising methods and their purpose in order to utilize the full potential of social marketing. Q&A session will follow. Learn more about this topic on Chris Heuer's blog. http://www.chrisheuer.com/ Time: Networking 6-6:30, Presentation: 6:30 Seating is first come first serve. Cost: Free Visit www.socialmediaclubpdx.com to learn more or follow @socialmediapdx on twitter. About Chris Heuer: Chris Heuer has over 13 years of entrepreneurial Internet experience and 16+ years of marketing experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergence marketing. He currently specializes in consulting on holistic business strategy and social media for big brands, non-profits and emerging technology companies, helping them leverage the power of Internet and Web 2.0 technologies. In early 2006, Chris formed BrainJams to organize resources and best practices in the emerging "Unconference" movement, striving to bring social media tools and Open Space gatherings to a wider audience. These efforts have no resulted in the launch of Social Media Club in order to better realize the vision he has for bringing diverse groups of people together to share their understanding of best practices in social media and "Real Marketing." Website: http://socialmediaclubpdx.com/2009-02-24 02:00:00http://socialmediaclubpdx.com2009-02-15 23:28:44 >2009-02-24 04:30:00itter (@pdxwikiwed)
      2008-11-06 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-10-30 17:42:49 9;b2008-11-06 01:30:00 m;msiness Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed c333JtSAO Health Care Information Session at OTBCYou are cordially invited to participate in an informative session for the Software Association of Oregon's HealthCare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 20092009-02-18 20:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=2/18/092009-02-16 03:35:54 <2009-02-18 21:00:00L]3333JtPortland State Aerospace Society MeetingThe Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a volunteer group working on open source/open hardware amateur rockets. We build everything from the>rG[3G33JtSocial Media Club PDX MeetingSocial Media Club PDX presents: Towards a More Social ?9]3 33JtPortland State Aerospace Society MeetingThe Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a volunteer group working on open source/open hardware amateur rockets. We build Deverything from the ground up, including rocket airframes, avionics hardware, Linux flight computer software, and communications systems. Our current focus is testing a new airframe and building a new avionics system. We hope to launch with airframe only this spring/summer in eastern Oregon, and launch with the full avionics stack at BALLS 18 in the Blackrock Desert of Nevada on October 2-4. http://www.balls17.com/ http://psas.pdx.edu PSAS meets every Tuesday in the Computer Science lounge area of the Fourth Avenue Building. Enter at through the glass doors at the main entrance at SW 4th and SW Hall. Walk up to the guard station in front of you, then turn left and walk down the hallway. Continue past the PGE office (on your left) and the Microsoft Research lab (on your right), until you see a wall in front of you. Turn right and walk through the glass double doors to the CS lounge area. There will be wooden tables and white boards.2009-09-23 02:00:002009-02-15 23:01:26 >;b2009-09-23 05:00:00 mԡ;W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:tLO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctober2008Lo. ;333JtPossible PSAS Field DayPreliminary date for a field day out in Forest Grove. On the agenda: exercise our amateur radios, launch some model rockets (test the COTS FC?), and then end up at the Evergreen Aviation Museum.2009-03-14 18:00:002009-02-15 23:01:28 >;b2009-03-14 22:00:009 ]333JtPortland State Aerospace Society MeetingThe Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a volunteer group working on open source/open hardware amateur rockets. We build B[ )e3-33JtXPDX Pub LunchMonthly late lunch at a pub featuring, food, beers, and casual conversation to share our experiences with Agile methods/practices/approaches/events. A time for more discussion of the speaker meeting topic (or not) from Wednesday night. 2009-02-20 21:00:00http://xpdx.org/2009-02-15 18:17:10 ;42009-02-20 23:30:00everything from the ground up, including rocket airframes, avionics hardware, Linux flight computer software, and communications systems. Our current focus is testing a new airframe and building a new avionics system. We hope to launch with airframe only this spring/summer in eastern Oregon, and launch with the full avionics stack at BALLS 18 in the Blackrock Desert of Nevada on October 2-4. http://www.balls17.com/ http://psas.pdx.edu PSAS meets every Tuesday in the Computer Science lounge area of the Fourth Avenue Building. Enter at through the glass doors at the main entrance at SW 4th and SW Hall. Walk up to the guard station in front of you, then turn left and walk down the hallway. Continue past the PGE office (on your left) and the Microsoft Research lab (on your right), until you see a wall in front of you. Turn right and walk through the glass double doors to the CS lounge area. There will be wooden tables and white boards.2009-02-18 03:00:002009-02-15 23:03:59 >;b2009-02-18 06:00:00r Access with CEO Ken Hood and SeaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines are failing, SeaPort Air is earning revenue and raising investment. They have succeeded by serving the unmet needs of the business traveler. With no TSA, on-site parking and a convenient Boeing Field location in Seattle, SeaPort cuts the typical airline or automobile travel time in half, for about the same cost as the big airlines. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. 2009-02-20 20:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=692009-02-15 00:20:532009-02-21 01:00:00r Access with CEO Ken Hood and SeaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines are failing, SeaPort Air is earning revenue and raising investment. They have succeeded by serving the unmet needs of the business traveler. With no TSA, on-site parking and a convenient Boeing Field location in Seattle, SeaPort cuts the typical airline or automobile travel time in half, for about the same cost as the big airlines. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. 2009-02-14 20:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=692009-02-15 00:19:442009-02-21 01:00:00 8I8sfertDO33k33JqPersonal Telco M _ 3-33JtPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda for this week:
      * Work session. Bring your issues with Yahoo Pipes & we'll pair up to help each other
      2009-02-25 02:00:00http://pdpug.org2009-02-15 18:02:58 <;b׹2009-02-25 03:30:00+IS3E33JtsOEN: Off the Record with a CEOOff the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour ends at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the February"s "Off the Record" are CleaE IIarious locations in the Portland-Vancouver area and each has a personality of its own. They follow a basic pattern but often vary from that and have special formats for meetings based on their on-going discussions. The meetings always start with introductions and a usually have a solicitation for topics. Topics table+IS3E33JtsOEN: Off the Record with a CEOOff the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour ends at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the February"s "Off the Record" are CleaF o oBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software / 3}33JtqSBA Loan Briefing2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/or/index.html2009-02-15 00:03:43 >a2009-02-19 20:30:00p_G3?33JtwDevGroup NW: Small Groups, Tightly JoinedHomophily describes the tendency of individuals to bond with people similar to themselves. It’s an obvious insight. But it also means everything to the analysis of any given online community. A web community’s success can be predicted almost entirely by asking: “Do the people drawn to this website share cultural traits with one another?” This is why Microsoft can’t launch a successful social network. While your average college radio station, or sports fan club, or local music scene are natural gathering places. With web communities, technology isn’t important - it’s a culture thing.2009-02-19 02:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org2009-02-14 23:50:34 :#2009-02-19 04:00:00 oo IBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software ]Q3q33Jt}IEEE RAS: Industrial Vision Applications * Introduction to Olympus Controls and the Cognex Insight Smart Camera. * Constructing vision solutions with the EasyBuilder application. * Example selections of optimal optics, lighting, and vision tools. * Interfacing to industrial robots and PLCs. Speaker Bios: Jason McDaniel has been an automation engineer with Olympus Controls since 1998. He has a BSME from Washington State University and an MBA from Portland State University. Bruce Hagerty has been an automation engineer with Olympus Controls since 2004 and has a BSME from Lehigh University. Paul Woodhouse has been an automation specialist (motion control, vision, and robotics integration) with Olympus Controls since 2002. Free and open to the public.2009-02-25 03:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24672009-02-15 00:10:47 <2009-02-25 04:00:00 aa`2EEԡNeM3?333Open Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing Oԡw! 3W333Portland Business Allianc);m3o33JqThe Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey AwardsStep into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's3W3/33JtPMI Chapter MeetingEducational Presentation: Effective Networking and Branding: Going from Ordinary to Extraordinary Project Managers, by Greg Sievers, PMP Keynote Presentation: Managing Projects with an Innovation Mindset, by Jon Marshall 2009-02-25 00:00:00http://www.pmi-portland.org/mc/community/eventdetails.do?eventId=194985&orgId=pmi2009-02-14 23:33:07 :2009-02-25 04:00:00 9I9imes, how do you finance Gԡq533 333c13y33JtOregon Health Forum: Health vs. Health CareWhen you select an organic Honeycrisp apple from the grocery store, you know what you’re buying. Things start to get murky when choosing a new HD flatscreen television. And when it comes to health care purchasing? To many, it’s a whole new set of rules. During this, the second of a four-part series on health reform elements, we’ll examine what it means to purchase health care. Models for large public sector purchasers, like the Public EmployeesM'S3q33Jt~IEEE PACE: Recession Proof YourselfAbstract: The information in this presentation is based on personal experience from conducting one on one career coaching and delivering seminars to both employers and employees. During three years Elizabeth Lions met with over 3,000 hiring managers and interviewed hundreds of high tech candidates, many of them with engineering or science skill sets. Her background is in pO Benefit Board, exist to facilitate the process and provide a clear set of benefits for a group of employees. What lessons can be learned from this model for other purchaser sectors? The Oregon Health Fund Board plan proposes an insurance exchange—what does this mean for local insurers and how will it affect individuals purchasing a health plan? How can communities, collectively, begin to understand how informed purchasing can improve health and encompass more than health insurance? Moderator: Seth Garber, MD, Physician Consultant, Mercer Human Resources Panelists: Barbara Christenson, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Providence Health & Services Lynn-Marie Crider, Public Policy Specialist, SEIU Local 49 Eileen Drake, Vice President, Administration and Legal Affairs, PCC Structurals Inc. Joan Kapowich, Administrator, Public Employees’ Benefit Board and Oregon Educators Benefit Board 2009-02-24 15:00:00http://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2009-02-14 23:29:59 =2009-02-24 17:00:00er coach nearly 8 years ago. During the first three years she met with over 3,000 hiring managers. Her belief is that all people should be able to attain 'right work' or the ability to get paid for your gifts. Her clients are typically engineers or scientists who need assistance marketing themselves and finding jobs that maximize their talents. Elizabeth has had the privilege of staffing and working with the leaders of Intel, Welch Allyn Protocol, Mentor Graphics, InFocus and FLIR. She has been a contributing member of IEEE and of the IEEE-USA Career and Workforce Policy Committee and has published 9 articles in the IEEE-USA Today's Engineer. In 2008 she finished her first book, which is a compilation of her teachings and in 2009 she will begin conducting career workshops for Gen Y. When she's not writing or speaking, Elizabeth can be found with her husband on the back of their custom motorcycle.2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24662009-02-14 23:28:20 <2009-02-26 03:30:00Nsychology with a strong focus in Organizational Development. A major finding uncovered was that the unemployed all shared a common fear of being out of work for a period of time. Some struggled with finding a new job, or they didn�t know how to write their resume because they had been employed in their last job for many years. Some suffered with the difficulty of going through the interview process and were uncomfortable selling themselves in front of a manager. All expressed having low confidence from being out of work, which compounded the ability to find the new job. During this presentation, you will learn how to tell if your position is in jeopardy and will learn practical steps on how to find your next opportunity, how to write a resume and how to get through the interview process with confidence. Speaker Bio: Elizabeth Lions studied psychology at the University of Maine. With a strong background in recruiting, negotiating and counseling, Elizabeth started her own consulting business as a care ooiteration. Our panelists include developers, testers, customers and consultants to bring a broad pers ]Q3q33Jt}IEEE RAS: Industrial Vision Applications * Introduction to Olympus Controls and the Cognex Insight Smart Camera. * Constructing vision solutions with the EasyBuilder application. * Example selections of optimal optics, lighting, and vision tools. * Interfacing to industrial robots and PLCs. Speaker Bios: Jason McDaniel has been an automation engineer with Olympus Controls since 1998. He has a BSME from Washington State University and an MBA from Portland State University. Bruce Hagerty has been an automation engineer with Olympus Controls since 2004 and has a BSME from Lehigh University. Paul Woodhouse has been an automation specialist (motion control, vision, and robotics integration) with Olympus Controls since 2002. Free and open to the public.2009-02-25 03:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24672009-02-14 23:25:21 >2009-02-25 04:00:00 ng techniques, spaces and technologies that extend growing seasons, increase yield, increase opportunities for local food production and bring the harvest to new places and spaces. Mark your calendars now and please join us! General y_G3k33JtwDevGroup NW: Small Groups, Tightly JoinedHomophily describes the tendency of individuals to bond with people similar to themselves. It’s an obvious insight. But it also means everything to the analysis of any given online community. A web community’s success can be predicted almost entirely by asking: “Do the people drawn to this website share cultural traits with one another?” This is why Microsoft can’t launch a successful social network. While your average college radio station, or sports fan club, or local music scene are natural gathering places. With web communities, technology isn’t important - it’s a culture thing.2009-02-19 02:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.http://www.devgroupnw.org2009-02-14 23:09:19 :#2009-02-19 04:00:00 QWilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, law, medicine and other disciplines in negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution, trial practice, risk analysis and related fields. He has lectured and taught in fami~S 3K33Jt|NW Env. Business Council: Pub Mixer2009-03-12 00:00:00http://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2009-02-14 23:22:24 :L2009-03-12 02:30:00}M3a33Jt{The Business of Renewable EnergyThis conference returns for its third year, providing a focused educational and networking experience for industry members in the electricity and bioenergy fields, with speakers and practical sessions addressing renewable energy development in the Northwest.2009-04-16 15:00:00http://www.nebc.org/content.aspx?pageid=422009-02-14 23:19:53 :2009-04-17 00:00:00+|] 3s33JtzNW China Council - Year of the Ox Dinner2009-02-22 01:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090221-auction.html2009-02-14 23:16:56 >2009-02-22 05:00:00 ing to Willamette University College of Law in 1993 to teach and direct the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Under his leadership, the CDR has enjoyed high nationa,{K;3W33JtyIMC: The Business of ConsultingKeynote: Growing a consulting practice is all about knowing what you want, what you offer, and who needs what you've got. Vicky offers insight, wisdom and actionable items which allow you to become the trusted advisor and give you fresh perspective on the role you play in your client's or organization's business. You will leave with 3 powerful steps to enhance your consulting practice and success! 2009-02-18 15:00:00http://www.imc-oregon.org/cf_feb_20092009-02-14 23:14:58 :L2009-02-18 20:00:00zi 3A33JtxFinancial Executives Internat. - Winter Social2009-02-20 02:00:00http://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?site=ch_por&webcode=EventInfo&action=add&evt_key=eaf49fa6-e9b2-4d27-a25e-a32f46f33393&Paying=Fees2009-02-14 23:11:28 <2009-02-20 04:00:00n in business at least two years. You will leave with several tools that will help your new business right now and on an on-going basis. Learn: Why should anyone buy from your new business? What will make you special? How do you determine that? How will you describe your product or service in a way that compels people to want it? Learn about the secret of the product (service) experience. Determine the best product/service description - from the customer's perspective. This workshop will provide you tools to help you answer questions such as: * What is the dominant paradigm for your target market and how you leverage the positives and overcome the negatives? * Just what do customers really need? * How do I position my product/service in the market? * What drives buyer behavior? * How does an understanding of customer needs and solutions help drive compelling benefits? 2009-02-20 16:00:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-02-14 23:01:19 >G2009-02-20 20:00:00 eek Wilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, law, medicine and other disciplines in negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution, trial practice, risk analysis and related fields. He has lectured and taught in family law, criminal law, environmental law, commercial law and banking law. Birke’s scholarly works have appeared in a wide variety of law journals including at Harvard, Missouri, Marquette and Utah, in book chapters, psychology journals, and elsewhere. His writing earned him a national award in 1999 from the Center for Public Resources. His current research work relates to practical applications of works in behavioral decision theory and neuro#x)g3;33JtvAMA MAX AwardsPortland area marketing professionals will spend an inspiring, fun evening recognizing the programs, campaign, and marketing pieces created in 2008 that had winning results.2009-02-27 00:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/2009-02-14 23:06:40 :2009-02-27 03:30:00 IICHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption trends, how China is addressing sustainable developmen44i3q3+uIS3E33JtsOEN: Off the Record with a CEOOff the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour ends at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the February"s "Off the Record" are CleaZ {tion. His current area of focus is in the development and delivery of structured learning solutions for project information management systems, with an emphasis on risk management methodology and risk information management. Prior to joining Intel four years ago, Alfredo held a variety of management and engineering support positions at Hewlett-Packard Company over a span of fourteen years. Alfredo is a certified Project Management Professional and active member s/ 3}33JtqSBA Loan Briefing2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/or/index.html2009-02-14 22:51:21 >2009-02-19 20:30:00r]93q33JtpPMI: Global Initiatives, Jim Wasko (IBM)Come hear Jim Wasko, Program Director for Cloud Computing development for IBM’s systems and Technology Group, share insights gained from managing teams in a distributed environment in our luncheon February 19th. 2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.programmanagementforum.org/default.aspx2009-02-14 22:49:06 ;\2009-02-19 21:30:00 , and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of s@ta]3E33JtrOEN: Capturing Market Share in a RecessionDescription: In this webinar you will learn why having a search engine marketing (SEM) strategy is critical to your ability to succeed in a down market. You will also learn about the key components of a search engine marketing strategy and even a few practical SEM tips. Speaker: Ben Lloyd Ben Lloyd is President of Amplify Interactive [www.amplify-interactive.com], a Portland, Oregon search engine marketing (SEM) agency. Ben is also the current President of SEMpdx [www.sempdx.org], Portland's own search engine marketing association. Ben's bio is here: http://www.amplify-interactive.com/aboutus/our_team.htm 2009-02-19 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=702009-02-14 22:55:19 >I2009-02-19 19:00:00 XXs improvement effort. These elements - culture, structure, and politics - caeq]93933JtpPMI: Global Initiatives, Jim Wasko (IBM)Come hear Jim Wasko, Program Director for Cloud Computing development for IBM’s systems and Technology Group, share insights gained from managing teams in a distributed environment in our luncheon February 19th. 2009-02-19 19:30:00http://Kingstad Center2009-02-14 22:46:52 >2009-02-19 21:30:00;pso333JtoAeA: Tech Strategies when Preparing for AcquisitionCTO and Engineering Executive Forum Date: Feb 17, 2009 Technology Strategies when Preparing for an Acquisition...or Regrouping for the Long Haul These events are an excellent way to network with peers and hear a variety of perspectives on topics relevant to the technology and engineering profession. CTO Forum events are designed for CTOs and Engineering Executives.2009-02-18 01:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0209082009-02-14 22:35:09 >2009-02-18 03:30:00r Access with CEO Ken Hood and SeaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines are failing, SeaPort Air is earning revenue and raising investment. They have succeeded by serving the unmet needs of the business traveler. With no TSA, on-site parking and a convenient Boeing Field location in Seattle, SeaPort cuts the typical airline or automobile travel time in half, for about the same cost as the big airlines. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. 2009-02-14 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=692009-02-14 22:56:332009-02-15 00:00:00 vh]M< p`L?' lbRE/  what it takes to k'grant writing j!presentingi+public speakingh 4 I3q33JsIEEE PACE: Why Now may be the Time to Develop Overseas MarketsThis PACE meeting of the Oregon Section will discuss: 1. Why exporting is important. 2. The basics of international business. 3. Where to go for help -- with a focus on the Oregon's trade services group. Abstract: As large as the global economic meltdown is, it won't significantly change the dynamics of an even larger economic trend -- the development of emerging economies and the waning share of the U.S. market relative to the rest of the world. It is clearer tw3S'3y33JsAMA: From Face-To-Face to InterfaceThe Do's and Don'ts of Networking Do you know how to work a room? Is your LinkedIn contacts list larger than the local telephone book? Are people begging to follow you on Twitter? It's now more import \gest social networking event for Web Analytics Professionals, connecting thous.//U3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demro]73U33JtnOTBC: FastTrac® TechVenture® Session 1Validate your market and business model. Develop a solid business plan and funding plan. Expand your network. You'll do that all and a lot more in the 10-session entrepreneurship program developed by the Kauffman Foundation. Get more information on FastTrac® here. To join us for the FastTrac® TechVenture® series that starts March 9 apply here.2009-03-09 22:00:00http://www.otbc.org/techventure.html2009-02-14 12:34:18 <2009-03-10 01:30:00 9"9YQMn]m3U33JtnOTBC: FastTrac® TechVenture® Session 1Validate your market and business model. Develop a solid business plan and funding plan. You'll do that all in the 10-session entrepreneurship program developed by the Kauffman Foundation. Get more information on FastTrac® here. To join us for the FastTrac® TechVenture® series that starts March 9 apply here.2009-03-09 22:00:00http://www.otbc.org/techventure.html2009-02-14 12:33:36 <2009-03-10 01:30:00 my13s33JtmOEN and OTBC: FastTrac® GrowthVenture™ info sessionAre you beyond the startup stage - (i.e., you have revenue!) Is it timflKE3s33JtlOTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups What: Speed dating for startups
      We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

      The agenda for the first meeting:
      - Intros
      - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
      - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

      A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

      You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-21 23:40:09 <;baJsV2009-01-14 03:30:00S=JvFEventRJvFEventQJvCEventPJvCEvent /> • Introduction to the Apple App Store
      • Real-life lessons learned

      We'll focus on lessons learned during the development lifecycle and how to ramp up quickly and be successful with your own ventures. A brief Q&A session will follow.

      About the Presenter

      Dave Shanley
      Dave has been deploying mobile solutions to global enterprises for over 5 years. Responsible for all aspects of solution delivery, including architecture, enterprise application integration, and training, he enabled customers to successfully mobilize thousands of users.
      Dave began his career in mobile in 2000 at a venture-funded startup in San Francisco.
      Recently, Dave has been developing on and teaching for the iPhone platform and believes the industry will follow Apple's leadership into the future.
      He holds a BSE in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.
      2009-03-11 23:00:002009-02-24 02:41:24 ;;b2009-03-12 00:00:00arong>When: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give use some hint of what it is (even if you need to be vague) so we can post the info and help you generate some interest. Please use the form at this link and we'll read it, maybe provide some feedback, and get your idea posted online. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have each of them head to their own corner of the room, and let people circulate around to check out the startups that sound interesting to them. If we get a lot of ideas, we might have to split this up over more than one event and feature a specific list of startups at each one - we'll see how it goes. So mark your calendar, RSVP, and start honing your idea. We hope to see you on Feb. 28! 2009-02-28 21:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9689811/2009-02-14 12:09:01 <2009-02-28 23:00:00erve basis.2008-11-06 01:30:00http://www.scorepdx.org/2008-10-29 03:17:18 92008-11-06 03:30:00 55s guitar * Jason and Jared, aka CRM114 Di?jKE3s33JtlOTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups When: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: textOTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give use some hint of what it is (even if you need to be vague) so we can post the info and help you generate some interest. Please use the form at this link and we'll read it, maybe provide some feedback, and get your idea posted online. (If cyou don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have each of them head to their own corner of the room, and let people circulate around to check out the startups that sound interesting to them. If we get a lot of ideas, we might have to split this up over more than one event and feature a specific list of startups at each one - we'll see how it goes. So mark your calendar, RSVP, and start honing your idea. We hope to see you on Feb. 28! 2009-02-28 21:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9689811/2009-02-14 12:07:35 <2009-02-28 23:00:00 ##pm until at least 7pmhiW 3s33JtkOTBC - HR discussion with Iris SasakiBring your questions about Human Resources to this brown bag lunch and join the conversation with OTBC coach Iris Sasaki. Cost: free (bring lunch!)2009-02-20 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9620471/2009-02-14 12:01:20 <2009-02-20 21:00:00ahW}3s33JtkOTBC - HR discussion with Iris SasakiBring your questions about Human Resources to this brown bag lunch and join the conversation with OTBC coach Iris Sasaki. Cost: free (bring lunch!)2009-02-20 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9620471/2009-02-14 12:00:42 <2009-02-20 21:00:00g/{3k33JtjWestside ProggersWe're programmers. We're on the west side. We're awesome. Come join us. Maybe a little awesomeness will rub off on you.2009-02-27 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-02-13 06:40:02 >2009-02-27 05:00:00 ::y attention to your competitors and how they del:fg3 33JtiSAO: Federal/State Contracts & Your BusinessTime: February 17, 2009 from 1pm to 5pm Location: Oregon State Capitol, Room 350 Street: 900 Court St City/Town: Salem, OR 97301 Website or Map: http://www.leg.state.or.us/... Contact Info: 503-999-5849 Event Type: advocacy, education, bizdev Join us for this free event at the Oregon State Capitol to learn how to position your company for federal & state government contracts. Shipley Associates and the Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process. Research Drives Us We recently took a survey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that obtaining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more popular than obtaining venture capital, tax credits or enhanced private lending. We Want to Help Since the curregofflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|d CEO of the Year Awards Luncheon Who are the most admired companies in Oregon? Come find out! The results are in, and yox6w7u8v9t:q;s<o>r@pCkEm j egda][c"W$R(U*T+S,Q-P0N1W2M6G7F8I9C:H<D=B>??A@@A>C9DL2009-02-13 06:00:00questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-07 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-05 03:36:05 >G2009-01-07 19:30:00 tlmknopqrsvtuwxy{|}~zFe[)3 33JtiFederal/State Contracts & Your BusinessJoin us for this free event at the Oregon State Capitol to learn how to position your company for federal & state government con tracts. Shipley Associateso|d[3 33JtiFederal/State Contracts & Your Businessoin us for this free event at the Oregon State Capitol to lea rn how to position your company for federal & state government con tracts. Shipley Assoc iates and the v2009-01-20 03:00:00JuEventiJuEventh JuEventgJu EventZA <>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each story. This practice helps uncover assumptions and confirm that everyone has a shared understanding of what “done” looks like. During implementation, the technical team automates the natural-language Acceptance Tests by writing code to wire them up to the emerging software. In this way, ATDD tests become executable requirements. This session is a demonstration of the full ATDD workflow from initial discussions through final demo, and everything in between."2009-02-19 02:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-02-13 03:31:02 92009-02-19 04:00:00his workshop also features ww.s hipleywins.com/index.php\">Shipley Associates are well-respected a s the best private support for obtaining federal contracts\nShipley As sociates has:\n• Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies\ n• Developed a virtual proposal center for a Fortune 10 client\n• Trained over 30,000 people worldwide\n\nThe Oregon State Procurement Office es tablishes and administers contracts for goods and services on behalf o f state agencies, state universities, select non-profit organizations, and local governments. They will give very practical advice for worki ng with the ORPIN (Oregon Procurement Information Network) system, whi ch is Oregon's #1 resource for viewing Public Agency Opportunities.\n\ nFor more information visit http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.co m/events/federalstate-contracts-your LOCATION:Oregon State Capitol, Room 3502009-02-13 05:00:002009-02-13 04:29:31 >L2009-02-13 06:00:00lSSD/SPO/index.sh tml\">Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process.\n\nResearch Drives Us\nWe recently took a surv ey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that ob taining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more popular than obtaining vent ure capital, tax credits or enhanced private lending.\n\nWe Want to Help\nSince the current economic crisis can be traced back to a l ack of jobs, and since the stimulus packages present new job opportunitie s, and since we have federal & state experts that are willing to h elp, we decided to be part of the solution instead of whining about th e state of the economy.\n\nOur Trainers\n>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each story. This practice helps uncover assumptions and confirm that everyone has a shared understanding of what “done” looks like. During implementation, the technical team automates the natural-language Acceptance Tests by writing code to wire them up to the emerging software. In this way, ATDD tests become executable requirements. This session is a demonstration of the full ATDD workflow from initial discussions through final demo, and everything in between."2009-02-19 02:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-02-13 03:22:19 92009-02-19 04:00:00hops.php2008-10-28 20:59:49;b2008-10-30 23:30:00-07-15 01:30:00 ssessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneHc;-3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven Development >> NOW AT 6:30 AND FEATURING PIZk!bo-3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendrickson will be cominaI3_33JtPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some type of software demonstration, discussion about group structure and preferences, and then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.2009-02-26 02:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-02-13 00:12:51 =2009-02-26 04:00:00sented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 22:42:50 >2009-03-05 18:00:00 |&loid adventures ha.ԡ;Sg3333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:Py333JqPortland Cisco ASA Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarCisco ASA Training: Installing, Configuring, Opp`ES3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals?Prepf_m3A33JtfRefresh Portland February: Hajime Kobayashi on Inside The Web In JapanRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup, held every 4th Thursday, on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.

      Our February session will feature Hajime Kobayashi, a front-end engineer at LUNARR, Inc., who will talk about Japan’s unique ways of interacting with the web, and designing interfaces and features based on people’s behavior and cultures.
      2009-02-27 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-02-12 22:40:58 ;;b׶2009-02-27 03:30:00 gng
      -Practice configuring your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
      -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
      -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
      -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one wit^G_3]33JsPortland WordPress User GroupThe WordPress Group will feature Justin Kistner talking about
      WordPress MU for Communities [Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1495066/ ] This will be the second meeting of the Portland WordPress user group. Agenda to be announced.2009-02-13 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1495066/2009-02-12 22:23:05 9;b~2009-02-13 03:30:00]/ 33JthPDX Flickr Meetup2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.flickr.com/groups/pdx/discuss/72157613349247083/2009-02-12 21:29:16 >;b׷lliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of CommercePortland Business Alliance event: Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 20:26:532009-03-05 18:00:00ess goals?Portland Business Alliance event: Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-02-12 21:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 20:25:082009-02-12 22:00:0010-28 20:57:11;b2009-04-30 23:00:00  Cisco� ASA training seminar, you'll...

      -Practice password recovery techniques for the Cisco ASA security aj\e/3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goa‰[ew3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Presented by Portland Business As>ZEw3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my businv>YEw3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my busintuXc3 33Jt`Tech MeetUp: Diagnose Your Website's IssuesDoes your site scream out, "I haven't changed my image since 1995!" Or maybe, your pages are plagued by lengthy copy that just keeps going and going… Perhaps your web presence just doesn't really reflect all the great work your organization does. Get at the heart of web issues and head in an effective directwess goals?Portland Business Alliance event: Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 20:25:452009-03-05 18:00:00rtable with viewing, editing, manRion to achieve your website goals. At this meetup, we'll delve into website hang-ups and problem-solve cures for the "common" website. Fodder for website problem-solving could include: - browser compatibility - unique identity and online presence - easy navigation - web-optimized images - color scheme and text/background contrast - title tags - any other number of web issues that get under your skin Leading the discussion at this month's joint NTEN 501Tech Club and Net Squared MeetUp will be Eve Simon, Creative Director at Beaconfire Consulting. Eve brings 14 years of online visual design, user experience and creative management in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. With Eve leading the discussion, we'll delve into the web design process. And if you’re game, we'll jump into a discussion on the inherent or perceived conflict between IA and Design. Understand why Eve might tell you, "A wireframe is not a coloring book." 2009-02-25 01:30:002009-02-12 20:23:47 :2009-02-25 03:30:00 00actice using local and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
      -Work ascW; 3 33JtgPutting Social Media to2009-02-12 21:00:002009-02-12 20:23:112009-02-12 22:00:00fVm3A33JtfRefresh Portland February: Hajime Kobayashi on Inside The Web In JapanRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup, held every 4th Thursday, on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.

      Our February session will feature Hajime Kobayashi, a front-end engineer at LUNARR, Inc., who will talk about Japan’s unique ways of interacting with the web, and designing interfaces and features based on people’s behavior and cultures.
      2009-02-27 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-02-12 19:42:13 >;b׶2009-02-27 03:30:00 ^^ and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
      -Practice three techniques for saving configurations and for re-applying them (Perfect for disaster prevention and recovery)
      -Understand how to upgrade your router's Cisco Internetwork Operating System (CIOS)
      -Practice using CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) in troubleshooting
      -Use the "show cdp neighbor detail" command to get information about remote routers, even when theyUQy33JteSAO HealthCare Information SessionYou are cordially invited to participate in an informative session for the Software Association of Oregon's HealthCare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 2009

      Please RSVP using Upcoming.
      2009-02-18 02:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=2/17/09b2009-02-12 04:16:45 9;b׵ 99PC*]53q33JtLCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

      Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

      We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
      2009-02-12 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-02-08 20:56:32 9;bצ2009-02-12 05:00:00 7th, 11am, at CubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the space. If you can, please bring a little cash donation to cover the cost of snacks and drinks n stuff. We pretty much have space for the whole day, but I figure we can probably be heading out around 4ish. Then we can celebrate our first Code Sprint, and all the great progress we'll have made!

      Yay for Progress!

      Coming Soon: Agenda and final Issues List for the sprint.


      ORBlogs Code Sprint
      Saturday March 7th

      Bring a laptop if possible. We'll be pair programming, so be prepared for that.

      4 til whenever
      eastburn? green dragon? eastburn does have skeeball...
      2009-03-07 19:00:00http://blog.orblogs.org/2009/02/code-sprint-march-7th-at-cubespace/2009-02-12 01:02:15 9;b״2009-03-08 00:00:00mers and users about an actual or proposed product, a product category, or service offering. While simil $$ -Practice using local and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPvT3!333JtdORBlogs Code SprintWe have our first official ORBlogs Code Sprint scheduled, March{iS'U3S33JtcDrupal MeetupFor the February meeting we're going to be doing a series of lightning talks. If you haven't seen this format before I think you'll enjoy it. Each speaker will have a fixed amount of time to present a topic. It could be showing off a module you like, showing of a site you worked on, or demonstrating a trick you've discovered.

      See the full post at: http://groups.drupal.org/node/18320
      2009-02-12 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/183202009-02-12 01:01:04 =;b׳2009-02-12 04:00:00 ing, and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
      -Practice three techniques for saving confi~RGe3M33JtbBeer and Blog - VidoopConnectHave you signed into a site or made a blog comment yet just by logging in with your Facebook account through Facebook Connect? Sexy and intuitive, isn't it? Makes you wonder why the majority of sites still require you to create clunky usernames and passwords, just for them. Well, with VidoopConnect, we make any site's login process sexy, and let the users choose how they want to sign in. Like to use your email address with Google, Yahoo!, AOL, or ANY old email address? Cool. Prefer to use your Facebook or MySpace account? Go for it. Do you follow the Aaron Hockley method and prefer to only sign up on sites that accept OpenID? Got it covered. Even if you sign in with your Gmail account on one si~te but decided to use the Facebook signin for another, with our single profile capability, we'll detect that and default the signin method you prefer when you return to any site using VidoopConnect.

      For our customers, a better user experience during the registration and login process makes for more registrations and better membership retention rates. We also offer reporting capabilities to sites implementing VidoopConnect so that they can see who their users are, how they're logging in, and can react to their customers' needs better. It's easy to implement and unlike our competitors, we offer a solution based on open rather than proprietary standards.

      This has been our top secret baby for a couple of months now, so we're really excited that on Friday at Beer and Blog we'll be able to show the product in action. There will even be a round of drinks on us.
      2009-02-14 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-02-11 19:22:09 ; ;bײ2009-02-14 02:00:00ion to achieve your website goals. At this meetup, we'll delve into website hang-ups and problem-solve cures for the "common" website. Fodder for website problem-solving could include: - browser compatibility - unique identity and online presence - easy navigation - web-optimized images - color scheme and text/background contrast - title tags - any other number of web issues that get under your skin Leading the discussion at this month's joint NTEN 501Tech Club and Net Squared MeetUp will be Eve Simon, Creative Director at Beaconfire Consulting. Eve brings 14 years of online visual design, user experience and creative management in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. With Eve leading the discussion, we'll delve into the web design process. And if you’re game, we'll jump into a discussion on the inherent or perceived conflict between IA and Design. Understand why Eve might tell you, "A wireframe is not a coloring book." 2009-02-25 01:30:002009-02-11 18:46:52 >J2009-02-25 03:30:00 focus groups in a few ways, Innovation Games (and other design games) stimulate the customers to tell you things that are important for them that you would have never thought to ask.

      Learn more about Innovation Games at http://innovationgames.com/
      See photos of Innovation Games workshops on Flickr at:
      http://flickQms3A33JtaHarlo Media, Inc.'s SchoomzePDX Networking EventHarlo Media is focused on the success of our business and personal networks. We continuously attend regular business professional networking events to help our associates make qualified connections. Our Schmooze networking event is a welcoming business environment where you can meet other local professionals, pass cards and hang at some of Portland's premier locations2009-03-11 00:30:00http://www.schmoozepdx.com2009-02-11 18:50:44 =2009-03-11 03:00:00ry Interactive Studios, will be moderating. PANELISTS: * Steve Sandstrom from Sandstrom Partners * Sean O’Brien from W+K * Ryan Buchanan from eROI * Kirk James from Cinco * Mary Kysar from Makelike * Steve Potestio from 52 Ltd. * Scott Niesen Branding & Marketing Specialist TIME: 8 – 8:15 AM | Breakfast and Networking 8:15 – 9:15 AM | Panel Discussion 9:15 – 9:30 AM | Q and A from Audience LOCATION: Elephants Delicatessen – Garden Room 115 NW 22nd, Portland, Oregon 97210 COST: * AIGA Members: $10 * Non-member: $15 Space is limited. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Firms, freelancers and students specializing in graphic design, retail design, interior/environmental design, advertising and/or industrial design. EVENT SPONSOR: We would like to thank SEMpdx for sponsoring this event. Check out their website to learn more about them and their upcoming SearchFest.2009-02-17 16:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/02/264198172009-02-11 00:21:29 >2009-02-17 17:00:00 qoggers, such as copyright and tr*}w3e33JqSharePoint 2007 Architecture and Administration TrainingMicrosoft Certification Eligibility: MCTS Exam 70-630
      Duration: 2 Days (18 hours) for the public class, syllabus and duration customizable for onsite class
      Hands-On Lab: Aivea provided SharePoint 2007 Enterprise Virtual Machine
      2008-11-03 16:00:00http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-10-28 20:45:19;b2008-11-05 04:00:00O 3Q33JquPc3 33Jt`Tech MeetUp: Diagnose Your Website's IssuesDoes your site scream out, "I haven't changed my image since 1995!" Or maybe, your pages are plagued by lengthy copy that just keeps going and going… Perhaps your web presence just doesn't really reflect all the great work your organization does. Get at the heart of web issues and head in an effective directO1 3I33JtHPortland TwestivalTwestival is a global coordinated fundraising effort for charity:water. The goal is to have as many cities around the world on February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

      By rallying together globally, under short timescales, for a single aim on the same day, the Twestival hopes to bring awareness to this global crisis. charity: water is a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations by funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need.

      Right now 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many communities in developing nations often have a plentiful supply of clean drinking water just below the ground, but no way to get to it.
      2009-02-13 03:00:00http://portland.twestival.com/2009-02-11 04:52:53 >;bף2009-02-13 07:30:00y ada's FuzeBox (
      http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=133 ), and the pre-arduino Number 6 board ( http://six.media.mit.edu:8080/6/direction/get-your-board-ready/numberSixStuffed.jpg/view ). In the fabrication workshop (31May09) we will lay out and etch a board based on this work. Additionally I will follow up the prototyping example from this months workshop by sending the design to be fabricated. I am sorry that I wasn't able to get this finalized sooner but the extra cult induction kept me busy. Both inductions sessions went extremely well so I think it was worth it.. As usual you can RSVP by paypalling cult /at/ tempusdictum.com2009-02-22 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/blog/feurig/focused_workshop_prototyping_breadboard_a_sanguino_22_feb_082009-02-10 18:32:48 ;s2009-02-23 01:00:00 prototyped. In the process we will build a "Sanguino" on a breadboard, add the core to our arduino environment, and program it. Then we will look at the next step of putting it on a protoboard. For more information on the "Sanguino" you can look at http://www.sanguino.cc this project was created by the reprap folk who needed more I/O for their projects. I will also be presenting as an example a small (as in tiny) project that I will be doing using breakout boards to make prototyping possible. The workshop as always will be $25 and participants will walk away with a breadboard and all components necessary to build a bare bones "Sanguino" during the workshop. It will also include other items including a a protoboard and socket to move the design to something more permanent. It is my hope that in between this months focused workshop and the fabrication workshop people can collectively look at how the hardware design can be improved on (see: similar designs such as lada p90 minutes. LoN1K3C33Jt_Portland Code CampCoders showing code to Coders 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-02-11 04:00:51 >2009-06-01 04:00:00(Mg3m33Jt^Career Tools Breakfast Series - Portland AIGAIn conjunction with AIGA’s nationwide efforts to help members through this difficult economy, AIGA Portland is proud to present a special edition of Career Tools. Join us for an energetic panel discussion, get a few pointers, and see how owners and decision-makers in our local design and marketing community are managing. Julie Beeler, Principal of Second StoLqI3I33Jt]DorkbotPDX Focused Workshop: Breadboard a SanguinoPNCA, Room 205 $25 to cult-at-tempusdictum.com As previously announced this months focused workshop is about prototyping and it is intended to go with a second focused workshop on fabrication (in may). We will go over breadboarding, point to point wiring, breakout boards and a variety of techniques to get your projects ..1ent “Competitive Analysis for Prod3 y3Y33JqMicrosoft Brings Free IT Expertise to Portland, OregonThe Microsoft Across America team will be in Portland, Oregon delivering three seminars demonstrating how to drivˆ/3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp PortlandNK%a3/3JiPortland Web Innovators - Publishing Platform Wars! (Comparing three CMSes)The Web is about getting something out there for other people to see. Though we all love technology, it's more important to get content up easily. That is even more the case when we're building sites for others. We've chosen three popular systems for content management systems to be shown off by fellow web people who are users of the products. No pitches, just honest opinions. Bring your own opinions, too! Expression Engine - Josh Pyles, Pixelmatrix Design Drupal - Lev Tsypin, Level Online Strategy Wordpress - Paul Farning, ISITE Design2008-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2009-02-10 17:04:53 >;beJi ==tworks, upgrading desktop software and understanding server security considerations are the key focus points of this seminar.

      MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
      Presented by Microsoft developer experts and designed for professional developers, this event is packed with intense, how-to t?J%K3/3JiPortland Web Innovators - Publishing Platform Wars! (Comparing three CMSes)The Web is about getting something out there for other people to see. Though we all love technology, it's more important to get content up easily. That is even more the case when we're building sites for others. We've chosen three popular systems for content management systems to be shown off by fellow web people who are users of the products. No pitches, just honest opinions. Bring your own opinions, too! Expression Engine - Ray Brigleb, Needmore Designs Drupal - Lev Tsypin, Level Online Strategy Wordpress - To be determined2008-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2009-02-10 17:04:52 >;be iiess. These educational events are free of charge and specially designed for business owners.6Im33Jt\IxDA Portland: Interaction’09 Conference RecapThe Interaction Design Association (IxDA) recently held its second annual conference: Interaction’09|Vancouver. Several members of the IxDA Portland chapter attended, and we are holding an event to recap the conference. Join us to share in the inspiration, motivation, and fun. Special guest: Jared Spool!

      ISITE Design is hosting the event at their Portland office, and will provide refreshments for your enjoyment.
      2009-02-18 02:30:002009-02-10 06:30:11 >;bױYHy3)33Jt[Biznik Bowling for Food & Dollars Food Bank Food DriveJoin independent professionals and solopreneure business people in a night of networking and fund raising for the Oregon Food Bank.2009-02-13 02:00:00https://biznik.com/events/biznik-bowling-for-food-dollars-food-bank-food-drive2009-02-09 23:43:00 >2009-02-13 05:00:00ective ways to increase sales and leads through the Internet? Join Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon and learn effective tips for improving your website through Search Engine Optimization and usability best practices. SEO Musts * SEO On-page optimization tips * Inbound Linking strategies * Google Analytics Website Usability * Home Page Goals * Major Usability Issues Walk away with a better understanding of how your website can work smarter and capture the attention of the right visitors. Get proven usability tips that will turn those visitors into customers. Don't miss this presentation that will give you the tools you need to succeed on the Internet. Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 for members; $15 for non-members2009-02-20 03:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-02-09 23:40:28 =2009-02-20 05:00:00m/acrossamerica2008-10-28 20:41:27;b2008-10-29 00:00:00a stellar record of accomplishment in the fields of technology innovation and entrepreneurial investing. Vijay is the founding President of TiE-Seattle, an active angel investor and mentor to entrepreneurs – these investment include Drivecam, Pritest and Iconclude among others. He is also Managing Partner and co- founder of the Tenex India Fund, a cross-border investment hedge fund. Vijay retired from Microsoft in 2001 after a distinguished career in leading PowerPoint, MS-Project and various other product-line to commercial success crossing a span of over 19 years. An alumnus of IIT-Bombay, Cornell University and University of Chicago – School of Business, Vijay has been active on various non-profit boards including TiE Global Board of Trustees, Bellevue Community College and the Foundation for Early Learning. 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2988&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-02-09 23:37:06 ;2009-02-19 05:00:00 and technologies. Deploying w 6PdԡhԡPԡ<U_3S333PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGe*G{%3933JtZSECP's February Event | What you need to know about SEOAre you looking for cost-effDF53M33JtWThe Entrepreneurial Journey- A conversation with Vijay VasheeVijay Vashee brings WEI/3133JtTPDXPHP: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored Queries [TENTATIVE DATE/TIME]This presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-02-09 22:32:26 9JtS2009-02-11 04:00:00 HSuDOG3Q33JtYBarCampPortland Volunteer MeetingBarCampPortland will be held on May 1 & 2 at CubeSpace.

      Want to help us plan BarCampPortland or volunteer to help out on the day of the event? Show up to this meeting and / or add your name to the wiki to learn more!

      2009-02-24 01:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-02-09 21:44:12 9;bװ2009-02-24 02:30:00uCOG3Q33JtYBarCampPortland Volunteer MeetingBarCampPortland will be held on May 1 & 2 at CubeSpace.

      Want to help us plan BarCampPortland or volunteer to help out on the day of the event? Show up to this meeting and / or add your name to the wiki to learn more!

      2009-02-24 01:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-02-09 21:43:34 9;bװ2009-02-24 02:30:00 U' (1BSK3o33JtXPortland Pythoneers February MeetupPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers Lightning / talks: * VPython, Visual Python Shell (Kirby Urner) * Zine, the New Python Blog Software (Jason Kirtland) * Werkzeug (Adam Lowry) Machine Learning (John Melesky) has been postponed until the March meeting. Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/2009-02-11 03:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/2009-02-09 21:40:31 9;bׯ2009-02-11 05:00:00DA53M33JtWThe Entrepreneurial Journey- A conversation with Vijay VasheeVijay Vashee brings a stellar record of accomplishment in the fields of technology innovation and entrepreneurial investing. Vijay is the founding President of TiE-Seattle, an active angel investor and mentor to entrepreneurs – these investment include Drivecam, Pritest and Iconclude among others. He is also Managing Partner and co- founder of the Tenex India Fund, a cross-border investment hedge fund. Vijay retired from Microsoft in 2001 after a distinguished career in leading PowerPoint, MS-Project and various other product-line to commercial success crossing a span of over 19 years. An alumnus of IIT-Bombay, Cornell University and University of Chicago – School of Business, Vijay has been active on various non-profit boards including TiE Global Board of Trustees, Bellevue Community College and the Foundation for Early Learning. 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2988&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-02-09 21:37:41 >2009-02-19 05:00:0017:19:02 92008-11-20 05:00:00 ZZperformance problems for large enterprise customers across the globe. He holds @ W3U33Jr"Financing the Good" Springboard Social Innovation Forum - FREEWith economic turmoil spreading from financial markets to local communities, it’s a tough season for raising funds to start or support good causes. Join us for this free event on December 10th to explore diverse ideas and new models for “financing the good.” Panelists representing banking, angel investing, micro-philanthropy, and grant funding will discuss innovative approaches for funding social change that reflect shifts in the way their organizations do business. Specifically, they will highlight opportunities for "average" Portlanders to obtain funding for their social change projects and visions. During the workshop segment, learn tips and tricks for obtaining one of Portland's community building or environmental grants, discover how community currency can fund social change, talk with a lawyer about how to apply for a 501(c)(3), learn how a social stock market generates seed funding for launching good ideas and how to implement "sustaining strategies." Panelists: Mark Moffenbier, Shorebank Pacific Mark Holloway, Social Venture Partners Portland Amy Pearl, ChangeXchange Social Stock Market Joy Hunt, Vision into Action Grants Workshops Angela Southwick, Neighbors West-Northwest Neighborhood Grants Emily Rice, Community Watershed Stewardship Program Environmental Grants Janelle Geddes, Metro Grants John Brown, Rooms for Peace Alan Rosenblith, Community Prosper, community currency Nancy Murray, Community Development Legal Clinic The forum is sponsored by Portland-based nonprofit, Springboard Innovation. Springboard's mission is to launch community-led community change. The purpose of the forum is to empower "average" Portlanders with the resources and tools needed to take action to solve problems our society is facing. 2008-12-07 00:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2009-02-09 20:26:23 >2008-12-07 01:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyDԡ.)3-333Portl(ԡ4I#3K333Beer and Blog: What the Shit? I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic readO-3i33JqIgnite CorvallisI hope you'll join us for Ignite Corvallis in November at High Tech After Hours.

      Ignite Corvallis
      Thursday, November 13th, 2-3pm
      CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (Across from Reser Stadium)

      NOTE: Submission de(?c3U33Jr5Hunger: Springboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum is a new monthly event designed to engage community members in solving local challenges with lasting solutions. This free event promises a mix of conversation, collaboration, and professional support for social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, CSAs and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important conversation to learn where your work overlaps and supports this goal. In conjunction with the forum, nine local artists have converted refrigerators into creative statements about hunger. Their provocative art installation opens Friday, November 7th from 6-8pm at the Urban Grind and will remain on display through the month of November. Learn more about our non-profit and the monthly forum at www.springboardinnovation.org Date: November 12th (every second Wednesday) Topic: Hunger Time: 6-9pm Cost: Free Location: Urban Grind @ 2214 NE Oregon, Portland Media Contact: Amy Pearl - 503.407.84592008-11-13 02:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2009-02-09 20:26:22 >2008-11-13 05:00:00 s also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and iK-'>)w3Q3JqHBack Fence PDXOn October 22nd at 8 p.m., Back Fence PDX and storytellers Beth Lisick, Sarah Gilbert, Slim Moon, Tina Newton, Dave Jarecki, Sadie Medley and David Bragdon will take to the stage at Urban Grind East for a raucous evening of storytelling. Each of the six storytellers will tell an eight-minute, unscripted story related to this month's theme: Just Can't Get Enough; Getting Stuffed and Being Stuffed. Intermission entertainment includes belly dancing by Bellypalooza and food, wine and beer will be available.

      Presenting Our Storytellers:

      San Francisco author and Porchlight co-founder, Beth Lisick. Beth Lisick is the author of two books, Everybody into the Pool and Helping Me Help Myself.

      Sarah Gilbert was once an investment banker. Her tg the voters of the metropolitan region.Under David's leadership as Council President, the Metro Council has undertaken new initiatives to preserve natural areas and protect water quality, support thriving neighborhoods, create jobs and economic prosperity, and improve our transportation network. He's a native Portlander.

      Bellypalooza consists of members from local belly dancing troupe Tigerlillys and solo-dancer Miriam. They enjoy shiny objects, phat beats, and womanly forms.

      Back Fence PDX is the kissing cousin to San Francisco's Porchlight Storytelling Series.

      Back Fence PDX is an evening with six people telling their true eight-minute stories based on the month's theme. The stories must not have been performed publicly prior to their Back Fence PDX telling. We are also a blog with a weekly story by a writer, blogger, or someone with an unusual story about the topic.
      2008-10-23 03:00:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2009-02-09 20:26:22 >;bous and inspiring. She loves sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.

      Dave Jarecki founded Breakerboy Communications to provide strategic messaging, copy and grant writing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Writing workshops started in 2005. He likes working with kids because they're smarter and funnier than adults. Recently, a student in one of his workshops said, I have three weekends between now and next Sunday.

      Sadie Medley has her finger in a whole bunch of pies. By day, she is a freelance graphic designer and creative thinker-chick. By late afternoon she can be found teaching people to stay calm while standing on their heads. In the early evenings she sings opera, and lately, she is obsessed with becoming a voice over actor. Her mutable, and restless personality make this type of life feasible.

      David Bragdon became the Metro Council's first regionally elected President on Jan. 6, 2003, representinransition to the dotcom world looks prescient in retrospect. Now she works from home managing financial blogs for AOL and writes away the wee hours after her three little boys fall asleep.

      Slim Moon still thinks of himself as a punk rocker, after all these years. After 17 years at record labels as founder of Kill Rock Stars and later briefly working as an "A&R guy" for the Warner Music Group, Slim is happy to now be pursuing his true calling in life - helping artists he loves - in the way that best suits him - artist management. Notable artists that Slim has worked with in his life include Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, Elliott Smith, Miranda July, The Decemberists, The Gossip, and Deerhoof, among literally hundreds of others...

      Tina Newton is the founder and color genius behind Blue Moon Fiber Arts, the company that makes the perpetually popular sock yarn, Socks that Rock. Tina has a fertile imagination and the practical creativity to support it. This energy is contagi  zRanguage for the Java Pc~sK333JqThe semi-un-not-so-official Wordpress Upgrade PartyWe saw the demo at WordCamp, now lets get together for the grand launch of WordPress 2.7!
      ;bղ2007-04-29 23:00:00;)i333JnPersonal Telcohttp://www.personaltelco.net/static/index.html2007-03-29 01:00:002009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bղ2007-03-29 03:00:00:)i333JnPersonal Telcohttp://www.personaltelco.net/static/index.html2007-05-31 01:00:002009-02-09 20:26:20 >;bղ2007-05-31 03:00:00"9)G3y3JfPersonal Telcohttp://wiki.personaltelco.net2008-03-27 01:00:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/MonthlyMeeting2009-02-09 20:26:20 >;b`P8s]3U33JtVSpringboard Social Innovation Forum - Theme: CaringThe Social Innovation Forum provides a facilitated, empowering time and space for proactive community members to unite, learn, gain inspiration,  matically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Topics range all over the map - from straight-up tech to creative arts to hobbies to general knowledge topi=)Q3Q3Jp6Back Fence PDXBack Fence PDX is a storytelling series in Portland, Oregon. Six storytellers tell true, unmemorized six minute stories based on the theme True Colors.

      Storytellers include, Matt Davis, news reporter of the Portland Mercury; Adam Arnold, Fashion Designer; Adrienne Flagg Creative Director of IFCC; activist and writer, Frances Miller; Frank D'Andrea, short-story smithy and English Instructor and Reuben Nisenfeld, performance artist and writer.

      Dinner service begins at 6:30pm
      Doors open at 7:30pm
      Event admission: $7

      Location: Urban Grind NE
      2214 NE Oregon
      Portland, OR

      2008-08-14 02:30:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bpand, Developing a Caring Economy led by Real Wealth of Portland, and Caring--Inspiration to Implementation led by the Giving Tree and Community Warehouse. Guest speakers include Jane Green and Melissa Owens of Children’s Cancer Association, Amy Sacks of the Pixie Project, and Charles Lewis of Ethos Music. The forum is your chance to talk with others in the community who share your concern. And if you have an idea ready to turn into action, you’ll find experts ready to help you get started. That’s all in keeping with the goal of the Springboard Social Innovation Forum: unleashing the potential of “ordinary” citizens to address local challenges with lasting solutions. Admission $5 (includes a light supper). To learn more about Portland-based nonprofit Springboard Innovation or to find out about future forum topics, visit www.springboardinnovation.org or contact: Katherine@springboardinnovation.org 2009-02-12 01:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2009-02-09 19:43:43 >2009-02-12 05:00:00and create innovative strategies that address social and environmental problems in Portland neighborhoods. This month, the forum turns its focus to “caring.” Speakers, including Charles Lewis of Ethos Music and Amy Sacks of the Pixie Project, represent successful social entrepreneurs and people in the community who are leading community change; Workshops will review innovative trends in elevating the value of caring and how to apply these trends to your work and passion. Unfortunately, caring is something society doesn’t value much. We value numbers, and data. And we almost think caring is a weird thing to say. What does it even mean? This forum will bring caring to the forefront, and talk about how it's a wonderful thing to care, and to say you do. Do we talk about that on our websites? Do we ask others if they care? Do we acknowledge when they do? How do we help people care? When we care, do we act? Workshops: Engaging Volunteers Effectively, Efficiently, and Appreciatively led by Hands on Portl gd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group att75#3 33JrDLunch 2.0 at AboutUsBrief history lesson: We started the Portland chapter of Lunch 2.0 in February 2008, and the first installment was hosted by AboutUs. Fittingly, AboutUs will host their second Lunch 2.0 right around the one year anniversary of the Portland chapter. Swing by their SE riverfront office and visit Ray, Ward, Mark, Steven and the whole AboutUs crew. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist. Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1326795/ 2009-02-11 20:00:002009-02-09 18:36:24 9;b2009-02-11 22:00:00 n management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open sourcewԡ*m3]333Startup Workouts- Work/life P65[3 33JrDLunch 2.0 at AboutUsBrief history lesson: We started the Portland chapter of Lunch 2.0 in February 2008, and the first installment was hosted by AboutUs. Fittingly, AboutUs will host their second Lunch 2.0 right around the one year anniversary of the Portland chapter. Swing by their SE riverfront office and visit Ray, Ward, Mark, Steven and the whole AboutUs crew. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist. Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks. 2009-02-11 20:00:002009-02-09 18:35:37 9;b2009-02-11 22:00:00 when he was 18 to study for a Bachelors and Masters degree in Mathematics. He now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. An early adopter of Java, Slava wrote the popular jEdit text ee4 m3W33JtGLPC (Linux Plumbers Conference) 2009 Planning Committee meetingLinux Plumber's Conference 2009, Planning stuff.2009-02-11 02:00:00http://plumbers.linuxplumbersconf.org2009-02-09 18:19:58 ;2009-02-11 04:00:00S3I/3133JtSPDXPHP: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored Queries [TENTATIVE DATE/TIME]This presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-02-09 22:32:25 92009-02-11 04:00:00  for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product 'u3-33JqGalois Tech Talk: Slava Pestov on the Factor programming languageFactor is a programming language which has been in development for a little over 5 years. Factor is influenced by FK5?A393JtUShizzow Developers MeetupNow that the beta verison of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.
      2009-02-13 01:30:00http://dev.shizzow.com2009-02-09 18:25:28 ; ;b׭ s on interactive testing, and meta-programming. Factor also brings modern high-level language features such as garbage collection, object orientation and functional programming familiar to users of languages such as Lisp, Smalltalk and Python. Finally, recognizing that no programming language is an island, Factor is portable, ships with a full-featured standard library, deploys stand-alone binaries, and interoperates with C and Objec=2/3133JtSPDXPHP: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored QueriesThis presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-02-09 22:32:25 92009-02-11 04:00:00 SS/> If you want to do some reading in advance, here are some relevant links:
      ԡ(]3C333#Twicnic by The Sandy River: Post-Independence Day EditionEvery Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like )1==3[33JtSPDXPHP monthly meeting: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored QueriesThis presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided presented by Ernest Bonat, Ph.D. Visual WWW, Inc. www.evisualwww.com 2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/febuary2009-02-09 17:51:03 92009-02-11 04:00:00  for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation70sM3333JtRPortland Functional Programmers Study Group meetingA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-03-10 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-02-09 16:45:15 92009-03-10 04:00:007/Wi3333JtQPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-03-04 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-02-09 16:41:56 92009-03-04 05:00:00 EEda We will cover the following agile practices: Preventinl.?M3I33JtPOpen Source Test WorkshopA Meet-up for soapUI, Selenium, HTMLUnit, TestMaker

      Software developers, QA testers, and IT managers are challenged to rapidly build and test Ajax, REST, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) and Web applications in a time when schedules are short, budgets are tight, standards are few, and much of this is new technology! Find out why Tribal DDB, PepsiCo, AMD, Ford, and Premiere Global succeed with open source build and test technology and methodology as a more affordable and flexible option to the traditional test vendors.

      Learn how you can leverage an o/-)393JtOCHIFOO Meeting: How Communities Straddle, Leap, and Land on Technology Choicespresented by John Smith, CPsquare

      Can a community design its own digital habitat? Can a professional design a habitat on behalf of a AJAX and REST designs and implementations, and author of FastSOA, will lead the seminar.


      1) The why, what, and how of open-source build and test tools vs. traditional tools

      2) Building applications with Rich Internet Application technology without learning JavaScript

      3) Testing using record/playback and scripting tools

      4) Identifying and solving performance bottlenecks in Rich Internet Applications (Web 2.0 and Ajax)

      5) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) testing

      6) Questions and Answers

      Every attendee will receive fully working copies of the Open Source Test tools, including Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, and many others taught in this class.

      Guarantee Your Seat! Register now at:

      2009-02-18 16:00:00http://workshop.pushtotest.com2009-02-09 08:09:42 >;bת2009-02-18 20:00:00pen source software platform that develops products and services for rapid rich Internet application (RIA)/AJAX development on a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Learn how you can leverage open-source testing tools (Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, HTMLUnit) for functional testing, load and performance testing, and business service monitoring, with more flexibility than traditional solutions provide.

      Register Now For The FREE workshop

      Friday, January 30, 2009
      8:00 am to 12:00 pm
      Cupertino, California

      Additional dates and cities available:
      Salt Lake City, Utah, February 18
      Portland, Oregon, March 11
      Orlando, Florida, May 6
      San Francisco, California, June 1
      Las Vegas, California, June 9

      Register now at:

      Frank Cohen, the leading authority for testing and optimizing software developed with Web, SOA, eet

      6:30 pm
      Registration, networking, and announcements at CubeSpace

      7:00 pm
      Program followed by questions and answers, and the rafffle.

      CHIFOO is the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon. We are the local chapter of the ACM, the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group devoted to computer usability. We usually meet the first Wed. of the month at Cubespace, but always check the schedule at chifoo.org..
      Ticket Info: FREE for CHIFOO member; $5 non-members. Membership is only $20 and offers benefits galore!
      Buy Tickets
      2009-02-12 03:00:00http://www.chifoo.org/2009-02-09 08:04:02 9;bשcommunity?

      Designing for a community is much harder than designing for a solitary individual. A digital habitat includes all the tools and the practices that enable a community to work and reproduce itself. It’s produced collectively, even though it’s experienced individually.

      This talk will explore how digital habitats vary across different contexts such as a company intranet, a mostly face-to-face community like CHIFOO, and a mostly online community like Planet Ubuntu.

      We’ll discuss some case studies of communities and the evolution of their digital habitats, exploring fundamental design tensions, kinds of tool integration, and the nature of technology stewardship.

      Find out more details about John and his work at our website >>


      5:00 pm
      CHIFOOd — join us for dinner at East Bank Saloon across the str 11nomic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Ste7oo 3y33JqAMA: Interactive Trends - Where to Place Your Bet2008-10-2K,U53/3JtNOurPDX February author/reader meetupJoin us for our roving monthly author/reader meetup - we'll be at the Davis Street Tavern for February! We'll be in the back at a big table & will try to have some identifying signage/plumage so you can recognize us...

      They've graciously agreed to let us order off the happy hour menu, even though we'll be in the dining room proper - there are several 5 dollar appetizer choices plus wine pours.

      We'll provide some appetizers for all to share, but you're on your own for your drinks/anything extra food-wise.

      Come join us!
      2009-02-11 01:00:00http://ourpdx.net2009-02-09 08:01:53 >P;bר ||neJm]3Q3JqPortland Open Coffee Club - October 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

      The Portland Open Coffee Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at Backspace at 10 am.

      Read more at http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/
      2008-10-29 17:00:00http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/2008-10-27 15:49:40;b lq3-33JqSocial N+Km3E33JtMPortland Code Camp v4.0 KickoffWe're getting together to kick off planning for Portland Code Camp v4.0, happening this May 30/31 at Lewis & Clark College. If you're interested in volunteering to help make Code Camp a reality here in PDX, please join us!
      2009-02-11 03:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org/2009-02-09 08:01:45 >;bק2009-02-11 05:00:00 00ck 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guestR7e3 33Jq Calagator Code SprintJoin us to work on adding features and improving Calagator! We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Some possible tasks for the sprint include adding creation and editing of recurring evL);3c33JtKconcrete5 local meetingConcrete5 is an amazing content management system that just went open source last year. The community is taking off and the core developers are here in portland. Come drink a lot of beer and have a lot of fun at a casual get together where we can all let off steam. Don't bring your Macbook, bring your thirst. 2009-02-13 01:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/index.php?cID=44552009-02-07 16:07:57 >O2009-02-13 05:00:00 nntist has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place f(q3 33Jr"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. Effective self-organizing teams rely on personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this hands-on workshop, we'll discover the secrets to developing the skills you need to succeed and lead on a self-organizing team.
      Ticket Info: $1500Buy Tickets
       2009-02-24 16:00:00http://www.agileuniversity.org/course_details.jsp?courseid=1312009-02-06 22:21:44 ;;bY2009-02-27 01:00:00. She has taught logo design and symbolism as visual literacy for nearly 15 years at the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA), and is past president of the Communication Artists of New Mexico. Maggie gives workshops on using symbolism in design, and consults with clients on developing strategic and creative identities to most effectively express their brand. Maggie will be speaking in the Gallery here at The Art Institute of Portland beginning at 7 PM on Thursday, February 12th. If you wish to attend this special event, please RSVP to Allena Baker at abbaker@aii.edu (limited seating available). Her new book, Decoding Design: Understanding and Using Symbols in Visual Communication, was released worldwide in February 2008 and has received 5-star reviews nationally and internationally. It is a winner for Best Reference from the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards and Book of the Year from DT&G Magazine. 2009-02-13 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1776108/2009-02-06 16:54:23 ;2009-02-13 04:00:00 DD'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyԡvԡwԡxԡzԡ}ԡԡԡԡ(uK333JqNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment StrategyNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment Strategy Date: Fri, Oct 24th Time: 9:00am-10:30am Location: Webinar Cost: $30 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/24/2008 Topic: Niche Recruiting: RA&3w3]33JtJSymbolism in DesignMaggie Macnab has been an identity designer and strategic visual communicator for over 25 years. Her work has been published in national and international design industry publications and hardback books on design-as well as taken international honors-for nearly that same amount of timeS%173C33JtFOpen Source BridgeOpen Source Bridge is a three-day open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen. In order to create a conference that promotes cross-pollination as well as providing space for in-depth discussion, the tracks are divided into the following five areas: Cooking: Useful recipes for software development, systems administration, and working with open source. Chemistry: Understanding how our systems work, in order to improve and extend. Business: Building open source businesses that thrive. Culture: Exploring how open source extends through technology into our communities. Hacks: Tinkering, experimenting and bending the rules to make hardware and software do what we want. The final day of the conference will be structured in an unconference format, to allow participants to reflect and build on the previous days' discussions.2009-06-17 15:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-02-06 16:53:42 92009-06-19 23:30:008-11-06 19:00:00 ns in three US cifn;K3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentatioem;I3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentatioal is to have as many cities around the world on February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

      By rallying together globally, under short timescales, for a single aim on the same day, the Twestival hopes to bring awareness to this global crisis. charity: water is a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations by funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need.

      Right now 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many communities in developing nations often have a plentiful supply of clean drinking water just below the ground, but no way to get to it.
      2009-02-12 08:00:00http://portland.twestival.com/2009-02-06 06:23:20 >J;bף/www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland" rel="nofollow">Registration required.

      Check-in and networking starts at 9:30am.

      Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the Cre8Camp Portland web site for more information.

      To see photos from the last Cre8Camp Portland, click here.

      Cre8Camp is a nonprofit event.
      Ticket Info: $10 prior to March 1st, $20 after that
      Buy Tickets
      2009-03-07 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-02-06 08:07:12 ;b;bפ2009-03-07 23:00:00 |8D|, and fair reporting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring buD$Km3W33JtGLPC 2009 Planning Committee MTGLinux Plumber's Conference 2009, Planning stuff.2009-02-11 02:00:00http://plumbers.linuxplumbersconf.org2009-02-06 16:04:46 ;2009-02-11 04:00:00l#3E3]33JtICre8Camp Portland 3Cre8Camp Portland is an unconference for creative industries professionals. It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. 2009-02-11 04:00:00 \\be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, DO| 333JqAeA: Energy Costs - M5%3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: Wm Leler's Bertrand constraint languageA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

      This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation".

      Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's Th jq:ԡP753333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-27 04$ 1[3C33JtFOpen Source BridgeAn open source developers' conference. 2009-06-17 15:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-02-06 03:02:45 92009-06-19 23:30:00Y#3K3JtEPortland Werewolf - February GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

      If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.

      Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
      2009-02-12 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-02-06 01:20:48 ; ;bעingLab (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain.

      Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful.

      2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-02-06 00:42:19 92009-02-10 05:00:00 success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We'll discuss shnc%3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

      This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation".

      Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's Th uuonly come with experience. The good news? Gaining that experience is easier than you might think. Join cG3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

      This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation".

      Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's, -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's ThingLab (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build domain-specific constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain.

      Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful.

      2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-02-05 18:32:33 92009-02-10 05:00:00 rr don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1stcM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

      This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation".

      Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's, -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's ThingLab (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build domain-specific constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain.

      Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful.

      2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-02-05 18:32:02 92009-02-10 05:00:00 realityporn.u.yuku.com/]tube porn tube porn[/url] ebony porn mature asian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]ebony porn mature asian porn[/url] pokemon porn gay lesbian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]pokemon porn gay lesbian porn[/url] paris hilton naked paris hilton desnudAY[3M33JtDBeer and Blog - Field trip to EastBurnSkee Ball!!!!!!! Need I say more?
      2009-02-07 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-02-05 16:53:36 >;bס2009-02-07 02:00:00[/C3I33JrMIgnite Portland 5If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com/2009-02-05 13:36:48 :s2009-02-20 05:00:00 ))ree paris hilton video paris hiSY3K33JtCPortland Area Robotics Society MeetingWe are an Oregon non-profit formed to help those interested in robots. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.

      PARTS yahoo group is a lively forum for public interchange on robotics. Check it out and join the group.

      Whether online or in person, we offer an active group of people building robots who are willing to help out anyone who also wants to learn about and build robots.

      Upcoming Meeting - February 7, 2009

      1. Continued discussion of club direction
      2. Show & Tell (bring your works in progress and interesting tidbits)
      3. OSU Robotics group aerial robotics demo
      4. Tabletop challenge for line maze in preparation for March
      5. Apres-bot at HotLips Pizza
      2009-02-07 18:30:00http://www.portlandrobotics.org2009-02-05 06:58:26 >2009-02-07 21:30:00  porn ultra porn star[/url] free paris hilton sex video paris hilton sex video [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]free paris hilton sex video paris hilton sex video[/url] paris hilton sex paris hilton film [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]paris hilton sex paris hilton film[/url] porn clip porn clip [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]porn clip porn clip[/url] ebony porn free midget porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]ebony porn free midget porn[/url] celeb porn teen anal porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]celeb porn teen anal porn[/url] free paris hX u3133JtAPortland Perl Mongers: Perl in the 21st Century -- Eric Wilhelm I started using Perl just over six years ago, when 5.6.2 was already getting old and 5.8.1 was on the way. By the time I put my first module on the CPAN, over half of the current contributors had already shipped. I have often read the source of a core module aZua3c33Jt5[CANCELLED] CloudCampPDX Initial Planning DiscussionCancelled due to too many conflicts. Will reschedule in the near future. A few people around Portland have been talking about trying to have one of these new-fangled unconferences focused on cloud computing. Let's get together and see if we can pull it off. We'll have an initial meeting to discuss some ideas, figure out possible venues, timing, sponsorship needs, etc. Come prepared with ideas and suggestions. 2009-02-05 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cloudcamppdx2009-02-05 00:37:15 :H2009-02-05 04:30:00 informative webinar on the new Software Association of Oregon Healthcare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 2009. You can participate in this valuable online presentation thorough the convenience of the internet on either of the following dates and times. Webinar Topics * Regence Health Plans for SAO groups with 2 or more employees * Regence Health Plans for SAO sole practitioners (1 person firms) * Regence Prescription Drug Plans * Regence Vision Plan * Regence Complimentary Care * Regence Dental Plan * Regence Life + Disability Insurance * LifeBalance Program * Benefit Services FREE TO ATTEND, PLEASE EMAIL stephanie.el-hajj(at)sao(dot)org2009-02-10 18:00:00https://regence.webex.com/mw0305l/mywebex/default.do?service=1&siteurl=regence&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Fmc0800l%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Dregence%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D112571842%26UID%3D1037641932%26Host%3D0d0101435f715e4046%26FrameSet%3D22009-02-05 00:30:29 :2009-02-10 19:00:00-23 16:00:002008-10-22 18:37:13 =#;bls? Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of CommerceDate: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 20:27:262009-03-05 18:00:00  and products. With software businesses , especially web based services, the ability to evolve is much more rapid, and coupled with the availability of qua uW 3533Jq Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle (tentative)2008-11-18 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-10-23 17:22:49 92Yu_3c33Jt5[CANCELLED] CloudCampPDX Initial Planning DiscussionA few people around Portland have been talking about trying to have one of these new-fangled unconferences focused on cloud computing. Let's get together and see if we can pull it off. We'll have an initial meeting to discuss some ideas, figure out possible venues, timing, sponsorship needs, etc. Come prepared with ideas and suggestions. Cancelled due to too many conflicts. Will reschedule in the near future.2009-02-05 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cloudcamppdx2009-02-05 00:36:59 :H2009-02-05 04:30:00 BBon't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Detail<UK3[33Jt@SAO HealthCare Informational WebinarYou are cordially invited to participate in anC3]33Jt>Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518845/ ] SAO's Marketing + Sales + International SIGs presents "Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally”, a morning panel event at the Governor Hotel and “Best Practices and Networking” , an evening networking event at the Rogue. Those who attend both events may enter to win a free SAO program pass. Oregon exported over $16.5 billion in goods and services in 2007, accounting for 10.4% of total GDP. With those numbers certain to grow, it's time to consider how you can increase your global sales pipeline. Economic challenges, the weak dollar, and globalization make it imperative that companies consider the opportunity to accelerat //www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html">soft268 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft268[/url] soft235 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft235[/url] video156 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video156[/urt GA3]33Jt=Best Practices and Networking[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773495/ ] SAO's Marketing + Sales + International SIGs presents "Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally” , a morning panel event at the Governor Hotel and “Best Practices and Networking”, an evening networking event at the Rogue. Those who attend both events may enter to win a free SAO program pass. Please RSVP! #SAOpdx #MSIG #ISIG #international #networking2009-02-10 13:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773495/2009-02-04 23:56:34 >;bנ2009-02-10 13:00:00 ||[url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft96[/url] 2009-02-06 05:00:00es.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html">soft9 PRESENTATION Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data-- even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior membe Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. ****************************************************************** Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland 2009-01-09 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-04 21:50:49 <2009-01-09 05:00:00url] video357 [url=http://www.geoclable at: http://www.deer-run.com/~hal/IntroToDigitalForensics.pdf (2) Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. ******************************************************************* Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: Jax is no longer available. We will discuss where to go - probably back to the Lucky Lab.) 2009-01-09 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-04 21:49:05 <2009-01-09 05:00:00 ists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD CRos333Jt'"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory TheatrePlease come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, DoEQ=c3]33Jt "Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory Theatre @ The Blue Room at the Scottish oPks33Jt'"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory Theatre @ The Blue Room at the Scottish Rite TemplePlease come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alex x ttp://www.oen.org/events_seed.aspx. The audience favorite will be mentioned on the OEN blog. After the judges select the winner by voting: wO3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics Ɉ U3333JsGPortland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions on Any Topic ʌ|K3333JsGPortland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions on Any Topic Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. Note: (1) The slides for the presentation are avai d inspiring. She loves sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.

      Dave Jarecki founded Breakerboy Communications to provide strategic messaging, copy and grant writing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Writing workshops started in 2005. He likes working with kids because they're smarter and funnier than adults. Recently, a student in one of his workshops said, I have three weekends between now and next Sunday.

      Sadie Medley has her finger in a whole bunch of pies. By day, she is a freelance graphic designer and creative thinker-chick. By late afternoon she can be found teaching people to stay calm while standing on their heads. In the early Q3C33JsOpen Source Bridge Content MeetingOpen Source Bridge Conference content committee meeting. Agenda here: http://osbp-wiki.pragmaticraft.com/teams/content/meetingagenda2009-02-13 03:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-02-04 06:36:16 92009-02-13 05:00:00 ++voters of the metropolitan regionQo 3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each story. This practice helps uncover assumptions and confirm that everyone has a shared understanding of what “done” looks like. During implementation, the technical team automates the natural-language Acceptance Tests by writing code to wire them up to the emerging software. In this way, ATDD tests become executable requirements. This session is a demonstration of the full ATDD workflow from initial discussions through final demo, and everything in between."2009-02-19 03:00:00http://xpdx.org2009-02-04 12:10:33 92009-02-19 04:30:00 ++ion to the dotcom world looks preQo 3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each story. This practice helps uncover assumptions and confirm that everyone has a shared understanding of what “done” looks like. During implementation, the technical team automates the natural-language Acceptance Tests by writing code to wire them up to the emerging software. In this way, ATDD tests become executable requirements. This session is a demonstration of the full ATDD workflow from initial discussions through final demo, and everything in between."2009-02-04 03:00:00http://xpdx.org2009-02-04 05:01:47 92009-02-19 04:30:00 __Hԡ!A13333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:0720+ԡw93 333White Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative CityJoin the UO Portland programs and aVԡIe3]333MagicSeth: The Online MagicianCheck ou5333Jt9Bash scripting classFree Geek is offering a bash scripting class, and I am teaching it. Six tuesdays, starting February 17, from 5:00 to 6:30. We will start with source file editing and version control, move on to variables, loops, conditionals, functions, input/output, and sqlite over the course of six weeks. If you want to register, call/ email Free Geek and they will give you the low down. Although it is technically free, I am asking that all gainfully employed students donate to FG, with $150.00 for all six classes 2009-02-18 01:00:00http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Intro_to_Bash_Scripting2009-02-04 01:58:05 92009-02-18 02:30:00 __ cos8n[3s33Jq*Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings mMg3G33JqDLegion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over5333Jt9Bash scripting classFree Geek is offering a bash scripting class, and I am teaching it. Six tuesdays, starting February 17, from 5:00 to 6:30. We will start with source file editing and version control, move on to variables, loops, conditionals, functions, input/output, and sqlite over the course of six weeks. If you want to register, call/ email Free Geek and they will give you the low down. Although it is technically free, I am asking that all gainfully employed students donate to FG, with $150.00 for all six classes 2009-02-18 01:00:00http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Intro_to_Bash_Scripting2009-02-04 00:25:10 >2009-02-18 02:30:00   in’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists.


      These six musical forms enlighten human nature in a way you will never forget.

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings with his own sometimes hilarious experiences as a musician, Levitin showcases how the brain evsWa3333Js`Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingA user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Presentations will include: * Monty Williams of GemStone's MagLev Alpha * Jesse Hallett on Rack, middleware and its role in Rails 2.3 * Don Park on OAuth and the Rails plugin * Dane Jensen on EventMachine and Thin * M. Edward (Ed) Borasky on Ruby 1.9.1 performance comparisons * ...and much more!2009-02-04 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-02-03 22:35:58 92009-02-04 05:00:00 0ԡqg3W333PBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic &ԡ}Ys3g333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMontly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be electing one position on the Board of Directors this month.2009-07-30 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJuly20092009-06-24 04:37:372009-06-24 04:37:37 >2009-07-30 03:00:00Oԡ|E31333EsoZone: Mutant UnconferenceEsoZone is a free q[3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-27 17:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 22:24:39 >2009-01-27 18:00:00arketing Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2009. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-02-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 22:22:58 >2009-02-05 17:00:00/>2008-10-24 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-10-19 23:49:49 =;b2008-10-24 02:30:00ons. Our knowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, team-building event, birthday party, or more, our event accommodations are endless. Our private rooms offer state-of-the-art Audio Visual capabilities, flat-screen Plasma televisions, and high speed internet connections. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Members online: Free. Members at the Door: $5.00. Non-Members online: $5.00. Non-Members at the Door: $10.00. Advance registration at www.portlandalliance.com highly recommended. Registration will close at 3:00 February 16th, 2009 for this event. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-17 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 21:00:462009-02-17 17:00:0008-10-19 07:40:59 <;b2008-12-03 07:00:00is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Portland Business Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. ShopTalk Showcase's host on February 17th is Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge. Conveniently located near Portland’s downtown district, Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge can provide events with unparalleled versatility. Used alone or combined, their modern meeting spaces create a spectacular atmosphere for events both large and small. Reserve a private conference room, an exclusive Billiards area, a cozy Fireside Lounge, or our VIP Bowling Lounge. For groups from 10 to 1,000, Grand Central provides friendly, professional, and attentive service. Grand Central strives to create a welcoming and comfortable facility for all your guests. We provide entertaining and dynamic bowling and billiards, while offering extraordinary menu and beverage options. Our knowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, team-building event, birthday party, or more, our event accommodations are endless. Our private rooms offer state-of-the-art Audio Visual capabilities, flat-screen Plasma televisions, and high speed internet connections. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Members online: Free. Members at the Door: $5.00. Non-Members online: $5.00. Non-Members at the Door: $10.00. Advance registration at www.portlandalliance.com highly recommended. Registration will close at 3:00 February 16th, 2009 for this event. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-17 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 21:00:012009-02-17 17:00:0008-10-19 07:08:44 <;b2008-10-22 02:00:00is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Portland Business Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. ShopTalk Showcase's host on February 17th is Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge. Conveniently located near Portland’s downtown district, Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge can provide events with unparalleled versatility. Used alone or combined, their modern meeting spaces create a spectacular atmosphere for events both large and small. Reserve a private conference room, an exclusive Billiards area, a cozy Fireside Lounge, or our VIP Bowling Lounge. For groups from 10 to 1,000, Grand Central provides friendly, professional, and attentive service. Grand Central strives to create a welcoming and comfortable facility for all your guests. We provide entertaining and dynamic bowling and billiards, while offering extraordinary menu and beverage opti m rsQ3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-13 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 22:24:38 >2009-01-13 17:00:00uK3K33Jt3Cornerstones Coversations: E-Marketing Your BusinessCornerstones Conversations: E-MՐ3z 3K33Jt7ShopTalk Showcase at Grand Central Restaurant and Bowling LoungeShopTalk Showcase א3y 3K33Jt7ShopTalk Showcase at Grand Central Restaurant and Bowling LoungeShopTalk Showcase ىxo_3M33Jt6Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and BarBusiness After Hours, presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar (800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. Members: $8 online, $10 at the door. Non – Members: $15 online, $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com.2009-02-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:52:182009-02-12 03:00:00er Portland's Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar (800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. Members: $8 online, $10 at the door Non – Members: $15 online, $20 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com.2009-02-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:52:012009-02-12 03:00:00 Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar (800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. 2009-02-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:51:042009-02-12 03:00:0015:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-17 15:42:15 :$2008-11-13 17:00:00 Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar(800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. 2009-02-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:50:492009-02-12 03:00:00 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-17 16:40:11 <2008-11-12 02:00:00 Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar(800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. 2009-02-03 21:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:49:17 >2009-02-03 22:00:0000:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-17 16:39:34 <2008-11-11 08:00:00 dBddrepreneur must consider when forming an advisory board: * Forming 74Ywo[3M33Jt6Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and BarBusiness After Hours, presented by Portland Business Alliance (Great܇lvo)3M33Jt6Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and BarBusiness After Hours, presented by݇kuo'3M33Jt6Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and BarBusiness After Hours, presented byއoto'3M33Jt6Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and BarBusiness After Hours, presented byߋ2s;k3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Rose Room Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:44:292009-02-10 17:00:00 LHLe-scale industrial setting. In this talk, I will discuss how a cxr]53c33Jt5CloudCampPDX Initial Planning DiscussionA few people around Portland have been talking about trying to have one of these new-fangled unconferences focused on cloud computing. Let's get together and see if we can pull it off. We'll have an initial meeting to discuss some ideas, figure out possible venues, timing, sponsorship needs, etc. Come prepared with ideas and suggestions. 2009-02-05 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cloudcamppdx2009-02-03 20:43:50 :H2009-02-05 04:30:00,q;W3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable busi De, an annual artist-run holiday sale. All vendors participating in this sale will donate 10% of their profits to the Orego2p;c3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business l0o;_3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable businessness leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:35:05 >2009-02-10 17:00:00eads. This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:34:37 >2009-02-10 17:00:00n, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH, 2009. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:33:25 >2009-02-10 17:00:00 leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:34:11 >2009-02-10 17:00:00 ,,s collaborative installations, andPv-33=33JsQBeaver Barcamp 3BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Please use our registration page so we can get an accurate count. Event Information: We will be posting updates via our twitter account @beaverbarcamp, and don't forget to join the Google group to get important notifications about the event! Connect on live chat via IRC - irc.freenode.net, #BeaverBarCamp. We also have a //beaverbarcamp.org/wiki Wiki for you to use. We'll be organizing the presentations between 10-11AM and start presentations shortly after wards. Lunch and Dinner will be provided for free (Please thank our Sponsors!). We'll also have a limited amount of shirts available, but you need to make sure and register in order to get one for free.2009-04-04 01:00:00http://beaverbarcamp.org2009-03-14 22:40:01 >U;bg2009-04-05 06:00:00 //hose interested in learning about and building robots. * Oregon Regency Society, Popular Library Our group embraces civil, polite society, unified by a common love; the Regency Period.We adore the worlds that Jane Austen's winding, brilliantly written tales portray, depicting a timeMYCw3]33JtSAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certification Program will CERTIFY (on 1 of 4 levels of competency) Your Sales Team's Ability To: # Improve Their Lead-to-Close Ratio # Produce ROI-based Proposals of Their Software/Service # Maintain Critical Operating Margins By Selling Value Over Price # Eliminate Discounting to Get the Deal # Avoid Commoditization # Find and Invest Their Time in QUALIFIED Opportunities # Increase Competitive Wins through Professional Differentiation #SAOpdx #OTN #Sales2009-04-08 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/2009-02-24 02:50:18 :A;b2009-04-08 06:00:00ons: E-Marketing Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2009. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-02-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:24:37 >2009-02-05 17:00:00uts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full summer schedul_arketing Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2009. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-02-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:25:34 >2009-02-05 17:00:00r />2008-10-19 21:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2008-10-13 23:56:36 ;b;b2008-10-19 23:00:00 even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior member of the Faculty for the SANS Institute, Hal developed the SANS "Step-by-Step" course model and currently serves as the track coordinator and primary instructor for the SANS/GIAC Linux/Unix Security Certification track (GCUX). In 2001 he was given the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award for his teaching and leadership in the field of System Administration. 2009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-03 19:09:18 >2009-02-06 05:00:00 b releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What'sluK3K33Jt3Cornerstones Coversations: E-Marketing Your BusinessCornerstones Conversations: E-M ku[3K33Jt3Cornerstones Coversations: E-Marketing Your Business Cornerstones ConversatiTjum3K33Jt3Cornerstones Coversations: E-Marketing Your Business Cornerstones Conversati3#iw!3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics PRESENTATION Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data--  Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior inAԡ^] 3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' Group2008-12-11 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.$[}3g33Jq!OMEN 2008 NW Summit on EntrepreneurshipJoin us October 16-17th as we bring together the best minds in the Northwest to learn about innovations and best practices to help entrepr0h!3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics [new venue] PRESENTATION Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data-- even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior member of the Faculty for the SANS Institute, Hal developed the SANS "Step-by-Step" course model and currently serves as the track coordinator and primary instructor for the SANS/GIAC Linux/Unix Security Certification track (GCUX). In 2001 he was given the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award for his teaching and leadership in the field of System Administration. 2009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-03 18:52:30 >2009-02-06 05:00:00 even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior member of the Faculty for the SANS Institute, Hal developed the SANS "Step-by-Step" course model and currently serves as the track coordinator and primary instructor for the SANS/GIAC Linux/Unix Security Certification track (GCUX). In 2001 he was given the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award for his teaching and leadership in the field of System Administration. 2009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-03 17:42:55 >2009-02-06 05:00:00 he feature presentations by Oasis Diagnostics, Ninkasi, Inc. and Anna Cohen, Inc. You'll also hea ! w333JqAeA: Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the FutureFinance Networking Event Date: Oct 15, 2008 Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the Future Energy costs have increased dramatically over the past year and experts widely agree energy costs will become a key business consideration as worldwide #ew!3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics PRESENTATION Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data-- even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior member of the Faculty for the SANS Institute, Hal developed the SANS "Step-by-Step" course model and currently serves as the track coordinator and primary instructor for the SANS/GIAC Linux/Unix Security Certification track (GCUX). In 2001 he was given the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award for his teaching and leadership in the field of System Administration. 2009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-03 09:35:12 <2009-02-06 05:00:00  10th Anniversary, this annual meeting will feature an expanded set of trainings for the economic development professional. Speakers Michael Shuman, author of "The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses are Beating the Global Competition" and Vice President for Enterprise Development for TDC (Training & Development Corporation) Kim Pate, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships & Administration at CFED (Corporation For E0f!3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics [new venue] PRESENTATION Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data--of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

      RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki. You can also follow our updates at @RCCamp

      RCC is held over the course of three days, with participants welcome to come and go as they please. The schedule is...

      Friday: 9:30 am, Opening circle. Unconference sessions, a break for lunch, and then some more sessions before we close for the evening.

      Saturday: 9:30 Morning news / re-opening circle, sessions, lunch, and the evening news / circle

      Sunday: 9:30 am Morning news, fifth sessions, closing circle, 3:00 pm, cleanup, etc.
      2009-02-20 17:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-03 04:03:55 =;b2009-02-22 23:00:00 2arch Engine Optimization Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may seem confusing. Title tags. Keyword relevancy. Rich content. Link 0dWC3K33Jt+PDXPUG: PostgreSQL Data VisualizationMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Ed Borasky will be speaking about Data Visualization. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-03 04:33:53 92009-02-20 05:00:00oc9o3333Jt0RecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born Ob)G3333Jt/Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is the last Wiki Wednesday before RecentChangesCamp (Feb 20-22), and consider this something of a pre-party for RCC. Please come, partake of beer and snacks, and talk wiki with us.2009-02-05 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-02-03 03:44:52 92009-02-05 05:30:00 YYestion or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment ons9[o3#33JqSustaNa)E3333Jt/Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is the last Wiki Wednesday before RecentChangesCamp (Feb 20-22), and consider this something of a pre-party of RCC. Please come, partake of beer and snacks, and talk wiki with us.2009-02-05 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-02-03 03:41:33 92009-02-05 05:30:00Q`)K3333Jt/Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is the last Wiki Wednesday before RecentChangesCamp (Feb 20-22), and consider this something for a pre-party of RCC. Please come, partake of beer and snacks, and talk wiki with us. 2009-02-03 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-02-03 03:41:32 92009-02-03 05:30:00olarships, apprenticeships, classes and other programs. WHEN: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 11:30-1 p.m. [Guests may arrive as early at 11:30 a.m. for an optional social time and the luncheon and program will run from noon to 1:00 p.m.] WHERE: Oregon Zoo Cascade Crest Banquet Center 4001 SW Canyon Road Portland, OR 97221 COST: No cost; donations accepted; reservations required; table sponsorships available WHY: Saturday Academy has served more than 145,000 children across the Portland metro area since its founding in 1983. Its goal is to nourish the natural curiosity, innovation, and wonder in children. Saturday Academy connects kids with technology and professionals in their fields, otherwise unavailable to them. Students explore topics with hands-on activities, yet without tests or homework. The result is a pipeline of young people interested in advanced careers critical to our state's future economy. 2009-04-23 18:30:00http://www.saturdayacademy.org2009-02-02 21:44:30 :$2009-04-23 20:00:00 NNNetworks, Tejas Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiatives which leverage the Global connection. For example the “Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation” at MIT has announced an International Initiative. Akshaya Patra, an NGO in Ind.\O3w33Jt,Working Together through Challenging Times: Turning Ideas into Action Community Building WorkshopLet’s “Work Together Through Challenging Times!” Come turn ideas into action at a Community Building Workshop on February 7th. Meet others who are interested in building positive relationships with neighbors and supporting one another. You will have the opportunity to work through an idea development process and create an action plan to benefit the community as a whole. Everyone has something positive to contribute. Make a difference!
      2009-02-07 21:00:00http://www.ourunitedvillages.org/workingtogether.html2009-02-02 18:52:50 >;bמ2009-02-08 01:00:00 ans#333JqAEA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for e[C3K33Jt+PDXPUGMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Ed Borasky will be speaking about Data Visualization. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-02 17:40:51 92009-02-20 05:00:00ZC3K33Jt+PDXPUGMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Ed Borasky will be speaking about Data Visualization. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-02 17:39:58 >2009-02-20 05:00:00YC3K33Jt+PDXPUGMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Ed Borasky will be speaking about Data Visualization. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-02 17:39:12 >2009-02-20 05:00:00 @orks, Tejas Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiaUXwe3S33Jt*PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-01 See website for more details.2009-02-13 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5042009-02-02 17:35:20 <2009-02-13 05:00:00UWwe3S33Jt*PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-01 See website for more details.2009-02-13 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5042009-02-02 17:28:57 >2009-02-13 05:00:00

      Ticket Info: $35 regular, $22.40 students
      Buy Tickets
      2009-02-01 22:00:00http://www.artistsrep.org/box-office/fertile-ground/vitriol--violets.aspx2009-02-01 11:54:35 >;bד2009-02-02 00:00:00  6Հǽ R&jJX-et0 hԡJU3-333[CANCELED!] Portland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typicaPԡYI3;333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Revealing the mysteries of successful blogs 1)John Goalby will explain the mysteries:K333JqSelling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "SellinggTW 3q33Jt)Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingFirst weekly meeting of the Personal Telco Project of February.2009-02-05 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200902042009-02-02 07:17:24 >2009-02-05 04:00:00Si 3-3Jt(Let's Make Money - Portland Web InnovatorsCarolynn Duncan (@hundreddollar) will discuss bootstrapping and web business. Bring your questions, ideas and experiences.
      2009-02-05 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2009-02-02 05:21:09 9;bם d with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture+U#3333JtTrust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation's founders and exciting project to Oregon. Discover this imperative "public digital works project" of the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation. The OSDV Foundation is a Silicon Valley based public benefits corporation whose mission is to work to restore trust in how America votes through the design, development, and demonstration of open source digital voting technology. Join us to learn details about the "TrustTheVote Project," a well funded non-profit effort which has been under the radar for 2 years. The OSDV Foundation is nowTemple[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/ ] Please come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, February 1st at 2 pm. The performance is held a block from the ART stage, at the Blue Room of the Scottish Rite Temple.2009-02-01 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/2009-02-01 11:47:41 >;bדJt'2009-02-01 22:00:00, complete with sample for % ecklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD M3OgU3/33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' monthly meetingThis will be the second meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. 2009-02-26 03:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-02-01 06:13:02 92009-02-26 05:00:00ander Woollcott, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, February 1st at 2 pm. The performance is held a block from the ART stage, at the Blue Room of the Scottish Rite Temple.
      Ticket Info: $35 regular, $22.40 students
      Buy Tickets
      2009-02-01 22:00:00http://www.artistsrep.org/box-office/fertile-ground/vitriol--violets.aspx2009-02-01 11:46:38 >;bד p>


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery willq' 3533Jp?RubyConf 20082008-11-06 17:00:00http://rubyconf.org/2008-10-12 23:42:57 ;2008-11-09 00:00:00!W+3E33JqLunch & Learn: Technology RoadmappingLunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Date: Thu, Nov 6th Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Location: Portland State BusisNI=3]33Jt&LWV: John Kaufmann on Peak Oil[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/ ] League of Women Voters to Host Presentation on Peak Oil - Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy An ther you call it strategic product development, technology forecasting, or something else, planning your company's technzMe/3]33Jt%Micro-climates and Soils as living organisms[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/ ] As part of the study group for The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow. This time around we will be covering ... * Chapter 5 is on Climates and microclimates * Chpater 6 is on Soils as living organisms. We will also determine how many chapters to cover for next month. We'll also talk again about observations you have made in the past month, and some general questions if anyone has them. People who are not reading the "EUGP" are welcome to attend these sessions, but it is strongly advised because you will get a lot more out of reading the book and doing the exercises than without.2009-02-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/2009-01-31 20:07:02 >[;bכ2009-02-05 03:00:00  don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pzKe/3]33Jt%Micro-climates and Soils as living organisms[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/ ] As part of the study group for The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow. This time around we will be covering ... * Chapter 5 is on Climates and microclimates * Chpater 6 is on Soils as living organisms. We will also determine how many chapters to cover for next month. We'll also talk again about observations you have made in the past month, and some general questions if anyone has them. People who are not reading the "EUGP" are welcome to attend these sessions, but it is strongly advised because you will get a lot more out of reading the book and doing the exercises than without.2009-02-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/2009-01-31 16:34:45 >;bכ2009-02-05 03:00:00alyst with the Oregon Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. Peak oil is the premise that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. Mr. Kaufmann will discuss evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent; alternative forms of energy; the likely impacts of peak oil on society; and possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufmann has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the Oregon Department of Energy for 25 years. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and the primary author of the report.2009-02-11 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/2009-01-31 16:38:30 >;bל2009-02-11 02:00:00  Your Recruitment Strategy Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Many industries will be affected by labor shortages ad the ability to fill vacancies. By 2012 our workforce will be reduced by 3.3 million workers. Outsourcing and difficult economic times add an interesting component to attractions, selections and the securing of talent. What actions can you implement to help your business prosper? This webinar will help establish a plan to address talent needs: Out of the box thinking for attracting talent. Knowing and promoting your competitive advantage. Use difficult economic times to enhance your human capital. Presenter Jennifer Paauwe-Riffe, SPHR, Senior Human Resource Consultant, AmeriBen/IEC Group ***To registersLI=3]33Jt&LWV: John Kaufmann on Peak Oil[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/ ] League of Women Voters to Host Presentation on Peak Oil - Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy An llrtant in the workplace as it is at home. One of Tim's favorite sayings is: "Technology is the easy part, once you get the team on the same page, the work just gets done". Thank you to our 2008 Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP. Program Agenda: 7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast 8:00am-8:40am - Presentation 8:40am-9:00am - Questions & Answers Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register on site. Parking In|J-3K33Jt$SAO Corvallis February Tech Pub - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2009 5:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333 Google Map RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT] corvallis.sao.or.us $5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members Includes finger food and no-host ba a CRM titled “E-This!” column for the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) newsletter. He has lead Sanda's Web 2.0 initiative in building online communities for B2B clients, non-profits and state agencies. *Social Networks Get Down to Business, AUGUST 18, 2008 http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?id=1006482 Think of them as digital water coolers—surrounded by thousands of workers engaged in serious business conversations. "As compelling as the ad growth is, marketers will spend far more over the next few years to create and manage their own social networks for business customers, partners, suppliers and vendors," says Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst at eMarketer and author of the new report, B2B Marketing on Social Networks: Engaging the Business Audience. "These business networks will serve a range of purposes, from improving customer communication and collaboration to aiding product development."2009-02-13 01:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/2009-01-30 23:39:46 <2009-02-13 04:30:00 an online community of local companies that participate in the High Tech After Hours Conference held in Corvallis each November. SPEAKER: Jerry W. Saveriano, President & CEO - Sanda Communications, Inc (http://sandacom.com/) Jerry W. Saveriano is president of Sanda Communications, a marketing, advertising and public relations agency that has for over a decade worked with high tech, software and other clients.. For over twenty-five years Saveriano has consulted and lectured internationally on advanced automation topics such as CAD/CAM, geomatics, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was Industrial Editor of Robotics Age magazine, founding Chairman of the Southern California Chapter of Robotics International and wrote the Pioneers of Robotics article in the Encyclopedia of Robotics published by John Wiley & Sons in 1988. He created a series of articles and lectures on Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. Jerry put on the first CRM workshop at Oregon Graduate Institute and wrote ites we built including what worked and what failed. We'll provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year. We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as: * What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's the time. * What does it cost? What will it make? Will it pay? How long will it take? * How to start small, fast and cheap * Should you build your own or join an industry community? * What are the right tools, platforms and people to get started? The Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is starting a Special Interest Group (SIG) to explore the best ways of growing our businesses using social media tools and helping other local companies learn how to get online putting Web 2.0 and social media tools to work. If you’re interested in seeing what we're planning to do with the SAO SM4B2B SIG (enough initials for you?), this meeting is the place to be. An objective of the SM4 SIG will be to build  r AGENDA: 5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Jerry Saveriano, Sanda Communications - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies. PROGRAM: How's your blog? Do you Twitter? Are your customers talking about your company online? Have your competitors started to use social media tools like YouTube videos, LinkedIn or even FaceBook to reach out to your markets? Social media and networks are exploding for B2B applications* and this presentation can help get you started. SM4B2B will discuss how you can develop an online strategy to decide if SM is the best new way to engage your customers, prospects, channel partners and even your own people, whether they are on the other side of the globe or in the next cubical. And if it's the right time for your business, we'll show you how to get a fast, affordable start to test the waters. We'll show examples of SM4B2B webs line in today’s economy. How you deploy it can be the difference between success or failure. Speaker James M. Smith Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep backgrou^IU3]33Jt#Beer and Blog's 5th Friday Flame Fun[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/ ] The 5th Friday of the month finds us getting our Beer and Blog on at the Green Dragon as usual. And just like last Friday, Legion of Tech will be there to digitally record your 15 Seconds of Flame. So, if you have something to share with your 500 + close personal friends, now's your chance: if it’s selected it will playback on the silver screen February 19th. Beery cool!2009-01-31 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/2009-01-30 16:34:32 ; ;bי2009-01-31 02:00:00 [[e $tdi e !jJHu-et0 h! $ـ!a!i X̀! pӀ! ׀H[3S33Jt"UIE Roadshow: Secrets Behind Designing Great User Experiences***Special discount with Calagator: Get $75 off the registration price when you use the promotion code CALPORT UIE is excited to announce our new UIE Roadshow: Secrets Behind Designing Great User Experiences, a full-day workshop, based on 10 years of UIE's extensive research, that will deliver new insights and inspire your team to create the best user experiences. This winter, we're taking this workshop on the road to: Portland, OR on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Minneapolis, MN on Thursday, February 19, 2009 Atlanta, GA on Monday, March 2, 2009 Recognized industry leader, Jared Spool, will share information that previously we've only made available to our biggest clients. During the day, Jared will lead you through these sessions: 9:00 am: Designing for the Age of Experience? Jared will start with an overview of UIE's research into great experience design. 10:45 am: UX Level-Up: Taking Your Team to the Next Level?? You'll assess the critical dimensions that will pinpoint what your team needs to succeed. 1:00 pm: The Making of a UX Vision? You'll discover the secrets behind creating a unified user experience vision that you can share with your entire organization. 3:15 pm: Magic and Mental Models: Using Illusions to Simplify Design? In a perfect session to end the day, Jared will use professional magic effects to demonstrate the parallels between the world of magical illusions and the world of digital design. View a full description of the program at: http://cli.gs/RqzyBR2009-02-17 17:00:00http://www.uie.com/events/roadshow/2009-01-30 15:54:24 <(2009-02-18 00:30:00 4/L4 PM Location - OHSU Auditorium (OE'G333JtRaven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:51 >;bטJt2009-02-21 07:45:00D3S333JtShizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:44 >;bטJt2009-03-07 07:45:00_C)}333JtThe Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:35 >;bטJt2009-02-14 07:45:00 B#333JtJohn Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:26 >;bטJt2009-02-28 07:45:00)A#333Jt Boise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 06:05:48 >;bטJt2009-02-07 07:45:00 +E+: Planning A planning process is a necessity for an existing business. Customers Do you understand what drives your customer? Products and Services You need to think value not feature or benefit. Financial Plan The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth. Competition Pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers. Technology Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure. Advisory Board Do you have a support network in GCQ333Jt!John Metta et al RE ORblogsJoin us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs!2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-30 01:51:22 >;bטJt2009-01-31 07:30:007F!5333JtLiz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 22:06:07 >;bטJt2009-03-14 06:45:00 `r. Ms. Ballance earned a bachelor of science degree in social science from Marylhurst College and a bachelor of science in chemistry from Portland State University. Additionally, she’s completed ex%@#333JtBoise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 05:54:37 >;bט2009-02-07 07:45:00[?)}333JtThe Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 05:54:36 >;bט2009-02-14 07:45:00~>'G333JtRaven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 05:54:35 >;bט2009-02-21 07:45:00=#333JtJohn Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 05:54:34 >;bט2009-02-28 07:45:00 | |, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's <3S333JtShizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 05:54:33 >;bט2009-03-07 07:45:003;!5333JtLiz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 05:54:31 >;bט2009-03-14 06:45:00:CQ333JtJohn Metta et al RE ORblogsJoin us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs!2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-30 01:51:21 >;bט2009-01-31 07:30:00%9#333JtBoise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 06:05:47 >;bט2009-02-07 07:45:00 Iand fair reporting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinar is presented b[8)}333JtThe Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:34 >;bט2009-02-14 07:45:00~7'G333JtRaven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:50 >;bט2009-02-21 07:45:006#333JtJohn Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:23 >;bט2009-02-28 07:45:00 53S333JtShizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 22:05:44 >;bט2009-03-07 07:45:0034!5333JtLiz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 22:06:06 >;bט2009-03-14 06:45:00 href="http://opensourcebridge.org/">OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town;3C#3 33JtJohn Metta et al RE ORblogshttp://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive Join us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs! 2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-29 04:52:20 >;bט2009-01-31 07:30:002CQ333JtJohn Metta et al RE ORblogsJoin us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs!2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:32 >;bט2009-01-31 07:30:00%1#333JtBoise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:30 >;bט2009-02-07 07:45:00 pphen. Thank you for YO)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviewx+] 333JtStrange Love Live is taking the week off2009-03-20 00:00:002009-01-29 04:46:21;bט2009-03-21 00:00:00"*/333JtBrian M WestbrookJoin us for some serious gadget talk with Brian M Westbrook.2009-04-11 05:00:002009-01-29 04:46:20 >;bט2009-04-11 06:45:00k)I33_33JtPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We are trying to synchronize our activities with those of our colleagues in Seattle, CUGOS (Cascadia Users of Geospatial Open Source), who meet at this same time. We thought that we can IRC between the two meetings, or perhaps even share video :-) You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.2009-02-19 02:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-01-29 03:45:57 =2009-02-19 04:00:00 Getimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as93333JpVenture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibrant and sustainable companies that are ripe f# [3M33JtEntrepreneurship Forum: Start-up funding ideas for tough timesFinding the money to invest in your startup is tough even in normal times. With the global economic climate being what it is today this task is even harder. How do you find the right funding in this environment? Join our experienced group of Venture Capitalists Venky Ganesan, Managing Director of Globespan Capital, Carolynn Duncan, Micro-business expert and subject matter expert in VC /Angel funding & Bobby Kandaswamy, Director Strategic Investments at Intel Capital on Feb 5th to discuss the best ways of funding your company in a downturn. 2009-02-06 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2985&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-28 21:01:49 >2009-02-06 02:00:00 Il be selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A[0)}333JtThe Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:28 >;bט2009-02-14 07:45:00~/'G333JtRaven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:27 >;bט2009-02-21 07:45:00.#333JtJohn Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:25 >;bט2009-02-28 07:45:00 -3S333JtShizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:24 >;bט2009-03-07 07:45:003,!5333JtLiz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 04:46:22 >;bט2009-03-14 06:45:00 yyund Executive Suites.

      So, to showcase their new digs and introduce Lunch 2.0 to the suburbs, t(Ic3_33JtPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We are trying to synchronize our activities with those of our colleagues in Seattle, CUGOS (Cascadia Users of Geospatial Open Source), who meet at this same time. We thought that we can IRC between the two meetings, or perhaps even share video :-) This will also create a larger community which will hopefully lead to a regional conference on this topic in the future! This could include Vancouver, BC. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis. I verified that I can change the name of the group after we have had the all-important "what-to-call-ourselves" discussion!2009-02-19 02:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-01-29 03:29:59 =2009-02-19 04:00:00 MM nights to show their anYO)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. When: September 9th,/'+3333JtTrust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation's founders and exciting project to Oregon. Check back for more details soon. 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.osdv.org2009-01-29 01:17:22 92009-02-19 04:00:00 55ies for them to share their stories witJ&k3333JtTrust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation to Oregon. Check back for more details soon. 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.osdv.org2009-01-29 01:15:01 92009-02-19 04:00:004% 3M33JtClean Energy SIG - Nuts & Bolts of starting a Clean energy BizJoin us at this monthly meet to discuss the nuts and bolts of how to start a clean energy business. Bring your business ideas and questions & learn what the opportunities are in this sector. We will have with us a couple of experienced people from within this sector joining us in a very informal “mini-panel” format. 2009-02-04 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2987&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-28 23:12:05 >c2009-02-04 04:00:00 ortunities in exciting companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech, bioscience, sustainability and more.
      This annual conference draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the western US wh4" 3M33JtClean Energy SIG - Nuts & Bolts of starting a Clean energy BizJoin us at this monthly meet to discuss the nuts and bolts of how to start a clean energy business. Bring your business ideas and questions & learn what the opportunities are in this sector. We will have with us a couple of experienced people from within this sector joining us in a very informal “mini-panel” format. 2009-02-04 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2987&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-28 20:57:43 >2009-02-04 04:00:00  only by the participants Y=13E33Jq OEN Webinar - Building Brands and Managing Reputations via Social Media, with Kent LewisDo you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you$ [3M33JtEntrepreneurship Forum: Start-up funding ideas for tough timesFinding the money to invest in your startup is tough even in normal times. With the global economic climate being what it is today this task is even harder. How do you find the right funding in this environment? Join our experienced group of Venture Capitalists Venky Ganesan, Managing Director of Globespan Capital, Carolynn Duncan, Micro-business expert and subject matter expert in VC /Angel funding & Bobby Kandaswamy, Director Strategic Investments at Intel Capital on Feb 5th to discuss the best ways of funding your company in a downturn. 2009-02-06 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2985&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-28 21:45:24 ;2009-02-06 02:00:00 January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

      Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

      These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

      About your instructor:

      Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

      As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regularly.

      Response Interactive LLC is an interactive marketing agency that offers search engine optimized web site design, search engine marketing services both PPC and SEO, online display advertising, email marketing, SEO training and consulting services. For more information, please visit www.responseim.com.

      Who should attend:
      • In-House Marketers
      • Business Owners
      • Direct Marketers
      • Public Relations Professionals
      • Real Estate Professional
      • Web Designers

      Ticket Info: $895 - $2,195Buy Tickets
       2009-01-28 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-01-28 16:42:13 ;\;bE2009-01-29 01:00:00 I4'!e'3?33Jr3-Day Advanced Ultimate SEO Mastery WorkshopBuild high performance Internet marketing skills with maximum impact in a limited amount of time. Classes teach a six-step, stress-free approach to Search Engine Optimization. Come to one of our workshops and learn techniques that will not only increase your traffic but convert that traffic into more sales.

      Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials,' e'3?33Jr3-Day Advanced Ultimate SEO Mastery WorkshopBuild high performance Internet marketing skills with maximum impact in a limited amount of time. Classes teach a six-step, stress-free approach to Search Engine Optimization. Come to one of our workshops and learn techniques that will not only increase your traffic but convert that traffic into more sales.

      Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials,$rch Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regularly.

      Response Interactive LLC is an interactive marketing agency that offers search engine optimized web site design, search engine marketing services both PPC and SEO, online display advertising, email marketing, SEO training and consulting services. For more information, please visit www.responseim.com.

      Who should attend:
      • In-House Marketers
      • Business Owners
      • Direct Marketers
      • Public Relations Professionals
      • Real Estate Professional
      • Web Designers
      Ticket Info: $895 - $2,195Buy Tickets
       2009-01-28 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-01-28 16:40:28 ;\;bE2009-01-31 01:00:00Temple[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/ ] Please come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, February 1st at 2 pm. The performance is held a block from the ART stage, at the Blue Room of the Scottish Rite Temple.2009-02-01 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/2009-02-01 11:47:40 >;bד2009-02-01 22:00:00 G  ] * s =tup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg! #SAOpdx, #StartUpExchange2009-02-18 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518969/2009-01-28 02:06:31 <;bג2009-02-18 00:00:00! January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

      Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

      These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

      About your instructor:

      Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

      As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Sea l|iVC0 vcP=*p]J7%lheHB A@VenueG} A@VenueF< A@VenueE| A@VenueDp A@VenueC3 A@VenueB A@VenueA A@VenA=c3]33Jt'"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory Theatre @ The Blue Room at the Scottish ">;a3]33Jt StartUp Exchange Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518969/ ] The StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech star#>;a3]33Jt StartUp Exchange Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518969/ ] The StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech star'ill: . Explore technology entrepreneurship fundamentals . Discover how to turn an innovative product idea into a new technology venture . Network with the people who can help make your ideas a reality Date: Saturday, Feb. 14, 2009 (In addition, a social networking event will be held the prior evening for students who are in town and able to attend, though this is not required.) Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett, Portland, OR, 97201 Cost: Students $25, Faculty $25, Others $50 Contact: Nicole Andrade, andrade@up.edu To register today visit http://www.invention2venture.org/portland09/ Invention to Venture workshops are conducted at universities around the country and feature a nationally recognized curriculum delivered by top speakers from the business community. For more information about the course and NCIIA, visit www.invention2venture.org. 2009-02-14 16:00:00http://www.invention2venture.org/portland09/2009-01-27 21:56:48 92009-02-14 23:00:00tup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg! #SAOpdx, #StartUpExchange2009-02-18 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518969/2009-01-27 22:11:23 >;bג2009-02-18 00:00:00 V V~kXE2 yfS@-o\I6#+5A3e33Jt Invention to VentureAnnouncing: Invention to Venture Portland A workshop in technology entrepreneurship Organized and hosted by the NCIIA and the University of Portland, the event is open to students, faculty and technology entrepreneurs from universities and communities throughout the Northwest Are you a technologist? An inventor? Have entrepreneurial ambition? Plan to attend this introductory workshop on technology entrepreneurship. Invention to Venture is for science, business and technology students and faculty, as well as business people, entrepreneurs, and investors interested in commercializing cutting edge technology. At Invention to Venture, you w&g'u3733Jt SearchFest 09SEMpdx brings you SearchFest 2009, a full-day search engine marketing conference featuring multiple learning sessions and expert panels to help you leverage search engine marketing (SEM) in your organiz, |iVC0 r`M:'|iVC0 utrial Psychol2 JyuzMG3]33JsArduino Programming Work & Learn***UPDATE*** 01/27 - We will be having the event despite the snow!! Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? This quick talk and hack session will give you a hands-on introduction to the Arudino, an open source physical computing platform designed to help programmers, designers, and artists build exactly these kinds of real world interaction projects. We'll take a whirlwind tour of the Arduino software and hardware with examples from actual projects and then split up into groups to build our own. All experience levels and interest types welcome.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/2009-01-27 19:08:30 >u;b׀2009-01-28 04:00:00 }jWD1 ubO<)mZH6$zfessionals that haJyjEventbJynEventGJynEventJynEven0I73]33JtLWV: John Kaufmann on Peak Oil[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518464/ ] League of Women Voters to Host Presentation on Peak Oil - Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy Analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. Peak oil is the premise that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. Mr. Kaufmann will discuss evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent; alternative forms of energy; the likely impacts of+ peak oil on society; and possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufmann has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the Oregon Department of Energy for 25 years. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and the primary author of the report. Portland Community Media will broadcast the discussion on Channel 30 on Thursday, February 12, at 8 p.m.; Tuesday, February 17, at 1 p.m.; Friday, February 20, at 11 p.m.; and Tuesday, February 24, at 5 p.m. The discussion is presented by the League of Women Voters of Portland. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. The League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 520 Portland, OR 97204 503-228-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com, www.lwvpdx.org2009-01-28 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518464/2009-01-27 16:45:10 >;bב2009-01-28 03:00:00ation. Whether you are an SEM professional, work in an advertising agency or part of an in-house marketing department, SearchFest 2009 will connect you with the leading thinkers and practitioners in SEM today. Who Should Attend? SearchFest 2009 is open to all SEM professionals and the wider business community interested in maximizing their success in SEM. This full-day conference will provide programs for both beginners and advanced marketers. * Online Marketers * Web Business Owners * SEM Industry Professionals * Web Designers / Web Masters * Interactive and Advertising Agency Professionals What You Will Learn Multiple sessions will cover a comprehensive range of topics to help you be more successful. In addition, we've added our ever-popular "SEM Hot Seat" series to this year's conference. Our "Hot Seat" panelists will critique real web sites and provide search marketing advice to the site owners.2009-03-10 14:30:00http://www.sempdx.org2009-01-27 19:15:48 :$2009-03-11 01:00:00IPs, and other earned media; internet advertising; dynamics of the iTunes store (ratings vs. units sold, targetting categories); and creating the even more popular (and free) Peekaboo Barn Lite. For those interested, they can also field questions about the process of becoming iPhone developers, contracting and working with an outside illustrator, identifying and using Creative Commons media, and user-testing with children and families. About Night & Day Studios Night & Day Studios is a team of 11 designers and entrepreneurs located in the firehouse on 7th Ave. Team members have various backgrounds in interactive design, writing, media production, educational theory, and marketing. Company founder Nat Sims will be joined by team members Chris Higgins and Erin Rackleman.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/2009-01-26 18:01:20 9;bא2009-01-27 02:00:008JyAEventm0JyEventlJyEventkSJy@EventjJy@Eventi7Jy?Event-coming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/ ] Many local companies are contemplating the opportunities created by the iPhone App Store and whether or not to change their focus to build iPhone applications. One local company that has taken the leap is Night & Day Studios. Night & Day Studios is a media production and software development house in SE Portland. They got their start developing kiosks and other exhibit media for museums. Since the summer of 2008, they have been developing iPhone apps for adults, children, and families. Night & Day Studios plans to transition completely to mobile development by 2010. They currently have five apps in the iTunes store, ranging from the trivia game Big Fat Lies to the #10 kids game, Peekaboo Barn. Night & Day team members will share their experience developing and marketing iPhone apps, focusing in particular on Peekaboo Barn. They will detail the process of app submission and approval; setting prices; getting attention from iPhone app reviewers, V }jWD1 ubO<*mZG5"y Analytics Demystk9JxEventj:JxEventiYmW3s33JtInformation Session: FastTrac® GrowthVenture™Come learn about FastTrac® GrowthVenture™, a Kauffman Foundation entrepreneurship program that will be offered jointly by OTBC and the OEN. Not to be confused with FastTrac® TechVenture®, GrowthVenture™ targets companies that are a bit beyond the startup stage, and into some revenue (a few hundred thousand to a few million). GrowthVenture™ takes you through a process of reassessing and building your strategy. And GrowthVenture™ is NOT limited to tech startups. In these challenging economic times, it's critical to be sure your strategy fits the new challenges. GrowthVenture™ will help you get there. 2009-02-05 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9603170/2009-01-26 15:39:56 <2009-02-05 21:00:00 {hVC0 taN;(}jWD2  vses that all;J{G333JtBrown Bag: Protecting your IP We'll have had two Lunch sessions on Intellectual Property by now, and you probably have more questions. Join attorney Jonathan Kaplan for an informal discussion and Q&A session. Mr. Kaplan runs a small IP law firm, specializing in patents, located just north of Portland in Vancouver, WA. He has substantial experience representing VC‑backed start-ups that have bet‑the‑company technology needing IP protection. The technology focus of Mr. Kaplan’s practice is on inventions that use computing technology (software or hardware) and/or electronic devices. Mr. Kaplan has over 16 years of experience and, before starting his own practice in 2003, was an IP partner with a nationally prominent law firm. 2009-02-04 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9603152/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22009-01-26 15:38:18 <2009-02-04 21:00:00 ##|iVC0 h;=3]33JtiPhone Developer MeetupThis will be our second monthly meeting. Hopefully we'll be able to continue these on the second Tuesday of every month. Topic TBA, subscribe to the mailing list for updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-02-11 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-27 01:23:00 ; 2009-02-11 03:00:00y3]33JsTransitioning to iPhone Development - Night & Day Studios[Full details at http://up.~'u3]33JsDEVSIG Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/ ] Join us on Thursday, January 29th, for an informal SAO Developer Group (DEVSIG) meetup. Unlike most of the DEVSIG events, this one has no speaker and no formal agenda. This is your opportunity to talk to other developers about common interests and learn more about the SAO DEVSIG over some drinks and appetizers.2009-01-30 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/2009-01-26 17:56:10 <;b׏2009-01-30 01:00:00series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Presenters Ananthan Thandri, Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics On global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn, Senior Associate, PriceGain AB On pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper, Web Strategist, ISITE Design On Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing2009-01-21 02:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2009-01-18 23:07:13 =2009-01-21 04:00:00ctiveons: E-Marketing Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Location: 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Portland, OR 97201 Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2009. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-02-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:22:55 >2009-02-05 17:00:00gue, RobertIPs, and other earned media; internet advertising; dynamics of the iTunes store (ratings vs. units sold, targetting categories); and creating the even more popular (and free) Peekaboo Barn Lite. For those interested, they can also field questions about the process of becoming iPhone developers, contracting and working with an outside illustrator, identifying and using Creative Commons media, and user-testing with children and families. About Night & Day Studios Night & Day Studios is a team of 11 designers and entrepreneurs located in the firehouse on 7th Ave. Team members have various backgrounds in interactive design, writing, media production, educational theory, and marketing. Company founder Nat Sims will be joined by team members Chris Higgins and Erin Rackleman.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/2009-01-26 01:57:52 >;bא2009-01-27 02:00:00@VenueZ @VenueKz @VenueJ @VenueIV @VenueHJxfEvent4coming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/ ] Many local companies are contemplating the opportunities created by the iPhone App Store and whether or not to change their focus to build iPhone applications. One local company that has taken the leap is Night & Day Studios. Night & Day Studios is a media production and software development house in SE Portland. They got their start developing kiosks and other exhibit media for museums. Since the summer of 2008, they have been developing iPhone apps for adults, children, and families. Night & Day Studios plans to transition completely to mobile development by 2010. They currently have five apps in the iTunes store, ranging from the trivia game Big Fat Lies to the #10 kids game, Peekaboo Barn. Night & Day team members will share their experience developing and marketing iPhone apps, focusing in particular on Peekaboo Barn. They will detail the process of app submission and approval; setting prices; getting attention from iPhone app reviewers, V ??{hUC0 ubP>,r_M:(l t JxEventcJxEventTJxEventJxEvent~JxEvent}JxEvent| JxEvent{JxEventzJxEventyMJxEventx JxEventw= =-333JtOTBC Information SessionOTBC helps tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech startups succeed. Come to this brown bag lunch to learn about the benefits of becoming a member of OTBC. We'll talk about all 3 of our membership levels: * Associate Membership: access to the OTBC space * Venture Membership: access to the space, coaching and advising, and several other benefits * And the new one: FastTrac® TechVenture® Membership, featuring the Kaufman entrepreneurship program (which will begin in early March) Come join us on Thursday to learn more! 2009-01-29 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9582204/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22009-01-26 15:36:45 <2009-01-29 21:00:00 |iVD2  vdQ>+o\I6$zunded in 2006 throQJxEventPJxEventOJxEventNJxEventMJxEventLJxEventK5JxEventJ}JxEventIJxEventHVJxEventGJxEventFJxEventEJxEventDJxEventCJxEventBc ?3 33JtBuilding a Green BusinessMartin Tobias, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist in technology and clean energy solutions, will speak at a free public lecture hosted by the Oregon State University College of Business Austin Entrepreneurship Program. This "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Lecture" will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Construction and Engineering Auditorium in LaSells Stewart Center (875 S.W. 26th Street) in Corvallis.2009-01-26 16:00:00http://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/news/message.htm?MessageID=15282009-01-26 15:30:18 >2009-01-26 17:00:00nd three additional businesses will be selected to deliver Angel Ignite Pitches (13 slides, 15 seconds per slide = 3.5 minutes). It's a high energy competition - and lots of fun! The audience will vote and select one winner from the 10 Minute Pitch and one from the Angel Ignite Pitch. Come on out and support Eugene-area and Corvallis-area entrepreneurs. Attendee registration will soon be available. Companies seeking seed stage funding between $250,000 and $2 million can submit their business plans into this competition. See submission guidelines on smartups.org. Deadline to submit is 5pm, Feb 6th. Please send executive summaries to carolineineugene@gmail.com. We will also be chartering a bus to drive us to the event in Corvallis. We can accommodate up to 36 people. Those interested will be charged an additional $8 during registration. The bus will depart the parking lot of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce at 4pm sharply. 2009-02-27 01:00:00http://www.smartups.org2009-01-26 00:41:11 >w2009-02-27 03:30:00 t|iVC0 s`M:(~kXE2 te're having gJvEventfJwEvente @\Venued @\Venuec @Venueb @Venuea @Venue`Jy 3]33JsTransitioning to iPhone Development - Night & Day Studios[Full details at http://up5~ g_3;33JsSmart-ups Pub-Talk: Business Plan CompetitionThree businesses will be selected to deliver 10 minute pitches. A8~'u3]33JsDEVSIG Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/ ] Join us on Thursday, January 29th, for an informal SAO Developer Group (DEVSIG) meetup. Unlike most of the DEVSIG events, this one has no speaker and no formal agenda. This is your opportunity to talk to other developers about common interests and learn more about the SAO DEVSIG over some drinks and appetizers.2009-01-30 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/2009-01-25 21:03:15 >;b׏2009-01-30 01:00:00 on 2009-01-13 ] Richard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even the semiconductor industry. Taylor has applied his studies to art, showing how fractal patterns in the work of abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock can distinguish a real Pollock from a fake. Come hear about this amazing intersection of art and science. Richard Taylor, PhD, is an associate professor in physics, psychology, and art at the University of Oregon. Transforming lives by erasing academic boundaries might be why Taylor was named Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education for 2005 by the Oregon Academy of Science.2009-01-28 03:00:00http://omsi.edu/sciencepub2009-01-25 16:59:31 <2009-01-28 05:00:00At various events and on Twitter, a bunch of folks suggested we get together for a photowalk. We'll meet Just north of the Hawthorne Bridge on the Eastbank Esplanade (just south of the fire station). There's ample street parking in the area and it's accessible from several bus lines (4, 6, 10, 14, 33) from the stop on the east side of the bridge. The plan will depend on the wishes of the group, but I was thinking we'd start with the inner eastside, then walk across the river and shoot a bit downtown. All levels/abilities of photography skills/experience are welcome . This will be a super-informal event, just walking around, taking some photos, and hopefully learning from each other. Any questions? Ping @ahockley on Twitter or leave a comment here.2009-02-08 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515447/2009-01-25 20:52:23 >;b׍2009-02-08 22:00:00yJx7EventxJx7EventwJx6Eventv!Jx6Eventu!Jx6EventtyJx6EventsJx6Event }jWD1 s`M:'}jXF3  vl liberalizati7bJxEvent6FJxEvent5aJxEvente;/3]33JsPortland Geek Photowalk[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515447/ ] ;z53A33Jsseecamp planning v.3The third planning meeting for SEEcamp, a sustainability unconference for this upcoming spring. Please attend if curious.2009-01-25 23:00:00http://twitter.com/seecamp2009-01-25 19:51:26 92009-01-26 01:00:00^-Q3A33Js[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Featured in The Oregonian:m-o3A33Js[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Featured in the Oregonian on 2009-01-13: The Oregonian ] Richard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even the semiconductor industry. Taylor has applied his studies to art, showing how fractal patterns in the work of abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock can distinguish a real Pollock from a fake. Come hear about this amazing intersection of art and science. Richard Taylor, PhD, is an associate professor in physics, psychology, and art at the University of Oregon. Transforming lives by erasing academic boundaries might be why Taylor was named Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education for 2005 by the Oregon Academy of Science.2009-01-28 03:00:00http://omsi.edu/sciencepub2009-01-25 16:58:26 <2009-01-28 05:00:00 |iVC0 s`M;(~kYG5#x Surya Buchwald H7JxEventGJxEventFJxEventEJxEventDJxEventCJxEvenMy3]33JsTown Hall on the Economic Crisis[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1514201/ ] Jobs with Justice and a growing coalition of organizations are planning a Town Hall on the Economic Crisis. Come hear about how we got into this economic crisis as well as have presentations and discussions about our vision and concrete plans for getting out. We will hear from panelists with experience and expertise and we’ll have discussions in which we will pool our own experiences and strategies on different aspects of the crisis and solutions. We would appreciate hearing about your ideas and fight-back strategies as we continue our planning process.2009-01-31 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1514201/2009-01-24 19:56:03 >~;b׌2009-01-31 21:00:00 ))}jXE2 wdR?-o\I6#yNew Green Deal?vJwEventuJwEventJwEventJwEventJwEventJwEventJwEvent JwEventt @iVenueSOw3]33JsDorkboxPDX Arduino Cult Induction[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1513907/ ] This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it. Please see the event page for full description, what you'll build and get working, and how to pay.2009-02-08 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1513907/2009-01-24 15:20:33 ;s;b׋2009-02-09 01:00:00tland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting include: * SproutCore - An overview of this new client-side web application framework * JavaScript: The Good Parts - Tips on how to write beautiful JavaScript from the book by Douglas Crockford * jQuery 1.3 - New features in the web's most dynamic DOM library * CouchDB - An introduction to the world of document-oriented databases More topics are welcome! If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer.2009-01-29 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs2009-01-23 23:18:05 92009-01-29 05:00:00JwEvent|GJwEvent ((Qԡ=A3 333 Portland Open Beer Club

      Portland Open Beer Club is a spinoff of Open Coffee Club.

      The Open Coffee Club was started to encourage entrepreneurs, developers and investors to organize real-world informal meetups to chat, network and grow.

      After running Portland Open Coffee Club for several months, we've decided to organize a additional, complementary meetup that

      1. has beer instead of coffee
      2. meets around 5pm instead of 10am
      3. still offers the same low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

      Meet us for the Portland Open Beer Club at Bailey's at 5pm, Thursday April 10th! 2nd Thursday each month.

      Read more about Open Coffee Club at www.opencoffeeclub.org

      2008-04-11 00:00:002008-04-08 09:06:102008-07-13 04:29:17 :Y2008-04-11 02:00:00 ~~|iVC0 r_M:'lYG4!wlity. Join us t]8JwEvent\JJwEvent[JwEventZFJwEventYIJwEventXaJwEventW`JwEventVJwEventU_JrEventT^JrEventSYJrEventRcJrEventQJvEventP 9Venu~C#333JqAeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Raising Venture Capital in Difficult Economic TimesYes, There is Money: Raising Venture Capital in Difficult Economic Times The U.S. and global economies are in recession. What does this mean for emerging growth companies, and in particular, emerging growth companies that are trying to raise capital? This presentation will provide insights from a panel of venture capitalists and CEOs of -companies that received venture financing in 2008.2009-02-12 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0209062009-01-24 06:11:38 :$2009-02-12 17:00:00 |iVD2  yfS@-q^K8%| How Can We Survive BJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEventJwEventBJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEventJwEventBJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEvent JwEvent BJwEveU|Qy3]33JsiPhone Developer Quick Start ClassThis is a quick-start class for experienced developers that want to get started on the iPhone platform. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Please register by 1/26 Full class information can be found: www.nixwire.com/classes2009-01-31 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/2009-01-23 22:04:50 9;b׉2009-02-02 02:00:00 |iVD1 ubP=*o\I6#{s App Store and theKJJwEventJ0JwEventI0JwEventH!JwEventG!JwEventFJwEventEjJwEventDJwEventC/JwEventB.JwEventA-JwEvent@,JwEvent?+JwEvent>*JwEvent=)JwEvent<]JwEvent;(JwEvent:2JwEven1}Q13]33JsiPhone developer quick start classThis is a quick-start class for experienced developers that want to get started on the iPhone platform. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Please register by 2/2. Full class information can be found: www.nixwire.com/classes2009-02-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/2009-01-23 22:05:43 >};b׊2009-02-07 02:00:00 \\|iWD1 s`M:'~kXE2 us of trading {FJwEventzJwEventyJwEventxEJwEventw)JwEventvJwEventucJwEventtTJwEventsJwEventreJwEventqJwEventpDJwEventoAs?3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' first monthly meetingThe first monthly meeting of Por@1~Q13]33JsiPhone developer quick start classThis is a quick-start class for experienced developers that want to get started on the iPhone platform. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Please register by 2/2. Full class information can be found: www.nixwire.com/classes2009-02-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/2009-01-23 22:52:46 9;b׊2009-02-07 02:00:00 {hUB/ r_L9'~kXE2 tion focusingiJw{EventhJw{EventgJwzEventfJwzEventeJwxEventdJwyEventcJwgEventbJwEEventaJvEvent`JwEvent_JwgEvent^JwUEvent]Jw+Event\JwyEvent[JwxEventZJJwYEventYJwYEventXJwYEvent1{Q13]33JsiPhone developer quick start classThis is a quick-start class for experienced developers that want to get started on the iPhone platform. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Please register by 2/2. Full class information can be found: www.nixwire.com/classes2009-02-04 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/2009-01-23 22:03:40 >};b׊2009-02-07 02:00:00 }jWD1 taN;(}jXF3 { otherwise noted (s !JwPEventJwOEventJwOEventJwOEventJwNEvent JwNEvent?JwNEvent4zQ73]33JsiPhone developer quick start class[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/ ] Want to be ready to develop for the iPhone? This class is deHwww.nixwire.com/classes2009-01-30 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/2009-01-23 22:00:54 9;b׉2009-02-02 02:00:00signed to get you started. Fast. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Your own Mac. We’ll be developing on our own machines at this time. Macforce rents laptops from $25/day, though • Mac OSX 10.5.5 • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Take advantage of 30+ millions devices, and over 500 million App Store downloads Registration Closes Mon, Feb 2nd, 5pm Class instructor: Dave Shanley Full event information Cancellation Policy Cost covers facilities, lunch, snacks. Hope to see you there!2009-02-05 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1510639/2009-01-23 22:01:50 >};b׊2009-02-07 00:00:00 {hUB/ q^K8%zgTA.p3]33%Jw%Event$Jw%Event#Jw$Event"Jw$Event!Jw$Event Jwww.nixwire.com/classes2009-01-31 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/2009-01-23 22:00:24 9;b׉2009-02-02 00:00:00kwQ%3]33JsiPhone Developer Quick Start Class[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/J_ug+3133JsrSAO: Upcoming Climate Proposals --- Canceled?I think this event was cancel as it doM ] Interested in developing for the iPhone? This class is designed to get you started. Fast. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Your own Mac. We’ll be developing on our own machines at this time. Macforce rents laptops starting at $25/day, though • Mac OSX 10.5.5 • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Registration Closes Mon, Jan. 26th. 5pm Class instructor: Dave Shanley Full event information Cancellation Policy Cost covers facilities, materials, lunch, snacks. Hope to see you there!2009-01-31 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/2009-01-23 21:57:39 9;b׉2009-02-02 00:00:00ate Solutions, that works to find practical and profitable solutions to climate change. They are part of an organized campaign to pass the legislation. Climate Solutions is engaged in organizing business community support. We would like to invite you to a meeting to learn about the Governor's Climate change package and what the business community can do to get involved. We will have speakers to talk about the details of the package and we will also discuss the business campaign that we are organizing to support the Governor. At this meeting, we will have speakers to explain the Climate Package, the business case and the how you can get involved. Presenters Brian Shipley, Deputy Chief of Staff Gregg Small, Climate Solutions Lisa Adatto, Climate Solutions Jake, Weigler, Healthy Climate Partnership2009-01-23 16:30:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-23 15:54:25 :,2009-01-23 18:30:00JwEventIJwEventHJwEventG)JwEventFJwEventEJwEventDJwEvent GG{hUB0 taN;(yts/3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' first monthly meetingThe first monthly meeting of PorOFsgU3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' monthly meetingThis will be the second meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. 2009-02-26 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs2009-01-22 21:30:13 92009-02-26 05:00:00Kesn't show up on either EcoTrust's site or SAO.org. Rescheduled from December '08 When: January 23, 2009 - 8:30am-10:30am Where: Ecotrust Building Cost: free to attend - please RSVP! Presented by Climate Solutions, NEBC, Renewable Northwest Projects and the Software Association of Oregon This year is presents a historic opportunity for Oregon to enact climate change policy. Governor Kulongoskib has recommended a significant package of climate bill for the 2009 legislative session. The Bills focus on energy efficiency, creating carbon markets, creating new funding and incentives for renewables such as solar, energy efficiency and new clean transportation infrastructure and incentives. We believe that it can drive economic opportunities for many of our members. We would like to give you an opportunity to learn more about it and get involved if you are interested. Creating a "smart grid" to save energy creates new opportunities for the software industry. We are working with a local group, Clim FsF~kXF4!vcP=*lYF3 xollowing her famJvEventJJvEventeJvEventSJvEvent JvEventdJvEventJvEventJvEventSJvEvent~cJvEvent}JvEvent)oa3]33JsEnd Joblessness - A Beer and Blog job fair[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/ ] Back in December it was suggested that we should do a mini job fair to help out the local scene during this down economy. So, we’re organizing End Joblessness to give potential employers and job seekers a chance to come together (over beers of course). We’ll be meeting at OTBC on Saturday, January 24th from 12:00-3:00pm.2009-01-24 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/2009-01-22 03:18:08 >|;b׈2009-01-24 23:00:00 nW3K3JsPortland Werewolf - January Gathering2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-22 02:05:27 ; ;bsJstland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting include: * SproutCore - An overview of this new client-side web application framework * JavaScript: The Good Parts - Tips on how to write beautiful JavaScript from the book by Douglas Crockford * jQuery 1.3 - New features in the web's most dynamic DOM library More topics are welcome! If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer.2009-01-29 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs2009-01-22 21:30:58 92009-01-29 05:00:00gJvEventaJvEvent`JvEvent_JvEvent^7JvEvent]6JvEvent SS{hUB/ r_L9&~lYF)qM%3]33JsCorvallis Beer and Blog @ Cloud9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/ ] Beer and Blog will be at Cloud 9 Restaurant and Bar from 5-7PM. We'll have the honor of having Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) from the Portland tech community talking about Yahoo Pipes and other things related to social communities. Dawn provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building. Come join us at Cloud 9 with Dawn!2009-01-29 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/2009-01-22 17:12:32 >w;bׁ2009-01-29 03:30:00 tt|iVC0 ubP=*lYF3  won their prorOW3o33JsTech Strategy 2009: More for LessIf one of your New Year's resolutions is to use technology to work smarter, look no further! We are working off a fabulous brainstorming session that occurred last November to bring you topics relevant to your work and give you a chance to network with your peers. This meeting will be talking overall tech strategy. Do you have a technology plan in place? What types of things should you be thinking of? We're going to take a look at the big picture and help you see what ways you can be using technology to make your nonprofit's work more efficient. This will be a joint meetup with the Nonprofit Technology Network's, Portland 501 Tech Club. Speaker details are still being finalized but be sure it will be some great local tech talent!2009-01-28 01:30:00http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/calendar/9575978/2009-01-22 18:21:56 :2009-01-28 03:30:00 {hUB/ taN;(}jXE2  u Series: Boar:#JvEvent9JvEvent8JvEvent7~JvEvent6}JvEvent5|JvEvent4JvEvent3{JvEvent/JvEvent.?JvEvent-yJvEvent,xJvEvent+JvEvent*+JvEvent)wJvEvent(vJvEvent'JvEvent&uJvEvent%t)pa3]33JsEnd Joblessness - A Beer and Blog job fair[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/ ] Back in December it was suggested that we should do a mini job fair to help out the local scene during this down economy. So, we’re organizing End Joblessness to give potential employers and job seekers a chance to come together (over beers of course). We’ll be meeting at OTBC on Saturday, January 24th from 12:00-3:00pm.2009-01-24 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/2009-01-22 05:12:07 <;b׈2009-01-24 23:00:00 ii}jWE2 yfS@-r`M:'~fmWM3K3JsPortland Werewolf - January GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

      If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
      Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
       2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-22 02:05:26 ; ;bs)lG{333JrMobile Love, Android Style #82nd monday of the month is android day. Android is the mobile phone operating system from Google. meet with local area developers.
       2009-01-13 02:00:002009-01-22 02:05:26 ; ;bX2009-01-13 03:00:00 **}jWD1 s`M:'}jWE2 uy on the secoFJvyEventIJvyEventEJvyEventDJvyEventGJvyEventCJvyEventJvyEventJvwEventSJvwEventBJRkOu3]33JsDorkboxPDX Arduino Cult Induction[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/ ] This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it Please see the event page for full description, what you'll build and get working, and how to pay.2009-01-25 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/2009-01-21 23:48:56 ;s;bׇ2009-01-26 01:00:00 **|iVC0 r`M:'|iVC0 u׀gJvkEventf?JvkEvente JvkEventdJvkEventc: ?Venueb ?VenueaV ?Venue` ?Venue_/ ?Venue^ ?RjOu3]33JsDorkboxPDX Arduino Cult Induction[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/ ] This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it Please see the event page for full description, what you'll build and get working, and how to pay.2009-01-25 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/2009-01-21 23:46:28 >{;bׇ2009-01-26 01:00:00 {hUB/ q^K8%zgTA.qde advice7Jv`Event6"Jv`Event5Jv`Event4!Jv`Event3Jv`Event2 Jv`Event1 ?Venue0 ?Venue/ ?Venue. ?Venue- ?Venue,9 ?Venue+ ?Venue* ?Venue)zi_53]33JsPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/ ] Several of us have read Marshall's How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_build_a_social_media_cheat_sheet.php where he integrates data from many different sources and uses various plumbing tools to pull it all together. Marshall is a master of tools like Yahoo Pipes and Dapper, and it will be great to have him presenting at our Jan 27th meeting.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-21 23:40:09 <;bw2009-01-28 03:30:00 "Dgiۋ]2 1333JsFFinding Buried Treasure in your Licensed Intellectual PropertyIn today’s economic climate every dollar of additional revenue including recovery of underreported license income counts. Join us to:
      • Learn the reasons for underreported royalties, license benchmarks, sublicenses, and the benefits of royalty auditing
      • Find out if you have revenue seeping through the cracks as a result of sales credits, price protection and returns
      • Learn how you can detect and prevent underreporting in the future
      Before founding Cost Advisors, Bill Douglas held management positions in Accounting, Sales and Marketing at Tektronix, Inc. and FLIR Systems, Inc. He has also been an auditor with Deloitte & Touche and CFO of a software firm. Bill is a CPA, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).2009-02-05 01:00:00http://www.usa-canada.les.org/chapters/oregon/upcoming.asp2009-01-06 01:49:12 >N2009-02-05 03:00:00 ZNZ{iWD1 vcQ>+n[H5"pe?3 33JrWherecamp monthly meetingThe continuing saga of Wherecamp - pondering the geospatial web.. and beyond.
       2009-01-23 03:00:002009-01-21 19:58:09 =;bD2009-01-23 04:00:00dG3]33JsMobile Love, Android Style #9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/ ] Android is an open source operating system software for cell phones and other small form factor devices. Meet with local developers and power users to swap news and tips, and see project demos.2009-02-10 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/2009-01-21 19:57:22 >z;bׅ2009-02-10 03:00:00cQ3C33JsOpen Source Bridge Content MeetingOpen Source Bridge Conference content committee meeting. Agenda here: http://osbp-wiki.pragmaticraft.com/teams/content/meetingagenda2009-02-06 03:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-01-21 19:46:45 92009-02-06 05:00:00 ee|jWD1 vcP>+n[H5"{st and I'll try to CJuEventdJuEventJuEventSJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent JuEventSJuEventJuEventrJtEventmJuEventlJuEventkJuEventjJuEventiJuEventh_JuEventgJuEventfJuEvent[JrEventZxJrEventYJrEventXYJrEventWwJrEventVcJrEventSyJrEventfG3]33JsMobile Love, Android Style #9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/ ] Android is an open source operating system software for cell phones and other small form factor devices. Meet with local developers and power users to swap news and tips, and see project demos.2009-02-10 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/2009-01-21 21:19:36 ; ;bׅ2009-02-10 03:00:00 Z{hUB/ r_L9&{iVC0 sPOP Launch OJvCEventNJvCEventMFJvBEventLJvBEventKJvBEventJJvBEventIhOa3w33JsiPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Pl^"g?%3]33JsShizzow Developers Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507793/ ] Now that the beta verison of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.2009-01-30 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507793/2009-01-21 22:57:30 ; ;b׆2009-01-30 01:30:00 H$H}jXE2  ubO<)Xb93]33JsPortland Beer and Blog - 1 year anniversary, job fair, and 15 Seconds of Flame, oh my![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/ ] Come eat some cake and celebrate one year of Beer and Blog! Legion of Tech will also be there to record 15 Seconds of Flame videos for the upcoming Ignite Portland 5 . Good times will be had by all :)2009-01-24 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/2009-01-21 16:56:55 ; ;b׃2009-01-24 02:00:00Xa93]33JsPortland Beer and Blog - 1 year anniversary, job fair, and 15 Seconds of Flame, oh my![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/ ] Come eat some cake and celebrate one year of Beer and Blog! Legion of Tech will also be there to record 15 Seconds of Flame videos for the upcoming Ignite Portland 5 . Good times will be had by all :)2009-01-24 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/2009-01-21 16:40:09 >y;b׃2009-01-24 02:00:00 ]]}jWD1 ubO=*mZG4"_9%3]33JsBeer and Blog @ Cloud9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/ ] Beer and Blog will be at Cloud 9 Restaurant and Bar from 5-7PM. We'll have the honor of having Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) from the Portland tech community talking about Yahoo Pipes and other things related to social communities. Dawn provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building. Come join us at Cloud 9 with Dawn!2009-01-29 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/2009-01-20 21:38:26 >w;bׁ2009-01-29 03:30:00ssion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building. Dawn is the author of the Fast Wonder Blog and also blogs on GigaOm's WebWorkerDaily. She is an organizer for the Portland BarCamp event and helps organize Ignite Portland. She is a co-founder and board member of Legion of Tech. She helped organize the first Corvallis BarCamp. Dawn holds an MBA from Ashland University and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Kent State University. Previously, she worked at Jive Software, Compiere, Intel, and a Midwestern manufacturing company in positions ranging from Unix system administrator to market researcher to community manager to open source strategist.2009-01-29 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/2009-01-20 21:39:02 >x;bׂ2009-01-29 01:00:00 {hUB/ r`M:'}jXE2 t9: Virtual CL]JuEventKh`m3]33JsOnline Community Manager: Yes, It's Really A Job[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/ ] Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) of the Portland tech community will be giving a talk about online community managers. Description: Online community managers are being hired in more and more companies and organizations. In this presentation, Dawn will talk about how communities are managed and why companies need community management. I'll also provide some specific job requirements and skills that community managers need in order to be successful. Bio: Dawn Foster is a Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast Dawn provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discu]d a keystore service which other Android applications can use to keep data and passwords safe, in a way that’s convenient for the end user. Our system allows a single password, and periodic single sign-on so that all applications can encrypt, decrypt, and store keys using the same master password that the user enters once. * Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2008 * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, OR 97204 Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. 2009-01-20 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/01/19/tech-talk-android-g1-experiences-with-an-open-mobile-platform/2009-01-20 05:11:06 ;2009-01-20 19:30:00 ]O3U33JsGalois Tech Talk: Android G1: Experiences with an open mobile platformThe next Galois Tech Talk, #2 for 2009, will be Isaac Potoczny-Jones (aka b>\)3S33JsKeiretsu ForumKeiretsu Forum Portland/Oregon goes beyond simply funding start-ups. It is a community of private equity investors, business leaders and entrepreneurs. We provide invaluable contacts, serve on boards, and provide strategic alliances to our entrepreneurs. Keiretsu Forum also provides high calibre speakers addressing investment topics. Our members are CEOs, VCs, active private equity investors and serial entrepreneurs. We enjoy close relationships with VC firms, investment banking institutions, universities, and government institutions. These associations enable what is termed “swarm intelligence” and facilitate access to talent, technology and resources to establish a successful venture.2009-02-13 15:30:00http://www.k4portland.com/forum.htm2009-01-20 02:32:49 =2009-02-13 19:30:00 //deghfijk[Qu3u33JsFinding Capital During Tough TimesThis Forum is hosted by the Oregon Association ofj^ZM3]33JsArduino Programming Work & Learn[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/ ] Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? This quick talk and hack session will give you a hands-on introduction to the Arudino, an open source physical computing platform designed to help programmers, designers, and artists build exactly these kinds of real world interaction projects. We'll take a whirlwind tour of the Arduino software and hardware with examples from actual projects and then split up into groups to build our own. All experience levels and interest types welcome.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/2009-01-20 00:54:10 >u;b׀2009-01-28 04:00:00_SyntaxNinja) on developing for the Android G1 phone. The Android G1 is a TMobile phone whose operating system, Android is based on Linux and was developed by Google. It’s a very open smart-phone platform that rivals the iPhone. While I’m no expert in Android or mobile platform development, I will discuss my experiences in Android development and demonstrate the toolchain used to develop software for the Android. I’ll outline the basic features of the platform, with a focus on the factors that make its openness so powerful: * the inter-process communications mechanism whereby applications can advertise the services they offer and other applications can take advantage of those services, * The open-source Java, Eclipse, and Linux-based toolchain, * the OpenIntents project. This will be an informal demonstration and discussion. A group of us in collaboration between the Android Password Safe project and the Openintents project have implemented a cryptography service an at the MOP (Meta-Object Protocol) makes possible, especially roles and type constraints. If we have time, I'll go through a simple Moo"Y}3333Js=OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open DiscussionOn days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC.2009-01-06 20:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 03:57:51 <2009-01-06 21:00:00!7A3133Js<SAO: Startup ExchangeThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassrXD?U3y33Js:AMA: Connect Networking 4 * Appetizers will be served * Open to the public * Door prizes & gift certificates * Networking mixers * Space is limited * Cost is just $5 2009-01-07 01:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20090106.htm2009-01-05 03:52:17 =2009-01-07 03:30:00 }jWD2  ygTB0 saN;(}j0JtEvent/JJtEvent.Jt^YM3]33JsArduino Programming Work & Learn[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/ ] Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? This quick talk and hack session will give you a hands-on introduction to the Arudino, an open source physical computing platform designed to help programmers, designers, and artists build exactly these kinds of real world interaction projects. We'll take a whirlwind tour of the Arduino software and hardware with examples from actual projects and then split up into groups to build our own. All experience levels and interest types welcome.2009-01-20 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/2009-01-20 00:53:30 >u;b׀2009-01-20 04:00:00 |jXF3  ubO<)mZG4"z by Oregonian repoJtEvent~JtEvent}JtEvent|JtFEvent{dJtEventzCJtEventyJtEventx JtEventw?JtEventvJtEventuJtEventtJtEventsJtEventrnJtEventq=JtEventpJt]X M3]33JsObama Inaugural - watch @ lighthouse 55" big screen in basement[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503306/ ] Please come join us to watch the obama inaugural on our 55" hd plasma big screen & bose 5.1 stereo surround sound system Tuesday morning, 1/20, starting at 8 am (swearing in ceremonies begin at 8:30 am PST/11:30 am EST). we'll have coffee for folks. please maybe bring drinks or nosh for others also. http://www.pic2009.org/page/content/weekendschedule/2009-01-20 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503306/2009-01-20 00:29:32 >t;b2009-01-20 20:00:00 {iVC0 ubO<)lZH6$zto more than 25 coo(JtEventneJtEventmJtEventldJtEven7UcG3I33JsPlanning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandMeeting of people interested in helping launch Social Media Club in Portland. We already have a launch date of February 23rd planned because Chris Hueur will be in town to speak at that first event. Our first planning meeting will cover: venues speakers (would like to have some high-profile folks lined up for the first few events) marketing (PR, Web site, FB, etc.) technological support (blog, wiki, collaboration tools) sponsors & funding connection & obligations to founding organization (Social Media Club international) other ideas Anyone can come to this launch meeting, but you MUST RSVP so we know we'll have adequate room for attendees at this meting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:07:39 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 GG{hUB/ taN;(5WcC3I33JsPlanning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandThis is a meeting of people interested in helping to launch Social Media Club in Portland. We already have a launch date of February 23rd planned because Chris Heuer will be in town to speak at that first event. We still need to nail down a venue for that event. Would be ideal to do that before our first planning meeting. Our first planning meeting will cover: venues speakers (would like to have some high-profile folks lined up for the first few events) marketing (PR, Web site, FB, etc.) technological support (blog, wiki, collaboration tools) sponsors & funding connection & obligations to founding organization (Social Media Club international) other ideas Anyone can come to this launch meeting, but you MUST RSVP so we know we'll have adequate room for attendees at this meeting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:16:43 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 RR{hUC0 saO<)p]J*Vc-3I33JsPlanning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandMeeting of people interested in helping to launch Social Media Club in Portland. We already have a launch date of February 23rd planned because Chris Hueur will be in town to speak at that first event. We still need to nail down a venue for that event. Would be ideal to do that before our first planning meeting. Our first planning meeting will cover: venues speakers (would like to have some high-profile folks lined up for the first few events) marketing (PR, Web site, FB, etc.) technological support (blog, wiki, collaboration tools) sponsors & funding connection & obligations to founding organization (Social Media Club international) other ideas Anyone can come to this launch meeting, but you MUST RSVP so we know we'll have adequate room for attendees at this meting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:10:31 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 99|iVC0 vdR?-o]J8%zr an industry vete>NJtEvent=MJtEvent<LJtEvent;JtEvent:KJtEvent9JJtEvent8 >Venue7I >Venue6! >Venue5H >VenueCTc_3I33JsPlanning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandMeeting of people interested in helping launch Social Media Club in Portland. We already have a launch date of February 23rd planned because Chris Hueur will be in town to speak at that first event. Our first planning meeting will cover: venues speakers marketing technological support (collaboration tools) sponsors & funding connection & obligations to founding organization (Social Media Club international) other ideas Anyone can come to this launch meeting, but you MUST RSVP so we know we'll have adequate room for attendees at this meting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:05:12 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 mZH6#zgTA/ q^K8%|s about the technica Jt`Event 5JtHEvent JtHEvent 4JtHEvent 3Jt_Event2Jt^EventSJt^Event5Jt^Event1Jt^Event0Jt^EventJt^EventJt]EventJt]Event/Jt]Event?Jt]Event~.JtZEvent}-JtZEvent|,JtZEvent{+JtZEventz*JtZEventy)JtZEventx(JtZEventwJtWEventvmJtSEventuJtYEventt'JtYEventsJtYEventrbJtWEventqVJtWEventpJtWEventoJtWpdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer.2009-01-29 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs2009-01-19 01:53:06 92009-01-29 05:00:00[Jt+Event- Jt+Event,Jt+Event+ >Venue*Jt*Event) Jt*Event ^{hUB/q;b~2009-02-13 03:30:00yOs/3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' first monthly meetingThe first monthly meeting of Pork/NC33]33JsIxDA Portland F2F Gathering[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/ ] This month we will be talking about our exciting plans for this year, including speakers, workshops, and socials We meet bi-monthly to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 01:11:11 ;;b}Jp2009-01-23 05:00:00 ^^~kXE2 xeR?,p]J7${l discussion and pl JsEvent JsEvent JsEvent JsEvent JsEventJsEventJsEventCJsEventdJsEventJsEventJsEventJsEventPMwA3]33JsGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Full details at http://upcomio/LC33]33JsIxDA Portland F2F Gathering[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/ ] This month we will be talking about our exciting plans for this year, including speakers, workshops, and socials We meet bi-monthly to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 01:10:11 >p;b}Jp2009-01-23 05:00:00www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus , 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 (2 miles from Intel) RSVP mandatory at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072009-01-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1186884/2009-01-19 01:10:39 =;bCJs2009-01-21 04:00:00JsEventnng.yahoo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http:// ]I]{hUC1 wdQ>+o]J7%`IsS333JrLFilm: Peak Oil for Policy Makers (Portland Premier)Renowned oilman T. Boone Pickens is talking openly about $300/barrel oil. Oil industry insiders are saying we face a peak in global oil production as early as 2012. What's the future of oil global oil supplies, and what does it mean for government policymakers? Post Carbon Institute's 'Peak Oil for Policymakers' DVD includes timely presentations by four leading experts on peak oil (the all-time high point of s'H}!3333JrHLet's Organize our Communities for Hard Times -- PotluckWelcome to a grassroots response to this time of "crisis". Here's a quick summary of what's happened so far. We hope you can join us. 1. A group of process-oriented facilitators and organizers, meeting in an ongoing collective called A Circle Group, sensed that many people were feeling rocked by the "crisis", and wanted to do something. 2. Fourv {hVD1 taN;(~kXE2 yanyone else that \Js_Event[mJs^EventZJs^EventYJs]EventXJsOEventW JsOEventVJsOEventU >TVenueT >TVenueS >TVenueRJsUEventQ >SVenueP >SVenueO >SVenueN >SVenueM >SVenueLJsTEventKRK73]33JsGeeks Day On PDX 2009[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/ ] Geeks Day On is a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr Day when folks with technology and Internet communication skills will offer advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations and open source projects. Visit dayon.org for more information.2009-01-19 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/2009-01-19 01:09:42 9;b|Js2009-01-20 01:00:00LJwA3]33JsGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Full details at http://upcomitwww.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus , 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 (2 miles from Intel) RSVP mandatory at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072009-01-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1186884/2009-01-19 01:10:38 =;bC2009-01-21 04:00:00toJrEventglobal oil production) and what it means for local, state and national governments: Peak Oil for Policymakers - is an executive summary of the peak oil problem and its implications for the global and national economies. By world-renowned peak oil author and lecturer Richard Heinberg and Post Carbon Institute founder Julian Darley. Post Carbon Cities - explores what peak oil means for leaders at the local level and how some cities in the U.S. and elsewhere are already responding. By Daniel Lerch, author of Post Carbon Cities: Planning for Energy and Climate Uncertainty, the first major guidebook on peak oil for local government officials and staff. Scenarios Planning for Government - gives an elected official's perspective on peak oil, with the story of one state legislature's recent decision to establish a task force on energy scarcity. By Connecticut State Representative Terry Backer. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/film-peakoil_for_policy_makers2009-01-19 01:05:28 >^2008-12-11 05:00:00rng.yahoo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://beyond anything we (or anyone) could ever coordinate! If you have similar goals, please join us on Nov 14. We will be using feedback from the first session to figure out how different people -- from new folk feeling scared and seeking help, to experienced organizers; from action-oriented alphas to relation-oriented tenders; across diverse issues, and race and class and gender divides -- how we can support each other to step forward from where we are, asking questions all the while. If you are especially interested in sharing and spreading facilitation and other process skills (including Tech), please come to the Che Room in St Francis at 5:30pm on Friday the 14th, before the larger gathering. To get to the Che room, walk up to near the Red & Black and cross in to the park and look for 1131 on the right hand side, head up the stairs, through the double doors.2008-11-15 01:30:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/lets-organize-our-communities-hard-times-potluck2009-01-19 01:05:27 >^2008-11-15 04:30:00u of us sent out a survey asking people how they felt, and what they'd like to do. 3. Based on the responses, we sent out a call for a community gathering to explore grassroots, relationship-based action to support each other. 4. We created a process intended to address the expressed need for building connection with others at a personal level, learning more about what others are doing, and sharing skills for trust-building and facilitation. 5. For a variety of reasons, far more people came than anticipated: over 100, and we had to turn some away for lack of space. This meant the space was cramped, but also that energy was very high. Clearly, lots of people are ready to act in this way. Our process seemed to work for some people and in some ways, but not others. Now, our goal is for people to have the skills and confidence to help their networks become circles of trust-based sharing and support, and to link those together in a growing ecology throughout Portland. We want this to take off far ss{iWD2 taN;(}jWD1 xules 101^2008-11-13 05:00:00www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus , 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 (2 miles from Intel) RSVP mandatory at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072009-01-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1186884/2009-01-19 01:10:38 >o;bC2009-01-21 04:00:00nt>1JpEvent{ng.yahoo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://ure and support needed given the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principles of rhythm and pace during transformation. If you are working with leaders, you won't want to miss this exceptional opportunity to hear from Frank Wagner, the Consultant's Consultant. About Frank Wagner: Frank has been a full time consultant in the field of leadership since 1981. As a behavioral coach, Frank brings a broad base of experience working with individuals from mid-level management through C-level positions. With Marshall Goldsmith Partners, Frank oversaw the training process in Marshall Goldsmith's method of behavioral coaching for their first two years in business. In this capacity, he co-developed and trained all coaches in the Marshall Goldsmith Partners network. $25 members, $35 non-members early registration, by Thursday prior to event.2009-01-20 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456831/2009-01-19 00:06:42 >n;bz2009-01-20 17:00:00 {q`M;*xfUE*aP7wnno fiserv vertg@e3]33JsSuccess Tips for Consultants in Organizational Transformation[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456831/ ] It has been well documented that most organizational transformation projects fail to reach the desired purpose and have been costly in terms of time and money. If change is difficult, the scope of large scale transformation seems impossible. What role does the consultant play to increase the odds that an organization's attempt at change is successful? Frank Wagner's presentation will cover three major areas of emphasis where a consultant can add immense value to the organization and increase the likelihood that an intended change takes place effectively. These areas are: -- Helping the organization add the missing piece in the strategy/future picture; -- Building in the proper amount of struct} .}wqke_YSaYI?-#ocRB5 Andrew serves as?#programming>'agile xp apln=perl<3extreme programming ;!xpportland:tech9+xpportland tech 8festival 7organic61sustainable living 5business4#entrepeneur3%unconference 2startup11interaction design0ixda/+socallinuxexpo7.)socallinuxexpo -scalLCwA3]33JsGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Full details at http://upcomi|NB73]33JsGeeks Day On PDX 2009[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/ ] Geeks Day On is a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr Day when folks with technology and Internet communication skills will offer advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations and open source projects. Visit dayon.org for more information.2009-01-19 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/2009-01-19 01:09:41 9;b|2009-01-20 01:00:00   zlYC3"Z3 |s_Lthe most popular of these such as: • Three20 Project • SQLitePersistent Objects • FMDB • Google Toolkit for Mac • touchcode oA=A3]33JsBlogging for non-techies[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/ ] So you've decided to incorporate a blog into your marketing, you're ready to make the leap, but you're stalled at execution. How do you build a blog? What elements and features does a blog have? What's an RSS feed for and how do you burn it? How do you promote your blog? This hands-on, practical workshop will answer these and other questions to help you launch a successful blog. Please RSVP to peterk[at]semiosiscommunications.com. Bring a wi-fi enabled laptop to get the most interactive experience.2009-01-20 23:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/2009-01-19 00:07:09 9;b{2009-01-21 01:00:00 llp^K8&}kXE2  {iWE3!{ Official Provost]JpEvent\JpEvent[JpEventZ :VenueYJpEventXJpEventW[JpEventVJpEventU=JpEventTJpEventSjJpEventRJpjEventQdJpEventPEau3O33JsColumbia River Gorge Tech Alliance meetingJoin us for the January Gorge Technology Alliance Meeting with a presentation on Classroom Partnerships with Technology Industries. Alan Cunningham, head of the Science and Technology Department with Arlington School District and the 2008 TechStart Technology Educator of the Year, will discuss how the technology industry can get involved in the classroom to educate our future technology leaders. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to meet and network with GTA members and guests. 2009-01-28 02:30:00http://www.crgta.org/calendar.htm2009-01-19 00:09:06 <2009-01-28 04:00:00 xgVE4"n\J8&r`N<*v It cov*!JpEvent)yJpEvent(3JpEvent'qJpEvent&pJpEvent%JpEvent$JpEvent#xJpEvent"wJpEvent!?JpEvent vJpEventuJpEventJpEventmJpEventtJpEventsJpEventrJpEventqJpEventpJpEvent+DC33]33JpIxDA Portland F2F Gathering[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/ ] This month we will be talking about our exciting plans for this year, including speakers, workshops, and socials We meet bi-monthly to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 01:10:10 >p;b}2009-01-23 05:00:00 p{peN<,! mR7'qeX9-# qpertise i)small business #brandologie big /convention center /crisis management 1workplace violence#electricitydweebdork techno hackerlawn picnic?#saopdx #golf #networking license paten95%3133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

      SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp 2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-18 22:59:22 >l;bm2009-01-19 01:00:008) 3S33JsKeiretsu Forum2009-02-13 15:30:00http://www.k4portland.com/forum.htm2009-01-18 22:55:24 =2009-02-13 19:30:00 mxkbXJ:"yi_L@/cSB7varketingF'art instituteE3by10D-workplace policy Cfamilies BfamilyA#awesomeness@boly ?richard >abroad<=^;Uy3s33JsSAO: Offshore Development StrategiesThe global high-tech sector has gone through a 2:_u3O33JsColumbia Rive Gorge Tech Alliance meetingJoin us for the January Gorge Technology Alliance Meeting with a presentation on Classroom Partnerships with Technology Industries. Alan Cunningham, head of the Science and Technology Department with Arlington School District and the 2008 TechStart Technology Educator of the Year, will discuss how the technology industry can get involved in the classroom to educate our future technology leaders. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to meet and network with GTA members and guests. 2009-01-28 02:30:00http://www.crgta.org/calendar.htm2009-01-18 23:06:02 <2009-01-28 04:00:00 H$Hwj^=0}nbRE6. X7_u3i33JsAeA Webinar: The Infamouns Elevator PitchIn this presentation, two veteran sales and marketing professionals will provide you with practical information that will help you move forward not only to create a compelling pitch, but will provide a sales perspective that will enable you to more comfortably and effectively present your pitch to others. 2009-01-23 20:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm2009-01-18 22:51:342009-01-23 21:00:00X6_u3i33JsAeA Webinar: The Infamouns Elevator PitchIn this presentation, two veteran sales and marketing professionals will provide you with practical information that will help you move forward not only to create a compelling pitch, but will provide a sales perspective that will enable you to more comfortably and effectively present your pitch to others. 2009-01-23 23:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm2009-01-18 22:50:492009-01-24 00:00:00 xxq=-rbRC-ofWG>5}hrout+market research/market validation'business planip3engineering manager;chief financial officercfo engineer7engineering executive=chief technology officercto ehr !streetgame urbangamebsd'dem?oU3A33JsRefresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on GitWelcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution. Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.2009-01-23 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-01-19 00:04:32 ;;by2009-01-23 03:30:00 xxtiSC9#j]K6-kZL=/"zortant for t_/high speed memory^%data centers]'shared memory\%rna networks[/supercomputing 09ZvenueY)east multnomahX'east portlandW#east county Vgresham Uinventor Tinvention SinvestorR#entreprenurQ1content>oU3A33JsRefresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on GitWelcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution. Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.2009-01-23 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-01-18 23:24:02 >m;by2009-01-23 03:30:00 jj{rgXH7+oQ:!cQB4 xp&os%Esoftware process improvement$-software quality #!estimation"%collectables !antiques painting jewelry !ater wynne'selling stock-executive series linuxcon linuxfund%women in gis5qh=oU3]33JsRefresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on GitWelcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution. Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.2009-01-23 02:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1489388/2009-01-18 23:23:34 >m;by2009-01-23 03:30:00 !!yiZE0 ~_J>3xaN@2& , lastubikest9wieden kennedy w+k pie sround 3 qround 2 poctober oswapmeetn#seed oregon fvendors eamazon dcomputingc[<go3]33JsRefresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1489388/ ] Welcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution. Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.2009-01-23 02:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1489388/2009-01-18 23:22:49 >m;by2009-01-23 03:30:00of%flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ms wruckus vpdxriauria9typdma panel learning event product development managers,s_manager product event lhjkÂlmn.opqvł{|} ۃӃ ̓ ̃ʃɃȃǃă"$&)-14679;=>BEGIJ L M\ ă]^ab~cAdɃevfwgthrisj nqo p׃qpwoxiymzl{k|jgedcb _ ^ ] \YXW Z!x"L% &D'=)>* ,9/0݄375674;5<3=2>1?A+B0E-H*J'L$M#N |\B*fP;&rbO. yhorepower &'#peteforsyth &wikipedia%#some awards $smc pdx #toolkits"1user center design !cooper chifoo%empire group-wireframe design'website cutup webactiveCweb application development'web analytics !web agency)trend analysis=social network marketing;social network exposure55_u3!33JsAeA Webinar: The Infamouns Elevator PitchIn this presentation, two veteran sales and marketing professionals will provide you with practical information that will help you move forward not only to create a compelling pitch, but will provide a sales perspective that will enable you to more comfortably and effectively present your pitch to others. 2009-01-23 23:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=FL010902http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=FL0109022009-01-18 22:50:202009-01-24 00:00:00DiCorcia is an International Trade Officer at the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. Tom helps Oregon businesses in high technology and biosciences sell more products overseas through consultation, market research, and industry-focused trade missions. Prior to moving to Oregon, Tom was Asia Pacific marketing director at Arbortext - a Norwest VC funded software firm that was acquired by PTC in 2005. Working from Tokyo, Tom managed a network of resellers in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia. Before Arbortext, Tom held product marketing positions with Fuji Xerox, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard. Tom has an engineering degree from Stanford, an MBA in marketing/international business from NYU, and is completing a master's of engineering degree from Michigan. Tom has studied at Bocconi University in Milan and has lived in Asia for extended periods. He speaks Japanese and Italian. 2009-01-28 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24342009-01-18 22:45:24 <2009-01-28 04:00:00han ever that businesses must go global to follow market trends. Despite tough economic times, one small Oregon company is about to open its first European office. Another has increased its sales 75% with the help of a contract in Saudi Arabia. Still another company has just returned from a trade show in Germany with several new distributors signed. The benefits from increasing international presence include growth opportunities, market diversification, and increased competitiveness. Despite the benefits, we still encounter resistance to overseas marketing. A sale abroad will cost more, take more time and involve more risk than a domestic transaction. Fortunately, a host of resources are available to help businesses overcome these challenges. This presentation will go over some of the reasons for going global, review some trends in global trade, and go over some of the resources available from state and federal governments to help businesses increase their revenue through exporting. Speaker Bio: Tom f Legion of Tech (an Oregon non profit organization formed to help grow and nurture the local Portland technology community through educational, not-for-profit, community-run events), she helps organize a number of community events including BarCamp Portland, Ignite Portland, and the Legion of Tech Happy Hour. Jodi Blackwood Jodi Blackwood is a Certified Business Etiquette & Protocol Specialist, Customer Service Professional and Speaker & Seminar Leader who believes that etiquette is about polishing your approach, not changing who you are! She works with individuals and businesses to help them stand out among their competition through customized training on a variety of topics, including: Making a Positive First & Lasting Impression, Closing the Loop in Business Communication, Networking With Distinction and The Art of the Business Meal. Visit her web site to see what she can do for you.2009-01-28 01:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20090127.htm2009-01-18 22:42:36 ;72009-01-28 03:30:00e of clients but he mostly enjoys working with professional speakers and trainers who are masters of networking. Panelists Dawn Foster Dawn Foster currently provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. Consulting services also include community events, online community building, blogging strategy, RSS-based information monitoring, custom employee training sessions, and more. Community building, blogging, podcasting, web 2.0, open source, and other open technologies are Dawn's current passions, and she spends quite a bit of her free time playing with online technologies and blogging on related topics. Dawn was one of the five original Intel.com bloggers with the Intel Trends in Web 2.0 blog. Dawn currently blogs on Fast Wonder Dawn also focuses on activities that help support and grow the local Portland technology community. As one of the founders and chair oant than ever to effectively manage your network and your reputation online and in-person. Join the American Marketing Association for a special professional development session on how to (and how not to) network like a super star in real-time and online. Learn to avoid networking faux pas, make the most out of referrals and contacts and take your online (and personal presence) to a new and successful level. A panel of networking experts will provide, tips, strategies and tactics you can use in marketing your business and yourself. Sign up today! Panel Moderator Brian Thomas Wright As co-chair of the American Marketing Association's Networking events, Brian has grown attendance from a small gathering of AMA members to a super event representing eight professional associations and over 150 attendees. After a successful design and marketing career working for an ad agency and University of Oregon Bookstore, Brian now owns a four person branding agency. He has provided creative services for a wide rang sbO=!pN; peYF:, s just harassment? Ucs4 TphotoshopS-emerging companH1i333JsSCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.2009-01-22 23:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-01-18 22:34:48 >G2009-01-23 00:00:00 {qeWI6'xneXN=&viVD5"{ wi tweetup !the square -pair programming %H2i333JsSCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.2009-01-22 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-01-18 22:35:51 >G2009-01-23 00:00:00 mmm`R?*~scVH:% oOE- t#constraints)igniteportland !p.a.r.t.s. robotics%legionoftech'legion oftechmoose#flying carscpan##healthcare #saopdx testing1acceptance testingatddAbash scripting programmi/_u3O33JsColumbia Rive Gorge Tech Alliance meetingJoin us for the January Gorge Technology Alliance Meeting with a presentation on Classroom Partnerships with Technology Industries. Alan Cunningham, head of the Science and Technology Department with Arlington School District and the 2008 TechStart Technology Educator of the Year, will discuss how the technology industry can get involved in the classroom to educate our future technology leaders. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to meet and network with GTA members and guests. 2009-01-18 23:00:00http://www.crgta.org/calendar.htm2009-01-18 22:30:48 <2009-01-19 00:00:00series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Presenters Ananthan Thandri, Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics On global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn, Senior Associate, PriceGain AB On pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper, Web Strategist, ISITE Design On Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing2009-01-18 23:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2009-01-18 22:27:50 =2009-01-19 00:00:00solar 33iC6! x^.Uy3s33JsSAO: Offshore Development StrategiesThe global high-tech sector has gone through a Z-{K3s33JsMIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Enterprise Software At OTBC, we'll be viewing the live video of this Enterprise Forum program. Join President of Oracle Corporation, Mr. Charles Phillips as he discusses, “The Future of Enterprise Software”. Will enterprise software go the way of the buggy whip? We’ve entered Web3.0, where everything is user-centric. But enterprise software continues to thrive. Join thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of enterprise software, exploring topics such as: - Where is enterprise software really going? - Where are the big opportunities for entrepreneurs? Get more information at the MIT Enterprise Forum site. 2009-02-13 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9477389/2009-01-18 22:18:04 <2009-02-13 01:30:00 q^P>4'r^F=1% t_WM@3mproving Your Ability to v+self-organizinguteams tleaders smanagersr#programmersq5software development p!open space owxwidgetsn+gui programming mprocess lsofwarekwikijuxi+user experience hanimation g!emarketing fsearch emarketing donline csummit b!innovation apdx.rb`'ruby on rails_rails ^android ]mobile \ignite [parrot ZrakudoYecoX1community buildingW)social justice V!investmentUbanks TgrantsStie R!programmerQ#beerandblog P!pdxcritqueOaleN#environmentM ,!3s33JsMIT Enterprise Forum: Avoiding the Financial Beast of BurdenAt OTBC, we'll be viewing live video of this MIT Enterprise Forum program.2009-02-26 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9477402/2009-01-18 22:16:56 <2009-02-26 01:30:00 kbPG>6)x`QC5# td[NE9#one |nonprofit{5locations technology zhungeryaeax=seminar writing workshopw-workshop writing veconomics uthrivepdx tcouchdbs-computer science rlegionqlot poen tvgotvg n!mcmenaminsm%neogeography lwherecampkwi_*W;3133JsOEN Business Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. 2009-02-05 00:00:00http://www.oen.org2009-01-18 22:13:14 <2009-02-05 02:30:00 ~j_NB*|k`SI>/% z\OF4&est :oregon9local 8[+{M3s33JsMIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Enterprise Software At OTBC, we'll be viewing the live video of this Enterprise Forum program. Join President of Oracle Corporation, Mr. Charles Phillips as he discusses, “The Future of Enterprise Software”. Will enterprise software go the way of the buggy whip? We’ve entered Web3.0, where everything is user-centric. But enterprise software continues to thrive. Join thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of enterprise software, exploring topics such as: - Where is enterprise software really going? - Where are the big opportunities for entrepreneurs? Get more information at the MIT Enterprise Forum site. 2009-02-12 23:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9477389/2009-01-18 22:15:19 <2009-02-13 00:00:00 ~i_B4+ wk_RJ>1|rf[QC1''ll debate ho smalltalk meetingxpdx~lean}scrum|xp{place zlocation ygeographyxos xwmacvcocoa u!cocoaheadstchesss'documentation rcalagatorqmusic pubuntu ohaskellnpdxpm mpdxphpl)android mobile kcommunityjplugipdxwihmangaganime fcritiquee#pdxcritique d (]O3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Closing an InvestmentHow does the actual process of closing an investment work? What are the key documents that are involved? What can happen to trip-up the process? Neil Nathanson of Perkins Coie will explain how it all works. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-03-03 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514806/2009-01-18 22:10:17 <2009-03-03 21:00:00 vh]K>4)uiaYI?-#ocRB5 second round of f?#programming>'agile xp apln=perl<3extreme programming ;!xpportland:tech9+xpportland tech 8festival 7organic61sustainable living 5business4#entrepeneur3%unconference 2startup11interaction design0ixda/+socallinuxexp['I3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Term SheetsInvestment term sheets are full of arcane language -- and some of those terms are critical for the entrepreneur to understand. Todd Bauman with Stoel Rives will explain what a term sheet is and what the major terms mean. He will also talk about what terms he is seeing in term sheets today. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-02-24 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514791/2009-01-18 22:08:42 <2009-02-24 21:00:00  Ibkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#xof]TKB90' Kԡf ԡb ԡa ԡ` $ԡ_ &ԡ] *ԡH ,ԡG 3ԡF 8ԡE @ԡB ;ԡ@ ԡ> Uԡ< Yԡ; ԡ9 Wԡ6 tԡ5 ԡ4 ԡ3 ԡ2 ԡt#}}3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Protecting Your Intellectual PropertyFor any business, protecting Intellectual Property is critical. At this Lunch program, the first in our Legal Series of lunch programs, Joe Cohen of Stoel Rives will provide an overview of the many forms of IP protection, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and more. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-01-20 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514593/2009-01-18 21:59:46 <2009-01-20 21:00:00 &o'3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Top 10 Legal Mistakes to AvoidJon Summers with White and Lee has worked with a lot of startups, and seen a lot of mistakes made from a legal perspective. Come learn about those common mistakes so you don't make them! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-02-10 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514758/2009-01-18 22:07:18 <2009-02-10 21:00:00d$A3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: PatentsJim Stewart with Ater Wynne will provide on overview of patents - how they work, when they make sense, etc. This is sure to be an interactive session, so bring your questions! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-01-27 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514633/2009-01-18 22:04:28 <2009-01-27 21:00:00 meeting is by invite only
      and is intended for people currently managing online communities. If you would like to attend, you should request to join the Google Group with a description of the community you currently manage. The Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/online_community_managers_pdx?hl=en2009-01-18 17:06:44 92009-01-22 04:30:00 HIHitan region.Under David's leadership as Council Presiden}"U73s33JsOTBC brown bag: Your 30 Second PitchBeing able to explain what your startup does clearly, succinctly, and without jargon or acronyms - and in just 30 seconds - is very important for a startup team member to be able to do. At this brown bag lunch, we'll talk with Flora Novarra (Novarra Communications) about how to communicate what you do in 30 seconds, and why it's important.2009-01-19 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9533060/2009-01-18 21:57:42 <2009-01-19 21:00:003!Gi3;33JsInaugural Breakfast B&O StyleBring you favorite breakfast food, starting with a "B" or an "O" to share at the CubeSpace Inaugural Breakfast. @chefchopper will be making Blintzes to order (so bring Blitz-fillings as well). No RSVP required and this event is open to anyone wanting to hang with community for this historic event.2009-01-20 15:00:00http://CubeSpacePDX.com2009-01-18 18:14:07 92009-01-20 20:00:00 erts and novices alike. Please join us this year as we host 125 experienced, collaborative, committed agile practitioners from the Northwest U.S. (and beyond) in tackling the issues around our recurring theme "Agile for Real." As in past years, attendance is limited to a predetermined number in order retain the many advantages a small conference has to offer. Here is a coe 7333Js Online Community Managers PDX January Meeting (invite only)Please note that thisSYi3k33JsPersonal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMonthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project.2009-01-29 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingJanuary20092009-01-18 02:42:53 :2009-01-29 04:00:00&W 3q33JsPersonal Telco Project Weekly MeetingPrimarily will be a discussion of what a demonstration project of community fiber-to-the-premises in Portland might look like.2009-01-22 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200901212009-01-18 02:38:52 >T2009-01-22 04:00:00 es sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of *ԡay3?333Digital Divide Radio Looks at the Science of Climate ChangeIn the aftermFMc3a33JsThe Lightroom 2 Workflow EveningWhen: Thursday January 22nd, 7pm, doors at 6:30pm Where: Polara Studio 614 SE Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon 97214 Cost: ASMP Members $10 Non-Members $25 ASMP Student Members Free ASMP Affiliate Groups qualify for ASMP Member pricing Please RSVP to asmp.events@gmail.com to secure your spot in what is sure to be an outstanding event. The Lightroom 2 Workflow Evening Presented by Mark Fitzgerald Lightroom is changing the way photographers work. Its intuitive interface creates a streamlined workflow that allows photographers to catalog, process, and output individual and groups of raw files much more efficiently than when using the Bridge/Adobe Camera Raw/Photoshop system. Join us for an informative evening as Mark Fitzgerald, author of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible leads us through the complete Lightroom workflow. In this session you will get a close look at the Lightroom workflow from import to output. You’ll see how files are organized and sorted, and some of the best methods for using keywords and metadata to find the file you need when you need it. Then you will learn to use Lightroom and the powerful Develop module to edit single files or groups of files quickly and efficiently. Finally, you will see how Lightroom and the three output modules are used to easily create slideshows, prints, and web galleries, and how to export files for other uses using the Export command. Mark Fitzgerald is the owner of The Digital Darkroom in Portland, OR. Mark is an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and author of Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible, and Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot. You can learn more about Mark at www.ddroom.com. 2009-01-23 02:30:00http://www.asmporegon.com/upcoming-events/2009-01-18 01:34:54 >j2009-01-23 05:30:00 ^W5Lԡ_K!3333Stumptown End of the Year PartyWe are celebrating the end of the year with a party! Bring a plate of cookies or holiday snacks to share along with a wrapped gift and a putter and you'll be set to enjoy the evening. We'll have a basket setup for a putting contest and several Wii's hooked up to projectors for playing Tiger Woods or Resort disc golf. Our annual Yankee Disc Swap will wrap up the evening. We will follow Stumptown RulSm3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would. Masterbacon is just such an event.2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-17 17:46:26 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00 I)eԡ(7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-08-29 00:30:002ԡDMg3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are supe{ԡ]?<Mc3M33JsThe Lightroom 2 Workflow EveningWhen: Thursday January 22nd, 7pm, doors at 6:30pm Where: Polara Studio 614 SE Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon 97214 Cost: ASMP Members $10 Non-Members $25 ASMP Student Members Free ASMP Affiliate Groups qualify for ASMP Member pricing Please RSVP to asmp.events@gmail.com to secure your spot in what is sure to be an outstanding event. The Lightroom 2 Workflow Evening Presented by Mark Fitzgerald Lightroom is changing the way photographers work. Its intuitive interface creates a streamlined workflow that allows photographers to catalog, process, and output individual and groups of raw files much more efficiently than when using the Bridge/Adobe Camera Raw/Photoshop system. Join us for an informative evening as Mark Fitzgerald, author of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible leads us through the complete Lightroom workflow. In this session you will get a close look at the Lightroom workflow from import to output. You’ll see how files are organized and sorted, and some of the best methods for using keywords and metadata to find the file you need when you need it. Then you will learn to use Lightroom and the powerful Develop module to edit single files or groups of files quickly and efficiently. Finally, you will see how Lightroom and the three output modules are used to easily create slideshows, prints, and web galleries, and how to export files for other uses using the Export command. Mark Fitzgerald is the owner of The Digital Darkroom in Portland, OR. Mark is an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and author of Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible, and Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot. You can learn more about Mark at www.ddroom.com. 2009-01-23 02:30:00http://www.asmporegon.com/events2009-01-17 16:46:46 >j2009-01-23 05:30:00  technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field , this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. IYg=333Js Online Community Managers PDX January MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/online_community_managers_pdx?hl=en2009-01-16 23:05:05 92009-01-22 04:30:00 hop_2009_outline. But we want to hear from you! We'd love to get a rough idea of how many people are interested in attending. Do you use Pd? Do you use similar commercial software like Max/MSP? Are you interested ig=3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX January MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:16:54 92009-01-22 04:30:00 Pd). http://puredata.info. "Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher program&g]3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX January MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:15:56 92009-01-22 04:30:00 Vltants, Imagine Your Reality Business and Writing Coaching, and Black Belt Business Solutions Present: Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? YesԡE++3G333 Wiki Wednesday Pe%g[3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX January MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of the month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:15:34 92009-01-22 04:30:00 a collaborative flair. It’s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in communities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general. The atmosphere encourages just halWy3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:12:44 92009-01-22 04:30:00 ''scussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)UWK3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group is a place for Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:09:51 92009-01-22 04:30:00 scussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself kWw3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:12:32 92009-01-22 04:30:00 ry hԡB7+37333Calagator code sprintHelp us improve Calagator -- join us for a code sprint. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about creating software, agileeWk3 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group is a place for Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:10:32 92009-01-22 04:30:00 \\&=75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a W S3Q33JsTiE Oregon presents Software & Internet SIG - Business Platforms for AppsIf you are on Facebook playing Texas Hold'Em, added LinkedIn applications leveraging your connections, or reviewed sales, marketing, HR or other applications at force.com, AppExchange, you are already in touch with the evolving world of Application Integration Platforms which have opened up new software opportunities for business and monetization. Come join us for an overview of these Business Platforms, contribute to the discussion and learn: * How are they different from other services such as Google App Engine and Amazon EC2? * How does an application plug into these platforms? * What data do they make available to application developers? * What are the success and failure factors for such applications and business models? 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/homepage2009-01-16 19:01:47 >i2009-01-22 04:00:00 \\block devices over TCP. DRBD is extremely flexible due to the fact it is a block d S3Q33JsTiE Oregon presents Software & Internet SIG - Business Platforms for AppsIf you are on Facebook playing Texas Hold'Em, added LinkedIn applications leveraging your connections, or reviewed sales, marketing, HR or other applications at force.com, AppExchange, you are already in touch with the evolving world of Application Integration Platforms which have opened up new software opportunities for business and monetization. Come join us for an overview of these Business Platforms, contribute to the discussion and learn: * How are they different from other services such as Google App Engine and Amazon EC2? * How does an application plug into these platforms? * What data do they make available to application developers? * What are the success and failure factors for such applications and business models? 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/homepage2009-01-16 20:32:46 =2009-01-22 04:00:00 001nt layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and case studies, the presenters from Ziba Design and Stoel Rives LLP will describe what is happening in the marketplace and provide predictions ofLW93 33JsOnline Community Managers PDX MeetingThe Online Community Managers PDX Group is a place for Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We Google group (Online_Community_Managers_PDX) http://groups.google.com/group/online_community_managers_pdx?hl=en Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster2009-01-22 03:00:002009-01-16 22:08:18 92009-01-22 04:30:00  collaboratively. Together, we will create a long-term vision and plan for a city and county that feeds itself – sustainably, healthily, equitably, and prosperously. In planning for this initiative, Multnomah County is preparing a State of Food Report. This report will synthesize existing regional food system assessments and food policy recommendations. It will present case studies that identify processes used by other communities to facilitate food policy planning, including outcomes and best practices. It will alsoe/53k33JsWestside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. We're literally right at the MAX stop so you have no excuses. Sometimes there's beer. 2009-01-23 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-01-16 06:55:15 <2009-01-23 05:00:00  to directories is important and how to choose the correct directories. * What is Link Popularity and why is it important. *l SE3E33JsProfessional Technology Career FairProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org 2009-02-19 23:00:00http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 21:04:20 <2009-02-20 02:00:00nology. William Newman is managing director at Northwest Technology Ventures, a $14 million Oregon seed fund focused on technology-based startups and spin-offs from the research sector in both life sciences and technology. Prior to joining the research faculty at MIT, Bill earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique in France, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Lewis Nashner was the founder of Neurocom International, Inc. until it was acquired by Natus Biomedical, Inc. in 2008. Prior to founding Neurocom, Lew was a Senior Scientist at the RS Dow Neurological Sciences Institute of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, serving as the Institute’s Chairman. Lew received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical engineering from MIT. He also received the Sc.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience from MIT. 2009-01-28 15:30:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioForumJanuary2009/2009-01-15 21:32:26 =2009-01-28 17:00:00  Learn techniques that will help you write effective sales copy that gets results. * Understand how the personalization of search results is changing the rules.E aG3g33JsOBA: Insights for Succeeding in BioscienceThis highly interactive discussion will focus on current challenges and market conditions that impact the bioscience and pharmaceutical industries. The intent is to learn how to better cope and prosper in uncertain times. During this session, the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. Our guest panel, moderated by Paul Abel from Blue Research, includes the following members: Peter Smith is Director of Strategic Development at Biotronik Inc, a medical device company specializing in Cardiac Rhythm Management. Peter has an international background in healthcare marketing and strategy, having worked for Hoffmann la Roche and McKinsey. Peter earned an MBA at MIT Sloan and a Masters in Health Technology from the MIT-Harvard Institute of Health Science and Tech  a must! * Find out about the tools offered by the search engines to increase your web site's success SEO Training Course Day 3 * Learn about competitive intelligence and multi-variate analysis and how these tools can help increase yourts33G33JpIxDA Portland F2F Gathering (Interaction Designers)Come out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://www.ixda.org/local.php2009-01-16 00:03:12 ;2009-01-23 05:00:00} M3-33JsXPDX lunch (eXtreme Programming)Join other XP and agile methdology practitioners and enthusiasts for a lunchtime discussion. XPDX is group of IT professionals in the Portland, Oregon area that are interested in Extreme Programming and Agile software development methodologies.2009-01-16 21:00:00http://xpdx.org/2009-01-15 22:40:29 ;42009-01-16 23:00:00 rch engine marketing tips and tactics. In this 2-day course you will learn the essentials of getting your website indexed appropriatell SE3E33JsProfessional Technology Career FairProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org 2009-02-19 23:00:00http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 20:34:53 >h2009-02-20 02:00:00 ks, Airvana, A123 SystemԡF_3 333Making Strides Against Breast Cancer WalkWe're looking for volunteers to help with reglSE3E33JsProfessioanl Technology Career FairProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org 2009-02-19 23:00:00http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 20:31:23 >h2009-02-20 02:00:00d critique actual PPC campaigns from real-world companies right here in the Pacific Northwest. Mark you calendar for Tuesday, January 13, 2009, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking, PPC education, and buffet dinner. What You Will Receive: 1. Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. 2. Detailed examples of how to improve your Paid Search performance. 3. Tips on advanced account management, landing page creation, and conversion strategies. Panelists: 1. Leisa Hall - Anvil Media 2. Todd Mintz - Todd Mintz 3. Josh Patrice - Overland Agency Campaign Reviews 1. Site #1: Available! 2. Site #2: Available! 3. Site #3: Available! Details: Date: Tuesday, Jan 13 Location: Hotel deLuxe - Directions 05:27 PM, January 13, 2009 , Cost: $35.00 2009-01-14 01:27:00http://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000211&launch_pg_sp=true&title=January+2009+Hot+Seat%3A+Inaugural+PPC+Event2009-01-09 23:12:36 :V2009-01-15 03:00:00ues. Even with increasing competition for keywords and rising cost-per-visits, PPC campaigns are the dominant force within our vibrant space. The reasons for this fact are pretty straight forward: 1. Your ads can be posted, or revised, almost immediately, 2. You ads appear when and where you want them to, 3. They are easy to implement, and can get instant results, 4. They can precisely target your most desired audience, 5. They are the most measurable form of advertising today, 6. Your measured ROI makes them highly affordable. However, issues of ad quality, landing page design, Web site functionality, product demand, and inventory can hinder your PPC efforts. We, therefore, invite you to join us for an evening of expert panel advice on proper PPC account set-up, effective landing pages, keyword research, quality score, bid management and much more at our SEMpdx January 2009 PPC Hot Seat. In addition to this insightful information, our panel of search marketing specials will review an h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Couo3333JsPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI ProgrammingSpeaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntaxz_53]33JsPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/ ] Several of us have read Marshall's How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_build_a_social_media_cheat_sheet.php where he integrates data from many different sources and uses various plumbing tools to pull it all together. Marshall is a master of tools like Yahoo Pipes and Dapper, and it will be great to have him presenting at our Jan 27th meeting.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-15 19:45:07 >X;bw2009-01-28 03:30:00 Layer for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2009-01-22 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2009-01-15 19:45:56 :2009-01-22 05:00:00 ica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Typesԡ4uG35333Portland Female Executives Wall of Wine Benefit GalaOn Tuesday, December 8, plan to mix and mingle with friends, colleagues, and Portland's female business leaders at the historic University Club of Portland for the Portland Female Executives (PDXfX) Walz_53]33JsPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/ ] Several of us have read Marshall's How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_build_a_social_media_cheat_sheet.php where he integrates data from many different sources and uses various plumbing tools to pull it all together. Marshall is a master of tools like Yahoo Pipes and Dapper, and it will be great to have him presenting at our Jan 27th meeting.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-15 19:40:51 >g;bw2009-01-28 03:30:00 Layer for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2009-01-22 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2009-01-15 18:15:01 >f2009-01-22 05:00:00 jje central city. Where the Revolution Began (Spacemaker Press, $29.95) is the story of how these plazas came to be. Born of the creative experimentation and collaboration between the late Halprin and his wife, pioneering choreographer/dancer Anna Halprin, the Portland Open Space Sequence came to life in the unlikely setting of the Portland’so3333JsPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI ProgrammingSpeaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntaxz/e3]33JsBreakfast Tweetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/ ] Have morning vittles with all your tweeple pals.2009-01-15 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/2009-01-15 18:06:10 <;bv2009-01-15 18:00:00z/e3]33JsBreakfast Tweetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/ ] Have morning vittles with all your tweeple pals.2009-01-15 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/2009-01-15 11:20:33 >e;bv2009-01-15 18:00:00 ce Halprin. Saturday, December 5, 2pm Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Admission: Free Introduction by Portland Parks CommiWS{3]33JsCorvallis Beer and Blog @ Fireworks[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/ ] Our next Beer and Blog will be at Fireworks Restaurant & Bar from 5-7PM. We’ll be having our first topic going over how to start your blog. We’ll discuss how to setup a Blogger site along with setting up WordPress. There probably won’t be enough time to go over all of the steps, but we’ll try to cover the basics at least. Make sure you bring a laptop so we can even help get you started on the spot! Wireless is available there, but it is locked with a key. Fireworks was also kind enough to provide a pizza and beer special for us! They’ll have $3 pints and all you can eat pizza for $5. Thanks Ocean for setting that up!2009-01-22 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/2009-01-14 23:15:48 >d;bu2009-01-22 03:30:00 rategy Register for this Event Back toFԡ=q#3_333IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networkiU? 3]33JsBeer and Blog @ Fireworks[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/ ] Our next Beer and Blog will be at Fireworks Restaurant & Bar from 5-7PM. We’ll be having our first topic going over how to start your blog. We’ll discuss how to setup a Blogger site along with setting up WordPress. There probably won’t be enough time to go over all of the steps, but we’ll try to cover the basics at least. Make sure you bring a laptop so we can even help get you started on the spot! Wireless is available there, but it is locked with a key. Fireworks was also kind enough to provide a pizza and beer special for us! They’ll have $3 pints and all you can eat pizza for $5. Thanks Ocean for setting that up!2009-01-22 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/2009-01-14 19:13:21 >d;bu2009-01-22 03:30:00m was built from the ground up on ASP.NET MVC and is currently used by thousands of developers from around the world! Geoff will be showing how StackOverflow.com uses ASP.NET MVC, as well as how to create a brand new simple Q/A site using MVC. Have questions about ASP.NET MVC? Want to get started using ASP.NET MVC? Come to the January Covallis .NET Users Group Meeting! Thanks to our sponsor: Business Solutions Group, OSU (http://bsg.oregonstate.edu/) Time/Place: Thursday, January 22th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM Location: OSU - Kelly Engineering Center, Room 1003 RSVP here! (Or you can email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner 6:30 - 7:30: "ASP.NET MVC", Geoff Dalgas, StackOverflow.com 7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1476300/2009-01-14 18:38:07 >U2009-01-23 04:00:00 }onal Manag]%;3]33JsCorvallis .NET Users Group - Geoff Dalgas of Stackoverflow.com - ASP.NET MVCThis month we have a special guest, Geoff Dalgas of StackOverflow.com, giving us a presentation on ASP.NET MVC! StackOverflow.cou~-3M3JsBeaver Barcamp 32009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-14 18:38:05 >U;bgJsQ}13C33JsIgnite Corvallis 22009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-14 18:38:04 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00j|-u3M3JslBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

      More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
       2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-14 18:38:04 >U;bgJsQ{13C33JskIgnite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

      Venue and exact times are still up in the air.
       2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-14 18:38:03 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00m was built from the ground up on ASP.NET MVC and is currently used by thousands of developers from around the world! Geoff will be showing how StackOverflow.com uses ASP.NET MVC, as well as how to create a brand new simple Q/A site using MVC. Have questions about ASP.NET MVC? Want to get started using ASP.NET MVC? Come to the January Covallis .NET Users Group Meeting! Thanks to our sponsor: Business Solutions Group, OSU (http://bsg.oregonstate.edu/) Time/Place: Thursday, January 22th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM Location: OSU - Kelly Engineering Center, Room 1003 RSVP here! (Or you can email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner 6:30 - 7:30: "ASP.NET MVC", Geoff Dalgas, StackOverflow.com 7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1476300/2009-01-14 18:20:03 >Y2009-01-23 04:00:00  the smart grid conTԡ1I{3M333PARTS hackaton @ opentechspaceHi folks, At Monty's suggestion, we agreed to start having every-other-week meetings, starting Monday November 16 at 7pm,]z%;3]33JsCorvallis .NET Users Group - Geoff Dalgas of Stackoverflow.com - ASP.NET MVCThis month we have a special guest, Geoff Dalgas of StackOverflow.com, giving us a presentation on ASP.NET MVC! StackOverflow.co„BycM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-14 15:46:57 92009-02-10 05:00:00 mamure, though if others want to, feel free. There is no agenda. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A BxcM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-02-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-14 15:46:15 92009-02-09 05:00:00*v3E3JsPermaculture Guild: Grow Your Own Produce slide show by Marisha Auerbach2009-01-20 02:00:00http://thedirt.org/node/35922009-01-14 10:55:44 >];bnJsxuS3M33JsMasterbacon: A day for bacon lovers2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-14 10:55:17 >P;b JsO2009-01-18 00:00:00 discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

      Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

      We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
       2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:13 9;blJs2009-01-15 05:00:00s (advanced)
    • Announcements: Items of Interest from User Group members
    discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

    Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

    We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
     2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:12 9;blJs2009-01-15 05:00:00on. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide w<Ah2>

    We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at birthday party afterward.2009-01-24 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2009-01-13 23:01:39 92009-01-25 00:00:00&:y3E33JsvWorld Oil Supply: At the Turning Point? Presented by John KaufmanKaufman will present and discuss the history and current climate of the world oil supply and address the concept of Peak Oil. According to US EIA (Energy Information Association) data ( www.eia.doe.gov/ipm/supply.ht  e employees, full-time placement and custom project teams to a diverse client roster which includes: advertising agencies, design hz?53133JstSEEcamp planning v.22009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-14 10:53:14 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00p=G_3?33JsWebsite Fundamentals OverviewThis 3 hour website overview is for people who want a website but don't know where to start. Get useful advice and tips before you begin the process. No computer is needed for this course. We will discuss the following: - How (and where) to register a domain name - Hosting terms explained - Web development tools - What to look for in a web designer - Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Vimeo, and social networking - CMS options: Blogger, Wordpress, Expression Engine - Statistics and website tracking - Search Engine Optimization - Maintaining a website - To blog or not to blog - Question & Answer Cost: $452009-01-28 02:00:00http://www.DIYstories.com2009-01-14 05:44:00 ;2009-01-28 05:00:00ntation and solar rights ordinances. At various times he has managed the agency's Residential and Business Energy Tax Credit programs, public buildings programs, and new energy technologies efforts. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and was primary author of the report, and has made presentations to numerous audiences nationwide. The Future of Energy is an energy professionals/green collar networking grouping. Their mission is to provide a networking and educational forum for energy professionals. By utilizing the diverse expertise and leadership of its members, the group works to promote practical solutions for enhancing the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy in consumer choices, and market dynamics; and communicate how they relate to major global problems such as global climate change, peak energy, and sustainability. 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.portlandpeakoil.org/content/world-oil-supply-turning-point-presented-john-kaufman2009-01-13 20:35:54 :s2009-01-22 04:00:00 #inable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark onu9?1333JsShizzow Developers MeetupNow that the beta version of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, January 15th at 5:00pm, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.2009-01-16 01:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/01/shizzow-developers-meetup/2009-01-13 20:16:19 ; 2009-01-16 04:00:00Q8-73A33Js[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Featured in the Oregonian on 2009-01-13: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/12318207to provide thermal energy for detached single-family homes, multi-family residential and small commercial buildings. Adapting these successful international examples for implementation in Oregon gives us a scalable, replicable model whose economic and environmental impact will be tremendous. Planned system components include thermal solar collectors, mass thermal storage for heating and anticipated cooling, combining water to water and ground-coupled heat pump technology, waste heat recovery, PV arrays and biofuel boilers for boosting and back-up. A distribution system of hydronic insulated pipes will deliver hot and chilled water for space heating, cooling and domestic hot water to the school, several hundred nearby residences, and commercial buildings. SunNE will operate as a member-owned, unregulated franchise utility within the City of Portland. 2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2837&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-13 17:36:27 >c2009-01-15 04:00:00 CCware companies have great incentives to gain a competitiv175c3M33JsTiE Clean Energy SIGWe begin the new year with our Clean energy SIG meeting. The agenda for the evening includes a presentation by Ms. Lacey Riddle, Focus Oregon Organizer for Focus The Nation who will present a project based on proven solar thermal techniques- The SunnySide Neighbourhood Project Overview. Sunnyside Neighborhood Project Overview Sunnyside Neighborhood Energy (SunNE) is conceived as a comprehensive solution to local thermal energy needs. SunNE is a project of Northwest Neighborhood Energy (N2E), a new non-profit incorporated in Oregon. SunNE will eventually be structured as a community-owned district energy (DE) utility powered by renewable sources that will serve Sunnyside Environmental School and the surrounding historic neighborhood and commercial areas. The project is modeled on existing mid-sized DE utilities in Sweden, Denmark and Canada, which use solar thermal storage and biofuel boilers 0824970.xml&coll=7 ] Richard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even the semiconductor industry. Taylor has applied his studies to art, showing how fractal patterns in the work of abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock can distinguish a real Pollock from a fake. Come hear about this amazing intersection of art and science. Richard Taylor, PhD, is an associate professor in physics, psychology, and art at the University of Oregon. Transforming lives by erasing academic boundaries might be why Taylor was named Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education for 2005 by the Oregon Academy of Science.2009-01-28 03:00:00http://omsi.edu/sciencepub2009-01-13 18:53:17 <2009-01-28 05:00:00ml ), world oil supplies peaked in 2004. Many have heard of the concept of 'peak oil', but do not fully understand the reality. Peak oil, conceptually, simply means that the oil that is left in the ground is more difficult and more expensive to obtain. This presentation will discuss the economic and social implications of peak oil as well as the need and rise in green collar jobs.  Green-collar work may be one of the greatest opportunities as our society and economy change from one being oil-based, to focusing on alternative forms of energy. John Kaufman, is a senior policy analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy and has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the department for 25 years, helping to make Oregon a national leader. He headed Oregon's efforts to adopt the nation's most energy-efficient building codes, and received the American Planning Association Professional Achievement Award for getting 26 local governments in the Portland Metro area to jointly adopt solar orie siness owner, or technology leader at your company, we would be pleased to have you participate in our panel moderated event with industry experts in the field of eCommerce. E-commerce and multi-channel selling is undergoing an accelerated evolution which has been driven by new technologies, rapidly evolving user behavior, and business model innovation. These trends are reshaping the market and the customer experience. Panelists ?65 3133JsSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

    SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp.
     2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-13 16:44:50 >Z;bmJst2009-01-19 01:00:000824970.xml&coll=7 ] Richard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even the semiconductor industry. Taylor has applied his studies to art, showing how fractal patterns in the work of abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock can distinguish a real Pollock from a fake. Come hear about this amazing intersection of art and science. Richard Taylor, PhD, is an associate professor in physics, psychology, and art at the University of Oregon. Transforming lives by erasing academic boundaries might be why Taylor was named Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education for 2005 by the Oregon Academy of Science.2009-01-28 03:00:00http://omsi.edu/sciencepub2009-01-13 16:24:00 <2009-01-28 05:00:00 ))ar from a panel of leading software executives how they are positioning their companies in markets outside the US to expand and strengthen their respective organizations. They will also highlight ‘do’s and don’ts’ from their past experiences so that you can avoid their mistakQ5-73A33Js[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Featured in the Oregonian on 2009-01-13: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/12318207Ճv4'w3K33JsBeer and BlogCome toast the latest chapter this Friday’s Beer and Blog at the Green Dragon. In preparation for next Saturday’s mini job fair, I’d like to talk to anyone with leads on businesses and organizations that are looking for employees, contract work, as well as other opportunities (like equity for work). Come find me!
     2009-01-17 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-01-13 15:14:54 ; ;bt2009-01-17 02:00:00 --a>.

    So, to showcase 3!E3]3JsiPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.

    Hopefully this time we won't see two-feet of snow.
     2009-01-21 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-13 10:33:46 ; ;bk;25 3133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

    SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp.
     2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-13 16:44:49 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00ustry cluster strategy studies for the State of Oregon, City of Portland, and Clackamas County, Oregon * Advised and lectured the China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development in Portland, Oregon training government professional from the People’s Republic of China in the fields of land use planning, green development, and sustainable development. * Developed a Sustainable Development Action Plan for the Taiwan Council for Economic Development to guide agencies, local governments, business, academic, and non-governmental agencies in Taiwan. Now developing the Eco-City Vision for Taipei City. * Teamed with SOM Asia for a vision and urban development plan for the Hangzhou segment of the Grand Canal * Advised the City of Taipei, Taiwan on the concept of an Eco-City and “green” library buildings. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-12 17:20:21 9JsC2009-01-14 21:30:00ww.portlandten.com/blog/2009-11-17 04:02:372009-11-17 04:02:37 @2009-12-08 18:00:00tion will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. A few examples include: * Serving as Chair and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission for Portland and Multnomah County guiding the process of early adoption and evolution of sustainable development it Portland and Multnomah County. * Produced a comprehensive review and summary of models for sustainable development used in North America and Europe. * Developed green building and sustainable inds, and also provides one approach to handling difficult constructs such as monads without extending the underlying logic. Finally, the grand vision of the OpenTheory article repository is painted, with fully automatic installation and dependency resolution. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to donsATgaloisDOTcom is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2009-01-13 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/01/08/tech-talk-opentheory-package-management-for-higher-order-logic-theories/2009-01-13 00:03:45 ;2009-01-13 19:30:0018 03:35:46 @|2009-11-19 04:30:00RESENTATION Title: OpenTheory: Package Management for Higher Order Logic Theories Speaker: Joe Hurd, Galois, Inc. Abstract: Interactive theorem has grown beyond toy examples in mathematics and program verification, as demonstrated by recent successes such as the Gonthier's formal proof of the four colour theorem and Leroy's verified compiler from a realistic subset of C into PowerPC assembly code. As the construction of large programs led to the development of software engineering techniques, there is now a need for theory engineering techniques to support these major verification efforts. In this talk I will present the OpenTheory project, which has defined a simple 'article' format to represent theories of higher order logic. Theories in article format can be written by one higher order logic theorem prover, compressed by a standalone tool, stored and read by a different theorem prover. Articles naturally support theory interpretations, which leads to more efficient developments of standard theorie 'king group. http://WorkAtJelly.com We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work_1;3g33JsCNW China Council: Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in ChinaNW China ސ=0-e3i33JsGalois Tech Talk: OpenTheory, Package Management for Higher Order Logic TheoriesPۄf/WM3K3JsPortland Werewolf - January GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

    If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
    Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
     2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-12 18:54:14 =;bsture for the business; payroll, accounting, record keeping and taxes; alternatives for securing financing; business risks and insurance requirements; developing a business plan that will sell the entrepreneur's idea; and developing and implementing a successful marketing plan. The presenters for this workshop come from the local business community. They are practicing attorneys, accountants and insurance brokers. This is one of the most important days that the beginning entrepreneur can spend in a workshop. Sample Content: * Learn to move a business from concept to profitable operation * Simple record keeping and controls * Managing your people and resources * Choosing the right tax-saving legal form of business * Researching your customers and markets * What kind and how much insurance do you need * Where and how to find financing * Introduction to creating a business plan 2009-01-21 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 18:12:46 >G2009-01-22 00:00:00Council CHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption trends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-13 07:27:16 92009-01-14 21:30:00009-12-20 06:00:00cԡ"]3K333Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff This is the first meeting of the Portland Silver   l fundraiser at Someday Lounge in Portland on Wednesday December 9. It should be a great night, with local musicians Leonard Mynx, Sean Flinn (of Y La Bamba) and Amy Seeley. DJ Doctor Funk will be dusting off some soul records as well if you feel like dancing! Tickets are $25 if you purchase in advance, and $30 on the door. Please buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment! They are now available at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/90410. Doors open at 7pm, and the bands start at 8pm. **Buy.s}333Js}SCORE: Business Basics for the Small Business OwnerThis full day workshop is designed for those who have made the decision to go into business and need an overview on topics such as: understanding the ramifications of selecting a legal struc݁c- 3533JsJStarve Ups: Setting Valuation – What Is Your Business Worth2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2009-01-12 17:22:33 :A2009-02-26 04:30:00ofyflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ku.com/]soft porn pregnant lesbian porn[/url] free paris hilton sex paris !P"QTVXZ\` a bcdhijlmn;v9yz{|   #߅'܅-˅0ۅ4Յ7Ѕ<Dž>ƅAŅCDąEFGHIJKLMNQ݅RVXZ\`bdhjlnps̅uͅv{}  :†!#()*+,~.}/|12{3z4Council CHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-12 17:19:18 92009-01-14 21:30:00he water. 2009-11-19 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala2009-11-16 06:50:272009-11-16 07:42:49 ; Jy2009-11-19 05:30:00n, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH, 2009. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:32:25 >2009-02-10 17:00:00 KnKnd Urban Iditarod in previous years. The Lotus Room is a gQ?'_3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a sustainability-focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happen. This was originally scheduled for December 21, has been rescheduled due to snowpocalypse. Contact klint at klintron dot com if you can't make it but are interested in the project.2009-01-11 23:00:002009-01-12 04:31:44 >Z2009-01-12 01:00:00\&_Q3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in an unconference on environmental and social solutions? Then show up at Red and Black for the first discussion on the possibility. If you can't make it but want to talk about it, contact klint at klintron dot com2008-12-21 23:00:002009-01-12 04:31:44 >Z2008-12-22 01:00:00%M%3133JsSBA Small Business Loan Briefing503-326-26822009-01-14 19:30:00http://www.sba.gov2009-01-12 04:28:33 >a2009-01-14 20:30:00 "Z"c Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub4)53133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

    SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp  2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-12 06:00:48 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00"(M%3Y33JsSBA Small Business Loan Briefing503-326-26822009-01-14 19:30:00http://calagator.org/events/12504564522009-01-12 04:40:39 >a2009-01-14 20:30:00tion will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. A few examples include: * Serving as Chair and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission for Portland and Multnomah County guiding the process of early adoption and evolution of sustainable development it Portland and Multnomah County. * Produced a comprehensive review and summary of models for sustainable development used in North America and Europe. * Developed green building and sustainable industry cluster strategy studies for the State of Oregon, City of Portland, and Clackamas County, Oregon * Advised and lectured the China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development in Portland, Oregon training government professional from the People’s Republic of China in the fields of land use planning, green development, and sustainable development. * Developed a Sustainable Development Action Plan for the Taiwan Council for Economic Development to guide agencies, local governments, business, academic, and non-governmental agencies in Taiwan. Now developing the Eco-City Vision for Taipei City. * Teamed with SOM Asia for a vision and urban development plan for the Hangzhou segment of the Grand Canal * Advised the City of Taipei, Taiwan on the concept of an Eco-City and “green” library buildings. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-12 17:20:20 92009-01-14 21:30:00of foreign jurisdictions to stop infringing products where they are manufactured - --gy patent litigation. Tigrani$? 3 33JsWEO Oregon dinner meeting2009-01-14 02:00:002009-01-12 04:26:37 :L2009-01-14 05:00:00#q93g33JsCNW China Council: Systainable Development in ChinaABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presenta"E 3=33JsJStarveups: Setting Valuation2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com2009-01-14 10:43:432009-02-26 05:00:00p!Cy3133JsSAO: The HR Audit - WebinarPresented by AmeriBen/IEC Group This session will review the functional areas of HR to include: staffing, policies and procedures; employee handbook, performance management, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations, labor relations and compliance. You will receive an overview of areas to address to respond to compliance issues and reduce the potential for claims and litigation. Speaker: Tom Kelley, SPHR To Register Call: 503.626.7527 or Email: jolson@iecgroup.com2009-01-28 17:00:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-12 04:18:332009-01-28 18:30:00  use the fastest, most cost-effective IP enforcement actions available Panelists: - Tom Evans, Corporate Patent Attorney at Mentor Graphics will] ]I333JsSCORE: 5 Essentials of Effective SellingYou're Open For Business. Now Let's Sell Everybody is a small business is in sales! What does that mean to you? In this workshop you will develop your "elevator speech" - the powerful ability to explain what business you are in and what value you deliver. You will learn how to listen for the ways the prospect is buying and what to do about it. Learn how to ask the right questions. * Discover the power of walking in the shoes of your customer. * Discover your active listening habits and leverage the good ones and change the bad ones * Learn the secrets of building successful business relationships. * Find out how to establish instant rapport with a stranger. 2009-01-28 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:15:17 >G2009-01-28 20:00:00tructure for the business; payroll, accounting, record keeping and taxes; alternatives for securing financing; business risks and insurance requirements; developing a business plan that will sell the entrepreneur's idea; and developing and implementing a successful marketing plan. The presenters for this workshop come from the local business community. They are practicing attorneys, accountants and insurance brokers. This is one of the most important days that the beginning entrepreneur can spend in a workshop. Sample Content: * Learn to move a business from concept to profitable operation * Simple record keeping and controls * Managing your people and resources * Choosing the right tax-saving legal form of business * Researching your customers and markets * What kind and how much insurance do you need * Where and how to find financing * Introduction to creating a business plan 2009-01-21 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:10:562009-01-22 00:00:00sh and that there are not too many companies in this line of business and that there is a demand for your product or service, this workshop is for YOU. Learn about the Seven (7) Steps For Sustaining & Growing Your Business in a Bad Economy Step 1: Cash Flow Focus - is both a state of mind and a key to business management. Step 2: The Planning Process - if you don't have a plan, how do you know what you want to do? Step 3: Customer-centric thinking - you MUST think like a customer to survive. Learn how. Step 4: Value Proposition Development/Use - Learn how to quickly tell someone what you do for customers and why it is valuable Step 5: Advisory Boards Collaboration - in the counsel of many, there is wisdom Step 6: Competitive Analysis - why it matters what the competition is doing and how to make it work for you Step 7: Web Presence � What and Why - and do people care? 2009-01-27 21:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:12:59 >`2009-01-28 01:00:00 Internet basics and how your small business can benefit by using the Internet. We'll look at how to perform searches, use of your browser and bookmarks, handling e-mail and why your small business should develop a web site. We also cover the basics of web site design. Discover how to lessen the disadvantage that your small business faces when competing with larger businesses. Your small business web site can be effective virtual marketing collateral that you can update on demand with little or no cost. Your presence on the Internet can be a useful marketing tool by providing richer pre-sale information or post-sale support and service. This can differentiate your product or service from the competition. Sample Content: * Electronic Media * Introduction to the Internet * The basics of Web Site design * Introduction to Internet Marketing * Search Engine Basics * E-mail basics 2009-01-13 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:09:29 >G2009-01-13 20:00:00 take part in the discussion of the topics covered. It is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations and management. Like all of SCORE's workshops, this workshop will provide you with the opportunity to talk to people who are trying to make the same decision you are and asking themselves the question: should I take on the challenge of starting and running my own business? Sample Content: * What it takes to start and run a business * Resources available to help make wise decisions * Problems and pitfalls to avoid as a business owner * Legal business structures, licenses and insurance options * Financing options to start or expand your business * Operations and staffing issues 2009-01-17 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:08:18 >_2009-01-17 20:00:00 3 3etting where you can network with yJ}333Js~SCORE: 7 Steps Businesses Must Consider in a Bad EconomyAssuming that your business idea or business is feasible and that you have the experience and background to make your idea flouri~s}333Js}SCORE: Business Basics for the Small Business OwnerThis full day workshop is designed for those who have made the decision to go into business and need an overview on topics such as: understanding the ramifications of selecting a legal sC)333Js{SCORE: Internet Marketing IThe Internet is being used more and more to provide better, faster customer service and communication as well as give you another outlet through which to move your products and services. This workshop will coverUm)333Js|SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Own BusinessThis workshop is scheduled for a half day on Saturdays. It is conducted using a panel format, where participants are encouraged to ask questions and Internet basics and how your small business can benefit by using the Internet. We'll look at how to perform searches, use of your browser and bookmarks, handling e-mail and why your small business should develop a web site. We also cover the basics of web site design. Discover how to lessen the disadvantage that your small business faces when competing with larger businesses. Your small business web site can be effective virtual marketing collateral that you can update on demand with little or no cost. Your presence on the Internet can be a useful marketing tool by providing richer pre-sale information or post-sale support and service. This can differentiate your product or service from the competition. Sample Content: * Electronic Media * Introduction to the Internet * The basics of Web Site design * Introduction to Internet Marketing * Search Engine Basics * E-mail basics 2009-01-12 05:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:05:48 >G2009-01-12 06:00:00 7C7#,5>GC)333Js{SCORE: Internet Marketing IThe Internet is being used more and more to provide better, faster customer service and communication as well as give you another outlet through which to move your products and services. This workshop will coverp5}3333JszOTBC Founders FridayFor startup team members only! It's time for another Founders Friday at OTBC. Please join us to network with other startup team members. We'll provide beverages and snacks. And please - this is one event we'd like to to startup team members only!2009-01-17 00:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-12 04:02:06 <2009-01-17 02:30:005=[3q3JsyAlexis Zeigler, author of Culture Change, Real Solutions for Peak Oil and Global WarmingClimate change and other ecological limits are increasingly clear as we approach the limits of growth on a finite Earth. exhaustibility of fossil fuel has been apparent for decades.

    Why have we not  diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

    This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's garden through slides and philosophy. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater Portland area. As petroleum becomes more expensive, fruits, vegetables,and other goods will become increasingly more expensive to transport into residential areas. This workshop offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

    Sliding Scale $10-$7, no one turned away for lack of funds.

    There is an optional potluck at 6:00 p.m. Please bring your own plate/cup/utensils and a yummy dish to share. The meeting topic starts at 7:00.
     2009-01-20 02:00:00http://thedirt.org/node/35922009-01-12 03:41:18 >];bngical factors. Social issues that may seem far apart, such as ecological stress and women's rights for instance, have common roots. In the modern context, much of the political unraveling that we are witnessing can be understood in terms of the limitations of growth of modern industrialism.

    The growth of fundamentalism and militarism, the decline of civil liberty and the environment, all of these problems are going to get worse if we do not find a new means to address them.

    There are real solutions to these problems, but they are going to involve a quantum leap, both in thought and in action, beyond our current methods of political engagement. The solutions themselves are not even terribly difficult, they are simply well outside of our current range of vision and will.
     2009-01-29 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/alexis-zeigler-author-culture-change-real-solutions-peak-oil-and-global-warming2009-01-12 03:46:14 >^;bo Change:

    While we are daily witness to the powers of progress manifest in the extraordinary mechanical technologies we have developed in the industrial age, we remain woefully unaware of the most basic causes of social change in our society. Our lack of social awareness does not result from the difficulty of understanding social problems, it results from the active repression of such awareness.

    The political resistance movements that developed in the twentieth century were adapted to conditions of economic growth. When an economy is growing, petitioning through political and legal means to assure increasing access to rights and wealth for traditionally disenfranchised groups met with a measure of success, and that success was the foundation for further movement building. Those movements cannot, as they are currently structured, guide us through the coming age.

    Many of the problems that we see as having purely political roots are strongly influenced by economic and ecolo uE ART OF CELLULOID Curated by Christopher May April 12 + 13 [7:30PM] Cinema Project welcomes guest ԡ_37333TiE Oreg`3E3JsxPermaculture Guild: Grow Your Own Produce slide show by Marisha Auerbach"How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening" - a slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

    In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in how to convert properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of herresponded? Why is our culture so blind to ecological limits? Humans as individuals are capable of intelligent planning, but America blunders along as if there were no tomorrow. Why is our culture so blind to its own future? Many large societies seem to share the same lack of vision. Why is this, and what can be done about it?

    What if the solutions to our environmental crises were apparent? Are the solutions difficult, or simply outside of our current range of vision? Real solutions mean moving beyond corporate greenwashing and politics. We need to create a citizen's movement that can fundamentally restructure our economy and our culture. Alexis Zeigler, author of the new book, Culture Change: Civil Liberty, Peak

    Oil, and the End of Empire will conduct a presentation and discussion of these issues.

    Contact: conev.org,
    tradelocal@yahoo.com, 434-409-6006

    From the back cover of Culture and concludes with possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufman has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the department for 25 years, helping to make Oregon a national leader. He headed Oregon's efforts to adopt the nation’s most energy-efficient building codes, and received the American Planning Association Professional Achievement Award for getting 26 local governments in the Portland Metro area to jointly adopt solar orientation and solar rights ordinances. At various times he has managed the agency's Residential and Business Energy Tax Credit programs, public buildings programs, and new energy technologies efforts. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and was primary author of the report, and has made presentations to numerous audiences nationwide. 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.portlandpeakoil.org/content/world-oil-supply-turning-point-presented-john-kaufman2009-01-12 02:24:26 :s2009-01-22 04:00:00 V time around Jason Harris (of techcraver.com fame, a most excellent tech blog) will be demoing Taptu a "super-fast entertainment search engine for your mob#s3E33JsvWorld Oil Supply: At the Turning Point? Presented by John KaufmanJohn Kaufman, Sr. Policy Analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy will give an hour presentation titled, World Oil Supply: At the Turning Point? at the Baghdad Theater on January 21, 2009. The premise, that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. This presentation discusses evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent, and supply alternatives such as enhanced oil recovery, nuclear power, coal, oil sands and oil shale, hydrogen, and renewables. It then explores the likely impacts of peak oil on society-]3333JsuIntro to Permaculture Thinking (based on The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture) Due to high demand, Portland Peak Oil is presenting a second chance to participate in our "Introduction to Permaculture Thinking" session, based on the materials contained in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow, but expanding into a larger discussion on basic permaculture theory and whole systems thinking. Reading the chapters in advance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended both for as a foundation for the discussion and because the book is a great introduction to hands-on permaculture techniques that anyone can use. The reading circle is open to anyone who is interested in learning about permaculture. The book can be obtained through Laughing Horse Books for $16.00. A limited number of scholarships are available - inquire at the meeting. The regularly scheduled reading circle meetings are the 1st Wednesdays of each month from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis.2009-01-15 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/study-group-earth-users-guide-permaculture-1-2nd2009-01-12 02:23:20 >[2009-01-15 05:00:00s contained in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow, but expanding into a larger discussion on basic permaculture theory and whole systems thinking. Reading the chapters in advance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended both for as a foundation for the discussion and because the book is a great introduction to hands-on permaculture techniques that anyone can use. The reading circle is open to anyone who is interested in learning about permaculture. The book can be obtained through Laughing Horse Books for $16.00. A limited number of scholarships are available - inquire at the meeting. The regularly scheduled reading circle meetings are the 1st Wednesdays of each month from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis. Location St. Francis Che Room 1131 SE Oak St Across the street from Red & Black Cafe Portland, OR2009-01-15 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/study-group-earth-users-guide-permaculture-1-2nd2009-01-12 02:21:35 >[2009-01-15 05:00:00 -$edu eoeJHe ԡi13ԡi-)3333JsuIntro to Permaculture Thinking (based on The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture) Due to high demand, Portland Peak Oil is presenting a second chance to participate in our "Introduction to Permaculture Thinking" session, based on the materialR5;3133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

    SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp and at www.seecamp.org
     2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-12 02:08:53 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00 adopted Economic Development Strategy. The Strategy, which was approved by City Council in July 2009, emphasizes job creation and business competitiveness as the path to a sustainable economy, and identifies four industry clusters where the Portland Development Commission (PDC) will concentrate time, talent and resources to meet the Strategy’s goal of 10,000 net new jobs in the city of Portland in the next five years. We are in the;5 3133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

    SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp.
     2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-12 01:49:25 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00 andMeetups" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp Meetup event for local technology employees, is an organizer for the sKo3133JsrSAO: Upcoming Climate ProposalsRescheduled from December '08 When: January 23, 2009 - 8:30am-10:30am Where: Ecotrust Building Cost: free to attend - please RSVP! Presented by Climate Solutions, NEBC, Renewable Northwest Projects and the Software Association of Oregon This year is presents a historic opportunity for Oregon to enact climate change policy. Governor Kulongoskib has recommended a significant package of climate bill for the 2009 legislative session. The Bills focus on energy efficiency, creating carbon markets, creating new funding and incentives for renewables such as solar, energy efficiency and new clean transportation infrastructure and incentives. We believe that it can drive economic opportunities for many of our members. We would like to give you an opportunity to learn more about it and get involved if you are interested. Creating a "smart grid" to save energy creates new opportunities for the software industry. We are working with a local group, Climate Solutions, that works to find practical and profitable solutions to climate change. They are part of an organized campaign to pass the legislation. Climate Solutions is engaged in organizing business community support. We would like to invite you to a meeting to learn about the Governor's Climate change package and what the business community can do to get involved. We will have speakers to talk about the details of the package and we will also discuss the business campaign that we are organizing to support the Governor. At this meeting, we will have speakers to explain the Climate Package, the business case and the how you can get involved. Presenters Brian Shipley, Deputy Chief of Staff Gregg Small, Climate Solutions Lisa Adatto, Climate Solutions Jake, Weigler, Healthy Climate Partnership2009-01-23 16:30:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-11 23:27:55 :,2009-01-23 18:30:00 44nd has authored and co-authored several teHKC3w33JrOTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC. OTBC coach Iris Sasaki will join us for this brown bag. Iris is an expert on human resources issues. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Friday, January 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-10 21:11:08 <;b]Jsp2009-01-09 22:00:00 discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

    Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

    We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
     2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:12 9;blJsq2009-01-15 05:00:00gration Services and Analysis Services. He teaches, develops training courseware, speaks at industry confere "rtland technical community. We're mHԡf]_3=333Luz Code Camp (Ruby music visualization)Luz is a music visualization studio, written in the beautiful and expressive Ruby programming lang(ԡzk31333PDXPHP - Monthy Meeting :: Symfony In The CloudTh %3M33JsoEnd Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blogAs part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.
     2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-10 21:09:42 9;biJsa2009-01-11 01:00:00v ]3q33JsCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted tor ]3q33JsCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

    Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

    We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
     2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:12 9;bl2009-01-15 05:00:00Jeff Cogen, Multnomah County Commissioner • Rex Burkholder, Metro Councilor/Candidate for Metro Council Pr 77 rest of the organization. Explore practices E KE3w33JspOTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC. OTBC coach Iris Sasaki will join us for this brown bag. Iris is an expert on human resources issues. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Friday, January 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 29 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-10 10:32:43 <;b]2009-01-09 22:00:00 5;5 • Bill Bradbury, Candidate for Governo  %3M33JsaEnd Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blogAs part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.
     2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-10 21:09:41 9;bi2009-01-11 01:00:00A  #3M33JsaEnd Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blogAs part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-10 03:27:37 9;bi2009-01-11 01:00:00umbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

    We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

    The agenda for the first meeting:
    - Intros
    - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
    - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

    A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

    You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-09 23:15:55 >X;baJsV2009-01-14 03:30:00/pdxruby.org/2009-11-05 21:10:382009-11-05 21:10:38 @2010-01-06 05:00:00king for a team of founders to help you get your idea off the ground? Or do you not have a burning idea, but you'd be interested finding someone with a compelling idea, so you can get in on the ground floor? At OTBC, we'd like to find a way for entrepreneurs and prospective founders to find each other. Come join us for a chat about ideas for helping entrepreneurs get exposure for their ideas. How can we help idea people and prospective founders find each other? We'd like to hear your ideas. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Thursday, January 8 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 53 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-08 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-09 23:15:37 <;b[Jr2009-01-08 22:00:00 tion Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Enginm UE3E33JsProfessional Technology Career FairaProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org 2009-02-19 23:00:00http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 20:34:40 >h2009-02-20 02:00:00 Yuest to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. WelKԡvci33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin progrj-u3M3JslBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-09 23:16:08 >Y;bgJsQOa3w33JsiPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data PlMO3w33JsjOTBC Brown Bag: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you're loo13C33JskIgnite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

    Venue and exact times are still up in the air.
     2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-09 23:15:04 >Y;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00 Y?ca (PRSA) Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) Web Analytics Wednesday (WAW) Oregon Creative Industries (OCI) This exclusive venue promises to be the setting for the most talked-about networking event of the year. Not only will you be on top of one of Portland’s most luxurious hotels . . . but, you will also be able to be on top of the latest developments going-on at some of the most innovative marketing associations in the Pacific Northwest! U"-3w33Jr$MIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Wireless CommunicationEntrepreneur Meetups > TQ!-3w33Jr$MIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Wireless CommunicationEntrepreneur Meetups > T __3]33Jr#Keep Portland Weird! A Community FestivalSaturday, November 8, 2008, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. * Central Library * 801 S.W. 10th Ave. * 503__3]33Jr#Keep Portland Weird! A Community FestivalSaturday, November 8, 2008, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. * Central Library * 801 S.W. 10th Ave. * discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

    Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

    We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
     2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:12 9;bl2009-01-15 05:00:00plifting evening with a true practitioner in partnering with HR. Before dinner, Paul Gulick will discuss sev w discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

    Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Persian" room.

    We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
     2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:42:12 9;bl2009-01-15 05:00:007:00:00http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland2009-11-04 22:59:452009-11-04 22:59:45 ?2009-11-10 01:00:00 looking for a team of founders to help you get your idea off the ground? Or do you not have a burning idea, but you'd be interested finding someone with a compelling idea, so you can get in on the ground floor? At OTBC, we'd like to find a way for entrepreneurs and prospective founders to find each other. Come join us for a chat about ideas for helping entrepreneurs get exposure for their ideas. How can we help idea people and prospective founders find each other? We'd like to hear your ideas. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Thursday, January 8 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 53 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-08 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-09 23:15:36 <;b[2009-01-08 22:00:00 ies, from his lengthy career, during which he partnered with HR to maintain a sense of teamwork and company culture during tough times. In addition to hearing from Paul, we wOq333JsnSEMpdx: January 2009 Hot Seat: Inaugural PPC EventJanuary 2009 Hot Seat: Inaugural PPC Event Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) continues capture more than 88% of all search engine marketing revenr]3q33JsCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted tot]3q33JsCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to f-u3M3JsQBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-09 23:16:08 >Y;bg MO3w33JrOTBC Brown Bag: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you're month''s seminar sells out we will post the next month''s event. ԡn5 3]333Easter Mondo CroquetDress in your Easter ~Oa3w33JsVPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Pl m}G333JshAgile Estimation and PlanningAgile Estimation and Planning Monday, February 9, 2008 - 8:30am-5:00pm Location: The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center 1000 NE Multnomah - Portland, OR 97232 Cost: $199 for members $199 for non members* You won’t see this class again at this price so register today before the class is full! This 1-day session combines high-level insight and specific tactical thinking to address these issues and more. It will help you create plans that extend out 6 months or more, that drive reliable decision-making and on-time delivery, and that leave teams and organizations feeling supported. Topics will include agile release planning, iteration planning, and various approaches to estimation, suchumbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

    We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

    The agenda for the first meeting:
    - Intros
    - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
    - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

    A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

    You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-09 23:15:55 >X;ba2009-01-14 03:30:00//www.SECPpdx.com2009-11-04 22:02:152009-11-04 22:03:11 =2009-11-20 05:00:00 l^efined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in UniversitieSԡm%3W3332600 Meeting2600 Meetings exist as a forum for all in?|_3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a sustainability-focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happen. This was originally scheduled for December 21, has been rescheduled due to snowpocalypse. Contact klint at klintron dot com if you can't make it but are interested in the project.2009-01-11 23:00:002009-01-08 22:42:34 =2009-01-12 01:00:00{!E3]3JsgiPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.

    Hopefully this time we won't see two-feet of snow.
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-08 20:57:35 ; ;bk aa the influence of online search, aggregation and community sites, niche blogs, specialized classified lists, combined with the demand for measurable advertising and audience engagement is putting pressure on traditional business models. Add in the growth of mobile internet, and we have the makings of a perfect storm. - What is the future of printed news? - Who will invest in investigative journalism? - Will micro-payments, subscriptions or pay-walls work? - Where is the technology or platform opportunity? Steve Woodward, CEO Nozzl Media will provide an overview of how Nozzl helpy_3M33JsfBeer and Blog Portland - The Hosting TalkWe're going to talk about hosting to A) Help End Bloglessness attendees get their hosting dialed *before* the workshop and B) To compare notes again among the veterans in search of better hosting.
     2009-01-10 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-08 19:30:23 ; ;bj2009-01-10 02:00:00 VVs limited access to capital and has left companies across the healthcare industry struggling to determine the best way to fund and fuel growth. Our experienced panel, drawn from investors & executives with experience in Healthcare IT ventures both from a funding and entreprenuerial perspective, will address questions like: &zOI3933Js^PDXPHP monthly meeting: Concrete5The headliner for this meeting will be The folks at Concrete Studios giving us a tour of their CMS product: Concrete5 (c5) What is c5? concrete5 is a building material for the web. Working with a web designer or pre-existing theme, a site owner can create and easily change the content and structure of a website. Simply use the tool bar to point click and edit. http://www.concrete5.org/ If time allows we will give a quick demo of setting up the Netbeans 6.5 PHP IDE with Xdebug enabled. http://www.netbeans.org/features/php/index.html 2009-01-14 02:30:00http://www.pdxphp.org/2009-01-08 20:05:58 92009-01-14 04:30:00 as unit-less points, ideal time, and the popular planning poker technique. This class can be taken as a standalone or as a supplemental course - great for those new to Agile and those looking to learn more! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer, having managed plan-driven and agile projects for the past 12 years. He is the author of "Adventures in Promiscuous Pairing", "Transitioning to Agile: Key Lessons Learned in the Field", and "The Impacts of Poor Estimating - and How to Fix It". He has presented at the 2006 Agile Conference, the 2007 PMI Global Congress, the 2007 SQE Agile development conference, and the 2008 Agile and Better Software Conferences. *This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development.2009-02-09 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/17/08ta2009-01-09 00:21:30 :2009-02-10 01:00:00 line game, building challenge, open ended simulation, etc.) that fits for the intended use. 4. Choose a set of design elements to employ (or intentionally omit) that lend themselves*ԡhO3E33"xc33+33JsSClojure: Functional Programming for the JVMTalk about strange bedfellows: what happens when you mix one part Lisp (one of the oldest computer languages), one part Java (so young, yet so well adopted), a healthy serving of functional programming, and a state-of-the-art concurrency layer on top? That's Clojure, which "feels like a general-purpose language beamed back from the near future." Clojure embraces functional programming with immutable data types and first class functions. It is fully interoperable with Java. Clojure's approach to concurrency includes asynchonous Agents, and Software Transactional Memory. Clojure is fast, elegant, dynamic, and scalable: a language for the future, today.2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org2009-01-08 18:53:52 <Jsd2009-01-21 04:00:00 THTh a different lens and evolve as a species like never before. E= m4 hpu?3 33JrWherecamp monthly meetingThe continuing saga of Wherecamp - pondering the geospatial web.. and beyond.
     2009-01-21 03:00:002009-01-08 10:14:02 =;bD2009-01-21 04:00:00,t 3-33JsdPortland Java User Group - Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVMThis month's topic: Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM (Howard Lewis Ship)

    Talk about strange bedfellows: what happens when you mix one part Lisp (one of the oldest computer languages), one part Java (so young, yet so well adopted), a healthy serving of functional programming, and a state-of-the-art concurrency layer on top? That's Clojure, which "feels like a general-purpose language beamed back from the near future." Clojure embraces functional programming with immutable data types and first class functions. It is fully interoperable with Java. Cloju theme of the inaugural series is Well-Being and the Economy. In the midst of a difficult economic time it is essential to explore how the well-being of individuals and society may be best measured and obtained. Toc3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present an introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-01-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-08 03:35:55 92009-01-13 05:00:00 /www.beaverton.org/chamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We will take the MAX up together, if you'd like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=117+NW+5th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 We'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and bw13C33JseIgnite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

    Venue and exact times are still up in the air.
     2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-08 15:45:12 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00re's approach to concurrency includes asynchonous Agents, and Software Transactional Memory. Clojure is fast, elegant, dynamic, and scalable: a language for the future, today.

    (description from http://calagator.org/events/1250456403)


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-01-08 05:58:23 <;bH2009-01-21 04:00:00umbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

    We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

    The agenda for the first meeting:
    - Intros
    - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
    - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

    A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

    You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-08 05:57:30 <;ba2009-01-14 03:30:001 A2009-11-12 05:00:007:06:382009-04-07 17:06:38 ; ;b 2009-04-17 00:00:00 Ze you to join us at our Open House! The party is on Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm at Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade and we are inviting local web and game development university programs, companies, and other organizationsOa3w33JsVPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Pl"rAG3A33JscNW Solar & Clean Tech ExpoConference & Expo Mission: To educate renewable energy professionals as well as business owners and residential customers interested in clean energy solutions. The 4th Annual NW Solar Expo 2009, featuring three days of Professional Solar Training and certification also offers multiple networking opportunities for business professionals, installers, integrators and potential solar and clean energy customers to meet. The expo offers a unique local opportunity for companies to showcase products and services that can be implemented today.2009-05-01 18:30:00http://www.nwsolarexpo.com2009-01-08 05:56:57 92009-05-03 23:00:00 y and Applications o Carl Seger (Intel): Formal Methods and Physical Design: ԡgWk3]333City of Portland's Ready Safe Go 2009What is Ready. Safe. Go.? Ready. Safe. Go. is an opportunity to learn more about criԡesG33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Unit Test Your Database! Given that the database, as the canonical repository of data, is the most important part of many applications, why is it that we don't write database unit test pq[3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-27 17:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-01-08 04:30:03 =2009-01-27 18:00:00 n Portland that do amazing - yet often unrecognized - work with technology all year long. Join us at the Lucky Lab to celebrate our collaborative gratitude to Portland organizations. Share your organization's story andmcy3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present a short introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-01-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-08 03:34:09 92009-01-13 05:00:00 +ԡ:m3u33 How to Value PricnԡKiԡa3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Green Hour Hosted by Snyder Roofing Green Hour, hos Gԡ` '3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Cornerstones Conversations Intergenerational Managing" - are you a baby boomer managing Gen Y? Are you a Gen Xer managing baby boomers and Gl %3M33JsaEnd Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blogAs part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.
     2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-08 02:03:32 9;bi2009-01-11 01:00:00 Nortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative companies and promotes sustaiIkW 3333Js`Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingA user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2009-02-04 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-01-08 01:52:29 92009-02-04 05:00:00&ja3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. He now works at HP StorageWorks on their NAS products. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-01-09 03:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:25:15 <2009-01-09 04:00:00 4 to form an annual conference with a unified community. The resulting unified FMCAD provides a leading international forum to researchers and practitioners in academia and industry for presenting and#nc3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present a short introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-01-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-08 03:34:28 92009-01-13 05:00:00ing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. He now works at HP StorageWorks on their NAS products. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-01-08 03:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:18:13 <2009-01-08 04:00:00ing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. He now works at HP StorageWorks on their NAS products. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-01-08 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:16:45 <2009-01-08 03:00:00e users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-01-08 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:16:44 <2009-01-08 03:00:00  Code: Add features and specs (tests) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join i$g]3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL databas!fC3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves stu#dying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. He now works at HP StorageWorks on their NAS products.2009-01-08 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:15:25 <2009-01-08 03:00:00 NNas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for build&ha3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, represent ``siness Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Rose Room Date: 11/24/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed networking....". Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber ofd9K3933Js^PDXPHP monthly meetingThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. Presentations: - 1/2 hour or so on "using the new Netbeans PHP IDE with xdebug". - Feel free to head to the mail list and add your topic: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxphp2009-01-14 02:30:00http://www.pdxphp.org/2009-01-07 22:14:08 92009-01-14 04:30:00 entrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also focus on developing the health IT workforce that institutions like OHSU are already doing, creating new careebQo3i33Js]Portland Pythoneers January MeetupJoin us while we simultaneously pat our heads and rub our Holiday-fortified bellies... oh, and there will also be Pythonic discussion. As usual, there will most likely also be beverage consumption following the meeting, at one of the nearby beverage consumption establishments. Scheduled talks: * Metaclasses (John Melesky) Do you have a particular topic you'd like to talk about this month? We'd love to hear it! Contact one of us organizing types and we'll get it listed here. Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-14 03:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-07 22:00:34 9;b2009-01-14 05:00:00 s Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter November 10, 2009 Date: 11/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: uc9}3933Js^PDXPHP monthly meetingThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. Just making an open call for anyone who would like to present a topic(s) for the Jan meeting: Tuesday the 13th? We can have more than one presenter (or one person if you have a lot to cover, we're flexible). I'll be first: I can do a - 1/2 hour or so on "using the new Netbeans PHP IDE with xdebug". Feel free to head to the mail list and add your topic [ http://groups.google.com/group/pdxphp ]2009-01-14 02:30:00http://www.pdxphp.org/2009-01-07 22:13:23 92009-01-14 04:30:00 IIspecial occasion, business meeting, social luncheon, or private3aQ13i33Js]Portland Pythoneers January MeetupPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers Join us while we simultaneously pat our heads and rub our Holiday-fortified bellies... oh, and there will also be Pythonic discussion. As usual, there will most likely also be beverage consumption following the meeting, at one of the nearby beverage consumption establishments. Scheduled talks: * Metaclasses (John Melesky) Do you have a particular topic you'd like to talk about this month? We'd love to hear it! Contact one of us organizing types and we'll get it listed here. Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 7:00 PM Attending: 13 Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-14 03:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-07 21:58:21;b2009-01-14 05:00:00 Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness R<ԡR'33333Free MATLAB and Simulink Seminar: Data Analysis and Signal Processing SystemsJoin the MathWorks for this special complimentary event comprised of two sessions. In the morning session, MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how you can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face in Excel. In the afternoon session, they will dem`km3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon lovers [NEW VENUE]Have you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would. Masterbacon is just such an event.2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-07 21:52:41 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00 yself included) take Passover as an opportunity to bring Jews and non-Jews together for discussion and food (food is very imporlԡQ'/3i333TechAmerica - Employee Compensation - What Companies are Planning for in 2010The economic downturn has caused companies to deploy cost-saving strategies such as pay freezes, pay decreases, layoffs, forced vacations and reduced benefits amongst other initiativW_Sq33Js\PDX Tweetup Breakfast - ResolutionsIMPORTANT! Note the venue change!

    It's the new year, and that of course means resolutions! Come share yours at the first Portland Tweetup Breakfast of 2009, at The Park Bistro.

    As always, this event is BYOB (buy your own breakfast) and open to any and all who care to attend. This particular breakfast is on @evacatherder's calendar, so if you'd like to see one half of the Cubespace power team, come on down!
     2009-01-08 17:00:002009-01-07 21:43:10 >W;bh retention and engagement. Please join us at this networking event to: - Learn what high-tech employers in Portland have implemented regarding austerity measures, and are planning to do with merit awards and compensation next year - Discuss how employers can effectively modify the total rewards package to help the company to survive during the economic downturn - Gain awareness of legal and compliance issP^Su3M33JsXMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
     2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-07 20:51:25 >P;b JsO2009-01-18 00:00:00 Uԡ;A3C333Marketing with web 2.0: Connect and share to build communityWhat is web 2.0 and why is it important for your organization? Why and how should you share content and collaborate online? To blog or not to tԡOY3s333 Galois Talk: Testing First-Order-Logic Axioms in AutoCert The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 * Title: Testing First-Order-Logic %]7{333JsWJanuary WikiWednesdayHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided.

    This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.
     2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-07 20:50:41 9;beJsM qqfRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expruԡQy%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by B\o]3=33JpcThe Internal Consultant's World: An Intimate LookSeptember 17th, 2008 -The Internal Consultant’s* World: An Intimate Look Four successful Organizational Development consultants give us an inside look at their world as employees working to make their organization better. A few of the questions these in1J[O3C33JrPortland Robotics Society MeetingMonthly meeting of PARTS, the Portland Area Robotics Society.2009-01-03 18:30:00http://portlandrobotics.org2009-01-07 19:29:46 ;r2009-01-03 21:30:00gZiQ333Js4SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental .questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-05 04:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-07 19:25:48 >G2009-01-05 05:00:00 VV:)sed I/O and safety in ter ԡG[3333Oregon Training Networ&Y/Q3Q33JrBeaver BarCamp IIFollowing the successful first Beaver Bar Camp we are going ahead with plans for our second community event. Hope you can make it. BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. When: Sunday, November 16th, 2009 (Note - change in date from earlier announcement) Time - 9:00am - 10:00pm Tag photos, blogs, del.icio.us, ma.gnolia, etc. as BeaverBarCamp Where: Kelley Engineering Center (map) at Oregon State University; 2500 Monroe, Corvallis, OR (brochure with a floor plan) What rooms at Kelly do we get? The classrooms on the west end? (Yes, plus all the little conference rooms scattered throughout the building, so we have a lot of space for discussion).2008-11-16 17:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCampII2009-01-07 19:23:19 >U2008-11-17 06:00:00 5em! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!)ԡCwk35333The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff EventFirst meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle 2009-11-13 02:00:00http://bit.ly/3FCeUC2009-10-27 20:41:122009-10-27 20:41:12 @2009-11-13 04:00:00ԡB?3M333Multnomah Food InitiativeAt Multnomah County fX-u3M3JsQBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-07 19:18:05 >U;bgternal consultants will address in a fast-paced interactive session: * Their toughest challenges and how they deal with them? * How do internal OD consultants find the “juice” to keep going? * Where’s the joy for an internal? * Employment Security—does it exist? * What really bugs internal consultants? * What does an external consultant need to know to get in the door to the internal’s organization? (What internals would love to tell externals but rarely do) Join us for an engaging evening of learning and laughter as we explore the future of OD from the internal's perspective. NEW TIME/DATE: 3rd Wednesday * Informal Networking: 5:30-6:00p * Meeting: 6:00p-7:45p * Discussion Tables: 7:45-8:15p (for those that want to continue the conversation/connection) NEW LOCATION: PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Market Square Building, Room 1054 1515 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 972012008-09-18 00:30:00http://www.odnoregon.org2009-01-07 19:30:31 =2008-09-18 03:15:00umbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

    We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

    The agenda for the first meeting:
    - Intros
    - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
    - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

    A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

    You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-07 19:17:25 <;baJs?2009-01-14 03:30:00node/43312009-10-27 18:38:452009-10-27 18:52:35 >^;b+2009-11-12 06:00:00 SS Speaker: John Harrison Principal Engineer CԡK)Vg[333JsBPortland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announce the first meeting of the Portland WordPress User Group.

    Where/When: Thursday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at CubeSpace.

    We'll talk about:
    * Getting started
    * Meeting time/dates (monthly)
    * Future meeting topics or speaker ideas
    * The idea of a regular "help session" / "genius bar" type thing
    * Some of the great new features of 2.7 that folks might not have found

    Come join us and let's kick off what is sure to be a fun and helpful group.
     2009-01-16 02:00:002009-01-07 19:17:55 9;bb2009-01-16 03:30:00 XXe the product manager, the project manager and the program manager. Three panelists with experience at IBM, HP, and Tektronix will explain each manager’s perspective on the product development process and explore ways to eliminate potential areas of overlap and friction. A Q&A session will follow allowing the audience to clariUOa3w33JsVPortland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Pl2GT13C33JsYIgnite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

    Venue and exact times are still up in the air. Will more than liking get moved to LaSelles or somewhere else.
     2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-07 19:16:39 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00jS-u3M3JsZBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-07 19:15:49 >U;bgJsQ M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University o_ԡ?yk3C33311/2 Mercy Corps NW SefQ-u3M3JsQBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-07 19:15:47 >U;bgLOSu3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
     2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-07 20:51:25 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00 www.beave ,q93g33JsNW China Council: Systainable Development in ChinaABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentaه^+93g33JsCNW China Council: Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in ChinaNW China *MQ3u33JsSBA Small Business Loan BriefingAttend a FREE SBA Loan Briefing on Thursday, January 15, 2009 from 11:30am - 12:30pm at the ODS Building, 601 SW Second Avenue, Portland, OR. The briefing will be held by an SBA Loan Specialist. If you are seeking financing to start a business or grow an existing business, you should attend. You will learn about the SBA Guaranteee Loan Program, credit requirements, use of proceeds, how to approach a lender, where to find loan proposal assistance. Pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Portland District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration at (503) 326-2682. 2009-01-15 19:30:00http://web.sba.gov/calendar/public/index.cfm?rc=10862009-01-12 17:01:29 >G2009-01-15 20:30:00 C_ۋ@ G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886858/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Webinar-Optimizing-the-Software-Product-Quality-through-Ethnographic-Futures-Resea.ԡ=3e3!333Show & Tell, the New Communicators Edition: What Are You Doing to Change the World?What are you doing to change the world? If y!N7{333JsMJanuary WikiWednesdayHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided.

    This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.
     2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-07 20:50:39 9;be "" involving collaboratimLW3s33JsUPersonal Telco Project Weekly MeetingFirst weekly meeting of the Personal Telco Project for the new year. Will talk about the infrastructure replacement project, board expansion, and much, much more. All while drinking local beers.2009-01-08 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200901072009-01-07 07:57:10 >T2009-01-08 04:00:00iKM}3 33JsTSXSW Interactive Portland MeetupThis will give you an opportunity to learn more about SXSW from the people who organize it. If you’ve never attended or were on the fence about attending, it’s a great opportunity to learn more. For those of us who already love SXSW, it gives us an opportunity to get to know some other Portland people who plan to attend. If you want to attend, you must RSVP to interpress@sxsw.com. Please be sure to put Portland in the subject line of the email (they are doing a few of these in various cities).2009-01-20 02:00:002009-01-07 07:06:21 >S2009-01-20 04:00:00 -y's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using mH2009-01-10 20:00:00 nn>a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. Mq3 33Jr"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. Effective self-organizing teams rely on personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this hands-on workshop, we'll discover the secrets to developing the skills you need to succeed and lead on a self-organizing team.

    Ticket Info: $1500Buy Tickets
     2009-02-24 08:00:00http://www.agileuniversity.org/course_details.jsp?courseid=1312008-12-21 15:33:24 =;bY2009-02-26 08:00:00 plar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want tJc33+33JsdClojure: Functional Programming for the JVMTalk about strange bedfellows: what happens when you mix one part Lisp (one of the oldest computer languages), one part Java (so young, yet so well adopted), a healthy serving of functional programming, and a state-of-the-art concurrency layer on top? That's Clojure, which "feels like a general-purpose language beamed back from the near future." Clojure embraces functional programming with immutable data types and first class functions. It is fully interoperable with Java. Clojure's approach to concurrency includes asynchonous Agents, and Software Transactional Memory. Clojure is fast, elegant, dynamic, and scalable: a language for the future, today.2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org2009-01-08 18:53:51 <2009-01-21 04:00:00 n when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to cfG-u3M3JsQBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

    More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
     2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-06 23:12:36 >R;bgXFku3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon lovers [NEW VENUE]Have you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
     2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 23:10:22 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00al questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-07 16:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org/workshops.php2009-01-06 22:51:44 >G2009-01-07 19:30:0015 ;;b%2009-10-31 05:00:00 llhow to do business in the U.S., and touch upon some of the ways in which U.S. firms, both those currently working with and those seeking to do business with Chinese partners, could improve their understanding and bottomline results. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Akana Ma is a partner in the Global Trade Group of Ater Wynne, LLP in Portland, Oregon. He worFCiQ3W33Js5SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundament=!BS3M33JrMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
    2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 22:31:19 =;b JsO2009-01-18 01:00:00  consists of: Jonathan Maus, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BikePortland (http://bikeportland.org) Slate Olson, General Manager of Rapha, North America (http://www.rapha.cc/) Natalie Ramsland, Founder and Framebuilder of Sweetpea Bicycles (http://www.sweetpeabicycles.com/) Heidi Swift, Newspaper Columnist, Freelance Writer, Photographer and Bike Racer (http://everydayathleteblog.com/) David Lowe-Rogstad, Co-Founder of Substance (http://findsubstance.com) and former road racer (he's back on the bike for Cross Crusade thisc?'i3333JsMWikiWednesdayHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided. This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-06 19:51:04 9;be2009-01-08 03:00:00 ry Craft creates video and podcast and invites audience response. PICA integrates Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into its TBA Festival blog. In education, programming, and marketing, we’ll talk about what’s worked and what’s on the horizon as the landscape continues to change with new tools and new challenges all the time. Participants include: Christina Olsen, PhD Director of Education & Public Programs, PortlaLASu3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
     2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 22:30:36 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00 XXtechnical talent but the decision makers and industry experts who are involved$@e)3?33JsNOpen Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing our initial call for papers, talking about our philosophy for the conference and assigning leads for each of the content areas. We're looking for people who can coordinate the activities of a few people in review committees, can commit to 10-15 hours of reviewing and responding time over the next two months. We figure we'll have 3-4 in-person meetings before we finalize acceptance of presentations on April 1! Anything else you're interested in chatting about? Send it to the list, and we'll make an agenda. Several people may retire to a nearby bar for #afterhours hacking. Let us know if you can make it!2009-01-14 03:00:00http://www.bridgepdx.org/2009-01-06 21:12:16 92009-01-14 04:30:00 mpany on the NASDAQ. He later merged Exelan with Novell, where he was EVP, CTO and a Board Director for five years, growing the company iVԡ?[q3E333Qԡ7%e3y333coming@partyFrom digital anonymity to personal interaction. We’ll go from digital chatter to personal conversations and maybe make some new connections in the process. All you need is a Twitter handle, a laptop or tweet-capable phone, and an open mind. There will be 8 laptop stat$>={333JsMJanuary 09 WikiWednesdayHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided.

    This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.
     2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-06 19:49:39 9;be tive artists to remix and reimagine the animated film Sita Sings the Blues as a standalone art piece, focused on the theme of ‘Conversations’. The finished pieces will be available for hands-on play and discovery, and the so:y!3w33JrOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:20 <;b\JsH2009-01-13 22:00:00 yy<Y|=[53{33JsLConcrete5 CMS User Group: First meetingEarlier this summer we released our previously commercial CMS as fully "Free Beer" under the MIT open source license. The second half of 2008 was a whirlwind for us as we were named project of the month on SourceForge and saw traffic go through the roof. As part of running what promises to be the next Drupal, local user groups are going to be a huge component to our success. We have several starting around the states and Europe this month, with the Portland one obviously being super keen as this is our home turf. Please join us at Hopworks on SE Powell on Jan 8th at 5pm - till late. Check out the project at http://concrete5.org RSVP at: http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/ thanks. go pdx! -frz2009-01-09 01:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/2009-01-06 18:59:57 >O2009-01-09 02:30:00 finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Josh Bancroft - Innovative Social media, the Edge Case at Intel. PROGRAM: Josh Bancroft is a longtime blogger, podcaster, Tweeter, and general internet community geek. For over a decade, he's been fascinated with the way communities form and interact on the Internet. At Intel, he provides innovative community building ideas and "future thinking" direction for Intel Software Network, the company's online developer community. He loves to speak, teach, and mentor, and generally share all the cool stuff that he plays with. Josh's home on the web is http://www.tinyscreenfuls.com, and you can follow him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jabancroft. Come see how a company as large as Intel uses social networking, podcasting, blogging, and social marketing to build community!2009-01-09 01:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1292009-01-06 17:21:01 <2009-01-09 04:30:00 nt for the web is not quite as simple as whipping out your Flip HD, then uploading to YouTube. That said, it’s a lot easier than most people know (and doesn’t require a two-hour uploading annoyanc)8;333JsI"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City - 05:00 PM"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:002009-01-06 16:21:34;bdJsE2009-01-16 03:00:00 Dthe efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand how to create a capitalization plan that will serve the company today, as well as through potentially dilutive transa%7;333JsE"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City - 05:00 PM"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:002009-01-06 16:21:33;bd2009-01-16 03:00:00 ingapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Bribԡ4o)3 333Mid-Point Mixer hosted by Struck/Axiom and SimlerLearn more about Simler (the smoothest, prettiest and, well, best online social network of all time!) while checking out Struck/Axiom’s new Old Town studio. We’ll provide the drinks, food, Guitar Hero World Tour, Halo and the ping pong table. You bring your friends. It’ll be new communication all mashed up with old-school chit-chat. Struck/Axiom is a creative agency with offices in Portland, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. Simler is common interests. Simler is connections. Simler is an online social network thx<k!3i33JsKSAO Corvallis - January Tech Pub: Josh BancroftAGENDA: 5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time withEc; 3533JsJStarve Ups: Setting Valuation – What Is Your Business Worth2009-02-18 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2009-01-06 17:02:14 :A2009-02-18 04:30:00 ?cԡ2]#3k333pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that9y!3w33JrOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\JsH2009-01-13 22:00:00 capital. So in difficult times, how do you finance your startup? Presenter: Carolynn Duncan, founder at The Hundred Dollar Business. Current projects include CoffeeWithAnExpert.com, the Seattle Startup Wiki. She also consults with entrepreneurs who are prepping for angel/VC funding, streamlining operations, or need to begin generating revenue. Read more about Carolynn at her LinkedIn profile Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 (includes lunch) if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 10:32:33 <;b\2009-01-13 22:00:00 on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. ******************************************************************* Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: We no longer use the Lucky Lab.) 2009-01-09 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-01-06 08:44:42 <2009-01-09 05:00:00s App Store Top Ten results About Aaron Schliem After completing degrees i X Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. ******************************************************************* Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: We no longer use the Lucky Lab.) 2009-01-09 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-01-06 08:46:27 <2009-01-09 05:00:00osing the type of business: are your customers iPhon T f%f companies that need iPhone apps, or other iPhone developers? * Data-informed app price and product-category strategy. * Marketing from code. * Contract wages and the $10,000 problem. About Dan Grigsby Dan runs Mobile Orchard, the #1 iPhone development podcast and community site.  As theD6s3w33JsHOTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch:Finding Funds & Resources In Any Economic SituationEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group The Program Finding money can be a challenge - even more so in tough economic times. And maybe you don't want to use (or don't have a concept that qualifies for) angel investment or ventureJ+5)3333JsGPortland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions on Any Topic L 4?+3333JsGPortland Linux/Unix Group Rapid Discussions Ki3? 3 33JsGPortland Linux/Unix Group2009-01-06 09:00:002009-01-06 08:40:52 <2009-01-06 10:00:00 rnational relations and molecular biology at the University of Wisconsin, Aaron Schliem set off for Chile, where he began his first language company wi[1c;333JsECorvallis Business After Hours January 2009"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:00http://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=178782009-01-05 23:40:30 >M;bd2009-01-16 03:00:00 aIԡ/W3333AEA: Building Trust and Collaborationhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508102008-05-02 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:35;bձ2008-05-02 03:30:00Zԡ.y3333[ԡvG=3333Agile Estimation and PlanningThis 1-day session combines high-level insight and specific tactical thinking to address these issues and more. It will help you create plans that extend out 6 months or more, that drive reliable decision-making and on-time delivery, and that leave teams and organizations feeling supported. Topics will include agile release planning, iteration planning, and various approaches to estimation, such as unit-less points, ideal time, and the popular planning poker technique. These classes are offered just once at this federally subsidized rate - at 10% of the  [nd up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language %0;333JsE"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City - 05:00 PM"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:002009-01-05 23:37:13;bd2009-01-16 03:00:00 11at TKW. Craig began his career in the SK-{93g33JsCSustainable Development Business Opportunities in ChinaNW China Council CHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-05 22:41:23 92009-01-14 21:30:00 11CfK(OE3w33Js@Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

    We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (location TBD).

    The agenda for the first meeting:
    - Intros
    - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
    - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

    You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
     2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-05 05:48:17 >J;baJs?2009-01-14 03:30:00 SSy, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owne),g[333JsBPortland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announce the first meeting of the Portland WordPress User Group.

    Where/When: Thursday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at CubeSpace.

    We'll talk about:
    * Getting started
    * Meeting time/dates (monthly)
    * Future meeting topics or speaker ideas
    * The idea of a regular "help session" / "genius bar" type thing
    * Some of the great new features of 2.7 that folks might not have found

    Come join us and let's kick off what is sure to be a fun and helpful group.
     2009-01-16 02:00:002009-01-05 21:59:32 >K;bb2009-01-16 03:30:00 pple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instructions for entry. If you don't have+W3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Presentations: - "Using the Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface" by Erik Hollensbe, the DBI maintainer - "Exploring the DataMapper ORM" with Jesse Hallett. - ...and often many others spontaneously added during meeting Other possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - ...and more!2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-01-05 20:04:27 92009-01-07 05:00:00 ideas and methods developed by the nonlinear dynamics community are a much better way to study, understand, and (ultimately) design modern computer systems. This is joint work with Amer Diwan and Todd Mytkowicz. Computer Science Department University of Colorado at Boulder Biography: Elizabeth Bradley did her undergraduate and graduate work at MIT, interrupted by a one-year leave of absence to row in the 1988 OlympiS*W!3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Presentations: - "Using the Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface" by Erik Hollensbe, the DBI maintainer - "Exploring the DataMapper ORM" with Jesse Hallett. Other possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - ...and more!2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-01-05 19:58:04 92009-01-07 05:00:008) [3 33JsAPerl Mongers: chromatic presents, "How a Virtual Machine Works"Perl 6, Perl 5, PytVhon, Ruby, Lua, JavaScript, Java, C#, and many other languages use virtual machines as their execution environments. Instead of compiling directly to machine code, they rely on the presence of an ideal machine built specifically for the language – porting the language to a new architecture often means only porting that virtual machine. Does that sound complicated? It's not. Some of the details of very efficient and effective virtual machines are, but the general ideas are simple. This talk explains the important components of a virtual machine and how they fit together. Examples will come from the world of Perl 5, Parrot, and Perl 6, but the concepts apply to many languages and VMs. You may never need to hack the guts of your favorite language, but understanding how they work can help you become a better programmer. As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the LuckyLab. 2009-01-15 02:53:002009-01-05 18:17:46 92009-01-15 05:00:00ochasticity, and essentially ignore dynamic s}GVۋbۋYgԡ}93w3333 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointlyfԡ1c!3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' April MeetingThe April Meeting of Portland's first Javtԡ%i3W333OEN Workshop: Planning for the Successful IPO Please join us for a discussion of the keys $Y}3333Js>OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open DiscussionOn days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC.2009-01-07 20:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 04:00:13 <2009-01-07 21:00:00 #Y 3333Js>OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open Discussion2009-01-07 20:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 03:59:28 <2009-01-07 21:00:00oots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg!2009-01-21 00:00:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-05 03:55:28 <2009-01-21 02:00:00t of Cornerstone Management Currently the Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources. CMR is a successful consulting firm focusing on all aspects of business development and revenue acceleration for emerging and mid-market companies. He has successfully completed numerous projects involving strategic planning, business plan creation, sales channel development, marketing communication programs, merger/acquisitions and assistance in raising early stage funding. Mr. Powers is also an Executive in Residence at the Open Technology Business Center, a leading incubator in Oregon, Chair of the Portland Angel Network, and an active angel investor. With more than 35 years experience in sales, marketing, general management and business development, Mr. Powers is well equipped to provide a wide range of assistance to early stage and mid-market companies. 2009-01-29 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=512009-01-05 03:49:36 >I2009-01-29 19:00:00 gg by K Lars Lohn Nothing exercises the limits of software like turning it over to the end users. While in-house testing is invaluable, the end users can often find the neglected edge cases or subtle race conditions in a more reliable manner. However, once the software is in the end user’s hands, po%!Om333JrcSAO Internet Marketing Conferencenternet Marketing Conference Date: Mon, Dec 8th N =i3g33JrbChina Business Network and Software Association of Oregon: Open Source Software in China

    Lunch presentation by Dirk Hohndel, Intel Corporation Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist. Mr. Hohndel will discuss how open source software works and Q=i3g33JrbChina Business Network and Software Association of Oregon: Open Source Software in China

    Lunch presentation by Dirk Hohndel, Intel Corporation Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist. Mr. Hohndel will discuss how open source software works and  **inue developing and transforming our minds, from birth right up until death. The 16 Guidelines show us a way of doing this which will benefit both ourselves and other people. THE GLOBAL POTENTIAL OF THE GUIDELINES The 16 Guidelines are more than simply words: they are an inspiration[=73E33Js9OEN: Angel Investing 101Description: Angel Investors review hundreds of business plans each year. Learn how to make your presentation stand out and be one that will inspire them to begin due diligence! Led by Dennis Powers, Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources, The Basics of Raising Money from Angel Investors will illustrate how angel investing works, what should be included in an executive summary, and how an entrepreneur should prepare for a meeting with an angel investor. This webinar is provided courtesy of OEN. Speaker: Dennis Powers, Founder and PresidenYd} 3E33Js8OEN: CEO Roundtable-Building the Environment for SuccessPaul Gulick, formerly of C\larity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead this lunch discussion about attracting, motivating and leading the people who will be key in driving your organization’s success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. Company culture is set from the leadership within. The group will discuss successes and failures they have seen or been a part of, and will explore strategies, methodologies, and best practices for setting the culture that will help make a great company. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 2009-01-28 21:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=522009-01-05 03:47:36 =32009-01-28 22:00:00panies. 2009-10-21 22:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1092009-10-21 21:30:042009-10-21 21:30:04 @2009-10-21 23:00:00 00. In 1994, David joined MedicaLo= 3E33Js7OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southw]UQ333Js6SCORE Making Quickbooks Work for YouIn this four-hour workshop you will learn: * Understanding the transition of paper bookkeeping into an automated one and using the same modus operandi for QUICKBOOKS. * Understanding the basic accounting terms keeping a focus on common sense in terms of debits and credits. * Understanding the Chart of Accounts which are established ... and often are specialized for the specific business type. * Starting off with bank accounts, real property, inventory and client listings. * Learning some tip and tricks for setting it up and going forth in day-to-day bookkeeping. * Where to seek out help that is FREE from SCORE in refreshing your memory or when you find a roadblock. 2009-01-10 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-05 03:40:32 >H2009-01-10 20:00:00 e$deAA H-0P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)^tablevenuesvenuesCREATE TABLE venues ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL, "address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "street_address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "locality" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "region" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "postal_code" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "country" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "latitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "longitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "telephone" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "version" integer)yer for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2008-12-18 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2008-12-16 06:38:39 :2008-12-18 05:00:00questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-05 04:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-05 03:34:38 >F2009-01-05 05:00:00 n and OEN's Angel Oregon! Ready to turn your business idea into reality? We can help. OEN’s Business Concept Review offers you a non-threatening, honest critique of your business model, or the the basis of your new business idea. Look at it as a right-priced litmus test from experts who’ll challenge your assumptions and answer perplexing questions you have about making your idea a reality. This review gives you one hour with two experts – where you can pose your business model for feedback, discussion and advice on next steps. It's one of the best ways to prepare you for that next step: creating your business plan and applying to angel invgiQ333Js5SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental hgiQ333Js4SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental `TM3M33Js/Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wbednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we don't have any bad weather again!

    See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-04 17:03:08 =;b`Js32009-01-08 03:00:00-10-28 05:00:00working event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we won't have any bad weather again!

    Since upcoming.org is still new to most Corvallians, we also have a Facebook event created (which has more people confirmed as coming). Feel free to RSVP there as well: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=42763781591

    See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-04 10:32:37 =;b`2009-01-08 03:00:00 [C[z$Mo3M33Js3Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a netcS 3 33Js2Foo2009-01-04 05:00:002009-01-04 04:07:53Js12009-01-04 06:00:00AO3733JrCalagator 1st year birthday partyJoin us for a party to celebrate Calagator's 1st birthday!2009-01-25 00:00:00http://calagator.org/2009-01-03 21:21:03 ;2009-01-25 04:00:00t73733JrCalagator code sprintCome join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. We'll have a birthday party afterward.2009-01-24 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2009-01-03 21:20:16 92009-01-25 00:00:00 ack in March 2009. That’s way too long to go without a good data viz meetup, so there’s going to be another one. We’ll have five 10 minute presentations and a bunch of networking time. Webtrends will again graciously hosty!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\Jr2009-01-13 22:00:00arkets, and opportunities to network with other user experience professionals. About the Theme Whether people are interacting with consumer electronics, medical equipment, factory floor production lines, websites, retail stores, customer support or the architectural spaces which they inhabit every day, usability and user experience reactivation share in the common goal of making it better. Important Dates * Call for participation: Opening 25 August * Submission Reviewer sign-up closes: 19 September * Submissions close for most submissions*: Closed * Submission Acceptance Notification: Begins 17, December * Idea Markets and Posters submissions close: 16, January, 2009 * Exhibitor and Sponsor sign-up opens: January 2009 * Registration opens: 23 February, 2009 * Volunteer application opens: 23 February, 2009 *All submissions except Idea Markets and Posters 2009-06-08 07:00:00http://www.usabilityprofessionals.org/conference/2009/2009-01-03 19:10:42 <2;b2009-06-12 07:00:00 c companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging co_%3y33JqUPA 2009Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference When: 8-12 June, 2009 Where: Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon, USA Who: Over 700 user experience professionals from more than 20 countries What: Tutorials, workshops, Experienced Practitioners program, then two and a half days packed with presentations, Idea Mf 3y33JqUPA 2009Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference (more details to come)
    About the Conference When: 8-12 June, 2009 Where: Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon, USA Who: Over 700 user experience professionals from more than 20 countries What: Tutorials, workshops, Experienced Practitioners program, then two and a half days packed with presentations, Idea Mharkets, and opportunities to network with other user experience professionals. About the Theme Whether people are interacting with consumer electronics, medical equipment, factory floor production lines, websites, retail stores, customer support or the architectural spaces which they inhabit every day, usability and user experience reactivation share in the common goal of making it better. Important Dates * Call for participation: Opening 25 August * Submission Reviewer sign-up closes: 19 September * Submissions close for most submissions*: Closed * Submission Acceptance Notification: Begins 17, December * Idea Markets and Posters submissions close: 16, January, 2009 * Exhibitor and Sponsor sign-up opens: January 2009 * Registration opens: 23 February, 2009 * Volunteer application opens: 23 February, 2009 *All submissions except Idea Markets and Posters 2009-06-08 07:00:00http://www.usabilityprofessionals.org/conference/2009/2009-01-03 19:09:17 <2;b2009-06-12 07:00:00ednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we don't have any bad weather again!

    See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-04 17:03:06 =;b`2009-01-08 03:00:00guests at a bus 7x7dinner! Join us for a night of networP M3M33Js3Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wie 13 33JqHood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-03-11 00:30:002009-01-02 18:31:57 ;l2009-03-11 02:30:00e 13 33JqHood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-05-13 00:30:002009-03-10 17:03:18 ;l2009-05-13 02:30:00| 1[3q33JqHood River PubTalkWHEN Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM WHERE White Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River (Exit 62 off I-84 next to Charburger) WHAT PubTalk™ is an informal event that provides ample time for networking before the program. Typically, two early stage companies present 10 minute pitches to the audience directly after the keynote speakern efore projecting movies for viewing. They will also offer advice on how to best preserve and protect these film formats from damagEW3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - Exploring the DataMapper ORM - Effective use of Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface - ... - More!2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2008-12-31 22:59:56 92009-01-07 05:00:00fD5+3q33JrPDX SICP Study GroupA bunch of us are going to work through the chapters and exercises in Abelson and Sussman's vaunted Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs using our favorite Lisp implementations. Please join the Google group and reply to the "Inaugural meeting" thread if you plan on attending. 2009-01-03 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-sicp-studygroup2008-12-31 08:07:03 >2009-01-03 04:00:00. These companies are most commonly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advice and guidance related to many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities entrepreneurs will face along the path to success. WHO ATTENDS Entrepreneurs, investors, leaders of local companies, business professionals, consultants, and service professionals. AGENDA 5:30 Networking – Drinks & Snacks 6:15 Keynote Speaker: “Preparing your Company for Angel Investment” by Kirk Wright 7:00 Early Stage Company Presentations 7:30 Adjourn for More Networking ADMISSION $10 – includes program & snacks RSVP Contact Bill Fashing, Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 541-387-6863, bill.fashing@co.hood-river.or.us by January 9. Send checks payable to Hood River County to Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97301.2009-01-14 01:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com/about_hrpt.php2009-01-02 18:29:10 ;l2009-01-14 03:30:00 w to more easily visually parse long formulas. Ultimately, I propose a "&ԡ %93U333Dale Jamieson - “The Moral and Political Challenges of Climate Change.”Room 238 Dale Jamieson is Director of the Environmenta| 1[3q33JqHood River PubTalkWHEN Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM WHERE White Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River (Exit 62 off I-84 next to Charburger) WHAT PubTalk™ is an informal event that provides ample time for networking before the program. Typically, two early stage companies present 10 minute pitches to the audience directly after the keynote speakerlFW3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - Exploring the DataMapper ORM - Effective use of Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface - ...and more!2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2008-12-31 23:01:42 92009-01-07 05:00:00. These companies are most commonly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advice and guidance related to many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities entrepreneurs will face along the path to success. WHO ATTENDS Entrepreneurs, investors, leaders of local companies, business professionals, consultants, and service professionals. AGENDA 5:30 Networking – Drinks & Snacks 6:15 Keynote Speaker: “Preparing your Company for Angel Investment” by Kirk Wright 7:00 Early Stage Company Presentations 7:30 Adjourn for More Networking ADMISSION $10 – includes program & snacks RSVP Contact Bill Fashing, Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 541-387-6863, bill.fashing@co.hood-river.or.us by January 9. Send checks payable to Hood River County to Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97301.2009-01-14 01:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com/about_hrpt.php2009-01-02 18:30:39 ;l2009-01-14 03:30:00 {ng Group, Americas, Hewlett-PackardGirls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of Marketing, Imaging & Printing Group, Americas, Hewlett-PackarF>_%3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a social/sustainability focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happen. This was originally scheduled for December 21, has been rescheduled due to snowpocalypse. Contact klint at klintron dot com if you can't make it but are interested in the project.2009-01-11 23:00:002008-12-30 21:43:41 =2009-01-12 01:00:00=5a3q33JrPDX SICP Study GroupA bunch of us are going to work through the chapters and exercises in Abelson and Sussman's vaunted Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs using our favorite Lisp implementations. 2009-01-03 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-sicp-studygroup2008-12-30 20:19:44 >2009-01-03 04:00:00 o4johow CI professionals use the Web to get details on the following: * How have a competitor's products or services evolved over time? * Are they launching new strategic initiatives? * Are they expanding into other geographies or industriesԡ q3o333Girls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of MawCOm3733Jr[Tentative] Calagator code sprintCome join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. Join us for party afterwards.2009-01-17 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:39:11 92009-01-18 00:00:00FBgu3733Jr[Tentative] Calagator 1st year birthday partyJoin us to celebrate Calagator's 1st birthday party!2009-01-18 00:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:37:34 ;2009-01-18 04:00:00HAgy3733Jr[Tentative] Calagator 1st year birthday partyJoin us in celebrating Calagator's 1st birthday party!2009-01-18 00:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:34:33 :A2009-01-18 04:00:00 ::%*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52@ԡ/c3W333Westside Proggers*** UPDATE: We'll meet in the Training Room on the third floor, room 390. There should be B;Wg3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Green HourGreen Hour events presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, will highlight Portland area businesses that are going above and beyond with sustainability and green practices. Green Hour events will take place on a quarterly basis. If your business would like to showcase its sustainable practices through a Green Hour event, please contact Christine Gatlin, membership events manager, at cgatlin@portlandalliance.com, or 503-552-6742. Space is limited. Advance registration required at www.portlandalliance.com 2009-01-30 01:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 16:49:56 >2009-01-30 03:30:00 e offers information on emerging industry trends within a valuable networking forum and product exhibition. Highlights - See new product demonstrations and network with colleagues and professv@Mm3733Jr[Tenative] Calagator code sprintCome join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. Join us for party afterwards.2009-01-17 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:32:40 92009-01-18 00:00:00/?KM3K33JrEnergy Trust Better Living ShowIt's the largest sustainable lifestyle event in the Northwest. Find everything green, good and sustainable in one place - Portland, Oregon. The Energy Trust Better Living Home and Garden Show. If you are looking to live a more earth friendly life, this is the festival for you. Seminars, workshops and music add to the expo. Admission is free to this show. Contact Michael O'Loughlin for this and other trade shows.2009-03-27 19:00:00http://www.betterlivingshow.org2008-12-30 23:26:57 ;2009-03-30 00:00:00 99*@t*Jԡ};3A333OSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big 9ԡ![3_3C<Wi3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Green HourGreen Hour events, presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, will highlight Portland area businesses that are going above and beyond with sustainability and green practices. Green Hour events will take place on a quarterly basis. If your business would like to showcase its sustainable practices through a Green Hour event, please contact Christine Gatlin, membership events manager, at cgatlin@portlandalliance.com, or 503-552-6742. Space is limited. Advance registration required at www.portlandalliance.com 2009-01-30 01:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 16:52:00 >2009-01-30 03:30:00 uggested attire is business formal. RSVP (rsvpaep@bus.oregonstate.edu) by Wednesday, March 26, 2009 to Mary McKillop by email or call 1-541-713-8044. Please note that seating is limited and we may sell out before the deadline so RSVP today. If you plan on staying overnight in Corvallis and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms reserved at a special rate at the Hilton Garden Inn. You must register by March 23 to secure these rates (please disregard current register by :q[3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-27 17:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 16:44:04 =2009-01-27 18:00:00  hԡAA37333Portland Python User GroupThe second Tuesday has rolled around again! Tomorrow at 6:30pm John Hampton will be giving usb8 -3 33JrPortland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State Legislature Preview2009 Legislative Session Preview Oregon’s legislative session begins during one of the worst economies, challenging state lawmakers with finding money to run state programs while tackling some of the state’s biggest issues like transportation and health care. What should businesses be aware of entering into this session? Where will some of the cuts and increases occur? State legislators will give the Forum audience a sneak peak at what may happen in Salem this biennium. Speakers: Peter Buckley - Oregon Representative Rick Metsger - Oregon State Senator Alan Bates - Oregon State Senator Betsy Johnson - Oregon State Senator Event Sponsor: Available Series Sponsor: Portland Tribune 2009-01-21 15:30:002008-12-30 16:37:43 :C2009-01-21 17:00:00 88strations | Dessert Classes | Culture & EcD9 33K33JrPortland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State Legislature Preview2009 Legislative Session Preview Oregon’s legislative session begins during one of the worst economies, challenging state lawmakers with finding money to run state programs while tackling some of the state’s biggest issues like transportation and health care. What should businesses be aware of entering into this session? Where will some of the cuts and increases occur? State legislators will give the Forum audience a sneak peak at what may happen in Salem this biennium. Members: $30. Non-members: $40. Advance registration required at www.portlandalliance.com. Speakers: Peter Buckley - Oregon Representative Rick Metsger - Oregon State Senator Alan Bates - Oregon State Senator Betsy Johnson - Oregon State Senator Series Sponsor: Portland Tribune 2009-01-21 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 16:39:46 :C2009-01-21 17:00:00 MMs increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of ԡWi3i333XPDX October: Unit Test Your DatabaseDavid Wheeler will be giving his "Unit Test Your Database" talk. It was well-received at Open Source Bridge; now he's giving it to an audience of Agile practitioners. We’re all used to unit testing our applications by now. The Extreme and Agile programming movements have done a great deal to promote unit testing, to the extent that many of us are now dependent ԋAԡ}K73i3332009 Or/7eq3 33JrPortland Business Alliance ShopTalk ShowcaseGet a chance to learn about a Portland Business, and showcase your own business at this fun and helpful networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. FREE for members, only $5 for non-members. 2009-01-20 15:30:002008-12-30 16:29:05 >2009-01-20 17:00:00 ts to assure that our applications work reliably. But how often do we test the database underlying our applications? Given that the database, as the repository for all of the knowledge and data for an application, just might be the 6y!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\2009-01-13 22:00:00 -ple's Cocoa Framework for programuԡ|A%3]333Portland Presentation CampStory. Content. Presentation. Presentation Camp is an all day collaborative event that is focused on improving presentation content, delivery and storytelling. Giving an effective presentation is tough, but Presentation Camp offers insights from the experts, peer-to-peer collaboration and tips for improving presentation skills.2009-10-21 00:00:00http:/:55u3M33JrPortland Business Alliance, Cornerstones Conversations: "Savings and Sustainability"Hear from experts, share best practices, and grow your business. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Take part in a continuing discussion at the Cornerstones Conversations events, and on the new blog at www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20. Non-members: $30. 2009-01-15 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2008-12-30 00:46:24 >2009-01-15 17:00:00 and collaboration opportunities at Oregon’s universities. Oregon universities collaborate with entrepreneurs, companies and the business community to ensure that ideas generated by faculty, students and staff reach the private sector to create products and services which benefit the public. Innovate Collaborate Oregon will allow greater industry access to the latest advances in university research and enable the universities to generate resources to c&4m3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, Business After HoursEnjoy the hospitality of a Portland business, while getting a chance to network with other members of the business community and share information about your own business. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $8 online/$10 at the door. Non-members: $12 online/$15 at the door. 2009-01-15 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:39:27 =2009-01-15 03:00:00 h'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyrrival and seating
    6:30 – 7:00p
    Rebecca Gerendasy will share some online websites that mi?ԡq>ԡs1ԡu'ԡwԡx!ԡzԡ}ԡ~ԡ ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ Lԡ ԡ Mԡ τԡÄԡԡԡ3sQ3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-13 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:29:48 =2009-01-13 17:00:00 _2_the largest chain of full spectrum frame stores in the Northwest. After selling Beard’s in 1999, Terry co-founded and now chairs TheBigDay.com and mentors and invests in other startups. Terry is a member of the Portland Angel Network and the Portland Venture Group. Eric Rosenfeld – Managing Partner, Capybara Ventures (moderator) O1gq3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, ShopTalk ShowcaseGet a chance to learn about a Portland Business, and showcase your own business at this fun and helpful networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. FREE for members, only $5 for non-members. 2009-01-06 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:14:05 =2009-01-06 17:00:00J0O3C33JrPortland Robotics Society MeetingMonthly meeting of PARTS, the Portland Area Robotics Society.2009-01-03 18:30:00http://portlandrobotics.org2008-12-29 23:37:01 =2009-01-03 21:30:00 yyngel investors in Oregon. A veteran of the retail financial services industry, Irving founded and served as cha/_333JrJava and beer w/ Matt Raible, Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis, etcIf you live in Portland, Oregon - or just happen to be in town - you might want to join us for some beers and tech talk tomorrow (Monday) night. Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis Ship and Matt Raible will be meeting around 6:30 at the Rogue Distillery & Public House. Regardless of your affection for PHP, Rails, Java, Selenium, Tapestry or Struts 2, chances are you'll enjoy talking about it with new friends. With 36 taps and the delicious beer from Rogue Ales, this is sure to be a fun night. If you're on Facebook, you can let us know you're coming by RSVP'ing to the Event. Otherwise, please leave a comment or just show up. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=421984516862008-12-30 02:30:00http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/portland_tech_meetup_tomorrow_night2008-12-29 22:09:15 =2008-12-30 04:30:00 are consideringS.33Q33JrBarCampPortland IIIWe'll have more details coming soon, but feel free to RSVP now.
    2009-05-02 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2008-12-29 18:32:00 9;bA2009-05-03 04:00:00 -y!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\2009-01-13 22:00:00 ommunity. Come with your ideas and your computer - we will be posting the ideas generated at this meeting to our Wiki so we can help put them into the appropriate format and vet them through the cQԡy '3W333OEN Workshop - Investor Expectations: Everything You Need to Know about Raising Seed Capital in Oregon, But Were Afraid to Ask If you’re an entrepreneur seeking funding or work with entrepreneurs seeking funding, then this 2-hour interactive program is for you. OE2sQ3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-13 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:25:48 =2009-01-13 17:00:00 Qent Profess (C 3S33JrFGorge Angel Conference 20092009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com2008-12-26 21:25:262009-05-19 21:00:00$'%3 33JrTest event 1Event originally set for 12/25, changed to Jan 9 before initial export.2008-01-09 20:00:002008-12-24 20:02:22 92008-01-09 21:00:00|%%M3 33JrTest event 1Event originally set for 12/25. 2008-12-25 20:00:002008-12-24 20:00:24 92008-12-25 21:00:00,$Wa3C3JrEmergency Tweetup for Blood DonationsWe'll bring the cocoa, you bring your arm!

    Because of the snow and the holidays our donor numbers have seriously dropped this week. We're in need of intrepid, kind-hearted souls who would like to spend an hour this Christmas Eve giving blood.

    You'll be warmly rewarded with cookies, hot cocoa, and the company of fellow Twitter friends.
     2008-12-24 20:00:00http://nwblood.redcross.org2008-12-24 18:37:49 =;b^ --)Df&ԡu}i3O333SubGenius Devival: Cyclone of Slack (EsoZone afterparty)CYCLONE OF SLACK is not only a night of true SubGenius mutation- it’s also the afterparty for Esozone Portland 2009, a free “unconference” dedicated to the occulture, outsider O+w333JrJava and beer w/ Matt Raible, Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis, etcIf you live in Portland, Oregon - or just happen to be in town - you might want to join us for some beers and tech talk tomorrow (Monday) night. Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis Ship and myself [Matt Raible] will be meeting around 6:30 at the Rogue Distillery & Public House (map). With 36 taps and the delicious beer from Rogue Ales, this is sure to be a fun night. If you're on Facebook, you can let us know you're coming by RSVP'ing to the Event. Otherwise, please leave a comment or just show up. 2008-12-30 02:30:00http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/portland_tech_meetup_tomorrow_night2008-12-29 01:36:49 =2008-12-30 04:30:00   ting tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site What toolsq,;333JrJava and beer w/ Matt Raible, Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis, etcIf you live in Portland, Oregon - or just happen to be in town - you might want to join us for some beers and tech talk tomorrow (Monday) night. Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis Ship and Matt Raible will be meeting around 6:30 at the Rogue Distillery & Public House. With 36 taps and the delicious beer from Rogue Ales, this is sure to be a fun night. If you're on Facebook, you can let us know you're coming by RSVP'ing to the Event. Otherwise, please leave a comment or just show up. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=421984516862008-12-30 02:30:00http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/portland_tech_meetup_tomorrow_night2008-12-29 01:55:09 =2008-12-30 04:30:00 HHh a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris SchZ#3c393Jrsouk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.
     2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-24 12:43:18 ;b;bWJrւV"3c393Jrsouk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.
     2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-24 12:43:05 ;b;bW ussed in the talk. Biographical details: Sean Lee is a PhD candidate at the ԡ 33]333DorkbotPDX Open LabECONOMY: BAD. FREE WORKSHOP: GOOD! Come join Dorkbot Portland for a four-hour geek-a-thon in the heart o*33933JrDorkbotPDX Open LabPNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR The open lab is a chance to bring your projects to a group setting. Collaborate, interact or just seek sanity (or insanity) as you try to solder that one last component. If you've been to the Arduino Cult Induction, this is your chance to get help on anything was still unclear. If you are working on something entirely of your own devising, this is a chance to bounce your ideas of others. Get help with your soldering technique or just hang out and bask in the geekdom of others. Bring tools and parts and throw something together. We'll be there and we want to see what you're working on.2008-12-28 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-27 22:33:02 ;s;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00 TION OF TECHNOLOGY AND MONEY

    Advanced Technology Management Conference

    Intel Capital and White & Lee LLP have scheduled the next Silicon Forest Forum for Friday, September 12, 2008. We are very excited about the new program we have planned for the event, our luncheon speaker will be:

    Marc Tarpenning, Co-Founder and CTO
    Tesla Motors
    to speakd)#i3A33JrIgnite BendIf you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world people have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. For more information on Ignite, please take a look at the O’Reilly Ignite site. Ignite Bend will be held on Thursday February 12th at The PoetHouse Art, in the tbd loft (55 NW Minnesota St, Bend, OR - map). Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. Presentations start at 7:30 p.m. 2009-02-13 03:00:00http://www.ignitebend.com/2008-12-27 01:46:13 =2009-02-13 05:00:00 y of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The di4!3y3933Jrsouk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.2009-01-05 17:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-24 00:46:16 ;b;bW2009-01-06 01:00:00 7q333Jr'AeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in Financial Management in Uncertain TimesGiven the extremely difficult economic climate that we have all entered, financial management has never been more critical to the survival of an enterprise. Have you engaged, as a board member or have you engaged your board in charting the financial future of the company? What are your plans for survival?2009-01-28 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0109062008-12-23 23:59:00 :$2009-01-28 18:00:00artup Weekend and it will be hosted at the Google offices in Fremont. (651 North 34th St. ) So, you want to get involved? A great team of 5 organizers have been hard at work making sure the event will be a memorable Startup Weekend. So what can you do? Tickets for Startup Weekend Seattle will be sold for $40. This is really a RSVP cost, and you will receive your fair share of food, swag and memories (all of the money from this will be used for local costs of running the event). Buy your ticket here! http://seattle2startupweekend.eventbrite.com/ There are 11 main areas of expertise that you can sign up for: Developer - Sys Admin Developer - Backend Developer - Architect Developer - Front End PR User Experience Designer Legal Business Development Project Manager Cook Make sure to get tickets early, there are a very small number of tickets this year and it will most likely sell out fast. 2009-02-07 02:00:00http://seattle2.startupweekend.com2008-12-23 23:03:54 =2009-02-09 07:30:00 hamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We're going to MAX up there tomorrow to check it out, and if anyone would like to join us, meet at Old'3M33JrBeer and BlogWe’ll still find a way to hang out and warm our bellies with Holiday ale! After all, even if I said we weren’t meeting, people still would show up. :) I love you guys for that. So, this Friday we’ll get together and toast to 2008 as we enjoy the last official Beer and Blog of the year (although people may still show up on the 26th). January will be Beer and Blog’s 1 year anniversary and we have some cool plans in the works. We’re pulling together the best of what we learned in 2008 and turning it into a full or half day workshop for all those who want to start a blog or improve one. We’re also going to do a mini Job Fair.2009-01-03 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2008-12-23 09:59:04 ; 2009-01-03 02:00:00 Oor our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors BԡmaG3]333Portland Open Source Geospatial User GroupWe meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, al71333Jr'AeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in Financial Management in Uncertain TimesGiven the extremely difficult economic climate that we have all entered, financial management has never been more critical to the survival of an enterprise. Have you engaged, as a board member or have you engaged your board in charting the financial future of the company? What are your plans for survival? Founding Sponsors:


    2009-01-28 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0109062008-12-23 23:58:42 :$2009-01-28 18:00:00 ared to answer the following questions: - Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level? - What could your company achieve during 201ԡk13}333Galois Talk: Constructing a Universal Domain for reasoning about Haskell DatatypesThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 * Title: Constructing A Universal Domain for Reasoning About Haskell Datatypes * Speaker: Brian Huffman * Time: 10:30am - 11:C3Q33JrSeattle Startup Weekend 2.0Startup Weekend is coming back to Seattle, Feb 6th - Feb 8th 2009. This will be the second StV3c393Jrsouk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.
     2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-23 09:59:41 ;b;bW ?3;333“I Dӡ_K!3333Stumptown Enay3?333Digital Divide Radio L0E;3531PHP Support Group Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-10-21 22:49:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-21 21:4:00g0 3U33RainIt's probably going to rain. Enjoy the weather while it's nice.2009-12-13 10:00:00http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0319262/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54 ?;1531PHP Brigade Code Sprint *An autogenerated event.2009-09-17 17:0:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-17 6:20:00v7;3531.NET Hackers Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-09-29 13:14:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-29 0:37:00v$S;1531Calagator Support Group Breakfast *An autogenerated event.2009-10-09 21:4:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-10 0:44:00t/E;3533Flickr Battalion Flash Mob *An autogenerated event.2009-10-20 10:56:00http://calagator.org2009 ' ! - 88?" In the last 6 months the economy, accessDKC3w33JspOTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC. OTBC coach Iris Sasaki will join us for this brown bag. Iris is an expert on human resources issues. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Friday, January 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-10 21:11:07 <;b]2009-01-09 22:00:00e looking for a team of founders to help you get your idea off the ground? Or do you not have a burning idea, but you'd be interested finding someone with a compelling idea, so you can get in on the ground floor? At OTBC, we'd like to find a way for entrepreneurs and prospective founders to find each other. Come join us for a chat about ideas for helping entrepreneurs get exposure for their ideas. How can we help idea people and prospective founders find each other? We'd like to hear your ideas. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Thursday, January 8 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-08 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2008-12-22 19:41:20 <;b[2009-01-08 22:00:00 PPnd-based Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast. Dawn Foster is the Senior Executive and Practice Manager of the Olliance Group Online Community Practice. The Online Community Practice is focused on helping companies derive business value from building and participating in online communities. Dawn has more than 13 years of experience in business and technology with expertise in strategic planning, management, community building, community management, open source software, market research, social media, and RSS MM3w33JrOTBC Brown Bag: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you'r/3q33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-01-14 01:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com/about_hrpt.php2008-12-22 17:24:27 ;l2009-01-14 03:30:00 h4horked for a variety of computer, instrumentation and software companies since the 1970s. HisHI 3933Jr[CANCELLED] DorkbotPDX MeetingCancelled due to our resistors being frozen to our transistors.2008-12-23 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-22 16:31:37 :;bl2008-12-23 07:00:00HGS3s33Jr[CANCELED] Zoo Lights Tweetup[UPDATE] The Zoo is closed due to weather. As such, this tweetup is canceled. Join us for a twitterific visit at the Oregon Zoo for their "Zoo Lights". Bring some dinner with you or stop by the holiday buffet in the restaurant if you're hungry and wander the Zoo at night with twitter friends to see the lights and animals. Go to the Zoo Lights page for more information on ticket prices, times, performers and food. Get your tickets on line or at the Zoo gate. Hope to see you there! Ticket Info: $5.50 - $7.50 for kids $8.50 - $10 for adults 2008-12-23 01:00:00http://www.oregonzoo.org/Events/ZooLights/index.htm2008-12-22 09:27:47 :$;b82008-12-23 04:00:00 nnm me to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused network, whq3 33Jr"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. Effective self-organizing teams rely on personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this hands-on workshop, we'll discover the secrets to developing the skills you need to succeed and lead on a self-organizing team.
    Ticket Info: $1500Buy Tickets
     2009-02-24 08:00:00http://www.agileuniversity.org/course_details.jsp?courseid=1312008-12-21 22:00:38 ;;bY2009-02-26 08:00:00 eee website from any place with an internet connection. This seminar includes: 973333JrRecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

    RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki.

    RCC is held over the course of three days, with participants welcome to come and go as they please. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon.
     2009-02-20 08:00:00http://2009rcc.org/2008-12-20 08:21:18 =;bJr2009-02-22 08:00:00 for you, without you having to work on it all the time. * Focused language you can use on your website and to engage your audience. * How to use social media marketing to funnel people to your services and products. Think about it. With your new training and skills, you'll be getting more clients, and it will only cost one client to pay for this course! But Wait! **Save $51 dollars off the top and do one easy payment and get the whole seminar for only $399!! Or choose three easy monthly payments of only $150. Your choice. Sign-up now while there is still space. As soon as you register you will be directed to a link with a sign-up form. Fill out the sign-up form and th)G{333JrMobile Love, Android Style #82nd monday of the month is android day. Android is the mobile phone operating system from Google. meet with local area developers.
     2009-01-13 02:00:002008-12-21 15:30:45 =;bX2009-01-13 03:00:00 itude can provide the right push toward bringing you success with social media. How does the Eight Steps to a successful Social Media Marketing Plan webinar work? We meet twelve times over four months and will go through the 8 steps to a success social me 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-03 03:00:002008-12-20 08:18:53 :;bl2009-03-03 07:00:00\ _Q3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in an unconference on environmental and social solutions? Then show up at Red and Black for the first discussion on the possibility. If you can't make it but want to talk about it, contact klint at klintron dot com2008-12-21 23:00:002008-12-20 00:02:35 =2008-12-22 01:00:00 q What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:002008-12-19 10:45:37 :;blJr2009-03-17 06:00:00 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-03 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:30 :;blJr2009-03-03 07:00:00 ddto integrate social media into your marketing. It can feel like throwing a dart and hoping993333JrsRecentChangesCamp 2009[Full details at http://2009rcc.org/ and http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1248712/ ] RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis. RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki. RCC is held over the course of three days. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon. Feel free to come and join in for however long you please.2009-02-20 17:00:00http://2009rcc.org/2008-12-19 10:45:29 =;b+Jr2009-02-23 01:00:00 99ing because it also involves learning the correC93133JqRecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

    RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki (http://2009rcc.org/Attendees).

    RCC is held over the course of three days. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon. Feel free to come and join in for however long you please.
    2009-02-20 08:00:00http://2009rcc.org2008-12-19 10:45:29 =;bJr2009-02-22 08:00:00 qqiness also teaches you how to write profiles that get you noticed. You'll learn how to: * Organize your thoughts, pick a key message * Use current events to keep your status updates relevant. * Write DREAMY, attention-grabbing copy Social Networking for Business: One half day delivers killer writing and optimized social networking profiles! In just 4 hours you'll learn the basics of social networking: How to set up and use your profile to market your business, AND write memorable content that gets you noticed. But Wait!! That's not all! You'll also get: * The Write it Ri 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:16 :;blJr2009-02-17 07:00:00 qed to market your professional identity? GREAT! Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleagues who are overwhelmed by invites to social networking sites and have only the bare bones of a profile set up on 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:08 :;blJr2009-02-03 07:00:00 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:02 :;blJr2009-01-20 07:00:00 upelling to your target customers? Entrepreneurs and small business owners often go with their gut feel - but that can be misleading. Not all of your target customers think the way you do! How do you make sure that the d1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:002008-12-19 10:44:35 :;bl2009-01-06 07:00:00~1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:01 :;bl2009-01-20 07:00:00 tqtou've validated the market to verify that your product or service does serve an unfilled need in the m 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:002008-12-19 10:44:35 :;blJr2009-01-06 07:00:00k3 333JrDorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:002008-12-19 10:44:27 ;s;blJr2008-12-29 01:00:00 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-23 03:00:002008-12-19 10:44:20 :;blJr2008-12-23 07:00:00 u,on C FFI provided by both language's runtimes. The first intended use of this tool is to programmatically generate a bridge b{ԡaw3W333TechAmerica IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-}1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:08 :;bl2009-02-03 07:00:00|1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:002008-12-19 10:45:16 :;bl2009-02-17 07:00:00 kjlast year on defeGs;W3y33JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-26 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-18 23:45:44 =;bU2009-02-26 16:00:00}r53;33JqWhereCamp PDX MeetupThe big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.2008-11-19 03:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-12-18 19:25:22 =2008-11-19 05:00:00q133JrTweetup Happy HourWe miss the feeling of having our evenings triplebooked. This snowpocalypse has not given us the love we wanted, and if the white wall of death doesn't kill us, we'll be at Portland City Grill tomorrow evening for their happy hour.
     2008-12-19 00:30:002008-12-18 19:23:21 ;;bT u fair amount of homework to do. Homework such as defining your target market; sizing and segmenting that market;{1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-23 03:00:002008-12-19 10:44:19 :;bl2008-12-23 07:00:00gz3 333JrDorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:002008-12-19 10:44:26 ;s;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00y1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:002008-12-19 10:45:36 :;bl2009-03-17 06:00:00rch Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regularly.

    Response Interactive LLC is an interactive marketing agency that offers search engine optimized web site design, search engine marketing services both PPC and SEO, online display advertising, email marketing, SEO training and consulting services. For more information, please visit www.responseim.com.

    Who should attend:
    • In-House Marketers
    • Business Owners
    • Direct Marketers
    • Public Relations Professionals
    • Real Estate Professional
    • Web Designers
    Ticket Info: $895 - $2,195Buy Tickets
     2009-01-28 08:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2008-12-18 19:23:16 ;\;bE2009-01-30 08:00:00 O Dr. Hersh will begin with an overview of the stimulus package and the larger context of health information technology. He will also make some comments on the workforce provisions in the legislation. Next, Dr. Dorr will describe in more detail the notion of "meaningful use" of electronic health records. He will be followed by Dawn Bonder, who will give an overview of HIT efforts at the state'pe'3?33Jr3-Day Advanced Ultimate SEO Mastery WorkshopBuild high performance Internet marketing skills with maximum impact in a limited amount of time. Classes teach a six-step, stress-free approach to Search Engine Optimization. Come to one of our workshops and learn techniques that will not only increase your traffic but convert that traffic into more sales.

    Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials,-o3m3933JrDorkbotPDX Open LabPNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR2008-12-28 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:22:53 ;s;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00 33Fԡ|KY3Q3332008 Oregon Inventors Showcase The Micro-Enterprise Inventor’s Program of Oregon (MIPO) invites the public to meet 25 local inventors as they showcase their work at the 2008 Oregon Inventors Showcase on Saturday, May 3 at OMSI. The event, scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., will also include the “Oregon Best Invention Contest” with prizes including financial support and resources to help develop the winner’s invention. The public helps judge the Contest, voting on the day of the Showcase for the inventor who will receive the People’s Choice award and prize. 2008-05-03 17:00:00http://www.mipooregon.org/news.php2008-04-07 14:28:562008-07-13 04:29:17 :W2008-05-03 22:00:00 DD>ԡye3g333NW China Council - Silicon Dragon: How China is Winning the Tech RaceRebecca Fannin, author of SILICON DRAGONS: HOW CHINA IS WINNING THE TECH RACE is a financial journalist for the Asian Venture Capital Journal (Hong Kong) and previously was international editor for Red Herring, a leading new technology business magazine in Silicon Valley. Her work appears in Fast Company, Inc, Worth, AsiaWeek, the Huffington Post, and Wired-Asia2008-04-25 01:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/080424cbn.htm2008-04-04 19:37:532008-07-13 04:29:16 92008-04-25 03:00:00pԡxy13533Web Innovators - Ward Cunningham Revisualizes the WikiInventor of the Wiki Ward Cunningham asks: "what would be different if the Wiki were invented today?" Ward will lead a discussion about the future of the Wiki, where he promises provocative questions.2008-05-08 02:00:00http://www.pdxwi.com2008-04-04 17:42:212008-06-18 13:20:01 9;bՇJj4 January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

    Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

    These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

    About your instructor:

    Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

    As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Sea _>b]ԡhE{3a333Portland car-free happy hourWhat's your vision of sustainable transportatiotԡZ39333Affiliate Marketing for Creative Professionals & Service Providel1M3 33JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:002008-12-18 19:20:19 :;bl2009-01-20 07:00:00k1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:20:07 :;bl2009-02-03 07:00:00 _dj1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:19:53 :;bl2009-02-17 07:00:00i1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-23 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:19:35 :;bl2008-12-23 07:00:00 usts on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years, and testing has become more sophisticated in that time, but age and backwards compatibility holds things d1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:002008-12-18 18:37:08 :;bl2009-01-20 07:00:00c1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:002008-12-18 18:37:07 :;bl2009-02-03 07:00:00 _0ԡj{u3W333PDXPHP monthly meeting: Introduction to Aspen frameworkAspen is a PHP-based website and appliwԡ[s133333Selling Your Services Doesn't Have to n1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:20:48 :;bl2009-01-06 07:00:00m1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:20:29 :;bl2009-01-20 07:00:00 TuTorkshop is best for: Small business owners and service providers learn}h3 3933JrDorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:19:15 =;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00g1M3933JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 19:18:58 :;bl2009-03-17 06:00:00e1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:002008-12-18 18:37:09 :;bl2009-01-06 07:00:00 How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO's The Digital Divide is a public affairs radio show that attempts to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more. This month, the Digital Divide looks at the environment and what technology is doing to help or harm it. We speak with a pioneering nonprofit that is battling the growing amount of eWaste, and talk to a justice organization on just how green many of the next generation energy technologies really are. Contact skidmarc@riseup.net if you'd like to get involved.2008-12-18 17:30:00http://kboo.fm/node/110522008-12-18 08:27:16 =2008-12-18 18:30:00 high quality development. The newest tools can make significant productivity gains possib uOCCA members pay only $30. Plus, the first fifty people attending the workshop will get a free DVD of Windows 7 Release Candidate, the fully functional but time limited installable version of Windows 7. Our presentersb1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:002008-12-18 18:37:05 :;bl2009-02-17 07:00:00a1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-23 03:00:002008-12-18 18:37:03 :;bl2008-12-23 07:00:00 3(3 slap yourself on the forehead and promise to steal the idea the next time you can. The Software Association of Oregon's Marketing and Sales Forum (MSF) brings together seven of Portland's top deal makers to each share one creative closing technique. You'll leave the event with a new angg`3 333JrDorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:002008-12-18 18:37:02 =;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00_1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:002008-12-18 18:36:59 :;bl2009-03-17 06:00:00T]C3M33JrBeer and Blog - Let it snowWeekly Portland blogger meet up where bloggers help bloggers over beers.2008-12-20 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2008-12-18 17:38:43 ; 2008-12-20 02:00:00 lvent. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized eveԡT_m3;333WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting (last one!)Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX, it's starting this Friday! We're looking for volunteers and suggestions.2009-10-02 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-10-01 23:15:232009-10-01 23:16:31 ;2009-10-02 03:00:0Z133JrTweetup Happy HourWe miss the feeling of having our evenings triplebooked. This snowpocalypse has not given us the love we wanted, and if the white wall of death doesn't kill us, we'll be at Portland City Grill tomorrow evening for their happy hour.
     2008-12-19 00:30:002008-12-18 04:46:10 =;bTY3W33Jr[Postponed] Global Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Postponed. See http://eth0.cpq066.bea1.oen.easystree ) the subject of IT Innovation and Strategic Alignment. Come to hear valuable lessons learned from two leading CIO’s and to get a framework for IT innovation from a thought \G3?33JruThe Digital Divide Radio ShowHow do the latest technologies affect our communities?S[G%3?33JruThe Digital Divide Radio ShowHow do the latest technologies affect our communities? How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO's The Digital Divide is a public affairs radio show that attempts to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more. Contact skidmarc@riseup.net if you'd like to get involved.2008-12-18 17:30:00http://kboo.fm/node/110522008-12-18 08:26:41 =2008-12-18 18:30:00 challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s). Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-17 19:30:15 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00t.com/blogs/oen/2008/12/17/fyi-postponed-wednesday-december-17-thunderbird-speaker-series-event] Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants.
    Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook andyer for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2008-12-18 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2008-12-17 19:05:26 :2008-12-18 05:00:00 from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is the second Beer and Blog for Corvallis so it'll probably be another free form social gathering, but feel free to blog while you're there! They have free wifi and we'll make sure to bring enough power strips. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2008-12-18 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2008-12-17 18:10:22 =;b@2008-12-18 03:00:00 HH. And because there are fewer available we need to get in an:X/3333Jr[Cancelled] PLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax LanW=3 33Jr[Cancelled] OEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! Date and Time: Dec. 17th, 2008; 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-17 18:10:34 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00elopment have progressed from conceptual understanding to practical techniques that people are using to solve problems and ship software today. The Lean toolkit augments or enhances the practices that are available to today's Agile practitioner. Lean expands the organizational scope of Agile and provides a rich and robust set of methods for process improvement. Corey Ladas is a Lean Software Development consultant and practitioner who focuses on evolving local development processes through systematic self-organization and continuous improvement. He will discuss and demonstrate some of the techniques from his new book, Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development. Pizza at 6:30pm, talk at 7pm, beer after. Pizza is sponsored by YesMail. As ever, we will follow the meeting with a chat and hang out at a local pub. 2009-01-15 02:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2008-12-17 01:37:08 92009-01-15 05:00:00-12-15 03:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-10-01 14:30:452009-12-07 11:39:15 @02009-12-15 05:00:00 from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is the second Beer and Blog for Corvallis so it'll probably be another free form social gathering, but feel free to blog while you're there! They have free wifi and we'll make sure to bring enough power strips. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2008-12-18 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2008-12-17 18:09:04 =;b@2008-12-18 03:00:00est Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon 2009, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. The 2009 conference will be held at the Governor Hotel in Portland on March 12th. Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round.2009-01-16 01:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=502009-01-05 03:44:53 :62009-01-16 05:00:00ng with an angel investor. This webinar is provided courtesy of OEN. Speaker: Den {{p, and on April 22 (was March 25), Denney's opening the doors to show everyone all the cool stuff he has in there. What is TechShop? Why, it's "a membership-based DIY workshop that ԡOk 33333Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in HaskellTitle: Designing, visualizingyVi93M33Jr[Cancelled] Corvallis Beer and Blog (12/17/08)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every WednesdayxUg93M33Jr[Canceled] Corvallis Beer and Blog (12/17/08)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every WednesdayT{]3533JrXPDX January: Lean Thinking for Agile Process EvolutionLean methods in software dev S?%3333JrXPDX Conversation meetingMonthly, 3rd Friday meeting of the Extreme Programming user group conversation meeting to discuss all things Agile and Extreme Programming. 2008-12-19 21:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2008-12-17 01:07:52 ;42008-12-19 23:30:00 jjUfh%tableupdatesupdatesCREATE TABLE updates ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "status" text DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL)4=tablesourcessources >CREATE TABLE sources ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "imported_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "reimport" boolean DEFAULT NULL)r//tableschema_migrationsschema_migrationsCREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL) nd techniques that proved effective in today’s job market for identifying opportunities, applying voluntarily for positions, interviewing, and following-up. Mr. Hoffman continues to mentor unemployed colleagues, sharing advice and besL=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-12-16 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:05:17 <;bS2009-12-16 04:00:00 ]team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to-Q}/3333JrPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax La P5/3333JrPLUG Advanced TopicsJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax La_ O_O3k33Jr(CANCELLED) Westside Programmer's Meeting"A polyglot programming group meeting in Central Beaverton." Are you a programmer? Are you on the Westside? You qualify! Come on down to OTBC at the Beaverton Round. It's got its own MAX stop. Easy! Even if you're not on the Westside you can probably come. :) After we're done talking code we may move along to a nearby pub for food and drink.2008-12-16 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2008-12-15 23:39:55 <2008-12-16 05:00:00 )ore. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outmN;3 33Jr[Canceled] OEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! Date and Time: Dec. 17th, 2008; 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-15 22:22:50 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00 ommunity and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. nM=3 33Jr[Cancelled] OEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! Date and Time: Dec. 17th, 2008; 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-15 22:22:09 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00 tions when working through recruiting companies •Right and wrong ways to apply •Effective approaches to getting that first interview •Making yourself stand out •Preparing ahead of time for when it hapK=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-11-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:05:01 <;bR2009-11-18 04:00:00 Iompanies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you’re wonԡ"we3C33310/5 MercI=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-09-16 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:32 <;bP2009-09-16 03:00:00 keting tools any microenterprise can use. In this seminar, you will learn how to use a blog to attract clients, build your reputation, and showcase your expertise. You will leave with tips and advice on setting up a blog, managing and pH=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-08-19 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:20 <;bO2009-08-19 03:00:00  partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org): Effective Job Seeking — How To Cope, Prepare, and Move Forward If You Find Yourself Unemployed Presented by Michael Hoffman J=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-10-21 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:43 <;bQ2009-10-21 03:00:00  greater willingness to consider fresh ideas for resolving the dispute. One of the most promising developments in recent years has been their amenability to hold dialogue on normalizing the situation in the Kashmir region through enhancG=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-07-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:09 <;bN2009-07-22 03:00:00 act and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years.F=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-06-17 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:03:52 <;bM2009-06-17 03:00:00 idgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl for OEN’s PubTalk: Oregon’s Green Company Showcase. The PubTalk following the half day workshop Oregon’s Green Advantage: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs is wkԡ3?333Search Engine MarD=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:02:54 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00 W1ۋ k333http://portland.garysgui*ԡiiG3 333Demystifying Social M y!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\2009-01-13 22:00:00elopment have progressed from conceptual understanding to practical techniques that people are using to solve problems and ship software today. The Lean toolkit augments or enhances the practices that are available to today's Agile practitioner. Lean expands the organizational scope of Agile and provides a rich and robust set of methods for process improvement. Corey Ladas is a Lean Software Development consultant and practitioner who focuses on evolving local development processes through systematic self-organization and continuous improvement. He will discuss and demonstrate some of the techniques from his new book, Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development. Pizza at 6:30pm, talk at 7pm, beer after. Pizza is sponsored by YesMail. As ever, we will follow the meeting with a chat and hang out at a local pub. 2009-01-22 02:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2008-12-15 20:34:05 92009-01-22 05:00:000-02 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-09-29 19:11:292009-10-01 19:09:49 >2009-10-02 04:00:00 mand response, transportation electrification and many more applications. To help entrepreneurs and innovators in the Portland area learn more about smart grid opportunities and collaborate with others the TiE Oregon is hosting an evE=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:03:22 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00 layer network protocol in Haskell. The surprising result is that a pure functional language with no built-in notion of time is extremely well-suited for constructing such emulators. Furthermore, we use Haskell’s property-checker QuickC=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD


    PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2009-03-18 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:01:25 <;bJ2009-03-18 03:00:00 emy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website *Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future *Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you zAU?3]33Jr(CANCELED - see Upcoming) iPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.
     2008-12-16 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2008-12-15 21:59:46 ; ;bB2008-12-16 04:00:00 vore questions than the time could answer. On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' wiԡBy?3W333Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a ne>{a3533JrXPDX January: Lean Thinking for Agile Process EvolutionLean methods in software devÔz==3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: "Simplify Java Web Development with Able"

    Patrick Lightbody will present his work on a new open source initiative named Able. Able is a combination of a library and quickstart template that aims to tightly integrate several modern Java frameworks: Hibernate (persistence), Stripes (web framework), Guice (core container), and DWR (AJAX). By taking advantage of libraries that embrace annotations and generics, Able simplifies Java web development and provides integration at several levels, including validation, transaction handling, and object lifeccompeting projects, OpenSymphony WebWork and Apache Struts. He is also the founder of OpenQA, an open source group dedicated to bringing quality open source testing tools to the market. Patrick is a published author and an established leader in the Enterprise Java community.


    PJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away swag.

    It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

    Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
     2008-12-17 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 20:05:28 <;bF2008-12-17 04:00:00ycle management.

    If you want to do some reading in advance, here are some relevant links:

    Able: http://code.google.com/p/able
    Hibernate: http://www.hibernate.org
    Stripes: http://www.stripesframework.org
    Guice: http://code.google.com/p/google-guice
    DWR: http://directwebremoting.org

    Speaker: Patrick Lightbody is the founder of BrowserMob, a new on-demand load testing product that uses real web browsers. Patrick is also the Managing Director of OpenSymphony Group, a non-profit open source group dedicated to the creation of high quality, open source Java-based components. Recently, Patrick oversaw a rare occurrence in the open source world: a merger of two any) Park close to the building, under the overpass on Morrison would be ideal Enter the building from Morrison and go up the stairs Go up the freight elevator to the 7th floor, likely someone will be assisting the freight elevator operation Since there are only tech entrepreneurs all conversation can be open and honest. The agendas will be loose - basically we just want everyone to be able to talk about their issues with their peers. The candid dialogue will allow for collaboration in supporting each others companies. Sometimes we might have themes or guests but the evening will often self organize. Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg! Participants can also Request to join the Tech Entrepreneur ONLY Group on the Social Network where candid conversations and requests can be taken online. Contact Bryce Yonker with any questions. 2008-12-17 00:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/16/082008-12-15 18:01:36 <2008-12-17 02:00:00tartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Finding the place is pretty tough (kind-of like starting a tech comp jjhop on patent basics. This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to create strong patents as valuable corporate assets. During the first hour of the workshop you will learn: - Why the US has an intellectual property system - How patents relate to other forms of intellectGu;W3y33JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-25 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-19 00:07:28 9;bU2009-02-27 00:00:00Gt;W3y33JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-26 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-18 23:46:27 9;bU2009-02-26 16:00:00 rrer Wynne LLP) - How to develop an application that will ultimately issue as a patent - Why are claims so hard to read (and how to read them) How to successfully navigate an application through the Patent Office (led by Kevin Ross, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC and Joe Makuch, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC) - How examiners use "Prior Art" - How to vA!3733JrCalagator mini code sprintNOTICE: Unlike usual sprints, this would be at noon, not 10m, and at UGNW, not CubeSpace. I'd like to have a mini code sprint this weekend. Everyone is welcome, no programming experience required, although it'd be useful. UGNW is near the Streetcar, so getting there even in bad weather should work okay. We can talk about what we want to do with recurring events, the with_my_events branch, supporting multiple regions, supporting multiple instances, and supporting categories. We may even get some coding done too. :)2008-12-20 20:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-19 04:42:49 ;g2008-12-21 00:00:00g efforts including a planned development center in Portland, Oregon. Our guests are two executives of the Foundation including its Chief Technology Officer. Their presentation will: o Introduce the project, its motivation, founding, and development efforts to date; o Walk through the TrustTheVote technology road map and review major projects underway; o Discuss development philosophies and approaches including experience-driven design and test-driven agile development; o Review opportunities for systems architects, software developers, SDQA/test specialists, and user experience designers; o Cover plans to expand the volunteer developer teams, future opportunities for senior members of technical staff, and opportunities for you to get involved. Presenters: Gregory Miller, Chief Development Officer E. John Sebes, Chief Technology Officer Foundation on the web: http://www.osdv.org 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.osdv.org2009-01-29 01:15:002009-02-02 16:26:55 92009-02-19 04:00:00 | |V/ԡ\-+3g333Firefox Beer Day"Come spend your workday at tԡ] 3333Strange Love Live is taking the week off2009-03-20 00:00:002009-01-29 04:46:212009-01-29 04:46:21;bט2009-03-21 00:00:001ԡ/3333Brian M WestbrookJoin us for some serious gadget talk with Brian M Westbrook.2009-04-11 05:00:002009-01-29 04:46:202009-01-29 04:46:20 >;bט2009-04-11 06:45:007ԡI-3_333PDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe [not] first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some type of software demonstration, discussion about group structure and preferences, and then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-01-29 03:29:582009-04-15 23:32:23 =2009-05-21 03:00:00 :`: present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There8<5+333JrSAO Startup ExchangeStartUp Exchange Date: Tue, Dec 16th Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm Location: Chime Software 215 SW Morrison, 7th Floor Portland, 97214 Cost: $15 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/16/2008 Topic: StartUp Exchange Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar The Sˏ_;wm3W33JrGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and NetworkingGlobal Technology Trends Offsh`:wo3W33JrGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and NetworkingGlobal Technology Trends Offshݑ9wO3W33JrGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and Networking

    Global Technology Trends
    Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tpricegain.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pricegain.com
    on pricing technology products for international markets.
    Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/
    on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing

    Wednesday December 17th 2008:

    from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124
    from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124

    RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s).
    Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-4007
     2008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-14 17:35:29 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00ech Marketing

    A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter

    The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond.
    After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants.
    Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/
    on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape.
    Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – Ticket Info: $895 - $2,195Buy Tickets  2009-01-28 08:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2008-12-14 16:34:29 =;bE2009-01-30 08:00:00 January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

    Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

    These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

    About your instructor:

    Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

    As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Sea T TL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÓ'7e'3?33Jr3-Day Advanced Ultimate SEO Mastery WorkshopBuild high performance Internet marketing skills with maximum impact in a limited amount of time. Classes teach a six-step, stress-free approach to Search Engine Optimization. Come to one of our workshops and learn techniques that will not only increase your traffic but convert that traffic into more sales.

    Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials,ԁp6?333JrWherecamp monthly meetingThe continuing saga of Wherecamp - pondering the geospacial web.. and beyond.
     2009-01-21 03:00:002008-12-14 16:32:31 =;bD2009-01-21 04:00:00q5w3W33JrGlobal Technology Trends Presentations and Networking

    Global Technology Trends
    Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing

    A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird A>The December AeA event titled, Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity has been postponed to January, 2009. Technology and IP Networking Event Date: Dec 16, 2008 Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity Great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. 2008-12-16 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1208032008-12-12 21:47:36 :$2008-12-16 18:00:00or Eric at 503.552.6759.2009-10-08 23:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 20:51:332009-09-24 21:01:122009-10-09 00:30:00lumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter

    The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades
    (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution
    starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience
    to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond.
    After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius
    Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants.

    Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/
    on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape.

    Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com
    on pricing technology products for international markets.

    Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/
    on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing

    Wednesday December 17th 2008:

    from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124

    from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124

    RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s).
    Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-4007
     2008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-14 16:26:07 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00vssx} "',16;@EJOTY^chmrw| "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ser experience design! This time, we have Nick Finck, Principal and Director of User Experience at Blue Flavor, coming from      { t 0 b { V ? 1 / 5  h  !"$r'(* , . 02 4 6 E NV[afjln opqsuw xy{| }~߁݁j܁mہoځpqrsuށwxzց{Ձ~Ԃς΂͂ ǂ w HÂ!M#x$i&|),/Ă3‚46ł7ӂ9: ;>VBǂD  2008-12-16 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2008-12-14 16:23:11 ; ;bB2008-12-16 04:00:00t3s33G33JpIxDA Portland F2F Gathering (Interaction Designers)Come out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2008-12-17 02:00:00http://www.ixda.org/local.php2008-12-13 06:09:37 ;2008-12-17 05:00:00`2+333JrZ[Postponed] AeA: Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityPortland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-05 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:30 <;b2008-11-05 07:00:00#+ 3533Jq=Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-12 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:29 <;b2008-11-12 07:00:00#* 3533Jq<Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-19 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:29 <;b2008-11-19 07:00:00#) 3533Jq;Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-26 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:28 <;b2008-11-26 07:00:00#( 3533Jq:Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-03 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:27 <;b2008-12-03 07:00:00 d a "Sanguino" on a breadboard, add the core to our arduino environment, and program it. Then we will look at the next step of putting it on a protoboard. For more information on the "Sanguino" you can look 53E3 33JrWWinter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's Social as the outdoor and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Some beverages will be provided.2008-12-10 03:00:002008-11-26 21:23:18 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00r2 3]3JrpThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-27 15:30:09 :A;b'r1 3]3JrpThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-27 15:30:09 =;b' Mandel will discuss some of the thoughts he has on the role of Open Source ideas in Agriculture and International Development and maybe even on us locally. ******************************************************************* Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: We no longer use the Lucky Lab.)2008-12-05 03:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-12-12 20:04:15 <2008-12-05 05:00:00ponents you MUST have in place to attract and engage clients * How Social Media can help you \ch cli#' 3533Jq9Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:27 <;b2008-12-10 07:00:00#& 3533Jq8Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-17 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:24 <;b2008-12-17 07:00:00u%y93533Jq7Portland State Aerospace Society: Introductory MeetingIntroductory meeting for people interested in PSAS (Portland State Aerospace Society).2008-10-22 01:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:24 <;b2008-10-22 02:00:00 $A93K33JrXPSU Database Reading GroupThis Friday's paper is: "Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries" by Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer, and Nadir Weibel. Jeremy Steinhauer will be the discussion leader. You can get the paper from: http://www.globis.ethz.ch/script/publication/download?docid=5282008-11-21 18:00:00http://datalab.cs.pdx.edu/dbrg/2008-12-12 20:04:16 <2008-11-21 19:30:00 from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

    This is the second Beer and Blog for Corvallis so it'll probably be another free form social gathering, but feel free to blog while you're there! They have free wifi and we'll make sure to bring enough power strips. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). See you there!

    -Lance (@ramereth)
     2008-12-18 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2008-12-11 16:48:59 =;b@2008-12-18 03:00:00  of helping us communicate even more often when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to communicate with other people. We ask: When does social media become narcissistic? What is the right approach to cultivate relationships in social media? When do yo}#!3=33Jr|Portland Linux/Unix Group: Some Random Thoughts on Open Source Philosophy Davidނ"3}3Q33JrBarCampPortland IIIWe'll have more details coming soon, but feel free to RSVP now.
     2009-05-02 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2008-12-12 17:53:26 9;bA2009-05-03 04:00:00m!Q93M33JrCorvallis Beer and Blog (12/17/08)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesdayc 5G3O33JrDrinking and DrawingDrinking and Drawing is an evening of collaborative animation. nthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland. How It Works It’s simple. When you arrive, you’ll get a sticker to wear. Venture forth, find another sticker-wearer and offer them a drink. That’s the trick: you can’t just drink your own, that just wouldn’t be social. It’s a great way to break the ice. Come join us downstairs at the Life of Riley tavern. There's no charge to come spend a few hours with your fellow creatives, but in the spirit of the season, we'd encourage you to bring along a canned good donation and wear your best, bad, holiday sweater.2008-12-10 23:00:00http://www.portland.aiga.org/events/2008/12/247745692008-12-10 22:50:31 ;2008-12-11 00:00:009-10-08 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4424087/2009-09-24 00:47:172009-09-28 19:48:06 @|;b2009-10-08 02:00:00 Each artist has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place for the person who comes after them, who draws 8 more frames and leaves their last one... repeat all evening. Anyone can participate- artists, animators, people who want to experiment. And people are welcome to attend just to drink and watch the action. The Someday Lounge is 21+ and non-smoking, with food and drinks available for purchase. This event is free to Cascade SIGGRAPH and Northwest ASIFA members- non-members pay $5 at the door. For more information about how it works, visit www.drinkinganddrawing.org. To see the movies we made last year, visit http://cascadesiggraph.org/eventspast.html#Jan_23_2008. To keep in touch with this event, follow @DrinknDrawPDX on twitter. 2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.drinkinganddrawing.org2008-12-11 04:01:34 =2009-01-15 05:00:00ips.2009-10-28 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533764/2009-09-24 03:47:532009-09-24 03:47:53 @;b2009-10-29 01:00:00ult-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments. This event is free to the public. In order to accommodate the appropriate number of attendees, please rsvp to: thomas@opensourcery.com. The event takes place at OpenSourcery: 711 SE Ankeny (on Ankeny and SE 7th, one block south of Burnside). We encourage biking and public transportation.2008-11-06 02:00:00https://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/10/introduction-couchdb2008-12-10 20:54:07 =2008-11-06 04:00:00 rhSr, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.
    OpenSourcery set to host the eleventh iteration.

    Did you know they're in a new space now?

    To showcase the new digs, they're graciously opening their doors on March 11, 2009. I know it's a long time from now, but free lunch is worth the advance planning.

    Here's the standard boilerplate:
    You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

    Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

    Oh, and it's free, if that matters to you.
     2009-03-11 19:00:002008-12-10 20:50:24 =;b?2009-03-11 21:00:00 aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This invm/A33JrPeacock Geek WalkPlume your feathers and do the Peacock walk with us.

    This Sunday, The Lights on Peacock Lane has banned cars from Peacock Lane. This one-night-only event is the perfect opportunity to stroll the Lane and view the lights unobscured by minivans and untainted by carbon monoxide.

    The scoop: Meet up at the corner of SE Peacock Ln & Belmont @ 6:30. Wear your mittens and walking shoes.

    ** We'll be heading over to Kinta Restaurant (Malaysian, 35th & Belmont) for dinner afterword. Leave a comment if you plan to have dinner with us so we know how much table to reserve.
     2008-12-15 02:30:002008-12-10 20:44:07 =;b> tion is hosting a pizza party for FSF members and friends. Come and bring along friendԡmMe3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetingIf you are tech entrepreneuN#3Q33JnInnotechthe region's premier business and technology innovation conference and expo2009-04-23 14:30:00http://pdx.innotechconference.com/2008-12-10 18:32:34 9;bձJr2009-04-24 23:00:00wEc3K33JreMarketing Summit @ InnoTechThe two-day eMarketing Summit brings together marketers, business owners and internet professionals from throughout the Northwest. Now in its fifth year, the eMarketing Summit, a Special Event @ InnoTech, focuses on the strategies and concepts of eMarketing while demonstrating the latest tools and techniques used by the Northwest's top companies. Topics this year include successful social media case studies, search updates, online communities, lead generation, web analytics & more. 2009-04-22 16:00:00http://www.emarketingsummit.com2008-12-10 16:47:07 92009-04-23 23:30:00 E*Eelding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career."

    This will be the first Portland Lunch 2.0 hosted by a conference, and it should be an interesting mix of conference attendeesae3G33JrInnoTech Oregon Technology Conference & ExpoInnoTech is the region's largest technology & innovation event focused on enabling technology for your business. InnoTech sponsored by EasyStreet Online Services and SAO, includes the NW CIO Summit, Clean Tech Forum, ISSA-Portland Chapter Security Conference and topics on mobility, social media, infrastructure & much more. 2009-04-23 16:00:00http://www.innotechoregon.com2008-12-10 16:38:18 92009-04-24 01:00:00RW3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. 2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2008-12-10 11:38:13 92009-01-07 05:00:00 Wsions to res;c?3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-01-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-10 11:36:19 92009-01-13 05:00:00%)Y3M33Jq'RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.2009-05-04 15:00:00http://en.oreilly.com/rails2009/2008-12-10 10:37:41 <2009-05-08 01:00:00 a 501(c)(3), learn how a social stock market generates seed funding for launching good ideas and how to implement "sustaining strategies." Panelists: Mark Moffenbier, Shorebank Pacific Mark Holloway, Social Venture Partners Portland Amy Pearl, ChangeXchange Social Stock Market Joy Hunt, Vision into Action Grants Workshops Angela Southwick, Neighbors West-Northwest Neighborhood Grants Emily Rice, Community Watershed Stewardship Program Environmental Grants Janelle Geddes, Metro Grants John Brown, Rooms for Peace Alan Rosenblith, Community Prosper, community currency Nancy Murray, Community Development Legal Clinic The forum is sponsored by Portland-based nonprofit, Springboard Innovation. Springboard's mission is to launch community-led community change. The purpose of the forum is to empower "average" Portlanders with the resources and tools needed to take action to solve problems our society is facing. 2008-12-07 00:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2008-12-06 23:55:47 :2008-12-07 01:00:00 ##vel position, learn the interviewing techniques that will help you land your next dream job. If you're currently employed but considering a career change, this seminar will make sure you’re perfectly poised when opportunities come your way. Using proprietary methods developed by his company The Olsen Group, Scott Olsen will lead you through a 90 minute Power Interviewing Skills seminar. You will learn to: * Identify interview question categories * Develop strategies to effectively respond to any interview question * Uncover your unique employment strengths * Communicate your experience in ways that build value with your interviewer * Tackle those ‘difficult’ subjects - i.e. salary, layoffs, etc. * Y33]33JrpThrivePDXJoin us for the second meeting of ThrivePDX! Details to follow... check back soon! 2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-12-10 05:29:29 ;;b(2008-12-11 03:00:00 eempanyThe Software Association of Oregon and Oregon Technology Business Center (OTBC), with 1E3E33JpWordCamp:Las VegasWhat is WordCamp:Las Vegas? WordCamp:Las Vegas is a conference style event covering topics related to the WordPress software. We are also planning for Unconference style sessions in the afternoon to let the people attending WordCamp help choose the topics discussed at WordCamp:Las Vegas. Who Should Attend WordCamp:Las Vegas? No matter if you are a casual user, full time blogger, plugin developer, theme designer or if you are curious about getting in to blogging for the first time, WordCamp:Las Vegas promises to have a little something for everyone. When Is It? Mark your calendar, January 10th and 11th, 2009 Where is it? OK, you got me there. We are still working on securing a location for the event. As soon as we have a confirmed location, we’ll update the site and let you know. 2009-01-10 16:00:00http://lasvegaswordcamp.com/2008-12-10 10:35:522009-01-12 01:00:00l Foods will be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR). Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foods is an opportunity for the public to meet and support local food business entrepreneurs in their first steps to bring their commercial ready product to the retail market. This twice a year mini-trade show is a showcase of products developed by food entrepreneurs enrolled in the Getting Your Recipe to Market workshop, and is presented by the Portland Community College, Small Business Development Center; the Oregon State University, Food Innovation Center Experiment Station; and the locally-owned New Seasons Market. Plan to join us for an evening that includes sampling innovative products and social networking among local foodies. For more information contact John Henry Wells at 503-407-6959 or john.wells@northwestfoods.net.2008-12-10 02:00:00http://northwestfoods.org/events2008-12-09 14:19:28 =2008-12-10 05:00:0009-09-25 02:30:00from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do. This is the first Beer and Blog for Corvallis so we'll be mostly talking about what we'd like to do as a group on a weekly basis. Please bring your ideas! They have free wifi and we'll make sure to bring enough power strips. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). There will also be a Celtic band playing later but shouldn't be too loud where we'll be sitting.2008-12-11 01:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/corvallis2008-12-09 00:45:37 =;b/2008-12-11 03:00:001:51 @;b2009-10-16 03:00:00offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|         "#&'(/)*+,./12[4579;<=>?~@ACDExFwGpIqKmMlPjRiTfUhVgWeXdYa[`]\_^`[bXeYfZhViUjTkSmNoRpPqQrLtIxGzF{C|D}EB?><9 7 6 0/1*)(% !"#$&' (R_}3M33JrTime-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foodshe next Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Loca%)Y3M33Jq'RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.2009-05-04 07:00:00http://en.oreilly.com/rails2009/2008-12-09 02:23:07 <2009-05-08 01:00:00D;u3U33JrCorvallis Beer and BlogBeer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday eCw3 33JrWordPress 2.7 Release PartyTo celebrate the release of WordPress 2.7 the organizers of WordcampPDX are hosting a night of fun, frolic, and help migrating to the new WordPress 2.7. If you're not a current WordPress user now is the perfect time to switch. No fuss no muss :D2008-12-13 01:30:002008-12-09 00:45:05 9;b12008-12-13 05:00:00   nt color="#000000">

    · Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online withoWԡ I3?333Oregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d)b %3 33JrOEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! Date and Time: Dec. 17th, 2008; 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-09 00:43:28 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00 YYho are navigating the world of entrepreneurship. Come hear local entrepre1 G 3 33JrMobile Love, Anrdoid Style #8The android train rolls on. Google is offering an unlocked G1 for $400 to developers. An austrailian phone company announced two models for Feb 2009. IceCondor and jFireeagle are progressing.2008-12-09 02:00:002008-12-09 00:42:07 ; ;b72008-12-09 03:00:00n 153s33JrZoo Lights TweetupJoin us for a twitterific visit at the Oregon Zoo for their "Zoo Lights". Bring some dinner with you or stop by the holiday buffet in the restaurant if you're hungry and wander the Zoo at night with twitter friends to see the lights and animals. Go to the Zoo Lights page for more information on ticket prices, times, performers and food. Get your tickets on line or at the Zoo gate. Hope to see you there! Ticket Info: $5.50 - $7.50 for kids $8.50 - $10 for adults 2008-12-23 01:00:00http://www.oregonzoo.org/Events/ZooLights/index.htm2008-12-09 00:41:27 :$;b82008-12-23 04:00:00 [N[H<ÕŸ ±NŦŸ¦Á*'+Ick9*" %Yµ¨Ÿ¡¨¸ÍH60.QͲ©¢¯®­0!./&!<Ÿƒoe33C33JrPortland Werewolf December '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2008-12-11 02:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com2008-12-09 00:40:58 ; ;b:2008-12-11 07:00:00.+m3A33Jp'Webvisions 2009Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy for three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career. Ticket Info: $150 - $195 before April 1st. 2009-05-20 15:00:00http://webvisionsevent.com2008-12-09 00:35:39 9;bk2009-05-24 00:00:00 Sfollow">Microsoft and Ticket Info: $55.00Buy Tickets  2008-12-08 20:00:00http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/imktg2008-12-08 23:44:48 =;b=2008-12-09 04:00:00 ng an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beveragԡ 3]333Puppet PDX Meetup: Config Management, Cloud Computing, and Beer!Come join us on Friday, Feb 27, at Paddy's Bar and Grill (SW 1st/Yamhill) from 6-8 pm for Puppet PDX, an opportunity to get together and talk about all things related to configurtԡbiE3!333Getting Started with Microcontrollers WorkshopThis workshop ,]93?33JrIgnite Portland Kickoff Planning MeetingCome get started planning Ignite Portland 5. The event will be on February 19, so it's coming up soon. This event is not for day-of volunteers (though we need you, too!). Here's a taste of the pre-planning positions we're looking to fill: A/V and Speakers Lead Speaker correspondent Slide preparers Volunteer/Venue Lead Volunteer organizer Marketing/Blogging Lead Bloggers/Tweeters Graphic/web designers2008-12-09 02:00:00http://igniteportland.com2008-12-08 22:17:39 9;b-2008-12-09 03:00:00 gVE7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯e 3C33JrPortland Werewolf December '08 Gathering2008-12-11 02:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com2008-12-08 21:43:38 ; ;b:2008-12-11 07:00:001 3s33JrZoo Lights Tweetup2008-12-23 01:00:00http://www.oregonzoo.org/Events/ZooLights/index.htm2008-12-08 21:38:13 :$;b82008-12-23 04:00:00qG 333JrMobile Love, Anrdoid Style #82008-12-09 02:00:002008-12-08 21:38:07 ; ;b72008-12-09 03:00:001 3s33JrZoo Lights Tweetup2008-12-23 01:00:00http://www.oregonzoo.org/Events/ZooLights/index.htm2008-12-08 21:37:19 =;b82008-12-23 04:00:00q~G 333JrMobile Love, Anrdoid Style #82008-12-09 02:00:002008-12-08 21:36:20 =;b72008-12-09 03:00:00 }=3Y33JrOregon Leadership SummitOregon Leadership Summit Keeping Focus in Tough Times Please join us on December 11, 2008 to help shle energy and clean technology companies. And ensuring that our public finance system is stable, adequate and efficient enough to meet these goals. No other state has anything like the Oregon Business Plan and the Oregon Leadership Summit. One of Oregon’s greatest strengths is our ability to bring together leaders of all backgrounds to plan for our common future. Please take a moment to browse the site and register for the Summit. Once registered, you will be able to participate in an online discussion forum reflecting on initiatives that we will be putting forward and offering your own thoughts and ideas. Nothing is more important than planning for our economic future. We hope that you will join us on December 11th to help keep Oregon moving forward. Sincerely, Steve Pratt, Chair Oregon Business Plan Steering Committee2008-12-11 17:00:00http://www.oregonleadershipsummit.org/2008-12-08 21:03:38 92008-12-12 00:45:00ape Oregon’s Economic Future. Oregon and the nation are going through difficult economic times. Fortunately, we have a forum for discussing these challenges and a plan for tackling them. For seven years Oregon’s business, elected and community leaders have been gathering annually at the Oregon Convention Center to make plans for reaching the Oregon Business Plan goal of quality jobs for all Oregonians. 2009 is no time to let up. With a recession looming, we must take immediate action to keep our economy on track while staying focused on our vision of building an innovative and sustainable economy. On December 11, we will be presenting ideas of how to jump-start our economy in light of the current downturn. We want to hear your ideas as well. We will also focus on the key initiatives that are critical to Oregon’s long-term economic strength: investing in education, industry innovation and transportation. Fixing our broken health-care system. Creating an attractive environment for renewab 22k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŇJ|MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you prepare and give presentations, here's a great free opportunity to learn how to ratchet up your presentation effectiveness. Garr Reynolds, author of the book "Presentation Zen" will discuss some of the topics in his book in a free webcast at 2pm on Monday, December 15. The book is very good. I suspect the webcast will be well worth one hour of your time. If you'd like to listen to the webcast in with a group of others, and perhaps discuss and compare notes after the program, feel free to join us for the webcast at OTBC. Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, December 15 at 2:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9298966/2008-12-15 22:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9298966/2008-12-08 20:53:30 <;b62008-12-16 00:00:00 4 tableeventseventsCREATE TABLE "events" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL NULL, "start_time" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "venue_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "end_time" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "version" integer, "rrule" varchar(255))yStabletagstags CREATE TABLE "tags" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL)I ctabletaggingstaggings CREATE TABLE "taggings" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "tag_id" integer NOT NULL, "taggable_id" integer NOT NULL, "taggable_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL) 66 /> Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
    The Freak MountaiF{MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you prepare and give presentations, here's a great free opportunity to learn how to ratchet up your presentation effectiveness. Garr Reynolds, author of the book "Presentation Zen" will discuss some of the topics in his book in a free webcast at 2pm on Monday, December 15. The book is very good. I suspect the webcast will be well worth one hour of your time. If you'd like to listen to the webcast in with a group of others, and perhaps discuss and compare notes after the program, feel free to join us for the webcast at OTBC. Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, December 15 at 2:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9298966/2008-12-15 22:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9298966/2008-12-08 20:52:53;b62008-12-16 00:00:00  sales, sales managemen\z 3533JrPDX.pm: Getting Involved with Rakudo (A Flavor of Perl 6)This will be a guided "hack session" about getting involved with the development of Rakudo, the first fully-featured Perl 6 implementation, which runs on the Parrot Virtual Machine. There will be a briefing at the beginning of the meeting to bring everyone up to speed and clarify any confusing terminology. Then we will break into groups and learn-by-hacking on whatever interests the participants. You must be interested in doing something with Perl 6/Rakudo, start now! The end of the meeting will be a short wrap-up where people voice there experiences working on Rakudo (what needs to be made easier? what rocks? what sucks? what do you want to work on next time?). PDX.pm normally meets at 7-till-7 (6:53pm) at FreeGeek for roughly an hour or so, then walks a few blocks to the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub for social hour. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://leto.net/perl2008-12-07 23:59:53 92008-12-11 04:00:00 ont-family: "Palatino Linotype";">Food

  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Arts and Music
  • ReSkilling - (rumEq3933JrPDX Critique monthly meetingThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism. Have something you want critiqued? Contact us via the google group or on the blog. 2009-01-27 03:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2008-12-06 20:48:36 92009-01-27 05:00:00 8ou ahԡ[Y0OU333JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-7:00pm Location: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear t8 $$il your presentation idea by 9/21 to Lisa Holmes, AIGA Portland Sustainability Chair, at sustainability@portland.aiga.org and include: * who you are * where you work and what you do * your presentation idea * your contact info * optional: send up to 3 images in a PDF Obligatory side notes: This is not an opportunity to solicit your company’s version of the Snuggie, or anything else that isn’t relevant to sustainable design. By applying, AIGA Portland is allowed to record and post your presentation onXA+A3I33JrtIron Bartender!Three Portland mixologists throw down their toughest pours, competing for the title of Iron Bartender! Panel of celebrity judges includes Mayor-elect Sam Adams, Mint owner Lucy Brennan, Reverend Phil, former Suicide Girl London, and more. DJs Nathan Detroit, Hanukkah Miracle, and Freaky Outy will provide the tunes. Sponsored by New Deal Vodka.2008-12-14 03:00:00http://www.thegivingtreenw.org2008-11-28 21:10:49 =2008-12-14 10:00:00 PPyle="font-family: "Palatino Linotype";">This powerful process will enable us to walk out at the end of the day with a road map for creating our future.  google group or on the blog. 2009-01-27 03:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2008-12-06 19:32:45 92009-01-27 05:00:00imes radically, from their initial ideas and products. With software businesses , especially web based services, the ability to evolve is much more rapid, and coupled with the availability of quantifiable user feedback. What are some of the development methodologies that actually work in the real world? How do you tie product iteration to tangible revenue opportunities? What kind of feedback should you seek from your customers? How do you listen to what your disinterested consumers are not telling you? How have other people approached this problem, where have they failed, and how have they succeeded? Join us for a moderated discussion on this topic and bring your questions and insights. Speaker(s) Contact & Others Event Host Dhananjay Keskar Panelist Kanth Gopalpur, CEO, Monsoon Works Milind Pandit, Director of Product Management, Iovation 2008-12-10 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2584&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-12-06 20:01:06 =2008-12-10 04:00:00 type";">How Can We Build a Resilient Portland?  An Open Space Day, Saturday, September 26, 9:00-5:00.  Bring your ideas,<~jGO3k33JrWestside Programmer's Meeting"A polyglot programming group meeting in Central Beaverton." Are you a programmer? Are you on the Westside? You qualify! Come on down to OTBC at the Beaverton Round. It's got its own MAX stop. Easy! Even if you're not on the Westside you can probably come. :) After we're done talking code we may move along to a nearby pub for food and drink.2008-12-16 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2008-12-06 03:27:05 <2008-12-16 05:00:00 z

    You’re welcome to come whether you are already committed or just curious about the possibilities. &n hE3933JrPDX Critique monthly meetingNo clue what were going to talk about yet, though all will be discussed on the google group: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique2009-01-27 03:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2008-12-05 18:42:31 92009-01-27 05:00:00YgE93933JrPDX Critique monthly meeting[tenative] No clue what were going to talk about yet, but it's going to be fun I sware2009-01-27 03:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2008-12-05 04:16:23 92009-01-27 05:00:00 fQ 3933JrBeer and Blog - Open Source Bridge2008-12-06 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-12-05 01:02:32 ; ;b.2008-12-06 02:00:00e] 3?3JrIgnite Portland Kickoff Planning Meeting2008-12-09 02:00:00http://igniteportland.com2008-12-04 21:19:44 9;b- qqily: "Palatino Linotype";"> The Transition Initiative in Portland in dc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, EGLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-04 05:31:29 92008-12-09 05:00:00 hen people start working together on a common vision, and that education and building strong community coalitions can change the world.  Her presentation will include what is unique about the Transition model, Sandpoint’s experience in developing it, and their main challenges and how they came up with solutions.  Karen’s talk will be siQY3933JrBeer and Blog - Open Source BridgeHi friends! Rick Turoczy asked me if he and the Open Source Bridge crew could lead some discussion tomorrow @beerandblog. I think what they are up to is valuable to the Portland community and her tech scene, so I said yes. If you’re not yet familiar with Open Source Bridge, they are a group of local techies that want to continue OSCON now that they are not coming back to Portland. But, they’re growing into much more than that. Here’s what they say on their about page: We are advocates, developers, and Portlanders making the world better with open source technology. Open Source Bridge will bring together the diverse tech communities of the greater Portland area and showcase our unique and thriving open source environment. We will show how well Portland does open source and share our best practices for development, community and connectedness with the rest of the world. We’re setting out to change the structure of conference planning: asking interested people to come together at a Town Hall meeting, and share their collective experience and wisdom. Following the lead of the Linux Plumbers Conference, we’re enlisting curators for our conference sessions, planning mini-confs for critical topics and including unconference sessions. The focus will always be on increasing interaction between participants and engaging everyone in the content. 2008-12-06 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-12-05 23:06:12 ; ;b.2008-12-06 02:00:00 -inflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
    11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
    12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
    13. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
    17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
    17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

    November 18th

    18. Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
    11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
    12. UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²íԡY/ 3M333Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three par0\%c3]33JrxGreen DrinksEvery month people who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for beers at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. 2008-12-03 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1405052/2008-12-02 17:48:50 :,2008-12-03 05:00:00/[%c3[33JrxGreen DrinksEvery month people who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for beers at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. 2008-12-03 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/283042/2008-12-02 17:47:26 :,2008-12-03 05:00:00er about the science behind brandy, or taste the hints of maple, vanilla, and dark chocolate in sustainably harvested coffee. OMSI After Dark is an opportunity for the 21-and-over crowd to explore the museum in a child-free environment. Visitors will also be able to taste and learn the science behind food and beverage favorites with local artisans, such as Caffe Vita, Full Sail Brewing, and Clear Creek Distillery, and Moonstruck Chocolate. Appetizers and a cash bar will also be available for those who want more than just a taste! At 9:00 p.m., join us in the OMSI Planetarium for a special 45-minute laser show—Electrolyte! Check out brilliant laser imagery choreographed to music from the Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, and more. Cost: $7.50. Tickets available at the door. Do your holiday shopping in the OMSI Science Store and enjoy a 10% discount during OMSI After Dark!2008-12-04 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/afterdark2008-12-02 13:57:36 :W2008-12-04 06:00:00thers. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, GLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others. Julian Blake Kongslie will present his explorations of implementing efficient searching using Haskell and/or how to reason about the implications of laziness on program semantics and reasoning about such code at a higher level. Julian is a graduate student at Portland State University, and author of the Chortl register-transfer language and Riviera continuation-based web framework.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-02 10:03:58 92008-12-09 05:00:00g, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, GLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others. Julian Blake Kongslie will present his efforts in implementing modern state-based search using Haskell. He'll discuss the problems of search in FP in general and/or how he implemented his present solution. Julian is a graduate student at Portland State University, and author of the Chortl register-transfer language and Riviera continuation-based web framework.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-02 10:19:12 92008-12-09 05:00:00 enson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

    Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology atvXc53Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlan Wca3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and os, does collaborative installations, and instigates people to have more fun creating stuff. Steve Davee: Not to kill a thought: The impact of language on curiosity, creativity and scientific inquiry. This talk explores how easy it is, even with the best of intentions, to stifle creative thought and true learning when it comes to working with children in the areas of science, math and engineering. We will investigate examples of simple but powerful changes in language, with the intention of provoking the best of creative potential and shared inquiry. Steve Davee is a math and science teacher at Opal Charter School and a Media Specialist for the Center for Children’s Learning at the Portland Children’s Museum. He is a recovering Biochemist with a background in physics and over 20 years of volunteer and work experience in education. 2008-12-08 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/dorkbotpdx_0x02_dorkbotpdx_brings_you_collin_oldham_shelly_farnham_and_steve_davee2008-12-02 00:35:01 92008-12-08 04:00:00ers. Shelly Farnham: Dorkbot Dorkbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination of geek, artist, and scientist and when I first met Dorkbot Seattle I felt like I'd *finally* found my people -- where technology is artistic medium, science is art, and geeking out is just a whole lot of fun. My one complaint was that Seattle Dorkbots were not collaborating enough, and when I took over as Seattle's "Dork Overlord" it was my main mission -- to cultivate the creative geek community. In this talk, I will review the best of Dorkbot Seattle's art, geekery, and science, and discuss how we have worked to increase cross-disciplinary collaboration through our meetings, workshops, and art shows. Shelly Farnham received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at UW in 1999, after which she worked at Microsoft Research for seven years studying community technology. A few years ago she quit to join the start up world, and is now co-founder of Pathable (professional networking for events). In her "spare" time she paint "DfhۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11653272008-10-02 21:56:172008-10-02 21:56:162008-10-02 21:56:19iۋJ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1160456/2008-10-02 21:00:182008-10-02 20:46:282008-10-02 21:00:20iۋI]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1164428/2008-10-02 20:46:242008-10-02 20:46:232008-10-02 20:46:26iۋH]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1159974/2008-10-02 20:46:122008-10-02 20:46:112008-10-02 20:46:15iۋG]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1042477/2008-10-02 20:45:542008-10-02 20:45:542008-10-02 20:45:57iۋF]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1160413/2008-10-01 17:59:252008-10-01 17:59:252008-10-01 17:59:27iۋE]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1110041/2008-10-01 17:57:372008-10-01 17:57:362008-10-01 17:57:39iۋD]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1086194/2008-10-01 02:59:122008-10-01 02:59:122008-10-01 02:59:14iۋC]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1148502/2008-09-29 01:03:572008-09-29 01:03:562008-09-29 01:03:59y students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland's interactive community. Can't make the conference but want to network with other Internet marketing professionals and the conference speakers? Join us for the party from 6:00 to 8:00 for food, beverages, conversation and a live band. The Site Lab will stay open from 6:00 to 7:00 if you want a mini review of your site by an expert. Space is limited so register today. $10 advance registration, $15 at the door. 2008-12-08 20:00:00http://www.peopleware.net/index.cfm?siteCode=1343&event=WM200&subeventDisp=408&CFID=20985484&CFTOKEN=32944f3-bd6fde76-dd5a-4160-a64d-4f2efaa41d8f2008-12-01 22:30:32 =2008-12-09 03:00:00s stuffed with opportunities to learn tasty tin: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear the latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, several tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed by students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland's interactive community. Can't make the conference but want to network with other Internet marketing professionals and the conference speakers? Join us for the party from 6:00 to 8:00 for food, beverages, conversation and a live band. The Site Lab will stay open from 6:00 to 7:00 if you want a mini review of your site by an expert. Space is limited so register today. $10 advance registration, $15 at the door. 2008-12-08 20:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/8/082008-12-01 22:29:38 =2008-12-09 03:00:00 You're welcome.2009-09-18 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-09-18 04:18:582009-09-18 04:18:58 ; 2009-09-19 01:00:00n: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear the latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, several tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed bd Acoustics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on Max Mathew's radio baton to detect the position of the trowel on the playing surface. The trowel's movements control sound synthesis parameters, including filters which process live sound from a contact mic attached to the trowel. The cellomobo is a computer music instrument that attempts to model the behavior of a bowed string. It gives haptic feedback to the bow at audio rate to simulate the stick-slip action of a bowed string. This feedback stream finds it way back into the audio stream, creating a unique hybrid of digital and analog synthesis. Collin Oldham is a cellist who has performed around the world with such varied and luminous artists as Placido Domingo, Kiri Te Kanawa, Rosemary Clooney and Aretha Franklin. He's active as a session player, and has recorded with the Decemberists, Richmond Fontaine, and Elliott Smith, among many oth ,othy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on -TO_3/33JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-8:00pm Locatio^SO_333JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-8:00pm LocatioYROU333JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-8:00pm Location: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear the latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, several tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed by students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland's interactive community. 2008-12-08 20:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/8/082008-12-01 22:27:44 =2008-12-09 03:00:00sidized rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as it will not be available again at this price and these classes sell out quickly! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer, having managed plan-driven and agile projects for the past 12 years. He is the author of "Adventures in Promiscuous Pairing", "Transitioning to Agile: Key Lessons Learned in the Field", and "The Impacts of Poor Estimating - and How to Fix It". He has presented at the 2006 Agile Conference, the 2007 PMI Global Congress, the 2007 SQE Agile development conference, and the 2008 Agile and Better Software Conferences. *This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. $199 for members $199 for non members2008-12-17 16:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/17/08ta2008-12-01 22:24:34 :2008-12-18 01:00:00 µÁÛÃԡp]93q333PMI: Global Initiatives, Jim Wasko (IBM)Come hear Jim Wasko, Program Director for Cloud Computing development for IBM’s systems and Technology Group, share insights gained from managing teams in a distributed environment in our luncheon February 19th. 2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.programmanagementforum.org/default.aspx2009-02-14 22:46:512009-02-14 22:49:06 ;\2009-02-19 21:30:00OԡoBPG)333JrvAgile Estimation and PlanningThis 1-day session combines high-level insight and specific tactical thinking to address these issues and more. It will help you create plans that extend out 6 months or more, that drive reliable decision-making and on-time delivery, and that leave teams and organizations feeling supported. Topics will include agile release planning, iteration planning, and various approaches to estimation, such as unit-less points, ideal time, and the popular planning poker technique. These classes are offered just once at this federally sub& eaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines BQG)333JrvAgile Estimation and PlanningThis 1-day session combines high-level insight and specific tactical thinking to address these issues and more. It will help you create plans that extend out 6 months or more, that drive reliable decision-making and on-time delivery, and that leave teams and organizations feeling supported. Topics will include agile release planning, iteration planning, and various approaches to estimation, such as unit-less points, ideal time, and the popular planning poker technique. These classes are offered just once at this federally sub 6:00pm, your seat might be given to a walk-in! Play to win - some games last til 10:00pm. Rebuys A maximum of three (3) rebuys are allowed. Rebuys are $25 each and can only be purchased once ALL of your chips are gone. We do not allow chip add-ons. Rebuys are not added to the prize pot. Prize Payout (Minimum Guarantee)* 1st Place - $300 2nd Place - $150 3rd Place - $50 4th-10th Place - Bragging Rights N [3O33Jq[Canceled for Winter Coders' Social] Portland Python Users GroupThis event replaced by Winter Coders' Social: http://calagator.org/events/1250456151 ### Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2008-12-10 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup#head-625af58dbe845daada81da40308e090db43dd11a2008-12-01 22:05:13 92008-12-10 05:00:00 w>ŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŁԡh/ 333PDX Flickr Meetup2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.flickr.com/groups/pdx/discuss/72157613349247083/2009-02-12 21:29:162009-02-12 21:29:16 >;b׷ԡgGy3K333Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Presented by Portland Business Alliance, GUuԡfm3A333Refresh PortlandQMe3133Jq[Canceled for Winter Coders' Social] PDX PHPThis event replaced by Winter Coders' Social: http://calagator.org/events/1250456151 ### The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-12-10 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-12-01 22:05:09 92008-12-10 04:30:00 #1end:

    If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups Paul Gulick
    , fornLU[3133Jq[Canceled for Winter Social] PDX PHPThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-12-10 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-12-01 22:02:09 92008-12-10 04:30:007K}%3O33Jq[Canceled for Winter Social] Portland Python Users GroupSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2008-12-10 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup#head-625af58dbe845daada81da40308e090db43dd11a2008-12-01 22:01:59 92008-12-10 05:00:00sidized rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as it will not be available again at this price and these classes sell out quickly! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer, having managed plan-driven and agile projects for the past 12 years. He is the author of "Adventures in Promiscuous Pairing", "Transitioning to Agile: Key Lessons Learned in the Field", and "The Impacts of Poor Estimating - and How to Fix It". He has presented at the 2006 Agile Conference, the 2007 PMI Global Congress, the 2007 SQE Agile development conference, and the 2008 Agile and Better Software Conferences. *This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. $199 for members $199 for non members2008-12-01 16:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/17/08ta2008-12-01 22:06:08 =2008-12-02 01:00:00ocial as the outdoor and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form Current potluck list: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list Fun: We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'em! There will be a programming competition! Any language welcome, no particular toolkits or api skills necessary. These'll be problems that just require thought. If enough of you are interested and bring a language that you're only vaguely familiar with, we'll have a separate league for language newbies. Prizes? Bragging rights! Plus a surprise or two. Hope to see you there! P.S.: We will need a cleanup crew immediately following the party; if you don't have to split right away, we'd appreciate your help. :)2008-12-10 03:00:002008-12-01 15:56:57 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00 Q QOregon State Capitol, Room 350 Street: 900 Court St City/Town: Sale8J%3O33Jq[Cancelled for Winter Social] Portland Python Users GroupSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2008-12-10 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup#head-625af58dbe845daada81da40308e090db43dd11a2008-12-01 22:01:04 92008-12-10 05:00:00oIW[3133Jq[Cancelled for Winter Social] PDX PHPThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-12-10 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-12-01 22:00:53 92008-12-10 04:30:00 cebooLԡA{y3 333Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security GoalsThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: [Note the Friday date, instead of the usual Tuesday slot!] * Date: Friday, September 18th, 2009 * Title: Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security Goals * Speaker: Trent Jaeger * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For detail5Bk{333JoGoogle Analytics Seminars for Success, PortlandLead by Justin Cutroni of EpikOne, a Google Analytics certified Seminar Leader. Learn how to analyze and properly configure Google Analytics. Develop your skills as an analyst to improve your websites' performance and understand how to configure Google Analytics to ensure accurate information flow.
    2008-07-23 15:30:00http://www.epikone.com/services/training/seminars/?utm_campaign=2008-6-24&utm_source=web_classified&utm_source=classified2008-11-28 23:51:38 =;b#2008-07-24 23:30:00cessor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Some beverages will be provided. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form Current potluck list: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list Fun: We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'em! There will be a programming competition! Any language welcome, no particular toolkits or api skills necessary. These'll be problems that just require thought. If enough of you are interested and bring a language that you're only vaguely familiar with, we'll have a separate league for language newbies. Prizes? Bragging rights! Plus a surprise or two. Hope to see you there! P.S.: We will need a cleanup crew immediately following the party; if you don't have to split right away, we'd appreciate your help. :)2008-12-10 03:00:002008-12-01 15:55:03 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00 CubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the space. If you can, please bring a little cash donation to cover the cost hԡC53m333SHI}HE%3 33JrWWinter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's S)GEi3 33JrWWinter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's Social as the outdoor and sunny suc,FEg3 33JrWWinter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's Social as the outdoor and sunny su/ HH TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL)4=tablesourcessources >CREATE TABLE sources ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "imported_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "reimport" boolean DEFAULT NULL)h%tableupdatesupdatesCREATE TABLE updates ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "status" text DEFAULT NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL)1ԡz5Q3m33Calagator CodeSprintJoin us to work on Calagator, yay!2008-01-19 20:16:10http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar2008-01-20 14:56:242008-06-18 13:17:02 9ccessor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Some beverages will be provided. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form Current potluck list:http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list Fun: We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'em! There will be a programming competition! Any language welcome, no particular toolkits or api skills necessary. These'll be problems that just require thought. If enough of you are interested and bring a language that you're only vaguely familiar with, we'll have a separate league for language newbies. Prizes? Bragging rights! Plus a surprise or two. Hope to see you there! P.S.: We will need a cleanup crew immediately following the party; if you don't have to split right away, we'd appreciate your help. :)2008-12-10 03:00:002008-12-01 15:54:41 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00 ))out it in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of the new work he’s done with the Oregon Council for the HumanitSEG%3?33JruThe Digital Divide Radio ShowHow do the latest technologies affect our communities? How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO's The Digital Divide is a public affairs radio show that attempts to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more. Contact skidmarc@riseup.net if you'd like to get involved.2008-12-18 17:30:00http://kboo.fm/node/105662008-11-30 23:02:35 =2008-12-18 18:30:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1z?==3w33JrrOTBC Information SessionEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC Information Session About the Program This brown-bag lunch program will provide an overview of OTBC and the services OTBC provides to help tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech companies succeed. About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) For more information: 971-223-4660 Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, December 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-12-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-11-28 02:57:50 <;b*2008-12-09 22:00:00  8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7Xԡ^gC3m333Careerv>==3w33JrrOTBC Information SessionEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC Information Session About the Program This brown-bag lunch program will provide an overview of OTBC and the services OTBC provides to help tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech companies succeed. About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) For more information: 971-223-4660 Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, December 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-12-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-11-28 02:56:59;b*2008-12-09 22:00:00 ssattended the Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions. * Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal =eY3W33JrqPBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic Forecast"The Thirty Third Recession and the Forty Fourth President 2009 Economic Forecast by John Mitchell Hear from a leading economist, John Mitchell, about where we’re headed over the next year as we manage the effects of the recent economic crisis. He will also provide an insightful outlook into the 2009 economy and discuss prospects, risks and opportunities in the coming year. Speaker: John W. Mitchell Ph.D., Principal, M & H Economic Consultants Event Sponsor: Ferguson Wellman Capital Management Series Sponsors: Liberty Northwest Portland Tribune NO CANCELLATION Directions: Call for directions GOVERNOR HOTEL 614 S.W. 11th Portland, OR 97205 (503-224-3400) 2008-12-10 15:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=13482008-11-28 02:52:18 :2008-12-10 16:45:00 $$* Steve Sandstrom frr; 3]3JrpThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-28 01:15:03 ;;b(v: 3]3JroThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-27 15:30:10 :A;b'Jrpr9 3]3JrpThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-27 15:29:31 =;b(u87}3;33JqPortland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. The next meeting of the Portland Ruby Brigade is coming up. If you have a topic you'd like to present, please post to the mailing list so we can make sure that you get a spot. Possible topics * Rails 2.2 features and changes review -- http://guides.rubyonrails.org/2_2_release_notes.html * Providing Ruby with access to C libraries through SWIG -- http://github.com/igal/libical_with_ruby/tree/master/README_for_Ruby.txt * ...?2008-12-03 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-11-27 07:11:30 92008-12-03 05:00:00 ##aybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's fourth UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday October 20. For this session, we're reading "Subject to Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World" by Peter Merholz et al http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596516835 Directions: The Portland UX book club moves West this month to 4150 SW Washouga in Council Crest, PDX. The best route is: 1. Barbur to Capitol Highway 2. Sunset Blvd to Dosch Road 3. Hamilton to Altadena and then to Washouga. http://bit.ly/1gd7kJ It is also possible to come down Dosch from the Council Crest Shell station, accessible from Hwy 26 and NW Portland. Best to park on Washouga between the house and Altadena, toward Twombly the street has limited parking. The address is on the mailbox; Y<33]33JrpThrivePDXJoin us for the second meeting of ThrivePDX! Details to follow... check back soon! 2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-28 01:17:10 ;;b(2008-12-11 01:00:00 Dwww.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=133">http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=*ԡ8o39333SECP September | Creating Mul7IS3 33JrnCyborgCamp Pre-Party at VidoopTime is tentative; actual time TBA Come to the official CyborgCamp pre-party! Special guests Cami and Mike Kaos will be live-broadcasting Strange Love Live. There will be drinks and festivities before the conference in the morning. Details forthcoming. Expect a 8 or 9 Pm start time.2008-12-06 04:00:002008-11-27 06:28:53 :x2008-12-06 07:30:0086C3 33Jr_Hillsboro/Beaverton TweetUpDo you live in Washington County, Oregon, use Twitter and want to meet your Twitter friends IRL? If so, come join us for lunch at the McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse. Learn more about the peeps you follow, check out @jaboncroft's cool gadgets, find a biz partner for your new #afterhours project, and/or just plain have fun!2008-12-01 20:30:002008-11-27 03:32:33 ;;b"2008-12-01 22:00:00 %%bout creating multiple stt553733Jr]Calagator CodeSprintJoin us to work on adding features and improving Calagator! Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.2008-12-05 02:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-11-27 02:07:38 92008-12-05 05:00:00_453 33Jr]Calagator CodeSprintJoin us to work on adding features and improving Calagator! Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.2008-12-05 02:00:002008-11-27 02:05:32 92008-12-05 05:00:00he latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, several tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed by students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today’s technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland’s interactive community. Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register onsite. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on 4th St. There is a parking garage in the building for a cost of $5.00 per hour or there is one across the street on 4th St. and Pine St. for $4.50 per hour.2008-12-08 20:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/8/082008-11-26 16:44:51 =2008-12-09 03:00:00 qqa we would be pleased to have you attend the first CEO Leadership Exchange Discussion. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Come to the preliminary meeting to discuss the format of the group, potential topics and how this group can be beneficial for the area's t/GS3 33JrnCyborgCamp Re-Party at VidoopTime is tentative; actual time TBA Come to the official CyborgCamp pre-party! Special guests Cami and Mike Kaos will be live-broadcasting Strange Love Live. There will be drinks and festivities before the conference in the morning. Details forthcoming. Expect a 8 or 9 Pm start time.2008-12-06 04:00:002008-11-26 16:42:01 :x2008-12-06 07:30:00|.[ 3-3Jr\State of Portland Tech - Web Innovators2008-12-04 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-11-26 16:37:58 :A;b Jrmx-[ 3-3JrmState of Portland Tech - Web Innovators2008-12-04 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-11-26 16:36:03 9;b d labels to more easily visually parse long formulas. Ultimately, I propose a "HOL Normal Form" for presenting specifications, much like BNF is used for presenting language definitions. BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS: http://galois.com/company/people/lee_pike/ ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS. Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-09-09 17:30:002008-09-04 10:12:312008-09-04 10:12:55 ;2008-09-09 18:30:000 06:30:12iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1765978/2009-02-09 21:43:322009-02-09 21:43:322009-02-09 21:43:34:d Learn from Haskell")TITLE: Pretty-Printing a Really Long Formula (or, "What a Mathematician Could Learn from Haskell") SPEAKER: Lee Pike, R&D Engineering, Galois, Inc. DATE: Tuesday, September 9th. 10.30am LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: To the typical engineer or evaluator, mathematics can be scary, logic can be scarier, and really long specifications can simply be overwhelming. This talk is about the problem of the visual presentation of formal specifications clearly and concisely. We take as our initial inspiration Leslie Lamport's brief paper, "How to Write a Long Formula" and "How to Write a Proof" in which he proposes methods for writing the long and tedious formulas and proofs that appear in formal specification and verification. I will describe the problem and present one particular solution, as implemented in a simple pretty-printer I've written (in Haskell), that uses indentation anAve. Speaker: Jonathan Leto Topic: Scientific Computing with Math::GSL This talk will be an introduction to doing scientific computing with Perl and Math::GSL. This module provides access to functions from the GNU Scientific Library via Perl code. Why would you want to do that? Using the Perl interpreter's easy and fast I/O, string processing, and managed memory reduces programming time while GSL's optimized numerical library (compiled C) gives you access to a variety of mathematical routines to do the heavy lifting. http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ http://search.cpan.org/dist/Math-GSL/ You do not need to know Perl or bring a lab coat. You should bring your scientist friends (steal their lab coat?) and it helps if you know how to program in some language (FORTRAN anyone?), or something about math. As always, social hour at the Lucky Lab after the meeting.2008-09-11 02:00:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2008-09-04 08:01:512008-09-04 08:01:51 92008-09-11 04:00:00 vvllion! The USA National Innovation Marketplace, a program from the Department of Commerce NIST/MEP, gives American inventors a fair shot—enhancing their credibility by providing a fact-based innovation research report and sales forecast that investors can understand in 60 seconds. For buyers or investors, the Marketplace provides a virtual R&D resource})+ 3A33Jp'Webvisions 20092009-05-20 15:00:00http://webvisionsevent.com2008-11-25 16:38:01 9;bk2009-05-24 00:00:00v(s3g33JrjDorkbotPDX brings you Collin Oldham, Shelly Farnham and Steve DaveeCome join us for an evening of geek meets art. The fine folks at AboutUs will be hosting us for this event, which takes place December 7th at 6PM. AboutUs is located at 107 SE Washington St, Suite 520. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to share. Please spread the word! Collin Oldham: The RT (radio trowel) and The Cellomobo Collin spent the 2005-2006 academic year at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music anB opment since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to b *G3U33JrkMaking Noise with the ArduinoAs a part of the ongoing Arduino Cult Induction workshop series, this month we will be focusing on sound. In particular Don will be going over creating sound using the Arduino's built in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Direct Digital Synthesis using resistive ladders. We will investigate using the Piezo element as both a simple speaker and an input trigger. We will review the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) from a hardware and software perspective, and look at a couple of useful integrated circuits (the lm324 and the lm368). The workshop will cost $25 and participants will recieve a complete midi interface board for the dorkboard/arduino and a piezo element which will be used to create a midi drum trigger. Part?icipants will also take with them parts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones. Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundations for several sound related projects. Please bring your dorkboard, rbba, or other arduino compatible board, a soldering iron or breadboard, and a laptop. The workshop will be held at PNCA (NW 12th and Johnson) in room 205 from 1-5pm on Sunday, November 30. To reserve a space you can paypal the workshop fee to cult@tempusdictum.com and you can feel free to email that address with any questions. The Arduino Cult Induction series of workshops are Sponsored by Tempus Dictum, Inc . in support of DorkbotPDX. (graphic by Jason Plumb )2008-11-30 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/workshops2008-11-25 23:15:57 =2008-12-01 01:00:00s, does collaborative installations, and instigates people to have more fun creating stuff. Steve Davee: Not to kill a thought: The impact of language on curiosity, creativity and scientific inquiry. This talk explores how easy it is, even with the best of intentions, to stifle creative thought and true learning when it comes to working with children in the areas of science, math and engineering. We will investigate examples of simple but powerful changes in language, with the intention of provoking the best of creative potential and shared inquiry. Steve Davee is a math and science teacher at Opal Charter School and a Media Specialist for the Center for Children’s Learning at the Portland Children’s Museum. He is a recovering Biochemist with a background in physics and over 20 years of volunteer and work experience in education. 2008-12-08 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/dorkbotpdx_0x02_dorkbotpdx_brings_you_collin_oldham_shelly_farnham_and_steve_davee2008-11-25 06:32:52 92008-12-08 04:00:00@ers. Shelly Farnham: Dorkbot Dorkbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination of geek, artist, and scientist and when I first met Dorkbot Seattle I felt like I'd *finally* found my people -- where technology is artistic medium, science is art, and geeking out is just a whole lot of fun. My one complaint was that Seattle Dorkbots were not collaborating enough, and when I took over as Seattle's "Dork Overlord" it was my main mission -- to cultivate the creative geek community. In this talk, I will review the best of Dorkbot Seattle's art, geekery, and science, and discuss how we have worked to increase cross-disciplinary collaboration through our meetings, workshops, and art shows. Shelly Farnham received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at UW in 1999, after which she worked at Microsoft Research for seven years studying community technology. A few years ago she quit to join the start up world, and is now co-founder of Pathable (professional networking for events). In her "spare" time she paintAd Acoustics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on Max Mathew's radio baton to detect the position of the trowel on the playing surface. The trowel's movements control sound synthesis parameters, including filters which process live sound from a contact mic attached to the trowel. The cellomobo is a computer music instrument that attempts to model the behavior of a bowed string. It gives haptic feedback to the bow at audio rate to simulate the stick-slip action of a bowed string. This feedback stream finds it way back into the audio stream, creating a unique hybrid of digital and analog synthesis. Collin Oldham is a cellist who has performed around the world with such varied and luminous artists as Placido Domingo, Kiri Te Kanawa, Rosemary Clooney and Aretha Franklin. He's active as a session player, and has recorded with the Decemberists, Richmond Fontaine, and Elliott Smith, among many othrding the presentations that resonate with the angel investment community. In the 10-Minute Pitch Clinic, we share these best practices with you in an interactive workshop. Instead of learning these lessons the hard way, when you're in front of angels asking for money, consider attending our clinic first to get the inside information you need to know, now. This workshop format will be divided into two parts. First, we will give an overview of the Alliance of Angels and discuss the components of a good 10 minute pitch. Afterwards, we will work directly with the participants on your specific start-up messaging. All you need to bring is your vision for your company and your desire to make this workshop truly participative-- no other preparation is necessary. Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot today. The price to attend is $95 per person with advanced registration, or $110 at the door.2008-12-01 21:30:00http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/484482008-11-24 22:24:45 =2008-12-02 01:30:00 coveries more efficient. His experience also provides a plethora of invaluable knowledge on avoiding project failure. He has worked in manufacturing and service industries for products used internally and externally to the companies developing them. The projects include large-scale system integration of manufacturing systems, equipment integration, web-based collaboration toolsm'_3e33JriAlliance of Angels 10 Minute Pitch ClinicRaising capital from Angel investors can be a challenge, particularly given just 10 minutes to distill your entire business plan into a compelling presentation. What information is critical? How much detail is enough, or too much? What do angel investors consider when evaluating an investment opportunity? Since 1999, the Program Managers at the Alliance of Angels have been coaching early-stage companies and bringing the best deals to angel investor members. Having collectively interviewed hundreds of companies, we have developed a set of best practices regaCInstitute of Certified Public Accountants. He has been a guest speaker at U.C.L.A.'s Graduate School of Management, Marylhurst University, University of Portland, Portland State University, Concordia University, George Fox University and the University of Oregon Law School of Entrepreneurship. Jim Moon, MSEE, Chief Executive Officer, Lifecom Prior to becoming CEO of Lifecom, Mr. Moon was CEO of Serveron Corporation. He was the founder and CEO of Protocol Systems. Under his leadership Protocol Systems pioneered portable patient-monitoring equipment that remains the standard of the industry. Mr. Moon served as chairman of the Oregon Chapter of the American Electronics Association. He held engineering and management positions with SpaceLabs, Intel, and ESL, Inc. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Santa Clara University. 2008-12-04 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=482008-11-24 19:59:40 :2008-12-04 19:00:00Ey will also discuss the following topics every entrepreneur must consider when forming an advisory board: * Forming your Board * Managing your Board * Compensating your Board * Replacing your Board Members * Using your Board Effectively * Holding your Board Accountable Speakers - Spencer Brown and Jim Moon Spencer Brown Spencer Brown is currently consulting for companies preparing for mergers and acquisitions. His prior management experience includes roles as Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer at both private and public companies that include Euro RSCG Portland, 800.com, Now Software, Sundance Electronics, TriQuint Semiconductor, GigaBit Logic, CR Technology, and Compact Video. Spencer combines his operational and management expertise with his substantial finance experience, and has managed several mergers and acquisitions aggregating over $250 million. Spencer is also a retired Certified Public Accountant, and is a member of the American X~ytoje`[VQLGB=83.)$ {uoic]WQKE?93-'! ysmga[UOIC=71+%l I}|ł{vqp.onmÂlkjhgfb `&^#Z(W.U8SWPȂN ;:ӂ9ł76‚4Ă3/,|)i&x$M#Â!H wǂ  ͂΂ςԂՁ~ց{zxށwusrqځpہo܁m݁j߁~ }|{y xwusqp onljfa[V N E 6 42 0 . ,*(r'$"!   h ܘm>-PwӓMː%U|TT(fz5Oقg u;c?3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-11-11 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-10-28 22:16:12 92008-11-11 05:00:00F73;33JrPortland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. 2008-11-05 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-11-03 19:28:13 92008-11-05 05:00:00Oic3O33JqBusiness Plan: Your Road to Success (Workshop)Workshop Description

    ThisJfour satellite campuses in Portland, and outreach programs in La Grande and Seattle. OIT was the first university to offer a renewable energy engineering degree program in North America, and is the home of the Oregon Renewable Energy Center (established by the legislature in 2001) and the Geo-Heat Center (established in 1974). Invited Guests: Legislators, Governor’s Office, Business and Education Partners Speakers and Events: 3 – 3:15 Steve Pawlowski, ETIC Member and OIT Alumnus Introduction of legislators, dignitaries and business partners 3:15 – 3:45 OIT President Chris Maples shares his vision for OIT’s future and the impact of ETIC investments 3:45 – 4 Q&A with media and legislators 4 – 5 Concurrent Sessions and Open House * John Lund on Geothermal Energy: How does it work and what’s its potential in Oregon - Presentation and discussion * Electrical Engineering & Renewable Energy: Meet Dr. Robert Bass, Program Director of Renewable Energy Engineering; Dr. Mateo, Chair of EERE; Prof. Tom White and renewable energy students; view labs and student projects * Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology: Meet Drs. Wolf and Peter; view labs and projects * Information Technology, Health Informatics: Meet Professors Grant Kirby and Michael Kirshner; meet students and learn about emerging occupations * Software Engineering Technology: Meet Professor Jay Bockelman and students; view projects Oregon Renewable Energy Center and OIT’s Pre-College Programs: Meet Tom Chester, OREC Director, and Gayle Yamasaki, Director of Pre-college programs, as they showcase how OIT is helping businesses and communities apply renewable technologies and prepare the future green workforce Learn more about green jobs and green technology education in Oregon – with a university presence right in your district. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP. 2008-12-12 23:00:00http://www.oit.edu/Default.aspx?DN=c9bf3d37-4a8b-473e-acad-3f2b052f8dc92008-11-23 15:43:44 =2008-12-13 01:00:00dmade gifts at the Secret Society Sale, an annual artist-run holiday sale. All vendors participating in this sale will donate 10% of their profits to the Oregon Food Bank, because no one should be hungry. Sunday, November 30th, 2008 (One Day only!) Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russell (next to the Wonder Ballroom) 10 am – 6 pm Thirty-five artists will feature unique, locally handmade gifts including jewelry, accessories, handbags, crocheted hats, clothing for adults & children, reconstructed apparel, soap & candles, glassware, clay ware, plushies, cards & original artwork at the 4th annual Secret Society Sale. In the beautiful Secret Society Ballroom local artists will sell their handmade treasures in a relaxed atmosphere where shoppers can chat with artists. This year it just keeps getting better . . . the newly opened Secret Society Lounge will be open from 4-6 pm for drinks and snacks during the sale!2008-11-30 18:00:00http://www.secretsocietysale.com2008-11-24 08:15:00 =2008-12-01 02:00:00 ble Startup and early-stage companies often exchange equity for capital. They also use it to incentivize employees and contractors. However, few entrepreneurs map out a comprehensive plan to manage their capitalization table through multiple rounds of capitad%#a3E33JrgOEN Advisory Board Formation and Governance, with Spence Brown and Jim MoonDoing anything in a vacuum is not a good idea, so why would you go it alone when starting your business? Creating an effective advisory board can be an inexpensive way to learn from experts who have done it before. You also can gain credibility and you can get connections that can help propel your business forward. Attend this webinar led by serial entrepreneurs Spencer Brown and Jim Moon and learn what ideas a CEO should consider when forming an advisory board and/or a governing board for their start-up company. TheFn$3a3M33JrfSecret Society SaleSecret Society Sale Local – Handmade - Art Shop for unique, locally hanKal tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site reviewed by students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland’s interactive community. Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register onsite. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on 4th St. There is a parking garage in the building for a cost of $5.00 per hour or there is one across the street on 4th St. and Pine St. for $4.50 per hour. 2008-12-09 01:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/8/082008-11-23 15:33:29 =2008-12-09 03:00:0001 21:13:232009-09-02 23:47:55 >I;b2009-09-22 23:30:00MTime: 5:00pm-7:00pm Location: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear the latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, sever as wireless and low-power information technology - especially for its new line of Atom microprocessors through the moblin.org Linux project - virtualization, graphics, system manageability in organizations, and delivering on the promise of high-performance parallel processing on multicore microprocessors.

    In addition to the Open Source Technology Center in Hillsboro, Oregon, Intel has China-based open source technology centers in Beijing and Shanghai as part of its Intel China Software Center.

    Cost:$20 members (CBN or SAO); $30 non-members; $15 students; $5 extra if late registration.2008-12-03 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/081203cbn.htm2008-11-22 07:26:23 <}2008-12-03 21:30:00 as wireless and low-power information technology - especially for its new line of Atom microprocessors through the moblin.org Linux project - virtualization, graphics, system manageability in organizations, and delivering on the promise of high-performance parallel processing on multicore microprocessors.

    In addition to the Open Source Technology Center in Hillsboro, Oregon, Intel has China-based open source technology centers in Beijing and Shanghai as part of its Intel China Software Center.

    Cost:$20 members (CBN or SAO); $30 non-members; $15 students; $5 extra if late registration.2008-12-03 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/081203cbn.htm2008-11-22 23:31:31 92008-12-03 21:30:00Pthe place of open source software in Chinese technology, as well as what's different and what's the same about open source in China and the West. It also will provide some insights into Intel's focus in open source and China.

    Dirk is Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel, which he joined in 2001. Dirk has been an active contributor to Linux since 1991. Prior to his work at Intel, he was CTO of SuSE Linux AG, a driver of the XFree86 project, and Unix Architect at Deutsche Bank. Dirk has a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Würzburg, Germany.

    Intel, the world's largest microprocessor company, is a driver of open source development to accelerate adoption and end user benefits from Intel products. Intel's current focus includes open source projects in areas suchSaging, and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

    -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
    -Practice three techniques for saving configurations and for re-applying them (Perfect for disaster prevention and recovery)
    -Understand how to upgrade your router's Cisco Internetwork Operating System (CIOS)
    -Practice using CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) in troubleshooting
    -Use the "show cdp neighbor detail" command to get information about remote routers, even when they're on a different subnet
    -Practice converting and diagramming IP addresses and subnets, including decimal to binary conversion
    -Practice properly designing and configuring IP addressing schemes
    -Practice the step-by-step procedures to configure NAT to make your router an Internet firewall
    -Practice configuring and deploying DHCP on a Cisco router for automatic IP address assignment -Practice using local and remote router configuration procedures
    -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
    -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
    -Work as a group to control traffic with standard and extended IP access lists
    -Practice recovering passwords (and learn how to protect against unauthorized password recovery!)
    -Practice testing procedures using PING, traceroute, and debug

    A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

    Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
    2009-03-10 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category20.html2008-10-28 20:56:43 :;b2009-03-11 23:00:00ofIflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|+038<@EGH IJKLMN+038<@EGH IJKLMNO̊RTUX[\_adefhlnprwڋԋӋҋыЋ΋ϋ͋ Ƌ ŋ ċË $&()z*+,.0124567<=>?@BDGIJKNPQ}R|TyUxWu\r^q`ocieefdibj]n\oYqWsXtVu$wUxQyS{R~PLKofflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|, comUiWeXdYcZa[`^\`[bVdUeTfSgQjOqmUiWeXdYcZa[`^\`[bVdUeTfSgQjOqKrLtJuvIwHxGzD}FECAB=;: 8 764210-+*(#&%$ !!"#$&'(+,/0 2 6789;=?BCDEGHIJKLMNOPQRSTߎW܎X׎YَZՎ[֎\]^_`a\bceghFi̎j nq r t ev x y Qz{ Knowledge Areas that make up Business Process Management as defined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in Universities and Colleges across North America and provide information about the Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP)TM certification. Speaker Bio: As Chair of the CBOKTM Maintenance Committee, Sandra Lusk is responsible for collecting feedback from the BPM community, leading the editorial committee and coordinating the approved changes for future releases. She is also a key contributor to the CBOKTM Association of Business Process Management Professionals The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, to develop a Common Body of Knowledge in t %%s on how the “war room” or actual physical space that the team inhabits can help the success of the design and foster great team relationships. In this shared space is where designers can give their ideas shape, and explore solutions together. Gretchen Anderson is)Sq333Jn#IEEE: 9 Steps to Product Leadershiphttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22162007-04-25 01:00:002008-11-22 00:31:13 <;bձ2007-04-25 04:00:00*#{3Y3JiPDX WebfootItems and people already on the agenda and absolutely subject to change at this point:
    Topics: Safe Internet Browsing; Silverlight 2; Internet Explorer 8; XNA ; Adobe Flex/Air
    People: Scott Hanselman; Adam Kinney; Tim Heuer; Jason Mauer; Ryan Miller
    There will be good food (not pizza) and there will be games and activites for spouses and kids (think Rockband and Mindstorms, though I can't promise either of those yet). 2008-04-12 19:00:00http://padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx2008-11-22 00:31:12 <;bn ;h Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: >>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty -Sq33JhIEEE: 9 Steps to Product Leadershiphttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22162007-04-25 01:00:002008-11-22 00:31:12 <;b`9K-3w33JraIntroduction to Venture CapitalEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Venture Capital About the Program This program will provide an overview of the process of raising venture capital, from preparation through term sheet, due diligence, and the legal documents. If you haven't raised venture capital before, and would like an overview of how it works, this program is for you! About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Mr. Morris has helped several companies close investments and has himself closed multiple rounds of venture capital funding. Brought to you By:[ mowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a co;ԡ{!3C333Next PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 8/27 7pm @ Lucky 5K-3w33JraIntroduction to Venture CapitalEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Venture Capital About the Program This program will provide an overview of the process of raising venture capital, from preparation through term sheet, due diligence, and the legal documents. If you haven't raised venture capital before, and would like an overview of how it works, this program is for you! About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Mr. Morris has helped several companies close investments and has himself closed multiple rounds of venture capital funding. Brought to youZW 3933Jr`Beer and Blog - RockBand at CubeSpace2008-11-22 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-21 16:27:53 =;b#2008-11-22 02:00:00 By: This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Recommended Homework This is strictly optional, but if you'd like to get a head start before the program, here are some suggested sources: How to Fund a Startup (Paul Graham) The Hacker's Guide to Investors (Paul Graham) David S. Rose: 10 things to know before you pitch a VC for money (15 minute video) Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, December 2 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207407/2008-12-02 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207407/2008-11-21 18:02:10;b$2008-12-02 22:00:00 This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Recommended Homework This is strictly optional, but if you'd like to get a head start before the program, here are some suggested sources: How to Fund a Startup (Paul Graham) The Hacker's Guide to Investors (Paul Graham) David S. Rose: 10 things to know before you pitch a VC for money (15 minute video) Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, December 2 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207407/2008-12-02 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207407/2008-11-21 18:02:57 <;b$2008-12-02 22:00:00 P0M4Pectives, and much more. Who should attend:


    • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
    • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
    • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


    < Iu3S33JrYPostgreSQL: Randal + Smalltalk While many people may know Randal Schwartz of Stonehenge Consulting (http://www.stonehenge.com/) from his talks and papers on Perl, he is also quite knowledgeable about Smalltalk and will be giving a talk on Smalltalk and Postgres integration. We will be meeting Thursday, November 20th, at FreeGeek at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR. Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards. 2008-11-21 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/4802008-11-19 21:00:42 92008-11-21 05:00:00 \\TTR proposal

  • How to avoid losing
  • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission
  • The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm w A93K33JrXPSU Database Reading GroupThis Friday's paper is: "Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries" by Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer, and Nadir Weibel. Jeremy Steinhauer will be the discussion leader. You can get the paper from: http://www.globis.ethz.ch/script/publication/download?docid=5282008-11-21 18:00:00http://datalab.cs.pdx.edu/dbrg/2008-11-19 19:10:36 =2008-11-21 19:30:00n of the Opal Creek Wilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, law, medicine and other disciplines in negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution, trial practice, risk analysis and related fields. He has lectured and taught in family law, criminal law, environmental law, commercial law and banking law. Birke’s scholarly works have appeared in a wide variety of law journals including at Harvard, Missouri, Marquette and Utah, in book chapters, psychology journals, and elsewhere. His writing earned him a national award in 1999 from the Center for Public Resources. His current research work relates to practical applications of works in behavioral decision theory and neuroscience. Appetizers and beverages will be served. For questions about the event contact: Michele Gunness (503) 494-4184 LES Oregon/SW Washington Chapter Chair-elect2008-11-20 01:30:00http://www.usa-canada.les.org/chapters/oregon/upcoming.asp2008-11-19 15:34:58 =2008-11-20 03:30:00`chool and then coming to Willamette University College of Law in 1993 to teach and direct the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Under his leadership, the CDR has enjoyed high national ranking among academic dispute resolution centers in the U.S. He is an award-winning author in the field of dispute resolution, and he has been deeply involved in the practice of ADR. Professor Birke is an active writer, mediator, trainer and consultant. He was a member of the Quality Assurance Team for the largest civil rights settlement in United States history. He trained the neutrals for the appellate settlement programs at the Oregon Court of Appeals, the First, Second and Third Districts in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento) as well as appellate mediation in Nevada and on the Ninth Circuit. He has mediated many multi-party complex cases, including a 30-party land dispute about 150 acres of waterfront property in Mendocino, California, the relocation of the Cascade Head Trailhead, and the creatio 'ork Redux is also paying the tab — up to 300 buckeroos — for our beer. That's right. FREE BEER. We know how much you like free beer. It just tastes better, doesn't it? Starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon (on the 0 C333JqLES: Negotiating Better Deals: Insights into the Psychology of Decision Making in ContractsThe Licensing Executives Society - Oregon/SW Washington Chapter November Meeting Professor Richard Birke has been teaching dispute resolution for more than 15 years, teaching first at Stanford Law SaUEU3 33JrWWinter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's Social as the outdoor and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us.2008-12-10 03:00:002008-11-19 04:39:06 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00 ]rder/status/3542577605">Judging from her tweets, Eva seems to be enjoying her new toy and I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all very happy that she won it! It's a pretty awesome score, no? (Thanks again fopE 333JrWWinter Coders' Social II2008-12-10 03:00:002008-11-19 04:37:54 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00_3O33JrVReal-Time & Embedded Computing ConferenceComplimentary Technical Conference for those developing computer systems and time-critical applications for: consumer electronics, industrial control, military/aerospace, telephony, datacomm, instrumentation, embedded appliances and more. Open-door technical seminar breakouts and exhibition. Examine Technology and Industry Trends, Network, and Talk with top Experts. New products, tools: Multicore Processors Optimization, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Training, Static Code Analysis, Prototyping Real-Time Controls. 2008-12-09 16:30:00http://www.rtecc.com/portland20082008-11-19 01:11:03 =2008-12-09 22:00:00 ]]this event is new to you. We'll be at a table with a "WhereCampPDX" sign on in. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. _3O33JrVReal-Time & Embedded Computing ConferenceComplimentary Technical Conference for those developing computer systems and time-critical applications for: consumer electronics, industrial control, military/aerospace, telephony, datacomm, instrumentation, embedded appliances and more. Open-door techncial seminar breakouts and exhibition. Examine Technology and Industry Trends, Network, and Talk with top Experts. New products, tools: Multicore Processors Optimization, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Training, Static Code Analysis, Prototyping Real-Time Controls. 2008-12-09 16:30:00http://www.rtecc.com/portland20082008-11-19 01:09:05 =2008-12-09 22:00:00 TT^and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after (g3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis month we have a special guest, Stuart Celarier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! Time/Place: Monday, November 24th, 2008 @ 6:00 PM Location: Iovino's RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1306576 or email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!) 6:30 - 7:30: "PDC2008 Highlights", Stuart Celarier, Microsoft MVP (http://visualstuart.net/) 7:30 - 7:45: Q&As / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2008-11-25 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cdnug2008-11-18 22:49:42 =;b2008-11-25 04:30:00uart Celarier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! This is a "save the date" announcement as we want to get as many people there as we can. We are still looking into possible alternative locations to allow for a larger crowd. Time/Place: Monday, November 24th, 2008 @ 6:00 PM Location: TBD RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1306576 or email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!) 6:30 - 7:30: "PDC2008 Highlights", Stuart Celarier, Microsoft MVP (http://visualstuart.net/) 7:30 - 7:45: Q&As / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2008-11-25 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cdnug2008-11-18 22:48:07 =;b2008-11-25 04:30:00-10-17 00:00:00 sPes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Woԡ(i 3-33Let'6ԡ K#3]333SAOpdx: Quality Cost ManagementThe software quality industry needs to move away from finwvԡ Y3w333Washington High Community Center Design Comment Open HousePortland Parks is putting forward design options for a commSgg3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis month we have a special guest, Stf~c333JqSAO: Winning International Customers OnlineLearn from area companies with successful multilingual websites how to effectively plan, deploy and maintain a website in more than one language. The opportunities are greater than ever for those who do it right. Learn to avoid the pitfalls in order to take full advantage of the fact that the Web is truly worldwide.2008-11-19 19:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/08b2008-11-18 17:46:35 < 2008-11-19 21:00:00uart Celarier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! This is a "save the date" announcement as we want to get as many people there as we can. We are still looking into possible alternative locations to allow for a larger crowd. Time/Place: Monday, November 24th, 2008 @ 6:00 PM Location: TBD RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1306576 or email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!) 6:30 - 7:30: "PDC2008 Highlights", Stuart Celarier, Microsoft MVP (http://visualstuart.net/) 7:30 - 7:45: Q&As / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2008-11-25 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cdnug2008-11-18 07:37:26 =;b2008-11-25 04:00:00-02-05 04:00:00  release. The DemoCamp is an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. The format of a yU3-33JrJ[CANCELED!] Portland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), 30-60 minutes for the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away sponsors' swag.

    Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

    This month topic: TBD.
    2008-11-19 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-11-18 06:48:25 <;b2008-11-19 04:00:00 UU6'33G'KEEN Sgg3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis month we have a special guest, Sth~' 3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group - November 24th Meeting: "PDC2008 Highlights" with guest speaker Stuart Celarier, MS MVP - Mon. Nov. 24th2008-11-25 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cdnug2008-11-18 07:34:17 =;b2008-11-25 04:00:00.};g3=33JpPLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk -- OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymoreSpeaker: Russell Senior Topic: OpenWrt - It's not just for Linksys Routers anymore Russell has been fiddling around with OpenWrt for a couple years, on various platforms. He'll give a step-by-step on how to build OpenWrt for your device, various ways to get it onto your device, and how configuration is handled in the OpenWrt way. Normal meeting rules apply.2008-11-20 03:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-11-18 07:31:11 :2008-11-20 05:00:00 tendees">add yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, I|;3=33JpPLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk -- OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymoreSpeaker: Russell Senior Topic: OpenWrt - It's not just for Linksys Routers anymore Russell has been fiddling around with OpenWrt for a couple years, on various platforms. He'll give a step-by-step on how to build OpenWrt for your device, various ways to get it onto your device, and how configuration is handled in the OpenWrt way. Normal meeting rules apply.2008-11-20 03:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-11-18 07:30:48 :2008-11-20 05:00:00 izers and drinks. The evening will feature entertainment by Portland's own Lions of Batucada - a Brazilian-styl|ԡa3]333Portld{7Q3E33JrSNon-Profit Networking

    Are you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A volunteer looking an organization eager for your time? A non-profit wanting to partner on a project?A non-profit looking for affordable consultants or vendors? If so, then non-profit networking is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's non-profit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself. Bring your brains and your rolodex; we provide snacks and drinks. Thursday, November 20th from 6:00-8:00pm.

    *This is a regular event that happens every third Thursday of the month.

    * Any questions, contact CubeSpace at 503-206-3500 or on the web at www.CubeSpacePDX.com

    2008-11-21 02:00:00http://www.cnrg-portland.org2008-11-18 06:56:47 92008-11-21 04:00:00 ime, so can you. * Understand what employers are really looking for and keywords that will bring you to the top of the pile, leaving the others in the dust. Mz7#3E33JrSNon-Profit NetworkingAre you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A volunteer looking an organization eager for your time? A non-profit wanting to partner on a project?A non-profit looking for affordable consultants or vendors? If so, then non-profit networking is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's non-profit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself. Bring your brains and your rolodex; we provide snacks and drinks. Thursday, November 20th from 6:00-8:00pm. *This is a regular event that happens every third Thursday of the month.* Any questions, contact CubeSpace at 503-206-3500 or on the web at www.CubeSpacePDX.com 2008-11-21 02:00:00http://www.cnrg-portland.org2008-11-18 06:56:04 92008-11-21 04:00:00signer (especially an architect) and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show. Pecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a† demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any pushing, has spread virally to over 100 cities across the world. Find a location and join the conversation. If you are interested in starting a Pecha Kucha Night in your city, please contact : pechakucha@klein-dytham.com 2008-11-19 04:00:00http://www.pecha-kucha.org/cities/portland-oregon2008-11-18 04:55:23 =2008-11-19 06:00:00 l provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year. We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as: * What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's xW3-33JrJ[CANCELLED!] Portland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), 30-60 minutes for the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away sponsors' swag.

    Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

    This month topic: TBD.
    2008-11-19 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-11-18 06:35:31 <;b2008-11-19 04:00:00 *7*on on 50+ of the weirdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude with the national premiere of Punchcut’s newest installment of the Typophile Film Fest, a collection of typographic film shorts. Cancw#u3o33JrRPecha KuchaPecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. But as we all know, give a mike to a den`v% 333JrQPDX Critique2008-11-18 03:00:002008-11-18 02:11:08 9;b2008-11-18 05:00:00`u% 333JrQPDX Critique2008-11-18 03:00:002008-11-18 00:50:13 =;b2008-11-18 05:00:00t? 3533Jq Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle2008-11-16 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-11-16 19:06:41 92008-11-16 04:00:00 aars about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some ofo7-3O33Jr3Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project. Join us! -igal2008-11-15 18:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/732008-11-15 15:10:09 9;b՟2008-11-16 02:00:00  fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Bli`isS333JrLFilm: Peak Oil for Policy Makers (Portland Premier)Renowned oilman T. Boone Pickens is talking openly about $300/barrel oil. Oil industry insiders are saying we face a peak in global oil production as early as 2012. What's the future of oil global oil supplies, and what does it mean for government policymakers? Post Carbon Institute's 'Peak Oil for Policymakers' DVD includes timely presentations by four leading experts on peak oil (the all-time high point of u qq fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're j7/3533Jr3Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project. Join us! -igal 2008-11-15 18:00:00http://calagator.org2008-11-13 15:53:22 92008-11-16 02:00:00  fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can ex_hO!3S33JrKRuby GUI testing talk by Ian DeesIan Dees's Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby (Pragmatic Bookshelf) is a practical, quick-moving tutorial based on real-world GUI applications. The book uses examples from Windows, OS X, and cross-platform Java desktop programs as well as Web applications. You'll develop test scripts in Ruby. You don't need to be a Ruby expert to use this book, but basic comfort with the language will be helpful.2008-11-14 03:00:00http://www.powells.com/events/#25042008-11-13 14:52:46 =2008-11-14 05:00:00global oil production) and what it means for local, state and national governments: Peak Oil for Policymakers - is an executive summary of the peak oil problem and its implications for the global and national economies. By world-renowned peak oil author and lecturer Richard Heinberg and Post Carbon Institute founder Julian Darley. Post Carbon Cities - explores what peak oil means for leaders at the local level and how some cities in the U.S. and elsewhere are already responding. By Daniel Lerch, author of Post Carbon Cities: Planning for Energy and Climate Uncertainty, the first major guidebook on peak oil for local government officials and staff. Scenarios Planning for Government - gives an elected official's perspective on peak oil, with the story of one state legislature's recent decision to establish a task force on energy scarcity. By Connecticut State Representative Terry Backer. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/film-peakoil_for_policy_makers2008-11-13 15:15:35 =2008-12-11 05:00:00 Q{(& ) .u) ? 33CԡU5[3W333Ping pong tournamentThe 2008 Pong-N-Gong will be held SaturdqԡyQ3]333SAOpdx: The Act of Making Clouds: What Every Developer Should KnowThe Software Association of O~f=3-33JrJPortland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), 30-60 minutes for the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away sponsors' swag.

    Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

    This month topic: TBD.
    2008-11-19 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-11-13 01:12:45 =;b2008-11-19 04:00:00 0 The Erin Band
    2:45-3:15pm Bijou Project
    3:30-5pm State of Jefferson
    5:30-7pm Roots of Creation

    11:30-12:30 Dance and Sing Wi(ԡ{53]333PSU: The Lean Story: How to Si~g=3-33JrJPortland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), 30-60 minutes for the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away sponsors' swag.

    Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

    Twitter: @pjug
    Web: pjug.org
    (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

    This month topic: TBD.
    2008-11-19 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-11-13 03:01:03 <;b2008-11-19 04:00:00 ppã5ԡ%=3 333OIF and OEN Big BBQ BashIf you’re an entrepreneur or part of a start-up, y"+=333JrdETIC Day at OIT You are invited to the Green Technologies Showcase at OIT’s East Portland Campus. Friday, December 12, 2008 3 – 5 p.m. at OIT East Portland Campus 7726 SE Harmony Road, Portland, OR 97222 RSVP to 503.725.3066 This is an opportunity for legislators, business partners and guests to meet OIT’s new President Dr. Chris Maples, understand OIT’s statewide mission to prepare world-ready engineering and technology graduates, and its initiatives to build a green-technology workforce. Dr. Maples will also highlight how the legislature’s investments in higher education and engineering through the Engineering and Technology Industry Council gives Oregonians the opportunity to invent the new technologies of tomorrow. OIT is one of Oregon’s seven distinguished public universities, offering bachelor’s degree programs at it main campus in Klamath Falls, I ##izers and drinks. The evening will feature entertainment by Portland's own Lions of Batucada - a Brazilian-styled marching samba ensemble with costumed and choreographed samba dancers.

    Funds raised will support SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). SMART partners with several Portland Metro schools to deliver proven literacy support to more than 3,500 K-3 children every year. Participating children also receive 14 new books to keep and read with their families, which are often the only books in the home. SMART’s viBԡ$-q3K333SAO Corvallis February Tech Pub - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2009 5:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333 Google Map RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT] corvallis.sao.or.us $5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members Includes finger food and no-host bar AGENDA: 5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with ppa6'33G'KEEN Footwear2009ԡiGw3?3 ԡ%e/3]333Micro-climates and Soils as living organisms[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/ ] As part of the study group for The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow. This time around we will be covering ... * Chapter 5 is on Climates and microclimates * Chpater 6 is on Soils as living organisms. We will also determine how many chapters to cover for next month. We'll also talk again about observations you have made in the past month, and some general questions if anyone has them. People who are not reading the "EUGP" are welcome to attend these sessions, but it is strongly advised because you will get a lot more out of reading the book and doing the exercises than without.2009-02-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/2009-01-31 16:34:442009-01-31 20:06:57 >[;bכ2009-02-05 03:00:00u know a meat-eater could reduce their CO2 as much by going vegetarian as by switching to a Prius? And how does your carbon footprint compare with others in the US and aceross the world? Where do you stand? What yardsticks can we use to make comparisons? Join with Mike O'Brien, Green Building Specialist from the City's Office of Sustainable Development, who will walk us through some ideas and useful tools for tracking our progress as we make choices and changes in our lives. This should be interesting and, at the very least, offer some insights into the impacts of our lifestyles. We'll start with a reading of your utility bills, so bring your last year's electric and gas bills (October 2007 to October 2008). Here's where to call for copies: * PGE 503-228-6322 or 800-542-8818 * Pacific Power 1-888-221-7070, * Northwest Natural 503-226-4211 or 800-422-4012. 2008-11-13 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/mike-obrien-hows-your-carbon-footprint2008-11-12 04:32:56 =2008-11-13 05:00:00beyond anything we (or anyone) could ever coordinate! If you have similar goals, please join us on Nov 14. We will be using feedback from the first session to figure out how different people -- from new folk feeling scared and seeking help, to experienced organizers; from action-oriented alphas to relation-oriented tenders; across diverse issues, and race and class and gender divides -- how we can support each other to step forward from where we are, asking questions all the while. If you are especially interested in sharing and spreading facilitation and other process skills (including Tech), please come to the Che Room in St Francis at 5:30pm on Friday the 14th, before the larger gathering. To get to the Che room, walk up to near the Red & Black and cross in to the park and look for 1131 on the right hand side, head up the stairs, through the double doors.2008-11-15 01:30:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/lets-organize-our-communities-hard-times-potluck2008-11-12 04:37:28 =2008-11-15 04:30:00| of us sent out a survey asking people how they felt, and what they'd like to do. 3. Based on the responses, we sent out a call for a community gathering to explore grassroots, relationship-based action to support each other. 4. We created a process intended to address the expressed need for building connection with others at a personal level, learning more about what others are doing, and sharing skills for trust-building and facilitation. 5. For a variety of reasons, far more people came than anticipated: over 100, and we had to turn some away for lack of space. This meant the space was cramped, but also that energy was very high. Clearly, lots of people are ready to act in this way. Our process seemed to work for some people and in some ways, but not others. Now, our goal is for people to have the skills and confidence to help their networks become circles of trust-based sharing and support, and to link those together in a growing ecology throughout Portland. We want this to take off far ss:services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same is+ԡt53s333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a wc31333JrGSpeaker: Mike O'Brien of OSD - How's *Your* Carbon Footprint? A quick energy audit. We know that tracking our personal energy use and carbon emissions is critical to reducing needs for imported energy, our impacts on the climate, and on the environment. As Lord Kelvin so famously said, "That which cannot be measured, cannot be improved." As of today, we have to figure out our own ways to measure our energy and carbon footprints. Some parts are fairly easy--for example, our utility bills can tell us a lot about our energy use. But what about food? What's the embodied energy and carbon emissions of our diet? Did yo{ oartup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamentaF[3333JrPLUG: LANs, iptables, routing, and moreKirk Harr will speak on "LANs, iptables, routing, and more"2008-11-04 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2008-11-03 09:24:42 =2008-11-04 05:00:00[3533JrOpen Source Bridge Town Hall - WestsideOpen Source Bridge will be a completely volunteer-run, community effort to connect developers [3533JrOpen Source Bridge Town Hall - WestsideOpen Source Bridge will be a completely volunteer-run, community effort to connect developers9~I;3s33JrEcon Salon on Financial CrisisCome join us for a tangent off the Tangent Reading Series An�Econ Salon� about the�financial crisis with�economists Robin Hahnel & Kristen Sheeran� & a short opening poetry reading (regarding the financial crisis) by Jules Boykoff� Saturday NOVEMBER 1 at 6 PM Cli h OO/bmw">Brian Westbrook (aka @BMW), Sprint is giving us a 4G network card and a 6 month data plan to raffle off this Friday! How flippin' rad is that?!! ♪ Movin' on up / To the East side. ♫ Win this bad boy at Beer and Blog The plan is to collect names in a pitcher and then pull a name from it. We'll choose a name at 6pm and that person will be given t-bG'3q33JrWestSide Polyglot ProgrammersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-11-25 03:00:00 http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers 2008-11-12 02:56:24 <2008-11-25 05:00:00 d dwork in an advertising agency or part of an in-house marketing department, SearchFest #a/'3m33JrWestside ProggersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-11-25 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers 2008-11-12 02:56:32 <;b2008-11-25 05:00:00 `C 3S33JrFGorge Angel Conference 20092009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com2008-11-12 01:09:182009-05-20 00:00:00W_C3U33JrEWillamette Angel ConferenceThe first annual Willamette Angel Conference will be held Thursday May 14, 2009 with the goal of connecting early stage and seed businesses with Angel investors. The Willamette Valley boasts a high number of businesses that highlight the rugged individuality, forward thinking, technology and entreprenversations that will benefit your company down the line. To network with inventors, and other early stage professionals. Investors: To have access to some great business investment opportunities. For new investors, to learn how to invest in early stage deals, and how to feed deals to venture capitalists. Venture Capitalists: To identify top quality and up and coming early stage businesses in the Willamette Valley, to meet seed investors and stay connected to other venture capitalists, to learn more about commercialization from OSU, UofO and Onami. Service Providers: To introduce your business to companies making early decisions about the direction of their company. Politicians: To help build economic development for the local and state government. The Conference will be held at theCH2MHill Alumni Center at Oregon State University on May 14, 2009. Links provide the Agenda and directions to the conference.2009-05-14 14:30:00http://www.willametteconference.com/2008-11-12 00:56:42 <2009-05-15 01:30:00eurship that are part of Oregon's proud heritage. Attendees will include members of organized angel groups, individual angels, prospective angels, and early-stage investment firms as well as entrepreneurial ventures and start ups interested in obtaining angel funding. Goals of the Willamette Angel Conference * To increase the amount of seed capital available in the Willamette Valley * To highlight entrepreneurial ventures and provide them with possible opportunities for funding * To showcase some of our angel funded companies * To demonstrate our commitment to building a strong economy in the Willamette Valley Who should attend Inventors/Researchers/IP Holders: To learn more about the start up development and funding process, and to network to meet entrepreneurs and service providers. Entrepreneurs: To get recognition and possibly funding for your business. To develop and hone your business plan and pitch with top quality preparation sessions. To network with investors, and begin con nn, 614 SW 11th Ave. Event Description: The September Forum will kick off the new season of Portla^5W333JrDLunch 2.0 at AboutUsBrief history lesson: We started the Portland chapter of Lunch 2.0 in February 2008, and the first installment was hosted by AboutUs.

    Fittingly, AboutUs will host their second Lunch 2.0 right around the one year anniversary of the Portland chapter.

    Swing by their SE riverfront office and visit Ray, Ward, Mark, Steven and the whole AboutUs crew.

    Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

    You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

    Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
    2009-02-11 20:00:002008-11-11 18:35:42 9;b2009-02-11 22:00:00 [<[ Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce - is a networking program hosted at ]\+3w33JrCOTBC Open HouseEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Now that our move is complete, it's time for an open house to invite everyone in to check out the new office. Please join us for some refreshments and snacks, and a tour of the new place. Where: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 (Directions) When: Tuesday, Nov. 25, 3pm to 6pm I hope to see you here! Steve Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 25 at 3:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-25 23:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-11 17:54:07 <;b2008-11-26 01:00:008Nke3#33JpBusiness Plan - Your Roadmap to Success - G 103This workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan. Sample Content: * The need for a business plan * The elements of a business plan * Steps in financial planning * Organization and management strategies * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan This workshop also features break-out sessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.2008-09-22 15:00:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002008-11-10 22:44:14 <2008-09-22 23:30:00ad to insights he developed for his published materials: Pocket Guide to Customer-centric Thinking, Pocket Guide to Overcoming Your Impediments to Success; Pocket Guide to Behavioral Diversity in the Workplace: A New Perspective; Understanding Technology Product Launch Dynamics and a blog - Thoughts on Leadership. Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, September 9 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/2008-09-09 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/2008-11-10 22:44:13 <;b֛2008-09-09 20:30:00product or service from the competition and establishing a competitive advantage is critical. But many technology products and services (especially web-based solutions) can be quickly copied or reverse engineered. So how do you create a sustainable differential advantage? At this Lunch and Learn, you'll learn about 3 tactics for doing just that. About the Presenter P. Griffith Lindell, C.B.C. (Certified Business Communictor) is a retired founder, president and Co-CEO of a software startup built around methodologies and processes that were used in his management and marketing consulting practice, Griff is now a SCORE counselor, motivational speaker, management consultant and trainer. He has developed a methodologies to help: a) technology companies successfully launch new products; b) build dynamic customer-centered organizations and, 3) provide recognition of individual contribution, communicating fully (shared vision and values) and promoting teamwork. His senior-level management experiences has lere restarting an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beverage, networking time -- and a chance for each attendee to briefly describe their company (and optionally say what kind of help they could use right now) This is a great opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs. Please pass the word to other founders you know! And please RSVP here on this Meetup.com page so we have an idea of how many people to expect! Suggested donation: $3 to cover part of the food and beverage expense We hope to see you on July 18! Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Friday, July 18 at 4:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/2008-07-18 23:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/2008-11-10 22:44:11 <;bE2008-07-19 01:30:00/ 2009-09-26 16:00:00http://www.wordcampseattle.com/ 2009-08-19 01:12:422009-08-19 01:12:42 @j2009-09-27 00:30:00etups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banking can play in working with emerging growth companies -- including fund raising and M&A (mergers and acquisition). About the Presenter Scrates Jimnez is a Senior Vice President at Cascadia Capital, where he focuses on the software sector?s financial needs ? including M&A, private equity and debt placement. Jimnez has over 10 years of bulge bracket and middle-market investment banking experience and was most recently a Director in the Internet and Digital Media Investment Banking Group at Pacific Crest Securities. Ted Bernhard joined Cascadia Capital as a Managing Director in January 2008. He came to Cascadia from Stoel Rives, a Portland-based law firm, where he was the founder and Managing Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP in here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 17 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-06-18 13:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-11-10 22:44:10 <;bJo 2008-06-18 15:30:00deploy them garn: * What networking really is and what it means to give. * How to recognize a networking opportunity in any conversation. * to mesh your natural network with your business network and have everyonSG3w33JoWhat Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment BankingEntrepreneur Me F+s3w33JoLessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses: Looking BiggerEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses - Looking Bigger Than You Are About the Program Larger companies are more comfortable doing business with larger, established companies. So part of the challenge of being a startup or small business is learning how to look bigger, more credible, and more established than you are. At this Lunch and Learn, you'll get advice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 24 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-06-24 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-11-10 22:44:09 <;bտ2008-06-24 20:30:00 Learn, you'll get advice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 24 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-06-25 13:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-11-10 22:44:11 <;bJo2008-06-25 15:30:00 crom some of the biggest names on the web. Centered on the world's most popular blogging platform - Wordpress - this is THE event to learn about the blogging tool used by millions of consumers and businesses alike. Wordpress powepI+;3w33JoFounders FridayEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group By popular demand, we'H+s3w33JoLessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses: Looking BiggerEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses - Looking Bigger Than You Are About the Program Larger companies are more comfortable doing business with larger, established companies. So part of the challenge of being a startup or small business is learning how to look bigger, more credible, and more established than you are. At this Lunch and tworking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, August 26, at the Art Institute's Industrial Design Shop (note this is not the main AI space -- it's on NW Couch between 8th and Broadway). TheyJ[3w33JpOregon Innovators Forum - July 30, 2008Oregon Innovators Forum - July 30, 2008

    Click the following link to register this event : http://www.regonline.com/?641065

    powered by RegOnline http://www.regonline.com/

    2008-07-30 23:00:00http://www.regonline.com/eventinfo.asp?EventId=6410652008-11-10 22:44:12 <;b\2008-07-31 01:00:00r and Managing Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP in here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 17 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-06-17 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-11-10 22:44:09 <;bվ2008-06-17 20:30:00l be sZ closely at your financial forecast. What do they look at and why? Come to this Lunch and Learn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior in college, combining his business training and programming ability to build a company that has helped real estate, financial service, math and sales professionals, students and teachers be more successful. Infinity Softworks' powerOne® software has been distributed to over 15 million customers worldwide. He has a technical MBA from OHSU/OGI and a BS in accounting with a minor in computer science from Pacific Uinversity. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking 2008-05-20 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-11-10 22:44:07  The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banking can play in working with emerging growth companies -- including fund raising and M&A (mergers and acquisition). About the Presenter S�crates Jim�nez is a Senior Vice President at Cascadia Capital, where he focuses on the software sector?s financial needs ? including M&A, private equity and debt placement. Jim�nez has over 10 years of bulge bracket and middle-market investment banking experience and was most recently a Director in the Internet and Digital Media Investment Banking Group at Pacific Crest Securities. Ted Bernhard joined Cascadia Capital as a Managing Director in January 2008. He came to Cascadia from Stoel Rives, a Portland-based law firm, where he was the founde <9<fRtW K33K\ԡ];3U333OEN SwapMeet - October Meet. Greet. Repeat. In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage compaUE3w33Jo What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment BankingEntrepreneur Me D9M333JmPDMA: Planning Meetingdsimpson@planninginnovations.com2007-09-07 01:00:002008-11-10 22:44:08 <;bձ2007-09-07 02:30:00CCY 333JjOEN: Business Plan Development Seminar2008-05-28 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=BPDS&venue_id=232008-11-10 22:44:08 <;bձ2008-05-29 01:30:00 look at and why? Come to this Lunch and Learn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior in college, combining his business training and programming ability to build a company that has helped real estate, financial service, math and sales professionals, students and teachers be more successful. Infinity Softworks' powerOne® software has been distributed to over 15 million customers worldwide. He has a technical MBA from OHSU/OGI and a BS in accounting with a minor in computer science from Pacific Uinversity. Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 2008-05-20 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-11-10 22:44:05 <2008-05-20 20:45:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy.ԡzIԡ{Dԡ}2ԡ~ԡ<ԡ>ԡ=ԡ:ԡԡɄԡ.ԡzIԡ{Dԡ}2ԡ~ԡ<ԡ>ԡ=ԡ:ԡԡɄԡ8ԡ7ԡ#3ԡ&5ԡ)0ԡ,ԡ1Gԡ6Fԡ:)ԡB%ԡC*ԡD#ԡE"ԡF$ԡG ԡHԡJԡKԡLԡMԡOԡRۄԡSԡUԡVԡXԡeԡfԡhԡlԡnԡtԡ}ԡԡ ҄ԡԡԡԡ)ԡ.؄ԡ6Մԡ<ԡ@ԡBքԡKфԡRЄԡXʄԡ_ӄԡfԄԡn˄ԡw̄ԡԡԡ ̈́ԡτԡ΄ԡ ԡ%Hԡ,Äԡ1Ȅԡ7Ƅԡ=„ԡEԡK"ԡQԡXԡbԡnԡuԡ{ԡ CBu=3w3JjEFinancial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveProspective investors will look8As 3w33JjDMaking Hiring Decisions: Is there a Secret Formula?OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Ma {@u3w33Jj@Financial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveOTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Financial Projections from an Investor's Perspective About the Program Prospective investors will look closely at your financial forecast. What do they?i3w33JjWhat PR can Do for Your Startup - A Case StudyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Register and pre-pay here The Presentation Title: What PR can Do for Your Startup -- A Case Study Public Relations efforts (PR) can be a very affordable method of realizing a number of benefits, including increasing company awareness and brand identity, and can help prospective customers and partners find out about your company. We'll go through a real-life case study of low-cost PR tactics an = The Android G1 is a TMobile phone whose ope]ԡXc13 333 POSSE: Open Source Software and GovernmentPOSSE: Open Source Software and Government Wednesday August 19, 2009 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm OSU Foundation 707 SW Washington St # 500 Portland, Oregon 97205 Please RSVP if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. Please also try to arrive pri]PԡW=e3]333Community Manager MeetupWe're having a meetup where on>i3w33JjWhat PR can Do for Your Startup - A Case StudyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Register and pre-pay here The Presentation Title: What PR can Do for Your Startup -- A Case Study Public Relations efforts (PR) can be a very affordable method of realizing a number of benefits, including increasing company awareness and brand identity, and can help prospective customers and partners find out about your company. We'll go through a real-life case study of low-cost PR tactics and how those led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:30pm: Program 1:30pm - 2:00pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Register and pre-pay here Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, April 22 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Meeting fee: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-04-23 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-11-10 22:44:04 <;bՏJj2008-04-23 03:30:00d how those led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:30pm: Program 1:30pm - 2:00pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Register and pre-pay here Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, April 22 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Meeting fee: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-04-23 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-11-10 22:44:04 <;bՎJj2008-04-23 03:30:00 1 L?33/Missionԡ,'73333AEA CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-04-18 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:252008-07-13 04:31:54;bձ2007-04-18 03:30:00ԡ+U93333AEA Environmental Compliance Programhttp://www.aeanet.org 2007-04-25 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:252008-07-13 04:31:54;bձ2007-04-25 23:15:00ԡ*%73333AEA HR Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-04-06 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:54;bձ2007-04-06 03:30:00ԡ)[;3333AMA: Cut the Clutter & Get to the Pointhttp://www.ama-pdx.orgiԡ~}#3333SCORE: 7 Steps Businesses Must Consider in a Bad EconomyAssuming that your business idea or business is feasible and that you have the experience and background to make your idea flourish and that there are not too many c ppirdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude with the national premiere of Punchcut’s newest installment of the Typophile Film Fest, a collection of typographic film shorts. Cancel any existing plans – this event is not to be missed! August 25, 2009 7:00pm D 7/o3w33JrWestside ProggersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you're a technologist on the west side, don't miss this opportunity to network with other west-side technologists. For more information, check out the Westsideproggers google site: http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, November 24 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107471/2008-11-25 03:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107471/2008-11-12 02:56:32 <;b2008-11-25 05:00:00ll go through a real-life case study of low-cost PR tactics and how those led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:30pm: Program 1:30pm - 2:00pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Tuesday, April 22 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Meeting fee: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-04-22 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-11-10 22:44:03 <;bՍ2008-04-22 20:30:00  JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting include: * SproutCore - An overview )ԡQg3K333Design à Trois - "Died Young, Stayed Pretty"Design à Trois Design à Trois is a three night event exploring rock poster design, book w;9M33JgPDMA: Planning Meetingdsimpson@planninginnovations.com2007-09-07 01:00:002008-11-10 22:44:02 <;b`n:ci3 33JeHow to Attract Significantly More CustomersCome hear how you can quickly implement secrets others have successfully used to attract more customers - worth millions of dollars - and understand what works best for you and your company. This session is for company founders / owners, presidents and CEOs. Why? Because only you can make the you-bet-your-company decisions - that will come from the information in this seminar! Attendees will receive a special price on Mark's new book: How to Attract Significantly More Customers; in good times and bad. About the Speaker Mark Paul has more than twenty-five years of executive level leadership-from bootstrapping software start-ups as an entrepreneur, to leading a public telecom company, and building a $50 million technology business unit in two years at a Global 500 company as an intrapreneur. He has 17 years of interim executive and business leadership consulting experience as the president at Phoenix Management, Inc., and currently as Managing Partner at Synergy Consulting Group, LLC. Mark has helped over a hundred clients attract more customers: increasing their revenue, profitability and company value. Mark has built and served on boards of directors and advisors for various companies, and has published several editions to The Entrepreneur's Survival Guide. Visit his website at: www.synergy-usa.com. 2008-04-15 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7331158/?from=list2008-11-10 22:44:01 <;b^2008-04-15 20:00:00 ``curing at the same time as First Thursday so you should catch both - there is a lot of great digital media being shown all over First Thursday as well - anselm ] Interested in learning more about the space, who’s working there, and what’s being built? Join us this Thursday—First Thursday—at 5:30 for beverages and whatnot. Meet th+3y33JrHOTLIPS Art Action Third Thursday Community Writing WorkshopsWHAT Join HOTLIPS Pizza and Write Around Portland every third Thursday morning this fall to experience the transformative power of writing in community. These workshops are perfect for the new writer and the seasoned writer. Start your day with breakfast pastries, coffee, tea and the written word. These workshops are a part of HOTLIPS Art Action, a series of events and artworks that express the working philosophy that sensory experiences enhance life, and that art, like pizza, is an irreducible ingredient for a healthy society. HOW Pre-registration is encouraged. To registert for social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, CSAs and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important conversation to learn where your work overlaps and supports this goal. In conjunction with the forum, nine local artists have converted refrigerators into creative statements about hunger. Their provocative art installation opens Friday, November 7th from 6-8pm at the Urban Grind and will remain on display through the month of November. Learn more about our non-profit and the monthly forum at www.springboardinnovation.org Date: November 12th (every second Wednesday) Topic: Hunger Time: 6-9pm Cost: Free Location: Urban Grind @ 2214 NE Oregon, Portland Media Contact: Amy Pearl - 503.407.84592008-11-13 02:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2008-11-10 21:44:58 :2008-11-13 05:00:00 oster designers will field questions from the audience, led by moderator, Tim DuRoche: Art Chantry, Dan Stiles, Guy Burwell, Mike King and Lloyd Winter Film venue: Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st Ave., Portland, OR Cost: (member9a-3 33JeFastTrac® TechVenture Information Session"If you are thinking about starting a high-tech or biotech company (or you already are in an early-stage startup), come to this brown-bag lunch event to learn about how the FastTrac� TechVenture program..."2008-03-24 19:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526775/?from=list2008-11-10 22:44:01 <;b^2008-03-24 20:00:00}8c-3 3JeFastTrac� TechVenture Information Session"If you are thinking about starting a high-tech or biotech company (or you already are in an early-stage startup), come to this brown-bag lunch event to learn about how the FastTrac� TechVenture program..."2008-03-20 19:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526613/?from=list2008-11-10 22:44:00 <;b^ m/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic ԡLMc3U333Willamette Innovators Night 2009A Compelling Convergence of creative talent from across the Willamette (6c3U33Jr5Hunger: Springboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum is a new monthly event designed to engage community members in solving local challenges with lasting solutions. This free event promises a mix of conversation, collaboration, and professional suppoQ5_3=33Jr4Portland Business Journal 4th Quarter Sustainability LuncheonDon’t miss this exciting luncheon featuring Nike CEO, Mark Parker, Futurist, Andrew Zolli and a panel with PGE CEO, Peggy Fowler and Ecotrust President, Spencer Beebe! REGISTER NOW! Price increases after November 14th! Friday, November 21st 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Nines 525 SW Morrison Ave. Portland OR 97204 WELCOME ADDRESS Mark Parker, CEO, Nike After running competiti aaen the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principlԡH]M3]333POSSE: Open Source Software in the CloudPlease RSVP here on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. The topic for this month is open source software in the clo1A 3C33Jr1MountainWest RubyConf 20092009-03-13 15:00:00http://mtnwestrubyconf.org/2008-11-09 03:37:042009-03-15 00:00:00 /S3933Jr/Beer and Blog - Panels public debutKevin Fox, formerly of Vidoop, unveils his new start up project: Panels.
    2008-11-08 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-07 23:10:25 ; ;b2008-11-08 02:00:00.S3933Jr/Beer and Blog - Panels public debutKevin Fox, formerly of Vidoop, unveils his new start up project: Panels.
    2008-11-08 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-07 22:27:16;b2008-11-08 02:00:00vely at Penn State University, Parker joined Nike as one of the first footwear designers in 1979. And he’s been at the center of Nike innovation ever since. For almost 30 years, he’s brought innovative concepts and engineering expertise into such vital roles as Vice President of Consumer Product Marketing, Vice President of Global Footwear and Co-President of the Nike Brand. Parker is responsible for the growth of NIKE, Inc.'s global business portfolio, which includes Converse Inc., Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated, Umbro Ltd., and Hurley International LLC. KEYNOTE ADDRESS Andrew Zolli, Curator, Pop!Tech and Fellow, National Geographic Named to Fast Company’s Fast 50 in 2005, Zolli is the creator of Pop!Tech, an annual conference of thought leaders exploring the social impact of technology and the future. As Fellow of the National Geographic Society, Andrew leads development of a global initiative to envision new scenarios for a sustainable world in 2030 and beyond. He has been the futurist-in-residence for American Demographics magazine, Popular Science, National Geographic and NPR’s Marketplace. PANELISTS Peggy Fowler, CEO and president of Portland General Electric Fowler leads Oregon’s largest electric utility with a strong record of environmental stewardship. Her tenure began at PGE in 1974 as a chemist in the company's analytical laboratory performing extensive environmental testing. She worked her way up through the ranks to be named CEO and President in 2000. Fowler was one of the first utility leaders to support a federal cap-and-trade system on carbon emissions and is helping to direct the region’s sustainability efforts as a member of the Oregon Global Warming Commission. Spencer Beebe, President of Ecotrust Economist and Forester, Spencer Beebe founded Ecotrust in 1991 to focus his energies on preserving the rain forests of home, after spending 14 years with the Nature Conservancy. Ecotrust was founded on the notion that economic and ecological systems are mutually inte zay to day basis. This event shows the dynamic variety that will help shape Oregon’s economic future. Date and Time: Wednesday September 09, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: 1313 NW .47w3533Jr3Calagator code sprintJoin us at the code sprint to help improve Calagator!2008-11-15 18:00:00http://calagator.org2008-11-10 15:17:14 92008-11-16 02:00:00e37 3 33Jr3Calagator code sprint2008-11-10 16:00:002008-11-10 15:15:38 =2008-11-10 17:00:002/73S33Jr2Portland WerewolfCome play Werewolf with us. We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP. Donations are appreciated for the room rental. RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13319982008-11-13 02:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/822008-11-10 15:13:23 ; 2008-11-13 07:00:00rdependent. To this relationship Ecotrust and others have sought to add a third "e" — social equity — to ensure that economic development awards benefits to all the region's citizens. Beebe serves on the boards of ShoreBank Corporation, Tamastlikt Cultural Institute and Walsh Construction Company. Tickets to the Sustainability Luncheon are $45 when pre-paid online by November 14, 2008 and $50 thereafter and at the door. Reserved tables of 10 with priority seating may be purchased for $400, or $450 after November 14. Ticket price is non-refundable after November 14. Checks can be mailed to The Business Journal at 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 500, Portland 97204. Credit card information can be faxed to (503) 227-2650. Payment in advance guarantees your reservation in case the event is sold out. Questions? Call Events Assistant, Mason Walker at 503-219-3427. 2008-11-21 19:00:00http://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4059?sid=2dd9727e87fa1dd13a125616f86148df2008-11-10 19:27:19 <2008-11-21 21:00:00r, email; hotlipspizza@writearound.org with your name, phone number and the date of the workshop(s) you would like to attend. $25 Suggested tax deductible donation to Write Around Portland per workshop. All proceeds go directly toward funding Write Around Portland workshops and programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, veterans living with PTSD, survivors of domestic violence, people living with mental illness, homeless youth and many others. For more information, go to www.writearound.org. ABOUT HOTLIPS HOTLIPS Pizza is a local family-owned company with 4 restaurants in Portland, a central processing facility and a soda production operation. Perennially ranked among the best Portland restaurants for great food and its use of locally sourced and organic ingredients. Founded in 1984, HOTLIPS continues to be recognized locally and nationally as a leader in sustainability. www.hotlipspizza.com 2008-11-20 17:00:00http://www.hotlipspizza.com/new/writing_workshops.html2008-11-04 22:42:50 =2008-11-20 19:00:00  s a trv&E333Jr'AeA BOD Education Series: Refreshing the Board/Advisory CommitteesNetwork with high-level peers and expert panelists as AeA enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters!2009-01-28 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0109062008-11-07 21:21:14 :$2009-01-28 18:00:00p%uW333Jr&AeA Finance Networking Event - SEC Accounting UpdatePanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for finance professionals in the technology industry. During this session attendees will learn about current SEC issues as well as other accounting topics. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-01-15 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0109022008-11-07 21:10:32 :$2009-01-15 18:00:00 LTL09BKT]fox#2ԡM-9M333Jr.AeA Party in the PinotCelebrate Oregon’s High-Tech Industry with over 400 of the area’s top technology executives and service providers at AeA’s Annual Gala Party in the Pinot!2009-07-26 01:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0709012008-11-07 21:42:47 :2009-07-26 04:00:003+G 333Jr,AeA Technology Awards Program2009-05-08 01:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0509062008-11-07 21:40:09 ;K2009-05-08 04:00:00(*%333Jr+AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Entrepreneur Success StoriesPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for professionals with young companies in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-04-09 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409052008-11-07 21:38:33 :$2009-04-09 16:00:00  follow market trends. Despite tough ecoQԡF{ 3333Wicked Problems and Business Process Management (A) 333Jr*AeA Finance Networking Event: Managing During Difficult TimesPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for finance professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-03-19 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0309022008-11-07 21:31:02 :$2009-03-19 16:00:00d'oE333Jr(AeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in M&ANetwork with high-level peers and expert panelists as AeA enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters!2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0309072008-11-07 21:26:08 :$2009-03-05 18:00:00 t is a SMART PARK on Davis and Naito. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: http://bit.ly/eqGnZ (evite link) OR by linked-in http://events.linkedin.com/Wicked-Problems-Business-Processk$/e3E33JrAngel Oregon 2009Angel Oregon is the nation's premier entrepeneur-angel matchmakin#/o3w33JrWestside ProggersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you're a technologist on the west side, don't miss this opportunity to network with other west-side technologists. For more information, check out the Westsideproggers google site: http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, November 24 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107471/2008-11-25 03:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107471/2008-11-12 02:56:32;b2008-11-25 05:00:00g event. A program of the Oregon Entrepeneurs Network, Angel Oregon brings together Oregon and SW Washington’s brightest entrepreneurial talent with qualified angel investors. Angel Oregon features the largest investment prize of any event of its type. Angel Oregon 2007 had 320 attendees, making it the largest event of its kind. Those attendees included 100 accredited investors. The 2007 sponsors included Capybara Ventures, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley. Angel Oregon 2008 had $265,000 prize money, from 53 angels investing $5,000 apiece. There were three distinct investment tracks: Technology & Biotech Consumer/Active Lifestyle Sustainability Instead of just one prize winner, money was awarded to the winner in each track. 2009-03-12 15:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=462008-11-07 20:53:11 :2009-03-12 23:00:00e Columbia River Channel Improvement Project, one of the most divisive environmental projects in the Pacific Northwest. he OTBC Meetup Group Moderated by Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal Smart phones, but dumb approach? When will users have more control over key elements of buying and using their mobile phone? Join moderator Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, cellular thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of mobile telephony, asking questions such as: Where is mobility really going? Is it a phone or a TV set? What are the limitations of our mobile devices? When will we have more control over the phone/carrier combination? What opportunities still exist for entrepreneurs? Complete details may be found at http://www.mitenterpriseforum.org Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, November 24 at 4:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-25 00:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-07 20:46:48 <;b2008-11-25 02:00:00overview ohe OTBC Meetup Group Moderated by Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal Smart phones, but dumb approach? When will users have more control over key elements of buying and using their mobile phone? Join moderator Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, cellular thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of mobile telephony, asking questions such as: Where is mobility really going? Is it a phone or a TV set? What are the limitations of our mobile devices? When will we have more control over the phone/carrier combination? What opportunities still exist for entrepreneurs? Complete details may be found at http://www.mitenterpriseforum.org Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, November 24 at 4:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-25 00:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-07 20:46:30;b2008-11-25 02:00:0009-08-13 01:00:00s have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. We're looking to bring a twist to the same old conference format that you're used to. It's cool. It's fun. * KBOO Community Radio Your Volunteer-Powered, Non-Commercial, Listener-Sponsored, Full-Strength Community Radio station for Portland, Oregon, Cascadia & the World! * Oregon Paranormal Investigations Oregon Paranormal Investigations is a group of experienced and sincere investigators whose primary purpose is to help those that are experiencing unexplained and unusual phenomenon. * Tolman Guide to Green Living in Portland The Tolman Guide to Green Living was created to help us move away from practices that are harmful to people and the environment and towards those that accommodate natural cycles and systems; appropriately called sustainable living. Meet the authors and make a reduce, reuse, recycle craft. 2008-11-08 19:00:00http://www.multcolib.org/events/kpw.html2008-11-07 19:41:06 ;H2008-11-09 00:00:00their abilities, and providing opportunities for them to share their stories with the world * Portland Sacred Harp, participatory shape note singing, noon–1 p.m. Sacred Harp shape note singing is a community musical & social activity, emphasizing participation, not performance. We sing in four-part, unaccompanied harmony from an early American songbook called The Sacred Harp, which has been continuously in print and in use since 1844. It is the backbone of one of this country's oldest, most vital and soul-stirring musical traditions. Everyone is invited to give it a try - no experience necessary! * Taoist Tai Chi Society, tai chi demo, 1:30-2 p.m. Dedicated to this ancient Chinese exercise emphasizing relaxation, stretching, health improvement and stress reduction. * Ignite Portland, five minute speech slam, 2:15–3 p.m. If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geekculture of depth, decadence and possibility limited only by the participants imagination. Second floor, lobby * PDXSwap - women's clothing, Sterling Writers Room, 12-4 Recycle your still wearable clothing with PDXSwap, a group of women in the Portland Metro area who get together on a regular basis for a clothing swap! * SCRAP: School and Community Reuse Action Project A non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community. Third floor, Collins Gallery * My Story, photo exhibit, 12-4 p.m. Firecracker: The hopes and fears of Portland youth in photographs and writing My Story offers photography workshops that inspire young people to explore their lives through the lens of a camera. We collaborate with families, schools and community organizations in developing projects that engage the imagination and creativity of young people, building confidence in  those interested in learning about and building robots. * Oregon Regency Society, Popular Library Our group embraces civil, polite society, unified by a common love; the Regency Period.We adore the worlds that Jane Austen's winding, brilliantly written tales portray, depicting a time where ladies were ladies, gentlemen were gentlemen, and good society, family connections, grace, wit and romance were treasured. * Portland Steampunk Society, Popular Library Steampunk is a genre which combines elements of science fiction in a Victorian milieu. More recently art, fashion and music have been influenced by steampunk. The Portland Steampunk Society is an eclectic group of people with a focus on the aesthetic and creative aspects of this dynamic subculture. We encourage individual and group creativity and inventiveness through style, clothing, unique and whimsical accessories, art and music. By creating a pleasing environment of visual inspiration and engaging activities we hope to promote a nd Klezmer. * Portland Ukulele Association, ukulele lesson, 3–4 p.m. PUA is dedicated to the fun and fellowship of ukulele playing. Join us for a free lesson; No ukulele? No problem! Ukulele's will be provided (while supplies last). Lessons, demos and information tables First floor * Chess for Success Chess for success is a non-profit organization that helps economically disadvantaged children learn useful life skills through the game of chess. * PDXSwap - childrens clothing, Story Theater, Children's Library, 12:30-4 Recycle your still wearable clothing with PDXSwap, a group of women in the Portland Metro area who get together on a regular basis for a clothing swap! Kids clothes swaps too! * Kumoricon, lobby The folks at Kumoricon run Oregon's largest anime convention and are dedicated to all things involving Japanese animation including manga, cosplay (costume play) and gaming. * Portland Area Robotics Society, lobby PARTS is a nonprofit dedicated to.988.5123 Portland is a place of passionate people pursuing interesting, and sometimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as a wide variety of organizations share what they do and why they do it. Printable Keep Portland Weird flyer (pdf) Performances First floor, U.S. Bank Room * Space is limited. Free tickets for seating will be available at the Keep Portland Weird Information Table (near the Welcome Desk) 30 minutes prior to each program. * Circus Cascadia, circus skills for kids, 11 a.m.–noon Before you run away with the circus, you might need to be able to juggle, plate spin or perform with Chinese ribbons. Gain some circus skills in this workshop with Circus Cascadia. * Klezmocracy, performance, 1–2 p.m. The freewheeling musical combo Klezmocracy leaves few musical stones unturned. This eclectic group of professionals has pooled their many years of musical experience and are cooking up an Afro-Hebrew musical stew seasoned with Latin, Jazz, Cabaret, Rock ageeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. We're looking to bring a twist to the same old conference format that you're used to. It's cool. It's fun. * KBOO Community Radio Your Volunteer-Powered, Non-Commercial, Listener-Sponsored, Full-Strength Community Radio station for Portland, Oregon, Cascadia & the World! * Oregon Paranormal Investigations Oregon Paranormal Investigations is a group of experienced and sincere investigators whose primary purpose is to help those that are experiencing unexplained and unusual phenomenon. * Tolman Guide to Green Living in Portland The Tolman Guide to Green Living was created to help us move away from practices that are harmful to people and the environment and towards those that accommodate natural cycles and systems; appropriately called sustainable living. Meet the authors and make a reduce, reuse, recycle craft. 2008-11-08 19:00:00http://www.multcolib.org/events/kpw.html2008-11-07 19:39:172008-11-09 00:00:00 in their abilities, and providing opportunities for them to share their stories with the world * Portland Sacred Harp, participatory shape note singing, noon–1 p.m. Sacred Harp shape note singing is a community musical & social activity, emphasizing participation, not performance. We sing in four-part, unaccompanied harmony from an early American songbook called The Sacred Harp, which has been continuously in print and in use since 1844. It is the backbone of one of this country's oldest, most vital and soul-stirring musical traditions. Everyone is invited to give it a try - no experience necessary! * Taoist Tai Chi Society, tai chi demo, 1:30-2 p.m. Dedicated to this ancient Chinese exercise emphasizing relaxation, stretching, health improvement and stress reduction. * Ignite Portland, five minute speech slam, 2:15–3 p.m. If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world e a culture of depth, decadence and possibility limited only by the participants imagination. Second floor, lobby * PDXSwap - women's clothing, Sterling Writers Room, 12-4 Recycle your still wearable clothing with PDXSwap, a group of women in the Portland Metro area who get together on a regular basis for a clothing swap! * SCRAP: School and Community Reuse Action Project A non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community. Third floor, Collins Gallery * My Story, photo exhibit, 12-4 p.m. Firecracker: The hopes and fears of Portland youth in photographs and writing My Story offers photography workshops that inspire young people to explore their lives through the lens of a camera. We collaborate with families, schools and community organizations in developing projects that engage the imagination and creativity of young people, building confidence T intende2]3m33Jr!Portland Mapping Party for OpenStreetMapMapping parties are community events targetted at getting a specific area mapped in a day or a weekend. You come along, are loaned a GPS unit and shown how to use it (it's easy!) and you go out mapping an area of your choosing. Then you come backRck3[33Jr WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDXDetails to be given for WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDX at IGNITE PORTLAND 4 on November 13th. That's all we can say for now, but... you do not want to miss this.2008-11-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13203162008-11-06 06:41:52 92008-11-21 04:00:00Rck3[33Jr WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDXDetails to be given for WordIgniteBarCampCampCampCampPalooza… PDX at IGNITE PORTLAND 4 on November 13th. That's all we can say for now, but... you do not want to miss this.2008-11-06 07:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13203162008-11-06 06:41:03 92008-11-06 08:00:00d to those interested in learning about and building robots. * Oregon Regency Society, Popular Library Our group embraces civil, polite society, unified by a common love; the Regency Period.We adore the worlds that Jane Austen's winding, brilliantly written tales portray, depicting a time where ladies were ladies, gentlemen were gentlemen, and good society, family connections, grace, wit and romance were treasured. * Portland Steampunk Society, Popular Library Steampunk is a genre which combines elements of science fiction in a Victorian milieu. More recently art, fashion and music have been influenced by steampunk. The Portland Steampunk Society is an eclectic group of people with a focus on the aesthetic and creative aspects of this dynamic subculture. We encourage individual and group creativity and inventiveness through style, clothing, unique and whimsical accessories, art and music. By creating a pleasing environment of visual inspiration and engaging activities we hope to promotck and Klezmer. * Portland Ukulele Association, ukulele lesson, 3–4 p.m. PUA is dedicated to the fun and fellowship of ukulele playing. Join us for a free lesson; No ukulele? No problem! Ukulele's will be provided (while supplies last). Lessons, demos and information tables First floor * Chess for Success Chess for success is a non-profit organization that helps economically disadvantaged children learn useful life skills through the game of chess. * PDXSwap - childrens clothing, Story Theater, Children's Library, 12:30-4 Recycle your still wearable clothing with PDXSwap, a group of women in the Portland Metro area who get together on a regular basis for a clothing swap! Kids clothes swaps too! * Kumoricon, lobby The folks at Kumoricon run Oregon's largest anime convention and are dedicated to all things involving Japanese animation including manga, cosplay (costume play) and gaming. * Portland Area Robotics Society, lobby PARTS is a nonprofit dedicate 503.988.5123 Portland is a place of passionate people pursuing interesting, and sometimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as a wide variety of organizations share what they do and why they do it. Printable Keep Portland Weird flyer (pdf) Performances First floor, U.S. Bank Room * Space is limited. Free tickets for seating will be available at the Keep Portland Weird Information Table (near the Welcome Desk) 30 minutes prior to each program. * Circus Cascadia, circus skills for kids, 11 a.m.–noon Before you run away with the circus, you might need to be able to juggle, plate spin or perform with Chinese ribbons. Gain some circus skills in this workshop with Circus Cascadia. * Klezmocracy, performance, 1–2 p.m. The freewheeling musical combo Klezmocracy leaves few musical stones unturned. This eclectic group of professionals has pooled their many years of musical experience and are cooking up an Afro-Hebrew musical stew seasoned with Latin, Jazz, Cabaret, Rond will be announced at our Oregon's Most Admired Companies program in the following categories: Agriculture and Forest Products Commercial Real Estate Financial Services Health Care Nonprofits Professional Services Technology Traditional Manufacturing Oregon's Most Admired Company Across All Industries NEW THIS YEAR Oregon's Most Admired CEO's in each category (as selected by Business Journal Editors) Our Oregon's Most Admired Companies special publication will be distributed to everyone in attendance at the event. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate with some of the greatest companies in the state! Tickets are $65 per person when purchased by December 2nd, 2008; $70 thereafter. Tables of 10 are $600. NO REFUNDS are available after December 2nd. Questions, contact Events Assistant Mason Walker - mrwalker@bizjournals.com or 503.219.3427 2008-12-09 19:00:00http://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4054?sid=ee93b2ad87fe1bfac49a65f324c713f22008-11-07 18:59:31 <22008-12-09 21:00:00 OOent in the Portland area with UKTI (United Kingdom Trade & Investmecw3=33Jr"Oregon's Most Admired Companies and CEO of the Year Awards LuncheonPortland Business Journal's Oregon's Most Admired Companies and CEO of the Year Awards Luncheon Who are the most admired companies in Oregon? Come find out! The results are in, and you won't want to miss the most popular event of the year! REGISTER NOW Tuesday December 9th, 2008 11:00am - 1:00pm Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom 921 SW 6th Ave. The Portland Business Journal conducted a phone survey of CEOs across Oregon and asked their opinions on the greatest companies in Oregon. The results have been tabulated a6]3m33Jr!Portland Mapping Party for OpenStreetMapMapping parties are community events targetted at getting a specific area mapped in a day or a weekend. You come along, are loaned a GPS unit and shown how to use it (it's easy!) and you go out mapping an area of your choosing. Then you come back and are shown how to get that data in to the map.

    They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

    More about Mapping parties
    [edit] Info

    * 11:00am-4:00pm Sat 11/8 & 11:00am-3:00pm Sun 11/9
    * Bridgeport Brewpub
    * 1313 NW Marshall Street
    * Portland, Oregon 97209
    * http://www.bridgeportbrew.com
    * drink / food afterward
    * Bridgeport Brewpub is located in the Pearl District at NW 13th & NW Marshall. Go to http://www.portlandstreetcar.org/ for schedule info.
    * NO GPS REQUIRED - we'll lend you a GPS and show you how to use it, or we can use paper and other ways to capture data.
    2008-11-08 19:00:00http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Portland2008-11-07 18:48:36 :6;b2008-11-09 23:00:00 and are shown how to get that data in to the map.

    They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

    More about Mapping parties
    [edit] Info

    * 11:00am-4:00pm Sat 11/8 & 11:00am-3:00pm Sun 11/9
    * Bridgeport Brewpub
    * 1313 NW Marshall Street
    * Portland, Oregon 97209
    * http://www.bridgeportbrew.com
    * drink / food afterward
    * Bridgeport Brewpub is located in the Pearl District at NW 13th & NW Marshall. Go to http://www.portlandstreetcar.org/ for schedule info.
    * NO GPS REQUIRED - we'll lend you a GPS and show you how to use it, or we can use paper and other ways to capture data.
    2008-11-08 08:00:00http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Portland2008-11-07 06:39:25;b2008-11-09 08:00:00 email; hotlipspizza@writearound.org with your name, phone number and the date of the workshop(s) you would like to attend. $25 Suggested tax deductible donation to Write Around Portland per workshop. All proceeds go directly toward funding Write Around Portland workshops and programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, veterans living with PTSD, survivors of domestic violence, people living with mental illness, homeless youth and many others. For more information, go to www.writearound.org. ABOUT HOTLIPS HOTLIPS Pizza is a local family-owned company with 4 restaurants in Portland, a central processing facility and a soda production operation. Perennially ranked among the best Portland restaurants for great food and its use of locally sourced and organic ingredients. Founded in 1984, HOTLIPS continues to be recognized locally and nationally as a leader in sustainability. www.hotlipspizza.com 2008-12-18 17:00:00http://www.hotlipspizza.com/new/writing_workshops.html2008-11-04 23:01:36 =2008-12-18 19:00:00 gg this meeting but is still a functioning business so we ask that you show up no earlier than 6:20pm Drizzle and Gearman are open source projects aimed towards helping build scalable web applications. This talk will take a closer look at the ideas behind both and at the PHP interfaces available. Simple source code examples for eachl/13G33JoIgnite Portland 4Save the date! Ignite Portland 4 will happen on Thursday November 13, 2008, at the Bagdad. Same venue. Same format. Even more burning ideas.

    More details to come - stay tuned!



    2008-11-14 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2008-10-31 00:23:43 :s;b:2008-11-14 05:00:00 AA335/">RSVP on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll3[3 33JrPDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Nonprofit Tech ExtravaganzaJoin us to talk nonprofit technology and how 2 organizations working for your better good want to collaborate to create more useful events for you in 2009. The idea is to provide a fuller, more in-depth series of events. Our main goal is to provide a two monthly meetups that directly relate to each other, providing introductory information and hands-on engagement. But we want to see if that aligns with your goals! We're going to dedicate our November meetup to a party of sorts to help us determine what it is you would like to know and learn... and how much you're willing to learn. Come for this pre-holiday party with food, fun, good folks and conversation! Email questions to Anna at anna@nten.org. Hope you can make it! ****************************************************************************** CONNECT ONLINE Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Net Squared, a product of Tech Soup, works to spur responsible adoption of social web tools by social benefit organizations. There's a whole new generation of online tools available ? tools that make it easier than ever before to collaborate, share information and mobilize support. These tools include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, podcasting, and more. Some people describe them as "Web 2.0"; we call them the social web, because their power comes from the relationships they enable. Portland 501 Tech Club - http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=gvb&igid=5273 The 501 Tech Club is a monthly gathering of people working on or interested in nonprofit technology in the Portland, OR Area. Our meetings are opportunities for anyone interested in helping nonprofits use technology to get together and talk shop in a fun, informal setting, and our name refers to the fact that most of us work primarily with and for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.2008-11-20 01:30:002008-11-06 05:21:10 :2008-11-20 03:30:00ndar Whether you call it strategic product development, technology forecasting, or something else, planning your company's technology evolution while also keeping an eye on technologies in your market is a critical capability. It supports developing successful technologies, gaining investor confidence, and successfully competing in the market. Come learn the basics from an experienced industry product developer who now teaches for PSU. Speaker Tugrul Daim, Ph.D., is a PSU faculty member in the Engineering Technology Management Department. Dr. Daim was a product manager at Intel for over a decade. He held management positions including technology planning, development and new product development. He is the co-director of technical activities and program co-chair of Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Daim's work is published in more than ten technology management journals. 2008-11-13 20:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/daim2008-11-05 22:35:12 92008-11-13 21:00:00 ~ create a facebook business page and link it to your status updates. * How to use ping.fm to automate your status updates across a variety of social networks * What social bookmarking is and how to integrate it into your website and blog * What passive marketing is and how to use it, but not abuse it. * How to avoid being a spammer and instead create genuine relationships with the people you work with. * Tools yW3E33JqLunch & Learn: Technology RoadmappingLunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Date: Thu, Nov 6th Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Location: Portland State Business Accelerator 2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97201 Cost: $10 for members $10 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/06/2008 Topic: Lunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Register for this Event Back to Event Cale' 3Q33JrBeaver Bar II2008-11-16 17:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCampII2008-11-05 15:36:06 =2008-11-17 06:00:00 \ ԡ?Ss3E333ProfesU;3O33Jrpdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-05 10:32:19 9;b՟2008-11-05 05:00:0033y33JrHOTLIPS Art Action Third Thursday Community Writing WorkshopsWHAT Join HOTLIPS Pizza and Write Around Portland every third Thursday morning this fall to experience the transformative power of writing in community. These workshops are perfect for the new writer and the seasoned writer. Start your day with breakfast pastries, coffee, tea and the written word. These workshops are a part of HOTLIPS Art Action, a series of events and artworks that express the working philosophy that sensory experiences enhance life, and that art, like pizza, is an irreducible ingredient for a healthy society. HOW Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, ``hat none of your clients or co-workers saw you at one of the multitude of Portland {G'3 33JrWestSide Polyglot ProgrammersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-11-25 03:00:002008-11-04 18:02:31 <2008-11-25 05:00:00S3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
    2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 22:31:18 =;b 2009-01-18 01:00:00 n this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra effort. We will cut through the mysteries and arm your company with simple strategies to succeed. With traditional media audiences rapidly declining, this class is a must for business owners. Speaker: Ryan Lewis Ryan Lewis is considered a leader in the social media marketing field. He has built marketing campaigns for small businesses, individuals; all the way to S3M33JsOMasterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

    Masterbacon is just such an event.
    2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 22:31:18;b 2009-01-18 01:00:00 =Y=nment based on Cocoa for Mac OS X.

    )0O;3E33JrPSU Internet Marketing ConferenceJoin us at Portland State University for a half-day Internet Marketing Conference with local experts, a site lab and networking event sponsored by SAO IPsig and SEMpdx. Registration fee is $55, which includes the evening event. Visit www.pdc.pdx.edu/imktg for more information and registration, or call 503 725-4820.
    Ticket Info: $55.00Buy Tickets
     2008-12-08 20:00:00http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/imktg2008-12-12 20:07:17 =;b=2008-12-09 04:00:00c/5G3O33JrDrinking and DrawingDrinking and Drawing is an evening of collaborative animation. ځ#. 3533Jq@Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-22 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:31 <;b2008-10-22 06:00:00 uu18|BԡoE333)ԡ95)3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: Wm Leler's Bertrand constraint languageA study/user group exploring the w!ԡ+G13/333Portland Perl Mongers - Google Summer of Code Update, Parrot/Perl6/Rakudo Update, Euler BenchSchwern will be out of town, so the meeti+)3?33JrStartup WorkoutStretch, strengthen and tone your startup muscles. Bring an idea to pitch to the group Friday evening, socialize and gather your team over coffee or drinks afterward. Start building your product Saturday and launch Sunday! We will have an attorney and a CPA with extensive startup experience available for either a short presentation or Q&A at some point(s) during the weekend. More info on the website. RSVP on Upcoming today! 2008-11-15 02:00:00http://startupworkout.com2008-11-04 04:29:12 ;g2008-11-17 02:00:00 $V), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving[ G3O33JrRuby: pdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-04 01:26:56 9;b՟2008-11-05 05:00:00F [3333JrPLUG: LANs, iptables, routing, and moreKirk Harr will speak on "LANs, iptables, routing, and more"2008-11-07 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2008-11-03 19:51:06 ;r2008-11-07 05:00:00J 73;33JqPortland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. 2008-11-05 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-11-03 19:28:14 9Jr2008-11-05 05:00:00X 93O33JqRuby: November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-03 19:28:13 9;bZJr2008-11-05 05:00:00City Hall, Council Chambers, 1221 Southwest Fourth Avenue

    RSVP: info@RecyclingAdvocates.org

    Countries as diverse as Ireland, China, Bangladesh, Uganda and South Africa have all passed laws that in some way restrict the free distribution of plastic check-out bags and many more are currently considering it. Closer to home, last year San Francisco became the first major US city to pass a bill that will eventually ban all plastic bags from grocery stores and pharmacies. Los Angeles followed suit and Seattle's City Council voted to implement a 20-cent fee for plastic and paper bags at grocery, drug and convenience stores.

    Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams recently announced his plans to bring a resolution forward before the end of 2008 that will impose a fee on both paper and plastic check-out bags.

    What are the implications of the massive and widespread use of plastic and paper bae marketing performance. In addition, our esteemed panel Web Analytics experts, featuring Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified, and Ian Lurie, president and CEO of Portent Interactive, will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to how to improve you site's performance through an 'understanding' of Web Analytics. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranked within the search engines. Tips on Web site analytics, keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. For more information and to purchase tickets, please click here. Portland, OR 97205 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 5:30 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/b/e/d/event_1451245.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-12 01:30:00http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-03 16:23:10 :V;b 2008-11-12 03:30:00mization Meetups > The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group Web Analytics... Do you know what you are looking at? Join us Tuesday, November 11th, 2008, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking, search marketing education and dinner. Please note that you need to purchase tickets for this event. According to the Web Analytics Association, the definition of 'web analytics' is the following: The measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage. While the lion-share of this definition is fairly straight forward, its the 'understanding' part that is the difference between just having a Web site, and having a Web site surpass your marketing goals. Join SEMpdx for an engaging Hot Seat centered on the topic Web Analytics... Do You Know What You Are Looking At? You'll learn the most current fundamentals and best practices for understanding how an effective Web Analytics strategy can benefit your online marketing performance. In addition, our esteemed panel Web Analytics experts, featuring Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified, and Ian Lurie, president and CEO of Portent Interactive, will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to how to improve you site's performance through an 'understanding' of Web Analytics. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranked within the search engines. Tips on Web site analytics, keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. For more information and to purchase tickets, please click here. Portland, OR 97205 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 5:30 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/b/e/d/event_1451245.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-12 01:30:00http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-03 16:22:23 =;b 2008-11-12 03:30:00mization Meetups > The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group Web Analytics... Do you know what you are looking at? Join us Tuesday, November 11th, 2008, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking, search marketing education and dinner. Please note that you need to purchase tickets for this event. According to the Web Analytics Association, the definition of 'web analytics' is the following: The measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage. While the lion-share of this definition is fairly straight forward, its the 'understanding' part that is the difference between just having a Web site, and having a Web site surpass your marketing goals. Join SEMpdx for an engaging Hot Seat centered on the topic Web Analytics... Do You Know What You Are Looking At? You'll learn the most current fundamentals and best practices for understanding how an effective Web Analytics strategy can benefit your onlin ^ consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, WordCamp is for you. WordCamp Portland will be held at CubeSpace on September 27th. You can head over to the Agenda page to check oul 'K3a33JrNovember 2008 Hot Seat - Web Analytics... Do You Know What You're Looking At?Search Engine OptiАl'K3a33JrNovember 2008 Hot Seat - Web Analytics... Do You Know What You're Looking At?Search Engine OptiҌ3w33JrYour Blog - you built it, now how do you get those readers to show up?Entrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Note - as of Nov. 1, OTBC is at a new location, so be sure to check out our new address! The Program You're writing a weblog or other social networking website. That's good! But who's reading? How do you know? How did they find you? And how do you encourage more people to read it? At this lunch and learn, two experienced bloggers will discuss tips on driving traffic to your blog, and tips on ho yvԡsMq333OGI MST New Student Info Sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=2218200ԡE/3]333Cre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference with a creative twist--it is for creative industries professionals. Registration required.

    Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the web site for more information.

    To see photos from the last Cre8Camp, click here.
    2008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-28 20:34:242009-05-14 14:01:58 ?;b2008-11-15 23:00:00w to monitor who is reading your blog and how those readers found you. This event was inspired by a well attended, similarly titled session at Side Project to Startup. The Panel Rick Turoczy publishes the Silicon Florist, a popular local blog that covers web 2.0 and open source startups in the Portland area. Rick is also a writer for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. Wm Leler is the CEO of ZAT, and a coach at OTBC. A few months ago, Wm started the political humor blog Political Irony.com. Location OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Beaverton, OR 97005 Time 11:45am Networking noon -1pm Program Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-11 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-03 16:19:24 <;b 2008-11-11 22:00:00 BB&Kn!iۋs]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1020710/2008-10-28 17:01:502008-10-28 17:01:502008-10-28 17:01:51iۋr]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1100706/2008-10-28 16:58:402008-10-28 16:58:392008-10-28 16:58:41iۋq]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1168203/2008-10-28 167ԡk?o3'333FundingUniverse LivePitchWhat: LivePitch & Networking Event Who: Entrepreneurs looking for feedback, entrepreneur community, angel investors, venture capitalists & service providers When: Tuesday September 9, 2008 Venue: Offices of Stoel Rives (900 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 2600, Portland) Time: 9 am - 10:30 am Cost to Present (only 5 companies selected): $25 application fee, $75 presentation fee (if selected) Application Deadline: Wednesday September 3, 2008 Cost to Attend as Spectator: FREE!2008-09-09 16:00:00http://www.fundinguniverse.com/services/339/440/portland-livepitch-event.html2008-08-28 22:32:402008-08-28 22:32:40 <2008-09-09 17:30:00 4 g j l k M \ m s p w } y ~  ԡ@[3 333Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Install PartyCelebrate the release of Ubuntu 8.10, the Intrepid Ibex. Get a copy of the .iso file without waiting for the long download. Get a burned CD or burn one of your own and pass on the free software love. Get installation help and talk to local linux experts.
    2008-11-01 22:00:002008-10-28 15:56:482008-10-28 15:58:33 :H;b2008-11-02 01:00:00Eԡ?Kw3%333Young Professionals of PortlandJoin in for some great social & professional networking at the brand new Blitz Ladd. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail or two while checking out the new spot decked with 50 high def plasmas, shuffleboard, pool tables, and lots of great food.
    2008-10-29 00:00:00http://youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp?f=eventdetail.asp&e=2592008-10-28 08:35:152008-10-28 15:50:34 =;b2008-10-29 03:00:00his field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. How to Register To register, please click on the box in the left hand corner at the top of this page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. The seminar will be held in Room 407 in the Wilson Clark Center, on the OGI campus. The Wilson Clark Center is Building #3 on the OGI Campus Map. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-ABPMP-0925 Dates/Times: Thursday, Sep. 25, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (6:15-6:30pm networking; 6:30-7:30pm Presentation) Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center (building #3 on campus map), Room 407 Course Fee: $0 Course Includes: 6:15-6:30pm Networking 6:30-7:30pm Presentation 7:30-7:45pm QA It doesn't mention anything about pizza, though. Bogus.2008-09-26 01:15:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24022008-11-22 00:31:14 <2008-09-26 02:45:00Othe place of open source software in Chinese technology, as well as what's different and what's the same about open source in China and the West. It also will provide some insights into Intel's focus in open source and China.

    Dirk is Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel, which he joined in 2001. Dirk has been an active contributor to Linux since 1991. Prior to his work at Intel, he was CTO of SuSE Linux AG, a driver of the XFree86 project, and Unix Architect at Deutsche Bank. Dirk has a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Würzburg, Germany.

    Intel, the world's largest microprocessor company, is a driver of open source development to accelerate adoption and end user benefits from Intel products. Intel's current focus includes open source projects in areas suchw to monitor who is reading your blog and how those readers found you. This event was inspired by a well attended, similarly titled session at Side Project to Startup. The Panel Rick Turoczy publishes the Silicon Florist, a popular local blog that covers web 2.0 and open source startups in the Portland area. Rick is also a writer for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. Wm Leler is the CEO of ZAT, and a coach at OTBC. A few months ago, Wm started the political humor blog Political Irony.com. Location OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Beaverton, OR 97005 Time 11:45am Networking noon -1pm Program Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-11 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-03 16:17:41 =;b 2008-11-11 22:00:00 kkdetached single-family homeRԡcC3]333Portland Ten Lunch 2.0 at NedSpace Old TownPortland Ten , Stoel Rives , FundingUniverse , and NedSpace are hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 on August 26, 2009 at NedSpace in Old Town. From 12:00 to 12:45, there will be a livepitch session , which is free for anyone to watch. I'm to3w33JrYour Blog - you built it, now how do you get those readers to show up?Entrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Note - as of Nov. 1, OTBC is at a new location, so be sure to check out our new address! The Program You're writing a weblog or other social networking website. That's good! But who's reading? How do you know? How did they find you? And how do you encourage more people to read it? At this lunch and learn, two experienced bloggers will discuss tips on driving traffic to your blog, and tips on hoڠ2{{3q33JrOHSU Technology Commercialization Seminar: Reshaping Consumer Health Behavior Throgs? Doesn't Oregon do a good job with recycling them? How does Commissioner Adams' proposal compare to Seattle's or San Francisco's? Why aren’t we proposing an outright ban? How will grocery stores and consumers handle the fee? Where do compostable bags fit into the equation? Now that Portland is considering a solution, when can the rest of Oregon expect the same? The panel includes:

    · David Allaway, Waste Prevention Specialist, Oregon DEQ

    · Tom Watson, King County Recycling Specialist and Seattle-Times Eco-consumer columnist

    · Sam Adams, Portland City Commissioner and Mayor-Elect

    · Brian Rohter, CEO, New Seasons Market

    This forum is FREE and open to the public.

    Please be sure to RSVP to info@RecyclingAdvocates.org
    2008-09-23 01:30:00http://recyclingadvocates.org/2008-09-04 00:09:222008-09-04 23:45:21 ;;b֔2008-09-23 04:00:00ncluding Healthline, a pioneer in medically-guided Internet search and information therapy. Prior to Definity, Chris spent 12 years in executive level brand management positions with The Pillsbury Company, Health Valley Foods, and Dreyer's & Edy's Grand Ice Cream. Chris and his teams developed dozens of leading brands under the Pillsbury, Green Giant, Health Valley, Starbucks, M&M and Godiva equities. Chris holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Occidental College. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-HCM-1111 Dates/Times: Tuesday, November 11, 6:00 PM Pizza, soft drinks, networking; 7:00 PM Presentation Location: Clark Center (building #3 on campus map) Course Fee: $0 2008-11-12 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24222008-11-03 16:11:33 <2008-11-12 04:00:007-30 20:41:31 @P2009-08-27 00:00:00peaker Bio Chris Delaney is the Chief Executive of Insignia Health, a Portland based company founded in 2006 through the technology transfer from the University of Oregon of the Patient Activation Measure and related intellectual property. Prior to Insignia, Chris was part of the founding group and Chief Marketing Officer for Definity Health. Definity, which was acquired by United HealthGroup at the close of 2004, pioneered account based HSA and HRA health benefit designs, as well as a number of Web innovations, including data-driven personalized messaging and cost and quality transparency. After leaving Definity in February, 2005, Chris became a founding partner of the Sequoi Group, a consultancy specializing in consumer-driven healthcare and the emerging role of the consumer across the healthcare system. Sequoi worked with a host of Fortune 500 companies to develop capabilities supportive of greater consumer engagement in their health. Chris has served as an advisor to various healthcare companies, iatient Activation Measure (PAM), developed by Dr. Judy Hibbard and colleagues at the University of Oregon, was designed to assess the quintessential and largely untapped dimension of self-management competency. Research worldwide has validated the measurement power of the PAM, and the ability to use the PAM and its related body of behavioral insights, to render care and support with greater effectiveness and efficiency. In this session Chris Delaney, CEO of Insignia Health, will discuss the Patient Activation Measure from its development in academia to its commercialization through the work of Insignia Health. Learn about the formation of a company through the support of technology transfer at the University of Oregon, the development of a product portfolio designed to activate consumers in their health, and the growth of a company whose clients now include more than 30 leading organizations, including Johns Hopkins Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, OHSU/Health Future, Providence, AstraZeneca and CareOregon. Sugh Measurement and Tailored AdvocacyThis free seminar is sponsored by the Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute (OCTRI), OHSU Division of Management, and the Oregon Bioscience Association. It is part of an ongoing series focusing on commercialization of health and bioscience research. To register for this seminar, please check the box in the upper left hand corner of this Web page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumers hold the keys to the healthcare kingdom. Whether one turns to data from the Centers for Disease Control, advocacy organizations such as the American Cancer Society or from published research in the New England Journal of Medicine, one finding resounds--more than 70% of what drives our health status is the result of the choices we make. Even when health is genetically predisposed there remain the choices we make to express this disposition. The P chael Mandiberg "FAIL, WIN!, FTW? Three Creative Commons Case Studies" Michael Mandiberg is known for selling all of his possessions online on Shop Mandiberg, making perfect copies of copies onnK+3M33JrComputers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of modern computer science some sixty years ago, we are building computers in more or less the same way. Silicon electronics serves as a physical substrate, the von Neumann architecture provides a computer design model, while the abstract Turing machine concept supports the theoretical foundations. That is changing: in recent years, unimagined computing substrates have seen the light because of advances in synthetic biology, nanotechnology, material science, and neurobiology. A grand challenge consists in developing computer architectures, computing paradigms, design methodo working with open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning meeting on November 6th at OTBC's new location in The Round (next to the Beaverton Transit Center). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into small working groups to start tackling the event planning needs. If you can, bring an audio or video recorder to help document the discussion. Whether or not you'll be attending, you can join our mailing lists to receive announcements and join in the planning discussion: osbridge-announce, low traffic announcement list for events like this one! osbridge-discuss, possibly high traffic list for discussing anything related to the conference! You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en Tags2008-11-06 21:00:00http://bridgepdx.org2008-11-02 21:00:37 <2008-11-06 22:00:00aufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, February 1st at 2 pm. The performance is held a block from the ART stage, at the Blue Room of the Scottish Rite Temple.

    Ticket Info: $35 regular, $22.40 students
    Buy Tickets
    2009-02-01 22:00:00http://www.artistsrep.org/box-office/fertile-ground/vitriol--violets.aspx2009-02-01 11:46:372009-05-22 18:05:18 >;bד2009-02-02 00:00:00 !!esday, August 11th – [});3O33JrWordstock 2008Wordstock Book Fair At The Portland Convention Center, 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM The Wordstock Book Fair is the centerpiece of the festival. All of the readings and panels at the festival will occur at the fair, and it is where all of our exhibitors booths will be displayed. You can click on the Saturday and Sunday schedules at left to see when your favorite authors will be performing, as well as when the various panel discussions. Tickets to the Book Fair are $5, and can be purchased at this site or at the door. Children 17 and under are free. Other events during the week of Wordstock include: Thursday, November 6th Wordstock Superstar Poetry Slam Competition At The Bagdad Theatre, 3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 9:00 PM Sponsored by Portland Monthly magazine Thursday, November 6th Literary Arts Presents: W.S. Merwin 2008-11-08 18:00:00http://www.wordstockfestival.com/2008-11-01 18:37:33 9;b2008-11-10 02:00:00exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP on Upcoming so that we have a general headcount . Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email.2009-06-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-05-21 04:51:382009-06-13 21:14:54 9;bQJv2009-06-24 03:30:000 17:41:312008-10-30 17:42:48 9;b2008-11-06 01:30:00all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to network with other Flickr users with similar interests. A sample of topics to be discussed: - Flickr's contacts features explained - how to find the best photos on Flickr - all about Explore, what it is and tips for getting noticed - how to make sure your contacts see your best photos - finding relevant communities to contribute and interact - driving traffic to your Flickr stream, via Flickr - sharing your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to ..8A?3;333“I D.5Q3m33Calagator CodeSprintJoin us to work on Calagator, yay!2008-01-19 12:16:10http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54#173u33Calagator Ski TripIt's only a day away.2009-12-12 10:00:00http://www.allmusicals.com/lyrics/annie/tomorrow.htm2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:540 3U33RainIt's probably going to rain. Enjoy the weather while it's nice.2009-12-13 10:00:00http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0319262/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54/I533IOld EventAlready happened.Fri Dec 11 00:00:00 -0800 2009http://foo.com/event2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54Fri Dec 11 12:00:00 -0800 20090'9IE33IOngoing EventIt's going on all weekFri Dec 11 01:00:00 -0800 2009http://foo.com/ongoing_event2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54Mon Dec 14 00:00:00 -0800 2009q13;33Web 2.0 Conference2007-10-05 07:00:00http://www.web2con.com/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54 [[HԡrWi3]33ԡY53333Beer and Blog: Eye of the Social StormPortland, Oregon 97214 Get Directions There's a lot going on this Friday. Have you noticed? I've laid it all out the who/what/when/where of the very busy schedule of May 22nd, including our own: What the Shit? featuring the dramatic reading of tweets (starting at 5pm). I've even provided a helpful google map to help you make as many of these awesome events as possible. http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-storm/ I will be there, and am hoping to hear one of my tweets read with such melodrama that would put Wm. Shatner to shame. What a compliment that would be! Hope to see you, my fellow beer-n-bloggers, at least once on Friday. Shouldn’t be too hard, from the looks of things!2009-05-22 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-storm/2009-05-20 18:26:402009-05-21 05:26:56 ; 2009-05-23 01:00:00eative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. 5:45p - Doors open at The Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design Shop - 722 NW Couch St (note this is different from the main AI campus) 6:00p - Presentations and Q&A 7:00p - Social hour at Someday Lounge - two blocks away at 125 NW 5th Ave (happy hour until 8pm) This month’s speakers: John Cross Neumann - Industrial Designer at Intel's People and Practices group Carrie Atkinson - founder of Sock It To Me Socks Student presenter to be announced 2009-05-28 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-05-26 04:28:592009-05-26 04:28:59 ?2009-05-28 02:00:00ors CRC card modeling basics and when a responsibility model can help Control centers and collaboratio SSve & Thrive in the Downturn? You can also RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605 Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to explore new ways of coming together and learning from each other to survive & thrive in this time of economic uncertainty. &ԡ]3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and TacticsJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately. While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://seotraining.eventsbot.com/ 2009-06-17 23:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:54:332009-05-25 16:54:33 ;2009-06-18 00:00:00er analytics on historical tick data? Join us at this free 60 minute webinar on addressing sources of trading platform latency featuring John Barr of the 451 Group. Learn how two US hedge funds are driving exceptional 5X faster trade execution performance including certified messaging without jitter, and 17X faster tick data analytics, all without changes to trading applications. John Barr, Research Director, Financial Markets at 451 Group will detail the technology that is eliminating latency across the platform, creating an arbitrage opportunity. RNA networks will highlight innovations in memory virtualization that will dramatically improve your performance without requiring changes to your existing trading system.2009-06-03 17:00:00http://www.rnanetworks.com/news/events/41-events/226-webinar-addressing-trade-platform-bottlenecks2009-05-26 21:38:342009-05-27 20:35:02 >I2009-06-03 18:00:0000y Mac laptops.2008-03-21 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-04-03 18:59:592008-06-18 13:20:00 ; ;bՂ Speaker: Isaac Potoczny-Jones Everyone has heard the stories about the iPhone's App Store and the success some developers are finding selling iPhone applications. What people know less about is Google's Android Market which started allowing people to sell applications in February. Learn about the similarities and difference between the Android Market and the iPhone App Store. Take a look at what's selling and the opportunities that will come as more Android-based handsets reach the market. About Isaac Isaac is a Haskell hacker, cyclist, Android hacker, and employee of Galois, Inc in Portland, OR. He has a few apps on the Android Market and is involved in the OpenIntents project. Isaac will share his experience trying to sell applications on the Marketplace, the challenges involved, and where the opportunities lie.2009-05-27 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2736090/2009-05-26 15:55:282009-05-26 15:55:28 9;bV2009-05-27 01:00:00 *t-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP rvԡ k3Q333Webinar: Eliminate Trading Platform BottlenecksWant 5x faster trade execution? 17x fastԡu3]333Mobile Portland: The Android Market -- Google's App Store AlternativeNOTE: Moved to Tuesday because of Memorial Day 2ԡ[3[333Coroflot.com Creative Employment ConfabEvery creative professional is looking for great work. Every creative organization is looking for great people. This event matches these two groups for an intense 3 hour networking and recruiting event focused on making productive connections, and hiring and retaining outstanding creative workers. The afternoon centers on a moderated panel discussion focusing on strategies for hiring top creative talent, and for getting yourself hired into these roles. PANELISTS Kirk James Creative Director, Cinco Design Nick Oakley Head of Industrial Design, Mobility Group, Intel Beth Sasseen Senior Design Recruiter, Nike Chelsea Vandiver Head of Communications Design Group, Ziba Design A cocktail reception will immediately follow the presentation and the remainder of the afternoon will be an open format. Mid- and senior-level designers, creative directors, recruiters, and other professionals in the product design, apparel, branding, and interaction design fields are encouraged to attend. Scheduling, registration and ticketing details can be found at the Creative Confab page at Coroflot.com.2009-06-11 21:30:00http://www.coroflot.com/creativeconfab/2009-05-26 04:43:422009-06-05 21:52:55 ?2009-06-12 01:00:00 ^W5wԡ.A1333OEN New Member Orientationhttp://www.oen.org2007-08-29 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:51;b`ԡ-Oq333OGI: Becoming an EfԡK]c3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers May MeetingThe May Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-05-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2565259/2009-05-03 22:24:202009-05-03 22:26:15 9;b52009-05-28 04:00:00 ffI)eԡ(7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-08-29 00:30:002ԡDMg3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.

    SinԡJ%3Q333UX Book ClubInterested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's second UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday June 23. For this session, we're reading "Mental Models" by Indi Young: www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/mental-models/ Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-05-03 01:14:392009-08-30 14:27:292009-06-24 03:30:00 , kԡw7{333OHF Annual ConcԡCE3E333OEN: When Your Customers can't Live Without You with Author Stewart EmeryToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewart Emery co-author of the critically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? – an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Consulta /hԡ!YS333SCORE: Nuts & Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-27 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b` ԡ 1g333SWE Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-26 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`{ԡg333SWE}ԡH1Q3_333Cre8camp CorvallisCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals. It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees.2009-05-16 17:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampCorvallis2009-05-02 00:25:212009-05-02 00:25:21 ?2009-05-16 22:00:00>ԡFg3s333DorkbotPDX Pure Data Workshop - (1 of 3) - Introduction to PdDorkbotPDX introduces free Pure Data workshop series We are excited to announce a new workshop series devoted to Pure Data (Pd). http://puredata.info. "Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM." Pure Data is free [FLOSS] software - meaning there is no charge for the download and it is open source, (free/libre). It runs wonderfully on Mac, Linux, Windows - so bring any laptop. Come with Pd-extended installed if possible - otherwise come a little early for installation assistance. The workshop is free as well! We will will be doing several workshops starting from the ground up - and ranging topics as advanced as there is interest for. Workshop One will be held May 17th. No prior Pd or programming knowledge is required, but expect to leave with functional knowledge of how to use Pd. The outline in progress can be found here: http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/pd_workshop_2009_outline. But we want to hear from you! We'd love to get a rough idea of how many people are interested in attending. Do you use Pd? Do you use similar commercial software like Max/MSP? Are you interested in learning Pd? Why? What are some of your ideas? Pd is an incredibly open-ended platform so we're trying to get an idea of where the majority's (if there is a majority) interests lie.... Physical Interfaces for music? Live DSP? Generative composition? Video? Dance? Robotic cat toys? Feedforward most welcome! Bring a laptop with Pd-extended installed, if possible. Otherwise come a little early for installation help! http://puredata.info. Seating is limited to about 35, so please rsvp at http://dorkbotpdx.org/pd_rsvp or email jason@noisybox_net or coldham@mac_com. * When: May 17th, 2009 * Where: PNCA room 205 (Portland, OR) * Time: 1-5pm 2009-05-17 20:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/pd_workshop_2009_outline2009-05-01 04:42:262009-05-01 16:13:30 ;s2009-05-18 00:00:00 `_`H5IGԡ*[3s333Music and The Mind: How They CxԡEi/3?333PDMA: Product Strategies for Today’s EconomyThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its May Learning Event; Product Strategies for Today’s Economy: Lessons from the Front Lines. Three Directors will discuss what it’s like to be on the front lines of product development and management during the recession. Each will share insights into how their companies are adapting to new challenges and new opportunities. Learn, share, collaborate, network and have fun! $20 at the door ($10 for members or students with ID) Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine 2009-05-22 00:30:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-04-30 18:13:242009-05-01 16:15:16 ?/2009-05-22 02:30:00ԡDW[3O333Why do I need social networking for my business? Yes you can you can do it less than one hour a week?Bravo Portland, Association of Bridal Consultants, Imagine Your Reality Business and Writing Coaching, and Black Belt Business Solutions Present: Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour a week. Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don't come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it's important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. Hew will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class, you will learn: What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it's important to be on these sites or some of them. How to get clients and business from these sites. How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. What a status bar is and why it's a good idea to update it regularly. How these sites can be used to obtain recommendations and testimonials from your clients. The do's and don'ts of Social networking and how to maintain a professional profile on each site. Taylor will not only explain, but also demonstrate the benefits of social networks, and show you how you can attract more clients to your business. Date: Thursday, May 7th 2009 Time: 11:30am to 2pm Price: $35.00 per person (Special pricing due to sponsors listed at the top) Location: Bravo Conference Room, 630B Street Lake Oswego, or 97035 To register call Denise from Bravo @ 503-675-1380 or email: denise@bravoportland.com Check and credit cards only please, when rsvping.2009-05-07 18:30:00http://www.imagineyourreality.com2009-04-30 06:28:362009-07-30 23:12:04 @E2009-05-07 21:00:00 33es sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.

    Dave Jarecki founded Breakerboy Communications to provide strategic messaging, copy and grant writing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Writing workshops started in 2005. He likes working with kids because they're smarter and funnier than adults. Recently, a student in one of his workshops said, I have three weekends between now and next Sunday.

    Sadie Medley has her finger in a whole bunch of pies. By day, she is a fFԡMIE3]333Mobile Love, Android Style #12Android, the mobile phone operating system from Google. Talk about hardware news, software updates, cool new applications, and meet local android enthusiasts and developers. Also this month we'll be giving away a pass to Open Source Bridge. (see www.opensourcebridge.org)2009-05-12 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2413685/2009-05-04 00:00:402009-05-04 00:00:40 ; ;b72009-05-12 02:00:00 olitan region.Under David's leadership as Council President, the Metro Council has undertaken new initiatives to preserve natural areas and pro\ԡN 3q333Portland Pythoneers: Distributed Version Control System ShowcasePython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-13 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-04 11:33:352009-05-07 15:43:20 9;b92009-05-13 04:00:00 re, structure, and politics - can be modeled as the fundamental components of an integrated, interdependent system that, in effect, represents or surrounds the working environment. This presentation offers a conceptual overview of the cultural, structural, political (CuSP) model, with a deeper examination of the cultural aspects. A selection of thinking tools are provided that can be used to gain a deeper level of understanding of the cultural forces inherent in the working environment. Greater understanding leads to an improved ability to detect, manage, and influence the direction of these forces to better enable and drive software process impr^ԡ{}3 333PicnicIts Sunday and that means another twitter picnic (aka twicnic). Look for the usual crowd close to the river. Oak's Bottom wildlife refuge is next door and has a fun trail through the refuge. Bring any toys (frisbee, etc) and food you might want.2009-05-17 19:00:002009-05-16 18:42:582009-05-16 18:43:17 ;2009-05-17 23:00:00, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-14 21:54:102009-05-21 21:56:12 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00   ffort to connect developers working with open source. We're kicking things off with a town hall discussion and planning meeting on October 30th, 7:30pm at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into YԡyC 3I333Digital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
    Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-05-15 21:48:252009-07-23 19:07:24 >2009-08-01 23:00:00s to a half-hour version of his DrupalCon DC Presentation, Drupal Beyond the Web.

    Modules 101

    Each meeting, we want to feature one or two brief presentations (no more than 15 minutes, including questions), highlighting an optional core or contributed module, what it's good for, and any special considerations or tricky configuration issues it has. The idea is to introduce people who are new to Drupal, as well as experienced Drupal users, to solid and useful drupal add-ons. If you're interested in presenting this month, let us know which module by replying.

    Workflow, Actions, and Triggers

    Melissa Anderson will present a brief summary of a site using Workflow, Workflow Required Fields, Actions, and Triggers to create complex electronic form routing. After that, she'll demonstrate how to build a simplified version of the use case.

    2009-05-14 01:00:002009-05-13 20:54:492009-05-13 20:55:41 =2009-05-14 03:00:0008-10-29 03:17:17 92008-11-06 03:30:00  '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” potential employers. Prԡԡԡԡԡ(ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡzԡ|ԡxԡtԡvԡpԡmԡiԡh"ԡwIU3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupHere is the agenda for Monday May 25th. 12:00 - 12:30 - Round table: 1) Introductions 2) Successes of the past week 3) Events in coming week(s) 4) Job postings 12:30 - 13:15 - Theme of the week - TBD 13:15 - 13:30 - Networking This is a weekly event and is open to all. We try to keep a similar format each week but change the key topic. There is a PDX Job Search Group on LinkedIn too. 2009-06-01 19:00:002009-05-14 20:49:522009-05-19 16:40:00 ?2009-06-01 20:30:00 XXrequent consultant for animated films and special effects projects for studi\ԡvII3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupHere is the agenda for Monday May 18th. 12:00 - 12:30 - Round table: 1) Introductions 2) Successes of the past week 3) Events in coming week(s) 4) Job postings 12:30 - 13:15 - Theme of the week - Recruiters - Who is using whom? - Opinions & comments 13:15 - 13:30 - Networking This is a weekly event and is open to all. We try to keep a similar format each week but change the key topic. There is a PDX Job Search Group on LinkedIn too.2009-05-18 19:00:002009-05-14 20:42:462009-05-14 20:45:54 ?2009-05-18 20:30:00>ԡuw3]333Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug) - CANCELED This month is canceled due to lack of participation as result of spring fever and sunny weather :) Website: http://pdpug.org2009-05-27 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2677124/2009-05-14 13:54:552009-05-26 21:04:40 <;bL2009-05-27 02:30:00Go do that voodoo that you do so well.” Today’s business environment forces us to build multi-disciplinary teams, compiling a diverse group of skills and experiences to handle the many facets of the technical, business, and user requirements. In his usual entertaining and insightful manner, Jared will talk about what it takes to build a design team that meets today’s needs. He’ll demonstrate how successful Experience Design: * Must integrate the needs of the users with the requirements of the business * Is learned, but not available through introspection * Must be invisible to succeed * Is cultural * Is multi-discplinary * Thrives best in an “educate and administrate” environment You’ll see examples of designs from Apple’s iPod, Netflix, the Mayo Clinic, and Southwest Airlines, to name a few.2009-05-22 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2564279/2009-05-13 22:41:502009-10-26 03:06:18 A;b42009-05-22 02:30:00 XLxԡRC!3s333Portland Python Users GroupThe Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon. Next Meeting * When: Tuesday, November 11th 2008 at 7pm * Where: CubeSpace, SE Grand * What: o Perhaps more of what's New in 2.6 and 3.0? o list topics you would like to discuss here 2008-11-12 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2008-10-28 22:18:542008-10-28 22:18:54 92008-11-12 05:ԡr33 333Drupal Users MeetupDrupal Beyond the Web

    Justin Miller will treat ueԡq'?3K333Beer and BlogI love being the Portland Chapter Beer and Blog Provost. I LOVE IT. I really, real OO. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the f"ԡq 3+333PDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Online StorytellingAction is at the heart of what our organizations do. But how do you convince that anonymous person behind a computer screen to make a commitment? You make them think, feel and care. And the best way to do that is to connect them your organization by telling them a story. Roger Burks, Senior Writer, Mercy Corps. will explore how to write compelling, memorable stories that get people to take action and keep them engaged. Roger, originally, presented this material at the 2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference (http://nten.org/ntc) in April. We extend a special invite to other folks who attended the NTC to share their stories from the conference. We invite all to join us for this important discussion on a crucial part of nonprofits' online strategies. Roger Burks is senior writer for Mercy Corps, a global relief and development agency. Over the course of a= who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on whatkԡows3S333PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)This session will survey a few PostgreSQL tuning parameters and their effects on the OLTP workload DBT-2. -- PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was develope eeing your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
    -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
    -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
    -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one with a Web server and a pԡnag3G33319th IEEE Symposium on Computer ArithmeticThe 19th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA in summer 2009. The event will open at 9am on Monday June 8th with an invited keynote talk by Dr. David Shaw, founder and Chief Scientist of D. E. Shaw Research. The main part of the symposium will consist of peer-reviewed technical presentations on all aspects of computer arithmetic. The scientific program will conclude at midday on Wednesday June 10th, followed by a lunch cruise on the Willamette River.2009-06-08 16:00:00http://www.ac.usc.es/arith19/2009-05-12 02:22:352009-05-12 02:22:35 ?2009-06-11 03:30:00 oach to Version Control Implementation speaker: Jason Dagit LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: This will be a talk about Darcs and type safe manipulations of changes: Darcs is based on a data model, known as Patch Theory, that sets it apart from other version control systems. The power of this data model is that it allows Darcs to manage significant complexity with a relatively straightforward user interface. We show that Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) can be used to express several fundamental invariants and properties derive_ԡ93c333How to use Linkedin and Biznik to promote your business and automate your time on themHow to use Linkedin and Biznik to promote your business When: Tuesday April 21st 2009 6-8:30pm Where: 1562 Se Tacoma St. Portland or 97206 Cost: $75.00 RSVP: imagineyourreality@gmail.com or 503-869-0163 Linkedin and Biznik are two of the  hped in NYU's Interactive Telecommunications graduate program, in order to explore what happens when games are removed from their "little world" of tabletops, televisions and computers and placed in the larger "real world" of street corners, and cities.

    A player dressed as Pac-man will run around the Washington square park area of Manhattan while attempting to collect all of the virtual "dots" that run the length of the streets. Four players dressed as the ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde will attempt to catch Pac-man before all of the dots are collected.

    Using cell-phone contact, Wi-Fi internet connections, and custom software designed bԡ#-39333Dorkbot PDXregular meeting.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2009-04-13 22:08:122009-04-13 22:08:12 :2009-04-14 03:00:00 ԡ-g3]333OMSI Science PubOMSI Science Pub Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Taking Flight at PDX: From Runways to Ai ||#w}ԡeI33333Agile Pub Lunch sponsored by XPDX & APLN-PDXCasual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun. * If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one) * If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches * If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach * If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment * If you're curious about any the above *Come on over for lunch.* We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc.2009-06-05 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-04-13 22:08:552009-04-18 19:08:40 ;42009-06-05 22:00:00r Traffic Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub, come find out about these and other aspects of commercial aviation, including the physics of flight, sound propagation, and airport operations. Chris Corich is General Manager of Long Range Planning and Noise, and a 16-year veteran at PDX. When: Science Pub Portland is the last Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Come early for food, drink, and to get a seat! Please Note: Science Pub Portland now has a suggested cover charge of $2.00 (If that's a hardship for you, please come anyway!)2009-04-29 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373653/2009-04-13 21:41:232009-04-14 21:01:21 <;b!2009-04-29 04:00:00the Portland Urban Iditarod in previous years. The Lotus Room is a great space with a dark wood 'real bar' feel - and those of us who got food here during the Goth Pub Crawl were really impressed, if you're up for some dinner as well. They're excited to have us, and will be doing a drinks special just for the Mingler - details to be updated nearer to the time. If this is your first MiPL event, feel free to come find me or anyone wearing a Welcome Wagon button when you arrive - we'll be looking out for new faces too. MiPL folks are a really friendly bunch, so don't be shy about introducing yourself! Incidentally - admittedly “Mingler” may sound a bit like it’s a singles’ mixer - but it most assuredly is not! This and all other events are for meeting people and making friends, so whether you’re single, coupled, married - you’re very, very welcome.2009-04-24 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374729/2009-04-13 21:41:182009-04-13 21:41:18 ?7;b 2009-04-24 06:00:00 ,,g1ԡ='3]333Meet In Portland minglerEvery month MiPL has a "Mingler" evening which is just for hanging out at a bar, meeting new members and other MiPL friends. This is very relaxed, friendly and informal - so just come along for a drink or few and meet new people -- because this is what it's all about! April's Mingler will be at the newly non-smoking Lotus Room! The recent MiPL Goth Pub Crawl stopped in here, as has  ԡ%w3]333OEN SwapMeetThe next OEN SwapMeet has been set for Thursday, April 30th, 5-7 PM, at the Someday Lounge. The OEN SwapMeet is a great event for making connections with a variety of folks and an opportunity for you to make introductions for your friends. So come to SwapMeet and bring a friend! The event is free, though the drinks are not. We hope to see you there!2009-05-01 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2293645/2009-04-13 21:41:072009-04-29 17:05:09 :;b2009-05-01 02:00:00 WWOԡn6ԡzc?33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentatiPԡC_3]333Portland Food Cart festivalWillamette Week's 2nd Annual EAT MOBILE: PORTLAND'S FOOD CART FESTIVAL Here's your chance to celebrate Portland's street-food scene and sample dishes from some of Willamette Week's favorite food carts all in one place–for the recession-busting price of $5. The event is on Saturday, April 18, from 5:30–9:30 pm, at the Disjecta space at 8371 N. Interstate Avenue, conveniently located near the Denver MAX stop. Dutch tacos, vegan milkshakes, Schnitzelwiches, Italian meatball sandwiches–Portland's street-food be has recently contributed AMF support to the Zend Framework, allowing PHP developers to easily build Rich Internet Applications using Flex and Adobe AIR that interact wiDԡ=M3]333Bright Lights discussionWhen: Monday, April 13, Gather at 5:30 p.m., Discussion at 6 p.m. Where: Jimmy Mak’s, 221 NW 10th Ave in the Pearl Cost: Free admission; No RSVP required Portland has built an admirable collection of public plazas, some world-renowned for their welcoming spirit and boundary-busting design. In celebration of the 25th birthday of Pioneer Courthouse Square, Bright Lights will host local landscape architect J. Douglas Macy and Ethan Kent of the New York–based nonprofit Project for Public Spaces for a critical look at Portland’s public spaces. Expect a lively debate about the role of design and events in creating successful public places.2009-04-14 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374702/2009-04-13 21:38:352009-04-14 00:07:49 ; ;b2009-04-14 02:00:00 scene has transcended the "roach coach" model and come into its own as a uniquely local gourmet movement with a side of ethnic flavor. These mobile kitchens turn out dishes that rival those of any brick-and-mortar restaurant, but faster and for less than $8. Only problem is, with upward of 170 carts in town, it's difficult to try them all. This year you'll enjoy samples from Al Forno Ferruzza, Altengartz Bratwurst, Cafe Velo, Fat Kitty Falafel, Flavour Spot, Garden State, Junior Ambassadors, Taqueria Los Gorditos, LeRoy's Familiar Vittles, Lulu's Confections, Moxie Rx, Nuevo Mexico, Sip, Soup Cycle, Tabor, The Grilled Cheese Grill and Todbott's Triangles. While you're at the event, drink BridgePort Beer and signature cocktails by House Spirits Distillery, and enjoy live music by local band Mimicking Birds. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps NW.2009-04-19 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2410326/2009-04-13 21:40:062009-04-13 21:40:06 ?5;b2009-04-19 04:30:00 Oregon ABSTRACT: This will be an informal talk and discussion on two topics: 1. A language for build systems Build systems are easy to start but hard to get right. We'll take the view of a language designer and look at where our current tools fall down in terms of safety/correctness and expressiveness. We'll then consider some very early ideas about what a build system language should look like and what properties it should have. Currently this takes the form of a design for a build DSL embedded in Haskell.`ԡ13]333Portland Art SparkApril 16th: MetroArts, Inc. @ the Armory Café at Portland Center Stage. Join us for a performance highlighting the talents of MetroArts, Inc. and Niel DePonte speaking about arts integration and the creative process for kids When: Every 3rd Thursday, 5- 7pm Where: Rotating Venues2009-04-17 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373197/2009-04-13 21:39:432009-04-14 00:03:17 9;b2009-04-17 02:30:00 bb2008 7-8:30 p.m. Milam Hall, Room 026 Alfred Lin is responsible for all financial, administrative, and warehouse operations of Zappos.com. Since 2005, he has brought focus, strategy, and financial discipline to help grow the business efficiently and profitably. In less than ten years, Zappos.com has matured from an upstart to the top Internet shoe seller that is forecasted to generate $1 billion in gross merchandise sales in 2008. The e-tailer stocks 3 million pairs of shoes, handbags, apparel, and accessories, specializing in some 1,000 brands that are difficult to find in mainstream sԡWY3]333Portland WordPress User Group MeetingWe'll be discussing your favorite WordPress tips and tricks. Aaron Hockley of Hockley Photography fame will be kicking things off with his favorites and then we'll open it up to everybody. Bring your best and share with the group!2009-04-17 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2412120/2009-04-13 19:47:372009-04-13 19:47:37 9;b2009-04-17 02:30:00 ww5 $^ԡX;333SEMpdx networking eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPa2ԡxG3g333Building a Brand that MattersThe Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series Building a Brand that Matters Alfred Lin COO, CFO and Chairman, Zappos.com Thursday, Oct 8ԡwCC3Q333Portland Fashion Week 2008 Welcoԡ%a3]333pdxmindsharepdxMindShare is a Portland, Oregon networking organization that specializes in connecting qualified professionals with interested companies through a weekly newsletter and a monthly networking event. Whether you're a business professional looking for a job, an employer looking for qualified candidates or just simply looking to enhance your career through networking, pdxMindShare is your resource. Join us for our monthly networking event at Paddy's Bar & Grill at 5:30 p.m.2009-04-16 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373634/2009-04-13 21:38:532009-04-14 00:03:30 ;a;b2009-04-16 02:30:00rmal group setting where you can network with your peers and meet the members of the recently formed PDMA executive team. Come and learn about the next 2 educational sessions and the plans for 2009. Where: Crowne Plaza – Lake Oswego 14811 SW Kruse Oaks Drive Portland, Oregon Details: * $10 in advance - http://www.pdma.org/oregon or $15 at the door. * Includes hors d'oeuvres and non-hosted Beer & Wine * Pricing is the same for members and non-members of the PDMA PDMA Oregon Chapter Our mission is to help marketing professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. We are extending our welcome to professionals whose expertise lies anywhere within the entire marketing/sales cycle. 2009-04-17 01:00:00http://www.pdma.org/oregon2009-04-13 04:42:552009-04-13 17:05:04 ?/2009-04-17 03:00:00osed to financial value—exist in a variety of industries, but they’re predominantly found in today’s ever-growing technology, software, and service industries. Almost every one of these businesses will transfer ownership at some point in time, the vast majority through an outright sale of the company. But those responsible for handling transactions involving companies with intangible value are often faced with a number of hard questions: How will the buyer perceive value? In which sectors can the best buyers be found? Can the right investment banker add value to the transaction? Myths regarding the sale of an intangible company are subtle. What we mean by myths in this context are the so-called truths that most people believe about the sale process. We'll examine why these myths are not true and illustrate how they can have a negative effect on the sale process.2009-04-23 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9828761/2009-04-13 02:00:302009-04-13 02:01:45 <2009-04-23 20:00:0000:00 uNԡKQ9333SIM: Strategies for Virtualizationhttp://www.simnet.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:18ԡG3 333InnoTech Lunch Tweetup/MeetupAll those going to Innotech - lets have a lunch meet up at Widmer Gasthaus. Getting to the Gasthaus is easy - just take the Expo Max Yellow line one stop up from the Convention center.2009-04-23 18:30:002009-04-13 16:06:092009-04-13 16:06:09 ?12009-04-23 20:00:00pԡ;K3A333April PDMA Social EventThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to present our 2nd Social Event in 2009! Join us in the Executive Lounge on the second floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in Lake Oswego. This third event follows the highly success March Panel session and provides a comfortable, info^ԡ Q_3s333OTBC: Merger and Acquisition MythsCompanies with strategic ("intangible") value—as oppnd will be running April's XPDX session: "We know about items on the product backlog, and getting them to “Done.” We know about impediments, and removing them as soon as possible. And agile methods lead us toward shipping software with zero defects, we hope. But bugs remain, for now, and we think of and treat them quite differently from stories, tasks, and other work items—perhaps to our, and our project’s, detriment. Buy why? We need your help finding an answer, or posing better questions. In this interactive session, we’ll explore the wealth of thoughts, opinions, and especially the strong feelings behind the things we call bugs." >>> Pizza is sponsored by YesMail <<< Pizza arrives at 6:30pm, the session starts at 7pm, and at 9pm we move on to a local bar.2009-04-16 01:30:00http://xpdx.org/2009-04-10 20:51:272009-04-10 20:51:27 92009-04-16 04:00:00where to go from there. It's near NE 33rd & Prescott.
    2008-10-04 02:00:002008-10-02 20:46:302008-10-02 20:46:30 ; ;b @@(ԡq}y3a33&qUԡ  3]333Showing of "Everything's Cool" and review of Climate Action PlanMultnomah County Sustainability Film Series: “Everything’s Cool” will be shown at the McMenamin's Bagdad Theater on Sunday, April 19th at 6 pm. The film is free and open to the public. A presentation and discussion of the 2009 Portland/Multnomah Climate Action Plan will be held immediately after the film, hosted by County Commissioner Jeff Cogen and Deputy Director Michael Armstrong with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Please join us for this fascinating film and discussion.2009-04-20 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2408786/2009-04-10 22:24:302009-04-10 23:55:12 :s;b2009-04-20 01:00:00_ԡ G13-333XPDX April: Bugs Do Not ExistChris Sterling and Michael Tardiff are coming to Portland a=ԡ I3}333CONTINUAL REPOSITIONS: THE ART OF CELLULOID Curated by Christopher MayCONTINUAL REPOSIT06, 16mm, color, sound, 3 min.] Dian, Paito by Bernhard Schreiner [2001, 16mm, color, sound, 7min.] Nothing Is Over Nothing by Jonathan Schwartz [2008, 16mm, color, sound, 16 min.] SCREENINGS Screening Location and Admission Unless otherwise noted all screenings will take place at 11 NW 13th Street, 4th floor with a suggested donation of $6 ($3 members). All tickets are available at the door, cash or checks only please. EXPANDED FRAMES passes are $30 and include admission to all symposium events. 11 N.W. 13th Avenue, Portland Located between Burnside and Couch, doors open 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time. Elevator access is provided, please come to the door so we can accomodate. City Center parking is available for $7 on 14th street. For access to the space from the 3rd floor enter from the western stairwell.2009-04-12 02:30:00http://www.cinemaproject.org/screenings.html#repositions2009-04-10 14:06:032009-04-10 14:06:03 ?-2009-04-13 05:00:00:252008-10-02 20:46:25 ; ;b2 Part I: Repositions The Influence of Ocular Light Perception on Metabolism in Man and in Animal by Thomas Draschan and Stella Friedrichs [2005, 16mm, color, sound, 6 min.] Transaension by Dan Baker [2006, 16mm, color, sound, 7 min.] Shudder (top and bottom) by ? [2001, 16mm, color, sound, 3 min.] Metaphysical Education by Thad Povey [2003, 16mm, color, sound, 4 min.] Dipping Sause by Luther Price [2005, 16mm, color, sound, 10 min.] Part II: Early 16mm Paul Bartel Films Progetti (Plans) by Paul Bartel [1962, 16mm, b&w, sound, 17 min.] The Secret Cinema by Paul Bartel [1968, 16mm, b&w, sound, 30 min.] April 13 Part III: Continual Vom Innen; von Aussen by Albert Sackl [2006, 16mm, color, silent, 20 min.] Hwa-Shan District,Taipei by Bernhard Schreiner [2001, 16mm, color, sound, 13min.] The Parable of the Tulip Painter and the Fly by Charlotte Pryce [2008, 16mm, color, silent, 4 min.] Steifheit 1 & 2 by Albert Sackl [1997-2007, 16mm, color, silent, 6 min.] July Fix by Jason Livingston [20  -,2ԡj1]3E333WordCamp:Las VegasWhat is WordCamp:Las Vegas? WordCamp:Las Veԡ7e3S333Beyond Heaving BosomsLocal author and blogger The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.
    2009-05-06 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-04-09 21:07:112009-04-09 21:07:11 92009-05-06 04:00:00s.com/index.php/weblog/comments/about_candy/">Smart Bitch Candy will be holding forth at Powell's Cedar Hills on her new book, Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide To Romance Novels. From the creators of the beloved blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books comes a guide to the most popular -- and maligned -- fiction genre: Romance! is Candy Tan and Sarah Wendell's hilariously sarcastic but always affectionate study of romance novels, perfect for hardcore fans and dabblers alike. Come for the Dominican bitches, stay for the man titty.2009-04-16 02:00:00http://www.powells.com/events/#27312009-04-09 20:56:192009-04-09 20:59:42 ?,2009-04-16 04:00:00sing BSV. I will also briefly contrast BSV with other approaches to High Level Synthesis (part -$edu eoeJHe ԡi13ԡiCW333OurPDX author/reader meetupJoin the OurPDX authors (and help celebrate Betsy's birthday!)tԡO)3W333How to Make a Great Presentation It's time to come out from behind your desk or easel and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of strangers. Discover how to give talks or readings that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Fee: $40 advance registration, $50 at the door Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg (www.gigirosenberg.com) Location: CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland For more information: www.cubespacepdx.com/node/1992 To register, call: 503.206.3500 2009-04-21 23:00:00http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/19922009-04-09 19:37:092009-04-09 19:37:09 92009-04-22 01:00:00 dandMeetups" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp Meetup event for local technology employees, is an organizer for the Portland BarCamp event, and helps organize )

    • While February was dedicated to Ending things like Bloglessness and Joblessness, March will be about skillz. Social skillz that is.
    • Beer and Blog swag. (You know you want it.)
    • Want to be a Beer and Blog photog? We're having a little fun in our search to find folks who like taking pictures, and it involves the tag #pdxbnb.
    • It is entirely possible that Beer and Blog will 7n+bVfurther details. We invite you to our fourth an@>-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:212009-01-05 10:32:21@=-33;bճcreated 0 evUԡ k3333SAO Virtualization Seminar Presented by ViaWestPlease join ViaWest to learn about the virtualization technologies, features and benefits that have been at the top of technology discussions for the past few years. This leading colocation and managed hosting provider will offer insight into p ԡCm3 333Portland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 10th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-10 14:30:002009-02-27 23:25:402009-02-28 17:13:57 >2009-03-10 16:00:00 cc©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝχԡ5c3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' March MeetingThe March Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-03-26 02:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-02-25 02:08:282009-02-25 02:08:28 92009-03-26 04:00:00 ##ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»kԡ s%3333Silicon Florist Lunch 2.0 and Birthday ExtravaganzaThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues as we celebrate the 1st anniversary oNԡ1q}3333Seminar - Developing for the iPhone and iPod touchThe iPhone and iPod touch are compelling platforms for both independent developers and small, medium, and large business interested in capitalizing on the next wave of mobility and the ever-evolving marketplace.

      We'll be discussing what it takes to take a native application from concept to reality including:

      • Capabilities and limitations of the iPhone and iPod touch
      • Development requirements
      • Objective-C, the development language for Mac OSX and iPhone/iPod touch
      • Development frameworks involved in building native applications
      • Different classes of applications
      • Introduction to the Apple App Store
      • Real-life lessons learned

      We'll focus on lessons learned during the development lifecycle and how to ramp up quickly and be successful with your own ventures. A brief Q&A session will follow.

      About the Presenter

      Dave Shanley
      Dave has been deploying mobile solutions to global enterprises for over 5 years. Responsible for all aspects of solution delivery, including architecture, enterprise application integration, and training, he enabled customers to successfully mobilize thousands of users.
      Dave began his career in mobile in 2000 at a venture-funded startup in San Francisco.
      Recently, Dave has been developing on and teaching for the iPhone platform and believes the industry will follow Apple's leadership into the future.
      He holds a BSE in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.
      2009-03-11 23:00:002009-02-24 01:32:162009-02-24 02:41:24 ;;b2009-03-12 00:00:00ommunity organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees.

      Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me: dawn at Shizzow
      2009-03-07 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/2009/02/24/pdx-pre-sxsw-party-part-two-the-unofficial-version/2009-02-24 19:06:592009-03-04 03:12:08 ; ;bJt2009-03-07 03:00:00 L<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ Ÿř`ԡ43333Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityTechAmerica (formerly known as AeA) Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity Presented by: AeA Technology and IP Committee __________nԡ3s3=333PDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial VersionWe had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official staff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a c7ԡ2?_37333Ward Cunningham at OTVARCWard will be speaking to the Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club on "Roots of WikiPedia in Amateur Radio." Address is 17455 SW Farmington Road Aloha, OR 970072009-03-12 02:00:00http://www.otvarc.org2009-02-24 13:03:232009-02-24 13:03:23 >2009-03-12 03:00:00xample, would you buy a car called "it won't go"? Chevy learned that the hard way when it marketed its "Nova" vehicle in Latin America. When we speak of localization, we refer to it as the process of adapting an internationalized product to a particular culture or locale. Before shipping the localized product to a particular market, it is imperative to make sure it is not beset with inconsistent quality. Planning for a full round of localization testing will give you that peace of mind. In this presentation, we will look at some examples of some major translation mistakes (some funny, some not!). We will also take an introductory approach to the best practices with localization testing. Presenters: Stacey Brown, Director, Managed Services Division, PTI Global Christian Larsen, Localization QA Manager, PTI Global #SAOpdx #QASIG #QA #webinar2009-04-16 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/2009-02-23 18:56:232009-02-23 23:35:35 :;b2009-04-16 20:00:00 Jronment based on Cocoa for Mac OS X.

      In his talk, Raven will provide a basic overview of the process of developing and distributing sofԡ0Mi3]333SAOpdx: Keeping Happy Customers Across the Global Quilt: Proper Methods for Localization Testing[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899649/ ] When doing business around the world, a poorly translated product at best could make your customers and business partners think you don't value them. At worst, you may be sending the wrong message about your product and not even know it. For e/ԡ/S 3]333SAOpdx: Software Day at the Capitol[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899643/ ] ...check back for updates! If your company would like to be involved, please contact Jennifer Warren at 503-228-5401 or jennifer.warren@sao.org for more information. #SAOpdx2009-04-16 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899643/2009-02-23 18:56:212009-08-07 19:06:44 >L;b2009-04-16 03:00:00 D'Dther and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). \ԡ.Cw3]333SAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certification Program will CERTIFY (on 1 of 4 levels of competency) Your Sales Team's Ability To: # Improve Their Lead-to-Close Ratio # Produce ROI-based Proposals of Their Software/Service # Maintain Critical Operating Margins By Selling Value Over Price # Eliminate Discounting to Get the Deal # Avoid Commoditization # Find and Invest Their Time in QUALIFIED Opportunities # Increase Competitive Wins through Professional Differentiation #SAOpdx #OTN #Sales2009-04-08 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/2009-02-23 18:56:202009-04-02 18:03:21 :;b2009-04-08 06:00:00Jԡ-e13]333SAOpdx: Agile Requirements Management Course[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/ ] Software projects start with functionality and requirements. The clarity and quality of the requirements drive the deliverables of the project and set the expectations of customers. Managing requirements can be a challenge because we have been taught to capture all requirements up front, and achieve customer sign off. This process does not allow for change, and all software projects have change. Enter user stories. Authoring project requirements as user stories is one of the most common approaches across any agile method. In this course, you will learn what a user story is, how to build and author them and how to manage and communicate them to users. The course format consists of multiple lecture topics, group exercises and group discussion. Ample time will be devoted to analysis of the "real-world" industry experiences of the instructor based on case study examples and experiences managing agile projects and coaching agile project teams. #SAOpdx #OTN #Agile 2009-04-07 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899638/2009-02-23 18:56:192009-03-02 17:40:16 :;b2009-04-07 23:30:00 +$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ԡ[3-333Young Professionals of Portland meetingYoung Professionals of Portland
      networking event
      2008-07-30 00:30:00http://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp?f=eventdetail.asp&e=2272008-07-23 00:14:232008-07-23 00:14:23 ;;bS2008-07-30 03:00:00|ԡK=3Q333Bio on Tap -- Oregon BioscienceOregon rԡ)7-3]333SAOpdx: Security Testing: How It Fits in the QA Cycle (Tips & Tricks to Start Today!)[F Nԡ(3k3]333SAOpdx: Poker Night[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/ ] Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - the more players, the bigger the pot! You don't have to be in the industry to play! #SAOpdx #poker2009-02-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1773965/2009-02-23 18:56:102009-04-29 20:12:45 ?;b2009-02-26 01:30:00 day v3 Awareness course provides learners with the unique opportunity to receive an introduction to the concepts of ITIL and ITSM. It provides an overview of the concepts within the ITIL best practices domain while also introducing the key ITIL processes. This non-certificate course explains how ITIL processes are driven by a Service Lifecycle to provide smooth functioning of organizations, thus ensuring high-quality services to their customers. It has been designed for learners who need a basic awareness of ITIL v3 as a general interest, as part of a larger program initiative as opposed to the full certification Foundation course or for those who may not be sure of their future v3 training path and want to assess ITIL / ITSM viability in their organization. Instructor: Ray Anessi, PanglossIT #SAOpdx #OTN2009-03-31 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/2009-02-23 18:56:182009-02-23 23:37:01 9;b2009-03-31 19:30:0007-25 22:12:302009-10-26 03:06:12 A;bW2008-08-04 01:00:00 uu@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ň'ԡ,73]333SAOpdx: ITIL Overview[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899630/ ] The 1/2 ԡ*g?3]333SAOpdx: Chief Innovation Officer: The New CIO[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/ ] Can a CIO thrive in the current economic climate by simply maintaining existing information and occasionally providing new sources of Information? Come hear three perspectives of the new CIO, the Chief Innovation Officer. Learn about innovations that break traditional information system strongholds, that show innovation in the application development lifestyle, and innovative collaboration tools. Speaker lineup coming soon! REGISTER: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/18/09 2009-03-18 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1850849/2009-02-23 18:56:132009-03-04 17:37:46 :;b2009-03-18 14:30:00ull details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/ ] Security is a hot topic and sensitive area in software/web development today. Whether you work for an ISV or a corporate enterprise, for many in the QA realm, the challenge is where this fits or how to start testing. Well worry no more! SAO's QA Special Interest Group (QASIG) presents Mike Hryekewicz from Standard Insurance and Brandon Edwards from McAfee, Inc. Together they will target both of these issues by presenting a program divided into two parts: Part 1: How Security Testing fits in the QA process and Part 2: A quick overview of some free tools, tips and tricks to take back and get started Security testing immediately! Come join the QASIG to add more tools to your toolbelt! #QASIG #SAOpdx2009-03-11 18:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/2009-02-23 18:56:122009-02-23 18:56:12 >;b2009-03-11 18:30:0020 17:00:00http://www.socallinuxexpo.org2008-07-23 21:58:272008-07-23 21:58:27 ;2009-02-23 01:00:00¯­®¯¸ ;deas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

      WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

      WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

      DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

      FEATURING: Hot Lips Pԡ'c93K333PDXPUG: eXtreme Database Makeover 2: PORTALMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Kristin Tufte will be speaking about the Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL) database schema. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. 2009-03-20 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-23 17:02:332009-02-23 17:02:33 92009-03-20 03:00:006ԡ&w 3S333PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presenta certificates, workshops and courses available. 5:00 - Check In 5:30 - Introduction by Professional Development Center (PDC) 5:35 - Presentations Room 1050C: Brian Rhoades Room 1053: Jennifer Johnson 5:50 - Break for refreshments/Questions 6:00 – Roundtable Discussions Room 1050C Professional Writing Multimedia Information Technology Room 1053 Healthcare Management Six Sigma Human Resource Management 6:20 - Break for refreshments 6:30 – Roundtable Discussions Room 1050C Current Topics & Contemporary Issues Organization Development Room 1053 Project Management Accelerated Supervision Marketing 6:50 - Reconvene, questions 2009-02-25 01:00:00http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/infosession/2009-02-23 08:07:242009-02-23 08:07:24 >2009-02-25 03:00:00tions aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-03-13 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5042009-02-23 16:58:232009-02-23 16:58:23 <2009-03-13 03:00:00evelopment and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your software value in a merger or acquisition and how to accelerate software development through the managed use of open source and third-party code. Carl Ruggiero, Trilinear Technologies Carl has real world experience integrating open source software into commercial products, including managing legal issues and investor concerns. He will discuss his approach and what he has learned from these experiences. Event Details: Date: May 19, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0509112009-02-24 22:58:112009-02-24 23:01:25 :$2009-05-19 17:00:00s, and their best advice as to how a company can navigate the legal and technical minefields to get better products to market faster by harnessing open source innovations. What Will Be Discussed? * Effective strategies for managing the legal risks of including open source in proprietary code * Local technology companies? experiences managing investor concerns regarding open source * How to determine whether open source code offers value to your company Moderator: Brenna Legaard, Partner, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP Brenna will discuss what courts have recently had to say about open source licenses, the legal consequences of violating them, and how companies can manage the legal risks of using open source code in proprietary software. Panelists: Stuart Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, Collaborative Software Initiative Cohen is responsible for marshaling CSI's leadership team and IT business and technology leaders to apply open source methodologies to software d 1;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:24:222009-04-1vԡ1U333Morning Meetings: Finance/OperationsCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with
      the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Wednesday topic is:

      Finance/Opelԡf M3]333Obama Inaugural - watch @ lighthouse 55" big screen in basement[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503306/ ] Please come join us to watch the obama inaugural on our 55" hd plasma big screen & bose 5.1 stereo surround sound system Tuesday morning, 1/20, starting at 8 am (swearing in ceremonies begin at 8:30 am PST/11:30 am EST). we'll have coffee for folks. please maybe bring drinks or nosh for others also. http://www.pic2009.org/page/content/weekendschedule/2009-01-20 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503306/2009-01-20 00:29:312009-01-20 00:29:31 >t;b2009-01-20 20:00:00 YYtion is hosting a pizza party for FSF members and friends. Come and bring along friends who are interested in software freedom. There is no charge but we would love for you to sign up to become an FSF member if you aren't already. Join online now or bring a credit card or checkbook to the event. After hearing about all the3ԡ#'K3U333BeaverBarCampA BarCamp for Corvallis, Oregon2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-02-23 01:50:562009-03-01 02:49:12 >UJsQ2009-04-05 06:00:00^ԡ"33i333A Panel Discussion on the Latest Economic Situation in ChinaLunch presentation with panel discussion by: - (Moderator) Richard Read, The Oregonian - S. Gregory Borossay, Port of Portland, Manager, Marine Marketing - Joel Enderle, Columbia Sportswear, Sr. Dir. of Footwear Manufacturing - Lisa Graff, Intel Corporation, GM, Server Platforms, Digital Enterprise Group - Amy Hsuan, The Oregonian, staff writer currently reporting on green and solar industries in C of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career."

      This will be the first Portland Lunch 2.0 hosted by a conference, and it should be an interesting mix of conference attendees, many from out of town, and Portlanders.

      This crowd mix should provide some interesting conversation, as well as an opportunity to network outside your normal crowd.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-05-20 19:00:002009-02-22 19:21:462009-02-23 00:30:04 9;b2009-05-20 21:00:00hina In this global economy, the economic meltdown happening in the U.S. is also affecting economies around the world. China, Oregon’s largest export country in 2008, is being negatively affected. We often see bad news coming out of China, such as: * "China’s Slowdown Sends out Aftershocks”, * "Jobless Migrants Hit 20 Million as China’s Unemployment Rises” * "China’s Small Factories Struggle”, etc. We have assembled a panel of seasoned business people and professionals who have been working and/or traveling in China to give us a closer look at what is really going on over there and share their insights with us. We will also learn about any implications to the Oregon economy due to the current situation in China. Please bring your questions and join us! Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 students Tickets at: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090304cbn.html2009-02-23 00:44:032009-02-24 07:38:40 92009-03-04 21:30:00 ide with the OSCon 2008 conference, which is being attended by Jeremy Ruston, the original creator of TiddlyWiki, along with some of his colleagues from Osmosoft.

      The event is open to the public, and all fans of^ԡ!;S3333Lunch 2.0 at WebVisionsWebVisions, yes the conference, will be hosting a Lunch 2.0 at the Oregon Convention Center during their day of workshops, May 20.

      Important to note, you can come to Lunch 2.0 even if you're not attending the conference.

      Attend WebVisions if you want to:

      "Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy for three daysԡ _#3333Lunch 2.0 by MioWorks at the Green DragonNewly launched MioWorks will be hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 revision 14 on April 8, 2009 at the geek-friendly SE watering hole, the Green Dragon, also the home of Portland Beer and Blog.

      Come hang with the MioWorks crew and the usual suspects, and maybe meet some new folks. If Spring springs early, maybe the patio will be open for lunching.

      It's bound to come up, so the food will be on MioWorks, but not the booze. Of course, you're welcome to have a liquid lunch, and the Green Dragon is certainly a good place for that.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-04-08 19:00:002009-02-22 19:21:322009-02-22 19:21:32 ; ;b2009-04-08 21:00:00 «¢¡*ԡt{-3333Portland Net Tuesday: Effective websites for nonprofitsPortland Net Tuesday on July 22

      The July 22nd Net Tuesday event will focus on creating effective web sites

      Join with others at zԡ_#3Y333Relay For Life of Portland kick-off partyWe're throwing a party to kick off a new Relay For Life of Portland year. Come join us for an evening of celebration. Enjoy a performance by Shelly Rudolph, sample delicious treats from our in-kind sponsors Byways Cafe, Distinguished Events, Hotel Vintage Plaza, La Corian Chocolates, PF Changs, Southpark, Sweet Masterpiece, The Observatory Lounge, and learn more about Relay For Life of Portland. Relay For Life of Portland Kick Off Party February 26,7:00-8:30 pm Piano Gallery (Sherman Clay) 131 NW 13th Avenue Join us as we kick off the 2009 Relay For Life of Portland season. The Relay For Life of Portland planning committee will kick off the event’s annual team registration and fund raising drive with a party at the Piano Gallery February 26. The celebration welcomes team members, cancer survivors, people who live and/or work in Portland's urban core, and community leaders. Relay For Life of Portland will take place this summer at Willamette Park. American Cancer Society Relays are fun-filled overnight events designed to celebrate survivorship (anyone that has ever been diagnosed with cancer) and raise money for the American Cancer Society. During a Relay, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pamela Singleton American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Portland Event Chair Phone: 503.206.5924 Email: psingleton@sonitrolpacific.com www.relayforlife.org/portlandor www.relayforlife.org www.cancer.org2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.relayforlife.org/portlandor2009-02-22 16:36:242009-02-22 19:23:15 >2009-02-27 04:30:00_________________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. Portland's open source community is vibrant and energetic. Can proprietary companies tap into that creativity while avoiding the legal pitfalls? A panel of local entrepreneurs will discuss new law on open source license agreements, how local technology companies have successfully (or not so successfully) incorporated open source code into their proprietary product   onth lead by Hal Newton, and then open it up for a full group discussion. Bring your examples and questions!

      DETAILS: Topic: Effective websites for nonprofits
      Presenter: Hal Newton and others
      Date: July 22ndTime: 6 pm
      Location: AboutUs.org office (SE 2nd and Washington)

      Connect online: http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/

      Food: Some food and beverages are provided, but feel free to bring somethingmԡ93333Portland Dent Event #1 (Identi.ca & OSS microblogging meetup)Get-together for users of Identi.ca, OpenMicroBlogging developers, and people who care about microblogs, open standards, Open Source and a federated Internet. Onlookers welcome -- please come if you're interested in Identica or Laconica. Evan Prodromou is in town from Montreal.2009-02-23 00:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/02/20/portland-dent-event/2009-02-22 15:24:552009-02-22 20:26:15 ; 2009-02-23 02:00:00 nt color="#000000">

      Join Steelhead Data and Dell for an informative seminar on virtualization.(ԡi%3G33Mobile Portland: Mobile Tagging -- Paul Doktor

      Mobile Tagging: Bridging the Physical World

      Mobile Tagging creates a bridge between traditional media and mobile lifestyles by using 2D barcodes which can be read from a mobile phone camera. The potential applications of this are wide-spread and have been successfully used in Japan for years, but there are barriers to adoption in the US.

      Despite these barriers, both http://www.igniteportland.com/ for more details, and submit YOUR talk idea now!

      More details coming soon!
      2009-07-17 02:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2009-02-20 16:38:182009-07-11 22:38:18 :s;b׿2009-07-17 05:00:00)ԡC3]333Launch: Silicon Valley 2009In its 4th year, Launch: Silicon Valley is now firmly established as the premier product launch platform for cash strapped startups.

      Launch: Silicon Valley 2009 is designed to uncover and showcase products and services from the most exciting of the newest startups in information technology, mobility, security, digital media, next generation internet, life sciences and clea! size="2">· Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online withoWԡ I3?333Oregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d) Professional Association provides opportunities for .NET developers, SQL Server developers, and SQL Server administrators to meet and discuss SQL Server technologies that are of specific interest for developers. Discussion topics include 'Best Practices', T-SQL code, Query Optimization, Reporting, ETL, Indexing, and new (as well as undiscovered 'old') features. Our meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month -except there is no meeting in December. We meet at the Portland Microsoft Office in the large conference room. Microsoft Portland Office Suite 600 (Sixth Floor) 10260 SW Greenburg Rd Portland, OR 97223 2009-03-12 01:00:00http://OSQL-d.sqlpass.org2009-02-21 05:11:092009-02-21 16:12:57 :+2009-03-12 03:30:00 rel="nofollow">Microsoft and Google have recently announced plans to utilize 2D barcodes. Businesses are warming to the idea of using these codes to help people get to mobile content quickly. The question is how quickly consumers will warm to the idea.

      Asia has traditionally led the way when it comes to mobile technology, and if this continues to hold true, it won't be long before we see mobile tagging spread in the U.S.

      Paul Docktor will lead us in a discussion about mobile tagging, how to use them, their potential and the barriers to adoption at this month's Mobile Portland.

      About Paul Docktor

      Paul is an Enterprise Architect in Intel IT's Strategy, Architecture and Innovation group and is focused on Intel's Online Presence.

      2009-02-24 02:00:00http://www.mobileportland.com2009-02-20 22:22:252009-02-20 22:22:25 9;b XXH=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-4
      Up to 30 of the most interesting companies will be invited to leverage Launch: Silicon Valley 2009 as the springboard to launch their product or service, and to network with the audience of Silicon Valley's top movers and shakers at the Pre-L:SV Event Party on the evening of June 8, as well as at the event itself on June 9.

      Ticket Info: $245
      Buy Tickets
      2009-06-09 01:00:00http://launchsiliconvalley.org/index.htm2009-02-20 08:20:372009-02-20 08:20:37 >;b׾2009-06-09 20:00:00s a Photoshop consultant and author living in Portland. He helps professional photographers gain control of their workflows through workshops and private training. Mark is the author of : “Photoshop CS3 Restoration and RetouchingBible”, “Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible”, “Adobe Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot”. To learn more about Mark, visit his website at www.ddroom.com. Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group (CMUG), www.pnwcmug.com, is a user-based organization dedicated to the education of its members. It is designed to provide a forum to discuss Color Management issues, to test and discuss available technologies and products, and to help members get started or improve their existing Color Management. Sponsors include Alder Technology, CHROMiX, Inkspot Graphics, The Oregonian, PixelTeck, JDA Creative Color, and Zebra Graphics.2009-02-27 02:30:00http://www.pnwcmug.com/pages/events.html2009-02-17 22:59:352009-02-17 22:59:35 >2009-02-27 05:00:00" • The Auto Blending feature that allows you to selectively choose tones, colors, and focal point from a range of images as they’re merged into a single image. • New soft-proofing feature for the color-blind individuals using Color Universal Design Organization profiles. • Updated print dialog that provides superior color management and the ability to preview out-ofgamut areas of the image in the print dialog. Mark will also give us a tour of the new and faster Adobe Bridge CS4, and show us a few secrets to speeding up the workflow using some of the nifty tools buried in the menus. We’ll also be looking at Adobe Camera Raw 5 and some of its new tools, including the localized corrections and post-crop vignetting. If you’re already using Photoshop CS4, this presentation will point out many of the new features that you may not have seen yet. If you haven’t seen CS4, this will be your chance to get a close look at what all of the excitement is about. Mark Fitzgerald ie to call it Drupal Magic Animal Farm because it makes me giggle. Specifically (but of course subject to change, such a life and underwear) Dante, darnitImean, Nate will be covering:
      • Why one might choose Drupal as a blogging platform over other alternatives such as WordPress
      • Installing Drupal
      • Drupal look and feel using themes
      • Using OpenID with Drupal
      • Extending Drupal to add additional functionality to your blog, including
        • Aggregating content from other sources such as feeds
        • Custom content types and views in Drupal
      Wow! That's a lot of Drupal knowledge to dispense! If you can't make the Drupal Magic Animal Farm, that's okay. All your friends will be along shortly. The beer will flow, the laughter will bubble, and maybe you'll have some conversations about blogging.2009-02-21 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-18 04:41:512009-02-18 04:43:12 ; 2009-02-21 02:00:00 ttng an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beveragԡ 3]333Puppet PDX Meetup: Config Management, Cloud Computing, and Beer!Come join us on Friday, Feb 27, at Paddy's Bar and Grill (SW 1st/Yamhill) from 6-8 pm for Puppet PDX, an opportunity to get together and talk about all things related to configuration management, tools, best practices, and generally how to get to the pub by 4 o'clock. This is the first meetup. Hopefully we can get organized, get to know each other, and decide on what the goals of the group should be. So if you are interested in automation, configuration management, cloud computing, and large scale computing environments, come join us for a few drinks and some lively chatter. Please RSVP by sending an email to puppetpdx@reductivelabs.com so that we can get a bigger room if needed. 2009-02-28 02:00:00http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet2009-02-19 04:16:052009-02-19 04:30:28 ;a2009-02-28 04:00:00 FFUniversity is hosting IP3, Inc. for a comprehensive Informat+ԡ+E3K333Beer and Blog - Drupal Magic Animal Farm Friday, February 20, 2009 from 4–6pmOnce upon a time on the Magic Animal Farm in a sparse corner of Colorado there was a boy who was raised by wolves, who grew up to be an accidental open-source evangelist and now lives in Portland, Oregon. I call him Dante Vatican. (That's his Ron Mexico name. Suiting, isn't it?) Everyone else knows him as that unpronounceable twitter handle @xolotl or the otherwise normal-sounding Nate Angell. Me, I like ALL of his personalities. Nate has worked with a lot of open source platforms over the years, right now working as Client Evangelist at The rSmart Group, which focuses on the education industry. He has an unhealthy love for Drupal, which is why the story of the boy raised by wolves now concerns you, my fellow Beer and Bloggies. This Friday, starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon, Nate will be extolling the virtues of Drupal. I lik$ k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<ԡe% 3e333Linux ClinicIf you are arrivingUԡeO3]333Exploring Photoshop CS4 with Mark FitzgeraldJoin us for an evening withMark Fitzgerald, Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and author of “Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot”, as we Delve into the recently released PhotoshopCS4. Our exploration will begin with Photoshop’s redesigned user interface. Mark will also demonstrate some of the new and improved features, including: • The new Adobe Kuler panel that allows you to explore, create, and share color themes with an online community. • Two new panels - the Adjustments panel for quickly creating adjustment layers, and the new Masks panel that allows you to painlessly create and manage layer masks in ways never possible on previous versions of Photoshop. • The cool new Content Aware Scaling feature lets you to protect parts of an image as you scale its size.# rr /> Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
      The Freak Mountain Ramblers present a unique blend of Rock 'n Roll, Bluegrass, Alternative Country, and Country Blues. With a lineup including 3 members of the inimitable and notorious Holy Modal Rounders/ Clamtones amalgamation of the '70s and '80s, FMR has its roots in the underbelly of the alternative music scene that existed at that time both in Portland and across the country.

      During the past 10 years FMR has accumulated a loyal following in the Portland area by dependably creating beauty and bedlam at their live shows. Unlike any other band in the PacifԡmU33333Calagator code sprint at RecentChangesCamp (RCC)Join us to improve Calagator at RecentChangesCamp. We've got new patches to review and extend, e.g., theming, logins, letting users say "I'm going" to an event, and much more.2009-02-21 18:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-17 22:43:252009-02-18 23:53:34 =2009-02-22 01:00:00 HH<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ„Wԡ/m3y333SHOP Symposium/09SHOP Symposium/09 is dedicated to educating, inspiring and energizing independent business owners of all stripes. The only conference of its kind, this one-day event teaches practical skills, offers wise encouragement, and builds camaraderie. Whether you sell shoes or facials, travel getaway or graphic design, we invite you to join us. Bring your questions, your frustrations, your fears, and your hopes. Prepare to be inspired! 2009-04-06 15:30:00http://www.cravebusiness.com/shopsymposium09/portland/2009-02-17 22:24:062009-02-17 22:24:06 >2009-04-06 23:30:00GԡW3333Oregon Tech Awards -- Nominations DueNominations Due For the Oregon Tech Awards

      Nominations may be submitted in more than one award category and you do not have to be an AeA member to apply or to win.

      System/Hardware Company of the Year

      Presented to the System,s, web development services, IT solution providers and telecom service providers.

      Emerging Company of the Year

      Presented to the Company that has made significant progress in the past year. This technology company's growth in the past year puts it on track to make a positive impact in their markets and on the regional technology community.

      Cool Product of the Year

      Presented to the company that has developed, and/or introduced a cool product some time in the most recent 18 months, and had a significant demonstrate-able success in the past 12 months. The product can be a hardware, software, or technology-service product which is innovative, and has created significant new opportunity for the company.
      Ticket Info: No Cost To Nominate
      2009-02-27 08:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orkn_Nomination_Instructions.asp2009-02-17 19:56:502009-02-17 21:01:17 ;K;b׼ \oßݽ¹¯¯µ¿ÁË?75?LNUoÙÑãçÏÀº½ÂÇ[A56:QëÌÅÅÃÇľ¸´~ԡ\I3333New Deal distillery open housespirits
      good times

      2008-07-19 20:00:00http://wwwԡ1 3M333Oregon Tech AwardsThis premier event celebrates excellence and achievement in the region’s technology industry and honors one outstanding Technology Executive of the Year. In addition, five individual industry segment and product awards will be presented during the evening, recognizing recipients for their accomplishments, leadership and commitment to the community and industry. $2500 for a table of 10; $250 for a single ticket AWARD CATEGORIES Technology Executive of the Year System/Hardware Company of the Year Software Company of the Year Technology-Service Company of the Year Emerging Company of the Year Cool Product of the Year 2009-05-08 00:30:00http://www.oregontechawards.com/2009-02-17 19:55:062009-02-17 19:55:06 ;K2009-05-08 04:00:00*/Hardware Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. The company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, manufacture and/or sale of hardware products or systems comprised of physical elements.

      Software Company of the Year

      Presented to the Software Company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their industry and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the design, license and/or sale of software products or systems.

      Technology-Service Company of the Year

      Presented to the Technology-Service company that has made the biggest, positive impact to their customers and the region. This company's primary source of revenue and profit is through the fulfillment of one or multiple technology services. Such service may be provided as a subscription, hourly charges or other business models. Examples of such technology services are internet service provider ,g±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]Ƀ>ԡZ=9333Tweetup with Charlene LiCharlene Li, late of Forrester Research, co-author of Groundswell, and all around social media rock star is coming to Portland!

      Come have drinks with her in the bar of the Governor Hotel! Starts at 8:30pm, and goes until late. Charlene says if you bring your copy of Groundswell, she'll sign it, and buy you a drink. :-)
      2008-07-17 03:30:002008-07-16 00:20:572008-07-17 18:07:33 :;b=eԡYIM3333Mobile Love, OpenMoko Style #4come talk about OpenMoko/FreeRunqԡ3S39333Show & Tell PDXSubstance and Pinch, along with the Flash PDX User Group, invite you to an evening of show and tell. We know that you have been working diligently on the next big thing, so we want to give you the opportunity to brag about it a bit. So on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30 pm, at Substance, we will be hosting an event where you can come and sha.re what you’ve been working on. We’re looking for people to share a short presentation on something they have been working on and tell us about it. Plan for about 10 minutes on stage, and tell us what’s new. We hope to share ideas, designs, code, art, film, whatever you might be interested in sharing. We’d love to see new speakers, as well as the usual suspects sharing their work. We plan on getting started around 6:00, with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7:00. The event will be held at Substance World Headquarters, 1551 SE Poplar Ave, Portland. If you’re interested, send us your idea on what you’d like to present by Thursday February 26th and we will sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: "showandtell findsubstance.com" and we will start the conversation.2009-03-04 02:00:00http://findsubstance.com/2009/02/12/show-and-tell-pdx-march-3rd-at-substance-world-hq/2009-02-17 04:45:122009-02-17 04:47:13 >;b׻2009-03-04 04:00:00EO and how can we make sure we get maximum advantage?  What is Social Media Marketing and how can it help boost visibility?  How to quickly gain exposure in Google, Yahoo!, and others within 24 to 48 hours  What is Pay Per Click and who are the players?  Learn how to implement Google Analytics on your website and why this is a must!  Find out about the tools offered by the search engines to increase your web site's success Day 5  Learn about competitive intelligence and multi-variate analysis and how these tools can help increase your website's rankings  Find out about web analytics and how to analyze your progress with ClickTracks  Learn the power of article marketing  Discover problems your site might run in to and how can they be fixed.  Sure fire strategies to build your SEO business  Group Q&A  Final Exam  Wrap-up and awards 2009-03-11 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-02-17 03:48:382009-02-17 03:48:38 ;\2009-03-14 00:00:001hop? 1. Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites. 2. Small class sizes offer personalized attention. Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students. 3. Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented. 4. Meet and learn from like-minded professionals from a variety of industries. 5. Receive a site review during class to help you get the right start down the SEO path. 6. Learn from a working professional who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997. 7. Because not only are the classes packed full of information, they're fun! SEO Training Agenda 5-Day Comprehensive SEO Training Course includes all 5 days 2-Day Essentials Class includes days 1 & 2 3-Day Advanced Class includes days 3, 4 & 5 Day 1  Discover a complete 6-step system for performing effective search engine optimization  Learn how to perform keyword research that will attract your target market  Write co2ntent that will turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-through Ratios Day 2  Learn optimal techniques to get your pages indexed by the Search Engines.  Find out what it takes to monitor your progress and the tools to help you.  Understand the benefits of working with ranges of pages.  Discover what it takes to stay out of trouble with the search engines by learning about anti-spamming guidelines.  Learn why submitting your site to directories is important and how to choose the correct directories.  What is Link Popularity and why is it important.  Receive internal and external link building strategies that will make it easier for the search engines to find your web pages.  Learn about the missing element in SEO: Creativity and find out how you too can get your creative juices flowing!  Get your site reviewed and walk away/ with a customized action-plan to get your website optimized for maximum performance.  Learn about technologies that can improve your conversion rates and capture phone calls right from your web site. Day 3  Review the 6-step optimization process taught in the Essentials class to help you retain this important information.  Work on advanced keyword research strategies.  Learn techniques that will help you write effective sales copy that gets results.  Understand how the personalization of search results is changing the rules.  Find out the best approaches for setting up a blog and learn about the art of blogging.  Discover the importance of usability and on what to focus  Get a custom website review. Day 4  What is Latent Semantic Indexing and how can it help your website?  Develop a unique selling proposition that retains your visitor's interest and gets them digging deeper into your web site.  Why are database driven sites unique when it comes to Sisitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where we will focus on your needs and give you a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. Why Attend a Search Engine Optimization Workshop? 1. Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites. 2. Small class sizes offer personalized attention. Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students. 3. Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented. 4. Meet and learn from like-minded professionals from a variety of industries. 5. Receive a site review during class to help you get the right start down the SEO path. 6. Learn from a working professional who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997. 7. Because not only are the classes packed full of information, they're fun! 2009-03-05 16:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-02-17 03:44:362009-02-17 03:44:36 ;\2009-03-07 01:00:00 4#4N[ëÓ˵´¶¾ÆÙJCCCJYw÷çȼ cԡ {s3?333Ultimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 3-Day AdvancedWhy Attend a Search Engine Optimization Works0bԡ m3?333Ultimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 2-Day EssentialsTake a Class in Search Engine Marketing The Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop will teach you how to position your website so that not only will you get more visitors to your website you will get the right visitors to your website. Also, you will learn how to create pages that turn those v3Nԡ q]3-333Portland Java User Group - Your Brain on lambda(x)This month's topic: Your Brain on lambda(x)
      Functional programming is (again) a hot topic among developers. Languages such as Scala and Clojure have functional concepts at the core of the langauge, and even more solidly object-oriented languages such as Groovy and C# 3.0 include functional concepts. This talk will cover whether langauge really matters, some functional techiques that enha6 ̆¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//ԡ o3o333Drupalcon Portland 2010 Proposal Planning MeetingMeeting to discuss possible venues, themes, etc. for a proposal for Drupalcon 2010. It's due March 1st, so this is a very last minute thing, but still worth a try. Drupal (drupal.org) is a Content Management System, with powerful modularity. The regular Drupal Meetup is the 2nd Wednesday of every month at OpenSourcery.2009-02-18 02:30:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/19139#comment-661262009-02-16 20:13:582009-02-16 20:13:58 ;g2009-02-18 04:00:00!ԡ %K39333PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism.2009-02-24 03:00:00http://PDXCritique.com2009-02-16 17:56:162009-02-16 17:56:16 92009-02-24 05:00:00nce the power of a languge, how to implement some of these using existing Java syntax and semantics, and the future of functional additions to the Java langauge.
      Speaker: Phil Varner
      Phil is a software developer with Oracle, working on the Business Rules component of Fusion Middleware.
      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)
      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!
      Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).
      Twitter: @pjug
      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-02-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-02-16 22:33:432009-02-18 00:36:27 <;b׺2009-02-18 04:00:00 marketing experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergence marketing. He currently specializes in consulting on holistic business strategy and social media for big brands, non-profits and emerging technology companies, helping them leverage the power of Internet and Web 2.0 technologies. In early 2006, Chris formed BrainJams to organize resources and best practices in the emerging "Unconference" movement, striving to bring social media tools and Open Space gatherings to a wider audience. These efforts have no resulted in the launch of Social Media Club in order to better realize the vision he has for bringing diverse groups of people together to share their understanding of best practices in social media and "Real Marketing." Website: http://socialmediaclubpdx.com/2009-02-24 02:00:00http://socialmediaclubpdx.com2009-02-15 23:28:432009-02-15 23:28:43 >2009-02-24 04:30:00/pdxfunc.org/2008-07-10 23:27:512008-07-13 04:32:30 92008-07-15 04:00:00 NKNDMïÍÓÿçI?EOSoË̽ÊÛÝ?OMLUUkë×ÓëÑÕQMQK[BQkDFQD=JKÙÛË׸Á¾½¼ÀÊÅÆoÀë/YÂ14CLDSãIÀ¾JÙµÅNOIçßU]¶Á¹¸ÕÌÕ×ßWwNA9=99;:;BNAcgÃԡc3333SAO Health Care Information Session at OTBCYou are cordially invited to participate in an informative session for the Software Association of Oregon's HealthCare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 20092009-02-18 20:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=2/18/092009-02-16 03:35:542009-02-16 03:35:54 <2009-02-18 21:00:00ԡG3G333Social Media Club PDX MeetingSocial Media Club PDX presents: Towards a More Social Organ99ԡ;3333Possible PSAS Field DayPreliminary date for a field day out in Forest Grove. On the agenda: exercise our amateur radios, launch some model rockets (test the COTS FC?), and then end up at the Evergreen Aviation Museum.2009-03-14 18:00:002009-02-15 23:01:282009-02-15 23:01:28;b2009-03-14 22:00:007ization Monday February 23, 2009 at 6:00pm The Agency 1939 SW Morrison St. Portland, Oregon 97205 Get Directions Join Chris Heuer, co-founder of the Social Media Club, at the re-launch of Social Media Club PDX as he discusses how companies can transform their organization through the use of social media. Chris will discuss the elements and framework for creating a successful social media strategy and how to get your organization and clients behind it. He will also examine how companies need to re-think current advertising methods and their purpose in order to utilize the full potential of social marketing. Q&A session will follow. Learn more about this topic on Chris Heuer's blog. http://www.chrisheuer.com/ Time: Networking 6-6:30, Presentation: 6:30 Seating is first come first serve. Cost: Free Visit www.socialmediaclubpdx.com to learn more or follow @socialmediapdx on twitter. About Chris Heuer: Chris Heuer has over 13 years of entrepreneurial Internet experience and 16+ years of vw̹µaԡ]33333Portland State Aerospace Society MeetingThe Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) is a volunteer group working on open source/open hardware amateur rockets. We build everything from the ground up, including rock;jԡ)e3-333XPDX Pub LunchMonthly late lunch at a pub featuring, food, beers, and casual conversation to share our experiences with Agile methods/practices/approaches/events. A time for more discussion of the speaker meeting topic (or not) from Wednesday night. 2009-02-20 21:00:00http://xpdx.org/2009-02-15 18:17:092009-02-15 18:17:09 ;42009-02-20 23:30:00ԡ_Y3-333Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda for this week: * 6:00 Intros * 6:15 Jerry leading a discussion about open source alternatives to Pipes. * 6:50 Work session. Bring your issues with Yahoo Pipes or other RSS feed hackery & we'll pair up to help each other2009-02-25 02:00:00http://pdpug.org2009-02-15 18:02:572009-02-23 02:41:54 <;b׹2009-02-25 03:30:00et airframes, avionics hardware, Linux flight computer software, and communications systems. Our current focus is testing a new airframe and building a new avionics system. We hope to launch with airframe only this spring/summer in eastern Oregon, and launch with the full avionics stack at BALLS 18 in the Blackrock Desert of Nevada on October 2-4. http://www.balls17.com/ http://psas.pdx.edu PSAS meets every Tuesday in the Computer Science lounge area of the Fourth Avenue Building. Enter at through the glass doors at the main entrance at SW 4th and SW Hall. Walk up to the guard station in front of you, then turn left and walk down the hallway. Continue past the PGE office (on your left) and the Microsoft Research lab (on your right), until you see a wall in front of you. Turn right and walk through the glass double doors to the CS lounge area. There will be wooden tables and white boards.2009-02-18 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu2009-02-15 23:01:262009-02-16 00:57:27 <;b2009-02-18 06:00:00  Pacwest Cente2ԡ3g3/333PMI Chapter MeetingEducational Presentation: Effective Networking and Branding: Going from Ordinary to Extraordinary Project Managers, by Greg Sievers, PMP Keynote Presentation: Managing Projects with an Innovation Mindset, by Jon Marshall 2009-02-25 00:00:00http://www.pmi-portland.org/mc/community/eventdetails.do?eventId=194985&orgId=pmi2009-02-14 23:33:062009-02-14 23:33:06 :2009-02-25 04:00:00ԡcG3y333Oregon Health Forum: Health vs. Health CareWhen you select an organic Honeycrisp apple from the grocery store, you know what you’re buying. Things start to get murky when choosing a new HD flatscreen television. And when it comes to health care purchasing? To many, it’s a whole new set of rules. During this, the second of a four-part series on health reform elements, we’ll examine what it means to purchase health care. Models for large public sector purchasers, like the Public Employees’ Benefit Board, exist to fac=ilitate the process and provide a clear set of benefits for a group of employees. What lessons can be learned from this model for other purchaser sectors? The Oregon Health Fund Board plan proposes an insurance exchange—what does this mean for local insurers and how will it affect individuals purchasing a health plan? How can communities, collectively, begin to understand how informed purchasing can improve health and encompass more than health insurance? Moderator: Seth Garber, MD, Physician Consultant, Mercer Human Resources Panelists: Barbara Christenson, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Providence Health & Services Lynn-Marie Crider, Public Policy Specialist, SEIU Local 49 Eileen Drake, Vice President, Administration and Legal Affairs, PCC Structurals Inc. Joan Kapowich, Administrator, Public Employees’ Benefit Board and Oregon Educators Benefit Board 2009-02-24 15:00:00http://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2009-02-14 23:29:582009-02-14 23:29:58 =2009-02-24 17:00:00 --nch. MCLE Credit: CILS will apply for one (1) general credit from the Oregon State Bar Registration: E-mail your information to cils.cle@gmail.com and pay at the door or mail a hardcopy of the following form with payment to: CILS – CLE c/o Travis J. Benn 400 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97204 Please make checks payable to “Oregon State Bar.” Computer & Internet Law Section Luncheon CLE – Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12 – 1 p.m. A Discussion of Ten IP Strategy Decisions at the Heart of the MySQ@ԡ~S#3q333IEEE PACE: Recession Proof YourselfAbstract: The information in this presentation is based on personal experience from conducting one on one career coaching and delivering seminars to both employers and employees. During three years Elizabeth Lions met with over 3,000 hiring managers and interviewed hundreds of high tech candidates, many of them with engineering or science skill sets. Her background is in psychology with a strong focuBars ago. During the first three years she met with over 3,000 hiring managers. Her belief is that all people should be able to attain 'right work' or the ability to get paid for your gifts. Her clients are typically engineers or scientists who need assistance marketing themselves and finding jobs that maximize their talents. Elizabeth has had the privilege of staffing and working with the leaders of Intel, Welch Allyn Protocol, Mentor Graphics, InFocus and FLIR. She has been a contributing member of IEEE and of the IEEE-USA Career and Workforce Policy Committee and has published 9 articles in the IEEE-USA Today's Engineer. In 2008 she finished her first book, which is a compilation of her teachings and in 2009 she will begin conducting career workshops for Gen Y. When she's not writing or speaking, Elizabeth can be found with her husband on the back of their custom motorcycle.2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24662009-02-14 23:28:202009-02-14 23:28:20 <2009-02-26 03:30:00 -- Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a Service (SaaS). Seven is a foDԡsIg3E333OEN: Off the Record with a CEOOff the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour ends at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the February"s "Off the Record" are Clear Access with CEO Ken HoodJ@<B?:=8;>974-63+012/.)(,*'&#" $%!5      q~wuzsxvtqnrjpomhlkiegf\cd`^a[_ZW]XYVbUTROMPQNSJILFH <2009-02-25 04:00:00?s in Organizational Development. A major finding uncovered was that the unemployed all shared a common fear of being out of work for a period of time. Some struggled with finding a new job, or they didn�t know how to write their resume because they had been employed in their last job for many years. Some suffered with the difficulty of going through the interview process and were uncomfortable selling themselves in front of a manager. All expressed having low confidence from being out of work, which compounded the ability to find the new job. During this presentation, you will learn how to tell if your position is in jeopardy and will learn practical steps on how to find your next opportunity, how to write a resume and how to get through the interview process with confidence. Speaker Bio: Elizabeth Lions studied psychology at the University of Maine. With a strong background in recruiting, negotiating and counseling, Elizabeth started her own consulting business as a career coach nearly 8 ye ?ÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛ*ԡG5S35333PMUG !ԡ|S 3K333NW Env. Business Council: Pub Mixer2009-03-12 00:00:00http://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2009-02-14 23:22:242009-04-29 20:12:44 ?2009-03-12 02:30:00,ԡ{M3a333The Business of Renewable EnergyThis conference returns for its third year, providing a focused educational and networking experience for industry members in the electricity and bioenergy fields, with speakers and practical sessions addressing renewable energy development in the Northwest.2009-04-16 15:00:00http://www.nebc.org/content.aspx?pageid=422009-02-14 23:19:522009-02-14 23:19:52 :2009-04-17 00:00:00:ԡz] 3s333NW China Council - Year of the Ox Dinner2009-02-22 01:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090221-auction.html2009-02-14 23:16:552009-02-14 23:16:55 >2009-02-22 05:00:00 ÈWD<UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5;ԡyK;3W333IMC: The Business of ConsultingKeynote: Growing a consulting practice is all about knowing what you want, what you offer, and who needs what you've got. Vicky offers insight, wisdom and actionable items which allow you to become the trusted advisor and give you fresh perspective on the role you play in your client's or organization's business. You will leave with 3 powerful steps to enhance your consulting practice and success! 2009-02-18 15:00:00http://www.imc-oregon.org/cf_feb_20092009-02-14 23:14:582009-04-29 20:12:44 ?2009-02-18 20:00:00(ԡxi 3A333Financial Executives Internat. - Winter Social2009-02-20 02:00:00http://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?site=ch_por&webcode=EventInfo&action=add&evt_key=eaf49fa6-e9b2-4d27-a25e-a32f46f33393&Paying=Fees2009-02-14 23:11:282009-02-14 23:11:28 <2009-02-20 04:00:00 wESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.'ԡCe3C333Legion of Talk - Mark Shuttleworth on Ubuntu & Space Travel**Free tickets for this event are now available at www.LegionOfTech.org.

      Please feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but understand that this does not mean you have a ticket nor does it reserve a seat at the event. To register you'll need to go to the URL above.**

      Legion of Tech is very happy to announce Mark Shuttleworth as the next speaker in our Legion of Talk series. Mark is founder2ԡv)g3;333AMA MAX AwardsPortland area marketing professionals will spend an inspiring, fun evening recognizing the programs, campaign, and marketing pieces created in 2008 that had winning results.2009-02-27 00:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/2009-02-14 23:06:402009-02-14 23:06:40 :2009-02-27 03:30:00s. You will leave with several tools that will help your new business right now and on an on-going basis. Learn: Why should anyone buy from your new business? What will make you special? How do you determine that? How will you describe your product or service in a way that compels people to want it? Learn about the secret of the product (service) experience. Determine the best product/service description - from the customer's perspective. This workshop will provide you tools to help you answer questions such as: * What is the dominant paradigm for your target market and how you leverage the positives and overcome the negatives? * Just what do customers really need? * How do I position my product/service in the market? * What drives buyer behavior? * How does an understanding of customer needs and solutions help drive compelling benefits? 2009-02-20 16:00:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-02-14 23:01:192009-09-05 20:25:20 >H2009-02-20 20:00:00 kkª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªª‰#ԡu{ 3#333SCORE: Are You Positioned for Success in a Down Market?This is a fast-paced, interactive workshop for those who have been in business at least two yearG\ԡt)/3E333OEN: Swap MeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-02-27 01:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=652009-02-14 22:58:232009-02-14 22:58:23 :2009-02-27 03:00:00  can enroll in 2, 3 and 5 day search engine optimization training programs which are held in Beaverton Oregon. Sign up for a class today!

      WhyVԡrak3E333OEN: Capturing Market Share in a RecessionDescription: In this webinar you will learn why having a search engine marketing (SEM) strategy is critical to your ability to succeed in a down market. You will also learn about the key components of a search engine marketing strategy and even a few practical SEM tips. Speaker: Ben Lloyd Ben Lloyd is President of Amplify Interactive [www.amplify-interactive.com], a Portland, Oregon search engine marketing (SEM) agency. Ben is also the current President of SEMpdx [www.sempdx.org], Portland's own search engine marketing association. Ben's bio is here: http://www.amplify-interactive.com/aboutus/our_team.htm 2009-02-19 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=702009-02-14 22:55:192009-02-14 22:55:19 >I2009-02-19 19:00:00 and SeaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines are failing, SeaPort Air is earning revenue and raising investment. They have succeeded by serving the unmet needs of the business traveler. With no TSA, on-site parking and a convenient Boeing Field location in Seattle, SeaPort cuts the typical airline or automobile travel time in half, for about the same cost as the big airlines. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. 2009-02-20 20:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=692009-02-14 22:56:332009-02-15 00:20:522009-02-21 01:00:00 QQ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[wԡ=/3U333"No Pitch" CoffeeOne of the worst parts about networking are the individuals that use the events to pitch their products and services. We all know that is part of the deal when networking but it can be highly annoying. Because the focus of this site is on peer advice between small business owners, PortlandSmallBusiness.com is starting a series of weekly "No Pitch" coffee networking events around town. These are intended to be very informal meetings. You show up, order your coffee and you talk with other small business owners. I plan to alternate between coffee shops around inner Portland and (ԡq/ 3}333SBA Loan Briefing2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/or/index.html2009-02-14 22:51:212009-02-15 00:03:42 >a2009-02-19 20:30:00 M®¢Ÿ¢¯$ ,ǧ¡µ·Á?6³ª«ª§£¤¸A -D¿¢ŸŸŸ ©c2& $,2ɵ­¥¥¤«®´ÁÛW<9.))&1B-J®®ÅƤŸŸF:Uª¨c,"'4[ÏÏÙ<,*+;Õ¤  ª¹[,$"&)5´¬¡Ÿ§ԡn]C3U333OTBC: FastTrac® TechVenture® Session 1Validate your market and business model. Develop a solid business plan and funding plan. Expand your network. You'll do that all and a lot more in the 10-session entrepreneurship program developed by the Kauffman Foundation. Get more information on FastTrac® here. To join us for the FastTrac® TechVenture® series that starts March 9 apply here.2009-03-09 22:00:00http://www.otbc.org/techventure.html2009-02-14 12:33:362009-02-14 12:34:14 <2009-03-10 01:30:00$ԡmyC3s333OEN and OTBC: FastTrac® GrowthVenture™ info sessionAre you beyond the startup stage - (i.e., you have revenue!) Is it time to revisit your strategy anN µÁÛÃԡp]93q333PMI: Global Initiatives, Jim Wasko (IBM)Come hear Jim Wasko, Program Director for Cloud Computing development for IBM’s systems and Technology Group, share insights gained from managing teams in a distributed environment in our luncheon February 19th. 2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.programmanagementforum.org/default.aspx2009-02-14 22:46:512009-02-14 22:49:06 ;\2009-02-19 21:30:00Oԡosy3333AeA: Tech Strategies when Preparing for AcquisitionCTO and Engineering Executive Forum Date: Feb 17, 2009 Technology Strategies when Preparing for an Acquisition...or Regrouping for the Long Haul These events are an excellent way to network with peers and hear a variety of perspectives on topics relevant to the technology and engineering profession. CTO Forum events are designed for CTOs and Engineering Executives.2009-02-18 01:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0209082009-02-14 22:35:082009-02-14 22:35:08 >2009-02-18 03:30:00d business plan? Especially given the challenges of the current economy? And are you either a tech company, or NOT a tech company? (OK - yes, everyone qualifies for that last one.) If the answers to the above questions is "yes", come learn about FastTrac® GrowthVenture™, a Kauffman Foundation entrepreneurship program that will be offered jointly by OTBC and the OEN to help growth companies. Not to be confused with FastTrac® TechVenture®, GrowthVenture™ targets companies that are a bit beyond the startup stage, and into some revenue (a few hundred thousand to a few million). GrowthVenture™ takes you through a process of reassessing and building your strategy. And GrowthVenture™ is NOT limited to tech startups. In these challenging economic times, it's critical to be sure your strategy fits the new challenges. GrowthVenture™ will help you get there. 2009-03-05 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9736589/2009-02-14 12:29:542009-02-14 12:29:54 <2009-03-05 21:00:00 JJhs ago. I'm pleased to announce our preliminary roadmap to vCԡ+WK3K333PDXPUG: PostgreSQL Data VisualizationMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Ed Borasky will be speaking about Data Visualization. Beers after at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-02-02 17:39:122009-02-03 04:33:53 92009-02-20 05:00:00hԡ*wm3S333PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-01 See website for more details.2009-02-13 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5042009-02-02 17:25:462009-02-02 17:35:20 <2009-02-13 05:00:00vԡ)W 3q333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingFirst weekly meeting of the Personal Telco Project of February.2009-02-05 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200902042009-02-02 07:17:242009-02-02 07:17:24 >2009-02-05 04:00:00Qcation: Oregon State Capitol, Room 350 Street: 900 Court St City/Town: Salem, OR 97301 Website or Map: http://www.leg.state.or.us/... Contact Info: 503-999-5849 Event Type: advocacy, education, bizdev Join us for this free event at the Oregon State Capitol to learn how to position your company for federal & state government contracts. Shipley Associates and the Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process. Research Drives Us We recently took a survey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that obtaining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more popular than obtaining venture capital, tax credits or enhanced private lending. We Want to Help Since the current economic crisis can be traced back to a lack of jobs, and since the stimulus packages present new job opportunities, and since we have federal & state experts that are willing to help, we decided to be part of the solution instead of whining about the state of the economy. Our Trainers Shipley Associates are well-respected as the best private support for obtaining federal contracts Shipley Associates has: • Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies • Developed a virtual proposal center for a Fortune 10 client • Trained over 30,000 people worldwide The Oregon State Procurement Office establishes and administers contracts for goods and services on behalf of state agencies, state universities, select non-profit organizations, and local governments. They will give very practical advice for working with the ORPIN (Oregon Procurement Information Network) system, which is Oregon's #1 resource for viewing Public Agency Opportunities.2009-02-13 05:00:002009-02-13 04:29:302009-02-13 04:40:30 >L2009-02-13 06:00:0001 for Business and Technical Professionals
      * Commercialization, Technology Transfer and IP Protection

      : Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give use some hint of what it is (even if you need to be vague) so we can post the info and help you generate some interest. Please use the form at this link and we'll read it, maybe provide some feedback, and get your idea posted online. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have each of them head to their own corner of the room, and let people circulate around to check out the startups that sound interesting to them. If we get a lot of ideas, we might have to split this up over more than one event and feature a specific list of startups at each one - we'll see how it goes. So mark your calendar, RSVP, and start honing your idea. We hope to see you on Feb. 28! 2009-02-28 21:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9689811/2009-02-14 12:07:342009-02-24 17:11:45 <2009-03-01 00:00:0008-07-04 17:04:512008-10-12 00:38:52 :;b)2008-10-24 00:00:00 1#1end:

      If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups Iris Sasaki. Cost: free (bring lunch!)2009-02-20 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9620471/2009-02-14 12:00:362009-02-14 12:01:18 <2009-02-20 21:00:00dԡjG{3k333Westside Proggers: Finite automata in non-deterministic systems, with code examples in RPG IIWe're programmers. We're on the west side. We're awesome. Come join us. Maybe a little awesomeness will rub off on you.2009-02-27 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-02-13 06:40:012009-02-24 02:09:33 <2009-02-27 05:00:00`ԡig33 333SAO: Federal/State Contracts & Your BusinessTime: February 17, 2009 from 1pm to 5pm LoPreater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Portland's head of PR and Tillamook Cheese's online expert will help you figure out which social networking sites and what tools can be put to work for your business. For more information, contact: MEGAN DOERN | COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Portland Business Alliance | Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce Direct 503-552-6754 Main 503.224.8684 | Fax 503.323.9186 mdoern@portlandalliance.com 2009-03-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-12 20:23:102009-02-12 22:42:50 >2009-03-05 18:00:00 &%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëç ԡbGe3M333Beer and Blog - VidoopConnectHave you signed into a site or made a blog comment yet just by logging in with your Facebook account through Facebook Connect? Sexy and intuitive, isn't it? Makes you wonder why the majority of sites still require you to create clunky usernames and passwords, just for them. Well, with VidoopConnect, we make any site's login process sexy, and let the users choose how they want to sign in. Like to use your email address with Google, Yahoo!, AOL, or ANY old email address? Cool. Prefer to use your Facebook or MySpace account? Go for it. Do you follow the Aaron Hockley method and prefer to only sign up on sites that accept OpenID? Got it covered. Even if you sign in with your Gmail account on one site but decided to us\ >>ŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŁԡh/ 333PDX Flickr Meetup2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.flickr.com/groups/pdx/discuss/72157613349247083/2009-02-12 21:29:162009-02-12 21:29:16 >;b׷ԡgGy3K333Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Presented by Portland Business Alliance, GUuԡfm3A333Refresh Portland February: Hajime Kobayashi on Inside The Web In JapanRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup, held every 4th Thursday, on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.

      Our February session will feature Hajime Kobayashi, a front-end engineer at LUNARR, Inc., who will talk about Japan’s unique ways of interacting with the web, and designing interfaces and features based on people’s behavior and cultures.
      2009-02-27 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-02-12 19:42:132009-10-26 03:06:16 A;b׶2009-02-27 03:30:00 LL
      Time: 9:30am-11:30am
      Location: Intel - Ronler Acres Campus Auditorium 2501 NW 229th Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97124

      Cost: $0 for members
      Registration Deadline: 07/24/2008
      Topic: SAO Social Network Celebration

      Speaker: Timothy Chou, Author, “Seven”, Software Business Models
      Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to So-ԡeQy333SAO HealthCare Information SessionYou are cordially invited to participate in an informative session for the Software Association of Oregon's HealthCare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 2009

      Please RSVP using Upcoming.
      2009-02-18 02:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=2/17/09b2009-02-12 04:16:442009-02-12 04:16:44 9;b׵ OOq,ԡ=)3Y333Oregon Leadership SummitOregon Leadership Summit Keeping Focus in Tough Times Please join us on December 11, 2008 to help shape Oregon’s Economic Future. Oreg gԡ Mi3w333Presentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you p uԡ 35333PDX.pm: Getting Involved with Rakudo (A Flavor of Perl 6)This will be a guided "hack ses ԡ G3 333Lunch 2.0 Party Train to OTBCAll Aboard! We're going to par-tay all the way down to the OTBC for Lunch 2.0. Here's the scoop: Meet up at Pioneer Square MAX stop and catch the Blue Line MAX at 11:27. It will arrive just a few feet from the OTBC at 11:50. We'll all be in the rear MAX car cuz that's how we roll. Don't forget to RSVP for Lunch 2.0 http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1148458/ Chuga Chuga Choo! Choo!2009-01-14 19:00:002008-12-07 18:28:482008-12-09 00:43:01 ;[;b52009-01-14 21:00:00 11am, at CubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the space. If you can, please bring a little cash donation to cover the cost of snacks and drinks n stuff. We pretty much have space for the whole day, but I figure we can probably be heading out around 4ish. Then we can celebrate our first Code Sprint, and all the great progress we'll have made!

      Yay for Progress!

      Coming Soon: Agenda and final Issues List for the sprint.


      ORBlogs Code Sprint
      Saturday March 7th

      Bring a laptop if possible. We'll be pair programming, so be prepared for that.

      4 til whenever
      eastburn? green dragon? eastburn does have skeeball...
      2009-03-07 19:00:00http://blog.orblogs.org/2009/02/code-sprint-march-7th-at-cubespace/2009-02-12 01:02:152009-02-12 01:02:15 9;b״2009-03-08 00:00:00>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §ԡd3!3333ORBlogs Code SprintWe have our first official ORBlogs Code Sprint scheduled, March 7th,Zxԡc'U3S333Drupal MeetupFor the February meeting we're going to be doing a series of lightning talks. If you haven't seen this format before I think you'll enjoy it. Each speaker will have a fixed amount of time to present a topic. It could be showing off a module you like, showing of a site you worked on, or demonstrating a trick you've discovered.

      See the full post at: http://groups.drupal.org/node/18320
      2009-02-12 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/183202009-02-12 01:01:042009-02-12 01:01:04 =;b׳2009-02-12 04:00:00e the Facebook signin for another, with our single profile capability, we'll detect that and default the signin method you prefer when you return to any site using VidoopConnect.

      For our customers, a better user experience during the registration and login process makes for more registrations and better membership retention rates. We also offer reporting capabilities to sites implementing VidoopConnect so that they can see who their users are, how they're logging in, and can react to their customers' needs better. It's easy to implement and unlike our competitors, we offer a solution based on open rather than proprietary standards.

      This has been our top secret baby for a couple of months now, so we're really excited that on Friday at Beer and Blog we'll be able to show the product in action. There will even be a round of drinks on us.
      2009-02-14 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-02-11 19:22:082009-02-11 19:22:08 ; ;bײ2009-02-14 02:00:00 ng events occur at various nightspots around the city. Who attends this event? SXSW Interactive appeals tyԡ_1e3C333Portland Code CampCode Camp is a place for developers to come and learn from their peers. This FREE community driven event has become an international trend where peer groups of all platforms, programming languages and disciplines band together to bring content to the community. Who is speaking at Code Camp? YOU are, YOUR PEERS are, and YOUR LOCAL EXPERTS are...all are welcome! This is a community event and one of the main purposes of the event is to have local community members step up and offer some cool presentations! Don’t worry if you have never given a presentation before, we’ll give you some tips if you need help, and this a great opportunity to spread your wings. Of course, we do have some ringers on our speaker list as well...stay tuned... 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-02-11 04:00:502009-05-23 01:26:27 ?92009-05-31 01:00:00 9_9ONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Arial;">2009-02-17 17:00:00"http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=133">http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=133 ), and the pre-arduino Number 6 board ( http://six.media.mit.edu:8080/6/direction/get-your-board-ready/numberSixStuffed.jpg/view ). In the fabrication workshop (31May09) we will lay out and etch a board based on this work. Additionally I will follow up the prototyping example from this months workshop by sending the design to be fabricated. I am sorry that I wasn't able to get this finalized sooner but the extra cult induction kept me busy. Both inductions sessions went extremely well so I think it was worth it.. As usual you can RSVP by paypalling cult /at/ tempusdictum.com2009-02-22 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/blog/feurig/focused_workshop_prototyping_breadboard_a_sanguino_22_feb_082009-02-10 18:32:442009-02-10 18:32:44 ;s2009-02-23 01:00:00 ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ ԡXSK3o333Portland Pythoneers February MeetupPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers Lightning / talks: * VPython, Visual Python Shell (Kirby Urner) * Zine, the New Python Blog Software (Jason Kirtland) * Werkzeug (Adam Lowry) Machine Learning (John Melesky) has been postponed until the March meeting. Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/2009-02-11 03:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/2009-02-09 21:40:312009-02-09 21:40:31 9;bׯ2009-02-11 05:00:00b will build a "Sanguino" on a breadboard, add the core to our arduino environment, and program it. Then we will look at the next step of putting it on a protoboard. For more information on the "Sanguino" you can look at http://www.sanguino.cc this project was created by the reprap folk who needed more I/O for their projects. I will also be presenting as an example a small (as in tiny) project that I will be doing using breakout boards to make prototyping possible. The workshop as always will be $25 and participants will walk away with a breadboard and all components necessary to build a bare bones "Sanguino" during the workshop. It will also include other items including a a protoboard and socket to move the design to something more permanent. It is my hope that in between this months focused workshop and the fabrication workshop people can collectively look at how the hardware design can be improved on (see: similar designs such as laday ada's FuzeBox ( Special guest: Jared Spool!

      ISITE Design is hosting the event at their Portland office, and will provide refreshments for your enjoyment.
      2009-02-18 02:30:002009-02-10 06:30:112009-02-10 06:30:11 >;bױllar record of accomplishment in the fields of technology innovation and entrepreneurial investing. Vijay is the founding President of TiE-Seattle, an active angel investor and mentor to entrepreneurs – these investment include Drivecam, Pritest and Iconclude among others. He is also Managing Partner and co- founder of the Tenex India Fund, a cross-border investment hedge fund. Vijay retired from Microsoft in 2001 after a distinguished career in leading PowerPoint, MS-Project and various other product-line to commercial success crossing a span of over 19 years. An alumnus of IIT-Bombay, Cornell University and University of Chicago – School of Business, Vijay has been active on various non-profit boards including TiE Global Board of Trustees, Bellevue Community College and the Foundation for Early Learning. 2009-02-19 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2988&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-02-09 21:37:412009-02-09 23:37:05 ;2009-02-19 05:00:005 00:00:00 ou ahԡ[y3)333Biznik Bowling for Food & Dollars Food Bank Food DriveJoin independent professionals and solopreneure business people in a night of networking and fund raising for the Oregon Food Bank.2009-02-13 02:00:00https://biznik.com/events/biznik-bowling-for-food-dollars-food-bank-food-drive2009-02-09 23:43:002009-02-09 23:43:00 >2009-02-13 05:00:00KԡZ{I39333SECP's February Event | What you need to know about SEOAre you looking for cost-effectiveԡYOK3Q333BarCampPortland Volunteer MeetingBarCampPortland will be held on May 1 & 2 at CubeSpace.

      Want to help us plan BarCampPortland or volunteer to help out on the day of the event? Show up to this meeting and / or add your name to the wiki to learn more!

      2009-02-24 01:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-02-09 21:43:332009-02-09 21:44:11 9;bװ2009-02-24 02:30:00Economy led by Real Wealth of Portland, and Caring--Inspiration to Implementation led by the Giving Tree and Community Warehouse. Guest speakers include Jane Green and Melissa Owens of Children’s Cancer Association, Amy Sacks of the Pixie Project, and Charles Lewis of Ethos Music. The forum is your chance to talk with others in the community who share your concern. And if you have an idea ready to turn into action, you’ll find experts ready to help you get started. That’s all in keeping with the goal of the Springboard Social Innovation Forum: unleashing the potential of “ordinary” citizens to address local challenges with lasting solutions. Admission $5 (includes a light supper). To learn more about Portland-based nonprofit Springboard Innovation or to find out about future forum topics, visit www.springboardinnovation.org or contact: Katherine@springboardinnovation.org 2009-02-12 01:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2009-02-09 19:43:422009-02-09 19:43:42 >2009-02-12 05:00:00iies that address social and environmental problems in Portland neighborhoods. This month, the forum turns its focus to “caring.” Speakers, including Charles Lewis of Ethos Music and Amy Sacks of the Pixie Project, represent successful social entrepreneurs and people in the community who are leading community change; Workshops will review innovative trends in elevating the value of caring and how to apply these trends to your work and passion. Unfortunately, caring is something society doesn’t value much. We value numbers, and data. And we almost think caring is a weird thing to say. What does it even mean? This forum will bring caring to the forefront, and talk about how it's a wonderful thing to care, and to say you do. Do we talk about that on our websites? Do we ask others if they care? Do we acknowledge when they do? How do we help people care? When we care, do we act? Workshops: Engaging Volunteers Effectively, Efficiently, and Appreciatively led by Hands on Portland, Developing a Caring [ãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÁUԡ$'3[333XMPP Summit 5[Full detailoԡTIA31333PDXPHP: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored Queries [TENTATIVE DATE/TIME]This presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-02-09 17:51:472009-02-09 22:32:25 9JtS2009-02-11 04:00:00 22 Join SteelheaYԡWA3M333The Entrepreneurial Journey- A conversation with Vijay VasheeVijay Vashee brings a steghԡVso3U333Springboard Social Innovation Forum - Theme: CaringThe Social Innovation Forum provides a facilitated, empowering time and space for proactive community members to unite, learn, gain inspiration, and create innovative strategjZԡU?A3933Shizzow Developers MeetupNow that the beta verison of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.
      2009-02-13 01:30:00http://dev.shizzow.com2009-02-09 18:25:282009-02-09 18:25:28 ; ;b׭ 22'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYGGԡS=[3[333PDXPHP monthly meeting: Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Using MySQL Stored QueriesThis presentation will cover the following topics: * PHP Data Objects Model and Setup * PHP Data Objects and Object-Oriented Programming * MySQL Stored Queries Design and Development * Calling MySQL Stored Queries in PHP Data Objects Programming * Advanced PHP Data Objects Programming Tips and Ideas * Conclusions * Questions and Answers * Slides, docs, examples and PHP source code will be provided presented by Ernest Bonat, Ph.D. Visual WWW, Inc. www.evisualwww.com 2009-02-11 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/febuary2009-02-09 17:51:022009-02-09 17:51:02 92009-02-11 04:00:00oplatform that develops products and services for rapid rich Internet application (RIA)/AJAX development on a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Learn how you can leverage open-source testing tools (Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, HTMLUnit) for functional testing, load and performance testing, and business service monitoring, with more flexibility than traditional solutions provide.

      Register Now For The FREE workshop

      Friday, January 30, 2009
      8:00 am to 12:00 pm
      Cupertino, California

      Additional dates and cities available:
      Salt Lake City, Utah, February 18
      Portland, Oregon, March 11
      Orlando, Florida, May 6
      San Francisco, California, June 1
      Las Vegas, California, June 9

      Register now at:

      Frank Cohen, the leading authority for testing and optimizing software developed with Web, SOA, AJAX and REST designs and implementations, and author of FastSOA, will lead the seminar.


      1) The why, what, and how of open-source build and test tools vs. traditional tools

      2) Building applications with Rich Internet Application technology without learning JavaScript

      3) Testing using record/playback and scripting tools

      4) Identifying and solving performance bottlenecks in Rich Internet Applications (Web 2.0 and Ajax)

      5) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) testing

      6) Questions and Answers

      Every attendee will receive fully working copies of the Open Source Test tools, including Selenium, soapUI, PushToTest, TestGen4Web, and many others taught in this class.

      Guarantee Your Seat! Register now at:

      2009-02-18 16:00:00http://workshop.pushtotest.com2009-02-09 08:09:412009-02-24 02:50:18 :A;bת2009-02-18 20:00:00 pm
      Registration, networking, and announcements at CubeSpace

      7:00 pm
      Program followed by questions and answers, and the rafffle.

      CHIFOO is the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon. We are the local chapter of the ACM, the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group devoted to computer usability. We usually meet the first Wed. of the month at Cubespace, but always check the schedule at chifoo.org..
      Ticket Info: FREE for CHIFOO member; $5 non-members. Membership is only $20 and offers benefits galore!
      Buy Tickets
      2009-02-12 03:00:00http://www.chifoo.org/2009-02-09 08:04:022009-02-09 08:04:02 9;bשp/> Designing for a community is much harder than designing for a solitary individual. A digital habitat includes all the tools and the practices that enable a community to work and reproduce itself. It’s produced collectively, even though it’s experienced individually.

      This talk will explore how digital habitats vary across different contexts such as a company intranet, a mostly face-to-face community like CHIFOO, and a mostly online community like Planet Ubuntu.

      We’ll discuss some case studies of communities and the evolution of their digital habitats, exploring fundamental design tensions, kinds of tool integration, and the nature of technology stewardship.

      Find out more details about John and his work at our website >>


      5:00 pm
      CHIFOOd — join us for dinner at East Bank Saloon across the street

      6:30 ff5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-03-10 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-02-09 16:45:132009-02-09 16:45:13 92009-03-10 04:00:00FԡQWi33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-03-04 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-02-09 16:41:542009-02-09 16:41:54 92009-03-04 05:00:00 !!*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧”{ԡP?M3I333Open Source Test WorkshopA Meet-up for soapUI, Selenium, HTMLUnit, TestMaker

      Software developers, QA testers, and IT managers are challenged to rapidly build and test Ajax, REST, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) and Web applications in a time when schedules are short, budgets are tight, standards are few, and much of this is new technology! Find out why Tribal DDB, PepsiCo, AMD, Ford, and Premiere Global succeed with open source build and test technology and methodology as a more affordable and flexible option to the traditional test vendors.

      Learn how you can leverage an open source software n>ԡO)3933CHIFOO Meeting: How Communities Straddle, Leap, and Land on Technology Choicespresented by John Smith, CPsquare

      Can a community design its own digital habitat? Can a professional design a habitat on behalf of a community?

      Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

      We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
      2009-02-12 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-02-08 20:56:322009-02-08 20:56:32 9;bצ2009-02-12 05:00:00 çoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÆ^ԡA!3/333Portland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider O2009-02-13 05:00:00VԡJ53]333Symbolism in Design Maggie Macnab has been an identity designer and strategic visual communicator for over 25 years. Her work has been published in national and international design industry publications and hardback books on design-as well as taken international honors-for nearly that same amount of time. She has taught logo desye8CampPortland" rel="nofollow">Registration required.

      Check-in and networking starts at 9:30am.

      Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the Cre8Camp Portland web site for more information.

      To see photos from the last Cre8Camp Portland, click here.

      Cre8Camp is a nonprofit event.
      Ticket Info: $10 prior to March 1st, $20 after that
      Buy Tickets
      2009-03-07 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-02-06 08:07:112009-05-14 14:02:00 ?;bפ2009-03-07 23:00:00ign and symbolism as visual literacy for nearly 15 years at the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA), and is past president of the Communication Artists of New Mexico. Maggie gives workshops on using symbolism in design, and consults with clients on developing strategic and creative identities to most effectively express their brand. Maggie will be speaking in the Gallery here at The Art Institute of Portland beginning at 7 PM on Thursday, February 12th. If you wish to attend this special event, please RSVP to Allena Baker at abbaker@aii.edu (limited seating available). Her new book, Decoding Design: Understanding and Using Symbols in Visual Communication, was released worldwide in February 2008 and has received 5-star reviews nationally and internationally. It is a winner for Best Reference from the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards and Book of the Year from DT&G Magazine. 2009-02-13 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1776108/2009-02-06 16:54:222009-02-06 16:54:22 ;2009-02-13 04:00:00orld on February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

      By rallying together globally, under short timescales, for a single aim on the same day, the Twestival hopes to bring awareness to this global crisis. charity: water is a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations by funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need.

      Right now 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many communities in developing nations often have a plentiful supply of clean drinking water just below the ground, but no way to get to it.
      2009-02-13 03:00:00http://portland.twestival.com/2009-02-06 06:23:192009-02-11 04:52:53 >;bף2009-02-13 07:30:00 b¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´?ԡuO3333World Affairs Council Young Professionals discussionYoung Professionals discussioncreative industries professionals. It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'4ԡI3q333Green Drinks - Portland OregonEverpԡF1S3C333Open Source BridgeOpen Source Bridge is a three-day open source developers conference, focused on bri!ԡEY#3K33Portland Werewolf - February GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

      If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
      Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
      2009-02-12 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-02-06 01:20:482009-02-06 01:20:48 ; ;bע ""7WԡTKC3w333OTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC. OTBC coach Iris Sasaki will join us for this brown bag. Iris is an expert on human resources issues. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Friday, January 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2008-12-22 19:44:232009-01-10 21:11:07 <;b]Jsp2009-01-09 22:00:00nterested in robots. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.

      The PARTS yahoo group is a lively forum for public interchange on robotics. Check it out and join the group.

      Whether online or in person, we offer an active group of people building robots who are willing to help out anyone who also wants to learn about and build robots.

      Upcoming Meeting - February 7, 2009

      1. Continued discussion of club direction
      2. Show & Tell (bring your works in progress and interesting tidbits)
      3. OSU Robotics group aerial robotics demo
      4. Tabletop challenge for line maze in preparation for March
      5. Apres-bot at HotLips Pizza
      2009-02-07 18:30:00http://www.portlandrobotics.org2009-02-05 06:58:262009-02-05 06:58:262009-02-07 21:30:000http://groups.yahoo.com/group/portlandgreendrinks/2008-07-01 09:42:212008-07-14 04:09:24 :,;b2008-07-02 04:00:00 3| 3³³¹ÀÅËgYQQUw_IãÄ»PԡDY[3M333Beer and Blog - Field trip to EastBurnSkee Ball!!!!!!! Need I say more?
      2009-02-07 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-02-05 16:53:352009-02-05 16:53:35 >;bס2009-02-07 02:00:00oԡCY)3K333Portland Area Robotics Society MeetingWe are an Oregon non-profit formed to help those i~~ԡBCO3Q333BarCampPortland III (day 2)May 1: 6pm - 10pm May 2: 9am - 10pm RSVP at Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14359242009-05-02 16:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2009-02-05 06:52:212009-04-30 06:36:01 92009-05-03 05:00:00pԡA 31333Portland Perl Mongers: Perl in the 21st Century -- Eric Wilhelm I started using Perl just over six years ago, when 5.6.2 was already getting old and 5.8.1 was on the way. By the time I put my first module on the CPAN, over half of the current contributors had already shipped. I have often read the source of a core module and asked "Why?" only to discover some unknown feature or historical accident. The history lesson continues all the way into the roots of Unix in some cases, but also often leaves me thinking "So?". And now I am quickly approaching my 40th CPAN distribution. In this talk, I will share my own experiences in developing with Perl and explore the idea of the "Modern" or "Enlightened" Perl. Did I miss the heyday of Perl or are we still making that now? How does today's Perl code look different than it did 5 or 10 years ago? Is there a Perl renaissance coming, and what does it have to do with Perl 6? What modules should you be using for new development? Where is my flying car? Why am I still programming in Perl? And why am I programming at all? I will try to find answers to some of these questions and invite you to bring questions (or answers!) of your own. As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the LuckyLab. 2009-02-12 02:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-02-05 01:14:162009-02-05 01:14:16 92009-02-12 05:00:00rmative webinar on the new Software Association of Oregon Healthcare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 2009. You can participate in this valuable online presentation thorough the convenience of the internet on either of the following dates and times. Webinar Topics * Regence Health Plans for SAO groups with 2 or more employees * Regence Health Plans for SAO sole practitioners (1 person firms) * Regence Prescription Drug Plans * Regence Vision Plan * Regence Complimentary Care * Regence Dental Plan * Regence Life + Disability Insurance * LifeBalance Program * Benefit Services FREE TO ATTEND, PLEASE EMAIL stephanie.el-hajj(at)sao(dot)org2009-02-10 18:00:00https://regence.webex.com/mw0305l/mywebex/default.do?service=1&siteurl=regence&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Fmc0800l%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Dregence%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D112571842%26UID%3D1037641932%26Host%3D0d0101435f715e4046%26FrameSet%3D22009-02-05 00:30:292009-02-05 00:30:29 :2009-02-10 19:00:0024 01:00:00 --ÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹Xԡ@Ue3[333SAO HealthCare Informational WebinarYou are cordially invited to participate in an infoRԡ>3]333Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518845/ ] SAO's Marketing + Sales + International SIGs presents "Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally”, a morning panel event at the Governor Hotel and “Best Practices and Networking” , an evening networking event at the Rogue. Those who attend both events may enter to win a free SAO program pass. Oregon exported over $16.5 billion in goods and services in 2007, accounting for 10.4% of total GDP. With those numbers certain to grow, it's time to consider how you can increase your global sales pipeline. Economic challenges, the weak dollar, and globalization make it imperative that companies consider the opportunity to accelerate growth by tapping  vv»·²³µ¶¸¹¾¾µ³w̹DIo48O/0/179wž±¬¬©©ª­­·Ä×Y80-))'*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each story. This practice helps uncover assumptions and confirm that everyone has a shared understanding of what “done” looks like. During implementation, the technical team automates the natural-language Acceptance Tests by writing code to wire them up to the emerging software. In this way, ATDD tests become executable requirements. This session is a demonstration of the full ATDD workflow from initial discussions through final demo, and everything in between."2009-02-19 02:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-02-04 05:01:472009-02-13 03:31:01 92009-02-19 04:00:000:00 Gest District and some nifty places you might not even know about!

      On this sensational metro adventure, you'll solve clues ranging from pop culture to math (nothing tougher than 8th grad_ԡ:;=3+333XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven Development >> NOW AT 6:30 AND FEATURING PIZZA <<2ԡ953333Bash scripting classFree Geek is offering a bash scripting class, and I am teaching it. Six tuesdays, starting February 17, from 5:00 to 6:30. We will start with source file editing and version control, move on to variables, loops, conditionals, functions, input/output, and sqlite over the course of six weeks. If you want to register, call/ email Free Geek and they will give you the low down. Although it is technically free, I am asking that all gainfully employed students donate to FG, with $150.00 for all six classes 2009-02-18 01:00:00http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Intro_to_Bash_Scripting2009-02-04 00:25:102009-02-04 01:58:05 92009-02-18 02:30:00 jj to the content.

      If you are interested in multi-user interfaces, social media or intԡ;IW3]333Thrive in Tough Economic Times[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478697/ ] Date: Wed, Feb 4th Time: 7:30am-9:00am Location: Portland Center Stage 128 NW 11th Ave Portland, OR 97209 Cost: $25 for members $45 for non members Is the global economic downturn impacting your company and IT organization? If so, you will NOT want to miss this SAO forum on Wednesday, February 4th at Portland Center Stage. Local CIOs Fred Pond, Chris Dill, and Lance Kidd will share some of their direct insights and experience in dealing with downturns, and how your IT organization can even thrive in tough economic times. Speakers: Fred Pond, CIO, North Pacific Group Chris Dill, CIO, Portland Trail Blazers Lance Kidd, CIO, Halton Co2009-02-04 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478697/2009-02-04 23:56:322009-08-14 18:03:49 9;bנ2009-02-04 15:30:00networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Portland Business Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. ShopTalk Showcase's host on February 17th is Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge. Conveniently located near Portland’s downtown district, Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge can provide events with unparalleled versatility. Used alone or combined, their modern meeting spaces create a spectacular atmosphere for events both large and small. Reserve a private conference room, an exclusive Billiards area, a cozy Fireside Lounge, or our VIP Bowling Lounge. For groups from 10 to 1,000, Grand Central provides friendly, professional, and attentive service. Grand Central strives to create a welcoming and comfortable facility for all your guests. We provide entertaining and dynamic bowling and billiards, while offering extraordinary menu and beverage options. Our knowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, team-building event, birthday party, or more, our event accommodations are endless. Our private rooms offer state-of-the-art Audio Visual capabilities, flat-screen Plasma televisions, and high speed internet connections. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Members online: Free. Members at the Door: $5.00. Non-Members online: $5.00. Non-Members at the Door: $10.00. Advance registration at www.portlandalliance.com highly recommended. Registration will close at 3:00 February 16th, 2009 for this event. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-17 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 21:00:002009-02-03 21:00:462009-02-17 17:00:00strict, Skidmoree), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar.  February’s host for Business After Hours, Wilf’s Restaurant and Bar (800 NW 6th Ave.), was voted "Best Music Bar” by Portland Best Places Guide. Patrick Lamb, Sandy Dennison, Ron Steen, Tony Pacini, Michael Allen Harrison, Shelly Rudolph, Mia Nicholson, Richard Arnold, Key of Dreams, Bobby Torres and many more of Portland's best jazz artists perform Wednesday through Saturday at Wilf's. Wilf’s is proud to be a sustainable company serving fresh, organic, local fare, including, lunch, dinner, a casual bar menu, and catering for events and weddings. Members: $8 online, $10 at the door. Non – Members: $15 online, $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com.2009-02-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-02-03 20:49:172009-02-03 20:52:182009-02-12 03:00:00 kk¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤ŸOԡ7 33K333ShopTalk Showcase at Grand Central Restaurant and Bowling LoungeShopTalk Showcase is a !ԡ6qs3M333Business After Hours at Wilf's Restaurant and Bar Business After Hours, presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerclԡ5ug3c333[CANCELLED] CloudCampPDX Initial Planning DiscussionCancelled due to too many conflicts. Will reschedule in the near future. A few people around Portland have been talking about trying to have one of these new-fangled unconferences focused on cloud computing. Let's get together and see if we can pull it off. We'll have an initial meeting to discuss some ideas, figure out possible venues, timing, sponsorship needs, etc. Come prepared with ideas and suggestions. 2009-02-05 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/cloudcamppdx2009-02-03 20:43:502009-02-05 00:37:14 :H2009-02-05 04:30:00 and announcements at Tektronix 7:00 pm Program and Q&A LOCATION Events are held in Building 38 of the Tektronix Beaverton campus unless otherwise noted (see map). COST CHIFOO members get in FREE Non-member admission is $5. (unless otherwise noted.) November 5, 2008 7:00 pm Nancy Frishberg Certified Innovation Games® Facilitator Program Fun and Games at Work Frishberg introduces design games: structured, time-limited and enjoyable activities to involve your customers, your users, and your team. They focus your audience on specific questions related to products and services such as prioritization of features, what’s not working well, how a product fits into daily life, and what kind of physical-digital environment your customers live in. In the end, your team has data to drive decisions, and even had some fun along the way! Hosted by CHIFOO Location: Tektronix 2008-11-06 01:00:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/fun_and_games_at_work/2008-11-01 00:10:21 :"2008-11-06 04:00:00ting Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2009. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-02-05 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:22:552009-02-03 22:22:58 >2009-02-05 17:00:0030-62008-06-24 16:45:492008-06-24 16:45:49 ;a;b sts of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to members. 2009-02-10 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-02-03 20:32:242009-02-03 20:44:292009-02-10 17:00:00of the Faculty for the SANS Institute, Hal developed the SANS "Step-by-Step" course model and currently serves as the track coordinator and primary instructor for the SANS/GIAC Linux/Unix Security Certification track (GCUX). In 2001 he was given the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award for his teaching and leadership in the field of System Administration. Note: (1) The slides for the presentation are available at: http://www.deer-run.com/~hal/IntroToDigitalForensics.pdf (2) Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. 2009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-03 09:35:122009-02-04 21:51:51 >2009-02-06 05:00:00ON Intro to Digital Forensics (aka Groveling Through File Systems) by Hal Pomeranz Deer Run Associates While it may not be as sexy as they make it look on TV, there are a number of powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data-- even data that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and discuss tools for imaging file systems, suggest a few useful tools and idioms for finding clues in your images, and cover how to discover "interesting" data from deleted files and re-assemble that data into an actual file image. Hal Pomeranz is the founder and technical lead of Deer Run Associates, and has been active in the system and network management/security field for over twenty years. As a senior member s{Q9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°‰tԡ{M'3U333Critical mass in Portland OregonCritical Mass meets every month, last ^ԡ4=#3K333Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Rose Room Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. This program consi1ԡ3w3K333Cornerstones Coversations: E-Marketing Your Business Cornerstones Conversations: E-Markesԡ1w#33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics PRESENTATI~ԡ09o33333RecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

      RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki. You can also follow our updates at @RCCamp

      RCC is held over the course of three days, with participants welcome to come and go as they please. The schedule is...

      Friday: 9:30 am, Opening circle. Unconference sessions, a break for lunch, and then some more sessions before we close for the evening.

      Saturday: 9:30 Morning news / re-opening circle, sessions, lunch, and the evening news / circle

      Sunday: 9:30 am Morning news, fifth sessions, closing circle, 3:00 pm, cleanup, etc.
      2009-02-20 17:30:00http://2009rcc.org/2009-02-03 04:03:532009-02-03 04:03:53 =;b2009-02-22 23:00:00 s!

      Critical Mass is:

      - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Portland (`ԡ/)K33333Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is the last Wiki Wednesday before RecentChangesCamp (Feb 20-22), and consider this something of a pre-party for RCC. Please come, partake of beer and snacks, and talk wiki with us.2009-02-05 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-02-03 03:39:292009-02-03 03:44:51 92009-02-05 05:30:00 ԡ- %3I333Saturday Academy Holds Annual “Discovery” Luncheon April 23WHAT: Please join Honorary Chair Rick Warren, Vice President ISV Global Support, IBM and friends of Saturday Academy for the 2009 Discovery Luncheon. At the organization’s largest annual event, more than 300 guests will learn about the nonprofit’s 26-year role furthering education in the community; hear from young people and community members impacted by its programs; and raise critical support for scholarships, apprenticeships, classes <<a%#Igw33=1)Fiserv CafeFiserv (http://www.fiserv.com/) is a provider of techn$ԡwA539333CouchDB-PDX: First MeetingIf nothing else, I can talk a little about CouchDB and get any noobs up to speed. 2008-06-22 21:00:00http://groups.google.com/gr=ԡ,O3w333Working Together through Challenging Times: Turning Ideas into Action Community Building WorkshopLet’s “Work Together Through Challenging Times!” Come turn ideas into action at a Community Building Workshop on February 7th. Meet others who are interested in building positive relationships with neighbors and supporting one another. You will have the opportunity to work through an idea development process and create an action plan to benefit the community as a whole. Everyone has something positive to contribute. Make a difference!
      2009-02-07 21:00:00http://www.ourunitedvillages.org/workingtogether.html2009-02-02 18:52:502009-02-02 18:52:50 >;bמ2009-02-08 01:00:00 and other programs. WHEN: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 11:30-1 p.m. [Guests may arrive as early at 11:30 a.m. for an optional social time and the luncheon and program will run from noon to 1:00 p.m.] WHERE: Oregon Zoo Cascade Crest Banquet Center 4001 SW Canyon Road Portland, OR 97221 COST: No cost; donations accepted; reservations required; table sponsorships available WHY: Saturday Academy has served more than 145,000 children across the Portland metro area since its founding in 1983. Its goal is to nourish the natural curiosity, innovation, and wonder in children. Saturday Academy connects kids with technology and professionals in their fields, otherwise unavailable to them. Students explore topics with hands-on activities, yet without tests or homework. The result is a pipeline of young people interested in advanced careers critical to our state's future economy. 2009-04-23 18:30:00http://www.saturdayacademy.org2009-02-02 21:44:292009-02-02 21:44:29 :$2009-04-23 20:00:00  anywhere else. If you do well in our games you''ll earn badges, level up, and gain the respect of your friends. Profiles, chat, comments, private messages, and forumE!33OEN Online2009-06-25 18:22:492009-06-25 18:22:49!E33;'Hollywood Theater (Portland)2009-06-24 18:58:532009-06-24 20:07:044122 NE Sandy BoulevardPortlandOregonUnited States@FđN;^vȴ9;br <fo 331 Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference RoomThis is at the KOIN Tower, enter from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd.2009-06-23 18:01:532009-06-23 18:03:56222 SW Columbia StPortlandOR97201US@FUI^XS-33OTBC (The Round)2009-06-23 00:32:452009-06-24 20:07:11;bq < + o333G O'Bryant SquareSW 9th Ave & SW Washington St, Portland, OR 97205http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=488&action=ViewPark2009-06-22 22:00:502009-06-22 22:02:34SW 9th Ave & SW Washington StPortlandOR97205US@F³+E^wofiles, chat, comments, private messages, and forums make it easy to exchange game tips or just relax in the company of enthusiastic gamers from around the world. We know that making great games isn't easy and our mission is to help indie developers make better games and earn more money doing it. We share advertising and microtransaction revenue with game developers - and they retain full rights to their games. With features like multiplayer support, persistent data storage, high scores, and statistics, we take care of a lot of the headaches involved in game development. Uploading a game is quick and easy - the best rated games make it to the homepage and get millions of plays. For developers just starting out, our community features are great for getting quick feedback on what works and what doesn't.618 NW Glisan St Ste 305, Portland, OR 97209http://www.kongregate.com/2009-06-17 04:00:372009-06-17 04:05:43618 NW Glisan St Ste 305PortlandOR97209@FdZ^P{inquiries@kongregate.com(503) 227-4303 f|  <' ME333 Open Sourcery1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, ORhttp://www.opensourcery.com/2009-06-18 15:31:162009-06-18 19:18:041636 NW Lovejoy St.PortlandOR97209US@F֕j^ -M =b!eA33==)KongregateAt Kongregate we're building the leading site to play games - or to make them. We have thousands and thousands of the best free games, and our community features mean that playing them here is more satisfying than anywhere else. If you do well in our games you'll earn badges, level up, and gain the respect of your friends. Pru 33- PGE Park 2009-06-16 16:33:002009-08-07 19:09:131844 SW MorrisonPortlandOR97205US@F=:^E33G'souk2009-06-13 21:12:312009-06-14 00:30:59322 NW 6th Avenue\, suite 200PortlandOregon97214United States@F@N^C%;bQ ? eP^exs3U 339 RHT conference roomConference room in the KOIN tower, donated by Robert Half Technology.222 SW Columbia Street, second floor2009-06-13 00:00:522009-06-13 13:30:54222 SW Columbia StreetPortlandOR97201US@FUI^X IhwO  33M %OHSU School of Nursing Auditorium3455 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd. , Portland, Oregon, 972392009-05-20 16:59:582009-05-20 17:00:583455 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd.PortlandOregon97239US@FV^ 503 494-7725=v5 C)33 Webinar-short coursethe internet--online coursehttp://www.infoq.com/zones/Virtual-Training/giving-and-taking-design-criticism2009-05-19 23:25:222009-05-20 14:45:44 >I@u# SQ33- Cube Space 622 SE Grand Ave Portland, OR 97214http://cubespacepdx.com/directions2009-05-17 16:47:212009-05-17 17:38:56622 SE Grand AvePortlandOR97214US@FVŘ^I}+ 900 square feet exuding a loft-like feel with its exposed brick and HVAC systems, restored original wooden beams, high ceilings and ample natural light. Herman Miller chairs and Design Within Reach pieces round out the open plan appeal. There are NO CUBICLES. There are two, closed conference rooms available, all with natural light, both holding about 10 people. Additionally, upon request, there is a large event space that is available for up to 150. It's used for everything from larger meeting groups to networking events and workshops. The remainder of the space is open plan and accommodates up to 24 hot desks, many of which can be adjusted for those preferring to stand. All hot desks have ergonomic Celle chairs, Herman Miller's "green" line of office seating. http://www.soukllc.com/directions.html322 nw 6th ave, suite 200 Portland OR 97209http://www.soukllc.com/2009-05-13 23:01:122009-06-26 06:48:05322 nw 6th ave, suite 200 PortlandOregon97209US@FHH^Finfo@soukllc.com503.517.6900 8fRtW K33K' Willamette University Portland Centerhttp://www.willamette.edu/agsm/2009-05-14 21:54:102009-05-20 00:29:251120 NW Couch Street, Suite 450PortlandOregon97209United States@Fu%^S;bM s? 333 Beaverton Resource Center2009-05-14 20:45:532009-05-14 22:47:4912500 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOR97005US@Fb ^c͚R& r? 5 33 Beaverton Resource Center 12500 SW Allen Blvd2009-05-14 20:42:462009-05-17 17:38:27BeavertonORUS@FR)^tEA ?.q) /=33+ %Henry's Tavern12th and Burnsidehttp://henrystavern.com/2009-05-14 17:41:062009-05-14 17:42:4010 NW 12th Ave.PortlandOR97209US@F Cl^'#Zx503.227.5320:pCe;33C-%soukHot desks + meeting rooms + community = souk. souk's operating hours are M - F 9 am - 5 pm + upon request, tours by appointment only. The souk facility is 50 4J%oE I 33+ Museum of Contemporary Craft724 NW Davis, Portland, Oregon2009-05-12 23:36:102009-05-12 23:36:50724 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F!x^dU m% C339 Benson Hotelhttp://www.bensonhotel.com/2009-05-12 02:22:342009-05-12 02:23:10309 Southwest BroadwayPortandOR97205US@Fl^oN"l' 7335 %PHC Northwesthttp://www.phcnw.com/2009-05-10 15:35:282009-08-07 19:13:215414 NE 148th AvenuePortlandOregon97230US@FyQ?^ 503.261.1266a I33- %Bay 13 http://www.bay13restaurant.com2009-05-06 23:21:412009-09-07 19:45:09701 NW 13th Ave PortlandOR97209US@FÒlh^lT503.227.1133F`9 Q133) )Jax Restaurant and Bar826 SW 2nd Ave, Portland, OR 97204http://jaxbar.com/2009-05-06 17:12:312009-05-06 19:20:10826 SW 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\-(503) 228-9128 : ^>^Q_1umM331 %Emerge InteractiveEmerge is a full service user-centered interactive agency with expertise in integrated strategy, user experience design (UXD), web design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM). We develop experiences that amplify and extend brands and engage consumers across web, desktop and mobile environments.930 NW 14th Avenue Suite #280 Portland, OR 97209http://www.emergeinteractive.com2009-05-05 19:28:202009-05-09 01:48:16930 NW 14th AvenuePortlandOR97209US@Fз=^B503-922-3483^33+'Online2009-05-05 19:07:252009-05-06 19:19:10Portland OregonPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b= :<]K33a'Portland State University (PSU)2009-05-05 19:02:042009-06-14 00:32:45Smith Memorial Building\, 1825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207United States@F^Q;b< 9 4{K\% 33 The Interweb2009-05-05 00:21:012009-11-15 23:55:08 A![i 33- Tiger Woods Center, Nike campus, Beaverton, OR2009-05-05 00:09:412009-05-05 00:11:361 Bowerman DriveBeavertonOR97005US@FJt^v81Z[wY 331 Galleria Downtown Shopping Office PlazaThe Galleria shopping center, now mostly empty. The main entrance is next to the Made in Oregon store on SW 10th Ave.921 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR 972052009-05-04 23:18:412009-05-04 23:20:10921 SW Morrison StPortlandOR97205US@F–N~N^<}XQ 33 Tyesha's house (inner SE Portland)2009-05-03 01:14:372009-08-30 14:27:28PortlandORUS@FV^5Z @hFB9 _3359 Madison Ave Collectivehttp://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampCorvallis2009-05-02 00:25:212009-05-30 17:31:23459 SW Madison Ave. CorvallisOR97333US@FH)(X^corvallis@cre8camp.org C`BCy=[cU533+ PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of ArtCaligator map is retarded...don't trust it.1241 NW Johnson., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 04:42:252009-05-01 16:13:331241 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97206US@F]9^ ;s(<O 339# )Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom2009-04-30 18:13:232009-05-01 16:15:1614811 Kruse Oaks DriveLake OswegoOR97035US@F1^R@(888) 444-0401 ?/O;)i 33%#=%Bravo PortlandBravo conference room for classes and meetings2009-04-30 06:28:362009-07-30 23:12:05630 B AvenueLake OswegoOR97035US@FGU^t@ denise@bravoportland.com503-675-1380 @E:Q 333 Hilton Portland & Executive Towers2009-04-29 21:51:102009-05-01 16:18:15921 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl <2K833My House2009-04-29 20:40:512009-04-29 22:16:06;b2 ?K733My House2009-04-29 20:40:492009-04-29 22:16:06;b2 ? ^`^6/,)$!K633My House2009-04-29 20:40:482009-04-29 22:16:05;b2 ?K533My House2009-04-29 20:40:462009-04-29 22:16:05;b2 ?#3E G 33) Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub112 SW 2nd Ave., Portland, OR2009-04-29 19:08:522009-04-29 19:09:19112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@FCk^ݏ32q333'Portland State University\, George C. Hoffman Hall2009-04-28 06:32:502009-05-09 01:55:411833 SW 11th AvenuePortlandOregonUnited States@F'RTa^;b1 ??1;33/'Candy Bistro Burger Bar2009-04-28 06:29:582009-04-28 06:29:58904 NW Couch Ave.PortlandOregon97209United States@Fu%^Q;b0}0 _33-7%Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, Third Floor http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit2009-04-27 21:24:372009-05-22 18:05:271825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207US@F ^OKEnuintara@clfuture.org503-294-2889 9 g M@ڿ_eh0 M K) 3333 Mt. Tabor ParkBetween 82nd and 60th Avenue Between SE Division and SE Stark Streethttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=275&action=ViewPark2009-04-25 15:38:132009-04-25 15:41:13SE 60th & Salmon StPortlandOr97215US@F}^śwJ3GMw33) Lucky Lab Beer HallRestaurant/pub in NW Portland1945 NW Quimby, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.luckylab.com/html/directions.html#beerhall2009-04-24 19:29:492009-04-24 20:02:481945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon97209US@FI4&x:^HFUN :I5QM 33) Rose Quarter CommonsThe event will begin in the large commons area between the Rose Quarter and the Memorial Coliseum.Area between Rose Qtr & Coliseum2009-04-24 19:10:212009-04-24 19:12:321 Center CourtPortlandOR97227US@Fez^b~  6'6hpxkH' 9333= Wallace Park NW 25th & Quimby 97210http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=839&action=ViewPark2009-04-24 15:12:322009-04-24 15:14:09NW 25th Ave & Raleigh StPortlandOR97210US@FZ^vSCt6G[ 933/ %Northwest China Council Conference Roomhttp://www.nwchina.org2009-04-22 20:54:512009-04-22 20:56:11127 NW 3rd AvenuePortlandOR97209US@F&^kvp503 973-5451*D7 A33- 'Big Al's in Vancouverhttp://www.ilovebigals.com2009-04-22 15:35:202009-05-09 01:43:3116615 SE 18th StVancouverWA 98683US@F̍2^{Z360-944-6118 B5 33Q Perkins Coie offices2009-04-20 21:14:402009-04-21 01:08:431120 N.W. Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandor97209 >c]A; [m333 Fifth Quadrant (Lompoc)3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html2009-04-20 18:06:502009-04-20 18:49:543901 N Williams AvePortlandOR97227US@FƇ^c| 1/|1;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:24:222009-04-17 21:58:3122300 SW Boones Ferry RdTualatinOregon97062US@FŨ]^Udb!?[33-'Portland State University Hoffmann Hall2009-04-17 18:06:032009-04-17 18:06:031833 SW 11th AvePortlandOregonUnited States@F'RTa^;b&]>Y%_ 339 %Buffalo Wild Wings (Portland Downtown)Bar a Grill.327 SW Morrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-04-16 21:28:252009-09-07 20:06:47327 SW Morrison StreetPortlandOregon97204US@FXyD^@.,503-224-1309-=33o'Webtrends2009-04-15 17:48:402009-04-15 20:32:08Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOregon97204United States@FQ_^"`B;b$ >E503.239.10553] 33/ Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 86-012008-12-03 21:14:412008-12-12 20:04:151900 SW 4th Ave. Portland Oregon97201US@FMk2^*EM <E\g U 335 The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center1000 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 972322008-12-01 22:06:062008-12-01 22:12:411000 Ne Multnomah StPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4 : qU A 33- PSU Market Square Building2008-08-22 00:49:552009-01-07 19:30:311515 SW 5th Ave.Portland OR97201US@Fm]^>E =)33!Someday Lounge2008-08-21 07:27:262008-08-23 14:14:18125 NW 5thPortlandOregon97253US@F[^? o;b֋ :,+ =339 %Doug Fir Loungehttp://dougfirlounge.com2008-08-21 07:26:592008-08-31 14:27:47830 E. Burnside StreetPortlandOregon97214US@F;h^ ,6503 231 WOOD;b֊#33SAboutUs.org2008-08-21 07:26:262008-08-28 00:04:50107 SE Washington Street, Suite 520PortlandOregon97214US@Foz ^^ c;b։ 9|%33'Thirsty Lion2008-08-21 07:25:482008-08-21 07:25:4871 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204US@F@n^?_;bֈ - 339 Japanese Gardens2008-08-21 07:24:432008-09-16 15:55:54611 SW Kingston AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@Fho^;ՙ$);bև ;m;{33G!'iterasi2009-03-17 13:21:292009-03-17 18:48:29715 SW Morrison St. 8th FloorPortlandOregon97205-3122United States@F{m^Q;b >!z33Y'NedSpace2009-03-16 22:44:562009-03-16 23:05:37920 SW Third (between Taylor & Salmon)PortlandOregon97204United States@F#9^C%;b >cy ;333- iterasiCorporate headquarters for iterasi. Offices are on the 8th floor.https://www.iterasi.net2009-03-16 17:44:162009-03-16 18:59:42715 SW Morrison St.PortlandOregon97205US@FX^D$info@iterasi.comw933!'LaSells Stewart Center2009-03-14 22:26:252009-03-16 23:07:33OSU CampusCorvallisOregon97333United States@FBn^tj~;b >svI O33+ +Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre1088 Burrard Street · Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2R9http://www.sheratonvancouver.com/2009-03-14 14:28:052009-03-14 19:02:161088 Burrard StVancouverBCV6ZCA@Ho?^)(604) 331-1000  BfBk%33-'Joe's Cellar2009-03-04 19:54:482009-03-04 19:54:481332 NW 21st AvePortlandOregonUnited States@F"h ԕ^j~#;b.j9 [ 335 Austin Hilton Downtown500 East 4th Street Austin, Texas 787012009-03-04 19:04:572009-03-04 19:07:46500 East 4th Street AustinTexas78701US@>CLPrXoEgD i#331'Nemo Design2009-03-04 01:08:472009-03-04 01:17:551875 Se Belmont StPortlandOregonUnited States@F䎊^hr ;b :v9h! SA331 East Burn 1800 E. Burnside, Portland OR 97214http://www.theeastburn.com2009-03-03 23:11:542009-03-04 01:18:481800 E Burnside StPortlandOR97214US@F}w^m~ >g!337'NW Natural2009-03-03 22:38:442009-03-03 22:38:44220 N W Second AvenuePortlandOregon97209United States@F,zxl^ I^;bf/333'TechShop Portland2009-03-03 22:07:542009-03-03 22:07:5410100 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOregon97005United States@F?^"`;b 5e'5uG 333 USGS on Portland State campus2009-03-14 04:15:202009-03-14 04:24:062130 SW 5th Avenue PortlandOregon97201US@Fy^֘@tG 33! Lindquist College of Business1208 University of Oregon, Gilbert Hall, Eugene, OR 97403-12082009-03-14 00:35:222009-03-14 00:36:52Gilbert StEugeneOR97402US@F5^/{Sq!33;'food carts2009-03-12 21:36:322009-03-12 21:36:32SW 9th Ave and SW AlderPortlandOregon97205United States@FœwkQ^$;b-pe333'Two World Trade Center\, Mezzanine 2\, 3 & 42009-03-12 17:46:492009-03-12 18:17:0225 SW Salmon StreetPortlandOregonUnited States@F.H^"`B;b :>o331'Chow2009-03-11 17:30:272009-03-11 17:30:27NW 14th and GlisanPortlandOregon97209United States@FdZ^ =p;bm1337'Lucky Lab Brew Pub2009-03-09 18:44:482009-03-09 20:25:47915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregonUnited States@FsP^ I^5;b ;  AxQe533;'Portland Expo Center2009-03-03 20:38:322009-03-03 22:43:462060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217United States@F?^tj;b ;c-33/'Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 18:37:252009-03-03 18:37:253790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005United States@FFt^$;b b-33/Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 18:07:552009-03-03 22:43:413790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Ft^<;b >CaY ;33+#%PSU Market Square Building, Room 1054 http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-03-03 02:29:452009-03-24 16:38:501515 SW 5th AvePortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832 =9`G ;33' %NedSpace(between Taylor & Salmon)http://www.nedspace.com2009-03-01 05:41:382009-03-01 16:50:28920 SW Third PortlandOregon97204US@F"^Ew503.334.1860;b 9e$de> H-l^S iA33? %Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread)5209 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222http://www.naturebake.com/2009-02-28 17:22:282009-02-28 17:24:185209 Se International WayPortlandOR97222US@FfN+^`503-335-8077u]_ Ug33- +Pyramid Breweries (MacTarnahan's Taproom)2730 NW 31st, Portland Oregon, 97210http://www.pyramidbrew.com/alehouses/portland2009-02-28 17:17:582009-02-28 17:20:092730 Nw 31st AvePortlandOR97210US@FO*^@1Hw(503) 228-5269  \+ S 331 Brooks Brothers921 SW Morrison, Portland, OR 972052009-02-28 17:08:462009-02-28 17:10:33921 Sw Morrison StPortlandOR97205US@F–N~N^<A[W a 33/ Intel - Ronler Acres Campus - RA1 2501 N.W 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 971242009-02-27 22:38:102009-10-01 18:16:092501 NW 229th AveHillsboroOR97124US@FűH^y @ g4Z5 o 33+ Monsoon Inc offices 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR 972092009-02-27 22:35:132009-02-28 17:03:31520 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F#^>>E =Ya c335 Central Portland Workforce Training CenterThe Central Portland Workforce Training Center, a 31,000 square foot facility, is located near OMSI in central eastside Portland. The three-story structure was built in 1996 for $4.4 million thanks to the passage of a bond measure in 1992, and it traditionally serves more than 10,000 students in day, evening and weekend course offerings every year. The facility also has a 158-space parking lot and is near many of Portland's largest streets and freeways.http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/central/2009-02-27 17:15:072009-02-27 17:16:341626 SE Water AvenuePortlandOregon97214US@FU.r^e/ 112X9 )133;! University of PortlandMago Hunt Hallhttp://www.up.edu/2009-02-27 17:05:582009-02-27 17:08:035000 N. Willamette BlvdPortlandOregon97203-5798US@Fɜߤ^zS4W533=McMenamins on Monroe2009-02-27 16:55:252009-02-27 16:55:252001 NW Monroe Ave # 106CorvallisOregon97330US@FHy/^њ/;bzVI3eC33? %The Fresh Pot on N MississippiA nice neighborhood coffee shop on North Mississippi Avenue. Also, a longtime Personal Telco node, often filled with laptop-using coffee drinkers.4001 N Mississippi Avenue, Portland OR 97227http://www.thefreshpot.com/2009-02-26 18:15:402009-02-26 18:19:424001 N Mississippi AvenuePortlandOR97227US@Fưcz)^@ 503.284.8928 CaXCiT) 33 TBD (Portland)2009-02-24 22:12:072009-02-25 00:13:11PortlandORUS@FV^5Z :A!S7# 33=- Peppermill Restaurantlocal diner2009-02-24 13:03:202009-02-24 13:05:5117455 SW Farmington RoadAlohaor97007US@FX^ $ potvarc@gmail.com}R33'MacForce2009-02-24 01:32:152009-02-24 02:41:25100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214US@F׷Y^>gC;b ;Q33'Online2009-02-23 18:56:222009-02-23 23:35:36DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;b :PA33+'Oregon State Capitol Steps2009-02-23 18:56:212009-08-07 19:06:45900 Court St NeSalemOregon97301United States@Fx1&x^R;b >L mm Io;33K#%Portland State University Professional Development CenterThe Professional Development Center(PDC) is part of Portland State University's School of Extended Studies and serves as a primary provider of continuing business education programs in the Portland metropolitan area. Founded in 1982 in response to the needs of the business community for quality professional development programs, our expertise and the extensive resources available to the Center have enabled us to serve as a comprehensive provider of business training for management, supervisory, front-line, and other personnel in the business, industrial, government, and nonprofit communities of the Portland Metropolitan area.1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 97201http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-02-23 08:07:222009-02-23 08:10:281515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 PortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832 ssPes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Woԡ(i 3-33Let's Make Money - Portland Web InnovatorsCarolynn Duncan (@hundreddollar) will discuss bootstrapping and web business. Bring your questions, ideas and experiences.
      2009-02-05 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2009-02-02 05:21:092009-02-02 05:21:09 9;bםWԡ'o}3333"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory TheatrePlease come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kԡ&I=3]333LWV: John Kaufmann on Peak Oil[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/ ] League of Women Voters to Host Presentation on Peak Oil - Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy Analyst with the Orego column for the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) newsletter. He has lead Sanda's Web 2.0 initiative in building online communities for B2B clients, non-profits and state agencies. *Social Networks Get Down to Business, AUGUST 18, 2008 http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?id=1006482 Think of them as digital water coolers—surrounded by thousands of workers engaged in serious business conversations. "As compelling as the ad growth is, marketers will spend far more over the next few years to create and manage their own social networks for business customers, partners, suppliers and vendors," says Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst at eMarketer and author of the new report, B2B Marketing on Social Networks: Engaging the Business Audience. "These business networks will serve a range of purposes, from improving customer communication and collaboration to aiding product development."2009-02-13 01:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/2009-01-30 23:39:452009-01-30 23:39:45 <2009-02-13 04:30:00 orkouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generatn|)a3O33JrWordstock 2008Wordstock 2008 will be held November 7-9, 2008, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
      2008-11-07 18:00:00http://www.wordstockfestival.com/2008-11-01 18:35:03 9;b2008-11-10 02:00:00 ZZmote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
      -Work as a group to control traffic with standard and extended IP access ԡiC}3]333PDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Week This week we'll be discussing using some of the emerging frameworks like the Three20 project , FMDB , and SQLitePersistentObjects .2009-05-13 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2633539/2009-05-09 02:10:022009-05-09 02:11:08 ; ;bJ2009-05-13 02:30:00 strations | Dessert Classes | Culture & Ecology

      In the Northwest Chocolate Festival Education Center we will be bringing top educators in the culinary, history, and health of cho%ԡa3O333‘Getting It’: Careers in Social Media Featuring: Kelly Feller Social Media Strategist Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence Supported by Widmer Brothers and WebTrends. With all the self-proclaimed social media pundits, experts and gurus out there, it’s easy to wonder if the only jobs in social media are for consultants or agencies trying to help big corporations get it. Well Kelly is living proof that some big companies do get it and are willing to put their money where their online mouths are by hiring specialists with expertise at being social online. Join Kelly Feller for the second official Social Media Club Portland meeting where she’ll summarize various corporate social media jobs (hers included) and what they actually entail, explore ways to stand ou 0\b0$O)33'TBD - Portland2009-02-23 18:56:202009-02-24 02:50:18PortlandPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b :A"NK337'Doubletree Hotel (Lloyd Center)2009-02-23 18:56:182009-02-24 02:48:411000 NE Multnomah St.PortlandOregonUnited States@FJ^lD;b :M?33-'Portland State University2009-02-23 18:56:172009-02-23 23:37:021825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207United States@Fb}^Ƨ;b 9L33'Online2009-02-23 18:56:162009-02-23 23:35:35DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;b :KKS Y 333' Standard Insurance Plaza Auditorium1100 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 972042009-02-23 18:56:112009-08-15 18:19:081100 SW 6th Avenue PortlandOregon97204United States@F ^͙{g;bJG33)'Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-02-23 18:56:092009-04-29 20:12:39112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^nP;b ? that participate in the High Tech After Hours Conference held in Corvallis each November. SPEAKER: Jerry W. Saveriano, President & CEO - Sanda Communications, Inc (http://sandacom.com/) Jerry W. Saveriano is president of Sanda Communications, a marketing, advertising and public relations agency that has for over a decade worked with high tech, software and other clients.. For over twenty-five years Saveriano has consulted and lectured internationally on advanced automation topics such as CAD/CAM, geomatics, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was Industrial Editor of Robotics Age magazine, founding Chairman of the Southern California Chapter of Robotics International and wrote the Pioneers of Robotics article in the Encyclopedia of Robotics published by John Wiley & Sons in 1988. He created a series of articles and lectures on Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. Jerry put on the first CRM workshop at Oregon Graduate Institute and wrote a CRM titled “E-This!” m`XPH@80( xph`XPH@80(  \+ 2%)   { u f c EY eS qL |J }F @ : 5 0) # .@ Few{tNojd%^6W@PEJTCx=72+$ GI52=5EJLOQXgnTuyJ 1 -&,-5;$H=33UOregon Convention Center2009-02-22 19:21:462009-02-23 00:30:06777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232US@Få^YD;b 9 G/333TechShop Portland2009-02-22 19:21:162009-03-03 22:43:5210100 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Fb|^ZJ1;b > |ion Basics •1:00pm Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tn{)a3O33JrWordstock 2008Wordstock 2008 will be held November 7-9, 2008, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
      2008-11-07 08:00:00http://www.wordstockfestival.com/2008-11-01 18:33:39 9;b2008-11-09 08:00:00jz)a3O33JrWordstock 2008Wordstock 2008 will be held November 7-9, 2008, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
      2008-11-07 08:00:00http://www.wordstockfestival.com/2008-11-01 18:33:17;b2008-11-09 08:00:00|y 3U33JrSAO Thrive - PDX: How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn?Thrive - PDX How Ca5 w'e3 33Jr CouchDB introJoin us November 5th at 6 PM for Chris Anderson's introduction to the CouchDB framework. Chris is a Portland-based entrepreneur at Grabb.it and the co-author of an upcoming O'Reilly book on CouchDB. Apache CouchDB is a distributed, faed. We'll provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year. We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as: * What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's the time. * What does it cost? What will it make? Will it pay? How long will it take? * How to start small, fast and cheap * Should you build your own or join an industry community? * What are the right tools, platforms and people to get started? The Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is starting a Special Interest Group (SIG) to explore the best ways of growing our businesses using social media tools and helping other local companies learn how to get online putting Web 2.0 and social media tools to work. If you’re interested in seeing what we're planning to do with the SAO SM4B2B SIG (enough initials for you?), this meeting is the place to be. An objective of the SM4 SIG will be to build an online community of local companies sfertDO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctober2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 28, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-29 20:10:53 :2008-10-30 03:00:00tCO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctober2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 28, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-29 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-29 20:05:21 :2008-10-29 03:00:00 tures Gregory Milman Ph.D Director of the Office for Innovation and Special Programs National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of NIH Join us on August 12th, 11:30 AM to 1:00pm, at the Portland State Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland. Complimentary lunch will be served. Learn how to tap into $700 million of NIH funds. And find out: * How to decide between SBIR or STTR programs * What i NWe3]33JqPortland bridges photowalk with kooopJoin other flickr people walking a 2.5 mile loop on the waterfront. See the Upcoming event for details. 2008-11-02 23:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1290666/2008-10-30 01:28:26 =2008-11-03 01:30:003MW73]33JqPortland bridges photowalk with kooopJoin other flickr people walking a 2.5 mile loop on the waterfront. See the Upcoming event for details. http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1290666/2008-11-02 23:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1290666/2008-10-30 01:27:02 =2008-11-03 01:30:00 nnAfrican Affairs and Strategic Partnerships for Dan Bernstine, former Portland State president. He hoeg3133JrIPortland Perl Mongers: Cisco Log Parsing - Good, Bad and Ugly Wed. November 12th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th Ave. Speaker: Gabrielle Roth Topic: 600 Simple Strategies for Sanely Summarizing Cisco Syslogs Syslog is a handy troubleshooting tool, but only if you actually read what's logged. I wrote a Cisco syslog parser & reporter as part of our network fault-management system. We'll go over: * network management basics * why we needed this specific tool * why I created my own tool from scratch (instead of using an off-the-shelf solution) * how I did it & what the results were, and * what I'm going to do next. You don't need to be a Cisco engineer or even know much Perl to get something out of this talk. As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.2008-11-13 03:00:00http://pdx.pm.org/2008-11-13 00:55:42 92008-11-13 05:00:00 finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Jerry Saveriano, Sanda Communications - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies. PROGRAM: How's your blog? Do you Twitter? Are your customers talking about your company online? Have your competitors started to use social media tools like YouTube videos, LinkedIn or even FaceBook to reach out to your markets? Social media and networks are exploding for B2B applications* and this presentation can help get you started. SM4B2B will discuss how you can develop an online strategy to decide if SM is the best new way to engage your customers, prospects, channel partners and even your own people, whether they are on the other side of the globe or in the next cubical. And if it's the right time for your business, we'll show you how to get a fast, affordable start to test the waters. We'll show examples of SM4B2B websites we built including what worked and what failofflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ԡO}yяˏ͏ʏɏ ď Ə ŏ Ï}yяˏ͏ʏɏ ď Ə ŏ Ï!"#$ҏ' )*+,-.Q/012346 Տ7 |8 Ώ9 : ; K< >= 7> P? ȏA BCDEzF'GHޏIMQOQLR TWďX[t^2_faǏcFf7gqhOijnkRo r ֏s Ώt Ïu v w ۏy,|   ѐ    Z h  !"can help Control centers and collaboration styles: a tool for shaping collaborations where "defensive" behavior is needed and specific tests are required Design problem types: A tool for balancing priorities Handling design criticism: What to do with valid, invalid, aesthetic, personal, judgmental criticism and praise Adding design topics to project retrospectives Course Schedule and Information Instructor: Rebecca Wirfs-Brock Course Number: 09-SD-19 Dates/Times: Nov. 6, 2008; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Bldg. (#3 on campus map), Room 407 Course Fee: $475 Course Includes: This course combines short presentations introducing new concepts and techniques with short, to-the-point exercises. In addition to course slides, attendees receive notes describing each technique, concept, or practice. Lunch and break refreshments. 2008-11-06 16:30:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24272008-11-01 00:14:58 <2008-11-07 00:00:00 ..   R!%'$*/7124369@=:;@B??FEDLCԡ"3S333UIE Roadshow: Secrets Behind Designing Great User Experiences***Special discount with Calagator: Get $75 off the registration price when you use the promotion code CALPORT UIE is excited to announce our new UIE Roadshow: Secrets Behind Designing Great User Experiences, a full-day workshop, based on 10 years of UIE's extensive research, that will deliver new insights and inspire your team to create the best user experiences. This winter, we're taking this workshop on the road to: Portland, OR on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Minneapolis, MN on Thursday, February 19, 2009 Atlanta, GA on Monday, March 2, 2009 Recognized industry leader, Jared Spool, will share information thatpt their work rhythms. They know how to give and take criticism and ask clarifying questions of teammates and project stakeholders. Objectives At the end of this short course attendees should be able to: Identify problem frames (types) and use them to ask probing questions of their customers Write and share designer stories to kick off an iteration Use a common vocabulary for characterizing various aspects of a design Sort through designs tasks and identify their project impact Conduct a CRC card modeling session Recognize when a "wicked" problem crops up and how it affects project flow Effectively discuss issues and come to meaningful agreements Measure design progress and track technical debt Course Outline What makes a designer agile? Problem Frames: a tool for seeing typical patterns of software tasks A designer's story: a tool for seeing/communicating what's important Object Role Stereotypes: a tool for seeing object behaviors CRC card modeling basics and when a responsibility model r&ԡwI93333CHIFOO: Sketching Smart Thingshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-01-10 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-01-10 03:30:00$ԡvm93333CHIFOO: Design Research - Process & Provocationshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-02-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-02-07 04:00:00ԡuCO3333DevGroup NW monthly meetinghttp://www.devgroupnw.org/events/2008-01-17 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-01-17 04:00:00ԡt3i3333EMA: Your Web Voicehttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2008-01-23 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-wԡ-!}3-333Portland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measu previously we've only made available to our biggest clients. During the day, Jared will lead you through these sessions: 9:00 am: Designing for the Age of Experience? Jared will start with an overview of UIE's research into great experience design. 10:45 am: UX Level-Up: Taking Your Team to the Next Level?? You'll assess the critical dimensions that will pinpoint what your team needs to succeed. 1:00 pm: The Making of a UX Vision? You'll discover the secrets behind creating a unified user experience vision that you can share with your entire organization. 3:15 pm: Magic and Mental Models: Using Illusions to Simplify Design? In a perfect session to end the day, Jared will use professional magic effects to demonstrate the parallels between the world of magical illusions and the world of digital design. View a full description of the program at: http://cli.gs/RqzyBR2009-02-17 17:00:00http://www.uie.com/events/roadshow/2009-01-30 15:54:212009-01-30 15:54:21 <(2009-02-18 00:30:00 I~;8; c 335 OGI Wilson Clark Center20000 NW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 970062009-02-14 23:25:202009-02-15 00:10:4720000 NW Walker RoadBeavertonOregon97006US@F;-^!D(N <Y7- eA33; %Legin Restaurant8001 SE Division Street,Portland, OR 97206http://leginrestaurant.com2009-02-14 23:16:552009-02-15 00:07:438001 SE Division StreetPortlandOregon97206US@F ,^+IY%503.777.2828E6Q U 339! U.S. Small Business Administration601 S.W. Second Avenue, Portland, OR2009-02-14 22:51:212009-02-15 00:03:43601 S.W. Second AvenuePortlandOregon97204-3192US@FdD^1. >a143 e 331 Morton's Steakhouse213 SW Clay Street, Portland, Oregon 972012009-02-14 22:35:052009-02-14 22:35:47213 SW Clay StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FȟA^e~+ult-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments. This event is free to the public. In order to accommodate the appropriate number of attendees, please rsvp to: thomas@opensourcery.com. The event takes place at OpenSourcery: 711 SE Ankeny (on Ankeny and SE 7th, one block south of Burnside). We encourage biking and public transportation.2008-11-06 02:00:00https://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/10/introduction-couchdb2008-11-01 08:55:01 <2008-11-06 04:00:00offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|nd B&)+,/01}2|3{5y6x;p?@nC&)+,/01}2|3{5y6x;p?@nClFjGiHgKdRwUaZ^\[^W`UbRcTeQhOmLoKpHAFCEEBFDHCJ@KAL?M>N=R:T9X6Z5[1b/d,f+h'jk%m$n"p#q!rsvtuvwxz{     "$ē&Ǔ'ȓ(ɓ*ʓ+˓.Г0ԓ2֓4ד79ݓ:;<?BEFGHIJL 7>3333Portland Art Museum2009-02-17 19:56:502009-02-17 21:01:171219 SW Park AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@FzG^e;b׼ ;K=E33)Substance World Headquarters2009-02-17 04:45:112009-02-17 04:45:111551 SE PoplarPortlandOregon97214US@F;^nEW;b׻C<? W335 %Agency Ultra Sport LoungeThe Agency Ultra Sport Lounge is a new genre of entertainment right outside PGE Park on 19th between Burnside and Morrison. Come watch the game in a plush atmosphere on one of 50 HD TV's or play games on one of our XBOX360s or Wiis. Watch live games or play recorded ones right off of our system. We have a great selection of high end sports bar food and also great bistro, healthy or international options. We promise you that The Agency Ultra Sport Lounge will change your mind about what a Sports Bar should be. http://www.theagencyentertainment.com2009-02-15 23:28:422009-09-07 19:48:011939 SW Morrison St.PortlandOregon97205US@FR$^EGM503-548-2921 \*.![533) ON GalleryAn art gallery in the Everett Station Lofts devoted to interactive and technology based arts. fԡ^i}3G333nԡ)}3333The Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:152009-01-29 22:05:34 >;bטJt2009-02-14 07:45:00ԡ'G3333Raven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:142009-01-29 22:05:51 >;bטJt2009-02-21 07:45:00/ԡ#3333John Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:142009-01-29 22:05:23 >;bטJt2009-02-28 07:45:00ԡ3S3333Shizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:122009-01-29 22:05:44 >;bטJt2009-03-07 07:45:00 q you had five minutes to talk to Portland what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Launch aFԡ!53333Liz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 04:57:112009-01-29 22:06:06 >;bטJt2009-03-14 06:45:00MԡC)3 333John Metta et al RE ORblogshttp://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive Join us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs! 2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:312009-01-29 04:52:20 >;bט2009-01-31 07:30:004ԡ#3333Boise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:292009-01-29 05:54:37 >;bט2009-02-07 07:45:00 VV8Y>
      We recently realized that we've outgrown the Jive bre&q/Q3Q33JrBeaver BarCamp IIFollowing the successful first Beaver Bar Camp we are going ahead with plans for our second community event. Hope you can make it. BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. When: Sunday, November 16th, 2009 (Note - change in date from earlier announcement) Time - 9:00am - 10:00pm Tag photos, blogs, del.icio.us, ma.gnolia, etc. as BeaverBarCamp Where: Kelley Engineering Center (map) at Oregon State University; 2500 Monroe, Corvallis, OR (brochure with a floor plan) What rooms at Kelly do we get? The classrooms on the west end? (Yes, plus all the little conference rooms scattered throughout the building, so we have a lot of space for discussion).2008-11-16 17:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCampII2008-11-15 18:39:23 =2008-11-17 06:00:00 .0: http://code.google.com/p/calagator/wiki/Roadmap If you're a designer, writer, or programmer, we could use your help in designing new UIs, writing documentation, and adding interesting features. We have two code sprints coming up: 1. Wednesday 6/18 at Backspace, from noon until it's time to leave for Ignite Portland. 2. Saturday 6/21 at CubeSpace, from 10am until 6pm, although %ԡ!CQ3333John Metta et al RE ORblogsJoin us for a show about a site we’ve all been waiting for. John Metta, Patrick Lightbody and AJ “linuxaid” will join us to talk about the fate of ORblogs!2009-01-31 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:182009-01-30 01:51:21 >;bטJt2009-01-31 07:30:008ԡ #3333Boise PeepsChris Blanchard & Wyatt Werner are in town and guess where they'll be Friday night? That's right, on the Strange Love couch. Join us as we get to know a little more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:172009-01-29 06:05:47 >;bטJt2009-02-07 07:45:00osition in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Portland State University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in Computer Science at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2000 and 2004 respectively. In 2004 he became a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), in 2005 a distinguished Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and in 2007 a Technical Staff Member. His main research interests include emerging computing architectures and paradigms, biologically-inspired computing, complex and adaptive systems, and cognitive science. Teuscher has received several prestigious awards and fellowships. For more information visit: http://www.teuscher.ch/christof.2008-10-31 22:00:00http://www.pdx.edu/events/22061/2008-10-31 05:58:53 =2008-10-31 22:00:00 `7Q` />
      We recently realized that we've outgrown the Jive breakroom, anjԡ)}3333The Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discussion about everyone's favorite topic, Sex.2009-02-14 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:282009-01-29 05:54:35 >;bט2009-02-14 07:45:00 ԡ'G3333Raven ZacharyJoin us with Raven Zachary!!!2009-02-21 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:262009-01-29 05:54:35 >;bט2009-02-21 07:45:00+ԡ#3333John Nastos1 part music, 1 part tech. Just the way the show should be!2009-02-28 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:252009-01-29 05:54:33 >;bט2009-02-28 07:45:00ԡ3S3333Shizzow & SXSW PrepShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:232009-01-29 05:54:32 >;bט2009-03-07 07:45:00Bԡ!53333Liz GroverJoin us on Friday the 13th, one of Cami's very favorite days, with guest Liz Grover.2009-03-14 05:00:002009-01-29 04:46:222009-01-29 05:54:31 >;bט2009-03-14 06:45:00  ;QԡQ33333Trust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation's founders and exciting project to Oregon. Discover this imperative "public digital works project" of the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation. The OSDV Foundation is a Silicon Valley based public benefits corporation whose mission is to work to restore trust in how America votes through the design, development, and demonstration of open source digital voting technology. Join us to learn details about the "TrustTheVote Project," a well funded non-profit effort which has been under the radar for 2 years. The OSDV Foundation is now raising public awareness, and expandinicegain.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s). Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-14 17:37:51 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00lable? When Barack Obama decided to announce his Vice-Presidential candidate via text message to his supportore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants.
      Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – ;bדJt'2009-02-01 22:00:00-06-18 02:00:00logies, formal frameworks, and tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges might be addressed. Self-assembled nano-scale electronics, cellular automata (CAs), and random boolean networks (RBNs) will serve as a simple showcase. I will show that irregular assemblies and specific interconnects can have major advantages over purely regular and locally interconnected fabrics. I will further present the efforts underway to self-assemble massive-scale nanowire-based interconnect fabrics for spatial computers. BIO: Christof Teuscher holds an assistant professor p f?6̀ԡLO13333ONE: Leadership Training Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-12-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:1420Jԡ@73;333PLUG Advanced Topics - Webslide Presentations That Don't SuckAll-in-one presentation programs like PowerPoint, OpenOffice, and Keynote suck. Why not present open format, transportable presentations with web browsers? A short presentation on WYDIWYS ( What You Draw is What You See , http://server-sky.com/wydiwys ). Maybe, short presentations on Sliderepl ( http://discorporate.us/projects/sliderepl/ ), S5 ( http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/ ) and Text::Slidez ( http://svn.scratchcomputing.com/Text-Slidez/ ). If you have another tool, or opinions about how they should work, or knowledge of Javascript, Flash, and HTML to help us design something better, join us at the back room (southern doors) at Roots! 2009-07-16 02:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org2009-07-10 05:03:332009-07-10 05:03:33 >2009-07-16 04:00:00 0 The Erin Band
      2:45-3:15pm Bijou Project
      3:30-5pm State of Jefferson
      5:30-7pm Roots of Creation

      11:30-12:30 Dance and Sing With Jan*ԡ a3M333Entrepreneurship Forum: Start-up funding ideas for tough timesFinding the money to invest in your startup is tough even in normal times. With the global economic climate being what it is today this task is even harder. How do you find the right funding in this environment? Join our experienced group of Venture Capitalists Venky Ganesan, Managing Director of Globespan Capital, Carolynn Duncan, Micro-business expert and subject matter expert in VC /Angel funding & Bobby Kandaswamy, Director Strategic Investments at Intel Capital on Feb 5th to discuss the best ways of funding your company in a downturn. 2009-02-06 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2985&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-28 21:01:482009-01-28 21:45:23 ;2009-02-06 02:00:00 22}A 6jM Ss3311 Adobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pdfs/seattlemap.pdf2009-08-19 01:12:422009-08-19 01:23:03701 N. 34th StreetSeattle WA98122US@G,^UDR?roberte3@gmail.com iOcQ 33/ W+K Portland Incubator Experimenthttp://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland|ԡT13333PLUG: Linux CliniTԡ =c3]333"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory Theatre @ The Blue Room at the Scottish TemplMԡ ;a3]333StartUp Exchange Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518969/ ] The StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only reneurship fundamentals . Discover how to turn an innovative product idea into a new technology venture . Network with the people who can help make your ideas a reality Date: Saturday, Feb. 14, 2009 (In addition, a social networking event will be held the prior evening for students who are in town and able to attend, though this is not required.) Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett, Portland, OR, 97201 Cost: Students $25, Faculty $25, Others $50 Contact: Nicole Andrade, andrade@up.edu To register today visit http://www.invention2venture.org/portland09/ Invention to Venture workshops are conducted at universities around the country and feature a nationally recognized curriculum delivered by top speakers from the business community. For more information about the course and NCIIA, visit www.invention2venture.org. 2009-02-14 16:00:00http://www.invention2venture.org/portland09/2009-01-27 21:56:472009-01-27 21:56:47 92009-02-14 23:00:00 ($6I\n,?Rex  3FXj} fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

      More about Mapping parties
      [edit] Info

      * ԡ3EG3]333Portland EmploymM?JyEventNJyEventOJyEventPJyEventQ=JyEventR JyEventSJyEventTJyEventUMJyEventVJyEventWJyEventXJyEventYJyEventZJyEvent[MJyEvent\]JyEvent]JyEvent^_JyEvent_`JyEvent`aJyEventaJyEventbJyEventcJyEventdjJyEventeJyEventfJyEventgfJyEventhJyEventiJyEventjMJyEventkrJyEventlJyEventm_JyEventnJyEventoJyEventpGJyEventqJyEventrJyEventsJyEventtJyEvent ering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the Oԡ5K3333Engage 2009: Virtual ConferenceReserve your spot today for the upcoming launch of the first ever Intel® Software Partner Program virtual user conference Engage 2009 on June 3, 2009. The virtual user conference will help ))atableevent_versionsevent_versionsGCREATE TABLE "event_versions" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "event_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "version" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL, "start_time" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "venue_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "end_time" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "rrule" varchar(255)) ilt from the ground up on ASP.NET MVC and is currently used by thousands of developers from around the world! Geoff will be showing how StackOverflow.com uses ASP.NET MVC, as well as how to create a brand new simple Q/A site using MVC. Have q93]33JuIntel Insiders TweetupThis Thursday, as part of the Intel Insiders program, Intel will be hosting a who's who of social media types here in town. And on Thursday night, they've scheduled a meetup in conjunction with the Social Media Club of Portland. Who will be there? * Sarah Austin (@pop17) * Cathy Brooks (@cathybrooks) * Tom Foremski (@tomforemski) * Frank Gruber (@frankgruber) * Irina Slutsky (@irinaslutsky) Hosted by Social Media Club of Portland and Intel.2009-04-17 02:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415077/2009-04-15 17:57:33 ; ;b%2009-04-17 02:30:00^{a3]33JuIntroduction to Yahoo Pipes Training (not a free event)Please note that this is not dy days and rainy weather, solar energy can be a smart choice for homes and businesses in Oregon. Come learn about the latest in solar technologies and what could work best for you: Solar electricity generation? Solar water heating? Passive solar design? We'll discuaԡqOu3]333DorkboxPDX Arduino Cult Induction[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/ ] This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it Please see the event page for full description, what you'll build and get working, and how to pay.2009-01-25 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1506984/2009-01-21 23:46:272009-01-21 23:48:55 ;s;bׇ2009-01-26 01:00:00 l e!T ?33+ %North 45http://www.north45pub.com2009-08-05 23:51ԡOEO3U333PDX Critique monthly meetingCome to a PDX Critiq?ԡI73]333LWV: John Kaufmann on Peak Oil[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518464/ ] League of Women Voters to Host Presentation on Peak Oil - Public Invited at 7pm on February 10th John Kaufmann, Senior Policy Analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. Peak oil is the premise that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. Mr. Kaufmann will discuss evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent; alternative forms of energy; the likely impacts of peak oil on society inPԡ 5m3e333Invention to VentureAnnouncing: Invention to Venture Portland A workshop in technology entrepreneurship Organized and hosted by the NCIIA and the University of Portland, the event is open to students, faculty and technology entrepreneurs from universities and communities throughout the Northwest Are you a technologist? An inventor? Have entrepreneurial ambition? Plan to attend this introductory workshop on technology entrepreneurship. Invention to Venture is for science, business and technology students and faculty, as well as business people, entrepreneurs, and investors interested in commercializing cutting edge technology. At Invention to Venture, you will: . Explore technology entrepԡ '37333SearchFest 09SEMpdx brings you SearchFest 2009, a full-day search engine marketing conference featuring multiple learning sessions and expert panels to help you leverage search engine marketing (SEM) in your organization. Whether you are an SEM professional, work in an advertising agency or part of an in-house marketing department, SearchFest 2009 will connect you with the leading thinkers and practitioners in SEM today. Who Should Attend? SearchFest 2009 is open to all SEM professionals and the wider business community interested in maximizing their success in SEM. This full-day conference will provide programs for both beginners and advanced marketers. * Online Marketers * Web Business Owners * SEM Industry Professionals * Web Designers / Web Masters * Interactive and Advertising Agency Professionals What You Will Learn Multiple sessions will cover a comprehensive range of topics to help you be more successful. In addition, we've added our ever-popular "SEM Hot Seat" series to this year's conference. Our "Hot Seat" panelists will critique real web sites and provide search marketing advice to the site owners.2009-03-10 14:30:00http://www.sempdx.org2009-01-27 19:15:462009-01-27 19:15:46 :$2009-03-11 01:00:00 PPssroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. This month's Featured Tech Leader Attendees: Doug Fieldhouse, CEO, Vesta Meet with peers and people who have "been there" to discuss your mos-KC3Q33JpPortland Fashion Week 2008 testWelcome to Portland Fashion Week: Spring/Summer 2009 Collections. Several internationally known independent and eco labels from all over the country and the world are launching their upcoming season's collections from the bamboo-runway in the green building of 14 Square in the swanky Pearl District. After being the first sustainable production of a fashion week in the world in 2007, this year Portland Fashion Week continues its commitment to eco-responsibility and high-fashion. This event is benefiting Children's Cancer Association 2008-10-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandfashionweek.net2008-10-12 04:36:46 <2008-10-13 06:00:00osition in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Portland State University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in Computer Science at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2000 and 2004 respectively. In 2004 he became a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), in 2005 a distinguished Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and in 2007 a Technical Staff Member. His main research interests include emerging computing architectures and paradigms, biologically-inspired computing, complex and adaptive systems, and cognitive science. Teuscher has received several prestigious awards and fellowships. For more information visit:
      http://www.teuscher.ch/christof.2008-10-31 09:00:00http://www.pdx.edu/events/22061/2008-10-31 05:56:21 =2008-10-31 22:00:00logies, formal frameworks, and tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges might be addressed. Self-assembled nano-scale electronics, cellular automata (CAs), and random boolean networks (RBNs) will serve as a simple showcase. I will show that irregular assemblies and specific interconnects can have major advantages over purely regular and locally interconnected fabrics. I will further present the efforts underway to self-assemble massive-scale nanowire-based interconnect fabrics for spatial computers. BIO: Christof Teuscher holds an assistant professor p; and possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufmann has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the Oregon Department of Energy for 25 years. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and the primary author of the report. Portland Community Media will broadcast the discussion on Channel 30 on Thursday, February 12, at 8 p.m.; Tuesday, February 17, at 1 p.m.; Friday, February 20, at 11 p.m.; and Tuesday, February 24, at 5 p.m. The discussion is presented by the League of Women Voters of Portland. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. The League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 520 Portland, OR 97204 503-228-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com, www.lwvpdx.org2009-01-28 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518464/2009-01-27 16:45:092009-01-27 16:45:09 >;bב2009-01-28 03:00:00  it should be worth your time/effort should you choose to participate. (No worries, you will not be tied to your "date"nԡoa3s333Information Session: FastTrac® GrowthVenture™ Come learn about FastTrac® GrowthVenture™, a Kauffman Foundation entrepreneurship program that will be offered jointly by OTBC and the OEN. Not to be confused with FastTrac® TechVenture®, GrowthVenture™ targets companies that are a bit beyond the startup stage, and into some revenue (a few hundred thousand to a few million). GrowthVenture™ takes you through a process of reassessing and building your strategy. And GrowthVenture™ is NOT limited to tech startups. In these challenging economic times, it's critical to be sure your strategy fits the new challenges. GrowthVenture™ will help you get there. 2009-02-05 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9603170/2009-01-26 15:39:552009-01-26 15:39:55 <2009-02-05 21:00:00 {$de*@ H-[ԡL?3?333Naked in Public: the Victorian era architecture of Warren H. Williams“Naked in Public” Lecture Exposes Surprising Side of Victorian Era through Works of Renowned Architect

      At a time when many Portland streets were still a sea of mud, architect Warren H. Williams brought masterful building design to the city. Williams’ best-known surviving work is the 1883 icon known as The Old Church located in downtown Portland. Research historian Eileen FiޏpԂzԡ;C3]333iPhone Developer MeetupThis will be our second monthly meeting. Hopefully we'll be able to continue these on the second Tuesday of every month. Topic TBA, subscribe to the mailing list for updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-02-11 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-27 01:22:562009-01-27 01:22:56 ; 2009-02-11 03:00:00 Aԡ#333Working MtgA working meeting of the board officers and anyone else that wants to help (hopefully a web master volunteer) to update and redesign our website: www.cascadesiggraph.org. Tentatively scheduled for the evening of 11/6, after we have our board meeting during the day. The rest of the month gets harder to find a day. Other possbilities are the evening of Nov. 13th or 1FԡxS93]333Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It"- by Portland Ten & Willamette University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of Portland Ten, and Rob Wiltbankrence will help ISVs gain a competitive advantage. Conducted entirely online, visitors will see live presentations, participate in live Q&A with presenters, visit 10 exhibitor booths filled with useful information and staffed with Intel experts, and network with others using the professional networking capabilities. The user conference is free to both current and prospective Intel Partner members. Breakout Sessions Being Confident, Creative and Resourceful In A Down Economy How You Can Get the Most from Intel® Architecture Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers and Visual Adrenaline from Intel Go-Parallelism! Ease the Onramp for C/C++ Windows* Development Application Builder: The High Value Service that Puts Your Software to the Test Expand your Customer Base with the Intel® Business Exchange 2009-06-03 13:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2717490/2009-05-20 17:43:492009-06-29 18:15:27 >I;bP2009-06-03 23:00:00 jjns offers an insightful presentation on the less-recognized aspects of the Victorian age in her ԡG)3333Brown Bag: Protecting your IP We'll have had two Lunch sessions on Intellectual Property by now, and you probably have more questions. Join attorney Jonathan Kaplan for an informal discussion and Q&A session. Mr. Kaplan runs a small IP law firm, specializing in patents, located just north of Portland in Vancouver, WA. He has substantial experience representing VC‑backed start-ups that have bet‑the‑company technology needing IP protection. The technology focus of Mr. Kaplan’s practice is on inventions that use computing technology (software or hardware) and/or electronic devices. Mr. Kaplan has over 16 years of experience and, before starting his own practice in 2003, was an IP partner with a nationally prominent law firm. 2009-02-04 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9603152/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22009-01-26 15:38:172009-01-26 15:38:17 <2009-02-04 21:00:00 ""learn a lot as we do our work. How do you store what you learn? Are you always able to access it when you need it again? How do you pass it on to others? Imagine what would happen if you had a way to share what you know. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had an easy and diWԡ=C3333OTBC Information SessionOTBC helps tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech startups succeed. Come to this brown bag lunch to learn about the benefits of becoming a member of OTBC. We'll talk about all 3 of our membership levels: * Associate Membership: access to the OTBC space * Venture Membership: access to the space, coaching and advising, and several other benefits * And the new one: FastTrac® TechVenture® Membership, featuring the Kaufman entrepreneurship program (which will begin in early March) Come join us on Thursday to learn more! 2009-01-29 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9582204/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22009-01-26 15:36:452009-01-26 15:36:45 <2009-01-29 21:00:00  of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-rmK+3M33JrComputers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of modern computer science some sixty years ago, we are building computers in more or less the same way. Silicon electronics serves as a physical substrate, the von Neumann architecture provides a computer design model, while the abstract Turing machine concept supports the theoretical foundations. That is changing: in recent years, unimagined computing substrates have seen the light because of advances in synthetic biology, nanotechnology, material science, and neurobiology. A grand challenge consists in developing computer architectures, computing paradigms, design methodoand other earned media; internet advertising; dynamics of the iTunes store (ratings vs. units sold, targetting categories); and creating the even more popular (and free) Peekaboo Barn Lite. For those interested, they can also field questions about the process of becoming iPhone developers, contracting and working with an outside illustrator, identifying and using Creative Commons media, and user-testing with children and families. About Night & Day Studios Night & Day Studios is a team of 11 designers and entrepreneurs located in the firehouse on 7th Ave. Team members have various backgrounds in interactive design, writing, media production, educational theory, and marketing. Company founder Nat Sims will be joined by team members Chris Higgins and Erin Rackleman.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/2009-01-26 01:57:512009-01-26 18:01:19 9;bא2009-01-27 02:00:00 those connections.

      connec+ipedia: People who are working to make a better s a must attend event for professionals that have responsibility to respond, manage and prevent workplace violence incidents.                       CԡAOc35333Java User Group - Portland OregonJava User Group meeting


      Oracle downtown Campus
      8th Floor - Room 8005 Pacwest Center
      1211 SW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon
      2008-06-18 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org8ԡra3]333End Joblessness - A Beer and Blog job fair[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/ ] Back in December it was suggested that we should do a mini job fair to help out the local scene during this down economy. So, we’re organizing End Joblessness to give potential employers and job seekers a chance to come together (over beers of course). We’ll be meeting at OTBC on Saturday, January 24th from 12:00-3:00pm.2009-01-24 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1508236/2009-01-22 03:18:072009-01-22 05:12:07 <;b׈2009-01-24 23:00:00 t-per-visits, PPC campaigns are the dominant force within our vibrant space. The reasons forԡ -53)333PDX Django LunchThe "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather is completely insane so meeting outside is totally out of the question, so we're back to our original haunt at the Deschutes Bk 333JrAeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in Financial ManagementAeA resumes its successful series that enables networking among high-level peers and expert panelists. We are excited to enter our sophomore season with a slate of events that continues to address the changes and challenges Boards face today...because AeA remains committed to the belief that Good Governance Matters! 2008-11-05 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108052008-10-31 00:15:26 :$2008-11-05 18:00:00nesses will be selected to deliver Angel Ignite Pitches (13 slides, 15 seconds per slide = 3.5 minutes). It's a high energy competition - and lots of fun! The audience will vote and select one winner from the 10 Minute Pitch and one from the Angel Ignite Pitch. Come on out and support Eugene-area and Corvallis-area entrepreneurs. Attendee registration will soon be available. Companies seeking seed stage funding between $250,000 and $2 million can submit their business plans into this competition. See submission guidelines on smartups.org. Deadline to submit is 5pm, Feb 6th. Please send executive summaries to carolineineugene@gmail.com. We will also be chartering a bus to drive us to the event in Corvallis. We can accommodate up to 36 people. Those interested will be charged an additional $8 during registration. The bus will depart the parking lot of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce at 4pm sharply. 2009-02-27 01:00:00http://www.smartups.org2009-01-26 00:41:042009-01-26 00:41:04 >w2009-02-27 03:30:00 nd the popular planning poker technique. This class can be taken as a standalone or as a supplemental course - great for those new to Agile and those looking to learn m_ԡIu3]333W-g#!333JrAeA CEO & CFO Forum: The Credit Crisis--Causes, Effects & Actions NecessaryThe Credit Crisis--Causes, Effects & Actions Necessary The credit crisis started by the housing market mortgage fiasco has now escalated into a financial market crisis and bailout but that has led to a consumer spending drop, which has led to big unemployment announcements, which has led to a further drop in all corporate values and further credit crisis due to loss of investment value and liquidity. It is dramatically effecting companies of all sizes and their ability to get loans and equity, to fund development, to fund growth, to pay bills, and to maintain employment levels. 2008-11-14 01:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108072008-10-30 23:44:40 =2008-11-14 04:30:00 MMq/j/e3O33JrAngel Oregon 2009Angel Oregon is the nation's premier entrepeneur-angel matchmaking event. A program of the Oregon Entrepeneurs Network, Angel Oregon brings together Oregon and SW Washington’s brightest entrepreneurial talent with qualified angel investors. Angel Oregon features the largest investment prize of any event of its type. Angel Oregon 2007 had 320 attendees, making it the largest event of its kind. Those attendees included 100 accredited investors. The 2007 sponsors included Capybara Ventures, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley. Angel Oregon 2008 had $265,000 prize money, from 53 angels investing $5,000 apiece. There were three distinct investment tracks: Technology & Biotech Consumer/Active Lifestyle Sustainability Instead of just one prize winner, money was awarded to the winner in each track. 2009-03-12 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events_ao.aspx2008-10-31 00:03:43 :2009-03-13 00:00:00g.yahoo.com/event/1515705/ ] Many local companies are contemplating the opportunities created by the iPhone App Store and whether or not to change their focus to build iPhone applications. One local company that has taken the leap is Night & Day Studios. Night & Day Studios is a media production and software development house in SE Portland. They got their start developing kiosks and other exhibit media for museums. Since the summer of 2008, they have been developing iPhone apps for adults, children, and families. Night & Day Studios plans to transition completely to mobile development by 2010. They currently have five apps in the iTunes store, ranging from the trivia game Big Fat Lies to the #10 kids game, Peekaboo Barn. Night & Day team members will share their experience developing and marketing iPhone apps, focusing in particular on Peekaboo Barn. They will detail the process of app submission and approval; setting prices; getting attention from iPhone app reviewers, VIPs, rious events and on Twitter, a bunch of folks suggested we get together for a photowalk. We'll meet Just north of the Hawthorne Bridge on the Eastbank Esplanade (just south of the fire station). There's ample street parking in the area and it's accessible from several bus lines (4, 6, 10, 14, 33) from the stop on the east side of the bridge. The plan will depend on the wishes of the group, but I was thinking we'd start with the inner eastside, then walk across the river and shoot a bit downtown. All levels/abilities of photography skills/experience are welcome . This will be a super-informal event, just walking around, taking some photos, and hopefully learning from each other. Any questions? Ping @ahockley on Twitter or leave a comment here.2009-02-08 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515447/2009-01-25 20:52:222009-01-25 20:52:22 >;b׍2009-02-08 22:00:001 14:30:00http://www.portlandsmallbusiness.com2008-06-10 11:55:512008-07-13 04:32:12 ;>;b2008-06-11 14:30:00 tor of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) pԡQW?31333OEN Business Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. 2009-02-05 00:00:00http://www.oen.org2009-01-18 22:13:132009-01-18 22:13:13 <2009-02-05 02:30:00in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Presenters Ananthan Thandri, Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics On global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn, Senior Associate, PriceGain AB On pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper, Web Strategist, ISITE Design On Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing2009-01-21 02:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2009-01-18 22:27:492009-01-18 23:07:11 =2009-01-21 04:00:00  About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This LuncrԡR{]3s333MIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Enterprise Software At OTBC, we'll be viewing the live video of this Enterprise Forum program. Join President of Oracle Corporation, Mr. Charles Phillips as he discusses, “The Future of Enterprise Software”. Will enterprise software go the way of the buggy whip? We’ve entered Web3.0, where everything is user-centric. But enterprise software continues to thrive. Join thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of enterprise software, exploring topics such as: - Where is enterprise software really going? - Where are the big opportunities for entrepreneurs? Get more information at the MIT Enterprise Forum site. 2009-02-13 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9477389/2009-01-18 22:15:182009-01-18 22:18:04 <2009-02-13 01:30:00 MMeminar, I'll provide you an assessment tool you can use to assess w/h/e3O33JrAngel Oregon 2009Angel Oregon is the nation's premier entrepeneur-angel matchmaking event. A program of the Oregon Entrepeneurs Network, Angel Oregon brings together Oregon and SW Washington’s brightest entrepreneurial talent with qualified angel investors. Angel Oregon features the largest investment prize of any event of its type. Angel Oregon 2007 had 320 attendees, making it the largest event of its kind. Those attendees included 100 accredited investors. The 2007 sponsors included Capybara Ventures, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley. Angel Oregon 2008 had $265,000 prize money, from 53 angels investing $5,000 apiece. There were three distinct investment tracks: Technology & Biotech Consumer/Active Lifestyle Sustainability Instead of just one prize winner, money was awarded to the winner in each track. 2009-03-12 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events_ao.aspx2008-10-31 00:02:43 =2009-03-13 00:00:00 h|h it should be worth your time/effort should you choose to participate. (No worries, you wi ԡ{'u3]333DEVSIG Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/ ] Join us on Thursday, January 29th, for an informal SAO Developer Group (DEVSIG) meetup. Unlike most of the DEVSIG events, this one has no speaker and no formal agenda. This is your opportunity to talk to other developers about common interests and learn more about the SAO DEVSIG over some drinks and appetizers.2009-01-30 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1512381/2009-01-25 21:03:152009-01-26 17:56:09 <;b׏2009-01-30 01:00:00tԡz;/3]333Portland Geek Photowalk[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515447/ ] At va ԡy53A333seecamp planning v.3The third planning meeting for SEEcamp, a sustainability unconference for this upcoming spring. Please attend if curious.2009-01-25 23:00:00http://twitter.com/seecamp2009-01-25 19:51:212009-01-25 19:51:21 92009-01-26 01:00:00 s`s/>
      Critical Mass is:

      - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Ptԡ?3 333Building a Green BusinessMartin Tobias, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist in technology and clean energy solutions, will speak at a free public lecture hosted by the Oregon State University College of Business Austin Entrepreneurship Program. This "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Lecture" will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Construction and Engineering Auditorium in LaSells Stewart Center (875 S.W. 26th Street) in Corvallis.2009-01-26 16:00:00http://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/news/message.htm?MessageID=15282009-01-26 15:30:172009-01-26 15:30:17 >2009-01-26 17:00:00ԡ3]333Transitioning to iPhone Development - Night & Day Studios[Full details at http://upcominԡ~gg3;333Smart-ups Pub-Talk: Business Plan CompetitionThree businesses will be selected to deliver 10 minute pitches. And three additional busiQ' Q'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyrogramming with dynamic languagesPlease join us at the next meeting of pdxfunc, the Portland Functional Programming Study ԡ9 ԡ> ԡ@ ԡD ԡF ԡG ԡH ԡJ ԡL ~ԡ2 yԡ5 }ԡ6 mԡ7 \ԡ8 Mԡ: jԡ< gԡ=ׄԡ@ ԡB QԡC `ԡDԄԡE nԡF oԡH PԡK HԡL [ԡM >ԡP =ԡR 7ԡS 6ԡU <ԡV +ԡWԡX ԡY -ԡ\ 'ԡ_ +ԡ` ԡb ԡd ԡe ԡf ԡi ԡk ԡr ԡu ԡw ԡz ԡ| ԡ~ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ _ԡ ԡ xԡ ~ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ! ԡ# ԡ& ԡ' ԡ( ԡ, ԡ1 ԡ2 ԡ3 {ԡ5 tԡC oԡD mԡF kԡG VԡH c overview of functional programming, sample code demonstrating how to use functional programming features of dynamic languages, compare and contrast code samples of functional and imperative styles, and discuss when each style is appropriate. No previous knowledge of bԡwOw3]333DorkboxPDX Arduino Cult Induction[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1513907/ ] This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own arduino compatible "Dorkboard", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. Tempus Dictum and DorkbotPDX have put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it. Please see the event page for full description, what you'll build and get working, and how to pay.2009-02-08 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1513907/2009-01-24 15:20:322009-01-24 15:20:32 ;s;b׋2009-02-09 01:00:00r WOTC on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 6:00pm at OTBC. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. Please RSVP so that we will have plenty of that available.
      See http://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=contact for directions to OTBC.
      Topics for discussion include but are not limited to:
      - name
      - attracting interest/users
      - measuring success
      - usage guidelines
      - access/hours/security
      - what do we need in the lab
      - TBD/other
      Mass transit to OTBC/WOTC:
      Trimet bus 67 travels from Merlo MAX Station to PCC-Rock Creek (by Cornell Oaks business park). Walk from the corner of 158th Ave./Greenbrier Parkway to OTBC (0.1 mile).
      We have a very beginning wiki at http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/ootc/ . The account creation password (just to inhibit spammers) is portlandia. The mailing list is at http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/mailman/listinfo/ootc 2008-04-09 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxruby/browse_thread/thread/7954eeef907c91132008-11-10 22:44:02 <2008-04-09 03:00:00 ^exs3U 339 RHT conference roomConference room in the KOIN tower, donated by Robert Half Technology.222 SW Columbia Street, second floor2009-06-13 00:00:522009-06-13 13:30:54222 SW Columbia StreetPortlandOR97201US@FUI^X ~;b׌2009-01-31 21:00:00  Xvention From The Experts! SPECIAL OFFER:  REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 10,.M K 33+ Corner of SW Broadway & Morrison625 SW Broadway Portland Oregon2009-06-04 18:27:002009-06-04 18:32:53625 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F…L@J^u_!]Y335 PSU Smith Memorial Student Union BuildingPSU Campus1825 SW Broadway Ave ԡCYm31333GibbqԡuQ3]333iPhone Developer Quick Start ClassThis is a quick-start class for experienced developers that want to get started on the iPhone platform. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xcode • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Please register by 1/26 Full class information can be found: www.nixwire.com/classes2009-01-31 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1484518/2009-01-23 21:57:382009-01-23 22:04:49 9;b׉2009-02-02 02:00:00 ^^z3);ԡsO_3o333Tech Strategy 2009: More for LessIf one of your New Year's resolutions is to use technology to work smarter, look no further! We are working off a fabulous brainstorming session that occurred last November to bring you topics relevant to your work and give you a chance to network with your peers. This meeting will be talking overall tech strategy. Do you have a technology plan in place? What types of things should you be thinking of? We're going to take a look at the big picture and help you see what ways you can be using technology to make your nonprofit's work more efficient. This will be a joint meetup with the Nonprofit Technology Network's, Portland 501 Tech Club. Speaker details are still being finalized but be sure it will be some great local tech talent!2009-01-28 01:30:00http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/calendar/9575978/2009-01-22 18:21:542009-01-22 18:21:54 :2009-01-28 03:30:00 7$Hl7A? AA33? Strange Love Live StudiosStrange Love Live World HQhttp://strangelovelive.com2009-01-29 04:49:412009-01-29 04:49:41PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Zstrangelovelive@gmail.comiY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:302009-01-29 05:54:38;bט >iY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:292009-01-29 05:54:37;bט >iY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:272009-01-29 05:54:36;bט >iY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:262009-01-29 05:54:35;bט >iY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:242009-01-29 05:54:34;bט >iY33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:232009-01-29 05:54:33;bט >i Y33http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:212009-01-29 05:54:31;bט > B BcvPԡa #3M333End Bloglessness - ?b=3E33JqOEN Webinar - Generational Competence, with Sydney JoynerGeneration Y is coming. By the end of the decade, 64 million workers will be able to retire. Generation Y, the childr oa3+3 33JqJefferson GrapevineJoin us for the Jefferson Grapevine, a gathering of business entrepreneurs, investors, bankers, and others interested in promoting new business development in Southern Oregon. Jefferson Grapevine events celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship in Southern Oregon and strive to provide a unique forum where leaders of growing businesses can network with fellow entrepreneurs, key advisors, business professionals and qualified funding sources. Featured speakers for our November gathering will be David Chen of the Oregon Innovation Council and Bob Ward of Capybara Ventures. To register for this event, please visit the SOREDI website at www.soredi.org. 2008-11-19 01:00:002008-10-30 22:11:482008-11-19 03:00:00 YYion at their fingertips.” They're smart, digitally wired, motivated by “now ԡtg3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' monthly meetingThe February meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting are: * An Introduction to CouchDB from a Beginner's Perspective by Merlyn Albery-Speyer * CouchApps Demonstrated by J. Chris Anderson * Overview of Mapstraction, a Unified Interface to Various Mapping APIs by Adam DuVander * JSONP for Cross-Domain Scripting by Jesse Hallett Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our website at http://pdxjs.com/ for more information.2009-02-26 03:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-01-22 21:30:122009-02-23 05:13:02 92009-02-26 05:00:00nts, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 – 6:30 Location: The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97204 (The Pavilion Room) Max Light Rail (Trimet Max Pioneer square two blocks from hotel) Cost: $50 Sponsored by: Cappelli Miles [spring] - http://www.cm-spring.com Visit this site to register for this event: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-04-29 21:51:112009-05-08 20:20:11 <22009-05-28 01:30:00 ZZ12X9 )133;! University of PԡUau3O333Columbia River Gorge Tech Alliance meetingJoin us for the January Gorge Technology Alliance Meeting with a presentation on Classroom Partnerships with Technology Industries. Alan Cunningham, head of the Science and Technology Department with Arlington School District and the 2008 TechStart Technology Educator of the Year, will discuss how the technology industry can get involved in the classroom to educate our future technology leaders. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity to meet and network with GTA members and guests. 2009-01-28 02:30:00http://www.crgta.org/calendar.htm2009-01-18 22:30:472009-01-19 00:09:06 <2009-01-28 04:00:00 qqowed by beer at Produce Row & more discussion. Confirmed projectionists: - Django: Michael RiEԡY u3q333IEEE PACE: Why Now may be the Time to Develop Overseas MarketsThis PACE meeting of the Oregon Section will discuss: 1. Why exporting is important. 2. The basics of international business. 3. Where to go for help -- with a focus on the Oregon's trade services group. Abstract: As large as the global economic meltdown is, it won't significantly change the dynamics of an even larger economic trend -- the development of emerging economies and the waning share of the U.S. market relative to the rest of the world. It is clearer than ever that businesses must go g? ԡXS[3y333AMA: From Face-To-Face to InterfaceThe Do's and Don'ts of Networking Do you know how to work a room? Is your LinkedIn contacts list larger than the local telephone book? Are people begging to follow you on Twitter? It's now more important than ever to effectively manage your nE HHh2-33MOTBC (The Round)2009-05-27 18:08:022009-05-27 20:38:2912725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@FQ^F ;bW <v~mG 33+ Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design ShopThe Industrial Design shop for the Art Institute1ԡp?%3]333Shizzow Developers Meetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507793/ ] Now that the beta verison of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.2009-01-30 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507793/2009-01-21 22:57:302009-01-21 22:57:30 ; ;b׆2009-01-30 01:30:00ult-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments. This event is free to the public. In order to accommodate the appropriate number of attendees, please rsvp to: thomas@opensourcery.com. The event takes place at OpenSourcery: 711 SE Ankeny (on Ankeny and SE 7th, one block south of Burnside). We encourage biking and public transportation.2008-11-06 02:00:00https://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/10/introduction-couchdb2008-11-01 08:55:55 <2008-11-06 04:00:00 SSw (΀ ̀,{x33'webinar2009-05-20 17:43:482009-06-29 18:15:27onlinePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bP >IhwO  33M %OHSU School of Nursing Auditorium3455 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd. , Portl ԡ=1 3;333Drammy awards 2008The 2008 Drammy Award Ceremony will be Monday, June 9th, begin&ԡoG3]333Mobile Love, Android Style #9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/ ] Android is an open source operating system software for cell phones and other small form factor devices. Meet with local developers and power users to swap news and tips, and see project demos.2009-02-10 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/2009-01-21 19:57:212009-01-21 21:19:36 ; ;bׅ2009-02-10 03:00:00 believes the future looks bright for Color and he is an enthusiastic user.

      He got started in production shooting 8mm film shorts as a child, and after a great many twists and turns was surprised one day to find himself starting a fledgling video production company: Image Works. Yes, those jerks at Sony stole the name, but he holds no grudges. Five years later he was hired by his biggest customer, Intel, and he has been trying to get out of meetings ever since. (this is AJ’s description I cannot take credit for the humor)

      8:00 - 8:10

      8:10 - 8:25
      Show & Tell:
      An incredible showing and discussion regarding someone's talented creation TBD.

      Announcements & the ever popular RAFFLE:
      “Color: Correcting & Grading in FCS” –Apple Pro Training Series
      1 pair of Skullcandy ink'd headphones
      2008-11-06 02:00:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/index.html2008-10-31 17:40:19 :#;b2008-11-06 04:30:00 fRtW K33K' Willamette University Portland Centerhttp://www.willamette.edu/$ԡnQ3C333Open Source Bridge Content MeetingOpen Source Bridge Conference content committee meeting. Agenda here: http://osbp-wiki.pragmaticraft.com/teams/content/meetingagenda2009-02-13 03:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-01-21 19:46:442009-02-04 06:36:16 92009-02-13 05:00:00gԡm93]333Portland Beer and Blog - 1 year anniversary, job fair, and 15 Seconds of Flame, oh my![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/ ] Come eat some cake and celebrate one year of Beer and Blog! Legion of Tech will also be there to record 15 Seconds of Flame videos for the upcoming Ignite Portland 5 . Good times will be had by all :)2009-01-24 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507230/2009-01-21 16:40:082009-01-21 16:56:54 ; ;b׃2009-01-24 02:00:00n will be 90 minutes. Lots of good information to be covered. If you know anyone else in the community who might benefit from this next meeting, please pass this newsletter along.

      Please note we are starting the meeting a little earlier to get things moving a little quicker.

      6:00 - 6:15
      Arrival and seating

      6:15 - 6:30
      Tips & Tricks:
      AJ VonWolfe will give a quick tip on creating graphical lower thirds

      6:30 - 8:00

      Jack Chavez will share his in-depth knowledge using Apple's Color. He will demonstrate his methods and workflow when using Color.

      Jack Chavez is a Creative Director and Producer at Intel Corporation where he has worked in-house for eight years. Jack was an early adopter of the software program that came to be known as Apple Color and has mostly recovered from the trauma of trying to finish high visibility videos with flaky beta software. Jack bbU' (1ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-25 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-26 00:00:00ԡQ73333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttpԡ033-333Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java (MOVED - see description!)*** ATTENTION: For this month's meeting only, we will be meeting in the Jefferson room on the southeast end of the upper lobby. We will not be in the usual 8th-floor conference room! *** This month's topic: Grid Packet Computing for Java (GPC4J) GPC4J is a computing paradigm that breaks a partitionable problem into GridPackets, which are routed, processed and re-assembled into the solution to the original problem. This presentation will cover the use of the system and design of the project's web application. The application is built using REST (Je H +y_EXJԡK)Q3333BarCamp meetuphttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-03-23 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 :.;bղ2007-03-23 03:00:00{ԡJ13333PDX PH]ԡ-3i333Galois Tech Talk: OpenTheory, Package Management for Higher Order Logic TheoriesPRESENuԡWM3K33Portland Werewolf - January GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

      If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
      Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
       2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-12 18:54:132009-01-22 02:05:26 ; ;bs e`e Title: OpenTheory: Package Management for Higher Order Logic Theories Speaker: Joe z-g3]33JuOMSI Science PubOMSI Science Pub Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Taking Flight at PDX Q13]33JuPortland Art SparkApril 16th: MetroArts, Inc. @ the Armory Café at Portland Center Stage. Join us for a performance highlighting the talents of MetroArts, Inc. and Niel DePonte speaking about arts integration and the creative process for kids When: Every 3rd Thursday, 5- 7pm Where: Rotating Venues2009-04-17 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373197/2009-04-14 00:03:17 9;b2009-04-17 02:30:00~1K3C33Jt_Portland Code CampCoders showing code to Coders 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-04-13 23:29:20 ?92009-05-31 01:00:00}1K3C33Jt_Portland Code CampCoders showing code to Coders 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-04-13 23:20:07 ?92009-06-01 04:00:00 Y -%33IISITE Design2009-02-10 06:30:102009-02-10 06:30:10115 NW First Avenue, Suite 500PortlandOR97209US@FB& ^ul;bױ,- 9 339 Interstate Lanes6049 N Interstate Ave 2009-02-09 23:43:002009-02-09 23:43:486049 N Interstate Ave PortlandOregon97217US@FȔ+^)M#P+W o 33? McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd., Hillsboro, OR 971242009-02-09 21:37:412009-02-09 23:37:064045 Nw Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOR97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮv ;)*-iMM33) Urban Grind EastCoffee House with free WiFi (from the Personal Telco project); rooms for rent during or after business hours http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/2009-02-09 19:43:422009-02-09 20:25:442214 NE OregonPortlandOR97232US@FènA^+X޾g AA^8ԡkM%3]333Corvallis Beer and Blog @ Cloud9[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/ ] Beer and Blog will be at Cloud 9 Restaurant and Bar from 5-7PM. We'll have the honor of having Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) from the Portland tech community talking about Yahoo Pipes and other things related to social communities. Dawn provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building. Come join us at Cloud 9 with Dawn!2009-01-29 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/2009-01-20 21:38:252009-01-22 17:12:30 >w;bׁ2009-01-29 03:30:00 00e. This month’s, We're moving the entire event to the souk, allowing us access to their beautiful space and projection facilities. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Graeme Wagoner - Freelance Industrial Designer Aaron Carlsson - Fd`/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2008-11-12 01:30:002008-10-30 22:07:42 ;l2008-11-12 03:30:00d_/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-05-13 00:30:002009-03-10 17:03:18 ;l2009-05-13 02:30:00 Android applications can use to keep data and passwords safe, in a way that’s convenient for the end user. Our system allows a single password, and periodic single sign-on so that all applications can encrypt, decrypt, and store keys using the same master password that the user enters once. * Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2008 * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, OR 97204 Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. 2009-01-20 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/01/19/tech-talk-android-g1-experiences-with-an-open-mobile-platform/2009-01-20 05:11:042009-01-20 05:11:04 ;2009-01-20 19:30:00th any skill level access to tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like minded people allowing you to build the things you have always wanted to. Wm Leler - Open Tech Space - http://opentechspace.org Open Tech Space is a project of the Portland State University Center for Open and Sustainable Technologies (COAST) in partnership with various organizations. We are focusing on the greater Portland, Oreogn area, but hope the idea will spread to other places. The goal of Open Tech Space is to give Portland open and sustainable technology community physical gathering places for interaction at low or no cost, provide help with the creation of prototypes, encourage sharing and mentoring, and promote business development in the technology and art communities. The last speaker is YOU. Bring your projects and show them off!2009-04-05 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2149542/2009-03-30 19:18:34 >;b2009-04-06 01:00:00 igi21 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, O~Z%I3 33JqBat and BlogDress like Turoczy day!!
      2008-10-31 23:00:002008-10-30 21:52:43 ; ;b2008-11-01 01:00:00zY%I333JqBat and BlogDress like Turoczy day!!
      2008-10-31 23:00:002008-10-30 21:51:38;b2008-11-01 01:00:00XS 3G33JqBright Neighbor / YPOP Launch EventBright Neighbor, Portland's new tech breakthrough for hyper-local social networking and geo--mapping - will be hosting their official launch event.

      Bright Neighbor has teamed up with the Young Professionals of Portland (YPOP) to connect their community. The event, however, is open to the tech and social networking community to experience the newest breakthrough in hyper-local resiliency and networking systems.

      Where: The OHM

      Event limited to first 300 attendees.
      2008-11-14 01:00:00http://www.brightneighbor.com2008-10-30 18:40:39 =;b2008-11-14 04:00:00rity Entrepreneurs (OAME), including SBA, SSA, IRS, State, County, City and many other small business organizations. The event will be held at 4134 North Vancouver, Portland, Oregon. This event is FREE to the public. Why should you attend? Focus area speakers will cover the topic of 'Finding Capital During Tough Times?, build and strengthen relationships with small business, trade, nonprofit and government agencies, elevate concerns and issues, learn about the products and services each organization provides to small business and network to better serve your members or clients and share your organization's key messages in a roundtable setting. Call or email an RSVP to KayDel.Marshall@irs.gov, (503) 326-5240 or James Steiner at james.steiner@sba.gov, (503) 326-2586, or Alan.Edwards@ssa.gov, (503) 760-8402 ext. 262.2009-01-20 02:00:00http://web.sba.gov/calendar/public/index.cfm?rc=10862009-01-20 01:58:242009-01-20 01:58:24 >v2009-01-20 03:00:00-06-07 07:57:242008-07-13 04:32:10 92008-06-10 04:00:00!phone. The Android G1 is a TMobile phone whose operating system, Android is based on Linux and was developed by Google. It’s a very open smart-phone platform that rivals the iPhone. While I’m no expert in Android or mobile platform development, I will discuss my experiences in Android development and demonstrate the toolchain used to develop software for the Android. I’ll outline the basic features of the platform, with a focus on the factors that make its openness so powerful: * the inter-process communications mechanism whereby applications can advertise the services they offer and other applications can take advantage of those services, * The open-source Java, Eclipse, and Linux-based toolchain, * the OpenIntents project. This will be an informal demonstration and discussion. A group of us in collaboration between the Android Password Safe project and the Openintents project have implemented a cryptography service and a keystore service which other Ie}ԡ{33q333Galois Talk: Mathd^/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-03-11 00:30:002008-10-30 22:06:24 ;l2009-03-11 02:30:00d]/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-01-14 01:30:002008-10-30 22:05:45 ;l2009-01-14 03:30:00`\/3 33JqOEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2008-11-12 00:00:002008-10-30 22:04:412008-11-12 01:00:003[%I3w33JqBat and BlogDress like Turoczy day!!
      2008-10-31 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/halloween-is-bat-and-blog/2008-10-30 21:53:23 ; ;b2008-11-01 01:00:00 g M@ڿ_eh0Hԡ57k3O333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a short code sprint on Wednesday lunch at Backspace, and a full-day code sprint this Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am (although you can come later in the day). Everyone is welcome to participate, even if Hԡi3U333Galois Tech Talk: Android G1: Experiences with an open mobile platform The next Galois Tech Talk, #2 for 2009, will be Isaac Potoczny-Jones (aka SyntaxNinja) on developing for the Android G1 %*ԡhQu3u333Finding Capital During Tough TimesThis Forum is hosted by the Oregon Association of Mino$ mAm'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyfԡ\Sq333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - ResolutionsIMPORTANT! Note the venue change!

      It's the new year, and that of course means resolutions! Come share yours at the first Portland Tweetup BreakfaPW73Q33JqUPA 2009Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference (more details to come)
      2009-06-08 07:00:00http://www.upassoc.org/conference/2008-10-30 18:29:24;b2009-06-12 07:00:00;V93333JqPortland WikiWednesdayThe November meeting of the annual Portland Wiki Wednesday, where people get together to work on and discuss wikis of all stripes. Everyone is welcome, and there's usually some free snacks and drinks.

      Please check out our wiki (pdx.wiki.org) for more info, or follow us on Twitter (@pdxwikiwed)
      2008-11-06 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-10-30 17:42:49 9;b2008-11-06 01:30:00 J9vJY 333 Oregon State Fairgrounds & Expo Center2008-08-21 07:23:532008-08-31 14:19:372330 17th Street NESalemOregon97303US@Fz_t^b01/27 - We will be having the event despite the snow!! Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? This quick talk and hack session will give you a hands-on introduction to the Arudino, an open source physical computing platform designed to help programmers, designers, and artists build exactly these kinds of real world interaction projects. We'll take a whirlwind tour of the Arduino software and hardware with examples from actual projects and then split up into groups to build our own. All experience levels and interest types welcome.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/2009-01-20 00:53:292009-01-27 19:08:29 >u;b׀2009-01-28 04:00:00 )agement as defined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in Universities and Colleges across North America and provide information about the Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP)TM certification. Speaker Bio: As Chair of the CBOKTM Maintenance Committee, Sandra Lusk is responsible for collecting feedback from the BPM community, leading the editorial committee and coordinating the approved changes for future releases. She is also a key contributor to the CBOKTM Association of Business Process Management Professionals The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, to develop a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advanc lzlfundraiser at Someday Lounge in Portland on Wednesday December 9. It should be a great night, |ew3333JuAgile Pub Lunch sponsored by XPDX & APLN-PDXCasual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes two of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun. * If you're a programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach * If you use Agile methds, practices, principles or approaches * If you're curious about the above *Come on over for lunch.* We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc.2009-04-17 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-04-13 22:08:55 ;42009-04-17 21:00:00{#-3933JuDorkbot PDXregular meeting.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2009-04-13 22:08:13 :2009-04-14 03:00:00zz-g3]33JuOMSI Science PubOMSI Science Pub Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Taking Flight at PDX~ K<i)733TBA (Portland Oregon)2009-02-09 08:09:412009-02-24 02:50:19TBAPortlandOregon;bת :A.(7 Q333 Macadam's Bar & Grillhttp://www.macadamsbarandgrill.com2009-02-09 08:01:442009-02-09 17:37:185833 SW Macadam AvePortlandOregon97239US@Fyh^$;bק)'G G 33+ Olde Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis226 NW Davis St, Portland, OR2009-02-06 03:47:022009-02-06 16:04:46226 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F$<|^ ;&& A335 %EastBurnhttp://www.theeastburn.com2009-02-05 16:53:352009-02-05 17:57:371800 E. Burnside St.PortlandOregon97214US@F}w^m~503.236.2876;bס/$U33G'Rogue Ales Distillery & Public House2009-02-04 23:56:332009-05-01 16:25:131339 NW Flanders St (at 14th)PortlandOregonUnited States@FP{^ =p;bנ = Xne has seen it before. See entrepreneurs slog out of their bat caves as they show off their stuff. Witness the;U93333JqPortland WikiWednesdayThe November meeting of the annual Portland Wiki Wednesday, where people get together to work on and discuss wikis of all stripes. Everyone is welcome, and there's usually some free snacks and drinks.

      Please check out our wiki (pdx.wiki.org) for more info, or follow us on Twitter (@pdxwikiwed)
      2008-11-06 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-10-30 17:42:17 =;b2008-11-06 01:30:00$T9333JqPortland WikiWednesdayThe November meeting of the annual Portland Wiki Wednesday, where people get together to work on and discuss wikis of all stripes. Everyone is welcome, and there's usually some free snacks and drinks.

      Please check out our wiki (pdx.wiki.org) for more info, or follow us on Twitter (@pdxwikiwed)
      2008-11-06 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-10-30 17:41:31;b ''CARԡec_3I333Planning Mtg for Social Media Club PortlandThis is a meeting of people interested in helping to launch Social Media Club in Portland. We already have a launch date of February 23rd planned because Chris Heuer will be in town to speak at that first event. We still need to nail down a venue for that event. Would be ideal to do that before our first planning meeting. Our first planning meeting will cover: venues speakers (would like to have some high-profile folks lined up for the first few events) marketing (PR, Web site, FB, etc.) technological support (blog, wiki, collaboration tools) sponsors & funding connection & obligations to founding organization (Social Media Club international) other ideas Anyone can come to this launch meeting, but you MUST RSVP so we know we'll have adequate room for attendees at this meeting.2009-01-27 02:00:00http://www.socialmediaclub.org2009-01-19 21:05:112009-01-19 21:16:43 >s2009-01-27 04:00:00 IIf power. Ms. Ballance earned a bachelor of science degree in social science from Marylhurst College and a bachelor of science in chemistry from Portland State University. Additionally, she’s completed executive coursework at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and has studied five foreign languages Ryan Buchanan, President & CEO, eROI Ryan Buchanan, founder and CEO of eROI, started the company in November 2002. He has eight years of email marketing, web and e-commerce experience and frequently speaks about email marketing, social networking, and w, {3E33JqOEN Webinar - Quality Market Research on a Shoestring, with Mike RileyMike Riley, with 30 years in the research industry, will walk through the essential elements of conducting accurate and credible market research. With research budgets tight (or non-existent), Riley will outline the elements necessary for conducting good research on the cheap. He will highlight the best methods for study design, audien r's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting include: * SproutCore - An overview of this new client-side web application framework * JavaScript: The Good Parts - Tips on how to write beautiful JavaScript from the book by Douglas Crockford * jQuery 1.3 - New features in the web's most dynamic DOM library * CouchDB - An introduction to the world of document-oriented databases More topics are welcome! If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer.2009-01-29 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs2009-01-19 01:53:052009-01-23 23:18:04 92009-01-29 05:00:008 03:00:00 IIA,Y!oE33? %Powell's Books at Cedar Hills CrossingIt's Powell's, but inYԡbsQ3U333Portland JavaScript Admirers' first monthly meetingThe first monthly meeting of Portland1>ԡaC33]333IxDA Portland F2F Gathering[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/ ] This month we will be talking about our exciting plans for this year, including speakers, workshops, and socials We meet bi-monthly to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 00:07:212009-01-19 01:11:10 ;;b}Jp2009-01-23 05:00:004hoo.com/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants. Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus , 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 (2 miles from Intel) RSVP mandatory at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072009-01-21 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1186884/2009-01-19 00:07:182009-01-19 01:10:38 =;bCJs2009-01-21 04:00:00n We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn? You can also RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605 Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to explore new ways of coming together and learning from each other to survive & thrive in this time of economic uncertainty. Additionally, 62% of the 225 respondents said that they would be interested in participating in a networking event to discuss how we can do this. This free event is an open discussion of the fears, hopes and opportunities for Portlanders during this important time. We hope to emerge from this experience better networked, more hopeful and with some practical ideas for how we can build community through this experience.2008-11-12 01:00:00http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/event/show?id=1153095%3AEvent%3A35457&xgi=79I6Nug2008-11-01 16:27:41 :L2008-11-12 03:00:00vent/4165765/2009-07-30 06:28:492009-07-30 06:28:49 >;bا2009-08-14 00:30:00basics and how your  `high-quality Web sites, but create fully integrated custom applications that meet 8ԡ"C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

      Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
      2008-06-06 16:00:002008-06-06 08:11:312008-06-18 13:24:08 9;bˁԡ!_ԡ`wA3]333Global Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Full details at http://upcoming.ya3aԡ_73]333Geeks Day On PDX 2009[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/ ] Geeks Day On is a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr Day when folks with technology and Internet communication skills will offer advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations and open source projects. Visit dayon.org for more information.2009-01-19 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/2009-01-19 00:07:112009-01-19 01:09:41 9;b|Js2009-01-20 01:00:00 RQ8ԡ-C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

      Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
      2008-06-20 16:00:002008-06-06 08:20:142008-06-18 13:24:11 9;bւ*ԡ,5333Morning Meetings: HRCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residenceԡcGc3]333Portland WordPress User GroupThe WordPress Group will feature Justin Kistner talking about WordPress MU for Communities [Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1495066/ ] This will be the second meeting of the Portland WordPress user group. Agenda to be announced.2009-02-13 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1495066/2009-01-19 18:23:172009-02-12 22:23:05 9;b~2009-02-13 03:30:00 jjd Business Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed SS 3G33JqBright Neighbor / YPOP Launch EventBright Neighbor, Portland's new tech breakthrough for hyper-local social networking and geo--mapping - will be hosting their official launch event.

      Bright Neighbor has teamed up with the Young Professionals of Portland (YPOP) to connect their community. The event, however, is open to the tech and social networking community to experience the newest breakthrough in hyper-local resiliency and networking systems.

      Where: The OHM

      Event limited to first 300 attendees.
      2008-11-14 01:00:00http://www.brightneighbor.com2008-10-30 17:29:13;b2008-11-14 04:00:00}Q53;33JqWhereCamp PDX MeetupThe big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.2008-11-19 03:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-10-30 05:43:26 =2008-11-19 05:00:00 SS we not only produce Internet solutions including high-quality We3 7 33 White Stag Building70 NW Couch, Portland2009-03-30 21:41:102009-04-14 00:43:15PortlandOR97209US@F($ԡU3C333Beer and Blog -~ԡ^=A3]333Blogging for non-techies[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/ ] So you've decided to incorporate a blog into your marketing, you're ready to make the leap, but you're stalled at execution. How do you build a blog? What elements and features does a blog have? What's an RSS feed for and how do you burn it? How do you promote your blog? This hands-on, practical workshop will answer these and other questions to help you launch a successful blog. Please RSVP to peterk[at]semiosiscommunications.com. Bring a wi-fi enabled laptop to get the most interactive experience.2009-01-20 23:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/2009-01-19 00:07:092009-01-19 00:07:09 9;b{2009-01-21 01:00:00 bb archive information in an accessible way to help us be the best grantmakers we can be. But we've been approaching this task with a bigger end in mind. Why, we asked ourselves, would we set up a system that only MMT could use when the need for good information is shared by other foundations... and nonprofit organizations and public agencieԡ\o]3A333Refresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on GitWelcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution. Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.2009-01-23 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-01-18 23:22:492009-10-26 03:06:15 A;by2009-01-23 03:30:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyOԡ[) 3S333Keiretsu ForumKeiretsu Forum Portland/Oregon goes beyond simply funding start-ups. It is a community of private equity investors, business leaders and entrepreneurs. We provide invaluable contacts, serve on boards, and provide strategic alliances to our entrepreneurs. Keiretsu Forum also provides high calibre speakers addressing investment topics. Our members are CEOs, VCs, active private equity investors and serial entrepreneurs. We enjoy close relationships with VC firms, investment banking institutions, universities, and government institutions. These associations enable what is termed “swarm intelligence” and facilitate access to talent, technology and resources to establish a successful venture.2009-02-13 15:30:00http://www.k4portland.com/forum.htm2009-01-18 22:55:232009-01-20 02:32:48 =2009-02-13 19:30:00 ogo-mԡ;W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:tLO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctober2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-29 22:38:27 :2008-10-30 03:00:00KY=333JqAeA Emerging Business Networking EventCapital Topic Panel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for emerging business professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-02-12 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0209062008-10-29 22:25:13 :$2009-02-12 17:00:00needed given the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principles of rhythm and pace during transformation. If you are working with leaders, you won't want to miss this exceptional opportunity to hear from Frank Wagner, the Consultant's Consultant. About Frank Wagner: Frank has been a full time consultant in the field of leadership since 1981. As a behavioral coach, Frank brings a broad base of experience working with individuals from mid-level management through C-level positions. With Marshall Goldsmith Partners, Frank oversaw the training process in Marshall Goldsmith's method of behavioral coaching for their first two years in business. In this capacity, he co-developed and trained all coaches in the Marshall Goldsmith Partners network. $25 members, $35 non-members early registration, by Thursday prior to event.2009-01-20 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456831/2009-01-19 00:06:412009-01-19 00:56:55;bz2009-01-20 17:00:00onal Trade Officer at the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. Tom helps Oregon businesses in high technology and biosciences sell more products overseas through consultation, market research, and industry-focused trade missions. Prior to moving to Oregon, Tom was Asia Pacific marketing director at Arbortext - a Norwest VC funded software firm that was acquired by PTC in 2005. Working from Tokyo, Tom managed a network of resellers in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia. Before Arbortext, Tom held product marketing positions with Fuji Xerox, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard. Tom has an engineering degree from Stanford, an MBA in marketing/international business from NYU, and is completing a master's of engineering degree from Michigan. Tom has studied at Bocconi University in Milan and has lived in Asia for extended periods. He speaks Japanese and Italian. 2009-01-28 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24342009-01-18 22:45:232009-01-18 22:45:23 <2009-01-28 04:00:00>lobal to follow market trends. Despite tough economic times, one small Oregon company is about to open its first European office. Another has increased its sales 75% with the help of a contract in Saudi Arabia. Still another company has just returned from a trade show in Germany with several new distributors signed. The benefits from increasing international presence include growth opportunities, market diversification, and increased competitiveness. Despite the benefits, we still encounter resistance to overseas marketing. A sale abroad will cost more, take more time and involve more risk than a domestic transaction. Fortunately, a host of resources are available to help businesses overcome these challenges. This presentation will go over some of the reasons for going global, review some trends in global trade, and go over some of the resources available from state and federal governments to help businesses increase their revenue through exporting. Speaker Bio: Tom DiCorcia is an Internati lԡCk3333Connectipedia Public LaunchLike many foundations, MMT has been building a "knowrԡ]e3]333Success Tips for Consultants in Organizational Transformation[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456831/ ] It has been well documented that most organizational transformation projects fail to reach the desired purpose and have been costly in terms of time and money. If change is difficult, the scope of large scale transformation seems impossible. What role does the consultant play to increase the odds that an organization's attempt at change is successful? Frank Wagner's presentation will cover three major areas of emphasis where a consultant can add immense value to the organization and increase the likelihood that an intended change takes place effectively. These areas are: -- Helping the organization add the missing piece in the strategy/future picture; -- Building in the proper amount of structure and support = II2}A 6jM Ss3311 Adobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://wԡxO3=333DASH (Different Area—Same Hunt)DASH (Different Area—Same Hunt) is a puzzle hunt event (a fun, interactive event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations) which takes place on the same day in multiple cities across the United States. Each city contributed one clue to the eve'd}!3333JrHLet's Organize our Communities for Hard Times -- PotluckWelcome to a grassroots response to this time of "crisis". Here's a quick summary of what's happened so far. We hope you can join us. 1. A group of process-oriented facilitators and organizers, meeting in an ongoing collective called A Circle Group, sensed that many people were feeling rocked by the "crisis", and wanted to do something. 2. Four} J+Na % 33% Portland State University Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 14:56:542009-03-24 16:40:061914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akU/ C 33+ Ater Wynne OfficeLovejoy Building, Suite 9002009-03-24 00:35:4ԡS3333AeA HR Networking Event:Going GreenPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for human resource professionals in the technology industry.iԡZ_y3i333AeA Webinar: The Infamouns Elevator PitchIn this presentation, two veteran sales and marketing professionals will provide you with practical information that will help you move forward not only to create a compelling pitch, but will provide a sales perspective that will enable you to more comfortably and effectively present your pitch to others. 2009-01-23 20:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm2009-01-18 22:50:202009-01-18 22:51:332009-01-23 21:00:00on non profit organization formed to help grow and nurture the local Portland technology community through educational, not-for-profit, community-run events), she helps organize a number of community events including BarCamp Portland, Ignite Portland, and the Legion of Tech Happy Hour. Jodi Blackwood Jodi Blackwood is a Certified Business Etiquette & Protocol Specialist, Customer Service Professional and Speaker & Seminar Leader who believes that etiquette is about polishing your approach, not changing who you are! She works with individuals and businesses to help them stand out among their competition through customized training on a variety of topics, including: Making a Positive First & Lasting Impression, Closing the Loop in Business Communication, Networking With Distinction and The Art of the Business Meal. Visit her web site to see what she can do for you.2009-01-28 01:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20090127.htm2009-01-18 22:42:352009-01-18 22:42:35 ;72009-01-28 03:30:00 sion as we explore sustainability issues in the Manufacturing, Technology and Energy sectors. Introductory Address by Gordon Brinser, Vice PresidYԡWi3333SCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.2009-01-22 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-01-18 22:34:472009-09-05 20:25:19 >H2009-01-23 00:00:00Fetwork and your reputation online and in-person. Join the American Marketing Association for a special professional development session on how to (and how not to) network like a super star in real-time and online. Learn to avoid networking faux pas, make the most out of referrals and contacts and take your online (and personal presence) to a new and successful level. A panel of networking experts will provide, tips, strategies and tactics you can use in marketing your business and yourself. Sign up today! Panel Moderator Brian Thomas Wright As co-chair of the American Marketing Association's Networking events, Brian has grown attendance from a small gathering of AMA members to a super event representing eight professional associations and over 150 attendees. After a successful design and marketing career working for an ad agency and University of Oregon Bookstore, Brian now owns a four person branding agency. He has provided creative services for a wide range of clients but he mostly enjoys Cworking with professional speakers and trainers who are masters of networking. Panelists Dawn Foster Dawn Foster currently provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. Consulting services also include community events, online community building, blogging strategy, RSS-based information monitoring, custom employee training sessions, and more. Community building, blogging, podcasting, web 2.0, open source, and other open technologies are Dawn's current passions, and she spends quite a bit of her free time playing with online technologies and blogging on related topics. Dawn was one of the five original Intel.com bloggers with the Intel Trends in Web 2.0 blog. Dawn currently blogs on Fast Wonder Dawn also focuses on activities that help support and grow the local Portland technology community. As one of the founders and chair of Legion of Tech (an Oregosition in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Portland State University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in Computer Science at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2000 and 2004 respectively. In 2004 he became a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), in 2005 a distinguished Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and in 2007 a Technical Staff Member. His main research interests include emerging computing architectures and paradigms, biologically-inspired computing, complex and adaptive systems, and cognitive science. Teuscher has received several prestigious awards and fellowships. For more information visit: http://www.teuscher.ch/christof.2008-10-31 21:00:00http://www.pdx.edu/events/22061/2008-10-31 06:42:53 =2008-10-31 22:00:00Glogies, formal frameworks, and tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges might be addressed. Self-assembled nano-scale electronics, cellular automata (CAs), and random boolean networks (RBNs) will serve as a simple showcase. I will show that irregular assemblies and specific interconnects can have major advantages over purely regular and locally interconnected fabrics. I will further present the efforts underway to self-assemble massive-scale nanowire-based interconnect fabrics for spatial computers. BIO: Christof Teuscher holds an assistant professor pnclude technology accounts (Microsoft, Intel, HP, Cisco, Dell, Red Hat, Novell, AMD, Hummingbird Communications, Computer Associates, Bearing Point and Accenture) and consumer accounts (Chicago Bulls, Old Spaghetti Factory, Trendwest Resorts, Cars.com, NewHomeNetwork.com, Apartments.com, Chicago Tribune, Lettuce Entertain You and All-in Energy Drink). Program Agenda: 7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast 8:00am-8:40am - Presentation 8:40am-9:00am - Questions & Answers Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register on site. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on either Alder St. or 11th St. There is a SmartPark available on the corner of 10th and Yamhill for $1.25 per hour and you can enter the Governor Hotel through the Jake's entrance on 10th St.2008-11-18 15:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/18/082008-10-30 22:25:03 :2008-11-18 17:00:00K:00am Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $25 for members $45 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/18/2008 Topic: The Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinking As audiences demand more personal attention in their consumer relationships, successful sales and marketing require targeting these consumers with creative niche efforts. One area where this trend has manifested is the broader use of microsites - campaign-specific webpages that we've all seen, maybe even built. Where microsites often fail, however, is in a lack of macro-thinking - they serve a limited function and leave no opportunities to build a larger relationship. This presentation will impart key insights on how applying strategic big-picture thinking in the use of microsites can improve the quality of your sales conversations. Moderator: Bryan Campbell Speakers: Brad Smith, Executive Director, Webvisions Conference Webvisions is a nationally recognized event that explores the Ifuture of the Web. Since 2001, he has worked with an all-star list of visionaries in technology, design, user experience and business strategy, from leading companies such as Google, Apple, Netflix, LinkedIn, Flickr and many more. In his day job, Brad is the Creative Director for Hot Pepper Studios, an award winning design firm located in Portland, Oregon Mike Caplan, Director of Client Services, Ascentium Mike brings over 13 years of marketing and advertising experience. Over his career, Mike has helped launch new companies, new products and new brands on a national and global scale for B2B and B2C clients. Mike brings a specialized focus in interactive and direct marketing to the Ascentium Team - and is an expert within all phases of the customer life-cycle (acquisition, retention, stimulation). In addition, Mike also formulates marketing and sales strategies for Fortune 5000 firms - and brings expertise in Channel and Partner marketing as well. Some of the brands Mike has worked on over his career i WW?8 (08+F3 C331 )Sherman Clay Pianoshttp://www.shermanclay.com/2009-02-22 16:36:232009-06-26 18:50:36131 NW 13th AvenuePobԡ3w333What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment BankingEntrepreneur Meetups > ;Bԡ+?3w333Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses: Looking BiggerEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and LearnyԡTU3s333SAO: Offshore Development StrategiesThe global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes ԡS!3s333MIT Enterprise Forum: Avoiding the Financial Beast of BurdenAt OTBC, we'll be viewing live video of this MIT Enterprise Forum program.2009-02-26 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9477402/2009-01-18 22:16:552009-01-18 22:16:55 <2009-02-26 01:30:00 ~Y -%33IISITE Design2009-02-10 06:30:102009-02-10 06:30:10115 NW First Avenue, Suite 500PortlandOR97209US@FB& ^ul;bױ,- 9 339 Interstate Lanes6049 N Interstate Ave 2009-02-09 23:43:002009-02-09 23:43:486049 N Interstate Ave P#ԡO]]3s333OTBC Legal Series: Closing an InvestmentHow does the actual process of closing an investment work? What are the key documents that are involved? What can happen to trip-up the process? Neil Nathanson of Perkins Coie will explain how it all works. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-03-03 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514806/2009-01-18 22:10:162009-01-18 22:10:16 <2009-03-03 21:00:00 BC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know abԡPOa3s333OTBC Legal Series: Employment LawYou don't need to be an employment law expert to start a company, but there are important things to know to stay out of trouble. With a startup, you generally don't have an HR department to watch your process, so as an entrepreneur, HR is your job! Jenny Mooney with Davis Wright Tremaine will provide an overview of the key issues, and provide some guidelines as to how you can keep out of trouble while you engage with contractors, consultants, and employees. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-03-10 19:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514844/2009-01-18 22:11:322009-01-18 22:11:32 <2009-03-10 20:00:00  David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch pqԡNI 3s333OTBC Legal Series: Term SheetsInvestment term sheets are full of arcane language -- and some of those terms are critical for the entrepreneur to understand. Todd Bauman with Stoel Rives will explain what a term sheet is and what the major terms mean. He will also talk about what terms he is seeing in term sheets today. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-02-24 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514791/2009-01-18 22:08:412009-01-18 22:08:41 <2009-02-24 21:00:00 ures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at tԡMo53s333OTBC Legal Series: Top 10 Legal Mistakes to AvoidJon Summers with White and Lee has worked with a lot of startups, and seen a lot of mistakes made from a legal perspective. Come learn about those common mistakes so you don't make them! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-02-10 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514758/2009-01-18 22:07:172009-01-18 22:07:17 <2009-02-10 21:00:00e in various locations in the Portland-Vancouver area and each has a personality of its own. They follow a basic pattern but often vary from that and have special formats for meetings based on their on-going discussions. The meetings always start with introductions and a usually have a solicitation for topics. Topics tabled that are current issues in performing a person's job are given priority. The topics are selected based on the rules of the specific roundtable and the topics are opened for discussion. On occasion, prearranged topics are discussed. This would be in cases where preparation time for topic facilitation might be needed. These meetings are worth 1 PDU, extremely valuable and always fun. There is a balance of Junior and Senior Project Managers from a variety of disciplines to provide an eclectic view of a subject. How to claim PDUs. Contact the Director of Roundtables at roundtable@pmi-portland.org . 2008-11-07 15:15:00http://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-10-29 19:55:15 =2008-11-07 16:45:00 zzJwԡlm3]333Online Community Manager: Yes, It's Really A Job[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/ ] Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) of the Portland tech community will be giving a talk about online community managers. Description: Online community managers are being hired in more and more companies and organizations. In this presentation, Dawn will talk about how communities are managed and why companies need community management. I'll also provide some specific job requirements and skills that community managers need in order to be successful. Bio: Dawn Foster is a Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast Dawn provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, ere (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banking can play in working with emerging growth companies -- including fund raising and M&A (mergers and acquisition). About the Presenter S�crates Jim�nez is a Senior Vice President at Cascadia Capital, where he focuseszԡKA'3s333OTBC Legal Series: PatentsJim Stewart with Ater Wynne will provide on overview of patents - how they work, when they make sense, etc. This is sure to be an interactive session, so bring your questions! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-01-27 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514633/2009-01-18 22:04:282009-01-18 22:04:28 <2009-01-27 21:00:00/b> and is intended for people currently managing online communities. If you would like to attend, you should request to join the Google Group with a description of the community you currently manage. The Online Community Managers PDX Group brings together Portland-area community managers--the folks on community/social networking sites that may responsible for any combination of content development, editing, posting, troubleshooting, developing campaigns, overseeing activities, providing forum moderation, offering encouragement, answering queries, etc.--to share insights, challenges and funny stories with each other on a monthly basis. We meet the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Group leaders: Ann Marcus & Dawn Foster Online_Community_Managers_PDX Google Group2009-01-22 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/online_community_managers_pdx?hl=en2009-01-16 22:08:162009-01-18 17:06:43 92009-01-22 04:30:00 oo3<qԡ q 3M333Trials and Tribulations of Starting a new company 2008-06-06 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2053&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-06-02 10:19:262008-07-13 04:32:06 ;2008-06-06 04:00:00Nԡ /3=333Smartups Pub TalkWhat: A panel of entrepreneur ԡJ} 3s333OTBC Legal Series: Protecting Your Intellectual PropertyFor any business, protecting Intellectual Property is critical. At this Lunch program, the first in our Legal Series of lunch programs, Joe Cohen of Stoel Rives will provide an overview of the many forms of IP protection, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and more. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins are welcome for $15 at the door2009-01-20 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514593/2009-01-18 21:59:462009-01-18 21:59:46 <2009-01-20 21:00:00 ;3; Transforming strategy into practice • NewtBO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctober2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 28, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-28 21:00:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-29 20:04:59 :2008-10-28 22:00:00+@MI3E33JqPMI Breakfast Roundtable - SouthA roundtable is a meeting where Project Managers discuss issues that they face on a daily basis. The roundtable meetings arQ ?y333JqSAO Value Based Selling: Software Sales Certification ProgramCost: $1795 for members $1995 for non members Since its release over 5,000 software sales professionals have attended VBS seminars from throughout US, Canada, and Europe. VBS clients i_ !!kԡMuPQ33k33JqPersonal Telco Meeting October2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-30 05:40:07 :2008-10-30 03:00:00bOAA3G33JqSilverlight 2 Launch PartyIf you haven't gotten into Silverlight yet, now is the time! The format for this event will be a series of short presentations on various aspects of Silverlight 2, along with Tim Heuer presenting the keynote. Sponsors will be providing dinner and swag. Do you need another reason to attend? Join us for an evening of food, fun, and Silverlight. 2008-11-12 02:30:00http://pdxux.net/default.aspx2008-10-30 04:01:29 =2008-11-12 05:00:00 fH# 33 Free Geek2009-02-04 00:25:092009-02-04 01:58:05 9"A 33- Wilf's Restaurant and Bar 2009-02-03 20:49:172009-02-03 22:20:41800 NW 6th Ave. PortlandOR 97209US@Fð4^?{ !? 33) Rose Quarter - Rose Room 4th Floor2009-02-03 20:32:242009-02-03 22:24:062 Center CourtPortlandOR 97227US@Fez^b~ w } 33 200 Market Oԡ c_3C333OEN Business Plan Development Seminar; BendT ԡIU73s333OTBC brown bag: Your 30 Second PitchBeing able to explain what your startup does clearly, succinctly, and without jargon or acronyms - and in just 30 seconds - is very important for a startup team member to be able to do. At this brown bag lunch, we'll talk with Flora Novarra (Novarra Communications) about how to communicate what you do in 30 seconds, and why it's important.2009-01-19 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9533060/2009-01-18 21:57:392009-01-18 21:57:39 <2009-01-19 21:00:00ough the complete Lightroom workflow. In this session you will get a close look at the Lightroom workflow from import to output. You’ll see how files are organized and sorted, and some of the best methods for using keywords and metadata to find the file you need when you need it. Then you will learn to use Lightroom and the powerful Develop module to edit single files or groups of files quickly and efficiently. Finally, you will see how Lightroom and the three output modules are used to easily create slideshows, prints, and web galleries, and how to export files for other uses using the Export command. Mark Fitzgerald is the owner of The Digital Darkroom in Portland, OR. Mark is an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and author of Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible, and Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot. You can learn more about Mark at www.ddroom.com. 2009-01-23 02:30:00http://www.asmporegon.com/upcoming-events/2009-01-17 16:46:452009-01-18 01:34:54 >j2009-01-23 05:30:00 G6rs. While at Harland Financial S gW3K3JsPortland Werewolf - January Gathering2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-14 10:40:03 =;bsJse'3K33JsBeer and Bloa3C33JoLegion of Talk - Mark Shuttleworth on Ubuntu & Space Travel**Free tickets for this event are now available at www.LegionOfTech.org.

      Please feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but understand that this does not mean you have a ticket nor does it reserve a seat at the event. To register you'll need to go to the URL above.**

      Legion of Tech is very happy to announce Mark Shuttleworth as the next speaker in our Legion of Talk series. Mark is founder of the Ubuntu Project, an enterprise Linux distribution, and became the first African in space as a cosmonaut member of the crew of Soyuz mission TM34 to the International Space Station in 2002.
      2008-07-22 01:00:00http://www.LegionOfTech.org2009-04-14 21:01:19 <;b32008-07-22 03:00:00 [[ H33IOHSUuԡ; 3333Measuring People, SWASQ2007-03-23 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:ԡ}s3333SCORE: Business Basics for the Small Business OwnerThis full day workshop is designed for those who have made the decision to go into business and need an overview on topics such as: understanding the ramifications of selecting a legal structure for the business; payroll, acnԡ|m=3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Own BusinessThis workshop is scheduled for a half day on Saturdays. It is conducted using a panel format, where participants are encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussion oԡ{EA3333SCORE: Internet Marketing I The Internet is being used more and more to provide better, faster customer service and communication as well as give you another outlet through which to move your products and services. This workshop will cover Internet basics and how your  (DԡHGm3;333Inaugural Breakfast B&O StyleBring you favorite breakfast food, starting with a "B" or an "O" to share at the CubeSpace Inaugural Breakfast. @chefchopper will be making Blintzes to order (so bring Blitz-fillings as well). No RSVP required and this event is open to anyone wanting to hang with community for this historic event.2009-01-20 15:00:00http://CubeSpacePDX.com2009-01-18 18:14:052009-01-18 18:14:05 92009-01-20 20:00:00bԡGYi3k333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMonthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project.2009-01-29 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingJanuary20092009-01-18 02:42:522009-01-18 02:42:52 :2009-01-29 04:00:005ԡFW 3q333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingPrimarily will be a discussion of what a demonstration project of community fiber-to-the-premises in Portland might look like.2009-01-22 02:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200901212009-01-18 02:38:512009-01-18 02:38:51 >T2009-01-22 04:00:00nclude IBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software (Timberline Software), Microsoft (Exact/Macola Software ), Inspiration Software and many more! We've grown our sales force from 3 to 17 people since first deploying Value Based Selling. Since then our sales have grown 15% to 100% per year qualifying us as one of INC Magazine's 500 fastest growing companies for several years running. Over 12 years later we still train every new salesperson in Value Based Selling. -Mark Oronzio, Sr. VP of Sales, Inspiration Software Non-Certification Track Components: Two Day Live Seminar/Workshop For sales professionals who want training on the VBS practices and processes, but do not want coaching or certification. Non-certification track participants may add 3 and/or 6 months of coaching after completing the two-day live seminar/workshop.2008-12-09 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/9/08ta2008-10-29 19:42:08 =2008-12-10 00:30:00 ||?l7AVԡk3 333Side Project Wednesday: Calagator WorkiuԡEM#3a333The Lightroom 2 Workflow EveningWhen: Thursday January 22nd, 7pm, doors at 6:30pm Where: Polara Studio 614 SE Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon 97214 Cost: ASMP Members $10 Non-Members $25 ASMP Student Members Free ASMP Affiliate Groups qualify for ASMP Member pricing Please RSVP to asmp.events@gmail.com to secure your spot in what is sure to be an outstanding event. The Lightroom 2 Workflow Evening Presented by Mark Fitzgerald Lightroom is changing the way photographers work. Its intuitive interface creates a streamlined workflow that allows photographers to catalog, process, and output individual and groups of raw files much more efficiently than when using the Bridge/Adobe Camera Raw/Photoshop system. Join us for an informative evening as Mark Fitzgerald, author of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible leads us thrYnclude IBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software (Timberline Software), Microsoft (Exact/Macola Software ), Inspiration Software and many more! We've grown our sales force from 3 to 17 people since first deploying Value Based Selling. Since then our sales have grown 15% to 100% per year qualifying us as one of INC Magazine's 500 fastest growing companies for several years running. Over 12 years later we still train every new salesperson in Value Based Selling. -Mark Oronzio, Sr. VP of Sales, Inspiration Software Non-Certification Track Components: Two Day Live Seminar/Workshop For sales professionals who want training on the VBS practices and processes, but do not want coaching or certification. Non-certification track participants may add 3 and/or 6 months of coaching after completing the two-day live seminar/workshop.2008-12-09 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/9/08ta2008-10-29 19:44:46 =2008-12-10 00:30:00 vvt>U? 33; ' Multnomah County Building2009-01-27 16:45:072009Zԡ}W)3333Rails Machine Party at RailsConf 2008We are having our annual party at RailsConf again this year for Rails Machine friends, customers, vendors, and partners. The party takes place on Saturday, May 31st from 6:30-9:00pm. We’ve rented out the Windows Skyroom at the Red Lion across the street from the Convention Center. As usual, Bradley has lined up some awesome food and drinks for us to enjoy, everything from fruit and cheese skewers to swedish meatballs, salmon, turkey, and pork loin. And of course there will be microbrew beer available to wash it all down. For planning purposes, please submit a ticket letting us know if you’ll be attending. Hope to see you there!2008-06-01 01{ԡDE3333Online Community Managers PDX January Meeting (invite only)Please note that this meeting is by invite only<T AAq8ԡC!c3Q333TiE Oregon presents Software & Internet SIG - Business Platforms for Apps If you are on Facebook playing Texas Hold'Em, added LinkedIn applications leveraging your connections, or reviewed sales, marketing, HR or other applications at force.com, AppExchange, you are already in touch with the evolving world of Application Integration Platforms which have opened up new software opportunities for business and monetization. Come join us for an overview of these Business Platforms, contribute to the discussion and learn: * How are they different from other services such as Google App Engine and Amazon EC2? * How does an application plug into these platforms? * What data do they make available to application developers? * What are the success and failure factors for such applications and business models? 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/homepage2009-01-16 19:01:462009-01-16 20:32:45 =2009-01-22 04:00:00 j5O33)Green Dragon Bistro & B#ԡ3q3333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursesIԡI]3333"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City - 05:00 PM"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:002009-01-06 10:32:512009-01-06 16:21:33;bdJsE2009-01-16 03:00:00 k]{-ԡzy3C333Beer and Blog - Can we replace Twitter with our blogs?Is there anything that Twitter does uniquely that we can&#ԡB/3k333Westside ProggersA polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group. We're out on the west side but all are welcome. 2009-04-24 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2009-01-16 06:55:132009-04-20 19:36:15 <2009-04-24 04:00:00ԡAM 3-333XPDX lunch (eXtreme Programming)Join other XP and agile methdology practitioners and enthusiasts for a lunchtime discussion. XPDX is group of IT professionals in the Portland, Oregon area that are interested in Extreme Programming and Agile software development methodologies.2009-01-16 21:00:00http://xpdx.org/2009-01-15 22:40:282009-01-15 22:40:28 ;42009-01-16 23:00:00ting in the areas of inertial guidance systems, visual displays for astronauts, and hand controls for the Command Capsule and Lunar Excursion Module.

      Len moved to Control Data in 1969 as a program manager for large computer systems. In 1977 he moved to Oregon to work for Floating Point Systems, a supercomputer company, where he became Director of Engineering. From 1991 to 1998 he ran his own consulting business working with small growing hi-tech firms. Len retired in 1998 and immediately began volunteering for SCORE where he has helped numerous clients, especially in the area of detailed financial planning.

      To RSVP, register through SCORE's Portland website.
      Click on Workshops on the left panel; then register for a workshop here; then Thr Oct 30, 8:30a-4:30p, Business Plan – Your Roadmap to Success.
      2008-10-30 15:30:00http://scorepdx.org/workshops.php2008-10-28 20:59:49;b2008-10-30 23:30:00-07-15 01:30:00ound includes experience obtaining both trademark and patent protection for clients in a wide range of technology. He is experienced in managing major client patent portfolios, preparing opinion letters and negotiating licenses. He has also represented clients in enforcing or defending intellectual property rights via patent, trademark, and trade dress litigation in several districts of the federal courts, patent interference proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Board of Appeals and Interferences, and trademark opposition proceedings, including successfully defending a trade dress claim before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. REGISTRATION: $20: LES members $25: Non-members $10: Students (with ID) $5 additional for on-site registration *Members of the following organizations will receive the LES Member rate SAO, TechAmerica, Oregon Bio 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://www.usa-canada.les.org/chapters/oregon/upcoming.asp2009-04-29 20:43:272009-04-29 20:43:27 <2009-05-07 03:00:00 is managing director at Northwest Technology Ventures, a $14 million Oregon seed fund focused on technology-based startups and spin-offs from the research sector in both life sciences and technology. Prior to joining the research faculty at MIT, Bill earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique in France, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Lewis Nashner was the founder of Neurocom International, Inc. until it was acquired by Natus Biomedical, Inc. in 2008. Prior to founding Neurocom, Lew was a Senior Scientist at the RS Dow Neurological Sciences Institute of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, serving as the Institute’s Chairman. Lew received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical engineering from MIT. He also received the Sc.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience from MIT. 2009-01-28 15:30:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioForumJanuary2009/2009-01-15 21:32:252009-01-15 21:32:25 =2009-01-28 17:00:00 &f/q333'CubeSpace2009-01-19 18:23:162009-01-19 18:45:56622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOre[ԡ@aU3g333OBA: Insights for Succeeding in BioscienceThis highly interactive discussion will focus on current challenges and market conditions that impact the bioscience and pharmaceutical industries. The intent is to learn how to better cope and prosper in uncertain times. During this session, the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. Our guest panel, moderated by Paul Abel from Blue Research, includes the following members: Peter Smith is Director of Strategic Development at Biotronik Inc, a medical device company specializing in Cardiac Rhythm Management. Peter has an international background in healthcare marketing and strategy, having worked for Hoffmann la Roche and McKinsey. Peter earned an MBA at MIT Sloan and a Masters in Health Technology from the MIT-Harvard Institute of Health Science and Technology. William Newmanfdbreak-out sessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience.

      In 1993 Jim founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. In 2005 he also started counseling clients and teaching workshops for SCORE, including business planning and internet marketing.

      Len Van Regenmorter, Accredited SCORE Counselor and Business Financial Consultant

      Len worked on the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs with Honeywell, concentraerestaurant layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and case studies, the presenters from Ziba Design and Stoel Rives LLP will describe what is happening in the marketplace and provide predictions of what may be in store for the future. SPEAKER Jeremy Kaye Jeremy Kaye is a Creative Director at Ziba Design with extensive experience in global business strategy, design management, product development and brand marketing. As an entrepreneur and director with major global corporations Jeremy has worked with some of the world’s foremost apparel and consumer product companies (Nike, Gap Inc., J. Crew and Patagonia, IBM, P&G). At Ziba, Jeremy leads teams to create solutions for global clients by crafting compelling branded experiences that support key business strategies. SPEAKER & DISCUSSION MODERATOR John A. Rafter, Jr. Jay is a partner in Stoel Rives' Intellectual Property practice group. His backgr ppVb7 Qo33) Mission Theater & Pub1624 NW Glisan, Portland, OR 97209http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=72&id=1682009-01-13 16:24:262009-01-13 18:53:171624 NW GlisanPortlandOR97209US@FZ^  <EaG m 331# Small Business Administration601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204-3192 2009-01-12 04:2 ԡ>_53]333Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/ ] Several of us have read Marshall's How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_build_a_social_media_cheat_sheet.php where he integrates data from many different sources and uses various plumbing tools to pull it all together. Marshall is a master of tools like Yahoo Pipes and Dapper, and it will be great to have him presenting at our Jan 27th meeting.2009-01-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-15 19:40:502009-01-21 23:40:09 <;bw2009-01-28 03:30:00h workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light.

      Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.

      Sample Content:

      * The need for a business plan
      * The elements of a business plan
      * Steps in basic financial planning
      * Organization and management strategies
      * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing
      * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan

      This workshop also features gg ԡ?Ss3E333Professional Technology Career FairProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org 2009-02-19 23:00:00http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 20:31:222009-01-15 21:04:20 <2009-02-20 02:00:00 sfH# 33 Free Geek2009-02-04 00:25:092009-02-04 01:58:05 9"A 33- Wilf's Restaurant and Bar 2009-02-03 20:49:172009-02-03 22:20:41800 NW 6th Ave. PortlandOR 97209US@Fð4^?{ !? 33) Rose Quarter - Rose Room 4th Floor2009-02-03 20:32:242009-02-03 22:24:062 Center CourtPortlandOR 97227US@Fez^b~ w } 33 200 Market St. Lobby Conference Room Portland, OR 97201 2009-02-03 20:25:332009-02-03 22:22:58 >jW7 33+ Portland State University, FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement2009-02-03 18:52:292009-02-03 19:18:564th and CollegePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^-V|7 33# Roots Organic Brewing2009-02-03 17:42:542009-02-03 17:43:181520 SE 7thPortlandOR97214US@F/^(@I-333Euphoria Studios2009-02-02 18:52:502009-02-02 18:52:501235 SE Division STPortlandOregon97202US@FO\^$;bמting in the areas of inertial guidance systems, visual displays for astronauts, and hand controls for the Command Capsule and Lunar Excursion Module.

      Len moved to Control Data in 1969 as a program manager for large computer systems. In 1977 he moved to Oregon to work for Floating Point Systems, a supercomputer company, where he became Director of Engineering. From 1991 to 1998 he ran his own consulting business working with small growing hi-tech firms. Len retired in 1998 and immediately began volunteering for SCORE where he has helped numerous clients, especially in the area of detailed financial planning.

      To RSVP, register through SCORE's Portland website.
      Click on Workshops on the left panel; then register for a workshop here; then Thr Oct 30, 8:30a-4:30p, Business Plan – Your Roadmap to Success.
      2008-10-30 15:30:00http://scorepdx.org/workshops.php2008-10-28 21:00:07 9;b2008-10-30 23:30:0028 01:00:00ical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2009-01-22 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2009-01-15 18:15:002009-01-15 19:45:55 :2009-01-22 05:00:00 == review some of the exciting things we’re cooking up in our labs and will give a glimpse into what’s coming soon. Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and future of the mobile industry and the Mobile Lifestyle. For more information or to RSVP, please contact rsvp@golifemobile.com About GoLife Mobile: GoLife Mobile's passion is building the Mobile Lifestyle. We think that mobile devices should be useful interaction tools, blending the physical and the electronic worlds. We think that developers should be able to focus on$ԡ=}33333PLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI ProgrammingSpeaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax Layer for Desktop Grapho ԡ</e3]333Breakfast Tweetup[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/ ] Have morning vittles with all your tweeple pals.2009-01-15 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1488690/2009-01-15 11:20:322009-01-15 18:06:03 <;bv2009-01-15 18:00:00 @#@)~mԡa%3=333Perl: Scientific Computing with Math::GSL Wed. September 10th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th 
      A forum hosted by Recycling Advocates

      When: September 22, 2008

      6:30 pm - Reception

      7-9 pm - Annual Member Meeting & Public forum

      Where: Portland ΃Vԡ|G3K333Mobile Love, Android Style #5The android space is heating up again. The HTC Dream phone passed FCC regulation and will be sold by T-Mobile by November if not earlier. 0.9 of the SDK was released with 1.0RC1 around the corner. Android is an open-source mobile telephone software platform written by Google. See http://code.google.com/android/2008-09-09 01:00:00http://code.google.com/android/2008-09-03 04:58:182008-09-03 04:58:18 ; 2008-09-09 03:00:00nbreak-out sessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience.

      In 1993 Jim founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. In 2005 he also started counseling clients and teaching workshops for SCORE, including business planning and internet marketing.

      Len Van Regenmorter, Accredited SCORE Counselor and Business Financial Consultant

      Len worked on the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs with Honeywell, concentra ##uesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small. Here's VԡB%k3333IP Beyond IDLicensing Executives Society Oregon SW Washington Chapter IP Beyond ID Leveraging Trade Dress to Enhance and Develop Brand TOPIC OVERVIEW Trade dress of a product or a service is often overlooked in a company’s overall branding and trademark strategies. Sophisticated companies are using trade dress in ever expanding ways to establish brand recognition. Trade dress has been traditionally limited to product packaging such as the unique shape of the Coke bottle, but it has now become much broader and pervasive. Companies are developing unique building designs and ieԡ;Mw3m333PDX CANswer Project Info EveningJoin the PDX CANswer Project! Come for drinks, food, &  r.=ԡsc_3?33Mobile Portland: Firefox for Mobile DevicesCurious what the future holds for everyone's favoritehԡ;S3]333Corvallis Beer and Blog @ Fireworks[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/ ] Our next Beer and Blog will be at Fireworks Restaurant & Bar from 5-7PM. We’ll be having our first topic going over how to start your blog. We’ll discuss how to setup a Blogger site along with setting up WordPress. There probably won’t be enough time to go over all of the steps, but we’ll try to cover the basics at least. Make sure you bring a laptop so we can even help get you started on the spot! Wireless is available there, but it is locked with a key. Fireworks was also kind enough to provide a pizza and beer special for us! They’ll have $3 pints and all you can eat pizza for $5. Thanks Ocean for setting that up!2009-01-22 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/2009-01-14 19:13:202009-01-14 23:15:47 >d;bu2009-01-22 03:30:00 s being propelled by the major advances in performance and memory consumption in Firefox 3, and how the user interface elements of Firefox are being reinvented for size- and input-constrained devices.

      Dietrich Ayala works as a Senior Software Engineer for Mozilla, and has been spending altogether too much time on bookmarks, tagging and history in Firefox 3.

      Mobile Portland is local user group focused on mobile development. We gather on the fourth Monday of every month for presentations, discussion and networking.

      Because of memorial day, the May meeting will be held on TUESDAY. The May meeting topic is to be determined.

      If you're interested, sign up to receive notices about oԡ:%q3]333Corvallis .NET Users Group - Geoff Dalgas of Stackoverflow.com - ASP.NET MVCThis month we have a special guest, Geoff Dalgas of StackOverflow.com, giving us a presentation on ASP.NET MVC! StackOverflow.com was built from the ground up on ASP.NET MVC axn to extremes. How does gravity's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using math? Did the Japanese really acquit a 17th-century prisoner on the strength of his inertia skills? Which came first: the bed of nails or the ladder of swords? How many new performance ideas can a desperate juggler glean from a room full of science-minded folks? Rhys Thomas, has been making a living performing hilarity and dexterity for over 20 years. His science shows have been presented in Trinidad, Singapore, at museums across the U.S. and Canada, and even toured by dogsled across frozen ocean to Siberian Yupik villages. Thomas has served as artist-in-residence at the Smithsonian Institution and performs as an OMSI educator at schools in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and other western states.2008-10-29 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/2009-04-14 21:01:21 <2008-10-29 04:00:00 |&loid adventures ha.ԡ;Sg3333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:Py333JqPortland Cisco ASA Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarCisco ASA Training: Installing, Configuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting the Cisco ASA Security Appliance

      Presented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

      This Cisco ASA training serminar is two intensive days filled with hands-on lab exercises where you'll learn how to reset the administrator password (even when you don't know it), how to build a basic firewall configuration from scratch in the command-line and in the GUI. You'll practice backing-up and restoring your configuration files and the firewall's operating system image. We'll show you how to set up centralized logging with a syslog server. You'll prnd is currently used by thousands of developers from around the world! Geoff will be showing how StackOverflow.com uses ASP.NET MVC, as well as how to create a brand new simple Q/A site using MVC. Have questions about ASP.NET MVC? Want to get started using ASP.NET MVC? Come to the January Covallis .NET Users Group Meeting! Thanks to our sponsor: Business Solutions Group, OSU (http://bsg.oregonstate.edu/) Time/Place: Thursday, January 22th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM Location: OSU - Kelly Engineering Center, Room 1003 RSVP here! (Or you can email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner 6:30 - 7:30: "ASP.NET MVC", Geoff Dalgas, StackOverflow.com 7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be interested!2009-01-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1476300/2009-01-14 18:20:012009-01-14 18:38:06 >U2009-01-23 04:00:00 EE@t*Jԡ};3A333OSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big 9ԡ![3_3C<Wi3dGk333Jr+AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Recipes for Successful Company Formation and"C~S333Jr(AeA BOD Education Series: Board Succession: The Good, The Bad, The ToughBoard Succession: The Good, The Bad, The Tough Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters!2009-04-08 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409062009-03-30 18:07:00 :2009-04-08 18:00:00ilege levels
      -Practice configuring your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
      -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
      -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
      -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one with a Web server and a print server
      -Practice testing security configurations with a port scanner
      -Gain an understanding of filtering techniques and practice blocking Java applets

      A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

      Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
      2009-04-29 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category34.html2008-10-28 20:57:11;b2009-04-30 23:00:00  s magazine, Popular Sc]O)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. When: September 9th, 2008 4:00 pm Where: OTBC, Beaverton, in "The Round" Details: Date and Time: Nov 5, 2008 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: OTBC Beaverton, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $30.00 Purchase Non-member Price (includes a one-year Individual OEN membership): $129.00 Purchase 2008-11-06 00:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=432008-10-12 18:26:09 <2008-11-06 03:00:00of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain.

      Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful.

      2009-02-10 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2009-01-14 15:46:132009-02-06 00:42:19 92009-02-10 05:00:00 vsv:g%339OpenSourcery2008-12-10 20:50:232008-12-10 20:50:23"ԡmQ]3333The First Year in Computer ScienceThe First Year in Computer Science Matthias Felleisen Northeastern University 2nd June, 16:40–18:00 Location: Hoffman Hall Rm 109, Portland State University Abstract My team ԡ6'3K333Beer and Blog2009-01-17 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-01-14 10:33:562009-01-14 10:47:01 ; ;btJs2009-01-17 02:00:00ԡ4W3K33Portland Werewolf - January Gathering2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-01-14 10:33:522009-01-22 02:05:26 ; ;bsJs=ԡ2]3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' Group2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-14 10:33:492009-01-14 10:33:49 9;bl2009-01-15 05:00:00ԡ0!3]33iPhone PDX2009-01-21 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-14 10:33:452009-01-14 10:51:35 ; ;bkJs NZN>(A 5 33'ԡ 'w3K333Beer and BlogCome toast the latest chapter this Friday’s Beer and Blog at the Green Dragon. In preparation for next Saturday’s mini job fair, I’d like to talk to anyone with leads on businesses and organizations that are looking for employees, contract work, as well as other opportunities (like equity for work). Come find me!
       2009-01-17 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-01-13 15:14:532009-01-13 15:14:53 ; ;bt2009-01-17 02:00:00ԡ!E3]33iPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.

      Hopefully this time we won't see two-feet of snow.
       2009-01-21 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-13 10:33:462009-01-13 10:33:46 ; ;bkactice configuring login banners. You'll configure local usernames and privilege levels, plus you'll practice using Active Directory for authentication. You'll set up a DHCP server for automatic address assignment. You'll practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN. You'll build a DMZ with a Web server and a print server. You'll practice port-scanning to test for vulnerabilities. We'll show you how to configure various types of filtering and you'll actually practice configuring filters to block Java applets. In short, this Cisco ASA training seminar is a lot of hands-on exercises and not a lot of talking! Our instructors are there to show you how to do things, answer your questions, and help you troubleshoot your configurations.

      Now upgraded with even more "hands-on" lab exercises (and less talking)!

      Learning Objectives
      Upon completion of soundtrai O)J're pushing this event as a real hackfest, so bring your laptops and apps you are running or want to run on JRuby. At least Tom Ene,ԡ._3M333Beer and Blog Portland - The Hosting Talk2009-01-10 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-14 10:33:412009-01-14 10:33:41 ; ;bj2009-01-10 02:00:00sԡ,S333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - Resolutions2009-01-08 17:00:002009-01-14 10:33:372009-01-14 10:33:37 >W;bh`ԡ+-333Beaver Barcamp 32009-01-14 10:33:332009-01-14 10:33:342009-01-14 10:41:05;bgJsQԡ*-3M33Beaver Barcamp 32009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-14 10:33:332009-01-14 18:38:04 >U;bgJsQԡ(13C333Ignite Corvallis 22009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-14 10:33:292009-01-14 18:38:04 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00*ԡ&S3M333Masterbacon: A day for bacon lovers2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-14 10:33:262009-01-14 10:55:16 >P;b JsO2009-01-18 00:00:00zning.net's Cisco� ASA training seminar, you'll...

      -Practice password recovery techniques for the Cisco ASA security appliance
      -Practice two techniques for building a basic firewall configuration from scratch
      -Gain an understanding of logging configurations and practice using syslog with the security appliance
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring device's configurations
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring your device's software image (operating system), including how to recover the software in a catastrophic fault condition
      -Practice configuring and using three methods of remote management
      -Gain an understanding of Network Address Translation and Port Address Translation on the ASA Security Appliance and practice using them in your configurations
      -Practice configuring three types of banners
      -Gain an understanding of Cisco privilege levels and practice configuring local usernames and priv b;%{bogramming and computing. Unlike conventional approaches, ours focuses on desixԡ$73333January WikiWednesday2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-14 10:33:212009-01-14 10:33:21 9;beԡ"g3333Portland WordPress User Group - First Meeting2009-01-16 02:00:002009-01-14 10:33:142009-01-14 10:45:40 9;bbJsB2009-01-16 03:30:00#ԡ M3M333Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-14 10:33:092009-01-14 10:33:09 =;b`2009-01-08 03:00:00ԡW3C33Emergency Tweetup for Blood Donations2008-12-24 20:00:00http://nwblood.redcross.org2009-01-14 10:33:062009-01-14 10:33:06 =;b^yԡ33933souk's birthday2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2009-01-14 10:32:482009-05-14 14:01:59 ?;bW>ԡ3-333Portland Java User Group - Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-01-14 10:32:442009-01-14 10:50:45 <;bHJsd2009-01-21 04:00:00 X-3ԡSyM3w333OTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2008-12-22 19:42:382009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\JsH2009-01-13 22:00:00ԡRMM3w333OTBC Brown Bag: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you're looking for a team a     ^-333JqPortland Cisco Router Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarPresented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

      Two intensive days of hands-on Cisco training including Cisco router installation, configuration, and troubleshooting using live in-classroom routers. You'll learn how to build a Cisco� router configuration from scratch. You'll learn different ways of monitoring your router, saving and restoring configurations, and how to design and implement access-control lists. You'll even learn how to encrypt your passwords and Cisco router password recovery procedures.

      Learning Objectives:
      The overall objective of this workshop is to help you become comfortable with viewing, editing, 1k|iWD1 ubO<)q^K9'~knZ;JrfEventYJrfEventX:JrfEventWJrfEventVJrfEventUJrfEventT9JrfEventLJpEventK JpEventJ8JpEventIJpEventHrJpEventG7JpEventF6JpEventEJpEventD JpEventCJpEventB5JpEventA2JpEvent@]JpEvent?bJpEvent>JoEvent= JoEvent<4JpEvent;JpEvent:3JpEvent92JpEvent81JpEvent70JoEvent6/JoEvent5.JoEvent4"JoEvent3-JoEvent2!JoEvent1,JoEvent0JrdEvent/JrdEvent.JrcEvent-JrcEvent, =Venue+JrbEvent*+JrbEvent)*JrbEvent()JrbEvent'JrbEvent&JJrbEvent%(JrbEvent$'JrbEvent#JraEvent @NIAT' cC331 OIT Portland 7726 SE Harmony Rd., Portl=ԡO3w333Portland Data Plumbing User Group2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-14 10:32:402009-01-14 10:54:19 <;baJsV2009-01-14 03:30:00Dԡ 3M333End Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blog2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-14 10:32:352009-01-14 10:32:35 9;bi2009-01-11 01:00:00 ԡ=3q33Alexis Zeigler, author of Culture Change, Real Solutions for Peak Oil and Global Warming2009-01-29 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/alexis-zeigler-author-culture-change-real-solutions-peak-oil-and-global-warming2009-01-14 10:32:222009-01-14 10:44:58 >^;boJsy9ԡ3E33Permaculture Guild: Grow Your Own Produce slide show by Marisha Auerbach2009-01-20 02:00:00http://thedirt.org/node/35922009-01-14 10:32:192009-01-14 10:55:44 >];bnJsx HH18|BԡoE333)ԡ95)3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: Wm Leler's Bertrand constraint languageA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

      This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation".

      Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's ThingLab (built on top | VV up a "Guide to Calagator" as Igal discussed, to help us get more group ԡ531333SEEcamp planning v.22009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-14 10:32:142009-01-14 10:53:14 >Z;bmJst2009-01-19 01:00:00ԡG3?333Website Fundamentals OverviewThis 3 hour website overview is for people who want a website but don't know where to start. Get useful advice and tips before you begin the process. No computer is needed for this course. We will discuss the following: - How (and where) to register a domain name - Hosting terms explained - Web development tools - What to look for in a web designer - Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Vimeo, and social networking - CMS options: Blogger, Wordpress, Expression Engine - Statistics and website tracking - Search Engine Optimization - Maintaining a website - To blog or not to blog - Question & Answer Cost: $452009-01-28 02:00:00http://www.DIYstories.com2009-01-14 05:43:592009-01-14 05:43:59 ;2009-01-28 05:00:00 xg(x*} 331 Portland State University (PSU) - Fourth Avenue Building2009-02-02 17:28:562009-02-02 17:35:201900 SW 4th AVENUEPortlandOR97201US@FMk2^*EM <lCM3c333 Lucky Labrador Public HouseA Lucky Labrador pub with Pizza.7675 SW Capitol Hwyhttp://luckylab.com/html/menu.html#pubhouse2009-02-02 07:17:232009-02-02 07:19:087675 SW Capitol HwyPortlandOregon97219US@FiK^i/nI 339 Scottish Rite Temple Blue Room2009-02-01 11:46:362009-05-22 18:05:181525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205US@Fª^b;bד >%C33E'Multnomah County Board Room2009-01-31 16:38:292009-01-31 20:12:09501 SE Hawthorne\, 1st FloorPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^M;bל >933+'St. Francis 'Che Room'2009-01-31 16:34:432009-01-31 20:07:021131 SE Oak St.PortlandOregonUnited States@F\(^"`;bכ >[ %*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52@ԡ/c3W333Westside Proggers*** UPDATE: We'll meet in the Training Room on the third floor, room 390. There should be B;Wg3K33JrPortland Business Alliance Green HourGreen Hour events presented by Portland Business AlJ}-3e33JuIInvention to Venture: Commercialization in the Life SciencesThe Oregon Health & Science University and Portland State University will host a one-day, interactive workshop on Friday, April 10th built around four actual life science case studies. The workshop is intended primarily for faculty, graduate students, post-docs and staff, who want to learn how world-class life science research can be translated into applications to help save lives and improve health outcomes. The focus of the day will be on case studies dealing with (a) research efforts leading to cor workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light.

      Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.

      Sample Content:

      * The need for a business plan
      * The elements of a business plan
      * Steps in basic financial planning
      * Organization and management strategies
      * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing
      * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan

      This workshop also features vv you consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, WordCamp is for you. WordCamp Portland will be held at CubeSpace on September 27th. You can head over to the Agenda page to check out the details, but we’ll kick things off with a couple large-group speakers including Lorelle Van Fossen as our keynote speaker. The middle of the day will feature several small-group breakout sessions with a variety of topics. Attendees can pose WordPress questions to our “Ask the Experts” panel before dinner. After dinner, we’ll have a bunch of rooms available for unconference-style sessionsԡ %3-333Geeks Day OnGeeks Day On is a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr Day when folks with technology and Internet communication skills will offer advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations and open source projects. Visit http://dayon.org for more information.2009-01-19 17:00:00http://dayon.org2009-01-14 04:53:572009-01-14 04:53:57 92009-01-20 01:00:00 4 4mure, though if others want to, feel free. There is no agenda. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A BxcM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers intereR[k3]33JuBeer and Blog - WebVisions Twitter WarsJoin us for a lively Twitter debate and prizes!2009-04-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415063/2009-04-15 17:47:10 ; ;b#2009-04-18 01:00:00re93K33JuPortland Tweetup Breakfast - Taking the CureThe Tweetup Breakfasts are back after a slight bit of uselessness on the part of yours truly. This Thursday we venture to Helser's, which looks positively heavenly. Come with your best story of getting away from it all for a bit. Or, as usual, ignore the topic and just have some lovely breakfast with friends. As always, buy your own chow.2009-04-16 16:00:00http://www.helsersonalberta.com2009-04-14 21:40:51 ?<2009-04-16 17:00:00ar to focus groups in a few ways, Innovation Games (and other design games) stimulate the customers to tell you things that are important for them that you would have never thought to ask.

      Learn more about Innovation Games at http://innovationgames.com/
      See photos of Innovation Games workshops on Flickr at:

      Coffee and lunch will be provided, with snacks throughout the day.
      Parking is free with the workshop. If you prefer to take transit, MAX Blue Line Lloyd Center stop is just steps away — plan your trip on TriMet at http://www.trimet.org.
      2008-11-06 16:30:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/creative_solutions_through_innovation_games/2008-10-28 20:55:47 :;b2008-11-07 01:00:00 ttu5ԡfuo3o333Women Who Tech's Portland Potluck Picnic in the ParkJoin with other 'women who tech' from the Portland area on Sunday, June 22, to meet new friends, hang out with old friends, collaborate on ideas, share stories, and enjoy the plethora of potluck picnic foods. This is a great opporԡ A13333 Shizzow Developers MeetupNow that the beta version of the API has been released, you can finally build those Shizzow mobile apps and mashups you've been scheming about for the last couple of months. We wanted to make ourselves available to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, January 15th at 5:00pm, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.2009-01-16 01:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/01/shizzow-developers-meetup/2009-01-13 20:16:162009-01-13 20:16:16 ; 2009-01-16 04:00:00 uuting experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergecc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, EGLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-04 05:20:442008-12-09 05:00:00 NNye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVSԡaxԡ^A_39333HTML for Bloggers WorkshopHTML for Bloggers is an introductory class that teaches you the basics of HyperText Markup Language. You will get a clearer understanding of how the web work&ia3S33Js_PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representrgy for detached single-family homes, multi-family residential and small commercial buildings. Adapting these successful international examples for implementation in Oregon gives us a scalable, replicable model whose economic and environmental impact will be tremendous. Planned system components include thermal solar collectors, mass thermal storage for heating and anticipated cooling, combining water to water and ground-coupled heat pump technology, waste heat recovery, PV arrays and biofuel boilers for boosting and back-up. A distribution system of hydronic insulated pipes will deliver hot and chilled water for space heating, cooling and domestic hot water to the school, several hundred nearby residences, and commercial buildings. SunNE will operate as a member-owned, unregulated franchise utility within the City of Portland. 2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2837&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-01-13 17:36:272009-01-13 17:36:27 >c2009-01-15 04:00:00 ovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase will highlight cutting edge research and successful startups as part of seven days of excib-333JqPortland Cisco Router Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarPresented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

      Two intensive days of hands-on Cisco training including Cisco router installation, configuration, and troubleshooting using live in-classroom routers. You'll learn how to build a Cisco� router configuration from scratch. You'll learn different ways of monitoring your router, saving and restoring configurations, and how to design and implement access-control lists. You'll even learn how to encrypt your passwords and Cisco router password recovery procedures.

      Learning Objectives:
      The overall objective of this workshop is to help you become comfortable with viewing, editing, manR ++Fԡ 5o3M333TiE Clean Energy SIGWe begin the new year with our Clean energy SIG meeting. The agenda for the evening includes a presentation by Ms. Lacey Riddle, Focus Oregon Organizer for Focus The Nation who will present a project based on proven solar thermal techniques- The SunnySide Neighbourhood Project Overview. Sunnyside Neighborhood Project Overview Sunnyside Neighborhood Energy (SunNE) is conceived as a comprehensive solution to local thermal energy needs. SunNE is a project of Northwest Neighborhood Energy (N2E), a new non-profit incorporated in Oregon. SunNE will eventually be structured as a community-owned district energy (DE) utility powered by renewable sources that will serve Sunnyside Environmental School and the surrounding historic neighborhood and commercial areas. The project is modeled on existing mid-sized DE utilities in Sweden, Denmark and Canada, which use solar thermal storage and biofuel boilers to provide thermal eneRichard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even the semiconductor industry. Taylor has applied his studies to art, showing how fractal patterns in the work of abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock can distinguish a real Pollock from a fake. Come hear about this amazing intersection of art and science. Richard Taylor, PhD, is an associate professor in physics, psychology, and art at the University of Oregon. Transforming lives by erasing academic boundaries might be why Taylor was named Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education for 2005 by the Oregon Academy of Science.2009-01-28 03:00:00http://omsi.edu/sciencepub2009-01-13 16:23:592009-01-25 16:59:31 <2009-01-28 05:00:00nt
      -Practice using local and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
      -Work as a group to control traffic with standard and extended IP access lists
      -Practice recovering passwords (and learn how to protect against unauthorized password recovery!)
      -Practice testing procedures using PING, traceroute, and debug

      A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

      Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
      2009-03-10 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category20.html2008-10-28 20:56:21;b2009-03-11 23:00:00 .q70k 33S  Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 09:24:412008-11-03 19:51:06SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^ ;r1/3 O333 )Clinton Corner Cafehttp://wԡ`Ue3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

      Come play Werewolf with us.

      We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to pqԡ -Y3A333[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Featured in The Oregonian on 2009-01-13 ] ce configuring login banners. You'll configure local usernames and privilege levels, plus you'll practice using Active Directory for authentication. You'll set up a DHCP server for automatic address assignment. You'll practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN. You'll build a DMZ with a Web server and a print server. You'll practice port-scanning to test for vulnerabilities. We'll show you how to configure various types of filtering and you'll actually practice configuring filters to block Java applets. In short, this Cisco ASA training seminar is a lot of hands-on exercises and not a lot of talking! Our instructors are there to show you how to do things, answer your questions, and help you troubleshoot your configurations.

      Now upgraded with even more "hands-on" lab exercises (and less talking)!

      Learning Objectives
      Upon completion of soundtrainingifying questions of teammates and project stakeholders. Objectives At the end of this short course attendees should be able to: Identify problem frames (types) and use them to ask probing questions of their customers Write and share designer stories to kick off an iteration Use a common vocabulary for characterizing various aspects of a design Sort through designs tasks and identify their project impact Conduct a CRC card modeling session Recognize when a "wicked" problem crops up and how it affects project flow Effectively discuss issues and come to meaningful agreements Measure design progress and track technical debt Course Outline What makes a designer agile? Problem Frames: a tool for seeing typical patterns of software tasks A designer's story: a tool for seeing/communicating what's important Object Role Stereotypes: a tool for seeing object behaviors CRC card modeling basics and when a responsibility model can help Control centers and collaboratio   Q8ju{ QO33- Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.eԡؖEԡDwi3333Beer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, g o3O33JqCHIFOO Workshop: Creative Solutions Through Innovation Games®

      Creating Breakthrough Products Through Innovative Play

      Innovation Games® is a set of a dozen hands-on activities to develop strategic planning and tactical decision-making skills. Using a variety of expressive techniques, Innovation Games get firsthand reactions from customers and users about an actual or proposed product, a product category, or service offering. While simil N9 ԡ]773333Defcon Group Portlandhttp://www.dc503.org/2007-04-29 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bղ2007-04-29 23:00:00ԡ\%13333Perl Mongershttp://pdx.pm.org/2007-03-15 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:01 9;bNԡ5 31333SEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

      SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp.
       2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-13 10:32:162009-01-13 16:44:49 >Z;bmJst2009-01-19 01:00:00eories, and also provides one approach to handling difficult constructs such as monads without extending the underlying logic. Finally, the grand vision of the OpenTheory article repository is painted, with fully automatic installation and dependency resolution. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to donsATgaloisDOTcom is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2009-01-13 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/01/08/tech-talk-opentheory-package-management-for-higher-order-logic-theories/2009-01-13 00:03:442009-01-13 00:03:44 ;2009-01-13 19:30:0000 e $tdi e !jJHu-et0 h! $ـ!a!i X̀! pӀ! ׀! (΀e9 !/ԡ2/C3S33ԡCMa3U333OEN - Bootstrapping your startupYou have a dream, but need capital to get it off the ground. In this tight funding market do you sit around and wait for that VC or angel ship to come in, or do you decide to lace up your own boots and do everything you can to make it happen now? In this b{W3w33JqSustaining a Business in a Down Economy (Partner event)Entrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Brought to you by SCORE. This event is in downtown Portland, not at OTBC! Click here to register. What t ZTATION Title: OpenTheory: Package Management for Higher Order Logic Theories Speaker: Joe Hurd, Galois, Inc. Abstract: Interactive theorem has grown beyond toy examples in mathematics and program verification, as demonstrated by recent successes such as the Gonthier's formal proof of the four colour theorem and Leroy's verified compiler from a realistic subset of C into PowerPC assembly code. As the construction of large programs led to the development of software engineering techniques, there is now a need for theory engineering techniques to support these major verification efforts. In this talk I will present the OpenTheory project, which has defined a simple 'article' format to represent theories of higher order logic. Theories in article format can be written by one higher order logic theorem prover, compressed by a standalone tool, stored and read by a different theorem prover. Articles naturally support theory interpretations, which leads to more efficient developments of standard thimilar to focus groups in a few ways, Innovation Games (and other design games) stimulate the customers to tell you things that are important for them that you would have never thought to ask.

      Learn more about Innovation Games at http://innovationgames.com/
      See photos of Innovation Games workshops on Flickr at:

      Coffee and lunch will be provided, with snacks throughout the day.
      Parking is free with the workshop. If you prefer to take transit, MAX Blue Line Lloyd Center stop is just steps away — plan your trip on TriMet at http://www.trimet.org.
      2008-11-06 16:30:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/creative_solutions_through_innovation_games/2008-10-28 20:55:24;b2008-11-07 01:00:00 cc\ki+ _1331 )The Nines Hotel525 SW Morrison · PortlanԡMU3u333SBA Small Business Loan BriefingAttend a FREE SBA Loan Briefing on Thursday, January 15, 2009 from 11:30am - 12:30pm at the ODS Building, 601 SW Second Avenue, Portland, OR. The briefing will be held by an SBA Loan Specialist. If you are seeking financing to start a business or grow an existing business, you should attend. You will learn about the SBA Guaranteee Loan Program, credit requirements, use of proceeds, how to approach a lender, where to find loan proposal assistance. Pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Portland District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration at (503) 326-2682. 2009-01-15 19:30:00http://web.sba.gov/calendar/public/index.cfm?rc=10862009-01-12 04:28:322009-09-05 20:25:18 >H2009-01-15 20:30:00xԡ? 3 333WEO Oregon dinner meeting2009-01-14 02:00:002009-01-12 04:26:372009-04-29 20:12:43 ?2009-01-14 05:00:00 _N_! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: c o3O33JqCHIFOO Workshop: Creative Solutions Through Innovation Games®

      Creating Breakthrough Products Through Innovative Play

      Innovation Games® is a set of a dozen hands-on activities to develop strategic planning and tactical decision-making skills. Using a variety of expressive techniques, Innovation Games get firsthand reactions from customers and users about an actual or proposed product, a product category, or service offering. While s.}w3e33JqSharePoint 2007 Architecture and Administration TrainingMicrosoft Certification Eligibility: MCTS Exam 70-630
      Duration: 2 Days (18 hours) for the public class, syllabus and duration customizable for onsite class
      Hands-On Lab: Aivea provided SharePoint 2007 Enterprise Virtual Machine
      2008-11-03 16:00:00http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-10-28 20:51:04 =;b2008-11-05 04:00:00 ,,oggers, such as copyright and tr*}w3e33JqSharePoint 2007 Architecture and Administration TrainingMicrosoft Certification Eligibility: MCTS Exam 70-630
      Duration: 2 Days (18 hours) for the public class, syllabus and duration customizable for onsite class
      Hands-On Lab: Aivea provided SharePoint 2007 Enterprise Virtual Machine
      2008-11-03 16:00:00http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-10-28 20:45:19;b2008-11-05 04:00:00O 3Q33JqPDXFCPUG Nov. 5th Meeting AgendaAGENDA: "AN EVENING OF COLOR"
      If you’ve been struggling with or wondering about the amazingly cool software, Color (that comes with the Final Cut Studio 2), this is the meeting for you! Jack Chavez has been working with it for years (*see below), and will be traveling here to share some of his expertise and enthusiasm. That is the main reason why we are starting a bit earlier and getting under way at 6:30 for his presentation. Please note, this month’s presentatio industry cluster strategy studies for the State of Oregon, City of Portland, and Clackamas County, Oregon * Advised and lectured the China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development in Portland, Oregon training government professional from the People’s Republic of China in the fields of land use planning, green development, and sustainable development. * Developed a Sustainable Development Action Plan for the Taiwan Council for Economic Development to guide agencies, local governments, business, academic, and non-governmental agencies in Taiwan. Now developing the Eco-City Vision for Taipei City. * Teamed with SOM Asia for a vision and urban development plan for the Hangzhou segment of the Grand Canal * Advised the City of Taipei, Taiwan on the concept of an Eco-City and “green” library buildings. 2009-01-14 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090114cbn.htm2009-01-12 04:24:262009-01-12 17:20:20 9JsC2009-01-14 21:30:0005-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:56;bղ2007-12-21 05:00:00.net's Cisco� ASA training seminar, you'll...

      -Practice password recovery techniques for the Cisco ASA security appliance
      -Practice two techniques for building a basic firewall configuration from scratch
      -Gain an understanding of logging configurations and practice using syslog with the security appliance
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring device's configurations
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring your device's software image (operating system), including how to recover the software in a catastrophic fault condition
      -Practice configuring and using three methods of remote management
      -Gain an understanding of Network Address Translation and Port Address Translation on the ASA Security Appliance and practice using them in your configurations
      -Practice configuring three types of banners
      -Gain an understanding of Cisco privilege levels and practice configuring local usernames and privilegn will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focused on urban planning and sustainable development in its multiple dimensions. He works in state and local public policy, strategic planning, and sustainable development. A few examples include: * Serving as Chair and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission for Portland and Multnomah County guiding the process of early adoption and evolution of sustainable development it Portland and Multnomah County. * Produced a comprehensive review and summary of models for sustainable development used in North America and Europe. * Developed green building and sustainable U-t>U? 33; ' Multnomah County Building2009-01-27 16:45:072009-01-31 20:11:03501 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregonUnited States@FR<6^M;bבD33Chime2009-01-26 15:46:432009-01-26 17:57:51 <9 33%! LaSells Stewart Center2009-01-26 15:30:152009-05-30 17:29:27875 SW 26 StCorvallisOR 97331-3101US@FHBP^(& %+33S'AboutUs offices2009-01-26 01:57:502009-01-26 18:01:20107 SE Washington St.\, Suite 520\,PortlandOregon97214United States@Fh ԕ^\(;bא 93k33/'The Doubletree Hotel (Executive Meeting Center)2009-01-25 21:03:182009-01-26 18:02:581000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b׏ :M33K'Portland Center Stage in the Gerding Theater at the Armory2009-01-25 21:03:162009-08-14 18:03:50128 NW Eleventh Ave at Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F ^S;b׏ 9n will be 90 minutes. Lots of good information to be covered. If you know anyone else in the community who might benefit from this next meeting, please pass this newsletter along.

      Please note we are starting the meeting a little earlier to get things moving a little quicker.

      6:00 - 6:15
      Arrival and seating

      6:15 - 6:30
      Tips & Tricks:
      AJ VonWolfe will give a quick tip on creating graphical lower thirds

      6:30 - 8:00

      Jack Chavez will share his in-depth knowledge using Apple's Color. He will demonstrate his methods and workflow when using Color.

      Jack Chavez is a Creative Director and Producer at Intel Corporation where he has worked in-house for eight years. Jack was an early adopter of the software program that came to be known as Apple Color and has mostly recovered from the trauma of trying to finish high visibility videos with flaky beta software. Jack frfv)6(΀Fԡ47)3333PortlandWikiWednesdayhttp://groups.goog'ԡqU3g333NW China Council: Systainable Development in ChinaABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentatioԡE 3=333Starveups: Setting Valuation2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com2009-01-12 04:21:042009-01-14 10:43:43JsJ2009-02-26 05:00:00ԡC 31333SAO: The HR Audit - WebinarPresented by AmeriBen/IEC Group This session will review the functional areas of HR to include: staffing, policies and procedures; employee handbook, performance management, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations, labor relations and compliance. You will receive an overview of areas to address to respond to compliance issues and reduce the potential for claims and litigation. Speaker: Tom Kelley, SPHR To Register Call: 503.626.7527 or Email: jolson@iecgroup.com2009-01-28 17:00:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-12 04:18:322009-01-12 04:18:322009-01-28 18:30:00counting, record keeping and taxes; alternatives for securing financing; business risks and insurance requirements; developing a business plan that will sell the entrepreneur's idea; and developing and implementing a successful marketing plan. The presenters for this workshop come from the local business community. They are practicing attorneys, accountants and insurance brokers. This is one of the most important days that the beginning entrepreneur can spend in a workshop. Sample Content: * Learn to move a business from concept to profitable operation * Simple record keeping and controls * Managing your people and resources * Choosing the right tax-saving legal form of business * Researching your customers and markets * What kind and how much insurance do you need * Where and how to find financing * Introduction to creating a business plan 2009-01-21 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:10:562009-09-05 20:25:17 >H2009-01-22 00:00:00e levels
      -Practice configuring your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
      -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
      -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
      -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one with a Web server and a print server
      -Practice testing security configurations with a port scanner
      -Gain an understanding of filtering techniques and practice blocking Java applets

      A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

      Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
      2009-04-29 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category34.html2008-10-28 20:57:28 :;b2009-04-30 23:00:00n a large-scale industrial setting. In this talk, I will discuss how a combination of a DSMS (the GS monitor) and a streaming warehouse (DataDepot) combine to enable very large scale network monitoring in a tier-1 Internet Service Provider. The talk will emphasize the scaling challenges we faced and how they were overcome. Biography Theodore Johnson received a B.S. in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1990. From 1990 through 1996, Theodore was an assistant, then associate procesor in the Computer and Information Science department of the University of Florida. In 1996, Theodore joined the Database Reseach department of AT&T Labs - Research, where today he is a Lead Member of Technical Staff. His interests include building massive data stream systems, building massive data warehouses, and building silly and useless electromechanical gadgets. 2008-10-17 17:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/Colloq/Johnson.html2008-10-17 05:42:22 <2008-10-17 18:30:00 believes the future looks bright for Color and he is an enthusiastic user.

      He got started in production shooting 8mm film shorts as a child, and after a great many twists and turns was surprised one day to find himself starting a fledgling video production company: Image Works. Yes, those jerks at Sony stole the name, but he holds no grudges. Five years later he was hired by his biggest customer, Intel, and he has been trying to get out of meetings ever since. (this is AJ’s description I cannot take credit for the humor)

      8:00 - 8:10

      8:10 - 8:25
      Show & Tell:
      An incredible showing and discussion regarding someone's talented creation TBD.

      Announcements & the ever popular RAFFLE:
      “Color: Correcting & Grading in FCS” –Apple Pro Training Series
      1 pair of Skullcandy ink'd headphones
      2008-11-06 02:00:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/index.html2008-10-28 20:43:43 :#;b2008-11-06 04:30:00  #\bԡ/9_3333PostgreSQL Users Grouphttp://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/ Managing internet xԡ]a3333SCORE: 5 Essentials of Effective SellingYou're Open For Business. Now Let's Sell Everybody is a small business is in sales! What does that mean to you? In this workshop you will develop your "elevator speech" - the powerful ability to explain what business you are in and what value you deliver. You will learn how to listen for the ways the prospect is buying and what to do about it. Learn how to ask the right questions. * Discover the power of walking in the shoes of your customer. * Discover your active listening habits and leverage the good ones and change the bad ones * Learn the secrets of building successful business relationships. * Find out how to establish instant rapport with a stranger. 2009-01-28 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:15:162009-09-05 20:25:17 >H2009-01-28 20:00:00f the topics covered. It is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations and management. Like all of SCORE's workshops, this workshop will provide you with the opportunity to talk to people who are trying to make the same decision you are and asking themselves the question: should I take on the challenge of starting and running my own business? Sample Content: * What it takes to start and run a business * Resources available to help make wise decisions * Problems and pitfalls to avoid as a business owner * Legal business structures, licenses and insurance options * Financing options to start or expand your business * Operations and staffing issues 2009-01-17 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:08:172009-01-12 04:08:17 >_2009-01-17 20:00:00networking with other young professionals who want to make a difference in the fight against cancer (& plan cool events)! The PDX CANswer Project is a membership organization of young philanthropic Oregon residents who range in age from 22 to 40. Our members share in the belief that cancer will be eliminated in our lifetime and that through our ongoing fundraising efforts, cancer will no longer threaten the lives of those we love. The financial support of the PDX CANswer Project allows the Society to continue its contributions to national research efforts, local, statewide and national advocacy efforts, education about prevention and early detection, and support for the more than 19,000 Oregonians who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. For more information contact: Jodi Buell Distinguished Events Director 503-795-3937 jodi.buell@cancer.org 2009-05-13 01:00:00http://community.acsevents.org/pdxcanswerproject2009-04-29 19:08:532009-04-29 19:08:53 ?2009-05-13 03:00:00ompanies in this line of business and that there is a demand for your product or service, this workshop is for YOU. Learn about the Seven (7) Steps For Sustaining & Growing Your Business in a Bad Economy Step 1: Cash Flow Focus - is both a state of mind and a key to business management. Step 2: The Planning Process - if you don't have a plan, how do you know what you want to do? Step 3: Customer-centric thinking - you MUST think like a customer to survive. Learn how. Step 4: Value Proposition Development/Use - Learn how to quickly tell someone what you do for customers and why it is valuable Step 5: Advisory Boards Collaboration - in the counsel of many, there is wisdom Step 6: Competitive Analysis - why it matters what the competition is doing and how to make it work for you Step 7: Web Presence � What and Why - and do people care? 2009-01-27 21:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:12:582009-01-12 04:12:58 >`2009-01-28 01:00:00small business can benefit by using the Internet. We'll look at how to perform searches, use of your browser and bookmarks, handling e-mail and why your small business should develop a web site. We also cover the basics of web site design. Discover how to lessen the disadvantage that your small business faces when competing with larger businesses. Your small business web site can be effective virtual marketing collateral that you can update on demand with little or no cost. Your presence on the Internet can be a useful marketing tool by providing richer pre-sale information or post-sale support and service. This can differentiate your product or service from the competition. Sample Content: * Electronic Media * Introduction to the Internet * The basics of Web Site design * Introduction to Internet Marketing * Search Engine Basics * E-mail basics 2009-01-13 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-12 04:05:472009-09-05 20:25:16 >H2009-01-13 20:00:00ficult times, how do you finance your startup? Presenter: Carolynn Duncan, founder at The Hundred Dollar Business. Current projects include CoffeeWithAnExpert.com, the Seattle Startup Wiki. She also consults with entrepreneurs who are prepping for angel/VC funding, streamlining operations, or need to begin generating revenue. Read more about Carolynn at her LinkedIn profile Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 (includes lunch) if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-06 10:32:322009-01-06 10:32:32 <;b\2009-01-13 22:00:00l issues that may seem far apart, such as ecological stress and women's rights for instance, have common roots. In the modern context, much of the political unraveling that we are witnessing can be understood in terms of the limitations of growth of modern industrialism.

      The growth of fundamentalism and militarism, the decline of civil liberty and the environment, all of these problems are going to get worse if we do not find a new means to address them.

      There are real solutions to these problems, but they are going to involve a quantum leap, both in thought and in action, beyond our current methods of political engagement. The solutions themselves are not even terribly difficult, they are simply well outside of our current range of vision and will.
       2009-01-29 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/alexis-zeigler-author-culture-change-real-solutions-peak-oil-and-global-warming2009-01-12 03:46:132009-01-12 03:46:13 >^;bompany startups, and (b) research efforts involving collaboration with industry. Two case study sessions will be used to illustrate the path to the market, the decision points along the way, and evolving role of the researchers involved. Case studies will help contextualize the primary topics to be covered, which are listed below. They will be taught in an interactive format, eliciting comments and questions from the audience. The workshop will explore the processes by which commercialization occurs and the range of roles a researcher can play in that process. Guest speakers are experts drawn from the region. Invention to Venture workshops are held in cooperation with the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). Cost: $25 Students, Faculty Post Docs, Staff; $50 All Others Participant guide, continental breakfast, lunch and post- workshop mixer are all included in the fee.2009-04-10 15:30:00http://www.invention2venture.org/ohsu_psu09/2009-03-30 15:56:06 ?2009-04-11 00:00:00 HHWorkouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts4q 3U33JrSAO Thrive - PDX: How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn?Thrive - PDX How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn? Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to explore new ways of coming together and learning from each other to survive & thrive in this time of economic uncertainty. Additionally, 62% of the 225 respondents said that they would be interested in participating in a networking event to discuss how we can do this. This free event is an open discussion of the fears, hopes and opportunities for Portlanders during this important time. We hope to emerge from this experience better networked, more hopeful and with some practical ideas for how we can build community through this experience.2008-11-12 01:00:00http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/event/show?id=1153095%3AEvent%3A35457&xgi=79I6Nug2008-11-01 00:04:49 :L2008-11-12 03:00:00 While we are daily witness to the powers of progress manifest in the extraordinary mechanical technologies we have developed in the industrial age, we remain woefully unaware of the most basic causes of social change in our society. Our lack of social awareness does not result from the difficulty of understanding social problems, it results from the active repression of such awareness.

      The political resistance movements that developed in the twentieth century were adapted to conditions of economic growth. When an economy is growing, petitioning through political and legal means to assure increasing access to rights and wealth for traditionally disenfranchised groups met with a measure of success, and that success was the foundation for further movement building. Those movements cannot, as they are currently structured, guide us through the coming age.

      Many of the problems that we see as having purely political roots are strongly influenced by economic and ecological factors. Socia `n!` Y Y33 http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelivehttp://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:202009-01-29 17:52:50;bט O 337 McMenamin Cornelius Pass Roadhoue2009-01-28 21:01:482009-01-28 21:45:2422115 N.W Imbrie Dr. HillsboroOr97124US@Fl&ǽ^痾 ; % ! 33; Perkins Coie10th floor2009-01-28 20:57:412009-01-28 23:12:061120 N.W. Couch Street Portlandor97209US@FU^6m >c 5 339' Scottish Rite Temple2009-01-28 06:54:322009-01-28 16:22:561525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205United States@F© ^1&y;bד()33e'Chime Software2009-01-27 22:11:212009-01-28 02:06:31215 SE Morrison\, 7th Floor Portland\, 97214PortlandOregonUnited States@F½<64^-V;bג < )33-'Governor Hotel2009-01-27 22:11:202009-01-28 02:06:37614 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOregonUnited States@F¦L/{^E;bג :r culture so blind to ecological limits? Humans as individuals are capable of intelligent planning, but America blunders along as if there were no tomorrow. Why is our culture so blind to its own future? Many large societies seem to share the same lack of vision. Why is this, and what can be done about it?

      What if the solutions to our environmental crises were apparent? Are the solutions difficult, or simply outside of our current range of vision? Real solutions mean moving beyond corporate greenwashing and politics. We need to create a citizen's movement that can fundamentally restructure our economy and our culture. Alexis Zeigler, author of the new book, Culture Change: Civil Liberty, Peak

      Oil, and the End of Empire will conduct a presentation and discussion of these issues.

      Contact: conev.org, tradelocal@yahoo.com, 434-409-6006

      From the back cover of Culture Change:

       Q9~ԡv;3333ASQ SW WAhttp://www.asqswwa.org/2007-04-19 00:00:0020oԡx3E33Permaculture Guild: Grow Your Own Produce slide show by Marisha Auerbach"How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2 1/2 Years: An (r)Evolution Disguised as Organic Gardening" - a slideshow presentation by Marisha Auerbach

      In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in how to convert properties from grass to to a perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income fro VB %33''Thirsty Lion2009-01-25 21:03:142009-01-26 17:56:1071 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@F"h ԕ^ I^;b׏ < - 33'' Hawthorne Bridge2009-01-25 20:52:212009-01-26 17:46:45 5 SE MadisonPortlandOregon97214United States@F'^Ŋ,;b׍J~9 Y333' %First Unitarian Churchhttp://www.firstunitarianportland.org/2009-01-24 19:56:022009-01-25 17:51:161011 SW 12th AvenuePortlandOregon97205United States@F\g*^D503-228-6389;b׌,}S339'Portland State Business Accelerator2009-01-23 22:01:482009-01-23 22:52:462828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon97201United States@FXy=^33333;b׊ 9$|C337'OTBC in the Beaverton Round2009-01-22 03:18:072009-01-22 05:12:0712725 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97005United States@F2X^E;b׈ < es. 8ԡC]37333DorkbotPDX informal meetingCome join DorkbotPDX for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-08-04 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2009-07-30 06:26:022009-07-30 06:26:47 :H2009-08-04 05:00:00ԡI3W3pG 3Q33JqPDXFCPUG: An Evening of ColorAGENDA: "AN EVENING OF COLOR"
      If you’ve been struggling with or wondering about the amazingly cool software, Color (that comes with the Final Cut Studio 2), this is the meeting for you! Jack Chavez has been working with it for years (*see below), and will be traveling here to share some of his expertise and enthusiasm. That is the main reason why we are starting a bit earlier and getting under way at 6:30 for his presentation. Please note, this month’s presentatio +u˃˃x˃p˃h˃<33/Backspace2008-09-11 20:03:152008-09-12 19:56:01115 NW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@F=^?>;b.ԡ Gs3333SAO: Silent but Deadly Issueshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_ԡz533333OTBC Founders FridayFor startup team members only! It's time for another Founders Friday at OTBC. Please join us to network with other startup team members. We'll provide beverages and snacks. And please - this is one event we'd like to to startup team members only!2009-01-17 00:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-12 04:02:052009-01-12 04:02:05 <2009-01-17 02:30:00Dԡy=[3q33Alexis Zeigler, author of Culture Change, Real Solutions for Peak Oil and Global WarmingClimate change and other ecological limits are increasingly clear as we approach the limits of growth on a finite Earth. exhaustibility of fossil fuel has been apparent for decades.

      Why have we not responded? Why is ou 0unders Say Abov'c3 33Jr CouchDB introoin us November 5th at 6 PM for Chris Anderson's introduction to the CouchDB framework. Chris is a Portland-based entrepreneur at Grabb.it and the co-author of an upcoming O'Reilly book on CouchDB. Apache CouchDB is a distributed, faғ9sG?3q33Jr Skills for the Agile DesignerAgile designers need to quickly see the essence of a problem, shape reasonable solutions, and communicate effectively. When things don't exactly go according to plan, they must react, readjust their thinking, and try again. Seasoned agile designers strike a balance. They know the difference between core and revealing design tasks and plan accordingly. When unanticipated difficulties crop, they adaΉ{rE3#33JrCHIFOO Fun and Games at WorkCHIFOO Meeting Details CHIFOO usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month. SCHEDULE 5:00 pm CHIFOOd — dinner at New Seasons Market, Cedar Hills Crossing (map) 6:30 pm Registration, networking,m her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.

      This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's garden through slides and philosophy. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater Portland area. As petroleum becomes more expensive, fruits, vegetables,and other goods will become increasingly more expensive to transport into residential areas. This workshop offers an opportunity to create cultural change through gardening.

      Sliding Scale $10-$7, no one turned away for lack of funds.

      There is an optional potluck at 6:00 p.m. Please bring your own plate/cup/utensils and a yummy dish to share. The meeting topic starts at 7:00.
       2009-01-20 02:00:00http://thedirt.org/node/35922009-01-12 03:41:172009-01-12 03:41:17 >];bnms, checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-11 08:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-17 16:39:34 <2008-11-11 08:00:00: From Runways to Air Traffic Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub, come find out about these and other aspects of commercial aviation, including the physics of flight, sound propagation, and airport operations. Chris Corich is General Manager of Long Range Planning and Noise, and a 16-year veteran at PDX. When: Science Pub Portland is the last Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Come early for food, drink, and to get a seat! Please Note: Science Pub Portland now has a suggested cover charge of $2.00 (If that's a hardship for you, please come anyway!)2009-04-29 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373653/2009-04-14 21:01:22 <;b!2009-04-29 04:00:00ussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

      Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

      We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
       2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-10 10:33:252009-01-14 10:42:12 9;blJs2009-01-15 05:00:00www.aeanet.org2007-05-04 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:39;bձ2007-05-04 02:30:00e in our "Introduction to Permaculture Thinking" session, based on the materials contained in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition, by Rosemary Morrow, but expanding into a larger discussion on basic permaculture theory and whole systems thinking. Reading the chapters in advance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended both for as a foundation for the discussion and because the book is a great introduction to hands-on permaculture techniques that anyone can use. The reading circle is open to anyone who is interested in learning about permaculture. The book can be obtained through Laughing Horse Books for $16.00. A limited number of scholarships are available - inquire at the meeting. The regularly scheduled reading circle meetings are the 1st Wednesdays of each month from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis.2009-01-15 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/study-group-earth-users-guide-permaculture-1-2nd2009-01-12 02:21:352009-01-12 02:23:19 >[2009-01-15 05:00:00ordinances. At various times he has managed the agency's Residential and Business Energy Tax Credit programs, public buildings programs, and new energy technologies efforts. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and was primary author of the report, and has made presentations to numerous audiences nationwide. The Future of Energy is an energy professionals/green collar networking grouping. Their mission is to provide a networking and educational forum for energy professionals. By utilizing the diverse expertise and leadership of its members, the group works to promote practical solutions for enhancing the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy in consumer choices, and market dynamics; and communicate how they relate to major global problems such as global climate change, peak energy, and sustainability. 2009-01-22 02:00:00http://www.portlandpeakoil.org/content/world-oil-supply-turning-point-presented-john-kaufman2009-01-12 02:24:252009-01-13 20:35:52 :s2009-01-22 04:00:00ked in 2004. Many have heard of the concept of 'peak oil', but do not fully understand the reality. Peak oil, conceptually, simply means that the oil that is left in the ground is more difficult and more expensive to obtain. This presentation will discuss the economic and social implications of peak oil as well as the need and rise in green collar jobs.  Green-collar work may be one of the greatest opportunities as our society and economy change from one being oil-based, to focusing on alternative forms of energy. John Kaufman, is a senior policy analyst with the Oregon Department of Energy and has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the department for 25 years, helping to make Oregon a national leader. He headed Oregon's efforts to adopt the nation's most energy-efficient building codes, and received the American Planning Association Professional Achievement Award for getting 26 local governments in the Portland Metro area to jointly adopt solar orientation and solar rights group, Climate Solutions, that works to find practical and profitable solutions to climate change. They are part of an organized campaign to pass the legislation. Climate Solutions is engaged in organizing business community support. We would like to invite you to a meeting to learn about the Governor's Climate change package and what the business community can do to get involved. We will have speakers to talk about the details of the package and we will also discuss the business campaign that we are organizing to support the Governor. At this meeting, we will have speakers to explain the Climate Package, the business case and the how you can get involved. Presenters Brian Shipley, Deputy Chief of Staff Gregg Small, Climate Solutions Lisa Adatto, Climate Solutions Jake, Weigler, Healthy Climate Partnership2009-01-23 16:30:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-11 23:27:542009-01-23 15:54:22 :,2009-01-23 18:30:00com/2007-04-30 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;bձ2007-05-01 07:00:00 {W]{\vs a+335 Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME)4134 N. Vancouver, Portland, Oregon 97217 http://oame.org2009-01-20 01:58:232009-01-20 02:00:324134 N Vancouver AvePortlandOR97217US@F^^z u-33!'StepChange Group2009-01-20 00:53:292009-01-20 00:53:29500 NW 9thPortlandOregon97209United States@Fg l^Q;b׀-t! E33=' Lighthousehttp://www.lighthousepdx.org2009-01-20 00:29:312009-02-20 17:27:442111 S.E. Madison StreetPortlandOregon97214United States@F (^7KƧ;b2s1 W 33C Ant Hill Marketing1325 NW Flanders, Suite 200, Portland2009-01-19 21:05:092009-01-19 21:06:101325 NW Flanders, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209US@FQX'^ҕc#r+ W 33+ Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 972052009-01-19 18:27:452009-01-19 18:46:36614 Sw 11th AvePortlandOR97205US@F¢.w^d9 : show up on either EcoTrust's site or SAO.org. Rescheduled from December '08 When: January 23, 2009 - 8:30am-10:30am Where: Ecotrust Building Cost: free to attend - please RSVP! Presented by Climate Solutions, NEBC, Renewable Northwest Projects and the Software Association of Oregon This year is presents a historic opportunity for Oregon to enact climate change policy. Governor Kulongoskib has recommended a significant package of climate bill for the 2009 legislative session. The Bills focus on energy efficiency, creating carbon markets, creating new funding and incentives for renewables such as solar, energy efficiency and new clean transportation infrastructure and incentives. We believe that it can drive economic opportunities for many of our members. We would like to give you an opportunity to learn more about it and get involved if you are interested. Creating a "smart grid" to save energy creates new opportunities for the software industry. We are working with a local k)Zԡ@OE3w333Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbing Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

      We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (location TBD).

      The agenda for the first meeting:
      - Intros
      - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
      - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

      You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-05 05:28:562009-02-24 02:50:17 :A;baJs?2009-01-14 03:30:00 CCn WIlson will talk about mobile mapping at Mobile Portl.2[3y33Jq*Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findingsՆL193S33Jq)PDXPUG October MeetingEven though PG Con West will be going on October 10-12 in sunny (hopefully) Portland, we will still have our monthly meeting on October 16, 2008. This month, Selena Deckelmann will provide a tutorial on setting up Point-in-time recovery for your PostgreSQL installation. This will be hands on, with the ever-dangerous LIVE DEMO. We will be meeting at FreeGeek - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR. In November, our own Randal Schwartz of Stonehenge Consulting (http://www.stonehenge.com/) will be giving a talk on Smalltalk and Postgres integration. Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2008-10-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/4732008-10-16 21:55:38 92008-10-17 04:00:00 *k8ԡj]q3333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21902007-04-12 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:45;bձ2007-04-13 00:00:00$ԡi5q3333OGI: Agile Practiceshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21632007-04-13 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:45;bձ2007-04-13 03:00:00@ԡhmq3333OGI: Healthcare: Perspectives on a Broken Systemhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22092007-04-19 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:45;bձ2007-04-19 03:30:00%ԡg7q333?ԡv 3E333 World Oil Supply: At the Turning Point? Presented by John Kaufman Kaufman will present and discuss the history and current climate of the world oil supply and address the concept of Peak Oil. According to US EIA (Energy Information Association) data ( www.eia.doe.gov/ipm/supply.html ), world oil supplies pea ==1*ԡHgC30ԡu-c33333Intro to Permaculture Thinking (based on The Earth User's Guide to Permaculture) Due to high demand, Portland Peak Oil is presenting a second chance to participat„ԡt5+31333SEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

      SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics and other needs, but is still in search of volunteers. If you missed the first planning meeting and are interested, please do come. You can also follow us on twitter @seecamp 2009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-12 01:49:252009-01-18 22:59:22 >l;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00ԡrg[31333SAO: Upcoming Climate Proposals --- Canceled?I think this event was cancel as it doesn'tLjԡq]3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discand, OR. The group has been dormant for a while but is currently in the early stages of revitalization. Anyone from an individual enthusiast working on flash games in their spare time up to EA-sized studios are welcome to participate. We have several goals: * To meet like-minded developers in the area. We want to be a forum where we can meet other developers and enthusiasts. * To be a social/networking forum more than having structured meeting topics. We want to be a place you can meet like minded developers and discuss your work. There’s a strong focus on indies, which should be unsurprising for Portland. * To serve as the area IGDA chapter. There is not a huge game developer presence in Portland, overshadowed as we are by nearby Seattle, but we feel there are more than enough people in the area who would like to meet up and keep in contact. * To consume vast quantities of pizza and/or beer.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.pagdig.org/2009-04-16 23:27:502009-04-16 23:27:50 :2009-04-17 04:00:00ussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

      Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Agora" room.

      We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
       2009-01-15 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-01-09 17:31:182009-01-14 10:42:12 9;blJs2009-01-15 05:00:00=22172007-05-11 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-11 03:00:00 %%`TԡpKE3w333OTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC. OTBC coach Iris Sasaki will join us for this brown bag. Iris is an expert on human resources issues. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Friday, January 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 29 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/2009-01-10 10:32:422009-01-10 10:32:42 <;b]2009-01-09 22:00:00 3:cC33-bridgeport brewpub + bakery2008-08-06 18:10:152008-08-06 1ԡ6g33333EFNW: The Best of Employee Volunteer Prԡo %3M333End Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to install your blogAs part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.
       2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-10 10:32:152009-01-10 21:09:41 9;biJsa2009-01-11 01:00:00ԡnqc3333SEMpdx: January 2009 Hot Seat: Inaugural PPC EventJanuary 2009 Hot Seat: Inaugural PPC Event Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) continues capture more than 88% of all search engine marketing revenues. Even with increasing competition for keywords and risi the synergy of the two address humanity's next evolutionary step?" Four categories of work will address these questions and collectively speak to the power of human ingenuity. We invite artistic and technological creators to submit their work that addresses human survival in an era of interspecies evolution, revolution, and devolution. Art and technology are two words that for many represent vastly different worlds, and for generations have largely existed along parallel, yet non-convergent lines. But now the potential for unprecedented collaboration is here. Ever-evolving technologies allow us to share ideas across borders, both geographic and symbolic. Such potential for shared ideas has helped break down long standing silos that for generations inhibited expansive thought and human progression. The lines are now blurred. Creators of all sorts now have public space to mutually ponder where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. By sharing once segregated perspectives, we can see the worlng cost-per-visits, PPC campaigns are the dominant force within our vibrant space. The reasons for this fact are pretty straight forward: 1. Your ads can be posted, or revised, almost immediately, 2. You ads appear when and where you want them to, 3. They are easy to implement, and can get instant results, 4. They can precisely target your most desired audience, 5. They are the most measurable form of advertising today, 6. Your measured ROI makes them highly affordable. However, issues of ad quality, landing page design, Web site functionality, product demand, and inventory can hinder your PPC efforts. We, therefore, invite you to join us for an evening of expert panel advice on proper PPC account set-up, effective landing pages, keyword research, quality score, bid management and much more at our SEMpdx January 2009 PPC Hot Seat. In addition to this insightful information, our panel of search marketing specials will review and critique actual PPC campaigns from real-world companies right here in the Pacific Northwest. Mark you calendar for Tuesday, January 13, 2009, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking, PPC education, and buffet dinner. What You Will Receive: 1. Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. 2. Detailed examples of how to improve your Paid Search performance. 3. Tips on advanced account management, landing page creation, and conversion strategies. Panelists: 1. Leisa Hall - Anvil Media 2. Todd Mintz - Todd Mintz 3. Josh Patrice - Overland Agency Campaign Reviews 1. Site #1: Available! 2. Site #2: Available! 3. Site #3: Available! Details: Date: Tuesday, Jan 13 Location: Hotel deLuxe - Directions 05:27 PM, January 13, 2009 , Cost: $35.00 2009-01-14 01:27:00http://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000211&launch_pg_sp=true&title=January+2009+Hot+Seat%3A+Inaugural+PPC+Event2009-01-09 23:12:342009-01-09 23:12:34 :V2009-01-15 03:00:00 44`2EEԡNeM3?333Open Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing our initial call for papers, talking about our philosophy for the conference and assigning leads for each of the content areas. We're looking for people who can coordinate the activities of a few people in review committees, can commit to 10-15 hours of reviewing and responding time over the next two months. We figure we'll have 3-4 in-person meetings before we finalize acceptance of presentations on April 1! Anything else you're interested in chatting about? Send it to the list, and we'll make an agenda. Several people may retire to a nearby bar for #afterhours hacking. Let us know if you can make it!2009-01-14 03:00:00http://www.bridgepdx.org/2009-01-06 21:12:152009-01-06 21:12:15 92009-01-14 04:30:00 nn'ԡ&/i3333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2007-06-21 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-21 20:00:00ԡ%+m3333ACEC BBQ Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/Net%20DayeԡQ-?3=333Beaver Barcamp 3BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share ߄ԡOSq3M333Masterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would. Masterbacon is just such an event.2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-06 22:30:362009-01-17 17:46:23 >P;b 2009-01-18 00:00:00 Levitin’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists.


      These six musical forms enlighten human nature in a way you will never forget.

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings with his own sometimes hilarious experiences as a musician, Levitin showcases how the brain evolved to play and listen to music in six fundamental forms.

      Dr. Daniel

      McGill University In Montreal

      Dr. Levitin runs the laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University. Before becoming a research scientist, he was a record producer and professional musician.

      2008-10-24 02:00:00http://events.portlanddatasystems.com/venues/2023907292008-10-17 05:20:40 <;b2008-10-24 04:00:00latial properties with an emphasis on web services an ZZ@^xuI;1  ?;1531q 13;33Web 3.0 Confereq q 13;33Web 3.0 Conference2010-12-12 00:00:00http://www.web3con.com/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54q 13;33Web 3.0 Conference2010-12-12 00:00:00http://www.web3con.com/2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54 =;3533BeOS Hackers Flash Mob *An autogenerated event.2009-09-16 10:52:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-15 14:30:00v C;3531BeOS Support Group Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-09-16 19:51:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-16 3:28:00p ?;1531PHP Brigade Code Sprint *An autogenerated event.2009-09-17 17:0:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-17 6:20:00v ;;3533Linux Brigade Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-09-18 14:29:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-18 22:54:00r5;1531PHP Hackers Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-09-19 0:50:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-19 1:32:00gounders to help you get your idea off the ground? Or do you not have a burning idea, but you'd be interested finding someone with a compelling idea, so you can get in on the ground floor? At OTBC, we'd like to find a way for entrepreneurs and prospective founders to find each other. Come join us for a chat about ideas for helping entrepreneurs get exposure for their ideas. How can we help idea people and prospective founders find each other? We'd like to hear your ideas. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Thursday, January 8 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 53 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-08 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-09 10:32:432009-01-09 23:15:36 <;b[Jr2009-01-08 22:00:00 S55?+ԡ Cq3333OGI: Project Portfolio Mgmthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21562007-05-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:2ԡm]%3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to disćyԡl-u3M33Beaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

      More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
       2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-09 10:33:142009-01-14 18:38:03 >U;bgJsQԡk13C333Ignite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

      Venue and exact times are still up in the air.
       2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-09 10:33:102009-01-14 18:38:02 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00ԡjMO3w333OTBC Brown Bag: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you're looking for a team of f ;Vps ou C;5;1533PHP Brigade Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-09-22 11:7:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-23 12:13:00nI;1531Ruby Support Group Flash Mob *An autogenerated event.2009-09-20 13:6:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-21 6:35:00pG;1533Python Users Group Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-09-22 6:23:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-21 10:13:00u5;1533PHP Brigade Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-09-22 11:7:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-23 12:13:00n5;3531Mac Anonymous Camp *An autogenerated event.2009-09-24 12:47:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-23 6:35:00vE;1533Calagator Anonymous Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-09-25 14:1:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-24 14:50:00p C;3531Perl Users Group Ski Trip *An autogenerated event.2009-09-26 15:29:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-25 8:35:00jrtising and marketing and retains an interest in words and images and how information affects behavior. During graduate school she worked on a long-term NIH-funded project dealing with dieting and smoking behavior among teenage girls.

      How to Register:

      This is a FREE event sponsored by the OHSU Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute (OCTRI), and OHSU's Division of Management. Although registration is not mandatory, we would appreciate it if you would do so.

      This seminar will be held on the OHSU Marquam Hill Campus, room 28, Emma Jones Hall, which is building 1 on the campus map.

      Dates/Times: Wednesday, Wednesday, September 17, 2008; 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM, Family Medicine Grand Rounds,
      Location: OHSU Marquam Hill Campus, room 28, Emma Jones Hall, building 1 on the campus map
      Fee: $0
      2008-09-17 14:30:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23982008-10-15 17:18:37 <;bַ2008-09-17 16:00:00physicians in three US cities, and discusses implications for product design.

      Speaker Bio:

      Nancy Vuckovic, PhD, is a research ethnographer in Intel's Digital Health Group. Dr. Vuckovic's expertise spans the continuum of health care from self-care to professional medical care. She has examined patient behavior related to preventive care and medication use, has worked with clinicians to understand the dynamics of doctor-patient and doctor-nurse communication and the use of exam room computing, and has examined the effects of limited literacy on access to and comprehension of medical information. She has also done extensive work in the area of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

      Prior to joining Intel, Dr. Vuckovic worked as an investigator at Kaiser Permanante Center for Health Research in Portland, OR. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a PhD in cultural anthropology, specializing in medical anthropology. She had a previous career in adveg Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

      We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

      The agenda for the first meeting:
      - Intros
      - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
      - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

      A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

      You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-09 10:32:232009-01-21 23:40:08 <;baJsV2009-01-14 03:30:0008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-09 16:00:00 O<d#0I33ISW Main Street and SW B ԡMQ3333ԡg!E3]33iPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.

      Hopefully this time we won't see two-feet of snow.
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-08 20:57:352009-01-08 20:57:35 ; ;bk*ԡf_3M333Beer and Blog Portland - The Hosting TalkWe're going to talk about hosting to A) Help End Bloglessness attendees get their hosting dialed *before* the workshop and B) To compare notes again among the veterans in search of better hosting.
       2009-01-10 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-08 19:30:222009-01-08 19:30:22 ; ;bj2009-01-10 02:00:00 time, and the popular planning poker technique. This class can be taken as a standalone or as a supplemental course - great for those new to Agile and those looking to learn more! Trainer: Mitch Lacey, Agile Author & Presenter Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer, having managed plan-driven and agile projects for the past 12 years. He is the author of "Adventures in Promiscuous Pairing", "Transitioning to Agile: Key Lessons Learned in the Field", and "The Impacts of Poor Estimating - and How to Fix It". He has presented at the 2006 Agile Conference, the 2007 PMI Global Congress, the 2007 SQE Agile development conference, and the 2008 Agile and Better Software Conferences. *This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development.2009-02-09 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/17/08ta2009-01-09 00:21:292009-01-09 00:21:29 :2009-02-10 01:00:00and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Please use our registration page so we can get an accurate count. Event Information: We will be posting updates via our twitter account @beaverbarcamp, and don't forget to join the Google group to get important notifications about the event! Connect on live chat via IRC - irc.freenode.net, #BeaverBarCamp. We also have a //beaverbarcamp.org/wiki Wiki for you to use. We'll be organizing the presentations between 10-11AM and start presentations shortly after wards. Lunch and Dinner will be provided for free (Please thank our Sponsors!). We'll also have a limited amount of shirts available, but you need to make sure and register in order to get one for free.2009-04-04 01:00:00http://beaverbarcamp.org2009-01-06 23:12:362009-03-14 22:40:00 >U;bg2009-04-05 06:00:00tinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-06-15 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-15 03:30:00 rrL#(ԡiOa3w333Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbin܎ ԡhG!3333Agile Estimation and PlanningAgile Estimation and Planning Monday, February 9, 2008 - 8:30am-5:00pm Location: The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center 1000 NE Multnomah - Portland, OR 97232 Cost: $199 for members $199 for non members* You won’t see this class again at this price so register today before the class is full! This 1-day session combines high-level insight and specific tactical thinking to address these issues and more. It will help you create plans that extend out 6 months or more, that drive reliable decision-making and on-time delivery, and that leave teams and organizations feeling supported. Topics will include agile release planning, iteration planning, and various approaches to estimation, such as unit-less points, ideal Ss employed at PTV America while completing his Masters degree at Oregon State under co-advisors Dr. David RoundXԡ!3c333PDX JellyOn Monday November 24, between 10:30am-5pm, come to PDX Jelly, Portland's new fֆ ԡ !{3_333PDX DjangoPDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having another meeting. This month Joshua Drake will walk us through 10 things you can do to tune Postgre ?;3531Flickr Anonymous Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-09-27 19:21:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-28 0:32:00oQ;1531Calagator Support Group Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-09-27 5:15:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-27 7:16:00j7;3531.NET Hackers Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-09-29 13:14:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-29 0:37:00v =;3531PHP Support Group Camp *An autogenerated event.2009-09-29 19:23:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-09-30 6:53:00f 6h8ԡe13C333Ignite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

      Venue and exact times are still up in the air.
       2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-08 10:33:002009-01-08 15:45:11 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00;ԡd 3-333Portland Java User Group - Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVMThis month's topic: Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM (Howard Lewis Ship)

      Talk about strange bedfellows: what happens when you mix one part Lisp (one of the oldest computer languages), one part Java (so young, yet so well adopted), a healthy serving of functional programming, and a state-of-the-art concurrency layer on top? That's Clojure, which "feels like a general-purpose language beamed back from the near future." Clojure embraces functional programming with immutable data types and first class functions. It is fully interoperable with Java. Clojure's approach to ^^programs in La Grande and Seattle. OIT was the first university to offer a reԡ1*ie373Jq%Portland Python: What's New in 2.6 and 3.0Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be celebrating their releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party!

      The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small.

      Here's an example from 3.0:

      "Removed <> (use != instead)."

      So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down.
      2008-10-15 02:00:00http://pdxpython.org/2008-10-14 19:23:30 9;bۇr)YE3C33Jq$WhereCampPDX Gaming #3: Cruel 2 B KindThis third of the WhereCampPDX Location-Basedrating their releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small. Here's an example from 3.0: "Removed <> (use != instead)." So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down. I'll be bringing *two growlers* of rare and wonderful beer from Bailey's Taproom to get the party started. Bring hardcopy of one or both What's New if you can. And party hats. http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html wiki: http://pdxpython.org/ maps, rsvp, etc.: http://python.meetup.com/183/ Tuesday 10/14 7pm at CubeSpace. See you there! Cheers, Jason2008-10-15 02:00:002008-10-13 20:51:00 92008-10-15 04:00:00 strations | Dessert Classes | Culture & EcD9 33K33JrPortland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State Legislature Preview2009 Legislative Session Preview Oregon’s legislative session begins du!|W%3K33JuHGet Naked: Champagne Autograph Party!The 2010 charity calendars are hot off the press and on Sunday evening, March 29th, the participants and all volunteers involved with the "Naked" calendar project are coming together for an autograph signing and champagne party! Bring your already bought calendar or buy one at the door and mingle with the most awesome techs in Portland! All proceeds from this event and from all calendar sales will go to p:ear, Free Geek, and the PCC Multimedia Club. Local businesses have donated various prizes for our on sight raffle so bring everyone you know and let's have a great time and give it up for our community! Website: http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-30 01:00:00http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-28 14:02:56 ?2009-03-30 03:00:00 EE"s^ ԡu;93333Central Oregon Pub Talkhttp://www.edforco.org2007-05-11 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:29;bձ2007-05-11 02:00:00}ԡt'13333Code Camp 3.0http://www.sao.org2007-05-19 16:00:002008-05-20 00:24ԡcAM3A333NW Solar & Clean Tech ExpoConference & Expo Mission: To educate renewable energy professionals as well as business owners and residential customers interested in clean energy solutions. The 4th Annual NW Solar Expo 2009, featuring three days of Professional Solar Training and certification also offers multiple networking opportunities for business professionals, installers, integrators and potential solar and clean energy customers to meet. The expo offers a unique local opportunity for companies to showcase products and services that can be implemented today.2009-05-01 18:30:00http://www.nwsolarexpo.com2009-01-08 05:56:562009-01-08 05:56:56 92009-05-03 23:00:00 Vz7n+bVH-@-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:222009-01-01 10:32:22@-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:202009-01-01 10:32:20@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:182009-01-01 10:32:18@-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:172009-01-01 10:32:17@-33;b^created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:332008-12-31 10:32:33@-33;b]created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:302008-12-31 10:32:30@-33;b\created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:282008-12-31 10:32:28@ -33;b[created 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:252008-12-31 10:32:25@ -33;bZcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:232008-12-31 10:32:23@ -33;bՉcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:222008-12-31 10:32:22@ -33;bեcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:202008-12-31 10:32:20@ -33;bճcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:182008-12-31 10:32:18@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2008-12-31 10:32:162008-12-31 10:32:16@-33;bWcreated 1 events2008-12-31 10:32:142008-12-31 10:32:14N) at Bridgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl for OEN’s PubTalk: Oregon’s Green Company Showcase. The PubTalk following the half day workshop Oregon’s Green Advantage: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs is will be a showcase of Oregon companies that are leveraging the state’s green advantage. This is a great opportunity for companies, entrepreneurs and investors to interact.

      Location: Bridgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl 1313 NW Marshall
      Portland, Oregon
      For Purchase:
      Member Price: $15.00 Info Purchase
      Non-member Price: $25.00 Info Purchase
      Member Price - Exhibit Table: $101.00 Purchase
      Non-Member Price - Exhibit Table: $200.00
      (Includes 2 admissions to PubTalk and one OEN individual membership for a year).
      2008-08-13 23:30:00http://www.oen.org/2008-08-06 18:10:152008-08-06 18:19:26 :6;bg2008-08-14 02:00:00ed 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:322009-01-07 10:32:32@[-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:302009-01-07 10:32:30n styles: a tool for shaping collaborations where "defensive" behavior is needed and specific tests are required Design problem types: A tool for balancing priorities Handling design criticism: What to do with valid, invalid, aesthetic, personal, judgmental criticism and praise Adding design topics to project retrospectives Course Schedule and Information Instructor: Rebecca Wirfs-Brock Course Number: 09-SD-19 Dates/Times: Nov. 6, 2008; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Bldg. (#3 on campus map), Room 407 Course Fee: $475 Course Includes: This course combines short presentations introducing new concepts and techniques with short, to-the-point exercises. In addition to course slides, attendees receive notes describing each technique, concept, or practice. Lunch and break refreshments. 2008-11-06 16:30:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24272008-11-01 00:14:572008-11-01 00:14:57 <2008-11-07 00:00:00 [~}u|txpjlogcfa`^T\YXUSPOMNLDBEFC?>;:@9=62734/1*'$%!R   yzO |~{zxtyvusrqpnomklcjihgfe_]dba^V`[\XWZTUPQwMRSNKILHJFDGEC 92009-02-04 05:00:00 E. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet. Kahn and Cerf were named the recipients of the ACM Alan M. Turing award in 2004 for their work on the Internet protocols. The Turing award is sometimes called the "Nobel Prize of Computer Science." In November 2005, President George Bush awarded Cerf and Kahn the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their work. The medal is the highest civilian award given by the United States to its citizens. In April 2008, Cerf and Kahn will receive the prestigious Japan Prize. See complete bio. The Oregon Connections conference draws attendees from all regions of the state to share ideas, experiences and knowledge about telecommunications. The 2008 conference presenters and attendees will examine developments in telecommunications public policy, technologies, applications, and how to utilize telecommunications for economic and community development throughout Oregon. 2008-10-16 15:00:00http://www.oregonconnections.info/2008-10-13 14:56:57 <2008-10-17 19:00:00 22n ԡiG13333OEN Exec Series: Go To Markethttp://www.oen.org2007-06-08 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:28;bձ2007-06-08 02:00:00|ԡh%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.o?ԡ_u3S333PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Series OverviewPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in t 44qtԡ[/ 3 333Tweetup Breakfast2008-11-20 17:00:002008-11-20 20:25:572008-11-20 21:28:28 <;b2008-11-20 18:00:00yԡZ+3333[Postponed] AeA: Open Source: Turning a TraditI"/O333JqAeA: Going GreenHuman Resources Networking Event Date: Oct 28, 2008 Going Green Going Green is one of the hottest topics in business today. It is not just good for the environment, Going Green is good for business. From your facilities to your business processes to your people, there are easy and inexpensive ways to truly improve your company’s Green quotient. Join our industry panel to hear what steps some local high tech companies are taking to reduce their environmental footprint, impact the bottom line and enhance their brand image. 2008-10-28 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1008032008-10-13 14:38:06 :$2008-10-28 16:00:00 concurrency includes asynchonous Agents, and Software Transactional Memory. Clojure is fast, elegant, dynamic, and scalable: a language for the future, today.

      (description from http://calagator.org/events/1250456403)


      PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

      It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

      Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      Twitter: @pjug
      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
       2009-01-21 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-01-08 05:58:232009-01-08 05:58:23 <;bH2009-01-21 04:00:00 rrhe feature presentations by Oasis Diagnostics, Ninkasi, Inc. and Anna Cohen, Inc. You'll also hea ! w333JqAeA: Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the FutureFinance Networking Event Date: Oct 15, 2008 Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the Future Energy costs have increased dramatically over the past year and experts widely agree energy costs will become a key business consideration as worldwide demand continues to increase. Many supply-chain strategies are now obsolete as the landed cost of goods has risen sharply. The time is now to understand the trends, evaluate the impact on your business and develop an awareness of practices to avoid a setback in your business. Our panelists will discuss the trends we are seeing today and discuss strategies for addressing a changing business environment as it relates to energy.2008-10-15 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1008022008-10-13 14:35:15 :2008-10-15 16:00:00he database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. He now works at HP StorageWorks on their NAS products. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-01-09 03:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-01-08 01:15:252009-01-08 01:25:14 <2009-01-09 04:00:00tals of Search Engine Optimization Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may seem confusing. Title tags. Keyword relevancy. Rich content. Link strategies. All of these proper SEO elements may even be a bit intimidating. For this reason, our next SEMpdx Hot Seat will present the basic fundamentals of effective Search Engine Optimization strategies. You’ll learn the latest techniques on how to properly implement common optimization elements into both new and existing Web sites. Our panel of industry experts will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to search engine friendly design and development. Join us Tuesday, October 14th, 2008, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking and search marketing education. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranke 88/333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortԡ^G?3333PDMA Collaboration Conferencehttp://www.oregonpdma.orgAԡ^Oa39333PDXPHP monthly meeting: Concrete5The headliner for this meeting will be The folks at Concrete Studios giving us a tour of their CMS product: Concrete5 (c5) What is c5? concrete5 is a building material for the web. Working with a web designer or pre-existing theme, a site owner can create and easily change the content and structure of a website. Simply use the tool bar to point click and edit. http://www.concrete5.org/ If time allows we will give a quick demo of setting up the Netbeans 6.5 PHP IDE with Xdebug enabled. http://www.netbeans.org/features/php/index.html 2009-01-14 02:30:00http://www.pdxphp.org/2009-01-07 22:13:232009-01-08 20:05:57 92009-01-14 04:30:00d within the search engines. Tips on keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Kent Schnepp Panelists: Blu Drobushevich Scott Fish David Mihm Leisa Hall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Seat Sites: Four (4) Site Reviews Available! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Location: Hotel deLuxe Address: 729 SW 15th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205 Schedule: Networking: 5:30pm Hot Seat: 6:00pm - 8:00pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05:30 PM, October 14, 2008 Cost: $35.00 2008-10-15 00:30:00http://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000181&launch_pg_sp=true&title=October+2008+Hot+Seat+-+Back+To+Basics+Search+Engine+Optimization2008-10-13 14:30:54 :V2008-10-15 03:00:00 wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building. Dawn is the author of the Fast Wonder Blog and also blogs on GigaOm's WebWorkerDaily. She is an organizer for the Portland BarCamp event and helps organize Ignite Portland. She is a co-founder and board member of Legion of Tech. She helped organize the first Corvallis BarCamp. Dawn holds an MBA from Ashland University and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Kent State University. Previously, she worked at Jive Software, Compiere, Intel, and a Midwestern manufacturing company in positions ranging from Unix system administrator to market researcher to community manager to open source strategist.2009-01-29 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/2009-01-20 21:39:012009-01-20 21:39:01 >x;bׂ2009-01-29 01:00:00 ;DD; ) 33 US Bank Tower Ground Floor Conference Room 111 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 972042008-08-18 23:24:202009-10-01 18:24:25 @F y Q 33) US Bank Tower (Big Pink), Ground Floor Conference Room111 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 972042008-08-18 23:22:582009-10-01 18:24:27111 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97204US@FC,^F]c @% u 33/ Intel Jones Farm (JF3 Main Entrance) Main Auditorium2008-08-18 23:20:352008-09-05 17:30:522111 NE 25th Ave HillsboroOR97124US@F%x_.^AR < ! 5 33  NW Natural220 NW Second Avenue2008-08-18 23:12:042009-03-03 22:47:54PortlandOR 97209US@FHZ ^^> >w 3 33I webinarplease don't delete2008-08-18 23:08:072008-10-24 17:25:32placeholder for on-line events :61 ;33I %Eclipse Foundationhttp://www.eclipse.org/2008-08-18 16:46:342008-08-18 16:49:02308 SW First Avenue, Suite 110PortlandOregon97204US@F•9r^503.766.3150;bւg Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

      We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

      The agenda for the first meeting:
      - Intros
      - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.
      - Talk about ideas for future agendas.

      A big thanks to Bill (aka @wajiii) for finding a place for us to meet at Oracle!

      You'll want to join this Google group to get announcements about future events: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing
       2009-01-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-01-07 10:32:422009-01-08 05:57:30 <;ba2009-01-14 03:30:00002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-08 04:30:00  hԡAA37333Portland Python User GroupThe second Tuesday has rolled around again! Tomorrow at 6:30pm John Hampton will be giving usb8 -3 33JrPortland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State{W%3K33JuHGet Naked: Champagne Autograph Party!The 2010 charity calendars are hot off the press and on Sunday evening, March 29th, the participants and all volunteers involved with the "Naked" calendar project are coming together for an autograph signing and champagne party! Bring your already bought calendar or buy one at the door and mingle with the most awesome techs in Portland! All proceeds from this event and from all calendar sales will go to p:ear, Free Geek, and the PCC Multimedia Club. Local businesses have donated various prizes for our on sight raffle so bring everyone you know and let's have a great time and give it up for our community! Website: http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-30 01:00:00http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-28 08:18:332009-03-30 03:00:00 on't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1stcM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers StuS Y}3U33Jx Venture Northwest Application DeadlineYou’re invited to OEN’s Venture Northwest 2009, the Northwest’s premier forum for new and emerging investment opportunities in exciting companies from քp ;q3933Jx Bend Venture ConferenceNow in its sixth year, Bend Venture Conference (BVC) is the premier regional event connecting seed and early stage companies with investment opportunities and attracting the Northwest's top entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers. BVC 2009 highlights include: Pre-conference Networking Reception Keynote speaker and presentations by top industry executives Early stage company presentations Distinguished and experienced venture and early stage investor panel Closing reception 2009-10-16 15:00:00http://www.bendvc.com/2009-08-26 15:46:16 <+2009-10-17 00:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyfԡ\Sq333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - ResolutionsIMPORTANT! Note the venue change!

      It's the new year, and that of course means resolutions! Come share yours at the first Portland Tweetup Breakfast of 2009, at The Park Bistro.

      As always, this event is BYOB (buy your own breakfast) and open to any and all who care to attend. This particular breakfast is on @evacatherder's calendar, so if you'd like to see one half of the Cubespace power team, come on down!
       2009-01-08 17:00:002009-01-07 21:43:102009-01-07 21:43:10 >W;bhyԡZ-u3M33Beaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

      More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
       2009-04-04 07:00:00http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp2009-01-07 10:33:022009-01-07 19:15:48 >U;bgJsQamore Networks, Tejas Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiatives which leverage the Global connection. For example the “Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation” at MIT has announced an International Initiative. Akshaya Patra, an NGO in India that serves mid-day meals to underprivileged children, has scaled its operations to serve 1 million meals a day with in the last six years using global talent and resources. He will use the initiatives that he is involved with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture Northwest (includes keynote by Desh Deshpande) - Register on or before October 3rd at the early bird special $420.2008-10-30 21:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2327&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-10-13 00:19:14 <(2008-10-31 00:00:00 4'333)ԡY;13333SAO Internet Pub Socialhttp:/.ԡ]Q3i333Portland Pythoneers January MeetupJoin us while we simultaneously pat our heads and rub our Holiday-fortified bellies... oh, and there will also be Pythonic discussion. As usual, there will most likely also be beverage consumption following the meeting, at one of the nearby beverage consumption establishments. Scheduled talks: * Metaclasses (John Melesky) Do you have a particular topic you'd like to talk about this month? We'd love to hear it! Contact one of us organizing types and we'll get it listed here. Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-14 03:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/2009-01-07 21:58:212009-01-07 22:00:34 9;b2009-01-14 05:00:00 Flient-Server Model
      # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform

      Intro to building software with Flex
      # What is Flex?
      # Open Source SDK
      # ActionScript & MXML Languages
      # Components
      # How do you use Flex?
      # Compiler
      # Debugging

      Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration)
      # Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File)
      # Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP)
      # Pub/Sub Messaging
      # Spring Integration


      Speaker: James Ward

      James is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301. Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endless new discoveries, elegant workarounds, summits and valleys. His adventures in climbing have taken him many places. Likewise, technology has brought him many adventures, including: Pascal and Assembly back in the early 90's; Perl, HTML, and JavaScript in the mid 90's; then Java and many of it's ]q0{[339'Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)2009-01-21 23:46:272009-01-21 23:48:561241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@FD^Ƨ;bׇ ;s$z;33A'Lucky Labrador Brew Pub2009-01-21 19:57:212009-01-21 21:19:37915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^lD;bׅ ; yG33)'Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2009-01-21 16:40:072009-01-21 16:56:55928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214United States@Fs^ I^5;b׃ ; x/ 335!' Kerney Hall (OSU)2009-01-20 21:39:002009-01-20 22:45:27SW Campus Way & 14thCorvallis Oregon 97331 United States@FH_^ou٠;bׂwA333'Cloud 9 Restaurant and Bar2009-01-20 21:38:242009-01-20 21:38:24126 Sw First StreetCorvallisOregon97333United States@FH ě^Гtj;bׁ ==kԡMc93333STC: Darwin InfVԡY13C333Ignite Corvallis 27PM-ish - 10pm-ish

      Venue and exact times are still up in the air. Will more than liking get moved to LaSelles or somewhere else.
       2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-07 10:32:592009-01-07 19:16:38 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00_ԡXSu3M333Masterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

      Masterbacon is just such an event.
       2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2009-01-07 10:32:562009-01-07 20:51:25 >P;b JsO2009-01-18 00:00:00 "r2>j33- ԡGO%3333SBDC: Marketing to the Government503-978-50802007-05-25 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-25 04:30:00'ԡFcI3333Constructing with GCLs and PVC Geomembraneshttp://www.pgi-tp.cee.uiuc.edu2007-05-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-25 00:00:00)ԡEgA3333Credit Suisse, Economic Development in OregonPSU Smith Center,4ԡW7{3333January WikiWednesdayHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided.

      This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.
       2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-07 10:32:522009-01-07 20:50:40 9;beJsM ee1cR 97124 Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and fut~$33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:16:142008-06-06 08:25:13622 |ԡ #33333IPN meetinghttp://www.ipn.org/2007-07-10 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-11 05:00:00ԡ 353333OCCA dinner meetinghttp://www.occa.org/2007-06-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-06-27 03:30:00Hԡ C)3333OEN Employment Law Workshophttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=misc_events&venue_id=22007-07-10 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:20200ԡKk73i333SAO Corvallis - January Tech Pub: Josh BancroftAGENDA: 5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar sԡJ 35333Starve Ups: Setting Valuation – What Is Your Business Worth 2009-02-26 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2009-01-06 17:02:132009-01-12 17:22:32 :A2009-02-26 04:30:00 Levitin’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists.


      These six musical forms enlighten human nature in a way you will never forget.

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings with his own sometimes hilarious experiences as a musician, Levitin showcases how the brain evolved to play and listen to music in six fundamental forms.

      Dr. Daniel

      McGill University In Montreal

      Dr. Levitin runs the laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University. Before becoming a research scientist, he was a record producer and professional musician.

      2008-10-24 02:00:00http://events.portlanddatasystems.com/venues/2023907292008-10-19 01:35:32 <;b2008-10-24 04:00:003 20:01:542009-06-23 20:03:15 :2009-06-25 03:00:00  } -mԡ;W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-09 05:00:008ԡ:]q3333OGI MST session for prospective studentshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22312007-06-08 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:21;bձ2007-06-08 01:30:009ԡ9_q3333SPIN Seminar: Ten Tps for Homebaked Toolshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22262007-06-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-$ԡVOa3w333Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI've decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbin|ԡUW3s333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingFirst weekly meeting of the Personal Telco Project for the new year. Will talk about the infrastructure replacement project, board expansion, and much, much more. All while drinking local beers.2009-01-08 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200901072009-01-07 07:57:082009-01-07 07:57:08 >T2009-01-08 04:00:00 @&ԡ51y3333Starveups Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-06-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:21;bձ2007-06-15 04:00:009ԡ4Wy3333Starveups: Dinner with Michael Powellhttp:zԡTM3 333SXSW Interactive Portland MeetupThis will give you an opportunity to learn more about SXSW from the people who organize it. If you’ve never attended or were on the fence about attending, it’s a great opportunity to learn more. For those of us who already love SXSW, it gives us an opportunity to get to know some other Portland people who plan to attend. If you want to attend, you must RSVP to interpress@sxsw.com. Please be sure to put Portland in the subject line of the email (they are doing a few of these in various cities).2009-01-20 02:00:002009-01-07 07:06:202009-01-07 07:06:20 >S2009-01-20 04:00:00  075 I33+ %Living Room Theatershttp://livingroomtheaters.com/2008-06-09 09:15:562008-06-26 03: ԡe13333Davis Wright Tremaine: Deferred Compensationhttp://www.dwt.com2007-06-14 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17 :>;bձ2007-06-14 17:30:00ԡ?%3333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-50802007-06-20 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008ԡMem33333WikiWednesday and RecentChangesCamp planningHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided. This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-06 19:49:382009-01-08 00:29:43 9;be2009-01-08 03:00:00 z;zlevel. Worse, everyone already thinks they’re agile in spirit. (After all, the thesaurus tells us the altern6YI3M33JqEntrepreneurship in the Global EconomyIn the New Global Economy, value creation has the same value independent of where the value is created. As a result you can tap into talent globally for motivation, leadership, and entrepreneurship and make many more ideas viable than were possible in the past. Fifteen years ago most companies were local and competition was around the corner. Technology and connectivity have now created a free market in the context of the world. For example, an entrepreneur in Portland can now both collaborate and compete with entrepreneurs in Shanghai or Bangalore. Desh is the founding investor and Chairman of several companies including Syc2OI3M33JqTiE: n the New Global Economy, value creation has the same value independent of where the value is created. As a result you can tap into talent globally for motivation, E s, Innovation Games (and other design games) stimulate the customers to tell you things that are important for them that you would have never thought to ask.

      Learn more about Innovation Games at http://innovationgames.com/
      See photos of Innovation Games workshops on Flickr at:
      j' ]G33- Polara Studio614 SE Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon 97214http://www.polarastudios.com/2009-01-17 16:46:432009-01-17 16:48:14614 SE HawthornePortlandOR97214US@F.܌^76g managing, and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
      -Practice three techniques for saving configurations and for re-applying them (Perfect for disaster prevention and recovery)
      -Understand how to upgrade your router's Cisco Internetwork Operating System (CIOS)
      -Practice using CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) in troubleshooting
      -Use the "show cdp neighbor detail" command to get information about remote routers, even when they're on a different subnet
      -Practice converting and diagramming IP addresses and subnets, including decimal to binary conversion
      -Practice properly designing and configuring IP addressing schemes
      -Practice the step-by-step procedures to configure NAT to make your router an Internet firewall
      -Practice configuring and deploying DHCP on a Cisco router for automatic IP address assignme t, Intel, HP, Cisco, Dell, Red Hat, Novell, AMD, Hummingbird Communications, Computer Associates, Bearing Point and Accenture) and consumer accounts (Chicago Bulls, Old Spaghetti Factory, Trendwest Resorts, Cars.com, New ԡ_I3U333OEN PubTalk™ with Living Harvest Foods Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Time: 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM 1313 NW Marshall Portland, OR 97209 Join OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub and see Living Harvest Foods, manufacturers of organic and natural hemp food products, share how they grew a relatively unknown food product, hemp seeds, into a $5 million business. Hemp, stigmatized and under-valued in the U.S. over the years, has now become the darling of the natural foods industry. Learn how Living Harvest took a super-food to the top of the category with the development of a patented food technology and by understanding the competitive market arena, brand positioning, and the consumer. www.LivingHarvest.com Christina Volgyesi, VP Marketing/co-founder of Living  HNHnd-Vancouver area and each has a personality of its own. TwԡK%3]333Engage 2009: Virtual ConferenceRegistration is Free! Reserve your spot today for the upcoming launch of the first ever Intel® Software Partner Program virtual user conference Engage 2009 on June 3, 2009. The virtual user confedԡ=3S333Introduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren’t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool that I use to monitor conversations happening across various social media sites. While Yahoo Pipes can also do so much more, I have focused this introductory c r0ԡ E3u333Financing Your Cleantech Business: Federal and State IncentivesPlease join us for a panel presentation on cleantech financing – focusing on the nuts and bolts of tapping into government funding. With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also known as the Stimulus Package) signed ( ``ZOoCԡ!9333ԡL[C3{333Concrete5 CMS User Group: First meetingEarlier this summer we released our previously commercial CMS as fully "Free Beer" under the MIT open source license. The second half of 2008 was a whirlwind for us as we were named project of the month on SourceForge and saw traffic go through the roof. As part of running what promises to be the next Drupal, local user groups are going to be a huge component to our success. We have several starting around the states and Europe this month, with the Portland one obviously being super keen as this is our home turf. Please join us at Hopworks on SE Powell on Jan 8th at 5pm - till late. Check out the project at http://concrete5.org RSVP at: http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/ thanks. go pdx! -frz2009-01-09 01:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/2009-01-06 18:59:562009-03-12 01:53:15 >O2009-01-09 02:30:00 H g33I'Oracle2009-01-15 19:40:502009-01-21 23:40:071211 SW 5th Avenue\, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204United States@F-^tj~;bw <xf 33/ jax bar2009-01-15 18:15:002009-01-15 19:45:56826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\- :e333)'Fuller's Restaurant2009-01-15 11:20:312009-01-15 18:06:10136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^Q;bv <dK335'FireWorks Restaurant and Bar‎2009-01-14 19:13:202009-01-14 19:13:201115 SE Third StreetCorvallisOregonUnited States@FFA^\);bu2c1 ] 33E Perkins Coie (PDX)1120 NW Couch Street, Portland OR 97209 2009-01-13 17:36:262009-01-28 23:11:131120 Nw Couch St, 10th FloorPortlandOR97209US@FU^6m ce, an annual artist-run holiday sale. All vendors participating in this sale will donate 10% of their profits to the Oregon Food Bank, because no one should be hungry. Sund%.)Y3M33Jq'RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.2009-05-04 07:00:00http://en.oreilly.com/rails2009/2008-10-15 18:01:00 <2009-05-05 01:00:00-A%3S33Jq&DrupalPDX November MeetingWe're now meeting at the offices of OpenSourcery at 711 SE Ankeny St. Portland, OR 97214. Steve Edwards will be doing a presentation on using Übercart to build e-commerce sites. After the meeting we'll probably head to the Green Dragon for a food and drink. 2008-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-15 17:49:22 <2008-11-13 04:00:00 $$us then. Thank you for YO)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. When: September 9th, 2008 4:00 pm Where: OTBC, Beaverton, in "The Round" Details: Date and Time: Nov 5, 2008 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: OTBC Beaverton, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $30.00 Purchase Non-member Price (includes a one-year Individual OEN membership): $129.00 Purchase 2008-11-06 00:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=432008-10-12 16:36:322008-11-06 03:00:00 [[ry entrepreneur must consider when forming an advisory board: * Forming 74Y333JqSmartGrid: The New Electricity EconomyThe event will define smart grid technology and discuss the current landscape and future benefits of a smart energy grid. Energy delivery is transforming from a static one way grid to a dynamic two way system. There are many business opportunities arising from the transition of a petroleum economy to a smart electricity economy. A four person panel including representatives from a SmartGrid company, VC, utility and lab will be moderated by author Jesse Berst, Managing Director of Global Smart Energy.2008-11-07 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/6/08c2008-10-17 15:34:46 <2008-11-07 02:30:00`3eo3q33Jq+Data Stream Systems in an Industrial SettingDr. Theodore Johnson AT&T Labs FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 2008, 10am FAB 86-01 Abstract Data stream systems (DSMSs) have matured to the point that they can be used i 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Josh Bancroft - Innovative Social media, the Edge Case at Intel. PROGRAM: Josh Bancroft is a longtime blogger, podcaster, Tweeter, and general internet community geek. For over a decade, he's been fascinated with the way communities form and interact on the Internet. At Intel, he provides innovative community building ideas and "future thinking" direction for Intel Software Network, the company's online developer community. He loves to speak, teach, and mentor, and generally share all the cool stuff that he plays with. Josh's home on the web is http://www.tinyscreenfuls.com, and you can follow him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jabancroft. Come see how a company as large as Intel uses social networking, podcasting, blogging, and social marketing to build community!2009-01-09 01:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1292009-01-06 17:21:002009-01-06 17:21:00 <2009-01-09 04:30:00l lifeline in today’s economy. How you deploy it can be the difference between success or failure. Speaker James M. Smith Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience. In 1993 he founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. SPONSORS SBDC; Portland Business Alliance; CubeSpace; OTBC; MercyCorps Northwest; Portland SCORE; Hillsboro Chamber; OAME; Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber; Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce2008-11-06 01:30:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002008-10-13 00:21:25 9;b2008-11-06 03:30:00 ==d instigates people to have more fun creatingkE; 333Jq9General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:42 <;b2008-12-10 07:00:00kD; 333Jq8General & Team Meetings2008-12-17 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:41 <;b2008-12-17 07:00:00C5s333Jq7Introductory MeetingIntroductory meeting for people interested in PSAS.2008-10-22 01:00:002008-10-18 23:49:40 <;b2008-10-22 02:00:00@7W333JqSAO: Selling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample for ms, checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-12 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-17 16:40:11 <2008-11-12 02:00:00   {ԡEc]3333Corvallis Business After Hours January 2009"After Hours" @ Strega/ co-spons by (Digital City Date: 01/15/09 Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM PST Description: Chamber "After Hours" is a premier Networking Event that is hosted by a different business (or businesses), the third Thursday of each month from 5-7pm. Not to be missed! Details: "After Hours this month is co-sponsored by Strega Restaurant / and Digital City Guide. Not to be missed, this is being billed as a "Post New Years Party". Great Networking opportunity including finger food and beverages. They will unveil their "Stregatini"! Begin the New Year on the right foot. We will see you there! Location: 517 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 973332009-01-16 01:00:00http://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=178782009-01-05 23:37:122009-01-05 23:40:30 >M;bd2009-01-16 03:00:00{ԡCU3g333NW China Council: Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in ChinaNW China Counc  Upn of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objz-g3]33JuOMSI Science PubOMSI Science Pub Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Taking Flight at PDXYo[3m33JpScience Pub: Science Circus - The Physics of FunCome see physics in action! Jugglers, acrobats, and other circus artists often base their acts on simple Newtonian principles of motion and balance takevim3m33JpScience Pub: How Geckos Stick and Why We CareGeckos can run up smooth vertical surfaces but, until recently, no one knew how they did it. Looking at the structure of gecko feet at the nanoscale and measuring the tiny forces involved showed that gecko feet stick mechanically, not chemically. This discovery lead to the development of the world's first adhesive that is dry, self-cleaning, reversibl j iVb7 Qo33) Mission Theater & Pub1624 NW Glisan, Portland, OR 97209http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=72&id=1682009-01-13 16:24:262009-01-13 18:53:171624 NW GlisanPortlandOR97209US@FZ^  <EaG m 331# Small Business Administration601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204-3192 2009-01-12 04:28:322009-08-07 22:10:07601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOregon97204-3192 US@FdD^1.Q`G s 33M Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite A, Hillsboro, Oregon2009-01-12 04:12:582009-01-12 04:13:415193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite AHillsboroOregon97124US@F +l^fb4G_ 933+ Portland State University School of Business Administration (SBA)http://www.pdx.edu/sba2009-01-12 04:08:162009-01-24 19:45:26615 SW HarrisonPortlandOregon97201US@Fm^I^I33+St. Francis Church Dining Hall2009-01-12 03:46:132009-01-12 03:46:131182 SE Pine StPortlandOregon97214US@F¨^Ɛr;boapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. ****************************************************************** Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland 2009-01-09 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-01-06 08:40:512009-02-04 21:50:49 <2009-01-09 05:00:0000:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-26 00:30:00 J~Jters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. ne 3933JrNBeer and Blog - Farewell to the Green Dragon2008-11-15 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-14 20:34:42 ; ;b2008-11-15 02:00:00le 3933JrNBeer and Blog - Farewell to the Green Dragon2008-11-15 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-14 19:05:35 =;b2008-11-15 02:00:00k/ 3I33JrMIgnite Portland 52009-02-20 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com/2008-11-14 16:24:52 :s2009-02-20 05:00:00 hGive us Feedback on our Roadmap GoLife Mobile is hosting a casual Open House for ouԡx-13333SAO: Pub Socialshttp://www.sao.org2007-07-11 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-07-11 03:00:00ԡwM13333SAO: ITIL Exec Overview traininghttp://www.sao.org2007-07-18 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-07-18 23:00:00ԡv513333SAO: UI for Web appshttp://www.SԡHs3w333OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch:Finding Funds & Resources In Any Economic SituationEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group The Program Finding money can be a challenge - even more so in tough economic times. And maybe you don't want to use (or don't have a concept that qualifies for) angel investment or venture capital. So in dif1ԡG33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions on Any Topic R rԡF =3333Finding Buried Treasure in your Licensed Intellectual PropertyIn today’s economic cl imate every dollar of additional revenue including recovery of underreported license income counts. Join us to:
      • Learn the reasons for underreported royalties, license benchmarks, sublicenses, and the benefits of royalty auditing
      • Find out if you have revenue seeping through the cracks as a result of sales credits, price protection and returns
      • Learn how you can detect and prevent underreporting in the future
      Before founding Cost Advisors, Bill Douglas held management positions in Accounting, Sales and Marketing at Tektronix, Inc. and FLIR Systems, Inc. He has also been an auditor with Deloitte & Touche and CFO of a software firm. Bill is a CPA, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).2009-02-05 01:00:00http://www.usa-canada.les.org/chapters/oregon/upcoming.asp2009-01-06 01:49:122009-01-06 01:49:12 >N2009-02-05 03:00:00keters Eventhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-07-11 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-07-11 03:00:00checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-12 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-12 23:53:58 
      Where/When: Thursday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at

      We'll talk about:
      * Getting started
      * Meeting time/dates (monthly)
      * Future meeting topics or speaker ideas
      * The idea of a regular "help session" / "genius bar" type thing
      * Some of the great new features of 2.7 that folks might not have found

      Come join us and let's kick off what is sure to be a fun and helpful group.
       2009-01-16 02:00:002009-01-05 21:59:312009-01-07 19:17:55 9;bb2009-01-16 03:30:00ms, checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-12 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-12 23:53:57 <2008-11-12 02:30:00 hhB<ԡJy]3333SWHRMA: Linking HR Strategies with Business Strategieshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2007-08-14 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-08-14 20:00:00,ԡI=y3333Starveups: Oregon Sportshttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-08-10 04:00:00'ԡH3333WEO ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=4655&m=6&y=2007&d=262007-07-26 23:00:0020ԡ>Y}33333OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open DiscussionOn days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC.2009-01-07 20:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 03:59:282009-01-05 04:00:12 <2009-01-07 21:00:00l Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg!2009-01-21 00:00:00http://www.sao.org2009-01-05 03:55:272009-01-05 03:55:27 <2009-01-21 02:00:00 MM@)}$ԡ?5q3ԡ=Y}33333OTBC Brown Bag Lunch - Open DiscussionOn days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. Today is an open topic session. Come and chat about whatever startup topic is on your mind! If you're open for lunch, grab lunch and join us at OTBC.2009-01-06 20:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 03:57:502009-01-05 03:57:50 <2009-01-06 21:00:00,ԡ<7W31333SAO: Startup ExchangeThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a forma 'Yԡ:?a3y333AMA: Connect Networking 4 * Appetizers will be served * Open to the public * Door prizes & gift certificates * Networking mixers * Space is limited * Cost is just $5 2009-01-07 01:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20090106.htm2009-01-05 03:52:172009-01-05 03:52:17 =2009-01-07 03:30:00ement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. How to Register To register, please click on the box in the left hand corner at the top of this page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. The seminar will be held in Room 407 in the Wilson Clark Center, on the OGI campus. The Wilson Clark Center is Building #3 on the OGI Campus Map. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-ABPMP-0925 Dates/Times: Thursday, Sep. 25, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (6:15-6:30pm networking; 6:30-7:30pm Presentation) Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center (building #3 on campus map), Room 407 Course Fee: $0 Course Includes: 6:15-6:30pm Networking 6:30-7:30pm Presentation 7:30-7:45pm QA It doesn't mention anything about pizza, though. Bogus.2008-09-26 01:15:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24022008-09-24 00:12:252008-11-22 00:31:13 <2008-09-26 02:45:00 ԡR+S3q333Polish FestivalThe Polish festival is an event for families and singles, adults and children, for food connoisseurs, music lovers, concert goers, dance enthusiasts, … It is for everyone.

      During the festival, we provide non-stop stage performances, including a few dance groups and music bands, polka contest on Saturday and Sunday, a street dance, delicious Polish food and imported Polish beer. The event is held on Failing Street between the two historic buildings of the Polish Library built in 1911 and
      St. Stanislaus Church built in 1907, both located on N. Interstate Avenue in Portland Oregon.
      2008-09-27 18:00:00http://www.portlandpolonia.org/festival/index.html2008-09-23 01:26:132008-09-23 01:26:13 ]j[5a 33+ St. Francis Che RoomAcross the street from the Red & Black, enter on the 1st set of stairs on the right as you enter the park.2009-01-12 02:21:342009-01-12 02:23:041131 SE Oak St.PortlandOR97214US@F› i^HE0Z133+Red and Black Cafe2009-01-12 01:49:242009-01-12 01:49:24400 SE 12th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F‹i;^ ;bm Y?33?Kelley Engineering Center2009-01-09 10:33:102009-01-14 18:38:07Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bf >U X33GOracle2009-01-09 10:32:232009-01-21 23:40:101211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;ba < 66 [YQԡ6U]3W333SCORE Making Quickbooks Work for YouIn this four-hour workshop you will learn: * Understanding the transition of paper bookkeeping into an automated one and using the same modus operandi for QUICKBOOKS. * Understanding the basic accounting terms keeping a focus on common sense in terms of debits and credits. * Understanding the Chart of Accounts which are established ... and often are specialized for the specific business type. * Starting off with bank accounts, real property, inventory and client listings. * Learning some tip and tricks for setting it up and going forth in day-to-day bookkeeping. * Where to seek out help that is FREE from SCORE in refreshing your memory or when you find a roadblock. 2009-01-10 16:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org/workshops.php2009-01-05 03:40:312009-01-06 22:52:08 >H2009-01-10 20:00:00cԡ5im3W333SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental qu 6 FFd this meeting’s content should be of interest to both Ruby and Python programmers. PRESENTATIONS: * AppDrop: An open alternative to Google App Engine SFԡPy53E333Reductivelabs Puppet Meetup/Opensource Bridge Kickoff.Reductive Labs the company behind the Puppet configuration management l7Y333JqSmartGrid: The New Electricity EconomyThe event will define smart grid technology and discuss the current landscape and future benefits of a smart energy grid. Energy delivery is transforming from a static one way grid to a dynamic two way system. There are many business opportunities arising from the transition of a petroleum economy to a smart electricity economy. A four person panel including representatives from a SmartGrid company, VC, utility and lab will be moderated by author Jesse Berst, Managing Director of Global Smart Energy.2008-11-07 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/6/08c2008-10-12 23:46:57 :2008-11-07 02:30:00ent Currently the Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources. CMR is a successful consulting firm focusing on all aspects of business development and revenue acceleration for emerging and mid-market companies. He has successfully completed numerous projects involving strategic planning, business plan creation, sales channel development, marketing communication programs, merger/acquisitions and assistance in raising early stage funding. Mr. Powers is also an Executive in Residence at the Open Technology Business Center, a leading incubator in Oregon, Chair of the Portland Angel Network, and an active angel investor. With more than 35 years experience in sales, marketing, general management and business development, Mr. Powers is well equipped to provide a wide range of assistance to early stage and mid-market companies. 2009-01-29 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=512009-01-05 03:49:352009-01-05 03:49:35 >I2009-01-29 19:00:00 Tp>


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery willq' 3533Jp?RubyConf 20082008-11-06 17:00:00http://rubyconf.org/2008-10-12 23:42:57 ;2008-11-09 00:00:00!W+3E33JqLunch & Learn: Technology RoadmappingLunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Date: Thu, Nov 6th Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Location: Portland State Business Accelerator 2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97201 Cost: $10 for members $10 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/06/2008 Topic: Lunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar 3 9E9%Q333Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center2008-08-31 23:56:442008-09-05 17:34:34721 NW Ninth AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FÚ.^LD|1;b :,$Q339Japanese Gardens - Portland Oregon2008-08-31 23:56:332008-09-01 03:35:23611 SW Kingston AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@Fho^;ՙ$);bև <#;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-08-31 23:56:132008-09-01 03:35:33915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^@S;b֑ ; "133mPCC Cascade Campus2008-08-31 23:08:472008-09-01 03:35:13Terrell Hall, Room 122, 705 N Killingsworth Ave.PortlandOregon97217;b֐ :#!#331Nemo Design2008-08-31 23:03:432008-09-01 03:35:421875 Se Belmont StPortlandOregon97214US@F"5^nک.b;b֏ :v5 + Y33- %Newmark Theatrehttp://www.pcpa.com/events/newmark.php2008-08-31 08:46:202009-05-22 18:05:061111 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@FY5^s5503/248-4335 > Whether you call it strategic product development, technology forecasting, or something else, planning your company's technology evolution while also keeping an eye on technologies in your market is a critical capability. It supports developing successful technologies, gaining investor confidence, and successfully competing in the market. Come learn the basics from an experienced industry product developer who now teaches for PSU. Speaker Tugrul Daim, Ph.D., is a PSU faculty member in the Engineering Technology Management Department. Dr. Daim was a product manager at Intel for over a decade. He held management positions including technology planning, development and new product development. He is the co-director of technical activities and program co-chair of Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Daim's work is published in more than ten technology management journals. 2008-11-06 20:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/daim2008-10-12 23:39:48 92008-11-06 21:00:00 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-05 04:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-01-05 03:34:382009-09-05 20:25:15 >H2009-01-05 05:00:00  Times basebaBԡUcO393331st Annual Uniquely Portland Oregon TweetupTHIS IS A FREE EVENT * Bring your business cards and meet other liked-minded business people! * Introduce yourself to your fellow Portland Tweeters! * Enjoy the coffee and treats of Sip & Kranz Coffee Lounge! * Hear national speakers and trainers, Rich Fenton and Andrea Waltz! 2009-07-11 01:00:00http://pdxtweetup.com/2009-06-11 07:49:4820:K333JqSelling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample for %estions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-07 16:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org/workshops.php2009-01-05 03:36:042009-09-05 20:25:16 >H2009-01-07 19:30:00fining Your Recruitment Strategy Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Many industries will be affected by labor shortages ad the ability to fill vacancies. By 2012 our workforce will be reduced by 3.3 million workers. Outsourcing and difficult economic times add an interesting component to attractions, selections and the securing of talent. What actions can you implement to help your business prosper? This webinar will help establish a plan to address talent needs: Out of the box thinking for attracting talent. Knowing and promoting your competitive advantage. Use difficult economic times to enhance your human capital. Presenter Jennifer Paauwe-Riffe, SPHR, Senior Human Resource Consultant, AmeriBen/IEC Group ***To register email Jennfier Olsen or phone toll free 800-536-1444.*** *Further log-in instructions will follow your initial registration.*2008-10-24 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/24/082008-10-12 23:35:33 < 2008-10-25 05:30:00around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

      This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we won't have any bad weather again!

      Since upcoming.org is still new to most Corvallians, we also have a Facebook event created (which has more people confirmed as coming). Feel free to RSVP there as well: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=42763781591

      See you there!

      -Lance (@ramereth)
       2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-04 10:32:362009-01-04 10:32:36 =;b`2009-01-08 03:00:00day from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

      This is second Beer and Blog for Corvallis and first for the new year! We'll be having another social/networking gathering with no topics planned. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). Hopefully we don't have any bad weather again!

      See you there!

      -Lance (@ramereth)
       2009-01-08 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2009-01-02 20:44:122009-01-04 17:03:06 =;b`Js32009-01-08 03:00:00 )OCԡ4im3333SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental questions: 1. What is Marketing? 4ԡ3Mo3M333Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill set. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based 8bԡ2 3 333Foo2009-01-04 05:00:002009-01-04 04:07:112009-01-04 04:07:52Js12009-01-04 06:00:00cԡ/M3M333Corvallis Beer and Blog (1/7/09)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednes 9PԡlO37333Calagator 1st year birthday partyJoin us for a party to celebrate Calagator's 1st birthday!2009-01-25 00:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:34:332009-01-03 21:21:02 ;2009-01-25 04:00:00 ''j>Rԡi_3 333WorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a sustainability-focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happen. This was originally scheduled for December 21, has been rescheduled due to snowpocalypse. Contact klint at klintron dot com if you can't make it but are interested in the project.2009-01-11 23:00:002008-12-30 21:43:402009-01-12 04:31:44 >Z2009-01-12 01:00:00yԡh533q333PDX SICP Study GroupA bunch of us are going to work through the chapters and exercises in Abelson and Sussman's vaunted Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs using our favorite Lisp implementations. Please join the Google group and reply to the "Inaugural meeting" thread if you plan on attending. 2009-01-03 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-sicp-studygroup2008-12-30 20:19:432008-12-31 08:07:02 >2009-01-03 04:00:00 ||P>Nԡs3333CHIFOO: Repositioning User Experience as8ԡk7i37333Calagator code sprintCome join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. We'll have a birthday party afterward.2009-01-24 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:32:382009-01-13 23:01:39 92009-01-25 00:00:00>ԡjKM3K333Energy Trust Better Living ShowIt's the largest sustainable lifestyle event in the Northwest. Find everything green, good and sustainable in one place - Portland, Oregon. The Energy Trust Better Living Home and Garden Show. If you are looking to live a more earth friendly life, this is the festival for you. Seminars, workshops and music add to the expo. Admission is free to this show. Contact Michael O'Loughlin for this and other trade shows.2009-03-27 19:00:00http://www.betterlivingshow.org2008-12-30 23:26:562008-12-30 23:26:56 ;2009-03-30 00:00:00 fH7f 3392009-01-27 18:00:00 a*nW7339Everett Street Bistro2009-01-07 21:43:092009-01-07 21:43:091140 NW Everett StreetPortlandOregon97209US@F/UQ? 33? Kelley Engineering Center2009-01-06 23:08:562009-01-07 19:18:04Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331@FH&^ؾr;bf >U ke up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web EvangelistԡD593 333L(uK333JqNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment StrategyNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment Strategy Date: Fri, Oct 24th Time: 9:00am-10:30am Location: Webinar Cost: $30 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/24/2008 Topic: Niche Recruiting: Re 7@+C333JqSAO Poker NightSAO Poker Night Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $25 for members $35 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: SAO Poker Night Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Bigger - Better - Higher Our First Poker Night was such a huge success that we've made the poker tournament a monthly event! Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies u7ks33U-ԡsqG3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - Sustainability Angelshttp://www.opentechce\ԡgY{3K333Portland Business Alliance Green Hour Green Hour events, presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, will highlight Portland area businesses that are going above and beyond with sustainability and green practices. Green Hour events will take place on a quarterly basis. If your business would like to showcase its sustainable practices through a Green Hour event, please contact Christine Gatlin, membership events manager, at cgatlin@portlandalliance.com, or 503-552-6742. Space is limited. Advance registration required at www.portlandalliance.com 2009-01-30 01:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 16:49:552008-12-30 16:51:59 >2009-01-30 03:30:00 G the recent location change *** For as long as there has been fundraising, there have been two cornerstone strategies: acquisition and cultivation. Join us to take a look at some of the ways – including email marketing, online events, and social media – that nonprofits are using the Web to acquire new supporters and reinforce relationships with those already supporting. SCHEDULE: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 More networking Chad Norman and Allison Van Diest from BlackBaud will give us top ten tactics organizations are deploying over the web to support their goals. Chad Norman is the Internet Marketing Manager for Blackbaud, where he is responsible for corporate website content, social web strategy, email marketing, community management, and search engine optimization. Chad is editor-in-chief of Blackbaud Blogs, where he also writes his own blog "Webby Things". As host and producer of The Baudcast, he brings together industry experts from around the world to discuss nonprofi B#PB3P3 O333 %Davis Street Tavernhttp://www.davisstreettavern.com/2009-01-06 22:30:352009-09-07 21:04:09500 NW Davis StreetPortlandOR97209US@F#3^:T503 505 5050;b "O9 E335 Hopworks Urban Breweryhttp://www.hopworksbeer.com/2009-01-06 18:59:562009-02-08 04:36:422944 SE Powell Blvd PortlandOR97202US@Fyh^;B-'N7 133M Davis Wright Tremainehttp://www.dwt.com2009-01-06 01:49:112009-09-07 21:06:021300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300PortlandOregon97201US@F@W^{_JMM; YA33' %Strega Restaurant & Bar517 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis, OR 97333http://streganorthwest.com2009-01-05 23:40:292009-01-05 23:41:20517 Sw 2nd StCorvallisOR97333US@FG1M^֩a541.257.2910WL5 ]S333 %Oregon State Capitol900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301http://www.leg.state.or.us/capinfo/2009-01-05 22:53:162009-05-01 16:21:38900 Court Street NESalemOR97301US@Fx2y{^u503-986-1388 \nvolved with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture Northwest (includes keynote by Desh Deshpande) - Register on or before October 3rd at the early bird special $420.Gururaj Desh Despande presents Entrepreneurship in the Global EconomyIn the New Global Economy, value creation has the same value independent of where the value is created. As a result you can tap into talent globally for motivation, leadership, and entrepreneurship and make many more ideas viable than were possible in the past. Fifteen years ago most companies were local and competition was around the corner. Technology and connectivity have now created a free market in the context of the world. For example, an entrepreneur in Portland can now both collaborate and compete with entrepreneurs in Shanghai or Bangalore. Desh is the founding investor and Chairman of several companies including Syc month''s seminar sells out we will post the next month''s event. Event Contact: Please contact Bill Be|ԡXW{3 333PDX 501 Tech Club: Putting Your Web Site to Work – Strategies for Acquiring and Cultivating Donors *** Please note A`ԡUg 35333Starve Ups: A Tale of Two Inc. 500 Companies 2008-10-15 01:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-09-23 16:17:082008-09-23 16:17:08 92008-10-15 04:00:00XԡTW 35333Starve Ups Hot Seat Event - db clay 2008-10-02 01:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-09-23 16:08:082008-09-23 16:08:08  The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2009-01-13 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/2008-12-30 10:32:292009-01-06 16:22:19 <;b\JsH2009-01-13 22:00:00s important in the workplace as it is at home. One of Tim's favorite sayings is: "Technology is the easy part, once you get the team on the same page, the work just gets done". Thank you to our 2008 Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP. Program Agenda: 7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast 8:00am-8:40am - Presentation 8:40am-9:00am - Questions & Answers Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register on site. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on either Alder St. or 11th St. There is a SmartPark available on the corner of 10th and Yamhill for $1.25 per hour and you can enter the Governor Hotel through the Jake's entrance on 10th St. 2008-10-22 14:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/082008-10-12 23:27:45 :2008-10-22 16:00:00 9;bh2009-06-10 04:00:00 ;'_Aԡcoq3333SPIN seminar: And you Thought you could Estimate?http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22462007-10-10 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-10 02:00:008ԡb]q3333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22372007-10-18 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04hԡe ]3K333Portland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State Legislature Preview2009 Legislative Sessio F>ԡdeq3 333Portland Business Alliance ShopTalk ShowcaseGet a chance to learn about a Portland Business, and showcase your own business at this fun and helpful networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. FREE for members, only $5 for non-members. 2009-01-20 15:30:002008-12-30 16:29:052008-12-30 16:29:05 >2009-01-20 17:00:00 >WOO33)'ԡY5w3333MIT Enterprise Forumhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/6296018/2007-09-27 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-09-27 16:30:00ԡX=13333SAO: ITIL Foundations V2http://www.sao.org2007-10-03 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-04 00:00:00#ԡWs13333SAO: CJԡb7u3M333Portland Business Alliance, Cornerstones Conversations: "Savings and Sustainability" Hear from experts, share best practices, and grow your business. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Take part in a continuing discussion at the Cornerstones Conversations events, and on the new blog at www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20. Non-members: $30. 2009-01-15 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2008-12-30 00:46:242008-12-30 00:46:24 >2009-01-15 17:00:00 . r.K333CubeSpace2009-01-05 21:59:312009-01-07 19:17:56622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;bb 9WJ33TBD2009-01-05 04:56:402009-02-24 02:50:17TBDPortlandOregon;ba :ArI3G 33 WebinarPlease do not edit.placeholder for online events2009-01-05 03:49:352009-06-29 18:15:10aH+ q=33I )SCORE Portland 601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950, Portland, OR 97204http://www.scorepdx.org/2009-01-05 03:40:312009-09-05 20:23:47601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl(503) 326-3441(G% a 331 ODS Building601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 972042009-01-05 03:36:042009-09-05 20:25:21601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOR97204US@FdD^1. >HuFy33ODS Bldg., Room 2030, 601 SW 2nd Ave, Portland,Oregon2009-01-05 03:34:372009-09-05 20:25:14 >Ha 33  Chez Ian2008-12-30 20:19:422008-12-30 20:21:36AlohaOR97006US@Fj㣨^0H@ Jnsive international experience and has researched and practiced cross-cultural communication for 25 years. Recently he has begun applying this cross-cultural expertise to the issues facing cross-generational communication. (And this interest has, of course, little to do with his having three teenagers!) Tim Kurlio, IT Manager, Multnomah County Tim Kurilo has worked in the technical field for 28 years. He is currently the Technical Services Manager at Multnomah County, Oregon. As a computer technician in the boom of the 90's, Tim realized how important it was to promote new opportunities yet retain experienced staff. He decided to join the ranks of management so he could help create an environment that nurtures the implementation and administration of new technologies, yet retains a quality of life for the staff. Tim and his wife, Betsy, have successfully "blended" their very diverse families of eight children and 9 grandchildren. Learning the core values and motivations of each individual is just a /ԡSI13333SAO: Build and Test Automationhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-18 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:51;bձ2007-10-18 20:00:00ԡR513333SAO: Outsourcing R&Dhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-23 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:51;bձ2007-10-23 16:00:00ԡQ=13333SAO: Metrics t6ԡao3K333Portland Business Alliance, Business After Hours Enjoy the hospitality of a Portland business, while getting a chance to network with other members of the business community and share information about your own business. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $8 online/$10 at the door. Non-members: $12 online/$15 at the door. 2009-01-15 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:39:272008-12-30 00:39:27 =2009-01-15 03:00:00 : :+aԡGOC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-08 23:00:00ԡFOC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-12 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:16200_ԡ_iq3K333Portland Business Alliance, ShopTalk Showcase Get a chance to learn about a Portland Business, and showcase your own business at this fun and helpful networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. FREE for members, only $5 for non-members. 2009-01-06 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:14:042008-12-30 00:14:04 =2009-01-06 17:00:00Yԡ^O3C333Portland Robotics Society MeetingMonthly meeting of PARTS, the Portland Area Robotics Society.2009-01-03 18:30:00http://portlandrobotics.org2008-12-29 23:37:002009-01-07 19:29:45 ;r2009-01-03 21:30:00 s increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of ԡWi3i333XPDX October: Unit Test Your DatabaseDavid Wheeler will be giving hi!zW%3K33JuHGet Naked: Champagne Autograph Party!The 2010 charity calendars are hot off the press and on Sunday evening, March 29th, the participants and all volunteers involved with the "Naked" calendar project are coming together for an autograph signing and champagne party! Bring your already bought calendar or buy one at the door and mingle with the most awesome techs in Portland! All proceeds from this event and from all calendar sales will go to p:ear, Free Geek, and the PCC Multimedia Club. Local businesses have donated various prizes for our on sight raffle so bring everyone you know and let's have a great time and give it up for our community! Website: http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-28 09:00:00http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-28 08:09:57 ?2009-03-28 10:00:00 N moderated by Lance Kidd, CIO for Halton Company. Iris Sasaki has been in the HR world for over twenty years beginning as a recruiter for Tektronix and retiring as an HR executive. Iris has managed her own HR consulting business since 2001. Among the organization at which Iris has been a guest speaker are included the American Electronics Association, the law firm of Ater Wynne, Oregon Employment Division, and a guest lecturer from Oregon Graduate Institute. She is active as an "Expert in Residence" at the Open Technology Business Center and a mentor for the business concepts program of the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Iris created two training modules which were adopted by the Equal Opportunity Commission. Iris' post graduate studies have focused on communication. She has published two articles on the web, the first with Business and Law Online, and the second with HR.com. Greg Kulander, Ph.D. is Director of Student and Educator Services at the Business Education Compact. Dr. Kulander has exte R 7:30am-9:00am Location: The Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: When to Hire/Who to Hire Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar It's become common knowledge that Baby Boomers, Gen X & Gen Y, each have a different work style and life/work expectations. Join the CIO committee Wednesday, Oct 22nd at the Governor Hotel to learn how other CIO's and IT managers are dealing with the generational differences in hiring, retaining, and motivating these different groups of people. Hear from Greg Kulander, local expert on the differences between the baby boomers, Generation X and Gen Y. Iris Sasaki, HR professional, who has more than 20 years of experience teaching and training managers how to hire and how to bridge the gap between generations, and Tim Kurlio, IT Manager for Multnomah County who prides himself on creating teams that function well together despite their innate differences. All +d ԡM3=3333Starveups: CEO Swaphttp://www.starveups.com2007-10-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-27 03:00:00ԡL_=3333Starveups: Strategic Planning for Dummieshttp://www.starveups.com2007-11-14 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-11-14 04:00:00 ԡK5=3333WEO OR Board Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-09-25ԡ`sQ3K333Portland Business Alliance, Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and chat with 15 members of the business community in 30 minutes. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 online/$20 at the door. 2009-01-13 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-12-30 00:25:472009-02-03 22:24:38 >2009-01-13 17:00:00 |&loid adventures ha.ԡ;Sg3333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-09 16:00:00ԡ:OC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-10 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-10 23:00:00ԡxԡ\#s3A333Ignite BendIf you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world people have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. For more information on Ignite, please take a look at the O’Reilly Ignite site. Ignite Bend will be held on Thursday February 12th at The PoetHouse Art, in the tbd loft (55 NW Minnesota St, Bend, OR - map). Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. Presentations start at 7:30 p.m. 2009-02-13 03:00:00http://www.ignitebend.com/2008-12-27 01:46:122008-12-27 01:46:12 =2009-02-13 05:00:00 , adults, but minors are welcome at bridgeport until 10 pm. Tell yo+ԡ37Q35333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calen;G333JqSAO: When to Hire/Who to HireWhen to Hire/Who to Hire Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: SI{o3#33JqSustaining a Business in a Down Economy (Partner event)Topics that will be discussed include: Planning — An existing business’ basic need. You need to put a planning process in place. Customers — Do you really understand what drives your customers. Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit. Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place. Financial Plan — You need to understand you financial landscape so that you can position the business to raise the capital necessary for growth. Competition — You need to pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers. Technology — This is the vita X ddOL meetings within easy reach of the state''s metropolitan+ԡAiK3333Betԡ]e3333Java and beer w/ Matt Raible, Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis, etcIf you live in Portland, Oregon - or just happen to be in town - you might want to join us for some beers and tech talk tomorrow (Monday) night. Patrick Lightbody, Howard Lewis Ship and Matt Raible will be meeting around 6:30 at the Rogue Distillery & Public House. Regardless of your affection for PHP, Rails, Java, Selenium, Tapestry or Struts 2, chances are you'll enjoy talking about it with new friends. With 36 taps and the delicious beer from Rogue Ales, this is sure to be a fun night. If you're on Facebook, you can let us know you're coming by RSVP'ing to the Event. Otherwise, please leave a comment or just show up. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=421984516862008-12-30 02:30:00http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/portland_tech_meetup_tomorrow_night2008-12-29 01:36:482008-12-29 22:09:14 =2008-12-30 04:30:00l lifeline in today’s economy. How you deploy it can be the difference between success or failure. Speaker James M. Smith Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience. In 1993 he founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. SPONSORS SBDC; Portland Business Alliance; CubeSpace; OTBC; MercyCorps Northwest; Portland SCORE; Hillsboro Chamber; OAME; Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber; Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce2008-11-06 01:30:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002008-10-12 23:22:33 9;b2008-11-06 03:30:00 >ԡ5o%3333Business Matters: Building a Professional Network503-350-20072007-10-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:47;bձ2007-10-17 15:30:00{ԡ4/%3333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822007-10-18 18:00:002003ԡZ%3 333Test event 1Event originally set for 12/25, changed to Jan 9 before initial export.2008-01-09 20:00:002008-12-24 20:00:232008-12-24 20:02:21 92008-01-09 21:00:00;ԡYWa3C33Emergency Tweetup for Blood DonationsWe'll bring the cocoa, you bring your arm!

      Because of the snow and the holidays our donor numbers have seriously dropped this week. We're in need of intrepid, kind-hearted souls who would like to spend an hour this Christmas Eve giving blood.

      You'll be warmly rewarded with cookies, hot cocoa, and the company of fellow Twitter friends.
       2008-12-24 20:00:00http://nwblood.redcross.org2008-12-24 18:37:482008-12-24 18:37:48 =;b^o expect: Planning A planning process is a necessity for an existing business. Customers Do you understand what drives your customer? Products and Services You need to think value not feature or benefit. Financial Plan The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth. Competition Pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers. Technology Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure. Advisory Board Do you have a support network in place? In Summary Sustaining your business is a continuing process and establishing a mentoring relationship helps to keep it going. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Wednesday, November 5 at 5:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8924020/2008-11-06 01:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8924020/2008-10-12 18:24:07;b2008-11-06 03:00:00  iԡX3c3933souk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.
       2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-24 10:32:222009-05-14 14:01:59 ?;bWJr3ԡWE73Q333Seattle Startup Weekend 2.0 Startup Weekend is coming back to Seattle, Feb 6th - Feb 8th 2009. This will be the second Startup Weekend and it will be hosted at the Go ^CԡV3y39333souk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.2009-01-05 17:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2008-12-23 09:59:402009-05-14 14:01:58 ?;bW2009-01-06 01:00:00amore Networks, Tejas Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiatives which leverage the Global connection. For example the “Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation” at MIT has announced an International Initiative. Akshaya Patra, an NGO in India that serves mid-day meals to underprivileged children, has scaled its operations to serve 1 million meals a day with in the last six years using global talent and resources. He will use the initiatives that he is involved with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture Northwest (includes keynote by Desh Deshpande) - Register on or before October 3rd at the early bird special $420.2008-10-30 21:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2327&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-10-13 00:18:16 <(2008-10-31 00:00:00 dTdeloping the Internet. Kahn and Cerf were named the recipients of the ACM Alan M. Turinԡ:%73;333PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-may-2009 2009-05-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-04-29 01:56:502009-04-29 01:56:50 92009-05-19 04:00:00Jԡ9Y;3g333Personal Telco Project monthly meetingThe April Monthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project will be at Roots Organic Brewery. We hope you'll join us. To post Agenda Items, see the URL.2009-04-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingApril20092009-04-28 16:49:222009-04-28 16:49:22 >2009-04-30 03:00:00%ԡ8/w3 333Gumbo Study GroupMatt LeGrand will present on Skin Classes in Flex 4. 2009-05-07 01:30:002009-04-28 16:29:402009-05-05 19:28:20 ?2009-05-07 03:00:00ogle offices in Fremont. (651 North 34th St. ) So, you want to get involved? A great team of 5 organizers have been hard at work making sure the event will be a memorable Startup Weekend. So what can you do? Tickets for Startup Weekend Seattle will be sold for $40. This is really a RSVP cost, and you will receive your fair share of food, swag and memories (all of the money from this will be used for local costs of running the event). Buy your ticket here! http://seattle2startupweekend.eventbrite.com/ There are 11 main areas of expertise that you can sign up for: Developer - Sys Admin Developer - Backend Developer - Architect Developer - Front End PR User Experience Designer Legal Business Development Project Manager Cook Make sure to get tickets early, there are a very small number of tickets this year and it will most likely sell out fast. 2009-02-07 02:00:00http://seattle2.startupweekend.com2008-12-23 23:03:532008-12-23 23:03:53 =2009-02-09 07:30:00 ԡ M33q333Skills for the Agile Designer Agile designers need to quickly see the essence of a problem, shape reasonable solutions, and communicate effectively. When things don't exactly go according to plan, they must react, readjust their thinking, and try again. Seasoned agile designers strike a balance. They know the difference between core and revealing design tasks and plan accordingly. When unanticipated difficulties crop, they adapt their work rhythms. They know how to give and take criticism and ask clar'ԡEK3#333CHIFOO Fun and Games at WorkCHIFOO Meeting Details CHIFOO usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month. SCHEDULE 5:00 pm CHIFOOd — dinner at New Seasons Market, Cedar Hills Crossing (map) 6:30 pm Registration, networking, and announcements at Tektronix 7:00 pm ovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase will highlight cutting edge research and successful startups as part of seven days of exciting and informative Innovation & Entrepreneurship Events. The 2007 Innovation Showcase ԡU'3M333Beer and BlogWe’ll still find a way to hang out and warm our bellies with Holiday ale! After all, even if I said we weren’t meeting, people still would show up. :) I love you guys for that. So, this Friday we’ll get together and toast to 2008 as we enjoy the last official Beer and Blog of the year (although people may still show up on the 26th). January will be Beer and Blog’s 1 year anniversary and we have some cool plans in the works. We’re pulling together the best of what we learned in 2008 and turning it into a full or half day workshop for all those who want to start a blog or improve one. We’re also going to do a mini Job Fair.2009-01-03 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2008-12-23 09:59:032008-12-23 09:59:03 ; 2009-01-03 02:00:00 of founders to help you get your idea off the ground? Or do you not have a burning idea, but you'd be interested finding someone with a compelling idea, so you can get in on the ground floor? At OTBC, we'd like to find a way for entrepreneurs and prospective founders to find each other. Come join us for a chat about ideas for helping entrepreneurs get exposure for their ideas. How can we help idea people and prospective founders find each other? We'd like to hear your ideas. Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Thursday, January 8 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2009-01-08 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/2008-12-22 19:41:202008-12-22 19:41:20 <;b[2009-01-08 22:00:00 ship, eROI was the p =333JqOHSU Innovation Showcase2008 Innovation Showcase Date - Monday, November 3 Ti lp ]3w33JqOHSU Innovation Showcase (Partner event)Entrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group The 2008 Innovation Showcase will feature Oregon scientists and companies working towards the prevention, control and treatment of infectious disease. Starting at approximately 2:00 PM and continuing after the showcase, a poster session will highlight cutting edge research in infectious disease and immunology from four Oregon universities. For more information and to RSVP: http://www.ohsu.edu/tech-transfer/innovation_show2008.shtml Steve Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Monday, November 3 at 2:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8823451/2008-11-03 22:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8823451/2008-10-12 17:17:51;b2008-11-04 00:00:00 SS7Ee#ԡu/33&ԡP3 333"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. Effective self-organizing teams rely on personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this hands-on workshop, we'll discover the secrets to developing the skills you need to succeed and lead on a self-organizing team.

      Ticket Info: $1500Buy Tickets
       2009-02-24 16:00:00http://www.agileuniversity.org/course_details.jsp?courseid=1312008-12-21 15:33:232009-02-06 22:21:44 ;;bY2009-02-27 01:00:00el will discuss some of the thoughts he has on the role of Open Source ideas in Agriculture and International Development and maybe even on us locally. ******************************************************************* Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: We no longer use the Lucky Lab.)2008-12-05 03:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-12-03 21:14:432008-12-12 20:04:14 <2008-12-05 05:00:000:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-04-25 02:30:00 lԡ;Ca3333Portland Lunch 2.0 @ VidoopThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at OpenID provider Vidoop in Old Town on May 28, 2008. Good news if you made it to eROI in April, Vidoop is in the same building, with a different entrance.

      Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby (Pragmatic Bookshelf) is a practical, quick-moving tutorial based on real-world GUI applications. The book uses examples from Windows, OS X, and cross-platform Java desktop programs as well as Web applications. You'll develop test scripts in Ruby. You don't need to be a Ruby expert to use this book, but basic comfort with the language will be helpful.2008-11-14 03:00:00http://www.powells.com/events/#25042008-11-13 14:52:452008-11-13 14:52:45 =2008-11-14 05:00:00 __Q8ju{ QO33- Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.eԡE73333CHIFOO: Show the Whole Storyhttp://www.chifoo.org2007-11-08 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-08 04:00:00ԡ~133333FEI dinner meetinghttp://www.pfei.org2007-11-16 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-16 04:00:00ԡ}3;3333IMA: dinner meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-11-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-21 04:30:00 ԡ|9933ԡJ1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:432008-12-19 10:44:35 :;blJr2009-01-06 07:00:00 CCG_ԡEuW3w33Financial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveProspective investors will look closRԡDs!3w333Making Hiring Decisions: Is there a Secret Formula?OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Making NԡCmm3)333Webinar - Maximizing the marketing impact of RSSThis webinar, hosted by Marshall Kirkpatrick, will help you become a power user of RSS feeds for your work in marketing. Advanced methods of reading and publishing feeds can give you important competitive adva6ԡXAG3K333PSU Database Reading GroupThis Friday's paper is: "Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries" by Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer, and Nadir Weibel. Jeremy Steinhauer will be the discussion leader. You can get the paper from: http://www.globis.ethz.ch/script/publication/download?docid=5282008-11-21 18:00:00http://datalab.cs.pdx.edu/dbrg/2008-11-19 19:10:352008-12-12 20:04:15 <2008-11-21 19:30:00 means#333JqAEA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for emerging business professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2008-11-13 08:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-12 23:59:11 :$2008-11-13 08:00:00>K333JqSelling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample forms,  MM [6~u 33 Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattleasdfsadf2008-03-17 17:33:142008-05-22 10:(ԡ eI3333Principal Financial Group: Women in Businesshttp://www.principal.com/women2007-10-30 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-8ԡOG{3333Mobile Love, Android Style #82nd monday of the month is android day. Android is the mobile phone operating system from Google. meet with local area developers.
       2009-01-13 02:00:002008-12-21 15:30:442009-01-22 02:05:25 ; ;bX2009-01-13 03:00:00mԡL_U3 333WorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in an unconference on environmental and social solutions? Then show up at Red and Black for the first discussion on the possibility. If you can't make it but want to talk about it, contact klint at klintron dot com2008-12-21 23:00:002008-12-20 00:02:342009-01-12 04:31:43 >Z2008-12-22 01:00:00e, and can even work in the vacuum of outer space. Designs based on gecko feet are being used to create robots that can run up walls, and this adhesive could bring changes to the manufacture of everything from home electronics to car brakes. At this Science Pub we will talk about how the study of mechanisms and evolution of animal locomotion has lead to biologically inspired materials and machines. Kellar Autumn, Ph.D., professor of biology at Lewis & Clark College since 1998, does research that has grown into a new field of study at the interface between biology, physics, and materials science. He has authored over 40 scientific papers and his research is featured in textbooks, encyclopedias, and popular books including The Nanotech Pioneers: Where Are They Taking Us? Every major television network has covered his work, as have hundreds of newspaper, magazine, and Internet articles worldwide. 2008-10-01 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/2009-04-14 21:01:20 <2008-10-01 04:00:00 SepS! 33C CH2M HILL 2008-12-30 16:49:552008-12-30 16:51:382020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 300PortlandOregon 97201US@Fgx^< 3 33; Community Warehouse2008-12-30 16:29:042008-12-30 16:31:172267 N Interstate Ave. PortlandOregon 97227US@Fh^;:h_ 33/ 200 SW Market St., Lobby Conference Room 2008-12-30 00:46:232009-01-07 19:12:17200 SW Market St.PortlandOregon 97201US@F| Yy^nL 3? Q 33) %Ruth's Chris Steak House 309 SW 3rd Ave., Portland OR 972042008-12-30 00:39:262008-12-30 02:33:14309 SW 3rd AvePortland OR 97204US@F«NP^$y|503-221-4518~9 33A Rose Quarter Rose Room2008-12-30 00:29:472009-02-03 22:24:392 Center Court, 4th Floor PortlandOregon 97227US@FÁ'q^+g/ >}; A 33 Rose Quarter Rose Room 2 Center Court, 4th Floor 2008-12-30 00:25:472009-02-03 22:24:38PortlandOregon97227US@FįEAS^  >me - 2:00-7:00 PM Location - OHSU Auditorium (Old Library) The 2008 Innovation Showcase will feature Oregon scientists and companies working towards the prevention, control and treatment of infectious disease. Starting at approximately 2:00 PM and continuing after the showcase, a poster session will highlight cutting edge research in infectious disease and immunology from four Oregon universities. Showcase Agenda: 2:00 Welcome Remarks Showcase Presentations by: Oregon Health & Science University Oregon State University Portland State University Company Presentations by: Najit Technologies, Inc. SIGA Technologies, Inc. DesignMedix LLC Flash Sensor Tech, Inc. 4:45-7:00 Poster Session and Reception Oregon wines & hors d'oeuvres served 2008-11-03 22:00:00http://www.ohsu.edu/tech-transfer/innovation_show2008.shtml2008-10-12 17:24:54 <;b2008-11-04 03:00:00be in town for Open Source Bridge and has graciously offered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday befo SSo1ԡ?%3333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-508&ԡK9733333RecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

      RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki.

      RCC is held over the course of three days, with participants welcome to come and go as they please. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon.
       2009-02-20 08:00:00http://2009rcc.org/2008-12-19 17:11:352008-12-20 08:21:17 =;bJr2009-02-22 08:00:00 _Gԡs;A3333OHF: What's in a Smile?http://www.healthforum.org2007-11-15 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 ԡG1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:402008-12-19 10:45:16 :;blJr2009-02-17 07:00:00ԡF1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-23 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:392008-12-19 10:44:19 :;blJr2008-12-23 07:00:00 qqDWAԡbsm3333OTBC: The 4 Practices of Effective Online Educationhttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-03-04 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-03-04 21:00:00ԡae13333OEN: How to Value Price Your Product/Servicehttp://www.oen.orԡEg3K333eMarketing Summit @ InnoTechThe two-day eMarketing Summit brings together marketers, business owners and internet professionals from throughout the Northwest. Now in its fifth year, the eMarketing Summit, a Special Event @ InnoTech, focuses on the strategies and concepts of eMarketing while demonstrating the latest tools and techniques used by the Northwest's top companies. Topics this year include successful social media case studies, search updates, online communities, lead generation, web analytics & more. 2009-04-22 16:00:00http://www.emarketingsummit.com2008-12-10 16:47:062008-12-10 16:47:06 92009-04-23 23:30:00 _eG ԡy5;3333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:ԡI1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:432008-12-19 10:45:01 :;blJr2009-01-20 07:00:00ԡH1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:412008-12-19 10:45:08 :;blJr2009-02-03 07:00:00 BcBJEzԡE3 3333DorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:002008-12-19 10:32:382008-12-19 10:44:26 ;s;blJr2008-12-29 01:00:00ԡD1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:002008-12-19 10:32:372008-12-19 10:45:36 :;blJr2009-03-17 06:00:00ԡC1M3333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-03 03:00:002008-12-19 10:32:362008-12-20 08:18:52 :;bl2009-03-03 07:00:00ce selection, and fair reporting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinar is presented by Mike Riley, President & Research Director, Riley Research Associates. Mike Riley's expertise is in both quantitative and qualitative methods of public and special audience opinion polling. Riley is adept at incorporating both primary and secondary information into the research process and analysis. He is a public relations research practitioner, accredited by the Public Relations Society of America (APR), and has been recognized by the Marketing Research Association with a Professional Researcher Certification (PRC). Details: Date and Time: Nov 19, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Purchase Non-member Price: $30.00 2008-11-19 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=402008-10-12 17:12:22 < 2008-11-19 19:00:00 ZZ>~nQm33CubeSpace, CԡgE=3333SCORE: Finding New Customershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-13 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:37;bձ2007-12-14 00:00:00ԡfA=3333SCORE: Sales for Beginnershttp://www.scorepdx.ԡBA-37333Calagator mini code sprintNOTICE: Unlike usual sprints, this would be at noon, not 10m, and at UGNW, not CubeSpace. I'd like to have a mini code sprint this weekend. Everyone is welcome, no programming experience required, although it'd be useful. UGNW is near the Streetcar, so getting there even in bad weather should work okay. We can talk about what we want to do with recurring events, the with_my_events branch, supporting multiple regions, supporting multiple instances, and supporting categories. We may even get some coding done too. :)2008-12-20 20:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-19 04:42:482008-12-19 04:42:48 ;g2008-12-21 00:00:00  Foods, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's discovery of a local hemp foods company in Vancouver, Canada in 2002, Christina put her passion for health and nutrition to the test, when she committed to bring hemp foods to the U.S.; promising the creation of a consumer friendly and approachable brand that would legitimize hemp along theU g3E33JqOEN PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 2OEN's Seed Oregon: The Road to Angel Oregon Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon 2009, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. The 2009 conference will be held at the Governor Hotel in Portland on March 12th. Nine presenting companie y M1$ ԡaG13333SAO: First Annual Brain Partyhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-30 00:3VԡA;W3y333Business Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR.2009-02-25 16:00:00http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/852588652008-12-18 23:45:442008-12-19 00:07:28 9;bU2009-02-27 00:00:00,ԡ@1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-06 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:092008-12-18 19:20:47 :;bl2009-01-06 07:00:00 1p18|O ?33- 'Banner Bank Pearl District Branchhttp://www.bannerbank.com2008-12-30 00:14:042009-09-07 19:53:40910 NW 10th Ave.PortlandOregon 97209US@F+$q^503-241-7805 {% % 331 Room 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)Room 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)2008-12-29 23:37:002009-01-07 19:29:46SW 4th and CollegePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^ ;rzK 533- Rogue Distillery & Public Househttp://www.rogue.com2008-12-29 01:36:482009-05-01 16:24:371339 NW FlandersPortlandOR97209US@FLWg2^$@x m933) %tbd loft856 nw bond street, suite 2, bend, oregon, 97701http://www.tbdloft.com2008-12-27 01:43:032008-12-27 01:43:03856 Nw Bond StBendOR97701US@Fhyk^T`541.388.7558 w1335American Red Cross2008-12-24 18:37:472008-12-24 18:37:473131 N Vancouver AvePortlandOregon97227US@Fз=^ ܭ;b^nd services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:39:05 :2009-05-14 18:00:00 MJ$0uE{33CEԡ\e3333New York: Strategic Investing in Health Carehttp://execfor,ԡ?1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-01-20 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:082008-12-18 19:20:28 :;bl2009-01-20 07:00:00,ԡ>1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-03 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:062008-12-18 19:20:07 :;bl2009-02-03 07:00:00s in total will be selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Interested in applying to present in the Seed Oregon Tournament? Visit our Seed Oregon page for details. Details: Date and Time: Nov 12, 2008 05:15 pm - 07:00 pm Location: 1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $15.00 Purchase Non-member Price: $25.00 Purchase OEN Member Fee to Present at Seed Oregon (includes one entry to PubTalk): $75.00 Purchase Non-Member Fee to present at Seed Oregon (includes one entry to PubTalk and one year Individual Membership to OEN): $174.002008-11-13 01:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=442008-10-12 17:09:43 :62008-11-13 03:00:00 o"o=$06of cրu={33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u ԡWK%3333SBA: Financing a Small Business503-326-26822007-11-15 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-15 20:30:00NԡV{3333Public Relations Society: Und,ԡ=1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-02-17 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:042008-12-18 19:19:52 :;bl2009-02-17 07:00:00Wԡ<I 39333[CANCELLED] DorkbotPDX MeetingCancelled due to our resistors being frozen to our transistors.2008-12-23 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:022008-12-22 16:31:34 :;bl2008-12-23 07:00:00 a href="http://opensourcebridge.org/">OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics. Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in application security, and is currently employed with Yahoo as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer, so there will be no shortage of interesting topics for tY ?E3333JpPortland Linux/Unix GroupPresentation will be "Introduction to OpenSource ERP using xTuple products" by John Mertlich2008-10-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2008-10-12 17:06:25 ;r2008-10-03 04:00:00nMg3#33JqLunch 2.0 at the New OTBC OfficeFor the first time, Portland Lunch 2.0 will happen in the 'burbs, Beaverton to be precise.

      The OTBC is moving into new space and partnering with the Beaver  :*u5{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 ԡR'73333AEA: HR eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-05 15:3ԡ;339333DorkbotPDX Open LabPNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR The open lab is a chance to bring your projects to a group setting. Collaborate, interact or just seek sanity (or insanity) as you try to solder that one last component. If you've been to the Arduino Cult Induction, this is your chance to get help on anything was still unclear. If you are working on something entirely of your own devising, this is a chance to bounce your ideas of others. Get help with your soldering technique or just hang out and bask in the geekdom of others. Bring tools and parts and throw something together. We'll be there and we want to see what you're working on.2008-12-28 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:37:012008-12-27 22:33:01 ;s;bl2008-12-29 01:00:00 ?Yv+YQ733/ Google Fremont Google's Fremont office in Seattle Wa.651 North 34th St Seattle Wa 98122http://www.google.com2008-12-23 23:03:522008-12-23 23:05:02651 North 34th StSeattle WA98122US@G)gVn^puC333McMenamins | Kennedy School2008-12-21 15:33:232008-12-21 22:00:385736 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211US@FAy^L ;bY ;t1337Lucky Lab Brew Pub2008-12-21 15:30:442009-01-22 02:05:27915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);bX ; s33Esouk2008-12-20 21:36:482009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž'ӻ^8wH;bV ?;r1 EI33+ Red and Black Cafe400 SE 12th Ave Portland, ORhttp://www.redandblackcafe.com2008-12-20 00:02:332009-01-12 04:31:44400 Se 12th AvePortlandOR97214US@F‹i;^  >Z yyatterns and attitude in both our personal and professional lives. Kathleen will share processes that allԡw;3C33Beer and Blog - Gain traffic from the social web with Brian ReederTHEME - Tonight we're going to explore how does one get traffic to their site from places like Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter, and more. Come join fellow Portland bloggers \ԡ+3q333OHSU Technology Commercialization Seminar: Reshaping Consumer Health Behavior Through Measur Ԅ ԡ3a333Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA): Bio on the Vine 2008Oregon Bioscience Association Bio On The Vine 2008 You are cordially invited to join OBA members for an evening of networking and libations. Aquariva 0470 SW Hamilton Court Date: November 13, 2008 Time: 6-9pm $35 OBA Members - $45 nonmembers Hors d'oeuvres and two drinks provided Space is limited 2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2008/2008-11-03 16:00:242009-09-02 23:43:24 @2008-11-14 05:00:00ton Round Executive Suites.

      So, to showcase their new digs and introduce Lunch 2.0 to the suburbs, the OTBC will be hosting Lunch 2.0 on January 14, 2009.

      The Beaverton Round is right on the MAX line about 20 minutes from Portland. Just jump off the Blue Line at the Beaverton Central stop, and you're 90 feet from the new OTBC office.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
      2009-01-14 20:00:00http://siliconflorist.com/2008/09/28/the-otbc-brings-lunch-20-to-the-burbs/2008-10-12 16:43:01 <;b2009-01-14 22:00:00 P:P2Jng movie palace full of wonder and surprises. For nearlyaԡ؁cԡ8C3M333Beer and Blog - Let it snowWeekly Portland blogger meet up where bloggers help bloggers over beers.2008-12-20 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2008-12-18 17:38:422008-12-18 17:38:42 ; 2008-12-20 02:00:00 ԡ71333Tweetup Happy HourWe miss the feeling of having our evenings triplebooked. This snowpocalypse has not given us the love we wanted, and if the white wall of death doesn't kill us, we'll be at Portland City Grill tomorrow evening for their happy hour.
       2008-12-19 00:30:002008-12-18 04:46:092008-12-18 19:23:21 ;;bTԡ6?%33333XPDX Conversation meetingMonthly, 3rd Friday meeting of the Extreme Programming user group conversation meeting to discuss all things Agile and Extreme Programming. 2008-12-19 21:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2008-12-17 01:07:512008-12-17 01:07:51 ;42008-12-19 23:30:00 Uh%ԡ<eC3333Portland Web Innovators: Community with Dawnhttp://www.pdxwi.com/events2007-12-06 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:31;bձ2007-12-06 05:00:00fԡ;;m3333SEMpdx networking eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000154&launch_pg_sp=true&title=Dec+2007+Networking2007-12-12 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:31;bձ2007-12-12 03:00:00_ԡ:-m3333SEMpdx: Hot Seathttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000154&launch_pg_sp=true&title=Dec+2007+Networking2008-01-08 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142_ԡ4[33333[Cancelled] PLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI Programming A Declarative Syntax Layer for Desktop Graphical User Inter 33ities for them to share their stories witJ'+3E33Jq OEN Swap MeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! When: August 28 Time: 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event. Details: Date and Time: Oct 23, 2008 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: 125 NW 5th Ave Portland, Oregon For Purchase: Registration: $0.002008-10-24 01:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=392008-10-12 16:31:13 :2008-10-24 02:00:00faces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getting in the way of rapid application development. FreeTUIT is a syntax and runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. This takes you from a blank page to a static demo of the layout with zero setup and allows desktop applications to be developed and deployed faster than web applications by simply removing the HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP, Javascript, Database, Network, and User Agent components.2008-12-18 03:00:00http://pdxlinux.org2008-12-16 06:38:382008-12-17 19:05:25 :2008-12-18 05:00:00 $$ nights to show their anYO)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. When: September 9th, 2008 4:00 pm Where: OTBC, Beaverton, in "The Round" Details: Date and Time: Nov 5, 2008 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: OTBC Beaverton, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $30.00 Purchase Non-member Price (includes a one-year Individual OEN membership): $129.00 Purchase 2008-05-11 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=432008-10-12 16:35:582008-11-06 03:00:00 MMf?6̀ԡLO13333ONE: Leadership Training Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-12-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-12-12 02:00:00ԡK=13333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3http://www.oen.org2008-01-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2008-01-10 04:00:00ԡJGG3333OTBC: Open House for Startupshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-11-29 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-11-29 02:00:00ԡI#g3333ACEC dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/upcoming_event,ԡ:1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2009-03-17 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-18 18:36:592008-12-18 19:18:57 :;bl2009-03-17 06:00:00 h4ԡ3e33333SAO: Enterprise Technology Employee Adoptionhttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-06 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-06 17:00$ԡ3==3-333Portland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-12-16 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:05:172009-09-14 19:23:39 <;bS2009-12-16 04:30:00 $$ only by the participants Y=13E33Jq OEN Webinar - Building Brands and Managing Reputations via Social Media, with Kent LewisDo you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you should, as your constituents are highly engaged in the Web 2.0 world via social media Web sites. Today's consumers rely on social media networks to find and develop a sense of identity, as well as research and validate the reputation of other individuals and businesses. Kent Lewis with Anvil Media will outline the why and how of developing a social media marketing strategy for your organization, including critical success factors, 7 steps to get started and how to measure effectiveness. Details: Date and Time: Oct 21, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Non-Member Price: $30.002008-10-21 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=372008-10-12 16:23:00 < 2008-10-21 18:00:00he JavaFX tools team. Joshua recently co-authored O'Reilly's Swing Hacks with Chris Adamson. He also contributes to SwingLabs and writes regularly for Java.net. Joshua holds a BS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and recently moved to Eugene, Oregon to be with his new wife. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-11-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:05:012009-11-16 18:32:30 <;bR2009-11-18 04:30:00 ;+_ԡ)aԡ0bԁԡ-3;3333IMA: Holiday Socialhttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-12-19 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007Fԡ2iU3-333Portland Java User Group: The Latest in JavaFXThis month's topic: The Latest in JavaFX Josh will catch us up on the latest JavaFX release, 1.2, which includes lots of improvements to make JavaFX better for real world apps (speed, more controls, charts and graphs). Josh will also give us a sneak preview of features coming in future versions of JavaFX, along with some great demo apps. ---------- Speaker: Joshua Marinacci Joshua Marinacci first tried Java in 1995 at the request of his favorite TA and never looked back. He has spent the last ten years writing Java user interfaces for wireless, web, and desktop platforms. After tiring of web programming with several large companies in the Atlanta area he joined Sun to work on Java user interfaces full-time, first on the Swing team, then NetBeans, and now on t nt opportunities in exciting companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech, bioscience, sustainability and more.
      This annual conference draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the western US who are interested in the emerging companies that the Northwest has to offer. Companies that have presented at Venture Oregon have raised over $1.3 billion in venture capital since 1996 and over $68 million in angel investment.*
      *Not all companies who presented had investments reported in Venture Source
      Interested in applying to present at Venture Northwest 2008? If so, then visit the Venture Northwest 2008 Application & Guidelines page for more information.
      2008-10-30 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/2008-10-12 16:18:02 <(;b֕2008-10-31 00:00:00 5y|mԡ&'7333AEA: HR eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b`nԡ%)7333AEA: CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-13 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:08;b`nԡ$)7333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-22 01:30ԡ=3333OHSU Innovation Showcase2008 Innovation Showcase Date - Monday, November 3 Time - ԋ<ԡ{3E333OEN Webinar - Quality Market Research on a Shoestring, with Mike Riley Mike Riley, with 30 years in the research industry, will walk through the essential elements of conducting accurate and credible market research. With research budgets tight (or non-existent), Riley will outline the elements necessary for conducting good research on the cheap. He will highlight the best methods for study design, audience selection, and fa *&Lr* ladder, an op akN; 333Jq;General & Team Meetings2008-11-26 03:00:002008-10-19 01:36:58 <;b2008-11-26 07:00:00.M[3y33Jq*Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings kL; 333Jq@General & Team Meetings2008-10-22 02:00:002008-10-18 23:49:49 <;b2008-10-22 06:00:00kK; 333Jq?General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:002008-10-18 23:49:48 <;b2008-10-29 06:00:00kJ; 333Jq>General & Team Meetings2008-11-05 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:47 <;b2008-11-05 07:00:00kI; 333Jq=General & Team Meetings2008-11-12 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:46 <;b2008-11-12 07:00:00kH; 333Jq<General & Team Meetings2008-11-19 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:45 <;b2008-11-19 07:00:00kG; 333Jq;General & Team Meetings2008-11-26 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:44 <;b2008-11-26 07:00:00kF; 333Jq:General & Team Meetings2008-12-03 03:00:002008-10-18 23:49:43 <;b2008-12-03 07:00:00 ((m and Q&A LOCATION Events are held in Building 38 of the Tektronix Beaverton campus unless otherwise noted (see map). COST CHIFOO members get in FREE Non-member admission is $5. (unless otherwise noted.) November 5, 2008 7:00 pm Nancy Frishberg Certified Innovation GameQԡk_3?333Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop: 2-Day EssentialsThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors to your website. Not only that, you will get the right visitors. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. $995, or $895 prior to July 7th2009-07-13 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:56:532009-05-25 16:56:53 ;2009-07-15 00:30:00 KPdԡhԡ^ԡbԡaԡ\ԡ!X:ԡ"s_3333SWHRMA: Getting your Employees Through the Holidayshttp://www.swhrma.org/ind@ԡ13-333Portland Java User Group: Java Performance, the Lifecycle ApproachThis month's topic: Java Performance, the Lifecycle Approach: The Game Has Changed Java Enterprise Performance Tuning typically is viewed as someone else's job. QA will do it. Operations will figure it out. Isn't the Dev guys supposed to find these things? But in fact it can and should be done across the lifecycle. We will explore this new concept and other topics such as: # GC diagnosis while under load # Is my Framework doing what I want? # Hello? Is this thing (caching) on? # Who's your daddy? (How do services really interact) ---------- Speaker: Joe Hoffman Joe Hoffman has been designing, building and debugging Enterprise Applications for over 25 yrs, the last 11yrs in Java. He currently specializes in resolving co ation will be 90 minutes. Lots of good information to be covered. If you know anyone else in the community who might benefit from this next meeting, please pass this newsletter along.

      Please note we are starting the meeting a little earlier to get things moving a little quicker.

      6:00 - 6:15
      Arrival and seating

      6:15 - 6:30
      Tips & Tricks:
      AJ VonWolfe will give a quick tip on creating graphical lower thirds

      6:30 - 8:00

      Jack Chavez will share his in-depth knowledge using Apple's Color. He will demonstrate his methods and workflow when using Color.

      Jack Chavez is a Creative Director and Producer at Intel Corporation where he has worked in-house for eight years. Jack was an early adopter of the software program that came to be known as Apple Color and has mostly recovered from the trauma of trying to finish high visibility videos with flaky beta software. mplex performance problems for large enterprise customers across the globe. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in Software Engineering but still has a blinking VCR clock. When not walking his dog, he can be found usually losing another game of racquetball. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-10-21 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:432009-10-20 22:13:38 <;bQ2009-10-21 03:30:00 e Portland technical community. We're mHԡf]_3=333Luz Code Camp (Ruby music visualization)Luz is a music visualization studio, written in the beautiful and expressive Ruby programming language. This Saԡ|qA3]333SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate Service Strategy w/ examCourse Dates: May 18-20, 2009 This 3-day course immerses learners in the overall concepts, processes, policies and methods associated with the Service Strategy phase of the Service Lifecycle. The course covers the management and control of the activities and techniques within the Service Strategy stage, but not the detail of each of the supporting processes. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #itil #otn2009-05-18 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401980/2009-04-09 17:32:032009-04-09 17:32:03 9;b2009-05-19 00:00:00n Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. Peak oil is the premise that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. Mr. Kaufmann will discuss evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent; alternative forms of energy; the likely impacts of peak oil on society; and possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufmann has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the Oregon Department of Energy for 25 years. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and the primary author of the report.2009-02-11 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/2009-01-31 16:38:302009-01-31 20:12:08 >;bל2009-02-11 02:00:00 n and solar rights ordinances. At various times he has managed the agency's Residential and Business Energy Tax Credit programs, public buildings programs, and new energy technologies efforts. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and wau EK3_33JuOpen Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge is hosting another town hall meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7 PM at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). As always, anyone interested in furthering the mission of Open Source Bridge is invited. We plan to share what we have accomplished so far and strategize together on completing the growing list of tasks to be accomplished in order to make this conference the stunning success we all want it to be. Please RSVP2009-04-22 02:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/get-involved/2009-04-14 17:56:38 92009-04-22 04:00:00 ago, who as a software engineer has been dabbling in code at places like Mentor Graphics and Synopsys, and now designs software for Vigilan in Wilsonville. In his massive spare time he is also a veterinarian, auctioneer, owner of Mock Crest Tavern, and teaches at PCC Sylvania. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-07-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:082009-07-21 18:35:31 <;bN2009-07-22 03:30:00 V8q9337University Place Hotel2008-12-19 17:11:332008-12-19 17:12:53310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^;b = p=33UOregon Convention Center2008-12-18 23:45:432008-12-18 23:46:27777 NE. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.PortlandOR97232US@Få^YD;bU 9som33PNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR2008-12-18 18:37:002008-12-18 19:26:09;bl ;s#n333]Portland City Grill2008-12-18 04:46:082008-12-18 19:23:21111 SW 5th Ave #3000, Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204US@F3^;R);bT ;{m9 wI33W 'Ambridge Event Center 1333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR http://www.ambridgeevents.com/2008-12-17 00:48:522009-09-07 19:51:141333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@F'1]^XO 503-239-9921 ^^'Xvention From The Expepԡf}=3 333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative XL}93w33Jp3 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN, the SAO and SCORE . About the Program In today's crowded technology marketplace, differentiating your 6KE-3w33JpSCORE Business Plan WorkshopEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group This full-day business plan development workshop is presented by SCORE. To RSVP and Register, click here to go to the SCORE website. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Monday, September 22 at 8:00 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8611730/2008-09-22 15:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8611730/2008-11-10 22:44:13 <;b֚2008-09-22 17:00:00 ||inable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by cr$ 5=3[33JuAgile Testing SeriesThis 3 day series of classes covers the essential principles and practices for testing software in an Agile context. It is structured as a series of 1-day classes so that you can take all three days, or just choose one or two. Please see the registration page or course description for more information. 2009-04-28 15:00:00http://www.qualitytree.com/classes/ats/2009-04-14 18:45:50 ;2009-05-01 00:00:00X A3s33JuPortland Python User GroupWhen: Tuesday, April 14th 2009, 7pm Where: CubeSpace What: * Short recap of PyCon * Planning of new pdxpython.org (yay!) * Hacking on the new pdxpython.org?? (double yay!?!) 2009-04-15 02:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-04-14 18:35:28 92009-04-15 03:00:00 &77I\o,>Qdw 2EWj}%| Knowing som|JyEvent{GJyEventzJyEventyJyEventxJyEventwJyEventvJyEventuGJyEventtJyEventsJyEvenuGJyEventvJyEventwJyEventxJyEventyJyEventzJyEvent{GJyEvent|JyEvent}JyEvent~JyEventBJyEventJyEventJyEvent JyEvent8JyEvent7JyEventJyEventJyEventJyEvent6JyEvent JyEvent JyEvent&BJyEvent'oJyEvent(CJyEvent)IJyEvent*JJyEvent+JyEvent, JyEvent-8JyEvent.7JyEvent/JyEvent0JyEvent1JyEvent2qJyEvent3JyEvent4BJyEvent5|JyEvent ring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions: # How does performance vary across JVM vendors? # How does performance vary across JVM versions? # How does performance vary across operating systems? # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements? # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance? # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming? There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome. Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids. ---------- Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com/ ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-06-17 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:03:522009-06-15 17:17:16 <;bM2009-06-17 03:30:00brandy, or taste the hints of maple, vanilla, and dark chocolate in sustainably harvested coffee. OMSI After Dark is an opportunity for the 21-and-over crowd to explore the museum in a child-free environment. Visitors will also be able to taste and learn the science behind food and beverage favorites with local artisans, such as Caffe Vita, Full Sail Brewing, and Clear Creek Distillery, and Moonstruck Chocolate. Appetizers and a cash bar will also be available for those who want more than just a taste! At 9:00 p.m., join us in the OMSI Planetarium for a special 45-minute laser show—Electrolyte! Check out brilliant laser imagery choreographed to music from the Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, Daft Punk, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, and more. Cost: $7.50. Tickets available at the door. Do your holiday shopping in the OMSI Science Store and enjoy a 10% discount during OMSI After Dark!2008-12-04 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/afterdark2008-12-02 13:57:352008-12-02 13:57:35 :W2008-12-04 06:00:00 0u}jWD2 ubO<)lYF3  u3pdx.rb NL JyEventKJyEventJ A/VenueI A/VenueHJyEventGJyEventFJyEventEJyEventDJyEventCJyEventBJyEventAJyEvent@JyEvent?JyEvent>7JyEvent=8JyEvent< JyEvent; A,Venue:JyEvent9JyEvent8JyEvent7JyEvent6JJyEvent5JyEvent4JyEvent3JyEvent2JyEvent1JyEvent0#JyEvent/JyEvent. JyEvent-JyEvent,JyEvent+JyEvent*JyEvent)JyzEvent'JyEvent&SJyEvent%JyEvent$JyEvent#RJyEvent"5JyEvent!JyEvent JyEventJyEventJyEvent5JyEvent A)Venue 0s{hUB/ q^K8%{hUC0 soutside on kJx\EventJx\EventNJx[EventJx[EventJx[EventNJxZEventJxZEventJxZEventNJxYEventJxYEvent JxYEvent JxXEvent JxXEvent QJxVEvent JxVEventJxSEventJxSEvent JxSEvent8JxSEvent7JxSEvent/JxREventEJxREventFJxREventIJxREventDJxREvent~GJxREvent}JxREvent|GJxREvent{CJxREventzSJxREventy/JxQEventxEJxQEventwFJxQEventvIJxQEventuDJxQEventtGJxQEventsJxQEventrGJxQEventqCJxQEventpSJxQEventoJxIEventnJx1EventmJx(EventlJx'EventkJx6EventjJxEventiJwEventhJuCEvent 5 l+337Kingstad Center2008-12-14 16:34:282008-12-18 19:23:1615450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97006US@F^2K;bE ;\k1331White Eagle Saloon2008-12-14 16:32:302008-12-14 16:32:30836 N. Russell St.PortlandOregon97227US@F8^:?;bD'j] 33A Intel, HF3-Auditorium, Hillsboro, Oregon2008-12-14 16:26:062009-12-10 19:31:485200 NE Elam Young ParkwayHillsboroOregon97124US@FñH^@);bC3i1 !G33) %The Someday Lounge125 NW 5thhttp://www.somedaylounge.com/2008-12-11 04:01:312008-12-12 20:05:20125 NW 5th AvePortlandOR97209US@F[^? o503 248 1030 :`hO33Life of Riley Tavern (downstairs)2008-12-10 22:27:152008-12-12 20:09:19 ; 1m}kYG4"ygTA. tbP=*merihFJyEventgJyEventfzJyEventeJyEventdJyEventc7JyEventb8JyEventa JyEvent`JyEvent_JyEvent^7JyEvent]8JyEvent\ JyEvent[mJyEventZ?JyEventYoJyEventXyJyEventUxJyEventRJyEventQJJyEventPJyEventObJyEventNVJyEventMJyEventLwJyEventKAJyEventJJyEventIVJyEventHJyEventGbJyEventFvJyEventEJyEventD;JyEventCJyEvent=mJy{Event;JywEvent:?JywEvent9 JywEvent8dJyvEvent7CJyvEvent6JyuEvent5JyuEvent47JyuEvent38JyuEvent GUGetimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as93333JpVenture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibrant and sustainable companies that are ripe for investment. Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is the premier forum for new and emerging investme (AC3Q33JpPortland Fashion Week 2008Welcome to Portland Fashion Week: Spring/Summer 2009 Collections. Several internationally known independent and eco labels from all over the country and the world are launching their upcoming season's collections from the bamboo-runway in the green building of 14 Square in the swanky Pearl District. After being the first sustainable production of a fashion week in the world in 2007, this year Portland Fashion Week continues its commitment to eco-responsibility and high-fashion. This event is benefiting Children's Cancer Association 2008-10-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandfashionweek.net2008-10-12 04:36:54 <2008-10-13 06:00:00 0u|iVC0 r`M:'|iVC0 utrial Psychol2 JyuEvent1JytEvent0JytEvent/ JytEvent.=JytEvent-uJytEvent,tJytEvent+sJysEvent*UJysEvent)JyrEvent(rJyrEvent'qJyrEvent&fJyrEvent%+JyrEvent$1JyrEvent#JyrEvent"JyrEvent!2JyrEvent `JyrEventpJyrEventoJyrEventnJyrEventJyrEventJyrEvent>JyrEventmJyrEvent5JyqEventlJyqEventkJyqEventJyqEventJyqEventeJyqEvent1JyqEventjJypEventiJypEventhJypEventgJypEvent JypEvent $JypEvent fJypEvent  JypEvent GJypEventeJyoEventdJyoEventcJyoEventJyoEventBJyoEventJy#Event dHԡhԡ^ԡbԡaԡ\ԡ!Xԡ"Sԡ$Pԡ%Qԡ'g \@ڿ_\-ԡ?Es3333SAO: Declarative Programminghttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_evenԡ&{e35333XPDX January: Lean Thinking for Agile Process EvolutionLean methods in software developm ԡ%=3-333Portland Java User GroupThis month's topic: "Simplify Java Web Development with Able"

      Patrick Lightbody will present his work on a new open source initiative named Able. Able is a combination of a library and quickstart template that aims to tightly integrate several modern Java frameworks: Hibernate (persistence), Stripes (web framework), Guice (core container), and DWR (AJAX). By taking advantage of libraries that embrace annotations and generics, Able simplifies Java web development and provides integration at several levels, including validation, transaction handling, and object lifecycle management.


      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

      Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-03-18 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:01:242009-03-11 21:48:05 <;bJ2009-03-18 03:00:00, under the overpass on Morrison would be ideal Enter the building from Morrison and go up the stairs Go up the freight elevator to the 7th floor, likely someone will be assisting the freight elevator operation Since there are only tech entrepreneurs all conversation can be open and honest. The agendas will be loose - basically we just want everyone to be able to talk about their issues with their peers. The candid dialogue will allow for collaboration in supporting each others companies. Sometimes we might have themes or guests but the evening will often self organize. Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg! Participants can also Request to join the Tech Entrepreneur ONLY Group on the Social Network where candid conversations and requests can be taken online. Contact Bryce Yonker with any questions. 2008-12-17 00:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/16/082008-12-15 18:01:322008-12-15 18:01:32 <2008-12-17 02:00:00 e creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Finding the place is pretty tough (kind-of like starting a tech company) Park close to the buildingvan Sean Sullivan is a software engineer specializing in mobile applications, web service development, and supply chain management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open source projects, including the OAuth Java library. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-08-19 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:04:192009-08-18 19:10:36 <;bO2009-08-19 03:30:00 e employees, full-time placement and custom project teams to a diverse client roster which includes: advertising agencies, design hz?53133JstSEEcamp planning v.22009-01-18 23:00:00http://seecamp.org2009-01-14 10:53:14 >Z;bm2009-01-19 01:00:00p=G_3?33JsWebsite Fundamentals OverviewThis 3 hour website overview is for people who want a website but don't know where to start. Get useful advice and tips before you begin the process. No coZ!/3i33Juiphone pdxI'll be there from 5-6:15 in case anyone wants to stop by and talk iphone stuff. 2009-04-15 00:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone?pli=12009-04-14 19:24:33 ; 2009-04-15 01:00:00:9[3c33JuHow to use Linkedin and Biznik to promote your business and automate your time on themHow to use Linkedin and Biznik to promote your business When: Tuesday April 21st 2009 6-8:30pm Where: 1562 Se Tacoma St. Portland or 97206 Cost: $75.00 RSVP: imagineyourreality@gmail.com or 503-869-0163 Lin 's ServiceUI project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to associate user interfaces to Jini services. Bill is also the lead developer and designer of ScalaTest, an open source testing tool for Scala and Java developers, and coauthor with Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon of the book, Programming in Scala. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:03:212009-05-17 00:25:04 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:0001-23 01:00:00 ala is a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus on the design choices of Scala, and what they mean for developer productivity. The talk will highlight what it means to program in a functional style, and show you how Scala facilitates a hybrid of functional and imperative programming styles. The talk will also explore how Scala compares to dynamic languages such as Ruby and Python. And you'll see examples of real, production Scala code that will illustrate what it feels like to program in Scala. Speaker: Bill Venners Bill Venners is president of Artima, Inc., publisher of Artima Developer (www.artima.com). He is author of the book, Inside the Java Virtual Machine, a programmer-oriented survey of the Java platform's architecture and internals. His popular columns in JavaWorld magazine covered Java internals, object-oriented design, and Jini. Active in the Jini Community since its inception, Bill led the Jini Community CE%ԡSK]3333SWHRMA: Ethical Decision Makinghttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2008-01-08 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13Qԡ,gm3-333Portland Java User Group: The Feel of ScalaThis month's topic: The Feel of Scala Sc 1ԡ+ 3-333Portland Java User Group: Sexier Software with Flex and JavaThis month's topic: Sexier <ԡ*w33-333Portland Java User Group: OAuth and REST Web ServicesThis month's topic: OAuth and REST Web Services

      Join us for a conversation about web service programming. We'll discuss OAuth, an open protocol for secure API authorization, and Restlet, a REST web service framework. Additionally, we'll look at the OAuth Java API and demonstrate how to use OAuth in an Android application.

      Speaker: Sean Sullivan

      Sean Sullivan is a software engineer specializing in mobile applications, web service development, and suppl rl, HTML, and JavaScript in the mid 90's; then Java and many of it's frameworks beginning in the late 90's. Today he primarily uses Flex to build beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends. Prior to Adobe, James built a rich marketing and customer service portal for Pillar Data Systems. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 22:02:532009-04-20 18:01:22 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:001:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-19 20:00:00 Vz7n+bV@Z-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:282009-01-07 10:32:28@Y-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:262009-01-07 10:32:26@X-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:242009-01-07 10:32:24@W-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:212009-01-07 10:32:21@V-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:192009-01-07 10:32:19@U-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:182009-01-07 10:32:18@T-33;bdcreated 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:522009-01-06 10:32:52@S-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:512009-01-06 10:32:51@R-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:492009-01-06 10:32:49@Q-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:462009-01-06 10:32:46@P-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:432009-01-06 10:32:43@O-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:402009-01-06 10:32:40@N-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:362009-01-06 10:32:36@M-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:342009-01-06 10:32:34 I!ԡRwO333Suceeding in International BusineqԡB-+3i333Ignite CorvallisI hope you'll join us for Ignite Corvallis in November at High Tech After Hours.

      Ignite Corvallis
      Thursday, November 13th, 2-3pm
      CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (Across from Reser Stadium)

      NOTE: Submission deadline for presentation proposals is Tuesday, November 4th.

      email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

      Ignite is coming to Corvallis! Share burning ideas.

      If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Ar dvԡAsK3 333The semi-un-not-so-official Wordpress Upgrade PartyWe saw the demo at WordCamp, now lets get together for the grand launch of WordPress 2.7!
      2008-11-11 01:00:002008-10-28 16:56:282008-10-28 16:56:46 9;b2008-11-11 05:00:00 Software with Flex and Java Outline: Intro to Rich Internet Applications # RIA as the next generation of Software # Back to the Client-Server Model # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform Intro to building software with Flex # What is Flex? # Open Source SDK # ActionScript & MXML Languages # Components # How do you use Flex? # Compiler # Debugging Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration) # Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File) # Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP) # Pub/Sub Messaging # Spring Integration ---------- Speaker: James Ward James is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301. Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endless new discoveries, elegant workarounds, summits and valleys. His adventures in climbing have taken him many places. Likewise, technology has brought him many adventures, including: Pascal and Assembly back in the early 90's; Pede range skills and professions that make the Internet work. This eclectic understanding and his desire to shine the light on those hiding behind techno babble has frequently brought success to projects with limited resources. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, September 16 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8518331/2008-09-16 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8518331/2008-11-10 22:44:14 <;b֨2008-09-16 20:30:00 44m*ԡ KG3333Keiretsu Forum Portland Kickoffhttp://www.keiretsuforum.com/2008-01-11 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-11 19:30:00?ԡew3333MIT Enterprise Forum: Are You Ready for IPO?http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7023748/2008-01-25 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-25 02:00:00hԡ3333GOSCON2008-10-21 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձJo2008-10-22 00:00:00hԡ3333GOSCON2008-10-22 16:00:002008-05-=ԡ/cI3-333Portland Java User Group: Google App EngineThis month's topic: Google App Engine Google App Engine lets you run your web applications in Google's datacenters. This presentation will focus on App Engine's Java runtime. We'll cover developer tools, the datastore, and core platform services. In addition, we'll discuss how to call third party web services from within the App Engine environment. ---------- Speaker: Sean Sulli OpenSymphony WebWork and Apache Struts. He is also the founder of OpenQA, an open source group dedicated to bringing quality open source testing tools to the market. Patrick is a published author and an established leader in the Enterprise Java community.


      PJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away swag.

      It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

      Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      Twitter: @pjug
      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
       2008-12-17 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-12-15 20:05:282008-12-15 20:05:28 <;bF2008-12-17 04:00:00 0z}jWD1 ubO<)mZH6$zfessionals that haJyjEventbJynEventGJynEventJynEvent~JynEvent}kJynEvent|JymEventx`JykEventwAJykEventvVJykEventu]JykEventt_JykEvents_JykEventr5JyjEventq^JyjEventp]JyjEvento\JyjEventn]JyjEventm.JyjEventl[JyjEventkhJyjEventj}JyjEventiVJyjEventhGJyjEventgZJyjEventfYJyfEventeJyfEventdJyfEventcjJyeEventbJyeEventaJyeEvent`JyeEvent_XJydEvent^WJydEvent]VJydEvent\JydEvent[JydEventXUJy^EventW~Jy^EventV8Jy^EventUQJy^EventTJy^EventSJy^EventRRJy^EventQSJy^EventPJy^EventOMJy^EventNU AVenue />
      If you want to do some reading in advance, here are some relevant links:

      Able: http://code.google.com/p/able
      Hibernate: http://www.hibernate.org
      Stripes: http://www.stripesframework.org
      Guice: http://code.google.com/p/google-guice
      DWR: http://directwebremoting.org

      Speaker: Patrick Lightbody is the founder of BrowserMob, a new on-demand load testing product that uses real web browsers. Patrick is also the Managing Director of OpenSymphony Group, a non-profit open source group dedicated to the creation of high quality, open source Java-based components. Recently, Patrick oversaw a rare occurrence in the open source world: a merger of two competing projects, 0|~kXE2 xeR?,o\I6$|formation using code7JySEvent8JySEvent JySEvent =Venue =VenuePJyLEventJyLEventPJyDEventJyDEventPJyGEventJyGEventLJyREventKJyREventJJyQEventIJyQEventHJyQEvent GJyQEvent FJyQEvent EJyPEvent DJyPEvent bJyPEventJyPEventJyOEventCJyOEventJyOEventBJyOEventAJyOEventoJyOEventBJyOEventJy*Event@JyNEvent~>JyNEvent|}JyMEvent{=JyMEventzJyMEventuJyCEventt
      Join us January 22nd for the 2-day Essentials, January 28th for the 3-day Advanced or al = 0p{hUB/ q^K8%zgTA.pe IngenuM~ AVenueLT AVenueKS AVenueJU AVenueI~ AVenueHT AVenueGS AVenueFJy]EventERJy]EventDQJy]EventCJy]EventBPJy]EventAOJy]Event@NJy]Event?/Jy]Event>MJy]Event=/Jy\Event<EJy\Event;FJy\Event:IJy\Event9DJy\Event8GJy\Event7Jy\Event6GJy\Event5CJy\Event4SJy\Event3/Jy[Event2EJy[Event1FJy[Event0IJy[Event/DJy[Event.GJy[Event-Jy[Event,GJy[Event+CJy[Event*SJy[Event)/JyZEvent(EJyZEvent'FJyZEvent&IJyZEvent%DJyZEvent$GJyZEvent#JyZEvent"GJyZEvent!CJyZEvent SJyZEventJySEventJySEvent 0v|iVD1 taN;)lYF3  vat Wallace ParheJy?EventgJy?EventfJy2Evente?Jy2Eventdt @|VenuecJy(EventbJy(EventaJy(Event`Jy%Event_;Jy'Event^http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s). Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-14 16:26:062008-12-17 19:30:14 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00 iԡ"?3 333Wherecamp monthly meetingThe continuing saga of Wherecamp - pondering the geospatial web.. and beyond.
       2009-01-23 03:00:002008-12-14 16:32:302009-01-21 19:58:08 =;bD2009-01-23 04:00:00#ԡ!=3W333[Postponed] Global Technology Trends Presentations and Networking[Postponed. See http://eth0.cpq066.bea1.oen.easystreet.com/blogs/oen/2008/12/17/fyi-postp ˃ԡ UM3]333(CANCELED - see Upcoming) iPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those sexy applications you've been working on.
       2008-12-16 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2008-12-14 16:23:112008-12-15 21:59:46 ; ;bB2008-12-16 04:00:00ewable energy students; view labs and student projects * Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology: Meet Drs. Wolf and Peter; view labs and projects * Information Technology, Health Informatics: Meet Professors Grant Kirby and Michael Kirshner; meet students and learn about emerging occupations * Software Engineering Technology: Meet Professor Jay Bockelman and students; view projects Oregon Renewable Energy Center and OIT’s Pre-College Programs: Meet Tom Chester, OREC Director, and Gayle Yamasaki, Director of Pre-college programs, as they showcase how OIT is helping businesses and communities apply renewable technologies and prepare the future green workforce Learn more about green jobs and green technology education in Oregon – with a university presence right in your district. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP. 2008-12-12 23:00:00http://www.oit.edu/Default.aspx?DN=c9bf3d37-4a8b-473e-acad-3f2b052f8dc92008-11-23 15:43:442008-11-23 15:43:44 =2008-12-13 01:00:00 ))ts to assure that our applications work reliably. But how often do we test the database underlying our applications? Given that the database, as the repository for all of the knowledge and data for an application, just might be the 6y!3w33JsHOTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garage MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) When: noon to 1pm Price: $10 if paid by the day before; $15 at the door Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 SyM#3;33JuGSlate Technologies Grand OpeningWe are opening our doors for business, and would love to share it with you.2009-04-18 00:00:00http://Slatetechpdx.com2009-03-27 23:29:57 ?2009-04-18 04:00:00 g(ԡgm333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Web Advertisinghttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-01-29 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b`,ԡom333OTBC/OENiԡ{o39333Galois Tech Talk: The Future of Cabal (Haskell package management)Duncan Coutts, from Well-Typed (http://well-typed.com), will be giving a tech talk tomorrow about the technical direction of Cabal, Haskell package infrastructure, and the problems of managing very large amounts of Haskell code. ... TITLE: The Future of Cabal -- "A language for build systems" and "Constraint solving problems in package deployment" SPEAKER: Duncan Coutts, Well-Typed, LLP DATE: Tuesday, Oct 7, 2008 10.30am LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Port рU(ـtԡaK3w333Introduction to Venture CapitalEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Venture Capital About the Program This program will provide an overview of the process of raising venture capital, from preparation through term sheet, due diligence, and the legal documents. If you haven't raised venture capital before, and would like an overview of how it works, this program is for you! About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Mr. Morris has helped several companies close investments and has himself closed multiple rounds of venture capital funding. Brought to you By: This Lunch and Learn event is being presented join @ower information technology - especially for its new line of Atom microprocessors through the moblin.org Linux project - virtualization, graphics, system manageability in organizations, and delivering on the promise of high-performance parallel processing on multicore microprocessors.

      In addition to the Open Source Technology Center in Hillsboro, Oregon, Intel has China-based open source technology centers in Beijing and Shanghai as part of its Intel China Software Center.

      Cost:$20 members (CBN or SAO); $30 non-members; $15 students; $5 extra if late registration.2008-12-03 20:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/081203cbn.htm2008-11-22 07:26:222008-11-22 23:31:30 92008-12-03 21:30:00 software in Chinese technology, as well as what's different and what's the same about open source in China and the West. It also will provide some insights into Intel's focus in open source and China.

      Dirk is Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel, which he joined in 2001. Dirk has been an active contributor to Linux since 1991. Prior to his work at Intel, he was CTO of SuSE Linux AG, a driver of the XFree86 project, and Unix Architect at Deutsche Bank. Dirk has a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Würzburg, Germany.

      Intel, the world's largest microprocessor company, is a driver of open source development to accelerate adoption and end user benefits from Intel products. Intel's current focus includes open source projects in areas such as wireless and low-p 0||iVC0 r_L:'n[H5#|roduct / company is  ?Venue ?Venue ?VenueJvREventjJvTEventJvTEvent ?VenueJvREventJvREvent~ JvREvent}JvQEvent|JvQEvent{JvQEventzJvQEventx=JvPEventwmJvOEventvJvOEventuJvNEventt?JvLEvents/JvLEventrJvLEventqJvLEventpJvLEventoJvLEventn?JvKEventm/JvKEventlJvKEventkJvKEventjJvKEventiJvKEventhJvJEventa ?Venue` ?Venue_)JvHEvent^JvHEvent]JvHEvent\JvHEvent[JvHEventZJvHEventYJvHEventXJvHEventVJvFEventUJvFEventTJvFEventS=JvFEventRJvFEventQJvCEventPJvCEvent utreach programs in La Grande and Seattle. OIT was the first university to offer a renewable energy engineering degree program in North America, and is the home of the Oregon Renewable Energy Center (established by the legislature in 2001) and the Geo-Heat Center (established in 1974). Invited Guests: Legislators, Governor’s Office, Business and Education Partners Speakers and Events: 3 – 3:15 Steve Pawlowski, ETIC Member and OIT Alumnus Introduction of legislators, dignitaries and business partners 3:15 – 3:45 OIT President Chris Maples shares his vision for OIT’s future and the impact of ETIC investments 3:45 – 4 Q&A with media and legislators 4 – 5 Concurrent Sessions and Open House * John Lund on Geothermal Energy: How does it work and what’s its potential in Oregon - Presentation and discussion * Electrical Engineering & Renewable Energy: Meet Dr. Robert Bass, Program Director of Renewable Energy Engineering; Dr. Mateo, Chair of EERE; Prof. Tom White and rened by students or experts in our site lab and join in an interactive session with some of today's technology providers. The day will conclude with an interactive brainstorming and catered networking event, co-sponsored by the SAO IPsig and SEMpdx, Portland interactive associations. Take advantage of the tremendous resources available through Portland's interactive community. Can't make the conference but want to network with other Internet marketing professionals and the conference speakers? Join us for the party from 6:00 to 8:00 for food, beverages, conversation and a live band. The Site Lab will stay open from 6:00 to 7:00 if you want a mini review of your site by an expert. Space is limited so register today. $10 advance registration, $15 at the door. 2008-12-08 20:00:00http://www.peopleware.net/index.cfm?siteCode=1343&event=WM200&subeventDisp=408&CFID=20985484&CFTOKEN=32944f3-bd6fde76-dd5a-4160-a64d-4f2efaa41d8f2008-11-23 15:33:292008-12-01 22:30:31 =2008-12-09 03:00:00bկ2008-03-30 02:00:00 Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive professionals for this half-day conference plus evening event focused on Internet Marketing. We will cover beginner to advanced topics in Web strategies, analytics, ecommerce and SEO fundamentals, site development techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come from the Portland-area interactive community of consultants and agencies, including instructors in the Internet Strategy workshop series. Whether you are a beginner and need to understand and interact with your online customers or a marketing professional who wants to hear the latest trends in SEO, and social media marketing, several tracks will allow you to learn at your own pace. Have your site review :a-H:g%339OpenSourcery2008-12-10 20:50:232008-12-10 20:50:231636 NW Lovejoy StreetPortlandOregon97209US@F֕j^ -M;b?}f% 33' Peacock Lane2008-12-10 20:44:062008-12-10 20:44:38SE Peacock LnPortlandOregon97214US@FL@Jr^ʫ\;b>_e9 uC331 %Food Innovation Center1207 NW Naito Parkway Suite 154, Portland, OR 97209 http://fic.oregonstate.edu/2008-12-09 14:16:492008-12-09 14:16:491207 Nw Naito PkwyPortlandOR97209US@F#^s503-872-6680 d?33IPortland State University2008-12-08 23:42:442008-12-12 20:07:171515 SW 5th Avenue, 10th FloorPortlandOregon97204;b= =c!33u-!Oregon Zoo2008-12-08 21:37:182008-12-08 21:38:13five minutes west of downtown Portland on Highway 26Portland, OregonWashington;b8 :$b;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-12-08 21:36:182008-12-08 21:38:07915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);b7 ;  Dwho wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative ofhA3g3933JuqSECP's Event May 21, 2009 | Striving To Thriving: Sustainable Marketing ResolutionsSECP H0@ 3933JupSECP's Quarterly Workshop | WordPress Websites & Blog Boot CampIn this half-day workshop, WordPress expert Brandie Kajino, The Home Office Organizer, will guide participants through a hands-on expedition of the basics of this powerful tool that’s perfect for service providers, consultants, and small business owners who want to develop their on-line presence and build relationships with potential customers. In 0v{hVC0 taN;(}jWD2  vses that all;JxEvent:JxEvent9JxEvent42JxEvent3JxEvent2JxEvent1JxEvent0JxEvent/FJxEvent.JxEvent-PJxEvent,JxEvent+JxEvent*JxEvent)JxEvent(JxEvent'JxEvent&JxEvent%JxEventJxEvent JxEventUJxEvent;JxEvent,r_M:(l t JxEventcJxEventTJxEventJxEvent~JxEvent}JxEvent| JxEvent{JxEventzJxEventyMJxEventx JxEventw# >TVenuev >TVenueuJxEventt;JxEvents Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing glat Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog is like a networking event based around a group work session. Not only does it bring together talented folks that each bring a unique offering to the group, but it’s also a set social event that prompts us to do the updates we say we’re going to do.

      This is the second Beer and Blog for Corvallis so it'll probably be another free form social gathering, but feel free to blog while you're there! They have free wifi and we'll make sure to bring enough power strips. We'll be upstairs near the back (west end). See you there!

      -Lance (@ramereth)
       2008-12-18 01:00:00http://corvallis.beerandblog.com2008-12-11 16:48:582008-12-17 18:10:21 =;b@2008-12-18 03:00:00Jack believes the future looks bright for Color and he is an enthusiastic user.

      He got started in production shooting 8mm film shorts as a child, and after a great many twists and turns was surprised one day to find himself starting a fledgling video production company: Image Works. Yes, those jerks at Sony stole the name, but he holds no grudges. Five years later he was hired by his biggest customer, Intel, and he has been trying to get out of meetings ever since. (this is AJ’s description I cannot take credit for the humor)

      8:00 - 8:10

      8:10 - 8:25
      Show & Tell:
      An incredible showing and discussion regarding someone's talented creation TBD.

      Announcements & the ever popular RAFFLE:
      “Color: Correcting & Grading in FCS” –Apple Pro Training Series
      1 pair of Skullcandy ink'd headphones
      2008-11-06 02:00:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/index.html2008-10-28 20:43:25;b2008-11-06 04:30:00ach artist has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place for the person who comes after them, who draws 8 more frames and leaves their last one... repeat all evening. Anyone can participate- artists, animators, people who want to experiment. And people are welcome to attend just to drink and watch the action. The Someday Lounge is 21+ and non-smoking, with food and drinks available for purchase. This event is free to Cascade SIGGRAPH and Northwest ASIFA members- non-members pay $5 at the door. For more information about how it works, visit www.drinkinganddrawing.org. To see the movies we made last year, visit http://cascadesiggraph.org/eventspast.html#Jan_23_2008. To keep in touch with this event, follow @DrinknDrawPDX on twitter. 2009-01-15 02:00:00http://www.drinkinganddrawing.org2008-12-11 04:01:332008-12-12 20:05:19 :2009-01-15 05:00:00e.com/group/pdxwiki?hl=en2008-02-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-07 03:30:00 0y}jWD1 ubO<*mZG5"y Analytics Demystk9JxEventj:JxEventi7JxEventh8JxEventg JxEventfJxEvente2JxEventdJxEventcJxEventbZJxEventa~JxEvent`SJxEvent_RJxEvent^aJxEvent]`JxEvent\_JxEvent[^JxEventZ]JxEventYMJxEventXJxEventW5JxEventViJxEventU!JxEventT!JxEventSJxEventR,JxEventQJxEventPJxEventOJxEventNJxEventM JxEventLJxEventKBJxEventJRJxEventIJxEventHJxEventGSJxEventFJxEventEJxEventDJxEventCJxEventBJxEventA2JxEvent@JxEvent?JxEvent>JxEvent=JxEvent<2JxEvently gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland. How It Works It’s simple. When you arrive, you’ll get a sticker to wear. Venture forth, find another sticker-wearer and offer them a drink. That’s the trick: you can’t just drink your own, that just wouldn’t be social. It’s a great way to break the ice. Come join us downstairs at the Life of Riley tavern. There's no charge to come spend a few hours with your fellow creatives, but in the spirit of the season, we'd encourage you to bring along a canned good donation and wear your best, bad, holiday sweater.2008-12-10 23:00:00http://www.portland.aiga.org/events/2008/12/247745692008-12-10 22:50:302008-12-10 22:50:30 ;2008-12-11 00:00:00efing503-326-2682 2008-02-21 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-21 20:30:00 | PԡuC%3333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802008-02-28 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-28 05:30:003ԡtkY3333ԡCO3Q333BarCampPortland III (day 1)May 1: 6pm - 10pm May 2: 9am - 10pm RSVP at Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14359242009-05-02 01:00:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2008-12-12 17:53:252009-04-30 06:36:44 9;bA2009-05-02 05:00:00ԡiK3M333[Cancelled] Corvallis Beer and Blog (12/17/08)Beer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from 5pm until at least 7pm ̇zԡ5W3O333Drinking and DrawingDrinking and Drawing is an evening of collaborative animation. E Έԡc3u333dMob December - Bad Holiday Sweater edition"Can I buy you a drink?" This is our month ~ԡK 3 333dMob - Portland AIGA Networking2008-12-10 23:00:002008-12-10 22:27:162008-12-12 20:09:19 ;2008-12-11 00:00:00 ||Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. 0iM3Q33JpCubeSpace's Second Birthday Party & Open HouseMark your calendars: on Thursday, October 16, CubeSpace marks our second birthday! What does this mean for you? A community-wide open house, with delicious food, great company, and some fun and games to boot. Current, former, and future members of CubeSpace are all invited, as are general well-wishers, curious onlookers, and newsletter devotees (hey, I can dream, right?). The festivities will be happening from 4 to 8 p.m., so drop by and help us ring in Year Number Three!2008-10-16 23:00:00http://www.cubeSpacePDX.com/events2008-10-16 04:42:04 92008-10-17 03:00:00 =75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a World of Windowshttp://www.occa.org/2007-09-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18Xԡ/O3333AeA: Going GreenHuman Resources Networking Event Date: Oct 28, 2008 Going Green Going Green is one of the hottest topics in business today. It is not just good for the environment, Going Green is good _ԡ6mS3]333Young Professionals of Portland networking eventLast Tuesday April Event Summary: Described by Barfly.com as the "Best Tasting Happy Hour deal in the NW", Candy offers $3 full size pizzas and natural beef burgers. Our happy hour burgers are absolutely perfect with the accompanying tempura green bean fries. Enjoy one of many delicious dessert themed cocktails and/or indulge in a delightful house made dessert. 5:30pm to 8:00pm2009-04-29 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2496632/2009-04-28 06:29:592009-04-28 06:29:59 ?;b02009-04-29 03:00:00 1 vԡh[3333Lunch 2.0http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416833/2008-02-27 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-|ԡ/A333Peacock Geek WalkPlume your feathers and do the Peacock walk with us.

      This Sunday, The Lights on Peacock Lane has banned cars from Peacock Lane. This one-night-only event is the perfect opportunity to stroll the Lane and view the lights unobscured by minivans and untainted by carbon monoxide.

      The scoop: Meet up at the corner of SE Peacock Ln & Belmont @ 6:30. Wear your mittens and walking shoes.

      ** We'll be heading over to Kinta Restaurant (Malaysian, 35th & Belmont) for dinner afterword. Leave a comment if you plan to have dinner with us so we know how much table to reserve.
       2008-12-15 02:30:002008-12-10 20:44:072008-12-10 20:44:07 =;b> 1p|iVC0 vcP>,tbP>,p$Jy Event#Jy Event"+Jy Event!:Jy Event Jy EventJy Event*Jy EventJyEventVJyEventJyEvent?JyEvent JyEvent?JyEvent JyEventJyEvent\JyEventJyEvent[JyEventJyEvent)JyEventoJyEvent JyEvent BJyEvent JyEventJyEvent` 9Venue' 9Venuet @pVenue' @Venue` @Venue&JxEventBJxEventJxEvent~JxEvent}|JxEventyJxEventxaJxEventw`JxEventv_JxEventu^JxEventt]JxEventsMJxEventr%JxEventq$JxEventp#JxEvento3JxEventn"JxEventm;JxEventlOpenSourcery set to host the eleventh iteration.

      Did you know they're in a new space now?

      To showcase the new digs, they're graciously opening their doors on March 11, 2009. I know it's a long time from now, but free lunch is worth the advance planning.

      Here's the standard boilerplate:
      You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      Oh, and it's free, if that matters to you.
       2009-03-11 19:00:002008-12-10 20:50:242008-12-10 20:50:24 =;b?2009-03-11 21:00:00icer at Synkro Motive LLC Mr. Bakken has over 20 years of management, start-up, operations, and sales & marketing experience. His industry experience ranges from specialty chemicals, biotechnology, the baking industry, and start-up consulting. Mr. Bakken set up Asian operations in Singapore and from that base built an overseas sales organization from the ground up for Buckman Laboratories, a leading international specialty chemical manufacturer. Ultimately Mr. Bakken served as the Division Manager for East Asia. Upon returning home, Mr. Bakken was presented with the challenge of growing micro algae in Oregon by an investment group. He was instrumental in securing investor funding and built the infrastructure and technical and production team that transformed the idea into a reality. Mr. Bakken then went on to be a key player in the vertical integration of a national baking mix R&D firm that lead to its acquisition by Cargill. A consulting position introduced Mr. Bakken to the green and renewable energy sespite cloudy days and rainy weather, solar energy can be a smart choice for homes and businesses in Oregon. Come learn about the latest in solar technologies and what could work best for you: Solar electricity generation? Solar water heating? Passive solar design? We'll discuss how to take advantage of financial incentives and what to look for when choosing a contractor. This Science Pub will prepare you to take any of Solar Oregon's in-depth workshops, to do more focused research on your own, and even to start working with a contractor.

      Stuart Green is a solar educator, engineer, and renewable energy researcher. He is program and events director at Solar Oregon, a local nonprofit that provides solar outreach and education to Oregonians.

      doors open at 6 PM
      2008-07-01 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/index.cfm2009-04-14 21:01:19 <;b2008-07-01 03:00:00Jssouk's birthday2009-01-05 08:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2009-01-14 10:32:49 ;b;bW [[ ԡ?Ss3E333Professional Technology Career FairProfessional Technology Career Fair Sponsored by: Software Association of Oregon - IEEE - OHSU - Pacific NW Tech When: Thursday, February 19, 2009, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Where: OHSU School of Science and Engineering Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Road Beaverton, OR 97006 This career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced prof,ԡ053s333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. 2009-08-07 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-08-06 18:12:342009-08-06 18:12:34 ; 2009-08-07 05:00:003ԡ/713c333WK Portland IncubatorWieden + Kennedy launches Portland Incubator Experiment. [ This !PԡEs333SAO: Declarative Programminghttps://db.sao.org/cdԡWE3 333Breakfast Tweetup/Shizzup at Fuller'sThe Portland community is one of the highest-ranked communities on Twitter. Those of us who've used the service have vastly expanded our connections, friendships, and experiences. However a lot of Portland Tech events happen in the evening.

      So we're going to mix it up a little with this event. Because sometimesthe company of a bunch of brilliant people is just the key to starting off the day right.

      Feel free to show up at 9:30Am at Fuller's, but please RSVP beforehand so we don't clog the entirety of the restaurant (although this could be awesome).

      See you there! If not, there will be future events like this. Portland is known for its breakfast establishments.
      2008-10-09 16:30:002008-10-09 10:00:122008-10-09 17:23:59 <;b2008-10-09 17:30:00 and sometimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as a wide variety of organizations share what they do and why they do it. Printable Keep Portland Weird flyer (pdf) Performances First floor, U.S. Bank Room * Space is limited. Free tickets for seating will be available at the Keep Portland Weird Information Table (near the Welcome Desk) 30 minutes prior to each program. * Circus Cascadia, circus skills for kids, 11 a.m.–noon Before you run away with the circus, you might need to be able to juggle, plate spin or perform with Chinese ribbons. Gain some circus skills in this workshop with Circus Cascadia. * Klezmocracy, performance, 1–2 p.m. The freewheeling musical combo Klezmocracy leaves few musical stones unturned. This eclectic group of professionals has pooled their many years of musical experience and are cooking up an Afro-Hebrew musical stew seasoned with Latin, Jazz, Cabaret, Rock and Klezmer. * Portland Ukulele Association, ukulele lesson , 3–4 p.m. PUA is dedicated to the fun and fellowship of ukulele playing. Join us for a free lesson; No ukulele? No problem! Ukulele's will be provided (while supplies last). Lessons, demos and information tables First floor * Chess for Success Chess for success is a non-profit organization that helps economically disadvantaged children learn useful life skills through the game of chess. * PDXSwap - childrens clothing, Story Theater, Children's Library, 12:30-4 Recycle your still wearable clothing with PDXSwap, a group of women in the Portland Metro area who get together on a regular basis for a clothing swap! Kids clothes swaps too! * Kumoricon, lobby The folks at Kumoricon run Oregon's largest anime convention and are dedicated to all things involving Japanese animation including manga, cosplay (costume play) and gaming. * Portland Area Robotics Society, lobby PARTS is a nonprofit dedicated to those interested in learning about and building  G; YZ! SE33+7%Crown Room205 NW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.thecrownroom.net/2008-11-28 21:10:482009-02-20 17:18:18205 NW 4th Ave.PortlandOregon97209US@F*Ϸb^/finfo@thecrownroom.net503-222-6655Y9337'University Place Hotel2008-11-28 18:34:412008-11-28 18:34:41310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201United States@F$tT^Q;b+XK33+Blitz bar in the Pearl District2008-11-27 15:29:302008-11-28 01:15:03110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F-^ ;b( ;yW)33TBD - Portland2008-11-26 16:46:312008-11-26 17:14:07PortlandPortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z;b' :AV 5339 %PNCAhttp://www.pnca.edu/2008-11-25 23:15:552008-11-26 16:29:491241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOR97209503.226.4391 ;s3U  331 K&L Gates222 SW Columbia Street, Suite 1400, Portland, OR 97201-66322008-11-24 22:13:262008-11-24 22:13:26222 Sw Columbia StPortlandOR97201US@FUI^X 0z|iVD2  vdQ>+o\I6$zunded in 2006 throQJxEventPJxEventOJxEventNJxEventMJxEventLJxEventK5JxEventJ}JxEventIJxEventHVJxEventGJxEventFJxEventEJxEventDJxEventCJxEventBxJxEventAoJxEvent@BJxEvent?aJxEvent>`JxEvent=_JxEvent<^JxEvent;]JxEvent:MJxEvent9JxEvent8JxEvent7jJxEvent6JxEvent5FJxEvent4|JxEvent3JxEvent2JxEvent1JxEvent0JxEvent/JxEvent.!JxEvent- JxEvent,!JxEvent+yJxEvent*JxqEvent)JxqEvent#JxqEvent"JxqEventJxEventVJxEventJxEventJxEvent=JxEvent robots. * Oregon Regency Society, Popular Library Our group embraces civil, polite society, unified by a common love; the Regency Period.We adore the worlds that Jane Austen's winding, brilliantly written tales portray, depicting a time where ladies were ladies, gentlemen were gentlemen, and good society, family connections, grace, wit and romance were treasured. * Portland Steampunk Society, Popular Library Steampunk is a genre which combines elements of science fiction in a Victorian milieu. More recently art, fashion and music have been influenced by steampunk. The Portland Steampunk Society is an eclectic group of people with a focus on the aesthetic and creative aspects of this dynamic subculture. We encourage individual and group creativity and inventiveness through style, clothing, unique and whimsical accessories, art and music. By creating a pleasing environment of visual inspiration and engaging activities we hope to promote a culture of depth, decadence and possibility l 1j~lYF3 weR@.p]J7$}j7JrEvent6 @Venue5# @Venue4|JxHEvent3JxHEvent2JxHEvent1JxHEvent0Jx7Event/Jx7Event.Jx Event-Jx Event,Jx6Event+Jx6Event*[JxEEvent)zJxDEvent(JxDEvent'JxDEvent&JxDEvent%JxDEvent$JxDEvent#JxCEvent"cJxCEvent!JxCEvent JxCEventJxAEventBJxAEventxJxAEvent \JwEvent [JwEventJx> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDisplayNew.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864022009-04-21 17:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:51:56 =2009-04-21 21:00:00 0t|iVC0 r_L9&{hUC0 t r= @VenueqJwEventpJwEventoJwEventnJx EventmJwxEventlJwEventkJvEventj?Jx0EventiJx0Eventh Jx0Eventg!Jx/EventfJx/Evente,Jx/EventdJx/EventcJx/EventbJx/EventaJx/Event`Jx.Event_Jx-Event^Jx-Event]Jx-Event\Jx,Event[Jx,EventZJx,EventYJx,EventXJx,EventR;Jx)EventQJx$Event<Jx$Event;Jx$Event:Jx$Event9Jx$Event8cJxEvent q:ԡP753333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00"/ԡc 3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present an introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-01-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-12-10 11:36:192009-01-08 03:35:54 92009-01-13 05:00:00 0v}jWD1 s`M:'}jXF3  vl liberalizati7bJxEvent6FJxEvent5aJxEvent4IJxEvent3]JxEvent2zJxEvent1JxEvent0JxEvent/JJxEvent.8JxEvent-JxEvent,jJx!Event+Jx!Event*Jx Event)Jx Event(Jx Event'!Jx Event&JxEvent%JxEvent$JxEvent#JxEvent"vJxEvent!JxEvent JxEventJxEvent 9Venue 9Venue 9Venue 9Venuen 9Venue 9Venue 9Venue 9Venue~ ;VenueJwEvent JwEvent JwEvent JwEvent JwEvent JwEventJwEventJxEventJxEventJxEventJJxEventJxEvent}JxEventJxEvent will be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR). Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foods is an opportunity for the public to meet and support local food business entrepreneurs in their first steps to bring their commercial ready product to the retail market. This twice a year mini-trade show is a showcase of products developed by food entrepreneurs enrolled in the Getting Your Recipe to Market workshop, and is presented by the Portland Community College, Small Business Development Center; the Oregon State University, Food Innovation Center Experiment Station; and the locally-owned New Seasons Market. Plan to join us for an evening that includes sampling innovative products and social networking among local foodies. For more information contact John Henry Wells at 503-407-6959 or john.wells@northwestfoods.net.2008-12-10 02:00:00http://northwestfoods.org/events2008-12-09 14:19:282008-12-09 14:19:28 =2008-12-10 05:00:00 nԡ5!G3333SearchFesthttp://www.sempdx.org key=yes2008-03-10 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-11 00:30:00*ԡ4{73333AEA: The Changing Roles & Responsibilities of the Boardhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-18 17:30:00ԡ3i13333SAO: Making the Most out of your Customer Winshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-@ԡG 3 333Mobile Love, Anrdoid Style #8The android train rolls on. Google is offering an unlocked G1 for $400 to developers. An austrailian phone company announced two models for Feb 2009. IceCondor and jFireeagle are progressing.2008-12-09 02:00:002008-12-08 21:36:192008-12-09 00:42:06 ; ;b72008-12-09 03:00:00 6u-2ԡ?uM3333PSU: Manga - Adapting Japanese Comics for US MarketsPSU Smith Memorial Student Union2008-03-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-14 02:30:00ԡ>;33333NEBC networking meetinghttp://www.nebc.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-14 02:30:00:ԡ=E 3333Early Stage Investment Forumhttp://www.nwen.org/index.php?option=com_events&Itemid=15&id=872008-05-09 16:00:0ԡe93C333Portland Werewolf December '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2008-12-11 02:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com2008-12-08 21:43:372008-12-09 00:40:58 ; ;b:2008-12-11 07:00:00  2ԡ:Qq3333NIST Technology Innovation Programhttp://www.onami.us/events/ev^ԡGa3s333[CANCELED] Zoo Lights Tweetup[UPDATE] The Zoo is closed due to weather. As such, this tweetup is canceled. Join us for a twitterific visit at the Oregon Zoo for their "Zoo Lights". Bring some dinner with you or stop by the holiday buffet in the restaurant if you're hungry and wander the Zoo at night with twitter friends to see the lights and animals. Go to the Zoo Lights page for more information on ticket prices, times, performers and food. Get your tickets on line or at the Zoo gate. Hope to see you there! Ticket Info: $5.50 - $7.50 for kids $8.50 - $10 for adults 2008-12-23 01:00:00http://www.oregonzoo.org/Events/ZooLights/index.htm2008-12-08 21:37:192008-12-22 09:27:47 :$;b82008-12-23 04:00:00 0t|iVC0 s`M:(~kXE2 te're having gJvEventfJwEvente @\Venued @\Venuec @Venueb @Venuea @Venue`JxMEvent_JxMEvent^.JxMEvent]JxMEvent\JxJEvent[JxIEventZxJrEventYwJrEventXYJrEventW JrEventVcJrEventUJrEventTxJrEventSwJrEventRYJrEventQ JrEventPcJrEventOJrEventNxJrEventMwJrEventLYJrEventK JrEventJcJrEventIJrEventHJrEventGJrEventFJrEventE#JrEventDJrEventCJrEventBJrEventAJrEvent@JrEvent?JrEvent>nJrEvent=JrEvent<xJrEvent;wJrEvent:YJrEvent9 JrEvent8cJrEvent companies. And ensuring that our public finance system is stable, adequate and efficient enough to meet these goals. No other state has anything like the Oregon Business Plan and the Oregon Leadership Summit. One of Oregon’s greatest strengths is our ability to bring together leaders of all backgrounds to plan for our common future. Please take a moment to browse the site and register for the Summit. Once registered, you will be able to participate in an online discussion forum reflecting on initiatives that we will be putting forward and offering your own thoughts and ideas. Nothing is more important than planning for our economic future. We hope that you will join us on December 11th to help keep Oregon moving forward. Sincerely, Steve Pratt, Chair Oregon Business Plan Steering Committee2008-12-11 17:00:00http://www.oregonleadershipsummit.org/2008-12-08 21:03:372008-12-08 21:03:37 92008-12-12 00:45:00 0z{hVC1 vcP=*p]J8%zg for more informay @wVenuex @wVenuew @wVenuev @wVenueu @wVenuet @wVenuesn @wVenuer @wVenueqJxEventpJxEvento]JxEventnJxEventmJxEventlJxEventkJxEventj3JxEventiyJxEventh?JxEventgJxEventfJxEvente;JxEventdJxEvent= JxEvent<VJxEvent;aJxEvent:`JxEvent9_JxEvent8^JxEvent7]JxEvent6MJxEvent5JwEvent4JwEvent3JwEvent2JwEvent1JwEvent0VJwEvent/JwEvent. JwEvent-JwEvent,JwEvent+;JwEvent*8JwEvent<JwEvent;ZJwEvent:JwEvent9JwEvent8JwEvent7\JwEvent6JwEvent58JwEvent4JwEvent3oJwEvent2YJwEvent1XJwEvent/VJwEvent.JwEvent-^JwEvent,UJwEventS }wqke_YSaYI?-#ocRB5 Andrew serves as?#programming>'agile xp apln=perl<3extreme programming ;!xpportland:tech9+xpportland tech 8festival 7organic61sustainable living 5business4#entrepeneur3%unconference 2startup11interaction design0ixda/+socallinuxexpo7.)socallinuxexpo -scale2008,scale +scale7*1vc funding startup )ruby beer(=free software foundation'fsf&pizza%'pdxfunc oscon$oscon##cartography"gps!gis mapping vidoop#code sprint python literary narrativestory writingdiy stories open mic%storytellingphp securityhelp workshop cliniclinux werewolf 'dja  ÌP  _ ͋& u Ċ1 ˉ| ɉF Ɖ ] ' | ' Іk 3 v < U  g 2 v : | <  ?sion" about getting involved with the development of Rakudo, the first fully-featured Perl 6 implementation, which runs on the Parrot Virtual Machine. There will be a briefing at the beginning of the meeting to bring everyone up to speed and clarify any confusing terminology. Then we will break into groups and learn-by-hacking on whatever interests the participants. You must be interested in doing something with Perl 6/Rakudo, start now! The end of the meeting will be a short wrap-up where people voice there experiences working on Rakudo (what needs to be made easier? what rocks? what sucks? what do you want to work on next time?). PDX.pm normally meets at 7-till-7 (6:53pm) at FreeGeek for roughly an hour or so, then walks a few blocks to the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub for social hour. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://leto.net/perl2008-12-07 23:56:222008-12-07 23:59:52 92008-12-11 04:00:00tup.com/1041/calendar/7331158/2008-04-15 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-15 20:00:00 .kԡk13333SAO: Pricing Decisions as Competitive Advantagehttp://www.sao.org2008-04-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-15 16:00:00ԡO13333SAO: ITIL Apollo 13, An ITSM Casehttp://www.sao.org2008-04-17 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-17 23:00:00ԡ +13333SAO Poker Nighthttp://www.sao.org2008-04-24 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:uԡCy3 333WordPress 2.7 Release PartyTo celebrate the release of WordPress 2.7 the organizers of WordcampPDX are hosting a night of fun, frolic, and help migrating to the new WordPress 2.7. If you're not a current WordPress user now is the perfect time to switch. No fuss no muss :D2008-12-13 01:30:002008-12-07 18:22:222008-12-09 00:45:05 9;b12008-12-13 05:00:00Uԡ;y3U333Corvallis Beer and BlogBeer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from 1k}jWE2 yfS@-r`M:'~keRXJvEventQJvEventPJvEventOJvEventNfJvEventMJvEventKVJvEventJJvEventIJvEventHJvEventGJvEventFUJvEventEJvxEvent?JvEvent>JvEvent= JvEvent<OJvEvent;)JvEvent:NJvEvent9hJvEvent8MJvEvent7LJvEvent6(JvEvent5JvEvent4KJvEvent3JvEvent2Jv~Event1Jv~Event0#Jv~Event/Jv~Event.|Jv~Event-dJrEvent,CJrEvent+JJrEvent*IJv}Event)Jv}Event(2Jv}Event'Jv|Event&Jv|Event%2Jv|Event$HJv{Event#nJvzEvent"JvzEvent![JvzEvent JvzEventJvzEvent/JvyEventGJvyEventSJvyEvent ggF2ԡUm3333OTBC: FastTrԡ Y 3-33Demolicious! - Portland Web Innovators2009-01-08 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-12-07 18:27:512008-12-07 18:27:51 :v;b4ԡ =3 333[Cancelled] OEN SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! Date and Time: Dec. 17th, 2008; 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-07 18:26:022008-12-17 18:10:33 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00 0{|iVD1 ubP=*o\I6#{s App Store and theKJJwEventJ0JwEventI0JwEventH!JwEventG!JwEventFJwEventEjJwEventDJwEventC/JwEventB.JwEventA-JwEvent@,JwEvent?+JwEvent>*JwEvent=)JwEvent<]JwEvent;(JwEvent:2JwEvent9_JwEvent8JwEvent7JwEvent6JwEvent5JwEvent4JwEvent3'JwEvent2JJwEvent1tJwEvent0JwEvent/JwEvent.VJwEvent-&JwEvent,JwEvent+VJwEvent*JwEvent)%JwEvent($JwEvent'=JwEvent&JwEvent%VJwEvent$JwEvent#%JwEvent"$JwEvent!=JwEvent JwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEventJwEventk market generates seed funding for launching good ideas and how to implement "sustaining strategies." Panelists: Mark Moffenbier, Shorebank Pacific Mark Holloway, Social Venture Partners Portland Amy Pearl, ChangeXchange Social Stock Market Joy Hunt, Vision into Action Grants Workshops Angela Southwick, Neighbors West-Northwest Neighborhood Grants Emily Rice, Community Watershed Stewardship Program Environmental Grants Janelle Geddes, Metro Grants John Brown, Rooms for Peace Alan Rosenblith, Community Prosper, community currency Nancy Murray, Community Development Legal Clinic The forum is sponsored by Portland-based nonprofit, Springboard Innovation. Springboard's mission is to launch community-led community change. The purpose of the forum is to empower "average" Portlanders with the resources and tools needed to take action to solve problems our society is facing. 2008-12-07 00:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2008-12-06 23:55:462009-02-09 20:26:22 >2008-12-07 01:00:00 33^>ԡ 3U333"Financing the Good" Springboard Social Innovation Forum - FREEWith economic turmoil spreading from financial markets to local communities, it’s a tough season for raising funds to start or support good causes. Join us for this free event on December 10th to explore diverse ideas and new models for “financing the good.” Panelists representing banking, angel investing, micro-philanthropy, and grant funding will discuss innovative approaches for funding social change that reflect shifts in the way their organizations do business. Specifically, they will highlight opportunities for "average" Portlanders to obtain funding for their social change projects and visions. During the workshop segment, learn tips and tricks for obtaining one of Portland's community building or environmental grants, discover how community currency can fund social change, talk with a lawyer about how to apply for a 501(c)(3), learn how a social stoc 0u|iWD1 s`M:'~kXE2 us of trading {FJwEventzJwEventyJwEventxEJwEventw)JwEventvJwEventucJwEventtTJwEventsJwEventreJwEventqJwEventpDJwEventoCJwEventnBJwEventmAJwEventl5JwEventk@JvEventj?JvEventiVJvEventh>JvEventgJvEventfJvEvente_JvEventd:JvEventc=JwEventbJwEventaJwEvent`JwEvent_T2009-04-16 03:00:00/% 3333JuLOBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industry ]   bAhP0b\bkt} (1:CLU^gpy܁ԡ\1=3333Starveups Ski Triphttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-09 00:00:00ԡ[A=3333Starveups Hot Seat: hoydenhttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-28 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-28 03:00:00ԡZ#A3333ACEC Dinnerhttp://www.acecorpԡe3G333InnoTech Oregon Technology Conference & ExpoInnoTech is the region's largest technology & innovation event focused on enabling technology for your business. InnoTech sponsored by EasyStreet Online Services and SAO, includes the NW CIO Summit, Clean Tech Forum, ISSA-Portland Chapter Security Conference and topics on mobility, social media, infrastructure & much more. 2009-04-23 16:00:00http://www.innotechoregon.com2008-12-10 16:38:162008-12-10 16:38:16 92009-04-24 01:00:00 ImZIAT' cC331 OIT Portland 7726 SE Harmony Rd., Portland, Oregon 97222http://www.oit.edu/portland2008-11-23 15:39:212008-11-23 15:39:217726 Se Harmony RdPortlandOR97222US@FKja^SɫASo W 33+ Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Portland OR 972012008-11-23 15:29:102008-11-23 15:33:551515 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97201US@F{^u%F~R!33%Cube Space2008-11-21 16:27:532008-11-22 00:32:06622 SEGrandPortlandOregon97221US@FbZh+c^JU;b# 9(QU33CMc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2008-11-21 15:09:442008-11-21 15:11:264045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮv;b" ;`P33%TBA2008-11-20 20:28:492008-11-20 20:29:36TBAPortland, OROregon97205;b :A O;33)Fuller's Restaurant2008-11-20 20:25:562008-11-20 20:27:43136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209US@FZY^V5;b < 4Z5 o 33+ Monsoon Inc offices 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR 972092009-02-27 22:35:132009-02-28 17:03:31520 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F#^>>E =Ya c335 Cenzԡ;'3s333Sustainability Luncheon2nd Quarter Sustainability Luncheon Join us for an enlightening ,ԡ)i3[333Wiki WednesdayThis month, expect to hear from several people who recently traveled to Palo Alto for RecentChangesCamp, a regional wiki conference. There might be people in attendance from Connectipedia, a fascinating new resource for foundations and non-profits, based on a wiki-like tool called Wagn. If you’re lucky, you might even learn something about urban chicken farming!2008-06-05 00:30:00http://wikiprojectoregon.wordpress.com/2008-06-02 14:30:042008-07-13 04:32:07 92008-06-05 03:30:00 Xԡl/O3333Drupal User Grouphttp://groups.drupal.org/portland2008-04-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-10 02:30:00&ԡk_K3333PDXfX: Secrets of Successful High Earnershttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-04-23 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-23 03:00:00$ԡjK[3333Portland Web Innovators meetinghttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/448598/2008-04-03 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ200ԡEu39333PDX Critique monthly meetingThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism. Have something you want critiqued? Contact us via the google group or on the blog. 2009-01-27 03:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2008-12-05 04:16:222008-12-06 20:48:35 92009-01-27 05:00:00 0y{hUB/ s`N;(~lYG5#ydes robust, incre+JwEvent*JwEvent)JwEvent(JwEvent'JwEvent&TJwEvent%SJwEvent$RJwEvent#CJwEvent"dJwEvent!?JwEvent JwEvent JwEvent2JwEventQ @ZVenuePJwEventJwEventOJwEventJJwEventNJwEvent5JwEvent JwEventJwEventMJwEventJwEventJwEventJwEventKJwEventIJwEventLJwEvent JwEvent JwEvent JwEvent JJwEvent 8JwEvent8JwEventJwEventJwEventJwEventLJwEventKJwEventJJwEventFJwEventIJwEventDJwEvent~HJwEvent}JwEvent|GJwEvent 0t{hUB/ r_L9'~kXE2 tion focusingiJw{EventhJw{EventgJwzEventfJwzEventeJwxEventdJwyEventcJwgEventbJwEEventaJvEvent`JwEvent_JwgEvent^JwUEvent]Jw+Event\JwyEvent[JwxEventZJJwYEventYJwYEventXJwYEventW]JwYEventVJwrEventUJwqEventTJwpEventS JwpEventR?JwpEventQJrEventP#JrEventOJrEventNJrEventMJrEventLJrEventKJrEventJJrEventIJrEventHxJrEventGwJrEventFvJrEventEcJrEventDJrEventCYJrEventBJwnEventAJwnEvent@JwnEvent?JwnEvent>JwnEvent=JwnEvent<JwnEvent;JwnEvent: JwnEvent :0ԡuEy3333OHF: Hospital CEO Roundtablehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-04-22 14:00:002008-05Gԡ3M333 Software & Internet SIG - Evolving your startup, Iterating your ProductAny student of business history knows that all great companies have evolved, sometimes radically, from their initi ԡ_[3k333(CANCELLED) Westside Programmer's Meeting"A polyglot programming group meeting in Central Beaverton." Are you a programmer? Are you on the Westside? You qualify! Come on down to OTBC at the Beaverton Round. It's got its own MAX stop. Easy! Even if you're not on the Westside you can probably come. :) After we're done talking code we may move along to a nearby pub for food and drink.2008-12-16 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2008-12-06 03:27:042008-12-15 23:39:55 <2008-12-16 05:00:00 p+ ԡf+G3333SEMpdx Hot Seathttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/2008-04-17 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-18 01:00:00-ԡeeS3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-04-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-19 19:00:00ԡd9S3333SCORE: Business Basicshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-05-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-ԡQe39333Beer and Blog - Open Source BridgeHi friends! Rick Turoczy asked me if he and the Open Source Bridge crew could lead some discussion tomorrow @beerandblog. I think what they are up to is valuable to the Portland community and her tech scene, so I said yes. If you’re not yet familiar with Open Source Bridge, they are a group of local techies that want to continue OSCON now that they are not coming back to Portland. But, they’re growing into much more than that. Here’s what they say on their about pa  0y}jWE2 wdQ>+p]J7$yject, discuss a t9 JwnEvent8 JwnEvent7JwnEvent6JwnEvent5 JwnEvent4 JwnEvent3JwnEvent2JwnEvent1JwnEvent0JwnEvent/JwnEvent.JwnEvent-JwLEvent, JwhEvent+JwhEvent*OJwgEvent)JwgEvent(JwgEvent'JwgEvent&JwgEvent%(JwgEvent$:JwcEvent#JwcEvent"JwcEvent!JwcEvent =JwcEventJwcEvent JwbEvent&JwbEventJwbEventJwbEvent2Jw\EventJw\EventSJw\EventJw\EventBJw\Event2Jw[EventJw[EventSJw[EventJw[EventBJw[EventCJwXEventdJwXEventJwWEvent JwWEvent JwVEvent JwPEvent MJwPEventard about Open Source Bridge already. You know, the volunteer-run conference, dedicated to open source citizenship and (ahem) world domination that's happening June 17-19 at the OCC . Rather than co-opting another Lunch 2.0 to promote the conference, they're teaming up with Webtrends , one of the conference's sponsors and a great Portland company, to fill your ears with open source goodness and your belly with yummy food. Come by and mix and mingle with your Twitter pals, meet some new folks, and hear all about Webtrends and open source. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-06-04 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763549/2009-05-24 17:49:092009-05-24 17:49:09 #ԡ[){3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?portland%202008-04-03 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-03 02:30:00'ԡZ3y3333WEO General Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?d=23&m=3&y=20082008-04-09 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-09 03:00:00ԡY)e3333WEO-WA Gԡ]Q3?333Ignite Portland Kickoff Planning MeetingCome get started planning Ignite Portland 5. The event will be on February 19, so it's coming up soon. This event is not for day-of volunteers (though we need you, too!). Here's a taste of the pre-planning positions we're looking to fill: A/V and Speakers Lead Speaker correspondent Slide preparers Volunteer/Venue Lead Volunteer organizer Marketing/Blogging Lead Bloggers/Tweeters Graphic/web designers2008-12-09 02:00:00http://igniteportland.com2008-12-04 21:19:432008-12-08 22:17:39 9;b-2008-12-09 03:00:00 0v{hVC0 ubO<)~kXE2 vt/1304605 BWJw:EventV/Jw9EventU?Jw9EventTJw9EventSJw9EventRJw9EventQJw9EventP/Jw8EventO?Jw8EventNJw8EventMJw8EventLJw8EventKJw8EventJ]Jw5EventItJw5EventHjJw5EventGJw4EventFJw4EventEQJw4EventD @0VenueCJw3EventBJw3EventAJw3Event@Jw3Event?)Jw3Event>Jw3Event=Jw3Event<CJw2Event;dJw2Event:Jw0Event9Jw0Event8Jw/Event7JJw/Event4Jw,Event3Jw,Event2Jw(Event1Jw(Event0HJw(Event/Jw'Event. JwEvent-Jw%Event,Jw%Event+Jw%Event*Jw%Event)Jw%Event(Jw%Event'Jw%Event&Jw%Event 0p{hUB/ q^K8%zgTA.p3]33%Jw%Event$Jw%Event#Jw$Event"Jw$Event!Jw$Event Jw$EventJw$EventJw$EventJw$EventJw$EventJw$EventJw$EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw#EventJw"EventJw"Event Jw"Event Jw"Event Jw"Event Jw"Event Jw"EventJw"EventJw"EventJw"EventJw!EventJw!EventJw!EventJw!EventJw!EventJw!EventJw!Event~Jw!Event}Jw!Event|Jw!Event{ @-VenuezJw EventyJw EventxJw EventwJw EventvJw Eventge: We are advocates, developers, and Portlanders making the world better with open source technology. Open Source Bridge will bring together the diverse tech communities of the greater Portland area and showcase our unique and thriving open source environment. We will show how well Portland does open source and share our best practices for development, community and connectedness with the rest of the world. We’re setting out to change the structure of conference planning: asking interested people to come together at a Town Hall meeting, and share their collective experience and wisdom. Following the lead of the Linux Plumbers Conference, we’re enlisting curators for our conference sessions, planning mini-confs for critical topics and including unconference sessions. The focus will always be on increasing interaction between participants and engaging everyone in the content. 2008-12-06 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-12-05 01:02:322008-12-05 23:06:12 ; ;b.2008-12-06 02:00:00ll be involved in an agile project. We will explore the key roles, responsibilities, interactions, and processes that make a successful agile project happen. Participants will learn: * Estimation * Release planning * Prioritization * The rhythm of iterative development and delivery * The flow of deliverables * Roles and responsibilities * Communication on an agile team * Empirical process control * Agile metrics * Simple tools for managing agile projects The workshop focuses on practical 'how to' skill development, while providing enough theory so that participants will understand why the techniques work. Interactive exercises allow participants to learn by doing. Class notes, suggestions for further reading, and free follow-on consulting are all included to ensure that the workshop's lessons can be effectively applied back in the 'real world'. BTW: We want $550 for the priviledge of hearing us speak. 2009-05-04 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/APMPortland05042009-04-07 23:25:34 ;2009-05-05 00:00:00 0|{hVD2 vcP=*n\J7$| he is generously ofuJw EventtJw EventsJw EventrJw EventqJw EventpJwEventonJwEventn=JwEventk|JwEventjBJwEventiqJwEventh}JwEventgJwEventf> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDetailPublic2.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864132009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:49:58 =2009-04-17 04:00:00he premier winter beer tasting venue on the West Coast. Held in the heart of downtown Portland, the Holiday Ale Festival keeps attendees warm and dry under a large clear top tent that covers Pioneer Courthouse Square while allowing for views of the city lights. Gas heaters create a cozy ambience under the boughs of one of the region's largest decorated Christmas trees. More than 40 potent winter ales are featured at this year's event, all of which are created specifically to bring warmth and cheer to the holiday season. These aren't beers you'll find in the supermarket - our brewers have put together special recipes just for the Holiday Ale Festival. From Belgians and Barleywines to Porters and Stouts, these beers are rich, robust and full of complex flavors. Come hoist a pint and toast to the spirits of the season. We look forward to seeing you at the Holiday Ale Festival...Cheers!2008-12-03 23:00:00http://www.holidayale.com/index.php2008-12-02 19:44:512008-12-02 19:44:51 ;[2008-12-08 03:00:00 K"ԡ|M3=333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Some Random Thoughts on Open Source Philosophy David Mand dBԡ{k3o333Personal Telco Project November Monthly MeetingOur November Monthly Meeting was delayed a week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so this time the November meeting is in December!2008-12-04 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingNovember20082008-12-03 13:55:292008-12-03 13:55:29 :2008-12-04 04:00:00yԡz9 3333December WikiWednesday2008-12-04 01:00:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-12-03 05:41:522008-12-03 05:41:52 9;b,&ԡy-33S333Holiday Ale FestCost: $20 for 10 tasting tickets and souvenir mug. The winter season holds many gifts for beer lovers in the form of big, bold ales designed to fend off the cold chill of a long winter's night. Each year, the Holiday Ale Festival annually gathers up dozens of these winter warmers for a joyous five-day celebration. As a result, this quintessential Portland event has earned a reputation as t  <C<nK' 33  TBD Corvallis2008-11-18 07:34:152008-12-20 17:25:43?CorvallisOregonUS@FHȼ^ћF;bJWK/ 33/ An amazing space at SE 10th and AlderIt is a complete mystery what the actual space is. However it is apparently "an amazing space".SE 10th and Alder2008-11-18 04:55:222008-11-18 04:56:36SE 10th and AlderPortlandOregon97214US@FKvb^{I33-CubeSpace2008-11-18 00:50:112008-11-18 02:11:08622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;b 97H;) ?33) )Secret Society Ballroom http://secretsociety.net/2008-11-16 15:24:492008-11-16 17:02:31116 NE RussellPortlandOR97212US@F6>^z]z(503) 493-3600 226)ԡ:?ԡx%c3]333Green DrinksEvery month people who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for beers at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. 2008-12-03 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1405052/2008-12-02 17:47:252008-12-02 17:48:49 :,2008-12-03 05:00:00yԡw+g3G333OMSI After Dark$10 for nonmembers - get tickets at the door, or buy tickets online FREE to members $7.50 for 9:00 p.m. laser show—Electrolyte Here's your chance to shoot off water rockets, concoct chemical creations, and explore the wonders of OMSI with no kids in sight! Enjoy a glass of wine while learning about robots, tornados, or fossils. Have a pint of local beer while probing the puzzles of our newest exhibit, Mindbender Mansion. Talk to a distiller about the science behind a free event, and you must register at the link below to attend. This Yahoo Pipes training course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes. In 2 hours, we will cover the basics of building Yahoo Pipes from building your first Yahoo Pipe to some more advanced uses. When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm City: Portland, OR Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance) Pricing: * Students, freelancers, or unemployed: $100 * Early Bird (prior to April 23rd): $150 * Late registration (after April 23rd): $250 Prerequisites * You must have a Yahoo Pipes account. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required2009-05-07 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415068/2009-04-15 20:32:08 d;bu2009-01-22 03:30:00 0x~kXE2 yfS@-o\I6#xasual, geek sociJyEvent A%Venue A%Venue A%Venue A%Venue JyEventJyEventJyEventJyEventjJyEventJyEvent JyEvent JyEvent JyEvent +JyEvent _JyEventJyEventEJyEventaJyEventJyEventJyEventJyEventdJyEventJyEventJyEvent>JyEvent~JyEvent}VJyEvent|JyEvent{?JyEventz JyEventyqJyEventxJyEventw@JyEventvJyEventu JrEventtJrEventsJrEventr~JrEventq}JyEventp}JyEvento\JyEventnJyEventm[JyEventlJyEventk%JyEventj|JyEventi{JyEvent Hԡ!A13333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձJjq2008-05-20 00:00:00ԡ e13333SAO: Understanding the Competitive Landscapehttp://www.sao.org2008-05-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-20 16:00:00ԡ=13333SAO: ValuԡuG3?333The Digital Divide Radio ShowHow do the latest technologies affect our communities? How iԡt+E3I333Iron Bartender!Three Portland mixologists throw down their toughest pours, competing for the title of Iron Bartender! Panel of celebrity judges includes Mayor-elect Sam Adams, Mint owner Lucy Brennan, Reverend Phil, former Suicide Girl London, and more. DJs Nathan Detroit, Hanukkah Miracle, and Freaky Outy will provide the tunes. Sponsored by New Deal Vodka.2008-12-14 03:00:00http://www.thegivingtreenw.org2008-11-28 21:10:482008-11-28 21:10:48 =2008-12-14 10:00:00 <GO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-11-14 19:05:322008-11-14 20:34:42928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F W^L[V;b ; F= 33/ Powell's Technical Books2008-11-13 14:52:412008-11-13 14:53:0833 NW Park AvenuePortlandOR97209US@FG^{cM2 E33GOracle2008-11-13 01:12:442008-11-13 03:01:031211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;b <D; 33% St. Francis Dining Hall2008-11-12 04:32:542009-01-19 01:05:281182 SE PinePortlandOregon97214US@F¨^t >^>6K e 331 Kelley Engineering Center (OSU)2500 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA2008-11-05 15:36:052009-01-07 19:23:202500 Nw Monroe AveCorvallisOR97330US@FHty^r| >U bbçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÆ^ԡA!3/333Portland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider JwEvent=HJwEvent;Jw Event:Jw Event9Jw Event8Jw Event7QJw Event6Jw Event5VJw Event4]Jw Event3!Jw Event2yJw Event1Jw Event0Jw Event/JwEvent.JwEvent,JvEvent+JvEvent*>JvEvent)3JvEvent(JvEvent'jJvEvent&]JvEvent%gJvEvent$JvEvent#JvEvent"JvEvent!SJvEvent JvEventJvEvent>JvEventJvEvent JvEvent?JvEventJvEventJvEvent JvEventJvEventWJvEventJvEventJvEventJvEventXJvEvent NNRl+ԡs9A33333RecentChangesCamp 2009[Full details at http://2009rcc.org/ and http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1248712/ ] RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis. RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki. RCC is held over the course of three days. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon. Feel free to come and join in for however long you please.2009-02-20 17:00:00http://2009rcc.org/2008-11-28 18:34:412008-12-19 10:45:29 =;b+Jr2009-02-23 01:00:00overall development experience. We'll take a look at what's offered by some of the most popular of these such as: • Three20 Project • SQLitePersistent Objects • FMDB • Google Toolkit for Mac • touchcode If you are just starting out, then this will be a great view ahead, and if you are already developing iPhone applications, this will be a good opportunity to learn about areas where you can speed up development and additionally participate in these projects. There will be an active Q&A session after the presentation. About the Presenter Dave Shanley Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and is currently using many of these frameworks on a daily basis.2009-05-16 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2648919/2009-05-11 06:55:102009-05-11 06:55:10 ;;bK2009-05-16 22:00:00 RR tԡ-3333ACG CFO Exchangehttp://chapters.acg.org/po'ԡr=y3w333OTBC Information SessionEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC Information Session About the Program This brown-bag lunch program will provide an overview of OTBC and the services OTBC provides to help tech, biotech, cleantech and opentech companies succeed. About the Presenter The presenter for this program is Steve Morris, the Executive Director of OTBC. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program Event Location: OTBC (Directions) For more information: 971-223-4660 Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, December 9 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-12-09 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/2008-11-28 02:56:592008-11-28 02:57:49 <;b*2008-12-09 22:00:00 0u{hUB/ taN;(}jXE2  u Series: Boar:#JvEvent9JvEvent8JvEvent7~JvEvent6}JvEvent5|JvEvent4JvEvent3{JvEvent/JvEvent.?JvEvent-yJvEvent,xJvEvent+JvEvent*+JvEvent)wJvEvent(vJvEvent'JvEvent&uJvEvent%tJvEvent$ JvEvent#@JvEvent"sJvEvent!JvEvent WJvEventJvEventVJvEventTJvEvent]JvEventNJvEventYJvEventXJvEvent JvEvent JvEvent?JvEventrJvEventqJvEventpJvEventoJvEventnJvEventmJvEventlJvEvent^JvEvent kJvEvent jJvEvent iJvEvent hJvuEvent gJvEventfJvEvent Kr<Kjԡp73]333ThrivePDXJoin us for the second meeting of ThrivePDX! Details to follow... check back soon! 2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-27 15:29:312008-12-10 05:29:28 ;;b(2008-12-11 03:00:00ԡo 3]33ThrivePDX2008-12-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605/2008-11-26 16:46:322008-11-27 15:30:09 :A;b'Jrp#ԡnIW3 333CyborgCamp Pre-Party at VidoopTime is tentative; actual time TBA Come to the official CyborgCamp pre-party! Special guests Cami and Mike Kaos will be live-broadcasting Strange Love Live. There will be drinks and festivities before the conference in the morning. Details forthcoming. Expect a 8 or 9 Pm start time.2008-12-06 04:00:002008-11-26 16:42:012008-11-27 06:28:52 :x2008-12-06 07:30:00ԡm[ 3-33State of Portland Tech - Web Innovators2008-12-04 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-11-26 16:36:032008-11-26 16:36:03 9;b  II;0ԡqg3W333PBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic Forecast" The Thirty Third Recession and the Forty Fourth President 2009 Economic Forecast by John Mitchell Hear from a leading economist, John Mitchell, about where we’re headed over the next year as we manage the effects of the recent economic crisis. He will also provide an insightful outlook into the 2009 economy and discuss prospects, risks and opportunities in the coming year. Speaker: John W. Mitchell Ph.D., Principal, M & H Economic Consultants Event Sponsor: Ferguson Wellman Capital Management Series Sponsors: Liberty Northwest Portland Tribune NO CANCELLATION Directions: Call for directions GOVERNOR HOTEL 614 S.W. 11th Portland, OR 97205 (503-224-3400) 2008-12-10 15:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=13482008-11-28 02:52:172008-11-28 02:52:17 :2008-12-10 16:45:00 0w{hUB/ r_L9&~lYF4!wes, Bearing PoinJvEventmJvEventlJvEventkJvEventjJJvEventiJvEventhJvEventgJvEventfJvEventeJvEventdSJvEventcJvEventbJvEventajJvEvent`JvEvent_ 9Venue^ 9VenueY @VenueXU @VenueW @VenueV @VenueUJvEventTJvEventSJvEventRJvEventQ JvEventPJvEventOJvEventNJvEventMJvEventLJvEventKJvEventJJvEventIJvEventHVJvEventGJvEventFJvEventE=JvEventDJvEventCJvEventBJvEventAJvEvent@JvEvent?HJvEvent>JvEvent={JvEvent<JvEvent;JvEvent his annual meeting will feature an expanded set of trainings for the economic development professional. Speakers Michael Shuman, author of "The Small-Mart ReIԡ79[3]333science lecture at PSUEvent: 4th Annual Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture May 8, 2009 Starts: 5:00pm Background on Sidney Altman: Sidney Altman earned his PhD in biophysics. He chaired the biology dept at Yale, and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989. This is the second Nobel Laureate in two years for this four year-old lecture series, which is organized by the physics department. Background on Mark Gurevitch: Mark Gurevitch was the founding chair of the physics department: http://www.physics.pdx.edu/gen_gurevitch_lecture.htm When: Friday, May 8th, 2009 Where: Hoffman Hall Time: 5:00 pm Cost: Free2009-05-09 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2473867/2009-04-28 06:32:512009-05-09 01:55:40 ??;b12009-05-09 02:00:00 ',ԡli3C333Beer and Blog - Turkey Day at the Green Dragon2008-11-27 00:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-11-26 16:31:562008-11-26 16:31:56 ; ;b&2008-11-27 02:00:00(ԡkG3U333Making Noise with the ArduinoAs a part of the ongoing Arduino Cult Induction workshop series, this month we will be focusing on sound. In particular Don will be going over creating sound using the Arduino's built in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Direct Digital Synthesis using resistive ladders. We will investigate using the Piezo element as both a simple speaker and an input trigger. We will review the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) from a hardware and software perspective, and look at a couple of useful integrated circuits (the lm324 and the lm368). The workshop will cost $25 and participants will recieve a complete midi interface board for the dorkboard/arduino and a piezo element which will be used to create a midi drum trigger. Participants will also take with * them parts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones. Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundations for several sound related projects. Please bring your dorkboard, rbba, or other arduino compatible board, a soldering iron or breadboard, and a laptop. The workshop will be held at PNCA (NW 12th and Johnson) in room 205 from 1-5pm on Sunday, November 30. To reserve a space you can paypal the workshop fee to cult@tempusdictum.com and you can feel free to email that address with any questions. The Arduino Cult Induction series of workshops are Sponsored by Tempus Dictum, Inc . in support of DorkbotPDX. (graphic by Jason Plumb )2008-11-30 21:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/workshops2008-11-25 23:15:562008-11-26 16:29:48 ;s2008-12-01 01:00:00 ]] frequent consultant for animated films and special effects projects for studios suԡWcc3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, EGLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-10-28 23:22:362008-12-04 05:31:29 92008-12-09 05:00:00 'x08-08-29 16:00:20 <2008-05-21 03:00:00(ԡ)3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?wiki_wednesdays2008-05-08 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-08 03:00:00ԡIE3333Product Mgmt Institute meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-05-20 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-00ԡj7%3g333DorkbotPDX 0x02: DorkbotPDX brings you Collin Oldham, Shelly Farnham and Steve Davee Come join us for an evening of geek meets art. The fine folks at AboutUs will be hosting us for this event, which takes place December 7th at 6PM. AboutUs is located at 107 SE Washington St, Suite 520. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to share. Please spread the word! Collin Oldham: The RT (radio trowel) and The Cellomobo Collin spent the 2005-2006 academic year at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) where began to develo 0 0x~kXF4!vcP=*lYF3 xollowing her famJvEventJJvEventeJvEventSJvEvent JvEventdJvEventJvEventJvEventSJvEvent~cJvEvent}JvEvent|bJvEvent{JvEventzaJvEventy`JvEventx_JvEventw^JvEventv]JvEventuMJvEventtaJvEvents`JvEventr_JvEventq^JvEventp]JvEventoMJvEventnaJvEventm`JvEventl_JvEventk^JvEventj]JvEventiMJvEventhHJvEventeJvEventdJvEventcJvEventbtJvEventaJvEvent^CJvEvent]dJvEvent\ZJvEvent[ ?VenueYJvEventXJvEventWJJvEventVJvEventUJvEventTJvEventSJvEventanization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regularly.

      Response Interactive LLC is an interactive marketing agency that offers search engine optimized web site design, search engine marketing services both PPC and SEO, online display advertising, email marketing, SEO training and consulting services. For more information, please visit www.responseim.com.

      Who should attend:
      • In-House Marketers
      • Business Owners
      • Direct Marketers
      • Public Relations Professionals
      • Real Estate Professional
      • Web Designers

       2009-01-28 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2008-12-14 16:34:292009-01-28 16:42:13 ;\;bE2009-01-29 01:00:00llations, and instigates people to have more fun creating stuff. Steve Davee: Not to kill a thought: The impact of language on curiosity, creativity and scientific inquiry. This talk explores how easy it is, even with the best of intentions, to stifle creative thought and true learning when it comes to working with children in the areas of science, math and engineering. We will investigate examples of simple but powerful changes in language, with the intention of provoking the best of creative potential and shared inquiry. Steve Davee is a math and science teacher at Opal Charter School and a Media Specialist for the Center for Children’s Learning at the Portland Children’s Museum. He is a recovering Biochemist with a background in physics and over 20 years of volunteer and work experience in education. 2008-12-08 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/dorkbotpdx_0x02_dorkbotpdx_brings_you_collin_oldham_shelly_farnham_and_steve_davee2008-11-25 06:32:512008-12-02 00:35:00 92008-12-08 04:00:00 1p the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on Max Mathew's radio baton to detect the position of the trowel on the playing surface. The trowel's movements control sound synthesis parameters, including filters which process live sound from a contact mic attached to the trowel. The cellomobo is a computer music instrument that attempts to model the behavior of a bowed string. It gives haptic feedback to the bow at audio rate to simulate the stick-slip action of a bowed string. This feedback stream finds it way back into the audio stream, creating a unique hybrid of digital and analog synthesis. Collin Oldham is a cellist who has performed around the world with such varied and luminous artists as Placido Domingo, Kiri Te Kanawa, Rosemary Clooney and Aretha Franklin. He's active as a session player, and has recorded with the Decemberists, Richmond Fontaine, and Elliott Smith, among many others. Shelly Farnham: Dorkbot Dor /kbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination of geek, artist, and scientist and when I first met Dorkbot Seattle I felt like I'd *finally* found my people -- where technology is artistic medium, science is art, and geeking out is just a whole lot of fun. My one complaint was that Seattle Dorkbots were not collaborating enough, and when I took over as Seattle's "Dork Overlord" it was my main mission -- to cultivate the creative geek community. In this talk, I will review the best of Dorkbot Seattle's art, geekery, and science, and discuss how we have worked to increase cross-disciplinary collaboration through our meetings, workshops, and art shows. Shelly Farnham received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at UW in 1999, after which she worked at Microsoft Research for seven years studying community technology. A few years ago she quit to join the start up world, and is now co-founder of Pathable (professional networking for events). In her "spare" time she paints, does collaborative instas that resonate with the angel investment community. In the 10-Minute Pitch Clinic, we share these best practices with you in an interactive workshop. Instead of learning these lessons the hard way, when you're in front of angels asking for money, consider attending our clinic first to get the inside information you need to know, now. This workshop format will be divided into two parts. First, we will give an overview of the Alliance of Angels and discuss the components of a good 10 minute pitch. Afterwards, we will work directly with the participants on your specific start-up messaging. All you need to bring is your vision for your company and your desire to make this workshop truly participative-- no other preparation is necessary. Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot today. The price to attend is $95 per person with advanced registration, or $110 at the door.2008-12-01 21:30:00http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/484482008-11-24 22:24:452008-11-24 22:24:45 =2008-12-02 01:30:00 qqFionԡo1S3333PDXPHP Users Grouphttp://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/may2008-05-14 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-14 03:30:00ԡn5E3333CubeSpace open househttp://www.cubespacepdx.com/2008-05-14 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-15 03:00:00ԡm9_3 333Portland Werewolf Gameԡi_#3e333Alliance of Angels 10 Minute Pitch ClinicRaising capital from Angel investors can be a challenge, particularly given just 10 minutes to distill your entire business plan into a compelling presentation. What information is critical? How much detail is enough, or too much? What do angel investors consider when evaluating an investment opportunity? Since 1999, the Program Managers at the Alliance of Angels have been coaching early-stage companies and bringing the best deals to angel investor members. Having collectively interviewed hundreds of companies, we have developed a set of best practices regarding the presentation 2 NN"ԡdUe3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

      Come play Werewolf with us.

      We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

      Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

      2008-0+ԡhIg3 333Leftover Fest & Movie MarathonOnce again it is time for our annual Day after Thanksgiving Day movie marathon. Share your leftovers, indulge in cheesy dialogue, and hang with people you are not related to (although friends and family are welcome). What else would you do? Go to Tashi station to pick up some power converters?2008-11-28 18:00:002008-11-24 20:45:382008-11-24 20:45:38 92008-11-29 02:00:00 0{{hUB/ s`M:(~kXE2 {nts, souk & Con JvEventJvEvent?JvEvent @Venue JvEvent JvEvent  JvEvent bJvEvent _JvEvent~JvEventJvEventJvEventJvEventJvEventJvEventJvEvent!JvEventJvEvent~JvEvent}JvEvent|JvEvent{JvEventzJvEventy=JvEventtJvEventsJvEventrcJvEventqJvEventpaJvEvento2JvEventnJvEventmSJvEventlJvEventkBJvEventj @Venuei @Venueh# @VenuegJvEventfJvEventeJvEventdJvEventcJvEventbgJvEventaJvEvent`JvEvent_JvEvent^7JvEvent]6JvEventiety Sale, an annual artist-run holiday sale. All vendors participating in this sale will donate 10% of their profits to the Oregon Food Bank, because no one should be hungry. Sunday, November 30th, 2008 (One Day only!) Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russell (next to the Wonder Ballroom) 10 am – 6 pm Thirty-five artists will feature unique, locally handmade gifts including jewelry, accessories, handbags, crocheted hats, clothing for adults & children, reconstructed apparel, soap & candles, glassware, clay ware, plushies, cards & original artwork at the 4th annual Secret Society Sale. In the beautiful Secret Society Ballroom local artists will sell their handmade treasures in a relaxed atmosphere where shoppers can chat with artists. This year it just keeps getting better . . . the newly opened Secret Society Lounge will be open from 4-6 pm for drinks and snacks during the sale!2008-11-30 18:00:00http://www.secretsocietysale.com2008-11-24 08:15:002008-11-24 08:15:00 =2008-12-01 02:00:00 xxs Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter November 10, 2009 Date: 11/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Even>5s3]33JunEaster Mondo CroquetDress in your Easter finest! (Or, your wife's Easter finest. Whatever.) Bring bowling balls if you have them. Sledgehammers are useful too, but don't let the lack of these everyday household items stop you from coming out to play or observe. *Potluck Lunch - Bring Food & Drink to share Mostly a Kid Friendly Atmosphere! I am not responsible for the actions of anyone wearing furry pants. Review the rules and history of the game here: http://www.mondocroquet.com/ (And no, we don't care if it rains) Volunteers for the official bending of the rebar wickets are needed. This event will be photographed and/or video taped, at the request of His Highness, Lord Peters.2009-04-12 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356640/2009-04-07 21:43:59 ?&;b 2009-04-13 00:00:00 0x{hUB0 taN;(m[H5"x to open source \JvEvent[JrEventZJrEventYJrEventXJrEventWzJrEventVyJrEventUJvEventTJvEventSXJvEventRJvEventQJvEventP_JvEventOJvEventNJvEventMJvEventLJvEventK2JvEventJJvEventHJvEventG2JvEventFJvEventEJvEvent@JvEvent?JvEvent>2JvEvent=JvEvent<SJvEvent;JvEvent:BJvEvent92JvEvent8JvEvent7SJvEvent6JvEvent5BJvEvent42JvEvent3JvEvent2SJvEvent1JvEvent0BJvEvent,JvEvent+4JvEvent*JvEvent)JvEvent(JJvEvent'JvEvent&JvEvent%JvEventPublic Accountants. He has been a guest speaker at U.C.L.A.'s Graduate School of Management, Marylhurst University, University of Portland, Portland State University, Concordia University, George Fox University and the University of Oregon Law School of Entrepreneurship. Jim Moon, MSEE, Chief Executive Officer, Lifecom Prior to becoming CEO of Lifecom, Mr. Moon was CEO of Serveron Corporation. He was the founder and CEO of Protocol Systems. Under his leadership Protocol Systems pioneered portable patient-monitoring equipment that remains the standard of the industry. Mr. Moon served as chairman of the Oregon Chapter of the American Electronics Association. He held engineering and management positions with SpaceLabs, Intel, and ESL, Inc. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Santa Clara University. 2008-12-04 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=482008-11-24 19:59:392008-11-24 19:59:39 :2008-12-04 19:00:00 <<'09BKT]fox1ԡd+3333ETIC Day at OIT You are invited to the Green Technologies Showcase at OIT’s East Portland Campus. Friday, December 12, 2008 3 – 5 p.m. at OIT East Portland Campus 7726 SE Harmony Road, Portland, OR 97222 RSVP to 503.725.3066 This is an opportunity for legislators, business partners and guests to meet OIT’s new President Dr. Chris Maples, understand OIT’s statewide mission to prepare world-ready engineering and technology graduates, and its initiatives to build a green-technology workforce. Dr. Maples will also highlight how the legislature’s investments in higher education and engineering through the Engineering and Technology Industry Council gives Oregonians the opportunity to invent the new technologies of tomorrow. OIT is one of Oregon’s seven distinguished public universities, offering bachelor’s degree programs at it main campus in Klamath Falls, four satellite campuses in Portland, and o 9pics every entrepreneur must consider when forming an advisory board: * Forming your Board * Managing your Board * Compensating your Board * Replacing your Board Members * Using your Board Effectively * Holding your Board Accountable Speakers - Spencer Brown and Jim Moon Spencer Brown Spencer Brown is currently consulting for companies preparing for mergers and acquisitions. His prior management experience includes roles as Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer at both private and public companies that include Euro RSCG Portland, 800.com, Now Software, Sundance Electronics, TriQuint Semiconductor, GigaBit Logic, CR Technology, and Compact Video. Spencer combines his operational and management expertise with his substantial finance experience, and has managed several mergers and acquisitions aggregating over $250 million. Spencer is also a retired Certified Public Accountant, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified gd product innovation * techniques to ''push'' your customer''s voice to the departments and groups at your company who need the information the most * how to leverage ''web 2.0'' technoԡg#3E333OEN Advisory Board Formation and Governance, with Spence Brown and Jim MoonDoing anything in a vacuum is not a good idea, so why would you go it alone when starting your business? Creating an effective advisory board can be an inexpensive way to learn from experts who have done it before. You also can gain credibility and you can get connections that can help propel your business forward. Attend this webinar led by serial entrepreneurs Spencer Brown and Jim Moon and learn what ideas a CEO should consider when forming an advisory board and/or a governing board for their start-up company. They will also discuss the following to ; ԡf3{3M333Secret Society SaleSecret Society Sale Local – Handmade - Art Shop for unique, locally handmade gifts at the Secret Soc 6 .l five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

      Sign-up January 14th or before get up to a $200 discount off of the January Workshops.

      These workshops have limited enrollment and fill up fast so register now!

      About your instructor:

      Colleen Wright is owner of the Interactive marketing agency Response Interactive LLC. Colleen’s career has spanned a variety of industries from banking and finance to seminar marketing, sports marketing, high tech, non-profit and horticulture. She designed her first website in 1997 for a clipart product series she developed. The clip art series named GardenArtz Gardening Clipart continues to be a bestseller in American Nurseryman Catalog.

      As an associate of Search Engine Academy, Colleen teaches Search Engine Marketing through the Search Engine Academy of Oregon. Colleen is also on the Education Committee for the Search Engine Marketing Professional Org xxentrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also=5s3]33JunEaster Mondo CroquetDress in your Easter finest! (Or, your wife's Easter finest. Whatever.) Bring bowling balls if you have them. Sledgehammers are useful too, but don't let the lack of these everyday household items stop you from coming out to play or observe. *Potluck Lunch - Bring Food & Drink to share Mostly a Kid Friendly Atmosphere! I am not responsible for the actions of anyone wearing furry pants. Review the rules and history of the game here: http://www.mondocroquet.com/ (And no, we don't care if it rains) Volunteers for the official bending of the rebar wickets are needed. This event will be photographed and/or video taped, at the request of His Highness, Lord Peters.2009-04-12 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356640/2009-04-07 21:42:52 ?&;b 2009-04-13 00:00:00 0{}jWD1 taN;(}jXF3 { otherwise noted (s !JwPEventJwOEventJwOEventJwOEventJwNEvent JwNEvent?JwNEventJwNEventJwKEvent @8VenueJwIEvent~2JwHEvent}2JwGEvent|JwEEvent{JwEEventzJtEventyJwEventxJtEventwJvEventvJwDEventuJwEventtJvEventqFJwDEventpJwDEventoJwDEventnFJwCEventmJwCEventlJwCEventkRJwBEventjJwBEventiPJwBEventhJwBEventgJwBEventf*JwAEvente JwAEventdJwAEventcJwAEventbJwAEventaJw?Event` Jw?Event_Jw?Event^Jw?Event]Jw>Event\Jw=Event[[Jw ?Venue D ?Venuek ?Venue= ?Venue< ?VenueeJvtEventJvtEvent;JvtEvent:JvtEvent9JvtEvent8JvtEvent7JvtEvent~6JvtEvent}5JvtEvent|JvrEvent{JJvrEventz4JvqEventyJvqEventx3JvqEventwJvqEventvlJvpEventukJvpEventt`JvpEvents2JvpEventrJvoEventq[JvoEventp5JvoEventopJvoEventnoJvoEventm6JvoEventl1JvnEvent 0u|iVC0 r`M:'|iVC0 u׀gJvkEventf?JvkEvente JvkEventdJvkEventc: ?Venueb ?VenueaV ?Venue` ?Venue_/ ?Venue^ ?Venue] ?Venue\ ?Venue[ ?VenueZ ?VenueYJvjEventXJvjEventW0JvjEventV/JvjEventUJvjEventT9JvjEventSJvjEventRJvjEventQJvjEventPJvjEventO JvjEventN.JuEventMvJviEventL]JviEventKJviEventJ-JvhEventI,JvhEventH+JvgEventG JvcEventF*JvcEventE)JvcEventDkJvbEventC(JvbEventB'JvbEventAIJvbEvent@&JvbEvent?JvaEvent>%JvaEvent=$JvaEvent<JvaEvent;#JvPEvent:JvPEvent9nJvPEvent8iJv`EventDecember AeA event titled, Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity has been postponed to January, 2009.
      Technology and IP Networking Event Date: Dec 16, 2008 Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Opportunity Great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source software either in the development process or as part of the product, but which often dare not risk doing so because of the legal risks. 2008-12-16 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1208032008-11-19 22:02:082008-12-12 21:47:36 :$2008-12-16 18:00:00lendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/15/082008-05-09 17:18:352008-07-13 04:29:23 :J2008-05-15 20:00:00 q]qtԡ[/ 3 333Tweetup Breakfast2008-11-20 17:00:002008-11-20 20:25:572008-11-20 21:28:28 <;b2008-11-20 18:00:00yԡZ+3333[Postponed] AeA: Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into OpportunityThe FԡYI3S333PostgreSQL: Randal + Smalltalk While many people may know Randal Schwartz of Stonehenge Consulting (http://www.stonehenge.com/) from his talks and papers on Perl, he is also quite knowledgeable about Smalltalk and will be giving a talk on Smalltalk and Postgres integration. We will be meeting Thursday, November 20th, at FreeGeek at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR. Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards. 2008-11-21 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/4802008-11-19 21:00:412008-11-19 21:00:41 92008-11-21 05:00:00 Advisory Board Member and Affiliate, Roberta Mac Laren of RPM Marketing Mentor has just published a new book with tips for Striving to Thriving—Sustainable Marketing Resolutions that are Practical and Cheap. She's coming in May to share her tips exclusively with SECP. Roberta will introduce integrated ways to market your services and products that are sustainable. She will cover how to strategize and create a marketing plan that makes the most of the resources and contacts you have right now to build the business that you want by maximizing different channels. The she will introduce the concept of making a 'resolution' to set it in your mind and make it happen. Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 (members); $15 (non members) More Info >> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDetailPublic2.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864142009-05-22 02:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:54:27 =2009-05-22 04:00:00 KKearn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO.ԡO7-3O333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project. Join us! -igal2008-11-15 18:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/732008-11-15 10:32:212008-11-15 15:10:09 9;b՟Jr32008-11-16 02:00:00ary, this annual meeting will feature an expanded set of trainings for the economic development professional. Speakers Michael Shuman, author of "The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses are Beating the Global Competition" and Vice President for Enterprise Development for TDC (Training & Development Corporation) Kim Pate, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships & Administration at CFED (Corporation For Enterprise Development) Robin Doussard, Editor of Oregon Business Magazine Representative David Edwards of the OECD Commission Who Should Attend Microenterprise Development Organizations Economic Development Organizations Small Business Development Centers Policymakers and local elected officials State and Local Government Agencies Business Associations Chambers of Commerce Financial Institutions Community Members Revolving Loan Fund Managers2008-10-16 15:00:00http://www.oregon-microbiz.org/summit2008.cfm2008-10-13 14:54:092008-10-13 14:54:09 :2008-10-17 21:00:00 bbspecial occasion, business meeting, social luncheon, or private3aQ13i33Js]P<M13;33JumAgile Learning Games Play Party!Whenever we attend an Open Space conference, the sessions on Agile Learning Games are always among the most fun and best attended. This will be a self-organized play party hosted by Chris Sims of the Technical Management Institute and Elisabeth Hendrickson of Quality Tree Software. There will be refreshments, and plenty of room to spread out and play. Agenda At 6 pm, Willem Larsen will demonstrate "Where are your keys?" a revolutionary language learning game. At 7 pm, we'll all share--and play--our favorite Agile learning games. This evening is a preview and warm-up event for our daylong workshop, "Creating Agile Learning Games for Coaches & Consultants," to be held on Friday, May 1 at the Kennedy School.2009-04-30 01:00:00http://www.TMIAgile.com2009-04-07 18:56:29 >2009-04-30 04:00:00 TThttp://www.igniteportland.com','2008-05-05 13:43:49','2008-07-13 04:29:22',202390131,996332962,1250455391,'2008-06-19 04:00:00',NULL,NULL);lugin for easing the Nԡ>5a333CubeSpace Open HouseExplore how CubeSpace can help your business!

      Come see our office space and meeting rooms! Learn about how diverse range of business services! Meet the owners and see how we can help you. Enjoy delicious treats, personal tours, and chances to win great prizes!

      If you've ever wanted to check out CubeSpace, now is the perfect time! Bring your friends, your boss, your coworkers, or anyone else who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you there.

      Event submitted by Even%ԡNe 39333Beer and Blog - Farewell to the Green Dragon2008-11-15 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-14 19:05:342008-11-14 20:34:42 ; ;b2008-11-15 02:00:00 1l}jXE2  ubO<)o]J8&l33JuEvent JtEventDJuEventCJuEventBJuEventzJuEvent~JuEvent}qJuEvent|}JuEvent{|JuEventz+n[H5"zll sorts of purpos6kJuEvent4JuEvent3?JuEvent2?JuEvent1JuEvent0JuEvent/VJuEvent.JuEvent-JuEvent,JuEvent+JuEvent*JuEvent)JuEvent( JuEvent'JuEvent&JuGEvent%JuEvent$ ?>Venue# ?>Venue"! ?>Venue!JuEvent JuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent_JuEventJuEventCJuEventdJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent JuEvent JuEvent JuEvent OJuEvent RJuEvent JuEventJuEventPJuEventJuEventJuEvent ar the feature presentations by Oasis Diagnostics, Ninkasi, Inc. and Anna Cohen, Inc. You'll also hear 5-minute pizԡS7_3E333Non-Profit Networking

      Are you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A volunteer looking an organization eager for your time? A non-profit wanting to partner on a project?A non-profit looking for affordable consultants or vendors? If so, then non-profit networking is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's non-profit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself. Bring your brains and your rolodex; we provide snacks and drinks. Thursday, November 20th from 6:00-8:00pm.

      *This is a regular event that happens every third Thursday of the month.

      * Any questions, contact CubeSpace at 503-206-3500 or on the web at www.CubeSpacePDX.com

      2008-11-21 02:00:00http://www.cnrg-portland.org2008-11-18 06:56:032008-11-18 06:56:46 92008-11-21 04:00:00 ;;the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLT9?-3933JuoSECP's April Event Multiple Income Stream Development | Do EventsYou Out Loud! Program Planning for Non-Planners Want to create additional income streams with the knowledge and experience that you already have? SECP is planning a series of presentations with experts to help you do just that. Our Presenter Marie Daniels is a coach, an educator, and a business professional. She's worked as both a trainer in corporate America and as an instructor for college students and young adults. Marie brings a love of clear communication, conflict management, facilitation, and relationship building and she brings years of experience as an educator, mentor, trainer, and business person to my current career as a Communications Coach. Marie also does a weekly radio show here. The Concept Have you ever wanted to share your knowledge and experience with other people but had no idea how to get started? Have you tried creating a worksh  HHFUUUUUUUp1ԡI31333Portland Perl Mongers: Cisco Log Parsing - Good, Bad and Ugly Wed. November 12th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th Ave. Speaker: Gabrielle Roth Topic: 600 Simple Strategies for Sanely Summarizing Cisco Syslogs Syslog is a handy troubleshooting tool, but only if you actually read what's logged. I wrote a Cisco syslog parser & reporter as part of our network fault-management system. We'll go over: * network management basics * why we needed this specific tool * why I created my own tool from scratch (instead of using an off-the-shelf solution) * how I did it & what the results were, and * what I'm going to do next. You don't need to be a Cisco engineer or even know much Perl to get something out of this talk. As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.2008-11-13 03:00:00http://pdx.pm.org/2008-11-13 00:55:402008-11-13 00:55:40 92008-11-13 05:00:00 0{|jWD1 vcP>+n[H5"{st and I'll try to CJuEventdJuEventJuEventSJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent JuEventSJuEventJuEventrJtEventmJuEventlJuEventkJuEventjJuEventiJuEventh_JuEventgJuEventfJuEvent[JrEventZxJrEventYJrEventXYJrEventWwJrEventVcJrEventSyJrEventRJrEventPJrEventOYJrEventNwJrEventMcJrEventL ;VenueFJuEventEJuEventDJuEventCJrEventBJrEventAJrEvent@JuEvent?JuEvent>JuEvent=?JuEvent<JuEvent;JuEvent:JuEvent9 JuEvent8JuEvent7JuEvent 0t{hUB/ r`M:'}jXE2 t9: Virtual CL]JuEventKsJuEventJrJuEventIqJuEventHpJuEventGoJuEventFnJuEventEmJuEventDlJuEventCkJuEventBjJuEventAiJuEvent@VJuuEvent?:JuuEvent>hJuuEvent=JuuEvent<JuuEvent;JuuEvent:gJutEvent9.JuqEvent8-JuqEvent7,JuqEvent6+JuqEvent5*JuqEvent4)JuqEvent3fJuqEvent25JuqEvent1^JuqEvent0.JupEvent/-JupEvent.,JupEvent-+JupEvent,*JupEvent+)JupEvent*fJupEvent)5JupEvent(^JupEvent'fJuoEvent&eJuoEvent%eJuoEvent$dJuoEvent#cJuoEvent"bJuoEvent!aJuoEvent `JuoEvent.JuoEvent1JuoEvent_JuoEvent 0y}jWD1 ubO=*mZG4"y Costs: lIJubEventkq ?"Venuej ?"VenueiL ?"VenuehqJu`EventgJu`EventfLJu`EventeKJu_EventdJu^EventcJu^Eventb_Ju^EventaJu^Event`Ju^Event_JJu\Event^DJu\Event]SJu\Event\IJu[Event[DJu[EventZHJu[EventYGJuZEventXFJuZEventWEJuZEventVDJuZEventUCJuXEventT5JuXEventS}JuXEventRJuXEventQVJuXEventPBJuXEventOAJuXEventNkJuWEventMJuWEventL@JuWEventK?JuWEventJJuVEventIJuVEventH>JuUEventGJuTEventF=JuTEventEJuSEvent=JuSEvent 0v{hUB/ q^L9&|iWD1 v see live pres^JuoEvent5JuoEventJumEventZJumEvent]JumEventYJumEventJumEventJumEvent\JulEventOJulEvent|JulEvent[JulEventJulEventZJulEventYJulEvent JulEvent {JukEvent XJukEvent WJukEvent JukEventV ?%VenueU ?%Venue4JuhEventTJuhEventSJuhEvent JuhEventRJuhEventQJuhEventJuhEventPJuhEvent~JuhEvent}OJuhEvent|NJugEvent{MJugEventzDJufEventyHJufEventxIJufEventwDJueEventvHJueEventuIJueEventtDJudEventsHJudEventrIJudEventqDJucEventpHJucEventoIJucEventnDJubEventmHJubEvent )).ll Times baseball site, and the rubystats gem. He has nothing to do with Brian Donovan at brian.maybeyoureinsane.net/blog/category/ruby/','2008-05-07 02:00:00','http://www.pdxruby.org/events/show/44','2008-05-03 02:32:26','2008-07-13 04:29:21',202389907,NULL,NULL,'2008-05-07 04:00:00',NULLBԡ6+k3G333Ignite Portland**NOTE: feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but be aware that this does not guarantee a seat at the event. Soon you will be able to get a free ticket to this event via the Ignite Portland website
      THEME - How to mine your traffic stats for value

      Come join fellow Portland bloggers for this presentation from 4pm until at least 6pm at the Green Dragon (we do this every Friday). We help each other work on our blogs. Maybe you need some design help. Maybe you want to power your comments form with OpenID, but don’t know how. Maybe you just ԡR#3o333Pecha KuchaPecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. But as we all know, give a mike to a designer (especially an arc YoԡQ% 3333PDX Critique2008-11-18 03:00:002008-11-18 00:50:122008-11-18 02:11:07 9;b2008-11-18 05:00:00hitect) and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show. Pecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a† demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any pushing, has spread virally to over 100 cities across the world. Find a location and join the conversation. If you are interested in starting a Pecha Kucha Night in your city, please contact : pechakucha@klein-dytham.com 2008-11-19 04:00:00http://www.pecha-kucha.org/cities/portland-oregon2008-11-18 04:55:222008-11-18 04:55:22 =2008-11-19 06:00:00 Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form Current potluck list: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list Fun: We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'em! There will be a programming competition! Any language welcome, no particular toolkits or api skills necessary. These'll be problems that just require thought. If enough of you are interested and bring a language that you're only vaguely familiar with, we'll have a separate league for language newbies. Prizes? Bragging rights! Plus a surprise or two. Hope to see you there! P.S.: We will need a cleanup crew immediately following the party; if you don't have to split right away, we'd appreciate your help. :)2008-12-10 03:00:002008-11-19 04:37:542008-12-01 15:56:56 9;b2008-12-10 05:00:00 ated emulator, new version of the .NET Compact Framework, on-device unit testing, and more. As a software architect and MicrjԡM/C3I333Ignite Portland 5If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.2009-02-20 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com/2008-11-14 16:24:502009-02-05 13:36:47 :s2009-02-20 05:00:00xԡLse3333Film: Peak Oil for Policy Makers (Portland Premier)Renowned oilman T. Boone Pickens is talking openly about $300/barrel oil. Oil industry insiders are saying we face a peak in global oil production as early as 2012. What's the future of oil global oil supplies, and what does it mean for government policymakers? Post Carbon Institute's 'Peak Oil for Policymakers' DVD includes timely presentations by four leading experts on peak oil (the all-time high point of global oil production) and ^orked with as they have learned how to do business in the U.S., and touch upon some of the ways in which U.S. firms, both those currently working with and those seeking to do business with Chinese partners, could improve their understanding and bottomline results. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Akana Ma is a partner in the Global Trade Group of Ater Wynne, LLP in Portland, Oregon. He works with companies and individuals conducting business in the global marketplace to help structure international joint ventures; comply with foreign laws and regulations; license and protect technology, trademarks, software and other intellectual property; contract for the sale and distribution of products and services; establish foreign offices, license and finance exports; comply with customs and import laws and regulations; and negotiate and draft commercial contracts. He has practiced international law for more than 20 years.2009-04-01 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090401cbn.htm2009-03-27 16:30:59 92009-04-01 20:30:00 0w{hUB/ s`M:'|jWD1 w), Microsoft (E<oJuREvent;6JuREvent:pJuREvent95JuREvent8[JuREvent7JuREvent6JuNEvent5kJuNEvent4jJuQEvent3JuQEvent2JuPEvent14JuPEvent03JuPEvent/ JuPEvent.JuPEvent-/JuOEvent,2JuOEvent+1JuOEvent*0JuOEvent)/JuJEvent(tJtEvent'JtEvent&tJr.Event%tJr,Event$tJr+Event#.Jr(Event"JuIEvent!Ju2Event - ?Venue, ?Venuek ?Venue+ ?Venue( ?Venue*JuHEvent)JuHEventqJuHEvent(JuHEvent4JuHEventJuHEvent'JuHEvent&JuHEvent%JuHEvent$JuHEvent#JuHEvent@JuHEvent"JuHEventJuHEvent JuGEventwhat it means for local, state and national governments: Peak Oil for Policymakers - is an executive summary of the peak oil problem and its implications for the global and national economies. By world-renowned peak oil author and lecturer Richard Heinberg and Post Carbon Institute founder Julian Darley. Post Carbon Cities - explores what peak oil means for leaders at the local level and how some cities in the U.S. and elsewhere are already responding. By Daniel Lerch, author of Post Carbon Cities: Planning for Energy and Climate Uncertainty, the first major guidebook on peak oil for local government officials and staff. Scenarios Planning for Government - gives an elected official's perspective on peak oil, with the story of one state legislature's recent decision to establish a task force on energy scarcity. By Connecticut State Representative Terry Backer. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/film-peakoil_for_policy_makers2008-11-13 15:15:342009-01-19 01:05:27 >^2008-12-11 05:00:00 m 6Հǽ R&jJX-et0 hԡJU3-333[CANCELED!] Portland Java User GroupPJUG meetings typically run about an hour and a half, starting with some eat/meet/greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), 30-60 minutes for the featured speaker, and some time for Q&A, discussion, sometimes a raffle to give away sponsors' swag.

      Many attendees meet up for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      Web: pjug.org
      (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

      This month topic: TBD.
      2008-11-19 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2008-11-13 01:12:442008-11-18 06:48:25 <;b2008-11-19 04:00:00 0w~kXE3  vcP=*mZG5"wg as business VYJu,EventXsJu,EventW Ju+EventV Ju+EventU Ju+EventT Ju+EventSJu+EventRJu+EventQJu+EventPJu+EventO:Ju+EventNJu+EventHl =VenueG =VenueF Ju)EventEJu)EventDJu)EventCJu)EventBJu)EventAJu(Event@Ju(Event?Ju(Event>Ju$Event=Ju'Event<Ju'Event;Ju'Event:Ju'Event9Ju'Event8Ju'Event7QJu'Event6Ju&Event5?Ju&Event4Ju%Event3Ju%Event2Ju%Event1Ju%Event0Ju%Event/7Ju%Event.Ju%Event-Ju%Event,Ju%Event+QJu$Event*eJu$Event)Ju$Event(aJu$Event'Ju$Event&5Ju$Event%Ju$Event 0z|iVC0 ubO=*o\I6#zants, loans and ot  JuGEvent VJuGEvent !JuGEvent  JuFEventJuFEventJuFEventQ ?Venue ?VenueJu?EventJu>EventJu=EventJuosbridge-announce, low traffic announcement list for events like this one! osbridge-discuss, possibly high traffic list for discussing anything related to the conference! You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en Tags2008-11-06 19:30:00http://bridgepdx.org2008-11-02 21:00:362008-11-02 21:03:47 <2008-11-06 21:00:00ill be involved in an agile project. We will explore the key roles, responsibilities, interactions, and processes that make a successful agile project happen. Participants will learn: * Estimation * Release planning * Prioritization * The rhythm of iterative development and delivery * The flow of deliverables * Roles and responsibilities * Communication on an agile team * Empirical process control * Agile metrics * Simple tools for managing agile projects The workshop focuses on practical 'how to' skill development, while providing enough theory so that participants will understand why the techniques work. Interactive exercises allow participants to learn by doing. Class notes, suggestions for further reading, and free follow-on consulting are all included to ensure that the workshop's lessons can be effectively applied back in the 'real world'. BTW: We want $550 for the privilege of hearing us speak. 2009-05-04 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/APMPortland05042009-04-07 23:25:59 ;2009-05-05 00:00:00nyone) could ever coordinate! If you have similar goals, please join us on Nov 14. We will be using feedback from the first session to figure out how different people -- from new folk feeling scared and seeking help, to experienced organizers; from action-oriented alphas to relation-oriented tenders; across diverse issues, and race and class and gender divides -- how we can support each other to step forward from where we are, asking questions all the while. If you are especially interested in sharing and spreading facilitation and other process skills (including Tech), please come to the Che Room in St Francis at 5:30pm on Friday the 14th, before the larger gathering. To get to the Che room, walk up to near the Red & Black and cross in to the park and look for 1131 on the right hand side, head up the stairs, through the double doors.2008-11-15 01:30:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/lets-organize-our-communities-hard-times-potluck2008-11-12 04:37:272009-01-19 01:05:27 >^2008-11-15 04:30:00 d collaboration opportunities at Oregon’s universities. Oregon universities collaborate with entrepreneurs, companies and the business community to ensure that ideas generated by faculty, students and staff reach the private sector to create products and services which benefit the public. Innovate Collaborate Oregon will allow greater industry access to the latest advances in un5v 3]33JuEGrowing a Green Economy: Perspectives from Law and BusinessPresented by the Lundquist College of Business’s MBA program, the Oregon Law Review, and Law Students for Sustainable Business2009-04-03 15:30:00http://sustainableoregon.biz/?page_id=152009-03-27 16:36:20 ?2009-04-04 00:30:005u 3]33JuEGrowing a Green Economy: Perspectives from Law and BusinessPresented by the Lundquist College of Business’s MBA program, the Oregon Law Review, and Law Students for Sustainable Business2009-03-27 17:00:00http://sustainableoregon.biz/?page_id=152009-03-27 16:34:50 ?2009-03-27 18:00:00 Lp ԡIMQ333NW China Council: Annual meetinghttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-10-12 0,ԡ![}3g333OMEN 2008 NW Summit on EntrepreneurshipJoin us October 16-17th as we bring together the best minds in the Northwest to learn about innovations and best practices to help entrepreneurs grow and prosper. The summit will provide you with opportunities to network, share your experiences, explore strategies for future growth & partnership, learn from industry leaders and more! In celebration of OMEN's 10th Annivers Jkԡ ka3q333IEEE CCS: Next-Generation Broadband Networks This is a FREE lecture offered by the IEEE's Oregon & SW Washington Communications & Computer Society chapters and hosted by the OGI Center for Professional Development. 2008-10-16 01:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24112008-10-13 14:46:172008-10-13 14:46:17 <2008-10-16 03:00:00 0z|jXF3  ubO<)mZG4"z by Oregonian repoJtEvent~JtEvent}JtEvent|JtFEvent{dJtEventzCJtEventyJtEventx JtEventw?JtEventvJtEventuJtEventtJtEventsJtEventrnJtEventq=JtEventpJtEventoJtEventnJtEventmJtEventlJtEventkJtEventjJtEventiJtEventhJtEventgJtEventfJtEventeJtEventdJtEventcJtEventbJtEventaJtEvent`JtEvent_JtEvent^JtEvent]JtEvent\JtEvent[JtEventZJtEventYjJtEventXJtEventW JtEventVSJtEventUJtEventTJtEventSJtEventRJtEventQwJtEventPJtEvent their CO2 as much by going vegetarian as by switching to a Prius? And how does your carbon footprint compare with others in the US and aceross the world? Where do you stand? What yardsticks can we use to make comparisons? Join with Mike O'Brien, Green Building Specialist from the City's Office of Sustainable Development, who will walk us through some ideas and useful tools for tracking our progress as we make choices and changes in our lives. This should be interesting and, at the very least, offer some insights into the impacts of our lifestyles. We'll start with a reading of your utility bills, so bring your last year's electric and gas bills (October 2007 to October 2008). Here's where to call for copies: * PGE 503-228-6322 or 800-542-8818 * Pacific Power 1-888-221-7070, * Northwest Natural 503-226-4211 or 800-422-4012. 2008-11-13 03:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/mike-obrien-hows-your-carbon-footprint2008-11-12 04:32:552009-01-19 01:05:26 >^2008-11-13 05:00:00 d people how they felt, and what they'd like to do. 3. Based on the responses, we sent out a call for a community gathering to explore grassroots, relationship-based action to support each other. 4. We created a process intended to address the expressed need for building connection with others at a personal level, learning more about what others are doing, and sharing skills for trust-building and facilitation. 5. For a variety of reasons, far more people came than anticipated: over 100, and we had to turn some away for lack of space. This meant the space was cramped, but also that energy was very high. Clearly, lots of people are ready to act in this way. Our process seemed to work for some people and in some ways, but not others. Now, our goal is for people to have the skills and confidence to help their networks become circles of trust-based sharing and support, and to link those together in a growing ecology throughout Portland. We want this to take off far beyond anything we (or a 0z{hUB/ taN;(lZG5"zX 501 Tech Club/NeOJtEventNJtEventMJtEventLBJtEventK|JtEventJJtEventIJtEventHJtEventGJtEventFJtEventE:JtEventDJtEventCJtEventBJtEventAgJtEvent@ >Venue?l >Venue> >Venue=JtEvent<JtEvent;gJtEvent:JtEvent9LJtEvent8JtEvent7JtEvent6JtEvent5JtEvent4JtEvent3JtEvent2JtEvent1JtEvent0JtEvent/2JtEvent.~JtEvent-]JtEvent,}JtEvent+_JtEvent*.JtEvent)#JtEvent(JtEvent'|JtEvent&{JtEvent%zJtEvent$QJtEvent#JtEvent"yJtEvent!xJtEvent wJtEvent QQited browser bugs. You'll also learn to use many of the new features in Photoshop CS3 to create compelling graphics for your site. And most exciting, you'll learn a completely new workflow between Dreamweaver and Photoshop!

      >> RSVP Today

      About ԡG3Q3333Speaker: Mike O'Brien of OSD - How's *Your* Carbon Footprint? A quick energy audit. We know that tracking our personal energy use and carbon emissions is critical to reducing needs for imported energy, our impacts on the climate, and on the environment. As Lord Kelvin so famously said, "That which cannot be measured, cannot be improved." As of today, we have to figure out our own ways to measure our energy and carbon footprints. Some parts are fairly easy--for example, our utility bills can tell us a lot about our energy use. But what about food? What's the embodied energy and carbon emissions of our diet? Did you know a meat-eater could reduce h +w\5W IC339 %Hotlips Pizza SE Hawthorne (at 22nd) 2211 SE Hawthorne, Portland ORhttp://www.hotlipspizza.com2008-11-04 22:42:392008-12-09 14:15:092211 Se Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOR97214US@F^*nhg503.234.99994 Y 333 Kveton's2822 SW Boundary St, Portland OR 972392008-11-04 17:57:582008-11-04 17:57:582822 Sw Boundary StPortlandOR97239US@Fكu^3/uK~333Hotel deLuxe - 729 SW 15th Ave - Portland, OR 97205 - USA2008-11-03 16:22:212008-11-03 16:23:10;b :V233OTBC - 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 - Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA2008-11-03 16:17:402008-11-03 16:19:25;b <O1 _M331 %Aquariva0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland OR 97239http://www.aquarivaportland.com/2008-11-03 16:00:232009-09-02 23:43:24470 Sw Hamilton CtPortlandOR97239US@FfQ^ 503 802 5850 @ kd this meeting’s content should be of interest to both Ruby and Python programmers. PRESENTATIONS: * AppDrop: An open alternative to Google App Engine SUMMARY: AppDrop provides a proof-of-concept system for easily hosting and scaling web applications. It demonstrates how applications written for Google’s App Engine can be ported to other platforms. AppDrop runs on Amazon EC2, currently hosts Python applications, and uses Ruby ԡFC 3S333Gorge Angel Conference 20092009-05-19 14:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com2008-11-12 01:09:172008-12-26 21:25:242009-05-19 21:00:00ԡECS3U333Willamette Angel ConferenceThe first annual Willamette Angel Conference will be held Thursday May 14, 2009 with the goal of connecting early stage and seed businesses with Angel investors. The Willamette Valley boasts a high number of businesses that highlight the rugged individuality, forward thinking, technology and entrepreneurship that are part of Oregon's proud heri qyour company down the line. To network with inventors, and other early stage professionals. Investors: To have access to some great business investment opportunities. For new investors, to learn how to invest in early stage deals, and how to feed deals to venture capitalists. Venture Capitalists: To identify top quality and up and coming early stage businesses in the Willamette Valley, to meet seed investors and stay connected to other venture capitalists, to learn more about commercialization from OSU, UofO and Onami. Service Providers: To introduce your business to companies making early decisions about the direction of their company. Politicians: To help build economic development for the local and state government. The Conference will be held at theCH2MHill Alumni Center at Oregon State University on May 14, 2009. Links provide the Agenda and directions to the conference.2009-05-14 14:30:00http://www.willametteconference.com/2008-11-12 00:56:422008-11-12 00:56:42 <2009-05-15 01:30:00 kkmake up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web EvangelistԡD593 333Lunch 2.0 at AboutUsBrief history lesson: We started the Portland chapter of Lunch 2.0 in February 2008, and the first installment was hosted by AboutUs. Fittingly, AboutUs will host their second Lunch 2.0 right around the one year anniversary of the Portland chapter. Swing by their SE riverfront office and visit Ray, Ward, Mark, Steven and the whole AboutUs crew. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist. Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1326795/ 2009-02-11 20:00:002008-11-11 18:35:422009-02-09 18:36:23 9;b2009-02-11 22:00:00 0z{iVC0 ubO<)lZH6$zto more than 25 coo(JtEventneJtEventmJtEventldJtEventkJtEventjcJtEventibJtEventhaJtEventg\JtEventeJtEventd?JtEventc JtEventbVJtEventa`JtEvent`JtEvent__JtEvent^^JtEvent]]JtEvent\\JtEvent[jJtEventZQJtEventY[JtEventXZJtEventWYJtEventV)JtEventU/JtEventTXJtEventSWJtEventRJtEventQJtEventPVJtEventOUJtEventNTJtEventMJtEventL_JtEventKJtEventJrJtEventISJtEventHJtEventG#JtEventFVJtEventEJtEventDRJtEventCQJtEventBPJtEventANJtEvent@OJtEvent?MJtEvent ntage. Attendees will include members of organized angel groups, individual angels, prospective angels, and early-stage investment firms as well as entrepreneurial ventures and start ups interested in obtaining angel funding. Goals of the Willamette Angel Conference * To increase the amount of seed capital available in the Willamette Valley * To highlight entrepreneurial ventures and provide them with possible opportunities for funding * To showcase some of our angel funded companies * To demonstrate our commitment to building a strong economy in the Willamette Valley Who should attend Inventors/Researchers/IP Holders: To learn more about the start up development and funding process, and to network to meet entrepreneurs and service providers. Entrepreneurs: To get recognition and possibly funding for your business. To develop and hone your business plan and pitch with top quality preparation sessions. To network with investors, and begin conversations that will benefit ll designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, CSAs and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important conversation to learn where your work overlaps and supports this goal. In conjunction with the forum, nine local artists have converted refrigerators into creative statements about hunger. Their provocative art installation opens Friday, November 7th from 6-8pm at the Urban Grind and will remain on display through the month of November. Learn more about our non-profit and the monthly forum at www.springboardinnovation.org Date: November 12th (every second Wednesday) Topic: Hunger Time: 6-9pm Cost: Free Location: Urban Grind @ 2214 NE Oregon, Portland Media Contact: Amy Pearl - 503.407.84592008-11-13 02:00:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org2008-11-10 21:44:572009-02-09 20:26:22 >2008-11-13 05:00:00 0z|iVC0 vdR?-o]J8%zr an industry vete>NJtEvent=MJtEvent<LJtEvent;JtEvent:KJtEvent9JJtEvent8 >Venue7I >Venue6! >Venue5H >Venue4SJtEvent3GJtEvent2JtEvent1JtEvent0JtEvent/FJtEvent.EJtEvent-JtEvent,JtEvent+DJtEvent*CJtEvent)BJtEvent(zJtEvent'JtEvent&qJtEvent%}JtEvent$|JtEvent#JtaEvent=JtaEvent',ԡC+;3w333OTBC Open HouseEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Now that our move is complete, it's time for an open house to invite everyone in to check out the new office. Please join us for some refreshments and snacks, and a tour of the new place. Where: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 (Directions) When: Tuesday, Nov. 25, 3pm to 6pm I hope to see you here! Steve Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 25 at 3:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-25 23:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-11 17:54:062008-11-11 17:54:40 <;b2008-11-26 01:00:00 0x{hUB/ s`M:(lYF4!x pricing - if yoxJtEventwJtEventvJtEventuJtEventtJtEvents5JtEventr]JtEventqJtEventpJtEventoJtEventn5JtEventmJtEventlJsEventkJsEventjJsEventiJsEventh_JsEventgJsEventfJsEventeJsEventdJsEventcJsEventb3JsEventavJsEvent`]JsEvent_JsEvent^]JsEvent]vJsEvent\JsEvent[JsEventZJsEventYJsEventXJsEventW/JsEventV?JsEventUJsEventTJsEventSJsEventRJsEventQJsEventPJsEventOJsEventNJsEventMJsEventLJrEventKJsEventJJsEventIJsEvent 0v{hUB/ s`M:'}jWD1 vnterdependent ([Jt*Event'Jt*Event&JtEvent% >Venue$Jt)Event#eJt$Event"5Jt$Event!#Jt$Event Jt$EventJt$EventJt$EventJt$EventJt"EventJt"EventJt"EventiJt"EventjJt"EventJtEventJJtEvent:JtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEvent >Venue >Venue >Venue  >Venue : >Venue J >Venue  >Venue  >Venue/JtEventJtEventJtEvent!JtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEvent~JtEvent}JtEvent|JtEvent{JtEventzJtEventyJtEvent 1km[I7%}jWD1 s`M:'~k HJsEventG >xVenueD^JsEventCBJsEvent@JsEvent?/JsEvent>?JsEvent=JsEvent<JsEvent;JsEvent: >lVenue9JsEvent8JsEvent7JsEvent6JsEvent5JsEvent4JsEvent3JsEvent2JsEvent0JsEvent/JsEvent.JsEvent,JsEvent+JsEvent'JsEvent&JsEvent%JsEvent$JsEvent#JsEvent"JsEvent!5JsEvent .JsEvent_JsEvent#JsEventJsEventJsEvent~JsEventJsEventJt:Event=Jt:Event<Jt:Event;|Jt:Event:Jt:Event9Jt9Event8Jt5Event7jJt1Event6Jt1Event5Jt/Event4kJt/Event3 Jt-Event2 Jt-Event1 Jt-Event0 Jt-Event/Jt+Event.[Jt+Event- Jt+Event,Jt+Event+ >Venue*Jt*Event) Jt*Event Eԡ5c93U333Hunger: Springboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum is a new monthly event designed to engage community members in solving local challenges with lasting solutions. This free event promises a mix of conversation, collaboration, and professional support for social venture launchers, a r}ԡ43=333Portland Business Journal 4th Quarter Sustainability LuncheonDon’t miss this exciting luncheon featuring Nike CEO, Mark Parker, Futurist, Andrew Zolli and a panel with PGE CEO, Peggy Fowler and Ecotrust President, Spencer Beebe! REGISTER NOW! Price increases after November 14th! Friday, November 21st 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Nines 525 SW Morrison Ave. Portland OR 97204 WELCOME ADDRESS Mark Parker, CEO, Nike After running competitively at Penn State University, Park ons: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn 48Wc3333JtPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. Presentations will include: * Igal Koshevoy: "Message queues showdown: Kestrel, AMQP, Starling, Sparrow, MemcacheQ, Delayed::Job, Beanstalk" * Bill Burcham: "Experiences migrating from EC2 to Heroku" * Jesse Hallett: "Protecting against CSRF attacks" (Cross-Site Request Forgery) * Markus Roberts: "Symbolic expressions that lets you capture expressions (generally numeric) as introspectable tree structures, manipulate them, evaluate them, etc." * Ed Borasky: "Overview of the Twitter API libraries"2009-04-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-04-07 03:26:48 92009-04-08 04:00:00 0y{hVD1 taN;(~kXE2 yanyone else that \Js_Event[mJs^EventZJs^EventYJs]EventXJsOEventW JsOEventVJsOEventU >TVenueT >TVenueS >TVenueRJsUEventQ >SVenueP >SVenueO >SVenueN >SVenueM >SVenueLJsTEventKJsTEventJJsdEventIJsdEventHJsdEventGcJsdEventD JsNEventCJsNEventBJsNEventAJsNEvent@JsNEvent?JsNEvent>JsNEvent=JsNEvent<JsMEvent; JsMEvent:kJsMEvent9JsLEvent8JsLEvent7JsLEvent6JsKEvent5JsJEvent4jJsGEvent3JsGEvent1Js:Event0Js:Event/Js:Event.Js:Event-Js:Event,Js:Event+Js:Event*Js:Event Kecisions - I$ԡWEU3 333Winter Coders' Social IILast December, many of the local software developer User Groups banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was known as the Winter Coders Social. In August, we had a Summer Coder's Social as the outdoor and sunny successor! Z.ԡV_3O333Real-Time & Embedded Computing ConferenceComplimentary Technical Conference for those developing computer systems and time-critical applications for: consumer electronics, industrial control, military/aerospace, telephony, datacomm, instrumentation, embedded appliances and more. Open-door technical seminar breakouts and exhibition. Examine Technology and Industry Trends, Network, and Talk with top Experts. New products, tools: Multicore Processors Optimization, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Training, Static Code Analysis, Prototyping Real-Time Controls. 2008-12-09 16:30:00http://www.rtecc.com/portland20082008-11-19 01:09:042008-11-19 01:11:02 =2008-12-09 22:00:00ationship Ecotrust and others have sought to add a third "e" — social equity — to ensure that economic development awards benefits to all the region's citizens. Beebe serves on the boards of ShoreBank Corporation, Tamastlikt Cultural Institute and Walsh Construction Company. Tickets to the Sustainability Luncheon are $45 when pre-paid online by November 14, 2008 and $50 thereafter and at the door. Reserved tables of 10 with priority seating may be purchased for $400, or $450 after November 14. Ticket price is non-refundable after November 14. Checks can be mailed to The Business Journal at 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 500, Portland 97204. Credit card information can be faxed to (503) 227-2650. Payment in advance guarantees your reservation in case the event is sold out. Questions? Call Events Assistant, Mason Walker at 503-219-3427. 2008-11-21 19:00:00http://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4059?sid=2dd9727e87fa1dd13a125616f86148df2008-11-10 19:27:192008-11-10 19:27:19 <2008-11-21 21:00:00 raphics magazine, Popular Science, National Geographic and NPR’s Marketplace. PANELISTS Peggy Fowler, CEO and president of Portland General Electric Fowler leads Oregon’s largest electric utility with a strong record of environmental stewardship. Her tenure began at PGE in 1974 as a chemist in the company's analytical laboratory performing extensive environmental testing. She worked her way up through the ranks to be named CEO and President in 2000. Fowler was one of the first utility leaders to support a federal cap-and-trade system on carbon emissions and is helping to direct the region’s sustainability efforts as a member of the Oregon Global Warming Commission. Spencer Beebe, President of Ecotrust Economist and Forester, Spencer Beebe founded Ecotrust in 1991 to focus his energies on preserving the rain forests of home, after spending 14 years with the Nature Conservancy. Ecotrust was founded on the notion that economic and ecological systems are mutually interdependent. To this rel NNor adults, but minors are welcome at bridgeport until 10 pm. Tell yo+ԡ37Q35333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project. Join us! -igal 2008-11-15 18:00:00http://calagator.org2008-11-10 15:15:372008-11-13 15:53:21 92008-11-16 02:00:00 | GoLife Mobile's Mounir Shita, Founder and President of Technology; and Greg Applegate, VP of Business Development (http://golifemobile.com).

      Get ԡ1A 3C333MountainWest RubyConf 20092009-03-13 15:00:00http://mtnwestrubyconf.org/2008-11-09 03:37:032008-11-09 03:37:032009-03-15 00:00:00ԡ/S39333Beer and Blog - Panels public debutKevin Fox, formerly of Vidoop, unveils his new start up project: Panels.
      2008-11-08 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-07 22:27:152008-11-07 23:10:25 ; ;b2008-11-08 02:00:00\ԡ.9M3333AeA Party in the PinotCelebrate Oregon’s High-Tech Industry with over 400 of the area’s top technology executives and service providers at AeA’s Annual Gala Party in the Pinot!2009-07-26 01:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0709012008-11-07 21:42:472008-11-07 21:42:47 :2009-07-26 04:00:00 0{|iWD1 vcP=*p^K8%{3West Side PDX;SJrEvent:gJrEvent9:JrEvent8JrEvent7cJrEvent6JrEvent5fJrEvent4eJrEvent3dJrEvent2cJrEvent1JrEvent0bJrEvent/VJrEvent.JrEvent-:JrEvent,aJrEvent+ JrEvent*JrEvent)dJrEvent(`Jq'Event'_Jq'Event&Jq'Event% JpEvent$ =Venue#^JrEvent"]JrEvent!JrEvent JrEventJrEvent\JrEvent[JrEventZJrEvent=JrEventnJrEventYJrEventXJrEventWJrEventVJrEventJrEvent]JrEventUJrEventTJrEventNJrEventJrEventSJrEventJrpEvent JrpEvent  JrEvent er joined Nike as one of the first footwear designers in 1979. And he’s been at the center of Nike innovation ever since. For almost 30 years, he’s brought innovative concepts and engineering expertise into such vital roles as Vice President of Consumer Product Marketing, Vice President of Global Footwear and Co-President of the Nike Brand. Parker is responsible for the growth of NIKE, Inc.'s global business portfolio, which includes Converse Inc., Cole Haan Holdings Incorporated, Umbro Ltd., and Hurley International LLC. KEYNOTE ADDRESS Andrew Zolli, Curator, Pop!Tech and Fellow, National Geographic Named to Fast Company’s Fast 50 in 2005, Zolli is the creator of Pop!Tech, an annual conference of thought leaders exploring the social impact of technology and the future. As Fellow of the National Geographic Society, Andrew leads development of a global initiative to envision new scenarios for a sustainable world in 2030 and beyond. He has been the futurist-in-residence for American Demog 0{~kXE2 xeR?,p]J7${l discussion and pl JsEvent JsEvent JsEvent JsEvent JsEventJsEventJsEventCJsEventdJsEventJsEventJsEventJsEventJsEventJsEvent~JsEvent}JsEvent|JsEvent{JsEventzJsEventy 

      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Love+)3?33JrStartup WorkoutStretch, strengthen and tone your startup muscles. Bring an idea to pitch to the group Friday evening, socialize and gather your team over coffee or drinks afterward. Start building your product Saturday and launch Sunday! We will have an attorney and a CPA with extensive startup experience available for either a short presentation or Q&A at some point(s) during the weekend. More info on the website. RSVP on Upcoming today! 2008-11-04 05:00:00http://startupworkout.com2008-11-04 04:28:16 ;g2008-11-04 06:00:00ost Admired Companies program in the following categories: Agriculture and Forest Products Commercial Real Estate Financial Services Health Care Nonprofits Professional Services Technology Traditional Manufacturing Oregon's Most Admired Company Across All Industries NEW THIS YEAR Oregon's Most Admired CEO's in each category (as selected by Business Journal Editors) Our Oregon's Most Admired Companies special publication will be distributed to everyone in attendance at the event. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate with some of the greatest companies in the state! Tickets are $65 per person when purchased by December 2nd, 2008; $70 thereafter. Tables of 10 are $600. NO REFUNDS are available after December 2nd. Questions, contact Events Assistant Mason Walker - mrwalker@bizjournals.com or 503.219.3427 2008-12-09 19:00:00http://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4054?sid=ee93b2ad87fe1bfac49a65f324c713f22008-11-07 18:59:302008-11-07 18:59:30 <22008-12-09 21:00:00us on the telecom sector just prior to the bubble bursting. David Moffenbeier, COO, Absorbent Technologies David has been involved in numerous company formations including co-founder of Mentor Graphics, COO of MedicaLogic as well as his current position with Absorbent Technologies. Clive Cook, CEO, RNA Networks Clive has a track record of building successful companies such as VeriLAN, Inc., Elematics and now, RNA. Moderator: Diane Fraiman, Venture Partner, Voyager Capital Diane has 30 years of technology company experience as a leader of marketing, strategy and business development efforts in both start-up and public enterprises. Who should attend? Executive level management of small to medium size companies and entrepreneurs in the company formation stage. Registration/Location Skyline Banquet Room Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR 2009-04-09 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409052008-11-07 21:38:332009-03-30 18:11:48 :$2009-04-09 16:00:00 1k{hUC1 wdQ>+o]J7%~k RJrEvent AJrEvent QJrEventJrEventPJrEventJr|EventjJr|EventOJryEvent JryEventJrxEvent2JrxEventNJrxEventJrwEvent~CJqEvent}MJrcEvent|PJrvEvent{JrvEventzLJrvEventyJrvEventxKJruEventwJJruEventvIJruEventuHJrtEventtGJrtEventsFJrtEventrEJrtEventqDJrtEventpCJrtEventoqJrtEventnBJrtEventmAJrtEventlJrtEventk@JrtEventjJrtEventidJqEventhJqEventgJqEventfJr]EventeJr]EventdrJr]EventcJrcEventb?JrkEventa>JrkEvent`=JrkEvent_JrkEvent^vh]K>4)uiaYI?-#ocRB5 second round of f?#programming>'agile xp apln=perl<3extreme programming ;!xpportland:tech9+xpportland tech 8festival 7organic61sustainable living 5business4#entrepeneur3%unconference 2startup11interaction design0ixda/+socallinuxexpo7.)socallinuxexpo -scale2008,scale +scale7*1vc funding startup )ruby beer(=free software foundation'fsf&pizza%'pdxfunc oscon$oscon##cartography"gps!gis mapping vidoop#code sprint python literary narrativestory writingdiy stories open mic%storytellingphp securityhelp workshop cliniclinux werewolf 'django python django wordpress beerolpc2kgeo gis humanitarian gps internet web humaninetruby database !postgresql sociallunchagile Vto help technology entrepreneurs understand the critical requirements of their new ventures and provide the guidance to build analysis-rich plans and investor pitches. Workshop includes hands-on developmenBԡ,G 3333AeA Technology Awards Program2009-05-08 01:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0509062008-11-07 21:40:092008-11-07 21:40:09 ;K2009-05-08 04:00:00ԡ+IA3333AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Recipes for Successful Company Formation and Growth Emerging Business Networking Event: Recipes for Succes #ԡ* 3333AeA Finance Networking Event: Managing During Difficult TimesPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for finance professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-03-19 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0309022008-11-07 21:31:012008-11-07 21:31:01 :$2009-03-19 16:00:00X~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ |vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ent9,JpEvent8+JpEvent7 JoEvent6 JoEvent5 JoEvent4 JoEvent3 JoEvent2 JoEvent0 JoEvent/JoEvent-$JoEvent,(JoEvent+'JoEvent*&JoEvent)%JoEvent($JoEvent&$JoEvent% JoEvent 5t L  h 2  M  h ՠ$ ϟk ɟ; ʟ ޞQ  G  g 7 r 7 y H  ] + { K  i 9 ? W % u C 5 8\ B$ 'n $: - R D Eg 7 Ñ O R N6 M SL U Tl ]< a `Y $ f 0 g jO  po s> y z] v( ux wH }\ ) n ; Z " g / w G  ] * s = P؀?lԡ?#3_333Living Your Business PlanWhere’s your business plan? Sitting on a shelf gathering dust? In your head where you haven’t exactly pinned down some critical details? A plan needs to be a living document that is readily accessible, gets updated frequently, anTԡ(W3333AeA BOD Education Series: Board Succession: The Good, The Bad, The ToughBoard Succession: The Good, The Bad, The Tough Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters!2009-04-08 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409062008-11-07 21:26:082009-03-30 18:07:00 :2009-04-08 18:00:00 kckortland Keirestu Forum, launched in January 2008, is the 16th chapter of the nation's largest aUԡ#_U3]333Keep Portland Weird! A Community FestivalSaturday, November 8, 2008, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. * Central Library * 801 S.W. 10th Ave. * 503.988.5123 Portland is a place of passionate people pursuing interesting, ۍԡ"/3=333Oregon's Most Admired Companies and CEO of the Year Awards LuncheonPortland Business Journal's Oregon's Most Admired Companies and CEO of the Year Awards Luncheon Who are the most admired companies in Oregon? Come find out! The results are in, and you won't want to miss the most popular event of the year! REGISTER NOW Tuesday December 9th, 2008 11:00am - 1:00pm Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom 921 SW 6th Ave. The Portland Business Journal conducted a phone survey of CEOs across Oregon and asked their opinions on the greatest companies in Oregon. The results have been tabulated and will be announced at our Oregon's M rated by Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal Smart phones, but dumb approach? When will users have more control over key elements of buying and using their mobile phone? Join moderator Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, cellular thought leaders and rabble rousers as we look into the future of mobile telephony, asking questions such as: Where is mobility really going? Is it a phone or a TV set? What are the limitations of our mobile devices? When will we have more control over the phone/carrier combination? What opportunities still exist for entrepreneurs? Complete details may be found at http://www.mitenterpriseforum.org Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, November 24 at 4:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-25 00:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/2008-11-07 20:46:292008-11-07 20:46:47 <;b2008-11-25 02:00:00 5{xgVE4#yhWF5$ziXG6%{online en=0JpEvent</JpEvent;.JpEvent:-JpEvent9,JpEvent8+JpEvent7 JoEvent6 JoEvent5 JoEvent4 JoEvent3 JoEvent2 JoEvent0 JoEvent/JoEvent-$JoEvent,(JoEvent+'JoEvent*&JoEvent)%JoEvent($JoEvent&$JoEvent% JoEvent$#JoEvent#"JoEvent"!JoEvent! JoEvent JoEventJoEventJoEvent JoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEventJoEvent  JoEvent  JoEventJoEventJiEventJiEventJoEventJoEventJoEvent SSls to more easily visually parse long formulas. Ultimately, I propose a "&ԡ %93U333Dale Jamieson - “The Moral and Political Challenges of Climate Change.”Room 238 Dale Jamieson is Director of the Environmental Studies program at New York University, where he is also Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, and Affiliated Professor of Law. He is also the current Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Politics at the University of Oregon. A prolific presence in his field, Professor Jamieson has authored Morality’s Progress: Essays on Humans, Other Animals, and the Rest of Nature (Oxford, 2002) and Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2008); and edited or co-edited seven books, including the forthcoming Climate Ethics (Oxford, 2010). His research has been funded by both the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.2009-10-17 01:30:00http://www.publichumanities.pdx.edu/2009-10-16 20:33:232009-10-16 20:33:23 92009-10-17 02:30:00 0v|iVC0 r_L9&~kXE2 visciplinary tegJrIEventfnJrIEventeJrIEventd=JrIEventcJrHEventbJrHEventaJrGEvent`JrGEvent_JrGEvent^JrEvent\JrFEvent[JrEEventZJrCEventYJr5EventXJr5EventWJr5EventVJr5EventUJr5EventTJr4EventSJr3EventRrJr3EventQJr2EventPJr.EventOJr.EventLJr,EventKJr,EventJJr+EventIJr+EventHJrEventFJqEventEJqEventDJqEventCJqEventBJqEventAJqEvent@JqEvent?JqEvent>Jr*Event=Jr*Event:Jr(Event8Jr'Event7Jr'Event6Jr&Event5Jr"Event4JrEvent3JrEvent2JrEvent02JrEvent A#C ԡD/o3333Health Tech Forumhttp://www.eԡ_3M333Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foodshe next Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foods 8ԡO;3E333PSU Internet Marketing ConferenceJoin us at Portland State University for a half-day Internet Marketing Conference with local experts, a site lab and networking event sponsored by SAO IPsig and SEMpdx. Registration fee is $55, which includes the evening event. Visit www.pdc.pdx.edu/imktg for more information and registration, or call 503 725-4820.

      Ticket Info: $55.00Buy Tickets
       2008-12-08 20:00:00http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/imktg2008-12-08 23:44:482008-12-12 20:07:16 =;b=2008-12-09 04:00:00 LC5ԡI4ԡPVԡUDԡ[@ԡa>ԡЁԡVQ73333CHIFOO: A Framework for Innovationhttp://www.chifoo.org2008-03-06 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-06 04:00:00ԡUWE3333eWomen: Accelerated Networking Dinnerhttp://www.ewomennetwork.com2008-03-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-26 02:30:00 ԡT!Q3333FEI dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org*ԡW133333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Presentations: - "Using the Ruby DBI, a low-level database interface" by Erik Hollensbe, the DBI maintainer - "Exploring the DataMapper ORM" with Jesse Hallett. - ...and often many others spontaneously added during meeting Other possible topics: - What's new in Ruby 1.9.1? - What's new in Rails 2.2? - ...and more!2009-01-07 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2008-12-10 11:38:122009-01-05 20:04:27 92009-01-07 05:00:00 ommunity. Come with your ideas and your computer - we will be posting the ideas generated at this meeting to our Wiki so we can help put them into the adtg3g33JuDExperiences of Chinese Companies Entering the U.S. MarketPresented by the Northwest China Council. What opportunities are there for U.S. consulting, services, and partner companies to improve their business with Chinese companies coming into the U.S. market? Akana Ma will describe the experiences of some of the Chinese companies he has w \^s[k3s33Ju,Startup CEO Sebastian Rapport of OntierEntrepreneur Meetups > OTBC In spite of the difficult economy, Ontier CEO Sebastian Rapport recently closed an investment round, launched a product, and added tech heavy-weights Paul Gulick and Les Fahey to the Ontier Board. At this lunch program, Sebastian will talk about Ontier, share some lessons learned, and give attendees a peek at Ontier's Pixetell� product, which provides "The Power of In-Person Interaction a Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness R<ԡR'33333Free MATLAB and Simulink Seminar: Data Analysis and Signal Processing SystemsJoin the MathWorks for this special complimentary event comprised of two sessions. In the morning session, MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how you can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face in Excel. In the afternoon session, they will dem`km3M33JsOMasterbacon: A d`;{o3[33JulCreating Agile Learning Games for Coaches & ConsultantsPresented by Chris Sims and T Œ)ԡ3w333Your Blog - you built it, now how do you get those readers to show up?Entrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Note - as of Nov. 1, OTBC is at a new location, so be sure to check out our new address! The Program You're writing a weblog or other social networking website. That's good! But who's reading? How do you know? How did they find you? And how do you encourage more people to read it? At this lunch and learn, two experienced bloggers will discuss tips on driving traffic to your blog, and tips on how to monitor who is Q' '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpynts/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12472008-03-25 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-03-25 21:30:00qԡo ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ# sԡ& mԡ' jԡ( oԡ+ gԡ- hԡ/ fԡ1 Hԡ3 dԡ5 _ԡ6 ^ԡ: bԡ; ]ԡ< Wԡ= Uԡ? SԡA MԡC KԡE JԡG GԡH AԡJ ?ԡK 9ԡM 7ԡN >ԡO 4ԡP 3ԡQ 6ԡR 5ԡS 2ԡW ,ԡZ ԡ] ԡ^ Oԡ` !ԡa ԡb ԡe ԡjքԡk ԡm ԡn ԡo„ԡq ԡs Äԡt لԡu ԡv ԡx ԡz ԡ{qԡ ԡ ԡ ߄ԡ ڄԡ 2ԡ фԡ ΄ԡ ӄԡ ʄԡ ̈́ԡ Ʉԡ ԡ Ȅԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ qwq̀(8ӀP؀]ـԡ&uW3333AeA Finance Networking Event - SEC Accounting UpdatePanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for finance professionals in the technology industry. During this session attendees will learn about current SEC issues as well as other accounting topics. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2009-01-15 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0109022008-11-07 21:10:322008-11-07 21:10:32 :$2009-01-15 18:00:00zԡ$Y3w333MIT Enterprise Forum: The Future of Wireless CommunicationEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Mode in to the map.

      They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

      More about Mapping parties
      [edit] Info

      * 11:00am-4:00pm Sat 11/8 & 11:00am-3:00pm Sun 11/9
      * Bridgeport Brewpub
      * 1313 NW Marshall Street
      * Portland, Oregon 97209
      * drink / food afterward
      * Bridgeport Brewpub is located in the Pearl District at NW 13th & NW Marshall. Go to http://www.portlandstreetcar.org/ for schedule info.
      * NO GPS REQUIRED - we'll lend you a GPS and show you how to use it, or we can use paper and other ways to capture data.
      2008-11-08 19:00:00http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Portland2008-11-07 06:39:242008-11-07 18:48:35 :6;b2008-11-09 23:00:00 1q}jXF4"|iWD1 vcP=+qf Managn_JrEventmJrEventlrJrEventjMJrEventi JrEventhJrEventg}JrEventf|JrEventerJrEventd{JrEventc?JrEventbqJrEventazJrEvent`yJrEvent_xJrEvent^~JrEvent]}JrEvent\JrEvent[wJrEventZvJrEventYuJrEventXtJrEventWsJrEventVrJrEventUqJrEventTpJrEventSJrEventRJrEventQ=JrEventPoJrEventOnJrEventNJrEventMjJrEventL}JrEventKmJrEventJlJrEventI?JrEventHJrEventGJrEventF|JrEventE~JrEventCjJpEventBiJpEventAJrEvent@hJrEvent?JrEvent> JrEvent=JrEvent<JrEvent 3vxgVE4"n\J8&r`N<*v It cov*!JpEvent)yJpEvent(3JpEvent'qJpEvent&pJpEvent%JpEvent$JpEvent#xJpEvent"wJpEvent!?JpEvent vJpEventuJpEventJpEventmJpEventtJpEventsJpEventrJpEventqJpEventpJpEventJpEventJpEventJpEventjJpEvent JpEventJpEventCJpEventdJpEvent oJpEvent BJpEvent nJpEvent =JpEventlJp|EventdJp{EventkJpzEventjJpzEventiJpsEventhJppEventgJppEventfJpoEventeJpoEvent~dJpnEvent}CJpnEvent|:JpnEvent{BJpnEventzcJpmEventybJpkEventxaJpkEventw`JpkEventv_JpkEventu^JpkEventt]JpkEvent ZZeetups to chat, network and grow.

      After running Portland Open Coffee Cԡ1?37333DorkbotPDX Meeting

      Ok, sorry if this spiel sounds familiar... I'm going on fumes at the moment and just wanted to get this out:

      It's time again to break out the breadboards, shine up the solder joints and light up the LEDs wԡ+;3?333Startup WorkoutStretch, strengthen and tone your startup muscles. Bring an idea to pitch to the group Friday evening, socialize and gather your team over coffee or drinks afterward. Start building your product Saturday and launch Sunday! We will have an attorney and a CPA with extensive startup experience available for either a short presentation or Q&A at some point(s) during the weekend. More info on the website. RSVP on Upcoming today! 2008-11-15 02:00:00http://startupworkout.com2008-11-04 04:28:152008-11-04 04:29:12 ;g2008-11-17 02:00:00 1m|iVC0 ubO<*p]J7$mnd/JpEventJpEvent5JpEvent 2JpEvent JpEvent bJpEventaJpEvent`JpEvent]JpEventSJpEventJpEventJpEventJpEventJpEventJpEventJpEvent~VJpEvent}JpEvent|?JpEvent{JpEventz?JpEventyJpEventxJpEventwJpEventv5JpEventuJpEventtJpEventsJpEventrJpEventqJpEventpJpEventoJpEventnJpEventmrJpEventlJpEventkJpEventjJpEventiJpEventhJpEventgJpEventfJpEventeJpEventdJpEventcJpEventbJpEventaJpEvent`JpEvent_JpEvent^qJpEvent 1{p^K8&}kXE2  {iWE3!{ Official Provost]JpEvent\JpEvent[JpEventZ :VenueYJpEventXJpEventW[JpEventVJpEventU=JpEventTJpEventSjJpEventRJpjEventQdJpEventPCJpEventO:JpEventNBJpEventMdJpEventLCJpEventK:JpEventJBJpEventIJpEventG <>VenueF <>VenueEJpEventDJpEventCJpEventBJpEventAkJpEvent@JpEvent?JpEvent>JpEvent=JpEvent<JpEvent;JpEvent:Jj/Event9Jj/Event8 <;Venue6?JpEvent5JpEvent4JpEvent3JpEvent2~JpEvent1}JpEvent0JpEvent/|JpEvent.+n\I6#yM, and the abilit$Ju$Event#?Ju#Event"Ju#Event!Ju#Event \ ?Venuej ?VenueMJu"EventMJu!Event/JuEvent JuEvent JuEvent JuEvent !JuEvent JuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent_JuEventJuEventJuEventJuEventJuEvent~DJuEvent}CJuEvent|BJuEvent{zJuEventzJuEventyqJuEventx}JuEventw|JuEventvVenueqQJuEventpJuEventoJuEventnJuEventm JuEventlJuEventkJuEventjJuEventiJuEventh JuEventgJu Evented, a product of Tech Soup, works to spur responsible adoption of social web tools by social benefit organizations. There's a whole new generation of online tools available ? tools that make it easier than ever before to collaborate, share information and mobilize support. These tools include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, podcasting, and more. Some people describe them as "Web 2.0"; we call them the social web, because their power comes from the relationships they enable. Portland 501 Tech Club - http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=gvb&igid=5273 The 501 Tech Club is a monthly gathering of people working on or interested in nonprofit technology in the Portland, OR Area. Our meetings are opportunities for anyone interested in helping nonprofits use technology to get together and talk shop in a fun, informal setting, and our name refers to the fact that most of us work primarily with and for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.2008-11-20 01:30:002008-11-06 05:21:092008-11-06 05:21:09 :2008-11-20 03:30:00 even better to create your own games to address your specific teaching points. In this session, we will introduce some essential elements of game design and demonstrate a process for designing a game starting with a learning objective. Participants will then use materials we supply to create their own Agile games. Learning games are exponentially effective because they engage across all four of the key learning styles: * Kinetic/Tactile * Spatial/Visual * Auditory * Logical Because they operate at so many different levels, learning games are highly effective at conveying complex concepts like those involved in agile development methodologies. Class Outline We will introduce a simple process for creating games and simulations: 1. Choose a learning objective or concept to explore. 2. Identify important logistical requirements and constraints such as the number of players, the time frame, and the expected skill level of the players. 3. Choose a mecha qfRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expruԡQy%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey :oc3]33JukAgile Project Management Workshop with Chris SimsThis is a full day, experiential introduction that focuses primarily on the project management elements of Agile. It's ideal for anyone who is going to be or wants to be invovled in an agile project: developers, product people, managers, and of course, project managers. Course Description: On a software project, uncertainty is certain. The customer will change their mind, a 'must have' feature will be discovered, deadlines will move, or an unexpected competitive threat will need to be countered. The agile approach to project management allows the team to easily adjust to these changing conditions in order to produce the most valuable software possible. This experiential workshop teaches the fundamentals of agile 0x{iWD2 taN;(}jWD1 xules 101U2008-11-17 06:00:00 3ztiSC9#j]K6-kZL=/"zortant for t_/high speed memory^%data centers]'shared memory\%rna networks[/supercomputing 09ZvenueY)east multnomahX'east portlandW#east county Vgresham Uinventor Tinvention SinvestorR#entreprenurQ1content managementP+microcontrollerO-microcontrollers N!cappuccino McommonjsL7transition initiative K!resiliencyJ/wordcamp portland IwhiffiesH#shenanigansGossF+microenterpriseE%microfinance DseminarC-business writing#BMceo_roundtable_market strategies'AUoen_workshop_ryan_lewis_social_media @webapp?#lyle harris >glassfish=maven <jersey ;!gridpacket:-packet computing9grid 8!agile 20097-wherecamppdx20096jelly 5kennedy 4weiden3%adverstising2#inspiration+/drupal user group *ux books)coach (!consultant '!free lance WBWaԡ)ԡ.؄ԡ6Մԡ<ԡ@ԡBքԡKфԡRЁdԡ;3O333pdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-05 10:32:142008-11-05 10:32:14 9;b՟2008-11-05 05:00:00/ԡC3y333HOTLIPS Art Action Third Thursday Community Writing WorkshopsWHAT Join HOTLIPS Pizza and Write Around Portland every third Thursday morning this fall to experience the transformative power of writing in community. These workshops are perfect for the new writer and the seasoned writer. Start your day with breakfast pastries, coffee, tea and the written word. These workshops are a part of HOTLIPS Art Action, a series of events and artworks that express the working philosophy that sensory experiences enhance life, and that art, like pizza, is an irreducible ingredient for a healthy society. HOW Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, email; hotlipspizza@wri >(h>(A 5 33' Tom McCall Waterfront ParkNaito Pkwy at Salmon2008-10-30 01:27:012008-10-30 01:27:30Sw Naito PkwyPortlandOR97204US@F,^T'G _733/ %Multnomah Athletic Club (MAC)1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97205http://www.themac.com2008-10-29 22:01:262008-10-29 22:01:261849 Sw Salmon StPortlandOR97205US@F¦Ka^N503-223-6251-%+ e 333# Mentor Graphics8005 SW Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, OR 970702008-10-29 19:55:142008-10-29 19:56:168005 Sw Boeckman RdWilsonvilleOR97070US@Fz}^:$ s933) NetDesk111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204http://www.netdesk.com2008-10-29 19:42:072008-10-29 19:45:38111 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97204US@F9m ^;XRR#E u;33+ Schwabe, Williamson, & Wyatt1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1900, Portland, OR 97204http://www.schwabe.com/2008-10-29 19:23:392008-10-29 19:25:071211 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97204US@F8^>tearound.org with your name, phone number and the date of the workshop(s) you would like to attend. $25 Suggested tax deductible donation to Write Around Portland per workshop. All proceeds go directly toward funding Write Around Portland workshops and programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, veterans living with PTSD, survivors of domestic violence, people living with mental illness, homeless youth and many others. For more information, go to www.writearound.org. ABOUT HOTLIPS HOTLIPS Pizza is a local family-owned company with 4 restaurants in Portland, a central processing facility and a soda production operation. Perennially ranked among the best Portland restaurants for great food and its use of locally sourced and organic ingredients. Founded in 1984, HOTLIPS continues to be recognized locally and nationally as a leader in sustainability. www.hotlipspizza.com 2008-12-18 17:00:00http://www.hotlipspizza.com/new/writing_workshops.html2008-11-04 23:01:342008-11-04 23:01:34 =2008-12-18 19:00:00nism (board game, card game, online game, building challenge, open ended simulation, etc.) that fits for the intended use. 4. Choose a set of design elements to employ (or intentionally omit) that lend themselves to the learning objectives. (The presence or absence of Collaboration in a game can lend itself to lessons around teamwork, for example.) 5. Draft the rules by which players will play the game. 6. Play the game, discuss, and iterate. Keep iterating, tweaking the rules, until the game feels solid and fun, with lots of opportunities for insight. We will introduce and explain key game design elements including: Strategy, Chance, Choice, Collaboration, Competition, Interference, Balance, Secrecy, Roles, and Turns. And we will demonstrate how to use these game design elements by suggesting ways they could be used to design games around learning objectives suggested by participants.2009-05-01 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/AgileGames05012009-04-07 18:51:18 ;2009-05-02 00:00:00 0u{hUB/ taN;(~kXE2 uthese issues.fJu Evente1Ju EventdJu EventcJu EventbJu EventaJu Event`Ju Event_Ju Event^JsQEvent]JsQEvent\Ju Event[Ju EventZ\Ju EventYJtEventXJtEventW >VenueVJuEventUJuEventTJuEventSJuEventRJuEventQ >VenueNJuEventMJuEventLJuEventKJuEventJJtEventIJtEventHJtEventG:JtEventFJtEventEJtEventDaJtEventCJtEventB5JtEventA2JtEvent@JtEvent?JtEvent>JtEvent=JtEvent<JtEvent;JtEvent:JtEvent9JtEvent7JtEvent3JtEvent2tJtEvent1JtEvent 7}rcRF=,eWK2raSB6,tml
      '#technonlogy&'electric cars %!smart grid 3children's_clothing#nom nom nom9organic beer microbrew#educational !journalism tualatincamp summer#high school students#engineering-saturday academy)child friendlyCgame developers pagdig igdagrill'chicken wingsrpgrss #yahoo pipes #greendragon classes -software testing 3python beer awesome biznik linkedin=personal telco ntia btop widmer innotechpdmafilms)cinema project#avant garde+christopher may~%jason harris}demo|sms{taptu z!bonnevilley#performancexsun woraclev#users group ubeavertontbooks sauthor rman tittyqcandy pbloggers opowell's nromancem-artist workshopsl=professional developmentritearound.org with your name, phone number and the date of the workshop(s) you would like to attend. $25 Suggested tax deductible donation to Write Around Portland per workshop. All proceeds go directly toward funding Write Around Portland workshops and programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, veterans living with PTSD, survivors of domestic violence, people living with mental illness, homeless youth and many others. For more information, go to www.writearound.org. ABOUT HOTLIPS HOTLIPS Pizza is a local family-owned company with 4 restaurants in Portland, a central processing facility and a soda production operation. Perennially ranked among the best Portland restaurants for great food and its use of locally sourced and organic ingredients. Founded in 1984, HOTLIPS continues to be recognized locally and nationally as a leader in sustainability. www.hotlipspizza.com 2008-11-20 17:00:00http://www.hotlipspizza.com/new/writing_workshops.html2008-11-04 22:42:492008-11-04 22:42:49 =2008-11-20 19:00:00 FF for all forum that lets everyone come to work on any project of his/her choosing that day—with an underwritten agreement that each participant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability. While this concept is comparable to co-working, the fact that we have everybody from gMԡ'3E333Star+ԡ;3y333HOTLIPS Art Action Third Thursday Community Writing WorkshopsWHAT Join HOTLIPS Pizza and Write Around Portland every third Thursday morning this fall to experience the transformative power of writing in community. These workshops are perfect for the new writer and the seasoned writer. Start your day with breakfast pastries, coffee, tea and the written word. These workshops are a part of HOTLIPS Art Action, a series of events and artworks that express the working philosophy that sensory experiences enhance life, and that art, like pizza, is an irreducible ingredient for a healthy society. HOW Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, email; hotlipspizza@w be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pot* 2nd place: 15% of pot* 3rd place: 5% Better Structure: We are using software tools to make blind raising, table consolidation, registration smoother. We can now track player rankings for the whole year! Higher Anticipated turnout: About 50 Rebuys: Allowed in the 1 1/2 Hour @ $25 (3 max) Tables: 8 players + dealer; 6 tables Bonus: If you work for a software company you get 5% extra chips. *Prize payout includes initial buy-in's only - rebuys are not added to the prize pot. **You must be 21 or older to play! Thank you to our Chip Sponsors: Intel, WebTrends, ViaWest, and Edgelink. For more information about sponsorship or play, please contact Bryce Yonker at bryce.yonker@sao.org or 503.228.5443.2008-10-23 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/08b2008-10-12 23:29:492009-04-29 20:12:42 ?2008-10-23 03:30:00 ==hAԡgo3333Collaborative Ingenuity * MOVED TO ECOTRUST **** This week’s Collaborative Ingenuity—wherein both geeks with a penchant for creative stuff and creatives with a penchant for geekyzAԡ<ԡG'3q333WestSide Polyglot ProgrammersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-11-25 03:00:00 http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers 2008-11-04 18:02:302008-11-12 02:56:23 <2008-11-25 05:00:00 $*{M"5 KO33- 'Oregon Stamp Society4828 NE 33rd Ave., Portland, ORhttp://www.oregonstampsociety.org2008-10-29 19:13:142008-10-29 19:14:534828 Ne 33rd AvePortlandOR97211US@Fn&NHb^W503-284-6770 )!A I 33/ Portland Business Alliance200 Market Street, Portland OR2008-10-28 22:35:332008-10-29 03:17:18200 Market StreetPortlandOR97214US@FcrD^|ᛑ 9t / ae337+%Aivea Corporation14631 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97006http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-10-28 20:51:032008-11-21 05:19:1514631 Sw Millikan WayBeavertonOR97005US@FY ^^ sales@aivea.com503-520-9999VK SA331 %Westminster Presbyterian Church1624 NE Hancock, Portland, OR 97212http://www.westprespdx.org2008-10-28 17:04:052008-10-28 17:05:201624 Ne Hancock StPortlandOR97212US@FĴJ^m+503-287-1289 0}lbTD5!r`RA1&weXL6&}e. Products, and the |?content management system {!coldfusionz-brand experiencey'i have a ponyx#andrew_rowe wwebinarvsales%uQstart-up sales webinar andrew_rowe t!ecmascripts-ux books reading pstudio onetworkn%illustration mdesigner?lstartupalooza "start-ups" startup "legion of tech" portland kpuredatajpd ibrandingh'customer_careg'stewart_emeryfstoelezibadbrand c!trade markb#trade dress askinning`%ostartupskey_-tvg ostartupskey^/shizzow api oauth ]demo camp \eclipse [city parkZ)sustainabliltyY'environmental Xearth dayWCyou had me at plasma cutterV)it's all stars Uemergence T!complexity SreligionRjobsQ;technical professionals P!employment57business advice avaya .mentor*1sustainable energy)#reliability(/energy efficiency +h|\B*fP;&rbO. yhorepower &'#peteforsyth &wikipedia%#some awards $smc pdx #toolkits"1user center design !cooper chifoo%empire group-wireframe design'website cutup webactiveCweb application development'web analytics !web agency)trend analysis=social network marketing;social network exposuresmmsemAsearch engine optimization;search engine marketing-schematic design+online strategy+online presence-online marketing Conline business development ;online brand expression ;online brand experience %online brand 5interactive strategy7interactive marketingEinteractive brand experience1interactive agency5immersive experienceAimmersive brand experience/holistic approach holistic)emerging media1emerge interactive ecommerce ~approach}-customer centric 0z{hUC0 saO<)p]J7$zbԡnԡJtEventvJtEventuJtEventuJtEvent/JtEvent?JtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventtJtEventJtEventsJtlEvent_JtlEvent`JtlEventkJtEventrJtEventIJtEvent qJtEvent JJtEvent JtEvent JtEvent [JtEventpJtEventoJtEventJtEvent[JtEventJtEventnJtEvent >Venuel >Venue >VenueeJtEvent~mJtEvent}JtEvent|lJtEvent{JtEventzkJsEventyzJsEventxjJtEventwiJtEventvhJtEventugJtEventtfJtEventsJtEventrJtEventqJtEventpJtEvent s met up to get things done—was both fun and productive. Join us next week! *** Collaborative Ingenuity is a free for all forum that lets everyone come to work on any project of his/her choosing that day—with an underwritten agreement that each participant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability. While this concept is comparable to co-working, the fact that we have everybody from graphic designer, web developer to account1ԡS3M333Masterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catered to bacon geeks to be able to share their favorite bacon treats with the world? Wouldn't it make sense to make it a competition complete with trophy and prizes? Of course it would.

      Masterbacon is just such an event.
      2009-01-17 21:00:00http://bacongeek.com/masterbacon2008-11-04 17:53:552009-01-06 22:31:18 =;b JsO2009-01-18 01:00:00nce. In addition, our esteemed panel Web Analytics experts, featuring Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified, and Ian Lurie, president and CEO of Portent Interactive, will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to how to improve you site's performance through an 'understanding' of Web Analytics. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranked within the search engines. Tips on Web site analytics, keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. For more information and to purchase tickets, please click here. Portland, OR 97205 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 5:30 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/b/e/d/event_1451245.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-12 01:30:00http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/2008-11-03 16:22:222008-11-03 16:23:10 :V;b 2008-11-12 03:30:00 /ywj^=0}nbRE6. ZOyctions for more tha&]Ssearch engine optimization training`ZElocativegaming chaoticfiction massstory pervasivegaming spies alternaterealitygaming puzzlesGYlocativegaming pervasivegaming spies alternaterealitygaming puzzlesXphoto$WO#saopdx #intel #webinar #workshop V!monitoringU#health careOcbnN#"amy hsuan"M+"tech business" Lreporting KoutreachJscala Ifounders Htwicnic Geditor FreporterEtv Dnewspaper Cdigital B!job search Aweb2.0 @workshops?%office space >coworking='meeting rooms <hot desks;/onlinecommunities:'socialcapital 9missrogue 8tarahunt7-thewhuffiefactor6'whuffiefactor 5whuffie4Cinternational beer festival 3gotime 2artists1arith 0contest/fair.ocaml-#wordcamppdx,pdxwp+video *!extensions )firefox(1wikiproject oregon <yiZE0 ~_J>3xaN@2& , lastubikest9wieden kennedy w+k pie sround 3 qround 2 poctober oswapmeetn#seed oregon fvendors eamazon dcomputingcwebos bwebkit apalm pre `learning_'the cloud(tm)^/google app engine]rock\type[?html css javascript html5Z9information managementYfacesXmanyWthe Vpub talkUcloudT)wicked problemSCbusiness process managementRabpmp QwineryP+business sprintO?corvallis startup weekendNplanM7social media club pdxLmojoKsdkJ#developmentIpalm H!predevcampGdevFpre EartistDmp3 Ckindle Bebooks A!publishing@+venture_funding?+venture_capital >northwest =!government<share;work:lab 9project8code7hack6)first thursday 5incubator4wk 3friendly 2cocktails he Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group Web Analytics... Do you know what you are looking at? Join us Tuesday, November 11th, 2008, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking, search marketing education and dinner. Please note that you need to purchase tickets for this event. According to the Web Analytics Association, the definition of 'web analytics' is the following: The measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage. While the lion-share of this definition is fairly straight forward, its the 'understanding' part that is the difference between just having a Web site, and having a Web site surpass your marketing goals. Join SEMpdx for an engaging Hot Seat centered on the topic Web Analytics... Do You Know What You Are Looking At? You'll learn the most current fundamentals and best practices for understanding how an effective Web Analytics strategy can benefit your online marketing performa VV(wXzԡtea3Q333Portland Final Cut Pro User Group (PDXFCPUG)6:15 – 6:30p
      Arrival and seating
      6:30 – 7:00p
      Rebecca Gerendasy will share some online websites that might help you in a pinch.
      7:00 – 7:45p
      Presentation: Animation to the Rescue, Bev Standish
      Bev Standish will present on using animation to rescue you from dire straights. She will show how she uses animation to solve major issues in documented footage, like when the whole audience stands up to sing the Star Spangled Banner in front of the camera so all you have is the picture of someone's back, for an entire song. She will demonstrate how to create an animation, make titles, a character, and some special effects (if time allows) She will use both Lightwave 3D and After Effects. Check out her work at http://www.digitalelfstudios.com/$_J=& re[N4! zhcare se1patio0?perl geeks lies cake beer/%perkins coie.'washington dc-)william malley,%recovery act+arra *!guarantees)loans (federal''goldman sachs&5silicon forest forum %culture$arts #brewery"%urbanedibles!)neocartography tbh#cluster_key moblinderby hibernate#eclipselink toplink)jon batchellerpojoormjpa/urban agriculture farming+organic farming%Qcontrolled environment agriculture gleaning)victory garden#greenhouses harvest #hydroponics %vermiculture 'social profit 7local food production garden5growing technologies-incereased yield-extended harvest#ecopreneurs)earl blumenaur)global warmingnoisesound/internet strategy#aboutus.org ~plan d}'retrospective s Clive Cook has a track record of success building and leading technology businesses. Combining expertise in management, strategic business development and technology application, Mr. Cook is an architect of both products and business models. At VeriLAN, Inc., Mr. Cook led the multi-billion dollar consortium of companies seeking to build, own and operate large wireless infrastructure projects. As CEO of Elematics, Clive led the company from business plan development, financing, and deployment. Clive worked in management positions for Nortel Networks, Acterna (now JDSU) and Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman). Clive has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary and earned his master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Carleton University. He holds an M.B.A. from the Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. Mr. Cook is on the Board of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). Chris Bakken, President & Chief Strategy Off 0qeN<,! mR7'qeX9-# qpertise i)small business #brandologie big /convention center /crisis management 1workplace violence#electricitydweebdork techno hackerlawn picnic?#saopdx #golf #networking license patent ~property}%intellectual |licensing{lesy%opentechshop xquartz wmacintoshvapple uchangetforums=earned income strategiesr#mutual fund q!hedge fundp7server virtualizationo7memory virtualizaitonn)grid computing m!infinibandl+super computingk3tick data analyticsjCtrade execution performancei=trading platform latencyhmario gcoroflotfnikeecinco d!recruitingc%presentationb/industrial design'aUsearch engine optimization workshops%`Qsearch engine optimization seminar%_Qsearch engine optimization classes^Cinternet marketing trainingreading your blog and how those readers found you. This event was inspired by a well attended, similarly titled session at Side Project to Startup. The Panel Rick Turoczy publishes the Silicon Florist, a popular local blog that covers web 2.0 and open source startups in the Portland area. Rick is also a writer for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. Wm Leler is the CEO of ZAT, and a coach at OTBC. A few months ago, Wm started the political humor blog Political Irony.com. Location OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Beaverton, OR 97005 Time 11:45am Networking noon -1pm Program Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-11 20:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-03 16:17:402008-11-03 16:19:24 <;b 2008-11-11 22:00:004-7pm
      Lucky Lab SE - 915 SE Hawthorne

      This pre-ride party is a chance to get your entry information in advance, review the routes, ask questions, meet other riders, pick up your t-shirt and relax at the Lucky Lab.

      You may register for the ride at the pre-ride party.

      You may pick up registration info for other riders.

      Please note the location: SOUTHEAST Lucky Lab, 915 SE Hawthorne

      Last day to register in store and save (before locations close) - 8/31
      Online registration closes - 9/4, 11:59pm
      Packet Pickup - 9/6, 4-7pm

      DAY OF THE EVENT - 9/7
      Registration, check-in and information opens - 9:00am
      Ride starts- 10:00am
      Rest stop #1 closes - 11:30 am
      Finish line opens - noon
      Rest stop #2 closes - 2:00 pm
      Finish line party closes - 3:00 pm
      2008-09-07 16:00:00http://www.tourdelab.com2008-08-31 23:56:132008-09-01 03:35:33 ; ;b֑2008-09-07 22:00:00 3vxkbXJ:"yi_L@/cSB7varketingF'art instituteE3by10D-workplace policy Cfamilies BfamilyA#awesomeness@boly ?richard >abroad<=entrepreneurship abroad richard boly growth entrepreneurs<osgis;#openspatial :!opensource39mcloudcomputing barcamp unconference cloudcamppdx8'openstreetmap7map 2!identicati 1doggies01career transitions /metrics.email -lolcat ,!benchmarks+#open-source*#cowell-shah )spirit('guest speaker'voip &!recruiters %coffee $sysadmin#Cprofessional public speaker"Cso you want to be a speaker!Enational speaker association pdxpython9sustainable networking1connect networking !manchester hack daytyocxul mozillaf#)rasmus lerdorf brands !twitalyzer%patio seasonmake%enterpenuers !greenlight%entrepenuers project management, and is recommended for everyone who will be involved in an agile project. We will explore the key roles, responsibilities, interactions, and processes that make a successful agile project happen. Participants will learn: * Estimation * Release planning * Prioritization * The rhythm of iterative development and delivery * The flow of deliverables * Roles and responsibilities * Communication on an agile team * Empirical process control * Agile metrics * Simple tools for managing agile projects The workshop focuses on practical 'how to' skill development, while providing enough theory so that participants will understand why the techniques work. Interactive exercises allow participants to learn by doing. Class notes, suggestions for further reading, and free follow-on consulting are all included to ensure that the workshop's lessons can be effectively applied back in the 'real world'. 2009-05-04 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/APMPortland05042009-04-07 18:45:44 ;2009-05-05 00:00:00 4v{J7) xk]PA6, xI v to st|=personal telco volunteer!{Ipersonal telco router workshopz)off-site topicy1internet marketingxms wruckus vpdxriauria9typdma panel learning event product development managers,s_manager product event learning panel pdma rpostgis qhackathon paboutuso'what the shit nnedspace mchrome lsafarikoperajiei'web standardshhtml5g#pdxwerewolf f!kirk/spockekirkdspock csilliness bvulcans apon farr `phasers_'big blue room ^star trek]%perl mongers\#perl [gallery ZminingYEdemocratic republic of congo Xcoltan Wweb devV=lean product development Uping incT'dan shoenhair.Sclean product & process development exchangeRriverQsandy PtroutdaleNas3 Mflashpdx LbumpslideK'neo-geography J!geogeekery HourpdxGweirdies, including Healthline, a pioneer in medically-guided Internet search and information therapy. Prior to Definity, Chris spent 12 years in executive level brand management positions with The Pillsbury Company, Health Valley Foods, and Dreyer's & Edy's Grand Ice Cream. Chris and his teams developed dozens of leading brands under the Pillsbury, Green Giant, Health Valley, Starbucks, M&M and Godiva equities. Chris holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Occidental College. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-HCM-1111 Dates/Times: Tuesday, November 11, 6:00 PM Pizza, soft drinks, networking; 7:00 PM Presentation Location: Clark Center (building #3 on campus map) Course Fee: $0 2008-11-12 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24222008-11-03 16:11:332008-11-03 16:11:33 <2008-11-12 04:00:00 .p{rgXH7+oQ:!cQB4 xp&os%Esoftware process improvement$-software quality #!estimation"%collectables !antiques painting jewelry !ater wynne'selling stock-executive series linuxcon linuxfund%women in gis5qhealthcare it microsoft portland healthvault webmdcsm mangement3technology startups3university linkagesEtechnology commercialization5economic development3business incubation /business inubator =technology entrepreneurs )federal grants sbir, _small business innovation research grants'network redux/career transition/job search skills#job seekers foundry !typography comedy#puzzle hunt !discussion framework~pearl}soa|+brian westbrook{4g zsprintyfleetx%tech seminar.wcpersonal telco skypilot metrofi dismantling vbicycles :)sed I/O and safety in ter ԡG[3333Oregon Training Networ&Y/Q3Q33JrBeaver BarCamp IIFollowing the successful first Beaver Bar Camp we are going ahead with plans for our second community event. Hope you can make it. BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. When: Sunday, November 16th, 2009 (Note - change in date from earlier announcement) Time - 9:00am - 10:00pm Tag photos, blogs, del.icio.us, ma.gnolia, etc. as BeaverBarCamp Where: Kelley Engineering Center (map) at Oregon State University; 2500 Monroe, Corvallis, OR (brochure with a floor p9?3]33JujShizzow Developers MeetupDrop by to ask us questions, make suggestions, and discuss uses for the Shizzow API. We would also love to see demos of your apps!2009-04-17 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2375935/2009-04-07 17:06:40 ; ;b 2009-04-17 00:00:00 Speaker Bio Chris Delaney is the Chief Executive of Insignia Health, a Portland based company founded in 2006 through the technology transfer from the University of Oregon of the Patient Activation Measure and related intellectual property. Prior to Insignia, Chris was part of the founding group and Chief Marketing Officer for Definity Health. Definity, which was acquired by United HealthGroup at the close of 2004, pioneered account based HSA and HRA health benefit designs, as well as a number of Web innovations, including data-driven personalized messaging and cost and quality transparency. After leaving Definity in February, 2005, Chris became a founding partner of the Sequoi Group, a consultancy specializing in consumer-driven healthcare and the emerging role of the consumer across the healthcare system. Sequoi worked with a host of Fortune 500 companies to develop capabilities supportive of greater consumer engagement in their health. Chris has served as an advisor to various healthcare compan 8vh]M< p`L?' lbRE/  what it takes to k'grant writing j!presentingi+public speakinghissag'php cubespacef#independente'self employeddprc#illustratorb'photographersa-graphic designer `writers _!freelancer^solo]5agile learning games \coaching[#consultantsZ)learning gamesY#agile gamesXpmiWpm VusquaredU#zoe johnson T!feedburner Sblogger R!automationQ1social bookmarking Pweb 2.0O)taylor ellwood N!resilienceM5emergency managementL'public marketK#green rallyJywseI3business counselingHsbdcG'lewis & clarkF7intellectual propertyEsblcDsoukC?electronic health recordsB#information A!healthcare@seder ?passover>)personal telco =parody<spoof ;satire:humor9faux 8cinema7film6+database test 25p54farms 1  { t  r o m k q n V h Q i d _ e [ L ^ I X O Y f ~ g G Z C A F @ : W 4 6 ; 9 3 , 2 ) 0 1 / % * < & ! O      # d      Y o = .  _  H | z x u s q n p f m i c } a ` [ Y ^ U W P T O L I K = @ F ; < : . 9 8 4 6 ( , + 0 & ' ! $ #   b       neca and CareOregon. p1:pmittee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typiCԡMM 3333Agile Scrum Master Certification2009-11-10 17:00:00http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/agile-scrum-master/2009-10-27 23:46:072009-11-05 23:29:00 :A2009-11-12 01:00:00pԡL- 3 333Oregon Training Network: Integrating Sustainability Into Your Business Practices2009-12-14 17:00:00http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/sustainability/2009-10-27 23:15:482009-11-28 23:46:37 :2009-12-16 01:00:00aԡJ 3 333Oregon Training Network: Monitoring Conversations Using Yahoo Pipes2009-12-10 17:00:00http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/yahoo-pipes2/2009-10-27 23:11:242009-10-27 23:11:24 ?2009-12-10 20:00:00`ԡH 3333Taking Advantage Of Externally Hosted Platforms & Applications2009-12-07 17:00:00http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/external-hosting/2009-10-27 23:06:362009-10-27 23:06:36 <22009-12-09 01:00:00 ss-fRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expruԡQy%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by Barton C Massey I haven't gotten the topic yet from Bart; but Bart Massey who is with the Computer Science Department at PSU will be giving the presentation. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of thԡNY/3m333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMonthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. Will include a talk by Keith Lofstrom on his Server Sky project. The meeting is held in the back room, look for the PTP sign covering the "Employees Only" sign.2009-10-29 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20092009-10-28 06:05:352009-10-28 06:05:35 >2009-10-29 03:00:00 ement and Tailored Advocacy This free seminar is sponsored by the Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute (OCTRI), OHSU Division of Management, and the Oregon Bioscience Association. It is part of an ongoing series focusing on commercialization of health and bioscience research. To register for this seminar, please check the box in the upper left hand corner of this Web page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consumers hold the keys to the healthcare kingdom. Whether one turns to data from the Centers for Disease Control, advocacy organizations such as the American Cancer Society or from published research in the New England Journal of Medicine, one finding resounds--more than 70% of what drives our health status is the result of the choices we make. Even when health is genetically predisposed there remain the choices we make to express this disposition. The Pat tt5em! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!)ԡCwk35333The Portland After Effects User Group - K7-u3s33JuiCascade Job Fair12th Annual Cascade Job Fair in Portland Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Time: 11am - 3pm Place: Cascade PEB Gymnasium Portland Community College Cascade Job Fair is an outstanding opportunity for employers, students and community members to connect. This particular job fair draws a very diverse pool of applicants and a broad range of employers representing many different industries. Nearly all of PCC's 60 professional technical programs can find at least one employer related to their degree or certificate. This event has a proven track record of recruiting both employers and job seekers, and attracted over 90 employers and over 1400 job seekers last year. Come join us for this exciting opportunity to connect with both employers and job seekers. 2009-05-05 18:00:00http://www.pcc.edu/resources/careers/fairs/cascade/2009-04-06 20:27:01 :#2009-05-05 22:00:00vd. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM The Wordstock Book Fair is the centerpiece of the festival. All of the readings and panels at the festival will occur at the fair, and it is where all of our exhibitors booths will be displayed. You can click on the Saturday and Sunday schedules at left to see when your favorite authors will be performing, as well as when the various panel discussions. Tickets to the Book Fair are $5, and can be purchased at this site or at the door. Children 17 and under are free. Other events during the week of Wordstock include: Thursday, November 6th Wordstock Superstar Poetry Slam Competition At The Bagdad Theatre, 3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 9:00 PM Sponsored by Portland Monthly magazine Thursday, November 6th Literary Arts Presents: W.S. Merwin 2008-11-08 18:00:00http://www.wordstockfestival.com/2008-11-01 18:33:162008-11-01 18:37:32 9;b2008-11-10 02:00:00y Mac laptops.2008-03-21 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-04-03 18:59:592008-06-18 13:20:00 ; ;bՂat EcoTrust�and Associate Professor of Economics at St. Mary's College, University of Maryland. JULES BOYKOFF�doesn't shy from addressing economics in his poetry, as evidenced by the title of his first book of poetry,�Once Upon a Neoliberal Rocket Badge.�His second book of poetry,Hegemonic Love Potion, is forthcoming in 2009 from Factory School. Also a political scientist, Boykoff is the author of�Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States, The Suppression of Dissent: How the State and Mass Media Squelch USAmerican Social Movements, and�Landscapes of Dissent: Guerrilla Poetry & Public Space�(co-authored with Kaia Sand). Boykoff has been skeptical of the cult of Alan Greenspan for years, and he will read from his poem, "Das Greenspan, Volume I - III." Boykoff is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Pacific University. 2008-11-02 01:00:00https://webmail.pdx.edu/imp/login.php?filename=45302008-11-02 00:52:262008-11-02 00:52:26 =2008-11-02 02:30:00 KPOJ Morning Show. Hahnel is author of�Panic Rules, which analyzes crises brought on by financial liberalization in the era of globalization. Other books include�Economic Justice and Democracy,�The ABC's of Political Economy,�and�The Political Economy of Participatory Economics(co-authored with Michael Albert). Hahnel is Professor Emeritus of Economics�at American University in Washington DC and Visiting Professor at Portland State University. KRISTEN SHEERAN�argues that, far from being ideologically neutral, mainstream economics has become a barrier to thinking about how to promote�an equitable and sustainable economy.�Sheeran is co-author of a forthcoming book,�Saving Kyoto (with Graciela Chichilnisky), about solutions to the climate crisis written for a mainstream audience.She is�a�cutting-edge thinker about economics and the environment and�widely published in academic journals. Sheeran is the executive director of Economics for Equity and the Environment pp!CeiۋO]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441296/2008-12-15 22:04:192008-12-15 22:04:182008-12-15 22:04:20iۋN]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441294/2008-12-15 22:04:072008-12-15 22:04:072008-12-15 22:04:09iۋM]3ԡu;k3=333Tour de Lab - bike rideRIDE OVERVIEW
      Tour de Lab is a bicycle tour of the three Lucky Lab brew pubs. You’ll journey along urban routes on this 18-mile ride. But if you feel you really need to earn that pint, you can choose the 40-mile Big Dog course.

      At each of the rest stops you’ll earn your doggie gear: tail, ears and nose. Once you’re fully dogged up, it’s time to kick back, relax and enjoy the dog days of summer with your Tour de Lab pint of Lucky Lab’s handcrafted ale. The commemorative print glass is yours to keep.

      Saturday, September 6th, -trade."�But even the�mainstream media�now asks if this is the end of free market capitalism.�How�can we seize the opportunity presented by�the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression� and replace the failed�economics of competition and greed with�a�new�economics of equitable cooperation? � Clarity of analysis and effective action begin�with�focused public conversation. The event starts at 6 PM, but please arrive earlier if you want to assure yourself a table.� ROBIN HAHNEL�has just returned from Dublin, Ireland, where he argued for alternatives to free-market capitalism before the University Philosophical Society at Trinity College, University of Dublin. Earlier this fall, Hahnel spoke at the "Local Alternatives to Confront the Crisis of Capitalism" conference in Lara, Venezuela. In the last month, he has discussed the financial crisis on many media outlets, including Al Jazeera, and RT� (Irish public radio), as well as locally on the able economic system�from�the rubble of the financial collapse?�Is New Deal 2.0 possible? A New Green Deal?� Celebrating the lively & relaxed form of a poetry reading, this event will feature a bit of poetry, but mostly, talks by two radical economists about the financial crisis. Urgent times demand "spending" our Saturday nights discussing economics--albeit with joy and revelry!� Our media swells with confusion regarding the financial crisis. What caused it? Who is responsible? What�lessons are�to be learned? What do we make of the financial�bailout?�Must it be�"socialize loss and privatize gain?" How can we�aid Main Street instead of Wall Street? Which�initiatives should we oppose and which should we support?�Free market ideologues continue�to shamelessly spread�their false�interpretations and false solutions�--�non-intervention in management of�banks we bailout,�re-privatization�ASAP,�more de-regulation, more outsourcing, and more�"free 9\v ?I;3533Calagator Users Group Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-10-01 18:12:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-01 17:54:00p5;1533Mac Brigade Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-10-01 4:26:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-01 10:21:00qE;3531.NET Support Group Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-10-02 17:52:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-02 16:2:00lG;1533Windows ME Brigade Ski Trip *An autogenerated event.2009-10-04 9:43:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-04 11:58:00n ?;1533Flickr Users Group Camp *An autogenerated event.2009-10-04 3:48:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-05 20:16:00g ;;3531Flickr Brigade Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-10-06 19:23:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-05 5:50:00s!7;3531Ruby Brigade Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-10-07 23:27:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-06 14:7:00gProgram and Q&A LOCATION Events are held in Building 38 of the Tektronix Beaverton campus unless otherwise noted (see map). COST CHIFOO members get in FREE Non-member admission is $5. (unless otherwise noted.) November 5, 2008 7:00 pm Nancy Frishberg Certified Innovation Games® Facilitator Program Fun and Games at Work Frishberg introduces design games: structured, time-limited and enjoyable activities to involve your customers, your users, and your team. They focus your audience on specific questions related to products and services such as prioritization of features, what’s not working well, how a product fits into daily life, and what kind of physical-digital environment your customers live in. In the end, your team has data to drive decisions, and even had some fun along the way! Hosted by CHIFOO Location: Tektronix 2008-11-06 01:00:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/fun_and_games_at_work/2008-11-01 00:10:202008-11-01 00:10:20 :"2008-11-06 04:00:00 bbpӀ#8̀ԡPWo3S333PDXPUG - Pythoneering with PostgreSQLCome join us for an evening of Pythoneering with Jason Kirtland, a key force behind the Portland Python Interest Group - http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup. They are having Lightning Talks tomorrow night at Cubespace. 2008-05-16 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/3932008-05-12 09:34:072008-07-1IԡcOy3/333SAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-8:00pm Location: ƒԡb?q3g333China Business Network and Software Association of Oregon: Open Source Software in China

      Lunch presentation by Dirk Hohndel, Intel Corporation Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist. Mr. Hohndel will discuss how open source software works and the place of open source nmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Agyeman adeptly navigates the intersection of environment and society, expanding our thinking about the possibilities for a just sustainability. Mobilizing for Regional Equity - Plenary Panel of Community Leaders, Breakouts, Caucuses & Multimedia Experiences Participate in one or more developmental or action-ready sessions focused on campaigns and projects that aim to address systemic causes of inequities to built environment resources and opportunities for prosperity. May 21st and May 23rd: Days of Equity Action (Specific times and locations TBA): Participate in one or more "done-in-a-day" service or advocacy activities hosted by Coalition for a Livable Future member and partner organizations across the region. For more details and registration beginning April 6, 2009, go to http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-20 15:30:00http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-04-27 21:24:392009-05-22 18:05:27 92009-05-20 22:30:00 _ ԡIk3s333Econ Salon on Financial CrisisCome join us for a tangent off the Tangent Reading Series An�Econ Salon� about the�financial crisis with�economists Robin Hahnel & Kristen Sheeran� & a short opening poetry reading (regarding the financial crisis) by Jules Boykoff� Saturday NOVEMBER 1 at 6 PM Clinton Corner Caf�, 2633 SE 21st Avenue (@ Clinton) How might we�build a more just & sustain ۇyԡ)Y3O333Wordstock 2008Wordstock Book Fair At The Portland Convention Center, 777 NE MLK Jr. Bl ֊ ԡ 'u3 333CouchDB introJoin us November 5th at 6 PM for Chris Anderson's introduction to the CouchDB framework. Chris is a Portland-based entrepreneur at Grabb.it and the co-author of an upcoming O'Reilly book on CouchDB. Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-fr ee document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments. This event is free to the public. In order to accommodate the appropriate number of attendees, please rsvp to: thomas@opensourcery.com. The event takes place at OpenSourcery: 711 SE Ankeny (on Ankeny and SE 7th, one block south of Burnside). We encourage biking and public transportation.2008-11-06 02:00:00https://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/10/introduction-couchdb2008-11-01 08:55:012008-12-10 20:54:06 =2008-11-06 04:00:00 -Trw '=;3533Flickr Hackers Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-10-12 22:45:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-12 1"C;3533Mac Users Group Breakfast *An autogenerated event.2009-10-08 20:19:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-08 14:19:00w #A;3533Flickr Anonymous Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-10-09 15:12:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-08 11:38:00n$S;1531Calagator Support Group Breakfast *An autogenerated event.2009-10-09 21:4:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-10 0:44:00t %A;1533PHP Users Group Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-10-11 6:59:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-11 19:29:00q &C;1531Ruby Support Group Meetup *An autogenerated event.2009-10-12 22:3:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-11 0:31:00p '=;3533Flickr Hackers Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-10-12 22:45:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-12 10:18:00e E8[uE ԡ Yԡ '+3E333OEN Swap MeetD^ԡf3333Blag2009-12-13 00:51:272009-12-13 00:51:272009-12-13 00:51:272009-12-16 00:51:27 .C;1531Perl Support Group Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-10-19 8:50:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-19 4:59:00v/E;3533Flickr Battalion Flash Mob *An autogenerated event.2009-10-20 10:56:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-20 15:53:00n0E;3531PHP Support Group Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-10-21 22:49:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-21 21:4:00g1E;3531Python Brigade Code Sprint *An autogenerated event.2009-10-22 19:54:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-23 4:48:00d27;353/.NET Brigade Dinner *An autogenerated event.2009-10-23 10:52:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-24 9:6:00l3=;153/Linux Brigade Luncheon *An autogenerated event.2009-10-25 3:54:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-25 2:8:00k Aԡ#333Working MtgA working meeting of the board officers and anyone else that wants to help (hopefully a web master volunteer) to update and redesign our website: www.cascadesiggraph.org. Tentatively scheduled for the evening of 11/6, after we have our board meeting during the day. The rest of the month gets harder to find a day. Other possbilities are the evening of Nov. 13th or 15th. Location: LAIKA or Andrew's.ԡY c3O333[Canceled for Winter Coders' Social] Portland Python Users GroupThis event replaced by Winter Coders' Social: http://calagator.org/events/1250456151 ### Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2008-12-10 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup#head-625af58dbe845daada81da40308e090db43dd11a2008-10-28 23:25:112008-12-01 22:05:13 92008-12-10 05:00:00 tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges might be addressed. Self-assembled nano-scale electronics, cellular automata (CAs), and random boolean networks (RBNs) will serve as a simple showcase. I will show that irregular assemblies and specific interconnects can have m ԡa93]333Webtrends and Open Source Bridge Lunch 2.0The Lunch 2.0s are fast and furious now that Summer is here. Not intentionally, but happily, at least if you like to hang out around town in the sunshine. If you attend PDX Lunch 2.0, you've probably he tment of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Portland State University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in Computer Science at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2000 and 2004 respectively. In 2004 he became a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), in 2005 a distinguished Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and in 2007 a Technical Staff Member. His main research interests include emerging computing architectures and paradigms, biologically-inspired computing, complex and adaptive systems, and cognitive science. Teuscher has received several prestigious awards and fellowships. For more information visit: http://www.teuscher.ch/christof.2008-10-31 21:00:00http://www.pdx.edu/events/22061/2008-10-31 05:56:202008-10-31 06:42:52 =2008-10-31 22:00:00 /t|cS9  }jS>)zkX6 te3]333Po <donuts;#photo shoot:%stakeholders9%requirements8ci79continuous integration6;test-driven development5#refactoring 4delivery3nerds2-machine learning1Ealternative exchange economy0'asset mapping /resources.needs-#skill-share,)transportation +!happy hour *carpool )transit(walk'bike&tests%?social media optimization$/inbound marketing#+direct response"+brand marketing!/interactive video 'video metrics new media !rich media)video sitemaps video seo7viral video marketing7online video magazine/video syndication)video podcasts3web video campaigns5digital broadcasting !video blog3internet television)internet video=online video advertising%online video web video%#saopdx #cio?pioneer courthouse square , and tools that allow to reliably compute and efficiently solve problems with such alternative devices. In this talk, I will outline my visionary and long-term research efforts to address the grand challenge of building, organizing, and programming future computing machines. First, I will review some exemplary future and emerging computing devices and highlight the particular challenges that arise for performing computations with them. I will then delineate potential solutions on how these challenges might be addressed. Self-assembled nano-scale electronics, cellular automata (CAs), and random boolean networks (RBNs) will serve as a simple showcase. I will show that irregular assemblies and specific interconnects can have major advantages over purely regular and locally interconnected fabrics. I will further present the efforts underway to self-assemble massive-scale nanowire-based interconnect fabrics for spatial computers. BIO: Christof Teuscher holds an assistant professor position in the Depar <%E<(! Y 33- %Blitz Ladd2239 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 972142008-10-28 15:50:342008-10-28 15:52:222239 Se 11th AvePortlandOR97214US@Fu"^v503-236-3592BA W933#) Leonardo at Library Square209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111http://theleonardo.org2008-10-28 15:39:492009-02-20 17:18:53209 E 500 SSalt Lake CityUT84111US@Da[[2.  -33- %Northhttp://north.com2008-10-27 20:43:392008-10-27 20:45:591515 NW 19th AvePortlandOR97209US@FOLnm^3?l503-222-4117ZC UE33- 3Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen1038 SW Stark St, Portland, OR 97205http://www.kennyandzukes.com2008-10-27 19:18:592008-10-27 19:20:511038 Sw Stark StPortlandOR97205US@F@-^Xy=503.222.DELI (3354)U7 o3333 'Old Spaghetti Factory0715 S.W. Bancroft Street, Portland, Oregon 97239http://www.osf.com/2008-10-27 16:22:542008-10-27 16:23:52 715 Sw Bancroft StPortlandOR97239US@F D^8K503-225-0433  ??Fԡ /3U333SAO Thrive - PDX: How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn?Thrive - PDX How Can We <ԡKG3M333Computers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of modern computer science some sixty years ago, we are building computers in more or less the same way. Silicon electronics serves as a physical substrate, the von Neumann architecture provides a computer design model, while the abstract Turing machine concept supports the theoretical foundations. That is changing: in recent years, unimagined computing substrates have seen the light because of advances in synthetic biology, nanotechnology, material science, and neurobiology. A grand challenge consists in developing computer architectures, computing paradigms, design methodologies, formal frameworks Survive & Thrive in the Downturn? You can also RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1304605 Based on a recent poll, we learned that 82% of our members believe that it is important for us to explore new ways of coming together and learning from each other to survive & thrive in this time of economic uncertainty. Additionally, 62% of the 225 respondents said that they would be interested in participating in a networking event to discuss how we can do this. This free event is an open discussion of the fears, hopes and opportunities for Portlanders during this important time. We hope to emerge from this experience better networked, more hopeful and with some practical ideas for how we can build community through this experience.2008-11-12 01:00:00http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/event/show?id=1153095%3AEvent%3A35457&xgi=79I6Nug2008-11-01 00:04:492009-04-29 20:12:43 ?2008-11-12 03:00:007954eeef907c91132008-03-31 10:55:452008-11-10 22:44:02 <2008-04-09 03:00:00 8{{qeWI6'xneXN=&viVD5"{ wi tweetup !the square -pair programming %unit testing analysis analytics trending'portland tech1data visualization saopdx'energy sector renewable%photovoltaic'opportunities founder ~growth}#opportunity|tmc{-signal integrityzemc*y[wifi network personal telco mississippi x!@thesquarewkgw"vKwifi fiber community networkingu/critique art techt#techamericasotbc ramateurqhampdbt2odbt-2n?portland state universitym)human resource l!multimediakjsonpjfeedsipipes horegonian gshipping f!sportsweare'open standard dmicroblogc'microblogging blaconica aidentica `puppet_unix^+cloud computing ]reading\book[#nate angell ZdupralYpjug Xprinting WprepressV-color management ؀ؓ|Ҁvԡa=3s333Portland Startup WeekendYou ready? Startup Weekend is proud to announce that the Portland Startup Weekend will be held May 23-25 2008 (immediately following WebVisions 2008). This is (ԡ 3333AeA BOD Education Series: The Board's Role in Financial ManagementAeA resumes its successful series that enables networking among high-level peers and expert panelists. We are excited to enter our sophomore season with a slate of events that continues to address the changes and challenges Boards face today...because AeA remains committed to the belief that Good Governance Matters! 2008-11-05 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108052008-10-31 00:15:262008-10-31 00:15:26 :$2008-11-05 18:00:00nt. A program of the Oregon Entrepeneurs Network, Angel Oregon brings together Oregon and SW Washington’s brightest entrepreneurial talent with qualified angel investors. Angel Oregon features the largest investment prize of any event of its type. Angel Oregon 2007 had 320 attendees, making it the largest event of its kind. Those attendees included 100 accredited investors. The 2007 sponsors included Capybara Ventures, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley. Angel Oregon 2008 had $265,000 prize money, from 53 angels investing $5,000 apiece. There were three distinct investment tracks: Technology & Biotech Consumer/Active Lifestyle Sustainability Instead of just one prize winner, money was awarded to the winner in each track. 2009-03-12 15:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=462008-10-31 00:02:422008-11-07 20:53:09 :2009-03-12 23:00:00le and Lynne Johnson of FastCompany.com, as well as sessions by Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.ne 0n_B6&vi\H2qaSH9,wԡD'K333 vsandboxk)march man-nessj;american cancer societyiyayh-opensourcebridgeg'#saopdx #arraf/social media clube)geospatial gisd%pdxbreakfast citerasi bnotatsxswablogs `blogging _!wayfinding^Eonline learning environments]1information design\1health information['design theoryZ/design techniquesY)design history.Xcpersonal telco broadband stimulus proposalsW-ignite corvallisV)hotel sheraton Upwn2own Thacking S!cansecwestR+usgs psu_campus Q!geospatialP+web developmentO100mNfund Mventure L!big sister Kt-shirtJ=big brothers big sistersIbowl H!colloquium GskynetF;evolutionary algorithms Ecolloquim&DSnptech dayon nten 501tech nonprofit Cday passB+glory cubespaceAfame@%world of goo?wii >rockband='voodoo donuts 6tm`R?*~scVH:% oOE- t#constraints)igniteportland !p.a.r.t.s. robotics%legionoftech'legion oftechmoose#flying carscpan##healthcare #saopdx testing1acceptance testingatddAbash scripting programming&Scloudcomputing barcamp unconference %scholarships children event education pg3osu open source lab pub pizzab2buie#jared spool+strangelovelive drnormal camikaos martini !afterhours~osgeo}pdx|/voting technology{5open source softwarezposseyoslx?open source voting systemw/globespan capitalv%intel capialu-bobby kandaswamyt+carolynn duncans'venky ganesan rdownturn qeconomyp+venture capitalo#angel fundsnideas mstart-upl%clean energy keugenej%ignite pitchi+angel investing hstart-ups omostablished business people. In response to tremendous feedback from previous networking events, souk & Connect are teaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear from over a dozen networking/connecting organizations and find one that meets your 2008 career goals. Walk away with a matrix of info about each participating group. Meet new biz contacts. Meet up with friends. Lots of great reasons to come. This is the event for you if: You are looking for a networking group to join. You already belong to a group, but want to join an additional one. Joining a group doesn't fit right now, bugԡ3333SAO The Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinkingThe Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinking Date: Tue, Nov 18th Time: 7:30am-9:00am Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Aven ԡg 3 333OEN PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 42009-02-12 01:15:002008-10-30 22:21:092008-10-30 22:21:09 :62009-02-12 03:30:00 \\de thermal energy for detached single-family homes, multi-family residential and/% 3333JuKOBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industry Je;'3]33JuUX Book Club (Portland)Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com2009-04-17 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908437/2009-04-14 00:41:29 ?;b"Jt2009-04-17 03:30:00 z\<4Y 33/ Portland State University Hoffman Hall2008-10-25 12:18:442009-04-22 21:25:271833 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOR97201US@Fnz1^Pm֝;b ?? 3+ 335 %IronStone Bank 2008-10-24 15:11:512008-10-27 15:47:37309 SW Sixth Avenue PortlandOR97204US@F¿ʅʰ^XK#503.276.6000 #3331Stepping Stone Cafe2008-10-22 18:37:122008-10-22 18:37:122390 NW Quimby St.PortlandOregon97210US@FC^;ba i339 %Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach909 N. Hayden Island Drive, Portland, OR 97217http://redlion.rdln.com/HotelLocator/HotelOverview.aspx?metaID=772008-10-20 02:07:262008-10-20 02:08:49909 N Hayden Island DrPortlandOR97217US@Fb,Ei^9d503-283-446633+Jace Gace2008-10-19 23:49:492008-10-20 02:53:192045 SE BelmontPortlandOregon97214US@F-p^A,;b ;d HHeaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear froԡ/y3E333Angel Oregon 2009Angel Oregon is the nation's premier entrepeneur-angel matchmaking eve ?ԡ#'3333AeA CEO & CFO Forum: The Credit Crisis--Causes, Effects & Actions NecessaryThe Credit Crisis--Causes, Effects & Actions Necessary The credit crisis started by the housing market mortgage fiasco has now escalated into a financial market crisis and bailout but that has led to a consumer spending drop, which has led to big unemployment announcements, which has led to a further drop in all corporate values and further credit crisis due to loss of investment value and liquidity. It is dramatically effecting companies of all sizes and their ability to get loans and equity, to fund development, to fund growth, to pay bills, and to maintain employment levels. 2008-11-14 01:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108072008-10-30 23:44:392008-10-30 23:44:39 =2008-11-14 04:30:00crosoft, Intel, HP, Cisco, Dell, Red Hat, Novell, AMD, Hummingbird Communications, Computer Associates, Bearing Point and Accenture) and consumer accounts (Chicago Bulls, Old Spaghetti Factory, Trendwest Resorts, Cars.com, NewHomeNetwork.com, Apartments.com, Chicago Tribune, Lettuce Entertain You and All-in Energy Drink). Program Agenda: 7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast 8:00am-8:40am - Presentation 8:40am-9:00am - Questions & Answers Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register on site. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on either Alder St. or 11th St. There is a SmartPark available on the corner of 10th and Yamhill for $1.25 per hour and you can enter the Governor Hotel through the Jake's entrance on 10th St.2008-11-18 15:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/18/082008-10-30 22:25:022008-10-30 22:25:02 :2008-11-18 17:00:00 worked with an all-star list of visionaries in technology, design, user experience and business strategy, from leading companies such as Google, Apple, Netflix, LinkedIn, Flickr and many more. In his day job, Brad is the Creative Director for Hot Pepper Studios, an award winning design firm located in Portland, Oregon Mike Caplan, Director of Client Services, Ascentium Mike brings over 13 years of marketing and advertising experience. Over his career, Mike has helped launch new companies, new products and new brands on a national and global scale for B2B and B2C clients. Mike brings a specialized focus in interactive and direct marketing to the Ascentium Team - and is an expert within all phases of the customer life-cycle (acquisition, retention, stimulation). In addition, Mike also formulates marketing and sales strategies for Fortune 5000 firms - and brings expertise in Channel and Partner marketing as well. Some of the brands Mike has worked on over his career include technology accounts (Mi X2EXJ33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:492008-12-12 20:04:22;b <J~33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:482008-12-12 20:04:21;b <J}33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:472008-12-12 20:04:21;b <J|33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:462008-12-12 20:04:20;b <J{33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:452008-12-12 20:04:20;b <Jz33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:432008-12-12 20:04:19;b <Jy33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:422008-12-12 20:04:18;b <Jx33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:412008-12-12 20:04:18;b <Jw33FAB 1552008-10-18 23:49:402008-12-12 20:04:17;b <[vY 331 Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 155http://psas.pdx.edu/Room155Directions/2008-10-18 23:49:392008-12-12 20:04:311900 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FMk2^*EM;b < 2r}rfuf?}naRD)re Art g=business plan cmpetition fsmart-ups eiphone djquery c!sproutcoreb#net tuesdayanet2 `501 tech _osb2009\#client-side [!javascriptZpdxjsY7cafe coffee wifi food X"o"foods W"b" foods Vpotluck UbreakfastT#barak obamaS%inaugurationRfiberQ+fiberm networks PnetworksO)fiber networksN)personaltelcom%MQpersonaltelcom wifi fiber networksLCpersonaltelco wifi networks$KOpersonaltelco wifi fiber networks JlightroomIadobeH/social networkingG1community managersF%applications!EIprogrammers beer awesome cobolD'beer and blogCmvc Basp.netU@/website lesson how to overview workshop html social networking information basics ?day on>geeks =meetup<api ;shizzow :theater 9mission8nerd7geek6pub5)agile training4clean3solar 7iC6! xhXC-  vhYI<3#. The instru 2kveton1bacon01boise neighborhood/=north mississippi avenue.9personal telco project -southwest,sw +ballroom*fez)sxsw (!functional'jvm &clojure %!organizing $committee #osbridge"#osbridgepdx !concrete5 cms'sao corvallisasmpaigaprsasecppafama-nw china councilvm-virtual machines tvg oen-entrepreneurship+angel financing !accounting !datamapperexpo show events #sustainable )sustainability greencamp worldcamplisp%Qdorkbot dorkbotpdx hacking hacklab)startupweekend+startup weekend seattle#Mworldcamp greencamp unconference~9http://dorkbotpdx.org/ }!team leads |coaches{1project managementz%conversationydsdm xcrystalw;xp. extreme programming ue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $25 for members $45 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/18/2008 Topic: The Future of Targeted Marketing: Micro-efforts with Macro-thinking As audiences demand more personal attention in their consumer relationships, successful sales and marketing require targeting these consumers with creative niche efforts. One area where this trend has manifested is the broader use of microsites - campaign-specific webpages that we've all seen, maybe even built. Where microsites often fail, however, is in a lack of macro-thinking - they serve a limited function and leave no opportunities to build a larger relationship. This presentation will impart key insights on how applying strategic big-picture thinking in the use of microsites can improve the quality of your sales conversations. Moderator: Bryan Campbell Speakers: Brad Smith, Executive Director, Webvisions Conference Webvisions is a nationally recognized event that explores the future of the Web. Since 2001, he has replace them. These people were raised on different values, and will work differently in the workplace. How will your business handle the transition? By studying the differences in the generations, we can understand how these groups act individually and how they will interact together in a business environment. You will also learn what business leaders need to know to motivate their employees across generations, as well as what the employees expect from a business. This webinar is presented by Sydney Joyner, President of The Joyner Group LTD. Sydney works with executives on transforming and accelerating leadership capabilities, talent acquisition and management, and employee engagement. She is a frequent lecturer and writer on emergent leadership models, organization change issues, and the development of talent within companies.2008-12-18 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=342008-10-30 22:14:172008-10-30 22:14:17 :2008-12-18 19:00:00 <q^P>4'r^F=1% t_WM@3mproving Your Ability to v+self-organizinguteams tleaders smanagersr#programmersq5software development p!open space owxwidgetsn+gui programming mprocess lsofwarekwikijuxi+user experience hanimation g!emarketing fsearch emarketing donline csummit b!innovation apdx.rb`'ruby on rails_rails ^android ]mobile \ignite [parrot ZrakudoYecoX1community buildingW)social justice V!investmentUbanks TgrantsStie R!programmerQ#beerandblog P!pdxcritqueOaleN#environmentMipsigLotn Kpolitics JpodcastIradio HrevphilGmintF%suicidegirls EsamadamsD'thegivingtreeC%newdealvodkaBdj A!bartending @!fundraiser ?arduino>midi =!dorkbotpdx<1dorkbotpdx dorkbot;-oregon food bankcommonly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advice and guidance related to many of the issues, challenges, and opportunities entrepreneurs will face along the path to success. WHO ATTENDS Entrepreneurs, investors, leaders of local companies, business professionals, consultants, and service professionals. AGENDA 5:30 Networking – Drinks & Snacks 6:15 Keynote Speaker: “Preparing your Company for Angel Investment” by Kirk Wright 7:00 Early Stage Company Presentations 7:30 Adjourn for More Networking ADMISSION $10 – includes program & snacks RSVP Contact Bill Fashing, Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 541-387-6863, bill.fashing@co.hood-river.or.us by January 9. Send checks payable to Hood River County to Hood River County Office of Economic Development, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97301.2009-01-14 01:30:00http://www.gorgeangelconference.com/about_hrpt.php2008-10-30 22:05:452009-01-02 18:30:39 ;l2009-01-14 03:30:00 hnology InnRԡ~E3E333OEN Webinar - Generational Competence, with Sydney JoynerGeneration Y is coming. By the end of the decade, 64 million workers will be able to retire. Generation Y, the children of Baby Boomers, will ԡ}5/3 333Jefferson Grapevine Join us for the Jefferson Grapevine, a gathering of business entrepreneurs, investors, bankers, and others interested in promoting new business development in Southern Oregon. Jefferson Grapevine events celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship in Southern Oregon and strive to provide a unique forum where leaders of growing businesses can network with fellow entrepreneurs, key advisors, business professionals and qualified funding sources. Featured speakers for our November gathering will be David Chen of the Oregon Innovation Council and Bob Ward of Capybara Ventures. To register for this event, please visit the SOREDI website at www.soredi.org. 2008-11-19 01:00:002008-10-30 22:11:472008-10-30 22:11:472008-11-19 03:00:00 =kbPG>6)x`QC5# td[NE9#one |nonprofit{5locations technology zhungeryaeax=seminar writing workshopw-workshop writing veconomics uthrivepdx tcouchdbs-computer science rlegionqlot poen tvgotvg n!mcmenaminsm%neogeography lwherecampkwifi jwirelessipdxuxhpark gphotowalk fflickr e!filmmakingd#photography cdesignb3creative industriesa%work session `planning _portland ^bridgepdx]1open source bridge\pdxrb[)michael kelley ZsurvivalY7experimental language XfactorW#silverlight VdorkbotU#electronics Tscience SgroovyRiseppQpsas ProcketsOcsNpsuMrorL%wherecamppdxKoenJ;oregon state universityIosu Hhigh tech GcorvallisFgamesEflex DbenefitCfunBfoodAdance=#open source ׀.P΀̀Հ3: ob;ԡWGC3|ԡ|13 333Hood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-05-13 00:30:002008-10-30 22:06:542009-03-10 17:03:18 ;lJq2009-05-13 02:30:00xԡ{13 333Hood River PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2009-03-11 00:30:002008-10-30 22:06:232009-01-02 18:31:56 ;l2009-03-11 02:30:00  ,i+ _1331 )The Nines Hotel525 SW Morrison · Portland, Oregon 97204https://www.starwoodhotels.com/luxury/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=17572008-10-17 15:34:442008-10-17 15:54:12525 Sw Morrison StPortlandOR97204US@Fjn2^aۇ{(877) 229-9995Why 733-1)Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)http://www.cs.pdx.edu2008-10-17 05:42:212008-11-21 15:13:311900 SW 4th Ave.PortlandOR97201US@FMk2^*EMcmps at cs.pdx.edu(503) 725-4036gG33-Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-10-17 05:20:392008-10-19 01:35:321037 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F(V`^^_;b <Ve- +33- )Las Vegas Hilton3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 89109http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/LASLHHH-Las-Vegas-Hilton-A-Resorts-International-Destination-Nevada/index.do?cid=OM,HH,USA,LasVegasHilton2008-10-15 18:00:592008-10-15 18:01:543000 Paradise RdLas VegasNV89109US@Bd0+@\>1-702-732-5111 79ԡz1q3q333Hood River PubTalkWHEN Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM WHERE White Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River (Exit 62 off I-84 next to Charburger) WHAT PubTalk™ is an informal event that provides ample time for networking before the program. Typically, two early stage companies present 10 minute pitches to the audience directly after the keynote speaker. These companies are most wԡy/3 333OEN Gorge PubTalkWhite Buffalo, 4040 Westcliff Drive, Hood River 5:30-7:30 PM Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door Information: 541-387-6863 2008-11-12 01:30:002008-10-30 22:04:412008-10-30 22:07:41 ;l2008-11-12 03:30:00Bԡx%I3w333Bat and BlogDress like Turoczy day!!
      2008-10-31 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/halloween-is-bat-and-blog/2008-10-30 21:51:372008-10-30 21:53:22 ; ;b2008-11-01 01:00:00 9yodXI ym]R>0&`OE9.ations. As we<fpga;asic+:]rubymusic visualization cairo opengl gtk 9medical 8health 7birthday 6!open house 5cubespace 4support3%entrepreneur0party /public.free-#user groups!,Isoftware association of oregon+sao*art)ogi (!management'#fundraising&%social media%+email marketing $nptech#'personaltelco"/westside proggers!acm ieee hardware)formal methodsfmcad !conference energy investing euromoneyacore-renewable energy finance cleantechgreen openglluzhotel pdxpugomsi1icalagator code sprint codesprint django python blackbird writer stage open lecturetalk drinkingwine gatheringgame cheese0gfermentation wine beer cheese kombucha yogurtk with other user experience professionals. About the Theme Whether people are interacting with consumer electronics, medical equipment, factory floor production lines, websites, retail stores, customer support or the architectural spaces which they inhabit every day, usability and user experience reactivation share in the common goal of making it better. Important Dates * Call for participation: Opening 25 August * Submission Reviewer sign-up closes: 19 September * Submissions close for most submissions*: Closed * Submission Acceptance Notification: Begins 17, December * Idea Markets and Posters submissions close: 16, January, 2009 * Exhibitor and Sponsor sign-up opens: January 2009 * Registration opens: 23 February, 2009 * Volunteer application opens: 23 February, 2009 *All submissions except Idea Markets and Posters 2009-06-08 07:00:00http://www.usabilityprofessionals.org/conference/2009/2008-10-30 18:29:232009-05-30 12:58:14 <2;b2009-06-12 07:00:00 j.j chaotic to managers and stakeholders. SBTM is designed to provide accountability for explorat5ԡwM3y333Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference (UPA)Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference When: 8-12 June, 2009 Where: Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon, USA Who: Over 700 user experience professionals from more than 20 countries What: Tutorials, workshops, Experienced Practitioners program, then two and a half days packed with presentations, Idea Markets, and opportunities to networ Kԡv9 33333Portland WikiWednesdayThe November meeting of the annual Portland Wiki Wednesday, where people get together to work on and discuss wikis of all stripes. Everyone is welcome, and there's usually some free snacks and drinks.

      Please check out our wiki (pdx.wiki.org) for more info, or follow us on Twitter (@pdxwikiwed)
      2008-11-06 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2008-10-30 17:41:312008-10-30 17:42:48 9;b2008-11-06 01:30:00 ??'ԡuS3G333Bright Neighbor / YPOP Launch EventBright Neighbor, Portland's new tech breakthrough for hyper-local social networking and geo--mapping - will be hosting their official launch event.

      Bright Neighbor has teamed up with the Young Professionals of Portland (YPOP) to connect their community. The event, however, is open to the tech and social networking community to experience the newest breakthrough in hyper-local resiliency and networking systems.

      Where: The OHM

      Event limited to first 300 attendees.
      2008-11-14 01:00:00http://www.brightneighbor.com2008-10-30 17:29:122008-10-30 18:40:38 =;b2008-11-14 04:00:00 ԡs53;333WhereCamp PDX MeetupThe big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.2008-11-19 03:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-10-30 05:43:262008-12-18 19:25:22 =2008-11-19 05:00:00 HjHԡrWi3]333Portland bridges photowalk with kooopJoin other flickr people walking a 2.5 mile loop on the waterfront. See the Upcoming event for details. 2008-11-02 23:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1290666/2008-10-30 01:27:012008-10-30 01:28:25 =2008-11-03 01:30:00ԡqC'3333AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Raising Venture Capital in Difficult Economic TimesYes, There is Money: Raising Venture Capital in Difficult Economic Times The U.S. and global economies are in recession. What does this mean for emerging growth companies, and in particular, emerging growth companies that are trying to raise capital? This presentation will provide insights from a panel of venture capitalists and CEOs of -companies that received venture financing in 2008.2009-02-12 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0209062008-10-29 22:25:132009-01-24 06:11:37 :$2009-02-12 17:00:00  an approach for directing and measuring exploratory testing. In contrast is free-form exploratory testing, which can appear chaotic to managers and stakeholders. SBTM is designed to provide accountability for exploratory testing, with many aspects or "components" which provide specific data. Some projects may not require all of the components that SBTM offers. "SBT Lite" is a customizable version of SBTM, which uses some, but not all components.
      Speaker: Jon Bach, MaԡkQK3k333Personal Telco Meeting October2008Location: JaxBar Date and Time: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 6:30-8:00pm Scribe: Roll Call: Agenda * 6:30pm Introductions, order food and drinks. * 7:00pm Presentation: RussellSenior explains how to build a node with an Alix board. * 7:30pm Questions and answers. * 7:45pm General Discussion, more food or drinks. 2008-10-30 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingOctober20082008-10-29 20:04:592008-10-30 05:40:06 :2008-10-30 03:00:00the Portland-Vancouver area and each has a personality of its own. They follow a basic pattern but often vary from that and have special formats for meetings based on their on-going discussions. The meetings always start with introductions and a usually have a solicitation for topics. Topics tabled that are current issues in performing a person's job are given priority. The topics are selected based on the rules of the specific roundtable and the topics are opened for discussion. On occasion, prearranged topics are discussed. This would be in cases where preparation time for topic facilitation might be needed. These meetings are worth 1 PDU, extremely valuable and always fun. There is a balance of Junior and Senior Project Managers from a variety of disciplines to provide an eclectic view of a subject. How to claim PDUs. Contact the Director of Roundtables at roundtable@pmi-portland.org . 2008-11-07 15:15:00http://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-10-29 19:55:152008-10-29 19:55:15 =2008-11-07 16:45:00 g as business VP, marine officer, and football coach, coupled with current research, to provide insight into the world of leadership development.
      His topics include:
      The nature of leadership
      The role of an authentic lead y, if you don't want to 3ԡGw 3s33SAO "IPSR Practitioner" Oregon Training Network Class2008-04-28 15:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-03-31 08:22:362008-06-18 13:19:54;blԡFwG3Y333Portland@ԡiMU3E333PMI Breakfast Roundtable - SouthA roundtable is a meeting where Project Managers discuss issues that they face on a daily basis. The roundtable meetings are in various locations in "ԡh 3333SAO Value Based Selling: Software Sales Certification ProgramCost: $1795 for members $1995 for non members Since its release over 5,000 software sales professionals have attended VBS seminars from throughout US, Canada, and Europe. VBS clients include IBM, 3M and GE softw 55uԡBc/3_33March BarCamp Portland InfoDԡfm3o333The Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey AwardsStep into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's circle. Honors include awards of Merit and Excellence, and of course, Rosey. Join us to see how each contender stacked up to the competition. Reception/Entries on display: 5:30-7:30pm Show: 7:30pm Location: The Newmark Theater (SW Broadway in the heart of Portland) Members: $91./Non Members $106. 2008-11-21 01:30:00http://portlandadfed.com/events/details.php?id=332008-10-29 19:36:302009-05-22 18:05:08 >2008-11-21 06:00:00are subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software (Timberline Software), Microsoft (Exact/Macola Software ), Inspiration Software and many more! We've grown our sales force from 3 to 17 people since first deploying Value Based Selling. Since then our sales have grown 15% to 100% per year qualifying us as one of INC Magazine's 500 fastest growing companies for several years running. Over 12 years later we still train every new salesperson in Value Based Selling. -Mark Oronzio, Sr. VP of Sales, Inspiration Software Non-Certification Track Components: Two Day Live Seminar/Workshop For sales professionals who want training on the VBS practices and processes, but do not want coaching or certification. Non-certification track participants may add 3 and/or 6 months of coaching after completing the two-day live seminar/workshop.2008-12-09 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=12/9/08ta2008-10-29 19:42:082008-10-29 19:44:45 =2008-12-10 00:30:00 eg$2d0 e0iJH8-Ul0m1!2 0Ѐ!gԡeGW3333SAO: Life Inside an IterationLife Inside an Iteration Date: Thu, Nov 20th Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/18/2008 Topic: Life Inside an Iteration Buffet Dinner is included Agile software development processes such as Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Lean Software Development have become mainstream in many organizations, but what is "Life Inside an Iteration" really like? Find out as our panelists talk about what activities help let QA and Development work in sync, what the hand offs are and how they happen, how they have managed the inevitable change within the iteration. Our panelists inclu  B~i_B4+ wk_RJ>1|rf[QC1''ll debate ho smalltalk meetingxpdx~lean}scrum|xp{place zlocation ygeographyxos xwmacvcocoa u!cocoaheadstchesss'documentation rcalagatorqmusic pubuntu ohaskellnpdxpm mpdxphpl)android mobile kcommunityjplugipdxwihmangaganime fcritiquee#pdxcritique dpdxfunccjavabvcaangel `startups_'entrepreneurs ^pitching ]funding\sql [postgres Zwhiskey Yspirits X!non-profitWmaps V!technologyU+human resources T!leadership S!networkingR'professionals Qstrategic Ptraining O!consultingNAorganizational developmentMblog Lsam adamsK=international offshoringJintelI-product securityHcrmG'collaborationFqa Eassurance DquailtyC9functional programming Bgalois Awestside@+advanced topicsiple cross site engineering product development groups. Sumant also developed the software and is co-author of the book "Software For Emission Rate Modeling Of Accidental Toxic Releases". Todd Whitaker Todd has nearly 14 years experience working with teams and organizations to develop software products ranging from web and enterprise applications to desktop software. He has held positions in Product and Program Management with a number of software companies including Inspiration Software, Serena Software, Extensis, Concentrex, and Group 3 Consultants. Todd is an advocate for simple and excellent user experience, highly collaborative and adaptive product development processes, and Agile methodologies. He is a graduate of Oregon Institute of Technology, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management with an Electronics Engineering emphasis.2008-11-21 02:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/20/08b2008-10-29 19:33:302008-10-29 19:33:30 :2008-11-21 05:00:00 ns for the Quick Lube and Car Wash industry. Wayne has a passion for the craft of software engineering that he has developed in his 20 years as a programmer, consultant, manager, executive and small business owner. This passion has led him to the new crop of "agile" software development processes such as XP and Scrum. Wayne is a regular speaker both nationally and internationally on the topic of agile software development. You can read about Wayne's thoughts on software development at blogs.consultantsguild.com Sumant Vashisth, Senior QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Sumant had more than 10 years of experience in software development and testing having worked at IBM and Ford prior to joining McAfee. He has successfully driven testing on multiple product releases at McAfee, including one of the first large scale project at the company to adopt and follow the Agile software development process. The current agile development project for which he is managing the QA team, requires integration and testing with multit strategic product development, technology forecasting, or something else, planning your company's technology evolution while also keeping an eye on technologies in your market is a critical capability. It supports developing successful technologies, gaining investor confidence, and successfully competing in the market. Come learn the basics from an experienced industry product developer who now teaches for PSU. Speaker Tugrul Daim, Ph.D., is a PSU faculty member in the Engineering Technology Management Department. Dr. Daim was a product manager at Intel for over a decade. He held management positions including technology planning, development and new product development. He is the co-director of technical activities and program co-chair of Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Daim's work is published in more than ten technology management journals. 2008-11-13 20:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/daim2008-10-12 23:39:482008-11-05 22:35:10 92008-11-13 21:00:00 )ar from a panel of leading software executives how they are positioning their companies in markets outside the US to expand and strengthen their respective organizations. They will also highlight ‘do’s and don’ts’ from their past experiences so that you can avoid their mistakQ5-73A33Js[Science Pub] Snowflakes, Stress, and Semiconductors: Do You See A Pattern Here?[Feate;'3]33JuUX Book Club (Portland)Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com2009-04-17 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908437/2009-04-14 00:14:46 ?:;b"Jt2009-04-17 03:30:00 de developers, testers, customers and consultants to bring a broad perspective of best practices to these issues. Panelists Brian Jamison, Founder and CEO, OpenSourcery Brian is a seasoned entrepreneur with many technology-related companies to his credit. He has worked with Linux, open source, and the Internet professionally since 1995. Brian serves as President for the Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs (POSSE) and as advisor, mentor, or board member for numerous startups. He actively promotes safe, renewable biodiesel as a locally-produced fuel source. Chris Jones, Engineer, Yesmail Chris has led the adoption of agile practices on several projects and teams ranging from 'by the book' XP to a blend of XP and RUP. Chris is well versed in adapting agile processes to a diverse set of development organizations. He is currently contributing to the google web toolkit. Wayne Allen, VP of Software Engineering, Integrated Services, Inc. Wayne is the leading supplier of point of sales solutio 0|{hUB0 taN;)q^K8%|M. Smith

      ;business leads exchange=)business leads<;portland business leads;'seo marketing:Eportland business networking 9!web design 8!nettuesday 7501tech6nten5%fund-raising 4twitter 3code camp 2career 1freelance0owner/+microprocessors.#freelancers-9creative professionals,%solopreneurs+'self-employed*#copywriters))graphic design(seo'+barcampportland &caring%)social venture $activism#mysql "!good times!barlpc ette University College of Law in 1993 to teach and direct the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Under his leadership, the CDR has enjoyed high national ranking among academic dispute resolution centers in the U.S. He is an award-winning author in the field of dispute resolution, and he has been deeply involved in the practice of ADR. Professor Birke is an active writer, mediator, trainer and consultant. He was a member of the Quality Assurance Team for the largest civil rights settlement in United States history. He trained the neutrals for the appellate settlement programs at the Oregon Court of Appeals, the First, Second and Third Districts in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento) as well as appellate mediation in Nevada and on the Ninth Circuit. He has mediated many multi-party complex cases, including a 30-party land dispute about 150 acres of waterfront property in Mendocino, California, the relocation of the Cascade Head Trailhead, and the creation of the Opal Creek Wildernes =~j_NB*|k`SI>/% z\OF4&est :oregon9local 8!codesprint 7yogurt 6kombucha5%fermentation4gtk3cairo2'visualization 1rubymusic 0humaninet/web .internet-%humanitarian,geo +hohndel*="china business network")1"nw china council"(china''"open source" &pdxpugs%+design engineer $embedded #software "downtown !italian !user group dotnet.net microsoftcdnugcnrg amazingspace#pecha kucha socialize shopping lounge society secret handmade charitysale barcamp policy gui pdxruby awesome tools1network management logger#log parsingcisco)gabrielle roth usergroup%thrivepdxish)crisis respond%energy audit-carbon footprint ~peak oil}/social innovation >Gordon Whitehead, Leadership Development Coach, Captus5, uses decades of experience, serving as business VP, marine officer, aMԡdC93333LES: Negotiating Better Deals: Insights into the Psychology of Decision Making in ContractsThe Licensing Executives Society - Oregon/SW Washington Chapter November Meeting Professor Richard Birke has been teaching dispute resolution for more than 15 years, teaching first at Stanford Law School and then coming to Willam ԡce3333SAO: Winning International Customers Online Learn from area companies with successful multilingual websites how to effectively plan, deploy and maintain a website in more than one language. The opportunities are greater than ever for those who do it right. Learn to avoid the pitfalls in order to take full advantage of the fact that the Web is truly worldwide.2008-11-19 19:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/08b2008-10-29 19:21:362009-10-01 18:24:26 @2008-11-19 21:00:00 ԡ ԡ%Hԡ,Äԡ1Ȅԡ7Ƅԡ=„ԡEԡK"ԡQԡXԡbԡnԡuԡ{ԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ„ԡ&Ąԡ,ۄԡ2*ԡ:+ԡAg \@ڿ_\hp0b\ԡ93W333PDXFCPUGPortland Final Cut User Group now meets on the first 3ԡb- 3333SAO Poker Night 2008-11-20 01:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/082008-10-29 19:19:582009-04-29 20:12:42 ?2008-11-20 04:30:00tԡai3Q333SECP's November Event: Planning for Taxes NowCPA Mike Stone of Stone & Assoicates of Lake Oswego will be talking to us about what we can do to plan for next year's taxes and what we can do to get our books in order. Stay tuned for more info.2008-11-14 03:00:00http://www.secppdx.com/events.html2008-10-29 19:13:142008-10-29 19:13:14 =2008-11-14 05:00:00 5Twnd novices alike. Please join us this year as we host 125 experienced, collaborative, committed agile practitioners from the Northwest U.S. (E;1533.NET Users Group Flash Mob *An autogenerated event.2009-10-14 18:8:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-14 12:38:00d)I;1533Perl Users Group Code Sprint *An autogenerated event.2009-10-14 0:11:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-14 23:15:00s *;;3531Perl Hackers Ski Trip *An autogenerated event.2009-10-15 16:30:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-15 11:8:00u +A;353/Flickr Battalion Retreat *An autogenerated event.2009-10-16 17:22:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-17 1:4:00j,K;3533Mac Support Group Code Sprint *An autogenerated event.2009-10-17 11:33:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-17 20:26:00q-9;/531Mac Hackers Ski Trip *An autogenerated event.2009-10-19 1:9:00http://calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-10-18 14:5:00v jjolitan region.Under David's leadership as Council President, the Metro Council has undertaken new initiatives to preserve natural areas and pro\ԡN 3q333Portland Pythoneers: Distributed Version Control System ShowcasePython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussionԡb5]3u333PDX Weekly HackathonCome do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.2009-12-18 02:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon 2009-12-11 05:27:222009-12-11 05:27:22 ; 2009-12-18 06:00:00tive software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-SPIN-1113 Dates/Times: Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008; Networking 6:00-6:45 PM; Seminar 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center (bldg. 3 on campus map), Dining Room Course Fee: $0 Course Includes: Free seminar and pizza This event is sponsored by the Rose City SPIN and the Center for Professional Development. 2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24122008-10-29 19:10:342008-10-29 19:10:34 <2008-11-14 04:00:00 OOes sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of *ԡay3?333Digital Divide Radio Looks at the Science of Climate ChangeIn the aftermath of damaging hacked emails between climate scientists, and as global leaders and community activists converge in Copenhagen, we take a step away from the politics to look at the science behind studying climate change. While global warming has risen in the past decades from being viewed as a crazy idea from the environmental left to a global concern unifying the nations of the world, skeptics still claim that "bad science" is being used to support this effort. We hear from Andrew Rice, a professor of physics at Portland State University, to learn exactly what concepts and techniques scientists have used to produce data that supports the evidence that climate change is occurring in direction that will negatively impact the planet.2009-12-11 19:00:00http://kboo.fm/node/181342009-12-11 05:26:332009-12-11 08:33:42 A?2009-12-11 20:00:00 is in the development and delivery of structured learning solutions for project information management systems, with an emphasis on risk management methodology and risk information management. Prior to joining Intel four years ago, Alfredo held a variety of management and engineering support positions at Hewlett-Packard Company over a span of fourteen years. Alfredo is a certified Project Management Professional and active member of the Project Management Institute. How to Register This is a FREE lecture sponsored by the Rose City SPIN. To register, please click on the box in the left hand corner at the top of this page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. The seminar will be held in the dining room of the Wilson Clark Center on the OGI campus. The Wilson Clark Center is Building #3 on the OGI Campus Map. Rose City SPIN The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effec rld looks prescient in retrospect. Now she works from home managing financial blogs for AOL and writes away the wee hours after her three little boys fall asleep.

      Slim Moon still thinks of himse!ԡL_e3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers June MeetingThe June Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mafԡ`ca3o333Galois Tech Talk: Beautiful DifferentiationThe December 15th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by John Launchbury. He will present Conal Elliott’s 2009 ICFP paper entitled Beautiful Differentiation for those of us who were not able to attend this wonderful talk in-person.2009-12-15 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/12/09/tech-talk-john-launchbury-presents-conal-elliots-beautiful-differentiation/2009-12-10 00:16:472009-12-11 17:42:24 ;2009-12-15 19:30:00  8u<ۋ. 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765945/OR/Portland/Portland-Ten-Field-Trip-KEEN-Inc-Start-a-Busin2ԡ1iu3m333Science Pub: How Geckos Stick and Why We CareGeckos can run up smooth vertical surfaces but, until recently, no one knew how they did it. Looking at the structure of gecko feet at the nanoscale and measuring the tiny forces involved showed that gecko feet stick mechanically, not chemically. This discovery lead to the development of the world's first adhesive that is dry, self-cleaning, reversible, and can even work in Iԡ03Y3m333Eastside Sicence Pub: Nanotechnology: New Science for Society and the Environment :00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Happy Hour from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Come early for food and drinks! Imbibe Restaurant & Lounge 2229 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland Cheap and clean energy. Reduced environmental pollution. Greater computing pow  ԡ{+?3G33Ignite PortlandIf you had five minutes to talk to Aԡ9m!3]333PSBA Lunch & Learn: High Tech Product MarketingWhy is product management and product marketing so critical to the success of your start-up? As critical as sales? Perhaps even more critical than engineering? If perception is reality, then product management and product marketing define reality. This lunch and learn is being provided by Mark Gaydos, vice president of worldwide marketing at Tripwire. Mr. Gaydos also is teaching a five-week course on High Tech Product Management and Product Marketing offered by Portland State University's Professional Development Center. Click on this link if you want more info on the full program. What You'll Learn at the Lunch and Learn This one-hour program will cover two of the many topics on product management and product marketing that will be covered in the five-we $$Uԡ;A3C333Marketing with web 2.0: Connect and share to build communityWhat is web 2.0 and why is it important for your organization? Why and how should you share content and collaborate online? To blog or not to blog? How can social networking and social bookmarking help promote your business or cause? An introduction to social media for nonprofits and microbusinesses.

      Presenter: Peter Korchnak, Semiosis Communications, holistic and sustainable marketing solutions helping socially responsible organizations differentiate themselves and cultivate community support. More at SemiosisCommunications.com.

      RSVP: Sarah Chenven, schenven@mercycorpsnw.org or Peter Korchnak, info@semiosiscommunications.com.
      2008-09-16 01:30:00http://www.mercycorpsnw.org2008-09-15 21:47:052009-09-16 15:03:54 @;b֯2008-09-16 03:00:00 --^W5Lԡ_K!3333Stumptown End of the Year PartyWe are celebrating the end of the year with a party! Bring a plate of cookies or holiday snacks to share along with a wrapped gift and a putter and you'll be set to enjoy the evening. We'll have a basket setup for a putting contest and several Wii's hooked up to projectors for playing Tiger Woods or Resort disc golf. Our annual Yankee Disc Swap will wrap up the evening. We will follow Stumptown Rules for the gift exchange and you can bring a disc to exchange or another disc golf associated gift. You may also want to bring a chair to sit on if you aren't the type to stand all night. Sign ups for your 2010 membership at the party! Also available, brand new Stumptown Logo Fundraising Discs. Time: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Location: Center Space, 420 SE 6th Ave Available for all 2009 & 2010 Stumptown Members! (Bring $10 to join for 2010!)2009-12-12 03:00:002009-12-09 22:49:362009-12-09 22:49:36 A=;bW2009-12-12 06:00:00  culture, structure, and politics - can be modeled as the fundamental components of an integrated, interdependent system that, in effect, represents or surrounds the working environment. This presentation offers a conceptual overview of the cultural, structural, political (CuSP) model, with a deeper examination of the cultural aspects. A selection of thinking tools are provided that can be used to gain a deeper level of understanding of the cultural forces inherent in the working environment. Greater understanding leads to an improved ability to detect, manage, and influence the direction of these forces to better enable and drive software process improvement. The audience is encouraged to participate, so feel free to come prepared with questions that you have on culture within your team, your organization, or the software development community. Speaker Bio: Alfredo Zangara works with the Learning Solutions Team within the Corporate Platform Office at Intel Corporation. His current area of focus 0I)eԡ(7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-08-29 00:30:002ԡDMg3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are supe{ԡ]? 3333Stumptown Monthly Meeting2010-02-10 03:30:002009-12-09 22:37:592009-12-09 22:37:59 A;;bW2010-02-10 05:00:00AԡI]3 333Managing Technology to Meet Your MissionJoin us for a Happy Hour Holiday Celebration with your fellow nonprofits using technology for good. We'll have a short discussion of IT Planning based on the NTEN Book - Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission (http://www.meetyourmission.org/) with editor, Holly Ross. Agenda: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 - 7:30 Networking Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit leaders make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers advice for decision makers and staff alike, including those who often have little or no experienc ( }$}r skills to create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” po ԡ_A3S333DrupalPDX November Meeting2008-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-29 19:02:492008-10-29 19:04:03;bJq&2008-11-13 04:00:00ԡ^5 35333PMUG General Meeting2008-11-11 02:30:00http://www.pmug.org/2008-10-29 18:57:322008-10-29 18:57:32 :,2008-11-11 05:00:00Gԡ]/a3]333Cre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. Cre8Camp is a non-profit event affiliated with the Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con). Registration Fee: $102008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-29 16:30:432009-05-14 14:01:58 ?Jq2008-11-15 23:00:00e with technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field , this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics. About Holly: Holly has spent more than five years at NTEN, combing through all the technology fads and listening to the NTEN community to line up the webinars, conferences, and research that will help members use technology to make the world a better place. From ubiquitous access to technology leadership to social media trends, Holly brings the wisdom of the NTEN crowd to the nonprofit sector. Holly is also editor of "Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders," available from Jossey-Bass.2009-12-09 01:30:002009-12-09 00:55:522009-12-09 01:00:45 ; 2009-12-09 03:30:00nity effort to connect developers working with open source. We're kicking things off with a town hall discussion and planning meeting on October 30th, 7:30pm at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into small working groups to start tackling the event planning needs. If you can, bring an audio or video recorder to help document the discussion. Please let us know if you can attend. If October 30 doesn't work for you, let us know as we are considering a second meeting during the day on the west-side. We'd very much like to have your participation in making this conference a fun, educational experience. You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en2008-10-31 02:30:00http://www.bridgepdx.org/2008-10-29 07:02:132008-10-29 07:03:22 92008-10-31 04:00:00.siggraph.org/s2007/attendees/caf/et.html2007-10-13 01:00:002008-03-21 16:30:062008-06-18 13:19:49 :#;bc `H5IGԡ*[3s333Music and The Mind: How They CxԡEi/3?333PDMA: Product Strategies for Today’s EconomyThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its May Learning Event; Product Strategies for Today’s Economy: Lessons from the Front Lines. Three Directors will discuss what it’s like to be on the front lines ofEԡHO3 333IxDA Portland: Design Jam SessionJoin us for another design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the larger group. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/).2009-12-18 02:00:002009-12-09 00:47:122009-12-09 00:47:12 9;bU2009-12-18 05:00:00   tal Workflow - The Dos and Don'ts of Project Management.
      Whether you're a novice editor or an industry veteran, there is a right way and a wrong way to tackle your project. Learn the ins and outs of proper asset management and how to protect your data_ԡ`kI3q333SPIN Seminar: Culture, Structure, and Politics This is a FREE event sponsored by Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) and the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC). To register for this seminar, please check the box in the upper left hand corner of this Web page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. Software process improvement efforts often focus on the common methods of process assessment, redesign, development, and deployment. Often overlooked - or, perhaps more accurately, not openly discussed - are the cultural, structural, and political forces that can have a significant impact on the success of the process improvement effort. These elements - % iihop_2009_outline. But we want to hear from you! We'd love to get a rough idea of how many people are interested in attending. Do you use Pd? Do you use similar commercial software like Max/MSP? Are you interested in learning Pd? Why? What are some of your ideas? Pd is an incredibly open-ended platform so we're trying to get an idea of whereԡG7]3u333PDX Weekly Hackathon Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.2009-12-11 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon 2009-12-08 20:40:012009-12-08 20:40:57 ; 2009-12-11 07:30:00 /EzԡY333Board MtgAt Lucky Lab in NW Portland on Quimby.2007-11-06 yԡ\EU3?333Open Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge will be a completely volunteer-run, commu )gԡ[93O333Ruby: November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-10-29 00:21:492008-11-03 19:28:11 9;bZJr2008-11-05 05:00:00ԡZ3O3q333Portland CocoaHeadsThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.2008-12-11 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-10-28 23:25:522008-10-28 23:25:52 92008-12-11 05:00:00and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?) We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector. You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009 ~*Snacks provided*~ Location details: AboutUs 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That’s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark) (Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.) 2010-01-14 01:30:00http://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BExjjazTkD.12009-12-08 18:27:242009-12-08 20:57:55 92010-01-14 04:00:00Q' '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” potential employers. Prԡԡԡԡԡ(ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡzԡ|ԡxԡtԡvԡpԡmԡiԡhԡgԡfԡ cԡ!dԡ"]ԡ$Jԡ&Wԡ(_ԡ)Zԡ+Tԡ.Qԡ/Hԡ0Eԡ19ԡ2=ԡ43ԡ61ԡ8*ԡ9)ԡ:!ԡ;"ԡ< ԡ=%ԡ@ ؄ԡB ԡC;ԡDԡE :ԡG ;ԡHԡI ˄ԡJ ̄ԡLԡMԡN ԡO ԡQԡR ԡTԡVԡW ԡZ ԡ\ )ԡ_ ԡ` ԡd ԡe ԡf ԡh ԡk ߄ԡl ݄ԡm ܄ԡr لԡtԡv ˄ԡx ̈́ԡ| Ƅԡ~ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ MMUԡ==I3 333PLUG/Perl: Indexing CPANSpeaker: brian d foy Topic: Indexing CPAN BackPAN is the historical archive of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, where most Perl modules live. Going back to 1993, BackPAN has about 100,000 distributions, taking up 12 GB of space. So far, there has not been a comprehensive index of all of 1Hԡ<-3A333Refresh PortlandRefresh Portland is a monthly talk (held every 2nd Wednesday) about design, front-end development, usability and web standards.

      We’re in the process of choosing the speakers, so please watch this space and our twitter account (http://twitter.com/refreshportland) for future developments.

      Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
      2008-10-09 01:30:00http://refreshportland.org2008-09-16 01:15:042009-10-26 03:06:14 A;bְ2008-10-09 02:30:00% s [ i n j m h f l k d a c b ] ` Y X *  D R A G+ ) _ D I G C E = Q ; < ? 9 : 2 8 6 4 1 . - 5 " , + *         N   W U x V |    q J ~  y } m \ w s p M j k l g  Q d b ` n o P X V T S H O [ N M > G F E = C B ? 7 6 < 4 + - ' + )  %               _  x ~ b 7 :2008-09-18 04:00:00 "?bo~ۋ} 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/syndicate/v2/group/4104/4316e2a45a2009-03-23 20:14:292009-03-23 20:10:372009-03-23 20:14:29iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166078/2009-03-23 01:59:432009-03-23 01:59:422009-03-23 01:59:44iۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166072/2009-03-23 01:59:0920Dԡ _C3E333PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 1OEN's Seed Oregon: The Road to Angel Oregon

      Seed Oregon is a unique competition for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon 2009, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. The 2009 conference will be held at the Governor Hotel in Portland on March 12th.I2009-12-22 18:00:00and how they deliver value to their customers.

    • Technology — Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure.
    • Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place?
    • In Summary — Sustaining your business is a continuing process and establishing a mentoring relationship helps to keep it going.
    • Guest speakers: Jim Smith, Chairman of the Portland Chapter of SCORE. Bridget Bayer, Opportunity Knocks Program Coordinator, Cost: $25.00 – includes workshop materials. Location: Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room 200 Market Street Portland, OR Phone: 503-224-8484

    Dawn M. Foster provides

    Google Map

    RSVP TO: SAO by emailing Sao-info@thebec.com

    FREE this month for SAO members or students, and non-meԡ}3]333SAOpdx: The Art of Agile Teams: Designing Roles and ResponsibilitiesThese courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! At the conclusion of this course, you will be prepared to build a successful Agile team, define roles and responsibilities for your project, and set expectations for team performance and deliverables. Trainers: Diana Larsen + Jim Shore #saopdx #otn #agile2009-05-19 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401988/2009-04-09 17:34:502009-04-14 20:59:00 :;b2009-05-19 15:30:00  arn the science behindYԡ{53]333SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate: Release, Control, & ValidationCourse Length: May 11-15, 2009 This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL v3 Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Release, Control and Validation of services and service delivery. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices during the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #otn #itil2009-05-11 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401979/2009-04-09 17:28:462009-04-09 17:28:46 9;b2009-05-12 00:00:00nd the rest of the organization. Explore practices for identifying and resolving business issues, setting goals and measuring progress, assessing organization culture, and using organization structure to effectively address the challenges facing you and your team. Examine the implications of Agile environments for managing human capabilities and handling human resources functions, such as, hiring, retention, reviews, and compensation. Learn how the most effective leaders manage the boundary between their teams and the rest of the organization. Discover the latest brain research showing male/female differences and translate these findings into more effective strategies for coaching and mentoring within and across gender on high performing Agile teams. #saopdx #otn #agile2009-05-01 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401972/2009-04-09 17:22:122009-04-09 17:29:13 :;b2009-05-01 15:30:00ve a laptop or if you would be able to bring more than one, please let me know. I :$ These courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! When shifting to Agile methods, effective leaders ally current skills with strategic tools that keep people and teams on course during the transition. Researchers Klein & Posey (1986) assert, "...managers who have been the most successful in traditional systems should have no trouble adapting to their roles in innovative [Agile] systems." McKinsey (2008) states, "Employees can't change if their leaders don't. [Agile] leaders act as role models for the mindsets and behaviors they wish to instill in their teams." For over 20 years the presenters have worked with leaders and managers committed to collaborative and sustainable change. Managers in the middle have a unique role to fulfill. In this course you will learn how Agile organizations work from a systemic perspective, to create strategic alignment between project teams a 55ke this to be very hands-on learning and I imagine we'll probably be working in pairs or small groups as well as spending some time reading documentation and sharing what we've learned. If you have some experience with Perl 6 or have been playing with it recently, please share your useful links or insights by posting them on the list or the wiki. http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?October2008Meeting If you have no experience with Perl 6, this is where you get it! Bring your friends. There's still more than one way to do it in Perl 6 anԡyEI3]333SAOpdx: Managing Agile TeamsCourse Dates: Friday, May 1, 2009 & Friday, May 8, 2009 %JԡxKK3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetupThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. ' Request to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Welcomed audience: any entrepreneurs (past, present or future), start up executives, or veteran technology leaders This event is not open for service providers - sorry guys! Bring your burning questions so that you can dig into it with your experienced peers. Featured Tech Industry Leaders in Attendance Jay Haladay, CEO, Co-Axis Kevin Doherty, President, Technocom Here's 4 helpful tips to successfully arrive there: - It's on the eastside of the river - Park under overpass on Morrison or a nearby street - Follow signs leading from door on Morrison to freight elevator - Take freight elevator to 7th Floor #saopdx #startupexchange2009-04-22 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401951/2009-04-09 17:11:092009-04-09 17:11:09 <;b2009-04-22 00:00:00 ~~OB ԡ Yԡ '+3E333OEN Swap MeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specificall{ԡ*9?3]333Focus the Nation eventFocus the Nation: Seizing the Opportunties of the New Energy Economy This inter-generational town hall will span all levels of government representation-- from federal to city-- and will be the unveiling event for the Multnomah County Climate Action Plan from Mayor Sam Adams and Commissioner Jeff Cogen. Featuring: Congressman Earl Blumenaeur, Representative Ben Cannon, Representative Jules Bailey, Mayor Sam Adams, Commissioner Jeff Cogen. Partner Organizations: Portland State University/N2e Location: Portland State University Hoffmann Hall Date: Friday, April 17th at 6:00 PM Organizer: Lacey Riddle, contact at 5032249440 or lacey@focusthenation.org2009-04-18 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2421869/2009-04-17 18:06:042009-04-17 18:06:04 ??;b&2009-04-18 04:00:00 11The show is reminiscent of days past whHԡs]Y3A333DevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a dialogue, a bidirectional communication between the information publisher and information consumer with the added layer of aggregators acting as information and subject matter warehousing. The dialogue will be carried through many devices and it will take place everywhere. Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation will explore some of the many areas of interest and concern surrounding the future of interactivity, it's promises and pitfalls. Location: PCC Cascade Campus Moriarty Arts and Humanities Auditorium Building, 104 705 N. Killingsworth RSVP to: brad@hotpepper.com 2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org/2009-04-08 06:16:172009-04-08 06:18:34 :#2009-04-16 03:00:00ous community outreach program for ISSA-Oregon Chapter. The goal of our program is to provide decision makers, stakeholders, and professionals with the knowledge and understanding they need to more effectively secure their organization’s sensitive information and comply with emerging information privacy laws and regulations. Travel budgets cut, but still want the professional development in 2009? Want 7 CPE Credit Hours for less than $65? Don’t miss this local, but quality conference for security Topics for 2009 include: - Future Security Implications of Cloud Computing & Social Media - Botnets and the Army of Darkness - Windows 7.0 Sneak Peek - Implementing the SDL to Improve Organizations’ ROI - Leveraging e-Discovery to Keep Security Funding - Much more2009-04-23 15:00:00http://www.issa-portland.org/2009-04-08 22:49:302009-04-08 22:49:30 92009-04-23 23:30:00www.oregonhumane.org/news/stories/OHS_Speed_Dating.asp2008-09-29 01:03:582008-09-29 01:03:58 <;b2008-10-01 03:00:00d we listened: the SAO brings together four of Portland's most dynamic technology companies - Jive, AboutUs, Serena, and Pop Art, Inc. - to share how they've adapted marketing and sales strategies to the realities of 2009. This panel brings together senior sales and marketing professionals for an interactive, informative breakfast event. Register today to learn practical ways in which Portland's most nimble technology companies adapt to changing times. Moderator Cecile Bos, Partner, Blue Research Panelists Dennis Deveny, Regional Sales Director, Jive Software Tony Bash, Sr. VP of Marketing & Business Dev, Pop Art, Inc. Nathan Rawlins, Sr. Director Product Marketing, Serena Software Martin Laetsch, VP of Sales and Marketing, AboutUs #saopdx2009-04-14 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2295814/2009-04-09 16:57:532009-08-14 18:03:49 9;b 2009-04-14 14:30:00aret offers its audience a unique experience rarely found t Q B Portland, Oregon, USA 97204 * RSVP: [*UPDATE 2/20:* You do not need to RSVP if you're coming to the event as a non-diner. The payment/registration was only needed for the catered dinner.] * CO$ԡv#%3]333SAOpdx: Winning Game Plans for 2009 ft. Serena, AboutUs, Pop Art, and Jive!You asked an+lԡuC53G333NW ISSA Security ConferenceThe NW ISSA Security Conference is part of a continued ambiti*Eԡt#3/333PDXPHP Meeting: PHP Develoment Methods for Producing Modular, Scalable CodeMichael Scotto Di Carlo will be leading a discussion on a programming pattern for developing PHP applications that are: Scalable Quick to produce Modular / Portable easy to share, implement and customize Easy AJAX integration Fully abstracted HTML Little to no learning curve Michael Scotto Di Carlo Professor Clark College www.clark.edu Developer Supportland LLC supportland.com 2009-04-15 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org2009-04-08 20:51:532009-04-08 20:51:53 92009-04-15 03:00:00 essential to have a website to do business. Until now, it’s been complicated and expensive to get a professional website designed. And updating and maintaining it requires special skills and software that can be a headache—especially for the one-person organization. Now, the tools exist to take control of the situation but the learning curve can sometimes be steep. Wouldn’t it be great to have a pro walk you through the process and get you up and running fast? On April 21, SECP is presenting the WordPress Website & Blog Boot Camp where you come with your domain name and hosting, and in a few short hours, you leave with a fully functioning website online. Plus, you’ll have a blog as well as a strategy and an action plan to use it to drive traffic to your site and grow your business! More Info and to register >> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDisplayNew.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864022009-04-21 17:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:51:552009-04-07 21:51:55 =2009-04-21 21:00:00  Startup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilitieoK+3M33JrComputers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of modern computer science some sixty years ago, we are building computers in more or less the same way. Silicon electronics serves as a physical substrate, the von Neumann architecture provides a computer design model, while the abstract Turing machine concept supports the theoretical foundations. That is changing: in recent years, unimagined computing substrates have seen the light because of advances in synthetic biology, nanotechnology, material science, and neurobiology. A grand challenge consists in developing computer architectures, computing paradigms, design methodoH YY"ԡ^Mw3i333PDX Coffee Clinic on FundraisingCoffee Clinics are a low-key way for startups to get answers and resolve obstacles. You can attend a free group Q&A, or schedule a 1-on-1 micro-consultation ($25/30 min.) RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1136207/ More info: http://coffeewithanexpert.com/coffeeclinic/coffee-clinics-at-cubespace/ Questions? Email info@coffeewithanexper ԡrIy3]333Mobile Love, Android Style #11Android deveolpers and power-users come to talk about software development and popular android apps. update: The Open Source Bridge conference has given us permission to pick an attendee at random to give a free conference pass to.2009-04-14 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2127415/2009-04-08 04:45:272009-04-11 21:42:32 ; ;b 2009-04-14 02:30:00 ,,08 Read reviews of the first of three Mash Up events: http://tinyurl.com/yelpreview08 Featuring Live DJs Echoik & Frequency Working Artists Network + Software Association of Oregon introduce Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up. In the spirit of disruptive ideas and breaking down barrԡq3w39333SECP's Event May 21, 2009 | Striving To Thriving: Sustainable Marketing ResolutionsSECP Advisory Board Member and A7Eԡp +39333SECP's Quarterly Workshop | WordPress Websites & Blog Boot CampIn this half-day workshop, WordPress expert Brandie Kajino, The Home Office Organizer, will guide participants through a hands-on expedition of the basics of this powerful tool that’s perfect for service providers, consultants, and small business owners who want to develop their on-line presence and build relationships with potential customers. In this new economy, it is-eԡog39333SECP's April Event Multiple Income Stream Development | Do EventsYou Out Loud! Program12 Planning for Non-Planners Want to create additional income streams with the knowledge and experience that you already have? SECP is planning a series of presentations with experts to help you do just that. Our Presenter Marie Daniels is a coach, an educator, and a business professional. She's worked as both a trainer in corporate America and as an instructor for college students and young adults. Marie brings a love of clear communication, conflict management, facilitation, and relationship building and she brings years of experience as an educator, mentor, trainer, and business person to my current career as a Communications Coach. Marie also does a weekly radio show here. The Concept Have you ever wanted to share your knowledge and experience with other people but had no idea how to get started? Have you tried creating a workshop or presentation but just couldn't figure out exactly what you wanted to do or how to do it? If so, then this presentation is just what you need! When you leave, you'll have the outline for an actual workshop including objectives, goals, activities (if appropriate), and a takeaway for participants. Objective Participants learn how to turn an idea into a workshop to generate income Goals At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to create an outline for a client-attracting workshop Takeaway Each participant will develop a workshop outline that includes an objective, goals, possible activities, and a takeaway Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 (members); $15 (non members) (you're welcome to just show up!) More Info >> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDetailPublic2.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864132009-04-17 02:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:49:572009-04-07 21:49:57 =2009-04-17 04:00:00bruary 2008. Our September meeting will provide a glimpse into the 9 Knowledge Areas that make up Business Process Man+me, online game, building challenge, open ended simulation, etc.) that fits for the intended use. 4. Choose a set of design elements to employ (or intentionally omit) that lend themselves to the learning objectives. (The presence or absence of Collaboration in a game can lend itself to lessons around teamwork, for example.) 5. Draft the rules by which players will play the game. 6. Play the game, discuss, and iterate. Keep iterating, tweaking the rules, until the game feels solid and fun, with lots of opportunities for insight. We will introduce and explain key game design elements including: Strategy, Chance, Choice, Collaboration, Competition, Interference, Balance, Secrecy, Roles, and Turns. And we will demonstrate how to use these game design elements by suggesting ways they could be used to design games around learning objectives suggested by participants.2009-05-01 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/AgileGames05012009-04-07 18:51:172009-04-07 18:51:17 ;2009-05-02 00:00:003dress your specific teaching points. In this session, we will introduce some essential elements of game design and demonstrate a process for designing a game starting with a learning objective. Participants will then use materials we supply to create their own Agile games. Learning games are exponentially effective because they engage across all four of the key learning styles: * Kinetic/Tactile * Spatial/Visual * Auditory * Logical Because they operate at so many different levels, learning games are highly effective at conveying complex concepts like those involved in agile development methodologies. Class Outline We will introduce a simple process for creating games and simulations: 1. Choose a learning objective or concept to explore. 2. Identify important logistical requirements and constraints such as the number of players, the time frame, and the expected skill level of the players. 3. Choose a mechanism (board game, card ga JJand skill development of professionals who work in this discipli/ԡmM=3;333Agile Learning Games Play Party!Whenever we attend an Open Space conference, the sessions on Agile Learning Games are always among the most fun and best attended. This will be a self-organized play party hosted by Chris Sims of the Technical Management Institute and Elisabeth Hendrickson of Quality Tree Software. There will be refreshments, and plenty of room to spread out and play. Agenda At 6 pm, Willem Larsen will demonstrate "Where are your keys?" a revolutionary language learning game. At 7 pm, we'll all share--and play--our favorite Agile learning games. This evening is a preview and warm-up event for our daylong workshop, "Creating Agile Learning Games for Coaches & Consultants," to be held on Friday, May 1 at the Kennedy School.2009-04-30 01:00:00http://www.TMIAgile.com2009-04-07 18:56:282009-04-07 18:56:28 >2009-04-30 04:00:00 YYmonth''s seminar sells out we will post the next month''s event. ԡn5 3]333Easter Mondo CroquetDress in your Easter finest! (Or, your wife's Easter finest. Whatever.) Bring bowling balls if you have them. Sledgehammers are useful too, but don't let the lack of these everyday household items stop you from coming out to play or observe. *Potluck Lunch - Bring Food & Drink to share Mostly a Kid Friendly Atmosphere! I am not responsible for the actions of anyone wearing furry pants. Review the rules and history of the game here: http://www.mondocroquet.com/ (And no, we don't care if it rains) Volunteers for the official bending of the rebar wickets are needed. This event will be photographed and/or video taped, at the request of His Highness, Lord Peters.2009-04-12 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356640/2009-04-07 21:42:512009-04-07 21:43:58 ?&;b 2009-04-13 00:00:00ffiliate, Roberta Mac Laren of RPM Marketing Mentor has just published a new book with tips for Striving to Thriving—Sustainable Marketing Resolutions that are Practical and Cheap. She's coming in May to share her tips exclusively with SECP. Roberta will introduce integrated ways to market your services and products that are sustainable. She will cover how to strategize and create a marketing plan that makes the most of the resources and contacts you have right now to build the business that you want by maximizing different channels. The she will introduce the concept of making a 'resolution' to set it in your mind and make it happen. Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 (members); $15 (non members) More Info >> http://www.secppdx.com/clubportal/EventDetailPublic2.cfm?clubID=2266&EventID=864142009-05-22 02:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-04-07 21:54:262009-04-07 21:54:26 =2009-05-22 04:00:00 t as defined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in Universities and Colleges across North America and provide information about the Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP)TM certification. Speaker Bio: As Chair of the CBOKTM Maintenance Committee, Sandra Lusk is responsible for collecting feedback from the BPM community, leading the editorial committee and coordinating the approved changes for future releases. She is also a key contributԡl{3[333Creating Agile Learning Games for Coaches & ConsultantsPresented by Chris Sims and ;b2009-04-09 04:00:00 DDcreate a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful. I'm especially eager to see: - 2d sketch artists - OpenGL enthusiasts - Cairo enthusiasts5ԡb?S3?333Open Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-08 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:02:142009-05-14 14:02:02 ?2009-04-09 00:00:00 yye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVSԡaSU3]333Springboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will inspire and teach wiDԡ`Ws3Y333Corvallis Artisans Market Opening DayCorvallis Artisans Market is an outdoor public market featuring the works of local artists and live music. The downtown Corvallis Riverfront comes alive with three great events on April 18 in the same area- along with the Corvallis Artisans Market, you'll also find the Corvallis Environmental Center Earth Faire and opening day for the Corvallis Albany Farmers' Market. 2009-04-18 16:00:00http://www.corvallisartisansmarket.com2009-04-04 18:27:402009-04-04 18:27:40 ?"2009-04-18 20:30:00AEDC?@BA><=:;8954360/12-)7,&#*+'%$ "! K       {@:c(}Ey`|NY 0 y v )$ ( ]sie7q{ }5} { L   " nq  f= 1b  ( r + .  v  ghUtd\STRZKEBF@physicians in three l Zapproved developed and deployed a product, started generating revenue, and brought Pixelworks founder Allen Alley onto their Board of Directors -- all with very little funding. Come hear Monica talk about Zapproved's product, and about the bootstrapping tactics the team used to make so much headway while keeping expenses very low. And - with this event, real time streaming of OTBC lunches returns. If you can't attend in person, tune into the program at http://www.ustream.tv... What: Startup CEO Monica Enand of Zapproved When: Tuesday, April 7, 11:30am (program starts at noon) Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: Free, in the parking garage next door MAX: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Cost: $10 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; $15 for late registrations (lunch included)2009-04-07 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763115/2009-04-02 20:01:242009-04-02 20:01:24 <2009-04-07 20:00:00 (ԡ,W3u33 Internet Series: PR and the InterԡEA3U333PostgreSQL Conference WestJoin us for the second annual PostgreSQL Conference West! Scheduled to begin October 10 and go through the weekend, West being held at Portland State University is going to be the destination for learning, fun and general education about PostgreSQL. 2008-10-10 15:00:00heԡ_]G3 333Smarter Cheaper Greener I-5 Bridge RallyAre you green, do you ride a bike, do you pay taxes? Rally organized by Metro Councillor Robert Liberty to show your support for smarter, cheaper, greener alternatives to the proposed new $4 billion, 12-lane Interstate 5 Columbia River Crossing bridge. We are gathering in Waterfront Park at the foot of the Morrison Bridge in downtown Portland. 2009-04-05 19:00:002009-04-04 00:34:472009-04-04 00:34:47 =2009-04-05 20:00:00 :kins an interest in words and images and how information affects behavior. During graduate school she worked on a long-term NIH-funded project dealing with dieting and smoking behavior among teenage girls.

    How to Register:;bֵ2008-09-19 03:00:00 HOHEԡ%[333Calagator IIOur next codesprint will be on February 2, 2008, 10pm-6pm. We’ll meet at Cubespace, 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland,ԡY'[3]333Beer and BlogAaaannddd, we're baaaaaack! Let's hope for some sunshine to enjoy a nice pint back at the Green Dragon.2009-04-03 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356953/2009-04-02 18:45:262009-04-02 18:45:26 ; ;b2009-04-04 01:00:00~ԡX C3333TiE Oregon/OHSU: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Health IT Health Information TechnQ0ԡWQ3W333CubeSpace Community Passover SederPassover is among the best-known of the Jewish holidays. It is a time when family and friends gather together for a ritual meal. The Haggadah, the text used in the seder (structured meal) explicitly encourages the invitation of "strangers." And many Jews (DavPid and myself included) take Passover as an opportunity to bring Jews and non-Jews together for discussion and food (food is very important). We would like to invite members (in the broadest sense) of the CubeSpace community to the second CubeSpace Passover Seder. There are no minimum knowledge requirements to attend. Questions are encouraged and families are welcome. The seder will be on Thursday, April 9th, beginning at 5pm. Adults are $10/person, children under 12 are $5/person and children under 2 are free. Food will be kosher for Passover by ingredient, but we will not have special Passover plates. The seder will be vegetarian-friendly, and we will do our best to accommodate special diets for those that pre-register. For more information, please email David@CubeSpacePDX.com. Ticket Info: Adults are $10/person, children under 12 are $5/person and children under 2 are free.2009-04-10 00:00:00http://www.CubeSpacePDX.com/node/19932009-04-02 16:24:332009-04-06 18:19:33 92009-04-10 03:00:00Nology Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness Research Gets $1 Billion The new economic stimulus bill is an example of the priority and urgency the new Congress and Obama Administration gives to reforming the health care system. As part of the stimulus package, signed into law by President Obama, $19 billion is now dedicated to transforming the patient record to an electronic format and adopting standards, to be developed by Jan 1, 2010. Practitioners will receive incentives to use Heath Information Technology (HIT) standards that must be developed by Jan. 1, 2010. Physicians and other practitioners will be eligible for up to $64,000 in incentive payments over several years for the meaningful use of an electronic medical record for patients. By 2015 all physicians will be required to use electronic records in their practice. Hospitals will also be eligible for $1-9 million in incentives for meaningful EHR adoption. This stimulus package is expected to create new opportunit mall mammals, and fish. Plantings start at 9 am and end by 12 pm.

    For more information and to register visit the Team up For Watershed Health Website,ԡV?3)333Shizzow Developers MeetupThis is your chance to drop by to ask us questions about the API, request new API features, make suggestions, and discuss uses for the Shizzow API with the Shizzow team and other people who are developing Shizzow apps. We would also love to see demos of your work in progress applications or hear your ideas for new Shizzow apps!2009-04-03 00:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/03/shizzow-developer-meetup-on-thursday-april-2nd/2009-04-02 15:34:192009-04-02 15:34:19 ; 2009-04-03 03:00:002ԡUW3q333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingWeekly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. May have a surprise guest to talk about stimulus funds and drink local beer.2009-04-02 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200904012009-04-01 10:31:222009-04-01 10:31:22 ; 2009-04-02 03:00:00 ggUԡ;A3C333Marketing with web 2.0: Connect and share to build communityWhat is web 2.0 and why is it important for your organization? Why and how should you share content and collaborate online? To blog or not to blog? How can social networking and social bookmarking help promote your business or cause? An int ԡR3S333PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) - Linux FilesystemsPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was develoTped by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-012009-04-10 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-03-31 21:53:552009-03-31 21:54:46 <2009-04-10 03:00:00 WWWstributions. I'm working on a project to go through each distribution, recoyԡT=_3=333Fifth Faux Film FestivalA festival of faux films, including mockumentaries, commercials for products that don't actually exist, satire, spoofs, and parodies. Different program Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights with shorts starting at 7pm, and full feature film at 9pm. $7 per night (includes both shorts and feature). See also http://www.madmartian.com/faux/Faux_2009_Schedule.pdf2009-04-04 02:00:00http://www.fauxfilm.com/2009-04-01 09:01:382009-04-01 15:20:38 <2009-04-06 05:30:00"ԡSoi3S333PDXPUG - MySQL war stories: Tales from the CraterMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Chris May will be speaking. Looking forward to seeing everyone there...and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5402009-03-31 21:59:222009-04-10 15:25:51 92009-04-17 03:00:00ood system! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!) is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Beers are only $2.50, and the event is free and open to the public. Agenda: A third generation dairy farmer from Monmouth, Jon Bansen of Double J Jersey Farm transitioned from a conventional dairy to an organic dairy in the late 1990s, and is part of the farmer co-op Organic Valley. Jon has turned farm diversity and organic dairying into a profitable business while providing a comfortable and sustainable life for himself, his family, and his cows. Jon also gives back to the community by providing farm tours and pasture walks for consumers, students, farmers and extension agents. 5:30-6:30 arrive, enjoy food and drinks, networking 6:30-8:00 speaker presentations with Q&A 8:00-8:30 more networking, discussion, and of course, organic brew!2009-04-15 00:30:00http://edibleportland.com/content/2009/03/30/apr-14-infarmation-discussion-on-food-and-farms/2009-03-31 20:26:192009-03-31 20:26:35 >2009-04-15 03:00:00 k based I/O and safety in terms of error handling and resource usage. I will demonstrate Hyena, a web server prototype written in Haskell, as an example of left-fold enumԡP;s3G333inFARMation (and Beer!)InFARMation (and Beer!) is designed to promote community discussion on the connection between food and farms in Oregon. This is a great opportunity to network with the community of Oregonians who want to have a say in our local fV$ԡOO3]333WATIR training by Bret PettichordIntro to Watir C'mon in, the Watir is warm! In this hands-on, two-day workshop you will: install and configure Watir, including the new Watir framework learn how to turn requirements or user stories into browser-based automated functional tests use the Watir testing tool to drive a web application in IE and Firefox know how to make web interfaces more testable By the end of the second day, you will have created a test suite using the most popular open-source tool for testers on agilY -fRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expruԡQy%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey PRESENTATION To Be Announced by Barton C Massey I haven't gotten the topic yet from Bart; but Bart Massey who is with the Computer Science Department at PSU will be giving the presentation. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address.2009-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-31 20:26:372009-03-31 20:29:22 >2009-04-03 04:00:00e teams, and you'll be ready to do the same for your own applications. Who should attend Intro to Watir is for individuals and teams seeking a better way to create, execute and maintain automated functional tests for browser-based applications. Participants should already know how some basic scripting or programming, although no prior knowledge of Watir or Ruby is assumed. What to bring You will need a laptop running Windows XP or Vista. If you are using a Mac, you will need to be running VMware Fusion or Parallels. Your instructors Intro to Watir will be taught by the most experienced Watir users and project contributors, such as Bret Pettichord, the lead developer of Watir and CTO of Watircraft. Pricing Intro to Watir is offered as a public class for individuals and small teams. $1195 per student; discounted to $995 if you register and pay 30 days before class begins.2009-04-16 16:00:00http://www.watircraft.com/watir-training2009-03-31 20:01:472009-03-31 20:05:47 ? 2009-04-17 23:00:00chell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-03-30 22:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-03-30 21:41:112009-04-14 00:43:13 ?2009-03-30 23:00:00 ++root and transcendental functio|ԡN'S3]333WikiWednesdayThis month's WikiWednesday will include the usual wiki-geekery, but will also welcome folks from CHIFOO, after they've finished hearing Ward (Cunningham) speak on Wiki Design Principles. Our main topic of discussion for the evening is the Oregon Transparency Taskforce, an effort to make Oregon state government more transparent, accessible, and accountable that is coordinated through wiki. (Google Group here: http://groups.google.com/group/oregon-transparency-taskforce/?pli=1)2009-04-02 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2298523/2009-03-31 19:29:472009-04-01 20:29:47 9;b2009-04-02 00:30:00CԡL%33333OBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industry and Oregon. John Mit] -x-y's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using math? Did the Japanese really acquit a 17th-century prisoner on the strength of his inertia skills? Which cameDԡE 3]333Growing a Green Economy: Perspectives from Law and BusinessPresented by the Lundquist College of Business’s MBA program, the Oregon Law Review, and Law Students for Sustainable Business2009-04-03 15:30:00http://sustainableoregon.biz/?page_id=152009-03-27 16:34:502009-03-27 16:36:20 ?2009-04-04 00:30:00yԡDs3g333Experiences of Chinese Companies Entering the U.S. MarketPresented by the Northwest China Council. What opportunities are there for U.S. consulting, services, and partner companies to improve their business with Chinese companies coming into the U.S. market? Akana Ma will describe the experiences of some of the Chinese companies he has worked with as they have dchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-04-09 18:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-03-30 21:43:162009-04-14 00:43:14 ?2009-04-09 20:00:00 LL Speaker: John Harrison Principal Engineer CԡK%33333OBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to put the current environment into perspective, talk about the things that are underway that will end the downturn, and the prospects for the industry and Oregon. John MitZSԡJ 3]333Make:PDXMAKE STUFF IN PORTLAND! The goal of MakePDX is to connect, inspire and grow a local community of people who make things. Builders. Crafters. Artists. Cooks. Geeks. Hackers. Anyone who makes or wants to make anything! Who are you? What do you make? We are new. Teach. Learn. Join us. April Speakers: Denny Cole - Portland TechShop - http://portlandtechshop.com TechShop is a 33,000 square foot membership based workshop that provides members with any skill level access to_ tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like minded people allowing you to build the things you have always wanted to. Wm Leler - Open Tech Space - http://opentechspace.org Open Tech Space is a project of the Portland State University Center for Open and Sustainable Technologies (COAST) in partnership with various organizations. We are focusing on the greater Portland, Oreogn area, but hope the idea will spread to other places. The goal of Open Tech Space is to give Portland open and sustainable technology community physical gathering places for interaction at low or no cost, provide help with the creation of prototypes, encourage sharing and mentoring, and promote business development in the technology and art communities. The last speaker is YOU. Bring your projects and show them off!2009-04-05 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2149542/2009-03-30 19:18:332009-03-30 19:22:23 >;b2009-04-06 01:00:00 C_ۋ@ G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886858/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Webinar-Optimizing-the-Software-Product-Quality-through-Ethnographic-Futures-Resea5ԡ3A#3m333Science Pub: Changing Brains: Nature and NurtiԡIM3e333Invention to Venture: Commercialization in the Life SciencesThe Oregon Health & Science University and Portland State University will host a one-day, interactive workshop on Friday, April 10th built around four actual life science case studies. The workshop is intended primarily for faculty, graduate students, post-docs and staff, who want to learn how world-class life science research can be translated into applications to help save lives and improve health outcomes. The focus of the day will be on case studies dealing with (a) research efforts leading to company startups, and (b) researcha efforts involving collaboration with industry. Two case study sessions will be used to illustrate the path to the market, the decision points along the way, and evolving role of the researchers involved. Case studies will help contextualize the primary topics to be covered, which are listed below. They will be taught in an interactive format, eliciting comments and questions from the audience. The workshop will explore the processes by which commercialization occurs and the range of roles a researcher can play in that process. Guest speakers are experts drawn from the region. Invention to Venture workshops are held in cooperation with the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). Cost: $25 Students, Faculty Post Docs, Staff; $50 All Others Participant guide, continental breakfast, lunch and post- workshop mixer are all included in the fee.2009-04-10 15:30:00http://www.invention2venture.org/ohsu_psu09/2009-03-30 15:56:052009-03-30 15:56:05 ?2009-04-11 00:00:00  Some neural systems appear strongly determined?experience doesn't alter them at all. Others are highly affected by experience, and a third neural system is capable of change throughout lif2ԡHY'3K333Get Naked: Champagne Autograph Party! The 2010 charity calendars are hot off the press and on Sunday evening, March 29th, the participants and all volunteers involved with the "Naked" calendar project are coming together for an autograph signing and champagne party! Bring your already bought calendar or buy one at the door and mingle with the most awesome techs in Portland! All proceeds from this event and from all calendar sales will go to p:ear, Free Geek, and the PCC Multimedia Club. Local businesses have donated various prizes for our on sight raffle so bring everyone you know and let's have a great time and give it up for our community! Website: http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-30 01:00:00http://dosomethingforacause.com2009-03-28 08:09:562009-03-28 14:02:56 ?2009-03-30 03:00:00 gg 8u ԡGMw3;333Slate Technologies Grand OpeningWe are opening our doors for business, and would love to share it with you. We will be collecting donations for Fish Emergency Services http://fishemergencyservice.org Those of us with children are bringing them, so feel free to bring yours.2009-05-01 23:00:00http://Slatetechpdx.com2009-03-27 23:29:562009-04-17 03:01:17 ?2009-05-02 03:00:00ԡFA3 333Gumbo Study Group (Flex 4)Get ready for the next iteration of Flex (Gumbo or Flex 4)! First meeting at Empire Group, downtown Portland between the train station and the 405. Here's
    a picture. We will do a quick Gumbo hello world and preview major changes to Flex: Thermo/Catalyst, CSS, component structure, etc. Bring your laptop, they'll be code samples. 2009-03-31 01:00:002009-03-27 18:04:232009-03-27 18:05:21 ?2009-03-31 03:00:00learned how to do business in the U.S., and touch upon some of the ways in which U.S. firms, both those currently working with and those seeking to do business with Chinese partners, could improve their understanding and bottomline results. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Akana Ma is a partner in the Global Trade Group of Ater Wynne, LLP in Portland, Oregon. He works with companies and individuals conducting business in the global marketplace to help structure international joint ventures; comply with foreign laws and regulations; license and protect technology, trademarks, software and other intellectual property; contract for the sale and distribution of products and services; establish foreign offices, license and finance exports; comply with customs and import laws and regulations; and negotiate and draft commercial contracts. He has practiced international law for more than 20 years.2009-04-01 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090401cbn.htm2009-03-27 16:30:592009-03-27 16:30:59 92009-04-01 20:30:00 {{Y]/iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573014/2009-10-25 22:20:50200~ԡC=U3Q333Linux Plumbers Conf 2009The Linux Plumbers Conference is primarily a developers conference - with the goal of getting key developers together to discuss issues face to face. For a description of our goals, see this post on What is Linux Plumbing?. Thus the conference program mostly consists of microconferences addressing a particular topic or subsystem issue. Microconferences are sessions of approximately two and a half hours with several individuals giving brief presentations or demos and driving discussion. Microconferences will be run by a “runner” who selects speakers and moderates the discussion. Note that the microconference format does not preclude individual speakers giving more traditional, longer formal presentations on topics of interest.2009-09-23 15:00:00http://linuxplumbersconf.org/2009/2009-03-27 14:23:212009-03-27 14:23:21 <(2009-09-26 00:00:00 best technical talent but the decision makers and industry experts who are involved in the Linux community. LinuxCon will feature over 75 conference presentations divided among five tracks and three audience types (Developers, Operations and Business), tutorials, BoF sessions, keynotes, roundtables, a product & technology showcase and sponsored mini-summits, as well as countless networking opportunities in developer lounges and evening events. LinuxCon offers a unique conference experience that encourages collaboration, progress and interaction. With top notch educational content and collaboration opportunities, those that attend LinuxCon will leave more knowledgeable and better positioned for success in the year to come. Who Should Attend: Software Developers Linux IT Professionals Corporate End Users Senior Executives Industry Experts Community Managers Media2009-09-21 15:00:00http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon2009-03-27 14:19:582009-03-27 14:19:58 <(2009-09-24 00:00:00ncluding storage, organization, keywording, cataloging, and backup techniques. Who is the audience for this event? * serious photo hobbyists or "prosumers" * film photographers making a transition to digital and wondering about file management * anyone with a hard drive full of photos and no way to quickly search them * anyone who knows their spouse would be very angry if they lost their kids' digital baby photos We'll talk about general image management and organization, as well as looking at specific software (both Windows and Mac) to keep track of photos. We'll talk about hardware and software backup solutions that don't cost an arm and a leg. The event is at souk, a great workspace for creative professionals. Questions? Contact Aaron via email - aaron@hockleyphoto.com2009-04-28 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2181062/2009-03-27 06:11:182009-05-14 14:02:00 ?;b2009-04-28 03:30:00 ))2U*ԡB/3o333LinuxCon1st Annual LinuxCon September 21 - 23, 2009 - Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR This event is co-located with the 2nd Annual Linux Plumbers' Conference. LinuxCon is a new annual technical conference that will provide an unmatched collaboration and education space for all matters Linux. LinuxCon will bring together the best and brightest that the Linux community has to offer, including core developers, administrators, end users, community managers and industry experts. In being the conference for "all matters Linux", LinuxCon will be informative and educational for a wide range of attendees. We will not only bring together all of thefԡ@A_3]333Digital Photo MOB WorkshopDigital Photo MOB Workshop (that's Management, Organization, and Backup) In this two-hour event, professional photographer and technologist Aaron Hockley will discuss techniques for managing digital photo collections, igege at M.I.T., he wrote project management software for his father's architectural firm. This project turned into a company, Semaphore, Inc. and in 1990 had risen to be rated #1 among all of the competitors in the space (by ARCHITECTURE Magazine). By 2000, the company had over 2,500 clients, 100 employees and was acquired by Deltek. Later that year, Ray moved to from New York City to Portland, Oregon to co-found SnapNames.com. Inventing several new ways for people to acquire domain names, the company eventually grew to over $49MM in revenue and was ultimately acquired by Oversee.net. His current venture, AboutUs.org has pioneered the idea of an "editable overlay" for the entire web. Serving over 8 Million unique visitors per month, the company profitably employs 30 people in both Portland and it's branch office in Lahore, Pakistan. 2009-04-17 19:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=772009-03-26 20:19:322009-03-26 20:24:47 ?2009-04-18 00:00:00 <Y|iۋ`]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420385/2009-09-16 18:21:132009-09-16 18:21:122009-09-16 18:21:14hۋ_[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41667392009-09-15 22:39:182009-09-15 22:39:172009-09-15 22:39:19nۋ^g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4416829cԡ>e3E333OEN Workshop - Selling Stock in Your CompanyPRICE OEN Member Fee: $30.00 Non-member Fee: $129.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=75 DESCRIPTION Early-stage companies - understanding and managing your cap table Startup and early-stage companies often exchange equity for capital. They also use it to incentivize employees and contractors. However, few entrepreneurs map out a comprehensive plan to manage their capitalization table through multiple rounds of capital or to mmiaiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Brian and his wife and business partner Shelley Gunton acquired T&K Pet Products in Portland, building the business from $4 million in revenues to $26 million in 1999. In 2000, he and Shelley launched Pet Appeal, Inc. d/b/a Castor & Pollux Pet Works. C&P produces Organix, the leading brand of dog and cat organic food and treats, the Natural Ultramix brand of natural food, and Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer food line. Brian lives in Portland with his wife and three children. He holds an MBA degree in international marketing from the University of Western Ontario. Ray King is the CEO of Aboutus.orgRay has worked at four startups and enjoys the technical and business challenges that go along with birthing totally new ideas. In high school he and a friend launched "The Computer Workshop" to train students on the use of Apple II's and IBM PCs. This company was featured on EyeWitness news and the New York Times. Several years later, while in collkmpanies featured in the April's "Off the Record" are Castor & Pollux with CEO Brian Connolly and AboutUs with CEO Ray King. Castor Pollux: Castor & Pollux Pet Works® is a leader in organic and natural products for pets. They are dedicated to uncompromised quality, they celebrate pets in people's lives, and are committed to feeding pets in need. About us: AboutUs is a wiki for and about businesses, organizations, blogs, forums, and really anything or anyone that has a website. AboutUs aims to provide you with both an introduction to sites in the areas you care about as well as a way to share your knowledge of those websites. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. Speakers Brian Connolly - Pack Leader, Castor & Pollux A 20-year veteran of the premium pet industry, Brian began his career as a Hong Kong distributor for Iams Company, expanding first to Taiwan and South Korea. In 1991, he began consulting to Iams to drive distribution in New Zealand, Taximize the efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand how to create a capitalization plan that will serve the company today, as well as through potentially dilutive transactions in the future. It will be presented in an interactive case-study format and will be limited to ten participants. SPEAKER Doug Morris, Ater Wynne Doug Morris' practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, securities, and general corporate representation of private and publicly held high technology and high-growth companies. Doug’s experience includes working with buyers and sellers to build and document mergers and acquisitions, and working with investors and companies to negotiate and close successful equity financings. He also advises clients regarding antitrust and trade regulation issues.2009-04-15 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=752009-03-26 20:02:102009-03-26 20:02:10 ?2009-04-16 01:00:00 ?cTԡ=Su3E333OEN PubTalk - Company PresentationsPRICE OEN Member Fee: $15.00 Non-member Fee: $25.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=55 DESCRIPTION Join OEN at BridgportBrewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuoԡ<33E333OEN Webinar - Tough times need straight talk, with Jody PeakeWith corporate layoffs, lawsuits and losses looming, what's a company to do when a crisis strikes? Recent bad actors like the Peanut Corporation of America, Heartland Payment Systems and Apple’s handling of Steve Jobs’ health crisis did not show best practices for crisis communications. It's a rare company that totally escapes the need to share bad news at least occasionally. Hear about the Ten Fundamental Principles of Crisis Communicationspvres and hear the feature presentation by Journey Gym™ , their challenges as a new entrepreneur, and their recent business adventure. The Journey Gym™ is the world's first truly portable gym, allowing use in the home environment, as well as within travel and professional environments. It's lightweight, compact, and durable design allows people to effectively use it wherever they go. It is efficient in giving users a total body workout and will allow anyone to use it as their primary source for resistance, cardiovascular, and circuit training. Journey gym™ recently began its first run of 1000 of the journey gym on March 30, 2009. Online registration closes on Tuesday, April 7th, at 5 PM. If you miss the online registration date, you can register at the door of the event. Space is limited to 115, so be sure to register today!2009-04-09 00:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=552009-03-26 19:57:442009-03-27 13:48:47 :62009-04-09 02:00:00 to prepare for releasing bad news before you need to. Online registration for this event closes on Wednesday, April 1st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. Speaker: Jody Peake, OnPR Jody Peake has announced both good and bad news for lots of clients -- from SAP to Victoria's Secret.com. She is the CEO of OnPR, a PR agency that specializes in providing experienced PR services for enterprise, consumer and wireless technology companies. OnPR has offices in Portland, Seattle and Munich. She was previously a founding partner at Waggener Edstrom. Date and Time: April 2, 2009, 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online Registration: OEN member $20, Non-member $30 To register click link: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=722009-04-02 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=722009-03-26 19:48:242009-03-26 19:50:00 :2009-04-02 18:00:00 kk#Gl iۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4229011/2009-08-18 23:55:462009-08-17 14:37:392009-08-18 23:55:47hۋ>[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42306472009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:21iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166276/2009-08-14 23:08:112009-08-14 23:08:102009-08-14 23:08:1ԡ:s93E333OEN Webinar - "Fit" for Business, with Pamela JonesPRICE OEN Member Fee: $20.00 Non-member Fee: $30.00 REGISTER NOW Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://twurl.cc/lsd EVENT DESCRIPTION Early-stage business success is often determined by the DNA of the founding team. Minimize hiring regrets with pragmatic and strategic assessment of candidates. Attend this webinar to learn how to: * Structure interview processes to deliver data necessary for clear decision-making, and * Identify and assess critical experiences/skill sets in candidates that will work for the business today - and scale with the busirness in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event closes Monday, March 31st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. SPEAKER: Pamela Jones, JONES PARTNERS Pamela is Managing Partner of JONES PARTNERS - a 23-year old retained executive search firm based in the Pacific Northwest and serving client companies (start-ups, public companies and joint-ventures) throughout the country. She has served as an executive with Claremont Technology, Lattice Semiconductor (both completed IPOs) and worked in the management consulting group of a major international CPA firm. Board roles have included OEF, SAO, AOI and the West Coast Chamber Orchestra. (See bio and www.jonespartners.biz)2009-03-31 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=712009-03-26 19:07:302009-03-26 19:33:11 :2009-03-31 18:00:00 GG"Dgiۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event2ԡ8{3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:14:082009-03-26 18:27:44 >2009-04-14 16:00:00 JJ}Dfiۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41/ԡ9{3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Businesses are encouraged to join the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Business Leads Exchange Prices: Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-28 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 18:16:592009-03-26 18:16:592009-04-28 16:00:00 $Ehnۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/?ps=62009-07-23 23:55:232009-07-23 23:55:222009-07-23 23:55:23cۋQ333http://WWW.PORTLANDONLINE.COM/BHCD2009-07-22 06:53:122009-07-22 06:53:112009-07-22 06:53:12gۋY333http://calagatZԡ7Eq3]333iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone applivcation development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/29 - 4/30, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-29 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:00:292009-03-26 18:22:52 ;;b2009-04-30 17:00:00 most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices anMԡ6+3M333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia Trattoria Portlandxuԡ5E'3]333iPhone Developer Quick StartReady to to develop for the iPhone and iPod touch? Want to take advantage of over 30 million devices and customers across the globe? Mobile is becoming ever-present and the key to both online and offline strategies. This class is designed to get you started. Fast. Hands-on exercises and collaboration mean you'll be leaving the 2-day session with a jump start on developing and learning which will be priceless as you prepare to design, code, and launch your success in the Apple App Store. We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone application development, froz Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia Trattoria (439 SW 2nd Ave.) Wednesday, April 8th 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Business After Hours is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Businesses are encouraged to become members of the Alliance so that they can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Please feel free to contact Peggy or Jason in Member Services at 503-224-8684 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. Prices: Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-04-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-03-26 17:56:112009-03-26 18:27:08 ?2009-04-09 02:00:00b֠2008-09-11 03:00:00 @;@Location: The Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenuetԡ47 3 333Database gossip lunchJoin us to gossip about databases while eating lunch. RSVP: @selenamarie @gorthx @donpdonp @jmelesky @Theory @igalko2009-04-20 19:30:002009-04-20 18:06:512009-04-20 18:22:25 ?A2009-04-20 20:30:00gԡ3s 37333The North American Organic Brewers Festival (NAOBF)Date is correct, not positive on TimeNrԡ2U3]333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussi|Zԡ1K 3E333TechShop Portland Grand OpeningMark your calendars! April 25 at 3:00PM TechShop will be officially open! Door prizes drawing at 4:30PM We are planning on demonstrating the furnaces and metal casting and other cool stuff. More details to come! So be there or be a quadrangle polygon with four right angle corners and sides of equal length.2009-04-25 22:00:00http://portlandtechshop.com/2009-04-19 19:30:272009-04-24 13:41:03 >2009-04-26 02:30:00m the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Duration: 4/1 - 4/2, 10-5pm Cost: $399 Registration: http://www.nixwire.com/classes Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and has been engaged in developing, consulting, and teaching for the platform ever since. Dave has launched applications in the App Store and started Nixwire to serve the mobility needs of small/medium business.2009-04-01 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 17:54:432009-03-26 18:22:51 ;;b2009-04-03 01:00:00 ") Ten-Minute Build and Build Automation Continuous Integration Incremental Requirements Customer Tests Test-Driven Development Refactoring Simple Design Incremental Design and Architecture Exploratory Testing We will also discuss: Pair Programming Ubiquitous Language Stand-Up Meetings Coding Standards Iteration Demos "Done Done" Version Control Collective Code Ownership Documentation Slack Spike Solutions Performance Optimization This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. Contact Rachel Kjack for more information at rachel.kjack@sao.org or 503-228-5419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008-10-29 16:00:00https://db.sao.orԡWS]3]333SAOpdx: ITIL Foundations V3 w/ examCourse Dates: June 3-5, 2009 This excition of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace. NOTE: This is a new meeting date, due to too many conflicts on our previous second-Wednesday meetings. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-04-30 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2463266/2009-04-20 02:16:302009-04-21 17:21:01 9;b(2009-04-30 04:00:00 Ph.D. is Director of Student and Educator Services at the Business Education Compact. Dr. Kulander has extensive 66 meta-programming. Factor also brings modernCԡ[W13]333SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate SOA w/ examCourse Dates: June 15-19, 2009 This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL® v3 Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Service Offerings and Agreements of services and service delivery. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices during the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #itil2009-06-16 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2568033/2009-05-05 19:34:522009-05-05 19:34:52 9;b@2009-06-16 06:00:00 aaCfԡMs3Q333Oregon Health Fund Board meetingThe Oregon Health Fund Board is developing a comprehensive plan to ensure affordable quality health care for every Oregonian.

    The Board, comprised of seven citizens, was chartered under the Healthy Oregon Act (SB 329) during the 2007 Legislative session. Board members were appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate to four-year terms.

    The agenda for this meeting will be to hear public testimony as a full Board ԡ3%73;333PDXCritique The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-april-20092009-04-28 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-03-26 06:52:292009-04-27 22:42:20 92009-04-28 04:00:00 $$E/&iۋ_]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2806106/2009-06-02 18:59:092009-06-02 18:59:082009-06-02 18:59:12ۋ^ U33http://web.as.ua.edu/area51/vasu/booking_calendar/month_view.php?view=month&date=2009-05-01&loc=loc12009-06-01 15:01:472009-06-Uԡ2113/333JavaScript SandboxCome hang out and work on your JavaScript skills. Whether you are just getting into programming, or you have been programming for a while and want to learn new things, you are encouraged to attend. The format will be one-on-one instruction. Find someone who knows stuff that you don't and learn, or find someone to teach. If you are looking for a JavaScript mentor or a mentee, this is the place to find one. If you have a laptop handy, please bring it along. Ideally laptops should be set up with Firefox running Firebug.2009-04-22 01:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-25 22:27:432009-03-25 22:27:43 92009-04-22 03:00:00 !!Policy at Harvard UniveXԡ4Ws3K333Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog, www.alliancepdx.blogspot.com. Speakers: Gale Castillo, Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Representative from El Hispanic News (to be announced) Location: 200 SW Market Street in the Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required: Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 2, 2009 2009-04-02 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-03-26 17:32:382009-03-26 18:23:13 >2009-04-02 16:00:00nging people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen. In order to create a conference that promotes cross-pollination as well as providing space for in-depth discussion, the tracks are divided into the following five areas: Cooking: Useful recipes for software development, systems administration, and working with open source. Chemistry: Understanding how our systems work, in order to improve and extend. Business: Building open source businesses that thrive. Culture: Exploring how open source extends through technology into our communities. Hacks: Tinkering, experimenting and bending the rules to make hardware and software do what we want. The final day of the conference will be structured in an unconference format, to allow participants to reflect and build on the previous days' discussions.2009-06-17 15:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-02-06 03:02:452009-02-06 16:53:42 92009-06-19 23:30:00 ,}GVۋbۋYgԡ}93w3333 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointlyfԡ1c!3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' April MeetingThe April Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. 2009-04-23 02:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-25 22:25:312009-03-25 22:25:31 92009-04-23 04:00:00 mpany on the NASDAQ. He later merged Exelan with Novell, where he was EVP, CTO and a Board Director for five years, growing the company iVԡ?[q3E333OEN - Off the Record with a CEO - AprilPrice: OEN Member Fee: $45.00 Non-member Fee (includes a one-year OEN Individual Membership): $144.00 Visit the OEN events page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events Off the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour ends at a pub for some networking. The col z$^ʃԡ933333Venture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibra|ԡ(G 3 333Portland Open Forum on DesignPortland Open Forum on Design: "Expanding Architecture: A Conversation on Engagement and Change" Portland State University Department of Architecture, Portland State University Social Equity and Opportunity Forum, and Architects Without Borders-Oregon to sponsor a forum on social responsibility and engagement in the design professions featuring Bryan Bell. Designers have the potential to benefit many more people than they currently reach. No, this is not a call for pro bono work. Instead we are being challenged to play a more direct role in solving the critical social and environmental problems facing the nation and our communities--and to incorporate outreach into our own practice to serve what is an everory in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support of our Sponsors and Partners! Founding Sponsors The City of Beaverton State of Oregon Silver Sponsors: Ater Wynne Perkins Coie Davis Wright Tremaine Coldwell Banker Sonitrol Pacific Supporting Sponsors: Alto Law Group PDC Miller Nash Event Sponsors: Stoel Rives Partners AeA Acumen Financial Group Armstrong Kendall DHX Advertising eROI OBA OEN SAO Techspi White & Lee Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, March 30 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-30 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-24 21:23:472009-03-27 16:26:56 <;b2009-03-30 20:15:00 __"?bo~ۋ} 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/syndicate/v2/group/4104/4316e2a45a2009-03-23 20:14:292009-03-23 20:10:372009-03-23 20:14:29iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166078/2009-03-23 01:59:432009-03-23 01:59:422009-03-23 01:59ԡ)/o3m333Compostmodern PDXCompostmodern PDX An Evening of Sustainability for Graphic Designers and Industrial Designers About the Event Compostmodern PDX will feature video highlights from the San Francisco Compostmodern event and Brian Dougherty, author of Green Graphic Design (greengraphicdesign.net) Dougherty, a founding partner at Celery Design Collaborative in Berkeley, Calif., and a leader in the field of ecological communications design, will discuss the ability of designers to send a socially and ecologically responsible message to both consumers and corporations. Signed copies of Green Graphic Design will be available for purchase by cash or check. The original Compostmodern conference was presented by AIGA San Francisco and the AIGA Center for Sustainable Design. That event brought together designers, manufacturers and business leaders to produce sustainable solutions for the graphic design and industrial design communities. Attendees will receive access to footage from the complete San Francisco Compostmodern conference. This seven hour video series will be available on-line. Compostmodern PDX was developed as part of AIGA Portland’s growing focus on sustainability. The event is sponsored by Mohawk Papers. Cost Members: $17 in-advance / $20 at-the-door Non-Memebers: $27 in-advance/ $30 at-the-door Students: $12 in-advance/ $15 at-the-door
 Catering for the event will focus on local, sustainably produced hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine. Attendees will receive one free drink ticket. 2009-04-17 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/04/290955292009-03-24 16:17:312009-03-24 16:17:31 :,2009-04-17 04:00:00 6Xziۋ]333http://upcomidԡ C3U333Gorge Angel Conference 2008This year’s event promises to be exciting for the attendee, entrepreneur and investor. In 2008 there will be three companies competing for a minimum $100,000 prize. Money will be awarded iԡ+93y333Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R t bar if that doesn't work. I added a couple of links to articles on using GGobi with social network data. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 21:15:252009-03-24 23:13:56 92009-03-28 22:00:00his Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. Here's an abbreviated "Getting Started With GGobi" guide. Please try this stuff out and let me know where it's broken. I just ran through the Windows part and the "Testing on a Social Network Dataset" part and that much of it works. :) Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & paste it into your browser's addressd international - attention. The salmonella outbreaks related to spinach & peanuts, the tainted milk from China as well last year’s hike in gasoline prices that had repercussions in the increased food costs -- all fuel a debate about the importance of controlling how and where our food is grown, harvested, processed, stored, and distributed. Central to this conversation has been the re-emergence of the idea of the food shed. How do we get the variety in our food and yet stay local? Does local matter and if so why? Join us for a discussion on this topic on April 21st with David Lively, marketing Director at Organically Grown, largest wholesaler of organic fruits, vegetables and herbs in the Pacific Northwest. Registration Details: Online: Members - $15; Non Members - $25 Onsite: Members - $20; Non Members - $30 2009-04-22 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3157&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-03-24 00:35:402009-03-27 13:45:33 ?2009-04-22 03:30:00anic food is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. It is about environmental values but it is also about knowledge: rediscovering taste, rediscovering ripeness, rediscovering the connection between the field and the table. Are these rediscovered values byproducts of a focus on sustainability? Or is sustainability achievable precisely because these values are in high demand, and require sustainable agriculture and food delivery systems to succeed? And how can these solutions scale -- is the concept of "distributed scale" an oxymoron or a breakthrough? Our current food supply chain has become increasingly complex, involving a global network of farmers, packers, shippers, manufacturers & retailers. Your neighborhood grocery store is likely to carry more items from far flung areas of the world than produce that has been grown locally. Several incidents over the course of last year have brought the increasing complexity and anonymity of our food supply systems to national - an %*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52fjۋf]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-01-14 10:33:312009-01-06 23:0ԡxE3S333Northwest chocolate festivalNorthwest Chocolate Festival

    Workshops, Tasting, and Celebration with Chocolate!
    September 12th-14th, 2008 in Portland, Oregon

    Join us at the Northwest Chocolatoԡo3C333Open Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprintJoin us to work on one or more of the following tasks to help the Open Source Bridge conference: 1. Code: Add features and specs to the OpenConferenceWare conference app. Our task list and source code are online. Join in if you've got Ruby on Rails co HH@)~mԡa%3=333Perl: Scientific Computing with Math::GSL Wed. September 10th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th 
    A forum1ԡ"i3?333Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors to your website. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office.2009-05-13 15:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-03-23 01:59:432009-03-23 18:39:18 ;\;b2009-05-16 00:00:00 909jango under Jython, the common pitfalls on rԡ%-M3M333TiE OR: Rethinking the Foodshed: The emergent redesign in our food supply systemSustainably grown and orgUԡ$+3M333TiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG: Going from concept to Business Continuing our rouIԡ#13/333JavaScript SandboxCome hang out and work on your JavaScript skills. Whether you are just getting into programming, or you have been programming for a while and want to learn new things, you are encouraged to attend. The format will be one-on-one instruction. Find someone who knows stuff that you don't and learn, or find someone to teach. If you are looking for a JavaScript mentor or a mentee, this is the place. If you have a laptop handy, please bring it along. Ideally laptops should be set up with Firefox running Firebug.2009-03-27 01:00:00http://pdxjs.com/2009-03-23 21:18:262009-03-24 00:23:28 92009-03-27 03:00:00 ng companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech,[ԡ'kg3K333End Awkwardness and Get Social at Beer and BlogJoin your fellow beer-and-bloggers at CubeSpace this Friday where KJs @MizD and @Chefchopper will spin (is that even the right word? I'm exposing my lame-ness here, aren't I) any one of their thousands of digital karaoke songs for your crooning pleasure. Lyrics will be projected big and tall for those spontaneous sing-along moments that always happen when someone sings pretty much anything by Pat Benatar. (At the very least, there is involuntary toe tapping. Think about it.) We'll also have more Beer and Blog buttons to pass out. They're beeutiful.2009-03-27 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-03-24 05:49:262009-03-24 05:49:26 92009-03-28 01:00:00-growing client base with real needs. Come discuss the possibilities and challenges as we try to engage a broader range of issues as concerned citizens and designers. Special guest, Bryan Bell, founder of Design Corps and editor of the much discussed recent book, Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism; Janet Hammer, Director of the Social Equity and Opportunity Forum at Portland State University; Sergio Palleroni, associate professor of architecture at Portland State University and founder of the BaSiC Initiative; John Duke, Clinic Director, Outside In; Abby Dacey, Architects Without Borders-Oregon, and Boora Architects; as well as other local practitioners and housing providers will engage with the audience in a discussion of the potentials and challenges we face in our efforts to create greater accountability and responsible engagement. Free and open to the public Coffee and Oregon apples will be provided. 2009-03-27 19:00:002009-03-24 14:56:552009-03-24 14:56:55 ?2009-03-27 20:30:00   ԡ%I3;333Linux ClinicThird Sunday of the month, we meet at Free Geek to help each other with Linux problems. Bring your computer or laptop. We have power, desk space, wired and wireless ethernet, keyboards and monitors. We have coffee, cookies, and Penguinos, the premier penguin themed Mexican cupcake.2008-09-21 20:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org2008-09-05 02:26:482008-09-05 02:26:48 92008-09-22 00:00:00Eԡ;w3=333PLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk -- OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymoreSpeaker: Russell Senior Topic: OpenWrt - It's not just for Linksys Routers anymore Russell has beenԡ&]3K333pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupThis month, it's small talk about Smalltalk! That is, we have no scheduled main presentation, so bring your short (or longer) presentations, ideas, whatever you've been working on or wondering about.2009-03-25 02:00:00http://pdxst.pragmaticraft.com/2009-03-24 01:02:512009-03-24 01:02:51 <:2009-03-25 04:00:00nd table on Launching and Building Companies, we have invited three distinguished panelists: Jack Raiton, Senior Fellow & Professor, Department of Management at OHSU-OGI and an angel investor, Dr. Rob Wiltbank, Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Willamette University & Partner at Buerk Dale Victor LLC, a Seattle based growth stage VC firm Pen Goodale, Independent Consultant in Research & Business Analysis who previously was the Director of Research at OVP Venture Partners This is a great opportunity to discuss and get insights on conducting market research, assessing revenue potential, building a cohesive business plan, bootstrapping your team and raising capital. Registration Details: Online - Members: $15; Non Members: $25 Onsite - Members: $20; Non Members: $30 Space limited to 20 people. 2009-04-10 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3156&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-03-24 00:31:022009-03-24 08:48:37 =2009-04-10 03:30:00ician Coul; <
    RSVP: info@RecyclingAdvocates.org

    Countries as diverse!ԡA{3m333March Man-ness CelebrationThe American Cancer Society’s PDX CANswer Project Hosts the First Ever March Man-ness in Portland Whether a handle bar or a fringed masterpiece that would make Tom Selleck proud, American Cancer Society and ACS CAN are asking men to grow a mustache for the entire month of March to raise awareness about men’s cancers. The event, called March Man-ness, begins March 1 and ends April 1 with an event that allows supporters the chance to shave off their mustaches – for a prize. For more information and to get involved please contact: Jodi Buell, ACS Distinguished Events Director 503.795.3937 jodi.buell@cancer.org2009-04-02 01:00:00http://community.acsevents.org/pdxcanswerproject2009-03-20 21:29:332009-03-21 13:10:55 92009-04-02 03:30:00 ''@t*Jԡ};3A333OSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big events to celebrate! Weatherford Hall's 80th Birthday! the 5th Anniversary of Austin Entrepreneurship! the 1st Annual Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony! It all happens Saturday, April 4, 2009 on the Club Level at Reser Stadium. There will be hors d'oeuvres and drinks and mixing and mingling starting at 5:00 p.m. A gala dinner will be served at 6:00. And from 7:00 to 8:00 we're going to celebrate! celebrate! celebrate! This will be a celebration short on speeches and long on fun, a time to relive Weatherford memories and recognize those individuals who are moving the world forward. And a big surprise at the evening's end you won't want to miss! Just $50/person. Table for 8/$350. Suggested attire is business formal. RSVP (rsvpaep@bus.oregonstate.edu) by Wednesday, March 26, 2009 to Mary McKillop by email or call 1-541-713-8044. Please note that seating is limited and we may sell out before the deadline so RSVP today. If you plan on staying overnight in Corvallis and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms reserved at a special rate at the Hilton Garden Inn. You must register by March 23 to secure these rates (please disregard current register by date on the Hilton Garden Inn's website). For more information or to register click here or you may call Sarah Wayt at (541) 286-9821.2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.oregonstate.edu2009-03-20 16:34:492009-03-21 13:09:03 ?2009-04-04 18:00:00tworking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, March 25. 5:15p - Doors open at souk - 322 NW 6th Ave, Suite 200 5:30p - Presentations 6:00p - Round table discussion 6:30p - Social hour at Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave This month’s speakers: Art Institute of Portland instructor Matthew Perkins presents his innovative, automotive-inspired seating project. FUSE design principal Toren Orzeck. Tanner Goods co-founder Sam Huff describes the founding of a new accessories brand.2009-03-26 00:30:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-03-24 23:21:442009-05-14 14:02:00 ?2009-03-26 01:30:00ortlandOregon/index.html2008-09-07 17:49:512008-09-07 17:49:51 92008-09-11 04:00:00 bnԡU 3]333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussiԡG3E333The Digital Divide on the airHow do the latest technologies affect our communities? How can we use science to benefit society and how do we keep it from harming us? KBOO’s The Digital Divide is a new radio show attempting to answer these questions and ask a few of our own through interviews, recordings, and commentary. The show touches upon such issues as open source, privacy, transparency, intellectual property, free speech, accessibility, hacking, net neutrality, file sharing, piracy, social networking, pollution, bioethics and more.2009-03-27 18:00:00http://kboo.fm/digitaldivide2009-03-17 04:12:142009-03-17 04:12:142009-03-27 19:00:00  release. The DemoCamp is an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal. The idea is for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of resemԡ#U3]333Beer and Blog's 5th Friday Flame Fun[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/ ] The 5th Friday of the month finds us getting our Beer and Blog on at the Green Dragon as usual. And just like last Friday, Legion of Tech will be there to digitally record your 15 Seconds of Flame. So, if you have something to share with your 500 + close personal friends, now's your chance: if it’s selected it will playback on the silver screen February 19th. Beery cool!2009-01-31 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/2009-01-30 16:34:312009-01-30 16:34:31 ; ;bי2009-01-31 02:00:00 p_ 133/ Portland Doubletree Hotel at Lloyd Centerhttp://www.doubletree.com/en/dt/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=RLLC-DT&ctyhocn=RLLC-DT2008-08-30 02:05:392008-08-30 20:13:231000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232US@F4^f4 :T=M933] Oracle (Downtown Campus)Oracle is on the eighth floor of the Pacwest Center, across the street from Portland City Hall. We sometimes have trouble getting the elevators unlocked after-hours, so if you are going to a user group meeting after 6pm and the elevator will not go to the eighth floor, just talk to the security guard right next to the elevators in the upper lobby.1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Room 8005, Portland, OR 97204http://www.oracle.com/2008-08-29 14:34:092008-12-15 22:08:021211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Room 8005PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j igurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

    -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functidԡhc3-333Portland WordPress User Group - May MeetingMeeting agenda to follow, but do join us for our monthly meeting at Webtrends this month. Remember, Webtrends will be our venue for WordCamp Portland, taking place on September 19th and 20th, 20092009-05-15 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-05-08 19:58:552009-05-09 05:10:33 2009-05-17 01:00:00ding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. 2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like. 3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a working lunch nearby at the Lompoc 5th Quadrant[2]. Some members will leave as soon as 2pm, but others will stay on later. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] Ristretto Coffee: 3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97213 -- http://ristrettoroasters.com/2008/10/dylans-photo-tour/#more-111 [2] Lompoc, 5th Quadrant: 3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR -- http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html 2009-03-22 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/osbridgepdx-technology/browse_thread/thread/f96ac157d54b8e322009-03-19 23:27:032009-03-19 23:37:29 >2009-03-22 23:00:00 \ԡJ+93[33Knitting Night![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416795/ ] Come knit with us! The CubeSpace staff is riddled with creative knitters; on Wednesdays we'd love you to join in the fun. Show off your current project, ask for advice on a problem area, or just enjoy the company. Crocheters, needlepoint artists and other crafters always welcome!2008-03-SԡQi3333WhereCamp PDX: Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up Date: Fri, Oct 17th Time: 4:00pm-7:00pm Location: Olympic Mills Building 107 SE Washington St Portland, OR 97214 Cost: Registration Deadline: 10/17/2008 Topic: Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Equilibrium: The Human Mashup Momentum + Maintenance + Multiplicity + Mobility Working Artists Network + Software Association of Oregon introduce Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up. In the spirit of disruptive ideas and breaking down barriers we ask, "How can art and technology and t in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of the growing social media marketing trend. Bio: After having been in traditional marketing roles for the last 15 years, Kelly Ripley Feller is now a social media addict and outspoken (read loud) proponent of change and marketing evolution. She has marketed everything from organic foods and senior housing to infrared thermometers and computer software and hardware. She’s worked with a variety of big technology companies including Intel, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Intuit, SAS Software, Symantec, and IBM and even some smaller companies and non-profits. Today she is a Social Media Strategist in Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence where she works on company-wide guidelines & programs that involve social media marketing. Cost: Free! Seating is limited. 2009-03-25 01:00:00http://www.socialmediaclubpdx.com2009-03-19 05:33:542009-03-19 05:35:48 ;b2009-03-21 01:00:00Tԡm3 333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - "I went to SXSW and all I got was a devkit"The tweeple invade the vinyl-lined sanctity of that place across the street from Cubespace for a little egg 'n' bacon om nom nom. Tell stories from SXSW, plot the destruction of the empire, or otherwise chill with Portland Twitter users and (probably) old people. Buy your own breakfast, as always.2009-03-19 16:00:002009-03-17 21:10:192009-03-17 21:10:19 >2009-03-19 17:00:00 oo ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

    WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

    WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

    DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

    FEATURING: Hot Lips Pizza and Beer (no host)

    SIGN UP: For sustainability updates and event announcements click on the "Join this group" button and enter your email address that you would ԡM{33333XPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub LunchMonthly pub lunch featuring our stories about "doing" & "being" Agile; i.e., using XP, Scrum, Lean, et al, for software development. Seasoned practitioners and new-to-Agile welcome. We're usually at one (or more) of the long tables in the middle. 2009-03-20 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-03-18 19:26:362009-03-18 19:26:36 ;42009-03-20 22:00:00 ddwXzԡtea3Q333Portland Final Cut Pro User Group (PDXFCPUG)6:15 – 6:30p
    Arrival and seating
    6:30 – 7:00p
    Rebecca Gerendasy will share some online websites that might help you in a pinch.
    7:00 – 7:45p
    PresentatWԡCm3]333IxDA Portland F2F GatheringCome out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. http://www.ixda.org/local.php2009-03-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2141235/2009-03-17 20:55:472009-03-17 20:55:47 >;b2009-03-25 04:00:007ԡS3]333notatsxsw portland party at iterasiTeaming with @beerandblog. We will eat. We will play rock band. We will sing like we are #notatsxsw. Thanks to #iterasi for hosting.2009-03-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137756/2009-03-17 13:21:292009-03-17 18:49:11 >;bJu2009-03-18 01:00:00 88> 7:45 – 8:00p
    Grab a snack and meet your fellow editors and creators.
    8:00 – 8:20p
    Aaron Cronan - animated commercial
    Group member Aaron Cronan will show an animated commercial he produced and scored the music for a regional bank. The discussion9ԡ[3]333Mobile Portland: A Standards-Based Approach to Mobile Web DevelopmentBest practices for the desktop web simply do not apply to mobile web development. Mobile is a totally new medium. A standards-based approach to mobile web development produces a usable, adaptive and discoverable mobile web experience for featurephones and smartphones. Gail will lead a discussion about the importance of standards-based mobile web development a this month's Mobile Portland. She will cover markup fundamentals, design principles, content adaptation, usability and interoperability. We will explore and critique mobile standards and best practices authored by the W3C, dotMobi and similar organizations. About Gail Gail Rahn Frederick is a mobile software architect at Medio Systems in Seattle. She leads a software team that delivers mobile search and discovery products to operators and publishers. Her work spans mobile web sites and native applications on most mobile platforms. Her products target 500+ device models and have been deployed to 10+ mobile operators in 6+ countries in North America and Europe. Gail is a mobile web enthusiast who teaches standards-based mobile web development at Portland Community College. Her classes teach mobile markup languages, mobile design and usability, content adaptation, best practices and defensive programming for the mobile ecosystem. Students build content-adapted mobile web sites as the class project. Course information is available at http://learnthemobileweb.com.2009-03-24 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137847/2009-03-17 03:42:582009-03-17 03:42:58 9;b2009-03-24 01:00:00the tech community. Come with your ideas and your computer - we will be posting the ideas generated at this meeting to our Wiki so we can help put them into the appropriate format and vet them through the correct channels. Click to download Oregon's ARRA Guide: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/24/09 Event Moderators: Harvey Mathews, President, Software Association of Oregon Rich Bader, CEO, EasyStreet Bill Hersh, Chair Medical Informatics, OHSU Agenda: # Walk through the linked Stimulus Guide document, highlighting the areas we think are most applicable for tech companies (20-30 minutes) # Share the appropriate contacts at the Governor's created group called the Oregon Way and that group's focus so people know how to structure their proposals and who to send it to (5-10 minutes) # Lead a brainstorm of the grant proposals (45-60 minutes) 2009-03-25 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/2009-03-16 22:44:562009-03-19 18:19:16 >;b2009-03-25 00:00:00 in various creative industries. The conference features keynote presentations from leading creatives across a variety of fields (from companies such as LAIKA, Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, Dark Horse Comics, Michael Curry Design ԡ3]333SAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Need to Know (unconference)Join the SAO for our first unconference! The time is short - we as a community have just a couple of weeks to get ideas to the Governor's office to include in stimulus-related grant activities. This is a unique time to compete for job-creating, infrastructure-developing, regional economy-changing investments...get involved! Come + learn about the initiative and then brainstorm as a community how to best leverage this one-time opportunity! Every American and certainly every business person should look at the way this plan will roll out. We will be highlighting Healthcare IT (page 42-43) and Energy Efficiency / Renewable Energy (page 17 and 20) as two of the better opportunities for  ;Rԡn#A3%333Galois Tech Talk: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World Title: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World Speaker: Sean Lee Programming Languages & Systems UNSW, Sydney Date: Tuesday, September 2nd. 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor ofԡ=33333notatsxsw portland partyTeaming with @beerandblog. We will eat. We will Play rock band. We will sing like we are #notatsxsw. Thanks to #iterasi for hosting. 2009-03-17 23:00:00http://bit.ly/5LBu62009-03-16 17:44:162009-03-16 17:44:16 >2009-03-18 01:00:00(ԡW+3-333Portland WordPress User Group MeetingThis month's session will include a presentation by Nathan Bergey (@natronics) about CSS and how you can customize a theme to make it your own.2009-03-20 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-03-16 17:27:592009-03-16 17:30:05 9;b2009-03-20 02:30:00 mDfiۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1102827/2008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:21imԡ Q3g333Information Design Conference 2009Case-studies from design practitioners and their customers, reports from researchers, and thought-provoking reflections on the principles behind what information designers and communicators do. 2009-04-02 16:00:00http://www.infodesign.org.uk/2009-conference/2009-03-16 16:06:362009-03-16 16:06:362009-04-04 02:00:00 ԡ Y?3g333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingThe Personal Telco monthly meeting in March will discuss what a Broadband Stimulus proposal from PTP might look like. Come share your ideas, roll up your sleeves and help out! Make positive change in your community!2009-03-26 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MeetingMarch20092009-03-16 09:21:202009-03-16 09:21:20 >2009-03-26 03:00:00 __ussed in the talk. Biographical details: Sean Lee is a PhD candidate at the ԡ 33]333DorkbotPDX Open LabECONOMY: BAD. FREE WORKSHOP: GOOD! Come join Dorkbot Portland for a four-hour geek-a-thon in the heart of the Perl (yes, I went there) District. Isotopes not required. What's all this then? A bunch of us will gather in the drawing studio in room 205 on 3/29 at 1pm to partake in a free-form workshop. Bring a pet project, tools, or simply your curiosity and desire to force technological constructs to meet your expressive inner nature. We're nice, open-minded, artistic people with a bubbling technolust, a hot soldering iron, and stinky armpits. This is a place to brainstorm, but really to handstorm. Bring your ideas, let's share and explore together. Feel free to gloat, show-off, scorn, mimic, embrace, or destroy. Hi.2009-03-29 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2136355/2009-03-16 04:21:062009-03-16 04:21:06 ;s;b2009-03-30 00:00:00 ion. The need for a programming system which provides a high-level abstraction layer on top of the GPU programming systems without losing the performance gain arises to facilitate the use of,ԡ 33s333OTBC: 7 Issues to Consider for Sustaining and Growing a Business in a Tough EconomyThe economy. The credit crunch. What do you do to protect and grow your business in these economic times? This lunch program will explore seven steps to sustaining and growing your business in a down economy. When: Thursday, March 19 11:30am to 1:15pm (program starts at noon) Where: OTBC MAX: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Driving: Directions at http://www.otbc.org/map_and_directions.html Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch)2009-03-19 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9888799/2009-03-16 02:21:442009-03-16 02:21:44 <2009-03-19 20:00:00 <n<Kn!iۋs]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1020710/2008-10-28 17:01:502008-10-28 17:01:502008-10-28 17:01:51iۋr]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1100706/2008-10-28 16:58:402008-10-28 16:58:392008-10-28 16:58:41iۋq]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1168203/2008-10+ԡ 1'3]333Ignite Corvallis 2More info here: http://ignitecorvallis.com/ Follow us on twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/IgniteCorvallis2009-11-06 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-03-14 22:26:252009-06-07 20:27:58 >;b2009-11-06 05:00:00 ԡ!%37333CanSecWestCanSecWest is a yearly computer security conference in Vancouver which focuses on new and applied research. It is perhaps most famous for the "pwn2own" competition which pits various vendor's software against each other with cash prizes for the first to be exploited.2009-03-18 15:00:00http://cansecwest.com2009-03-14 14:28:062009-03-14 14:28:06 >2009-03-20 16:00:00 QQENTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND MONEY

    Advanced Technology Management Conference

    Intel Capital and White & Lee LLP have scheduled the next Silicon Forest Forum for Friday, September 12, 2008. We are very excited about the new program we have planned for the event, our luncheon speaker will be:

    Marc Tarpenning, Co-Founder and CTO
    Tesla Motors
    to speak about “Recreating the Electric Car….and
    Changing the Automotive Industry Forever"

    The Silicon Forest Forum features entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and m=ԡAc3?333New Venture Championship®International MBA business plan competition2009-04-09 18:00:00http://www.oregonnvc.com/2009-03-14 00:35:232009-03-14 00:35:23 >2009-04-12 02:30:00dԡC3]333Beer and Blog - Not at SxSWWe're not at SxSW, so let's enjoy a pint in the sun together!2009-03-13 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2132610/2009-03-13 19:48:472009-03-13 19:48:47 ; ;b2009-03-14 01:00:00 2>fhۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11653272008-10-02 21:56:172008-10-02 21:56:162008-10-02 21:56:19iۋJ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1160456/2008-10-02 21:00:182008-10-02 20:46:282008-10-02 21:00:20iۋI]333http://upcomigԡY3W333Open Geospatial Consortium - Carl ReedWho: Dr. Carl Reed is the Chief Technology Officer at the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Dr. Reed continues to manage the process by which formal OGC Implementation Specifications are developed and adopted by the OGC membership, and he facilitates the Planning Committee meetings and work with the OGC Interoperability Program as a member of the architecture team. Subject: The work of the OGC as it relates to state and local government. Time and location: March 16, 2009 from 10am to Noon at the USGS offices in Portland - 2130 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR, 97201 2009-03-16 17:00:00http://www.opengeospatial.org/user/102009-03-14 04:15:212009-03-14 04:33:13 >2009-03-16 19:00:00ations for our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30-9:00 a.m. Two World Trade Center, Mezzanine 2, 3 & 4 25 SW Salmon Street (A parking garage is located on Taylor Street between Naito and First.) Continental breakfast will be served. $10 admission Funds will be donated to Oregon Heat, which provides utility payment assistance to low-income households. REGISTER NOW: www.greenlightgreaterportland.com » Or... http://tinyurl.com/Greenlightgreaterportland This Greenlight Ambassadors event is generously hosted by Portland General Electric. Open to all, though space is limited to 150 people. metrofactual@greenlightgreaterportland.com • Greenlight Greater Portland2009-03-27 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2130577/2009-03-12 17:46:502009-03-12 18:17:01 :>;b2009-03-27 16:00:00 YYYales from L4.verified SPEAKER: Thomas Sewell, NICTA DATE: **WedneyԡO%3]333@notatsxsw portland opening feasta feast to start the #notatsxsw weekend. better than a conference buffet. :)2009-03-13 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2129275/2009-03-12 21:36:322009-03-12 21:36:32 >;b2009-03-13 20:00:00Sԡ3]333Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast w/ U.S. Rep. Earl BlumenauerThe stimulus is coming! What does it mean for you, your business and the Portland metro area? + + + Come hear U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer talk about the $800 billion federal stimulus package and the implic>ԡ-;3{333concrete5 meetupconcrete5 is the coolest CMS on earth and we meetup and get drunk every second thursday in portland.. YOU should join us. http://concrete5.org 2009-03-13 00:00:00http://www.concrete5.org/community/members/portland_or/2009-03-11 22:12:222009-03-11 22:12:22 >O2009-03-13 04:00:00 be prepared to answer the following questions: - Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level? - What could your company achieve during 2009 with a $250,000 investment? - How many new jobs would be created if 400 new Oregon startups were funded? - How would you like to see $100,000,000 invested in Oregon startups? Brought to you in part by NedSpace, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, Reference Capital, Software Association of Oregon and Starve Ups. NedSpace is proud to host an Oregon entrepreneurial startup event during this unparalleled time of economic chaos.disruption. Be a part of this unparalleled movement! //Contact Information// Wayne Embree - wle@refcapllc.com, 503.619.4310 Josh Friedman - josh@bw-mn.com, 503.705.7975 Mark Grimes - mark@bw-mn.com, 503.502.0185 Harvey Mathews - harvey.mathews@sao.org, 503-999-58492009-03-20 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/21279422009-03-11 21:47:402009-03-11 21:47:40 >2009-03-20 02:00:00n 2009?" In the last 6 months the economy, access to capital, the cost of talent and the opportunities for innovation have all changed. We think it’s time for the relationship between entrepreneurs and the State of Oregon to change, too (the state needs jobs & entrepreneurs need capital!). Hear stories of successful, local homegrown companies that have either bootstrapped or raised funds and then grown themselves to success. Most importantly, though, the goal of this event is to prove to the State of Oregon that there are enough jobs, compelling ideas and entrepreneurs to warrant an immediate investment of $100,000,000 for start ups that want to hire local talent. We are working to raise a $100M fund that makes small investments in Oregon-based companies who hire Oregon-based employees. Now, in 2009. Not next year or some point in the future. In growing these new startups, we are investing in innovation, creating jobs and building Oregon’s brand with innovators and entrepreneurs. Please  @ 2iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1087225/2008-09-11 20:03:142008-09-11 20:03:132008-09-11 20:03:17iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084540/2008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:38iۋ!]333ht ԡ 3[333Startup Now: What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?Join Oregon's entrepreneurs Thursday evening March 19th at 5:00 PM at NedSpace (920 SW Third, between Taylor and Salmon) to explore and answer the question "What Would Your Startup Do With $250,000 i9ԡ~-a3K333Invest NorthwestInvest Northwest 2009 is the region's premier life sciences investment conference, where public and private life science companies tell their stories to institutional investors, analysts, investment bankers, fund managers, venture capitalists, angel investors, and prospective corporate partners. 2009-03-17 15:00:00http://www.investnorthwest.org/2009-03-11 21:05:062009-03-11 21:05:06 :2009-03-18 00:00:00 W1ۋ k333http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2492502/the-37th-inte.ԡ}G3]333PDX Breakfast Tweetup/ShizzupBreakfast, no theme (this is an off week), just a chance to check out a new place and hang out with tweeps and sheeps, uh, shizzeeps?2009-03-12 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2128596/2009-03-11 17:30:282009-03-11 17:32:53 >;b2009-03-12 17:30:00gԡ|G13=333Bowl for Kid's Sake Geek BowlHelp Big Brothers Big Sisters get the ball rolling with their a\ԡ{3q333Sketch to Launch: Navigating a Successful Path to CommercializationExamining the critical relationship between advanced technology and a viable market opportunity, Michael Baker, Managing Partner, and Brenda Edin, Business Development Director, of Baker Group, LLP, will share valuable insight regarding the process of taking an innovatnnual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Big Al's, 16615 SE 18th Ave, Vancouver. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister. It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to www.bbbsnorthwest.org, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at www.bbbsnorthwest.org. This will be a great opportunity to raise money to support Portland kids and meet other supporters who work in the tech industry. Contact Jacob Fain, at jacob.fain@bbbs.org or 503.249.4859, for more information. 2009-06-05 01:00:00http://bbbsnorthwest.org2009-03-10 22:00:262009-04-22 15:35:20 ?D2009-06-05 03:00:00ive idea to the marketplace. With a special emphasis on the funding process and investor relations, they will cover topics including the utilization of expertise, advancing and protecting technology, developing a strong business case and finding the right financial partner. Drawing from their entrepreneurial experience with Home Dialysis Plus and Axis Medical, they will highlight critical points in each phase of the Sketch to Launch cycle. Audience members will learn about: * Technical development: Critical examination of a concept or technology * Market viability: Finding the right application for your innovation * Financial issues: Building a strong business case and understanding how to make a profit * Legal considerations: Positioning and protecting the company and its assets * Funding process: How to prepare and present to potential investors2009-03-11 01:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24522009-03-10 00:01:282009-03-10 00:01:28 <2009-03-11 02:00:00  mobile security usually takes a back seat to features, convenience and time-to-market.

    Ken Westin, the Founder and CTO of GadgetTrak, will lead a spirited discussion touching on mobiԡz+3q333CS Colloquium: Repairing software automatically using evolutionary computation Stephanie Forrest University of New Mexico FAB 86-01 Abstract A pressing challenge for computer science over the next decade is reducing the total cost of software. This includes the billions of dollars that are lost each year from software defects. The number of software defects far outstrips the resources available for repairing them, and most software is shipped with both known and unknown bugs. This problem arises because human programmers still develop, maintain, and repair computer programs largely by hand, despite many years of progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The talk will describe recent research that shows how evolutionary computation can be combined with prod has served on the Science Board and as Vice President of the Santa Fe Institute. Professor Forrest received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan (1982,1985) and a BA from St. John's College (1977). Before joining UNM in 1990 she worked for Teknowledge Inc. and was a Director's Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her research studies adaptive systems, including evolutionary computation, immunology, biological modeling, and computer security. In security, she is best known for her early work using system calls for anomaly intrusion detection and her more recent work on automated diversity. She was a recipient of the NSF Presidental Young Investigator's Award and has recently served on the NSF GENI Science Council, the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, and the UCLA CENS Advisory Board. 2009-04-06 17:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/Colloq/Forrest.html2009-03-09 23:02:312009-03-10 08:39:26 <2009-04-06 18:00:00ini, Kent advises clients on patent development, sales and licensing. Andy Scott, VP of Business Development, RPX Andy spent the first part of his career in various startups and in venture capital. He subsequently cofounded a patent brokerage firm and recently joined RPX, a defense patent aggregator. Moderator: Bill Birdwell, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP As lead counsel in patent, trade secret and trademark litigation, including jury trials, Bill brings several years experience to this topic including experience as an expert witness on patent law in patent litigation. Event Details: Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am, 7:30 am - 8:00 am - Networking & Breakfast, 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR - Skyline Banquet Room Fees: Members $50, Non members $110 2009-04-08 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0409132009-03-09 22:24:252009-03-09 22:39:04 :$2009-04-08 16:00:00 licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquire or license patents and patented technology, as well as lawyers who advise companies on these issues. Panelists: Gary Glisson, Partner, Stoel Rives LLP For more than 20 years, Gary Glisson has counseled intellectual property owners of all types on the legal aspects of commercializing their intellectual property assets. As Co-Chair of the Stoel Rives Technology Ventures Group, he works with investor-financed companies to leverage their intellectual property assets in the planning and implementation of their business strategies. Kent Richardson, EVP and GM, ThinkFire Drawing on his experience as VP IP at Rambus, General Counsel of Numerical Technology, and as part of the IP strategy team at Wilson Sonsgram analysis methods to automatically repair bugs in off-the-shelf legacy C programs. Once a program fault is discovered, evolutionary algorithms are used to generate program variants until one is found that both retains required functionality and avoids the defect in question. Standard test cases are used to represent the fault and to encode program requirements. Once a successful variant is discovered, structural differencing algorithms and delta debugging methods are used to minimize its size. Initial results will be presented on a wide range of C programs, including security vulnerabilities such as integer overflow, denial of service, format string, and buffer overflow. Finally, the talk will describe how the automatic repair mechanism can be combined with anomaly intrusion detection to produce a closed-loop repair system. Biography Stephanie Forrest is Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science Department at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. She is also an External Professor an  worked for a variety of computer, instrumentation and software companies since the 1970s. His programming travels have included embedded systems, proprietary Unix kernels, RDBMS toolware, middleware, and both web and desktop application development. Jeff is equally uncomfortable with Unix and Microsoft programming environments, having been intermittently successful with both. Ovedԡx 3333TechAmerica Technology and IP Event - Monetizing Your PatentsAbout the Program: With the emergence of patent aggregators, auction services and patent brokerage consultants, there is now a greater array of options to sell and license patent rights. But which, if any of these options should you consider? What are the alternatives? Topics that will be discussed: • Update on the patent broker marketplace - how has it evolved and does the economic downturn provide more opportunities for monetization or less? • How to decide which patents to sell? • Available options for selling and a weekend of juggling, unicycling, and prop manipulation in the beautiful Rose City. When? September 26-28, 2008 (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) Where? Reed College Sports Center 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, OR 97202 The Sports Center is off of 28th Ave., on the west end of campus. map What the heck is it? The Portland Juggling Festival is the largest regional juggling festival in the United States, with jugglers from around the world and down the street joining together to share their knowledge [ԡwIo3]333Mobile Love, Android Style #10A meetup for android developers and android power-users. We usually discuss the latest applications that we like using, as well as give status updates on the development projects we're working on. At the last meeting, the lightsabers came out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4zY-hICu9c2009-03-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823390/2009-03-09 18:44:492009-03-09 20:25:47 ; ;b2009-03-10 02:00:00anuary meeting on when to use Contemplate module vs. the Theme Layer. After that I was hoping to have everyone who's going to DrupalCon in DC talk for a few minutes about what they'd seen and what got them excited. As always, the meeting promises to generate lots of good questions, answers and hands-on communication. Drupal meetings are free and open to the public. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive between 5:50pm and 6:00pm. Thank you! After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Bridgeport Brew Pub for a food and drink.2009-03-12 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland-oregon2009-03-09 17:42:492009-03-09 17:42:49 =2009-03-12 03:00:00 xecutives.Marketing & Sales SIG Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members Mayor-elect Adams is arguably the most technologically savvy Mayor the State's largest city has seen in its 157-year history. Driving the city to update its services with newer technology, Adams has experienced all of the hopes, struggles and success of any enterprise manager. Additionally, software companies are the largest business group reinvesting in the city's cor6ԡv3C3]333Drupal Users MeetupFor the March meeting we'll have a short presentation by Tony Rasmussen. It'll continue a discussion at the J[ԡu'3]333BrickFest '09BrickFest is a 3 day LEGO convention for adults at the Oregon Convention Center. Some 200 Adult Fans of LEGO(R) (AFOLs) from all over the world will convene for a weekend of fun and antics. There are sessions on building techniques, storing and sorting, face-to-face round tables etc... as well as LEGO designers from Denmark talking about design process and the like. Building themes such as train and town, space, medieval castles, robotics, sculptures, mosaics, and much more will be represented and displayed in our 30,000 sq ft expo area! There will also be a small Brick Bazaar, aka vendor area, to purchase LEGO elements, sets (vintage and hard to find), and LEGO related products. Admission is $65 per person and include an engraved brick badge! So drop by www.BrickFest.com and register now! So if you are a closet LEGO builder come meet like minded folks! Or… For those who just want to drop by and peek at all the cool models we have the BrickFest Expo on Sunday March 29th 11:00am-4:00pm for $7 per person ($25 max per family). No registration needed, tickets sold at the door! LEGO(R) is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies2009-03-27 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117769/2009-03-09 05:42:212009-03-09 05:42:21 9;b2009-03-28 03:00:00 %g%resentation will describe;ԡsEU3C333CubeSpace PhotoShoot TweetUpAaron Hockley (http://www.hockleyphoto.com/) is doing a CubeSpace photo shoot, and we want your help! We will provide Voodoo Donuts and Coffee, you just need to fill our space. Sounds easy, right? And anyone who shows up while Aaron is still taking pictures gets a free daypass @CubeSpace. Not enough to convince you? The Wii (with RockBand 2 and World of Goo) will be available before and after the photoshoot.2009-03-10 17:30:00http://www.CubeSpacePDX.com2009-03-09 00:38:052009-03-09 00:38:05 92009-03-10 18:30:00ԡrU3333The Art of Agile Delivery (training)Learn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. We use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. Using two instructors and splitting the group as appropriate, we ensure that programmers get plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else gg members $30 for non members The Continuous Integration process is often summed up as "don ԡtSK3]333PDX Nonprofit Tech Day On, Hands OnOn Tuesday, March 24, two wonderful worlds will collide for the better of Portland-based nonprofits and technology geeks alike. Are you a nonprofit that thinks the server is just the guy that brings you bacon and pancakes? Are you a geek looking to serve a nonprofit all that bacon knowledge you have bubbling over in your head? We will try to match nonprofit needs and give you a few hours to talk one-on-one with a technology know-it-all. NTEN 501 Tech Club and NetTuesday join forces with Day On. Day On connects nonprofit organizations that need advice and assistance with volunteers who are ready to help. Their first project was Geeks Day On, a day of service during MLK Day, Monday, January 19, 2009 where geeks offered free technology and Internet communications advice and assistance to nonprofit organizations. They have agreed to offer their brain power for a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. More than that, a place for two incredible communities in Portland to connect and creatively come to solutions on how to make the world a better place using technology! Please fill out this brief online survey so that we might better help you: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=mYZqKIZTR64eD2199FJRRg_3d_3d Food: Aboutus is kind enough to let us bring in beer and treats, so if you are able, please bring something to share. CONNECT ONLINE: Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Day On at http://dayon.org Questions? Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna at privateaye@gmail.com.2009-03-25 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117374/2009-03-09 01:11:592009-03-09 01:11:59 92009-03-25 02:30:00 {afBU33Lԡ,U13333SAO: Tuvԡ9=O3E333OEN: Angel Investing 101Description: Angel Investors review hundreds of business plans each year. Learn how to make your presentation stand out and be one that will inspire them to begin due diligence! Led by Dennis Powers, Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources, The Basics of Raising Money from Angel Investors will illustrate how angel investing works, what should be included in an executive summary, and how an entrepreneur should prepare for a meeting with an angel investor. This webinar is provided courtesy of OEN. Speaker: Dennis Powers, Founder and President of Cornerstone Managem 0wԡ8}3E333OEN: CEO Roundtable-Building the Environment for SuccessPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarit +ԡ7=3E333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southwest W ,arly bug-free code using test-driven development, refactoring, and exploratory testing - Prevent build failures with continuous integration - Build technical infrastructure incrementally alongside features


    "I don't know how they pulled off the [class project], but going through four iterations brought the concepts home. Also I was a programmer wanting to learn about the project development side. Diana's four-quadrant diagrams (about stakeholders) were enlightening as was Jim's [incremental design] box diagrams and analogy of TDD to double-entry bookkeeping. Thank you!!" --Steve Tamura, Developer "Extremely educational--lots of new material. Well organized." --Dave Goldman, Senior Developer, Inspiration Software "They were great. They were funny, understanding, and answered questions well." --Ven Cohen, Programmer/Technical Lead, ISI 2009-06-10 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Delivery.html2009-03-09 00:06:062009-03-09 00:06:06 :2009-06-13 00:00:00. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - Working with stakeholders - Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development - Test-driven development - Refactoring - Code management - Continuous integration - Exploratory testing - Pairing - Incremental design and risk-driven architecture - Cross-functional collaboration Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to: - Work in a cross-functional team with on-site customers, testers, and programmers - Understand and accommodate diverse stakeholder opinions - Build and ship complete increments of software in one-week iterations - Create neion, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


    "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went." --Bill Jackson III, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Corp. "[The instructors] had a lot of experience to draw from which enabled them to map Agile solutions to real situations." --Don Dornblaser, Director, WebMD "[The course] Introduced techniques that are on the cutting edge of Agile which solve or answer questions I have in the real world." --Dan Nelson, Sr. Software Engineer, FEI Company 2009-06-08 16:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Training/Art-of-Agile-Planning.html2009-03-08 23:53:272009-03-08 23:59:55 :2009-06-10 00:00:00strong>, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.


    After completing this course, you will be prepared to: - Reliably make and meet iteration commitments - Reliably make and meet release commitments - Create, estimate, and prioritize stories and features - Get work to "done done" every iteration - Collaborate with stakeholders to clarify and communicate requirements and your product vision

    About the Instructors

    James Shore is a prominent figure in the Agile software development community. He consults with development teams worldwide to help them meet commitments, improve product quality and increase productivity. James is co-author of The Art Of Agile Development. Diana Larsen consults with leaders and teams to create work processes where innovation, inspirat HagۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7810002008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:50hۋ~[333http://upcoming.yaԡqU13333The Art of Agile Planning (training)Learn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, we teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working with stakeholders Project managersԡgcM33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-04-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-03-05 08:50:352009-04-02 18:01:41 92009-04-14 04:00:00ortland. · Get involved with a project or organization aligned with your passions, come hear what others are doing. · Make new connections with people and/or other groups, this is the networking place to be. · Share your vision of an action, project or organization with others who can help as your vision becomes a reality. Our evening will include an update on a project to map our city’s existing real wealth activities (We need your help to extend this work! See http://dontworry.wikidot.com/relatedorgs for a start to one aspect of this project) Community Commons – Exploring the Real Wealth in Portland Monday, March 16th 7-9pm with social time to follow First Unitarian Church – 1011 SW 12th – Buchan Reception Room Enter through alleyway on 12th between Main & Salmon www.realwealthpdx.com info@realwealthpdx.com2009-03-17 01:00:00http://www.realwealthpdx.com2009-03-06 09:52:092009-03-06 09:52:09 >~2009-03-17 04:00:00 0ԡj{u3W333PDXPHP monthly meeting: Introduction to Aspen frameworkAspen is a PHP-based website and application development platform. Not only will you be able to produce quality results in less time, but your work is kept modular for amazing portability. The team from Trellis Development will give an introduction to the framework, along with a real world use-case scenario. Trellis is a local company that is developing a series of web-based products, and consists of members who currently run programming and design companies. http://www.aspen-framework.org2009-03-11 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/march2009-03-06 17:16:172009-03-06 17:16:17 92009-03-11 03:00:00+ԡis3E333Real Wealth of Portland: Supporting a More Caring Economy Community Commons: Our Skills, Resources & RelationshipsReal Wealth in Our Communities is Found Within Us – Our Skills, Resources, and Relationships Join Us! Monday, March 16th 7-9pm as we explore Real Wealth here in P >b]ԡhE{3a333Portland car-free happy hourWhat's your vision of sustainable transportation and how to make it happen for Portland and the greater world? How do you get around in Portland in and in the greater world? What are you working on? Please join Portland's first Car-free happy hour to discuss, mingle, and eat and drink. When: 2nd Thursday of each month (First is March 12), 5-7pm Where: Roots Organic Brewing Company, 1520 SE 7th Ave, Portland, OR Who's invited: Bicyclists, transit riders, pedestrians, motorists looking for other options, carpoolers, activists, consultants, nerds, journalists, public agency employees, politicians, neighbors, and friends What: Car-free happy hour is an informal venue to mingle participate in a social exchange of information, ideas, and connections. Let's put the ingredients together and see what happens.2009-03-13 00:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-carfree2009-03-06 06:53:072009-03-06 06:53:07 >2009-03-13 02:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyKԡfWs33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. Presentations will include: * Igal Koshevoy: "Message queues showdown: Kestrel, AMQP, Starling, Sparrow, MemcacheQ, Delayed::Job, Beanstalk" * Bill Burcham: "Experiences migrating from EC2 to Heroku" * Jesse Hallett: "Protecting against CSRF attacks" (Cross-Site Request Forgery) * Markus Roberts: "Symbolic expressions that lets you capture expressions (generally numeric) as introspectable tree structures, manipulate them, evaluate them, etc." * Ed Borasky: "Overview of the Twitter API libraries"2009-04-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-03-05 08:49:052009-04-07 03:26:47 92009-04-08 04:00:00f the tests on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years, and testing has become more sophisticated in that time, but age and backwards compatibility holds things back. There are a number of desired features which Test::Builder cannot support, such as end-of-test actions, without radically altering how tests are built. thus: Test::Builder2. This will be "something of a talk" followed by some hacking both on Test::Builder2 directly and writing new test modules. It'll give folks an opportunity to work both with Moose (well, Mouse) and git. Pair programming will make life easier, we can pair of experienced folks with inexperienced. Or just huddle together for strength in numbers. I find it easier to pair when each person has their own keyboard, so I'm going to bring along a few spare keyboards and mice. I encourage others to do the same.2009-03-12 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-03-05 03:11:592009-03-05 03:13:13 92009-03-12 04:00:0000 aԡeu31333Portland Perl Mongers: Test::Builder 2 -- Michael SchwernTest::Builder underpins 80% oԆxԡdk3]333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - As God is my Witness......I will never go hungry again! Or at least, I will never miss this Tweetup Breakfast! Join Twitter users and artery-o-nauts as we venture into old school territory at Joe's Cellar in the NW. Conveniently located near not much at all, Joe's is a sort of Nob Hill equivalent to Fuller's. Joe's lacks ambience out the wazoo, doesn't believe in WiFi, and serves big plates o' breakfast. You can revel in the stoicism as we (most likely fail to) discuss the lines we have drawn in the sand during our lives, and how that worked out for us all. As always, buy your own breakfast. Bring cash - they ostensibly take cards but I bet they'll not want to run five cards for one check.2009-03-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2115040/2009-03-04 19:54:482009-03-04 19:54:48 >;b2009-03-05 17:00:00 >>|Vx *jۋ%]333http:/;ԡc=k35333The Video Marketing ExpoBroadcast Anything. Reach Everyone. The Video Marketing Expo 2009 is designed to help new media marketers and video production specialists meet the challenges of delivering compelling and entertaining interactive online video. VMX provides cutting-edge methods and industry examples for developing online web video for optimum awareness, lead generation, and other inbound marketing activities. Keynote speakers include industry experts in broadcasting, online advertising, high-definition video production, and marketing strategies for rich media. The conference includes breakout sessions for creative professionals and video production professionals with both technical and non-technical areas of expertise. For more information and registration, please visit http://www.vmx09.com or call 1-800-457-0905. 2009-05-13 15:00:00http://www.vmx09.com2009-03-04 19:04:582009-03-04 19:04:58 >2009-05-14 00:00:00 by M. Edward (Ed) Borasky blktrace is a command that generates traces of the i/o traffic on block devices such as hard drives. seekwatcher generates graphs from blktrace runs to help visualize IO patterns and performance. It can plot multiple blktrace runs together, making it easy to compare the differences between different benchmark runs. Ed will show us how to install and use these cool tools. Note: (1) Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. 2009-03-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-03-04 10:07:362009-03-04 10:07:36 >2009-03-06 05:00:00 \*`ԡ?' 35333RubyConf 20082008-11-06qԡ_Y3[333dMobSet aside those shamrocks, and stop chasing Leprechauns. Create your own luck and come mingle with your fellow designers and other creative folks at dMob, held on March 11th at East Burn. This unassuming Eastside establishment boasts an ever-changing impressive beer selection, an organic menu, and of course, Skeeball. So toss aside the lucky charms and toss back a beer with us, and never forget the dMob mantra… “Can I buy you a drink?” The dMob Concept This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland.2009-03-04 00:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/network2009-03-03 23:11:542009-03-04 01:18:48 >2009-03-04 01:00:00 E*rVۋ[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/498509/2008-04-27 12:53:132008-04-27 12:53:13fVۋ[33http://uwԡb33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Fun with blktrace and seekwatcher PRESENTATION Fun with "blktrace" and "seekwatcher" ׂTԡa 3]333Firefox 3.1: The Future Was Yesterday -- Portland Web InnovatorsMozilla developer Dietrich Ayala will show the features in Firefox 3.1 and lead a discussion on what the browser of tomorrow should do.2009-03-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1797715/2009-03-04 01:08:482009-03-04 01:17:55 :v;b2009-03-05 03:00:00,ԡ`sg3]333PDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial VersionWe had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official staff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees. Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me: dawn at Shizzow2009-03-07 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1903563/2009-03-03 23:13:312009-03-03 23:13:31 ; ;b2009-03-07 03:00:00alented people across the state are having difficulty finding employment commensurate with their skills. Now more than ever, job-seekers need to differentiate themselves from the crowd. This special panel brings together executives, staffing professionals, and visionaries from companies that continue to grow despite downward economic pressures. They'll present success stories, strategies, and best practices from a variety of vantage points. The MSIG hopes to provide a handful of valuable techniques to help attendees understand resume, interview, and job search strategies from the perspective of decision-makers. You'll leave this panel understanding how to better market yourself during these difficult times. #SAOpdx #MSIG #employment2009-03-27 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117442/2009-03-03 22:38:442009-03-03 22:38:44 >;b2009-03-27 00:00:000:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Calendar/2008-08-15.html2008-08-11 17:28:022008-08-11 17:28:41 ;42008-08-15 22:00:00 J9(rUۋy[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/465162/2008-03-31 10:39:172008-03-31 10:39:17Uۋx[33http://upcoming.yahoo.cԡ^KE3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetupThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Welcomed audience: any entrepreneurs (past, present or future), start up executives, or veteran technology leaders This event is not open for service providers - sorry guys! Bring your burning questions so that you can dig into it with your experienced peers #SAOpdx #Startup2009-03-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117450/2009-03-03 22:40:282009-03-03 22:40:28 <;b2009-03-17 23:00:00 i$&ۋg {33http://eventful.com/events/portland/technology-ieee-international-workshop-on-eactivity-/E0-001-009266704-9#box-details2008-03-25 15:57:242008-03-25 15:57:24ۋf Q33http://eventful.com/events/portland/community-portland-open-coffee-/E0-001-004481519-5#box-details2008-03-25 15:15:392008-03-25 15:15:39Uۋe[33http://upcominqԡ]E3]333SAOpdx: Getting Back to WorkNearly one in ten Oregonians is searching for work. Highly tۈ|ԡ\u3]333SAOpdx: Software Selling in a Down Economy (webinar)In today's economy we all need more prospects and sales opporފoԡ[qo3]333Lunch 2.0: Back to the 'Burbs at TechShop PortlandUpdate: TechShop had to change the date to April 22, 2009. For the lucky 13th edition of Portland Lunch 2.0, we're heading back to the 'burbs to TechShop Portland in Beaverton. During January's Lunch 2.0 at the OTBC, Denney Cole and Wm Leler took some folks over to check out thetunities. And because there are fewer available we need to get in and win every one we can. In this session Jim will share what it takes to sell software and services in our current economy. This presentation will not be a list of selling do's and don'ts, rather, you will gain insight into how you can transform yourself, your selling skills and your software/services' value proposition into something that suspects, prospects and customers will respond to. Instead of experiencing rejection in these difficult times your prospects will want to hear from you and learn more about your software/services solutions. What you take away from this webinar will improve your lead-to-close ratio leading to a sales performance improvement in any economy - good or bad. There is no fee for this webinar. Presenter: Jim Allen, Author of "Value Based Selling - A Software Sales Methodology"2009-03-19 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899622/2009-03-03 22:38:172009-03-03 22:38:17 :;b2009-03-19 17:00:00 PPuۋW 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest01.html?gda=oqkl2E4AAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic47VVLI9LAiqciB5VVffhUs0mG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1ht#ԡ6)Q3Q33Back Fence PDXBack Fence PDX is a storytelling series in Portland, Oregon. Six storytellers tell tru7ԡZm!3G333KGW Newschannel 8's "The Square Live @7" TweetupJoin The Square anchor Stephanie Stricklen (@StephStricklen) and show producer Aaron Weiss (@TheSquare) for an in-person tweetup and look at the new KGW HD studios at Pioneer Courthouse Square. For details, follow @TheSquare on Twitter or visit the show blog2009-03-11 23:30:00http://www.kgw.com/thesquare/2009-03-03 21:21:452009-03-03 21:21:45 ;[2009-03-12 01:30:00ԡYIi3]333Internet Strategy Forum SummitThe Internet Strategy Forum Summit is the premiere annual  new TechShop, and on April 22 (was March 25), Denney's opening the doors to show everyone all the cool stuff he has in there. What is TechShop? Why, it's "a membership-based DIY workshop that gives you access to a huge variety of tools and equipment, tons of friendly and easy classes, and a community of amazing people who share your interest in making things." Sounds like fun. Pack your safety goggles for this one, just in case you get the urge to weld something. No word yet on whether Todd will organize another party train. Stay tuned. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-04-22 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1808911/2009-03-03 22:07:552009-03-03 22:07:55 >;b2009-04-22 21:00:00conference from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. Attendees of the 6th annual Internet Strategy Forum Summit will engage with our keynote presenters from Intel, Xerox, Forrester Research and more, who will share their insights and ideas on how to best leverage the Internet and integrate it into overall business strategy. Visit the event Website for a complete list of confirmed presenters. There are plenty of opportunities for networking with corporate Internet professionals and Internet-related product and service providers. Check out "The Road to Chief Internet Strategist", an optional corporate Internet strategist career path symposium on July 24th, the day after the main conference.2009-07-23 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2116446/2009-03-03 20:39:242009-07-11 22:40:55 :;b2009-07-23 20:00:00/group/pdxfunc2008-08-08 18:51:472008-08-08 18:51:47 92008-08-12 04:00:00 u7n+bV@-33;b^created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:072009-01-14 10:33:07@-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:0ԡ11M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for anZԡQq3+333XPDX March: Ping Pong Pairing >> PIZZA FROM VERSIONONE <;b2009-03-03 14:45:00ԡTq}3?33CHIFOO, Computer-Human Interaction Forum Of OregonCHIFOO (pronounced ‘ky - FOO’), Computer-Human Interaction Forum Of Oregon, a local professional chapter of the ACM SIGCHI, serves practicing pro...2009-04-02 02:00:00http:///portland/events/chifoo-computerhuman-interaction-forum-oregon-/E0-001-018933148-82009-03-03 19:07:542009-03-03 19:07:54 9;bits for a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instils good pairing and TDD practices. So come along to the next XPDX meeting to try it out. It doesn't matter if you've been pairing for years or want to try it for the first time. This will be a chance to learn from each other. We'll spend a little time getting to know the mechanics of Ping Pong pairing, do a brief demonstration, and then all pair up for over an hour of practice. Absolutely positively bring a laptop with you. We'll be using Java, JUnit, and Eclipse. A big time saver will be to ensure that you have the Java *SDK* installed beforehand. >>> Thanks to VersionOne there'll be pizza for thirty! <<< Be there at 6:30pm for the pizza. We'll start at 7pm. At 9pm we'll move on to a local bar.2009-03-19 01:30:00http://xpdx.org2009-03-03 17:22:062009-03-13 05:25:00 92009-03-19 04:00:00 05:00:00 nn7n+bV@-33;bqcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:282009-01-14 10:32:28@-33;bpcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:2ԡ/1M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for ԡNW3-33Demolicious - Portland Web Innovators2009-04-02 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com2009-03-03 16:07:342009-10-26 03:06:17 A;bJtoԡMO 3m333Portland Data Visualization GroupResearchers have long said that the material published on the Web amounts to a form of “collective intelligence” that can be used to spot trends and make predictions. Using his 20% time, a Google employee discovered that during flu season, many ailing Americans enter phrases like “flu symptoms” into Google and other search engines before they call their doctors. When he mapped this data, he was able to discover where flu outbreaks would sttakes for us to understand something. If you're interested in Data Visualization, please come to this event. It will be the first Portland Tech Event at WebTrends besides Web Analytics Wednesday. It's our chance to try out the space and see if it is a good fit for this group or potentially for other groups in the future. Google Group: Ed Borasky recently started a Google group called pdx-visualization. As the name implies, it is a group for Portland-area people interested in languages and techniques for visualization of data. http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization ------ Amber Case, @caseorganic is a Cyborg Anthropologist studying the interaction between humans and computers and how our relationship with information is changing the way we think, act, and understand the world around us. 2009-03-24 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:18:242009-03-03 05:20:25 Agenda: This meetup will serve as an introduction to what's going on in the world of data viz. It will be freeform, so if you would like to demonstrate something you're working on, please be prepared to do so. Micah Elliott will be showing uGraph and Ed Borasky will do a GGobi demo. I'll be covering what already exists in the ecosystem and what might become useful in the future. We're dealing with a rapid communication method here. Something that, if done well, compresses the time and space it n ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-13 17:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:41:252009-03-24 16:38:49 =2009-03-13 23:00:00n ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniques being used today to harness the vast marketing potential of the Internet. Topics include search engine marketing, reputation management, email marketing, social media optimization and online advertising and public relations. Take away useable strategies and tips to integrate online and conventional marketing, measure its success and ultimately convert visitors into customers and evangelists. Anyone who needs to deliver results with their Web site will benefit from this workshop. $545.00 noncredit, includes materials and $35 lab fee credit optional for addl $55 503-725-48202009-03-06 18:00:00http://sesweb.ses.pdx.edu/pdc_cat/details.cfm?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:29:462009-03-24 16:38:49 =2009-03-07 00:00:00 kBVkn+bVLԡ&Wi37333Take Back electronics recycling eventSony\ԡLq53y333PSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informed and more empowered tha]ԡKq73y333PSU MPP Introduction to eMarketing with Kent LewisThis class is two Fridays, 3/6 & 3/13. A new class repeats 4/24 & 5/1 With the evolution of technology, consumers are better informed and more empowered tha/ԡJem3s333How to Cost Effectively Validate Your MarketFor Founders / CEOs / Business Owners Whether you’re thinking about starting a company, the founder of an existing start-up, or already running a company – something you may want to learn – before you launch the company or a new product is: “Is there a ‘there’, there?” More often than not, entrepreneur’s passion and great idea have a lot of momentum  moving companies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you’re wondering how to inexpensively validate your market – in short order – you may want to hear Mark Paul’s talk on this valuable topic. He will cover two very important areas of [1] understanding true market needs and [2] how they will value your product / service. About the speaker: Mark Paul is a Coach at OTBC, an interim executive & consultant for 20 years, with large-company expertise. He is also author of two business books: The Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide and How to Attract Significantly More Customers… in good times and bad, along with numerous other products and services to help business owners grow their companies. Price: Free (bring your lunch!) 2009-03-04 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9807607/2009-03-02 15:55:062009-03-02 15:55:06 <2009-03-04 21:00:00 PPvvy enthusiasts will once again descend upon the city of Seattle, Wash!ԡI[#3!333Sustainability and Emergency ManagementSustainability, Permaculture, Climate Change, Peak Oil… it is surprising how many interests intersect with Emergency Management. Diverse disciplines from Sociology to Geology play a role in disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. Reaching out to audiences who may not otherwise be engaged in Citizen Corps programs is as easy as focusing on our shared goals. 20 minute walkable or bikeable neighborhood communities, have been the determinant for CERT Teams. This model corresponds very well with sustainable development, the ideals of Permaculturalists and Peak Oil/Transition Town participants. Incorporating research and a broad based approach to presentations and other outreach activities is an excellent way to increase your community’s receptiveness to preparedness and mitigation efforts. With the concept that disasters will occur, managing tder just three short weeks. You will oink yourself to happiness as Scott weaves true tales of bare-hooved bootstrapping and entrepreneurial maneuvers in the dark. Tail curling stories designed to share with you what works, what does not, and having the bacon to move ahead like a greased, well you know. This little piggy went to market, and it owns the bacon market online. Get your pig on. Yes, there will be bacon served. Who: Scott Kveton (Bac'n co-founder) What: Bac'n Meat Up: Entrepreneurial Tails for Entrepreneurs When: March 2, 2009 starting at 11:45 AM Cost: Free to all entrepreneurs, $15 to numbskulls, $25 to vegetarians Where: NedSpace - co-working for startups, innovative tech companies, and social entrepreneurs. Where Exactly: 920 SW Third, Portland (between Taylor and Salmon) Twitter: @kveton @neddotcom Ticket Info: Free to all entrepreneurs, $15 to numbskulls, $25 to vegetarians 2009-03-02 19:45:002009-03-01 05:41:382009-03-01 16:52:33 >;b2009-03-02 20:45:00he impact and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years. An EMT, Public Information and Education Officer, Critical Incident Stress Manager, Peer Counselor, CERT trainer, Inspector and former Investigator, Alice teaches extensively across the region. Alice also currently serves as the Clackamas County Citizen Corps Co-Chair and the Urban Area Securities Initiative (UASI) representative as well as a UASI Public Information Officer representative. Alice is a true advocate of working within the ICS/NIMS and firmly believes in the pivotal importance of citizen involvement/engagement in all aspects of Emergency Management (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery).2009-03-26 02:00:00http://portlandpeakoil.org/content/sustainability-and-emergency-management2009-03-01 06:04:082009-03-01 06:05:18 >^;b2009-03-26 04:00:00 %%Bridgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl for OEN’s PubTalk: Oregon’s Green Company Showcase. The PubTalk following the half day workshop Oregon’s Green Advantage: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs is will be a showcase of Oregon companies that are leveraging the state’s green advantagTԡD73W333Portland Business Alliance Presents Business After Hours Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours, an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, March 2009, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Pyramid Brewing – 2730 NW 31st Ave. Members: $8 in advance/ $10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-12 00:00:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14942009-02-27 23:29:002009-02-28 17:17:58 >2009-03-12 02:00:00 aan@SM3G33!C Seattle Center NW rooms, Seattle WAAnnouncing Agile Open Northwest 2010! This Agile Open Space event will be held February 9th and 10th, 2010, in the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Please see http://www.agileopennorthwest.org for registration information and further details. We invite yo1ԡI3q333Green Drinks - Portland OregonEvery month people who are interested in environmental topics and issues meet up in cities around the wԡ>'/3A333EMC SymposiumMonday, April 13 2009, 9:30am - 5:30pm When EMC AND Signal Integrity Meet A Tutorial and Exhibition Featuring Dr. Eric Bogatin Signal Integrity Evangelist Download a PDF flyer of the event2009-04-13 16:30:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org2009-02-27 17:05:582009-02-27 17:05:58 >2009-04-14 00:30:00  - a definiYԡH3 333Bac'n Meat Up: Entrepreneurial Tails for EntrepreneursAre you an entrepreneur? Launching a startup? Ramping up a fast growing startup? Thinking about a startup? Know how to spell startup? Love bacon? Come hear Scott Kveton (Bac'n co-founder) talk about how he and his team launched this successful tasty bacon monster in unzԡF{3W333Portland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun networking event that's like speed dating! Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floor. Members: $5 in advance/ $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-24 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14462009-02-27 23:40:192009-02-28 17:25:20 >2009-03-24 16:00:00 tage gives you the opportunity to meet industry experts and learn what sustainability really is. Entrepreneurs and investors will learn where the new business opportunities are today and fi2ԡEyy3W333Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase, a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Chamber of Commerce member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread) – 5209 SE International Way. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-17 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14392009-02-27 23:32:462009-02-28 17:22:28 >2009-03-17 16:00:00 n37<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&Zԡ~q'3}333Free Root Beer Floats in Pioneer Courthous(ԡ%?]3933Shizzow Developers MeetupWe wanted to make ourselves available every couple of weeks to help you get off to a running start on your new Shizzow-based apps. Meet us at the Green Dragon on Thursday, and we can discuss the API as well as some of the architecture principles behind people, places and shouts on Shizzow.
    2009-02-27 01:30:00http://dev.shizzow.com2009-02-23 16:54:522009-02-23 16:54:52 ; ;bԡ$3S333PSU Multimedia Professional Development Center Info SessionRSVP for the PSU Professional Development Center Info Session on February 24, 5-7pm. Bryan Rhoads, Internet Strategy workshop instructor, will give a brief presentation on social media marketing. The Multimedia Professional Program will be featured and participants will be able to interact with program managers on patient education videos and comprehensive solutions that also benefit treatment providers. Following angel investor funding between 2000 to 2005, wired.MD took on debt financing in 2004 and 2007 from PDC and others before being acquired by Krames/StayWell, a division of MediMedia USA in 2008. Ranjit Pandit - Founder and VP, RNA Networks. RNA Networks makes makes memory a shared network resource to deliver high performance on commodity hardware utilizing existing data center resources, without application changes. Investors include Oregon Angel Fund, Divergent Ventures, Menlo Ventures and Reference Capital. Whether you are thinking, planning or in the midst of a startup, this is your opportunity to get insights from the diversity of industry, funding and growth experiences represented by these entrepreneurs. 2009-03-12 01:00:00 22:35:142009-02-28 17:03:29 =2009-03-12 03:30:00e Solar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? If you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, or an executive from an adjacent space looking for expansion into solar or someone who wants to join an existing solar company or someone who wants to understand the basics of the industry; this event is for you! Participate with and meet notable solar industry entrepreneurs and executives. No prior knowledge of the industry is assumed and the insights you will gain may excite you into becoming engaged in this dynamic and growing renewable energy sector. 2009-03-18 23:00:00http:// 22:38:112009-10-01 18:16:13 @2009-03-19 04:00:009:00:002008-08-03 02:32:412008-08-03 04:50:42 ;[;bb2008-08-07 20:00:00 xxtitute of Portland in the Pearl, and big thanks to Bramyԡ@173m333TiE Oregon SW & Internet SIG: Launching and Building Companies - How They Did It TiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG is kicking off the first session devoted to Launching and Building Software & Internet Companies. We will be hosting three special guests who will share their experiences on How They Did It, and offer perspectives on company growth. Michael Berkley - CEO, Splashcast Media. SplashCast is a content syndication service for social networks and mobile devices. SplashCast enables brand advertisers and content owners to reach out and engage consumers through micro-channels of content that people want and share. SplashCast has raised funds from prominent angel investors in the last two years. Mark Friess - President and Co-founder, wired.MD, Inc. wired.MD helps patients and their families make informed healthcare decisions through access to ddgxph`XPH@80( ԡ?ig3A333Technology Management (networking and meeting)Succeeding with External Alliances: Applying Tested Tools to the New Environment (presented by the Technology Management Chapter (TMC) of the IEEE) Objective: provide managers with a fresh look at the external alliances as a tool to succeed in a challenging economy. Time: March 25, 2009. 6:00-7:00 P.M. Networking and snacks begin at 5:30 P.M. Registration: To sign up now, click here. Walk-ins welcome, but pre-registration is preferred. Speaker: Dr. Ron Khormaei, Director of Engineering for the Audio Business Electrical group, Logitech. Location: PCC Central Portland Workforce Training Center, 1626 SE Water Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97214. Room 202/203. Price: $10. Includes snacks and beverages. Parking not included. 2009-03-26 00:30:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org2009-02-27 17:15:082009-02-27 17:15:08 >2009-03-26 02:00:00 ,ԡw73 333Freak Mountain Ramblers - Jerry Garcia birthday partyThe Freak Mountaԡ<]13333Mississippi Community Network Work PartyThis is a maintenance work party for the Mississippi Community Wireless Network along N. Mississippi Avenue. The network is a project of the Personal Telco Project, starting in 2005. Recently, some of our rooftop gear has failed and needs replacing. Come see how a neighborhood-wide wifi network is constructed. Maybe you can do the same in your neighborhood too! Meet at the Fresh Pot at 1pm, we'll head across the street at about 1:15. If you are going to be late, contact me (russell@personaltelco.net) ahead of time and I'll give you my cellphone number so someone can let you in.2009-03-01 21:00:00http://www.personaltelco.net/MississippiWorkParty200903012009-02-26 18:15:422009-02-26 18:15:42 >2009-03-01 23:00:00 ed a loyal following since they began collaborating in 1998. Four lead vocalists, each with his own style, keep the band and their listeners on their toes. Their rockabilly music ranges 5ԡ;=M3?333Communit.as Launch PartyCommunit.as is an open source web application that provides a foundation for building custom community and social network sites. At long last, we're launching the beta version and we're having a party to celebrate. There will be snacks, drinks, a demo and a Q&A session with the developers. Come join us!

    UPDATE: We've changed the date from Feburary 19th to February 26th so we don't conflict with Ignite Portland 5.

    2009-02-27 02:00:00http://communit.as/launch2009-02-26 08:41:092009-02-26 08:41:09 9;b2009-02-27 04:00:00 ::as, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

    WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

    WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

    DIRECTIONS: thesquare's Live at 7 segement on KGW news recently. We can thank our most lovely Kelly Guimont (@verso)for that, who is featured front and centered. Check it out!2009-02-28 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-26 06:22:242009-02-26 16:26:18 ; 2009-02-28 02:00:00 e data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics.

    She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story.

    Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathema3ԡ8Y3o333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingThe regular monthly meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be discussing ongoing projects and various other things. 2009-02-26 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingFebruary20092009-02-25 07:17:402009-02-25 07:17:40 >2009-02-26 04:00:00 bņ¾ºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>Iԡ7#739333PDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-march-20092009-03-24 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com2009-02-25 03:31:442009-02-25 03:31:44 92009-03-24 04:00:00ԡ6%739333PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-march-20092009-02-25 04:00:00http://PDXCritique.com2009-02-25 03:25:382009-02-25 03:25:38 92009-02-25 05:00:00 ffF ԡ:Me3K333Farewell February, Welcome MarchIt's been a whirlwind year, with the last Friday of February fast approaching. And honestly? After brainstorming with my Beer and Blog buddies to plan March's fun, I can barely wait to tell you what we have in store. But I'll only tell you a little, for now. You'll have to wait for more details until Friday, when we meet once again at the Green Dragon for happy hour. Here's your Official Sneak Peek to Beer and Blog's March Announcements:
    To register, call Portland SCORE at 503.326-5211 or you can register online.Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis.2008-11-06 01:30:00http://www.scorepdx.org/2008-10-28 22:35:332008-10-29 03:17:17 92008-11-06 03:30:00takes a collaborative flair. It’s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in communities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general. The atmosphere encourages just hanging out to chat and generally cavort with a group of like-minded about open sources and community. It’s a monthly celebration of wiki in Portland, the birthplace of the wiki. ~* Yes, there will be snacks provided *~ Portland wiki planning and development can be found at the Portland wiki page http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page . Portland wiki conference planning and development can be found at the (surprise: http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page) Portland Wiki Conference page. If you're not located near Portland, there are several other Wiki Wednesdays (http://pdx.wiki.org/Other_Wiki_Wednesdays)around the globe you can attend.2010-01-07 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page2009-12-08 19:12:272009-12-10 19:08:47 92010-01-07 04:00:00 }}72ԡs3u33 Semiconducto r Trends in 2008: WILL BE RESCHEDULtԡUY93=333Seven Steps Business Planning WorkshopThe Existing Business Resource Team of Portland SCORE invites you to a workshop to help existing business owners survive and grow profitably in a down economy. What to expect:
    • Planning — A planning process is a necessity for an existing business.
    • Customers — Do you understand what drives your customer?
    • Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit.
    • Financial Plan — The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth.
    • Competition — Pay attention to your competitors 4 uing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to re-use control flows and web components with the ease of OO programming. Imagine being able to do test-driven development, even for HTML delivery. Imagine taking an application from "three guys in Starbucks on a laptop" to "3000 hits per second on your Amazon EC2 cloud" with no major changes in design. No need to imagine... I'll demonstrate all this and more. Smalltalk knowledge is not requiredԡS3O3q333Portland CocoaHeadsThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.2008-11-13 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-10-28 22:19:512008-10-28 22:19:51 92008-11-13 05:00:00 +Vltants, Imagine Your Reality Business and Writing Coaching, and Black Belt Business Solutions Present: Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? YesԡE++3G333 Wiki Wednesday People of all levels of interest around Wikis - expert to curious - are welcome to this open house of Wiki on the first Wednesday of each month. ***Note that the doors of the Oat Mill Building, where AboutUs is located, are locked at promptly at 5:30, so look for a note on the north-side door with a phone number to call if you are locked out.*** Discussion is informal and 5FԡD/!3#333PDX WaveWednesdayPeople using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. The idea is that we can record ideas for topics .FԡC/!3#333PDX WaveWednesdayPeople using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. The idea is that we can record ideas for topics 9and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December. *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?) We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector. You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009 ~*Snacks provided*~ Location details: AboutUs 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That’s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark) (Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.) 2009-12-10 01:30:00http://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BExjjazTkD.12009-12-08 18:20:012009-12-08 20:57:54 92009-12-10 04:00:00icate block devices over TCP. DRBD is extremely flexible due to the fact it is a block device, and as such is used in a variety of situations. At the most basic level, you can replicate data between two servers to provide synchronously replicated storage redundancy for either failover or disaster recovery purposes. In active/active mode, you can also run GFS, OCFS2, or other clustered file systems. Topics that will be covered: - How it works, history, and future exciting news regarding mainline kernel inclusion - How it is used: HA-iSCSI, HA-NFS, Virtualization, Apache, Samba, etc. - Cluster Resource Manager options and recommendations, and news about the confusing changes in the Linux-HA / Clusterlabs communities. And the majority of the time will be spent on: - Example cluster configuration: hardware setup, installation and configuration, and cluster manager integration. Come with questions!2009-12-17 03:00:00http://www.linbit.com/en/2009-12-07 21:49:082009-12-07 22:01:23 >2009-12-17 05:00:00 11nt layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and case studies, the presenters from Ziba Design and Stoel Rives LLP will describe what is happening in the marketplace and provide predictions of ԡ@}I3?333PLUG Advanced Topics: DRDB HA Clustering on Commodity HWUsing DRBD to Build High-Availability Clusters on Commodity Hardware Charlie Schluting of LINBIT will explain how DRBD works and how people currently use it, with enough information to get you started building your own clusters. DRBD stands for Distributed Replicated Block Device, and as the name implies, allows you to repl :#ԡ?I3M333draft State of Food Report, part of the Multnomah Food InitiativeThe Multnomah Food Initiative (http://www.thedirt.org/node/4386) will build on existing efforts to create a shared community vision and strategic action plan. It will mean forging partnerships, setting goals, and w jjpplication framework: an open-source (but vendor supported) challenge to the classic web design strategies. Imagine being able to debug a broken web-hit in the middle of the hit, fixing the code, and continuing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to re-use control flows and web components with the ease of OOԡV73;333Portland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. The next meeting of the Portland Ruby Brigade is coming up. If you have a topic you'd like to present, please post to the mailing list so we can make sure that you get a spot. Possible topics * Rails 2.2 features and changes review -- http://guides.rubyonrails.org/2_2_release_notes.html * Providing Ruby with access to C libraries through SWIG -- http://github.com/igal/libical_with_ruby/tree/master/README_for_Ruby.txt * ...?2008-12-03 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-10-28 23:21:572008-11-27 07:11:29 92008-12-03 05:00:00 XLxԡRC!3s333Portland Python Users GroupThe Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon. Next Meeting * When: Tuesday, November 11th 2008 at 7pm * Where: CubeSpace, SE Grand * What: o Perhaps more of what's New in 2.6 and 3.0? o list topics you would like to discuss here 2008-11-12 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2008-10-28 22:18:542008-10-28 22:18:54 92008-11-12 05:00:00`ԡQ[31333PDX PHPThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-11-12 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-10-28 22:17:312008-10-28 22:17:31 92008-11-12 04:30:00 GxGNJԡPc?3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-11-11 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-10-28 22:16:122008-10-28 22:16:12 92008-11-11 05:00:00YԡO73;333Portland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. 2008-11-05 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-10-28 22:13:242008-11-03 19:28:13 9Jr2008-11-05 05:00:00qԡNi 3O333Business Plan: Your Road to Success (Workshop)Workshop Description

      This workshop is designed for C areas of inertial guidance systems, visual displays for astronauts, and hand controls for the Command Capsule and Lunar Excursion Module.

      Len moved to Control Data in 1969 as a program manager for large computer systems. In 1977 he moved to Oregon to work for Floating Point Systems, a supercomputer company, where he became Director of Engineering. From 1991 to 1998 he ran his own consulting business working with small growing hi-tech firms. Len retired in 1998 and immediately began volunteering for SCORE where he has helped numerous clients, especially in the area of detailed financial planning.

      To RSVP, register through SCORE's Portland website.
      Click on Workshops on the left panel; then register for a workshop here; then Thr Oct 30, 8:30a-4:30p, Business Plan – Your Roadmap to Success.
      2008-10-30 15:30:00http://scorepdx.org/workshops.php2008-10-28 20:59:482008-10-28 21:00:06 9;b2008-10-30 23:30:00 ry hԡB7+37333Calagator code sprintHelp us improve Calagator -- join us for a code sprint. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about creating software, agile development, Ruby and Rails, and finding ways to work better with others in a friendly environment, all while making a genuine contribution to an open source community project. We'll work iteratively throughout the day, so you can still help out even if you go to just part of the event. See you there!2009-12-12 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2009-12-08 07:24:542009-12-08 08:27:58 @02009-12-13 01:00:00JԡA?3;333“I Don’t Think It’s A Calagator Event” PDXCritiquePlease join us as this month’s infrequent PDXCritique goes over Chris Pitzer’s web app wireframes and compare + contrast different wireframing tools.2009-12-12 02:30:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-12-08 06:07:192009-12-08 06:07:19 A42009-12-12 04:30:00 this is a must! * Find out about the tools offered by the search engines to increase your web site's success SEO Training Course Day 3 * Learn about competitive intelligence and multi-variate analysis and how these tools can help increase your website's rankings * Learn about web analytics and how to analyze your progress with ClickTracks * Learn the power of article marketing * What problems might your site run in to and how can they be fixed? Will talk about technical issues that come up. * Sure fire strategies to build your SEO business * Group Q&A * Final Exam * Wrap-up and awards See the website for information on the 5-day Comprehensive course that combines the 2-day Essentials and the 3-day Advanced course material. Contact: Colleen Wright Phone: 503-530-8178 Email: info@sea-oregon.com Website: http://www.sea-oregon.com2010-01-18 17:00:00http://sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/2009-12-05 09:20:572009-12-05 09:20:57 ;2010-01-21 01:30:00 ?s for exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience.

      In 1993 Jim founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. In 2005 he also started counseling clients and teaching workshops for SCORE, including business planning and internet marketing.

      Len Van Regenmorter, Accredited SCORE Counselor and Business Financial Consultant

      Len worked on the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs with Honeywell, concentrating in the Bthose who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light.

      Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.

      Sample Content:

      * The need for a business plan
      * The elements of a business plan
      * Steps in basic financial planning
      * Organization and management strategies
      * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing
      * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan

      This workshop also features break-out session A * Learn techniques that will help you write effective sales copy that gets results. * Understand how the personalization of search results is changing the rules. * Find out the best approaches for setting up a blog and learn about the art of blogging. * Creative ideas for implementing user generated content (UGC). * More custom website reviews. SEO Training Course Day 2 * What is Latent Semantic Indexing and how can it help my website? * How to develop a unique selling proposition that retains your visitor's interest and gets them digging deeper into our web sites. * Why are database driven sites unique when it comes to SEO and how can we make sure we get maximum advantage from SEO? * What is Social Media Marketing and how can it help boost sales? * How to quickly gain exposure in Google, Yahoo!, and others within 24 to 48 hours * What is Pay Per Click and who are the players? * Learn how to implement Google Analytics on your website and whynfiguring your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
      -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
      -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
      -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one with a Web server and a print server
      -Practice testing security configurations with a port scanner
      -Gain an understanding of filtering techniques and practice blocking Java applets

      A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

      Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
      2009-04-29 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category34.html2008-10-28 20:57:102008-10-28 20:57:28 :;b2009-04-30 23:00:00 Enar, you'll...

      -Practice password recovery techniques for the Cisco ASA security appliance
      -Practice two techniques for building a basic firewall configuration from scratch
      -Gain an understanding of logging configurations and practice using syslog with the security appliance
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring device's configurations
      -Practice two methods of backing up and restoring your device's software image (operating system), including how to recover the software in a catastrophic fault condition
      -Practice configuring and using three methods of remote management
      -Gain an understanding of Network Address Translation and Port Address Translation on the ASA Security Appliance and practice using them in your configurations
      -Practice configuring three types of banners
      -Gain an understanding of Cisco privilege levels and practice configuring local usernames and privilege levels
      -Practice co F configure local usernames and privilege levels, plus you'll practice using Active Directory for authentication. You'll set up a DHCP server for automatic address assignment. You'll practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN. You'll build a DMZ with a Web server and a print server. You'll practice port-scanning to test for vulnerabilities. We'll show you how to configure various types of filtering and you'll actually practice configuring filters to block Java applets. In short, this Cisco ASA training seminar is a lot of hands-on exercises and not a lot of talking! Our instructors are there to show you how to do things, answer your questions, and help you troubleshoot your configurations.

      Now upgraded with even more "hands-on" lab exercises (and less talking)!

      Learning Objectives
      Upon completion of soundtraining.net's Cisco� ASA training semi hhg)΄ԁ(ԡAcq333OGI/OHSU: Effective Technical Presentationshttp://www.ԡLU3333Portland Cisco Router Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarPresented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

      Two intensive days of hands-on Cisco training including Cisco router installation, configuration, and troubleshooting using live in-classroom routers. You'll learn how to build a Cisco� router configuration from scratch. You'll learn different ways of monitoring your router, saving and restoring configurations, and how to design and implement access-control lists. You'll even learn how to encrypt your passwords and Cisco router password recovery procedures.

      Learning Objectives:
      The overall objective of this workshop is to help you become comfortable with viewing, editing, managing, and troubleshooting Cisco rou N NNthe sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet yiԡd# 3 333Yay Numbers2009-12-12 20:00:002009-12-12 19:17:412009-12-12 19:17:41 AB2009-12-12 21:00:004ԡc?K3G333Agile Open Northwest 2010Announcing Agile Open Northwest 2010! This Agile Open Space event will be held February 9th and 10th, 2010, in the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Please see http://www.agileopennorthwest.org for registration information and further details. We invite you to our fourth annual Agile Open Northwest conference. Alternating each year between Portland and Seattle, AONW conferences bring together practicing members of the Northwest Agile communities to explore the latest developments in agile software development. We held our third annual event last year in Portland and enjoyed another great success. Registration is $125.00 for both days, including light breakfast and lunch. This low-cost regional conference is a great opportunity to connect with the local agile comm  and Oregon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-03-30 22:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-04-14 00:43:14 ?2009-03-30 23:00:00 tKd% WE33- )OpenSourcery711 SE Ankeny St., Portland, OR 97214http://www.opensourcery.com/2008-10-15 17:49:212008-12-10 20:54:07711 Se Ankeny StPortlandOR97214US@F 52^"h(503) 777-7033 =acE kG33- )Best Western Agate Beach Inn3019 North Coast Highway, Newport, Oregon 97365http://www.agatebeachinn.com/2008-10-13 14:56:562008-10-13 14:58:033019 N Coast HwyNewportOR97365US@FT+0/r_i1-541-265-9411Kbw [ 331 OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR 970062008-10-13 14:46:162008-11-01 00:16:5320000 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(NNaC YK33-! CenterPointe Community Bank2500 Cascade Ave. Hood River, OR 97031http://www.centerpointebank.com2008-10-12 23:49:502008-10-12 23:51:492500 Cascade AveHood RiverOR97031US@Fp~^bV]_+ 33C OHSU Auditorium2008-10-12 17:24:532008-10-12 17:25:383181 SW Sam Jackson Pk RoadPortlandOR97239US@F'^)cr site to directories is important and how to choose the correct directories. * What is Link Popularity and why is it important. * Receive internal and external link building strategies that will make it easier for the search engines to find your web pages. * Learn about the missing element in SEO: Creativity and find out how you too can get your creative juices flowing! * Get your site reviewed and walk away with a customized action-plan to get your website optimized for maximum performance. * Learn about technologies that can improve your conversion rates and capture phone calls right from your web site. See the website for information on the 5-day Comprehensive course that combines the 2-day Essentials and the 3-day Advanced course material. Contact: Colleen Wright Phone: 503-530-8178 Email: info@sea-oregon.com Website: http://www.sea-oregon.com2010-01-11 17:00:00http://sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/2009-12-05 09:18:292009-12-05 09:18:29 ;2010-01-13 01:30:00and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
      -Work as a group to control traffic with standard and extended IP access lists
      -Practice recovering passwords (and learn how to protect against unauthorized password recovery!)
      -Practice testing procedures using PING, traceroute, and debug

      A complete course outline is available at the event homepage.

      Pre-registration is required, also at the event homepage.
      2009-03-10 16:00:00http://www.soundtraining.net/onlinestore/categories/category20.html2008-10-28 20:56:212008-10-28 20:56:43 :;b2009-03-11 23:00:00 Mter configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
      -Practice three techniques for saving configurations and for re-applying them (Perfect for disaster prevention and recovery)
      -Understand how to upgrade your router's Cisco Internetwork Operating System (CIOS)
      -Practice using CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) in troubleshooting
      -Use the "show cdp neighbor detail" command to get information about remote routers, even when they're on a different subnet
      -Practice converting and diagramming IP addresses and subnets, including decimal to binary conversion
      -Practice properly designing and configuring IP addressing schemes
      -Practice the step-by-step procedures to configure NAT to make your router an Internet firewall
      -Practice configuring and deploying DHCP on a Cisco router for automatic IP address assignment
      -Practice using local ew ways, Innovation Games (and other design games) stimulate the customers to tell you things that are important for them that you would have never thought to ask.

      Learn more about Innovation Games at http://innovationgames.com/
      See photos of Innovation Games workshops on Flickr at:

      Coffee and lunch will be provided, with snacks throughout the day.
      Parking is free with the workshop. If you prefer to take transit, MAX Blue Line Lloyd Center stop is just steps away — plan your trip on TriMet at http://www.trimet.org.
      2008-11-06 16:30:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/creative_solutions_through_innovation_games/2008-10-28 20:55:242008-10-28 20:55:47 :;b2008-11-07 01:00:00 /:/&|ԡK {3O333CHIFOO Workshop: Creative Solutions Through Innovation Games®

      Creating Breakthrough Products Through Innovative Play

      Innovation Games® is a set of a dozen hands-on activities to develop strategic planning and tactical decision-making skills. Using a variety of expressive techniques, Innovation Games get firsthand reactions from customers and users about an actual or proposed product, a product category, or service offering. While similar to focus groups in a f O?ԡI}{3e333SharePoint 2007 Architecture and Administration TrainingMicrosoft Certification Eligibility: MCTS Exam 70-630
      Duration: 2 Days (18 hours) for the public class, syllabus and duration customizable for onsite class
      Hands-On Lab: Aivea provided SharePoint 2007 Enterprise Virtual Machine
      2008-11-03 16:00:00http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-10-28 20:45:192008-10-28 20:51:03 =;b2008-11-05 04:00:00  XiԡC5+3Q333The Ethics of eWasteElectronic waste or "e-waste" is broken or unwanted electrical or electronic devices. Many components of e-waste are considered toxic. Due to the difficulty and cost of recycling used electronics as well as lacklustre enforcement of legislation regarding e-waste exports, large amounts of used electronics have been sent to countries such as China, India, and Kenya, where lower environmental standards and working conditions make processing e-waste more profitable. Oso Martin, President of Bear eCycling, will discuss the ethics of ewaste, and what is being done in Portland.

      Bearecycling will also have a collection truck if you want to bring used electronics. Donation fees will apply.
      2009-01-04 17:00:00http://www.westprespdx.org/adulted2008-10-28 17:01:512008-10-28 17:04:05 =;b2009-01-04 17:00:00 Lst search engine marketing tips and tactics. In this 2-day course you will learn the essentials of getting your website indexed appropriately and quickly. SEO Training Course Day 1 * 2-Day Beginner's ClassDiscover a complete 6-step system for performing effective search engine marketing * Learn how to perform keyword research that will attract your target market * Write content that will turn visitors into customers * Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords * Discover how to improve your Click-through Ratios SEO Training Course Day 2 * Learn optimal techniques to get your pages indexed by the Search Engines. * Find out what it takes to monitor your progress and the tools to help you. * Understand the benefits of working with ranges of pages. * Discover what it takes to stay out of trouble with the search engines by learning about anti-spamming guidelines. * Learn why submitting yought for Color and he is an enthusiastic user.

      He got started in production shooting 8mm film shorts as a child, and after a great many twists and turns was surprised one day to find himself starting a fledgling video production company: Image Works. Yes, those jerks at Sony stole the name, but he holds no grudges. Five years later he was hired by his biggest customer, Intel, and he has been trying to get out of meetings ever since. (this is AJ’s description I cannot take credit for the humor)

      8:00 - 8:10

      8:10 - 8:25
      Show & Tell:
      An incredible showing and discussion regarding someone's talented creation TBD.

      Announcements & the ever popular RAFFLE:
      “Color: Correcting & Grading in FCS” –Apple Pro Training Series
      1 pair of Skullcandy ink'd headphones
      2008-11-06 02:00:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/index.html2008-10-28 20:43:242008-10-31 17:40:19 :#;b2008-11-06 04:30:00 Sation to be covered. If you know anyone else in the community who might benefit from this next meeting, please pass this newsletter along.

      Please note we are starting the meeting a little earlier to get things moving a little quicker.

      6:00 - 6:15
      Arrival and seating

      6:15 - 6:30
      Tips & Tricks:
      AJ VonWolfe will give a quick tip on creating graphical lower thirds

      6:30 - 8:00

      Jack Chavez will share his in-depth knowledge using Apple's Color. He will demonstrate his methods and workflow when using Color.

      Jack Chavez is a Creative Director and Producer at Intel Corporation where he has worked in-house for eight years. Jack was an early adopter of the software program that came to be known as Apple Color and has mostly recovered from the trauma of trying to finish high visibility videos with flaky beta software. Jack believes the future looks bri JJs. Tips on keyword research, copywriting, link building and se/ԡ<o'31333Perl Mongers: FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI ProgrammingYou have an idea for some program that you've always said you would write when you got a round tuit. FreeTUIT gives you that first tuit for free. Now you can write a simple cross-platform desktop application without writing any code. Just declare the widget layout and put a shebang line on it and you have an executable application. From there, it's a simple matter of programming to respond to input events. FreeTUIT is a syntax and Perl runtime for concisely declaring the layout and configuration of GUI widgets (such as forms, toolbars, buttons, and dialogs). The freetuit interpreter drives a unified object layer which is accessible from event callbacks. The system is currently built on top of the wxWidgets toolkit, and is currently in transition to the Qt widget set. 2009-12-10 02:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-12-03 06:17:182009-12-03 06:17:18 92009-12-10 05:00:00desktop software and understanding server security considerations are the key focus points of this seminar.

      MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
      Presented by Microsoft developer experts and designed for professional developers, this event is packed with intense, how-to technical information. Attendees will be able to get answers to their tough questions and have an opportunity to exchange ideas with other developers in their local community. The event includes live demos and code samples. In addition, attendees can download session information immediately following the event for more hands-on learning and easy reference

      These seminars are offered at no charge but seating is limited. Attendees are encouraged to register by visiting www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica.

      Attendees may also register via telephone by calling 1-877-673-8368.
      2008-10-28 15:00:00http://www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica2008-10-28 20:41:272008-10-28 20:41:43 9;b2008-10-29 00:00:00  co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your locnԡ6?+3S333Beer Without Borders 2009It's the annual "meet-and-greet" social for the EWB Portland Professionals chapter. Bring some new friends, make some new friends, and get to know your fellow EWB colleagues in a casual, social setting. Come share and learn more about the work our local chapter is doing to improve the quality of life in developing communities through our current projects. In place of our monthly chapter meeting, we'll be enjoying some relaxing, mingling, and friendly conversation, along with the delicious offerings of the Bridgeport Brewpub. Eat, drink, and be merry! * Wednesday, December 2nd, 6pm-9pm * Bridgeport Brewpub - Old Knucklehead Room - 1313 NW Marshal Street, Portland, OR 97209 * Cash bar for brewpub fare2009-12-03 02:00:00http://www.ewbportland.org/node/2252009-12-02 04:32:282009-12-02 16:27:06 :6;bJ2009-12-03 05:00:00 Vnal events are free of charge and specially designed for business owners. Through demonstrations and face-to-face interaction with Microsoft Technology Specialists, attendees will learn how to save time and money while driving efficiency and profitability.
      TS2 – Target Audience: Microsoft Partners
      Microsoft’s TS2 seminars teach attendees how to increase revenue with Small Business Accounting, Point of Sale, and compelling sales tools. During this seminar, Microsoft Technology Specialists also will discuss enhancements made in Small Business Server SP1 and cover Windows Server Update Services.

      TechNet – Target Audience: IT Pros
      This event dives deep into the technical aspects of Microsoft’s solutions providing participants with a detailed knowledge of product offerings and operations. TechNet briefings are presented by technology specialists with real-world implementation experience of Microsoft products and technologies. Deploying wireless networks, upgrading tion Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) "ԡJ)u3 333Picnic TweetupSunday looks to be another warm day so lets enjoy it outside. Go to the very top of theԡ;_ 3 333TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate2010-01-15 03:30:002009-12-02 22:27:262009-12-02 23:04:14 A 2010-01-15 07:00:00Lԡ:Ww33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.2010-01-06 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-12-02 18:39:062009-12-02 18:39:06 @2010-01-06 05:00:00the Portland plazas were the first step in a career-long exploration of sequential works of landscape design, from the Haas Promenade in Jerusalem to the Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C. For Portland, Halprin’s work marked the beginning of a tradition of remaking the city around interactive public spaces, such as the famed Pioneer Courthouse Square. And for landscape architecture, the plazas laid the earliest foundations for the ecologically and socially responsive urbanism on the rise today. Replete with historic photographs and Halprin’s notebook drawings, Where the Revolution Began is a historically complete document of how this pivotal moment in urban landscape history came to be, from concept to fruition. All proceeds from sales benefit the Halprin Landscape Conservancy, a nonprofit organization devoted to educating the public and preserving the Portland Open Space Sequence. 2009-12-05 22:00:00http://halprinlc.org/events/2009-12-01 23:17:252009-12-02 16:27:41 A22009-12-05 23:30:00 ppz pyԡMyC3333Portland Cisco ASA Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarCisco ASA Training: Installing, Configuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting the Cisco ASA Security Appliance

      Presented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

      This Cisco ASA training serminar is two intensive days filled with hands-on lab exercises where you'll learn how to reset the administrator password (even when you don't know it), how to build a basic firewall configuration from scratch in the command-line and in the GUI. You'll practice backing-up and restoring your configuration files and the firewall's operating system image. We'll show you how to set up centralized logging with a syslog server. You'll practice configuring login banners. You'll G JJ;(+2Ąԡ,„ԡ&yԡQ%333Marketing your Business on the Web503-650-73632007-05-22 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`xԡO%333SBDC: Marketing to the Government503-978-50802007-05-25 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`ԡcI333Constructing /ԡ8U[3 333Dia de los Muertos Breakfast TweetupThe spookiest breakfast of the year takes place at Kenny & Zukes this Thursday. Join Portland Twitter friends for amazing latkes and awesome chats. This is a buy-your-own affair that often spills over into coworking time afterward.

      This week, you are invited to bring a story about honoring the dead; loved ones who have passed, DIY shrines to lost friends, and the power of narrative to continue the memories and ideals of those who have come before us. To keep it from being too heavy, you are also invited to come in costume.
      2008-10-30 16:00:002008-10-27 18:52:172008-10-27 19:18:59 =;b2008-10-30 17:00:00 and Oregon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Business Barometer, U.S. Territory, Sterling Bank’s Economic Report and Oregon Tidbits and he currently writes a column for Oregon Business Magazine. He was business analyst for KPTV in Portland. He has been making presentations on the national and regional economies to conventions, customer groups and associations for more than 38 years. 2009-04-09 18:00:00http://www.obta.org2009-04-14 00:43:15 ?2009-04-09 20:00:00 Zthrough the central city. Where the Revolution Began (Spacemaker Press, $29.95) is the story of how these plazas came to be. Born of the creative experimentation and collaboration between the late Halprin and his wife, pioneering choreographer/dancer Anna Halprin, the Portland Open Space Sequence came to life in the unlikely setting of the Portland’s first scrape-and-rebuild urban renewal project. But Halprin defied the conventions of both American urban renewal and midcentury modernism, designing the kind of inviting, exuberant public space not seen since Renaissance Rome’s Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The book is an outgrowth of “The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin,” a performance that took place in the plazas in September 2008 as part of PICA’s annual TBA Festival. The book’s release, the performance, and screening is a celebration of Halprin, who passed away October 25 at age 94. For Lawrence Halprin, one of the 20th century’s most influential landscape architects, '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyDԡ.)3-333Portland Java User Group: Writing a Database App Without Knowing a Word of SQLThis month's topic: Writing a Database Application Without Knowing a Word of SQL (a.k.a. POJOs, JPA, and ORM) We will discuss building a Java Swing application (installed or web start) that saves its data POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) into SQL databases across the net (mySQL) or to a local embedded database (Derby) by using the JPA (Java Persistance API) and ORM (Object Relational Mapping) via Toplink or EclipseLink. You will see that REAL applications get to benefit from technology that typically lives in the world of Hibernate and Web Apps. You gotta love portable SQL database data persistance without building any tables or writing any SQL! ---------- Speaker: Jon Batcheller Jon is one of the founders of PJUG 13 years +cԡnkU333PBA: Open Source - How to Contain Software Costhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=9172007-05-03 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:22 9;b`ԡmGc333Podcast In a Box Install-Festhttp://www.portlandaccelerator.com/node/9142007-05-05 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:22 9;b`*ԡl_y333PMF: How to Recover from a Failed Programhttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-05-10 18:30:002008-03-16ԡDm333333XPDX - Agile Methodologies: A Matter of SurvivalIn October, SolutionsIQ organized an entertaining, educational, and well-attended panel on Incremental Architecture. In November, Michael Kelly will present our next evening meeting topic, Agile Methodologies: A Matter of Survival. Metaphoricall ^Lawrence Halprin. Saturday, December 5, 2pm Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue Admission: Free Introduction by Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish Lecture performance by Ron Blessinger, violinist, Third Angle Ensemble, with dancer/choreographers Linda K. Johnson, Tere Mathern, Cydney Wilkes, and Linda Austin Screening of The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin - A documentary about the September 2008 performance in Halprin's Portland plazas Between 1963 and 1970, Lawrence Halprin and Associates realized the Portland Open Space Sequence: a quartet of public plazas in Portland, Oregon, that redefined the city and set a bold new precedent for urban landscape architecture. Comprised of Lovejoy Fountain, Pettygrove Park, and Ira Keller Fountain), plus the lesser-known Source Fountain, the plazas are a collage of striking concrete forms, gushing water, and alpine flora that, in their seamless mix of nature and theater, created a playful metaphorical watershed coursing Ignite Events - http://ignite.oreilly.com/see_it.html
      * Ignite Portland #1 Videos - http://www.igniteportland.com/watch/
      * Why Deutschland Loves David Hasselhoff - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZmxxG8dDkI&feature=related
      * Ignite Portland #3 Videos - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=IP3+ignite&search_type=&aq=f

      We hope to see you at Ignite Corvallis!

      2008-11-13 22:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1192008-10-28 16:58:402008-10-28 16:58:59 <;b2008-11-13 23:45:00mics for Equity and the Environment at EcoTrust�and Associate Professor of Economics at St. Mary's College, University of Maryland. JULES BOYKOFF�doesn't shy from addressing economics in his poetry, as evidenced by the title of his first book of poetry,�Once Upon a Neoliberal Rocket Badge.�His second book of poetry,Hegemonic Love Potion, is forthcoming in 2009 from Factory School. Also a political scientist, Boykoff is the author of�Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States, The Suppression of Dissent: How the State and Mass Media Squelch USAmerican Social Movements, and�Landscapes of Dissent: Guerrilla Poetry & Public Space�(co-authored with Kaia Sand). Boykoff has been skeptical of the cult of Alan Greenspan for years, and he will read from his poem, "Das Greenspan, Volume I - III." Boykoff is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Pacific University. 2008-11-02 01:00:00https://webmail.pdx.edu/imp/login.php?filename=45302008-11-02 00:52:26 =2008-11-02 02:30:00 bound the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Topics range all over the map - from straight-up tech to creative arts to hobbies to general knowledge topics. This will be the first official Ignite Corvallis and we invite you to be part of it.

      We need your help to make Ignite Corvallis a fantastic event. Here's what you can do...

      1) If you plan to attend, please add yourself to the Ignite Corvallis Upcoming page as an attendee. This will help us get a more accurate attendance count and plan accordingly:


      2) Are you interested in being a presenter? Please submit you ideas! The deadline for proposal submission is Thursday, October 23rd.

      email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

      Not sure what to present? Watch some presentations from other ignites:

      * Previous c RT� (Irish public radio), as well as locally on the KPOJ Morning Show. Hahnel is author of�Panic Rules, which analyzes crises brought on by financial liberalization in the era of globalization. Other books include�Economic Justice and Democracy,�The ABC's of Political Economy,�and�The Political Economy of Participatory Economics(co-authored with Michael Albert). Hahnel is Professor Emeritus of Economics�at American University in Washington DC and Visiting Professor at Portland State University. KRISTEN SHEERAN�argues that, far from being ideologically neutral, mainstream economics has become a barrier to thinking about how to promote�an equitable and sustainable economy.�Sheeran is co-author of a forthcoming book,�Saving Kyoto (with Graciela Chichilnisky), about solutions to the climate crisis written for a mainstream audience.She is�a�cutting-edge thinker about economics and the environment and�widely published in academic journals. Sheeran is the executive director of Econo eivatization�ASAP,�more de-regulation, more outsourcing, and more�"free-trade."�But even the�mainstream media�now asks if this is the end of free market capitalism.�How�can we seize the opportunity presented by�the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression� and replace the failed�economics of competition and greed with�a�new�economics of equitable cooperation? � Clarity of analysis and effective action begin�with�focused public conversation. The event starts at 6 PM, but please arrive earlier if you want to assure yourself a table.� ROBIN HAHNEL�has just returned from Dublin, Ireland, where he argued for alternatives to free-market capitalism before the University Philosophical Society at Trinity College, University of Dublin. Earlier this fall, Hahnel spoke at the "Local Alternatives to Confront the Crisis of Capitalism" conference in Lara, Venezuela. In the last month, he has discussed the financial crisis on many media outlets, including Al Jazeera, and 66}qwԡD'K333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imcot.org/events.jsp2007-05-15 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡCU?333Lane Powell: Doing Business in Chinahttp://www.laneCԡ=-o3I333Ignite Salt LakeIgnite Salt Lake

      Hosted by The Leonardo at Library Square
      209 East 500 South
      Salt Lake City, Utah

      If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.


      2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.ignitesaltlake.com/2008-10-28 08:28:132008-10-28 15:39:50 =;b2008-11-14 06:00:00 fnton Corner Caf�, 2633 SE 21st Avenue (@ Clinton) How might we�build a more just & sustainable economic system�from�the rubble of the financial collapse?�Is New Deal 2.0 possible? A New Green Deal?� Celebrating the lively & relaxed form of a poetry reading, this event will feature a bit of poetry, but mostly, talks by two radical economists about the financial crisis. Urgent times demand "spending" our Saturday nights discussing economics--albeit with joy and revelry!� Our media swells with confusion regarding the financial crisis. What caused it? Who is responsible? What�lessons are�to be learned? What do we make of the financial�bailout?�Must it be�"socialize loss and privatize gain?" How can we�aid Main Street instead of Wall Street? Which�initiatives should we oppose and which should we support?�Free market ideologues continue�to shamelessly spread�their false�interpretations and false solutions�--�non-intervention in management of�banks we bailout,�re-pr <eG^-Uy333M %OTBC (The Round)Before November 3, 2008, OTBC was located at 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton OR 97006. 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101, Beaverton, OR 97005http://www.otbc.org2008-10-12 16:42:142009-01-05 03:58:1912725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@F>!^971-223-4660']) =33; )Chime Softwarehttp://chimesoftware.net2008-10-12 00:22:302008-10-12 00:29:06215 SE Morrison Ste 700PortlandOR97214 US@F5^yVi(503) 802-1111\+33+Doug Fir Lounge2008-10-11 01:01:242008-10-11 17:28:43830 E. BurnsidePortlandOregon97214US@F;h^ ,6;b <[C337OTBC in the Beaverton Round2008-10-10 19:28:012008-11-10 22:44:0012725 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97005US@F>!^;b <>ZQ S 33) )CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis725 SW 26th St, Corvallis, OR 973332008-10-10 18:52:512008-11-12 00:58:23725 SW 26th StCorvallisOR97333US@FGUO^hĵ(541) 737-2351 oo(.?zԡ=G1333OEN Exec Series: Go To Markethttp://www.oen.org2007-06-08 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:14;b`iԡ<%1333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:13;b`jԡ;'1333OEN Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-06-29 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:13;b`ԡ:Y1333OEN: Business Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-21 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:13;b`yԡ9E1333OEN: Online with Jeff Jettonhttp://www.oen.org2007- ԡ<G'3 333WestSide Polyglot ProgrammersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-10-31 02:00:002008-10-27 22:50:062008-10-27 22:50:06 <2008-10-31 06:00:00 lg, and meta-programming. Factor also brings modern high-level language features such as garbage collection, object orientation and functional programming familiar to users of languages such as Lisp, Smalltalk and Python. Finally, recognizing that no programming language is an island, Factor is portable, ships with a full-featured standard library, deploys stand-alone binaries, and interoperates with C and Objective-C. In this talk, I will give the rationale for Factor’s creation, present an overview of the language, and show how Factor can be used to solve real-world problems with a minimum of fuss. At the same time, I will emphasize Factor’s extensible syntax, meta-programming and reflection capabilities, and show that these features, which are unheard of in the world of mainstream programming languages, make programs easier to write, more robust, and fun. Biography: Slava was born in the former USSR and emigrated to New Zealand at the age of 7. He moved to Ottawa, Canada when he was 18 to study for a Bachelors and Masters degree in Mathematics. He now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. An early adopter of Java, Slava wrote the popular jEdit text editor, then went on to design and implement the Factor programming language. At his day job he hacks on web apps, optimizing compilers, garbage collectors, and everything in between . Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-10-30 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2008/10/24/factor-an-extensible-interactive-language/2008-10-27 21:22:292008-10-27 21:22:29 ;2008-10-30 18:30:00 M]Q{Lԡ7I3333SAO: The Art of Agile DeliveryThe Art of Agile Delivery Date: Wed, Oct 29th Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $299 for members $299 for non members Registration Deadline: 09/27/2008 Topic: The Art of Agile Delivery This class is full. Another class may be scheduled. Please email graham@sao.org to be placed on the waiting list. THREE DAY CLASS: October 29-31, 2008 Public employees are not eligible to attend this class. Please contact Rachel Kjack for more information. Course Overview James Shore, Gordon Pask Award recipient and co-author The Art of Agile Development, is bringing the practical wisdom of his best-selling book into the classroom. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know about agile delivery: incrementally exploring requirements; using test-driven development and refactoring; involving customers and writing customer tests; how incr w %%(|QTԡF931333RecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

      RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: from hardcore wikiholics to the mildly curious. No pre-registration is required, but it would be helpful if you could add yourself to our list of attendees on our planning wiki (http://2009rcc.org/Attendees).

      RCC is held over the course of three days. Exact times have not yet been nailed down, but it generally starts Friday morning, continues all day on Saturday, and closes late Sunday afternoon. Feel free to come and join in for however long you please.
      2009-02-20 08:00:00http://2009rcc.org2008-10-28 20:35:412008-12-19 10:45:28 =;bJr2009-02-22 08:00:00 PHPԡK7333AEA: The Art of the Turn Aroundhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-04 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:28;b`7ԡHG53Q333PDXFCPUG: An Evening of ColorAGENDA: "AN EVENING OF COLOR"
      If you’ve been struggling with or wondering about the amazingly cool software, Color (that comes with the Final Cut Studio 2), this is the meeting for you! Jack Chavez has been working with it for years (*see below), and will be traveling here to share some of his expertise and enthusiasm. That is the main reason why we are starting a bit earlier and getting under way at 6:30 for his presentation. Please note, this month’s presentation will be 90 minutes. Lots of good inform TNԡGy)3Y333Microsoft Brings Free IT Expertise to Portland, OregonThe Microsoft Across America team will be in Portland, Oregon delivering three seminars demonstrating how to drive your business. These educatio Xo Bugs") Ten-Minute Build and Build Automation Continuous Integration Incremental Requirements Customer Tests Test-Driven Development Refactoring Simple Design Incremental Design and Architecture Exploratory Testing We will also discuss: Pair Programming Ubiquitous Language Stand-Up Meetings Coding Standards Iteration Demos "Done Done" Version Control Collective Code Ownership Documentation Slack Spike Solutions Performance Optimization This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. Contact Rachel Kjack for more information at rachel.kjack@sao.org or 503-228-5419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008-10-29 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/29/08ta2008-10-27 16:29:522008-10-27 16:29:52 :2008-11-01 00:00:00 =75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a World of Windowshttp://www.occa.org/2007-09-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18Xԡ/O3333AeA: Going GreenHuman Resources Networking Event Date: Oct 28, 2008 Going Green Going Green is one of the hottest topics in business today. It is not just good for the environment, Going Green is good for business. From your facilities to your business processes to your people, there are easy and inexpensive ways to truly improve your company’s Green quotient. Join our industry panel to hear what steps some local high tech companies are taking to reduce their environmental footprint, impact the bottom line and enhance their brand image. 2008-10-28 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1008032008-10-13 14:38:062008-10-13 14:38:06 :$2008-10-28 16:00:00^ԡ 3333AeA: Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the FutureFinance Networking Event lass on monitoring conversations. Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/350105174 Costs: * Early Bird: $124.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed Early Bird: $34.99 * Late Registration (After June 18): $199.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed (After June 18): $49.99 Prerequisites * You will need to bring a laptop to the training class * You must have a Yahoo account (Flickr / Upcoming) and confirm that you can access Pipes with that account * You will also need to create a Google Spreadsheet with 5-6 keywords formatted like this prior to the class. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required Visit the Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training page for the course outline and other information about the class. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-06-26 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-05-20 17:43:052009-10-01 18:24:27 @;bO2009-06-26 02:30:00 p; on-site customers, product managers, domain experts, business analysts, interaction designers, and testers; coaches, technical leads, and project managers. But don't worry: we have an innovative course structure that ensures plenty of technical depth for programmers... without boring everyone else! No prior Agile experience is required, but even experienced practitioners will learn new skills. Attend this course if: Your stakeholders have strong opinions... and they're all different Testers are overloaded at the end of each iteration or Sprint Your build takes too long or breaks more than once per month You finish stories, find bugs, finish them again, find bugs, finish them again... You have to schedule stories for refactoring and technical infrastructure You wonder how pair programming could possibly be a good idea You aren't experiencing any of these problems... and you want to keep it that way! Agenda We will cover the following agile practices: Preventing Defects ("N ##h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Council: High Performance Green BuiqԡD]3]333Refresh Portland April: Buck Wilson on Designers Love jQueryRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement, and held every 4th Thursday of the month. Our April session will feature Buck Wilson, a designer and developer at Jive Software. He’ll talk about the history of JavaScript on the web, why jQuery has seen so much success, and how jQuery speaks the language of designers. Interested Fԡ5'3E333Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public SpaceJoin the Halprin Landscape Conservancy for the release of a book celebrating the world-renowned Portland fountain plazas designed by alocal and international wines. Proceeds benefit the Portland affiliate chapter of Girl’s Inc, an organization that inspires girls ages 8 to 18, to be strong, smart, and bold, and PDXfX, a non-profit organization supporting the advancement of women in business. Member appreciation PDXfX members are invited to enjoy the evening at a reduced rate of $15.00. Guests, spouses, friends, and colleagues are warmly welcomed at $30 per person. RSVP & Other Details What: PDXfX Member Appreciation & Wall-of-Wine Benefit Gala Where: The University Club of Portland (Gold Room) When: Tuesday, December 8; 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Tickets: $15 for PDXfX members, $30 for all others RSVP: Registration Now Open @ www.pdxfx.org The online Registration will close at 3:00 pm day of event. However you can still attend by paying at the door. Please note we have a 48 hour cancellation policy prior to events.2009-12-09 01:30:00http://www.pdxfx.org2009-12-01 19:29:292009-12-01 19:29:29 A.2009-12-09 04:30:00 s. Tips on keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. ----------------------------------hԡKYi3u333Energy Entrepreneurship and InnovationJoin us at OTBC for the live webcast of this MIT Enterprise Forum program. The Energy Industry. An area for growth, a target for stimulus, and innovations that can potentially save money and the environment. Join the MIT Enterprise Forum for a fast-paced and "energetic" discussion of energy that will cover: - which sectors are the current hot trends - what areas are the funders most interested in - what hype to believe and what to ignore - what the government's role is in stimulating growth - what will transpire over the next 2, 5, 10+ years You can read more details at this link .2009-05-07 20:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10272216/2009-04-26 22:29:572009-04-26 22:29:57 <2009-05-07 22:00:00 semental design and architecture really work; involving testers, conducting exploratory testing, and creating code without bugs; automated builds and continuous integration; delivering software that's "done done" and ready to ship. James is joined by Diana Larsen, Agile Alliance chair and co-author of the acclaimed Agile Retrospectives. Together, they provide the highest level of agile experience and expertise. This course isn't just for programmers! Agile development works best with a cross-functional team, so we built a cross-functional course. During some segments, we'll have everyone work together in cross-functional teams. During others, we'll split into functional groups and take a deep dive into issues like test-driven development and product management. Who Should Attend/Prerequisites This course isn't just for programmers! Agile development is cross-functional and so is this course. Everyone who's part of an agile team (or wants to be) will benefit: programmers, designers, and architects XX,Dԡ,mS333!ԡk]3[333Oregon Manifest bike show - opening night partyOregon Manifest bike show
      Opening Night Blowout at Wieden +Kennedy

      Wieden + Kennedy, the global ad agency behind Teams of Portland and some of the finest creative work in the world, is taking the concept of an opening party and blowing it up beyond imagination. In the works is a special multi-media bike builder exhibition featuring their personal rides. Expect beer, music, and blaring spectacle the likes of which you have never seen.

      Wieden + Kennedy
      224 NW 13th Avenue
      Portland, Oregon

      7:01 PM to Midnight

      Entry Fee:

      Bike parking will be provided. Street parking available for cars on nearby streets.
      2008-10-11 02:00:00http://www.oregonmanifest.com/schedule/2008-10-09 23:19:432008-10-11 17:34:21 ;?;b2008-10-11 06:59:00  y ԡuq%333Mt. Hood Comm. College: Best Bookkeeping PrGԡ5q 3y333AMA: Interactive Trends - Where to Place Your Bet 2008-10-29 00:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20081028.htm2008-10-27 16:20:062008-10-27 16:20:06 ;72008-10-29 02:30:00rԡ4]3Q333Portland Open Coffee Club - October 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

      The Portland Open Coffee Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at Backspace at 10 am.

      Read more at http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/
      2008-10-29 17:00:00http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/2008-10-27 15:49:402008-10-27 15:50:55 :H;b2008-10-29 18:00:00 H-6(΀$T RX;|YK33+Blitz bar in the Pearl District2008-10-09 23:19:542008-10-11 17:31:48110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209US@Fb^;b ;ƁX133#Wieden and Kennedy2008-10-09 23:19:432008-10-11 17:34:21224 NW 13thPortlandOregon97209US@F#̍^n;b ;? W3 33) +Fuller's Restaurant2008-10-09 17:23:582008-10-09 17:27:46136 NW 9th AvePortlandOR97209US@F\F^Tw\(503) 222-5608 V;33)Fuller's Restaurant2008-10-09 10:00:112008-10-11 17:30:42136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F\F^Tw\;b <ׁ+Q! y33+ Milam Hallhttp://oregonstate.edu/campusmap/?locations=Milam+Hall2008-10-03 18:26:492008-10-03 18:40:352520 Campus WayCorvallisOR97333US@FH'RT^8YKpP 33% PFW Plaza2008-10-03 15:54:472008-10-03 15:55:241330 NW 14thPortlandOR97209US@F.;^I'?ked company on the NASDAQ. He later merged Exelan with Novell, where he was EVP, CTO and a Board Director for five years, growing the company into the second largest software company in the world. He also established Novell's operations in India, making it one of the first cross-border Indo-US technology companies. Kanwal co-founded The Indus Entrepreneurs in 1992 to promote entrepreneurship among Indians and Indo Americans around the world. He was the TiE President and spear-headed it’s growth into the world's largest entrepreneurial organization with over 12,000 members who have been behind many of Silicon Valley and India's most successful start-ups. Come join us in a conversation with him on what it takes to build great companies.2008-09-18 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=2339&from_where=calendar&filter=LOCAL&type=listview&year=2008&batch_start=0&month=09&day=092008-09-15 01:23:562008-09-15 01:53:05 <2008-09-18 04:00:00 +3ԡG]3I33Mobile Love, Anrdoid Style #6The October/November release dat e for the HTC Dream phone from T-Mobile approaches.

      Android is an operating system for cell phones written by Google.
      2008-10-14 01:00:00http://code.google.com/android2008-10-09 23:24:112008-10-09 23:24:11 ; ;bӄ%ԡU%31333Merkley-Smith debate for U.S. SenateThursday, October 9th, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Merkley and Republican opponent Gordon Smith will debate for the first time on live television.

      What: debate-watching party

      Where: Blitz (top floor), 110 NW 10th Avenue in Portland

      When: 6:30 p.m. - Main Event begins at 7:00 p.m.

      This debate will be broadcast on KGW: www.kgw.com
      2008-10-10 01:30:00http://www.kgw.com2008-10-09 23:19:552008-10-11 17:31:48 ;;b2008-10-10 04:00:00 [[sR ԡ{5a333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-06-15 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b` ԡz/i333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2007-06-21 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:1ԡ6;335333OCCA: VOIP for BusinessDescription: Current survey of the Telephone/VOIP solutions available to small business. For the first time, everyone can access features formerly reserved for only the largest institutions. Mini-call centers, auto-attendants, voice to text applications, follow me services, and (now) plain old Unified Messaging. We will also address implementation details, weighing the merits of building an Asterisk box vs buying one. We will also compare the features and benefits of Hosted VOIP, vs having your own local system. 2008-10-29 01:00:00http://www.occa.org/2008-10-27 16:22:552008-10-27 16:22:55 =2008-10-29 03:30:00 ++/t0ԡ2q!3-333Social Network Spaghetti - Portland Web InnovatorsScott Kveton will tell us where he thinks we with the state of current social networks and how we're actually on our way to the promised land.

      Kveton is a digital identity promoter, open source contributor, and VP of Open Platforms for Vidoop.
      2008-11-06 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-10-27 06:37:132008-10-27 15:45:12 :x;b2008-11-06 05:00:00ԡMy3 333The Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies

      The Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies (Dr. Aparna Venkatesan, University of San Francisco, Dept. of Physics/Astronomy & Dr. Todd Duncan, PSU - Aparna had a family emergency so Todd will be delivering her talk at the scheduled time on Saturday ) (October 25, 10 am, Hoffman Hall, PSU)

      2008-10-25 17:00:00http://oregonteacherscholars.pbwiki.com/Our%20Cosmic%20History2008-10-25 12:18:442009-04-22 21:25:26 ??;b2008-10-25 18:30:00share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We'll discuss short and long term effects of the current economic crisis on entrepreneurial companies. Hear from other CEO's about what their plans are to survive and eventually prosper after the events on Wall Street. We will explore different business challenges and approaches so that participants come away with some ideas to enhance their processes to help their companies succeed. Network and have a private conversation with business leaders who are in or have been in your shoes, running, growing and leading a start up company. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 2008-11-12 19:30:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=362008-10-24 15:11:512008-10-24 15:11:51 =32008-11-12 21:00:00orking collaboratively. Together, we will create a long-term vision and plan for a city and county that feeds itself – sustainably, healthily, equitably, and prosperously. In planning for this initiative, Multnomah County is preparing a State of Food Report. This report will synthesize existing regional food system assessments and food policy recommendations. It will present case studies that identify processes used by other communities to facilitate food policy planning, including outcomes and best practices. It will also provide a needs-analysis to determine macro-level conditions necessary to implement recommendations and accomplish goals. There is tremendous work being done in our community around food system issues. Multnomah County would like your feedback on what will be presented in the State of Food Report, as well as your comments on what may be missing or should be considered.2009-12-10 03:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/43742009-12-07 07:44:562009-12-07 07:44:56 >^;bS2009-12-10 06:00:00 ''~ԡa-a333FENG monthly mtghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-07-13 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:59;b`iԡ`#3333IPN JԡLIk3E333OEN CEO Roundtable - November Paul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come qԡK u3E333OEN: Webinar - Getting Social 101: Quick and easy ways to get your social media bearings, with Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist Today, big businesses are all chasing "user generated content" and "social media" strategies. But how does that apply to startups? How do you participate with limited resources? Where should you be? What should you do? Go everywhere or focus? Get everyone involved or just a spokesperson? There are a ton of questions. And the answers only come with exp &d&=75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a World of Windowshttp://www.occa.org/2007-09-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18Xԡ/O3333AeA: Going GreenHuman Resources Networking Event Date: Oct 28, 2008 Going Green Going+ԡ>iw3_333Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon as she teaches the latest search engine marketing tips and tactics. In this 3-day course you will learn advanced strategies to capture your target market through the power of the search engines and the strength of compelling content. SEO Training Course Day 1 * Review the 6-step optimization process taught in the Essentials class to help you retain this important information. * Work on advanced keyword research strategies. D ԡ=m/3_333Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 2-Day EssentialsJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon as she teaches the late Rerience. The good news? Gaining that experience is easier than you might think. Join Rick Turoczy as he shares some quick tips on how to start participating in social media, getting your bearings, and understanding how you can become a valued member of communities that match your startup's goals. Speaker: Rick Turoczy Rick Turoczy has helped Portland-area startups with traditional and Web-based communications activities for more than a dozen years--from spectacular dotcom IPOs to working with some of the best and brightest Web companies in Portland, today. A blogger for nearly a decade, Rick currently follows the startup tech scene throughout the Silicon Forest on his blog, Silicon Florist, and covers Web 2.0 news for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. He is most easily reached via Twitter as @turoczy2008-11-06 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=422008-10-24 15:06:352008-10-24 20:08:02 :2008-11-06 19:00:00 ,I+ԡUU333Ocean Renewable Energy Conference IIhttp://www.ostpartnership.org/events/oceanRenewableEnergy2/2007-08-10 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`\ԡTcW333PBA: Lunch with the Special Envoy for Chinahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnQԡJEq3U333PDX Critique monthly meetingShare your creations and get constructive feedback2008-10-28 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/2008-10-23 17:37:502008-10-23 17:37:50 92008-10-28 04:00:00uԡI7+333PDX Tweetup BreakfastPDX Tweetup Breakfast rolls to a new destination this week at the suggestion of @pdxflaneur. BYOB (buy your own breakfast) and chat with Portland tweeple at this (increasingly common) Thursday breakfast occurrence. We're like the Elks only no awesome hats. Yet!
      2008-10-23 16:00:002008-10-22 18:37:132008-10-22 18:37:13 =#;b &&ple's Cocoa Framework for ixA 3 33JuFGumbo Study Group (Flex 4)Get ready for the next iteration of Flex (Gumbo or Flex 4)! First meeting at Empire Group, downtown Portland between the train station and the 405. Here's a picture. We will do a quick Gumbo hello world and preview major changes to Flex: Thermo/Catalyst, CSS, component structure, etc. Bring your laptop, they'll be code samples. 2009-03-31 01:00:002009-03-27 18:05:21 ?2009-03-31 03:00:00iwA 3 33JuFGumbo Study Group (Flex 4)Get ready for the next iteration of Flex (Gumbo or Flex 4)! First meeting at Empire Group, downtown Portland between the train station and the 405. Here's the map.. We will do a quick Gumbo hello world and preview major changes to Flex: Thermo/Catalyst, CSS, component structure, etc. Bring your laptop, they'll be code samples. 2009-03-31 01:00:002009-03-27 18:04:23 ?2009-03-31 03:00:00 mmica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Typesԡ4uG35333Portland Female Executives Wall of Wine Benefit GalaOn Tuesday, December 8, plan to mix and mingle with friends, colleagues, and Portland's female business leaders at the historic University Club of Portland for the Portland Female Executives (PDXfX) Wall-of-Wine Benefit Gala & Fundraiser. Our annual events are consistent smash hits. Whether you stop by after work in your holiday best or go all out with lots of sparkle and a great black dress or jacket, you'll enjoy delightful holiday cheer, complimentary hors d'oeuvres and wine, and best of all, plenty of fun and the opportunity to go home with some absolutely wonderful bottles of wine. Enjoy the surprise – and help women succeed! Here's how the wall-of-wine works. Buy by number (all labels will be hidden) at a flat $25 per bottle or $100 for five bottles. Your "lucky number" could yield any number of outstanding u kkI)eԡ(7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-08-29 00:30:002ԡDMg3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.

      Since this is the last meetup of the year (it doesn't make sense to have a 4th Thursday meetup in Nov/Dev to conflict with the holidays), we wanted to do something a little different ...

      Thanks to a sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous we will be having the meetup at Jace Gace. Our sponsor will cover the fee to rent the space for the evening, but you will be on your own to pay for drinks / waffles. Have you ever been to Jace Gace? They have the most amazing waffles and they have beer / wine! Mmmm, waffles and alcohol. Heaven.
      2008-10-24 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-10-19 23:49:492008-10-20 02:53:19 ;d;b2008-10-24 02:30:00ing a lecture, though if others want to, feel free. There is no agenda. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A TECHSHOP MEMBER TO ATTEND THESE MEETINGS, though you do need to be a member to use their equipment -- except for the following caveat. Monty, correct me if I'm wrong, but, I believe you said that the Open Tech Space corner at TechShop IS available to non-TechShop members, which is awesome. This gives you access to test equipment, soldering stations, and work benches. Do you have any other input on this, Monty? We'll probably stay until 8pm, perhaps longer if enough people show up and there is staff on hand. See: http://www.portlandtechshop.com/ for details about TechShop, including a map. And: http://opentechspace.org/about/ for details about Open Tech Space. The address is: 10100 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005 (503) 643-SHOP -Pete 2009-12-01 03:00:00http://www.portlandrobotics.org/2009-11-29 14:55:182009-11-29 14:55:18 A,2009-12-01 05:00:00 rategy Register for this Event Back toFԡ=q#3_333IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a roundlԡ37C3E333Chat with Allen AlleyOver 30 years Allen Alley has built an experience base that spans multiple disciplines from engineering to marketing, venture capital, entrepreneurship and most recently, public service. In January 1997 he co-founded Pixelworks where he still serves as Chairman of the Board. Pixelworks (NASDAQ:PXLW), a fabless semiconductor company, is a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and comp veԡP7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-07-18 00:06ԡH)w3Q33Back Fence PDXOn October 22nd at 8 p.m., Back Fence PDX and storytellers Beth Lisick, Sarah Gilbert, Slim Moon, Tina Newton, Dave Jarecki, Sadie Medley and David Bragdon will take to the stage at Urban Grind East for a raucous evening of storytelling. Each of the six storytellers will tell an eight-minute, unscripted story related to this month's theme: Just Can't Get Enough; Getting Stuffed and Being Stuffed. Intermission entertainment includes belly dancing by Bellypalooza and food, wine and beer will be available.

      Presenting Our Storytellers:

      San Francisco author and Porchlight co-founder, Beth Lisick. Beth Lisick is the author of two books, Everybody into the Pool and Helping Me Help Myself.

      Sarah Gilbert was once an investment banker. Her transition to the dot jjnternational Management ----Portland State University Lunch Presentation by Kris Aman, Global Vice President and General Manager of Men’s Athletic Training at Nike Inc. Kris Aman was responsible for leading the global business vision for Nike’s Beijing Olympics effort – one of the most ambitious and successful brand project in Nike’s hԡ25_3s333PDX Weekly HackathonCome do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.2009-12-04 02:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-11-30 18:09:362009-11-30 18:09:36 ; 2009-12-04 06:30:00uter graphics signals to produce high quality images. Many of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products. Under Allen’s leadership as President, CEO and Chairman for 10 years, Pixelworks has achieved many major accomplishments, including: • Growing Pixelworks into a global company with approximately 250 employees at offices in Portland, San Jose, Tokyo, Taipei and Shanghai. •Leading a successful initial public offering in May 2000 raising $66.1 million which was the top semiconductor IPO of 2000. • Exceeding $1 billion in cumulative revenue since founding in 1997 and $171 million in annual revenue in 2005. Join us on Dec 2nd to hear about Allen Alley’s entrepreneurial journey. 2009-12-03 01:30:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3933&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-11-30 20:11:052009-11-30 20:16:32 A-2009-12-03 03:00:00


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

      After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

      2009-12-10 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/370682009-11-25 23:20:242009-11-25 23:20:24 =2009-12-10 03:30:00re? An introdmetropolitan region.Under David's leadership as Council President, the Metro Council has undertaken new initiatives to preserve natural areas and protect water quality, support thriving neighborhoods, create jobs and economic prosperity, and improve our transportation network. He's a native Portlander.

      Bellypalooza consists of members from local belly dancing troupe Tigerlillys and solo-dancer Miriam. They enjoy shiny objects, phat beats, and womanly forms.

      Back Fence PDX is the kissing cousin to San Francisco's Porchlight Storytelling Series.

      Back Fence PDX is an evening with six people telling their true eight-minute stories based on the month's theme. The stories must not have been performed publicly prior to their Back Fence PDX telling. We are also a blog with a weekly story by a writer, blogger, or someone with an unusual story about the topic.
      2008-10-23 03:00:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2008-10-22 18:36:282009-02-09 20:26:21 >;b he loves sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.

      Dave Jarecki founded Breakerboy Communications to provide strategic messaging, copy and grant writing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Writing workshops started in 2005. He likes working with kids because they're smarter and funnier than adults. Recently, a student in one of his workshops said, I have three weekends between now and next Sunday.

      Sadie Medley has her finger in a whole bunch of pies. By day, she is a freelance graphic designer and creative thinker-chick. By late afternoon she can be found teaching people to stay calm while standing on their heads. In the early evenings she sings opera, and lately, she is obsessed with becoming a voice over actor. Her mutable, and restless personality make this type of life feasible.

      David Bragdon became the Metro Council's first regionally elected President on Jan. 6, 2003, representing the voters of the com world looks prescient in retrospect. Now she works from home managing financial blogs for AOL and writes away the wee hours after her three little boys fall asleep.

      Slim Moon still thinks of himself as a punk rocker, after all these years. After 17 years at record labels as founder of Kill Rock Stars and later briefly working as an "A&R guy" for the Warner Music Group, Slim is happy to now be pursuing his true calling in life - helping artists he loves - in the way that best suits him - artist management. Notable artists that Slim has worked with in his life include Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, Elliott Smith, Miranda July, The Decemberists, The Gossip, and Deerhoof, among literally hundreds of others...

      Tina Newton is the founder and color genius behind Blue Moon Fiber Arts, the company that makes the perpetually popular sock yarn, Socks that Rock. Tina has a fertile imagination and the practical creativity to support it. This energy is contagious and inspiring. S \N-%UC33%%%Village BallroomThe Village Ballroom is a community gathering space for performance, dance, special events, conferences, classes and workshops. A wide variety of events, shows and classes are currently hosted and more diversity is encouraged! The Village Ballroom is located at 700 NE Dekum, Portland, Oregon. Built in 1909 in the Woodlawn neighborhood of northeast Portland, the Village Ballroom (formerly the Rose City Ballroom and earlier the Woodlawn Community Hall) has an open ballroom, a lower level studio, a kitchen, a greeting room and a lounge. Host to a number of ongoing classes and events, the Village Ballroom is designed to comfortably and smoothly accommodate special events from weddings to small conferences. Parking is convenient as is access via public transportation.NE 7th and Dekum, Portland, OR 97211http://villageballroom.com/2008-10-03 06:04:182008-10-30 17:30:46700 NE DekumPortlandOR97211US@F(ٺ^awm@leler.com503-283-1100 avoid the use of panels. To round it out, I'm hoping one or two of the folks who use Panels will volunteer to do the Modules 101 introduction (what kind of problems does Panels solve and what are the gotchas associated for complete beginners) as well as a more hands-on example of how to use Panels.

      Tentative Agenda

      • Introductions and Call for Notetaker
      • Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal module for beginners. This month: Panels. (beginner introduction)
      • Panels: A more advanced look at how to use panels. (beginner hands-on)
      • Content Template: (jnicola) Using node-content_type.tpl.php instead of Panels. (beginner / intermediate)
      • Node Reference & Co.: (emptyvoid) Node reference / node relationships / modal dialog API / alternative to panels (advanced)
      • Announcements: Items of Interest from User Group members
      ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[wԡ=/3U333"No Pitch" CoffeeOne of the worst parts about networking are the individuals that use the events to pitch their products and services. We all know that is part of the deal when networking but it can be highly annoying. Because the focus of this site is on peer advice between small business owners, PortlandSmallBusiness.com is starting a series of weekly "No Pitch" coffee networking events around town. These are intended to be very informal meetings. You show up, order your coffee and you talk with other small business owners. I plan to alternate between coffee shops around inner Portland and if it gets too big, I'll find a bigger space.
      2008-07-09 14:30:00http://www.portlandsmallbusiness.com2008-07-07 18:57:002008-07-13 04:32:27 ;g;b-2008-07-09 14:30:00 ngel investors in Oregon. A veteran of the retail financial services industry, Irving founded and served as cha/_333or=U3Q33JuCLinux Plumbers Conf 2009The Linux Plumbers Conference is primarily a developers conference - with the goal of getting key developers together to discuss issues face to face. For a description of our goals, see this post on What is Linux Plumbing?. Thus the conference program mostly consists of microconferences addressing a particular topic or subsystem issue. Microconferences are sessions of approximately two and a half hours with several individuals giving brief presentations or demos and driving discussion. Microconferences will be run by a “runner” who selects speakers and moderates the discussion. Note that the microconference format does not preclude individual speakers giving more traditional, longer formal presentations on topics of interest.2009-09-23 15:00:00http://linuxplumbersconf.org/2009/2009-03-27 14:23:22 <(2009-09-26 00:00:00 0||iVD2  yfS@-q^K8%| How Can We Survive BJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEventJwEventBJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEventJwEventBJwEvent2JwEventJwEventSJwEvent JwEvent BJwEvent 2JwEvent JwEvent SJwEventJwEventBJwEventJwEventJwEventJwEventDJwEventJwEventJwEvent# @LVenue~ @LVenue}JwEvent|JwEvent{ JwEventzJwEventyJwEventxJwEventw"JwEventv JwEventuJwEventt3JwEventsJwEventrJJwEventq!JwEventp!JwEvento,JwEventnJwEventmJw~EventkJw|EventjJw|Event ~~rom Sequoia Capital and Rock Schnabel of Trident Capital. Richard Boly will outline the success of the program in ,O{3q33JpObserving Primary Care Physicians at Work: Informing Technology Development to Improve HealthcarePrimary care physicians have been criticized for being slow to adopt electronic medical records (EMRs), clinical information systems and email. Adoption of electronic technology lags despite popular and scientific literature that suggests such technology will transform medicine, federal efforts to encourage adoption, and a wider array of off-the-shelf software and services aimed at small practices. Observations of the work and business practices of small- and individual-practice primary care physicians can tell us a lot about the issues and constraints that affect decisions regarding technology. This presentation offers insights derived from ethnographic research with primary care Q+-33JpJMythbusters Live2008-10-05 21:00:002008-10-15 17:09:36 <;b} $uԡ659333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-09-14 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b`sԡ5/;333GԡG5 35333Portland Java User Group (PJUG) Monthly Meeting: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java CodeTopic: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java Code As you know, Groovy is a slick scripting... er, dynamic language that integrates very well with the Java platform and Java technologies. This presentation will go over a way to introduce Groovy into your organization and programming environment via unit testing. After a brief introduction to the language, we'll go over why Groovy can make unit testing easier. Speaker: Howard Abrams Howard jumped on the Java bandwagon during the last millennium and has been working with Groovy off an on for a few years. He currently works for Cordys supporting their business automation process software. 2008-10-22 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org/2008-10-21 17:04:322008-10-21 17:04:32 <2008-10-22 03:30:00 ^^W5wԡ.A1333OEN New Member Orientationhttp://www.oen.org2007-08-29 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:51;b`ԡ-Oq333OGI: Becoming an Effective Leaderhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22232007-08-01 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:51;b`ԡ,CM333PNDC: Buy American Workshophttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-07-31 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:51;b`~ԡ+3M333PNDC Annual Meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-08-15 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 132ԡF_ 3a333Northwest Environmental Conference (NWEC)2008-12-08 15:30:00http://www.nebc.org/content.aspx?pageid=162008-10-20 02:07:272008-10-20 02:07:27 =2008-12-10 00:30:00bԡE 3333AeA: What Can You Do When You Saturate Your Current Markets?2008-10-22 00:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1008092008-10-20 01:58:152008-10-20 01:58:15 ;2008-10-22 03:30:00 cL?33/Mission Theater & Pub2008-10-02 22:02:062008-10-04 09:43:581624 Nw Glisan StPortlandOregon97209US@FZ^ ;b <KE33;Hollywood Theater (Portland)2008-10-02 20:46:132008-10-02 20:46:134122 NE Sandy BoulevardPortlandOregon97212US@FĒ-^;bȁ4JG S33- Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hallhttp://www.pcpa.com/events/asch.php2008-10-02 20:45:552008-10-15 17:10:141037 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F3!^<;bI 33 Fariborz Maseeh Building at Portland State University - Room FAB 86-012008-10-02 19:34:052008-10-12 17:06:25 ;rGG339Renaissance on the Riverfront2008-10-01 17:57:382008-10-01 17:57:38136 SW Washington Ave.CorvallisOregon97333US@FG%f^и=;b  u the smart grid conTԡ1I{3M333PARTS hackaton @ opentechspaceHi folks, At Monty's suggestion, we agreed to start having every-other-week meetings, starting Monday November 16 at 7pm, at Techshop in Beaverton, in their meeting room. This coming Monday is the second such meeting. What is the purpose of this meeting? Good question! I think it is to get together to work on projects while offering help and getting help from others. I won't be teaching classes or giv Nԡ033S333Drupal Users Meetup

      A theme has emerged from recent offers to present, namely, ways to ԡ/WM3M333Portland Semantic Web Interest Group A new community for discussion of technology and philosophy topics related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data movements. The December meetup will be an informal one to gauge interest and decide on a plan for future meetups.2009-12-03 03:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxsemweb/2009-11-25 18:57:132009-12-01 20:49:53 A/2009-12-03 05:00:00 Ihԡ!YS333SCORE: Nuts & Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-27 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b` ԡ 1g333SWE Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-26 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`{ԡg333SWEhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-27 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`)ԡy]333SWHRMA: Linking HR Strategies with Business Strategieshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2007-08-2ԡ@ 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-22 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:492008-12-12 20:04:31 <;b2008-10-22 06:00:000ԡ? 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:482008-12-12 20:04:30 <;b2008-10-29 06:00:00 >GZfԡA 333ACG Annual Golf Tourn2ԡ9 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:422008-12-12 20:04:26 <;b2008-12-10 07:00:002ԡ8 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-17 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:412008-12-12 20:04:24 <;b2008-12-17 07:00:00ԡ7y935333Portland State Aerospace Society: Introductory MeetingIntroductory meeting for people interested in PSAS (Portland State Aerospace Society).2008-10-22 01:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:392008-12-12 20:04:23 <;b2008-10-22 02:00:00oԡ+eo3q333Data Stream Systems in an Industrial SettingDr. Theodore Johnson AT&T Labs FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 2008, 10am FAB 86-01 Abstract Data stream systems (DSMSs) have matured to the point that they can be used in a large-scale indu 0s{hUB/ r_L9&{iVC0 sPOP Launch OJvCEventNJvCEventMFJvBEventLJvBEventKJvBEventJJvBEventIJvBEventHJvBEventGJv;EventFXJv;EventEJv;EventDJv:EventCJv:EventBfJv:EventAJv:Event@Jv8Event?Jv8Event>QJv8Event=Jv8Event<JuEvent;JuEvent:JuEvent9Jr.Event8JtFEvent7Jp'Event6JrFEvent5JrEEvent4JtEvent3JuEvent2JuEvent1JrEvent/ ?KVenue.JuEvent-cJuEvent,JuEvent+JuEvent*JuEvent) ?HVenue(JuEvent'JuEvent&JuEvent%JuEvent$JuEvent#JuEvent"JuEvent!JuEvent JuEventJtFEventstrial setting. In this talk, I will discuss how a combination of a DSMS (the GS monitor) and a streaming warehouse (DataDepot) combine to enable very large scale network monitoring in a tier-1 Internet Service Provider. The talk will emphasize the scaling challenges we faced and how they were overcome. Biography Theodore Johnson received a B.S. in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1990. From 1990 through 1996, Theodore was an assistant, then associate procesor in the Computer and Information Science department of the University of Florida. In 1996, Theodore joined the Database Reseach department of AT&T Labs - Research, where today he is a Lead Member of Technical Staff. His interests include building massive data stream systems, building massive data warehouses, and building silly and useless electromechanical gadgets. 2008-10-17 17:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/Colloq/Johnson.html2008-10-17 05:42:212008-10-17 05:42:21 <2008-10-17 18:30:00 are generous with their advice and expertise. Randy Miller will moderate panelists Michelle Cairo (In the Black), Robin Jones (88 Inc.), Otto Papasadero (Marto Consulting) and Sarah Shaoul (Black Wagon). Panelists will answer questions from the moderator and from the audience. We will have resources that serve small business and start-ups available. Mark your calendar for this great, supportive and interactive event! WHEN: NOVEMBER 3, 2009 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM WHERE: KEEN, INC.'s GREAT ROOM at 926 NW 13th Ave. #210 Cost: This event is free and open to the public. Invite those you know with the same or similar questions for where ever they are in their life and career. To accommodate our guests, we recommend that you RSVP to nancy@zcommunitycenter.org or by calling 503.224.4636. QUESTIONS: Please contact ZCC at 503.224.4636 or nancy@zcommunitycenter.org for questions about this event.2009-11-04 03:00:00http://zcommunitycenter.org/2009-11-03 02:05:072009-11-04 18:32:10 @;b.2009-11-04 06:00:00tin’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists.


      These six musical forms enlighten human nature in a way you will never forget.

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings with his own sometimes hilarious experiences as a musician, Levitin showcases how the brain evolved to play and listen to music in six fundamental forms.

      Dr. Daniel

      McGill University In Montreal

      Dr. Levitin runs the laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University. Before becoming a research scientist, he was a record producer and professional musician.

      2008-10-24 02:00:00http://isepp.org/Pages/08-09%20Pages/Levitin08.html2008-10-17 05:20:392008-10-20 18:28:19 <;b2008-10-24 04:00:0033:102008-06-18 13:18:44;b`  S !7 337 Oregon Humane Society2008-09-29 01:03:572008-10-29 03:18:441067 NE Columbia BlvdPortlandOregon97211US@F:/^Ɨ(;b U 33/ McMenamins Mission Theater & Pub2008-09-29 01:03:082009-04-14 21:05:201624 Nw Glisan StPortlandOregon97209US@Fa^ ;b}333-Wong Kee Restaurant2008-09-25 22:57:242008-09-25 22:57:2428 NW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@Fn^);b4a= _ 335 Olympic Mills Building 107 SE Washington St - Portland, OR 972142008-09-24 19:47:052008-09-25 03:39:08107 Se Washington StPortlandOR97214US@Fw5^YtK About the Rose City SPIN:
      The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. 2009-12-11 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4889899/ 2009-11-25 01:32:052009-11-28 23:48:23 =2009-12-11 04:00:00 P, kԡw7{333OHF Annual Conference4ԡ')Y3M333RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.2009-05-04 15:00:00http://en.oreilly.com/rails2009/2008-10-15 18:00:592008-12-10 10:37:41 <2009-05-08 01:00:00)ԡ&A%3S333DrupalPDX November MeetingWe're now meeting at the offices of OpenSourcery at 711 SE Ankeny St. Portland, OR 97214. Steve Edwards will be doing a presentation on using Übercart to build e-commerce sites. After the meeting we'll probably head to the Green Dragon for a food and drink. 2008-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-15 17:49:212008-12-10 20:54:06 =2008-11-13 04:00:00 0.xml&coll=7 ] Richard Taylor sees a pattern. The University of Oregon professor of physics is leading the way with internationally recognized research into fractals—curious patterns found in nature that repeat themselves. Taylor's startling discoveries show that these patterns-within-patterns may significantly reduce stress and have interesting implications for psychology, medicine, and even tha;'3]33JtUX Book Club (Portland)Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com2009-04-17 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908437/2009-04-14 00:14:45 ?:;b"2009-04-17 03:30:00 a case study of bringing requirements management and other related process improvements to a legacy software product — one which has been successful for over twenty years. A cross-functional team of management undertook a project to improve significantly the processes related to requirements. This presentation describes the lessons learned while undertaking this project. Among these are: • A good implementation start is essential. Outside consultants are useful. Fully involve all stakeholders. • Different audiences have different needs. Find effective ways to communicate to each audience. • Be pragmatic when choosing what requirements to write and how much effort to put into describing the current system. • Leverage tool adoption to make changes that are more general to the software development process. Author Bio: Bill Baker is a software development manager at Sage in Beaverton Oregon. He has been involved in software development, project management, and process improvement f ,,H5IGԡ*[3s333Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings Levi [ԡ)93S333PDXPUG October MeetingEven though PG Con West will be going on October 10-12 in sunny (hopefully) Portland, we will still have our monthly meeting on October 16, 2008. This month, Selena Deckelmann will provide a tutorial on setting up Point-in-time recovery for your PostgreSQL installation. This will be hands on, with the ever-dangerous LIVE DEMO. We will be meeting at FreeGeek - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR. In November, our own Randal Schwartz of Stonehenge Consulting (http://www.stonehenge.com/) will be giving a talk on Smalltalk and Postgres integration. Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2008-10-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/4732008-10-16 21:55:372008-10-16 21:55:37 92008-10-17 04:00:00 GGuZ?ԡq@ԡ%ie3733Portland Python: What's New in 2.6 and 3.0Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be celebrating their releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party!

      The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small.

      Here's an example from 3.0:

      "Removed <> (use != instead)."

      So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down.
      2008-10-15 02:00:00http://pdxpython.org/2008-10-14 19:23:302008-10-14 19:23:30 9;bԡ$YE3C333WhereCampPDX Gaming #3: Cruel 2 B KindThis third of the WhereCampPDX Location-Based game s practices the fine art of benevolent assassination! Players are assigned three secret weapons, that appear to be acts of kindness or generosity. Unbeknownst to onlookers, however, those very acts will bring their victims to their knees. Players are not given the identities of their victims, only the knowledge that they are and must remain in the game area. 'Killed' players join the assassination groups until the final two killer mobs converge in a grand finale of benevolent destruction. For more details see the game description at WhereCamp PDX.

      Game details can be found at http://www.cruelgame.com/about/
      If you'd like to play, register your team now: http://twurl.cc/5v3
      2008-10-19 21:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2008-10-13 23:56:352009-05-14 14:01:57 ?;b2008-10-19 23:00:00ao.org/events/special_events/gala.php2007-10-27 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`s this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small. Here's an example from 3.0: "Removed <> (use != instead)." So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down. I'll be bringing *two growlers* of rare and wonderful beer from Bailey's Taproom to get the party started. Bring hardcopy of one or both What's New if you can. And party hats. http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html wiki: http://pdxpython.org/ maps, rsvp, etc.: http://python.meetup.com/183/ Tuesday 10/14 7pm at CubeSpace. See you there! Cheers, Jason2008-10-15 02:00:002008-10-13 20:15:382008-10-13 20:50:59 92008-10-15 04:00:00 [*S! ?33K 'VisionSitehttp://www.visionsite.com2008-09-23 16:08:082008-09-23 16:14:13812 SW Washington, Third Floor PortlandOR97205US@Fª J,^]503.525.9500 .R) A337 )St. Stanislaushttp://ststanislauspdx.com2008-09-23 01:26:132008-09-28 02:01:403916 N Interstate AvePortlandOregon97227US@Fƌ6ڇ^͍(503) 281-7532;bֽNQG ]A335 Olympic Mills Commerce Center107 SE Washington St. Portland, OR 97214http://www.olympicmill.com2008-09-22 15:39:452008-09-22 15:41:02107 Se Washington StPortlandOR97214US@Fw5^YtKOO U]33) Embassy Suites Portland--Downtown319 SW Pine Street, portland, oregonhttp://embassysuites1.hilton.com/en_US/es/hotel/PDXPSES-Embassy-Suites-Portland-Downtown-Oregon/index.do2008-09-21 22:12:322008-09-21 22:13:38319 Sw Pine StPortlandOR97204US@F/^#TM ddhe North American Organic Brewers Festival (NAOBF) returns the last weekend in June, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, to Overlook Park in Portland, Oregon. The event is Free and open to the public. Participation in beer tasting is $6 for a reusable, yet compostable, cornstarch tasting glass and samples are $1 a ticket. A full glass is 4 tickets. St ԡ.3_333Rose City SPIN: Developing Requirements for Legacy SystemsThis is a free talk open to the public and presented by the Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN). Logistics: Networking from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Talk presented from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (doors close at 7:15) Talk: Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems presented by Bill Baker Abstract: Many legacy systems were created without documented requirements. Over the years, changes were made, often without adequate documentation. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide ggeTYԡ]E?33ԡ#O3 333Python: What's new in 2.6 and 3.0Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be celebrating their release vԡ"{3Q33313th annual Oregon Connections Telecommunications ConferenceVinton G. Cerf Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google. In this role, he is responsible for identifying new enabling technologies to support the development of advanced, Internet-based products and services from Google. He is also an active public face for Google in the Internet world. [click for larger view] Widely known as one of the "Fathers of the Internet," Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for foundi ng and developing the Internet. Kahn and Cerf were named the recipients of the ACM Alan M. Turing award in 2004 for their work on the Internet protocols. The Turing award is sometimes called the "Nobel Prize of Computer Science." In November 2005, President George Bush awarded Cerf and Kahn the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their work. The medal is the highest civilian award given by the United States to its citizens. In April 2008, Cerf and Kahn will receive the prestigious Japan Prize. See complete bio. The Oregon Connections conference draws attendees from all regions of the state to share ideas, experiences and knowledge about telecommunications. The 2008 conference presenters and attendees will examine developments in telecommunications public policy, technologies, applications, and how to utilize telecommunications for economic and community development throughout Oregon. 2008-10-16 15:00:00http://www.oregonconnections.info/2008-10-13 14:56:562008-10-13 14:56:56 <2008-10-17 19:00:00 .hq=-rbRC-ofWG>5}hrout+market research/market validation'business planip3engineering manager;chief financial officercfo engineer7engineering executive=chief technology officercto ehr !streetgame urbangamebsd'demonstration#fantasy art+endbloglessness'coders social !afganistan kashmir9social entrepreneuship#mercy corps~%phoenix fund}-smart appliances|-power generation {innovator z!clean tech y!simulation xreal-time w!quickcheck vinventorsr5technology communityq7memory virtualizationp9finanicial conferencesn'firstthursday mongallerylnosql kdatabases j!drupalcamp1fidorkbot dorkbotpdx electricity electronics arteAowasp security openweb sql dGportland technology communitycAportland technology eventsb#portland ora7technology tradeshows g XiԡC5+3Q333The Ethics of eWasteElectronic waste or "e-waste" is broken or unwant(ԡee3E333Webinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales CycRԡd!!3E333OEN PubTalk™ - The Intersection of Information Technology & Clean EnergyJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres. The May Pubtalk features a panel of experts from companies operating at the intersection of information technology and clean energy. These companies apply information technology solutions !ԡcE-35333PDX Firefox Developers GroupFirst meeting for anyone interested in hacking on Firefox or Firefox extensions.2009-05-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-firefox-dev/browse_thread/thread/3ef094330f55d4df2009-05-07 19:34:292009-05-07 19:38:46 >2009-05-14 03:00:00 cGcI"ԡ5333WEO 2ԡ> 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-05 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:472008-12-12 20:04:29 <;b2008-11-05 07:00:002ԡ= 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-12 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:462008-12-12 20:04:29 <;b2008-11-12 07:00:002ԡ< 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-19 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:452008-12-12 20:04:28 <;b2008-11-19 07:00:002ԡ; 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-26 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:442008-12-12 20:04:27 <;b2008-11-26 07:00:002ԡ: 35333Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-03 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-18 23:49:432008-12-12 20:04:27 <;b2008-12-03 07:00:00 onomy. How you deploy it can bePԡ/w[35333WikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new venturfԡ-K3c333Designspeaks with Aaron DraplinTall tales from a large man. Pretty much everything from Aaron Draplin and the DDC. Presented by 52 Ltd. and AIGA Portland Born in Traverse City, Michigan, Aaron Draplin is the sole proprietor of Draplin Design Company and created Field Notes Brand. Located in the mighty Pacific Northwest, the freedom fighters of the Draplin Design Co. proudly roll up their sleeves on a handful of projects related to the Print, Identity, Web, Illustration and Gocco Muscle categories. Hunkered down in his “36nd year” the DDC has shipped the goods for Coal Headwear, Union Binding Company, Snowboard Magazine, Grenade Gloves, Gnu Snowboards, Ride Snowboards, Forum Snowboards, Giro Helmet Date: Nov 12, 2008 Please Note: This is the October 15th event that was postponed. Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the Future Energy costs have increased dramatically over the past year and experts widely agree energy costs will become a key business consideration as worldwide demand continues to increase. Many supply-chain strategies are now obsolete as the landed cost of goods has risen sharply. The time is now to understand the trends, evaluate the impact on your business and develop an awareness of practices to avoid a setback in your business. Our panelists will discuss the trends we are seeing today and discuss strategies for addressing a changing business environment as it relates to energy.2008-11-12 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108062008-10-13 14:35:142008-10-24 15:26:22 :2008-11-12 17:00:00ht you could Estimate?http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22462007-10-10 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b` 33 for the annual Innovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase will highlight cutting edge research and successful startups as part of seven days of exciting and informative Innovation & Entrepreneurship Events. The 2007 Innovation Showcase will feature presentations by scientific and executive lFԡY3333SmartGrid: The New Electricity EconomyThe event will define smart grid technology and discuss the current landscape and future benefits of a smart energy grid. Energy delivery is transforming from a static one way grid to a dynamic two way system. There are many business opportunities arising from the transition of a petroleum economy to a smart electricity economy. A four person panel including representatives from a SmartGrid company, VC, utility and lab will be moderated by author Jesse Berst, Managing Director of Global Smart Energy.2008-11-07 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/6/08c2008-10-12 23:46:562008-10-17 15:34:45 <2008-11-07 02:30:00 1j}jWD2  ygTB0 saN;(}j0JtEvent/JJtEvent.JtEvent-JtEvent,JtEvent+JtEvent*JtEvent)JtEvent(JtEvent'JtEvent&JtEvent%JtEvent$JtEvent#GJtEvent"JtEvent!JtEvent JtEventJtEventJtEventBJtEventJtEventgJtEventJtEvent?JtEventPJtEventJtEventJtEventPJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEvent JtEvent JtEvent JtEvent SJtEvent JtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventJtEventkJtEventJtEvent JtEventJtEventJtEvent 1w}kYG5#zgUC1 {iWE2 weer and Blog:GJq$EventFJq$EventE Jq#EventD?Jq#EventCJq#EventA JqEvent=JqEvent<JqEvent;CJqEvent:dJqEvent9BJqEvent8oJqEvent7JpEvent6JpEvent5CJpEvent4dJpEvent3oJpEvent2BJpEvent1CJpEvent0dJpEvent/JpEvent.?JpEvent-mJpEvent,JpEvent+JpEvent*JpEvent)JpEvent(qJpEvent'JpEvent&JpEvent!JpEvent JpEventJpEventJpEventdJpEventCJpEvent:JpEventBJpEvent3JpEventyJpEventJpEventJpEvent=JpEventJpEventJpEventJpEvent e Optimization Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may seem confusing. Title tags. Keyword relevancy. Rich content. Link strategies. All of these proper SEO elements may even be a bit intimidating. For this reason, our next SEMpdx Hot Seat will present the basic fundamentals of effective Search Engine Optimization strategies. You’ll learn the latest techniques on how to properly implement common optimization elements into both new and existing Web sites. Our panel of industry experts will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to search engine friendly design and development. Join us Tuesday, October 14th, 2008, at Hotel DeLuxe for an eventful evening of social networking and search marketing education. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranked within the search engines. Tips on keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Kent Schnepp Panelists: Blu Drobushevich Scott Fish David Mihm Leisa Hall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Seat Sites: Four (4) Site Reviews Available! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Location: Hotel deLuxe Address: 729 SW 15th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205 Schedule: Networking: 5:30pm Hot Seat: 6:00pm - 8:00pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05:30 PM, October 14, 2008 Cost: $35.00 2008-10-15 00:30:00http://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000181&launch_pg_sp=true&title=October+2008+Hot+Seat+-+Back+To+Basics+Search+Engine+Optimization2008-10-13 14:30:532008-10-13 14:30:53 :V2008-10-15 03:00:00 5{xgVE4#yhWF5$ziXG6%{ buidlings\JpjEventr[JpjEventqJpjEventpZJpfEventoYJpfEventnZJpeEventmYJpeEventl!JpdEventkXJpdEventjWJpdEventiVJpdEventhUJpcEventgTJpcEventfSJpcEventeRJpcEventdQJpcEventcPJpcEventbOJpcEventaNJpcEvent`MJnEvent_LJpYEvent^KJpVEvent]JJpUEvent\IJpUEvent[HJpTEventZGJpSEventYFJpREventXJpREventWEJpREventVDJpREventUCJpPEventTBJpPEventSAJpOEventR@JpOEventQ?JpOEventP>Jp>EventO JpEEventN$JpEEventM=JpEEventL:JpBEventKEventJ:Jp>EventI;Jp>EventHJpAEventG:JpAEventE8Jp(EventD7Jp(EventC6Jp(EventB5Jp!EventA4Jp!Event@3Jp!Event?2Jp!Event>1JpEvent k,kjrh}ԑ.ԡ{}3I333Discover The Fundamentals of Search Engine OptimizationOctober 2008 Hot Seat - Back To Basics Search Engine Optimization Discover The Fundamentals of Search Engin EԡYI3M333Entrepreneurship in the Global EconomyIn the New Global Economy, value creation has the same value independent of where the value is created. As a result you can tap into talent globally for motivation, leadership, and entrepreneurship and make many more ideas viable than were possible in the past. Fifteen years ago most companies were local and competition was around the corner. Technology and connectivity have now created a free market in the context of the world. For example, an entrepreneur in Portland can now both collaborate and compete with entrepreneurs in Shanghai or Bangalore. Desh is the founding investor and Chairman of several companies including Sycamore Networks, Teja ).zlYC3"Z3 |s_LA7.st popular of these such as: • Three20 Project • SQLitePersistent Objects • FMDB • Google Toolkit for Mac • touchcode If you are just starting out,y123xtagsw"234"v'practitionersu)retrospectivestbddsevo,)wiki wednesday+%virtual team*#google wave )wireframe(ha '!clustering&&Ssearch engin optimization workshops$%Osearch engin optimization seminar$$Osearch engin optimization classes%#Qsearch engin optimization training "freetuit!qt kpmg7sec accounting update7parks halprin lecturenoponorth girls incpdxfx7non profit fundraiser#allen alley !pixelworks-portlandtechshop'opentechspace techshopparts#linked data%semantic webgary draplinddc 1pdxphp symfony aws 1pdxphp symfony amz gd e ԡOC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-08 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`ԡOC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-12 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`0ԡU 333SAO Corvallis:'ԡ 3333AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamEmerging companies face a tough fight for growth. Their survival depends heavily on the capabilities and experience of the team but it can be daunting to assemble the right team at the right time. This program examines how successful entrepreneurs have built their teams and then scaled them through stages of growth. 2008-11-13 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-12 23:59:112008-10-30 23:40:13 :$2008-11-13 17:00:00ot only bring together all of the best technical talent but the decision makers and industry experts who are involved in the Linux community. LinuxCon will feature over 75 conference presentations divided among five tracks and three audience types (Developers, Operations and Business), tutorials, BoF sessions, keynotes, roundtables, a product & technology showcase and sponsored mini-summits, as well as countless networking opportunities in developer lounges and evening events. LinuxCon offers a unique conference experience that encourages collaboration, progress and interaction. With top notch educational content and collaboration opportunities, those that attend LinuxCon will leave more knowledgeable and better positioned for success in the year to come. Who Should Attend: Software Developers Linux IT Professionals Corporate End Users Senior Executives Industry Experts Community Managers Media2009-09-21 15:00:00http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon2009-03-27 14:19:59 <(2009-09-24 00:00:00 6w{q`M;*xfUE*aP7wnno fiserv vertigo%web designer'web developer)web programmer%web businessAplug linux unix bsd kernelui javafx ~marinacci}3scala usergroup pdx|3forgein competitors{#competition%zQparrot hackathon qa testing opcodeydarcsxisfwitv#early stageu#replication tbucardoshrr-shared workspace qboutiquep/online businesseso'web designersn7website entrepreneurs m!co-workingl#solopreneurk%photographer jscreeningi%do something hall ages gcostumesfpcce%verification dpraxisc#hoare logicb%work parties`1healthcare sectors_'healthcare it^#advertising]%printed news\'online search[#nozzl mediaZnewsY%civilsocietyX'social changeW+tweetsgivingpdxV%tweetsgiving UdistrictTbank SumpquaRhtmlQlearns Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiatives which leverage the Global connection. For example the “Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation” at MIT has announced an International Initiative. Akshaya Patra, an NGO in India that serves mid-day meals to underprivileged children, has scaled its operations to serve 1 million meals a day with in the last six years using global talent and resources. He will use the initiatives that he is involved with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture Northwest (includes keynote by Desh Deshpande) - Register on or before October 3rd at the early bird special $420.2008-10-30 21:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2327&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-10-13 00:18:162008-10-13 00:19:14 <(2008-10-31 00:00:00 h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Council: High Performance Green Buildingshttp://www.nebc.org2007-10-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡS9333Search Engine Marketers of Portlandhttp://www.sOԡW3333SAO: Selling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample forms, checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-12 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-12 23:49:512008-10-17 16:40:10 <2008-11-12 02:00:00 Z+, and informative Innovhԡ/%333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822007-10-18 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b` ԡs%333SBDC: How to Develop a Successful Importing Company503-978-50802007-10-20 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`ԡS7333AEA: Spending your IP Budget Wiselyhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-10-23 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18IԡK3333Selling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample forms, checklists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, JD Mr. Chalfin is an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and a Lecturer in Management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches graduate-level courses on acquiring closely held businesses and venture initiation to MBA candidates. Mr. Chalfin is an owner/investor, corporate board member, and consultant to several businesses, many of which are in the information technology sector. Mr. Chalfin is the CEO of The Chalfin Group Inc., a Metuchen, New Jersey-based firm that offers advisory services in connection with the purchase and sale of closely held businesses, strategic planning, and valuation. The firm also provides economic damage calculations. www.chalfin.com2008-11-12 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/11/08hr2008-10-12 23:49:162008-10-12 23:53:57Jq2008-11-12 02:30:00 5{{h[P@' peTG;/~ujSF1 {routing PtoOhowNsite Mwebsite Lsimulink KmatlabJ9executive compensationI1board compensationH7employee compensationG'employee compF%compensationE+raising capital DcapitalC/first-order-logicByicesAsmt @!server sky>3scrum product owner=%scrum master<group;)motiongraphics:%aftereffects91program management83product development7)social network 6dining 5africa 4simplex3#joe hoffman2legal 1!unit tests 0!humanities /climate.#measurement -labview,-data acquisition +!oregonwine*#winecamppdx)5linux kernel modules 'office &unit test%3keep portland weird $!praise bob#slack "esozone!'presentations +theorem proving tech talk7community of practice#round table-business process%pdxtech4good pricing learn a lot as we do our work. How do you store what you learn? Are you always able to access it when you need it again? How do you pass it on to others? Imagine what would happen if you had a way to share what you know. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had an easy and]]+3w33JrCOTBC Open HouseEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Now that our move is complete, it's time for an open house to invite everyone in to check out the new office. Please join us for some refreshments and snacks, and a tour of the new place. Where: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 (Directions) When: Tuesday, Nov. 25, 3pm to 6pm I hope to see you here! Steve Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Tuesday, November 25 at 3:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-25 23:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/2008-11-11 17:54:40 <;b2008-11-26 01:00:00 AA ԡzY1333OEN: Business Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-12-13 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:24;b`tԡy;1333ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-29 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:24;b`wԡxA1333SAO: Trustworthy Computinghttp://www.sao.org2007-11-06 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:24;b`}ԡwM1333SAO: eLearning - How, When & Whyhttp://www.0ԡW+3E333Lunch & Learn: Technology RoadmappingLunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Date: Thu, Nov 6th Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Location: Portland State Business Accelerator 2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97201 Cost: $10 for members $10 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/06/2008 Topic: Lunch & Learn: Technology Roadmapping Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Whether you call freelance employees, full-time placement and custom project teams to a diverse client roster which includes: advertising agencies, design houses, interactive firms, brand marketers, health care organizations and others. With offices in Portland and New York, 52 Limited can help you find work or find talent. For additional information about the company please visit www.52ltd.com About Designspeaks Showcasing the most interesting designers in the Pacific Northwest, Designspeaks was developed to inform, engage and inspire. The small-talks quarterly series delivers an intimate venue intended to connect to others, to see what they are doing, and how they’re doing it. Some speakers will be household names and others will have managed to maintain a lower profile. Either way, all will challenge you to think a bit differently about design and its impact on this region.2009-12-11 03:00:00http://aigaportland.org/events/designspeaks2009-11-23 17:32:532009-11-23 17:32:53 @2009-12-11 05:00:00ent Strategy Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Many industries will be affected by labor shortages ad the ability to fill vacancies. By 2012 our workforce will be reduced by 3.3 million workers. Outsourcing and difficult economic times add an interesting component to attractions, selections and the securing of talent. What actions can you implement to help your business prosper? This webinar will help establish a plan to address talent needs: Out of the box thinking for attracting talent. Knowing and promoting your competitive advantage. Use difficult economic times to enhance your human capital. Presenter Jennifer Paauwe-Riffe, SPHR, Senior Human Resource Consultant, AmeriBen/IEC Group ***To register email Jennfier Olsen or phone toll free 800-536-1444.*** *Further log-in instructions will follow your initial registration.*2008-10-24 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/24/082008-10-12 23:35:322008-10-24 17:25:32 :2008-10-25 05:30:00 s, Richmond Fontaine, Chunklet Magazine, Exit Real World, Timberline, Snowboarder Magazine, Wired Magazine, Chuck Prophet, Nike, Cobra Dogs, Uncle Buck, and the Obama Administration. Draplin promises to tell his story, show some work, talk some smack, and hawk a mountain of merch. Gonna’ be fun as hell. Be there, or be added to his ever-growing shit list. In Gary we Trust. Be there: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:00pm – 9:00pm The Cleaners at Ace Hotel Portland, 403 SW 10th Ave. (Corner of SW 10th and Stark) Portland, OR 97205 Cost: Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door Non-Members: $18 in advance/$20 at the door Students: $5 Bonus: Everyone receives free Field Notes, but you’d better bring that moth-eaten wallet. Beyond his yarn, Draplin’s got plenty to sell. A selection of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. ID required for beer and wine. About 52 Limited 52 Limited provides contract [[qO8ԡVԡUۄԡSԡzԡe;=333Starveups Award8ԡwK3333Niche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment Strategy Niche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment Strategy Date: Fri, Oct 24th Time: 9:00am-10:30am Location: Webinar Cost: $30 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/24/2008 Topic: Niche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitm njOԡ+C3333SAO Poker NightSAO Poker Night Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $25 for members $35 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: SAO Poker Night Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Bigger - Better - Higher Our First Poker Night was such a huge success that we've made the poker tournament a monthly event! Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - you don't have to s within various creative industries. The conference features keynote presentations from leading creatives across a variety of fields (from companies such as LAIKA, Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, Dark Horse Comics, Michael Curry Design, White Horse, CROW Clothing and more) who will reveal their work and talk about their process, influences, inspirations and motivations. It is an opportunity for attendees to get inside the head of visionaries who are generating original and effective ideas and to be inspired in entirely new ways, viewing their own world with a fresh perspective as a result. This event is part of an orchestrated business+culture experience in Portland that includes Inverge: the interactive convergence conference (Sept. 4+5), the Time-Based Art Festival, MusicFestNW and the First Thursday Gallery Walk. For discounted event bundle pricing, see the Inverge registration page at www.inverge.com.2008-09-06 14:45:00http://www.cre8con.com/2008-08-31 08:46:202009-05-22 18:05:06 >2008-09-07 02:00:00ortant in the workplace as it is at home. One of Tim's favorite sayings is: "Technology is the easy part, once you get the team on the same page, the work just gets done". Thank you to our 2008 Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP. Program Agenda: 7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast 8:00am-8:40am - Presentation 8:40am-9:00am - Questions & Answers Due to venue attendance guarantees, there will be an additional $5.00 added to your registration fee for the "Pay at the Door" option or to register on site. Parking Information: Metered parking is available on the street on either Alder St. or 11th St. There is a SmartPark available on the corner of 10th and Yamhill for $1.25 per hour and you can enter the Governor Hotel through the Jake's entrance on 10th St. 2008-10-22 14:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/082008-10-12 23:27:452008-10-12 23:27:45 :2008-10-22 16:00:00 13:18:18;b` ting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinaaԡ,/I33333ABPMP Round TableCost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: RSVP on Linked-in bit.ly/2lhrb Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional. www.abpmp.org -- www.bit.ly/oMW70 2009-12-08 15:30:00http://bit.ly/2lhrb2009-11-23 16:14:172009-11-23 16:14:17 @2009-12-08 16:30:00 9Q~SN3 Qu33+ Grand Hyatt Seattle721 Pine Street, Seattle, WA 98101http://grandseattle.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp2008-09-19 23:37:592009-01-07 19:20:47721 Pine StreetSeattleWA98101US@GnTqq\^`퀡{MM+' 33y multiple venuesPlace holder for events with multiple venues. Please don't delete or modify.2008-09-17 15:28:072008-09-28 02:07:15placeholder used by events occuring in multiple venuesbJ ] 337 Portland State University Native American Student & Community Center710 SW Jackson Street Portland, OR 972012008-09-16 19:46:312008-11-21 15:15:06710 SW Jackson StreetPortlandOregon97201US@F5^VCAI% ] 33  Oregon Coast1800 S Hemlock Cannon Beach Oregon 971452008-09-16 19:29:182008-09-28 02:27:30placeholder for events at multiple locations on Oregon CoastUS@F@W$^S;bָ Software companies have great incentives to gain a competitive edge by improving their software practices and processes. Improving processes and practices is tricky at best. Experience has shown that the desired benefits of improvement initiatives are not seen or rarely last. Improvement initiatives are regarded by developers and QA as the fad de jour. It doesn’t need to be that way. The Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR) methodology eliminates the reasons improvement initiatives fail. It excels at creating a shared vision and forging consensus by using ethnography to set realistic goals and create a strategy to achieve those goals. Meet the Presenters John Prohodsky, Chair, IEE Oregon Section Computer Society Robert B. Textor, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University READ MORE/REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=861712009-12-09 20:00:00https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=861712009-11-19 19:31:342009-11-19 19:31:34 :;b@2009-12-09 23:00:00 a>.

      So, to showcase their new digs and introduce Lunch 2.0 to the suburbs, the OTBC will be hosting Lunch 2.0 on January 14, 2009.

      The Beaverton Round is right on the MAX line about 20 minutes froԡ$93]333Intel Insiders TweetupThis Thursday, as part of the Intel Insiders program, Intel will be hosting a who's who of social media types here in town. And on Thursday night, they've scheduled a meetup in conjunction with the Social Media Club of Portland. Who will be there? * Sarah Austin (@pop17) * Cathy Brooks (@cathybrooks) * Tom Foremski (@tomforemski) lԡ$iC3 333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - Lovejoy Bakers OpeningLovejoy Bakery is opening their doors for the first time tomorrow and we're going through those doors to find some tasty pastries. As always, buy your own breakfast and talk to people about stuff and things and bread.2009-11-19 16:45:002009-11-19 00:03:182009-11-19 00:03:18 A&;b=2009-11-19 19:45:00 international experience and has researched and practiced cross-cultural communication for 25 years. Recently he has begun applying this cross-cultural expertise to the issues facing cross-generational communication. (And this interest has, of course, little to do with his having three teenagers!) Tim Kurlio, IT Manager, Multnomah County Tim Kurilo has worked in the technical field for 28 years. He is currently the Technical Services Manager at Multnomah County, Oregon. As a computer technician in the boom of the 90's, Tim realized how important it was to promote new opportunities yet retain experienced staff. He decided to join the ranks of management so he could help create an environment that nurtures the implementation and administration of new technologies, yet retains a quality of life for the staff. Tim and his wife, Betsy, have successfully "blended" their very diverse families of eight children and 9 grandchildren. Learning the core values and motivations of each individual is just as imp -a>.

      So, to showcase 3!E3]3JsiPhone PDXWe're starting up an iPhone developers interest group in Portland, come hang out with us and show off all of those s5=M3]33JuBright Lights discussionWhen: Monday, April 13, Gather at 5:30 p.m., Discussion at 6 p.m. Where: Jimmy Mak’s, 221 NW 10th Ave in the Pearl Cost: Free admission; No RSVP required Portland has built an admirable collection of public plazas, some world-renowned for their welcoming spirit and boundary-busting design. In celebration of the 25th birthday of Pioneer Courthouse Square, Bright Lights will host local landscape architect J. Douglas Macy and Ethan Kent of the New York–based nonprofit Project for Public Spaces for a critical look at Portland’s public spaces. Expect a lively debate about the role of design and events in creating successful public places.2009-04-14 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374702/2009-04-14 00:07:49 ; ;b2009-04-14 02:00:00s economy. How you deploy it can be the difference between success or failure. Speaker James M. Smith Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized. Jim brings a deep background of executive management experience. In 1993 he founded and remains the managing partner of YCHANGE International, a turnaround consultancy specializing in small to medium sized new businesses or existing companies looking to expand or needing a turnaround strategy. SPONSORS SBDC; Portland Business Alliance; CubeSpace; OTBC; MercyCorps Northwest; Portland SCORE; Hillsboro Chamber; OAME; Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber; Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce2008-11-06 01:30:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002008-10-12 18:24:062008-10-13 00:21:25 9;b2008-11-06 03:30:00 >>user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill ;ԡ%O3 333Managing Virtual Teams - 50% off!In today’s rapidly changing business environment, managers and employees alike are increasingly challenged to find new ways to get things done – better, faster, and cheaper. More and more companies today are embracing the concept of the virtual team work environment to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their people who often work remotely, whether from across town or on the other side of the world. READ MORE/REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=808792009-12-01 17:00:00https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=808792009-11-19 18:49:402009-11-19 20:42:13 :2009-12-03 01:00:002:00-7:00 PM Location - OHSU Auditorium (Old Library) The 2008 Innovation Showcase will feature Oregon scientists and companies working towards the prevention, control and treatment of infectious disease. Starting at approximately 2:00 PM and continuing after the showcase, a poster session will highlight cutting edge research in infectious disease and immunology from four Oregon universities. Showcase Agenda: 2:00 Welcome Remarks Showcase Presentations by: Oregon Health & Science University Oregon State University Portland State University Company Presentations by: Najit Technologies, Inc. SIGA Technologies, Inc. DesignMedix LLC Flash Sensor Tech, Inc. 4:45-7:00 Poster Session and Reception Oregon wines & hors d'oeuvres served 2008-11-03 22:00:00http://www.ohsu.edu/tech-transfer/innovation_show2008.shtml2008-10-12 17:17:502008-10-12 17:24:54 <;b2008-11-04 03:00:00 Accounting Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org2008-01-17 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b` BBrovide structure and content for a wiki that attendees c/ԡ&13 333SAOpdx: Where Do You Grow From Here? Think Outside the USPresented by the SAO’s International and Finance Forums It’s time to start thinking about how your company is going to take advantage of the opportunities that’ll be in front of you with the upcoming economic growth predicted in the next 12-24 months. To be ready many successful software companies are looking at implementing or expanding their international strategy. Why international? One reason is that many countries are going to lead the US in coming out of the downturn. Case in point is the recent increase in interest rates in Australia - a sign that country will be an early bird in the forthcoming economic rise. Many global markets are already experiencing increases in B to B and B to C sales, job growth and other signs that we are still waiting for in the US. And with the weak dollar your solution may be a bargain in many markets around the wo ve, business owner, or technology leader at your company, we would be pleased to have you participate in our panel moderated event with industry experts in the field of eCommerce. E-commerce and multi-channel selling is undergoing an accelerated evolution which has been driven by new technologies, rapidly evolving user behavior, and business model innovation. These trends are reshaping the market and the customer experience. Panelists Steve Gatto, Worldwide eCommerce Solutions, IBM Joe Davis, CEO, CoreMetrics Sean Wyrick, Commerce Business Unit Executive, Ascendant Craig Savio, Director eCommerce, Boeing Join us after the panel for hosted drinks and appetizers. Who should attend: Top Sales, Marketing, Technology, and Business Development Executives Sponsored by IBM and Ascendant Technology Tickets: $5*/$15 *member rate This event is closed to the press.2009-12-02 23:30:00https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=840732009-11-19 19:13:102009-11-19 20:50:21 ?;b?2009-12-03 02:30:00 9O9Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you should, as your constituents are highly engaged in the Web 2.0 world via social media Web sites. Today's consumers rely on social media networks to find and develop a sense of identidԡ'I!3E333Open Source Bridge work sprintPlease join us on Saturday, April 18th to work on:

      1. Code: Add features to our OpenConferenceWare conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails codinrԡ)!3 333SAOpdx: Integrating Sustainability into Your Business Practices - 50% off!Presented by ԡ(M-3 333SAOpdx: (Webinar) Optimizing the Software Product Quality through Ethnographic Futures ResearchPresented by the Quality Assurance Forum Ή"ԡ'k+3 333SAOpdx: E-Commerce and Customer Centric SellingPresented by IBM, Ascendant Technology, and the Marketing + Sales Forum If you are a corporate executi ZedD@6W333JqSAO: Selling your IT / Tech BusinessBob Chalfin, author of "Selling Your IT Business" will share practical suggestions for leaders to build into their business plan before they consider selling their company. Synopsys of the book: You put your heart into it. What will you get out of it? And how? Selling Your IT Business gives a complete overview of the selling process, covering everything from valuation to finding the right buyer to negotiating strategically to closing the sale. The information is presented step-by-step, complete with sample for#5333JqAeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for emerging business professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2008-11-13 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-17 15:42:15 :$2008-11-13 17:00:00 equently think of things as surviving where there's no real threat to life. Companies survive. Products, and the teams that produce them, survive. Individual members of the team conOԡb9K3333Encyclopedic AmbitionsOPB program Think Out Loud will feature Pete Forsyth of WikiProject Oregon (the community of Oregon Wikipedia editors) and Bill Lang of the Oregon Encyclopedia (an online effort by the Oregon Historical Society and PSU's history department). Call-in format invites questions from you!2009-05-08 16:00:00http://www.opb.org/thinkoutloud/shows/encyclopedic-ambitions/2009-05-07 17:44:232009-05-07 17:44:232009-05-08 17:00:00ZԡaWg3]333SoMe Award Winners: Real ConversationSoMe Award Winners: Real Conversation Case Studies in originality, effectiveness, and creativity Were you there at the NW SoMe Awards last month? Did it leave you wanting to know more about the people and strategies behind the award-winning projects? At our May meeting, you’ll get all the behi L rated by Lance Kidd, CIO for Halton Company. Iris Sasaki has been in the HR world for over twenty years beginning as a recruiter for Tektronix and retiring as an HR executive. Iris has managed her own HR consulting business since 2001. Among the organization at which Iris has been a guest speaker are included the American Electronics Association, the law firm of Ater Wynne, Oregon Employment Division, and a guest lecturer from Oregon Graduate Institute. She is active as an "Expert in Residence" at the Open Technology Business Center and a mentor for the business concepts program of the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Iris created two training modules which were adopted by the Equal Opportunity Commission. Iris' post graduate studies have focused on communication. She has published two articles on the web, the first with Business and Law Online, and the second with HR.com. Greg Kulander, Ph.D. is Director of Student and Educator Services at the Business Education Compact. Dr. Kulander has extensive ՀpӀ̀'р΀9 Qb;ԡP7S3O333Calagator code sprinthttp://calagator.org/events/1250455757 Join us to work on adding features and improving Calagator!2008-10-11 17:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/692008-09-22 09:32:162008-09-22 09:55:38 9;b՟Jp2008-10-12 00:00:00kԡOS3k333September WestSide Proggers meetingA polyglot programming group meeting in Central Beaverton.2008-09-26 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/westsideproggers2008-09-22 09:11:342008-09-22 09:11:54 <2008-09-26 04:00:00  OB ԡ Yԡ '+3E333OEN Swap MeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! When: August 28 Time: 5:00 pm Where: Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, Portland Cost: None! There is no fee to attend this event. Details: Date and Time: Oct 23, 2008 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: 125 NW 5th Ave Portland, Oregon For Purchase: Registration: $0.002008-10-24 01:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=392008-10-12 16:31:132008-10-12 16:31:13 :2008-10-24 02:00:00compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the "whys," "whats," and "hows" of your plan, you'll take away valuable handouts, a bibliography, and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. $30 for OEN Members, $129 for nonmembers. When: September 9th, 2008 4:00 pm Where: OTBC, Beaverton, in "The Round" Details: Date and Time: Nov 5, 2008 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm Location: OTBC Beaverton, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $30.00 Purchase Non-member Price (includes a one-year Individual OEN membership): $129.00 Purchase 2008-11-06 00:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=432008-10-12 16:35:572008-10-12 18:26:08 <2008-11-06 03:00:00oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?v=v&eid=3859&m=11&y=2007&d=112007-12-12 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:02;b` 9wԡ7;333IMA: Speed Networkinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-11-28 01:30:002008-03-17 1dԡg3E333OEN PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 2OEN's Seed Oregon: The Road to Angel Oregon Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon 2009, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. The 2009 conference will be held at the Governor Hotel in Portland on March 12th. Nine presenting companies in total will be s mԡQ)3E333Business Plan Development Seminar This seminar reviews all components of an effective, )@12}ԡ:A=333SCORE: Sales for Beginnershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-10-31 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b`vJԡG3333SAO: When to Hire/Who to HireWhen to Hire/Who to Hire Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 7:3 Hԡ[o3#333Sustaining a Business in a Down EconomyTopics that will be discussed include: Planning — An existing business’ basic need. You need to put a planning process in place. Customers — Do you really understand what drives your customers. Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit. Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place. Financial Plan — You need to understand you financial landscape so that you can position the business to raise the capital necessary for growth. Competition — You need to pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers. Technology — This is the vital lifeline in today =bIk= H33IOHSU2008-09-16 19:28:582008-10-15 17:18:373181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd.PortlandOregon97239US@FN&Ԁ^ud;bַ <GA33CReed College Student Union2008-09-16 19:28:482008-09-16 19:28:483203 SE Woodstock BoulevardPortlandOregon97202US@F ^^;bֶXF 333- %Antoinette Hatfield Hall (formerly the Newmark Theatre Building)http://www.pcpa.com2008-09-16 19:26:492009-05-22 18:05:091111 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F"P&^ ء503.248.4335;bֵ >E;33%People's Food Co Op2008-09-16 19:26:172008-09-16 19:26:173029 SE 21stPortlandOregon97202US@FTd#^Dl;bֳC533%MercyCorps Northwest2008-09-15 21:47:042009-09-16 15:03:552069 NE HoytPortlandOregon97232US@F{z^C?;b֯ @B ?33+ %Webtrendshttp://www.webtrends.com/2008-09-15 03:49:192008-09-15 03:51:17851 SW 6th Ave.PortlandOR97204US@FP$9^877-932-8736  the OSU campaԡ"[k3]333Beer and Blog - WebVisions Twitter WarsJoin us for a lively Twitter debate and prizes!2009-04-17 vԡ##u3533330 hour day30 hour day is a cockamamie scheme concocted by Cami Kaos of Strange Love Live and Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist. The concept? Livestream for 30 hours straight in an effort to raise money for charities like Free Geek, Oregon Food Bank, and Toys for Tots. What's more, you can use our Creative Commons licensed content for a little charitable fundraising of your own. Just grab the stream and build an event around it, large or small. Join us December 18 and 19 for 30 hours of entertainment, interviews, and interesting goings on—while helping some very worthwhile causes. All from the cozy warmth of your own Web browser.2009-12-19 00:00:00http://30hourday.org2009-11-18 18:30:192009-11-18 18:30:19 @|;b<2009-12-20 06:00:00cԡ"]3K333Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff This is the first meeting of the Portland Silverir reporting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinar is presented by Mike Riley, President & Research Director, Riley Research Associates. Mike Riley's expertise is in both quantitative and qualitative methods of public and special audience opinion polling. Riley is adept at incorporating both primary and secondary information into the research process and analysis. He is a public relations research practitioner, accredited by the Public Relations Society of America (APR), and has been recognized by the Marketing Research Association with a Professional Researcher Certification (PRC). Details: Date and Time: Nov 19, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Purchase Non-member Price: $30.00 2008-11-19 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=402008-10-12 17:12:222008-10-24 17:25:31 :2008-11-19 19:00:00ts annual fundraiser at Someday Lounge in Portland on Wednesday December 9. It should be a great night, with local musicians Leonard Mynx, Sean Flinn (of Y La Bamba) and Amy Seeley. DJ Doctor Funk will be dusting off some soul records as well if you feel like dancing! Tickets are $25 if you purchase in advance, and $30 on the door. Please buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment! They are now available at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/90410. Doors open at 7pm, and the bands start at 8pm. **Buy tickets before December 1st and you will go into the draw to win a free acupuncture treatment!** Proceeds will go towards Bola Moyo's youth and adult education programs in Malawi. For more info on our work, please visit our website, http://bola-moyo.org/. We hope you can join us to help create a better life for the youth and women of Balaka, Malawi!2009-12-10 03:00:00http://bola-moyo.org/?page_id=1038&preview=true2009-11-18 00:12:552009-11-21 01:07:17 :2009-12-10 08:00:00are two of the  0am-9:00am Location: The Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: When to Hire/Who to Hire Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar It's become common knowledge that Baby Boomers, Gen X & Gen Y, each have a different work style and life/work expectations. Join the CIO committee Wednesday, Oct 22nd at the Governor Hotel to learn how other CIO's and IT managers are dealing with the generational differences in hiring, retaining, and motivating these different groups of people. Hear from Greg Kulander, local expert on the differences between the baby boomers, Generation X and Gen Y. Iris Sasaki, HR professional, who has more than 20 years of experience teaching and training managers how to hire and how to bridge the gap between generations, and Tim Kurlio, IT Manager for Multnomah County who prides himself on creating teams that function well together despite their innate differences. All mode 0z{hUB/ tbO<)n[I6#z GJxfEventFSJxfEventEJxfEventDJxfEventCJxfEventBJxfEventAJxfEvent@5JxfEvent?JxfEvent>JxfEvent=JxfEvent<2JxfEvent;JxfEvent:9JxeEvent9JxeEvent8JxeEvent7JxeEvent6JxeEvent5JxeEvent4CJxdEvent3dJxdEvent2JxcEvent1JxcEvent0JxcEvent/JxbEvent.JxbEvent-JxbEvent,JxbEvent+2JxaEvent*JxaEvent)JxaEvent(2Jx`Event'Jx`Event&Jx`Event%Jx_Event$Jx_Event#2Jx_Event"Jx_Event!Jx^Event Jx^Event/Jx^EventJx^EventJx]EventJx]Event/Jx]EventJx]EventpJx\EventJx\Eventelected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Interested in applying to present in the Seed Oregon Tournament? Visit our Seed Oregon page for details. Details: Date and Time: Nov 12, 2008 05:15 pm - 07:00 pm Location: 1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon For Purchase: Member Price: $15.00 Purchase Non-member Price: $25.00 Purchase OEN Member Fee to Present at Seed Oregon (includes one entry to PubTalk): $75.00 Purchase Non-Member Fee to present at Seed Oregon (includes one entry to PubTalk and one year Individual Membership to OEN): $174.002008-11-13 01:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=442008-10-12 17:09:432008-10-12 17:09:43 :62008-11-13 03:00:00 fic Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub, come find out about these and other aspects of commercial aviation, including the physics of flight, sound propagation, and airport operations. Chris Corich is General Manager of Lonԡ+}3[333PDXScala MeetupIt's about time we finally try to get people together to talk Scala, so we've decided to have an informal gathering at the Lucky Lab on Wednesday (Nov 18th) at 7PM. This will be a good opportunity to meet others who are interested in Scala and get a sense for what others might be using it for. Feel free to show up even if you're just casually dipping your toes in the water.2009-11-19 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala2009-11-16 06:25:242009-11-16 06:25:24 ; ;b62009-11-19 06:00:00is Do you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you should, as your constituents are highly engaged in the Web 2.0 world via social media Web sites. Today's consumers rely on social media networks to find and develop a sense of identity, as well as research and validate the reputation of other individuals and businesses. Kent Lewis with Anvil Media will outline the why and how of developing a social media marketing strategy for your organization, including critical success factors, 7 steps to get started and how to measure effectiveness. Details: Date and Time: Oct 21, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Non-Member Price: $30.002008-10-21 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=372008-10-12 16:22:592008-10-24 17:25:31 :2008-10-21 18:00:00ss Analysishttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22882007-12-07 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:59;b` month''s seminar sells out we will post the next month''s event. ԡn5 3]333Easter Mondo CroquetDress in your Easter finest! (Or, your wife's Easter finest. Wh6ԡo[3u333Galois Talk: Hoare-Logic – fiddly details and small print[NB. This talk is on Friday, instead of the usual Tuesday slot.] The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Friday, November 13th, 2009 * Title: Hoare-Logic – fiddly details and small print * Speaker: Rod Chapman * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/11/04/chapman-hoare/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-11-13 18:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/11/04/chapman-hoare/2009-11-04 20:36:482009-11-04 20:36:48 ;2009-11-13 19:30:00rld. Hear from a panel of leading software executives how they are positioning their companies in markets outside the US to expand and strengthen their respective organizations. They will also highlight ‘do’s and don’ts’ from their past experiences so that you can avoid their mistakes and take advantage of their success. Panel Bob McCarthy, Vice President/CFO, Tripwire, Inc Tom O'Keefe, Executive Vice President, EthicsPoint Jeff Gaust, President/CEO, Board of Directors, Prolifiq Software Paul Wilde, Chief Financial Officer, Webtrends If you’re looking at how you could make international be a part of your company’s future please join us for this informative and thought provoking session. Who should attend: CEO’s, CFO’s, Business Owners, Business Development Directors, Sales and Marketing Executives or anyone involved in strategic planning.2009-12-02 15:30:00https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=824822009-11-19 19:00:352009-11-19 19:00:35 @;b>2009-12-02 18:30:00 Oregon Training Network and Worksystems, Inc. Sustainability is good for business. This two-day class will provide you with the rationale, the methodology and real-life examples of how and why organizations have used sustainability to their strategic and operational advantage in the marketplace. Learn how sustainability not only improves your company’s triple bottom line - financial, social, and environmental – but how it improves your company’s image in the world, which can reap huge benefits. You will leave having developed a draft sustainability plan for a specific company process and return to work being able to lead company sustainability initiatives. READ MORE/REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=863762009-12-14 17:00:00https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=863762009-11-19 19:33:492009-11-19 19:33:49 :;bA2009-12-16 01:00:00rrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-05-16 19:00:002009-04-16 21:28:252009-04-16 21:28:25 ?>2009-05-16 21:00:00 #yqQ|rxpuoia XGMKBU9i.r$A% C33' Cozmic Pizzahttp://www.cozmicpizza.com/2008-09-15 03:33:092008-09-15 03:35:24199 W 8th AveEugeneOR97401US@F^ [S 338-9333 @?33?The Commonwealth Building2008-09-15 01:57:152008-09-17 15:39:29421 SW 6th Ave., Ste. 300PortlandOR97204US@F›qC9^bC;b֬ ;=?9 S33G %Robert Half Technologyhttp://www.roberthalftechnology.com2008-09-15 01:14:292008-09-28 01:51:40222 SW Columbia St, Suite 800PortlandOR97201US@Fه^XC؝503.222.0946$>3 U 33/ Blackbird Wine Shop3519 NE 44th Ave. Portland, Or 972132008-09-13 19:27:062008-10-19 01:38:573519 NE 44th Ave.PortlandOR97213US@F9^_ôW=) 133C Cathedral Parkhttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=97&action=ViewPark2008-09-12 19:49:202008-09-12 19:52:20N Edison St & Pittsburg AvePortlandOR97255US@F8 c0^x? HHland Urban Iditarod in previous years. The Lotus Room is a gQԡgY3K333PDXPUG: November meeting: Materialized ViewsPDXPUG monthly meeting. Where: FreeGeek When: 7pm 19 Nov, 2009 Who: Dan Colish What: Materialized Views (with cupcakes) Drinks afterward at the SE Lucky Lab.2009-11-20 03:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-11-15 20:43:342009-11-15 20:46:55 92009-11-20 05:00:00Yԡ__3]333Keep Portland Weird! A Community FestivalPortland is a place of passionate people pursuing interesting, and sometimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as a wide variety of organizations share what they do and why they do it: * Nichole, America's smartest girl * Zydeco dancers * PDXYAR Pirates * Rose City Astronomers * Flash Choir * Knitters Guild * Spinerrati * Dill Pickle Club * Kumoricon anime/manga fans * Morris dancers * ... more!2009-11-14 20:00:00http://www.multcolib.org/events/kpw.html2009-11-14 06:16:182009-11-15 23:45:24 ;H2009-11-15 00:00:00. http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We will take the MAX up together, if you'd like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=117+NW+5th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 We'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and back as well, so if you need some creative inspiration on all things revenue, please feel free to come along.2009-11-18 15:30:00http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/committies/businesmattersseriesinfo.html2009-11-17 03:52:032009-11-17 03:52:03 @;b72009-11-18 18:30:00 located on the OSU campus across from Reser Stadium. High Tech After Hours builds valuable relationships between local businesses, high-tech entrepreneurs, educators, investors, students and local officials. For the first time this year OSU’s College of Business and College of Engineering will be co-hosting this event, making this the powerhouse showcase of collaboration between industry, education, and commerce in the Willamette Valley. Open Innovation is this year’s theme, and an expanded agenda includes some very exciting people and events: * Keynote speaker, Peter Adkison, a leader in the gaming industry and current CEO of Hidden City Games. Peter is an entertaining speaker and as a pivotal player in the high-tech industry, presents a unique perspective on the economic opportunities of the Pacific Northwest. * A panel-style, round-robin discussion of area examples of collaboration and innovation with leaders Ron Adams, Dean of the College of Engineering, Ilene Kleinsorge, Dean of the C tion Whether you’re just getting started in Web site design, or are a seasoned veteran at a local media agency, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) "ԡJ)u3 333Picnic TweetupSunday looks to be another warm day so lets enjoy it outside. Go to the very top of the park to find us. We'll probably be sitting in the grass so bring a blanket or fold-up chair.2009-04-26 19:00:002009-04-25 15:38:142009-04-25 15:53:47 ?K2009-04-26 22:00:00:ԡH?3333Shizzow Developers MeetupJoin the Shizzow team at Green Dragon on Thursday, April 30th at 5pm. We will be discussing Shizzow application development, and have a round table discussion about implementing and working with oAuth, which will soon be available for the Shizzow API.2009-05-01 00:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/04/shizzow-developers-meetup-april-30th/2009-04-24 20:00:432009-04-24 20:00:43 ; 2009-05-01 03:00:00.ԡGkK3 333ECLIPSE DEMO CAMP GALILEO 2009 – Portland, ORInstantiations and The Eclipse Foundatio ) 'king group. http://WorkAtJelly.com We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work_1;3g33JsCNW China Council: Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in ChinaNW China ސ=0-e3i33JsGalois Tech Talk: OpenTheory, Package Management for Higher Order Logic TheoriesPۄf/WM3K3JsPortland Werewolf - January GatheringCome play at our monthly game of we%3]33JuOEN SwapMeetThe next OEN SwapMeet has been set for Thursday, April 30th, 5-7 PM, at the Someday Lounge. The OEN SwapMeet is a great event for making connections with a variety of folks and an opportunity for you to make introductions for your friends. So come to SwapMeet and bring a friend! The event is free, though the drinks are not. We hope to see you there!2009-05-01 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2293645/2009-04-14 00:03:55 :;b2009-05-01 02:00:00 eNnd developing the riverside park site, so the name of the park was changed from Troutdale Community Park to Glenn Otto Park in 1994.e G 33+ City Council Chambers (City Hall, 2nd floor)1221 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR2009-07-06 19:40:432009-07-06 19:40:591221 SW 4th AvePortlandOR97204US@Fz^kŶX-A%U333; Woodlawn Park AmphitheatreIt's a park.NE 13th Ave & Dekum St, Portland, ORhttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=865&action=ViewPark2009-07-03 04:38:272009-07-03 14:45:54NE Claremont & Dekum StPortlandOR97211US@F0^B,' ;337 Watershed PDXhttp://watershedpdx.com2009-07-03 02:18:422009-07-03 14:56:415040 SE Milwaukie AvePortlandOR97202US@FA*2^i +333'EastBurn2009-07-02 16:19:042009-07-02 20:54:15E 18th and BurnsidePortlandOregonUnited States@Fc ^hr ;by >L*!= K33E5%SEA ChangeSEA Change is a gallery and community event space in Portland, Oregon, U  line game, building challenge, open ended simulation, etc.) that fits for the intended use. 4. Choose a set of design elements to employ (or intentionally omit) that lend themselves*ԡhO3E333Portland Ten Field Trip: KEEN, Inc: Start a Business, Create Your Own JobStart a Business, Create Your Own Job Have you always been curious about starting your own business? Are you looking for work after being laid off or caring for family? Are you retired but not finished working? Or did you recently graduate? This panel of entrepreneurs has been there (and is there) and has advice for you. With unemployment over 12% in Oregon, many talented people are exploring their entrepreneurial urges and developing a healthy curiosity about starting their own business. With any venture, it helps to get advice from folks who have ‘been there, done that’ and are willing to share their hard-earned wisdom. ZCC presents a panel and moderator composed of seasoned business owners and founders who nnņ¾ºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>Iԡ7#739333PDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and ԡi3 333Create valuable business connections at Business Leads Exchange! Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event! Tuesday October 27, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court, on the 4th Floor. Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance online/$20 at the door. First-timers: call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 to attend one time as a guest. 2009-10-27 14:30:002009-09-24 21:51:252009-09-24 21:51:252009-10-27 16:00:00ollege of Business, Brian Weldon, Chapter President of SAO and Mysty Rusk, President of the Corvallis-Benton Chamber Coalition. * "Ignite Corvallis!" the rapid-fire, fun and novel presentation opportunity for 20 area businesses to highlight what’s going on in their world and offer insight into new and interesting developments that could impact area businesses - including yours! * Vendor Exhibition Hall - Last year, over fifty different area technology companies took the opportunity to show their stuff at HTAH and we expect this year to be even bigger. We are actively seeking High Tech and Traded Sector companies who are interested in participating in the event. Be on display with 50 High-Tech businesses and find out about the newest technologies being developed and showcase what your company is creating. Help us tell your story better! For further information call 541-757-1505 x 62008-11-13 21:00:00http://www.hightechafterhours.com2008-10-10 18:52:512008-10-10 18:52:51 <2008-11-14 04:00:00 D7$tԡuG%333SBDC: How to Start a Business503-978-50802007-12-07 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b`ԡtCe333PSU: The Business of Sportshttps://www.foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings/2007-12-06 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b` ԡsKK333Oregon's Most Admired Companieshttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-12-06 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:57;b`wԡrA1333SAO: Software as a Servicehttp://www.sao.org2008-01-11 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b`hԡq/%333SBA loan briefing503-326-26822007-12-20 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b` ԡp[?333IMC: Professional Written Communicatԡ ? 35333Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle2008-11-16 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-10-12 00:44:452008-11-16 19:06:40 92008-11-16 04:00:00nd the Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success story in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support of our Sponsors and Partners! Founding Sponsors The City of Beaverton State of Oregon Silver Sponsors: Ater Wynne Perkins Coie Davis Wright Tremaine Coldwell Banker Sonitrol Pacific Supporting Sponsors: Alto Law Group PDC Miller Nash Event Sponsors: Stoel Rives Partners AeA Acumen Financial Group Armstrong Kendall DHX Advertising eROI OBA OEN SAO Techspi White & Lee Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA Monday, March 30 at 12:00 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-30 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/2009-03-27 16:26:57 <;b2009-03-30 20:15:00Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for the keg! 2008-10-21 23:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/21/08b2008-10-12 00:22:312008-10-12 00:22:31 <2008-10-22 01:00:00 F44ԡW3q333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingDrop off your taxes at the post office on the way and enjoy a nice beer and conPԡ 3k333Bola Moyo Benefit Show with Leonard Mynx, Sean Flinn, & Amy SeeleyBola Moyo will have i 3ԡ_=33333Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced TopicsPLUG Advanced Topics Topic: Backporting Linux kernel Drivers with Git Speaker: Alan Olsen Intel Corp. Description: The talk will be a demonstration on how to use git to assist in back-porting drivers from one kernel version to another. It will include merging patches, determining what patches are part of the driver you are backporting, generating patches, etc. I will also have a quick intro to some of the git concepts I will be using. A menu of food and drinks is available!2009-11-20 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-11-17 16:53:022009-11-17 16:53:02 @2009-11-20 05:00:00 22ular social networking sites available to professionals and entrepreneurs, but often I hear that people aren’t sure how to use these sites or how they will get you clients. I was once even told that someone thought that Linkedin was just another job hunting site. In this class, I clear up th`ԡE3M333Portland Ten Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-12-15 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-11-17 04:03:282009-11-17 04:03:28 @2009-12-15 18:00:00`ԡE3M333Portland Ten Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-12-08 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-11-17 04:02:372009-11-17 04:02:37 @2009-12-08 18:00:00  Ol,iԡ ?13E333OEN Webinar - Building Brands and Managing Reputations via Social Media, with Kent Lew gԡ 7q3 333Calagator Code SprintJoin us to work on adding features and improving Calagator! We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Some possible tasks for the sprint include adding creation and editing of recurring events, improving Google Calendar compatibility, and other bug fixes and improvements. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.2008-10-25 17:00:002008-10-12 02:41:232008-10-26 07:06:07 92008-10-26 01:00:00Suites.

        So, to showcase their new digs and introduce Lunch 2.0 to the suburbs, the OTBC will be hosting Lunch 2.0 on January 14, 2009.

        The Beaverton Round is right on the MAX line about 20 minutes from Portland. Just jump off the Blue Line at the Beaverton Central stop, and you're 90 feet from the new OTBC office.

        Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

        You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.

        Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
        2009-01-14 20:00:00http://siliconflorist.com/2008/09/28/the-otbc-brings-lunch-20-to-the-burbs/2008-10-10 19:28:012008-10-12 16:43:00 <;b2009-01-14 22:00:00 ..#w}ԡeI33333Agile Pub Lunch sponsored by XPDX & APLN-PDXCasual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few `ԡE3M333Portland Ten Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-12-01 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-11-17 04:02:062009-11-17 04:02:06 @2009-12-01 18:00:00dԡE3M333Portland Ten Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-11-24 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-11-17 03:52:512009-11-17 04:01:00 @;b82009-11-24 18:30:00 ttctNYkԡb)1333SAO Con`ԡ 7[3333SAO StartUp Exchange The StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. ԡc3333Election night party at the Doug Fir loungelive televised returns


        with: Sam Adams, Steve Novick, Portland Mercury, and DJ Gregarious
        2008-11-05 02:00:002008-10-11 01:01:242008-10-11 17:28:43 <;b2008-11-05 07:59:00}ԡMg3#333Lunch 2.0 at the New OTBC OfficeFor the first time, Portland Lunch 2.0 will happen in the 'burbs, Beaverton to be precise.

        The OTBC is moving into new space and partnering with the Beaverton Round Executive pf`}ԡE'W333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-01-15 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:48;bՒ{ԡ7Y3O333High Tech After HoursThe Software Association of Oregon (SAO) Corvallis Chapter, Corvallis-Benton Chamber Coalition and Oregon State University are proud to announce the 6th Annual High Tech After Hours! High Tech After Hours is the biggest high-tech event in the Willamette Valley and will be held on November 13th from 1:00pm until 8:00pm at the CH2M HILL Alumni Center }ԡ?i39333Galois Tech Talk: Type Correct Changes, A Safe Approach to Version Control ImplementationNext week's tech talk, a special treat, with Jason Dagit (aka. lispy on #haskell) dropping by to talk about using GADTs to clean up darcs' patch theory implementation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Type Correct Changes A Saf  g1ԡ='3]333Meet In Portland minglerEvery month MiPL has a "Mingler" evening which is just for hanging out at a bar, meeting new members andԡ)O3333Portland Ten Field Trip: Sales Training #4: Questioning & Listening TechniquesOur friends Scott & Al at the Olsen Group are doing sales trainings hosted by the Beaverton Chamber, free for members, $5 for attendees. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings for the next 3 months ԡ3[333pdxscalaIt's about time we finally try to get people together to talk Scala, so we've decided to have an informal gathering at the Lucky Lab on Wednesday (Nov 18th) at 7PM. This will be a good opportunity to meet others who are interested in Scala and get a sense for what others might be using it for. Feel free to show up even if you're just casually dipping your toes in the water. 2009-11-19 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala2009-11-16 06:50:272009-11-16 07:42:49 ; Jy2009-11-19 05:30:00is an enthusiastic startup junkie working for Earth Class Mail. He has presented at user groups and code camps throughout the northwest. Be warned that Kelly is obsessed with XNA and Silverlight, and should not be taken seriously until he actually accomplishes something of worth with these technologies. TOPIC: Silverlight Deep Zooming - Some advanced features and demos. - Cover some UX guidelines for using this feature. - Explain why this feature should be avoided (or only used with great care). - Identify guidelines to show what problem sets would require this feature. - How to get started using family vacation photos (demo). While you're at it, consider visiting our Platinum Sponsors that make these meetings possible: Robert Half Technology http://www.roberthalftechnology.com/ Silvertail Software http://www.silvertailsoftware.com/ Looking forward to seeing you all there! 2008-09-17 01:30:00http://pdxux.net/2008/September.aspx2008-09-15 01:14:292008-09-15 01:14:29  is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers.2008-10-14 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/2008-10-10 17:28:122008-10-10 17:28:12 ;2008-10-14 19:00:00 ;zbԡ ;s333SAO: Selling tԡ}m3333Marketing with web 2.0, Part II: Social networks2008-10-07 01:30:002008-10-06 23:20:072009-09-16 15:03:54 @;b2008-10-07 03:00:00[ԡ|[i3S333Portland Werewolf October '08 Gathering

        Come play Werewolf with us.

        We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

        Donations are appreciated for the room rental.

        Check out our upcoming page toRSVP and for directions.

        2008-10-09 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/802008-10-06 22:38:372008-10-08 10:24:45 ; ;bՉ2008-10-09 04:00:00kage repository. We will look at this problem in a bit more detail and ask if the right approach might be to apply our knowledge about constraint solving rather than the current ad-hoc solvers that most real systems use. My hope is to provoke a discussion about the problem. We can concentrate on one topic or the other depending on peoples interest. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers.2008-10-07 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/2008-10-06 22:37:172008-10-06 22:37:17 ;2008-10-07 19:00:00SA. SEA’s mission is to advocate for environmental consciousness, animal rights, and social justice via art exhibits and community events open to all walks of life. SEA Change seeks to unite progressive agents of positive change to foster cross-pollination that catalyzes an equal, peaceful, compassionate, and just future. By fusing evolutionary artists with community-based initiatives, we are putting the puzzle pieces together of how to harmoniously integrate nature and society. SEA Change aims to pinpoint the intersection of social and environmental issues. In addition to curating social and environmental art exhibits, SEA Change’s space is offered free of charge to community-based groups and individuals for events, lectures, gatherings, music, and performances intent on making the world a better place for us all to share.http://seagallery.wordpress.com2009-07-01 05:00:522009-07-01 05:03:10625 NW Everett, Gallery #110PortlandOregon97209seagallery@gmail.com313.605.2924st, Beaver Creek on theigh technology patent litigation. Tigran will discuss his efforts on behalf of Seiko Epson and other clients to use the International Trade Commission to obtain and use exclusion orders to stop infringing products at the border. Moderator: - Brenna Legaard is a partner at Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, an intellectual property law firm in Portland, Oregon. A seasoned trial lawyer, Brenna brings significant real-world experience to her patent prosecution and opinion practice and routinely helps start ups and publicly traded clients alike prioritize their IP budgets and cost-effectively enforce their rights against infringers. Cost: $50 TechAmerica members and LES Industry members, $110 nonmember technology companies To Register: Call TechAmerica Oregon, (503) 624-4871. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Kari.Naone@techamerica.org, (503) 624-5715.2009-12-09 15:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/tipdec2009-11-13 21:08:492009-11-13 23:42:50 A 2009-12-09 18:00:00 land, Oregon ABSTRACT: This will be an informal talk and discussion on two topics: 1. A language for build systems Build systems are easy to start but hard to get right. We'll take the view of a language designer and look at where our current tools fall down in terms of safety/correctness and expressiveness. We'll then consider some very early ideas about what a build system language should look like and what properties it should have. Currently this takes the form of a design for a build DSL embedded in Haskell. 2. Constraint solving problems in package deployment We are all familiar, at least peripherally, with package systems. Every Linux distribution has a notion of packages and most have high level tools to automate the installation of packages and all their dependencies. What is not immediately obvious is that the problem of resolving a consistent set of dependencies is hard, indeed it is NP-complete. It is possible to encode 3-SAT or Sudoku as a query on a specially crafted pac How to use the fastest, most cost-effective IP enforcement actions available Panelists: - Tom Evans, Corporate Patent Attorney at Mentor Graphics will relate lessons from Mentor’s patent infringement lawsuit in China and describe how Mentor uses its IP portfolio to defend its markets around the world. - Julianne Davis, Assistant General Counsel/Intellectual Property at Nike, Inc. will tell you why you should add design patents, trademark registrations, and copyright registrations to your IP portfolios, and how Nike uses its diverse portfolio to police its markets in the US and around the world. - John Motley, Associate General Counsel & Director of Intellectual Property at Columbia Sportswear, will talk about Columbia’s successful use of Thai and other foreign patent and trademark law to combat infringement where products are manufactured. - Tigran Guledjian, a partner at Quinn Emanuel in Los Angeles, practices extensively in complex intellectual property litigation with an emphasis in h WWWOԡn6ԡzc?33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-10-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2008-10-06 11:00:232008-10-06 11:00:23 92008-10-14 04:00:00]ԡy ]39333PHP: Using Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR with PHP and Zend FrameworkRich Internet applications (RIAs) are everywhere. With Web businesses like Google and Yahoo! and brick and mortar companies like Harley Davidson and Sherwin Williams embracing RIAs for their online presence, the media buzz is giving way to the reality of a better Internet.  A5 $^ԡX;333SEMpdx networking eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPa2ԡxG3g333Building a Brand that MattersThe Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series Building a Brand that Matters Alfred Lin COO, CFO and Chairman, Zappos.com Thursday, Oct 8ԡwCC3Q333Portland Fashion Week 2008 Welcome to Portland Fashion Week: Spring/Summer 2009 Collections. Several internationally known independent and eco labels from all over the country and the world are launching their upcoming season's collections from the bamboo-runway in the green building of 14 Square in the swanky Pearl District. After being the first sustainable production of a fashion week in the world in 2007, this year Portland Fashion Week continues its commitment to eco-responsibility and high-fashion. This event is benefiting Children's Cancer Association 2008-10-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandfashionweek.net2008-10-03 15:54:472008-10-12 04:36:54 <2008-10-13 06:00:00k, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres and hear the feature presentation by Journey Gym™ , their challenges as a new entrepreneur, and their recent business adventure. The Journey Gym™ is the world's first truly portable gym, allowing use in the home environment, as well as within travel and professional environments. It's lightweight, compact, and durable design allows people to effectively use it wherever they go. It is efficient in giving users a total body workout and will allow anyone to use it as their primary source for resistance, cardiovascular, and circuit training. Journey gym™ recently began its first run of 1000 of the journey gym on March 30, 2009. Online registration closes on Tuesday, April 7th, at 5 PM. If you miss the online registration date, you can register at the door of the event. Space is limited to 115, so be sure to register today!2009-04-09 00:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=552009-03-27 13:48:48 :62009-04-09 02:00:00 to obtain registration discount. More information at:  http://www.corpsecure.com/wpv-conference/index.html This conference is a must attend event for professionals that have responsibility to respond, manage and prevent workplace violence incidents.                                                                                    Location:  Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, June 15th and 16th 2009 Conference Highlights Understanding Workplace Violence Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Restraining orders Legal Aspects of Workplace Violence Forensic Psychology Applied to Workplace Violence Risk Management View in Workplace Violence Incidents Workplace Violence and the Media  Moderators:   Anna Song, KATU TV Award Winning News Journalist             Dr. Armando Estrada, Washington State University             Judy Clark, SPHR, CPC, Owner and President HR Answers Inc. Faculty:     KK5 $^ԡX;333SEMpdx networking.ԡim3o333Parot Virtual Machine Opcode Testing HackathonIn preparation for Parrot VM 1.8.0 being released next Tuesday, there is a world-wide testing hackathon this weekend, to improve test coverage of our opcodes, i.e. tests that live in t/op/ in the Parrot repo. For info about how to get Parrot: http://www.parrot.org/download There is also a Parrot mirror on github: http://github.com/leto/parrot There are many Parrot hackers in Portland, so a group of us may decide to meet at a coffee shop or some other establishment. Follow @parrotvm on Twitter (@parrot on identi.ca) and @dukeleto on Twitter (@leto on identi.ca) for the latest updates. Useful links: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/OpcodeTestingHackathon http://wknight8111.blogspot.com/2009/06/parrot4newbies-test-suite.html 2009-11-14 08:00:00https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/AllHackathons2009-11-13 19:12:252009-11-13 19:45:40 A!2009-11-15 19:30:00. 16, 2008 7-8:30 p.m. Milam Hall, Room 026 Alfred Lin is responsible for all financial, administrative, and warehouse operations of Zappos.com. Since 2005, he has brought focus, strategy, and financial discipline to help grow the business efficiently and profitably. In less than ten years, Zappos.com has matured from an upstart to the top Internet shoe seller that is forecasted to generate $1 billion in gross merchandise sales in 2008. The e-tailer stocks 3 million pairs of shoes, handbags, apparel, and accessories, specializing in some 1,000 brands that are difficult to find in mainstream shopping malls. Using an interactive Q&A format, Alfred will discuss the ingredients to building a brand, culture, and company that matters. He will share his top ten lessons learned while growing the business over the last decade as well as key insights on e-commerce and entrepreneurship.2008-10-17 02:00:00http://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/about/ddls.htm2008-10-03 18:26:492008-10-03 18:26:49 <2008-10-17 03:30:00 jjbe has recently contributed AMF support to the Zend Framework, allowing PHP developers to easily build Rich Internet Applications using Flex and Adobe AIR that interact wiDԡ=M3]333Bright Lights discussionWhen: Monday, April 13, Gather at 5:30 p.m., Discussion at 6 p.m. Where: Jimmy Mak’s, 221 NW 10th Ave in the Pearl Cost: ԡ5_3s333PDX Weekly HackathonCome do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.2009-11-20 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-11-12 20:24:402009-11-12 20:24:40 ; 2009-11-20 07:30:00 MVW Surprisingly, this date worked the best when a sample from the c{ԡRA9333STCWVC: Competition Awardshttp://www.stcwvc.org/2008-02-22 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:29;b`xԡQ7=333WEO-OR monthly dinnerhttp://www.oregonweo.org2008-02-13 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:29;b`eԡP5333WEO-WAhttp://www.weowa.org2008-02-21 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`ԡO)e333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://grou ԡvA 31333Vampire Fun(d)-Raiser BallA delightful Vampire Costume Ball, a fund-raiser to help pay medical expenses for our dear friend Wini Williams, who has porphyria (which is also called the "Vampire Disease"). Music, Dancing, benefit auction, food, and fun. See http://forwini.com for more information and to buy tickets. 2008-10-05 03:00:00http://forwini.com2008-10-03 06:04:182008-10-03 06:04:18 <2008-10-05 08:00:00 l CHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption trends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in s%a3]33JupdxmindsharepdxMindShare is a Portland, Oregon networking organization that specializes in connecting qualified professionals with interested companies through a weekly newsletter and a monthly networking event. Whether you're a business professional looking for a job, an employer looking for qualified candidates or just simply looking to enhance your career through networking, pdxMindShare is your resource. Join us for our monthly networking event at Paddy's Bar & Grill at 5:30 p.m.2009-04-16 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373634/2009-04-14 00:03:30 ;a;b2009-04-16 02:30:00 bsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software (Timberline Software), Microsoft (Exact/Macola Software ), Inspiration Software and many more! We've grown our sales force from 3 to 17 people since first deploying Value Based Selling. S_ԡ!3i333OHSU: The Patient Activation Measure and Its Role in Patient-Centered Careatients hold the keys to the healthcare kingdom. Whether one turns to data from the Centers for Disease Control, advocacy organizations such as the American Cancer Society or from published research in the New England Journal of Medicine, one finding resounds--most of what drives our health status is the result of the choices we make. Even when health is genetically predisposed, the choices we make as patients and consumers have great import. The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) is a survey, developed by Dr. Judith Hibbard and colleagues at the University of Oregon, and is designed to assess the knowledge, skills and confidence for managi  ?n&?˃˃x˃p˃h˃<33/Backspace2008-09-11 20:03:152008-09-12 19:56:01115 NW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@F=^?>;b֣ :HY;)?GI33- %Foster & DobbsA cheese shop with lunch.2518 NE 15th ave, Portland ORhttp://www.fosteranddobbs.com/2008-09-10 01:55:412008-09-10 01:57:032518 Ne 15th AvePortlandOR97212US@F6:^‚503.284.1157{:-o 33E GemStone SystemsThe building is in an "L" shape. The main entrance is at the inside corner. If you're visiting after hours, the door may be locked, but a phone number to call to be let in will be posted there.1260 NW Waterhouse Ave # 200, Beaverton, OR 970062008-09-10 00:42:222008-09-24 06:02:111260 NW Waterhouse Ave # 200BeavertonOR97006US@Fr6~AN^:yC933Souk2008-09-09 16:07:392009-05-14 14:01:53 ? 833Hilton Portland and Executive Tower - 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR -2008-09-09 11:19:392008-09-12 19:56:37;b֜ <2 \uNԡKQ9333SIM: Strategies for Virtualizationhttp://www.simnet.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`ԡJYW333PMF Winter Social and Networking Eventhttp://www.programmangementforum.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`iԡI/'333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-2682 2008-02-21 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 1 ԡt3333Obama '08 iPhone App Launch Party and Presidential Debate PartyBring friends and join us to celebrate the launch of the official Obama '08 iPhone application. We'll screen the presidential debate and then show highlights of the Obama '08 app and meet the Portland members of the development team.

        Note: This event is likely to fill up quickly, and is first come, first served. Show up early to get a good seat!
        2008-10-08 00:00:002008-10-02 22:02:072008-10-04 09:43:57 <;b2008-10-08 04:00:00 08 7-8:30 p.m. Milam Hall, Room 026 Alfred Lin is responsible for all financial, administrative, and warehouse operations of Zappos.com. Since 2005, he has brought focus, strategy, and financial discipline to help grow the business efficienԡ5_3s333PDX Weekly HackathonCome do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.2009-11-13 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-11-12 20:23:362009-11-12 20:25:00 ; 2009-11-13 07:30:00aԡ 3333aea2009-11-11 00:00:002009-11-12 13:19:492009-11-12 13:19:49;b52009-11-12 00:00:00 ^^roup setting where you can network with your peers and meet the members of the recenԡ =131333PDXPHP - Lightning TalksTrying a different format this month: Lightning talks. I saw it work well at the Python meeting this month so I thought we would give it a try. We will have 2 to 4 10-20 minute slots. The format is informal, It is completely acceptable to take a slot and discuss 'this cool PHP thing you found' So far we have:
        • 1: Lise to talk about their experience with the ZCE Test. Why you should take it, where you take it, how to pass.
        • 2: SamKeen to intro Doctrine: PHP Object Relational Mapper
        • 3: Cularis, Inc. will talk about their new project: shopIgniter
        • 4: Russell Spivey: Document-Oriented Databases featuring Apache CouchDB
        2009-11-18 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-11-11 17:50:522009-11-13 00:34:46 @02009-11-18 04:00:00 &&8Sԡs]93q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.

        Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Persian" room.

        We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.
        2008-10-09 02:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-10-02 21:56:182008-10-02 21:56:18 9;b2008-10-09 04:00:00 Adobe has recently contributed AMF support to the Zend Framework, allowing PHP developers to easily build Rich Internet Applications using Flex and Adobe AIR that interact with a PHP backend. Ryan Stewart, a technical evangelist with Adobe, will give an introduction to Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR, and will walk through how to create a Flex application powered by PHP and the Zend Framework. Working with Zend Studio for Eclipse, and Flex Builder (an Eclipse plugin), Ryan will demonstrate how to build, debug and deploy applications built with Adobe Flex, and how to have these same applications run on the desktop using the Adobe AIR runtime. With this knowledge, developers will be able to easily build rich Internet applications that combine data from PHP and rich media like audio and video into a compelling application. Ryan’s bio can be found online at http://blog.digitalbackcountry.com/?page_id=22008-10-15 01:30:00http://www.pdxphp.org/2008-10-06 10:48:342008-10-06 10:48:34 92008-10-15 03:00:00 s proud to announce that the Portland Startup Weekend will be held May 23-25 2008. This is Memorial day weekend, so plan accordingmԡr'-333CampFire CampCampFire Camp is a fun end of Summer backyard campfire get-together and you are invited! Here's the scoop:

        - Please RSVP here so we can gauge attendance.

        - Bring your own food, and a little extra to share. We're talking campfire food; s'mores, roasted marshmallows, popcorn, hot dogs etc. If you've ever wanted to try making bacon-on-a-stick over an open fire, this is your chance!

        - Significant others and kids are encouraged to attend.

        - Location: This event is semi-public. Anyone in the PDX techie community is welcome to come, but we don't want to post the address here on Upcoming. Join us at Beer&Blog on Friday and we'll tell you where to go from there. It's near NE 33rd & Prescott.
        2008-10-04 02:00:002008-10-02 20:46:302008-10-02 20:46:30 ; ;b ((4(ԡq}y3a33"Get Naked for a Cause" Fundraiser TweetuphavePlease join @wonderwindy77, @colemangirl & @ dougcoleman at the Green Dragon on Sunday @ 5pm to learn all about the wonderful fundraising event of the year, a proposal will be presented as well a great opportunity for local geeks/techs & creatives to strut their stuff for a full year and raise money to help local charities :) We have a few wonder ԡpE3A333H.P. Lovecraft Film FestivalThe H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival promotes the works of H.P. Lovecraft, literary horror, and weird tales through the cinematic adaptations by professional and amateur filmmakers. The festival was founded in 1995 by Andrew Migliore in the hope that H.P. Lovecraft would be rightly recognized as a master of gothic horror and his work more faithfully adapted to film and television.
        2008-10-03 07:00:00http://hplfilmfestival.com2008-10-02 20:46:142008-10-02 20:46:14 <;b2008-10-05 07:00:00 OOuN*ԡ ;3c333PDX JellyJelly is Portland's new free co-working group. We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work done, and maybe even get some business referrals. http://WorkAtJelly.com Bring your laptop or an old-fashioned notebook, as well as something you're working on: whether it's an online business, an art project, coding, writing or something else. Next Monday we'll casually meet in N.E. at Caffe D'arte. They have an outdoor porch under an enormous tree, and also the main indoor cafe. And free wi-fi. Be prepared to buy some delicious coffee and/or gelato and/or salad/soup and sandwiches (only $5 for the happy hour combo!) RSVP to http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland or email alexlinsker@gmail.com2009-11-16 17:30:00http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland2009-11-11 19:42:252009-11-11 19:42:25 A2009-11-17 01:00:00e unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more. The Kauffman FastTrac® LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac® programs. To apply for the program, or to receive more information, please visit: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html Call Dan Smith at (866)638-1097 Or e-mail: support@gsbaccelerator.org Cost: FREE Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.2009-12-10 22:00:00http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html2009-11-20 21:43:202009-11-24 23:24:47 A*2009-12-11 01:00:00ful participants already and have 9 more months to fill. There will also be a Blue Grass band playing at 3pm on this day so come enjoy the music and "Get Naked for a Cause" at the same time!

        Hope to see you there!

        Portland’s Community College Multimedia Club has taken on the task to execute the design and production of a 2009 “Get Naked For A Cause” calendar. This calendar will be a fundraiser to help raise money for local charities/groups, as well as for educational opportunities within the club. The three main charities/recipients chosen this year are p:ear, Girls, inc., and Free Geek. We are currently seeking Portland media professionals to get involved in the making of this calendar. The theme (beyond the implied nudity) is for all photos to be of “geeks”, or techs/media professionals. This is intended to be tasteful and fun, even a little silly.
        2008-10-06 00:00:00http://www.getnakedforacause.wordpress.com2008-10-02 20:46:252008-10-02 20:46:25 ; ;b /t/Ihԡn?E33333Portland Linux/Unix GroupPresentation will be "Introduction to OpenSource ERP using xTuple products" by John Mertlich2008-10-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2008-10-02 19:34:062008-10-12 17:06:24 ;r2008-10-03 04:00:00OԡmGa3W333CubeSpace Birthday Open HouseIt's CubeSpace's second birthday! Aww... all growed up. Come join us for cake, drinks, jargon-laced chatter, fun and games. 4-8 PM, CubeSpace (SE Grand and Alder).2008-10-16 23:00:00http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/18742008-10-02 17:18:112008-10-02 17:44:08 9Jp2008-10-17 03:00:00uԡl3o3/333Galois Tech: Advanced Modeling, Design and Verification using High-Level Synthesis Title: Bluespec: Advanced Modeling, Design and Verification using High-Level Synthesis Speaker: Rishiyur Nikhil CTO, Bluespec, Inc. Date: Thursday, October 2nd. 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc., 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) A , NN@(ԡq}y3a33&qUԡ  3+ԡ533W333Darcs Hacking SprintWho : Anybody who wants to hack on Darcs (or Camp, Focal, SO6, etc) Beginners especially welcome! Why : Darcs aims to have bi-annual hacking sprints so that we can get together on a regular basis, hold design discussions, hack up a storm and have a lot fun. What : We plan to put some finishing touches on Darcs-2.4. Darcs 2.4 is a pretty exciting release because we expect it to offer nice performance enhancements from Petr's Google Summer of Code Project, and also a nice new 'hunk splitting' feature. We also intend to set aside at least one Darcs hacker for mentoring beginners, so if you're new to Haskell or to Darcs hacking, here's a good chance to plunge in and start working on a real world project. How: Add yourself to http://wiki.darcs.net/Sprints/2009-112009-11-14 17:00:00http://wiki.darcs.net/Sprints/2009-112009-11-11 16:33:332009-11-11 16:33:33 ;2009-11-16 01:00:00   820mԡ6'7333AEA CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-29 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b`ԡ5]7333AEA: The Power of a Professional Networkhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b`mԡ4'7333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b` ԡ3e7333AEA Managing Your Strategic Investment in IThttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-20 14:3oԡo_y333Linus Pauling Lectures: Dr Richard LeakeyLINUS PAULING LECTURES * DR RICHARD LEAKEY * HUMAN ORIGINS & OUR PLACE IN THE WORLD SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL THU OCT 2,2008 7:00PM
        >>Buy Tickets Online
        2008-10-03 02:00:002008-10-02 20:45:562008-10-02 20:45:56 <;b Utents in functional programming, dataflow and multithreaded architecturesԡ QY3K333Taptu Demo on Tap at Beer and BlogFirst of all, thanks to all of you for enduring my cleverly-worded, extremely cheesy headlines. They give me such pleasure to think up, you see. So...thanks. Next of all, it's time for Beer and Blog again! Whoo-hoo!ԡ_c3A333Write it Rich! Tips for Reluctant WritersSmEԡ3m3S333Drupal Users Meetup
        • Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal module. The module is TBD. If you'd like to choose and present let us know in the comments.
        • Node Reference and Node Referrer: Two great modules that go great together. Greg Perry from Dorey Design Group will present an overview of using Node Reference and Node Referrer to create relationships between content.
        • Announcements: Items of Interest from User Group members
        • $


          We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

          After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

          2009-11-12 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/300282009-11-10 19:23:512009-11-10 19:23:51 =2009-11-12 03:30:00across the healthcare industry struggling to determine the best way to fund and fuel growth. Our experienced panel, drawn from investors & executives with experience in Healthcare IT ventures both from a funding and entreprenuerial perspective, will address questions like: What products, services, and technology sectors in healthcare are investors most excited about now? What do investors want to see regarding company growth and exit strategy? Which investors are best positioned to support my company in this current environment? How should one approach valuation and other funding strategy discussions? Our panelists include: William Newman - Managing Director, NW Tech Ventures Jim Plymale - CEO, Clinicient Panel to be moderated by: John Hull - Managing Director, Marquam Hill Capital Register at oregon.tie.org $10/$15/$25 online $10/$20/$30 onsite (student member/member/non-member)2009-11-20 02:00:00http://oregon.tie.org2009-11-10 18:21:292009-11-10 18:21:29 92009-11-20 05:00:00 AAis time around Jason Harris (of techcraver.com fame, a most excellent tech blog) will be demoing Taptu a "super-fast entertainment search engine for your mobile." (This is the part where you get my "tap" headline pun, shake your head, and chuckle "that silly, silly @mediaChick." It's okay, I'm used to it.) 8ԡwk3o333The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff EventFirst meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle 2009-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.adobe.com/groups/207d8e67d5/summary2009-11-10 09:21:442009-11-12 20:29:18 @JyC2009-11-13 04:00:00 u$uE ART OF CELLULOID Curated by Christopher May April 12 + 13 [7:30PM] Cinema Project welcomes guest ԡ_37333TiE Oregon & PSBA presents, How to Fund your Healthcare IT VentureThe current economic climate has limited access to capital and has left companies %Uԡyg33333Early Stage VC Investing: what can you expect in 2010?Many technology and science start-ups that require outside capital have found investor groups with open doors but closed wallets this past year. But not everyone has struck out. Come hear how two early stage new ventures have closed their Series A rounds and are well on their way with Series B rounds. Also on the panel will be two early stage VCs who have their finger on the pulse of the changing investor market and can give the inside scoop on what to expect for 2010. RSVP to jdalton@pdx.edu This event is free of charge, bring a lunch if desired.2009-11-18 20:00:00http://psba.pdx.edu2009-11-10 18:15:342009-11-10 18:15:34 92009-11-18 21:00:00into law, how do emerging cleantech or renewable energy companies in need of financing access the grants, loans and other funding that can help their business thrive? The scarcity of venture capital funding and a non-existent IPO market makes understanding the incentives and funding available from Washington, D.C. and Oregon more important than ever. K&L Gates has assembled a panel of speakers who have not only helped cleantech companies access government and traditional funding, but also helped make that money work best in the long term. Attendance is complimentary but space is limited. The panelists will address: the range of funding options for clean technology project finance how to successfully and efficiently access funding from the Stimulus Package legal and regulatory risks and their impact on future revenue, project feasibility and financeability2009-06-03 15:00:00http://www.klgates.com/events/Detail.aspx?event=20122009-05-20 17:15:202009-05-20 17:16:07 ?2009-06-03 17:00:00n will co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your local Eclipse community! Here are the official details and where to sign up: Event Sponsors: Eclipse Foundation / Instantiations Event Title: Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Portland Date: June 17, 2009 Time: 7pm – 9pm (Presenters set up at 6pm) Location: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland Cost: Complimentary; attendance is limited Registration: To register, add your name as presenter or attendee to this wiki: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues, and be sure to sign up on the wiki if you would like to attend or present! We look forward to seeing you there. 2009-06-18 02:00:00http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland2009-04-24 19:29:492009-04-24 23:42:33 :2009-06-18 04:00:002 23:59:112008-10-30 23:40:13 :$2008-11-13 17:00:00veral patents in functional programming, dataflow and multithreaded architectures, parallel processing, compiling, and EDA. He is a member of ACM and IFIP WG 2.8 on Functional Programming, and a Senior Member of IEEE. He received his Ph.D. and M.S.E.E. in Computer and Information Sciences from the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and his B.Tech in EE from IIT Kanpur. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers.2008-10-02 17:30:00http://galois.com2008-10-01 19:32:112008-10-01 19:32:11 ;2008-10-02 19:00:00 *icularly those based on C/C++/SystemC). BIOGRAPHY: Rishiyur S. Nikhil is co-founder and CTO of Bluespec, Inc., which develops tools that dramatically improve correctness, productivity, reuse and maintainability in the design, modeling and verification of digital designs (ASICs and FPGAs). The core technologies consist of a language, BSV (Bluespec SystemVerilog), which enables very abstract source descriptions based on scalable atomic transactions and extreme parameterization, and tools for high-quality synthesis of BSV into RTL. Earlier, from 2000 to 2003, he led a team inside Sandburst Corp. (later acquired by Broadcom) developing Bluespec technology and contributing to 10Gb/s enterprise network chip models, designs and design tools. From 1991 to 2000 he was at Cambridge Research Laboratory (DEC/Compaq), including one and a half years as Acting Director. From 1984 to 1991 he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT. He has led research teams, published widely, and holds se +BSTRACT: Over the past few years, several projects in major companies have been adopting BSV (Bluespec SystemVerilog) as their next-generation tool of choice for IP design, modeling (for both architecture exploration and early software development), and verification enviroments. The reason for choosing BSV is its unique combination of: (1) excellent computation model for expressing complex concurrency and communication, based on atomic transactions and atomic transactional inter-module methods (2) very high level of abstraction and parameterization (principally inspired by Haskell) (3) full synthesizability, enabling execution on FPGAs, obtaining better performance (3 to 4 orders of magnitude) and scalability than software simulation at comparable levels of detail. In this presentation, I will provide a brief technical overview of BSV (points 1-3 above), and describe several customer projects using BSV. I will also briefly contrast BSV with other approaches to High Level Synthesis (partampPortlandMeetups" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp Meetup event for local technology employees, is an organizer for the Portland BarCamp event, and helps organize Ignite Portland. She is a co-founder and Chair of Legion of Tech.

          Previously, Dawn worked at Jive Software, Compiere, Intel, and a Midwestern manufacturing company in positions ranging from Unix system administrator to market researcher to open source strategist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Kent State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Ashland University.

          2008-10-10 00:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1232008-10-01 17:57:382008-10-01 17:57:38 <;b2008-10-10 03:00:00 ->http://fastwonderblog.com/)

          Dawn M. Foster provides consulting services for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for Shizzow, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building.

          Dawn is the author of the Fast Wonder Blog and is currently working on a book for O’Reilly Media about the Art of Community. She organizes a monthly
          Google Map

          RSVP TO: SAO by emailing Sao-info@thebec.com

          FREE this month for SAO members or students, and non-members

          Includes finger food and no-host bar


            5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar

            6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!)

            7:00 Program: Dawn Foster - Online Commuities and Marketing


          Dawn Foster, Fast Wonder Consulting (
          OMSI After Dark is an ongoing program that offers adults an opportunity to check out cool science demos, see a planetarium or laser light show, and explore OMSI in a child-free environment. Visitors to October’s OMSI After Dark will be able to taste 6newly-adopted Economic Development Strategy. The Strategy, which was approved by City Council in July 2009, emphasizes job creation and business competitiveness as the path to a sustainable economy, and identifies four industry clusters where the Portland Development Commission (PDC) will concentrate time, talent and resources to meet the Strategy’s goal of 10,000 net new jobs in the city of Portland in the next five years. We are in the process of gathering intelligence on Portland’s software sector and trying to identify opportunities for growing the cluster. The PDC and the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) are collaborating on a series of software industry round tables to help guide the development of this important industry cluster. Your participation in one of these discussions would be invaluable in advancing the understanding of industry needs.2009-11-06 23:30:00http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=846212009-11-07 01:28:482009-11-07 01:28:48 A;b32009-11-07 02:30:00 GG-,2ԡj1]3E333WordCamp:Las VegasWhat is WordCamp:Las Vegas? WordCamp:Las Vegas is a conference style event covering topics related to the WordPress software. We are also planning for Unconference style sessions in the afternoon to let the people attending WordCamp help choose the topics discussed at WordCamp:Las Vegas. Who Should Attend WordCamp:Las Vegas? No matter if you are a casual user, full time blogger, plugin developer, theme designer or if you are curious about getting in to blogging for the first time, WordCamp:Las Vegas promises to have a little something for everyone. When Is It? Mark your calendar, January 10th and 11th, 2009 Where is it? OK, you got me there. We are still working on securing a location for the event. As soon as we have a confirmed location, we’ll update the site and let you know. 2009-01-10 16:00:00http://lasvegaswordcamp.com/2008-10-01 18:02:432008-12-10 10:35:512009-01-12 01:00:00 kk\;o ԡc7333Barran Liebman: Ore. Famly Leave Act Updatehttp://www.barran.com2ԡkA 3;333WhereCamp Planning MeetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. 2008-10-02 01:30:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-10-01 18:43:382008-10-01 18:48:20 ;2008-10-02 03:30:00and learn the science behind food and beverage favorites with local artisans Moonstruck Chocolate, Caffe Vita, Hip Chicks Do Wine, and Rogue Ales & Spirits. Appetizers and a cash bar will also be available for those who want more than just a taste!

          The next OMSI After Dark event will be held Oct. 1, from 7:00-9:30 p.m. Admission is free for members and $10 for non members. 21 and over please!

          Look for future OMSI After Dark events Dec. 3 or in 2009 on Feb. 18, Apr. 1, and Jun. 10. Each event will feature a unique mix of food and beverage providers and activities.

          For more information visit
          http://www.omsi.edu/afterdark. (After Sept. 26 please visit our newly redesigned website at http://www.omsi.edu and click on the “special events” tab.)
          2008-10-02 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/afterdark2008-10-01 02:59:132008-10-01 02:59:13 :W;b2008-10-02 04:30:00  those based on C/C++/SystemC). BIOGRAPHY: Rishiyur S. Nikhil is co-founder and CTO of Bluespec, Inc., which develops tools that dԡA_3]333Tax Procrastinators Unite!We realize we can't be the only people in the Portland tech community who still need to do our taxes, so we're holding a tax party. Come to CubeSpace, bring your tax forms, get things done. We're att^ԡS_3s333Portland Pythoneers monthly meetingChris Pitzer has claimed November's Michel's Monthly Module (most likely: subprocess), Brett Carter is putting together a presentation all about Mercurial Queues, then Jason Kirtland will highlight a few of the differences between MQ and Mercurial Patch Branches. Jason also plans to share a quick bonus lightning talk about Emacs, PyFlakes and PEP 8. 2009-11-11 02:30:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-11-10 01:57:352009-11-10 01:58:33 
          Please RSVP so we know you're coming, will you?
          2008-10-09 00:00:002008-10-01 17:59:262008-10-01 17:59:26 ; ;bƛ@ԡhQ'3i333SAO October Tech Pub - Dawn FosterThursday, Oct 9th, 2008

          5:30pm - 8:30pm

          Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront
          136 SW Washington Ave.
          1000 NE Circle Blvd
          Corvallis, Oregon 97333

          Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O'Grady ("The Art and Science of Conversation in Social Media"), Scott BerkunԡdiM3Q333CubeSpace's Second Birthday Party & Open HouseMark your calendars: on Thursday, October 16, CubeSpace marks our second birthday! What does this mean for you? A community-wide open house, with delicious food, great company, and some fun and games to boot. Current, former, and future members of CubeSpace are all invited, as are general well-wishers, curious onlookers, and newsletter devotees (hey, I can dream, right?). The festivities will be happening from 4 to 8 p.m., so drop by and help us ring in Year Number Three!2008-10-16 23:00:00http://www.cubeSpacePDX.com/events2008-09-29 15:37:542008-10-16 04:42:04 92008-10-17 03:00:00 event, with human guests spending five minutes each with 10 to 15 different cats over the course of the evening.

          OHS, which has over 100 cats available for adoptions, will select feline dating candidates who vary in personality, age, and breed to insure there is a perfect match for all guests. Guests will receive care packages with the adoption of any cat during the event.

          And unlike traditional speed dating events--there are no worries here. All OHS cats are spayed/neutered and vaccinated. They come with a microchip ID tag, one month of health insurance, and much more. OHS interpersonal relationship experts (otherwise known as adoption counselors) will be on hand to make sure the speed dating experience is a happy one.

          It all happens on Tuesday, Sept. 30, from 5 - 8 pm at OHS, 1067 NE Columbia Blvd., Portland, OR 97211.
          2008-10-01 00:00:00http://www.oregonhumane.org/news/stories/OHS_Speed_Dating.asp2008-09-29 01:03:582008-09-29 01:03:58 <;b2008-10-01 03:00:00 XX` 6΀AЍ R_ԡeE3Y333Portland Functional Programming Study Group (pdxfunc) meetingJoin us at the next meetinԡdK3O33February Meeting (unusual date)The February monthly meeting has been rescheduled to avoid conflicting with Ignit!ԡcO3[333Entrepreneurial Series Open HouseCubeSpace's Entrepreneurial Series Morning Meetings are starting up again in October, and we want to introduce you to the participants! On October 2, from 9 to 10 a.m., we're hosting an Entrepreneurial Series Open House. Stop by, drink some coffee, and meet the cast of the Entrepreneurial program, as well as Kent Smith, our new SCORE counselor-in-residence. Kent will have office hours from noon to 5pm on Wednesdays from now on, and is a great resource for new entrepreneurs. We hope to see you there!2008-10-02 16:00:00http://http:www.cubeSpacePDX.com/events2008-09-29 15:36:282008-09-29 15:36:28 92008-10-02 17:00:00 RRo]333wrm333http://www.meetup.com/sfo-emm/ca拲@ fIK333https://launchpad.net/~vicodin22009-11-30 16:07:402009-11-30 16:07:36lTW333https://launchpad.net/~vicodin-online2009-12-08 22:40:392009-12-08 06:48:182009-12-08 22:40:40U I333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4810348/OR/Portland/IxDA-Portland-Design-Jam-Session/About-Us/2009-12-09 00:47:122009-12-09 00:47:112009-12-09 00:47:14V ]333http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/166hs0omnc7ha0p9g07q6jqpso%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic2009-12-09 22:37:422009-12-09 22:37:412009-12-09 22:37:42W c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/166hs0omnc7ha0p9g07q6jqpso%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-12-09 22:49:352009-12-09 22:37:572009-12-09 22:49:38hXO333https://launchpad.netQӲq333MyStringMyString2008-01-19 13:56:422009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54Qf333MyStringMyString2008-01-19 13:56:422009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54 DDxkԡh+W3[33Mobile Portland[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/449835/ ] Mobile Portland is a local user group focused on mobile development. We cover everything from application de-ԡe7w3333Perl: Hands on Perl 6We're relegated to the classroom at freegeek this month, so I figure we should make the best of it and have a perl 6 class. Jerry Gay will be visiting from Seattle. Jerry is a key contributor to parrot/rakudo and will be very helpful in understanding what rakudo can do right now and diagnosing any troubles that come up. We will have a short walk-through at the beginning and if a projector is available we can use it to increase the tutorial bandwidth. Bring a laptop if you have one, preferably with parrot (or even pugs) already setup. If you do not have a laptop or if you would be able to bring more than one, please let me know. I :   -$edu eoeJHe ԡi13ԡiCW333OurPDX author/reader meetupJoin the OurPDX authors (and help celebrate Betsy's birthday!)tԅpԡ}mG3 333SAOpdx: Building Applications for Mobile DevicesPresented by the Developers Forum What's driving mobile application development? Why should you consider developing mobile applications? Interested building an application for today's mobile devices? Come hear why companies are developing mobile applications. Learn from experienced developers about the platforms and how to get started. Speakers: Jason Grigsby Mobile Strategist, Co-Founder Cloud Four Steve Romero, President, Critical Path Software, Inc. Register: http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=767972009-12-17 19:30:00http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=767972009-11-07 01:23:332009-11-19 18:46:46 :;b22009-12-17 21:30:00 ?&1'33%Jive Software2008-09-08 06:43:452009-10-26 03:06:10915 SW StarkPortlandOregon97214US@Fy710 NW 21st Ave, Portland, Oregon, 97209http://www.coffeetimeportland.com/index.html2008-09-05 22:06:022008-09-05 22:18:20710 NW 21st AvePortlandOregon97209@FÔR2^p.503-497-1090-#331Nemo Design2008-09-05 19:41:082008-09-05 19:42:061875 Se Belmont StPortlandOregon97214US@F"5^nک.b;b֘ :v;,+ k335! %Hood River Inn http://www.hoodriverinn.com/mainsite/index.html2008-09-05 17:27:342008-09-05 17:29:171108 East Marina WayHood RiverOR97031US@FV^_ k800-828-7873 WWOԡn6ԡzc?33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupA stQԡ3O333TechAmerica - Protecting Your Markets from Unlawful Forgein CompetitorsAbout the Event: In challenging economic times and as competition grows fiercer, many companies find that enforcement of their intellectual property rights is critical to their success. Knock-off products, often from companies outside the United States, eat into sales. But defending your intellectual property is not inexpensive. Three of Portland’s leading companies will tell you how they defend their domestic and foreign markets quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively, and how to make these strategies work on any scale. What will you learn? - How to diversify your IP portfolio to put your company in the best position to defend your markets - How to use the laws of foreign jurisdictions to stop infringing products where they are manufactured - func, the Portldԡb9g3333Kitty cat speed datingMen and women looking for loving, caring relationships are invited to the world's first-ever speed dating event for ... cats! There will be wine and hors d'oeuvres served at the Sept. 30 Cocktail Cabaret presents: "A NIGHT AT THE CARNIVAL"

          All proceeds from this show will be donated to the Oregon Humane Society.

          8 p.m. doors, 8:30 p.m. show

          $14 advance, $17 day of show

          21 and over


          Cocktail Cabaret started when a small group of friends came together in late 2004 to form an eclectic cabaret troupe. All members of Cocktail Cabaret bring years of professional performance experience to the stage, ranging from musical theatre and dance to stand up comedy.

          Cocktail Cabaret offers its audience a unique experience rarely found t Q nue, Portland, Oregon, USA 97204 * RSVP: [*UPDATE 2/20:* You do not need to RSVP if you're coming to the event as a non-diner. The payment/registration was only needed for the catered dinner.] * COST: [*UPDATE 2/20*: The event is free if you don't get the meal. However, the deadline for buying the catered dinner has passed, so you probably won't be able to get a meal at the event if you haven't paid for it already.] * SPONSORS: This event is paid for in part by The City of Beaverton, Oregoxԡ_m3_333China Business Network: Building Green in ChinaLunch presentation for the China Business Network of the Northwest China Council by Raymond Cheng, LRS Architects Inc., with offices in Portland and Shanghai, China. LRS Architects and Mr. Cheng are currently working on one of the largest sustainable projects being developed in China. The project, located inside Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, will consist of more than 2.2 million square feet of development across multiple buildings shari Eng common sustainable systems. The LRS design team includes additional Portland team member Interface Engineering, who will work closely with LRS to develop advanced sustainable systems for the project. Targeted to become one of the first LEED Platinum certified projects in China and the largest in the world when completed, the development will make use of advanced engineering strategies and integrated sustainable site design to achieve the highest rating from the US Green Building Council. To date, only a handful of projects in China have received any LEED certification. LRS’s efforts support the Chinese government’s focus on environmental concerns and reflect the project owner’s desire to be a pioneer in China’s burgeoning green movement. Raymond will share his expertise in building Portland-China teams, with a focus on exporting our region’s sustainable expertise.
          2008-10-01 19:00:00http://nwchina.org/programs/081001cbn.htm2008-09-25 22:57:252008-09-25 22:57:25 <};b2008-10-01 20:30:00frameworks beginning in the late 90's. Today he primarily uses Flex to build beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends. Prior to Adobe, James built a rich marketing and customer service portal for Pillar Data Systems.


          PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

          Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

          Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

          (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-20 17:59:59 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00l for shared ideas has helped break down long standing silos that for generations inhibited expansive thought and human progression. The lines are now blurred. Creators of all sorts now have public space to mutually ponder where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. By sharing once segregated perspectives, we can see the world through a different lens and evolve as a species like never before. E= m4 humanity - Submissions will fall into one of four conceptual areas: Momentum: captures the inertia and velocity of human innovation Maintenance: captures the drive for ecological and human preservation Multiplicity: captures the boundless potential of human convergence Mobility: captures the facilitation of human movement and idea exchange http://tinyurl.com/yelpreview082008-10-17 23:00:00http://tinyurl.com/art-tech082008-09-24 19:47:052008-09-25 03:39:07 
          Google Map

          RSVP TO: SAO by emailing Saovԡ{;i31333PDXPHP - Monthy MeetingThe PDXPHP user groups meets every 3rd Tuesday. This Meeting topic is still to be determined. Typically this posting will be updated with the meeting details a few weeks before the meeting Our Mission: The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. 2010-02-17 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-11-06 18:06:332009-11-06 18:06:33 @02010-02-17 04:00:00nd-the-scenes info from four award winners. They’ll speak to the how, why, and creative of their projects, sharing what it takes to be noteworthy. Of course, your questions on the objectives, execution, outcomes and metrics about their projects will yield SoMe answers. Panelists include: Jeff Katz Project lead Twitalyzer Hannah Smith, Embracing the love – Building a Fan Club for Tillamook® Cheese Conkling, Fiskum & McCormick Kevin Tate Founder StepChange Martin Stoll CEO Twisitor Center GoSeeTell Network While this event is free, capacity is limited at Bay 13. RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570314/ before Friday, May 15, to guarantee your attendance. We’ll be cutting off RSVPs at 80 people. For more information, email us at socialmediapdx@gmail.com or tweet to us @SocialMediaclubPDX. Hope to see you there! Social Media Club Portland 2009-05-19 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570314/2009-05-06 23:21:412009-05-06 23:21:41 ?2009-05-19 03:00:00  "ԡ~ԡ)O1333SAO?ԡ:%3-333Galois Tech Talk: Slava Pestov on the Factor programming languageFactor is a programming language which has been in development for a little over 5 years. Factor is influenced by Forth, Lisp, Smalltalk. Factor takes the best ideas from Forth — simplicity, short, succint, code, emphasis on interactive testin krԡ9AC3G333Silverlight 2 Launch PartyIf you haven't gotten into Silverlight yet, now is the time! The format for this event will be a series of short presentations on various aspects of Silverlight 2, along with Tim Heuer presenting the keynote. Sponsors will be providing dinner and swag. Do you need another reason to attend? Join us for an evening of food, fun, and Silverlight. 2008-11-12 02:30:00http://pdxux.net/default.aspx2008-10-27 20:47:362008-10-30 04:01:28 =2008-11-12 05:00:00 N"ԡ^Mw3i333PDX Coffee Clinic on FundraisingCoffee Clinics are a low-key way for startups to get answers and resolve obstacles. You can attend a free group Q&A, or schedule a 1-on-1 micro-consultation ($25/30 min.) RSVP on Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1136207/ More info: http://coffeewithanexpert.com/coffeeclinic/coffee-clinics-at-cubespace/ Questions? Email info@coffeewithanexpert.com2008-09-29 19:00:00http://www.coffeewithanexpert.com/coffeeclinic2008-09-25 19:38:392008-09-25 19:40:48 92008-09-29 20:00:00sԡ]I?3G333Equilibrium: The Human Mash UpEquilibrium: The Human Mash Up RSVP: http://tinyurl.co I+ԡ\9)3O333pdx.rb October MeetingTo be decided.2008-10-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/652008-09-24 09:32:162008-09-25 03:43:07 9;b՟Jp2008-10-08 04:00:00  Fj+fۋW333http://www.edforco.org/.docs/pg/102252008-08-28 16:03:372008-08-28 16:03:3720wԡ`+ 3?33Mobile Portland

          Mobile Insecurity

          Today mobile devices know where we are, who we talk to, how much money we have in the bank and has access to corporate data, personal photos and other sensitive information.

          Data and identity theft due to mobile phone theft and vulnerabilities are rising concerns. However, with both businesses and deve "mԡ_=[3!333Meet in Portland minglerEvery month MiPL has a "Mingler" evening which is just for hanging out at a bar, meeting new members and other MiPL friends. This is very relaxed, friendly and informal - so just come along for a drink or two and meet new people!

          Look forward to seeing you all there!
          2008-08-22 02:30:00http://www.meetin.org/city/MEETinPORTLAND/EventsDetails.cfm?EventsID=832642008-08-21 07:25:482008-08-21 07:25:48 <;bֈ2008-08-22 05:00:00ging digital photo collections, including storage, organization, keywording, cataloging, and backup techniques. Who is the audience for this event? * serious photo hobbyists or "prosumers" * film photographers making a transition to digital and wondering about file management * anyone with a hard drive full of photos and no way to quickly search them * anyone who knows their spouse would be very angry if they lost their kids' digital baby photos We'll talk about general image management and organization, as well as looking at specific software (both Windows and Mac) to keep track of photos. We'll talk about hardware and software backup solutions that don't cost an arm and a leg. The event is at souk, a great workspace for creative professionals. Questions? Contact Aaron via email - aaron@hockleyphoto.com2009-04-28 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2181062/2009-03-27 13:46:07 ;b;b2009-04-28 03:30:00oday. The show is reminiscent of days past when vaudeville and cabaret were the veins of entertainment. They combine dance, song, risqué innuendos, great costumes, loads of energy, and downright funny stuff to create a new era of cabaret. Cocktail Cabaret specializes in themed shows such as Tropicana, Viva Las Vegas, Broadway Baby, and Follies Bergere along with their more mixed shows that they fondly refer to as A Barrel Full of Monkeys.

          Cocktail Cabaret has performed in many of Portland's favorite music venues, including Lola's Room (Crystal Ballroom), McMenamin's White Eagle Saloon, and the Mississippi Pizza Pub. Because the members of Cocktail Cabaret are committed to service, the ensemble also performs for fundraisers and other charity events throughout the year.

          Visit www.cocktailcabaretpdx.com for more information.
          2008-10-26 03:00:00http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=72&id=1097&eventid=652842008-09-29 01:03:092008-09-29 01:03:09 <;b2008-10-26 06:00:00  other lesԡZG;3K333Smalltalk Users Group meetingpdx.st is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.2008-10-29 02:00:00http://pdxst.pragmaticraft.com/2008-09-24 06:06:342009-05-26 22:36:10 <:2008-10-29 04:00:00^ԡY-3q333ABPMP: Business Process Management Common Body of KnowledgeABPMP: Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge [09-ABPMP-0925] Date(s): 9/25/2008- 9/25/2008 This seminar is sponsored by ABPMP. Although there is no charge for this seminar, we ask that you register by checking the box and clicking on the link of the upper right hand corner of this page. ABPMP's Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK)TM was released to the membership in February 2008. Our September meeting will provide a glimpse into the 9 Knowledge Areas that make up Business Process Man+ e Portland technical community. We're mHԡf]_3=333Luz Code Camp (Ruby music visualization)Luz is a music visualization studio, written in the beautiful and expressive Ruby programming lang(ԡzk31333PDXPHP - Monthy Meeting :: Symfony In The CloudThis will be a narrative presentation of one user's experience as Lead Developer on
          Nebul.us upgrading a Symfony application for deployment to Amazon's cloud-based infrastructure. We will discuss the obstacles met along the way, including juggling master and slave database connections, writing uploaded files to S3, and distributing static assets using the CloudFront CDN. Additionally, integration with the Symfony configuration and environments system will be demonstrated, allowing one application to be developed locally and seamlessly deployed to the cloud.2010-01-20 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-11-06 17:24:292009-11-23 17:01:23 @02010-01-20 04:00:00 B Portland, Oregon, USA 97204 * RSVP: [*UPDATE 2/20:* You do not need to RSVP if you're coming to the event as a non-diner. The payment/registration was only needed for the catered dinner.] * CO$ԡv#%3]333SAOpdx: Winning Game Plans for 2009 ft. Serena, AboutUs, Pop Art, and Jive!You asked an+lԡuC53G333NW ISSA Security ConferenceThe NW ISSA Security Conference is part of a continued ambLԡwWw33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.2010-01-06 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-11-05 21:10:382009-11-05 21:10:38 @2010-01-06 05:00:00 4 ԡ%9e333WEO-WA general meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2008-01-17 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b`!ԡ$I}333YPOP: Atorney General Hopefulshttp://www.youngprofessionalsofporhԡW3C333WhereCampPDX Gaming #1: Pac-ManHattanThis first of the WhereCampPDX Location-Based games brings the ancient art of Pac-Man to the Portland city streets near you! Players are assigned to be either 'Pac-Man' or 'ghosts' and the game plays out over several city blocks near souk. For more details, see the game description posted at WhereCampPDX.

          About the original game: www.pacmanhattan.com
          "Pac-Manhattan is a large-scale urban game that utilizes the New York City grid to recreate the 1980's video game sensation Pac-Man. This analog version of Pac-man is bein Vg developed in NYU's Interactive Telecommunications graduate program, in order to explore what happens when games are removed from their "little world" of tabletops, televisions and computers and placed in the larger "real world" of street corners, and cities.

          A player dressed as Pac-man will run around the Washington square park area of Manhattan while attempting to collect all of the virtual "dots" that run the length of the streets. Four players dressed as the ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde will attempt to catch Pac-man before all of the dots are collected.

          Using cell-phone contact, Wi-Fi internet connections, and custom software designed by the Pac-Manhattan team, Pac-man and the ghosts will be tracked from a central location and their progress will be broadcast over the internet for viewers from around the world. "
          2008-10-19 16:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2008-10-09 23:18:132009-05-14 14:01:56 ?;b2008-10-19 18:00:00 bb#wrԡ#E333Net Tuesdayhttp://www.mmt.org/calendar/2008-01-23 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b`yԡ+K333GROW Conferencehttp://www.growconferences.org/2008-01-26 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:0320ԡY3K33Portland Open Beer Club - October 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

          The Portland Open Beer Club meets the second Thursday of every month at Green Dragon at 5pm.

          Both meetups are part of the international Open Coffee Club movement. Read more at http://portlandopenbeerclub.com
          2008-10-10 00:00:00http://portlandopenbeerclub.com2008-10-09 10:00:222008-10-09 10:00:22 ; ;b Theory and Applications o Carl Seger (Intel): Formal Methods and Physical Design: Match Made in Heaven or Fools' Paradise? Tutorials --------- o Kevin Jones (Rambus): Analog and Mixed Signal Verification: The State of the Art and some Open Problems o Moshe Levinger (IBM): Building a Bridge: From Pre-Silicon Verification to Post-Silicon Validation o Byron Cook (Microsoft): Computing Bounds on Space and Time for Hardware Compilation. o David Hardin (Rockwell Collins): Considerations in the Design and Verification of Microprocessors for Safety-Critical and Security-Critical Applications. Panels ------ o High Level Design and ESL: Who Cares? o The Future of Formal: Academic, IC, EDA, and Software Perspectives Sponsors ======== Sponsored by: IEEE CEDA In cooperation with: ACM SIGDA Financial support: Cadence, Galois, IBM, Intel, NEC, Synopsys2008-11-17 16:15:00http://fmcad.org/20082008-09-21 22:12:322008-09-22 15:57:00 
          For more information and to register visit the Team up For Watershed Health Website, http://www.solv.org/programs/teamup_watershed_health.asp. Event information is found at the very bottom of the page. You can also contact Brett Lyon at brett@solv.org or 503-844-9571 x 332. Put on your boots, grab a shovel, and come dig in! We hope to see you out in your watershed!

          Brett Lyon | SOLV Outreach Specialist brett@solv.org

          Tel: 503-844-9571 ext. 332 Fax: 503-844-9575 1-800-333-SOLV (Toll Free in Oregon) 5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite B Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 www.solv.org
          2008-10-04 16:00:00http://www.solv.org/programs/teamup_watershed_health.asp2008-09-16 19:25:522008-09-17 15:28:07 
          We’re in the process of finalizing the speaker. Please watch this space and our twitter account (http://twitter.com/refreshportland) for future developments.

          Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
          2008-11-13 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2008-09-17 17:42:552009-10-26 03:06:15 A;bֻ2008-11-13 03:30:00ng to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful. I'm especially eager to see: - 2d sketch artists - OpenGL enthusiasts - Cairo enthusiasts So please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :) I'll bring all my gear for people to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector. Join us this Thursday! I really hope to see you there! -Ian p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu: 1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb2008-09-19 00:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/682008-09-18 09:32:192008-09-18 09:32:19 9;b՟2008-09-19 04:00:00 a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful. I'm especially eager to see: - 2d sketch artists - OpenGL enthusiasts - Cairo enthusiasts So please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :) I'll bring all my gear for people to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector. Join us this Thursday! I really hope to see you there! -Ian p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu: 1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb2008-09-19 00:00:00http://launchpad.net/luz2008-09-17 17:32:192008-09-17 17:32:56 92008-09-19 04:00:00 ,ԡ1=3u33 Shimane meeting - Lunch2008-02-22 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73517982008-02-21 15:26:242008-0aԡIi3=333Luz Code Sprint -- Music Visualization in RubyI'm happy to announce the third Luz Code Sprint, happening this Thursday the 18th, 5-9pm at CubeSpace. Luz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create cjԡHM!3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.

          Contact Dawn Foster dawn@fastwonder.com if you want to sponsor our drinks.
          2008-09-26 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-09-17 15:17:232008-09-17 15:17:23 ; ;bֺ2008-09-26 02:30:00  rest of the organization. Explore practices for identifying and resolving business issues, setting goals and measuring progress, assessing organization culture, and using organization structure to effectively address the challenges facing you and your team. Examine the implications of Agile environments for managing human capabilities and handling human resources functioqԡx333335 Things You Didn't Know Were Possible with VirtualizationAt the November meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association, Jeremy Sherwood of Opus Interactive, Inc. will share specific examples of how current virtualization technology can provide solutions for computer consultants and their clients. For example, if you have a client with multiple servers operating on older hardware who wants to upgrade without spending a great deal of money, Jeremy will show you how virtualization technology may be the answer. Virtualization technology has made huge advances in the past four years and may be th  t(ԡ,W3u33 Internet Series: PR and the InterԡEA3U333PostgreSQL Conference WestJoin us for the second annual PostgreSQL Conference West! Scheduled to begin October 10 and go through the weekend, West being held at Portland State University is going to be the destination for learning, fun and general education about PostgreSQL. 2008-10-10 15:00:00http://www.postgresqlconference.org/2008-09-16 19:46:322008-09-16 19:53:10 2008-09-20 17:00:00http://www.solv.org/programs/fall_beach_cleanup.asp2008-09-16 19:29:182008-09-16 19:29:18 
          2008-09-18 01:00:00http://www.ladieswholaunch.com/incubators/events/view/7422008-09-16 19:26:332009-05-14 14:01:56 ?;bִ2008-09-18 03:00:00 RR2'ԡBuu3E333Psychedelic Sprawl — opening event at Reed CollegePUBLIC RECEPTION: SEPTEMBER 21, 5-7 p.m. at the Cooley Gallery

          followed by PSYCHEDELIC SPRAWL, 7-10 p.m. in the Reed College Student Union

          an evening of art, music, and poetry exploring Where We Live Now

          Music, conversation, disorientation, food, and drink reorganize our spatial relations at this very spatial event.

          Exhibition Opening — suddenly: where we live now

          7 p.m. Psychedelic Sprawl
          unfolds in the Reed College Student Union!
          Gallery open prior to the event
          Presentations and performances by
          M O S T L A N D I A N C I T I Z E N S
          S H A W N R E C O R D S
          G A R Y W I S E M A N
          and others …

          Free and open to the public
          2008-09-22 00:00:00http://www.reed.edu/gallery/2008-09-16 19:28:492008-09-16 19:28:49 
          How to Register:

          This is a FREE event sponsored by the OHSU Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute (OCTRI), and OHSU's Division of Management. Although registration is not mandatory, we would appreciate it if you would do so.

          This seminar will be held on the OHSU Marquam Hill Campus, room 28, Emma Jones Hall, which is building 1 on the campus map.

          Dates/Times: Wednesday, Wednesday, September 17, 2008; 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM, Family Medicine Grand Rounds,
          Location: OHSU Marquam Hill Campus, room 28, Emma Jones Hall, building 1 on the campus map
          Fee: $0
          2008-09-17 14:30:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23982008-09-16 19:28:582008-10-15 17:18:36 <;bַ2008-09-17 16:00:00 kUS cities, and discusses implications for product design.

          Speaker Bio:

          Nancy Vuckovic, PhD, is a research ethnographer in Intel's Digital Health Group. Dr. Vuckovic's expertise spans the continuum of health care from self-care to professional medical care. She has examined patient behavior related to preventive care and medication use, has worked with clinicians to understand the dynamics of doctor-patient and doctor-nurse communication and the use of exam room computing, and has examined the effects of limited literacy on access to and comprehension of medical information. She has also done extensive work in the area of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

          Prior to joining Intel, Dr. Vuckovic worked as an investigator at Kaiser Permanante Center for Health Research in Portland, OR. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a PhD in cultural anthropology, specializing in medical anthropology. She had a previous career in advertising and marketin> At 6:00 PM –Arts Partners Project Manager Marna Stalcup will discuss opportunities for artists who are interested in working in classrooms through this program.

          (by invitation only) At 6:30 PM –RACC Board Chair Carole Morse and RACC Executive Director Eloise Damrosch will welcome 300 guests to an appreciation event for Arts Partners funders, committee members, and other stakeholders inside the Winningstad Theater.

          At 6:45 PM –Portland Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith will talk about the importance of arts education in our schools.

          At 7:00 PM –National Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen from Prineville, Oregon, will speak.

          At 7:15 PM –RACC will unveil the new identity for the initiative formerly known as “Arts Partners.”

          All speakers will conclude by 7:30, with a reception in the lobby to follow.
          2008-09-19 00:00:00http://www.portlandartspark.com2008-09-16 19:26:492009-05-22 18:05:07 >;bֵ2008-09-19 03:00:00 E`ԡAW}3K333special edition of Portland Art SparkWHAT: The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) will announce its plans to begin providing arts education for every K-8 child in the Portland metropolitan region. In the spring of 2009, this initiative, which builds arts education activities into the standard curriculum, will launch in 20 schools across four local school districts, serving 10,000 children and their teachers. Organizers will also unveil a new brand identity for the program.

          WHEN: Thursday, September 18, 2008

          free and open to the public

          At 5:00 PM –Local artists will convene at the ArtBar in the lobby of Antoinette Hatfield Hall for a special arts education edition of “Art Spark,” a monthly networking opportunity for artists and arts administrators. (See www.portlandartspark.com).

          U_3}333Plant Trees on October 4th with SOLVPlant Trees on October 4th with SOLV

          Plant Trees and help restore watersheds at SOLV’s Team Up For Watershed Health sites on Saturday October 4th. We have tree plantings taking place at Rinearson Creek in Gladstone, Carter Creek in Lake Oswego, and Tryon Creek in SW Portland. All of our plantings are along sensitive, high priority ecological areas along stream banks in the Portland area that were recently overwhelmed by invasive plants. By planting native trees and shrubs in these areas volunteers will be creating habitat for future generations of [ rrore questions than the time could answer. On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' wiԡBy?3W333Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at Brooks Brothers – 921 SW Morrison St. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. Advance registration is requested at www.portlandalliance.com. 2009-03-03 15:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14912009-02-27 23:21:042009-03-03 17:33:38 >2009-03-03 17:00:00ԡAkE3k333TiE Oregon: Solar Directions - Future of Solar The emergence and explosive growth of thtz has worked for a variety of computer, instrumentation and software companies since the 1970s. His programming travels have included embedded systems, proprietary Unix kernels, RDBMS toolware, middleware, and both web and desktop application development. Jeff is equally uncomfortable with Unix and Microsoft programming environments, having been intermittently successful with both. Over the past few years Jeff has enjoyed the virtues of verifiable bytecode while developing systems in Java and C#.

          Jeff has lived in the Portland, Oregon area since 1988 and is presently employed by Oracle Corporation in Portland. Jeff is married and enjoys nothing better than a warm day spent hovering over the smoker, microbrew in hand, slow cooking some kind of barbecue.

          Oracle downtown Campus
          8th Floor - Room 8005 Pacwest Center
          1211 SW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon
          2008-08-20 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org2008-08-19 17:17:552008-08-19 23:40:53 ;;bօ2008-08-20 03:30:00 Gyԡ?ea3333Beer drinkin, square dancing, pie eatin'Pie Eating Contest!
          Live Music!
          Beer and Wine Garden!
          Cider Press!
          Square dancing! (7 PM to 9 PM)
          Farmers Market! and more!

          On Wednesday September 17th, our year-round Farmer's Market will not only be bursting with the season's finest harvest, but celebrated with lots of fun festivities for the whole family! Live Music by: The Amazing Maelstrom Shoeshine Blue Joe Baker and His Barefoot Brakemen; a Craft Fair from 2-7; Cider Pressing from 3-7; Pie Eating Contest at 5pm; a rip-roaring Square Dance from 7-9; Face Painting & of course tons of food and drink!

          Check the website for more details: http://www.peoples.coop
          2008-09-17 21:00:002008-09-16 19:26:182008-09-16 19:26:18  is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-09-15 20:00:002008-09-15 10:07:532008-09-15 10:07:53 ;2008-09-15 22:00:00  Request to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. WelKԡvci33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs.2010-01-12 03:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-11-05 21:09:222009-11-05 21:09:22 @02010-01-12 05:00:00 The show is reminiscent of days past whHԡs]Y3A333DevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a dialogue, a bidirectional communication between the information publisher and information consumer with the added layer of aggregators acting as information and subject matter warehousing. The dialogue will be carried through many devices and it will take place everywhere. Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation willhԡs73k333HR: The Valued Partner - Real Life Stories From a True PractitionerLet’s face it, it’s been a tough year. With lay-offs, re-orgs and struggling morale, our HR teams are feeling overworked and under-appreciated. Please join us for an uplifting evening with a true practitioner in partnering with HR. Before dinner, Paul Gulick will discuss sev weral experiences, from his lengthy career, during which he partnered with HR to maintain a sense of teamwork and company culture during tough times. In addition to hearing from Paul, we will share stories of partnering with the executive team “in the trenches” during tough times. Please come prepared to share and to be inspired by others. About Paul Gulick Paul E. Gulick has been an active and successful entrepreneur in the Portland, Oregon, area throughout his career. Most recently, Paul served as Chief Technology Officer at Planar Systems, Inc., a global leader in specialty display systems. He joined Planar following the acquisition of Clarity Visual Systems. Prior to founding Clarity, Paul was a co-founder of InFocus Corporation. Paul has partnered with HR during several occasions including strategic planning in a downturn, an acquisition and a company sale. 2009-11-05 01:00:00http://www.techamerica.org/hrforumvaluedpartner2009-11-05 00:51:082009-11-05 00:51:08 A2009-11-05 02:00:00 --fRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expressive and efficient I/O interface for HaskellTitle: Left-fold enumerators Towards a safe, expressive and efficient I/O interface for Haskell Speaker: Johan Tibell Software Engineer Google Date: Monday, September 15th. 1pm Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon Abstract: I will describe a programming style for I/O operations that is based on left-fold enumerators. This style of programming is more expressive than imperative style I/O represented by the Unix functions read and write, and safer than lazy I/O using streams. Left-fold enumerators offers both high-performance us t]ԡ7q%3 333Galois Tech Talk: Theorem Proving for VerificationTitle: Theorem Proving for Verifi } R'gbۋSu33webcal://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/3492252008-03-02 21:04:542008-03-02 21:04:54UۋR[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/349225/2008-03-02 21:04:322008-03-02 21:04:32_ۋQo33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/venue/525222008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-02 15:11:07bۋPu33webcal://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/3492252008-03-02 12:51:292008-03-02 12:51:29bۋOu33webcal://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/3492252008-03-02 02:00:162008-03-02 02:00:16UۋN[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/349225/2008-03-02 01:58:222008-03-17 18:27:43QۋM333MyStringMyString2008-01-19 13:56:422008-01-20 14:56:242008-01-20 14:56:24Qƾ 333MyStringMyString2008-01-19 13:56:422008-01-20 14:56:242008-01-20 14:56:24brain. Some neural systems appear strongly determined?experience doesn't alter them at all. Others are highly affected by experience, and a third neural system is capable of change throughout life. Come find out about current research on brain function, including intervention studies with 3- to 5-year-old preschoolers that hope to unravel the learning processes of developing children. Helen J. Neville, PhD, is the Robert and Beverly Lewis Endowed Chair and professor of psychology and neuroscience, director of the Brain Development Lab, and director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Oregon. Her major research interests are the role of biology and experience in neurosensory and neurocognitive development in humans. She has written several books and her work has been widely published in journals, including Nature and Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2008-10-10 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/2008-09-15 03:33:092008-09-15 03:36:59 
          This talk will begin with a bit of historical context, delve into the problem space, and then offer a demonstration and source-level view of working "bots". The bots run in an offline, not-for-money, but highly competitive game environment.

          Basic knowledge of the rules to Hold'em Poker (both limit and no-limit tournament varieties) is helpful to understand the presentation. This is a legitimate AI presentation aimed at professional software developers and students. No license agreements or U.S. laws were violated during its creation - and if your goal is to "cheat" at online poker, this presentation won't help you very much.
          Speaker: Jeff Berkowitz, Oracle Jeff Berkowi cation Speaker: John Harrison Principal Engineer Intel Date: Tuesday, September 16th. 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon Abstract: The theorem proving approach to verification involves modelling a system in a rich formalism such as higher-order logic or set theory, then performing a human-driven interactive correctness proof using a proof assistant. In a striking contrast, techniques like model checking, by limiting the user to a less expressive formalism (propositional logic, CTL etc.), can offer completely automated decision methods, making them substantially easier to use and often more productive. With this in mind, why should one be interested in the theorem proving approach? In this tutorial I will explain some of the advantages of theorem proving, showing situations where the generality of theorem proving ih Eric Peterson & Thomas Bosilevac will present an overview of the recent Semphonic X Change Conference.Beer will be graciously provided by our sponsor WebTrends and the event will begin at 6PM.Should you have any questions or need help locating the event, please feel free to give Jeff or Dash a ring at:Dash Lavine: 503-962-9048Jeff Porter: 503-333-0254If you intend to join us, notification via this site as well as e-mail would be appreciated so we can plan appropriately. Hope to see you there! Host: Jeff Porter (Email) Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 6:00 PM Venue: Webtrends Offices Address: 851 SW 6th Ave, Portland OR (Venue | Map | Group) Sponsor: Event sponsored by WebTrends Share: Invite friends to join you at this event Link to this event Attendees: 3 people plan to attend, including Jeff Porter, debra.paynter, derek.fine 2008-09-26 01:00:00http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/wednesday/index.asp?event_city=Portland2008-09-15 03:49:192008-09-15 03:49:19  is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-09-16 17:30:002008-09-15 10:05:442008-09-15 10:05:44 ;2008-09-16 19:00:00e" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "version" integer) !!,08 Read reviews ofXԡr3c333PDX JellyOn Monday November 9, between 9am-5pm, come to PDX Jelly, Portland's new free co-working group. http://WorkAtJelly.com We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work done, and maybe even get some business referrals. Bring your laptop or an old-fashioned notebook, and something you're working on, whether it's an online business, an art project, coding, writing or something else. Souk has offered us room for the day. They're located at 322 NW 6th Avenue & Everett, Suite 200. Buzz #200 at the door. http://soukllc.com/ RSVP with your name, the time you expect to arrive, and what you're working on: " Alex Linsker, 9am, revising the sales site for www.ProductPerks.com " http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland Alex (503) 468-39502009-11-09 17:00:00http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland2009-11-04 22:59:452009-11-04 22:59:45 ?2009-11-10 01:00:00e to bill what you are worth * Create Measurable Goals-Metrics that Make Sense o Why a set of business metrics is important o How to develop them o How to use them Jackie Babicky Peterson is a consultant, writer and speaker whose practice focuses on helping creative entrepreneurs achieve business success. Jackie herself is a serial entrepreneur whose first business was a CPA firm. Now Jackie is an advisor for the Small Business Development Center of Portland Community College where she teaches business skills to small business owners and provides one on one business advising to her clients. She is the author of Better, Smarter, Richer, 10 Steps to Business Success for Creative Entrepreneurs which will be available as an MP3 on her web site www.jackiebpeterson.com in January, 2010. Cost: Members $10; Nonmembers $15 Register at: www.SECPpdx.com (or at the door)2009-11-20 03:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-11-04 22:02:152009-11-04 22:03:11 =2009-11-20 05:00:00 `)`high-quality Web sites, but create fully integrated custom applications that meet 8ԡ"C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

          Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
          2008-06-06 16:00:002008-06-06 08:11:312008-06-18 13:24:08 9;bˁԡ!- 37333APNBA Conference2008-06-12 15:00:00http://www.apnba.com/2008-06-06 08:02:162008-07-13 04:32:09 :2008-06-12 19:30:00Pԡ ;3O33Startup Drinks PortlandSo this is the first edition of Startup Drinks Portland
          If you like to talk startups or are involved in any thing startup related please join us for some drinks.

          Its for people with a startup problem who like to drink ;)

          Totally open to alternate Date, Time and venue. Please post a comment.
          2008-06-07 02:00:00http://portland.startupdrinks.com2008-06-06 07:43:122008-06-18 13:24:07 ;;b ZZal to have a website to do business. Until now, it’s been complicated and ex+ԡqs39333SECP: Develop a Cash Flow Mindset - A Key to Solo Business SuccessPractical tools for the Busy Creative Professional * Understand Cash Flow o Tips for billing, collections and credit policies to facilitate cash flow o Managing your cash flow- an anticipatory approach * Charge Enough Money for Your Work o Why creatives often under charge o Steps you can tak eԡpc33333Archives of the Fantastic Screening at PCC PCC/Cascade Campus 705 N. Killingsworth St., MAHB Room 104 Portland, Oregon 97217 A charity event to benefit p:ear! All ages are welcome and costumes are encouraged. Tickets are available at the door for $3.00/ea. 2010 calendars are also available as well as DVDs of the showing movie. Ticket Info: 3.00 2009-11-21 02:30:00http://club.pcc.edu2009-11-04 21:31:162009-11-05 00:32:32 :#2009-11-21 03:30:00 CC_ۋ@ G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886858/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Webinar-Optimizing-the-Software-Product-Quality-through-Ethnographic-Futures-Resea5ԡ3A#3m333Science Pub: Changing Brains: Nature and Nurture in Human Brain Development and Function How much of our brain development is determined by our experiences, and how much is hardwired into our physiology? By studying an array of people, including deaf and blind individuals, researchers at the Brain Development Lab at the University of Oregon have begun to understand the changeability (i.e., neuroplasticity) of the human zjԡ2o_3m333Science Pub: Science Circus - The Physics of FunCome see physics in action! Jugglers, acrobats, and other circus artists often base their acts on simple Newtonian principles of motion and balance taken to extremes. How doe , you'll have the outline for an actual workshop including objectives, goals, activities (if appropriate), and a takeaway for participants. Objective Participants learn how to turn an idea into a workshop to generate income Goals At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to create an outline for a client-attracting workshop Takeaway Each participant will develop a workshop outline that includes an objective, goals, possible activities, and a takeaway Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 (members); $15 (non membԡn'S33333WikiWednesdayThis WikiWednesday we'll be getting our hands dirty working on the newly formed Portland civic wiki at http://portlandwiki.org Come by for wiki-style fun, food, drink, and with any burning wiki questions you might have too. 2009-11-05 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-11-04 06:24:282009-11-04 06:24:28 92009-11-05 04:30:00s gravity's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using math? Did the Japanese really acquit a 17th-century prisoner on the strength of his inertia skills? Which came first: the bed of nails or the ladder of swords? How many new performance ideas can a desperate juggler glean from a room full of science-minded folks? Rhys Thomas, has been making a living performing hilarity and dexterity for over 20 years. His science shows have been presented in Trinidad, Singapore, at museums across the U.S. and Canada, and even toured by dogsled across frozen ocean to Siberian Yupik villages. Thomas has served as artist-in-residence at the Smithsonian Institution and performs as an OMSI educator at schools in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and other western states.2008-10-29 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/2008-09-15 03:28:232009-04-14 21:01:20 <2008-10-29 04:00:00 Ko%hۋk[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/946580/2009-01-14 11:43:062008-08-06 18:38:022009-01-14 11:43:07hۋj[3Bԡ]9a3K333Oregon State Fair 2008August 22-September 1 (Labor Day).

          Sundays-Thursdays (incl. Labor Day - Sept. 1) 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
          Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 am - 11:00 pm
          2008-08-22 07:00:00http://www.oregonstatefair.org/2008-08-21 07:23:542008-08-21 07:23:54 <;bֆ2008-09-01 07:00:00ԡ\M 33333Portland Java User Group meetingTopic: Poker Bots 2008

          Poker bots! The term conjures images of programmers hacking away late at night, trying to make a fast buck. But how interesting is the subject really? Well, as it turns out, very interesting. The game of poker poses the dual problems of nondeterminism and limited information, making computer poker implementations a deeper concep |ԡ[K]3_333Portland Juggling Festival 2008The Portland Juggling Festival 2008 is on its way! Join u % v o w ^ u T e g  S K @ J H 0 7 3 & ' # I % $ !      B  &    t u W a ^ Z  Y U ; R L D A @ : 8 3 9 . 5 , * & $ (    a| ^B4EP~u|zxwtsnop^m_jhdg`]\[YXWVSRMOHK yf25JOthe next 3 months. ate has limited access to capital and has left companies across the healthcare industry struggling to determine the best way to fund and fuel growth. Our experienced panel, drawn from investors & executives with experience in Healthcare IT ventures both from a funding and entreprenuerial perspective, will address questions like: - What products, services, and technology sectors in healthcare are investors most excited about now? - What do investors want to see regarding company growth and exit strategy? - Which investors are best positioned to support my company in this current environment? - How should one approach valuation and other funding strategy discussions? Panelists include: Bill Newman, Managing Director, NW tech ventures Jim Plymale, CEO, Clinicient2009-11-20 02:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3856&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-11-03 20:08:542009-11-04 18:42:18 92009-11-20 05:00:00, then this presentation is just what you need! When youingly, the influence of online search, aggregation and community sites, niche blogs, specialized classified lists, combined with the demand for measurable advertising and audience engagement is putting pressure on traditional business models. Add in the growth of mobile internet, and we have the makings of a perfect storm. - What is the future of printed news? - Who will invest in investigative journalism? - Will micro-payments, subscriptions or pay-walls work? - Where is the technology or platform opportunity? Steve Woodward, CEO Nozzl Media will provide an overview of how Nozzl helps publishers, readers and advertisers with real-time, local news streams on mobile devices. Peter Bhatia, Executive Editor, The Oregonian will join Steve for an informative and insightful discussion with TiE members and entrepreneurs. 2009-11-12 02:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3908&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-11-03 20:00:282009-11-04 18:28:38 <2009-11-12 05:00:00the vacuum of outer space. Designs based on gecko feet are being used to create robots that can run up walls, and this adhesive could bring changes to the manufacture of everything from home electronics to car brakes. At this Science Pub we will talk about how the study of mechanisms and evolution of animal locomotion has lead to biologically inspired materials and machines. Kellar Autumn, Ph.D., professor of biology at Lewis & Clark College since 1998, does research that has grown into a new field of study at the interface between biology, physics, and materials science. He has authored over 40 scientific papers and his research is featured in textbooks, encyclopedias, and popular books including The Nanotech Pioneers: Where Are They Taking Us? Every major television network has covered his work, as have hundreds of newspaper, magazine, and Internet articles worldwide. 2008-10-01 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/2008-09-15 03:26:372009-04-14 21:01:20 <2008-10-01 04:00:00 ^^Y]/iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573014/2009-10-25 22:20:502009-10-25 22:20:492009-10-25 22:20:528ۋ y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4768027/OR/Portland/Refresh-Portland-October-Online-Video-For-Everybody-by-Andy-Beach/2009-10-25 22:20:222009-10-25 22:20:212009-10-25 22:20:24iԡ//[3 333Galois Open HouseWe're having an Open House to celebrate our new office space in downtown Portland's historic Commonwealth Building. Located on SW 6th Avenue between Stark and Washington streets, we're easily accessible via MAX or TriMet buses. We're up on the third floor.

          Parking will also be available in the Alder Street Star Park parking garage located at 615 SW Alder, just one block from our building; validation will be provided at the event.

          RSVP: Anne Marie @ ph. 503.626.6616, x153 or email anne at galois.com
          2008-09-18 23:00:002008-09-15 01:57:162008-09-15 02:00:57 ;;b֬2008-09-19 01:00:00http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We will take the MAX up together, if you'd like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=117+NW+5th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 We'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and back as well, so if you need some creative inspiration on all things revenue, please feel free to come along.2562009-11-04 15:30:00http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/committies/businesmattersseriesinfo.html2009-11-03 02:06:042009-11-04 18:29:19 @;b/2009-11-04 18:30:00 oftware practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and hubԡ|Kk3u333OTBC: How to Get Investor ReadyIf you plan to raise money in the coming year, come to this all-day workshop to learn what it takes to be investor ready. (And yes, it is quite possible for Oregon startups to raise money - but it takes the right preparation!) Our presenters will include Steve Morris, Executive Director of OTBC, and Dennis Powers, Chair of OEN's Portland Angel Network. Dennis and Steve have helped a number of Portland-area startups close investment funding. And to give you an extra advantage, you'll meet a number of local investors. We'll review the preparation required to get serious attention from investors, and significantly increase your odds of obtaining investor funding. At the end of the day, you will understand how to: Verify that your business concept can provide a sufficient return for angel or venture capital  2Uhۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/47696992009-10-24 03:15:522009-Oԡ.3333Building Great Companies: A conversation with Kanwal RekhiTiE Oregon presents Dr. Kanwal Rekhi, Managing Director of Inventus Capital Partners, a cross border India/US Venture Capital fund. He has un-rivaled track record as entrepreneur, corporate executive and angel investor. Dr. Kanwal Rekhi has actively participated in the emergence and growth of Silicon Valley and India. Since 1994, Kanwal has led the first venture round in numerous early-stage companies, holding 23 board positions and actively guiding entrepreneurs to 19 exits including 6 IPOs. Prior to his venture career, Kanwal co-founded Excelan in Silicon Valley - the first company to commercialize ethernet and TCP/IP and standardize computer networks. Kanwal took Exelan public in 1987 and became the first Indo-American Founder & CEO to list a venture-bac { Adiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4551557/2009-09-30 18:46:132009-09-30 18:27:302009-09-30 18:46:14hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45515572009-09-30 18:27:142009-09-30 18:27:132009-09-30 18:27:14iۋ~]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550804/2009-09-29 21:45:042009-09-29 21:45:032009-09-29 21:45:07<ԡ-w3U333September PDXUX.Net Meeting: Silverlight Deep Zooming WHAT: September PDXUX.Net Meeting WHEN: Tuesday 09/16/2008 6:30 p.m. Pizza (by Silvertail Software) 7:00 p.m. Presentation WHERE: Robert Half Technology KOIN Center (Map) 222 SW Columbia Street Portland, OR 97201 WHO: Kelly White Kelly Sԡ,k}3#333Business Plan - Your Roadmap to Success - G 103This workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all a esident • Bill Bradbury, Candidate for Governor 2010 Bring a friend or colleague (and perhaps your own salute to raise glasses!). Charter memberships to VOIS will be available for the first time this evening! Thursday, November 5th, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at VOISbox Ballroom at the LeftBank Project 240 N. Broadway, Portland Oregon 97227 Please R.S.V.P. here Please bike to this event (or take public transportation). Parking is also available nearby. VOIS strives to create a prosperous economic future founded on the principles of collaboration, abundance and sustainability. VOIS supports sustainable, forward-thinking business leaders through advocacy, education, leadership cultivation, civic interaction and community building. VOISbox Ballroom is made possible by generous support from Portland Development Commission and the Leftbank Project. 2009-11-06 01:00:002009-11-06 00:00:172009-11-06 00:00:17 A;b02009-11-06 04:00:00 $Hllۋp 333http://www.meetupdԡ+Gi3w333Classic Web Business BlundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Classic Web Business Blunders About the Program If you want to succeed using the web, you need to come to this candid, sometimes humorous review of the bad ideas, vague notions, and flat out misunderstandings of what makes a website succeed. Looking at everything from graphic design to programming to Search Engine Optimization, the presentation will shake some of your basic beliefs about what you should be doing with your website. About the Presenter Michael Bissell, President of Conquent. With a career that has spanned advertising, production, technical services, and project management, Michael is able to articulate the wide range skills and professions that make the Int ill address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption tends, how China is addressing sustainable development, examples of successful projects, future opportunities for business development in China based on Oregon’s strengths, and lessons learned from past experience. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Bob Wise is Senior Project Manager with Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC and Director of Team Oregon, LLC, private firms focusedAwC_3]33JuPortland Food Cart festivalWillamette Week's 2nd Annual EAT MOBILE: PORTLAND'S FOOD CART FESTIVAL Here's your chance to celebrate Portland's street-food scene and sample dishes from some of Willamette Week's favorite food carts all in one place–for the recession-busting price of $5. The event is on Saturday, April 18, from 5:30–9:30 pm, at the Disjecta space at 8371 N. Interstate Avenue, conveniently located near the Denver MAX stop. Dutch tacos, vegan milkshakes, Schnitzelwiches, Italian meatball sandwiches–Po B GU G$e33/Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI)2008-07-07 18:56:532008-08-08 20:10:021945 Se Water AvePortlandOregon97214US@F%=*|^]:;b, :W333)Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-07 18:54:492008-07-08 18:51:021945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon97209US@FI4&x:^HE/;b+ :333)Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 19:33:312008-07-07 04:06:501945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon97209US@FI4&x:^HE/;b* :&k33-Holiday Inn Downtown-Portland Convention Center2008-07-04 17:04:512008-07-04 18:11:471441 NE 2nd Ave.PortlandOregon97232US@FRF^ENJ;b) :C333!Hilton Vancouver Washington2008-07-04 17:03:452008-07-04 17:03:45301 West 6th StreetVancouverWashington98660US@Ft^* ;b(%) M333 Blue Dragonflyhttp://www.bluedragonflypdx.com/2008-07-04 17:02:532009-09-07 19:59:241195 SE Powell BlvdPortlandOregon97202US@F$5inY^ǒ(|;b' <Y|iۋ`]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420385/2009-09-16 18:21:132009-09-16 18:21:122009-09-16 18:21:14hۋ_[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41667392009-09-15 22:39:182009-09-15 22:39:172009-09-15 22:39:19nۋ^g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4416829/?ps=62009-09-15 20:38:282009-09-15 20:38:272009-09-15 20:38:29iۋ]]333httԡ*y?3_333The Portland Information Architecture September MeetupInformation Architecture Meetups > The Portland Information Architecture Meetup We're going to discuss usability testing, so come with ideas, experiences, and questions about any usability test you have done. Portland, OR 97209 - USA Monday, September 15 at 6:30 PM Attending: 0 Details: http://ia.meetup.com/64/calendar/8573858/2008-09-16 01:30:00http://ia.meetup.com/64/calendar/8573858/2008-09-15 00:47:032008-09-15 00:48:21 ;;b֧2008-09-16 03:30:00 z0zource community. Why is the Pre so good? There are many reasons why the Pre is a good dev2] 3q33Jr^CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' Group2008-12-11 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-11-22 00:33:40 9;b!Jq2008-12-11 05:00:00W 3933Jr`Beer and Blog - RockBand at CubeSpace2008-11-22 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-22 00:32:06 9;b#2008-11-22 02:00:00-i3q33JpABPMP: Business Process Management Common Body of KnowledgeABPMP: Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge [09-ABPMP-0925] Date(s): 9/25/2008- 9/25/2008 This seminar is sponsored by ABPMP. Although there is no charge for this seminar, we ask that you register by checking the box and clicking on the link of the upper right hand corner of this page. ABPMP's Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK)TM was released to the membership in February 2008. Our September meeting will provide a glimpse into the 9V working with open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning meeting on November 6th at OTBC's new location in The Round (next to the Beaverton Transit Center). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into small working groups to start tackling the event planning needs. If you can, bring an audio or video recorder to help document the discussion. Whether or not you'll be attending, you can join our mailing lists to receive announcements and join in the planning discussion: osbridge-announce, low traffic announcement list for events like this one! osbridge-discuss, possibly high traffic list for discussing anything related to the conference! You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en Tags2008-11-06 19:30:00http://bridgepdx.org2008-11-02 21:03:47 <2008-11-06 21:00:00 $$5LTMԡ)+37333CyborgCamp 2008CyborgCamp is a simulcast unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We'll discuss topics such as social media, design, code, inventions, web 2.0, twitter, the future of communication, cyborg technology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy.

          CyborgCamp's aim is to have many communication channels such as Twitter, Flickr, UstreamTV, Video and Audio recordings and live chats displayed on the screen. In this way, the conference attendees can exist in three places at once -- Vancouver, Portland, and Cyberspace.

          Half of the conference will be organized BarCamp style, and the other half will have structured experts on various topics.

          Classrooms, individuals and businesses are encouraged to attend the event remotely. It will be livestreamed through multiple channels and will be archived and tagged for future viewing. Details on remote conference acces s will be available a week before the conference begins.

          What is a cyborg? A cyborg (shorthand for “cybernetic organism”) is a symbiotic fusion of human and machine. Join in our pre-conference discussion and help organize the event at http://www.cyborgcamp.org and faster updates on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/cyborgcamp.

          CyborgCamp is open to sponsors. We're interested in cutting edge companies or non-profits who are interested in education/technological development. Please E-mail caseorganic@gmail.com if you or your organization/business is interested in this. Your logo will be added to any paper brochures, the website, and will be included in live Twitter streams during the event.
          2008-12-06 17:00:00http://cyborgcamp.org2008-09-15 00:27:152008-10-28 17:01:06 9;b֤2008-12-07 02:00:00 :}ndSF4( rcVH<. wcXM;."}m3#agriculture 2browser1test0watir4/omakepdx techshop dorkbot dorkbotpdx opentechspace.-tvg. techamerica-shop,cafe+#coffeehouse *prizes )dancing(%muddy waters'cause&naked%)pcc multimedia$pear #free geek "calendar !opening %actionscriptgumbo#interactive%oen workshop#oen pubtalk pubtalk#oen webinar)"an oen event" creative review feedback service happiness !compassion?social/emotional learningclass desertidsa panel r-project 5programming language r data viz !industrial graphic equity%architecture karaoke#chefchoppermizd+end awkwardness ~demand }supply|/organically grown {!vegetables zfruits yfoodshed xconceptw/software internetspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan. Sample Content: * The need for a business plan * The elements of a business plan * Steps in financial planning * Organization and management strategies * Using your plan to measure progress and obtain financing * How your marketing plan fits into your business plan This workshop also features break-out sessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.2008-09-22 15:00:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002008-09-15 01:09:102008-11-10 22:44:14 <2008-09-22 23:30:00ernet work. This eclectic understanding and his desire to shine the light on those hiding behind techno babble has frequently brought success to projects with limited resources. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, September 16 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8518331/2008-09-16 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8518331/2008-09-15 01:00:532008-11-10 22:44:13 <;b֨2008-09-16 20:30:00 77?chۋG[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532742009-08-21 23:31:442009-08-21 23:31:442009-08-21 23:31:45hۋF[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532692009-08-21 23Bԡ(Io35333Reservation System Code SprintStarting at the Calagator Documentation Sprint, we will plan out how to build a separate reservation system for Calagator. This will be an entirely new-code project to build a system to maintain reservations for calagator events. Discussion to be had as to whether to store data in calagator and use this as a frontend, store data in the new reservation system and provide an API for Calagator to use to save reservations, or something completely different. This will probably be written in Python+Django.2008-10-04 17:00:00http://calagator.org2008-09-13 22:46:542008-09-19 20:24:05 92008-10-05 01:00:00 #Gl iۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4229011/2009-08-18 23:55:462009-08-17 14:37:392009-08-18 23:55:47hۋ>[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42306472009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:21iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166276/2009-08-14 23:08:112009-08-14 23:08:102009-08-14 23:08:12gۋ<Y333http://calagator.org/events/12504573952009-08-13 22:27Iԡ'Ew3?333DIY (Do It Yourself) StoriesHEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE Stories about secrets, wine, and good times. DIY (Do It Yourself) Stories is an open storytelling event for mature audiences. You don’t HAVE TO get up & tell, but it’s way more fun when you do! Nobody knows what will be heard or said at DIY Stories; it’s different every time. $10 at the door includes a glass or flight of wine. Blackbird Wine Shop 3519 NE 44th Ave. (44th & Freemont) 2008-09-25 02:30:00http://www.DIYstories.com2008-09-13 19:27:062008-09-13 19:27:06 <>2008-09-25 05:00:00 "Dgiۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165755/2009-07-30 06:27:562009-07-30 06:27:332009-07-30 06:27:57iۋkԡ"c=3333Smalltalk Users Group meeting (yes, really)Join fellow programmers interested in Smalltalk for discussions and demos. This is our first meeting of the fall season. Michael Lucas-Smith, Cincom engineer and new Portland resident, will be demonstrating WebVelocity. Other topics may include CouchDB, OpenGL, and building a new website for the group. The building is in an "L" shape. The main entrance is at the inside corner. The door will be locked, but a phone number to call to be let in will be posted there. If you don't have a cell phone, get there more or less on time and we'll check the door to see if you're waiting. We often go to a pub after the meeting for food, a beer, and more discussion.2008-09-24 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/pipermail/general-pdx.st/2008-September/thread.html2008-09-10 00:38:482009-05-26 22:36:42 <:2008-09-24 04:00:00 f?aiۋ6]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219799/2009-08-07 23:39:302009-08-07 23:39:292009-08-07 23:39:30iۋ5]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219298/2009-08-07 19:06:082009-08-07 19:06:062009-08-07 19:06:09iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219362/2009-08-07 19:05:322009-08-07 19:05:012009-08-07 19:05:32iۋ ԡ&=g3Y333Portland Pirate FestivalAnnual family-oriented event that promotes fun and education through Historical Re-enactment, Music, Dance, and Interactive Theater along with cultural awareness while providing philanthropic involvement with local and national charities2008-09-20 17:00:00http://www.portlandpiratefestival.com/2008-09-12 19:49:202008-09-12 19:49:20 <=2008-09-22 01:00:00ԡ%C 3I333Talk Like A Pirate Day 20082008-09-19 07:00:00http://www.talklikeapirate.com2008-09-12 19:44:272008-09-12 19:44:272008-09-20 06:59:00Q'7'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyst every one of these businesses will transfer ownership at some point in time, the vast majority through an outright salԡdNԡhԡiԡjԡlԡo ԡqԡsԡvԡwԡy΄ԡzԡ{Ąԡ}ԡԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡkԡԡ[ԡԡiԡ!ԡ#ԡ&ԡ'ԡ(ԡ*ބԡ+ڄԡ. لԡ0τԡ1Ȅԡ3Ąԡ6ԡ7ԡ8ԡ:ԡ;ԡ<ԡ>ԡ?Eԡ@ԡAԡCԡD߄ԡFOԡGRԡHQԡITԡJeԡKUԡLVԡOhԡQ6ԡTiԡUbԡXfԡZ[ԡ\\ԡ]_ԡ^iԡbMԡfԡgsԡjfԡkyԡlxԡoSԡpMԡrCԡtBԡv>ԡw;ԡx:ԡy }%}Dfiۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166739/2009-08-21 22:57:292009-07-30 22:56:142009-08!ԡ$w3333Tweet PDXThe first official meetup for users of Twitter, old and new.

          But the event is open and available to non-Twitter people, or anyone who wants to learn more about blogging, tech, design, cyborgs, ect.

          Grab a coffee or tea or some food and lets hang out by Vidoop's awesome new headquarters.

          Discussions are open and fun, covering everything, and perhaps even some things about the upcoming CyborgCamp 2008, which will be simulcast in Portland, Or and Vancouver B.C. at the same time.

          Hope to see you there!
          2008-09-12 00:30:002008-09-11 20:03:162008-09-12 19:56:01 :H;b֣2008-09-12 02:00:00Tԡ##3_333PDX FermentFermentation enthusiasts meet to tell stories and share starters.2008-09-21 21:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxferment2008-09-10 01:55:422008-09-10 01:55:42 <;2008-09-21 22:30:00ction.com *You will receive a confirmation email confirming your attendance and your name will be listed at the door. This invitation is non-transferable. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Are you passionate about innovation? Looking for a job where you can make a big impact while having fun in the process? Join InstantAction and help take gaming on the web to the next level. We are looking for future team members who like working in an fast-paced environment, thrive in ambiguity, and love building cool stuff. Applicants must have a positive attitude, value teamwork, and have a passion for gaming and the gaming industry! Interested? Send your resume and cover letter to jobs@instantaction.com. Be sure to include the job title of the position that you are applying for in the subject line. 2009-11-12 02:00:00http://www.instantaction.com2009-11-03 01:05:212009-11-03 01:05:21 A2009-11-12 05:00:007:06:382009-04-07 17:06:38 ; ;b 2009-04-17 00:00:00 HFqiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3015978/2009-0Dԡ ' 3;333WhereCamp PDX"Society is being transformed by new maps and new mapping technology. Our mission is to help create a free forum for people to talk about, present, explore, and learn about projects that involve place." What is WhereCamp PDX? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical and cartographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". We share a vision of a fully transparent world where data is geographically relevant and just in time. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest t n a discussion about the first glimmerings of a new scientific world view — beyond reductionism to emergence and radical creativity in the biosphere and human world. This emerging view finds a natural scientific place for value and ethics, and places us as co-creators of the enormous web of emerging complexity that is the evolving biosphere and human economics and culture. In this scientific world view, we can ask: Is it more astonishing that a God created all that exists in six days, or that the natural processes of the creative universe have yielded galaxies, chemistry, life, agency, meaning, value, consciousness, culture without a Creator. In my mind and heart, the overwhelming answer is that the truth as best we know it, that all arose with no Creator agent, all on its wondrous own, is so awesome and stunning that it is God enough for me and I hope much of humankind. 2009-04-24 02:00:00http://isepp.org/Pages/08-09%20Pages/Kauffman08.html2009-04-23 18:24:302009-04-23 18:24:30 <2009-04-24 04:00:00ties in Portland that do amazing - yet often unrecognized - work with technology all year long. Join us at the Lucky Lab to celebrate our collaborative gratitude to Portland organizations. Share your organization's story and hear how others in the community are using technology to help make Portland a better place for us all. You can help kick-start this year's TweetsGivingPDX by nominating your organization or one that impresses you through it's remarkable use of technology for good. Go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=t4p98cYbnkSe0mpX9E4Zyg_3d_3d to nominate an organization. Nominations will be posted to a wiki so we can all acknowledge the wonderful good our PDX organizations are achieving with technology. Follow our local TweetsGiving activity at #TweetsGivingPDX. TweetsGivingPDX is part of the national gratitude effort - Tweetsgiving. For more information on TweetsGiving visit tweetsgiving.epicchange.org.2009-11-25 01:30:002009-11-02 19:03:222009-11-02 19:03:22 ; 2009-11-25 03:30:00 $Ehnۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/?ps=62009-07-23 23:55:232009-07-23 23:55:222009-07-23 23:55:23cۋQ333http://WWW.PORTLANDONLINE.COM/BHCD2009-07-22 06:53:122009-07-22 06:53:112009-07-22 06:53:12gۋY333http://calagator.org/events/12504573342009-07-22 03:19:472009-07-22 03:19:472009-07-22 03:19:48iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3088852/2009-07-21 18:37:212009-07-21 18:37:212009-07-21 18:37:22hۋԡ!{G3c333Agile 2008 Lightning Summaries - Xpdx September meetingHi all!!! To both of you - may the future be bright, happy and filled with continued blessings from above gold I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. gold element, gold, I just don't have anything to say.2008-09-18 01:30:00http://rikosy.fr33webhost.com/gold6704.html2008-09-09 21:58:522008-09-29 22:23:432008-09-18 04:00:00 </. ۋ !333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/ical/OTBC+Open+House/2008-11-11 17:54:062008-11-11 17:54:052008-11-11 17:54:07hۋ[333http://www.ltu.se/kalendarium?feed=ical2008-11-11 13:40:402008-11-11 13:40:392008-11-11 13:40:57ۋ 7333http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2008/11/08/mountainwest-rubyconf-2009-dates-and-cfp/2008-11-09 03:35:022008-11-09 03:34:592008-11-09 03:35:02iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1244001/2008-11-08 11:18:232008-11-08 11:18:222008-11-08 11:18:25iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1326580/2008-11-07 22:27:152008-11-07 22:27:142008-11-07 22:27:16Nԡo% 3U333PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism.2008-09-30 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/2008-08-29 22:04:102008-08-29 22:04:10 92008-09-30 04:00:00hem the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. What kinds of people and topics will be discussed? This event is community driven and is what you make it. It provide cross pollination between many different kinds of folks from all walks of life. Topics may include remote sensing, geoinformatics, forestry and agriculture, food chain transparency, civil engineering, emergency disaster relief, urban planning, local search, context awareness, place hacking, social cartography, citizen journalism, locative gaming, psychogeography, locative art, and beyond. Expect to participate in conversations on the nature of place as described in pixels, with rays, on paper, and by social practice!2008-10-18 01:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2008-09-09 16:07:392009-05-14 14:01:56 ?2008-10-19 22:00:00.bbkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#xof]TKB90' ۋ&ۋۋۋ ۋۋ}ۋuPۋmۋfۋ_ۋWEۋPۋHۋ?ۋ7ۋ/ۋ'ۋۋۋۋۋ4ۋwۋoۋgۋ_ۋXۋOۋGۋ?ۋ8ۋ0ۋ(ۋ ۋۋۋ ŃۋBۋ{^ۋsǃۋjȃۋbʃۋ[˃ۋTۋK̓ۋB yۋSۋW ۋ_ۋgۋoۋy ۋ ۋ ۋ ۋۋ%ۋ-ۋ4уۋ<aۋA|ۋHۋPۋYۋaۋiۋrۋyۋۋۋۋۋۋ'ۋ0ۋ8ۋ@ۋHۋQۋYۋb߃ۋkۋs܃ۋ|ڃۋكۋ׃ۋ؃ۋ҃ۋ#փۋ*Ѓۋ1΃ۋ:nergy Policy at Harvard University, is the research director of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group, which explores the issues involved in the transition to a more competitive electricity market. Hogan has served on the faculty of Stanford University, where he founded the Energy Modeling Forum, and is past president of the International Association for Energy Economics. Hogan's research focuses on the interaction of energy economics and public policy, which, in recent years, has meant an emphasis on the restructuring of the electricity industry in the U.S. and worldwide. He has worked to design market structures and market rules by which regional transmission organizations, in various forms, coordinate bid-based markets for energy, ancillary services, and financial transmission rights that allow market participants to hedge congestion costs.

          7:30 p.m., Reed college, Psychology 105.
          2008-10-10 02:30:00http://www.reed.edu2008-09-09 06:44:282008-09-09 06:44:28 <6;b֡2008-10-10 04:00:00 ]]n and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immep7-3O33JrOCalagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project. Join us! -igal2008-11-15 18:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/732008-11-15 15:10:11 9;b՟Jr32008-11-16 02:00:00 uuh a different lens and evolve as a species like never before. E= m4 human!ԡi- 3s333Cascade)ԡgG/3E333InstantAction.com Open House InstantAction has moved to downtown Portland and we'd like  ԡf+3O333Well Being and the Economy: Conversations that Matter 2009Mark Anielski is the author of the best-selling, award-winning book The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth, which was published in June 2007 by New Society Publishers. Dr. David C. Korten is the author of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth (2009), and The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community (2006). Tom’s office is responsible for developing state economic and demographic forecasts and estimating revenue for the State of Oregon. These revenue forecasts are used to develop both the Governor’s Budget and the Legislatively Approved Budget ------- Portland State University will launch the inaugural Conversations That Matter series this year *tan Goolsbee
          "America's Economic Agenda"

          Austan Goolsbee is Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He currently serves as presidential candidate Barack Obama’s lead economic adviser, and he has been working with Obama since his successful U.S. Senate campaign in Illinois. He also serves as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic research, as a research fellow at the American Bar Association, and as a columnist for the New York Times. Goolsbee’s research focuses on the internet, investment, and taxation. Sponsored by the Krause Fund for Economics Lectures and the Elizabeth C. Ducey Political Science Lecture Fund.

          7:30 p.m., Reed College, Vollum lecture hall.
          2008-09-26 02:30:00http://events.reed.edu/2008-09-09 06:44:372008-09-12 15:33:18 <7;b֢2008-09-26 04:00:00:19:07iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373351/2009-07-01 16:42:302009-07-01 16:42:302009-07-01 16:42:31 aaCfԡMs3Q333Oregon Health Fund Board meetingThe Oregon Health Fund Board is developing a comprehensive plan to ensure affordable quality health care for every Oregonian.

          The Board, comprised of seven citizens, was chartered under the Healthy Oregon Act (SB 329) during the 2007 Legislative session. Board members were appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate to four-year terms.

          The agenda for this meeting will be to hear public testimony as a full Board on draft comprehensive plan.

          Start Date and Time
          September 30, 2008 - 12:00pm
          End Date and Time
          September 30, 2008 - 5:00pm


          Kaiser Permanente, Town Hall
          3704 N. Interstate Ave.
          Portland, OR, 97227
          2008-09-30 19:00:00http://wecandobetter.org/node/20882008-09-09 06:44:062008-09-29 22:53:16 <4;b֟2008-10-01 00:00:00 44 to form an annual conference with a unified community. The resulting unified FMCAD provides a leading international forum to researchers and practitioners in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for form'ԡd#3 333TweetsGivingPDX: A Celebration of Gratitude to Portland Social ChangemakersAre you part of an organization that uses technology for good (i.e. using social media, innovative website, video, mobile tech)? Do you know of an organization that uses tech for good? Then this event is for you! It's the time of year to give thanks, and this year, we want to extend thanks to all the nonprofits and social good enti ԡb73Q333Thanksgiving Day MealFree Thanksgiving Day Meal. St. John the Apostle Catholic Church parish center 417 Washington Street Oregon City, OR2009-11-27 20:00:00http://www.sja-catholicchurch.com/2009-10-31 23:53:072009-10-31 23:53:07 A2009-11-27 23:00:00 2+ԡ:m3u33 How to Value PricnԡKiԡa3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Green Hour Hosted by Snyder Roofing Green Hour, hos Gԡ` '3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Cornerstones Conversations Intergenerational Managing" - are you a baby boomer managing Gen Y? Are you a Gen Xer managing baby boomers and Gen Y? Or are you a Gen Yer new to managing? If so, come to the next Cornerstones and further your managerial skills for today's intergenerational workplace. Location: Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room 200 SW Market Street Portland, OR 97201 Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank Regence Pre-registration required at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20, Non-Members $30. 2009-11-12 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-10-30 20:24:352009-10-30 20:24:352009-11-12 17:00:00 &&&>nԡ{3;333Public Policy Lecture Series: America's Economic AgendaPublic Policy Lecture Series: Aus {ԡUO33333The Electricity Restructuring DebateReed Economics Lecture Series: The Electricity Restructuring Debate
          William Hogan, "Energy Policy for Electricity Markets"

          William W. Hogan, Raymond Plank Professor of Global E Wԡ5M3333Bike Maintenance 101Bike Maintenance 101
          9/10/2008 7:00 PM

          REI bike technician Scot McDougall will walk you through the basics from preventative maintenance to fixing a flat tire. They will help you choose the right tools and techniques for your bike.

          Arrive early, seating is limited.

          * Location:REI Portland - 1405 NW Johnson St.
          * Contact:REI Customer Service, 503-221-1938
          * Cost: Free
          * Registration Required? No.
          2008-09-11 02:00:002008-09-09 06:44:182008-09-09 06:44:18 <5;b֠2008-09-11 03:00:00 project managers can take to successfully address these projects. This talk will provide practical perspectives on managing wicked problem projects. It addresses underlying issues of problem and decision framing, and then works through basic issues of both tame and wicked problems. Finally, the presentation provides suggestions and approaches to best manage wicked problem projects. Brad Hermanson, PE, PMP, is Operations and Program Manager for the Portland Office of Parametrix, a 450-person engineering, environmental sciences and architectural firm centered in the Pacific Northwest. Brad's consulting specialties have included program management of complex and controversial projects including management of a project for the Times Beach, Missouri Superfund site, one of the most controversial Superfund sites in the United States. He was also the consulting project manager for the Columbia River Channel Improvement Project, one of the most divisive environmental projects in the Pacific Northwest. - you don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pot* 2nd place: 15% of pot* 3rd place: 5% Better Structure: We are using software tools to make blind raising, table consolidation, registration smoother. We can now track player rankings for the whole year! Higher Anticipated turnout: About 50 Rebuys: Allowed in the 1 1/2 Hour @ $25 (3 max) Tables: 8 players + dealer; 6 tables Bonus: If you work for a software company you get 5% extra chips. *Prize payout includes initial buy-in's only - rebuys are not added to the prize pot. **You must be 21 or older to play! Thank you to our Chip Sponsors: Intel, WebTrends, ViaWest, and Edgelink. For more information about sponsorship or play, please contact Bryce Yonker at bryce.yonker@sao.org or 503.228.5443.2008-10-23 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/08b2008-10-12 23:29:50 :L2008-10-23 03:30:00 xQe533;'Portland Expo Center2009-03-03 20:38:322009-03-03 22:43:462060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217United States@F?^tj;b ;c-33/'Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 18:37:252009-03-03 18:37:253790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005United States@FFt^$;b b-33/Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 18:07:552009-03-03 22:43:413790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Ft^<;b >CaY ;33+qԡ5?3O333June monthly meetingRather than formal presentations, we plan to just go around the room sharing the "best of" what we've learned in the recent series of sessions, hackfests, code sprints, etc. It should be educational and fun. Join us!2008-06-04 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/462008-06-04 02:32:112008-07-13 04:32:08 :~;b՟2008-06-04 04:00:00 E/&iۋ_]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2806106/2009-06-02 18:59:092009-06-02 18:59:082009-06-02 18:59:12ۋ^ U33http://web.as.ua.edu/area51/vasu/booking_calendar/month_view.php?view=month&date=2009-05-01&loc=loc12009-06-01 15:01:472009-06-01 15:01:47hۋ][333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/28006772009-05-30 00:41:502009-05-30 00:41:502009-05-30 00:41:52!ۋ\ K333http:?ԡ; 3333First International Workshop on Next Generation of Wireless and Mobile Networks (NGWMN)2008-09-08 15:00:00http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2607768/first-international-workshop-on-next-generation-of-wireless-and-mobile-networks-ngwmn-2008-09-08 19:09:562008-09-08 19:11:42 <2;b֞2008-09-13 00:00:00ԡ} 3Y333The 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing2008-09-08 15:00:00http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2492502/the-37th-international-conference-on-parallel-processing2008-09-08 19:02:322008-09-08 19:02:32 <2;b֜2008-09-13 00:00:00 ooBk%33-'Joe's Cellar2009-03 ԡ739333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a short code sprint on Wednesday lunch at Backspace, and a full-day code sprint this Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am (although you can come later in the day). Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. Experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal 2008-06-07 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/browse_thread/thread/d27ec83aec3747712008-06-04 05:44:512008-07-13 04:32:08 9Jo52008-06-08 01:00:00 onal high-tech companies and a variety of private investment funds. Ted has handled complex transactions for more than 100 of the Pacific Northwest's fastest growing public and private technology companies, and served recently as managing director of the region's largest boutique technology investment bank, focusing on clean-tech deals. PANELISTS Dan Russell, CEO of PowerMand, Inc. Dan Russell,former Vice President of Intel Corporation leads PowerMand. During his 21 years at Intel, he held positions spanning technical, marketing and sales, and ran several large business groups. His diverse achievements range from building a multi-billion dollar motherboard business to developing programs enabling software developers and solution integrators to optimize and deploy applications for Intel's iA64 and iA32 architecture. Dan holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Idaho, and an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Clive Cook, CEO of RNA Networkveloped for his published materials: Pocket Guide to Customer-centric Thinking, Pocket Guide to Overcoming Your Impediments to Success; Pocket Guide to Behavioral Diversity in the Workplace: A New Perspective; Understanding Technology Product Launch Dynamics and a blog - Thoughts on Leadership. Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, September 9 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Price: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/2008-09-09 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/2008-09-08 18:59:482008-11-10 22:44:13 <;b֛2008-09-09 20:30:00ted by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative companies and promotes sustainability practices for the region's businesses. About the host: Always wanted a green roof or wanted to know how they are installed and maintained? Snyder Roofing is the region's largest installer of vegetated roofs. Attendees will not only network with other sustainability-minded professionals, but also learn the details behind vegetated roofs. The event space will overlook one of Snyder's projects, the Machine Works building in the Pearl District. Location: Machine Works - showcasing Roof Top vegetated garden 1455 NW Northrup Portland, OR 97209 Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Members - $10 online/$15 at the door. Non-members - $20. 2009-11-20 01:00:00http://www.porltandalliance.com2009-10-30 20:31:012009-10-30 20:31:312009-11-20 03:00:00:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:04:012009-05-14 14:02:04 ?2009-04-30 00:00:00 rom the competition and establishing a competitive advantage is critical. But many technology products and services (especially web-based solutions) can be quickly copied or reverse engineered. So how do you create a sustainable differential advantage? At this Lunch and Learn, you'll learn about 3 tactics for doing just that. About the Presenter P. Griffith Lindell, C.B.C. (Certified Business Communictor) is a retired founder, president and Co-CEO of a software startup built around methodologies and processes that were used in his management and marketing consulting practice, Griff is now a SCORE counselor, motivational speaker, management consultant and trainer. He has developed a methodologies to help: a) technology companies successfully launch new products; b) build dynamic customer-centered organizations and, 3) provide recognition of individual contribution, communicating fully (shared vision and values) and promoting teamwork. His senior-level management experiences has lead to insights he de s on the success of the Clean Tech Investing in the Pacific Northwest conference and REFF-Wall Street. Attendees will take part in focused conference sessions on relevant topics and network with over 250 senior financial and industry delegates from across the sector. Speakers and session chairs include Maria Ca5ԡc?S3?333Open Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downcԡ_+?3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Lile Moving & Storage Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, ShopTalk Showcase is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees, hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member in JJz /Q 辍߾5ԡU)3O333pdx.rb, Ruby Brigade October MeetingTo be decided.2008-10-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/652008-09-08 09:32:162008-09-24 06:29:23 9;b՟2008-10-08 04:00:00sԡ-Y3A333Refresh PortlandRefresh Portland is a monthly talk (held every 2nd Wednesday) about design, front-end development, usability and web standards.

          Our first session will feature Tyler Sticka, an award-winning designer, artist, speaker and educator specializing in identity-driven new media.

          Our topic: “Through the Looking-Glass: How the web is and ought to be.” This presentation will establish the current state of the web, it’s successes and limitations, and a bright future rooted in ever-expanding openness and community

          Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
          2008-09-11 01:30:00http://refreshportland.org2008-09-08 06:43:392009-10-26 03:06:13 A;b֙2008-09-11 02:30:00 national - and international - attention. The salmonella outbreaks related to spinach & peanuts, the tainted milk from China as well last year’s hike in gasoline prices that had repercussions in the increased food costs -- all fuel a debate about the importance of controlling how and where our food is grown, harvested, processed, stored, and distributed. Central to this conversation has been the re-emergence of the idea of the food shed. How do we get the variety in our food and yet stay local? Does local matter and if so why? Join us for a discussion on this topic on April 21st with David Lively, marketing Director at Organically Grown, largest wholesaler of organic fruits, vegetables and herbs in the Pacific Northwest. Registration Details: Online: Members - $15; Non Members - $25 Onsite: Members - $20; Non Members - $30 2009-04-22 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3157&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-03-27 13:45:34 ?2009-04-22 03:30:00009-02-13 05:00:00 ye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVSԡaxԡ^A_39333HTML for Bloggers WorkshopHTML for Bloggers is an introductory class that teaches you the basics of HyperText Markup Language. You will get a clearer understanding of how the web works, how your blog works, the role HTML plays in all that, and you will be able to immediately apply your new skills on your blog, Craigslist, eBay, etc. We will cover the following: - Create links and understand them thoroughly - Add and manipulate images and audio - Format text - Get a clear “big picture” of HTML - Understand paths and attributes - Know about how plug-ins work - Understand the difference between HTML, CSS, and Javascript (and know why you should know) - Get your questions answered $58 dollars Register now: http://htmlforbloggers.eventbrite.com/2009-11-19 02:00:00http://www.vanadia.com2009-10-30 19:55:542009-10-30 19:55:54 ;2009-11-19 05:00:00aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code internally! This event is open to EVERYONE, from coders to artists to musicians, everyone's input and contributions will be super useful. I'm especially eager to see: - 2d sketch artists - OpenGL enthusiasts - Cairo enthusiasts Please don't hesitate to invite your friends! :) We'll have some fun inputs to play with: a wacom tablet, a console with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up to the projector. If you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy. In Ubuntu: 1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb2008-09-12 00:00:002008-09-08 02:29:232008-09-08 02:29:23 92008-09-12 04:00:00]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2496632/2009-04-28 06:29:572009-04-28 06:29:542009-04-28 06:30:00 ##as, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. Cost is $5.00 at the door, which will offset costs and provide a light dinner. April's Forum showcases Online Tools that promote social innovation. We launch the ChangeXchaVԡ]a{39333Free Talk: What It Takes to Make a WebsiteThis informative “big picture” presentation is for anyone who wants to start their own website but has no idea where to begin. Should you hire someone? Can you do it yourself? Learn the difference between HTML, WYSIWYG, CSS and CMS. Find out about hosting. Learn how to get a domain. Bring your questions! 2009-11-10 02:30:00http://www.vanadia.com2009-10-30 19:47:332009-10-30 19:50:44 A2009-11-10 03:30:00 (ԡ,W3u33 Internet Series: PR and the InterԡEA3U333PostgreSQL Conference WestJoin us for the second annual PostgreSQL Conference West! Scheduled to begin October 10 and go through the weekend, West being held at Portland State University is going to be the destinat7ԡ\IY35333Digital Journalism Social HourDigital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. February's presenter TBD.2010-02-05 03:00:00http://journopdx.com2009-10-30 18:39:082009-10-30 18:39:08 A2010-02-05 05:00:00 oved developed and deployed a product, started generating revenue, and brought Pixelworks founder Allen Alley onto their Board of Directors -- all with very little funding. Come hear Monica talk about Zapproved's product, and about the bootstr|ԡY7e3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours - relaxed, open networking. Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, November 11th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Candy Ultra Lounge & Bistro Bar, 904 NW Couch Street. Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. 2009-11-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-10-30 18:20:152009-10-30 18:21:352009-11-12 03:00:00 ,,}GVۋbۋYgԡ}93w3333 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN, the SAO and SCORE . About the Program In today's crowded technology marketplace, differentiating your product or service f SԡEI3w333SCORE Business Plan WorkshopEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group This full-day business plan development workshop is presented by SCORE. To RSVP and Register, click here to go to the SCORE website. Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Monday, September 22 at 8:00 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8611730/2008-09-22 15:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8611730/2008-09-08 18:37:092008-11-10 22:44:12 <;b֚2008-09-22 17:00:00 bkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#{ԡaq3 333Luz Code Sprint - Ruby music visualizationLuz is a Ruby music visualization playground, ĆԡU'3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace, in the "Persian" room. We have an open agenda this month: please bring projects to show, questions to ask, topics to discuss. A projector will be available.2008-09-11 02:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-09-07 17:49:512008-09-07 17:49:51 92008-09-11 04:00:00 "Dfnۋ&g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2421869/?ps=72009-04-17 18:06:032009-04-17 18:06:012009-04-17 18:06:05iۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415077/2009-04-15 17:57:322009-04-15 17:57:322009-04-15 17:57:34iۋ$]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415068/2009-04-15 17:48:402009-04-15 17:48:392009-04-15 17:48:42iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/e{ԡ Yu3/33Demolicious! - Portland Web InnovatorsCome see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. Several ten minute demos of new products and side projects.

          Find out more about showing off *your* project here:
          2008-10-02 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-09-05 19:41:082008-09-05 19:42:06 :v;b֘ FFOHDFw̹µµ¿ÊëI>99>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLC#ԡJ 3 333Ten IP Strategy Decisions at the Heart of the MySQL Business Model Computer & Internet Law Section Dear Computer & Internet Law, Business Law and Intellectual Property Section Members: Luncheon CLE – Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12 – 1 p.m. A Discussion of Ten IP Strategy Decisions at the Heart of the MySQL Business Model If you’ve been following the news, you’ll know the open source community has been abuzz about the recent acquisition of MySQL, the pioneering and extremely popular open source database company, by Sun Microsystems. The Computer & Internet Law Section is pleased to have Clint Smith, the former general counsel and corporate secretary for MySQL, here to share his experiences and insights while serving as legal counsel for an open source company. In keeping with the open source theme, Mr. Smith will hold an open-ended discussion with topics to include: the dual-licensing model f eae·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@uԡLs3S3332008 Southwest Washington Sustainability ConferenceThe 2008 Southwest Washington Sustainability Conference and Trade Show, will inspire, engage and challenge you to reach for higher levels of ethical stewardship and ecological, economic and social success. Watch the website for news of speakers and interactive sessions as exciting plans for this event unfold.
          2008-07-10 07:00:00http://sustainability.clark.wa.gov/2008-07-10 22:12:182008-07-13 04:32:29 ;;b52008-07-11 07:00:00ԡKO}35333Java User Group - Portland OregonJava User Group meeting


          Oracle downtown Campus
          8th Floor - R @dz0ԡ];31333PHP: Adding SMS to Trimet TransitTrackerSam Keen will demonstrate how he took the existing Trimet TransitTracker service and enabled it with SMS access This involved building a small 'Translation' web service to convert between the Trimet web api and the SMS gateway API. Post meeting will be at Produce Row Cafe. 2008-09-10 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-09-06 00:22:142008-09-06 00:22:14 92008-09-10 03:00:00'ԡ73i333Café Chess CollectifLots of casual Chess players haunt the booths and tables at Coffee Time, evenings and weekends (Saturday nights in particular). Likely the most popular café for chess in Portland, most evenings you will find players and observers hanging about. If noone is open, lay out your own board and someone will likely come around for a game. Blitz is popular, but there are leisurely players too.2008-09-07 03:00:00http://www.chess.com/club/cafe-chess-collectif2008-09-05 22:08:462008-09-05 22:09:52 
          Join OEN and its social media panel to gain a deeper understanding of social media, its benefits, and its potential pitfalls. We’ll share the rules of the road and etiquette for entrepreneurs and companies interested in participating in these online communities.
          Moderator: Rick Turoczy writes for Silicon Florist , a blog covering open source and Web startups in the Silicon Forest
          The panel will include a number of Portland’s social media experts:

          * Josh Bancroft, Intel’s social media guru, will offer advice on how companies can benefit from social media both internally and externally.
          * Marshall Kirkpatrick, VP of Content Development at ReadWriteWeb, professional blogger, and consultant, has written for two of the leading Web 2.0 blogs. Marshall has helped numerous companies develop effective techniques for monitoring and participating in social media.
          * Dawn Foster, is a social media consultant who helps companies understand and interact with their online communities. Local companies like Intel and Jive Software are among those who have benefited from Dawn's guidance and insights.
          2008-09-11 00:00:00http://www.oen.org2008-09-05 17:13:472008-09-05 17:30:04 :6;b֗2008-09-11 02:00:00 />
          Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round.

          Interested in applying to present inthe Seed Oregon Tournament? Then stay tuned for more details!

          Date and Time: Oct 8, 2008
          05:15 pm - 07:00 pm
          Location: 1313 NW Marshall
          Portland, Oregon
          For Purchase:
          OEN Member Price: $15.00
          Non-Member Price: $25.00
          OEN Member Fee to Present at Seed Oregon: $75.00
          Non-Member Fee to present at Seed Oregon: $174.00
          2008-10-09 00:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=242008-09-05 17:12:352008-09-12 15:40:32 :6;b֖2008-10-09 02:00:00 1entrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also focus on developing the health IT workforce that institutions like OHSU are already doing, creating new career opp?ԡTO3 333IxDA Portland: Design Jam SessionJoin us for a design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the larger group. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/).2009-11-18 02:00:002009-10-29 22:14:172009-10-29 22:14:17 9;b,2009-11-18 05:00:00HԡS'E3 333PDX HackathonCome do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.2009-10-30 02:00:002009-10-29 21:07:492009-10-29 21:07:49 ; 2009-10-30 06:30:00 ""E<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßAB%ԡB/C3C333Ruby Hoedown 2008The South's Ruby Conference2008-08-08 16:00:00http://www.rubyhoedown.com/2008-07-08 15:05:372008-07-13 04:32:28 ;2008-08-10 01:00:00+ԡAM3i333Portland Pythoneers July MeetingPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers Python Web & Network Development Part 2A A more in-depth follow-up to last month's meeting. We'll be revisiting Twisted, this time with code. And more WSGI using the Werkzeug toolkit. After we'll migrate to the Produce Row Cafe for Python discussions over beer, and maybe some brainstorming about organizing a Python Northwest conference here in Portland. Join us on our python.org list and on #pdxpython. All are welcome! Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, July 8 at 7:00 PM Attending: 0 Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/8120645/2008-07-09 02:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/8120645/2008-07-08 00:21:382008-07-13 04:32:28 9;b12008-07-09 04:00:00exciting companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech, bioscience, sustainability and more.
          This annual conference draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the western US who are interested in the emerging companies that the Northwest has to offer. Companies that have presented at Venture Oregon have raised over $1.3 billion in venture capital since 1996 and over $68 million in angel investment.*
          *Not all companies who presented had investments reported in Venture Source
          Interested in applying to present at Venture Northwest 2008? If so, then visit the Venture Northwest 2008 Application & Guidelines page for more information.
          2008-10-30 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/2008-09-05 17:12:022008-10-12 16:18:01 <(;b֕2008-10-31 00:00:00 z$^ʃԡ933333Venture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibrant and sustainable companies that are ripe for investment. Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is the premier forum for new and emerging investment opportunities in قkԡIA35333Calagator Documentation SprintJoin us to to work on the Calagator User Guide. This is a great chance to learn more about the project and help out with an important task. Previous code sprint participants and newcomers are all welcome to contribute.2008-09-20 17:00:00http://calagator.org2008-09-05 16:54:312008-09-05 16:54:31 92008-09-21 00:00:00Yԡc{3=333Luz, the Ruby Music Visualizer, Code SprintLuz is a Ruby music visualization playground, aiming to create a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) We are HHuster strategy studies for the State of Oregon, City of Port"y='3]33JuMeet In Portland minglerEvery month MiPL has a "Mingler" evening which is just for hanging out at a bar, meeting new members and other MiPL friends. This is very relaxed, friendly and informal - so just come along for a drink or few and meet new people -- because this is what it's all about! April's Mingler will be at the newly non-smoking Lotus Room! The recent MiPL Goth Pub Crawl stopx%3]33JuOEN SwapMeetThe next OEN SwapMeet has been set for Thursday, April 30th, 5-7 PM, at the Someday Lounge. The OEN SwapMeet is a great event for making connections with a variety of folks and an opportunity for you to make introductions for your friends. So come to SwapMeet and bring a friend! The event is free, though the drinks are not. We hope to see you there!2009-05-01 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2293645/2009-04-13 21:41:08 ?6;b2009-05-01 02:00:00 IyԡZIg3S333Intellectual Property Seminar Lewis & Clark's Small Business Legal Clinic presents thiԡXC[3 333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchage - a fun speed-networking eve ψiԡWE13K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun speed-networking event! B Ҍ0ԡV-W3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Elephant's DelicatessenPortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Shop Talk Showcase, a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. About Elephant's Delicatessen: A warm intimate event space with a retractable roof and a grand fireplace, the Garden Party Room is ideal fo troductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. About the host: Lile Moving & Storage is celebrating our 50th year as a leading relocation service provider in the Pacific Northwest. Locally owned and operated, Lile is certified as a Woman-Owned Business with 10 branches in Oregon and Washington, and ranked as a top 10 North American Van Lines Agent. We specialize in the transportation of household goods including local, long distance, and corporate moves. Lile also has a strong presence in commercial relocation which includes office moving, warehousing and distribution, and specialized logistics. Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Member online - Free. Member at the Door - $5.00. Non-Member online - $5.00. Non-Member at the Door - $10.00. First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 to come as a guest your first time! 2009-11-17 15:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-10-30 20:18:372009-10-30 20:18:372009-11-17 17:00:00holding the first-ever Luz code sprint: - Saturday, Sep 6th, 10am to 6pm at CubeSpace (we had talked about doing it on sunday, but no: it's saturday) This event is open to EVERYONE. Even if you don't know Ruby yet, there are plenty of ways to join in, from writing/improving the English descriptions for the 150+ existing plugins, to thinking of new plugins, or even just playing with Luz! :) I'll bring all my gear for people to use: a wacom tablet, midi controller with gobs of dials and knobs, a gamepad, and we'll hook up to the projector. Join us this Saturday! I really hope to see you there! -Ian p.s. if you want to try out Luz ahead of time, it's super easy: 1) sudo apt-get install bzr ruby1.8 libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby libgtkglext1-ruby librmagick-ruby1.8 libcairo-ruby libsdl-ruby1.8 2) bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz 3) ./luz_editor.rb 2008-09-06 17:00:00http://launchpad.net/luz2008-09-05 08:13:202008-09-05 08:13:20 92008-09-07 01:00:00    ԡ%I3;333Linux ClinicThird Sunday of the month, we meet at Free Geek to help each other with Linux problems. Bring your computer or laptop. We have power, desk space, wired and wireless ethernet, keyboards and monitors. We have coffee, cookies, and Penguinos, the premier penguin themed Mexican cupcake.2008-09-21 20:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org2008-09-05 02:26:482008-09-05 02:26:48 92008-09-22 00:00:00Eԡ;w3=333PLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk -- OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymoreSpeaker: Russell Senior Topic: OpenWrt - It's not just for Linksys Routers anymore Russell has been fiddling around with OpenWrt for a couple years, on various platforms. He'll give a step-by-step on how to build OpenWrt for your device, various ways to get it onto your device, and how configuration is handled in the OpenWrt way. Normal meeting rules apply.2008-11-20 03:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-09-05 02:22:572008-11-18 07:31:11 :2008-11-20 05:00:00 ::3U2OiۋP]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/2009-03-03 16:07:322009-03-03 16:07:312009-03-03 16:07:36nۋOg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2113197/?ps=52009-03-01 06:04:062009-03-01 06:04:062009-03-01 06:04:09iۋN?ԡ#M3w333One Web DayOneWebDay is an Earth Day for the internet. The idea behind OneWebDay is to focus attention on a key internet value (this year, online participation in democracy), focus attention on local internet concerns (connectivity, censorship, individual skills), and create a global constituency that cares about protecting and defending the internet. So, think of OneWebDay as an environmental movement for the Internet ecosystem. It’s a platform for people to educate and activate others about issues that are important for the Internet’s future.2008-09-22 15:00:00http://www.onewebday.org/base/index.php/Portland_20082008-09-05 02:15:382008-09-05 02:15:38 ;[2008-09-23 02:00:00 f$fO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-08-14 17:04:022008-08-15 15:56:15928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F Ӧ^N;b| ; O33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-08-14 17:03:352008-08-15 15:56:16928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F Ӧ^N;b{ ; 33-CubeSpace2008-08-12 18:26:342008-08-12 22:22:00622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;bz 9O33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-08-12 15:12:522008-08-12 15:13:34928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F Ӧ^N;by ; R}5 33 venue to be squashed2008-08-11 20:48:472008-08-11 20:50:01 ;c|W 33/' )Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate http://www.omnihotels.com/FindAHotel/OrlandoChampionsGate.aspx2008-08-11 18:40:032008-08-11 18:41:101500 Masters BlvdChampionsGateFL33896US@GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyԡ_ԡ`~ԡe{ԡfmԡivԡmjԡnoԡofԡqiԡseԡt^ԡuaԡv_ԡwZԡxWԡz]ԡ{\ԡ|Sԡ}QԡRԡLԡNԡ Jԡ Dԡ =ԡSԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ*ԡ'ԡ&ԡԡ ԡ"ԡ%ԡ(ԡ)ԡ*ԡ-ԡ/ԡ1ԡ4ԡ5ԡ6ԡ8 ԡ9 ԡ:ԡ;ԡ<ԡ=ԡ>ԡAԡBԡCԡDԡEԡFԡGԡIԡLԡMڄԡOۄԡQلԡR؄ԡTՄԡU҄ԡX ԡ\Ʉԡ^Ƅԡ`ԡcԡeԡfԡiԡkԡwԡyԡ{ԡ| n6]nuts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthk{3a33JrOregon Bioscience Association (OBA): Bio on the Vine 2008Oregon Bioscience Association Bio On The Vine 2008 You are cordially invited to join OBA members for an evening of networking and libations. Aquariva 0470 SW Hamilton Court Date: November 13, 2008 Time: 6-9pm $35 OBA Members - $45 nonmembers Hors d'oeuvres and two drinks provided Space is limited 2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2008/2008-11-03 16:00:24 =2008-11-14 05:00:00U;3O33Jrpdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-03 10:32:16 9;b՟2008-11-05 05:00:00F[3333JrPLUG: LANs, iptables, routing, and moreKirk Harr will speak on "LANs, iptables, routing, and more"2008-11-07 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2008-11-03 09:28:40 =2008-11-07 05:00:00 //)KhPԡI)3333Python: Django on Jython, EggsHi everyone, Our September Python meeting is next week and we have a great meeting in store, including a special guest speaker! First up, our own Brett will be show us how to produce Python eggs and publish them to the Python Package Index (aka the Cheeseshop). Then Leo Soto, a Jython GSoC hacker, will be presenting his DjangoCon 2008 talk "Django on Jython". In Leo's own words: "Django is the most popular Python web framework, and have managed to go through the hard steps of making a high quality 1.0 release. The Jython project has awaken on the last years after a dark period, and is in the road of its 2.5 release. This scenario presents the cool opportunity of exploring the use of a modern Python web framework on top of the Java infrastructure. I will talk on ho fԡg?3 333Galois Tech Talk: Pretty-Printing a Really Long Formula (or, "What a Mathematician Coul; ))w about this free workshop toKic3O33JqBusiness Plan: Your Road to Success (Workshop)Workshop Description

          ThiskTy333JqPortland Cisco ASA Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarCisco ASA Training: Installing, Configuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting the Cisco ASA Security Appliance

          Presented by soundtraining.net and taught by veteran I.T. trainer, writer, and speaker Don R. Crawley.

          This Cisco ASA training serminar is two intensive days filled with hands-on lab exercises where you'll learn how to reset the administrator password (even when you don't know it), how to build a basic firewall configuration from scratch in the command-line and in the GUI. You'll practice backing-up and restoring your configuration files and the firewall's operating system image. We'll show you how to set up centralized logging with a syslog server. You'll practi @t*hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15082362009-01-22 03:18:072009-01-22 03:18:062009-01-22 03:18:09hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15069842009-01-21 23:46:272009-01-21 23:46:262009-01-21 23:46:29hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15077932009-01-21 22:57:302009-01-21 22:57:292009-01-21 22:57:31iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/2009-01-21 19:57:202009-01-21 19:57:202009-01"ԡ{;?33333pdxfunc monthly meetingA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-09-09 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2008-09-03 01:01:362008-09-03 01:01:36 92008-09-09 04:00:00 mT*{G33+Gerding Theater at the Armory2008-08-10 15:56:042008-08-10 23:36:25128 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F*0^@|;bw 9zK33_Portland State University (PSU)2008-08-10 15:55:532008-08-10 23:38:18Smith Memorial Building, 1825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207;bv 9y-33)Laurelthirst Pub2008-08-10 15:53:582008-08-10 15:53:582958 NE GlisanPortlandOregon97232US@Fb^;bux ?333 Dante'shttp://www.danteslive.com2008-08-10 15:53:482008-08-10 23:34:43One S.W. Third Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@Fh^iQY;btxw33'MacForce2008-08-10 15:53:252008-08-10 15:53:25100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214US@F׺f^?>q;bs v/33/%Sydney's Cafe2008-08-10 15:53:162008-08-15 16:33:241800 NW 16th Ave.Portland, OROregon97068US@F%1^4J;br ; %*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52fjۋf]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-01-14 10:33:312009-01-06 23:0ԡxE3S333Northwest chocolate festivalNorthwest Chocolate Festival

          Workshops, Tasting, and Celebration with Chocolate!
          September 12th-14th, 2008 in Portland, Oregon

          Join us at the Northwest Chocolate Festival. We will enjoy fun tasting and learning with Chocolate, great demonstrations, culinary classes and a NW Regional Chocolate Competition!

          Tastes in Chocolate | Chocolate -ԡwI3q333Green Drinks - Portland OregonEvery month people who are interested in environmental topics and issues meet up in cities around the world for informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, develop "Dfiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/evGԡzYa3=333PLUG: Building Open Source CommunitiesGabrielle Roth and Selena Deckelmann will be discussing ways to build and maintain Open Source Communities. Their emphasis will be in building real in-person communities rather than virtual on-line type communities. Gabriell and Selena recently presented "Running a Successful User Group" at OSCON 2008, see notes at http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/30268 The meeting will be in Room FAB 86-01 of The Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Building at Portland State University. This building, nicknamed The New Engineering Building, is on SW 4th across from SW College Street. See location H-10 on the map at http://pdxLinux.org/campus_map.jpg2008-09-05 02:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org/2008-09-03 00:33:122008-09-03 00:50:16 ;r2008-09-05 04:00:00hocolate Festival is a Benefit Event with proceeds benefiting regional farmers and farmers in cocoa regions from around the world.

          Gala Celebration Party, we invite you to join us!

          On Saturday Night, September 13th...There will be a bike race, a chocolate competition, a dance-a-thon, and a few awards to remember!

          Join us for the Celebration Party! at the Northwest Chocolate Festival weekend. Saturday night only, this party will rock your chocolate tastebuds! Featuring the Northwest Regional Chocolate Competition where you get to be one of the judges, vote for the best chocolate in the Northwest! Get down to the live dance music, delicately taste lots'n'lots of chocolate, enjoy drinks and performance art. This is the ultimate celebration of chocolate in all its forms accompanied by live music, beer, wine and all-night dancing and decadence.
          2008-09-13 07:00:00http://www.nwchocolatefestival.com/2008-08-31 23:57:062008-09-05 17:34:34 :,;b֒2008-09-14 07:00:00 yself included) take Passover as an opportunity to bring Jews and non-Jews together for discussion and food (food is very imporlԡQ'/3i333TechAmerica - Employee Compensation - What Companies are Planning for in 2010The economic downturn has caused companies to deploy cost-saving strategies such as pay freezes, pay decreases, layoffs, forced vacations and reduced benefits amongst other initiatives. As companies recover from this downturn, many HR professionals are determining how best to address compensation needs given that introducing costs back into the business will be slower than expected while ensuring emp kԡP993M333Venture Capital UpdateA panel of two venture capitalists and two executives from recently funded technology companies will provide an update on the state of venture capital financing and share their experiences relating to Oregon venture capital transactions. Attendees will gain insight with respect to topics such as: - What industries are and ustainably grown and organic food is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. It is about environmental values but it is also about knowledge: rediscovering taste, rediscovering ripeness, rediscovering the connection between the field and the table. Are these rediscovered values byproducts of a focus on sustainability? Or is sustainability achievable precisely because these values are in high demand, and require sustainable agriculture and food delivery systems to succeed? And how can these solutions scale -- is the concept of "distributed scale" an oxymoron or a breakthrough? Our current food supply chain has become increasingly complex, involving a global network of farmers, packers, shippers, manufacturers & retailers. Your neighborhood grocery store is likely to carry more items from far flung areas of the world than produce that has been grown locally. Several incidents over the course of last year have brought the increasing complexity and anonymity of our food supply systems to are not attracting venture investments? - What are the attributes and characteristics of a venture ready business? - How has the market changed with respect to valuation, liquidation preferences and other critical terms? - How much capital should an emerging company raise? VC Panelists – Active investors in Oregon: - Gerry Langeler, Managing Director, OVP Venture Partners - Mike Buckley, Managing Director, Intel Capital Portfolio Company Panelists – Recently funded Oregon technology companies: - Peggy Miller, Chief Operating Officer, PacStar Communications, Inc. - Jim Plymale, Chief Executive Officer, Clinicient, Inc. Moderator: Eric Rosenfeld, Managing Director, Capybara Ventures Who Should Attend: Attendees include all individuals who wants to raise capital for an emerging technology company or learn about the state of the venture capital industry. 2009-11-10 15:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/ebcvc2009-10-29 00:12:212009-10-29 00:12:21 A 2009-11-10 17:00:00 Demonstrations | Dessert Classes | Culture & Ecology

          In the Northwest Chocolate Festival Education Center we will be bringing top educators in the culinary, history, and health of chocolate. We will be offering tasting, spa classes, culinary workshops & demonstrations, and seminars on trade and farming practices. Come learn how to make a chocolate martini!

          The Gala Celebration Party: a chocolate lover's dream come true. This evening will include The Northwest Regional Chocolate Competition, with great local chefs, chocolatiers, and candymakers displaying their best chocolate talents. The Gala includes thousands of Chocolate Tastes, Beer, Wine, Local Art, Live Music, and Dancing!

          Throughout the festival there will be prizes, fabulous treats, tasty chocolate samples, baking demonstrations and culinary seminars. Come to the Northwest Chocolate Festival for great chances to meet chocolate makers, producers, and many chocolate lovers.

          The Northwest C "D>_iۋX]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1444823/2008-12-21 15:30:432008-12-21 15:30:412008-12-21 15:30:46jۋW]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1447525/2009-01-14 10:32:502008^ԡvU;3333Japanese Garden - free admission dayFree Admission Day
          Sponsored by PGE Foundation
          September 2, 10am-7pm
          Free and Open to the Public

          The Portland Japanese Garden will be holding a Free Admission Day on September 2, from 10am-7pm—sponsored by the PGE Foundation. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to invite their friends, family, and fellow community members to visit the Garden on this Free Day. Garden guides will be stationed throughout the Garden to help answer questions and speak about the Garden's history, culture, and traditions. Come enjoy the Garden as summer transitions into fall.
          2008-09-02 17:00:002008-08-31 23:56:342008-09-01 03:35:23 <;bև2008-09-03 02:00:00loyee retention and engagement. Please join us at this networking event to: - Learn what high-tech employers in Portland have implemented regarding austerity measures, and are planning to do with merit awards and compensation next year - Discuss how employers can effectively modify the total rewards package to help the company to survive during the economic downturn - Gain awareness of legal and compliance issues employers may face in modifying compensation plans - Obtain tips and guidelines on constructing a proposal to your company about compensation and incentive plans in the coming year Panelists: - Bill Erdle, President, William J. Erdle Compensation Consulting, LLC - Bryan Fix, Head of Human Resources, SolarWorld USA - Kirsten Solomon, Director of Compensation and Benefits, FLIR Systems Moderator: Paul M. Ostroff, Shareholder, Lane Powell PC 2009-11-17 15:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/hrcompensationevent2009-10-29 00:16:262009-11-13 21:11:59 :$2009-11-17 17:00:00 ==Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness R<ԡR'33333Free MATLAB and Simulink Seminar: Data Analysis and Signal Processing SystemsJoin the MathWorks for this special complimentary event comprised of two sessions. In the morning session, MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how you can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face in Excel. In the afternoon session, they will demonstrate workflows for the design and verification of signal processing and communications systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Please join us for one session or stay for the full-day. However, seating is limited for this special event, so please reserve your seat today. Previous knowledge of MATLAB and Simulink is not required to attend either of the sessions. For more information or to register please visit: http://bit.ly/x3DsM2009-11-10 16:30:00http://bit.ly/x3DsM2009-10-29 14:21:532009-10-29 19:56:13 =2009-11-11 00:00:00ed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

          WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

          WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

          DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

          FEATURING: Hot Lips Pizza and Beer (no host)

          SIGN UP: For sustainability updates and event announcements click on the "Join this group" button and enter your email address that you would like to use to receive event reminders and announcements.

          QUESTIONS: Send emails to portlandgreendrinks@yahoo.com

          Please help spread the word about Portland Green Drinks.
          2008-09-03 02:00:00http://groups.yahoo.com/group/portlandgreendrinks/2008-08-31 23:56:452008-09-05 17:34:33 :,;b2008-09-03 04:00:00 %P%\z -iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1376652/2008-12-07 18:20:342008-12-07 18:20:332008-12-07 18:20:37iۋ/]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1394119/2008-12-07 18:19:312008-12-07 18:19:302008-12-07 18:19:33iۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1415826/2008-12-05 01:02:312008-12-05 01:02:302008-12-05 01:02:33hۋ-[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14155292008-12-04 21:19:422008-12-04 21:19:412008-12-04 21:19:44nۋ,g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1403424/?ps=520$ԡsa3/333Toonlet's Story at Portland Web InnovatorsThe founders of Toonlet.com will tell their story of having an idea, starting a site, and all the stuff that's quickly happened since.2008-09-04 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-08-31 23:03:432008-09-01 03:35:42 :v;b֏2008-09-04 04:00:00)ԡr=)3O333pdx.rb September MeetingTo be decided.2008-09-03 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/642008-08-31 09:32:172008-08-31 09:32:17 9;b՟2008-09-03 04:00:00 gWgu?33-McMenamins Kennedy School2008-08-10 15:52:452008-08-14 08:05:175736 Ne 33rd AvePortlandOregon97211US@FAy^L ;bq ; t1331Urban Grind Coffee2008-08-10 15:52:322009-02-09 20:26:192214 NE Oregon St.PortlandOregon97232US@Fè>^+Z ;bp >s+331Central Library2008-08-10 15:52:192008-08-10 23:36:30801 SW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@FyXٶ^;bo ;Hsio33NW Lucky Lab, 1945 NW Quimby (19th and NW Quimby)2008-08-07 00:52:182008-08-08 19:52:55;bl :
          7:45 – 8:00p
          Grab a snack and meet your fellow editors and creators.
          8:00 – 8:20p
          Aaron Cronan - animated commercial
          Group member Aaron Cronan will show an animated commercial he produced and scored the music for a regional bank. The discussion will focus on the animation process, working with the artist, and music creation.

          8:20 – 8:30p
          Announcements and Raffle (tickets: $5)
          - set of portable powered speakers for iPod or laptop
          Members & Students w/ID: Free
          Non-members: $5 at door.

          Website: http://www.pdxfcpug.com
          Location: PCC/Cascade Campus Terrell Hall, room 122
          ( http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/cascade/ )
          2008-09-03 01:30:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/index.html2008-08-31 23:08:482008-09-01 03:35:13 :#;b֐2008-09-03 03:30:00 4y4ԡAUq3333IEEE: Is a Masters Degree Necessary?http://www.cpd.ogi.4ԡ5w3Q333Agile Open Northwest Conference 2009 "Agile for Real"Agile Open Northwest, an alliance of agile practitioners in the US Pacific Northwest region, invite you to our 3rd annual conference Agile Open Northwest 2009 "Agile for Real". The Northwest has a wealth of practitioners with years of real-world experience with agile methods and self-organizing teams. Agile Open Northwest offers an opportunity to strengthen our community of practice and co-create the future for agile development in our region. Your hosts designed this event to allow practitioners like you to meet in self-organizing groups where we can share our latest ideas, challenges, hopes, experiences and experiments. 2009-02-10 16:30:00http://www.agileopennorthwest.org/2008-12-17 00:48:532008-12-17 00:48:53 =2009-02-12 02:00:00Q' '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy.org2007-06-29 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:25;bձ2007-06-29 02:30:00ԡRS13333SAO: Social/Prof ԡ! ԡ" ԡ$ ԡ& ԡ' ԡ( ԡ) ԡ* ԡ+ ԡ- ԡ. ԡ/ !ԡ1 ԡ3 {ԡ6 xԡ8 "ԡ9 #ԡ; 0ԡ= pԡ> sԡ? iԡ@ nԡA jԡB hԡC fԡE dԡI aԡK _ԡN ۄԡPԡQ *ԡR DԡX RԡZ Nԡ^ Dԡ_ Cԡb =ԡc ;ԡd ?ԡe 9ԡf 2ԡg 8ԡi 4ԡj 5ԡk ԡn "ԡo ԡq ԡr ԡs ԡt ԡv ԡx ԡz ԡ{ ԡ} ڄԡ Wԡ Uԡ xԡ |ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ܄ԡ ބԡ ԡ ߄ԡ Ʉԡ ńԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ qԡ fԡ! ԡ# ԡ% ԡ' 55em! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!)ԡCwk35333The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff EventFirst meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle 2009-11-13 02:00:00http://bit.ly/3FCeUC2009-10-27 20:41:122009-10-27 20:41:12 @2009-11-13 04:00:00ԡB?3M333Multnomah Food InitiativeAt Multnomah County we are asking the question “what is next for the local food movement?” There’s no doubt that Mult Co and Portland region are at the epicenter of a growing national interest in local food. Currently, we have over 20 farmers  $:$ks, Airvana, A123 SystemԡF_3 333Making Strides Against Breast Cancer WalkWe're looking for volunteers to help with registration, advocacy, cheerleading and participant traffic directors (route monitors). If you're interested in volunteering, please email tia.herrejon@cancer.org by Wed., April 29th. If you're interested in having a team for the walk or walking as an individual, please call Amy Theberge at 503-795-3958 or email her at amy.theberge@cancer.org.2009-05-09 16:00:002009-04-24 19:10:222009-04-24 19:10:22 ?I2009-05-09 19:00:00?ԡES93Y333Earth Day 2009: THE AIR WE BREATHE!Earth Day 2009: THE AIR WE BREATHE! Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Wallace Park / Chapman School, NW 25th & Quimby This year’s music features: TAPWATER Alpaca! Off The Grid Fruition String Band Hijinks Sweet Home String Band Sara Tone2009-04-25 17:00:00http://cityrepair.org/events/earthday/2009-04-24 15:12:342009-04-24 15:12:34 ?H2009-04-26 02:00:00y, we frequently think of things as surviving where there's no real threat to life. Companies survive. Products, and the teams that produce them, survive. Individual members of the team continue to be a member of the team by virtue of their ability to survive. In all these activities we see the same lively dance of competition and cooperation, of adaptation and evolution, within a constantly changing environment. Michael Kelly, a survivor of numerous software campaigns, will bring together the insights of famed survival writer Laurence Gonzales, some rather surprising research into the neuroscience of decision making, and some hair-raising personal experiences to illuminate the importance of agile methodologies and suggest some potential new directions. This is our usual monthly meeting for the month of November. Remember the location and time for future meetings! Third Wed of the month, at CubeSpace.2008-11-20 02:30:00http://www.xpdx.org2008-10-28 17:19:012008-10-28 17:19:01 92008-11-20 05:00:00: From Runways to Air Traffic Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub, come find out about these and other aspects of commercial aviation, including the physics of flight, sound propagation, and airport operations. Chris Corich is General Manager of Long Range Planning and Noise, and a 16-year veteran at PDX. When: Science Pub Portland is the last Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Come early for food, drink, and to get a seat! Please Note: Science Pub Portland now has a suggested cover charge of $2.00 (If that's a hardship for you, please come anyway!)2009-04-29 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373653/2009-04-14 00:03:24 ;9;b!2009-04-29 04:00:00process are the product manager, the project manager and the program manager. Three panelists with experience at IBM, HP, and Tektronix will explain each manager’s perspective on the product development process and explore ways to eliminate potential areas of overlap and friction. A Q&A session will follow allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Attending this event will provide you with a clarification of roles and suggestions for how to work more effectively with each position at every stage of a product development cycle. Event Details Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:30 – 6:00 pm Registration and Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Residence Inn Portland West / Hillsboro 18855 NW Tanasbourne Drive Hillsboro, OR 97124 503.531.3200 $15 on-line registration prior to the event $20 at the door www.pdmaoregon.net 2009-11-20 01:30:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-10-27 02:51:592009-10-27 02:51:59 A2009-11-20 03:30:00 he world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Topics range all over the map - from straight-up tech to creative arts to hobbies to general knowledge topics. This will be the first officialԡ_o73]333Portland Web Innovators - The Story of RumblefishPaul Anthony shares how he turned a dorm room idea in 1996 into a business that went on to invent "sonic branding" and change the rules in a music industry that is known for being set in its ways. Its Music Licensing Store makes it easy for anyone to pay artists for use in podcasts, web videos and more. Check out Rumblefish: http://rumblefish.com Read the 2005 Inc story on Rumblefish: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20050501/rumblefish.html Then join us downtown at Oracle on the first Wednesday in May to learn about this Portland success story.2009-05-07 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2416042/2009-05-06 22:19:582009-05-06 22:19:58 <;bH2009-05-07 02:00:00’ markets, approximately 65 community-supported agriculture farms, and a plethora of restaurants and grocery stores that feature local food. So the question is: have we arrived or have we just started? Multnomah County believes that we have just started. That is why Multnomah County has launched the Multnomah Food Initiative – a public engagement process that will bring the community together to create a shared vision, shared goals, and the first comprehensive community food action plan in the nation. Early next year, Mult Co will be hosting a Food Summit to bring together business interests, the health industry, local governments, and the community to create a 15 year roadmap that will do two things: (1) relocalize our food system and (2) make the healthy choice the easy choice for all of us. Multnomah County would like to hear your thoughts on the Food Summit and Food Action Plan.2009-11-12 03:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/43312009-10-27 18:38:452009-10-27 18:52:35 >^;b+2009-11-12 06:00:00 h;Rԡn#A3%333Galois Tech Talk: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World Title: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World Speaker: Sean Lee Programming Languages & Systems UNSW, Sydney Date: Tuesday, September 2nd. 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon Abstract: For the last decade, the performance of GPUs has out-grown CPUs, and their programmability has also improved to the level where they can be used fo general-purpose computations. Nonetheless, GPU programming is still limited only to those who understand the hardware architecture and the parallel processing. This is because the current GPU programming systems are based on the specialized parallel processing model, and require low-level attention in many aspects such as thread launching and synchr UAf5/ M33; Portland Expo CenterJust Between Friends is the nation's leading Children's and Maternity Consignment Sale! Once you discover this sale, you will never want to miss one again! SHOP to get incredible deals on everything related to babies, kids, pregnancy and nursing! SELL your gently used items and earn 70%. Pre-registration required. VOLUNTEER and earn a pre-sale pass to shop before the public! Portland Expo Center. Open to the public: Friday, April 24 at 6pm Saturday, April 25 9am-8pm Sunday, April 26 9am-3pm HALF PRICE DAY!http://www.portland.jbfsale.com/2008-08-06 18:32:302009-04-20 19:34:152060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217US@F͡LA^Um;bj%ec33-!Bell Harbor International Conference Center2008-08-06 18:17:562008-08-06 18:19:102211 Alaskan WaySeattleWashington98121US@G,Eh^>lLYu;bi : >F2>fhۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11653272008-10-02 21:56:172008-10-02 21:56:162008-10-02 21:56:19iۋJ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1160456/2008-10-02 21:00:182008-10-02 20:46:282008-10-02 21:00:20iۋI]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1164428/2008-10-02 20:46:sԡjm3I333PDXPUGPostgreSQL Users' Group monthly meeting. Followed by refreshments at the Lucky Lab. Topic: Vis kԡiWu3k333Silicon Forest Forum - September 2008Silicon Forest Forum - September 2008

          T ԡhY 33333Portland Ruby Brigade Sept '08 Meeting2008-09-03 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2008-08-27 20:17:392008-08-31 14:13:57 9Jpr2008-09-03 04:00:006ԡg{33%333Large Scale Monadic Refinement - Tales from L4.verifiedTOPIC: Large Scale Monadic Refi 3ԡfQ 3s333Great American Distillers Festival2008-08-24 20:00:00http://www.distillersfestival.com/festival-info.htm2008-08-23 02:24:142008-08-28 00:08:09 92008-08-25 02:00:00ng one's own health and healthcare. Research worldwide has validated the measurement power of the PAM, and the ability to use the PAM and its related body of behavioral insights to render care and support with greater effectiveness and efficiency. Insignia Health, whose CEO is Chris Delaney, has built a set of products around the PAM that enable patients to develop behaviors that are crucial to becoming more active self-managers and engaged members of their healthcare teams. In this talk Dr. Hibbard will discuss the research behind the development of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM), how it is being used to make health care more patient-centered, and how it can improve outcomes. Mr. Delaney will discuss the translational effort to build and commercialize products based on the PAM . He will describe how these tools are being adopted and used in the healthcare market place. 2009-05-28 00:30:00http://cpd.ogi.edu/courseSpecific.asp?pam=24972009-05-20 16:59:592009-05-20 16:59:59 ?2009-05-28 03:00:00 onization. The need for a programming system which provides a high-level abstraction layer on top of the GPU programming systems without losing the performance gain arises to facilitate the use of GPUs. Instead of writing a programming system from the scratch, the development of a Haskell extension has been chosen as the ideal approach, since the Haskell community has already accumulated a significant amount of research and resources for Nested Data Parallelism, which could be adopted to provide a high-level abstraction on GPU programming and even to broaden the applicability of GPU programming. In addition, the Foreign Function Interface of Haskell is sufficient to be the communication medium to the GPU. GpuGen is what connects these two dots: GPUs and Haskell. It compiles the collective data operations such as scan, fold, map, etc, which incur most computation cost, to the GPU. The design of the system, the structure of the GpuGen compiler, and the current development status are to b  Speaker: John Harrison Principal Engineer CԡK%33333OBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current xԡAOI3?333“Product, Project and Program Managers in Product Development: Who’s Responsible for What?”The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) invites you to its November Learning and Networking Event; “Product, Project and Program Managers in Product Development: Who’s Responsible for What?” Throughout the development of every product, tough decisions have to be made including funding, features, schedule and resources. Three key roles for this ^ԡ@9_3 333Agile networking lunchThis is an informal lunch that happens regularly on the first Friday of the month. Come chat about agile software development with practitioners and folks who would like to be practitioners. Interest is required; experience is not.2009-11-06 21:00:002009-10-26 22:14:332009-10-26 22:14:33 ;42009-11-06 23:00:00 ablished business people. In response to tremendous feedback from previous networking events, souk & Connect are teaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear from over a dozenDԡ)31333Twitter picnicA twitter picnic at Cathedral park under the St. John's bridge. Bring whatever food and games you can. Also a blanket is handy. 2009-05-24 19:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=97&action=ViewPark2009-05-24 16:12:312009-05-24 16:15:45 <=2009-05-24 23:00:00nԡU 3]333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussi vmԡ]3]333Online chat: Three VCs talk about OregonOregonian tech writer Mike Rogoway will host an online chat with three venture capitalists, all of them active recently in Oregon, to talk over Oregon's startup scene. More details to come.2009-05-29 16:00:00http://blog.oregonlive.com/siliconforest2009-05-22 21:40:442009-05-22 21:40:44 ?2009-05-29 17:00:00e discussed in the talk. Biographical details: Sean Lee is a PhD candidate at the UNSW, Sydney, working in the Programming Languages & Systems Group. This summer he's been interning at Nvidia in Santa Clara, working on programming GPUs with Haskell. About the Galois Tech Talks. Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers.2008-09-02 17:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc/browse_thread/thread/33da952d002bb1c72008-08-29 18:56:472008-08-29 18:56:47 ;2008-09-02 18:30:00 - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University o_ԡ?yk3C33311/2 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - Social Network MarketingMonday, November 2nd, 6:00-8:00pm. Do you want to know what Social Network Marketing is, and how to utilize it to effectively increase sales in your business? This training will cover: * Introduction to Social Media Marketing * Social Media tools & applications * How to measure marketing campaigns * Viral marketing campaigns * And anything else 2 hours will allow $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check or cash please). At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy downtown by the Burnside Bridge. Contact Anu (asamarajiva@mercycorpsnw.org or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website (www.mercycorpsnw.org) day of the event for any cancellation notices. 2009-11-03 02:00:00http://www.mercycorpsnw.org2009-10-26 17:57:442009-10-26 17:57:44 @2009-11-03 04:00:00 ``- M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams Coԡ>=3A333Refresh Portland November: Nick Finck on The Mobile User ExperienceJoin Refresh Portland for our last session of 2009 on mobile user experience design! This time, we have Nick Finck, Principal and Director of User Experience at Blue Flavor, coming from Seattle. This presentation will look at how the mobile context has evolved over the years and where it is headed. We’ll explore the differences between the web and the mobile web, why these differences are important, what the key user experience principals are for the mobile web …oh yeah, and there will be plenty of examples for you to sink your teeth into. Nick will give you the information you need to design an optimal user experience for the mobile web as well as what decisions you will need to make along the way. See you then!2009-11-13 02:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-10-25 22:24:072009-10-25 22:24:07 A;b(2009-11-13 05:30:00 "Dfiۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1102827/2008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:21iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1205232/2008-10-28 20:55:232008-10-28 20:55:232008-10-28 20:55:24iۋy]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1235357/2008-10-28 20:53:272008-10-28 20:53:272008-10-28 20:53:29iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1235435/2008-10-28 20:45:182008-10-28 20:45:182008-10-28 20:45:19iۋw]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1268421/2008-10-28 20:43:242008-10-28 aԡmA335333Portland Java User Group (PJUG) Monthly Meeting: Writing Web Applications in Java with GWTTopic: Writing Web Applications in Java with GWT Oracle Downtown Campus 8th Floor - Room 8005 Pacwest Center 1211 SW 5th Avenue Portland, OR2008-09-17 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org/2008-08-29 14:34:092008-09-16 20:55:06 <2008-09-17 03:00:00ual Planner Presenter: Tom Raney, PSU Where: FreeGeek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR When: 7pm, September 18, 2008 Tom Raney will be presenting the Visual Planner, a GUI tool written in Java that enables the user to peek inside the PostgreSQL planner's decision making process. The tool shows all plans that were evaluated including the plan that was picked for execution. Tom worked on this during Google Summer of Code, and credits Dr. Len Shapiro, a professor at Portland State University and PDXPUG regular, as a great help. Tom showed off his tool during OSCON and has gotten some feedback from community members on it. He's working up a test example that should appeal to DBAs, and I'll link directly to the source code once he's got it ready. This work also involves a patch to PostgreSQL, which should be available soon! After the meeting, retire to the Lucky Lab for refreshments! 2008-09-19 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx2008-08-28 03:52:502008-09-15 22:19:18 92008-09-19 04:00:00ore often when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to communicate with other people. We ask: When does social media become narcissistic? What is the right approach to cultivate relationships in social media? When do you become a spammer, and how can you stop doing it? How do businesses communicate their brand and marketing while cultivating real relationships? How should businesses handle situations where someone complains about their services? By asking and discussing the question we can start to look at not only what we use social media for, but how we use it to create genuine relationships, while also establishing an etiquette that enables us to maintain those relationships.2009-10-28 23:00:00http://biznik.com/groups/social-media-for-small-businesses/events/social-media-etiquette-weve-got-the-technology-now-what2009-10-25 22:22:402009-11-04 18:46:29 @;b&2009-10-29 02:00:00 nement - Tales from L4.verified SPEAKER: Thomas Sewell, NICTA DATE: **Wednesday** , August 27th, 10.30am LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: Components of operating systems have emerged as an attractive target for formal analysis, thanks to the key importance of operating system correctness in establishing the security of a range of applications. These systems present a number of unique challenges for analysis, including their low level implementation and their detailed view of the system state. This talk will address none of these, instead focusing on the challenges of reasoning about (relatively) large, non-modular, inherently imperative software artefacts. The talk will describe the formalisation of the seL4 microkernel using a state monad with nondeterminism and exceptions, present a refinement and Hoare calculus, and discuss the impact of this chosen approach on the effectiveness of the overall v CCC_ۋ@ G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886858/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Webinar-Optimizing-the-Software-Product-Quality-through-Ethnographic-Futures-Resea.ԡ=3e3!333Show & Tell, the New Communicators Edition: What Are You Doing to Change the World?What are you doing to change the world? If you're doing something to change the world (for the better, hopefully), we want to hear from you. We're currently planning our third Show & Tell event; this time we couldn't be happier that it'll be part of the larger New Communications series of events. And in the spirit of the New Communicators, this go-round we want to give the floor over to the people and companies who are changing the world, not simply through their words, but through their actions. We'll be hosting it with our friends from Pinch at Substance World Headquarters, 1551  4j4V/ԡ\-+3g333Firefox Beer Day"Come spend your workday at the Green Dragon, celebrating Firefox 3's release in grand craft-beer style!" -- Dietrich Ayala
          2008-06-17 18:00:00http://mozillaparty.com/en-US/events/view/5132008-06-16 11:40:322008-07-13 04:32:15 ; ;b2008-06-18 01:00:00ԡYA3;333Art Institute fashion show6/15
          10th Annual Fashion Show

          The Art Institute of Portland is proud to present: Evolution.

          The 10th Annual Fashion Show to benefit the Creative Art Scholarship Fund.

          Doors open at 6:30 and show starts at 7:30 at the Portland Art Museum.

          Tickets Available June 6th through The Portland Art Museum & Ticketmaster.

          For more information please call: (503) 228-6528
          2008-06-16 01:30:00http://www.artinstitutes.edu/portland/events_detail.asp?Month=6&year=2008&EventID=125772008-06-14 22:41:142008-07-13 04:32:15 ;K;b2008-06-16 05:00:00  involving collaboration with industry. Two case study sessions will be used to illustrate the path to the market, the decision points along the way, and evolving role of the researchers involved. Case studies will help contextualize the primary topics Wԡ<9U3333Social Media EtiquetteSocial media technology continues to evolve by leaps and bounds. New applications are developed and released on a regular basis, all for the purpose of helping us communicate even m }ԡ;}3W333Art is War: Reinventing the Art Sales System with New MediaHazel Dooney is a fine art painter from Australia. She has declared open war on the art gallery system, and she’s winning. She sells her work directly to her fans and she does it mostly through her website and social media, coupled with live showings outside of gallery spaces. Earlier this year Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls created a virtual party for her fans. She didn’t expect it to be anything other than a good time and erification effort. BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS: Thomas Sewell is a software engineer with an interest in pure mathematics. He obtained his BE & BSc from UNSW in 2006, and has been working as a proof engineer for NICTA's L4.verified project for two and a half years. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS. Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-08-27 17:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc/browse_thread/thread/40a178872a66bdb32008-08-23 07:43:262008-08-23 07:43:54 ;2008-08-27 18:30:00:232008-10-11 01:01:232008-10-11 01:01:25she stumbled on a way to connect with thousands of her fans directly. It’s now a regular occurrence and she’s figured out how to sell her music & artwork directly to her fans, angering her record label and art traditionalists. Amber Jean, a sculptor living in the woods in Montana, gives her fans an inside look at her studio and the wilds of Montana through her website and video podcasts. Her open communication with her fans has resulted in a huge boost in her art career. In this event we’ll explore how Hazel, Amanda, Amber, and other artists are doing an end run around agents, galleries, and managers in order to connect directly with fans, have more fun, and keep more of the revenue from their art sales for themselves. We’ll also look at how the same approach can work for craft artisans, dancers and other artists.2009-10-31 02:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/22/art-is-war-reinventing-the-art-sales-system-with-new-media/2009-10-25 22:21:552009-10-26 03:05:15 ;;b%2009-10-31 05:00:00HE REINVENTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND MONEY

          Advanced Technology Management Conference

          Intel Capital and White & Lee LLP have scheduled the next Silicon Forest Forum for Friday, September 12, 2008. We are very excited about the new program we have planned for the event, our luncheon speaker will be:

          Marc Tarpenning, Co-Founder and CTO
          Tesla Motors
          to speak about “Recreating the Electric Car….and
          Changing the Automotive Industry Forever"

          The Silicon Forest Forum features entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and management executives who know what it takes to create and run successful ventures.

          Intel’s Jones Farm Campus, Hillsboro, Oregon
          Friday, September 12, 2008
          2008-09-12 14:00:00http://siliconforestforum.com/2008/agenda08.htm2008-08-28 00:03:482008-08-28 00:03:48 <;b֍2008-09-13 00:00:0010-17 05:20:40dۋ\S333http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-15 17:47:242008-10-15 17:47:242008-10-15 17:47:24 SE Poplar Ave, Portland, and we plan on opening our doors at 6:30pm with drinks and music, then begin the program at 7pm. Note that we have a very limited number of chairs, so if you like sitting down you might want to either show up on the earlier side or bring your own chair. We're also changing up the format this time. You have a choice between a 10 minute or a 5 minute time slot (and yes, we're going to have a stopwatch and a large hook to pull you offstage when your time is up). During your slot, tell us why you're going to change the world and how you are doing it. If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us your idea and if you want 5 or 10 minutes by Monday, October 19th at 9am. We'll then sort through the ideas to curate an interesting evening. Send your ideas to: showandtell findsubstance com and we'll start the conversation.2009-10-29 01:30:00http://findsubstance.com/2009/09/30/what-are-you-doing-to-change-the-world2009-10-25 22:22:492009-10-26 03:04:59 >;b'2009-10-29 04:30:00ions on the ever-expanding toolkit of Google Maps and Google Earth. Dylan was a key member of a Mercy Corps team that conducted a GIS (geospatial information systems) project in Indonesia following the 2004 tsunami. Conversation ad networking begin at 5 p.m. At 6 p.m., Gregg Swanson and Matt Blair of HumaniNet will briefly discuss the initial findings of the research, which is based on interviews with aid and relief managers in Afghanistan, Sudan, Singapore, London, and – not least - Portland. Among the topics: some notes from Matt on emerging Web 2.0 social mapping services, including the promise and pitfalls of 'crowd-sourced' geospatial data. Following Q&A, you can meet Dylan, see demos, exchange ideas, practiceyour “geo-geek speak,” and learn more about what online maps can do for your project or organization. The 501 Tech Club event is co-sponsored by NTEN.2008-09-05 00:00:00http://www.humaninet.org/events_googleandgps.htm2008-08-22 03:59:242008-08-22 04:01:08 :2008-09-05 05:00:00 ~~]2iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1087225/2008-09-11 20:03:142008-09-11 20:03:132008-09-11 20:03:17iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084540/2008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:38iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084546/2008-09-09 06:44:272008-09-09 06:44:262008-09-09 06:44:2{ԡb 31333SwapMeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour!
          2008-08-29 00:00:00http://www.oen.org2008-08-21 07:27:262008-08-23 14:14:18 :;b֋2008-08-29 02:00:00 #Fiiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1023084/2008-08-19 17:17:542008-08-19 17:17:532008-08-19 17:17:56jۋ_333http://www.portlandjugglers.com/?q=node/92008-08-19 02:45:562008-08-19 02:45:562008-08-19 02:45:57iۋ]333http://upcomingbԡ^U;3333Japanese Garden - free admission dayFree Admission Day
          Sponsored by PGE Foundation
          September 2, 10am-7pm
          Free and Open to the Public

          The Portland Japanese Garden will be holding a Free Admission Day on September 2, from 10am-7pm—sponsored by the PGE Foundation. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to invite their friends, family, and fellow community members to visit the Garden on this Free Day. Garden guides will be stationed throughout the Garden to help answer questions and speak about the Garden's history, culture, and traditions. Come enjoy the Garden as summer transitions into fall.
          2008-09-02 17:00:002008-08-21 07:24:442008-09-01 03:30:37 <;bևJpv2008-09-03 02:00:00 m'm<iۋ1]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1093ԡeQ 3s333Great American Distillers Festival2008-08-23 20:00:00http://www.distillersfestival.com/festival-info.htm2008-08-23 02:19:492008-08-28 00:08:08 92008-08-24 02:00:00Oԡd{3m333Maps 2.0, Google Earth, and GPS: What's New, What WorksHumaniNet will present a status report on our Maps 2.0 initiative, which is exploring ready-to-use Web-based mapping tools for humanitarian and nonprofit organizations. Dylan Myers, a digital mapping specialist at Google Maps, will also be there to answer your quest lԡco3=333The Internal Consultant's World: An Intimate LookSeptember 17th, 2008 -The Internal Consultant’s* World: An Intimate Look Four successful Organizational Development consultants give us an inside look at their world as employees working to make their organization better. A few of the questions these internal consultants will address in a fast-p aced interactive session: * Their toughest challenges and how they deal with them? * How do internal OD consultants find the “juice” to keep going? * Where’s the joy for an internal? * Employment Security—does it exist? * What really bugs internal consultants? * What does an external consultant need to know to get in the door to the internal’s organization? (What internals would love to tell externals but rarely do) Join us for an engaging evening of learning and laughter as we explore the future of OD from the internal's perspective. NEW TIME/DATE: 3rd Wednesday * Informal Networking: 5:30-6:00p * Meeting: 6:00p-7:45p * Discussion Tables: 7:45-8:15p (for those that want to continue the conversation/connection) NEW LOCATION: PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Market Square Building, Room 1054 1515 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 972012008-09-18 00:30:00http://www.odnoregon.org2008-08-22 00:49:562009-01-07 19:30:30 =2008-09-18 03:15:0010 for members $30 for non members The Continuous Integration process is often summed up as "don't break the build," but there is a lot more to it than that. Continuous Integration done properly is all about shortening the feedback loop between developers so that any changes that affect other developers are dealt with as quickly as possible. Continuous Integration is valuable to any software organization – legacy or new product development, IT, Consulting, and R&D. This talk will cover how CI works in practice, example implementation tools for Java and .NET, as well as the theory behind reducing integration times and increasing developer productivity and code health that CI enables. Speaker: Patrick Cauldwell, SoftSource Consulting Series Sponsor: Corillian Corporation2008-09-18 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/18/082008-08-18 23:24:202009-10-01 18:24:26 @2008-09-18 20:00:00i/SprintPortlandAugust20082008-07-11 02:14:242008-07-11 02:14:242008-07-11 02:14:24 :lW:cC33-bridgeport brewpub + bakery2008-08-06 18:10:152008-08-06 18:19:271313 NW MarshallPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH;bg :6>b)# W33+ )Olive or TwistMartini barhttp://www.oliveortwistmartinibar.com2008-08-05 16:19:072008-08-05 17:53:44925 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F}^Ѫ(503)546-2900 ;bf;^? Y33' %Art Institute of Portlandhttp://www.artinstitutes.edu/portland/2008-08-03 17:54:222008-08-08 20:01:141122 NW DavisPortlandOregon97209US@F7(^ȊG503-228-6528;be ]E 33% SplashCast [out of business]2008-08-03 17:05:012009-08-07 19:21:42226 NW DavisPortlandOregon97209US@F$~5^vg;bd~\331City Hall2008-08-03 02:33:442008-08-03 02:33:441221 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F(^k!;bc[?33)Pioneer Courthouse Square2008-08-03 02:32:412008-08-03 04:50:42701 Sw 6th AvePortlandOregon97204US@Fj=^y';bb ;[ "W1ۋ k333http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2492502/the-37th-international-conference-on-parallel-processing/calendar2008-09-09 11:19:392008-09-08 19:02:312008-09-09 11:19:405ۋ s333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/ical/3+Powerful+Ways+to+Differentiate+Your+Technology+Company/2008-09-08 18:59:472008-09-08 18:59:472008uԡam/3-333Young Professionals of Portland networking eventAugust Meeting at Doug Fir Lounge
          Summary: For the first time, YPOP will host it's monthly networking event at Doug Fir Lounge! A full bar will be available, as well as complimentary appetizers!

          August 26th, 2008 - Tuesday
          5:00pm to 8:00pm
          2008-08-27 00:00:00http://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp?f=eventdetail.asp&e=2362008-08-21 07:27:002008-08-21 07:27:00 <;b֊2008-08-27 03:00:00lopers mobile security usually takes a back seat to features, convenience and time-to-market.

          Ken Westin, the Founder and CTO of GadgetTrak, will lead a spirited discussion touching on mobile security and privacy.

          About Ken
          Ken is a creative technologist with 10-years experience in computer security, development, programming, design and marketing. He has developed and managed cutting edge applications and websites for companies including Tektronix, iovation, Centennial Software and both developer and instructor at Pacific University. As founder of GadgetTrak he developed GadgetTrak's original patent-pending solution for removable media theft recovery and leads product management and technology innovation.

          Ken holds a B.A. from Lewis & Clark College, an M.S. in Internet Systems Development from the University of Portsmouth and has various certifications.
          2008-08-26 01:00:00http://mobileportland.com2008-08-21 07:26:262008-08-28 00:04:50 9;b։ -y's constant rate of acceleration affect the juggling of bowling balls? Why would a Nobel Laureate beg a vaudevillian to spin a ball on his finger? Which tricks are created using math? Did the Japanese really acquit a 17th-century prisoner on the strength of his inertia skills? Which cameDԡE 3]333Growing a Green Economy: Perspectives from Law and BusinessPresented by the Lundquist College of Business’s M>ԡ:!G3q33310,000 Invitations: A roundtable on arts institutions and new/social mediaHosted by Lisa Radon who blogs for Portland Monthly as the Culturephile. Good minds from Portland arts institutions share the ways they’re using new and social media to engage audiences. The Portland Art Museum creates conversational videos about works in the collection, creates a community website for its China Design Now exhibition, and tweets as M.C. Escher. Portland Center Stage creates show preview videos that go viral and uses Twitter in innovative ways. The Museum of Cont &s): August 19th (Tuesday) & 20th (Wednesday)
          Time(s): 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. both days
          Montgomery Park
          2701 NW Vaughn Street
          Portland, OR 97210

          Taking the weekdays by storm!

          Flier Design: Sweet Bonnie
          Vendors for This Event
          Cerulea Bath and Body
          Farmgirl Drygoods
          Flower Pie Designs
          Twilight and Filigree
          B Hive Designs
          Scrumptious Suds
          Glass by Debra Klang
          Phoebe Owens
          Two Hearts Creations
          ReFashioned by Lisa
          Lunarcat Studios
          PDX Softgoods
          Gails Necessities
          The Darras
          Octavine Illustration
          hazeldrops eco fashion
          Additional Vendor Info
          2008-08-19 15:00:00http://handmadenw.com/events/2008-08-18 23:32:042008-08-18 23:32:04 <;bփ2008-08-20 22:00:0008-07-23 00:14:24gۋRY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9039512008-07-23 00:14:162008-07-23 00:14:162008-07-23 00:14:17s for a weekend of juggling, unicycling, and prop manipulation in the beautiful Rose City. When? September 26-28, 2008 (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) Where? Reed College Sports Center 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, OR 97202 The Sports Center is off of 28th Ave., on the west end of campus. map What the heck is it? The Portland Juggling Festival is the largest regional juggling festival in the United States, with jugglers from around the world and down the street joining together to share their knowledge and show their skills. We have performers, hobby jugglers, and beginners joining together for a two and a half days of throwing. Expect a big show Saturday evening, workshops for beginning, intermediate, and advanced jugglers, and vendors of every variety of juggling prop. 2008-09-27 01:00:00http://www.portlandjugglers.com/?q=node/92008-08-19 02:48:582008-09-26 17:54:56 <2008-09-29 00:00:00ing.yahoo.com/event/941687/2008-07-30 21:37:462008-07-29 17:53:102008-07-30 21:37:48emporary Craft creates video and podcast and invites audience response. PICA integrates Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into its TBA Festival blog. In education, programming, and marketing, we’ll talk about what’s worked and what’s on the horizon as the landscape continues to change with new tools and new challenges all the time. Participants include: Christina Olsen, PhD Director of Education & Public Programs, Portland Art Museum Beth Heinrich Director of Marketing & Public Relations, Portland Art Museum Cynthia Fuhrman Marketing and Communications Director, Portland Center Stage Patrick Leonard Public Relations, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art Rebecca Burrell, Public Relations and Marketing Specialist, Museum of Contemporary Craft Namita Gupta-Wiggers, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Craft2009-10-30 23:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/05/10000-invitations-a-roundtable-on-arts-institutions-and-newsocial-media/2009-10-25 22:21:432009-10-25 22:21:43 9;b$2009-10-31 02:00:00ging digital photo collections, including storage, organization, keywording, cataloging, and backup techniques. Who is the audience for this event? * serious photo hobbyists or "prosumers" * film photographers making a transition to digital and wondering about file management * anyone with a hard drive full of photos and no way to quickly search them * anyone who knows their spouse would be very angry if they lost their kids' digital baby photos We'll talk about general image management and organization, as well as looking at specific software (both Windows and Mac) to keep track of photos. We'll talk about hardware and software backup solutions that don't cost an arm and a leg. The event is at souk, a great workspace for creative professionals. Questions? Contact Aaron via email - aaron@hockleyphoto.com2009-04-28 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2181062/2009-03-27 06:11:57 ?;b2009-04-28 03:30:00e Foundation is hosting a pizza party for FSF members and friends. Come and bring along friends who are interested in software freedom. There is no charge but we would love for you to sign up to become an FSF member if you aren't already. Join online now or bring a credit card or checkbook to the event. After hearing about all the exciting things going on at the FSF, we know you'll want to become an FSF member to support our work. Benjamin Mako Hill, FSF board member, and Joshua Gay, Campaigns Manager, are each going to address the crowd for a bit and then take some questions. Refreshments include traditional cheese-covered pizza, vegan pizza, and beer. Old Town Pizza is at 226 NW Davis, right next to the Old Town/Chinatown MAX stop.2008-07-23 01:30:00http://www.fsf.org/associate/events/2008/portland-pizza/2008-07-22 22:01:062008-07-22 22:01:06 ;2008-07-23 04:00:00wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤© Y{<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6hԡ_?93?333WordCamp Planning MeetingPlanning Meeting and Call for Discussion Leaders For those of yo Oԡ^5c3o333OLPC and Beer MeetupHey you, yeah you with the OLPC, your fellow OLPCers are having a meetup on Thursday evening at Lucky Labrador Brew Hall in NW Portland. You should come on out, meet your fello ԡ]kO3g333All Girl Summer Fun Band - Music on Main StreetMusic on Main street

          Portland Center for the Performing Arts presents
          All Girl Summer Fun Band
          with The Dirty Mittens

          Music on Main Street

          Wednesday, July 16th
          2008-07-17 00:00:00http://www.pcpa.com/events/event.php?run=13672008-07-16 16:12:002008-07-16 16:12:00 ;;b?2008-07-17 02:00:00. The theme of the inaugural series is Well-Being and the Economy. In the midst of a difficult economic time it is essential to explore how the well-being of individuals and society may be best measured and obtained. The Conversations That Matter series promises to raise critical questions, incite new thinking and offer participants a forum for exploring how best to serve the well-being of all. Each of the three Conversations That Matter features two internationally-recognized individuals who will offer insights to and engage in dialogue around key global issues of our time. The two distinguished guests will share their own perspectives and then engage each other and the audience in an open discussion. It is through this format that the Conversations That Matter series seeks to move beyond the ‘sound bite’ media to a provocative, in depth discussion on the pressing questions of our time.2009-11-06 03:00:00http://sba.pdx.edu/conversations/2009-11-03 00:04:422009-11-03 00:04:42 :2009-11-06 05:00:00ftware Executives.Marketing & Sales SIG Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members Mayor-elect Adams is arguably the most technologically savvy Mayor the State's largest city has seen in its 157-year history. Driving the city to update its services with newer technology, Adams has experienced all of the hopes, struggles and success of any enterprise manager. Additionally, software companies are the largest business group reinvesting in the city's core - a struggle for most American cities. Mayor-elect Adams sees the potential for the city's economic future strongly correlated to the growth of the software industry. As Adams leads a discussion with the CEO's of three of the city's fastest-growing software companies, expect to be a part of a fascinating discussion that will help you map out the future of the city and one of its most dynamic industries. 2008-09-23 14:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/15/082008-08-18 23:27:552008-08-19 03:45:27 :2008-09-23 16:00:00 UTxeԡZM3G333August 2008 Summer Artisans FairAugust 2008 Summer Artisans Fair!
          Date( $cԡY]=3333Breakfast with the Mayor-Elect: An Open Conversation between Sam Adams and Portland So +vԡX7;3c33319th Annual Uncork-EDTechStart Education Foundation Individual Tickets are $125 Through the course of this educational and enjoyable evening, you will encounter gourmet food by Salvador Molly's, various wine tastings, a silent and live auction and the music of Key of Dreams. Uncork-ED is a favorite annual event of the who's who of the Portland and Oregon technology scene. # See student technology demos including: Oregon City High School's Robot + Hillsboro High's InvenTeam + ogpc 1.0 student games # 2008 Oregon Student Technologist scholarship winners # 6th annual Oregon Technology Educator of the Year 2008-09-21 01:00:00http://www.techstart.org/2008uncork-ed.html2008-08-18 23:26:172008-08-19 03:46:48 ;K2008-09-21 05:00:00velopment is commonplace now, success is not by any means guaranteed. In many cases, the gains made by lower labor costs are more than offset by the difficulties in managing such projects. Finding the best partner, implementing advantageous terms and then managing the project to success are the essential elements to ensure a solid return on investment. The International SIG of the Software Association of Oregon is pleased to offer a panel discussion that will explore best practices on the sourcing of offshore resources and the management of offshore development projects. Moderator David Parker, Director of Product Marketing, Blazent Speakers Will Claridge, Director of Quality Assurance, Tripwire Adam Simantel, Director of Development, Iovation John Gasper, Director of Development, Sabrix Thank you to our Program Sponsor: CorSource Technology Group 2008-09-17 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/17/082008-08-18 23:22:592009-10-01 18:24:25 @2008-09-17 20:00:00owerful and easy to use CMS to create, edit, post and remove content. CMS based websites may support a multi-national enterprise with mission critical applications, and huge libraries of documents. Or an entrepreneur can use a free CMS to set up an online ecommerce site, rich with online store, forums, blogs, glossaries or WIKIS. Universities use them for event calendars, on-line registration, class schedules, and faculty biographies. But what are the issues? Does the "container" fit the contents? Does the software support the work flow? Will it rank well with search engines? Do the applications perform as needed? How do you plan and execute an enterprise level project? Moderator Stanford M. Davis, Search Engine Optimization Consultant Portland Speakers George Ross, Director of Technology, ISITE Design Scott Hendison, CEO, Search Commander, Inc 2008-09-03 00:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/2/082008-08-18 23:16:362008-08-18 23:18:32 :2008-09-03 02:00:00 This presentation will describe product security evaluation in the context of the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), a technology-independent four-stage procedure that helps find and mitigate security breaches before product release. The talk will give the audience an understanding of how the different SDL activities such as threat modeling, secure coding and penetration testing, fit into the SDL framework to enhance product security. Topics covered SDL Checkpoints, HazOp Analysis, Code Reviews, Testing scenarios, Static analysis tools, Testing tools, SeCoE, H/w sec. testing, Security Requirements, CAPEC Speakers: Burzin Daruwala, Lead Security Evaluator, DEG Security Center of Excellence Salvador Mandujano, Technical Lead, DEG Security Center of Excellence 2008-09-03 19:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/3/082008-08-18 23:20:362008-09-05 17:30:51 <2008-09-03 20:00:00://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/470690/2008-07-04 17:03:442008-07-04 17:03:442008-07-04 17:03:46 panel consists of: Jonathan Maus, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BikePortland (http://bikeportland.org) Slate Olson, General Manager of Rapha, North America (http://www.rapha.cc/) Natalie Ramsland, Founder and Framebuilder of Sweetpea Bicycles (http://www.sweetpeabicycles.com/) Heidi Swift, Newspaper Columnist, Freelance Writer, Photographer and Bike Racer (http://everydayathleteblog.com/) David Lowe-Rogstad, Co-Founder of Substance (http://findsubstance.com) and former road racer (he's back on the bike for Cross Crusade this year), will be moderating the panel. Coinciding with Oregon Manifest (http://www.oregonmanifest.com/), this panel is an opportunity for framebuilders, cycling enthusiasts, and business owners of all sorts to learn how different companies are utilizing events, technology and stories to create conversations.2009-10-29 15:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/15/creating-conversations-through-the-love-of-bicycles/2009-10-25 22:21:332009-10-25 22:21:33 9;b#2009-10-29 18:00:00 http://www.pjrc.com/store/workshop.html Cost of each workshop is $10. You will also need to have: * an Arduino-compatible microcontroller board, such as the Dorkboard from the Arduino Cult Induction (with the pins installed so you can use it in a solderless breadboard), a Teensy, etc. * a USB cable for your board * a solderless breadboard You can purchase a complete kit that includes all these (Teensy, breadboard, USB cable, plus the first workshop), for $40 from the same site. What a deal! You should also bring a notebook computer with the Arduino software installed, or come a half-hour early and we will help you install the software on your computer. Finally, bring wire strippers/cutters and some wire. We will have some multimeters, but feel free to bring your own. If you have any questions, email Paul Stoffregen – paul@pjrc.com2009-10-06 02:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/09/20/getting-started-with-microcontrollers/2009-09-21 06:33:302009-09-21 06:33:30 >2009-10-06 04:00:00 h'hbԡW i3333Continuous Integration in Your Environment: Theory and PracticeDevelopers SIG Cost: $ LԡVG%3333Offshoring Application Development: The Real-Life Experiences of Three Software ProfessionalsInternational SIG Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members Although offshoring application de -ԡUqu3333Security Evaluation of Intel Platform TechnologiesQuality Assurance SIG Cost: Free /JԡTe3333Content Management Systems Myths: The Good, Bad and the UglyInternet Professionals SIG Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members Content Management Systems (CMS) provide ever improving platforms for collective authoring of Website information. What are the opportunities, issues, and myths surrounding them? No longer do authors need Web design skills, or have to wait for the Webmaster to post their information. Instead, they can use p .  Dil ۋ 333http://www.yelp.com/events/portland-YԡQS!3333Lunch 2.0 at the Eclipse FoundationThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at the Eclipse Foundation in downtown.

          Come join your old Twitter pals, meet some new people, learn about what the Eclipse Foundation has going on these days. Did you know they had a Portland office?

          Worried about parking downtown? It's probably going to be raining by then. No worries, the Max Oak Street stop is right in front of their building.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
          2008-11-05 20:00:00http://siliconflorist.com/2008/08/18/lunch-20-at-the-eclipse-foundation/2008-08-18 16:46:342008-08-18 16:46:34 <;bւ2008-11-05 22:00:00 ^^agۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7810002008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:50hۋ~[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/776359/2008-06-17 01:15:472008-06-17 01:15:462008-06-17 01:15:49gۋ}Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8066472008-06-16 21:12:342008-06-16 21:12:342008-06-16 21:12ԡPc3%333Galois Tech Talk: Adventures in Foreign Function InterfacesTitle: Adventures in Foreign Function Interfaces Speaker: Joel Stanley Galois, Inc. Date: Tuesday, August 19th, 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon Abstract: In-process integration and data exchange between multiple language runtimes is a classic software engineering challenge. This talk describes our experiences in building an open-source tool for generating an "FFI bridge" between Poly/ML and OCaml, 8 'Rv,hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781133/2008-06-29 08:31:352008-06-29 08:31:342008-06-29 08:31:36hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/434380/2008-06-29 08:29:532008-06-29 08:29:532008-06-29 08:29:54hۋ[333http:/]ԡSa-3333Collaboration: Working Toward a Shared WinLearn how to build long term relationships with your stakeholders and peers while enjoying a midsummer BBQ and a beautiful view of Portland from the 4th floor patio of the NW Natural building. What to Expect # Learn to Identify Stakeholders # Learn the importance of trust # Learn the 5 Questions of Collaboration Speaker: Dave Weber, CIO, NW Natural Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP. Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members 2008-08-27 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=8/27/082008-08-18 23:12:052009-03-03 22:47:54 >2008-08-27 20:00:00 `^fۋW333http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/15102008-06-26 02:09:512008-06-26 02:09:512008-06-26 02:09:54.ۋ e333http://eventful.com/portland/events/web-analytics-wednesday-paddys-bar-grill-/E0-001-012892030-6#box-details2008-06-24 16:45:472008-06-24 16:45:472008-06-24 16:45:49mۋ e333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/462169/?ps=62008-06-24 15:47:002008-06-24 15:47:0020ԡR{3333From Pointy Hair to Curly Tie... Surviving Project ManagementThis presentation will take a light-hearted approach to the challenges a QA Manager faces while illustrating techniques that can improve product quality and communication from management to testers. Speaker Keith Meyer, Lab Director, nResult, Inc. Thank you to our 2008 Series Sponsors: McAfee & nResult. 2008-08-21 19:00:00https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=6448702008-08-18 23:08:082008-10-24 17:25:30 :2008-08-21 20:00:00 %Ioamۋie333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/778347/?ps=52008-06-09 11:27:302008-06-09 11:27:292008-06-09 11:27:32ۋh 1333http://southwaterfront.com/community_events/artist-in-residence-closing-reception/2008-06-09 11:25:142008-06-09 11:25:142008-06-09 11:25:15gۋgY333http://upcoming.yahoo.codԡN]33?33Ignite Portland Kickoff Planning MeetingCome help us get started planning Ignite Portland 4. We'll be going over the various roles in the planning process and hope to find a spot where you can lend your expertise.

          IP4 is happening November 13 at Bagdad, but the kickoff is at CubeSpace.

          Please see this quick survey so we can know what your interest is ahead of time:
          2008-08-19 01:00:00http://igniteportland.com2008-08-16 20:48:132008-08-17 01:16:58 9;bցvia the common C FFI provided by both language's runtimes. The first intended use of this tool is to programmatically generate a bridge between Isabelle (on the Poly/ML side) and Intel's Decision Procedure Toolkit API (on the OCaml side). About the Galois Tech Talks. Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-08-19 17:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc/browse_thread/thread/21d166d2c615874c2008-08-17 21:34:012008-08-17 21:34:01 ;2008-08-19 19:00:00 EWEHC<hۋa[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/434392/2008-06-09 09:14:302008-06-09 09:14:302008-06-09 09:14:33ۋ` -333http://code.google.com/p/calagator/source/browse/trunk/spec/samples/ical_gmt.ics2008-06-08 20:33:262008-06-08 20:33:262008-06-08 20:33:27ۋ_ )333http://code.google.com/p/calagator/source/browse/trunk/spec/samples/ical_z.ics2008-06-08 20:31:372008-06-08 20:31:362008-06-08 20:31:38hۋ^[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/760197/2008-06-07 10:44:452008-06-07 10:44:452008-06-07 10:44 ԡMEo3C333Beer and Blog - Work SessionWe'll be outside on the patio. Bring something to keep cool! Squirt guns, fans, slip-n-slide, whatever.
          2008-08-15 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-08-15 18:24:342008-08-17 01:18:38 ; ;bր2008-08-16 01:00:00"ԡLI 3Y333Linux Plumbers Conference 20082008-09-17 16:00:00http://linuxplumbersreg.eventbrite.com2008-08-15 15:53:442008-08-15 15:53:44 92008-09-19 20:00:00 zɀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛ*ԡG5S35333PMUG General MeetingPeter Richardson, a fellow Oregonian, will present his award-winning short film, "Clear Cut," about the timber industry town of Philomath, Oregon, and he'll tell us how he used his Mac to produce this film, and how he is using Final Cut Pro on his already-in-production 2nd documentary film.2008-08-12 01:30:00http://www.pmug.org/2008-07-09 19:57:572008-07-13 04:32:29 :,2008-08-12 04:00:00ԡFEm35333PMUG July 14 General MeetingGene Steinberg of "The Mac Night Owl" podcast, and author of several Macintosh books, will dialog with us via iChat on the new iPhones, what to expect from Snow Leopard (the next version of the Mac OS), and other topics of current interest.2008-07-15 01:30:00http://www.pmug.org/2008-07-09 19:56:372008-07-13 04:32:28 :,2008-07-15 04:00:00 †:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²†7ԡH73 333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We’re making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm—although you can come later in the day and don’t have to stay the entire time. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven’t attended a code sprint before. Experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you’re welcome to come even if you’re new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal2008-07-12 17:00:002008-07-10 01:09:482008-07-13 04:32:29 92008-07-13 01:00:00 C,Cingapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Bribԡ4o)3 333Mid-Point Mixer hosted by Struck/Axiom and SimlerLearn more about Simler (the smoothest, prettiest and, well, best online social network of all time!) while checking out Struck/Axiom’s new Old Town studio. We’ll provide the drinks, food, Guitar Hero World Tour, Halo and the ping pong table. You bring your friends. It’ll be new communication all mashed up with old-school chit-chat. Struck/Axiom is a creative agency with offices in Portland, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. Simler is common interests. Simler is connections. Simler is an online social network that helps you connect with people who love the same things you love.2009-10-30 01:00:002009-10-25 22:20:512009-10-25 22:20:51 A;b2009-10-30 04:00:00Eԡ33A333Refresh Portland October: Online Video For Everybody by Andy BeachOnline Video: everybody’s doing it these days, but are they doing it right? Probably not. Creating high quality video k technical talent but the decision makers and industry experts who are involved in the Linux community. LinuxCon will feature over 75 confere`ԡ8C3U333Beyond Distraction: Millennials, Social Media, and EducationWhile marketers scramble to grab the attention of young minds through social media channels, teachers are left scratching their heads. What is a teacher to do in this age of the Internet? Dan Chapman is a teacher and assistant department director for the Web Design and Interactive Media program at the Art Institute of Portland, but more importantly, he’s a millennial. He will be sharing what he’s learned about working with millennial students, the generation gap, using technology to strengthen the student-teacher relationship, and the secret to winning the attention of students over Facebook.2009-10-29 23:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/12/beyond-distraction-millennials-social-media-and-education/2009-10-25 22:21:232009-10-26 03:05:14 ;;b"2009-10-30 02:00:00 $Jjmۋre333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781157/?ps=52008-06-11 16:54:422008-06-11 16:54:422008-06-11 16:54:45hۋq[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/778385/2008-06-11 15:08:362008-06-11 10:54:012008-06-11 15:08:39hۋp[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/780092/2008-06-10 21:17:342008-06-10 21:17:342008-06-10 21:17:37mۋoe333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/779909/?ps=52008-06-10 16:21:092008-06-10 16:21:092008-06-10 16:21:12gۋnY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/evrԡOGy3 333WestSide Polyglot ProgrammersOur inaugural meeting so it will be pretty much an informal discussion over beer to discuss the future of a WestSide programming group. No specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-08-21 02:00:002008-08-17 00:44:232008-08-17 00:44:23 <2008-08-21 04:00:00 $Hl"hۋY[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/759160/2008-06-06 08:21:562008-06-06 08:21:562008-06-06 08:21:57hۋX[333http://uSԡKW3S33Portland Open Beer Club - August 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

          The Portland Open Beer Club meets the second thursday of every month at Bailey's Taproom at 5pm.

          Both meetups are part of the international Open Coffee Club movement. Read more at http://www.opencoffeeclub.org or http://www.portlandopenbeerclub.com

          If you're interested in attending, please add a comment below.
          2008-08-15 00:00:00http://www.portlandopenbeerclub.com2008-08-14 23:53:232008-08-15 16:33:54 :Y;b~ way back in March 2009. That’s way too long to go without a good data viz meetup, so there’s going to be another one. We’ll have five 10 minute presentations and a bunch of networking time. Webtrends will again graciously host us on their top floor. The event is open to everyone interested in or working in the field of data visualization. This means designers, programmers, information architects, data miners, anthropologists, ect. We’re expecting a similar amount of people to last time, but the presentations will be limited to 10 minutes each or less. Bring business cards and an excitement to connect with others in this field. There will be five presentations of 10 minutes each. There are three openings left, so if you would like to demonstrate something you’re working on, please E-mail Amber Case at caseorganic [at] gmail [dot] com.2009-11-04 03:30:002009-10-20 02:45:052009-10-20 02:45:05 b`ԡJ-333Mythbusters Live2008-10-05 21:00:002008-08-14 17:04:432008-10-15 17:09:36 <;b}vԡICo3333PDX Tweetup with Sarah LacySarah Lacy (business week reporter, author, and more) is going to be in town, and we thought that it would be fun to have a little tweetup to show her how awesome Portland is!

          Sarah will also have copies of her book, Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good: The Rebirth of Silicon Valley and the Rise of Web 2.0, available for sale for $20 -- buy three get a free User Generated Book Tour t-shirt http://www.sarahlacy.com/sarahlacy/2008/07/ugbt-t-shirts-p.html

          We'll also be holding this event on the new outdoor patio at the Green Dragon (near the Qhut).
          2008-08-25 01:00:00http://www.sarahlacy.com/sarahlacy/user_generated_book_tour/index.html2008-08-14 17:04:032008-08-19 22:34:33 ; ;b|2008-08-25 03:00:00rtland's street-food scene has transcended the "roach coach" model and come into its own as a uniquely local gourmet movement with a side of ethnic flavor. These mobile kitchens turn out dishes that rival those of any brick-and-mortar restaurant, but faster and for less than $8. Only problem is, with upward of 170 carts in town, it's difficult to try them all. This year you'll enjoy samples from Al Forno Ferruzza, Altengartz Bratwurst, Cafe Velo, Fat Kitty Falafel, Flavour Spot, Garden State, Junior Ambassadors, Taqueria Los Gorditos, LeRoy's Familiar Vittles, Lulu's Confections, Moxie Rx, Nuevo Mexico, Sip, Soup Cycle, Tabor, The Grilled Cheese Grill and Todbott's Triangles. While you're at the event, drink BridgePort Beer and signature cocktails by House Spirits Distillery, and enjoy live music by local band Mimicking Birds. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps NW.2009-04-19 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2410326/2009-04-13 21:40:07 ?5;b2009-04-19 04:30:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/760191/2008-06-06 07:43:062008-06-06 07:43:062008-06-06 07:43:07%ۋF S333http:ԡԡ ԡ&ԡ,ԡ3ԡ9ԡ?ԡE9ԡJ>ԡPԡUԡ[ԡaԡgԡmԡr݄ԡxԡ~ԡԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ!ԡ&ԡ+ԡ0ބԡ5ԡ;ԡAԡGԡMԡSԡYڄԡ^لԡc΄ԡi؄ԡoׄԡuՄԡ{ńԡӄԡфԡ ̈́ԡ˄ԡĄԡԡ ԡ%ԡ+ԡ1ԡ6ԡ<ԡBԡHԡNԡTԡ[ԡ`ԡeԡjԡpԡvԡ}~ԡ}ԡԡ ԡԡԡ?ԡ"ԡ'ԡ,ԡ/܄ԡ4ԡ;ԡ@ԡEԡKԡQԡW mpany on the NASDAQ. He later merged Exelan with Novell, where he was EVP, CTO and a Board Director for five years, growing the company iVԡ?[q3E333Qԡ7%e3y333coming@partyFrom digital anonymity to personal interaction. We’ll go from digital chatter to personal conversations and maybe make some new connections in the process. All you need is a Twitter handle, a laptop or tweet-capable phone, and an open mind. There will be 8 laptop stations available on a first-come-first-served basis. Those unfamiliar with Twitter can show up early for a brief tutorial. Format: * Participants will write down their Twitter name on a card and one interesting fact about themselves. * 15 minutes of silent interaction via internet only, using phones, laptops. * After 15 minutes, people are encouraged to go talk in person with someone they connected with online.2009-10-30 01:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/12/comingparty/2009-10-25 22:21:162009-10-26 03:05:13 ;;b!2009-10-30 04:00:00 9_9YQ333Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center2008-08-03 02:32:132008-08-03 22:06:50721 NW Ninth AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FÚ.^LD|1;bU :,X+33'Washington Park2008-08-03 02:32:012008-08-03 02:32:01SW Park PlacePortlandOregon97210US@F~ ^4T;b` W533/McMenamins Edgefield2008-08-03 02:31:522008-08-03 02:31:522126 Sw Halsey StTroutdaleOregon97060US@FijԮB^W\;b_V#33SAboutUs.org2008-08-02 20:16:152008-08-02 20:18:14107 SE Washington Street, Suite 520PortlandOregon97214US@Foz ^^ c;b^ 9ԁU33-CubeSpace2008-07-30 21:37:472008-07-31 14:43:58622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;bZ 9kT ]O33- aFree GeekFree Geek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portlandhttp://www.freegeek.org/geekfair/2008-07-30 05:39:472008-07-30 10:01:351731 SE 10th AvePortlandOR97214US@FS^^LjMichael Kaufman & Kevin Berg, 503-232-9350 9ed your life. We will be meeting in the Open Space at AIPD to let everyone know just how awesome and amazing social media is, and that we don’t care who knows it. Leave all your worries about the dangers of technology at the door. Forget about objectivity. Let everyone know about your new friends, and the valuable contacts you’ve made. Share the sheer delight of telling people on Twitter about what you had for breakfast, and about the times when you’ve actually care about what someone had for breakfast! Tell everyone about the hours and hours spent updating profiles, twittering, texting and how you loved every minute of it. All are welcome. Skeptics and lurkers feel free to watch the show. Come dressed in Halloween costumes if you’d like, it will only add to the hilarity. Drinks will be provided. The event will be held in the Open Space at AIPDX.2009-10-30 02:30:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/12/the-church-of-social-media/2009-10-25 22:21:072009-10-26 03:05:11 ;;b 2009-10-30 05:30:00 dۋA 333http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/ics_out?event_id=40572008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:42 ۋ@ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/ical/The+OTBC+Meetup+Group/2008-06-02 11:14:392008-06-02 11:07:192008-06-02 11:14:40Oۋ? '333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/ical/Lessons+from+the+Wizard+of+Oz+for+Startups+and+Small+Businesses%3A+Looking+Bigger+/2008-06-02 1[ԡHM3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.
          2008-08-29 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-08-14 17:03:352008-08-15 15:56:16 ; ;b{2008-08-29 02:30:00 d7n+bV@-33;btcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:582009-01-14 10:33:58@-33;bscreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:542009-01-14 10:33:54@-33;blcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:512009-01-14 10:33:51@-33;bkcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:472009-01-14 10:33:47@-33;bjcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33Nԡ3# 3U333Beer & Blog2008-08-08 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/melissa-from-back-fence-pdx-will-share-narrative-techniques-for-blogging/2008-08-08 16:04:152008-08-08 16:04:15 ; 2008-08-09 01:00:00ԡ21M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-08-19 02:00:002008-08-07 00:52:222008-08-08 19:54:13 :;bl2008-08-19 05:00:00 <Y|iۋ`]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420385/2009-09-16 18:21:132009-09-16 18:21:122009-09-16 18:21:14hۋ_[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41667392009-09-15 22:39:182009-09-15 22:39:172009-09-15 22:39:19nۋ^g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4416829cԡ>e3E333OEN Workshop - Selling Stock in Your CompanyPRICE OEN Member Fee: $30.00 Non-member Fee: $129.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=75 DESCRIPTION Early-stage companies - understanding and managing your cap table Startԡ6A3333The Church of Social MediaGather ‘round brothers and sisters to testify your love for social media and how it has touch Fԡ55U3 333The Interactive OpenOpen Source, Open Content, Open Invitation – this event invites i L |^|>b[ԡG5U3 333Agile Alliance LunchXPDX, APLN-PDX, and other Agilists meet for lunch. Conversations to include reports from Agile 2008.2008-08-15 20:00:002008-08-13 21:10:342008-08-14 08:04:43 ;4Jp>2008-08-15 22:00:00ԡF_e3S333Portland Werewolf September '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-09-11 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/702008-08-13 09:32:102008-08-15 15:49:14;bՉJj/2008-09-11 06:00:00 Zqiۋ4[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/708023/2008-05-21 12:15:502008-05-21 12:15:502008-05-21 12:15:51ftۋ3q333http://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2009-01-14 10:32:532008-05-20 09:30:052009-01-14 10:32:53t.ۋ2 c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/po80o36ropovuuvug0cpf6d3-ԡEs]3s333PDX.PM - What I Learned, Ate, or Drank During OSCONCome talk about what you did at or near OSCON. Free-form discussion, followed by beer at the Lucky Lab.2008-08-14 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?August2008Meeting2008-08-12 20:33:042008-08-13 16:42:18 92008-08-14 04:00:00ԡD%73C333PDX CritiquePDX Critique meets once a month to share feedback on works in progress. Please see our website for details on how to sign up to show your work.
          2008-08-26 02:00:00http://www.pdxcritique.com/2008-08-12 18:26:342008-08-12 22:22:00 9;bz2008-08-26 04:00:00nteractive artists to remix and reimagine the animated film Sita Sings the Blues as a standalone art piece, focused on the theme of ‘Conversations’. The finished pieces will be available for hands-on play and discovery, and the source code freely downloadable. As an attendee, you will get to experience these new pieces and interact with them directly. If a piece piques your interest, download the source code and figure out how they made it. Nina Paley created a feature-length animated film, ‘Sita Sings The Blues’, and made the source content available. Now, artists around the world are taking those pieces and creating new works – in effect, having a conversation with Ms. Paley, and by continuing to make their works open and remixable, the conversation widens with each new piece.2009-10-30 02:00:00http://thenewcommunicators.com/2009/10/07/the-interactive-open/2009-10-25 22:20:592009-10-25 22:20:59 A;b2009-10-30 05:00:00vent&kn=772009-03-26 20:19:322009-03-26 20:24:47 ?2009-04-18 00:00:00 ||Vx *jۋ%]333http://www.pdxwi.com/calendar/2008/6/all2009-01-14 10:32:552008-05-0ԡCO3;33ShizzupYay! We just launched Shizzow into private beta this week, and we wanted to invit OԡBM3333Jonathan Aldrich: Typestate Verification for Aliased Objects using Assume-Guarantee PermissionsWe are having a special summer colloquium presentation by Jonathan Aldrich of CMU on Tuesday, August 12, at 10:30am. Title and abstract below. The talk will be in the Dean's Conference room (EB 500) in the Engineering Building at Portland State University. Jim Hook (hook at cs dot pdx dot edu) is acting as host. TITLE: Typestate Verification for Aliased Objects using Assume-Guarantee Permissions ABSTRACT: Object-oriented libraries often define usage protocols that clients must follow in order for the system to work properly. Typestates use state machines to specify these protocols, but previous protocol verification systems have significan Q xx?cԡ2]#3k333pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with. This month's topics: * Martin McClure (with help from Andres Valloud) will talk about hashed collection performance in Pharo. This has been found to be rather bad for many collections, and Martin and Andres have written simple changes that deliver 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement. * Brian T. Rice will give an update on Slate. The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. pdx.st meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL). 2009-10-28 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/listinfo.cgi/general-pdx.st2009-10-25 22:18:212009-10-25 22:58:27 <:2009-10-28 04:00:00e people to celebrate with us. Shizzow is a location-based social web service that we built with the goal of helping you build quality relationships through face-to-face interaction. Shizzow provides the technology for you to notify your friends of your location, with as little effort as possible, so you can spend more time hanging out with your peeps and less time trying to coordinate bringing them together through phone, email, SMS and IM.

          If you like Shizzow, you can come buy us a drink to celebrate. If you don't have an invite yet, show up before people buy us too many drinks, and we'll set you up with an invite to the service.

          If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, you can start by reading our blog: http://blog.shizzow.com
          2008-08-14 00:00:00http://blog.shizzow.com2008-08-12 15:12:522008-08-12 15:13:34 ; ;byng.yahoo.com/event/544946/2008-05-05 14:49:532008-05-05 14:49:532008-05-05 14:49:55f DD hear the feature presentation by Journey Gym™ , their challenges as a new entrepreneur, and their recent business adventure. The Journey Gym™ is the world's first truly portable gym, allowing use in the home environment, as well as within travel and professional environments. It's lightweight, compact, Wԡ.+3M333Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-11-03 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-10-25 18:23:162009-10-26 23:07:30 @;b2009-11-03 18:00:00Wԡ-+3M333Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-10-27 16:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-10-25 18:22:582009-10-26 23:06:56 @;b2009-10-27 17:00:00t practical problems in their precision, scaleability, easy of use, and applicability to standard coding styles and idioms. We are exploring a new approach to verifying typestate using assume- guarantee permissions. These permissions track not only the state of an object, but an abstraction of what operations other aliases might perform on the object. Developers annotate their code with state and permission information, which can be automatically and soundly checked for consistency. Our approach is fully modular, yet allows substantial reasoning about objects even when they are aliased by multiple clients. We will describe novel approaches for reasoning about inheritance and concurrency, and show case studies verifying code (and finding one defect) in well-tested Java standard library code. This is joint work with Kevin Bierhoff and Nels Beckman.2008-08-12 17:30:00http://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/cs-colloq/2008-August/000137.html2008-08-12 13:45:322008-08-12 13:45:32 ;r2008-08-12 18:30:00 ll#Gl iۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4229011/2009-08-18 23:55:46200ԡ, 3?333Mobile Portland: Warm, Clothed, and Fed—Developer run iPhone businessesNote: We've moved the November meeting from its normal date to accommodate Dan's travel schedule. As developers, we bring a certain set of skills, biases and preferences to business.  These act as a double edged sword; we make great business people when we play to our strengths; we fail when we try to be something we're not. There are sweet-spots in the iPhone market that will sustain, on a continual basis small, developer run, 1-3 person iPhone companies. This is a talk about identifying those market opportunities.   This talk is about capitalizing on them in a way that plays to our strengths and mitigates our weaknesses.  This talk is about the choices we make when we start our own developer run iPhone businesses.  Topics include: * Choosing the type of business: are your customers iPhon T SS *rVۋ[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/498509/2008-04-27 12:53:132008-04-27 12:53:13fVۋ[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/501934/2008-04-27 12:53:012008-04-27 12:53:02fۋ -333http://trac2.assembla.com&ԡAY3G333Portland Pythoneers: bytecode and moreOur next meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday 8/12 at 7PM in the lovely, air-conditioned CubeSpace. Up tomorrow is Python bytecode. Michel has volunteered to talk a bit about the structure of Python bytecode and show how it's processed by the interpreter. I'll show a functioning bytecode hack, plucked from my dusty bin of bad ideas. After, we'll retire to the patio at Produce Row for a beer or two on a perfect Portland summer night. Maps &c.: http://python.meetup.com/183/ Hope to see you there! -Jason 2008-08-13 02:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/2008-08-12 00:43:492008-08-12 00:43:49 92008-08-13 04:00:00e consumers, companies that need iPhone apps, or other iPhone developers? * Data-informed app price and product-category strategy. * Marketing from code. * Contract wages and the $10,000 problem. About Dan Grigsby Dan runs Mobile Orchard, the #1 iPhone development podcast and community site.  As the rare programmer/business type guy, he's as happy running marketing hacks as he is hacking iPhone code.  He's happiest giving talks that incorporate elements of both, so speaking about developer-run iPhone businesses is pretty much the rapture.  Previously, Dan founded/ran startups, including one that was acquired by Microsoft and another that was the only-ever successful competitor to PayPal. Dan is visiting Portland to teach a two-day Beginning iPhone Development class.2009-11-13 02:00:00http://mobileportland.com2009-10-24 03:15:532009-10-25 16:22:23 9;b2009-11-13 05:00:00 \\*`ԡ?' 35333RubyConf 20082008-11-06 17:00:00http://rubyconf.org/2008-08-11 18:40:032008-10-12 23:42:56 ;2008-11-09 00:00:00ԡ>k13i333xpportland montly meeting (extreme programming)Hello all, We've formed a third-Friday-of-the-month pattern, so XPDX and APLN-PDX folks will gather once again on Friday, August 15, at McMenamins on Broadway (in the Lloyd Center area, NE 16th & Broadway) at ~1:00 - 3:00 p.m. For more, see http://jamesshore.com/Calendar/2008-08-15.html . Some of us are just back from Agile 2008, so no doubt we'll have some informal conversation about that and other topics, as well as good food and drink. We've consistently attracted a group of 15-18 people, so we usually have 3-4 conversations happening at once. Pick the one that most interests you. I have a bit of extra conference swag to give away, FCFS. (Better stuff than last month - t-shirts, usb 2.0 hubs...) Y }Dfiۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41/ԡ9{3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange: a fun speed-networking event! Tuesday, April 14th from 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the Rose Quarter Rose Room - Two Center Court, 4th Floorfԡ+MQ3 333Mobile Portland: iPhone App Localization — Practical Advice for Successful Global ApplicationsAs demand for iPhone applications grows outside the United States, so too has the need for localization. Join us Aaaron Schliem from Glyph Language Services as he maps out the successful localization of Appigo’s “Todo” application. Get a front row seat for the whole ride — target market strategy, internationalization for iPhone OS/Objective-C, localization tools and engineering, translation strategy, and iTunes App Store Top Ten results About Aaron Schliem After completing degrees i X uuJ9(rUۋy[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/465162/2008-03-31 10:39:172008-03-31 10:39:17Uۋx[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/459364/2008-03-31 10:38:462008-03-31 10:38:46Uۋw[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/460426/2008-03-31 10:37:102008-03-31 10:37:10Uۋv[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/451156/2008-03-31 10:36:382008-03-31 10:36:38Uۋu[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/419590/2008-03-31 10:36:252008-03-31 10:36:26Uۋt[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/430502/2008-03ԡ=C3E33Live Wire! 50th Live Taping50th taping of the OPB radio show Live Wire! Gerding Theater at The Armory on NW 11th. Musical guests include the Dandy Warhols and the Portland Cello Project. Awesome radio variety show starts with the "Haiku Hotties" and comedy skits.
          2008-08-24 03:00:00http://www.livewireradio.org2008-08-10 15:56:052008-08-10 23:36:24 9;bwn international relations and molecular biology at the University of Wisconsin, Aaron Schliem set off for Chile, where he began his first language company with a focus on writing and editing scientific journal submissions for Chilean scientists and on developing unconventional language learning plans for motivated professionals. Upon his return to the United States, all roads led to Seattle where Aaron joined two linguists and a software developer to launch Glyph Language Services in 2001. As CEO, Aaron drives Glyph’s strategic vision that is oriented toward mobile application localization, social games localization, and specialized terminology consulting and data development (MT-oriented dictionaries plus metadata). Glyph has emerged as an industry leader in mobile localization, having most recently given a practical training on iPhone app localization at the localization industries flagship event, Localization World.2009-10-27 01:00:002009-10-24 02:56:002009-10-25 16:22:22 9;b2009-10-27 04:00:00 If you attended the conference in Toronto and have swag to share, bring it along. If you know of other Agilistas in our area (or inquisitive observers and curious seekers), please invite them to join us. This fall (starting in September?), we'll add the occasional evening speaker program. And, by popular request, we'll keep our casual, conversational, 3rd Fridays going. Watch this space for more announcements of our speaker schedule. For everyone who is on vacation this week, have a great time. We'll see you in September. Best, Diana ** Diana Larsen co-author: "Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great!" board chair, Agile Alliance, www.agilealliance.org "Passion. Improvement. Delivery." website: http://www.futureworksconsulting.com blogger: http://www.futureworksconsulting.com/blog Attend Agile 2008! Aug 4-8 in Toronto Canada www.agile2008.org2008-08-15 20:00:00http://jamesshore.com/Calendar/2008-08-15.html2008-08-11 17:28:022008-08-11 17:28:41 ;42008-08-15 22:00:00 cc"Dgiۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event2ԡ8{3K333Portl ԡ*=G3q333Finance for Startups 101Come listen to Steve Babcock and Craig Vagt talk about finances, taxes, and money for startups and small businesses. There will be a 30 minute talk, followed by an open Q&A. All are welcome. The details: When: 6pm, October 29th, 2009 Where: PIE (1227 NW Davis) Who: Anyone who wants to know more about small business finances, taxes, and startups. RSVP at Upcoming Bios: Steve Babcock Steve has more than twenty years experience providing financial management and consulting services to privately held companies and an additional eleven years as a CPA and senior audit manager with KPMG and predecessor firms. Steve has served as a consultant to small and medium size businesses since 2001. In so doing he has assisted several start-ups in software and traditional business. He has assisted Fisher Farms, prominent in Oregon’s wholesale nursery i [ \ndustry, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owner, an acquisition and several financing and real estate transactions. Steve was the CFO for Papa Murphy’s, a 20-plus state privately held pizza concept, from 1995-2000. He functioned as CFO of Springtime Inc. and Oregon Garden Products for five years and for two years as Vice President and Regional Controller for a cable television company in Portland. Steve is currently serving as Past President and Board Member of the Portland Chapter of Financial Executives International (FEI) and as Treasurer and Board member of the Oregon International Air Show. Steve has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon and did post-baccalaureate study in accounting and finance at Portland State University. Craig D. Vagt, CPA Partner Craig joined Talbot, Korvola & Warwick LLP as a partner in 2001 when he merged his practice with Talbot Korvola and Warwick LLP. He is currently the managing partner at TKW. Craig began his career in the San Francisco Bay area and eventually was a partner with an international accounting firm. Returning to his hometown of Portland in 1991, Craig joined a local accounting firm as a partner. Over his years in public accounting, he has worked with a wide variety of clients in an equally wide variety of industries… Craig brings his experience in many areas of tax including ownership structures, multi-state and international planning, as well as general tax matters to his clients. His current practice has a major focus on the tax issues and opportunities affecting closely held companies, primarily pass through entities, and their owners. A graduate of the University of Oregon with a degree in finance, he also has a law degree and a Masters in Taxation from Golden Gate University, where he also taught in the Masters in Tax program.2009-10-30 01:00:00http://piepdx.com/2009/10/finance-for-startups-1012009-10-23 17:57:202009-10-28 18:36:53 @|;b2009-10-30 04:00:00 K$XUۋo[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/426258/2008-03-31 10:26:392008-03-31 10:26:39kۋn 33http:/1ԡ<EA3=333Portland Zine Symposium 2008The 8th Annual Portland Zine Symposium will be on AUGUST 23rd & 24th, 2008 in Portland, Oregon at Portland State University in the Smith Memorial Ballroom.

          Portland Zine Symposium hours will be:

          Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.
          Sunday from 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

          Please e-mail any questions to pdxzines@gmail.com

          To get all the latest Portland Zine Symposium information, join our new google group: http://groups.google.com/group/portlandzinesymposium
          2008-08-23 17:00:00http://www.pdxzines.com/2008-08-10 15:55:532008-08-10 23:38:18 9;bv2008-08-24 23:00:00 /nrԡ:-1333Sinferno CabaretPortland's only cabaret and burlesque show features DJs, belly dancers, strippers, live music, fire dancers, magic and other debauchery.
          2008-08-11 03:00:002008-08-10 15:53:482008-08-10 15:53:48 ;;bthԡ9?3a333MacForce summerblast 2008MacForce summerblast 2008
          Apple products, BBQ and more
          2008-08-16 17:00:00http://www.macforce.com:16080/summerblast/2008-08-10 15:53:252008-08-10 15:53:25 ;;bs2008-08-16 23:00:00sԡ8u13?33DIY (Do It Yourself) Stories Open Storytelling NightTheme: What Goes Around, Comes Around

          Your 3:30 battle with the school bully was cancelled due to their leg-breaking accident in gym class. You gave up your seat on the bus and when you got home your missing wallet was there, cash and all. You're sure that you are still paying for stealing cookies twenty years ago.
          2008-08-15 02:30:00http://www.diystories.com2008-08-10 15:53:162008-08-15 16:33:24 ;;brJo  uۋW 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest01.html?gda=oqkl2E4AAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic47VVLI9LAiqciB5VVffhUs0mG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1ht#ԡ6)Q3Q33Back Fence PDXBack Fence PDX is a storytelling series in Portland, Oregon. Six storytellers tell true, unmemorized six minute stories based on the theme True Colors.

          Storytellers include, Matt Davis, news reporter of the Portland Mercury; Adam Arnold, Fashion Designer; Adrienne Flagg Creative Director of IFCC; activist and writer, Frances Miller; Frank D'Andrea, short-story smithy and English Instructor and Reuben Nisenfeld, performance artist and writer.

          Dinner service begins at 6:30pm
          Doors open at 7:30pm
          Event admission: $7

          Location: Urban Grind NE
          2214 NE Oregon
          Portland, OR

          2008-08-14 02:30:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2008-08-10 15:52:322009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bpn of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instructions for entry. If you don't have a phone, someone will come down to the main entry on SW 1st Ave to let folks in at exactly 7:00pm. Or you may call 503-998-8873 and someone will come down to let you in. This month, Steven Osborn from Urban Airship will join us to talk about in-app purchasing for the iPhone.2009-10-29 02:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2009-10-23 03:49:542009-10-25 16:21:36 :w;b2009-10-29 05:00:00-04-29 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:00:292009-03-26 18:22:52 ;;b2009-04-30 17:00:00 [nd up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience jԡ)Sq3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussio `hԡ(e_3u333PSU CS Colloquium: Chaos in Computer ScienceCS conference room, FAB 086-01 Abstract: Although {#ԡ''3s333PDX HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree), but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.2009-10-23 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-10-22 19:47:252009-10-22 19:47:25 ; 2009-10-23 06:00:00 ''i$&ۋg {33http://eventful.com/events/portland/technology-ieee-international-workshop-on-eactivity-/E0-001-009266704-9#box-details2008-03-25 15:57:242008-03-25 15:57:24ۋf Q33http://eventful.com/events/portland/community-portland-open-coffee-/E0-001-004481519-5#box-details2008-03-25 15:15:392008-03-25 15:15:39Uۋe[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/448598/2008-03-22 11:38:232008-04-02 13:02:25Uۋd[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/454379/2008-03-22 11:36:352008-03-22 11:36:35ۋc c33http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/bknq4as4tddsva3otokl9asgts%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2008-03-21 16:29:582008-03-21 16:30:14Uۋb[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/460413/2008-03-20 11:56:322008-03-20 11:56:32[ۋag3Rԡ;WG3i333Freak Mountain Ramblers - August 10thFreak Mountain Ramblers
          2008-08-11 01:00:00http://www.myspace.com/laurelthirstpublichouse2008-08-10 15:53:582008-08-10 15:53:58 ;;bu2008-08-11 04:00:00rnational work experience for others, and a sense of pride and accomplishment for all.

          Whether you are 20 or 70, Peace Corps is looking for committed Americans to carry on this unique tradition of government service - a service started nearly 47 years ago by President John F Kennedy.

          Peace Corps serves in 74 different countries around the globe. From Belize to Cape Verde, Moldova to Tonga, and onto Cambodia, Peace Corps offers you a chance to serve your country and the developing nations of our world.

          Bring your experience, skill, interest, and questions to this meeting.

          A former Peace Corps Volunteer who served in Azerbaijan will speak of his experience and answer questions relevant to your individual needs.

          Central Library
          801 SW 10th
          Portland, OR 97205
          6:30 - 7:30 p
          2008-08-12 01:30:00http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=meet.regrec.event&eventid=843572008-08-10 15:52:202008-08-10 23:36:30 ;H;bo2008-08-12 02:30:00 ii@-33;bեcreateLԡ5K 3333Peace Corps information sessionPortland

          8/11/2008 - 8/11/2008

          Whether you are considering Peace Corps for the first time or coming back for another look after retirement, this meeting will be for you.

          Peace Corps offers something for everyone. Grad school opportunities for some, Inte c5ԡ4;?3Y333pdxfunc monthly meetingA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-08-12 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-08-08 18:51:472008-08-08 18:51:47 92008-08-12 04:00:00 .a>.$ S;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-29 22:33:362008-07-30 00:00:53915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F2^0;b] ; fRc33SOpen Technology Business Center - Suite 2102008-07-29 22:33:292008-11-10 22:43:59Commons Building - Cornell Oaks Corporate Center 15455 N.W. Greenbrier Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97140BeavertonOregon97140;b\ <Q33-CubeSpace2008-07-29 22:33:092008-07-30 00:01:00622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;b[ 9P33-CubeSpace2008-07-29 17:53:122008-07-30 00:01:00622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;bZ 9O+33OAboutUs offices2008-07-28 20:05:392008-07-30 15:50:32107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,PortlandOregon97214US@Foz ^^ c;bY 9ԁMK333Laurelhust Park (area E tables)2008-07-28 19:36:252008-07-28 19:48:19SE 39th & StarkPortlandOregon97214US@FtT^ݓm;bX : d7n+bV@-33;b^created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:072009-01-14 10:33:07@-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:0ԡ11M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-09-02 02:00:002008-08-07 00:52:222008-08-08 19:57:05 :;bl2008-09-02 05:00:00ԡ01M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-09-16 02:00:002008-08-07 00:52:212008-08-08 19:56:39 :;bl2008-09-16 05:00:00 d7n+bV@t-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:232009-01-13 10:33:23@s-33;bccreated 0 ev+ԡ-1M37333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-10-28 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2008-08-07 00:52:202008-10-26 18:12:47 :;bl2008-10-28 05:00:00ԡ,1M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-11-11 03:00:002008-08-07 00:52:192008-08-08 19:55:05 :;bl2008-11-11 06:00:00 d7n+bV@-33;bqcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:282009-01-14 10:32:28@-33;bpcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:2ԡ/1M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-09-30 02:00:002008-08-07 00:52:212008-08-08 19:56:13 :;bl2008-09-30 05:00:00ԡ.1M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-10-14 02:00:002008-08-07 00:52:202008-08-08 19:55:55 :;bl2008-10-14 05:00:00 DDthe efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand how to create a capitalization plan that will serve the company today, as well as through potentially dilutive transactions in the future. It will be presented in an interactive case-study format and will be limited to ten parWԡ1+3M333Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-11-17 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-10-25 18:29:172009-11-17 04:01:20 @;b2009-11-17 18:30:00Wԡ/+3M333Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-11-10 17:00:00http://www.portlandten.com/blog/2009-10-25 18:23:312009-10-25 18:23:31 @;b2009-11-10 20:00:00 z7n+bV@X-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:132009-01-12 10:33:13@W-33;b created 1 events2009-01-12 10:333ԡ(C;3Q333Muddy Boot Organic FestivalThe annual Muddy Boot Organic Festival is a city-wide festival celebrating local organic foods and sustainable living in Portland, Oregon. Under the sunny skies of early September, people from the Portland Area will experience a vibrant and enriching event. With live music, wine, and food you will experience an event like no other in Oregon. The booths, workshops, speakers and walking tours of local sustainable projects will allow you to share in the experience of living naturally. The Muddy Boot Organic Festival will be held outdoors September 6-7, 2008 at the St. Philip Neri church at 2408 SE 16th Avenue (near 18th & Division) in Portland, Oregon.2008-09-06 02:00:00http://www.muddyboot.org/index.php2008-08-06 19:45:072008-08-06 19:45:07 ;2008-09-08 01:00:00 content for the web is not quite as simple as whipping out your Flip HD, then uploading to YouTube. That said, it’s a lot easier than most people know (and doesn’t require a two-hour uploading annoyance). We should all be putting more videos online, after all it’s the fastest growing and most popular communication vehicle on the web, but there are better ways to do it. This October, learn a few trade secrets and tips from Andy Beach, a seasoned video compressionist, and use faster, easier and more efficient ways to post better looking videos than all your friends. Andy is the author of Real World Video Compression and oversees all aspects of marking at product management at Elemental Technologies. His vast knowledge of video post-production, compression and interactive design has attracted clients worldwide, including: Microsoft, Major League Baseball, Apple, INC and Adobe Systems, INC.2009-10-30 01:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-10-25 22:20:232009-10-25 22:20:23 A;b2009-10-30 04:30:00 es. And because there are fewer available we need to get in and win every one we can. In this session Jim will share what it takes to sell software and services in our current economy. This presentation will not be a list of selling do's and don'ts, rather, you will gain insight into how you can transform yourself, your selling skills and your software/services' value proposition into something that suspects, prospects and customers will respond to. Instea#ԡQ'3s333PDX HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree), but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. 2009-10-02 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-10-01 16:49:562009-10-01 16:49:56 ; 2009-10-02 06:00:00 ;;z7n+bV@J-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:372009-01-12 10:32:37@I-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:352009-01-12 10:32:35@H-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:332009-01-12 10:32:33@G-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:302009-01-12 10:32:30@F-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:272009-01-12 10:32:27@E-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:232009-01-12 10:32:23@D-33;blcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:212009-01-11 10:33:21@C-33;bkcre>ԡ'+o3A333Webvisions 2009Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy for three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career. Ticket Info: $150 - $195 before April 1st. 2009-05-20 15:00:00http://webvisionsevent.com2008-08-06 18:38:042009-05-23 09:34:37 9;bk2009-05-23 00:00:00ech-savvy enthusiasts will once again descend upon the city of Seattle, Washington. The eighth Gnomedex conference is generating buzz in the blogosphere, which underscores our reason to produce it. Indeed, we will once again become the crossroads between producers and observers, between users and developers. Register Now!

          * Who? Influencers, Entrepreneurs, and Tech Enthusiasts!
          * What? A confluence of leading bloggers and new media!
          * When? August 21st – 23rd, 2008!
          * Where? Bell Harbor Conference Center in Seattle, WA!
          * Why? Because all things are possible!
          * Register Now!

          * We'll be in downtown Seattle
          * Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included
          * Tags are "Gnomedex" and/or "Gnomedex2008"
          2008-08-22 02:00:00http://www.gnomedex.com/2008/2008-08-06 18:17:562008-08-06 18:19:10 :;bi2008-08-24 00:30:00:32:56@!-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:542009-01-10 10:32:54 M7n+bV@f-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:522009-01-13 10:32:52@e-33;bacreated 1 eԡ+1M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-11-25 03:00:002008-08-07 00:52:192008-08-08 19:54:44 :;bl2008-11-25 06:00:00,ԡ*1M39333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-08-07 00:52:182008-12-02 00:41:21 :;bl2008-12-09 06:00:00s to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Apply to OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk! Application & Guidelines Page Seed Oregon FAQ Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, January 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: January 13th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership {$26 savings}, and the Seed Oregon application fee) 2010-01-14 01:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1012009-10-21 21:38:212009-10-25 16:24:26 :62010-01-14 03:00:00 LK333Laurelhust Park (area E tables)2008-07-28 19:33:542008-07-28 19:48:19SE 39th & StarkPortlandOregon97214US@FtT^ݓm;bX :KK;y3a333 )McMenamins Ringlers PubNestled underneath the floating-floored Crystal Ballroom & Lola's Room in downtown Portland, Ringlers Pub is housed in what was once an automotive service garage. How much more convivial it is now! Named for the Crystal's originator -- dance aficionado and entrepreneur Montrose Ringler -- Ringlers features a tall, wooden-beamed ceiling and massive, tiled bar. The crack of pool cues make a merry soundtrack in the cavernous interior. Before or after a concert upstairs, treat yourself to ales from the Crystal's brewery along with some hearty pub fare. Or check out one of Ringlers regular DJ'd events ... there's never a cover!1332 W Burnside St.http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=462008-07-27 20:16:572008-07-27 20:20:131332 W Burnside St.PortlandOregon97209US@FJה^Ӷو(503) 225-0627 America (WM) invite the public to drop off any brand of used or outdated electronics for proper recycling at the Portland Metropolitan Expo Center on Aug. 23 for free. As part of their ongoing efforts to help consumers recycle electronic devices safely, Sony and WM are picking up the tab for this event, at which old electronics will be properly collected and recycled. The first 2,000 participants to drop off their unwanted electronics will receive a free eco-friendly cloth tote bag.

          According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2 million tons of e-waste ended up in landfills in 2005, while only about 380,000 tons were recycled. By recycling old electronics products, useful materials – such as glass, plastic and metals – can be collected and re-used in the manufacture of other products.
          2008-08-23 16:00:00http://community.portlandneighborhood.com/events/event/show?id=2066255%3AEvent%3A82172008-08-06 18:32:302008-08-06 18:32:30 ;;bj2008-08-23 22:00:002:262009-01-11 10:32:26 ++n+bVLԡ&Wi37333Take Back electronics recycling eventSony Electronics Inc. and Waste Management Recycle rԡ%%)3G333Gnomedex 8.0This summer, hundreds of the world's leading bloggers, podcasters, and t nZԡ$Q}3E333OEN Sustainability Event + PubTalkOregon's Green Advantage: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

          Wednesday, August 13, 2008 - Governor Hotel - 11:00 am; PubTalk at Bridgeport Brewpub+Bakery - 5:00 PM

          Mark your calendars for August 13th. Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN) is hosting a half-day workshop focused on how entrepreneurs can make some significant green out of the green sector.

          "Sustainability" and "being green" aren't just overused buzzwords of today, they are buzzwords that describe how we will be doing business for the future . There are real business opportunities for Oregon's entrepreneurs and investors to capitalize on. Oregon's Green CfԡMs3Q333Oregon Health Fund Board meetingThe Oregon Health Fund Board is developing a comprehensive plan to ensure affordable quality health care for every Oregonian.

          The Board, comprised of seven citizens, was chartered under the Healthy Oregon Act (SB 329) durpԡ&Y3W333OEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 3OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minute p }},}GVۋbۋYgԡ}93w3333 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointlyfԡ1c!3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' April MeetingThe April Meeting of Portland's first Javtԡ%i3W333OEN Workshop: Planning for the Successful IPO Please join us for a discussion of the keys to successful initial public offerings and the IPO value journey co-hosted by Ernst and Young LLP and Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Continental breakfast included. Presenters: Greg Beams and Peter Wall Gream Beams Greg Beams is an audit partner located in our Seattle office, but also serves as coordinating partner for two Portland office clients. Greg brings over 22 years of experience serving both public and private companies. Greg has extensive experience dealing with the accounting and reporting complexit on of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace. NOTE: This is a new meeting date, due to too many conflicts on our previous second-Wednesday meetings. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-05-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2745003/2009-05-23 00:44:022009-05-23 00:44:02 9;bR2009-05-28 04:00:00:2009-03-12 23:00:00le and Lynne Johnson of FastCompany.com, as well as sessions by Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.ne Oregon Companies
          Just a quick walk to Bridgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl District and OEN's monthly PubTalk, where you can network, meet industry leaders, and see some of Oregon's new sustainability-focused companies.

          Price for this event includes one admission to the OEN PubTalk, which immediately follows the Sustainability Event.

          Date and Time: Aug 13, 2008
          11:00 am - 04:30 pm
          Location: The Governor Hotel
          Portland, Oregon
          For Purchase:
          OEN Member Price: $114.00 Info Purchase
          Non-member Price (inludes one full year of membership): $213.00 Info Purchase
          OEN Member Price + Booth Fee for PubTalk Exhibit: $215.00 Purchase
          Non-Member Price + Booth Fee for PubTalk Exhibit (includes one year of membership): $314.00
          2008-08-13 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=122008-08-06 18:10:462008-08-06 18:14:03 :C;bh2008-08-14 00:00:00 wtainable - a definition and how managing/preserving our finite resources are at the foundation of this. Panelists will discuss building sustainable businesses from an economic perspective.

          PANEL 2: Where are the Opportunities?
          Panel Two will discuss how companies today are becoming greener, and how their companies have begun to change the way they operate, design, deliver/receive products and services in their efforts to reduce their carbon footprints. This evolution can be a great source of opportunities for the entrepreneur to innovate products and services as they help these companies become more sustainable. Entrepreneurs will learn what gaps need filling.

          PANEL 3: What's Investable?
          This discussion will focus on what makes a company investable. They will talk about what is getting funded now and where the trends are pointing to for the future. They will also discuss who is funding the sustainability movement.

          PUBTALK: Sustainability showcase of h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Council: High Performance Green BuiqԡD]3]333Refresh Portland April: Buck Wilson on Designers Love jQueryRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement, and held every 4th Thursday of the month. Our April session will feature Buck Wilson, a designer and developer at Jive Software. He’ll talk about the history of JavaScript on the web, why jQuery has seen so much success, and how jQuery speaks the language of designers. Interested in speaking at Refresh Portland? We’re looking for your ideas. Email hello@refreshportland.org2009-04-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2357565/2009-04-23 21:10:002009-10-26 03:06:18 A;b,2009-04-24 02:30:00on and provides a comfortable, informal group setting where you can network with your peers and meet the members of the recently formed PDMA executive team. Come and learn about the next 2 educational sessions and the plans for 2009. Where: Crowne Plaza – Lake Oswego 14811 SW Kruse Oaks Drive Portland, Oregon Details: * $10 in advance - http://www.pdma.org/oregon or $15 at the door. * Includes hors d'oeuvres and non-hosted Beer & Wine * Pricing is the same for members and non-members of the PDMA PDMA Oregon Chapter Our mission is to help marketing professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. We are extending our welcome to professionals whose expertise lies anywhere within the entire marketing/sales cycle. 2009-04-17 00:30:00http://www.pdma.org/oregon2009-04-13 04:47:26 ?/2009-04-17 02:00:00 ~ it is not necessarily the view taken by those who design them, modern computers are deterministic nonlinear dynamical systems, and it is both interesting and useful to treat them as such. In this talk, I will describe a nonlinear dynamics-based framework for modeling and analyzing computer systems. Using this framework, together with a custom measurement infrastructure, we have found strong indications of low-dimensional dynamics in the performance of a simple program running on a popular Intel microprocessor—including the first experimental evidence of chaotic dynamics in real computer hardware. These dynamics change completely when we run the same program on a different Intel microprocessor, or when we change that program slightly. All of this raises important issues about computer analysis and design. These engineered systems have grown so complex as to defy the analysis tools that are typically used by their designers: tools that assume linearity and stochasticity, and essentially ignore dynamic ^v|J' 33%  Jive Software2008-07-25 22:12:302009-10-26 03:06:27915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUS@F͞&^Q;bW AbI! /33C! )Westin LAXhttp://www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=10052008-07-23 21:55:522008-07-23 21:55:525400 West Century BoulevardEl SegundoCA90045US@@JM]o(866) 716-8132HQ333Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center2008-07-23 00:18:322008-07-23 08:03:05721 NW Ninth AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FÚ.^LD|1;bU :, y|3yF ;33+ %Blitzhttp://www.blitzpdx.com2008-07-23 00:14:232009-10-10 00:26:19110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209US@Fb^503-222-2229;bS E3333BridgePort Brew Pub2008-07-23 00:14:162008-07-23 08:00:591313 Nw Marshall StPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH;bR :6D+33+Pearl Woodworks2008-07-23 00:13:362008-07-23 00:13:36304 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F:G#^.b;bQC?33APioneer Courthouse Square2008-07-23 00:11:572008-07-23 08:01:20SW Broadway & YamhillPortlandOregon97205US@FdE#^8;bP ;[#BE =33+ Old Town Pizza, 226 NW Davishttp://oldtownpizza.com/2008-07-22 01:35:072009-02-06 16:05:42226 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209US@F$~5^vgA33/Jax Bar2008-07-21 20:14:592008-07-21 22:29:53826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F1٘^3aV\-;bO :s. The ideas and methods developed by the nonlinear dynamics community are a much better way to study, understand, and (ultimately) design modern computer systems. This is joint work with Amer Diwan and Todd Mytkowicz. Computer Science Department University of Colorado at Boulder Biography: Elizabeth Bradley did her undergraduate and graduate work at MIT, interrupted by a one-year leave of absence to row in the 1988 Olympic Games, and has been with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder since January of 1993. Her research interests include nonlinear dynamics, artificial intelligence, and control theory. She is the recipient of a NSF National Young Investigator award, a Packard Fellowship, a Radcliffe Fellowship, and the 1999 student-voted University of Colorado College of Engineering teaching award. Host: Melanie Mitchell2009-10-23 20:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~colloq/2009-10/Bradley.html2009-10-22 23:44:482009-10-22 23:44:48 <2009-10-23 21:00:00 E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈԡ[3w333Oregon Innovators Forum - July 30, 2008Oregon Innovators Forum - July 30, 2008

          Click the following link to register this event : http://www.regonline.com/?641065

          powered by RegOnline http://www.regonline.com/

          2008-07-30 23:00:00http://www.regonline.com/eventinfo.asp?EventId=6410652008-07-29 22:33:292008-11-10 22:44:11 <;b\2008-07-31 01:00:00ies common to high-growth business and is able to bring that experience to bear in assisting companies in dealing with issues unique to the software and technology industry. Greg has served SEC registrants throughout his career and has significant experience providing assistance and insight to clients as they execute a wide variety of public offerings, including IPOs. Peter Wall Peter Wall is an audit senior manager with more than 10 years of experience serving public and private clients in both the Seattle and Portland markets. He has spent the majority of his career serving clients in the technology, consumer products and energy industries. Peter has extensive experience in dealing with a variety of accounting matters, including revenue recognition, equity structuring transactions, acquisition and purchase accounting, as well as other issues common to middle market companies. 2009-12-03 15:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1092009-10-21 21:31:382009-10-21 21:31:38 @2009-12-03 18:00:00 ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»kԡ s%3333Silicon Florist Lunch 2.0 and Birthday ExtravaganzaThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues as we celebrate the 1st anniversary of Rick Turoczy's metamorphosis into the Silicon Florist.

          Come join Rick at CubeSpace to have some lunch on the Silicon Florist (not literally), mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
          2008-08-13 19:00:00http://siliconflorist.com/2008/07/29/silicon-florist-host-lunch-20-free/2008-07-29 17:53:122008-07-30 00:01:00 9;bZ2008-08-13 21:00:00 }}e that the MOP (Meta-Object Protocol) makes possible, especially roles and type constraints. If we have time, I'll go through a simple Moose extension, focusing on the mechanisms Moose provides to help your code play nicely with others'. If the first sentence of this description was news to you, you should at least read the SYNOPSIS of Moose, and if you can get thrtԡ$i3W333OEN Workshop: Planning for the Successful IPO Please join us for a discussion of the keys to successful initial public offerings and the IPO value journey co-hosted by Ernst and Young LLP and Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Continental breakfast included. Presenters: Greg Beams and Peter Wall Gream Beams Greg Beams is an audit partner located in our Seattle office, but also serves as coordinating partner for two Portland office clients. Greg brings over 22 years of experience serving both public and private companies. Greg has extensive experience dealing with the accounting and reporting complexit (^n+bV@Z-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:282009-01-07 10:32:28@Y-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:262009-01-07 10:32:26@X-33;bեcreoԡ#s33333PubTalk - Oregon's Green Advantage Company ShowcaseJoin Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OECԡ"W)333Women Who Tech - First Thursday ForayBring your lovely lady friends who tech! We can supply ample conversation and fun - lots of your friends means lots of new friends for everyone! Feel free to show up any time, I'm sure we'll be chatting it up, talking 'shop,' and having some laughs for a couple hours.

          Look for the group outside.
          2008-08-08 00:30:002008-08-05 16:19:072008-08-05 16:19:07 ;;bfIԡ!Ea3U333From Side Project to Startup The seeds for 'From Side Project to Startup' were sown at a session of early May's Bar Camp Portland. The conference generated a good amount of buzz, and brou I,In+bVH-uԡKs3333Haunted Lunch 2.0 at SplashCastThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues as we head back to jԡ[K3 333City of Portland - Platinum Award PartyMayor Tom Potter will also make the official proclamation of “Bicycle Friendly Community Day” and U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer will be on hand to toast Portland’s success.

          Platinum Award Party
          Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave
          Thursday, August 7, 2008
          5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
          Free and open to the public
          2008-08-08 00:00:00http://bikeportland.org/2008/07/29/city-to-hold-platinum-award-party-will-name-first-winner-of-bicycle-friendly-community-award/2008-08-03 02:33:442008-08-03 02:33:44 ;;bc2008-08-08 02:00:00Mԡ'G3333Dirty MartiniDirty Martini features Stephanie Schneiderman, Lea Krueger, McKinley, and Lara Michell.
          2008-08-07 19:00:002008-08-03 02:32:412008-08-03 04:50:42 ;[;bb2008-08-07 20:00:00ies common to high-growth business and is able to bring that experience to bear in assisting companies in dealing with issues unique to the software and technology industry. Greg has served SEC registrants throughout his career and has significant experience providing assistance and insight to clients as they execute a wide variety of public offerings, including IPOs. Peter Wall Peter Wall is an audit senior manager with more than 10 years of experience serving public and private clients in both the Seattle and Portland markets. He has spent the majority of his career serving clients in the technology, consumer products and energy industries. Peter has extensive experience in dealing with a variety of accounting matters, including revenue recognition, equity structuring transactions, acquisition and purchase accounting, as well as other issues common to middle market companies. 2009-10-21 22:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1092009-10-21 21:30:042009-10-21 21:30:04 @2009-10-21 23:00:00 ntinue developing and transforming our minds, from birth right up until death. The 16 Guidelines show us a way of doing this which will benefit both ourselves and other people. THE GLOBAL POTENTIAL OF THE GUIDELINES The 16 Guidelines are more than simply words: they are an inspiration for taking action in all kinds of ways to benefit oneself and others. Many workshop participants continue to use them not only on a personal level, but also in their working lives. Since they were first launcoԡ#I'3W333OEN: Lessons from the Trenches“Lessons from the Trenches” is an opportunity designed specifically for entrepreneurs to learn from seasoned entrepreneurs who have been in the trenches and have lessons to share. Attendees will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique chall de Sales. In 1994, David joined MedicaLogic as COO and helped grow that company to be the leading provider of electronic medical records in the U.S with a successful public offering in 1999. In 2000, he became the Chief Executive Officer and subsequently executed the sale of MedicaLogic to GE Medical in 2002. From 2003 – 2005, David worked as EVP of Sales for Kryptiq Corporation, which provides Secure Email and Workflow Automation Solutions to the healthcare industry. Dave is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Absorbent Technologies, Inc., an Oregon start-up which has developed a starch-based superabsorbent polymer called Zeba™ which increases agricultural crop yields up to 10% with better utilization of water and fertilizer. ATI has two factories in Albany, Oregon and sells its products throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. 2009-11-13 23:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1102009-10-21 21:27:232009-10-21 21:27:23 @2009-11-14 01:00:00 enges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. The CEO featured in the November’s "Lessons from the Trenches" is serial entrepreneur, Dave Moffenbeier. Dave is the chief operating officer of Absorbent Technologies Inc., an Oregon start-up which has developed a starch-based superabsorbent polymer called Zeba™ which increases agricultural crop yields up to 10% with better utilization of water and fertilizer. He will share his lessons learned from 30 years of starting and running companies and he can share how he has successfully raised over a quarter of a billion dollars in Angel Funding in Oregon. Speaker: David Moffenbeier, Chief Operating Officer – Absorbent Technologies, Inc. David received a BA in chemistry from Wesleyan University in 1973, an MBA from Harvard in 1977 and a CPA Certificate from KPMG in 1978. In 1981, he co-founded Mentor Graphics in Oregon where he worked until 1993 in roles including CFO and Vice President of Worldwight up more questions than the time could answer. On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' will focus on the resources, planning, and above all initiative needed to make idle thoughts, plots, plans, and what-ifs come to fruition. The event is crystallized around several 'seeded' sessions, but the BarCamp-style 'unconference' sessions led by participants are the meat-and-potatoes of the weekend. You'll notice the schedule includes a lot of 'schmooze,' snack, break and party time. With this as well as the unconference time to meet and discuss with people, it's a goal of 'From Side Project to Startup' that a network of interested startups will form to provide each other with peer support and accountability. You can do it, keep going! As always, Legion of Tech events are free to participants, so please come share, experience, and enjoy the community we're all part of. 2008-09-13 00:00:00http://www.sideprojecttostartup.com/2008-08-05 14:59:172008-08-05 14:59:17 92008-09-14 01:00:00 7n+bVfurther details. We invite you to our fourth an@>-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:212009-01-05 10:32:21@=-33;bճcreated 0 evUԡ k3333SAO Virtualization Seminar Presented by ViaWestPlease join ViaWest to learn about the virtualization technologies, features and benefits that have been at the top of technology discussions for the past few years. This leading colocation and managed hosting provider will offer insight into product options and best practices to help companies decide if virtualized server management is the right solution for their business needs. Cocktails & Hors d'oeuvres will be provided for all attendees. RSVP to Karena Heath at 503.439.7654 or karena.heath@viawest.com2008-08-13 22:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=8/13/082008-08-04 18:46:572008-08-04 18:46:57 :J2008-08-14 01:30:00lԡaK3333Lunch 2.0 at the Art Institute of PortlandThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at the A rt Institute of Portland in the Pearl, and big thanks to Bram Pitoyo for making this work.

          Come join your old Twitter pals, meet some new people, learn about what the Art Institute has going on these days, and check out the exhibits, all with a full belly.

          This will be at the beginning of the Fall term so it won't be totally hectic just yet.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          This space is enormous, so don't worry about bringing some extras. The more, the merrier, assuming only merry people decide to come.

          Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
          2008-10-15 19:00:002008-08-03 17:54:222008-08-03 17:54:22 ;;be2008-10-15 21:00:00eated 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:322009-01-02 10:32:32@#-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:292009-01-02 10:32:29Old Town and the old Merchant Hotel, which now houses SplashCast.

          Come join the ghosts of Old Town (and your living friends) in SplashCast's new digs. We promise there won't be any 2.0 Shanghai'ing even though we all have side projects we'd like to staff. Hmmm.

          Anyway, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          The space isn't enormous, so the guest list will be capped at 60. Don't despair, there will be more Lunch 2.0 goodness.

          Are you vegan, vegetarian or otherworldly? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
          2008-09-17 19:00:002008-08-03 17:05:012008-08-03 17:05:01 ;;bd2008-09-17 21:00:00vents2009-01-01 10:32:272009-01-01 10:32:27@-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:252009-01-01 10:32:25ew ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

          WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

          WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

          DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

          FEATURING: Hot Lips Pizza and Beer (no host)

          SIGN UP: For sustainability updates and event announcements click on the "Join this group" button and enter your email address that you would like to use to receive event reminders and announcements.

          QUESTIONS: Send emails to portlandgreendrinks@yahoo.com

          Please help spread the word about Portland Green Drinks.
          2008-08-06 02:00:00http://groups.yahoo.com/group/portlandgreendrinks/2008-08-03 02:32:132008-08-03 22:06:50 :,;bUJp2008-08-06 04:00:00 ng companies from Oregon, Washington, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Learn about the region's growth segments, explore exciting new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech,[ԡ'kg3K333End Awkwardness and Get Social at Beer and BlogJoin your fellow beer-and-bloggers at CubelԡG3i333XPDX: Unit Test Show and TellWe're going to do a group activity on TDD. Please bring some tests -- good, bad, or interesting / enlightening in some way. (A USB stick is a good idea.) We’re going to discuss them, refactor them as a group, and generally use them as the fixed points around which we can discuss all things that improve our ability to design well (since design is what TDD is about) Pizza and networking at 6:30; meeting at 7; beer and discussion afterwards.2009-11-19 02:30:00http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xpportland/2009-10-20 16:13:162009-10-20 16:13:16 
          The Lions of Batucada are a Portland, Oregon based, Brazilian-styled marching samba ensemble, playing music inspired by the Escolas de Samba in Rio de Janeiro and the Blocos in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

          Utilizing traditional instruments such as repinique, surdo, caixa, tamborim, chocalo, cuica, pandeiro, agogo, timbal, reco-reco, caixeta, pratos, triangulo, along with occasional vocals, the Lions perform intricate rhythms and melodies that are exciting to hear, and exciting to watch.

          The Lions feature costumed and choreographed samba dancers, providing for an exhilarating experience that brings the excitement and happiness of Carnaval to any event.
          2008-08-07 00:00:00http://www.pcpa.com/events/event.php?run=13652008-08-03 02:32:242008-08-04 18:50:35 ;;ba2008-08-07 02:00:00 n@SM3G33!C Seattle Center NW rooms, Seattle WAAnnouncing Agile Open Northwest 2010! This Agile Open Space event will be held February 9th and 10th, 2010, in the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Please see http://www.agileopennorthwest.org for registration information and further details. We invite yo1ԡI3q333Green Drinks - Portland OregonEvery month people who are interested in environmental topics and issues meet up in cities around the world for informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed n sԡuE3333Washington Park Summer Festival: Lions of BatucadaAugust 4 Lions of Batucada (a festival of Brazilian music and dance)

          2008-08-05 01:00:002008-08-03 02:32:012008-08-03 02:32:01 ;;b`2008-08-05 03:00:00 z$^ʃԡ933333Venture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibra|ԡԡe3{333Galois Talk: How to choose between a screwdriver and a drillThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 * Title: How to choose between a screwdriver and a drill * Speaker: Tanya L. Crenshaw * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/20/crenshaw-simplex/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-10-27 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/20/crenshaw-simplex/2009-10-20 23:16:492009-10-20 23:16:49 ;2009-10-27 18:30:00 ^^turday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisԡ 33e333Eat Out for Africa!Support Bola Moyo's youth and adult education programs in Malawi while supporting local African restaurants in Portland! On the night of Tuesday October 27th, dine at or buy takeout from one of the participating restaurants, and 25% of your bill will be donated to Bola Moyo! Why not get a group of friends together and make a night of it! Make sure you mention Bola Moyo's Eat Out for Africa night and write it on your bill so we receive the proceeds. Please book in advance through the restaurant to avoid disappointment. Participating restaurants include Cafe Flame Lily in Lake Oswego, and Dalo's Kitchen, Horn of Africa, and Safari Restaurant in North Portland. Visit http://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa for more details. Please eat generously!2009-10-28 01:00:00http://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa/2009-10-21 03:56:322009-10-21 03:59:162009-10-28 05:00:00eveloped a loyal following since they began collaborating in 1998. Four lead vocalists, each with his own style, keep the band and their listeners on their toes. Their rockabilly music ranges from haunting folk ballads to wink-and-a-nod tall tales. Their infectious playing and rollicking spirit will unfailingly get any audience on the dance floor. Their two CDs, Freak Mountain Ramblers and Looks Perfectly Legal to Me, provide a sampling of the band's enormous repertoire of melodies.

          The Freak Mountain Ramblers are veteran performers packing decades of experience. FMR members have been core musicians of the Holy Modal Rounders, Golden Delicious, the Clamtones, Richard Cranium and the Phoreheads, Prairie Dogs, Swingline Cubs, The Trail Band and The Fly By Night Jazz Band.

          2008-08-04 01:00:00http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=3&id=484&eventid=610662008-08-03 02:31:522008-08-03 02:31:52 ;;b_2008-08-04 04:00:00109US@G~tz%`^?SCBooking@seattle.gov(206)684-7200 Foԡs%3333Silicon Florist Lunch 2.0 and Birthday ExtravaganzaThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues as we celebrate the 1st anniversary of Rick Turoczy's metamorphosis into the Silicon Florist.

          Come join Rick at CubeSpace to have some lunch on the Silicon Florist (not literally), mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
          2008-08-13 19:00:00http://siliconflorist.com/2008/07/29/silicon-florist-host-lunch-20-free/2008-07-30 21:37:472008-07-31 14:43:57 9;bZJp 2008-08-13 21:00:00 hat the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics.

          She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story.

          Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Oregon and graduate coursework in statistics and analysis, Karen has a strong quantitative research background. In addition to co-authoring M+R and NTEN's eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (www.e-benchmarksstudy.com), Karen regularly researches and co-authors articles about best online cnis Powers, Founder and President of Cornerstone Management Currently the Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources. CMR is a successful consulting firm focusing on all aspects of business development and revenue acceleration for emerging and mid-market companies. He has successfully completed numerous projects involving strategic planning, business plan creation, sales channel development, marketing communication programs, merger/acquisitions and assistance in raising early stage funding. Mr. Powers is also an Executive in Residence at the Open Technology Business Center, a leading incubator in Oregon, Chair of the Portland Angel Network, and an active angel investor. With more than 35 years experience in sales, marketing, general management and business development, Mr. Powers is well equipped to provide a wide range of assistance to early stage and mid-market companies. 2009-11-04 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1112009-10-21 21:16:512009-10-21 21:16:51 :2009-11-04 18:00:00ommunications strategies using data from several national nonprofits.

          FOOD: Some food and beverages are provided, but feel free to bring something to share! We hope that you will join us to meet new friends, share issues and ideas about technology in the nonprofit sector, and continue to help mold the group. These events will also try to offer information about open source (read: free!) alternatives to software and tools used by or available to nonprofits.


          Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org.

          Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/

          Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Amy at amyrsward@gmail.com with any questions.
          2008-08-27 01:00:002008-08-02 20:16:152008-08-02 20:18:14 9;b^ ,ԡw73 333Freak Mountain Ramblers - Jerry Garcia birthday partyThe Freak Mountain Ramblers have d qԡ]333Portland 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: eNonprofit BenchmarksAn Analysis of Online Messaging, Fundraising and Advocacy Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations

          * Ever wonder how your email list stacks up against other nonprofits?

          * Is it just your open rate that's declining, or are all nonprofits seeing the same results?

          * And just what is a good online fundraising response rate?

          Our speaker, Karen Matheson of M+R Strategic Services will speak on the results of the 2008 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study. The report analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 21 leading nonprofit organizations.

          Karen will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore w ƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSԡ7s3O333pdx.rb August MeetingWhat, a meeting needs an agenda? Show up and talk Ruby with us. If you'd like to present something, email the list.2008-08-06 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/632008-07-30 09:32:162008-07-30 10:01:52 9;b՟Jp2008-08-06 05:00:00 DD?bo~ۋ} 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/syndicate/v2/group/4104/4316e2a45a2009-03-23 20:14:292009-03-23 20:10:372009-03-23 20:14:29iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166078/2009-03-23 01:59:432009-03- ԡ"YO3W333OEN Business Concept Review Workshop Calling all entrepreneurs, just in time for OEN's ;ԡ!o3W333OEN Webinar - Raising Money From Angel Investors Angel Investors review hundreds of business plans each year. Learn how to make your presentation stand out and be one that will inspire them to begin due diligence! Led by Dennis Powers, Managing Partner of Cornerstone Management Resources, Raising Money from Angel Investors will illustrate how angel investing works, what should be included in an executive summary, and how an entrepreneur should prepare for a meeting with an angel investor. This webinar is provided courtesy of OEN. Speaker: Den Seed Oregon and OEN's Angel Oregon! Ready to turn your business idea into reality? We can help. OEN’s Business Concept Review offers you a non-threatening, honest critique of your business model, or the the basis of your new business idea. Look at it as a right-priced litmus test from experts who’ll challenge your assumptions and answer perplexing questions you have about making your idea a reality. This review gives you one hour with two experts – where you can pose your business model for feedback, discussion and advice on next steps. It's one of the best ways to prepare you for that next step: creating your business plan and applying to angel investor events. What You Take Home Renewed focus on the strengths of your business concept Awareness of gaps in your model that need more work before you’re investor-ready New ideas for expanding or refining your business model Leads on where to go for resources you need – legal, financial, marketing, etc. Tips on ho 8X 8&@g331Red Lion Hotel Portland – Convention Center2008-07-21 17:19:582008-07-21 22:37:071021 NE Grand Ave.PortlandOregon97232US@Fd1^PC2;bN ; ?= 33A Sellwood Riverfront Park2008-07-21 01:59:482008-07-21 22:38:44SE Spokane St. & Oaks PkwyPortlandOregon97202US@F\^\1Y>`;bM>W33)Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2008-07-21 01:59:352009-04-29 20:12:38112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204US@FCk^ݏ;bL ?=K33+Jimmy Mak's Bar & Grill2008-07-21 01:59:282008-07-21 22:33:59300 Nw 10th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F<>t^I;bK ; <+33OAboutUs offices2008-07-21 01:59:222008-07-21 22:31:44107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,PortlandOregon97214US@Foz ^^ c;bJ 9ԁ";333]Portland City Grill2008-07-21 01:59:152008-07-21 22:30:14111 SW 5th Ave #3000, Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204US@F9m ^;XR;b" ; ++"c Control How does your plane fly? On a dark and stormy night, how does the pilot find the airport? Why do some planes make more noise than others? If you can’t even get of your driveway in a snow storm, how are they keeping the airport open? At this Science Pub4)53133JstSEEcamp planning v.2Second planning meeting for SEEcamp, an unconference focused on developing a vision for Social, Environmental and Economic sustainability.

          SEEcamp has begun to coalesce and has leads for marketing, logistics aQv13]33JuPortland Art SparkApril 16th: MetroArts, Inc. @ the Armory Café at Portland Center Stage. Join us for a performance highlighting the talents of MetroArts, Inc. and Niel DePonte speaking about arts integration and the creative process for kids When: Every 3rd Thursday, 5- 7pm Where: Rotating Venues2009-04-17 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373197/2009-04-13 21:39:43 ?4;b2009-04-17 02:30:00is sponsored by some of these following local businesses and organizations, Clever Cycles, Zip Car, Cellar Door Coffee, Bear Recycling, Hasson Realtors, New Seasons and Free Geek. Free Geek is a local non-profit organization that recycles and refurbishes donated computers and other electronic equipment, making it available to individuals and non-profits in the community. Volunteers can participate, learn and earn a free computer system in the process. Volunteer orientation tours are held daily at noon and 6pm. In eight years of operation, Free Geek helped more than 15,000 volunteers get their own computer system or learn how to build the computers that are given away through their various programs. Free Geek's recycling program has salvaged over 1,800 tons of e-scrap, keeping toxins such as lead and mercury from the landfill and recovering valuable materials such as gold and copper for reuse.2008-08-23 19:00:00http://www.freegeek.org/geekfair/2008-07-30 05:39:472008-07-30 10:01:32 92008-08-24 01:00:00 1j|jWD1 vcQ>+s`M:'}j)JsCEvent(JsCEvent'JsAEvent&JsAEvent%=JsAEvent"Js7Event!Js9Event Js8EventJs7EventJs6EventeJs5EventeJs4EventJrEventJpkEventJrEvent JrEventJrEventrJrEventJrEvent_JrEventJrEventrJrEvent:JrEventJrEvent JrEvent JrEvent 8JrEvent JrEvent JrEventJrEventJrEventJrEventJrEvent3JrEventJrEventJrEventJrEvent JrEventJp'Event}JrEvent|JsHEvent{cJrEventyJrEventxJrZEventwJrEventvJrEventuJrEventsJrEventoJrEvent ßïk_UUNJ[]_ßÕÍÉþ¾¼ÉwWU=6754Q<9ÿÕÄľºÁÛÙÊËçwgW_[GC_[cÓÎÊÌÍ×cocDGFJ[kßÍÝã×ÃLݼ?@߶¸Õ>M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J
          DATE: Thursday, July 31st
          TIME: 6 pm - 8 pm
          PLACE: Lucky Lab Brew Hall (SE Hawthorne)

          Join with members of the Personal Telco Project, NTEN and the City of Portland to learn more about and discuss the history, progress, and end of year dinner! Join us for a night of networking, learning, and great food. A panel will provide practical solution patterns for evolving a sustainable test automation framework in your environment. Efficient product teams find cross functional design and ownership of integrated test frameworks provides optimum return on automation investments. Each panel member will offer practical advice and on how to create sustainable automation framework, commonly owned by development and QA, producing a test automation environment that is sustainable and maintainable as the product evolves. Presenters Patrick McEnany, Sr. QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Ward Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer, AboutUs.org Kevan Dunsmore, Software Architect, Sabrix Inc. Daniel Thom, Expert Engineer, Hewlett Packard2009-11-06 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4763241/2009-10-19 18:04:402009-10-25 17:14:58 ?;b2009-11-06 02:00:00tp://pdxjs.com/2009-03-23 21:18:262009-03-24 00:23:28 92009-03-27 03:00:00 ional - attention. The salmonella outbreaks related to spinach & peanuts, the tainted milk from China as well last yearԡOS3]333IxDA Portland: Design Jam SessionJoin us for a design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the rest of the meeting attendees. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks for yourself or to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association: http://www.ixda.org/ 2009-10-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765654/2009-10-19 20:36:062009-10-26 22:34:54 9;b2009-10-28 03:00:00ԡmC3]333SAOpdx: Patterns for Sustainable Test AutomationYou're invited to the QA Forum's annual 6ԡYG35333PDXfX Annual Food & Wine Pairing EventChoosing a bottle of wine to offer guests at a bus le on Launching aVԡ )_3 333Home Movie Day"I make home movies therefore I am. I am, therefore I make home movies." ~Jonas Mekas, Walden (1969) As a film programmer, my one hard and fast rule was to actually watch anything before screening it. A lot of movies sound really great on paper and are really crap on the screen. This Sunday, we're going to take that one little rule, fold it up like a paper airplane, and toss it out the window. Home Movie Day is an international celebration of the art of amateur movie-making on 8mm and 16mm film. Whether it's footage of grandma blowing out candles at her 80th birthday party or a cops-and-robbers movie made by grade-school kids, this is an opportunity to share, preserve and celebrate old films. For this event, community members are encouraged to bring their home movies for inspection and potential exhibition. Local film experts, along with archivists from the University of Oregon Libraries, will assess the physical condition of th x Advantage gives you the opportunity to meet industry experts and learn what sustainability really is. Entrepreneurs and investors will learn where the new business opportunities are today and find out where the trends are headed for a sustainable future.

          Following the event, network with Oregon Entrepreneurs at our special PubTalk (held at Bridgeport Brewpub+Bakery) where you will meet companies that are leveraging Oregon's Green Advantage.

          11:00 AM Registration Opens
          12:00 AM - 1:00 PM Luncheon and keynote speaker
          1:00 - 2:00 PM Panel 1 - What does Sustainable Really Mean?
          2:00 - 2:30 PM Break
          2:30 - 3:30 PM Panel 2 - Where are the Opportunities?
          3:30 - 4:30 PM Panel 3 - What's Investable?
          4:30 PM Close
          5 - 7 PM PubTalk at Bridgeport Brew Pub + Bakery

          PANEL 1: What Does Sustainable Really Mean?
          This panel will focus on the definition of sustainability. Participants will learn what is sus kk©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±ԡSS3O333GEEK FAIR! A Community Street PartyOn Saturday, August 23, Free Geek will celebrate eight years of operating the Community Technology Center with a Street Party. Geek Fair! is a free event for all ages. Festivities start at 12pm and go until 6pm. Geek Fair will have live music and delicious food & refreshments. There will be tons of fun stuff to check out and lots of kids' activities. The event will be showcasing great local bands. Geek Fair gives the public many fun ways to contribute to the Free Geek cause. There will be a raffle with lots of great items donated from local businesses, and featuring a really nice Linux computer as the grand prize. Free Geek's computer thrift store will be open with some great specials and bargains for the computer hobbyist, or you can take one of the regular tours of the facility that will be offered every hour throughout the day. Geek Fair gg12X9 )133;! University of PortlandMago HԡQ_3]333Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceThe Fifth Annual Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference Science, Networking and Commercialization for the Micro- and Nano-enabled Economy This fifth annual conference has emerged as the premier nanoscience and microtechnologies research and business event in the Pacific Northwest. Join over 300 industry leaders, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and tech transfer professionals to discuss the issues and opportunities inherent in commercializing small tech innovation.2008-09-08 18:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2008-06-02 11:49:052008-07-26 15:54:02 ;2008-09-11 00:30:00 future of municipal wireless. This is a great opportunity to hear about efforts like MetroFi and Personal Telco, as well as how you can get involved in improving your neighborhood's networks.

          The Portland 501 Tech Club is growing with your participation and turning into one of the hottest new places to learn, connect, and CHANGE within the Portland community! This is a fantastic way to keep conversations, learning opportunities and networking going throughout the community.

          If you haven't already, please join the Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org. Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Amy at amyrsward@gmail.com with any questions.
          2008-08-01 01:00:00http://nten.org/events/501-tech-club/2008/07/31/portland-501-tech-club-happy-hour2008-07-29 22:33:372008-07-30 00:34:46 ; ;b]2008-08-01 03:00:00ded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was know as the Winter Coders Social (few pics). Summer Coder's Social is the outdoor and (hopefully) sunny successor!!!
          This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and BBQ so be sure to bring the whole family.
          Sponsors will provide the basics of Hamburgers and Hotdogs (and Vegan equivilants). Potluck will provide the rest. This is also a BYOB event.

          RSVP here then head to the event site to sign up for the potluck.
          2008-08-03 18:00:00http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/Coders-Summer-Social2008-07-28 19:36:252008-07-28 19:43:53 :;bX2008-08-04 00:00:00((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»e film before projecting movies for viewing. They will also offer advice on how to best preserve and protect these film formats from damage. The enduring success of Home Movie Day lies in the thrill of uncovering original film footage of places, people and events -- both familiar and strange -- that may have rested unseen in household closets for decades. At a 2006 Home Movie Day event in New Haven, Connecticut, amateur film maker Robbins Barstow shared his 1956 travelogue "Disneyland Dream," which captured his family's visit to the Magic Kingdom in its first year of operation. Also captured in the background is a fleeting glimpse of future comedian Steve Martin selling guidebooks in a top hat and striped pink shirt. See the clip below for a preview. Screenings and education will take place on Sunday, Oct. 18, from noon to 5 p.m. at the UO Portland's White Stag Block, 70 NW Couch St. Admission is free. ~Michael Neault2009-10-18 19:00:002009-10-17 03:49:322009-10-17 05:29:56 ?2009-10-19 00:00:00w to take advantage of other helpful OEN venues Interested? Pre-registration is required and will be first-come, first-served, with only 5 slots per hour, 10 slots total. Please follow the application instructions to register for this event: Step 1 - Register online by selecting the OEN/NedSpace member or non-member rate below and complete the credit card purchase process. Step 2 - Once done, you will receive an email from OEN with a link to the Business Concept Workshop Review Form. Complete the form and click "Submit". An OEN representative will contact you once OEN receives the form. Cost: $30 for OEN members, $125 for non-members (price includes a one year membership to OEN and the workshop fee is waived). SPECIAL FOR NEDSPACE MEMBERS: $30, even if you are not yet an OEN member. 2009-11-05 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1142009-10-21 21:19:222009-10-25 19:39:47 @02009-11-05 02:00:00/calendar/9763104/2009-03-24 21:23:472009-03-27 16:26:56 <;b2009-03-30 20:15:00 ªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£Eԡ S3?33Mobile Portland -- iPhone App StoreJuly 11th marked the release of iPhone 3G and with it, Software Update 2.0, which includes Apple's launch of the App Store. The App Store allows for third party developers to create and distribute applications for iPhone and iPod touch using the iPhone SDK, a native developm }qwԡD'K333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imcot.org/events.jsp2007-05-15 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡCU?333Lane Powell: ]ԡ^_a3a333The New York Personal Computer May MeetupPC Meetups > The New York Personal Computer Meetup Group Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age Presented by Eric Prager An intellectual property lawyer specializing in digital media Thursday January 15, 2009 7PM Copyright laws have been around for a long time, but the digital age is - well pretty new. Are the old laws really inadequate? Is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act a good thing? Can you legally photograph in the subways, City Streets, Grand Central Station, Central Park, Disneyland, etc. How about photographing private property within view of a public street, such as store windows? Are celebrity photos fair game: even in private locations? If a secu{ent environment based on Cocoa for Mac OS X.

          In his talk, Raven will provide a basic overview of the process of developing and distributing software for the iPhone and iPod touch, and share some key findings and metrics gathered in the two weeks since the launch of the App Store. What does the App Store mean for third party mobile developers?

          Raven Zachary is the founder of iPhoneDevCamp, a not-for-profit gathering to develop applications for iPhone and iPod touch using both the native SDK and web standards, and is a technology industry analyst with The 451 Group, where he covers open source technology.

          Raven's interest in Apple's mobile technology extends back to the Newton in the mid-1990s, and he was a former MacWEEK columnist covering Apple's launch of Mac OS X. He is regularly quoted by the media on issues relating to the iPhone and separately, open source.
          2008-07-29 01:00:00http://mobileportland.com2008-07-28 20:05:392008-07-30 15:50:32 9;bY ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<
          We'll have 45 min. of Q&A, then head out to lunch as a group.

          (Make sure you watch at least one of the Gary Snoman VC videos before then: http://garysnoman.com)
          2008-07-30 19:00:002008-07-29 22:33:092008-07-30 23:34:27 9;b[2008-07-30 20:30:00 banded together and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). It was know as the Winter Coders Social (few pics). Summer Coder's Social is the outdoor and (hopefully) sunny successor!!!
          This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and BBQ so be sure to bring the whole family.
          Sponsors will provide the basics of Hamburgers and Hotdogs (and Vegan equivilants). Potluck will provide the rest. This is also a BYOB event.

          RSVP here then head to the event site to sign up for the potluck.
          2008-08-03 18:00:00http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/Coders-Summer-Social2008-07-28 19:33:542008-07-28 19:48:19 :;bXJo2008-08-04 00:00:001YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#nsored by the Linux Expo of Southern California Inc. SCALE's mission is to evangelize the advantages of Open Source software. Open Source software is any software that meets the litmus test of the OSI (Open Source Initiative). Examples of OSS are Linux and the various BSD operating systems, and applications such as OpenOffice.org and Firefox. Our target audiences are both current and potential users of OSS. Those users can be individual computer users, educational institutions, or businesses. The Expo's educational focus is composed of (but not limited to) technical seminars and booths where, among other things, both commercial software and hardware vendors, and local non-profit groups (for example, Linux Users Groups), participate in product display, and software demonstrations and tutorials, respectively. We are vendor- and distribution neutral in our outreach efforts. 2009-02-20 17:00:00http://www.socallinuxexpo.org2008-07-23 21:58:272008-07-23 21:58:27 ;2009-02-23 01:00:00¯­®¯¸iness meal should not be a stressful event. Join PDXfX at Aqua Riva restaurant for an educational and mouthwatering multi-course evening designed to delight and educate your taste buds. Aqua Riva's chefs will use fresh local and seasonal ingredients to serve up a succession of mouthwatering morsels, while St. Josef's Winery explains the how and why of successful food and wine pairing from appetizer to dessert. You will move through a multitude of food and wine pairings throughout the evening and walk away with tips to conquer your fear of wine lists and an understanding of the various elements that influence the pairing of food and wine. Reserve your place now for a delightful, delicious, and informative evening - space is limited, and this annual member favorite fills up fast! Online registration for this event. Members: $40.00 | Non-members: $55.002009-10-21 00:30:00http://www.pdxfx.org2009-10-19 01:00:372009-10-25 16:23:27 @2009-10-21 03:00:00y of our food supply systems to national - an ue?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 5ԡ 7'3m333Summer Coder's SocialLast December, many of the local software developer User Groups ban ԡ ?=3m333Summer Coder's SocialLast December, many of the local software developer User Groups ԡ )s3O333August MeetingWhat, a meeting needs an agenda? Show up and talk Ruby with us. If you'd like to present something, email the list.2008-08-06 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/632008-07-28 09:32:132008-07-28 14:34:21 9;b՟Jp2008-08-25 05:00:00ԡu33G333 IxDA Portland F2F Gathering (Interaction Designers)Come out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2009-01-23 02:00:00http://www.ixda.org/local.php2008-07-27 20:16:572009-01-16 00:03:11 ;2009-01-23 05:00:00 "*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<82008-08-02 01:00:00http://iphonedevcamppdx.pbwiki.org2008-07-25 22:12:302009-10-26 03:06:12 A;bW2008-08-04 01:00:00 ^m^and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "ԡ/i3W333Westside Proggers

          A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

          We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

          This week we'll be doing Richard's creative problem solving exercise

          2009-08-28 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023905352009-08-26 16:27:232009-08-30 14:27:22 <;b2009-08-28 04:00:00 ԡei39333Bend Venture Conference Application DeadlineNow in its sixth year, Bend Venture Conference (BVC) is the premier regional event connecting seed and early stage companies with investment opportunities and attracting the Northwest's top entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers.2009-09-15 00:00:00http://www.bendvc.com/2009-08-26 15:50:362009-08-26 15:50:362009-09-15 00:00:00ed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

          WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

          WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

          DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

          FEATURING: Hot Lips Pizza and Beer (no host)

          SIGN UP: For sustainability updates and event announcements click on the "Join this group" button and enter your email address that you would like to use to receive event reminders and announcements.

          QUESTIONS: Send emails to portlandgreendrinks@yahoo.com

          Please help spread the word about Portland Green Drinks.
          2008-08-06 02:00:00http://groups.yahoo.com/group/portlandgreendrinks/2008-07-23 00:18:322008-07-23 08:03:05 :,;bU2008-08-06 04:00:00 _}_$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ԡ[3-333Young Professionals of Portland meetingYoung Professionals of Portland
          networking event
          2008-07-30 00:30:00http://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp?f=eventdetail.asp&e=2272008-07-23 00:14:232008-07-23 00:14:23 ;;bS2008-07-30 03:00:00|ԡK=3Q333Bio on Tap -- Oregon BioscienceOregon Bioscience Association


          Bio On Tap

          You are cordially invited to join OBA members for a Summer
          evening of networking, libations and a brewery tour.

          Bridgeport Brewpub & Bakery
          (Heritage Room)
          1313 NW Marshall Street

          Date: July 31, 2008
          Time: 6-9pm

          $25 OBA members - $35 nonmembers
          Hors d'oeuvres and two drinks provided
          Space is limited
          2008-08-01 01:00:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTap/2008-07-23 00:14:172008-07-23 08:00:59 :6;bR2008-08-01 04:00:00  u  -,+/2477>:BDPGKPVYoj`^krs- l    ).238:<cAGHMPUKX`[kgz 1nrtuy}}}}3@mԡ ]'3=333National Instruments Technical SymposiumRegister for the National Instruments Technical Symposium, a series of free, full-day conferences featuring the latest developments for automation, manufacturing, design, and test. With an agenda format including keynote presentations from NI experts as well as a variety of technical and hands-on sessions, the c YY³·ÀËï_WLB9/-,*+-3;DÑÅÂÁ¿ÂÉËÎËÂÁ¼¼¿Ì×w@>=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;= ԡKI3333Cupcake Jones anniversary partyCupcake Jones is celebrating one year of feeding Portland’s cupcake addiction with fun, food and festivities! Stop in on Thursday evening to dine on hors d’oeuvres… and cupcakes, of course… plus yummy VISO sodas. There will be a giveaway for a chance to win cool prizes, and swag bags for the first 50 guests.

          What: “Jonesin’”—the Cupcake Jones Anniversary Party
          When: Thursday, July 24, 5–7 pm
          Where: Pearl Woodworks, 304 NW 11th Ave.
          Call: 503.222.4404
          Visit: www.cupcakejones.net
          2008-07-25 00:00:002008-07-23 00:13:362008-07-23 00:13:36 ;;bQ2008-07-25 03:00:00ware" Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a Service (SaaS). Seven is a follow on book to The End of Software which predicted the rise of software delivered as a service. Now that this transition is happening Seven provides a framework for the producers and consumers of software to take the next steps. Read Tim’s blogs @ www.theondemandjournal.com Tim will be available for book signings after the presentation. Order your copy today: www.lulu.com/activebookpress Program Sponsor: Intel ® Software Partner Program2008-07-24 16:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=7/24/082008-07-07 22:45:262009-10-01 18:16:11 @2008-07-24 18:30:004%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·± evolution in the Software Industry Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008 Time: 9:30am-11:30am As a Celebration of the SAO Social Network Millennial Milestone and to Thank all of our Members, SAO and Intel present Dr. Timothy Chou, Author, “Seven::Software Business Models” and “The End of Software” The software industry is a little over 25 years old, barely a blip in the history of science and technology. Yet in that short time major companies like SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, eBay and Amazon have evolved. Seven is the story of the seven major business models we’ve seen in the software industry. More importantly, Seven is a story told from the experiences of some of the major players to inform those in the industry of lessons learned. Successes and failures, triumphs and defeats, Seven is focused on helping everyone in the software industry be prepared for the next major shifts in this dynamic and important industry. Timothy Chou, Author, "Seven; Software Business Models" & "The End of Soft pjp#:=33UOregon Convention Center2008-07-21 01:59:092008-07-21 22:30:09777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232US@Fåԝ|^YnL;bI 9*9O33QOregon Convention Center Portland2008-07-21 01:58:552008-07-21 22:30:09777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@Fåԝ|^YnL;bG 98K337Doubletree Hotel (Lloyd Center)2008-07-20 23:54:262008-07-21 22:32:051000 NE Multnomah St.PortlandOregon97232US@F4^f4;bH :*7O33QOregon Convention Center Portland2008-07-20 23:48:412008-07-21 22:30:09777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@Fåԝ|^YnL;bG 9`6gc 333 )Sydney's(At the corner of NW 16th & Thurman) 1800 NW 16th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 972092008-07-20 02:11:072008-07-20 03:38:401800 NW 16th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@Fě(^2(503) 241-4313onference offers information on emerging industry trends within a valuable networking forum and product exhibition. Highlights - See new product demonstrations and network with colleagues and professionals - Learn how industry leaders are adapting NI products to meet their specific application needs - Further your knowledge and maximize the use of your NI tools - Build your application development expertise through hands-on tutorials - Collaborate with exhibitors to discover product and integration solutions Event Details: 11/10/2009 | 08:00 a.m.- 03:30 p.m. Tektronix 3025 SW Zworykin Avenue Beaverton Campus Bldg. 38 BEAVERTON, OR 97077 503-627-6924 Visit our website below to view the agenda and register today! http://sine.ni.com/nievents/app/offering/p/offeringId/517739/site/nic/country/us/lang/en 2009-11-10 16:00:00http://sine.ni.com/nievents/app/offering/p/offeringId/517739/site/nic/country/us/lang/en2009-10-16 14:42:342009-10-16 14:42:34 @K2009-11-10 23:30:00& Printing Group, Americas, Hewlett-PackardGirls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of Marketing, Imaging & Printing Group, Americas, Hewlett-Packard Topic: Shifting the Digital Marketing + Technology Mindset to Harness the Power of an Integrated Approach Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Souk 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97209 Hors d'oeuvres and wine is provided COST: $10/person (to offset cost of food/wine); at the door: $20/person Event and door prizes are sponsored by 24Notion Space is limited to 50. You must register through eventbrite: http://gitpdxdigital.eventbrite.com For More info for our local Portland chapter, go to our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=57976769691 2009-10-23 01:30:00http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=579767696912009-10-16 00:04:452009-10-16 00:04:45 ?2009-10-23 03:30:00.acsevents.org/pdxcanswerproject2009-03-20 21:29:332009-03-21 13:10:55 92009-04-02 03:30:00 R@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<
          The event is open to the public, and all fans of TiddlyWiki are welcome to attend! Meet in the Jax Bar on the roof terrace.


          Look for Phil: he'll be wearing a black polo shirt, with Osmosoft written on the front, and the BT logo on the back.

          And if you're wondering where we got the name TiddlyRose...you can find out how on the Portland Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland%2C_Oregon2008-07-24 02:00:00http://www.osmosoft.com/#TiddlyRose2008-07-21 20:14:592008-07-21 23:43:40 :;bO2008-07-24 06:59:00ÓÿçI?EOSoË̽ÊÛÝ?OMLUUkë×ÓëÑÕQMQK[BQkDFQD=JKÙÛË׸Á¾½¼ÀÊÅÆoÀë/YÂ14CLDSãIÀ¾JÙµÅNOIçßU] Knd Urban Iditarod in previous years. The Lotus Room is a gQ?'_3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a sustainability-focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happen. This was originally scheduled for December 21, has been rescheduled due to snowpocalypse. Contact klint at su%a3]33JupdxmindsharepdxMindShare is a Portland, Oregon networking organization that specializes in connecting qualified professionals with interested companies through a weekly newsletter and a monthly networking event. Whether you're a business professional looking for a job, an employer looking for qualified candidates or just simply looking to enhance your career through networking, pdxMindShare is your resource. Join us for our monthly networking event at Paddy's Bar & Grill at 5:30 p.m.2009-04-16 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373634/2009-04-13 21:38:54 ?3;b2009-04-16 02:30:00 *j*@t*Jԡ};3A333OSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big 9ԡ![3_333PDX DjangoPDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having it's second meeting. The content is still evolving; check the mailing list for updates.2009-10-22 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/2009-10-15 18:41:482009-10-25 19:47:31 @|2009-10-22 03:30:00ԡAa3]333Google Wave Portland UsersDiscuss Google's powerful new collaboration tool Google Wave. This is a twist on the "Wiki Wednesday" events run by Ward Cunningham (@wardcunningham). More information is at http://wave.google.com and http://www.waveprotocol.org/2009-11-12 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4635672/2009-10-15 08:28:262009-10-15 08:28:50 9;b 2009-11-12 01:30:00 n how CI professionals use the Web to get details on the following: * How have a competitor's products or services evolved over time? * Are they launching new strategic initiatives? * Are they expanding into other geographies or industriesԡ q3o333Girls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of Marketing, Imaging uԡ EM3A333WineCampPDX planning meetingThis is a planning meeting for WineCampPDX. WineCampPDX is an unconference for those (novice to expert and industry) interested in wine, winemaking, wine paring, learning about all things wine, and networking. WineCampPDX’s main goal is to educate people about wine with open participatory workshop-events. WineCampPDX sessions may include wine 101 for newbies, types of wine, wine pairing, wine making, and more. For more information on WineCampPDX, go to our website. 2009-10-30 01:00:00http://www.winecamppdx.com2009-10-15 23:17:452009-10-15 23:17:45 @2009-10-30 02:30:00 `37<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&Zԡ~q'3}333Free Root Beer Floats in Pioneer Courthouse SquareFree Root Beer Floats!
          July 23rd
          11:00am – 4:00pm

          Thomas Kemper Soda Co. will return to the Square this year for an afternoon of Thomas Kemper Root Beer and Soda float samples. Be sure to stop by the Square for your free afternoon treat!
          2008-07-23 18:00:00http://www.pioneercourthousesquare.org/calendar_july.htm2008-07-23 00:11:572008-07-23 08:01:20 ;[;bP2008-07-23 21:00:00ԡ}=}3Y333Lunch with Epic VenturesCome hang out with Epic Ventures to learn more about VC funding. Bring questions! We'll have 45 min. of Q&A, then head out to lunch as a group. (Make sure you watch at least one of the Gary Snoman VC videos before then: http://garysnoman.com)2008-07-30 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9227982008-07-22 23:37:362008-07-30 09:07:58 9Jp2008-07-30 20:15:00 %*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52@ԡ/c3W333Westside Proggers*** UPDATE: We'll meet in the Training Room on the third floor, room 390. There should be signs to guide you. *** This month Markus will be presenting his response to Matt's programming language presentation from last month. If previous presentations by Markus are any indication, a good time will be had by all.

          A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

          We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

          Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

          2009-10-30 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-10-15 06:32:062009-10-29 23:42:26 <2009-10-30 04:00:00 network, and stay in the loop!

          ABOUT: The fourth Tuesday of each month, social changemakers and web innovators get together to network, mix, swap stories and ideas, build new relationships and learn at Net Tuesday, an event produced by NetSquared, http://www.netsquared.org a project of TechSoup, http://www.techsoup.org. All those interested, involved, or employed in nonprofits and that recognize the importance and utility of technology in the sector are invited to join us for discussion and exchange. We are very excited to see you and meet you and hope that you will bring a friend, colleague, or stranger along with you! Pass this invitation on to others!

          AboutUs.org office is located at Suite #520, on the 5th floor of the Olympic Mill Commerce Center, 107 SE Washington, Portland, OR.
          2008-07-23 01:00:002008-07-21 01:59:222008-07-21 22:31:44 9;bJ2008-07-23 03:00:00 this month lead by Hal Newton, and then open it up for a full group discussion. Bring your examples and questions!

          DETAILS: Topic: Effective websites for nonprofits
          Presenter: Hal Newton and others
          Date: July 22ndTime: 6 pm
          Location: AboutUs.org office (SE 2nd and Washington)

          Connect online: http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/

          Food: Some food and beverages are provided, but feel free to bring something to share! We hope that you will join us to meet new friends, share issues and ideas about technology in the nonprofit sector, and continue to help mold the group. These events will also try to offer information about open source (read: free!) alternatives to software and tools used by or available to nonprofits.

          You can check out the group online here: http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ And sign up to RSVP for the meeting, uggested attire is business formal. RSVP (rsvpaep@bus.oregonstate.edu) by Wednesday, March 26, 2009 to Mary McKillop by email or call 1-541-713-8044. Please note that seating is limited and we may sell out before the deadline so RSVP today. If you plan on staying overnight in Corvallis and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms reserved at a special rate at the Hilton Garden Inn. You must register by March 23 to secure these rates (please disregard current register by date on the Hilton Garden Inn's website). For more information or to register Please do not delete or modify2008-07-17 08:47:162008-09-28 02:08:52placeholder used by events occuring by conference call;bZ 2:00pm; * Session 3 - Intro to posting on your blog 2:00-3:00pm; * Session 4 - How to promote your blog 3:00-4:00pm; * 4:00-5:00pm will be an open help time to ask help with anything you'd like. What to expect We are focusing on WordPress blogs for this workshop. We chose WordPress so that if your blog is going well enough and you need to graduate to a hosted blog, you're data and experience will be compatible. By the time you leave the workshop, you'll have a blog that is ready to go and some direction on how to connect with other local bloggers. We are expecting people from all skill levels, including the technically challenged. Everyone will be treated with respect and will be encouraged. We'll be hosting the event at Webtrends. There are some computers available to use, but we highly recommend bringing your laptop if you have one as there likely won't be enough computers for everyone. Help us get the word out! Most of the people we're hoping to reach are either to far outside of our social circles or are offline completely. We could use your help in letting people know about this free workshop to get a blog up and running. We don't care if your motivation to blog is personal, professional, or political; we'll help you get one up and running. * Tweet the link to this page http://bit.ly/ufsYL * Email this page to a friend * RSVP on Upcoming and Calagator * Tell someone in real life using your voice. Crazy, huh? Why is this free? We're hoping to make new friends and be good citizens. We don't want to be an insular group, so we want to enable others to join. And, because we're Portlanders inspired by other Portlanders to DIY and that Yes We Can. :) Help out If you have experience with installing WordPress, we'd love to have you help answer people's questions. Please leave us a comment below if you're interested in helping!2009-10-04 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4552556/?ps=72009-10-01 19:02:092009-10-01 19:03:09 ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs.
          2009-12-15 03:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-10-01 14:30:452009-12-07 11:39:15 @02009-12-15 05:00:00 ;">

          Join Steelhead Data and Dell for an informative seminar on virtualization.


          During this lunch seminar we'll discuss how Dell EqualLogic’s PS Series and VMware Infrastructure 3 is the solution that will enable you to:


          · Dynamically provision, migrate, and manage computing and storage capacity across resources



          · Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online without disruption to service levels



          · Simply deploy and manage the virtualized server and SAN infrastructure while leveraging existing skill sets and consolidated tools

          Click the following link to register this event :

          powered by RegOnline http://www.regonline.com/

          2008-07-22 07:00:00http://www.regonline.com/eventinfo.asp?EventId=6327292008-07-21 01:59:162008-07-21 22:30:14 ;;b"Jo ttcluster strategy studies for the State of Oregon, City of Portland, and Clackamas County, Oregon * Advised and lectured the China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development in Portland, Oregon training government professional from the People’s Republic of China in the fields of land use planning, green development, and sustainable development. * Developed a Sustainable Development Action Plan for the Taiwan Council for Economic Development to guide agencies, local governments, business, academic, and non-governmental agencies in Taiwan. Now developing the Eco-City Vision for Taipei City. * Teamed witsWY3]33JuPortland WordPress User Group MeetingWe'll be discussing your favorite WordPress tips and tricks. Aaron Hockley of Hockley Photography fame will be kicking things off with his favorites and then we'll open it up to everybody. Bring your best and share with the group!2009-04-17 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2412120/2009-04-13 19:47:38 9;b2009-04-17 02:30:00starting an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beverage, networking time -- and a chance for each attendee to briefly describe their company (and optionally say what kind of help they could use right now) This is a great opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs. Please pass the word to other founders you know! And please RSVP here on this Meetup.com page so we have an idea of how many people to expect! Suggested donation: $3 to cover part of the food and beverage expense We hope to see you on July 18! Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Friday, July 18 at 4:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/2008-07-18 23:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/2008-07-18 21:34:252008-11-10 22:44:11 <;bE2008-07-19 01:30:00ŸŸŸw2! %6w¹«·È7-+3k¿§ŸŸŸŸªH,!",@³ª¥ £®ÅJY<.ëk=O¶©Ê;8®¨°51B¼·¼://.% 0s increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of ԡWi3i333XPDX October: Unit Test Your DatabaseDavid Wheeler will be giving his "Unit Test Your Database" talk. It was well-received at Open Source Bridge; now he's giving it to an audience of Agile practitioners. We’re all used to unit testing our applications by now. The Extreme and Agile programming movements have done a great deal to promote unit testing, to the extent that many of us are now dependent ԋAԡ}K73i3332009 Oregon Innovation ShowcaseOregon’s four premier research universities, Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Oregon, have launched a new website, to promote interaction between industry and Oregon research universities. Innovate Collaborate Oregon incorporates a searchable technology portal allowing visitors to identify and learn more about promising discov «¢¡*ԡt{-3333Portland Net Tuesday: Effective websites for nonprofitsPortland Net Tuesday on July 22

          The July 22nd Net Tuesday event will focus on creating effective web sites

          Join with others at Portland Net Tuesday to learn about conversion, testing your website and campaign language, and the attributes of effective nonprofit websites (especially for fundraising!). As usual, we will have a presentation, ɔԡs 73w33Choose the Right Technologies for a Virtualized Infrastructure×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯6ԡl73 333calagator 5:30 saluteA brief salute to the fact that it is 5:30 PM in this time zone. 2008-07-20 00:30:002008-07-19 21:27:052008-07-19 21:27:05 92008-07-20 00:30:00State University is hosting IP3, Inc. for a comprehensive Information Assurance and Information Technology Security seminar. Ken Kousky, CISSP and CEO of IP3 (and former president of Wave Technologies, a NASDAQ publicly-traded company) will present “Strategy to Reality: Don't Look Back”, the nation’s leading IT security forum addressing issues on the cutting edge of compliance, information assurance, human capital and risk management. Go to http://www.ip3seminars.com to read our brochure. During this two-day lecture style seminar for CEO's, Risk Management IT Executives, CPAs, Physical Security Professionals, IT Auditors, Forensic Specialists, IT professionals and students entering the IT field, you will learn about how the technologies, threats and deployment environments have changed, even since 2007. 2008-07-31 16:00:00http://www.ip3seminars.com2008-07-18 15:06:422008-07-18 15:39:58 92008-08-02 00:00:00 ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ strations | Dessert Classes | Culture & Ecology

          In the Northwest Chocolate Festival Education Center we will be bringing top educators in the culinary, history, and health of cho%ԡa3O333‘Getting It’: Careers in SociauԡyU3333Galois Talk: Writing Linux Kernel Modules with HaskellThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 * Title: Writing Linux Kernel Modules with Haskell * Speaker: Thomas DuBuisson * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/13/haskellkernelmodules/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-10-20 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/13/haskellkernelmodules/2009-10-13 23:38:422009-10-13 23:38:42 ;2009-10-20 18:30:00 ::ÝwLB;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌ:ԡT%3%333Galois Tech Talk: Don Stewart, "Stream Fusion for Haskell Arrays"Just a quick note about next week's Galois Tech Talk. Now that Galois has completed its move into downtown Portland, and a shiny new, centrally located, office space, we're opening up our tech talk series a bit more widely. If you're in Po jԡSI=37333FOSCON 2008: Cooking with RubyFOSCON 2008: Cooking with Ruby What: FOSCON is a free, fun gathering of Ruby fans held during an evening of O'Reilly's OSCON conference with cool presentations, food, discussions, and a live coding competition. Who: Anyone interested in Ruby, whether you're just curious or a seasoned pro. Where: CubeSpace, Portlan CH=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-4
          When: Jul 30, 2008. @5:30pm

          Where: CubeSpace
          622 SE Grand Avenue.
          Portland, OR 97214
          (503) 206-3500
          2008-07-31 00:30:00http://flexpdx.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=1636685%3ABlogPost%3A19612008-07-19 18:24:212008-07-19 22:37:31 9;bF2008-07-31 03:00:00ԡj+;3w333Founders FridayEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group By popular demand, we're re ׃dԡicu3Y333PDXPHP: August '08 Meeting (at Produce Row)Meeting Topic: No topic for August, just "Open Dialogue" Location: Produce Row Cafe : http://tinyurl.com/5s969p Meeting Desc: All my August energy has gone into the Coder's Summer Social so the Aug pdxphp meeting will convene at the Produce Row pub at 6:30. Look for us on in the outdoor patio. 2008-08-13 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/august2008-07-18 21:28:232008-08-12 16:20:48 ;2008-08-13 03:30:00 bommunity. Come with your ideas and your computer - we will be posting the ideas generated at this meeting to our Wiki so we can help put them into the appropriate format and vet them through the cQԡy '3W333OEN Workshop - Investor Expectations: Everything You Need to Know about Raising Seed Capital in Oregon, But Were Afraid to Ask If you’re an entrepreneur seeking funding or work with entrepreneurs seeking funding, then this 2-hour interactive program is for you. OEN Workshop: "Investor Expectations - Everything You Need to Know about Raising Seed Capital in Oregon, But Were Afraid to Ask." This OEN workshop is targeted toward early-stage entrepreneuԡx]3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free eventJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon and get some search engine ԡw 3 333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free event2009-10-09 06:00:002009-10-09 05:37:522009-10-09 05:37:52 ;2009-10-09 07:00:00 aa?[Ë¿ÄÆÃÃÄ»²¯°«ª±ßÏï+(()*+5W¿¹³¬ª¨­¯¼6+&$'-wƺ°²³µ·´¯¯®°¶ÁS:'# #'6CW»¸½ÂÁßJGãSGëÏĹ´­¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwхԡfYe3S333Portland Werewolf August '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-08-14 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/692008-07-18 09:32:112008-07-18 13:50:32;bՉJo2008-08-14 06:00:00Q'h'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyrrival and seating
          6:30 – 7:00p
          Rebecca Gerendasy will share some online websites that mi?ԡq>ԡs1ԡu'ԡwԡx!ԡzԡ}ԡ~ԡ ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ Lԡ ԡ Mԡ τԡÄԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ#ԡԡԡɄԡ(ԡvԡlԡ kԡ!eԡ"iԡ#Zԡ$bԡ&}ԡ''ԡ(ԡ)&ԡ*%ԡ,ԡ/ԡ0!ԡ1ԡ2ԡ3ԡ4ԡ6yԡ8ԡ9ԡ:ԡ;ԡ<ԡ>ԡ?ԡ@ԡA݄ԡBԡCԡDԡGԡHԡJԡKԡMHԡN=ԡO/ԡPIԡUԡWBԡXdԡYԡ[Cԡ\~ԡb cck³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<ԡe% 3e333Linux ClinicIf you are arriving early to OSCON, and you have a Linux problem that needs fixing, or you are a wizard who can help others, escape from the pesky sunshine and join us at the monthly Linux Clinic at Free Geek at 1731 S.E. 10th in Portland, about 20 blocks south of the convention center. The main facility is closed, but we have access to the classroom in the southeast corner. We will have wireless, ethernet, distros, coffee, cookies, and Penguinos, the premier penguin-themed mexican cupcake. We run until 5 PM, though in honor of OSCON we may move proceedings to the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub or Jax Bar, local open source hangouts that serve food and beer. For more information, look at the PLUG wiki or contact Keith Lofstrom at keithl (AT) keithl (DOT) com2008-07-20 20:00:00http://oscon.kwiki.org/index.cgi?LinuxClinic2008-07-17 17:09:312008-07-17 17:09:31 92008-07-21 00:00:00 *+;Õ¤  ª¹[,$"&)5´¬¡Ÿ§©®L(,0&]³ºD8H¦ŸŸ®Í;,-2嬤¬Á/>×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±Õyԡ`IO3C333Python BoF and Django Drinkup!Tuesday, July 22, 7pm, Jax Bar: Python BoF and Django Drinkup! Join local and visiting Pythonistas and Djangonauts for a casual meetup on the rooftop patio at Jax. It's easy and free to get to from the Convention Center on the MAX - directions are [1]. We'll be getting started in between 6 and 7. [1] Jax Bar ( http://jaxbar.com/ ) is located at 826 SW 2nd Avenue . To get there from the Convention Center, take any MAX train downtown and get off at Morrison/SW 3rd Avenue, then walk a tiny bit south and you're there. Jax is on the east (river) side of the street on 2nd in between Yamhill and Taylor. Yamhill is one block south of Morrison. For a map and Street View, see http://tinyurl.com/57yorz2008-07-23 02:00:00http://oscon.pdxpython.org/2008-07-16 20:44:032008-07-21 23:55:11 :2008-07-23 06:00:00 y the fastest, mPr;)3A33JuApril PDMA Social EventThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to present our 2nd Social Event in 2009! Join us in the Executive Lounge on the second floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in Lake Oswego. This third event follows the highly success March Panel sessi ڂ'qG3 33JuInnoTech Lunch Tweetup/MeetupAll those going to Innotech - lets have a lunch meet up at Widmer Gasthaus. Getting to the Gasthaus is easy - just take the Expo Max Yellow line one stop up from the Convention center.2009-04-23 18:30:002009-04-13 16:06:10 ?12009-04-23 20:00:00Pp;)3A33JuApril PDMA Social EventThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to present our 2nd Social Event in 2009! Join us in the Executive Lounge on the second floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in Lake Oswego. This third event follows the highly success March Panel sessi z zFzF)a ] 333 Beaverton Public Library - Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR 970052009-06-30 17:46:172009-08-07 18:48:3412375 SW 5th StreetBeavertonOR97005US@FϮ^v@ @`(O 33 In the comfort of your own office2009-06-29 18:07:212009-06-29 18:15:29 >IG'?I}!33S %Glenn Otto Community ParkThis 6.38 acre park is the most heavily used park in the Troutdale park system. Access to the site is off East Columbia River Highway. It is bordered by the Sandy River on the east, Beaver Creek on the west, and a few residential properties on the south. Mr. Glenn Otto served the City of Troutdale for many years as a Planning Commissioner, City Councilor, and Mayor. During his tenure of service to the City he negotiated the purchase of Troutdale’s first park site located along the banks of the Sandy River and provided leadership ussed in the talk. Biographical details: Sean Lee is a PhD candidate at the ԡ 33]333DorkbotPDX Open LabECONOMY: BAD. FREE WORKSHOP: GOOD! Come join Dorkbot Portland for a four-hour geek-a-thon in the heart of the Perl (yes, I went there) District. Isotopes not required. What's all this then? A bunch of us will gather in the drawing studio in room 205 on 3/29 at 1pm to partake in a free-form workshop. Bring a pet project, tools, or simply your curiosity ansԡr9 3 333Gorge Angel ConferenceJoin us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D’ oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River October 27, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM RSVP: Nick.Kraemer "at" co.hood-river.or.us, 541-387-70122009-10-28 00:30:002009-10-08 16:24:152009-10-08 16:25:09 @2009-10-28 02:30:00 ))Df&ԡu}i3O333SubGenius Devival: Cyclone of Slack (EsoZone afterparty)CYCLONE OF SLACK is not only a night of true SubGenius mutation- it’s also the afterparty for Esozone Portland 2009, a free “unconference” dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality.2009-10-11 03:00:00http://pdxdevival.com/?page_id=262009-10-08 23:31:402009-10-08 23:32:18 @2009-10-11 06:59:00#ԡs'3s333PDX HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree), but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.2009-10-16 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-10-08 19:19:452009-10-08 19:19:45 ; 2009-10-16 05:30:00 //>Gordon Whitehead, Leadership Development Coach, Captus5, uses decades of experience, serving as business VP, marine officer, aMԡdC93333LES: Negotiating Better Deals: Insights into the Psychology of Decision Making in ContractsThe Licensing Executives Society - Oregon/SW WashJԡ%+3)333Django LunchLet's meet again and chat about Django and whatever else comes up. Same place as last place -- near the awesome food carts at SW 10th & SW Alder, then we'll meet and eat inside the Galleria, where there are always empty tables. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-19 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/browse_thread/thread/ced9cb28c18e6a892009-05-19 05:23:422009-05-19 05:23:42 ?2009-05-19 20:30:00 g÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<= Freak Mountain Ramblers
          Music on Main Street

          Wednesday, July 23rd

          J cess Management Professionals (ABPMP.org) The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in (http://bit.ly/2jDQUp) Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. http://aim.uoregon.edu Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals: www.abpmp.org 2009-11-20 01:30:00 http://bit.ly/oMW702009-10-07 16:21:562009-10-07 17:36:24 ?2009-11-20 03:30:00ULY
          Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
          The Freak Mountain Ramblers present a unique blend of Rock 'n Roll, Bluegrass, Alternative Country, and Country Blues. With a lineup including 3 members of the inimitable and notorious Holy Modal Rounders/ Clamtones amalgamation of the '70s and '80s, FMR has its roots in the underbelly of the alternative music scene that existed at that time both in Portland and across the country.

          During the past 10 years FMR has accumulated a loyal following in the Portland area by dependably creating beauty and bedlam at their live shows. Unlike any other band in the Pacific Northwest, FMR presents a show where the spotlight rotates among 4 lead singer/songwriters, each with his own distinct character and approach to life and music. The 5th member is a veteran drummer with his own tale to tell, and even an occasional song to sing.
          2008-07-24 00:00:00http://www.pcpa.com/events/event.php?run=13682008-07-17 05:05:062008-07-17 18:07:39 ;;bB2008-07-24 02:00:00  Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. YqnAA3]33Ju@Digital Photo MOB WorkshopDigital Photo MOB Workshop (that's Management, Organization, and Backup) In this two-hour event, professional photographer and technologist Aaron Hockley will discuss techniques for mana PMm-!3M33Ju%TiE OR: Rethinking the Foodshed: The emergent redesign in our food supply systemS qlAA3]33Ju@Digital Photo MOB WorkshopDigital Photo MOB Workshop (that's Management, Organization, and Backup) In this two-hour event, professional photographer and technologist Aaron Hockley will discuss techniques for mana 'kA]3]33Ju@Digital Photo MOB WorkshopDigital Photo MOB Workshop (that's Management, Organization, and Backup) In this two-hour event, professional photographer and technologist Aaron Hockley will discuss techniques for managing digital p db9 d#0I33ISW Main Street and SW Broadway2008-07-17 05:05:062008-07-17 18:07:39SW Main Street and SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F"P&^ ء;bB ;.I33ISW Main Street and SW Broadway2008-07-16 16:12:002008-07-16 16:12:00SW Main Street and SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F"P&^ ء;b?-333#New Deal distillery2008-07-16 16:10:292008-07-16 16:10:291311 SE 9thPortlandOregon97214US@F+X^Ĺ;b>,)33-Governor Hotel2008-07-16 00:20:562008-07-17 18:07:33614 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOregon97205US@F¢.w^d9;b= :+;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-15 03:35:252008-07-15 10:46:26915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F2^0;b ; *;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-15 03:33:282008-07-15 10:46:26915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F2^0;b ; Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Prou local in the Portland area, several of us will be gathering this Thursday, July 17th at 6:00pm at the Green Dragon (928 SE 9th Avenue, Portland OR). We’re going to nail down some details on registration, scheduling, speakers, and facilities/logistics. All are welcome; volunteers are needed. A basic schedule framework has been developed which includes a couple large-group (everyone) sessions, a few more specific sessions for a targeted audience (developers, writers, etc), and some community-organized sessions to be determined during the event. We’re actively seeking those who want to lead a discussion. If you have an idea for a session, please contact Aaron Hockley with your idea. Any topic related to WordPress could be a potential WordCamp session. More details about the schedule and registration should be released next week. 2008-07-18 01:00:00http://www.wordcampportland.org/2008/07/planning-meeting-and-call-for-discussion-leaders/2008-07-16 19:02:342008-07-16 19:02:34 ; 2008-07-18 04:00:00rom behind your desk and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations, whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of potential investors. Discover how to give presentations that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Topics include how to: -Structure the content of a presentation -Use clear language that avoids jargon and paints pictures -Manage nerves and anxiety -Handle inevitable mishaps with ease -Rehearse like a pro Ticket Info: $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check/cash. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps Northwest programs. Contact Anu (asamarajiva@mercycorpsnw.org or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website (www.mercycorpsnw.org) day of the event for any cancellation notices.2009-10-15 01:00:00http://www.mercycorpsnw.org2009-10-06 23:57:152009-10-07 00:06:24 @2009-10-15 03:00:00/members/portland_or/2009-03-11 22:12:222009-03-11 22:12:22 >O2009-03-13 04:00:00w OLPCers and mesh. Earlier this year, Wayan of OLPCNews came to town to talk about the OLPC and we had a great time meeting others who were supporters of the technology and the vision. For those of you wondering what I’m talking about, the OLPC stands for One Laptop Per Child. Last Christmas they ran a special called Buy One, Get one which allowed you to buy an OLPC (pictured left) for a child somewhere in the world and you would get your own. Once it hit the geek market in America, the possibilities have been endless. I was amazed at how cool this little guy was and how simple it was to use. Too bad my sausage fingers couldn’t navigate the keyboard. Oh well, I’m no child either. Come on down to Lucky Lab Thursday night and check them out yourself. The OLPCers are a good bunch and love to talk technology. OLPC Meetup Lucky Labrador Beer hall, NW 20th/Quimby 6pm2008-07-18 01:00:00http://ourpdx.net/2008/07/olpc-and-beer-thursday/2008-07-16 17:21:082008-07-16 17:21:08 :2008-07-18 04:00:00e Academy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website *Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future *Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/ 2009-11-19 00:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-10-07 03:38:522009-10-07 03:38:52 ;2009-11-19 01:30:00 \a\oßݽ¹¯¯µ¿ÁË?75?LNUoÙÑãçÏÀº½ÂÇ[A56:QëÌÅÅÃÇľ¸´~ԡ\I3333New Deal distillery open housespirits
          good times

          2008-07-19 20:00:00http://www.newdealdistillery.com/Events/open%20house%20invite.pdf2008-07-16 16:10:292008-07-16 16:10:29 ;;b>2008-07-20 00:00:00ԡ[Ye3S333Portland Werewolf August '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-08-14 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/692008-07-16 09:32:102008-07-17 05:38:38 ; ;bՉ2008-08-14 06:00:00 rtland, and interested in functional programming and formal methods, drop by! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Stream Fusion for Haskell Arrays speaker: Don Stewart DATE: Tuesday, July 15th, 10.30am sharp. LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: Arrays have traditionally been an awkward data structure for Haskell programmers. Despite the large number of array libraries available, they have remained relatively awkward to use in comparison to the rich suite of purely functional data structures, such as fingertrees or finite maps. Arrays have simply not been first class citizens in the language. In this talk we'll begin with a survey of the more than a dozen array types available, including some new matrix libraries developed in the past year. I'll then describe a new efficient, pure, and flexible array library for Haskell with a list like interface, based on work in the Data Parallel Haskell project, that employs stream fusion to dramatically reduce the cost of pure arrays. The implementation will be presented from the ground up, along with a discussion of the entire compilation process of the library, from source to assembly. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois (http://galois.com) has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, Don's always looking for new speakers. 2008-07-15 17:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc/browse_thread/thread/c15f41f7d43791862008-07-11 23:12:042008-07-13 04:32:31 ;2008-07-15 18:30:00 marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/2010-01-07 00:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-10-09 05:40:122009-10-09 05:40:12 ;2010-01-07 01:30:00 g,g±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]Ƀ>ԡZ=9333Tweetup with Charlene LiCharlene Li, late of Forrester Research, co-author of Groundswell, and all around social media rock star is coming to Portland!

          Come have drinks with her in the bar of the Governor Hotel! Starts at 8:30pm, and goes until late. Charlene says if you bring your copy of Groundswell, she'll sign it, and buy you a drink. :-)
          2008-07-17 03:30:002008-07-16 00:20:572008-07-17 18:07:33 :;b=eԡYIM3333Mobile Love, OpenMoko Style #4come talk about OpenMoko/FreeRunner news over a pint of beer. A FreeRunner will be demoed.
          2008-07-15 01:00:002008-07-15 03:35:252008-07-15 10:46:26 ; ;bJo2008-07-15 03:00:00aԡXIM3333Mobile Love, OpenMoko Style #4come talk about OpenMoko/FreeRunner news over a pint of beer. A FreeRunner will be demoed.
          2008-07-15 01:00:002008-07-15 03:33:282008-07-15 10:46:26 ; ;b2008-07-15 03:00:00sed to financial value—exist in a variety of industries, but they’re predominantly found in today’s ever-growing technology, software, and service industries. Almost every one of these businesses will transfer ownership at some point in time, the vast majority through an outright sale of the company. But those responsible for handling transactions involving companies with intangible value are often faced with a number of hard questions: How will the buyer perceive value? In which sectors can the best buyers be found? Can the right investment banker add value to the transaction? Myths regarding the sale of an intangible company are subtle. What we mean by myths in this context are the so-called truths that most people believe about the sale process. We'll examine why these myths are not true and illustrate how they can have a negative effect on the sale process.2009-04-23 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9828761/2009-04-13 02:00:33 <2009-04-23 20:00:0009:29 >G2009-01-13 20:00:00 TION OF TECHNOLOGY AND MONEY

          Advanced Technology Management Conference

          Intel Capital and White & Lee LLP have scheduled the next Silicon Forest Forum for Friday, September 12, 2008. We are very excited about the new program we have planned for the event, our luncheon speaker will be:

          Marc Tarpenning, Co-Founder and CTO
          Tesla Motors
          to speak about “Recreating the Electric Car….and
          Changing the Automotive Industry Forever"

          WS^*[1;b< ;I( = 33E McMenamins on NE Broadway and 15th Ave. near Lloyd Center NE Broadway and 15th ave2008-07-13 18:11:182008-07-14 03:35:55Ne Broadway St & Ne 15th AvePortlandORUS@F|AC^af ;4%'#Y 33? Galois, Inc3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building2008-07-11 23:12:042008-07-11 23:12:44421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300PortlandOR97204US@F›qC9^bC&933=Bagdad Theater and Pub2008-07-11 03:24:452008-07-11 03:51:153702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F\$^ A|;b: :s%A 335 Northwest Natural Building2008-07-10 22:18:302009-03-03 22:47:55220 NW Second AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@F1)˫^A;b7 >$33QEcotrust2008-07-10 22:12:412008-07-11 01:16:36Jean Vollum Natural Capital CenterPortlandOregon97209;b6 :, >>¸¹¾¾µ³w̹DIo48O/0/179wÇ_ԡVGk3m333Open Street Map Mapping Party* When: 22 July 2pm * Where: 635 NE Going Street @ 7th IԡUM/3333Agile User Group July 18 meetingHi all, We had a great turnout in both May and June, so we're going to continue the trend. Our next meeting of XPDX and APLN-PDX will once again fall on the third Friday of the month. Friday, July 18, 1:00 pm until 3:00-ish or whenever the compelling conversations break up. At McMenamins on NE Broadway and 15th Ave. near Lloyd Center We'll have a bit of formal discussion this time about venues on the west side, and whether we want to have occasional speakers. Maybe in the fall? Spread the word. Come along and give us your thoughts. Or just come for the beer and McMenamins burgers. Or the tots. Mmmmm. Tots. See you there, Diana2008-07-18 20:00:00http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/apln-pdx/message/842008-07-13 18:11:182008-07-14 03:35:55 ;42008-07-18 22:00:00 ¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ï†FԡW={3=333Humaninet Project LaunchYou are invited to join the HumaniNet team on Monday, July 14, at the Lucky Lab NW (19th & Quimby) for an informal update and roundtable on the Maps 2.0 initiative and related projects with Google Earth/Maps, GPS, and GIS in general. If you know of someone interested in these technologies, or any tech topic that might apply to the humanitarian space, please invite them too. Following a team meeting at 5:15, we'll start with a short presentation at 5:45, followed by networking, socializing, and tech conversation. Hope to see you there! (sorry for the short notice) Gregg Swanson Executive Director, HumaniNet mobile 503-957-2960 gregg@humaninet.org www.humaninet.org2008-07-15 00:30:00http://www.humaninet.org2008-07-14 20:20:122008-07-14 20:20:12 :2008-07-15 06:30:00 kins an interest in words and images and how information affects behavior. During graduate school she worked on a long-term NIH-funded project dealing with dieting and smoking behavior among teenage girls.

          How to Register:Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. January's presenter TBD.2010-01-08 03:00:00http://journopdx.com2009-10-30 18:37:382009-10-30 18:37:38 A2010-01-08 05:00:00 QQJK?=N[ëÓ˵´¶¾ÆÙJCCCJYw÷çȼ·¶µ¸¾ÊÝ[?/.../078=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558(ԡR/93G333Ignite Portland 4Save the date! Ignite Portland 4 will happen on Thursday November 13, 2008, at the Bagdad. Same venue. Same format. Even more burning ideas.

          More details to come - stay tuned!



          2008-11-14 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2008-07-11 03:24:452008-10-31 00:23:43 :s;b:2008-11-14 05:00:00 -)-ple's Cocoa Framework for programuԡ|A%3]333Portland Presentation CampStory. Content. Presentation. Presentation Camp is an all day collaborative event that is focused on improving presentation content, delivery and storytelling. Giving an effective presentation is tough, but Presentation Camp offers insights from the experts, peer-to-peer collaboration and tips for improving presentation skills.2009-10-21 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4421423/2009-10-09 21:05:272009-10-21 21:33:56 g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9WS^*[1oom 8005 Pacwest Center
          1211 SW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon

          Date: Tuesday July 15th 6:30pm

          Topic: Hibernate, ORM & JPA
          Part 1 Hibernate the Traditional Way

          * Issues in object-relational mapping (ORM)
          * Overall goals of Hibernate
          * Hibernate architecture
          * Map a simple class to a database using a Hibernate XML mapping file
          * Retrieving, inserting, updating, deleting Hibernate persistent objects
          * Querying with Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

          Part 2 Hibernate with the Java Persistence API (JPA)

          * JPA Overview
          * Map a simple class to a database using JPA annotations
          * Retrieving, inserting, updating, deleting JPA persistent objects
          * Querying with JPA Query Language (JPQL)
          * Comparing Hibernate-traditional with JPA Hibernate-JPA
          2008-07-16 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org/2008-07-10 22:10:132008-07-13 04:32:29 ;;b42008-07-16 03:30:00.org/chamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We're going to MAX up there tomorrow to check it out, and if anyone would like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) tomorrow at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=117+NW+5th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 I suspect we'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and back as well, so if you need some creative inspiration on all things revenue, please feel free to come along.2009-10-07 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4561114/2009-10-06 19:36:372009-10-06 19:36:37 @;b 2009-10-07 14:30:00 ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»ÎԡO;933333pdxfunc monthly meetingThe next pdxfunc meeting is almost here. Unless someone jumps in at the last minute, we don't have a speaker. However, please still go to the meeting! We've had a couple speaker-less meetings and they've been great, with lots of good discussions. If there's interest, we can do some live hacking that doesn't require any preparation. For example, take turns at the notebook's keyboard and reimplement that Ruby-based "du"-like program I demoed last time that we had so much fun discussing, but this time using a "real" functional programming language. Or do some "code spelunking", taking turns digging through and discussing an interesting library for an FP language (e.g., one of Galois's open sourced Haskell contributions) and talking about how it works. See you there! 2008-07-15 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2008-07-10 23:27:512008-07-13 04:32:30 92008-07-15 04:00:00 ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%ԡN-'3I333JASO beer gardenJapan-America Society of Oregon

          JASO Beer Garden
          Wednesday, July 30, 2008
          5:30pm - 7:30pm

          NW Natural, 4th Floor
          220 NW Second Avenue

          Please join us for Annual JASO Beer Garden and celebrate the summer-Japanese style.

          Music provided by A-Key-kyo

          For more information or reservations, please call us at 503.552.8811
          2008-07-31 00:30:00http://www.jaso.org/index.html2008-07-10 22:18:302009-03-03 22:47:54 >;b72008-07-31 02:30:00 epared to answer the following questions: - Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level? - What could your company achieve during 201ԡk13}333Galois Talk: Constructing a Universal Domain for reasoning about Haskell DatatypesThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 * Title: Constructing A Universal Domain for Reasoning About Haskell Datatypes * Speaker: Brian Huffman * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/06/huffman-universal/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok 2009-10-13 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/06/huffman-universal/2009-10-06 18:42:492009-10-06 18:42:49 ;2009-10-13 18:30:00 ÷IQKNDMïÍÓÿçI?EOSoË̽ÊÛÝ?OMLUUkë×ÓëÑÕQMQK[BQkDFQD=JKÙÛË׸Á¾½¼ÀÊÅÆoÀë/YÂ14CLDSãIÀ¾JÙµÅNOIçßU]¶Á¹¸ÕÌÕ×ßWwNA9=99;:;BNAcg×ÍÀÀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï`ԡM3i3333Happy Hour Hoe DownWHEN
          Thursday, July 10, 2008 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm
          Ecotrust Rooftop Terrace
          721 NW Ninth Avenue between Irving & Johnson
          Portland, Oregon
          Dance to Lisa and Her Kin with
          a cool beer in hand and a bird's eye view
          of the delicious Portland Farmers Market below.

          Buy $5 or more worth of farmers market products
          and your first drink is on us!
          2008-07-11 00:00:00http://www.ecotrust.org/newsletters/events/hoedown2008.html2008-07-10 22:12:412008-07-13 04:32:29 :,;b62008-07-11 02:00:00yle lunch. MCLE Credit: CILS will apply for one (1) general credit from the Oregon State Bar Registration: E-mail your information to cils.cle@gmail.com and pay at the door or mail a hardcopy of the following form with payment to: CILS – CLE c/o Travis J. Benn 400 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97204 Please make checks payable to “Oregon State Bar.” Computer & Internet Law Section Luncheon CLE – Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12 – 1 p.m. A Discussion of Ten IP Strategy Decisions at the Heart of the MySQL Business Model Name:_______________________________________ OSB#:______________ Firm/Company Name:______________________________________________ List of additional attendees: Name:_______________________________________ OSB#:_______________ Name:_______________________________________ OSB#:_______________ Name:_______________________________________ OSB#:_______________ 2008-07-24 19:00:002008-07-10 20:23:212008-07-13 04:32:29 ;2008-07-24 20:00:00h the American Bar Association’s Section of Science & Technology, as well as with the U.S. Internet Service Provider Association (www.usispa.org), the Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org), and other technology trade associations. Please note: Mr. Smith will be speaking in his personal capacity and not as a representative of either MySQL AB or Sun Microsystems, Inc. We hope you can attend what will be an excellent opportunity to discuss open source strategies with a seasoned open source practitioner. When: Thursday, July 24, 2008 12 – 1 p.m. Where: Greek Cusina Restaurant, 404 SW Washington Street, Portland. Please note: The luncheon will be held in the Taverna rather than the Minoan Room. To get to the Taverna, enter through the main entrance and go straight ahead and up the stairs. The host at the front door will be happy to assist. Cost: $22 for CILS members; $27 for other bar members and non-lawyers; $17 for students or recent bar admittees. This cost includes a buffet-st OOor our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors BԡmaG3]333Portland Open Source Geospatial User GroupWe meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206] October meeting agenda: GIS in Action 2010 coordination and more TBA2009-10-29 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis2009-10-06 20:52:312009-10-06 20:52:31 =2009-10-29 03:00:00 ԡl[C3]333Portland Ten Field Trip: Sales TrainingOur friends Scott & Al at the Olsen Group are doing sales trainings hosted by the Beaverton Chamber, free for members, $5 for attendees. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings for the next 3 months. http://www.beaverton 1. Code: Add features and specs (tests) to the OpenConferenceWare (OCW) conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. See task list for details. 2. Outreach: Contact user group leaders,kԡZIA35333Digital Journalism Social HourDigital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. December's presenter will be Nozzl Media.2009-12-04 03:00:00http://journopdx.com2009-10-30 18:35:442009-10-30 18:35:44 A2009-12-04 05:00:00or end users, a comparative analysis of the GPL v2 and GPL v3 licenses, a model employee IP policy for open source companies, use of the MySQL trademark in the MySQL user community, terms of the MySQL contribution license agreement, and strategies for third parties who “fork” or “clone” open source product. Clint Smith served as MySQL’s general counsel and corporate secretary from January 2006 through Sun’s acquisition of MySQL for $1 billion in the spring of 2008. At MySQL, Mr. Smith was responsible for the company’s legal affairs, including corporate law, intellectual property strategy, commercial contracts, compliance, and litigation. Prior to joining MySQL, Mr. Smith headed the legal departments at Macromedia, Inc. and UUNET Technologies, Inc. He received his law degree at U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law and began his career with the Washington D.C. law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP. An experienced technology and corporate lawyer, Clint has held leadership positions witStores, the largest chain of full spectrum frame stores in the Northwest. After selling Beard’s in 1999, Terry co-founded and now chairs TheBigDay.com and mentors and invests in other startups. Terry is a member of the Portland Angel Network and the Portland Venture Group. Eric Rosenfeld – Managing Partner, Capybara Ventures (moderator) Capybara Ventures is seed capital fund launched in 2004 and focused on growing early-stage technology-based businesses in Oregon. In addition to running Capybara Ventures with Bob Ward, Eric co-founded and helps run the Oregon Angel Fund. He has chaired the Angel Oregon conference and is the 2009 OEN board chair. Member Registration: $30.00 Non-member Registration (Includes a one year membership to OEN and the workshop fee is waived): $125 Location: Miller Nash 3400 U.S. Bancorp Tower 111 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-36992009-11-11 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1132009-10-09 19:18:322009-10-09 19:18:32 @2009-11-11 02:00:00 ޠŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©ԡEQk3[333iPhone 3G & App Store Launch PartyPlease RSVP on the Upcoming link listed so that we can plan accordingly for refreshments. In celebration of the iPhone 3G & App Store launch, join members of the Portland iPhone community on the evening of Friday, July 11th. * Check out the new iPhone 3G * See demos of App Store applications * Meet members of the local iPhone community Refreshments and Wifi will be provided. Bring your iPhone or iPod touch, although owning either is not required to attend. Where is Platial, Inc? 635 NE Going Street, Portland, OR, 97211, the white house on the corner of NE Going and 7th Street. Look for Tiki Torches.2008-07-12 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/868097/2008-07-08 21:52:372008-07-13 04:32:28 ;Jo2008-07-12 04:00:00ng from me to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused network, where everyone collaborates to succeed! Here's How: * What: How to Take your networking to the next level * When: 3 hours 2-5pm PST, November 5th * Where:Bravo Conference Room 630 B Avenue Suite 205 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 * How much: Not much at all! Just $65 gets you my attention, guidance, and support, as we work on taking your in-person networking to the next level. You WILL walk away from this workshop knowing how to become a problem solver for others, as well as how to turn your thinking and networking from me into we, so that you make a positive, powerful, and memorable impression on your network. As an Extra Bonus, you will get: Your own copy of my Social Media Etiquette Tips for your Networking Success E-book All this, for $65. What a deal!2009-11-05 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559973/2009-10-05 18:36:372009-10-08 18:22:42 @E;b2009-11-06 01:00:00ght issues associated with digital photography and other content, publicity/privacy rights, and model releases. Eric will also touch upon image rights that some building owners claim to have in the appearance of their buildings. And the best part may be that Eric will take questions on any intellectual property issues we want to th row his way, from patent trolls to counterfeit DVDs to software licensing. Erics background is truly impressive, have a look at his website: http://www.klgates.com/professionals/Detail.aspx?professional=5837 The Meeting is Free and Open to All. If you are not a member we hope you will become one so we can continue to bring you good meetings like this one. New York, NY 10001 - USA Thursday, May 21 at 6:15 PM Photo: http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/b/9/c/event_311164.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://pc.meetup.com/49/calendar/10205745/2009-05-21 22:15:00http://pc.meetup.com/49/calendar/10205745/2009-05-06 21:17:442009-05-06 21:17:44;bG2009-05-22 00:15:00 vV'oo33Platial, 635 NE Going Street, Portland, OR, 972112008-07-08 21:52:152008-07-09 01:09:09 ;A337McMenamins Mission Theater2008-07-08 18:52:322009-04-14 21:01:171624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209US@FZ^ ;b3 < G 331! UAH Shelby Center, Huntsville2008-07-08 15:06:332008-07-21 22:38:01301 Sparkman DriveHuntsvilleAL35899US@AaM7U9V +337Kingstad Center2008-07-07 18:59:412008-07-08 18:50:1715450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97006US@Fe^3t;b/ ;\/335City Club Commons2008-07-07 18:59:292008-07-07 18:59:29901 SW Washington StPortlandOregon97205US@F³!^; E;b.133#urban Grind Coffee2008-07-07 18:57:002008-07-08 09:03:44911 NW 14thPortlandOregon97209US@Fä/^r6~A;b- ;g d how to do business in the U.S., and touch upon some of the ways in which U.S. firms, both those currently working with and those seeking to do business with Chinese partners, could improve their understanding and bottomline results. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Akana Ma is a partner in the Global Trade Group of Ater Wynne, LLP in Portland, Oregon. He works with companies and individuals conducting business in the glFԡ9s/3I333Creating Conversations through the Love of BicyclesThere are many people who love bicycles. But how many can take this love and turn it into a business? And once they've started their cycling-related business, how do they engage their audience, market and brand their company? Join us for a conversation with a group of cyclists who are creating conversations through their love of bicycles... a panel of four cycling and communication experts will talk about why they're doing what they're doing, how they're doing it, and what's next for cycling as communication. The 0 to invite you to join us at our Open House! The party is on Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm at Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade and we are inviting local web and game development university programs, companies, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most importantly have fun. Who are we? InstantAction (www.instantaction.com) is an online gaming platform that allows any game, from Bejeweled to Call of Duty, to be published on the web and played through any major web browser. The company is an operating property of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI). Come meet InstantAction team members, check out some of our products, and learn how InstantAction is innovating in both the web and gaming industries by bringing the two together! Full details: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 6-9PM (open bar from ?-?PM) Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade 511 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209 Free games + Free refreshments + Open bar = Fun This is an Invitation only event. Please RSVP* to: RSVP@instantahoto collections, including storage, organization, keywording, cataloging, and backup techniques. Who is the audience for this event? * serious photo hobbyists or "prosumers" * film photographers making a transition to digital and wondering about file management * anyone with a hard drive full of photos and no way to quickly search them * anyone who knows their spouse would be very angry if they lost their kids' digital baby photos We'll talk about general image management and organization, as well as looking at specific software (both Windows and Mac) to keep track of photos. We'll talk about hardware and software backup solutions that don't cost an arm and a leg. The event is at souk, a great workspace for creative professionals. [Directions] Questions? Contact Aaron via email - aaron@hockleyphoto.com2009-04-28 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2181062/2009-03-27 06:11:18 ?;b2009-04-28 03:30:00 ? InstantAction (www.instantaction.com) is an online gaming platform that allows any game, from Bejeweled to Call of Duty, to be published on the web and played through any major web browser. The company is an operating property oԡf/{3M333"No Pitch" CoffeeOne of the worst parts about networking are the individuals that use the events to pitch their products and services. We all know that is part of the deal when networking but it can be highly annoying. Because the focus of this site is on peer advice between small business owners, PortlandSmallBusiness.com is starting a series of weekly "No Pitch" coffee networking events around town. These are intended to be very informal meetings. You show up, order your coffee and you talk with other small business owners. I plan to alternate between coffee shops around inner Portland and if it gets too big, I'll find a bigger space. 2008-06-25 14:30:00http://portlandsmallbusiness.com2008-06-19 20:16:592008-07-13 04:32:16 ;R2008-06-25 15:30:00 ?" In the last 6 months the economy, access to capital, the cost of talent and the opportunities for innovation have all changed. We think it’s time for the relatiGԡj/35333ABPMP Round TableCost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: please e-mail: nechamakatan@gmail.com Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional. 2009-10-20 14:30:00 http://bit.ly/oMW702009-10-06 18:32:302009-10-06 18:33:07 @2009-10-20 15:30:00 wESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.'ԡCe3C333Legion of Talk - Mark Shuttleworth on Ubuntu & Space Travel**Free tickets for this event are now available at www.LegionOfTech.org.

          Please feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but understand that this does not mean you have a ticket nor does it reserve a seat at the event. To register you'll need to go to the URL above.**

          Legion of Tech is very happy to announce Mark Shuttleworth as the next speaker in our Legion of Talk series. Mark is founder of the Ubuntu Project, an enterprise Linux distribution, and became the first African in space as a cosmonaut member of the crew of Soyuz mission TM34 to the International Space Station in 2002.
          2008-07-22 01:00:00http://www.LegionOfTech.org2008-07-08 18:52:322009-04-14 21:01:19 <;b32008-07-22 03:00:00 XXÀ®¢Ÿ¢¯$ ,ǧ¡µ·Á?6³ª«ª§£¤¸A -D¿¢ŸŸŸ ©c2& $,2ɵ­¥¥¤«®´ÁÛW<9.))&1B-J®®ÅƤŸŸF:Uª¨c,"'4[ÏÏÙ<,*+;Õ¤  ª¹[,$"&)5´¬¡Ÿ§©®L(,0&]³ºD8H¦ŸŸ®Í;,-2嬤¬Á/>×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³ƒ!ԡ;1a3733DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.
          2008-07-08 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2008-07-07 18:54:492008-07-08 18:51:02 :;b+ %%¯µÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ‡Tԡ<++33333OMSI After DarkEver wanted to push the buttons on that cool exhibit at OMSI but can’t get a chance because kids are having all the fun with it? Perhaps you’d like to enjoy a glass of wine as you peruse ancient dinosaur bones from China? Or discuss the science of brewing with a local brewer? Now you can do all that and more at OMSI After Dark, a museum evening geared for the 21 and over crowd complete with appetizers, wine, beer, and science fun!

          As a special treat, you can taste and learn the science behind food and beverage favorites with local artisans Moonstruck Chocolate, Full Sail Brewing, Portland Roasting, Hip Chicks Do Wine, Bon Appetit, and Clear Creek Distillery. A cash bar will also be available for those who want more than just a taste.

          For more information please call 503.797.4000 or visit www.omsi.edu.
          2008-07-10 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu2008-07-07 18:56:532008-08-08 20:10:01 :W;b,2008-07-10 04:30:00$ams of 2 solve clever clues and face fun challenges all while navigating the urban jungle via foot or on public transportation! It's a scavenger hunt, with all the thrills of the amazing race, mixed in with trivial pursuit, throw in a mini road race and add a dash of cat-and-mouse. And voila! You've got High Trek Adventure!

          Register by August 3rd and save $40 (only $80/team of 2)
          After August 3rd the rent does up to just $50 (only $100/team)

          More info:
          You've registered for this crazy train experience of a lifetime, so what next? You and your team partner will be on a lively, one-day, Portland amazing race. This scavenger hunt will take you to unmarked checkpoints known as TREKpoints and explore Portland like you've never experienced it before as the puzzle unfolds. Our high octane energy adventure game might take you through the many historical neighborhoods of Rose City like the Pearl District, Old Town, Albina, Hawthorne District, Skidmore, Northwest District and some nifty places you might not even know about!

          On this sensational metro adventure, you'll solve clues ranging from pop culture to math (nothing tougher than 8th grade) to American history, anagrams, sudoku, and so much more. It's like a real life Trivial Pursuit game! Along the way you'll face exciting challenges.

          At the end of this fun day, we're throwing a party (we're excellent party planners) complete with prizes that are so cool, even we'll be jealous of your loot. You won't be disappointed! There will be prizes awarded for second and third place winners, as well as other categories, and all participants receive a swag bag full of awesome goods. Some swag might include movie tickets, restaurant gift certificates, other free stuff and money saving items, and of course, a t-shirt commemorating the event.
          2008-08-09 19:00:00http://www.hightrekadventure.com2008-06-29 08:29:542008-07-13 04:32:20 ;h;b2008-08-10 00:00:00 1 ; : ;        )  (  s m x w j n r o g h f H d c ^ b ] _ U S Y M K Q J O G A ? 9 7 > 4 3 8 6 5 2 , . / -  + $ % | r W O ! "              q < ;: 2  { !  { z x / Z ~ " } t # 0 p;b.2008-07-10 03:00:00o should attend:

          If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you.

          * Scientists
          * Engineers
          * Entrepreneurs
          * Venture Capitalists
          * R&D Managers
          * Administrators
          * Product Development Managers
          * Government Officials
          * Policy Makers
          * Non-Government Organization Officials
          * Students
          * Technology transfer specialists
          * Strategic Planners
          * Business Development Managers
          * Product Development Professionals
          * Investors
          * Investment Analysts
          * Proposal Writers
          * Legislators
          * Academicians
          * Legislative Assistants & Analysts
          * Intellectual Property Managers
          2008-09-08 15:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2008-07-04 17:03:452008-07-13 04:32:26 ;;b(Jo2008-09-11 00:00:00&s and opportunities inherent in commercializing small tech innovation.

          Presentations on:

          * Nanoelectronics
          * Nanoscale Lithography
          * Printed Electronics
          * Green Nanotechnologies
          * Nanomaterial-biological Interactions, EHS
          * Nano-bio Technologies: Tools and Diagnostics
          * Nanotechnology for Energy
          * Nanomaterials for Electro-optics
          * Novel Photovoltaic & Luminescent Devices
          * Micro-Energy and Chemical Systems
          * Micropower & Batteries
          * Nanotechnology and Forest Products
          * Nanoscale Measurement and Characterization
          * Nanophotonics and Optics
          * Nanomedicine - Therapies and Clinical Applications

          Special half-day parallel sessions (included in your registration fees):

          * Nanotechnology 101 for Business and Technical Professionals
          * Commercialization, Technology Transfer and IP Protection

          Wh »·²³µ¶¸¹¾¾µ³w̹DIo48O/0/179wž±¬¬©©ª­­·Ä×Y80-))'*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª‚bԡ /3]333Cre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference for designers and other creatives. There is no charge to attend, but participants can opt to pay for a $10 box lunch. Registration required.
          2008-07-26 17:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-06-29 08:31:352009-05-14 14:01:55 ?;b2008-07-26 22:00:00 hhwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÇԡ:-]333Substance SummitThe first in a series of conversations with the Portland creative community to help each other understand how we can be more inclusive, collaborative and effective. We have been inspired by Portland's creative technology community (Legion of Tech and Silicon Florist to name a few) to help facilitate an environment where we share ideas and create a place that draws the best talent and the best clients to Portland to get the best creative work possible.

          This is the first of many conversations. We don't expect to solve the world's problems, let alone ours, over one beer (or two, or three...). But if we're going to start, it might as well be here and now.

          Location is the Lucky Lab NW Beer Hall
          2008-07-09 22:30:00http://findsubstance.com/2008/06/24/announcing-the-substance-summit/2008-07-04 19:33:312008-07-07 04:06:50 :;b*Jo ­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãĆ<ԡ9aA37333Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON)Hold the Dates: The fourth annual Government Open Source Conference returns to Portland Oregon with an expanded program which will include an International Open Source Summit, hosting international governments as well as US state and locals. Focus this year will be on OSS solutions in the public sector space. You can subscribe to the conference mailing list for program updates, registration information on the conference web site. GOSCON is produced by Oregon State University's Open Source Lab.

          If you are involved in an OSS project or initiative you think we'd like to know about as we put the program together, please let us know!
          2008-10-20 14:00:00http://www.goscon.org2008-07-04 17:04:512008-10-12 00:38:52 :;b)2008-10-24 00:00:00  mobile security usually takes a back seat to features, convenience and time-to-market.

          Ken Westin, the Founder and CTO of GadgetTrak, will lead a spirited discussion touching on mobi#ԡhgc3]333How to Take Your Networking to the next levelDo you ever wonder why some people seem to be really connected, always giving and getting referrals, an expert at what they provide, and effortlessly attract more clients, while also building stronger relationships with everyone they network with? What are they doing that you aren't doing? Believe it or not, they probably are only doing a couple of things differently than you do, but what makes it EASY for them to do it is cultivating a certain mindset about networking that allows them to become problem solvers. How you help others when you network impacts how often they will think of you and whether they will work with you. If you're only thinking of yourself, this will become apparent to others quickly. If you turn your thinkia Portland-based Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast. Dawn Foster is the Senior Executive and Practice Manager of the Olliance Group Online Community Practice. The Online Community Practice is focused on helping companies derive business value from building and participating in online communities. Dawn has more than 13 years of experience in business and technology with expertise in strategic planning, management, community building, community management, open source software, market research, social media, and RSS. See http://fastwonderblog.com/about/. CONNECT ONLINE:

          Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org

          Connect with us on FaceBook at PDXTech4Good

          Questions? Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna at privateaye@gmail.com.2009-10-14 00:30:002009-10-06 03:51:022009-10-06 03:51:02 ; 2009-10-14 02:30:00 W1ۋ k333http://portland.garysgui*ԡiiG3 333Demystifying Social Media Tools and TechniquesLet's take the mystery out of social media! Dawn Foster will demystify some of the social media tools that are all the buzz. She'll talk about guiding principles & strategy for participation. Tools to be touched on: * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * FriendFeed * Blogging Monitoring your organization in the social media world is essential to your strategy. The following will be discussed: * RSS * Monitoring Twitter * Yahoo Pipes We'll break out into smaller groups based on tools after Dawn's presentation to talk specific strategy and tactics to getting set-up to successful use. Schedule: 5:30-6:00p Networking 6:00-6:30p Presentation 6:30-7:30p Tool breakout sessions Hope you can join us! Dawn Foster is , \~U E33/ Bossanovahttp://www.eastburnside.com/2008-07-04 17:01:512009-09-07 20:01:49722 E Burnside StPortlandOregon97214US@F$'^O3;b&'33+Jupiter Hotel2008-07-04 17:00:472008-07-04 17:00:47800 E. BurnsidePortlandOregon97214US@F:^ gw;b%Y33/Intel - Ronler Acres Campus Auditorium2008-07-04 16:59:322009-10-01 18:16:142501 NW 229th AveHillsboroOregon97124US@FűH^y ;b$ @Xm G337 )University Place Hotel & Conference Center (PSU)http://cegs.pdx.edu/stay/upl/2008-07-04 16:58:292008-11-28 23:51:38310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^(503) 221.0140;b# =333]Portland City Grill2008-07-04 16:56:242008-07-04 16:56:24111 SW 5th Ave #3000, Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204US@F9m ^;XR;b"  worked for a variety of computer, instrumentation and software companies since the 1970s. His programming travels have included embedded systems, proprietary Unix kernels, RDBMS toolware, middleware, and both web and desktop application development. Jeff is equally uncomfortable with Unix and Microsoft programming environments, having been intermittently successful with both. Ovedԡx 3333TechAmerica Technology and IP Event - Monetizing Your PatentsAbout the Program: With the emergence of patenOԡg{'3]333Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing PlanEight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan This is a 12 Week Webinar for Business Owners who are great at what they do, but feel overwhelmed when it comes to Social Media Marketing If you're like most business owners you're frustrated by social media technology and having to fit it into your already busy schedule. Additionally having to learn how to market yourself on social media can be int:ia Sinica) * Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types. Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen) * A Compiler on a Page. Kristoffer Rose (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) * A Proof Theory for Compilation. Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University) * Data Parallelism in Haskell. Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales) * Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs. Matthew Might (University of Utah) * Slicing It: indexed containers in Haskell. Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde) * Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research) * Koen Claessen (Chalmers University of Technology) * Taking the monad laws seriously. Andrzej Filinski (University of Copenhagen) * A compiler front-end for Mini-ML and its Coq proof of correctness. Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) 2009-04-30 16:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/Content/Functional_Programming_Workshop.html2009-04-23 00:12:222009-04-23 00:24:51 92009-05-01 00:30:00 U´¯¯®°¶ÁS:'# #'6CW»¸½ÂÁßJGãSGëÏĹ´­¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+ԡ87g3]333Micro Nano conferenceOregon Nanoscience and
          Microtechnologies Institute
          and Washington Technology Center
          The Fifth Annual
          Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference
          Science To Commercialization for the Micro/Nanotechnology Economy

          September 8-10, 2008
          Hilton Hotel
          Vancouver, Washington

          This fifth annual conference has emerged as the premier nanoscience and microtechnologies research and business event in the Pacific Northwest.

          Join over 300 industry leaders, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and tech transfer professionals to discuss the issue'ԡ7Y93333Oriented happy hour in Portland OregonYou and your friends are cordially invited to join us on Thursday, July 31 at Blue Dragon Fly in Portland!5works for you, without you having to work on it all the time. * Focused language you can use on your website and to engage your audience. * How to use social media marketing to funnel people to your services and products. Think about it. With your new training and skills, you'll be getting more clients, and it will only cost one client to pay for this course! But Wait! **Save $51 dollars off the top and do one easy payment and get the whole seminar for only $399!! Or choose three easy monthly payments of only $150. Your choice. Sign-up now while there is still space. As soon as you register you will be directed to a link with a sign-up form. Fill out the sign-up form and then you will get my letter with all the details of the webinar, including a beginning questionnaire to help you start the process of creating your social media marketing plan.2562009-10-30 18:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559955/2009-10-05 18:26:082009-10-08 18:25:56 >I;b2009-10-30 18:30:00 Z6ZE=<=
          When: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

          Where: Bossanova Ballroom @ 722 E Burnside
          2008-07-25 03:00:002008-07-04 17:01:512008-07-23 15:08:51 ;;b&2008-07-25 06:00:00Cԡ5=E3e333SourceForge awards party"We're throwing a party at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland on July 24th, the week of OSCON, to celebrate the winning projects. If you're going to be in town, you are cordially invited to join us. Last year's party was a blast, you don't want to miss it."
          2008-07-25 01:00:00http://sourceforge.net/community/cca08-about2008-07-04 17:00:472008-07-13 04:32:26 ;;b%2008-07-25 04:00:002ess the website from any place with an internet connection. This seminar includes: * Training on the technology for the social media sites. You'll learn how to optimize and automate your social media presence. * The Social Media Marketing Plan handbook. * One individual 30 minute coaching call with me. * 12 group sessions over four months. * Seminar Discussion Blog where you can share information and ask question with each other. * Feedback from other professional, motivated business owners. You know you need help with your social media marketing presence, and you are also smart enough to know that all successful people get help! With a social media marketing plan developed through my seminar you will get: * A powerful social media marketing plan that puts you in touch with the audience you want to reach. * An understanding of how social media marketing works. * Training on the technology, with a focus on automating it, so that it

          If you are interested in business or career opportunities in Greater China, want to network with other like-minded, international professionals in Portland who share the same interests, or just want to stay abreast of what's happening in one of the most exciting regions of the world today, this is the place to be!

          To learn more about who attends the ORIENTED Happy Hours and why, check out these Youtube videos


          Dress code: Professional Attire or Business Casual

          Door Fees

          General Admission: 10 USD

          ORIENTED Members who RSVP before 8 PM EST on 7/30 will enjoy the following discounted rates:

          * Premium & Lifetime Members: Free!
          * Standard Members: Free!
          2008-08-01 02:00:00http://www.oriented.com/events/default.aspx?vb=detail&o=46042008-07-04 17:02:532008-07-13 04:32:26 ;;b'2008-08-01 04:00:00ersion 1.0: http://code.google.com/p/calagator/wiki/Roadmap If you're a designer, writer, or programmer, we could use your help in designing new UIs, writing documentation, and adding interesting features. We have two code sprints coming up: 1. Wednesday 6/18 at Backspace, from noon until it's time to leave for Ignite Portland. 2. Saturday 6/21 at CubeSpace, from 10am until 6pm, although we often end up moving to the Side Door and staying later. You do not need to stay for the entire code sprint -- stay as long as you'd like. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. If you want to help with programming, experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal 2008-06-18 19:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/browse_thread/thread/b3f528d58ab46e142008-06-17 21:15:072008-07-13 04:32:15 :H2008-06-18 23:30:004e in attitude can provide the right push toward bringing you success with social media. How does the Eight Steps to a successful Social Media Marketing Plan webinar work? We meet twelve times over four months and will go through the 8 steps to a success social media marketing plan. You'll work on setting up your social media presence and gradually develop a successful social media marketing plan. You'll be part of a powerful group of entrepreneurs who own businesses, just like you, who want to get unstuck with social media. You'll learn the technology AND the marketing together. The sessions will be a very focused combination of teaching, sharing, feedback, and support. At the end, everyone will have a completed social media marketing plan and presence to take into 2010! Begins October 30th and ends January 22nd (no class December 25th and January 1st) We meet Fridays 11:30-1 PST on the phone and website. Every class will be recorded, but you can call in from anywhere and accl 24th
          Time: 9:30am-11:30am
          Location: Intel - Ronler Acres Campus Auditorium 2501 NW 229th Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97124

          Cost: $0 for members
          Registration Deadline: 07/24/2008
          Topic: SAO Social Network Celebration

          Speaker: Timothy Chou, Author, “Seven”, Software Business Models
          Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a Service (SaaS). Seven is a follow on book to The End of Software which predicted the rise of software delivered as a service. Now that this transition is happening Seven provides a framework for the producers and consumers of software to take the next steps.
          2008-07-24 16:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=7/24/082008-07-04 16:59:322009-10-01 18:16:09 @;b$Jo2008-07-24 18:30:00oÎÆ kWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛÔ<ԡ2 W3w333Choose the Right Technologies for a Virtualized Infrastructuren how to integrate social media into your marketing. It can feel like throwing a dart and hoping that you hit the bullseye, but you're spending a lot of time and money on your marketing and not getting the clients you want from it. Poor planning equals poor results. 3. Your doubt about social media's effectiveness for your business sabotages you. You've become convinced that social media doesn't work for promoting your business and you feel it's a waste of time, but you also wonder why your fellow business owners or colleagues are getting business from using social media sites. Your attitude is holding you back from capitalizing on social media. Can you relate to any of the above? I could and still do sometimes. You might have a wonderful product or be an excellent service provider, but if you don't understand social media, you could be missing out on lots of people who could use what you have to offer. The first step is to admit this so that you can fix it, learn new skills, and move CCŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×]ԡ4I73333SAO Social Network CelebrationSAO Social Network Celebration

          Date: Thu, Ju8Dԡ3k{3333Google Analytics Seminars for Success, PortlandLead by Justin Cutroni of EpikOne, a Google Analytics certified Seminar Leader. Learn how to analyze and properly configure Google Analytics. Develop your skills as an analyst to improve your websites' performance and understand how to configure Google Analytics to ensure accurate information flow.
          2008-07-23 15:30:00http://www.epikone.com/services/training/seminars/?utm_campaign=2008-6-24&utm_source=web_classified&utm_source=classified2008-07-04 16:58:292008-11-28 23:51:37 =;b#2008-07-24 23:30:007on. What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked self-employed person to a business owner who recognizes what resources s/he needs from social media, and then learn how to automate those resources, so your only spending as much as time as needed on social media. 2. Accept that you either don't have a marketing plan for your social media presence, or that the existing one is lame. You can easily learn the eight simple steps to setting up a social media marketing plan that works. You were able to master the skills of your profession or trade, so you can master the technology and marketing for social media. 3. Let go of being negative about social media. Social media is here to stay. Become empowered and unstoppable in your use of it. Decide to do whatever it takes to learn and integrate it into your business. A changduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online without disruption to service levels



          · Simply deploy and manage the virtualized server and SAN infrastructure while leveraging existing skill sets and consolidated tools

          Click the following link to register this event : http://www.regonline.com/?632729

          powered by RegOnline http://www.regonline.com/

          2008-07-22 18:30:00http://www.regonline.com/eventinfo.asp?EventId=6327292008-07-04 16:56:242008-07-13 04:32:26 ;;b"2008-07-22 20:30:00 5lD5a = iW33E Austin Convention Center500 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin TX 78701http://www.austinconventioncenter.com2008-07-04 16:35:402008-07-04 16:37:11500 East Cesar Chavez StreetAustinTX 78701US@>C$aXoV 333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:202008-07-04 03:06:171945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! : 333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:192008-07-04 03:06:171945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! : 333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:192008-07-04 03:06:171945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! : 333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-04 03:06:171945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-04 03:06:171945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :on and provides a comfortable, informal group setting where you can network with your peers and meet the members of the recently formed PDMA executive team. Come and learn about the next 2 educational sessions and the plans for 2009. Where: Crowne Plaza – Lake Oswego 14811 SW Kruse Oaks Drive Portland, Oregon Details: * $10 in advance - http://www.pdma.org/oregon or $15 at the door. * Includes hors d'oeuvres and non-hosted Beer & Wine * Pricing is the same for members and non-members of the PDMA PDMA Oregon Chapter Our mission is to help marketing professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. We are extending our welcome to professionals whose expertise lies anywhere within the entire marketing/sales cycle. 2009-04-17 00:30:00http://www.pdma.org/oregon2009-04-13 04:42:55 ?/2009-04-17 02:00:00or Business also teaches you how to write profiles that get you noticed. You'll learn how to: * Organize your thoughts, pick a key message * Use current events to keep your status updates relevant. * Write DREAMY, attention-grabbing copy Social Networking for Business: One half day delivers killer writing and optimized social networking profiles! In just 4 hours you'll learn the basics of social networking: How to set up and use your profile to market your business, AND write memorable content that gets you noticed. But Wait!! That's not all! You'll also get: * The Write it Rich Workbook to help you write dreamy copy * The Five Tips to Manage Your Social Media Free E-book * A free half hour audio seminar on Social Bookmarking and how to use it to market it your business.2562562009-10-26 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559951/2009-10-05 18:21:092009-10-05 18:21:09 @;b2009-10-27 00:00:00009-03-09 17:42:492009-03-09 17:42:49 =2009-03-12 03:00:00?style="FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Arial;">

          Join Steelhead Data and Dell for an informative seminar on virtualization.


          During this lunch seminar we'll discuss how Dell EqualLogic’s PS Series and VMware Infrastructure 3 is the solution that will enable you to:


          · Dynamically provision, migrate, and manage computing and storage capacity across resources



          · ReB optimized to market your professional identity? GREAT! Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleagues who are overwhelmed by invites to social networking sites and have only the bare bones of a profile set up on the sites they are on. But if you want to leverage your social networking profiles on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook, and other social networking sites to market your business, this message is for YOU: Join us on Monday October 26th, 2009 at 1pm for a special 4 hour class on how to set-up and optimize your social networking profiles, where you will learn the following: * How to claim your personalized url for Linkedin and Facebook, and why it's important to do it. * How to optimize your social networking profiles for search results and as a way to market your business. * How to connect your social networks to each other. * The key to developing effective connections on different social networking sites. And that's not all! Social Networking f &%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,jԡ1mm3[333South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/453651/ ] What is the SXSW Interactive Festival? The SXSW Interactive Festival offers five days of panels, keynote discussions, Trade Show, and exciting evening events. Attendees benefit from hands-on, how-to training as well as long-term, big-picture analysis in an atmosphere that charges creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. More to the point, coming to SXSW Interactive is a great way to recharge your creativity. Where does the SXSW Interactive Festival occur? Daytime panel programming (as well as the Trade Show & Exhibition) takes place at the Austin Convention Center (500 E. Cesar Chavez) in downtown Austin.L lD333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:172008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:172008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:162008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:162008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:162008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :t be compelling to your target customers? Entrepreneurs and small business owners often go with their gut feel - but that can be misleading. Not all of your target customers think the way you do! How do you make sure that the demand is there, before you spend a lot of time and money developing and deploying a product or service? Validating the market first decreases your risk, and gives you a much better understanding of how to approach your market with the most effective messaging and marketing. OTBC executive director Steve Morris will take you step by step through the process of validating your market, so you can be more confident that you are addressing an unmet need, and that customers will actually be willing to pay. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.2009-11-12 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/11501557/2009-10-05 15:56:322009-10-05 15:56:32 <2009-11-12 01:00:00 ~~½ËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍۆ{ԡ0a3[333Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON)[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/419314/ ] Hold the Dates: The fourth annual Government Open Source Conference returns to Portland Oregon with an expanded program which will include an International Open Source Summit, hosting international governments as well as US state and locals. Focus this year will be on OSS solutions in the public sector space. You can subscribe to the conference mailing list for program updates, registration information on the conference web site. GOSCON is produced by Oregon State University's Open Source Lab. If you are involved in an OSS project or initiative you think we'd like to know about as we put the program together, please let us know!2008-10-20 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/419314/2008-07-04 02:35:192008-07-13 04:32:25 :;b!Jo2008-10-24 00:00:00s opposed to financial value—exist in a variety of industries, but they’re predominantly found in today’s ever-growing technology, software, and service industries. Almost every one of these businesses will transfer ownership at some point in time, the vast majority through an outright sale of the company. But those responsible for handling transactions involving companies with intangible value are often faced with a number of hard questions: How will the buyer perceive value? In which sectors can the best buyers be found? Can the right investment banker add value to the transaction? Myths regarding the sale of an intangible company are subtle. What we mean by myths in this context are the so-called truths that most people believe about the sale process. We'll examine why these myths are not true and illustrate how they can have a negative effect on the sale process.2009-04-23 18:30:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9828761/2009-04-13 02:01:46 <2009-04-23 20:00:00:562009-01-22 00:00:00 $$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. More than that, a place for two incredible communities in Portland to connect and creatively come to solutions on how to make the world a better place using technology! Please fill out this brief online survey so that we might better help you: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=mYZqKIZTR64eD2199FJRRg_3d_3d Food: Aboutus is kind enough to l"ԡfQw3]333Social Networking for Business 101Already have your social networking profiles setup andDԡem3u333OTBC: How to Value Price your Product or ServiceYou've defined, sized and segmented yourP`ԡdOe3u333OTBC: How to Validate your MarketYour product or service makes sense to you - but will iGOԡbQA3u333OTBC: How to Write a Business PlanYes, you've seen outlines for a business plan. But how do you actually sit down and write one? The answer is: you don't. Not as the first step, at least. First, y Evening events occur at various nightspots around the city. Who attends this event? SXSW Interactive appeals to uber-geeks and digital creatives who push the cutting edge of technological change. The event appeals to content developers, web designers, programmers, bloggers, wireless innovators, gamers, tech entrepreneurs, investors, and educators. Even if you are not a technical person, you will benefit from the outside-the-box thinking that thrives at SXSW. What kind of topics are covered at the event? Panel topics cover everything from web design, usability, and blogging to wireless innovation and new technology business models. Other panels focus on more general topics that are nonetheless relevant to the digital creatives who attend SXSW Interactive. Discovering new ideas that lead us to a better future is the underlying theme on all of this programming.2009-03-13 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/453651/2008-07-04 02:35:202008-07-13 04:32:26 ;;b!2009-03-18 00:00:00rcialization, Technology Transfer and IP Protection Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organization Officials * Students * Technology transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers2008-09-08 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/470690/2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-13 04:32:25 :;b!Jo2008-09-09 00:00:00 rfqroQ333Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center2008-07-01 09:42:212008-07-11 01:17:43721 NW Ninth AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FÚ.^LD|1;b :,:nK U33# /Touchstone Coffee and Tea Househttp://www.touchstonecoffeehouse.com2008-06-30 20:03:042008-06-30 20:04:21445 NE 70thPortlandOR97213US@FVJQ]^(503) 262-7613‎m 33%A)Q Center2008-06-30 19:25:392008-09-28 01:44:4969 SE TaylorPortlandOR97214US@Fzp ^ http://www.pdxqcenter.org/(503) 234-7837ol3 cG33/!A%White Buffalo Wines4040 Westcliff Drive - Hood River, OR 97031http://whitebuffalowines.com/2008-06-30 15:24:522008-06-30 15:27:204040 Westcliff DrHood RiverOR97031US@F`,^cd[whitebuffalowines@live.com541.386.5534k733?Tektronix Building 382008-06-30 15:09:352008-06-30 15:10:2314200 SW Karl Braun DriveBeavertonOregon97077@FH^S;b :"Mstry leaders, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and tech transfer professionals to discuss the issues and opportunities inherent in commercializing small tech innovation. Presentations on: * Nanoelectronics * Nanoscale Lithography * Printed Electronics * Green Nanotechnologies * Nanomaterial-biological Interactions, EHS * Nano-bio Technologies: Tools and Diagnostics * Nanotechnology for Energy * Nanomaterials for Electro-optics * Novel Photovoltaic & Luminescent Devices * Micro-Energy and Chemical Systems * Micropower & Batteries * Nanotechnology and Forest Products * Nanoscale Measurement and Characterization * Nanophotonics and Optics * Nanomedicine - Therapies and Clinical Applications Special half-day parallel sessions (included in your registration fees): * Nanotechnology 101 for Business and Technical Professionals * Comme market. You've validated the market to verify that your product or service does serve an unfilled need in the market, and customers are willing to buy it. But how much will they pay? Many companies, large and small, set prices by making an "educated guess" based on gut feel and experience. But there's a better way to price: price your product according to the value your customers perceive. How do you value price? At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will explain how you can use analytical techniques to gain a much better understanding of how customers value your product or service, and how much they are willing to pay. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.2009-11-19 00:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/11501633/2009-10-05 15:58:112009-10-05 15:58:11 <2009-11-19 01:00:00.yahoo.com/event/2117769/2009-03-09 05:42:212009-03-09 05:42:21 9;b2009-03-28 03:00:00 '*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãÄ.ԡ//+3[333WordCamp Portland[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/761020/ ] WordCamp Portland is a gathering of folks who are passionate about WordPress. Exact details are being determined. Watch this space for more information. This event listing is to gauge interest... please RSVP if you're planning on attending, but keep an eye on the WordCamp Portland website for official registration information.2008-09-27 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/761020/2008-07-04 02:35:192008-07-13 04:32:25 :;b!Jn2008-09-28 00:00:00 3m3#,5Po;)3A33JuMarch PDMA Social EventThe Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to present our 2nd Social Event in 2009! Join us in the Executive Lounge on the second floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in Lake Oswego. This third event follows the highly success March Panel sessiAMnQ[3s33JuOTBC: Merger and Acquisition MythsCompanies with strategic ("intangible") value—aIGmE[3s33JuMerger and Acquisition MythsCompanies with strategic ("intangible") value—as oppo lIu3]33JurMobile Love, Android Style #11Android deveolpers and power-users come to talk about software development and popular android apps. update: The Open Source Bridge conference has given us permission to pick an attendee at random to give a free conference pass to.2009-04-14 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2127415/2009-04-11 21:42:33 ; ;b 2009-04-14 02:30:00 }Q}XCMԡe 3333SAO Finance Forum: Selling Your IT Business2008-06-11 14:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=6/11/082008-06-02 11:24:232008-07-13 04:32:07 :2008-06-11 16:00:00 ԡ+s3w333Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses: Looking BiggerEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses - Looking Bigger Than You Are About the Program Larger companies are more comfortable doing business with larger, established companies. So part of the challenge of being a startup or small business is learning how to look bigger, more credible, and more established than you are. At this Lunch and Learn, you'll get a0 8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŔ?ԡ.7E3[333Micro Nano conference[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/470690/ ] Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute and Washington Technology Center Presents The Fifth Annual Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference Science To Commercialization for the Micro/Nanotechnology Economy September 8-10, 2008 Hilton Hotel Vancouver, Washington This fifth annual conference has emerged as the premier nanoscience and microtechnologies research and business event in the Pacific Northwest. Join over 300 induOԡ-kO3[333Inverge: the interactive convergence conference[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.coU]ԡ,Y_3[333Oriented happy hour in Portland Oregon[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8Xm/event/460704/ ] Inverge: the interactive convergence conference, is a transdisciplinary thought-leader event that focuses on the invergence of media platforms (transmedia/cross-media), of virtual + physical, content + advertising, and corporate content + consumer-generated content. To create a unique experience for attendees, this conference is integrated with, three other cultural events happening in Portland over the same multi-day period: + Time-Based Art Festival (performance : dance : music : new media : visual arts) + MusicFestNW (over 100 indie bands) + First Thursday Gallery Walk (an evening of art, wine and music) Visit the conference site to see the complete list of confirmed thought-leader speakers. Learn why Portland is an awesome place to visit for this event.2008-09-04 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/460704/2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-13 04:32:25 :;b!Ji2008-09-06 00:00:00ã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9\ a workshop on patent basics. This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to create strong patents as valuable corporate assets. During the first hour of the workshop you will learn: - Why the US has an intellectual property system - How patents relate to other forms of intellectual property - How patents are used both offensively and defensively In addition, three small-group sessions will provide access, in a non-threatening, teaching environment, to industry veterans who will answer questions specific to your industry or business. SMALL GROUP BREAK-OUT SESSIONS: Steps to take before filing a patent application (led by Matthew Rabdau, Tektronix and Thaine Allison, MTI, Inc.) - When and how to document inventions - How to decide whether a patent application should be filed - How to work with inside or outside patent counsel How to draft a patent application (led by Jim Stewart, Ater Wynne LLP and Rick Bo JJ¼ÀÊÅÆoÀë/YÂ14CLDSãIÀ¾JÙµÅNOIçßU]¶Á¹¸ÕÌÕ×ßWwNA9=99;:;BNAcg×ÍÀÀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1Í{ԡ(I+3[333SAO Social Network Celebration[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/860989/ ] SAO Social Network Celea%ԡ'k]3[333Google Analytics Seminars for Success, Portland[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/841047/ ] Lead by Justin Cutroni of EpikOne, a Google Analytics certified Seminar Leader. Learn how to analyze and properly configure Google Analytics. Develop your skills as an analyst to improve your websites' performance and understand how to configure Google Analytics to ensure accurate information flow.2008-07-23 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/841047/2008-07-04 02:35:162008-07-13 04:32:24 :;b!Jo2008-07-25 00:00:0049261/ ] You and your friends are cordially invited to join us on Thursday, July 31 at Blue Dragon Fly in Portland! If you are interested in business or career opportunities in Greater China, want to network with other like-minded, international professionals in Portland who share the same interests, or just want to stay abreast of what's happening in one of the most exciting regions of the world today, this is the place to be! To learn more about who attends the ORIENTED Happy Hours and why, check out these Youtube videos http://www.oriented.com/happyhours Dress code: Professional Attire or Business Casual Door Fees General Admission: 10 USD ORIENTED Members who RSVP before 8 PM EST on 7/30 will enjoy the following discounted rates: * Premium & Lifetime Members: Free! * Standard Members: Free!2008-08-01 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/849261/2008-07-04 02:35:182008-07-13 04:32:25 :;b!Jo2008-08-01 04:00:00J÷³nding the last year on defense, companies must be able to quickly shift gears and get back on offense - how quickly and what are the tripping-points for spending? Special guests, Scott Gibson, Chairman of the Board, RadiSys Corporation and Brian Bronson, Chief Financial Officer, RadiSys Corporation will share how they are altering plans to take advantage of the economic uptick. Discussion Points: - Dealing with pressure from the Board to stay ahead and be ready to EMERGE NOW - How to emerge responsibly without spending too much (for private companies - risking your opportunity to be an IPO candidate) - What to spend money on - hiring, marketing, development - How to manage your team - employee retention, moral - Strategic Planning with uncertainty What expectations does the Board currently hold for the CFO Thank you KPMG LLP for sponsoring this event!2009-10-22 14:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/cfoforumshiftinggears2009-10-05 15:44:182009-10-05 15:52:53 @2009-10-22 16:30:00 00¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±ƒԡ+/3[333Cre8Camp Portland[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781133/ ] Cre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference for designers and other creatives. There is no charge to attend, but participants can opt to pay for a $10 box lunch. Registration required.2008-07-26 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781133/2008-07-04 02:35:172008-07-13 04:32:24 :;b!Jo2008-07-26 22:00:00)ԡ*')3[333Beerforge III[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/782117/ ] You're invited to the year’s best OSCON after party hosted by Jive Software, Mozilla, OpenSourcery, OSL, Songbird, and Vidoop. Make the arduous 370 foot walk after the SourceForge Awards Party to keep the party going strong! When: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM Where: Bossanova Ballroom @ 722 E Burnside2008-07-25 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/782117/2008-07-04 02:35:172008-07-13 04:32:24 :;b!Jo2008-07-25 06:00:0014468/ ] Join Steelhead Data and Dell for an informative seminar on virtualization.   During this lunch seminar we'll discuss how Dell EqualLogic’s PS Series and VMware Infrastructure 3 is the solution that will enable you to:   · Dynamically provision, migrate, and manage computing and storage capacity across resources     · Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online without disruption to service levels     · Simply deploy and manage the virtualized server and SAN infrastructure while leveraging existing skill sets and consolidated tools Click the following link to register this event : http://www.regonline.com/?632729 powered by RegOnline http://www.regonline.com/2008-07-22 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/814468/2008-07-04 02:35:152008-07-13 04:32:24;b!Jo2008-07-23 00:00:00yd, Ater Wynne LLP) - How to develop an application that will ultimately issue as a patent - Why are claims so hard to read (and how to read them) How to successfully navigate an application through the Patent Office (led by Kevin Ross, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC and Joe Makuch, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC) - How examiners use "Prior Art" - How to best respond to Patent Office rejections - How to prosecute a patent that will withstand an invalidity attack Finally, participants will take home a packet of valuable materials specific to developing an in-house patent system. Who shoud attend: - Engineers new to the patent system - Engineering managers - Managers having IP responsibility - VCs who seek in-depth knowledge about the patent system - Small business owners and entrepreneurs Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event. 2009-10-28 14:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/ipworkshop2009-10-05 15:47:452009-10-05 15:55:17 :$2009-10-28 19:00:00 [7[ãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÁUԡ$'3[333XMPP Summit 5[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/809912/ ]2008-07-21 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/809912/2008-07-04 02:35:152008-07-13 04:32:23 :;b!Jo2008-07-23 00:00:00Bԡ#k3[333OSCON[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/350914/ ] The O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) is an annual convention for the discussion of open source software, such as Linux, MySQL, Perl and Python. It is organized by the publisher O'Reilly Media and is held each summer in the United States.2008-07-21 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/350914/2008-07-04 02:35:142008-07-13 04:32:23 9;b!Ji2008-07-26 00:00:00 ԡlSe3]333Portland Werewolf - March GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-03-12 01:00:00http://upcoming#ԡ\'3s333PDX HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree), but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.2009-10-09 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-10-04 08:10:342009-10-04 08:10:34 ; 2009-10-09 06:30:00 ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-42.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´#ԡ"I{3[333Internet Strategy Forum Summit[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/460690/ ] The Internet Strategy Forum Summit is the premiere annual conference from the Internet Strategy Forum, a professional association for corporate Internet strategists. Attendees of the 5th annual Internet Strategy Forum Summit will engage with our keynote presenters from eMarketer, Forrester Research, Disney, Nike, Intel, IBM, WebTrends and Fandango, who will share their insights and ideas on how to best leverage the Internet and integrate it into overall business strategy. Presenters confirmed so far include: * Geoffrey Ramsey, Co-founder & CEb lD333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:152008-07-04 03:06:161945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:152008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:142008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :~333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:142008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :}333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:142008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :|333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:132008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! : ¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,"ԡG{3[333Mobile Love, Android Style #4[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/732230/ ] come talk about the latest android news over a pint of beer.2008-07-15 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/732230/2008-07-04 02:35:132008-07-15 03:34:02 :;b!Jo2008-07-15 03:00:00 XXÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K!ԡ-3[333Substance Summit[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/834270/ ] The first in a series of conversations with the Portland creative community to help each other understand how we can be more inclusive, collaborative and effective. We have been inspired by Portland's creative technology community (Legion of Tech and Silicon Florist to name a few) to help facilitate an environment where we share ideas and create a place that draws the best talent and the best clients to Portland to get the best creative work possible. This is the first of many conversations. We don't expect to solve the world's problems, let alone ours, over one beer (or two, or three...). But if we're going to start, it might as well be here and now. Location is the Lucky Lab NW Beer Hall2008-07-09 22:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/834270/2008-07-04 02:35:122008-07-13 04:32:22 :;b!2008-07-09 22:30:00 6]603@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÄ ԡ]q3K333Portland Werewolf July '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

          If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
          2008-07-10 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-07-04 00:26:562008-07-13 04:32:22 ; ;b՛Jj-2008-07-10 06:00:00ԡ?m3e333Lone Star Ruby ConferenceThe second annual Lone Star Ruby Conference is locked and loaded and ready for September 4-6 in Austin, TX. The l ,on C FFI provided by both language's runtimes. The first intended use of this tool is to programmatically generate a bridge b{ԡaw3W333TechAmerica IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth PrimerTechAmerica's Technology and IP Committee presentsVoԡ`A3m333TechAmerica CFO Forum: Shifting Gears – Balancing the CFO’s Role in an Economic UptickAfter speY ԡ_]=3e333TechAmerica: CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the EnginoUԡ]3 333OHSU: Achieving Meaningful Use of Electronic Health RecordsThe Obama Administration has allocated over $36 billion from the economic stimulus package to fund the "meaningful use" of electronic health records. This first panel of the OHSU Monthly Evening Informatics Conference will describe elements of the package and their impact in Oregon. The speakers on the panel will include: 1. William Hersh, MD 2. David Dorr, MD 3. Dawn Bonder, JD 4. Abb` 0ԡj{u3W333PDXPHP monthly meeting: Introduction to Aspen frameworkAspen is a PHP-based website and appliwԡ[s133333Selling Your Services Doesn't Have to Be Stressful Frustrated by this year's sales numbers? Stressed out wondering which of your many skills and talents the prospect needs and will pay good money for? Come learn THE EASY WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SALES AND KEEP YOUR SANITY while running a computer consulting business at the monthly meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association on October 27th. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Networking 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Meeting Aquiarive Italian Kitchen, 0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland 97239 Meetings are free and open to the public. No host dinner. A full desciption of event and a bio on the speaker, Arleen McClean of Work Smarter, is available at www.occa.org RSVP for this event at www.meetup.com/itpro-70 2009-10-28 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-10-02 23:27:202009-10-02 23:30:36 @2009-10-28 03:30:00conference covers all things Ruby, not just how to build that next great web application! A few of the topics include: * The Next Ruby * Ruby Best Practice Patterns * Tactical Design * Javascript frameworks with Ruby * Creating Desktop Applications with Ruby on Mac OS X * Building and Managing a Ruby Infrastructure * And more… Training Have you ever wanted to take one of those awesome Ruby or Rails courses, but didn’t have the $1000 to pay for the course? Well, LSRC to the rescue! This year we have added a day of hands-on training (Thursday) in addition to two days of action packed Ruby filled sessions and Lightning Talks! (Friday-Saturday). A full day of instruction is only $175 with the purchase of a conference ticket. Keynotes The conference is featuring keynotes by Matz, the creator of Ruby and Evan Phoenix, the father of Rubinius.2008-09-04 07:00:00http://www.lonestarrubyconf.com/program.html2008-07-03 17:41:482008-07-13 04:32:22 ;w2008-09-06 07:00:00 çoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÆ^ԡA!3/333Portland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider souk, once again in Old Town on July 16, 2008.

          We won't stop until we have Lunch 2.0 at every, single business in Old Town.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          Come one, come all, whether geek or not. Have some lunch on souk, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.
          2008-07-16 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/06/26/portland-lunches-a-lot-wk-june-30-souk-july-16/2008-07-03 01:32:412009-05-14 14:01:55 ?;bJo2008-07-16 21:00:00 66part in the discussion of the topics covered. It is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations aFk 3]33JuShowing of "Everything's Cool" and review of Climate Action PlanMultnomah County Sustainability Film Series: “Everything’s Cool” will be shown at the McMenamin's Bagdad Theater on Sunday, April 19th at 6 pm. The film is free and open to the public. A presentation and discussion of the 2009 Portland/Multnomah Climate Action Plan will be held immediately after the film, hosted by County Commissioner Jeff Cogen and Deputy Director Michael Armstrong with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Please join us for this fascinating film and discussion.2009-04-20 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2408786/2009-04-10 23:55:12 :s;b2009-04-20 01:00:00eering Executive How are you and your company going to come out of this recession? What has changed during the past two years? Where are things headed for your business? Companies are reinventing themselves in a variety of ways - through diversification of products and markets; by shifting more manufacturing and sourcing to Asia; by hiring or contracting for staff whose skills weren’t even mentioned in job descriptions at the turn of the century (10 years ago!) With all of this change, what’s happening to the engineering jobs in Portland, and how does the role of the Engineering Executive need to change and adapt? This dinner forum is available to CTO and Engineering Executives from member and nonmember companies. Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event.2009-10-14 00:30:00http://www.techamerica.org/ctoforumoctober092009-10-05 15:41:452009-10-08 18:32:06 >2009-10-14 03:30:00ng> consults with leaders and teams to create work processes where innovation, inspirat § ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05
          Confirmed Demolicious schedule:
          * Matt King, Interface Content Management Framework
          * Don Park, Do-it-yourself Friendfeed
          * Lev Tsypin, Green Renter
          * Kevin Chen, Metroseeq
          * Mounir Shita, GoLife Mobile

          Find out more about showing off *your* project here:
          2008-07-03 02:00:00http://www.pdxwi.com2008-07-02 03:19:342008-07-03 01:33:42 9;band abuse by user-space code. This technology has useful applications such as connecting USB credit-card and barcode readers to point-of-sale software independently from the keyboard focus or keymap. It also allows silly things like multi-player text editors or a 105-command program launcher. Or you could just use it to change songs in xmms. Code will shown in small doses of Perl and C. Hands-on demonstrations will be included as time allows. Caution: presentation may result in a desire to attach one or more additional devices to your computer. AGENDA 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics, PLUG for Education, etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation See above 9:00 - ... Beer Jax Bar And Restaurant 826 SW 2nd Avenue Portland (Note: We no longer use the Lucky Lab.) 2008-07-04 02:00:00http://pdxlinux.org/2008-07-01 09:47:432008-07-13 04:32:22 ;r2008-07-04 04:00:00 }}>b]ԡhE{3a333Portland car-free happy hourWhat's your vision of sustainable transportatiotԡZ39333Affiliate Marketing for Creative Professionals & Service ProvidersHave you considered using affiliate programs to market your products or services? Have you considered joining affiliate programs and promoting products you love? Would you like to learn some basics and hear from others interested in the same thing? We all have products we love, whether or not we are the creators. Affiliate marketing is a great tool, especially for small business owners. Whether you are promoting your own product, or someone else’s, affiliate marketing can develop into a great additional revenue stream. In this presentation and facilitated discussion, you’ll learn: * What an affiliate program is * How to earn commissions on products you already love and promote * Resources to get you started * Feedback and insight from those already doing it! OOsts on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years, and testing has become more sophisticated in that time, but age and backwards compatibility holds things back. There are a number of desired features which Test::Builder cannot support, such as end-of-test (ԡX!13]333SAOpdx: I Wish I’d Thought of That: Creative Approaches to Closing DealsPresented by the Software Association of Oregon's Marketing + Sales Forum All the best new ideas have one thing in common: they make you ask, "Why didn't I think of that?" And when you finally get wise, yokԡW=3]333SAOpdx: IT Innovation and Strategic Alignment ft. Kurt Milne of the IT Process InstitutePresented by the SAO’s CIO/IT Manager’s Forum Early online registration is encouraged. In the event of a sell-out, preference will be given to members, business leaders, and CIOs. On October 28, you have the opportunity to learn from two related ses jj²½[A;;?JH=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÍԡ/35333PLUG: Stupid USB Tricks, reading magstripes, barcodes, 10-key pads, and keyboardsLOCATION Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building, Room FAB 86-01 (This is in the basement.) The building is on SW 4th across from SW College Street. See location H-10 on map at http://pdxLinux.org/campus_map.jpg PRESENTATION Eric Wilhelm -- Stupid USB Keyboard Tricks: Reading magstripes, barcodes, 10-key pads, and keyboards with libusb. An overview of libusb, how usb keyboards (and keyboard-like devices) are handled by Linux and X, and how they can be disconnected from the main input driver for use qurs who are considering raising capital from individual angels, angel groups, or venture funds. The investor panel discussion will focus on sources of seed capital for Oregon entrepreneurs; the due diligence and investment selection process; investor expectations & motivations; and valuations, deal terms, and what it means to accept other people’s money. There will be substantial time for Q&A and discussion. Space limited to 50 people. Speakers: Eric Pozzo – Manager, Oregon Angel Fund A veteran of several Oregon startups and an experienced angel investor, Eric manages the Oregon Angel Fund, which invests $3M/year in local startups. Eric left Intel in the early 1980s to found and run Microcosm. He rejoined his key team-mates in 1998 as VP of operations for First Silicon Solutions, acquired by MIPS in 2005. Eric has chaired Angel Oregon, OEN’s Entrepreneurial Services, and the OEN board. Irving Levin – CEO, Genesis Financial Solutions Irving is one of the most active and well-respe 55ÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ªDԡ'Q3y333WikiWednesdayLet’s chat, mingle, and wiki together. One of this month’s topics may easily include the recent “Universal Edit Button” (http://universaleditbutton.org) or the upcoming Wikimania event! Wikimania 2008: Alexandria, Egypt. and we imagine the rest will self organize - itself.2008-07-03 00:30:00http://blog.aboutus.org/2008/07/01/wikiwednesday-july/2008-07-02 03:16:552008-07-13 04:32:22 92008-07-03 03:30:00 +rS+{333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:132008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :z333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:122008-07-04 03:06:151945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :y333)'Lucky Lab beer hall2008-07-04 02:35:122008-07-04 03:06:201945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregonUnited States@FM:^I^5?;b! :x;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-04 00:26:552008-07-04 00:28:43915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F2^0;b՛ ; gwS _U331 %Norris Conference Center‎, Austin2525 W Anderson Ln # 365 Austin, TX 78757http://www.norriscenters.com/Austin/2008-07-03 17:41:482008-07-03 17:47:472525 W Anderson LnAustinTX78757US@>[(-VXn%g512-451-5011u33Esouk2008-07-03 01:32:412009-05-14 14:01:52322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž+ϑ^8;b ? &&¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿Kԡ?{3=333PDXplore panel discussion"PDXplore: Designing Portland"

          Five local members of the architecture and design community explore ideas about how Portland will grow and change in the years ahead.

          The five participants are Rudy Barton, an architecture professor at Portland State and longtime chair of the school's architecture department; Rick Potestio, one of the city's most talented architects; Mike McCulloch, former head of the city's Design Commission and a veteran architect; Carol Mayer-Reed, a founding principal of landscape architecture firm Mayer-Reed; and William Tripp, another venerable local architect.

          Pdxplore Barton's focus wyill be Portland's relationship to the Willamette River. Coming to Portland from New Orleans, he knows the tremendous opportunity but also the risk facing such environments. Reed will use a variety of aerial photos and other research material to try and define what makes the city unique from a topographical and natural perspective. McCulloch is creating a series of diagrams for the city called "River, Ravine and Ring". Tripp will present in his drawings the potential of what he calls "ritual space", the outdoor public areas essential to creating and fostering community. Potestio also loves to draw, and his illustrations will present a look at a Portland of tomorrow and how it can be far more dense without sacrificing what makes us unique.

          On Tuesday, July 8 from 6-9PM, there will be a panel discussion in which the five designers discuss their work and ideas.
          2008-07-09 01:00:00http://www.pdxplore.org/2008-07-01 09:44:452008-07-13 04:32:22 ;s;b2008-07-09 04:00:00 M¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'4ԡI3q333Green Drinks - Portland OregonEvery month people who are interested in environmental topics and issues meet up in cities around the world for informal sessions known as Green Drinks. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ԡ53O333July monthly meetingLikely topics of discussion: * CloudRCS: Ruby revision control * MagLev: update on Smalltalk-based Ruby * New Relic RPM: performance monitoring plugin for Rails * Phusion Passenger: simple and efficient web application server * Ruby Enterprise Edition: a fast, secure and efficient Ruby fork * Rack: Ruby web application interface * Sinatra: a classy microframework for the web2008-07-02 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/532008-07-01 09:32:162008-07-13 04:32:21 9;b՟Jo2008-07-02 04:00:00rity guard, a policeman, or a stranger demands you hand over your camera or memory chip must you do so or is this just harassment? Can you copyright a photograph, your written words, or your You Tube Videos by just placing a c with a circle around it, or just writing the word copyright on the item? When do you need a model release and what is the proper wording? If a release is valid in New York is it good nationwide? Can you publish photos for editorial use or for an art book or exhibition without getting a release? Can you reuse images, or various writings from the web? Can you use some, all, or none? What is privileged under the fair use doctrine? The answer to many of the above questions is: it depends. Fortunately our speaker, Eric Prager, is an intellectual property lawyer and focuses much of his practice on digital media and content issues. He is a partner in the New York office of law firm K&L Gates. K&L Gates is an international law firm with 1700 lawyers around globe. He will address copyri m3m¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´?ԡuO3333World Affairs Council Young Professionals discussionYoung Professionals discussion

          At an alarming and unprecedented rate, science & technology are elongating the chronological limits of human mortality. Are death from disease, aging, and war necessary to control human population? What if humans did not die? Will greatly-increased human lifespans necessitate birth licensing or mass-sterilization of populations? Is anti-aging science a problem, or a solution?
          2008-07-03 02:00:00http://yp-pdx.blogspot.com/2008/06/yp-discussion-global-impact-of.html2008-07-01 09:43:192008-07-13 04:32:21 ;q;b2008-07-03 04:00:00FԡG3333Mobile Love, Android Style #4come talk about the latest android news over a pint of beer.
          2008-07-15 01:00:002008-07-01 09:42:542008-07-15 03:34:02 ; ;bJo2008-07-15 03:00:00 Sԡ)c3333YPOP breakfasthttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com2007-03-28 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-28 15:30:00Dԡ#37333AEA Financehttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0307052007-03-20 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.com2008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-20 16:00:00\ԡq{37333Customs: What are the risks? AEA and Ernst & Younghttp://www.aeanet.org/Events/orme_FINevent_OR030705.asp2007-03-20 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org2008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-20 17:00:00ԡ#;3333IMA meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-03-21 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-21 03:30:00&ԡk?3333IMC, How Tech can help your consulting practicehttp://www.imc-oregon.org2007-03-20 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-20 16:00:00 DmaD1'33%Jive Software200'ԡ 3333Invest NWWashington Biotech and Biomedical Assoc. http://www.washbio.org2007-03-20 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-22 07:00:00+ԡCq3333Listening at Work, OGI/OHSUhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21922007-03-20 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-20 23:45:006ԡG3333OTBC, OEN, SAO: Deliver your Product On Time and On Budgethttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-03-20 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-20 20:15:00pԡ1 3333PCB Modeling, IEEE2007-03-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-21 02:45:00ԡE73333PDXFX, Networking That Workshttp://www.pdxfx.org 2007-03-21 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-21 02:15:00 ԡ~3C3333PMI monthly meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org2007-03-20 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:48;bձ2007-03-21 03:00:00 ÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ†ԡ ;3E333OEN Hood River PubTalk The event’s keynote presentation is focused on “Public Relations for the Entrepreneurial Venture” and will be provided by Krista Hildebrand, Managing Director, FRAUSE Group, Full Spectrum Communications, Portland. Additionally, two early stage companies will pitch their business model to the audience of entrepreneurs, professional service providers and investors. Don’t forget to register for the Gorge Angel Conference on September 23. PubTalk Admission: $10 in advance; $15 at the door; Includes program & snacks For more information: 541-387-6863; Bill Fashing 2008-07-16 00:30:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=182008-06-30 15:24:522008-07-13 04:32:20 ;l2008-07-16 02:30:00priate to the content.

          If you are interested in multi-user interfaces, social media or interactive display design, please join us!

          5:00 pm:
          Join us for a bite to eat before the meeting at CHIFOOd
          (dinner at New Seasons Market, Cedar Hills Crossing)
          6:30 pm:
          Registration, networking, and announcements at Tektronix Bldg. 38
          7:00 pm:
          Program and Q&A

          Events are held in the Calgary/Alberta room of Building 38 on the Tektronix Beaverton campus.
          See map: http://www.chifoo.org/pages/map.html

          Programs are FREE for CHIFOO members; non-member admission is $5.

          Annual CHIFOO membership costs just $20 and offers benefits galore. Join CHIFOO now and attend all meetings in 2008 for free!
          2008-07-10 01:30:00http://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#Jul2008-06-30 15:09:352008-06-30 15:10:23 :";b ¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Qqԡ {3_33CHIFOO meeting: Understanding the Multi-User ExperiencePresented by Jen Young & Matt Arnold, Second Story

          Museums and cultural institutions are increasingly required to balance visitors' expectations of interactive presentations in the museum with the institutional goal of promoting forms of social interaction that enrich the visitor experience. To meet these needs, institutions are turning to multi-user, or group, interactive scenarios.

          Jen and Matt , members of the stellar Second Story Studios team, will show how understanding people’s needs and tendencies—and the learning curve for people that must be managed in multi-user experiences—can be squared with innovations offered by ever-changing technology and hardware, design obstacles and opportunities, and the desire to wow visitors while offering designs that are appro kk_ÎÀ¸³³¹ÀÅËgYQQUw_IãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀԡ'3G333Biz Plans 101Business plans can be a road map for your business, provide freedom and stability in a changing economy, and empower both you and your team to make powerful, quick decisions. Learn the basics of market analysis, project planning, organizational design and financial measures & projections. Leave with an outline for your business plan and connections from networking! -Q center, 69 SE Taylor (Portland,OR) -Pre-register or RSVP for at-door rate: www.causeit.org/events -Follow-up included for additional support!2008-09-20 17:00:00http://www.causeit.org/events2008-06-30 20:11:252008-08-11 20:37:10 ;m2008-09-20 23:00:00cted angel investors in Oregon. A veteran of the retail financial services industry, Irving founded and served as chairman of Renaissance Holdings and its Orchard Bank subsidiary, which were purchased by Household International. He also founded the country's first single-purpose credit card bank, First Consumers National Bank. Gordon Hoffman – Managing director, Northwest Technology Ventures A leader in the Oregon technology and venture community, Gordon has founded and headed 5 successful technology-based startups, including Eagle Design Automation. Earlier in his career, Gordon performed some of the pioneering work on application-specific integrated circuits and dynamic random access memory. Northwest Technology Ventures is a formation-stage venture fund focused on opportunities arising from the state’s universities, research institutions, and corporate research laboratories. Terry Beard – Investor and entrepreneur Terry was the owner and founder of Beard Frame Shops and Frame Central always find its way to the companies and individuals who can most benefit from its vitality. We believe strongly that Portland possesses the resources and the will to take care of its own. In this dynamic and challenging economic climate finding a new job can be frustrating – companies are tending to extend fewer courtesies to job seekers and opportunities are harder to locate. The tools, methods, and resources for finding work have changed dramatically as a result of technology and the current recession. Identifying those organizations with the ability to guide and assist is tricky at best. Boly:Welch and YPOP are bringing together resources to help you through the process. The Pink Slip Party is a chance to begin the discussion and make new connections between innovative technical professionals and resourceful business leaders. Together we can make a difference. 2009-05-20 00:30:00http://www.bolywelch.com/pink-slip-party.htm2009-04-22 21:14:322009-04-24 18:43:55 :H2009-05-20 03:00:00 »¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-CLԡ'3G333Small Biz 101Come learn about intention in your business, basic planning, finances, the politics of business and the importance of public relations and etiquette at our fifth small biz 101 conference! Workshops will be punctuated by networking and mingling--meet other small business people and have fun, and leave with a powerful, succinct plan for your projects! -Q Center, 69 SE Taylor (Portland,OR) -Pre-register or RSVP for at-door: www.causeit.org/events2008-08-05 19:00:00http://www.causeit.org/events2008-06-30 19:46:592008-07-13 04:32:20 ;m2008-08-06 01:00:00ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

          WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

          WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

          DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

          FEATURING: Hot Lips Pizza and Beer (no host)

          SIGN UP: For sustainability updates and event announcements click on the "Join this group" button and enter your email address that you would like to use to receive event reminders and announcements.

          QUESTIONS: Send emails to portlandgreendrinks@yahoo.com

          Please help spread the word about Portland Green Drinks.
          2008-07-02 02:00:00http://groups.yahoo.com/group/portlandgreendrinks/2008-07-01 09:42:212008-07-14 04:09:24 :,;b2008-07-02 04:00:00 SÍ¿ÇÏÙoßݽ¹¯¯µ¿ÁË?75?LNUoÙÑãçÏÀº½ÂÇ[A56:QëÌÅÅÃÇľ¸´·¹¿]>2)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111
          Why Attend a Search Engine Optimization Workshop?

          * Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites.

          * Small class sizes offer personalized attention -
          Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students.

          * Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented.

          * Meet like-minded professionals from a variety of industries.

          * Receive a site review during class to help you get the right start down the SEO path.

          * Learn from a professional who has been marketing on the Internet since 1997.

          * Because not only are the classes packed full of information, they're fun!
          2008-07-10 07:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2008-07-07 18:59:412008-07-13 04:32:27 ;\;b/2008-07-11 07:00:00 a%#Igw33=1)Fiserv CafeFiserv (http://www.fiserv.com/) is a provider of techn$ԡwA539333CouchDB-PDX: First MeetingIf nothing else, I can talk a little about CouchDB and get any noobs up to speed. 2008-06-22 21:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/couchdb-pdx/browse_thread/thread/c17cdad40d1622d4?hl=en2008-06-22 07:58:262008-07-13 04:32:17 :%2008-06-22 22:00:00aԡsEi3}333Starbucks Surprise & DelightThe Starbucks Chill Patrol Van will be at the Square giving away free samples of new Starbucks seasonal beverages! Be sure to visit the Square for your free refreshing treat!2008-06-21 17:00:00http://www.pioneercourthousesquare.org/calendar_june.htm2008-06-21 16:23:072008-07-13 04:32:17 ;[2008-06-21 21:00:00wԡq3C333Gary Vaynerchuk on New Media, Personal Branding and Promotion**Free tickets for this evzԡl93;33Green Drinks-VancouverGreen Drinks meets the last Tuesday of every month. We start with "s"@?N]wßÝwLB;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌԡEk3M333High Trek Adventure PortlandWhat:
          High Trek Adventure is a unique, one-of-a-kind urban adventure game where brains beat brawn! Te#)ԡ5)3O333July monthly meetingTo be decided.2008-07-02 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/532008-06-28 09:32:132008-07-13 04:32:20 9;b՟Jo2008-07-02 04:00:00ԡIw35333Calagator Mid-Week Code SprintI've heard some interest in holding a mid-week code sprint next week, and also some interest in more evening meetings. So, next Thursday, in the evening, we're sprinting away. We can fix bugs and maybe add tagging. Good times will be had by all.2008-07-04 02:00:00http://calagator.org2008-06-28 02:07:002008-07-13 04:32:19 ;g2008-07-04 05:00:00 |Q8ju{ QO33- Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.eԡE73333CHIFOO: Show the Whole Storyhttp://www.chifoo.org2007-11-08 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-08 04:00:00ԡ~133333FEI dinner meetinghttp://www.pfei.org2007-11-16 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-16 04:00:00ԡ}3;3333IMA: dinner meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-11-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-21 04:30:00 ԡ|993333OCIABC monthly meetinghttp://www.ociabc.org/2007-11-09 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-09 02:00:00ԡ{O53333OCCA: Windows Sharepoint Serviceshttp://www.occa.org/2007-10-31 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-10-31 03:30:00~ԡz)13333OEN: Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-12-06 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-12-06 04:00:00 NNdۋA 333http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/ics_out?event_id=40572008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:42 ۋ@ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/ical/The+OTBC+Meetup+Group>ԡgcM33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portl#ԡYk33333Windows 7 Workshop - Saturday, October 17, 2009How can Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 7, help you be more productive? Come see what new and exciting features are available at the Window 7 Workshop on Saturday, October 17th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Monarch Hotel in Clackamas. The workshop is presented by the Oregon Computer Consultants Association. OCCA members can attend for fru can only slap yourself on the forehead and promise to steal the idea the next time you can. The Software Association of Oregon's Marketing and Sales Forum (MSF) brings together seven of Portland's top deal makers to each share one creative closing technique. You'll leave the event with a new angle on how to close that stalled deal. Do you have a closing trick of your own? The panelists will also field ideas from the audience, give feedback, and award prizes for the most innovative ideas. The Marketing and Sales Forum consistently gathers local thought leaders to share success stories and strategies that help bolster the entire community. Don't miss this opportunity to learn something new and hobnob with Portland's most creative marketing and sales professionals. Join us after the program (7:00-8:00) for extended networking and a meet + greet with the presenters.2009-10-30 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558299/2009-10-02 21:19:522009-10-15 23:27:08 ?;b2009-10-30 04:00:00 66net basics and how your small business can benefit by using the Internet. We'll look at how to perform searches, use of your browser and bookmarks, handling e-mail and why your small business should develop a web site. We also cover the basics of web site design. Discover how to lessen the disadvanFj 3]33JuShowing of "Everything's Cool" and review of Climate Action PlanMultnomah County Sustainability Film Series: “Everything’s Cool” will be shown at the McMenamin's Bagdad Theater on Sunday, April 19th at 6 pm. The film is free and open to the public. A presentation and discussion of the 2009 Portland/Multnomah Climate Action Plan will be held immediately after the film, hosted by County Commissioner Jeff Cogen and Deputy Director Michael Armstrong with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Please join us for this fascinating film and discussion.2009-04-20 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2408786/2009-04-10 22:24:30 ?.;b2009-04-20 01:00:00sions on the subject of IT Innovation and Strategic Alignment. Come to hear valuable lessons learned from two leading CIO’s and to get a framework for IT innovation from a thought leader on IT processes. The objective is to help you innovate in the context of your own organization’s needs. You will learn that by answering nine questions you can determine your organization’s Value Type. To get a head start, we invite you to complete the questionnaire before the sessions. The questionnaire can be found at: http://www.itpi.org/itarchetype.php. Sessions : Tickets are required for each session. Session A: 7:30 breakfast session w/ networking and panel presentation Session B: 9:30 presentation with Kurt Milne of IT Process Institute Purchase tickets for both and get $5 off! Who should attend : Business Leaders, CIO’s, IT Managers, Managers of IT Functions2009-10-28 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558295/2009-10-02 21:10:592009-10-19 21:38:03 @;b2009-10-28 14:30:00 .].kÕcB;AJK?=N[ëÓ˵´¶¾ÆÙJ(ԡ/U3K33WordCamp PortlandWordCamp Portland is a gathering of folks who are passionate about WordPress. Exact details are being determined. Watch this space for more information.

          This event listing is to gauge interest... please RSVP if you're planning on attending, but keep an eye on the WordCamp Portland website for official registration information.
          2008-09-27 07:00:00http://www.wordcampportland.org2008-06-27 16:31:272008-06-27 16:35:56 9;bJnԡW}3=333PortlandPerlMongers July 2008 MeetingSpeaker: chromatic Topic: Rescue Your Doomed Project Any large software project struggles with managing code, managing people, and managing expectations. This is especially true for free software projects developed mostly by volunteers. Your project will run into one or more of them. Here’s what can possibly go wrong, how you can make your proble ZM'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'?ԡc93C333Beer and Blog - Twitter conspiracy theoriesWave 3 of 3 of Vidoopers and the last of their sponsored sessions. @kveton is going to facilitate discussion around Twitter conspiracy theories.
          2008-06-27 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-06-27 22:14:232008-07-13 04:32:19 ; ;b2008-06-28 01:00:00ԡ' 3]333XMPP Summit 52008-07-21 16:30:00http://www.xmpp.org/summit/summit5.shtml2008-06-27 16:58:402008-07-20 23:52:26 9;b2008-07-22 21:30:00ԡ''3;33PDX Waffle-UpA bunch of PDX techie and creative types getting together for some seriously good waffles. Mmmmm waffles. You got a problem with that??
          2008-06-28 17:00:00http://www.jacegace.com2008-06-27 16:51:452008-06-27 16:51:45 ;d;b CCJ9(rUۋy[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/465162/2008-03-31 10:39:172008-03-31 10:39:17Uۋx[33http://upcoming.yahoo.cԡ^KE3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetupThe StartUp Exchange is abou*ԡR1%3g333End Bloglessness 3That's right, time to End Bloglessness, AGAIN! Whoo-Hoo! Gather up your friends, family, or any one else you can think of who has been looking to start a blog and come join us! Sunday, October 4th from 12:00-5:00pm Format Each session will be 1 hour: 15 minute presentation and 45 minutes of assisted help. During assisted help, attendees can raise their hands to get help from one of our assistants. Assistants are folks from the Portland tech scene that have done this process before who can help you with your questions. Agenda * Session 1 - Sign up for your blog 12:00-1:00pm; * Session 2 - Dial in the settings for your blog 1:00- ms worse… and how to fix them. Topics include: * how not to manage volunteers * how not to promote your project to potential users * how to avoid releasing software * how to let bottlenecks derail your plans * how to reduce the quality of your code * how to chase away interested volunteers * how to chase away core contributors * how to render beautiful documentation useless * how to ensure that carefully-devised technical plans will go largely ignored * how to hide important knowledge in inaccessible silos * how to promote technical contributions over the polish that really matters * how to maintain features no one knows anything about ... and most importantly, how to identify stupidly simple ways to make users and developers happy, productive, and successful. As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the LuckyLab. 2008-07-10 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2008-06-26 20:38:432008-07-13 04:32:19 92008-07-10 01:53:00 Pb|Pt33-CubeSpace2008-07-02 03:19:342008-07-03 01:33:42622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;b 9 s[339Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)2008-07-01 09:44:452008-07-01 09:44:451241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOregon97209US@Fö_^mZ;bNrig_33S Portland State University Engineering BuildingThis building is located at SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue1930 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-07-01 09:44:202008-10-12 17:05:29SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^ qA33+Laurelwood NW Public House2008-07-01 09:43:182008-07-01 09:43:182327 NW KearneyPortlandOregon97210US@Fÿ^*ڌ;bp;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-01 09:42:542008-07-01 09:56:19915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F2^0;b ; %%ng tips and tactics that q 3o33JuBLinuxCon1st Annual LinuxCon September 21 - 23, 2009 - Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR This event is co-located with the 2nd Annual Linux Plumbers' Conference. LinuxCon is a new annual technical conference that will provide an unmatched collaboration and education space for all matters Linux. LinuxCon will bring together the best and brightest that the Linux community has to offer, including core developers, administrators, end users, community managers and industry experts. In being the conference for "all matters Linux", LinuxCon will be informative and educational for a wide range of attendees. We will n 9oS]3E33Ju=OEN PubTalk - Company PresentationsPRICE OEN Member Fee: $15.00 Non-member Fee: $25.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=55 DESCRIPTION Join OEN at BridgportBrewpub + Bakery to networ ggers a build in Bamboo via Maven which triggers a success or failure email upon build completion, and checkins are reconciled against stories in JIRA. Developer Integration Testing: Andrew Wright, a Principal Engineer at Blackbox Republic, has been building software for companies such as Jive and Iovation for over a decade. He’ll demonstrate a repeatable dataset generation system for databases as well as other data stores such as lucene, enabling developer oriented integration testing to occur in development. This solution utilizes maven, hibernate, and groovy. Even if you don’t use any of the tools listed, there are best practices to be had that you could apply to your tools stack. Come loaded with questions for these panel members to get ideas for optimizing your development tools stack. Series Sponsors: Cascade Technical Services, EthicsPoint, OpenMake Software2009-10-16 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481934/2009-10-02 19:07:592009-10-03 03:11:05 :A;b2009-10-16 01:00:00 vent. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized eveԡT_m3;333WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting (last one!)Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX, it's starting this Friday! We're looking for volunteers and suggestions.2009-10-02 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-10-01 23:15:232009-10-01 23:16:31 ;2009-10-02 03:00:00!ԡS]_3o333Adobe User Group PS + AI: Season opener!For experienced users of Photoshop and/or Illustrator. Season opener demonstration: Construction of a fantasy landscape and calligraphy. Network with other users, and enter to win a full Adobe Creative Suite 4 (provided by Adobe -- but only twice a year!) User group meets regularly.... see website for details. Website also has parking suggestions.2009-10-09 01:00:00http://groups.adobe.com/groups/0d0064b0a7/summary2009-10-01 19:03:332009-10-01 19:06:03 >2009-10-09 04:00:00 ffÙÀÌç÷IQKNDMïÍÓÿçI?EOSoË̽ÊÛÝ?OMLUUkë×ÓëÑÕQMQK[BQkDFQD=JKÙÛË׸Á¾½¼ÀÊÅÆoÀë/YÂ14CLDSãIÀ¾JÙµÅNOIçßU]¶Á¹¸ÕÌÕ×ßWwNA9=99;:;BNAcg×ÍÀÀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿçԡ}1 3M333Portland Art SparkArt Spark

          Every third Thursday, we gather at Living Room Theaters' Lounge to meet, discuss, blather, applaud & plot the growth of the arts in Portland.

          Here's what we promise:

          * Food & drink specials
          * Fantastic, rotating, monthly hosts from the arts community
          * Six@Six where our hosts have six minutes at six p.m. for a performance, a question, or a talk of their choosing
          * Freewheeling conversation for the rest of the 114 minutes
          2008-07-18 00:00:00http://www.portlandartspark.com/2008-06-24 15:47:022008-07-13 04:32:18 ;7;b 2008-07-18 02:00:00 252«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°‰tԡ{M'3U333Critical mass in Portland OregonCritical Mass meets every month, last Friday, 5:30P (departing around 6:00)

          June 2008: meet under the Burnside Bridge

          Bring your bike, your friends, your lights, and your biggeDԡzO_3;333Portland XNA User Group (PAXNAUG)The next meeting of PAXNAUG is June 25th at 6:30 pm. Just what is it? Well, PAXNAUG is the XNA User group for the Portland area. Microsoft's XNA framework provides a way for hobbyists and independent game developers to create games quickly and easily using the .NET framework....and you can deploy them to your XBox 360!

          If you're interested in game development and what to see what the XNA framework is all about, drop on by. This months topic we will be covering creating games for the Microsoft Zune. Hope to see you there!
          2008-06-26 01:30:00http://www.paxnaug.com/2008-06-23 18:45:312008-08-19 06:49:21 :{;b 2008-06-26 03:00:00 ¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƆ]ԡA'3/333Portland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider souk, once again in Old Town on July 16, 2008.

          We won't stop until we have Lunch 2.0 at every, single business in Old Town.

          Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

          Come one, come all, whether geek or not. Have some lunch on souk, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.
          2008-07-16 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/06/26/portland-lunches-a-lot-wk-june-30-souk-july-16/2008-06-26 16:07:472009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;b2008-07-16 21:00:00 gpgÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )JTitle: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell Abstract: Understanding how functional languages represent data structures is key to writing efficient programs in such languages. There are a number of new tools in the Haskell ecosystem for understanding what the compiler is doing: vacuum - for visualizing the heap, criterion - for statistically sound benchmarking, and powerful new type system features enabling new kinds of library design. This talk will introduce these tools, and we'll look at how they impact the way we develop new data structures in Haskell. Bio: Don is an Australian open source hacker, and engineer ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸŽ`ԡ|1w3y333PdxCAN Pecha KuchaOn June 24, the Portland Ad Federation’s Portland Collaborative Agency Network (otherwise known as PdxCAN) is hosting a Pecha Kucha night, where 15 people will get two minutes and six slides to tell their story. Slides will advance automatically every 20 seconds, so everyone has to keep their pitch short and to the point. Refreshing, right?

          PdxCAN is new to the scene, too. It grew out of a recent session hosted by the PAF about the power of local creative agencies working together. The idea behind PdxCAN is to tap into the tremendous pool of talent we have here and build a network that can better compete with full-service agencies and big name shops in NYC, Chicago and San Fran.

          The cool thing about PdxCAN is what it isn’t—i.e., it’s not about sub-contracting pieces of a project to someone el at Galois, Inc, in Portland, where he works on assurance in critical systems. Don is co-author of the book, Real World Haskell (http://realworldhaskell.org), and the XMonad window manager. He enjoys cycling and hoppy beer. GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. 2009-11-10 03:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-10-01 14:30:032009-11-09 18:54:32 @02009-11-10 05:00:00se. It’s about bringing together diverse expertise—advertising, design, interactive, writing, animation and so on—to deliver an integrated solution. It sounds good in theory, but it presents all sorts of questions. Like, how do you get all those people around the same table? How do you build relationships with others who, at times, may be your competitor? And once you get around the table, what are the rules of engagement? How do you pitch a collaborative team to the client? There aren’t any easy answers, but they’re the sorts of issues PdxCAN is working on.

          If you’re interested in this sort of thing—or just want to meet some new people—come to the PdxCAN Pecha Kucha night. It’s scheduled from 5:00-6:30 on June 24th at The Screening Room, 925 NW 19TH Ave. Check out the www.portlandadfed.com for more information. Hope to see you there.
          2008-06-25 00:00:00http://www.portlandadfed.com/blog/what-is-pecha-kucha/2008-06-24 03:46:422008-07-13 04:32:18 ;_;b 2008-06-25 01:30:00 XXr a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instils good pairing and TDD practices. So come along to the next XPDX meeting to try it out. It doesn't matter if you've been pairing for year!ԡ&a13333TechAmerica: 3 Ways To Triple Your RevenueSeveral of the area's top-level executives will discuss what types of changes they made within their companies to successfully achieve fast growth. They will share their unique experiences and explore issues and expertise in overcoming the challenges they have faced and the sometimes hard choices they have had to make in order to achieve growth. This is your opportunity to learn what worked and what didn't as you pursue aggressive growth in your own business. 2009-10-08 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1009012009-09-30 22:49:412009-09-30 22:49:41 :$2009-10-08 16:00:00st smiles!

          Critical Mass is:

          - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Portland (and hundreds of other cities worldwide)
          - A time to ride your bike without fear through busy downtown streets
          - A great way to meet other bicyclists, pass out fliers, learn about other events
          - A meandering celebration of bicycling
          - Something different for everyone
          - Family-friendly
          - A visionary projection of what our future might look like

          Critical Mass is not:

          - Dangerous, violent, threatening, or exclusive
          - A place to buy, sell, or capitalize
          - Planned in advance
          - A race to the finish

          You will want to have a white front light and red rear light / reflector in order to avoid getting a citation. If you ride to antagonize motorists, please choose another time / place.
          2008-06-28 00:30:00http://www.rosecitycriticalmass.org/2008-06-23 18:47:202008-07-13 04:32:18 ;^;b 2008-06-28 03:30:00a few months ago. I'm pleased to announce our preliminary roadmap to version 1.0: http://code.google.com/p/calagator/wiki/Roadmap If you're a designer, writer, or programmer, we could use your help in designing new UIs, writing documentation, and adding interesting features. We have two code sprints coming up: 1. Wednesday 6/18 at Backspace, from noon until it's time to leave for Ignite Portland. 2. Saturday 6/21 at CubeSpace, from 10am until 6pm, although we often end up moving to the Side Door and staying later. You do not need to stay for the entire code sprint -- stay as long as you'd like. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. If you want to help with programming, experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal2008-06-21 17:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/512008-06-22 09:32:122008-07-13 04:32:17 9;b՟2008-06-22 01:00:00ent will be available on June 24th at www.legionoftech.org. Please feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but understand that this does not mean you have a ticket nor does it reserve a seat. However we will do an email blast to all who RSVP here as soon as tickets are available**

          Legion of Tech presents Gary Vaynerchuk on New Media, Personal Branding and Promotion. Gary’s dynamic and engaging style has made him a new media sensation and of of the most sought-after speakers around. An immigrant from U.S.S.R., Gary took over his family’s New Jersey wine shop and has brilliantly leveraged the Internet and digital media to dramatically increase sales and inspire legions of loyal fans who watch his daily webcasts on Wine Library TV, his personal blog and follow him on Twitter.
          2008-07-02 02:00:00http://www.legionoftech.org2008-06-21 13:12:442008-07-13 04:32:17 ;?;b2008-07-02 03:00:002009-11-19 00:03:182009-11-19 00:03:18939 NW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97209United States@F5Xy^$;b= Yl>j33-Portland Center for the Performing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-06-30 11:55:522008-10-15 17:09:351037 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205@F0U2a|^$;b <i33Esouk2008-06-29 08:31:352009-05-14 14:01:52322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214@F@N^C%;b ?h#33CRose Garden2008-06-29 08:29:542008-06-29 08:29:54One Center Court, Suite 100PortlandOregon97221@Ftj^n;b@g)e E33+ Urban Grind NWNice work space, stable wifi, great coffee. http://urbangrindcoffee.com/2008-06-28 02:07:002008-06-28 02:08:03911 NW 14th AvePortlandOR97209US@Fä/^r6~AfO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-06-27 22:14:232008-07-04 03:06:29928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214@Fs^ I^5;b ; !e=33UOregon Convention Center2008-06-27 16:58:392008-06-29 15:55:32777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232@FåS^^5?|;b 9 s:s9 k33A )McMenamins Cedar Hills2927 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=25&category=Location Homepage2008-08-17 00:44:222008-09-22 09:12:202927 S.W. Cedar Hills BlvdBeavertonOR97005US@FӪ7^Z(503) 641-015133-CubeSpace2008-08-16 20:48:132008-08-17 01:16:58622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVz^I; F;bց 9O33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-08-15 18:24:342008-08-17 01:18:39928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F Ӧ^N;bր ; 533+Bailey's Taproom2008-08-14 23:53:232008-08-15 16:33:54213 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@FJA^ck cV;b~ :Y@33-Portland Center for the Performing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-08-14 17:04:422008-10-15 17:09:361037 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F3!^<;b} < ..1cR 9ԡv1g3 333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The SteakhousePortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The Steakhouse - 213 SW Clay Street Portland, OR 97201 Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 at 5:00 PM TO 7:00 >:G#333JqSAO: Life Inside an IterationLife Inside an Iteration Date: Thu, Nov 20th Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 11/18/2008 Topic: Life Inside an Iteration Buffet Dinner is included Agile software development processes such as Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Lean Software Development have become mainstream in many organizations, but what is "Life Inside an Iteration" really like? Find out as our panelists talk about what activities help let QA and Development work in sync, what the hand offs are and how they happen, how they have managed the inevitable change withi {{ence from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. ~ԡNW[33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingMeeting topics: * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code. * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS. * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold and home-brewed Snippets. * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions. * ...your great talk here! * And many other topics that come up at the meeting. The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.2009-12-02 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-10-01 14:29:012009-12-01 03:06:00 @2009-12-02 05:00:00  f&,4? Y 331 Harrison East Condominium111 SW Harrison St, Portland, OR 972012009-12-08 06:07:182009-12-08 06:09:00111 SW Harrison StPortlandOR97201US@FH^=^i3i 33 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR2009-12-02 22:27:252009-12-02 23:04:15PortlandORUS@Fupe^F$ A !2Q33/'Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium2009-12-02 15:56:522009-12-02 15:56:521044 NW Ninth AvePortlandOregon97209United State>ԡya 3y333PMF: Creating Innovation-Friendly Projects2008-06-25 18:30:00http://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-06-23 15:43:482008-07-13 04:32:18 ;\2008-06-25 20:20:004ԡxI13O333Calagator full-day code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. For further details about the project, see calagator.org The Calagator team has made excellent headway since we've started this project  7n+bV@-33;b^created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:072009-01-14 10:33:07@-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:0ԡ11M3 333DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for anZԡQq3+333XPDX March: Ping Pong Pairing >> PIZZA FROM VERSIONONE <The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.
          2009-11-04 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-10-01 14:28:102009-10-01 14:28:10 @2009-11-04 05:00:00le when used effectively. Panel members will demonstrate working tools they've integrated in their development environments, and offer practical advice for adoption, benefits, challenges and usage. Code Health: Alex Kriegel, an Enterprise Architect for the State of Oregon, Alex has recently helped to introduce a software factory approach to software development at Public Health Division of the Oregon State Department of Human Services. This led to investigation of a wide variety of efficiency-inducing tools. He will provide a quick demonstration of code health tools including static code analysis (PMD, CheckStyle, FxCop), code coverage (NCover, EMMA) and an integrated code review process. Continuous Integration: Tom Waterhouse, a software architect at Sabrix Inc, the leading provider of transaction tax management, has been at Sabrix for over 8 years overseeing the technological growth of the company. Tom will demonstrate a continuous integration scenario where a checkin to subversion tri introductions, followed by a five minute "spotlight" on a program or event that is in our area. (Read below for this month's topic)

          Learn more about the StreamTeam Program with Lisa Beranek at the June Green Drinks session. The StreamTeam is a volunteer based, stream restoration and environmental education program of Clark Public Utilities. Join the StreamTeam in improving water quality, wildlife habitat and our quality of life here in Clark County via meaningful volunteer activities and free educational opportunities like the Stream Stewards Program. For more information, please visit www.StreamTeam.net!

          Please email vancouvergreendrinks@gmail.com with any questions/comments. We'll see you there!
          2008-06-25 01:00:00http://greendrinks.org/2008-06-21 05:56:522008-06-21 05:56:52 ;X;blmon Creek Avenue, Vancouver, Wa, 98686-9600VancouverWashington98686United States@Fڳg ^$/;b2 :^ [[Pes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Wonder Ballroom - third anniversary bashWonder Third Anniversary Bash!
          featuring Lions of Batucada, Balkan Fusion Project
          and DJ Anjali!
          21+; full bar
          Tix on sale now; $12 (plus service chg)
          8pm door; 9pm show
          2008-06-28 03:00:00http://www.wonderballroom.com2008-06-21 05:19:502008-07-13 04:32:17 ;W;b2008-06-28 06:59:00"ԡjWU3y333Sprockettes Invitational Bicycle BashJune 28

          Announcing the Sprockettes Invitational Bicycle Bash! music, DJ's, and of course….bicycle dancing.

          Doors open at 8pm. Entertainment starts at 9pm. Party until 2:30 am.

          Tickets are $5 at the door. Advanced tickets will be available soon online at Brownpapertickets.com and at various local bike shops.
          2008-06-29 04:00:00http://sprockettes.org/2008/06/11/bicycle-bash-update/2008-06-21 05:19:382008-07-13 04:32:17 ;V;b2008-06-29 06:59:00 appetizers and drinks. The evening will feature entertainment by Portland's own Lions of Batucada - a Brazilian-styled marching samba ensemble with costumed and choreographed samba dancers.

          Funds raised will support SMART (Start Making A Reader Today). SMART partners with several Portland Metro schools to deliver proven literacy support to more than 3,500 K-3 children every year. Participating children also receive 14 new books to keep and read with their families, which are often the only books in the home. SMART’s vision is an Oregon where every child can read and is empowered to succeed.

          EVENT DETAILS:
          Where: Station Place Smart Park, 720 NW Marshall
          When: 6:30 p.m., Saturday, August 9, 2008
          Cost: $35 advance (purchased by Aug. 4) or
          $40 door
          Attention SMART volunteers: up to two $25 discounted tickets available for SMART readers
          2008-08-10 01:30:00http://www.smartgala.com/2008-06-21 05:15:392008-07-13 04:32:17 ;U;b2008-08-10 05:00:00Q' '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®ԡPԡVԡ\ԡbԡhԡmلԡuԡ{ԡԡeԡ ԡԡԡԡԡ%ԡ+ԡ0ԡ5ԡ:}ԡ?{ԡDфԡIԡNzԡSyԡXtԡ]uԡbԡglԡloԡrnԡwhԡ|gԡbԡ \ԡ_ԡ^ԡWԡ"Zԡ'[ԡ-Vԡ3Uԡ8Pԡ<OԡAKԡFJԡLEԡRDԡWAԡ\Iԡaԡgԡm?ԡs4ԡyԡ9ԡ8ԡ ԡ.ԡ/ԡԡ"ԡ)ԡ/ԡ5!ԡ;&ԡAԡG ԡM%ԡS#ԡYԡ^ԡc$ԡhԡnԡsԡyԡ ԡԡ  ԡ \`+#3?33! )Umpqua Bank 1139 NW Lovejoy St http://www.umpquabank.com2009-10-30 1ԡeUe3S333Portland Werewolf July '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-07-10 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/682008-06-19 09:32:112008-07-13 04:32:16;bՉJj-2008-07-10 06:00:00ԡdSy3e33Ignite Portland Strands After PartyJoin Strands and Polymer Studios (http://www.potech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Please bring a game to share! Bring something yummy to the potluck: tell us what you're bringing. Come and eat with us: see what others are bringing

          This Year's Sponsors:

          And 2009-12-09 02:00:002009-09-30 20:15:442009-12-08 15:52:24 @02009-12-09 07:00:00apped this data, he was able to discover where flu outbreaks would st aa6'33G'KEEN Footwear2009ԡiGw3?333SMART Gala V: Samba at SunsetJoin us August 9 for SMART Gala V: Samba at Sunset, a rooftop samba party featuring dancing, Brazilian{ԡhMq3333People's Food Co-op street partyOn Wednesday June 25th People's Summer Street Party will take over SE Tibbetts Avenue. Come spend the afternoon with us if you like...

          •local and organic farmers

          •strawberry sampling

          •live music

          •fun kids activities

          •square dancing in the street

          •local beer brewed by Captured by Porches

          •and more!

          See you there. Questions? Contact the farmers market coordinator Ariana by emailing ariana at peoples.coop or by calling the store.
          2008-06-25 20:00:00http://www.peoples.coop/community/talk/public/0185?b_start:int=0#00002008-06-21 05:14:322008-09-28 01:48:14 ) for the Ignite Portland after party on June 18th at Imbibe. Strands is also giving away a 3G iPhone. You do not need to be a Strands user to attend the party, only to win the iPhone.

          How to? RSVP at http://beta.strands.com/strands/posts/236027 One random winner will be chosen from the list of comments left on the post at the party. Winner has to be strands user and be at the after party. Remember that in order to be entered into the contest you have to leave a comment on Strands.

          If you aren't currently a Strands beta user, just go to beta.strands.com and use the promo code "Ignite" to sign up. Then enter the contest and RSVP.

          WHERE: Imbibe; WHEN: June 18th directly following Ignite. If you are not a member of Strands, just email us for an invite!
          2008-06-19 04:00:00http://beta.strands.com/strands/posts/2360272008-06-19 02:47:492008-06-19 02:47:49 ;Q;bgies and techniques that proved effective in today’s job market for identifying opportunities, applying voluntarily for positions, interviewing, and following-up. Mr. Hoffman continues to mentor unemployed colleagues, sharing advice and best practices based on his experiences. Rose City SPIN: The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN2009-10-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550691/2009-09-30 18:45:422009-10-09 14:41:30 :>;b2009-10-28 03:00:00mentum  uuP qԎ|ԡ)w3]333Startup Workouts- Keeping your ego out of the productStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics / Qopers, testers, customers and consultants to bring a broad perspective of best practices to these issues. Panelists Brian Jamison, Founder and CEO, OpenSourcery Brian is a seasoned entrepreneur with many technology-related companies to his credit. He has worked with Linux, open source, and the Internet professionally since 1995. Brian serves as President for the Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs (POSSE) and as advisor, mentor, or board member for n=ԡs3g333Distant Neighbors, Common Interests: Amy Hsuan on Reporting in China - China Business N1(ԡaq3]333Ignite Portland 6 Talk Selection Town HallPublic meeting to give feedback on the talk ideas that were submitted for Ignite Portland 6. This is your chance to come and be involved in what talks YOU want to see on stage at IP6. Location WebTrends Portland office at 851 SW Sixth Avenue.2009-05-19 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2413562/2009-05-18 07:06:572009-05-18 07:06:57  release. The DemoCamp is an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal. The idea is for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of research projects, Eclipse open source projects, applications based on Eclipse, commercial products using Eclipse or whatever you think might be of interest to the attendees. The only stipulation is that it must be Eclipse related. Given the theme of this DemoCamp edition, we'd like to have lots of Ganymede project presentations. To attend please RSVP on the Eclipse wiki page. 2008-06-25 02:00:00http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_2008_-_Ganymede_Edition/Portland2008-06-19 01:18:152008-07-13 04:32:16 ;2008-06-25 04:00:00 lAol{d33+Jace Gace2008-06-27 16:51:452008-06-27 16:51:452045 SE BelmontPortlandOregon97214US@F![Z^@e;b~c33-CubeSpace2008-06-27 16:31:262008-06-27 16:35:56622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9b 33E souk2008-06-26 16:07:472009-05-14 14:02:05322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97209US@FHH^F;b ?Ba3 33- Paddy's Bar & Grill65 Southwest Yamhill Street,Portland,Oregon,97204,United States2008-06-24 16:45:492008-06-24 16:47:5865 Sw Yamhill StPortlandOR97204US@F0+@j^XdE;b w`5333Living Room Theaters2008-06-24 15:47:012008-06-26 03:16:21SW 10th & StarkPortlandOregon;b ;79_) A33+5%Screening Roomhttp://www.screeningrm.com2008-06-24 03:46:422009-05-20 17:30:17925 NW 19th AvePortlandOregon97209@Fa@O^9XbNjohn@screeningrm.com503-936-0676;b ve marketing tools any microenterprise can use. In this seminar, you will learn how to use a blog to attract clients, build your reputation, and showcase your expertise. You will leave with tips and advice on setting up a blog, managing and promoting it efficiently, and writing engaging content. With presenter Peter Korchnak, principal of the local sustainable marketing consultancy Semiosis Communications, blogger at the Sustainable Marketing Blog, and speaker. For more information: www.semiosiscommunications.com Seminars are $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members. They are held in our brand new and improved classroom space at 43 SW Naito in downtown Portland. Please contact Anu at asamarajiva@mercycorpsnw.org or 503-896-5080 to register, and check the website the day of the event for any cancellation notices.2009-10-06 01:00:00http://www.mercycorpsnw.org2009-09-30 17:19:332009-09-30 17:20:31 @2009-10-06 02:30:00m?id=WM3142009-03-03 02:29:462009-03-24 16:38:49 =2009-03-07 00:00:00 t~@ԡc?3!333Eclipse Ganymede DemoCampWe are inviting individuals to participate at Eclipse DemoCamps around the world to celebrate the Eclipse GanymeԡbIg39333Calagator full-day code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. For further details about the project, see calagator.org The Calagator team has made excellent headway since we've started this project a few months ago. I'm pleased to announce our preliminary roadmap to v}ԡaAg39333Calagator mini code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. For further details about the project, see calagator.org The Calagator team has made excellent headway since we've started this project a few months ago. I'm pleased to announce our preliminary roadmap to v6 ) )ore. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. This workshop outlines the tools and techniԡ%e+3 333Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual EditionWe're doing it again! Come join Portland's Nԡ$WI3]333Rose City SPIN: Effective Job SeekingRose City Software Process Improvement Network semilԡ#a3[333PDXPHP - Rapid Development using KohanaPHPKohanaPHP is a lightweight PHP framework that allows developers to quickly build and deploy websites. We will cover the setup of the framework, development of your application and self-contained modules, and tips for creating websites in under 21 days. Will be presented by Ryan Snyder of Shizzow and GeekSpeak. 2009-10-21 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/october2009-09-30 18:42:182009-09-30 18:42:18 @02009-10-21 03:00:00any's competitors weakened by the economic downturn? Are their signs of a problem? * You hear they didn't get a second round of funding. * A friend tells you about staff reductions. * You're not seeing them at trade shows. * Their marketing engine fizzled. * Salespeople are calling your firm looking for a new gig. What do you do? 1. Play the waiting game and watch from afar hoping they spiral downward and out of existence 2. Fuel the fire with an aggressive campaign of your own pointing out the differences between your stable company and this weakened competitor Is the law of the jungle appropriate or do we take the high road and wait it out? In this session, you'll hear arguments for both sides. You'll hear from marketing and sales professionals who say, "kick em while they're down" and others who say fate will take its course - no extra help required. What's your perspective? What are the eersion 1.0: http://code.google.com/p/calagator/wiki/Roadmap If you're a designer, writer, or programmer, we could use your help in designing new UIs, writing documentation, and adding interesting features. We have two code sprints coming up: 1. Wednesday 6/18 at Backspace, from noon until it's time to leave for Ignite Portland. 2. Saturday 6/21 at CubeSpace, from 10am until 6pm, although we often end up moving to the Side Door and staying later. You do not need to stay for the entire code sprint -- stay as long as you'd like. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. If you want to help with programming, experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal 2008-06-21 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/browse_thread/thread/b3f528d58ab46e142008-06-17 21:16:252008-07-13 04:32:16 92008-06-22 01:00:00nar in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org): Effective Job Seeking — How To Cope, Prepare, and Move Forward If You Find Yourself Unemployed Presented by Michael Hoffman Networking @ 6:00 PM; Seminar 6:30-7:30 PM; This event is free and open to the public. Abstract: The unexpected happened to me on November 17, 2008… I was laid off. I was 20 years out of college, a seasoned software industry engineer, and leader, and was suddenly thrown into the pool of “Unemployed Hi-Tech Professionals” that numbered in the tens of thousands in the Portland area. A few months later, I was employed again, the results of a job search that involved techniques and technologies relevant to seeking employment given today’s hiring practices. This presentation/discussion will focus on: •Company hiring attitudes/practices •Key technologies and techniques for job searching •Con e$d eiJHԡ ?m3E333Linux Plumbers ConferenceJonathan Corbet calls this the "kernel ecosystem". We call it the "plumbing," a collection of essential interfaces and services that are provided by the libraries, kernel, and utilities that make up a Linux system. Currently if a problem exists dԡXe31333[Canceled for Winter Coders' Social] PDX PHPThis event replaced by Winter Coders' Social: http://calagator.org/events/1250456151 ### The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-12-10 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-10-28 23:24:102008-12-01 22:05:08 92008-12-10 04:30:00 xa'x08-08-29 16:00:20 <2008-05-21 03:00:00(ԡ)3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?wiki_wednesdays2008-05-08 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-08 03:00:00ԡIE3333Product Mgmt Institute meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-05-20 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-21 03:00:00]ԡ~IM3333TiE: Innovations in Healthcarehttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1852&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-05-22 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-22 04:00:000ԡ})3333WEO-OR meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?v=v&eid=5894&m=4&y=2008&d=132008-05-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-14 04:00:00ԡ|)e3333WEO-WA meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2008-05-22 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-22 03:00:00siderations when working through recruiting companies •Right and wrong ways to apply •Effective approaches to getting that first interview •Making yourself stand out •Preparing ahead of time for when it happens to you Speaker Bio: Michael Hoffman is a 20-year veteran of the software industry. He has filled a variety of development and quality engineering, strategist, and leadership roles at companies such as Jeppesen Sanderson, Hewlett-Packard Company, Insight Distribution Software, Sharp, and GTE Government Systems. Mr. Hoffman’s experience spans the realms of communications systems, factory control/integration, embedded systems, PC applications, and web-base solutions. Additionally, he teaches various software engineering courses for Oregon Institute of Technology. Mr. Hoffman recently found himself involuntarily seeking employment at a time when many companies were downsizing and few were hiring. As a result, he developed stratehown a greater willingness to consider fresh ideas for resolving the dispute. One of the most promising developments in recent years has been their amenability to hold dialogue on normalizing the situation in the Kashmir region through enhanced economic and human interaction between the Pakistani and Indian-administered parts of Kashmir. Mercy Corps' Regional Program Director, Michael Bowers, has on-the-ground experience in this part of the world, and is recently returned from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Come hear Michael speak about what Mercy Corps is doing in these regions, and how the Phoenix Fund is in an innovative position to make economic and social changes to the Kashmir region. This event is being hosted by Mercy Corps in it's new building located at 28 SW First Avenue in the historic Old Town Chinatown neighborhood. 2009-11-04 02:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3798&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-09-30 15:46:012009-09-30 15:46:01 @2009-11-04 04:30:00 0 0FdKԡqWk3;333Cre8con: Portland Creative ConferenceThe Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con), happening on Saturday, Sept. 6th, marks the return of this interdisciplinary exploration of the creative proces ʅoԡpU33?333Kumoricon: Oregon's Anime ConventionWelcome to Kumoricon, now entering our sixth year! Our annual convention dedicated to Japanese animation features three days of cosplay, video rooms, exhibitors, panels, video games, fan creation, and much more. Oregon's anime convention is a growing attraction in the Portland area and we welcome fans from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond! In 2008, we finally return to our fan-favorite hotel, the Portland Doubletree at Lloyd Center. Enjoy stunning views of downtown Portland while surrounded by thousands of devoted fans just like you—on a three-day weekend you won't soon forget.2008-08-30 15:00:00http://www.kumoricon.org/2008-08-30 02:05:392008-08-30 20:13:23 :2008-09-02 00:00:00 act and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years. An EMT, PupԡK3u333Galois Tech Talk: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell ExperienceThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 * Title: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience * Speaker: Lee Pike * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/29/pike-haskell0/ Abstract: We present by example a new application domain for functional languages: emulators for embedded real-time protocols. As a case-study, we implement a simple emulator for the Biphase Mark Protocol, a phyon, demand response, transportation electrification and many more applications. To help entrepreneurs and innovators in the Portland area learn more about smart grid opportunities and collaborate with others the TiE Oregon is hosting an event with industry experts and capital providers who have an interest in growing smart grid businesses. Panelists include: • Bill Campbell Principal at Equilibrium Capital • Bobby Kandaswamy, Investment Director, Intel Capital • Jeff Hammarlund, Adjunct Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow at PSU's Mark O. Hatfield School of Government and the Executive Leadership Institute. By attending this event you will hear about the policies shaping the smart grid movement, learn about various technology and application opportunities and meet others who are already working in the smart grid or have an idea that could turn into a new business. 2009-10-22 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org2009-09-30 15:34:572009-09-30 15:34:57 @2009-10-22 04:00:00thical boundaries? When does pouncing the weak make you look bad? How can you ratchet up the attack without hurting your credibility? We'll debate how aggressive marketing and sales people can be in today's climate of relatively stronger/weaker competitors. Do salespeople encourage customers to ask for financial statements? What should companies do (if strong or weak) to defend and/or add to their market positions. Moderator Brian McCarthy, Adjunct Professor, Portland State University School of Business Administration + Oregon Executive MBA Program Speaker Panel Bill Piwonka, Sr. Director Marketing, Ethics Point Bill Booth, Business Development Manager, Babcock and Jenkins Kevin Cancilla, Director, Corporate & International Marketing, Tripwire Jason Lander, Founder, Vice President of Product & Business Development2009-05-19 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567967/2009-05-05 18:56:552009-08-14 18:03:50 9;b;2009-05-19 14:30:00hitects %%,3i+ K 33#! Mt. Hood Winery1930 Hwy 35, Hood River, Oregon2009-10-08 16:24:142009-10-08 16:24:451930 Hwy 35Hood RiverOregonUS@F>B[^h:6QgK  337 Beaverton Round Training Center12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite ԡ`G3933Portland Labyrinth Training 4Come one, come all. Learn the Lost Sport with us: http://www.thelostgames.com/1/podcast.do

          We'll meet on the concrete area where SE Madison and the Esplanade intersect.
          2008-06-22 21:00:00http://thelostring.com2008-06-17 01:15:482008-06-18 13:24:25 ;2;b>ԡ_+k3G333Ignite Portland**NOTE: feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but be aware that this does not guarantee a seat at the event. Soon you will be able to get a free ticket to this event via the Ignite Portland website http://www.igniteportland.com **

          We recently realized that we've outgrown the Jive breakroom, and we've evolved away from the BarCamp Meetup name. So, we've renamed this monthly event to the Legion of Tech Happy Hour, and the event will now be held outside on the back patio of Plan B.

          The intent is to get a group of cool people interested in technology together to chat over drinks on the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone working in high-tech is welcome to attend. Conversations usually range from wikis to open source to blogs to who knows what!

          Please RSVP here as attending to help us get a count for the event. You might also want to join the Google Group to get notifications of any changes to this event and get reminders for future events! http://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland2008-06-27 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-06-16 21:12:362008-07-13 04:32:15 ;N;b2008-06-27 02:30:00sical-layer network protocol in Haskell. The surprising result is that a pure functional language with no built-in notion of time is extremely well-suited for constructing such emulators. Furthermore, we use Haskell’s property-checker QuickCheck to automatically generate real-time parameters for simulation. We also describe a novel use of QuickCheck as a probability calculator for reliability analysis. Bio: Lee Pike is a member of the technical staff at Galois. Previously, he was a research scientist with the NASA Langley Formal Methods Group, primarily involved in the SPIDER project. His research interests include applying formal methods to safety-critical and security-critical applications, with a focus on industrial-scale endeavors. An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-10-06 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/29/pike-haskell0/2009-09-30 04:44:152009-10-06 01:32:24 ;2009-10-06 18:30:00 xE*.![533) ON GalleryAn art gallery in the Everett Station Lofts devoted to interactive and technology based arts. fԡ^i}3G333Legion of Tech Happy Hour (was BarCampMeetups)New name, new location, same time, and same gDžԡ]C3 333Arduino Cult Induction (a microprocessor-based development environment)Workshop: Hands On Introduction to the Arduino. This is a an opportunity for 20-30 people to build their own "Arduino", A complete microprocessor based development environment which is very popular with artists and other creative people. DorkbotPDX has put together a kit and a programmer as a local resource at a very low cost. This seminar is to walk you through putting one together and programming it 2008-06-22 21:00:00http://www.dorkbotpdx.org/workshop/arduino/cult_induction_rev22008-06-16 19:57:112008-07-13 04:32:15 ;s2008-06-23 01:00:00/> 6 - 7 p.m.
          Central Library
          801 S.W. 10th Avenue
          Portland, OR

          The Peace Corps needs Volunteers from a variety of backgrounds to fill assignments in education, agriculture, the environment, business, health, IT and community services. Come and learn how your skills can be put to use in the Peace Corps.

          Are you ready to take the next step? Apply now at peacecorps.gov/application to begin your conversation with the Peace Corps. If you need any assistance with the application, or if you have any questions at all, you can call 800.424.8580 and ask to speak to a regional recruiter. Without exception, every regional recruiter in our office also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer and has firsthand knowledge of what it was like to go through the Peace Corps’ entire application, screening and selection process.
          2008-06-18 01:00:00http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=meet.regrec.event&eventid=833972008-06-13 21:18:442008-07-13 04:32:14 ;H;b2008-06-18 02:00:00 Iidgeport Brew Pub in the Pearl for OEN’s PubTalk: Oregon’s Green Company Showcase. The PubTalk following the half day workshop Oregon’s Green Advantage: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs is wkԡ3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free eventJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engin݅0ԡ-73]333Beaver Barcamp 4BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Please register on the site so that we have an accurate count. We will be posting updates via our twitter account @beaverbarcamp, and don't forget to join the Google group to get important notifications about the event! Connect on live chat via IRC - irc.freenode.net, #BeaverBarCamp (click here if you don't have an IRC client)2009-10-17 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550804/2009-09-29 21:45:052009-09-29 21:46:28 >U;b2009-10-18 02:00:00 ared to answer the following questions: - Could your company hire $250,000 worth of Oregon-based talent in 2009 to get it to the next level? - What could your company achieve durin(j[33E33Ju?OEN - Off the Record with a CEO - AprilPrice: OEN Member Fee: $45.00 Non-member Fee (includes a one-year OEN Individual Membership): $144.00 Visit the OEN events page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events Off the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour en/r

          2nd Round 1:30pm
          Brasada Ranch Blue Olive - John Nelson
          Jackalope Grill - Tim Garling

          3rd Round 3:00pm
          Volo- Victor Sommo
          Marz Bistro-Jeff Hunt and Rich Hall

          4th Round 5:00pm
          Decoy Bar and Grill - Johnathan Bohn
          Chow - David Touvell

          Bar Flare Exhibition – Bartending Competition

          1st Round 11:00am
          Winner Round 1
          Winner Round 2

          2nd Round 12:30pm
          Winner Round 3
          Winner Round 4

          3rd ROUND 2:00pm
          Winner Sunday Round 1
          Winner Sunday Round 2

          FINAL FINALE ROUND 3:30pm
          TR McCrystal – Jens Garden – 2007 Champion
          Winner Final Round

          Cooking Demonstration with Bluefish Bistro
          2008-06-21 07:00:00http://www.thebiteofbend.com/2008-06-14 17:35:532008-07-13 04:32:15 ;J;b2008-06-22 07:00:0015 23:45:1443 SW Naito PkwyPortlandOR97204US@F(3$^U4contact@mercycorpsnw.org503-896-507030-2:30 The Erin Band
          2:45-3:15pm Bijou Project
          3:30-5pm State of Jefferson
          5:30-7pm Roots of Creation

          11:30-12:30 Dance and Sing With Janellybean
          1:00-1:30 Three Sisters Dance Studio
          1:45-2:15 Dance and Sing with Jannellybean
          2:30-3:00 Janellybean Students
          3:30 - 4:00 Magic and Fun with Silly Lilly
          4:30 - 5:00 Janellybean Students
          5:30-6:00 Dance and Sing with Jannellybean
          6:00-6:30 Vibe Dance Center

          11:00-11:30 Vibe Dance Center
          11:30-12:30 Dance and Sing with Jannellybean
          1:00-1:30 Gotta Dance
          1:45-2:15 Dance and Sing with Jannellybean
          2:30-3:00 Janellybean Students
          3:30 - 4:00 Magic and Fun with Silly Lilly
          4:30-5:00 Jannellybean Students
          5:30-6:00 Dance and Sing with Jannellybean

          1st Round 12:00pm
          Fireside Red - Jeremy Baumgartner
          Pleidies at Five Pine-David Bergelery is proud to announce that Captured by Porches Brewing Company is a sponsor for programs during September and October 2009. About ON Gallery ON Gallery is a Portland Oregon art gallery and project space devoted to contemporary interactive art and technology based arts. ON is curated by Benjamin Foote. ON is part of the Everett Station Galleries ON Gallery 321 NW 6th Ave #101 between Everett &Flanders http://ONgallery.org curator@ongallery.org About DorkbotPDX DorkbotPDX is a community of creative types who enjoy experimenting, finding art in technology and pushing the limits of whatever is in front of us. We meet on an regular, informal basis every other week. We welcome you to join us at our gatherings and to bring something interesting to view or ponder. Hands-on items (electrical, mechanical, digital, aural, visual, or other) are highly encouraged! http://dorkbotpdx.org 2009-10-02 01:00:00http://ONGallery.org2009-09-28 21:49:302009-09-28 21:49:30 @2009-10-02 05:00:00 am to 7 PM

          11am-10pm - Event Center Open
          11am-9pm - Children's Area Open -games, activities, live entertainment, inflatable adventures and more....
          11am-6pm - LIVE Iron Chef Competition
          7pm - Bar Flare Exhibition – Bartending Competition
          10pm - After party at Summit Stage and Saloon Downtown

          11am-7pm - Event Center Open
          11am-7pm - Children's Area Open -games, activities, live entertainment, inflatable adventures and more....
          11am-6pm - LIVE Iron Chef Competition
          5:30pm - Cooking Demonstration with Bluefish Bistro

          11:00-12:00 Bill Keale
          12:15-12:45pm Bijou Project
          1-2pm Jenna Lindbo
          2:15-3:15pm Joe Leonardi
          3:30-4:15pm Jenni Peskin
          4:30-6:10pm El Dante
          6:30-8:10pm David Bowers Coloney
          8pm Fyreflyte
          8:30-10pm Tony Furtado

          11:00-12:00 Allan Byer
          12:15-1:15 Leif James
          1: mNTԡI q3333SPIN: Improve Accessibility & Quality in Web-Based Applicationshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23362008-01-11 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15 :;bձ2008-01-11 04:00:00/ԡHqK3333PDXfX: Finding the Energy you Need to be Effectivehttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-01-16 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձ2008-01-16 03:00:00ԡG#E3333Net Tuesdayhttp://www.mmt.org/calendar/2008-01-23 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձ2008-01-23 03:30:00 ԡF+K3333GROW Conferencehttp://www.growconferences.org/2008-01-26 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձ2008-01-27 03:00:00 ԡEY3333Innotechhttp://www.innotechconference.com/pdx/2008-04-17 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձ2008-04-18 00:00:00  | ;}E33)'Imagine Your Reality Webinar2009-09-01 21:10:232009-09-02 23:47:56home or officePor{ԡX-c3G333the Bite of BendSaturday June 21st: 11 am to 10 PM

          Sunday June 22nd: 11ЌuԡVK_3333Peace Corps information sessionPortland


          Here’s your next chance to get the latest updates on the Peace Corps and on all available Peace Corps assignments around the globe. Whether you're fresh out of college, mid-career, or ready to retire, Peace Corps service is the opportunity of a lifetime. A returned Peace Corps Volunteer will be hosting this Peace Corps Information Session. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Peace Corps is welcome to participate. Please feel free to bring friends and family.

          Information Session
          Tuesday, June 17

          Thanks to those who have voiced concerns. Hopefully these changes will help ensure that all who wish to attend have a chance to do so. And, speaking of attendance, please register here on Upcoming so we get a general head-count and can adjust accordingly.

          You guys totally rock and we've got a lot of W+Kers who are looking forward to meeting you!

          Questions? E-mail gaia dot brown at wk dot com or find @gaeyia on Twitter.

          Updates: http/twitter.com/wiedenkennedy
          2008-06-30 19:00:00http://lunch20.com2008-06-11 10:54:042008-06-18 13:24:20 ;?;bJoH 66Q{(& ) .u) ? 33CԡU5[3W333Ping pong tournamentThe 2008 Pong-N-Gong will be held Saturday, June 14th at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub on SE 9th and Hawthorne. The event will be held from 11am– 6pm, with the tournament beginning at 1pm.

          Registration for the Pong-N-Gong will be $20, collected either on the day of the tournament, or online now through Dove Lewis' website.

          Sticking to previous Gong legendry, the event will again be outside; this year in the Lucky Lab’s covered party pad! Wind is to be expected! Feel free to come early and get warmed up!

          Register Now for this year's Pong-n-Gong


          2008-06-14 18:00:00http://dovelewis.org/events/Pong.aspx2008-06-13 21:05:492008-07-13 04:32:14 ; ;b2008-06-15 01:00:00ake? I know, I will bring them to the Linux Clinic on Sunday! Perhaps we can boot Ubuntu on them! The Linux Clinic runs from 1 to 5 PM this (third) Sunday, June 15, at Free Geek 1731 SE 10th in Portland. The main facility and the store are closed; we will be in the room on the southeast corner. Not only will we have penguinos, cookies, coffee, portland punch, and other savory collations, we will have distros, power, wifi, wired ethernet, keyboards, monitors, and much, much more! We will even have answers to your most pressing Linux questions, and some fraction of those answers may be approximately correct! So bring yourself, your machine, a notebook to write in, and what Linux knowledge you have to the Linux Clinic! We can use helpers as well as helpees; this is your chance to flaunt your knowledge, or just make stuff up! Keith 2008-06-15 20:00:00http://lists.pdxlinux.org/pipermail/plug-announce/2008q2/000501.html2008-06-13 10:39:142008-07-13 04:32:14 92008-06-16 00:00:00 increasingly clear that the networking and systems communities remain ill-prepared for this transition. This talk provides a broad overview of IPv6, it's features and transition technologies, and follows with a demonstration of how to set up an IPv6-enabled firewall for a simple network using Linux. And a basic BIO: Timothy D. Morgan is a long-time programmer, systems administrator, security consultant, and Linux user. Tim's work in IPv6 has consisted of home networking experiments and research in utilizing the expanded IPv6 address space for spoofed attack mitigation. Tim currently works as an application security specialist and digital forensic investigator at Virtual Security Research, LLC. Remember to buy food and drinks and tip your waitress well. Jax has been very good to us over the years and we want to make sure they survive. 2008-06-19 02:00:00http://lists.pdxlinux.org/pipermail/plug-announce/2008q2/000500.html2008-06-13 10:37:452008-07-13 04:32:14 :2008-06-19 04:00:00   }A 6jM Ss3311 Adobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pdfs/seattlemap.pdf2009-08-19 01:12:422009-08-19 01:23:03701 N. 34th StreetSeattle WA98122US@G,^UDR?roberte3@gmail.com iOcQ 33/ W+K Portland Incubator Experimenthttp://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland|ԡT13333PLUG: Linux ClinicWhat am I going to do with this big box of Penguinos, the premier penguin-themed mexican cupc֊\ԡS7S3333PLUG: IPv6 networkingSpeaker: Timothy D. Morgan Virtual Security Research, LLC. Subject: IPv6 IPv6 is the next generation Internet protocol designed to expand usable address space and implement evolutionary improvements to the current IPv4 protocol. As the address space shortage looms near, it is becoming  ccE{D\' AC33 ' )OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy at NW 17thhttp://www.opensourcery.com2009-08-11 15:58:372009-10-29 20:00:13PortlandOregon97209 United States@F ^C%(503) 777-7033;bع =*[y 335 UnivԡRUe3S333Portland Werewolf July '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-07-10 08:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/682008-06-13 02:32:172008-07-13 04:32:14;bՉJj-2008-07-10 13:00:00 ll e!T ?33+ %North 45http://www.north45pub.com2009-08-05 23:51ԡOEO3U333PDX Critique monthly meetingCome to a PDX Critique meeting. The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism.2008-06-24 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/2008-06-11 23:31:242008-07-13 04:32:13 92008-06-24 04:00:00ԡN)'3333Bikes in ChinaPDOT's Bicycle Brown Bag series: Bikes in China

          Portland's bike map guru Jeff Smith talks about what he learned across the Pacific in the land of the Flying Pigeon.

          Thursday, June 19th, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
          Portland Building
          1120 SW 5th Avenue, 2d floor, Room C
          (bring your lunch!)
          2008-06-19 19:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/transportation/index.cfm?c=34816&a=1449452008-06-11 16:54:442008-07-13 04:32:13 ;E;b2008-06-19 20:00:00 :T:^eq (08@HPXԡQ33C333Beer and Blog - DiSo with Scott Kveton and Michael Richardson (Sponsored by Vidoop)On this Friday the 13th we're going to talk about DiSo with Scott Kveton and Michael Richardson of Vidoop. DiSo is a cool project started by Chris Messina and Steve Ivy to create a distributed social network.

          Vidoop is sponsoring the session and will have several of its out-of-town employees there.
          2008-06-13 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-06-12 21:11:432008-07-13 04:32:13 ; ;b2008-06-14 01:00:00%ԡPM3Q333PDXPHP: MVC testing with PHPUnitA discussion on strategies for unit testing within an MVC framework Moxley Stratton will cover test framework architecture, model testing, controller testing, test case organization, and other techniques. Zend Framework will serve as the example MVC framework.2008-07-09 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/taxonomy/term/112008-06-12 19:11:582008-07-13 04:32:13 92008-07-09 03:00:00 rore questions than the time could answer. On September 12 and 13, 'From Side Project to Startup' wiԡBy?3W333Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking sess[ԡc{3A333MIPO: From Napkin Idea to Product in MarketFrom scribble on the napkin to product on the market, Louis Foreman will share knowledge from THE INDEPENDENT INVENTOR’S HANDBOOK and explain everything a potential inventor needs to know from raw concept to market reality. On October 10th join us in Oregon as we engage with the Publisher of Inventors Digest Magazine and executive producer of the PBS Emmy® award-winning Everyday Edisons in a 3-hour workshop that will cover protecting, prototyping, licensing, and more. Scam companies run rampant in the industry and inventors ne Academy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website *Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future *Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/ 2009-10-28 23:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-09-29 22:17:102009-09-29 22:17:10 ;2009-10-29 00:30:00tzsimons offers an insightful presentation on the less-recognized aspects of the Victorian age in her lecture, “Naked in Public: The Victorian era architecture of Warren H. Williams” at The Old Church on June 12 at 7 p.m.

          Fitzsimons, who has spent 30 years researching Williams and influences on his architectural style, says that his buildings tell us about the people of the time, how they viewed their surroundings and the era they lived in. “We think of people from the Victorian age as modest, genteel – even stuffy, but their buildings reveal another side of their character: one of opulence and a flair for the flamboyant,” she explains.

          “Naked in Public” is the program event for the Old Church Annual Meeting. Appetizers will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7:00 p.m. Dessert and coffee will follow. Admission is free and open to the public.
          2008-06-13 01:30:00http://www.oldchurch.org/2008-06-10 21:17:362008-07-13 04:32:13 ;C;b2008-06-13 04:00:00eed to get real advice from real inventors. LOUIS FOREMAN, THE CO-AUTHOR OF INDEPENDENT INVENTOR’S HANDBOOK gives aspiring inventors the real deal. Understanding the difference between a good idea and a marketable idea. Why investing too much money at the outset can sink you. Plus the effective investor pitch, questions to ask a prospective manufacturer, 14 licensing land mines to avoid, “looks-like” versus “works-like” prototypes, 10 things not to tell a potential investor, and how to protect your invention once it’s on the market. Louis J. Foreman is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for innovation. He started his first business from his college fraternity room and, for the past 20 years, has been starting and building successful companies. He is the publisher of Inventors Digest magazine and executive producer of the Emmy® award–winning PBS show Everyday Edisons. 2009-10-10 17:00:00http://www.mipooregon.org/2009-09-29 16:52:372009-09-29 16:53:17 :,2009-10-10 20:00:00 r Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? ԡQ3=333WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner HackfestIMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat, but you're welcomed to hack with us even if you don't buy dinner. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas.2009-10-04 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org/2009-09-29 11:11:162009-10-25 19:47:30 @|2009-10-04 05:00:00 ?[ԡtws33333The Whuffie Factor: Reading & Discussion by Tara HuntThe Whuffie Factor is a breakthroug2ԡsE3]333Refresh Portland May: Jared Spool on The Dawning of the Age of ExperienceJoin us for a special installment of Refresh Portland May with Jared Spool! We’re going to move the meeting a week back to May 21. --- Experience design is no longer a nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and exceptional visionary management. It’s become commonplace for organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and quickly becoming a key performance indicator for many businesses. However, you can’t just hire a couple of “experience designers” and tell them,  AAand, OR 97205 Cost: $25 for members $45 for non memIԡa3333OR BOD Education Series: Board EvaluationsOR BOD Education Series Date: Sep 23, 2009 Board Evaluations Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters! 2009-09-23 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0909012009-05-22 15:22:052009-06-07 23:46:46 :$2009-09-23 15:30:00`ԡ e33333Portland Functional Programming Study Group: F# with Jason MauerA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, dem. LL (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx@HPX`hpxqD /7 < A H N S ! L N zY i^ Kd i %ԡM+m3133PDX Lunch 2.0v4* REVISED FORMAT *

          On Monday June 30th, the PDX Tech/Tweeple community is cordially invited to join 50-100 W+K employees for a "blind date meets grade school birthday party" ad/tech extravaganza. It's going to be a fun, it's going to be quirky, and it's going to rock RockBand style (literally).

          In order to get the most out of this event, we ask that those interested in a little extra fun swing by the W+K lobby on June 16th (next Monday) between 6-9pm to pick up an event package that will contain information about your Lunch 2.0v4 "date" . You DO NOT have to have an event package to attenworld learn a lot as we do our work. How do you store what you learn? Are you always able to access it when you need it again? How do you pass it on to others? Imagine what would happen if you had a way to share what you know. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had an easy and direct way to access what others have learned who are doing similar work.

          Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 6:00 PM
          AboutUs.org Offices
          107 SE Washington St. Suite 520
          Portland , OR 97214

          Isaac Holeman, a member of the Portland Net Tuesday group and co-founder of Squarepeg, and Amy Sample Ward, co-organizer of the Portland Net Tuesday group and staff at Meyer Memorial Trust, will present on the two tools.

          Bring your ideas and questions!
          2008-06-25 01:00:00http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/calendar/8024080/2008-06-10 16:21:112008-07-13 04:32:13 9;b2008-06-25 03:00:00 Port of Portland2009-07-19 21:58:532009-07-19 21:59:33121 NW Everett St.PortlandOR97209US@FLzy^\ G   7n+bVfurther details. We invite you to our fourth an@>-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:212009-01-05 10:32:21@=-33;bճcreated 0 evUԡ k3333SAO Virtualization Seminar Presented by ViaWestPlease join ViaWest to learn about the virtualization technologies, features and benefits that have been at the top of technology discussions for the past few years. This leading colocation and managed hosting provider will offer insight into p ԡCm3 333Portlandnԡg+33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: BSD VirtualizationMichael Dexter from Linux Fund/BSD Fund will give his EuroBSDCon 2008 presentation: Zen and the Art of Multiplicity Maintenance: An applied survey of BSD-licensed multiplicity strategies from chroot to mult. Topics of this survey include chroot, jails, Xen, sysjail, SIMH, NetBSD/usermode, kauth Jail, QEMU/kQEMU, GXemul, vkernel2009-10-02 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-09-29 19:11:292009-10-01 19:09:49 >2009-10-02 04:00:00 gq ԡzY1333OEN: Business Plan Develop2ԡA[935333ICFP PC Functional Programming WorkshopRoom: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Content: Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world: * Algebra of Programming using Dependent Types. Shin-Cheng Mu (Academ0gԡ@A3e333Portland's Pink Slip PartyPortland’s companies have been hit hard by the recession and the tech crowd has seen the impact first-hand. However, there remains massive energy around Portland’s tech scene that doesn’tԡ>k3i333Nike on Beijing Olympics: NW China Council China Business Network SeriesThis program is generously sponsored by ----MIM Maste {$de*@ H-[ԡL?3?333Naked in Public: the Victorian era architecture of Warren H. Williams“Naked in Public” Lecture Exposes Surprising Side of Victorian Era through Works of Renowned Architect

          At a time when many Portland streets were still a sea of mud, architect Warren H. Williams brought masterful building design to the city. Williams’ best-known surviving work is the 1883 icon known as The Old Church located in downtown Portland. Research historian Eileen FiޏpԡK?3o333Portland Net Tuesday JunePortland Net Tuesday June
          Tuesday, June 24, 2008

          North Park Blocks (NW Park and Couch, by the elephant)

          Bring your bike, your friends, your lights, and your biggest s gxph`XPH@80( ԡ?ig3A333Technology Management (networking and meeting)Succeeding with External Alliances: Applying Tested Tools to the New Environment (presented by the Technology Management Chapter (TMC) of the IEEE) Objective: provide managers with a fresh look at the external alliances as a tool to succeed in a challenging economy. Time: March 25, 2009. 6:00-7:00 P.Mԡek35333Dorkbot at ON Gallery First Thursday opening Show opening: "Dorkbot at ON" First Thursday Opening 6pm - 10pm October 1st at ON Gallery Show runs Thursday October 1st to Friday October 30th ON Gallery welcomes projects from the Dorkbot community into the gallery for October. A sampling of the pieces in this group show includes.... Voltage Village by Laen Electricity provides the spark of life in Voltage Village. http://www.flickr.com/photos/68831973@N00/2304649983 Codosome Hexis by Ward Cunningha as, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

          WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

          WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

          DIRECTIONS: http://www.urbandrinks.com/PubPedal
          2008-06-14 20:00:00http://pdxpipeline.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/june-14-pearl-pub-pedal-deschutes-brewery-bridgeport/2008-06-10 15:36:062008-07-13 04:32:12 ;@;b2008-06-14 23:00:00ndy River and provided leadership ngs, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instructions for entry. If you don't have a phone, someone will come down to the main entry on SW 1st Ave to let folks in at exactly 7:00pm. Or you may call 503-998-8873 and someone will come down to let you in. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-10-01 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4549606/2009-09-28 16:47:402009-10-01 18:03:35 :w;b2009-10-01 04:00:00relationship with mobile platforms in 1997 while developing location-aware mobile collaboration applications for the US government. After a brief departure into the world of immersive video games he resurfaced to co-found Animus Rex, a web and interactive agency where he served as technical director for 6 years. Envious of the Pacific Northwest lifestyle, he departed for Portland Oregon where he co-founded Higher Function in 2006. There he invented pioneering social networking infrastructure and developed the first SMS-based Business To Social® platform, Pincushion, which provides full lifecycle customer communication and CRM to virtually any cell phone in the world. Jonathan currently serves as the Higher Function CEO and provides product consulting services focusing on SMS, smart phone, and web application design, user experience, and implementation.2009-09-29 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4422549/2009-09-28 05:01:142009-09-28 19:45:53 9;b2009-09-29 01:00:00 PEA’s mission is to advocate for environmental consciousness, animal rights, and social justice via art exhibits and community events open to all walks of life. SEA Change seeks to unite progressive agents =ԡI+_3O333Pearl Pub pedalJoin us Saturday, June 14th for the 2008 Pearl Pub Pedal, where we will !ԡH+m3133PDX Lunch 2.0v4* REVISED FORMAT *

          On Monday June 30th, the PDX Tech/Tweeple community is cordially invited to join 50-100 W+K employees for a "blind date meets grade school birthday party" ad/tech extravaganza. It's going to be a fun, it's going to be quirky, and it's going to rock RockBand style (literally).

          In order to get the most out of this event, we ask that those interested in a little extra fun swing by the W+K lobby on June 16th (next Monday) between 6-9pm to pick up an event package that will contain information about your Lunch 2.0v4 "date" . You DO NOT have to have an event package to amiles!

          Critical Mass is:

          - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Portland (and hundreds of other cities worldwide)
          - A time to ride your bike without fear through busy downtown streets
          - A great way to meet other bicyclists, pass out fliers, learn about other events
          - A meandering celebration of bicycling
          - Something different for everyone
          - Family-friendly
          - A visionary projection of what our future might look like

          Critical Mass is not:

          - Dangerous, violent, threatening, or exclusive
          - A place to buy, sell, or capitalize
          - Planned in advance
          - A race to the finish

          You will want to have a white front light and red rear light / reflector in order to avoid getting a citation. If you ride to antagonize motorists, please choose another time / place.
          2008-06-28 00:30:00http://www.rosecitycriticalmass.org/2008-06-10 15:37:132008-07-13 04:32:12 ;A;bJo{2008-06-28 03:30:00ers, many Americans were surprised. SMS and MMS are often overlooked in the United States. In 2007, SMS/MMS accounted for $100 billion in revenue worldwide. That is more than Hollywood box office receipts, dvd sales and rentals, video game industry revenue, and music industry revenue all combined. BMW Germany turned a $70k MMS campaign into $45 million in revenue . SMS and MMS are big businesses right now and the focus on them is likely to increase now that the iPhone gains access to MMS. How will usage of the iPhone change with this capability? How can businesses utilize SMS and MMS as part of their marketing efforts? How can developers incorporate SMS or MMS in their applications? At Mobile Portland this month, Jonathon Karon will provide a brief introduction to the technology and explore the opportunities and challenges associated with SMS, MMS and short codes . About Jonathon Karon Jonathan began his long term ttend, but it should be worth your time/effort should you choose to participate. (No worries, you will not be tied to your "date" for the duration of the event, only a brief introduction and escort to the lunch location.) Also, those who cannot make it on the 16th are welcome to ask a friend to pick up a package for them, or have it mailed directly by sending an address to gaia dot brown at wk dot com.

          Thanks to those who have voiced concerns. Hopefully these changes will help ensure that all who wish to attend have a chance to do so. And, speaking of attendance, please register here on Upcoming so we get a general head-count and can adjust accordingly.

          You guys totally rock and we've got a lot of W+Kers who are looking forward to meeting you!

          Questions? E-mail gaia dot brown at wk dot com or find @gaeyia on Twitter.

          Updates: http/twitter.com/wiedenkennedy
          2008-06-30 19:00:00http://lunch20.com2008-06-10 14:18:462008-06-18 13:24:18 ;?;b connect with clients, but what you must not do if you want to keep them interested in you. * How to use Social Media Marketing to complement your existing marketing. I am willing to PROVE that my process works, so I will gladly share some of my secrets UP FRONT in this class so that you can see for yourself how powerful this information can be. Enroll now Best for: This class is perfect for creative professionals, artists, solopreneurs, and other small office/home office professionals, and mid-size businesses. Remember, you get my famous "Three Cups of Coffee Guarantee" so you can be sure this teleclass is worth your time. Teleclass: Introduction to Inspired Social Media Marketing Dates: Monday, October 5th, 2009 at 5 p.m. Pacific or Wednesday October 7th 4 p.m. Pacific Tuition: FREE2009-10-07 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533913/2009-09-24 03:52:192009-09-24 03:52:19 >I;b2009-10-08 00:00:00  creation and improvement of the park. The City of Troutdale wanted to honor Mr. Otto’s illustrious career of devoted service to the City and his vision and guidance in acquiring and developing the riversideԡG)3U333No PitchCoffeeOne of the worst parts about networking are the individuals that use the events to pitch their products and services. We all know that is part of the deal when networking but it can be highly annoying. Because the focus of this site is on peer advice between small business owners, PortlandSmallBusiness.com is starting a series of weekly "No Pitch" coffee networking events around town. These are intended to be very informal meetings. You show up, order your coffee and you talk with other small business owners. I plan to alternate between coffee shops around inner Portland and if it gets too big, I'll find a bigger space
          2008-06-11 14:30:00http://www.portlandsmallbusiness.com2008-06-10 11:55:512008-07-13 04:32:12 ;>;b2008-06-11 14:30:00  anywhere else. If you do well in our games you''ll earn badges, level up, and gain the respect of your friends. nԡFym3O333pdxfunc: Functional programming with dynamic languagesPlease join us at the next meeting of pdxfunc, the Portland Functional Programming Study Group. The group meets monthly for presentations, demos and discussions. We welcome programmers interested in all functional languages, and the meetings feature content for coders of all skill levels. If interested, please subscribe to our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc PRESENTATION: Title: Functional programming with dynamic languages Summary: Dynamic, multi-paradigm languages such as Ruby, Python and Perl allow programmers great flexibility in how they can write their code, although most use an imperative (AKA "procedural") style. However, using a functional style selectively can help provide clearer and shorter code, reduce bugs, and improve performance. This presentation will provide  Brad is a trainer and technical practitioner in decision analysis, risk management, and project management. He has also taught graduate courses on environmental law and regulations, and is a sought after workshop and conference speaker for a wide range of environmental topics. Association of Business Process Management Professionals The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. 2009-09-25 00:30:00http://www.abpmp.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=52009-08-11 14:58:262009-08-15 18:16:11 ?2009-09-25 02:30:00 z3);G]Is337%Oregon Convention Center Portland OregonRegister Now!  Hurry and Save! Time is running out... Keeping Out of Harm’s Way            Workplace Violence Potential Is On The Rise             Learn Proper Prevention From The Experts! SPECIAL OFFER:  REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 10, 2009     „%ԡB%3g333Bike kiss-inBIKE KISS-IN
          The Elk, SW Madison St and 3rd Ave Take Trimet (between 3rd and 4th in the middle of Madison)
          5:30pm - 6:00pm, Timing is essential! Smooching begins promptly at 5:30!
          Lip-lockin' for the gridlocked! Bring a clever sign and your favorite make-out partner for a some jealousy-inducing action during rush hour. This event is NOT for singles.
          2008-06-25 00:30:00http://www.shift2bikes.org/cal/viewpp2008.php2008-06-09 09:33:542008-07-13 04:32:11 ;;;b2008-06-25 01:00:00 mm Xvention From The Experts! SPECIAL OFFER:  REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 10,.M K 33+ Corner of SW Broadway & Morrison625 SW Broadway Portland Oregon2009-06-04 18:27:002009-06-04 18:32:53625 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F…L@J^u_!]Y335 PSU Smith Memorial Student Union BuildingPSU Campus1825 SW Broadway Ave ԡCYm31333Gibbs St. Pedestrian Bridge Open HouseGibbs St. Pedestrian Bridge Open House
          June 25, 2008

          The City of Portland is designing a new bike and pedestrian bridge over I-5 that will connect Lair Hill with the South Waterfront. Weigh in on it’s design by taking a survey at www.gibbsbridge.org by June 15th. Also - participate in the Open House on June 25th

          Location: Cedarwood School, 3030 SW 2nd Ave.
          5-8 PM
          Public Welcome
          2008-06-26 00:00:00http://southwaterfront.com/community_events/gibbs-st-pedestrian-bridge-open-house/2008-06-09 11:27:312008-07-13 04:32:12 ;<;b2008-06-26 03:00:00 who are struggling with social media and how it can be applied to their business. But if you want to leverage twitter, biznik, Linkedin, Blogs, internet radio, and video for marketing your business, this message is for YOU: Join me on Monday, October 5, 2009, at 5 p.m. Pacific or on Wednesday October 7th at 4 p.m. Pacific for a sneak preview of my Inspired Social Media Marketing Strategy Success 12-session workshop. This information-packed class will introduce the concepts covered in the virtual sessions of my inspired Social Media Marketing Program! Even if you have NO INTENTION of enrolling in my program, I promise you that you will find this information valuable. Here's exactly what you'll learn in this one-hour introductory class: * What is really stopping businesses from succeeding with social media * The Social Media components you MUST have in place to attract and engage clients * How Social Media can help you kk, chat, comments, private messages, and forums make it easy to exchange game tips or just relax iԡE=3!333Meet in Portland minglerEvery month MiPL has a "Mingler" evening which is just for hanging out at a bar, meeting new members and other MiPL friends. This is very relaxed, friendly and informal - so just come along for a drink or two and meet new people!

          If this is your first MiPL event, feel free to come and look for me or any of the Welcome Wagon members when you arrive. We'll be looking out for new faces too.

          Incidentally - admittedly "Mingler" may sound a bit like it's a singles' mixer - but it most assuredly is not! This and all other events are for meeting people and making friends, so whether you're single, coupled, married - you're very, very welcome.
          2008-06-20 02:30:00http://www.meetin.org/city/MEETinPORTLAND/EventsDetails.cfm?EventsID=801532008-06-09 15:46:182008-07-13 04:32:12 ;=;b2008-06-20 05:00:00a basic overview of functional programming, sample code demonstrating how to use functional programming features of dynamic languages, compare and contrast code samples of functional and imperative styles, and discuss when each style is appropriate. No previous knowledge of functional programming is necessary. Bio: Igal Koshevoy is a Business-Technology Consultant with over a decade of experience creating sophisticated, business-critical systems using open source technologies. He is the author of an open source server automation toolkit available at "automateit.org", and supports local community efforts through Calagator, Portland Ruby Brigade, Portland Functional Programming Study Group, Legion of Tech, Ignite Portland, etc. See you there! PS: Sorry for the short notice, but Kevin's talk on XML parsing with Haskell had to be delayed. Hopefully he'll be able to present it next month.2008-06-10 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/492008-06-10 02:32:142008-07-13 04:32:12 :~;b՟Jo62008-06-10 04:00:00formation at their fingertips.” They're smart, digitally wired, motivated by “now” not the future, self-absorbed and, possibly, tattooed and pierced. As CEO’s, CFO’s and top leaders your challenge—particularly if you are a Baby Boomer—is to help your organizations figure out how to attract and motivate these workers, avoid operating out of false biases and create work environments that reduce barriers to their high performance. GET CLUED IN Come to this engaging event to: • Learn what it means to be “Generationally Competent” • Get accurate insights to separate Gen Y myths from realities • Get ideas for how to change the way your organization operates to accommodate this generation while keeping other generations connected • Learn strategies and tactics for personally relating and communicating to this segment of the workforce. Cost: ACG Members Free, Guests $252008-06-20 18:30:00http://www.acgportland.org2008-06-09 14:25:022008-07-13 04:32:12 ;2008-06-20 21:00:00 CCAP; S;33/-%U-Squared1562 SE Tacoma St Portland or 97202http://www.usquared.biz2009-04-14 17:34:012009Fԡ/5Q333Morning Meetings: ITCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Tuesday topic is:

          including best practices and infrastructure, and IP questions
          2008-06-24 16:00:002008-06-06 08:21:172008-06-18 13:24:11 9;b؂iԡ.I333Morning Meetings: Legal IssuesCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Monday topic is:

          Legal issues,
          including questions about incorporation and doing business in Oregon
          2008-06-23 16:00:002008-06-06 08:20:492008-06-18 13:24:11 9;be cloudy days and rainy weather, solar energy can be a smart choice for homes and businesses in Oregon. Come learn about the latest in solar technologies and what could work best for you: Solar electricity generation? Solar water heating? Passive solar design? We'll discuss how to take advantage of financial incentives and what to look for when choosing a contractor. This Science Pub will prepare you to take any of Solar Oregon's in-depth workshops, to do more focused research on your own, and even to start working with a contractor.

          Stuart Green is a solar educator, engineer, and renewable energy researcher. He is program and events director at Solar Oregon, a local nonprofit that provides solar outreach and education to Oregonians.

          doors open at 6 PM
          2008-07-01 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/index.cfm2008-06-09 09:24:442009-04-14 21:01:18 <;b2008-07-01 03:00:00:01Portlandoregon97232US@Fb^];bؒ2009-07-24 04:00:00 ww>ŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŁԡh/ 333PDX Flickr Meetup2009-02-27 03:00:00http://www.flickr.com/groups/pdx/discuss/72157613349247083/2009-02-12 21:29:162009-02-12 21:29:16 >;b׷ԡgGy3K333Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Presented by Portland Business Alliance, GUuԡfm3A333Refresh Portland February: Hajime Kobayashi on Inside The Web In JapanRefresh Portland is a monthly meetup, held every 4th Thursday, on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It’s part of the Refre6ԡJ=?3W333CEO Roundtable - Go to Market Strategies: Reaching your customers with limited resourceԡIaA3W333OEN Workshop: Social Media with Ryan LewisHow do I get my company up to speed with this new social media thing? What is a Tweet? Why should I care? In this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra ek ¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝχԡ5c3/333Portland JavaScript Admirers' March MeetingThe March Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

          If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
          2008-06-12 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-06-07 21:29:412008-07-13 04:32:10 ; ;b՚Jj,2008-06-12 06:00:00ԡ7G39333Portland Labyrinth Training 2Come one, come all. Learn the Lost Sport with us: http://www.thelostgames.com/1/podcast.do

          We'll meet on the concrete area where SE Madison and the Esplanade intersect.
          2008-06-08 21:00:00http://thelostring.com2008-06-07 10:44:462008-07-13 04:32:10 ;2;b2008-06-08 23:00:00 SS`2EEԡNeM3?333Open Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing Oԡw! 3W333Portland Business Allianc);m3o33JqThe Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey AwardsStep into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's circle. Honors include awards of Merit and Excellence, and of course, Rosey. Join us to see how each contender stacked up to the competition. Reception/Entries on display: 5:30-7:30pm Show: 7:30pm Location: The Newmark Theater (SW Broadway in the heart of Portland) Members: $91./Non Members $106. 2008-11-21 01:30:00http://portlandadfed.com/events/details.php?id=332008-10-29 19:36:302008-11-21 06:00:00 q4tq ԡ:M}ԡA-3u333OTBC FastTrac TechVenturesGet your start-up off to a strong start in this 10-week, award ԡ+ 3G333Ignite Portland2009-11-20 03:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2009-09-28 17:10:052009-09-28 17:10:05 :s2009-11-20 05:00:001ԡS3]333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meeti9ԡ1C3]333Mobile Portland -- SMS, MMS & Short Codes: Existing Technology & New OpportunitiesOn September 25th, iPhone users will finally have access to MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allowing users to send and receive photos, video, and audio files. What new opportunities are available now that this service is available? When Barack Obama decided to announce his Vice-Presidential candidate via text message to his support JJ44ԡW3q333Personal Telco Project Weekly MeetingDrop off your taxes at the post office on the way and enjoy a nice beer and conversation in the public interest or something.2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200904152009-04-14 04:40:492009-04-14 04:40:49 >T2009-04-16 03:00:00tԡ;'3]333UX Book Club (Portland)Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's first UX Book Club meeting on April 16. We'll meet at Pinpoint Logic's office -- feel free to bring snacks and/or drinks, for yourself or to share. Get started now by reading "The Back of The Napkin" by Dan Roam: www.thebackofthenapkin.com2009-04-17 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908437/2009-04-14 00:09:412009-04-14 00:41:28 ?;b"Jt2009-04-17 03:30:00 are feet exuding a loft-like feel with its exposed brick and HVAC systems, restored original wooden beams, high ceilings and ample natural light. Herman Miller chairs and Design Within Reach pieces round out the open plan appeal. ԡ:7)3333The Business of AgileWe'll cover topics including: * What is Agile? How do we calculate the costs and benefits? Is Agile for you? * How do you install and adopt Agile methods as your SDLC? What does that mean for the broader organization? * Where do you make the most from your investment in Agile? What are the secrets of Agile successes? * How do you truly exploit Agility? Is Agile Project Management an oxymoron? What separates the great Agile teams from the merely good? Join us for this deep dive into the business side of Agile. Lead Instructors: Diana Larsen James Shore 2008-06-17 15:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=6/17/08ta2008-06-08 14:26:462008-07-13 04:32:10 :2008-06-17 23:30:00 TT^Q_1umM331 %Emerge InteractiveEmerge is a full service user-centered interactive agency with expertise in integrated strategy, user experience design (UXD), web design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM). We develop experiences that amplify and extend brands and engage consumers across web, desktop and mobile environments.930 NW 14th Avenue Suite #280 Portland, OR 97209http://www.emergeinteractive.com2009-%ԡ9gi3c333Portland Xp Users Group (xpdx), lunch meetingPortland Xp Users Group New Experimental Meeting Schedule Announcement Lunch at McMenamin's on NE Broadway (upstairs) May 23 and June 20, 2008 1:00 pm until ~3:00 pm Come. Eat. Talk. If we hold it, and you join us, we'll do it again. 2008-06-20 20:00:00http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PortlandXpUsersGroup2008-06-08 13:28:362008-07-13 04:32:10 ;42008-06-20 22:00:00   ty organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you'll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We'll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event,oԡ|C?3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Portland Classical Chinese Garden Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents ShopTalk Showcase, a morning networking program featuring member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday October 6, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Portland Classical Chinese Garden (239 NW Everett St). Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759 to attend as a guest.2009-10-06 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 20:48:012009-09-24 20:48:332009-10-06 16:00:00e demonstrating how to use functional programming features of dynamic languages, compare and contrast code samples of functional and imperative styles, and discuss when each style is appropriate. No previous knowledge of functional programming is necessary. Bio: Igal Koshevoy is a Business-Technology Consultant with over a decade of experience creating sophisticated, business-critical systems using open source technologies. He is the author of an open source server automation toolkit available at "automateit.org", and supports local community efforts through Calagator, Portland Ruby Brigade, Portland Functional Programming Study Group, Legion of Tech, Ignite Portland, etc. See you there! PS: Sorry for the short notice, but Kevin's talk on XML parsing with Haskell had to be delayed. Hopefully he'll be able to present it next month. 2008-06-10 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc/browse_thread/thread/d8dd8d4d062eaa82#2008-06-07 07:57:242008-07-13 04:32:10 92008-06-10 04:00:00 g M@ڿ_eh0Hԡ57k3O333Calagator code sprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org We have a short code sprint on Wednesday lunch at Backspace, and a full-day code sprint this Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am (although you can come later in the day). Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. Experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. Join us! -igal2008-06-07 17:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/482008-06-07 02:32:112008-07-13 04:32:09 :~;b՟2008-06-08 01:00:00 Digital Workflow - The Dos and Don'ts of Project Management.
          Whether you're a novice editor or an industry veteran, there is a right way and a wrong way to tackle your project. Learn the ins and outs of proper asset management and how to protect your data.Discover how to edit hours of footage right from the internal drive of your laptop! Find out how veteran editors build projects from the ground up and see why their archive holds up for years to come. Regardless of what program you use to edit, you'll walk away with a better understanding of best practices for all of your project
          7:45 - 8:15 Show & Tell One of the two PDXFCPUG sponsored teams which participated in the International Documentary Challenge will show their short documentary and discuss the planning and procedure of the production
          8:15-8:30 Announcements and raffle TBD Raffle items include: TBD 2008-04-02 01:30:00http://www.pdxfcpug.com/meetings.html2008-03-25 09:13:052008-07-13 04:29:12 :#2008-04-02 03:30:00 '6iԡ4I333Morning Meetings: Legal IssuesCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Monday topic is:

          Legal issues,
          including questions about incorporation and doing business in Oregon
          2008-06-30 16:00:002008-06-06 08:26:302008-06-18 13:24:12 9;b݂8ԡ3C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

          Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
          2008-06-27 16:00:002008-06-06 08:23:322008-06-18 13:24:12 9;b܂8ԡ253 333Morning Meetings: HRCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Thursday topic is:

          Human Resources and Supervision.2008-06-26 16:00:002008-06-06 08:23:092008-07-13 04:32:09 9;b2008-06-26 19:03:00s later, while in college at M.I.T., he wrote project management software for his father's architectural firm. This project turned into a company, Semaphore, Inc. and in 1990 had risen to be rated #1 among all of the competitors in the space (by ARCHITECTURE Magazine). By 2000, the company had over 2,500 clients, 100 employees and was acquired by Deltek. Later that year, Ray moved to from New York City to Portland, Oregon to co-found SnapNames.com. Inventing several new ways for people to acquire domain names, the company eventually grew to over $49MM in revenue and was ultimately acquired by Oversee.net. His current venture, AboutUs.org has pioneered the idea of an "editable overlay" for the entire web. Serving over 8 Million unique visitors per month, the company profitably employs 30 people in both Portland and it's branch office in Lahore, Pakistan. 2009-04-17 19:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=772009-03-26 20:24:48 ?2009-04-18 00:00:00 '1;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:24:222009-04-1vԡ1U333Morning Meetings: Finance/OperationsCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with
          the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Wednesday topic is:

          including cash flow management and managing your business' books
          2008-06-25 16:00:002008-06-06 08:22:472008-06-18 13:24:11 9;bڃRԡ0+M3 333Code 'n' SplodeCode 'n' Splode is a group of geeky people who get together on a monthly basis to talk about geeky things. We are an open, relaxed, comfortable place to come and talk about programming. The group is primarily female and generally open by invitation only.
          Event Contact:

          For more information, please visit pdx.codensplode.org.
          2008-06-25 02:00:002008-06-06 08:21:572008-07-13 04:32:09 9;b2008-06-25 03:30:00 'Cer and had a party (instead of the regular meetings). \ԡ.Cw3]333SAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certificationvԡx+E3]333Founders CoffeeFounder’s Coffee, a Portland Ten event, is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.2009-09-29 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546546/2009-09-24 18:26:112009-10-13 05:16:19 @;b2009-09-29 17:00:00Qԡw{+3]333Introduction to Inspired Social Media Marketing WebinarAlready have your social media marketing strategy planned out and in place? GREAT! Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleaguesJԡv{3]333Introduction to Inspired Social Media Marketing WebinarSocial media technology continues to evolve by leaps and bounds. New applications are developed and released on a regular basis, all for) A,Y!oE33? %Powell's Books at Cedar Hills CrossingIt's Powell's, but in Beaverton! Wacky. This store has a lot more open space than downtown, so its where they like to have big events.3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 USAhttp://www.powells.com/info/places/beavertoninfo.html?header=Sub:%20Cedar%20Hills%20Crossing2009-04-09 20:56:192009-04-09 20:58:253415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd.BeavertonOR97005US@FRu^Ԧ503-228Fԡ)5Q333Morning Meetings: ITCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Tuesday topic is:

          including best practices and infrastructure, and IP questions
          2008-06-17 16:00:002008-06-06 08:17:182008-06-18 13:24:09 9;b y:/= E33?#0ԡ*=w3333Branding on a ShoestringBranding on a Shoestring: Discover Your Company's Soul and Communicate Value

          An introduction to branding for small businesses and nonprofits, the workshop will define a brand, deconstruct its elements, and outline the process of brand development. Workshop participants will learn to define and evaluate their organization's brand and discover low-cost methods to develop an effective brand and brand strategy.

          This workshop is part of the Entrepreneurial Series, and is being put on by Peter Korchnak. Cost is $20.
          Event Contact:

          CubeSpace, 503-206-3500, info@cubespacepdx.com.
          2008-06-18 01:30:002008-06-06 08:17:502008-07-13 04:32:09 9;b2008-06-18 03:00:00 RQ8ԡ-C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

          Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
          2008-06-20 16:00:002008-06-06 08:20:142008-06-18 13:24:11 9;bւ*ԡ,5333Morning Meetings: HRCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Thursday topic is:

          Human Resources and Supervision.
          2008-06-19 16:00:002008-06-06 08:19:342008-06-18 13:24:10 9;bՂvԡ+U333Morning Meetings: Finance/OperationsCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with
          the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Wednesday topic is:

          including cash flow management and managing your business' books
          2008-06-18 16:00:002008-06-06 08:19:062008-06-18 13:24:10 9;b ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»kԡ s%3333Silicon Florist Lunch 2.0 and Birthday ExtravaganzaThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues as we celebrate the 1st anniversary oNԡ1q}3333Seminar - Developing for the iPhone and iPod touchThe iPhone and iPod touch are compelling platforms for both independent developers and small, medium, and large business interested in capitalizing on the next wave ofgԡ{=53K333Portland Business Alliance presents Cornerstones Conversations - Emergency Preparedness Cornerstones Conversations: Cause Marketing –Emergency Preparedness: Thursday, October 1, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 am. 200 SW Market St., Lobby Conference Room. Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20. Non-members: $30. Sponsors: Regence and West Coast Bank. 2009-10-01 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 20:43:372009-09-24 20:43:372009-10-01 16:00:00sPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of developing sales strategies and options you can employ to reach customers with limited resources. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Date and Time:Wednesday November 18, 11:30 am - 1:00pm Location: Iron Stone Bank Conference Room 309 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Registration: OEN Members - $46, Non Members - $802009-11-18 19:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1082009-09-14 21:12:472009-09-14 21:13:50 =32009-11-18 21:00:00 online, at least consider talking about what duce Internevԡ%U333Morning Meetings: Finance/OperationsCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat with
          the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Wednesday topic is:

          including cash flow management and managing your business' books
          2008-06-11 16:00:002008-06-06 08:14:432008-06-18 13:24:08 9;b΁rԡ$5)333Morning Meetings: ITCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. to chat for free with a professional in a given field. Tuesday's topic is:

          2008-06-10 16:00:002008-06-06 08:13:122008-06-18 13:24:08 9;b͂iԡ#I333Morning Meetings: Legal IssuesCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Monday topic is:

          Legal issues,
          including questions about incorporation and doing business in Oregon
          2008-06-09 16:00:002008-06-06 08:12:382008-06-18 13:24:08 9;b   Oiԡ(I333Morning Meetings: Legal IssuesCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Monday topic is:

          Legal issues,
          including questions about incorporation and doing business in Oregon
          2008-06-16 16:00:002008-06-06 08:16:502008-06-18 13:24:09 9;bт8ԡ'C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

          Marketing, including web 2.0 and branding
          2008-06-13 16:00:002008-06-06 08:16:142008-06-18 13:24:09 9;bЂ*ԡ&5333Morning Meetings: HRCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Thursday topic is:

          Human Resources and Supervision.
          2008-06-12 16:00:002008-06-06 08:15:322008-06-18 13:24:08 9;b SS we not only produce Internet solutions including high-quality We3 7 33 White Stag Building70 NW Couch, Portland2009-03-30 21:41:102009-04-14 00:43:15PortlandOR97209US@F($ԡU3C333Beer and Blog - Make your blog load fast and save the environmentThere are many reasons to optimize your blog and make it load as fast as possible. You'll use less bandwidth, save money, and make your readers happier.

          But there is yet another reason to make sure you site loads as fast as possible. It is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce the energy your site uses. Unfortunately, most web sites don't do the basic things that would make them run faster and use fewer resources.

          So this week at Beer and Blog we'll shave seconds off an example blog using simple techniques and do our little part to make our blogs greener.
          2008-06-06 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-06-06 07:43:072008-07-13 04:32:09 ; ;b2008-06-07 01:00:00e rounds of capital or to maximize the efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand how to create a capitalization plan that will serve the company today, as well as through potentially dilutive transactions in the future. It will be presented in an interactive case-study format and will be limited to ten participants. SPEAKER Doug Morris, Ater Wynne Doug Morris' practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, securities, and general corporate representation of private and publicly held high technology and high-growth companies. Doug’s experience includes working with buyers and sellers to build and document mergers and acquisitions, and working with investors and companies to negotiate and close successful equity financings. He also advises clients regarding antitrust and trade regulation issues.2009-04-15 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=752009-03-26 20:02:11 ?2009-04-16 01:00:00 the purpose of helping us communicate even more often when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to communicate with other people. We ask: When does social media become narcissistic? What is the right approach to cultivate relationships in social media? When do you become a spammer, and how can you stop doing it? How do businesses communicate their brand and marketing while cultivating real relationships? How should businesses handle situations where someone complains about their services? By asking and discussing the question we can start to look at not only what we use social media for, but how we use it to create genuine relationships, while also establishing an etiquette that enables us to maintain those relationships.2009-10-28 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533764/2009-09-24 03:47:532009-09-24 03:47:53 @;b2009-10-29 01:00:00 TTM]Q{Lԡ7I3333SAO: The Art of Agile DeliveryTh#ԡZ?3]333The Art of Agile DeliveryLearn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. Industry experts James Shore and Diana Larsen 5sԡY?!3]333The Art of Agile PlanningLearn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, industry experts James Shore and Diana Larsen will teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working with stakeholders Project managers, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.2009-06-08 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124404/2009-05-05 19:19:132009-05-22 15:46:09 :;b>Jt2009-06-09 00:00:00"tem to archive information in an accessible way to help us be the best grantmakers we can be. But we've been approaching this task with a bigger end in mind. Why, we asked ourselves, would we set up a system that only MMT could use when the need for good information is shared by other foundations... and nonprofit organizations and public agencies and official decision makers and citizen volunteers and... in fact, everyone working for the common good?? Wouldn't that be a smarter investment for us to make? What if there was a place where we could all exchange what we learn as we go about our daily business? What if nonprofits could see the data and information that foundations use in their due diligence process? What if organizations and people could easily determine which foundations' interests match their project goals? What if foundations could quickly see what groups are working on an issue they are investigating? And so on... Well, we are building such a place. A place where people and organizations can connect about subjects and places. A place called connectipedia... Want to know more? Want to see connectipedia in action? Want to find out how you can be part of all this? Attend the public launch event at: 2 - 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 10 Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center aka Ecotrust (second floor conference center) 721 NW Ninth Ave. Portland OR 97209 We would love you to be part of this event and celebration. Several renowned geeks will be there! We're not requiring folks to register, but if you plan to attend, please send a quick rsvp email to marie@mmt.org. If you can't make it to Ecotrust, you can still witness the launch. We plan to record the event so anyone in our corner of the world can make time for connectipedia. (More details about watching it remotely to come.) After June 10th, connectipedia will be open for business!2008-06-10 21:00:00http://www.mmt.org/weblog/archives/make_time_for_connectipedia.php2008-06-05 14:09:162008-07-13 04:32:08 :,2008-06-10 22:30:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy09-03-27 13:48:481313 NW MarshallPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH :62 s 33E OEN309 SW Sixth Ave.Xԡ"Sԡ$Pԡ%Qԡ'Cԡ(Iԡ)Fԡ+Bԡ-@ԡ.?ԡ06ԡ34ԡ60ԡ88ԡ:)ԡ;+ԡ<*ԡ=/ԡ>.ԡ?,ԡB"ԡEԡFԡGԡH ԡI ԡJԡKԡLԡPԡQԡUԡWԡXԡYԡZԡ^ԡdԡiԡoԡsԡxԡ{ԡԡԡ քԡԡԡ܄ԡԡ!ԡ&لԡ+ׄԡ/ۄԡ4Մԡ:΄ԡ@фԡF̈́ԡKЄԡP˄ԡUɄԡ[„ԡ`Ƅԡfԡlԡpԡuԡzԡԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ  ԡ%=ԡ*ԡ0ԡ5ԡ:ԡ?ԡDdistribution in New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Brian and his wife and business partner Shelley Gunton acquired T&K Pet Products in Portland, building the business from $4 million in revenues to $26 million in 1999. In 2000, he and Shelley launched Pet Appeal, Inc. d/b/a Castor & Pollux Pet Works. C&P produces Organix, the leading brand of dog and cat organic food and treats, the Natural Ultramix brand of natural food, and Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer food line. Brian lives in Portland with his wife and three children. He holds an MBA degree in international marketing from the University of Western Ontario. Ray King is the CEO of Aboutus.orgRay has worked at four startups and enjoys the technical and business challenges that go along with birthing totally new ideas. In high school he and a friend launched "The Computer Workshop" to train students on the use of Apple II's and IBM PCs. This company was featured on EyeWitness news and the New York Times. Several year bzCb^?33Kunder the Burnside Bridge2008-06-23 18:47:202008-06-23 18:47:20West Burnside and Naito ParkwayPortlandOregon@FD^G{;b ]/33KRiver East Center2008-06-23 18:45:312008-08-19 06:49:211515 SE Water Avenue, Suite 300PortlandOregon97214@F~($ ^vȴ;b :{&\+ ;337 +Kingstad Centerhttp://www.kingstad.com2008-06-23 15:43:482008-06-23 15:44:5215450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOR97006US@Fe^3t(503) 626-6338 ([? Y 33) Pioneer Courthouse Square701 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon.2008-06-21 16:23:072008-06-21 16:24:07701 Sw 6th AvePortlandOR97204US@Fj=^y'΁Z)33-Wieden+Kennedy2008-06-21 13:12:442008-06-21 13:13:37224 NW 13th Ave.PortlandOregon97209@F&^Ƨ;b ;?X331!Hula Boy2008-06-21 05:56:522008-06-21 05:56:521109 Washington StVancouverWashington98660@FКu%F^nP;b lԡCk3333Connectipedia Public LaunchLike many foundations, MMT has been building a "knowledge management" sys!aԡUo3o333AeA Oregon Technology Investor Tour Monday, August 11, 2008 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pixelworks, Inc. (Nasdaq: PXLW) 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Travel / Registration 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mentor Graphics Corporation (Nasdaq: MENT) with Light Lunch 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Travel / Registration 3:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. ESI, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESIO) Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. FEI Company (Nasdaq: FEIC) with Breakfast 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Travel / Registration 11:15 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. RadiSys Corporation (Nasdaq: RSYS) with Lunch 1:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Travel / Registration 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. (Nasdaq: TQNT) 2008-08-11 18:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orkn_Techtour_08.asp2008-06-05 13:23:062008-07-13 04:32:082008-08-12 23:15:00 JJ+Na % 33% Portland State University Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 14:56:542009-03-24 16:40:061914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akU/ C 33+ Ater Wynne OfficeLovejoy Building, Suite 9002009-03-24 00:35:4ԡS3333AeA HR Networking Event:Going GreenPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for human resource professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2008-10-07 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1008032008-06-05 13:18:202008-09-07 00:43:16 :$2008-10-07 16:00:00ԡg-3i333Portland Pythoneers + PDX Django June MeetingPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers The Portland Django user group will be joining us for a Python web and network super meeting! Join us for presentations, show & tell and lively group discussions about Python web (and network frameworks, followed by beer at Produce Row & more discussion. Confirmed projectionists: - Django: Michael Richardson - Twisted: Michel Pelletier - WSGI: Jason Kirtland Wanted: Pylons, TurboGears, tg2, Grok, Zope, AppEngine, orbited, Mantissa... No formal presentation required- show & tell is great, 10,000 feet or just a single feature you like or dislike. Plug in your laptop and show some code. Pizza will be provided by Vidoop! PLEASE rsvp on Meetup & help us ensure there's enough pizza for everyone. We also have some great book give-aways, courtesy of O'Reilly. Presenters get first pick, then we'll free-for-all the remainder. Join us on our python.org list and on #pdxpython. All are welcome! Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, June 10 at 7:00 PM Attending: 0 Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/7934213/2008-06-11 09:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/7934213/2008-06-04 17:54:412008-07-13 04:32:08 9;bJo2008-06-11 11:00:00 the purpose of helping us communicate even more often when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to communicate with other people. We ask: When does social media become narcissistic? What is the right approach to cultivate relationships in social media? When do you become a spammer, and how can you stop doing it? How do businesses communicate their brand and marketing while cultivating real relationships? How should businesses handle situations where someone complains about their services? By asking and discussing the question we can start to look at not only what we use social media for, but how we use it to create genuine relationships, while also establishing an etiquette that enables us to maintain those relationships.2009-10-06 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533844/2009-09-24 03:50:162009-09-24 03:50:16 >I;b2009-10-06 01:00:00  Y '5*ԡge3i333Portland Pythoneers + PDX Django June MeetingPython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers The Portland Django user group will be joining us for a Python web and network super meeting! Join us for presentations, show & tell and lively group discussions about Python web and network framewor+ ԡY13533Demolicious! - Portland Web InnovatorsCome see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. Several ten minute demos of new products and side projects.

          Confirmed Demolicious schedule:
          * Matt King, Secret Project A432
          * Don Park, Do-it-yourself Friendfeed
          * You?

          Find out more about showing off *your* project here:
          2008-07-03 02:00:00http://www.pdxwi.com2008-06-04 13:05:122008-07-02 03:19:59 :A;bJoks, followed by beer at Produce Row & more discussion. Confirmed projectionists: - Django: Michael Richardson - Twisted: Michel Pelletier - WSGI: Jason Kirtland Wanted: Pylons, TurboGears, tg2, Grok, Zope, AppEngine, orbited, Mantissa... No formal presentation required- show & tell is great, 10,000 feet or just a single feature you like or dislike. Plug in your laptop and show some code. Pizza will be provided by Vidoop! PLEASE rsvp on Meetup & help us ensure there's enough pizza for everyone. We also have some great book give-aways, courtesy of O'Reilly. Presenters get first pick, then we'll free-for-all the remainder. Join us on our python.org list and on #pdxpython. All are welcome! Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, June 10 at 7:00 PM Attending: 0 Details: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/7934213/2008-06-11 02:00:00http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/7934213/2008-06-04 13:32:122008-07-13 04:32:08 9;b2008-06-11 04:00:00discussion as we explore sustainability issues in the Manufacturing, Technology and Energy sectors. Introductory Address by Gordon Brinser, Vice President of Operations, SolarWorld Industries America Panelists: Lorie Wigle, G.M. of Eco-Technology Program Office for Intel Bill Nicholson, PGE Vice President who leads Portland General Electric's Customers and Economic Development division Jake Nichol, CEO of Leatherman Tool Group Questions: Contact Kristy Ellis – kellis@bizjournals.com or 503.219.3427 Additional special publications and luncheons in the series are: Sept. 12, 2008 - Sustainable Resources for Urban and Rural Development Nov. 21, 2008 (at the NIKE Campus) - The Sustainable Path to Worldwide Leadership 2008-06-06 18:30:00http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/4057?mp=32008-06-02 14:45:422008-07-13 04:32:07 :;b2008-06-06 20:00:00o, OR 971242009-02-27 22:38:102009-10-01 18:16:092501 NW 229th AveHillsboroOR97124US@FűH^y @ >>*rVۋ[33http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/498509/2008-04-27 12:53:132008-04-27 12:53:13fVۋ[33http://uwԡb33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Fun with blktrace and seekwatcher /ԡU)73]333An Integrated Development Tools Stack: Soup-to-Nuts Implementation in PracticePresented by the Software Association of Oregon's Developers Forum In today's software development projects there are more tools and technology choices than ever before but few are seamlessly integrated. Although significant advances have occurred in the last 20 years, it remains a challenge to build an efficient, cost effective and integrated development tools stack that enables rapid development, testing, and release. Efficient use of a full spectrum of tools is crucial to any company for productive high quality development. The newest tools can make significant productivity gains possib ##Awareness course provid)ԡu93]333Social Media EtiquetteSocial media technology continues to evolve by leaps and bounds. New applications are developed and released on a regular basis, all forԡt?39333Portland OWASP - SQL Injection! (Open Web Application Security Project)SQL Injection This talk provides a brief introduction to SQL injection and continues with a discussion of advanced exploitation methods. The presentation concludes with coverage of various prevention and mitigation strategies. Outline - History & Background - Basic Examples - Common Exploitation Methods * Exfiltration * Escalation - Prevention, Avoidance & Mitigaiton * Encoding * Data Validation * Deployment Configuration ----- Event details: Date: September 30th, 2009 Time: 03:30PM - 04:30PM PST Location: US Bank Tower Plaza 111SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR. More information will be provided shortly on the OWASP Portland chapter mailing list: https://2$ds at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the April's "Off the Record" are Castor & Pollux with CEO Brian Connolly and AboutUs with CEO Ray King. Castor Pollux: Castor & Pollux Pet Works® is a leader in organic and natural products for pets. They are dedicated to uncompromised quality, they celebrate pets in people's lives, and are committed to feeding pets in need. About us: AboutUs is a wiki for and about businesses, organizations, blogs, forums, and really anything or anyone that has a website. AboutUs aims to provide you with both an introduction to sites in the areas you care about as well as a way to share your knowledge of those websites. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. Speakers Brian Connolly - Pack Leader, Castor & Pollux A 20-year veteran of the premium pet industry, Brian began his career as a Hong Kong distributor for Iams Company, expanding first to Taiwan and South Korea. In 1991, he began consulting to Iams to drive dvice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 24 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-06-25 13:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/2008-06-02 11:07:192008-11-10 22:44:10 <;bJo2008-06-25 15:30:00betwork series of the NW China Council

          Lunch presentation by Oregonian reporter Amy Hsuan, who visited China in November, traveling 4,500 miles by train, plane, automobile and motorized cart. Her mission: to tell stories of why China's rapid transformation matters to Oregonians and the state's economy. Her trip resulted in a five-day series in The Oregonian which covered an expanse of industries: solar, timber, green building, high-tech. Amy will talk about reporting in China, covering the topics in her series and working as a reporter there. A question and answer period will follow.

          Amy Hsuan started her career at The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. as an intern after receiving her master's degree in journalism from the Newhouse School of Public Communications, where she won a full scholarship as the Newhouse Minority Fellow in 2003. Over her past five years at The Oregonian, she has worked as a general assignment lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-portland Additional information recently posted: https://lists.owasp.org/pipermail/owasp-portland/2009-September/000007.html NOTE: For future notices on events, be sure to join the mailing list. About OWASP =========== The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software. Our mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license. The OWASP Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization that ensures the ongoing availability and support for our work from Individuals, Organization Supporters & Accredited University Supporters.2009-09-30 22:30:00 http://www.owasp.org/2009-09-24 03:26:552009-09-29 15:38:26 @2009-09-30 23:30:00 tails at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/ ] Security is a hot topic and sensitive area in software/web development today. Whether you work for anVԡsYW3]333Demolicious! - Portland Web InnovatorsCome see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. There will be several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * Lucidium - A Platform for Enterprise Application Development (Rob Neild) * Tweeybot - Phone calls from Twitter (Travis Spencer) * Dashrep - A new descriptive programming language (Richard Fobes) * Simler - Online conversations around topics (Dane Hesseldahl) * OMGFriends - Twitter thing to see mutual followers/friends (Mickey Slater) Find out more about showing off *your* project at a future Demolicious: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious2009-10-08 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4424087/2009-09-24 00:47:172009-09-28 19:48:06 @|;b2009-10-08 02:00:00 Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 We invite you to RSVP in here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, June 17 at 11:30 PM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-06-18 13:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/2008-06-02 11:07:192008-11-10 22:44:09 <;bJo 2008-06-18 15:30:00use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. The instructors split the group as appropriate to ensure that programmers get plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - Working with stakeholders - Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development - Test-driven development - Refactoring - Code management - Continuous integration - Exploratory testing - Pairing - Incremental design and risk-driven architecture - Cross-functional collaboration Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.2009-06-10 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124417/2009-05-05 19:19:352009-05-22 15:46:33 :;b?Jt2009-06-11 00:00:00 |* W+33/Wonder Ballroom2008-06-21 05:19:502008-06-21 05:19:50128 NE Russell StPortlandOregon97212@F84֡^~";b|V+33/Organics To You2008-06-21 05:19:382008-06-21 05:19:38606 SE Madison StPortlandOregon@Fn.^=p ;bU=33+Station Place Smart Park2008-06-21 05:15:382008-06-21 05:15:38720 NW MarshallPortlandOregon@Fs^tj~;b*T3 ;33% %People's Food Co-Ophttp://www.peoples.coop2008-06-21 05:14:322008-09-28 01:48:153029 SE 21stPortlandOregon97202 US@FhR^F503.232.9051;b 
          While we are daily witness to the powers of progress manifest in the extraordinary mechanical technologies we have developed in the industrial age, we remain woefully unaware of the most basic causes of social change in our society. Our lack of social awareness does not result from the difficulty of understanding social problems, it results from the active repression of such awareness.

          The political resistance movements that developed in the twentieth century were adapted to conditions of economic growth. When an economy is growing, petitioning through political and legal meansgoa3S33JuSPDXPUG - MySQL war stories: Tales from the CraterMonthly meeting of the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group. Chris May will be speaking. Looking forward to seeing everyone there...and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab (http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5402009-04-10 15:25:52 92009-04-17 03:00:00   37<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&Zԡ~q'3}333Free Root Beer Floats in Pioneer Courthous(ԡ%?]3933Shizzow Developers MeetupWe wanted to make ourselves oԡqO/3I333Supercomputing '09 in Portland ORSC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Make sure to look for RNA Networks, leader in memory virtualization software, while you're there!2009-11-14 21:00:00http://sc09.supercomputing.org2009-09-23 20:43:122009-10-16 19:12:36 92009-11-21 07:00:00 _B<ԡJy]3333SWHRMA: Linking HR Strategies with Business Strategieshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2007-08-14 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-08-14 20:00:00,ԡI=y3333Starveups: Oregon Sportshttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-08-10 04:00:00'ԡH3333WEO ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=4655&m=6&y=2007&d=262007-07-26 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-07-27 00:30:005ԡG53333WEO OR Board Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=3240&m=6&y=2007&d=302007-07-31 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-07-31 03:30:00ԡF;W3333Bend Venture Conferencehttp://www.edforco.org/.docs/pg/102252007-10-19 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-10-19 23:30:00 aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We 7ԡpMM3=333Starveups: Convergence MarketingJoin us for an evening of education and interaction with keynote speaker Richard Rosen, author of Convergence Marketing: Combining Brand and Direct For Profits.2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.starveups.com2009-09-23 18:22:362009-09-23 18:22:36 @2009-09-30 04:00:004The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banking can play in working with emerging growth companies -- including fund raising and M&A (mergers and acquisition). About the Presenter Scrates Jimnez is a Senior Vice President at Cascadia Capital, where he focuses on the software sector?s financial needs ? including M&A, private equity and debt placement. Jimnez has over 10 years of bulge bracket and middle-market investment banking experience and was most recently a Director in the Internet and Digital Media Investment Banking Group at Pacific Crest Securities. Ted Bernhard joined Cascadia Capital as a Managing Director in January 2008. He came to Cascadia from Stoel Rives, a Portland-based law firm, where he was the founder and Managingween sessions to research and at least one real business idea in the Smart Grid domain. Experienced professionals in the technology, energy or related fields are encouraged to participate. Applicants who are chosen to participate will be expected to come prepared to work on smart grid business ideas and attend all three sessions. Please follow these steps to register: 1. Download Applicant Prospectus 2. Download Application 3. Register Regards, The Oregon Start Up Smart Grid Steering Committee James Mater Preston Michie Steve Morris Roger Hicks Sydney Joyner Paul Gifford Bryce Yonker Ted Bernhard Wayne Embree Mike Hoffman Phil Welker Steve Jennings Sponsors: OTBC, SAO, QualityLogic, TIE Oregon, The Joyner Group2009-10-20 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481032/2009-09-22 23:06:442009-09-22 23:06:44 <;b2009-10-20 01:00:00 /?8 (08+F3 C331 )Sherman Clay Pianoshttp://www.shermanclay.com/2009-02-22 16:36:232009-06-26 18:50:36131 NW 13th AvenuePobԡ3w333What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment BankingEntrepreneur Meetups > ;Bԡ+?3w333Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses: Looking BiggerEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small Businesses - Looking Bigger Than You Are About the Program Larger companies are more comfortable doing business with larger, established companies. So part of the challenge of being a startup or small business is learning how to look bigger, more credible, and more established than you are. At this Lunch and Learn, you'll get advice About the PresenB )kk)ԡP?S3333SCORE: Basics of Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-07-26 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-07-26 23:30:00ԡO?S3333SCORE: Basics of Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-13 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-09-13 23:30:00'ԡNYS3333SCORE: Nuts & Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-08-09 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-08-09 23:00:00'ԡMYS3333SCORE: Nuts & Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-27 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-09-27 23:00:00ԡL1g3333SWE Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-26 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-07-26 20:00:00ԡKg3333SWEhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-27 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-07-27 03:30:00 E9E6ԡ"K3333DevGroup: CSS Techniques for Advancing Your Visual Designhttp://www.devgroupnw.org/home/2007-03-21 01:15:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:53;bձ2007-03-21 03:00:00Kԡ!q3333e-Learning as a Tool for Advancing HR Strategies, OGI/OHSUhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22002007-03-22 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:52;bձ2007-03-22 20:30:009ԡ [u3333EMA tour of Silicon Foreest Electronicshttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=432007-03-21 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:52;bձ2007-03-21 15:30:00ԡ9a3333FENG: Growth Companieshttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-04-13 00:15:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:52;bձ2007-04-13 03:00:00@ԡUK3K333Future of Health Care in Oregon, PBAhttp://www.portlandalliance.com2007-03-21 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:52;bձ2007-03-21 15:45:00 s!~P133%Eastbank Esplanade2008-06-17 01:15:482008-06-17 01:17:038 SE MadisonPortlandOregon@Fl^n;b ;2O933=Bagdad Theater and Pub2008-06-17 01:06:492008-06-17 01:10:213702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F\$^ A|;bբ :srN33#Plan B2008-06-16 21:12:352008-06-16 21:12:361305 SE 8thPortlandOregon97214@F^1';b2M[ G 33+ Pacific Northwest College or Art (PNCA)1240 NW Johnson, Portland OR 2008-06-16 19:50:162008-07-04 18:12:431240 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97209US@Fê6>^ |5 ;sLO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-06-16 11:40:322008-06-16 23:02:10928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214@Fs^ I^5;b ; K3333Portland Art Museum2008-06-14 22:41:142008-06-14 22:41:151219 SW Park AvenuePortlandOregon97205@FOv`^E;b The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to I\ԡ # 3q333AeA Event: What Part Does the Board Play in Executive Succcession Planning?2008-06-17 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orpt_BOD_OR060802.asp2008-06-02 10:35:532008-07-13 04:32:06 :$2008-06-17 17:30:00 wY rJ#33Bend Oregon2008-06-14 17:35:522008-06-14 17:35:53downtownBendOregon43201US@CUQT%t;b,HM =331 Multnomah County Central Libraryhttp://www.multcolib.org2008-06-13 21:18:442008-11-07 19:40:29801 SW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97205@Fu%F ^E;bG;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-06-13 21:05:482008-06-14 06:54:49915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214@F ^lD;b ; FO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-06-12 21:11:422008-06-13 10:13:55928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214@Fs^ I^5;b ; E/331Portland Building2008-06-11 16:54:432008-06-11 16:54:441120 SW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon@F ^tj~;bD)33-Wieden+Kennedy2008-06-11 10:54:032008-06-13 10:14:11224 NW 13th Ave.PortlandOregon97209@F&^Ƨ;b ;? W1ۋ k333http://po4i[K3E33Ju?OEN - Off the Record with a CEO - AprilPrice: OEN Member Fee: $45.00 Non-member Fee (includes a one-year OEN Individual Membership): $144.00 Visit the OEN events page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=77 Off the record with a CEO is an opportunity to visit two successful Oregon entrepreneurs in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead. After they've completed the second visit, the tour enktry-level position, learn the interviewing techniques that will help you land your next dream job. If you're currently employed but considering a career change, this seminar will make sure you’re perfectly poised when opportunities come your way. Using proprietary methods developed by his company The Olsen Group, Scott Olsen will lead you through a 90 minute Power Interviewing Skills seminar. You will learn to: * Identify interview question categories * Develop strategies to effectively respond to any interview question * Uncover your unique employment strengths * Communicate your experience in ways that build value with your interviewer * Tackle those ‘difficult’ subjects - i.e. salary, layoffs, etc. * Set yourself up for success before you’ve even landed the job THIS IS A FREE EVENT2009-10-15 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4480790/2009-09-22 22:58:362009-09-22 22:58:36 @;b2009-10-15 22:00:00 :telding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career."

          This will be the first Portland Lunch 2.0 hosted by a conference, and it should be an interesting mix of conference attendees, many from out of town, and Portlanders.

          This crowd mix should provide some interesting conversation, as well as an opportunity to network outside your normal crowd.
          >> Pizza is sponsored by YesMail <<< Pizza arrives at 6:30pm, the session starts at 7pm, and at 9pm we move on to a local bar.2009-04-16 01:30:00http://xpdx.org/2009-04-10 20:51:28 92009-04-16 04:00:00ic. There are still several sponsorship opportunities available including table sponsors with seats for 8 and hosting special teacher and student VIPs, and individual seats. Wine Partner Opportunities Your winery's contribution to Uncork-ED is an exciting way to introduce and build relationships with high tech and education leaders in the community and to help support the future of technology education and access for students in Oregon and SW Washington. There is still time to sign up as a wine partner for this event! Event Updates Want to be kept up to date on this event? Check us out on Twitter @pdxtechstart and #UncorkED09. Or sign up for email updates at info@techstart.org If you have questions about this event and how you can get involved, please contact Natasha MacDonald.2009-09-27 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4480267/2009-09-22 22:41:002009-10-01 18:20:19 ;K;b2009-09-27 00:00:00:21:322009-02-22 19:21:32 ; ;b2009-04-08 21:00:00  PԡW3333GemStone Happy Hour at RailsConf 2008Beer.2008-05-31 00:30:00http://wiki.oreillynet.com/railsconf2008/index.cgi?RailsConf2008Parties2008-05-30 13:47:282008-07-13 04:32:04 :2008-05-31 02:30:00ԡ~W3333FiveRuns Happy Hour at RailsConf 2008Coming to RailsConf 2008 this year in Portland? FiveRuns will be there with our latest Rails performance monitoring and profiling products. We’re looking forward to seeing our old friends again, and meeting those of you new to RailsConf. To that end, we hope you’ll join us and your fellow attendees at the FiveRuns Happy Hour on Friday, May 30 from 6-8 pm at Jimmy Mak’s. Jimmy Mak’s was recently picked by Esquire Magazine as one of the best bars in America. Free drinks, free food, and we’re giving away a 1TB Time Capsule to one lucky attendee. See you in Portland!2008-05-31 01:00:00http://blog.fiveruns.com/2008/5/20/fiveruns-happy-hour-at-railsconf-20082008-05-30 13:44:372008-07-13 04:32:04 ; 2008-05-31 03:00:00 ?m?l7AVԡk3 333Side Project Wednesday: Calagator Working LunchLet's gather at Backspace and work on Calagator over food and beverages.2008-06-04 19:00:002008-05-30 21:46:102008-07-13 04:32:05 :H2008-06-04 21:00:00ԡm 3 333Kick Ball (nerds only, from the RailsConf board)2008-06-01 23:30:002008-05-30 16:28:432008-07-13 04:32:05 ;2008-06-02 01:30:00]ԡ;C3%333Pivotal Labs Beer NightFree drinks, food and pool.2008-06-01 04:00:00http://wiki.oreillynet.com/wiki/railsconf2008/index.cgi?RailsConf2008Parties2008-05-30 16:13:392008-07-13 04:32:05 ;2008-06-01 06:50:00QԡK3%333Beezwax Party at RailsConf 2008Drinks.2008-05-31 00:30:00http://wiki.oreillynet.com/wiki/railsconf2008/index.cgi?RailsConf2008Parties2008-05-30 15:42:412008-08-31 14:30:10 <2008-05-31 02:00:00 ԡ5 3A333Beautiful Code Party2008-06-01 02:00:00http://party.norbauer.com/2008-05-30 13:50:492008-07-13 04:32:05 ;2008-06-01 05:00:00 t>U? 33; ' Multnomah County Building2009-01-27 16:45:072009Zԡ}W)3333Rails Machine Party at RailsConf 2008We are having our annual party at RailsConf again this year for Rails Machine friends, customers, vendors, and partners. The party takes place on Saturday, May 31st from 6:30-9:00pm. We’ve rented out the Windows Skyroom at the Red Lion across the street from the Convention Center. As usual, Bradley has lined up some awesome food and drinks for us to enjoy, everything from fruit and cheese skewers to swedish meatballs, salmon, turkey, and pork loin. And of course there will be microbrew beer available to wash it all down. For planning purposes, please submit a ticket letting us know if you’ll be attending. Hope to see you there!2008-06-01 01:30:00http://wiki.oreillynet.com/railsconf2008/index.cgi?RailsConf2008Parties2008-05-30 13:41:262008-07-13 04:32:04 ; 2008-06-01 04:00:00 7A#C! 337 Old Church2008-06-10 21:17:352009-02-11 16:38:201422 S.W. 11th AvenuePortlandOregon97201@FY}^lC;bB+33OAboutUs offices2008-06-10 16:21:102008-06-10 20:55:32107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,PortlandOregon97214@Fh ԕ^\(;b 9~A/33/North Park Blocks2008-06-10 15:37:122008-06-10 15:37:13NW Park and CouchPortlandOregon@Fu%^tj~;bm@)33)Pearl District2008-06-10 15:36:062008-06-10 15:36:07Pearl DistrictPortlandOregon97209;b?)33-Wieden+Kennedy2008-06-10 14:18:462008-06-11 10:42:54224 NW 13th Ave.PortlandOregon97209@F&^Ƨ;bC>K Y33- 'Boyds Coffee, Downtown Portlandhttp://www.boyds.com/about/retail.html2008-06-10 11:55:512008-06-10 12:01:061229 SW 10th AvePortlandOregon97205@F䎊^Ƨ503 241 4226 ;bPr tradition of celebrating excellence in technology education with the 2009 Uncork-ED Wine Tasting and Charity Gala. Join us for a night of celebration, wine tasting, fine food and fun! We are proud to welcome local television news personality Steph Stricklen of KGW's "Live @ 7" as the evening master of ceremony. We will kick off this year's event with a keynote by esteemed guest, Ron Pernick, co-founder and managing director of Clean Edge. Uncork-ED will feature Mediterranean fare, an exciting live auction, "Best of Live" raffle and wines from the Pacific Northwest and around the globe. Interact with students who are thriving today thanks to TechStart programs and see their projects first-hand! Purchase Tickets: http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=765179 Sponsorship Opportunities Uncork-ED is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your company's support for K-12 technology education and to receive recognition among industry professionals and the publ feed for your website. * How to integrate your blog into your social media network via automation. * The power of blog directories and article directories. * How blogs can be used to market your business. * How to create your own radio show, or get interviewed on one and how you can use either to market yourself. * Why a videocast can help you reach your target audience. * How video testimonials can help you grow your business. Location: Oregon Stamp Society 4828 NE 33rd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Time: 12:30pm to 4:45 (with a 15 minute break) Friday August 21st Cost: $200 ($125 for graduates of the Self-Employed Agency) Package Deal: If you take Social Media 1 and 2, you can take both classes for $350 rsvp at http://www.selfemployedacademy.com/?page_id=192009-08-24 19:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212848/2009-08-06 19:09:442009-08-07 18:47:20 =;bر2009-08-24 23:45:00 <p<]{-ԡzy3C333Beer and Blog - Can we replace Twitter with our blogs?Is there anything that Twitter does uniquely that we can't do with our blogs? At this Beer and Blog work session we plan to explore that question. Our goal is to figure out how to replace Twitter without needing to create anything new. And, if we do need to engineer a centralized service, how minimal does it need to be and how can I use my blog to make the updates.
          2008-05-30 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-05-30 00:22:012008-07-13 04:32:04 ; ;bս2008-05-31 01:00:00 ԡyWm3/333Joyent Pint Night (at RailsConf 2008)The Joyent crew heads back to one of our favorite brew houses for a night of pints during RailsConf.

          Join us for as much pale ale, stout or porter you can guzzle...well, until our tab runs out.

          See you there.
          2008-05-30 01:00:00http://joyent.com2008-05-29 15:56:422008-07-13 04:32:04 ; ;bռ2008-05-30 03:00:00 jjsize="2">· Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online withoWԡ I3?333Oregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d) Professional Association provides opportunities for .NET developers, SQL Server developers, and SQL Server administrators to meet and discuss SQL Server technologies that are of specific interest for developers. Discussion topics include 'Best Practices', T-SQL code, Query Optimization, Reporting, ETL, Indexing, and new (as well as uԡfO/3y333Premier of Gresham Area Pub TalksAre you an entrepreneur or inventor? Do you have a small business that you’re ready to take to the next level? Are you interested in stimulating the venture capital activity in Gresham and East Multnomah County? Introducing the launch of an exciting new opportunity to network and learn from investors and entrepreneurs and to mingle with ` 33rategy Register for this Event Back toFԡ=q#3_333IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. 5:45p - Doors open at University of Oregon, White Stag Building - NW Couch at NW 1st 6:00p - Presentations 6:30p - Round table discussion 6:45p - Social hour at Shanghai Tunnel - 211 SW Ankeny St This month’s speakers: Jason Hillbourne - designer of Bunkbots Scott Peterson - president of the IDSA Oregon Chapter Mackenzie Schubert - student in the University of Oregon Digital Arts program2009-04-30 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-04-22 20:09:082009-04-22 20:09:08 ?2009-04-30 02:00:00 &f/q333'CubeSpace2009-01-19 18:23:162009-01-19 18:45:56622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214United States@FåS^M;b~ 9p;331'McMenamins Ringlers Pub2009-01-19 00:07:212009-01-19 01:11:111332 W Burnside StPortlandOregon97209United States@F64^ =p;b} ;:oc33E'Intel\, HF3-AudiiԡxK3Q333Back Fence PDX: Telling StoriesBack Fence PDX is a storytelling series featuring six people telling unrehearsed six-minute long stories. We'll feature Alison Hallett, Arts Editor of the Portland Mercury, Nathan Langston of the band The Maybe Happening, and Portland blogger, Kiala Kazebee, among others. We'll also have a swimsuit fashion show with vintage-inspired swimsuits by Popina. June's theme is Summer Love: Lying out and Burning Up. Admission is $7. Everyone is welcome.2008-06-20 02:30:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2008-05-28 11:10:002008-07-13 04:32:03 ; 2008-06-20 04:15:00 vvnt color="#000000">

          THE NO B.S! OPEN HOUSE

          • Meet the people behind GoLife Mobile
          • Learn How Mobile Can Enhance Your Business
          • Find out What’s Happening at GoLife Mobile
          • Learn About Creating Mobile Applications For The Physical World
          • Find out What’s Coming from GoLife Mobile
          • Give us Feedback on our Roadmap
          GoLife Mobile is hosting a casual Open House for our developers, partners, customers, and anyone interested in mobile. Come meet with other people who are working in the mobile industry. We wd i; 33M Monsoon Works offices, 2009-01-16 19:01:452009-01-16 20:32:46Suite 300, 520 NW Davis Street, Portlawԡw k3Y333Become a Puppetmaster: System Management Solutions with PuppetPuppet is Free Open Source Software to automate system management tasks from a centralized configuration. Puppet is highly portable and currently supports OS X, Solaris, Debian (Ubuntu), Redhat (CentOS/Fedora), FreeBSD and SuSE.

          This one week training is ideal for Puppet newcomers or sysadmins who want a Puppet jumpstart. Newer members at an organization already using Puppet, or experienced sysadmins wanting to bring Puppet into their team will get everything they need to deploy solutions.

          More details are on the homepage.
          2008-06-02 07:00:00http://reductivelabs.com/training.html2008-05-28 04:01:082008-07-13 04:32:03 ;;bջ2008-06-06 07:00:00others who are navigating the world of entrepreneurship. Come hear local entrepreneur Hiroshi Morihara, the founder of HM3 Energy and VIA Press. Mr. Morihara has also served as Chairman and CEO of Peninsula Laboratories and President for the American Peptide Company. Mr. Morihara will speak on entrepreneurship and the experiences he has had working with community resources such as the Community College, utility companies and local government in bringing a business idea forward into profitability. Two companies will give a five minute pitch on who they are and what they do and will solicit feedback from the experienced entrepreneurs in the audience. Admission is $5 per person for light appetizers, cash or check accepted, with a no host bar. ***This event presented by the East Metro Economic Alliance in cooperation with the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network***2009-10-02 00:00:00http://greshamoregon.gov/Calendar/Default.aspx?types=#2009-09-21 23:19:172009-09-21 23:19:17 @2009-10-02 02:00:00 dd g33I'Oracle2009-01-15 19:40:502009-01-21 23:40:071211 SW 5th Avenue\, Suite 800PortlandOregon97ԡv#_3/33L.i.s.a. 08The L.I.S.A panel is the first forum dedicated to social media marketing - an emerging new field dedicated to marketing strategies used to reach the growing demographic of social network site users.

          Speakers at the Portland event include:
          Deborah Shultz - Proctor & Gamble, Social Media Advisor
          John Furrier - PodTech, ex-CEO
          Michael Berkley - SplashCast, CEO
          Hashem Bajwa - Gooby, Silverstein & Partners, Director Digital Planning

          Space is filling up fast at this free event. Register Now!
          2008-05-29 01:00:00http://lisa08.com2008-05-28 03:50:482008-06-18 13:23:57 :V;bպreporter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to working at The Oregonian, Hsuan worked as a cultural anthropologist after receiving her bachelor's degree in anthropology in 2001 from the University of California at Los Angeles, where she was a Regents Scholar. She has served two terms as the president of the Asian American Journalists Association, Portland Chapter.
          Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID
          On-line CBN tickets and registration:http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php

          2009-06-03 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm2009-05-18 17:49:082009-06-01 19:43:08 <}2009-06-03 20:30:009 19:33:30 :2008-11-21 05:00:00 bbYtion is hosting a pizza party for FSF members and friends. Come and bring along friendԡmMe3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetingIf you are tech entrepreneur or startup executive we would be pleased to have you attend the StartUp Exchange Meeting. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some of the attendees are likely going through the same issue and have ideas to share, and many of the folks who attend have started many companies so have wisdom to share. Participation is limited to tech entrepreneurs or startup executives only so service providers are not able to attend. We have plenty of space but we ask that you now RSVP so we have an idea of how many cups to bring for the beer. REGISTER: http://www.sao.org/events/event_details.asp?id=785052009-10-20 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481229/2009-09-22 23:15:532009-09-28 19:51:26 <;b2009-10-20 23:00:00ill also review some of the exciting things we’re cooking up in our labs and will give a glimpse into what’s coming soon. Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and future of the mobile industry and the Mobile Lifestyle. For more information or to RSVP, please contact rsvp@golifemobile.com About GoLife Mobile: GoLife Mobile's passion is building the Mobile Lifestyle. We think that mobile devices should be useful interaction tools, blending the physical and the electronic worlds. We think that developers should be able to focus on building applications that meet users' needs. And we have created the framework to do just that. Our Services Oriented Architecture fuses together the virtual and physical worlds, enabling developers to quickly create, distribute, and monetize real-world services which work across a wide-array of mobile devices. 2008-05-29 01:00:00http://www.golifemobile.com/news/052808_Open_house.html2008-05-27 17:08:532008-07-13 04:32:03 ;2008-05-29 04:00:00 *nW7339Everett Street Bistro2009-01-07 21:43:092009-01-07 21:43:091140 NW Everett StreetPortlandOregon97209US@F/
          This month's topic is on SMS from the people behind bBoing.com. More details to come.

          We've been meeting at the Portland State Business Accelerator and may have this meeting there as well, but we're still determining if that is the case. We will meet in or near downtown.

          If you're interested, sign up to receive notices about our meetings or join our Mobile Portland Google Group.
          2008-06-24 01:00:00http://mobileportland.com2008-05-27 10:08:552008-06-18 13:23:57 9;bչ pS! 33C CH2M HILL 2008-12-30 16:49:552008-12-30 16:51_ԡquW3Q333Online Community Management: a roundtable discussionI recently conducted a roundtable discussion on the topic of community management at BarCampPortland. Several people weren't able to attend, and Kathleen Mazzocco asked if I would do another one, so here it is!
          This will be a very informal roundtable discussion with no presentation. I'll kick off the discussion, facilitate it, and contribute to the discussion; however, the participants who attend will really drive the discussion.
          If you currently manage online communities, participate in the them or are hoping to start a new online community, you are welcome to attend and participate!2008-06-06 00:30:00http://fastwonderblog.com/2008/05/06/barcampportland-2008-recap-aka-geeks-bubble-tea-and-werewolf/2008-05-24 20:31:262008-07-13 04:32:03 :.;bշ2008-06-06 02:00:00 nofollow">Microsoft and http://groups.google.com/group/mobile-portland
          2008-05-28 01:00:00http://mobileportland.com2008-05-27 10:08:382008-06-18 13:23:56 9;bո cr.=ԡsc_3?33Mobile Portland: Firefox for Mobile DevicesCurious what the future holds for everyone's favorite open source browser? Want to know more about how it is being modified to work on mobile devices?

          Development of a mobile version of Firefox is moving apace. Dietrich Ayala will talk about how ihԡrUe3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

          Come play Werewolf with us.

          We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

          Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

          2008-06-12 08:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/672008-05-25 02:32:132008-07-13 04:32:03;bՉJj,2008-06-12 13:39:00 Yv+YQ733/ Google Fremont Google's Fremont office in Seattle Wa.651 North 34th St Seattle Wa 98122http://www.google.com2008-12-23 23:03:522008-12-23 23:05:02651 North 34th StSeattle WA98122US@G)gVn^puC333McMenamins | JԡnE3333JRuby Pre-RailsConf HackfestHey there JRubyists and JRubyists-to-be...if you're planning to be in Portland the evening of Thursday, May 29, there's going to be a sponsored JRuby hackfest for you! The event is going to be at the McMenamins Brewpub/Restaurant at the Kennedy School. We'll have a room set aside for around 40ish people, so please RSVP via email or comments. There will be a taco bar and beers/beverages provided! JRuby Hackfest! Thursday, May 29, 6:30PM - whenever McMenamins at the Kennedy School 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Portland, l H<ÕŸ ±NŦŸ¦Á*'+Ick9*" %Yµ¨Ÿ¡¨¸ÍH60.QͲ©¢¯®­0!./&!<Ÿ¥¯À®¢Ÿ¢¯$ ,ǧ¡µ·Á?6³ª«ª§ƒ8ԡ/Y3G333Ignite PortlandKԡdci33333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs.2009-10-13 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-09-21 19:37:322009-09-28 21:14:03 @02009-10-13 04:00:00OR 97211 We're pushing this event as a real hackfest, so bring your laptops and apps you are running or want to run on JRuby. At least Tom Enebo, Nick Sieger, Ola Bini and I will be there, so we'll probably be able to get you up and running. Otherwise, if you don't have an app, stop by and we'll give you a walkthrough of JRuby and maybe there will be a bug or piece of code you can help out with. I want to thank LinkedIn for initiating this event...Tom and I and the other JRubyists are too busy to set these sorts of things up, so it's great to have community members take this initiative. LinkedIn is also sponsoring, along with Joyent and Sun Microsystems. Remember, please RSVP in comments or by email so we can get an idea of headcount. And if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see or hear about or work on at the 'fest, let us know!2008-05-30 01:30:00http://headius.blogspot.com/2008/05/jruby-pre-railsconf-hackfest-on.html2008-05-23 15:54:552008-07-13 04:32:03 ;2008-05-30 06:30:00 ~-~IAT' cC331 OIT Portland 7726 SE Harmony Rd., Portland, Oregon 97222http://www.oit.edu/portland2008-11-23 15:39:212008-11-23 15:39:217726 Se Harmony RdPortlandOR97222US@FKja^SɫASo W 33+ Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Portland OR 972.ԡi9Q39333Calagator: Code SprintWe'll be having another code sprint this Saturday at CubeSpace, starting at 10AM. Now that we've started regularly re-importing feeds, we have more to do to handle duplicates and get the import/ export process running as efficiently as possible. There's also wOԡh/ 3M333WordCamp PortlandTHIS EVENT IS SOLD-OUT WordCamp is a gathering of WordPress folks. WsLԡgy 3}333AeA Oregon Council 6th Annual Gala: Party in the Pinot2008-07-27 01:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orkn_partyinthepinot_08.asp2008-05-22 14:59:322008-07-13 04:32:02 :2008-07-27 05:00:00 @@H=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-4
          Come join fellow Portland bloggers for a work session every Friday from 4pm until at least 6pm at the Green Dragon. We help each other work on our blogs. Maybe you need some design help. Maybe you want to power your comments form with OpenID, but don’t know how. Maybe you just need the social space to get off your duff and do the shit you tell everyone you’re going to do. Whatever your story, we’ll be then and there enjoying delicious beers and pounding keys. We’ll be the ones with the extension cord and power strip huddled around a grip of mostly Mac laptops.
          2008-05-23 23:00:002008-05-23 16:17:272008-07-13 04:32:03 ; ;bն2008-05-24 01:00:00r courses on programming and computing. Unlike conventional approaches, ours focuses on designing programs in a systematic manner. The syntax of the chosen programming languages (both Java and Scheme) is only discussed as needed to support design principles. Field tests with over 500 high schools and a dozen colleges have shown that the approach produces better students than conventional approaches that use a single language. In several controlled studies, we could also show that students find our curriculum more appealing than the AP curriculum. In my talk, I will provide an overview of the project, especially its intellectual premises and principles. My goal is to encourage you to think about the first year in a different way. The old ones are of questionable value. If we want our beautiful discipline to survive, we must find a good way of teaching it."2008-06-02 23:30:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~colloq/felleisen-firstYear.html 2008-05-23 12:46:042008-07-13 04:32:02 :2008-06-03 01:00:00 factors. Social issues that may seem far apart, such as ecological stress and women's rights for instance, have common roots. In the modern context, much of the political unraveling that we are witnessing can be understood in terms of the limitations of growth of modern industrialism.

          The growth of fundamentalism and militarism, the decline of civil liberty andwh_S3A33JuWrite it Rich! Tips for Reluctant WritersSmall business owners: Learn how to write your own marketing copy: blogs, newsletters, emails and more. Write it Rich! Tips for Reluctant Writers is a 1-day, 2-hour workshop that teaches you how to organize your thoughts, pick a key message, and write DREAMY copy. Great for folks in the service industry, and anyone who wants to brush up on their writing skills. Class size limited to 10. Registration, pre-payment required. $65 per person. Contact Susan Rich for payment info. 2009-04-21 01:30:00http://www.richwriting.com2009-04-10 17:25:58 92009-04-21 03:30:00 ||University is hosting IP3, Inc. for a comprehensive Informat+ԡ+E3K333Beer and Blog - Drupal Magic An}ԡ`Q_33333OTBC: An HR Checklist for StartupsIf you're thinking about attending OTBC Startup SpeedDating to build a founding team, start a company, then if all goes well eventually you'll be hiring employees and contractors. There are things you'll want to do -- and things you'll want to be sure to NOT do. At this brown-bag lunch, we'll discuss both. Bring your questions! Discussion Leader This brown bag discussion will be led by OTBC coach and Human Resources professional Iris Sasaki. Location: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Date: Friday, September 25, 2009 Time: Noon to 1pm Max: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: Free (bring your lunch!)2009-09-25 19:00:00http://www.otbc.org2009-09-20 23:55:372009-09-20 23:57:35 <2009-09-25 20:00:00hether you consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, WordCamp is for you. WordCamp Portland will be held at CubeSpace on September 27th. You can head over to the Agenda page to check out the details, but we’ll kick things off with a couple large-group speakers including Lorelle Van Fossen as our keynote speaker. The middle of the day will feature several small-group breakout sessions with a variety of topics. Attendees can pose WordPress questions to our “Ask the Experts” panel before dinner. After dinner, we’ll have a bunch of rooms available for unconference-style sessions to be determined by the attendees on the day of the event. We’re now accepting registrations for WordCamp Portland. The advance registration fee is $10 which includes lunch, dinner, a WordCamp Portland T-shirt, and entry into drawings for door prizes. 2008-09-27 15:45:00http://www.wordcampportland.org/2008-05-22 15:12:432008-09-26 22:58:36 92008-09-28 03:45:001US@FUI^X k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<ԡe% 3e333Linux ClinicIf you are arrivingUԡeO3]333Exploring Photosh2ԡ_IQ33333OTBC: Sales for the Non SellerOK, you're not a sales person, you're a founder or early employee at a startup. But in the beginning, before you're ready to hire your first sales person, you are the sales force! So at this early stage, and given that you're not a "professional sales person" there are a few things you need to know to improve your effectiveness. At this lunch and learn, you'll learn some effective sales strategies to help you succeed in working with early customers and potential investors. The Presenter Jeff Schneider is President of Schneider Training Solutions, an authorized agent for Sandler Sales Institute. Sandler is the leader for innovative training solutions for sellers and managers nationwide. Jeff has trained groups of people up and down the West Coast, on topics relatiung to sales, sales management and personal development. Prior to starting this company, Jeff spent 18 years in sales and sales management, with most of his experience in media and advertising. Specifically, Jeff managed sales operations for television and radio stations in Spokane, Sacramento, Bend and Portland. He trained and mentored dozens of successful advertising sellers, and earned a reputation as a manager that knew how to take a seller to the next level of their selling career. Location: OTBC, 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Time: Networking starts 11:30am; program from noon to 1:15pm Max: Blue line, Beaverton Central stop (one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center) Driving directions: http://www.otbc.org/map_and_directions.html Parking: Free parking in the parking garage next door to our building Cost: $15 if paid 24 hours in advance; $20 after that2009-09-22 18:30:00http://www.otbc.org2009-09-20 23:53:322009-09-20 23:54:09 <2009-09-22 20:30:00 -H:g%339OpenSourcery2008-12-10 20:50:232008-12-10 20:50:23"ԡmQ]3333The First Year in Computer ScienceThe First Year in Computer Science Matthias Felleisen Northeastern University 2nd June, 16:40–18:00 Location: Hoffman Hall Rm 109, Portland State University Abstract My team and I have developed an alternative approach to the first-yeapBԡl=3)333Webinar - Grand Theft IPBefore compromising your business's valuable property--its copyrights, trademarks, patents and trade secrets--discover the lessons others have learned the hard way. In this webinar, Vicki Ballou, Rosemary Colliver, John Vandenberg and Steve Wilker will discuss common IP blunders AND how to avoid them. Speaker Bios - Coming soon! When: Jun 18, 2008 10:00 am Where: Online 2008-06-18 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=web_events&venue_id=142008-05-23 11:23:002008-07-13 04:32:02 :2008-06-18 17:00:00 writing up a "Guide to Calagator" as Igal discussed, to help us get more groups sending data, and identifying any additional sources we can import at this time. ... I'd heartily invite non-programmers and those that haven't gone to many code sprints to join us for this session. You can really help us out even if you join us for part of the day. Calagator is now ready enough that we can recommend it to many additional local groups. We need to discuss how to best approach, assist and involve them. A "Guide to Calagator" article will help us explain to community leaders what Calagator is about, how it can help them, and how they can use it. It'll need to be written in plain, clear English with minimum jargon or fuss. We'll need writers. But don't worry, there will be plenty of programming too. ;) See you there. 2008-05-24 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-tech-calendar/browse_thread/thread/83cf90d2ac35a5702008-05-22 22:17:312008-07-13 04:32:02 92008-05-25 00:00:00 EuTE}=133+Grand Central Bowl2008-06-09 15:46:182008-06-09 15:46:18839 SE MorrisonPortlandOregon@F:)y^ I^5;b3<= K33+ %Cedarwood Waldorf Schoolhttp://www.cedarwoodschool.org/2008-06-09 11:27:312008-09-17 15:49:023030 SW 2nd AvePortlandOregon97201@F- q^Q503-245-1477;bN;7 33) The ElkThe Elk statue and fountain in the middle of Main Street between 3rd and 4th avenues.2008-06-09 09:33:542008-06-15 11:46:04350 SW Main StPortlandOregon97204US@Fv^\.;b:)331Pacwest Center2008-06-09 09:27:212008-07-11 01:16:071211 SW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon@F-^Q;b ;9A337McMenamins Mission Theater2008-06-09 09:24:432009-04-14 21:01:221624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209@F]cA^1&y;b <8333+Jamison Square Park2008-06-09 09:16:142008-06-09 09:16:15810 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209US@FüDL^\;b  /> Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
          The Freak Mountain Ramblers present a unique blend of Rock 'n Roll, Bluegrass, Alternative Country, and Country Blues. With a lineup including 3 members of the inimitable and notorious Holy Modal Roundԡ^g+3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers' October MeetingThe October Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Howard Lewis Ship will give a presentation on Cappuccino , a rich JavaScript framework based on Cocoa . Howard will also be talking on Cappuccino at the No Fluff Just Stuff Java Conference . Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-10-29 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428542/2009-09-19 23:13:482009-10-26 03:06:26 A;b2009-10-29 04:00:00 }}ng an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beveragԡ 3]333Puppet PDX Meetup: Config Management, Cloud Computing, and Beer!Come join us on Friday, Feb 27, at Paddy's Bar and Grill (SW 1st/Yamhill) from 6-8 pm for Puppet PDX, an opportunity to get together and talk about all things related to configurtԡbiE3!333Getting Started with Microcontrollers WorkshopThis workshop is the first in a series of workshops on how to use microcontrollers to, well, control things. You’ve purchased an Arudino-compatible board or completed the Audino Cult Induction, so now it’s time to make your board actually do something. This monthly workshop covers simple but useful circuits to connect to the pins and how to control those circuits using the Arduino language. The first workshop is on October 5 from 7 to 9pm at TechShop in Beaverton. The class will be held in the upstairs classroom (the “Hack Hut“). To sign up, go to 1 DDu5ԡfuo3o333Women Who Tech's Portland Potluck Picnic in the ParkJoin with other 'women who tech' from the Portland area on Sunday, June 22, to meet new friends, hang out with old friends, collaborate on ideas, share stories, and enjoy the plethora of potluck picnic foods. This is a great opportunity to create a local, supportive network for the vibrant and thriving community of women in technology professions by giving you all an open platform to share talents, experiences and insights. An off-line extension of the Women Who Tech online network, this picnic hopes to bring together women from many industries that use technology to do their jobs or to help their organizations. You can learn more about the national network of women and join in by visiting the organization's website: http://womenwhotech.com2008-06-22 18:00:00http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144146772202008-05-22 13:57:172008-07-13 04:32:02 :2008-06-22 21:00:00berly Blessing (Paypal) and many others.

          Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O'Grady ("The Art and Science of Conversation in Social Media"), Tyler Sticka ("The Control Freak's Guide to Web Design"), David McFarland ("Javascript for Designers") and more.

          Conference Pass: $250 Standard Admission

          Workshops: $450 each

          Group rates, association discounts and student discounts are also available; call Brad Smith at 503-230-2058 or email brad@webvisionsevent.com for more information.

          Register at http://www.webvisionsevent.com/register/
          2008-05-22 07:00:00http://www.webvisionsevent.com2008-05-22 05:44:322008-07-13 04:32:01 9;bzJe2008-05-23 07:00:00ting that knowledge, making it available to everyone, and putting it to work in a plan for resilient communities.

          So please pass this on to anyone you think should be there.  There’s a lot needing to be done to create a resilient future in our region for ourselves and our children.  Please join us and help shape that future. 

          And thanks to our cosponsors: 

          • Bright Neighbor
          • Center for Earth Leadership
          • City Repair
          • Common Good Finance
          • Portland Permaculture Guild
          • Portland Peak Oil
          • ReCode Oregon
          • St. Francis of Assisi Church
          • Transition Sunnyside
          • TLC Farm
          • Washington County Peak Oil
          2009-09-26 02:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/41122009-09-19 19:46:042009-09-19 19:47:26 >^2009-09-27 00:00:00 t}ԡe+_3I333WebVisions 2008WebVisions explores the future of the Web with an all-star lineup of visionary speakers that includes keynotes from Jeffrey Veen of Google and Lynne Johnson of FastCompany.com, as well as sessions by Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.net), Matt Haughey (MetaFilter), Christina Wodtke (Boxes and Arrows), Tjeerd Hoek (frog design), Bill DeRouchey (Ziba Design), Kim|}ԡc+_3I333WebVisions 2008WebVisions explores the future of the Web with an all-star lineup of visionary speakers that includes keynotes from Jeffrey Veen of Google and Lynne Johnson of FastCompany.com, as well as sessions by Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.net), Matt Haughey (MetaFilter), Christina Wodtke (Boxes and Arrows), Tjeerd Hoek (frog design), Bill DeRouchey (Ziba Design), Kim};Palatino Linotype";">Local currency
        • Working with local government
        • Administrative tasks such as Training and Finances 

        Later Saturday you will have a chance to sign on for any projects you have energy for and begin work toward crafting and implementing Energy Descent Action Plans.  There will also be an opportunity to connect with others from your neighborhood.  

        We are very excited about moving toward a more cooperative and joyful future.  The knowledge of what to do already exists; it’s just scattered throughout the community.  This is the beginning of our tapping and integraberly Blessing (Paypal) and many others.

        Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O'Grady ("The Art and Science of Conversation in Social Media"), Tyler Sticka ("The Control Freak's Guide to Web Design"), David McFarland ("Javascript for Designers") and more.

        Conference Pass: $250 Standard Admission

        Workshops: $450 each

        Group rates, association discounts and student discounts are also available; call Brad Smith at 503-230-2058 or email brad@webvisionsevent.com for more information.

        Register at http://www.webvisionsevent.com/register/
        2008-05-22 07:00:00http://www.webvisionsevent.com2008-05-22 05:10:522008-07-13 04:32:01 9;bzJe2008-05-23 07:00:00 cc.q70k 33S  Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 09:24:412008-11-03 19:51:06SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^ ;r1/3 O333 )Clinton Corner Cafehttp://wԡ`Ue3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

        Come play Werewolf with us.

        We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

        Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

        2008-06-12 08:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/672008-05-22 02:32:102008-07-13 04:32:01;bՉJj,2008-06-12 13:39:00 wow>(A 5 33' Tom McCall Waterfront ParkNaito Pkwy at Salmon2008-10-30 01:27:012008-10-30 01:27:30Sw Naito PkwyPortlandOR97204US@F,^T'G _733/ %Multnomah Athletic Club (MAC)1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97205http://www.themac.com2008-10-29 22:01:262008-10-29 22:01:261qԡ_3{3933Strands Portland Meet-up-Come join us for a demo of the new Strands in private betaOn May 28th, we will be opening up our newest service, Strands.com under private beta, a very early version of what we think will be something very relevant for people, very ambitious in the data portability space. We've organized a meet-up for the Portland community and would love for you to attend.
        2008-05-29 02:00:00http://www.strands.com2008-05-21 12:15:512008-06-18 13:23:53 9;bմ ԡ^A13333Adobe Developer User Grouphttp://pdxria.com/2007-01-17 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:01;bղ2007-01-17 02:30:00 tN9 ԡ]773333Defcon Group Portlandhttp://www.dc503.org/2007-04-29 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bղ2007-04-29 23:00:00ԡ\%13333Perl Mongershttp://pdx.pm.org/2007-03-15 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:01 9;bղ2007-03-15 04:00:00ԡ[#A3333DevGroup NWhttp://www.devgroupnw.org/2007-03-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:00 :;bղ2007-03-21 03:00:00ԡZ?=3333Final Cut Pro Users Grouphttp://www.pdxfcpug.com/2007-04-06 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:00 :;bղ2007-04-06 03:30:00ԡY+53333Java User Grouphttp://www.pjug.org/2007-03-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-08-29 16:00:23 <;bղ2007-03-21 03:30:00ԡX+53333Java User Grouphttp://www.pjug.org/2007-04-25 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-08-29 16:00:22 <;bղ2007-04-25 03:30:00 to address specific problems that are arising in the emerging clean-energy marketplace. Shorepower & Synkromotive have merged together and are applying power electronics and software to the electric vehicle and battery storage space. Powermand has developed a demand response system to radically improve the efficiency of the monitoring, production and use of electricity. RNA Networks has developed a software solution that optimizes the energy efficiency of servers and data centers. The panelists will discuss how various emerging applications can help the country migrate towards a widespread clean, distributed and decentralized energy model and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions directly of the panel members. MODERATOR Ted Bernhard, Attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Ted Bernhard is a corporate and securities lawyer who focuses on rapid-growth and clean-technology enterprises, and on renewable-energy development companies. He also has extensive experience handling work for traditi rM+(! Y 33- %Blitz Ladd2239 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 972142008-10-28 15:50:342008-ԡW)93333PDXLUG (Linux)http://www.pdxlug.org/2007-03-09 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:00 :;bղ2007-03-09 04:00:00ԡV%53333PLUG (Linux)http://pdxlinux.org/2007-03-02 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:00 9;bղ2007-03-02 05:00:00ԡUE53 333PLUG (Linux) Advanced Topicshttp://pdxlinux.org/2008-08-21 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-08-07 00:12:00 :;bղ2008-08-21 04:00:00 ԡT5A3333Mac Filmmakers Grouphttp://www.pdxmacfilm.com/2007-03-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:32:00;bղ2007-03-07 04:00:00 ԡS753333Macintosh Users Grouphttp://www.pmug.org/2007-03-13 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:59 :,;bղ2007-03-13 04:00:00ԡR+93333.Net User Grouphttp://www.padnug.org/2007-03-29 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:59 :+;bղ2007-03-29 03:30:00 lrMlԡQ)i3333Personal Telcohttp://www.personaltelco.net/static/index.html2007-03-29 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:20 >;bղ2007-03-29 03:00:00ԡP)i3333Personal Telcohttp://www.personaltelco.net/static/index.html2007-05-31 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:20 >;bղ2007-05-31 03:00:00ԡO/K3333Social Media Clubhttp://portlandsocialmedia.com/2007-03-28 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:59;bղ2007-03-28 03:00:00ԡN=93333PADNUG (.NET User Group)http://www.padnug.org/2007-03-29 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:59 :+;bղ2007-03-29 03:30:00ԡM+93333.NET User Grouphttp://www.padnug.org/2007-05-31 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 :+;bղ2007-05-31 04:00:00ԡL+93333.NET User Grouphttp://www.padnug.org/2007-08-30 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 :+;bղ2007-08-30 04:00:00 nd$n075 I33+ %Living Room Theatershttp://livingroomtheaters.com/2008-06-09 09:15:562008-06-26 03:22:12341 Sw 10th AvePortlandOregon97205US@FYW+^0c971.222.2010;b<6- _333 )Crystal Ballroomhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=22008-06-09 09:15:152009-09-07 20:33:491332 W. Burnside StPortlandOregon97209@FC,^ =p(503) 225-0047;b!5=33QWorld Trade Center - Two2008-06-09 09:14:312008-07-04 18:14:30corner of SW Salmon and 1st StreetPortlandOregon97204US@FM"^-;b :>Q49 a33C! 'McMenamins on Broadwaytesthttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=322008-06-08 13:26:382008-12-19 15:39:131504 NE Broadway St Ste 900PortlandOregon97232-1407US@F|AC^_(503)288-94983;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-06-07 21:29:412008-06-08 14:10:15915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214@F ^lD;b՚ ; 3 min.] Dian, Paito by Bernhard Schreiner [2001, 16mm, color, sound, 7min.] Nothing Is Over Nothing by Jonathan Schwartz [2008, 16mm, color, sound, 16 min.] SCREENINGS Screening Location and Admission Unless otherwise noted all screenings will take place at 11 NW 13th Street, 4th floor with a suggested donation of $6 ($3 members). All tickets are available at the door, cash or checks only please. EXPANDED FRAMES passes are $30 and include admission to all symposium events. 11 N.W. 13th Avenue, Portland Located between Burnside and Couch, doors open 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time. Elevator access is provided, please come to the door so we can accomodate. City Center parking is available for $7 on 14th street. For access to the space from the 3rd floor enter from the western stairwell.2009-04-12 02:30:00http://www.cinemaproject.org/screenings.html#repositions2009-04-10 14:06:04 ?-2009-04-13 05:00:00al@yahoo.com, 434-409-6006

        From the back cover of Culture ks\ki+ _1331 )The Nines Hotel525 SW Morrison · Portland, OregojԡE3333PAGDIGPortland Area Game Developer Interest Group Corwin talking about PDC and Sam Adams’ office and game funding. http://pagdig.org2007-08-10 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:57 :;bղ2007-08-10 04:00:00ԡD9K3333PostgreSQL Users Grouphttp://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2007-08-17 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:57 9;bղ2007-08-17 04:00:00%ԡCKU3333Fall 2007 PostgreSQL Conferencehttp://www.postgresqlconference.org/2007-10-20 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:57 9;bղ2007-10-21 01:00:00FԡB1/3333Python Users Grouphttp://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup http://python.meetup.com/183/2007-10-10 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:57 9;bղ2007-10-10 04:00:00ԡAU3333Code Sprint/Coding Dojo at CubeSpace2007-10-18 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:57 9;bղ2007-10-18 04:00:00 _J+y_EXJԡK)Q3333BarCamp meetuphttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-03-23 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 :.;bղ2007-03-23 03:00:00{ԡJ13333PDX PHPhttp://pdxphp.org/2007-03-07 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 9;bղ2007-03-07 05:00:00+ԡIs93333PAGDIG: Portland Area Game Developer Interest Grouphttp://www.pagdig.org/2007-06-22 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 ; ;bղ2007-06-22 04:00:00{ԡH13333PDX PHPhttp://pdxphp.org/2007-08-15 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:58 9;bղ2007-08-15 03:30:00ԡG9K3333PostgreSQL Users Grouphttp://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2007-03-21 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:57 9;bղ2007-03-21 04:00:00/ԡF=w3333Drupal User Group MeetupThe Drual usergroup http://groups.drupal.org/portland2007-06-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:372008-07-13 04:31:57 :S;bղ2007-06-14 03:00:00yle="font-family: "Palatino Linotype";">Food
      2. Transportation
      3. Housing
      4. Health and wellbeing
      5. Arts and Music
      6. ReSkilling - (re)learning the low tech skills of our forebears
      7. Neighborhood organizing and support
      8. Outreach and publicity
      9. Heart and soul - learning and helping others to cope with the psychological, spiritual and social sides of change
      10. Anyone can suggest a topic to discuss on Saturday based on the theme of creating resilience.  If people choose to show up and discuss that topic, and to create an action team, it will become a part of the overall project. Some examples of projects that have emerged in other Transition Towns are  

        • 4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[wԡ=/3U333"No Pitch" CoffeeOne of the worst parts about networking are the individuals that use the events to pitch their products and services. We all know that is part of the deal when networking but it can be highly annoying. Because the f!ԡOYm3]333Portland Werewolf - November GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-11-12 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420387/2009-09-16 18:21:352009-11-09 19:27:40 A;b2009-11-12 02:00:00 ::sR?ԡXE93]333SAOpdx: Selling Software in a Down Economy by Improving Your Ability to Sell Value (webinar)The third webinar in this series will emphasize the critical importance of selling value of your software and services solution in today's economy. We no longer believe selling value is optional for the professional software salesperson, rather it is mandatory. In this session you'll learn how to articulate your software/service's value proposition. You'll also learn the skill of presenting your solution as a necessary high ROI investment, that your prospects should prioritize, instead of a high cost expense that gets differed to the next quarter or next year. There is no fee for this webinar. Presenter: Jim Allen, Author of "Value Based Selling - A Software Sales Methodology" #saopdx2009-06-04 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567991/2009-05-05 19:07:252009-05-06 19:19:09 :;b=2009-06-04 17:00:00 [=[[ H33IOHSUuԡ; 3333Measuring People, SWASQ2007-03-23 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:51;bձ2007-03-23 03:30:00ԡ7%3333Mktg to the Gov, SBDC503-978-50802007-03-24 01:15:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:51;bձ2007-03-24 04:30:00 ԡC13333OEN Biz Plan Devel. Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-04-18 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:51;bձ2007-04-19 01:30:00 ԡG13333OEN Exec Series: Go to Markethttp://www.oen.org2007-04-06 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:51;bձ2007-04-06 02:00:005ԡWq3333OGI MST Info Session for new studentshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22052007-03-22 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:51;bձ2007-03-22 01:30:00<ԡMK3K333Performance Appraisals that Workhttp://www.cascadeemployers.com2007-03-22 15:30:00http://www.cascadeemployers.com2008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-03-22 19:00:00This powerful process will enable us to walk out at the end of the day with a road map for creating our future.  Coffee, tea and snacks will be available.  Lunch will be brown bag or at nearby cafes.  No charge for the day but donations appreciated.  

        What we choose to focus on is up to you.  The Open Space format enables the people who come to create the agenda.  o Linotype";">How Can We Build a Resilient Portland?  An Open Space Day, Saturday, September 26, 9:00-5:00.  Bring your ideas, passions and enthusiasm and participate in designing the movement – suggesting what is needed and discussing how to make it happen.  cuoicR 97124 Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and fut~$33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:16:142008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~#33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:15:322008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~"33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:14:432008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~!33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:13:122008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~ 33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:12:382008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:11:312008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9533-Life of Riley Tavern2008-06-06 07:43:122008-06-06 07:43:12300 NW 10th Ave.PortlandOregon97209@F9^$;bshed when people start working together on a common vision, and that education and building strong community coalitions can change the world.  Her presentation will include what is unique about the Transition model, Sandpoint’s experience in developing it, and their main challenges and how they came up with solutions.  Karen’s talk will be followed by a social in the church dining hall downstairs.  $10 donation, no one turned away.

    • Keynote speaker Friday evening, September 25, 7:30 pm.  Karen Lanphear s a co-founder of the Sandpoint Transition Initiative in Idaho.  She believes that within each community there lies an enormous pool of power that can be unlea BDBqQ|rxpuoiԡIM3333PNDC membership series meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-04-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-04-17 16:00:00ԡ-k3O333Renewable EnergyReThink, Office of Sustainable Development's green-building education program http://www.portlandonline.com/OSD2007-03-23 01:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/OSD2008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-03-23 03:00:00 ԡ+s3333SAO Connectionshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-04-12 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-04-13 01:00:00+ԡAs3333SAO: Build your Robot Armyhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-03-23 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-03-23 20:00:005ԡUs3333SAO: Face of the Future for Businesshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-04-11 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-04-11 02:00:00 ~+u˃˃x˃p˃h˃<33/Backspace2008-09-11 20:03:152008-09-12 19:56:01115 NW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@F=^?>;b.ԡ Gs3333SAO: Silent but Deadly Issueshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-03-21 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:50;bձ2007-03-21 16:00:00/ԡ Cy3333Starveups Hot Seat: Cudadoghttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-03-24 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-24 04:00:00ԡ 3g3333Tour of Acumed, SWEhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-03-21 01:15:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-03-21 03:15:00'ԡ eG3333VC Series: Buerk Dale Victor; OTBC, OEN, SAOhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-04-24 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-04-24 20:00:00|ԡ =3333WEO-ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-04-11 00:45:002008-05-20 00:21:242008-07-13 04:31:49;bձ2007-04-11 03:15:00span>

      You’re welcome to come whether you are already committed or just curious about the possibilities.   If you’re working with a neighborhood or a group with a related mission, we invite you to come and explore how different groups and communities can network and link together in a shared effort to build a lower-carbon future.  Also, we urge you to circulate this notice to your group and anyone else you think should be there. 

      Heres the program: 

      • The Transition Initiative in Portland invites you to meet with us to begin planning and organizing an effort to build community resilience in the face of climate change, rising energy costs and economic decline.  Building on work started by many organizations, we will put into action energy descent planning around a variety of aspects; neighborhood organizing; coalition building with partner groups; and a holistic vision of how we can cope with major changes in our lives.  In the process we will create stronger communities and more satisfying lives based on sharing and cooperation. 
        In his talk, Raven will provide a basic overview of the process of developing and distributing sofԡ0Mi3]333SAOpdx: Keeping Happy Customers Across the Global Quilt: Proper MYԡz3/39333DorkbotPDX Open LabDorkbotPDX Open Lab, a place for people to do strange things with electricity. Bring your projects and ideas for help, or bring your expertise to help others. Or just talk geek with a bunch of crazy dorks.2009-09-27 20:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2009-09-24 20:37:582009-09-24 20:37:58 ;s2009-09-28 00:00:00!ԡy13]333Founder’s CoffeeFounder’s Coffee, a Portland Ten event, is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour. See you Tuesday morning!2009-10-06 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546549/2009-09-24 18:26:452009-10-13 05:16:20 @;b2009-10-06 17:00:00 c Q\ea'sI;=33/Swashbuckling Kitten Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR9721!l=;=33/Suave Chalice Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214#mA;=33/Unlucky Puppy Distillery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214(nK;=33/Swashbuckling Flaggon Brewery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214o/;=33/Giant Mouse Pub *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214,pS;=33/Swashbuckling Elephant Distillery *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214 V3:cC33-bridgeport brewpub + bakery2008-08-06 18:10:152008-08-06 1ԡ6g33333EFNW: The Best of Employee Volunteer Programshttp://www.efnw.org2007-05-15 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-05-15 20:00:00 ԡ5_?3333PDMA: Product Forecasting - Does it work?http://www.oregonpdma.org2007-04-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-26 03:00:00:ԡ4C 3333Innotech: eMarketing Summithttp://www.innotechconference.com/pdx/Event/eMarketing_Forum.php2007-04-25 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-26 00:00:004ԡ353333WSA Investment Forumhttp://www.wsa.org/pages/events/events_events_050207_main.asp2007-05-02 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37 :;bձ2007-05-03 01:00:00#ԡ2g=3333Going Greener: Oregon's Competitive Advantagehttp://www.oeconline.org2007-04-24 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-24 16:00:00 el@e ԡT973333AEA : Selling Globallyhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-04-12 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42;bձ2007-04-12 16:00:00 ԡSa=3333Negotiating from a Position off Persuasionhttp://www.iaap-otc.org/2007-04-12 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42;bձ2007-04-12 02:00:00ԡR[=3333Starveups Hot Seat: Remote Technologieshttp://www.starveups.com2007-04-13 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42;bձ2007-04-13 04:00:00ԡQ'13333OEN: Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-04-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42 :6;bձ2007-04-12 03:00:00ԡP];3333AMA: How Subaru Cuts through the Clutterhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-04-10 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42;bձ2007-04-10 20:15:00 ԡO3;3333Souk 2fer special -http://www.soukllc.com/2007-04-30 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;bձ2007-05-01 07:00:00 5c&J5!ۋ8 K333http://www.igniteportland.com/2008/07/save-the-date-ignite-portland-4-will-be-november-13-2008/2008-07-11 02:08:412008-07-11 02:08:412008-07-11 02:08:43gۋ7Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8599412008-07-10 22:18:292008-07-10 22:18:292008-07-10 22:18:30hۋ6[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/870487/2008-07-10 22:12:402008-07-10 22:12:402008-07-10 22:12:41hۋ5[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/463918/2008-07-10 22:12:172008-07-10 22:12:172008-07-10 22:12:18hۋ4[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/738536/2008-07-10 22:10:122008-07-10 22:10:122008-07-10 22:10:14gۋ3Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8692032008-07-08 18:52:302008-07-08 18:52:302008-07-08 18:52:32\ۋ2C333http://www.rubyhoedown.com/2008-07-08 15:01:382008-07-08 15:01:382008-07-08 15:01:39ۋ1 5333http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/8120645/ical/Portland+Pythoneers+July+Meeting/2008-07-08 00:21:382008-07-08 00:21:372008-07-08 00:21:38 77@12}ԡ:A=333SCORE: Sales for Beginnershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-10-31 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b`vJԡG3333SAO: When to Hire/Who to HireWhen to Hire/Who to Hire Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 7:3 Hԡ[o3Bԡ:+W3i333Big Idea Bash 2The Oregon Growth Account, Oregon Investment Fund, and many other investment companies are constantly looking for promising opportunities to  invest in Oregon.      That is why STATE TREASURER BEN WESTLUND Is  hosting  the Big  Idea  Bash!   The Big Idea Bash will be a social event that will introduce the managers who invest on behalf of Oregon to people with ideas for Oregon's next success stories - people like you. You'll even be able to network and solicit feedback in a "speed dating" kind of format.2009-04-30 00:00:00http://www.ost.state.or.us/BigBash/BigBash.asp2009-04-21 22:06:232009-04-21 22:08:51 =3333Code Sprint at CubeSpace2007-11-17 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:56 9;bղ2007-11-18 02:00:006ԡ=#3333Coders BashThis December Multiple Portland programming users groups are going to combine meetings into on large meeting. This will be a socializing, festive atmosphere meant to allow the local group members to mingle and get to know their fellow scripters (compilers also welcome :). http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/2007_December_Coders_Social2007-12-12 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:56 9;bղ2007-12-12 06:00:00ԡ<#I3333Dorkbot PDXhttp://dorkbot.org/dorkbotpdx/2007-12-21 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:362008-07-13 04:31:56;bղ2007-12-21 05:00:00 i7t=iJY 333 OregoMԡ`y3333PMF: Could their be a 5 Step Solution to Problem Solving?http://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-04-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:44;bձ2007-04-19 18:30:00ԡ_#E3333PMI meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-04-10 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:44;bձ2007-04-11 03:00:00$ԡ^?g3333SWE: Communicatibn Skillshttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-04-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:44;bձ2007-04-14 03:30:00<ԡ]C3333SAO: Create Instant Successhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/17/072007-04-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-17 16:00:00Bԡ\I3333SAO: Commercializing OSU Tech.https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/12/2007b2007-04-13 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-13 03:30:00  d(v <ԡ[C3333SAO: Game Programming - XNAhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/19/072007-04-19 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-19 20:00:00 ԡZ_3333OSCONhttp://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2007/2007-07-23 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-07-28 07:00:00+ԡY;y3333Starveups: How to Scalehttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-05-30 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-05-30 04:00:00'ԡX9s3333Women in Business Expohttp://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/30422007-04-27 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-27 04:00:00ԡWO3333WEO - WAhttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-04-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-21 03:00:00ԡUc%3333NW Env. Business Council: The Carbon Future503-227-63612007-04-12 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:43;bձ2007-04-12 20:00:00 cn.cDԡNS 3333Toward 2020, Austin Entrep. Programhttp://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/programs/2007aep_conference.htm2007-05-03 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42 :;bձ2007-05-03 23:00:00ԡM3]3333Linuxfest Northwesthttp://linuxfestnorthwest.org/press.html2007-04-28 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:42 :;bձ2007-04-29 07:00:00ԡLK=3333The People Challenge, HRanswershttp://www.hranswers.com2007-05-09 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-05-09 19:00:00ԡK?'3333SBDC: Going Into Business503-978-5080.2007-04-18 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-18 05:00:00ԡJ/73333SBA Loan Briefinghttp://www.sba.gov/or2007-04-19 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-19 20:00:00vԡI73333STChttp://www.stcwvc.org2007-04-20 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-20 03:00:00 1nw1*ԡHgC3333Make Money with the Portland Business Journalhttp://www.CubeSpacePDX.com2007-04-17 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41 9;bձ2007-04-18 00:30:00ԡG?;3333SCORE: Basics of Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org2007-04-19 15:25:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-19 23:25:00ԡF_'3333SBDC, Evaluate & Buy a Franchise Business503-978-5080.2007-04-19 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-19 05:00:00LԡEc3333Innotech EDGE Forum: Bill Hill of Microsofthttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/25/072007-04-25 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:41;bձ2007-04-26 02:00:00ԡD113333OEN CEO Roundtablehttp://www.oen.org2007-04-25 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:40;bձ2007-04-25 16:00:00 ԡCC13333OEN Employment Law Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-04-25 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:40;bձ2007-04-26 01:00:00 gEAu?33-McMenamins Kennedy School2ԡBk13333OEN Executive Series: Build your Sales Strategyhttp://www.oen.org2007-05-04 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:40;bձ2007-05-04 02:00:00|ԡA%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-05-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:40;bձ2007-05-09 03:00:00|ԡ@%13333OEN Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org2007-05-09 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:40;bձ2007-05-10 00:00:00 ԡ?G13333OEN Business Concept Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-05-23 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:39;bձ2007-05-24 02:00:00ԡ>573333AEA Labor Law Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-01 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:39;bձ2007-05-01 16:00:00ԡ=K73333AEA: The Art of the Turn Aroundhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-04 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:39;bձ2007-05-04 02:30:00  their best advice as to how a company can navigate the legal and technical minefields to get better products to market faster by harnessing open source innovations. What Will Be Discussed? * Effective strategies for managing the l}ԡ~UG3M333Grow your business with speed networking! Join Portland Business Alliance's Business Leads Exchange Make valuable business connections at Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event! Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday October 13, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court, on the 4th Floor. Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance online/$20 at the door. First-timers: call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759 to attend one time as a guest. 2009-10-13 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com 2009-09-24 20:55:272009-09-24 21:03:462009-10-13 16:00:00 `c`ԡ<'73333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-11 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:39;bձ2007-05-11 02:30:00ԡ;a73333AEA: Will Your Company Survive a Disaster?http://www.aeanet.org2007-05-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-05-15 16:00:00ԡ:/73333AEA: Non-Competeshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-22 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-05-22 17:30:001ԡ9=3333SBDC: Celebrate Entrepreneurshp & Small Business in Oregonhttp://www.bizcenter.org2007-04-24 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-04-24 02:00:00ԡ8A93333AEA: SEC Accounting Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org 2007-04-25 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-04-25 17:00:00ԡ7M=3333HR Answers: Using Salary Surveyshttp://www.hranswers.com2007-05-16 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:38;bձ2007-05-16 16:30:00 ~t>~nQm33CubeSpace, CԡgE=3333SCORE: Finding New Customershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-13 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:37;bձ2007-12-14 00:00:00ԡfA=3333SCORE: Sales for Beginnershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-10-31 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:37;bձ2007-10-31 03:30:00 ԡe793333STCWVC: Intro to DITAhttp://www.stcwvc.org/2007-11-16 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:37;bձ2007-11-16 04:00:00ԡd/g3333SWE Holiday Partyhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-12-04 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-12-04 03:30:00 ԡcE13333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-15 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-11-16 00:00:00ԡb713333SAO: ITIL VC Bridginghttp://www.sao.org2007-11-28 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-11-29 01:00:00 6o1f6ԡ1G=3333ACEC: 2007 Legislative Updatehttp://www.acecoregn.org2007-04-26 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-26 03:00:00ԡ0W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-04-27 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:232008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-27 23:00:00Dԡ/I3333Oregon Discovers: Innovations in the Pipeline of Local Drug Developmenthttp://www.oregondiscovers.net2007-04-25 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:37;bձ2007-04-25 02:30:00-ԡ.uC3333Unwire Oregon: Technology and Economic Impact Summithttp://www.unwireoregon.com2007-05-01 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36;bձ2007-05-01 22:00:00ԡ-?%3333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-50802007-05-02 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36;bձ2007-05-02 04:30:00 ԡ,!I3333WebVisionshttp://www.webvisionsevent.com2007-05-03 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36 9;bձ2007-05-05 07:00:00 K5LK333Laurelhust Park (area E tables)2008-07-28 19:33:542008-07-28 19:48:19SE 39th & StarkPortlandOregon9ԡ%7a3333OCIABC Spring Minglerhttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm#pcc2007-04-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-04-27 03:00:00&ԡ$9i3333OAME Annual Conferencehttp://www.oame.org/Conference%202007/main.htm2007-05-10 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35 9;bձ2007-05-10 22:00:008ԡ#Sq3333IEEE: 9 Steps to Product Leadershiphttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22162007-04-25 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-11-22 00:31:12 <;bձ2007-04-25 04:00:00#ԡ"3q3333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21552007-05-03 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-04 00:00:00.ԡ!Iq3333SPIN Seminar: Beyond Deadlineshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22172007-05-11 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-11 03:00:00 ~uB ~$ S;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-07-29 22:33:362008-07-30 0ԡ+);3333AMA Networkinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-04-25 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36 :;bձ2007-04-25 01:30:00ԡ*E;3333AMA: Trends and Outlook 2007http://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-04-26 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36 9;bձ2007-04-26 20:00:00ԡ)-W3333ACG: Umpqua Bankhttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/2007-05-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36;bձ2007-05-09 02:30:00ԡ(E73333CHIFOO: Visual Communicationhttp://www.chifoo.org2007-05-10 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:36;bձ2007-05-10 03:00:00ԡ'K?3333EMA: Solving the Pb-Free Puzzlehttp://www.ema-oregon.org2007-05-15 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-15 20:00:00ԡ&333333Portland FEI dinnerhttp://www.pfei.org2007-05-18 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-18 03:00:00 ?-m?+ԡ Cq3333OGI: Project Portfolio Mgmthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21562007-05-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:35;bձ2007-05-16 00:30:000ԡMq3333OGI MST New Student Info Sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22182007-05-18 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-05-18 01:30:00>ԡay3333OHF: The Real Scoop on Retirement Benefitshttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-04-26 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-04-26 16:00:009ԡWy3333Oregon Health Forum: Pharma Unpluggedhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-05-24 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-05-24 16:00:00Lԡm3333Oregon Health Forum: Economic Paradigms of an Aging Workforcehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/workforce.html2007-04-25 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-04-25 20:00:00 ___________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open souԡ}3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Maximize Your Membership!Maximize Your Membership is a FREE event to showcase the numerous benefits of membership with Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Thursday, October 8, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm. at 200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room. For more information, call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759.2009-10-08 23:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 20:51:332009-09-24 21:01:122009-10-09 00:30:00 /Iompanies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you’re wonԡ"we3C33310/5 Mercy Corps NW: Blogging for your Small BusinessBlogs are powerful and cost-effectiWԡ!53E333Phoenix Fund, Mercy Corps presents Cross-Border Social Entrepreneurship in Kashmir The 62-year old Kashmir Conflict is one of the most intractable in the world. Increasingly, India and Pakistan have sBԡ ]Q3?333TiE Oregon - Demystifying the Smart GridThe idea of an intelligent electricity network is being promoted by many as a way of dealing with the increasing problems of global warming, energy independence and electric grid resilience. This so called “smart grid” will create opportunities for new technologies and businesses which will emerge to satisfy the demands for improved communications, smart appliances, distributed power generatiSKbkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#xof]TKB90'HۋVOۋNMۋGRۋ@Sۋ<Vۋ5Wۋ.Xۋ&Yۋ[ۋ\ۋՃۋ]ۋԃۋx`ۋpgۋhdۋ`hۋXjۋP_ۋGmۋ?^ۋ6߃ۋ.pۋ%oۋnۋsۋ tۋwۋwxۋozۋg|ۋ_uۋW~ۋNۋFۋ?ۋ7ۋK˃ۋTʃۋ[ȃۋbǃۋj^ۋsBۋ{Ńۋۋ ۋۋۋ ۋ(ۋ0ۋ8ۋ?ۋGۋOۋXۋ_ۋgۋo4ۋwۋۋۋۋۋۋ'ۋ/ۋ7ۋ?ۋHEۋPۋWۋ_ۋfPۋmۋuۋ}ۋۋ ۋۋۋ&ۋ. fI@fySԡ['3333Oregon Health Forum: Legislative Awardshttps://secure.354design.net/healthforum/product.php?productid=2&cat=1&page=12007-05-04 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-05-04 20:00:00*ԡGc3333Podcast In a Box Install-Festhttp://www.portlandaccelerator.com/node/9142007-05-05 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34 9;bձ2007-05-05 23:00:00=ԡ_y3333PMF: How to Recover from a Failed Programhttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-05-10 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:34;bձ2007-05-10 20:00:00 ԡ3E3333PMI Chapter Meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-05-15 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-16 03:00:000ԡ]a3333SCORE: Nuts and Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm#wssbbp2007-05-03 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-03 23:00:00 xh8 )3 333 635 NE Going Street2008-07-14 03:58:432008-07-30 15:49:45635 NE Going StreetPortlandOregon97222US@F>WS^*[1;b< ;Iԡ3M3333PNDC: ITAR Workshophttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-05-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:30;bձ2007-05-15 16:30:00ԡ1;3333Perfect Your Pitchhttp://www.kasteva.com/2007-05-19 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:30;bձ2007-05-20 00:00:008ԡ~wO3333Suceeding in International Business, Bank of the WestCall Lydia Hamann at 503-624-09552007-05-23 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:30 :;bձ2007-05-23 22:00:00<ԡ}eq3333ABPMP: Powerful Data Presentation for Actionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22222007-05-23 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:30;bձ2007-05-23 02:30:00ԡ|)73333AEA CEO Summithttp://www.aeanet.org2007-06-14 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:30;bձ2007-06-15 07:00:00 k}wqk~+33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:20:492008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~*33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:20:142008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~)33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:19:342008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~(33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:19:062008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~'33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:17:502008-06-06 08:25:12622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~&33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:17:182008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9~%33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:16:502008-06-06 08:25:13622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;b 9Beer and Blog again! Whoo-hoo! This time around Jason Harris (of techcraver.com fame, a most excellent tech blog) will be demoing Taptu a "super-fast entertainment search engine for your mobile." (This is the part where you get my "tap" headline pun, shake your head, and chuckle "that silly, silly @mediaChick." It's okay, I'm used to it.) Jason is the US Community Manager for Taptu, which enables media searching on your cell phone and SMS media link sharing with your friends. Intriguing, no? He'll be showing off his mobile search-and-share engine starting at 4pm, so all you mobile software rock stars should make plans accordingly. Also, in case you haven't heard...Justin and Christine are outta town. In Vegas, again. Yep, left me with the keys to the castle, at the helm of the ship. Funny thing, though. All I can think about is who's going to buy me a beer at Beer and Blog. ;) See you there, beer-and-bloggers!2009-04-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-04-10 03:48:57 ; 2009-04-11 01:00:00ou have a fair amount of homework to do. Homework such as defining your target market; sizing and segmenting that market; developing a competitive strategy; validating that your service or product fills an unmet need; value pricing your product. And the list goes on. In this seminar, OTBC Executive Director Steve Morris will review the different objectives you might have for writing a business plan, and the homework you need to do before you write the plan - and then will review what goes into the plan. You'll leave with a detailed action plan for preparing to write a business plan -- and with an outline of what should be in the plan. The good news: once you've done your homework, writing a business plan isn't that difficult! Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.2009-10-21 23:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/11501362/2009-10-05 15:52:242009-10-05 15:52:24 <2009-10-22 00:00:00 L<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ Ÿř`ԡ43333Open Source: Turning a Traditional Pitfall into Oppo^ԡE3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at EcoDryCleaner Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents ShopTalk Showcase, a morning networking program featuring member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday October 20, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at EcoDryCleaner: 16205 NW Bethany Court, Suite 116. Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 to attend one time as a guest. 2009-10-20 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 21:36:252009-09-24 21:36:542009-10-20 16:00:00   ԡ ԡ%Hԡ,Äԡ1Ȅԡ7Ƅԡ=„ԡEԡK"ԡQԡXԡbԡnԡuԡ{ԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ„ԡ&Ąԡ,ۄԡ2*ԡ:+ԡAg \@ڿ_\lԡ~aU3333XPDX Meeting: The Art of Ware-as-a-ServiceThe first wave of Agile software development challenged waterfall project management methodologies and traditional Quality Assurance. The next wave of Agile challenges on-premise software through what is known as Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS). Using Sun Tzu's timeless classic "The Art of War" as a framework, Founder/CEO of Cubic Compass, Mike Leach, presents principles and practices for creating an Agile SaaS organization that challenges the status quo of software development and delivery. >>> Pizza thanks to John Wilger at 6:30pm <<<2009-05-21 01:30:00http://www.cubiccompass.com/the-art-of-ware-as-a-service.aspx2009-05-17 16:47:222009-05-18 15:46:55 92009-05-21 03:30:00 2/m284ԡYm3333SCORE: Considering Going Into Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm#wssfirststep2007-05-12 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-12 19:00:00ԡ-g3333SWE: Bridge Walkhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-05-12 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-12 19:30:00Wԡy3333SAO: Replacing the Engine while the Sidewalk is Movinghttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/26/072007-04-26 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-04-26 17:00:00;ԡA3333SAO: Software as a Servicehttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/3/07b2007-05-03 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-03 16:00:00Jԡa3333SAO: Software as a Service Business Modelshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/9/072007-05-09 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-09 16:00:00 deas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It's a force for good, so please join us.

        WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

        WHERE: Main Lobby on the first floor of the Ecotrust Building - 721 NW Ninth Avenue

        DIRECTIONS: http://www.ecotrust.org/NCC/directions.html

        FEATURING: Hot Lips Pԡ'c93K333PDXPUG: eXtr#ԡr'3s333PDX HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree), but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun.2009-09-25 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-09-23 23:27:142009-09-23 23:27:14 ; 2009-09-25 05:30:00 ~L#:=33UOregon Convention Center2008-07-21 01:59:092008-07-2AԡE3333SAO: ITIL Foundations Coursehttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=%205/9/07ta2007-05-09 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-09 23:30:00?ԡI3333SAO: Getting the Most from CRMhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/15/072007-05-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-15 16:00:00ԡ;%3333SBDC: Buying a Business503-978-50802007-05-03 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-03 04:30:00#ԡ %3333SBDC: Operations and Systems for your Developing Business503-978-50802007-05-04 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-04 04:30:00|ԡ 1%3333SBDC: Going Global503-978-50802007-05-04 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-05 00:00:00 n7n ԡiG13333OEN Exec Series: Go To Markethttp://www.oen.org2007-06-08 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:28;bձ2007-06-08 02:00:00|ԡh%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:27;bձ2007-06-14 03:00:00}ԡg'13333OEN Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-06-29 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:27;bձ2007-06-29 03:00:00ԡfY13333OEN: Business Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-21 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:27;bձ2007-06-22 01:30:00 ԡeE13333OEN: Online with Jeff Jettonhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-05 17:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:27;bձ2007-06-05 19:00:00Bԡdqq3333OGI: The Art of Conscious Influence for HR Leadershttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22192007-05-17 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:27;bձ2007-05-17 20:30:00 RRting experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergence marketing. He currently specializes in consulting on holistic business strategy and social media for big brands, non-profits and emerging technology companies, helping them leverage the power of Internet and Web 2.0 tԡZ/ 3M333Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th

        The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

        Chuction to the smart grid concept along with a summary of problems it will address and some business opportunity examples in the emerging clean energy marketplace. John Thornton, VP Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Porteon Electric Vehicles Inc - Moving towards the intelligent convergence of vehicles, buildings and electric utilities. An overview of perspectives on the future of transportation and sustainability: electric vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid as enabling technologies. Steve Jennings, Chief Marketing Officer, BPL Global - The Smart Grid: Today and Tomorrow. Learn where smart grid technology is today and a look at future opportunities. Also, BPL Global's role in enabling electricity grid intelligence to transform energy efficiency and reliability. Cost: Online: Members - $15, Non-Members - $25 Onsite: $5 more 2009-05-06 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3267&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-04-20 21:14:402009-04-21 01:08:43 >c2009-05-06 03:00:00 ,iY,ԡ 1=3333NW Coaches meetinghttp://www.nwcoaches.org2007-05-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-09 03:00:00ԡ U73333SEMPDX: Seven Secrets of RSS and SEOhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-05-09 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-09 02:30:00:ԡ [w3333OTBC Legal Series: Finance your Companyhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5667176/2007-05-08 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-08 20:30:00ԡ9K3333CFO of the Year Awardshttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-05-10 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:32;bձ2007-05-10 20:30:00.ԡCw3333OTBC: Finance your Businesshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5665890/2007-05-10 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-05-10 20:30:00ԡ-Q3333BarCamp Portlandhttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-05-12 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-05-13 07:00:00rashcourse/chapter-17a-peak-oil">Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
        17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
        17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

        November 18th

        18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
        19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
        20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


        2009-10-01 02:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/41542009-09-19 19:37:342009-09-19 19:42:31 >^2009-10-01 04:00:00 2d<d#0I33ISW Main Street and SW B ԡMQ3333BarCamp Portland pre-event mixerhttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-05-12 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-05-12 06:00:00ԡ?=3333Portland Linux User Grouphttp://www.pdxlinux.org/2007-05-04 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-05-04 04:00:00 ԡC13333OEN Entrepreneurship Awardshttp://www.oen.org2007-09-21 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-09-21 03:00:00Gԡuw3333OTBC Legal Series: Set up your Company the Right Wayhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5665854/2007-05-01 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31;bձ2007-05-01 20:30:00Gԡmw3333OTBC: Set up your Company the Right Way (at PDC)http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5666004/2007-05-03 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:31 9;bձ2007-05-03 20:30:00ter-10-inflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
        12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
        13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

        October 28th

        14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
        15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
        16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
        17a. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
        4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
        5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
        6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
        7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
        8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
        9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)

        Shown in Three Parts

        All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

        To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

        September 30th

        1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
        2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
        Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

        In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

        The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic mkԡMc93333STC: Darwin Information Typing Architecturehttp://www.stcwvc.org/2007-05-18 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:24;bձ2007-05-18 03:00:00%ԡLCe3333SWHRMA: Elder Care and Workhttp://www.swhrma.org/calendar3.asp?calID=642007-05-08 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:24;bձ2007-05-08 20:00:00%ԡK=k3333The Business of Biofuelshttp://www.ostpartnership.org/events/biofuels2/2007-09-14 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:24;bձ2007-09-15 07:00:004ԡJwO3333WEO OR: Collaboration, Creativity, Clients and Growthhttp://www.oregonweo.org/may_20072007-05-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:24;bձ2007-05-09 03:00:00ԡI7O3333WEO WA dinner meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-05-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-17 03:00:00 ԡHQ%3333Marketing your Business on the Web503-650-73632007-05-22 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-23 00:00:00 2["r2>j33- ԡGO%3333SBDC: Marketing to the Government503-978-50802007-05-25 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-25 04:30:00'ԡFcI3333Constructing with GCLs and PVC Geomembraneshttp://www.pgi-tp.cee.uiuc.edu2007-05-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-25 00:00:00)ԡEgA3333Credit Suisse, Economic Development in OregonPSU Smith Center, Room 2942007-05-24 17:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23 9;bձ2007-05-24 19:00:00ԡDC%3333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802007-05-31 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-31 04:30:00&ԡCy13333PSU: Creating a Globally Competitive Rregional Economyhttp://sba.pdx.edu2007-05-31 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-31 16:00:00ԡB;_3333Informal BarCamp meetuphttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups2007-05-25 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:23;bձ2007-05-25 03:00:00 qgOq{d%ԡAGa3333Advanced Invention to Venturehttp://www.invention2venture.org/advanced/2007-06-06 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-07 00:00:00&ԡ@y13333OEN: Prepare your Company for its next Financing Eventhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-12 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-12 20:00:00ԡ?+13333Medford PubTalkhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-15 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-15 03:00:00ԡ>?%3333SBDC: Going Into Business503-978-50802007-06-06 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-06 04:30:00ԡ=G%3333SCORE: The Basics of Business503-326-34412007-06-07 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-07 23:30:00ԡ<]%3333SBDC: Financing your Developing Business503-978-50802007-06-08 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-08 04:30:00~}?~{|mvsjwoplfieh^ad_ZW]\S QRLNJD=SICB ;40  ,*'&+( !"    v6(#$z|tyvqpmihlgfcd]bJW_[ZaTQXUOMHE9L=C?38x*5'&)!" 2;bձ2007-06-09 05:00:00 ;T~P133%E'ԡ0Eg3333SWE Beaverton Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-06-04 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:20;bձ2007-06-04 20:00:00*ԡ/33333STC program meetinghttp://www.stcwvc.org/calendar_events_and_activities.html2007-06-22 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:20;bձ2007-06-22 03:00:00ԡ.QE3333PMI: The Social Compass & Coachinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-05-30 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:20;bձ2007-05-30 23:30:00 ԡ-1E3333PMI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-06-19 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:20;bձ2007-06-20 03:00:00>ԡ,ay3333Oregon Health Forum: Electronic Tug of Warhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-06-21 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-21 16:00:00 f]3fFԡ+qy3333Oregon Health Forum: Electronic Tug of War, Part 2http://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-07-26 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-07-26 16:00:00Cԡ*_3333Oregon Discovers - Miracles in the Makinghttp://oregonbio.org/documents/Oregon_innovation_INVITE.jpg2007-05-30 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-05-30 02:30:002ԡ)Os3333IPN: Target Marketing by Locationhttp://www.ipn.org/programs/programdetail.asp?id=802007-06-13 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-13 02:00:00 ԡ(EY3333OCIABC: Bronze Beacon Awardshttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm2007-06-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-15 04:00:00ԡ'5a3333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-06-15 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-15 03:30:00 H1cR 97124 Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and fut~$33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:16:142008-06-06 08:25:13622 |ԡ #33333IPN meetinghttp://www.ipn.org/2007-07-10 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-11 05:00:00ԡ 353333OCCA dinner meetinghttp://www.occa.org/2007-06-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-06-27 03:30:00Hԡ C)3333OEN Employment Law Workshophttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=misc_events&venue_id=22007-07-10 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-11 01:00:005ԡ -3333OEN CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=ceo&venue_id=92007-07-25 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-26 00:00:001ԡOq3333OGI: Flexible Product Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22152007-07-10 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-11 00:00:00 OkZOoCԡ!93333NW China Council: How to Prevent Quality Problems in Chinese Manufacturinghttp://www.nwchina.org2007-06-20 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17 9;bձ2007-06-20 20:30:00!ԡUK3333Business Journal Fastest Growing 500http://portland.bizjournals.com2007-06-22 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-22 03:30:00ԡ]%3333SCORE: Nuts and Bolts of a Business Plan503-326-34412007-06-21 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-21 22:30:00{ԡ/%3333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822007-06-21 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-21 19:30:00 ԡK%3333SBDC: How to Finance a Business503-978-50802007-06-22 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-22 23:00:00ԡ;73333AEA: Party in the Pinothttp://www.aeanet.org2007-07-29 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16 :;bձ2007-07-29 06:00:00 a>k~+33-CubeSpace2008-06-06 08:20:4ԡU93333BEC Corvallis: Human Resource Issueshttp://www.thebec.com/2007-06-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-26 02:00:004ԡSs3333CHIFOO: The Shifting Role of Designhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/programs/2007/0711.html2007-07-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-07-12 03:00:008ԡ[s3333DevGroup: What's New in Dreamweaver CS3http://www.chifoo.org/pages/programs/2007/0711.html2007-06-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:16;bձ2007-06-21 03:00:00"ԡ9i3333EMA Board mtg & Socialhttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2007-06-28 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-06-28 20:00:00ԡ -a3333FENG monthly mtghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-07-13 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-13 03:00:00 GWD<2009 WordCamp Portland
        Very soon — this Saturday and Sunday, to be exact — a mass of bloggers will pack the conference rooms of Webtrends for the 2009 WordCamp Portland. This is a fun and informative couple of days stuffed with opportunities to learn tasty ti ai'ԡ&/i3333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2007-06-21 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-21 20:00:00ԡ%+m3333ACEC BBQ Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/Net%20Day%20june07.pdf2007-06-27 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:19;bձ2007-06-28 00:30:00ԡ$m3333ACEC Golfhttp://www.acecoregon.org/Net%20Day%20june07.pdf2007-06-27 17:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-06-27 23:30:00qԡ#1 3333ACG dinner meetinghttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2613&MONTH_CHOICE=6&DAY_CHOICE=19&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-06-20 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-06-20 02:30:00ԡ"]13333SAO: Mentoring Gen Y through Internshipshttp://www.sao.org2007-05-31 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-05-31 20:00:00  `2E}=133+Grand Central Bowl2008-06-09 15:46:182008-06-09 1ԡ!q%3333Mt. Hood Comm. College: Best Bookkeeping Practices503-491-76582007-06-07 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-06-07 20:00:00 ԡ -C3333SEMpdx, Hot Seathttp://www.semportland.com/2007-06-13 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18 :,;bձ2007-06-13 03:00:00ԡM73333Women Entrepreneurs of Vancouverhttp://www.weo-wa.org2007-06-21 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-06-21 03:00:00#ԡm73333What Recent Cases are Telling the HR Professinalhttp://bullardlaw.com2007-06-13 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:18;bձ2007-06-13 16:30:00oԡoC3333Intel: An introductin of Women, Minority, Small and Other Diverse Business Enterprisess to Intel's Corp Supplierssupplierdiversity@intel.com2007-06-13 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17 :;bձ2007-06-13 23:00:00 Z 075 I33+ %Living Room Theatershttp://livingroomtheaters.com/2008-06-09 09:15:562008-06-26 03: ԡe13333Davis Wright Tremaine: Deferred Compensationhttp://www.dwt.com2007-06-14 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17 :>;bձ2007-06-14 17:30:00ԡ?%3333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-50802007-06-20 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17;bձ2007-06-20 04:30:00ԡW?3333IMC: How to make Money in Any Economyhttp://www.imc-oregon.org2007-06-19 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17;bձ2007-06-19 19:00:00$ԡu13333PSU: Building the Infrastructure for a Globa Economyjulier@sba.pdx.edu2007-06-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17;bձ2007-06-20 16:00:00ԡi33333Mt. Hood CC: Start Smart - Going into Businesshttp://www.mhcc.edu2007-06-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:17;bձ2007-06-21 04:00:00 i#U 7335Hotel Monaco Portland2008-05-28 04:01:082008-05-28 04:01:08506 SW Washington StPortlandOregon97204@F\(^S;bջ{%33+ԡr7O3333WEO OR monthly dinnerhttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-07-19 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:12;bձ2007-07-19 03:30:00Gԡquw3333OTBC: MIT Enterprise Forum on Assistive Technologieshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5841325/2007-06-20 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-06-20 03:00:00ԡpo%3333Nat'l Spekers Assoc - So you Want to be a Speaker503-655-47752007-06-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-06-27 04:00:00ԡoq'3333Beaverton Chamber: Market Research on a Shoestringadvnw@aol.com2007-06-27 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-06-27 15:30:00ԡnG73333Search Engine Marketers Eventhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-07-11 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-07-11 03:00:00 -|ԡ[%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-08-09 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-09 03:00:00 ԡZA13333OEN New Member Orientationhttp://www.oen.org2007-08-29 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-29 01:00:001ԡYOq3333OGI: Becoming an Effective Leaderhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22232007-08-01 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-02 00:00:00ԡXCM3333PNDC: Buy American Workshophttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-07-31 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-07-31 17:00:00ԡW3M3333PNDC Annual Meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-08-15 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-15 04:00:00\ԡV=W3333PBA: Bulls Eye Marketinghttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10292007-08-02 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-03 01:00:00 jNj5O33)Green Dragon Bistro & B#ԡ3q3333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21712007-07-10 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:15;bձ2007-07-11 00:00:008ԡ]q3333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22362007-07-17 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-07-18 00:00:003ԡSq3333OGI MST prospective student sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22432007-07-20 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-07-20 01:30:00:ԡaq3333OGI: Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Mappinghttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22272007-07-24 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-07-24 23:30:00+ԡ;y3333OHF: Legislative Rewindhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-08-15 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-08-15 16:00:00 Z/ 33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-06-:ԡW{3333Oregon Health Forum Leadership Dinnerhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/leadershipdinner.html2007-12-04 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-12-04 05:00:00>ԡU3333Ocean Renewable Energy Conference IIhttp://www.ostpartnership.org/events/oceanRenewableEnergy2/2007-08-10 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-08-11 01:00:00oԡcW3333PBA: Lunch with the Special Envoy for Chinahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10152007-06-22 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14;bձ2007-06-22 20:00:00dԡEW3333PBA: Doing Business in Chinahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10042007-06-29 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:14 9;bձ2007-06-29 18:30:00dbits about the popular open source web site software WordPress. Perhaps you've heard of this WordPress thing? It's a free and mighty powerful content management system that makes hosting your own blog a snap. And with two solid days of learning such things as how to be your podcast’s dom and not its sub, how to build (and how NOT to build) a WP plugin, and how to make your blog load efficiently, you know it's going to be where all the cool kids are. Tickets have been sold out for weeks (great job Aaron, Betsy and Dale!!) but if you were lucky enough to get your name on the attendees list I congratulate you on your good fortune! Last year I didn't get around to buying my WordCamp ticket before it was too late, and it was tor owo$ dLee; ԡ~O3333PBA: Golf Scramble, Pumpkin Ridge2007-09-07 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-09-08 00:00:00ԡ}GK3333PDXfX: There is one secret...http://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-06-27 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-27 03:00:00xԡ|73333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-07-18 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:202008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-07-18 03:00:00Fԡ{qy3333PMF: Improving Collaboration in Multi Ethnic Teamshttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-06-21 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-21 18:30:00ԡzM13333SAO: Marketing to the Individualhttp://www.sao.org2007-06-19 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-19 16:00:00ԡy113333SAO: ITIL traininghttp://www.sao.org2007-06-25 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-26 00:30:00 !U0h!ԡmM73333OSHA: Introduction to Ergonomicshttp://www.orosha.org2007-07-12 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-07-12 19:00:00&ԡl_K3333Portland Business Journal Power Breakfasthttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-07-19 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-07-19 16:00:00Aԡkiw3333OTBC/OEN/SAO/PDC: Open Source Legal Principleshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5933533/2007-07-12 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:11;bձ2007-07-12 20:30:00ԡjI13333SAO: Internet Exec Summit 2007http://www.sao.org2007-07-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-07-20 00:00:00 ԡi/A3333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/2007-07-26 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-07-26 20:00:00$ԡhQU3333Portland Web Innovators, CubeSpacehttp://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/9032007-07-12 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-07-12 04:30:00 __ will leave with several tools that will help your new business right now and on an oԡT_Y3]333Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)The Portland Data Plumbing Group (aka pdpug) gives us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies. We have monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Oracle office in downtown Portland from 6pm-7:30pm. Agenda: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking and introductions 6:30 - 7:15: Marcus Estes on Pubsubhubbub (http://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/) 7:15 - 7:30: Wrap up and suggestions for next month's topic Please use the tag #pdpug for Twitter messages, blog posts, pictures, etc. You can also join our discussions about Yahoo Pipes and other plumbing topics on our Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-09-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4426131/2009-09-17 20:22:202009-09-17 20:22:20 <;b2009-09-23 02:30:00 qFtion, 3600 NW John Olson Place, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and future ԡg/73333SBA Loan Briefinghttp://www.sba.gov/or2007-07-19 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-07-19 20:00:00 ԡf5?3333ACEC Fall Conferencehttp://www.acecoregon.org2007-09-21 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-09-22 00:00:00ԡeI73333AEA: Oregon Tech Investor Tourhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-08-22 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-08-23 00:00:00ԡd%93333AMA Luncheonhttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-10-09 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-10-09 20:30:00ԡc#u3333OctoberBesthttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=482007-09-12 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:10;bձ2007-09-13 00:00:00ԡb593333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-09-14 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-09-14 03:00:00turous seeing my twitter stream inundated with remarks of camp joviality, WordPress "Ah-ha!" moments, and links to flickr images of the smiling faces of my fellow bloggers. (OK, fine. I'll admit it. I simmered in silent resentment at some of the more active tweeters at last year's WordCamp Portland. But all is forgiven now. Mostly.) Whether or not you've got yourself a ticket, please join Beer and Blog in extending a warm welcome to several WordPress speakers (and many attendees) for beers and conversation the day before the camp starting bell rings. We'll be at the Green Dragon. I'll be there, too, trying not to rub salt in the wounds of the ticketless. I feel your pain...and I'll be thinking about the pain Ill be inflicting while I drown my twitter stream in bragging, gleefull tweets with the excessive use of the #wcpdx tag. You're welcome.2009-09-18 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-09-18 04:18:582009-09-18 04:18:58 ; 2009-09-19 01:00:00 l+%2? a333 Mԡa/;3333IMA Board Meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-07-24 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-07-24 03:00:00ԡ`/;3333IMA Board Meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-08-22 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-08-22 03:00:00sԡ_13333IPNhttp://www.ipn.org2007-08-14 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-08-15 03:00:00+ԡ^As3333Power Breakfast: Genentechhttp://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/3446?mp=32007-08-07 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-08-07 16:00:00ԡ]953333OCCA:Tools for Reportshttp://www.occa.org/2007-08-01 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-08-01 03:30:00 ԡ\G13333OEN Business Concept Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-08-08 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:09;bձ2007-08-09 00:00:00"ris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

        Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

        In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

        The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic RTx7 YI333 'TԡU/U3333PBA Golf Scramblehttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=7792007-09-09 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-09-10 00:00:00xԡT73333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-08-29 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:08;bձ2007-08-29 03:00:00 ԡS1E3333PMI chapter dinnerhttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-09-18 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-09-19 03:00:00'ԡRYS3333SCORE: Considering Going into Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-08-18 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-08-18 19:00:00'ԡQYS3333SCORE: Considering Going into Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-22 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:07;bձ2007-09-22 19:00:00 n:ԡEI13333OEN PAN/OAF submissin deadlinehttp://www.oen.org2007-08-13 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:192008-07-13 04:31:06;bձ2007-08-14 07:00:00ԡD/13333Venture Northwesthttp://www.oen.org2007-11-02 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-11-03 00:00:00ԡCY93333US China Trade Issues, Earl Blumenauerhttp://www.nwchina.org2007-08-08 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-08 20:30:00 ԡBE13333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-08-07 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-07 23:00:00 ԡAC13333OEN: Angel Investing Basicshttp://www.oen.org2007-08-06 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-06 19:00:00yԡ@A 3333ACG Annual Golf Tournamenthttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2574&MONTH_CHOICE=8&DAY_CHOICE=15&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-08-15 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-16 02:30:00 SSŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²íԡY/ 3M333Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th

        The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

        ChxԡX?Q3Q333Software Freedom Day 2009Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place!2009-09-19 15:00:00http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/2009-09-19 02:12:022009-09-19 02:13:422009-09-19 18:59:00 @YJ@)}$ԡ?5q3333OGI MST Info Sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22472007-08-16 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-16 01:30:00'ԡ>_M3333PBA: Portland's Region's Cultural Climatehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-08-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-15 16:00:00*ԡ==u3333BarCamp: Informal Meetuphttp://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland?hl=en2007-08-24 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:05;bձ2007-08-24 02:30:00|ԡ<%13333SAO: Raftinghttp://www.sao.org2007-08-25 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-08-26 00:00:00ԡ;913333SAO: Social Networkinghttp://www.sao.org2007-09-06 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-06 02:30:00 ԡ:m13333OEN: Executive Series-Leadership & Human Capitalhttp://www.oen.org2007-09-07 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-07 02:00:00 [Q[Fs#KX33Free Geek2008-05-20 00:21:37200ԡ9;13333OEN: Wage and Hour Lawshttp://www.oen.org2007-09-11 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-12 01:00:00ԡ8QG3333IEEE: Pacificy NW Tech Career Fairhttp://www.pacificnwtech.org/2007-09-19 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-20 01:00:00ԡ7-13333SAO: Pub Socialshttp://www.sao.org2007-09-12 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-12 02:30:00ԡ6=13333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 1http://www.oen.org2007-09-13 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-13 03:00:00'ԡ5O]3333MicroNano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-10 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:04;bձ2007-09-11 03:00:00(ԡ4Q]3333Micro Nano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-11 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-09-12 00:00:00 {I7{afBU33Lԡ,U13333SAO: Turning the Future into Revenuehttp://www.sao.org2007-09-06 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-06 16:00:00ԡ+[13333SAO: Research-based Market Segmentationhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-18 16:00:00}ԡ*'13333SAO: Agile QAhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-27 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-27 20:00:00 ԡ);53333WEO-WA: Monthly meetinghttp://www.weowa.org2007-09-21 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-21 02:30:00|ԡ(=3333WEO-ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-09-12 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-12 03:00:000ԡ'Ey3333Starveups: Quarterly Catchuphttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-29 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-08-29 04:00:00  can enroll in 2, 3 and 5 day search engine optimization training programs which are held in Beaverton Oregon. Sign up for a class today!

        WhyVԡrak3E333OEN: Capturing Market Share in a RecessionDescription: In this webinar you will learn why having a search engine marketing (SEM) strategy is critical to your ability to succeed in a down market. You will also learn about the key components of a search engine marketing strategy and even a few practical SEM tipԡQI3 333Digital Journalism Social HourDigital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry.2009-09-25 02:00:002009-09-17 00:04:042009-09-17 00:06:27 ; 2009-09-25 04:00:00 }]KN(ԡ3Q]3333Micro Nano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-12 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-09-13 00:00:00yԡ273333GOSCONhttp://www.goscon.org2007-10-15 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-10-16 00:00:00yԡ173333GOSCONhttp://www.goscon.org2007-10-16 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-10-17 00:00:00 ԡ0I%3333SBDC: Marketing in a Web World503-650-73632007-08-21 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03 :;bձ2007-08-21 23:00:00ԡ/I73333AEA: Oregon Tech Investor Tourhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-08-21 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-08-22 00:00:00ԡ.)73333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-09-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-09-14 03:30:00}ԡ-'13333OEN:Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-09-28 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:03;bձ2007-09-28 03:00:00 TV ԡ&;=3333Starveups: How to Scalehttp://www.starveups.com2007-09-26 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-26 04:00:00'ԡ%_M3333PBA: Discover your Bulls-Eye Mktg Messagehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-09-13 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:02;bձ2007-09-14 01:00:00)ԡ$7y3333OHF: Bench to Bedsidehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-09-27 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-27 16:00:00*ԡ#7{3333OHF Annual Conferencehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/annualconference.html2007-10-10 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-10-10 22:30:00ԡ"O;3333AMA: Market Research Segmentationhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-09-11 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-11 20:00:00%ԡ!7q3333OGI: MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22512007-09-07 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-07 01:30:00 /MsQ/ 33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-06-02 11:07:192008-11-10 22:43:59;b < 33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-06-02 11:07:192008-11-10 22:43:58;b < 33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-06-02 10:54:142008-11-10 22:43:58;bտ < 33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-06-02 10:43:452008-11-10 22:43:57;bվ <TS a33E )McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhousehttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=132008-06-02 10:22:382009-04-09 17:30:184045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd.HillsboroOR97124US@F;,^O;(503) 640-6174-; G331 )Oregon Electric Stationhttp://www.oesrestaurant.com/2008-06-02 09:48:282008-06-02 09:48:2827 East 5th AvenueEugeneOR97401US@Fv^t(541) 485-4444 `eA`?V$533World TrԡKG3333OTBC: The Coop form of Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-09-18 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-09-18 20:30:00ԡ1_3333OBA Annual Meetinghttp://www.oregonbio.org/annualMeeting07/2007-09-21 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-09-22 00:00:00ԡ9M3333PDMA: Planning Meetingdsimpson@planninginnovations.com2007-09-07 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-11-10 22:44:08 <;bձ2007-09-07 02:30:00ԡO?3333PWI: Digital Identity and Open IDhttp://pdxwi.com/events/92007-09-06 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-09-06 04:00:00ԡ+13333SAO Connectionshttp://www.sao.org2007-10-05 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-10-05 02:00:00ԡ?G3333OTBC: Going Internationalhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-09-11 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-09-11 20:00:00 l [YZ.=33Oregon Convention Center2008-05-20 00:21:222008-05-20 01:09:24;#ԡ 3q3333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21722007-09-11 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-12 00:00:00)ԡ?q3333SPIN: Transparent Qualityhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22482007-09-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-14 03:00:00,ԡEq3333IEEE: GPU Parallel Computinghttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22532007-09-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-21 03:00:00'ԡ;q3333OGI: Project Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21582007-09-18 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:01;bձ2007-09-18 23:30:00 ԡC53333OCCA: Microsoft Home Serverhttp://www.occa.org/2007-08-29 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:182008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-08-29 03:00:00s later, while in college at M.I.T., he wrote project management software for his father's architectural firm. This project turned into a company, Semaphore, Inc. and in 1990 had risen to be rated #1 among all of the competitors in the space (by ARCHITECTURE Magazine). By 2000, the company had over 2,500 clients, 100 employees and was acquired by Deltek. Later that year, Ray moved to from New York City to Portland, Oregon to co-found SnapNames.com. Inventing several new ways for people to acquire domain names, the company eventually grew to over $49MM in revenue and was ultimately acquired by Oversee.net. His current venture, AboutUs.org has pioneered the idea of an "editable overlay" for the entire web. Serving over 8 Million unique visitors per month, the company profitably employs 30 people in both Portland and it's branch office in Lahore, Pakistan. 2009-04-17 19:45:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=772009-03-26 20:19:32 ?2009-04-18 00:00:00 CglC ԡ973333AEA: Know your Marketshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-10-09 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-09 16:00:00ԡC?3333ACEC Annual Fall Conferencehttp://www.acecoregon.org2007-09-20 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-09-21 00:00:00&ԡ?k3333AEA: Celebration/Kick-offhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm 2007-09-25 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-09-26 01:00:000ԡUi3333AEA: Managing the Audit Relationshiphttp://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm2007-10-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-18 16:00:00ԡ/O3333ACG: CEO Exchangehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2007-10-04 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-04 02:30:00ԡ3O3333ACG October Meetinghttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2007-10-24 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-24 20:30:00 Id|_J33a Smile?2008-05-20 00:21:152008-05-22 10=ԡE3333Corvallis Business Boot Camphttp://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=72382007-09-24 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:31:00;bձ2007-09-25 00:00:00ԡ[73333AEA: Organizational Analysis and Designhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-09-11 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-12 00:00:00 ԡE13333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-11 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-11 23:00:00*ԡEm3333EDCO: Central Oregon Pubtalkhttp://www.edcoinfo.com/EDCO_Events/edco_events/2007-09-25 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-25 02:30:000ԡOo3333TechStart: Uncork-ED Wine Tastinghttp://www.sao.org/events/special_events/gala.php2007-10-27 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-10-28 03:00:00 imothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a HԡS'E3 333PDX HackathonCome do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.2009-09-18 02:00:002009-09-17 18:32:582009-09-17 18:32:58 ; 2009-09-18 06:59:00ԡRI35333Digital Journalism Social HourDigital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry.2009-10-30 02:00:00http://journopdx.com2009-09-17 00:12:262009-10-26 20:51:29 A2009-10-30 04:00:00 pjpFT 133Project Managemenԡ;33333SAO Corvallis: VC PanelSao-info@thebec.com2007-09-13 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-14 02:30:00,ԡY]3333SEMPDX: Search engine networking eventhttp://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/6135512007-09-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-12 03:00:001ԡ93333NW China Council: Hong Kong - Turning China into Opportunityhttp://www.nushkba.org2007-09-19 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:59;bձ2007-09-19 16:30:00#ԡ OU3333SECP: Three Journeys of Marketinghttp://www.selfemployedcreatives.org2007-09-20 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-20 03:30:00eԡ WO3333SEMI Pacific Northwest Outlook Dinnerhttp://wps2a.semi.org/wps/portal/_pagr/103/_pa.103/248?dFormat=application/msword&docName=P0421402007-11-08 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-11-08 05:00:00 V8wVԡ%]13333SAO: The QA Process for Medical Productshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-27 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-27 20:00:00:ԡ$[w3333OTBC: FastTrac TechVenture Info Sessionhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526613/2008-03-20 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-20 20:00:00:ԡ#[w3333OTBC: FastTrac TechVenture info sessionhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526775/2008-03-24 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-24 20:00:00:ԡ"Yy3333OHF: Health Policy with Sen. Ron Wydenhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-03-19 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-19 16:00:00Aԡ!}c3333BoiForum: Creating Value - Developing a Biotech Strateghhttp://www.oregonbio.org/bioForumApril2008/2008-04-10 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-04-10 16:00:00 -h+ԡ }73333AEA: The Search For and Development of Authentic Leadershttp://www.aeanet.org2008-04-10 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-04-10 16:00:00ԡM73333AEA: Building a Great A & F Teamhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-04-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-17 16:30:00ԡM73333AEA: Mastering Management Skillshttp://www.aeanet.org2008-04-23 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-23 23:30:00 ԡ;73333AEA BoD Education Eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-04-29 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-29 17:30:00Lԡw3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: How to Attract Significantly More Customershttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7331158/2008-04-15 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-15 20:00:00ext dream job. If you're currently employed but considering a career change, this seminar will make sure you’re perfectly poised when opportunities come your way. Using proprietary methods developed by his company The Olsen Group, Scott Olsen will lead you through a 90 minute Power Interviewing Skills seminar. You will learn to: * Identify interview question categories * Develop strategies to effectively respond to any interview question * Uncover your unique employment strengths * Communicate your experience in ways that build value with your interviewer * Tackle those ‘difficult’ subjects - i.e. salary, layoffs, etc. * Set yourself up for success before you’ve even landed the job Registration is required - on-sites/walk-ins will not be admitted. Program Sponsor: InfoGroup NW2009-08-19 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219298/2009-08-07 19:06:082009-08-07 22:11:08 @0;bص2009-08-19 16:00:00 es Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2{ԡ:O)3]333SAOpdx: Power Interviewing SkillsPresented by The Olsen Group and the Software Association of Oregon Whether you are seeking an executive or entry-level position, learn the interviewing techniques that will help you land your nԡ9Ka3]333SAOpdx: August Startup ExchangeThe StartUp Exchange is about bootstrapping in the creation of a software company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Registration isn't required - but it's nice to know who's coming!2009-08-18 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219362/2009-08-07 19:05:152009-08-07 19:05:15 <;bش2009-08-18 23:00:00 bS@b-ԡ WY3333Lunarr: Pre-release demo at CubeSpacehttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2620012007-09-18 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58 9;bձ2007-09-18 03:00:00 ԡ +E3333PMI: Roundtablehttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-09-19 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-19 20:00:00ԡ E?3333Lane Powell: Green Buildingshttp://www.lanepowell.com2007-09-20 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-20 16:30:00ԡ;%3333SBA: Financing briefing503-326-26822007-09-20 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-20 19:30:00ԡ/73333IMC: Cold Callinghttp://imc-oregon.org2007-09-18 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-18 16:00:00&ԡy13333Davis Wright Tremaine: New Legislation & your Businesshttp://www.dwt.com2007-09-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:58;bձ2007-09-18 17:30:00 22~Y -%33IISITE Design2009-02-10 06:30:102009-02-10 06:30:10115 NW First Avenue, Suite 50Gԡ;3y3I333Portland PreDevCampJoin us at Souk for the Portland PreDevCamp. PreDevCamp is for current and aspiring developers to gather and learn to program on the MojoSDK for the WebOS, but specifically the Palm Pre. Please register at http://portland.predevcamp.org/registration/ and get ready for the event! If you already have programming experience then email me at jordangens@gmail.com and we will get you set up as a helper! A special thanks for Souk for the gathering place and discounts! They have been very kind and easy to work with! Visit their website at http://www.soukllc.com/2009-08-08 17:00:00http://portland.predevcamp.org2009-08-07 20:01:512009-08-07 20:03:32 ?2009-08-09 00:00:00 >qP>Nԡs3333CHIFOO: Repositioning User Experience as a Strategic Processhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/programs/2007/1003.html2007-10-03 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-04 01:30:00%ԡ~3u3333FEI: Dinner Meetinghttp://www.pfei.org/newsletters/htm/2007-09-news.htm2007-10-18 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:57;bձ2007-10-19 01:00:00 ԡ}7;3333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/2007-10-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-10-12 03:00:00 ԡ|7;3333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/2007-11-09 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-11-09 04:00:00 ԡ{793333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-12-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-12-14 04:00:00ԡz593333IMA: Monthly meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org2007-09-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-09-26 02:00:00 >Fj>ԡyK93333AMA: Discover your Memory Powerhttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-09-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-09-26 02:00:00 ԡx=73333OCIABC: Fall Shmoozefesthttp://www.ociabc.org2007-09-28 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-09-28 02:00:00ԡwQ 3333OCIABC: Taking the Perfect Picture2007-10-10 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-10-10 20:00:00'ԡv[Q3333NW China Council: US Commercial Servicehttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-10-03 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:56;bձ2007-10-03 20:00:00 ԡuMQ3333NW China Council: Annual meetinghttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-10-12 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-12 03:30:003ԡt}G3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Wayne Embree - Energy & Sustainabilityhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-30 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-30 20:30:00 eaPort Air with CEO Kent Craford. ClearAccess provides tools and technology that allows telecommunications companies the ability to offer remote technical support to customers. This technology improves customer support and satisfaction while reducing costs. They are a growth stage start up that has been through the ropes of raising angel and venture funding SeaPort Air is bucking the trend. In a time when airlines are failing, SeaPort Air is earning revenuԡPYe3]333Portland Werewolf - December GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-12-10 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420388/2009-09-16 18:21:492009-09-16 18:21:49 ; ;b2009-12-10 02:00:00 bu7ks33U-ԡsqG3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - Sustainability Angelshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-23 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-23 20:30:00ԡrMG3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - WINhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-16 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-16 20:30:00ԡq_33333OTBC/SAO/OEN Angel Series: Keiretsu Forumhttp://www.otbc.org2007-10-09 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-09 20:30:00#ԡp]G3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - PAN and OAFhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-02 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55;bձ2007-10-02 20:30:00ԡoO53333OCCA: Apple in a World of Windowshttp://www.occa.org/2007-09-26 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:55 :;bձ2007-09-26 03:30:00 Eb7Ee#ԡu/3333U. of Portland: 2nd 10 Lessons for Business and Lifehttp://www.up.edu2007-10-25 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-10-26 00:30:00$ԡaE3333How Sustainability Affects Consumer Demandhttp://www.portlandadfed.com2007-10-25 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-10-25 20:30:00ԡe%3333SBDC: Market your Business to the Government503-978-50802007-10-31 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-10-31 04:30:00ԡ ;K3333PBA: Successful Sellinghttp://www.portlandalliance.com2007-11-01 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-11-02 01:00:00 ԡ K%3333Metro Business Assoc. Breakfast503-223-69782007-11-01 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-11-01 15:30:00ԡ U73333Welldiggers: Secrets of using LinkInwduddington@yahoo.com2007-11-01 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-11-01 16:00:00 HMfH7f 339
        If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhat: Speed dating for startups this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute eleԡK[_3]333IxDA Portland: Meetup / Design PracticeJoin us for a design practice session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the rest of the meeting attendees. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring your own snacks or dinner. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/).2009-09-16 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4416829/2009-09-15 20:38:282009-09-15 20:38:28 9;b2009-09-16 03:00:00 SjU+ 33M  AboutUs offices2008-04-04 17:42:212008-04-ԡ^CM3333PBA: International Taxationhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-10-19 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-19 18:30:00ԡ]KA3333Portland Web Innovators meetinghttp://pdxwi.com/events/102007-10-04 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-04 04:00:00 ԡ\1E3333PMI dinner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-10-16 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-17 03:00:001ԡ[mS3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-10-13 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-13 19:00:00&ԡZWS3333SCORE: Marketing for a Small Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-10-17 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:52;bձ2007-10-17 19:00:00 _G'_Aԡcoq3333SPIN seminar: And you Thought you could Estimate?http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22462007-10-10 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-10 02:00:008ԡb]q3333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22372007-10-18 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-19 00:00:008ԡaUy3333OHF: Annual Insurance CEO Roundtablehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-10-25 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-25 16:00:00ԡ`GM3333PNDC: Trade with Saudi Arabiahttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-10-09 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-09 19:00:002ԡ_uM3333PBA: Discover & Protect your Company's Trade Secretshttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-10-04 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:172008-07-13 04:30:53;bձ2007-10-05 01:00:00kedin and Biznik are two of the more popular social networking sites available to professionals and entrepreneurs, but often I hear that people aren’t sure how to use these sites or how they will get you clients. I was once even told that someone thought that Linkedin was just another job hunting site. In this class, I clear up the confusion about these sites and show you how to automate them. You will learn: * How to set up a profile on Linkedin and Biznik * How to use the Status update on Linkedin * How to use the Question and Answer forum on Linkedin * How to use Biztalk on Biznik * What the groups feature is and how to use it on Linkedin and Biznik * Why the recommendation/compliment can be helpful for growing your business. * Why writing an article/putting on an event can be useful for raising your visibility. * The protocol for inviting people into your network 2009-04-22 01:00:00http://www.imagineyourreality.wordpress.com2009-04-14 17:34:03 ?;2009-04-22 03:30:00 s+aԡGOC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-08 23:00:00ԡFOC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-12 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:49;bձ2007-10-12 23:00:00CԡEU 3333SAO Corvallis: High Tech After Hourshttp://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/2007-High-Tech-After-Hours2007-10-11 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:49;bձ2007-10-12 03:00:00 ԡDKS3333Power Breakfast: Tom's of Mainehttp://www.portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-04 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:49;bձ2007-10-04 16:00:00ԡCQA3333Green skyline: Green Building Tourhttp://www.cascadiagbc.org2007-10-03 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:49;bձ2007-10-04 00:00:00ԡBE%3333How to Apply for an SBA Loan503-222-02802007-10-11 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:49;bձ2007-10-11 02:00:00 dQ+d ԡM3=3333Starveups: CEO Swaphttp://www.starveups.com2007-10-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-27 03:00:00ԡL_=3333Starveups: Strategic Planning for Dummieshttp://www.starveups.com2007-11-14 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-11-14 04:00:00 ԡK5=3333WEO OR Board Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-09-25 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-09-25 03:00:00ԡJC=3333WEO OR: Women in Leadershiphttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-10-10 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-10 02:30:00ԡI753333WEO WA dinner meetinghttp://www.weowa.org2007-10-18 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-10-18 02:00:00(ԡHKc3333Young Professionals fo Portlandhttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com2007-09-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:50;bձ2007-09-26 03:30:00 &V|&loid adventures ha.ԡ;Sg3333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-09 16:00:00ԡ:OC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-10 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-10 23:00:00ԡ9OC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-11 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-11 23:00:00ԡ8OC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-09 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-09 23:00:00ԡ7W)3333SWE: How to Spot an Effective Manageraespdx@aol.com2007-10-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:48;bձ2007-10-17 03:30:00#ԡ6YK3333Cascade Employers Assoc, HR Leadershiphttp://www.cascadeemployers.com2007-10-17 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:47;bձ2007-10-17 23:00:00) web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Three E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

        Shown in Three Parts

        All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

        To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

        September 30th

        1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
        2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
        3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
        4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
        5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
        6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
        7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
        8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
        9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
        10. 2008-04-12 17:16:00http://#" onclick='alert("This shouldn't happen"); google_map.setMapType(G_SATELLITE_MAP)' "2008-04-12 06:19:392008-07-13 04:29:18 92008-04-12 17:30:00 ~lH ~ԡ]73333AEA: Changes to Oregn's Non-Compete Lawshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-01 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-11-01 16:00:00ԡ[73333AEA: Maximize HR Impact & Effectivenesshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-11-07 04:30:00ԡ'73333AEA CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-14 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-11-14 03:30:00ԡQ73333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-12-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-12-05 18:30:00ԡ)73333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-12-07 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-12-07 03:30:00 ԡ;=3333Starveups Awards Dinnerhttp://www.starveups.com2007-12-12 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-12-12 05:00:00 m- ԡC13333SAO: Aging and the Internethttp://www.sao.org2007-12-05 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:44;bձ2007-12-05 03:30:00ԡ/73333SEMpdx - Six Packhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-11-14 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:44;bձ2007-11-14 03:00:00 ԡ;53333Portland Web Innovatorshttp://www.pdxwi.com2007-11-08 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:44;bձ2007-11-08 04:30:00ԡ5a3333OBA: Bio on the Vinehttp://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2007/2007-11-07 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:44;bձ2007-11-07 04:00:00ԡ3W3333PMF: Who's Leading?http://www.programmanagementforum.org2007-11-08 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-11-08 21:30:00 ԡ1E3333PMI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-11-21 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:43;bձ2007-11-21 04:00:001ter-10-inflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
        12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
        13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

        October 28th

        14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
        15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
        16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
        17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
        17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
        17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

        November 18th

        18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
        19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
        20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


        2009-11-19 03:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/41572009-09-19 19:39:562009-09-19 19:43:01 >^2009-11-19 05:00:00 zԡ~gE3_33January BarCamp Portland Informal Tech MeetupThe Portland meetups are intended to be a little less intense and more frequent than a full BarCamp Portland event. The intent is to get a group of cool people interested in technology together to chat over drinks on the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone working in high-tech is welcome to attend. Conversations usually range from wikis to open source to blogs to who knows what! Note: We have moved the signups for this event from the wiki to upcoming. Please RSVP here as attending to help us get a count for the event. You can visit http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups for more information.2008-01-25 01:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups2008-01-21 22:32:372008-06-18 13:17:03 OOotoshop consultant and author living in Portland. He helps professio*ԡ]km3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers' September MeetingThis will be our long awaited server side JavaScript shootout. * Dietrich Ayala will present Joyent's Smart Platform http://www.joyent.com/products/joyent-smart-platform/ * Jesse Hallett will present Helma NG http://dev.helma.org/wiki/Helma+NG/ Who will win? You decide! It is also likely that there will be pizza. The doors and elevators will be locked so we will have people on duty to let arrivals in. If you have any trouble getting in please send a tweet mentioning @pdxjs (not a direct message), or call or send a text message to 503-928-6714. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-09-24 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/2009-09-19 23:02:322009-10-26 03:06:25 A;b2009-09-24 04:00:00 GZeG ԡy5;3333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-07 02:30:00ԡx393333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu2007-11-06 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-07 01:00:00-ԡw};3333IEEE: Advanced Simulation of Antenna & Microwave Systemshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-08 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-08 04:00:00$ԡvk;3333SPIN seminar: Evaluating the Impact of Nw Toolshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-09 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-09 04:00:00ԡuA;3333IEEE Robotics & Automationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-16 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-16 04:30:00ԡte73333AEA: Building & Motivating Great Sales Teamshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39;bձ2007-11-15 17:30:00e Mobile Corporation, 3600 NW John Olson Place, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Join us for pizza and discussions about the past, present, and future of the mobile industry and the Mobile Lifestyle. For more information or to RSVP, please contact rsvp@golifemobile.com About GoLife Mobile: GoLife Mobile's passion is building the Mobile Lifestyle. We think that mobile devices should be useful interaction tools, blending the physical and the electronic worlds. We think that developers should be able to focus on building applications that meet users' needs. And we have created the framework to do just that. Our Services Oriented Architecture fuses together the virtual and physical worlds, enabling developers to quickly create, distribute, and monetize real-world services which work across a wide-array of mobile devices. 3600 NW John Olsen Pl. Hillsboro, OR 97124http://www.golifemobile.com2008-05-27 17:01:442008-05-27 17:01:443600 NW John Olsen Pl.HillsboroOR97124US@F̖F(^SPrsvp@golifemobile.com503.432.5502 1;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:24:222009-04-1\ԡTIe3i333Palm Pre Development WorkshopsHello all! Just so you know, the first Pre Development Workshop will be on Saturday the 5th in the month of September! Please mark it on your calendar. The time has been set from 10:00-12:00. Tickets are now on sale at http://portlandpredevworkshops.eventbrite.com/ Thanks, Jordan Gensler2009-09-05 17:00:00http://portlandpredevworkshops.eventbrite.com/2009-08-16 06:14:022009-09-01 21:49:59 ?Jx2009-09-05 19:00:00kԡS/)3]333Lunch 2.0 at eROIWe're headed back to eROI for Portland Lunch 2.0. A lot has happdiԡRA3i333XPDX: Where Are Your Keys?We learn more, more quickly, and more deeply, once we redefine true learning as fluency, and play our way to getting there.
 "Where are your Keys?", a language learning game system developed ` 0 The Erin Band
        2:45-3:15pm Bijou Project
        3:30-5pm State of Jefferson
        5:30-7pm Roots of Creation

        11:30-12:30 Dance and Sing Wi(ԡ{53]333PSU: The Lean Story: How to Simplify Business Practices (Spirit of Learning WorkshopPresented by the Portland State Professional Development Center Business professionals interested in learning more about the “Lean” manufacturing process are invited to a new educational and networking opportunity initiated by the Professional Development Center at Portland State University. The first in Portland State’s “Spirit of Learning Workshops,” will feature Charles Saunders, who will present “The Lean Story: How to Simplify Business Practices and Improve Supply Chain Management.” Saunders will showcase the latest information from the upcoming fall session. Saunders is an expert in Lean Process Management. His most recent assignment was serving as Consultan, L [6~u 33 Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattleasdfsadf2008-03-17 17:33:142008-05-22 10:(ԡ eI3333Principal Financial Group: Women in Businesshttp://www.principal.com/women2007-10-30 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-10-30 18:30:00+ԡ cQ3333Principal Financial Group: Building Rapporthttp://www.principal.com/teleclass2007-10-30 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:42;bձ2007-10-30 18:30:00ԡU%3333SBDC: Out of the Shoebox Advertising503-978-50802007-11-02 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-02 04:30:00#ԡ]G3333SCORE: The Right Way to Business Successhttp://www.scorevancouver.org2007-11-06 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-07 00:00:00-ԡmK3333Cascade Employers Assoc, Employment Law Overviewhttp://www.cascadeemployers.com2007-11-06 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-06 20:00:00 o1ԡ?%3333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-50802007-11-06 23:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-07 03:00:00ԡE%3333OSU: State of the University877-678-28372007-11-07 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-07 21:00:00/ԡ53333Stoel Rives: CleanTech Investing in the Pacific Northwesthttp://www.stoel.com2007-11-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41 :;bձ2007-11-09 01:00:00ԡ%;3333AMA Luncheonhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-11-13 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:41;bձ2007-11-13 21:00:00 ԡ5;3333ASQSW Dinner meetinghttp://www.asqswwa.org/2007-11-15 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-15 04:00:00zԡ73333ACG: Lucy Active Warehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2884&MONTH_CHOICE=11&DAY_CHOICE=13&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-11-14 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:40;bձ2007-11-14 04:00:00 Q{(& ) .u) ? 33CԡU5[3W333Ping pong tournamentThe 2008 Pong-N-Gong will be held SaturdqԡyQ3]333SAOpdx: The Act of Making Clouds: What Every Developer Should KnowThe Software Association of Oregon Dev Forum has partnered with the Portland State Business Accelerator and the Portland SIG of TiE Oregon to bring you the most comprehensive and in-depth technical discussion in Portland about Cloud Computing yet. This program is specifically designed for developers and architects. In one afternoon we intend to host a collaborative best practice exchange aimed specifically at the top things developers and architects need to know in order to make the right Cloud Computing platform evaluation and implementation decisions. REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=686842009-09-17 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087459/2009-08-21 22:57:162009-08-25 15:53:16 9;b2009-09-17 19:00:00 2}A 6jM Ss3311 Adobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://wԡxO3=333DASH (Different Area—Same Hunt)DASH (Different Area—Same Hunt) is a puzzle hunt event (a fun, interactive event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations) which takes place on the same day in multiple cities across the United States. Each city contributed one clue to the event, and each event will use all the clues from the contributing cities. In other words, the clues for each city's hunt will be the same, only the locations will be different. The start location will be announced by Sept 6; it will be somewhere within Fareless Square. This is a ticketed event; sign-up on the website by Sept 10.2009-09-13 16:30:00http://playdash.org/pdx/2009-08-21 16:50:002009-08-30 14:32:47 :A2009-09-14 01:00:00 xxԡ ԡ%Hԡ,Äԡ1Ȅԡ7Ƅԡ=„ԡEԡK"ԡQԡXԡbԡnԡuԡ{ԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ„ԡ&Ąԡ,ۄԡ2*ԡ:+ԡAg \@ڿ_\hp0b\ԡ93W333PDXFCPUGPortland Final Cut User Group now meets on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8:30 PM. The NEW location is:
        PCC/Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. (x Albina), Terrell Hall, Room 122
        Tuesday April 01, 2008 AGENDA:
        6:15 - 6:30 Arrival and seating Opening announcements
        6:30 - 7:00 Tips and Tricks: Rebecca Gerendasy will conduct an outstanding tutorial yet to be determined. Don't miss it!
        7:00 - 7:45 Presentation: Paul Sosso presents:.ԡ81A3S333PDXPHP Users GroupExecuting MySQL Stored Procedures in PHP Web Applications

        This p bv.ԡ*sG3333Westside Economic Alliance: Westside Economic Powertdunham@westside-alliance.org2008-03-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 15:30:00ԡ)GK3333Power Breakfast: John Furlonghttp://portland.bizjournals.com2008-03-27 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-27 16:00:005ԡ(13333Lunch 2.0 Portlandhttp://www.lunch20.com/2008/03/10/portland-chapter-rolls-on-at-eroi/2008-04-09 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-04-09 20:00:00ԡ'=13333SAO: ITIL Foundations V3http://www.sao.org2008-03-26 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-27 00:00:00ԡ&[13333SAO Lane County: Dan White of Pipeworkshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-20 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:50;bձ2008-03-20 03:00:00  details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/ ] Please come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final af%ԡwM3K333PDXPUGPDXPUG monthly meeting. Where: FreeGeek When: 7pm 17 Sept, 2009 Who: David Wheeler What: Unit Test Your Database! Drinks afterward at the SE Lucky Lab.2009-09-18 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-08-21 16:33:212009-09-10 15:22:57 92009-09-18 04:00:00 GXGԡs;A3333OHF: What's in a Smile?http://www.healthforum.org2007-11-15 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:39 :;bձ2007-11-15 17:00:00ԡrOA3333OHF: The Future of Long Term Carehttp://www.healthforum.org2007-12-13 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:38;bձ2007-12-13 17:00:00ԡq9M3333PNDC breakfast meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-11-06 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:38;bձ2007-11-06 17:00:00ԡp1M3333PNDC holiday partyhttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-12-13 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:38;bձ2007-12-13 04:00:00ԡoMM3333PBA: What's Driving Real Estate?http://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-11-14 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:38;bձ2007-11-14 16:30:00!ԡnSM3333PBA: Overcoming Obstacles to Growthhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-12-07 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:38;bձ2007-12-07 02:00:00 Rat will turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-throSԡ\qO3M333Transitioning to a Resilient Portland, Sept. 25-26

        The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

        Ch} JVJ$0uE{33CEԡ\e3333New York: Strategic Investing in Health Carehttp://execforum.net/events/eventimages/12.13.07/main.html2007-12-13 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-12-14 01:00:00Fԡ[Y3333Medford: Case Studies of Emerging Companies Searching for Fundinghttps://www.soredi.org/BuyProducts.asp2007-11-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-15 03:30:00JԡZK%3333U. of Portland Breakfast Serieshttp://www.up.edu/up_sub.asp?ctnt=7&mnu=420&chl=50&lvl=1&type=cal&scn=alumni2007-11-13 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-13 17:00:00ԡYa33333NEBC: Managing Carbon: Policy and Practicehttp://www.nebc.org2007-11-14 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-15 02:30:00#ԡXs13333OHSU OGI: Driving Projects to Successful Completionhttp://cpd.ogi.edu2007-11-15 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-15 04:30:00 {inPԡ 5m3e333Invention to VentureAnnouncing: Invention to Venture Portland A workshop in technology entuԡvO3]3332009 Portland Adult Soapbox DerbyHand-made soapbox race cars driven by (crazy) adults race down Mt Tabor.2009-08-22 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4170698/2009-08-21 14:56:272009-08-21 17:53:00 ?K;b2009-08-22 23:00:00~ԡuk3_333PDXRIAPortland Rich Internet Developers Group - PDX RIA. This month at PDXRIA we are continuing our series of panel discussions. This month the topic is JavaScript and frameworks. Our own Chris Phllips and Barney Boisvert have agreed to lead the discussion and tell us about their favorite frameworks and what they love about JavaScript. Come on out and share your thoughts. Pizza at 5:30, meeting at 6PM. Meeting at PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building) Room 209 2009-08-21 00:30:00http://groups.adobe.com/groups/d815398e7f2009-08-20 21:52:502009-08-20 21:52:50 @l2009-08-21 03:00:00 :l:services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same is+ԡt53s333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. 2009-08-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-08-20 19:00:072009-08-20 19:00:07 ; 2009-08-21 05:00:00 ԡs)K3 333SAO ConnectPDXLooking for new networking opportunities? Join us for SAO ConnectPDX, free and open networking from 4-6pm every Thursday at Blitz (Pearl). Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! 2009-08-20 23:00:00http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=705792009-08-20 06:54:432009-08-30 14:27:11 ;2009-08-21 01:00:00 l=$06of cրu={33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u ԡWK%3333SBA: Financing a Small Business503-326-26822007-11-15 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-15 20:30:00NԡV{3333Public Relations Society: Understanding Real-Time Mediahttp://www.prsa.org/PDseminars/DisplayEvent.cfm?semId=2752007-11-16 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-16 01:00:00ԡUEQ3333Portland Bar Camp (informal)http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-11-16 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:35;bձ2007-11-16 03:30:000ԡT53333December Coders Bashhttp://pdxgroups.pbwiki.org/2007%20December%20Coders%20Social2007-12-12 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2007-12-12 05:00:00 ԡSA73333AEA: SEC Accounting Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org2008-01-17 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2008-01-17 17:00:00 f:*u5{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 ԡR'73333AEA: HR eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2008-02-05 17:00:00ԡQ)73333AEA: CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-13 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2008-02-13 04:00:00ԡP)73333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-22 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2008-02-22 04:00:00ԡOM;3333AMA Luncheon: Tactical Marketinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-12-11 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2007-12-11 21:00:00 ԡN5;3333AMA: marketing lunchhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2008-01-08 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:34;bձ2008-01-08 21:00:00ԡMS13333OEN webinar: Angel Investing Basicshttp://www.oen.org2007-11-28 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-11-28 19:00:00 EM$edu eoeJHe ԡi13ԡi-)3333JsuIntro to Permaculture Thinking (based on Tfu3}33JuCONTINUAL REPOSITIONS: THE ART OF CELLULOID Curated by Christopher MayCONTINUAL REleQA3K33JuTaptu Demo on Tap at Beer and BlogFirst of all, thanks to all of you for enduring my cleverly-worded, extremely cheesy headlines. They give me such pleasure to think up, you see. So...thanks. Next of all, it's time for Ǔ+d!3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville

        Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions:

        # Ho $ 7335Hotel Monaco Portland2008-05-28 04:01:082008-05-28 04:01:08506 SW Washington StPortlandOregon97204@F\(^S;bջ{%33+Hotel deLuxe2008-05-28 03:50:482008-05-30 21:20:05729 SW 15th AvePortlandOregon@F¶}Vm^1&y;bպ :VNACaC3397%GoLife Mobile HeadquartersTHE NO B.S! OPEN HOUSE *Meet the people behind GoLife Mobile *Learn How Mobile Can Enhance Your Business *Find out What’s Happening at GoLife Mobile *Learn About Creating Mobile Applications For The Physical World *Find out What’s Coming from GoLife Mobile *Give us Feedback on our Roadmap GoLife Mobile is hosting a casual Open House for our developers, partners, customers, and anyone interested in mobile. Come meet with other people who are working in the mobile industry. We will also review some of the exciting things we’re cooking up in our labs and will give a glimpse into what’s coming soon. When: Wednesday May 28, 2008 6 – 9 PM Where: GoLif5er.com/bmw">Brian Westbrook (aka @BMW), Sprint is giving us a 4G network card and a 6 month data plan to raffle off this Friday! How flippin' rad is that?!! ♪ Movin' on up / To the East side. ♫ Win this bad boy at Beer and Blog The plan is to collect names in a pitcher and then pull a name from it. We'll choose a name at 6pm and that person will be given the 4G card on the spot with contact details to get the 6 month plan activated. One thing to note, is that we hear this card is not compatible with Macs. Don't whine, it was a free giveaway and we want to encourage more companies to send us goodies that we can pass on to y'all.2009-08-21 23:00:002009-08-20 01:54:232009-08-20 01:54:52 ; 2009-08-22 01:00:00g/portland09/2009-01-27 21:56:472009-01-27 21:56:47 92009-02-14 23:00:00 ]1$ ԡaG13333SAO: First Annual Brain Partyhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-30 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-11-30 05:00:006ԡ`;3333Central Oregon Pub Talkhttp://www.edcoinfo.com/.docs/action/edit/obj/.docs/pg/101592007-11-16 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36 :;bձ2007-11-16 03:30:00Tԡ_CA3333Portland Werewolf Gatheringhttp://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland/browse_thread/thread/2e9d5e4ca571f417?hl=en2007-11-14 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-11-14 04:00:00 ԡ^E33333SAO Corvallis: SEO MarketingSao-info@thebec.com2007-11-09 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:152008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-11-09 03:30:00ԡ]=Y3333Oregon Leadership Summithttp://www.oregonleadershipsummit.org/2007-12-03 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:36;bձ2007-12-04 01:00:00 ?Uf?6̀ԡLO13333ONE: Leadership Training Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-12-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-12-12 02:00:00ԡK=13333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3http://www.oen.org2008-01-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2008-01-10 04:00:00ԡJGG3333OTBC: Open House for Startupshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-11-29 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-11-29 02:00:00ԡI#g3333ACEC dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/upcoming_events.htm2007-12-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-12-07 05:00:00,ԡHAu3333EMA: Wine Tasting and Tourhttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=532007-12-06 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-12-06 04:00:00$ԡG1u3333EMA: Board Meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=532007-12-13 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2007-12-13 21:00:00 J<2Jng movie palace full of wonder and surprises. For nearlyaԡF1m3333FEI chapter dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=ch_por&WebKey=335b4f3d-9784-427a-a270-98e70f2d62bb2008-01-18 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:33;bձ2008-01-18 03:30:00ԡE#a3333FENG dinnerhttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2008-01-11 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:32;bձ2008-01-11 04:00:00<ԡDeq3333OGI: Obtaining & Using Customer Requirementshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22692007-11-27 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:32;bձ2007-11-28 01:00:00&ԡC9q3333OGI: Writing Use Caseshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22642007-11-27 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:32;bձ2007-11-28 00:30:00=ԡB_q3333OGI: Best Practices in Project Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22732007-11-29 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:32 :;bձ2007-11-30 01:30:00 f2S339Portland State Business Accelerator2008-05-27 10:08:552008-05-27 14:16:312828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon97201@FXy=^33333;bչ 9S339Portland State Business Accelerator2008-05-27 10:08:382008-05-27 14:16:312828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon97201@FXy=^33333;bո 9 533;Jive Software Office2008-05-24 20:31:262008-05-25 03:17:08317 SW Alder St Ste 500portland97204@FqiC^33333;bշ :.O33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-05-23 16:17:272008-05-30 21:19:22928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214@Fs^ I^5;bն ; 7 e!T ?33+ %North 45http://www.north45pub.com2009-08-05 23:51ԡOEO3U333PDX Critique monthly meetingCome to a PDX Critiq?ԡI73]33ԡrY13 333Sprint to Beer and Blog and Win 4G BigThanks to an introduction by http://www.cowell-shah.com


        PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

        Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

        Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

        (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
        2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-10 02:41:08 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00 al, work in an advertising agency or part of an in-house marketing department, SearchFest 2009 will connect you with the leading thinkers and practitioners in SEM today. Who Should Attend? SearchFest 2009 is open to all SEM professionals and the wider business community interested in maximizing their success in SEM. This full-day conference will provide programs for both beginners and advanced marketeVԡpI_3k333Personal Telco Monthly MeetingPersonal Telco recently received a couple SkyPilot SkyExtenders from the defunct MetroFi network for evaluation into whether some public/community value might be salvaged from them. In the process, we have dismantled one of them and learned some things. We'll have parts on display and a presentation on what we've learned and what remains to be learned. Oh, and we'll have a Monthly Meeting as well. Come join the fun!2009-08-27 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingAugust20092009-08-19 22:02:362009-08-19 22:02:36 >2009-08-27 03:00:00ustainability practices for the regions businesses. The Portland Business Alliance Green Hour objectives are to promote community awareness and education on how sustainability can positively affect our day-to-day lives. Green Hour events will take place on a quarterly basis. If your business would like to showcase its sustainable practices through a Green Hour event, please contact Christine Gatlin, membership events manager, at cgatlin@portlandalliance.com, or 503-552-6742. Sponsored by Opus Northwest LLC Location: The Ladd Block 1300 SW Park Ave. Portland, OR 97201 (Ladd Tower, Ladd Carriage House, First Christian Church). Meet at the Carriage House on the corner of Broadway and Columbia. Pre-registration required at www.portlandalliance.com. Space is limited! The online Registration will close on September 30th, at 3:00 p.m. NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS 2009-10-01 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 21:25:382009-08-19 21:26:582009-10-01 02:00:00 TFԡ8193333STC: Holiday Eventhttp://www.stcwvc.org/2007-12-08 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:31;bձ2007-12-08 04:00:00ԡ7)g3333SWE: Girl Festhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-12-01 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-02 02:00:00Bԡ6K3333WEO-OR: 21 Techno-Savvy Secretshttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?v=v&eid=3859&m=11&y=2007&d=112007-12-12 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-12 04:00:00ԡ55e3333WEO-WA Holiday Eventhttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2007-12-20 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-20 04:00:00%ԡ4u33333SAO: The Transition from Enterprise to On Demand S/Whttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-06 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-06 02:30:00 4Zh4ԡ3e33333SAO: Enterprise Technology Employee Adoptionhttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-06 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-06 17:00:00 ԡ2=33333SAO: ITIL V3 Foundationshttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-11 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-12 01:00:00 ԡ1E33333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-14 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-14 23:30:00*ԡ0S_3333Movie: The Call of the Entrepreneurhttp://www.cascadepolicy.org/?page_id=2292007-12-06 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-06 04:00:00&ԡ/=e3333WikiWednesday Open Househttp://groups.google.com/group/pdxwiki?hl=en2007-12-06 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29 9;bձ2007-12-06 03:30:00ԡ.k13333SAO Hood River: Industry & Education Connectionhttp://www.sao.org2007-12-13 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-13 03:30:00 PKPdԡhԡ^ԡbԡaԡ\ԡ!X:ԡ"s_3333SWHRMA: Getting your Employees Through the Holidayshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar?2007-12-11 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-11 21:30:00ԡ!G%3333SBDC: How to Start a Business503-978-50802007-12-07 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-08 00:00:00%ԡ Ce3333PSU: The Business of Sportshttps://www.foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings/2007-12-06 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-06 17:00:00ԡKK3333Oregon's Most Admired Companieshttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-12-06 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-06 21:30:00 ԡA13333SAO: Software as a Servicehttp://www.sao.org2008-01-11 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2008-01-11 03:30:00{ԡ/%3333SBA loan briefing503-326-26822007-12-20 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-20 20:30:00 ve been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. We're looking to bring a twist to the same old conference format that you're used to. It's cool. It's fun. I[%93933JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! Stay tuned for more details.2009-04-17 02:00:00http://uxbookclub.com/2009-02-24 02:50:19 :A2009-04-17 03:30:00lZ?M3I33JtPOpen Source Test WorkshopA Meet-up for soapUI, Selenium, HTMLUnit, TestMaker

        Software developers, QA testers, and IT managers are challenged to rapidly build and test Ajax, REST, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) and Web applications in a time when schedules are short, budgets are tight, standards are few, and much of this is new technology! Find out why Tribal DDB, PepsiCo, AMD, Ford, and Premiere Global succeed with open source build and test technology and methodology as a more affordable and flexible option to the traditional test vendors.

        Learn how you can leverage an o IyԡZIg3S333Intellectual Property Seminar Lewis & Clark's Small Business Legal Clinic presents thiԡXC[3 333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchage - a fun speed-networking eve ψiԡWE13K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun speed-networking event! B Ҍ0ԡV-W3K333Portland Business Alliance presenteei3333JsMWikiWednesday and RecentChangesCamp planningHappy New Year! Come join us for the first WikiWednesday of 2009. As usual, it will be a slightly informal event with drinks and snacks provided. This time around, we want to primarily focus on discussing February's RecentChangesCamp (see the Upcoming listing or 2009rcc.org). If you've ever been interested in attending RCC or just are curious, please do swing by.2009-01-08 01:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-01-08 00:29:44 9;be2009-01-08 03:00:00 ym,y (1:,ԡ'Eq3333SPIN seminar - Failure Modeshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22492007-12-14 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2007-12-14 04:00:00,ԡ&Eq3333OGI: Engineering S/W Qualityhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21652007-12-18 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2007-12-19 01:00:00oԡ%cW3333PBA: Secrets of Successful Selling, Part IIhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=11042008-01-11 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2008-01-11 02:00:00ԡ$5K3333PDXfX: Holiday Partyhttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-12-05 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2007-12-05 05:00:00 ԡ#1E3333PMI DInner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-12-19 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2007-12-19 03:00:00 +R;+_ԡ)aԡ0bԁԡ-3;3333IMA: Holiday Socialhttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-12-19 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-19 04:30:00{ԡ,!33333IPN Dinnerhttp://www.ipn.org/2007-12-12 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-12 03:30:004ԡ+mQ3333NW China Council: Selling your Products in Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-12-05 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29 9;bձ2007-12-05 18:30:00$ԡ*5q3333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23072007-12-06 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-06 02:30:00*ԡ)Aq3333IEEE Robotics & Automationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23122007-12-06 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:29;bձ2007-12-06 04:30:00'ԡ(;q3333ABPMP: Process Analysishttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22882007-12-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:28;bձ2007-12-07 04:00:00  gT8 vԡ;13333SAO: Green your Companyhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-08 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-08 21:30:00ԡ313333SAO: ITIL Awarenesshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-15 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-16 00:00:00~ԡ)13333SAO Connectionhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-17 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-17 01:30:00ԡ O13333SAO First Annual Poker Tournamenthttp://www.sao.org2008-01-17 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-17 05:00:00~ԡ )13333SAO Pub Socialhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-25 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-25 02:00:00ԡ 1=3333Starveups Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com2008-01-18 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-18 05:00:00ԡ E=3333Starveups: Quarterly Catchuphttp://www.starveups.com2008-01-23 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-23 05:00:00iance – Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce - is a networking program hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The program features a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Southwest Office Supply & Interiors – the ShopTalk host on September 15th - is a locally owned family business that was established on St. Patrick’s Day in 1967. They say: “At Southwest, we think and act like we’re partners in your business. We strive to help you achieve your corporate goals and, in this tough economic climate, we are priced to compete with both the big box stores and other local competitors.” RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759, or pre-register at www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members – FREE in advance online/$5 at the door. Non-members - $5 in advance online/$10 at the door. 2009-09-15 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 21:11:442009-08-19 21:11:442009-09-15 16:00:00 "_"_ԡ)aԁԡ[?3333IMC: Professional Written Communicationhttp://www.imc-oregon.org2007-12-18 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2007-12-18 16:30:00Hԡww3333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Search Engine Marketinghttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/6922682/2008-01-08 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:27;bձ2008-01-08 21:00:00ԡ'73333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-01 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձ2008-02-01 04:00:00ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-22 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-23 00:00:00ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-23 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-24 00:00:00ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-25 00:00:00 qU' (1ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-25 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-26 00:00:00ԡQ73333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-01-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձ2008-01-15 18:00:00 ԡ=73333AEA: BoD Education Eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-12 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձ2008-02-12 16:30:00ԡ/13333OEN: CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org2008-01-25 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձ2008-01-26 01:00:00 ԡG13333OEN: Seed Oregon, Final Roundhttp://www.oen.org2008-02-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-02-14 03:30:00ԡ=13333SAO: ITIL V3 Foundationshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-07 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:25;bձ2008-01-08 01:30:00  SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pot* 2nd place: 15% of pot* 3rd place: 5% Better Structure: We are using software tools to make blind raising, table consolidation, registration smoother. We can now track player rankings for the whole year! Higher Anticipated turnout: About 50 Rebuys: Allowed in the 1 1/2 Hour @ $25 (>ԡ8 3M333Clean Energy SIG - An introduction to the Smart Grid Market The smart grid has become a rapidly growing movement to design and implement the concept of an intelligent energy system that is more efficient, robust, flexible and sustainable. Join our distinguished panel to gain a basic understanding of how the systems we use for electric energy generation, distribution and consumption are evolving to better meet the needs of society and entrepreneurial opportunities available. Roger Hicks - What is the smart grid and why should we care? An introd Hotel, 614 SW 11th Ave. Event Description: The September Forum will kick off the new season of Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) monthly breakfast Forum that will focus on job creation, the economy and the current issues impacting business. This month's theme: Some companies and industries in the region are beginning to gain some traction. Are we the little engine that could? Who are these companies and industries that can pull us out of this recession? How can others get on board? Series Sponsors: Liberty Northwest Portland Tribune Pre-register at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 September 15th, 2009 for this event. Prices: Members - $30. Non-members - $40. NO CANCELATIONS OR REFUNDS For more information, call 503-224-8684. 2009-09-16 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 21:17:372009-09-02 19:19:50 :2009-09-16 16:00:00/2009-01-27 16:45:092009-01-27 16:45:09 >;bב2009-01-28 03:00:00 *vm*ԡ KG3333Keiretsu Forum Portland Kickoffhttp://www.keiretsuforum.com/2008-01-11 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-11 19:30:00?ԡew3333MIT Enterprise Forum: Are You Ready for IPO?http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7023748/2008-01-25 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-25 02:00:00hԡ3333GOSCON2008-10-21 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձJo2008-10-22 00:00:00hԡ3333GOSCON2008-10-22 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձJo2008-10-23 00:00:00hԡ3333GOSCON2008-10-23 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձJo2008-10-24 00:00:00ԡO73333AEA: Are You Due Diligence Ready?http://www.aeanet.org2008-02-07 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-02-07 17:00:00ԡ313333OEN: CEO Roundtablehttp://www.oen.org2008-01-30 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:24;bձ2008-01-30 21:00:00ew partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in Residence, and Claudia Jaffe, with OTBC resident venture Lumencor. This 90 minute Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:30pm: Program 1:30pm - 2:00pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 Register and pre-pay here Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA Tuesday, April 22 at 11:30 AM Photo: http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/e/f/5/event_1344309.jpeg Attending: 0 Fee: Meeting fee: USD 10.00 per person Details: http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-04-23 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7653078/2008-04-18 07:48:532008-11-10 22:44:03 <;bՎJj2008-04-23 03:30:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy6ԡ34ԡ60ԡ88ԡ:)ԡ;+ԡ<*ԡ=/ԡ>.ԡ?,ԡBg \@ڿ_ԡԡԡԡ„ԡ&Ąԡ,ۄԡ2*ԡ:+ԡA,ԡHԡOԡVԡ^LԡePԡlOԡs<ԡz8ԡTԡSԡRԡUԡWԡ"_ԡ)aԡ0bԡ6iԡ<gԡCeԡIԡP2ԡV1ԡ]0ԡd&ԡjlԡqsԡwpԡ~)ԡXԡYԡ[ԡԡ!uԡ(vԡ.wԡ67ԡ=6ԡC5ԡI4ԡPVԡUDԡ[@ԡa>ԡh?ԡnԡu|ԡ{{ԡvԡkԡ FԡCԡ΄ԡ"|ԡ)ԡ0ԡ6ԡ=ƄԡD]ԡK\ԡRcԡX(ԡ^yԡdԡiԡnrԡsfԡymԡoԡ $ԡԡԡ rformance of his talk from PostgreSQL Conference West 2007: Ruby on Rails Essentials for PostgreSQL Enthusiasts Has all the hype got you jazzed to develop Ruby on Rails applications on PostgreSQL? Is virtually everything you find about Rails MySQL- specific? Come to this talk to learn all you need to know to make Rails and PostgreSQL work together harmoniously. Topics will likely include: * The ins and outs of Rails migrations * How to add support for foreign key constraints * Managing partial indexes and other PostgreSQL-specific objects * Working with views * Monkey patching for fun and profit * Supporting multi-column primary keys * The joys and pains of Rails collections * Working with time zones * The antiquity of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver (NOT) * Enforcing constraints in Rails *and* in the database * Getting Rails to execute *your* queries instead of its own * Saved queries for "fat models"2008-04-18 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/3842008-04-14 11:25:012008-06-18 13:20:04 9 s/>
        Critical Mass is:

        - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Ptԡ?3 333Building a Green BusinessMartin Tobias, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist in technology and clean energy solutions, will speak at a free public lecture hosted by the Oregon State University College of Business Austin Entrepreneurship Program. This "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Lecture" will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Construction and Engineering Auditorium in LaSells Stewart Center (875 S.W. 26th Street) in Corvallis.2009-01-26 16:00:00http://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/news/message.htm?MessageID=15282009-01-26 15ԡkg3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Cornerstones Conversations: Cause Marketing - Picking a Nonprofit PartnerPortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Cornerstones Conversations: Cause Marketing – how to pick the perfect nonprofit partner. If you’vm Y2Y (1:C ԡA13333OEN New Member Orientationhttp://www.oen.org2008-01-31 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-01-31 02:00:00ԡa13333OEN Executive Series: Finance & Operationshttp://www.oen.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-02-05 20:00:00ԡ313333SAO/SEMpdx Hot Seathttp://www.sao.org2008-02-06 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-02-06 03:00:00 ԡA13333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-11 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-02-12 01:00:00ԡ~713333SAO: Pricing Softwarehttp://www.sao.org2008-02-13 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-02-13 17:00:00Gԡ}_ 3333ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/EE%202008%20dinner%20registration.pdf2008-01-10 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-01-10 04:30:00 nטטטטטטטטטטטטטטטؘؘؘ!ؘ*ؘ3ؘ<>ԡ|_{3333AMA: The Holy Trinity of Google Analyticshttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event01290801.aspx2008-01-30 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:23;bձ2008-01-30 03:30:00ԡ{;G3333AMA: Networking Meetinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-06 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-02-06 03:00:00ԡzSG3333AMA: Connecting Sales and Marketinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-12 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-02-12 21:00:00#ԡy]G3333AMA: 2008 Marketing Awards of Excellencehttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-22 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-02-22 03:30:00 ԡx9;3333ASQSW: Lean Techniqueshttp://www.asqswwa.org/2008-01-17 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-01-17 04:00:00 ttFԡ 5o3M333TiE Clean Energy SIGWe begin the new year with ourpԡ!/ 3 333SBA Loan Briefing2009-08-06 18:30:002009-08-01 23:29:442009-08-01 23:29:44 >a2009-08-06 19:30:00/ԡ/13]333SAOpdx ConnectPDXLooking for new networking opportunities? Launching August 6th is the first SAO ConnectPDX, weekly networking from 4-6pm every Thursday at the Blitz Pearl. It's free and we have door prizes! You aren't required to register, but it's nice to know who's coming.2009-08-06 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166736/2009-07-30 22:56:072009-07-30 23:10:45 ;;bح2009-08-06 23:00:00Qԡg 3333Silicon Forest Technology and Financial ForumThe Oregon Technology Investor Tour and the Silicon Forest Forum have combined forces to create the Silicon Forest Technology and Financial Forum. This event provides a unique opportunity for the financial community to experience Oregon public and private companies, meet their distribution in New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Brian and his wife and business partner Shelley Gunton acquired T&K Pet Products in Portland, building the business from $4 million in revenues to $26 million in 1999. In 2000, he and Shelley launched Pet Appeal, Inc. d/b/a Castor & Pollux Pet Works. C&P produces Organix, the leading brand of dog and cat organic food and treats, the Natural Ultramix brand of natural food, and Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer food line. Brian lives in Portland with his wife and three children. He holds an MBA degree in international marketing from the University of Western Ontario. Ray King is the CEO of Aboutus.orgRay has worked at four startups and enjoys the technical and business challenges that go along with birthing totally new ideas. In high school he and a friend launched "The Computer Workshop" to train students on the use of Apple II's and IBM PCs. This company was featured on EyeWitness news and the New York Times. Several yearjds at a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the April's "Off the Record" are Castor & Pollux with CEO Brian Connolly and AboutUs with CEO Ray King. Castor Pollux: Castor & Pollux Pet Works® is a leader in organic and natural products for pets. They are dedicated to uncompromised quality, they celebrate pets in people's lives, and are committed to feeding pets in need. About us: AboutUs is a wiki for and about businesses, organizations, blogs, forums, and really anything or anyone that has a website. AboutUs aims to provide you with both an introduction to sites in the areas you care about as well as a way to share your knowledge of those websites. Come learn how these CEOs are succeeding despite really challenging economic times. Speakers Brian Connolly - Pack Leader, Castor & Pollux A 20-year veteran of the premium pet industry, Brian began his career as a Hong Kong distributor for Iams Company, expanding first to Taiwan and South Korea. In 1991, he began consulting to Iams to drive TTԡhԡ^ԡbԡaԡ\ԡ!Xԡ"Sԡ$Pԡ%Qԡ'Cԡ(Iԡ)Fԡ+Bԡ-@ԡ.?ԡ06ԡ34ԡ ԡl5i33332008 OAME Conferencehttp://www.oame.org/Conference%202008/Main.htm2008-05-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-05-08 20:30:00-ԡk[]3333OBA: Translating Research into Practicehttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/post/1332008-01-14 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-01-14 21:00:009ԡjke3333PSU: Oregon's Emerging Medical Industry Clusterhttps://www.foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings/2008-01-17 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-01-17 17:00:00ԡi353333OCCA dinner meetinghttp://www.occa.org/2008-01-30 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-01-30 05:00:00%ԡh7q3333OGI: MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23302008-01-09 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-01-09 02:30:00e been thinking about partnering with a nonprofit to benefit not only your business, but also the community at large, then you don’t want to miss this Cornerstones Conversation. Businesses and non-profits will tell you what to look for, what to avoid and how to build a partnership with a nonprofit partner that does good for everyone involved. - Steve Brook, Practice Director, Point B Consulting - Jana Cole, Director of Donor Relations, Self Enhancement, Inc. (invited) - Brian Wilson, Kalberer Company - Roma Peyser, Director of Development, Cascade AIDS Project Location: Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS The online Registration will close at 3:00p.m. on September 9th, 2009 2009-09-10 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 18:29:032009-09-02 19:21:08 92009-09-10 16:00:00 r&ԡwI93333CHIFOO: Sketching Smart Thingshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-01-10 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-01-10 03:30:00$ԡvm93333CHIFOO: Design Research - Process & Provocationshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-02-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-02-07 04:00:00ԡuCO3333DevGroup NW monthly meetinghttp://www.devgroupnw.org/events/2008-01-17 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:22;bձ2008-01-17 04:00:00ԡt3i3333EMA: Your Web Voicehttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2008-01-23 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-01-23 21:00:00aԡs1m3333FEI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=ch_por&WebKey=335b4f3d-9784-427a-a270-98e70f2d62bb2008-02-22 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-02-22 04:30:00 BY ԡrc;3333IMA: Changing Laws, Regulations & Standardshttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2008-01-16 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-01-16 04:00:00ԡq'W3333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-01-15 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-01-15 17:00:00ԡp'W3333IMC Breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-02-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-02-19 17:00:00ԡoIC33332008 Communicator's Conferencehttp://www.pdxcommconf.org/2008-05-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-05-09 00:00:00-ԡngQ3333NW China Council: Hiring for the China Markethttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-02-06 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:21;bձ2008-02-06 21:00:007ԡm{Q3333NW China Council: Year of the Rat annual dinner/auctionhttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-02-24 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:20;bձ2008-02-24 04:00:00 *4F*:u} 33 unknownThis is a dummy venue. It exists so that nonsense venues can be "squashed" into it. Please don't delete or edit.2008-05-22 10:25:542008-05-23 13:29:12/t=33W'Oregon Convention Center2008-05-22 05:11:402008-05-22 06:09:38777 NE Martin Luther King\, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232United States@FåS^^5?|;bյ 9!s=33UOregon Convention Center2008-05-22 05:10:522008-05-22 06:09:38777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232@FåS^^5?|;bz 9rrm33CubeSpace, CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland, OR2008-05-22 02:32:122008-05-22 06:09:26;b՟ 9rqm33CubeSpace, CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland, OR2008-05-22 02:32:112008-05-22 06:09:26;b՞ 9Fp3 Y133- %Portland Art Museum1219 SW Park Avenue Portland, OR 97205http://www.pam.org2008-05-21 18:32:002008-06-15 04:35:461219 Sw Park AvePortlandOR97205US@FzG^e503.226.2811 ;K }2y5}2? a333 McMenamins Kennedy Schoolhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=572008-05-23 15:52:582008-12-21 22:01:175736 N.E. 33rd Ave.PortlandOR97211US@FAy^L - C 33- One Center Court1 center court, portland OR2008-05-23 13:18:522008-05-23 13:18:521 N Center Ct StPortlandOR97227US@F<:C^b~ "? I 33- Portland State University1633 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR2008-05-23 12:44:462008-09-28 01:50:441633 SW Park AvePortlandOR97214US@F'^ s3~5 33I OnlineThis venue is a placeholder for on line events. Please don't delete or edit.2008-05-23 11:23:412008-07-21 22:41:10placeholder for on-line eventsH}! u933' %Rumblefish919 SW Taylor Street, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97205 http://rumblefish.com/2008-05-23 06:07:462008-05-23 06:07:46919 SW TaylorPortlandOR97205US@F`Ï6i^K800.293.9102 yTx7 YI333 'Fireside Coffee Lodge1223 SE Powell Blvd Portland, OR 97202http://firesidecoffeelodge.com2008-05-22 10:47:242008-05-22 10:47:241223 Se Powell BlvdPortlandOR97202US@F1n^'(503)230-8987}w }335 %Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center 1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, Oregon, United States 97232http://doubletree1.hilton.com/en_US/dt/hotel/RLLC-DT-Doubletree-Hotel-Executive-Meeting-Center-Portland-Lloyd-Center-Oregon/index.do2008-05-22 10:44:292009-11-28 23:46:081000 Ne Multnomah StPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4503-281-6111~vi S?33?3'Bell Harbor International Conference Center 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121http://www.bellharbor.com2008-05-22 10:41:332008-05-23 21:56:332211 Alaskan Way, Pier 66SeattleWA 98121US@G,6^Einfo@bellharbor.com206.441.6666 BBh it should be worth your time/effort should you choo)ԡjg 3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Holladay Park Plaza, co-hosted by Pyramid BrewingVenue: Holladay Park Plaza 1300 NE 16th Avenuewԡi3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange!Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly networking event. You've heard of speed dating, this is speed networking! Tuesday, September 8, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court on the 4th floor. Advance registration highly recommended! Go to www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members - $5 online in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members - $15 online in advance/$20 at the door. First timers: for more information, call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. 2009-09-22 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 18:11:302009-09-02 19:18:45 >2009-09-22 16:00:00 uHBuJS\enwFԡ]qy3333PMF: Emotional Intelligence for Project Leadershiphttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-01-17 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-17 19:30:00)ԡ\7y3333PMF: Lean Engineeringhttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-01-31 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-31 21:30:00$ԡ[aE3333PMI: Creating Innovation-Friendly Projectshttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-01-16 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-16 04:00:00$ԡZm93333SEMpdx free webinar: Meatball Sundae, Seth Godinhttp://www.sempdx.org/2008-01-15 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-15 19:00:001ԡYmS3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-19 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-19 20:00:00 bob )2;DM0ԡbMq3333OGI: Coaching Skills for Leadershttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23182008-01-30 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:19;bձ2008-01-31 00:30:007ԡa[q3333OGI: Biopharmaceutical Drug Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23312008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:19;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00ԡ`3M3333PNDC Member Meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-01-18 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:19;bձ2008-01-18 03:30:00ԡ_MM3333PNDC: Defense Appropriations 101http://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-02-13 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-02-13 18:00:00eԡ^QU3333PBA: Technology Trends in Businesshttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventsStartPage.aspx?OE=True2008-02-08 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-02-08 02:00:00>
        If you had five minutes to talk to Portland what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Launch a web site? Teach a hack? Talk about recent learnings, successes, failures?

        Come join us for the third Ignite Portland! It's free to attend or present. We hope to have food and drinks, but we need sponsors for that, so check out http://www.igniteportland.com for details on attending, presenting, or sponsoring!

        What is Ignite Portland? A bunch of fast-paced, interesting presentations - 20 slides for 15 seconds each. Our mantra is "share burning ideas" - just about any topic will do, as long as it's interesting. From tech to crafts to business to just plain fun! There will be time to network and chat after each series of presentations.
        2008-06-19 01:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2008-06-17 01:06:502008-07-13 04:32:15 :s;bբ2008-06-19 04:00:00 Portland, OR 97232 Business After Hours, presented by Portland Business Alliance - Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce - offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Located in the heart of Portland, Holladay Park Plaza offers retirement living at its best. The Plaza is located right across from the Lloyd Center and is close to shopping, fine restaurants, and a variety of cultural venues. Refreshments provided by Pyramid Brewing. Preregister at www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members: $8 online in advance/$10 at the door. Non-members: $15 online in advance/$20 at the door. Please feel free to contact Peggy, Scott or Eric in Member Services at 503-552-6759 to activate your membership or gain additional information about the Alliance. 2009-09-10 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 18:21:242009-08-19 21:32:372009-09-10 02:00:00and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, August 26, at the Art Institute's Industrial Design Shop (note this is not the main AI space -- it's on NW Couch between 8th and Broadway). There will be an opportunity for Q&A with each of the presenters, and an optional social hour afterward, at the the nearby Someday Lounge (125 NW 5th Ave) Come join us! This month’s presenters: Sean Denham of Renovo Bikes Kat Sampson of HighGear and New Balance John Economaki of Bridge City Tool Works2009-08-27 01:00:002009-08-19 16:37:572009-08-19 16:37:57 ?2009-08-27 02:00:00:001 14:30:00http://www.portlandsmallbusiness.com2008-06-10 11:55:512008-07-13 04:32:12 ;>;b2008-06-11 14:30:00 TG1ԡXmS3333SCORE: Business Basics for Small Business Ownershttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-16 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-17 00:30:00/ԡWiS3333SCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to Successhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-24 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-01-25 00:30:00,ԡVcS3333SCORE: Marketing & Marketing Communicationshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-23 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-01-23 20:00:00ԡU_93333STC: DITA Success - with or without a CMShttp://www.stcwvc.org/2008-01-18 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-01-18 04:00:00%ԡTWQ3333Society of Women Engineers Conferencehttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/2008-04-04 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-04-05 00:00:00 EUE%ԡSK]3333SWHRMA: Ethical Decision Makinghttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2008-01-08 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-01-08 21:00:006ԡR93333WEO-OR general meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=5444&m=0&y=2008&d=82008-01-09 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:17;bձ2008-01-09 04:00:00 ԡQ9e3333WEO-WA general meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2008-01-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-17 04:00:004ԡPI}3333YPOP: Atorney General Hopefulshttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp2008-01-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-15 17:00:00iԡOaM3333TiE: Markets for Renewable Energy - Oregonhttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1551&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-01-11 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-11 05:00:00 &x*e=  ԡD!K3333WebVisionshttp://www.webvisionsevent.com/2008-05-23 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձJe2008-05-24 00:00:008ԡCam3333PSBA: 5 Tools fofr Developing Market Powerhttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/EntrepreneurialMarketing2008-01-23 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-01-23 21:30:00ԡB-A3333OEN CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org/events/2008-02-01 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-02-02 01:00:00'ԡA9s3333Microsoft: Products ofhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-01-23 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-01-24 01:00:00Sԡ@s3333Port of Portland: 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Business Opportunitieshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-01-30 17:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-01-30 20:00:00  "ԡ~ԡ)O1333SAO: Location, Location, Locationhttp://www.sao.org2007-06-13 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:11;b`qԡ(51333SAO: Outsourcing R&Dhttp://www.sao.org2007-06-13 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:10;b`jԡ''1333SAO: Securityhttp://www.sao.org2007-06-29 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:10;b`ԡ&S1333SAO: Social/Professional Networkinghttp://www.sao.org2007-06-07 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:10;b`}ԡ%M1333SAO: Static vs. Dynamic Analysishttp://www.sao.org2007-06-28 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:10;b`qԡ$/7333SBA Loan Briefinghttp://www.sba.gov/or2007-05-17 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:10;b`pԡ#?%333SBDC: Going Into Business503-978-50802007-05-16 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:10;b` OHԡhԡ^ԡbԡaԡ\ԡ!Xԡ"Sԡ$Pԡ%Qԡ'g \@ڿ_\-ԡ?Es3333SAO: Declarative Programminghttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-21 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-02-21 21:00:00,ԡ>Cs3333SAO: ITIL Practitioner IPSRhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-25 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-02-26 00:30:00ԡ=#s3333SAO: SMARTShttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-27 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:14;bձ2008-02-27 17:00:00*ԡ<?s3333SAO: SaaS (San Francisco)https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-28 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-02-28 05:00:00*ԡ;?s3333SAO: SaaS (San Francisco)https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-29 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-02-29 21:30:00arning from some of the biggest names on the web. Centered on the world's most popular blogging platform - Wordpress - this is THE event to learn about the blogging tool used by millions of consumers and businesses alike. Wordpress powers some of the world's most visited sites and blog networks. WordCamp Seattle 2009 is happening on September 26, and runs from 8:30am to 5pm at the Adobe office building in Fremont. Tickets for the event cost $25 and can be bought at http://wordcampseattle.eventbrite.com/ Ticket price goes up to $35 after September 1, but with only 150 seats available this event is sure to sell out! WordCamp Portland sold out in less than a week, so sign up now to secure your spot at WordCamp Seattle! We have several all-star speakers, including: - Chris Pirillo (Lockergnome, http://www.lockergnome.com/) - Liz Strauss (Successful & Outstanding Bloggers, http://www.successful-blog.com/) - Jane Wells (Automattic/Wordpress, http://automattic.com/) - Scott Porad (CTO tal Workflow - The Dos and Don'ts of Project Management.
        Whether you're a novice editor or an industry veteran, there is a right way and a wrong way to tackle your project. Learn the ins and outs of proper asset management and how to protect your data_ԡ`kI3q333SPIN Seminar: Culture, Structure, and Politics This is a FREE event sponsored by Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) and the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC). To register for this seminar, please check the box in the upper left hand corner of this Web page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. Software process improvement efforts often focus on the common methods of pr ԡ}S33{333OTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDatingBack by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensaf [:|[3ԡNKy3333OHF: Public Health Preparednesshttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-01-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-24 17:00:00,ԡMOg3333OBA BioForum: Dr. Tim Stout, OHSUhttp://www.oregonbio.org/bioForumJanuary2008/2008-01-24 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-24 17:00:00-ԡL13333SAO: Critical Success Factors in Marketing to Mobile Deviceshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-15 17:00:007ԡK}O3333ACG: Build & Sustain a Culture of Performance Excellencehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2008-01-09 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:16;bձ2008-01-09 03:30:00?ԡJ Q3333NW China Council: Preventing Liability for Products from Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-01-09 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:15;bձ2008-01-09 21:00:00Pet Holdings, http://icanhascheezburger.com/) - Ian Lurie (Conversation Marketing, http://www.conversationmarketing.com/) - Lorelle Van Fossen (Lorelle on Wordpress, http://lorelle.wordpress.com/) - Brett Nordquist, Aaron Hockley, Nick Orn, and more... Topics: Break-out session topics will include Blogging 101, Blog Idol (website review panel), theme customization, plug-in development, Wordpress, BuddyPress, social media, SEO, marketing and more. Sponsors: WordCamp Seattle 2009 is sponsored by Adobe (http://www.adobe.com/), Pathable (http://pathable.com/), Pet Holdings (http://cheezburger.com/), and Windows Live Writer (http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/). Sponsorship opportunities are still available. For information on being a sponsor, please contact Calvin Freitas at cal@calvinfreitas.com. Purchase your ticket today: http://wordcampseattle.eventbrite.com/ 2009-09-26 16:00:00http://www.wordcampseattle.com/ 2009-08-19 01:12:422009-08-19 01:12:42 @j2009-09-27 00:30:00 j3_ jd&ԡjlԡqsԡwpԡ~)ԡXԡYԡ[ԡԡ!u/ԡ:Cy3333Starveups Hot Seat: db clayhttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2008-02-22 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-02-22 04:00:00(ԡ9;s3333SAO: Selling to C Levelhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-02-19 17:00:00 ԡ83=3333ASWA dinner meetinghttp://aswaportland.org/2008-01-23 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-01-23 04:00:00Mԡ7q3333OGI: Rethinking the Wall Street Approach to Drug Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23292008-01-23 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-01-23 04:00:00Fԡ6e3333eWomenNetwork: Face Your Business Fearlesslyhttps://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=1522008-01-23 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-01-23 04:00:00 ment and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your sof0ԡ']3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Inkwell Creative Make valuable business connections at Business After Hours, presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. Business After Hours is a casual evening networking event with delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday October 14, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Inkwell Creative: 1200 NW Naito Parkway, Suite 490. Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $8 in advance online/$10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance online/$20 at the door. First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759 for more information. 2009-10-15 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-24 20:59:352009-09-24 20:59:352009-10-15 02:00:00 y:x yNW`ir{ ԡ53A3333EMA: Your Web Voicehttp://www.ema-oregon.org/2008-01-23 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:13;bձ2008-01-23 20:30:00$ԡ4C[3333Credit Suisse:Big Idea Bashhttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/398749/2008-01-31 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12 9;bձ2008-01-31 03:30:00;ԡ3gm3333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Email Marketinghttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-01-22 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12;bձ2008-01-22 21:00:00;ԡ2gm3333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Web Advertisinghttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-01-29 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12;bձ2008-01-29 21:00:00?ԡ1om3333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: PR and the Internethttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-02-05 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12;bձ2008-02-05 21:00:00r of International Management ----Portland State University Lunch Presentation by Kris Aman, Global Vice President and General Manager of Men’s Athletic Training at Nike Inc. Kris Aman was responsible for leading the global business vision for Nike’s Beijing Olympics effort – one of the most ambitious and successful brand project in Nike’s history. Kris will discuss his experience with the Nike brand and the Beijing Olympics - connecting the consumer to sport and innovation through the Beijing Olympics. He will also discuss the current consumer and market trends in relations to the athletic industry and the economic situation in China. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A college athlete and University of Washington graduate, Kris is off the court and into the business side of sports. With a degree in Advertising/Communications, Kris joined Sun Sportswear where he honed his skills in product merchandising, trends, development, design direction and licensing with major corporate properties. He started {BΘy'y0y9yByKyTy]yfyoyxyyyyyyyyyyyyyNԡ0 m3333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Wiki Technology and Your Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-02-12 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12;bձ2008-02-12 21:00:00ԡ//_3333Health Tech Forumhttp://www.healthtech2008.com/agenda.html2008-03-13 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:12;bձ2008-03-14 00:00:00$ԡ.u13333OEN Webinar: The Basics of Raising Money from Angelshttp://www.oen.org2008-01-31 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձ2008-01-31 20:00:00ԡ-;13333SAO: Oregon Capitol Dayhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-20 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձ2008-02-21 01:00:00ԡ,+13333SAO Poker Nighthttp://www.sao.org2008-02-28 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձ2008-02-28 04:30:00rashcourse/chapter-17a-peak-oil">Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
        17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
        17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

        November 18th

        18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
        19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
        20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


        2009-10-29 02:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/node/41562009-09-19 19:40:352009-09-19 19:42:52 >^2009-10-29 04:00:00 Ge5G.ԡ+13333SAO: Shifting Paradigm to Agile Methods: Embracing the Changehttp://www.sao.org2008-02-28 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձ2008-02-28 21:30:00 ԡ*a=3333Starveups: Topgrading Panel (public event)http://www.starveups.com2008-02-20 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձ2008-02-20 05:00:00 ԡ)+A3333Startup Weekendhttp://startupweekend.com/2008-05-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձJko2008-05-25 01:00:00 ԡ(+A3333Startup Weekendhttp://startupweekend.com/2008-05-25 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:11;bձJko2008-05-26 01:00:00ԡ'o3333Innotechhttp://www.innotechconference.com/pdx/ key=yes2008-04-16 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-04-17 00:00:00ԡ&/W3333Ignite Portland 2http://www.igniteportland.com key=yes2008-02-06 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-02-06 05:00:00d spidering the iPhone UI with an XPath test script. That will be a natural jumping-off point to explain why a full-fledged “GUI driver” for iPhone apps has been long in coming. We’ll look at different ways to prod at application code, and discuss the tradeoffs. Finally, I’ll introduce a simple library of Ruby glue code to connect Cucumber test scripts to the iPhone. The technique will be very basic, but just powerful enough to test a simple iPhone app. Ian Dees saw his first Timex Sinclair 1000 over 20 years ago, and was instantly hooked. Since then, he’s debugged embedded assembly code using an oscilloscope, written desktop apps in C++, and joyfully employed scripting languages to make testing less painful. Ian currently writes GUI code for handheld instruments as a Software Engineer at Tektronix. Ian is the author of the book Scripted GUI Testing With Ruby: http://pragprog.com/titles/idgtr 2009-09-02 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-08-11 09:57:462009-09-04 16:33:07 @2009-09-02 04:00:00 qrP qԡ%U13333OEN Webinar: eMarketing Fundamentalshttp://www.oen.org2008-02-20 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-02-20 19:30:00ԡ$Q13333OEN: Developing an Elevartor Pitchhttp://www.oen.org2008-02-22 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-02-22 19:30:00$ԡ#Ea3333PSBA: The Way of Open Sourcehttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/OpenSourceTechDevo2008-02-21 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-02-21 21:30:00 ԡ"1A3333Oregon SBIR Summithttp://www.oregonsbir.org/2008-03-26 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-03-27 00:00:00 ԡ!1A3333Oregon SBIR Summithttp://www.oregonsbir.org/2008-03-27 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-03-28 00:00:00ԡ ;13333SAO: Absence Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:10;bձ2008-02-05 17:30:00 eԡ%93333ASCE meetinghttp://www.asceor.org/2008-02-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-02-07 04:00:00ԡ#;3333ASQSW dinerhttp://www.asqswwa.org/2008-02-21 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-02-21 04:00:00 ԡ_3333ACG: China - Opportunities and Challengeshttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=3101&MONTH_CHOICE=2&DAY_CHOICE=15&YEAR_CHOICE=20082008-02-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-02-15 17:30:002ԡSo3333CHIFOO: Workshop with Brenda Laurelhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#FebWorkshop2008-02-07 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-02-07 20:30:00ԡG?3333EMA: Lean and Green Recyclinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org2008-03-19 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-03-19 16:00:00 ..jԡpYW3333PBA: Meeting with Congressman David Wuhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12472008-03-25 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-03-25 21:30:00qԡogW3333PBA: Meeting with Congressman Earl Blumenauerhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12462008-03-27 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-03-27 22:00:00sԡnkW3333PBA: Sandler's 7 Secrets for Successful Sellinghttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12332008-04-14 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-15 01:00:00hԡmUW3333PBA: Doing Business with South Koreahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12422008-04-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-17 17:00:00 iind your reputation online and in-person. Join the American Marketing Association for a specimԡC?/3S333Corvallis Startup WeekendA Business Sprint, to take a room of 50 creative tech types to create a web based business over a 54 hour sprint. Startup Weekend has been happening all around the world. Now it will be held in Corvallis. 2009-10-24 00:30:00http://corvallis.startupweekend.org2009-08-11 05:55:002009-08-11 06:08:58 @Z2009-10-26 04:00:00ԡBUe3]333Portland Werewolf - August GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-08-13 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4223860/2009-08-10 21:59:122009-08-10 21:59:12 ; ;bظ2009-08-13 01:00:00ek course, including: * How to evaluate your existing software marketing plan * How to create more compelling messaging Register Now button Mark Gaydos, M.B.A., taught this course for UC Berkeley Extension for over 10 years before moving to Portland in 2007. Gaydos has more than 20 years of experience in high-tech marketing, sales, and product management. He is currently vice-president of worldwide marketing at Tripwire, where he directs the company's efforts in extending its market leading position. Prior to Tripwire Mr. Gaydos was senior director of marketing and inside sales for SAP America, guiding the company's CRM on-demand marketing in North America. Date: Thursday, September 18th, 2008 Time: Noon - 1:00 pm Where: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209 2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Portland Parking: In PSBA lot; at no charge.2008-09-18 19:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/register-9.18.082008-09-15 21:25:302008-09-15 21:26:09 92008-09-18 20:00:00 VBԡIS33332008 Communicator's Conferencehttp://www.pdxcommconf.org/ key=yes2008-05-07 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-05-08 00:00:00)ԡS]3333Bioscience Career & Internship Fairhttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/post/1202008-02-28 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-02-28 04:00:002ԡQq3333OGI: Flexib le Product Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23582008-02-07 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-07 04:00:00$ԡ5q3333OGI: HR and OD Forumhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23562008-02-21 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-21 21:30:00#ԡ3q3333IEEE Robotics Forumhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23592008-02-22 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-22 04:30:00 Vo V0ԡMq3333OGI: Advanced Group Facilitationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23532008-02-27 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-28 00:30:00#ԡ3q3333OGI: Lean Six Sigmahttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22902008-02-28 16:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-29 00:30:001ԡGy3333OHF: Health on the Home Fronthttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-02-26 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-26 17:00:00"ԡ )y3333Personal Telcohttp://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/MonthlyMeeting2008-02-28 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:07;bձ2008-02-28 04:00:00aԡ GW3333PBA: Manufacturing is Boominghttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=11592008-02-20 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-20 17:00:00 `VAԡ[3333eWomen: Strategic Business Introductionhttps://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=1522008-02-11 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:09;bձ2008-02-11 19:00:00Aԡ[3333eWomen: Strategic Business Introductionhttps://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=1522008-02-15 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-02-15 19:00:00'ԡ'3333eWomen dinnerhttps://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=1522008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00 ԡ=;3333IMA: Business Valuationshttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2008-02-20 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-02-20 04:30:00ԡ7Y3333IABC: Power Breakfasthttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm2008-02-13 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:08;bձ2008-02-13 16:45:00 pӀ-n~ԡYo3C33Milestone Website Application DeadlineThe actual website hand in at the faculty office.2008-04-09 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Website Application Deadline2008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:06;bՑԡCE3-33Milestone Alpha Version 0.2Further functions developed, have almost all the must-haves coded but not necessarily tuned.2008-03-14 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Alpha Version 0.22008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:06;bՑԡCY3-33Milestone Alpha Version 0.1Basic low-level functions working, something that works but only at a development demonstration level.2008-03-01 08:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Alpha Version 0.12008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:06;bՑ v6Svhۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/22958142009-04-09 16:57:532009-04-09 16:57:512009-04-09 16:57:54iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2127415/2009-04-08 04:45:272009-04-08 04:45:262009-04-08 04:45:28iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2356640/2009-04-07 21:42:502009-04-07 21:42:502009-04-07 21:42:52nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2375935/?ps=52009-04-07 17:06:382009-04-07 17:06:372009-04-07 17:06:41nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373709/?ps=52009-04-06 06:45:112009-04-06 06:45:062009-04-06 06:45:18nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2371994/?ps=52009-04-04 21:02:442009-04-04 21:02:442009-04-04 21:02:46hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/23569532009-04-02 18:45:262009-04-02 18:45:242009-04-02 18:45:28nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2298523/?ps=52009-03-31 19:29:472009-03-31 19:29:462009-03-31 19:29:48 !$Gk!hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019972009-04-09 17:40:222009-04-09 17:40:222009-04-09 17:40:24hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019922009-04-09 17:37:302009-04-09 17:37:302009-04-09 17:37:31hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019882009-04-09 17:34:502009-04-09 17:34:502009-04-09 17:34:51hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019802009-04-09 17:32:032009-04-09 17:32:022009-04-09 17:32:04hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019792009-04-09 17:28:452009-04-09 17:28:452009-04-09 17:28:47hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019752009-04-09 17:24:052009-04-09 17:24:052009-04-09 17:24:07iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401972/2009-04-09 17:22:122009-04-09 17:22:112009-04-09 17:22:13hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24019512009-04-09 17:11:092009-04-09 17:11:082009-04-09 17:11:10hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18996432009-04-09 17:00:132009-04-09 17:00:102009-04-09 17:00:17 XPX'ԡMW3333Collaborative Quality Conferencehttp://www.pnsqc.org/spin.php key=yes2008-10-13 07:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձJfY2008-10-16 07:00:00qԡ;3333SEMpdx networking eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000164&launch_pg_sp=true&title=February+2008+Networking+Event2008-02-13 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-13 04:00:00'ԡYS3333SCORE: Secrets of Financial Managementhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-08 20:00:00ԡES3333SCORE: Finding New Customershttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-28 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-28 20:00:00)ԡ]S3333SCORE: How to Get People to Buy from Youhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-06 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-06 20:00:00 t ԡmQ3333GOSCONhttp://goscon.org/node/578 key=yes2008-10-20 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:01;bձJo2008-10-21 00:00:009ԡlS}3333OTBC/OEN/SAO: RSS and Your Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/175 key=yes2008-02-19 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:01;bձ2008-02-19 21:00:00Uԡk3333MIT: Virtual Worlds will Transform the Way we Do Businesshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7023761/ key=yes2008-02-21 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-02-21 02:00:00<ԡjY}3333OTBC: Semiconductor Trends and Outlookhttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/175 key=yes2008-03-13 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-03-13 20:00:00ԡi%C3333SAO CorallisRSVP to sae-info@thebec.com2008-02-22 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-02-22 04:30:00 D~1D*ԡ{Co3333EDCO Annual Luncheon (Bend)http://www.edcoinfo.com/EDCO_Events/edco_events/ 2008-02-14 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-14 22:00:00 ԡz7g3333TechShop Meetup Partyhttp://portland.techshop.ws/rsvp.html key=yes2008-02-13 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-13 06:00:00ԡyU%3333SBDC: Getting your Business Financed503-978-50802008-02-13 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-13 05:30:00ԡxQ93333SIM: Strategies for Virtualizationhttp://www.simnet.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-21 03:30:00)ԡwYW3333PMF Winter Social and Networking Eventhttp://www.programmangementforum.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-21 03:30:00|ԡv/'3333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-2682 2008-02-21 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-21 20:30:00ter-10-inflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
        12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
        13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

        October 28th

        14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
        15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
        16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
        17a. GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy Uԡ\ Wԡ] Pԡ_ Tԡ` Oԡa Lԡb Iԡc Kԡe =ԡf @ԡg ;ԡi Uԡ\ Wԡ] Pԡ_ Tԡ` Oԡa Lԡb Iԡc Kԡe =ԡf @ԡg ;ԡi <ԡk :ԡ4 .ԡ6Ƅԡ9 (ԡ= &ԡ>Ȅԡ@ !ԡA $ԡB ԡE ԡHbԡI ԡK ԡL ԡMӄԡNԄԡQ ԡS ԡT ԡVԡWԡYԡ\ԡ]ԡ^ԡ_ԡaԡcԡe݄ԡgԡi؄ԡmτԡo΄ԡp˄ԡuʄԡvԡxԡz[ԡ}ԡ~ԡԡԡԡԡ~ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡԡ$ԡ.}ԡ6ԡ9uԡ:tԡ;pԡ=jԡ>lԡ?gԡ@cԡBaԡC`ԡD^ԡE\ԡHXԡIUԡJSԡKQ']'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyOԡNMԡONԡPԡQԡRLԡTԡUDԡWԡYBԡZ;ԡ[OԡNMԡONԡPԡQԡRLԡTԡUDԡWԡYBԡZ;ԡ[:ԡ\@ԡ]9ԡ^6ԡ`2ԡb7ԡc/ԡeԡf*ԡg'ԡiԡkRԡlԡnԡoԡpԡqԡrԡsԡt ԡu ԡvԡw ԡxԡ{ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ ބԡԡۄԡτԡڄԡքԡՄԡ؄ԡ!̈́ԡ"ԡ#yԡ$zԡ%ԡ(Oԡ+ԡ,ԡ/ԡ4ԡ7ԡ:ԡ;ԡ=ԡ@ԡD|ԡF{ԡIwԡKtԡLvԡMuԡNsԡPrԡRmԡSkԡTlԡWcԡXhԡ[fԡ\_ԡ^ 1"ԡAim3U333Business Plan Development Seminar - September This seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning what is critical to include in an effective business, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. Date and Time: Tuesday, September 22, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Location: Beaverton Library 12375 SW 5th St Meeting Room B Beaverton, OR 97005 Registration: Non Member - $155, OEN Member - $30 2009-09-22 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=932009-08-10 21:00:262009-08-10 21:03:17 @2009-09-23 01:00:00 cZccreate a simple, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code internally! pԡ.-i31333Blogger Tweetup!Writer blogger tweetup, because frozen custard in the afternoon is the only thing worth putting on pants for. 2009-03-25 21:15:00http://tartpdx.com2009-03-25 06:31:372009-03-25 06:31:37 ? 2009-03-25 23:00:00ԡ-q33_333IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation and ne%ԡ,[[3s333Startup CEO Sebastian Rapport of OntierEntrepreneur Meetups > OTBC In spite of the difficult economy, Ontier CEO Sebastian Rapport recently closed an investment round, launched a product, and added tech heavy-weights Paul Gulick and Les Fahey to the Ontier Board. At this lunch program, Sebastian will talk about Ontier, share some lessons learned, and give attendees a peek at Ontier's Pixetell� product, which provides "The Power of In-Person Interaction and the Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success st vZ1 vԡh[3333Lunch 2.0http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416833/2008-02-27 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-02-27 21:00:00ԡg)e3333Beaver BarCamphttp://www.barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp key=yes2008-03-01 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:00;bձ2008-03-02 01:00:00ԡf'73333AEA CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-29 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-02-29 04:30:00ԡe]73333AEA: The Power of a Professional Networkhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-03-05 17:00:00ԡd'73333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-03-14 03:00:00ԡce73333AEA Managing Your Strategic Investment in IThttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-03-20 16:00:00 W]DWAԡbsm3333OTBC: The 4 Practices of Effective Online Educationhttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-03-04 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:59;bձ2008-03-04 21:00:00ԡae13333OEN: How to Value Price Your Product/Servicehttp://www.oen.org2008-03-12 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:58;bձ2008-03-12 18:00:00|ԡ`%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2008-03-13 00:15:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:58;bձ2008-03-13 03:15:00ԡ_M13333OEN Biz Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2008-03-19 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:58;bձ2008-03-20 01:30:00|ԡ^%13333OEN Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2008-04-10 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:58;bձ2008-04-10 03:00:00ԡ]Y=3333Starveups: Building a Team that Scaleshttp://www.starveups.com2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:58;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00  past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our present ԡ?]-3333Social Networking Old School Style PartyLocation: On the roof of Hotel deLuxe 729 SW 15th Ave, Portland, OR Date: August 18, 2009 Time: 5:30pm to 9:00pm Cost: $10.00 Join us Tuesday August 18th on the roof of Hotel deLuxe in beautiful downtown Portland for a wonderful evening of old school social networking with our friends from: American Marketing Association (AMA) Portland Advertising Federation (PAF) Software Association of Oregon (SAO) Social Media Club Oregon Entrepreneur Network (OEN) Public Relations SociA pbAhP0b\bkt} (1:CLU^gpy܁ԡ\1=3333Starveups Ski Triphttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-09 00:00:00ԡ[A=3333Starveups Hot Seat: hoydenhttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-28 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-28 03:00:00ԡZ#A3333ACEC Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/2008-03-19 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-19 04:00:00ԡY%93333ASQSW Dinnerhttp://www.asqswwa.org2008-03-20 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-20 03:00:00ԡX#;3333ASWA dinnerhttp://aswaportland.org2008-03-26 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-26 03:00:00 ԡW!O3333ACG dinnerhttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2008-03-12 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-12 03:00:00 PPBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who i)ԡ<333K333Portland preDevCamppreDevCamp is an upcoming not-for-profit gathering to develop applications for Palm Pre using both the Mojo SDK and traditional web standards. The event is currently being planned in over 60 cities around the world. Join us at Souk for the Portland PreDevCamp. PreDevCamp is for current and aspiring developers to gather and learn to program on the MojoSDK for the WebOS, but specifically the Palm Pre. Please register at http://portland.predevcamp.org/registration/ and get ready for the event! If you already have programming experience then email me at jordangens@gmail.com and we will get you set up as a helper! A special thanks for Souk for the gathering place and discounts! They have been very kind and easy to work with! Visit their website at http://www.soukllc.com/ 2009-08-08 17:00:00http://portland.predevcamp.org/2009-08-07 22:22:092009-08-07 22:52:46 ?Jw2009-08-09 00:00:00 LZLC5ԡI4ԡPVԡUDԡ[@ԡa>ԡЁԡVQ73333CHIFOO: A Framework for Innovationhttp://www.chifoo.org2008-03-06 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-06 04:00:00ԡUWE3333eWomen: Accelerated Networking Dinnerhttp://www.ewomennetwork.com2008-03-26 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-26 02:30:00 ԡT!Q3333FEI dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org2008-03-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-21 03:00:00ԡSQ?3333IMC: The Hard Knocks of Consultinghttp://www.imc-oregon.org2008-03-18 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-18 16:00:00ԡRO73333IABC: Your Own Ambassador Programhttp://www.acteva.com2008-02-28 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-28 21:30:00ԡQc93333NW China Council: Chinese Aviation Industryhttp://www.nwchina.org2008-03-05 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-05 21:30:00 :bq:ԡP753333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00"ԡO)y3333Personal Telcohttp://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/MonthlyMeeting2008-03-27 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-27 03:00:00ԡNIM3333PBA: Portland Green Team Forumhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-04 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-05 01:30:00 ԡMQM3333PBA: Igniting your Referral Enginehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-07 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-03-07 02:00:00 ԡLQM3333PBA: The Science of Building Trusthttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-19 22:00:00ԡKW53333PDXfX: Tapping Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.pdxfx.org2008-03-19 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-19 03:00:00 w\*w ԡJQ73333SWHRMA: Adapting Leadership Skillshttp://www.swhrma.org2008-03-11 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-11 19:30:00 ԡI7=3333WEO-OR dinner meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org2008-03-12 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-12 02:30:00ԡH'53333WEO-WA dinnerhttp://www.weowa.org2008-03-20 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-20 02:00:00ԡGCG3333Pacific NW Tech Career Fairhttp://www.pacificnwtech.org/2008-03-20 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-21 01:00:00ԡF9A3333Keiretsu Forum meetinghttp://www.k4portland.com 2008-03-14 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:55;bձ2008-03-14 18:30:00ԡE5c3333FLC National Meetinghttp://www.federallabs.org/meeting/ key=yes2008-05-05 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-05-06 00:00:00 -'6u-2ԡ?uM3333PSU: Manga - Adapting Japanese Comics for US MarketsPSU Smith Memorial Student Union2008-03-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-14 02:30:00ԡ>;33333NEBC networking meetinghttp://www.nebc.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-14 02:30:00:ԡ=E 3333Early Stage Investment Forumhttp://www.nwen.org/index.php?option=com_events&Itemid=15&id=872008-05-09 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:53;bձ2008-05-10 00:00:00jԡ<cM3333TiE: The Journey of 2 Web 2.0 Entrepreneurshttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1850&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-03-07 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:53;bձ2008-03-07 05:00:00Rԡ;3M3333TiE: Carbon Tradinghttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1702&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-03-20 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:53;bձ2008-03-20 04:00:00 E(s ԡ0YE3333PRSA: Media Measurement Best Practiceshttp://www.prsa-portland.org2008-03-19 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-19 20:00:00)ԡ/mC3333Green Building Council: Collaboration and Changehttp://www.cascadiagbc.org/2008-03-20 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 02:00:00.ԡ.13333SAO Hood River: Growing or Starting Your Online Sales Channelhttp://www.sao.org2008-03-20 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 20:00:00ԡ-Q73333SIM: Creating an Execution Culturehttp://www.simnet.org2008-03-20 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 02:30:00{ԡ,/%3333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822008-03-20 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 19:30:004ԡ+oW3333PMF: Improving Collaboration in Multiethnic Teamshttp://www.programmanagementforum.org2008-03-20 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:51;bձ2008-03-20 18:30:00 Y#C ԡD/o3333Health Tech Forumhttp://www.healthtech2008.com/agenda.html key=yes2008-03-12 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-13 00:00:00YԡCm!3333Overcoming the Unique Challenges of Rapid Growthlgross@perkinsaccounting.com Featuring Doug Tatum, author of No Man's Land2008-03-05 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-05 17:30:00 ԡBW3333Shop/08http://craveparty.com/shop08/ key=yes2008-03-10 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-11 00:00:00ԡAc73333Barran Liebman: Ore. Famly Leave Act Updatehttp://www.barran.com2008-03-04 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-04 17:00:00 ԡ@SK3333Power Breakfast: Tom Schmitt, FedExhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2008-03-13 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:54;bձ2008-03-13 16:00:00 µÁÛÃԡp]93q333PMI: Global Initiatives, Jim Wasko (IBM)Come hear Jim Wasko, Program Director for Cloud Computing development for IBM’s systems and Technology Group, share insights gained from managing teams in a distributed environment in our luncheon February 19th. 2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.programmanagementforum.org/default.aspx2009-02-14 22:46:512009-02-14 22:49:06 ;\2009-02-19 21:30:00Oԡosy3333AeA: Tech Strategies when PrԡNWe3]333Portland Werewolf - October GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-10-15 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420385/2009-09-16 18:21:132009-09-16 18:21:13 ; ;b2009-10-15 01:00:00 WWr of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group auԡ>[3a333Portland Pythoneers monthly meeting: Testing in a Python World, etcPython Testing! New Time! New Location! Join us for our inaugural meeting at Webtrends in downtown Portland. On the agenda for August: - Testing in a Python World by Adam Originally proposed for OSBridge 2009: http://opensourcebridge.org/proposals/243 - Module of the Month by Michelle - Pizza & Beer sponsored by Emma! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!2009-08-12 01:30:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPython2009-08-09 06:29:322009-08-11 23:33:56  # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
        # How does performance vary across operating systems?
        # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements?
        # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance?
        # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming?

        There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome.

        Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids.


        Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah

        Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and dev FN~o33-CubeSpace2008-05-21 12:15:512008-05-21 15:29:59622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214@F^5?|^M;bմ 9Mn#33see website2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 01:12:18;bղ :Qm)33Urban Grind NE2008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:19;bղ >Kl33Free Geek2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:50:00;bղ 9́:k1 =33K! %Hot Pepper Studioshttp://www.hotpepper.com2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-22 11:01:033377 SE Division St., Suite 104PortlandOR 97202-1471US@Fn^RG503.230.2058;bղtjc ]k331 Washington County Workforce Training Center18624 NW Walker Rd., Beaverton, OR 97006http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/washingtonco2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-23 21:41:2518624 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@FßU^ߤ;bղ enԡ5!G3333SearchFesthttp://www.sempdx.org key=yes2008-03-10 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-11 00:30:00*ԡ4{73333AEA: The Changing Roles & Responsibilities of the Boardhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-18 17:30:00ԡ3i13333SAO: Making the Most out of your Customer Winshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-18 16:00:00ԡ2QA3333OEN Exec Series: Sales & Marketinghttp://www.oen.org key=yes2008-03-18 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-18 17:00:00ԡ19M3333SMPS: Active Listeninghttp://www.smpsoregon.org/events2008-03-18 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:52;bձ2008-03-18 20:30:00resentation will cover the following topics:

        • Why MySQL stored procedures? Pros and cons
        • MySQL stored procedures, functions and triggers development using Toad for MySQL 4.0
        • Executing MySQL stored procedures to return results in PHP web applications
        • Executing MySQL stored procedures to insect, update and delete records in PHP web applications
        • Application business logic implementation in MySQL stored procedures
        • Executing MySQL stored procedures using PHP Data Objects (PDO)
        • Slides, docs, examples and source code will be provide

        Presented by: Ernest Bonat, Ph.D.

        Visual WWW, Inc.

        2008-05-14 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/may2008-03-23 19:19:112008-07-13 04:29:12 92008-05-14 03:30:00ԡ}2ԡ~ԡ<ԡ>ԡ=ԡ qkAq}ԡ'13333OEN Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2008-03-28 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-03-28 02:00:00"ԡq13333OEN: Protect your Business by Safeguarding your IPhttp://www.oen.org2008-04-10 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-10 20:00:00ԡg13333OEN: 7 Secrets of an Effective Marketing Planhttp://www.oen.org2008-04-16 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-16 18:00:00ԡ/13333OEN: CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org2008-04-18 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:49;bձ2008-04-19 00:00:00ԡc13333OEN CEO Roundtable: Information and Metricshttp://www.oen.org2008-04-30 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-30 20:00:00ԡI13333OEN Exec Series: Human Capitalhttp://www.oen.org2008-05-06 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-05-06 17:30:00 rr3<qԡ q 3M333Trials and Tribulations of Starting a new company 2008-06-06 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2053&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-06-02 10:19:262008-07-13 04:32:06 ;2008-06-06 04:00:00Nԡ /3=333Smartups Pub TalkWhat: A panel of entrepreneur ԡJ} 3s333OTBC Legal Series: Protecting Your Intellectual PropertyFor any business, protecting Intellectual Property is critical. At this Lunch program, the first in our Legal Series of lunch programs, Joe Cohen of Stoel Rives will provide an overԡ71_3]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXLooking for new networking opportunities? Join us for SAO ConnectPDX, free and open networking from 4-6pm every Thursday at Blitz (Pearl). Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent!2009-08-13 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219177/2009-08-07 17:40:462009-08-07 18:56:24 ;;bس2009-08-13 23:00:00to continue developing and transforming our minds, from birth right up until death. The 16 Guidelines show us a way of doing this which will benefit both ourselves and other people. THE GLOBAL POTENTIAL OF THE GUIDELINES The 16 Guidelines are more than simply words: they are an inspiration for taking action in all kinds of ways to benefit oneself and others. Many workshop participants continue to use them not only on a personal level, but also in their working lives. Since they were first launched in 2007 they have inspired a range of practical projects – in schools, colleges, businesses, healthcare organisations, drug rehabilitation centres and prisons – all around the globe. They are currently being translated into over 6 different languages, and a range of multimedia resources for children, young people and adults is under development. Visit www.16guidelines.org to find out more. 2009-04-04 17:00:00http://www.16guidelines.org2009-03-25 15:22:102009-03-25 15:22:10 ? 2009-04-06 00:00:00 FcF2ԡUm3333OTBC: FastTrac TechVenture Session 1http://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1972008-04-15 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-16 02:00:00ԡ+13333SAO Poker Nighthttp://www.sao.org2008-03-27 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-03-27 02:30:00ԡM13333SAO: eJob Search and eRecruitinghttp://www.sao.org2008-04-02 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-02 02:00:003ԡ13333SAO: Leverage the Intrinsic Creativity of Multi-Generational Teamshttp://www.sao.org2008-04-03 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-03 16:00:00ԡ;13333SAO: Sales Compensationhttp://www.sao.org2008-04-09 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-09 16:00:00ԡY13333SAO: Session Based Exploratory Testinghttp://www.sao.org2008-04-10 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-10 20:00:00 k`.kԡk13333SAO: Pricing Decisions as Competitive Advantagehttp://www.sao.org2008-04-15 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:48;bձ2008-04-15 16:00:00ԡO13333SAO: ITIL Apollo 13, An ITSM Casehttp://www.sao.org2008-04-17 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-17 23:00:00ԡ +13333SAO Poker Nighthttp://www.sao.org2008-04-24 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-24 02:30:00ԡ 913333SAO: IPSR Practitionerhttp://www.sao.org2008-04-28 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-28 23:30:00ԡ ]=3333Starveups: Breakfast with Cameron Heraldhttp://www.starveups.com2008-04-03 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-03 16:00:00ԡ S=3333Starveups: A Tale of 2 Acquisitionshttp://www.starveups.com2008-04-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-17 04:00:00 wwere (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banking can play in working with emerging growth companies -- including fund raising and M&A (mԡ8_3o333Adobe User Group: Photoshop + IllustratorUser-to-user sharing for experienced users of Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator. No-fee meeting, every other month, with a professional presentation and networking. This month's topic: Making vectors look less "vector-y." "Join" the group on the Adobe Groups website (see link) to get announcements of upcoming meetings, and have online discussions with other Portland-area users. PARKING: Be sure to see the parking tips on the group's website.2009-08-14 01:00:00http://groups.adobe.com/groups/0d0064b0a7/summary2009-08-07 17:53:342009-08-07 19:16:36 >2009-08-14 04:00:00 D4ԡ A=3333Starveups: Hot Seat - soukhttp://www.starveups.com2008-04-18 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-04-18 04:00:00(ԡ3{3333AMA Golf Tournamenthttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event03300801.aspx2008-03-30 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:47;bձ2008-03-31 02:30:00Gԡi{3333AMA: 10 Truths of Marketing in a Web 2.0 Worldhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event04170801.aspx2008-04-17 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46 :;bձ2008-04-17 20:30:00 ԡ;;3333ASQSW: Solar World Tourhttp://www.asqswwa.org/2008-04-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-04-17 03:00:005ԡyO3333ACG: Growth through Alighning Recruitment with Culturehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2008-04-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-04-09 02:30:00 ^"^+ԡ!3333FEI Dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/startpage.aspx?site=ch_por2008-04-18 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-04-18 03:00:007ԡm_3333CHIFOO: Ideation from the World of Improvisationhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#Apr2008-04-10 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-04-10 02:00:005ԡi_3333CHIFOO: Death to Personas! Long Live Personas!http://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#Apr2008-05-08 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-05-08 02:30:00ԡ?A3333IMC: Leadership in Actionhttp://www.imc-oregon.org/2008-04-15 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:46;bձ2008-04-15 16:00:00Wԡg3333NW China Council: How to Minimize the Perils of Doing Business in Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/programs/080409cbn.htm2008-04-09 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45 9;bձ2008-04-09 20:30:00first event in the Portland area with UKTI (United Kingdom Trade & Investment), Business Oregon (Oregon Business Development Department) and the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) to provide a vision for business growth overseas. This case study will feature representatives of Pacific Northwest companies that have made the leap already as well as concrete trade advice & support from UKTI to aid your success. Time for important networking with a broad spectrum of companies at various stages of international business development and other international resources will conclude the event. SPEAKERS Julian Evans, British Consul General, San Francisco Bob Lewis, Former President/CEO, SNAPin Software, Inc. Richard Stott, Matchbox Mobile Helen Moore, Vice Consul, Software, UKTI Andy James, Osborne Clarke2009-08-13 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3086849/2009-08-07 17:33:102009-08-14 18:01:51 Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl 5. Moose's recent rise in popularity has led to a surge of declarative class-building and accessor-generating modules, but the real power of Moose comes from its metaclass fundamentals, not from the syntactic sugar of has(). Using Moose as a foundation makes it easier for your code to grow and scale. I'll cover some of the concepts i0ԡ/9K3C33316 Guidelines for LIfeThe 16 Guidelines provide a practical framework for reflecting on the way we think, speak and act, and for creating the causes to experience lasting happiness and meaning. The latest research being carried out by neuroscientists suggests that we all have the potential  C7.ԡoK3333NEBC: Vapor Intrusion & Brownfields Redevelopmenthttp://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2008-04-10 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45;bձ2008-04-10 20:00:00*ԡ~gK3333NEBC: Making Renewable Energy Projects Happenhttp://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2008-04-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45;bձ2008-04-25 01:30:00ԡ}[53333OCCA: Digital IP-Based Video & Securityhttp://www.occa.org/2008-04-30 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45;bձ2008-04-30 03:30:004ԡ|Uq3333IEEE: Controlling the Software Stackhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23662008-03-26 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45;bձ2008-03-26 02:30:006ԡ{Yq3333OGI: Agile Project Planning with Scrumhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23632008-04-04 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:45;bձ2008-04-04 22:00:00fficial Geezer Guide to Creating and Selling Ebooks. Julie was a pioneer in the eBook industry and watches with fascination as the publishing world changes from print to electronic products. She believes that writers will soon record books directly to audio media and ultimately focus on electronic self publishing with self hired PR agents instead of only working with large publishing companies. Julie teaches classes on Electronic Media and works with authors who want to write eArticles and bestselling books. You can read more about her work at www.juliefast.com. $20 non-members / $30 at door | $5 members / $10 at door. Register: http://augustsavvysalon.eventbrite.com/ Presented by The Savvy Collaborative. Rebecca Shapiro, Founder 503-381-3395 info@thesavvycollaborative.com2009-08-20 02:00:00http://www.thesavvycollaborative.com2009-08-07 08:00:432009-08-07 08:00:43 ?2009-08-20 04:00:00www.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200901212009-01-18 02:38:512009-01-18 02:38:51 >T2009-01-22 04:00:00 >Ao>"ԡz1q3333OGI: Practical UMLhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22652008-04-14 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-14 23:30:00Aԡyoq3333SPIN Seminar: Do we Really Need all this Testing?http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23642008-04-11 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-11 02:30:009ԡx_q3333OGI: The Art of Telling your Design Storyhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22662008-04-15 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-15 23:30:00Kԡw{q3333OGI: Foundations & Best Practices in Project Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23332008-04-17 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44 :;bձ2008-04-17 23:30:008ԡv]q3333OGI: Leading through Conscious Influencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23032008-04-29 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-30 00:00:00 started as a small group of writers making money with download books on the internet, has now turned into a million dollar phenomenon, especially with the release of the Amazon Kindle Ebook Reader. Whether you provide products or services, add e-books to your offerings. Write them once and sell them multiple times to create a passive stream of income. They also build your voice and position you as an expert in your industry. Come join bestselling eBook and traditionally published author Julie A. Fast and learn how you can tap into this new publishing opportunity. This class will cover the ins and outs of eBook publishing as well as recording books as mp3 files and publishing on the Iphone. Julie A. Fast is one of the top mental health writers in the world with over 1,000,000 books sold and counting! Julie is an author, speaker, radio host and publishing consultant. Her books include Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder, Get it Done When You're Depressed and The O g:0ԡuEy3333OHF: Hospital CEO Roundtablehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-04-22 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-22 16:00:00>ԡtW 3{333Oregon Health Forum Annual Conference2008-09-16 15:00:00http://www.healthforum.org/events/annualconference.html2008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44 9;bձ2008-09-17 00:00:00ԡsAM3333PNDC: USDA Graduate Schoolhttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-04-15 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:44;bձ2008-04-16 00:00:00BԡrM3333PNDC: Practical Approaches to Fed. Acquisition Regulation Flowdownshttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-04-16 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-16 17:00:00ԡq5M3333PNDC: Member meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-05-14 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-05-14 02:00:00 gXԡl/O3333Drupal User Grouphttp://groups.drupal.org/portland2008-04-10 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-10 02:30:00&ԡk_K3333PDXfX: Secrets of Successful High Earnershttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-04-23 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-04-23 03:00:00$ԡjK[3333Portland Web Innovators meetinghttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/448598/2008-04-03 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-03 03:30:00Iԡiwy3333PMF: So, You Want to Create Value for your Customers?http://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-03-27 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-03-27 20:30:00 ԡh3E3333PMI Chapter Meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-04-15 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-16 02:30:00ԡg;G3333SEMpdx Networking Eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/2008-04-17 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-17 03:00:00 "" ;Wԡ|13]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-08-27 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253267/2009-08-21 23:28:082009-08-21 23:28:08 ;;b2009-08-27 23:00:00 XTXԡ`ES3333SCORE: Internet Marketing IIhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-05-05 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-05-05 19:00:00&ԡ_WS3333SCORE: 10 Secrets of Selling Revealedhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-04-30 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-30 19:00:00$ԡ^)}3333SWE Conferencehttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html#Conference2008-04-04 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-04 23:30:00)ԡ]Mc3333SWHRMA: Absence/Leave Managementhttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/event?id=112008-04-08 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-08 20:30:00uԡ\yM3333TiE: Intel's Clean Tech/Alt Energy Investment Strategyhttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1851&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-04-17 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-17 04:00:00 Ae wiw33Oracle Downtown Campus: 1211 SW 5th Avenue, Room 80052008-05-20 00:21:372008-08-29 16:00:19;bղ <whw33Oracle Downtown Campus: 1211 SW 5th Avenue, Room 80052008-05-20 00:21:372008-08-29 16:00:18;bղ <Wg733Fireside Coffee Lodge2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-22 10:48:03;bղ :}f33Portland State University, Smith Memorial Center, Room 2942008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:55:43;bղ 9Ue333Jax, 826 SW 2nd Ave2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:56:27;bղ :Qc+33Ecotrust Center2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:43:45;bղ :,dbQ3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+ ^^>U? 33; ' Multnomah County Building2009-01-27 16:45:072009Zԡ}W)3333Rails Machine Party at RailsConf 2008We are having our annual party at RailsConf again this year for Rails Machine friends, customers, vendors, and partners. The par/ԡ6C3]333SAOpdx: "Doing Business in the United Kingdom" A Case Study in SoftwarePresented by British American Business Council, UK Trade + Investment, Business Oregon, and the Software Association of Oregon. Thinking of taking your company, product or services abroad? Is it time to expand into the UK? The British-American Business Council of the Pacific Northwest is pleased to partner in its vԡ5??3U333Write and Make Money Now!Electronic books are revolutionizing the publishing world. Whatԡ4a=3]333POSSE: Open Source Software and GovernmentPlease RSVP on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. Deborah Bryant will be leading a discussion about the relationship between government and open source software: benefits, challenges, and what you can do. We'll also have plenty of time for you to hang out and talk to each other on this topic or anything else. This is a monthly meeting of POSSE (Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs) that is open for anyone to attend. POSSE is dedicated to helping businesses in the Portland area and beyond reduce costs, mitigate risk, and make software choice easy by utilizing open source software. POSSE members meet once a month to network with other open source software entrepreneurs, engineers and enthusiasts.2009-08-20 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4213335/2009-08-07 03:36:522009-08-11 16:00:00 @W;bز2009-08-20 02:30:00on.com/upcoming-events/2009-01-17 16:46:452009-01-18 01:34:54 >j2009-01-23 05:30:00 +]p+ ԡf+G3333SEMpdx Hot Seathttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/2008-04-17 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-18 01:00:00-ԡeeS3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-04-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-19 19:00:00ԡd9S3333SCORE: Business Basicshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-05-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-05-08 23:30:00ԡc5S3333SCORE: Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-05-01 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-05-01 23:30:00,ԡbcS3333SCORE: Marketing & Marketing Communicationshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-03-27 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-03-27 19:30:00ԡaCS3333SCORE: Internet Marketing Ihttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-04-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-08 19:00:00  has authored and co-authored several teHKC3w33JrOTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group On days when we don't have a Lunch and Learn, we'll be having an informal brown bag lunch at OTBC. xc=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville

        Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions:

        # HoTlb=k3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville

        Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions:k5>#ԡ[){3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?portland%202008-04-03 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-03 02:30:00'ԡZ3y3333WEO General Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?d=23&m=3&y=20082008-04-09 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-09 03:00:00ԡY)e3333WEO-WA meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2008-04-17 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-17 03:00:00ԡX;[3333Portland BarCamp meetuphttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/428967/2008-03-28 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-03-28 02:30:00 ԡWE13333Venture Resources Conferencehttp://vrconf.com/2008-04-26 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-26 22:00:00ԡV?;3333Keiretsu Forum - Portlandhttp://www.k4forum.com/2008-04-11 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-11 18:30:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpysiness and personal networks. We continuously attend regular business professional networking events to help our associatԡtԡvԡwԡxԡy ԡzԡ{ ԡ|ԡ}ʄԡ~ԡԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡԡ ԡ ԡ +ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡԡ ԡԡԡ ԡ"ԡ$ԡ%hԡ'Uԡ)dԡ*Sԡ+Rԡ,ԡ-Kԡ.Eԡ/Bԡ1@ԡ20ԡ3-ԡ4$ԡ5)ԡ7ԡ8ԡ9"ԡ:ԡ=ԡ@ԡBԡCԡDԡE݄ԡGۄԡHքԡIڄԡJʄԡK˄ԡLȄԡMƄԡOԡPԡRԡUԡW[ԡYԡZԡ[ԡ]ԡ_ԡblԡcoԡdmԡffԡgdԡh^ԡibԡjԡn `*~ԡU!93333Dorkbotpdxhttp://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-03-31 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-03-31 03:30:00EԡTI3333PDX High-Tech Networking Grouphttp://groups.google.com/group/portland-high-technology-networking?hl=en2008-04-04 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-04 20:00:00.ԡS73333A Day with the Coveyshttp://www.firstindy.com/AboutUs/CommunityConnections.aspx2008-04-10 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:40;bձ2008-04-11 00:00:00.ԡR73333OSU Engineering Exposhttp://cs.oregonstate.edu/~mjb/capstone/invitationmaps.pdf2008-05-09 20:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-05-09 23:00:00ԡQ9W3333Central Oregon PubTalkhttp://www.edforco.org/.docs/pg/101492008-04-25 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-04-25 02:00:00* How to create a facebook business page and link it to your status updates. * How to use ping.fm to automate your status updates across a variety of social networks * What social bookmarking is and how to integrate it into your website and blog * What passive marketing is and how to use it, but not abuse it. * How to avoid being a spammer and instead create genuine relationships with the people you work with. * Tools you can use to manage and automate your social media presence. Location: Oregon Stamp Society 4828 NE 33rd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Time: 12:30pm to 4:45 (with a 15 minute break) Friday August 21st Cost: $200 ($125 for graduates of the Self-Employed Agency) Package Deal: If you take Social Media 1 and 2, you can take both classes for $350 rsvp at SECP2009-08-21 19:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212849/2009-08-06 19:09:282009-08-07 18:47:20 =;bذ2009-08-21 23:45:00 U4ԡKKM3333PSBA: Living Your Business Planhttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/programs2008-05-01 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-05-01 20:30:00GԡJa3333PSBA: Creating New Products & Services in a Wireless Worldhttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/mobileopennetworks2008-04-30 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38 9;bձ2008-04-30 20:30:001ԡIuK3333OTBC: What PR can Do for Your Startup - A Case Studyhttp://www.otbc.org/events.html2008-04-22 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-04-22 20:30:00ԡH+[3333Code 'n' Splodehttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416809/2008-04-23 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-04-23 03:30:00$ԡG=i3333Barcamp informal meetinghttp://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland2008-04-25 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-04-25 02:30:00 hA ԡ@?13333OEN New MemberOrientationhttp://www.oen.org2008-05-01 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-05-01 01:30:00 ԡ?[3333BarCamphttp://www.barcamp.org/BarCampPortland 2008-05-03 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-05-03 05:00:00 ԡ>[3333BarCamphttp://www.barcamp.org/BarCampPortland 2008-05-03 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-05-04 05:00:00 ԡ=[3333BarCamphttp://www.barcamp.org/BarCampPortland 2008-05-04 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-05-04 22:00:00 ԡ<;=3333New York Venture Summithttp://www.vcsummit.com/2008-06-24 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-06-25 00:00:00ԡ;;=3333New York Venture Summithttp://www.vcsummit.com/2008-06-25 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձJj2008-06-26 00:00:00 &f/q333'CubeSpace2009-01-19 18:23:162009-01-19 18:45:56622 SE Grand Aveqԡ1K3]333Portland Connections NetworkingPlease join us for: Wine, Food, Door Prizes & Networking Hosted by: Portland Connections Catered by: GG’s Deli www.ggsdeli.com Tuesday, August 18th 5:00 – 7:00 pm Vintner’s Cellar 15711 SE Happy Valley Town Center Drive Happy Valley, OR 97086 (157th and Sunnyside) www.vintnerscellarclackamasor.com Drinks & appetizers are on us. Come meet other professionals, network, and learn about portland connections. If you are interested in marketing your own business or services, please make sure to bring your business cards.2009-08-19 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212837/2009-08-06 19:08:172009-08-06 19:08:17 @U;bد2009-08-19 02:00:00 b#ԡP113333SAO: ITIL Traininghttp://www.sao.org2008-05-02 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-05-02 23:30:00CԡOY 3333OSU Austin Entrepreneurship Conferencehttp://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/programs/2008aep_conference.htm2008-05-01 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-05-01 23:30:00ԡN/W3333Green Communitieshttp://www.oregonswwashington.uli.org2008-04-22 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-04-23 00:00:00SԡMg3333NW China Council: Silicon Dragon - Web, Tech & Venture Capital in Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/programs/080424cbn.htm2008-04-25 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-04-25 03:00:00ԡLGE3333How to Network the Biznik Wayhttp://www.biznik.com/events2008-05-01 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:39;bձ2008-05-01 03:30:00 BԡF573333AEA: Angel Financinghttp://www.aeanet.org2008-05-01 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-05-01 16:00:00ԡEG53333IEEE Conference on e-Activityhttp://www.iwea.net/2008-05-14 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձ2008-05-15 00:00:00ԡD)[3333RailsConf 2008http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/307390/2008-05-29 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:38;bձJi2008-05-30 00:00:00!ԡCC]3333ZINO Green Investment Forumhttp://www.zinosociety.com/calendar/136/2008-04-22 21:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-04-23 00:30:00ԡBG%3333PBF: Intergenerational Hiring503-973-22452008-04-23 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-04-23 03:30:00cԡAo33333Washington Tech. Industry Assoc. Investment Forumhttp://www.washingtontechnology.org/pages/events/events_events_wsaevent.asp?id=08IF2008-04-24 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:37;bձ2008-04-25 01:00:00are? In this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra effort. We will cut through the mysteries and arm your company with simple strategies to succeed. With traditional media audiences rapidly declining, this class is a must for business owners. Speaker: Ryan Lewis Ryan Lewis is considered a leader in the social media marketing field. He has built marketing campaigns for small businesses, individuals; all the way to fortune 500 companies and teaches classes on the best practices for businesses to interact online. His work has increased revenue, optimized inter-office communication, and built positive branding initiatives for businesses across the U.S. Date and Time: Wednesday, August 19, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy, Ste. 900 Portland, OR 97209-3280 Registration: Non Members $155, OEN Members - $302009-08-19 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1002009-08-05 21:25:112009-08-05 21:25:11 ?2009-08-20 00:30:00 is occuring at the same time as First Thursday so you should catch both - there is a lot of great digital media being shown all over First Thursday as well - anselm ] Interested in learning more about the space, who’s working there, and what’s being built? Join us this Thursday—First Thursday—at 5:30 for beverages and whatnot. Meet the folks who are calling the office space home. See what’s planned for the immediate future. And revel in the “we don’t know exactly what we’re doing but we do know it’s going to be cool” blooming and buzzing confusion in which we currently reside. We’d love to see you in the space, this Thursday. So we’re hoping you can join us. Please feel free to RSVP for the Portland Incubator Experiment open house on Upcoming.2009-08-07 00:30:00http://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland-incubator-experiment-pie/2009-08-06 16:26:042009-08-06 16:27:34 ;?2009-08-07 01:30:0032:252009-01-15 21:32:25 =2009-01-28 17:00:00ht, no charge! For one, you’ll have a great time. And even better, it’s an amazing opportunity to network and meet fellow designers. How It Works It’s simple. When you arrive, you’ll get a sticker to wear. Venture forth, find another sticker-wearer and offer them a drink. That’s the trick: you can’t just drink your own, that just wouldn’t be social. It’s a great way to break the ice. Additional Info If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact: info@portland.aiga.org dMob now has a permanent web page on the Portland AIGA site. Go to http://portland.aiga.org/events/network for all your linking or bookmarking needs. You can now view past event photos at our Flickr gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/portland_aiga2009-08-13 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/08/327494382009-08-05 23:52:002009-08-05 23:54:43 @T2009-08-13 05:00:000http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-15 19:40:502009-01-21 23:40:09 <;bw2009-01-28 03:30:00 )>6)ԡ:+=3333Mobile Portlandhttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/2008-04-29 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-04-29 02:00:00{ԡ993333DorkBothttp://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-04-29 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-04-29 03:00:00-ԡ8mK3333DevGroupNW: The Secrets of Designing Great Siteshttp://www.devgroupnw.org/home/2008-05-01 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-05-01 02:00:00ԡ7?Q3333Oregon Inventors Showcasehttp://www.mipooregon.org/news.php2008-05-03 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-05-03 22:00:00-ԡ6_Y3333PADNUG: Use Code Analysis and Refactoringhttp://padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx2008-05-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-05-07 02:30:00;ԡ5y[3333Web Innovators - Ward Cunningham Revisualizes the Wikihttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/468309/2008-05-08 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:36;bձ2008-05-08 02:00:00 jԡ!;3333IMA Dinnerhttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2008-05-21 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-21 04:00:00 ԡ1A3333IMC member meetinghttp://www.imc-oregon.org/2008-05-07 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-07 03:30:00Kԡ  g3333NW China Council: Supplier, Competitor, Partner and Opportunityhttp://www.nwchina.org/programs/080507cbn.htm2008-05-07 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-07 20:30:00'ԡ aK3333E-Waste - Dealing with the New Oregon Lawshttp://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2008-05-08 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-08 20:00:00aԡ c;3333NW Env. Business Council: Ecosystem Marketshttps://www.sporg.com/registration?link_type=reg_info&form_id=102381&view_type=windowed2008-05-22 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-23 00:00:00 +aIԡ/W3333AEA: Building Trust and Collaborationhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508102008-05-02 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:35;bձ2008-05-02 03:30:00Zԡ.y3333AEA: Dynamics of Multiple Generations in the Workplacehttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508012008-05-06 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:35;bձ2008-05-06 16:00:00Cԡ-K3333AEA: Chart the Political Futurehttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508132008-05-12 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:35;bձ2008-05-12 21:00:00Nԡ,a3333AEA BoD Education Event: Exec Compensationhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508092008-05-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:35;bձ2008-05-20 17:00:00hoping that none of your clients or co-workers saw you at one of the multitude of Portland’s famous beer festivals. You are probably dreading the, “Hey, wasn’t that you I saw hitting on the beer chip lady” conversation. Well, it is time to come out to do some damage control. dMob is classing it up this August at North 45. North 45 has wine, fancy cocktails, and promises to be an environment free from hop crowns, loud crowd cheers, and inebriated handstand competitions. Make new creative friends and never forget the dMob mantra… “Can I buy you a drink?” The dMob Concept This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland. Plus, with such a plethora of independent breweries, our choice of venues and beverages is expansive. Fees Free and open to the public. That’s rig 2Bi2Dԡ+E3333AEA: Technology and IP Eventhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0508042008-05-28 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձJjF2008-05-28 16:00:00%ԡ*]K3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Semiconductor Outlook 2008http://www.otbc.org/events.html2008-05-06 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձ2008-05-06 20:15:009ԡ)K3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Hiring Decisions - Is there a Secret Formula?http://www.otbc.org/events.html2008-05-13 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձ2008-05-13 20:15:00Rԡ(W)3333OEN Webinar: Building your Financialshttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=web_events&venue_id=122008-05-08 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձ2008-05-08 18:00:007ԡ''#3333OEN: Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=pubtalk&venue_id=342008-05-15 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձ2008-05-15 03:00:00 oo.=ԡsc_3?33Mobile Portland: Firefox for Mobile DevicesCurious what the futuretԡ.;'3m333dMob with Portland AIGAAll right dMobbers, July is almost over, and we know you are all ؉ԡ-gc3W333 OEN Workshop - Social Media, with Ryan LewisHow do I get my company up to speed with this new social media thing? What is a Tweet? Why should I cҌdԡ,3)3S333Drupal Users Meetup

        This month's topic is going to be a module showcase, or module hidden gems. It will be similar to previous Module 101 presentations, but broader in scope, where presenters will focus on a singlel module that they either a) can't live without or b) have just discovered and want to highlight.

        If you would like to present a module, please leave a comment below. Depending on the number of people who sign-up, timeslots should be around 15-20 minutes (maximum, no need to feel pressured to present for that long if you can show off a module in 5 or 10 minutes).


        We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

        After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

        2009-08-13 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/249752009-08-05 04:43:192009-08-05 04:43:19 =2009-08-13 02:30:00 18|BԡoE333)ԡ95)3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: Wm Leler's Bertrand constraint languageA study/user group exploring the w!ԡ+G13/333Portland Perl Mongers - Google Summer of Code Update, Parrot/Perl6/Rakudo Update, Euler BenchSchwern will be out of town, so the meeting topic has changed at the last minute. Jonathan Leto will give updates of The Perl Foundation's involvement in Google Summer of Code 2009, as well as a short rundown of recent milestones in Parrot/Perl 6/Rakudo development. (chromatic probably has some good stuff to say about these things as well) Euler_bench update – benchmarking Parrot/Rakudo/Perl 5 with the Euler Project: http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the LuckyLab. There will be cake. 2009-08-13 02:00:00http://pdx.pm.org2009-08-05 01:48:252009-08-12 19:31:37 92009-08-13 04:00:00 77 follow market trends. Despite tough ecoQԡF{ 3333Wicked Problems and Business Process Management (ABPMP)Wicked Problems and Business Process Management When: Thursday September 24th, 2009. 5:30-6:00 Networking. 6:00-7:00 Presentation Where: University of Oregon, White Stag Block, 70 N.W. Couch Street, Portland, OR 97209 Enter on Couch Street. Parking available on the street, ZԡEc33333Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Slate and moreJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his Slate programming language. * ...and other great talks and open discussions at the meeting.2009-09-15 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-08-11 10:03:032009-09-14 18:51:39 ; 2009-09-15 04:00:00 ++:*NԡA93G333bring the Ruckus to MSOn the bike, every member of the Ruckus Test Team knows to go big and blow up early or go home. It’s with this same spirit that the team is taking on the Bike MS 150, a 150-mile fundraiser to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The goal of the ride is to raise awareness as well as $2000 for the cause. We are hosting a night of controlled inebriation complete with games, possible dance party, lots of beer and door prizes at Blitz-Ladd on July 18th. The bike community has a big heart and we know you do, too! So come out and cause some Ruckus. The raffle prize list is turning out to be a good one. Details soon! If you aren't able to make it out to the party and would still like to fight MS you can donate directly here http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=10121&team_id=1745702009-07-19 00:00:00http://www.ruckustestteam.com2009-07-10 22:16:292009-07-10 22:16:29 =2009-07-19 09:00:00 HHԡ!A13333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձJjq2008-05-20 00:00:00ԡ e13333SAO: Understanding the Competitive Landscapehttp://www.sao.org2008-05-20 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-20 16:00:00ԡ=13333SAO: Value Based Sellinghttp://www.sao.org2008-05-21 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-21 23:00:00ԡ113333SAO: Oregon Insidehttp://www.sao.org2008-05-22 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձJjI2008-05-22 20:00:00]ԡ+]3333SAO Poker NightJoin us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies - you don't have to be an SAO member to play!2008-05-29 00:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/28/082008-05-20 00:21:072009-04-29 20:12:40 ?;bձ2008-05-29 03:30:00 k3ZOԡ&Q)3333OEN Webinar: Web 2.0 for Marketershttp://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=web_events&venue_id=112008-05-21 17:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:34;bձ2008-05-21 18:00:00Rԡ%Y 3333OEN: Business Plan Development Seminar2008-05-28 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=BPDS&venue_id=232008-05-20 00:21:072008-11-10 22:44:07 <;bձ2008-05-29 01:30:00ԡ$S13333SAO: Search Engine Mastery Workshophttp://www.sao.org2008-05-12 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-13 00:00:00ԡ#[13333SAO: Selling IT in Your Company Culturehttp://www.sao.org2008-05-14 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-14 16:00:00ԡ"I13333SAO: Microsoft Silverlight 2.0http://www.sao.org2008-05-15 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:33;bձ2008-05-15 20:00:00 xBxtalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

        Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or ;ԡ*iM3/333Portland Perl Mongers - How to Lie Like a GeekHow to Lie Like a Geek speaker: Michael Schwern Geeks have a special relationship with The Truth. Nothing is more important 7ԡ)A[3;333WhereCamp Planning MeetingHelp us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX.2009-08-07 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-08-04 15:42:492009-08-04 15:42:49 ;2009-08-07 03:30:00n Moose that the MOP (Meta-Object Protocol) makes possible, especially roles and type constraints. If we have time, I'll go through a simple Moose extension, focusing on the mechanisms Moose provides to help your code play nicely with others'. If the first sentence of this description was news to you, you should at least read the SYNOPSIS of Moose, and if you can get through Moose::Manual and Moose::Manual::Concepts, so much the better. I'll expect a lot of questions, but I hope to move past "what is an object" pretty quickly. By the end of the night I hope you'll have a better understanding of the depth of what Moose provides, and why has() is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't expect that everyone will immediately understand every concept provided – my goal is to impress you so much with Moose's awesomeness that you're willing to follow up later on the documentation pointers that I throw out. 2009-04-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-03-25 17:24:582009-03-25 17:24:58 92009-04-09 04:00:00 X tԡ-3333ACG CFO Exchangehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=3224&MONTH_CHOICE=5&DAY_CHOICE=13&YEAR_CHOICE=20082008-05-14 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:072008-07-13 04:29:32;bձ2008-05-14 02:00:00tԡS]3333ACG: An Evening with Gerry LangelerCo-founder of Mentor Graphics Managing Director of OVP Venture Partners Interview followed by Q&A.2008-05-30 01:00:00http://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=3177&MONTH_CHOICE=5&DAY_CHOICE=29&YEAR_CHOICE=20082008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:32 :>;bձ2008-05-30 02:00:00IԡE)3333NW Ecobuilding Guild Meetinghttp://www.cascadiagbc.org/events/2008/april/nw-ecobuilding-guild-meeting/view2008-05-01 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:32;bձ2008-05-01 04:00:00!ԡ7i3333EMA breakfast meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2008-05-21 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-21 16:00:00 ;5ԡYo3333CHIFOO;Using Scenarios to Drive Designhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#MayWorkshop2008-05-09 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-09 23:30:005ԡce3333FENG: Kasten Spethmann - Perfect your Pitchhttp://thefeng.org/chapters/announcement.asp2008-05-09 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-09 03:00:00ԡqy3333eWomen: 1 on 1 with Michael Gerber, Small Biz Guruhttps://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=8608https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=86082008-04-30 18:00:002008-05-20 00:21:062008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-04-30 19:00:00tԡWm3333Financial Executives Internat. dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=ch_por&WebKey=335b4f3d-9784-427a-a270-98e70f2d62bb2008-05-16 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:31;bձ2008-05-16 04:00:00than correcting a falsehood, no matter how small, and nothing is more odious than not telling The Truth. Unfortunately, in speaking The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth, the meaning is often mangled and the end result is the opposite, a lie. We’ll examine some ways geeks lie while telling The Truth, to themselves and to others, and hopefully achieve better communications, easier to understand interfaces and maybe some personal enlightenment. Some examples include: Lies by omission, lies by precision, lies by irrelevancy, lies by design, lies with statistics and that most dangerous of words “should” as in “the user should have realized”. There will be cake. http://tinyurl.com/mermtx Plus: Rakudo euler_bench update – benchmarking Perl 6. http://github.com/notbenh/euler_bench/tree As always, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the LuckyLab. 2009-08-05 02:00:00http://pdx.pm.org2009-08-05 01:47:252009-08-05 01:47:252009-08-05 03:00:00 'U'(ԡ =q3333SPIN: Presumptive Designhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23762008-05-09 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-09 03:00:00Mԡ q3333IEEE: Approaching Self-Testing & Self-Maintaining HSIO Linkshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23722008-05-16 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-16 03:00:00eԡ-y3333Oregon Health Forum: Social Determinants of Health & Consequences of Disparitieshttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-05-22 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-22 16:00:008ԡ_o3333OCCA: Digital IP-Based Video and Securityhttp://www.occa.org/view-board-postings/5878.html2008-04-30 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-04-30 03:30:00$ԡ7o3333OCCA: Cloud Computinghttp://www.occa.org/view-board-postings/9911.html2008-05-28 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-28 03:30:00 h`http://www.pjug.org/','2008-05-18 21:32:38','2008-08-29 16:00:20',202390558,NULL,NULL,'2008^ԡ{y3333Pursuing the Future - The Outlook for Greater PortlandPursuing the future: The Outlook for Greater Portland Greenlight Greater Portland invites you to a summit presented in partnership with the Regional Business Plan and Regional Partners Wednesday, June 4, 2008 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Portland Art Museum Including a luncheon with keynote speaker Richard Florida,author of The Rise of the Creative Class, and Who's Your City?2008-06-04 17:00:00https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=1599462008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28 ;K;bձ2008-06-04 20:30:00 ԡzE13333SAO: Collaboration Tools 2.0http://www.sao.org2008-05-07 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-07 02:00:00ԡyY73333AEA: Executives Chart Political Futurehttp://www.aeanet.org2008-05-12 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-12 21:00:00 !Xz!lԡ) 3333Personal Telco2008-05-01 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:30;bձ2008-05-01 02:00:00pԡeW3333PBA: Creating an Up Market in a Down Economyhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12062008-05-01 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-02 01:00:00iԡWW3333PBA: Negotiating with the Savvy Buyerhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12342008-05-12 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-13 01:00:00Wԡ3W3333PBA: Annual Meetinghttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10112008-05-14 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-14 16:00:00!ԡc=3333Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurshttp://www.possepdx.org/2008-05-22 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:29;bձ2008-05-22 03:00:00 $$)J're pushing thisUԡ(ye33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Virtualize vs Containerize PRESENTATION Virtualize vs Containerize: Fight! by Irving Popovetsky and Andy de la Lucha Everyone has a different reason to love virtualization: security, configuration isolation... the list goes on. But containerization offers many of the same goodies as virtualization, alongside an efficiency and performance advantage. Just what you need, more options. There's no wrong answer. Andy de la Lucha and Irving Popovetsky help you ask the right questions about what's right for your environment. 2009-08-07 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-08-04 09:37:262009-08-04 09:37:26 >2009-08-07 04:00:00 hKԡx1%3333SBDC: Going Global503-978-50802008-05-15 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28 :;bձ2008-05-15 04:30:00!ԡwGY3333PSU: Measuring Sustainabilityhttp://foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings2008-05-15 14:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-15 16:00:00ԡvI%3333SBDC: Market to the Government503-978-50802008-05-16 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-16 04:30:00ԡuG%3333SBDC: How to Start a Business503-978-50802008-05-16 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:28;bձ2008-05-16 23:00:00ԡt#3c333VC ExchangeThe Deal Exchange is a VC only program that requires attending VCs to share a technology deal with the group. You will be given a one-page form to fill out for your deal & you will have 3 minutes to discuss your deal, followed by 2 minutes of Q&A. 2008-06-05 19:00:00http://www.vcforum.org/RoadEvent.php?dat=532008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-06-05 23:00:00 cc%{bogramming and computing. Unlike conventional approaches, ours focuses on desixԡ'!-3A333How to Access Federal Funding for Renewable Energy and Cleantech Projects The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law earlier this year with substantial funding for cleantech companies. The Recovery Act created new funding opportunities and increased funding for many existing programs. Join us on Sept 23rd, for a discussion with William Malley, Perkins Coie's lead partner in Washington DC on how to access competitively awarded funding under the Recovery Act and other laws. If you are a startup or an entrepreneur, and you want to understand how to access federal grants, loans, and loan guarantees, this event is for you. 2009-09-24 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/eventscalendar/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3604&from_where=calendar&&filter=CHAPTER&type=monthly&year=2009&month=09&day=032009-08-04 00:39:532009-08-04 00:39:53 >c2009-09-24 04:00:00 p;el$ad  e cjJHe-s,0 n!5'׀! !  ΀!t ̀!i ؀!o ـer< ,ԡsy=3333HR Answers: Getting Organized for Maximum Productivityhttp://www.hranswers.com2008-05-14 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-14 22:30:00ԡrQ13333SAO: Secrets of a Buccaneer Testerhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-15 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-15 03:30:00ԡqW13333SAO: Search Engine Mastery (Advanced)http://www.sao.org2008-05-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-20 00:00:00 ԡp713333SAO: Cleantech Socialhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-23 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձJjJ2008-05-23 03:00:00f Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: • The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them • Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site • What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website • Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future • Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/ 2009-08-29 21:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-08-03 21:55:282009-08-03 21:55:28 ;2009-08-29 22:30:00 [[ԡ^E;3!333AeA Finance Networking Event: Turn Up the Volume: The Art of Corporate Communications and IR * Positioning your Company for success with a carefully conceived messaging plan. * The value of targeted research to gain an understanding of your investors and analysts. * How to integrate Public Relations and Investor Relations. * Effectively communicating in crisis situations. * Best practices and lessons learned. Panelists: Fletcher Chamberlin, Treasurer and Investor Relations Director, FEI Company Lev Janashvili, Vice President, Financial Communications, Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Ray Link, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, FEI Company Moderator: Brendan McDonnell, Partner, K&L Gates 2008-06-05 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orpt_Finance_Networking_OR060803_Brochure.asp2008-05-18 07:13:542008-07-13 04:29:25 :$2008-06-05 16:00:00 ""ԡdUe3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

        Come play Werewolf with us.

        We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

        Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

        2008-06-12 08:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/672008-05-19 02:32:082008-07-13 04:29:25;bՉJj,2008-06-12 13:39:002ԡc[=35333 "Design Patterns" in Dynamic LanguagesTopic: "Design Patterns" in Dynamic Languages The Gang of Four book should have been entitled "Palliatives for Statically Typed Languages", because the recipes it provides are cumbersome solutions to the problems it poses. Using powerful languages mak NFionԡo1S3333PDXPHP Users Grouphttp://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/may2008-05-14 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-14 03:30:00ԡn5E3333CubeSpace open househttp://www.cubespacepdx.com/2008-05-14 23:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-15 03:00:00ԡm9_3 333Portland Werewolf Gamehttp://www.portlandwerewolf.com/event 2008-05-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:27;bձ2008-05-15 02:00:00DԡlK3333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Financial Projections from an Investor's Perspectivehttp://www.otbc.org/events.html2008-05-20 18:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJj@2008-05-20 20:00:00ԡk[3333Lunch 2.0http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/587873/2008-05-28 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJj;2008-05-28 21:00:00+ԡjQ[3333Portland Web Innovators: Andy Baiohttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/544946/2008-06-05 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJj92008-06-05 04:30:00 vmр$8(ԡiC 3[333Online Community Roundtable2008-06-06 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/623425/2008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26 :.;bձJn2008-06-06 02:00:00ԡh/[3333Portland Werewolfhttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/529277/2008-06-12 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJj,2008-06-12 06:00:00ԡg/I3333Ignite Portland 3http://www.igniteportland.com/2008-06-19 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJo_2008-06-19 03:30:00Iԡfa3333Building Communities to Grow Your Businesshttp://collaborate.jivesoftware.com/content/seminar_portland2008-05-21 22:00:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:26;bձJjY2008-05-22 02:00:00ԡe?%3333SBDC: Going Into Business503-978-50802008-05-21 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:052008-07-13 04:29:25;bձ2008-05-21 04:30:00  consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, WordCamp is for you. WordCamp Portland will be held at CubeSpace on September 27th. You can head over to the Agenda page to check out the details, but we’ll kick things off wvԡ&3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free eventJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy ovԡ%3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free eventJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy oaԡ$?e3 333SCORE: Internet MarketingLife-long Learner Series: This Class/Workshop will discuss and show best practices in Internet Marketing. We will address website design, search engine optimization, analytics, driving traffic to your website, and use of social media. We will also critique client's websites in regard to these best practices and extend the class until all questions are answered. 2009-08-13 15:30:002009-08-02 14:55:442009-08-02 14:55:442009-08-13 19:30:00es the solutions in the GoF book look hopelessly complicated. This session shows how to solve the same problems concisely, elegantly, and with far fewer lines of code using the facilities of dynamic languages. Speaker: Neal Ford Neal Ford is an Application Architect for ThoughtWorks. He is an architect, designer, and developer of applications, instructional materials, magazine articles, and video/DVD presentations. Neal is also the author of Developing with Delphi: Object-Oriented Techniques (Prentice Hall PTR, 1996), JBuilder 3 Unleashed (SAMS Publishing, 1999), and Art of Java Web Development (Manning, 2003). His language proficiencies include Java, C#/.NET, Ruby, Object Pascal, C++, and C. Neal's primary consulting focus is the design and construction of large-scale enterprise applications. He is also an internationally acclaimed speaker, having spoken at over 30 developers' conferences worldwide.2008-05-21 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org/2008-05-18 21:32:382008-08-29 16:00:20 <2008-05-21 03:00:00f Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: • The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them • Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site • What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website • Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future • Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/ 2009-08-19 22:30:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-08-03 21:54:072009-08-03 21:54:07 ;2009-08-20 00:00:00 haQh)ԡ]S3333SCORE: Effective Sales for Entrepreneurshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-22 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-22 20:00:00ԡES3333SCORE: Competing and Winninghttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-11 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-11 20:00:00ԡA93333STCWVC: Competition Awardshttp://www.stcwvc.org/2008-02-22 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-22 04:00:00 ԡ~7=3333WEO-OR monthly dinnerhttp://www.oregonweo.org2008-02-13 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:05;bձ2008-02-13 04:30:00xԡ}53333WEO-WAhttp://www.weowa.org2008-02-21 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-21 04:00:00ԡ|)e3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://groups.google.com/group/pdxwiki?hl=en2008-02-07 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:04;bձ2008-02-07 03:30:00 u5ԡfuo3o333Women Who Tech's Portland Potluck Picnic in the ParkJoin with other 'women who tech' from the Portland area on Sunday, June 22, to meet new friends, hang out with old friends, collaborate on ideas, share stories, and enjoy the plethora of potluck picnic foods. This is a great opporԡ A13333 Shizzow Developers MeetupNow that the beta version of the API has been released, you can finally bufԡ#9k3333SCORE: Business BasicsLearn from the People who have been in business2009-08-06 15:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-08-02 14:55:012009-08-02 14:55:012009-08-06 23:00:00ԡ"_33333SCORE: 10 Secrets of Distinctive ProductsLearn the secrets of effectively communicating compelling reasons to buy from you. 2009-08-05 15:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-08-02 14:53:522009-08-02 14:53:522009-08-05 19:00:00 ccand product innovation * techniques to ''push'' your customer''s voice to the departments and groups at your company who need the information the most * how to leverage ''web 2.0'' technologies to promote collaboration, community and organizational productivity within your company * real-life examples of how several Fortune 500 ԡZUe3S333Portland Werewolf June '08 Gathering

        Come play Werewolf with us.

        We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

        Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

        2008-06-12 01:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/672008-05-16 02:32:072008-07-13 04:29:25;bՉJj,2008-06-12 06:39:00 pӀ#8̀ԡPWo3S333PDXPUG - Pythoneering with PostgreSQLCome join us for an evening of Pythoneering with Jason Kirtland, a key force behind the Portland Python Interest Group - http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup. They are having Lightning Talks tomorrow night at Cubespace. 2008-05-16 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/3932008-05-12 09:34:072008-07-13 04:29:24 92008-05-16 04:00:00vԡOGy3333Mobile Love, Android Style #3The open-source cell phone software platform from Google, called Android, continues to mature and grow in popularity. Meet with local android enthusiasts to talk about project ideas, news on upcoming hardware, etc. over a pint of microbrew.
        2008-05-13 01:30:002008-05-12 09:03:092008-07-13 04:29:23 ; ;bծ2008-05-13 03:00:00 ++NԡYu 3333Seminar: Building Communities to Grow Your BusinessPlease join us for this complimentary seminar. By attending you'll learn: * best practices in developing online customer communities that promote loyalty and product innovation * techniques to 'push' your customer's voice to the departments and groups at your company who need the information the most * how to leverage 'web 2.0' technologies to promote collaboration, community and organizational productivity within your company * real-life examples of how several Fortune 500 companies are deploying these strategies today Our guest customer is Roberto Tagliabue, Digital Innovation Director, at Nike. He will share his company's real-life examples of how they have used Jive products to accomplish their online community initiatives. 2008-05-21 22:00:00http://collaborate.jivesoftware.com/content/seminar_portland2008-05-15 08:22:312008-07-13 04:29:25 :2008-05-22 02:00:00 dds). Shaun will discuss the key architectural decisions made by Microsoft in their new version of Silverlight and how they benefit developers by avoiding the disadvantages of current web technologies like DHTML and AJAX. To punctuate these benefits, Shaun will use the Silverlight development tools to walk through Silverlight's solutions to some ԡLSe3S333Portland Werewolf May '08 Gathering

        Come play Werewolf with us.

        We have the private room in the back reserved. From 6-7 we'll have a social hour were we can just hang out, drink, and eat. Then at 7 we'll start to play. Please make sure to RSVP attending so that we know how many people to expect. You are guaranteed a spot to play if you RSVP.

        Check out our upcoming page to RSVP and for directions.

        2008-05-15 08:00:00http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/662008-05-10 20:57:432008-07-13 04:29:23;bՉJj+2008-05-15 13:00:00 JŖSŖ\ŖeŖnŖwŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖƖƖƖ"Ɩ+Ɩ4Ɩ=ƖFƖOƖXƖaƖjƖsƖ|ƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖƖǖ ǖǖǖ'ǖ@ЖȖȖȖȖȖȖȖȖȖȖɖ ɖɖɖ'ɖ0ɖ9ɖBɖKɖTɖ]ɖfɖoɖxɖɖɖɖɖPԡQ%3U333PDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to crawl out of their work void to share information and constructive criticism.2008-05-20 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/2008-05-12 15:03:572008-07-13 04:29:24 92008-05-20 04:00:00   ΀ [؀р'ـ׀9 b;׀lԡXGs3333Personal Telco Weekly Meetinginformal weekly meeting. check the URL for details.2008-05-15 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/WeeklyMeeting200805142008-05-14 15:39:292008-07-13 04:29:24 ; 2008-05-15 02:30:00 < ________________________________________________

        Starupalooza is an interactive forum for the tech startup community. The event features discussions, presentations, demonstrations and networking allowing participants to share, learn and connect in a candid, no-BS environment.
        2008-03-29 19:00:00http://www.startupalooza.org2008-05-13 18:12:312008-07-13 04:29:24 9;bկ2008-03-30 02:00:00 NHmN meetings within easy reach of the state''s metropolitan a;33Esouk2008-03-31 10:37:102009-05-14 14:01:51322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon@F@N^C%;bw ?:I331Somewhere in downtown Portland2008-03-31 10:36:382008-05-11 07:52:14X street, downtownPortlandOregonUS@Fê!2^ 9?;bv :A9=33UOregon Convention Center2008-03-31 10:36:252008-04-02 00:08:49777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;bu 98=33UOregon Convention Center2008-03-31 10:36:142008-04-02 00:08:49777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;bt 97;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-03-31 10:35:572008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;bs ; 263 G333 %BridgePort Brew Pubhttp://www.bridgeportbrew.com2008-03-31 10:35:432008-08-15 16:29:411313 Nw Marshall StPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH503.241.3612;br `4 ԡ%9e333WEO-WA general meetinghttp://www.weowa.org/Monthly/nextmeeting.htm2008-01-17 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b`!ԡ$I}333YPOP: Atorney General Hopefulshttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp2008-01-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b`Vԡ#aM333TiE: Markets for Renewable Energy - Oregonhttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1551&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-01-11 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b` ԡ"Ky333OHF: Public Health Preparednesshttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-01-24 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b`ԡ!Og333OBA BioForum: Dr. Tim Stout, OHSUhttp://www.oregonbio.org/bioForumJanuary2008/2008-01-24 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:41;b` ''r detached single-family homeRԡcC3]333Portland Ten Lunch 2.0 at NedSpace Old TownPortland Ten , Stoel Rives , FundingUniverse , and NedSpace are hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 on August 26, 2009 at NedSpace in Old Town. From 12:00 to 12:45, there will be a livepitch session , which is free for anyone to watch. I'm told livepitch is like American Idol for entrepreneurs, with a panel of judges. If you're interested in pitching, you can find details here . Regular Lunch 2.0 activity begins directly following the livepitching. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-08-26 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166276/2009-07-30 20:05:042009-07-30 23:18:01 @0;bج2009-08-26 21:00:00 "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-27 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165781/2009-07-30 06:30:542009-07-30 06:30:54 >;bث2009-08-28 00:30:00ps.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-01-13 10:33:462009-01-13 10:33:46 ; ;bk 22ce President of Emerging Technologies then Chief Technology Officer of STEP Technology. Shaun is frequently requested to be keynote speaker at technical conferences. He has been a guest at the Microsoft Global Executive roundtable and guest speaker at the Microsoft Global Summit and Microsoft TeGԡK'3E333StartupaloozaATTENTION: RSVP's are capped for this event. We just use these RSVP's to guage probable attendance- it does not guarantee admission, and not RSVP'ing doesn't mean you wont get in. Admission is on a first come basis so show up early if you want to get in.

        Starupalooza is an interactive forum for the tech startup community. The event features discussions, presentations, demonstrations and networking allowing participants to share, learn and connect in a candid, no-BS environment.
        2008-03-29 19:00:00http://www.startupalooza.org2008-05-10 20:54:592008-07-13 04:29:23 9;bխ2008-03-30 02:00:00st 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) What Founders Say About Startup Workouts }d)}Qa)33Urban Grind NE2008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:18;bղ >Q`)33Urban Grind NE2008-05-20 00:21:372009-02-09 20:26:17;bղ >d_Q3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+d^Q3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+d]Q3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+O\'33Jive Software2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 11:02:41;bղ :.K[33Free Geek2008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:50:00;bղ 9xZy33Lucky Lab, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR, 972142008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-30 21:18:44;bղ ; vYu33Cube Space, 622 SE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR, 972142008-05-20 00:21:372008-05-20 13:31:23;bղ 9rtup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:00pm Tuesday, Augu рU(ـрC׀΀J: ԡJ/'3333Clean Tech SocialCome to mingle with people concerned about CleanTech during an evening social and hear about CleanTech's current and future relevance from three unique perspective. Small Company: Bill Sproull, Sr. VP, Business Development, ClearEdge Power Mid Size Company: Ted Bernhard, Managing Director, Cascadia Capital Large Company: TBA 2008-05-23 01:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/22/08c2008-05-09 17:35:532008-07-13 04:29:23 :{2008-05-23 03:00:00kouts "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-25 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165778/2009-07-30 06:30:192009-07-30 06:30:19 >;bت2009-08-25 21:30:00landwerewolf.com2009-01-12 18:54:132009-01-22 02:05:26 ; ;bs {{2:45pm-1:00 - Questions & Answers','2008-05-15 18:30:00','https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/15/08','2008-05-09 17:18:35','2008-07-13 04:29:23',202390090,NULL,NULL,'2008-05-15 20:00:00',NULL,NULL); unveiling of Microsoft's Silverlight 2.0 and related development tools, Microsoft has opened the floodgate~ԡI73333Oregon Inside - Secret Recipes for Global Success in Embedded Software and ComponentsSAO's International SIG is pleased to present a panel of experts who will share their experience and insights selling embedded components and software to global customers. The challenges that they have faced and strategies employed provide their shared "recipes for success" for Oregon's continued global competitiveness in this increasingly critical sector of our local high tech economy.2008-05-29 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/22/08b2008-05-09 17:21:522008-07-13 04:29:23 :J2008-05-29 20:00:00ll? How about @mediaChick? Yep, I write there too. But not as often as I should, I'm afraid, but I do proudly call myself an OurPDX author. Or...maybe you don't know them. Or me. If that's the case then here's your chance, because this Friday Beer and Blog is thrilled to host the 1st birthday party of OurPDX, Portland's awesome group blog authored by 23 writers who pour their honest insights about our fair city onto the Web. Come celebrate OurPDX's first year with cake on the patio of the Green Dragon (hopefully...rain, rain, will stay away) starting at 4pm. In fact, if the weather does cooperate, Beer and Blog will bust out the summer gear for playful fun. That means we might get to frolic in the kiddie pool, my beer and bloggie pals. Awww-yeah. Here's hoping @portlandsun hangs around because, personally, I want my cake (on the patio) and to eat it (water pistols) too! Also, later that night, tune into a special Strange Love Live broadcast, hosted @CamiKaos and @docnormal, with as many OurPDX authors who can stay up that late. Signature SLL tiki rum drinks will be served to the writers to get them sufficiently liquored up in the hopes they'll say embarrassing things for everyone's amusement. I'll be there, trying to remember that the show is, indeed, broadcasting accross the Interverse, and is, indeed, being taped for prosperity and posting later. As in inrefrutable evidence of one's drunken, public confessions. On behalf of Beer and Blog and OurPDX, we hope you'll join us this Friday. Won't be the same without you!2009-06-26 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-24 05:59:252009-06-24 05:59:25 ; 2009-06-27 01:00:00 m me to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused network, whq3 33Jr"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. EffectivChe_3E33Ju>OEN Workshop - Selling Stock in Your CompanyPRICE OEN Member Fee: $30.00 Non-member Fee: $129.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=75 DESCRIPTION Early-stage companies - understanding and managing your cap table Startup and early-stage companies often exchange equity for capital. They also use it to incentivize employees and contractors. However, few entrepreneurs map out a comprehensive plan to manage their capitalization table through multipl =[=ices in Fremont. (651 North 34th St. ) So, yoԡMIg3]333Mobile Love, Android Style #13Android users and developers, talk about the latest and greatest over a pint of beer. Anyone got an HTC Hero?2009-07-14 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3074323/2009-07-13 22:07:272009-07-13 22:07:27 ; ;b؋2009-07-14 01:00:00ԡL13U333SwapMeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-08-28 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=952009-07-13 19:20:182009-07-13 19:20:18 :2009-08-29 02:00:00ered to be one of the top software architects in the Pacific NW. Many CTOs, CIOs, and software engineering managers at several large and small companies in the NW rely on Shaun's expertise to provide consulting, mentored co-development, and training for their development teams. He has over 17 years of experience in software programming, holding previous positions such as consultant and lecturer at the Microsoft Institute, and as Vice President of Emerging Technologies then Chief Technology Officer of STEP Technology. Shaun is frequently requested to be keynote speaker at technical conferences. He has been a guest at the Microsoft Global Executive roundtable and guest speaker at the Microsoft Global Summit and Microsoft Technical Briefings. Program Agenda: 11:30am-12:00pm - Registration/Lunch 12:00pm-12:45pm - Presentation 12:45pm-1:00 - Questions & Answers2008-05-15 18:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/15/082008-05-09 17:18:352008-07-13 04:29:23 :J2008-05-15 20:00:00A>
        # How does performance vary across JVM vendors?
        # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
        # How does performance vary across operating systems?
        # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements?
        # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance?
        # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming?

        There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome.

        Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids.


        Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah

        Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research ـ4pӀtԡF3333Engineering Abroad: Experiences and Learning about Why, When and HowAeA OR Technology and IP Networking Event Date: May 28, 2008 Engineering Abroad: Experiences and Learning about Why, When and How Are you trying to make your outsourced or offshore development more successful? Struggling with whether to do it at all? Listen to industry professionals who have hard-won experience and stories to share on this topic. The panel will discuss the chief pitfalls and success stories (or lessons learned) as well as what led them to the decision to outsource offshore in the first place.2008-05-28 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orpt_TIP_Networking_OR050804_Brochure.asp2008-05-09 17:00:512008-07-13 04:29:23 :$2008-05-28 17:00:00 YYԡH3333Microsoft Silverlight 2.0: More Than Just a Flash CompetitorWith the unveiling of Microsoft's Silverlight 2.0 and related development tools, Microsoft has opened the floodgates even wider for the development of rich internet application (RIAs). Shaun will discuss the key architectural decisions made by Microsoft in their new version of Silverlight and how they benefit developers by avoiding the disadvantages of current web technologies like DHTML and AJAX. To punctuate these benefits, Shaun will use the Silverlight development tools to walk through Silverlight's solutions to some of the core development scenarios facing web application developers today. Whether you develop on .NET or Java, Silverlight is a compelling new technology that is being leveraged by all. Speaker: Shaun McAravey, President & CTO, SoftSource Shaun McAravey is the founder and CTO of SoftSource Consulting and is consid Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) What Founders Say About Startup Wor lNlnomic system�from�the rubble of the financial collapse?�Is New Deal 2.0 possible? A New Green Deal?� Celebrating the lively & relaxed form of a poetry reading, this event will feature a bit of poetry, but mostly, talks by two radical economists about the financial crisis. Urgent times demand "spending" our Saturday nights discussing Sԡ";{3W333Social Innovation ForumJune's Forum focuses on sustainability. How do you implement innovation in a way that creates lasting change? How do you preserve and maintain the change you've worked for? Thisg+ԡ!//3W333Westside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        2009-05-29 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-05-27 18:08:032009-05-27 18:09:51 <;bW2009-05-29 04:00:00 r Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior in college, combining his business training and programming ability to build a company that has helped real estate, financial service, math and sales professionals, students and teachers be more successful. Infinity Softworks'' powerOne® software has been distributed to over 15 million customers worldwide. He has %ԡGSG3333Is Your Company Ready to Go Global?OR Emerging Business Networking Event Date: May 29, 2008 Is Your Company Ready to Go Global? Panel members lead an hour discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for emerging business executives of technology companies.These networking events are typically held over breakfast and are open to member and non-member companies.2008-05-29 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/EventsCatalog.cfm?product_major=OR0508142008-05-09 17:03:272008-07-13 04:29:23 :$2008-05-29 16:00:00uts Startup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:00pm Harvest Foods, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's discovery of a local hemp foods company in Vancouver, Canada in 2002, Christina put her passion for health and nutrition to the test, when she committed to bring hemp foods to the U.S.; promising the creation of a consumer friendly and approachable brand that would legitimize hemp along the way. As the company has grown from a home business to a 15 person team, Living Harvest continues to grow market penetration and consumer awareness for its great tasting, nutritious and planet-friendly foods. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, June 9th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: June 10th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 2009-06-11 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=572009-05-22 15:49:102009-06-07 22:37:41 :62009-06-11 02:00:00his Nike career 12 years ago as a product line manager for Nike Basketball, then went on to footwear product marketing and global category footwear leadership roles. At his current position as Global Vice President and GM of Men’s Athletic Training, he is leading an integrated consumer-oriented focus across footwear, apparel and equipment for the category. He is also responsible for American football and baseball, two important sports for Nike that are closely aligned with training. OPTIONAL NIKE CAMPUS TOUR: There will be an optional, guided 30-minutes Nike Campus walking tour at the end of the meeting. Please wear comfortable walking shoes if you would like to join the tour. Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID. Please add $5 handling charge to above for registration after Monday May 4, 5pm. Tickets: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-05-06 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090506cbn.html2009-04-22 20:41:342009-05-05 06:05:11 ?2009-05-06 20:30:00Hiring Decisions - Is there a Secret Formula? About the Program: Books abound and the internet overflows with "secrets to successful hiring". Are there secrets? Is there a recipe for a great hire? Are we simply victims of fewer competent candidates? Are search agencies the best way to guarantee you will find the candidate you are looking for? Come spend a lunch hour and explore the questions and answers together. About the Speaker: Iris Sasaki brings over twenty years of Human Resources experience in the high tech arena, from hands-on generalist to executive level. Since 2001, Iris has brought her extensive background to her clients as a Human Resources consultant (www.iris-sasakiHR.com), and will provide that same customer-driven response to members of OTBC. Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking 2008-05-13 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7811324/2008-05-09 16:55:472008-11-10 22:44:05 <2008-05-13 20:45:00outs "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-20 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165773/2009-07-30 06:29:442009-07-30 06:29:44 >;bة2009-08-21 00:30:00002009-01-12 04:26:372009-04-29 20:12:43 ?2009-01-14 05:00:00and hear the feature presentations by Oasis Diagnostics, Ninkasi, Inc. and Anna Cohen, Inc. You'll also hear 5-minute pitches from Fashions.org. Prior to PubTalk from 4pm – 5pm at Bridgport there will be a special roundtable dedicated to Portland area university students. Kent Lewis of Anvil Media, entrepreneur and search engine marketing guru, along with Jerry Carleton of Bullivant, Houser, Bailey, business attorney specializing in emerging/growth stage business counseling, will lead the students entrepreneurial round table discussion. The topics of this evening will include: * How to start your own company * How to find start-ups that are hiring * Networking done the right way * Resources you can use * Pitfalls of entrepreneurship and more 4pm-5pm Student Round Table discussions (no cost)2008-05-15 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=pubtalk&venue_id=342008-05-09 16:49:182008-06-18 13:20:13 :6ely at your financial forecast. What do they look at and why? Come to this Lunch and Learn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior in college, combining his business training and programming ability to build a company that has helped real estate, financial service, math and sales professionals, students and teachers be more successful. Infinity Softworks' powerOne® software has been distributed to over 15 million customers worldwide. He has a technical MBA from OHSU/OGI and a BS in accounting with a minor in computer science from Pacific Uinversity. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking 2008-05-20 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-05-09 16:57:472008-11-10 22:44:06 ;bب2009-08-18 21:30:00 building and sustainablet twenty years of war and mineral exploitation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Partially unearthed artifacts of cultural disarticulation, corporately funded wars, crude hand-tools of small pit mining, skeletal traces of bush meat trade are jumbled together with discarded iPhones, blackberries and obsolete laptops. But, the exhibit won't merely wallow in despair. In accordance with SEA Change Gallery's mandate of social and environmental change, the curators are organizing a public brainstorming discussion to look for sustainable solutions to the coltan addiction. The free event will include a Congolese dinner and encourage community dialogue. Speakers from Mercy Corps, Run for Congo Women, and "Apocalypse Found" author Casey Bush will share their knowledge about the conflict, discuss solutions they are helping implement, and brainstorm ways to take action. RSVP to seagallery@gmail.com2009-07-03 00:00:00http://seagallery.wordpress.com2009-07-01 05:00:532009-07-01 05:00:53 @*2009-07-03 05:00:00volutionary new Service Oriented Architecture that lets PhP and other web developers build, distribute, and monetize interconnected, personalizable, mobile applications. The VADOWERX™ ecosystem enables mobile consumers to easily discover and use a wide variety of compelling socially and contextually aware services on their phone. For example, one of our community members is actively developing an application for the Oregon swim team to provide parents with real-time meet information on their cell phones. Another partner is creating a mobile Point Of Sale solution for Latin America businesses. Using VADOWERX™, the possibilities are endless. GoLife's Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Mounir Shita, will be presenting on VADOWERX and demonstrating how to create applications with it. Come learn more!2008-06-11 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/june2008-05-09 16:40:222008-06-18 13:20:13 9pective About the Program Prospective investors will look closely at your financial forecast. What d lGԡ^U7333SEMPDX: Seven Secrets of RSS and SEOhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-05-09 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:19;b`'ԡ][w333OTBC Legal Series: Finance your Companyhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5667176/2007-05-08 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:19;b`ԡ\9K333CFO of the Year Awardshttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-05-10 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:19;b`ԡ[Cw333OTBC: Finance your Businesshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5665890/2007-05-10 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b`}ԡZ-Q333BarCamp Portlandhttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-05-12 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b` ԡYMQ333BarCamp Portland pre-event mixerhttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-05-12 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b` lԡ;Ca3333Portland Lunch 2.0 @ VidoopThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at OpenID provider Vidoop in Old Town on May 28, 2008. Good news if you made it to eROI in April, Vidoop is in the same building, with a different entrance.

        Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here.

        We're putting a PDX stamp on it. So come check it out and expect to hear about your favorite Interwebs meme, bacon from Scott Kveton.

        Come one, come all, whether geek or not. Have some lunch on Vidoop, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.
        2008-05-28 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/05/05/vidoop-to-host-portland-lunch-20/2008-05-06 11:43:322008-07-13 04:29:22 :x;bը2008-05-28 21:00:00 33pdated emulator, new version of the .NET Compact Framework, on-device unit testing, and more. As a software architect and Microsoft certified trainer, as well as SoftSource''s subject matter expert on mobile device application development, Steven Gray will walk through the practical steps for building smart device applications quickly as well as how to leverage existing investments by bridging those mobile applications to your current web service architectures. Time and interest permitting, Steven will also contrast invoking web services from other mobile platforms besides Windows CE-based devices as well.','2008-06-04 01:00:00','http://www.padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx?ID=149','2008-05-07 21:25:55','2008-06-18 13:20:12',202390059,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);h^0 pӀFԡ=S[3o33PADNUG: Windows Workflow FoundationPortland Area .NET Users Group (PADNUG)2008-07-02 01:00:00http://www.padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx?ID=1502008-05-07 21:28:592008-06-18 13:20:12 :+ 99@ԡ<}#3o33PADNUG: Smart Device Programming with Visual Studio 2008Portland Area .NET Users Group (PADNUG) June Meeting Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 brings a host of new features and improvements for smart device developers with an updated emulator, new version of the .NET Compact Framework, on-device unit testing, and more. As a software architect and Microsoft certified trainer, as well as SoftSource's subject matter expert on mobile device application development, Steven Gray will walk through the practical steps for building smart device applications quickly as well as how to leverage existing investments by bridging those mobile applications to your current web service architectures. Time and interest permitting, Steven will also contrast invoking web services from other mobile platforms besides Windows CE-based devices as well.2008-06-04 01:00:00http://www.padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx?ID=1492008-05-07 21:25:552008-06-18 13:20:12 :+ a9ԡB#93#33OEN PubTalkJoin OEN at BridgportBrewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres yԡAkA3U33Building Mobile Applications for Fun and ProfitGoLife Mobile announces VADOWERX™, a re'ԡ@u73w333Financial Projections from an Investor's PerspectiveOTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: Financial Projections from an Investor's Perspective About the Program Prospective investors will look closely at your financial forecast. What do they look at and why? Come to this Lunch- and Learn and find out. About the Presenter Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior in college, combining his business training and programming ability to build a company that has helped real estate, financial service, math and sales professionals, students and teachers be more successful. Infinity Softworks' powerOne® software has been distributed to over 15 million customers worldwide. He has a technical MBA from OHSU/OGI and a BS in accounting with a minor in computer science from Pacific Uinversity. Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC Lunch provided Registration $10.00 if pre-paid 24 hours in advance; otherwise $15 at the door For more information: 971-223-4660 2008-05-20 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-05-09 08:51:212008-11-10 22:44:04 <2008-05-20 20:45:00 ith an updated emulator, new version of the .NET Compact Framework, on-device unit testing, and more. As a software architect and Microsoft certified tXԡ?}Q3C333Beer and Blog - How to mine your traffic stats for valueTHEME - How to mine your traffic stats for value

        Come join fellow Portland bloggers for this presentation from 4pm until at least 6pm at the Green Dragon (we do this every Friday). We help each other work on our blogs. Maybe you need some design help. Maybe you want to power your comments form with OpenID, but don’t know how. Maybe you just need the social space to get off your duff and do the shit you tell everyone you’re going to do. Whatever your story, we’ll be then and there enjoying delicious beers and pounding keys. We’ll be the ones with the extension cord and power strip huddled around a grip of mostly Mac laptops.
        2008-05-09 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-05-08 12:33:212008-07-13 04:29:22 ; ;bի2008-05-10 01:00:00 http://www.igniteportland.com','2008-05-05 13:43:49','2008-07-13 04:29:22',202390131,996332962,1250455391,'2008-06-19 04:00:00',NULL,NULL);lugin for easing the Nԡ>5a333CubeSpace Open HouseExplore how CubeSpace can help your business!

        Come see our office space and meeting rooms! Learn about how diverse range of business services! Meet the owners and see how we can help you. Enjoy delicious treats, personal tours, and chances to win great prizes!

        If you've ever wanted to check out CubeSpace, now is the perfect time! Bring your friends, your boss, your coworkers, or anyone else who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you there.

        Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of CubeSpace.
        2008-05-14 23:00:002008-05-08 12:00:022008-06-18 13:20:12 9;bժ F=FUUUUUUUpԡ8UG3K33Heroes Happen Here (MS Launch Event)Microsoft launch event for Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Visual Studio 2008
        2008-05-06 07:00:00http://www.heroeshappenhere.com2008-05-05 13:45:382008-06-18 13:20:11 9;bդ<ԡ7;7333Portland Open Beer ClubPortland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

        The Portland Open Beer Club meets the second thursday of every month at Bailey's Taproom at 5pm.

        Both meetups are part of the international Open Coffee Club movement. Read more at http://www.opencoffeeclub.org/

        If you're interested in attending, please add a comment below.
        2008-05-09 00:00:002008-05-05 13:44:402008-06-18 13:20:11 :Y;bգ SQL fields) and multiple data-set definitions can be specified per model. Currently supports plain HTML tables or it can be used with the YUI4Rails gem/plugin to easily create YUI DataTables. You can see a demo of the library at sortablecolumns.heroku.com/ and get the Gem from rubyforge.org/projects/sortablecolumns/ . Bryan can also talk about his limited experience with the Heroku application hosting service if there is interest. SPEAKER: Bryan Donovan works at Sun Microsystems, where he turns tedious spreadsheet-driven processes into automated Rails-driven processes. He also developed UrbanDrinks.com, the sortable stats pages at The Hardball Times baseball site, and the rubystats gem. He has nothing to do with Brian Donovan at brian.maybeyoureinsane.net/blog/category/ruby/2008-05-07 02:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/events/show/442008-05-03 02:32:262008-07-13 04:29:21 92008-05-07 04:00:001g up, and this meeting’s content should be of interest to both Ruby and Python programmers. PRESENTATIONS: * AppDrop: An open alternative to Google App Engine SUMMARY: AppDrop provides a proof-of-concept system for easily hosting and scaling web applications. It demonstrates how applications written for Google’s App Engine can be ported to other platforms. AppDrop runs on Amazon EC2, currently hosts Python applications, and uses Ruby on Rails and ngnix as its backend. All the AppDrop code is open source and contributions are welcome. For more information, please visit: appdrop.com SPEAKER: Chris Anderson is the author of AppDrop, creator of Grabb.it, and founder of the independent music store Music For Dozens. * SortableColumns: A Rails gem/plugin for easing the pain of creating sortable HTML tables. SUMMARY: SortableColumns uses flexible YAML config files to specify the nature of the columns in an HTML table. It can be used with any ActiveRecord result set (works with custom /> If you had five minutes to talk to Portland what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Launch a web site? Teach a hack? Talk about recent learnings, successes, failures?

        Come join us for the third Ignite Portland! It's free to attend or present. We hope to have food and drinks, but we need sponsors for that, so check out http://www.igniteportland.com for details on attending, presenting, or sponsoring!

        What is Ignite Portland? A bunch of fast-paced, interesting presentations - 20 slides for 15 seconds each. Our mantra is "share burning ideas" - just about any topic will do, as long as it's interesting. From tech to crafts to business to just plain fun! There will be time to network and chat after each series of presentations.
        2008-06-19 01:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2008-05-05 13:43:492008-07-13 04:29:22 :s;bբJo_2008-06-19 04:00:00 ..ll Times baseball site, and the rubystats gem. He has nothing to do with Brian Donovan at brian.maybeyoureinsane.net/blog/category/ruby/','2008-05-07 02:00:00','http://www.pdxruby.org/events/show/44','2008-05-03 02:32:26','2008-07-13 04:29:21',202389907,NULL,NULL,'2008-05-07 04:00:00',NULLBԡ6+k3G333Ignite Portland**NOTE: feel free to RSVP here on Upcoming, but be aware that this does not guarantee a seat at the event. Soon you will be able to get a free ticket to this event via the Ignite Portland website http://www.igniteportland.com **
        2008-05-12 01:30:002008-05-05 13:42:502008-07-13 04:29:21 ; ;bաJjO2008-05-12 03:00:00 >ԡQ#3Y33PDX WebfootItems and people already on the agenda and absolutely subject to change at this point:
        Topics: Safe Internet Browsing; Silverlight 2; Internet Explorer 8; XNA ; Adobe Flex/Air
        People: Scott Hanselman; Adam Kinney; Tim Heuer; Jason Mauer; Ryan Miller
        There will be good food (not pizza) and there will be games and activites for spouses and kids (think Rockband and Mindstorms, though I can't promise either of those yet). 2008-04-12 19:00:00http://padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx2008-03-31 08:41:072008-11-22 00:31:12 <;bn)ԡPS-3Y33PADNUG: CodeIt.Right the First TimeUse Code Analysis and Refactoring to produce quality code, enforce coding guidelines, find code pitfalls, performance issues and save your time.2008-05-07 01:30:00http://padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx2008-03-31 08:41:062008-06-18 13:19:55 :+;bn 5 5lternative to Google App Engine SUMMPԡ3735333Calagator Code SprintOur bi-weekly code sprint to work on making Calagator even more awesome.2008-05-10 17:00:00http://calagator.org2008-05-05 09:54:532008-07-13 04:29:21 92008-05-10 22:00:00/ԡ2EO35333Calagator Lunch Work SessionHave lunch and work on Calagator.2008-05-07 19:00:00http://calagator.org2008-05-04 12:40:422008-07-13 04:29:21 :H2008-05-07 20:00:007ԡ1;C3Y333pdxfunc monthly meetingPortland Functional Programming Study Group (pdxfunc) A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts.2008-05-13 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-05-03 02:34:122008-07-13 04:29:21 92008-05-13 04:00:009rtup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:0 mbm 6Հǽ R&jJX-et0 h! ,΀!aؓ!i р!9 ׀! ̀! nԡ:!Y3q33CocoaHeadsThis meeting is all about Core Animation! Write a small example, and bring it to share with the group!2008-05-15 00:30:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-05-05 20:14:372008-06-18 13:20:11 :wԡ9g3/33Andy Baio talks side projects and acquisition at Portland Web InnovatorsThe June meeting welcomes Upcoming.org founder, Waxy.org proprietor, and brand new Portlander Andy Baio. Andy will talk about his side project (Upcoming), which became a bigger project, which was finally acquired by Yahoo! in 2005.
        2008-06-05 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-05-05 14:49:552008-06-18 13:20:11 :v;bզ%0pm Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) What F What Founders Say About Startup Workouts "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-13 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165765/2009-07-30 06:28:492009-07-30 06:28:49 >;bا2009-08-14 00:30:00basics and how your :rket Validation Basics •1:00pm Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) ;For, And How You Stack Up"Startup Workouts Startup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Ma 15-year career - which includes stints with CARE USA and the U.S. Peace Corps - Burks has traveled to more than 25 countries to research vulnerable populations, conduct field interviews and write stories for a variety of audiences. He is committed to helping foster a new movement in journalism that focuses on human dignity and solutions to global challenges. We will be following up this strategy meeting, with a hands-on meeting on online tools to use to get your story out. Date TBD. Connect Online: Portland 501 Tech Club Online at http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=home&igid=5273 (Start at http://groups.nten.org/login.htm?mode=register if you're new to the NTEN online community). Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna Arriaga at privateaye@gmail.com with any questions.2009-05-21 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-129268-12421720922009-05-17 22:30:482009-05-18 17:41:10 92009-05-21 02:30:00 iԡR-S3Y33PADNUG Mix-A-LotJoin us at the Portland Area .NET User Group (PADNUG) where we run through the newest technologies to emerge from MIX08, including Silverlight 2 Beta 1, Internet Explorer 8, SQL Server Data Services, Windows Live, and more. 2008-04-11 01:00:00http://padnug.org/padnug/meetings.aspx2008-03-31 08:41:072008-06-18 13:19:56 :2;bn iited browser bugs. You'll also learn to use many of the new features in Photoshop CS3 to create compelling graphics for your site. And most exciting, you'll learn a completely new workflow between Dreamweaver and Photoshop!

        >> RSVP Today

        About the Speaker:
        mԡ0Q3W333Portland Ruby Brigade, May meetingThe next meeting of the Portland Ruby Brigade is comin2ԡ/_s3K333Portland Werewolf September '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

        If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
        2008-09-11 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-04-30 21:27:152008-09-10 22:06:39 ; ;b՝2008-09-11 06:00:00 ԡ.Ys3K333Portland Werewolf August '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

        If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
        2008-08-14 03:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-04-30 21:26:212008-07-17 05:42:47 ; ;b՜Jo2008-08-14 06:00:00and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com


        PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

        Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

        Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

        (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-10 00:30:45 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00 hnical Product Manager, Greg is the co-author of "Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3″ published by New Riders.
        'F|o,p! P؀t iIf .tԡ-Us3K333Portland Werewolf July '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

        If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
        2008-07-10 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-04-30 21:25:322008-07-13 04:29:20 ; ;b՛2008-07-10 06:00:00 BBofessional HTML authoring. Photoshop is the defacto standard for image creation and manipulation. Together the two make up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web Evangelist Greg Rewis will take you through the ins-and-outs of building sites using Dreamweaver CS3 and Photo7ԡ(?)333Portland Open Coffee ClubPortland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

        The Portland Open Coffee Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at Pier Coffee at 10am.

        Both meetups are part of the international Open Coffee Club movement. Read more at http://www.opencoffeeclub.org/

        If you're interested in attending, please add a comment below.
        2008-04-30 17:00:002008-04-27 17:54:042008-06-18 13:20:09 :&;b՗ers Say About Startup Workouts "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-11 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165764/2009-07-30 06:28:242009-08-01 23:32:39 >;bئ2009-08-11 21:30:0008:17 >_2009-01-17 20:00:00 YYy|mԡ&'7333AEA: HR eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b`nԡ%)7333AEA: CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-13 01:00:002008-03 ԡ0QQ3333Arduino Cult Induction at TechShopOpenTechSpace, TechShop, and Tempus Dictum will present an “Arduino Cult Induction” Workshop at TechShop on Saturday, May 9 2009, from 1 to 5 pm. In this workshop, you will build a complete and functional Arduino-compatible micro-controller (Dorkboard), and will upload and run a program on it. The Arduino development environment is very popular with artists and other creative people, and can be built and programmed even if you have little hardware or software experience.2009-05-09 20:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/04/18/arduino-cult-induction/2009-04-19 17:17:512009-04-19 17:17:51 >2009-05-10 00:00:00 make up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web Evangelist Greg Rewis will take you through the ins-and-outs of building sites using Dreamweaver CS3 and Photoshop CS3.

        You'll learn about new features in Dreamweaver to optimize the creation of standards-based, CSS layouts, easily manage CSS stylesheets, and locate and correct CSS-related browser bugs. You'll also learn to use many of the new features in Photoԡ+Ss3K333Portland Werewolf May '08 GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

        If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.
        2008-05-15 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-04-30 21:18:222008-07-13 04:29:20 ; ;bՙ2008-05-15 06:00:00 N.T@NMM#33see website2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 01:12:18;bղ :KL33Free Geek2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:49:57;bղ 9KK33CubeSpace2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 01:07:23;bղ 9KJ33CubeSpace2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 01:07:23;bղ 9KH33CubeSpace2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 01:07:23;bղ 9oGg33PNCA room 205 (main building) in Portland, OR2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:35:25;bղ :]FC33see website or mailing list2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-22 10:28:51;bղ :sEo33107 SE Washington St, Suite 520, Portland, Oregon2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:36:34;bղ 9dDQ3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+dCQ3310260 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 6002008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 11:03:34;bղ :+ DV,Dԡ,mS333SCORE: Business Basics for Small Business Ownershttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-16 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:43;b`ԡ+iS333SCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to Successhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-24 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:42;b`ԡ*cS333SCORE: Marketing & Marketing Communicationshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-23 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:42;b` ԡ)_9333STC: DITA Success - with or without a CMShttp://www.stcwvc.org/2008-01-18 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:42;b`ԡ'K]333SWHRMA: Ethical Decision Makinghttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2008-01-08 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:42;b`#ԡ&9333WEO-OR general meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=5444&m=0&y=2008&d=82008-01-09 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:42;b` a and finally his current role at Adobe. The original GoLive Cyberstudio Product Manager and former Dreamweaver Technical Product Manager, Greg is the co-author of "Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3″ published by New Riders.
        ','2008-05-01 01:00:00','http://www.devgroupnw.org','2008-04-27 12:54:01','2008-07-13 04:29:20',202390051,996332950,NULL,'2008-05-01 03:00:00',NULL,NULL);roximately $400 thousand in each of 4-6 companies in 2008. Eric will"ԡ)E3a333ASPRS 2008 Annual ConferenceJoin ASPRS: The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, April 28 to May 2, 2008, in Portland, Oregon for the ASPRS 2008 Annual Conference. The conference theme "Bridging the Horizons - New Frontiers in Geospatial collaboration" will offer an outstanding program of general and technical sessions looking to the future of the geospatial industry.
        2008-04-28 07:00:00http://www.asprs.org/portland08/index.html2008-04-27 17:54:072008-07-13 04:29:20 9;b՘2008-05-02 07:00:00er, Creative Solutions Evangelism at Adobe Systems. With over 20 years of computer industry experience, Greg spends in excess of 200 days of the year on the road, talking with customers, giving product demonstrations at trade shows and seminars, speaking at industry conferences, and leading specialized, advanced training sessions featuring Adobe's Web Tools product line.

        Greg has been passionate about the web since putting his first "home page" online in 1994. His career has taken him around the world, from the early days of desktop publishing, to a start-up in Hamburg, Germany, the glory days of the web at Macromedia and finally his current role at Adobe. The original GoLive Cyberstudio Product Manager and former Dreamweaver Technical Product Manager, Greg is the co-author of "Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3″ published by New Riders.
        2008-05-01 01:00:00http://www.devgroupnw.org2008-04-27 12:54:012008-07-13 04:29:20 :#;bՖ2008-05-01 03:00:00ttp://www.omsi.edu/ed aGlafBU33Lucky Lab Beer Hall - 1945 NW Quimby2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:54:28;bղ :KA33CubeSpace2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 01:07:23;bղ 9K@33Free Geek2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:50:01;bղ 9~?33PNCA Graduate Studios, 1432 NW Johnson St. Portland, Oregon2008-05-20 00:21:362008-05-20 13:35:25;bղ :S>/33One Center Court.2008-05-20 00:21:242008-05-23 13:19:21;bձ ;_=G33Rheinlander German Restaurant2008-05-20 00:21:242008-05-20 01:08:57;bձ : f;9 ei33; PCC, Rock Creek Campus17705 NW Springville Rd. Portland, OR 97229 http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/rock-creek/2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-23 21:28:5017705 Nw Springville RdPortlandOR97229US@FӲ^v;bձd:Q33Courtyard by Marriott-Lloyd Center2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-20 01:09:16;bձ :eant for adults, but minors are welcome at bridgeport until 10 pm. Tell your friends, and we hope to see you there!

        The Invader in My Backyard: Invasive Species in Oregon

        The pace of trade and travel has created pathways for invasive species to get a ground-hold in Oregon. Activities such as outdoor recreation, exotic pet ownership, and the demand for fresh and different foods have contributed to the rapid rise in the number of exotic species that arrive here. While only a small fraction of the invaders become established and cause problems, the rate of new introductions has risen so dramatically that Oregon is losing ground in the fight to keep them out. Join us as we investigate what's happening and what can be done.

        Sam Chan is the aquatic invasive species specialist with Sea Grant Extension at Oregon State University.
        2008-04-29 02:00:00http://www.omsi.edu/education/adults/sciencepub/index.cfm2008-04-27 12:53:302008-07-13 04:29:20 :6;bՕ2008-04-29 05:00:00O Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:00pm Jn:
        PCC Cascade Campus Auditorium
        705 N. Killingsworth

        Dreamweaver is the defacto standard when it comes to professional HTML authoring. Photoshop is the defacto standard for image creation and manipulation. Together the two make up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web Evangelist Greg Rewis will take you through the ins-and-outs of building sites using Dreamweaver CS3 and Photoshop CS3.

        You'll learn about new features in Dreamweaver to optimize the creation of standards-based, CSS layouts, easily manage CSS stylesheets, and locate and correct CSS-related browser bugs. You'll also learn to use many of the new features in Photoshop CS3 to create compelling graphics for your site. And most exciting, you'll learn a completely new workflow between Dreamweaver and Photoshop!

        >> RSVP Today

        About the Speaker:
        Greg Rewis is the Group ManagDTuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) What Found qqters are GoLife Mobile's Mounir Shita, Founder and President of Technology; and Greg Applegate, VP ԡ%1/3733DorkbotPDX MeetingYou know you've been sitting there thinking "why don't those two weeks go by faster? I *NEED* my DorkbotPDX fix, now!"

        Well, I'm here to tell you that your wait is nearly over. In just 4 days time you can satisfy that need to hang out and socialize (a frightening concent, I know) with other freaks and geeks. Of course, I know there's a lot of newcomers out there, so don't be afraid -- we don't bite (well, Don might, but I'll leave that one for you to find out).

        Bring your toys, your ideas and most of all your ability to have fun. We take all kinds and we don't turn anyone away.

        * When: Monday, April 28th, 7pm
        * Where: Lucky Lab NW (not SE!)
        * Who: Dorkbot PDX and *you*
        2008-04-29 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2008-04-27 12:53:222008-06-18 13:20:09 :;bՔ ##Jԡ'-3?333DevGroup NW: The Secrets of Designing Great Sites with Photoshop and DreamweaverLocatioN\ԡ&e53333OMSI Science Pub: invasive species in OregonOMSI science pub

        For more information or to sign up for our mailing list, please contact sciencepub@omsi.edu or call 503-797-4517.

        The Science Pub is open to anyone and everyone, no RSVP required. Science Pub is mLenters are GoLife Mobile's Mounir Shita, Founder and President of Technology; and Greg Applegate, VP of Business Development (http://golifemobile.com).

        Get the inside scoop on the challenges GoLife Mobile faced building a mobile application development and delivery framework that works on multiple devices. Learn how their platform addresses those challenges and how they hope to enable startups and garage developers to build on top of the solutions they've created.

        If you are a developer, this is a good opportunity to learn more about the platform and what it can enable you to do. If you are contemplating starting a mobile business, learn more about the opportunities and challenges that GoLife Mobile sees in the mobile market generally and Portland in particular.

        NOTE: We will be in the Mt Hood Conference Room -209.
        2008-04-29 01:00:00http://mobileportland.com2008-04-27 12:53:132008-06-18 13:20:08 9;bՓ e $tdi e !jJHu-et0 h! $ـ!a!i X̀! pӀ! ׀! (΀e9 !xՀ`ԡ$+]3?33Mobile PortlandMobile Portland is local user group focused on mobile development. We gather on the fourth Monday of every month for presentations, discussion and networking.

        This month's guest presR5ԡ#W13C333Beer and Blog - Field trip to SyKart!The Beer and Blog group is heading to the race track to see who the real life Speedracer is among us. If you think that's you, be there!
        2008-04-27 20:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-04-27 12:53:022008-07-13 04:29:20 :e;bՒ2008-04-27 22:00:00w does performance vary across JVM vendors?
        # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
        # How does performance vary across operating systems?
        # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements?
        # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance?
        # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming?

        There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome.

        Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids.


        Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah

        Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and dev nCinU9333Bridgeport Brew Pub2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-20 13:48:15;bձ :6K833Old Town2008-05-20 00:21:232009-05-14 14:01:51;bձ ?&7) =331 +Governor Hotelhttp://www.govhotel.com/2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-23 21:32:24614 SW 11th AvenuePortlandOR97205US@F¢.w^d9(503) 224-3400 ;bձP6)33Bellingham, WA2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-20 11:02:00;bձ :K533CubeSpace2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-20 01:07:23;bձ 9v3u33Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle2008-05-20 00:21:232008-05-22 10:42:00;bձ :Z1=33Oregon Convention Center2008-05-20 00:21:222008-05-20 01:09:24;bձ 9Y0;33Madison's Bar and Grill2008-05-20 00:21:222008-05-22 15:07:25;bձ :Z/=33Oregon Convention Center2008-05-20 00:21:222008-05-20 01:09:24;bձ 9 What Founders Say About Startup Workouts "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-08-04 20:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165755/2009-07-30 06:27:332009-08-01 23:31:32 >;bإ2009-08-04 21:30:00d income froV1:00pm Tuesday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) YYticipants range from student new venture teams through existing ventures run by ԡ"_73333ogpc 1.0 (Oregon Game Project Challenge) The TechStart Foundation (www.techstart.org) in affiliation with the Oregon University System (www.ous.edu) and an enthusiastic group of volunteers is pleased to announce Oregon’s first annual high school game programming competition – Oregon Game Project Challenge 1.0 (ogpc 1.0). Teams of three to seven high school students have the opportunity to create computer games specifically designed to be fun, challenging and innovative. All games must be based around this year’s theme of the science behind energy issues. The entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges and trophies in several categories will be awarded to teams based on what they accomplish during the season and at the tournament on May 17, 2008.2008-05-17 15:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=5/17/082008-04-26 10:58:212008-07-13 04:29:20 :d2008-05-17 23:00:00Wartup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics workshop to help technology entrepreneurs understand the critical requirements of their new ventures and provide the guidance to build analysis-rich plans and investor pitches. Workshop includes hands-on development of technology roadmaps, market entry strategies, financial requirements mapping, and other key components that are critical to the success of new ventures. * Investor Panel Dry Run: A volunteer panel of investors will provide feedback on pitches during the final hours of the workshop. * Follow-up Coaching: Participants then spend eight weeks to close the gaps in their plan that they identified during the workshop. Business coaches assist during weekly meetings and help fine-tune the investor pitch. * Investor Presentation: At the end of the eight-weeks, participants that are ready to seek outside investment present to an investor panel tailored to the company's venture. 2008-05-28 15:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/AI2V2008-04-26 10:43:192008-07-13 04:29:20 92008-06-01 00:00:00 p8Tpo ecological limits? Humans as individuals are capable of intelligent planning, but Amerԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Problem-Solving for Startups"Startup Workouts Sta ԡ!3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Basics of Project Management for Startups"Startup Workoԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less"Startup Workou#Bԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Founder/Team Accountability"Startup Workouts Sta7Cԡo3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look <>ԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Market Validation Basics"Startup Workouts StartupMKԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Basics of Sales for Startups"Startup Workouts StYԡ3]333Portland Ten Startup Workout - "Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders"Startup Workout` CuCurf the web easier than ever. These changes in the wire#ԡ!U3E333Advanced Invention to Venture (AI2V)Advanced Invention to Venture (AI2V) is a proven new venture accelerator that has been taught around the country. It was developed under a Kaufmann Foundation grant and is offered through the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). Participants range from student new venture teams through existing ventures run by experienced entrepreneurs. The Portland program includes the following opportunities to build and test a new venture plan. * Workshop: A four-day intensiveZԡ 7k3O333Job Fair & Open HouseThe Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA) houses 20+ early stage technology companies. More than a dozen companies are currently looking for new hires, from entry level to senior level. Some companies also are seeking student interns.2008-05-21 23:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/openhouse2008-04-26 10:40:422008-07-13 04:29:19 92008-05-22 01:00:00uts "The Start-up Workouts that the Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan has recently headed up have exposed me to thinking and practices that have been educational and inspiring. "They have been a fantastic compliment to the George Fox MBA program that I’m currently enrolled in. The combination of the foundational information provided by this traditional institution and the entrepreneurial education I have received by taking part in these workouts has been a great pair in preparing me to succeed in business and in life." -Travis Spencer "I have found the PortlandTen workout sessions to be well worth the time and cost. Our company has benefitted directly from specific process models as well as input and idea exchange with other entrepreneurs" -John-Paull Davidson2009-07-30 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165751/2009-07-30 06:26:312009-07-30 06:26:31 >;bؤ2009-07-31 00:30:00a ( www.eia.doe.gov/ipm/supply.html ), world oil supplies pea   ̀(8ӀP؀]ـ΀b;nԡ[K3E33Milestone Client Demonstration DeadlineDemonstrate the client to Nigel2008-04-17 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Client Demonstration Deadline2008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:07;bՑ]esday, August 11th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Founder/Team Accountability •1:00pm Tuesday, August 18th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Project Management for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 25th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Track 2 Hiring, Managing, and Firing Cofounders •4:00pm Thursday, July 30th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Creating A Startup Budget & Realistic Financial Projections •4:00pm Thursday, August 6th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) The Fundability Matrix– What Angel/VC Investors Look For, And How You Stack Up •4:00pm Thursday, August 13th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Explain Your Startup In 1 Minute Or Less •4:00pm Thursday, August 20th – (Instructor: Carolynn Duncan) Problem-Solving for Startups •4:00pm Thursday, August 27th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) What Founders Say About Startup Worko_s Startup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:00pm Tu P؀?lԡ?#3_333Living Your Business PlanWhere’s your business plan? Sitting on a shelf gathering dust? In your head where you haven’t exactly pinned down some critical details? A plan needs to be a living document that is readily accessible, gets updated frequently, and helps you stay on track. But it also can guide you in the qualitative side of business—building your team and your company culture. That’s where the work gets done. This lunch seminar will help you effectively “live your plan.” Topics will cover: 1. Creating a plan that works for you 2. Living your business plan 3. Motivating your employees 4. Expanding and growing your business Speaker: Bob Zarhowski, Adjunct Faculty, Portland State University2008-05-01 19:00:00http://www.psba.pdx.edu/livingyourbizplan2008-04-26 10:35:262008-07-13 04:29:19 92008-05-01 20:15:00 ''Rԡ '3Y333Creating New Products and Services in a Changing Wireless WorldMajor mobile carriers are opening up their networks to devices and applications created by other companies. New mobile phone technologies allow users to surf the web easier than ever. These changes in the wireless industry are expanding opportunities for companies in Oregon. This panel discussion will explore both US and global opportunities created by these changes and some of the challenges in pursuing those opportunities. The panel includes two successful mobile-technology entrepreneurs and an Intel executive who tracks mobile software innovations for Intel in its efforts to identify trends and potential collaborative partners. Panel Members: Steve Asbjornsen of Intel Kevin Dent of Exit Games (PSBA Graduate Company) Jon Maroney of FreeRange Communications 2008-04-30 19:00:00http://psba.pdx.edu/mobileopennetworks2008-04-25 10:18:332008-07-13 04:29:19 92008-04-30 20:15:00ing strange things with electricity to show off their work in a quick, formal, but relaxed setting. It's up to YOU! Do a quick demo, brag, ask for help, show off your stuff. OpenDork talks/demos are short (generally 5-10 minutes) and may have slides, or hardware, or both, or neither. Get interactive! Marisa Olson "Performed Listening" Marisa Olson's work combines performance, video, net art, sound, drawing, and installation to address the cultural history of technology, the politics of participation within pop culture, and the aesthetics of failure. Her work has recently been presented by the Whitney Museum of American Art, Centre Pompidou-Paris, New Museum of Contemporary Art, 52nd International Biennale di Venezia, the British Film Institute, the Sundance Film Festival, and elsewhere. She's a Contributing Editor at Rhizome and Assistant Professor of New Media at SUNY-Purchase.2009-08-10 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/dorkbotpdx_0x042009-07-30 06:19:282009-07-30 06:19:28 92009-08-10 05:00:00 EkEpant must agree to help everyone to the best of their aԡ7s3!33Milestone Version 1.0The final program with all must-haves working and as many should-haves done as well with possibly some could-haves.2008-04-05 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Version 1.02008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:07;bՑMԡA;3+33Milestone Beta Version 0.3All the must-haves should be coded and mainly working. Hopefully in a position to get some should-haves coded, they shouldn't have been done until now.2008-04-01 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Beta Version 0.32008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:07;bՑ:ԡOy3933Milestone Website Report DeadlineA written report on paper (see below), around 2,000 words (±10%). Ensure that both names are given on your submission2008-04-09 07:00:00http://trac2.assembla.com/soft224-soft218-assignment/milestone/Website Report Deadline2008-04-22 03:57:252008-06-18 13:20:07;bՑn in if you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. 2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like. 3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a working lunch nearby at the Lompoc 5th Quadrant[2]. Some members will leave as soon as 2pm, but others will stay on later. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! -igal [1] Ristretto Coffee: 3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97213 -- http://ristrettoroasters.com/2008/10/dylans-photo-tour/#more-111 [2] Lompoc, 5th Quadrant: 3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR -- http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html 2009-03-22 17:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/osbridgepdx-technology/browse_thread/thread/f96ac157d54b8e322009-03-19 23:36:25 >2009-03-22 23:00:00 ssion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projecda=[3-33JrPortland Java User Group
        Event Photos
      • St. Patty's day is on a Tuesday this year, and that's a great excuse to hang out with your blogging friends twice in one week. Green beer. Details to come.
      • Field trip. 'Nuff said.
      Peak your interest? Whet your palate? Join us this Friday to hear the full lineup of fun we've got planned for you in March. Oh, and one more thing: as your Official Portland Chapter Provost, I would be remiss to not give a Beer and Blog cheer for those lucky blogging and beer chugging friends of ours who made it onto @thesquare's Live at 7 segement on KGW news recently. We can thank our most lovely Kelly Guimont (@verso)for that, who is featured front and centered. Check it out!2009-02-28 00:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-02-26 06:22:26 ; 2009-02-28 02:00:00 ##NԡW!3 333PDX.rb Business Meeting (re: website)Meeting for the Portland ruby group to talk about their new website plans.2008-04-22 02:00:002008-04-07 21:07:512008-07-13 04:29:17 ; 2008-04-22 02:00:00ԡ~73K33Portland Werewolf April Gathering - Our One Year CelebrationUpdate: Please notice the time change. It used to say 8:00, but it should have said 6:00. Sorry for the confusion. Also our "something special" for this month kind of fell through. We will try to have it next time. Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). This will be our one year "anniversary" gathering. If you are planning on attending please respond here so that we get an accurate count. We are planning something special and would like to know exactly who is coming.2008-04-10 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2008-04-07 16:05:592008-06-18 13:20:02 ; ;bՈelopment lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com


      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

      Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-10 00:32:20 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00 1ԡ}=E3I333LinuxFest Northwest 2008LFNW is the showcase for what people in the Northwest are doing with Linux and open source software. It's a place for Linux enthusiasts to get together to share their passion for what good software can do. This is an opportunity for everyone... satisfy your curiosity... get free stuff... ask experts... explore the latest in software technology... support freedom... experience the magic of grassroots software.2008-04-26 15:00:00http://linuxfestnorthwest.org/2008-04-07 15:20:442008-07-13 04:29:17 :2008-04-28 01:00:006ore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of decades (Internet revolution, rise of new technology hubs in Asia, offshore development, and clean tech revolution starting now). This event brings together three consummate technology executives with a professional audience to explore the future of technology in Oregon and beyond. After presentations and open discussion, please join us down the road at the McMenamins Cornelius Roadhouse to share a drink and network with our presenters and participants.
      Ananthan Thandri – Vice President & CIO, Mentor Graphics - http://www.mentor.com/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – Bio
      Kathleen Gage, President of Turning Point, Inc. and Maxwell Publishing, is known as The Street Smarts Marketer. Kathleen has owned and operated her business for 15 years and is recognized as one of the top Internet Marketers in her industry. She works with speakers, trainers, authors, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to turn their expertise into money-making products and services. 2008-04-09 00:45:00http://www.oregonweo.org/april_20082008-04-04 07:43:392009-04-29 20:12:40 ?2008-04-09 00:45:00D.oA{-~zwevuqclspnmjdh^ba\XZSPRQCLINJFB@?6421038)+*/.,"-'   =#e}{zytulonhgb\_^WZ[VUPOKJEDAI?498./+!& %#$   9> C-18 13:20:00 9;bՅJe fft-per-visits, PPC campaigns are the dominant force within our vibrant space. The reasons forԡ -53)333PDX Django LunchThe "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather is completely insane so meeting outside is totally out of the question, so we're back to our original haunt at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl. Since we'll need a table, please RSVP by 10 AM Tuesday on the pdxdjango Google Group or by messaging robotadam on irc.freenode.net (You can use their web client if you don't have one handy: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=pdxdjango ). I'll see about getting a table large enough for all of us, but if we get bigger than 8 or so we might have to split up.2009-07-28 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/browse_thread/thread/2bbac3413978e0452009-07-27 22:54:242009-07-27 22:54:24 @L2009-07-28 20:30:00 YYey$idt ediJHu-t 0e !v?Ӏ!e!  ؀!  ـ!i ԡq'S3E33StartupaloozaATTENTION: RSVP's are capped for this event. We just use these RSVP's to guage probable attendance- it does not guarantee admission, and not RSVP'ing doesn't mean you wont get in. Admission is on a first come basis so show up early if you want to get in. ________________________________________________ Starupalooza is an interactive forum for the tech startup community. The event features discussions, presentations, demonstrations and networking allowing participants to share, learn and connect in a candid, no-BS environment.2008-03-29 19:00:00http://www.startupalooza.org2008-04-03 23:55:352008-06-18 13:20:00 9;bՃJetus bar is and why it's a good idea to update it regularly. * How these sites can be used to obtain recommendations and testimonials from your clients. * The do's and don'ts of Social networking and how to maintain a professional profile on each site. Taylor will not only explain, but also demonstrate the benefits of social networks, and show you how you can attract more clients to your business. Date: Friday, August 7 2009 Time: 11:30pm to 2pm Price: $35.00 per person, Lunch included Location: 607 Main Street Suite 240, Oregon City, 97045 To register please RSVP with Diane Dahlins at diane@page10accounting.com. Check and credit cards only please, when rsvping.2009-08-07 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128111/2009-07-26 07:40:332009-07-30 23:19:20 @6;b؟2009-08-07 21:30:00009-01-09 10:32:232009-01-21 23:40:08 <;baJsV2009-01-14 03:30:0008-05-20 00:21:222008-07-13 04:31:33;bձ2007-05-09 16:00:00ffers both cosmetic and functionality enhancements for the WordPress platform. Come learn about what's new, what looks different, what theme authors should know, and what plugin authors (and users) should keep in mind for the upgrade. And if you're not currently using WordPress... come let me convince you to switch platforms. Come join fellow Portland bloggers for this presentation from 4pm until at least 6pm at the Green Dragon (we do this every Friday). We help each other work on our blogs. Maybe you need some design help. Maybe you want to power your comments form with OpenID, but don’t know how. Maybe you just need the social space to get off your duff and do the shit you tell everyone you’re going to do. Whatever your story, we’ll be then and there enjoying delicious beers and pounding keys. We’ll be the ones with the extension cord and power strip huddled around a grip of mostly Mac laptops.2008-03-21 23:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-04-03 18:59:592008-06-18 13:20:00 ; ;bՂ __ԡp _3C33Beer and Blog - @ahockley presents a Wordpress 2.5 walk throughTheme: WordPress 2.5 is due to be released any day now, and the upgrade owԡoO3333Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Doing Business in ChinaThis talk will (1) provide an overview of the FCPA's key provisions, (2) highlight recent DOJ and SEC enforcement actions and trends (especially those related to China), and, most importantly, (3) suggest steps companies doing business in China can take to minimize their FCPA exposure. 2008-04-09 19:00:00http://www.stoel.com/events/PDX_NWChinaCouncil_April2008.html2008-04-03 07:15:512008-07-13 04:29:16 92008-04-09 20:30:00 NTO "events"]ԡn%a3/33Portland Web Innovators - Publishing Platform Wars! (Comparing three CMSes)The Web is about getting something out there for other people to see. Though we all love technology, it's more important to get content up easily. That is even more the case when we're building sites for others. We've chosen three popular systems for content management systems to be shown off by fellow web people who are users of the products. No pitches, just honest opinions. Bring your own opinions, too! Expression Engine - Josh Pyles, Pixelmatrix Design Drupal - Lev Tsypin, Level Online Strategy Wordpress - Paul Farning, ISITE Design2008-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-04-02 13:02:252009-02-10 17:04:53 >;beJi )nd the popular planning poker technique. This class can be taken as a standalone or as a supplemental course - great for those new to Agile and those looking to learn m_ԡIu3]333Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour Hԡ=S3]333Are you networking effectively? How to turn your natural network into your referral teamNetworking isn't just about online social networking sites such as twitter and linkedin. And it doesn't just involve going to a chamber meeting or other type of in-person networking event. Networking involves learning how to create relationships with all the people you know, so that you can help all of them, even as they help you. In this workshop, I'll discuss how you can take your natural network of friends and family and interests and mesh them in with your network of business associates. By the end of this class, you'll get started on turning your network into a lean, mean referral machine!  ey$idt ediJHu-t 0e !v1Հ!e\!  р! L ΀!i ̀!i P؀e < ySԡmEg3[333Portland Python Users' GroupSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. We've recently re-formed the Portland Python group thanks to interest built up on Meetup and through the efforts of Brad Allen. It's still very early days- please help us spread the word that Portland Python is back!2008-04-09 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416819/2008-04-02 12:57:252008-07-13 04:29:16 9;bp2008-04-09 04:00:00BC. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. Please RSVP so that we will have plenty of that available.
      See http://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=contact for directions to OTBC.
      Topics for discussion include but are not limited to:
      - name
      - attracting interest/users
      - measuring success
      - usage guidelines
      - access/hours/security
      - what do we need in the lab
      - TBD/other
      Mass transit to OTBC/WOTC:
      Trimet bus 67 travels from Merlo MAX Station to PCC-Rock Creek (by Cornell Oaks business park). Walk from the corner of 158th Ave./Greenbrier Parkway to OTBC (0.1 mile).
      We have a very beginning wiki at http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/ootc/ . The account creation password (just to inhibit spammers) is portlandia. The mailing list is at http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/mailman/listinfo/ootc 2008-04-09 01:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxruby/browse_thread/thread/7954eeef907c91132008-03-31 10:55:452008-11-10 22:44:02 <2008-04-09 03:00:00 In this class you will learn: * What networking is and the do's and don'ts of networking. * How to recognize a networking opportunity in everyday interactions. * How to mesh your natural network with your business network and have everyone benefiting from it. * How to listen and make connections between the people who need something, and the people who can help them. * Know who to refer to what job * You'll get a free e-book when you register for this class on the Eleven Elements of Business Date: Thursday, August 6 2009 Time: Noon to 2pm Price: $35 Location: Bravo! Publications 630 B Avenue Lake Oswego OR 97034 To register please rsvp with Taylor Ellwood at Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or register via paypal Checks or paypal only please2009-08-06 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128112/2009-07-26 07:38:152009-07-26 07:38:15 @E;b؞2009-08-06 21:00:00 can use it as a quiet work environment or as a meeting place. The OTBC presentation room is also available when it's not scheduled for other uses.
      We are haJԡl3=3333POSSE April MeetingPOSSE stands for the Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs. We are a membership only group that works to support entrepreneurs working in open source in Portland. We are looking for new members and are opening up our meetings for non-members so that you can see what meetings are like and join us. Our website is http://possepdx.org.
      Our next meeting is Wednesday April 16th at 5 pm at Jax Bar (jaxbar.com) This is a great opportunity to join the group, help (re)define our goals moving forward, and help us spread the word about open source software in Portland and Oregon.
      If you do plan on coming, please RSVP Chris Dawson so I can figure out how many people are coming.
      xrdawson at gmail dot com2008-04-17 00:00:00http://possepdx.org2008-04-02 10:56:462008-06-18 13:19:59 : 8*8OTBC presentation room is also available when it's not scheduled for other uses.
      We are having an organizing meeting for WOTC on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 6:00pm at OTBC. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. Please RSVP so that we will have plenty of that available.
      See http://wwkԡkU]3 333Calagator mini code sprint (evening)Calagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org
      This mini code sprint is for fixing minor bugs, adding quick features, managing the ticket queue, etc.2008-04-04 02:00:002008-04-01 23:59:002008-07-13 04:29:15 92008-04-04 04:00:00Oԡj;31333PDX.rb Business MeetingPlanning/organizing meeting for all those organizational odds and ends.2008-04-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org2008-04-01 20:16:232008-07-13 04:29:15 ; 2008-04-08 04:00:00a week.Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don't come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it's important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. He will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class you will learn: * What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it's important to be on these sites or some of them. * How to get clients and business from these sites. * How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. * What a sta t/ԡiEO35333Calagator Lunch Work SessionHave lunch and work on Calagator.2008-04-02 19:00:00http://calagator.org2008-03-31 13:01:352008-07-13 04:29:15 :H2008-04-02 20:00:00ԡh--3733Dorkbot Portlandregular meeting.2008-04-01 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2008-03-31 12:30:392008-06-18 13:19:58 :;bՁrԡgo53%333West-side Open Technology Center (WOTC) ReceptionWOTC is a facility at the OTBC in Beaverton (http://www.opentechcenter.com/) for open source and open technology developers to use without charge (i.e., not for proprietary development). We can use it as a quiet work environment or as a meeting place. The OTBC presentation room is also available when it's not scheduled for other uses.
      We are having an organizing meeting for WOTC on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 6:00pm at OTways free. This month’s, We're moving the entire event to the souk, allowing us access to their beautiful space and projection facilities. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Graeme Wagoner - Freelance Industrial Designer Aaron Carlsson - Freelance Industrial Designer Ryan Russell - Manager of McAfee Design Studio Our generous sponsor is souk. Want to be a 3BY10 presenter? Contact Event Coordinator Carl Alviani (carl.alviani -at- gmail), and be sure to include your name, current job, and a brief summary of the talk you’d like to give.2009-07-30 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4127323/2009-07-25 19:02:432009-07-29 00:03:53 ?;b؝2009-07-30 01:00:00 ))onomy. How you deploy it can bePԡ/w[35333WikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existing organization, for new ventures, or worldwide. This month we will have an introduction to research with Wikipedia focused on journalists and bloggers. The event will cover techniques for assessing the trustworthiness of an article, delving in to just who edited what, and other tip and tricks for gleaning useful information out of the world's largest encyclopedia. A 30 minute introductory presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Wikipedia administrators Steven Walling and Pete Forsyth, and journalists Dan Cook and Abraham Hyatt (formerly of The Portland Business Journal and Oregon Business Magazine, respectively). 2009-05-07 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org/2009-04-18 16:04:392009-04-29 06:39:22 92009-05-07 02:30:00 LLte presenters from eMarketer, Forrester Research, Disney, Nike, IB-ԡfk39333Inverge: the interactive convergence conferenceInverge: the interactive convergence conference, is a transdisciplinary thought-leader event that focuses on the invergence of media platforms (transmedia/cross-media), of virtual + physical, content + advertising, and corporate content + consumer-generated content. To create a unique experience for attendees, this conference is integrated with, three other cultural events happening in Portland over the same multi-day period: + Time-Based Art Festival (performance : dance : music : new media : visual arts) + MusicFestNW (over 100 indie bands) + First Thursday Gallery Walk (an evening of art, wine and music) Visit the conference site to see the complete list of confirmed thought-leader speakers. Learn why Portland is an awesome place to visit for this event.2008-09-04 14:45:00http://www.inverge.com2008-03-31 10:44:582008-08-27 20:13:38 9;bՀ2008-09-05 23:00:00 ``"s^ !ԡo3;333Urban Edibles Development Meeting (Django/python)Join us Sunday to continue discussion and work on the new Urban Edibles website. Since our last meeting we have outlined our Django models and started a Mercurial repository on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/urbanedibles/ Please come if your are interested on collaborating on any level, or join our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/urbanedibles-dev2009-07-26 22:00:00http://urbanedibles.org2009-07-26 06:35:272009-07-26 06:35:57 :H2009-07-27 00:00:00iԡ+)3]333IDSA 3BY10 July3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is al FF&ԡeKo3s333O'Reilly Open Source ConventionOSCON is the crossroads of all things open source, bringing together the best, brightest, and most interesting people to explore what's new, and to champion the cause of open principles and open source adoption across the computing industry.2008-07-21 14:30:00http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-03-31 10:44:032008-07-13 04:29:15 9;b2008-07-25 21:00:00ԡd3 33OSCONThe O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) is an annual convention for the discussion of open source software, such as Linux, MySQL, Perl and Python. It is organized by the publisher O'Reilly Media and is held each summer in the United States.2008-07-21 07:00:00http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Reilly_Open_Source_Convention2008-03-31 10:41:252008-06-18 13:19:58 :A;b~Ji ԡcIM3c333Internet Strategy Forum SummitThe Internet Strategy Forum Summit is the premiere annual . 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, OR 97204 Abstract: In this informal talk I’ll give a guided tour of the mathematics underlying cryptography. No prior knowledge will be assumed: the goal of the talk is to demonstrate how simple mathematical concepts from algebra and number theory are used to build a wide range of cryptographic algorithms, from the familiar (encryption) to the exotic (zero knowledge proofs). Bio: Joe Hurd is a Formal Methods Engineer at Galois, Inc. He completed a Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge on the formal verification of probabilistic programs, and his work since has included: developing a package management system for higher order logic theories; applying automatic proof techniques for first order logic; and creating the world’s first formally verified chess endgame database.2009-07-28 17:30:00 http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/07/22/cryptomath/2009-07-24 15:46:242009-07-24 15:46:24 ;2009-07-28 18:30:00conference from the Internet Strategy Forum, a professional association for corporate Internet strategists. Attendees will engage with our executive keynote presenters from eMarketer, Forrester Research, Disney, Nike, IBM and more, who will share their insights and ideas on how to best leverage the Internet and integrate it into overall business strategy. Featured speakers include the CEO of eMarketer and the VP of Global Digital Commerce at Nike. There are plenty of opportunities for networking with corporate Internet professionals and Internet-related product and service providers. Check out "The Road to Chief Internet Strategist", an optional corporate Internet strategist career path symposium on July 18th, the day after the main conference. Registration starts at under US$250.2008-07-17 15:00:00http://www.internetstrategyforum.org/summit2008-03-31 10:40:582008-07-13 04:29:15 :;b}2008-07-18 19:30:00 bbcvPԡa #3M333End Bloglessness - A Beer and Blog workshop to inst-ԡ3Y35333DrupalCamp PDX 2009Portland Drupal Camp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at
      NedSpace Old Town. Website is up with information and taking registrations, sponsorships, and sessions! DrupalCamp PDX is a free unconference put on by the Portland Drupal User Group. @drupalpdx on twitter #dcpdx2009-10-10 01:00:00http://drupalpdx.org2009-07-24 20:50:422009-09-25 07:30:06 @02009-10-11 23:00:00cԡY3;333WhereCamp Planning Meeting [POSTPONED]Postponed due to heat wave. We'll meet next week, same time, same place. Planning meeting for WhereCamp PDX, which will take place in September. Help us create this year's event.2009-07-31 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-07-24 16:25:292009-07-30 17:17:03 ;2009-07-31 03:00:00 nn/ԡ{33q333Galois Talk: Mathematics of Cryptography: A Guided TourThe July 28th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by Joe Hurd, titled “Mathematics of Cryptography: A Guided Tour.” * Date: Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, IncXԡ~Oc3]333NedSpace Hellzapoppin' Demo NightYes, the weather's great. Yes, there are loads of summertime events to fill your afternoons and evenings. Yes, Portland startups are busting their humps getting their businesses up and running. It may be summertime, but the livin' ain't easy...it's startup time in Portland. Please join us for Hellzapoppin' Demo Night as we launch our second Portland location at NedSpace Old Town (117 NW 5th, between Couch and Davis). Yes, this is the time that you...yes, you, can show the people your thing. Bonus pointst with a PC, Presented from a Linux User's Perspective by Terry Griffin A discussion of issues associated with displaying High Definition (HD) video content using a PC, focusing on the data path from the PC to the display. Particular attention will be given to issues unique to Linux/FOSS but much of the presentation will be applicable to any HD video setup. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. 2009-05-08 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-05-05 04:35:462009-05-05 04:35:46 >2009-05-08 04:00:00 ""6','2008-06-18 13:19:57'Wԡb))3=333RailsConf 2008* Four entire days dedicated to Rails * A program designed around all levels of expertise from novice to intermediate to advanced * The most innovative and successful Rails experts and companies showcased onstage * The opportunity to find solutions to the problems those in the trenches are facing * A forum for a wide variety of business people seeking to collaborate and solve similar problems * A gathering place for the worldwide Rails community, including an important network of experts, alpha geeks, and innovators * Hands-on and in-depth guides for learning how to best employ rails in a variety of situations * Ample opportunities for all participants to connect, contribute, and collaborate throughout the event * Hear the latest updates, get information, and meet the core Rails development team2008-05-29 14:00:00http://www.railsconf.com2008-03-31 10:40:322008-07-13 04:29:14 9;b|2008-06-01 11:15:00 ؀ؓ|Ҁvԡa=3s333Portland Startup WeekendYou ready? Startup Weekend is proud to announce that the Portland Startup Weekend will be held May 23-25 2008 (immediately following WebVisions 2008). This is Memorial day weekend, so plan accordingly. It will be great to have a nice northwestern spring day on Monday to enjoy as a holiday (which is a huge plus). A nice intimate set will be provided by the great folks at SMtvMusic.com. We already have quite a few surprises planned for the first Startup Weekend in Oregon. So, you want to get involved? Contact cities@startupweekend.com if you would like to help plan the event.2008-05-24 01:00:00http://startupweekend.com/portland-startup-weekend/2008-03-31 10:40:182008-07-13 04:29:14 :x;b{2008-05-26 01:00:00 F}{F{ 733K coaxishttp://www.coaxis.net2008-05-09 17:38:262008-05-09 17:38:261515 SE Water Avenue, Suite 300PortlandOR97214US@Fɧ~_^/ 97214zO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-05-08 12:33:212008-05-30 21:19:22928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon@Fs^ I^5;bի ; |y333CubeSpace2008-05-08 12:00:022008-05-09 16:41:23622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;bժ 9*x= 733? Vidoop [out of business]http://www.vidoop.com2008-05-06 11:43:322009-08-07 19:23:56117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210PortlandOregon97209US@FUu}^:?;bըKw y;33+ %Extensis 1800 SW First Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, OR, 97201 http://www.extensis.com2008-05-05 20:17:332008-05-05 20:17:331800 Sw 1st AvePortlandOR97201US@FL]D^V503.274.2020~v# 331 Nemo Design2008-05-05 14:49:552008-07-21 22:45:061875 SE Belmont StPortlandOregon97214@F䎊^hr ;bզ ??`TԡpKE3w333OTBCIԡIm3C333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Eliminating Stress in the New Millenium 1) Eliminating Stress in the New Millenium Continuing education series: "Coping” with stress just isn’t tbԡI3C333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Gaining Control over Your Environment 1) Gaining Control over Your Environment Continuing education series: Kenneth Cone, CPA and Principal at Management Business Advisors will talk about how we can react to situations in response to external factors that we don’t control. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-08-10 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-29 23:48:562009-07-29 23:48:56 ?2009-08-10 20:30:00 }ԡ`+3I33WebVisions 2008WebVisions explores the future of the Web with an all-star lineup of visionary speakers that includes keynotes from Jeffrey Veen of Google and Lynne Johnson of FastCompany.com, as well as sessions by Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.net), Matt Haughey (MetaFilter), Christina Wodtke (Boxes and Arrows), Tjeerd Hoek (frog design), Bill DeRouchey (Ziba Design), Kimberly Blessing (Paypal) and many others. Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O'Grady ("The Art and Science of Conversation in Social Media"), Tyler Sticka ("The Control Freak's Guide to Web Design"), David McFarland ("Javascript for Designers") and more. Conference Pass: $180 Early Bird* / $250 Standard *if purchased by March 31st Workshops: $375 Early Bird* / $450 Standard *if purchased by March 31st Group rates, association discounts and student discounts are also available; call Brad Smith at 503-230-2058 or email brad@webvisionsevent.com for more information. Register at http://www.webvisionsevent.com/register/2008-05-22 07:00:00http://www.webvisionsevent.com2008-03-31 10:40:062008-06-18 13:19:57 9;bzJe O[Oeaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear from over ԡ^E3/33Venture Resources ConferenceThe Venture Resources Conference is a one-stop-shop for resources your startup needs to succeed. Five service providers required by anyone starting a business will offer you an opportunity at no charge to sit down in a 1:1 setting, discuss your ideas and get specific answers to your specific business needs. For more detailed information and to register, please visit http://www.vrconf.com2008-04-26 18:00:00http://vrconf.com2008-03-31 10:39:172008-06-18 13:19:57 :>;byԡ]O3G333PDX Flickr Meetups 3rd AniversaryIt's the 3rd anniversary of Portland Flickr meetups. We will be having photo walks/events/shoots throughout the day and all over Portland. What would you like to do? Join in the discussion at: http://flickr.com/groups/pdx/discuss/72157604138264742/2008-04-26 07:00:00http://flickr.com/groups/pdx/2008-03-31 10:38:462008-07-13 04:29:14 :A;bx2008-05-23 20:36:00 NN=kԡMc93333STC: Darwin InfVԡY13C33#ԡ{Q3]333Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceIn these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organization Officials * Students * Technol website from any place with an internet connection. This seminar includes: 973333JrRecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference 9gS]3E33Ju=OEN PubTalk - Company PresentationsPRICE OEN Member Fee: $15.00 Non-member Fee: $25.00 REGISTER Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=55 DESCRIPTION Join OEN at BridgportBrewpub + Bakery to networۋpf3E33Ju<OEN Webinar - Tough times need straight talk, with Jody PeakeWith corporate layoffs, lawsuits and losses looming, what's a company to do when a crisis strikes? Recent bad actors like the Peanut Corporation of America, Heartland Payment Systems and Apple’s handling of Steve Jobs’ health crisis did not show best practices for crisis communications. It's a rare company that totally escapes the need to share bad news at least occasionally. Hear about the Ten Fundamental Prant to have a say in our local food system! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!) is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Beers are only $2.50, and the event is free and open to the public. Agenda: A third generation dairy farmer from Monmouth, Jon Bansen of Double J Jersey Farm transitioned from a conventional dairy to an organic dairy in the late 1990s, and is part of the farmer co-op Organic Valley. Jon has turned farm diversity and organic dairying into a profitable business while providing a comfortable and sustainable life for himself, his family, and his cows. Jon also gives back to the community by providing farm tours and pasture walks for consumers, students, farmers and extension agents. 5:30-6:30 arrive, enjoy food and drinks, networking 6:30-8:00 speaker presentations with Q&A 8:00-8:30 more networking, discussion, and of course, organic brew!2009-04-15 00:30:00http://edibleportland.com/content/2009/03/30/apr-14-infarmation-discussion-on-food-and-farms/2009-03-31 20:26:36 >2009-04-15 03:00:00ant to have a say in our local food system! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!) is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Beers are only $2.50, and the event is free and open to the public. Agenda: A third generation dairy farmer from Monmouth, Jon Bansen of Double J Jersey Farm transitioned from a conventional dairy to an organic dairy in the late 1990s, and is part of the farmer co-op Organic Valley. Jon has turned farm diversity and organic dairying into a profitable business while providing a comfortable and sustainable life for himself, his family, and his cows. Jon also gives back to the community by providing farm tours and pasture walks for consumers, students, farmers and extension agents. 5:30-6:30 arrive, enjoy food and drinks, networking 6:30-8:00 speaker presentations with Q&A 8:00-8:30 more networking, discussion, and of course, organic brew!2009-04-15 00:30:00http://edibleportland.com/content/2009/03/30/apr-14-infarmation-discussion-on-food-and-farms/2009-03-31 20:26:20 >2009-04-15 03:00:00 ̀Ԁyԡ\c/3_33April BarCamp Portland Informal Tech MeetupThe intent is to get a group of cool people interested in technology together to chat over drinks on the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone working in high-tech is welcome to attend. Conversations usually range from wikis to open source to blogs to who knows what! Please RSVP here as attending to help us get a count for the event. You might also want to join the Google Group to get notifications of any changes to this event and get reminders for future events! http://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland You can visit http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups for more information.2008-04-25 00:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups2008-03-31 10:38:322008-06-18 13:19:57 :.;bkJi & established business people. In response to tremendous feedback from previous networking events, souk & Connect are teaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear from over a dozen networking/connecting organizations and find one that meets your 2008 career goals. Walk away with a matrix of info about each participating group. Meet new biz contacts. Meet up with friends. Lots of great reasons to come. This is the event for you if: You are looking for a networking group to join. You already belong to a group, but want to join an additional one. Joining a group doesn't fit right now, but an opportunity to network does. When: Tuesday, April 22; 7:00-9:30 p.m. Where: souk, 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200, Portland RSVP: Required as space is limited to 180 attendees Email: info@connectpdx.org Cost: $5/attendee to cover LIGHT refreshments Participating Groups: TBA...stay tuned!2008-04-23 02:00:00http://www.connectpdx.org2008-03-31 10:37:102009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;bw if no one has seen it before. See entrepreneurs slog out of their bat caves as they show off their stuff. Witness the fear and terror of the first co-founder turning their product on in front of others for the very first time. Yes, there will be investors there. Yes, there will be fellow entrepreneurs, geeks, dweebs, punks, dorks, derelicts and hardcode ballroom dancers in attendance (well, maybe). There may even be a few surprises, the biggest one being the size of the betting pool on how many minutes late Josh will be to the event. Social time starts at 4 PM; 5 minute demo sessions start at 5 PM NedSpace entrance is the door to the right of Backspace. Do the right thing and RSVP. Any questions, contact Josh @technojosh or Mark @neddotcom or call 503.334.18602009-07-29 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/2009-07-23 23:55:232009-07-30 23:18:01 @0;b؜2009-07-29 23:00:00 6Oԡ[;)3?33Networking ExtravaganzaThe Portland area is choc full of groups to support both aspiringQԡZC33 333A Great Portland Geek LunchI'll be in Portland for this weekend in April and figured it would be awesome to stick around the following Monday for a Portland geek lunch. Not sure where yet, but we'll figure that out. Cool? Cool!2008-04-21 19:30:002008-03-31 10:36:382008-07-13 04:29:14 :[;bv2008-04-21 20:30:004ԡY}+3G33InnoTech Technology & Business Conference & ExpoInnoTech - Oregon’s Business &rking and Business Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed networking....". Presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), Business Leads Exchange is a popular “speed networking” program, geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. The program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group breakout sessions of focused networking, and a door-prize drawing. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-25 14:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-23 23:44:462009-07-23 23:44:462009-08-25 16:00:00amp; Technology Innovation Conference & Expo Presented by EasyStreet Online Services & SAO April 16-17, 2008, Oregon Convention Center Information and registration at www.innotechoregon.com This year includes an impressive line up of national and local speakers and supporters (all posted on the www.innotechoregon.com website...check it out!) Here are a few of the InnoTech conference tracks & special events (ALL great reasons to take part in InnoTech): -Security Theater (five hours of security related educational presentations) -Open Source Summit -Clean Technology Track -Non-Profit Tech Summit -Infrastructure track with green data center, virtualization, storage and much more -InnoTech Executive Reception (the perfect place to mingle over complimentary beverages, appetizers, live music and exhibits) -Developers Track – (Ruby, Agile, and more) -And more!2008-04-16 16:00:00http://www.innotechoregon.com2008-03-31 10:36:252008-06-18 13:19:56 9;buategy • Transforming strategy into practice • New business opportunities • A carbon-managed future Why Attend - Understand how your organization can turn this potentially disruptive force into a strategic advantage. - Learn about tools and resources for developing internal strategies and action plans. - Meet and network with colleagues and potential partners. Who Should Attend - Business managers & decision makers in all types of organizations and industries who need to know what changes are coming, and how to plan for them. - Professional and technical service providers who want to understand and assist organizations in addressing carbon issues. - Policy makers and advocates who want to craft effective policies and regulations that respond to the needs of businesses. If you are in business, you will be affected -- make this challenge an opportunity. 2009-09-24 15:00:00http://www.nebc.org/content.aspx?pageid=502009-07-23 16:49:282009-07-23 16:49:28 :2009-09-25 00:00:00 yyrticipant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability. While this concept is comparable to co-workԡXEw3K33eMarketing Summit @ InnoTechThe two-day eMarketing Summit brings together marketers, business owners and internet professionals from throughout the Northwest. Now in its fourth year, the eMarketing Summit focuses on social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, web 2.0 tools including widgets and much more. For only $149.00 per person, the eMarketing Summit @ InnoTech includes: - two full days of dedicated online marketing presentations, including lunch each day - all of the InnoTech Conference sessions & vendor seminars on both days of the InnoTech event (April 16-17) - InnoTech Exhibits (Thursday, April 17th only) - Breakfast with Featured Speaker Don Tapscott, Author, WIKINOMICS: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (Thursday, April 17)2008-04-16 15:00:00http://www.emarketingsummit.com2008-03-31 10:36:142008-06-18 13:19:56 9;btse gas management issues into a strategic framework for planning and action – and how to stay ahead of the curve. Year three of this event takes place in a shifting landscape, with major uncertainties regarding the direction and timing of government policy being met by a growing movement towards voluntary action. What does seem certain is that long term trends are leading to a new competitive landscape. Join Northwest business managers, service professionals, and policy makers in a discussion of the practical business issues tied to whether and how a company acts to manage its carbon footprint. This strategic, business-oriented focus distinguishes Climate Change: Positioning Your Business from other conferences on this topic . Sessions include offerings for those new to the topic, as well as those wanting to go to the next level: • Regulation and the context for action • Should you act now? • The ROI of carbon management • Are offsets for you? • Including carbon in your business str ׀.P΀̀Հ3: ob;ԡWGC333Mobile Love, Android Style #2The open-source cell phone software platform from Google, called Android, continues to mature and grow in popularity. With hardware due later this year, it will explode on to the scene with an ecosystem of open source software that will set the bar for all other mobile operating systems. Meet with local android enthusiasts to talk about project ideas, news on upcoming hardware, etc. over a pint of microbrew.2008-04-15 01:30:002008-03-31 10:35:572008-06-18 13:19:56 ; ;bs "r"'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyfԡ\Sq333PDX Tweetup Breakfast - ResolutionsIMPORTANT! Note the venue change!

      It's the new year, and that of course means resolutions! Come share yours at the first Portland Tweetup Breakfast of 2009, at The Park Bistro.

      As always, this event is BYOB (buy your own breakfast) and open to any and all who care to attend. This particular breakfast is on @evacaAԡ}3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter August 25, 2009 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM AEG Rose Quarter/Portland Trail Blazers Rose Room 2 Center Court P4 Floor Portland, OR 97227 Lively Discussion, Netwoԡ|m)3M333Secrets of NIH Small Business Grant ApplicationsThis free seminar is presented by the Oregon Bioscience Association ++NԡSi-333Collaborative Ingenuity – MOVED TO APRIL 5thCollaborative Ingenuity is a free for all forum that lets everyone come to work on any project of his/her choosing that day—with an underwritten agreement that each participant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability. While this concept is comparable to co-working, the fact that we have everybody from graphic designer, web developer to account planner (we're looking for more diversity) means that everyone will benefit from having feedbacks from folks who are experts in other things. So the designer's print ad will benefit from the planner's research ability, the planner's website analysis would benefit from the developer's expertise, etc. Collaborative Ingenuity relies on the fact that new ideas are always born, and sparks always fly when different fields of knowledge intersect and help each other.2008-04-05 19:00:002008-03-31 10:26:392008-06-18 13:19:56 :3;bo Ӏ2ՀkԡM 3 333AeA Finance Forum, Sale Compensation: Effective Partnership with SalesBuild an effective partnership with your sales executive through a better approach to developing and managing sales compensation.
      Moderator: Paul Wilde
      Scott Campbell, Vice President of Sales, Jive Software
      Bryan LeBlanc, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, WebTrends
      Bill Erdle, President, Compensation Resources, LLC
      Program Agenda:
      7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast
      8:00am-8:50am - Presentation
      8:50am-9:00am - Questions & Answers 2008-04-09 14:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/9/082008-03-31 08:22:372008-07-13 04:29:14 :;bl2008-04-09 16:00:00 ar chaotic to managers and stakeholders. SBTM is designed to provide accountability for exploratory testing, with many aspects or "components" which provide specific data. Some projects may not require all of the components that SBTM oԡN;3 333SAO Human Capital ForumPwn da comp with Gen Y's OR Leverage the Intrinsic Creativity of Multi-Generational Teams
      Welcome to the multi-generational workforce! Diverse, technologically connected and full of energy, the newest generation-Gen Y (or Millennials)-is now streaming into the workforce in large numbers. How should companies respond?
      Greg Kulander, Ph.D., Director of Student and Educator Services at the Business Education Compact.
      Program Agenda:
      7:30am-8:00am - Registration Breakfast
      8:00am-8:50am - Presentation
      8:50am-9:00am - Questions & Answers2008-04-03 14:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/3/082008-03-31 08:22:372008-07-13 04:29:14 :;bl2008-04-03 16:00:00 5ԡI+ 3333SAO Poker Night2008-04-24 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/23/082008-03-31 08:22:372009-04-29 20:12:39 ?;bl2008-04-24 03:30:00eԡHCW3333eJob Search and eRecruitingSAO Internet Professionals SIG: eJob Search and eRecruiting: How the Internet is Changing the Landscape
      Penny McBain, Principal, Diamond Recruiting
      Maureen Berg, Principal Technical Recruiter, Symantec
      Jennifer Greene, Director of Programs, Volt Technical Resources
      Program Agenda
      5:00pm-5:30pm - Registration/Dinner
      5:30pm-6:45pm - Presentation
      6:45pm-7:00pm - Questions & Answers 2008-04-02 00:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/1/082008-03-31 08:22:372008-07-13 04:29:13 :J;bl2008-04-02 02:00:00 KKnԡLq;3333SAO QASIG Forum: Session-Based Exploratory Testing
      Session-Based Test Management (SBʂ<ԡKGK3s33SAO Marketing & Sales SIG: Tools, Tricks and Tips: Pricing Decisions as Competitive Advantage"Tools, Tricks and Tips: Pricing Decisions as Competitive Advantage" Marketing and Sales SIG 2008-04-15 14:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-03-31 08:22:372008-06-18 13:19:55;blTM) is an approach for directing and measuring exploratory testing. In contrast is free-form exploratory testing, which can appear chaotic to managers and stakeholders. SBTM is designed to provide accountability for exploratory testing, with many aspects or "components" which provide specific data. Some projects may not require all of the components that SBTM offers. "SBT Lite" is a customizable version of SBTM, which uses some, but not all components.
      Speaker: Jon Bach, Manager Corporate Intellect, Quardev
      Program Agenda
      11:30am-12:00pm - Registration/Lunch
      12:00pm-1:15pm - Presentation
      1:15pm-1:30pm - Questions & Answers
      CCC Wilsonville Campus Room 111/112 29353 Town Center Loop E Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 2008-04-10 18:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/10/082008-03-31 08:22:372008-07-13 04:29:14 :K;bl2008-04-10 20:30:00 ww7ԡiU3]333Startup Workouts- Revenue GenerationSta(Ym3C33Jq$WhereCampPDX Gaming #3: Cruel 2 B KindThis third of the WhereCampPDX Location-Based games practices the fine art of benevolent assassination! Players are assigned three secret weapons, that appear to be acts of kindness or generosity. Unbeknownst to onlookers, however, those very acts will bring their victims to their knees. Players are not given the identities of their victims, only the knowledge that they are and must remain in the game area. 'Killed' players join the assassination groups until the final two killer mobs converge in a grand finale of benevolent destruction. For more details see the game description at WhereCamp PDX.

      game details can be found at http://www.cruelgame.com/about/
      2008-10-19 21:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2008-10-13 23:56:36 ;b;b2008-10-19 23:00:00 games practices the fine art of benevolent assassination! Players are assigned three secret weapons, that appear to be acts of kindness or generosity. Unbeknownst to onlookers, however, those very acts will bring their victims to their knees. Players are not given the identities of their victims, only the knowledge that they are and must remain in the game area. 'Killed' players join the assassination groups until the final two killer mobs converge in a grand finale of benevolent destruction. For more details see the game description at WhereCamp PDX.

      Game details can be found at http://www.cruelgame.com/about/
      If you'd like to play, register your team now: http://twurl.cc/5v3
      2008-10-19 21:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2008-10-13 23:58:11 ;b;b2008-10-19 23:00:00purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full summer schedul_development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com


      PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

      Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

      Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

      (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-04-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-04-10 00:30:13 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:00 CC -mԡ;W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:22;bձ2007-06-09 05:00:008ԡ:]q3333OGI MST session for prospective studentshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22312007-06-08 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-13 04:31:21;bձ2007-06-08 01:30:009ԡ9_q3333SPIN Seminar: Ten Tps for Homebaked Toolshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22262007-06-15 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:212008-07-$ԡVOa3w333Portland Data Plumbing User GroupI*ԡzay3a333Climate Change - Positioning Your BusinessPresented By Northwest Environmental Business Council Associated Oregon Industries Oregon Business Association This is serious business. The competitive equation is changing once again. Given current policy and market dynamics, organizations need to decide why, if, and how to act. This conference will help business decision makers understand how to integrate greenhou uԡBc/3_33March BarCamp Portland Informal Tech MeetupThe intent is to get a group of cool people interested in technology together to chat over drinks on the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone working in high-tech is welcome to attend. Conversations usually range from wikis to open source to blogs to who knows what! Please RSVP here as attending to help us get a count for the event. You might also want to join the Google Group to get notifications of any changes to this event and get reminders for future events! http://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland You can visit http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups for more information.2008-03-28 00:30:00http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups2008-03-25 16:14:382008-06-18 13:19:53 :.;bh> # How does performance vary across JVM vendors?
      # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
      # How does performance vary across operating systems?
      # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements?
      # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance?
      # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming?

      There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome.

      Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids.


      Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah

      Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and N5u= 33U  Oregon Convention Center2008-05-05 13:45:382008-05-07 13:31:17777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;bդ 9 to33+Bailey's Taproom2008-05-05 13:44:402008-05-05 14:53:34213 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon@FG{^dZ;bգ :Y;s9 _33= Bagdad Theater and Pubhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=92008-05-05 13:43:492008-10-30 23:46:573702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F\$^ A|;bբ,rq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-05-05 13:42:502008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;bա ; ,qc33OAboutUs offices2008-05-05 13:41:522008-05-05 14:27:36107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,PortlandOregon@Fh ԕ^\(;bՠ 9ogy transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers Presentations on: * Advanced MEMS devices and applications * Sensors and systems, e.g. for motion control * Nanoelectronics and biolectronics * Nanoscale patterning and fabrication processes * Printed and solution-processed devices and systems * Nanomaterial design, synthesis and scale-up * Nanomaterials for clean-tech applications * Nano-bio technologies * Micro-energy and chemical systems * Nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis * Nanomedicine and cancer therapies * Nano-optics and optoelectronic technologies 2009-09-21 15:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2009-07-23 16:53:212009-07-23 17:00:40 :2009-09-24 00:00:00 ..9wԡ7;333IMA: Speed Networkinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-11-28 01:30:002008-03-17 1dԡg3E333OEN PubTalk - Seed Oregon Tournament, Round 2OEN's Seed Oregon: The Road to Angel Oregon Come watch this a unique competition for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000Kԡ-Q3 333Picnic Tweetup at Laurelhurst ParkEnjoy Sunday's forecasted sunshine, 75 degree weather, and company of friends at Laurelhurst park. Whatever games and/or food people bring, is what we'll do. I'll bring a frisbee. Look at or around "Area E" to find the group. The space is not reserved so check twitter for up-to-the-minute messages with the #twicnic hashtag. 2009-04-19 21:00:002009-04-18 14:24:042009-04-18 14:32:43 :2009-04-19 23:00:00 ''nۋxg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533913/?ps=52009-09-24 03:52:192009-09-24 03:52:182009-09-24 03:52:20nۋwg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533844/?ps=52009-09-24 03:50:162009-09-24 03:50:152009-09-24 03:50:17nۋvg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533764/?ps=52009-09-24 03:47:532009-09-24 03:47:522009-09-24 03:47:54iۋu]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4424087/2009-09-24 00:47:172009-09-24 00:47:172009-09-24 00:47:18(ۋt Y333http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&friendid=8942689&Band_Show_ID=385669692009-09-23 07:20:212009-09-23 07:20:202009-09-23 07:20:21sۋsq333http://indiemusic.meetup.com/131/calendar/8498426/2009-09-23 07:11:032009-09-23 07:11:022009-09-23 07:11:04qۋrm333http://www.meetup.com/sfo-emm/calendar/11443219/2009-09-23 07:10:252009-09-23 07:10:242009-09-23 07:10:25iۋq]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1836297/2009-09-23 07:07:332009-09-23 07:07:302009-09-23 07:07:34 b,Jbnۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559973/?ps=52009-10-05 18:36:372009-10-05 18:36:362009-10-05 18:36:38nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559955/?ps=52009-10-05 18:26:072009-10-05 18:26:062009-10-05 18:26:10nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559951/?ps=52009-10-05 18:21:082009-10-05 18:21:072009-10-05 18:21:09hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45582992009-10-02 21:19:512009-10-02 21:19:512009-10-02 21:19:53hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45582952009-10-02 21:10:582009-10-02 21:10:582009-10-02 21:10:59hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45582662009-10-02 21:08:122009-10-02 21:08:122009-10-02 21:08:14ۋ 333http://www.facebook.com/ical/u.php?uid=1424137185&key=969a13eab12009-10-01 08:00:592009-10-01 08:00:582009-10-01 08:01:46iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550691/2009-09-30 18:45:412009-09-30 18:45:412009-09-30 18:45:43 ((g as business VP, marine officer, and football coach, coupled with current research, to provide insight into the world of leadership development.
      His topics include:
      The nature of leadership
      The role of an authentic lead y, if you don't want to 3ԡGw 3s33SAO "IPSR Practitioner" Oregon Training Network Class2008-04-28 15:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-03-31 08:22:362008-06-18 13:19:54;blԡFwG3Y333Portland Functional Programming Study Group (pdxfunc)A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts.2008-04-15 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-03-29 15:56:522008-07-13 04:29:13 92008-04-15 04:00:00 \ hanging out in the lobby at the Lloyd Center like I did last year, come to Caboose Conf.

      The best part of the last few conferences I have attended in the Ruby and Rails fields have been the "lightning talks", where people have five minutesOԡDWa3e33Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG)Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) meets the 2nd monday of every month 2006 & 2007 Web Site: http://www.pmug.org Contact Information: Peren Bjork perenb@pmug.org2008-02-05 02:30:00http:///events/E0-001-004424520-8@20080204182008-03-25 22:40:152008-06-18 13:19:53 :,;bjJe|ԡCi}33333Microsoft Northwest Quarterly Partner BriefingWe are holding Northwest Quarterly Partner Briefings within three of our Microsoft offices in May. Topics include: Selling in Tough Economic Times, Business Productivity Online,...2008-05-21 21:00:00http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032374378&culture=en-US2008-03-25 16:16:002008-07-13 04:29:13 :+;bi2008-05-22 01:00:00 eg$2d0 e0iJH8-Ul0m1!2 0Ѐ!ē! Ԁ! ̀! Հ! рe%: !Ҁ5"+;Z pӀ?i$dH(WԡA_{35333IEEE International Workshop on e-ActivityIEEE-IWEA2008 is The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on advances in theory, systems, and applications for all electronic activities, which include e-learning, e-commerce, and sever...2008-05-14 15:00:00http://www.iwea.net/2008-03-25 15:57:242008-07-13 04:29:13 :(;bg2008-05-17 00:00:00 PV&PԡuC%3333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802008-02-28 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-28 05:30:003ԡtkY3333PMF: Managing New Product & Service Developmenthttp://www.programmanagementforum.org 2008-02-28 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-28 21:00:00 ԡs/A3333OEN: Angel Oregonhttp://www.oen.org key=yes2008-03-05 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-03-06 01:00:00ԡr1Q3333Oregon SBIR Summithttp://www.oregonsbir.org/ key=yes2008-03-25 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-03-26 00:00:00ԡq'W3333Startupaloozahttp://www.startupalooza.org/ key=yes2008-03-29 19:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:02;bձ2008-03-30 02:00:00#ԡn3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home key=yes2008-07-21 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:01;bձJi2008-07-22 00:00:00>So, we're going to hold our own tiny unconference, to be held on a weekend when a bunch of Rails coders will be in town, from May 29 to June 1st, at the entp.com headquarters in Portland, Oregon.

      In the grand tradition of the unconference, there are very few planned talks (we'll have an open roster where anyone can sign up for a slot) and it will be completely free. There will be no werewolf.

      We'll get a signup page soon.

      I have a bunch of ideas:

      1. We'll be sponsoring a documentation drive, where we hack on Rails Documentation in exchange for beer and pizza.
      2. Hackfests! Let's work on something awesome.
      3. Keynotes! Do you want to give one? Hit me up (court3nay gmail.com)
      4. Workshops. We have local experts in Javascript, BDD, and more -- bring in your crappy code and we can all learn together by fixing it.

      2008-05-29 17:00:00http://conference.caboose.org/2008-03-25 12:51:252008-07-13 04:29:13 :%2008-06-02 00:00:00 bԡS=33[33Women's Networking Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416801/ ] The Women's Networking Group is a friendly, informal group of women who meet regularly to socialize, promote their businesses or non-profits, seek employment, collaborate, ask questions and trade leads. The group is a mix of core members and newcomers, a combination which fosters intimacy while still staying fresh. Our members represent a wide range of professions, from voice coaches a
      Gary Hirsch, On Your Feet

      Businesses crave new stuff. And they want it now. Product cycles shorten, competitors and information spreads faster and the consumer gets more demanding. Techniques from the world of improvisation can help respond to these forces. Improv actors are real-time, market-driven innovators. A team of people works together to create something (a story) to satisfy a customer (the audience) under extreme time pressure (instantly, on the spot). They use a set of tools that absolutely anyone can learn and practice. The methods improvisers use on stage help create the conditions for new ideas to emerge.

      5:00 PM: CHIFOOd (dinner at New Seasons Market, Cedar Hills Crossing)
      6:30 PM: Registration, networking, and announcements
      7:00 PM: Program and Q&A2008-04-10 00:00:00http://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html2008-03-23 18:16:112008-07-13 04:29:11 :"2008-04-10 03:00:00ķͷַ߷FOX eg$2d0 e0iJH8-Ul0m1!2(΀!{! pӀ!% Ҁ! Հ! Ԁe#: !Ӏ5"+;Z р?i$daԡ>5#3S333OSCON PostgreSQL DayWhat: All-day PostgreSQL one-track mini-conference When: Sunday, July 20th, 9am to 5pm, possible party afterwards Who: PDXPUG will select speakers Where: Portland Convention Center, Portland, Oregon 2008-07-20 16:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/3742008-03-25 12:48:432008-07-13 04:29:12 92008-07-21 00:00:00 d>ԡ@53O33Portland Open Coffee10am - Open Coffee Club meeting for Portland, OR. The OpenCoffee Club was started to encourage entrepreneurs, developers and investors to organise real-world informal meetups to chat...2008-03-26 17:00:00http:///events/E0-001-004481519-52008-03-25 15:15:392008-06-18 13:19:53 :&;bf ԡ?#3I333CabooseConf

      In May, if you don't want to cough up almost a thousand dollars to go learn things you already know, but want to come to Portland to network with skilled Rails coders from all over the world, instead of hanging out in the lobby at the Lloyd Center like I did last year, come to Caboose Conf.

      The best part of the last few conferences I have attended in the Ruby and Rails fields have been the "lightning talks", where people have five minutes to present their idea, app, or otherwise. The other great thing about some of these expensive conferences is the networking which occurs in the hallways and lobbies.

      MacCamp starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday afternoon.
      We reserve four lodges, with a maximum capacity of 56 people, along with the meeting hall and dining room. All classes, activities, food, and lodging are included in your registration fee. A commemorative T-shirt may be offered for a slight additional charge.
      A minimum of six classes will be offered at this event, two Saturday morning, two Saturday afternoon, and two Sunday morning. 2008-04-19 01:00:00http://www.pmug.org/mccamp/4-08.html2008-03-25 11:40:252008-07-13 04:29:12 :-2008-04-20 19:00:00
      Gordon Whitehead, Leadership Development Coach, Captus5, uses decades of experience, serving as business VP, marine officer, and football coach, coupled with current research, to provide insight into the world of leadership development.
      His topics include:
      The nature of leadership
      The role of an authentic leader
      How to develop and how to retain leaders
      Building organizations that respond with enthusiasm and drive
      The backbone of a repeatable leadership development infrastructure
      What are the elements of a high-performing / self-healing organization
      This event will provide practical ways to find and grow the right type of leadership in your organization.
      Who should attend?
      CEOs, COOs, CIOs, and CTOs; Human Resource Leaders; VPs and Managers; Future leaders within your organization 2008-04-10 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/Events/orpt_EBC_Networking_OR040806_Brochure.asp2008-03-25 11:20:112008-07-13 04:29:12 :$2008-04-10 16:00:00sessions with key SBIR/STTR program managers Presenters from agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and others will discuss how to develop a successful application for SBIR/STTR funding. Topics will include: ·What are each agency's priorities for research topics? ·What criteria does each agency use to select awardees? ·What can applicants do to make their proposals more competitive? The afternoon session will include opportunities to talk in small groups with program managers, past and current SBIR grantees, and prospective applicants. I hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn more about this important funding resource for small technology businesses here in Oregon. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Kelly Brooks at kelly.brooks "at" mail.house.gov or 503-326-2901.2009-08-11 16:00:002009-07-23 16:23:392009-07-23 16:23:39 @C2009-08-11 22:00:00 U^gpyԡVԡ^LԡePԡlOԡs<ԡz8ԡTԡSԡRԡUԡWԡ"_ԡ)aԡ0bԡ6iԡ<gԡCeԡIԡP2ԡV1ԡ]0ԡd&ԡj_ԡ<5?33333PMUG General MeetingPortland Macintosh Users Group
      General Meeting
      PMUG Member Favorites 2008-04-15 01:32:00http://www.pmug.org2008-03-25 11:34:252008-07-13 04:29:12 :,2008-04-15 04:00:00ԡ;E?3333AeA Emerging Business Networking Event: The Search for and Development of Authentic Leaders The Search for and Development of Authentic Leaderseԡ:'=3u33WikiWednesdayDiscussion of wikis and related online collaborative tools. For experts and novices alike. SocialText listing page or call AboutUs, 503-488-5763 2008-04-03 00:30:00http://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?portland2008-03-25 09:53:262008-06-18 13:19:51 9 N8,pq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-30 21:27:152008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;b՝ ; ,oq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-30 21:26:212008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;b՜ ; ,nq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-30 21:25:322008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;b՛ ; ,mq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-30 21:24:462008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;b՚ ; ,lq33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-30 21:18:222008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;bՙ ; pt. That will be a natural jumping-off point to explain why a full-fledged “GUI driver” for iPhone apps has been long in coming. We’ll look at different ways to prod at application code, and discuss the tradeoffs. Finally, I’ll introduce a simple library of Ruby glue code to connect Cucumber test scripts to the iPhone. The technique will be very basic, but just powerful enough to test a simple iPhone app. Ian Dees saw his first Timex Sinclair 1000 over 20 years ago, and was instantly hooked. Since then, he’s debugged embedded assembly code using an oscilloscope, written desktop apps in C++, and joyfully employed scripting languages to make testing less painful. Ian currently writes GUI code for handheld instruments as a Software Engineer at Tektronix. Ian is the author of the book Scripted GUI Testing With Ruby: http://pragprog.com/titles/idgtr 3. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC **exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneurial start-ups and counseling small to mid sized coOԡpWy35333Grant Writing for Artists and WritersGrant Writing for Success—Intermediate Level Fee: $30 Register: http://grantwriting2ndstep.eventbrite.com/ This advanced workshop is for individual artists with some experience grant writing who want to improve their chances of success. Participants learn strategies for finding fresh language to describe a project, how to budget with ease and how to stand out from the crowd. Join us for this hands-on workshop and begin writing that next application. Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg, www.gigirosenberg.com Presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council 2009-05-15 16:00:00http://www.racc.org/2009-05-12 23:36:102009-05-12 23:36:10 ?2009-05-15 20:00:00 2hGive us Feedback on our Roadmap GoLife Mobile is hosting a casual Open House for ouԡx-13333SAO: Pub Socialshttp://www.sao.org2007-07-11 00:30:002008-05-20 00:21aԡsE3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Homestreet Bank Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase @ HomeStreet Bank - 1618 SW First Avenue, Suite 305 Portland, OR 97201 Tuesday, August 4th, 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program presented by Portland Business All Gԡr533 333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. 2009-07-31 01:30:002009-07-22 21:01:472009-07-22 21:01:47 ; 2009-07-31 06:30:00 772ԡs3u33 Semiconducto r Trends in 2008: WILL BE RESCHEDULED2008-03-14 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73312412008-03-19 21:35:372008-06-18 13:19:46;baԡY!333Randal Schwartz on Smalltalk [PLUG-AT]Sure, Smalltalk is where we got our modern view of windows and mice and "the desktop" and object-oriented programming and extreme programming two decades ago, but what has Smalltalk done for us *lately*? I'll answer this by showing off the Seaside web application framework: an open-source (but vendor supported) challenge to the classic web design strategies. Imagine being able to debug a broken web-hit in the middle of the hit, fixing the code, and  ., ԡQ]?333Protect your business, Beaverton Chamberhttp://www.beaverton.org/2007-03-20 18:15:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:37;b`zԡPG1333SAO: Online Social Networkinghttp://www.sao.org2007-03-20 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:37;b`ԡO#c333YPOP dinnerhttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com2007-03-30 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:37 ;;b`pԡN#A333ACEC Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/2007-05-23 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:37;b`iԡL!5333FEI dinnerhttp://www.pfei.org/2007-04-20 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:37;b`lԡK#9333FENG dinnerhttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-05-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:36;b`kԡJ;333ASQ SW WAhttp://www.asqswwa.org/2007-04-19 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:36;b`zԡI?9333IMA - Accounting Academiahttp://www.ima-pdx.org2007-04-18 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:36;b` =ting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinaԡ,];3 333pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program includes the presentation The Laws of Form and Computer Programming by Andres Valloud. The meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Pizza at 6:30, presentations start at 7:00. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.2009-05-27 01:30:002009-04-17 22:36:012009-05-26 23:04:35 <2009-05-27 04:00:004ԡ+M73G333Saturday Academy's Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming for 9th-12th grade students Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming Experience some of the many exciting projects that engineers work on as you explore the fields of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. You will design, code, and debug computer programs, create computer games, design and simulate basic digital and analog elec}
      A frequent consultant for animated films and special effects projects for studios such as Walt Disney Animation, DreamWorks, SONY Pictures ImageWorks, Pixar, and others, he is a comparative anatomist and paleontologist who specializes in the biomechanics and evolution of locomotion.
      Using a wide variety of examples from the many films he has worked with, Dr. Sumida will describe the potent tools available to artists if they consider some basic rules of animal and human biology. In a qualitative fashion, he will guide listeners/viewers through how what an animal eats and/or its size can account for the vast majority of the structural diversity important to animators and digital effects artists in the animal world. He will then move from real animals, and show how with relatively little new information, the same rules can be applied to mythical and fantastic beasts. 2008-03-26 01:00:00http://www.cascadesiggraph.org/events.html2008-03-21 16:29:582008-07-13 04:29:11 :#;bc2008-03-26 03:00:00 Aԡ#333Working MtgA working meeting of the board officers and anyone else that wants to help (hopefully a web master volunteer) to update and redesign our website: www.cascadesiggraph.org. Tentatively scheduled for the evening of 11/6, after we have our board meeting during the day. The rest of the month gets harder to find a day. Other possbilities are the evening of Nov. 13th or 15th. Location: LAIKA or Andrew's. Email demetra33@gmail.com to put in your two cents. 2007-11-07 02:00:002008-03-21 16:30:012008-06-18 13:19:48;bc<ԡ QM3a33Getting a Job in Computer GraphicsCascade SIGGRAPH Getting a Job in Computer Graphics ->ԡ u3a333Cascade SIGGRAPH - An Evening with Dr. Stuart SumidaPCC Cascade Campus - Moriarty Arts & Humanities Building, Auditorium Room 104
      Come and join us for an exciting and intellectually stimulating lecture given by Dr. Stuart Sumida, professor of Biology at California State University San Bernardino.  and develop and commercialize new products. At more than $2.3 billion per year, the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs comprise the largest source of federal support for technological innovation in the private sector. Awardees can receive critical support for projects from early stage R&D through commercialization. Please join me and other small business owners, researchers, venture capital representatives, and others at a one-day conference with key SBIR/STTR program managers to learn more about opportunities for funding your small business and to discuss upcoming changes to the SBIR/STTR program. Congressman David Wu presents: Funding Innovative Research: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs When: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Where:OHSU South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Avenue, Portland What:Panel discussion and breakout W~EOWԡOO5333OCCA: Windows Sharepoint Serviceshttp://www.occa.org/2007-10-31 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`kԡN)1333OEN: Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-12-06 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`vԡM5;333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-07 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`tԡL39333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu2007-11-06 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`ԡK};333IEEE: Advanced Simulation of Antenna & Microwave Systemshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-08 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`ԡJk;333SPIN seminar: Evaluating the Impact of Nw Toolshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-09 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`|ԡIA;333IEEE Robotics & Automationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/2007-11-16 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`e you and your company's success Paul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss why and how to structure your board of directors, advisory board, professional advisory teams (legal, accounting, etc.). Learn from other's successes as well as war stories from the board rooms. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Non-member Fee (includes a one-year Individual Membership to OEN): $151.00 OEN Member Fee: $46.00 2009-05-21 18:30:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=762009-04-09 20:42:23 =32009-05-21 20:00:00on, our panel of search marketing specials will review an iin in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction froԡyoi3 333Funding Innovative Research: SBIR/STIR ConferenceSmall business is the heart of Oregon's economy, but during these difficult economic times it can be a serious challenge to find funding to support even the most promising companies. We cannot afford to let innovative ideas fall by the wayside because small business owners can't access the money they need to perform research~ԡxY3u333Sustainable Industries Economics ForumFeaturing Paul Hawken CEO, Pax Engineering Group, Author of "Ecology of Commerce" and "Natural Capitalism" Moderated by: Becky Brun, Editor, Sustainable Industries Panelists Dave Williams, CEO, Shorebank Pacific Rob Harmon, Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Vice President, Bonneville Environmental Foundation2009-09-16 14:00:00http://www.sustainableindustries.com/forums/portland2009-07-23 16:18:292009-09-05 20:35:37 :2009-09-16 17:30:00  + ћڛԡ71/3/333PDXPHP Users GroupBi-weekly meeting2008-04-09 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org2008-03-23 19:14:232008-07-13 04:29:12 ; 2008-04-09 03:30:00ԡ65}3W333CHIFOO April MeetingSomething New Right Away: Ideation from the World of Improvisation܅Nԡ5%K3/33Portland Web Innovators - Publishing Platform Wars! (Comparing three CMSes)The Web is about getting something out there for other people to see. Though we all love technology, it's more important to get content up easily. That is even more the case when we're building sites for others. We've chosen three popular systems for content management systems to be shown off by fellow web people who are users of the products. No pitches, just honest opinions. Bring your own opinions, too! Expression Engine - Ray Brigleb, Needmore Designs Drupal - Lev Tsypin, Level Online Strategy Wordpress - To be determined2008-04-03 02:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-03-22 11:38:232009-02-10 17:04:51 >;be   your skills to create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” potential employers. Prestigious industry representatives from Hot Pepper Studios, Intel, LAIKA, Oregon Film & Video, and Wieden+Kennedy, will provide first-hand recYԡ4%k3'33OEN SwapmeetDrop by the OEN SwapMeet on March 27th at the Someday Lounge. This is a program was created specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who help them both grow. As the Oregon economy continues to develop, there will be more and more opportunity to work with, work for, or start new companies in growing industries. SwapMeet is a great way to get connected to the people making it all happen. There's no program, no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking. And no-host happy hour, of course!2008-03-28 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=pubtalk06&venue_id=112008-03-22 11:36:352008-06-18 13:19:50 :;bd aIaphics! Polish your skills to create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” potential employers. Prestigious industry representatives from Hot Pepper Studios, Intel, LAIKA, Oregon Film & Video, and Wieden+Kennedy, will provide first-hand recruitment knowledge within the multimedia industry. Learn from our panelists: Tԡ#333Board Mtg2007-09-11 19:30:002008-03-21 16:30:092008-06-18 13:19:50;bcZԡ"+333AI career faire2007-10-10 18:30:002008-03-21 16:30:082008-06-18 13:19:50;bc[ԡ!%333Social Event2007-09-28 01:30:002008-03-21 16:30:082008-06-18 13:19:50 :;bcSԡ 333SIGGRAPH2007-09-27 07:00:002008-03-21 16:30:072008-06-18 13:19:49;bcXԡ 3 33Board Mtg2007-10-02 19:30:002008-03-21 16:30:072008-06-18 13:19:49 :;bcԡ1{333Electronic Theatersee http://www.siggraph.org/s2007/attendees/caf/et.html2007-10-13 01:00:002008-03-21 16:30:062008-06-18 13:19:49 :#;bcu can't attend. Request to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Welcomed audience: any entrepreneurs (past, present or future), start up executives, or veteran technology leaders This event is not open for service providers - sorry guys! Bring your burning questions so that you can dig into it with your experienced peers. Featured Tech Industry Leaders in Attendance Jay Haladay, CEO, Co-Axis Kevin Doherty, President, Technocom Here's 4 helpful tips to successfully arrive there: - It's on the eastside of the river - Park under overpass on Morrison or a nearby street - Follow signs leading from door on Morrison to freight elevator - Take freight elevator to 7th Floor #saopdx #startupexchange2009-04-22 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401951/2009-04-09 17:11:10 <;b2009-04-22 00:00:00 ]o7ks33UOregon Convention Center2008-04-27 17:54:072008-05-02 20:42:35777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;b՘ 9j# 33/ Pier Coffee2008-04-27 17:54:042008-05-07 13:31:36600 Naito ParkwayPortlandOregon97204US@FJ82vu^3aV;b՗ :&9iy 33I Portland Community College2008-04-27 12:54:012008-04-27 17:33:04705 North Killingsworth StreetPortlandOregon97217@F ԕ+^"`B;bՖ :# hg333BridgePort Brew Pub2008-04-27 12:53:302008-04-27 17:36:321313 Nw Marshall StPortlandOregon@F$^ =p;bՕ :6gk33)Lucky Lab beer hall2008-04-27 12:53:222008-04-27 17:35:481945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon@FM:^I^5?;bՔ :nd refreshments from the no-host bar. About Morton’s The Steakhouse: Morton’s is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s finest dining establishments, achieving critical acclaim and numerous industry awards for premium food and wine selections, quality of service and sophisticated décor. For three decades, Morton’s has set the standard for fine steakhouse dining. Morton’s serves only the finest quality foods, featuring USDA prime aged, Midwest grain-fed beef shipped directly from Chicago, fresh seafood and elegant desserts. To RSVP, contact Peggy, Scott or Eric in Member Services at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-13 00:00:002009-07-22 23:44:242009-07-22 23:46:392009-08-13 02:00:00 SԡXk?333IMC, How Tech can help your consulting practicehttp://www.imc-oregon.org2007-03-20 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`ԡW 333Invest NWWashington Biotech and Biomedical Assoc. http://www.washbio.org2007-03-20 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`ԡVCq333Listening at Work, OGI/OHSUhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21922007-03-20 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`#ԡUG333OTBC, OEN, SAO: Deliver your Product On Time and On Budgethttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-03-20 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`]ԡT1 333PCB Modeling, IEEE2007-03-21 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`|ԡSE7333PDXFX, Networking That Workshttp://www.pdxfx.org 2007-03-21 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`yԡR3C333PMI monthly meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org2007-03-20 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:38;b`xploring techniques, spaces and technologies that extend growing seasons, increase yield, increase opportunities for local food production and bring the harvest to new places and spaces. Mark your calendars now and please join us! General Forum Info: The Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will inspire and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. 2009-08-13 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/forum.php2009-07-21 17:05:082009-07-21 17:05:08 >2009-08-13 04:00:00 Mn)M ԡd+s333SAO Connectionshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-04-12 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b`ԡcAs333SAO: Build your Robot Armyhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-03-23 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b`"ԡbUs333SAO: Face of the Future for Businesshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-04-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b`ԡaGs333SAO: Silent but Deadly Issueshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2007-03-21 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b`ԡ`Cy333Starveups Hot Seat: Cudadoghttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-03-24 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b` ԡ_3g333Tour of Acumed, SWEhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-03-21 01:15:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b` pz pԡ^eG333VC Series: Buerk Dale Victor; OTBC, OEN, SAOhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-04-24 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:40;b`iԡ]=333WEO-ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-04-11 00:45:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:39;b`ԡ\)c333YPOP breakfasthttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com2007-03-28 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:39;b`1ԡ[#3733AEA Financehttp://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0307052007-03-20 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.com2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:39;b`IԡZq{3733Customs: What are the risks? AEA and Ernst & Younghttp://www.aeanet.org/Events/orme_FINevent_OR030705.asp2007-03-20 14:30:00http://www.aeanet.org2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:39;b`mԡY#;333IMA meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-03-21 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:39;b` E:/EzԡY333Board MtgAt Lucky Lab in NW Portland on Quimby.2007-11-06 20:30:002008-03-21 16:30:052008-06-18 13:19:49;bcdԡ?333Deadline 4 Parking Passes2007-10-11 06:59:002008-03-21 16:30:052008-06-18 13:19:49;bcZԡ+333sound check PCC2007-10-10 18:00:002008-03-21 16:30:052008-06-18 13:19:49;bcXԡ'333p/up KTO disk2007-10-10 17:30:002008-03-21 16:30:042008-06-18 13:19:48;bcԡ1s333Electronic Theaterhttp://www.siggraph.org/s2007/attendees/caf/et.html2007-10-12 07:00:002008-03-21 16:30:042008-06-18 13:19:48;bcWԡ%333do slideshow2007-10-11 15:00:002008-03-21 16:30:042008-06-18 13:19:48;bcSԡ333KTO p/up2007-10-11 16:30:002008-03-21 16:30:042008-06-18 13:19:48;bcdԡ?333email parking list to PCC2007-10-11 17:00:002008-03-21 16:30:032008-06-18 13:19:48;bcVԡ#333sound check2007-10-11 17:00:002008-03-21 16:30:032008-06-18 13:19:48;bcle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: * How to define the sales cycle for your business * What are the typical stages of a sales cycle? * How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process? * Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times * Sales cycle reduction examples Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. OEN member: free Non-member: $302009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-07 22:02:062009-05-12 21:39:35 :JvQ2009-05-14 18:00:0020:43:242008-10-31 17:40:19 :#;b2008-11-06 04:30:00 Industry Experts Share Useful Career Tips, Thursday, April 3, 2008 Discover how to get a job in the exciting world of Computer Graphics! Polish your skills to create eye-catching demo reels, write relevant résumés and other practical advice to “wow” potential employers. Prestigious industry representatives from Hot Pepper Studios, Intel, LAIKA, Oregon Film & Video, and Wieden+Kennedy, will provide first-hand recruitment knowledge within the multimedia industry. Learn from our panelists: Brad Smith, Founder and Creative Director, Hot Pepper Studios Susan Haley, Marketing/Administrative Manager, Oregon Film & Video Kristin Dagg, Sr. Technical Recruiter, LAIKA, Inc. (formerly at Intel) Betse Green, Sr. Contract Recruiter, LAIKA, (formerly at Vestas American Wind Technology & Nike) Michele LeFore, Studio Director, Wieden+Kennedy 2008-04-04 01:00:00http://www.cascadesiggraph.org/events.html2008-03-21 16:29:582008-06-18 13:19:47 :#;bcr. Sumida will describe the potent tool qqe$d eiJHԡ ?m3E333Linux Plumbers ConferenceJonathan Corbet calls this the "kernel ecosystem". We call it the "plumbing," a collection of essential interfaces and services that are provided by the libraries, kernel, and utilities that make up a Linux system. Currently if a problem exists that involves both kernel and user space, a developer must attend three different conferences in order to have the face-to-face contact with various stakeholders that is necessary to find a solution. The Linux Plumbers Conference was created to provide a forum for communication and problem- solving for issues which are system-wide and cross project boundaries. This community event includes both invited guests as well as open registration, gathering 300 stakeholders, decision makers and developers. 2008-09-17 16:30:00http://linuxplumbersconf.org2008-03-21 09:07:002008-08-17 01:36:59 9JpL2008-09-19 19:30:00 EEpplication framework: an open-source (but vendor supported) challenge to the classic web design strategies. Imagine being able to debug a broken web-hit in the middle of the hit, fixing the code, and continuing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to re-use control flows and web components with the ease of OO programming. Imagine being able to do test-driven development, even for HTML delivery. Imagine taking an application from "three guys in Starbucks on a laptop" to "3000 hits per second on your Amazon EC2 cloud" wi4ԡ-q3Y33BarCampPortland Full details at Upcoming] Tech + Geek + Culture. The event for the Portland tech community, produced BY the Portland tech community. Interesting topics, cool people, and great networking opportunities. Always free to attend. More details coming soon. 2008-05-04 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4211472008-03-20 17:06:312008-06-18 13:19:47 9continuing before the browser knows that something went wrong. Imagine being able to re-use control flows and web components with the ease of OO programming. Imagine being able to do test-driven development, even for HTML delivery. Imagine taking an application from "three guys in Starbucks on a laptop" to "3000 hits per second on your Amazon EC2 cloud" with no major changes in design. No need to imagine... I'll demonstrate all this and more. Smalltalk knowledge is not required: I'll start with a brief overview of Smalltalk using Squeak, the free implementation that's even included in the OLPC XO. General knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming basics would be helpful, though. Please note that this talk is a work in progress... this presentation is a rehearsal for the actual delivery in mid-April in Brazil at FISL 2008. Some parts are still a bit rough. 2008-03-20 02:00:00http://lists.pdxlinux.org/pipermail/plug-announce/2008q1/000484.html2008-03-18 23:17:392008-06-18 13:19:46 : _ ,~_iۋW]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1787984/2009-03-03 20:38:322009-03-03 20:38:312009-03-03 20:38:33)ۋV [333http://eventful.com/portland/events/oregon-computer-consultants-association-occaorg-/E0-001-020029815-82009-03-03 19:09:232009-03-03 19:09:212009-03-03 19:09:26'ۋU W333http://eventful.com/portland/events/chifoo-computerhuman-interaction-forum-oregon-/E0-001-018933148-82009-03-03 19:07:482009-03-03 19:07:472009-03-03 19:07:55iۋT]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1878352/2009-03-03 20:36:402009-03-03 18:37:242009-03-03 20:36:41iۋS]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1878351/2009-03-03 18:07:542009-03-03 18:07:542009-03-03 18:07:57uۋRu333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/1908530/2009-03-03 16:36:372009-03-03 16:36:372009-03-03 16:36:38uۋQu333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/1908530/2009-03-03 16:27:072009-03-03 16:27:072009-03-03 16:27:09 prUUUV VVV'V0V9VBVKVTV]VfVoVxVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV_ԡ3 333ACG: Peter Arezzinihttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2344&MONTH_CHOICE=4&DAY_CHOICE=10&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-04-11 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:46;b`mԡ'7333AEA CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-04-18 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:46;b`ԡU9333AEA Environmental Compliance Programhttp://www.aeanet.org 2007-04-25 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:46;b`lԡ~%7333AEA HR Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-04-06 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:45;b` ԡ}[;333AMA: Cut the Clutter & Get to the Pointhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-04-04 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:45;b` LIXL ԡ|A53533Black Belt Selling, WEO-WAhttp://www.weowa.org2007-03-22 00:00:00http://www.weowa.org2008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:45;b`rԡ{C%333Business Plan Writing, SBDC503-978-50802007-03-29 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:45;b`&ԡzWy333Charity Care & Community Benefit, OHFhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-03-22 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:45;b`!ԡy 9333CHIFOO: Ethnography-based work for business in emerging marketshttp://www.chifoo.org/2007-04-05 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:44;b`ԡxYU333Considering Going into Business, SCORERegistration required: 503-326-3441.2007-03-24 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:44;b`0ԡw[333Delivering Value to the Business, ABPMPhttp://www.abpmp.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1062007-04-27 01:15:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:44;b` D1cR 9ԡv1g3 333Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The SteakhousePortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The Steakhouse - 213 SW Clay Street Portland, OR 97201 Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 at 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Event Description: Presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, a-ԡu)3 333Speed Networking! Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) presents Business Leads Exchange - Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! August 11th, 2009 at 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room, 200 SW Market, Portland OR 97201 "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to  c&xcqԡq?'333Going into Business, SBDC503-978-5080.2007-03-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:43;b`ԡpQa333HR Professional as Mediator, PMRMARegistration required: Jill, 503-655-6474.2007-03-21 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:43;b`uԡoQ333Innotechhttp://pdx.innotechconference.com/2007-04-25 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`ԡniG333Making Effective Presentations; OTBC, OEN, SAOhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-04-10 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`ԡmA73733Mastering Mgmt Skills, AEAhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-03-21 15:00:00http://www.aeanet.org2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`bԡl; 333Measuring People, SWASQ2007-03-23 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`lԡk7%333Mktg to the Gov, SBDC503-978-50802007-03-24 01:15:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`the Alliance's speed networking....". One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads, this program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Over 75+ members attend; the Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott, or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-11 14:30:002009-07-22 23:31:022009-07-22 23:32:102009-08-11 16:00:00iance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), and hosted by different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. To attend, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Member online: Free Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Member online: $5.00 Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 Advance Registration highly recommended, at www.portlandalliance.com. About HomeStreet Bank: Family- and employee-owned, HomeStreet Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the Northwest. Founded in 1921, the bank has assets of $3.0 billion and a network of 30 branch and mortgage offices. HomeStreet Bank is one of the only banks in the country that has consistently received an “outstanding” rating under the federal government's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 2009-08-04 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-22 23:20:352009-07-22 23:22:342009-08-04 16:00:00 L N#ԡvK333DevGroup: CSS Techniques for Advancing Your Visual Designhttp://www.devgroupnw.org/home/2007-03-21 01:15:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:44;b`8ԡuq333e-Learning as a Tool for Advancing HR Strategies, OGI/OHSUhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22002007-03-22 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:44;b`&ԡt[u333EMA tour of Silicon Foreest Electronicshttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=432007-03-21 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:172008-06-18 13:19:43;b` ԡs9a333FENG: Growth Companieshttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-04-13 00:15:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:43;b`-ԡrUK3K33Future of Health Care in Oregon, PBAhttp://www.portlandalliance.com2007-03-21 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:43;b` %%imes, how do you finance Gԡq533 333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. 2009-07-24 01:30:002009-07-22 21:00:572009-07-22 21:00:57 ; 2009-07-24 06:30:00ԡp/e3W333Westside Proggers

      A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

      We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

      Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

      2009-07-31 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-07-22 03:19:472009-07-22 03:22:45 <;bؚ2009-07-31 04:00:00 & }$&xԡjC1333OEN Biz Plan Devel. Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-04-18 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:42;b`zԡiG1333OEN Exec Series: Go to Markethttp://www.oen.org2007-04-06 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b`"ԡhWq333OGI MST Info Session for new studentshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22052007-03-22 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b`)ԡgMK3K33Performance Appraisals that Workhttp://www.cascadeemployers.com2007-03-22 15:30:00http://www.cascadeemployers.com2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b` ԡfIM333PNDC membership series meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-04-17 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b`lԡe-k3O33Renewable EnergyReThink, Office of Sustainable Development's green-building education program http://www.portlandonline.com/OSD2007-03-23 01:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/OSD2008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:41;b` ee" class="cal"> See all 2 photos
      Portland Java User Group
      Tuesday April 21, 2009 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
      Portland State Business Accelerator2008-04-27 12:53:132008-05-02 20:41:212828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon@FXy=^33333;bՓ 9e 9335 SyKarthttp://www.sykart.com/2008-04-27 12:53:022008-08-17 01:30:438205 SW Hunziker St.TigardOregon97223US@Fі^8OҦ;bՒZdC eC335 %Chemeketa Community College4000 Lancaster Drive NE, Salem, Oregon 97309http://www.chemek.cc.or.us/2008-04-26 11:01:212008-04-26 11:12:154000 Lancaster Dr NeSalemOR97309US@F}O^`-503.399.5000zc 33Q Ecotrust2008-04-18 21:06:272008-05-20 13:43:45Jean Vollum Natural Capital CenterPortlandOregon;bՐ :, b33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-04-18 07:48:542008-11-10 22:43:56;bՏ < a33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-04-18 07:48:532008-11-10 22:43:56;bՎ < 6  n6 ԡH}G333VC Series: Erik Benson, Voyager Capital; OTBC, OEN, SAOhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-04-17 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:36;b` ԡGKM333OBA Eugene: Product Developmenthttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/2007-03-29 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:36;b`ԡFeM333OBA Eugene: Accelerating Product Developmenthttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/2007-03-29 22:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:35;b`ԡECM333OBA Eugene: Patent Strategyhttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/2007-03-29 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:162008-06-18 13:19:35;b`mԡD#3333OCCA dinnerhttp://www.occa.org2007-03-28 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:35 : ;b`~ԡCO1333OEN Biz Concetp Workshop; Medfordhttp://www.oen.org2007-03-29 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:35;b`jԡB'1333OEN Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-03-30 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:35;b` :r:y dollar of additional revenue including recԡo[+3]333PortlandOnline.com Town Hall DiscussionCome discuss with colleagues the City of Portland7ԡn _3i333August Springboard Social Innovation Forum: Year-Round HarvestsCome celebrate summer's bounty at the Forum, where in August we'll address "extended harvests." We will be eԡmu3]333SAOpdx: The Act of Making Clouds: What Every Developer Should KnowJoin us for an afternoon of best practices + tips on choosing the right Cloud Computing platform, evaluation and implementation decisions. We'll have a keynote, panel, and breakout sessions for open collaboration and discussion. Consider yourself an expert and want to join the panel? Contact Mark Lawler at Mark.Lawler@sabrix.com. REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=686842009-09-17 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087459/2009-07-20 22:12:012009-08-25 17:58:09 9;bؘJw2009-09-17 19:00:00 ]wb]/ԡ0I333SAO: Commercializing OSU Tech.https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/12/2007b2007-04-13 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`)ԡ/C333SAO: Game Programming - XNAhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/19/072007-04-19 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`ԡ-;y333Starveups: How to Scalehttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-05-30 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:31;b`ԡ,9s333Women in Business Expohttp://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/event/30422007-04-27 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:31;b`tԡ+O333WEO - WAhttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-04-21 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:31;b`ԡ*'Y333SBIR Workshophttp://www.bizcenter.org/sbirworkshops2007-04-10 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:31 :;b`nly do. Except, momentarily, maybe not right this second. Right now, you see, I am a wee sad to be your Official Provost. It means I am ineligible to win the most excellent beer-related loot we have ever had to give away: 2 VIP tickets to the Portland International Beer Festival in July, courtesy of GoTime.com. Yes, really. But wait! There's more! These two tickets for the Portland International Beer Festival, which is scheduled for July 17-19 in the North Park Blocks of the Pearl District, includes the following goodies and privileges:
      • Unlimited entry/re-entry all weekend
      • VIP express entry (no waiting in line)
      • Commemorative festival glass (beer mug & shot glass)
      • A premium festival shirt
      • 15 beer tickets each
      Generous prize package, I'd say! GoTime.com is a Seattle-based outfit with a sweet (free) Lg)΄ԁ(ԡAcq333OGI/OHSU: Effective Technical Presentationshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22102007-03-28 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:35;b`ԡ@;q333OGI: Project Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21572007-04-10 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b`ԡ?Gq333OGI: Computational Biosciencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22042007-04-12 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b`%ԡ>]q333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21902007-04-12 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b`ԡ=5q333OGI: Agile Practiceshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21632007-04-13 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b`-ԡ<mq333OGI: Healthcare: Perspectives on a Broken Systemhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22092007-04-19 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b` mkmF#,5>GPYbkt}ԡ;7q333OGI: MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22122007-04-19 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:34;b`ԡ:Oq333OGI: Becoming an Effective Leaderhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21932007-04-24 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:33;b`Tԡ9UU333PBA: Veitnam - what you need to knowhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=9142007-04-03 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:33;b`^ԡ8iU333PBA: Attractive Employees with the Right Stuffhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=9162007-04-05 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:33;b`ԡ7UK333PDXfX: Living Life on your Own Termshttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-04-18 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:33;b`’s concept contest for a redesign of PortlandOnline.com and the implications (and possibilities) of crowdsourcing, spec work and the “democratization” of design. The City of Portland has expressed an interest in discussing these issues, but due to scheduling conflicts, will not be sending a representative to Tuesday’s meeting. All are welcome to attend (but there is a 60 person maximum capacity). This is intended to be an open and professional discussion on the matter. Public responses will be reviewed and representatives from professional organizations and creative service agencies will be invited to participate. Moderated by AIGA Portland President Johnny Levenson. Join us at Souk, 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200 (between Everett + Flanders)2009-07-21 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3088852/2009-07-21 18:37:212009-07-21 18:37:21 ?;bؙ2009-07-22 02:00:000:512009-02-04 21:50:49 <2009-01-09 05:00:0000:21:192008-07-13 04:31:13;bձ2007-06-26 00:30:00 hh `33OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-04-18 07:48:522008-11-10 22:43:55;bՍ <_# ?33+ %Social Texthttp://www.socialtext.com2008-04-15 08:58:002008-04-15 08:58:00655 High StreetPalo AltoCA94301US@B_{^Su650-323-0800c^' yG33? 'WSU Vancouver14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98686-9600http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/2008-04-14 14:40:372009-03-28 13:46:5014204 Ne Salmon Creek AveVancouverWA98686US@Fܿڱ^*360-546-WSUV z\33QEcotrust2008-04-12 10:33:082008-04-14 17:08:03Jean Vollum Natural Capital CenterPortlandOregon;bՋ :,{[1 33) Huber's Restaurant2008-04-11 18:19:452008-04-11 18:19:45411 SW 3rd AvePortlandOR97204US@F•l oT^*1yZ33-CubeSpace2008-04-09 14:04:072008-04-14 17:07:55622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;bՊ 9 GP@G      ԡ6EO333PDMA: Forget the Competitionhttp://www.oregonpdma.org/events/2007-04-06 00:15:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:33;b`"ԡ5Oy333PMF: Secrets of Agile Developmenthttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-04-12 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`:ԡ4y333PMF: Could their be a 5 Step Solution to Problem Solving?http://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-04-19 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`rԡ3#E333PMI meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-04-10 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`ԡ2?g333SWE: Communicatibn Skillshttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-04-14 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b`)ԡ1C333SAO: Create Instant Successhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/17/072007-04-17 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:32;b` $~$XԡV3]333SAOpdx: Sharp Wits and Sharp Knives: Slice and Dice your CompetitionIs one of your compԡUUc3]333Beer and Blog - Network registrationTime to get your account for the Beer and Blog network! Registration only available at the offline meetups.2009-05-08 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567912/2009-05-05 18:24:482009-05-05 18:24:48 ; ;b:2009-05-09 01:00:007ԡT 33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Displaying HD Video Content with a PC PRESENTATION Displaying HD Video Conten{ԡS{3]333Online chat on Portland's startup scene, with The OregonianWe'll be talking about the forces that helped revive tech entrepreneurship in Oregon, and their outlook. The discussion follows up on Saturday's article on Portland's startup culture.2009-05-05 19:00:00http://blog.oregonlive.com/siliconforest2009-05-05 00:21:022009-11-15 23:55:08 A!2009-05-05 20:00:00 +%8ԡBg[3333Portland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announce the first meeting of the Portland WordPress User Group.

      Where/When: Thursday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at CubeSpace.
      _2009-07-18 19:30:00gileuniversity.org/course_details.jsp?courseid=1312008-12-21 15:33:232009-02-06 22:21:44 ;;bY2009-02-27 01:00:00 DDnflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes) <V1M3933Jp*DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/2008-12-02 00:41:21 :;bl2008-12-09 06:00:00U5s3g33JrjDorkbotPDX 0x02: DorkbotPDX brings you Collin Oldham, Shelly Farnham and Steve DaveeCome join us for an evening of geek meets art. The fine folks at AboutUs will be hosting us for this event, which takes place December 7th at 6PM. AboutUs is located at 107 SE Washington St, Suite 520. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to share. Please spread the word! Collin Oldham: The RT (radio trowel) and The Cellomobo Collin spent the 2005-2006 academic year at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music an"fn org">Oracle

      1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
      Portland, Oregon 97204 Get Directions
      This month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville

      Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions:
      Smart Bitch Candy will be holding forth at Powell's Cedar Hills on her new book, Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide To Romance Novels. From the creators of the beloved blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books comes a guide to the most popular -- and maligned -- fiction genre: Romance! is Candy Tan and Sarah Wendell's hilariously sarcastic but always affectionate study of romance novels, perfect for hardcore fans and dabblers alike. Come for the Dominican bitches, stay for the man titty.2009-04-16 02:00:00http://www.powells.com/events/#27312009-04-09 20:59:42 ?,2009-04-16 04:00:00g: Finding FoundersEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Do you have an idea for a startup, and you're gY"g4ԡQ_ 333ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/EE%202008%20dinner%20registration.pdf2008-01-10 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:51;b`+ԡP_{333AMA: The Holy Trinity of Google Analyticshttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event01290801.aspx2008-01-30 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:50;b`ԡO;G333AMA: Networking Meetinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-06 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:50;b` ԡNSG333AMA: Connecting Sales and Marketinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-12 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:50;b`ԡM]G333AMA: 2008 Marketing Awards of Excellencehttp://www.ama-pdx.org/event/2008-02-22 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:50;b`xԡL9;333ASQSW: Lean Techniqueshttp://www.asqswwa.org/2008-01-17 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:50;b` W>qJU g133A'%SAO (Software Association of Oregon)111 SW 5th Ave., Suite 120, Portland OR 97204http://www.sao.org2008-03-31 13:47:242008-03-31 13:48:16111 SW 5th Ave., Suite 120PortlandOR97204US@F9m ^;XRinfo@sao.org 503-228-5401&H O333) Backspace115 NW 5th Ave, Portland OR 97209http://backspace.bz2008-03-31 12:52:282008-03-31 12:52:28115 NW 5th AvePortlandOR97209US@FZ^:hAG333)Lucky Lab beer hall2008-03-31 12:30:392008-04-07 14:59:411945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon@FM:^I^5?;bՁ : FG33+Gerding Theater at the Armory2008-03-31 10:44:582008-04-02 00:05:49128 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon@F'/^S;bՀ 9#EO33QOregon Convention Center Portland2008-03-31 10:44:032008-05-02 20:42:35777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;b 9 PvPHPԡK7333AEA: The Art of the Turn Aroundhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-04 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:28;b`mԡ'7333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-11 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:152008-06-18 13:19:28;b` ԡa7333AEA: Will Your Company Survive a Disaster?http://www.aeanet.org2007-05-15 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b`qԡ/7333AEA: Non-Competeshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-05-22 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b`ԡ =333SBDC: Celebrate Entrepreneurshp & Small Business in Oregonhttp://www.bizcenter.org2007-04-24 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b`{ԡ A9333AEA: SEC Accounting Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org 2007-04-25 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b`ԡ M=333HR Answers: Using Salary Surveyshttp://www.hranswers.com2007-05-16 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b` \ԡC+93[33Knitting Night![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416793/ ] Come knit with us! The CubeSpace staff is riddled with creative knitters; on Wednesdays we'd love you to join in the fun. Show off your current project, ask for advice on a problem area, or just enjoy the company. Crocheters, needlepoint artists and other crafters always welcome!2008-03-06 02:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416793/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ x\?xԡj?G333OTBC: Going Internationalhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-09-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b`*ԡiE333Corvallis Business Boot Camphttp://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=72382007-09-24 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b`ԡh[7333AEA: Organizational Analysis and Designhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-09-11 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b`yԡgE1333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-11 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`ԡfEm333EDCO: Central Oregon Pubtalkhttp://www.edcoinfo.com/EDCO_Events/edco_events/2007-09-25 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`ԡeOo333TechStart: Uncork-ED Wine Tastinghttp://www.sao.org/events/special_events/gala.php2007-10-27 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b` LL4 to form an annual conference with a unified community. The re0G]G3A33JusDevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a dialogue, a bidirectional communication between the information publisher and information consumer with the added layer of aggregators acting as information and subject matter warehousing. The dialogue will be carried through many devices and it will take place everywhere. Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation will explore some of the many areas of interest and concern surrounding the future of interactivity, it's promises and pitfalls. Location: PCC Cascade Campus Moriarty Arts and Humanities Auditorium Building, 104 705 N. Killingsworth RSVP to: brad@hotpepper.com 2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org/2009-04-08 06:18:34 :#2009-04-16 03:00:00-e? Then sign up for the OEN workshop with Craig Reinhart of CRESAPartners. Here is what will be covered in the workshop: 1) It's a Tenant's Market - How can I reduce occupancy costs and maximize flexibility? 2) Lease Restructuring and Tenant Cost Savings Strategies 3) Green Buildings and Workplaces - What's in it for the Tenant? 4) Review Operating Expense Statements and Negotiating Operating Expense Increases 5) Market Forecast - From the Tenant's Perspective Speaker: Craig Reinhart Mr. Reinhart is the Managing Principal of CresaPartners in Portland. He has guided the Portland office of CresaPartners into a leading corporate real estate services firm dedicated to providing “best in class” single-source local and national real estate services exclusively to corporate clients. Mr. Reinhart advises clients including WebTrends, Lime Financial, Flir, NW Natural, Vestas Wind Power, Meritage Mortgage, Northwest Evaluation, Planar Systems, Nautilus and Electro Scientific Industries, to name a f nu}  nԡQ]333Micro Nano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-12 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b`uԡI%333SBDC: Marketing in a Web World503-650-73632007-08-21 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b`~ԡI7333AEA: Oregon Tech Investor Tourhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-08-21 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b`nԡ)7333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-09-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b`jԡ'1333OEN:Swap Meethttp://www.oen.org2007-09-28 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b`ԡU1333SAO: Turning the Future into Revenuehttp://www.sao.org2007-09-06 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:44;b`ԡ[1333SAO: Research-based Market Segmentationhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:44;b` 28@12}ԡ:A=333SCORE: Sales for Beginnershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-10-31 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b`vԡ979333STCWVC: Intro to DITAhttp://www.stcwvc.org/2007-11-16 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b` ԡ8/g333SWE Holiday Partyhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/events.html2007-12-04 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b`yԡ7E1333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-15 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:12;b`rԡ671333SAO: ITIL VC Bridginghttp://www.sao.org2007-11-28 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:12;b`zԡ5G1333SAO: First Annual Brain Partyhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-30 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:12;b`Aԡ3CA333Portland Werewolf Gatheringhttp://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland/browse_thread/thread/2e9d5e4ca571f417?hl=en2007-11-14 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:12;b` ;{uY;~ԡA5K333PDXfX: Money Mattershttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-11-14 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:15;b`ԡ@m=333SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Own Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-01 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:15;b`ԡ?E=333SCORE: Small Business Basicshttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-11-28 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:15;b`ԡ>g=333SCORE: Business Plan, Your Roadmap to Successhttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-11-29 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:14;b`~ԡ=C=333SCORE: Cash Flow Managementhttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-04 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:14;b`|ԡ<?=333SCORE: Internet Marketinghttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-06 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:14;b`ԡ;E=333SCORE: Finding New Customershttp://www.scorepdx.org/2007-12-13 20:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:13;b` ,kVA, ԡHe7333AEA: Building & Motivating Great Sales Teamshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:17;b`|ԡG;A333OHF: What's in a Smile?http://www.healthforum.org2007-11-15 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:16;b`ԡFOA333OHF: The Future of Long Term Carehttp://www.healthforum.org2007-12-13 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:16;b`ԡE9M333PNDC breakfast meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-11-06 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:16;b`}ԡD1M333PNDC holiday partyhttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-12-13 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:16;b` ԡCMM333PBA: What's Driving Real Estate?http://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-11-14 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:16;b`ԡBSM333PBA: Overcoming Obstacles to Growthhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-12-07 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:15;b`ew. He specializes in handling both local and national projects for leading corporations and has completed major projects for FLIR, Tektronix, NW Natural, Vesta, Nationwide Insurance, Cascade Microtech and numerous start-ups and established growth companies. Venture funded clients include Qsent, Smart Forest Ventures, Fios, Vesta, Imove and SnapNames. After graduating from the University of Oregon with a B.S. in Economics in 1986, Mr. Reinhart entered the commercial real estate profession in Portland and quickly carved a niche as a leading provider of exclusive corporate real estate services. Mr. Reinhart is licensed as a Real Estate Broker in the States of Oregon & Washington. Date: Thursday, July 30th Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: CresaPartners Office One SW Columbia St. Ste 1610 Portland, OR 97258- Registration:OEN Member - $30 Non Member - $1552009-07-30 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=992009-07-15 17:23:552009-07-15 17:23:55 @;2009-07-30 16:30:00rg Anthropologist and New Media Consultant from Portland, Oregon. Amber's interests include real-time analytics , data visualization , and how marketing works in online ecosystems . She's spoken at various conferences including MIT's Futures of Entertainment , Inverge: The Interactive Convergence Conference , Ignite Portland , and Ignite Boulder . Case blogs primarily at http://oakhazelnut.com . She founded CyborgCamp , an unconference on the future of humans and technology. She can be found online at http://www.twitter.com/caseorganic . Amber received her degree in Sociology/Anthropology from Lewis & Clark College in 2008 with a thesis on “The Cell Phone and Its Technosocial sites of Engagement” . She is available for speaking engagements, corporate training and consulting, data aggregation, analytics, blog consulting, and online efficiency training.2009-07-21 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3015978/2009-07-20 01:28:292009-07-20 01:28:29 ^2009-07-16 04:00:00 ToTuԡd;3333SAO Corvallis: VC PanelSao-info@thebec.com2007-09-13 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`ԡcY]333SEMPDX: Search engine networking eventhttp://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/6135512007-09-12 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`ԡb9333NW China Council: Hong Kong - Turning China into Opportunityhttp://www.nushkba.org2007-09-19 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:40;b`ԡaOU333SECP: Three Journeys of Marketinghttp://www.selfemployedcreatives.org2007-09-20 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b`Rԡ`WO333SEMI Pacific Northwest Outlook Dinnerhttp://wps2a.semi.org/wps/portal/_pagr/103/_pa.103/248?dFormat=application/msword&docName=P0421402007-11-08 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b`vԡ^+E333PMI: Roundtablehttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-09-19 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b` YfeTYԡ]E?333Lane Powell: Green Buildingshttp://www.lanepowell.com2007-09-20 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b`nԡ\;%333SBA: Financing briefing503-326-26822007-09-20 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b`qԡ[/7333IMC: Cold Callinghttp://imc-oregon.org2007-09-18 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:39;b`ԡZy1333Davis Wright Tremaine: New Legislation & your Businesshttp://www.dwt.com2007-09-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`vԡY97333AEA: Know your Marketshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-10-09 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`ԡXC?333ACEC Annual Fall Conferencehttp://www.acecoregon.org2007-09-20 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`ԡW?k333AEA: Celebration/Kick-offhttp://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm 2007-09-25 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b` |( |ԡVUi333AEA: Managing the Audit Relationshiphttp://www.aeanet.org/events/eventscatalog.cfm2007-10-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`}ԡU/O333ACG: CEO Exchangehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2007-10-04 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`ԡT3O333ACG October Meetinghttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2007-10-24 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`;ԡSs333CHIFOO: Repositioning User Experience as a Strategic Processhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/programs/2007/1003.html2007-10-03 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:38;b`ԡR3u333FEI: Dinner Meetinghttp://www.pfei.org/newsletters/htm/2007-09-news.htm2007-10-18 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b`wԡQ7;333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/2007-10-12 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b` / xD733TBA (Portland Oregon)2008-03-31 10:41:252008-05-11 07:50:11TBAPortlandOregon@F ҉^33333;b~ :A~C)33-Governor Hotel2008-03-31 10:40:582008-05-07 21:37:31614 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOregon@F¦L/{^E;b} :B=33UOregon Convention Center2008-03-31 10:40:322008-04-02 00:08:49777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon@FåS^^5?|;b| 9KA%y% 33G  TBD PortlandPlease don't delete or modify this venue. This venue is a placeholder for events whose venue is yet to be determined. Instead -- if this is the venue for your event, and your event gets a real venue:
      • create a new venue, or
      • change the event's venue to an existing venue
      Portland, OR2008-03-31 10:40:182009-02-25 01:59:58placeholder for TBD locationsPortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z;b{ vveԡP7333PDXfXhttp://www.pdxfx.org/2007-07-18 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:57;b`3ԡOqy333PMF: Improving Collaboration in Multi Ethnic Teamshttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12007-06-21 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:57;b`}ԡNM1333SAO: Marketing to the Individualhttp://www.sao.org2007-06-19 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b`oԡM11333SAO: ITIL traininghttp://www.sao.org2007-06-25 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b`mԡL-1333SAO: Pub Socialshttp://www.sao.org2007-07-11 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b`}ԡKM1333SAO: ITIL Exec Overview traininghttp://www.sao.org2007-07-18 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b`qԡJ51333SAO: UI for Web appshttp://www.sao.org2007-07-19 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b` yq.y|ԡIK1333SAO Exec Summit 2007 - Internethttp://www.sao.org2007-07-20 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:56;b`ԡH]1333SAO, ITIL Practitioner Release & Controlhttp://www.sao.org2007-07-23 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b` ԡGKy333Starveups: Fearless Negotiatinghttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-01 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b`ԡF7O333WEO OR monthly dinnerhttp://www.weowa.org/calendar.htm2007-07-19 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b`4ԡEuw333OTBC: MIT Enterprise Forum on Assistive Technologieshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5841325/2007-06-20 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b`ԡDo%333Nat'l Spekers Assoc - So you Want to be a Speaker503-655-47752007-06-27 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b` 0& ԡCq'333Beaverton Chamber: Market Research on a Shoestringadvnw@aol.com2007-06-27 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:55;b`}ԡBG7333Search Engine Marketers Eventhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-07-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`ԡAM7333OSHA: Introduction to Ergonomicshttp://www.orosha.org2007-07-12 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`ԡ@_K333Portland Business Journal Power Breakfasthttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-07-19 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`.ԡ?iw333OTBC/OEN/SAO/PDC: Open Source Legal Principleshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5933533/2007-07-12 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`{ԡ>I1333SAO: Internet Exec Summit 2007http://www.sao.org2007-07-19 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b` ooxovԡ=/A333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/2007-07-26 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`ԡ<QU333Portland Web Innovators, CubeSpacehttp://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/9032007-07-12 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:54;b`qԡ;/7333SBA Loan Briefinghttp://www.sba.gov/or2007-07-19 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b`xԡ:5?333ACEC Fall Conferencehttp://www.acecoregon.org2007-09-21 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b`~ԡ9I7333AEA: Oregon Tech Investor Tourhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-08-22 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b`mԡ8%9333AMA Luncheonhttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-10-09 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b` ԡ7#u333OctoberBesthttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=482007-09-12 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b` mgmwԡA1333OEN: Employment Law Updatehttp://www.oen.org2007-11-14 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b`wԡA1333OEN: Seed Oregon , Round 2http://www.oen.org2007-11-15 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b`ԡM7333AEA: Mastering Management Skillshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-10-24 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b`ԡ~=e333OHSU Innovation Showcasehttp://www.ohsu.edu/tech-transfer/innovation_show.shtml Join OHSU's Office of Technology & Research Collabor9kԡ})1333CEO Roundtablehttp://www.oen.org2007-11-13 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b`ԡ|_3333OTBC/OEN/SAO: Angel Oregon - How it Workshttp://www.otbc.org2007-11-13 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:24;b`nԡ{/1333OEN: CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org2007-11-16 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:24;b`ations for the annual Innovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase will highlight cutting edge research and successful startups as part of seven days of exciting and informative Innovation & Entrepreneurship Events. The 2007 Innovation Showcase will feature presentations by scientific and executive leadership from four companies who have spurred innovation into commercialization. Featured presentations include: MolecularMD - Brian Druker, MD and Stephane Wong, PhD, COO AMES Technology - Paul Cordo, PhD and Roger Weyel, CEO Znomics - Roger Cone, PhD and Richard Sessions, CEO Proteogenix - Charlie Roberts, PhD and Srinivasa Nagalla, CSO Starting at 2:00 and continuing after the showcase presentations, a poster session will highlight new discoveries, translational research opportunities, and technologies actively being commercialized from the efforts of OHSU scientists. Oregon wines and hors d'oeuvres will follow the showcase presentations.2007-11-01 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b`   you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you should, as your constituents are highly engaged in the Web 2.0 world via social media Web sites. Today's consumers rely on social media networks to find and develop a sense of identidԡ'I!3E333Open Source Bridge work sprintPlease join us on Saturday, April 18th to work on:
      1. Code: Add features to our OpenConferenceWare conference app. Join in if you have Ruby on Rails coding experience. We’re planning to add a schedule grid, personal schedule planner, personal schedule export, and other improvements.
      2. Tests: Add specs (tests) to currently uncovered code and refactor code for clarity and correctness. Join in if you have RSpec or Cucumber experience.
      3. Outreach: Contact speakers, compose articles, and publicize the sessions.
      4. Attendee wikiBuy your ticket EARLY! This event may sell out. 
Tickets are $15 in advance until midnight July 21, $20 (check or cash only) the day of the event at the door. What: Social Media Club Portland When: 6:00pm – Networking 6:30pm – Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang 7:15pm – Pizza and Schmoozing Where: WebTrends Rooftop Patio 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $15 in advance (credit card or paypal online) $20 day of event (cash or check only) Tell your friends and show our sponsors some love on Twitter!
 Internet Strategy Forum: @Summit Jeremiah Owyang: @jowyang Widmer Brewing: @Widmer_Brothers WebTrends: @WebTrends Join us! 2009-07-23 01:00:00http://bit.ly/smc7222009-07-16 14:29:002009-07-16 14:36:28 
        This is second Beer and Blog for Corvaleԡ\I%3C333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: The D.A.T.A. Approach 1) D.A.T.A. – what is it and how does it apply to your career? Continuing education series: Marsha Warner, Director Career Services at Dorrigan & Associates will talk about how the D.A.T.A. approach applies to moving your job search forward purposefully. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-08-03 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 13:26:242009-08-07 18:48:33 @2009-08-03 20:30:00 R^ԡ[3q333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21712007-07-10 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:59;b`%ԡZ]q333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22362007-07-17 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b` ԡYSq333OGI MST prospective student sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22432007-07-20 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`'ԡXaq333OGI: Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Mappinghttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22272007-07-24 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`ԡW;y333OHF: Legislative Rewindhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-08-15 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`'ԡVW{333Oregon Health Forum Leadership Dinnerhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/leadershipdinner.html2007-12-04 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b` O3U2OiۋP]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/2009-03-03 16:07:322009-03-03 16:07:312009-03-03 16:07:36nۋOg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2113197/?ps=52009-03-01 06:04:062009-03-01 06:04:062009-03-01 06:04:09iۋN]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899926/2009-03-01 05:41:362009-03-01 05:41:352009-03-01 05:41:39-ۋM c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/f2pe35ttahjpipr3l84ul96sb4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-03-01 01:44:242009-03-01 01:44:232009-03-01 01:44:27iۋL]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2093007/2009-02-27 16:55:232009-02-27 16:55:222009-02-27 16:55:26iۋK]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1699874/2009-02-26 08:41:072009-02-26 08:41:072009-02-26 08:41:10YۋJ=333http://atnd.org/events/12009-02-25 10:32:022009-02-25 10:32:012009-02-25 10:32:06hۋI[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/19035632009-03-03 23:13:312009-02-24 19:06:562009-03-03 23:13:33 QTM]Q{{{{{{{ԡy1333OEN: Prepare your Company for its next Financing Eventhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-12 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`lԡ+1333Medford PubTalkhttp://www.oen.org2007-06-15 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`pԡ?%333SBDC: Going Into Business503-978-50802007-06-06 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`tԡG%333SCORE: The Basics of Business503-326-34412007-06-07 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`ԡ]%333SBDC: Financing your Developing Business503-978-50802007-06-08 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`|ԡW%333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:07;b`%ԡ]q333OGI MST session for prospective studentshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22312007-06-08 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`A rooftop at WebTrends in Portland Jeremiah Owyang with pizza and beer on the deck! Does it get any better than that? Join Social Media Club Portland and the Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) on Wednesday, July 22, for a summer social! ISF keynote speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, will join us for a Q&A at this casual event, which will include plenty of time to hang out on WebTrends’ rooftop deck, enjoying hometown favorite Widmer beer and pizza. Our summer social kicks off ISF, which takes place July 23-24. Of course, we have a discount for you! Use code “SMC” when registering for ISF to save 15% off the price of the full day conference on July 23. That’s just $195 to hear people at the top of their game talk about what’s working right now. As an analyst at Forrester Research, Jeremiah is on the cutting edge of all things social media. He authored the recent report "The Future of the Social Web" and is #2 on the "Twit >ԡ5o%3333Business Matters: Building a Professional Network503-350-20072007-10-17 14:30:002008-05-20 00:21:162008-07-13 04:30:47;bձ2007-10-17 15:30:00{ԡ4/%3333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822007-10-18 18:00:002003ԡZ%3 333Test event 1Event originally set for 12/25, changed to Jan 9 before initial export.2008-01-09 20:00:002008-12-24 20:00:232008-12-24 20:02:21 92008-01-09 21:00:00;ԡYW)ԡN[)33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting - Non-relational Ruby data stores: CouchDB, MongoDB, Tokyo TyrantThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. Some of tonight's presentations: Igal Koshevoy will give an overview of a few different data stores. He will focus mostly on MongoDB and Tokyo Tyrant; but he will also touch on CouchDB. Igal will discuss the pros and cons of these databases, feature VaԡGOC3333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-08 15:00:002008-05-20 00:210ԡU[3U333 OEN Workshop - Corporate Real Estate 101 Summer School, or What you Need to Know about Leasing Space Want to learn more about the ins and outs of Corporate Real Estat(pԡS113]333End Bloglessness 2It’s that time again! Time to End Bloglessness!! Yay!!!!!! If you or someone you know hasԡRCw3]333PDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Week Just a good ol' open discussion and meeting some new friends in the group.2009-07-15 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077530/2009-07-14 17:47:042009-07-14 17:47:04 ; ;b،2009-07-15 01:30:00e exact), and in appreciation to the community for helping their database grow to more than 14 million pages they're buying the Beer and Blog community a beer. Happy birthday to US and AboutUs! This Friday's free birthday beer comes right on time, too. The night before, on Thursday, is the eagerly anticipated Ignite Portland 6 (brought to us by Legion of Tech and many, many hardworking volunteers). How very poetic (and convenient) to have a decomp the day after in the form of a birthday toast celebrating a successful local business. This will surely help us ease back into the progressive craziness ahead, because just you wait: demands to submit your IP7 proposals will soon be streaking your twitterstream. Join us on the patio at the Green Dragon this Friday from 4-6. Oh! One more thing: show up sooner than later, because free beer goes fast. That's just common Law of Free Beer sense. ;)2009-07-17 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-16 00:08:152009-07-16 00:16:41 ; 2009-07-18 01:00:00e, give a demo of the Netbook Beta release, talk about where some of the development is going, and how developers and users can get involved.

        We would also like your feedback on the tools you need to develop applications for this platform.

        If you would like to learn more about what Moblin is and how it fits within the mobile world, join us.

        About the Speakers

        Bob Spencer works at the Open Source Technology Center (OSTC) at Intel as a software developer. He is focused on working with the Linux Foundation developing the compliance specs for Moblin.

        Mike Shaver also works at the OSTC and is focused on building out the web infrastructure and community for Moblin.

        Paul Cooper is located at the London office of OSTC and manages a team of Moblin developers working on the user experience functionality.

        2009-07-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3081361/2009-07-16 00:37:312009-07-22 22:16:56 9;b؏2009-07-28 01:00:00 8uqO8ԡVԡUۄԡSԡzԡe;=333Starveups Awards Dinnerhttp://www.starveups.com2007-12-12 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b`ԡdu/333U. of Portland: 2nd 10 Lessons for Business and Lifehttp://www.up.edu2007-10-25 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b`ԡcaE333How Sustainability Affects Consumer Demandhttp://www.portlandadfed.com2007-10-25 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:20;b`ԡbe%333SBDC: Market your Business to the Government503-978-50802007-10-31 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:20;b`ԡa;K333PBA: Successful Sellinghttp://www.portlandalliance.com2007-11-01 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:20;b`vԡ`K%333Metro Business Assoc. Breakfast503-223-69782007-11-01 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:20;b`ԡ_U7333Welldiggers: Secrets of using LinkInwduddington@yahoo.com2007-11-01 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:20;b` non-profit senior living community with cottage-style apartments set among 22 landscaped acres above the banks of the Willamette River. Rose Villa offers all of the services, amenities, and conveniences active residents desire, and the long-term security of on-site home care and a licensed Health Center. Real People. Real Life. Real Oregon. Shop Talk is a networking program hosted at different Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Member online, Free Member at the Door, $5.00 Non-Member online, $5.00 Non-Member at the Door, $10.00 RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-07-21 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-17 21:44:422009-07-17 21:49:362009-07-21 16:00:00 MAM{amԡhc3?333DjangoConDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. DjangoCon will be held at the DoubleTree Green Hotel in Portland, Oregon. Conference days: September 8th - 10th. Sprint Days: September 11th - 12th.2009-09-08 15:00:00http://www.djangocon.org/2009-07-20 01:07:332009-08-26 03:53:42 :2009-09-13 01:00:00ԡgg3i333Congressman Earl Blumenauer: China, Global Warming, & Clean Energy

        ABOUT THE PROGRAM:^ԡeE3K333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Rose Villa Senior Living Community ShopTalk Showcase at Rose Villa Senior Living Community - 13505 SE River Rd. Portland, OR 97222 Event Description: Serving the Pacific NW for 50 years, Rose Villa is an activeM qp}quԡs=1333SAO: Trade Shows, Part 2http://www.sao.org2007-11-20 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:23;b`ԡru1333SAO: An Introduction to Agile Programming with SCRUMhttp://www.sao.org2007-11-28 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:23;b`uԡq=1333SAO: EDGE Forum, Web 2.0http://www.sao.org2007-12-02 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:23;b`xԡpC1333SAO: Aging and the Internethttp://www.sao.org2007-12-05 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:23;b`qԡo/7333SEMpdx - Six Packhttp://www.sempdx.org2007-11-14 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b`vԡn;5333Portland Web Innovatorshttp://www.pdxwi.com2007-11-08 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b` ԡm5a333OBA: Bio on the Vinehttp://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2007/2007-11-07 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b` jsjԡl3W333PMF: Who's Leading?http://www.programmanagementforum.org2007-11-08 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b`yԡk1E333PMI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-11-21 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b`ԡj]7333AEA: Changes to Oregn's Non-Compete Lawshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-01 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:22;b`ԡi[7333AEA: Maximize HR Impact & Effectivenesshttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-07 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b`mԡh'7333AEA CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-11-14 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b`ԡgQ7333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-12-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b`nԡf)7333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-12-07 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:21;b` g)dg`Y-cEI33+ Bailey's Taproom20 Rotating Taps of Craft Ales and Lagers. Pacific Region Wines. Artisan Chocolate and Cheese. Free Wi-Fi. Mexican restaurant across the street will deliver to Bailey's. 213 SW Broadway, Portland ORhttp://www.baileystaproom.com/2008-04-08 09:04:022008-10-12 04:37:52213 SW BroadwayPortandOR97205US@F\ W^bX;33ALucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-04-07 16:05:592008-05-30 21:18:44915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon@F ^lD;bՈ ; ?We 3335! %OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)http://www.omsi.edu2008-04-07 14:26:362008-08-08 20:06:181945 SE Water AvenuePortlandOR97214-3354US@F%=*|^]:503.797.6674QV' aS33+ 'Hotel deLuxe 729 SW 15th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205http://www.hoteldeluxeportland.com/2008-04-07 08:44:542008-04-07 08:48:29729 Sw 15th AvePortlandOR97205US@FµÛˣ^G 503-219-2094 ^h^ԡiK333BetterBricks Awards Breakfast with Nancy Floydhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-12 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡ3333NW Env. Business Council: High Performance Green Buildingshttp://www.nebc.org2007-10-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡS9333Search Engine Marketers of Portlandhttp://www.sempdx.org 2007-10-11 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`yԡ7?333Oregon Mentors Awardsceleste@oregonmentors.org2007-10-03 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b`rԡ'A333Team Buildingmarti.e.spinks@state.or.us2007-10-09 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:28;b`xԡ+I333Ignite Portlandhttp://www.igniteportland.com/2007-10-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:28;b`ԡSg333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b` qV:$d e~gJH-ԡOC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-10 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b`ԡ OC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-11 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b`ԡ OC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-09 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b`~ԡ W)333SWE: How to Spot an Effective Manageraespdx@aol.com2007-10-17 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b`ԡ YK333Cascade Employers Assoc, HR Leadershiphttp://www.cascadeemployers.com2007-10-17 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b`ԡ o%333Business Matters: Building a Professional Network503-350-20072007-10-17 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:27;b` ,Z+, and informative Innovhԡ/%333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822007-10-18 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b` ԡs%333SBDC: How to Develop a Successful Importing Company503-978-50802007-10-20 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`ԡS7333AEA: Spending your IP Budget Wiselyhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-10-23 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`ԡOq333OGI: Becoming an Effective Leaderhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22292007-10-30 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`/ԡqq333OGI: 5 Hard Things about Communicating Your Designhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22802007-10-31 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`oԡ11333SAO: ITIL Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-22 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:26;b`uԡ=1333SAO: Metrics that Matterhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-31 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:072008-06-18 13:18:25;b` e ԡOC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-08 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`ԡOC333Global Competitiveness Conferencehttp://www.clusters2007.com2007-10-12 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`0ԡU 333SAO Corvallis: High Tech After Hourshttp://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/2007-High-Tech-After-Hours2007-10-11 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b` ԡKS333Power Breakfast: Tom's of Mainehttp://www.portland.bizjournals.com2007-10-04 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`ԡQA333Green skyline: Green Building Tourhttp://www.cascadiagbc.org2007-10-03 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b`sԡE%333How to Apply for an SBA Loan503-222-02802007-10-11 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:28;b` r,I+ԡUU333Ocean Renewable Energy Conference IIhttp://www.ostpartnership.org/events/oceanRenewableEnergy2/2007-08-10 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`\ԡTcW333PBA: Lunch with the Special Envoy for Chinahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10152007-06-22 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:58;b`MԡSEW333PBA: Doing Business in Chinahttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=10042007-06-29 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:57;b`lԡRO333PBA: Golf Scramble, Pumpkin Ridge2007-09-07 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:57;b`ԡQGK333PDXfX: There is one secret...http://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-06-27 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:57;b` ^dfV^vԡ"3=333Starveups: Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com2007-10-12 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b`vԡ!3=333Starveups: CEO Swaphttp://www.starveups.com2007-10-27 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b` ԡ _=333Starveups: Strategic Planning for Dummieshttp://www.starveups.com2007-11-14 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b`wԡ5=333WEO OR Board Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-09-25 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b`~ԡC=333WEO OR: Women in Leadershiphttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-10-10 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b`tԡ75333WEO WA dinner meetinghttp://www.weowa.org2007-10-18 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b`ԡKc333Young Professionals fo Portlandhttp://www.youngprofessionalsofportland.com2007-09-26 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:29;b` <dNJ< ԡm1333OEN: Executive Series-Leadership & Human Capitalhttp://www.oen.org2007-09-07 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`tԡ ;1333OEN: Wage and Hour Lawshttp://www.oen.org2007-09-11 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b` ԡ QG333IEEE: Pacificy NW Tech Career Fairhttp://www.pacificnwtech.org/2007-09-19 22:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`mԡ -1333SAO: Pub Socialshttp://www.sao.org2007-09-12 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`uԡ =1333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 1http://www.oen.org2007-09-13 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`ԡ O]333MicroNano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-10 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`ԡQ]333Micro Nano Breakthrough Conferencehttp://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2007-09-11 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:45;b` ZzGZfԡA 333ACG Annual Golf Tournamenthttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2574&MONTH_CHOICE=8&DAY_CHOICE=15&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-08-15 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b`ԡ5q333OGI MST Info Sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22472007-08-16 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b`ԡ_M333PBA: Portland's Region's Cultural Climatehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-08-15 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b`ԡ=u333BarCamp: Informal Meetuphttp://groups.google.com/group/barcampportland?hl=en2007-08-24 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b`iԡ%1333SAO: Raftinghttp://www.sao.org2007-08-25 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b`sԡ91333SAO: Social Networkinghttp://www.sao.org2007-09-06 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:46;b`ybooks.com/index.php/weblog/comments/about_candy/">Smart Bitch Candy will be holding forth at Powell's Cedar Hills on her new book, Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide To Romance Novels. From the creators of the beloved blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books comes a guide to the most popular -- and maligned -- fiction genre: Romance! is Candy Tan and Sarah Wendell's hilariously sarcastic but always affectionate study of romance novels, perfect for hardcore fans and dabblers alike. Come for the Dominican bitches, stay for the man titty.2009-04-16 02:00:00http://www.powells.com/events/#27312009-04-09 20:56:20 ?,2009-04-16 04:00:00211&launch_pg_sp=true&title=January+2009+Hot+Seat%3A+Inaugural+PPC+Event2009-01-09 23:12:36 :V2009-01-15 03:00:00 IuI"ԡ5333WEO OR Board Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=3240&m=6&y=2007&d=302007-07-31 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`ԡ;W333Bend Venture Conferencehttp://www.edforco.org/.docs/pg/102252007-10-19 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`{ԡI1333OEN PAN/OAF submissin deadlinehttp://www.oen.org2007-08-13 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`nԡ/1333Venture Northwesthttp://www.oen.org2007-11-02 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`ԡY9333US China Trade Issues, Earl Blumenauerhttp://www.nwchina.org2007-08-08 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`yԡE1333SAO: ITIL Executive Overviewhttp://www.sao.org2007-08-07 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b`xԡC1333OEN: Angel Investing Basicshttp://www.oen.org2007-08-06 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:47;b` I{I!ԡRwO333Suceeding in International Business, Bank of the WestCall Lydia Hamann at 503-624-09552007-05-23 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`)ԡQeq333ABPMP: Powerful Data Presentation for Actionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22222007-05-23 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`nԡP)7333AEA CEO Summithttp://www.aeanet.org2007-06-14 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`mԡO'7333AEA CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2007-06-07 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`pԡN-7333AEA HR breakfasthttp://www.aeanet.org2007-06-05 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`wԡM7;333AMA Annual Conferencehttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-05-25 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b`ԡLI9333AMA: Get-to-the-Point Speakinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-06-06 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b` Ex=OEԡKW;333AMA: Monitization is Not a Dirty Wordhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-05-02 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b`vԡJ79333AMA: Service Recoveryhttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-06-12 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b`xԡI;9333Central Oregon Pub Talkhttp://www.edforco.org2007-05-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b`jԡH'1333Code Camp 3.0http://www.sao.org2007-05-19 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:16;b`ԡGu9333Entrepreneurship Workshop by Draper Fisher Jervetsonhttp://www.l2m.pdx.edu2007-08-27 07:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡF+333FEI Golf Socialhttp://www.pfei.org/newsletters/htm/2007-04-news.htm#upcoming2007-06-07 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡEK;333IMA: Disaster Recovery Planninghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-05-16 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`j

        The House of Representatives recently took historic action to rein in global warming pollution and jumpstart America's clean energy industries by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This bill invests in energy that can’t ever spill or run out, will create millions of jobs at home and around the country, and protect our planet for future generations. At a time when Oregon is faced with record unemployment, this legislation will spur innovation and make an immediate difference in the electric, construction, and engineering sectors.

        Earlier in June, Congressman Blumenauer spent seven days in China with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bi-partisan delegation of colleagues from the House of Representatives on the need to address global warming. He will discuss the changes that China has made to adjust its policies to be more environmentally sensitive, and the realization that China and the world cannot afford to follow the path hpjrh}ԡ)M1333SAO: The Dalles Clean Tech Forumhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-09 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`ԡ(S1333SAO: Successful Trade Show Planninghttp://www.sao.org2007-10-16 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`{ԡ'I1333SAO: Build and Test Automationhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-18 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`qԡ&51333SAO: Outsourcing R&Dhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-23 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`uԡ%=1333SAO: Metrics that Matterhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-24 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`ԡ$U7333SWHRMA Employmnet & Labor Law Updatehttp://www.swhrma.org2007-10-09 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b` ԡ#Y=333Starveups: Taking Risk and Top Gradinghttp://www.starveups.com2007-10-10 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:30;b` sU+ 33M  AboutUs offices2008-04-04 17:42:212008-04-07 15:07:33107 SE Washington St., Suite 520PortlandOregon@Fh ԕ^\(;bՇ 9ԁTO33)Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-04-04 14:14:392008-05-30 21:19:22928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon@Fs^ I^5;bՆ ; =S#S33)A%Bus Project333 SE 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97214 2008-04-04 08:25:182008-04-09 14:45:47333 Se 2nd AvePortlandOR97214US@F¢+8^{0Phttp://www.busproject.org/503.233.3018 R33-'CubeSpace2008-04-03 23:55:482008-04-04 07:41:35622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214United States@F^5?|^M;bՅ 9yQ33-CubeSpace2008-04-03 23:55:442008-04-04 07:41:35622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;bՄ 9yP33-CubeSpace2008-04-03 23:55:352008-04-04 07:41:35622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;bՃ 9 q<yԡ01E333PMI dinner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-10-16 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`ԡ/mS333SCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-10-13 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`ԡ.WS333SCORE: Marketing for a Small Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-10-17 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`ԡ-5w333MIT Enterprise Forumhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/6296018/2007-09-27 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`uԡ,=1333SAO: ITIL Foundations V2http://www.sao.org2007-10-03 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`ԡ+s1333SAO: China Software & High Tech Industries Briefinghttp://www.sao.org2007-10-03 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b`wԡ*A1333SAO: Bend Clean Tech Forumhttp://www.sao.org2007-10-10 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:31;b` [uB[%ԡ6]q333OGI: Leading with Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22372007-10-18 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`%ԡ5Uy333OHF: Annual Insurance CEO Roundtablehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-10-25 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`ԡ4GM333PNDC: Trade with Saudi Arabiahttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-10-09 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`ԡ3uM333PBA: Discover & Protect your Company's Trade Secretshttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-10-04 22:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`ԡ2CM333PBA: International Taxationhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-10-19 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b`ԡ1KA333Portland Web Innovators meetinghttp://pdxwi.com/events/102007-10-04 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:32;b` G|ԡX?=333Portland Linux User Grouphttp://www.pdxlinux.org/2007-05-04 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b`xԡWC1333OEN Entrepreneurship Awardshttp://www.oen.org2007-09-21 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b`4ԡVuw333OTBC Legal Series: Set up your Company the Right Wayhttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5665854/2007-05-01 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18;b`4ԡUmw333OTBC: Set up your Company the Right Way (at PDC)http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/5666004/2007-05-03 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:18 9;b`~ԡT3M333PNDC: ITAR Workshophttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2007-05-15 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b`tԡS1;333Perfect Your Pitchhttp://www.kasteva.com/2007-05-19 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:17;b` \\|P>Nԡs3333CHIFOO: Repositioning User Experience as8ԡk7i37333Calagator code sprintCome join us to work on improving Calagator in recognition of its 1 year birthday. We'll have a birthday party afterward.2009-01-24 18:00:00http://calagator.org/2008-12-31 03:32:382009-01-13 23:01:39 92009-01-25 00:00:00>ԡjKM3K333Energy Trust Better Living ShowIt's the largest sustainable lifestyle event in the Northwest. Find everything green, good and sustainable iԡY+3]333Mobile Portland: Moblin -- Open Source for Mobile Internet Devices and Netbooks

        Can an open source Linux platform deliver a unique experience for users in the mobile space? The community working on Moblin hopes to make this a reality.

        In this brief introduction to Moblin, we'll cover what the software stack and underlying technologies look likK piLp ԡIMQ333NW China Council: Annual meetinghttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-10-12 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:36;b` ԡH}G333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Wayne Embree - Energy & Sustainabilityhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-30 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:36;b`ԡGqG333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - Sustainability Angelshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-23 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:36;b`ԡFMG333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - WINhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-16 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:36;b`ԡE_3333OTBC/SAO/OEN Angel Series: Keiretsu Forumhttp://www.otbc.org2007-10-09 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b`ԡD]G333OTBC/SAO/OEN: Angel Series - PAN and OAFhttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-10-02 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b` Qa(|Q ԡy7a333OCIABC Spring Minglerhttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm#pcc2007-04-27 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:24;b`ԡx9i333OAME Annual Conferencehttp://www.oame.org/Conference%202007/main.htm2007-05-10 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:24 9;b`%ԡwSq333IEEE: 9 Steps to Product Leadershiphttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22162007-04-25 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-11-22 00:31:11 <;b`ԡv3q333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21552007-05-03 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:24;b`ԡuIq333SPIN Seminar: Beyond Deadlineshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22172007-05-11 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:24;b`ԡtCq333OGI: Project Portfolio Mgmthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21562007-05-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:23;b` 5`=75ԡCO5333OCCA: Apple in a World of Windowshttp://www.occa.org/2007-09-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b`uԡB=1333OEN Exec Series: Financehttp://www.oen.org2007-10-05 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b`uԡA=1333OEN: Avoiding Litigationhttp://www.oen.org2007-10-09 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b`ԡ@[1333OEN: Pub Talk - Cash or Equity Job Fairhttp://www.oen.org2007-10-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:35;b`ԡ?Y1333OEN: Business Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2007-10-17 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:34;b`ԡ>7q333OGI: Medical Roboticshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22752007-09-25 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:34;b`ԡ=Eq333OGI: Effective Communicationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22202007-09-26 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:34;b` 6 [YQԡ6U]3W333SCORE Making Quickbooks Work for YouIn this four-hour workshop you will learn: * Understanding the transition of paper bookkeeping into an automated one and using the same modus operandi for QUICKBOOKS. * Understanding the basic accounting terms keeping a focus on common sense in terms of debits and credits. * Understanding the Chart of Accounts which are established ... and often are specialized for the specific business type. * Starting off with bank XԡcI3G333DorkbotPDX friday nite dorkoutCome join us Friday evening at Someday Lounge (http://www.somedaylounge.com). We've been invited to bring our particular brand of dorkiness and geekdom and show it off. This will be much like our usual meetings (so bring your toys!) but we'll also be giving folks the opportunity to make a lot of noise and get up on the stage. The fun begins at 9PM and among the activities will be: * Don, performing on the computer-enhanc :Kd:ԡ<M5333ABPMP/OGI: Discovering Structurehttp://www.abpmp.org2007-09-28 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:34;b`ԡ;Oq333IEEE/OGI: Influencing Legislationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22582007-10-04 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:34;b`ԡ:5q333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22682007-10-04 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`#ԡ9Yq333OGI: The Executive HR Business Partnerhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22722007-10-04 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`ԡ8Oq333OGI: Flexible Product Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22502007-10-09 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`.ԡ7oq333SPIN seminar: And you Thought you could Estimate?http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22462007-10-10 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:082008-06-18 13:18:33;b`of the first industrial revolution.


        Congressman Earl Blumenauer's academic training includes undergraduate and law degrees from Lewis and Clark College in Portland.

        Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1996, Mr. Blumenauer has created a unique role as Congress' chief spokesperson for Livable Communities. From 1996 - 2003, he served on both the International Relations Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Now a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee, Congressman Blumenauer also serves as Vice Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

        Tickets: $20 members, $30 non-members, $15 students

        More info: http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html

        2009-08-05 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html2009-07-19 21:58:532009-07-27 16:58:17 @?2009-08-05 20:30:00 sS9 s&ԡ _q333SPIN Seminar: Ten Tps for Homebaked Toolshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22262007-06-15 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`ԡ CG333Pacific NW Tech Career Fairhttp://www.pacificnwtech.org/2007-06-20 22:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`ԡ EO333WEO WA Sip & Swish Wine Tourhttp://www.weowa.org/winetour.htm2007-06-02 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`zԡ 'Q333WEO OR dinnerhttp://www.oregonweo.org/june_20072007-06-12 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`ԡ 1y333Starveups Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-06-15 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:06;b`&ԡWy333Starveups: Dinner with Michael Powellhttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-06-27 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b` ?uZ?ԡq;q333OGI: Project Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21582007-09-18 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`zԡpC5333OCCA: Microsoft Home Serverhttp://www.occa.org/2007-08-29 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`ԡoKG333OTBC: The Coop form of Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-09-18 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`ԡn1_333OBA Annual Meetinghttp://www.oregonbio.org/annualMeeting07/2007-09-21 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b`ԡm9M333PDMA: Planning Meetingdsimpson@planninginnovations.com2007-09-07 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-11-10 22:44:02 <;b`ԡlO?333PWI: Digital Identity and Open IDhttp://pdxwi.com/events/92007-09-06 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b`lԡk+1333SAO Connectionshttp://www.sao.org2007-10-05 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:41;b` V}mVԡuC333Unwire Oregon: Technology and Economic Impact Summithttp://www.unwireoregon.com2007-05-01 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25;b`pԡ?%333SBDC: Going into Business503-978-50802007-05-02 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25;b`ԡ~E;333AMA: Trends and Outlook 2007http://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-04-26 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25 9;b`ԡ}-W333ACG: Umpqua Bankhttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/2007-05-09 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25;b`|ԡ|E7333CHIFOO: Visual Communicationhttp://www.chifoo.org2007-05-10 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25;b`ԡ{K?333EMA: Solving the Pb-Free Puzzlehttp://www.ema-oregon.org2007-05-15 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:25;b`qԡz33333Portland FEI dinnerhttp://www.pfei.org2007-05-18 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:24;b`qiPhone app that tracks hundreds of detailed happy hour listings and nightlife discounts in the Portland area. All you have to do for your chance to win is put your Beer and Blog Network username in the proverbial hat this Friday at the Green Dragon. There may even be an actual hat, I don't know, but I do know names will be accepted starting at 4pm and the name of a very, very lucky Beer and Blogger will be drawn at 6pm. Don't have a Beer and Blog username yet? No-problemo! Just show up this Friday and one of the usual Portland Chapter suspects (read: Justin, Kelly, Christine or myself) will enroll you. Maybe you tried to register online for the Beer and Blog network but couldn't get in? That's because our online network requires offline registration. Here's the reasoning behind that: We want everyone in ~` ԡ g3333EFNW: The Best of Employee Volunteer Programshttp://www.efnw.org2007-05-15 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b` ԡ _?333PDMA: Product Forecasting - Does it work?http://www.oregonpdma.org2007-04-26 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:27;b`'ԡC 333Innotech: eMarketing Summithttp://www.innotechconference.com/pdx/Event/eMarketing_Forum.php2007-04-25 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:26;b`ԡg=333Going Greener: Oregon's Competitive Advantagehttp://www.oeconline.org2007-04-24 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:26;b`ԡG=333ACEC: 2007 Legislative Updatehttp://www.acecoregn.org2007-04-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:26;b`|ԡW%333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-04-27 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:26;b` IcH5Ijԡ~'1333SAO: Agile QAhttp://www.sao.org2007-09-27 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:44;b`vԡ};5333WEO-WA: Monthly meetinghttp://www.weowa.org2007-09-21 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:44;b`iԡ|=333WEO-ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org2007-09-12 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`ԡ{Ey333Starveups: Quarterly Catchuphttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-29 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`zԡz;=333Starveups: How to Scalehttp://www.starveups.com2007-09-26 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`ԡy_M333PBA: Discover your Bulls-Eye Mktg Messagehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2007-09-13 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`ԡx7y333OHF: Bench to Bedsidehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-09-27 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`the network to be a real person, with a true interest in the health and viability of the idea behind Beer and Blog: bloggers helping bloggers over beer. With a free, online Beer and Blog membership you can communicate with any member of the Beer and Blog family, from any Beer and Blog chapter, as well as chime in on discussions concerning your local chapter. Most importantly, we want your Beery and Bloggy input on upcoming presentation ideas, field trips, and the like, and what better way to collect opinions then to create a gated online community! Seriously. So if you're not already registered, get registered at this Friday's Beer and Blog for your chance to win the goodies generously donated by GoTime. I only ask that the winner let me briefly hold the commemorative festival glass and remind me how much I love being the Portland Beer and Blog Chapter's Provost. Because I really do. =)2009-05-15 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-05-13 02:28:232009-05-13 02:28:23 ; 2009-05-16 01:00:00 v9yvԡsMq333OGI MST New Student Info Sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22182007-05-18 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:23;b`+ԡray333OHF: The Real Scoop on Retirement Benefitshttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-04-26 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:23;b`&ԡqWy333Oregon Health Forum: Pharma Unpluggedhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-05-24 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:23;b`9ԡpm333Oregon Health Forum: Economic Paradigms of an Aging Workforcehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/workforce.html2007-04-25 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:23;b`@ԡo['333Oregon Health Forum: Legislative Awardshttps://secure.354design.net/healthforum/product.php?productid=2&cat=1&page=12007-05-04 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:142008-06-18 13:19:22;b` k`, kԡw7{333OHF Annual Conferencehttp://www.healthforum.org/events/annualconference.html2007-10-10 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`ԡvO;333AMA: Market Research Segmentationhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-09-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:43;b`ԡu7q333OGI: MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22512007-09-07 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`ԡt3q333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21722007-09-11 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`ԡs?q333SPIN: Transparent Qualityhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22482007-09-14 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b`ԡrEq333IEEE: GPU Parallel Computinghttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22532007-09-21 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:42;b` KOK team of founders to help you get your idea off the ground? ^A_3]33JuTax Procrastinators Unite!We realize we can't be the only people in the Portland tech community who still need to do our taxes, so we're holding a tax party. Come to CubeSpace, bring your tax forms, get things done. We're attempting to get some people who know what they're talking about to answer questions. Bring food, beer, and stronger libations to share.2009-04-11 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2402693/2009-04-09 21:52:48 9;b2009-04-11 18:00:00>]Ww3333JuPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-05-06 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-04-09 21:07:12 92009-05-06 04:00:00q\7]3S33JuBeyond Heaving BosomsLocal author and blogger A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of thjF];3A33JusDevGroup NW: The Future of InteractivityInteractivity is becoming more and more a d $lU$yԡ1E333PMI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-06-19 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b`+ԡay333Oregon Health Forum: Electronic Tug of Warhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-06-21 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b`3ԡqy333Oregon Health Forum: Electronic Tug of War, Part 2http://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2007-07-26 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b`0ԡ~_333Oregon Discovers - Miracles in the Makinghttp://oregonbio.org/documents/Oregon_innovation_INVITE.jpg2007-05-30 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b`ԡ}Os333IPN: Target Marketing by Locationhttp://www.ipn.org/programs/programdetail.asp?id=802007-06-13 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b` ԡ|EY333OCIABC: Bronze Beacon Awardshttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm2007-06-15 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:04;b` RtsR ԡ{5a333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/chaptercalendar.asp2007-06-15 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b` ԡz/i333EMA Board meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2007-06-21 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b` ԡy+m333ACEC BBQ Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/Net%20Day%20june07.pdf2007-06-27 23:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b`ԡxm333ACEC Golfhttp://www.acecoregon.org/Net%20Day%20june07.pdf2007-06-27 17:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b`^ԡw1 333ACG dinner meetinghttp://www.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2613&MONTH_CHOICE=6&DAY_CHOICE=19&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-06-20 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b`ԡv]1333SAO: Mentoring Gen Y through Internshipshttp://www.sao.org2007-05-31 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:03;b`trical circuits, build and program lego robots, and custom build a computer from the motherboard up. Learn to think through and solve problems using professional methods and communication tools, just as engineers do in the workplace. Instructor: Stephanie Viaene Stephanie Viaene, with a BS in mathematics and an MS in Interdisciplinary Mathematics from the University of Oregon, has taught mathematics and computer programming, web design, and tech support at the junior high and high school level. In 2007 she was awarded the Technology Teacher of the Year award from the Software Association of Oregon. Instructor: Jill Hubbard Jill Hubbard teaches pre-engineering classes at Tualatin High School. She has a masters in education and a bachelor's in computer engineering. Before teaching, she was an engineer at Intel Corporation. 2009-06-22 16:00:00http://www.saturdayacademy.org/Classes/AllClasses/ByMonth/tabid/111/default.aspx?classid=96822009-04-17 21:24:242009-04-17 21:24:24 ?@2009-06-26 23:00:00 is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customersIԡb7 35333Social Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the RooftopSocial Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on theG ԡ]I'3333StuRa-Sitzung am 15. Juli 2009Wir, die Mitglieder des StuRas FB5, treffen uns zur nächsten StuRa-Sitzung am 15. Juli 2009 im GröWa und besprechen wieder wichtige Dinge der Studierendenschaft. Aktuelle TOPs sind: Einführungswoche der Erstsemester im WiSe 2009/2010 Alle Studierenden des FB5 sind herzlichst zur Teilnahme eingeladen! Uhrzeit: 17.00 Uhr 2009-07-15 15:00:00http://sturafb5.fh-potsdam.de/2009/stura-sitzung-am-15-juli-2009/2009-07-16 13:38:462009-07-16 13:38:46;bؑ2009-07-15 17:00:00ople know about this free workshop to get a blog up and running. We don’t care if your motivation to blog is personal, professional, or political; we’ll help you get one up and running. * Tweet the link to this page http://bit.ly/14OwQU * Email this page to a friend * RSVP on Upcoming and Calagator * Tell someone in real life using your voice. Crazy, huh? Why is this free? We’re hoping to make new friends and be good citizens. We don’t want to be an insular group, so we want to enable others to join. And, because we’re Portlanders inspired by other Portlanders to DIY and that Yes We Can. :) Help out If you have experience with installing WordPress, we’d love to have you help answer people’s questions. Please leave us a comment below if you’re interested in helping!2009-07-18 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077785/2009-07-14 19:54:032009-07-14 19:57:26 1 533' )World Trade Centerhttp://www.wtcpd.com2008-03-31 10:39:172008-08-17 01:24:35121 SW SalmonPortlandOregon97204US@Fs^2+(503) 464-8688;by=O 33) A bunch of places around Portland2008-03-31 10:38:462008-05-11 07:51:08Here and therePortlandOregon;bx :A<533;Jive Software Office2008-03-31 10:38:322008-04-02 00:12:43317 SW Alder St Ste 500portland@FqiC^33333;bk :. UQUËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:Ecuԡv7M3E333RedMonk party - OSCONhttp://m.twitter.com/monkparty
        2008-07-24 03:00:00http://twitter.com/monkparty2008-07-21 01:59:352009-04-29 20:12:41 ?;bL2008-07-24 05:00:00(ԡuKY3 333OSCON - Amazon networking partyAmazon and Amazon Web Services will be hosting a networking party on Wednesday night, 8-9pm at Jimmy Mak's. (after the Expo Hall Reception) Please stop by our booth and pick up an invitation! Booth #509. http://www.jimmymaks.com/
        2008-07-24 03:00:002008-07-21 01:59:282008-07-23 15:07:59 ; ;bK2008-07-24 04:00:00 hehԡ!YS333SCORE: Nuts & Bolts of a Business Planhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2007-09-27 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b` ԡ 1g333SWE Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-26 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`{ԡg333SWEhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-07-27 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`)ԡy]333SWHRMA: Linking HR Strategies with Business Strategieshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2007-08-14 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`ԡ=y333Starveups: Oregon Sportshttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-08-10 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:49;b`ԡ333WEO ORhttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar?v=v&eid=4655&m=6&y=2007&d=262007-07-26 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:102008-06-18 13:18:48;b` 2"2nԡV%;333AMA Luncheonhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-11-13 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:19;b`vԡU5;333ASQSW Dinner meetinghttp://www.asqswwa.org/2007-11-15 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:19;b`gԡT7333ACG: Lucy Active Warehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=2884&MONTH_CHOICE=11&DAY_CHOICE=13&YEAR_CHOICE=20072007-11-14 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`|ԡSE7333CHIFOO: Show the Whole Storyhttp://www.chifoo.org2007-11-08 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`pԡR13333FEI dinner meetinghttp://www.pfei.org2007-11-16 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`uԡQ3;333IMA: dinner meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-11-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b`wԡP99333OCIABC monthly meetinghttp://www.ociabc.org/2007-11-09 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:18;b` ZZhat knowledge, making it available to everyone, and putting it to work in a plann W3U33Jr"Financing the Good" Springboard Social Innovation Forum - FREEWith economic turmoil spreading from financial markets to local communities, it’s a tough season for raising funds to start or support good causes. Join us for this free event on December 10th to explore diverse ideas and new models for “financing the good.” Panelists representing banking, angel investing, micro-philanthropy, and grant funding will discuss innovative approaches for funding social change that reflect shifts in the way their organizations do business. Specifically, they will highlight opportunities for "average" Portlanders to obtain funding for their social change projects and visions. During the workshop segment, learn tips and tricks for obtaining one of Portland's community building or environmental grants, discover how community currency can fund social change, talk with a lawyer about how to apply for om 5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skill seuԡ[IE3C333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Skills and abilities to enter Renewable Energy 1) Employment in the Renewable Energy Sector Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn what transferable skills are valued by the Renewable Energy sector. Discover the sought after skills and certifications. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking.2009-07-27 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 13:16:012009-08-07 18:48:33 @2009-07-27 20:30:00  What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuoe3E33Ju<OEN Webinar - Tough times need straight talk, with Jody PeakeWith corporate layoffs, lawsuits and losses looming, what's a company to do when a crisis strikes? Recent bad actors like the Peanut Corporation of America, Heartland Payment Systems and Apple’s handling of Steve Jobs’ health crisis did not show best practices for crisis communications. It's a rare company that totally escapes the need to share bad news at least occasionally. Hear about the Ten Fundamental P yetrywԡP7;333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com/2007-11-09 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b`vԡO79333FENG: Monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-12-14 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b`uԡN59333IMA: Monthly meetinghttp://www.ima-pdx.org2007-09-26 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b`ԡMK9333AMA: Discover your Memory Powerhttp://www.ama-pdx.org2007-09-26 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:37;b`xԡL=7333OCIABC: Fall Shmoozefesthttp://www.ociabc.org2007-09-28 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:36;b`mԡKQ 333OCIABC: Taking the Perfect Picture2007-10-10 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:36;b`ԡJ[Q333NW China Council: US Commercial Servicehttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-10-03 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:092008-06-18 13:18:36;b` JJeetups to chat, network and grow.

        After running Portla/ԡ-;G3C333Twicnic at Wallace ParkGood afternoon, Every Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging around each other and having conversations someplace outdoor (be it about technology or otherwise.) Kindly suggested by Bryan Stearns, we’re meeting at Wallace Park this time. Note the location: NW 25th & Raleigh St. Bring food, drinks, or whatever you’d like to eat that afternoon. There’s also a Kenny & Zuke’s sandwich shop nearby, if that strikes your fancy. Bring your books, blankets, bikes, frisbees—and, you know, other things you don’t usually bring to your day job. And there is even a sort of an after party at Makerlab at 4 pm, if you want to do that. That is all.2009-05-31 19:00:00http://tagal.us/tag/twicnic2009-05-30 21:51:162009-05-31 18:10:41 ?H2009-06-01 01:00:00 <(<iۋ-[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/349225/2008-05-10 20:54:572008-05-10 20:54:572008-05-10 20:54:59fwۋ,w333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7898862/2008-05-09 08:46:572008-05-09 08:46:572008-05-09 08:46:57fhۋ+Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6113972008-05-08 12:33:202008-05-08 12:33:202008-05-08 12:33:21fiۋ*[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/599792/2008-05-08 12:00:012008-05-08 12:00:012008-05-08 12:00:02fۋ) ?333http://ical.mac.com/WebObjects/iCal.woa/wa/default?d=8&u=pdxmug&v=1&n=PMUG%20Calendar.ics2008-05-08 08:45:312008-05-08 08:45:312008-05-08 08:45:31fiۋ([333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/587873/2008-05-06 11:43:302008-05-06 11:43:302008-05-06 11:43:32ftۋ'q333http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-05-05 20:12:102008-05-05 20:12:102008-05-05 20:12:10fiۋ&[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/544946/2008-05-05 14:49:532008-05-05 14:49:532008-05-05 14:49:55f 11ovation Showcase. The Innovation Showcase will highlight cutting edge research and successful startups as part of seven days of exciting and informative Innovation & Entrepreneurship Events. The 2007 Innovation Showcase ԡU'3M333Beer and BlogWe’ll still find a way to hang out and warm our bellies with Holiday ale! After all, even if I said we weren’t meeting, people still would show up. :) I love you guys for that. So, this Friday we’ll get together and toast to 2008 as we enjoy the last official Beer and Blog of the year (aHԡKM]3M333Portland Pythoneers July MeetingScratch the formalities this month, Portland. July's meeting will be a social gathering at Produce Row! Let's get together at 7:00pm for food, "beverage" and fun. If you normally can't make it out after the meetings due to time or other constraints, I hope you'll be able to join us this time! :)2009-07-15 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/2009-07-13 18:16:492009-07-13 18:16:49 ;2009-07-15 06:00:00  ԡW3u33 Internet Series: PR and the Internet2008-02-06 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/69226992008-02-06 16:09:512008-06-18 13:17:05Dԡ{u3/33Portland Web Innovators - February Meeting - Mobile WebThere are 3.3 billion mobile devices in the world--one for every two people on the planet. Despite the wide spread use of mobile devices, most businesses overlooked this huge potential market until the release of the iPhone. Like Mosaic heralded the arrival of the web, the iPhone is a harbinger of a coming mobile tsunami. We'll discuss the upcoming wave, the parallels to 1993 and 1994, challenges developing for a fractured client base, and how to start preparing for the mobile web. Jason Grigsby (userfirstweb.com) will lead a discussion about Mobile Web.2008-02-14 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-02-05 07:31:202008-06-18 13:17:05iԡQ333This is a structured blogging test2008-02-04 04:00:002008-02-03 03:06:082008-06-18 13:17:05 b+ibuԡ=1333OEN: Seed Oregon Round 3http://www.oen.org2008-01-10 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:07;b`ԡGG333OTBC: Open House for Startupshttp://www.opentechcenter.com2007-11-29 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:07;b`ԡ#g333ACEC dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/upcoming_events.htm2007-12-07 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:06;b`ԡAu333EMA: Wine Tasting and Tourhttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=532007-12-06 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:06;b`ԡ1u333EMA: Board Meetinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentationinfo.php?id=532007-12-13 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:06;b`Nԡ1m333FEI chapter dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=ch_por&WebKey=335b4f3d-9784-427a-a270-98e70f2d62bb2008-01-18 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:06;b` ZIZ7WԡTKC3w333OTBC Brown Bag with Iris SasakiEnthԡJG 3]333Portland WordPress User GroupSam Churchill will talk about how to make money with your blog.2009-07-24 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3073778/2009-07-13 04:27:382009-07-13 04:27:38 FooCabs (AlixCab and WgtCab), construction, flashing and administration. If you have an interest is how these things are being put together, suggestions (and patchs) for improvement, etc, this is a place to be. Should be fun.2009-07-16 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200907152009-07-12 02:31:042009-07-12 02:31:04 @82009-07-16 03:00:00 ``rԡR7Y3[33Portland Ruby Brigade[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416815/ ] Portland Ruby Brigade is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Event Contact: Consult http://www.pdxruby.org/ for more information.2008-04-02 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416815/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:13 9;bQ ԡQ)C3[33Writers' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416785/ ] This weekly event, open to everyone, is a chance to exercise your writing muscles each week. Using a word or phrase as a prompt, we all write for 10-20 minutes, then read our work aloud. After everyone has read, we do it again, then again, for two hours. We do not critique each other's work, but we do listen and provide recall. Curious? Come join us!2008-03-31 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416785/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:13 9;bQ -3ԡSyM3w333OTBC Lunch and Learn: Alternative Financing StrategiesEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Stay tuned for more details Presenter: Carolynn Duncan Where: OTBC (directions) Parking: free, next door in the parking garag[ԡHE%3;333SCORE: Finding New Customers This July 15th workshop is for those business owners who want or need more customers. This workshop will provide you with powerful management tools. Learn how to identify a target market and prepare a customer profile and more! In this workshop you will learn the secrets of identifying that segment of the population who will most likely buy your product of service. Do you know a person or group that might be interested in this life-long learning experience? Please forward this email to them. Thank You Early Registration $55.00 Regular Registration $65.002009-07-15 15:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org2009-07-11 22:59:482009-07-11 22:59:482009-07-15 19:30:00Q''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy^ԡaVԡb[ԡdXԡeWԡhTԡlLԡnMԡpKԡqIԡr@ԡs^ԡaVԡb[ԡdXԡeWԡhTԡlLԡnMԡpKԡqIԡr@ԡsHԡuFԡvDԡwEԡyCԡ|Aԡ}>ԡ~<ԡ:ԡ8ԡ5ԡ 4ԡ -ԡ+ԡ)ԡ(ԡ'ԡ&ԡ ԡ%ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ!ԡ#ԡ% ԡ' ԡ) ԡ,ԡ.ԡ0ԡ1ԡ4ԡ5ԡ7ԡ8ԡ:ԡ;ԡ<ԡ=ԡ>ԡ?ԡ@ qԡBԡCԡDԡEԡHԡIԡLԡNԡQԡW߄ԡZ݄ԡ]܄ԡ^؄ԡ_لԡbքԡcՄԡeӄԡfτԡg҄ԡhфԡj΄ԡl̈́ԡo˄ԡqÄԡsQ'/'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyԡvԡwԡxԡzԡ}ԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ ԡvԡwԡxԡzԡ}ԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ!ԡ"ԡ%ԡ&ԡ'ԡ(ԡ)ԡ+ԡ.ԡ0ԡ1ԡ2~ԡ3ԡ4wԡ6uԡ7sԡ8tԡ9qԡ:nԡ=jԡ>ԡ?hԡBeԡC\ԡEcԡGbԡH`ԡI^ԡK[ԡNWԡPXԡQSԡRUԡTRԡVOԡYMԡZKԡ[Jԡ^Iԡ_FԡaEԡbCԡc?ԡd@ԡeBԡfAԡg>ԡh<ԡi:ԡj;ԡk8ԡl5ԡm6ԡn0ԡqQ''09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy)ԡs,ԡv&ԡy#ԡ{ ԡ|"ԡ}!ԡԡԡԡԡ)ԡs,ԡv&ԡy#ԡ{ ԡ|"ԡ}!ԡԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ ԡԡ ԡԡԡ ԡ ԡԡԡ ԡԡ ԡԡԡ"{ԡ$@ԡ&:ԡ'cԡ)(ԡ*ԡ,ӄԡ-ԡ/Eԡ0yԡ4`ԡ8ԡ:Yԡ=ԡA ԡC yԡD ԡF ԡJ vԡK$ԡ5 ӄԡ6 (ԡ7 ]ԡ:sԡBԡCԡEԡHԡJԡK7ԡLԡMԡNԡOЄԡQԡRԡV{ԡWԡX ԡZ}ԡ[}ԡ] ԡ^ ԡ_ԡ` لԡb ԡe ԡfԡhԡiԡjԡmԡnԡoԡpP009BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyԡdNԡhԡiԡjԡlԡo ԡqԡsԡvԡwԡy΄ԡzԡ|jԡԡsԡrԡuԡ ԡ zԡ ԡyԡԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ"ԡ#ԡ%ԡ(ԡ)ԡ*ԡ,ԡ-ԡ/ԡ0ԡ2ԡ5ԡ6ԡ8ԡ9ԡ<ԡAԡCԡGԡHԡJԡKԡL(ԡMԡNԡOԡPԡQ ԡSԡTԡWԡYτԡZ@ԡ\3ԡ]yԡ^tԡ_rԡ`nԡazԡbgԡckԡd[ԡeXԡfKԡiHԡlcԡm:ԡp8ԡq̄ԡr3ԡs.ԡuԡxԡzԡ{ԡ|ԡ}ԡ~ԡɄԡԡ ԡ ԡ 33e Events - http://ignite.oreilly.com/see_it.html
        * Ignite Portland #1 Videos - http://www.igniteportland.com/watch/
        * Why Deutschland Loves David HassFԡ`'33333Making Sense of User Centered Design and Agile, w Lane Halley and Jeff PattonLove it or hate it, everyone seems to be talking about Agile. Agile is used at scrappy startups that are iteratively defining their products and markets and at large companies with complex business problems working with internationally distributed teams. In each of these different settings, some folks are strong advocates of Agile, while some are still skeptics. Some people in the User-Centered Design (UCD) community dismiss Agile as a fad, others have embraced it whole-heartedly. Can these two worlds intersect?2009-05-07 02:00:00http://bit.ly/UFfsk2009-05-06 23:07:262009-05-06 23:07:26 92009-05-07 04:00:00E #,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpy1:CLU^gpyԡԡԡԡԡԡ ԡ"ԡ#ԡ%ԡ(ԡ)ԡ*ԡ,ԡ-ԡ/ԡ0ԡ2ԡ5ԡ6ԡ8ԡ9ԡ<ԡAԡԡ܄ԡԡ˄ԡÄԡ„ԡ"ԡ%ԡ&ԡMԡNԡO ҄ԡP lԡQԡRԡT-ԡUsԡXԡYrԡZkԡ[^ԡ\jԡaKԡf/ԡg+ԡh-ԡiԡjԡkԡm ԡp ԡr ԡu ԡyԡ| ؄ԡ ̄ԡ ԡ ʄԡ DŽԡ Ąԡ ńԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ" ԡ# ԡ$ uԡ% tԡ& aԡ) Zԡ* Vԡ+ Rԡ, Pԡ. iԡ1 Nԡ2 <ԡ4 Iԡ6 Dԡ7 =ԡ8ԡ9 #ԡ: ׀.P΀̀Հ3: ob;ԡWGC3|ԡ|13 333HoodYԡ ?3U333OEN Workshop - How to cost effectively validate your marketFounders/CEOs/Business Owners: Save yourself money & time! Whether you're thinking about starting a company, the founder of an existing start-up, or already running a company - something you may want to learn - before you launch the company or a new product is: "Is there a 'there', there"? More often than not, entrepreneur's passion and great idea have a lot of momentum - moving companies forward I'In of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS q[7]3S33JuBeyond Heaving BusomsLocal author and blogger When:
        Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 08:14:592009-07-11 21:58:03 ;2009-07-15 03:00:00nt to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counselin Department of Energy’s application process. Topics covered in the seminar will include: Tracking funding opportunities Determining which opportunities best fit your business Preparing a compelling and complete application Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive business information Minimizing delays in the application process Understanding the ‘strings’ attached to federal funding We hope that you or a colleague will be able to join us. For more information on our Federal Grants & Loans practice, please visit our Web site. Portland, OR | Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Space is limited. Please RSVP by July 22 to Annie Piggins at APiggins "at" perkinscoie "dot" com. 2009-07-29 14:30:00http://www.perkinscoie.com/EmailMarketing/ClickThroughHandler.aspx?link=%3ca+href%3d%22http%3a%2f%2fwww.perkinscoie.com%2ffederal_grants_loans%2f%22%3eWeb+site%3c%2fa%3e&ruid=35843&nlid=07_09_2009_Invite_Seminar_USDOE2009-07-11 22:48:122009-07-11 22:49:28 >c2009-07-29 16:00:00 e/uԡ3;333IMA: Holiday Socialhttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2007-12-19 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:00;b`hԡ!3333IPN Dinnerhttp://www.ipn.org/2007-12-12 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:00;b`ԡmQ333NW China Council: Selling your Products in Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2007-12-05 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:59;b`ԡ~5q333OGI MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23072007-12-06 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:59;b`ԡ}Aq333IEEE Robotics & Automationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23122007-12-06 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:59;b`ԡ|;q333ABPMP: Process Analysishttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22882007-12-07 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:59;b` ,ROl,ԡ{Eq333SPIN seminar - Failure Modeshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22492007-12-14 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:58;b`ԡzEq333OGI: Engineering S/W Qualityhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=21652007-12-18 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:58;b`\ԡycW333PBA: Secrets of Successful Selling, Part IIhttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=11042008-01-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:58;b`~ԡx5K333PDXfX: Holiday Partyhttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2007-12-05 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:58;b`yԡw1E333PMI DInner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-12-19 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b`'ԡvs_333SWHRMA: Getting your Employees Through the Holidayshttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar?2007-12-11 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b` YM:NYkԡb)1333SAO Connectionhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-17 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:54;b`~ԡaO1333SAO First Annual Poker Tournamenthttp://www.sao.org2008-01-17 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:54;b`kԡ`)1333SAO Pub Socialhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-25 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:53;b`uԡ_1=333Starveups Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com2008-01-18 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:53;b`ԡ^E=333Starveups: Quarterly Catchuphttp://www.starveups.com2008-01-23 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:53;b`ԡ]KG333Keiretsu Forum Portland Kickoffhttp://www.keiretsuforum.com/2008-01-11 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:53;b`,ԡ\ew333MIT Enterprise Forum: Are You Ready for IPO?http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7023748/2008-01-25 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:52;b` Q8ju{ QO33- Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.eԡؖEԡDwi3333Beer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will also cover general IP issues releva  ԡXO7333AEA: Are You Due Diligence Ready?http://www.aeanet.org2008-02-07 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:52;b`pԡW31333OEN: CEO Roundtablehttp://www.oen.org2008-01-30 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:52;b`wԡVA1333OEN New Member Orientationhttp://www.oen.org2008-01-31 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:52;b`ԡUa1333OEN Executive Series: Finance & Operationshttp://www.oen.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:51;b`pԡT31333SAO/SEMpdx Hot Seathttp://www.sao.org2008-02-06 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:51;b`wԡSA1333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-11 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:51;b`rԡR71333SAO: Pricing Softwarehttp://www.sao.org2008-02-13 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:51;b` BJEzԡE3 3333DorkbotPDX Open Lab2008-12-28 21:00:002008-12-19 10:32:382008-12-19 10:44:26 IԡCwi3333Beer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will also cover general IP issues relevant th book, providing a map to successful online communities. Tara Hunt, a.k.a. @missrogue, writes that money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book. In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital. As Tara Hunt has found, online success comes from building a community and being part of it – not by pushing a product or service. If you want to learn the secret sauce behind Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, you have to use them until you love them. Hunt will lead a discussion on the power of Whuffie in a reception at souk Friday, May 22nd from 7 – 9 PM. The event is free though registration at http://twurl.cc/wit is encouraged.2009-05-23 02:00:00http://twurl.cc/wit2009-05-13 23:01:122009-05-13 23:23:39 ?2009-05-23 04:00:005:00:00on of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace. NOTE: This is a new meeting date, due to too many conflicts on our previous second-Wednesday meetings. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-03-26 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2139528/2009-03-17 07:17:122009-03-17 07:17:12 9;b2009-03-26 04:00:00 pm
        2008-09-07 16:00:00http://www.tourdelab.com2008-08-31 23:56:132008-09-01 03:35:33 ; ;b֑2008-09-07 22:00:00 $DD7$tԡuG%333SBDC: How to Start a Business503-978-50802007-12-07 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b`ԡtCe333PSU: The Business of Sportshttps://www.foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings/2007-12-06 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:17:57;b` ԡsKK333Oregon's Most Admired Companieshttp://portland.bizjournals.com2007-12-06 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:57;b`wԡrA1333SAO: Software as a Servicehttp://www.sao.org2008-01-11 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b`hԡq/%333SBA loan briefing503-326-26822007-12-20 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b` ԡp[?333IMC: Professional Written Communicationhttp://www.imc-oregon.org2007-12-18 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b`5ԡoww333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Search Engine Marketinghttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/6922682/2008-01-08 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b` '#'mԡn'7333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-01 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:56;b`ԡiQ7333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-01-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:55;b`xԡh=7333AEA: BoD Education Eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-12 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:55;b`nԡg/1333OEN: CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org2008-01-25 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:55;b`zԡfG1333OEN: Seed Oregon, Final Roundhttp://www.oen.org2008-02-14 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:55;b`uԡe=1333SAO: ITIL V3 Foundationshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-07 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:54;b`tԡd;1333SAO: Green your Companyhttp://www.sao.org2008-01-08 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:54;b`pԡc31333SAO: ITIL Awarenesshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-15 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:54;b`o bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 08:14:442009-07-11 21:58:02 ;JwD2009-07-15 03:00:00ng and dynamic 3-day course introduces learners to the lifecycle of managing IT services to deliver to business expectations. As well as an engaging, case study based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice, this course also positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam, required for entry into the future ITIL v3 intermediate level training courses. The ITIL Version 3 best practice is composed of five core disciplines: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operations and Continual Service Improvement. These disciplines represent a service life cycle framework that further enhances alignment to the business while demonstrating business value, ROI and enabling IT to solve specific operational needs. #saopdx #itil2009-06-04 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567979/2009-05-05 19:02:042009-06-14 00:32:44 9;b<2009-06-04 06:00:00Agenda We will cover the following agile practices: Preventing Defects ("N YlvYԡKI9333CHIFOO: Sketching Smart Thingshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-01-10 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b`ԡJm9333CHIFOO: Design Research - Process & Provocationshttp://www.chifoo.org/2008-02-07 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b`ԡICO333DevGroup NW monthly meetinghttp://www.devgroupnw.org/events/2008-01-17 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b` ԡH3i333EMA: Your Web Voicehttp://www.ema-oregon.org/presentation-cal.php2008-01-23 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b`NԡG1m333FEI Chapter Dinnerhttp://www.financialexecutives.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=ch_por&WebKey=335b4f3d-9784-427a-a270-98e70f2d62bb2008-02-22 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b` ԡFc;333IMA: Changing Laws, Regulations & Standardshttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2008-01-16 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:49;b` `Sf`}ԡE'W333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-01-15 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:48;b`}ԡD'W333IMC Breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-02-19 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:48;b`ԡBgQ333NW China Council: Hiring for the China Markethttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-02-06 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:48;b`$ԡA{Q333NW China Council: Year of the Rat annual dinner/auctionhttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-02-24 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:48;b`ԡ?[]333OBA: Translating Research into Practicehttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/post/1332008-01-14 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:47;b`&ԡ>ke333PSU: Oregon's Emerging Medical Industry Clusterhttps://www.foundation.pdx.edu/busbriefings/2008-01-17 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:47;b` [+3ԡ1qy333PMF: Emotional Intelligence for Project Leadershiphttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-01-17 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:44;b`ԡ07y333PMF: Lean Engineeringhttp://www.programmanagementforum.org/index.asp?pgid=12008-01-31 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:44;b`ԡ/aE333PMI: Creating Innovation-Friendly Projectshttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-01-16 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:43;b`ԡ.m9333SEMpdx free webinar: Meatball Sundae, Seth Godinhttp://www.sempdx.org/2008-01-15 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:43;b`ԡ-mS333SCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-01-19 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:43;b`   ssion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as \XM3W33JuHow to Make a Great PresentationIt's time to come out from behind your desk or easel and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of strangers. Discover how to give talks or readings that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Fee: $40 advance registration, $50 at the door Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg (www.gigirosenberg.com) Location: CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland For more information: www.cubespacepdx.com/node/1992 To register, call: 503.206.3500 2009-04-21 23:00:00http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/19922009-04-09 19:37:10 92009-04-22 01:00:00egment and in that role built what was the largest electric car dealership in the US. The experience led him to start Rogue Energy with the aim of providing the next generation batteries to the US market. In late 2008 Rogue Energy was part of a three way merger with SynkroMotive LLC and Shorepower Technologies focused on the design, build, and marketing of electric vehicle charging stations. As the President and Chief Strategy Officer for SynkroMotive he is very active in the State's effort to become the leader in electric transportation infrastructure. He has consulted to various renewable energy start ups providing local management and operations expertise. Mr. Bakken holds a BS in Marine Biology from Oregon State University. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, May 12th. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-22702009-05-14 00:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=562009-05-07 21:59:052009-05-07 22:03:35 :62009-05-14 02:00:00 `Cq`rԡ=35333OCCA dinner meetinghttp://www.occa.org/2008-01-30 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:47;b`ԡ<7q333OGI: MST info sessionhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23302008-01-09 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:46;b`ԡ;Oq333OGI: Project Portfolio Managementhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22302008-01-15 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:46;b`ԡ:3q333OGI: Lean Six Sigmahttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22902008-01-17 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:46;b`ԡ91q333OGI: HR & OD Forumhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23322008-01-17 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:46;b`6ԡ8q333IEEE Robotics & Automation: Robotic Planetary Explorationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23492008-01-18 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:46;b`ally acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? - an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Consultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 - 6:30 The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, United States 97204 Cost: $50 2009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-07 22:05:522009-05-12 21:40:52 <2JvC2009-05-28 01:30:00 +'f+ԡ73q333OGI: Peer Mentoringhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22832008-01-22 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:45;b`ԡ6Mq333OGI: Coaching Skills for Leadershttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23182008-01-30 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:45;b`$ԡ5[q333OGI: Biopharmaceutical Drug Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23312008-02-27 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:45;b`~ԡ43M333PNDC Member Meetinghttp://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-01-18 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:45;b` ԡ3MM333PNDC: Defense Appropriations 101http://www.pndc.us/calendar.html2008-02-13 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:44;b`Rԡ2QU333PBA: Technology Trends in Businesshttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventsStartPage.aspx?OE=True2008-02-08 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:44;b` OEԡ/333September Meeting2007-09-19 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/jbaldivieso/september-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:06ԡ3y33November Meeting: Top 10 Ways to Get Involved in the Plone Community2007-11-14 01:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/jbaldivieso/november-meeting-top-10-ways-to-get-involved-in-the-plone-community/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:06*ԡE{3!33Portland Lunch 2.0 @ AboutUsThis will be the first Lunch 2.0 in Portland, and AboutUs.org has graciously offered to host it. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here. Let's put our own Portland spin on it. Watch this space for details as they emerge.2008-02-27 20:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/02/07/portland-chapter-launches-at-aboutusorg/2008-02-13 11:20:572008-06-18 13:17:05 9 .3$.Nԡ_GW333PBA: Manufacturing is Boominghttp://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=11592008-02-20 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b` ԡ^OK333PDXfX Two-Minute Power Networkinghttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-02-20 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b`ԡ]=W333Final Cut Pro user grouphttp://www.pdxfcpug.com/meetings.html2008-02-06 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:30;b` ԡ[;[333Portland Web Innovatorshttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/408293/2008-02-14 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:30;b`yԡZ1E333PMF dinner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-02-20 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:30;b`FԡY 3U333PNSQC 26th Annual Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference2008-10-13 14:30:00http://www.pnsqc.org/2008-conference2008-03-17 17:33:022008-09-15 00:41:40 9;b`2008-10-16 01:00:00 aZYsaԡwEa333PSBA: The Way of Open Sourcehttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/OpenSourceTechDevo2008-02-21 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b`tԡt;1333SAO: Absence Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b`mԡs%9333ASCE meetinghttp://www.asceor.org/2008-02-07 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b`mԡr#;333ASQSW dinerhttp://www.asqswwa.org/2008-02-21 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b`zԡp_333ACG: China - Opportunities and Challengeshttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/calendar/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATEGORY_ID=&EVENT_ID=3101&MONTH_CHOICE=2&DAY_CHOICE=15&YEAR_CHOICE=20082008-02-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b`ԡoSo333CHIFOO: Workshop with Brenda Laurelhttp://www.chifoo.org/pages/2008.html#FebWorkshop2008-02-07 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:33;b` I{k5Itԡ;1333SAO: Oregon Capitol Dayhttp://www.sao.org2008-02-20 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b`lԡ+1333SAO Poker Nighthttp://www.sao.org2008-02-28 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b`ԡ1333SAO: Shifting Paradigm to Agile Methods: Embracing the Changehttp://www.sao.org2008-02-28 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b` ԡ~a=333Starveups: Topgrading Panel (public event)http://www.starveups.com2008-02-20 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b`ԡz/W333Ignite Portland 2http://www.igniteportland.com key=yes2008-02-06 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b`ԡyU1333OEN Webinar: eMarketing Fundamentalshttp://www.oen.org2008-02-20 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b`ԡxQ1333OEN: Developing an Elevartor Pitchhttp://www.oen.org2008-02-22 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:34;b` P]!PԡEs333SAO: Declarative Programminghttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-21 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:38;b`ԡCs333SAO: ITIL Practitioner IPSRhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-25 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:38;b` ԡ#s333SAO: SMARTShttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-27 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:38;b`ԡ?s333SAO: SaaS (San Francisco)https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-28 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:37;b`ԡ?s333SAO: SaaS (San Francisco)https://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-29 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:37;b`ԡCy333Starveups Hot Seat: db clayhttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2008-02-22 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:37;b` ];ԡ 1333SAO: Critical Success Factors in Marketing to Mobile Deviceshttp://www.sao.org2008-01-15 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:40;b`$ԡ}O333ACG: Build & Sustain a Culture of Performance Excellencehttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2008-01-09 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:40;b`,ԡ Q333NW China Council: Preventing Liability for Products from Chinahttp://www.nwchina.org/events.html2008-01-09 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:40;b`=ԡ q333SPIN: Improve Accessibility & Quality in Web-Based Applicationshttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23362008-01-11 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:40;b`ԡqK333PDXfX: Finding the Energy you Need to be Effectivehttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-01-16 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b` 9#wrԡ#E333Net Tuesdayhttp://www.mmt.org/calendar/2008-01-23 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b`yԡ+K333GROW Conferencehttp://www.growconferences.org/2008-01-26 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b`%ԡam333PSBA: 5 Tools fofr Developing Market Powerhttp://www.psba.pdx.edu/EntrepreneurialMarketing2008-01-23 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b`uԡ-A333OEN CEO Bus Tourhttp://www.oen.org/events/2008-02-01 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:39;b`ԡ9s333Microsoft: Products ofhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-01-23 22:00:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:38;b`@ԡs333Port of Portland: 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Business Opportunitieshttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-01-30 17:30:002008-03-17 17:33:032008-06-18 13:17:38;b` $o5 $^ԡX;333SEMpdx networking eventhttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/?launch_pg=EventPage&launch_sel=1000164&launch_pg_sp=true&title=February+2008+Networking+Event2008-02-13 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:30;b`ԡWYS333SCORE: Secrets of Financial Managementhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-08 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:30;b` ԡVES333SCORE: Finding New Customershttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-28 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:29;b`ԡU]S333SCORE: How to Get People to Buy from Youhttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-06 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:29;b`ԡT]S333SCORE: Effective Sales for Entrepreneurshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-22 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:29;b` ԡSES333SCORE: Competing and Winninghttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-02-11 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:29;b` WMVW Surprisingly, this date worked the best when a sample from the c{ԡRA9333STCWVC: Competition Awardshttp://www.stcwvc.org/2008-02-22 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:29;b`xԡQ7=333WEO-OR monthly dinnerhttp://www.oregonweo.org2008-02-13 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:29;b`eԡP5333WEO-WAhttp://www.weowa.org2008-02-21 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`ԡO)e333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://groups.google.com/group/pdxwiki?hl=en2008-02-07 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`ԡNCo333EDCO Annual Luncheon (Bend)http://www.edcoinfo.com/EDCO_Events/edco_events/ 2008-02-14 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b` ԡM7g333TechShop Meetup Partyhttp://portland.techshop.ws/rsvp.html key=yes2008-02-13 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`{ԡLU%333SBDC: Getting your Business Financed503-978-50802008-02-13 02:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b` :\;o ԡc7333Barran Liebman: Ore. Famly Leave Act Updatehttp://www.barran.com2008-03-04 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b` ԡSK333Power Breakfast: Tom Schmitt, FedExhttp://portland.bizjournals.com2008-03-13 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b`ԡuM333PSU: Manga - Adapting Japanese Comics for US MarketsPSU Smith Memorial Student Union2008-03-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b`uԡ;3333NEBC networking meetinghttp://www.nebc.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b`Wԡ cM333TiE: The Journey of 2 Web 2.0 Entrepreneurshttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1850&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-03-07 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b`?ԡ 3M333TiE: Carbon Tradinghttp://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=1702&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-03-20 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b` Mj.MԡfQq333OGI: Flexib le Product Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23582008-02-07 02:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:32;b`ԡd3q333IEEE Robotics Forumhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23592008-02-22 03:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b`ԡcMq333OGI: Advanced Group Facilitationhttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23532008-02-27 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b`ԡb3q333OGI: Lean Six Sigmahttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=22902008-02-28 16:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b`ԡaGy333OHF: Health on the Home Fronthttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-02-26 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b`ԡ`)y333Personal Telcohttp://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/MonthlyMeeting2008-02-28 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:31;b` OcWOԡnG?333EMA: Lean and Green Recyclinghttp://www.ema-oregon.org2008-03-19 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:32;b`zԡj=;333IMA: Business Valuationshttp://www.ima-pdx.org/2008-02-20 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:32;b`ԡi7Y333IABC: Power Breakfasthttp://www.ociabc.org/events/index.htm2008-02-13 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:32;b`xԡhIE3C3332008 Communicator's ConferenceThe theme this year is “From Typewriter to iPhone: Being Heard by Multiple Generations.” Attendees will benefit from the latest insights on communicating with and working alongside people from different age groups. 2008-05-07 15:00:00http://www.pdxcommconf.org/2008-03-17 17:33:022008-07-13 04:29:11 :;b`2008-05-08 20:30:00ԡgS]333Bioscience Career & Internship Fairhttp://www.oregonbio.org/events/post/1202008-02-28 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:32;b` t4rԡ<%C333SAO CorallisRSVP to sae-info@thebec.com2008-02-22 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26;b`8ԡ;+s3Y33BarCampPortland[Full details at Upcoming] Tech + Geek + Culture. The event for the Portland tech community, produced BY the Portland tech community. Interesting topics, cool people, and great networking opportunities. Always free to attend. More details coming soon. 2008-05-03 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4211472008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26 9;b`{ԡ8[333Lunch 2.0http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416833/2008-02-27 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26;b`ԡ7)e333Beaver BarCamphttp://www.barcamp.org/BeaverBarCamp key=yes2008-03-01 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b` N\uNԡKQ9333SIM: Strategies for Virtualizationhttp://www.simnet.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`ԡJYW333PMF Winter Social and Networking Eventhttp://www.programmangementforum.org 2008-02-21 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:28;b`iԡI/'333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-2682 2008-02-21 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:27;b`rԡHC%333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802008-02-28 02:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:27;b` ԡGkY333PMF: Managing New Product & Service Developmenthttp://www.programmanagementforum.org 2008-02-28 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:27;b`vԡF/A333OEN: Angel Oregonhttp://www.oen.org key=yes2008-03-05 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:27;b`{ԡE1 3A33Oregon SBIR Summit2008-03-25 16:00:00http://www.oregonsbir.org/2008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:27 9;b`kend is proud to announce that the Portland Startup Weekend will be held May 23-25 2008. This is Memorial day weekend, so plan accordingly. Surprisingly, this date worked the best when a sample from the cityvote project was polled. It will be great to have a nice northwestern spring day on Monday to enjoy as a holiday (which is a huge plus). This will be the 17th Startup Weekend to take place across the globe. Please blog, twitter, IM and tell your friends about the weekend (and feel free to use this logo and link to this post). Oregon is my home state and I can’t wait to get back. A nice intimate set will be provided by the great folks at SMtvMusic.com. We already have quite a few surprises planned for the first Startup Weekend in Oregon. 2008-05-23 15:00:00http://startupweekend.com/portland-startup-weekend/2008-03-17 17:33:012008-07-13 04:29:11;b`Ji2008-05-26 00:00:00 0}820mԡ6'7333AEA CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-29 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b`ԡ5]7333AEA: The Power of a Professional Networkhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b`mԡ4'7333AEA CEO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-14 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b` ԡ3e7333AEA Managing Your Strategic Investment in IThttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-20 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b`.ԡ2sm333OTBC: The 4 Practices of Effective Online Educationhttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-03-04 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:25;b` ԡ1e1333OEN: How to Value Price Your Product/Servicehttp://www.oen.org2008-03-12 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:24;b`}ԡ/M1333OEN Biz Plan Development Seminarhttp://www.oen.org2008-03-19 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:24;b`ing with other leaders of the Portland Business Community. You will learn: * Techniques for finding what you need from the Portland Business Journal in less than a half-hour a week. * Business information to help you achieve your sales goals. * How to recognize sales leads within news stories and features. * Specific actions you can take to warm up cold leads. * How to use this information to support your networking efforts. * PROFIT from every issue! We host the meetings from 3:30pm - 5:00pm every third Tuesday of the month at CubeSpace. The August session is Tuesday, August 21st, 2007. The seminar begins promptly at 3:30pm. The seminar sells out at 40 attendees. Once this month's seminar sells out we will post the next month's event. Event Contact: Please contact Bill Berninger at 503-274-8733 with any questions.2008-04-15 22:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416827/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:14 9;bQrning Event “Competitive Analysis for Product Development” The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its July Learning Event; “Competitive Analysis for Product Development”. Every company has competition. What do you know about yours and how do you use it? This panel of experts will focus on the pragmatic side of gathering and using competitive information in support of product development and management. Topics to be addressed include: What types of information should you collect? How can you collect it efficiently? Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Common mistakes companies make in competitive analysis A Q&A session will follow the three presentations allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Panelists Roger Courville Principal, 1080 Group Steering Committee, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals / Oregon Chapter Roger Hicks Adjunct Professor, OHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine www.pdmaoregon.net The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter’s mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. 2009-07-10 05:00:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-07-10 04:24:462009-07-30 23:13:42 ?/2009-07-10 06:00:000http://pdxlinux.org2008-12-16 06:38:382008-12-17 19:05:25 :2008-12-18 05:00:00 * How to get clients and business from these sites. * How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. * What a status bar is and why it’s a good idea to update it regularly. * How these sites can be used to obtain recommendations and testimonials from your clients. * The do’s and don’ts of Social networking and how to maintain a professional profile on each site. Taylor will not only explain, but also demonstrate the benefits of social networks, and show you how you can attract more clients to your business. Date: Thursday, July 23rd 2009 Time: 11:30pm to 2pm Price: $35.00 per person, Lunch included Location: 607 Main Street Suite 240, Oregon City, 97045 To register please RSVP with Diane Dahlins at diane@page10accounting.com. Check and credit cards only please, when rsvping.2009-07-23 18:30:00http://www.imagineyourreality.com/events.html2009-07-11 00:17:152009-07-11 00:17:15 @62009-07-23 21:00:00 jjJ$0uE{33CEԡ\e3333New York: ԡBIC3g333Why do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour a week.Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don’t come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it’s important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. Hew will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class you will learn: * What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it’s important to be on these sites or some of them. EvaCatHerder/status/3542577605">Judging from her tweets, Eva seems to be enjoying her new toy and I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all very happy that she won it! It's a pretty awesome score, no? (Thanks again for the hook-up @BMW!) This Friday we're thrilled to give away MORE stuff, and this time the odds of winning are much better! Courtesy of Network Redux, the first 50 Beer and Bloggers that want it will get 1 free shared Internet hosting account FOR LIFE. That's right, for a lifetime. AND the first 100 attendees get beer koozie, modeled here by Network Redux's Director of Communication Laura Gonzales. Handy and stylish, yes? And that's not all! To sweeten this amazing FREE giveaway deessor, OHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door \ Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine www.pdmaoregon.net The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter’s mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. 2009-07-17 01:00:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-07-10 04:28:062009-07-11 22:29:05 ?/2009-07-17 02:30:00opennorthwest.org/2008-12-17 00:48:532008-12-17 00:48:53 =2009-02-12 02:00:00rning Event “Competitive Analysis for Product Development” The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its July Learning Event; “Competitive Analysis for Product Development”. Every company has competition. What do you know about yours and how do you use it? This panel of experts will focus on the pragmatic side of gathering and using competitive information in support of product development and management. Topics to be addressed include: What types of information should you collect? How can you collect it efficiently? Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Common mistakes companies make in competitive analysis A Q&A session will follow the three presentations allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Panelists Roger Courville Principal, 1080 Group Steering Committee, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals / Oregon Chapter Roger Hicks Adjunct Prof II/ԡ.%m3#333OEN Pub TalkMinimize Startup Risk Hear how to overcome the four deadly demons feared by all startups: Product risk, Market risk, Team risk and Financing risk. A discussion includes Kanth Gopalpur, CEO Monsoon Inc, David Moffenbeier, Co-founder/COO, Absorbent Technologies and Pete Grillo, Founder/CEO Iterasi. The event will be moderated by Gerry Langeler from OVP. 2008-04-10 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events/registration_details?reg_name=pubtalk&venue_id=322008-03-17 17:33:012008-07-13 04:29:10 :6;b`Ji2008-04-10 04:00:00 ԡ-Y=333Starveups: Building a Team that Scaleshttp://www.starveups.com2008-02-27 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:24;b`uԡ,1=333Starveups Ski Triphttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-08 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b`pԡ*#A333ACEC Dinnerhttp://www.acecoregon.org/2008-03-19 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b` fkUfmԡ)%9333ASQSW Dinnerhttp://www.asqswwa.org2008-03-20 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b`vԡ'!O333ACG dinnerhttp://chapters.acg.org/portland/2008-03-12 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b`ԡ&Q7333CHIFOO: A Framework for Innovationhttp://www.chifoo.org2008-03-06 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b`ԡ#Q?333IMC: The Hard Knocks of Consultinghttp://www.imc-oregon.org2008-03-18 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:23;b`ԡ"O7333IABC: Your Own Ambassador Programhttp://www.acteva.com2008-02-28 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:22;b` ԡ!c9333NW China Council: Chinese Aviation Industryhttp://www.nwchina.org2008-03-05 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:22;b`tԡ 75333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:22;b` ))KPdԡhԡPԡ<U_3S333PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR). Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards. More details from Webb: If anyone is wondering about specifics, I will describe how I recently created a "crosswalk" table that correlates census tracts in 1980 with census tracts in 2000 in the Portland region (well, Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties), so that we could see poverty trends over the last 25 years. I used PostGIS, Census naming conventions ("FIPS codes"), and lots of outer joins. So if you like that sort of thing, I would love to hear your comments tomorrow!2009-07-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5542009-07-10 03:00:152009-07-15 19:22:12 92009-07-17 03:00:00 |wX4|1ԡ)G3y33Personal Telcohttp://wiki.personaltelco.net2008-03-27 01:00:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/MonthlyMeeting2008-03-17 17:33:012009-02-09 20:26:19 >;b` ԡIM333PBA: Portland Green Team Forumhttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-04 21:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:22;b` ԡQM333PBA: Igniting your Referral Enginehttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-07 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:22;b` ԡQM333PBA: The Science of Building Trusthttp://www.portlandalliance.com/2008-03-19 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:22;b`ԡW5333PDXfX: Tapping Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.pdxfx.org2008-03-19 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b`ԡQ7333SWHRMA: Adapting Leadership Skillshttp://www.swhrma.org2008-03-11 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b` '"'xԡ7=333WEO-OR dinner meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org2008-03-12 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b`lԡ'5333WEO-WA dinnerhttp://www.weowa.org2008-03-20 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b`ԡCG333Pacific NW Tech Career Fairhttp://www.pacificnwtech.org/2008-03-20 22:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b`{ԡ9A333Keiretsu Forum meetinghttp://www.k4portland.com 2008-03-14 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b` ԡ/o333Health Tech Forumhttp://www.healthtech2008.com/agenda.html key=yes2008-03-12 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:21;b`Fԡm!333Overcoming the Unique Challenges of Rapid Growthlgross@perkinsaccounting.com Featuring Doug Tatum, author of No Man's Land2008-03-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b`wԡW333Shop/08http://craveparty.com/shop08/ key=yes2008-03-10 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:20;b` ccaFX tools team. Joshua recently co-authored O'Reilly's Swing Hacks with Chris Adamson. He also contributes to SwingLabs and writes regularly for Java.net. Joshua holds a BS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and recently moved to Eugene, Oregon to be with his new wife. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socializeԡ;YU3]333PDX Open Source Geospatial Users GroupMonthly meeting of the PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group. We meet at OpenSourcery (On NW Lovejoy, between 16th and 17th) on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8 PM and then head to a nearby spot for drinks and more geeking out. On the agenda for this month: - MercyCorps case study and brainstorming session - More cool open source geo discussions and grokking. Please join us! Our Google Group is also open to all.2009-07-23 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3070437/2009-07-09 22:37:112009-07-10 00:06:51 =;b؈2009-07-23 03:00:00 b-,oԡ )9333AMA Networkinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org2008-03-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b`kԡ)1333SAO Connectionhttp://www.sao.org2008-03-13 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b` ԡa5333PDXfX: Tapping into Emotional Intelligencehttp://www.pdxfx.org2008-03-15 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b`6ԡs}333OTBC: How to Value Price your Products and Serviceshttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/175 key=yes2008-03-11 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b`rԡ!G333SearchFesthttp://www.sempdx.org key=yes2008-03-10 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:19;b`ԡ{7333AEA: The Changing Roles & Responsibilities of the Boardhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b` zzU' (1ԡs3333OSCONhttp://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-07-25 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:132008-07-13 04:30:26;bձJi2008-07-26 00:00:00ԡQ73333AEA: Advanced Portfolio Managementhttpԡ033-333Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java (MOVED - see description!)*** ATTENTION: For this month's meeting only, we will be meeting in the Jefferson room on the southeast end of the upper lobby. We will not be in the usual 8th-floor confereԡ:5#3 333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include * Perl 5.10.1 core hacking * perl5i http://github.com/schwern/perl5i You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. PS Its not a Perl only thing.2009-07-10 01:30:002009-07-09 07:06:002009-07-09 19:33:18 ; 2009-07-10 05:00:00 ^-$edu eoeJHe ԡi1333SAO: Making the Most out of your Customer Winshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b`ԡQA333OEN Exec Series: Sales & Marketinghttp://www.oen.org key=yes2008-03-18 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b`ԡ9M333SMPS: Active Listeninghttp://www.smpsoregon.org/events2008-03-18 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b` ԡYE333PRSA: Media Measurement Best Practiceshttp://www.prsa-portland.org2008-03-19 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b`ԡmC333Green Building Council: Collaboration and Changehttp://www.cascadiagbc.org/2008-03-20 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b`ԡ~1333SAO Hood River: Growing or Starting Your Online Sales Channelhttp://www.sao.org2008-03-20 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:18;b` ""`2EEԡNeM3?333Open Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing Oԡw! 3W333Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Charlie's ProducePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase @ Charlie's Produce - 18332 NE San Rafael Portland, OR 97230 Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 at 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. About Charlie’s Produce: Charlie’s Produce is a locally owned, private company that, through quality product standards and compe{ 00J-Ik W33='9Silver Falls Conference CenterNestled in the foothills of the Oregon Cascades, The Conference Center at Silver Falls State Park offers an ideal atmosphere for overnight retreats, family reunions, conferences, training sessions and day meetings within easy reach of the state's metropolitan areas.
        The Conference Center, located in a secluded meadow, surrounded by a tall stand of Douglas Fir and Hemlock trees, specializes in serving groups of 10 to 76 people. Common vegetation includes Oregon grape, salal, and sword fern. Pacific blacktail deer, rabbits, birds, chipmunks and squirrels abound. Along with a variety of options for lodging and meeting rooms, we offer year round comfort for all of our guests, including cabin rentals for individuals, couples or families. http://www.silverfallsconference.com/2008-03-26 17:58:032008-03-26 17:58:0320022 Silver Falls Hwy SSublimityOR97385US@FmCA0^Zȣr`866-575-8875 ccsilverfalls@aol.com F<,g E33- Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)http://www.ecotrust.org/ncc/2008-03-25 22:40:152008-05-20 13:44:20721 NW Ninth AvePortlandOregon97209US@FÚ.^LD|1;bju+3 133U +Microsoft Portland http://www.microsoft.com/about/companyinformation/usaoffices/pacwest/portland.mspx2008-03-25 16:18:522008-09-28 01:49:1710260 S.W. Greenburg Road Suite #600Portland OR97223US@FA[^X (503) 452-6400)533;Jive Software Office2008-03-25 16:14:382008-03-31 07:25:29317 SW Alder St Ste 500portland@FqiC^33333;bh :.4(G K33+ 'Portland Marriott City Centerhttp://www.marriottportland.com2008-03-25 16:05:222008-04-07 14:43:41520 SW BroadwayPortlandOR97205 US@F¡r^t:d503-226-6300 B8B~&# 335 Pier Coffee2008-03-25 15:15:392008-03-25 15:31:39600 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandOR97209US@FÉ&^ =c;bf%wS+33- ENTPWe are a consultancy and web incubator collective based in Portland, Oregon. We specialize in implementing big ideas.618 NW Glisan St, Portland OR 97209http://entp.com2008-03-25 12:47:212008-03-25 12:47:21618 NW Glisan StPortlandOR97209US@Fh7^OQC $! =331! %Oregon Zoohttp://www.oregonzoo.org2008-03-25 11:24:162008-04-02 14:39:084001 SW Canyon Rd.PortlandOR97221-9704US@FF˖^ޗl503-226-1561*#1 W33= PCC Cascade Campuswww.pcc.edu/about/locations/cascade/ 2008-03-25 09:07:272008-03-25 11:54:40705 N. Killingsworth St.PortlandOR97217US@F1rh^"*B"7 w 33C Tektronix Building 3814200 S.W. Karl Braun Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97077 2008-03-23 18:11:352008-03-23 18:11:3514200 S.W. Karl Braun DriveBeavertonOR97077 US@Fzp ^WebVisions explores the future of the Web with an all-star lineup of visionary speakers that includes a keynote from Jeffrey Veen of Google and sessions from Rashmi Sinha (Slideshare.net), Matt Haughey (MetaFilter), Christina Wodtke ( performance problems for large enterprise customers across the globe. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in Software Engineering but still has a blinking VCR clock. When not walking his ԡ9c]3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers August MeetingThe August Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-08-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069088/2009-07-08 20:38:062009-10-26 03:06:25 A;b؇2009-08-27 04:00:00 ,I,tke (Boxes and Arrows), Tjeerd Hoek (frog design), Bill DeRouchey (Ziba Design), Kimberly Blessing (Paypal) and many others.

        Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O' ԡlc-3 33FastTrac� TechVenture Information Session"If you are thinking about starting a high-tech or biotech company (or you already are in an early-stage startup), come to this brown-bag lunch event to learn about how the FastTrac� TechVenture program..."2008-03-20 19:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526613/?from=list2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:44:00 <;b^{ԡj5u35333Calagator CodeSprintCalagator is an all-volunteer, open-source project to develop a calendar aggregation system 0ԡi 3333Lunch 2.02008-04-09 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/03/10/portland-chapter-rolls-on-at-eroi/2008-03-12 08:09:092008-07-13 04:29:09 9Ji2008-04-09 20:30:00for the Portland technical community. We're making lots of progress, so please join us in the effort. For further details about the project, see calagator.org. We'll doing another code sprint to work on the project this Saturday, 10am to 6pm at CubeSpace. We usually meet in the FlexSpace (also the place where the Ruby Brigade meetings usually are), but the friendly front desk staff will tell you where to go if you're not sure. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you haven't attended a code sprint before. Experience with Ruby on Rails and agile development is helpful, but you're welcome to come even if you're new to these because this is a great way to learn. You do not have to come to the entire event, so swing by if you have time -- and if you drop in and we're not there, you'll probably find us eating lunch at the "Side Door" bar/restaurant a few blocks away. See you at the code sprint!2008-03-15 17:00:00http://calagator.org2008-03-14 11:39:332008-07-13 04:29:09 92008-03-16 01:00:00 G[Groject, see calagator.org. We'll doing another code spriԡncy3 333How to Attract Significantly More CustomersCome hear how you can quickly implement secrets others have successfully used to attract more customers - worth millions of dollars - and understand what works best for you and your company. This session is for company founders / owners, presidents and CEOs. Why? Because only you can make the you-bet-your-company decisions - that will come from the information in this seminar! Attendees will receive a special price on Mark's new book: How to Attract Signiԡma-3 333FastTrac® TechVenture Information Session"If you are thinking about starting a high-tech or biotech company (or you already are in an early-stage startup), come to this brown-bag lunch event to learn about how the FastTrac� TechVenture program..."2008-03-24 19:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7526775/?from=list2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:44:00 <;b^2008-03-24 20:00:00ficantly More Customers; in good times and bad. About the Speaker Mark Paul has more than twenty-five years of executive level leadership-from bootstrapping software start-ups as an entrepreneur, to leading a public telecom company, and building a $50 million technology business unit in two years at a Global 500 company as an intrapreneur. He has 17 years of interim executive and business leadership consulting experience as the president at Phoenix Management, Inc., and currently as Managing Partner at Synergy Consulting Group, LLC. Mark has helped over a hundred clients attract more customers: increasing their revenue, profitability and company value. Mark has built and served on boards of directors and advisors for various companies, and has published several editions to The Entrepreneur's Survival Guide. Visit his website at: www.synergy-usa.com. 2008-04-15 18:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7331158/?from=list2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:44:01 <;b^2008-04-15 20:00:00 .u%.cause only you can make the ԡ}Q7333SIM: Creating an Execution Culturehttp://www.simnet.org2008-03-20 00:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17;b`hԡ|/%333SBA Loan Briefing503-326-26822008-03-20 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17;b`&ԡw3Q3Q33Drupal CampPortlandhttp://groups.drupal.org/node/97492008-05-10 16:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/97492008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17 9;b`ԡv=O3333SAO: ITIL Foundations V3This dynamic 3-day course introduces the ITIL® Service Lifecycle for managing IT services to deliver on business expectations, and an engaging, case study based approach to learning the core disciplines of ITIL® practices. 2008-03-26 15:30:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/26/08ta2008-03-17 17:33:002008-07-13 04:29:10;b`2008-03-29 00:00:00ԡu[1333SAO Lane County: Dan White of Pipeworkshttp://www.sao.org2008-03-20 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17;b` xx is for company founders / owners, presidents and CEOs. Why? Because only you can make the you-bet-your-co]ԡt][333SAO: The QA Process for Medical ProductsOn-line Webinar. See http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/27/082008-03-27 19:00:00http://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=3/27/082008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17;b`'ԡqYy333OHF: Health Policy with Sen. Ron Wydenhttp://www.healthforum.org/events/breakfastforums.html2008-03-19 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:002008-06-18 13:17:17;b`oԡp'S3E333StartupaloozaStarupalooza is an interactive forum for the tech startup community. The event features discussions, presentations, demonstrations and networking allowing participants to share, learn and connect in a candid, no-BS environment.2008-03-29 19:00:00http://www.startupalooza.org2008-03-17 07:15:222008-07-13 04:29:10 9;bN2008-03-30 01:00:00 W:W 6cel pӀurs,AЍ \ԡO+93[33Knitting Night![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416797/ ] Come knit with us! The CubeSpace staff is riddled with creative knitters; on Wednesdays we'd love you to join in the fun. Show off your current project, ask for advice on a problem area, or just enjoy the company. Crocheters, needlepoint artists and other crafters always welcome!2008-03-27 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416797/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:13 9;bQ?ԡN+3[33Code 'n' Splode[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416807/ ] Code 'n' Splode is a group of geeky people who get together on a monthly basis to talk about geeky things. We are an open, relaxed, comfortable place to come and talk about programming. The group is primarily female and generally open by invitation only.2008-03-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416807/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:13 9;bQBoxes and Arrows), Tjeerd Hoek (frog design), Bill DeRouchey (Ziba Design), Kimberly Blessing (Paypal) and many others.

        Half day workshops feature acclaimed designer Roger Black ("Type Class"), Aaron Gustafson ("Progressive Enhancement with Javascript and CSS"), Erica O'Grady ("The Art and Science of Conversation in Social Media"), Scott Berkun ("How to Innovate on Time"), David McFarland ("Javascript for Designers") and more.

        Conference Pass: $180 Early Bird* / $250 Standard
        *if purchased by March 31st

        Workshops: $$375 Early Bird* / $450 Standard
        *if purchased by March 31st

        Group rates, association discounts and student discounts are also available; call Brad Smith at 503-230-2058 or email brad@webvisionsevent.com for more information.

        Sign Up!


        2008-05-22 16:10:00http://www.webvisionsevent.com2008-03-07 14:31:432008-07-13 04:29:09 92008-05-24 00:30:00 new draft chapters for previewing (http://book.realworldhaskell.org/). Congratulations, Don!
        Anyway, see you at the meeting!','2008-03-11 02:00:00','http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc','2008-03-05 00:18:46','2008-07-13 04:29:07',202389yԡfE3/33Portland Web Innovators - Getting Down to Business in MarchWe all get into this business because we love the Web. It's easy to overlook some important things, like covering yourself legally, and setting yourself up to be in the best position with the IRS. Just in time for tax season, the Web Innovators has *attorney Kevin Spence* and *accountant Lynn S. Hoyle* to give general advice and answer your questions. Should you be an LLC? LLP? S-Corp? Just how much of your studio apartment can you write off when you work on the couch? Is it okay if you just swipe someone else's privacy policy or terms and conditions? Find out the first Wednesday in March.2008-03-06 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com/2008-03-05 13:44:262008-06-18 13:17:15 9;b\ `` 6΀AЍ R_ԡeE3Y333Portland Functional Programming Study Group (pdxfunc) meetingJoin us at the next meetinԡdK3O33February Meeting (unusual date)The February monthly meeting has been rescheduled to avoid conflicting with Ignite Portland. The new meeting will be on Thursday the 7th.2008-02-08 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/372008-03-04 20:21:392008-06-18 13:17:15 9;b[DԡcC{3O33Ruby and OSS evening social[*UPDATE 2/20:* You can still come to the event, even if you didn't register/pay for the catered dinner earlier. Although you won't get the meal, the Hilton agreed to,ԡYK'3O333Portland PostgreSQL Users GroupWe're a user group devoted to PostgreSQL - programming, administration and development. Our meetings are on the Third Thursday of the month. 2008-03-21 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdxpug2008-03-02 15:48:232008-07-13 04:29:07 92008-03-21 04:00:00g of pdxfunc, the Portland Functional Programming Study Group. We'll have presentations, demos and discussions. We welcome programmers interested in all functional languages and our meetings have content for coders of all skill levels. If interested, please also subscribe to our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc
        * Dr. Bart Massey: Audio Processing With Haskell
        - Abstract: Dr. Massey will discuss and demonstrate a Haskell implementation of a WAVE file I/O library and compressor-limiter application that he's been working on. He'll also talk about why he chose Haskell to do this.
        - Speaker: Dr. Bart Massey teaches Computer Science at Portland State University, focusing on open source software engineering and artificial intelligence. He's the current Secretary of the X.org Board of Directors, co-author of the Nickle open source programming language, and spent many years as the faculty advisor the Portland State Aerospace Society that builds open s vv:P2Jng movie palace full of wonder and surprises. For nearlyaԡ؁cԡ8C3M333Beer and Blog - ԡ?Y73]333Flex and ActionScript Frameworks PanelThis month at the PDX RIA we are going to have an open discussion about some of the frameworks that are available to Flex developers. This is a great opportunity to come out and ask questions and here what folks have to say about their favorite frameworks. Just to make sure we have a well rounded discussion I found some volunteers to represent different frameworks. Matt Legrand - Cairngorm Matt Garland - PureMVC Simeon Bateman - Mate and Swiz If your favorite framework is not one of those listed then make sure you come out and represent! Tell everybody why you like your framework best. Pizza at 5:30, meeting at 6PM. Meeting at PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building) Room 209 2009-07-17 01:00:00http://groups.adobe.com/posts/ee45df94a12009-07-10 04:32:112009-07-10 04:32:11 @52009-07-17 03:00:00ource sounding rockets.
        We'll spend the rest of the meeting doing open discussion, talking about projects, technical challenges, recent developments, etc. It's a good group with a lot of varied experience, so there won't be any shortage of interesting discussion.
        Don Stewart, who gave the group's first presentation, recently announced that the Haskell-based xmonad tiling window manager he helps write is now one year old (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2008-March/005021.html) and the "Real World Haskell" book that he, Bryan O'Sullivan and John Goerzen are writing has released some new draft chapters for previewing (http://book.realworldhaskell.org/). Congratulations, Don!
        Anyway, see you at the meeting!2008-03-11 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-03-05 00:18:462008-07-13 04:29:07 92008-03-11 04:00:00 re local usernames and privilege levels, plus you'll practice using Active Directory for authentication. You'll set up a DHCP server for automatic address assignment. You'll practice building three types of 4ԡmo{3]333Seminar - iPhone Development: Emerging FrameworksSummary The iPhone has redefined the mobile marketplace, and it's hard to believe that the platform is only about a year old, and the App Store hasn't even been around that long. The SDK provides a wealth of capability, but now new community contributions and frameworks are emerging that greatly speed development for the iPhone and iPod touch - enhancing the "MԡkWw33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-06-03 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-05-11 01:24:472009-05-29 00:15:42 92009-06-03 04:00:00 AvAor a team of founders to help you get your idea off*Wo!3E33JuOEN - CEO Roundtable - Boards and Advisors: Using your external team to help driv,BVo 3 33JuOEN - CEO Roundtable - Boards and Advisors: Using your external team to help drive you and your company's success2009-04-09 19:00:002009-04-09 18:51:27 ?*2009-04-09 20:00:00USY3]33JuSAOpdx: ITIL Foundations V3 w/ examCourse Dates: May 27-29, 2009 This exciting and dynamic 3-day course introduces learners to the lifecycle of managing IT services to deliver to business expectations. As well as an engaging, case study based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice, this course also positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam, required for entry into the future ITIL v3 intermediate level training courses. #saopdx #itil #otn2009-05-27 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2402010/2009-04-09 17:42:20 9;b2009-05-28 00:00:00 5%33IISITE Design2008-03-22 11:38:232009-02-10 17:04:53115 NW First Avenue, Suite 500Portland@Fs^ I^;be >y) 33! Someday Lounge2008-03-22 11:36:352008-08-23 14:16:43125 NW 5thPortlandOregon97209@FnP^C%;bdGk]G?33- )Holiday Inn Portland Downtown/Convention CenterLocated in the vibrant Lloyd Business District of downtown Portland, the Holiday Inn® Portland Downtown/Convention Center brings Portland to you. The hotel is within four blocks of the Oregon Convention Center, the Rose Garden Arena and the Memorial Coliseum. The Lloyd Center Mall (Oregon’s largest tax-free shopping mall) is also within walking distance. 1441 NE 2nd Ave., Portland ORhttp://www.hiportland.com2008-03-22 10:28:452008-09-17 15:45:361441 NE 2nd Ave.PortlandOR97232US@F_ !^y(503) 233-2401 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyDԡ.)3-333Portl(ԡ4I#3K333Beer and Blog: What the Shit? I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and keening are okay. Yeah, I'vvoted to supporting the growth of technology startups in Oregon. This incubator for technology-focused startups helps with office infrastructure, coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. * Portland Ruby Brigade: A grassroots community of Ruby programmers that meets regularly to freely share their knowledge of Ruby. This user group promotes the use of Ruby and open source through events, structured talks, and open discussions. * Other Oregon organizations: We'll likely have representatives from AboutUs, ActiveReload, BlueLeaf, Blue Hill Solutions, Calagator, City of Beaverton, EngineYard: Rubinius, GoSeeTell, IBM, Infinity Softworks, JanRain, Lumeno.us, Lunarr, Open Sourcery, Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, Oregon State University: Open Source Lab, Portland State University, Pragmaticraft: AutomateIt, Software Association of Oregon, and others.2008-02-22 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/382008-03-04 20:21:392009-05-22 18:05:51 <2;b[e got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit starts at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)AYE2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-08 05:20:212009-07-28 08:14:46 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00  aven, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL and GlassFish. ---------- Speaker: Lyle Harris Lyle Harris is a Software Engineer ԡ6Q 3 333Dorkbot Pd Workshop #2 (tentative)2009-08-16 00:00:002009-07-08 19:22:582009-07-08 20:24:19;bl2009-08-17 00:00:00nԡ5g3Q333UX Book Club: "The Design of Everyday Things"Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's third UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday August 18. For this session, we're reading "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald Norman: http://bit.ly/1aEa7D Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date. Please RSVP here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30706582009-08-19 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-07-08 16:48:472009-08-30 14:27:292009-08-19 03:30:00th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, USA 97204 * RSVP: [*UPDATE 2/20:* You do not need to RSVP if you're coming to the event as a non-diner. The payment/registration was only needed for the catered dinner.] * COST: [*UPDATE 2/20*: The event is free if you don't get the meal. However, the deadline for buying the catered dinner has passed, so you probably won't be able to get a meal at the event if you haven't paid for it already.] * SPONSORS: This event is paid for in part by The City of Beaverton, Oregon Technology Business Center, Pragmaticraft, AboutUs, and Lane Powell. You can donate through the "OTBC contribution system":http://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/194 ATTENDEES: * Shimane Open Source Society: A group that promotes the use of Ruby and open source, and is working to make a "Mecca of OSS" in the city of Matsue. The visiting delegation includes government officials, managers, scientists and technologists from Shimane Prefecture. * Oregon Technology Business Center: A non-profit organization de 11r&Hԡ3i13]333HTML-PDX Meeting: HTML5 State of the Browsers Welcome to our initial meeting of the HTML5-PDX group. For this meeting we will first cover the purpose and goals of the group. In short that is all things HTML5; canvas, web workers, native video, client-side storage, Geolocation API, ... Though the main purpose of this initial meeting will be covering the state of HTML5 support in the major browsers. This group also encapsulates Open Web Games and that meeting will immediately follow the presentation from this meeting. Since the groups have so much in common, expect continuing future interaction between them. Future meeting will be every 3rd Monday of the month, at this same venue and time.2009-07-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/html5-pdx2009-07-08 04:41:252009-07-08 04:51:33 @02009-07-21 03:30:00 77w you can profit from your subscription to the Portland Business Journal. Each month we host a seminar where we teach you how to identify industry trends, reach decision makers and grow your business by reading our paper - all while enjoying networking with other leaders of the Portland Business CommBԡV5{3[33Nonprofit Networking[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416805/ ] Are you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A non-profit looking for affordable consultants or vendors? A volunteer looking an organization eager for your time? A non-profit wanting to partner on a project? If so, then non-profit networking is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's non-profit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself. Bring your brains and your rolodex; we provide snacks and drinks.2008-04-18 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416805/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:14 9;bQ l:lGԡX+3[33BarCampPortland[Full details at Upcoming] Tech + Geek + Culture. The event for the Portland tech community, produced BY the Portland tech community. Interesting topics, cool people, and great networking opportunities. Always free to attend. More details coming soon.2008-05-03 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/421147/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:14 9;bQJi߃?ԡW+3[33Code 'n' Splode[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416809/ ] Code 'n' Splode is a group of geeky people who get together on a monthly basis to talk about geeky things. We are an open, relaxed, comfortable place to come and talk about programming. The group is primarily female and generally open by invitation only.2008-04-23 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416809/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:14 9;bQ let non-diners in for free without any additional RSVPs/registrations. The room will have extra tables and a bar if you'd like to buy drinks.] Join us for an evening social event where you'll get a chance to meet Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, and members of Japanese and Oregon-based organizations that use and contribute to Ruby and open source. This event will be a great way to meet Ruby and open source enthusiasts ranging from programmers to CEOs, from journalists to city officials. You'll get a chance to learn how they're using and promoting these tools in Oregon and Japan, and discuss the open source movement and its communities. Be ready to make some new connections, so bring your business cards. This event is NOT about formal lectures or sales pitches, but for facilitating interpersonal discussions and creating new relationships here and abroad. We look forward to seeing you there! DETAILS: * LOCATION: Alexander's, 23rd floor of the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, 921 SW SixO|ktgc[`_]YWVMOD<;:79%#!  i VEAO RQTeSUVh6WXi`dbf][\Y^_iZMacgPN~sxfywmxS]aMTCBH>;:7,jmlnopsrqutzvw xy{~k(' @")013};bء2009-08-17 23:00:00 teleseminar, I'll provide you an assessment tool you can use to assess where your business is strong and where it is weak. You will come away with increased clarity about what's working in your business and what isn't, as well as with a plan of action to remedy the weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. You will learn the following: * Why it's important to check your business plan every 3 months, and how it can help you improve your business * How to assess your business model and determine what your strengths and weaknesses are * Action steps you can take to make your business successful 3pm to 4pm (PST time), 6pm to 7pm (EST Time) on August 10th and 17th Cost $20, and you get a free e-book on social media marketing when you register To register, email me at Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or via paypal2009-08-10 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128113/2009-07-26 07:41:002009-07-26 07:41:00 @G;bؠ2009-08-10 23:00:00  Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

        WvTm3]33JuSAOpdx: Cloud Computing: Cloud Types and the Impacts to Enterprises, Software Vendors, QA and Test OrganizationsCloud computing is the hot buzz phrase for 2009. But what exactly IS cloud computing and how does it affect QA organizations and practices? Well, QA SIG has just the program for you. Come hear IBM's Dan Carr from the Cloud Computing Engagements team! Dan will give us a broad overview of Cloud types and their impacts to enterprise customers as well as to Software Vendors. He will also discuss the impact of Cloud computing on QA and test organizations and end up reviewing problems and best practices! Speaker: Dan Carr, Executive IT Architect, IBM (Tivoli Cloud Computing Client Engagement Team) #saopdx #qa2009-05-26 18:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401997/2009-04-09 17:40:23 ?);b2009-05-26 18:30:00 gdQ33Lucky Lab in NW Portland on Quimby2008-03-21 16:30:062008-05-02 20:39:40;bc :k_33Cascade PCC Moriarty Arts Bldg Auditorium2008-03-21 16:30:062008-05-20 13:59:34;bc :#=/ ;33)7+Lucky Labrador Beer HallLucky Labrador Beer Hall (1945 NW Quimby) is located in an old Freightliner Trucking warehouse in the final frontier of inner Northwest Portland. With it's wide open feel and the pub resident five ton crane hovering above the tables, the Lab makes for a very casual place to hang out for a pint. Serving bento, sandwiches, salads, and other pub fare, our pub is a great place to chill out by yourself or congregate with a group of friends, family, or associates. http://www.luckylab.com2008-03-21 16:30:022008-03-22 17:23:391945 NW QuimbyPortlandOR97209 US@FIn^B5.beerhall@luckylab.com(503) 517-4352 ;bcing with other leaders of the Portland Business Community. You will learn: * Techniques for finding what you need from the Portland Business Journal in less than a half-hour a week. * Business information to help you achieve your sales goals. * How to recognize sales leads within news stories and features. * Specific actions you can take to warm up cold leads. * How to use this information to support your networking efforts. * PROFIT from every issue! We host the meetings from 3:30pm - 5:00pm every third Tuesday of the month at CubeSpace. The August session is Tuesday, August 21st, 2007. The seminar begins promptly at 3:30pm. The seminar sells out at 40 attendees. Once this month's seminar sells out we will post the next month's event. Event Contact: Please contact Bill Berninger at 503-274-8733 with any questions.2008-03-18 22:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416825/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQ has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com/ ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give aԡ0/%3K333Portland WerewolfRSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3068080/ Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-07-09 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-07-07 21:21:592009-07-07 21:21:59 ; 2009-07-09 05:00:00 wԡU{3[33Learn to Earn: How to Make More Money with the Portland Business Journal[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416827/ ] We invite you to spend an afternoon with us at CubeSpace for a networking event and seminar designed to show how you can profit from your subscription to the Portland Business Journal. Each month we host a seminar where we teach you how to identify industry trends, reach decision makers and grow your business by reading our paper - all while enjoying network hg(ԡgm333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Web Advertisinghttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-01-29 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b`,ԡom333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: PR and the Internethttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-02-05 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b`;ԡ m333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Wiki Technology and Your Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-02-12 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b`ԡ/_333Health Tech Forumhttp://www.healthtech2008.com/agenda.html2008-03-13 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b`ԡu1333OEN Webinar: The Basics of Raising Money from Angelshttp://www.oen.org2008-01-31 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:35;b` bQ;zbԡ ;s333SAO: Selling to C Levelhttps://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2008-02-19 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:37;b`vԡ 3=333ASWA dinner meetinghttp://aswaportland.org/2008-01-23 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:36;b`:ԡ q333OGI: Rethinking the Wall Street Approach to Drug Developmenthttp://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=23292008-01-23 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:36;b`xԡ 3A333EMA: Your Web Voicehttp://www.ema-oregon.org/2008-01-23 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:36;b`ԡC[333Credit Suisse:Big Idea Bashhttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/398749/2008-01-31 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:36 9;b`(ԡgm333OTBC/OEN/SAO Internet Series: Email Marketinghttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/1752008-01-22 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:022008-06-18 13:17:36;b`nd jewelry designers to real estate brokers and medical professionals. WNG is also a great opportunity to build business partnerships. The group has given birth to several smaller collaborative projects, from fashion shows to financial advice workshops, and we encourage cooperation among individual members. WNG meetings generally take place twice a month, with one meeting happening at CubeSpace (622 SE Grand Ave.) and the other being hosted in the home of a WNG member. Cost is $18. Dinner and beverages are provided. Pre-registration and pre-payment are strongly encouraged; we do limit attendance to 20 women. In an effort to provide the maximum benefit to everyone concerned, we ask for 48 hours' notice if a pre-registered woman needs to cancel; this allows us to fill her slot. Barring emergencies, if you need to cancel on shorter notice than 48 hours, you will still be charged.2008-04-09 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416801/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:13 9;bQ 88eԡB={3s333Portland Startup Weekendhttp://startupweekend.com/portland-startup-weekend/ Startup Wee׆OԡAm3s333OSCONOSCON is the crossroads of all things open source, bringing together the best, brightest, and most interesting people to explore what's new, and to champion the cause of open principles and open source adoption across the computing industry. OSCON 2008 is happening July 21-25 in Portland, Oregon. Join over 2,500 open source developers, hackers, experts, IT managers, and users at OSCON 2008. This year's convention will include 40 tutorials that go deep into open source technology and over 400 sessions focusing on Administration, Business, Databases, Emerging Topics, Java, Linux, Mobile, People, Perl, PHP, Programming, Python, Ruby, Security, Web Applications, and much more. 2008-07-21 15:00:00http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home2008-03-17 17:33:012008-07-13 04:29:11 9;b`Ji2008-07-26 00:00:00 #P#0ԡ@a3A333GOSCONGoverment Open Source Conference, Portland2008-10-20 16:00:00http://goscon.org/node/5782008-03-17 17:33:012008-07-13 04:29:10 :;b`Jo2008-10-25 00:00:00&ԡ?S}333OTBC/OEN/SAO: RSS and Your Businesshttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/175 key=yes2008-02-19 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26;b`Bԡ>333MIT: Virtual Worlds will Transform the Way we Do Businesshttp://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/7023761/ key=yes2008-02-21 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26;b`)ԡ=Y}333OTBC: Semiconductor Trends and Outlookhttp://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/175 key=yes2008-03-13 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:012008-06-18 13:17:26;b`orward with a July challenge meeting, and either Jonathan or I will post the final challenge on Monday. A lot of incredibly fun solutions have been proposed to Michelle's suggestion, and unless something more compelling comes along:

        "I like the idea of a challenge! If I can suggest one that might be fun, and that probably has many ways to accomplish it: how about a Question and Answer section? Something where a user can post a question, and either a moderator or a user can post answers - but possibly the moderator answer always shows above other user answers or is somehow distinguished."

        A couple of requirements:

        • Presentations must be Internet-accessible so we can use just one laptop to keep things quick.
        • To be guaranteed a time to present, make your commitment on the meeting reminder by July 6th.
        2009-07-09 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/239652009-07-07 19:52:042009-07-07 19:53:00 =2009-07-09 03:00:00bL2009-05-20 03:00:0001-23 01:00:00 RR/&|ԡK {3O333CHIFOO Workshop: Creative Solutions Through Innovation Games®

        Creating Breakthrough Products Through Innovative Play

        Innovation Games® is a set of a dozen hands-on activities to develop strategic planning and tactical decision-making skills<'ԡje3A333The 2009 Solar & Sustainability Science FairThe 2009 Solar & Sustainability Science Fair is presented by PHC Northwest, host to the largest single-roof solar array in the Pacific Northwest. This FREE event challenges the minds of tomorrow and celebrates the people working towards a cleaner, more sustainable world today. It features “green” projects created by local students alongside exhibits from more than 35 solar and renewable energy organizations showcasing their latest programs and technologies. For more info visit http://www.phcnw.com/solar.2009-05-15 19:00:00http://www.phcnw.com/solar2009-05-10 15:35:302009-05-10 15:35:30 ?2009-05-16 01:00:00 ̀h7؀Հ'`π׀9 3ԡM)C3[333Writers' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416784/ ] This weekly event, open to everyone, is a chance to exercise your writing muscles each week. Using a word or phrase as a prompt, we all write for 10-20 minutes, then read our work aloud. After everyone has read, we do it again, then again, for two hours. We do not critique each other's work, but we do listen and provide recall. Curious? Come join us!2008-03-24 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416784/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-07-13 04:29:07 9;bQ2008-03-24 19:04:00 yy new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This tal>ԡ/3]3S333Drupal Users Meetup

        July Challenge: Q & A Solutions Using Drupal

        We're going fԡ-!3A333Refresh Portland July: Simplify Your CSS with SASS by Thomas ReynoldsWhat’s SASS? SASS is a CSS-preprocessor that automatically implement common CSS idioms and keep you from repeating yourself. In other words, SASS is a way to implement grids, sprites and browser-specific tweaks in a fraction of the time it normally takes with CSS. This month, join us as we explore SASS with Thomas Reynolds! Thomas is an experienced front-end web developer who’s into Ruby, jQuery, HTML5, & web standards. Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement.2009-07-24 01:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-07-07 06:06:502009-10-26 03:06:21 A;b}2009-07-24 02:30:00://is.gd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group at 3:05 for the 3:15 meeting. "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the most sustainable economy in the world will be presented for adoption by City Council on July 8th. We need your help to make sure City Council understands the strong support in our community for business success and economic prosperity. And we invite you to show your support by attending the Council hearing." For more details: http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-08 22:00:00http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-06 19:40:432009-07-06 20:03:20 @.2009-07-08 23:00:00ug.org/2008-12-15 22:02:532009-04-20 18:01:22 <;bK2009-04-22 03:00:001:122008-07-13 04:30:18;bձ2008-01-19 20:00:00mly, partner at Ater Wynne LLP, will cover employee compensation basics for start-ups. Topics include: minimum wage, exempt versus non-exempt (overtime eligible) categories of employment, employees versus independent contractors, stock options, stock, and benefits. Speaker: Leslie Bottomly, Partner, Ater Wynne LLP Leslie Bottomly’s practice focuses on employment matters. She regularly advises public and private employers on such matters as employee discipline and termination, compliance with family and medical leave, discrimination, wage and hour, and other employment laws, development of employee handbooks, drug testing programs and international issues. Serving as Ater Wynne LLP's Director of Human Resources gives Leslie unique insight into the practical challenges employers face day to day. Ticket Info: OEN Members: No Cost Non Members: $302009-07-29 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=942009-07-06 17:45:292009-07-06 17:45:29 @2009-07-29 18:00:00 object lifecycle management.
        ;b|2009-07-09 23:00:00 44your challenges, observations and successeEԡR-;3333PDX Django LunchUPDATE: djangopony writes: Heading to Portland for a magical django lunch with @igalko and crew. ^_^ -- http://twitter.com/djangopony/status/1708120665 The weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django. This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart. PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-05 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/msg/7fc2f516bb3c59c92009-05-04 23:18:412009-05-05 19:01:52 ?2009-05-05 20:30:00 ddNTO "events" VALUES(1250452937,'Learn to Earn: How to Make More Money with the PortlԡK3#3[33Five elements in us[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/438524/ ] Have you ever wonder how your knowledge of law of five elements in nature can effect your health and improve your relationships with others? Come and take an introductory workshop in a Cube Space. No prior knowledge is necessary. Aja Ngo is acupuncturist with a private practice in SW Portland and has been teaching classes in Oriental medicine field in Europe and US since 1998. Fee$10 if registered, $20 at the door Registration 503-928-99162008-03-20 13:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/438524/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQ 77 this month''s seminar sells out we will post the next month''s event. Event Contact: Please contact Bill Berninger at 503-274-8733 with any questions.','2008-03-18 22:30:00','http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416825/','2008-03-02 15:11:07','2008-06-18 13:17:12',202389907,996332881,NBԡL5{3[33Nonprofit Networking[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416803/ ] Are you a non-profit or someone who works with them? A non-profit looking for affordable consultants or vendors? A volunteer looking an organization eager for your time? A non-profit wanting to partner on a project? If so, then non-profit networking is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's non-profit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself. Bring your brains and your rolodex; we provide snacks and drinks.2008-03-21 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416803/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQ \ԡJ+93[33Knitting Night![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416795/ ] Come knit with us! The CubeSpace staff is riddled with creative knitters; on Wednesdays we'd love you to join in the fun. Show off your current project, ask for advice on a problem area, or just enjoy the company. Crocheters, needlepoint artists and other crafters always welcome!2008-03-20 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416795/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQwԡI{3[33Learn to Earn: How to Make More Money with the Portland Business Journal[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416825/ ] We invite you to spend an afternoon with us at CubeSpace for a networking event and seminar designed to show how you can profit from your subscription to the Portland Business Journal. Each month we host a seminar where we teach you how to identify industry trends, reach decision makers and grow your business by reading our paper - all while enjoying network X[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416799/ ] The Women's Networking Group is a friendly, informal group of women who meet regularly to socialize, promote their businesses or non-profits, seek emp ԡH)C3[33Writers' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416783/ ] This weekly event, open to everyone, is a chance to exercise your writing muscles each week. Using a word or phrase as a prompt, we all write for 10-20 minutes, then read our work aloud. After everyone has read, we do it again, then again, for two hours. We do not critique each other's work, but we do listen and provide recall. Curious? Come join us!2008-03-17 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416783/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQ &&CE%ԡSK]3333SWHRMA: Ethical Decision Makinghttp://www.swhrma.org/index.php/calendar2008-01-08 19:30:002008-05-20 00:21:122008-07-13Qԡ,gm3-333Portland Java User Group: The Feel of ScalaThis month's topicSԡ1 3]333DevGroup NW: Zoom in on Mapping and Location with Adam DuVanderLOCATION: Terrell Hall, Room 122. Inside the building at the corner of N. Killingsworth and Albina, just seven blocks east of the Killingsworth MAX station Adam DuVander demonstrates how to bring the power of location to your website. Use mapping APIs to plot data geographically. Convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates. Grab the user's current location. Add some "where" to your application. Adam will overview the services that fuel location-based websites and some examples to help you find your way.2009-07-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-07 21:59:452009-07-14 20:21:18 :#;b؃2009-07-16 01:30:00 ~~{ԡFE]3[33Portland Python Users' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416818/ ] Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. We've recently re-formed the Portland Python group thanks to interest built up on Meetup and through the efforts of Brad Allen. It's still very early days- please help us spread the word that Portland Python is back!2008-03-12 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416818/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ bԡE=33[33Women's Networking Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416799/ ] The Women's Networking Group is a friendly, informal group of women who meet regularly to socialize, promote their businesses or non-profits, seek employment, collaborate, ask questions and trade leads. The group is a mix of core members and newcomers, a combination which fosters intimacy while still staying fresh. Our members represent a wide range of professions, from voice coaches a( ՀpӀ̀'р΀9 Qb;\ԡG+93[33Knitting Night![Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416794/ ] Come knit with us! The CubeSpace staff is riddled with creative knitters; on Wednesdays we'd love you to join in the fun. Show off your current project, ask for advice on a problem area, or just enjoy the company. Crocheters, needlepoint artists and other crafters always welcome!2008-03-13 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416794/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:12 9;bQ  with Flex and Java Outline: Intro to Rich Internet Applications # RIA as the next generation of Software # Back to the Client-Server Model # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform Intro to building software with Flex # What is Flex? # Open Source SDK # ActionScript & MXML Languages # Components # How do you use Flex? # Compiler # Debugging Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration) # Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File) # Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP) # Pub/Sub Messaging # Spring Integration ---------- Speaker: James Ward James is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301. Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endlelԡ,3333Observe Council Vote on 5-year Portland Economic Development StrategyPlease RSVP: http>ԡ+}3U333OEN Webinar: Employee Compensation Basics for Start Ups This webinar led by Leslie Botto zzn management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open sourcewԡ*m3]333Startup Workouts- Work/life balance for foundersStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics  [[/> If you want to do some reading in advance, here are some relevant links:
        ԡ(]3C333#Twicnic by The Sandy River: Post-Independence Day EditionEvery Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging around each other and having conversations someplace outdoor (be it about technology or otherwise)—then give it a hashtag, so it’s now known as #twicnic. As kindly suggested by Kimberly Gehl—and back for a repeat performance—we will meeting at Glenn Otto Community Park, conveniently located by the Sandy River. Bring food, drinks, or whatever you’d like to eat that afternoon. Bring your books, blankets, bikes, frisbees—and, you know, other things you don’t usually bring to your day job. And bringing computer is optional. That is all. 2009-07-04 21:00:00http://bram.me/twicnic.html2009-07-04 20:37:182009-07-04 20:37:18 @'2009-07-04 22:00:00nd jewelry designers to real estate brokers and medical professionals. WNG is also a great opportunity to build business partnerships. The group has given birth to several smaller collaborative projects, from fashion shows to financial advice workshops, and we encourage cooperation among individual members. WNG meetings generally take place twice a month, with one meeting happening at CubeSpace (622 SE Grand Ave.) and the other being hosted in the home of a WNG member. Cost is $18. Dinner and beverages are provided. Pre-registration and pre-payment are strongly encouraged; we do limit attendance to 20 women. In an effort to provide the maximum benefit to everyone concerned, we ask for 48 hours' notice if a pre-registered woman needs to cancel; this allows us to fill her slot. Barring emergencies, if you need to cancel on shorter notice than 48 hours, you will still be charged.2008-03-12 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416799/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ ``rԡB7Y3[33Portland Ruby Brigade[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416813/ ] Portland Ruby Brigade is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Event Contact: Consult http://www.pdxruby.org/ for more information.2008-03-05 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416813/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ ԡA)C3[33Writers' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416779/ ] This weekly event, open to everyone, is a chance to exercise your writing muscles each week. Using a word or phrase as a prompt, we all write for 10-20 minutes, then read our work aloud. After everyone has read, we do it again, then again, for two hours. We do not critique each other's work, but we do listen and provide recall. Curious? Come join us!2008-03-03 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416779/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ  ԡD)C3[33Writers' Group[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416781/ ] This weekly event, open to everyone, is a chance to exercise your writing muscles each week. Using a word or phrase as a prompt, we all write for 10-20 minutes, then read our work aloud. After everyone has read, we do it again, then again, for two hours. We do not critique each other's work, but we do listen and provide recall. Curious? Come join us!2008-03-10 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/416781/2008-03-02 15:11:072008-06-18 13:17:11 9;bQ OOce them. These people were raised on different values, and will work differently in the workplace. How will your business handle the transition? By studying the differences in the generations, we can understand how these groups act individually and how they will interact together in a business environment. You will also *ԡ [ 3U333OEN - Business Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the what is critical to include in an effective business, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. OEN Members: $30 Non-members: $155 (includes a one-year OEN individual membership)2009-06-09 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=622009-05-21 20:26:112009-06-04 18:14:27 <2009-06-10 01:00:00e you and your company's success Paul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss why and how to structure your board of directors, advisory board, professional advisory teams (legal, accounting, etc.). Learn from other's successes as well as war stories from the board rooms. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Non-member Fee (includes a one-year Individual Membership to OEN): $151.00 OEN Member Fee: $46.00 2009-05-21 18:30:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=762009-04-09 18:56:55 ?*2009-05-21 20:00:00 planning, and various approaches to estimation, such >$'kc33E PCC Cascade Campus - Moriarty Arts & Humanities Building, Auditorium Room 104705 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR 97217http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/cascade/2008-03-21 16:57:162008-04-07 14:59:06705 N. Killingsworth Street PortlandOR 97217US@F1rh^"* :#X933Lucky Lab on NW Quimby2008-03-21 16:30:092008-05-02 20:39:40;bc :< ]933+ %lolo2940 NE Alberta, Portland, Oregon 97211 http://www.lolopdx.com2008-03-21 16:30:072008-06-07 07:17:392940 NE AlbertaPortlandOR97211US@Fǎd^Ξ^503.288.3400;bcos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
        F# Abstract: F# is a typed functional programming language for the .NET Framework, based on OCaml. F# combines functional programming with the runtime support, libraries, tools, and object model of .NET. Understand how F# tackles difficult development issues with ease, such as asynchronous programming and concurrency. Bask in the elegance of succinct, declarative code. Featuring the latest bits from Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 -- don't miss it! Speaker: Jason Mauer is a Senior Developer Evangelist with Microsoft covering the Pacific Northwest. He has been with Microsoft for 8 years, with a background in .NET application development, Web development, and game development with DirectX and XNA. Find him online at http://jasonmauer.com/ or on Twitter as @jasonmauer.2009-06-09 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-22 09:15:492009-06-06 15:31:17 92009-06-09 04:00:00of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23 The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-07-07 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3066322/2009-07-06 04:54:042009-07-06 04:54:04 >;b{2009-07-07 17:00:00 N(ԡ,W3u33 Internet Series: PR and the Internet2008-02-06 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/69226992008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:08 9Jexԡ+k333Computer Science upper year information sessionInformation on all fourth-year and optional third-year courses; differences among courses explained (360/365); advice on preparation for upper-year specialization (e.g. what courses to choose to prepare for graphics, AI).2008-02-12 00:30:002008-02-17 09:13:552008-06-18 13:17:08 9,ԡ*S#3q33Employer info session: Cigital Inc.For co-op and graduating students in computer engineering, computer science and electrical engineering. Please RSVP online.2008-02-12 01:00:00http://www.cecs.uwaterloo.ca/students/sessions.php2008-02-17 09:13:552008-06-18 13:17:08 9 jQGe1M331?!Urban Grind Coffee - EastsideCoffee House with free WiFi (from the Personal Telco project); rooms for rent during or after business hours2214 NE Oregon St.http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/2008-03-21 08:10:222009-02-09 20:26:232214 NE Oregon St.PortlandOR97232US@Fè>^+Z info@urbangrindcoffee.com5035460649 >7333PNCA Graduate Studios2008-03-20 11:56:322008-03-20 11:56:321432 NW Johnson St.PortlandOregon@FåS^lC;bb/- 133/))Jax Bar (CLOSED)http://jaxbar.com/2008-03-18 23:16:192009-05-06 19:20:50826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F1=^^3aV\-jax@jaxbar.com(503) 228-9128R - 33 One Center Court2008-03-17 17:33:162008-05-23 13:19:21;b` ;  Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

        We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

        The agenda for the first meeting:
        - Intros
        - Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they've done to manipulate an RSS feed.http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITE Design - http://www.isitedesign.com/ on Balancing Global Initiatives with Regional Creativity in Technology Marketing Wednesday December 17th 2008: from 6:00pm to 7:00PM at the HF3-Auditorium on Intel’s Campus, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 from 7:00PM to 8:00PM at Imbrie Hall in McMenamins’ Cornelius Roadhouse, 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124 RSVP mandatory please to tanpdx@gmail.com with attendee(s) name(s). Questions/Contact : Dan Nicollet, Portland TAN Chapter - +1-503-616-40072008-12-18 02:00:00http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/993317/2008-12-14 17:39:48 =;bC2008-12-18 04:00:00 http://dorkbotpdx.org 2009-10-02 01:00:00http://ONGallery.org2009-09-28 21:49:302009-09-28 21:49:30 @2009-10-02 05:00:00 #\#2ԡ#13333User Group Meeting2006-06-14 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/jbaldivieso/user-group-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-07-13 04:29:062006-06-14 00:30:00ԡ"73 33September PUG Meeting2006-09-13 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/event-items/september-pug-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:07Uԡ!e3O33Portland Plone User's Group November Meeting2006-11-15 01:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/geeklibrarian/portland-plone-user-s-group-november-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:07ԡ -333February Meeting2007-02-14 01:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/geeklibrarian/february-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:07 c2ԡ1333March 2007 Meeting2007-03-14 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/jbaldivieso/march-2007-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:075ԡ]333April 2007 Meeting: Plone and e-Commerce2007-04-11 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/jbaldivieso/april-2007-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:063ԡE3+33May Meeting: Plone 3.0 Demo!2007-05-09 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/geeklibrarian/may-meeting-plone-3-0-demo/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:064ԡ]333June Meeting: Automated Content Creation2007-06-13 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/geeklibrarian/june-07-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:06ԡ)3 33August Meeting2007-08-15 00:30:00http://portlandploneusers.org/Members/geeklibrarian/aug-meeting/2008-02-16 12:14:352008-06-18 13:17:06  otoshop consultant and\y 3533JrPDX.pm: Getting Involved with Rakudo (A Flavor of Perl 6)This will be a guided "hack session" about getting involved with the development of Rakudo, the first fully-featured Perl 6 implementation, which runs on the Parrot Virtual Machine. There will be a briefing at the beginning of the meeting to bring everyone up to speed and clarify any confusing terminology. Then we will break into groups and learn-by-hacking on whatever interests the participants. You must be interested in doing something with Perl 6/Rakudo, start now! The end of the meeting will be a short wrap-up where people voice there experiences working on Rakudo (what needs to be made easier? what rocks? what sucks? what do you want to work on next time?). PDX.pm normally meets at 7-till-7 (6:53pm) at FreeGeek for roughly an hour or so, then walks a few blocks to the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub for social hour. 2008-12-11 03:00:00http://leto.net/perl2008-12-07 23:56:23 =2008-12-11 04:00:00 yyiԡQ333Test Event for import to Calagator2008-02-04 02:00:002008-02-03 00:39:192008-06-18 13:17:05ԡ WY333Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG)Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG) meets the 2nd monday of every month 2006 & 2007 Web Site: http://www.pmug.org Contact Information: Peren Bjork perenb@pmug.org2008-02-05 02:30:002008-02-02 20:34:102008-06-18 13:17:05Je|ԡ /'3I33Calagator HackingCheck it out!2008-02-16 18:00:00http://calagator.wordpress.com2008-02-02 20:31:202008-06-18 13:17:05 9eԡ3O33WhereCamp 2008 May 17th / 18th Googleplex Campus Mountain View CA.WhereCamp 2008 May 17th / 18th Googleplex Campus Mountain View CA. We're excited to report that Google has offered WhereCampers space, food and a place to pitch our tents at the G...2008-05-17 07:00:00http:///events/E0-001-008947190-12008-02-02 19:28:162008-06-18 13:17:04 ml turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-throSԡ\qO3M333Transitioning to a Resilient Portland, Sept. 25-26

        ^vG 33JrLunch 2.0 Party Train to OTBC2009-01-14 19:00:002008-12-07 18:28:48 ;[;b5wuY 3-3JrDemolicious! - Portland Web Innovators2009-01-08 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-12-07 18:27:52 :v;b4`t% 333JrOEN SwapMeet2008-12-18 01:00:002008-12-07 18:26:03 :;b32008-12-18 03:00:00oqC 333JrWordPress 2.7 Release Party2008-12-13 01:30:002008-12-07 18:22:23 9;b12008-12-13 05:00:00o; 3U33JrCorvallis Beer and Blog2008-12-11 01:00:00http://www.beerandblog.com/corvallis2008-12-07 18:19:33 =;b/2008-12-11 03:00:00 WW"ԡ/I3[33The Big Idea BashTo start out the year with a bang, Credit Suisse, manager of the Oregon Investment Fund, invites you to meet and exchange big business ideas with entrepreneurs and investors. Enjoy drinks and food on us while initiating conversations with some of the brightest business minds in the Northwest. Now is the time to make partnerships and grow your business. It's set to be the business event of the year. RSVP with name and company (if applicable) you'll be representing to Erin at erina@mackenzie-marketing.com. Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: Free2008-01-31 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/398749/2008-01-21 23:32:542008-06-18 13:17:03 9 GGqԡ)'3s333RailsConf 2008* Four entire days dedicated to Rails * A program designed around all levels of expertise from novice to intermediate to advanced * The most innovative and successful Rails experts and compani...2008-05-29 14:30:00http://en.oreilly.com/rails2008/public/content/home2008-02-02 19:25:022008-07-13 04:29:06 9Ji2008-06-01 22:45:00:ԡ1#3733DorkbotPDX MeetingDorkbotPDX will be once again convening our biweekly meeting -- this time at another new location. Come join us and help us take over the Lucky Lab NW on Monday. Bring your gadgets, hacks and ideas an...2008-02-04 08:00:00http:///event/421565/2008-02-02 19:25:022008-06-18 13:17:04 Eԡ%[333Calagator IIOur next codesprint will be on February 2, 2008, 10pm-6pm. We’ll meet at Cubespace, 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR. You can RSVP on the wiki. Instructions for logging in to modify the wiki are on the front page of the site. We’ll be working on Calagator, and all are welcome to join. The coders are using Rails for the development environment. If you’d like to code, please come with current versions of Ruby (1.8.6), Rails (2.0.2), and RSpec (1.1.2) installed. If you’d like to work on research, documentation, UI design or graphical work, just bring yourself. If you have notecards for jotting down tasks and sharing with everyone, those are always useful! 2008-02-02 18:00:00http://calagator.wordpress.com/2008/01/20/next-codesprint-february-2/2008-01-27 01:03:492008-06-18 13:17:04 9 y and Applications o Carl Seger (Intel): Formal Methods and Physical Design: ԡgWk3]333City of Portland's Ready Safe Go 2009What is Ready. Safe. Go.? Ready. Safe. Go. is an opportunity to learn more about criԡesG33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Unit Test Your Database! Given that the database, as the canonical repository of data, is the most important part of many applications, why is it that we don't write database unit tests? This talk promotes the practice of implementing tests to directly test the schema, storage, and functionality of databases. David E. Wheeler, Founder of Kineticode and Co-Founder of PostgreSQL Experts hacks Perl, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, and Ruby. I believe David is also the lead developer and maintainer Bricolage which is a well known CMS. David lives in Portland. 2009-11-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-11-02 20:21:442009-11-02 20:22:47 >2009-11-06 05:00:00\&bkt} (1:CLU^gpyYPG>5,#xof]TKB90'  Iԡd ԡb ԡa ԡ` $ԡ_ &ԡ] *ԡH ,ԡG 3ԡF 8ԡE @ԡB ;ԡ@ ԡ> Uԡ< Yԡ; ԡ9 Wԡ6 tԡ5 ԡ4 ԡ3 ԡ2 ԡ1 ԡ. ԡ- ̄ԡ, ԡ+ ׄԡ) Մԡ& ӄԡ% τԡ$ ԡ#ԡ! ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ Bԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ !ԡ ܄ԡ ԡ= ԡ> ԡ? ԡA ԡC ԡG ҄ԡM ӄԡN ԡO ԡQ ԡR ׄԡT ܄ԡX DŽԡYԡZԡ[ Ƅԡ\ ńԡ] Äԡ^ ԡ_ ԡa ԡd?ԡe ԡg ԡh ԡm ԡn ԡo ԡq ԡr vԡs oԡt ^ԡu uԡv Tԡw eԡx gԡy Sԡz Kԡ{ԡ| @ԡ} 0ԡ 7ԡ &ԡ 'ԡ #ԡety of America (PRSA) Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) Web Analytics Wednesday (WAW) Oregon Creative Industries (OCI) This exclusive venue promises to be the setting for the most talked-about networking event of the year. Not only will you be on top of one of Portland’s most luxurious hotels . . . but, you will also be able to be on top of the latest developments going-on at some of the most innovative marketing associations in the Pacific Northwest! Reserve your place on the roof today! This is a pre-register ONLY event. Unregistered individuals will not be admitted at the door. Please visit our SEMpdx Web site to register for this exciting evening of socializing, networking, and being seen with the cool kids. The roof will definitely be on fire! Get your tickets now! https://www.sempdx.org/events/social-networking-old-school-style-party/2009-08-19 00:30:00https://www.sempdx.org/events/social-networking-old-school-style-party/2009-08-09 14:28:252009-08-09 14:38:40 :V2009-08-19 04:00:00 "Dfiۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1102827/2008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:202008-10-28 20:56:21iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1205232/2008-10-28 20:55:232008-10-28 20:55:232008-10-28 20:55:24iۋy]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1235357/2008-10-28 20:53:272008-10-28 20:53:272008-10-28 20:53:29iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1235435/2008-10-28 20:45:182008-10-28 20:45:182008-10-28 20:45:19iۋw]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1268421/2008-10-28 20:43:242008-10-28 20:43:232008-10-28 20:43:25iۋv]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1254018/2008-10-28 20:41:262008-10-28 20:41:252008-10-28 20:41:27iۋu]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1248712/2009-02-03 04:03:492008-10-28 20:35:402009-02-03 04:03:55iۋt]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1265330/2008-10-28 20:34:232008-10-28 20:34:222008-10-28 20:34:24 +g;(+2Ąԡ,„ԡ&yԡQ%333Marketing your Business on the Web503-650-73632007-05-22 20:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:09;b`xԡO%333SBDC: Marketing to the Government503-978-50802007-05-25 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`ԡcI333Constructing with GCLs and PVC Geomembraneshttp://www.pgi-tp.cee.uiuc.edu2007-05-24 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`rԡC%333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802007-05-31 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`ԡy1333PSU: Creating a Globally Competitive Rregional Economyhttp://sba.pdx.edu2007-05-31 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b` ԡ;_333Informal BarCamp meetuphttp://barcamp.org/BarCampPortlandMeetups2007-05-25 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`ԡGa333Advanced Invention to Venturehttp://www.invention2venture.org/advanced/2007-06-06 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:08;b`2<>=:I87350GF)%#"($  *H"*+,LdPO<8T9SRUW_abige210&lsp)XY[uvw7654VD@>?|{vkFC|]\c(yrfmo$  *<5>62008-06-18 13:17:03 :, ||W?8 (08+F3 C331 )Sherman Clay Pianoshttp://www.shermanclay.com/2009-02-22 16:36:232009-06-26 18:50:36131 NW 13th AvenuePobԡ3w333What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment BankingEntrepreneur Meetups > ;Bԡ+?3w333Lessons from the Wizard of Oz for Startups and Small B}ԡ@C93]333PDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the south side! This Time We'll be discussing what people have been up to in the past month, as well as the implications of the rejection of Google Voice and inconsistent policies in the App Store.2009-08-11 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4225058/2009-08-10 20:55:192009-08-10 20:55:19 ; ;bط2009-08-11 01:30:00 A+ԡ:m3u33 How to Value Price your Products & Services2008-03-12 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73311482008-03-01 10:31:212008-06-18 13:17:10ԡ87I3533Calagator Code SprintCome help build the Calagator!2008-03-01 18:00:00http://calatagor.org2008-02-27 19:27:562008-06-18 13:17:10 9ԡ7+#3Y333InnoTech OregonInnoTech, celebrating 5 years as the region's most comprehensive business and technology event, offers two full days of conference sessions (Wednesday, April 16 & Thursday, April 17, 2008) and one, focused day of exciting exhibits and hands-on demonstrations (Thursday, April 17, 2008 only). Networking and education opportunities abound at InnoTech's receptions, Happy Hour and Special Events.2008-04-16 14:30:00http://www.innotechconference.com/pdx/2008-02-26 12:54:272008-07-13 04:29:06 92008-04-17 23:30:00 VbV7ԡ63u33 Semiconducto r Trends in 2008: Findings & Implications2008-03-14 01:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73312412008-02-21 15:26:252008-06-18 13:17:10)ԡ4i3u33 The 4 Practices of Effective Online Education2008-03-05 03:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73311342008-02-21 15:26:252008-06-18 13:17:10ԡ3E3u33 Shimane meeting - Reception2008-02-22 09:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73518122008-02-21 15:26:252008-06-18 13:17:10ԡ2E3u33 Shimane meeting - Afternoon2008-02-22 05:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73518082008-02-21 15:26:252008-06-18 13:17:09 r+w*ۋV ]333http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/166hs0omnc7ha0p9g07q6jqpso%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic2009-12-09 22:37:422009-12-09 22:37:412009-12-09 22:37:42 ۋU I333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4810348/OR/Portland/IxDA-Portland-Design-Jam-Session/About-Us/2009-12-09 00:47:122009-12-09 00:47:112009-12-09 00:47:14fۋTW333https://launchpad.net/~vicodin-online2009-12-08 22:40:392009-12-08 06:48:182009-12-08 22:40:40ZۋS =333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4898953/OR/Portland/draft-State-of-Food-Report-part-of-the-Multnomah-Food-Initiative/St-Francis-Church-Dining-Hall/?ps=52009-12-07 07:44:552009-12-07 07:44:532009-12-07 07:44:57aۋRM333https://launchpad.net/~oxycontin2009-12-06 19:17:512009-12-06 19:17:412009-12-06 19:17:52AۋQ333http://ssenevtm.com2009-12-06 17:28:562009-12-06 17:28:56AۋP333http://jgdtawyx.com2009-12-06 16:26:162009-12-06 16:26:16AۋO333http://eautsoix.com2009-12-06 14:13:212009-12-06 14:13:21 hhԡ{+?3G33Ignite PortlandIf you had five minutes to talk to Portland what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Launch a web site? Teach a hack? Talk about recent learnings, successes, failures? Come join us for the second Ignite Portland! It's free to attend or present. We hope to have food and drinks, but we need sponsors for that, so check out http://www.igniteportland.com for details on attending, presenting, or sponsoring! What is Ignite Portland? A bunch of fast-paced, interesting presentations - 20 slides for 15 seconds each. Our mantra is "share burning ideas" - just about any topic will do, as long as it's interesting. From tech to crafts to business to just plain fun! There will be time to network and chat after each series of presentations.2008-02-06 02:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2008-01-20 19:49:042008-06-18 13:17:02 :s e:&e; G A33? %Rheinlander German Restauranthttp://www.rheinlander.com2008-03-17 17:33:152008-04-07 14:35:305035 N.E. Sandy BoulevardPortlandOR97213US@FM^$$v503 288 5503;b`e S33PCC, Rock Creek campus Event Center2008-03-17 17:33:152008-05-20 01:08:33;b` :U333Bridgeport Brew Pub2008-03-17 17:33:152008-05-15 20:26:53;b` :6K33Old Town2008-03-17 17:33:152009-05-14 14:01:51;b` ?31 G331 +The Governor Hotelhttp://www.governorhotel.com/2008-03-17 17:33:152008-05-07 21:32:10614 SW 11th AvenuePortlandOR97205US@F«`kz^AK(503) 224-3400 ;b` :C7E 9337! +Bellingham Technical Collegehttp://www.btc.ctc.edu2008-03-17 17:33:152008-04-07 15:15:503028 Lindbergh AvenueBellinghamWA98225US@Ha,^`V (360) 752-7000;b`K33CubeSpace2008-03-17 17:33:152008-03-18 10:23:27;b` 9 {L{cۋYQ333https://launchpad.net/~buy-lipitor2009-12-11 18:23:132009-12-11 18:23:122009-12-11 18:23:14bۋXO333https://launchpad.net/~buy-prozac2009-12-10 11:49:102009-12-10 11:49:082009-12-10 11:49:11-ۋW c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/166hs0omnc7ha0p9g07q6jqpso%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-12-09 22:49:352009-12-09 22:37:572009-12-09 22:49:38 vv^efined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in UniversitieSԡm%3W3332600 Meeting2600 Meetings exist as a forum for all in?|_3 33JrWorldCamp/GreenCamp brainstorming sessionInterested in seeing a sustainability-focused unconference in Portland? Come to the Red and Black and help us figure out how to make it happR3]33Ju}SAOpdx: The Art of Agile Teams: Designing Roles and ResponsibilitiesThese courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! At the conclusion of this course, you will be prepared to build a successful Agile team, define roles and responsibilities for your project, and set expectations for team performance and deliverables. Trainers: Diana Larsen + Jim Shore #saopdx #otn #agile2009-05-19 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401988/2009-04-09 17:34:51 ?(;b2009-05-19 15:30:00 f8?feۋGU333http://www.pyzam.com/profile/32631562009-11-23 20:26:292009-11-23 20:26:282009-11-23 20:26:30hۋF[333http://www.design21sdn.com/people/389692009-11-22 13:59:322009-11-22 13:59:312009-11-22 13:59:33lۋEc333http://nmsua.edu/forums/profile.php?id=20522009-11-22 05:17:032009-11-22 05:17:032009-11-22 05:17:04ۋD 333http://www.egycalendar.com/events.asp?MONTH=12&YEAR=2009&Go=Go2009-11-21 11:17:422009-11-21 11:17:412009-11-21 11:17:43fۋCW333http://www.egycalendar.com/events.asp2009-11-21 11:17:102009-11-21 11:17:102009-11-21 11:17:11pۋBk333http://www.fgf.org.eg/Interactive_Calendar.aspx2009-11-21 11:16:142009-11-21 11:16:132009-11-21 11:16:15_ۋA G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886861/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Integrating-Sustainability-into-Your-Business-Practices-50-off/Doubletree-Hotel-Lloyd-Center/?ps=52009-11-19 19:33:492009-11-19 19:33:482009-11-19 19:33:51U or so repetitions of basic arithmetic, logical, input-output, and storage units to the switch fabric. The uniform switch fabric and its identical programmable interfaces replace many of the hard parts of designing the computing elements themselves. Both software and FPGA simulators of a Fleet system are available at UC Berkeley. Berkeley students have written a variety of Fleet programs; their work helped to define what the programmable interface between computing and communication must do. A simple compiler now produces the programs required at source and destination to provide flow-controlled communication. We expect work on a higher-level language to appear soon as a PhD dissertation. A recent 90 nanometer TSMC test chip, called Infinity, demonstrated switch fabric performance at about 4 GHz. A new test chip, called Marina, has just gone out for fabrication. Marina will test the programmable interface, and if successful, will give us confidence to build a complete Fleet. We seek participation fr 3%z3AۋN333http://dhkepscy.com2009-12-06 13:35:092009-12-06 13:35:09vۋMw333http://fourfourtwo.com/members/Buy-ULTRAM-Online.aspx2009-12-05 04:16:572009-12-05 04:16:552009-12-05 04:16:572ۋL m333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4895387/OR/Portland/Beer-and-Blog-Gift-Giveaway/Green-Dragon-Bistro-amp-Brewpub/2009-12-02 16:25:402009-12-02 16:25:392009-12-02 16:25:42ۋK 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4894767/OR/Portland/Lawrence-and-Anna-Halprin-and-the-Reinvention-of-Public-Space/Ziba-World-Headquarters-Auditorium/;_ylt=AnJrV3FzQBdm_ncl7usH.b2ea80F;_ylv=32009-12-02 15:56:522009-12-02 15:56:292009-12-02 15:56:54iۋJ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4895050/2009-12-02 04:32:272009-12-02 04:32:262009-12-02 04:32:30`ۋIK333https://launchpad.net/~vicodin22009-11-30 16:07:402009-11-30 16:07:362009-11-30 16:07:42oۋHi333http://wezimbabwe.org/cs/members/Fioricet.aspx2009-11-24 19:38:242009-11-24 19:38:222009-11-24 19:38:25 $9[%$dۋmS333http://calagator.org/sources/import2009-03-13 06:41:452009-03-13 06:41:442009-03-13 06:41:48ۋl )333http://www.google.com/calendar/render?tab=mc&gsessionid=QaouTV8ME-zUQ02M8DYzag2009-03-13 06:40:582009-03-13 06:40:582009-03-13 06:40:58gۋkY333http://tnsleadersmar09.eventbrite.com/2009-03-12 23:10:512009-03-12 23:10:512009-03-12 23:10:51Bۋj 333http://www.thenaturalstep.org/en/usa/sustainability-leaders-transformative-approach-sustainability-thinking-strategy-and-results2009-03-12 23:10:112009-03-12 23:10:092009-03-12 23:10:11iۋi]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2129275/2009-03-12 21:36:312009-03-12 21:36:312009-03-12 21:36:33iۋh]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2130577/2009-03-12 17:46:492009-03-12 17:46:482009-03-12 17:46:51@ۋg 333http://event.greenlightgreaterportland.com/servlet/com.gcm.servlet.event.EventView?commodityID=38242&command=cp&supplierID=7862009-03-12 17:45:442009-03-12 17:45:432009-03-12 17:45:45Ne for computing called Fleet. Fleet accepts the limitations to computing imposed by physics: moving data around inside a computer costs more energy, more delay, and more chip area than the arithmetic and logical operations ordinarily called “computing.” Fleet puts the programmer firmly in charge of the most costly resource, communication, instead of in charge of the arithmetic and logical resources that are now almost free. Fleet treats arithmetic and logical operations as side effects of where the programmer sends data. Fleet achieves high performance through fine grain concurrency. Everything Fleet does is concurrent at the lowest level; programmers who wish sequentiality must program it explicitly. Fleet presents a stark contrast to today’s multi-core machines in which programmers seek concurrency in an inherently sequential environment. The Fleet architecture uses a uniform switch fabric to simplify chip design. A few thousand identical copies of a programmable interface connect a thousand >Y_ۋ@ G333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886858/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Webinar-Optimizing-the-Software-Product-Quality-through-Ethnographic-Futures-Research/Online/?ps=52009-11-19 19:31:332009-11-19 19:31:322009-11-19 19:31:35Fۋ? 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886837/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-E-Commerce-and-Customer-Centric-Selling/Kell39s-Irish-Restaurant-and-Pub/2009-11-19 19:13:092009-11-19 19:13:082009-11-19 19:13:11^ۋ> E333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886836/OR/Portland/SAOpdx-Where-Do-You-Grow-From-Here-Think-Outside-the-US/US-Bank-Tower-Ground-Floor-Conference-Room/?ps=52009-11-19 19:00:342009-11-19 19:00:032009-11-19 19:00:36;ۋ= 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4886296/OR/Portland/PDX-Tweetup-Breakfast-Lovejoy-Bakers-Opening/Lovejoy-Bakers/%3Fps%3D52009-11-19 00:03:172009-11-19 00:03:172009-11-19 00:03:20 9T$ۋ< Q333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4885854/OR/Portland/30-hour-day/Portland-Incubator-Experiment-PIE/2009-11-18 18:30:182009-11-18 18:30:172009-11-18 18:30:21Aۋ;333http://gtzyhegp.com2009-11-18 15:52:342009-11-18 15:52:34ۋ: 7333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4810343/OR/Portland/IxDA-Portland-Design-Jam-Session/2009-11-18 00:21:412009-11-18 00:21:412009-11-18 00:21:43pۋ9k333http://bola-moyo.org/?page_id=1038&preview=true2009-11-18 00:09:242009-11-18 00:09:232009-11-18 00:09:24iۋ8]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770249/2009-11-17 03:52:502009-11-17 03:52:502009-11-17 03:52:52nۋ7g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4884690/?ps=72009-11-17 03:52:022009-11-17 03:52:012009-11-17 03:52:04hۋ6[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/48840732009-11-16 06:25:232009-11-16 06:25:222009-11-16 06:25:25 'gju{ QO33- Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/profiles/5228/2008-03-17 17:33:122008-12-12 20:11:421825 SW BroadwayPortlandOR97201US@F|-^Â/;b`St/33Ecotrust Building2008-03-17 17:33:122008-05-20 13:43:45;b` :,`sI33DoubleTree Hotel, Lloyd Center2008-03-17 17:33:122008-05-22 10:45:04;b` :Vr533World Trade Center 22008-03-17 17:33:122008-05-21 18:13:00;b` :>Sp)]M 33+ )House of LouieOpen daily 10am-10pm.
        Link to revieiws331 NW Davis, Portland, OR 972092008-03-17 17:33:112008-04-03 07:20:03331 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F$9,A^o(503) 228-9898;b`om sponsors, programmers, and designers of basic computation elements. Bio: Ivan Sutherland is a Visiting Scientist at Portland State University where he and Marly Roncken have recently established the “Asynchronous Research Center” (ARC). The ARC occupies both physical and intellectual space half way between the Computer Science (CS) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) departments at the university. The ARC seeks to free designers from the tyranny of the clock by developing better tools and teaching methods for design of self-timed systems. Prior to moving to Portland, Ivan spent 25 years as a Fellow and Vice President at Sun Microsystems. A graduate of Carnegie Tech, Ivan got his PhD at MIT in 1963 and has taught at Harvard, University of Utah, and Caltech. Dr. Sutherland received the 1998 Turing Award, for his pioneering work in the field of computer graphics.2009-07-07 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/06/30/fleet/2009-07-03 08:33:592009-07-03 08:33:59 ;2009-07-07 18:30:00 @BKo@ۋ5 %333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/luke.du1108%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics2009-11-12 13:19:462009-11-12 13:19:442009-11-12 13:19:53ۋ4 /333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4601709/OR/Portland/Mobile-Love-Android-Style-17/2009-11-07 22:44:352009-11-07 22:44:342009-11-07 22:44:37hۋ3[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/48442862009-11-07 01:28:472009-11-07 01:28:472009-11-07 01:28:49hۋ2[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/48442762009-11-07 01:23:322009-11-07 01:23:312009-11-07 01:23:34ۋ1 333http://osql-d.sqlpass.org/Home/tabid/853/moduleid/4240/RSS.aspx2009-11-06 22:43:582009-11-06 22:43:582009-11-06 22:43:59iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770750/2009-11-06 00:00:142009-11-06 00:00:132009-11-06 00:00:197ۋ/ w333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4839961/OR/Portland/Portland-Ten-Field-Trip-Sales-Training-3-Getting-The-Appointment/2009-11-03 02:06:032009-11-03 02:06:022009-11-03 02:06:05 u" 8u<ۋ. 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765945/OR/Portland/Portland-Ten-Field-Trip-KEEN-Inc-Start-a-Business-Create-Your-Own-Job/2009-11-03 02:05:052009-11-03 02:05:032009-11-03 02:05:12nۋ-g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4810348/?ps=52009-10-29 22:16:042009-10-29 22:16:042009-10-29 22:16:06nۋ,g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4810343/?ps=52009-10-29 22:14:162009-10-29 22:14:152009-10-29 22:14:18nۋ+g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4788751/?ps=52009-10-27 18:38:432009-10-27 18:38:412009-10-27 18:38:46Aۋ*333http://cddefzoz.com2009-10-27 03:41:342009-10-27 03:41:34Aۋ)333http://qrugpuzz.com2009-10-27 03:32:272009-10-27 03:32:27iۋ(]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770329/2009-10-25 22:24:062009-10-25 22:24:042009-10-25 22:24:09iۋ']333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4551876/2009-10-25 22:22:482009-10-25 22:22:472009-10-25 22:22:50 "Dfiۋ&]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4533764/2009-10-25 22:22:392009-10-25 22:22:392009-10-25 22:22:41iۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4768981/2009-10-25 22:21:552009-10-25 22:21:542009-10-25 22:21:56iۋ$]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573030/2009-10-25 22:21:432009-10-25 22:21:422009-10-25 22:21:44iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4647623/2009-10-25 22:21:332009-10-25 22:21:322009-10-25 22:21:34iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4599513/2009-10-25 22:21:222009-10-25 22:21:222009-10-25 22:21:24iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4599444/2009-10-25 22:21:152009-10-25 22:21:152009-10-25 22:21:17iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4599386/2009-10-25 22:21:062009-10-25 22:21:052009-10-25 22:21:08iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573022/2009-10-25 22:20:582009-10-25 22:20:572009-10-25 22:21:00 /sY]/iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573014/2009-10-25 22:20:502009-10-25 22:20:492009-10-25 22:20:528ۋ y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4768027/OR/Portland/Refresh-Portland-October-Online-Video-For-Everybody-by-Andy-Beach/2009-10-25 22:20:222009-10-25 22:20:212009-10-25 22:20:24iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770252/2009-10-25 18:29:162009-10-25 18:29:162009-10-25 18:29:18ۋ 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770249/OR/Portland/Founders-Coffee/2009-10-25 18:24:392009-10-25 18:23:442009-10-25 18:24:41ۋ 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770248/OR/Portland/Founders-Coffee/2009-10-25 18:23:302009-10-25 18:23:302009-10-25 18:23:32ۋ 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770247/OR/Portland/Founders-Coffee/2009-10-25 18:23:152009-10-25 18:23:152009-10-25 18:23:17ۋ 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4770246/OR/Portland/Founders-Coffee/2009-10-25 18:25:142009-10-25 18:22:562009-10-25 18:25:16 conomic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Steve Kemper – Web Strategist, ISITwԡ$--3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com. 2009-07-26 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:43:032009-07-03 04:43:03 @-2009-07-26 02:00:00 UY2Uhۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/47696992009-10-24 03:15:522009-10-24 03:15:522009-10-24 03:15:54iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4769691/2009-10-24 02:55:582009-10-24 02:55:572009-10-24 02:56:01hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/47667232009-10-23 17:57:192009-10-23 17:57:172009-10-23 17:57:21nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4769063/?ps=62009-10-23 03:49:522009-10-23 03:49:522009-10-23 03:49:55Oۋ '333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/0ncspel6v21t29djlhn566h6q4%40group.calendar.google.com/private-13b567853ee0f774fef3e96f054d88d1/basic.ics2009-10-22 14:40:062009-10-22 14:39:522009-10-22 14:40:06iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765902/2009-10-20 02:45:042009-10-20 02:45:032009-10-20 02:45:07 ۋ I333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420670/OR/Portland/Crush-It-a-Gary-Vaynerchuk-Book-Book-Tour/2009-10-19 23:42:432009-10-19 23:42:432009-10-19 23:42:45 V8Vnۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765654/?ps=52009-10-19 20:36:052009-10-19 20:36:052009-10-19 20:36:07hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/47632412009-10-19 18:04:392009-10-19 18:04:392009-10-19 18:04:41dۋS333http://fosskalendern.se/sources/new2009-10-18 10:55:422009-10-18 10:55:412009-10-18 10:55:42iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4635672/2009-10-15 08:28:252009-10-15 08:28:242009-10-15 08:28:26nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4573036/?ps=52009-10-12 23:52:442009-10-12 23:52:442009-10-12 23:52:45iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4421423/2009-10-09 21:07:022009-10-09 21:07:022009-10-09 21:07:03ۋ +333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4421423/OR/Portland/Portland-Presentation-Camp/2009-10-09 21:05:262009-10-09 21:05:262009-10-09 21:05:27nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4561114/?ps=62009-10-06 19:36:372009-10-06 19:36:362009-10-06 19:36:38 "Adiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4551557/2009-09-30 18:46:132009-09-30 18:27:302009-09-30 18:46:14hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45515572009-09-30 18:27:142009-09-30 18:27:132009-09-30 18:27:14iۋ~]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550804/2009-09-29 21:45:042009-09-29 21:45:032009-09-29 21:45:07hۋ}[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/45496062009-09-28 16:47:392009-09-28 16:47:382009-09-28 16:47:41hۋ|[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44225492009-09-28 05:01:142009-09-28 05:01:142009-09-28 05:01:15mۋ{e333http://salidacitizen.com/ical/salidacafe.ics2009-09-28 03:54:362009-09-28 03:54:342009-09-28 03:54:48iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546549/2009-09-24 18:26:452009-09-24 18:26:452009-09-24 18:26:45iۋy]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546546/2009-09-24 18:26:102009-09-24 18:26:092009-09-24 18:26:12 "?aiۋ6]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219799/2009-08-07 23:39:302009-08-07 23:39:292009-08-07 23:39:30iۋ5]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219298/2009-08-07 19:06:082009-08-07 19:06:062009-08-07 19:06:09iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219362/2009-08-07 19:05:322009-08-07 19:05:012009-08-07 19:05:32iۋ3]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4219177/2009-08-07 17:40:462009-08-07 17:40:462009-08-07 17:40:47nۋ2g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4213335/?ps=52009-08-07 03:36:512009-08-07 03:36:512009-08-07 03:36:52iۋ1]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212848/2009-08-06 19:09:442009-08-06 19:09:432009-08-06 19:09:44iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212849/2009-08-06 19:09:272009-08-06 19:08:402009-08-06 19:09:28iۋ/]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4212837/2009-08-06 19:08:162009-08-06 19:08:152009-08-06 19:08:18 ?chۋG[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532742009-08-21 23:31:442009-08-21 23:31:442009-08-21 23:31:45hۋF[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532692009-08-21 23:29:282009-08-21 23:29:282009-08-21 23:29:29hۋE[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532672009-08-21 23:28:082009-08-21 23:28:072009-08-21 23:28:09hۋD[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532602009-08-21 23:17:522009-08-21 23:17:522009-08-21 23:17:53iۋC]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087459/2009-08-21 22:57:162009-08-21 22:57:162009-08-21 22:57:17iۋB]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4170698/2009-08-21 14:56:262009-08-21 14:56:252009-08-21 14:56:28nۋAg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4235120/?ps=52009-08-18 19:35:222009-08-18 19:35:222009-08-18 19:35:23iۋ@]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4233315/2009-08-17 19:38:322009-08-17 19:38:312009-08-17 19:38:32 l$Hllۋp 333http://www.meetup.com/djspromotersandclubgoers/calendar/11393695/2009-09-23 07:06:202009-09-23 07:06:132009-09-23 07:06:21pۋok333http://www.meetup.com/djspromotersandclubgoers/2009-09-23 07:05:532009-09-23 07:05:532009-09-23 07:05:54hۋn[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44819342009-10-02 19:07:582009-09-22 23:37:222009-10-02 19:08:00hۋm[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44812292009-09-22 23:15:532009-09-22 23:15:532009-09-22 23:15:54hۋl[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44810322009-09-22 23:06:442009-09-22 23:06:432009-09-22 23:06:45hۋk[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44807902009-09-22 22:58:362009-09-22 22:58:362009-09-22 22:58:37hۋj[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44805812009-09-22 22:51:502009-09-22 22:51:502009-09-22 22:51:51hۋi[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44802672009-09-22 22:41:002009-09-22 22:40:592009-09-22 22:41:01 dۋA 333http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/event/ics_out?event_id=40572008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:412008-06-02 14:45:42 ۋ@ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/ical/The+OTBC+Meetup+Group/2008-06-02 11:14:392008-06-02 11:07:192008-06-02 11:14:40Oۋ? '333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8044093/ical/Lessons+from+the+Wizard+of+Oz+for+Startups+and+Small+Businesses%3A+Looking+Bigger+/2008-06-02 10:54:142008-06-02 10:54:142008-06-02 10:54:14@ۋ> 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8043799/ical/What+Emerging+Growth+Companies+Should+Know+about+Investment+Banking/2008-06-02 10:43:442008-06-02 10:43:442008-06-02 10:43:45hۋ=[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/738715/2008-05-30 00:22:002008-05-30 00:22:002008-05-30 00:22:01 ssays for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.
        2009-05-16 21:00:00 |<Y|iۋ`]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420385/2009-09-16 18:21:132009-09-16 18:21:122009-09-16 18:21:14hۋ_[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41667392009-09-15 22:39:182009-09-15 22:39:172009-09-15 22:39:19nۋ^g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4416829/?ps=62009-09-15 20:38:282009-09-15 20:38:272009-09-15 20:38:29iۋ]]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4225653/2009-09-14 18:17:182009-09-14 18:17:182009-09-14 18:17:19hۋ\[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44144442009-09-08 22:30:452009-09-08 22:30:452009-09-08 22:30:47nۋ[g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413875/?ps=52009-09-08 14:02:522009-09-08 14:02:522009-09-08 14:02:54nۋZg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413872/?ps=52009-09-08 14:00:002009-09-08 13:59:572009-09-08 14:00:07hۋY[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44135182009-09-08 04:52:312009-09-08 04:52:312009-09-08 04:52:32  PԡuC%3333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802008-02-28 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-28 05:30:003ԡtkY3333ԡCO3Q33wԡ"--3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com. 2009-07-19 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:41:392009-07-03 04:41:39 @-2009-07-19 02:00:00tion up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you. Post your Idea If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) Post your Skill Set Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog. What: Speed dating for startups When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-05-16 19:49:132009-05-16 19:49:13 <2009-06-27 23:00:00 "?ehۋh[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44387522009-09-22 03:16:222009-09-22 03:16:222009-09-22 03:16:23nۋgg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428542/?ps=52009-09-19 23:13:482009-09-19 23:13:482009-09-19 23:13:49nۋfg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/?ps=52009-09-19 23:02:322009-09-19 23:02:312009-09-19 23:02:33`ۋeK333http://www.pagdig.org/?ec3_ical2009-09-18 22:12:532009-09-18 22:12:522009-09-18 22:12:54iۋd]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4422549/2009-09-17 23:46:072009-09-17 23:46:072009-09-17 23:46:08nۋcg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4426131/?ps=52009-09-17 20:22:202009-09-17 20:22:192009-09-17 20:22:21iۋb]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420388/2009-09-16 18:21:492009-09-16 18:21:492009-09-16 18:21:50iۋa]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420387/2009-09-16 18:21:352009-09-16 18:21:342009-09-16 18:21:36 T5LTwۋXy333https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/ics.asp?id=723902009-09-05 21:54:512009-09-05 21:54:502009-09-05 21:54:52uۋWu333http://www.sao.org/events/event_details.asp?id=723902009-09-05 21:53:402009-09-05 21:53:402009-09-05 21:53:41uۋVu333https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_list.asp2009-09-05 21:33:502009-09-05 21:33:502009-09-05 21:33:51hۋU[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44099512009-09-04 21:36:252009-09-04 21:36:252009-09-04 21:36:26nۋTg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406424/?ps=72009-09-01 21:13:232009-09-01 21:13:222009-09-01 21:13:24nۋSg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406419/?ps=72009-09-01 21:10:232009-09-01 21:10:222009-09-01 21:10:24hۋR[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/44043412009-08-31 17:30:292009-08-31 17:30:292009-08-31 17:30:30oۋQi333http://portlandpredevworkshops.eventbrite.com/2009-08-31 17:25:212009-08-31 17:25:202009-08-31 17:25:21 ednesday-december-17-thunderbird-speaker-series-event] Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The globawԡ#--3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com. 2009-07-20 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:42:142009-07-03 04:42:30 @-2009-07-20 02:00:00 )$Hm)iۋP]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4223295/2009-08-31 17:24:412009-08-31 17:24:412009-08-31 17:24:42iۋO]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4230392/2009-08-31 17:24:092009-08-31 17:24:092009-08-31 17:24:11`ۋNK333http://www.pagdig.org/?ec3_ical2009-08-27 20:17:042009-08-27 20:17:012009-08-27 20:17:08gۋMY333http://calagator.org/events/12504572492009-08-26 16:27:162009-08-26 16:27:152009-08-26 16:27:24hۋL[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/43559892009-08-25 22:47:212009-08-25 22:47:202009-08-25 22:47:22hۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/43448952009-08-24 22:39:252009-08-24 22:39:252009-08-24 22:39:26hۋJ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532792009-08-21 23:36:422009-08-21 23:36:422009-08-21 23:36:43hۋI[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532782009-08-21 23:33:272009-08-21 23:33:272009-08-21 23:33:28hۋH[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42532772009-08-21 23:32:352009-08-21 23:32:352009-08-21 23:32:36 ck 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guest to be there to help us on topics that are beyond the group’s skillset. Beer and Blog wԡ!--3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com. 2009-07-13 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:40:542009-07-03 04:40:54 @-2009-07-13 02:00:00 tist has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place for the person who comes after them, who draws 8 more frames and leaves their last one... repeat all evening. Anyone can participate- artists, animuԡ -)3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com.2009-07-12 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:38:272009-07-03 04:38:27 @-2009-07-12 02:00:00 #Gl iۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4229011/2009-08-18 23:55:462009-08-17 14:37:392009-08-18 23:55:47hۋ>[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42306472009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 19:55:21iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166276/2009-08-14 23:08:112009-08-14 23:08:102009-08-14 23:08:12gۋ<Y333http://calagator.org/events/12504573952009-08-13 22:27:422009-08-13 22:27:422009-08-13 22:27:44hۋ;[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42267462009-08-11 23:10:532009-08-11 23:10:532009-08-11 23:10:54hۋ:[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42262102009-08-11 16:02:102009-08-11 16:02:102009-08-11 16:02:11hۋ9[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42261992009-08-11 15:58:372009-08-11 15:58:362009-08-11 15:58:38hۋ8[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/42238602009-08-10 21:59:112009-08-10 21:59:112009-08-10 21:59:12iۋ7]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4225058/2009-08-10 20:55:192009-08-10 20:55:182009-08-10 20:55:21 qHFqiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3015978/2009-07-20 01:28:292009-07-20 01:28:282009-07-20 01:28:30`ۋK333http://www.pagdig.org/?ec3_ical2009-07-17 21:26:362009-07-17 21:26:362009-07-17 21:26:38iۋ]333http://sturafb5.fh-potsdam.de/feed/ical/2009-07-16 13:49:302009-07-16 13:38:442009-07-16 13:49:33 ۋ !333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/cyoteerpg%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics2009-07-16 05:37:262009-07-16 05:37:262009-07-16 05:37:27iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3081361/2009-07-16 00:37:302009-07-16 00:37:302009-07-16 00:37:32`ۋK333http://www.pagdig.org/?ec3_ical2009-07-15 07:18:262009-07-15 07:18:262009-07-15 07:18:27iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077785/2009-07-14 19:54:032009-07-14 19:54:022009-07-14 19:54:05nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077530/?ps=62009-07-14 17:47:042009-07-14 17:47:032009-07-14 17:47:06 $Ehnۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/?ps=62009-07-23 23:55:232009-07-23 23:55:222009-07-23 23:55:23cۋQ333http://WWW.PORTLANDONLINE.COM/BHCD2009-07-22 06:53:122009-07-22 06:53:112009-07-22 06:53:12gۋY333http://calagator.org/events/12504573342009-07-22 03:19:472009-07-22 03:19:472009-07-22 03:19:48iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3088852/2009-07-21 18:37:212009-07-21 18:37:212009-07-21 18:37:22hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30874592009-07-20 22:12:012009-07-20 22:12:002009-07-20 22:12:03nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087324/?ps=52009-07-20 21:01:082009-07-20 21:01:082009-07-20 21:01:09eۋU333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/add/2009-07-20 21:00:562009-07-20 21:00:562009-07-20 21:00:56hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30868492009-08-07 17:33:102009-07-20 17:38:492009-08-07 17:33:12hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30867732009-07-20 16:57:172009-07-20 16:57:162009-07-20 16:57:17 "Dgiۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165755/2009-07-30 06:27:562009-07-30 06:27:332009-07-30 06:27:57iۋ$]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4165751/2009-07-30 06:26:312009-07-30 06:26:312009-07-30 06:26:32iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4048705/2009-07-29 19:21:222009-07-29 19:21:212009-07-29 19:21:22hۋ"[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/41416962009-07-29 04:33:062009-07-29 04:33:052009-07-29 04:33:06iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128114/2009-07-26 07:41:302009-07-26 07:41:302009-07-26 07:41:31iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128113/2009-07-26 07:41:002009-07-26 07:41:002009-07-26 07:41:01iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128111/2009-07-26 07:40:322009-07-26 07:40:322009-07-26 07:40:33iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128112/2009-07-26 07:38:142009-07-26 07:38:142009-07-26 07:38:16iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4127323/2009-07-25 19:02:432009-07-25 19:02:412009-07-25 19:02:44elebrating their releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small. Here's an example from 3.0: "Removed <> (use != instead)." So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down. I'll be bringing *two growlers* of rare and wonderful beer from Bailey's Taproom to get the party started. Bring hardcopy of one or both What's New if you can. And party hats. http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html wiki: http://pdxpython.org/ maps, rsvp, etc.: http://python.meetup.com/183/ Tuesday 10/14 7pm at CubeSpace. See you there! Cheers, Jason2008-10-15 02:00:002008-10-13 20:15:382008-10-15 04:00:00 23v'O3 33Jq#Python: What's new in 2.6 and 3.0Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be celebr&O3 33Jq#Python: What's new in 2.6 and 3.0Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be cqg%{3Q33Jq"13th annual Oregon Connections Telecommunications ConferenceVinton G. Cerf Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google. In this role, he is responsible for identifying new enabling technologies to support the development of advanced, Internet-based products and services from Google. He is also an active public face for Google in the Internet world. [click for larger view] Widely known as one of the "Fathers of the Internet," Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert |#@Z|iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3074323/2009-07-13 22:07:262009-07-13 22:07:262009-07-13 22:07:28iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3073778/2009-07-13 04:27:382009-07-13 04:27:372009-07-13 04:27:40rۋ o333http://groups.adobe.com/resources/0f896c35a5/feed2009-07-10 04:30:302009-07-10 04:30:292009-07-10 04:30:30hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30704372009-07-09 22:37:102009-07-09 22:37:092009-07-09 22:37:12iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069088/2009-07-08 20:38:052009-07-08 20:38:052009-07-08 20:38:07nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/?ps=52009-07-08 20:29:592009-07-08 20:29:582009-07-08 20:30:00iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3068588/2009-07-08 02:13:442009-07-08 02:13:412009-07-08 02:13:44hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30685882009-07-08 02:13:002009-07-08 02:12:562009-07-08 02:13:00 t"?]tiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-07 21:59:442009-07-07 21:59:432009-07-07 21:59:46tۋs333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/30680802009-07-07 21:07:442009-07-07 21:07:442009-07-07 21:07:44hۋ}[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30171042009-07-07 06:06:502009-07-07 06:06:492009-07-07 06:06:51nۋ|g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3066323/?ps=72009-07-06 04:56:422009-07-06 04:56:422009-07-06 04:56:48nۋ{g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3066322/?ps=72009-07-06 04:54:042009-07-06 04:54:032009-07-06 04:54:06iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3018467/2009-07-03 04:06:072009-07-03 04:06:062009-07-03 04:06:08iۋy]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3014484/2009-07-02 16:19:042009-07-02 16:19:022009-07-02 16:19:07iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373351/2009-07-01 16:42:302009-07-01 16:42:302009-07-01 16:42:31 #FhgۋWY333http://calagator.org/events/12504565142009-06-23 00:33:422009-05-27 18:08:012009-06-23 00:33:43iۋV]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2736090/2009-05-26 16:06:262009-05-26 15:55:272009-05-26 16:06:26hۋU[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/27641352009-05-24 19:24:302009-05-24 19:24:302009-05-24 19:24:31iۋT]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763770/2009-05-24 18:16:372009-05-24 18:16:372009-05-24 18:16:38iۋS]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763549/2009-05-24 17:49:092009-05-24 17:49:082009-05-24 17:49:10hۋR[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/27450032009-05-23 00:44:022009-05-23 00:44:012009-05-23 00:44:03iۋQ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-06-13 21:12:312009-05-21 04:51:382009-06-13 21:12:32hۋP[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/27174902009-05-20 17:43:482009-05-20 17:43:482009-05-20 17:43:49iۋO]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2717500/2009-05-20 17:43:052009-05-20 17:43:052009-05-20 17:43:07 hering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland. How It Works It’s simple. When you arrive, you’ll get a sticker to wear. Venture forth, find another sticker-wearer and offer them a drink. That’s the trick: you canBԡ/i3K333WordCamp PortlandWordCamp is a gathering of people interested in WordPress and blogging. Topics will focus on a wide range of audiences from the new blogger as well as those with more of a technical background. Follow the WordCamp Portland website for details including speakers, sponsorship, and ticket information. Registration for WordCamp Portland 2009 will begin in late July. The ticket price will be $20 for the two-day event.2009-09-19 15:30:00http://www.wordcampportland.org2009-07-03 04:06:072009-07-03 08:25:37 `}&>hۋo[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/29767412009-06-23 00:14:102009-06-23 00:14:102009-06-23 00:14:11tۋns333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/28835632009-06-22 18:27:322009-06-22 18:27:312009-06-22 18:27:33nۋmg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2947002/?ps=72009-06-19 05:47:292009-06-19 05:47:292009-06-19 05:47:31nۋlg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2946994/?ps=62009-06-19 05:42:282009-06-19 05:42:282009-06-19 05:42:29iۋk]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2922107/2009-06-16 18:49:432009-06-16 18:49:432009-06-16 18:49:44iۋj]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2896963/2009-06-13 18:54:342009-06-13 18:54:342009-06-13 18:54:36nۋig333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2888867/?ps=52009-06-11 02:44:592009-06-11 02:44:592009-06-11 02:45:00ۋh ;333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10401172/ical/Portland+Pythoneers+June+Meetup/2009-06-09 17:02:412009-06-09 17:02:402009-06-09 17:02:41 m*aԡ8_e3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-08 20:29:592009-10-26 03:06:23 A;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 zԡ7C 3333DorkbotPDX 0x04 (tentative)2009-08-09 00:00:002009-07-08 19:22:592009-07-08 19:22:59;bl2009-08-10 00:00:00 Cfsۋgq333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10401172/2009-06-09 17:02:022009-06-09 17:02:022009-06-09 17:02:02aۋfM333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/2009-06-09 17:01:352009-06-09 17:01:352009-06-09 17:01:36hۋe[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/28708372009-06-09 14:21:392009-06-09 14:21:382009-06-09 14:21:40iۋd]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2620820/2009-06-09 04:11:012009-06-09 00:14:502009-06-09 04:11:01eۋcU333http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/june2009-06-04 16:40:472009-06-04 16:40:462009-06-04 16:40:48iۋb]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2808057/2009-06-03 22:06:542009-06-03 22:06:542009-06-03 22:07:06iۋa]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570555/2009-06-03 02:06:102009-06-03 02:06:102009-06-03 02:06:12nۋ`g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2806568/?ps=52009-06-02 22:21:212009-06-02 22:21:202009-06-02 22:21:22titive pricing traditions, has become the largest independently owned produce company in the Pacific Northwest. We have the buying power that keeps your costs at the lowest levels while our rapid turnover ensures you get the freshest product delivered to you. Because Charlie's is an employee owned company, all of our employees have a vested interest in customer satisfaction. Our sales staff does not work on commission. As shareholders, our people function as a team. We do what it takes to get the job done right. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members online: FREE Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Members online: $5.00 Non-Members at the Door: $10.00 "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-18 14:30:00http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=16142009-07-22 23:55:412009-08-15 18:01:29 @b2009-08-18 16:00:00 &#E/&iۋ_]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2806106/2009-06-02 18:59:092009-06-02 18:59:082009-06-02 18:59:12ۋ^ U33http://web.as.ua.edu/area51/vasu/booking_calendar/month_view.php?view=month&date=2009-05-01&loc=loc12009-06-01 15:01:472009-06-01 15:01:47hۋ][333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/28006772009-05-30 00:41:502009-05-30 00:41:502009-05-30 00:41:52!ۋ\ K333http://www.lesusacanada.org/MainNav/LocalChapters/LES-USA-West/OregonSW-Washington/6.18.09.aspx2009-05-29 22:54:392009-05-29 22:54:392009-05-29 22:54:40iۋ[]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799462/2009-05-29 20:37:412009-05-29 20:37:412009-05-29 20:37:42iۋZ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799063/2009-05-29 17:15:112009-05-29 17:15:102009-05-29 17:15:13iۋY]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2789428/2009-05-29 05:14:572009-05-29 05:14:562009-05-29 05:15:00hۋX[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/27767652009-05-27 20:53:582009-05-27 20:53:582009-05-27 20:53:59 @@r the overpass on Morrison would be ideal Enter the building from Morrison and go up the stairs Go up the freight elevator to the 7th floor, likely someone will be assisting the freight elevator operation Since there are only tech entrepreneurs all conversation can be open and honest. The agendas will be loose - basically we just want everyone to be able to talk about their issues with their peers. The candid dialogue will allow for collaboration in supporting each others companies. Sometimes we might have themes or guests but the evening will often se9ԡ'?3333Shizzow Developers MeetupJoin the Shizzow team at the Developers Meetup on Thursday, July 9th at Green Dragon at 5pm. We’ll be discussing how to enable your applications to access the Shizzow API using oAuth, and how to create mashups using the Places in the Shizzow database.2009-07-10 00:00:00http://dev.shizzow.com/2009/07/shizzow-developers-meetup-july-9th/2009-07-03 19:41:272009-07-03 19:41:27 ; 2009-07-10 02:00:00 D[} 'D6xՀ iۋN]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2413562/2009-05-18 07:06:562009-05-18 07:06:552009-05-18 07:06:57nۋMg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/?ps=72009-05-14 21:54:102009-05-14 21:54:092009-05-14 21:54:11hۋL[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/26771242009-05-14 13:54:552009-05-14 13:54:542009-05-14 13:54:56nۋKg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2648919/?ps=72009-05-11 06:55:102009-05-11 06:55:092009-05-11 06:55:11nۋJg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2633539/?ps=52009-05-09 02:10:022009-05-09 02:10:022009-05-09 02:10:04iۋI]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570661/2009-05-07 01:28:462009-05-07 01:28:412009-05-07 01:28:46iۋH]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2416042/2009-05-06 22:19:582009-05-06 22:19:582009-05-06 22:19:59ۋG E333http://pc.meetup.com/49/de/calendar/10205745/ical/The+New+York+Personal+Computer+May+Meetup/2009-05-06 21:17:442009-05-06 21:17:442009-05-06 21:17:44 E,ԡ1=3u33 Shimane meeting - Lunch2008-02-22 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73517982008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:09ԡ0A3u33 Shimane meeting - morning2008-02-22 00:30:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/73517842008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:09 98ԡ/3u33 How Virtual Worlds Will Transform the Way We Do Business2008-02-21 08:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/70237612008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:09 93ԡ.u3u33 Internet Series: RSS Technology & Your Business2008-02-20 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/69227772008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:09 94ԡ-w3u33 Internet Series: Wiki Technology & Your Business2008-02-13 04:00:00http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/69227142008-02-21 15:26:242008-06-18 13:17:09 9 who as a software engineer has been dabbling in code at places like Mentor Graphics and Synopsys, and now designs software for Vigilan in Wilsonville. In his massive spare time he is also a veterinarian, auctioneer, owner of Mock Crest Tavern, and teachrԡ2c533333Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. We're meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub's event room this month, I'll post a sign on the door to guide you once there. Please reply on the mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! 2009-07-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-07-07 22:23:372009-07-07 22:26:14 ; 2009-07-14 04:00:00icularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/ ). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-04-16 13:22:022009-05-12 08:23:37 92009-05-12 04:00:00ound Executive V$}GVۋbۋYۋQۋHۋ@ۋ8ۋ0nۋFg333http://pc.meetup.com/49/de/calendar/10205745/2009-05-06 21:17:272009-05-06 21:17:272009-05-06 21:17:27wۋEy333http://www.meetup.com/de/cities/us/ny/new_york/groups/2009-05-06 21:16:562009-05-06 21:16:562009-05-06 21:17:00ۋD C333http://www.meetup.com/The-Hampton-Roads-Internet-Technology-Meetup-Group/calendar/10342213/2009-05-06 21:16:052009-05-06 21:16:052009-05-06 21:16:05 ۋC 333http://www.meetup.com/The-Hampton-Roads-Internet-Technology-Meetup-Group/2009-05-06 21:15:572009-05-06 21:15:572009-05-06 21:15:58 ۋB I333http://www.meetup.com/The-Hampton-Roads-Internet-Technology-Meetup-Group/de/calendar/10342213/2009-05-06 21:15:452009-05-06 21:15:452009-05-06 21:15:46hۋA[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/25701982009-05-06 19:44:042009-05-06 19:44:032009-05-06 19:44:04hۋ@[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/25680332009-05-05 19:34:522009-05-05 19:34:522009-05-05 19:34:52 {ԡ;3=33Flex user group meetingFlexPDX - Flex user group here is the updated schedule for the FlexPDX user group meeting. When: 5:30 PM. Thursday, February 21. 2008. Where: XPLANE Software. 926 NW 13th Ave (at Lovejoy), Suite 220. Topic : Flex messaging system using Flex Data Services (includes support for AMF,HTTP, and RTMP). Speaker: Pete Mackie As mentioned earlier, We now have a new web site for the user group .. http://flexpdx.ning.com a more collaborative site based on ‘Ning’ which provides features like forums and Blogs and serves as a social/professional networking tool. Please take a moment and sign-up to take advantage of the full features of the site.2008-02-22 01:30:00http://flexpdx.ning.com/2008-01-21 22:34:432008-06-18 13:17:03 z@dziۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2496304/2009-04-24 20:46:342009-04-24 20:46:332009-04-24 20:46:35uۋ-u333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/2357565/2009-04-24 18:48:342009-04-24 18:48:342009-04-24 18:48:36hۋ,[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/23575652009-04-23 21:10:002009-04-23 21:09:592009-04-23 21:10:03hۋ+[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24887462009-04-23 16:59:382009-04-23 16:59:362009-04-23 16:59:40hۋ*[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18257322009-04-20 19:26:272009-04-20 19:26:082009-04-20 19:26:27iۋ)]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1825732/2009-04-20 19:24:462009-04-20 19:24:142009-04-20 19:24:46nۋ(g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2463266/?ps=52009-04-20 02:16:302009-04-20 02:16:292009-04-20 02:16:31iۋ']333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2423006/2009-04-18 16:00:092009-04-18 16:00:082009-04-18 16:00:10 ("n(iۋ7]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2413685/2009-05-04 00:00:392009-05-04 00:00:372009-05-04 00:00:41tۋ6s333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/25652622009-05-03 22:32:332009-05-03 22:32:322009-05-03 22:32:34tۋ5s333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/25652592009-05-03 22:24:192009-05-03 22:24:132009-05-03 22:24:21iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2564279/2009-05-13 22:41:492009-05-02 07:35:082009-05-13 22:41:51nۋ3g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2525010/?ps=72009-04-29 21:47:092009-04-29 21:47:082009-04-29 21:47:10-ۋ2 c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ath49fa93ofgnh75eqj6l21eik%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-04-29 20:40:442009-04-29 20:40:432009-04-29 20:40:53iۋ1]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2473867/2009-04-28 06:32:502009-04-28 06:32:502009-04-28 06:32:52iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2496632/2009-04-28 06:29:572009-04-28 06:29:542009-04-28 06:30:00 Qz /Q 辍߾iۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124417/2009-05-05 19:19:352009-05-05 19:19:352009-05-05 19:19:36iۋ>]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124404/2009-05-05 19:19:102009-05-05 19:19:062009-05-05 19:19:13iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567991/2009-05-05 19:07:252009-05-05 19:07:242009-05-05 19:07:25hۋ<[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/25679792009-05-05 19:02:042009-05-05 19:02:042009-05-05 19:02:05hۋ;[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/25679672009-05-05 18:56:552009-05-05 18:56:552009-05-05 18:56:55hۋ:[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/25679122009-05-05 18:24:482009-05-05 18:24:482009-05-05 18:24:49ۋ9 9333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/ical/Portland+Pythoneers+May+Meetup/2009-05-04 11:33:342009-05-04 11:33:342009-05-04 11:33:35sۋ8q333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-04 11:32:592009-05-04 11:32:582009-05-04 11:33:00 -y ,-nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2295814/?ps=52009-03-30 23:04:162009-03-30 23:04:162009-03-30 23:04:17ۋ 333https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=4/14/092009-03-30 23:04:082009-03-30 23:04:072009-03-30 23:04:09iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2149542/2009-03-30 19:18:332009-03-30 19:18:322009-03-30 19:18:34iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2181062/2009-03-27 06:11:172009-03-27 06:11:162009-03-27 06:11:19iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144465/2009-03-26 18:00:292009-03-26 18:00:282009-03-26 18:00:31iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2144458/2009-03-26 17:54:432009-03-26 17:54:422009-03-26 17:54:44"ۋ M333http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9763104/ical/Startup+CEO+Sebastian+Rapport+of+Ontier/2009-03-24 21:23:462009-03-24 21:23:462009-03-24 21:23:48iۋ~]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2167397/2009-06-11 20:50:072009-03-24 16:52:092009-06-11 20:50:09 z6Xziۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2410326/2009-04-13 21:40:052009-04-13 21:40:042009-04-13 21:40:08iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373197/2009-04-13 21:39:422009-04-13 21:39:422009-04-13 21:39:44iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373634/2009-04-13 21:38:522009-04-13 21:38:522009-04-13 21:38:54iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374702/2009-04-13 21:38:342009-04-13 21:38:322009-04-13 21:38:36nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2412120/?ps=52009-04-13 19:47:372009-04-13 19:47:362009-04-13 19:47:38nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2408786/?ps=52009-04-10 22:24:282009-04-10 22:24:282009-04-10 22:24:30nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2402693/?ps=52009-04-09 21:52:482009-04-09 21:52:472009-04-09 21:52:49hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/24020102009-04-09 17:42:202009-04-09 17:42:192009-04-09 17:42:21 "Dfnۋ&g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2421869/?ps=72009-04-17 18:06:032009-04-17 18:06:012009-04-17 18:06:05iۋ%]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415077/2009-04-15 17:57:322009-04-15 17:57:322009-04-15 17:57:34iۋ$]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415068/2009-04-15 17:48:402009-04-15 17:48:392009-04-15 17:48:42iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415063/2009-04-15 17:47:102009-04-15 17:47:082009-04-15 17:47:11iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908437/2009-04-14 00:09:402009-04-14 00:09:402009-04-14 00:09:42iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373653/2009-04-13 21:41:222009-04-13 21:41:222009-04-13 21:41:24iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2374729/2009-04-13 21:41:172009-04-13 21:41:162009-04-13 21:41:19iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2293645/2009-04-13 21:41:062009-04-13 21:41:062009-04-13 21:41:08 cc\ our fourth annual Agile Open Northwest conference. Alternating each year between Portland and Seattle, AONW conferences bring together practicing members of the Northwest Agile communities to explore the latest developments in agile software development. We held our third annual event last year in Portland and enjoyed another great t;;=33/Blind Kitten Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214'uI;=33/Swashbuckling Mouse Wine Bar *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214)vM;=33/Ostentatious Porcupine Theater *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214!w=;=33/Purple Puppy Ale House *An autogenerated venue.http://www.calagator.org2009-12-12 23:19:542009-12-12 23:19:54622 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214 Vz7n+bV@"-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:272009-01-02 10:32:27@!-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:252009-01-02 10:32:25@ -33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-02 10:32:232009-01-02 10:32:23@-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-02 10:32:212009-01-02 10:32:21@-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-02 10:32:192009-01-02 10:32:19@-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-02 10:32:172009-01-02 10:32:17@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-02 10:32:152009-01-02 10:32:15@-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:142009-01-02 10:32:14@-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:362009-01-01 10:32:36@-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:332009-01-01 10:32:33@-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:312009-01-01 10:32:31@-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-01 10:32:292009-01-01 10:32:29@-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:272009-01-01 10:32:27@-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-01 10:32:252009-01-01 10:32:25  will be selected to deliver Angel Ignite Pitches (13 slides, 15 seconds per slide = 3.5 minutes). It's a high energy competition - and lots of fun! The audience will vote and select one winner from the 10 Minute Pitch and one from the Angԡg3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange! Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly networking event. You've heard of speed dating, this is speed networking! Tuesday, September 8, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court on the 4th floor. Advance registration highly recommended! Go to www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members - $5 online in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members - $15 online in advance/$20 at the door. First timers: for more information, call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. 2009-09-08 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-08-19 17:29:252009-09-02 19:18:10 >2009-09-08 16:00:00 %%sion as we explore sustainability issues in the Manufacturing, Technology and Energy sectors. Introductory Address by Gordon Brinser, Vice PresidYԡWi3333SCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start theirHԡD333333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: CouchDB, iPhone + CucumberThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs. PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby Persistence with CouchDB", Jesse Hallett There are several libraries out there that provide high level interfaces between Ruby and CouchDB. I will give an overview o o"?bo~ۋ} 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/syndicate/v2/group/4104/4316e2a45a2009-03-23 20:14:292009-03-23 20:10:372009-03-23 20:14:29iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166078/2009-03-23 01:59:432009-03-23 01:59:422009-03-23 01:59:44iۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2166072/2009-03-23 01:59:092009-03-23 01:59:082009-03-23 01:59:11hۋz[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/21429082009-03-18 14:45:362009-03-18 14:45:352009-03-18 14:45:38nۋyg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2141235/?ps=52009-03-17 20:55:462009-03-17 20:55:452009-03-17 20:55:48iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137756/2009-03-17 13:21:292009-03-17 13:21:272009-03-17 13:21:30iۋw]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2139528/2009-03-17 07:17:122009-03-17 07:17:112009-03-17 07:17:13iۋv]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137847/2009-03-17 03:42:582009-03-17 03:42:572009-03-17 03:42:59 ?#Da?nۋug333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2138520/?ps=52009-03-16 22:44:562009-03-16 22:44:552009-03-16 22:44:57'ۋt W333http://portlandorassoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages/WCEvents/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=14902009-03-16 22:33:542009-03-16 22:33:532009-03-16 22:33:54nۋsg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137731/?ps=52009-03-16 17:27:592009-03-16 17:27:572009-03-16 17:28:00iۋr]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2136355/2009-03-16 04:21:052009-03-16 04:21:042009-03-16 04:21:06gۋqY333http://feeds2.feedburner.com/notizblog2009-03-15 11:34:222009-03-15 11:34:222009-03-15 11:34:23lۋpc333http://www.asta.uni-potsdam.de/feed/termine2009-03-15 11:30:032009-03-15 11:30:022009-03-15 11:30:05hۋo[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14783832009-03-14 22:26:242009-03-14 22:26:242009-03-14 22:26:26iۋn]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2132610/2009-03-13 19:48:472009-03-13 19:48:462009-03-13 19:48:48 panel of Portland’s creative professionals for the second White Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative City. Come to the White Stag Block at 70 NW Couch St. on Wednesday, July 22 at 6 p.m. to hear from some of Portland's design and communication leaders and get connected in our creative community. Portland's smaller scale makes it both imperative and possible to finesse big things from many small parts. At every level — between institutions; between professions; between people — we build our best work here through collaboration, because we have to. White Stag Block Talks brings together three of the city's most seasoned practitioners of this craft — Randy Gragg, Linda K. Johnson, Kevin Cavenaugh — for a frank, pragmatic discussion about building the collaborative city. All are welcome with no cover. Complimentary beer and refreshments will be served.2009-07-23 01:00:002009-06-24 22:33:202009-06-24 22:33:20 ?2009-07-23 03:30:002-02 13:57:352008-12-02 13:57:35 :W2008-12-04 06:00:00  uۋW 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest01.html?gda=oqkl2E4AAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic47VVLI9LAiqciB5VVffhUs0mG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1htA7U-zR8K5jcq5bQ8UhGFdg2008-03-04 11:07:592008-03-04 11:07:59sۋV 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest.html?gda=VuxELEwAAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic47kbeNRocdA4t2sifEzg9g6WG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1htFELKcT8Y1Sqp1nGwPk_wpA2008-03-04 10:50:152008-03-04 10:50:15sۋU 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest.html?gda=xecbXUwAAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic478THA5A8vcVKciObwwPeoj2G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1htFELKcT8Y1Sqp1nGwPk_wpA2008-03-04 10:36:212008-03-04 10:36:21sۋT 33http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTimeZoneOffsetTest.html?gda=cQRLXUwAAAAKZ9ULEszO6-GELsLvic47v_1mEdG4NRIVCi7R9RsZ7mG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRDMfbqKCmar7efETQAy1htFELKcT8Y1Sqp1nGwPk_wpA2008-03-04 10:16:242008-03-04 10:16:24 64v6~u 33 Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattleasdfsadf2008-03-17 17:33:142008-05-22 10:42:00;b` :Z=33Oregon Convention Center2008-03-17 17:33:142008-03-18 10:31:39;b` 9Y~;33Madison's Bar and Grill2008-03-17 17:33:142008-05-22 15:07:25;b` :Z}=33Oregon Convention Center2008-03-17 17:33:142008-03-18 10:31:39;b` 9Z|=33Oregon Convention Center2008-03-17 17:33:142008-03-18 10:31:39;b` 9={' [1331 OGI Beaverton20000 NW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR 97006http://www.ogi.edu2008-03-17 17:33:142008-11-22 00:31:1420000 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@Fɟ^L_;b` <zMAgK33- 'Portland Business Alliance (PBA)Portland Business Alliance200 S.W. Market Street, Portland Oregon 97201http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-03-17 17:33:142008-10-29 03:18:09200 Sw Market StPortlandOR97201US@F| Yy^nL 503.224.8684 ;b` $EPzۋ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481.html2008-11-03 16:16:482008-11-03 16:16:482008-11-03 16:16:48vۋ w333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/2008-11-03 16:15:082008-11-03 16:15:072008-11-03 16:15:08sۋq333http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24222008-11-03 16:09:502008-11-03 16:09:492008-11-03 16:09:51kۋa333http://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2008/2008-11-03 15:58:212008-11-03 15:58:182008-11-03 15:58:21hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/867740/2008-11-01 18:33:152008-11-01 18:33:152008-11-01 18:33:17hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/12976492008-10-30 21:51:362008-10-30 21:51:362008-10-30 21:51:38hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/948055/2008-10-30 18:29:222008-10-30 18:29:222008-10-30 18:29:24 "z$^ʃXhۋf[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/21285962009-03-11 17:30:272009-03-11 17:30:252009-03-11 17:30:29iۋe]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823390/2009-03-09 18:44:482009-03-09 18:44:472009-03-09 18:44:50iۋd]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117769/2009-03-09 05:42:202009-03-09 05:42:202009-03-09 05:42:216ۋc u333https://www.ieee-oregon.org/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=75&year=2009&month=03&day=17&Itemid=562009-03-08 00:24:042009-03-08 00:24:032009-03-08 00:24:06iۋb]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123569/2009-03-07 20:32:232009-03-07 20:32:222009-03-07 20:32:24iۋa]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123566/2009-03-07 20:30:532009-03-07 20:30:522009-03-07 20:30:53iۋ`]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2123604/2009-03-07 20:29:562009-03-07 20:29:552009-03-07 20:29:58 q"Zqiۋ4[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/708023/2008-05-21 12:15:502008-05-21 12:15:502008-05-21 12:15:51ftۋ3q333http://db.sao.org/calendar2/calendar_of_events.htm2009-01-14 10:32:532008-05-20 09:30:052009-01-14 10:32:53t.ۋ2 c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/po80o36ropovuuvug0cpf6d33k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2008-08-07 02:03:422008-05-20 00:21:342008-08-07 02:03:43fۋ1 +333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/oregonstartups%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics2008-05-20 00:20:542008-05-20 00:20:542008-05-20 00:21:25ftۋ0q333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/3492252008-05-13 18:12:392008-05-13 18:12:392008-05-13 18:12:39fiۋ/[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/349225/2008-05-13 18:12:292008-05-13 18:12:292008-05-13 18:12:31fiۋ.[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/473921/2008-05-12 09:03:082008-05-12 09:03:082008-05-12 09:03:09fstudy/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
        An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" ( http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574 ) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code ( http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/ ) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and part LC5ԡI4ԡPVԡUDԡ[@ԡa>ԡЁԡVQ73333CHIFOO: A Framework for InnovationhttprԡMK33333XPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub Lunch Casual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun. * If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one) * If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches * If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach * If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment * If you're curious about any the above *Come on over for lunch.* We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc. 2009-07-03 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-07-01 06:39:572009-07-01 06:39:57 ;42009-07-03 22:00:00 ~5\~6؀  R iۋ_]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2121800/2009-03-07 14:22:152009-03-07 14:22:142009-03-07 14:22:16iۋ^]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2115040/2009-03-04 19:54:482009-03-04 19:54:472009-03-04 19:54:49dۋ]S333http://feeds2.feedburner.com/padnug2009-03-04 15:42:022009-03-04 15:42:012009-03-04 15:42:04iۋ\]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1797715/2009-03-04 01:08:472009-03-04 01:08:472009-03-04 01:08:48nۋ[g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117450/?ps=52009-03-03 22:40:282009-03-03 22:40:272009-03-03 22:40:29nۋZg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2117442/?ps=52009-03-03 22:38:432009-03-03 22:38:432009-03-03 22:38:45nۋYg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899622/?ps=62009-03-03 22:38:172009-03-03 22:38:172009-03-03 22:38:18iۋX]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2116446/2009-03-03 20:39:242009-03-03 20:39:242009-03-03 20:39:25 OSO$d$)U 33/' Standard Insurance Center Auditorium2009-04-09 17:40:232009-08-30 14:29:24900 SW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97204United States@F:)y^dZ;b(;33/'Doubletree Lloyd Center2009-04-09 17:34:502009-04-14 20:59:011000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@FJ^lD;b :3'O33K'The Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center2009-04-09 17:22:122009-04-09 17:29:141000 Northeast Multnomah StreetPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b : &'33+'Columbia Park2009-04-07 21:42:512009-04-07 21:42:514339 N. LombardPortlandOregon97203United States@FY}^$/;b %!S;33/-%USquaredUsquared is a networking and workshop space, with some catering available.1562 SE Tacoma St Portland or 97202http://www.usquared.biz2009-04-06 19:02:222009-04-06 19:05:421562 Se Tacoma StPortland0r97202US@FgMN^wczoe@usquared.biz503.719.5444 ;2h;iۋ]333http://www.multcolib.org/events/kpw.html2008-11-07 19:37:222008-11-07 19:37:222008-11-07 19:37:22iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1320465/2008-11-07 06:39:232008-11-07 06:39:222008-11-07 06:39:25cۋQ333http://barcamp.org/BeaverBarCampII2008-11-05 15:31:302008-11-05 15:31:292008-11-05 15:31:30pۋk333http://feeds.technorati.com/events/barcamp.org/2008-11-05 15:30:392008-11-05 15:30:382008-11-05 15:30:41jۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1313754/2009-01-14 10:33:272008-11-04 17:53:532009-01-14 10:54:57fCۋ 333http://seo.meetup.com/78/calendar/9030291/ical/November+2008+Hot+Seat+-+Web+Analytics...+Do+You+Know+What+You%27re+Looking+At%3F/2008-11-03 16:22:212008-11-03 16:22:212008-11-03 16:22:23Gۋ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9012481/ical/Your+Blog+-+you+built+it%2C+now+how+do+you+get+those+readers+to+show+up%3F/2008-11-03 16:17:402008-11-03 16:17:402008-11-03 16:17:41 2Fԡ /3U333SAO Thrive - PDX: How Can We Survive & Thrive in the Downturn?Thrive - PDX How Can We <ԡKG3M3wԡ!U3_333IDSA 3BY103BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three crGԡgO3?333Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop: 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. $1,495, or $1,345 prior to July 7th 2009-07-20 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:59:232009-05-25 16:59:23 ;2009-07-23 00:30:00 &2]&hۋH[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/19001712009-02-24 01:32:142009-02-24 01:32:132009-02-24 01:32:17wۋGy333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/my_events/1931102009-02-23 18:56:082009-02-23 18:56:062009-02-23 18:56:24hۋF[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18975412009-02-23 16:54:502009-02-23 16:54:492009-02-23 16:54:53iۋE]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1808990/2009-02-22 19:21:442009-02-22 19:21:442009-02-22 19:21:47iۋD]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1897236/2009-02-22 19:21:312009-02-22 19:21:312009-02-22 19:21:33iۋC]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1808911/2009-03-03 22:07:542009-02-22 19:21:142009-03-03 22:07:56`ۋBq33http://calagator.org/events/search.atom?query=ruby2009-02-21 06:34:122009-02-21 06:34:12ZۋA?333http://OSQL-d.sqlpass.org2009-02-21 05:15:312009-02-21 05:15:302009-02-21 05:15:32hۋ@[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18575522009-02-20 22:22:242009-02-20 22:22:232009-02-20 22:22:26ck by popular demand What the Shit, @melissalion's heelarious Dramatic Twitter Reading Series. I lamed out last time, but this time I've already got a couple of good tweets to orate. Time to put those high school theatre skills to use. BONUS: AboutUs is having it's anniversary party at Beer and Blog and wants to share the love in the way of beer. For the Beer and Bloggers. Yay! Stay tuned for more info. And finally, while I've got your attention, I'd like to announce a date change for the hugely successful End Bloglessness. Again. (Long story.) BUT THIS TIME WE MEAN IT. On July 18th, Beer and Blog proudly continue its collective efforts to put an End to Bloglessness. We feel everyone should be polluting the Internet with our hopes, opinions, rants, and obsessions, not to mention hocking the Next Big Thing. Held at Web Trends, more details to come. Have a safe and explosive holiday weekend!2009-07-03 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-01 03:54:012009-07-01 07:31:06 ; 2009-07-04 02:00:00 N"EtNۋ/ A333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/ical/Portland+Pythoneers+February+Meetup/2009-02-09 21:40:312009-02-09 21:40:302009-02-09 21:40:32}ۋ. 333http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/9519259/?a=nr1p_rt2009-02-09 21:39:322009-02-09 21:39:312009-02-09 21:39:33hۋ-[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18114692009-02-09 18:25:262009-02-09 18:25:252009-02-09 18:25:29]ۋ,E333http://pdxphp.org/event/ical2009-02-09 17:49:022009-02-09 17:49:012009-02-09 17:49:02hۋ+[333http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/febuary2009-02-09 17:48:172009-02-09 17:48:172009-02-09 17:48:18iۋ*]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505307/2009-02-09 08:09:402009-02-09 08:09:392009-02-09 08:09:42iۋ)]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1485830/2009-02-09 08:04:012009-02-09 08:04:002009-02-09 08:04:03iۋ(]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1765823/2009-02-09 08:01:512009-02-09 08:01:512009-02-09 08:01:54day - and scale with the business in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event closes Monday, March 31st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. SPEAKER: Pamela Jones, JONES PARTNERS Pamela is Managing Partner of JONES PARTNERS - a 23-year old retained executive search firm based in the Pacific Northwest and serving client companies (start-ups, public companies and joint-ventures) throughout the country. She has served as an executive with Claremont Technology, Lattice Semiconductor (both completed IPOs) and worked in the management consulting group of a major international CPA firm. Board roles have included OEF, SAO, AOI and the West Coast Chamber Orchestra. (See bio and www.jonespartners.biz)2009-03-31 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=712009-03-26 19:33:11 :2009-03-31 18:00:00 @]iۋ7]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823392/2009-02-12 21:29:142009-02-12 21:29:132009-02-12 21:29:17iۋ6]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819528/2009-02-12 19:42:102009-02-12 19:42:082009-02-12 19:42:17nۋ5g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1811711/?ps=52009-02-12 04:16:432009-02-12 04:16:422009-02-12 04:16:45iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819488/2009-02-12 01:02:142009-02-12 01:02:132009-02-12 01:02:16iۋ3]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819903/2009-02-12 01:01:022009-02-12 01:00:582009-02-12 01:01:05hۋ2[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18195742009-02-11 19:22:062009-02-11 19:22:062009-02-11 19:22:09nۋ1g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1812883/?ps=52009-02-10 06:30:092009-02-10 06:30:082009-02-10 06:30:12iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1765978/2009-02-09 21:43:322009-02-09 21:43:322009-02-09 21:43:34 hu)Khiۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1853936/2009-02-20 16:38:172009-02-20 16:38:162009-02-20 16:38:19nۋ>g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1826321/?ps=52009-02-20 08:20:342009-02-20 08:20:332009-02-20 08:20:38iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1845355/2009-02-18 07:00:442009-02-17 23:58:042009-02-18 07:00:46iۋ<]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1845038/2009-02-17 19:56:482009-02-17 19:56:482009-02-17 19:56:51iۋ;]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1841473/2009-02-17 04:45:092009-02-17 04:45:092009-02-17 04:45:13hۋ:[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14411912009-02-16 22:33:412009-02-16 22:33:392009-02-16 22:33:45iۋ9]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1825823/2009-02-15 18:02:552009-02-15 18:02:542009-02-15 18:02:59ۋ8 733http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/events/federalstate-contracts-your/export2009-02-13 04:24:432009-02-13 04:24:43 ~ )~wۋy333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/my_events/1931102009-01-25 21:03:132009-01-25 21:03:122009-01-25 21:03:208ۋ y333http://30boxes.com/external/widget?refer=ff&url=webcal%3A%2F%2Fupcoming.yahoo.com%2Fcalendar%2Fv2%2Fmy_events%2F1931102009-01-25 21:02:522009-01-25 21:02:512009-01-25 21:02:53iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515447/2009-01-25 20:52:202009-01-25 20:52:182009-01-25 20:52:24nۋ g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1514201/?ps=52009-01-24 19:56:012009-01-24 19:56:012009-01-24 19:56:03iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1513907/2009-01-24 15:20:322009-01-24 15:20:302009-01-24 15:20:34tۋ s333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/15106392009-01-23 22:01:482009-01-23 22:01:472009-01-23 22:01:51tۋ s333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/14845182009-01-23 21:57:382009-01-23 21:57:362009-01-23 21:57:40 -less points, ideal time, and the popular planning poker technique. This class can be taken as a standalone or as a sup QqA3]33Ju|SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate Service Strategy w/ examCourse Dates: May 18-20, 2009 This 3-day course immerses learners in the overall concepts, processes, policies and methods associated with the Service Strategy phase of the Service Lifecycle. The course covers the management and control of the activities and techniques within the Service Strategy stage, but not the detail of each of the supporting processes. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #itil #otn2009-05-18 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401980/2009-04-09 17:32:03 9;b2009-05-19 00:00:00wPEI3]33JuySAOpdx: Managing Agile TeamsCourse Dates: Friday, May 1, 2009 & Friday, May 8, 2009K '-ۋ c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/e98vi2lc9ebnnft7s59pana20o%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-01-29 03:12:362009-01-29 03:12:362009-01-29 03:12:36*ۋ ]333http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/e98vi2lc9ebnnft7s59pana20o%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic2009-01-29 03:12:102009-01-29 03:12:002009-01-29 03:12:11ۋ E333http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=strangelovelive%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles2009-01-29 04:46:122009-01-29 03:10:512009-01-29 04:46:13nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/?ps=52009-02-01 11:46:352009-01-28 06:54:312009-02-01 11:46:39wۋy333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/my_events/1931102009-01-27 22:11:162009-01-27 22:11:152009-01-27 22:11:24nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518464/?ps=52009-01-27 16:45:062009-01-27 16:45:032009-01-27 16:45:12nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1515705/?ps=52009-01-26 01:57:502009-01-26 01:57:492009-01-26 01:57:52 7Ziۋ']333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1765807/2009-02-09 08:01:432009-02-09 08:01:422009-02-09 08:01:46hۋ&[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/18084202009-02-08 20:56:302009-02-08 20:56:292009-02-08 20:56:33Xۋ%;333http://neutralspace.com2009-02-06 20:10:342009-02-06 20:10:312009-02-06 20:10:34hۋ$[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/17769642009-02-06 08:07:102009-02-06 08:07:092009-02-06 08:07:12iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1776969/2009-02-06 06:23:182009-02-06 06:23:182009-02-06 06:23:20iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1776598/2009-02-09 08:04:092009-02-06 01:20:462009-02-09 08:04:11iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1775660/2009-02-05 16:53:342009-02-05 16:53:322009-02-05 16:53:36wۋ y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/my_events/1931102009-02-04 23:56:322009-02-04 23:56:322009-02-04 23:56:35hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14359242009-02-03 01:56:092009-02-03 01:56:082009-02-03 01:56:12 8rj8nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1765486/?ps=52009-02-02 18:52:482009-02-02 18:52:482009-02-02 18:52:51iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755606/2009-02-02 05:21:072009-02-02 05:21:062009-02-02 05:21:09nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/?ps=52009-01-31 16:38:292009-01-31 16:38:282009-01-31 16:38:31nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755318/?ps=62009-01-31 16:34:432009-01-31 16:34:432009-01-31 16:34:46aۋM333http://www.thedirt.org/node/36282009-01-31 16:34:332009-01-31 16:34:322009-01-31 16:34:35iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/2009-01-30 16:34:312009-01-30 16:34:302009-01-30 16:34:32ۋ -333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/strangelovelive%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics2009-01-29 04:57:422009-01-29 04:46:182009-01-29 04:57:51ۋ 333http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=strangelovelive%40gmail.com2009-01-29 04:40:342009-01-29 04:40:342009-01-29 04:40:34  jԡuq3U333CEO Roundtable - Funding Your Company in Tough TimesPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of funding your company in tough times and the creative options you can employ to get the cash your company needs to survive and grow. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration: OEN Members - $46 Non Members - $1452009-07-22 18:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=922009-06-30 19:28:492009-06-30 19:28:49 =32009-07-22 20:00:00 n9ԡI3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupMonday July 27th: 12:00 to 1:30 PM Beaverton Public Library Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Theme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-30 19:00:002009-06-30 18:00:552009-08-07 18:48:32 @2009-06-30 20:00:00 _"D>_iۋX]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1444823/2008-12-21 15:30:432008-12-21 15:30:412008-12-21 15:30:46jۋW]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1447525/2009-01-14 10:32:502008-12-20 21:38:492009-01-14 10:32:50tۋU )333http://www.zvents.com/portland-or/events/show/85258865-business-leader-nw-20092008-12-18 23:45:412008-12-18 23:45:412008-12-18 23:45:45iۋT]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1445115/2008-12-18 05:19:512008-12-18 04:46:072008-12-18 05:19:53iۋS]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441347/2008-12-15 22:05:162008-12-15 22:05:152008-12-15 22:05:18iۋR]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441342/2008-12-15 22:05:002008-12-15 22:04:592008-12-15 22:05:02iۋQ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441335/2008-12-15 22:04:422008-12-15 22:04:412008-12-15 22:04:43iۋP]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441297/2008-12-15 22:04:312008-12-15 22:04:302008-12-15 22:04:32 Oq,ԡ=)3Y333Oregon Leadership SummitOregon Leadership Summit Keeping Focus in Tough Times Please join us on December 11, 2008 to help shape Oregon’s Economic Future. Oreg gԡ Mi3w33[ԡI3C333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-20 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-06-30 18:00:112009-08-07 18:48:32 @2009-07-20 20:30:00 *@t*hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15082362009-01-22 03:18:072009-01-22 03:18:062009-01-22 03:18:09hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15069842009-01-21 23:46:272009-01-21 23:46:262009-01-21 23:46:29hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15077932009-01-21 22:57:302009-01-21 22:57:292009-01-21 22:57:31iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1507603/2009-01-21 19:57:202009-01-21 19:57:202009-01-21 19:57:22Wۋ9333http://www.cpd.ogi.edu2009-01-21 17:29:542009-01-21 17:29:542009-01-21 17:29:55hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/15072302009-01-21 16:40:072009-01-21 16:40:042009-01-21 16:40:10iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/2009-01-20 21:39:002009-01-20 21:38:592009-01-20 21:39:02iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505005/2009-01-20 21:38:242009-01-20 21:38:232009-01-20 21:38:26nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503399/?ps=52009-01-20 00:53:292009-01-20 00:53:282009-01-20 00:53:30 77nies. And ensuring that our public finance system is stable, adequate and efficient enough to meet these goals. No other state has anything like the Oregon Business Plan and the Oregon Leadership Summit. One of Oregon’s greatest strengths is our ability to bring together leaders of all baBԡeS33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions PRESENTATION Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. 2009-07-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-06-30 05:43:332009-06-30 05:43:33 >2009-07-03 04:00:00 "Dfiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1503306/2009-01-20 00:29:302009-01-20 00:29:292009-01-20 00:29:33iۋ~]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1495066/2009-01-19 18:23:162009-01-19 18:23:142009-01-19 18:23:18iۋ}]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494643/2009-01-19 00:07:212009-01-19 00:07:202009-01-19 00:07:22iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490445/2009-01-19 00:07:112009-01-19 00:07:112009-01-19 00:07:13iۋ{]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/2009-01-19 00:07:082009-01-19 00:07:082009-01-19 00:07:10iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456831/2009-01-19 00:06:402009-01-19 00:06:402009-01-19 00:06:42iۋy]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1489388/2009-01-18 23:22:472009-01-18 23:22:472009-01-18 23:22:50iۋx]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1494004/2009-01-19 00:07:422009-01-16 23:15:062009-01-19 00:07:43 [hۋ_Y333http://www.debaser.se/kalender/?rrr1332009-01-01 19:52:552009-01-01 19:52:532009-01-01 19:59:50fjۋ^]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1456324/2009-01-14 10:33:072008-12-24 18:37:402009-01-14 10:33:07tۋ] A333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365351/ical/OTBC+Brown+Bag+with+Iris+Sasaki/2009-01-14 10:33:032008-12-22 19:44:222009-01-14 10:33:03t6ۋ\ s333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365382/ical/OTBC+Lunch+and+Learn%3A+Alternative+Financing+Strategies/2009-01-14 10:33:022008-12-22 19:42:362009-01-14 10:33:02t ۋ[ G333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/ical/OTBC+Brown+Bag%3A+Finding+Founders/2009-01-14 10:33:012008-12-22 19:41:182009-01-14 10:33:01tۋZ 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9365323/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22009-01-14 10:33:002008-12-22 19:41:052009-01-14 10:33:00tiۋY]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441485/2008-12-21 15:33:222008-12-21 15:33:212008-12-21 15:33:24  the nation are going through difficult economic times. Fortunately, we have a forum for discussing these challenges and a sԡ=3 333Free Culture: Creating Copyright and Copyrighting CreationJoin the UO in Portland for a discussion of how copyright law affects artists, musicians, and other creative workers—and help rewrite copyright law with electropop trio YACHT and copyright lawyer Peter Shaver. “Free Culture: Creating Copyright and Copyrighting Creation” is an opportunity to learn more about the state of copyright law in the arts. It’s also a chance to meet creative professionals in the Portland area, and generate good ideas in great company. Join us at 6:30 pm at the White Stag Block for convivial conversation and local libations from New Seasons and New Old Lompoc. This event is co-sponsored by the UO Portland Library and Learning Commons, Academic Affairs, and UO Cultural Forum.2009-07-17 01:30:002009-06-29 23:06:342009-06-29 23:06:34 ?2009-07-17 03:30:00 J"%*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52fjۋf]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478383/2009-01-14 10:33:312009-01-06 23:08:542009-01-14 10:43:08fjۋe]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478417/2009-01-14 10:33:232009-01-06 19:49:362009-01-14 10:33:23tۋd 333http://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/vcalendar.php?cdid=384232009-01-14 10:33:192009-01-05 23:37:112009-01-14 10:33:19tۋc 333http://www.chamberorganizer.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=178782009-01-14 10:33:182009-01-05 23:36:352009-01-14 10:33:18tjۋb]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1475627/2009-01-14 10:33:162009-01-05 21:59:282009-01-14 10:45:55fiۋa[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14745042009-01-14 10:32:422009-01-05 04:56:382009-01-14 10:54:04fiۋ`[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14718822009-01-14 10:33:122009-01-02 20:44:092009-01-14 10:33:12t w Aawoۋog333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1487369/?ps=52009-01-14 10:32:242009-01-12 03:46:112009-01-14 10:44:42foۋng333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1487357/?ps=52009-01-14 10:32:202009-01-12 03:41:152009-01-14 10:32:20tjۋm]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1487136/2009-01-14 10:32:172009-01-12 01:49:222009-01-14 10:52:55fjۋl]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1483708/2009-01-14 10:33:512009-01-09 17:31:152009-01-14 10:41:51fjۋk]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1476316/2009-01-14 10:33:472009-01-08 20:57:322009-01-14 10:51:17fiۋj[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14818782009-01-14 10:33:432009-01-08 19:30:192009-01-14 10:33:43tjۋi]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1480836/2009-01-14 10:32:372009-01-08 02:03:262009-01-14 10:32:37tjۋh]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1475298/2009-01-14 10:33:392009-01-07 21:43:062009-01-14 10:33:39tng>: Provide structure and content for a wiki that attendees can use to share information, like where to eat, what to do, etc.

      5. Birds of Feather sessions (BoFs) planning: Prepare wiki instructions, Google spreadsheet, or requirements for a custom Rails app to capture registrations for BoFs.
      6. Hacker lounge planning: Prepare projects and structure for arranging space in the 24-hour hacker lounge.
      We’ll meet up at Urban Grind Northwest at 10am. Later in the day, we’ll have a working lunch at BridgePort Brew Pub. Join us for however much of this you can. Thanks! PS: If you plan to participate, please also join mailing lists related to your interest area. 2009-04-18 17:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org/2009-04-16 18:49:282009-04-16 18:50:23 ;g2009-04-18 23:00:00 XXabout getting involved with the development of Rakudo, the first fully-feature!ԡ{w35333LPPDE Webinar Series - Why Product Development Doesn't (Just) Belong to Engineering Anymore! Presented by Dan ShoenhairJoin Dan Shoenhair of PING Golf as he shares his company's progress towards expanding product development beyond the boundaries of traditional functions. In the past three years, PING has engaged the entire organization in capturing customer and technical knowledge, sharing it across functional boundaries and building it right in to PING's newest innovations in sports equipment. This is the first of six Webinar Series featuring practitioners who will deliver case studies showing how they have used lean product and process development to get return on investment from new product development. The entire series is priced at $110.00 OR you may attend individual Webinars for $25.00 each2009-09-18 14:00:00http://www.lppde.org2009-06-29 18:07:232009-06-29 18:15:28 >I2009-09-18 15:30:00the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging around each other and having conversations someplace outdoor (be it about technology or otherwise)—then give it a hashtag, so it’s now known as #twicnic. As kindly suggested by Kimberly Gehl, we’re meeting at Glenn Otto Community Park, by the Sandy River. Apologies to Robin Catesby for failing to schedule it near the neighborhood. I just thought that having it by the river is a good idea while we have this nice of a weather. Bring food, drinks, or whatever you’d like to eat that afternoon. Bring your books, blankets, bikes, frisbees—and, you know, other things you don’t usually bring to your day job. Computer is optional. That is all.2009-06-28 19:00:00http://bram.me/twicnic.html2009-06-28 16:47:062009-06-28 16:47:06 @'2009-06-28 23:00:0013 05:00:00Uԡ;y3U333Corvallis Beer and BlogBeer and Blog is a meet up that takes place every Wednesday from !CeiۋO]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441296/2008-12-15 22:04:192008-12-15 22:04:182008-12-15 22:04:20iۋN]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441294/2008-12-15 22:04:072008-12-15 22:04:072008-12-15 22:04:09iۋM]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441288/2008-12-15 22:03:512008-12-15 22:03:502008-12-15 22:03:53iۋL]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441282/2008-12-15 22:03:202008-12-15 22:03:192008-12-15 22:03:22iۋK]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441275/2009-04-24 17:24:352008-12-15 22:02:522009-04-24 17:24:35iۋJ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441195/2008-12-15 22:01:232008-12-15 22:01:222008-12-15 22:01:26iۋI]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441191/2008-12-15 22:00:472008-12-15 22:00:472008-12-15 22:00:49jۋH]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1441187/2009-01-14 10:32:462008-12-15 21:59:172009-01-14 10:50:20f VKw 0VgۋsY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9955212008-08-10 15:53:242008-08-10 15:53:242008-08-10 15:53:26gۋrY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9170202008-08-10 15:53:152008-08-10 15:53:152008-08-10 15:53:17gۋqY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9433052008-08-10 15:52:442008-08-10 15:52:442008-08-10 15:52:45gۋpY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9320642008-08-10 15:52:312008-08-10 15:52:312008-08-10 15:52:32gۋoY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7941572008-08-10 15:52:192008-08-10 15:52:182008-08-10 15:52:20lۋnc333http://www.beerandblog.com/category/events/2008-08-08 16:01:552008-08-08 16:01:552008-08-08 16:01:56\ۋmC333http://www.beerandblog.com/2008-08-08 16:01:122008-08-08 16:01:112008-08-08 16:01:13.ۋl c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/nssi4lkvli381llogtjl9tfma0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-07-08 19:22:582008-08-07 00:52:172009-07-08 19:22:59f [}Fk[ۋ@ ?333http://www.wordcampportland.org/2008/07/planning-meeting-and-call-for-discussion-leaders/2008-07-16 18:57:222008-07-16 18:57:222008-07-16 18:57:23hۋ?[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/897599/2008-07-16 16:11:592008-07-16 16:11:592008-07-16 16:12:00hۋ>[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/909463/2008-07-16 16:10:282008-07-16 16:10:282008-07-16 16:10:30gۋ=Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9037632008-07-16 00:20:552008-07-16 00:20:552008-07-16 00:20:57hۋ<[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/870863/2008-07-14 03:58:422008-07-14 03:58:422008-07-14 03:58:44Vۋ;7333http://pdxfoscon.org/2008-07-11 14:22:362008-07-11 14:22:352008-07-11 14:22:36gۋ:Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8724182008-07-11 03:24:442008-07-11 03:24:442008-07-11 03:24:45}ۋ9 333http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/SprintPortlandAugust20082008-07-11 02:14:242008-07-11 02:14:242008-07-11 02:14:24 M"0Miۋ(]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1384481/2008-11-27 15:29:292008-11-27 15:29:282008-11-27 15:29:32nۋ'g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1384481/?ps=62008-11-26 16:46:302008-11-26 16:46:302008-11-26 16:46:33hۋ&[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13863172008-11-26 16:31:552008-11-26 16:31:552008-11-26 16:31:57mۋ%e333http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/484482008-11-24 22:23:102008-11-24 22:23:092008-11-24 22:23:10ۋ$ A333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207407/ical/Introduction+to+Venture+Capital/2008-11-21 18:02:092008-11-21 18:02:092008-11-21 18:02:10hۋ#[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13734952008-11-21 16:27:462008-11-21 16:27:462008-11-21 16:27:54iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1375865/2008-11-21 15:09:432008-11-21 15:09:422008-11-21 15:09:45iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1375912/2008-11-21 00:25:012008-11-21 00:25:012008-11-21 00:25:03 z(wXziۋ?]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1429655/2008-12-10 20:50:222008-12-10 20:50:222008-12-10 20:50:25iۋ>]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1429494/2008-12-10 20:44:052008-12-10 20:44:042008-12-10 20:44:08iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1373808/2008-12-08 23:44:462008-12-08 23:42:422008-12-08 23:44:49)ۋ< [333http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/bpsaebm3lglkft4p7493fo8ehc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/full2008-12-08 22:43:032008-12-08 22:43:022008-12-08 22:43:03*ۋ; ]333http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/bpsaebm3lglkft4p7493fo8ehc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic2008-12-08 22:49:422008-12-08 22:42:402008-12-08 22:49:43hۋ:[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13320052008-12-08 21:43:362008-12-08 21:43:362008-12-08 21:43:38dۋ9S333http://portlandwerewolf.com/node/832008-12-08 21:39:322008-12-08 21:39:312008-12-08 21:39:32 R"D1Rjۋ8]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1424613/2008-12-22 10:29:302008-12-08 21:37:172008-12-22 10:30:04fiۋ7]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1419824/2008-12-08 21:36:172008-12-08 21:36:172008-12-08 21:36:20ۋ6 C333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9298966/ical/Presentation+Zen+webinar+viewing/2008-12-08 20:52:522008-12-08 20:52:512008-12-08 20:52:53iۋ5]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1366250/2008-12-07 18:28:472008-12-07 18:28:462008-12-07 18:28:49iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1406483/2008-12-07 18:27:502008-12-07 18:27:502008-12-07 18:27:52iۋ3]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1376669/2008-12-07 18:26:012008-12-07 18:26:002008-12-07 18:26:03iۋ2]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1403271/2008-12-07 18:23:152008-12-07 18:23:142008-12-07 18:23:17iۋ1]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1417455/2008-12-07 18:22:212008-12-07 18:22:212008-12-07 18:22:23 -r\z -iۋ0]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1376652/2008-12-07 18:20:342008-12-07 18:20:332008-12-07 18:20:37iۋ/]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1394119/2008-12-07 18:19:312008-12-07 18:19:302008-12-07 18:19:33iۋ.]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1415826/2008-12-05 01:02:312008-12-05 01:02:302008-12-05 01:02:33hۋ-[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/14155292008-12-04 21:19:422008-12-04 21:19:412008-12-04 21:19:44nۋ,g333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1403424/?ps=52008-12-03 05:41:512008-12-03 05:41:502008-12-03 05:41:53tۋ+s333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/event/12487122008-11-28 18:34:412008-11-28 18:34:392008-11-28 18:34:42ۋ* 3333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/ical/OTBC+Information+Session/2008-11-28 02:56:582008-11-28 02:56:582008-11-28 02:56:59ۋ) 333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9207439/?a=mu_ftaspebbi22008-11-28 02:56:042008-11-28 02:56:042008-11-28 02:56:05  and give presentations, here's a great free opportunity to learn how to ratchet up your presentation effectiveness. Garr Reynolds, author of the book "Presentation Zen" will discuss some of the topics in his book in a free webcast at 2pm on Monday, December 15. The book is very good. I suspect the webcast will be well worth one hour of your time. If you'd like to listen to the webcast in with a group of others, and perhaps discuss and compare notes after the ԡE3;333Firefox 3.5 Launch Day LunchFirefox 3.5 is being released! Come hang out with Firefox developers and fans at the Green Dragon on Tuesday June 30th from 11am to 2pm. Have lunch, have a beer, and watch the download counter go crazy. Hackers: bring your laptop and come play with the new features! BYOBL (buy your own beer/lunch). If you hack up an awesome use of one of the new features, your drink is on me (@dietrich)!2009-06-30 18:00:00http://bit.ly/firefox352009-06-29 22:14:262009-06-29 22:17:00 ; 2009-06-30 21:00:00 "Fdiۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1373911/2008-11-26 16:36:012008-11-20 20:28:482008-11-26 16:36:04hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13742232008-11-20 20:25:552008-11-20 20:25:542008-11-20 20:25:58nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1369765/?ps=52008-11-19 04:37:532008-11-19 04:37:532008-11-19 04:37:55hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13065762008-11-18 07:34:142008-11-18 07:34:142008-11-18 07:34:17hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13677792008-11-18 00:50:102008-11-18 00:50:092008-11-18 00:50:13hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/13573392008-11-14 19:05:312008-11-14 19:05:302008-11-14 19:05:35iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1339843/2008-11-13 01:12:432008-11-13 01:12:422008-11-13 01:12:46iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1326795/2009-02-09 08:04:152008-11-11 18:35:362009-02-09 08:04:17 OySI[=333-%Portland State Business AcceleratorThe Portland State Business Accelerator is a business incubator and accelerator for high technology start-ups. It is sponsored by Portland State University as an economic development effort and a means of providing a Living Laboratory for faculty and students who want to work with entrepreneurial start-ups. 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland, OR 97201http://www.psba.pdx.edu/2008-03-17 17:33:142008-03-20 17:14:492828 SW Corbett AvePortlandOR97201US@FY^:WGPSBAinfo@pdx.edu503-725-2312;b`7x _133) %PDC222 NW Fifth Ave, Portland, OR 97209-3859http://www.pdc.us/2008-03-17 17:33:132008-04-07 14:57:43222 Nw 5th AvePortlandOR97209US@F(J^:"_503-823-3200;b`Gv33China2008-03-17 17:33:132008-03-18 19:27:48;b` 9 x>UTxhۋH[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/522385/2008-07-20 23:54:262008-07-20 23:54:262008-07-20 23:54:27hۋG[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/404578/2008-07-21 01:58:542008-07-20 23:48:402008-07-21 01:58:55hۋF[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/909567/2008-07-19 18:24:202008-07-19 18:24:192008-07-19 18:24:21 ۋE !333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/ical/Founders+Friday/2008-07-18 21:34:242008-07-18 21:34:242008-07-18 21:34:25vۋDw333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8295240/2008-07-18 21:33:532008-07-18 21:33:532008-07-18 21:33:54gۋCY333http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2008/august2008-07-18 21:24:152008-07-18 21:24:152008-07-18 21:24:16gۋBY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9104912008-07-17 05:05:052008-07-17 05:05:052008-07-17 05:05:07OۋA)333http://ffo.com2008-07-16 21:28:362008-07-16 21:28:222008-07-16 21:28:37 summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-07-02 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011655/2009-06-28 02:59:342009-06-28 02:59:34 >;bv2009-07-02 23:00:00 .@</. ۋ !333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9134286/ical/OTBC+Open+House/2008-11-11 17:54:062008-11-11 17:54:052008-11-11 17:54:07hۋ[333http://www.ltu.se/kalendarium?feed=ical2008-11-11 13:40:402008-11-11 13:40:392008-11-11 13:40:57ۋ 7333http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2008/11/08/mountainwest-rubyconf-2009-dates-and-cfp/2008-11-09 03:35:022008-11-09 03:34:592008-11-09 03:35:02iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1244001/2008-11-08 11:18:232008-11-08 11:18:222008-11-08 11:18:25iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1326580/2008-11-07 22:27:152008-11-07 22:27:142008-11-07 22:27:16ۋ %333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107471/ical/Westside+Proggers/2008-11-07 20:48:342008-11-07 20:48:342008-11-07 20:48:359ۋ {333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/9107423/ical/MIT+Enterprise+Forum%3A+The+Future+of+Wireless+Communication/2008-11-07 20:46:292008-11-07 20:46:292008-11-07 20:46:30 |y|mԡ&'7333AEA: HR eventhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-05 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b`nԡ%)7333AEA: CTO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-13 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:08;b`nԡ$)7333AEA: CFO Forumhttp://www.aeanet.org2008-02-22 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:08;b`ԡ#M;333AMA Luncheon: Tactical Marketinghttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2007-12-11 19:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:08;b`vԡ"5;333AMA: marketing lunchhttp://www.ama-pdx.org/2008-01-08 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:08;b`ԡ!S1333OEN webinar: Angel Investing Basicshttp://www.oen.org2007-11-28 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:07;b`~ԡ O1333ONE: Leadership Training Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-12-12 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:07;b` ss^>ԡ 3U333"Financing the Good" Springboard Social I~ԡa3]333Startup Workouts- Market Validation BasicsStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full wLwԡ,s1333OHSU OGI: Driving Projects to Successful Completionhttp://cpd.ogi.edu2007-11-15 02:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:10;b`vԡ+K%333SBA: Financing a Small Business503-326-26822007-11-15 19:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:10;b`;ԡ*{333Public Relations Society: Understanding Real-Time Mediahttp://www.prsa.org/PDseminars/DisplayEvent.cfm?semId=2752007-11-16 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:10;b` ԡ)EQ333Portland Bar Camp (informal)http://barcamp.org/BarCampPortland2007-11-16 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b`ԡ(5333December Coders Bashhttp://pdxgroups.pbwiki.org/2007%20December%20Coders%20Social2007-12-12 02:00:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b`zԡ'A7333AEA: SEC Accounting Updatehttp://www.aeanet.org2008-01-17 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:052008-06-18 13:18:09;b` V"A4Viۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1286863/2008-10-30 17:41:302008-10-30 17:41:302008-10-30 17:41:31iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1184077/2008-10-30 17:29:112008-10-30 17:29:102008-10-30 17:29:13vۋw333http://www.personaltelco.net/PersonalTelco/2008-10-292008-10-29 20:02:242008-10-29 20:02:242008-10-29 20:02:25 ۋ 333http://www.pmi-portland.org/Calendar/view_entry.php?id=330&date=200811072008-10-29 19:52:122008-10-29 19:52:122008-10-29 19:52:13sۋq333http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24122008-10-29 19:07:582008-10-29 19:07:582008-10-29 19:07:59bۋ~O333http://groups.drupal.org/ical/3902008-10-29 19:03:082008-10-29 19:02:482008-10-29 19:03:09iۋ}]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1274569/2008-10-28 20:59:472008-10-28 20:59:472008-10-28 20:59:49iۋ|]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1108069/2008-10-28 20:57:092008-10-28 20:57:092008-10-28 20:57:11 q}qwԡD'K333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imcot.org/events.jsp2007-05-15 14:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡCU?333Lane Powell: Doing Business in Chinahttp://www.lanepowell.com2007-05-17 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡBS5333MPI: Event Cancellation: What to Dohttp://www.mpioc.org2007-05-15 18:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`ԡAs3333NW Env. Business Council: The Ecosysetm Marketplacehttp://www.nebc.org2007-05-10 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:15;b`jԡ@#5333OCCA dinnerhttp://www.occa.org/2007-05-30 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:14;b`nԡ?/1333OEN Bend Pub Talkhttp://www.oen.org2007-05-11 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:14;b`xԡ>C1333OEN Employment Law Workshophttp://www.oen.org2007-05-15 23:00:002008-03-17 17:33:132008-06-18 13:19:14;b` YEYwۋjy333http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20081028.htm2008-10-27 16:18:362008-10-27 16:18:362008-10-27 16:18:37iۋi]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1116805/2008-10-27 15:49:392008-10-27 15:49:392008-10-27 15:49:40_ۋhI333http://www.real-estateplan.jp/2008-10-27 06:45:482008-10-27 06:45:472008-10-27 06:45:49iۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1256712/2008-10-27 06:37:122008-10-27 06:37:122008-10-27 06:37:13 ۋf #333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/search/?type=Events&rt=1&q=cubespace&loc=Portland2008-10-26 21:43:372008-10-26 21:43:372008-10-26 21:45:57cۋeQ333http://www.cubespacepdx.com/events2008-10-26 21:42:152008-10-26 21:42:152008-10-26 21:42:16fۋdW333http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/18412008-10-26 21:41:092008-10-26 21:41:082008-10-26 21:41:10xۋc{333http://events.portlanddatasystems.com/events/12504558012008-10-25 12:18:432008-10-25 12:18:432008-10-25 12:18:45 pdNpiۋb]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1264676/2008-10-22 18:37:112008-10-22 18:37:112008-10-22 18:37:13iۋa]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1151881/2008-10-22 18:36:272008-10-22 18:36:262008-10-22 18:36:29 ۋ` I333http://oregonstartups.typepad.com/news/2008/10/event-calendar-for-the-week-of-oct-20-2008.html2008-10-20 02:10:502008-10-20 02:10:492008-10-20 02:10:50iۋ_]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1234039/2008-10-19 23:49:482008-10-19 23:49:472008-10-19 23:49:50-ۋ^ c333http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/rffo3qnbq7ucugqbh3701m2ifc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics2009-02-15 23:01:232008-10-18 23:49:382009-02-15 23:01:29xۋ]{333http://events.portlanddatasystems.com/events/12504557952008-10-17 05:20:382008-10-17 05:20:372008-10-17 05:20:40dۋ\S333http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-15 17:47:242008-10-15 17:47:242008-10-15 17:47:24 DWAԡbsm3333OTBC: The 4 Practices of Effective Online Educationhttp://www.opentechcenDԡAI3]333TAPLISTER.com Launch PartyTaplister.com, the world's first live beer search engine based off Twitter wants you to celebrate the creation of this new service. Taplister.com will be throwing a launch party on Monday July 6th at 7pm at the EastBurn (1800 East Burnside Portland, OR 97214). EastBurn will be offering $10 pitchers of beers and Taplister.com will be giving away craft beer swag and demoing their website and free iPhone app called Beer Signal. This will sure be an event that no craft beer fan will want to miss. As an added bonus, Hopworks Urban Brewery and Upright Brewing will be bringing special beers and the brewers themselves will be in attendance to talk about their beers.2009-07-07 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3014484/2009-07-02 16:19:062009-07-02 20:54:14 >;by2009-07-07 06:00:00  "y iۋ[]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1223750/2008-10-14 19:23:292008-10-14 19:23:282008-10-14 19:23:31uۋZu333http://events.portlanddatasystems.com/sources/import2008-10-14 06:50:542008-10-14 06:50:542008-10-14 06:50:54iۋY]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1196328/2008-10-13 23:56:342008-10-13 23:56:342008-10-13 23:56:36"ۋX M333http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=2327&from_where=chapter_homepage2008-10-13 00:15:182008-10-13 00:15:162008-10-13 00:15:208ۋW y333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8924020/ical/Sustaining+a+Business+in+a+Down+Economy+%28Partner+event%29/2008-10-12 18:24:062008-10-12 18:24:062008-10-12 18:24:07)ۋV [333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8823451/ical/OHSU+Innovation+Showcase+%28Partner+event%29/2008-10-12 17:17:502008-10-12 17:17:502008-10-12 17:17:51iۋU]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1205366/2008-10-11 01:01:232008-10-11 01:01:232008-10-11 01:01:25 #EghۋT[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11484582008-10-10 19:28:002008-10-10 19:27:592008-10-10 19:28:02iۋS]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1087530/2008-10-09 23:24:102008-10-09 23:24:092008-10-09 23:24:12iۋR]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1184494/2008-10-09 23:19:532008-10-09 23:19:532008-10-09 23:19:55iۋQ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1086197/2008-10-09 23:19:412008-10-09 23:19:412008-10-09 23:19:44iۋP]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1196281/2008-10-09 23:18:122008-10-09 23:18:112008-10-09 23:18:14iۋO]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1116807/2008-10-09 10:00:212008-10-09 10:00:212008-10-09 10:00:23iۋN]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1186145/2008-10-09 10:00:102008-10-09 10:00:082008-10-09 10:00:13iۋM]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1170579/2008-10-06 23:20:062008-10-06 23:20:052008-10-06 23:20:08hۋL[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11653152008-10-02 22:02:052008-10-02 22:02:042008-10-02 22:02:09 xxGcuG33K9'Kinetic Technology Solutions Need a professionally designed Class A facility to conduct a training program or meeting? Kinetic classrooms and meeting rooms are available for rent by the day or the week. The classrooms have been designed to support the learning experience - specialized lighting and temperature control, high-end computers, color projection systems - high-speed internet, everything necessary to support your training needs. Your customers will enjoy all the amenities that Kinetic learners have access to each day – a full-service coffee/tea bar, morning and afternoon refreshments, and an unparalleled level of customer care.1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305 - Portland, OR 97204http://www.kineticoregon.com/2009-08-27 20:38:002009-08-27 20:49:241001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305PortlandOR97204US@F ZV^,'info@KineticOregon.com503.520.0555. f+IfiۋB]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1149160/2008-09-29 01:03:072008-09-29 01:03:062008-09-29 01:03:11nۋAg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1137822/?ps=52008-09-25 22:57:242008-09-25 22:57:232008-09-25 22:57:26Wۋ@9333http://cyborgcamp.org/2008-09-24 15:23:352008-09-24 15:23:342008-09-24 15:23:36sۋ?q333http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24022008-09-24 00:06:282008-09-24 00:06:282008-09-24 00:06:29ۋ> 5333http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-09-23 16:15:102008-09-23 16:15:092008-09-23 16:15:11iۋ=]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1110691/2008-09-23 01:26:122008-09-23 01:26:122008-09-23 01:26:14aۋ<M333http://calagator.org/sources/new2008-09-22 15:45:042008-09-22 15:45:042008-09-22 15:45:05hۋ;[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11076122008-09-17 17:42:552008-09-17 17:42:542008-09-17 17:42:56 "Dgiۋ:]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1107243/2008-09-17 15:17:222008-09-17 15:17:222008-09-17 15:17:24iۋ9]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1075549/2008-09-17 08:13:082008-09-17 08:13:082008-09-17 08:13:10hۋ8[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10602872008-09-16 19:29:172008-09-16 19:29:162008-09-16 19:29:19iۋ7]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084514/2008-09-16 19:28:572008-09-16 19:28:572008-09-16 19:28:59hۋ6[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10754772008-09-16 19:28:472008-09-16 19:28:472008-09-16 19:28:49iۋ5]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1104564/2008-09-16 19:26:482008-09-16 19:26:472008-09-16 19:26:50iۋ4]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1104575/2008-09-16 19:26:322008-09-16 19:26:312008-09-16 19:26:33iۋ3]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1104607/2008-09-16 19:26:172008-09-16 19:26:162008-09-16 19:26:19iۋ2]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1104558/2008-09-16 19:25:512008-09-16 19:25:502008-09-16 19:25:53 vv:{ԡ[3]333Startup Workouts- Extreme BootstrappingStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our fullV <<iۋ1]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1098808/2008-09-16 15:53:482008-09-16 15:53:482008-09-16 15:53:51hۋ0[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/11029052008-09-16 01:15:032008-09-16 01:15:022008-09-16 01:15:05iۋ/]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1101683/2008-09-15 21:47:032008-09-15 21:47:022008-09-15 21:47:06iۋ.]333http://www.psba.pdx.edu/register-9.18.082008-09-15 21:22:322008-09-15 21:22:322008-09-15 21:22:33ۋ- )333http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/wednesday/index.asp?event_city=Portland2008-09-15 03:43:322008-09-15 03:43:322008-09-15 03:43:35iۋ,]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1069066/2008-09-15 01:57:142008-09-15 01:57:142008-09-15 01:57:16|ۋ+ 333http://www.oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=2339&from_where=calendar&filter=LOCAL&type=listview&year=2008&batch_start=0&month=09&day=092008-09-15 01:20:362008-09-15 01:20:352008-09-15 01:20:40 Vz7n+bVfurther details. We invite you to our fourth an@>-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:212009-01-05 10:32:21@=-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:192009-01-05 10:32:19@<-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:172009-01-05 10:32:17@;-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:162009-01-05 10:32:16@:-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:382009-01-04 10:32:38@9-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:342009-01-04 10:32:34@8-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:312009-01-04 10:32:31@7-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:292009-01-04 10:32:29@6-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:272009-01-04 10:32:27@5-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-04 10:32:252009-01-04 10:32:25@4-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-04 10:32:232009-01-04 10:32:23@3-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-04 10:32:212009-01-04 10:32:21@2-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-04 10:32:192009-01-04 10:32:19@1-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-04 10:32:172009-01-04 10:32:17 23]2iۋ#]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1087225/2008-09-11 20:03:142008-09-11 20:03:132008-09-11 20:03:17iۋ"]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084540/2008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:362008-09-09 06:44:38iۋ!]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084546/2008-09-09 06:44:272008-09-09 06:44:262008-09-09 06:44:29iۋ ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084628/2008-09-09 06:44:172008-09-09 06:44:172008-09-09 06:44:19iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1084529/2008-09-09 06:44:052008-09-09 06:44:042008-09-09 06:44:07Oۋ '333http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2607768/first-international-workshop-on-next-generation-of-wireless-and-mobile-networks-ngwmn-/calendar2008-09-08 19:09:562008-09-08 19:09:552008-09-08 19:09:57Fۋ 333http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2607768/first-international-workshop-on-next-generation-of-wireless-and-mobile-networks-ngwmn-2008-09-08 19:08:482008-09-08 19:08:472008-09-08 19:08:48 %EJg33Business2008-03-17 17:33:072008-03-18 19:28:02;b` 9waw33Suite #520, 5th floor of the OMCC at SE Stark and 2ND2008-03-17 17:33:052008-05-23 21:25:50;b` 9_]G33Gerding Theater at the Armory2008-03-17 17:33:022008-03-18 10:31:56;b` 9yZ33-CubeSpace2008-03-16 08:42:522008-03-18 10:23:27622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;b_ 9XY733The OTBC Meetup Group2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:43:55;b^ <ans, animators, and video jockeys, which will include live performances using QC. See http://nwav.org for more information. Required: Macintosh computer running 10.5 (Leopard). Anything from a G4 iBook to a Mac Pro tower will work. Gamepad (Mac-compatible). We recommend the Logitech Dual Action (either Apple Only or USB), which looks like a Playstation controller and can be purchased for $20 (from GameStop, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Best Buy, etc.). You can use any USB controller or joystick, but this one will be the easiest with which to follow along. XCode - This can be installed from your System DVD that came with your computer - it used to be called ‘Developer Tools’. It will install the components needed to develop software on your machine, including our Quartz Composer program. After installing, do a system update.2009-06-20 19:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/05/27/quartz-composer-workshop/2009-05-28 02:07:172009-05-28 02:07:17 >2009-06-20 22:00:002 21:03:47 <2008-11-06 21:00:00e your space on Yahoo Upcoming http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2776974/ We are very lucky to have Surya Buchwald (also known as Momo the Monster) teaching a Quartz Composer workshop. Quartz Composer (QC) is a free, powerful easy-to-use visual programming language for the Apple Macintosh. This workshop will take you from starting the program for the first time to building your own Interactive scene controlled with a gamepad. You’ll learn how to teach yourself QC, and meet others with whom you can collaborate and troubleshoot. No programming experience necessary. For more information about QC, see: http://developer.apple.com/mac/articles/graphicsmedia/quartzcomposerinleopard.html To play with an interactive video piece (written by Surya), go to http://momopro.com/stage/qc/ — click and hold your mouse on the video and move it around to control the video. Immediately following the QC workshop, from 3-6pm, we will have a meeting of the NorthWest AudioVisualists, a new group of artists, musici x&gxeۋ*U333http://pdxux.net/2008/September.aspx2008-09-15 01:12:122008-09-15 01:12:122008-09-15 01:12:12~ۋ) 333http://www.123signup.com/SignUpReport/Org20125Event59609.vcs2008-09-15 01:05:292008-09-15 01:03:562008-09-15 01:05:29ۋ( =333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8518331/ical/Classic+Web+Business+Blunders/2008-09-15 01:00:532008-09-15 01:00:532008-09-15 01:00:54'ۋ' W333http://ia.meetup.com/64/calendar/8573858/ical/The+Portland+Information+Architecture+September+Meetup/2008-09-15 00:47:032008-09-15 00:47:032008-09-15 00:47:03jۋ&_333http://ia.meetup.com/64/calendar/8573858/2008-09-15 00:46:172008-09-15 00:46:052008-09-15 00:46:18fۋ%W333http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/17692008-09-15 00:44:152008-09-15 00:44:142008-09-15 00:44:15hۋ$[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10988082008-09-15 00:27:152008-09-15 00:27:142008-09-15 00:27:16 C"FChۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/928441/2008-09-05 17:12:342008-09-05 17:12:342008-09-05 17:12:36hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/928518/2008-09-05 17:12:012008-09-05 17:12:012008-09-05 17:12:03nۋg333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1071816/?ps=52008-09-04 00:09:202008-09-04 00:09:172008-09-04 00:09:22,ۋ a333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8672631/ical/Open+Source+Software%3A+Benefits+and+Challenges/2008-10-06 10:58:002008-09-02 20:17:062008-10-06 10:58:00iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1056456/2008-08-31 23:57:042008-08-31 23:57:042008-08-31 23:57:07gۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9169982008-08-31 23:56:122008-08-31 23:56:112008-08-31 23:56:14iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1048788/2008-08-31 23:08:472008-08-31 23:08:462008-08-31 23:08:49iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1044833/2008-08-31 23:03:422008-08-31 23:03:412008-08-31 23:03:44 "W1ۋ k333http://portland.garysguide.org/events/2492502/the-37th-international-conference-on-parallel-processing/calendar2008-09-09 11:19:392008-09-08 19:02:312008-09-09 11:19:405ۋ s333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8553544/ical/3+Powerful+Ways+to+Differentiate+Your+Technology+Company/2008-09-08 18:59:472008-09-08 18:59:472008-09-08 18:59:49ۋ ;333http://entrepreneur.meetup.com/1041/calendar/8611730/ical/SCORE+Business+Plan+Workshop/2008-09-08 18:37:092008-09-08 18:37:082008-09-08 18:37:09iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1033965/2008-09-08 06:43:432008-09-08 06:43:372008-09-08 06:43:46iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1077468/2008-09-05 19:42:312008-09-05 19:41:062008-09-05 19:42:33iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1005670/2008-09-05 17:13:452008-09-05 17:13:452008-09-05 17:13:48 +"Fj+fۋW333http://www.edforco.org/.docs/pg/102252008-08-28 16:03:372008-08-28 16:03:372008-08-28 16:03:38hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/953729/2008-08-28 00:03:462008-08-28 00:03:462008-08-28 00:03:48_ۋ I333http://pdxruby.org/events/list2008-08-27 20:16:342008-08-27 20:16:342008-08-27 20:16:34hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10056542008-08-21 07:27:252008-08-21 07:27:252008-08-21 07:27:26hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10084652008-08-21 07:26:582008-08-21 07:26:582008-08-21 07:27:00hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10257552008-08-21 07:26:252008-08-21 07:26:252008-08-21 07:26:27hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10118182008-08-21 07:25:472008-08-21 07:25:472008-08-21 07:25:49iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1026897/2008-08-31 23:56:332008-08-21 07:24:422008-08-31 23:56:35iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1002280/2008-08-21 07:23:532008-08-21 07:23:532008-08-21 07:23:54 #Fiiۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1023084/2008-08-19 17:17:542008-08-19 17:17:532008-08-19 17:17:56jۋ_333http://www.portlandjugglers.com/?q=node/92008-08-19 02:45:562008-08-19 02:45:562008-08-19 02:45:57iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1008890/2008-08-18 23:32:022008-08-18 23:32:022008-08-18 23:32:05hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10197652008-08-18 16:46:332008-08-18 16:46:322008-08-18 16:46:35iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1010782/2008-08-16 20:48:122008-08-16 20:48:122008-08-16 20:48:14iۋ]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1012011/2008-08-15 18:24:332008-08-15 18:24:332008-08-15 18:24:34hۋ[333http://linuxplumbersreg.eventbrite.com/2008-08-15 15:51:582008-08-15 15:51:582008-08-15 15:51:59iۋ~]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1006857/2008-08-14 23:53:222008-08-14 23:53:222008-08-14 23:53:24hۋ}[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/774456/2008-08-14 17:04:422008-08-14 17:04:412008-08-14 17:04:43 0q@0zԡ2E3333SAO Corvallis: SEO MarketingSao-info@thebec.com2007-11-09 01:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:12;b` ԡ1=Y333Oregon Leadership Summithttp://www.oregonleadershipsummit.org/2007-12-03 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:11;b`2ԡ0e333New York: Strategic Investing in Health Carehttp://execforum.net/events/eventimages/12.13.07/main.html2007-12-13 17:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:11;b`3ԡ/Y333Medford: Case Studies of Emerging Companies Searching for Fundinghttps://www.soredi.org/BuyProducts.asp2007-11-15 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:11;b`7ԡ.K%333U. of Portland Breakfast Serieshttp://www.up.edu/up_sub.asp?ctnt=7&mnu=420&chl=50&lvl=1&type=cal&scn=alumni2007-11-13 15:30:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:11;b`ԡ-a3333NEBC: Managing Carbon: Policy and Practicehttp://www.nebc.org2007-11-14 16:00:002008-03-17 17:33:062008-06-18 13:18:10;b` 7%K7hۋ|[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10056532008-08-14 17:04:012008-08-14 17:04:012008-08-14 17:04:03hۋ{[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10056562008-08-14 17:03:342008-08-14 17:03:342008-08-14 17:03:36iۋz]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1005433/2008-08-12 18:26:332008-08-12 18:26:332008-08-12 18:26:35hۋy[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/10032342008-08-12 15:12:512008-08-12 15:12:512008-08-12 15:12:53Uۋx5333http://rubyconf.org/2008-08-11 18:37:432008-08-11 18:37:422008-08-11 18:37:43gۋwY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9583722008-08-10 15:56:042008-08-10 15:56:032008-08-10 15:56:05gۋvY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9979922008-08-10 15:55:522008-08-10 15:55:522008-08-10 15:55:53gۋuY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9948382008-08-10 15:53:572008-08-10 15:53:572008-08-10 15:53:59hۋt[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/981642/2008-08-10 15:53:472008-08-10 15:53:472008-08-10 15:53:49 ence from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. ~ԡNW[33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingMeeting topics: * Markus Roberts pres Rw}3Q33JrAgile Open Northwest Conference 2009 "Agile for Real"Agile Open Northwest, an alliance of agile practitioners in the US Pacific Northwest region, invite you to our 3rd annual conference Agile Open Northwest 2009 "Agile for Real". The Northwest has a wealth of practitioners with years of real-world experience with agile methods and self-organizing teams. Agile Open Northwest offers an opportunity to strengthen our community of practice and co-create the future for agile development in our region. Your hosts designed this event to allow practitioners like you to meet in self-organizing groups where we can share our latest ideas, challenges, hopes, experiences and experiments. 2009-02-10 16:30:00http://www.agileopennorthwest.org/2008-12-17 00:48:54 =2009-02-12 02:00:00alyst with the Oregon Department of Energy’s Conservation Division, will discuss “peak oil” on February 10th at 7pm. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. Peak oil is the premise that world oil production has reached its maximum and will soon begin to decline, with major economic and social implications. Mr. Kaufmann will discuss evidence demonstrating the peak is imminent; alternative forms of energy; the likely impacts of peak oil on society; and possible demand-side solutions, including recommendations from Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force. Mr. Kaufmann has led energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts with the Oregon Department of Energy for 25 years. He was lead staff to the Portland Peak Oil Task Force and the primary author of the report.2009-02-11 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1755325/2009-01-31 20:12:09 >;bל2009-02-11 02:00:00 %&Ko%hۋk[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/946580/2009-01-14 11:43:062008-08-06 18:38:022009-01-14 11:43:07hۋj[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/984814/2008-08-06 18:32:292008-08-06 18:32:292008-08-06 18:32:31hۋi[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/750702/2008-08-06 18:17:552008-08-06 18:17:552008-08-06 18:17:57hۋh[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/925738/2008-08-06 18:10:452008-08-06 18:10:452008-08-06 18:10:47hۋg[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/925746/2008-08-06 18:10:142008-08-06 18:10:142008-08-06 18:10:15hۋf[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/953753/2008-08-05 16:19:062008-08-05 16:19:062008-08-05 16:19:07gۋeY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9581092008-08-03 17:54:212008-08-03 17:54:212008-08-03 17:54:23gۋdY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9580672008-08-03 17:05:002008-08-03 17:05:002008-08-03 17:05:01gۋcY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9497882008-08-03 02:33:432008-08-03 02:33:432008-08-03 02:33:45 &$Hm&gۋbY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9485522008-08-03 02:32:402008-08-03 02:32:402008-08-03 02:32:42gۋaY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9537992008-08-03 02:32:232008-08-03 02:32:232008-08-03 02:32:24gۋ`Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9501862008-08-03 02:32:002008-08-03 02:32:002008-08-03 02:32:01gۋ_Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9329082008-08-03 02:31:512008-08-03 02:31:512008-08-03 02:31:52hۋ^[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/928776/2008-08-02 20:16:142008-08-02 20:16:142008-08-02 20:16:16hۋ][333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/903749/2008-07-29 22:33:352008-07-29 22:33:352008-07-29 22:33:37hۋ\[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/918337/2008-07-29 22:33:282008-07-29 22:33:282008-07-29 22:33:29hۋ[[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/922798/2008-07-29 22:33:082008-07-29 22:33:072008-07-29 22:33:09hۋZ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/941687/2008-07-30 21:37:462008-07-29 17:53:102008-07-30 21:37:48 andMeetups" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp Meetup event for local technology employees, is an organizer for the Portland BarCamp event, and helps organize ;bؔ2009-08-05 18:30:00 Gn33China2008-03-17 17:33:112008-03-18 19:27:48;b` 9dk/[}G33Q! 'OTBC (Greenbrier)OTBC moves away from Greenbrier as of Nov 1 2008
      And now, it's official - OTBC will be at its new location at the Beaverton Round as of November 1. And with a new business model. It's a very positive move, and will open up new opportunities for us. Here's some additional background. OTBC is a non-profit corporation that helps startup companies succeed with office infrastructure and coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton , OR 97006http://www.opentechcenter.com2008-03-17 17:33:092008-11-10 22:44:1415455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210Beaverton OR 97006US@FA̅^`3971-223-4660 ;b` <nd networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, March 25. 5:15p - Doors open at souk - 322 NW 6th Ave, Suite 200 5:30p - Presentations 6:00p - Round table discussion 6:30p - Social hour at Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave This month’s speakers: Art Institute of Portland instructor Matthew Perkins presents his innovative, automotive-inspired seating project. FUSE design principal Toren Orzeck. Tanner Goods co-founder Sam Huff describes the founding of a new accessories brand.2009-03-26 00:30:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-03-24 23:21:45 ;b2009-03-26 01:30:00elopment and provides integration at several levels, including validation, transaction handling, and object lifecpaste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. I added a couple of links to articles on using GGobi with social network data. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software. More information: http://www.r-project.org/ Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en. 2009-03-28 18:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization?hl=en2009-03-24 23:13:57 92009-03-28 22:00:00able. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am. Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-the-r-programming-language - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. Here's an abbreviated "Getting Started With GGobi" guide. Please try this stuff out and let me know where it's broken. I just ran through the Windows part and the "Testing on a Social Network Dataset" part and that much of it works. :) Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & _ ԡIk3s333Econ Salon on Financial CrisisCome join us for a tangent off the Tangent Reading Series An�Econ Salon� about the�financial crisis with�economists Robin Hahnel & Kristen Sheeran� & a short opening poetry reading (regarding the financial crisis) by4ԡ%]3k333pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's presentations will include a short presentation by Martin McClure on the design of a special-purpose hashed dictionary. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL). The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/listinfo.cgi/general-pdx.st2009-05-28 18:34:272009-06-23 15:08:17 <:2009-06-24 04:00:00 Z!EZwۋy333http://blog.aboutus.org/2008/07/01/wikiwednesday-july/2008-07-02 03:14:282008-07-02 03:14:282008-07-02 03:14:29hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/859485/2008-07-01 09:44:442008-07-01 09:44:442008-07-01 09:44:45hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/859475/2008-07-01 09:43:182008-07-01 09:43:182008-07-01 09:43:19hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/732230/2008-07-15 03:35:242008-07-01 09:42:532008-07-15 03:35:25hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/712190/2008-08-31 23:56:432008-07-01 09:42:202008-08-31 23:56:45hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/848313/2008-06-30 15:09:342008-06-30 15:09:342008-06-30 15:09:35ۋ %333http://www.pdxwi.com/blog/adamd/2008/06/demolicious-show-your-latest-project2008-06-30 15:06:012008-06-30 15:06:002008-06-30 15:06:01hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/456793/2008-06-30 11:56:052008-06-30 11:55:522008-06-30 11:56:06/a> will be at Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his
      Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a launchpad for discussion of the Model-View-Controller pattern for Flash application development. The goal is a relaxed talk where we can discuss the basics of why and how to separate application state from view components while touching upon some more advanced topics including data binding and the command pattern. We’ll also talk about general coding best practices and how the app template relates to some of the other frameworks that are currently floating around the web including PureMVC, Cairngorm, Gaia, and this thing called Flex. Don’t be scared. There will be beer. This presentation will be broadcast live at: http://experts.na3.acrobat.com/flashpdx2009-06-27 01:30:00http://flashpdx.org/2009-06-26 19:46:292009-06-26 19:50:33 @ 2009-06-27 03:30:005:00:00 >bhۋ'[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/849261/2008-07-04 17:02:522008-07-04 17:02:522008-07-04 17:02:53hۋ&[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/782117/2008-07-04 17:01:502008-07-04 17:01:502008-07-04 17:01:51hۋ%[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/797535/2008-07-04 17:00:462008-07-04 17:00:462008-07-04 17:00:47hۋ$[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/860989/2008-07-04 16:59:312008-07-04 16:59:312008-07-04 16:59:32hۋ#[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/841047/2008-07-04 16:58:282008-07-04 16:58:282008-07-04 16:58:30hۋ"[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/814468/2008-07-21 01:59:152008-07-04 16:56:232008-07-21 01:59:16}ۋ! 333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/calendar/v2/group/4070/93bed758c32008-07-04 02:35:112008-07-04 02:35:112008-07-04 02:35:20]ۋ E333http://lonestarrubyconf.com/2008-07-03 17:37:192008-07-03 16:56:352008-07-03 17:37:19 ^<`^fۋW333http://www.cubespacepdx.com/node/15102008-06-26 02:09:512008-06-26 02:09:512008-06-26 02:09:54.ۋ e333http://eventful.com/portland/events/web-analytics-wednesday-paddys-bar-grill-/E0-001-012892030-6#box-details2008-06-24 16:45:472008-06-24 16:45:472008-06-24 16:45:49mۋ e333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/462169/?ps=62008-06-24 15:47:002008-06-24 15:47:002008-06-24 15:47:02hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/812929/2008-06-24 03:46:412008-06-24 03:46:412008-06-24 03:46:43hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/779698/2008-06-23 18:47:192008-06-23 18:47:182008-06-23 18:47:20hۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/829134/2008-06-23 18:45:292008-06-23 18:45:292008-06-23 18:45:31=ۋ 333http://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=bWtqYW02c2JvZm5jNGhlaWdpMHM4cm1laTQgb3JlZ29uc3RhcnR1cHNAbQ&ctz=America/Los_Angeles2008-06-23 15:39:312008-06-23 15:39:312008-06-23 15:39:33 l Dil ۋ 333http://www.yelp.com/events/portland-free-rootbeer-floats-pioneer-square2008-06-21 16:26:532008-06-21 16:26:532008-06-21 16:26:54gۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8198662008-06-21 13:12:422008-06-21 13:12:422008-06-21 13:12:44gۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8055232008-06-21 05:56:512008-06-21 05:56:512008-06-21 05:56:52hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/813055/2008-06-21 05:19:492008-06-21 05:19:492008-06-21 05:19:50hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/542567/2008-06-21 05:19:362008-06-21 05:19:362008-06-21 05:19:38hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/821252/2008-06-21 05:15:382008-06-21 05:15:382008-06-21 05:15:39mۋe333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/820085/?ps=62008-06-21 05:14:312008-06-21 05:14:312008-06-21 05:14:32gۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6997032008-06-20 17:20:492008-06-20 17:20:492008-06-20 17:20:51 agۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7810002008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:472008-06-19 02:47:50hۋ~[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/776359/2008-06-17 01:15:472008-06-17 01:15:462008-06-17 01:15:49gۋ}Y333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8066472008-06-16 21:12:342008-06-16 21:12:342008-06-16 21:12:37hۋ|[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/805218/2008-06-16 11:40:312008-06-16 11:40:302008-06-16 11:40:33ۋ{ 333http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTz11000-7000.htm?gda=3Hze-0UAAAD2ZiXFuGIdn4vGBNT2gUGDQkY9J69XCb-a0-Dnh_Gd-WG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRAshbptAt2F75JzKYGE1OCa09cuU6hZIwBjes6jCTocA2008-06-16 09:22:592008-06-16 09:22:592008-06-16 09:23:01$ۋz Q333http://pdx-tech-calendar.googlegroups.com/web/HcalTz11000-7000.htm?gda=o6WLckUAAAD2ZiXFuGIdn4vGBNT2gUGDjD9u24tU7TH7h3ltl5etI2G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRAshbptAt2F75JzKYGE1OCa09cuU6hZIwBjes6jCTocA&gsc=431JPwsAAADgslA_Y0E-eZcLY2yZGYs42008-06-16 05:50:392008-06-16 05:50:392008-06-16 05:50:41 ('09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpynts/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=12472008-03-25 20:30:002008-05-20 00:21:092008-07-13 04:29:43;bձ2008-03-25 21:30:00qԡo ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ ԡ# sԡ& mԡ[ԡ e35333FlashPDX: MVC and the Bumpslide App TemplateDavid Knape<Qԡ I3;333WhereCamp PDX Kick-off MeetingWe're going to have our first WhereCamp PDX planning meeting next week, July 2nd, 7pm at Produce Row (out on the patio). This is just a general brainstorming meeting to start things off, so bring your ideas. If you can't come, join the discussion on our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/wherecamp-pdx/2009-07-03 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-06-26 00:10:322009-06-26 00:10:32 ;2009-07-03 03:30:00 [[5>#ԡ[){3333Wiki Wednesdayhttp://www.socialtext.net/wikiwed/index.cgi?portland%202008-04-03 01:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:41;bձ2008-04-03 02:30:00'ԡZ3y3333WEO General Meetinghttp://www.oregonweo.org/weo_calendar/?d=23&m=3&y=20082008-04-09 01:00:0020ԡ [3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event! Come join Business Leads Exchange, a fun and beneficial speed-networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday July 14 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, Two Center Court on the Fourth Floor. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:49:012009-06-25 20:49:012009-07-14 16:30:00 a%Ioamۋie333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/778347/?ps=52008-06-09 11:27:302008-06-09 11:27:292008-06-09 11:27:32ۋh 1333http://southwaterfront.com/community_events/artist-in-residence-closing-reception/2008-06-09 11:25:142008-06-09 11:25:142008-06-09 11:25:15gۋgY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7567252008-06-09 09:33:532008-06-09 09:33:532008-06-09 09:33:55gۋfY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7385362008-06-09 09:27:202008-06-09 09:27:192008-06-09 09:27:22hۋe[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/699703/2008-06-09 09:24:422008-06-09 09:24:422008-06-09 09:24:45hۋd[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/757223/2008-06-09 09:16:132008-06-09 09:16:132008-06-09 09:16:16hۋc[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/462169/2008-06-09 09:15:552008-06-09 09:15:552008-06-09 09:15:58gۋbY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7582102008-06-09 09:15:142008-06-09 09:15:142008-06-09 09:15:16  We are advocates, developers, and Portlanders making the world better with open source technology. Open Source Bridge will bring together the diverse tech communities of the greater P,ԡ{3K333Portland Business After Hours @ Inn at Northrup StationBusiness After Hours is an evening networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by a local member business. Inn at Northrup Station, July's Business After Hours host, is an elegant all-suites boutique hotel directly on the Portland Streetcar line in the heart of Nob Hill. Come and see the suites! Wednesday July 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Inn at Northrup Station - 2025 N.W. Northrup Street. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:36:362009-06-25 20:36:362009-07-09 02:00:00 <$HC<hۋa[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/434392/2008-06-09 09:14:302008-06-09 09:14:302008-06-09 09:14:33ۋ` -333http://code.google.com/p/calagator/source/browse/trunk/spec/samples/ical_gmt.ics2008-06-08 20:33:262008-06-08 20:33:262008-06-08 20:33:27ۋ_ )333http://code.google.com/p/calagator/source/browse/trunk/spec/samples/ical_z.ics2008-06-08 20:31:372008-06-08 20:31:362008-06-08 20:31:38hۋ^[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/760197/2008-06-07 10:44:452008-06-07 10:44:452008-06-07 10:44:46hۋ][333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633961/2008-06-06 08:26:292008-06-06 08:26:292008-06-06 08:26:30hۋ\[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634899/2008-06-06 08:23:312008-06-06 08:23:312008-06-06 08:23:32hۋ[[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634848/2008-06-06 08:23:082008-06-06 08:23:082008-06-06 08:23:09hۋZ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634022/2008-06-06 08:22:462008-06-06 08:22:462008-06-06 08:22:47 Oregon: http://www.oen.org/events_seed.aspx. The audience favorite will be mentioned on the OEN blog. After the judges select the winner by voting with OEN Dollars, the judges will give feedback on each presentation, explain how they chose the winner, and answer questions from the audience and the contestants. Interested in Competing? To apply to "So You Think You Can Pitch?" visit the So you think you can Pitch Competition Community and submit your materials by Wednesday, July 15, 2009. There you will need to submit the following information: (1) A copy of your executive summary – (no need for secret sauce or specific numbers, simply publish what you are willing to present in public) (2) A brief explanation (no more than 1 page, 12 pt font, single spaced) of why you think your company is a promising investment. Registration: OEN Member: $15 Non - Member: $25 2009-08-13 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=582009-06-25 18:32:192009-06-25 20:08:02 :62009-08-13 02:00:00 A`hۋy[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/798071/2008-06-14 22:41:132008-06-14 22:41:132008-06-14 22:41:15mۋxe333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/797523/?ps=52008-06-14 17:35:502008-06-14 17:35:502008-06-14 17:35:54hۋw[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/794160/2008-06-13 21:23:422008-06-13 21:23:412008-06-13 21:23:45hۋv[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/794155/2008-06-13 21:18:432008-06-13 21:18:422008-06-13 21:18:45gۋuY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7645652008-06-13 21:05:462008-06-13 21:05:462008-06-13 21:05:50qۋtm333http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/Coders-Summer-Social2008-06-12 21:17:082008-06-12 21:17:072008-06-12 21:17:09gۋsY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7838862008-06-12 21:11:412008-06-12 21:11:402008-06-12 21:11:44 $Jjmۋre333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781157/?ps=52008-06-11 16:54:422008-06-11 16:54:422008-06-11 16:54:45hۋq[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/778385/2008-06-11 15:08:362008-06-11 10:54:012008-06-11 15:08:39hۋp[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/780092/2008-06-10 21:17:342008-06-10 21:17:342008-06-10 21:17:37mۋoe333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/779909/?ps=52008-06-10 16:21:092008-06-10 16:21:092008-06-10 16:21:12gۋnY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7796982008-06-10 15:37:112008-06-10 15:37:112008-06-10 15:37:14gۋmY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7798502008-06-10 15:36:052008-06-10 15:36:042008-06-10 15:36:07gۋlY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7783852008-06-11 10:42:522008-06-10 14:18:442008-06-11 10:42:55hۋk[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/775071/2008-06-10 11:55:502008-06-10 11:55:492008-06-10 11:55:52hۋj[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/778310/2008-06-09 15:46:172008-06-09 15:46:172008-06-09 15:46:19 CCbAhP0b\bkt} (1:CLU^gpy܁ԡ\1=3333Starveups Ski Triphttp://www.starveups.com2008-03-08 16:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:57;bձ2008-03-09 00:00:006ԡY3]333Demolicious! - Portland Web InnovatorsCome see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. There will be several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * BrowserMob (Patrick Lightbody) * MobSpot (Benjamin Jacobsen) * Total Event Manager (Mike Shkolnik) * Yak Theater (Matt Garland) * iAte (George DeCarlo) * SMART@znmeb (Ed Borasky) Find out more about showing off *your* project at a future Demolicious: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious2009-07-02 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373351/2009-07-01 16:42:302009-10-26 03:06:21 A;bx2009-07-02 02:00:00 UU*$ԡ553K333Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase at Susan G. Komen for the CureShopTalk Showcase is a bi-monthly networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by local member businesses. Wear pink to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and receive a pin! With events like Race for the Cure, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has become the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. Come learn more about how you can help. Tuesday July 7th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 am at Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 1400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, suite 530. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/$5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/$10 at the door. 2009-07-07 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:28:502009-06-25 20:38:342009-07-07 16:00:00q manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include:
      • How to define the sales cycle for your business
      • What are the typical stages of a sales cycle?
      • How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process?
      • Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times
      • Sales cycle reduction examples
      Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 5 "$Hl"hۋY[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/759160/2008-06-06 08:21:562008-06-06 08:21:562008-06-06 08:21:57hۋX[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633988/2008-06-06 08:21:162008-06-06 08:21:162008-06-06 08:21:17hۋW[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633960/2008-06-06 08:20:492008-06-06 08:20:492008-06-06 08:20:49hۋV[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634892/2008-06-06 08:20:132008-06-06 08:20:132008-06-06 08:20:14hۋU[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634844/2008-06-06 08:19:332008-06-06 08:19:332008-06-06 08:19:34hۋT[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634015/2008-06-06 08:19:062008-06-06 08:19:062008-06-06 08:19:06hۋS[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/759151/2008-06-06 08:17:492008-06-06 08:17:492008-06-06 08:17:50hۋR[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633986/2008-06-06 08:17:172008-06-06 08:17:172008-06-06 08:17:18hۋQ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633955/2008-06-06 08:16:492008-06-06 08:16:492008-06-06 08:16:50 "ԡ|M3=333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Some Random Thoughts on Open Source Philosophy David Mand dBԡ{k3o333Personal Telco Project November Monthly MeetingOur November Monthly Meeting was delayed a week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so this time the November meeting is in December!2008-12-04 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingNovembhԡa3U333OEN Pub Talk - So You Think You Can Pitch?Come see five companies put it all on the line in a speed pitching competition. In this competition both the judges and the audience will tell the competitors if they’ve got what it takes to be a fundable company. A winner will be selected by the judges who will advance to the first round of OEN’s Seedrԡg3U333Eight Steps to a Successful Career TransitionIn today’s challenging job market, you need tools, not rhetoric, to help you plot your course of action. Take that first step on Monday, July 20, by attending an OEN & CareersPDX no-hoee event, and you must register at the link below to attend. This Yahoo Pipes training course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes. In 2 hours, we will cover the basics of building Yahoo Pipes from building your first Yahoo Pipe to some more advanced uses. When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm City: Portland, OR Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance) Pricing: * Students, freelancers, or unemployed: $100 * Early Bird (prior to April 23rd): $150 * Late registration (after April 23rd): $250 Prerequisites * You must have a Yahoo Pipes account. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required2009-05-07 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415068/2009-04-15 17:48:412009-04-15 20:32:07 bhۋP[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634886/2008-06-06 08:16:132008-06-06 08:16:132008-06-06 08:16:14hۋO[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634839/2008-06-06 08:15:312008-06-06 08:15:312008-06-06 08:15:32hۋN[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634011/2008-06-06 08:14:422008-06-06 08:14:422008-06-06 08:14:43hۋM[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634991/2008-06-06 08:13:112008-06-06 08:13:112008-06-06 08:13:12hۋL[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/633951/2008-06-06 08:12:372008-06-06 08:12:372008-06-06 08:12:38hۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/634881/2008-06-06 08:11:302008-06-06 08:11:302008-06-06 08:11:31sۋJq333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/syndicate/v2/venue/525222008-06-06 08:10:132008-06-06 08:10:132008-06-06 08:10:13gۋIY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/venue/52522/2008-06-06 08:09:332008-06-06 08:09:332008-06-06 08:09:34 BBmier winter beer tasting venue on the West Coast. Hel7ԡy3U333OEN Webinar: Taxes for Startups - It isn't just about incomeAs with most start-ups, there may be a significant period of time before the business becomes profitable. Therefore, when making a list of priorities, start-ups tend to list taxes right above "Get a plant service.” David Uslan, tax shareholder in charge of Perkins and Company's high tech niche, will address why taxes should be moved higher up the list, especially in a down economy. The business decisions you make today can affect your tax situation in the future, including where you locate your company, what type of entity you choose for your company, or even how you obtain sales. David will provide an overview of how your startup can effectively manage taxes for long-term success. Registration: OEN Member: No Cost Non - Member:$302009-06-25 19:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=912009-06-25 18:22:502009-06-25 18:22:50 @2009-06-25 20:00:00 *+Vx *jۋ%]333http://www.pdxwi.com/calendar/2008/6/all2009-01-14 10:32:552008-05-05 14:48:232009-01-14 10:32:55tiۋ$[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/432938/2008-05-05 13:45:372008-05-05 13:45:372008-05-05 13:45:38fiۋ#[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/516839/2008-05-05 13:44:392008-05-05 13:44:392008-05-05 13:44:40fiۋ"[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/548764/2008-06-17 01:06:472008-05-05 13:43:472008-06-17 01:06:51fiۋ![333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/473921/2008-05-05 13:42:492008-05-05 13:42:492008-05-05 13:42:51fiۋ [333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/468309/2008-05-05 13:41:502008-05-05 13:41:502008-05-05 13:41:53f`ۋI333http://pdxruby.org/events/ical2008-11-26 10:32:162008-05-03 02:30:572008-11-27 07:09:23f`ۋI333http://pdxruby.org/events/ical2008-05-22 02:32:112008-05-03 02:30:302008-05-22 03:36:43fiۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/529327/2008-04-30 21:27:142008-04-30 21:27:142008-04-30 21:27:15f FF26)ԡ:?ԡx%c3]3333ԡy3U333OEN Webinar: Taxes for Startups - It isn't just about incomeAs with most start-ups, there may be a significant period of time before the business becomes profitable. Therefore, when making a list of priorities, start-ups tend to list taxes right above "Get a plant service.” David Uslan, tax shareholder in charge of Perkins and Company's high tech niche, will address why taxes should be moved higher up the list, especially in a down economy. The business decisions you make today can affect your tax situation in the future, including where you locate your company, what type of entity you choose for your company, or even how you obtain sales. David will provide an overview of how your startup can effectively manage taxes for long-term success. Registration: OEN Member: No Cost Non - Member:$302009-07-15 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=912009-06-25 18:23:462009-06-25 18:23:462009-07-15 18:00:00 Vz7n+bV@<-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:522009-01-11 10:32:52@;-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:512009-01-11 10:32:51@:-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:492009-01-11 10:32:49@9-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:462009-01-11 10:32:46@8-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:432009-01-11 10:32:43@7-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:392009-01-11 10:32:39@6-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:382009-01-11 10:32:38@5-33;b[created 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:362009-01-11 10:32:36@4-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:352009-01-11 10:32:35@3-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:332009-01-11 10:32:33@2-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:312009-01-11 10:32:31@1-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:292009-01-11 10:32:29@0-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-11 10:32:272009-01-11 10:32:27@/-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:262009-01-11 10:32:26 E)lEXX733The OTBC Meetup Group2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:43:55;b^ <GW33OTBC2008-03-16 07:15:582008-11-10 22:43:54;b^ <yV33-CubeSpace2008-03-15 20:24:542008-03-20 17:06:31622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M;bN 9U 33;' eROI2008-03-07 16:28:312008-03-18 19:33:41505 NW Couch, Suite 300PortlandOregon97209United States@F ^;-w9T 933M-'AboutUshttp://www.aboutus.org2008-03-05 13:44:262008-08-19 03:30:16107 SE Washington St., Suite 520PortlandOregon97214US@Fd^Vyinfo@AboutUs.org503.488.5763 nSm33CubeSpace, CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland, OR2008-03-04 20:21:392008-03-15 20:22:26 9QR#sm 333 Alexander's23rd floor of the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, USA 972042008-03-04 20:21:392009-05-22 18:05:51921 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOR97204US <2 ,'Rv,hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/781133/2008-06-29 08:31:352008-06-29 08:31:342008-06-29 08:31:36hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/434380/2008-06-29 08:29:532008-06-29 08:29:532008-06-29 08:29:54hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/843998/2008-06-27 22:14:222008-06-27 22:14:222008-06-27 22:14:23hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/809912/2008-06-27 16:58:392008-06-27 16:58:392008-06-27 16:58:40hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/817696/2008-06-27 16:51:442008-06-27 16:51:442008-06-27 16:51:45hۋ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/761020/2008-06-27 16:31:252008-06-27 16:31:252008-06-27 16:31:27aۋM333http://www.wordcampportland.org/2008-06-27 16:26:442008-06-27 16:26:432008-06-27 16:26:44gۋY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8401172008-07-03 01:32:402008-06-26 16:07:452008-07-03 01:32:42fۋW333http://www.pdxruby.org/events/show/522008-06-26 02:11:532008-06-26 02:11:532008-06-26 02:11:53st happy hour/workshop. The happy hour/workshop will be presented by nationally recognized career strategist, author and founder of VocationVacations®, Brian Kurth; and professional career and life coach, Will Wiebe. Whether you are looking for a new job, a totally new career or thinking of starting your own business, these experts will offer specific, practical strategies to help you: • Explore, discover and pursue that “great job” or start the dream business • Address your fears • Create an action plan • Find a mentor in your desired career(s) • Test-drive a new job or career • Create a professional brand • Network • Establish thresholds A career transition doesn’t happen over night. But by following this proven step-by-step process, you can discover, pursue and attain career fulfillment and personal satisfaction. Registration: No Cost 2009-07-21 00:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=902009-06-25 18:27:462009-06-25 18:27:46 :2009-07-21 02:30:00 trning Show. Hahnel is author of�Panic Rules, which analyzes crises brought on by financial liberalization in the era of globalization. Other books include�Economic Justice and Democracy,�The ABC's of Political Economy,�and�The Political Economy of Participatory Economics(co-authored with Michael Albert). Hahnel is Professor Emeritus of Economics�at American University in Washington DC and Visiting Professor at Portland State University. KRISTEN SHEERAN�argues that, far from=ԡ$=3333Quartz Composer WorkshopLearn to Make Interactive Video with your Mac! Free. ReservՃԡ#=O3]333Shizzow Developer MeetupThese meetups are for people currently using the Shizzow API to develop applications or for any developers interested in using our API. We'll be talking about OAuth and any other topics you think are important at this meetup.2009-06-05 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2776765/2009-05-27 20:53:582009-05-27 20:53:58 ; ;bX2009-06-05 00:00:00 >>OurPDX
      blog has pointed readers to the best and worst Portland has to offer online and off, engaged in transparent discussions about culture and post content, and sought to inform and entertain the fine citizens of Portland, Oregon. You might know the names of some of the authors of OurPDX from the Beer and Blog community: @morganPDX, @ahockley, @CamiKaos, @Dieselboi, @abrahamhyatt, @betsywhim. Any of those ring a be #$Hl#gۋQY333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/9170052008-07-23 00:13:352008-07-23 00:13:352008-07-23 00:13:37hۋP[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/495296/2008-07-23 00:11:562008-07-23 00:11:562008-07-23 00:11:58hۋO[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/872866/2008-07-21 20:14:582008-07-21 20:14:582008-07-21 20:14:59hۋN[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/921614/2008-07-21 17:19:572008-07-21 17:19:572008-07-21 17:19:58hۋM[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/871722/2008-07-21 01:59:472008-07-21 01:59:472008-07-21 01:59:48hۋL[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/920040/2008-07-21 01:59:342008-07-21 01:59:342008-07-21 01:59:35hۋK[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/918491/2008-07-21 01:59:272008-07-21 01:59:272008-07-21 01:59:28hۋJ[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/911723/2008-07-21 01:59:212008-07-21 01:59:212008-07-21 01:59:22hۋI[333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/918498/2008-07-21 01:59:082008-07-21 01:59:082008-07-21 01:59:09 Vz7n+bV@-33;btcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:582009-01-14 10:33:58@-33;bscreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:542009-01-14 10:33:54@-33;blcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:512009-01-14 10:33:51@-33;bkcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:472009-01-14 10:33:47@-33;bjcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:432009-01-14 10:33:43@-33;bhcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:392009-01-14 10:33:39@-33;bgcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-14 10:33:35@-33;bfcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:312009-01-14 10:33:31@-33;b created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:272009-01-14 10:33:27@-33;becreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:232009-01-14 10:33:23@-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:192009-01-14 10:33:19@-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:182009-01-14 10:33:18@-33;bbcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:162009-01-14 10:33:16@-33;b`created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:122009-01-14 10:33:12 Vz7n+bV@-33;b^created 2 events2009-01-14 10:33:072009-01-14 10:33:07@-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:032009-01-14 10:33:03@-33;b\created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:022009-01-14 10:33:02@ -33;b[created 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:012009-01-14 10:33:01@ -33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:33:002009-01-14 10:33:00@ -33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:582009-01-14 10:32:58@ -33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:552009-01-14 10:32:55@ -33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:532009-01-14 10:32:53@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:512009-01-14 10:32:51@-33;bWcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:502009-01-14 10:32:50@-33;bHcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:462009-01-14 10:32:46@-33;bacreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:422009-01-14 10:32:42@-33;bicreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:372009-01-14 10:32:37@-33;brcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:332009-01-14 10:32:33 Vz7n+bV@-33;bqcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:282009-01-14 10:32:28@-33;bpcreated 0 events2009-01-14 10:32:262009-01-14 10:32:26@-33;bocreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:242009-01-14 10:32:24@-33;bncreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:202009-01-14 10:32:20@~-33;bmcreated 2 events2009-01-14 10:32:172009-01-14 10:32:17@}-33;bscreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:542009-01-13 10:33:54@|-33;blcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:512009-01-13 10:33:51@{-33;bkcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:472009-01-13 10:33:47@z-33;bjcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:422009-01-13 10:33:42@y-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:392009-01-13 10:33:39@x-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:362009-01-13 10:33:36@w-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:332009-01-13 10:33:33@v-33;b created 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:292009-01-13 10:33:29@u-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:262009-01-13 10:33:26 jjparts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones. Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundatԡxkg33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the Ruby signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:01:542009-06-23 18:17:45 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 Vz7n+bV@t-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:232009-01-13 10:33:23@s-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:222009-01-13 10:33:22@r-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:202009-01-13 10:33:20@q-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:172009-01-13 10:33:17@p-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-13 10:33:132009-01-13 10:33:13@o-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:092009-01-13 10:33:09@n-33;b\created 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:082009-01-13 10:33:08@m-33;b[created 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:062009-01-13 10:33:06@l-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:052009-01-13 10:33:05@k-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:042009-01-13 10:33:04@j-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:33:012009-01-13 10:33:01@i-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:32:592009-01-13 10:32:59@h-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:32:572009-01-13 10:32:57@g-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:562009-01-13 10:32:56uturism
    • Conciousness Expansion
    • R/evolutionary Living
    • Renegade Metaphysics
    • Radical Psychotherapy
    • Aliens
    • NeoShamanism
    • Temporary Autonomous Zones
    • Body Modification
    • Alternative Sexuality
    • Fringe Culture
    • Human-Dolphin Communication
    • DIY Media
    • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
    • Pranks
    • Atheism
    • Zen
    • Martial Arts
    • Recession Hacking
    • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-06-24 03:31:432009-10-06 23:42:53 @,2009-10-11 02:00:00 0ԡqg3W333PBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic &ԡ}Ys3g333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMontly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be electing one position on the Board of Directors this month.2009-07-30 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJuly20092009-06-24 04:37:372009-06-24 04:37:37 >2009-07-30 03:00:00Oԡ|E31333EsoZone: Mutant UnconferenceEsoZone is a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include:
    • Outsider Art
    • Discordia
    • SubGenius
    • The Occult
    • Satanism
    • Conspiracy Analysis
    • Life Extension
    • Intelligence Enhancement
    • Space Migration
    • Psychedelic Fsԡ{q]3333CHIFOO: Reading and Collaborating in a Digital AgeReading is an inherently social experi Vz7n+bV@X-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:132009-01-12 10:33:13@W-33;b created 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:092009-01-12 10:33:09@V-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:042009-01-12 10:33:04@U-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:592009-01-12 10:32:59@T-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:592009-01-12 10:32:59@S-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:572009-01-12 10:32:57@R-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:542009-01-12 10:32:54@Q-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:512009-01-12 10:32:51@P-33;b]created 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:472009-01-12 10:32:47@O-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:462009-01-12 10:32:46@N-33;b[created 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:442009-01-12 10:32:44@M-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:432009-01-12 10:32:43@L-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:412009-01-12 10:32:41@K-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:392009-01-12 10:32:39 Vz7n+bV@f-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:522009-01-13 10:32:52@e-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:482009-01-13 10:32:48@d-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:452009-01-13 10:32:45@c-33;brcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:32:412009-01-13 10:32:41@b-33;bqcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:32:362009-01-13 10:32:36@a-33;bpcreated 0 events2009-01-13 10:32:302009-01-13 10:32:30@`-33;bocreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:242009-01-13 10:32:24@_-33;bncreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:212009-01-13 10:32:21@^-33;bmcreated 1 events2009-01-13 10:32:172009-01-13 10:32:17@]-33;blcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:302009-01-12 10:33:30@\-33;bkcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:262009-01-12 10:33:26@[-33;bjcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:232009-01-12 10:33:23@Z-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:202009-01-12 10:33:20@Y-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:33:162009-01-12 10:33:16 OO'x08-08-29 16:00:20 <2008-05-21 03:00:00%ԡz}U3_333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative Community in 30 Minutes3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks include time for questions and discussion and socializing afterwards. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, June 24, featuring a somewhat altered (and improved, we hope) format from past months. We're$vԡyY3g333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingAt this Monthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project, we'll be nominating people for an opening on the Board of Directors, as well as review existing and consider future projects and directions.2009-06-25 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJune20092009-06-23 18:45:072009-06-23 18:45:07 >2009-06-25 03:00:00 Vz7n+bV@J-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:372009-01-12 10:32:37@I-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-12 10:32:352009-01-12 10:32:35@H-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:332009-01-12 10:32:33@G-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:302009-01-12 10:32:30@F-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:272009-01-12 10:32:27@E-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-12 10:32:232009-01-12 10:32:23@D-33;blcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:212009-01-11 10:33:21@C-33;bkcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:182009-01-11 10:33:18@B-33;bjcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:152009-01-11 10:33:15@A-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:102009-01-11 10:33:10@@-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:062009-01-11 10:33:06@?-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:33:022009-01-11 10:33:02@>-33;b created 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:592009-01-11 10:32:59@=-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:552009-01-11 10:32:55 XXq:ԡP753333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00"/ԡc 3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present an introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomԡam3K333Art Exhibit on Electronics Mining in CongoArt Exhibit: Profane Relics--- An Ossuary of the Congo Mineral Wars, an installation by Ryan Burns Opening Reception: Thursday, July 2 from 5-10pm Community Dinner + Dialogue: Saturday, July 11 from 5-7pm Sea Change Gallery, 625 NW Everett, Gallery #110, Portland www.seagallery.wordpress.com The installation presents “artifacts” of the pas& moving the entire event to the Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, allowing us access to their beautiful space, stage, and projection facilities, as well as their generous happy hour, which runs until 8pm. Our hope is that this will attract a few more folks who don't like "talks" as much as more casual events, while still offering a fantastic speaking venue. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us and see how it works out! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Bill DeRouchey - Interaction Designer, ZIBA Freddy Weigle - Industrial Design Graduate, Art Institute of Portland Carl Alviani - Industrial Designer and Editorial Director of Coroflot.com 2009-06-25 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-06-23 20:01:542009-06-23 20:03:15 :2009-06-25 03:00:00 Vz7n+bV@-33;bkcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:252009-01-09 10:33:25@-33;bjcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:222009-01-09 10:33:22@-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:192009-01-09 10:33:19@-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:152009-01-09 10:33:15@-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:122009-01-09 10:33:12@ -33;b created 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:082009-01-09 10:33:08@ -33;becreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:33:052009-01-09 10:33:05@ -33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:33:012009-01-09 10:33:01@ -33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:33:002009-01-09 10:33:00@ -33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:592009-01-09 10:32:59@-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:562009-01-09 10:32:56@-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:522009-01-09 10:32:52@-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:492009-01-09 10:32:49@-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:472009-01-09 10:32:47 Vz7n+bV@ -33;b`created 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:512009-01-10 10:32:51@-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:472009-01-10 10:32:47@-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:442009-01-10 10:32:44@-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:422009-01-10 10:32:42@-33;b[created 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:392009-01-10 10:32:39@-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:392009-01-10 10:32:39@-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:372009-01-10 10:32:37@-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:342009-01-10 10:32:34@-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:322009-01-10 10:32:32@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:292009-01-10 10:32:29@-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:282009-01-10 10:32:28@-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:252009-01-10 10:32:25@-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:212009-01-10 10:32:21@-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:182009-01-10 10:32:18 , and instigates people to have more fun creating stuff. Steve Davee: Not to kill a thought: The impact of language on curiosity, creativity and scientific inquiry. This talk explores how easy it is, even with the best of intentions, to stifle creative thought and true learning when it comes to working with children in the areas of science, math and engineering. We will investigate exampledԡw/3i333Springboard Social Innovation Forum on the New Family-Forward AgendaOur July Forum will  kԡv//3W333Westside Proggers

      A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

      We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

      Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

      2009-06-26 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-06-23 00:33:422009-06-23 00:36:04 <;bW2009-06-26 04:00:00 3ԡ?y3333Lunch 2.0 at OpenSourceryHooray, the Lunch 2.0 beat will go on well into 2009 with OpenSourcery set to host the eleventh iteration.

      Did you know they're in a new space now?

      To showcase the new digs, they're graciously opening their doors on March 1KԡG)3 333PDX.pm Perl 5.10.1 CodesprintCodesprint for learning about Perl 5 development, git and getting 5.10.1 out the door. This is our first codesprint, so things are still a bit up in the air. Useful stuff: 5.10.1 blockers: http://tr.im/perl5_10_1_blockers Using the Perl git repo: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlrepository.pod (short and sweet) How to hack the Perl internals: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlhack.pod (kinda scary) 2009-07-03 02:00:002009-07-02 23:33:232009-07-02 23:43:33 ; 2009-07-03 04:00:00 Vz7n+bV@.-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:222009-01-11 10:32:22@--33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:192009-01-11 10:32:19@,-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-11 10:32:152009-01-11 10:32:15@+-33;blcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:262009-01-10 10:33:26@*-33;bkcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:232009-01-10 10:33:23@)-33;bjcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:202009-01-10 10:33:20@(-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:172009-01-10 10:33:17@'-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:122009-01-10 10:33:12@&-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:082009-01-10 10:33:08@%-33;b created 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:052009-01-10 10:33:05@$-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:33:002009-01-10 10:33:00@#-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:572009-01-10 10:32:57@"-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-10 10:32:562009-01-10 10:32:56@!-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-10 10:32:542009-01-10 10:32:54 Vz7n+bVence is a great opportunity to connect with the l@0-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-04 10:32:152009-01-04 10:32:15@/-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:442009-01-03 10:32:44@.-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:412009-01-03 10:32:41@--33;b]created 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:382009-01-03 10:32:38@,-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:332009-01-03 10:32:33@+-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:302009-01-03 10:32:30@*-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-03 10:32:282009-01-03 10:32:28@)-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-03 10:32:262009-01-03 10:32:26@(-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-03 10:32:222009-01-03 10:32:22@'-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-03 10:32:202009-01-03 10:32:20@&-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-03 10:32:182009-01-03 10:32:18@%-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-03 10:32:162009-01-03 10:32:16@$-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:322009-01-02 10:32:32@#-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-02 10:32:292009-01-02 10:32:29 Vz7n+bV@-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:442009-01-09 10:32:44@-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:32:422009-01-09 10:32:42@-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:32:412009-01-09 10:32:41@-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:32:382009-01-09 10:32:38@-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:32:372009-01-09 10:32:37@-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-09 10:32:342009-01-09 10:32:34@~-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:312009-01-09 10:32:31@}-33;bHcreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:282009-01-09 10:32:28@|-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:252009-01-09 10:32:25@{-33;bicreated 1 events2009-01-09 10:32:162009-01-09 10:32:16@z-33;bhcreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:33:092009-01-08 10:33:09@y-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:33:052009-01-08 10:33:05@x-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:33:022009-01-08 10:33:02@w-33;b created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:582009-01-08 10:32:58Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

      Post your Idea
      If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.)

      Post your Skill Set
      Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog.

      What: Speed dating for startups
      When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm
      Where: OTBC
      Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies

      2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-06-23 00:32:452009-06-24 20:07:10 <;bqJv}2009-06-27 23:00:00ÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝvãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[Q__g]WUWULNKKU[Q_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[Q2009-12-09 02:28:592009-12-09 02:28:59-´­¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏ yodXI ym]R>0&`OE9.ations. As we<fpga;asic+:]rubymusic visualization cairo opengl gtk 9medical 8health 7birthday 6!)OO3s33JsOTBC Legal Series: Employment LawYou don't need to be an employment law expert to start a company, but there are important things to know to stay out of trouble. With a startup, you generally don't have an HR department to watch your process, so as an entrepreneur, HR is your job! Jenny Mooney with Davis Wright Tremaine will provide an overview of the key issues, and provide some guidelines as to how you can keep out of trouble while you engage with contractors, consultants, and employees. Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:15pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if paid 24 hours in advance; walk-ins welcome for $15 at the door2009-03-10 19:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/9514844/2009-01-18 22:11:32 <2009-03-10 20:00:00.%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9Back by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

      Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary?

      ,8ԡta3]333Mobile Portland: Maps and Mobile — A Rapidly Changing LandscapeWhat happens when everyone has devices in their pockets that know where they are and can display engaging maps? That's exactly what innovative company Platial has been exploring since 2005. Platial CEO Di-Ann Eisnor and VP of Prod<0Õççßïk_UUNJ[]_ßÕÍÉþ¾¼ÉwWU=6754Q<9ÿÕÄľºÁÛÙÊËçwgW_[GC_[cÓÎÊÌÍ×cocDGFJ[kßÍÝã×ÃLݼ?@߶¸Õ>M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,2¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! "&*9MÝ»·²³µ¶¸¹¾¾µ³w̹DIo48O/0/179wž±¬¬©©ª­­·Ä×Y80-))'*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢ 0 $0uE{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9uD{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9uC{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9uB{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9uA{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u@{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u?{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u>{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9d iPhone. About Platial Platial, The People's Guide to Who and What's Nearby, is a free resource where people around the world share and discover all kinds of Places. Platial was founded to connect people globally by making everywhere more accessible. Social mapping can illustrate a post geo-political picture of the world that allows people with shared interests to leap geographic boundaries. The network of Platial maps, including Frappr, which we acquired in 2007 is distributed on over 500,000 sites a month and on the iPhone to over 350,000 users. Platial has contributed over 300 Million geographically referenced pieces of media including photo, video, stories, people to the Geospatial web at large. Platial is funded by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers, Sherpalo Ventures and KeyNote Ventures and Omidyar Network among others.2009-06-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973341/2009-06-23 00:32:402009-06-23 00:32:40 9;bp2009-06-23 01:00:00 rld looks prescient in retrospect. Now she works from home managing financial blogs for AOL and writes away the wee hours after her three little boys fall asleep.

      Slim Moon still thinks of himse!ԡL_e3]333Portland JavaScript Admirers June MeetingThe June Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-06-25 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2565262/2009-05-03 22:32:332009-06-17 04:00:37 @;b62009-06-25 04:00:0041ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸ8¿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½1on of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. NOTE: Since we've lost our former meeting space (CubeSpace), we will be meeting at Lucky Lab. We hope to find a new meeting space where the following paragraph will hold true again. WHAT WE USUALLY DO: We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-06-25 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2976741/2009-06-23 00:14:102009-06-23 00:14:10 ; ;bo2009-06-25 04:00:0008-12-04 19:00:009ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷×=uct Jason WIlson will talk about mobile mapping at Mobile Portland's June Meeting. Di-Ann's description of their topic was so good that we're quoting it verbatim: "My daughter's school has an activity called 'junkbox,' where you make stuff based on whatever scraps you find in a box of reused components and objects. Because both maps and mobile are in rapid iterative development, mobile maps developers have been in a constant state of junkbox ; we've gleaned scraps of location data, bits of APIs, and grasped at revenue models but there haven't been enough of the right elements to make something truly wonderful. This helps explain why a few services like Loopt, Platial Nearby and Whhrl have seen some success but nothing on the scale of Twitter or Facebook. On Friday, our box was endowed with a shiny new item; location-aware web browsing at least for iPhone, and with it, Map Kit and new payment models . Now, web developers will be able t6o create location-based apps for iPhone, drastically increasing the number of services which can integrate location. This, in addition to recent releases of geodata APIs and location APIs bring the vision of mobile mapping to reality almost surely leading to augmented reality , truly social maps serving a global purpose, better filtered & analyzed content. Platial Nearby is directing all of this toward specific contextual location filters. We'll talk about this and show some examples of what we're making now." About Di-Ann & Jason Di-Ann Eisnor is CEO and Co-founder of Platial, The People's Atlas, a widely used social mapping platform for the web and iPhone. Di-Ann is working toward using social mapping for cultural diplomacy across the globe through community engagement. Jason WIlson is VP Product and Co-founder of Platial. He focuses on the UI and product direction across all of the Platial properties with an emphasis on web services an yyry entrepreneur must consider when forming an advisory board: * Forming your Board * Managing youQԡsUO3]333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussi:ԡr-y3]333PDX Django LunchThe "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather should be good, so instead of inside the Galleria we're meeting nearby at O'Bryant Square, on the corner of SW 9th Ave and SW Washington St. Grab food from the carts nearby or bring a bag lunch. See you there! http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=O%27Bryant+Square,+97205&sll=45.521248,-122.680088&sspn=0.001898,0.004807&ie=UTF8&ll=45.521526,-122.679911&spn=0.001898,0.004807&t=h&z=182009-06-23 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango2009-06-22 22:00:512009-06-22 22:02:52 @2009-06-23 20:30:00 XXe, an annual artist-run holiday sale. All vendors participating in this sale will donate 10% of their profits to the Oregon Food Bank, because no one should be hungry. Sunday, November 30th, 2008 (One Day only!) Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russell (next to the Wonder Ballroom) 10 am – 6 pm Thirty-five artists will feaIԡq_53]333Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)The Portland Data Plumbing Group (aka pdpug) giE'ԡpQ3M333The How & Why of Promoting Entrepreneurship Abroad - Richard Boly, The idea of US diplomats promoting the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems through US embassies may sound odd, but Richard Boly did just that at US Embassy, Rome. Now he is proposing that a dozen embassies do the same. Many US diplomats today have had prior careers as entrepreneurs or VCs before joining the Foreign Service. Historically, half the US Ambassadors to the countries with the 50 biggest economies have been political appointees, people like Tom Step  f`}ԡE'W333IMC breakfasthttp://www.imc-oregon.org/Events.html2008-01-15 15:00:002008-03-17 17:33:042008-06-18 13:17:48;bՒ{ԡ7Y3O333High Tech After HoursThe Software Association of Oregon (SAO) Corvallis Chapter, Corvallis-Benton Chamber Coalition and Oregon State University are proud to annoLԡ&133333Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-provingA nԡ%==3I333PDX Hacker Space Meeting"Hello Portland Dorks! There's a group of enthusiastic people meeting tomorrow night (Thurs 4/16/09) to discuss the development of Portland's very own Hackerspace! The meeting will be at Backspace downtown (115 NW 5th Ave). A lot of us are currently chatting on #pdxhackerspace on freenode. Come join us!" -- Justin May, dorkbot-blabber list2009-04-17 01:30:00http://www.pdxhackerspace.org/2009-04-15 20:27:242009-04-15 22:39:35 :H2009-04-17 02:30:00;M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤A!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»B]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#CÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;Lves us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies. We have monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Oracle office in downtown Portland from 6pm-7:30pm. Proposed Agenda for June: * 6:00 - 6:15 Introductions * 6:15 - 6:40 YQL (Yahoo Pipes on Steroids) by Uncle Nate DiNiro * 6:40 - 7:00 Gnip by Ed Borasky * 7:00 - 7:30 Other interesting discoveries and future agenda topics (all) We will also be talking about whether or not we want to skip the July / August meetings and pick back up in September. Please use the tag #pdpug for Twitter messages, blog posts, pictures, etc. You can also join our discussions about Yahoo Pipes and other plumbing topics on our Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-06-24 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2883563/2009-06-22 18:27:322009-06-22 18:27:32 <;bn2009-06-24 02:30:00ses in Portland, and o DcK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·F½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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Register now before they fill up! When shifting to Agile methods, effective leaders ally current skills with strategic tools that keep people and teams on course during the transition. Researchers Klein & Posey (1986) assert, "...managers who have been the most successful in traditional systems should have no trouble adapting to their roles in innovative [Agile] systems." McKinsey (2008) states, "Employees can't change if their leaders don't. [Agile] leaders act as role models for the mindsets and behaviors they wish to instill in their teams." For over 20 years the presenters have worked with leaders and managers committed to collaborative and sustainable change. Managers in the middle have a unique role to fulfill. In this course you will learn how Agile organizations work from a systemic perspective, to create strategic alignment between project te ffp+ ԡf+G3333SEMpdx Hot Seathttp://www.sempdx.org/Events/2008-04-17 22:30:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-18 01:00:00-ԡeeS3333SCORE: Essentials for Starting your Businesshttp://www.scorepdx.org/wssched.htm2008-04-19 15:00:002008-05-20 00:21:082008-07-13 04:29:42;bձ2008-04-1ԡ E3K333Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun speed-networking event! Come join Business Leads Exchange, a fun and beneficial speed-networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday July 14 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, Two Center Court on the Fourth Floor. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-28 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:50:572009-06-25 20:50:572009-07-28 16:00:00 bbas and products. With software businesses , especially web based services, the ability to evolve is much more rapid, and coupled with the availability of quantifiable user feedback. What are some of the development methodologies that actually work in the real world? How do you tie product iteration to tangible revenue opportunities? What ԡ Ke3]333Lunch 2.0 at Slate TechnologiesSlate Technologies will be hosting the 19th Portland Lunch 2.0 at their offices in SE Portland. If you're driving, I'm told there will be additional parking arranged. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-08-05 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011422/2009-06-27 18:21:172009-06-29 18:13:51 ?;bt2009-08-05 21:00:00 of point of sales solutions for the Quick Lube and Car Wash industry. Wayne has a passion for the craft of software engineering that he has developed in his 20 years as a programmer, consultant, manager, executive and small business owner. This passion has led him to the new crop of "agile" software development processes such as XP and Scrum. Wayne is a regular speaker both nationally and internationally on the topic of agile software development. You can read about Wayne's thoughts on software development at blogs.consultantsguild.com Sumant Vashisth, Senior QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Sumant had more than 10 years of experience in software development and testing having worked at IBM and Ford prior to joining McAfee. He has successfully driven testing on multiple product releases at McAfee, including one of the first large scale project at the company to adopt and follow the Agile software development process. The current agile development project for which he is managing the QA team, requires integratio YMFYnQm33CubeSpace, CubeSpace, 622 SE Grand, Portland, OR2008-03-04 20:21:392008-03-15 20:22:26 9uP33-CubeSpace2008-03-04 19:39:402008-03-15 20:22:25622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M 9O33-'CubeSpace2008-03-02 21:04:542008-03-15 20:22:25622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214United States@F^5?|^M 9uN33-CubeSpace2008-03-02 21:04:322008-03-15 20:22:25622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon@F^5?|^M 9-M?[;333/'Free GeekFREE GEEK is a 501(c)(3) not for profit community organization that recycles used technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those in need in exchange for community service.1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214http://www.freegeek.org2008-03-02 15:47:222008-05-20 13:50:231731 SE 10th AvenuePortlandOR97214US@FZ^~0info@freegeek.org(503)232-9350Hïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­® 22line game, building challenge, open endeJO53]33Ju{SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate: Release, Control, & ValidationCourse Length: May 11-15, 2009 This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL v3 Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Release, Control and Validation of services and service delivery. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices during the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #otn #itil2009-05-11 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401979/2009-04-09 17:28:46 9;b2009-05-12 00:00:00ams and the rest of the organization. Explore practices for identifying and resolving business issues, setting goals and measuring progress, assessing organization culture, and using organization structure to effectively address the challenges facing you and your team. Examine the implications of Agile environments for managing human capabilities and handling human resources functions, such as, hiring, retention, reviews, and compensation. Learn how the most effective leaders manage the boundary between their teams and the rest of the organization. Discover the latest brain research showing male/female differences and translate these findings into more effective strategies for coaching and mentoring within and across gender on high performing Agile teams. #saopdx #otn #agile2009-05-01 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2401972/2009-04-09 17:22:13 ?';b2009-05-01 15:30:00  2009-04-04 02:00:00http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009-01-08 15:45:12 >U;bfJsP2009-04-04 05:00:00 zZz7+ %m33% Amnesia BrewpubA quiet neighborhood brewpub. Good for hanging out after a meeting, or holding a get-together. Good beer; kitchen is grill-only.832 N. Beechhttp://www.yelp.com/biz/amnesia-brewing-portland2009-09-14 18:32:482009-10-01 18:09:35832 N. BeechPortlandOr97227US@FT ǎ^7q >Tp-gUK33/ Gallery HomelandThe Gallery Homeland is in the Ford Building.2505 SE 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97204http://www.galleryhomeland.org/2009-09-14 17:10:492009-09-14 17:13:152505 SE 11th Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@FN?^@' G K 33+ The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel403 SW Stark, Portland OR 972052009-09-12 00:20:312009-09-12 00:20:50403 Sw Stark StPortlandOR97204US@F¡c^;;&G ; I 33+ Pop Art Community Room 718 SW Alder Street, Suite 2202009-09-12 00:07:452009-09-12 00:08:08718 Sw Alder StPortlandOR97205US@F‘^}Ntnd services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:26:31 :2009-05-14 18:00:00 NH+Na % 33% Portland State University Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 14:56:542009-03-24 16:40:061914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akU/ C 33+ Ater Wynne OfficeLovejoy Building, Suite 9002009-03-24 00:35:402009-03-27 13:45:341331 NW LovejoyPortland or 97209US@Fضڻ^g@ ?%  335 Monsoon Inc.Suite 3002009-03-24 00:31:012009-03-24 08:48:38520 N.W Davis StreetPortland or 9720997209US@F#^>>E =) 337 Pinpoint Logic2009-03-23 20:31:432009-03-23 20:33:201104 NW 15th Ave #400PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q+337'Kingstad Center2009-03-23 01:59:102009-03-23 18:39:1915450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregonUnited States@Fo^O;dZ;b ;\2% ] 331 %Jake's Grill611 SW 10th Avenue, Portland, OR 972052009-03-20 22:43:432009-03-20 22:44:33611 SW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@F¡U^M503.220.1850 summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-06-30 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011654/2009-06-28 02:58:212009-06-28 02:58:21 >;bu2009-06-30 17:00:00Pµ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! 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Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn the basics of blogging. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-13 19:00:00http://pdxjobsearch.org2009-06-11 17:40:512009-08-07 18:48:32 @2009-07-13 20:30:00 ed to market your professional identity? GREAT! Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleagues who are overwhelmed by invites to social networking sites and have only the bare bones of a profile set up on 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show anbbs3E33Ju:OEN Webinar - "Fit" for Business, with Pamela JonesPRICE OEN Member Fee: $20.00 Non-member Fee: $30.00 REGISTER NOW Visit the OEN event website page to register: http://twurl.cc/lsd EVENT DESCRIPTION Early-stage business success is often determined by the DNA of the founding team. Minimize hiring regrets with pragmatic and strategic assessment of candidates. Attend this webinar to learn how to: * Structure interview processes to deliver data necessary for clear decision-making, and * Identify and assess critical experiences/skill sets in candidates that will work for the business toR These courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! When shifting to Agile methods, effective leaders ally current skills with strategic tools that keep people and teams on course during the transition. Researchers Klein & Posey (1986) assert, "...managers who have been the most successful in traditional systems should have no trouble adapting to their roles in innovative [Agile] systems." McKinsey (2008) states, "Employees can't change if their leaders don't. [Agile] leaders act as role models for the mindsets and behaviors they wish to instill in their teams." For over 20 years the presenters have worked with leaders and managers committed to collaborative and sustainable change. Managers in the middle have a unique role to fulfill. In this course you will learn how Agile organizations work from a systemic perspective, to create strategic alignment between project te ::7ԡiU3]333Startup Workouts- Revenue GenerationStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesbe is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-06-25 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2947002/2009-06-19 05:47:302009-06-20 18:58:50 >;bm2009-06-25 23:00:00ZM#$>·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HÆ`Á¹¸ÕÌÕ×ßWwNA9=99;:;BNAcg×ÍÀÀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J;bl2009-06-23 18:15:00a-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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      Dirk is Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist in the Open Source Technology Center at Intel, which he joined in 2001. Dirk has been an active contributor to Linux since 1991. Prior to his work at Intel, hԡhCu3]333OpenSpatialPDX (user group)The next meeting of the OpenSpatialPDX will be happening June 24 at OpenSourcery! The agenda: * Desktop GIS Smackdown (uDig versus Quantum versus GRASS etc) * Open Source Bridge report * Update on state initiative put forward by Dean Anderson from Polk County to replace various desktop and web-based tools with OS solution. Hope to see you all there.2009-06-25 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis2009-06-18 15:31:172009-06-21 23:27:12 =2009-06-25 02:30:00c%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN: ԡH3333Microsoft Silverlight 2.0: More Than Just a Flash CompetitorWith the unveiling of Microsoft's Silverlight 2.0 and related development tools, Microsoft has opened the floodgates even wider for the development of rich internet application (RIAs). Shaun will discuss the key architecturaԡ`W 39333Beer and Blog - RockBand at CubeSpace2008-11-22 00:00:00http://beerandblog.com2008-11-21 ~ԡg13)333Portland Dentevent"Dentevents" are meetups of Identi.ca users. Identi.ca is the Open Source microblogging site, similar to Twitter. Portland "identicati" are invited to come have BBQ and hang out with their peers for lunch. Evan Prodromou, founder of Identi.ca, is participating in the Open Source Bridge, and will be at this dent event. 2009-06-18 19:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/06/18/portland-dent-event-19-june-2009-12-noon/2009-06-18 05:09:272009-06-19 06:50:162009-06-18 20:00:00 month's forum will guide you through both of these considerations, the two sides of real sustainability. Join us to share your ideas and discuss emerging local and national concepts and projects and how they are sustaining the good! The Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will inspire and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. Cost is $5.00 at the door. 2009-06-11 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/2009-05-27 20:05:002009-05-27 20:05:00 >2009-06-11 04:00:00e¼Ù̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢ '6iԡ4I333Morning Meetings: Legal IssuesCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a ԡgMO3]333Arduino Programming Work & Learn***UPDATE*** 01/27 - We will be having the event despite the snow!! Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? 0ԡU;E3G333PDXCritique Social hourWe will be meeting Friday August, 28th at 6 pm at the Lucky Lab, S.E (Hawthorne) to discuss our future. We would love if you could join us and help us sort out meeting spots, what you would like to see happen with this group, meeting times and any other things that might be on your mind. This is a social meeting, but if you have any things you need reviewed, we would love to help you out. Just let us know.2009-08-29 01:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/?p=2512009-08-16 20:45:012009-08-16 20:45:01 ; 2009-08-29 05:00:00h)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! 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If you're a hermit, I applaud your good taste in blogs despite your Internet connection challenge. If you're unemployed, or know someone who is, I invite you down to the Green Dragon to find out how to transition into not only a career, but one you actually like. Interested? Join us at 4pm on Friday in thep TBC, the OEN and the SAO . Recommended Homework This is strictly optional, but if you'd like to get a head start before the program, here are some suggested sources: How to Fund a Startup (Paul Graham) TNԡfI-3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Health Care 1) Health care options for the unemployed. Our guest intends to present on a variety of health care topics, COBRA, etc 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-29 19:00:002009-06-17 20:49:382009-06-28 22:25:09 ?2009-06-29 20:30:00Cԡe+]3]333The After PartyCome join us for the Beer and Blog After Party in honor of the closing of Open Source Bridge. Special guests Strange Love Live will be broadcasting live from the event.2009-06-19 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2922107/2009-06-16 18:49:432009-06-16 18:49:43 kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆã 11b Elia Freedman is CEO of Infinity Softworks and an Entrepreneur in Residence at OTBC. Elia started Infinity Softworks in 1997 as a senior inAԡ^] 3q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' Group2008-12-11 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-11-21 00:25:0220HԡdA)3 333Beer & Blog & Timbers ArmyThe Timbers Army extends an invitation to the Portland Beer & Blog & Tech & Tweet communities. Come join us in the North End of PGE Park to cheer the Timbers on in a match against the Puerto Rico Islanders. Kick off at 7 pm. Pre-game meet-n-drink at the Bitter End Pub and the Cheerful Bullpen Tavern. Then comes 90 minutes of singing, laughing, comeraderie and fun inside the Park (the Thirsty Thursday beverage prices help). Then post-game back at the pubs. Come celebrate our team, our town and the game we love! Rose City Till We Die! Ticket Info: $11 advance; $12 day of game2009-07-24 02:00:002009-06-16 16:33:002009-06-16 16:33:00 @2009-07-24 04:00:00n§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:26:302009-05-06 07:38:50 :2009-05-14 18:00:00p((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬rÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*s3@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna Arriaga at privateaye@gmail.com with any questions.2009-06-26 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-130380-12429513432009-06-15 23:45:582009-06-15 23:52:38 ; 2009-06-26 02:30:00t&?0:©®H<ÕŸ ±NŦŸ¦Á*'+Ick9*" %Yµ¨Ÿ¡¨¸ÍH60.QͲ©¢¯®­0!./&!<Ÿ¥¯À®¢Ÿ¢¯$ ,ǧ¡µ·Á?6³ª«ª§£¤¸A -D¿¢ŸŸŸ ©c2& $,2ɵ­¥¥¤«®´ÁÛW<9.))&1B-J®®ÅƤŸŸF:Uª¨c,"'4[ÏÏÙ<,*+;Õ¤  ª¹[,$"&)5´¬¡Ÿ§©®L(,0&]³ºD8H¦ŸŸ®Í;,-2嬤¬Á/>×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprofit organizations to provide you with reliable new data, answering questions like: * How is the financial crisis affecting online fundraising? * How do my targeted emails, appeals to non-donors, phone call alerts, and more compare to those of other nonprofits? * For state-based or local groups, what's a good email response rate Karen Matheson, M+R Strategic Services will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore what the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics. She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and shaxÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ a>.

      So, to showcase their new digs and introduce Lunch 2.0 to the suburbs, the OTBC will be hosting Lunch 2.0 on January 14, 2009.

      The Beaverton Round is right on the MAX line about 20 minutes froԡ$93]333Intel Insiders TweetupThis Thursday, as part of the Intel Insiders program, Intel will be hosting a who's who of social media types here in town. And on Thursday night, they've scheduled a meetup in conjunction with the Social Media Club of Portland. Who will be there? * Sarah Austin (@pop17) * Cathy Brooks (@cathybrooks) * Tom Foremski (@tomforemski) * Frank Gruber (@frankgruber) * Irina Slutsky (@irinaslutsky) Hosted by Social Media Club of Portland and Intel.2009-04-17 02:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2415077/2009-04-15 17:57:332009-04-15 17:57:33 ; ;b%2009-04-17 02:30:00~ԡ#{3]333Introduction to Yahoo Pipes Training (not a free event)Please note that this is not a frz½[A;;?JH=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝ|1+%%'2?[Ë¿ÄÆÃÃÄ»²¯°«ª±ßÏï+(()*+5W¿¹³¬ª¨­¯¼6+&$'-wƺ°²³µ·´¯¯®°¶ÁS:'# #'6CW»¸½ÂÁßJGãSGëÏĹ´­¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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You'll also hear 5-minute pizԡS7_3E333Non-Profit Networking

      Are you a non-prCԡbA3+333PDX 501 Tech Club: eNonprofit Benchmarks Study DiscussionEver wonder how your email list stacks up against other nonprofits? M+R Strategic Services and NTEN released a new eNonprofit By7ԡa_3_333Power Flickr Workshop (Venue is now souk)Join professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop that's all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour ԡ`=M3 333CubeSpace farewell partyPlease join us in wishing David, Eva and the the rest of the CubeSpace team as they begin a new chapter in their lives. This is a BYO event - bring food, drink, and good wishes for the entire CubeSpace crew.2009-06-16 23:00:00http://ourpdx.com/2009/06/cubespace-farewell-party-tuesday-616/2009-06-13 18:54:342009-06-16 15:34:51 9;bj2009-06-16 23:00:00ÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>Yµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦ and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 yԡ_+w35333XPDX June: artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalismBrian Marick is in town to talk with us about the spirit of Agile: A problem with the word “Agile” is that everyone already thinks they understand it aԡ^Kk3U333OEN Tom Holce Award CelebrationCelebrate entrepreneurial excellence at the 2009 OEN Tom Holce Awards for Entrepreneurship -- the 16th annual celebration of entrepreneurial spirit in action throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. This year we’re changing up this historic event. You’ve asked for more time for networking, and we heard you. We’re compressing the awards program in order to give entrepreneurs more time for networking. We've simplified the format and we are passing the savings to you. Joit a gut level. Worse, everyone already thinks they’re agile in spirit. (After all, the thesaurus tells us the alternative is to be clumsy, stiff, slow, and dull.) So it’s too easy for people to feel free to launch into “doing Agile” without ever having a serious conversation about what that actually means. This problem is easily fixed. We’ll just stop talking about “Agile” and start speaking of “artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalism.” There is, I think, no danger that anyone will reflexively say, “Yes! That’s just what I’ve been wanting to do all along!” The new name does more than just encourage conversation. It encourages conversation about those very properties of Agile that have become obscure as Agile has been commoditized. In this session, I’ll unpack the meanings of the new phrase and encourage you to rediscover what’s been lost. 2009-06-18 01:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2009-06-13 00:00:522009-06-13 13:30:54 &.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cn OEN on September 24th for a premier evening of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres and no-host bar while helping us recognize the best and brightest of entrepreneurship in Oregon. Companies will be recognized for the following categories: OEN Development Stage Company of the Year OEN Working Capital Stage Company of the Year OEN Growth Stage Company of the Year OEN Entrepreneurship Award of Individual Achievement Ticket Prices: Earlybird: Until July 31, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $99 Reserved half table (5 seats) $600 Reserved table (10 seats) $1200 Regular: August 1 through September 24, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $115 Reserved half table (5 seats) 675 Reserved table (10 seats) $1350 Please contact Julie Brown at 503-222-2270 x 11 or julieb@oen.org if you wish to reserve half a table or a full table and wish to be invoiced instead of paying online. 2009-09-25 00:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=862009-06-12 20:43:432009-06-13 13:27:56 92009-09-25 03:30:00 WWhttp://www.igniteportland.com','2008-05-05 13:43:49','2008-07-13 04:29:22',202390131,996332962,1250455391,'2008-06-19 04:00:00',NULL,NULL);lugin for easing the Nԡ>5a333CubeSpace Open HouseExplore how CubeSpace can help your business!

      Come see our office space and meeting rooms! Learn about how diverse ran"ԡ]%13U333OEN SwapMeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-06-26 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=892009-06-12 20:29:052009-06-12 20:29:05 :2009-06-26 02:00:00 nnated emulator, new version of the .NET Compact Framework, on-device unit testing, and more. As a software architect and MicrjԡM/C3I333Ignite Portland 5If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nԡ[c3s333VoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any moreVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any more Speaker: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne When: Thursday, June 11, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM Cost: Free and open to the public (registration required). Register: here Place: JFCC Auditorium, Intel Corporation- Jones Farm, 2111, NE 25th Ave Hillsboro OR 97124 Abstract Since its emergence in the mid-1990s, voice-over-IP products and services have mainly attempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications if it is combined with presence, context-aware and location-based services. Peer-to-peer networks can allow building highly-scalable, self-configuring systems. This talk will give a broad overview of VoIP, including its IMS variant, and some of the advanced services that are now in development, standardization or starting to appear as products. Bio Prof. Schulzrinne co-developed protocols such as RTP, RTSP and SIP, are now Internet standards, used by almost all Internet telephony and multimedia applications. His research interests include Internet multimedia systems, ubiquitous computing, mobile systems, quality of service, and performance evaluation. 2009-06-12 01:00:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=99&year=2009&month=06&day=11&Itemid=562009-06-12 00:06:162009-06-12 15:37:50 <2009-06-12 03:30:00ïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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"(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:7;b2009-06-24 21:00:00 303UUUUUvԡWI}3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Lessons from a Customer of Outplacement Professionals 1) David Stannard will explain how these organizations work and best practices that he has gleaned from his experience 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-22 19:00:002009-06-11 17:33:302009-06-11 17:33:30 ?2009-06-22 20:30:00IԡVI#3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Focus on Networking 1) Bori Prasavanh ofKforce Professional Staffing will tells us the recruiter's view 2) Networking: Best practices and pitfalls This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-15 19:00:002009-06-11 17:30:402009-06-11 17:30:40 ?2009-06-15 20:30:00ÅÂÁ¿ÂÉËÎËÂÁ¼¼¿Ì×w@>=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSgÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;FÍ \\ Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Portland State University and an ASԡ#3]333Impromptu Digital, Twitter Barn Raising CubeSpace Benefit Party at WhiffiesI was exchan+ԡ}[3]333Lunch 2.0 hosted by Pacific Real Estate Partners at JivePacific Real Estate Partners will be hosting the July installment of Portland Lunch 2.0 on July 15. The lunch will be held at Jive Software , one of their clients.Thanks to Kristin Hammond (@ FzMcFadden ) and Mark Friel of Pacific Real Estate Partners for connecting all the dots. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-07-15 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763770/2009-05-24 18:16:382009-10-26 03:06:19 A;bT2009-07-15 21:00:00g×ÍÀÀÄÍÌ°AѵÉg_ÑÛÕQ]ã»Â¿Â½ºÕßLB3//.;LMßÇÁÇ»Á¿´½µ¯Ì¿ÊK9]>&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»® your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP at Upcoming so that we have a general headcount. This was originally scheduled for CubeSpace and is now being held at souk , an excellent workspace in NW Portland. Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email. 2009-06-25 01:30:00http://www.hockleyphoto.com/power-flickr/2009-06-13 21:12:312009-06-14 00:30:59 ?;bQ2009-06-25 03:30:00«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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Galois, Inc421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland OR2009-09-30 04:44:152009-10-01 18:03:56421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300PortlandOR97204US@F©^bh ;/E33''OSU Kelly Engineering Center2009-09-29 21:45:052009-11-15 23:52:17SW Campus WayCorvallisOregon97331United States@FHr Ĝ^lC;b >UÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆ YqYprograms in La Grande and Seattle. OIT was the first university to offer a reԡn'[3333Mapping PartyMapping Parties are outdoor experiences for the whole family that let you explore the great outdoors like never before. You'll have the opportunity to learn from experienced mappers who will be on hand all day to answer all of your questions. Call in for quick introduction or stay for the whole day - the choice is yours! Sign-up now to guarantee your place.2009-06-20 18:00:00http://community.cloudmade.com/event/custom/generic/show/1792009-06-19 21:41:342009-06-19 21:41:34 ;H2009-06-20 23:00:00ԡmIq3=333Portland Perl Mongers - PDX.pmCPAN and Core Q&A Bring your questions (and answers) about how things work under the hood and behind the scenes. Possibly some entries for the Euler/shootout challenge. As usual, meetings are followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.2009-07-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2009-06-19 09:26:012009-07-08 21:59:37 92009-07-09 03:30:00henson from Sequoia Capital and Rock Schnabel of Trident Capital. Richard Boly will outline the success of the program in Italy and the strategy to scale that model. Richard Boly is a career U.S. diplomat and Hoover Institution National Security Affairs Fellow. He recently served in U.S. Embassy, Rome, where he launched and ran a program to promote entrepreneurship in Italy. Other embassy assignments include the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Paraguay. In a prior life, he founded and ran a shrimp hatchery in coastal Ecuador. He is a graduate of Stanford University and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UCSD. Join us for an interesting evening of discussion and networking with our speaker, other members, sponsors and charter members. Event Sponsored by Ater Wynne & Reference Capital. 2009-06-25 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3452&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-06-22 16:49:252009-06-22 16:49:25 ?2009-06-25 04:00:00¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±?HYßÿ_NcçÅ¿ÀÙY?647c˾·¶²ºÊį¹½´±µL<1*%$(,CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738< }} energy students; view labs and student projects * Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology: Meet Drs. Wolf and Peter; view labs and projects * Information Technology, Health Informatics: Meet Professors Grant Kirby and Michael Kirshner; meet students and learn about emerging occupations * Software Engineering Technology: Meet Professor Jay Bo|ԡo%u3E333CloudCampPDXCloudCampPDX is coming! This unconference is set up for people who work with cloud computing, are interested in learning more, or who just want to understand what they hype is all about. It will be taking place on June 30, 2009 at Webtrends with doors opening at 5:30. Come join us if you can! There is a limited amount of space available, so please sign up now! More info here: http://www.cloudcamp.com/pdx And to sign up: http://cloudcamp-pdx-09.eventbrite.com/ Hope to see you all there! 2009-07-01 00:30:00http://www.cloudcamp.com/pdx2009-06-20 18:45:422009-06-20 18:45:42 ®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/ ^exs3U 339 RHT conference roomConference room in the KOIN tower, donated by Robert Half Technology.222 SW Columbia Street, second floor2009-06-13 00:00:522009-06-13 13:30:54222 SW Columbia StreetPortlandOR97201US@FUI^X reposted from: http://groups.drupal.org/node/22868

      Lightning Rounds

      It's been a while since we've done lightning rounds, which are generally quick, informative, and fun. Here's what we've got so far:

      Lightning rounds are generally limited to 5-7 minutes, but this will vary depending on how many we have.

      July Drupal Challenge

      We'll be voting on a task or challenge that can be solved by Drupal in any number of ways. The July meeting will then focus on solutions people come up with. More information here.

      Modules 101

      This may be overkill for a lightning session meeting, but if there's time left, and anybody wants to talk for a few minutes about a module no Drupal user should be without, we'll do thiinvestors Validate your market - be sure you're building something people want Validate your pricing - if you build it, will they pay for it? Develop financial projections Protect your intellectual property Reduce the market, technology, finance and team risk to present a strong investment opportunity Develop a concise, compelling elevator pitch Late in the afternoon, we'll be joined by several angel and venture capital investors. We'll break up into small groups so everyone has a chance to get feedback from investors on their business concept, ask questions -- and hear the feedback other entrepreneurs receive too. And thanks to sponsor Credit Suisse, we'll wrap up with a reception where you'll have more chances to mingle with Portland area investors. Increase your odds of getting funded. Join us on June 2 to learn how to get investor ready.2009-06-02 15:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10343082/2009-05-16 19:45:012009-05-16 19:45:38 <2009-06-03 02:00:00<Ÿ¥¯À®¢Ÿ¢¯$ ,ǧ¡µ·Á?6³ª«ª§£¤¸A -D¿¢ŸŸŸ ©c2& $,2ɵ­¥¥¤«®´ÁÛW<9.))&1B-J®®ÅƤŸŸF:Uª¨c,"'4[ÏÏÙ<,*+;Õ¤  ª¹[,$"&)5´¬¡Ÿ§©®L(,0&]³ºD8H¦ŸŸ®Í;,-2嬤¬Á/>×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&* theme of the inaugural series is Well-Being and the Economy. In the midst of a difficult economic time it is essential to explore how the well-being of individuals and society may be best measured and obtained. Toc3Y33JrPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present an introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use searc+H#3/33JutPDXPHP Meeting: PHP Develoment Methods for Producing Modular, Scalable CodeMichael Scotto Di Carlo will be leading a discussion on a programming pattern for developing PHP applications that are: Scalable Quick to produce Modular / Portable easy to share, implement and customize Easy AJAX integration Fully abstracted HTML Little to no learning curve Michael Scotto Di Carlo Professor Clark College www.clark.edu Developer Supportland LLC supportland.com 2009-04-15 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org2009-04-08 20:51:56 92009-04-15 03:00:00s too.


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

      After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

      2009-06-11 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland-oregon2009-06-10 18:06:052009-06-10 18:07:27 =2009-06-11 03:00:00o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸ ^^ CO2 as much by going vegetarian as by switching to a Prius? And how does your caԡOE}3[333So you want to be a Speaker?If you have ever dreamed about becoming a professional speaker, the National Speakers Association (NSA)-Oregon Chapter (www.nsaoregon.net) encourages you to attend its “So You Want to be a Professional Speaker” seminar in which you’ll learn how to: * Leverage the information you already know to launch your speaking career * Market your speaking skills so you get paid for your speeches * Develop a successful professional speaking business You will also discover how NSA Oregon’s Candidate Program, which begins in October 2009, can help turn your professional speaking dreams into a reality. Previous graduates and instructors from the Candidate Program will be present to answer your questions about this exciting opportunity. 2009-06-30 02:00:00http://www.nsaoregon.net/programsevents2009-06-10 06:25:032009-06-10 06:25:03 @ 2009-06-30 04:00:00¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌÅ ::make up a complete toolkit for the modern web designer. During this session, Adobe Web EvangelistԡD593 333Lunch 2.0 at AboutUsBrief history lesson: We started the Portland chapter of Lunch 2.0 in February 2008, and the first installment was hosted by AboutUs. Fittingly, AboutUs will host?ԡMw935333How to Interview Like a Professional = "Free Seminar"Dr. Sean Harry is hosting a seminar titled “How to Interview Like a Professional” at the Tigard Public Library on Wednesday, June 17 at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Harry, a career management professional, offers job interview advice designed both for job seekers and for students looking for their first dream jobs. Dr. Harry’s credentials include human resources management and experience in training, development, recruiting and hiring. The free seminar will be held in the Community Room of the Library. No registration is required. 2009-06-17 23:00:00http://www.orcms.com2009-06-09 22:07:562009-06-13 18:57:05Jv2009-06-18 00:00:00/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ  Attendees will include members of organized angel groups, individual angels, prospective angels, and early-stage investment firms as well as entrepreneurial ventures and start ups interested in obtaining angel funding. Goals of the Willamette Angel Conference * To increase the amount of seed capital available in the Willamette Valley * To highlight entrepreneurial ventures and provide theVԡKKO3q333Portland Pythoneers June MeetupPortland Pythoneers This month's tentative schedule: * Michel's Monthly Module ... email me to volunteer :) * Joel Bernstein will talk about screen scraping tools * Lightning talks!! 5 minutes of whatever pythonic-ish thing you want to share. If you have something you'd like to share this month, please let us know! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!2009-06-10 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10401172/2009-06-09 17:02:412009-06-09 17:03:14 9;bh2009-06-10 04:00:00 ompany down the line. To network with inventors, and other early stage professionals. Investors: To have access to some great businegԡLw 35333How to Interview Like a Professional = "Free Seminar"Dr. Sean Harry is hosting a seminar titled “How to Interview Like a Professional” at the Tigard Public Library on Wednesday, June 17 at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Harry, a career management professional, offers job interview advice designed both for job seekers and for students looking for their first dream jobs. Dr. Harry’s credentials include human resources management and experience in training, development, recruiting and hiring. The free seminar will be held in the Community Room of the Library. No registration is required. The Tigard Public Library is located at 13500 SW Hall Blvd. For more information, visit the Library’s Web site at www.tigard-or.gov/library or call 503-684-6537. 2009-06-17 20:30:00http://www.orcms.com2009-06-09 22:07:222009-06-09 22:07:22 @ 2009-06-17 21:30:00²³µ·´¯¯®°¶ÁS:'# #'6CW»¸½ÂÁßJGãSGëÏĹ´­¦©¬­°µÑO1)" "+FBKÊ®¯²®©¥¬­«¥©¯ÏM:1364.*&$&+6ßÅ»µ¶ºËÏÏÝÏ¿µµ±¯ÆkÙU3(+-357͹¶·²¯±°¾ëA.++1YÇij©ºÓϾ¿Å¾³±¿ÌÙB5-&%#%*=]ɵ´¸ÉßM<>BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;308CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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Our panels always lead to interesting and surprising discussion.2009-05-14 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?May2009Meeting2009-05-04 11:39:302009-05-06 23:07:53 92009-05-14 04:00:00/>×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//then coming to Willamette University College of Law in 1993 to teach and direct the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Under his leadership, the CDR has enjoyed high national ranking among academic dispute resolution centers in the U.S. He is an award-winning author in the field of dispute resolution, and he has been deeply involved in the practice of ADR. Professor Birke is an active writer, mediator, trainer and consultant. He was a member of the Quality Assurance Team for the largest civil rights settlement in United States history. He trained the neutrals for the appellate settlement programs at the Oregon Court of Appeals, the First, Second and Third Districts in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento) as well as appellate mediation in Nevada and on the Ninth Circuit. He has mediated many multi-party complex cases, including a 30-party land dispute about 150 acres of waterfront property in Mendocino, California, the relocation of the Cascade Head Trailhead, and the creation of the O imes, how do you finance Gԡq533 333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can brin599333JqNegotiating Better Deals: Insights into the Psychology of Decision Making in ContractsThe Licensing Executives Society - Oregon/SW Washington Chapter November Meeting Professor Richard Birke has been teaching dispute resolution for more than 15 years, teaching first at Stanford Law School and Ҕ8333JqLearn from area companies with successful multilingual websites how to effectively plan, deploy and maintain a website in more than one language. The opportunities are greater than ever for those who do it right. Learn to avoid the pitfalls in order to take full advantage of the fact that the Web is truly worldwide.The Licensing Executives Society - Oregon/SW Washington Chapter November Meeting Professor Richard Birke has been teaching dispute resolution for more than 15 years, teaching first at Stanford Law School and Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬® Eԡ5c93U333Hunger: Springboard Social Innovation ForumThe Springboard Social Innovation Forum is a new monthly event designed to engage community members in solving local challenges with lasting solutions. This free event promises a mix of conversation, collaboration, and professional support for social venture lauԡIQe3]333Portland Werewolf - June GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-06-11 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2870837/2009-06-09 14:21:392009-06-09 14:21:39 ; ;be2009-06-11 01:00:00մ¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! 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Twitalyzer creator Eric Peterson will be there to explain his service and will kick in for some drinks!2009-06-12 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-08 03:05:072009-06-08 03:05:07 ; 2009-06-13 01:00:00 ,,y and Applications o Carl Seger PIC3G33JuuNW ISSA Security ConferenceThe NW ISSA Security Conference is part of a continued ambitious community outreach program for ISSA-Oregon Chapter. The goal of our program is to provide decision makers, stakeholders, and professionals with the knowledge and understanding they need to more effectively secure their organization’s sensitive information and comply with emerging information privacy laws and regulations. Travel budgets cut, but still want the professional development in 2009? Want 7 CPE Credit Hours for less than $65? Don’t miss this local, but quality conference for security Topics for 2009 include: - Future Security Implications of Cloud Computing & Social Media - Botnets and the Army of Darkness - Windows 7.0 Sneak Peek - Implementing the SDL to Improve Organizations’ ROI - Leveraging e-Discovery to Keep Security Funding - Much more2009-04-23 15:00:00http://www.issa-portland.org/2009-04-08 22:49:31 92009-04-23 23:30:00ïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]ever. Pete has a rich history of launching companies and can share the good, the bad and the ugly of entrepreneurship. Meet at the corner of SW Broadway & SW Morrison in front of the Abercrombie and Fitch. Look for the person with an OEN sign and hat. We will walk in to Iterasi as a group. Speaker: Pete Grillo Pete Grillo has been active in Portland-area high-technology firms for more than 20 years. In 1997, Pete founded WeSync.com, a venture-backed Web and wireless data synchronization company. WeSync.com became widely recognized for its innovation and advanced technologies, which lead to its acquisition by Palm, Inc. in February 2001. Previously, Pete co-founded ProTools, Inc., a venture-backed developer of network management applications, which was acquired by Network General, and co-founded DWB Associates, a software-consulting firm. In May of 2007, Pete formed iterasi, Inc. 2009-06-25 22:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=872009-06-04 18:27:012009-06-04 18:27:01 @2009-06-26 00:00:00Y80-))'*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8&.9HQD͵´Ë¿½×ÅÏãçwowÝ[kãßÓÉÅÌ¿¾ÄÍÈÅ9>c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJW hip Ecotrust and others have sought to add a third "e" — social equity — to ensure that economic development awards beuԡEE;3Q333OEN's Venture Northwest 2009OEN's Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is an annual conference that draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the Western U.S. who are interested in emerging Northwest businesses and the region's growth segments. It's a great way for investors to connect with the area's hottest emerging Northwest businesses. Northwest businesses that have presented at Venture Northwest have raised over $1.3 billion in venture capital since 1996 and over $68 million in angel investment.* *Not all Northwest businesses that presented had investments reported in Venture Source. Please visit the OEN Event calendar to register to attend this event.2009-10-29 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events_vnw.aspx2009-06-06 17:00:532009-09-30 22:56:36 <2009-10-29 23:00:00 II$uԡ659333FENG monthly meetinghttp://www.pdxfeng.com2007-09-14 00:00:002008-03-17 17:33:112008-06-18 13:18:53;b`sԡ5/;333GԡG5 35333Portland Java User Group (PJUG) Monthly Meeting: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java CodeTopic: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java Code As you know, Groovy is a slick scripting... er, dynamic language that integrates very well with the Java platform and Java technologies. This presentation will go over a way to introduce Groovy into your organization and programming environment via unit te0ԡOu!31333PDXPHP: Debugging and Profiling PHP Web ApplicationsA tour of PHP application debugging and profiling techniques using open source tools such as - Xdebug [http://www.xdebug.org/] - Netbeans [http://www.netbeans.org/features/php/] - cachegrind [http://valgrind.org/info/tools.html] Presenter: Sam Keen @samkeen2009-05-13 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2009-05-04 11:36:562009-05-04 11:36:56 92009-05-13 03:00:00«¦¤¥©¹Ég2/-/7>ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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PANELISTS Peggy Fowler, CEO and president of Portland General EXԡDYi3U333OEN - Off the Record with a CEO - June Meet at the corner of SW Broadway and Morrison Portland, OR - Off the record with a CEO is an opportunity to learn from a successful Oregon entrepreneur in their place of business. Participants will briefly tour the business facility, then spend about an hour and a half with the host entrepreneur, asking questions regarding lessons learned through their entrepreneurial experience. Attendees have benefited from frank discussions about the unique challenges the entrepreneurs faced during the growth phase as well as what challenges lie ahead.. The CEO featured in the June’s "Off the Record" is serial entrepreneur, Pete Grillo, founder of Iterasi, the web startup that redefines bookmarking so that you not only save the link reference, but also the specific web page with its content for ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! 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Birke’s scholarly works have appeared in a wide variety of law journals including at Harvard, Missouri, Marquette and Utah, in book chapters, psychology journals, and elsewhere. His writing earned him a national award in 1999 from the Center for Public Resources. His current research work relates to practical applications of works in behavioral decision theory and neuroscience. Appetizers and beverages will be served. For questions about the event contact: Michele Gunness (503) 494-4184 LES Oregon/SW Washington Chapter Chair-elect2008-11-20 01:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/08c2008-10-29 19:23:40 =2008-11-20 03:30:00arvest Foods, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's discovery of a local hemp foods company in Vancouver, Canada in 2002, Christina put her passion for health and nutrition to the test, when she committed to bring hemp foods to the U.S.; promising the creation of a consumer friendly and approachable brand that would legitimize hemp along the way. As the company has grown from a home business to a 15 person team, Living Harvest continues to grow market penetration and consumer awareness for its great tasting, nutritious and planet-friendly foods. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, June 9th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: June 10th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 2009-06-11 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=572009-06-04 18:17:532009-06-08 14:54:26 :6Jv2009-06-11 02:00:00ÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ× 22!ԡB[q3U333OEN PubTalk - With Living Harvest FoodsJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub and see Living Harvest Foods, manufacturers of organic and natural hemp food products, share how they grew a relatively unknown food product, hemp seeds, into a $5 million business. Hemp, stigmatized and under-valued in the U.S. over the years, has now become the darling of the natural foods industry. Learn how Living Harvest took a super-food to the top of the category with the development of a patented food technology and by understanding the competitive market arena, brand positioning, and the consumer. www.LivingHarvest.com Christina Volgyesi, VP Marketing/co-founder of Living HԡA3U333PDXPHP Kickoff Meeting for Open Source Bridge featuring Rasmus LerdorfRasmus Lerdorf will be in town for Open Source Bridge and has graciously offered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics. Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in application security, and is currently employed with Yahoo as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer, so there will be no shortage of interesting topics for this meeting.
      • event is in room 338
      Pizza and Beverages provided so show up hungry *Note this meeting is the 3rd Tuesday of the month (not the regular 2nd Tuesday) Special thanks to our sponsor: Fine Design Group Fine Design Group2009-06-17 01:30:00http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/june2009-06-04 16:46:072009-08-14 18:01:20 92009-06-17 03:30:00 ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨3/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>8¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿ +%8ԡBg[3333Portland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announce the first meeting of the Portland WordPress User Group.

      Where/When: Thursday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30pm at CubeSpace.
      c4"/F*,¿ÎDÿç³²Çɽ¶Èÿ]JCEBFMïÛÍÎÿÑÍÑßoÙïëg÷g_K]N6Aï,1͹cJ´ª¸ÂçAº¯Û.JÇ×H=YÉÌOQÓÁÀ¼ÁÏÌÝkA=:YQKWçYÝǽß;Ïß×]UW<7;67=ÑÌÈ¿¶µÌÌÏWYIGNocßÏÙ×ÓWÎ÷4ÆÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®rd - How do you know if it makes sense to bootstrap your idea? * Keep your Day Job - The stress of self funding with no income can sometimes lead to failure * Cash Flow - How to get a handle on your most important business aspect * How to market your business on a shoestring budget Presenters: Chanin Ballance, President & CEO, viaLanguage Ms. Ballance was named Chief Executive Officer of viaLanguage in August 2003. She co-founded viaLanguage in 2000 and served as viaLanguage’s Chief Operating Officer and head of marketing where she raised initial capital, built the channel sales program and formed strategic partnerships. Previous to viaLanguage, Ms. Ballance co-founded The Language Company, a language and cross-cultural training school and translation service, where she was responsible for general management and finance. She sold the school to Berlitz in 1999. She also held positions at Portland General Electric where she was responsible for the forecasting, scheduling, and markethen coming to Willamette University College of Law in 1993 to teach and direct the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Under his leadership, the CDR has enjoyed high national ranking among academic dispute resolution centers in the U.S. He is an award-winning author in the field of dispute resolution, and he has been deeply involved in the practice of ADR. Professor Birke is an active writer, mediator, trainer and consultant. He was a member of the Quality Assurance Team for the largest civil rights settlement in United States history. He trained the neutrals for the appellate settlement programs at the Oregon Court of Appeals, the First, Second and Third Districts in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento) as well as appellate mediation in Nevada and on the Ninth Circuit. He has mediated many multi-party complex cases, including a 30-party land dispute about 150 acres of waterfront property in Mendocino, California, the relocation of the Cascade Head Trailhead, and the creation of the O ss Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal Smart phones, but dumb approach? When will users have more|ԡ@yy3m333*Canceled* Portland AIGA Career Tools Breakfast Series Notice: Unfortunately, we've had to cancel this week's Career Tools, due to events beyond our control. As we gain further clarity on our speaker's schedule, watch for an updated listing andwԡ?C-3]333PDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Time We'll be starting off the discussion with a demo and code of a table view that has fixed header cells and left hand index cells similar to the What's on TV app. 2009-06-10 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2808057/2009-06-03 22:07:042009-06-05 00:22:29 ; ;bb2009-06-10 02:45:00%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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Ultimately this puts us as content creators in the driver's seat and with the great power of reaching audiences everywhere, and the pressure to create good, compelling content has never been greater. This presentation will explore some of the many areas of interest and concern surrounding the future of interactivity, it's promises and pitfalls. Location: PCC Cascade Campus Moriarty Arts and Humanities Auditorium Building, 104 705 N. Killingsworth Please RSVP 2009-04-16 01:30:00http://www.devgroupnw.org/2009-04-08 06:17:41 :#2009-04-16 03:00:00  2009-01-10 20:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009-01-08 02:03:32 9;bi2009-01-11 01:00:00DCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =?I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:799>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKÎÏÛÝãÙÍ¿ÄÊÙãg___g]WUWULNKKU[QÌÎÏ×_LJH7Æß;68+@Ý˾ãFÌ­£¤³F()7¥ŸŸ¢®=.-EÆ®£¥«ç?- &Ó«Ÿ§ Ÿ®×B* %/G©¨ÈãÊ ŸŸ=!'K£Ÿ Ó2")c¾®ŸŸŸŸŸ©0"-9먥¤ª¯ºE1)!#1=JÛÆ»®­­µ»¼»¾ÍF?<=<.,¯Ëëëß+6·¦Ÿ)M¬¢¼<,8±ŸŸŸŸ9  %gªŸ¡µ30:cH7(*3º´¹º×JLD. %¨Ÿ ¤¯µª££È,  &Eµ¡ ¦_0)&+3ѳ¤ŸŸŸªÅ>'9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$±¯­²½[A;;?JH=6)$!$(7D뿽»ÁÇż¶±­®¯²»ÑNC6/48>CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111=>HWW÷ÅÁÆÏÌÌ÷WYMA?OkßËÀº¼»½¿ÃÈÄÌÝko?731227=C]ëÕÑç÷Ýk]ÝÏÛãÕÌÄÄÁ½¾¿ÃÁÆãßL@=<9558:>FQg÷ÕÂÂŽ¸¸¹¸¸ÀÊÕkQJILNMJLFDLKBFO[cwïïÿïëïkëÏÇÆ¿Ïço[NJNSNQ]ßÕÏÈÄÆÊËÍ÷gÿçßÝÛßëçÿkwÿÛÌÈÅÍÛgA=9;=@BH]wïçßãÓÉÃÅÉÉÉÊÉÉÈÏo_gYUSSOSg_WQNONWwççãÛÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,.- w¦Ÿ¦±¿¬¢ŸªÆ,&$,4@ÛÕo4-+3Iɨ¡ŸŸ ¦Í>)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸º ÃgKMgÂ]9WßïëãÙ÷ßÌ_AÅÙ;»½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ»»¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§offer an exciting shift in format. We get to participate in the launch of Family Forward, a new nonprofit focused on inspiring workplaces, communities, and policies that value families. Did you know that motherhood is the single biggest predictor of poverty in old age? What does this say about our community’s priorities and values? Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussion about the economics of family-raising, the crisis of care, and what we can do to set a new course in Oregon. We will hear from experienced leaders who are working for family forward change on a number of fronts: employment, parent activism, women’s leadership, state policy, and more. We will work together to develop a new vision for a Family Forward Oregon. Please join us! Date: Wednesday, July 8th Doors open at 5:30pm Forum 6-9pm Cost: $5 Location: Urban Grind East 2214 NE Oregon St.2009-07-09 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/forum.php2009-06-23 17:17:482009-06-23 17:17:48 >2009-07-09 04:00:00 ŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! 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      Keith Gerr, Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, will provide data on... - what mediums are growing and where marketers arespending their budget - tracking audience media consumption shifts to social mobile and other mediums - innovative design practices that connect people, products and communications. About the Speaker, Keith Gerr Keith lives at the intersection of culture, technology and business. With over 17 years of experience working on both the agency and client side, Keith understands the challenge of keeping brands relevant in an ever-changing media landscape. He embraces the power-shift to consumers and encourages brands to seek open-minded dialogue with their customers, employees  nights to show their answers. We're looking to bring a twist to the same old conference format that you're used to. It's cool. It's fun. * KBOO Community Radio Your Volunteer-PoweredYԡ=IC3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupQuestions & Answers + the next steps following the successful June 1st Twitter introduction2009-06-08 19:00:002009-06-03 17:30:502009-06-03 17:30:50 ?2009-06-08 20:30:00Jԡ<Sc3C333Escape from Cubicle Nation WorkshopI am so excited. After spending four years behind my computer screen writing my blog, and then book, I am hitting the road. And I cannot wait to meet YOU, and to work on your plans to start a business, or start a non-profit, or start a movement, or just get moving on the little side project you have been thinking about forever while sitting in your cubicle.2009-06-26 15:30:00http://www.escapefromcubiclenation.com/escape-from-cubicle-nation-workshop-portland-oregon/2009-06-03 15:16:172009-06-03 15:16:17 ;2009-06-26 23:00:00 $$ only by the participants Uԡ9G93333PC Board Fabrication WorkshopHave you ever wanted to lay out and create your own printed circuit board? Then this inexpensive course is for you. This is a focused workshop on fabrication that will take three designs and follow them all the way to physical circuit boards using commonly available chemicals and the freeware version of Eagle PCB design (download). You should bring a laptop and any small designs you are working on. You will leave with enough materials to etch your own circuit boards, with the exception of chemicals that you can buy from any hardware store. Sunday June 14, 1-5pm Techshop Electronics Lab $35 (includes materials) RSVP and pay at http://tempusdictum.com/tdproducts.html (Workshop: Fabrication 31MAY09 Techshop) If you have any questions, email Don Davis - don@tempusdictum.com2009-06-14 20:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/05/27/fabrication-workshop-june-14/2009-06-03 03:03:192009-06-03 03:03:19 >2009-06-15 00:00:00 55. * Oregon Regency Society, Popular Library Our group embraces civil, polite society, unified by a common love; the Regency Period.We adore the worlds that Jane Austen's winding, brilliantly written tales portray, depicting a time where ladies were ladies, gentlemen were gentlemen, and good society, family connections, grace, wit and romance were treasured. * Portland Steampunk Society, Popular Library Steampunk is a genre which combines elements of science fiction in a Victorian milieu. More recently art, fashion and music hDԡ8-[3]333APIs: How Earth Shaking Could They Be and Why Haven't They Shaken The Earth Yet?Join Marshall Kirkpatrick at the Portland Web Innovators June meeting. Marshall, lead blogger for ReadWriteWeb, will lead a discussion about the potential of web APIs and a critical look at why they may not have lived up to it yet.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570555/2009-06-03 02:06:112009-06-03 02:06:11 :v;ba2009-06-04 02:00:00º¯§ŸŸŸ¤©³, !µª¯¸±¦ŸŸŸ¾@,# !-EëÄÅÙwÙɪ¢ŸŸŸŸ­Ê<!*8¸«¦¤¥©¹Ég2/-/7>ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/323Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  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We sing in four-part, unaccompanied harmony from an early American songbook called The Sacred Harp, which has been continuously in print and in use since 1844. It is the backbone of one of this country's oldest, most vital andԡ:Ay3K333Official Open Patio SeasonWhile we've had a couple of days on the patio, this Friday marks the official opening of patio season. We'll be on the patio every Friday until the sun don't shine. This calls for a celebration!! We're talking about rolling out some bright green astro turf. Busting out the baby pool with some lawn chairs around it. Squirtguns (of course). And some games like ring toss.2009-06-05 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-03 05:24:342009-06-03 05:24:34 ; 2009-06-06 01:00:00!ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! 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This panel brings together senior sales and marketing professionals for an interactive, informative breakfast event. Register today to learn practical ways in which Portland's most nimble technology companies adapt to changing times. Moderator Cecile Bos, Partner, Blue Research Panelists Dennis Deveny, Regional Sales Director, Jive Software Tony Bash, Sr. VP of Marketing & Business Dev, Pop Art, Inc. Nathan Rawlins, Sr. Director Product Marketing, Serena Software Martin Laetsch, VP of Sales and Marketing, AboutUs #saopdx2009-04-14 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2295814/2009-04-09 16:57:54 >;b 2009-04-14 14:30:001 A2009-11-12 05:00:007:06:382009-04-07 17:06:38 ; ;b 2009-04-17 00:00:00community effort to connect developers working with open source. We're kicking things off with a town hall discussion and planning meeting on October 30th, 7:30pm at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into small working groups to start tackling the event planning needs. If you can, bring an audio or video recorder to help document the discussion. Please let us know if you can attend. If October 30 doesn't work for you, let us know as we are considering a second meeting during the day on the west-side. We'd very much like to have your participation in making this conference a fun, educational experience. You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en2008-10-31 02:30:00http://www.bridgepdx.org/2008-10-29 07:03:23 92008-10-31 04:00:00009-08-05 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html2009-07-19 21:58:532009-07-27 16:58:17 @?2009-08-05 20:30:00%4+.5;9>YÊÊÑÏÆ¿¼º½wD812>WÙ¾½ÁÆÆǹ²¯¬¬­»Ì]/*&$$&.6>gÙÏßëçïwoÝ;¸±ª¨§¨ª­Æß[7/.,,,---+/LC@ç®±µ²ª§°°¤©±ºÂï537<6.)'&'*,:EWÕÇÁ¼¸µ³±®¬­®±¼ïUC1//69×ÊƼ¼¹±­«ªª¯¶ÀK:/%""&'+>S罺¾ÙkUIFBëÙѸ®®­«©¬±»¿Í>83/.,.+%*5/2c»±®«¢¡¤«©¨®¹ãK;6651.+''(.6>kÓý¼¼¿¾º¹¸·µ³µÃÎßE738CGëÕ×Ñȸ¶´¶Âß;3/7@QÍÆÂÅÆĽ·³³²±Á×Q1,*''*/3FUÿ½¼ÆÇÉÏÑÕÏÍƾºµ±¯¯°µºÓU?1,*(()+-443=:6.-*()*32)((,/3>ISoçÛÍÊÏÉÀ½¾¼½º¶°¯µ¼»¾M=<81.023111)#/½¯£ŸŸ ©Ã?C7  LÄ»Îĸ¤Ÿ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0Bº²³·½Ì[M:;Fͽ°¦ª°¼ï7,,*%"$߯©ª®­¤¢¢·ÓC$!#&*=KL=@_²­©£¡ ¥«¹1$(3G³¬¨¦§ª»ÎO1/-,-4>g¹¯©¢¡¢¨¬¸L9/$ "#%>QN¿­¨«­¬§¬ÍÛÙÕïK5/0FïÈÂÉ×F;66;DëÏË×ÉÌ?gÎ[ѹ²®±¿ÃÅG0-..-.6Ƽµ±®ª¦¥¨ÂL5&%'/8DwoÿoÝDz®§§¨¯¼ã2+%"$&-6@Ýļ·¸¾ÈÓ÷_]]÷goƾ½¸²°°²»ÅÕB5.%$&%#*Y?>¯®·­©©­²·´µ¸ºÅ_9BMwѺ°ª£¢¡¦ª­¼ßD/(%#!#$"#DD?Ë®¬«©¡Ÿ¢­¬ª±¼Ñ6-*-/3750./2<@G]kk_oÓÍŲ®­¬«¬ÄÿwL— Pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers.
    • Technology — Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure.
    • Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place?
    • In Summary — Sustaining your business is a continuing process and establishing a mentoring relationship helps to keep it going.
    • Guest speakers: Jim Smith, Chairman of the Portland Chapter of SCORE. Bridget Bayer, Opportunity Knocks Program Coordinator, Cost: $25.00 – includes workshop materials. Location: Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room 200 Market Street Portland, OR Phone: 503-224-8484
    To register, call Portland SCORE at 503.326-5211 or you can register online.Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis.2008-11-06 01:30:00http://www.scorepdx.org/2008-10-29 03:17:18 92008-11-06 03:30:00 bave as many cities around the world on February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

    By rallying toMgy3 33Jv{PicnicIts Sunday and that means another twitter picnic (aka twicnic). Look for the usual crowd close to the river. Oak's Bottom wildlife refuge is next door and has a fun trail through the refuge. Bring any toys (frisbee, etc) and food you might want.2009-05-17 19:00:002009-05-16 18:43:18 ;2009-05-17 23:00:00Mfy3 33Jv{PicnicIts Sunday and that means another twitter picnic (aka twicnic). Look for the usual crowd close to the river. Oak's Bottom wildlife refuge is next door and has a fun trail through the refuge. Bring any toys (frisbee, etc) and food you might want.2009-05-17 19:00:002009-05-16 18:42:59 ;2009-05-17 20:00:00e!I3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Proje mired Companies program in the following categories: Agriculture and Forest Products Commercial Real Estate Financial Services Health Care Nonprofits Professional Services Technology Traditional Manufacturing Oregon's Most Admired Company Across All Industries NEW THIS YEAR Oregon's Most Admired CEO's in each category (as selected by Business Journal Editors) Our Oregocԡ4i 39333AMA Annual Conference: Forward '09 BrandologieWe're in a world now where people use brands to construct their personal, professional and social identities—where the meaning of a brand is based on the connections between people that transcend charts and graphs. It's all about cultural relevance and emotions—not hype. Forward '09 is more than an event, or even two events. It's a powerful community where networking and collaboration provide a launching pad for lasting relationships. 2009-06-03 15:00:00http://forwardama.com/2009-06-02 23:32:522009-06-02 23:32:52 :2009-06-04 00:30:00*¸²¬cÁµ6+-ÃÁ4%¹5w¯¥¤ªÇ5 )J·«¼M2>ßµ¹¾I4*+2>»®¯º»Æ:.2B÷ßÏ颟·µ¼%#44'$AªŸ¤²¼·ª¢ª¼-$ "3D]SG=CJ¤¡¡£¦¹Û@& !*U¾­ ŸŸ¢©¸8,"#).wÆ°¤ ¢¦¬®¾Ñc<*+*((!#J4J¹ªÑ寧¡Å25ͱ¹N+%-@³²¸Y7+',;º¯«­´ÁG:3,,/Sʵ¤£­²¾5/65' 9¸¥ª¸Å¸§Ÿ¤·.&"',3ÛÄÄU=17N´«¤ŸŸ ¬»÷%!/?½¤£ ŸŸ¬0-86&"-Iª¥¨ªªª­µÂ×N/)""),)>®Îϱ¥Âÿ¾§£@%$÷¯­ã9-7k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŸ¥¯È=')-""F« ª¼S»§§¬³#!08CʲªÄ<).J½§¢¢¢¤­½k.$-CÄ£ŸŸŸ£¬O7,%,9»«£ŸŸ ©°Ý]H1.+-4948gÿÑƽQF¸¦Ÿß,'ß³¯o6/?ç¾³¹_3*$)6º©§¹¸¾3/80*'?¹¥¡£«¯µÊ543!?«Ÿ ¯ÙÁ®¥«¿.'#+2>ßÑ÷8+)2DÛ¥ ŸŸŸ¤½]0"Kį ŸŸ¡ª¸9,& *3Q¯©¤ŸŸ¡­¶È?71++,8;;L]ʸ´SDg¦Ÿ¢=.3½°¹8(&8ﻵºË?3.9]ʵ®´ÃÝ<53006ÿÄ®Ÿ£ª²Õ<,upport, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. Course Schedule and Information Instructor: As Noted Above Course Number: 09-SPIN-1113 Dates/Times: Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008; Networking 6:00-6:45 PM; Seminar 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Location: OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center (bldg. 3 on campus map), Dining Room Course Fee: $0 Course Includes: Free seminar and pizza This event is sponsored by the Rose City SPIN and the Center for Professional Development. 2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.cpd.ogi.edu/coursespecific.asp?pam=24122008-10-29 19:10:35 <2008-11-14 04:00:00  the map.

    They are relaxed events and you're supposed to have fun. Often we grab a beer after the event, and this is no exception.

    More about Mapping parties
    [edit] Info

    * ԡ3EG3]333Portland Employment WorkshopWe are holding an informal employment workshop with the outcome to help each of you you rapidly acquire info, skills, strategies, or an overall approach that will help you be more successful in meeting your immediate and longterm employment goals. Format-- an informal 2-hour task-based workshop, perhaps next Saturday 6/6 from10 am-12 pm, to thinktank jobhunting strategies and help each of you to formulate an aggressive search approach so you can get some opportunities lined up, depending on your current employment status and what you're looking for. Topic ideas: Learning new ideas besides Craig's List for looking for work. Ideas on starting up a small company >I.*(%#!     ~}|zxwvtsrpnkjheca`ZYXWPHGFDCBA;984320.-½MNËÛg?<ãëGNk÷ÓËwѾºI¼­[w¿ÅÆ_IWÁÑoÎÆÕ×ëWKE=<=M²³Ê>=NÉÂÊH<:>?FÙǽ¾ÇÓOMGJWïÉĽËÊÌBI9+,Û?1ί¬U>Y¹Õ;)+2cÑÿ¸¯¨©®·»ÅU>;BA?CFJ?4=<<º·÷3U¬Ÿ©Y.BÈÁI,$)5ÑÅÁ»¹½ÇÍÛ¿½ÛNJ999CGEÌ» 0 $06of cրu={33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u<{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u;{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u:{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u9{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u8{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u7{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9u6{33CubeSpace @ 622 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2008-03-02 15:11:072008-03-15 20:22:25 9 7|u@7ya) 33- Heathman Hotel2009-10-05 15:44:182009-10-08 18:35:281001 SW BroadwayPortlandOR97205US@F(mz^s`; + 33 Mortons' The Steakhouse213 SW Clay St.2009-10-05 15:41:452009-10-08 18:32:06PortlandOR97201US@F^7^ Ԉ >{_M 33 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room2009-10-05 15:38:322009-10-25 19:42:14Portland ORUS@FV^5Z :$/^C [ 33/ Monarch Hotel in Clackamas 12566 SE 93rd Ave. Clackamas, OR 970152009-10-02 23:11:302009-10-02 23:12:3112566 Se 93rd AveClackamasOR97015US@F*8^Yyҁ]33BridgePort Brew Pub @ 1313 Nw Marshall St, Portland, Oregon 97209 US2009-10-02 21:19:512009-10-03 03:10:16;b :6u\s33Hotel deLuxe @ 729 SW 15th Ave, Portland, Oregon US2009-10-02 21:10:582009-10-03 03:09:04;b :V[33Kell's @ 112 SW Second Avenue, Portland, Portland, Oregon US2009-10-02 21:08:132009-10-03 03:09:43;b ?c, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. This month's Featured Tech Leader Attendees: Doug Fieldhouse, CEO, Vesta Meet with peers and people who have "been there" to discuss your most pressing business critical issues, ideas, and concerns. Feel free to pass word along to people. There is plenty of space and beer at Chime. Request to join the StartUp Exchange group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Here's 4 helpful tips to successfully arrive there: # It's on the eastside of the river # Park under overpass on Morrison or a nearby street # Follow signs leading from door on Morrison to freight elevator # Take freight elevator to 7th Floor2009-06-17 00:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=6/16/092009-06-02 23:52:122009-06-02 23:52:12 <2009-06-17 02:00:00 $de*@ H-0J5 U 33/ PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building)12000 SW 49th Ave Portland, OR 972192009-07-10 04:32:102009-08-30 14:37:4512000 Sw 49th AvePortlandOR97219US@FCh4^Y4A 33 Crowne Plaza - Lake Oswego2009-07-10 04:24:452009-07-30 23:13:43 ?/3%339'OpenSourcery2009-07-09 22:37:102009-07-10 00:06:521636 NW Lovejoy StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F =p^1&y;b؈ =r1) 33 Tyesha's house2009-07-08 16:48:462009-08-30 14:27:29SoutheastPortlandORUS@FV^5Z @ha0/Cg333? NedSpace Old TownAbove Backspace in Old Town117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210, Portland, OR 97209http://nedspace.com2009-07-08 04:41:242009-10-25 19:39:28117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97209US@FL^:}]123Dß¿ÊïÓǼ·Í81+(,/OÓ»ª¬´¬®º§¡¦¬¨¨ÇB)!" !1Aw¾»»·¹ÅÏëW[QN]ß³ª¤ŸŸŸ¦«´M9-" -=6®§ª¤ ŸŸŸ¦¯®±ÍN:-/8F?;,($$$$.;W¿¼¾ÉÕÎÈȵ«§ ŸŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²ÊL(!"'-Kãɾ»»º»ÃÅÿ¼·®¬ª¥¥§«®¶ÿB5(%!  "$)03@ÁÆÄ«¡ŸŸŸ¡£¥¬È@:/+//* "%2HÍ«§©±¸¼½¾½®«©§©¹À×1)&*.0;OʯµÁÛ×ÏÛU<+)(.8H¿µ¯¬«¬¬¬ªª©«­´M8-!%/;SÑǾ¾ÈÕïÿßÌƾ¼º´­§ŸŸŸ£­»o;+"+DwÁ¬«¨ŸŸŸŸŸŸ¡¨±I2**+.03760++-/5:KSY]_cÝÌ¿±¬ª¤£¦°·Á>6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´±­©¨§¬°Ã[:,(%%&)/34:;<>AGgÙƳ­¨¢¡¡£¥§¬¯¸çN3.+%#!"%(.18oç×¾¾Á·´±«««ªª«±¶»ÆÏçNB3,(! "&*9MÝ»·²³µ¶¸¹¾¾µ³w̹DIo48O/0/179wž±¬¬©©ª­­·Ä×Y80-))'*+57DUÿÑÉÀÉÈÆÁ¿ÄÆ¿Æ»¼»³¯­®¯¸¼cK0-* '*$ _<=½´¼³°®ª«ª­°®ÇÇÌ4HE$4k*2<8B[^h:6QgK  337 Beaverton Round Training Center12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US2009-10-06 19:36:372009-10-25 19:52:3812725 Sw Millikan WayBeavertonOR97005US@F>!^;b f' 33? Buffalo Gap, 2009-10-06 18:33:072009-10-06 18:33:366835 S.W. Macadam Avenue,PortlandOR97219US@FWė^-ey 33= Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon2009-10-06 18:32:292009-10-08 18:23:266835 S.W. Macadam AvenuePortlandOR97219US@FWė^ @d+33Bravo Portland Conference Room @ 630 B Avenue Suite 205, Lake Oswego, Oregon US2009-10-05 18:36:372009-10-08 18:22:43;b @Eb33Days Inn Gresham @ 24124 S.E. Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030 US2009-10-05 18:21:082009-10-05 18:21:08;bmmer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here We are at Picnic Site D (NE corner) Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
    2009-07-26 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-02 18:59:112009-06-23 17:15:53 :;b_2009-07-27 00:00:00r 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.2008-11-20 01:30:002008-11-06 05:21:092008-11-06 05:21:09 :2008-11-20 03:30:006I ŸŸŸ¤µ9?D# ,ɬ¸Ñ¼§ŸŸ¡°.# &.=˼¶kC5-5E½«¢ ¡£ºc5$OÀ¨ŸŸŸ¦°Ó5,&!$(C×Ä«¦¤Ÿ¢¦·Áï9/*)%"()0ÎÈ]ªŸÃwg´¢¡%/©°U(.JÀÄ¿·¶¾A,%2?cµ¯·¼ÈWD<×¥ŸŸŸ¥×7&#/Í·¬©­±ÕM>0/.Aç½¥¡ŸŸŸ ®¿E/' !$&23'³ë<­Ÿ¥[׬Ÿ¤Ï.릭U499ï·®´ª£§µÝçËÝ/**0A:+(B/.º±½Æºª ­Æ»¬¥®½×FBFA6.!$M¾¦£¢«¶ÉNEAï¿´¨¥¥³¸Å/((/39ÛÎÅÁÂÈÿYOHDFw̹µµ¿ÊëI>99>G÷ÏÄ»»ÂÌÛëNIHW_ÿççë[OLCFKMWÝÌÊÌÑ×ÊÇÉÈÍãKFEB>=>DMÓÃÀ»¹¼Îç[A<7=GÌÅÑ·µãÄ»kȼÙ̶ËÕÈKQ8S6OSoÉÆÃÆÉ6k7FCwESÛÌÈßÀUMÉã»Àª/±¦Ù13]wD);o»ÍËß×Ì?FHI=·gSÿ²¾:/6Æ÷W绸°·Ë[_QA=@>N_Íß×]LgoãÝÅÏÁÊÊÄÊÍïã[çKDCW[ãçoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÏÌÕY>:159:EcÈ¿»±³²¼ÄÎÉßÕÊÓÙç[LJ<59;YÕÉļ¼ÁÈçC;9:>>g½cÏÇʽÝM¿ª¿OS¯«½E8;NYMÛckÈÌßHBLIGUcLKULN>;IkѯÁº§¸C_ÊÂ/#"o´°ÁÀ·¬®Á:100:>NÕÆÃÂÝWYJSÕ¾º±´»ÂO<41/7=Q͹¶®ÙÀ½11ç+'/ÄÇL<Õ©®¾È¼º¿ÛF,*++*0Y÷ß»kc¡£Ë*4Å£¶B<»­±L+2÷½¾ÆÛÊÏN;3DNg_ÓÌWãÍÝã÷À¶²¨¥¨¸°¿ (;- / Ÿ¢¹®£Ÿ£·-% "&EÊÑHïÆçA9©ŸŸŸ ¢¯¾, /gµ ŸŸ §¯Q=/(')-5;wßÕ¸«­®¬ª·¹×k@((('&1*+O °<=­Ÿ£Õ8ͨ¡ç*!"/HÌßÛc?5<ﬡŸ ª¼8&  =? v+.C =331 #University Club of Portlandhttp://www.uclubpdx.com/2009-12-01 19:29:272009-12-02 23:06:241225 SW 6th AvenuePortlandOR97204US@F:^#cW503.223.623|-# 9 33 Stoel Rives6th Floor SW Fifth Av.2009-11-30 20:11:042009-11-30 20:11:47Portlandor97204US@F+X^-0,1 M335 )Portland Tech Shophttp://www.portlandtechshop.com/2009-11-29 14:55:172009-11-30 02:02:0910100 SW Allen Blvd.BeavertonOR97005US@F#H^(503) 643-SHOPM+9 ;33  Intel Hawthorn Farms 35200 NE Elam Young Pkwyhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45.533314,-122.927465&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.976484,79.013672&ie=UTF8&ll=45.534161,-122.929072&spn=0.012055,0.038581&t=h&z=152009-11-25 01:32:052009-11-28 23:48:24HillsboroOR97124@FC?^[( =:13DÏ«¨«ÏQ9(%"$+@²¤ŸŸ ¡´](*'A°¬©¬¼ªŸŸ¿4%/91(-<Ä»Â=76]¾®£¡£¨¯K/&'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYG4/-**,7>SÎÊÅËÌŽ´¯­«¬¯½ÙS1+()-/:Dc½»½¿¾¿¿ÃÕJ@8875:AUÿ;¸²®­­¯¯²ÈgF1..+-05ãÄ»´µ´¿ÉÎÏÏÊÍÌÏÕßYD><;?]Ý˺´¯±¸ÅÿkWF?;9DNãËÀ°¬ª¬¯´Ëã_=5105;CGICEFU÷׿½¾ËÕçH=89>cïÏ»´¯­®³ÄÛcC>=99:;;;55:IYß½»Â¾ÇÓÛgk÷g[WOWwkÿÛÑÓÛ_QF??JKO÷Ù˾ÀË]G?>?DÿÛÑÅÀ¿ÂÌã_Y[_WOÛÈÄÆÌÝïo]ë×ÏÇÂÓëQ;86112:BLÿÙÊ»·µ½¾¾ÑãYHB738Kÿʶ²°¶¼ÇQ?:72009-06-05 04:00:00 &J f&,4? Y 331 Harrison East Condominium111 SW Harrison St, Portland, OR 972012009-12-08 06:07:182009-12-08 06:09:00111 SW Harrison StPortlandOR97201US@FH^=^i3i 33 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR2009-12-02 22:27:252009-12-02 23:04:15PortlandORUS@Fupe^F$ A !2Q33/'Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium2009-12-02 15:56:522009-12-02 15:56:521044 NW Ninth AvePortlandOregon97209United States@FlC^Q;bK13333'BridgePort Brew Pub2009-12-02 04:32:272009-12-02 16:27:081313 Nw Marshall StPortlandOregon97209United States@F$^ =p;bJ :60Q 335 Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium2009-12-01 23:17:242009-12-02 16:27:441044 NW Ninth Avenueportlandoregon97209US@F t ^|97 A20/9 Q 33+ )Concordia Coffee House2909 NE Alberta Portland, OR 972112009-12-01 20:49:522009-12-01 20:52:512909 NE AlbertaPortlandOR97211US@Fǐ^h7(503) 810-2279 jaԡ)ԡ.؄ԡ6Մԡ<ԡ@ԡBքԡKфԡRЁdԡ;3O333pdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/eventsnԡ1?+3Q333Summer Coders Social 2009Su8ԡ0[3u333Northwest Workplace Violence ConferenceRegister Now!  Hurry and Save! Time is running out... Keeping Out of Harm’s Way            Workplace Violence Potential Is On The Rise             Learn Proper Prevention From The Experts! SPECIAL OFFER:  REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 10, 2009             AND GET TWO DAY EVENT REGISTRATION AT $99.00*    * (Discount expires on June 10, 2009; Registration after June 10, 2009 is $270.00) Register now! Online at:  http://www.eventbrite.com/event/323498593 Use promotion code: CSSWPV2009 to obtain registration discount. More information at:  hO s{s8ҀG!'33The Interwebs2009-11-13 19:12:232009-11-13 19:12:23_WcU 33- Caffe D'arte (NE 15th Ave & Broadway)Cafe with indoor and outdoor porch seating.1615 NE 15th Ave, Portland, OR 972122009-11-11 19:42:242009-11-11 19:43:241615 NE 15th AvePortlandOR97212US@Fl!J@^tQ# [G335 3Vino Vixens2929 SE Powell Blvd. Portland OR, 97202http://www.vinovixenspdx.com/2009-11-09 19:27:392009-11-09 19:29:162929 SE Powell Blvd.PortlandOR97202US@Fw^-503.231.VINO (8466)#33G'SAO Offices2009-11-07 01:28:482009-11-07 01:28:48111 SW 5th Avenue - Suite 120PortlandOregon97204United States@F䎊q^C%;b3c'33I!'WSU Vancouver2009-11-07 01:23:322009-11-13 23:43:14Washington State University Vancouver, 14204 Ne Salmon Creek Avenue, Vancouver, Wa, 98686-9600VancouverWashington98686United States@Fڳg ^$/;b2 :^ P6Pes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -33+'VOISbox Ballroom2009-11-06 00:00:162009-11-06 00:00:16240 N. BroadwayPortlandOregon97227United States@FzG^`A;b0/? K335 Aquariva Italian Kitchen http://www.aquarivaportland.com2009-11-05 22:43:542009-11-15 23:44:330476 SW Hamilton Ct.Portland OR 97239 US@F^w @/ /K33 Hall Street Grill3775 SW Hall Blvdhttp://www.hallstreetgrill.com/2009-11-05 00:51:072009-11-05 00:51:54BeavertonORUS@FX 0^oDgM]333; PCC Portland Community College Cascade CampusA charity event to benefit p:ear! All ages are welcome and costumes are encouraged. Tickets are available at the door for $3.00/ea. 2010 calendars are also available as well as DVDs of the showing movie. Ticket Info: 3.00 705 N. Killingsworth St., MAHB Room 104 http://club.pcc.edu2009-11-04 21:31:162009-11-05 00:32:33 PortlandOregon97217US@Fʭ*p^њwonderwindy77@yahoo.com :# 99h8ԡ/O13W333DorkbotPDX 0x03 - Lecture Series HURRY HURRY STEP RIGHT UP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ ___ _____ / _ \ __ __ / _ \ |___ / DORKBOT | | | | \ \/ / | | | | |_ \ PDX | |_| | > < | |_| | ___) | \___/ /_/\_\ \___/ |____/ http://dorkbotpdx.org/dorkbotpdx_0x03 Dorkbot PDX [[People doing strange things with electricity...in Portland]] ...welcomes you to the 4th installation of its lecture series. * Where: AboutUs: 107 SE Washington St, Suite 520. * When: Sunday, June 14th, 2009 - 7pm As always, the event is free and open to the public. Feel free to bring snacks and beverages to share. Please spread the word! Andrew S. Parnell ----------------- Pieces to be discussed include Semaphore-bot, Tangólumen, and Cardiolumen: a multifaceted exploration of the data we create both consciously and unconsciously and their inherent value. Andrew S. Parnell is a PFortland based digital artist. His work primarily deals with the physical manifestation of digital information using code, image capture, and electronics. Michael Bunsen -------------- Dome Control: Altering a space via physical and web-based interfaces Michael Bunsen spends most of his time on the internet but is more interested in nature and the outside world. He developed Urbanedibles.org and began exploring microcontrollers to cultivate his mission of using the computer to get people off the computer. Dan Gilsdorf ------------ A presentation featuring works from 2006 to the present, including the recent exhibitions Interiotrope, 2008 and SRO Video, 2009. Dan Gilsdorf is a sculptor and installation artist based in Portland. Using video, sound, and mechanics, his work addresses the mediating effect of technology on physical and cultural landscapes. See you there! 2009-06-15 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org/dorkbotpdx_0x032009-06-02 07:35:432009-06-02 07:35:43 92009-06-15 05:00:00 ;e are inviting local web and game development university programs, companies, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most importantly have fun. Who are we? InstantAction (www.instantaction.com) is an online gaming platform that allows any game, from Bejeweled to Call of Duty, to be published on the web and played through any major web browser. The compan/W m 33 Portland State Business Accelerator intersection of SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade Street2009-11-03 20:08:542009-11-04 18:42:18PortlandorUS@Fupe^F$ 9< ! 333 Stoel Rives, Suite 2600, 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland or 97204Suite 26002009-11-03 20:04:362009-11-04 18:28:39900 SW Fifth avenueportlandor97204US@F1-{^f8C=l <}C33k'Beaverton Round Training Center, 3rd floor, 12725 SW Millikan Way - Coldwell Banker Bulding2009-11-03 02:06:032009-11-04 18:29:2112725 SW Millikan Way - Coldwell Banker BuldingPortlandOregon97005United States@FϪ͟^$;b/ @ 6Cx6'33G'KEEN Footwear2009-11-03 02:05:052009-11-04 18:32:11926 NW 13th Avenue, Suite 210PortlandOregon97209United States@F^Ƨ;b. @G;K 33'9 Ground Kontrol Classic ArcadeInstantAction has moved to downtown Portland and we'd like to invite you to join us at our Open House! The party is on Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm at Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade and we are inviting local web and game development university programs, companies, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most importantly have fun. Who JEU 7Q33 # %St. John the Apostle Catholic Church417 Washington Streethttp://www.sja-catholicchurch.com/2009-10-31 23:53:062009-11-04 18:45:10Oregon CityOR97045US@Fiz^ 503-742-82007A G331! )Umpqua Bank Pearl Districthttp://www.umpquabank.com‎ 2009-10-30 19:50:432009-10-30 19:51:501139 NW Lovejoy StPortlandOR97209-3423US@F^s(503) 288-5610ran, PC, Barran Liebman Attorneys, LLP Employment Relations Expert: Dr. Armando Estrada, PhD, Industrial Psychologist Risk Management Expert: Victor Nolan, ARM, CSP Risk Manager, Clean Water Services Forensic Psychology Experts: Dr. Donald True, PhD, Dr. David Corey, PhD Law Enforcement: Police Chief Andrew Hamilton Corporate Security Experts: John J Posey, CPP, PSP James McClain, Director, Protective Services OSHA:  Michael Wood, Administrator, Oregon OSHA Investigative Reporter/Anchor:  Anna Song, KATU HR Expert: Judy Clark, SPHR, CPC, Owner and President HR Answers Inc. Conference Host:   Corporate Security Services Inc Contact:  John J. Posey, CPP, PSP                                                President Corporate Security Services Inc. 888-822-4277 jposey@corpsecure.com www.corpsecure.com  2009-06-15 15:00:00 http://www.corpsecure.com/wpv-conference/index.html2009-06-02 14:22:062009-06-02 15:33:01 92009-06-16 00:00:00are we? InstantAction (www.instantaction.com) is an online gaming platform that allows any game, from Bejeweled to Call of Duty, to be published on the web and played through any major web browser. The company is an operating property of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI). Come meet InstantAction team members, check out some of our products, and learn how InstantAction is innovating in both the web and gaming industries by bringing the two together! Full details: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 6-9PM (open bar from ?-?PM) Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade 511 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209 Free games + Free refreshments + Open bar = Fun This is an Invitation only event. Please RSVP* to: RSVP@instantaction.com *You will receive a confirmation email confirming your attendance and your name will be listed at the door. This invitation is non-transferable. 511 NW Couch Portland, OR 972092009-11-03 01:05:202009-11-03 01:06:32511 NW Couch PortlandOR97209US@F l^A|rsvp@instantaction.com s met up to get things done—was both fun and productive. Join us next week! *** Collaborative Ingenuity is a free for all forum that lets everyone come to work on any project of his/her choosing that day—with an underwritten agreement that each participant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability. While this concept is comparable to co-working, the fact that we have everybody from graphic designer, web developer to account1ԡS3M333Masterbacon: A day for bacon loversHave you ever wanted to get together with a bunch of other bacon geeks and just geek out about bacon? What if there was an event specifically catfԡ.e+3!333Starve Ups: Rethinking Distribution Channels6.30.2009 Public Event Rethinking Distribution Channels Panel Discussion 6:00pm – 8:30pm Location: NedSpace (920 SW 3rd, Suite 100)2009-07-01 01:00:00http://www.starveups.com/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2009-06-01 03:25:342009-06-01 03:25:34 >2009-07-01 03:30:00 `S`+#3?33! )Umpqua Bank 1139 NW Lovejoy St http://www.umpquabank.com2009-10-30 19:48:282009-10-30 20:47:35PortlandOR97209-3423US@F(^\Q(503) 288-5610 A O 339# Crowne Plaza Portland Lake Oswego2009-10-29 19:01:512009-10-29 19:55:2014811 Kruse Oaks DriveLake OswegoOR97035US@F(^uL ?/_ g Iy33 Embassy Suites Portland – Washington Square9000 SW Washington Square Roadhttp://www.portlandwashingtonsquare.embassysuites.com/2009-10-29 14:21:522009-10-29 19:56:14TigardOR 97223US@F2e o^`<4d =́8 M =331! %Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Roomhttp://www.oregonzoo.org2009-10-29 00:12:212009-11-04 18:39:314001 SW Canyon Rd.Portland OR 97221-9704US@FPB^6503-226-1561' m 33= Lloyd Center Doubletree Executive Meeting Center2009-10-27 22:57:042009-11-28 23:46:381000 NE Multnomah StreetPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4 : r 150 List.” We’re compiling a list of questions in advance to ask Jeremiah – post your questions to our Web site or tweet them to @SocialMediaPDX. Buy your ticket EARLYF#73;33JqPortland Ruby Brigadepdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. 2008-12-03 03:00:00http://www.pdxruby.org/2008-10-28 23:21:57 92008-12-03 05:00:00L"Y3=33JqSeven Steps Business Planning WorkshopThe Existing Business Resource Team of Portland SCORE invites you to a workshop to help existing business owners survive and grow profitably in a down economy. What to expect:
    • Planning — A planning process is a necessity for an existing business.
    • Customers — Do you understand what drives your customer?
    • Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit.
    • Financial Plan — The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth.
    • Competition } Ek}E533E'Grassy Knoll Gallery2009-10-25 22:20:582009-10-25 22:20:58123 NW 2nd Avenue, Suite 206PortlandOregon97209United States@Fs^ I^;b%33?'Struck/Axiom2009-10-25 22:20:512009-10-25 22:20:5124 NW First Ave Suite 270PortlandOregonUnited States@F~^m;b'33C'Jive Software2009-10-25 22:20:232009-10-25 22:20:23915 SW Stark St., Suite 400PortlandOregon97205United States@FW^Q;b"+33O'AboutUs offices2009-10-24 02:55:592009-10-25 16:22:23107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,PortlandOregon97214United States@Fh ԕ^\(;b 9ԁ$Y33/'PIE, The Portland Incubator Experiment2009-10-23 17:57:202009-10-25 19:47:281227 NW Davis St.PortlandOregonUnited States@F ^Ƨ;b @|~33A'Extensis2009-10-23 03:49:532009-10-25 16:21:391800 SW 1st Ave, Suite 500PortlandOregonUnited States@FJE^dZ;b :wGI08->$)4"[loyupmfd^bb_?>1E':<=6,! $  LM V#&(vlkeiZb}'QNU&/%!yH=/IB(-dJKC~hGANM^j.  {  Legal Expert: Paula Bar 6b*~6 I33+'St. Francis Church Dining Hall2009-10-27 18:38:442009-10-27 18:52:361182 SE Pine StPortlandOregon97214United States@F¦L/{^"`;b+ >^[ A 33 Residence Inn Portland West / Hillsboro18855 NW Tanasbourne Drive2009-10-27 02:51:582009-10-27 02:53:22HillsboroOR97124US@F/^YSXl&1 Y 333 Rose & Thistle Pub2314 NE Broadway St Portland, OR 972322009-10-26 20:51:282009-10-26 20:51:592314 Ne Broadway StPortlandOR97232US@FsHZ^@NE33)'Substance World Headquarters2009-10-25 22:22:492009-10-26 03:05:001551 SE PoplarPortlandOregon97214United States@Fb}^hr ;b' >-333'The Rocking Frog2009-10-25 22:22:402009-11-04 18:46:302511 SE Belmont St.PortlandOregonUnited States@Fe+^\);b& @?33''Art Institute of Portland2009-10-25 22:21:062009-10-26 03:05:161122 NW DavisPortlandOregon97209United States@FC,z^S;b ; ``n when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. Now what? This discussion focuses on what the etiquette is for using social media to cfG-u3M3JsQBeaver Barcamp 310AM - ?

      More details coming soon, but please RSVP!
       2009-04-04/?G3?33JudOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-22 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:03:182009-04-23 00:00:00 :ԡ,S3333SAOpdx: 14th Annual Golf TournamentIt's time again for the annual SAO Golf Tournament! Whether you were part of the fun in 2008 or joining us for the first time, you're in for an afternoon of fun, sun, golf, beer, and networking. We've got great early-bird pricing, so grab your three best friends (or those who you owe the biggest favors) and reserve your foursome today. Looking to meet some new people? Individual spots are available too! We're limited to 144 players, and at this price, are going to sell out. Everyone is invited - you do not have to be an SAO member to play! 2009-07-10 18:30:00http://www.sao.org/events/special_events/golf_tournament.php2009-05-30 00:41:512009-05-30 00:42:35 @;b]2009-07-11 01:30:00  In addition, our esteemed panel Web Analytics experts, featuring Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified, and Ian Lurie, president and CEO of Portent Interactive, will also answer any questions you may have pertaining to how to improve you site's performance through an 'understanding' of Web Analytics. What You Will Receive: Real-world advice from a panel of search engine marketing experts. Detailed examples of how to get your Web site prominently ranked within the search engines. Tips on Web site analytics, keyword research, copywriting, link building and search engine friendly Web design. For more information and to purchase tickets, please click here. Portland, OR 97205 - USA Tuesday, November 11 at 5:30 PM Photo: htxԡ+)_3K333Licensing Executives Society: Developments Since Sun Microsystems v. MicrosoftDevelopments Since Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft: Building a License in Light of Current Case Law TOPIC: It has been almost ten years since the importantZation of University Technology Managers (AUTM). MEETING FORMAT: 5:30-6:30 pm Registration & Networking with appetizers and beverages 6:30-7:30pm Welcome by Chapter Chair, Michele Gunness Presentation 8:00pm Adjourn LOCATION: Please take note of the directions as access can be difficult. For directions click here: http://www.psba.pdx.edu/drivingdirections REGISTRATION: Register by June 16 and save $5! LES Members Early (by June 16): $20 On-site: $25 SAO, TechAmerica, Oregon Bio Members Early (by June 16): $20 On-site: $25 Non-Members Early (by June 16): $25 On-site: $30 Students (with ID) Early (by June 16): $10 On-site: $15 For questions about the meeting, contact: Laura Horsey, Communications Chair laura@easystreet.net Thanks to Portland State University for hosting this event 2009-06-19 00:30:00http://www.lesusacanada.org/MainNav/LocalChapters/LES-USA-West/OregonSW-Washington/6.18.09.aspx2009-05-29 22:58:412009-05-30 16:58:52 9Jv2009-06-19 03:00:00 11er Bio Chris Delaney is the Chief Executive of Insignia Health, a Portland based company founded in 2006 through the technology transfer from the University of Oregon of the Patient Activation Measure and related intellectual property. Prior to Insignia, Chris was part of the founding group and Chief Marketing Officer for Definity Health. Definity, which was acquired by United HealthGroup at the close of 2004, pioneered account based HSA and HRA health benefit designs, as well as a number of Web innovations, including data-driven personalized messaging and cost and quality transparency. After leaving Definity in February, 2005, Chris became a founding partner of the Sequoi Group, a consultancy specializing in consumer-driven healthcare and the emerging role of the consumer across the healt@ԡ)_#3]333Open Source Bridge: Volunteer OrientationOpen Source Bridge is a new conference for developers working with open source technologies and for people interested in learning the ope\ 2rZH2}1 - 33 Bridgeport Brewpub1313 NW Marshall2009-10-21 21:38:202009-10-25 16:24:27PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q :6 |' O 33 Ernst & YoungBrewery Block 2, 1120 NW Couch St2009-10-21 21:30:022009-10-21 21:30:42PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q {C 331 Absorbent Technologies, Inc2009-10-21 21:27:222009-11-04 18:56:208705 SW Nimbus AveBeavertonOR97008US@Ffh^1~z/ ) 33 NedSpace Oldtown 117 NW 5th Ave2009-10-21 21:19:212009-10-25 19:39:49PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q @0wx% 33- UX Book Club2009-10-20 19:33:572009-10-20 19:34:134150 SW WashougaPortlandOR97239US@F5;K/^<3"w9331'Powell's City of Books2009-10-19 23:42:442009-10-19 23:42:441005 W Burnside StPortlandOregon97209United States@F9XbN^S;bv33About Us @ 107 SE Washington St. Suite 520, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2009-10-19 20:36:052009-10-20 00:24:15;b 9 jg jp! U 33+ Daily Cafe902 NW 13th Ave, Portland, Oregon US2009-10-12 23:52:442009-10-13 05:14:41902 Nw 13th AvePortlandOR97209US@Fs^m+|;b noQ? 33+ PSBAThe Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA) is way for PSU to help startups get off the ground.2828 SW Corbett, Portland2009-10-12 20:31:512009-10-13 05:17:192828 SW CorbettPortlandOR97227US@FM㸡^5qt 9n=33Webtrends @ Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 US2009-10-09 21:05:262009-10-13 05:17:51;b '9·© ŸŸ®Ç?&!!%)-Gç·µ·°²¾¶¾ïÉ÷?gÆ¿-"#®¯½ß:,S«Ÿ£M'ÙŸ ²+'-Ó·¶c6' &¹¦ŸŸŸ ¸ÿ4% -7Á©Ÿª¦¤S.09,!$_Ÿ¤²J÷³Ÿ ª- %8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7荒ͼŸ Ÿ8'(»¬c-#(<Ī­³_<< ~ii~u#33Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub @ 112 SW Second Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204 US2009-10-19 18:04:392009-10-25 17:14:58;b ?Qta a339) Avalon Hotel & Spa | Aqua Riva Restaurant 0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland, OR 97212http://portlandfemaleexecutives.com/index.php?view=details&id=4%3Ayearly-food-a-wine-event&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=462009-10-19 01:00:372009-10-25 16:23:280470 SW Hamilton CourtPortlandOR97212US@FQ?^info@pdxfx.org @Hs! 33 White Stag2009-10-17 03:49:322009-10-17 05:29:57 ?-r? C33- )Pour Wine Bar and Bistro http://www.pourwinebar.com/2009-10-15 23:17:452009-10-15 23:19:112755 NE BroadwayPortlandOR97232US@FĀI#^Ĕ(503) 288-7687q)33AboutUs offices @ 107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,, Portland, Oregon 97214 US2009-10-15 08:28:252009-10-16 15:58:24;b 9 9th Circuit Court decision in Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft. The speaker will highlight developments that influence licensing practice since that August 1999 decision. SPEAKER: Chuck Valauskas Chuck Valauskas is a partner and founder in the firm, Valauskas & Pine LLC based in Chicago. He is legal counsel to companies and ventures with emphasis on start-ups based on new product and services, concepts, and technologies. Chuck is a patent attorney registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and a former adjunct law professor for intellectual property matters. He is affiliated with LES and Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). MEETING FORMAT: 5:30-6:30 pm Registration & Networking with appetizers and beverages 6:30-7:30pm Welcome by Chapter Chair, Michele Gunness Presentation 8:00pm Adjourn2009-06-19 00:30:00http://www.lesusacanada.org/MainNav/LocalChapters/LES-USA-West/OregonSW-Washington/6.18.09.aspx2009-05-29 23:04:062009-05-29 23:04:06 92009-06-19 03:00:00 Vz7n+bV@h-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:182009-01-08 10:32:18@g-33;bgcreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:33:042009-01-07 10:33:04@f-33;bfcreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:33:012009-01-07 10:33:01@e-33;b created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:572009-01-07 10:32:57@d-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:532009-01-07 10:32:53@c-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:502009-01-07 10:32:50@b-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-07 10:32:492009-01-07 10:32:49@a-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:482009-01-07 10:32:48@`-33;bacreated 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:442009-01-07 10:32:44@_-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:402009-01-07 10:32:40@^-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:372009-01-07 10:32:37@]-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:342009-01-07 10:32:34@\-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:322009-01-07 10:32:32@[-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-07 10:32:302009-01-07 10:32:30n source way. Interested in helping out during the Open Source Bridge conference? Next week we're having a Volunteer Orientation where you'll be able to learn about the available volunteer positions and sign-up for shifts. If you're still interesting in helping, please attend. Date & Time: Wednesday, June 3rd, 7pm Location: Webtrends, 851 SW 6th Ave # 600, Portland, OR 97204 WebTrends is located on SW 6th Ave, between SW Taylor and SW Yamhill. The building doesn't yet have signage, but it's right next to the Men’s Warehouse. Once you’re in the building you’ll need to let the security guard know you are going to Webtrends so he can get you to the 16th floor (the elevators remain on the 1st floor after 6pm unless you have a code for them). Don't already have a ticket to Open Source Bridge? Volunteer at least 8 hours on-site and receive a free conference pass.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799462/2009-05-29 20:37:422009-05-30 15:59:59 I"|S33-'Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE)2009-08-31 17:24:412009-08-31 17:24:411227 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F ^Ƨ;b{Y33#'University of Oregon White Stag Blocks2009-08-31 17:24:102009-08-31 17:24:1070 NW CouchPortlandOregonUnited States@F'/^m;b:z 33I BICC theatre OHSU ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road ,Portland2009-08-31 01:45:582009-08-31 15:48:003181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road POrtlandOR97239US@Fxh^u6 @g6y I 33 BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road 2009-08-31 01:39:272009-08-31 15:47:59PortlandORUS@FV^5Z @g yatterns and attitude in both our personal and professional lives. Kathleen will share processes that allԡw;3C33Beer and Blog - Gain traffic from tCԡ*OG3K333Developments Since Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft: Building a License in Light of Current Case LawLES-Oregon/SW Washington Chapter Upcoming Meeting TOPIC: It has been almost ten years since the important 9th Circuit Court decision in Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft. The speaker will highlight developments that influence licensing practice since that August 1999 decision. SPEAKER: Chuck Valauskas Chuck Valauskas is a partner and founder in the firm, Valauskas & Pine LLC based in Chicago. He is legal counsel to companies and ventures with emphasis on start-ups based on new product and services, concepts, and technologies. Chuck is a patent attorney registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and a former adjunct law professor for intellectual property matters. He is affiliated with LES and AssociT m9ԡ OK3333PDXfX Two-Minute Power Networkinghttp://www.pdxfx.org/events.htm2008-02-20 01:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-20 04:00:00ԡ =W3333Final Cut Pro user grouphttp://www.pdxfcpug.com/meetings.html2008-02-06 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-06 03:30:00 ԡ 7;3333Portland Ruby Brigadehttp://www.pdxruby.org/2008-02-08 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-08 05:00:00ԡ;[3333Portland Web Innovatorshttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/408293/2008-02-14 03:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-14 05:00:00 ԡ1E3333PMF dinner meetinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2008-02-20 00:00:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:06;bձ2008-02-20 04:00:00ge is a stunning movie palace full of wonder and surprises. For nearly four generations now, the Bagdad's Mediterranean and neon persona and daily offerings of celluloid adventures have made it an icon of Portland's vibrant Hawthorne District. A movie hall of the best sort, the Bagdad's interior is an attraction unto itself with barreled arches, ornate, wrought iron fixtures, brilliant-colored mosaic work, and painted and stenciled Mediterranean designs and mythical characters. Kick back in the theater and enjoy a slice of pizza and a handcrafted ale during the show, or come early and enjoy dinner in the casual pub that fronts the theater. But be forewarned -- outdoor tables in the summertime may be hard to come by! 3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214 http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=9&id=1762008-01-20 19:51:022008-05-07 13:30:573702 Se Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOR97214US@F\$^  :sVPpx (08@HPX`hpxh`XPH@80( xph`XP@?X=?7A4;.y*w%C!DGHLP NV}YuWp7i3aZ].=_Sac}x`wnujokjlcm\oXrT>FHIOTXZ^eku{U !$),/6;@HK6=\_otx & ) .55z;qDsL d Tailored Advocxԡ''K3]333Beer and BlogA beautiful day to socialize and network outside on the patio with cool drinks and good people.2009-05-29 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799063/2009-05-29 17:15:122009-05-29 17:15:12 ; ;bZ2009-05-30 01:00:00Vԡ&1{3]333CHIFOO Meeting: Understanding, Fostering, and Supporting Cultures of ParticipationPresented by Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado A culture’s penchant for participation is not dictated by technology; rather it is the result of changes in human behavior and social organization including innovative design, adoption, appropriation, and adaptation of technologies. Gerhard will share his experiences designing and assessing socio-technical environments for cultures of participation. His approach is grounded in the basic assumption that innovative technological developments are necessary for participation cultures, but they are not sufficient. Socio-technical systems are needed because the det +is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vit&C%3O33JqPortland Python Users GroupSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2008-12-10 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup#head-625af58dbe845daada81da40308e090db43dd11a2008-10-28 23:25:12 92008-12-10 05:00:00Q%[3133JqPDX PHPThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-12-10 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-10-28 23:24:10 92008-12-10 04:30:00 oo(oqLG $+27x3oU33C'Mc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2009-08-21 23:17:522009-08-21 23:34:084045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124United States@FBZc ^;b ;m)33)'Mt. Tabor Park2009-08-21 14:56:272009-08-21 17:53:00SE 60 & SalmonPortlandOregon97215United States@FrGE^+ J;b ?K,l3 e33/ PCC Sylvania Campushttp://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/sylvania/2009-08-20 21:52:502009-09-05 20:16:0712000 SW 49th AvePortlandOR97219US@FCrE^W kq+533 -BlitzBlitz was founded in February of 2007 with our Downtown Pearl District location. Our business plan was very simple. We wanted to create an environment where our customers could come in, enjoy our games, specials, drinks, and food; affordably.110 NW 10th Avehttp://blitzpdx.com/2009-08-20 06:54:432009-08-30 14:27:15PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q(503) 222 - 2229 ; Ah}A 6jM Ss3311 Adobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pdfs/seattlemap.pdf2009-08-19 01:12:422009-08-19 01:23:03701 N. 34th StreetSeattle WA98122US@G,^UDR?roberte3@gmail.com iOcQ 33/ W+K Portland Incubator Experimenthttp://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland-incubator-experiment-pie/1227 NW Davis Street, Portland, OR2009-08-18 19:42:082009-10-25 19:47:291227 NW Davis St.PortlandOR97209US@F)ϯ^υ @|?g 33G OHSU - BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 2009-08-18 06:29:152009-08-18 06:30:403181 SW Sam Jackson Park RoadPortlandor97239US@Fxh^u6 fA 33; Intel - Ronler Acres - RA12009-08-18 06:21:392009-10-01 18:16:15 2501 N.W 229th Avenue Hillsboroor97124US@F!%^D~or @ 6\E6c33='eROI2009-08-15 19:55:202009-08-15 20:42:02505 NW Couch\, Suite 300PortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^C%;bؾ 9`b/ a]335 )Charlie's Produce18332 NE San Raphael, Gresham, OR 97230 http://www.charliesproduce.com/portland/2009-08-15 18:01:292009-09-07 20:11:3818332 NE San RaphaelGreshamOR97230US@Fje^(503) 491-5974`/33?Nedspace Old Town2009-08-13 22:27:432009-08-14 17:47:24117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97209US@FL^:}];bؼ @0w_}33Webtrends 851 SW 6th Ave #1600, Portland, OR 97204-1343 2009-08-12 21:56:242009-08-14 18:01:52 ]E33+'Museum of Contemporary Craft2009-08-11 23:10:532009-08-14 17:47:31724 Nw Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F"`B^dZ;bػ ? {YE{D\' AC33 ' )OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy at NW 17thhttp://www.opensourcery.com2009-08-11 15:58:372009-10-29 20:00:13PortlandOregon97209 United States@F ^C%(503) 777-7033;bع =*[y 335 University of Oregon, White Stag Block, Enter on Couch2009-08-11 14:58:252009-08-15 18:16:1270 N.W. Couch StreetPortlandOR97209US@Fn ^EwU ?^Z3 ]A333 5Belle Vallee WineryThe Belle Vallee Winery has a meeting room upstairs which can hold 70 people, with a view of the winery and a kitchen attached. 804 NW Buchanan Ave,Corvallis, Or, 97330http://www.bellevallee.com2009-08-11 05:54:592009-08-11 06:05:20804 NW Buchanan AveCorvallisOregon97330US@FIjy^ЬW`(541) 757 WINE. • !Y/33Q'Old Town NedSpace2009-08-07 19:06:082009-08-07 22:11:09117 NW 5th Ave Portland\, OR 97209PortlandOregonUnited States@FnP^33333;bص @0 (Q{(& ) .u) ? 33+! Buckman School320 SE 16th Ave, Portland2009-08-25 17:02:562009-08-25 17:05:49320 SE 16th AvePortlandOregon97214-1484US@F\(^g,t? ?33/ %Umpqua Bank, SW Bond Ave.http://www.umpquabank.com2009-08-25 01:41:442009-11-04 18:50:063606 SW Bond Ave.PortlandOR 97239US@F[l7`^y503-288-5660Pr ;33+ Cinema 21Cinema 21 is an independently-owned, locally-operated movie theater.http://www.cinema21.com2009-08-24 20:52:122009-09-07 20:23:44616 NW 21st AvePortlandOR97209US@FÀ7*^q>Iq!33cinema 21 2009-08-24 20:51:502009-08-31 15:48:38 @r[pS/W/33- PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment)Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs.1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209http://piepdx.com2009-08-24 17:37:582009-10-25 19:47:321227 NW Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F)ϯ^υ @| ^U^eq (08@HPX`hpx4XSUq 33A PSU Professional Development CenterClassroom with projector and two big screens! Donated by the Professional Development Center of Portland State University. Tenth floor of a fancy office building. Tell the lobby guard that you are there for the group meeting.1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 972012009-08-07 17:53:342009-08-07 19:16:371515 SW 5th St, Suite 1050PortlandOR97210US@Fm]^>E >W)33A'OSU Foundation2009-08-07 03:36:512009-08-07 03:36:51707 SW Washington St # 500PortlandOregon97205United States@F¦L/{^tj~;bزV5333'Oregon Stamp Society2009-08-06 19:09:272009-08-07 18:47:214828 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211United States@FlC^bM;bذ =%U-33[%'Vintner's Cellar2009-08-06 19:08:162009-08-06 19:08:1615711 SE Happy Valley Town Center DriveHappy ValleyOregonUnited States@F7KƧ^lD;bد patio for Beer and Doggie's feature presentation: Career Transition! Whether you find yourself unemployed, underemployed, or unhappily employed, it's all for the dogs. We think you can do better. We think it's entirely possible for you to not only secure a steady paycheck, but land that job you lust for, even in "this economy". Career coach and strategist Brian Kurth of Career Transitions will explain how to use his straightforward 8-Steps of a Successful Career Transition to not only find a job, but find the job of your dreams. He'll cover defining your ideal job, finding a mentor, and creating an action plan, plus much more. Bring your well-mannered pooch and listen to Brian extol the virtues of what he calls his "vocationing" process, which has so far helped thousands of people land their dream gig. Learn how to find work you love, and soon you'll be saying you live a dog's life!2009-06-19 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-16 02:03:282009-06-16 02:03:28 ; 2009-06-20 01:00:00 m}Kmife. SEA Change seeks to unite progressive agents of positive change to foster cross-p,D/33]'NedSpace Old Town2009-07-23 23:55:232009-07-30 23:18:02117 NW Fifth Ave. (btwn Couch and Davis)PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^33333;b؜ @0-C7 W 333 OHSU South Waterfront3303 SW Bond Avenue, Portland, Oregon2009-07-23 16:23:382009-07-23 16:24:263303 SW Bond AvenuePortlandOregon97239US@F`k^|$=tB33'TBD2009-07-20 22:12:012009-07-20 23:46:20TBDPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bؘ :AA33K'About Us2009-07-20 21:01:092009-07-20 23:45:47107 SE Washington St. Suite 520PortlandOregon97214United States@Fd7^\(;bؗ 9 @!33+'NW Natural2009-07-20 16:57:172009-07-20 23:43:54220 NW 2nd Ave.PortlandOregon97210United States@F,zxl^ I^;bؔ >~?- 331 Port of Portland2009-07-19 21:58:532009-07-19 21:59:33121 NW Everett St.PortlandOR97209US@FLzy^\ G !f e!T ?33+ %North 45http://www.north45pub.com2009-08-05 23:51:592009-08-06 23:12:19517 NW 21st AvePortlandOR97209US@Fj;^q503-248-6317 RE33/'Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-07-30 22:56:142009-07-30 23:09:32112 SW Second AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^ I^;bخ ?!QK33+'Blitz bar in the Pearl District2009-07-30 22:56:062009-07-30 23:10:45110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^$;bح ;}P' 33/ Intel Capital2009-07-30 20:41:312009-07-30 23:57:592111 NE 25th Ave.HillsboroOR97124 US@F$|^AROU q 33E Portland State Business Accelerator SW Corbett Ave and SW Meade St, Portland, OR 972132009-07-30 18:26:212009-07-30 23:48:06Sw Corbett Ave & Sw Meade StPortlandOR97201US@F`X^:T 9M/ I33 Bagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-07-29 19:39:592009-09-07 20:52:52NFD 70 RdEstacadaOR00070US@F{k;=^׃ ^hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNL/ UM33+ )Deschutes Brewery210 NW 11th Ave, Portland, OR, 97209http://www.deschutesbrewery.com/2009-07-27 22:54:242009-07-27 22:55:21210 NW 11th AvePortlandOR97209US@F&^|N/(503) 296-4906$K Y 335 Tektronix3025 SW Zworykin Ave,Beaverton, Oregon2009-07-27 16:51:052009-07-27 16:51:463025 SW Zworykin AveBeavertonOregon97005US@F%1^_8.G533O'Teleclass (portland)2009-07-26 07:41:002009-07-26 07:41:00From the comfort of your own homePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bؠ!F133?#'page 10 accounting2009-07-26 07:40:322009-07-30 23:19:20607 Main Street Suite 240Oregon CityOregon97045United States@F\(^";b؟ @6E1 33%#' %Bravo Publications2009-07-26 07:38:152009-09-07 20:04:31630 B AvenueLake OswegoOregon97034United States@FoiDg^m503.675.1380;b؞ep and enduring changes of societies are not just technological, but social and cultural as well. Throughout the evening, Gerhard will encourage the audience to explore two themes: meta-design (a framework aimed at defining social and technical infrastructures in which new forms of collaborative design can take place) and social creativity (focused on harnessing the complex problem-solving power of our interactions with other people and shared artifacts). Learn more about Gerhard Fischer and his work at http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/247/ Registration begins at 6:30 pm. Program followed by questions from 7 - 9 pm. . We will meet for CHIFOOd, our traditional no-host dinner and chat session, at La Merde at Bistro Montage -- 301 SE Morrison (directly under the Morrison bridge) between 5 and 6:30 pm.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2789428/2009-05-29 05:14:572009-05-29 05:14:57 9;bY2009-06-04 02:00:00 Vz7n+bV@L-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:322009-01-06 10:32:32@K-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:302009-01-06 10:32:30@J-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:282009-01-06 10:32:28@I-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:252009-01-06 10:32:25@H-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:232009-01-06 10:32:23@G-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-06 10:32:212009-01-06 10:32:21@F-33;bWcreated 1 events2009-01-06 10:32:202009-01-06 10:32:20@E-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:372009-01-05 10:32:37@D-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:342009-01-05 10:32:34@C-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:302009-01-05 10:32:30@B-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:282009-01-05 10:32:28@A-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-05 10:32:262009-01-05 10:32:26@@-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:242009-01-05 10:32:24@?-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-05 10:32:222009-01-05 10:32:22 pp7 pԡ1y333Starveups Hot Seathttp://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=events&2007-07-13 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b` ԡ7g333SWE: Oregon Food Bankhttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-05-30 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b`ԡAg333SWE Gresham Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-05-31 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b`ԡEg333SWE Beaverton Meet and Greethttp://www.swe-columbia-river.org/calndr.html2007-06-04 18:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b`ԡ3333STC program meetinghttp://www.stcwvc.org/calendar_events_and_activities.html2007-06-22 01:00:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b` ԡQE333PMI: The Social Compass & Coachinghttp://www.pmi-portland.org/2007-05-30 14:30:002008-03-17 17:33:122008-06-18 13:19:05;b` ,,a%#Igw33=1)Fiserv CafeFiserv (http://www.fiserv.com/) is a provider of technology solutions to the financial world, including banks, credit unions, securities processing organizations, insurance companies, finance companies, and mortgage banks.3400 NW John Olsen Place Hillsboro, OR 97124 http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&cp=rkqpx14rt3np&style=o&lvl=1&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=5567239&sp=Point.rkqq594rt3yw_Fiserv%20Cafe_3400%20NW%20John%20Olsen%20Place__2009-11-18 15:50:402009-11-18 15:58:193400 NW John Olsen PlaceHillsboroOR97124US@FŴ^G,{erikmork@gmail.com(503) 752-6237d$Y33Lucky Labrador Brew Pub (SE Hawthorne)2009-11-16 06:50:262009-11-19 20:42:57 ; #= 331 Portland Central Library2009-11-14 06:16:182009-11-15 23:45:25801 S.W. 10th Ave.PortlandOR97205US@Fq͢^' ;Hp"q 33 Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, Oregon2009-11-13 21:08:482009-11-13 23:42:51 A s guitar * Jason and Jared, aka CRM114 Discriminator, performing an avant/noise piece originally premiered at ToorCamp * Simran, with the feedback organ * Peter, with his suitcase of mystery * You! Seriously, if you have something you'd like to show off, let us know and we'll get you some time on the mic. Preferrably, ping Jason, Don or me beforehand so we have some idea of what to expect, but don't worry if it's all last mi;$c?3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2008-12-09 03:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxfunc2008-10-28 23:22:36 92008-12-09 05:00:00 l.L*1 33 Downtown Hillsboro2009-11-20 21:43:192009-11-20 21:43:359)%A+33!'%sonarfhdufhdfuhdf3232 gay st, baltimore, mdhttp://blah.com2009-11-20 17:22:402009-11-20 17:23:31132 gay stbaltimoremd21231US@C7ɛS&MUimeme@meme.com703-333-3333"(K33/'Kell's Irish Restaurant and Pub2009-11-19 19:13:092009-11-19 20:50:23112 SW Second AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^ I^;b? ?Q's c 335 Lloyd Center Doubletree & Executive Meeting Center 1000 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 972322009-11-19 18:49:382009-11-19 20:42:151000 Ne Multnomah StPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4 :&)331'Lovejoy Bakers2009-11-19 00:03:182009-11-19 00:03:18939 NW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97209United States@F5Xy^$;b= z)Lz open to all walks of life. SEA Change seeks to unite progressive agents of positive change to fosterL;7 33E%i'CresaPartners Office 2009-07-15 17:23:552009-09-07 20:30:44One SW Columbia St. Ste 1610Portland, OROR97258US@FAK^;ʸhttp://www.cresapartners.com/offices/portland/503.598.3900 #9K/ 33/ ConwayConference rooms inside Conway.2055 NW Savier St2009-07-13 23:33:282009-07-13 23:34:112055 NW Savier StPortlandOR97227US@FĂY^e<&89 O 33+ Jason McArthur's house712 NE 52nd Ave, Portland, Oregon2009-07-12 02:31:032009-07-12 02:32:04712 NE 52nd AvePortlandOregon97213US@FéT!D^!7) 33- PacWest Center2009-07-11 08:14:422009-07-11 21:58:041211 SW 5th Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j ;Q61 g 33?#A Page 10 Accounting607 Main Street Suite 240, Oregon City, 970452009-07-11 00:17:152009-07-11 00:19:50607 Main Street Suite 240Oregon Cityor97045US@F4^Sdiane@page10accounting.comcommunity effort to connect developers working with open source. We're kicking things off with a town hall discussion and planning meeting on October 30th, 7:30pm at CubeSpace (located at 622 SE Grand Avenue in Portland). We'll talk about overall goals for the conference, then break into small working groups to start tackling the event planning needs. If you can, bring an audio or video recorder to help document the discussion. Please let us know if you can attend. If October 30 doesn't work for you, let us know as we are considering a second meeting during the day on the west-side. We'd very much like to have your participation in making this conference a fun, educational experience. You can RSVP by filling in the form at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p1ZDddPXGskYFX5NnM9FaXA&hl=en2008-10-31 02:30:00http://www.bridgepdx.org/2008-10-29 07:02:14 92008-10-31 04:00:00policies to be more environmentally sensitive, and the realization that China and the world cannot afford to follow the path T,T[YQԡ6U]3W333SCORE MaT)93O33JrRuby: November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-03 19:28:13 9;bZ2008-11-05 05:00:00U(;3O33Jrpdx.rb November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-03 19:28:13 9;bZ2008-11-05 05:00:00w'3O3q33JqPortland CocoaHeadsThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.2008-12-11 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-10-28 23:25:53 92008-12-11 05:00:00— Pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers.
    • Technology — Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure.
    • Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place?
    • In Summary — Sustaining your business is a continuing process and establishing a mentoring relationship helps to keep it going.
    • Guest speakers: Jim Smith, Chairman of the Portland Chapter of SCORE. Bridget Bayer, Opportunity Knocks Program Coordinator, Cost: $25.00 – includes workshop materials. Location: Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room 200 Market Street Portland, OR Phone: 503-224-8484
    To register, call Portland SCORE at 503.326-5211 or you can
    register online.Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis.2008-11-06 01:30:00http://www.scorepdx.org/2008-10-28 22:36:23 =2008-11-06 03:30:00e process improvement effort. These elements - culture, structure, and politics - can be modeled as the fundamental components of an integrated, interdependent system that, in effect, represents or surrounds the working environment. This presentation offers a conceptual overview of the cultural, structural, political (CuSP) model, with a deeper examination of the cultural aspects. A selection of thinking tools are provided that can be used to gain a deeper level of understanding of the cultural forces inherent in the working environment. Greater understanding leads to an improved ability to detect, manage, and influence the direction of these forces to better enable and drive software process improvement. The audience is encouraged to participate, so feel free to come prepared with questions that you have on culture within your team, your organization, or the software development community. Speaker Bio: Alfredo Zangara works with the Learning Solutions Team within the Corporate Platform Office at Intel what drives your customer?
  • Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit.
  • Financial Plan — The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth.
  • Competition — Pay attention to your competitors and how they deliver value to their customers.
  • Technology — Deploying this vital lifeline can be the difference between success or failure.
  • Advisory Board — Do you have a support network in place?
  • In Summary — Sustaining your business is a continuing process and establishing a mentoring relationship helps to keep it going.
  • Guest speakers: Jim Smith, Chairman of the Portland Chapter of SCORE. Bridget Bayer, Opportunity Knocks Program Coordinator, Cost: $25.00 – includes workshop materials. Location: Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room 200 Market Street Portland, OR Phone: 503-224-8484 2008-11-06 01:30:00http://www.scorepdx.org/2008-10-28 22:35:34 =2008-11-06 03:30:00 \\gest social networking event for Web Analytics Professionals, connecting thous.//U3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. Cre8Camp is a non-profit event affiliated with the Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con). Registration Fee: $102008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-29 19:04:41 ;b2008-11-15 23:00:00.? 3533Jq Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle2008-11-18 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-10-29 15:31:57 92008-11-18 04:00:00e-EK3?33JqOpen Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge will be a completely volunteer-run, ' H+HP>Nԡ_C 3s33JqPortland Python Users GroupThe Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon. Next Meeting * When: Tuesday, November 11th 2008 at 7pm * Where: CubeSpace, SE Grand * What: o Perhaps more of what's New in 2.6 and 3.0? o list topics you would like to discuss here 2008-11-12 03:00:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2008-10-28 22:18:54 92008-11-12 05:00:00Q[3133JqPDX PHPThe Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers.2008-11-12 02:30:00http://pdxphp.org/2008-10-28 22:17:31 92008-11-12 04:30:00 ]]ystems and Planar, will lead this lunch discussion about attracting, motivatinge,EK3?33JqOpen Source Bridge Town HallOpen Source Bridge will be a completely volunteer-run, {X+93O33JrRuby: November meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area.2008-11-05 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/712008-11-03 19:28:11 9;bZJq2008-11-05 05:00:00L*Y3=33JqSeven Steps Business Planning WorkshopThe Existing Business Resource Team of Portland SCORE invites you to a workshop to help existing business owners survive and grow profitably in a down economy. What to expect:
    • Planning — A planning process is a necessity for an existing business.
    • Customers — Do you understand what drives your customer?
    • Products and Services — You need to think value not feature or benefit.
    • Financial Plan — The financial landscape helps you raise the capital necessary for growth.
    • Competition + Zs Study for 2009 (Download the report at http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html). We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprofit organizations to provide you with reliable new data, answering questions like: * How is the financial crisis affecting online fundraising? * How do my targeted emails, appeals to non-donors, phone call alerts, and more compare t {}3I33JqDiscover The Fundamentals of Search Engine OptimizationOctober 2008 Hot Seat - Back To Basics Search Engine Optimization Discover The Fundamen#333JqAeA Emerging Business Networking Event: Building/Scaling Your TeamPanel members lead a discussion or experts in the field present relevant topics for emerging business professionals in the technology industry. These events are open to member and non-member companies.2008-11-13 08:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108042008-10-13 14:16:10 :$2008-11-13 08:00:00/ Corporation. His current area of focus is in the development and delivery of structured learning solutions for project information management systems, with an emphasis on risk management methodology and risk information management. Prior to joining Intel four years ago, Alfredo held a variety of management and engineering support positions at Hewlett-Packard Company over a span of fourteen years. Alfredo is a certified Project Management Professional and active member of the Project Management Institute. How to Register This is a FREE lecture sponsored by the Rose City SPIN. To register, please click on the box in the left hand corner at the top of this page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. The seminar will be held in the dining room of the Wilson Clark Center on the OGI campus. The Wilson Clark Center is Building #3 on the OGI Campus Map. Rose City SPIN The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual s <=9<;rU9 3 ' = Ambridge Event Center Ambridge Event Center is moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. On MLK between NE Halsey and NE Clackamas. BTW, the Google map on this page does NOT show correct location. 1300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR 973322008-12-17 01:33:27PortlandOregon97232US@Fb^]< 503-239-9921^T9[ 3 ' = Ambridge Event Center Ambridge Event Center is moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. On MLK between NE Halsey and NE Clackamas. BTW, the Google map on this page does NOT show correct location. 1300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 2008-12-17 01:03:56PortlandOregon97232US@Fb^]< 503-239-9921KS9? 3 ' = Ambridge Event Center Moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. 300 N.E. Multnomah Street2008-12-17 00:57:40PortlandOregon97232US@Fb^]< 503-239-9921cle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include:
      • How to define the sales cycle for your business
      • What are the typical stages of a sales cycle?
      • How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process?
      • Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times
      • Sales cycle reduction examples
    • Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:38:38 :2009-05-14 18:00:00often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include:
      • How to define the sales cycle for your business
      • What are the typical stages of a sales cycle?
      • How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process?
      • Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times
      • Sales cycle reduction examples
      Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:39:18 :2009-05-14 18:00:00often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include:
      • How to define the sales cycle for your business
      • What are the typical stages of a sales cycle?
      • How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process?
      • Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times
      • Sales cycle reduction examples
      Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-04 21:39:33 :2009-05-14 18:00:00 qq other earned media; internet advertising; dynamics of the iTunes store (ratings vs. units sold, targn-I3i33JuNike on Beijing Olympics: NW China Council China Business Network Series spacerThis program is g -i333JvRPDX Django LunchThe weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django. This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart. PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-05 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/msg/7fc2f516bb3c59c92009-05-04 23:18:41 ?2009-05-05 20:30:00ate properties. He started his Nike career 12 years ago as a product line manager for Nike Basketball, then went on to footwear product marketing and global category footwear leadership roles. At his current position as Global Vice President and GM of Men’s Athletic Training, he is leading an integrated consumer-oriented focus across footwear, apparel and equipment for the category. He is also responsible for American football and baseball, two important sports for Nike that are closely aligned with training. OPTIONAL NIKE CAMPUS TOUR: There will be an optional, guided 30-minutes Nike Campus walking tour at the end of the meeting. Please wear comfortable walking shoes if you would like to join the tour. Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID. Please add $5 handling charge to above for registration after Monday May 4, 5pm. Tickets: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-05-06 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090506cbn.html2009-05-05 00:09:41 ?2009-05-06 20:30:00enerously sponsored by ----MIM Master of International Management ----Portland State University Lunch Presentation by Kris Aman, Global Vice President and General Manager of Men’s Athletic Training at Nike Inc. Kris Aman was responsible for leading the global business vision for Nike’s Beijing Olympics effort – one of the most ambitious and successful brand project in Nike’s history. Kris will discuss his experience with the Nike brand and the Beijing Olympics - connecting the consumer to sport and innovation through the Beijing Olympics. He will also discuss the current consumer and market trends in relations to the athletic industry and the economic situation in China. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A college athlete and University of Washington graduate, Kris is off the court and into the business side of sports. With a degree in Advertising/Communications, Kris joined Sun Sportswear where he honed his skills in product merchandising, trends, development, design direction and licensing with major corpore things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. What kinds of people and topics will be discussed? This event is community driven and is what you make it. It provide cross pollination between many different kinds of folks from all walks of life. Topics may include remote sensing, geoinformatics, forestry and agriculture, food chain transparency, civil engineering, emergency disaster relief, urban planning, local search, context awareness, place hacking, social cartography, citizen journalism, locative gaming, psychogeography, locative art, and beyond. Expect to participate in conversations on the nature of place as described in pixels, with rays, on paper, and by social practice!2008-10-18 01:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-05-14 14:01:56 ?2008-10-19 22:00:00 qq{hUC0 ubP>,r_M:(l t Uc3]33JvUBeer and Blog - Network registrationTime to get your account for the Beer and Blog network! Registration only available at the offline meetups.2009-05-08 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567912/2009-05-05 18:24:49 ; ;b:2009-05-09 01:00:00fI3i33JuNike on Beijing Olympics: NW China Council China Business Network SeriesThis program is g  ]3333JvTPortland Linux/Unix Group: Displaying HD Video Content with a PC PRESENTATION l{3]33JvSOnline chat on Portland's startup scene, with The OregonianWe'll be talking about the forces that helped revive tech entrepreneurship in Oregon, and their outlook. The discussion follows up on Saturday's article on Portland's startup culture.2009-05-05 19:00:00http://blog.oregonlive.com/siliconforest2009-05-05 00:21:02 ?2009-05-05 20:00:00 Displaying HD Video Content with a PC, Presented from a Linux User's Perspective by Terry Griffin A discussion of issues associated with displaying High Definition (HD) video content using a PC, focusing on the data path from the PC to the display. Particular attention will be given to issues unique to Linux/FOSS but much of the presentation will be applicable to any HD video setup. Note: Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web browser, and if you register, you can also participate in the chat, and Randal might relay your questions to the speaker. The recording of the session will be available afterward at the same address. 2009-05-08 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-05-05 04:35:46 >2009-05-08 04:00:00ate properties. He started his Nike career 12 years ago as a product line manager for Nike Basketball, then went on to footwear product marketing and global category footwear leadership roles. At his current position as Global Vice President and GM of Men’s Athletic Training, he is leading an integrated consumer-oriented focus across footwear, apparel and equipment for the category. He is also responsible for American football and baseball, two important sports for Nike that are closely aligned with training. OPTIONAL NIKE CAMPUS TOUR: There will be an optional, guided 30-minutes Nike Campus walking tour at the end of the meeting. Please wear comfortable walking shoes if you would like to join the tour. Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID. Please add $5 handling charge to above for registration after Monday May 4, 5pm. Tickets: http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php2009-05-06 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090506cbn.html2009-05-05 06:05:11 ?2009-05-06 20:30:00enerously sponsored by ----MIM Master of International Management ----Portland State University Lunch Presentation by Kris Aman, Global Vice President and General Manager of Men’s Athletic Training at Nike Inc. Kris Aman was responsible for leading the global business vision for Nike’s Beijing Olympics effort – one of the most ambitious and successful brand project in Nike’s history. Kris will discuss his experience with the Nike brand and the Beijing Olympics - connecting the consumer to sport and innovation through the Beijing Olympics. He will also discuss the current consumer and market trends in relations to the athletic industry and the economic situation in China. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A college athlete and University of Washington graduate, Kris is off the court and into the business side of sports. With a degree in Advertising/Communications, Kris joined Sun Sportswear where he honed his skills in product merchandising, trends, development, design direction and licensing with major corpor company's competitors weakened by the economic downturn? Are their signs of a problem? * You hear they didn't get a second round of funding. * A friend tells you about staff reductions. * You're not seeing them at trade shows. * Their marketing engine fizzled. * Salespeople are calling your firm looking for a new gig. What do you do? 1. Play the waiting game and watch from afar hoping they spiral downward and out of existence 2. Fuel the fire with an aggressive campaign of your own pointing out the differences between your stable company and this weakened competitor Is the law of the jungle appropriate or do we take the high road and wait it out? In this session, you'll hear arguments for both sides. You'll hear from marketing and sales professionals who say, "kick em while they're down" and others who say fate will take its course - no extra help required. What's your perspective? What are the ethical boundaries? When does pouncing the weak make you look bad? How can you ratchet up the attack without hurting your credibility? We'll debate how aggressive marketing and sales people can be in today's climate of relatively stronger/weaker competitors. Do salespeople encourage customers to ask for financial statements? What should companies do (if strong or weak) to defend and/or add to their market positions. Moderator Brian McCarthy, Adjunct Professor, Portland State University School of Business Administration + Oregon Executive MBA Program Speaker Panel Bill Piwonka, Sr. Director Marketing, Ethics Point Bill Booth, Business Development Manager, Babcock and Jenkins Kevin Cancilla, Director, Corporate & International Marketing, Tripwire Jason Lander, Founder, Vice President of Product & Business Development2009-05-19 14:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567967/2009-05-05 18:56:55 >;b;2009-05-19 14:30:00bב2009-01-28 03:00:00 OO}jWD1 ubO<)m- -)333JvRPDX Django LunchUPDATE: djangopony writes: Heading to Portland for a magical django lunch with @igalko and crew. ^_^ -- http://twitter.com/djangopony/status/1708120665 The weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django. This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart. PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-05 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/msg/7fc2f516bb3c59c92009-05-05 19:01:52 ?2009-05-05 20:30:00xciting and dynamic 3-day course introduces learners to the lifecycle of managing IT services to deliver to business expectations. As well as an engaging, case study based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice, this course also positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam, required for entry into the future ITIL v3 intermediate level training courses. The ITIL Version 3 best practice is composed of five core disciplines: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operations and Continual Service Improvement. These disciplines represent a service life cycle framework that further enhances alignment to the business while demonstrating business value, ROI and enabling IT to solve specific operational needs. #saopdx #itil2009-06-04 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567979/2009-05-05 19:02:04 ?;b<2009-06-04 06:00:00e owners.2009-03-10 14:30:00http://www.sempdx.org2009-01-27 19:15:48 :$2009-03-11 01:00:00 ++#|iVC0 hb-333JvRPDX Django LunchThe weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django. This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart. *NEW*: @djangopony will be present: http://twitter.com/djangopony/status/1708120665 PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-05 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/msg/7fc2f516bb3c59c92009-05-05 19:00:50 ?2009-05-05 20:30:00I3]33JvVSAOpdx: Sharp Wits and Sharp Knives: Slice and Dice your CompetitionIs one of your LL. Explore technology entrepreneurship fundamentals . Discover how 0 E93]33JvXSAOpdx: Selling Software in a Down Economy by Improving Your Ability to Sell Value (webinar)The third webinar in this series will emphasize the critical importance of selling value of your software and services solution in today's economy. We no longer believe selling value is optional for the professional software salesperson, rather it is mandatory. In this session you'll learn how to articulate your software/service's value proposition. You'll also learn the skill of presenting your solution as a necessary high ROI investment, that your prospects should prioritize, instead of a high cost expense that gets differed to the next quarter or next year. There is no fee for this webinar. Presenter: Jim Allen, Author of "Value Based Selling - A Software Sales Methodology" #saopdx2009-06-04 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567991/2009-05-05 19:07:25 ?;b=2009-06-04 17:00:00 |iVC0 r`M:'|iVC0 utrial Psychol2 JyuzMG3]33JsArduino Programming Work & Learn***UPDATE*** 01/27 - We will be having the event despite the snow!! Ever wanted to control your toaster from Twitter? Or make your plants call you when they need watering? Or help Kashmiri shepherds prevent their flocks from wandering into a military frontier? This quick talk and hack session will give you a hands-on introduction to the Arudino, an open source physical computing platform designed to help programmers, designers, and artists build exactly these kinds of real world interaction projects. We'll take a whirlwind tour of the Arduino software and hardware with examples from actual projects and then split up into groups to build our own. All experience levels and interest types we S]3]33JvWSAOpdx: ITIL Foundations V3 w/ examCourse Dates: June 3-5, 2009 This e utives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on th ?3]33JtThe Art of Agile DeliveryLearn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. Industry experts James` ?!3]33JtThe Art of Agile PlanningLearn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, industry experts James Shore and Diana Larsen will teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working with stakeholders Project managers, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.2009-06-08 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124404/2009-05-22 15:46:09 :;b>2009-06-09 00:00:00 ffecutives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. Request to join the "StartUp Exchange" group on the social network. It's an invite only group where ideas can be circulated between entrepreneurs. Our events are organized into 3 categories so attendees can talk with peers experiencing the same issues. Before the event post the specific topics that you would like to discuss on the social network group. Those topics will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. Come to discuss those specific topics or to participate in one, or multiple, of the 3 areas that the group will continually be divided into: 1. Have code, need customers 2. Have customers, need code 3. Have code and customers, need business support Thanks Chime Software for letting us use your awesome office and for/w3 33Jv8Gumbo Study GroupMatt LeGrand will present on Skin Classes in Flex 4. 2009-05-07 01:30:002009-05-05 19:28:20 ?2009-05-07 03:00:00 HH[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1519758/ ] Pl4W13]33Jv[SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate SOA w/ examCourse Dates: June 15-19, 2009 This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL® v3 Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Service Offerings and Agreements of services and service delivery. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices during the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. #saopdx #itil2009-06-16 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2568033/2009-05-05 19:34:52 9;b@2009-06-16 06:00:00 Shore and Diana Larsen use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. The instructors split the group as appropriate to ensure that programmers get plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - Working with stakeholders - Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development - Test-driven development - Refactoring - Code management - Continuous integration - Exploratory testing - Pairing - Incremental design and risk-driven architecture - Cross-functional collaboration Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.2009-06-10 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124417/2009-05-22 15:46:33 :;b?2009-06-11 00:00:00often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include:
      • How to define the sales cycle for your business
      • What are the typical stages of a sales cycle?
      • How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process?
      • Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times
      • Sales cycle reduction examples
      Location: Online Date and Time: Thursday, May 14, 10 - 11 AM Cost: Free to OEN Members, $30 for non-members Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. 2009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-06 07:38:50 :2009-05-14 18:00:00 m|iVC0 vcP=*p]J7%lheHB A@VenueG} nI 3 33Jv\Independent Consultants MeetupAre you an independent consultant or thinking about becoming one? Come network with other local independents, and share success stories and tips and tricks for starting and running your own business. Contact @incanus77 or @hal_pomeranz for further info.2009-05-22 01:00:002009-05-06 17:15:08 ?2009-05-22 03:00:00nI 3 33Jv\Independent Consultants MeetupAre you an independent consultant or thinking about becoming one. Come network with other local independents, and share success stories and tips and tricks for starting and running your own business. Contact @incanus77 or @hal_pomeranz for further info.2009-05-22 01:00:002009-05-06 17:12:31 ?2009-05-22 03:00:00A3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sales Cycle Start-ups  LLry 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehens0E93]33JvXSAOpdx: Selling Software in a Down Economy by Improving Your Ability to Sell Value (webinar)The third webinar in this series will emphasize the critical importance of selling value of your software and services solution in today's economy. We no longer believe selling value is optional for the professional software salesperson, rather it is mandatory. In this session you'll learn how to articulate your software/service's value proposition. You'll also learn the skill of presenting your solution as a necessary high ROI investment, that your prospects should prioritize, instead of a high cost expense that gets differed to the next quarter or next year. There is no fee for this webinar. Presenter: Jim Allen, Author of "Value Based Selling - A Software Sales Methodology" #saopdx2009-06-04 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567991/2009-05-06 19:19:09 :;b=2009-06-04 17:00:00 ne Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and attends local and national professional development events regula Oe3]33Jv]Portland Werewolf - May GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-05-14 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570198/2009-05-06 19:44:04 ; ;bA2009-05-14 03:00:00nI 3 33Jv\Independent Consultants MeetupAre you an independent consultant or thinking about becoming one? Come network with other local independents, and share success stories and tips and tricks for starting and running your own business. Contact @incanus77 or @hal_pomeranz for further info.2009-05-22 01:00:002009-05-06 19:20:10 :2009-05-22 03:00:00locations? If a security guard, a policeman, or a stranger demands you hand over your camera or memory chip must you do so or is this just harassment? Can you copyright a photograph, your written words, or your You Tube Videos by just placing a c with a circle around it, or just writing the word copyright on the item? When do you need a model release and what is the proper wording? If a release is valid in New York is it good nationwide? Can you publish photos for editorial use or for an art book or exhibition without getting a release? Can you reuse images, or various writings from the web? Can you use some, all, or none? What is privileged under the fair use doctrine? The answer to many of the above questions is: it depends. Fortunately our speaker, Eric Prager, is an intellectual property lawyer and focuses much of his practice on digital media and content issues. He is a partner in the New York office of law firm K&L Gates. K&L Gates is an international law firm with 1700 lawyers around globe. He will address copyright issues associated with digital photography and other content, publicity/privacy rights, and model releases. Eric will also touch upon image rights that some building owners claim to have in the appearance of their buildings. And the best part may be that Eric will take questions on any intellectual property issues we want to th row his way, from patent trolls to counterfeit DVDs to software licensing. Erics background is truly impressive, have a look at his website: http://www.klgates.com/professionals/Detail.aspx?professional=5837 The Meeting is Free and Open to All. If you are not a member we hope you will become one so we can continue to bring you good meetings like this one. New York, NY 10001 - USA Thursday, May 21 at 6:15 PM Photo: http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/b/9/c/event_311164.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://pc.meetup.com/49/calendar/10205745/2009-05-21 22:15:00http://pc.meetup.com/49/calendar/10205745/2009-05-06 21:17:44;bG2009-05-22 00:15:00 ""Getimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as93333JpVenture Northwest 2008It starts with a simple seed. But from that seed grows strong, vibrant and sustainable companies that are ripe f# [3M33JtEntrepreneurship Forum: Start-up funN_a3a33Jv^The New York Personal Computer May MeetupPC Meetups > The New York Personal Computer Meetup Group Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age Presented by Eric Prager An intellectual property lawyer specializing in digital media Thursday January 15, 2009 7PM Copyright laws have been around for a long time, but the digital age is - well pretty new. Are the old laws really inadequate? Is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act a good thing? Can you legally photograph in the subways, City Streets, Grand Central Station, Central Park, Disneyland, etc. How about photographing private property within view of a public street, such as store windows? Are celebrity photos fair game: even in private   only by the participants Y=13E33Jq OEN Webinar - Building Brands and Managing Reputations via Social Media, with Kent LewisDo you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you$ [3M33o73]33Jv_Portland Web Innovators - The Story of RumblefishPaul Anthony shares how he turned a dorm room idea in 1996 into a business that went on to invent "sonic branding" and change the rules in a music industry that is known for being set in its ways. Its Music Licensing Store makes it easy for anyone to pay artists for use in podcasts, web videos and more. Check out Rumblefish: http://rumblefish.com Read the 2005 Inc story on Rumblefish: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20050501/rumblefish.html Then join us downtown at Oracle on the first Wednesday in May to learn about this Portland success story.2009-05-07 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2416042/2009-05-06 22:19:59 <;bH2009-05-07 02:00:00 EE5ies for them to share their stories witJ&k3333JtTrust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome the Open Source Digital Voting Founda7'3333Jv`Making Sense of User Centered Design and Agile, w Lane Halley and Jeff PattonLove it or hate it, everyone seems to be talking about Agile. Agile is used at scrappy startups that are iteratively defining their products and markets and at large companies with complex business problems working with internationally distributed teams. In each of these different settings, some folks are strong advocates of Agile, while some are still skeptics. Some people in the User-Centered Design (UCD) community dismiss Agile as a fad, others have embraced it whole-heartedly. Can these two worlds intersect?2009-05-07 02:00:00http://bit.ly/UFfsk2009-05-06 23:07:26 92009-05-07 04:00:00  \ nights to show thei0W13]33JvaSoMe Award Winners: Real ConversationSoMe Award Winners: Real Conversation Case Studies in originality, effectiveness, and creativity Were you there at the NW SoMe Awards last month? Did it leave you wanting to know more about the people and strategies behind the award-winning projects?  Q3m33JvPPerl Mongers: QA Panel / Tool ExpoPDX.pm meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:53pm, typically at Free Geek. Meetings are free-of-charge for all PortlandPerlMongerMembers. The cost for non-members is $2,000,000,000.00 per person. What tools and techniques do you use to keep your project shiny and well-oiled? Bring a sample for show-and-tell, or just a few things to say about it. Please see the kwiki link for the latest details about this meeting. Our panels always lead to interesting and surprising discussion.2009-05-14 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?May2009Meeting2009-05-06 23:07:53 92009-05-14 04:00:00At our May meeting, you’ll get all the behind-the-scenes info from four award winners. They’ll speak to the how, why, and creative of their projects, sharing what it takes to be noteworthy. Of course, your questions on the objectives, execution, outcomes and metrics about their projects will yield SoMe answers. Panelists include: Jeff Katz Project lead Twitalyzer Hannah Smith, Embracing the love – Building a Fan Club for Tillamook® Cheese Conkling, Fiskum & McCormick Kevin Tate Founder StepChange Martin Stoll CEO Twisitor Center GoSeeTell Network While this event is free, capacity is limited at Bay 13. RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570314/ before Friday, May 15, to guarantee your attendance. We’ll be cutting off RSVPs at 80 people. For more information, email us at socialmediapdx@gmail.com or tweet to us @SocialMediaclubPDX. Hope to see you there! Social Media Club Portland 2009-05-19 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2570314/2009-05-06 23:21:42 ?2009-05-19 03:00:00 phen. Thank you for YO)3E33JqBusiness Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviewx+] 333JtStrange Love Live is taking the week off2009-03-20 00:00:002:o3q33JvNPortland Pythoneers: Distributed Version Control System Showdown!Python Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-13 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-06 23:24:27 9;b92009-05-13 04:00:00 l be selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A[09 o3q33JvNPortland Pythoneers: Distributed Version Control System ShowcasePython Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-13 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10188449/2009-05-07 15:43:21 9;b92009-05-13 04:00:00ompanies apply information technology solutions to address specific problems that are arising in the emerging clean-energy marketplace. Shorepower & Synkromotive have merged together and are applying power electronics and software to the electric vehicle and battery storage space. Powermand has developed a demand response system to radically improve the efficiency of the monitoring, production and use of electricity. RNA Networks has developed a software solution that optimizes the energy efficiency of servers and data centers. The panelists will discuss how various emerging applications can help the country migrate towards a widespread clean, distributed and decentralized energy model and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions directly of the panel members. MODERATOR Ted Bernhard, Attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Ted Bernhard is a corporate and securities lawyer who focuses on rapid-growth and clean-technology enterprises, and on renewable-energy development companies. He also has ex :'hreE-3533JvcPDX Firefox Developers GroupFirst meeting for anyone interested in hacking on Firefox or Firefox extensions.2009-05-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-firefox-dev/browse_thread/thread/3ef094330f55d4df2009-05-07 19:38:47 >2009-05-14 03:00:00E'3533JvcPDX Firefox Developers GroupFirst meeting for anyone interested on hacking Firefox or Firefox extensions.2009-05-14 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-firefox-dev/browse_thread/thread/3ef094330f55d4df2009-05-07 19:34:30 >2009-05-14 03:00:00B9G333JvbEncyclopedic AmbitionsOPB program Think Out Loud will feature Pete Forsyth of WikiProject Oregon (the community of Oregon Wikipedia editors) and Bill Lang of the Oregon Encyclopedia (an online effort by the Oregon Historical Society and PSU's history department). Call-in format invites questions from you!2009-05-08 16:00:00http://www.opb.org/thinkoutloud/shows/encyclopedic-ambitions/2009-05-07 17:44:23 ?2009-05-08 17:00:00tensive experience handling work for traditional high-tech companies and a variety of private investment funds. Ted has handled complex transactions for more than 100 of the Pacific Northwest's fastest growing public and private technology companies, and served recently as managing director of the region's largest boutique technology investment bank, focusing on clean-tech deals. PANELISTS Dan Russell, CEO of PowerMand, Inc. Dan Russell,former Vice President of Intel Corporation leads PowerMand. During his 21 years at Intel, he held positions spanning technical, marketing and sales, and ran several large business groups. His diverse achievements range from building a multi-billion dollar motherboard business to developing programs enabling software developers and solution integrators to optimize and deploy applications for Intel's iA64 and iA32 architecture. Dan holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Idaho, and an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Clive Cook, CEO of RNA Networks Clive Cook has a track record of success building and leading technology businesses. Combining expertise in management, strategic business development and technology application, Mr. Cook is an architect of both products and business models. At VeriLAN, Inc., Mr. Cook led the multi-billion dollar consortium of companies seeking to build, own and operate large wireless infrastructure projects. As CEO of Elematics, Clive led the company from business plan development, financing, and deployment. Clive worked in management positions for Nortel Networks, Acterna (now JDSU) and Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman). Clive has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary and earned his master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Carleton University. He holds an M.B.A. from the Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. Mr. Cook is on the Board of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). Chris Bakken, President & Chief Strategy Officer at Synkro Motive LLC Mr. Bakken has over 20 years of management, start-up, operations, and sales & marketing experience. His industry experience ranges from specialty chemicals, biotechnology, the baking industry, and start-up consulting. Mr. Bakken set up Asian operations in Singapore and from that base built an overseas sales organization from the ground up for Buckman Laboratories, a leading international specialty chemical manufacturer. Ultimately Mr. Bakken served as the Division Manager for East Asia. Upon returning home, Mr. Bakken was presented with the challenge of growing micro algae in Oregon by an investment group. He was instrumental in securing investor funding and built the infrastructure and technical and production team that transformed the idea into a reality. Mr. Bakken then went on to be a key player in the vertical integration of a national baking mix R&D firm that lead to its acquisition by Cargill. A consulting position introduced Mr. Bakken to the green and renewable energy segment and in that role built what was the largest electric car dealership in the US. The experience led him to start Rogue Energy with the aim of providing the next generation batteries to the US market. In late 2008 Rogue Energy was part of a three way merger with SynkroMotive LLC and Shorepower Technologies focused on the design, build, and marketing of electric vehicle charging stations. As the President and Chief Strategy Officer for SynkroMotive he is very active in the State's effort to become the leader in electric transportation infrastructure. He has consulted to various renewable energy start ups providing local management and operations expertise. Mr. Bakken holds a BS in Marine Biology from Oregon State University. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, May 12th. Please contact the OEN office at 2009-05-07 22:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=562009-05-07 21:59:05 :62009-05-07 23:00:00ly information technology solutions to address specific problems that are arising in the emerging clean-energy marketplace. Shorepower & Synkromotive have merged together and are applying power electronics and software to the electric vehicle and battery storage space. Powermand has developed a demand response system to radically improve the efficiency of the monitoring, production and use of electricity. RNA Networks has developed a software solution that optimizes the energy efficiency of servers and data centers. The panelists will discuss how various emerging applications can help the country migrate towards a widespread clean, distributed and decentralized energy model and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions directly of the panel members. MODERATOR Ted Bernhard, Attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Ted Bernhard is a corporate and securities lawyer who focuses on rapid-growth and clean-technology enterprises, and on renewable-energy development companies. He also has extensive expe n Planning A planning process is a necessity for an existing business. Customers Do you understand what drives your customer? Products and Services You need to think value not feature or benefit. Financial Plan The financial lan";3E33JvQWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Sale3!!3E33JvdOEN PubTalk™ - The Intersection of Information Technology & Clean EnergyJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres. The May Pubtalk features a panel of experts from companies operating at the intersection of information technology and clean energy. These companies app' !i3E33JvdOEN PubTalk™ - The Intersection of Information Technology & Clean EnergyJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres. The May Pubtalk features a panel of experts from companies operating at the intersection of information technology and clean energy. These crience handling work for traditional high-tech companies and a variety of private investment funds. Ted has handled complex transactions for more than 100 of the Pacific Northwest's fastest growing public and private technology companies, and served recently as managing director of the region's largest boutique technology investment bank, focusing on clean-tech deals. PANELISTS Dan Russell, CEO of PowerMand, Inc. Dan Russell,former Vice President of Intel Corporation leads PowerMand. During his 21 years at Intel, he held positions spanning technical, marketing and sales, and ran several large business groups. His diverse achievements range from building a multi-billion dollar motherboard business to developing programs enabling software developers and solution integrators to optimize and deploy applications for Intel's iA64 and iA32 architecture. Dan holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Idaho, and an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Clive Cook, CEO of RNA Networks Clive Cook has a track record of success building and leading technology businesses. Combining expertise in management, strategic business development and technology application, Mr. Cook is an architect of both products and business models. At VeriLAN, Inc., Mr. Cook led the multi-billion dollar consortium of companies seeking to build, own and operate large wireless infrastructure projects. As CEO of Elematics, Clive led the company from business plan development, financing, and deployment. Clive worked in management positions for Nortel Networks, Acterna (now JDSU) and Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman). Clive has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary and earned his master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Carleton University. He holds an M.B.A. from the Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. Mr. Cook is on the Board of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). Chris Bakken, President & Chief Strategy Officer at Synkro Motive LLC Mr. Bakken has over 20 years of management, start-up, operations, and sales & marketing experience. His industry experience ranges from specialty chemicals, biotechnology, the baking industry, and start-up consulting. Mr. Bakken set up Asian operations in Singapore and from that base built an overseas sales organization from the ground up for Buckman Laboratories, a leading international specialty chemical manufacturer. Ultimately Mr. Bakken served as the Division Manager for East Asia. Upon returning home, Mr. Bakken was presented with the challenge of growing micro algae in Oregon by an investment group. He was instrumental in securing investor funding and built the infrastructure and technical and production team that transformed the idea into a reality. Mr. Bakken then went on to be a key player in the vertical integration of a national baking mix R&D firm that lead to its acquisition by Cargill. A consulting position introduced Mr. Bakken to the green and renewable energy segment and in that role built what was the largest electric car dealership in the US. The experience led him to start Rogue Energy with the aim of providing the next generation batteries to the US market. In late 2008 Rogue Energy was part of a three way merger with SynkroMotive LLC and Shorepower Technologies focused on the design, build, and marketing of electric vehicle charging stations. As the President and Chief Strategy Officer for SynkroMotive he is very active in the State's effort to become the leader in electric transportation infrastructure. He has consulted to various renewable energy start ups providing local management and operations expertise. Mr. Bakken holds a BS in Marine Biology from Oregon State University. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, May 12th. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-22702009-05-07 22:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=562009-05-07 21:59:41 :62009-05-07 23:00:00s Cycle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: * How to define the sales cycle for your business * What are the typical stages of a sales cycle? * How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process? * Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times * Sales cycle reduction examples Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. OEN member: free Non-member: $302009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-12 21:39:35 :2009-05-14 18:00:00.or.us $5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members Includes finger food and no-host ba ly information technology solutions to address specific problems that are arising in the emerging clean-energy marketplace. Shorepower & Synkromotive have merged together and are applying power electronics and software to the electric vehicle and battery storage space. Powermand has developed a demand response system to radically improve the efficiency of the monitoring, production and use of electricity. RNA Networks has developed a software solution that optimizes the energy efficiency of servers and data centers. The panelists will discuss how various emerging applications can help the country migrate towards a widespread clean, distributed and decentralized energy model and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions directly of the panel members. MODERATOR Ted Bernhard, Attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Ted Bernhard is a corporate and securities lawyer who focuses on rapid-growth and clean-technology enterprises, and on renewable-energy development companies. He also has extensive experience handling work for traditional high-tech companies and a variety of private investment funds. Ted has handled complex transactions for more than 100 of the Pacific Northwest's fastest growing public and private technology companies, and served recently as managing director of the region's largest boutique technology investment bank, focusing on clean-tech deals. PANELISTS Dan Russell, CEO of PowerMand, Inc. Dan Russell,former Vice President of Intel Corporation leads PowerMand. During his 21 years at Intel, he held positions spanning technical, marketing and sales, and ran several large business groups. His diverse achievements range from building a multi-billion dollar motherboard business to developing programs enabling software developers and solution integrators to optimize and deploy applications for Intel's iA64 and iA32 architecture. Dan holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Idaho, and an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Clive Cook, CEO of RNA Networks Clive Cook has a track record of success building and leading technology businesses. Combining expertise in management, strategic business development and technology application, Mr. Cook is an architect of both products and business models. At VeriLAN, Inc., Mr. Cook led the multi-billion dollar consortium of companies seeking to build, own and operate large wireless infrastructure projects. As CEO of Elematics, Clive led the company from business plan development, financing, and deployment. Clive worked in management positions for Nortel Networks, Acterna (now JDSU) and Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman). Clive has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary and earned his master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from Carleton University. He holds an M.B.A. from the Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. Mr. Cook is on the Board of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). Chris Bakken, President & Chief Strategy Officer at Synkro Motive LLC Mr. Bakken has over 20 years of management, start-up, operations, and sales & marketing experience. His industry experience ranges from specialty chemicals, biotechnology, the baking industry, and start-up consulting. Mr. Bakken set up Asian operations in Singapore and from that base built an overseas sales organization from the ground up for Buckman Laboratories, a leading international specialty chemical manufacturer. Ultimately Mr. Bakken served as the Division Manager for East Asia. Upon returning home, Mr. Bakken was presented with the challenge of growing micro algae in Oregon by an investment group. He was instrumental in securing investor funding and built the infrastructure and technical and production team that transformed the idea into a reality. Mr. Bakken then went on to be a key player in the vertical integration of a national baking mix R&D firm that lead to its acquisition by Cargill. A consulting position introduced Mr. Bakken to the green and renewable energy segment and in that role built what was the largest electric car dealership in the US. The experience led him to start Rogue Energy with the aim of providing the next generation batteries to the US market. In late 2008 Rogue Energy was part of a three way merger with SynkroMotive LLC and Shorepower Technologies focused on the design, build, and marketing of electric vehicle charging stations. As the President and Chief Strategy Officer for SynkroMotive he is very active in the State's effort to become the leader in electric transportation infrastructure. He has consulted to various renewable energy start ups providing local management and operations expertise. Mr. Bakken holds a BS in Marine Biology from Oregon State University. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, May 12th. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-22702009-05-14 00:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=562009-05-07 22:03:35 :62009-05-14 02:00:00 ssp>


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices a2$ 3E33JvCStewart Emery Event - When Your Customer Can't Live Without YouToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewart Emery coauthor of the cê3#!3E33JvdOEN PubTalk™ - The Intersection of Information Technology & Clean EnergyJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub + Bakery to network, enjoy some hors d'oeuvres. The May Pubtalk features a panel of experts from companies operating at the intersection of information technology and clean energy. These companies app s also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and iK-'>)w3Q3JqHBack Fence PDXOn October 22nd at 8 p.m., Back Fence PDX and storytellers Beth Lisick, Sarah Gilbert, Slim Moon, Tina Newton, Dave Jarecki, Sadie Medley and David Bragdon will take to the stage at Urban Grind East for a raucous evening of storytelling. Each of the six storytellers yI;3 33JvwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupHere is the agenda for Monday May 25th. 12:00 - 12:30 - Round table: 1) Introductions 2) Successes of the past week 3) Events in coming week(s) 4) Job postings 12:30 - 13:15 - Theme of the week - TBD 13:15 - 13:30 - Networking This is a weekly event and is open to all. We try to keep a similar format each week but change the key topic. There is a PDX Job Search Group on LinkedIn too. 2009-06-01 19:00:002009-05-19 16:40:02 ?2009-06-01 20:30:00ritically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? - an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Consultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 - 6:30 The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, United States 97204 Cost: $50 OEN member, $75 non-member2009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-12 21:40:52 <22009-05-28 01:30:00 klists, and agreements. Because it focuses exclusively on IT businesses, this guide provides in-depth information about issues unique to them. Speaker: Robert (Bob) J. Chalfin CPA, Q&c3-33JvhPortland WordPress User Group - May MeetingMeeting agenda to follow, but do join us for our monthly meeting at Webtrends this month. Remember, Webtrends will be our venue for WordCamp Portland, taking place on October 19th and 20th, 20092009-05-15 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-05-08 19:58:56 2009-05-17 01:00:00rt Emery coauthor of the critically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? - an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Consultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 - 6:30 The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, United States 97204 Cost: $50 2009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-12 21:40:52 <22009-05-28 01:30:00d leader of Belvedere Consultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 – 6:30 Location: The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97204 (The Pavilion Room) Max Light Rail (Trimet Max Pioneer square two blocks from hotel) Cost: $50 Sponsored by: Cappelli Miles [spring] - http://www.cm-spring.com Visit this site to register for this event: http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-08 20:20:12 <22009-05-28 01:30:00 Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, Februar' a3E33JvCStewart Emery Event - When Your Customer Can't Live Without YouToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewa ng public awareness, and expanding efforts including a planned development center in Portland, Oregon. Our guests are two executives of the Foundation including its D(%3E33JvCOEN: When Your Customers can't Live Without You with Author Stewart EmeryToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewart Emery co-author of the critically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? – an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, an  6Հǽ R&jJX-et0 :*9[3]33Jv7science lecture at PSUEvent: 4th Annual Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture May 8, 2009 Starts: 5:00pm Background on Sidney Altman: Sidney Altman earned his PhD in biophysics. He chaired the biology dept at Yale, and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989. This is the second Nobel Laureate in two years for this four year-old lecture series, which is organized by the physics department. Background on Mark Gurevitch: Mark Gurevitch was the founding chair of the physics department: http://www.physics.pdx.edu/gen_gurevitch_lecture.htm When: Friday, May 8th, 2009 Where: Hoffman Hall Time: 5:00 pm Cost: Free2009-05-09 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2473867/2009-05-09 01:55:41 ??;b12009-05-09 02:00:00 d with as examples to discuss the new Global Economy. This event is being presented in conjunction with Venture Northwest hosted by OEN (Oregon Entrepreneurs Network). Register for Venture+U#3333JtTrust the Vote! Open Source Digital Voting Foundation IntroHold the date! for an introduction to the Trust the Vote! project. OSU's Open Source Lab (OSL) and Portland Open Source Entrepreneurs (POSSE) welcome H+Cm3]33JviPDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Week This week we'll be discussing using some of the emerging frameworks like the Three20 project , FMDB , and SQLitePersistentObjects .2009-05-13 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2633539/2009-05-09 02:10:03 ; ;bJ2009-05-13 02:30:00 porks, Tejas Networks, Airvana, A123 Systems, HiveFire and Sandstone Capital. Desh is also involved in several non-profit initiaUX+.1}3333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-proving̐--13333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-provingͅ ,Cu3]33JviPDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Week This week we'll be discussing using some of the emerging frameworks like the Three20 project , FMDB , and SQLitePersistentObjects .2009-05-13 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2633539/2009-05-09 02:11:08 ; ;bJ2009-05-13 02:30:00A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" (http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and particulaA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" (http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and particularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-09 03:57:142009-05-12 04:00:00demy.org2009-02-02 21:44:30 :$2009-04-23 20:00:00rly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-09 03:57:382009-05-12 04:00:00its programs; and raise critical support for sch ::estion or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment ons9[o3#33JqSustaNa)E3333Jt/Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is the last Wiki Wednesday before RecentChangesCamp (Feb 20-22), and consider this something of a pre-party of RCC. Please come, partake of beer a/01}3333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-proving҂S/c3-33JvhPortland WordPress User Group - May MeetingMeeting agenda to follow, but do join us for our monthly meeting at Webtrends this month. Remember, Webtrends will be our venue for WordCamp Portland, taking place on September 19th and 20th, 20092009-05-15 01:00:00http://pdxwp.com2009-05-09 05:10:34 A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" (http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and particularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-09 21:36:01 92009-05-12 04:00:00ux.org2009-02-03 09:35:12 <2009-02-06 05:00:00 "d"arch Engine Optimiza>2Ww3333JvkPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-06-03 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-05-11 01:24:47 92009-06-03 03:00:001e3A33JvjThe 2009 Solar & Sustainability Science FairThe 2009 Solar & Sustainability Science Fair is presented by PHC Northwest, host to the largest single-roof solar array in the Pacific Northwest. This FREE event challenges the minds of tomorrow and celebrates the people working towards a cleaner, more sustainable world today. It features “green” projects created by local students alongside exhibits from more than 35 solar and renewable energy organizations showcasing their latest programs and technologies. For more info visit http://www.phcnw.com/solar.2009-05-15 19:00:00http://www.phcnw.com/solar2009-05-10 15:35:30 ?2009-05-16 01:00:00A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" ( http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574 ) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code ( http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/ ) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and parti OOhe feature presentations by Oasis Diagnostics, Ninkasi, Inc. and Anna Cohen, Inc. You'll also hea ! w333JqAeA: Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the FutureFinance Networking Event Date: Oct 15, 2008 Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the Future Energy costs have increased dramatically over the past year and experts widely agree energy costs will become a key business consideration as worldwide #ew!3333Jt1Portland Linux/Unix Group: Intro to Digital Forensics PRESE%4o{3]33JvmSeminar - iPhone Development: Emerging FrameworksSummary The iPhone has redefined the mobile marketplace, and it's hard to believe that the platform is only about a year old, and the App Store hasn't even been around that long. The SDK provides a wealth of capability, but now new community contributions and frameworks are emerging that greatly speed development for the iPhone and iPod to w that may have been deleted by the attacker. This talk will start with an overview of the standard Unix file system architecture and di4713333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-provingՐ1613333JuPortland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-provingم5ag3G33Jvn19th IEEE Symposium on Computer ArithmeticThe 19th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA in summer 2009. The event will open at 9am on Monday June 8th with an invited keynote talk by Dr. David Shaw, founder and Chief Scientist of D. E. Shaw Research. The main part of the symposium will consist of peer-reviewed technical presentations on all aspects of computer arithmetic. The scientific program will conclude at midday on Wednesday June 10th, followed by a lunch cruise on the Willamette River.2009-06-08 16:00:00http://www.ac.usc.es/arith19/2009-05-12 02:22:35 ?2009-06-11 03:30:00uch - enhancing the overall development experience. We'll take a look at what's offered by some of the most popular of these such as: • Three20 Project • SQLitePersistent Objects • FMDB • Google Toolkit for Mac • touchcode If you are just starting out, then this will be a great view ahead, and if you are already developing iPhone applications, this will be a good opportunity to learn about areas where you can speed up development and additionally participate in these projects. There will be an active Q&A session after the presentation. About the Presenter Dave Shanley Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to iPhone development with the release of the SDK and is currently using many of these frameworks on a daily basis.2009-05-16 21:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2648919/2009-05-11 06:55:10 ;;bK2009-05-16 22:00:00A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" ( http://www.cambridge.org/9780521899574 ) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/atp/) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and particularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-12 08:22:47 92009-05-12 04:00:00.org2009-02-03 19:09:18 >2009-02-06 05:00:00cularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/100/ ). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. 2009-05-12 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-12 08:23:37 92009-05-12 04:00:0022:55 >2009-02-05 17:00:00gue, Robertc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-01 2009-05-15 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-05-12 20:00:44 <2009-05-15 03:00:00 . This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration : a3E33JvfStewart Emery Event - When Your Customer Can't Live Without YouToday, if someone took a poll of your customers and constituents, asking if you matter to them, what do you think the response would be? If you ceased to exist tomorrow, do you think anyone would care? In other words, has your product, service or brand established an emotional connection with your customers to the extent that they are invested in your enduring success? You're invited to participate in a dynamic exploration of how to matter with Stewart Es Cycle Start-ups often struggle with understanding how to manage the sales cycle in order to achieve their growth objectives. Yet young companies cannot afford to make mistakes in this area: their very survival depends on it. This webinar will cover a variety of topics that will help you to gain a clearer perspective and control over your company's sales cycle. Those include: * How to define the sales cycle for your business * What are the typical stages of a sales cycle? * How is the sales cycle influenced by your sales process? * Defining your sales process to reduce sales cycle times * Sales cycle reduction examples Speaker: Andrew Rowe Andrew Rowe has 25+ years of progressive experience in leading growth-oriented businesses in the healthcare, technology and industrial sectors. He is an accomplished builder of high performance teams, providing products and services to Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies. His experience is in building companies from start-up to more than $100 million in annual revenues. Andrew serves as CEO at AllMed Healthcare Management, a national healthcare service company that works with leading hospital groups and healthcare payer organizations, nationwide. Previously he was Managing Partner at Cube Management, a sales & marketing recruiting and consulting firm. Mr. Rowe served as Executive Vice President of Cascade General, which he and his partner acquired and grew to US market leadership in large-scale ship repair. Prior that, he served at Vice President at Adept Technology, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of industrial robots, controls and software, which grew to international market leadership. Mr. Rowe's early career was in international sales and marketing management. OEN member: free Non-member: $302009-05-14 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=822009-05-12 21:39:35 :JvQ2009-05-14 18:00:00powerful Open Source tools available for analyzing file systems and recovering data--mery coauthor of the critically acclaimed bestseller Do You Matter? - an insightful analysis of how great design for the human experience builds ardent, lasting bonds between you, your company and your customers. As author of the international bestseller, Success Built to Last, and leader of Belvedere Consultants, Emery has delivered and led workshops, seminars and keynotes all over the world. On May 27th, he'll talk about design as a total concept from how a product looks, operates, sounds and feels to designing a company culture that is authentic and customer-centric focused – and how it's the cornerstone of your survival in a marketplace of mediocrity. This rare opportunity is one you don't want to miss. Date & Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 4:00 - 6:30 The Hilton Portland, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, United States 97204 Cost: $50 2009-05-27 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=802009-05-12 21:40:52 <2JvC2009-05-28 01:30:00 && Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI9;3E33JveWebinar - Understanding Your Sales Cycle, with Andrew RoweUnderstanding Your Saleތ_8wy3S33JvoPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tp and Blog Provost. I LOVE IT. I really, really do. Except, momentarily, maybe not right this second. Right now, you see, I am a wee sad to be your Official Provost. It means I am ineligible to win the most excellent beer-related loot we have ever had to give away: 2 VIP tickets to the Portland International Beer Festival in July, courtesy of GoTime.com. Yes, really. But wait! There's more! These two tickets for the Portland International Beer Festival, which is scheduled for July 17-19 in the North Park Blocks of the Pearl District, includes the following goodies and privileges:

      • Unlimited entry/re-entry all weekend
      • VIP express entry (no waiting in line)
      • Commemorative festival glass (beer mug & shot glass)
      • A premium festival shirt
      • 15 beer tickets each
      Generous prize package, I'd say! GoTime.com is a Seattle-b CCns in three US cifn;K3K33Jt4Business Leads Exchange Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter Sponsored by Broadway Vision World Date: 2/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! One of Portland Business Alliance’9;Wk3533JvpGrant Writing for Artists and WritersGrant Writing for Success—Intermediate Level Fee: $30 Register: http://grantwriting2ndstep.eventbrite.com/ This advanced workshop is for individual artists with some experience grant writing who want to improve their chances of success. Participants learn strategies for finding fresh language to describe a project, how to budget with ease and how to stand out from the crowd. Join us for this hands-on workshop and begin writing that next application. Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg, www.gigirosenberg.com Presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council 2009-05-15 16:00:00http://www.racc.org/2009-05-12 23:36:11 ?2009-05-15 20:00:00ased outfit with a sweet (free) iPhone app that tracks hundreds of detailed happy hour listings and nightlife discounts in the Portland area. All you have to do for your chance to win is put your Beer and Blog Network username in the proverbial hat this Friday at the Green Dragon. There may even be an actual hat, I don't know, but I do know names will be accepted starting at 4pm and the name of a very, very lucky Beer and Blogger will be drawn at 6pm. Don't have a Beer and Blog username yet? No-problemo! Just show up this Friday and one of the usual Portland Chapter suspects (read: Justin, Kelly, Christine or myself) will enroll you. Maybe you tried to register online for the Beer and Blog network but couldn't get in? That's because our online network requires offline registration. Here's the reasoning behind that</a>: We want everyone in the network to be a real person, with a true interest in the health and viability of the idea behind Beer and Blog: bloggers helping bloggers over beer. With a free, online Beer and Blog membership you can communicate with any member of the Beer and Blog family, from any Beer and Blog chapter, as well as chime in on discussions concerning your local chapter. Most importantly, we want your Beery and Bloggy input on upcoming presentation ideas, field trips, and the like, and what better way to collect opinions then to create a gated online community! Seriously. So if you're not already registered, get registered at this Friday's Beer and Blog for your chance to win the goodies generously donated by GoTime. I only ask that the winner let me briefly hold the commemorative festival glass and remind me how much I love being the Portland Beer and Blog Chapter's Provost. Because I really do. =)2009-05-15 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-05-13 02:28:24 ; 2009-05-16 01:00:00 ss leads. This program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the:<'3K33JvqBeer and BlogI love being the Portland Chapter Beerc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a precisely defined schema and 19 queries. We will review the schema and queries and demonstrate how each tuning technique affects their performance. We will use an open source package that the speaker has developed, called DBT-2, which many DBAs have found useful. Mark Wong has an MS in Computer Science from OGI and several years of experience developing and executing various database systems benchmarks. Most relevant to this series are his years spent at the OSDL developing and using a fair-use derivative of the TPC-C benchmark to characterize system performance of open source software. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 7:00 PM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY, 1900 SW 4th AVENUE, FOURTH AVENUE BUILDING – ROOM 86-01 2009-05-15 02:00:00http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~len/P5.pdf2009-05-13 16:29:31 <2009-05-15 03:00:00 J(JBusiness Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), $?3 3 33JvrDrupal Users MeetupDrupal Beyond the Web

      Justin Miller will tre9>373 33JvrDrupal Users Meetup

      Drupal Beyond the Web

      Justin Miller wL=wS3S33JvoPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)This session will survey a few PostgreSQL tuning parameters and their effects on the OLTP workload DBT-2. -- PostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5) Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will consist of 5 to 6 presentations aimed at PostgreSQL database users who wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpill treat us to a half-hour version of his DrupalCon DC Presentation, Drupal Beyond the Web.

      Modules 101

      Each meeting, we want to feature one or two brief presentations (no more than 15 minutes, including questions), highlighting an optional core or contributed module, what it's good for, and any special considerations or tricky configuration issues it has. The idea is to introduce people who are new to Drupal, as well as experienced Drupal users, to solid and useful drupal add-ons. If you're interested in presenting this month, let us know which module by replying.

      Workflow, Actions, and Triggers

      Melissa Anderson will present a brief summary of a site using Workflow, Workflow Required Fields, Actions, and Triggers to create complex electronic form routing. After that, she'll demonstrate how to build a simplified version of the use case.

      2009-05-14 01:00:002009-05-13 20:54:50 =2009-05-14 03:00:002008-10-17 16:40:11 <2008-11-12 02:00:00at us to a half-hour version of his DrupalCon DC Presentation, Drupal Beyond the Web.

      Modules 101

      Each meeting, we want to feature one or two brief presentations (no more than 15 minutes, including questions), highlighting an optional core or contributed module, what it's good for, and any special considerations or tricky configuration issues it has. The idea is to introduce people who are new to Drupal, as well as experienced Drupal users, to solid and useful drupal add-ons. If you're interested in presenting this month, let us know which module by replying.

      Workflow, Actions, and Triggers

      Melissa Anderson will present a brief summary of a site using Workflow, Workflow Required Fields, Actions, and Triggers to create complex electronic form routing. After that, she'll demonstrate how to build a simplified version of the use case.

      2009-05-14 01:00:002009-05-13 20:55:42 =2009-05-14 03:00:00roduct_Major=OR1108042008-10-17 15:42:15 :$2008-11-13 17:00:00 and tell them, “Go do that voodoo that you do so well.” Today’s business environment forces us to build multi-disciplinary teams, compiling a diverse group of skills and experiences to handle the many facets of the technical, business, and user requirements. In his usual entertaining and insightful manner, Jared will talk about what it takes to build a design team that meets today’s needs. He’ll demonstrate how successful Experience Design: * Must integrate the needs of the users with the requirements of the business * Is learned, but not available through introspection * Must be invisible to succeed * Is cultural * Is multi-discplinary * Thrives best in an “educate and administrate” environment You’ll see examples of designs from Apple’s iPod, Netflix, the Mayo Clinic, and Southwest Airlines, to name a few.2009-05-22 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2564279/2009-05-13 22:41:50 ;;b42009-05-22 02:30:00 sQss Chamber of Commerce), is an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relHBwk3333JvtThe Whuffie Factor: Reading & Discussion by Tara HuntThe Whuffie Factor is a breaktWAw 3333JvtThe Whuffie Factor: Reading & Discussion by Tara HuntThe Whuffie Factor is a breakt#@E3]33JvsRefresh Portland May: Jared Spool on The Dawning of the Age of ExperienceJoin us for a special installment of Refresh Portland May with Jared Spool! We’re going to move the meeting a week back to May 21. --- Experience design is no longer a nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and exceptional visionary management. It’s become commonplace for organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and quickly becoming a key performance indicator for many businesses. However, you can’t just hire a couple of “experience designershrough book, providing a map to successful online communities. Tara Hunt, a.k.a. @missrogue, writes that money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book. In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital. As Tara Hunt has found, online success comes from building a community and being part of it – not by pushing a product or service. If you want to learn the secret sauce behind Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, you have to use them until you love them. Hunt will lead a discussion on the power of Whuffie in a reception at souk Friday, May 22nd from 7 – 9 PM. The event is free though registration at Upcoming.org (http://twurl.cc/wit) is encouraged.2009-05-23 02:00:00http://twurl.cc/wit2009-05-13 23:01:13 ?2009-05-23 04:00:00aluable hrough book, providing a map to successful online communities. Tara Hunt, a.k.a. @missrogue, writes that money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book. In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital. As Tara Hunt has found, online success comes from building a community and being part of it – not by pushing a product or service. If you want to learn the secret sauce behind Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, you have to use them until you love them. Hunt will lead a discussion on the power of Whuffie in a reception at souk Friday, May 22nd from 7 – 9 PM. The event is free though registration at http://twurl.cc/wit is encouraged.2009-05-23 02:00:00http://twurl.cc/wit2009-05-13 23:23:39 ?2009-05-23 04:00:00nary menu and beverage opti UEUnowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, team-building event, birthday party, or more, our event accommodations are endless. Our private rooms offer state-of-the-art Audio Visual capabilities, flat-screen Plasma televisions, and high speed internet connections. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Members online: Free. Members at the Door: $5.00. Non-Members online: $5.00. Non-~E3;333JnOSouk 2fer special -http://www.soukllc.com/2007-04-30 07:00:002009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;bձ2007-05-01 07:00:00@D;)3?3JiNetworking ExtravaganzaThe Portland area is choc full of groups to support both asp7C_13]33JvuPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)Agenda coming soon2009-05-27 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2677124/2009-05-14 13:54:55 <;bL2009-05-27 02:30:00iring & established business people. In response to tremendous feedback from previous networking events, souk & Connect are teaming up to host the next Networking Extravaganza. Hear from over a dozen networking/connecting organizations and find one that meets your 2008 career goals. Walk away with a matrix of info about each participating group. Meet new biz contacts. Meet up with friends. Lots of great reasons to come. This is the event for you if: You are looking for a networking group to join. You already belong to a group, but want to join an additional one. Joining a group doesn't fit right now, but an opportunity to network does. When: Tuesday, April 22; 7:00-9:30 p.m. Where: souk, 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200, Portland RSVP: Required as space is limited to 180 attendees Email: info@connectpdx.org Cost: $5/attendee to cover LIGHT refreshments Participating Groups: TBA...stay tuned!2008-04-23 02:00:00http://www.connectpdx.org2009-05-14 14:01:54 ?;bwxtraordinary menu and beverage opti ng Your Business Date: 2/5/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: E-Marketing: How this medium can boost your business? With rapidly changing technology and new marketing techniques, how can you use e-marketing to reach your target audience? Alex Williams from eROI and Karen Karger from EasyStreet will start off the conversation on effective tactics that can boost your business. Panelists: Alex Williams, eROI, Inc. Karen Karger, EasyStreet You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog: http://alliancepdx.blogspot.com/2008/11/portland-state-business-projects.html Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-regiSG/3]33JoCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference for designers and other creatives. There is no charge to attend, but participants can opt to pay for a $10 box lunch. Registration required.
      2008-07-26 17:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-05-14 14:01:55 ?;b2008-07-26 22:00:00 ur knowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a corporate meeting, team-building event, birthday party, or more, ouKFA!3/33JoPortland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider
      souk, once again in Old Town on July 16, 2008.

      We won't stop until we have Lunch 2.0 at every, single business in Old Town.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      Come one, come all, whether geek or not. Have some lunch on souk, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.
      2008-07-16 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/06/26/portland-lunches-a-lot-wk-june-30-souk-july-16/2009-05-14 14:01:55 ?;b2008-07-16 21:00:00  rsQ3K33JrPortland Business Alliance, Business Leads ExchangeJoin this fun business networking event that's like speed dating! Meet and OHA!3/33JoPortland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider souk, once again in Old Town on July 16, 2008.

      We won't stop until we have Lunch 2.0 at every, single business in Old Town.

      Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about here, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.

      Come one, come all, whether geek or not. Have some lunch on souk, mix and mingle with your fellow Portlanders, learn about the tech scene in Portland, go home or back to work happy and full.
      2008-07-16 19:00:00http://www.lunch20.com/2008/06/26/portland-lunches-a-lot-wk-june-30-souk-july-16/2009-05-14 14:01:56 ?;bJo2008-07-16 21:00:00 in’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolu)I'u3;33JpWhereCamp PDX"Society is being transformed by new maps and new mapping technology. Our mission is to help create a free forum for people to talk about, present, explore, and learn about projects that involve place." What is WhereCamp PDX? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical and cartographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". We share a vision of a fully transparent world where data is geographically relevant and just in time. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table th  social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, fo<KA3q33JvPortland Pythoneers June MeetupPortland Pythoneers This month's tentative schedule: * Michel's Monthly Module ... email me to volunteer :) * Joel Bernstein will talk about screen scraping tools * Lightning talks!! 5 minutes of whatever pythonic-ish thing you want to share. If you have something you'd like to share this month, please let us know! Join us on our python.org mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 PM Photo: http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/5/3/4/3/event_7161315.jpeg Attending: 0 Details: http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10401172/2009-06-10 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/calendar/10401172/2009-06-09 17:02:41;bh2009-06-10 04:00:00n of Pac-man is being developed in NYU's Interactive Telecommunications graduate program, in order to explore what happens when games are removed from their "little world" of tabletops, televisions and computers and placed in the larger "real world" of street corners, and cities.

      A player dressed as Pac-man will run around the Washington square park area of Manhattan while attempting to collect all of the virtual "dots" that run the length of the streets. Four players dressed as the ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde will attempt to catch Pac-man before all of the dots are collected.

      Using cell-phone contact, Wi-Fi internet connections, and custom software designed by the Pac-Manhattan team, Pac-man and the ghosts will be tracked from a central location and their progress will be broadcast over the internet for viewers from around the world. "
      2008-10-19 16:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2009-05-14 14:01:57 ?;b2008-10-19 18:00:00  cos8n[3s33Jq*Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

      Blending cutting-edge scientific findings mMg3G33JqDLegion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over5333Jt9Bash scripting classFree Geek is offering aYJMc333JppdxMindshare + Ladies Who LaunchJoin pdxMindShare, Young Women Social Entrepreneurs and Ladies Who Launch for this terrific event with Brian Kurth, founder of VocationVacations, for a special joint event on 9/17 at 6-8 p.m. The event will be held at Souk, please register and get more details at

      2008-09-18 01:00:00http://www.ladieswholaunch.com/incubators/events/view/7422009-05-14 14:01:56 ?;bִ2008-09-18 03:00:00 ,,n to the dotcom world looks preQo 3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://apLYA3C33Jq$WhereCampPDX Gaming #3: Cruel 2 B KindThis third of the WhereCampPDX Location-BasedYKW3C33JqWhereCampPDX Gaming #1: Pac-ManHattanThis first of the WhereCampPDX Location-Based games brings the ancient art of Pac-Man to the Portland city streets near you! Players are assigned to be either 'Pac-Man' or 'ghosts' and the game plays out over several city blocks near souk. For more details, see the game description posted at WhereCampPDX.

      About the original game: www.pacmanhattan.com
      "Pac-Manhattan is a large-scale urban game that utilizes the New York City grid to recreate the 1980's video game sensation Pac-Man. This analog versio games practices the fine art of benevolent assassination! Players are assigned three secret weapons, that appear to be acts of kindness or generosity. Unbeknownst to onlookers, however, those very acts will bring their victims to their knees. Players are not given the identities of their victims, only the knowledge that they are and must remain in the game area. 'Killed' players join the assassination groups until the final two killer mobs converge in a grand finale of benevolent destruction. For more details see the game description at WhereCamp PDX.

      Game details can be found at http://www.cruelgame.com/about/
      If you'd like to play, register your team now: http://twurl.cc/5v3
      2008-10-19 21:00:00http://www.wherecamppdx.org2009-05-14 14:01:57 ?;b2008-10-19 23:00:00teams/content/meetingagenda2009-02-13 03:00:00http://opensourcebridge.org2009-02-04 06:36:16 92009-02-13 05:00:00 at: http://www.deer-run.com/~hal/IntroToDigitalForensics.pdf (2) Randal Schwartz will do a live cast of this presentation at: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/25652 You can follow along if you have a web broM/3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference with a creative twist--it is for creative industries professionals. Registration required.

      Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the web site for more information.

      To see photos from the last Cre8Camp, click here.
      2008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-05-14 14:01:58 ?;b2008-11-15 23:00:00 ters of the metropolitan regionQo 3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendrickson will be 4O3y3933Jrsouk's birthdayCelebration of a local small business serving the creative class - we're 2 years old! Work for free today, or just stop by to enjoy cupcakes, cheer, Blazer tix drawing and more.2009-01-05 17:00:00http://www.soukllc.com2009-05-14 14:01:59 ?;bW2009-01-06 01:00:002N/U3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. Cre8Camp is a non-profit event affiliated with the Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con). Registration Fee: $102008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-05-14 14:01:58 ?Jq2008-11-15 23:00:00 N5Nscussions on nSq3_33Ju-IDSA's 3BY10 Design Speaking and Networking Series3BY10 is a monthly presentation alR3E3]33JtICre8Camp Portland 3Cre8Camp Portland is an unconference for creative industries professionals. It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. Registration required.

      Check-in and networking starts at 9:30am.

      Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the Cre8Camp Portland web site for more information.

      To see photos from the last Cre8Camp Portland, click here.

      Cre8Camp is a nonprofit event.

      Ticket Info: $10 prior to March 1st, $20 after that
      Buy Tickets
      2009-03-07 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2009-05-14 14:02:00 ?;bפ2009-03-07 23:00:00nd networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, March 25. 5:15p - Doors open at souk - 322 NW 6th Ave, Suite 200 5:30p - Presentations 6:00p - Round table discussion 6:30p - Social hour at Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave This month’s speakers: Art Institute of Portland instructor Matthew Perkins presents his innovative, automotive-inspired seating project. FUSE design principal Toren Orzeck. Tanner Goods co-founder Sam Huff describes the founding of a new accessories brand.2009-03-26 00:30:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-05-14 14:02:00 ?2009-03-26 01:30:002009-02-06 03:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-02-04 21:51:52 >2009-02-06 05:00:00es.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html">soft9 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft96[/url] soft268 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft268[/url] soft235 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft235[/url] video156 [url=http://www.geoc"VCG3?33Ju[Ongoing Counseling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-27 20:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-05-14 14:02:02 ?2009-04-28 00:00:00 hhBon't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Detail<UK3[33Jt@SAO HealthCare Informational WebinarYou are cordially invited to participate in anC3]33Jt>Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1518845/ ] SAO's Marketing + Sales + International SIGs presents "Strategies and Success Stories for Growing your Business Internationally”, a morning panel event at the Governor Hotel and “Best Practices and Networking” , an evening networking event at the Rogue. Those who attend both W;3O33Ju\Networking ExtravaganzaSpeed Networking to learn about other local groups If you are looking for new networking opportunities in Portland, join us on April 28th at souk. One stop shopping! Come find out what sorts of groups exist in Portland. Don't bother with a google search and forget sifting through the 40 thousand results. Just show up and see over a dozen local organizat \\yflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|ku.com/]soft porn pregnant lesbian porn[/url] free paris hilton X?G3?33JubOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-08 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-05-14 14:02:03 ?2009-04-09 00:00:00 \\ and products. With software businesses , especially web based services, the ability to evolve is much more rapid, and coupled with the availability of qua uW 3533Jq Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle (tentative)2008-11-18 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/in Y?G3?33JucOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-20 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-05-14 14:02:04 ?2009-04-21 00:00:00 \\ed "Why?" only to discover some unknown feature or historical accident. The history lesson continues all the way into the roots of Unix in some cases, but also often leaves me thinking "So?". And now I am quickly approaching my 40th CPAN distribution. In this talk, I will share my own experiences in developing with Perl and explore th Z?G3?33JueOpen Counselling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business community. Bridget Benton, a SBDC counselor, now regularly holds one hour, free!, sessions at souk in Old Town Chinatown, thereby establishing a convenient presence in downtown for those sole proprietors, small businesses and entrepreneurial trailblazers. Their other location is in the Lloyd Center. Sign up for one hour counseling session at souk by calling 503.517.6900 Future dates available: April 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-29 23:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-05-14 14:02:05 ?2009-04-30 00:00:00 rental porn video[/url] celeb porn teen anal porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]celeb porn teen anal porn[/url] free paris hX u3133JtAPortland Perl Mongers: Perl in the 21st Century -- Eric Wilhelm I started using Perl just over six years ago, when 5.6.2 was already getting old and 5.8.1 was on the way. By the time I put my first module on the CPAN, over half of the current contributors had already shipped. I have often read the source of a core module aZua3c33Jt5[CA?[I-3 33JvvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupHere is the agenda for Monday May 18th. 12:00 - 12:30 - Round table: 1) Introductions 2) Successes of the past week 3) Events in coming week(s) 4) Job postings 12:30 - 13:15 - Theme of the week - Recruiters - Who is using whom? - Opinions & comments 13:15 - 13:30 - Networking This is a weekly event and is open to all. We try to keep a similar format each week but change the key topic. There is a PDX Job Search Group on LinkedIn too.2009-05-18 19:00:002009-05-14 20:42:46 ?2009-05-18 20:30:00  porn ultra porn star[/url] free paris hilton sex video paris hilton sex video [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]free paris hilton sex video paris hilton sex video[/url] paris hilton sex paris hilton film [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]paris hilton sex paris hilton film[/url] porn clip porn clip [url=http:]I;3 33JvwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupHere is the agenda for Monday May 25th. 12:00 - 12:30 - Round table: 1) Introductions 2) Successes of the past week 3) Events in coming week(s) 4) Job postings 12:30 - 13:15 - Theme of the week - TBD 13:15 - 13:30 - Networking This is a weekly event and is open to all. We try to keep a similar format each week but change the key topic. There is a PDX Job Search Group on LinkedIn too. 2009-05-25 19:00:002009-05-14 20:49:52 ?2009-05-25 20:30:00rtland Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-14 21:54:10 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00 Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build domain-specific constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantic+^S!3]33JvxThings That Indicate You're An "Entrepreneur Who Gets" It- by Portland Ten & Willammete University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of Po eerealityporn.u.yuku.com/]tube porn tube porn[/url] ebony porn mature asian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]ebony porn mature asian porn[/url] pokemon porn gay lesbian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]pokem_C'3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. The agenda is still being decided. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-05-15 21:48:26 92009-08-02 01:30:00 eef Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build domain-specific const`C'3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. The agenda is still being decided. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-05-15 21:49:42 92009-08-02 01:00:00  don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1stcM3Y33JsPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, OreglaCQ3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. The agenda is still being decided. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
      Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-05-15 22:04:51 92009-08-02 01:00:00  (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulnesskbCO3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. The agenda is still being decided. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
      Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-05-15 22:05:16 92009-08-02 01:00:00 aaly come with experience. The good news? Gaining that experience is easier than you mi-dgC3-33JrPortland Java User Group: The Feel of ScalaThis month's topic: The Feel of Scala ,ci)3K33JvzPDXPUG: Introductory Database Education at PSUby Len Shapiro Abstract: I'll survey how I teach the introductory database course at PSU. My goal for the talk is to elicit suggestions for how I could do a better job. The theme of the course is "transforming data into Information". I use a 200 Meg database, hosted on PostgreSQL, instead of the one-slide databases used in typical intro courses, to illustrate the principles of the course. The database is Federal Elections Commission data re donations to candidates, so queries often reflect real questions about the real data. Bio: Len Shapiro has been a professor at PSU for 23 years. His research interests are primarily in query processing.2009-05-22 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/2009-05-15 23:36:49 92009-05-22 03:00:00Scala is a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus on the design choices of Scala, and what they mean for developer productivity. The talk will highlight what it means to program in a functional style, and show you how Scala facilitates a hybrid of functional and imperative programming styles. The talk will also explore how Scala compares to dynamic languages such as Ruby and Python. And you'll see examples of real, production Scala code that will illustrate what it feels like to program in Scala. Speaker: Bill Venners Bill Venners is president of Artima, Inc., publisher of Artima Developer (www.artima.com). He is author of the book, Inside the Java Virtual Machine, a programmer-oriented survey of the Java platform's architecture and internals. His popular columns in JavaWorld magazine covered Java internals, object-oriented design, and Jini. Active in the Jini Community since its inception, Bill led the Jini Community's ServiceUI project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to associate user interfaces to Jini services. Bill is also the lead developer and designer of ScalaTest, an open source testing tool for Scala and Java developers, and coauthor with Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon of the book, Programming in Scala. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-05-16 17:48:30 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's Thct Bonneville Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's evenings-and-weekends open source project for measuring the performance of certain core Java SE features. Chris will review the results of these benchmarks with an eye to addressing the following questions: # How does performance vary across JVM vendors? # How does performance vary across JVM versions? # How does performance vary across operating systems? # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements? # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance? # Can we generate simple rules of thumb for high-performance Java SE programming? There will also be a short discussion of the tradeoffs between micro- and macro-benchmarks. Because this is a work in progress, comments and observations about Project Bonneville's benchmarking methodology, or suggestions for future benchmarks, are especially welcome. Chris promises a LOLCAT-free presentation, though there may be a slide or two of his kids. ---------- Speaker: Chris Cowell-Shah Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-05-16 17:51:52 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00t return for angel or venture capital investors Validate your market - be sure you're building something people want Validate your pricing - if you build it, will they pay for it? Develop financial projections Protect your intellectual property Reduce the market, technology, finance and team risk to present a strong investment opportunity Develop a concise, compelling elevator pitch Late in the afternoon, we'll be joined by several angel and venture capital investors. We'll break up into small groups so everyone has a chance to get feedback from investors on their business concept, ask questions -- and hear the feedback other entrepreneurs receive too. And thanks to sponsor Credit Suisse, we'll wrap up with a reception where you'll have more chances to mingle with Portland area investors. Increase your odds of getting funded. Join us on June 2 to learn how to get investor ready.2009-05-16 20:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10343082/2009-05-16 19:45:02 <2009-05-16 21:00:00 cused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen. In order to create a;hK;3u33Jv|OTBC: How to Get Investor ReadyIf you plan to raise money in the coming year, come to this all-day workshop to learn what it takes to be investor ready. (And yes, it is quite possible for Oregon startups to raise money - but it takes the right preparation!) Our presenters will include Steve Morris, Executive Director of OTBC, and Dennis Powers, Chair of OEN's Portland Angel Network. Dennis and Steve have helped a number of Portland-area startups close investment funding. And to give you an extra advantage, you'll meet a number of local investors. We'll review the preparation required to get serious attention from investors, and significantly increase your odds of obtaining investor funding. At the end of the day, you will understand how to: Verify that your business concept can provide a sufficien has taught logo design and symbolism as visual literacy for nearly 15 years at the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA), and is past president of the Communication ;iK;3u33Jv|OTBC: How to Get Investor ReadyIf you plan to raise money in the coming year, come to this all-day workshop to learn what it takes to be investor ready. (And yes, it is quite possible for Oregon startups to raise money - but it takes the right preparation!) Our presenters will include Steve Morris, Executive Director of OTBC, and Dennis Powers, Chair of OEN's Portland Angel Network. Dennis and Steve have helped a number of Portland-area startups close investment funding. And to give you an extra advantage, you'll meet a number of local investors. We'll review the preparation required to get serious attention from investors, and significantly increase your odds of obtaining investor funding. At the end of the day, you will understand how to: Verify that your business concept can provide a sufficienup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you. Post your Idea If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) Post your Skill Set Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog. What: Speed dating for startups When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-05-16 19:49:14 <2009-06-27 23:00:00t return for angel or venture capital investors Validate your market - be sure you're building something people want Validate your pricing - if you build it, will they pay for it? Develop financial projections Protect your intellectual property Reduce the market, technology, finance and team risk to present a strong investment opportunity Develop a concise, compelling elevator pitch Late in the afternoon, we'll be joined by several angel and venture capital investors. We'll break up into small groups so everyone has a chance to get feedback from investors on their business concept, ask questions -- and hear the feedback other entrepreneurs receive too. And thanks to sponsor Credit Suisse, we'll wrap up with a reception where you'll have more chances to mingle with Portland area investors. Increase your odds of getting funded. Join us on June 2 to learn how to get investor ready.2009-06-02 15:00:00http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10343082/2009-05-16 19:45:39 <2009-06-03 02:00:00 '' has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place f(q3 33Jr"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" WorkshopBeyond technical skills, Agile success depends on productive self-organizing teams. How do you develop, grow, and maintain a functioning self-organizing team? It's not magic, but it doesn't just happen either. Effective self-organizing teams rely on personal and interpersonal effectiveness. In this hands-on workshop, we'll discove0lgI3-33JrPortland Java User Group: The Feel of ScalaThis month's topic: The Feel of Scala -kgC3-33JrPortland Java User Group: The Feel of ScalaThis month's topic: The Feel of Scala ojS3{33Jv}OTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDatingBack by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Or -- are you looking for an early stage startScala is a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus on the design choices of Scala, and what they mean for developer productivity. The talk will highlight what it means to program in a functional style, and show you how Scala facilitates a hybrid of functional and imperative programming styles. The talk will also explore how Scala compares to dynamic languages such as Ruby and Python. And you'll see examples of real, production Scala code that will illustrate what it feels like to program in Scala. Speaker: Bill Venners Bill Venners is president of Artima, Inc., publisher of Artima Developer (www.artima.com). He is author of the book, Inside the Java Virtual Machine, a programmer-oriented survey of the Java platform's architecture and internals. His popular columns in JavaWorld magazine covered Java internals, object-oriented design, and Jini. Active in the Jini Community since its inception, Bill led the Jini Community's ServiceUI project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to associate user interfaces to Jini services. Bill is also the lead developer and designer of ScalaTest, an open source testing tool for Scala and Java developers, and coauthor with Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon of the book, Programming in Scala. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-05-17 00:24:00 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00html2009-02-08 20:56:32 9;bצ2009-02-12 05:00:00s ServiceUI project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to associate user interfaces to Jini services. Bill is also the lead developer and designer of ScalaTest, an open source testing tool for Scala and Java developers, and coauthor with Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon of the book, Programming in Scala. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-05-20 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-05-17 00:25:06 <;bL2009-05-20 03:00:00s for dinner at East Bank Saloon across the str Scala is a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus on the design choices of Scala, and what they mean for developer productivity. The talk will highlight what it means to program in a functional style, and show you how Scala facilitates a hybrid of functional and imperative programming styles. The talk will also explore how Scala compares to dynamic languages such as Ruby and Python. And you'll see examples of real, production Scala code that will illustrate what it feels like to program in Scala. Speaker: Bill Venners Bill Venners is president of Artima, Inc., publisher of Artima Developer (www.artima.com). He is author of the book, Inside the Java Virtual Machine, a programmer-oriented survey of the Java platform's architecture and internals. His popular columns in JavaWorld magazine covered Java internals, object-oriented design, and Jini. Active in the Jini Community since its inception, Bill led the Jini Community' RR />
      6:30 pm
      Registration, networking, and announcements at CubeSpace

      7:00 pm
      Program followed by questions and answers, and the rafffle.

      CHIFOO is the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon. We are the local chapter of the ACM, the Association of Computing Machinery's Special I*mao333Jv~XPDX Meeting: The Art of Ware-as-a-ServiceThe first wave of Agile software development challenged waterfall project management methodologies and traditional Quality Assurance. The next wave of Agile challenges on-premise software through what is known as Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS). Using Sun Tzu's timeless classic "The Art of War" as a framework, Founder/CEO of Cubic Compass, Mike Leach, presents principles and practices for creating an Agile SaaS organization that challenges the status quo of software development and delivery.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://www.cubiccompass.com/the-art-of-ware-as-a-service.aspx2009-05-17 16:47:22 ?2009-05-21 03:30:00t agency. Over the course of a 15-year career - which includes stints with CARE USA and the U.S. Peace Corps - Burks has traveled to more than 25 countries to research vulnerable populations, conduct field interviews and write stories for a variety of audiences. He is committed to helping foster a new movement in journalism that focuses on human dignity and solutions to global challenges. We will be following up this strategy meeting, with a hands-on meeting on online tools to use to get your story out. Date TBD. Connect Online: Portland 501 Tech Club Online at http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=home&igid=5273 (Start at http://groups.nten.org/login.htm?mode=register if you're new to the NTEN online community). Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna Arriaga at privateaye@gmail.com with any questions.2009-05-22 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-129268-12421720922009-05-17 22:30:49 92009-05-22 02:30:00 RRnomic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Ste7oo 3y33JqAMA: Interactive Trends - Where to Place Your Bet2008-10-2K,U53/3JtNOurPDX Fe*nao333Jv~XPDX Meeting: The Art of Ware-as-a-ServiceThe first wave of Agile software development challenged waterfall project management methodologies and traditional Quality Assurance. The next wave of Agile challenges on-premise software through what is known as Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS). Using Sun Tzu's timeless classic "The Art of War" as a framework, Founder/CEO of Cubic Compass, Mike Leach, presents principles and practices for creating an Agile SaaS organization that challenges the status quo of software development and delivery.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://www.cubiccompass.com/the-art-of-ware-as-a-service.aspx2009-05-17 17:38:56 92009-05-21 03:30:00 ccEda We will cover the following agile practices: Preventinl.?M3I33JtPOpen Source Test WorkshopA Meet-up for soapUI, Selenium, HTMLUnit, TestMaker

      Software developers, QA testers, and IT managers are challenged to rapidly build and test Ajax, REST, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) and Web applications in a time when schedules are short, budgets are tight, standards are few, and much of this is new technology! Find out why Tribal DDB, PepsiCo, AMD, Ford, and Premiere Global succeed with open source build and test technology and methodology as a more affordable and flpaq3]33JvIgnite Portland 6 Talk Selection Town HallPublic meeting to give feedback on the talk ideas that were submitted for Ignite Portland 6. This is your chance to come and be involved in what talks YOU want to see on stage at IP6. Location WebTrends Portland office at 851 SW Sixth Avenue.2009-05-19 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2413562/2009-05-18 07:06:57 
      Agendaoqq3+33JvPDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Online StorytellingAction is at the heart of what our organizations do. But how do you convince that anonymous person behind a computer screen to make a commitment? You make them think, feel and care. And the best way to do that is to connect them your organization by telling them a story. Roger Burks, Senior Writer, Mercy Corps. will explore how to write compelling, memorable stories that get people to take action and keep them engaged. Roger, originally, presented this material at the 2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference (http://nten.org/ntc) in April. We extend a special invite to other folks who attended the NTC to share their stories from the conference. We invite all to join us for this important discussion on a crucial part of nonprofits' online strategies. Roger Burks is senior writer for Mercy Corps, a global relief and developmen! ## for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation70sM3333JtRPortland Functional Programmers Study Group meetingA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in PYqaM333Jv~XPDX Meeting: The Art of Ware-as-a-ServiceThe first wave of Agile software development challenged waterfall project management methodologies and traditional Quality Assurance. The next wave of Agile challenges on-premise software through what is known as Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS). Using Sun Tzu's timeless classic "The Art of War" as a framework, Founder/CEO of Cubic Compass, Mike Leach, presents principles and practices for creating an Agile SaaS organization that challenges the status quo of software development and delivery. >>> Pizza thanks to John Wilger at 6:30pm <<<2009-05-21 01:30:00http://www.cubiccompass.com/the-art-of-ware-as-a-service.aspx2009-05-18 15:46:56 92009-05-21 03:30:00t agency. Over the course of a 15-year career - which includes stints with CARE USA and the U.S. Peace Corps - Burks has traveled to more than 25 countries to research vulnerable populations, conduct field interviews and write stories for a variety of audiences. He is committed to helping foster a new movement in journalism that focuses on human dignity and solutions to global challenges. We will be following up this strategy meeting, with a hands-on meeting on online tools to use to get your story out. Date TBD. Connect Online: Portland 501 Tech Club Online at http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=home&igid=5273 (Start at http://groups.nten.org/login.htm?mode=register if you're new to the NTEN online community). Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna Arriaga at privateaye@gmail.com with any questions.2009-05-21 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-129268-12421720922009-05-18 17:41:11 92009-05-21 02:30:00 oos on interactive testing, and meta-programming. Factor also brings modern high-level language featurerqq3+33JvPDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Online StorytellingAction is at the heart of what our organizations do. But how do you convince that anonymous person behind a computer screen to make a commitment? You make them think, feel and care. And the best way to do that is to connect them your organization by telling them a story. Roger Burks, Senior Writer, Mercy Corps. will explore how to write compelling, memorable stories that get people to take action and keep them engaged. Roger, originally, presented this material at the 2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference (http://nten.org/ntc) in April. We extend a special invite to other folks who attended the NTC to share their stories from the conference. We invite all to join us for this important discussion on a crucial part of nonprofits' online strategies. Roger Burks is senior writer for Mercy Corps, a global relief and developmen& Communications, where she won a full scholarship as the Newhouse Minority Fellow in 2003. Over her past five years at The Oregonian, she has worked as a general assignment reporter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to working at The Oregonian, Hsuan worked as a cultural anthropologist after receiving her bachelor's degree in anthropology in 2001 from the University of California at Los Angeles, where she was a Regents Scholar. She has served two terms as the president of the Asian American Journalists Association, Portland Chapter.

      More info:

      Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID

      2009-06-03 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm2009-05-18 17:49:09 92009-06-03 20:30:00 Bding a Caring Economy led by Real Wealth of Portland, and Caring--Inspiration to Implementation led by the Giving Tree and Community Warehouse. Guest speakers include Jane Green and Melissa Owens of Children’s Cancer Association, Amy Sacks of the Pixie Project, and Charles Lewis of Ethos Music. The forum is your chance to talk with others in the community who share your concern. And if you have an idea ready to turn into action, you’ll find experts ready to help you get start_w%333JuXTiE Oregon/OHSU: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Health ITHealth Information T1've3g33JvDistant Neighbors, Common Interests: Amy Hsuan on Reporting in China - China Busin/#u]3g33JvDistant Neighbors, Common Interests: Amy Hsuan on Reporting in China - China Busin-.ts3g33JvDistant Neighbors, Common Interests: Amy Hsuan on Reporting in China - China Business Network series of the NW China Council

      Lunch presentation by Oregonian reporter Amy Hsuan, who visited China in November, traveling 4,500 miles by train, plane, automobile and motorized cart. Her mission: to tell stories of why China's rapid transformation matters to Oregonians and the state's economy. Her trip resulted in a five-day series in The Oregonian which covered an expanse of industries: solar, timber, green building, high-tech. Amy will talk about reporting in China, covering the topics in her series and working as a reporter there. A question and answer period will follow.

      Amy Hsuan started her career at The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. as an intern after receiving her master's degree in journalism from the Newhouse School of Public(,>
      Lunch presentation by Oregonian reporter Amy Hsuan, who visited China in November, traveling 4,500 miles by train, plane, automobile and motorized cart. Her mission: to tell stories of why China's rapid transformation matters to Oregonians and the state's economy. Her trip resulted in a five-day series in The Oregonian which covered an expanse of industries: solar, timber, green building, high-tech. Amy will talk about reporting in China, covering the topics in her series and working as a reporter there. A question and answer period will follow.

      Amy Hsuan started her career at The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. as an intern after receiving her master's degree in journalism from the Newhouse School of Public Communications, where she won a full scholarship as the Newhouse Minority Fellow in 2003. Over her past five years at The Oregonian, she has worked as a general assignment reporter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to working at The Oregonian, Hsuan worked as a cultural anthropologist after receiving her bachelor's degree in anthropology in 2001 from the University of California at Los Angeles, where she was a Regents Scholar. She has served two terms as the president of the Asian American Journalists Association, Portland Chapter.
      More info: http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm
      Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID
      On-line tickets and registration:http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php

      2009-06-03 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm2009-05-18 17:52:42 92009-06-03 20:30:00.ess Network series of the NW China Council

      Lunch presentation by Oregonian reporter Amy Hsuan, who visited China in November, traveling 4,500 miles by train, plane, automobile and motorized cart. Her mission: to tell stories of why China's rapid transformation matters to Oregonians and the state's economy. Her trip resulted in a five-day series in The Oregonian which covered an expanse of industries: solar, timber, green building, high-tech. Amy will talk about reporting in China, covering the topics in her series and working as a reporter there. A question and answer period will follow.

      Amy Hsuan started her career at The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. as an intern after receiving her master's degree in journalism from the Newhouse School of Public Communications, where she won a full scholarship as the Newhouse Minority Fellow in 2003. Over her past five years at The Oregonian, she has worked as a general assignment reporter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to working at The Oregonian, Hsuan worked as a cultural anthropologist after receiving her bachelor's degree in anthropology in 2001 from the University of California at Los Angeles, where she was a Regents Scholar. She has served two terms as the president of the Asian American Journalists Association, Portland Chapter.
      Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID
      On-line tickets and registration:http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php

      2009-06-03 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm2009-05-18 17:54:10 92009-06-03 20:30:00ve community members to unite, learn, gain inspiration, 0ess Network series of the NW China Council

      Lunch presentation by Oregonian reporter Amy Hsuan, who visited China in November, traveling 4,500 miles by train, plane, automobile and motorized cart. Her mission: to tell stories of why China's rapid transformation matters to Oregonians and the state's economy. Her trip resulted in a five-day series in The Oregonian which covered an expanse of industries: solar, timber, green building, high-tech. Amy will talk about reporting in China, covering the topics in her series and working as a reporter there. A question and answer period will follow.

      Amy Hsuan started her career at The Oregonian in Portland, Ore. as an intern after receiving her master's degree in journalism from the Newhouse School of Public Communications, where she won a full scholarship as the Newhouse Minority Fellow in 2003. Over her past five years at The Oregonian, she has worked as a general assignment reporter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to working at The Oregonian, Hsuan worked as a cultural anthropologist after receiving her bachelor's degree in anthropology in 2001 from the University of California at Los Angeles, where she was a Regents Scholar. She has served two terms as the president of the Asian American Journalists Association, Portland Chapter.
      Ticket Info: $20 members; $30 general; $15 for students with ID
      On-line CBN tickets and registration:http://www.nwchina.org/register-cbn.php

      2009-06-03 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090603cbn.htm2009-05-18 17:55:07 92009-06-03 20:30:00egionally elected President on Jan. 6, 2003, representin2echnology Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness Research Gets $1 Billion The new economic stimulus bill is an example of the priority and urgency the new Congress and Obama Administration gives to reforming the health care system. As part of the stimulus package, signed into law by President Obama, $19 billion is now dedicated to transforming the patient record to an electronic format and adopting standards, to be developed by Jan 1, 2010. Practitioners will receive incentives to use Heath Information Technology (HIT) standards that must be developed by Jan. 1, 2010. Physicians and other practitioners will be eligible for up to $64,000 in incentive payments over several years for the meaningful use of an electronic medical record for patients. By 2015 all physicians will be required to use electronic records in their practice. Hospitals will also be eligible for $1-9 million in incentives for meaningful EHR adoption. This stimulus package is expected to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also focus on developing the health IT workforce that institutions like OHSU are already doing, creating new career opportunities in this area. TIE Oregon has partnered with OHSU and lined up a great panel of healthcare industry professionals and entrepreneurs who have pioneered the development and use of Electronic Health Records, who will provide insights into this industry and how entrepreneurs can capitalize on this opportunity. If you are looking to get into this field this is your opportunity to network and learn! 2009-05-21 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?mode=edit&id_event=3061&from_where=status_event&id_status_chapter=50¤t_year=2009&batch_start=0&chapter_region=North%20America&status=12009-05-19 00:53:08 ?!2009-05-21 04:00:00tland, OR

      2008-08-14 02:30:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2009-02-09 20:26:21 >;bp DD social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, CSAs and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important8x%%3)33JvDjango LunchLet's meet again and chat about Django and whatever else comes up. Same place as last place -- near the awesome food carts at SW 10th & SW Alder, then we'll meet and eat inside the Galleria, where there are always empty tables. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. PDX Django: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on irc.freenode.net2009-05-19 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/browse_thread/thread/ced9cb28c18e6a892009-05-19 05:23:43 ?2009-05-19 20:30:00rtland Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-20 00:31:48 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00d confidence for managing one's own health and healthcare. Research worldwide has validated the measurement power of the PAM, and the ability to use the PAM and its related body of behavioral insights to render care and support with greater effectiveness and efficiency. Insignia Health, whose CEO is Chris Delaney, has built a set of products around the PAM that enable patients to develop behaviors that are crucial to becoming more active self-managers and engaged members of their healthcare teams. In this talk Dr. Hibbard will discuss the research behind the development of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM), how it is being used to make health care more patient-centered, and how it can improve outcomes. Mr. Delaney will discuss the translational effort to build and commercialize products based on the PAM . He will describe how these tools are being adopted and used in the healthcare market place. 2009-05-28 00:30:00http://cpd.ogi.edu/courseSpecific.asp?pam=24972009-05-20 17:00:00 ?2009-05-28 03:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyDԡ.)3-333Portl(ԡ4I#3K333Beer and Blog: What the Shit? I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic readO-3i33JqIgnite Corvallis+|S!3]33JvxThings That Indicate You're An "Entrepreneur Who Gets" It- by Portland Ten & Willammete University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of Po4 )rfo '3u33JvFinancing Your Cleantech Business: Federal and State IncentivesPlease join us for a panel presentation on cleantech financing – focusing on the nuts and bolts of tapping into government funding. With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also k8K!3i33JvOHSU: The Patient Activation Measure and Its Role in Patient-Centered Careatients hold the keys to the healthcare kingdom. Whether one turns to data from the Centers for Disease Control, advocacy organizations such as the American Cancer Society or from published research in the New England Journal of Medicine, one finding resounds--most of what drives our health status is the result of the choices we make. Even when health is genetically predisposed, the choices we make as patients and consumers have great import. The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) is a survey, developed by Dr. Judith Hibbard and colleagues at the University of Oregon, and is designed to assess the knowledge, skills an5nown as the Stimulus Package) signed into law, how do emerging cleantech or renewable energy companies in need of financing access the grants, loans and other funding that can help their business thrive? The scarcity of venture capital funding and a non-existent IPO market makes understanding the incentives and funding available from Washington, D.C. and Oregon more important than ever. K&L Gates has assembled a panel of speakers who have not only helped cleantech companies access government and traditional funding, but also helped make that money work best in the long term. Attendance is complimentary but space is limited. The panelists will address: the range of funding options for clean technology project finance how to successfully and efficiently access funding from the Stimulus Package legal and regulatory risks and their impact on future revenue, project feasibility and financeability2009-06-03 15:00:00http://www.klgates.com/events/Detail.aspx?event=20122009-05-20 17:15:202009-06-03 17:00:00 record of accomplishment in the fields of technology innovation and entrepreneurial investing. Vijay is the founding President of TiE-Seattle, an active angel investor and mentor to entrepreneurs – these investment include Driveso3]33JvIntroduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren’t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool that I use to monitor conversations happe
      MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
      Presented byFK3]3JvEngage 2009: Virtual ConferenceRegistration is Free! Reserve your spot today for the upcoming launch of the first ever Intel® Software Partner Program virtual user conference?E3S33JvIntroduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren’t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool that I use to monitor conversations happening across various social media sites. While Yahoo Pipes can also do so much more@Ka3]33JvEngage 2009: Virtual ConferenceRegistration is Free! Reserve your spot today for the upcoming launch of the first ever Intel® Software Partner Program virtual user conference Engage 2009 on June 3, 2009. The virtual user conference = Engage 2009 on June 3, 2009. The virtual user conference will help ISVs gain a competitive advantage. Conducted entirely online, visitors will see live presentations, participate in live Q&A with presenters, visit 10 exhibitor booths filled with useful information and staffed with Intel experts, and network with others using the professional networking capabilities. The user conference is free to both current and prospective Intel Partner members. Breakout Sessions Being Confident, Creative and Resourceful In A Down Economy How You Can Get the Most from Intel® Architecture Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers and Visual Adrenaline from Intel Go-Parallelism! Ease the Onramp for C/C++ Windows* Development Application Builder: The High Value Service that Puts Your Software to the Test Expand your Customer Base with the Intel® Business Exchange 2009-06-03 07:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2717490/2009-05-20 17:52:38 ?;bP, I have focused this introductory class on monitoring conversations. Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/350105174 Costs: * Early Bird: $124.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed Early Bird: $34.99 * Late Registration (After June 18): $199.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed (After June 18): $49.99 Prerequisites * You will need to bring a laptop to the training class * You must have a Yahoo account (Flickr / Upcoming) and confirm that you can access Pipes with that account * You will also need to create a Google Spreadsheet with 5-6 keywords formatted like this prior to the class. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required Visit the Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training page for the course outline and other information about the class. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-06-26 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-05-20 17:45:08 9;bO2009-06-26 02:30:00 ::1ent “Competitive Analysis for Prod3 yBY_3O33JvBeer and Blog: Eye of the Social StormPortland, Oregon 97214 Get Directions There's a lot going on this Friday. Have you noticed? I've laid it all out the who/what/when/where of the very busy schedule of May 22nd, including our own: What the Shit? featuring the dramatic reading of tweets (starting at 5pm). I've even provided a helpful google map to help you make as many of these awesome events as possible. http://http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-stormeye-of-the-social-storm/ I will be there, and am hoping to hear one of my tweets read with such melodrama that would put Wm. Shatner to shame. What a compliment that would be! Hope to see you, my fellow beer-n-bloggers, at least once on Friday. Shouldn’t be too hard, from the looks of things!2009-05-22 23:00:00http://http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-stormeye-of-the-social-storm/2009-05-20 18:26:40 ; 2009-05-23 01:00:00 wactive Studios, will be moderating. PANELISTS: * Steve Sandstrom from Sandstrom Partners * Sean O’Brien from W+K * Ryan Buchanan from eROI * Kirk James from Cinco * Mary Kysar from Makelike * Steve P %/3;33JvPDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-23 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-05-21 00:26:57 92009-06-23 04:00:00%/3;33JvPDX CritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-23 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-05-21 00:26:30 92009-06-23 03:00:00 ^^90 minutes. LoN1K3C33Jt_Portland Code CampCoders showing code to Co 73]33JvPower Flickr WorkshopJoin professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop that's all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to network with other Flickr users with similar interests. A sample of topics to be discussed: - Flickr's contacts features explained - how to find the best photos on Flickr - all about Explore, what it is and tips for getting noticed - how to make sure your contacts see your best photos - finding relevant communities to contribute and interact - driving traffic Dto your Flickr stream, via Flickr - sharing your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP here so that we have a general headcount . Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email .2009-06-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-06-13 21:14:54 9;bQ2009-06-24 03:30:00haring your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP here so that we have a general headcount . Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email.2009-06-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-06-13 21:14:54 9;bQ2009-06-24 03:30:00 33oggers, such as copyright and tr*A 7k3]33JvPower Flickr WorkshopJoin professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop that's all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to network with other Flickr users with similar interests. A sample of topics to be discussed: - Flickr's contacts features explained - how to find the best photos on Flickr - all about Explore, what it is and tips for getting noticed - how to make sure your contacts see your best photos - finding relevant communities to contribute and interact - driving traffic to your Flickr stream, via Flickr - sEHat's all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to network with other Flickr users with similar interests. A sample of topics to be discussed: - Flickr's contacts features explained - how to find the best photos on Flickr - all about Explore, what it is and tips for getting noticed - how to make sure your contacts see your best photos - finding relevant communities to contribute and interact - driving traffic to your Flickr stream, via Flickr - sharing your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP on Upcoming so that we have a general headcount . Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email.2009-06-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-06-13 21:14:54 9;bQ2009-06-24 03:30:00locations2009-03-11 00:30:00http://www.schmoozepdx.com2009-02-11 18:50:44 =2009-03-11 03:00:00 ing, and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -Practice building a router configuration from scratch to full functionality
      -Practice three techniques for saving confi~RGe3M33JtbBeer and Blog - VidoopConnectHave you signed into a site or made a blog comment yet just by logging in with your Facebook account through Facebook Connect? Sexy and intuitive, isn't it? Makes you wonder why the majority of sites still require you to create clunky usernames and passwords, just for them. Well, with VidoopConnect, we make any site's login process sexy, and let the users choose how they want to sign in. Like to use your email address with Google, Yahoo!, AOL, or ANY old email address? Cool. Prefer to use your Facebook or MySpace account? Go for it. Do you follow the Aaron Hockley method and prefer to only s 7g3]33JvPower Flickr WorkshopJoin professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop thG AA11am, at CubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating t; Y_3A33JvBeer and Blog: Eye of the Social StormPortland, Oregon 97214 Get Directions There's a lot going on this Friday. Have you noticed? I've laid it all out the who/what/when/where of the very busy schedule of May 22nd, including our own: What the Shit? featuring the dramatic reading of tweets (starting at 5pm). I've even provided a helpful google map to help you make as many of these awesome events as possible. http://http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-stormeye-of-the-social-storm/ I will be there, and am hoping to hear one of my tweets read with such melodrama that would put Wm. Shatner to shame. What a compliment that would be! Hope to see you, my fellow beer-n-bloggers, at least once on Friday. Shouldn’t be too hard, from the looks of things!2009-05-22 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-stormeye-of-the-social-storm/2009-05-21 05:24:58 ; 2009-05-23 01:00:00e 3, 2009. The virtual user conference will help ISVs gain a competitive advantage. Conducted entirely online, visitors will see live presentations, participate in live Q&A with presenters, visit 10 exhibitor booths filled with useful information and staffed with Intel experts, and network with others using the professional networking capabilities. The user conference is free to both current and prospective Intel Partner members. Breakout Sessions Being Confident, Creative and Resourceful In A Down Economy How You Can Get the Most from Intel® Architecture Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers and Visual Adrenaline from Intel Go-Parallelism! Ease the Onramp for C/C++ Windows* Development Application Builder: The High Value Service that Puts Your Software to the Test Expand your Customer Base with the Intel® Business Exchange 2009-06-03 13:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2717490/2009-05-21 06:03:16 ?;bP2009-06-03 23:00:00 vv and troubleshooting Cisco router configurations. By the end of this workshop, you will...

      -PrY#333JvBeer and Blog: Eye of the Social StormPortland, Oregon 97214 Get Directions There's a lot going on this Friday. Have you noticed? I've laid it all out the who/what/when/where of the very busy schedule of May 22nd, including our own: What the Shit? featuring the dramatic reading of tweets (starting at 5pm). I've even provided a helpful google map to help you make as many of these awesome events as possible. http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-storm/ I will be there, and am hoping to hear one of my tweets read with such melodrama that would put Wm. Shatner to shame. What a compliment that would be! Hope to see you, my fellow beer-n-bloggers, at least once on Friday. Shouldn’t be too hard, from the looks of things!2009-05-22 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-storm/2009-05-21 05:26:56 ; 2009-05-23 01:00:00 actice using local and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how to configure static routes and practice building routing tables
      -Gain hands-on experience in the basics of routing protocols with hands-on exercises in RIP version 1, RIP version 2, and OSPF
      -Work ascW; 3 33JtgPutting Social Media to2009-02-12 21:00:002009-02-12 20:23:112009-02-12 22:00:00fVm3A33JtfRefresh Portland FebrS'A3C33JvARGfest-o-conARGfest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of (so-called) Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! ARGfest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 19:57:55 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00YK3]33JvEngage 2009: Virtual ConferenceRegistration is Free! Reserve your spot today for the upcoming launch of the first ever Intel® Software Partner Program virtual user conference Engage 2009 on JunKving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into thinking that their product / company is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. If you're wondering how to inexpensively validate your market - in short order - you may want to hear Mark Paul's talk on this valuable topic. He will cover two very important areas [1] understanding true market needs and [2] how they will value your product / service. Speaker: Mark Paul, OTBCMark Paul is a Coach at OTBC, an interim executive & consultant for 20 years, with the large-company expertise. He is also author of two business books: The Entrepreneur's Survival Guide and How to Attract Significantly More Customers…in good times and bad, along with numerous other products and services to help business owners grow their companies. OEN Member - $30 Non-member - $155 (includes 1 year OEN individual membership)2009-06-04 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=742009-05-21 20:21:15 <2009-06-05 01:00:00 __$ -Practice using local and remote router configuration procedures
      -Learn how Y#3A33JvBeer and Blog: Eye of the Social StormPortland, Oregon 97214 Get Directions There's a lot going on this Friday. Have you noticed? I've laid it all out the who/what/when/where of the very busy schedule of May 22nd, including our own: What the Shit? featuring the dramatic reading of tweets (starting at 5pm). I've even provided a helpful google map to help you make as many of these awesome events as possible. http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-storm/ I will be there, and am hoping to hear one of my tweets read with such melodrama that would put Wm. Shatner to shame. What a compliment that would be! Hope to see you, my fellow beer-n-bloggers, at least once on Friday. Shouldn’t be too hard, from the looks of things!2009-05-22 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/05/20/eye-of-the-social-stormeye-of-the-social-storm/2009-05-21 05:26:50 ; 2009-05-23 01:00:00offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|can OSTUVWXYZ [\ ] ^ _`OSTUVWXYZ [\ ] ^ _`abd,ghil m"n$o#p%q'r*s)w3x“y6|79>AB C F I J OLMQSTUZYX[^\]b_ `!a"c$f'h(i)k,q.r/w3n5x7z8{9|:};<@BCEGKLMOQSUVWXZ[\]_`abdfghikmnoqrsu als?Portland Business Alliance event: Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. You keep hearing about them and new sites are popping up over night. How do you use them? Which ones best fit your company's needs? Social media experts including Edelman's US Brand Strategy Director, Travel Po{/3E33JvOEN Workshop - How to cost effectively validate your marketFounders/CEOs/Business Owners: Save yourself money & time! Whether you're thinking about starting a company, the founder of an existing start-up, or already running a company - something you may want to learn - before you launch the company or a new product is: "Is there a 'there', there"? More often than not, entrepreneur's passion and great idea have a lot of momentum - moving companies forward. Unfortunately, these two driNrtland Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-21 21:53:19 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00 ,,esented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of CommerceDate: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title: Putting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals? TP[3E33JvOEN - Business Plan Development SeminarThis seminar reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning the what is critical to include in an effective business, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources. Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 entrepreneurs. OEN Members: $30 Non-members: $155 (includes a one-year OEN individual membership)2009-06-09 23:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=622009-05-21 20:26:12 <2009-06-10 01:00:00 g
      -Practice configuring your security appliance to authenticate via Windows Active Directory using RADIUS
      -Practice buidling and troubleshooting a DHCP server
      -Practice building three types of VPNs including site-to-site, remote access, and a clientless Web VPN
      -Gain an understanding of DMZs and practice buidling one wit^G_3]33JsPortland WordPress User GroupThe WordPress Group will feature Justin Kistn+S!3]33JvxThings That Indicate You're An "Entrepreneur Who Gets" It- by Portland Ten & Willamette University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of PoR |&loid adventures ha.ԡ;Sg3333Stoel Rives: Clean Technology Forumhttp://www.stoel.com/showevent.aspx?Show=27232007-10-09 14:30:Py333JqPortland Cisco ASA Training: Two-Day Hands-On SeminarCisco ASA Training: Installing, Configuring, Opp`ES3K33JtgPutting Social Media to Work: What is social media and how can it support my business goals?Prepf_m3A33JtfRefresh Portland February:+S!3]33JvxThings That Indicate You're An "Entrepreneur Who Gets It"- by Portland Ten & Willamette University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of PoVrtland Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-21 21:53:42 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00rtland Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 7-8 pm: The Portland Ten Initiative Come get an inside look at Portland Ten! Hear from our founders-- about their projects, what they've learned during their time in the program, and what's next as they work toward the goal of $1MM in revenue each, by October 2010. Learn what's in the works for our second round of Portland Ten, beginning June 8, as well as community outreach projects on queue for the summer, designed to strengthen Portland's early stage founder, investment, and tech communities. Any questions? Email cduncan@portlandten.com. See you then!2009-05-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2659358/2009-05-21 21:56:13 ?;bM2009-05-23 03:00:00 hipleywins.com/index.php\">Shipley Associates are well-respected a s the best private support for obtaining federal contracts\nShipley As sociates has:\n• Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies\ n• Developed a virtual proposal center for a Fortune 10 client\n• Trained over 30,000 people worldwide\n\nThe Oregon State Procurement Office es tablishe.'w3C33JvARGfest-o-conARGfest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of (so-called) Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGfest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 23:56:16 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00 O/index.sh tml\">Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process.\n\nResearch Drives Us\nWe recently took a surv ey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that ob taining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more popular than obtaining vent ure capital, tax credits or enhanced private lending.'3C33JvARGfest-o-conARGfest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of (so-called) Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGfest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 23:55:52 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00 lisabeth Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: >>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) define acceptance tests collaboratively while discussing each s+S!3]33JvxThings That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It"- by Portland Ten & Willamette University.6-7 pm: 16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who "Gets It" How do investors and other seasoned professionals in the startup and business world evaluate you during and after a meeting? As a founder, mastering the qualities of an entrepreneur who "gets it" helps attract resources and connections, and makes the process of bootstrapping a new venture, a little bit easier. Carolynn Duncan, director of PoW ssessions for exploring specific topics in more detail.

      Workshop Presenters

      James M. Smith

      Jim Smith, who began his career at IBM in sales and marketing, has over thirty years of experience mentoring entrepreneHc;-3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven Development >> NOW AT 6:30 AND FEATURING PIZk!bo-3+33Jt:XPDX February: Acceptance Test Driven DevelopmentElisabeth Hendricks-'u3C33JvARGfest-o-conARGfest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of (so-called) Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGfest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-21 23:56:26 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00 nShipley Associates are well-respected as the best private support for obtaining federal contracts\nShipley Associates has:\n• Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies\ n• Developed a virtual proposal center for a Fortune 10 client\n• Trained over 30,000 people worldwide\n\nThe Oregon State Procurement Off1gM3333JvPortland Functional Programmering Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-06-09 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-22 09:15:50 92009-06-09 04:00:00 nomic crisis can be traced back to a lack of jobs, and since the stimulus packages present new job opportunities, and since we have federal & state experts that are willing to help, we decided to be part of the solution instead of whining about the state of the economy. Our Trainers Shipley Associates are well-respected as the best private support for obtaining federal contracts Shipley Associates has: • Worked with 43 of the top 50 Fortune 500/cM3333JvPortland Functional Programming Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.2009-06-09 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-05-22 09:55:38 92009-06-09 04:00:00 nd the Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process.\n\nResearch Drives Us\nWe recently took a surv ey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that obtaining a state or federal contract would enable them to hire the most employees. To our surprise, this was more ,'s3C33JvARGfest-o-conARGfest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of (so-called) Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGfest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-22 00:03:18 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00 n't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts others have already posted at this link. Agenda for Feb. 28 After some networking time, we'll have each idea person looking for a team give 2 or 3 minute elevator pitch, have 4 as333JvOR BOD Education Series: Board EvaluationsOR BOD Education Series Date: Sep 23, 2009 Board Evaluations Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters! 2009-05-22 16:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0909012009-05-22 15:22:44 :$2009-05-22 17:00:00 #pm until at least 7pmhiW 3s33JtkOTBC - HR discussion with Iris SasakiBring your questions about Human Resources to this brg!1_3C33Jt_Portland Code Campode Camp is a place for developers to come and learn from their peers. This FREE community driven event has become an international trend where peer groups of all platforms, programming languages and disciplines band together to bring content to the community. Who is speaking at Code Camp? YOU are, YOUR PEERS are, and YOUR LOCAL EXPERTS are...all are welcome! This is a community event and one of the main purposes of the event is to have local community members step up and offer some cool presentations! Don’t worry if you have never given a presentation before, we’ll give you some tips if you need help, and this a great opportunity to spread your wings. Of course, we do have some ringers on our speaker list as well...stay tuned... 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-05-22 15:26:11 ?92009-05-31 01:00:00 hen
      : Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the c4"as333JvOR BOD Education Series: Board EvaluationsOR BOD Education Series Date: Sep 23, 2009 Board Evaluations Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters! 2009-09-23 16:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0909012009-05-22 15:29:47 :$2009-09-23 17:00:00 y attention to your competitors and how they del:fg3 33JtiSAO: Federal/State Contracts & Your BusinessTime: February 17, 2009 from 1pm to 5pm Location: Oregon State Capitol, Room 350 Street: 900 Court St City/Town: Salem, OR 97301 Website or Map: http://www.leg.state.or.us/... Contact Info: 503-999-5849 Event Type: advocacy, education, bizdev Join us for this free event at the Oregon State Capitol to learn how to position your4as333JvOR BOD Education Series: Board EvaluationsOR BOD Education Series Date: Sep 23, 2009 Board Evaluations Network with high-level peers and expert panelists as TechAmerica (formerly AeA) enters the sophomore season for its successful Board of Directors education series that addresses the changing and sometimes challenging issues Boards face today...because AeA continues to believe that Good Governance Matters! 2009-05-22 16:00:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR0909012009-05-22 15:22:05 ?2009-05-22 17:00:00 xx you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.) See concepts othe$?3]33JvZThe Art of Agile DeliveryLearn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. Industry experts James Shoed#?!3]33JvYThe Art of Agile PlanningLearn everything you need to know about agile planning in this two-day course. Using a combination of lectures and hands-on simulations, industry experts James Shore and Diana Larsen will teach you: - Estimating - Story writing - Iteration/Sprint planning - "Done Done" - Release planning - Adaptive planning - Risk management - Vision - Working with stakeholders Project managers, product managers, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.2009-06-08 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124404/2009-05-22 15:46:10 :;b>Jt2009-06-09 00:00:00ark.com).

      At 6:00 PM –Arts Partners Project Manager Marna Stalcup will discuss opportunities for artists who are interested in working in classrooms through this program.

      (by invitation only) At 6:30 PM –RACC Board Chair Carole Morse and RACC Executive Director Eloise Damrosch will welcome 300 guests to an appreciation event for Arts Partners funders, committee members, and other stakeholders inside the Winningstad Theater.

      At 6:45 PM –Portland Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith will talk about the importance of arts education in our schools.

      At 7:00 PM –National Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen from Prineville, Oregon, will speak.

      At 7:15 PM –RACC will unveil the new identity for the initiative formerly known as “Arts Partners.”

      All speakers will conclude by 7:30, with a reception in the lobby to follow.
      2008-09-19 00:00:00http://www.portlandartspark.com2009-05-22 18:05:08 >;bֵ2008-09-19 03:00:00re and Diana Larsen use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. The instructors split the group as appropriate to ensure that programmers get plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - Working with stakeholders - Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development - Test-driven development - Refactoring - Code management - Continuous integration - Exploratory testing - Pairing - Incremental design and risk-driven architecture - Cross-functional collaboration Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.2009-06-10 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2124417/2009-05-22 15:46:33 :;b?Jt2009-06-11 00:00:00 Cn: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Free At our "Finding Founders" brown bag lunch, there was a lot of interest in a Startup Speed Dating process. So we're doing it! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are? Are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity instead of salary? Then this event is for you. Send us your Idea If you have an idea for a startup, we encourage you to give us8'Wc3;33JpqCre8con: Portland Creative ConferenceThe Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con), happening on Saturday, Sept. 6th, marks the return of this interdisciplinary exploratiog9&% 3E33JvOEN Pub Talk2009-06-11 00:15:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=572009-05-22 15:49:11 :62009-06-11 02:00:00n of the creative process within various creative industries. The conference features keynote presentations from leading creatives across a variety of fields (from companies such as LAIKA, Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, Dark Horse Comics, Michael Curry Design, White Horse, CROW Clothing and more) who will reveal their work and talk about their process, influences, inspirations and motivations. It is an opportunity for attendees to get inside the head of visionaries who are generating original and effective ideas and to be inspired in entirely new ways, viewing their own world with a fresh perspective as a result. This event is part of an orchestrated business+culture experience in Portland that includes Inverge: the interactive convergence conference (Sept. 4+5), the Time-Based Art Festival, MusicFestNW and the First Thursday Gallery Walk. For discounted event bundle pricing, see the Inverge registration page at www.inverge.com.2008-09-06 14:45:00http://www.cre8con.com/2009-05-22 18:05:07 >2008-09-07 02:00:00 "9YQMn]m3U33JtnOTBC: FastTrac® TechVenture® Session 1Validate your market and business model. DQ(W}3K33Jpspecial edition of Portland Art SparkWHAT: The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) will announce its plans to begin providing arts education for every K-8 child in the Portland metropolitan region. In the spring of 2009, this initiative, which builds arts education activities into the standard curriculum, will launch in 20 schools across four local school districts, serving 10,000 children and their teachers. Organizers will also unveil a new brand identity for the program.

      WHEN: Thursday, September 18, 2008

      free and open to the public

      At 5:00 PM –Local artists will convene at the ArtBar in the lobby of Antoinette Hatfield Hall for a special arts education edition of “Art Spark,” a monthly networking opportunity for artists and arts administrators. (See www.portlandartspd OO\gest social networking event for Web Analytics Professionals, connecting thous.//U3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, net-)m3o33JqThe Showdown in Stumptown: 2008 PAF Rosey AwardsStep into the ring, touch gloves and cue the Rocky theme song (or Eye of the Tiger, your choice), it's time for the 51st annual PAF Rosey Awards. You'll see who duked it out for this years winner's circle. Honors include awards of Merit and Excellence, and of course, Rosey. Join us to see how each contender stacked up to the competition. Reception/Entries on display: 5:30-7:30pm Show: 7:30pm Location: The Newmark Theater (SW Broadway in the heart of Portland) Members: $91./Non Members $106. 2008-11-21 01:30:00http://portlandadfed.com/events/details.php?id=332009-05-22 18:05:09 >2008-11-21 06:00:00rothy Parker, George S. Kaufman & Robert Benchley. Louanne is an old theatre pal of mine and we knew each other and performed in the same theatre company in Los Angeles. Louanne not only produced this piece, she co-wrote it and directed it, and it has new music by modern jazz legend Dave Frishberg. Bound to be an afternoon of biting wit. I'd like to put together a party of folk who want to go see it on its final afternoon matinee performance, Sunday, February 1st at 2 pm. The performance is held a block from the ART stage, at the Blue Room of the Scottish Rite Temple.
      Ticket Info: $35 regular, $22.40 students
      Buy Tickets
      2009-02-01 22:00:00http://www.artistsrep.org/box-office/fertile-ground/vitriol--violets.aspx2009-05-22 18:05:18 >;bד2009-02-02 00:00:00 ]&]on. His current area of focus is in the development and delivery of structured 5,C{3O3JeRuby and OSS evening social[*UPDATE 2/20:* You can still come to the event, even if you didn't register/pay for the catered dinner earlier. Although you won't get the meal, m+m33a33Jv5Coalition for Livable Future 2009 Annual Regional Livability Summit "From Hope to Change: Mobilizing for Equity"May 20th Day of Mobilization Highlights (8:30 - 3:30) "Toward a Just Sustainability?" Keynote Address by Julian Agyeman From London to Australia to the US, Julian has been a government advisor, academic, and activist. Currently Professor and Chair of tlC*os333Jt'"Vitriol & Violets" by Artists' Repertory TheatrePlease come join me to see my pal Louanne Moldavan's lastest production for Artists' Repertory Theater, "Vitriol and Violets," a witty retelling of the sharp-tongued authors around of the Algonquin Circle, including Alexander Woollcott, Dojhe Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Agyeman adeptly navigates the intersection of environment and society, expanding our thinking about the possibilities for a just sustainability. Mobilizing for Regional Equity - Plenary Panel of Community Leaders, Breakouts, Caucuses & Multimedia Experiences Participate in one or more developmental or action-ready sessions focused on campaigns and projects that aim to address systemic causes of inequities to built environment resources and opportunities for prosperity. May 21st and May 23rd: Days of Equity Action (Specific times and locations TBA): Participate in one or more "done-in-a-day" service or advocacy activities hosted by Coalition for a Livable Future member and partner organizations across the region. For more details and registration beginning April 6, 2009, go to http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-20 15:30:00http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit 2009-05-22 18:05:27 92009-05-20 22:30:00othe Hilton agreed to let non-diners in for free without any additional RSVPs/registrations. The room will have extra tables and a bar if you'd like to buy drinks.] Join us for an evening social event where you'll get a chance to meet Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, and members of Japanese and Oregon-based organizations that use and contribute to Ruby and open source. This event will be a great way to meet Ruby and open source enthusiasts ranging from programmers to CEOs, from journalists to city officials. You'll get a chance to learn how they're using and promoting these tools in Oregon and Japan, and discuss the open source movement and its communities. Be ready to make some new connections, so bring your business cards. This event is NOT about formal lectures or sales pitches, but for facilitating interpersonal discussions and creating new relationships here and abroad. We look forward to seeing you there! DETAILS: * LOCATION: Alexander's, 23rd floor of the Hilton Portland & Executi radically different architecture for computing called Fleet. Fleet accepts the limitations to computing imposed by physics: moving data around inside a computer costs more energy, more delay, and more chip area than the arithmetic and logical operations ordinarily called “computing.” Fleet puts the programmer firmly in charge of the most costly resource, communication, instead of in charge of the arithmetic and logical resources that are now almost free. Fleet treats arithmetic and logical operations as side effects of where the programmer sends data. Fleet achieves high performance through fine grain concurrency. Everything Fleet does is concurrent at the lowest level; programmers who wish sequentiality must program it explicitly. Fleet presents a stark contrast to today’s multi-core machines in which programmers seek concurrency in an inherently sequential environment. The Fleet architecture uses a uniform switch fabric to simplify chip design. A few thousand identical copies of a programmable pve Tower, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, USA 97204 * RSVP: [*UPDATE 2/20:* You do not need to RSVP if you're coming to the event as a non-diner. The payment/registration was only needed for the catered dinner.] * COST: [*UPDATE 2/20*: The event is free if you don't get the meal. However, the deadline for buying the catered dinner has passed, so you probably won't be able to get a meal at the event if you haven't paid for it already.] * SPONSORS: This event is paid for in part by The City of Beaverton, Oregon Technology Business Center, Pragmaticraft, AboutUs, and Lane Powell. You can donate through the "OTBC contribution system":http://www.opentechcenter.com/drupal/?q=node/194 ATTENDEES: * Shimane Open Source Society: A group that promotes the use of Ruby and open source, and is working to make a "Mecca of OSS" in the city of Matsue. The visiting delegation includes government officials, managers, scientists and technologists from Shimane Prefecture. * Oregon Technology Business Center: A non-profit organization devoted to supporting the growth of technology startups in Oregon. This incubator for technology-focused startups helps with office infrastructure, coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. * Portland Ruby Brigade: A grassroots community of Ruby programmers that meets regularly to freely share their knowledge of Ruby. This user group promotes the use of Ruby and open source through events, structured talks, and open discussions. * Other Oregon organizations: We'll likely have representatives from AboutUs, ActiveReload, BlueLeaf, Blue Hill Solutions, Calagator, City of Beaverton, EngineYard: Rubinius, GoSeeTell, IBM, Infinity Softworks, JanRain, Lumeno.us, Lunarr, Open Sourcery, Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, Oregon State University: Open Source Lab, Portland State University, Pragmaticraft: AutomateIt, Software Association of Oregon, and others.2008-02-22 03:00:00http://pdxruby.org/events/show/382009-05-22 18:05:51 <2;b[ //+%8ԡBg[3333Portland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, a w{w3#33JtuSCORE: Are You Positioned for Success in a Down Market?This is a fast-paced, interactive workshop for those who have beeTIv)'3E33JttOEN: Swap MeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. _.U 3]33JvCocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to diss^-]3]33JvOnline chat: Three VCs talk about OregonOregonian tech writer Mike Rogoway will host an online chat with three venture capitalists, all of them active recently in Oregon, to talk over Oregon's startup scene. More details to come.2009-05-29 16:00:00http://blog.oregonlive.com/siliconforest2009-05-22 21:40:45 ?2009-05-29 17:00:00 ng techniques, spaces and technologies that extend growing seasons, increase yield, increase opportunities for local food production and bh/1a3C33Jt_Portland Code CampCode Camp is a place for developers to come and learn from their peers. This FREE community driven event has become an international trend where peer groups of all platforms, programming languages and disciplines band together to bring content to the community. Who is speaking at Code Camp? YOU are, YOUR PEERS are, and YOUR LOCAL EXPERTS are...all are welcome! This is a community event and one of the main purposes of the event is to have local community members step up and offer some cool presentations! Don’t worry if you have never given a presentation before, we’ll give you some tips if you need help, and this a great opportunity to spread your wings. Of course, we do have some ringers on our speaker list as well...stay tuned... 2009-05-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-05-23 01:26:27 ?92009-05-31 01:00:00cussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at CubeSpace. NOTE: This is a new meeting date, due to too many conflicts on our previous second-Wednesday meetings. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available.2009-05-28 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2745003/2009-05-23 00:44:02 9;bR2009-05-28 04:00:00pieces created in 2008 that had winning results.2009-02-27 00:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/2009-02-14 23:06:40 :2009-02-27 03:30:00, you've probably heard about Open Source Bridge already. You know, the volunteer-run conference, dedicated to open source citizenship and (ahem) world domination that's happening June 17-19 at the OCC . Rather than co-opting another Lunch 2.0 to promote the conference, they're teaming up with Webtrends , one of the conference's sponsors and a great Portland company, to fill your ears with open source goodness and your belly with yummy food. Come by and mix and mingle with your Twitter pals, meet some new folks, and hear all about Webtrends and open source. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-06-04 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763549/2009-05-24 17:49:09 PANELISTS
      Kirk James Creative Director, Cinco Design Nick Oakley Head of Industrial Design, Mobility Group, Intel Beth Sasseen Senior Design Recruiter, Nike Chelsea Vandiver Head of Communications Design Group, Ziba Design A cocktail reception will immediately follow the presentation and the remainder of the afternoon will be an open format. Mid- and senior-level designers, creative directors, recruiters, and other professionals in the product design, apparel, branding, and interaction design fields are encouraged to attend. Scheduling, registration and ticketing details can be found at the Creative Confab page at Coroflot.com.2009-06-11 21:30:00http://www.coroflot.com/creativeconfab/2009-06-05 21:52:58 ?2009-06-12 01:00:00 G{hUB0 taN;(yts/3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' first monthly meetingThe first monthly meeting of PorOFsgU3U33JsPortland JavaScript Admirers' mot_]3]33JvLPortland JavaScript Admirers June MeetingThe June Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-06-25 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2565262/2009-05-03 22:32:33 9;b62009-06-25 04:00:00 Nsrsqpomlkjihdgfeca`_b]\^[XYZWUVTRS^3) 3 33JvTwitter picnicA twitter picnic at Cathedral park under the St. John's bridge. Bring whatever food and games you can. Also a blanket is handy.2009-05-24 19:00:002009-05-24 16:12:53 <=2009-05-24 23:00:00W2 3 33JvTwicnicA twitter picnic at Cathedral park under the St. John's bridge. Bring whatever food and games you can. Also a blanket is handy.2009-05-24 19:00:002009-05-24 16:12:32 <=2009-05-24 23:00:00.0+m3A33Jp'Webvisions 2009Discover the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy for three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career. Ticket Info: $150 - $195 before April 1st. 2009-05-20 15:00:00http://webvisionsevent.com2009-05-23 09:34:38 9;bk2009-05-23 00:00:00 yy nearly 8 years ago. During the first three years she met with over 3,000 hiring managers. Her belief is thatD7#3]33JvImpromptu Digital, Twitter Barn Raising CubeSpace Benefit Party at WhiffiesI was ey6}K3]33JvLunch 2.0 hosted by Pacific Real Estate Partners at JivePacific Real Estate Partners will be hosting the July installment of Portland Lunch 2.0 on July 15. The lunch will be held at Jive Software , one of their clients.Thanks to Kristin Hammond (@ FzMcFadden ) and Mark Friel of Pacific Real Estate Partners for connecting all the dots. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-07-15 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763770/2009-05-24 18:16:38 ;;bT2009-07-15 21:00:00xchanging some direct messages this morning with Gregg aka @whiffies after my earlier CubeSpace post, and he is generously offering to do an old fashioned barn raising for CubeSpace this evening sometime around 11pm at the Whiffie's pie cart on Hawthorne and 12th. He has sweet and savory pies left over from last night along with lemonade and iced tea. He's willing to donate all of the proceeds from the evening to CubeSpace. Don't be late, we only have about 40 pies! We're also looking for a DJ who wants to come out and entertain us for the evening for a good cause. Ping me if you are interested. Here are the details: Time: Sometime after 11PM. Look for a tweet from @whiffies later tonight for a more exact start time. Location: Food Carts on Hawthorne and 12th Come hang out & buy a pie or some lemonade in support of CubeSpace2009-05-25 06:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2764135/2009-05-24 19:24:31 ?;bU2009-05-25 06:00:0023:25:21 >2009-02-25 04:00:00 fit Board, exist to facilitate the process and provide a clear set of benefits for a group of employees. What lessons can be learned from this model for other purchaser sectors? The Oregon Health Fund Board plan proposes an insurance exchange—what does this mean for local insurers and how will it affect individuals purchasing a health plan? How can communities, collectively, begin to understand how informed purchasing can improve health and encompass more than health insurance? Moderator: Seth Garber, MD, Physician Consultant, Mercer Human Resources Panelists: Barbara Christenson, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Providence Health & Services Ly`8][3 33Jupdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program includes the presentation The Laws of Form and Computer Programming by Andres Valloud. The meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.2009-05-27 01:30:002009-05-25 02:22:55 <2009-05-27 03:30:00 ll9imes, how do you finance Gԡq533 333c13y33JtOregon Health Forum: Health vs. Health CareWhen you select an organic Honeycrisp apple from the grocery store, you know what you’re buying. Things start to get murky when choosing a new HD flatscreen television. And when it comes to health care purchasing? To many, it’s a whole 9] 3?33JvSearch Engine Marketing Tips and TacticsJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately. While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://seotraining.eventsbot.com/ 2009-06-17 23:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:54:34 ;2009-06-18 00:00:00 <<`2EEԡNeM3?333Open Source Bridge Content Committee MeetingThe Open Source Bridge Content team is ready to kick off 2009 with a meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 7pm at Cubespace. We'll be going over our content areas, reviewing Oԡw! 3W333Po@:k[3?33JvUltimate SEO Mastery Workshop: 2-Day EssentialsThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors to your website. Not only that, you will get the right visitors. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. $995, or $895 prior to July 7th2009-07-13 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:56:53 ;2009-07-15 00:30:00 HHoBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software / 3}33JtqSBA Loan Briefing2009-02-19 19:30:00http://www.sba.gov/localresources/district/or/index.html2009-02-15 00:03:43 >a2009-02-19 20:30:00p_G3?33JtwDevGroup NW: Small Groups, Tightly J4;gG3?33JvUltimate SEO Mastery Workshop: 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors. You will learn how to create pages that turn visitors into customers. This is all done in a small group setting where the focus is on your needs. Not only do you receive incredibly comprehensive search marketing knowledge, you will also get a custom review of your website that will help you set priorities once you get back to the office. $1,495, or $1,345 prior to July 7th 2009-07-20 16:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:59:24 ;2009-07-23 00:30:00aking productive connections, and hiring and retaining outstanding creative workers. The afternoon centers on a moderated panel discussion focusing on strategies for hiring top creative talent, and for getting yourself hired into these roles. PANELISTS Kirk James Creative Director, Cinco Design Nick Oakley Head of Industrial Design, Mobility Group, Intel Beth Sasseen Senior Design Recruiter, Nike Chelsea Vandiver Head of Communications Design Group, Ziba Design A cocktail reception will immediately follow the presentation and the remainder of the afternoon will be an open format. Mid- and senior-level designers, creative directors, recruiters, and other professionals in the product design, apparel, branding, and interaction design fields are encouraged to attend. Scheduling, registration and ticketing details can be found at the Creative Confab page at Coroflot.com.2009-05-26 05:00:00http://www.coroflot.com/creativeconfab/2009-05-26 04:43:43 ?2009-05-26 06:00:00 $$ss with CEO Ken Hood and SX<!53_33JvIDSA 3BY103BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. 5:45p - Doors open at The Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design Shop - 722 NW Couch St (note this is different from the main AI campus) 6:00p - Presentations and Q&A 7:00p - Social hour at Someday Lounge - two blocks away at 125 NW 5th Ave (happy hour until 8pm) This month’s speakers: John Cross Neumann - Industrial Designer at Intel's People and Practices group Carrie Atkinson - founder of Sock It To Me Socks Student presenter to be announced 2009-05-28 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-05-26 04:29:00 ?2009-05-28 02:00:00 ,],h CEO Ken Hood and SeaPort A-@u3]33JvuPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug) - CANCELEDThis month is canceled due to lack of participation as result of spring fever and sunny weather :) Website: http://pdpug.org2009-05-27 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2677124/2009-05-26 21:04:40 <;bL2009-05-27 02:30:00w?u3]33JvMobile Portland: The Android Market -- Google's App Store AlternativeNOTE: Moved to Tuesday because of>Em3[33JvCoroflot.com Creative ConfabEvery creative professional is looking for great work. Every creative organization is looking for great people. This event matches these two groups for an intense 3 hour networking and recruiting event focused on m=Em3[33JvCoroflot.com Creative ConfabEvery creative professional is looking for great work. Every creative organization is looking for great people. This event matches these two groups for an intense 3 hour networking and recruiting event focused on m~aking productive connections, and hiring and retaining outstanding creative workers. The afternoon centers on a moderated panel discussion focusing on strategies for hiring top creative talent, and for getting yourself hired into these roles. PANELISTS Kirk James Creative Director, Cinco Design Nick Oakley Head of Industrial Design, Mobility Group, Intel Beth Sasseen Senior Design Recruiter, Nike Chelsea Vandiver Head of Communications Design Group, Ziba Design A cocktail reception will immediately follow the presentation and the remainder of the afternoon will be an open format. Mid- and senior-level designers, creative directors, recruiters, and other professionals in the product design, apparel, branding, and interaction design fields are encouraged to attend. Scheduling, registration and ticketing details can be found at the Creative Confab page at Coroflot.com.2009-06-11 21:00:00http://www.coroflot.com/creativeconfab/2009-05-26 04:44:50 ?2009-06-12 00:00:00   tion Monday February 23, 2009 at 6:00pm The Agency 1939 SW Morrison St. Portland, Oregon 97205 Get Directions Join Chris Heuer, co-founder of the Social Media Club, at the re-launch of Social Media Club PDX as he discusses how companies can transform the E]33 33Jupdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program includes the presentation The Laws of Form and Computer Programming by Andres Valloud. The meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Pizza at 6:30, presentations start at 7:00. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.2009-05-27 01:30:002009-05-26 23:04:35 <2009-05-27 04:00:00`D][3 33Jupdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program includes the presentation The Laws of Form and Computer Programming by Andres Valloud. The meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.2009-05-27 02:00:002009-05-26 22:37:25 <2009-05-27 04:00:00 Memorial Day Speaker: Isaac Potoczny-Jones Everyone has heard the stories about the iPhone's App Store and the success some developers are finding selling iPhone applications. What people know less about is Google's Android Market which started allowing people to sell applications in February. Learn about the similarities and difference between the Android Market and the iPhone App Store. Take a look at what's selling and the opportunities that will come as more Android-based handsets reach the market. About Isaac Isaac is a Haskell hacker, cyclist, Android hacker, and employee of Galois, Inc in Portland, OR. He has a few apps on the Android Market and is involved in the OpenIntents project. Isaac will share his experience trying to sell applications on the Marketplace, the challenges involved, and where the opportunities lie.2009-05-27 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2736090/2009-05-26 15:55:29 9;bV2009-05-27 01:00:00 faster analytics on historical tick data? Join us at this free 60 minute webinar on addressing sources of trading platform latency featuring John Barr of the 451 Group. Learn how two US hedge funds are driving exceptional 5X faster trade execution performance including certified messaging without jitter, and 17X faster tick data analytics, all without changes to trading applications. John Barr, Research Director, Financial Markets at 451 Group will detail the technology that is eliminating latency across the platform, creating an arbitrage opportunity. RNA networks will highlight innovations in memory virtualization that will dramatically improve your performance without requiring changes to your existing trading system.2009-06-03 17:00:00http://rnanetworks.com/news/events/41-events/226-webinar-addressing-trade-platform-bottlenecks2009-05-26 21:38:35 >I2009-06-03 18:00:00 the CS lounge area. There will be wooden tables and white boards.2009-09-23 02:00:002009-02-15 23:01:26 >;b2009-09-23 05:00:00 ))ng from the ground up, including rocket airframes, avionics hardware, Linux flight computer software, and communications systems. Our current focus is testing a new airframe and building a new avionics system. We hope to launch with airframe only this spring/summer in eastern Oregon, and launch with the full avionics stack at BALLS 18 in the Blackrock Desert of Nevada on October 2-4. http://www.balls17.com/ http://psas.pdx.edu PSAS meets every Tuesday in the Computer Science lounge area of the Fourth Avenue Building. Enter at thrdBG;3K33JpSmalltalk Users Group meetingpdx.st is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.2008-10-29 02:00:00http://pdxst.pragmaticraft.com/2009-05-26 22:36:11 <:2008-10-29 04:00:00_Ak 3I33JvWebinar: Eliminate Trading Platform BottlenecksWant 5x faster trade execution? 17x mԡ;W%3333SBDC: How to Write your Business Plan503-978-50802007-06-09 01:30:tLO33k33JqPersonal Telco MeetingOctoberXCc5333JpSmalltalk Users Group meeting (yes, really)Join fellow programmers interested in Smalltalk for discussions and demos. This is our first meeting of the fall season. Michael Lucas-Smith, Cincom engineer and new Portland resident, will be demonstrating WebVelocity. Other topics may include CouchDB, OpenGL, and building a new website for the group. The building is in an "L" shape. The main entrance is at the inside corner. The door will be locked, but a phone number to call to be let in will be posted there. If you don't have a cell phone, get there more or less on time and we'll check the door to see if you're waiting. We often go to a pub after the meeting for food, a beer, and more discussion.2008-09-24 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/pipermail/general-pdx.st/2008-September/thread.html2009-05-26 22:36:43 <:2008-09-24 04:00:00you've worked for? This month's forum will guide you through both of these considerations, the two sides of real sustainability. Join us to share your ideas and discuss emerging local and national concepts and projects and how they are sustaining the good! The Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will inspire and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. Cost is $5.00 at the door. 2009-06-11 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/2009-05-27 20:05:01 >2009-06-11 04:00:00 3Jsiness Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed c333JtSAO Health Care Information Session at OTBCYou are cordially invited to participate iK=q333JvQuartz Composer WorkshopLearn to Make Interactive Video with your Mac! Free. ResevJ=O3]33JvShizzow Developer MeetupThese meetups are for people currently using the Shizzow API to develop applications or for any developers interested in using our API. We'll be talking about OAuth and any other topics you think are important at this meetup.2009-06-05 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2776765/2009-05-27 20:53:59 ; ;bX2009-06-05 00:00:00cIk 3Q33JvWebinar: Eliminate Trading Platform BottlenecksWant 5x faster trade execution? 17xAH;u3W33JvSocial Innovation ForumJune's Forum focuses on sustainability. How do you implement innovation in a way that creates lasting change? How do you preserve and maintain the change  ], having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergence marketing. He currently specializes in consulting on holistic business strategy and sG/'3W33JvWestside Proggers

      A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

      We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

      2009-05-29 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-05-27 18:09:52 <;bW2009-05-29 04:00:00F/53W33JvWestside Proggers

      A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

      We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

      2009-04-24 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-05-27 18:08:03 ?;bW2009-04-24 04:00:00 faster analytics on historical tick data? Join us at this free 60 minute webinar on addressing sources of trading platform latency featuring John Barr of the 451 Group. Learn how two US hedge funds are driving exceptional 5X faster trade execution performance including certified messaging without jitter, and 17X faster tick data analytics, all without changes to trading applications. John Barr, Research Director, Financial Markets at 451 Group will detail the technology that is eliminating latency across the platform, creating an arbitrage opportunity. RNA networks will highlight innovations in memory virtualization that will dramatically improve your performance without requiring changes to your existing trading system.2009-06-03 17:00:00http://www.rnanetworks.com/news/events/41-events/226-webinar-addressing-trade-platform-bottlenecks2009-05-27 20:35:04 >I2009-06-03 18:00:00r mailing list, linked from the website!)
      2009-02-18 02:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-02-16 22:33:44 <;b׺2009-02-18 04:00:00rve your space on Yahoo Upcoming http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2776974/ We are very lucky to have Surya Buchwald (also known as Momo the Monster) teaching a Quartz Composer workshop. Quartz Composer (QC) is a free, powerful easy-to-use visual programming language for the Apple Macintosh. This workshop will take you from starting the program for the first time to building your own Interactive scene controlled with a gamepad. You’ll learn how to teach yourself QC, and meet others with whom you can collaborate and troubleshoot. No programming experience necessary. For more information about QC, see: http://developer.apple.com/mac/articles/graphicsmedia/quartzcomposerinleopard.html To play with an interactive video piece (written by Surya), go to http://momopro.com/stage/qc/ — click and hold your mouse on the video and move it around to control the video. Immediately following the QC workshop, from 3-6pm, we will have a meeting of the NorthWest AudioVisualists, a new group of artists, musicians, animators, and video jockeys, which will include live performances using QC. See http://nwav.org for more information. Required: Macintosh computer running 10.5 (Leopard). Anything from a G4 iBook to a Mac Pro tower will work. Gamepad (Mac-compatible). We recommend the Logitech Dual Action (either Apple Only or USB), which looks like a Playstation controller and can be purchased for $20 (from GameStop, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Best Buy, etc.). You can use any USB controller or joystick, but this one will be the easiest with which to follow along. XCode - This can be installed from your System DVD that came with your computer - it used to be called ‘Developer Tools’. It will install the components needed to develop software on your machine, including our Quartz Composer program. After installing, do a system update.2009-06-20 19:00:00http://opentechspace.org/2009/05/27/quartz-composer-workshop/2009-05-28 02:07:17 >2009-06-20 22:00:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-02-17 03:44:40 ;\2009-03-07 01:00:00  that will turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-through Ratios Day 2  Learn optimal techniques to get your pages indexed by the Search Engines.  Find out what it takes to monitor your progress and the tools to help you.  Understand the benefits of working with ranges of pages.  Discover what it takes to stay M'[3C33JvARGFest-o-conARGFest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGFest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-28 03:50:07 ?2009-07-20 03:00:00 ation Workshop? 1. Students who follow the strategies and tactics outlined in this class consistently gain increased traffic for their websites. 2. Small class sizes offer personalized attention. Classes are limited to a maximum of 16 students. 3. Hands on training allows for better retention of materials presented. 4. Meet and learn from like-minded professionals from a variety of industries. 5. Receive a site review during class to help you get the right s L'[3C33JvARGFest-o-conARGFest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGFest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com twitter@argfestocon 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-05-28 03:48:45 ?2009-07-19 20:30:00 action-plan to get your website optimized for maximum performance.  Learn about technologies that can improve your conversion rates and capture phone calls right from your web>OWw3333JvkPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.2009-06-03 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-05-29 00:15:46 92009-06-03 04:00:00{N]33k33Jvpdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's presentations have not yet been determined, though we have several possibilities. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL). The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/listinfo.cgi/general-pdx.st2009-05-28 18:34:29 <:2009-06-24 04:00:00eeded because the deep and enduring changes of societies are not just technological, but social and cultural as well. Throughout the evening, Gerhard will encourage the audience to explore two themes: meta-design (a framework aimed at defining social and technical infrastructures in which new forms of collaborative design can take place) and social creativity (focused on harnessing the complex problem-solving power of our interactions with other people and shared artifacts). Learn more about Gerhard Fischer and his work at http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/247/ Registration begins at 6:30 pm. Program followed by questions from 7 - 9 pm. . We will meet for CHIFOOd, our traditional no-host dinner and chat session, at La Merde at Bistro Montage -- 301 SE Morrison (directly under the Morrison bridge) between 5 and 6:30 pm.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2789428/2009-05-29 05:14:58 9;bY2009-06-04 02:00:00 @-@ what you’ve been working on.

      We’re iQ'K3]33JvBeer and BlogA beautiful day to socialize and network outside on the patio with cool drinks and good people.2009-05-29 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799063/2009-05-29 17:15:12 ; ;bZ2009-05-30 01:00:00GP1{3]33JvCHIFOO Meeting: Understanding, Fostering, and Supporting Cultures of ParticipationPresented by Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado A culture’s penchant for participation is not dictated by technology; rather it is the result of changes in human behavior and social organization including innovative design, adoption, appropriation, and adaptation of technologies. Gerhard will share his experiences designing and assessing socio-technical environments for cultures of participation. His approach is grounded in the basic assumption that innovative technological developments are necessary for participation cultures, but they are not sufficient. Socio-technical systems are nllectual property matters. He is affiliated with LES and Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). MEETING FORMAT: 5:30-6:30 pm Registration & Networking with appetizers and beverages 6:30-7:30pm Welcome by Chapter Chair, Michele Gunness Presentation 8:00pm Adjourn LOCATION: Please take note of the directions as access can be difficult. For directions click here: http://www.psba.pdx.edu/drivingdirections REGISTRATION: Register by June 16 and save $5! LES Members Early (by June 16): $20 On-site: $25 SAO, TechAmerica, Oregon Bio Members Early (by June 16): $20 On-site: $25 Non-Members Early (by June 16): $25 On-site: $30 Students (with ID) Early (by June 16): $10 On-site: $15 For questions about the meeting, contact: Laura Horsey, Communications Chair laura@easystreet.net Thanks to Portland State University for hosting this event 2009-06-19 00:30:00http://www.lesusacanada.org/MainNav/LocalChapters/LES-USA-West/OregonSW-Washington/6.18.09.aspx2009-05-30 16:58:52 92009-06-19 03:00:00 M Boomers, will replace them. These people were raised on differ{3?33JtUltimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 3-Day AdvancedWhy Attend a Search Engine O9IY3?33JtUltimate Search Engine Mastery Workshop: 2-Day EssentialsTake a Class in Search Engine Marketing The Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop will teach you how to position your website so that not only will you get more visitors to your website you will get the right &S_ 3]33JvOpen Source Bridge: Volunteer OrientationWe're hosting a Volunteer Orientation where you'll be able to learn about the available volunteer positions and sign-up for shifts. If you're interesting in helping, please attend. About Open Source Bridge Open Source Bridge is a new conference for developers working with open source technologies and for people interested in learning the open source way.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799462/2009-05-29 20:37:42 
      Emerging Company of the Year

      Presented to the Company that has made significant progress in the past year. This technology company's gpXS333JvSAOpdx: 14th Annual Golf TournamentIt's time again for the annual SAO Golf Tournament! Whether you were part of the fun in 2008 or joining us for the first time, you're in for an afternoon of fun, sun, golf, beer, and networking. We've got great early-bird pricing, so grab your three best friends (or those who you owe the biggest favors) and reserve your foursome today. Looking to meet some new people? Individual spots are available too! We're limited to 144 players, and at this price, are going to sell out. Everyone is invited - you do not have to be an SAO member to play! 2009-07-10 18:30:00http://www.sao.org/events/special_events/golf_tournament.php2009-05-30 00:42:36 @;b]2009-07-11 01:30:00arkets, and opportunities to network with other user experience professionals. About the Theme Whether people are interacting with consumer electronics, medical equipment, factory floor production lines, websites, retail stores, customer support or the architectural spaces which they inhabit every day, usability and user experience reactivation share in the common goal of making it better. Important Dates * Call for participation: Opening 25 August * Submission Reviewer sign-up closes: 19 September * Submissions close for most submissions*: Closed * Submission Acceptance Notification: Begins 17, December * Idea Markets and Posters submissions close: 16, January, 2009 * Exhibitor and Sponsor sign-up opens: January 2009 * Registration opens: 23 February, 2009 * Volunteer application opens: 23 February, 2009 *All submissions except Idea Markets and Posters 2009-06-08 07:00:00http://www.usabilityprofessionals.org/conference/2009/2009-05-30 12:58:15 <2;b2009-06-12 07:00:00 bf Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-rmK+3M33JrComputers As We Don't Know ThemSPEAKER: Christof Teuscher, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ECE Department Portland State University WHERE: Cramer Hall, Room 171: 1721 SW Broadway ABSTRACT: Since the beg&Z_ 3]33JvOpen Source Bridge: Volunteer OrientationOpen Source Bridge is a new conference for developers working with open source technologies and for peopleY%3y33JqUsability Professional's Association 2009 Conference (UPA)Usability Professional's Association 2009 Conference When: 8-12 June, 2009 Where: Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon, USA Who: Over 700 user experience professionals from more than 20 countries What: Tutorials, workshops, Experienced Practitioners program, then two and a half days packed with presentations, Idea M interested in learning the open source way. Interested in helping out during the Open Source Bridge conference? Next week we're having a Volunteer Orientation where you'll be able to learn about the available volunteer positions and sign-up for shifts. If you're still interesting in helping, please attend. Date & Time: Wednesday, June 3rd, 7pm Location: Webtrends, 851 SW 6th Ave # 600, Portland, OR 97204 WebTrends is located on SW 6th Ave, between SW Taylor and SW Yamhill. The building doesn't yet have signage, but it's right next to the Men’s Warehouse. Once you’re in the building you’ll need to let the security guard know you are going to Webtrends so he can get you to the 16th floor (the elevators remain on the 1st floor after 6pm unless you have a code for them). Don't already have a ticket to Open Source Bridge? Volunteer at least 8 hours on-site and receive a free conference pass.2009-06-04 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2799462/2009-05-30 15:59:59 
    • Why one might choose Drupal as a blogging platform over other alternatives such as WordPress
    • Installing Drupal
    • Drupal look and feel using themes
    • Using OpenID with Drupal
    • Extending Drupal to add additional functionality to your blog, including

      Lightning rounds are generally limited to 5-7 minutes, but this will vary depending on how many we have.

      July Drupal Challenge

      We'll be voting on a task or challenge that can be solved by Drupal in any number of ways. The July meeting will then focus on solutions people come up with. More information here.

      Modules 101

      This may be overkill for a lightning session meeting, but if there's time left, and anybody wants to talk for a few minutes about a module no Drupal user should be without, we'll do this too.


      We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

      After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

      2009-06-11 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland-oregon2009-06-10 18:06:06 =2009-06-11 03:00:00 lar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What bA*3w3]33JvDrupal Users Meetup

      reposted from: http://groups.drupal.org/node/22868

      Lightning Rounds

      It's been a while since we've done lightning rounds, which are generally quick, informative, and fun. Here's what we've got so far:

      • YUI Menus by todd_tomlinson (since he v[)3+3]33JvDrupal Users Meetup

        Lightning Rounds

        It's been a while since we've done lightning rounds, which are generally quick, informative, and fun. Here's what we've got so far:

        Lightning rounds are generally limited to 5-7 minutes, but this will vary depending on how many we have.

        July Drupal Challenge

        We'll be voting on a task or challenge that can be solved by Drupal in any number of ways. The July meeting will then focus on solutions people come up with. More information here.

        Modules 101

        This may be overkill for a lightning session meeting, but if there's time left, and anybody wants to talk for a few minutes about a module no Drupal user should be without, we'll do this too.


        We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

        After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

        2009-06-11 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland-oregon2009-06-10 18:07:28 =2009-06-11 03:00:00 F:FCBu=3w3JjEFinancial Projections from an -Cg3]33JvIxDA Portland F2F GatheringAre you an Interaction Design practitioner? Interested in Interaction Design? Come out to connect with fellow IxDs. The discussion ranges widely, from design patterns and interactive prototypes to techniques for curing meat!2009-06-17 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2888867/2009-06-11 02:44:59 >;bi2009-06-17 04:00:00h,= 3 33JvCubeSpace Farewell Party2009-06-16 23:00:002009-06-13 18:55:58 92009-06-17 01:00:00B+3'3733JvTechStart Uncork-EdJoin us once again to celebrate Oregon and SW Washington students and educators who are thriving today thanks to hands-on experiences with technology. In addition to celebrating, Uncork-ED helps us raise funds to ensure that K-12 students continue to have access to technology in the classroom, in club activities and competitions. 2009-09-27 01:00:00http://techstart.org/2009-06-10 21:32:502009-09-27 04:00:00 naging Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by T2IW3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Focus is TBA 1) To be announced 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-06 19:00:002009-06-11 17:40:51 ?2009-07-06 20:30:00a0Iq3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Lessons from a Customer of Outplacement Professionals 1) David Stannard will explain how these organizations work and best practices that he has gleaned from his experience 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-22 19:00:002009-06-11 17:33:31 ?2009-06-22 20:30:00 xxearn, you'll get advice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entreprene3[M3]33JvSweet Sixteen Lunch 2.0 at ISITE DesignUpdate: The date has changed due to a conflict with Open Source Bridge. Sorry for any confusion. We're back in Old Town for Portland Lunch 2.0's Sweet Sixteen at ISITE Design . At least, I think that's considered Old Town. Anyway, Andy Van Oostrum is bringing Lunch 2.0 to another company, and you all are invited to check out ISITE, mix and mingle with your Twitter pals and meet some new folks. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-06-24 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2167397/2009-06-11 20:50:08 >;b2009-06-24 21:00:00 <fRtW K33K\ԡ];3U333OEN SwapMeet - October Meet. Greet. Repeat. In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the driverW~}13 33D4Q3;33JvPDX Critique [NEW DATE & LOCATION]The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. We will be meeting at Open Source Bridge in Marquam (details). If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-06-11 23:58:05 92009-06-19 04:00:00nly attempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications if it is combined with presence, context-aware and location-based services. Peer-to-peer networks can allow building highly-scalable, self-configuring systems. This talk will give a broad overview of VoIP, including its IMS variant, and some of the advanced services that are now in development, standardization or starting to appear as products. Bio Prof. Schulzrinne co-developed protocols such as RTP, RTSP and SIP, are now Internet standards, used by almost all Internet telephony and multimedia applications. His research interests include Internet multimedia systems, ubiquitous computing, mobile systems, quality of service, and performance evaluation. 2009-06-12 00:00:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=99&year=2009&month=06&day=11&Itemid=562009-06-12 00:06:16 @ 2009-06-12 01:00:00 SThe OTBC Meetus{a3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business 4/I3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Focus on Networking 1) Bori Prasavanh ofKforce Professional Staffing will tells us the recruiter's view 2) Networking: Best practices and pitfalls This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-15 19:00:002009-06-11 17:30:41 ?2009-06-15 20:30:00).c;3933Jv1st Annual Uniquely Portland Oregon TweetupTHIS IS A FREE EVENT * Bring your business cards and meet other liked-minded business people! * Introduce yourself to your fellow Portland Tweeters! * Enjoy the coffee and treats of Sip & Kranz Coffee Lounge! * Hear national speakers and trainers, Rich Fenton and Andrea Waltz! 2009-07-11 01:00:00http://pdxtweetup.com/2009-06-11 07:49:49 @ 2009-07-11 03:00:00 > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Know about Investment Banking About the Program At this program, you'll learn the role investment banki5ws3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents D5Q3;33JvPDX Critique [NEW DATE & LOCATION]The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. We will be meeting at Open Source Bridge in Marquam (details). If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-06-11 23:58:39 92009-06-19 03:30:00 tworking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hour at a nearby lo^9Q53;33JvPDX Critique [NEW DATE & LOCATION]The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. We will be meeting at the Open Source Bridge conference in the Marquam (details) room at the Oregon Convention Center. You do NOT need to be registered for the conference to be able to attend the pdxcritique session. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-06-12 00:14:15 92009-06-19 03:30:00 ng Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN and the SAO . Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Agenda: 11:30am - Noon: Networking Noon - 1:15pm: Program 1:15pm - 1:45pm Networking Event Location: OTBC (Directions) f6cy3s33JvVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any moreVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any more Speaker: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne When: Thursday, June 11, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM Cost: Free and open to the public (registration required). Register: here Place: JFCC Auditorium, Intel Corporation- Jones Farm, 2111, NE 25th Ave Hillsboro OR 97124 Abstract Since its emergence in the mid-1990s, voice-over-IP products and services have mai tarting an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beverage, networking time -- and a chance for each attendee to briefly describe their company (and optionally say what kind of help they cow33W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase: Shop Talk isf7cy3s33JvVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any moreVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any more Speaker: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne When: Thursday, June 11, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM Cost: Free and open to the public (registration required). Register: here Place: JFCC Auditorium, Intel Corporation- Jones Farm, 2111, NE 25th Ave Hillsboro OR 97124 Abstract Since its emergence in the mid-1990s, voice-over-IP products and services have mainly attempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications if it is combined with presence, context-aware and location-based services. Peer-to-peer networks can allow building highly-scalable, self-configuring systems. This talk will give a broad overview of VoIP, including its IMS variant, and some of the advanced services that are now in development, standardization or starting to appear as products. Bio Prof. Schulzrinne co-developed protocols such as RTP, RTSP and SIP, are now Internet standards, used by almost all Internet telephony and multimedia applications. His research interests include Internet multimedia systems, ubiquitous computing, mobile systems, quality of service, and performance evaluation. 2009-06-12 01:00:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=99&year=2009&month=06&day=11&Itemid=562009-06-12 00:10:52 @ 2009-06-12 03:30:00 GGrom some of the biggest names on the web. Centered on the world's most popular blogging platform - Wordpress - this is THE event to learn about the blogging tool used by millions of consumers and businesses alike. Wordpress powepI+;3w33JoFounders FridayEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group58Qc3;33JvPDX Critique [NEW DATE & LOCATION]The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. We will be meeting at the Open Source Bridge in Marquam (details) conference. You do NOT need to be registered for the conference to be able to attend the pdxcritique session. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-06-12 00:13:43 92009-06-19 03:30:00 __insights he developed for his published materials: Pocket Guide to Customer-centric Thinking, Pocket Guide to Overcoming Your Impediments to Success; Pocket Guide to Behavioral Diversity in the Workplace: A Newws3W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcas:Q33;33JvPDX Critique [NEW DATE & LOCATION]The mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for Creatives of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. We will be meeting at the Open Source Bridge conference in the Marquam room at the Oregon Convention Center. You do NOT need to be registered for the conference to be able to attend the pdxcritique session. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxcritique/web/slots-for-june-2009 2009-06-19 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.com/2009-06-12 00:14:43 92009-06-19 03:30:00n us at 4pm on Friday in the patio for Beer and Doggie's feature presentation: Career Transition! Whether you find yourself unemployed, underemployed, or unhappily employed, it's all for the dogs. We think you can do better. We think it's entirely possible for you to not only secure a steady paycheck, but land that job you lust for, even in "this economy". Career coach and strategist Brian Kurth of Career Transitions will explain how to use his straightforward 8-Steps of a Successful Career Transition to not only find a job, but find the job of your dreams. He'll cover defining your ideal job, finding a mentor, and creating an action plan, plus much more. Bring your well-mannered pooch and listen to Brian extol the virtues of what he calls his "vocationing" process, which has so far helped thousands of people land their dream gig. Learn how to find work you love, and soon you'll be saying you live a dog's life!2009-06-19 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-16 02:03:29 ; 2009-06-20 01:00:00nly attempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications if it is combined with presence, context-aware and location-based services. Peer-to-peer networks can allow building highly-scalable, self-configuring systems. This talk will give a broad overview of VoIP, including its IMS variant, and some of the advanced services that are now in development, standardization or starting to appear as products. Bio Prof. Schulzrinne co-developed protocols such as RTP, RTSP and SIP, are now Internet standards, used by almost all Internet telephony and multimedia applications. His research interests include Internet multimedia systems, ubiquitous computing, mobile systems, quality of service, and performance evaluation. 2009-06-12 01:00:00http://www.ieee-oregon.org/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=99&year=2009&month=06&day=11&Itemid=562009-06-12 15:37:50 <2009-06-12 03:30:00 ccur, managing the impact and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 years. An EMT, Public Information and Education Officer, Critical Incident Stress Manager, Peer Counselor, CERT trainer, Inspector and forf;cy3s33JvVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any moreVoIP: Not your grandmother's phone any more Speaker: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne When: Thursday, June 11, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM ~ 8:30 PM Cost: Free and open to the public (registration required). Register: here Place: JFCC Auditorium, Intel Corporation- Jones Farm, 2111, NE 25th Ave Hillsboro OR 97124 Abstract Since its emergence in the mid-1990s, voice-over-IP products and services have mai nd we are passing the savings to you. Join OEN on September 24th for a premier evening of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres and no-host bar while helping us recognize the best and brightest of entrepreneurship in Oregon. Companies will be recognized for the following categories: OEN Development Stage Company of the Year OEN Working Capital Stage Company of the Year OEN Growth Stage Company of the Year OEN Entrepreneurship Award of Individual Achievement Ticket Prices: Earlybird: Until July 31, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $99 Reserved half table (5 seats) $600 Reserved table (10 seats) $1200 Regular: August 1 through September 24, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $115 Reserved half table (5 seats) 675 Reserved table (10 seats) $1350 Please contact Julie Brown at 503-222-2270 x 11 or julieb@oen.org if you wish to reserve half a table or a full table and wish to be invoiced instead of paying online. 2009-09-25 00:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=862009-06-12 20:43:44 @2009-09-25 03:30:00 nn6'Xvention From The Expepԡf}=3 333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative XL}93w33Jp3 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Technology CompanyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by OTBC, the OEN, the SAO and SCORE . =%'3U33JvOEN SwapMeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-06-26 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=892009-06-12 20:29:06 :2009-06-26 02:00:00  h it should be worth your time/effort should you choo)ԡjg 3K333Portland Busine [3!33JtSustainability and Emergency ManagementSustainability, Permaculture, Climate Change, Peak Oil… it is surprising how many interests intersect with Emergec?+i3533JvXPDX June: artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalismBrian Marick is in town to talk with us about the spirit of Agile: A problem with the word “Agile” is that everyone already thj>K93U33JvOEN Tom Holce Award CelebrationCelebrate entrepreneurial excellence at the 2009 OEN Tom Holce Awards for Entrepreneurship -- the 16th annual celebration of entrepreneurial spirit in action throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. This year we’re changing up this historic event. You’ve asked for more time for networking, and we heard you. We’re compressing the awards program in order to give entrepreneurs more time for networking. We've simplified the format a nd we are passing the savings to you. Join OEN on September 24th for a premier evening of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres and no-host bar while helping us recognize the best and brightest of entrepreneurship in Oregon. Companies will be recognized for the following categories: OEN Development Stage Company of the Year OEN Working Capital Stage Company of the Year OEN Growth Stage Company of the Year OEN Entrepreneurship Award of Individual Achievement Ticket Prices: Earlybird: Until July 31, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $99 Reserved half table (5 seats) $600 Reserved table (10 seats) $1200 Regular: August 1 through September 24, 2009 Individual (no reserved seat) $115 Reserved half table (5 seats) 675 Reserved table (10 seats) $1350 Please contact Julie Brown at 503-222-2270 x 11 or julieb@oen.org if you wish to reserve half a table or a full table and wish to be invoiced instead of paying online. 2009-09-25 00:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=862009-06-13 13:27:57 92009-09-25 03:30:00inks they understand it at a gut level. Worse, everyone already thinks they’re agile in spirit. (After all, the thesaurus tells us the alternative is to be clumsy, stiff, slow, and dull.) So it’s too easy for people to feel free to launch into “doing Agile” without ever having a serious conversation about what that actually means. This problem is easily fixed. We’ll just stop talking about “Agile” and start speaking of “artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalism.” There is, I think, no danger that anyone will reflexively say, “Yes! That’s just what I’ve been wanting to do all along!” The new name does more than just encourage conversation. It encourages conversation about those very properties of Agile that have become obscure as Agile has been commoditized. In this session, I’ll unpack the meanings of the new phrase and encourage you to rediscover what’s been lost. 2009-06-18 01:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2009-06-13 00:00:53 @2009-06-18 04:00:00  ore empowered than ever before. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to address increasing skepticism. E-Marketing strategies offer an ideal solution for the complexities of today's world: timely, efficient, affordable and highly measurable communications. ThiscA+i3533JvXPDX June: artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalismBrian Marick is in town to talk with us about the spirit of Agile: A problem with the word “Agile” is that everyone already thj@K93U33JvOEN Tom Holce Award CelebrationCelebrate entrepreneurial excellence at the 2009 OEN Tom Holce Awards for Entrepreneurship -- the 16th annual celebration of entrepreneurial spirit in action throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. This year we’re changing up this historic event. You’ve asked for more time for networking, and we heard you. We’re compressing the awards program in order to give entrepreneurs more time for networking. We've simplified the format ainks they understand it at a gut level. Worse, everyone already thinks they’re agile in spirit. (After all, the thesaurus tells us the alternative is to be clumsy, stiff, slow, and dull.) So it’s too easy for people to feel free to launch into “doing Agile” without ever having a serious conversation about what that actually means. This problem is easily fixed. We’ll just stop talking about “Agile” and start speaking of “artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalism.” There is, I think, no danger that anyone will reflexively say, “Yes! That’s just what I’ve been wanting to do all along!” The new name does more than just encourage conversation. It encourages conversation about those very properties of Agile that have become obscure as Agile has been commoditized. In this session, I’ll unpack the meanings of the new phrase and encourage you to rediscover what’s been lost. 2009-06-18 01:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2009-06-13 13:30:54 on Upcoming so that we have a general headcount . Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email.2009-06-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2718162/2009-06-13 21:14:54 9;bQJv2009-06-24 03:30:0000http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:18:26 RSVP at Upcoming so that we have a general headcount. This was originally scheduled for CubeSpace and is now being held at souk , an excellent workspace in NW Portland. Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email. 2009-06-25 01:30:00http://www.hockleyphoto.com/power-flickr/2009-06-13 21:20:24 @;bQ2009-06-25 03:30:00 _Obe covering what already exists in the ecosystem and what might become useful in the future. We're dealing with a rapid communication method here. Something that, if done well, compresses the time IK!?3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with Project Bonneville Project Bonneville is Chris Cowell-Shah's ev J!K3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Java Performance Testing with Project BonnevilleThis month's topic: Java Performance Testing with ProjecIS]3]33JvWSAOpdx: ITIL Foundations V3 w/ examCourse Dates: June 3-5, 2009 This eH_a3_33JvPower Flickr Workshop (Venue is now souk)Join professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop that's all about the awesomenessG_a3_33JvPower Flickr Workshop (Venue is now souk)Join professional photographer Aaron Hockley for a workshop that's all about the awesomeness that is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to network with other Flickr users with similar interests. A sample of topics to be discussed: - Flickr's contacts features explained - how to find the best photos on Flickr - all about Explore, what it is and tips for getting noticed - how to make sure your contacts see your best photos - finding relevant communities to contribute and interact - driving traffic to your Flickr stream, via Flickr - sharing your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash payment onsite or you can contribute electronically with a credit card (payment info will be provided at the workshop). Please RSVP at Upcoming so that we have a general headcount. This was originally scheduled for CubeSpace and is now being held at souk , an excellent workspace in NW Portland. Bring your laptop (or not). All skill levels are welcome although a basic familiarity with Flickr will be helpful. Any questions? Drop Aaron an email. 2009-06-25 01:30:00http://www.hockleyphoto.com/power-flickr/2009-06-14 00:30:59 ?;bQ2009-06-25 03:30:00xciting and dynamic 3-day course introduces learners to the lifecycle of managing IT services to deliver to business expectations. As well as an engaging, case study based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice, this course also positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam, required for entry into the future ITIL v3 intermediate level training courses. The ITIL Version 3 best practice is composed of five core disciplines: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operations and Continual Service Improvement. These disciplines represent a service life cycle framework that further enhances alignment to the business while demonstrating business value, ROI and enabling IT to solve specific operational needs. #saopdx #itil2009-06-04 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2567979/2009-06-14 00:32:45 9;b<2009-06-04 06:00:000http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization2009-03-03 05:20:26 MU3+33JvPDX 501 Tech Club: eNonprofit Benchmarks Study DiscussionEver wonder how your emai%FLy+3m33Jv*Canceled* Portland AIGA Career Tools Breakfast Series Notice: Unfortunately, we've had to cancel this week's Career Tools, due to events beyond our control. As we gain further clarity o$dialogue with their customers, employees and partners. Keith is currently Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, providing overall vision, leadership and direction for clients and the company in relation to trans-media brand stewardship. Prior to Opus, Keith was a founding member of MAGNET magazine, Director of Strategic Services at R/GA, Director of Integrated Marketing at InFocus and Director of Brand Innovation at TNG. Keith graduated with honors from Temple University with a B.A. in Political Science. In his free time, he enjoys playing his guitar through tube amps at neighbor-waking volumes. You can check his head at: * blog.opuscreative.com * twitter.com/keithgerr "There is at least as much to be learned from your detractors as from your loyalists" Registration: Please RSVP via online registration only (no money taken at door) Cost: AIGA Members: $10.00 Non-members: $15.00 Students: $52009-06-16 15:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/06/312993492009-06-15 22:54:32 >2009-06-16 16:30:00#n our speaker's schedule, watch for an updated listing and join us then. Thank you for your patience. ****** Canceled ******** Please join AIGA for the next installment of our Career Tools Breakfast Series. Trends in Trans-Media: How consumer behavior, business strategy, design innovation and technology intersect to inform brand experiences Keith Gerr, Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, will provide data on... - what mediums are growing and where marketers arespending their budget - tracking audience media consumption shifts to social mobile and other mediums - innovative design practices that connect people, products and communications. About the Speaker, Keith Gerr Keith lives at the intersection of culture, technology and business. With over 17 years of experience working on both the agency and client side, Keith understands the challenge of keeping brands relevant in an ever-changing media landscape. He embraces the power-shift to consumers and encourages brands to seek open-minded &l list stacks up against other nonprofits? M+R Strategic Services and NTEN released a new eNonprofit Benchmarks Study for 2009 (Download the report at http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html). We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprofit organizations to provide you with reliable new data, answering questions like: * How is the financial crisis affecting online fundraising? * How do my targeted emails, appeals to non-donors, phone call alerts, and more compare to those of other nonprofits? * For state-based or local groups, what's a good email response rate Karen Matheson, M+R Strategic Services will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore what the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics. She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story. Agenda: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation with Q/A 7:00 More Networking Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Oregon and graduate coursework in statistics and analysis, Karen has a strong quantitative research background. In addition to co-authoring M+R and NTEN's eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (www.e-benchmarksstudy.com), Karen regularly researches and co-authors articles about best online communications strategies using data from several national nonprofits. 2009-06-26 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-130380-12429513432009-06-15 23:45:59 ; 2009-06-26 02:30:00:38:18 :;b2009-03-19 17:00:00(es and NTEN released a new eNonprofit Benchmarks Study for 2009 (Download the report at http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html). We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprofit organizations to provide you with reliable new data, answering questions like: * How is the financial crisis affecting online fundraising? * How do my targeted emails, appeals to non-donors, phone call alerts, and more compare to those of other nonprofits? * For state-based or local groups, what's a good email response rate Karen Matheson, M+R Strategic Services will cover key findings on fundraising and advocacy metrics, explore what the data tells us about industry-wide changes, provide key metrics to analyze your organization's online program and take questions about the study and nonprofit online metrics. She will also offer up real-world advice and research-based best practices for communicating effectively with your membership, helping maintain and develop supporters, build relationships, and sharing your story. Agenda: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation with Q/A 7:00 More Networking Karen Matheson is the Manager of Quantitative Research and Analysis at M+R Strategic Services and provides strategic data analysis for a range of M+R's eCampaigns clients, including the Human Rights Campaign, Oxfam America, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Oregon and graduate coursework in statistics and analysis, Karen has a strong quantitative research background. In addition to co-authoring M+R and NTEN's eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (www.e-benchmarksstudy.com), Karen regularly researches and co-authors articles about best online communications strategies using data from several national nonprofits. Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna Arriaga at privateaye@gmail.com with any questions.2009-06-26 00:30:00http://groups.nten.org/event.htm?event_id=&uid=GoLightly-nten-130380-12429513432009-06-15 23:52:39 ; 2009-06-26 02:30:00 tendees">add yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we aldOY)3K33JvBeer and Doggie with Career TransitionUnless you're living off the grid in some shack nestled deep in the lush Oregon forest, you already know that Oregon is still 2nd in the nation for unemployment numbers with more than 12% of our friends, neighbors and family pounding the proverbial pavement looking for a job. If you're a hermit, I applaud your good taste in blogs despite your Internet connection challenge. If you're unemployed, or know someone who is, I invite you down to the Green Dragon to find out how to transition into not only a career, but one you actually like. Interested? Joi qqelarier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! This is a "save the date" announcement as we want to get as many people there as w?-a333JpSCollaboration: Working Toward a Shared WinLearn how to build long term relationships with your stakeholders and peers while enjoying a midsummer BBQ and a beautiful view of Portland from the 4th floor patio of the NW Natural building. What to Expect # Learn to Identify Stakeholders P=I3 33JvCubeSpace farewell partyPlease join us in wishing David, Eva and the the rest of the CubeSpace team as they begin a new chapter in their lives. This is a BYO event - bring food, drink, and good wishes for the entire CubeSpace crew.2009-06-16 23:00:00http://ourpdx.com/2009/06/cubespace-farewell-party-tuesday-616/2009-06-16 15:34:53 9;bj2009-06-16 23:00:00 Je sxsw4R+]3]33JvThe After PartyCome join us for the Beer and Blog After Party in honor of the closing of Open Source Bridge. Special guests Strange Love Live will be broadcasting live from the event.2009-06-19 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2922107/2009-06-16 18:49:44 ;bl2009-06-23 18:15:00 aalktrace" and "seekwatcher" by YUq3]33JvStartup Workouts- Revenue GenerationStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as/22-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 26, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 28, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-06-25 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2947002/2009-06-19 05:47:30 >;bm2009-06-25 23:00:00 he Opal Creek Wilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, lawtZk3]33JvStartup Workouts- Basics of Sales, for StartupsStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 1  gk Redux is also paying the tab — up to 300 buckeroos — for our be)6=e3533JtThe Video Marketing ExpoBroadcast Anything. Reach F_I3=33JvPortland Perl Mongers - PDX.pmMeeting Content To Be Decided Possibly an Euler shootout challenge2009-07-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2009-06-19 09:27:512009-07-09 03:30:00^IG3=33JvPortland Perl Mongers - PDX.pmMeeting Content To Be Decided2009-07-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2009-06-19 09:26:022009-07-09 03:30:00r\1 3)33JvPortland Dentevent"Dentevents" are meetups of Identi.ca users. Identi.ca is the Open Source microblogging site, similar to Twitter. Portland "identicati" are invited to come have BBQ and hang out with their peers for lunch. Evan Prodromou, founder of Identi.ca, is participating in the Open Source Bridge, and will be at this dent event. 2009-06-18 19:00:00http://controlyourself.ca/2009/06/18/portland-dent-event-19-june-2009-12-noon/2009-06-19 06:50:17 @2009-06-18 20:00:00 <<$R proposal
      • How N8m3133Jt@a?u3Q33Jv Summer Coders Social 2009Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page for further info.2009-06-20 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-20 00:18:06;b_2009-06-21 00:00:00 66 sponsor presentation, small group break-oFb?3Q33Jv Summer Coders Social 2009--Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page for further info.-- Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-06-20 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-20 00:18:25;b_2009-06-21 00:00:00  the tests on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years, and testing has become more sophisticated in that time, but age and backwards compatibility holds things back. There are a number of desired features which Test::Builder cannot support, such as end-of-test actions, without radically altering how tests are built. thus: Test::Builder2. This will be "something of a talk" followed by some hacking both on Test::Builder2 di`'[333JvMapping PartyMapping Parties are outdoor experiences for the whole family that let you explore the great outdoors like never before. You'll have the opportunity to learn from experienced mappers who will be on hand all day to answer all of your questions. Call in for quick introduction or stay for the whole day - the choice is yours! Sign-up now to guarantee your place.2009-06-20 18:00:00http://community.cloudmade.com/event/custom/generic/show/1792009-06-19 21:41:36 ;H2009-06-20 23:00:00 **M4Pectives, and much RcW3Q33Jv Summer Coders Social 2009 [postponed]--Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page for further info.-- Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-06-20 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-20 01:19:40;b_2009-06-21 00:00:00 aaWowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experienc?{eUq3]33JvStartup Workouts- Revenue GenerationStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as;  7-9pm as we explore Real Wealth here in Portland. · Get involved with a project or organization aligned with your passions, come hear what others are doing. · Make new connections with people and/or other groups, this is the networking place to be. · Share your vision of an action, project or organization with others who can help as your vision becomes a rgd%i3E33JvCloudCampPDXCloudCampPDX is coming! This unconference is set up for people who work with cloud computing, are interested in learning more, or who just want to understand what they hype is all about. It will be taking place on June 30, 2009 at Webtrends with doors opening at 5:30. Come join us if you can! There is a limited amount of space available, so please sign up now! More info here: http://www.cloudcamp.com/pdx And to sign up: http://cloudcamp-pdx-09.eventbrite.com/ Hope to see you all there! 2009-07-01 00:30:00http://www.cloudcamp.com/pdx2009-06-20 18:45:44 ;bm2009-06-25 23:00:00 follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-06-23 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2946994/2009-06-20 18:57:57 >;bl2009-06-23 18:15:00 ge Areas that make up Business Process Management as defined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emergintfk3]33JvStartup Workouts- Basics of Sales, for StartupsStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June : sting Series When: April 28 - 30, 2009 Where: McMenamin's Kennedy School, Portland, OR Instructors: Elisabeth Hendrickson and Dale Emery Cost: Before March 29, $499/day. Group discounts also available. Description: This is a 3 day series of 1-day classes on the essential principles and practices in Agile Testing: - Day 1: Adapting to Agile (also known as the "WordCount Simulation") - Day 2: Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) in Practice - Day 3: Exploratory Testing in an Agile Context ~gCa3]33JvOpenSpatialPDX (user group)The next meeting of the OpenSpatialPDX will be happening June 24 at OpenSourcery! The agenda: * Desktop GIS Smackdown (uDig versus Quantum versus GRASS etc) * Open Source Bridge report * Update on state initiative put forward by Dean Anderson from Polk County to replace various desktop and web-based tools with OS solution. Hope to see you all there.2009-06-25 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis2009-06-21 23:27:14 =2009-06-25 02:30:00of%flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|W !"#%&()*+,./ !"#%&()*+,./0234578:<=?ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUY[\–]Ö^Ė_Ŗ`ƖaɖdΖe˖iϖjЖkіlҖmӖnՖoזqؖrٖs֖tږuۖvݖwߖxyz{|}~     "$%& '(")#*$,tees, people like Tom Stephenson from Sequoia Capital and Rock Schnabel of Trident Capital. Richard Boly will outline the success of the program in Italy and the strategy to scale that model. Richard Boly is a career U.S. diplomat and Hoover Institution National Security Affairs Fellow. He recently served in U.S. Embassy, Rome, where he launched and ran a program to promote entrepreneurship in Italy. Other embassy assignments include the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Paraguay. In a prior life, he founded and ran a shrimp hatchery in coastal Ecuador. He is a graduate of Stanford University and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UCSD. Join us for an interesting evening of discussion and networking with our speaker, other members, sponsors and charter members. Event Sponsored by Ater Wynne & Reference Capital. 2009-06-25 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3452&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-06-22 16:49:27 ?2009-06-25 04:00:00g) gives us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies. We have monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Oracle office in downtown Portland from 6pm-7:30pm. Proposed Agenda for June: * 6:00 - 6:15 Introductions * 6:15 - 6:40 YQL (Yahoo Pipes on Steroids) by Uncle Nate DiNiro * 6:40 - 7:00 Gnip by Ed Borasky * 7:00 - 7:30 Other interesting discoveries and future agenda topics (all) We will also be talking about whether or not we want to skip the July / August meetings and pick back up in September. Please use the tag #pdpug for Twitter messages, blog posts, pictures, etc. You can also join our discussions about Yahoo Pipes and other plumbing topics on our Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/portland-data-plumbing2009-06-24 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2883563/2009-06-22 18:27:32 <;bn2009-06-24 02:30:0003-07 20:30:53 <;b2009-03-25 02:30:00 vvn side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.


        "The facilitators were excellent! I really enjoyed the 'jump in and swim' approach to applying what we learned as we went."

        <:i_53]33JvPortland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)The Portland Data Plumbing Group (aka pdpu@hA3M33JvThe How & Why of Promoting Entrepreneurship Abroad - Richard Boly,The idea of US diplomats promoting the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems through US embassies may sound odd, but Richard Boly did just that at US Embassy, Rome. Now he is proposing that a dozen embassies do the same. Many US diplomats today have had prior careers as entrepreneurs or VCs before joining the Foreign Service. Historically, half the US Ambassadors to the countries with the 50 biggest economies have been political appoin?   strong>, coaches, ScrumMasters, team leads, and anyone involved in planning agile projects will benefit from this course.


        After completing this course, you will be prepared to:Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors.

        Testimonials<;nS%3{33Jv}OTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDating

        Back by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

        Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity insJ)ma3]33JvMobile Portland: Maps and Mobile — A Rapidly Changing LandscapeWhat happens when everyone has devices in their pockets that know where they are and can display engaging maps? That's exactly what innovative company Platial has been exploring since 2005. Platial CEO Di-Ann EE ]y of technical depth without boring everyone else. You'll learn: - Eliminating bugs - Incremental requirements - WoXp/'3W33JvWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

        2009-06-26 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-06-23 00:36:05 <;bW2009-06-26 04:00:00o/53W33JvWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        2009-04-24 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-06-23 00:33:42 <;bW2009-04-24 04:00:00tead of salary?

        Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

        Post your Idea
        If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.)

        Post your Skill Set
        Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog.

        What: Speed dating for startups
        When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm
        Where: OTBC
        Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies

        2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-06-24 18:01:02 @;bq2009-06-27 23:00:00 ek iterations - Create nearly bug-free code using test-driven development, refactoring, and exploratory testing - Prevent build failures with continuous integration - Build technical infrastructure incrementally alongside features


        "I don't know how they pulled off the [class project], but going through four iterations brought the concepts home. Also I was a programmer wanting to learn about the project development side. Diana's four-quad!q]3k33Jvpdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users GroupSmall talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's presentations will include a short presentation by Martin McClure on the design of a special-purpose hashed dictionary. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL). The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://lists.pdx.st/listinfo.cgi/general-pdx.st2009-06-23 15:08:19 <:2009-06-24 04:00:00 223ã5ԡ%=3 333OIF and OEN BiJr?3Q33Jv Summer Coders Social 2009--Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page for further info.-- Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-07-26 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-23 17:07:07 :;b_2009-07-27 00:00:00 have agreed to offer their brain power for a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. More than that, a place for two incredible communities in Portland to connect and creatively come to solutions on how to make the world a better place using technology! Please fill out this brief online survey so that we might better help you: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=mYZqKIZTR64eD2199FJRRg_3d_3d Food: Aboutus is kind enough to let us bring in beer and treats, so if you are able, please bring something to share. CONNECT ONLINE: Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/ Day On at http://dayon.org Questions? Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Donna at privateaye@s?m3Q33JvSummer Coders Social 2009--Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page fNor further info.-- Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here We are at Picnic Site D (NE corner) Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-07-26 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-23 17:08:31 :;b_2009-07-27 00:00:0022092009-04-28 15:30:00http://www.regonline.com/ATS0428092009-03-09 00:52:01 ;2009-05-01 00:00:00 JJEble Startup and early-stage companies often exchange N2t?Q3Q33JvSummer Coders Social 2009Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here We are at Picnic Site D (NE corner) Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-07-26 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-23 17:08:51 :;b_2009-07-27 00:00:00 ((ners from Denmark talking abouTu?3Q33JvSummer Coders Social 2009Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP here We are at Picnic Site D (NE corner) Potluck sign up and more details here Thanks to this year's sponsor
        2009-07-26 19:00:00http://bit.ly/summer-coders-social2009-06-23 17:15:53 :;b_2009-07-27 00:00:00  discussion at the January meeting on when to use Contemplate module vs. the Theme Layer. After that I was hoping to have everyone who's going to DrupalCon in DC talk for a few minutes about what they'd seen and what got them excited. As always, the meeting promises to generate lots of good questions, answers and hands-_wk%3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting is at the Robert Half Technology 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:01:55 @2009-07-08 03:00:00Kv3i33JvSpringboard Social Innovation Forum on the New Family-Forward AgendaOur July ForumU -llaborative installations, and LRIo3]33JtMobile Love, Android Style #10A meetup for android developers and android power-users. We usually discuss the latest applications that we like using, as well as give status updates on the development projects we're working on. At the last meeting, the lightsabers came out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4zY-hICu9c2009-03-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1823390/2009-03-09 18:44:49 >;b2009-03-10 02:00:00Q333]33JtDrupal U_xk%3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting is at the Robert Half Technology 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:03:02 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 ts will also take with them parts for an r2r ladder, an op amp and an audio amp capable of driving small speakers or headphones. Participants should leave the workshop with a better understanding of how micro-controllers such as the Arduino can be used to create and control sound, they should have built at least one working musical controller and they should have the foundations for several sound related projects. Please bringBykk3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd, and then follow the signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:05:25 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 l? • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquire or license patents and patented technology, as well as lawyers who advise companies on M|k3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, and then follow the Ruby signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:08:29 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 will offer an exciting shift in format. We get to participate in the launch of Family Forward, a new nonprofit focused on inspiring workplaces, communities, and policies that value families. Did you know that motherhood is the single biggest predictor of poverty in old age? What does this say about our community’s priorities and values? Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussion about the economics of family-raising, the crisis of care, and what we can do to set a new course in Oregon. We will hear from experienced leaders who are working for family forward change on a number of fronts: employment, parent activism, women’s leadership, state policy, and more. We will work together to develop a new vision for a Family Forward Oregon. Please join us! Date: Wednesday, July 8th Doors open at 5:30pm Forum 6-9pm Cost: $5 Location: Urban Grind East 2214 NE Oregon St.2009-07-09 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/forum.php2009-06-23 17:17:49 >2009-07-09 04:00:00rofit organizations.u l? • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquire or license patents and patented technology, as well as lawyers who advise companies on thesIzky3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, and then follow the signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:05:44 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 l? • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquire or license patents and patented technology, as well as lawyers who advise companies on these issues. Panelists: Gary Glisson, Partner, Stoel Rives LLP For more than 20 years, Gary Glisson has cW}W3_33JvIDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative Community in 30 Minutes3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks include time for questions and discussion and socializing afterwards. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, June 24, feZ  strategy team at Wilson Sonsini, Kent advises clients on patent development, sales and licensing. Andy Scott, VP of Business Development, RPX Andy spent the first part of his career in various startups and in venture capital. He subsequently cofounded a patent brokerage firm and recently joined RPX, a defense patent aggregator. Moderator: Bill Birdwell, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP As lead counsel in pateN{k3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, and then follow the Ruby signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:06:00 @2009-07-08 04:00:00 ~trategyg~Y3g33JvPersonal Telco Project Monthly MeetingAt this Monthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project, we'll be nominating people for an opening on the Board of Directors, as well as review existing and consider future projects and directions.2009-06-25 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJune20092009-06-23 18:45:08 >2009-06-25 03:00:00~}kc3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting's space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the Ruby signs.2009-07-08 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-06-23 18:17:45 @2009-07-08 04:00:00aturing a somewhat altered (and improved, we hope) format from past months. We're moving the entire event to the Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, allowing us access to their beautiful space, stage, and projection facilities, as well as their generous happy hour, which runs until 8pm. Our hope is that this will attract a few more folks who don't like "talks" as much as more casual events, while still offering a fantastic speaking venue. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us and see how it works out! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Bill DeRouchey - Interaction Designer, ZIBA Freddy Weigle - Industrial Design Graduate, Art Institute of Portland Carl Alviani - Industrial Designer and Editorial Director of Coroflot.com 2009-06-25 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-06-23 20:01:55 :2009-06-25 03:00:00) format from past months. We're moving the entire event to the Someday Lounge - 125 NW 5th Ave, allowing us access to their beautiful space, stage, and projection facilities, as well as their generous happy hour, which runs until 8pm. Our hope is that this will attract a few more folks who don't like "talks" as much as more casual events, while still offering a fantastic speaking venue. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us and see how it works out! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Bill DeRouchey - Interaction Designer, ZIBA Freddy Weigle - Industrial Design Graduate, Art Institute of Portland Carl Alviani - Industrial Designer and Editorial Director of Coroflot.com 2009-06-25 01:00:00http://www.idsaor.org/idsa_new_3BY10.html2009-06-23 20:03:16 :2009-06-25 03:00:00 8ou ahԡ[Y0OU333JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-7:00pm Location: Portland State University Market Square Building 1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Cost: $55 for members $55 for non members Registration Deadline: 12/08/2008 Topic: Internet Marketing Conference Do you need to know the latest techniques to market to your customer online? Join marketing and interactive 4WK333JtTechAmerica Technology}93_33JvIDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative Community in 30 Minutes3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks include time for questions and discussion and socializing afterwards. Admission is always free. This month’s 3BY10 will be held on Wendesday, June 24, featuring a somewhat altered (and improved, we hope[ ==be combined with program analysis methods to automa?q333JvCHIFOO: Reading and Collaborating in a Digital AgeReading is an inherently social experience: what we read and how we read it is shaped by who we know and the broader communities we belong to. With that in mind, Cathy will take a fresh look at the future of eBooks and how we get there from here. In particular, she will share some findings from a body of studies of reading-related activities (such as annotation and clipping) and will draw on her experiences with several generations of eBook products, including Microsoft Reader, ePeriodicals (a reader for magazines like The New Yorker and Esquire), and the Times News Reader (an RSS-based reader for The New York Times). Registration begins 6:30 pm. Program followed by questions from 7 - 9 pm. CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members pay $5 to attend the meeting.2009-07-09 01:30:00http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_detail/244/2009-06-23 23:43:41 ;2009-07-09 04:00:00 u#u1end:

        If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Dating for StartupsWhathttp://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=*ԡ8o39333SECP September | Creating Mul7IS3 33JrnCyborgCamp Pre-Party at VidoopTime is tentative; actual time TBA Come to the official CyborgCamp pre-party! Special guests Cami and Mike Kaos will be live-broadcasting Strange Love Live. There will be drinks and festivities before the con4XK333JtTechAmerica Technology and IP Event - Monetizing Your PatentsAbout the Program: With the emergence of patent aggregators, auction services and patent brokerage consultants, there is now a greater array of options to sell and license patent rights. But which, if any of these options should you consider? What are the alternatives? Topics that will be discussed: • Update on the patent broker marketplace - how has it evolved and does t`qU333JvCHIFOO: Reading and Collaborating in a Digital AgeReading is an inherently social e_ ??s of taking an innovative idea to the marketplace. Wi=73133JvEsoZone Portland 2009Esozone a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include: Outsider Art Discordia SubGenius The Occult Satanism Conspiracy Analysis Life Extension Intelligence Enhancement Space Migration Psychedelic Futurism Conciousness Expansion R/evolutionary Living Renegade Metaphysics Radical Psychotherapy Aliens NeoShamanism Temporary Autonomous Zones Body Modification Alternative Sexuality Fringe Culture Human-Dolphin Communication DIY Media Cybernetics and Systems Theory Pranks Atheism Zen Martial Arts Recession Hacking What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums.2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-06-24 03:31:44 :A2009-10-11 02:00:00d. Any of those ring a bell? How about @mediaChick? Yep, I write there too. But not as often as I should, I'm afraid, but I do proudly call myself an OurPDX author. Or...maybe you don't know them. Or me. If that's the case then here's your chance, because this Friday Beer and Blog is thrilled to host the 1st birthday party of OurPDX, Portland's awesome group blog authored by 23 writers who pour their honest insights about our fair city onto the Web. Come celebrate OurPDX's first year with cake on the patio of the Green Dragon (hopefully...rain, rain, will stay away) starting at 4pm. In fact, if the weather does cooperate, Beer and Blog will bust out the summer gear for playful fun. That means we might get to frolic in the kiddie pool, my beer and bloggie pals attended the Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions. * Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal =eY3W33JrqPBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic Forecast"The Thirty Third Recession and the Forty Fourth PresidY'm3q33JtCS Colloquim: Repairing software automatically using evolutionary computationStephanie Forrest University of New Mexico FAB 86-01 Abstract A pressing challenge for computer science over the next decade is reducing the total cost of software. This includes the billions of dollars that are lost each year from software defects. The number of software defects far outstrips the resources available for repairing them, and most software is shipped with both known and unknown bYs3g33JvPersonal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMontly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be electing one position on the Board of Directors this month.2009-07-30 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJuly20092009-06-24 04:37:38 >2009-07-30 03:00:00. Awww-yeah. Here's hoping @portlandsun hangs around because, personally, I want my cake (on the patio) and to eat it (water pistols) too! Also, later that night, tune into a special Strange Love Live broadcast, hosted @CamiKaos and @docnormal, with as many OurPDX authors who can stay up that late. Signature SLL tiki rum drinks will be served to the writers to get them sufficiently liquored up in the hopes they'll say embarrassing things for everyone's amusement. I'll be there, trying to remember that the show is, indeed, broadcasting accross the Interverse, and is, indeed, being taped for prosperity and posting later. As in inrefrutable evidence of one's drunken, public confessions. On behalf of Beer and Blog and OurPDX, we hope you'll join us this Friday. Won't be the same without you!2009-06-26 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-24 05:59:26 ; 2009-06-27 01:00:00   '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1z?==3w33JrrOTBC Information SessionEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group OTBC Information Session About the ProgrgGA3K33JvEat Cake and Celebrate OurPDXFor a year now the OurPDX blog has pointed readers to the best and worst Portland has to offer online and off, engaged in transparent discussions about culture and post content, and sought to inform and entertain the fine citizens of Portland, Oregon. You might know the names of some of the authors of OurPDX from the Beer and Blog community: @morganPDX, @ahockley, @CamiKaos, @Dieselboi, @abrahamhyatt, @betsywhimb of salary?

        Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

        Post your Idea
        If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.)

        Post your Skill Set
        Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog.

        What: Speed dating for startups
        When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm
        Where: OTBC
        Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies

        2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-06-24 18:01:04 @;bqJv}2009-06-27 23:00:00 r annual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Interstate Lanes, 6049 N Interstate, Portland. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister. It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to www.bbbsnorthwest.org, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at ?S%3{33JvOTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDating

        Back by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

        Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity insteadf 55Zit in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of thZ^G53=33JtBowl for Kid's Sake Geek BowlHelp Big Brothers BigGIe3]33JvMagicSeth: The Online MagicianCheck out Seth Raphael, the Magician of the Future, as he blows your mind with magic featuring Google, cellphones, and time machines. This show is usually only seen by his corporate audiences, and will appeal to anyone who has ever searched on the internet. It will fry anyone who has ever done any computer programming. And it will astound anyone who has ever used a cell phone. This is a family friendly event, but the magic is definitely aimed towards adults. For more information visit http://magicseth.com/show2009-07-12 02:15:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2989850/2009-06-24 18:58:54 @;br2009-07-12 03:00:00 55 the outdoor and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. Bring yourself, games if you have them, and a dish to share. Food: Some beverages will be provided. Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluGIe3]33JvMagicSeth: The Online MagicianCheck out Seth Raphael, the Magician of the Future, as he blows your mind with magic featuring Google, cellphones, and time machines. This show is usually only seen by his corporate audiences, and will appeal to anyone who has ever searched on the internet. It will fry anyone who has ever done any computer programming. And it will astound anyone who has ever used a cell phone. This is a family friendly event, but the magic is definitely aimed towards adults. For more information visit http://magicseth.com/show2009-07-12 02:15:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2989850/2009-06-24 20:07:04 <;br2009-07-12 03:00:00 of salary?

        Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

        Post your Idea
        If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if you need to be vague) so people looking for a startup can find you. To post your idea on the OTBC wiki, go to otbc.org/blog. (If you don't want to reveal anything about the idea online, at least consider talking about what skill sets you'd like to add to the team so readers will know whether or not there might be a fit.)

        Post your Skill Set
        Are you looking for a startup to join? You can post your skill set on the OTBC wiki (so startups can find you) at otbc.org/blog.

        What: Speed dating for startups
        When: Saturday, June 27, 1pm to 3pm
        Where: OTBC
        Cost: Free ($3 suggested donation to help cover costs) We'll provide beverages and munchies

        2009-06-27 20:00:00htthttp://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/10397100/2009-06-24 20:07:10 <;bqJv}2009-06-27 23:00:00 FFWould Your Startup Do With $250,000 in 2009?" In the last 6 months the economy, access to capital, the cost of talent and the opportunities for innovation have all changed. We think it’s time for the relationship between entrepreneurs and the State of Oregon to change, too (the state needs jobs & entrepreneurs need capital!). Hear stories of successful, local homegrown companies that have either bootstrapped or raised funds and then grown themselves to success. Most importantly, though, the goal of this event is to prove to the State of Oregon that there are  w13 33JwWhite Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative CityJoin the UO Portland programs l? S%3{33JvOTBC: Startup Cofounder SpeedDating

        Back by popular demand! Do you have an idea for a startup and you're looking for founders who can get as excited about your idea as you are?

        Or -- are you looking for an early stage startup to join - even if the compensation up front is sweat equity insteadjand a panel of Portland’s creative professionals for the second White Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative City. Come to the White Stag Block at 70 NW Couch St. on Wednesday, July 22 at 6 p.m. to hear from some of Portland's design and communication leaders and get connected in our creative community. Portland's smaller scale makes it both imperative and possible to finesse big things from many small parts. At every level — between institutions; between professions; between people — we build our best work here through collaboration, because we have to. White Stag Block Talks brings together three of the city's most seasoned practitioners of this craft — Randy Gragg, Linda K. Johnson, Kevin Cavenaugh — for a frank, pragmatic discussion about building the collaborative city. All are welcome with no cover. Complimentary beer and refreshments will be served.2009-07-23 01:00:002009-06-24 22:33:21 ?2009-07-23 03:30:00/upcoming.yahoo.com/event/21279422009-03-11 21:47:41 >2009-03-20 02:00:00 CCubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the spacb=3-33JrPortland Java User GroupThis month's topic: OAuth and REST Web Services

        Join us for a ; }3]33JwRefresh Portland June: Sheetal Dube on User Experience and HealthcareBlogs, wikis, social networks and other web2.0 tools are being used increasingly to share information and connect with others, in the healthcare industry. While this is significant for an industry that has not taken advantage of digitization until now, how does the new technology work with the user needs? Join Sheetal Dube, a Senior User Experience Consultant at Evantage Consulting, to talk about designing healtcare products, applications and experiences that could benefit us all. Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement.2009-06-26 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2750969/2009-06-25 16:27:12 ;;bs2009-06-26 02:30:00 Wilderness Area. Professor Birke has trained hundreds of professionals from the fields of business, law, medicine and other disciplines in negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution, trial practice, risk analysis and related fields. He has lectured and taught in fami~S 3K33Jt|NW Env. Business Council: Pub Mixer2009-03-12 00:00:00http://www.nebc.org/Events.aspx2009-02-14 23:22:24 :L2009-03-12 02:30:00}M3a3}5a93]33JvWebtrends and Open Source Bridge Lunch 2.0The Lunch 2.0s are fast and furious now that Summer is here. Not intentionally, but happily, at least if you like to hang out around town in the sunshine. If you attend PDX Lunch 2.0t34)3133JvTwitter picnicA twitter picnic at Cathedral park under the St. John's bridge. Bring whatever food and games you can. Also a blanket is handy. 2009-05-24 19:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=97&action=ViewPark2009-05-24 16:15:45 <=2009-05-24 23:00:00 ZZmmlkjihgfedbca`_]\[W"m3U33JwOEN Webinar: Taxes for Startups - It isn't just about incomeAs with most start-ups, there may be a significant period of time before the business becomes profitable. Therefore, when making a list of priorities, start-ups tend to list taxes right above "Get a plant service.” David Uslan, tax shareholder in charge of Perkins and Company's high tech niche, will address why taxes should be moved higher up the list, especially in a down economy. The business decisions you make today can affect your tax situation in the future, including where you locate your company, what type of entity you choose for your company, or even how you obtain sales. David will provide an overview of how your startup can effectively manage taxes for long-term success. Registration: OEN Member: No Cost Non - Member:$302009-06-25 19:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=912009-06-25 18:22:50 @2009-06-25 20:00:00by attending an OEN & CareersPDX no-host happy hour/workshop. The happy hour/workshop will be presented by nationally recognized career strategist, author and founder of VocationVacations®, Brian Kurth; and professional career and life coach, Will Wiebe. Whether you are looking for a new job, a totally new career or thinking of starting your own business, these experts will offer specific, practical strategies to help you: • Explore, discover and pursue that “great job” or start the dream business • Address your fears • Create an action plan • Find a mentor in your desired career(s) • Test-drive a new job or career • Create a professional brand • Network • Establish thresholds A career transition doesn’t happen over night. But by following this proven step-by-step process, you can discover, pursue and attain career fulfillment and personal satisfaction. Registration: No Cost 2009-07-21 00:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=902009-06-25 18:27:47 :2009-07-21 02:30:00to the first round of OEN’s Seed Oregon: http://www.oen.org/events_seed.aspx. The audience favorite will be mentioned on the OEN blog. After the judges select the winner by voting with OEN Dollars, the judges will give feedback on each presentation, explain how they chose the winner, and answer questions from the audience and the contestants. Interested in Competing? To apply to "So You Think You Can Pitch?" visit the So you think you can Pitch Competition Community and submit your materials by Wednesday, July 15, 2009. There you will need to submit the following information: (1) A copy of your executive summary – (no need for secret sauce or specific numbers, simply publish what you are willing to present in public) (2) A brief explanation (no more than 1 page, 12 pt font, single spaced) of why you think your company is a promising investment. Registration: OEN Member: $15 Non - Member: $25 2009-08-13 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=582009-06-25 18:32:20 @2009-08-13 02:00:00to the first round of OEN’s Seed Oregon: http://www.oen.org/events_seed.aspx. The audience favorite will be mentioned on the OEN blog. After the judges select the winner by voting with OEN Dollars, the judges will give feedback on each presentation, explain how they chose the winner, and answer questions from the audience and the contestants. Interested in Competing? To apply to "So You Think You Can Pitch?" visit the So you think you can Pitch Competition Community and submit your materials by Wednesday, July 15, 2009. There you will need to submit the following information: (1) A copy of your executive summary – (no need for secret sauce or specific numbers, simply publish what you are willing to present in public) (2) A brief explanation (no more than 1 page, 12 pt font, single spaced) of why you think your company is a promising investment. Registration: OEN Member: $15 Non - Member: $25 2009-08-13 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=582009-06-25 20:08:03 :62009-08-13 02:00:00 ((and the implications for our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30-9:00 a.m. Two World Trade Center, Mezzanine 2, 3 & 4 25 SW Salmon Street (A parking garage is located on Taylor StreetT533K33JwPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase at Susan G. Komen for the CureShopTalk Showcase is a bi-monthly networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by local member businesses. Wear pink to Susan G. Komen and receive a pin! With events like Race for the Cure, Susan G. Komen has become the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. Come learn more about how you can help. Tuesday July 7th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 am at Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 1400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, suite 530. 2009-07-07 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:28:522009-07-07 16:00:00 ts for a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instills good pairing and {o3K33JwPortland Business After Hours @ Inn at Northrup StationBusiness After Hours is an evening networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by a local member business. Inn at Northrup Station, July's Business After Hours host, is an elegant all-suites boutique hotel directly on the Portland Streetcar line in the heart of Nob Hill. Come and see the suites! Wednesday July 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Inn at Northrup Station - 2025 N.W. Northrup Street. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-09 00:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:36:372009-07-09 02:00:00 pp`rdevelopment techniques, social media technologies, user experience and more. Expert speakers come 5#3K33JwPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase at Susan G. Komen for the CureShopTalk Showcase is a bi-monthly networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by local member businesses. Wear pink to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and receive a pin! With events like Race for the Cure, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has become the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. Come learn more about how you can help. Tuesday July 7th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 am at Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 1400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, suite 530. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/$5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/$10 at the door. 2009-07-07 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:38:342009-07-07 16:00:00 vvts for a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instils good pairing and TDD practices. So come along to the next XPDX meeting to try it out. It doesn't matter if you've been pairing for years or want to try it for tYs3K33Jw Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event!Come join Business Leads Exchange, a fun and beneficial speed-networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday July 14 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, Two Center Court on the Fourth Floor. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-14 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:49:022009-07-14 16:30:00 <<ics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on MaxPtWi3]33Ju Ignite Corvallis 2 (Postponed to Oct)IMPORTANT: The original event on April 3rd was canceled and moved to October. Read the details for why that is (its a good reason!) here: http://ignitecorvallis.com/2009/03/ignite-corvallis-2-postponed.html Follow us on twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/IgniteCorvallis2009-10-09 02:00:00http://upcoming.ya@I3;33Jw WhereCamp PDX Kick-off MeetingWe're going to have our first WhereCamp PDX planning meeting next week, July 2nd, 7pm at Produce Row (out on the patio). This is just a general brainstorming meeting to start things off, so bring your ideas. If you can't come, join the discussion on our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/wherecamp-pdx/2009-07-03 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-06-26 00:10:33 ;2009-07-03 03:30:00, I have focused this introductory class on monitoring conversations. Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/350105174 Costs: * Early Bird: $124.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed Early Bird: $34.99 * Late Registration (After June 18): $199.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed (After June 18): $49.99 Prerequisites * You will need to bring a laptop to the training class * You must have a Yahoo account (Flickr / Upcoming) and confirm that you can access Pipes with that account * You will also need to create a Google Spreadsheet with 5-6 keywords formatted like this prior to the class. * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required Visit the Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training page for the course outline and other information about the class. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-06-26 00:00:00http://fastwonderblog.com/training/2009-06-26 00:00:49 < ;bO2009-06-26 02:30:00harvests." We will be exploring techniques, spaces and technologies that extend growing seasons, increase yield, increase opportunities for local food production and bring the harvest to new places and spaces. Mark your calendars now and please join us! General Forum Info: The Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action. Each Forum will inspire and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. 2009-08-13 00:30:00http://www.springboardinnovation.org/forum.php2009-07-21 17:05:10 >2009-08-13 04:00:00 00Iexperts in our site lab and joE3S33JvIntroduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren’t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool that I use to monitor conversations happening across various social media sites. While Yahoo Pipes can also do so much morex{Cs3K33Jw Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - a fun speed-networking event!Come join Business Leads Exchange, a fun and beneficial speed-networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday July 14 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, Two Center Court on the Fourth Floor. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. 2009-07-28 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-06-25 20:50:582009-07-28 16:00:00 ssShelly Farnham: Dorkbot Dorkbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination of geek, artist, and scient e}3533Jw FlashPDX: MVC and the Bumpslide App TemplateDavid Knape will be at Fashion Buddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a launchpad for discussion of the Model-View-Controller pattern for Flash application development. The goal is a relaxed talk where we can discuss the basics of why and how to separate application state from view components while touching upon some more advanced topics including data binding and the command pattern. We’ll also talk about general coding best practices and how the app template relates to some of the other frameworks that are currently floating around the web including PureMVC, Cairngorm, Gaia, and this thing called Flex. Don’t be scared. There will be beer.2009-06-27 01:30:00http://flashpdx.org/2009-06-26 19:46:30 @ 2009-06-27 03:30:00nape
        will be at Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a launchpad for discussion of the Model-View-Controller pattern for Flash application development. The goal is a relaxed talk where we can discuss the basics of why and how to separate application state from view components while touching upon some more advanced topics including data binding and the command pattern. We’ll also talk about general coding best practices and how the app template relates to some of the other frameworks that are currently floating around the web including PureMVC, Cairngorm, Gaia, and this thing called Flex. Don’t be scared. There will be beer.2009-06-27 01:30:00http://flashpdx.org/2009-06-26 19:49:23 @ 2009-06-27 03:30:00rder to get one for free.2009-04-04 01:00:00http://beaverbarcamp.org2009-03-14 22:40:01 >U;bg2009-04-05 06:00:00nape will be at Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a launchpad for discussion of the Model-View-Controller pattern for Flash application development. The goal is a relaxed talk where we can discuss the basics of why and how to separate application state from view components while touching upon some more advanced topics including data binding and the command pattern. We’ll also talk about general coding best practices and how the app template relates to some of the other frameworks that are currently floating around the web including PureMVC, Cairngorm, Gaia, and this thing called Flex. Don’t be scared. There will be beer. This presentation will be broadcast live at: http://experts.na3.acrobat.com/flashpdx2009-06-27 01:30:00http://flashpdx.org/2009-06-26 19:50:34 @ 2009-06-27 03:30:00:06 ;s;b2009-03-30 00:00:00 "othy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been Ke3]33Jw Lunch 2.0 at Slate TechnologiesSlate Technologies will be hosting the 19th Portland Lunch 2.0 at their offices in SE Portland. If you're driving, I'm told there will be additional parking arranged. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-08-05 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011422/2009-06-27 18:21:18 @&;bt2009-08-05 21:00:00Eeu3533Jw FlashPDX: MVC and the Bumpslide App TemplateDavid K}qeM3533Jw FlashPDX: MVC and the Bumpslide App TemplateDavid K| OOnflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes) <V1M3933Jp*DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a wbzQ3g33Ju Information Design Conference 2009Case-studies from design practitioners and their customers, reports from researchers, and thought-provoking reflections on the principles behind what information designers and communicators do. 2009-04-02 16:00:00http://www.infodesign.org.uk/2009-confe-cC3933Jv1st Annual Uniquely Portland Oregon TweetupTHIS IS A FREE EVENT * Bring your business cards and meet other liked-minded business people! * Introduce yourself to your fellow Portland Tweeters! * Enjoy the coffee and treats of Sip & Kranz Coffee Lounge! * Hear national speakers and trainers, Rich Fenton and Andrea Waltz! 2009-07-11 01:00:00http://pdxtweetup.com/2009-06-27 22:20:09 @ 2009-07-11 03:00:0022-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-06-30 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011654/2009-06-28 02:58:21 >;bu2009-06-30 17:00:00 22, dotMobi and similar organizations. J!C3C33Jw#Twicnic by the Sandy riverEvery Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging around each other and having conversations someplace outdoor (be it about technology or otherwise)—then give it a hashtag, so it’s now known as #twicnic. As kindly suggested by Kimberly Gehl, we’re meeting at Glenn Otto Community Park, by the Sandy River. Apologies to Robin Catesby for failing to schedule it near the neighborhood. I just thought that having it by the river is a good idea while we have this nice of a weather. Bring food, drinks, or whatever you’d like to eat that afternoon. Bring your books, blankets, bikes, frisbees—and, you know, other things you don’t usually bring to your day job. Computer is optional. That is all.2009-06-28 19:00:00http://bram.me/twicnic.html2009-06-28 16:47:07 @'2009-06-28 23:00:0022-July 23. Our full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-07-02 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3011655/2009-06-28 02:59:34 >;bv2009-07-02 23:00:00 E the science behind brandy, or taste the hints of maple, 2m3]33JuSAOpdx: Obama's Stimulus Plan - What You Nl[3]33JwStartup Workouts- Extreme BootstrappingStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June  l, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill lo a3]33JwStartup Workouts- Market Validation BasicsStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June  DDnflation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
        12. I;bP2009-06-03 23:00:00 ng experience, having previously taught classes at Miami Ad School in Web design, multimedia and convergecc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional prA e3 33JuPDX Tweetk)CO3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. The agenda is still being decided. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
        Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-06-29 22:57:24 >2009-08-02 01:00:00 nd what they actually entail, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who ar`*53 33JwFree Culture: Creating Copyright and Copyrighting CreationJoin the UO in Portland for a discussion of how copyright law affects artists, musicians, and other creative workers—and help rewrite copyright law with electropop trio YACHT and copyright lawyer Peter Shaver. “Free Culture: Creating Copyright and Copyrighting Creation” is an opportunity to learn more about the state of copyright law in the arts. It’s also a chance to meet creative professionals in the Portland area, and generate good ideas in great company. Join us at 6:30 pm at the White Stag Block for convivial conversation and local libations from New Seasons and New Old Lompoc. This event is co-sponsored by the UO Portland Library and Learning Commons, Academic Affairs, and UO Cultural Forum.2009-07-17 01:30:002009-06-29 23:06:35 ?2009-07-17 03:30:00 llŸ¬´À3("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²íԡY/ 3M333Fr#{s3533JwLPPDE Webinar Series - Why Product Development Doesn't (Just) Belong to Engineering Anymore! Presented by Dan ShoenhairJoin Dan Shoenhair of PING Golf as he shares his company's progress towards expanding product development beyond the boundaries of traditional functions. In the past three years, PING has engaged the entire organization in capturing customer and technical knowledge, sharing it across functional boundaries and building it right in to PING's newest innovations in sports equipment. This is the first of six Webinar Series featuring practitioners who will deliver case studies showing how they have used lean product and process development to get return on investment from new product development. The entire series is priced at $110.00 OR you may attend individual Webinars for $25.00 each2009-09-18 14:00:00http://www.lppde.org2009-06-29 18:07:24 @(2009-09-18 15:30:00 lllation">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
        17b. The Transition Initiative in Portland in dc_3Y33JqPortland Functional Programmers Study GroupA study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, inc"+e13333JwPortland Linux/Unix Group: Rapid Discussions PRESENTATION Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone Instead of having a formal presentation, we will get together and discuss anything anyone wants to discuss in brief sessions of no more than a few minutes each. If we have enough people involved we can break into smaller groups to handle each topic. 2009-07-03 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-06-30 05:43:33 >2009-07-03 04:00:00 lore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of the growing social media marketing trend. Bio: After having been/Ii3 33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupMonday July 27th: 12:00 to 1:30 PM Beaverton Public Library Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Theme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-30 19:00:002009-06-30 18:00:56 @)2009-06-30 20:00:00 ++nd what they actually entail, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of the growing social media marketing trend. Bio: After having been in traditional marketing roles for the lasQ,IQ3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Planning An Effective Website 1) Architect'ing the PDX Job Search website Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn the basics of planning how to build an effective website. Increasing the knowledge and usage of personal websites, blogs, twitter streams, social media are important to hiring organizations. Participate with the group as we create PDX Job Search's website. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-06 19:00:002009-06-30 17:46:19 @)2009-07-06 20:30:00 MM

        You’re welcome to come whether you are already committed or just curious about the possibilities. &n hE3933JrPDX Critique monthly meetingNo clue w8_G3O3/.I 3 33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques in Your Job Search 1) CRM – More than just an acroynm Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how CRM methods and techniques are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-06-30 18:00:002009-06-30 18:00:12 @)2009-06-30 19:00:00 type";">How Can We Build a Resilient Portland?&nS0ua3U33JwCEO Roundtable - Funding Your Company in Tough TimesPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of funding your company in tough times and the creative options you can employ to get the cash your company needs to survive and grow. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration: OEN Members - $46 Non Members - $1452009-07-22 18:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=922009-06-30 19:28:50 =32009-07-22 20:00:00artifacts” of the past twenty years of war and mineral exploitation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Partially unearthed artifacts of cultural disarticulation, corporately funded wars, crude hand-tools of small pit mining, skeletal traces of bush meat trade are jumbled together with discarded iPhones, blackberries and obsolete laptops. But, the exhibit won't merely wallow in despair. In accordance with SEA Change Gallery's mandate of social and environmental change, the curators are organizing a public brainstorming discussion to look for sustainable solutions to the coltan addiction. The free event will include a Congolese dinner and encourage community dialogue. Speakers from Mercy Corps, Run for Congo Women, and "Apocalypse Found" author Casey Bush will share their knowledge about the conflict, discuss solutions they are helping implement, and brainstorm ways to take action. RSVP to seagallery@gmail.com2009-07-03 00:00:00http://seagallery.wordpress.com2009-07-01 05:00:54 @*2009-07-03 05:00:00ly 10th we've brought back by popular demand What the Shit, @melissalion's heelarious Dramatic Twitter Reading Series. I lamed out last time, but this time I've already got a couple of good tweets to orate. Time to put those high school theatre skills to use. BONUS: AboutUs is having it's anniversary party at Beer and Blog and wants to share the love in the way of beer. For the Beer and Bloggers. Yay! Stay tuned for more info. And finally, while I've got your attention, I'd like to announce a date change for the hugely successful End Bloglessness. Again. (Long story.) BUT THIS TIME WE MEAN IT. On July 18th, Beer and Blog proudly continue its collective efforts to put an End to Bloglessness. We feel everyone should be polluting the Internet with our hopes, opinions, rants, and obsessions, not to mention hocking the Next Big Thing. Held at Web Trends, more details to come. Have a safe and explosive holiday weekend!2009-07-03 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-01 03:54:01 ; 2009-07-04 02:00:00 DDyle="font-family: "Palatino Linotype";">This p~2aU3K33JwArt Exhibit on Electronics Mining in CongoArt Exhibit: Profane Relics--- An Ossuary of the Congo Mineral Wars, an installation by Ryan Burns Opening Reception: Thursday, July 2 from 5-10pm Community Dinner + Dialogue: Saturday, July 11 from 5-7pm Sea Change Gallery, 625 NW Everett, Gallery #110, Portland www.seagallery.wordpress.com The installation presents &1s3K33JwRest Up This Casual Friday, We've Got Plans Galore in Store Ahead!My goodness. Summer is here already! How is it I've just today noticed my first fireworks stand of the holiday season? Time to slow down and smell the sulfur, I say. This Friday's Beer and Blog is casual. As in: we have nothing planned and yet we'd like to hang out anyway. Unwind from the work week and kick of the 4th of July weekend with the usual suspects on the patio of the Green Dragon. Casual Friday style, yo. Next week, however, it's time for some fun. Ju ont-family: "Palatino Linotype";">Food

      • Transportation
      • W3M33333JwXPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub Lunch Casual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun. * If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one) * If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches * If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach * If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment * If you're curious about any the above *Come on over for lunch.* We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc. 2009-07-03 20:00:00http://www.xpdx.org2009-07-01 06:39:58 ;42009-07-03 22:00:00ly 10th we've brought back by popular demand What the Shit, @melissalion's heelarious Dramatic Twitter Reading Series. I lamed out last time, but this time I've already got a couple of good tweets to orate. Time to put those high school theatre skills to use. BONUS: AboutUs is having it's anniversary party at Beer and Blog and wants to share the love in the way of beer. For the Beer and Bloggers. Yay! Stay tuned for more info. And finally, while I've got your attention, I'd like to announce a date change for the hugely successful End Bloglessness. Again. (Long story.) BUT THIS TIME WE MEAN IT. On July 18th, Beer and Blog proudly continue its collective efforts to put an End to Bloglessness. We feel everyone should be polluting the Internet with our hopes, opinions, rants, and obsessions, not to mention hocking the Next Big Thing. Held at Web Trends, more details to come. Have a safe and explosive holiday weekend!2009-07-03 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-01 07:31:06 ; 2009-07-04 02:00:00  you've got Ruby on Rails coding experience, such as contributing code to Calagator. 2. Text: Compose documents for outreach to user groups, educational institutions, open source projects, and the like. 3. Outreach: Contact user group leaders, educators, open source projects, mailing lists, etc to encourage them to spread the word about the conference and submit proposals. We'll meet up at Ristretto[1] at 10am, then move on to a w54/s3K33JwBeer and Blog: Rest Up This Casual Friday, We've Got Plans Galore in Store Ahead!My goodness. Summer is here already! How is it I've just today noticed my first fireworks stand of the holiday season? Time to slow down and smell the sulfur, I say. This Friday's Beer and Blog is casual. As in: we have nothing planned and yet we'd like to hang out anyway. Unwind from the work week and kick of the 4th of July weekend with the usual suspects on the patio of the Green Dragon. Casual Friday style, yo. Next week, however, it's time for some fun. Ju UUl turn visitors into customers  Find out the importance of keyword placement on your web pages and where to actually place the keywords  Discover how to improve your Click-throSԡ\qO3M333Transitioning to a ResiliOoo3C33JuOpen Source Bridge code, text and outreach sprintJoin us to work'5Y3]33JwDemolicious! - Portland Web InnovatorsCome see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. There will be several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * BrowserMob (Patrick Lightbody) * MobSpot (Benjamin Jacobsen) * Total Event Manager (Mike Shkolnik) * Yak Theater (Matt Garland) * iAte (George DeCarlo) * SMART@znmeb (Ed Borasky) Find out more about showing off *your* project at a future Demolicious: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious2009-07-02 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373351/2009-07-01 16:42:31 ;;bx2009-07-02 02:00:00 Y> Wed 23 5pm - 7pm
        The Freak MountaiF{MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group If you prepare and give presentati77;3133JvEsoZone Portland 2009Esozone a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include:
      • Outsider Art
      • Discordia
      • SubGenius
      • The Occult
      • Satanism
      • Conspiracy Analysis
      • Life Extension
      • Intelligence EnhancementOutsider Art
      • Discordia
      • SubGenius
      • The Occult
      • Satanism
      • Conspiracy Analysis
      • Life Extension
      • Intelligence Enhancement
      • Space Migration
      • Psychedelic Futurism
      • Conciousness Expansion
      • R/evolutionary Living
      • Renegade Metaphysics
      • Radical Psychotherapy
      • Aliens
      • NeoShamanism
      • Temporary Autonomous Zones
      • Body Modification
      • Alternative Sexuality
      • Fringe Culture
      • Human-Dolphin Communication
      • DIY Media
      • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
      • Pranks
      • Atheism
      • Zen
      • Martial Arts
      • Recession Hacking
      • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow
        @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2989057/2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-07-02 04:18:31 :A2009-10-11 02:00:00>
      • Space Migration
      • Psychedelic Futurism
      • Conciousness Expansion
      • R/evolutionary Living
      • Renegade Metaphysics
      • Radical Psychotherapy
      • Aliens
      • NeoShamanism
      • Temporary Autonomous Zones
      • Body Modification
      • Alternative Sexuality
      • Fringe Culture
      • Human-Dolphin Communication
      • DIY Media
      • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
      • Pranks
      • Atheism
      • Zen
      • Martial Arts
      • Recession Hacking
      • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-07-02 04:19:23 :A2009-10-11 02:00:00 k³³¼L2'"*7º«¨«²ÅE84/1;×»¬ŸŇJ|MM3w33JrPresentation Zen webinar viewingEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group IfbA3m33JuMarch Man-ness Celebr5:AI3]33JwTAPLISTER.com Launch PartyTaplister.com, the world's first live beer search engine based off Twitter wants you to celebrate the creation of this new service. Taplister.com will be throwing a launch party on Monday July 6th at 7pm at the EastBurn (1800 East Burnside Portland, OR 97214). EastBurn will be offering $10 pitchers of beers and Taplister.com will be giving away craft beer swag and demoing their website and free iPhone app called Beer Signal. This will sure be an event that no craft beer fan will want to miss. As an added bonus, Hopworks Urban Brewery and Upright Brewing will be bringing special beers and the brewers themselves will be in attendance to talk about their beers.2009-07-07 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3014484/2009-07-02 20:54:14 >;by2009-07-07 06:00:00  kinds of competitive information. Learn how CI professionals use the Web to get details on the following: * How have a competitor's products or services evolved over time? * 58AI3]33JwTAPLISTER.com Launch PartyTaplister.com, the world's first live beer search engine based off Twitter wants you to celebrate the creation of this new service. Taplister.com will be throwing a launch party on Monday July 6th at 7pm at the EastBurn (1800 East Burnside Portland, OR 97214). EastBurn will be offering $10 pitchers of beers and Taplister.com will be giving away craft beer swag and demoing their website and free iPhone app called Beer Signal. This will sure be an event that no craft beer fan will want to miss. As an added bonus, Hopworks Urban Brewery and Upright Brewing will be bringing special beers and the brewers themselves will be in attendance to talk about their beers.2009-07-07 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3014484/2009-07-02 16:19:06 @+;by2009-07-07 06:00:00 5 an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. WhoaI3_33JuPDX Open Source GIS User GroupThe second meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group. Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample. We'll have some software demonstrations, chat about upcoming conferences, schedule future talks/events and whatever else we can think up. We'll adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring. You can find out more and sign up =Gq3 33JwPDX.pm Perl 5.10.1 CodesprintCodesprint for learning about Perl 5 development, git and getting 5.10.1 out the door. This is our first codesprint, so things are still a bit up in the air. Useful stuff: 5.10.1 blockers: http://is.gd/1lT56 Using the Perl git repo: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlrepository.pod (short and sweet) How to hack the Perl internals: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlhack.pod (kinda scary) 2009-07-03 02:00:002009-07-02 23:40:30 ; 2009-07-03 04:00:00 son. Table for 8/$350. Suggested attire is business formal. RSVP (rsvpaep@bus.oregonstate.edu) by Wednesday, March 26, 2009 to Mary McKillop by email or call 1-541-713-8044. Please note that seating is limited and we may sell out before the deadline so RSVP today. If you plan on staying overnight in Corvallis and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms reserved at a u<G3 33JwPDX.pm Perl 5.10.1 CodesprintCodesprint for learning about Perl 5 development, git and getting 5.10.1 out the door. This is our first codesprint, so things are still a bit up in the air. Useful stuff: 5.10.1 blockers: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Search/Simple.html?Query=MemberOf=66092%20AND%20Status!=%27Resolved%27 Using the Perl git repo: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlrepository.pod (short and sweet) How to hack the Perl internals: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlhack.pod (kinda scary) 2009-07-03 02:00:002009-07-02 23:33:24 ; 2009-07-03 04:00:00 22H<ÕŸ ±NŦŸ¦Á*'+Ick9*" %Yµ¨?7;3133JvEsoZone Portland 2009Esozone a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include:
      • Outsider Art
      • Discordia
      • SubGenius
      • The Occult
      • Satanism
      • Conspiracy Analysis
      • Life Extension
      • Intelligence EnhancementG3 33JwPDX.pm Perl 5.10.1 CodesprintCodesprint for learning about Perl 5 development, git and getting 5.10.1 out the door. This is our first codesprint, so things are still a bit up in the air. Useful stuff: 5.10.1 blockers: http://tr.im/perl5_10_1_blockers Using the Perl git repo: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlrepository.pod (short and sweet) How to hack the Perl internals: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perlhack.pod (kinda scary) 2009-07-03 02:00:002009-07-02 23:43:33 ; 2009-07-03 04:00:00>
      • Space Migration
      • Psychedelic Futurism
      • Conciousness Expansion
      • R/evolutionary Living
      • Renegade Metaphysics
      • Radical Psychotherapy
      • Aliens
      • NeoShamanism
      • Temporary Autonomous Zones
      • Body Modification
      • Alternative Sexuality
      • Fringe Culture
      • Human-Dolphin Communication
      • DIY Media
      • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
      • Pranks
      • Atheism
      • Zen
      • Martial Arts
      • Recession Hacking
      • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-07-03 02:18:42 @,2009-10-11 02:00:00 bflrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntzGA/3]33JwWordCamp PortlandWordCamp is a gathering of people interested in WordPress and blogging. Topics will focus on a wide range of audiences from the new blogger as well as those with more of a technical background. Follow the WordCamp Portland website for details including speakers, sponsorship, and ticket information2009-09-19 00:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3018467/2009-07-03 04:06:07 
      • Outsider Art
      • Discordia
      • SubGenius
      • The Occult
      • Satanism
      • Conspiracy Analysis
      • Life Extension
      • Intelligence Enhancement
      • Space Migration
      • Psychedelic Futurism
      • Conciousness Expansion
      • R/evolutionary Living
      • Renegade Metaphysics
      • Radical Psychotherapy
      • Aliens
      • NeoShamanism
      • Temporary Autonomous Zones
      • Body Modification
      • Alternative Sexuality
      • Fringe Culture
      • Human-Dolphin Communication
      • DIY Media
      • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
      • Pranks
      • Atheism
      • Zen
      • Martial Arts
      • Recession Hacking
      • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming2009-10-10 02:00:00http://esozone.com2009-07-03 02:20:40 @,2009-10-11 02:00:00 s will be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR). Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foods is an opportunity for the public to meet and support local food business entrepreneurs in their firsbC-!3{33Jw Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com.2009-07-12 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:38:28 @-2009-07-12 02:00:00 (R_}3M33JrTime-to-Market: A Showcase of Local Foodshe next Time-to-Market: A Showcase of Loca%)Y3M33Jq'RailsConf 2009Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. IfcD-#3{33Jw!Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage ritual of PON FARR as the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise attempt to save him before it’s too late!! Portland actors, accompanied by live music and effects, will bring this classic piece of television to life! Spend a day in the park, bring a picnic and BOLDLY GO!! Dates are July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 5 pm (note time change!). For more info contact AdamRosko //at// Gmail.com. 2009-07-13 00:00:00http://gowoodlawn.com/2009/05/07/star-trek-in-the-park/2009-07-03 04:40:55 @-2009-07-13 02:00:00 55size="2">· Reduce downtime through automation - withstanding failures, protecting and recovering data, and overcoming resource constraints online withoWԡ I3?333Oregon SQL -Developers Professional Association Monthly MeetingThe Oregon SQL Developers (OSQL-d)b %3 33JrOEN SwapMeetDrop by the O1i3]33Ju"Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop - 3-Day AdvancedThe Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshops will teach you how to position your website so that you will get more visitors. Not only that, you will get the right visitors toGB/3]33JwWordCamp PortlandWordCamp is a gathering of people interested in WordPress and blogging. Topics will focus on a wide range of audiences from the new blogger as well as those with more of a technical background. Follow the WordCamp Portland website for details including speakers, sponsorship, and ticket information2009-09-19 15:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3018467/2009-07-03 04:07:12 ;b{2009-07-07 17:00:00 Solar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? mNw3]33Jw)Startup Workouts- Keeping your ego out of the productStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, July 16, 4 pm: Basics of project management * Tuesday, July 21, 10 am: Clarifying the concept * Thursday, July 23, 4 pm: Startup problem-solving Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes for the current 5-week period of June 22-July 23 The outcome of Startup Workouts is to assist founders in better juggling multiple high-priorities in a high-stress, low resource, high-intensity environment. For additional info, please contact Carolynn Duncan at cduncan@portlandten.com.2009-07-09 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3066323/2009-07-06 04:56:48 >;b|2009-07-09 23:00:00 Tuntil at least 'P{3U33Jw+OEN Webinar: Employee Compensation Basics for Start UpsThis webinar led by Leslie BhOm3]33Jw*Startup Workouts- Work/life balance for foundersStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these types of startup situations on a regular basis. Startup Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:15 am and Thursday afternoons from 4-5:15 pm, and are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, Juottomly, partner at Ater Wynne LLP, will cover employee compensation basics for start-ups. Topics include: minimum wage, exempt versus non-exempt (overtime eligible) categories of employment, employees versus independent contractors, stock options, stock, and benefits. Speaker: Leslie Bottomly, Partner, Ater Wynne LLP Leslie Bottomly’s practice focuses on employment matters. She regularly advises public and private employers on such matters as employee discipline and termination, compliance with family and medical leave, discrimination, wage and hour, and other employment laws, development of employee handbooks, drug testing programs and international issues. Serving as Ater Wynne LLP's Director of Human Resources gives Leslie unique insight into the practical challenges employers face day to day. Ticket Info: OEN Members: No Cost Non Members: $302009-07-29 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=942009-07-06 17:45:31 @2009-07-29 18:00:00s/2009/04/290955292009-03-24 16:17:32 :,2009-04-17 04:00:00  d had!- 3533Jq?Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-12-12 20:04:31 <;b2008-10-29 0FQo333Jw,Support Council Vote on 5-year Portland Economic Development StrategyPlease RSVP: http://is.gd/1p6Fz "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the most sustainable economy in the world will be presented for adoption by City Council on July 8th. We need your help to make sure City Council understands the strong support in our community for business success and economic prosperity. And we invite you to show your support by attending the Council hearing." For more details: http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2008-07-08 22:00:00http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-06 19:40:44 @.2009-07-08 23:00:00 '' more empowered than ever befUR 333Jw,Support Council Vote on 5-year Portland Economic Development StrategyPlease RSVP: http://is.gd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group at 3:05 for the 3:15 meeting. "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the most sustainable economy in the world will be presented for adoption by City Council on July 8th. We need your help to make sure City Council understands the strong support in our community for business success and economic prosperity. And we invite you to show your support by attending the Council hearing." For more details: http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2008-07-08 22:00:00http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-06 19:42:08 @.2009-07-08 23:00:00 ''=nment based on Cocoa for UT 333Jw,Observe Council Vote on 5-year Portland Economic Development StrategyPlease RSVP: http://is.gd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group at 3:05 for the 3:15 meeting. "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the most sustainable economy in the world will be presented for adoption by City Council on July 8th. We need your help to make sure City Council understands the strong support in our community for business success and economic prosperity. And we invite you to show your support by attending the Council hearing." For more details: http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-08 22:00:00http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-06 20:03:20 @.2009-07-08 23:00:00 '' more empowered than ever befUS 333Jw,Observe Council Vote on 5-year Portland Economic Development StrategyPlease RSVP: http://is.gd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group at 3:05 for the 3:15 meeting. "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the most sustainable economy in the world will be presented for adoption by City Council on July 8th. We need your help to make sure City Council understands the strong support in our community for business success and economic prosperity. And we invite you to show your support by attending the Council hearing." For more details: http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2008-07-08 22:00:00http://catherder.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/visibility-matters/2009-07-06 19:47:22 @.2009-07-08 23:00:00  graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues U3]33Jw-Refresh Portland July: Simplify Your CSS with SASS by Thomas ReynoldsWhat’s SASS? SASS is a CSS-preprocessor that automatically implement common CSS idioms and keep you from repeating yourself. In other words, SASS is a way to implement grids, sprites and browser-specific tweaks in a fraction of the time it normally takes with CSS. This month, join us as we explore SASS with Thomas Reynolds! Thomas is an experienced front-end web developer who’s into Ruby, jQuery, HTML5, & web standards. Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement.2009-07-24 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3017104/2009-07-07 06:06:50 ;;b}2009-07-24 02:30:00 &&l be a few more pages co2Y3c3S33Jw/Drupal Users Meetup

        July Challenge: Q & A Solutions Using Drupal

        We're go7X3m3S33Jw/Drupal Users Meetup

        July Challenge: Q & A Solutions Using Drupal

        We're gxV3A33Jw-Refresh Portland July: Simplify Your CSS with SASS by Thomas ReynoldsWhat’s SASS? SASS is a CSS-preprocessor that automatically implement common CSS idioms and keep you from repeating yourself. In other words, SASS is a way to implement grids, sprites and browser-specific tweaks in a fraction of the time it normally takes with CSS. This month, join us as we explore SASS with Thomas Reynolds! Thomas is an experienced front-end web developer who’s into Ruby, jQuery, HTML5, & web standards. Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement.2009-07-24 01:30:00http://refreshportland.org2009-07-07 06:07:31 ;;b}2009-07-24 02:30:00oing forward with a July challenge meeting, and either Jonathan or I will post the final challenge on Monday. A lot of incredibly fun solutions have been proposed to Michelle's suggestion, and unless something more compelling comes along:

        "I like the idea of a challenge! If I can suggest one that might be fun, and that probably has many ways to accomplish it: how about a Question and Answer section? Something where a user can post a question, and either a moderator or a user can post answers - but possibly the moderator answer always shows above other user answers or is somehow distinguished."

        A couple of requirements:

          Presentations must be Internet-accessible so we can use just one laptop to keep things quick.
        • To be guaranteed a time to present, make your commitment on the meeting reminder by July 6th.
        2009-07-09 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/239652009-07-07 19:52:05 =2009-07-09 03:00:00en2009-03-24 21:17:41 ? 2009-03-28 22:00:00ing forward with a July challenge meeting, and either Jonathan or I will post the final challenge on Monday. A lot of incredibly fun solutions have been proposed to Michelle's suggestion, and unless something more compelling comes along:

        "I like the idea of a challenge! If I can suggest one that might be fun, and that probably has many ways to accomplish it: how about a Question and Answer section? Something where a user can post a question, and either a moderator or a user can post answers - but possibly the moderator answer always shows above other user answers or is somehow distinguished."

        A couple of requirements:

        • Presentations must be Internet-accessible so we can use just one laptop to keep things quick.
        • To be guaranteed a time to present, make your commitment on the meeting reminder by July 6th.
        2009-07-09 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/239652009-07-07 19:52:44 =2009-07-09 03:00:00 Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. he fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and keening are okay. Yeah, I've got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit staring forward with a July challenge meeting, and either Jonathan or I will post the final challenge on Monday. A lot of incredibly fun solutions have been proposed to Michelle's suggestion, and unless something more compelling comes along:

        "I like the idea of a challenge! If I can suggest one that might be fun, and that probably has many ways to accomplish it: how about a Question and Answer section? Something where a user can post a question, and either a moderator or a user can post answers - but possibly the moderator answer always shows above other user answers or is somehow distinguished."

        A couple of requirements:

        • Presentations must be Internet-accessible so we can use just one laptop to keep things quick.
        • To be guaranteed a time to present, make your commitment on the meeting reminder by July 6th.
        2009-07-09 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/239652009-07-07 19:53:00 =2009-07-09 03:00:00tion?hl=en2009-03-24 21:17:54 92009-03-28 22:00:00 n.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pricegain.com
        o.8a3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part o[/3K33Jw0Portland WerewolfRSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3068080/ Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-07-09 01:00:00http://www.portlandwerewolf.com2009-07-07 21:22:00 ; 2009-07-09 05:00:00/Z3]3S33Jw/Drupal Users Meetup

        July Challenge: Q & A Solutions Using Drupal

        We're go aavelopment Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and.9a3y33Ju+Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data VizR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data. R is widely used for statistical software devel\go3]33Jw1Zoom in on Mapping and Location -- DevGroupNWAdam DuVander demonstrates how to bring the power of location to your website. Use mapping APIs to plot data geographically. Convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates. Grab the user's current location. Add some "where" to your application. Adam will overview the services that fuel location-based websites and some examples to help you find your way. (Inside the building at the corner of N. Killingsworth and Albina, just seven blocks east of the Killingsworth MAX station)2009-07-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-07 21:59:45 @/;b؃2009-07-16 01:30:00 NN Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success story in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support of our Sponsors and Partners! Founding Sponsor.] o3]33Jw1DevGroup NW: Zoom in on Mapping and Location with Adam DuVanderAdam DuVander demonstrates how to bring the power of location to your website. Use mapping APIs to plot data geographically. Convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates. Grab the user's current location. Add some "where" to your application. Adam will overview the services that fuel location-based websites and some examples to help you find your way. (Inside the building at the corner of N. Killingsworth and Albina, just seven blocks east of the Killingsworth MAX station)2009-07-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-07 22:01:02 @/;b؃2009-07-16 01:30:00   Convenience of Email". Join us to hear about this local success story in the making! Schedule: 11:30am Networking time noon Program begins 1:00 pm Wrap up Cost: $10 if pre-paid; $15 at the door (includes lunch) ============= We appreciate the support o\^c'3333Jw2Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin other programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. We're meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub's event room this month, I'll post a sign on the door to guide you once there. Please reply on the mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! 2009-07-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-07-07 22:23:37 ; 2009-07-14 04:00:00 &&/com" rel="nofollow">http://www.pric\;[g3s33Ju,Startup CEO Sebastian Rapport of OntierEntrepreneur Meetups > OTBC In spite of the difficult economy, Ontier CEO Sebastian Rapport recently closed an investment round, launched a product, and added tech heavy-weights Paul V_c3333Jw2Portland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. We're meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub's event room this month, I'll post a sign on the door to guide you once there. Please reply on the mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! 2009-07-14 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-07-07 22:26:15 ; 2009-07-14 04:00:00 44 and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available. Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this SaH`gQ3]33Jw3HTML-PDX Meeting: HTML5 State of the BrowsersWelcome to our initial meeting of the HTML5-PDX group. The goal for this meeting in to introduce the purpose and goals of the group. In addition we will be covering the state of HTML5 support in the major browsers. This group also encapsulates Open Web Games and that meeting will immediately follow the presentation from this meeting. Since the groups have so mush in common, expect continuing future interaction between them. Future meeting will be every 3rd Monday of the month2009-07-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/html5-pdx2009-07-08 04:41:25 @02009-07-21 03:30:00 MM where it's broken. I just ran through the Windows part and the "Te/ag3]33Jw3HTML-PDX Meeting: HTML5 State of the BrowsersWelcome to our initial meeting of the HTML5-PDX group. For this meeting we will first cover the purpose and goals of the group. In short that is all things HTML5; canvas, web workers, native video, client-side storage, Geolocation API, ... Though the main purpose of this initial meeting will be covering the state of HTML5 support in the major browsers. This group also encapsulates Open Web Games and that meeting will immediately follow the presentation from this meeting. Since the groups have so much in common, expect continuing future interaction between them. Future meeting will be every 3rd Monday of the month, at this same venue and time.2009-07-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/html5-pdx2009-07-08 04:51:34 @02009-07-21 03:30:00 for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and keening are okay. Yeah, I've got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit starts at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. Oh, and YES! AboutUs is having it’s anniversary party at Beer and Blog this Friday, too. To celebrate, they're sharing the love in the way of beer. What a wonderful compliment to the silliness in store for us. I hope to see you there for great fun! One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-08 05:20:22 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00le.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & "nto your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. I added a couple of links to articles on using GGobi with social network data. Click on http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-visualization/web/getting-started-with-ggobi - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work. About R R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statistician#d{3K33Jw4Beer and Blog: What the Shit? It's an AboutUs Birthday!I'm TOTALLY excited about th̐$c}3K33Jw4Beer and Blog: What the Shit? It's an About us Birthday!I'm TOTALLY excited about tb_3K33Jw4What the Shit? It's an About us Birthday!I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in storets at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. Oh, and YES! AboutUs is having it’s anniversary party at Beer and Blog this Friday, too. To celebrate, they're sharing the love in the way of beer. What a wonderful compliment to the silliness in store for us. I hope to see you there for great fun! One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-08 09:17:17 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00/westsideproggers2009-03-24 23:11:35 <2009-03-27 04:00:00 (x (esponse, transportation riQ 3 33Jw6Dorkbot Pd Workshop #2 (tentative)2009-08-16 00:00:002009-07-08 20:24:19;bl2009-08-17 00:00:00khC 333Jw7DorkbotPDX 0x04 (tentative)2009-08-09 00:00:002009-07-08 19:22:59;bl2009-08-10 00:00:00jgA 333Jw6Pd Workshop #2 (tentative)2009-08-16 00:00:002009-07-08 19:22:59;bl2009-08-17 00:00:00f%3Q33JvJUX Book ClubInterested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's second UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday June 23. For this session, we're reading "Mental Models" by Indi Young: www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/mental-models/ Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-07-08 18:13:52 @12009-06-24 03:30:00e fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and keening are okay. Yeah, I've got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit starts at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. Oh, and YES! AboutUs is having it’s anniversary party at Beer and Blog this Friday, too. To celebrate, they're sharing the love in the way of beer. What a wonderful compliment to the silliness in store for us. I hope to see you there for great fun! One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-08 09:17:27 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00http://pdx.pm.org/2009-03-25 17:24:59 92009-04-09 04:00:00 ZZof Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help deter"eg3Q33Jw5UX Book Club: "The Design of Everyday Things"Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's third UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday August 18. For this session, we're reading "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald Norman: http://bit.ly/1aEa7D Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date.2009-08-19 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-07-08 16:48:48 @12009-08-19 03:30:00 act and improving the resiliency of the communities we serve will take all of the tools in our tool box. Alice Lasher has a Bachelors Degree in Communications from Northern AZ University and has been in the fire service for 18 yearj_Q3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-08 20:29:59 @2;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00  greater willingness to consider fresh ideas for resolving the dispute. One of the most promising developments in recent years has been their amenability to hold dialogue on normalizing the situation in the Kashmir region through enhak_Q3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-08 20:32:40 @2;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 ting tools any microenterprise can use. In this seminar, you will learn how to use a blog to attract clients, build your reputation, and showcase your expertise. You will leave with tips and advice on setting up a blog, managi lcU3]33Jw9Portland JavaScript Admirers August MeetingThe August Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-08-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069088/2009-07-08 20:38:06 @2;b؇2009-08-27 04:00:00 Iompanies forward. Unfortunately, these two driving forces conspire to blind entrepreneurs into th HU}3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations: Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOreg mcU3]33Jw9Portland JavaScript Admirers August MeetingThe August Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-08-27 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069088/2009-07-08 20:41:52 @2;b؇2009-08-27 04:00:00  partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org): IW}3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emerging Hispanic markets in the United States. How can you successfully market your business to this growing community? El Hispanic News and others will tell you how. You can start the discussion now at the Cornerstones Conversation blog. Speakers: Gale Castillo Metropolitan Hispanic CsnIe3=33JvPortland Perl Mongers - PDX.pmCPAN and Core Q&A Bring your questions (and answers) about how things work under the hood and behind the scenes. Possibly some entries for the Euler/shootout challenge. As usual, meetings are followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.2009-07-09 01:53:00http://pdx.pm.org/kwiki/2009-07-08 21:59:37 92009-07-09 03:30:00 keening are okay. Yeah, I've got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit starts at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-09 07:05:39 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00 nd techniques that proved effective in today’s job market f5KWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase oG3K33Jw4Beer and Blog: What the Shit?I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and uur Desktop Graphical User Interfaces This will be the world premiere of a game-changing advancement in the development of desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs). FreeTUIT removes the verbosity, tedium, and confusion from GUI development and provides a unified syntax for widget layout and configuration which supports good software design practice without getttYU3]33Jw;PDX Open Source Geospatial Users GroupMonthly meeting of the PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group. We meet at OpenSourcery (On NW Lovejoy, between 16th and 17th) on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8 PM and then head to a nearby spot for drinks and more geeking out. On the agenda for this month: - MercyCorps case study and brainstorming session - More cool open source geo discussions and grokking. Please join us! Our Google Group is also open to all.2009-07-23 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3070437/2009-07-09 22:37:11 @3;b؈2009-07-23 03:00:00 munity and celebrate the closing of another year. This 5LWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Co)q'm3C33JvARGFest-o-conARGFest-o-con is the premiere english-language convention for players and designers of Alternate Reality Games. See our website for details and registration! The schedule includes two evening events, a day of panels with game designers and prominent players, a short puzzle hunt, and a couple touristy events. ARGFest-o-con is hosted by www.unfiction.com and www.argn.com twitter@ARGFest 2009-07-18 00:00:00http://www.argfestocon.com/2009-07-09 17:22:19 ?2009-07-20 03:00:00Hp5S3 33Jw:PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include * Perl 5.10.1 core hacking * perl5i http://github.com/schwern/perl5i You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.2009-07-10 01:30:002009-07-09 07:06:01 ; 2009-07-10 05:00:00  We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools • iPhone application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you bring your own Mac) • Not required: iPhone or iPod touch Instructor: Dave Shanley has been developing and deploying mobile solutions for Global 500 enterprises since 2000. Dave switched to igr53 33Jw:PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include * Perl 5.10.1 core hacking * perl5i http://github.com/schwern/perl5i You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. PS Its not a Perl only thing.2009-07-10 01:30:002009-07-09 19:33:18 ; 2009-07-10 05:00:00 CC)ore. Today's marketers must evolve their strategies to ad5MWK3K33Ju4Portland Business Alliance Presents: Cornerstones Conversations - Marketing to the Hispanic CommunityOregon has seen a 400 percent increase in its Hispanic population since 1990, positioning Portland as one of the top 10 emergi9sIs3;33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Revealing the mysteries of successful blogs 1)John Goalby will explain the mysteries and benefits of blogging All you ever wanted to know about Blogging. Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn the basics of blogging. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-13 19:00:00http://pdxjobsearch.org2009-07-09 20:37:27 @)2009-07-13 20:30:00 uu]team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to-Q}/3333JrPLUG Advanced Topics: FreeTUIT, Codeless GUI ProgrammingJax Bar 826 SW 2nd Ave Speaker: Eric Wilhelm Codeless GUI ProEO)]333Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents uYU3]33Jw;PDX Open Source Geospatial Users GroupMonthly meeting of the PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group. We meet at OpenSourcery (On NW Lovejoy, between 16th and 17th) on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8 PM and then head to a nearby spot for drinks and more geeking out. On the agenda for this month: - MercyCorps case study and brainstorming session - More cool open source geo discussions and grokking. Please join us! Our Google Group is also open to all.2009-07-23 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3070437/2009-07-10 00:06:52 =;b؈2009-07-23 03:00:00 application development, from the ground up • Hands-on development exercises and collaboration Prerequisites: • Development experience • C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, VB.net, Ruby, or other OO language experience • Mac OSX 10.5.5 (if you]vg3Q33Jw5UX Book Club: "The Design of Everyday Things"Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's third UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday August 18. For this session, we're reading "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald Norman: http://bit.ly/1aEa7D Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date. Please RSVP here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30706582009-08-19 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-07-10 00:29:25 @12009-08-19 03:30:00sN NTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|f emEJJLKMPOOPQQRSSUUWWYX[&.'/!4(5.:8<;==?>@?A@BACCDFEGHEJJLKMPOOPQQRSSUUWWYX[Z^^aabcdde_figjiojqkrlvmwoypzq|suwyz{|     !$%Ø&Ę'Ř(Ș,Θ/Ϙ2Ҙ3Ә4Ԙ7٘:ݘ<=ޘ?i@ACDFGIJKLNOPQRSTVXYZ\]^_bc d e f ghik 88ence from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. ~ԡNW[33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingMeeting topics: * Markus Roberts pres Rw}3Q33JrAgile Open Northwest Conference 2009 "Agile for Real"Agile Open Northwest, an alliance of agile (P)]3M33Ju6Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours at Mama Mia TrattoriaPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours: an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking iDwUe3S33Jw<PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR). Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.2009-07-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5402009-07-10 03:00:17 92009-07-17 03:00:00 1080 Group Steering Committee, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals / Oregon Chapter Roger Hicks Adjunct Professor, OHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine www.pdmaoregon.net The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter’s mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. 2009-07-10 05:00:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-07-10 04:24:46 @42009-07-10 06:00:00 5pm until at least WxO%3?33Jw=PDMA Panel Speaker Learning eventOregon Chapter of the PDMA Announces July 16, 2009 Learning Event “Competitive Analysis for Product Development” The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its July Learning Event; “Competitive Analysis for Product Development”. Every company has competition. What do you know about yours and how do you use it? This panel of experts will focus on the pragmatic side of gathering and using competitive information in support of product development and management. Topics to be addressed include: What types of information should you collect? How can you collect it efficiently? Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Common mistakes companies make in competitive analysis A Q&A session will follow the three presentations allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Panelists Roger Courville Principal,080 Group Steering Committee, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals / Oregon Chapter Roger Hicks Adjunct Professor, OHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door \ Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine www.pdmaoregon.net The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter’s mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. 2009-07-10 01:00:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-07-10 04:28:07 ?/2009-07-17 02:30:00 {p, and on AYyO)3?33Jw>PDMA Panel Speaker Learning eventOregon Chapter of the PDMA Announces July 16, 2009 Learning Event “Competitive Analysis for Product Development” The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its July Learning Event; “Competitive Analysis for Product Development”. Every company has competition. What do you know about yours and how do you use it? This panel of experts will focus on the pragmatic side of gathering and using competitive information in support of product development and management. Topics to be addressed include: What types of information should you collect? How can you collect it efficiently? Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Common mistakes companies make in competitive analysis A Q&A session will follow the three presentations allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Panelists Roger Courville Principal, 1  We'll be covering: • Objective-C Fundamentals • The Cocoa Frameworks • Developing in Xtools gzY3]33Jw?Flex and ActionScript Frameworks PanelThis month at the PDX RIA we are going to have an open discussion about some of the frameworks that are available to Flex developers. This is a great opportunity to come out and ask questions and here what folks have to say about their favorite frameworks. Just to make sure we have a well rounded discussion I found some volunteers to represent different frameworks. Matt Legrand - Cairngorm Matt Garland - PureMVC Simeon Bateman - Mate and Swiz If your favorite framework is not one of those listed then make sure you come out and represent! Tell everybody why you like your framework best. Pizza at 5:30, meeting at 6PM. Meeting at PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building) Room 209 2009-07-17 01:00:00http://groups.adobe.com/posts/ee45df94a12009-07-10 04:32:12 @52009-07-17 03:00:00 blogs/oen/2008/12/17/fyi-postponed-wednesday-december-17-thunderbird-speaker-series-event] Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker an6{-3;33Jw@PLUG Advanced Topics - Webslide Presentations That Don't SuckAll-in-one presentation programs like PowerPoint, OpenOffice, and Keynote suck. Why not present open format, transportable presentations with web browsers? A short presentation on WYDIWYS ( What You Draw is What You See , http://server-sky.com/wydiwys ). Maybe, short presentations on Sliderepl ( http://discorporate.us/projects/sliderepl/ ), S5 ( http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/ ) and Text::Slidez ( http://svn.scratchcomputing.com/Text-Slidez/ ). If you have another tool, or opinions about how they should work, or knowledge of Javascript, Flash, and HTML to help us design something better, join us at the back room (southern doors) at Roots! 2009-07-16 02:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org2009-07-10 05:03:33 >2009-07-16 04:00:00 DDtools • iPhone application development, from the g8|9u3G33JwAbring the Ruckus to MSOn the bike, every member of the Ruckus Test Team knows to go big and blow up early or go home. It’s with this same spirit that the team is taking on the Bike MS 150, a 150-mile fundraiser to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The goal of the ride is to raise awareness as well as $2000 for the cause. We are hosting a night of controlled inebriation complete with games, possible dance party, lots of beer and door prizes at Blitz-Ladd on July 18th. The bike community has a big heart and we know you do, too! So come out and cause some Ruckus. The raffle prize list is turning out to be a good one. Details soon! If you aren't able to make it out to the party and would still like to fight MS you can donate directly here http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=10121&team_id=1745702009-07-19 00:00:00http://www.ruckustestteam.com2009-07-10 22:16:30 =2009-07-19 09:00:00 !!ollaboratively. TogetS=;3m33JwdMob with Portland AIGAAll right dMobbers, July is almost over, and we know you are all hoping that none of your clients or co-workers saw you at one of the multitude of Portland’s famous beer festivals. You are probably dreading the, “Hey, wasn’t that you I saw hitting on the beer chip lady” conversation. Well, it is time to come out to do some damage control. dMob is classing it up this August at North 45. North 45 has wine, fancy cocktails, and promises to be an environment free from hop crowns, loud crowd cheers, and inebriated handstand competitions. Make new creative friends and never forget the dMob mantra… “Can I buy you a drink?” The dMob Concept This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland. Plus, with usiness Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business After Hours: an opportunity to create new business relationc}I3g33JwBWhy do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour a week.Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don’t come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it’s important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. Hew will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class you will learn: * What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it’s important to cover general IP issues relevant to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 21:56:53 @72009-07-15 03:00:00 OCCA members pay only $30. Plus, the first fifty people attending the work&X 3K33Ju8Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance, Gr(~wM333JwDBeer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will also cover general IP issues relevant to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 08:15:00 @72009-07-15 03:00:00 Torkshop is best for: Small business owners and service providers learn}h3 3933JrZc3K33Ju9Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Bu(wM333JwDBeer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will alsver general IP issues relevant to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 21:56:54 @7JwD2009-07-15 03:00:00 ry 28th for the 3-day Advanced or all five days for the Comprehensive Workshop on Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing techniques.

        Sign-up January 14th or before,wM333JwCBeer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will also co the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 21:58:03 ;JwD2009-07-15 03:00:00ver general IP issues relevant to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with jlast year on defeGs;W3y33JrBusiness Leader NW 2009Leading and Succeeding in Turbulent Times. We invite you to take part in Business Leader Northwest, Feb. 25-26, 2009 a,wM333JwCBeer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will also coo cover general IP issues relevant to bloggers, such as copyright and trademark infringement, as well as defamation. A reception from 6-6:30 with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Then, from 6:30-7:15 Mike will talk. After that, we have time for questions. We'll have the room until 8 pm. The law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt is located in the building where Oracle lives, so remember there are two entrances: 5th and 6th Ave. If you enter from 5th Ave. you must go up the escalator and use an elevator in the bank of elevators located on the right to get to the 19th floor. If you enter from 6th Ave. just walk to the last bank of elevators. Don't miss this free, informative evening of expert advice and learn how to protect your work and your right to montetize your work. Rearrange your schedule if you have to and attend this Beer and Blog off-site topic event. The free drink and food that goes along with the free IP counseling? BONUS! When: Tuesday, July 14th 6-8 pm Schedule: 6-6:30 pm beverages and appetizers, 6:30-7:15 pm Intellectual Property presentation, 7:15-8 pm Q & A Location: Law offices of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, 1211 SW 5th Ave. Ste. 1900, Portland, OR 97204 (19th floor) Speaker: Mike Cohen, Shareholder Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt Questions: Contact Nichole Enriquez: nenriquez[at]schwabe.com2009-07-15 01:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com/2009/07/10/intellectual-property/2009-07-11 21:58:04 ;2009-07-15 03:00:00 and scale with the business in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event clos(wM333JwDBeer and Blog's Off-site Topic: Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights is a hot topic in Portland, Oregon. With the Beer and Blog community in particular I've had several conversations about steps to take in securing exclusive rights to our idea inventions, that intangible creativity from the mind. And what the heck is the process for getting something trademarked? Or patented? What qualifies as a trade secret? Wonder no longer. On July 14 from 6-8 pm Mike Cohen, an intellectual property-focused attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, will be answering these questions in a FREE off-site topic discussion. Mike will als080 Group Steering Committee, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals / Oregon Chapter Roger Hicks Adjunct Professor, OHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door \ Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hosted beer and wine www.pdmaoregon.net The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter’s mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. 2009-07-17 01:00:00http://www.pdmaoregon.net2009-07-11 22:29:05 ?/2009-07-17 02:30:00 and scale with thYO)3?33Jw>PDMA Panel Speaker Learning eventOregon Chapter of the PDMA Announces July 16, 2009 Learning Event “Competitive Analysis for Product Development” The Oregon chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is pleased to announce its July Learning Event; “Competitive Analysis for Product Development”. Every company has competition. What do you know about yours and how do you use it? This panel of experts will focus on the pragmatic side of gathering and using competitive information in support of product development and management. Topics to be addressed include: What types of information should you collect? How can you collect it efficiently? Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Common mistakes companies make in competitive analysis A Q&A session will follow the three presentations allowing the audience to clarify points or share additional thoughts on this important topic. Panelists Roger Courville Principal, 1 Td scale with the business in the future. This webinar will be rich with examples of how other successful start-ups made critical hiring decisions. Online registration for this event closes Monday, March 31st. Please contact the OEN office at 503-222-2270 if you wish to register after that date. SPEAKER: Pamela Jones, JONES PARTNERS Pamela is Managing Partner of JONES PARTNERS - a 23-year old retained executive search firm based in the Pacific Northwest and serving IY3]33JtInternet Strategy Forum SummitThe Internet Strategy Forum Summit is the premiere an(/W3G33JtIgnite Portland 6Save the date! Ignite Portland 6 will happen on Thursday, July 16, 2009, at the Bagdad Theater. Stay tuned to http://www.igniteportland.com/ for more details, and submit YOUR talk idea now!

        More details coming soon!
        2009-07-17 02:00:00http://www.igniteportland.com2009-07-11 22:38:18 :s;b׿2009-07-17 05:00:00 pelling to your target customers? Entrepreneurs and small business owners often go with their gut feel - but that can be misleading. Not all of your target customers think the way you do! How do you make sure that the}K3]33JvLunch 2.0 hosted by Pacific Real Estate Partners at JivePacific Real Estate Partners will be hosting the July installment of Portland Lunch 2.0 on July 15. The lunch will be held at Jive Software , one of their clients.Thanks to Kristin Hammond (@ FzMcFadden ) and Mark Friel of Pacific Real Estate Partners for connecting all the dots. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-07-15 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763770/2009-07-11 22:37:46 ;;bT2009-07-15 21:00:00nual conference from the Internet Strategy Forum, a national professional association for corporate Internet executives. Attendees of the 6th annual Internet Strategy Forum Summit will engage with our keynote presenters from Intel, Xerox, Forrester Research and more, who will share their insights and ideas on how to best leverage the Internet and integrate it into overall business strategy. Visit the event Website for a complete list of confirmed presenters. There are plenty of opportunities for networking with corporate Internet professionals and Internet-related product and service providers. Check out "The Road to Chief Internet Strategist", an optional corporate Internet strategist career path symposium on July 24th, the day after the main conference.2009-07-23 15:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2116446/2009-07-11 22:40:56 :;b2009-07-23 20:00:00fy and assess critical experiences/skill sets in candidates that will work for the business to ing because it also involves learning the correC93133JqRecentChangesCamp 2009RecentChangesCamp (RCC) is the unconference for the Wiki community. Born of the intersection of wiki and Open Space (an unconference facilitation method), it is named after the "recent changes" page found on many wikis.

        RCC is 100% free to attendees, and is open to everyone: bcs3E33Ju:OEN Webinar - "Fit" for Business, with Pamela JonesPRICE OEN Member Fee: $20.00 Non-memberoq13?33JwEFederal Financing for Renewable Energy & CleantechUnder the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy will be awarding billions of dollars in grants, loans and loan guarantees to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. The competition for these funds has already begun. Some application deadlines are rapidly approaching. For companies interested in seeking these funds, the time to act is now. In this seminar, we will provide practical tips on how to approach the U.S. Department of Energy’s application process. Topics covered in the seminar will include: Tracking funding opportunities Determining which opportunities best fit your business Preparing a compelling and complete application Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive business information Minimizing delays in the application process Understanding the ‘strings’ attached to federal funding We hope that you or a colleague will be able to join us. For more information on our Federal Grants & Loans practice, please visit our Web site. Portland, OR | Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Space is limited. Please RSVP by July 22 to Annie Piggins at APiggins "at" perkinscoie "dot" com. 2009-07-11 23:00:00http://www.perkinscoie.com/EmailMarketing/ClickThroughHandler.aspx?link=%3ca+href%3d%22http%3a%2f%2fwww.perkinscoie.com%2ffederal_grants_loans%2f%22%3eWeb+site%3c%2fa%3e&ruid=35843&nlid=07_09_2009_Invite_Seminar_USDOE2009-07-11 22:48:13 >c2009-07-12 00:00:00l tips on how to approach the U.S. Department of Energy’s application process. Topics covered in the seminar will include: Tracking funding opportunities Determining which opportunities best fit your business Preparing a compelling and complete application Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive business information Minimizing delays in the application process Understanding the ‘strings’ attached to federal funding We hope that you or a colleague will be able to join us. For more information on our Federal Grants & Loans practice, please visit our Web site. Portland, OR | Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Space is limited. Please RSVP by July 22 to Annie Piggins at APiggins "at" perkinscoie "dot" com. 2009-07-29 14:30:00http://www.perkinscoie.com/EmailMarketing/ClickThroughHandler.aspx?link=%3ca+href%3d%22http%3a%2f%2fwww.perkinscoie.com%2ffederal_grants_loans%2f%22%3eWeb+site%3c%2fa%3e&ruid=35843&nlid=07_09_2009_Invite_Seminar_USDOE2009-07-11 22:49:28 >c2009-07-29 16:00:00  What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked 1M333JrDorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tec ?Y3;33JwFSCORE: Internet MarketingIn this Internet Marketing Class, you'll learn website desoq13?33JwEFederal Financing for Renewable Energy & CleantechUnder the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy will be awarding billions of dollars in grants, loans and loan guarantees to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. The competition for these funds has already begun. Some application deadlines are rapidly approaching. For companies interested in seeking these funds, the time to act is now. In this seminar, we will provide practica CCr, while in college at M.I.T., he wrote project management software for his father's architectural firm. This project turned into a company, Semaphore, Inc. and in 1990 had risen to be rated #1 among all of the competitors in the space (by ARCHITECTURE Magazine). By 2000, the company had over 2,500 clients, 100 employees and was acquired by Deltek. Later that year, Ray moved to from New York City to Portland, Oregon to co-found SnapNames.com. Inventing several new ways for people to acquire domain names, the company eventually grew to over $49MM in revenue and w9M]3M33JwKPortland Pythoneers July MeetingScratch the formalities this month, Portland. July's meeting will be a social gathering at Produce Row! Let's get together at 7:00pm for food, "beverage" and fun. If you normally can't make it out after the meetings due to time or other constraints, I hope you'll be able to join us this time! :)2009-07-15 02:00:00http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/2009-07-13 18:16:50 ;2009-07-15 06:00:00 --ds of capital or to maximize the efO _ 3;33JwGEssentials for Starting Your Own Businesshis is an interactive seminar, conducted using a panel format, where participants are encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussion of the topics covered. You can test your ideas with proven professionals. Direct your questions to the business people on the panel. Learn what your next step is in your business quest. Network with other beginers and listen to their stories. This workshop is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations. PLEASE forward this to someone else you know that might be considering going into business. Early Registration $55.00 Regular Registration $65.00 2009-07-18 15:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org2009-07-11 22:57:25 >_2009-07-18 19:30:00 &&website from any place witV m 3;33JwGSCORE: Essentials for Starting Your Own Businesshis is an interactive seminar, conducted using a panel format, where participants are encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussion of the topics covered. You can test your ideas with proven professionals. Direct your questions to the business people on the panel. Learn what your next step is in your business quest. Network with other beginers and listen to their stories. This workshop is directed toward those who have questions on what it might take to get started in business. Some of the topics covered in the workshop are: the legal organization of your business; marketing and sales; the fundamentals of financing; and operations. PLEASE forward this to someone else you know that might be considering going into business. Early Registration $55.00 Regular Registration $65.00 2009-07-18 15:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org2009-07-11 22:57:58 >_2009-07-18 19:30:00 77a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the April's "Off the Record" are Castor & Pollux with CEO Brian Connolly and AboutUs with CEO Ray King. Castor Pollux: Castor & Pollux Pet Works® is a leader in organic and natural products for pets. They are dedicated to uncompromised quality, E E3;33JwHSCORE: Finding New Customers This July 15th workshop is for those business owners who want or need more customers. This workshop will provide you with powerful management tools. Learn how to identify a target market and prepare a customer profile and more! In this workshop you will learn the secrets of identifying that segment of the population who will most likely buy your product of service. Do you know a person or group that might be interested in this life-long learning experience? Please forward this email to them. Thank You Early Registration $55.00 Regular Registration $65.002009-07-15 15:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org2009-07-11 22:59:482009-07-15 19:30:00 ~[~tion in New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Brian and his wife and business paYG 3]33JwJPortland WordPress User GroupSam Churchill will talk about how to make money with your blog.2009-07-24 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3073778/2009-07-13 04:27:39 FooCabs (AlixCab and WgtCab), construction, flashing and administration. If you have an interest is how these things are being put together, suggestions (and patchs) for improvement, etc, this is a place to be. Should be fun.2009-07-16 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/WeeklyMeeting200907152009-07-12 02:31:05 @82009-07-16 03:00:00 frfme to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused netIg3]33JwMMobile Love, Android Style #13Android users and developers, talk about the latest and greatest over a pint of beer. Anyone got an HTC Hero?2009-07-14 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3074323/2009-07-13 22:07:27 ; ;b؋2009-07-14 01:00:00 '3U33JwLSwapMeetIn these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. 2009-08-28 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=952009-07-13 19:20:19 :2009-08-29 02:00:00 a pub for some networking. The companies featured in the April's "Off the Record" are Castor & Pollux with CEO Brian Connolly and AboutUs with CEO Ray King. Castor Pollux: Castor & Pollux Pet Works® is a leader in organic and natural products for pets. They are dedicated to uncompromised quality, they celebrate pets in people's lives, and are committed to feeding pets in need. About us: AboutUs is a wiki for and about businesses, organ7Wi3333JwNPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. NEW VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the Ruby signs.2009-08-05 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-07-13 23:27:33 @2009-08-05 04:00:00 bution in New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. In 1993, Brian and his wife and business partner Shelley Gunton acquired T&K Pet Products in Portland, building the business from $4 million in revenues to $26 million in 1999. In 2000, he and Shelley launched Pet Appeal, Inc. d/b/a Castor & Pollux Pet Works. C&P produces Organix, the leading brand of dowKs3533JwOXPDX: A retrospective done wellFor July’s meeting, Diana Larsen will run a retrospective for us. We’re going to cover the last year of XPDX activities. This will be a good chance to see a well-run end of project retrospective. It’ll also be a chance to come weigh in and change what we do for next year. Beer afterward will be at the Lucky Lab a few blocks from the meeting place (given our discoordination last month, we decided to figure the most important parts out ahead of time). I hope to see several of you there. 2009-07-16 01:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2009-07-13 23:33:30 @92009-07-16 04:30:00 r, while in college at M.I.T., he wrote project management software for his father's architectural firm. This project turned into a company, Semaphore, Inc. and in 1990 had risen to be rated #1 among all of the competitors in the space (by ARCHITECTURE Magazine). By 2000, the company had over 2,500 clients, 100 employees and was acquired by Deltek. Later that year, Ray moved to from New York City to Portland, Oregon to co-found SnapNames.com. Inventing several new ways for people to acquire domain namev}13C33JwPPotluck / 20 Minute Neighborhoods and Emergency ResponseThe evening will start with a potluck to which neighborhood groups are especially invited. Then Jeremy O'Leary will be showing how the 20 minute walkable neighborhood model works well with a variety of emergency response scenarios. The presentation will be based on the term project for his recently completed GIS graduate certificate. 2009-07-16 02:00:00http://www.thedirt.org/tpdx2009-07-14 02:39:45 >^2009-07-16 04:00:00 W1ۋ k333http://po4i[K3E33Ju?OEN - Off the Record with a CEO - AprilPrice: OEN Member Fee: $4=1i3]33JwSEnd Bloglessness 2It’s that time again! Time to End Bloglessness!! Yay!!!!!! If y :1c3]33JwSEnd Bloglessness 2It’s that time again! Time to End Bloglessness!! Yay!!!!!! If y Cw3]33JwRPDX iPhone Developers GroupPDX iPhone Developers is the best place to meet other iPhone developers and catch up with new news in the iPhone mobile market. This is a recurring meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come down to the Green Dragon and find us in the back on the South side! This Week Just a good ol' open discussion and meeting some new friends in the group.2009-07-15 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077530/2009-07-14 17:47:05 ; ;b،2009-07-15 01:30:00 ou or someone you know has been looking to start a blog, now is the time to get your hand held as we walk through the process. We’re going to try it a little differently this time. Last time it was a 4 hour workshop helping people install a blog. This time we’re going to help people start a hosted blog and use the time to train them on how to use it. Format Each session will be 1 hour: 15 minute presentation and 45 minutes of assisted help. During assisted help, attendees can raise their hands to get help from one of our assistants. Assistants are folks from the Portland tech scene that have done this process before who can help you with your questions. Agenda * Session 1 - Sign up for your blog 12:00-1:00pm; * Session 2 - Dial in the settings for your blog 1:00-2:00pm; * Session 3 - Intro to posting on your blog 2:00-3:00pm; * Session 4 - How to promote your blog 3:00-4:00pm; * 4:00-5:00pm will be an ou or someone you know has been looking to start a blog, now is the time to get your hand held as we walk through the process. We’re going to try it a little differently this time. Last time it was a 4 hour workshop helping people install a blog. This time we’re going to help people start a hosted blog and use the time to train them on how to use it. Format Each session will be 1 hour: 15 minute presentation and 45 minutes of assisted help. During assisted help, attendees can raise their hands to get help from one of our assistants. Assistants are folks from the Portland tech scene that have done this process before who can help you with your questions. Agenda * Session 1 - Sign up for your blog 12:00-1:00pm; * Session 2 - Dial in the settings for your blog 1:00-2:00pm; * Session 3 - Intro to posting on your blog 2:00-3:00pm; * Session 4 - How to promote your blog 3:00-4:00pm; * 4:00-5:00pm will be an open help time to ask help with anything you’d like. What to expect We are focusing on WordPress blogs for this workshop. We chose WordPress so that if your blog is going well enough and you need to graduate to a hosted blog, you’re data and experience will be compatible. By the time you leave the workshop, you’ll have a blog that is ready to go and some direction on how to connect with other local bloggers. We are expecting people from all skill levels, including the technically challenged. Everyone will be treated with respect and will be encouraged. We’ll be hosting the event at Webtrends. There are some computers available to use, but we highly recommend bringing your laptop if you have one as there likely won’t be enough computers for everyone. Help us get the word out! Most of the people we’re hoping to reach are either to far outside of our social circles or are offline completely. We could use your help in letting people know about this free workshop to get a blog up and running. We don’t care if your motivation to blog is personal, professional, or political; we’ll help you get one up and running. * Tweet the link to this page http://is.gd/ePLs * Email this page to a friend * RSVP on Upcoming and Calagator * Tell someone in real life using your voice. Crazy, huh? Why is this free? We’re hoping to make new friends and be good citizens. We don’t want to be an insular group, so we want to enable others to join. And, because we’re Portlanders inspired by other Portlanders to DIY and that Yes We Can. :) Help out If you have experience with installing WordPress, we’d love to have you help answer people’s questions. Please leave us a comment below if you’re interested in helping!2009-07-18 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3077785/2009-07-14 19:54:04 >oy some hors d'oeuvres and hear the feature presentation by Journey Gym™ , their challenges as a new entrepreneur, and their recent business adventure. The Journey Gym™ is the world's first truly portable gym, allowing use in the home environment, as well as within travel and professional environments.> 3]33Jw1DevGroup NW: Zoom in on Mapping and Location with Adam DuVanderLOCATION: Terrell Hall, Room 122. Inside the building at the corner of N. Killingsworth and Albina, just seven blocks east of the Killingsworth MAX station Adam DuVander demonstrates how to bring the power of location to your website. Use mapping APIs to plot data geographically. Convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates. Grab the user's current location. Add some "where" to your application. Adam will overview the services that fuel location-based websites and some examples to help you find your way.2009-07-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-14 20:20:56;b؃2009-07-16 01:30:00 :: Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. YqnAA3]33Ju@Digital Photo MOB WorkshopDigital Photo MOB Workshop (that's Management, Organization, and Backup) In this two-hour event, professional pB 3]33Jw1DevGroup NW: Zoom in on Mapping and Location with Adam DuVanderLOCATION: Terrell Hall, Room 122. Inside the building at the corner of N. Killingsworth and Albina, just seven blocks east of the Killingsworth MAX station Adam DuVander demonstrates how to bring the power of location to your website. Use mapping APIs to plot data geographically. Convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates. Grab the user's current location. Add some "where" to your application. Adam will overview the services that fuel location-based websites and some examples to help you find your way.2009-07-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2973210/2009-07-14 20:21:19 :#;b؃2009-07-16 01:30:00 JJy bring together all of the best technical talent but the decisi2UA3S33Jw<PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR). Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards. More details from Webb: If anyone is wondering about specifics, I will describe how I recently created a "crosswalk" table that correlates census tracts in 1980 with census tracts in 2000 in the Portland region (well, Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties), so that we could see poverty trends over the last 25 years. I used PostGIS, Census naming conventions ("FIPS codes"), and lots of outer joins. So if you like that sort of thing, I would love to hear your comments tomorrow!2009-07-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5402009-07-15 16:55:22 92009-07-17 03:00:00the ins and outs of Corporate Real Estate? Then sign up for the OEN workshop with Craig Reinhart of CRESAPartners. Here is what will be covered in the workshop: 1) It's a Tenant's Market - How can I reduce occupancy costs and maximize flexibility? 2) Lease Restructuring and Tenant Cost Savings Strategies 3) Green Buildings and Workplaces - What's in it for the Tenant? 4) Review Operating Expense Statements and Negotiating Operating Expense Increases 5) Market Forecast - From the Tenant's Perspective Speaker: Craig Reinhart Mr. Reinhart is the Managing Principal of CresaPartners in Portland. He has guided the Portland office of CresaPartners into a leading corporate real estate services firm dedicated to providing “best in class” single-source local and national real estate services exclusively to corporate clients. Mr. Reinhart advises clients including WebTrends, Lime Financial, Flir, NW Natural, Vestas Wind Power, Meritage Mortgage, Northwest Evaluation, Planar Systems, Nautilus and Electro Scientific Industries, to name a few. He specializes in handling both local and national projects for leading corporations and has completed major projects for FLIR, Tektronix, NW Natural, Vesta, Nationwide Insurance, Cascade Microtech and numerous start-ups and established growth companies. Venture funded clients include Qsent, Smart Forest Ventures, Fios, Vesta, Imove and SnapNames. After graduating from the University of Oregon with a B.S. in Economics in 1986, Mr. Reinhart entered the commercial real estate profession in Portland and quickly carved a niche as a leading provider of exclusive corporate real estate services. Mr. Reinhart is licensed as a Real Estate Broker in the States of Oregon & Washington. Date: Thursday, July 30th Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: CresaPartners Office One SW Columbia St. Ste 1610 Portland, OR 97258- Registration:OEN Member - $30 Non Member - $1552009-07-30 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=992009-07-15 17:23:56 @;2009-07-30 16:30:00 ffngel investors in Oregon. A veteran of the retail financial services industry, Irving founded and served as cha/_333or=U3Q33JuCLinux Plumbers Conf 2009The Linux Plumbers Conference is primarily a developers conference - with the goal of getting key developers together to discuss issues face to face. For a description of our goals, see this post on What is Linux Plumbing?. Thus the conference program mostly consists of microconferences addressing a particular topic or subsystem issue. Microconferences are sessions of approximately two and a half hours with several individuals giving brief presentations or demos and driving discussion. Microconferences will be run by a “runner” who selects speakers and moderates the discussion. Note that the microconference format does not preclude individual speakers giving more trad Um3U33JwUOEN Workshop - Corporate Real Estate 101 Summer School, or What you Need to Know about Leasing SpaceWant to learn more about  JJwith as they have learned how to do business in the U.S., and to2UA3S33Jw<PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR). Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab http://www.luckylab.com/ ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards. More details from Webb: If anyone is wondering about specifics, I will describe how I recently created a "crosswalk" table that correlates census tracts in 1980 with census tracts in 2000 in the Portland region (well, Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties), so that we could see poverty trends over the last 25 years. I used PostGIS, Census naming conventions ("FIPS codes"), and lots of outer joins. So if you like that sort of thing, I would love to hear your comments tomorrow!2009-07-17 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/5542009-07-15 19:22:13 92009-07-17 03:00:00 66d collaboration opportunities at Oregon’s universities. Oregon universities collaborate with entrepreneurs, companies and the business community to ensure that ideas generated by faculty, students and staff reach the private sector to create products and services which benefit the public. InnF I;3 33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Skills and abilities to enter Renewable Energy 1) Employment in the Renewable Energy Sector Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn what transferable skills are valued by the Renewable Energy sector. Discover the sought after skills and certifications. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-20 19:00:002009-07-15 19:59:14 @)2009-07-20 20:30:00 ommunity. Come with your ideas and your computer - we will be posting the ideas generated at this meeting to our Wiki so we can help put them into the adtg3g33JuDExperiences of Chinese Companies Entering the U.S. MarketPresented by the Northwest China Council. What opportunities are there for U.S. consulting, services, and partner companies to improve their business with Chinese companies coming into the U.S. market? Akana Ma will describe the experiences of some of the Chinese companies he has w \fI{3 33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: TBA 1) TBA This session in the continuing education series deals with TBA. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-20 19:00:002009-07-15 19:56:49 @)2009-07-20 20:30:00 ple's Cocoa Framework for ixA 3 33JuFGumbo Study Group (Flex 4)Get ready for the next iteration of Flex (Gumbo or Flex 4)! First meeting at Empire Group, downtown Portland between the train stati"yQ3K33JwWHeard AboutUs? They're 3 (and They're Buying Us Beer!)The wait is over...it's FINALLY time to celebrate a 3rd year of the wiki-awesomeness called AboutUs.org! Portland-based burgeoning Web site indexing service AboutUs.org turned another year olde !5Y3 33JwVPDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include * Perl core hacking * perl5i http://github.com/schwern/perl5i You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing.2009-07-17 01:30:002009-07-15 22:10:38 ; 2009-07-17 06:30:00r last month (June 20, to be exact), and in appreciation to the community for helping their database grow to more than 14 million pages they're buying the Beer and Blog community a beer. Happy birthday to US and AboutUs! This Friday's free birthday beer comes right on time, too. The night before, on Thursday, is the eagerly anticipated Ignite Portland 6 (brought to us by Legion of Tech and many, many hardworking volunteers). How very poetic (and convenient) to have a decomp the day after in the form of a birthday toast celebrating a successful local business. This will surely help us ease back into the progressive craziness ahead, because just you wait: demands to submit your IP7 proposals will soon be streaking your twittersteam. Join us on the patio at the Green Dragon this Friday from 4-6. Oh! One more thing: show up sooner than later, because free beer goes fast. That's just common Law of Free Beer sense. ;)2009-07-17 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-16 00:08:16 ; 2009-07-18 01:00:00 s increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who are helping companies make sense of ԡ $yS3K33JwWHeard AboutUs? They're 3 (and They're Buying Us Beer!)The wait is over...it's FINALLY time to celebrate a 3rd year of the wiki-awesomeness called AboutUs.org! Portland-based burgeoning Web site indexing service AboutUs.org turned another year oldera#c13333JwXPortland Functional Programming Study GroupJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. Please reply on the pdxfunc mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! 2009-08-11 02:00:00http://pdxfunc.org/2009-07-16 00:14:55 :A2009-08-11 04:00:00 last month (June 20, to be exact), and in appreciation to the community for helping their database grow to more than 14 million pages they're buying the Beer and Blog community a beer. Happy birthday to US and AboutUs! This Friday's free birthday beer comes right on time, too. The night before, on Thursday, is the eagerly anticipated Ignite Portland 6 (brought to us by Legion of Tech and many, many hardworking volunteers). How very poetic (and convenient) to have a decomp the day after in the form of a birthday toast celebrating a successful local business. This will surely help us ease back into the progressive craziness ahead, because just you wait: demands to submit your IP7 proposals will soon be streaking your twitterstream. Join us on the patio at the Green Dragon this Friday from 4-6. Oh! One more thing: show up sooner than later, because free beer goes fast. That's just common Law of Free Beer sense. ;)2009-07-17 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-16 00:16:42 ; 2009-07-18 01:00:00 ^^regon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region for US Bank until July of 2007. His regional publications include: The Economic Update, the Busin /-3]33JwSAOpdx ConnectPDXLooking for new networking opportunities? Launching August 6th is the first SAO ConnectPDX, weekly networking from 4-6pm every Thursday at the Blitz Pearl. It's free and we have door prizes! You aren't required to register, but it's nice to know who's coming.2009-08-06 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166736/2009-07-30 22:59:04 @Q;bح2009-08-06 23:00:00 startups, and (b) research efforts involving collaboration with industry. Two case study sessions will be used to illustrate the path to the%+=3]33JwYMobile Portland: Moblin -- Open Source for Mobile Internet Devices and NetbooksPlaceholder description. Will update with speaker bios and presentation abstract. Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems. Moblin was originally spearheaded by Intel. On April 2nd, it was announced that the Linux Foundation would take over hosting and organizing the project. We're extremely fortunate to have Moblin developers from Intel to speak about Moblin, mobile internet devices, netbooks, and how they relate to the growing world of mobile devices.2009-07-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3081361/2009-07-16 00:37:31 9;b؏2009-07-28 01:00:00 hEmerging Business Networking Event: Recipes for Successful Company Formation and Growth Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Breakfast and Networking 8:00 am - 9:00 am - Program and Q&A Location: Oregon(_Q3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-16 03:50:36 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 strations | Dessert Classes | Culture & EcD9 33K33JrPortland Business Alliance Forum: 2009 State Legislature Preview2009 Legislative Session Preview Oregon’s legislative session begins du!|W%3K33JuHG&_Q3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-16 03:47:43 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 %*Jjۋg]333http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1478359/2009-01-14 10:33:352009-01-06 23:12:332009-01-14 10:40:52@ԡ/c3W333Westside Proggers*** UPDATE: We'll me'_Q3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-16 03:48:09 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 regon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phia4I;3C33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Skills and abilities to enter Renewable Energy 1) Employment in the Renewable Energy Sector Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn what transferable skills are valued by the Renewable Energy sector. Discover the sought after skills and certifications. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-20 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 13:39:21 @)2009-07-20 20:30:00 LIGHT was founded in 2000 to focus on the telecom sector just prior to the bubble bursting. David Moffenbeier, COO, Absorbent Techo)_3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingTHE ADDRESS ABOVE IS NOT CORRECT! The meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-16 03:52:02 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00  skill level access to tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like minded people allowing youo*_3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingTHE ADDRESS ABOVE IS NOT CORRECT! The meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-16 04:10:43 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 VVE@t*Jԡ};3A333OSU: Entrepreneurs & Innovators Recognition Ceremony, Austin Entrepreneurship Anniversary, and Weatherford Hall BirthdayPlease join us for what will be the best party of the year at Oregon State University! After all, we have THREE big 9ԡ![3_3C<Wi3dGk33&,I{3 33Jw[West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking.2009-07-27 19:00:002009-07-16 13:16:03 @)2009-07-27 20:30:00 KK skill level access to tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like minded people allowing you to build the things you have always wanted to. Wm Leler - Open Tech Space - http://opentechspace.org Open Tech Space is a project of the Portland State University 1-I3 33Jw\West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques in Your Job Search 1) CRM – More than just an acronym Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how CRM methods and techniques are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-08-03 19:00:002009-07-16 13:26:24 @)2009-08-03 20:30:00 ;;efore projecting movies for viewing. They will also offer advice on how to best preserve and protect these film formats from damagEW3333JrPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingpdx.rb is a gathering of Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Possible topics: - What's new in RubyA.I{3C33Jw[West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking.2009-07-27 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 13:38:36 @)2009-07-27 20:30:00 regon. John Mitchell - M & H Economic Consultants John Mitchell received his B.A. degree from Williams College and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He was a professor of economics at Boise State University for 13 years before joining U.S. Bancorp in July of 1983. He was Chief Economist of U.S. Bancorp until July of 1998 and served as Economist Western Region f~/I'333Jw]StuRa-Sitzung am 15. Juli 2009Wir, die Mitglieder des StuRas FB5, treffen uns zur nächsten StuRa-Sitzung am 15. Juli 2009 im GröWa und besprechen wieder wichtige Dinge der Studierendenschaft. Aktuelle TOPs sind: Einführungswoche der Erstsemester im WiSe 2009/2010 Alle Studierenden des FB5 sind herzlichst zur Teilnahme eingeladen! Uhrzeit: 17.00 Uhr 2009-07-15 15:00:00http://sturafb5.fh-potsdam.de/2009/stura-sitzung-am-15-juli-2009/2009-07-16 13:38:46;bؑ2009-07-15 17:00:00 00companies are most commonly seeking advisors or capital investment. As well-seasoned executives, keynote speakers provide advic/% 3333JuKOBTA MeetingSearching for the Bottom: The Current Environment and Prospects For many in our business this not a fun time; John will try to puL5I3C33Jw\West Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques in Your Job Search 1) CRM – More than just an acronym Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how CRM methods and techniques are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-08-03 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 13:40:42 @)2009-08-03 20:30:00*="/mail/?view=att&th=122816ec964f858f&attid=0.1&disp=attd&zw">Download the original attachment

        Social Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the rooftop at WebTrends in Portland

        Alternate headline:

        Jeremiah Owyang with pizza and beer on the deck!

        Does it get any better than that?

        Join Social Media Club Portland and the Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) on Wednesday, July 22, for a summer social! ISF keynote speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, will join us for a Q&A at this casual event, which will include plenty of time to hang out on WebTrends’ rooftop deck, enjoying hometown favorite Widmer beer and pizza.

        Our summer social kicks off ISF, which takes place July 23-24. Of course, we have a discount for you! Use code “SMC” when registering for ISF to save 15% off the price of the full day conference on July 23. That’s just $195 to hear people at the top of their game talk about what’s working right now.

        As an analyst at Forrester Research, Jeremiah is on the cutting edge of all things social media. He authored the recent report "The Future of the Social Web" and is #2 on the "Twitter Power 150 List.” We’re compiling a list of questions in advance to ask Jeremiah – post your questions to our Web site or tweet them to @SocialMediaPDX.

        Buy your ticket EARLY! This event may sell out. 
Tickets are $15 in advance until midnight July 21, $20 (check or cash only) the day of the event at the door.

        What: Social Media Club Portland

        When: 6:00pm – Networking

        6:30pm – Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang

        7:15pm – Pizza and Schmoozing

        Where: WebTrends Rooftop Patio

        851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600

        Portland, OR 97204

        Cost: $15 in advance (credit card or paypal online)

        $20 day of event (cash or check only)

        Tell your friends and show our sponsors some love on Twitter!

        Internet Strategy Forum: @Summit

        Jeremiah Owyang: @jowyang

        Widmer Brewing: @Widmer_Brothers

        WebTrends: @WebTrends

        2009-07-23 01:00:00http://bit.ly/smc7222009-07-16 14:29:01 773533JwbSocial Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the Roof/267{3533JwbSocial Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the RooftopSMC 7-22 promo copy.2.doc
        2009-03-31 22:00:00 ~~{hVD1 taN;(~kXE2 yanyone else that \Js_Event[mJs^EventZJs^EventYJs]@KwY3533JuWikiWednesday: Wikipedia for Journalists and BloggersWikiWednesday is an opportunity to learn about wikis and how to use them for improved collaboration within an existinzoO3U33JwOEN Pub Talk - The Many Faces of EntrepreneurshipJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub and see the many faces of entrepreneurship in Oregon. This event highlights a sampling of companies that have been active in the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network programs as well as companies that have been through Mercy Corps NW programs. Successful start ups come from a wide range of backgrounds - and might receive $100K + angel or a $10K micro finance loan - but all add to the diversity and strength of our business commu#tyo)3U33JwOEN Pub Talk - The Many Faces of EntrepreneurshipJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub and!3topSocial Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the rooftop at WebTrends in Portland Jeremiah Owyang with pizza and beer on the deck! Does it get any better than that? Join Social Media Club Portland and the Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) on Wednesday, July 22, for a summer social! ISF keynote speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, will join us for a Q&A at this casual event, which will include plenty of time to hang out on WebTrends’ rooftop deck, enjoying hometown favorite Widmer beer and pizza. Our summer social kicks off ISF, which takes place July 23-24. Of course, we have a discount for you! Use code “SMC” when registering for ISF to save 15% off the price of the full day conference on July 23. That’s just $195 to hear people at the top of their game talk about what’s working right now. As an analyst at Forrester Research, Jeremiah is on the cutting edge of all things social media. He authored the recent report "The Future of the Social Web" and is #2 on the "Twitter Power 150 List.” We’re compiling a list of questions in advance to ask Jeremiah – post your questions to our Web site or tweet them to @SocialMediaPDX. Buy your ticket EARLY! This event may sell out. 
Tickets are $15 in advance until midnight July 21, $20 (check or cash only) the day of the event at the door. What: Social Media Club Portland When: 6:00pm – Networking 6:30pm – Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang 7:15pm – Pizza and Schmoozing Where: WebTrends Rooftop Patio 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $15 in advance (credit card or paypal online) $20 day of event (cash or check only) Tell your friends and show our sponsors some love on Twitter!
 Internet Strategy Forum: @Summit Jeremiah Owyang: @jowyang Widmer Brewing: @Widmer_Brothers WebTrends: @WebTrends 2009-07-23 01:00:00http://bit.ly/smc7222009-07-16 14:32:22 2009-04-03 04:00:005topSocial Media Club, the Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the rooftop at WebTrends in Portland Jeremiah Owyang with pizza and beer on the deck! Does it get any better than that? Join Social Media Club Portland and the Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) on Wednesday, July 22, for a summer social! ISF keynote speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, will join us for a Q&A at this casual event, which will include plenty of time to hang out on WebTrends’ rooftop deck, enjoying hometown favorite Widmer beer and pizza. Our summer social kicks off ISF, which takes place July 23-24. Of course, we have a discount for you! Use code “SMC” when registering for ISF to save 15% off the price of the full day conference on July 23. That’s just $195 to hear people at the top of their game talk about what’s working right now. As an analyst at Forrester Research, Jeremiah is on the cutting edge of all things social media. He authored the recent report "The Future of the Social Web" and is #2 on the "Twitter Power 150 List.” We’re compiling a list of questions in advance to ask Jeremiah – post your questions to our Web site or tweet them to @SocialMediaPDX. Buy your ticket EARLY! This event may sell out. 
Tickets are $15 in advance until midnight July 21, $20 (check or cash only) the day of the event at the door. What: Social Media Club Portland When: 6:00pm – Networking 6:30pm – Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang 7:15pm – Pizza and Schmoozing Where: WebTrends Rooftop Patio 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $15 in advance (credit card or paypal online) $20 day of event (cash or check only) Tell your friends and show our sponsors some love on Twitter!
 Internet Strategy Forum: @Summit Jeremiah Owyang: @jowyang Widmer Brewing: @Widmer_Brothers WebTrends: @WebTrends 2009-07-23 01:00:00http://bit.ly/smc7222009-07-16 14:34:15 Social Media Club, the 9:Internet Strategy Forum, and 
Jeremiah Owyang on the rooftop at WebTrends in Portland Jeremiah Owyang with pizza and beer on the deck! Does it get any better than that? Join Social Media Club Portland and the Internet Strategy Forum (ISF) on Wednesday, July 22, for a summer social! ISF keynote speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, will join us for a Q&A at this casual event, which will include plenty of time to hang out on WebTrends’ rooftop deck, enjoying hometown favorite Widmer beer and pizza. Our summer social kicks off ISF, which takes place July 23-24. Of course, we have a discount for you! Use code “SMC” when registering for ISF to save 15% off the price of the full day conference on July 23. That’s just $195 to hear people at the top of their game talk about what’s working right now. As an analyst at Forrester Research, Jeremiah is on the cutting edge of all things social media. He authored the recent report "The Future of the Social Web" and is #2 on the "Twitter Power 150 List.” We’re compiling a list of questions in advance to ask Jeremiah – post your questions to our Web site or tweet them to @SocialMediaPDX. Buy your ticket EARLY! This event may sell out. 
Tickets are $15 in advance until midnight July 21, $20 (check or cash only) the day of the event at the door. What: Social Media Club Portland When: 6:00pm – Networking 6:30pm – Q&A with Jeremiah Owyang 7:15pm – Pizza and Schmoozing Where: WebTrends Rooftop Patio 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $15 in advance (credit card or paypal online) $20 day of event (cash or check only) Tell your friends and show our sponsors some love on Twitter!
 Internet Strategy Forum: @Summit Jeremiah Owyang: @jowyang Widmer Brewing: @Widmer_Brothers WebTrends: @WebTrends Join us! 2009-07-23 01:00:00http://bit.ly/smc7222009-07-16 14:36:28  The OTBC Meetup Group Please RSVP and pre-pay here on the Meetup.com site. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointlyfԡ1c!3/333Portland JavaScrC=I3C33JwWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales Skills to Your Personal Job Search Toolkit Another in a series of education on tools that can be leveraged in your career. Learn how sales people use techniques that are directly applicable to career changes. 2) Networking time This is an open event for Portland job hunters. Each meeting provides practical tools and a forum for networking to make your job search more effective. We share our techniques and ways to improve our job hunting success. Each week has a theme and time for networking. 2009-07-20 19:00:00http://www.PDXJobSearch.org2009-07-16 14:41:21 @)2009-07-20 20:30:00forming on the computer-enhanced bass guitar * Jason and Jared, aka CRM114 Discriminator, performing an avant/noise piece originally premiered at ToorCamp * Simran, with the feedback organ * Peter, with his suitcase of mystery * You! Seriously, if you have something you'd like to show off, let us know and we'll get you some time on the mic. Preferrably, ping Jason, Don or me beforehand so we have some idea of what to expect, but don't worry if it's all last minute. We'll be setting up at 8, so feel free to come down early and to help out or just hang out and keep us company. Here's a map if you don't know where it is -- but if you've been to one of the Monday night meetups, it's just around the corner: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=125+NW+5th+Avenue,+Portland,+OR+97209&sll=45.429522,-122.705794&sspn=0.00771,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=45.524901,-122.675765&spn=0.007697,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A2009-07-17 08:00:00http://www.somedaylounge.com/2009-07-17 07:11:34 :2009-07-17 09:00:00 99y, Lua, JavaScript, Java, C#, and many other languages use virtual machines as their execution environments. InsteadnQ93W33JuWCubeSpace Community Passover SederPassover is among the best-known of the Jewish holidays. It is a time when family and friends gather together for a ritual meal. The Haggadah, the text used in the seder (structured meal) explicitly encourages the invitation of "strangers." And many Jews (David and myself included) take Passover as an opportunity t?3)33JuVShizzow Developers MeetupThis is your ;?Ik3G33JwcDorkbotPDX friday nite dorkoutCome join us Friday evening at Someday Lounge (http://www.somedaylounge.com). We've been invited to bring our particular brand of dorkiness and geekdom and show it off. This will be much like our usual meetings (so bring your toys!) but we'll also be giving folks the opportunity to make a lot of noise and get up on the stage. The fun begins at 9PM and among the activities will be: * Don, per< ideas and methods developed by the nonlinear dynamics community are a much better way to study, understand, and (ultimately) desio@_3]33Jw8Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingTHE ADDRESS ABOVE IS NOT CORRECT! The meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-17 20:58:08 :.;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 pple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials oA_3]33Jw8 Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingTHE ADDRESS ABOVE IS NOT CORRECT! The meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-17 21:22:30 ;;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 r $1-9 million in incentives for meaningful EHR adoption. This stimulus package is expected to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide technology and seLB_Y3]33Jw8 Portland JavaScript Admirers July MeetingThe meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/.2009-07-23 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/2009-07-17 21:22:57 ;;b؆2009-07-23 04:00:00 PPy, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owne),g[333JsBPortland WordPress User Group - First MeetingPortland loves blogging, and Portland loves WordPress. With so many great bloggers in the area using the WordPress platform, I'm excited to announMCw3]33JtSAOpdx: Value Based Selling[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1899640/ ] The VBS Certification Program will CERTIFY (on 1 of 4 levels of competency) Your Sales Team's Ability To: # Improve Their Lead-to-Close Ratio # Produce ROI-based Proposals of Their Software/Service # Maintain Critical Operating Margins By Selling Value Over Price # Eliminate Discounting to Get the Deal # Avoid Commoditization # Find and Invest Their Time in QUALIFIED Opportunities # Increase Competitive,C{!3C33JwdNext PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 7/23 7pm @ Lucky Lab West Side[by: dsal]2009-07-24 02:00:00http://www.pagdig.org/?p=872009-07-17 21:26:38;bؒ2009-07-24 04:00:00to welcome First time non-members to attend up to two networking events (Shop Talk Showcase, Business Leads Exchange and Business After Hours) without charge. You must RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 by July 17th. Membership is required for attendance at all additional networking events. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive the benefits of membership that come with attendance at Alliance networking events. Member online, Free Member at the Door, $5.00 Non-Member online, $5.00 Non-Member at the Door, $10.00 Non-Members must pre-register by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 Registration will close at 3:00 July 20, 2009 for this event. How ever you can still attend by registering and paying at the door "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-07-21 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-17 21:44:422009-07-21 16:00:00 55rnational relations and molecular biology a?DC{3K33JwePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Rose Villa Senior Living CommunityShopTalk Showcase at Rose Villa Senior Living Community - 13505 SE River Rd. Portland, OR 97222 Event Description: Serving the Pacific NW for 50 years, Rose Villa is an active non-profit senior living community with cottage-style apartments set among 22 landscaped acres above the banks of the Willamette River. Rose Villa offers all of the services, amenities, and conveniences active residents desire, and the long-term security of on-site home care and a licensed Health Center. Real People. Real Life. Real Oregon. Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Attendance at Alliance events is a benefit of membership. It is Alliance policy B0 years, Rose Villa is an active non-profit senior living community with cottage-style apartments set among 22 landscaped acres above the banks of the Willamette River. Rose Villa offers all of the services, amenities, and conveniences active residents desire, and the long-term security of on-site home care and a licensed Health Center. Real People. Real Life. Real Oregon. Shop Talk is a networking program hosted at different Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Member online, Free Member at the Door, $5.00 Non-Member online, $5.00 Non-Member at the Door, $10.00 RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-07-21 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-17 21:49:362009-07-21 16:00:00 HEnand and her team at Zapproved developed and deployed a product, started generating revenue, and brought Pixelworks founder Allen Alley o"J Q3i33JwgCongressman Earl Blumenauer on China, Global Warming, and Clean Energy Opportunities - NW China Council - China Business Network


        The House of Representatives recently took historic action to rein in global warming pollution and jumpstart America's clean energy industries by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This bill invests in energy that can’t ever spill or run out, will create millions of jobs at home and around the country, and protect our planet for future generations. At a time when Oregon is faced with record unemployment, this legislation will spur innovation and make an immediate difference in the electric, construction, and engineering sectors.

        Earlier in June, Congressman Blumenauer spent seven days in China with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bi-partisan delegation of colleagues from the House of Representatives on the need to address global warming. He will discuss the changes that China has made to adjust its policies to be more environmentally sensitive, and the realization that China and the world cannot afford to follow the path of the first industrial revolution.


        Congressman Earl Blumenauer's academic training includes undergraduate and law degrees from Lewis and Clark College in Portland.

        Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1996, Mr. Blumenauer has created a unique role as Congress' chief spokesperson for Livable Communities. From 1996 - 2003, he served on both the International Relations Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Now a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee, Congressman Blumenauer also serves as Vice Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

        Tickets: $20 members, $30 non-members, $15 students

        More info: http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html

        2009-08-05 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html2009-07-19 21:58:54 @?2009-08-05 20:30:00 d0d for the web is not quite as simple as whipping out your Flip HD0#cE3E33Ju^8LS=3]33JwiWeb Analytics Wednesday On A MondayPlease join us for the next Web Analytics Wednesday (on a Monday) here in Portland, OR. The event this month will be held on the 16th floor at Webtrends, which is located at 851 SW 6th. As always, everyone is welcome, from existing Web Analytics practitioners to those with even a passing interest in the field. Web Analytics Wednesday was founded in 2005 by Eric T. Peterson and JuneLLK?3?33JwhDjangoConDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. DjangoCon will be held at the DoubleTree Green Hotel in Portland, Oregon. Conference days: September 8th - 10th. Sprint Days: September 11th - 12th.2009-09-08 15:00:00http://www.djangocon.org/2009-07-20 01:07:33 :2009-09-11 01:00:00 e and teach with ideas, powerful role models, and stories. Speakers, content experts, panels, and workshops will help you improve your strategies for planning and launching effective social ventures. The Forum will create a context to connect, learn, and take action around ideas that lead to tangible change—all in a venue designed for building community. Cost is $5.00 at the door, which will offset costs and provide a light dinner. A!MY3]33JwjVendor Selection: International, National, Regional or Local?On behalf of the Software Association of Oregon, you are invited to attend the CIO/IT Manager's Forum for a BBQ and a lively discussion of Vendor selection: local, regional, national or international. Please join the round table discussion of what works best for your organization, does the project matter? what's your driving force? cost, speed, or quality?2009-08-05 18:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3086773/2009-07-20 16:57:17 @@;bؔ2009-08-05 18:30:00M Dershewitz and is now the largest social networking event for Web Analytics Professionals, connecting thousands of people across the globe. For more details on Web Analytics Wednesdays, as well as a list of upcoming events, please feel free to visit Eric's site: http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/wednesday/index.asp The latest Web Analytics Wednesday here in Portland, OR will start at roughly 5:30PM on Monday, July 20th and drinks/snacks will be graciously provided by our sponsor Webtrends. This month we are also lucky enough to have a presentation from Amber Case, who will be speaking about new ways to track the performance of social media campaigns, real-time buzz tracking, trend tracking through data visualization, KPIs, and what the world of analytics needs in order to obtain useful, integrated data. The talk will focus mostly on the world of new media and her bio can be found at the bottom of this posting. The expected scheNdule is as follows: 5:30 - 6:45: Networking/Drinks/Snacks 6:45 - 7:15: Presentation by Amber Case 7:15 - ?:??: More Networking/Drinks/Snacks Should you have any questions or need help locating the event, please feel free to contact us at: Dash Lavine: 503-962-9048 dashiell.lavine@webtrends.com Jeff Porter: 503-333-0254 jeff.porter@webtrends.com Justin Kistner: justin.kistner@webtrends.com If you intend to join us, notification via this site, Eric's site, and/or e-mail would be much appreciated. Such communication will allow us to make arrangements for the correct number of attendees. Hope to see you there. Cheers. P.S. We are currently looking for event sponsors for future WAW events here in Portland. Should you have any interest, please give us a ring or shoot us an e-mail. Thanks much. Amber's Bio: Amber Case is a Cyborg Anthropologist and New Media Consultant from Portland, Oregon. Amber's interests include real-time analytics , data visualization , and how marketing works in online ecosystems . She's spoken at various conferences including MIT's Futures of Entertainment , Inverge: The Interactive Convergence Conference , Ignite Portland , and Ignite Boulder . Case blogs primarily at http://oakhazelnut.com . She founded CyborgCamp , an unconference on the future of humans and technology. She can be found online at http://www.twitter.com/caseorganic . Amber received her degree in Sociology/Anthropology from Lewis & Clark College in 2008 with a thesis on “The Cell Phone and Its Technosocial sites of Engagement” . She is available for speaking engagements, corporate training and consulting, data aggregation, analytics, blog consulting, and online efficiency training.2009-07-21 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3015978/2009-07-20 01:28:29 ;bؔ2009-08-05 18:30:00 ry Craft creates video and podcast and invites audience response. PICA integrates Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into its TBA Festival blog. In education, programming, and marketing, we’ll talk about what’s worked and what’s on the horizon as the landscape continues to change with new tools and new challenges all the time. Parti"+CG3?33Ju[Ongoing Counseling SessionsThe Small Business Development Center and souk have come together to further support Portland's small business cSIU3]33JwlIxDA Portland: Meetup/WorkshopJoin us for a low-key workshop. We will start with a brainstorming exercise followed by working in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the larger group. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/).2009-07-23 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087324/2009-07-20 23:45:47 9;bؗ2009-07-23 03:00:00 ions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand -%U Y3i33JwnAugust Springboard Social Innovation Forum: Year-Round HarvestsCome celebrate summer's bounty at the Forum, where in August we'll address "extended yhTm3]33JwThe Act of Making Clouds: What Every Developer Should KnowJoin us for an afternoon of best practices + tips on choosing the right Cloud Computing platform, evaluation and implementation decisions. We'll have a keynote, panel, and breakout sessions for open collaboration and discussion. Consider yourself an expert and want to join the panel? Contact Mark Lawler at Mark.Lawler@sabrix.com. REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=686842009-09-17 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3087459/2009-08-25 17:58:09 :A;bؘ2009-09-17 19:00:00of the founders of PJUG 13 years ago, who as a software engineer has been dabbling in code at places like Mentor Graphics and Synopsys, and now designs software for Vigilan in Wilsonville. In his massive spare time he is also a veterinarian, auctioneer, owner of Mock Crest Tavern, and teaches at PCC Sylvania. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)2009-07-22 01:30:00http://pjug.org/2009-07-21 18:35:32 <;bN2009-07-22 03:30:00 ffn when we already do, and for creating a tighter social web. We've got the technology. NosW[+3]33JwoPortlandOnline.com Town Hall DiscussionCome discuss with colleagues the City of PorVV)c3-33JrPortland Java User Group: Writing a Database App Without Knowing a Word of SQLThis month's topic: Writing a Database Application Without Knowing a Word of SQL (a.k.a. POJOs, JPA, and ORM) We will discuss building a Java Swing application (installed or web start) that saves its data POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) into SQL databases across the net (mySQL) or to a local embedded database (Derby) by using the JPA (Java Persistance API) and ORM (Object Relational Mapping) via Toplink or EclipseLink. You will see that REAL applications get to benefit from technology that typically lives in the world of Hibernate and Web Apps. You gotta love portable SQL database data persistance without building any tables or writing any SQL! ---------- Speaker: Jon Batcheller Jon is one Ttland’s concept contest for a redesign of PortlandOnline.com and the implications (and possibilities) of crowdsourcing, spec work and the “democratization” of design. The City of Portland has expressed an interest in discussing these issues, but due to scheduling conflicts, will not be sending a representative to Tuesday’s meeting. All are welcome to attend (but there is a 60 person maximum capacity). This is intended to be an open and professional discussion on the matter. Public responses will be reviewed and representatives from professional organizations and creative service agencies will be invited to participate. Moderated by AIGA Portland President Johnny Levenson. Join us at Souk, 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200 (between Everett + Flanders)2009-07-21 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3088852/2009-07-21 18:37:21 ?;bؙ2009-07-22 02:00:00l 6,8,20,22,27,& 29 1-5pm2009-04-27 20:00:00http://www.bizcenter.org/2009-04-05 22:03:45 ;b2009-04-28 00:00:00   involsY/]3W33JwpWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

        2009-07-31 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-07-22 03:22:45 <;bؚ2009-07-31 04:00:00sX/]3W33JwpWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

        2009-06-26 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023907502009-07-22 03:19:48 <;bؚ2009-06-26 04:00:00 Ksx} "',16;@EJOTY^chmrw|ԃ1[5%3 33JwrPDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. 2009-07-31 01:30:002009-07-22 21:01:48 ; 2009-07-31 06:30:001Z5%3 33JwqPDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. 2009-07-24 01:30:002009-07-22 21:00:58 ; 2009-07-24 06:30:00k and underlying technologies look like, give a demo of the Netbook Beta release, talk about where some of the development is going, and how developers and users can get involved.

        We would also like your feedback on the tools you need to develop applications for this platform.

        If you would like to learn more about what Moblin is and how it fits within the mobile world, join us.

        About the Speakers

        Bob Spencer works at the Open Source Technology Center (OSTC) at Intel as a software developer. He is focused on working with the Linux Foundation developing the compliance specs for Moblin.

        Mike Shaver also works at the OSTC and is focused on building out the web infrastructure and community for Moblin.

        Paul Cooper is located at the London office of OSTC and manages a team of Moblin developers working on the user experience functionality.

        2009-07-28 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3081361/2009-07-22 22:16:56 9;b؏2009-07-28 01:00:00 g And manE^-3K33JwsPortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Homestreet BankPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase @ HomeStreet Bank - 1618 SW First Avenue, Suite 305 Portland, OR 97201 Tuesday, August 4th, 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program presen\]G3K33JwsPortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Homestreet Bank Portland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase @ HomeStreet Bank Tuesday, August 4th, 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program presen[o\+Q3]33JwYMobile Portland: Moblin -- Open Source for Mobile Internet Devices and Netbooks

        Can an open source Linux platform deliver a unique experience for users in the mobile space? The community working on Moblin hopes to make this a reality.

        In this brief introduction to Moblin, we'll cover what the software stacYted by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce). ShopTalk is hosted by different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. To attend, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Member online: Free Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Member online: $5.00 Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 Advance Registration highly recommended, at www.portlandalliance.com. About HomeStreet Bank: Family- and employee-owned, HomeStreet Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the Northwest. Founded in 1921, the bank has assets of $3.0 billion and a network of 30 branch and mortgage offices. HomeStreet Bank is one of the only banks in the country that has consistently received an “outstanding” rating under the federal government's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 2009-08-04 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-22 23:20:352009-08-04 16:00:00ted by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce). ShopTalk is hosted by different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. To attend, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Member online: Free Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Member online: $5.00 Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 Advance Registration highly recommended, at www.portlandalliance.com. About HomeStreet Bank: Family- and employee-owned, HomeStreet Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the Northwest. Founded in 1921, the bank has assets of $3.0 billion and a network of 30 branch and mortgage offices. HomeStreet Bank is one of the only banks in the country that has consistently received an “outstanding” rating under the federal government's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 2009-08-04 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-22 23:21:312009-08-04 16:00:00m presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce), and hosted by different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. To attend, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Member online: Free Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Member online: $5.00 Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 Advance Registration highly recommended, at www.portlandalliance.com. About HomeStreet Bank: Family- and employee-owned, HomeStreet Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the Northwest. Founded in 1921, the bank has assets of $3.0 billion and a network of 30 branch and mortgage offices. HomeStreet Bank is one of the only banks in the country that has consistently received an “outstanding” rating under the federal government's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 2009-08-04 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-22 23:22:342009-08-04 16:00:00 HHem! As always, InFARMation (and Beer!)ԡCwk35333The Portland After Effects User Group - K7-u3s33JuiCascade Job Fair12th Annual Cascade Job Fair in Portland Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Time: 11am - 3pm Place: Cascade PEB Gymnasium Portland Community College Cascade Job Fair is an outsca'3 33JwuSpeed Networking! Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange - Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! August 11th, 2009 at 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room, 200 SW Market, Portland OR 97201 "You've he_=_3K33JwsPortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Homestreet BankPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase @ HomeStreet Bank - 1618 SW First Avenue, Suite 305 Portland, OR 97201 Tuesday, August 4th, 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking progra]ard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed networking....". One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads, this program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Over 75+ members attend; the Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott, or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-11 14:30:002009-07-22 23:31:032009-08-11 16:00:00ard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed networking....". One of Portland Business Alliance’s most popular networking programs, Business Leads Exchange is geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads, this program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Over 75+ members attend; the Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott, or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-11 14:30:002009-07-22 23:32:102009-08-11 16:00:00 hh:)sed I/O and safety in ter ԡG[3333Oregon Training Networ&Y/Q3Q33JrBeaver BarCamp IIFollowing the successful first Beaver Bar Camp we are going ahead with plans for our second community event. Hope you can make it. BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. When: Sunday, November 16th, 2009 (Note - change in date from earlier announcement) Time - 9:00am - 10:00pm Tag photos, blogs, del.icio.us, ma.gnolia, etc. as BeaverBar b'o3 33JwuSpeed Networking! Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) presents Business Leads Exchange - Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! August 11th, 2009 at 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at Portland Business Alliance Lobby Conference Room, 200 SW Market, Portland OR 97201 "You've he`ium food and wine selections, quality of service and sophisticated décor. About Morton’s The Steakhouse: For three decades, Morton’s has set the standard for fine steakhouse dining. Morton’s serves only the finest quality foods, featuring USDA prime aged, Midwest grain-fed beef shipped directly from Chicago, fresh seafood and elegant desserts. Morton’s private dining rooms accommodate business and social functions for 10 – 100 guests. Join us in the bar for specially priced drinks, 5pm – 6:30pm and 9pm – close daily. For more information visit www.mortons.com. To RSVP, contact Peggy, Scott or Eric in Member Services at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-13 00:00:002009-07-22 23:44:242009-08-13 02:00:00 etter to create your own games to address your specific teaching points. In this session, we will introduce some essential elements of game design and demonstrate a process for designing a game starting with a learning objective. Participants will theod1+3 33JwvPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The SteakhousePortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The Steakhouse - 213 SW Clay Street Portland, OR 97201 Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 at 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Event Description: Presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Morton’s The Steakhouse is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s finest dining establishments, achieving critical acclaim and numerous industry awards for premb qfRԡ8i3 333Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expruԡQy%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Presentation by Bart Massey :oc3]33JukAgile Project Management Work`e1 3 33JwvPortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The SteakhousePortland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours @ Morton's The Steakhouse - 213 SW Clay Street Portland, OR 97201 Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 at 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Event Description: Presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. About Morton’s The Steakhouse: Morton’s is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s finest dining establishments, achieving critical acclaim aned numerous industry awards for premium food and wine selections, quality of service and sophisticated décor. For three decades, Morton’s has set the standard for fine steakhouse dining. Morton’s serves only the finest quality foods, featuring USDA prime aged, Midwest grain-fed beef shipped directly from Chicago, fresh seafood and elegant desserts. Morton’s private dining rooms accommodate business and social functions for 10 – 100 guests. Join us in the bar for specially priced drinks, 5pm – 6:30pm and 9pm – close daily. For more information visit www.mortons.com. To RSVP, contact Peggy, Scott or Eric in Member Services at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-13 00:00:002009-07-22 23:45:412009-08-13 02:00:00icious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. About Morton’s The Steakhouse: Morton’s is consistently recognized as one of the nation’s finest dining establishments, achieving critical acclaim and numerous industry awards for premium food and wine selections, quality of service and sophisticated décor. For three decades, Morton’s has set the standard for fine steakhouse dining. Morton’s serves only the finest quality foods, featuring USDA prime aged, Midwest grain-fed beef shipped directly from Chicago, fresh seafood and elegant desserts. To RSVP, contact Peggy, Scott or Eric in Member Services at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-13 00:00:002009-07-22 23:46:402009-08-13 02:00:00 ^^rate - at 10% of the regular cost. So please take advantage of this session, as itm3U33JwOEN Webinar: Taxes for Startups - It isn't just about incomeAs with most start-ups, there may be a significant period of time before the business becomes profitable. Therefore, when making a list of priorities, start-ups tend to list taxes right above "Get a plant service.” David Uslan, tax shareholder in charge of Perkins and Company's high tech niche, will address why taxes should be moved higher up the list, especially in a down economy. The business decisions you make today can affect your tax situation in the future, including where you locate your company, what type of entity you choose for your company, or even how you obtain sales. David will provide an overview of how your startup can effectively manage taxes for long-term success. Registration: OEN Member: No Cost Non - Member:$302009-07-15 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=912009-06-25 18:23:462009-07-15 18:00:00. About Charlie’s Produce: Charlie’s Produce is a locally owned, private company that, through quality product standards and competitive pricing traditions, has become the largest independently owned produce company in the Pacific Northwest. We have the buying power that keeps your costs at the lowest levels while our rapid turnover ensures you get the freshest product delivered to you. Because Charlie's is an employee owned company, all of our employees have a vested interest in customer satisfaction. Our sales staff does not work on commission. As shareholders, our people function as a team. We do what it takes to get the job done right. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members online: FREE Member at the Door: $5.00 Non-Members online: $5.00 Non-Members at the Door: $10.00 "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-18 14:30:002009-07-22 23:55:412009-08-18 16:00:00 presentation but just couldn't figure out exactly what you wanted to do or how to do it? If so, then this presentation is just what you need! When you leave, you'll have the outline for an actual workshop including objectives, goals, activities (if appropriate), and a takeaway for participants. Objective Participants learn how to turn an idea into a workshop to generate income Goals At the end of this presentatioFg!i3 33JwwPortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Charlie's ProducePortland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase @ Charlie's Produce - 18332 NE San Rafael Portland, OR 97230 Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 at 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Event Description: Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawingh  Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter November 10, 2009 Date: 11/10/2009 Time: 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM Even>5s3]33JunEaster Mondo CroquetDrUio33 33JwyFunding Innovative Research: SBIR/STIR ConferenceSmall business is the heart of Oregon's economy, but during these difficult economic times it can be a serious challenge to find funding to support even the most promising companies. We cannot afford to let innovative ideas fall by the wayside because small business owners can'tkqhY3u33JwxSustainable Industries Economics ForumFeaturing Paul Hawken CEO, Pax Engineering Group, Author of "Ecology of Commerce" and "Natural Capitalism" Moderated by: Becky Brun Editor Sustainable Industries Panelists Dave Williams, CEO, Shorebank Pacific Rob Harmon, Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Vice President, Bonneville Environmental Foundation2009-09-16 14:00:00http://www.sustainableindustries.com/forums/portland2009-07-23 16:18:30 :2009-09-16 17:30:00l access the money they need to perform research and develop and commercialize new products. At more than $2.3 billion per year, the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs comprise the largest source of federal support for technological innovation in the private sector. Awardees can receive critical support for projects from early stage R&D through commercialization. Please join me and other small business owners, researchers, venture capital representatives, and others at a one-day conference with key SBIR/STTR program managers to learn more about opportunities for funding your small business and to discuss upcoming changes to the SBIR/STTR program. Congressman David Wu presents: Funding Innovative Research: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs When: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Where:OHSU South Waterfront 3303 SW Bond Avenue, Portland What:Panel discussion and breakout sessions with key SBIR/STTR program managers Presenters from agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and others will discuss how to develop a successful application for SBIR/STTR funding. Topics will include: ·What are each agency's priorities for research topics? ·What criteria does each agency use to select awardees? ·What can applicants do to make their proposals more competitive? The afternoon session will include opportunities to talk in small groups with program managers, past and current SBIR grantees, and prospective applicants. I hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn more about this important funding resource for small technology businesses here in Oregon. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Kelly Brooks at kelly.brooks "at" mail.house.gov or 503-326-2901.2009-08-11 16:00:002009-07-23 16:23:39 @C2009-08-11 22:00:00nsion makers understand how to integrate greenhouse gas management issues into a strategic framework for planning and action – and how to stay ahead of the curve. Year three of this event takes place in a shifting landscape, with major uncertainties regarding the direction and timing of government policy being met by a growing movement towards voluntary action. What does seem certain is that long term trends are leading to a new competitive landscape. Join Northwest business managers, service professionals, and policy makers in a discussion of the practical business issues tied to whether and how a company acts to manage its carbon footprint. This strategic, business-oriented focus distinguishes Climate Change: Positioning Your Business from other conferences on this topic . Sessions include offerings for those new to the topic, as well as those wanting to go to the next level: • Regulation and the context for action • Should you act now? • The ROI of carbon management • Are offsets for you? Including carbon in your business strategy • Transforming strategy into practice • New business opportunities • A carbon-managed future Why Attend - Understand how your organization can turn this potentially disruptive force into a strategic advantage. - Learn about tools and resources for developing internal strategies and action plans. - Meet and network with colleagues and potential partners. Who Should Attend - Business managers & decision makers in all types of organizations and industries who need to know what changes are coming, and how to plan for them. - Professional and technical service providers who want to understand and assist organizations in addressing carbon issues. - Policy makers and advocates who want to craft effective policies and regulations that respond to the needs of businesses. If you are in business, you will be affected -- make this challenge an opportunity. 2009-09-24 15:00:00http://www.nebc.org/content.aspx?pageid=502009-07-23 16:49:28 :2009-09-25 00:00:00 wwwho wish to learn more about tuning their systems for performance. Attendees will learn how to generate and interpret operating system (Linux) and database statistics, and the effects of some system tuning techniques. This involves studying the well known Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) benchmark called TPC-C ( www.tpc.org ). TPC-C was developed by a committee, representing all major players in the database marketplace, to be representative ofhA3g3933JuqSECP's Event May 21, 2009 | Striving To Thriving: Sustainable Marketing ResolutionsSECP H0@ 3933JupSECP's Quarterly Workshop yja53a33JwzClimate Change - Positioning Your BusinessPresented By Northwest Environmental Business Council Associated Oregon Industries Oregon Business Association This is serious business. The competitive equation is changing once again. Given current policy and market dynamics, organizations need to decide why, if, and how to act. This conference will help business decimization Officials * Students * Technology transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers Presentations on: * Advanced MEMS devices and applications * Sensors and systems, e.g. for motion control * Nanoelectronics and biolectronics * Nanoscale patterning and fabrication processes * Printed and solution-processed devices and systems * Nanomaterial design, synthesis and scale-up * Nanomaterials for clean-tech applications * Nano-bio technologies * Micro-energy and chemical systems * Nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis * Nanomedicine and cancer therapies * Nano-optics and optoelectronic technologies 2009-07-23 17:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2009-07-23 16:53:21 :2009-07-23 18:00:00 l major players in the database marketplace, to be representative of typical online enterprise databases. TPC-C consists of a preikQ)3]33Jw{Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceIn these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organp ye, beautiful GUI for artists, and simple, beautiful code for us! (I heart Ruby!!) This event is open to EVSԡaxԡ^AilQ)3]33Jw{Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceIn these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organsization Officials * Students * Technology transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers Presentations on: * Advanced MEMS devices and applications * Sensors and systems, e.g. for motion control * Nanoelectronics and biolectronics * Nanoscale patterning and fabrication processes * Printed and solution-processed devices and systems * Nanomaterial design, synthesis and scale-up * Nanomaterials for clean-tech applications * Nano-bio technologies * Micro-energy and chemical systems * Nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis * Nanomedicine and cancer therapies * Nano-optics and optoelectronic technologies 2009-07-23 15:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2009-07-23 16:59:21 :2009-09-24 00:00:00ization Officials * Students * Technology transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers Presentations on: * Advanced MEMS devices and applications * Sensors and systems, e.g. for motion control * Nanoelectronics and biolectronics * Nanoscale patterning and fabrication processes * Printed and solution-processed devices and systems * Nanomaterial design, synthesis and scale-up * Nanomaterials for clean-tech applications * Nano-bio technologies * Micro-energy and chemical systems * Nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis * Nanomedicine and cancer therapies * Nano-optics and optoelectronic technologies 2009-07-21 15:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2009-07-23 16:59:50 :2009-09-24 00:00:00ization Officials * Students * Technology transfer specialists * Strategic Planners * Business Development Managers * Product Development Professionals * Investors * Investment Analysts * Proposal Writers * Legislators * Academicians * Legislative Assistants & Analysts * Intellectual Property Managers Presentations on: * Advanced MEMS devices and applications * Sensors and systems, e.g. for motion control * Nanoelectronics and biolectronics * Nanoscale patterning and fabrication processes * Printed and solution-processed devices and systems * Nanomaterial design, synthesis and scale-up * Nanomaterials for clean-tech applications * Nano-bio technologies * Micro-energy and chemical systems * Nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis * Nanomedicine and cancer therapies * Nano-optics and optoelectronic technologies 2009-09-21 15:00:00http://oregonstate.edu/conferences/MNBC/2009-07-23 17:00:40 :2009-09-24 00:00:00 ortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative compaE] 3A33JusDevGroup NimQ)3]33Jw{Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceIn these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organt  to form an annu`om 3M33Jw|Secrets of NIH Small Business Grant ApplicationsThis free seminar is presented by xinQ)3]33Jw{Micro Nano Breakthrough ConferenceIn these turbulent economic times, one thing remains unchanged: innovation driven productivity advances are the only basis for prosperous, high-wage regional economies, and commercialized scientific research is the best and most durable source of innovation advantage. More than ever before, the Pacific Northwest region needs to gather to advance 'science, commercialization and networking for the micro- and nano-tech innovation economy. Who should attend: If you are involved in the transformation from discovery and development to commercialization of products this conference is for you. * Scientists * Engineers * Entrepreneurs * Venture Capitalists * R&D Managers * Administrators * Product Development Managers * Government Officials * Policy Makers * Non-Government Organuthe Oregon Bioscience Association and features Gregory Milman Ph.D Director of the Office for Innovation and Special Programs National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of NIH Join us on August 12th, 11:30 AM to 1:00pm, at the Portland State Business Accelerator, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland. Complimentary lunch will be served. Learn how to tap into $700 million of NIH funds. And find out: * How to decide between SBIR or STTR programs * What is flexible and what is not in SBIR and STTR eligibility rules * Success rates for NIH applications * Difference between core technology and a grant application * What belongs in the Title of your application * Review criteria and how they are applied to your application * What to put in your Specific Aims * Why you need preliminary data * More tips you are unlikely to learn from other NIH staff2009-08-12 18:30:00https://www.oregonbio.org/Events/EventsCalendar/tabid/104/vw/3/ItemID/77/d/20090812/Default.aspx2009-07-23 18:00:04 92009-08-12 20:00:00:00 44 we listened: the SAO brings together four of Portland's most dynamic technology companies - Jive, AboutUs, Serena, and Pop Art, Inc. - to share how they've adapted marketing and sales strategies to the realities of 2009. This panel brings together senior sales and marketing professionals for an iHpC 3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
        Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-07-23 19:02:48 >2009-08-02 01:00:00 44y and Applications o Carl Seger PIC3G33JuuNW ISSA Security ConferenceThe NW ISSA Security Conference is part of a continued ambitious community outreach program for ISSA-Oregon Chapter. The goal of our program is to provide decision makers, stakeholders, and professionals with theHqC 3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we can get better at what we do. Join in the dialogue by following us on Twitter (use the hashtag #journopdx), Facebook, or at journopdx.wordpress.com.
        Please RSVP at Upcoming. 2009-08-01 16:30:00http://journopdx.wordpress.com2009-07-23 19:07:25 >2009-08-01 23:00:00 97227 Lively Discussion, Networking and Business Opportunities! "You've heard of speed dating - welcome to the Alliance's speed networking....". Presented by Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce), Business Leads Exchange is a popular “speed networking” program, geared toward building lasting business relationships and sharing valuable business leads. The program consists of a sponsor presentation, small group breakout sessions of focused networking, and a door-prize drawing. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. Admission: Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. "Look for Ambassadors wearing a blue ribbon to greet you, answer any of your questions and introduce you to other members." 2009-08-25 14:00:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-07-23 23:44:462009-08-25 16:00:00 hese courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now bef3sO73]33Jw~NedSpace Hellzapoppin' Demo NightYes, the weather's great. Yes, there are loads of summertime events to fill your afternoons and evenings. Yes, Portland startups are busting their humps getting their businesses up and running. It may be summertime, but the livin' ain't easy...it's startup time in Portland. Please join us for Hellzapoppin' Demo Night as we launch our second Portland location at NedSpace Old Town (117 NW 5th, between Couch and Davis). Yes, this is the time that you...yes, you, can show}ry3K33Jw}Portland Business Alliance presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange @ The Rose Quarter August 25, 2009 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM AEG Rose Quarter/Portland Trail Blazers Rose Room 2 Center Court P4 Floor Portland, OR{ the people your thing. Bonus points if no one has seen it before. See entrepreneurs slog out of their bat caves as they show off their stuff. Witness the fear and terror of the first co-founder turning their product on in front of others for the very first time. Yes, there will be investors there. Yes, there will be fellow entrepreneurs, geeks, dweebs, punks, dorks, derelicts and hardcode ballroom dancers in attendance (well, maybe). There may even be a few surprises, the biggest one being the size of the betting pool on how many minutes late Josh will be to the event. Social time starts at 4 PM; 5 minute demo sessions start at 5 PM NedSpace entrance is the door to the right of Backspace. Do the right thing and RSVP. Any questions, contact Josh @technojosh or Mark @neddotcom or call 503.334.18602009-07-29 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/2009-07-23 23:55:23 @D;b؜2009-07-29 23:00:00 the people your thing. Bonus points if no one has seen it before. See entrepreneurs slog out of their bat caves as they show off their stuff. Witness the fear and terror of the first co-founder turning their product on in front of others for the very first time. Yes, there will be investors there. Yes, there will be fellow entrepreneurs, geeks, dweebs, punks, dorks, derelicts and hardcode ballroom dancers in attendance (well, maybe). There may even be a few surprises, the biggest one being the size of the betting pool on how many minutes late Josh will be to the event. Social time starts at 4 PM; 5 minute demo sessions start at 5 PM NedSpace entrance is the door to the right of Backspace. Do the right thing and RSVP. Any questions, contact Josh @technojosh or Mark @neddotcom or call 503.334.18602009-07-29 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4103431/2009-07-24 04:11:44 @D;b؜2009-07-29 23:00:00 hese courses are heavily federally subsidized (you will not find pricing like this anywhere else) and will sell out early. Register now before they fill up! u{3q33JwGalois Talk: Mathematics of Cryptography: A Guided TourThe July 28th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by Joe Hurd, titled “Mathematics of Cryptography: A Guided Tour.” * Date: Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am 3tO73]33Jw~NedSpace Hellzapoppin' Demo NightYes, the weather's great. Yes, there are loads of summertime events to fill your afternoons and evenings. Yes, Portland startups are busting their humps getting their businesses up and running. It may be summertime, but the livin' ain't easy...it's startup time in Portland. Please join us for Hellzapoppin' Demo Night as we launch our second Portland location at NedSpace Old Town (117 NW 5th, between Couch and Davis). Yes, this is the time that you...yes, you, can show~ * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, OR 97204 Abstract: In this informal talk I’ll give a guided tour of the mathematics underlying cryptography. No prior knowledge will be assumed: the goal of the talk is to demonstrate how simple mathematical concepts from algebra and number theory are used to build a wide range of cryptographic algorithms, from the familiar (encryption) to the exotic (zero knowledge proofs). Bio: Joe Hurd is a Formal Methods Engineer at Galois, Inc. He completed a Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge on the formal verification of probabilistic programs, and his work since has included: developing a package management system for higher order logic theories; applying automatic proof techniques for first order logic; and creating the world’s first formally verified chess endgame database.2009-07-28 17:30:00 http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/07/22/cryptomath/2009-07-24 15:46:26 ;2009-07-28 18:30:00r at a nearby lounge. Admission is always free. This month’s, We're moving the entire event to the souk, allowing us access to their beautiful space and projection facilities. The schedule will also include a short intermission, and Q&A after each speaker, rather than clustered at the end. Come join us! 6:00p - First two presenters + Q&A 6:30p - Intermission 6:40p - Third presenter + Q&A 7:00p - Social hour This month’s presenters: Graeme Wagoner - Freelance Industrial Designer Aaron Carlsson - Freelance Industrial Designer Ryan Russell - Manager of McAfee Design Studio Our generous sponsor is souk. Want to be a 3BY10 presenter? Contact Event Coordinator Carl Alviani (carl.alviani -at- gmail), and be sure to include your name, current job, and a brief summary of the talk you’d like to give.2009-07-30 03:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4127323/2009-07-25 19:02:44 ?;b؝2009-07-30 03:00:00 ne game, building challenge, open endeJO53]33Ju{SAOpdx: ITIL Intermediate: Release, Control, & ValidationCourse Length: May 11-15, 2009 This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL v3 Sew33S33JwDrupalCamp PDX 2009PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. See the wiki for up-to-date planning information. Once the start and end times, registration details, etc. come together, we'll update the event, but we want to make it available to people's calendars now.2009-10-10 16:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/246022009-07-24 20:50:43 @02009-10-12 00:00:00kvA_3;33JwWhereCamp Planning MeetingPlanning meeting for WhereCamp PDX, which will take place in September. Help us create this year's event.2009-07-31 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-07-24 16:25:30 ;2009-07-31 03:00:00 ^efined in the CBOKTM, a look at a model BPM curriculum emerging in UniversitieSԡm%3W3332600 Meeting2600 Meetingyos3Y33JwUrban Edibles Development Meeting (Django/python)Join us Sunday to continue discussion and work on the new Urban Edibles website. Since our last meeting we have outlined our Django models and started a Mercurial repository on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/urbanedibles/ Please come if your are interested on collaborating on any level, or join our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/urbanedibles-dev2009-07-26 22:00:00http://code.google.com/p/urbanedibles/2009-07-26 06:35:27 :H2009-07-27 00:00:00Ix+3]33JwIDSA 3BY10 July3BY10 is a monthly presentation and networking event, in which three creative professionals or students from the Portland area get ten minutes each to present a recent project, discuss a trend, or just talk about the local design scene. Talks are followed by a round table discussion and social hou  Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

        WvTm3]33JuSAOpdx: Cloud Computing: Cloud Types and the Impacts to Enterprises, Software Vendors, QA and Test OrganizationsCloud computing is the hot buzz phrase for 2009. But what exactly IS cloud computing and how does it affect QA organizations and practices? Well, QA SIG has just the program for you. Come hear IBM's Dan Carr from the Cloud Co zos3;33JwUrban Edibles Development Meeting (Django/python)Join us Sunday to continue discussion and work on the new Urban Edibles website. Since our last meeting we have outlined our Django models and started a Mercurial repository on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/urbanedibles/ Please come if your are interested on collaborating on any level, or join our mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/urbanedibles-dev2009-07-26 22:00:00http://urbanedibles.org2009-07-26 06:35:57 :H2009-07-27 00:00:00rTTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| tus/^EKLMQ"S#T$U%V&X*[+npqrstuvx1z${%|"}'~+-./12 6 8 :>ADEKLMQ"S#T$U%V&X*[+\,].`/T0b1e4h8s:t<c=x>y?zA{B|C}D~EHIJKLMNOPSTUY\]_acdefghijklnqrsuyz{™~ęŚƚǚȚɚʚPԚ ٚ  ܚߚfNdV machine! In this class you will learn: * What networking is and the do's and don'ts of networking. * How to recognize a networking opportunity in everyday interactions. * How to mesh your natural network with your business network and have everyone benefiting from it. * How to listen and make connections between the people who need something, and the people who can help them. * Know who to refer to what job * You'll get a free e-book when you register for this class on the Eleven Elements of Business Date: Thursday, August 6 2009 Time: Noon to 2pm Price: $35 Location: Bravo! Publications 630 B Avenue Lake Oswego OR 97034 To register please rsvp with Taylor Ellwood at Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or register via paypal Checks or paypal only please2009-08-06 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128112/2009-07-26 07:38:15 @E;b؞2009-08-06 21:00:00 Startup Workouts is an open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need to manage their startups well. Schedule & Topics Workouts are held in downtown Portland at NedSpace on Tuesdays (1-2:15 pm) and Thursdays (4-5:15 pm). Topics for the current July 28-August 27 series are listed below. For additional info, please contact Nick Cottle at ncottle@portlandten.com. Workout Passes Founders can purchase 1, 5 or 10 workouts passes valid for the current 5-week session. Prices are $18 for 1 workout, $75 for 5 ($15 each), or $130 for 10 ($13 each). Track 1: How to Generate Revenue •1:00pm Tuesday, July 28th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Basics of Sales for Startups •1:00pm Tuesday, August 4th – (Instructor: Nick Cottle) Market Validation Basics •1:00pm Tuesday, ;;ssion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as \XM3W33JuHow9{=S3]33JwAre you networking effectively? How to turn your natural network into your referral teamNetworking isn't just about online social networking sites such as twitter and linkedin. And it doesn't just involve going to a chamber meeting or other type of in-person networking event. Networking involves learning how to create relationships with all the people you know, so that you can help all of them, even as they help you. In this workshop, I'll discuss how you can take your natural network of friends and family and interests and mesh them in with your network of business associates. By the end of this class, you'll get started on turning your network into a lean, mean referralsites. * How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. * What a status bar is and why it's a good idea to update it regularly. * How these sites can be used to obtain recommendations and testimonials from your clients. * The do's and don'ts of Social networking and how to maintain a professional profile on each site. Taylor will not only explain, but also demonstrate the benefits of social networks, and show you how you can attract more clients to your business. Date: Friday, August 7 2009 Time: 11:30pm to 2pm Price: $35.00 per person, Lunch included Location: 607 Main Street Suite 240, Oregon City, 97045 To register please RSVP with Diane Dahlins at diane@page10accounting.com. Check and credit cards only please, when rsvping.2009-08-07 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128111/2009-07-26 07:40:33 @F;b؟2009-08-07 21:30:00 $$.com/index.php/weblog/commP|Iu3]33JwWhy do I need Social Networking for my Business? Yes, you can do it less than one hour a week.Social networking is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or acquire new clients or where we will have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives. However, one thing is for sure, if we don't come and find out, we will never have answers to these questions. In this program, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social networking is, why it's important to be on these sites, and how it can benefit you and your business. He will explain how to automate your social networking presence so you only need to spend one hour a week and still have time to run your business and live your life. In this class you will learn: * What Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter are and why it's important to be on these sites or some of them. * How to get clients and business from these ss? In this one hour teleseminar, I'll provide you an assessment tool you can use to assess where your business is strong and where it is weak. You will come away with increased clarity about what's working in your business and what isn't, as well as with a plan of action to remedy the weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. You will learn the following: * Why it's important to check your business plan every 3 months, and how it can help you improve your business * How to assess your business model and determine what your strengths and weaknesses are * Action steps you can take to make your business successful 3pm to 4pm (PST time), 6pm to 7pm (EST Time) on August 10th and 17th Cost $20, and you get a free e-book on social media marketing when you register To register, email me at Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or via paypal2009-08-10 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4128113/2009-07-26 07:41:00 @G;bؠ2009-08-10 23:00:00 5`5of Apple's Cocoa Framework for prdQ3i33JwgCongressman Earl Blumenauer: China, Global Warming, & Clean Energy


        The House of Representatives recently took historic action to rein in global warming pollution and jumpstart America's clean energy industries by passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This bill invests in energy that can’t ever spill or run out, will create millions of jobs at home and around the country, and protect our planet for future generations. At a time when Oregon is faced with record unemployment, this legislation will spur innovation and make an immediate difference in the electric, construction, and engineering sectors.

        Earlier in June, Congressman Blumenauer spent seven days in China with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bi-partisan delegation of colleagues from the House of Representatives on the need to address global warming. He will discuss the changes that China has made to adjust its policies to be more environmentally sensitive, and the realization that China and the world cannot afford to follow the path of the first industrial revolution.


        Congressman Earl Blumenauer's academic training includes undergraduate and law degrees from Lewis and Clark College in Portland.

        Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1996, Mr. Blumenauer has created a unique role as Congress' chief spokesperson for Livable Communities. From 1996 - 2003, he served on both the International Relations Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Now a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee, Congressman Blumenauer also serves as Vice Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

        Tickets: $20 members, $30 non-members, $15 students

        More info: http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html

        2009-08-05 19:00:00http://www.nwchina.org/programs/090805cbn.html2009-07-27 16:58:18 @?2009-08-05 20:30:00ening are okay. Yeah, I've got me a nice little collection of tweets in consideration for my reading. Done in my best poetry voice, I hope to make my high school theatre teacher Mr. McDonald proud this Friday. The bummer is, the limit is 6 tweets. Who am I going to cut? Soooo difficult. What the Shit starts at 5:45pm, and sign-ups start at 5:30. Go see @melissalion's Upcoming.org event page for more information and the rules of the game. One more thing: Don't forget to spread the word on End Bloglessness, scheduled for July 18th. We all know someone who's been talking about starting a blog, but might not be Internet savvy or involved in social networking and wouldn't ordinarily hear about End Bloglessness. Tell them about it. We'll set them up with a platform in one afternoon. By that way, that's MizD's birthday. I will be making something chocolate-y to celebrate for all to share. You don't mind, do you? =)AYE2009-07-10 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-07-28 08:14:46 ; 2009-07-11 01:00:00 zzw does performance vary across JVM vendors?
        # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
        # How does -13)33JwPDX Django LunchThe "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather is completely insane so meeting outside is totally out of the question, so we're back to our original haunt at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl. Since we'll need a table, please RSVP by 10 AM Tuesday on the pdxdjango Google Group or by messaging robotadam on irc.freenode.net (You can use their web client if you don't have one handy: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=pdxdjango ). I'll see about getting a table large enough for all of us, but if we get bigger than 8 or so we might have to split up.2009-07-28 19:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/browse_thread/thread/2bbac3413978e0452009-07-27 22:54:25 @L2009-07-28 20:30:00  Group to give us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

        We'll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.

        The agend G 3K33Jw4Beer and Blog: What the Shit?I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic reading event we all enjoyed back in May. Far too long ago, and now the wait is over. What the Shit, the dramatic over-acting of Twitter tweets, was invented by @melissalion during a moment of undoubtedly utmost genius. The reading encourages you to invite your inner cheese ball out to play and read any tweet in your very best over-the-top oratory form. Also, emoticons are spelled out and there are RULES to follow. Helpful rules as this: If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and ke II# How does performance vary across JVM vendors?
        # How does performance vary across JVM versions?
        # How does performance vary across operating systems?
        # How does the performance of 1.4 features differ from their 1.5+ replacements?
        # How true are commonly held assumptions about Java performance?
        # 3c33U33JwOEN Webinar: The Principles of IP ValuationThis presentation will be a collaboration between Lee Foster and Steven Prewitt at Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt. Steven will present on the legal framework of IP that assists in the creation of economic scarcity. That's what makes an intangible asset valuable! Lee will present on the creative science behind the valuation of various types of intangible assets. Speakers: Lee Foster and Steven Prewitt Date and Time: Wednesday August 5, 10:00 am - 112:00 am Location: OEN Online Registration: Members - No Cost Non Members - $30 2009-08-05 17:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=982009-07-28 18:27:24 @2009-08-05 18:00:00 <n of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projecda=[3-33JrPortland Java User Group

      Who should attend:
      Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

      Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

      PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

      2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:55:59 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 00f Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness.

      Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build domain-specific const`C'3I33JvyDigital Journalism Camp PDXDigital Journalism Camp is an intense, one-day conference on how journalists are innovating right now — what’s working, what’s not, and how we canL ?3?33JwhDjangoConDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. DjangoCon will be held at the DoubleTree Green Hotel in Portland, Oregon. Conference days: September 8th - 10th. Sprint Days: September 11th - 12th.2009-09-08 15:00:00http://www.djangocon.org/2009-08-26 03:53:43 :2009-09-13 01:00:00 ,?Rex 0CVi{p]J7%lheHB A@VenueG} A@VenueF< A@VenueE| A@VenueDp A@VenueC3 A@VenueB A@VenueA A@Venue@JyEvent?=JyEvent>3JyEvent=pJyEvent<JyEvent;yJyEvent:xJyEvent9~JyEvent8JyEvent7JyEvent6}JyEvent5|JyEvent46}JyEvent7JyEvent8JyEvent9~JyEvent:xJyEvent;yJyEvent<JyEvent=pJyEvent>3JyEvent?=JyEvent@JyEventA A@VenueB A@VenueC3 A@VenueDp A@VenueE| A@VenueF< A@VenueG} A@VenueHB A@VenueI A@VenueJ A@VenueK~ A@VenueLx A@VenueMq A@VenueNJyEventOJyEventPJyEventTJyEventJyEvent x~echiques that enhance the power of a languge, how to implement some of these using exist];/3C33JvTwicnic at Wallace ParkGood afternoon, Every Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging around each other and having conversations someplace outdoor (be it about technology or otherwise.) Kindly suggested by Bryan Stearns, we’re meeting at Wallace Park this time. Note (EY 3s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing andjdDY3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and drivӐvCY%3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business valueАxBY)3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value tc  a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus or3U33JxPortland Angel Network - Nov. meeting application deadlineCompanies interested in applying to present at the November 19th PAN/OAF meeting need to apply by 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 8th. PAN and the Oregon Angel Fund only consider companies to present in front of investors who are headquartered in the state of Oregon or SW Washington (Vancouver, Camas, Ridgefield, Longview). 2009-10-09 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/programs_pan.aspx2009-08-26 15:52:352009-10-09 00:00:00} ei3933JxBend Venture Conference Application DeadlineNow in its sixth year, Bend Venture Conference (BVC) is the premier regional event connecting seed and early stage companies with investment opportunities and attracting the Northwest's top entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers.2009-09-15 00:00:00http://www.bendvc.com/2009-08-26 15:50:372009-09-15 00:00:00 to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

      Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

      The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

      • Scrum Overview
      • R IIlisabeth Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: >>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: #)Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        00cused on bringing people from a range LU 3=33JxWhereCampPDX weekly planning meetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. If you haven't met us, look for a table with a "WhereCampPDX" sign on it. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. 2009-08-28 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org/2009-08-26 22:55:16 ;2009-08-28 03:30:00 ))join - even if the compensationSU3=33JxWhereCampPDX weekly planning meetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. If you haven't met us before, look for a table with a "WhereCampPDX" sign on it. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. 2009-08-28 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org/2009-08-26 22:58:18 ;2009-08-28 03:30:00 $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:03:31 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:05:06 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 //ter and covered neighborhoods, education and now business. In November 2008, she was one of six U.S. reporters to be awarded an international reporting fellowship with the Thompson Reuters Foundation, when she traveled in China for three weeks exploring financial ties to Oregon. Prior to work=q;3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program details that details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.

        < br/>

        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:07:07 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 <Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program ogram details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.

        < br/>

        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:07:38 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 BBs also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and iK-'>)w3Q3JqHBack Fence PDXOn October 22nd at 8 p.m., Back Fence PDX and storytellers Beth Lisick, Sarah Gilbert, *q3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over prIt will go over program details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:08:15 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 TTe Stimulus Package) signed into law, how do emerging cleantech or renewable energy companies in need of financing access the grants, loans and other funding that can help their business thrive? The scarcity of venture capital funding and a non-existent IPO market makes understanding the incentives and funding available from Wash qq3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. go over program details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:09:30 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 LLelp ISVs gain a competitive advantage. Conducted entirely online, visitors will see live presentations, participate in live Q&A with presenters, visit 10 exhibitor booths filled with useful information and staffed with Intel experts, and network with others using the professional networking capabilities. The !q3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will ails that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:13:04 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 99ks, upgrading desktop software and understanding server security considerations are the key focus points of this seminar.

        MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
        Presented byFK3]3JvEngage 2009: Virtual ConferenceRegistration is Free! Reserve your spot today fo3"q'3S33Jx SBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program det ils that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)



        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:14:04 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 88 your Flickr content elsewhere including blogs and slideshows - third party tools and Greasemonkey scripts I'm also open to exploring Flickr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the e4#q)3S33Jx SBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program deta gram details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:14:44 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 Aoggers, such as copyright and tr*A 7k3]33JvPower Flickr WorkshopJoin professional photographer Aaron Hockley for ,%{!3C33JxNext PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 8/27 7pm @ Lucky Lab West Side[by: dsal]2009-08-28 02:00:00http://www.pagdig.org/?p=882009-08-27 20:17:07;b2009-08-28 04:00:00+$q3S33Jx SBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over proroduct Owner Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Certified Scrum Product Own RKR project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to assou/a3W33JxWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        This week we'll be doing Richard's creative problem solving exercise

        2009-08-28 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023905352009-08-26 16:29:18 @v;b2009-08-28 04:00:001/Y3W33JxWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        2009-05-29 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023905352009-08-26 16:27:23 @v;b2009-05-29 04:00:00d, even if this event is new to you. We'll be at a table with a "WhereCampPDX" sign on in. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. 2009-08-28 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org/2009-08-26 23:01:11 ;2009-08-28 03:30:00ding. At the end of the day, you will understand how to: Verify that your business concept can provide a sufficien MgM new language for the Java Platform that blends object-orientedqE3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        evacatherder's name was chosen from a pitcher stuffed full of the names of people hoping to win a 4G Sprint network card with a one year data plalUK3=33JxWhereCampPDX weekly planning meetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. All are welcomen. Judging from her tweets, Eva seems to be enjoying her new toy and I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all very happy that she won it! It's a pretty awesome score, no? (Thanks again for the hook-up @BMW!) This Friday we're thrilled to give away MORE stuff, and this time the odds of winning are much better! Courtesy of Network Redux, the first 50 Beer and Bloggers that want it will get 1 free shared Internet hosting account FOR LIFE. That's right, for a lifetime. AND the first 100 attendees get beer koozie, modeled here by Network Redux's Director of Communication Laura Gonzales. Handy and stylish, yes? And that's not all! To sweeten this amazing FREE giveaway deal, Network Redux is also paying the tab — up to 300 buckeroos — for our beer. That's right. FREE BEER. We know how much you like free beer. It just tastes better, doesn't it? Starting at 4pm at the Green Dragon (on the patio, of course) a sign-up sheet will be available for the free hosting program. After that's done you can celebrate your lifetime of hosting by ordering a complementary beer and picking out your stylish beer koozie. Will you choose the black one...or the black one? You decide. FREELY! Ha! If you want more info, head over to the Network Redux blog where Laura explains a bit more. And remember: as awesome as free is, eventually what's free is all gone. Don't take your sweet time getting to this Friday's Beer and Blog or you'll miss out on the goodies! Hope to see you there!2009-08-28 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-08-27 03:18:03 ; 2009-08-29 01:00:00tent">Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions: For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 16:48:06 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00rstanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions: For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 17:01:53 @w2009-09-22 19:30:00 cc for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thqe3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you_q3S33JxSBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your unde can create a competitive proposal.


        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:40:27 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00   009. The virtual user conference will help ISVs gain a competitive advantage. Conducted entirely online, visitors will see live presentations, participate in live Q&A with presenters, visit 10 exhibitor booths filled with useful information and stafb&Y}3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Per 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        <td valign="top">$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • <li>User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:41:54 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|Ğ'Ya3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owner Training, Septembr Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:42:42 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 << Ten, and Rob Wiltbank, partner at Buerk Dale Victor venture fund, and associate professor at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management at Willamette University, will present "16 Things That Indicate You're An Entrepreneur Who Gets It", both from the entrepreneur- and investor points of view. 0(Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owneer Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:43:23 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00"er Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:44:03 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 }}nd the Oregon State Procurement Office will have experts on hand to provide insights and answer questions on what can be a bewilderingly complex process.\n\nResearch Drives Us\nWe recently took a surv ey and found that over 63% of software decision-makers thought that obtaining a state or federal cono*Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Own!&r Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:44:29 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 t want to reveal an&,Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Own)+Y_3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owne%*er Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:45:08 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00-er Training, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:45:33 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 Kn: Saturday, Feb. 28, 1pm to 3pm Where: OTBC Cost: Fre(.Y 3s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owner T0!-Y{3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Own,1raining, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:46:03 @x2009-10-02 00:00:004raining, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:46:51 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 d4danization devoted to supporting the growth of technology startups in Oregon. This incuba<0Y13s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owner T78/Y)3s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Certified Scrum Product Owner T38raining, September 30th - October 1st

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:47:14 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00;and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Ea
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:47:45 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00rtlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=97&action=ViewPark2009-05-24 16:15:45 <=2009-05-24 23:00:00 "n4Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who C3YA3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial rAd2Y3s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing >l1Y3s33Jx Certified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing :?and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        When: September 30th - Oct 1st, 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. each day
        Where: Portland, OR
        Cost: $1200 per student
        20% Early Bird@ Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:48:22 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00ttp://seotraining.eventsbot.com/ 2009-06-17 23:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-05-25 16:54:34 ;2009-06-18 00:00:00Bole have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:51:24 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00Dassume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009
        Also, 5th Seat Free!
        When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog</li>
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:51:59 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00FOwners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:52:47 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 analytics on historical tick data? Join us at this free 60 minute webinar on addressing sources of trading platform latency featuring John Barr of the 451 Group. Learn how two US hedge funds are driving exceptional 5X faster trade execution performance including certifc6Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Hc5Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product EIOwners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:53:41 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00Kwho assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:54:10 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 orked for? This month's forum will guide you through both of these considerations, the two sides of real sustainability. Join us to share your ideas and discuss emerging local and national concepts and projects and how they are sustaining the good! The Springbf8Y3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product OwnMj7Y 3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner Training

        Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners JOers who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student
        20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • yy for angel or venture capital investors Validate your market - be sure you're building something people wan53s33JxPDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. 2009-08-28 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-08-26 18:29:48 ; 2009-08-28 05:00:00]Y3U33JwOEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 2OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, October 16 at 5:00 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presente
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend:
        Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:54:52 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00Qential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.

        Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.

        PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.

        2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:56:41 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00Seam that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

        Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:57:30 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 q{hUC0 ubP>,r_M:(l t Uc3]33JvUBeer and Blog - Network registrationTime to get your a=03w3U33JwSwapMeet - December Meet. Greet. Repeat. In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. Date and Time: Thursday December 10, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Someday Lounge 125 NW 5th Ave Portland, OR 97209 Registration: No Cost 2009-12-11 01:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=972009-08-18 17:44:10 :2009-12-11 03:00:00Wollaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following: zzrn for angel or venture capital investors Validate your market - be sure you're building something people wantUw3=33JxWhereCampPDX weekly planning meetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. What is WhereCampPDX, you ask? WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants. 2009-08-28 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org/2009-08-26 22:52:30 ;2009-08-28 03:30:00
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:58:24 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00rT &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ lan/,+)('%"! ߛ H FDC=;:96y432! " #%&'(ޚ)$*(,/.60=4G6L8՚;њAۚEnFpGrHtIvJxK{L}MOQRSTWXYZ]^_abcdfhjklmnoprtuwyz{|}›ÛěśƛǛț ɛ ʛ ˛ ̛ ͛ΛϛiЛmڛٛۛܛݛޛߛ !"%'()+,/1Zration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free

        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting

        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:59:08 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00\collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:59:26 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00^laboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free
        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 20:59:54 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00`ation with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free
        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:00:13 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00bgh close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free
        The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:01:51 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00hhrough close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following: ave as many cities around the world on February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

        By rallying toMgy3 33Jv{PicnicIts Sunday and that means another twitter picnic (aka twicnic). Look for the usual crowd close to the river. Oak's Bottom wildlife refuge is next door and has a fun trail through the refuge. Bring any toys (frisbee, etc) and food you might want.2009-05-17 19:00:002009-05-16 18:43:18 ;2009-05-17 23:00:00Mfy3 33Jv{PicnicIts Sunday and that means another twitter picnic (aka twicnic). Look for the usual crowd csS%3s33JxPortland Pythoneers monthly meetingSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2009-09-09 01:30:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-08-26 20:48:58 Date and Time: November 12th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership ($26 savings), and the Seed Oregon application fee 2009-11-13 01:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=842009-08-26 16:53:16 :62009-11-13 03:00:00  Chris Cowell-Shah Chris does quality assurance for Oracle's Java-based Rules engine. He has also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and is always on the lookout for points of intersection between the two. http://www.cowell-shah.com ---------- PJUG meetings start ^Y3U33JwOEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 1OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, September 18 at 5:00 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presengting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, October 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: October 14th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership ($26 savings), and the Seed Oregon application fee) 2009-10-15 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=602009-08-26 16:52:41 :62009-10-15 02:00:00
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:02:14 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 JJinsights he developed for his published materials: Pocket Guide to Customer-centric Thinking, Pocket Guide to Overcoming Your Impediments to Success; Pocket Guide to Behavioral Diversity in the Workplace: A Newws3W33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk ShowcasePortland Business Alliance pres23333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To see specific topics and reserve your space at this event, go to The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:04:58 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00ce/index.html2009-06-02 14:22:06 @2009-06-16 00:00:00://www.solutionsiq.com/images/register.gif" border="0"> The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:05:34 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 ))h it should be worth your tiG-W3 33Jx-Rose City SPIN seminar: Estimation - Understanding Project Environmental EffectsNetworking from 6-7, Seminar from 7-8:00 PM Come in early for free pizza provided by the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference! Abstract Estimates are required multiple times in a project. Project members need to make estimates for a variety of reasons, these include: • The amount of time for a task; • The cost for resources; • The cost of software, hardware and other materials; • The time required to finish a task. However, there are many problems with estimates. This presentation focuses on the sociological and psychological aspects of doing estimates. It teaches attendees the environmental issues that affect estimates and how to deal with their impact. Through class interaction, it shows both the psychological and sociological factors that affect how estimates are given and provides leaders with tools to help avoid the common pK tain registration discount. More information at:  http://www.corpsecure.com/wpv-conference/index.html This conference is a must attend event for professionals that have responsib5FY#3s33Jx!Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:06:05 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 Int and schema-free document-oriented database accessible vi|(qY3333JtCalagator code sprint at Recent Changes Camp (RCC)Join us to improve Calagator at Recent Changes CGY93s33Jx"Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 qThe product backlog

      • User
      • Release planning and tracking
      • External relationships
      • Metrics and reporting
      Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:07:44 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00  PRESENTATION What is Linux Fund? by Randal L. Schwartz and David Mandel A discussion of the administrative side of running an Ope}IY33s33Jx$Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
      • Scrum Overview
      • Roles and responsibilities
      • s>The product backlog
      • User
      • Release planning and tracking
      • External relationships
      • Metrics and reporting
      Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free!When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:08:01 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 ft-tag.aspx" rel="nofollow">Microsoft and Google have recently announced plans to utilize 2D barcodes. Busine|JY13s33Jx%Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
      • Scrum Overview
      • Roles and responsibilities
      • The product backlog
      • User
      • Release planning and tracking
      • External relationships
      • Metrics and reporting
      Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:08:17 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 ng with open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning meeting on November 6th at OTBC's new location in The Round (next to the Beaverton Transit Center). We?3 73?33JtOregon SQL -Developers Professiona|KY13s33Jx&Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
      • Scrum Overview
      • Roles and responsibilities
      • The product backlog
      • User
      • Release planning and tracking
      • External relationships
      • Metrics and reporting
      Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:08:46 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 e company followed by organic, grassroots growth. Instead of a formal Board of Advisors, we are like a Board of Peers. Our events are for tech startup executives only - sorry services providers you can't attend. This month's Featured Tech Leader sLY3s33Jx'Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
      • Scrum Overview
      • Roles and responsibilitiez/li>
      • The product backlog
      • User
      • Release planning and tracking
      • External relationships
      • Metrics and reporting
      Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free! 2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:09:00 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00 cZith open source. We're having a second town hall discussion and planning mee 7_5m-[3]33JvAPIs: How Earth Shaking Could They Be and Why Haven't They Shaken The Earth Yet?Join Marshall Kirkpatrick at the Portland Web InnovuMY#3s33Jx(Certified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
      • Scrum Overview
      • Roles and responsibilities<|y Scrum meetings, Sprint Review meetings, Sprint Retrospectives, and much more. Who should attend: All software team members, including project managers, team leads, development managers, product managers, architects, developers, testers, as well as executives (e.g. CIOs and CTOs). Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free! 2009-11-10 17:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7606812009-08-27 21:38:45 @x2009-11-12 01:00:00 >>io Chris Delaney is the Chief Executive of InsignROIm3s33JxCertified ScrumMaster TrainingSolutionsIQ Certified ScrumMaster Training gives you all the tools and information you need to get started with Scrum and Agile. Delivered by SolutionsIQ’s world-renowned Certified ScrumMaster Trainers, this course shares time-tested practices for managing Product Backlogs, planning your releases and iterations (Sprints), and tracking and reporting progress. You’ll learn how to lead Sprint Planning meetings, DailXNIy3s33JxCertified ScrumMaster TrainingSolutionsIQ Certified ScrumMaster Training gives you all the tools and information you need to get started with Scrum and Agile. Delivered by SolutionsIQ’s world-renowned Certified ScrumMaster Trainers, this course shares time-tested practices for managing Product Backlogs, planning your releases and iterations (Sprints), and tracking and reporting progress. You’ll learn how to lead Sprint Planning meetings, Dail~y Scrum meetings, Sprint Review meetings, Sprint Retrospectives, and much more. Who should attend: All software team members, including project managers, team leads, development managers, product managers, architects, developers, testers, as well as executives (e.g. CIOs and CTOs). Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free! 2009-11-10 17:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7606812009-08-27 21:39:16 @x2009-11-12 01:00:00 Scrum meetings, Sprint Review meetings, Sprint Retrospectives, and much more. Who should attend: All software team members, including project managers, team leads, development managers, product managers, architects, developers, testers, as well as executives (e.g. CIOs and CTOs). Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by October 10th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free! 2009-11-10 17:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7606812009-08-27 21:39:38 @x2009-11-12 01:00:00 ]!]r three days of mind-melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company a=ska3333JvPortland Linux/Unix Group: What is Linux Fund?PRESENTATION What is Linux Fund? by Randal L. Schwartz and David Mandel A discussion 8QMC3]33JxSAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetingIf you are tech entrepreneur or startup executive we would be pleased to have you attend the StartUp Exchange Meeting. The meetings areSPIo3s33JxCertified ScrumMaster TrainingSolutionsIQ Certified ScrumMaster Training gives you all the tools and information you need to get started with Scrum and Agile. Delivered by SolutionsIQ’s world-renowned Certified ScrumMaster Trainers, this course shares time-tested practices for managing Product Backlogs, planning your releases and iterations (Sprints), and tracking and reporting progress. You’ll learn how to lead Sprint Planning meetings, Daily meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some of the attendees are likely going through the same issue and have ideas to share, and many of the folks who attend have started many companies so have wisdom to share. Participation is limited to tech entrepreneurs or startup executives only so service providers are not able to attend We have plenty of space but we ask that you now RSVP so we have an idea of how many cups to bring for the beer. If you have questions about the group please contact Dave Howell, CEO of Avatron at: dave (at) avatron.com Dave is serving as an admin for the group while it nears its one year anniversary. A few other leaders in the community are as well including: - Brian Jamison, CEO OpenSourcery - Lee Harding, VP Software SunStone Circuits2009-09-08 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253279/2009-08-27 22:12:11 <;b2009-09-08 23:00:00 44ue with their customers, employees and parHR13]33JwSAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-03 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253269/2009-08-27 22:13:46 ;;b2009-09-03 23:00:00 44ts will be able to interact with program mHT13]33JwSAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253277/2009-08-27 22:18:25 ;;b2009-09-17 23:00:00ot has happened since they last hosted Lunch 2.0 back in April 2008, including the launch of their new event registration service, eROI Event . To showcase their new system, eROI wants your suggestions on what they should raffle off at their Lunch 2.0. So, head over to the Lunch 2.0 event , register and suggest something. You'll get a chance to test-drive eROI Event, and the winner will be selected from those who register there. If it's not too much trouble, please also RSVP here or only here, if you don't want to win free stuff. As if. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-09-16 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4230647/2009-08-27 22:19:08 9;bؾ2009-09-16 21:00:00_2009-06-21 00:00:00 44Citor who is reading your blog and how thHS13]33JwSAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-10 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253274/2009-08-27 22:16:07 ;;b2009-09-10 23:00:00 to 6 preseuW/a3W33JxWestside Proggers

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        This week we'll be doing Richard's creative problem solving exercise

        2009-08-28 02:00:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023905352009-08-30 14:27:22 <;b2009-08-28 04:00:00|V)G3 33JwSAO ConnectPDXLooking for new networking opportunities? Join us for SAO ConnectPDX, free and open networking from 4-6pm every Thursday at Blitz (Pearl). Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! 2009-08-20 23:00:00http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=705792009-08-30 14:27:14 ;2009-08-21 01:00:00NU/ 3]33JwLunch 2.0 at eROIWe're headed back to eROI for Portland Lunch 2.0. A l xx [ consider yourself an enthusiast, developer, designer, marketer, or writer, W"Dw3S33JtPostgreSQL Portland Performance Practice Project (P5)Sponsored by the Computer Science Department, Portland State University This series will conC?]393JtShizzow Developers MeetupWe wanted to make ourselve({?E3Q33JvSummer CoderX%3Q33JvJUX Book ClubInterested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's second UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday June 23. For this session, we're reading "Mental Models" by Indi Young: www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/mental-models/ Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date.2009-06-24 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-08-30 14:27:29 @h2009-06-24 03:30:00gram details that program managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 ll details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1819819/ ] Security is a hot topic and sensitive area in software/web development today. Whether you work for an ISV or a corporate enterprise, for many in the QA realm, the challenge is where this fits or how to start testing. Wel]Yg3Q33Jw5UX Book Club: "The Design of Everyday Things"Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's third UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday August 18. For this session, we're reading "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald Norman: http://bit.ly/1aEa7D Feel free to bring snacks or drinks (alcohol is a-okay), for yourself or to share. We'll be meeting at Tyesha's house--the address will be posted closer to the date. Please RSVP here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/30706582009-08-19 02:00:00http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php2009-08-30 14:27:29 @h2009-08-19 03:30:00- General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-30 14:28:06 92009-09-22 19:30:00 AAsize:70%" >photo source: Flickr

        Rasmus Lerdorf will be in town for Open Source Bridge and has graciously offered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over prod make it easy to share and update. As simple as it may sound, the task is complicated because not only do these records need to serve the patients they also need to serve doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurers, pharmacists, hospitals, clinics and government regulators. Join us on Sept 17th for a discussion of this important field of healthcare and the entrepreneurial opportunities. Panelists include: • Grad Conn , Senior Director Microsoft HealthVault, Microsoft • Phil Marshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebMD • Will McKinney, Vice President, Consumer Directed Health Systems Regence, Regence Panel will be moderated by Malcolm Costello, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Relations, Kryptiq 2009-09-18 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=3611&keyword=health&from_where=search&from_search=true&batch_start=0&from_val=calendar2009-08-31 01:39:29 @y2009-09-18 04:30:00 ikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmus_Lerdorf">Rasmus Lerdorf will be in town for Open Source Bridge and has graciously offered to lead a Z]SS333JxScott Hanselman - .NET 4.0, VS 2010Scott Hanselman is coming to CDNUG in September[Oy3=33JwDASH (Different Area—Same Hunt)DASH (Different Area—Same Hunt) is a puzzle hunt event (a fun, interactive event in which teams of players race to find and solve creative puzzles hidden in different locations) which takes place on the same day in multiple cities across the United States. Each city contributed one clue to the event, and each event will use all the clues from the contributing cities. In other words, the clues for each city's hunt will be the same, only the locations will be different. The start location will be announced by Sept 6; it will be somewhere within Fareless Square. This is a ticketed event; sign-up on the website by Sept 10.2009-09-13 16:30:00http://playdash.org/pdx/2009-08-30 14:32:48 :A2009-09-14 01:00:00! Scott is a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft and is always up on the latest tech coming out of Redmond. He also has a popular Podcast called Hanselminutes and blogs at http://www.hanselman.com/blog/. This month is sponsored by the Business Solutions Group (BSG) at OSU and will be hosted on campus. Go to room 1003 in Kelley Engineering. Hope to see you there! Time/Place: Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM Location: Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon RSVP here! (Or you can email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!) 6:30 - 7:30: Scott Hanselman, Microsoft ".NET 4.0, VS 2010" 7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please invite any other .NET professionals that may be interested! Website: http://corvallisdotnetug.ning.com/ 2009-09-16 01:00:00http://corvallisdotnetug.ning.com/events/scott-hanselman-net-40-vs2009-08-30 18:58:25 >U2009-09-16 03:30:00 03:00:00 g for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics. Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in application security, and is currently employed with Yahoo as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer, so there will be no shortage of interesti1^q3o33JxTiE Oregon - HealtCare IT - Patient Health RecordsEven though the field of healthcare has made great technological strides in the past few decades the typical patient record still looks like the patient record of 50 years ago. As part of the Obama administrations effort to modernize this field of healthcare several incentives are being offered to improve this field of healthcare. Patient Healthcare Records – what does it involve? PHR involves putting patients in control of their health information, store it in a central location, and make it easy to share and update. As simple as it may sound, the task is complicated because not only do these records need to serve the patients they also need to serve doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurers, pharmacists, hospitals, clinics and government regulators. Join us on Sept 17th for a discussion of this important field of healthcare and the entrepreneurial opportunities. Panelists include: • Grad Conn , Senior Director Microsoft HealthVault, Microsoft • Phil Marshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebMD • Will McKinney, Vice President, Consumer Directed Health Systems Regence, Regence Panel will be moderated by Malcolm Costello, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Relations, Kryptiq 2009-09-18 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=3611&keyword=health&from_where=search&from_search=true&batch_start=0&from_val=calendar2009-08-31 01:45:58 @z2009-09-18 04:30:00  offered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics. Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in application security, and is currently employed with Yahoo as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer, so there will be1_q3o33JxTiE Oregon - HealtCare IT - Patient Health RecordsEven though the field of healthcare has made great technological strides in the past few decades the typical patient record still looks like the patient record of 50 years ago. As part of the Obama administrations effort to modernize this field of healthcare several incentives are being offered to improve this field of healthcare. Patient Healthcare Records – what does it involve? PHR involves putting patients in control of their health information, store it in a central location, and make it easy to share and update. As simple as it may sound, the task is complicated because not only do these records need to serve the patients they also need to serve doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurers, pharmacists, hospitals, clinics and government regulators. Join us on Sept 17th for a discussion of this important field of healthcare and the entrepreneurial opportunities. Panelists include: • Grad Conn , Senior Director Microsoft HealthVault, Microsoft • Phil Marshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebMD • Will McKinney, Vice President, Consumer Directed Health Systems Regence, Regence Panel will be moderated by Malcolm Costello, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Relations, Kryptiq 2009-09-18 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=3611&keyword=health&from_where=search&from_search=true&batch_start=0&from_val=calendar2009-08-31 15:46:45 ?!2009-09-18 04:30:00 TTfered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics. Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in applicati_a%333JuXTiE Oregon/OHSU: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Health ITHealth Information T1`q3o33JxTiE Oregon - HealtCare IT - Patient Health RecordsEven though the field of healthcare has made great technological strides in the past few decades the typical patient record still looks like the patient record of 50 years ago. As part of the Obama administrations effort to modernize this field of healthcare several incentives are being offered to improve this field of healthcare. Patient Healthcare Records – what does it involve? PHR involves putting patients in control of their health information, store it in a central location, anechnology Gets $19 Billion Boost, Comparative Effectiveness Research Gets $1 Billion The new economic stimulus bill is an example of the priority and urgency the new Congress and Obama Administration gives to reforming the health care system. As part of the stimulus package, signed into law by President Obama, $19 billion is now dedicated to transforming the patient record to an electronic format and adopting standards, to be developed by Jan 1, 2010. Practitioners will receive incentives to use Heath Information Technology (HIT) standards that must be developed by Jan. 1, 2010. Physicians and other practitioners will be eligible for up to $64,000 in incentive payments over several years for the meaningful use of an electronic medical record for patients. By 2015 all physicians will be required to use electronic records in their practice. Hospitals will also be eligible for $1-9 million in incentives for meaningful EHR adoption. This stimulus package is expected to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide technology and services to healthcare practitioners and organizations. It will also focus on developing the health IT workforce that institutions like OHSU are already doing, creating new career opportunities in this area. TIE Oregon has partnered with OHSU and lined up a great panel of healthcare industry professionals and entrepreneurs who have pioneered the development and use of Electronic Health Records, who will provide insights into this industry and how entrepreneurs can capitalize on this opportunity. If you are looking to get into this field this is your opportunity to network and learn! 2009-05-21 01:00:00http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?mode=edit&id_event=3061&from_where=status_event&id_status_chapter=50¤t_year=2009&batch_start=0&chapter_region=North%20America&status=12009-08-31 15:48:00 @g2009-05-21 04:00:00year OEN individual membership)2009-06-04 23:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=742009-06-04 18:13:37 <2009-06-05 01:00:00d make it easy to share and update. As simple as it may sound, the task is complicated because not only do these records need to serve the patients they also need to serve doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurers, pharmacists, hospitals, clinics and government regulators. Join us on Sept 17th for a discussion of this important field of healthcare and the entrepreneurial opportunities. Panelists include: • Grad Conn , Senior Director Microsoft HealthVault, Microsoft • Phil Marshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebMD • Will McKinney, Vice President, Consumer Directed Health Systems Regence, Regence Panel will be moderated by Malcolm Costello, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Relations, Kryptiq 2009-09-18 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=3611&keyword=health&from_where=search&from_search=true&batch_start=0&from_val=calendar2009-08-31 15:48:01 @g2009-09-18 04:30:00l|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(" ztnhb\VPJD>82,& ~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ hfg_fWeQdJcCb@a;`7_1^)]"\[ZYXWVU}T|S{RuQoPeO_NWMQLKKDJ8I0H(G%F"EDC BAx@r?j>d=^766-5*4)3 210 /.~-x,p+h*a)Y(R'&%x$p#h"c!^ WURLHIEF?H5G/E)DCBA @?>}=v9r06/..'-!,+*)('&|%u$l#!N B3  k@ ng/co-founder of Living Harvest Foods, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's discovery of a local hemp foods company in Vancouver, Canada in 2002, Christina put her passion for health and nutrition to the test, when she committed to bring hemp foods to the U.S.; promising the creation of a consumer friendly and approachable brand that would legitimize hemp along the way1bq3o33JxTiE Oregon - HealtCare IT - Patient Health RecordsEven though the field of healthcare has made great technological strides in the past few decades the typical patient record still looks like the patient record of 50 years ago. As part of the Obama administrations effort to modernize this field of healthcare several incentives are being offered to improve this field of healthcare. Patient Healthcare Records – what does it involve? PHR involves putting patients in control of their health information, store it in a central location, an This presentation will focus on how the “war room” or actual physical space that the team inhabits can help the success of the design and foster great team relationships. In this shared space is where designers can give their ideas shape, and explore solutions together. Gretchen Anderson is the Director of Interaction Design at Lunar Design in San Francisco. Her experience working in firms that do both industrial and interaction design has taught her that getting ideas through the concept phase is a difficult yet crucial stage to successful product design. Gretchen was educated at Harvard and has worked in the design industry for 13 years creating unique products and experiences—from medical products and consumer electronics, to enterprise software applications and consumer websites. Her clients include Starbucks, Virgin Records, HP, Microsoft, Intel, SanDisk, and Johnson & Johnson.2009-09-03 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4230392/2009-08-31 17:24:10 @{;b2009-09-03 04:00:00 eduling, and marketing of power. Ms. Ballance earned a bachelor of science degree in social science from Marylhurst College and a bachelor of science in chemistry from Portland State University. Additionally, she’s completed executive coursework at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and has studied five foreign languages Ryan Buchanan, President & CEO, ezd}3]33JxOpen Source to Venture Capital - Portland Web InnovatorsLuke Kanies from Reductive Labs will tell about his experience starting an Open Source Project (Puppet), building a company around it and raising venture capital. Some questions Luke will answer: * How do you make money when anyone can download your source code? * Is venture capital necessary? * Why did he choose to move his company to Portland? Of course, if you come, Luke will answer your questions, too.2009-09-03 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4223295/2009-08-31 17:24:42 @|;b2009-09-03 02:00:00 opics: * Risk vs Reward - How do you know if it makes sense to bootstrap your idea? * Keep your Day Job - The stress of self funding with no income can sometimes lead to failure * Cash Flow - How to get a handle on your most important business aspect * How to market your business on a shoestring budget Presenters: Chanin Ballance, President & CEO, viaLanguage Ms. Ballance was named Chief Executive Officer of viaLanguage in August 2003. She co-founded viaLanguage in 2000 and served as viaLanguaccO3]33JxCHIFOO Meeting: Making and Sharing Space: Design Success for Interaction and Industrial DesignersPresented by Gretchen Anderson, of Lunar Design. When designing products with both form and function aspects to them, a team of people with varied talents is required. Industrial designers and interaction designers must come together to create something that is holistic and cohesive. But our education, focus, and areas of expertise can be very different.e Pre has a flourishing open source community. Why is the Pre so good? There are many reasons why the Pre is a good development platform. The big reason is potential. While the SDK only allows web coding with additional API's, the core of the system is Linux, which already has a large community. What do I need for a Pre Development Workshop? Please bring a laptop with the SDK already installed. The SDK can be downloaded from http://developer.palm.com I also recommend installing the eclipse platform with the Mojo plug-in. Instructions can be found here: http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1639 Why only six tickets? The space we are using at Souk has space for six people. If tickets sell out, then we will add more tickets. Contact Jordan Gensler (@kesne) for more information.2009-09-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4404341/2009-08-31 17:30:30 ?;b2009-09-05 19:00:00 ]=] REST designs and implementations, and author of FastSOA, will lead the seminar.


        1) The why, what, and how of open-source build and test tools vs. traditional tools

        2) Building applications with Rich Internet Application technology without learning JavaScript

        3) Testing using recor\fQ3U33JxOEN Seed Oregon - Round 1 DeadlineSep. 18 is the deadline to submit an application for Seed Oregon Round 1 2009-09-19 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=602009-08-31 23:06:472009-09-19 00:00:007eGG3]33JxPalm Pre Development WorkshopJoin us on Saturday the 5th for the Portland Pre Development Workshop. Everyone is welcome to attend, no prior programming experience is needed. What is a Pre? The Pre refers to the Palm Pre, a new competitor in the Smartphone market. Why develop for the Pre? The pre offers a simple but comprehensive SDK that is easy to build on but is also powerful. ThN Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution by K Lars Lohn Nothing exercises the limits of software like turning it over to the end users. While in-house testing is invaluable, the end users can often find the neglected edge cases or subtle race conditions in a more reliable manner. However, once the software is in the end user’s hands, postmortem crash information is usually lost. By taking the Google Breakpad project and enhancing it with Mozilla’s own Socorro project, Mozilla has a solution to this problem. When Firefox goes down, in a last ditch effort, it lobs a packet of crash information over the wall to Mozilla's Socorro servers. Socorro Servers, written in Python, can handle millions of these crashes per day. Using Google Breakpad libraries to reconstitute useful stack traces, Socorro Server saves its work in a PostgreSQL database. There statistics are gathered and di nnwith its content forever. Pete has a rich history of launching companies and can share the good, h%;3333Jx!Portland Linux/Unix Group: Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution PRESENTATIOvg;)3 33Jx Women in GIS Happy HourSeveral WIGIS members (including a local social media guru) have been brainstorming about new directions for WIGIS that include expanding our network, opening channels of information, and more actively encouraging participation from all members. We're thinking Twitter, Facebook, a wiki page perhaps. We invite you to join us for Happy Hour on September 30, where we hope to continue discussions in this vein. Please come if you want to bounce around ideas, learn more about social media, or just get to know other local folks who share an interest in GIS. All are welcome. - Marcelle Caturia, Sarah Beecroft, Christina Friedle, Justin Houk, Molly Vogt2009-10-01 00:30:002009-09-01 02:28:21 ;2009-10-01 02:00:00splayed under the Socorro UI, a PHP web application. With this suite of tools, the Mozilla developers can track trends and even drill down to look at specific instances of Firefox crashes. WARNING: during this talk, Firefox will be intentionally crashed live on stage. Those of delicate constitution may wish to retire to the lobby prior to the spectacle. about Lars Trapped at the triple point between a geek, a hippie and a biker, Lars is a self proclaimed Cowboy Programmer at the Mozilla Corporation. Unintentionally specializing in programming as performance art, Lars frequently jumps into projects on the Thursday prior to a Monday deadline. Lars is proud of being the only member of the Web Development team that does absolutely no Web development. Lars prefers Python, PostgreSQL and Harleys, but is versed in C++, MySQL and Subarus. 2009-09-04 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-09-01 04:05:54 >2009-09-04 04:00:00 oductive connections, and hiring and retaining outstanding creative workers. The afternoon centers on a moderated panel discussion focusing on strategies for hiring top creative talent, and for getting yourself hired into these roles. PANELISTS Kirk zj}3]33JxOpen Source to Venture Capital - Portland Web InnovatorsLuke Kanies from Reductive Labs will tell about his experience starting an Open Source Project (Puppet), building a company around it and raising venture capital. Some questions Luke will answer: * How do you make money when anyone can download your source code? * Is venture capital necessary? * Why did he choose to move his company to Portland? Of course, if you come, Luke will answer your questions, too.2009-09-03 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4223295/2009-09-01 16:33:07 @|;b2009-09-03 02:00:00{i;33 33Jx Women in GIS Happy HourWomen In GIS (WIGIS) is a network of people sharing ideas, experiences, and resources to promote geographic inquiry and support women working in GIS and related fields. WIGIS is a Special Interest Group of the Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter of URISA. Several WIGIS members (including a local social media guru) have been brainstorming about new directions for WIGIS that include expanding our network, opening channels of information, and more actively encouraging participation from all members. We're thinking Twitter, Facebook, a wiki page perhaps. We invite you to join us for Happy Hour on September 30, where we hope to continue discussions in this vein. Please come if you want to bounce around ideas, learn more about social media, or just get to know other local folks who share an interest in GIS. All are welcome. - Marcelle Caturia, Sarah Beecroft, Christina Friedle, Justin Houk, Molly Vogt2009-10-01 00:30:002009-09-01 06:06:51 ;2009-10-01 02:00:00tup that redefines bookmarking so that you not only save the link reference, but also the specific wk, Twitter, and Ecademy * . What social bookmarking is and how you can use it to improve your SEO * . How to get clients and business from these sites. * Why e-newsletters and Blogs are part of social media and how to incorporate them into your strategy * The value of podcasts and internet video If you're frustrated or overwhelmed by social media and wonder what the ROI is for using it, Taylor will explain how social media works and how you can get started developing a strategy for using it. When: TWO dates Sept 14th 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30Pm EST and September 22nd 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30 Pm PST Where: The comfort of your home and office Cost: $35.00 (normally a 150 dollar class) To Register please RSVP with imagineyourreality@gmail.com or at http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html2009-09-14 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406419/2009-09-01 21:10:24 @};b2009-09-14 23:30:00, Twitter, and Ecademy * . What social bookmarking is and how you can use it to improve your SEO * . How to get clients and business from these sites. * Why e-newsletters and Blogs are part of social media and how to incorporate them into your strategy * The value of podcasts and internet video If you're frustrated or overwhelmed by social media and wonder what the ROI is for using it, Taylor will explain how social media works and how you can get started developing a strategy for using it. When: TWO dates Sept 14th 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30Pm EST and September 22nd 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30 Pm PST Where: The comfort of your home and office Cost: $35.00 (normally a 150 dollar class) To Register please RSVP with imagineyourreality@gmail.com or via http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html2009-09-22 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406424/2009-09-01 21:13:24 @};b2009-09-22 23:30:00 s presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. F# Abstract: F# is a typed functional programming language for the .NET Framework, based on OCaml. F# combines functional programming with the runtime support, libraries, tools, and object model of .NET. Understand how F# tacfkQ3]33Jx"Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Bizni rship team and IT business and technology leaders to apply open source methodologies to software development and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protZ9/3Q33JvVenture Northwest 2009Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is an annual confglQ3]33Jx#Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik 66d by: AeA Technology and IP Committee ___________________________________________________________ About the program: Portland has a productive and creative open source community, and great business advantage awaits companies who can use open source code to make a better proprietary product cheaper or faster. However, traditional thinking divides companies into two camps: open source companies, which embrace the open source business model and have no proprietary products, and proprietary software companies, which may want to use open source softwFmIW3i33JwPalm Pre Development WorkshopsHello all! Just so you know, the first Pre Development Workshop will be on Saturday the 5th in the month of September! Please mark it on your calendar. The time has been set from 10:00-12:00. Tickets are now on sale at http://portlandpredevworkshops.eventbrite.com/ Thanks, Jordan Gensler2009-09-05 17:00:00http://portlandpredevworkshops.eventbrite.com/2009-09-01 21:49:59 ?Jx2009-09-05 19:00:00of each, and show how these libraries make working with CouchDB easier. Along the way I will talk about the particular types of problems that CouchDB is good at solving. Jesse Hallett has been designing web applications with Ruby for nearly three years now. He has worked on administrative / record-keeping applications, CMS and Ecommerce platforms, and various other pieces of software. He spends as much time as possible with his fellow geeks in organizations like the Portland Ruby Brigade and the Portland JavaScript Admirers. Jesse has developed a strong interest in the evolving state-of-the-art of client-side JavaScript technology and next generation databases. Jesse is currently developing JavaScript technology at Jive Software. 2. "Testing iPhone apps with Ruby and Cucumber", Ian Dees This talk begins with a survey of the landscape of iPhone UI testing. In particular, we’ll discuss the groundbreaking work done by Matt Gallagher in stimulating and spidering the iPhone UI with an XPath test script. That will be a natural jumping-off point to explain why a full-fledged “GUI driver” for iPhone apps has been long in coming. We’ll look at different ways to prod at application code, and discuss the tradeoffs. Finally, I’ll introduce a simple library of Ruby glue code to connect Cucumber test scripts to the iPhone. The technique will be very basic, but just powerful enough to test a simple iPhone app. Ian Dees saw his first Timex Sinclair 1000 over 20 years ago, and was instantly hooked. Since then, he’s debugged embedded assembly code using an oscilloscope, written desktop apps in C++, and joyfully employed scripting languages to make testing less painful. Ian currently writes GUI code for handheld instruments as a Software Engineer at Tektronix. Ian is the author of the book Scripted GUI Testing With Ruby: http://pragprog.com/titles/idgtr 3. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in. 2009-09-02 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-09-02 01:57:16 @2009-09-02 04:00:00 o-founder of Living Harvest Foods, Inc. brings 12 years of marketing expertise and entrepreneurship to Living Harvest. Following her family's discovery of a local hemp foods company in Vancouver, Canada in 2002, Christina put her passion for healthjn3333JwPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: CouchDB, iPhone + CucumberThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs. PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby Persistence with CouchDB", Jesse Hallett There are several libraries out there that provide high level interfaces between Ruby and CouchDB. I will give an overview of some of them, discuss the pros and cons   AeA Technology and IP Committee ___________________________________________________________ About the program: Portl@_[3K33JvBeer and Blog - Twitalyzer Top 100 MeetupCome meet the Twitalyzer Top 100 people in Portland on Twitter. Twitalyzer creator Eric Peterson will be there to explain his service and will kick in for some drinks!2009-06-12 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-06-08 03:05:08 ; Go_}3733Jx$Linux Fund 10th Anniversary Benefit PartyCome celebrate Linux Fund's 10th anniversary with free drinks, refreshments and entertainment during LinuxCon! The awesome venue is close to the downtown Marriott where LinuxCon is taking place and will be revealed at linuxfund.org on the day of the event. LinuxCon attendees can pick up an invitation and directions at our table. We can squeeze in a few more sponsors! Contact general@linuxfund.org for more information. See you there!2009-09-23 03:00:00http://linuxfund.org/2009-09-02 06:35:53 @~2009-09-23 07:00:00 ethodologies to software development and business communities. Bill McQuaide, Executive Vice President of Products and Services, Black Duck Software Bill will review what you need to know about how to protect your software value in a merger or acquisition and how to accelerate software development through the managed use of open source and third-pa [_3U33JvOEN PubTalk - With Living Harvest FoodsJoin OEKp_3733Jx$Linux Fund 10th Anniversary Benefit PartyCome celebrate Linux Fund's 10th anniversary with free drinks, refreshments and entertainment during LinuxCon! The awesome venue is close to the downtown Marriott where LinuxCon is taking place and will be revealed at www.linuxfund.org on the day of the event. LinuxCon attendees can pick up an invitation and directions at our table. We can squeeze in a few more sponsors! Contact general@linuxfund.org for more information. See you there!2009-09-23 03:00:00http://linuxfund.org/2009-09-02 06:38:39 @2009-09-23 07:00:00 X09BKT]fox#2ԡM-9M333Jr.AeA Party in the PinotCelebrate Oregon’s High-Tech Industry with over 400 of the area’s top technology executives and service provideg%/3Q33JtUX Book ClubWelcome to the inaugural meeting of the PDX UX Book Club! The selected book is Dan Roam's "The Back of the Napkin": www.thebFr'73333Jx&WikiWednesdayJoin the group of a wiki enthusiasts (or the merely curious) for our monthly meetup. 2009-09-03 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-09-02 17:00:30 92009-09-03 03:00:00$q=3 33Jx%OIF and OEN Big BBQ BashIf you’re an entrepreneur or part of a start-up, you’re invited to mingle and network at the Big BBQ Bash, hosted by the Oregon Investment Fund and Oregon Entreprenuers Network. Food and drink will be provided. Event is free. Please RSVP to laurend "at" mackenzie-marketing "dot" com by Monday, September 21st.2009-09-29 23:00:002009-09-02 16:41:05 @2009-09-30 02:00:00dustry professionals via interactive and engaging sessions. We will assist you in building companies that are attractive to investors, customers, partners and employees via a series of focused, interactive educational sessions. Session I – Sales and Marketing - Presented by Bill Etheredge, WCE Consulting Session II – Understanding Cap Table Dynamics - Presented by Brent Bullock, Perkins Coie Session III – Understanding Financial Statements - Presented by Jared Holum, Perkins & Co. Session IV - Ask the Expert Panel Dates and Times: October 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7:30 am – 9:30 am Location: Perkins Coie, 1120 N.W. Couch Street, Tenth Floor, Portland, OR 97209-4128. Parking in building garage will be validated. Cost: The course is $200 for OEN members for the entire Executive Series and $325 for non-members (includes a one year individual membership), and is available for a maximum of 20 participants. 2009-10-06 14:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx2009-09-02 18:49:20 >c2009-10-06 16:30:00 Zay to day basis. This event shows the dynamic variety that will help shape Oregon’s economic future. Date and Time: Wednesday September 09, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: 1313 NW .47w3533Jr3Calagator code sj#13933JtPDXCritiqueThe mission of PDX Critique is to provide a monthly forum for designers of any stripe (graphic, web, whatever) to share information and constructive criticism. If you have something to show, sign up here: http://groUtes3W33Jx(OEN Workshop - Selling Stock in Your CompanyEarly-stage companies - understanding aҋs]3I33Jx'OEN Executive Series – Practical Education for Challenging timesBusiness leaders need to be exposed to the latest trends, as well as core business ideologies. So, OEN has developed the 2009 Executive Series curriculum to provide entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to make critical business decisions. This four-week educational series is designed to offer entrepreneurs access to in  social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. This month's topic is "Hunger." Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, fo<KA3q33JvPortland Pythoneers June MeetupPortland Pythoneers This montgu3K33JwPortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange!Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly networking event. You've heard of speed dating, this is speed networking! Tuesday, September 8, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court on the 4th floor. Advance registration highly recommended! Go to www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members - $5 online in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members - $15 online in advance/$20 at the door. First timers: for more information, call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. 2009-09-08 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-02 19:18:10 >2009-09-08 16:00:00 dest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude wikmKE3K33JtFarwezw3K33JwPortland Business Alliance Forum: Moving Our Region's Economy ForwardLocation: Govgv3K33JwPortland Business Alliance presents Business Leads Exchange!Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly networking event. You've heard of speed dating, this is speed networking! Tuesday, September 8, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court on the 4th floor. Advance registration highly recommended! Go to www.portlandalliance.com. Prices: Members - $5 online in advance/$8 at the door. Non-members - $15 online in advance/$20 at the door. First timers: for more information, call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759. 2009-09-22 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-02 19:18:45 >2009-09-22 16:00:00ernor Hotel, 614 SW 11th Ave. Event Description: The September Forum will kick off the new season of Portland Business Alliance (Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce) monthly breakfast Forum that will focus on job creation, the economy and the current issues impacting business. This month's theme: Some companies and industries in the region are beginning to gain some traction. Are we the little engine that could? Who are these companies and industries that can pull us out of this recession? How can others get on board? Series Sponsors: Liberty Northwest Portland Tribune Pre-register at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 September 15th, 2009 for this event. Prices: Members - $30. Non-members - $40. NO CANCELATIONS OR REFUNDS For more information, call 503-224-8684. 2009-09-16 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-02 19:19:51 :2009-09-16 16:00:00 call 503-684-6537. 2009-06-17 20:30:00http://www.orcms.com2009-06-09 22:07:23 @ 2009-06-17 21:30:00fect nonprofit partner. If you’ve been thinking about partnering with a nonprofit to benefit not only your business, but also the community at large, then you don’t want to miss this Cornerstones Conversation. Businesses and non-profits will tell you what to look for, what to avoid and how to build a partnership with a nonprofit partner that does good for everyone involved. - Steve Brook, Practice Director, Point B Consulting - Jana Cole, Director of Donor Relations, Self Enhancement, Inc. (invited) - Brian Wilson, Kalberer Company - Roma Peyser, Director of Development, Cascade AIDS Project Location: Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street Lobby Conference Room Series Sponsors: West Coast Bank, Regence Pre-registration required at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $20, Non-Members $30 NO CANCELLATION OR REFUNDS The online Registration will close at 3:00p.m. on September 9th, 2009 2009-09-10 14:30:00http://www.portlandalliance.com2009-09-02 19:21:09 92009-09-10 16:00:00 n Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 6:00pm at OTBC. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. Please RSVP so that we$Eq3[33JvSo you want to be a Speaker?If you have ever dreamed about becoming a professional speaker, the National Speakers Association (NSA)-Oregon Chapter (www.nsaoregon.net) encourages you to attend its “So You Want to be a Professional Speaker” seminar in which you’ll learn how to: * Leverage the informaty53s33Jx)PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. 2009-09-04 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-09-02 21:02:48 ; 2009-09-04 05:30:00xgs3K33JwPortland Business Alliance presents Cornerstones Conversations: Cause Marketing - Picking a Nonprofit PartnerPortland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents Cornerstones Conversations: Cause Marketing – how to pick the per T JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging "qi3M33JtCorvallis Beer and Blog @ McMenamins on Monroe2009-03-05 01:00:00http://corvallB%yK3E33JvReductivelabs Puppet Meetup/Opensource Bridge Kickoff.Reductive Labs the company behind the Puppet configuration management language is moving to Portland. In order to celebrate our move to Portland and to [zi3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - Oregon Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To register go to occa.org and sign up for meeting notifications. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-02 22:36:45 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 through a real-life case study of low-cost PR tactics and how those led to new partnering and sales opportunities. The Presenters David Eastman, OTBC Entreprneur in ResideC&yM3E33JvReductivelabs Puppet Meetup/Opensource Bridge Kickoff.Reductive Labs the company behind the Puppet configuration management language is moving to Portland. In order to celebrate our move to Portland and to help kick off Open Source Bridge, we are hosting a Puppet get together at the Webtrends facility. James Turnbullk{{3a33JrOregon Bioscience Association (OBA): Bio on the Vine 2008Oregon Bioscience Association Bio On The Vine 2008 You are cordially invited to join OBA members for an evening of networking and libations. Aquariva 0470 SW Hamilton Court Date: November 13, 2008 Time: 6-9pm $35 OBA Members - $45 nonmembers Hors d'oeuvres and two drinks provided Space is limited 2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.oregonbio.org/bioOnTheVine2008/2009-09-02 23:43:24 @2008-11-14 05:00:00k, Twitter, and Ecademy * . What social bookmarking is and how you can use it to improve your SEO * . How to get clients and business from these sites. * Why e-newsletters and Blogs are part of social media and how to incorporate them into your strategy * The value of podcasts and internet video If you're frustrated or overwhelmed by social media and wonder what the ROI is for using it, Taylor will explain how social media works and how you can get started developing a strategy for using it. When: TWO dates Sept 14th 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30Pm EST and September 22nd 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30 Pm PST Where: The comfort of your home and office Cost: $35.00 (normally a 150 dollar class) To Register please RSVP with imagineyourreality@gmail.com or at http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html2009-09-14 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406419/2009-09-02 23:47:55 >I;b2009-09-14 23:30:00 here)

      • jhedstrom may be able to cover Context (if it lines up...I have a potential conflict)
      • PeterPO on MERCI, whf|Q3]33Jx"Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Bizni, Twitter, and Ecademy * . What social bookmarking is and how you can use it to improve your SEO * . How to get clients and business from these sites. * Why e-newsletters and Blogs are part of social media and how to incorporate them into your strategy * The value of podcasts and internet video If you're frustrated or overwhelmed by social media and wonder what the ROI is for using it, Taylor will explain how social media works and how you can get started developing a strategy for using it. When: TWO dates Sept 14th 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30Pm EST and September 22nd 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30 Pm PST Where: The comfort of your home and office Cost: $35.00 (normally a 150 dollar class) To Register please RSVP with imagineyourreality@gmail.com or via http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html2009-09-22 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406424/2009-09-02 23:47:56 >I;b2009-09-22 23:30:00 through access to patient education videos and comprehensive solutions that also benefit treatment providers. Following angel investor funding between 2000 to 2005, wired.MD took on debt financin/(y%3E33JvReductivelabs Puppet Meetup/Opensource Bridge Kickoff.Reductive Labs the company behind the Puppet configuration management language is moving to Portland. In order tog}Q3]33Jx#Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik ered here)
      • jhedstrom may be able to cover Context (if it lines up...I have a potential conflict)
      • PeterPO on MERCI, which is part of the Open Media Project.CO3733Jx$Linux Fund 10th Anniversary PartyCome celebrate Linux Fund's 10th anniversary with free drinks, refreshments and entertainment during LinuxCon! The awesome venue is close to the downtown Marriott where LinuxCon is taking place and will be revealed at www.linuxfund.org on the day of the event. LinuxCon attendees can pick up an invitation and directions at our table. We can squeeze in a few more sponsors! Contact general@linuxfund.org for more information. See you there!2009-09-23 03:00:00http://linuxfund.org/2009-09-03 06:46:46 @2009-09-23 06:59:00 out, we'll do this too.


        We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland,Sa3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To RSVP go to occa.org and sign up for meeting notifications. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:37:23 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 ]]lar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What bA*3w3]33JvDrupal Users Meetup

        reposted from: http://groups.drupal.org/node/22868

        to sign up for meeting notifications. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:45:16 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 %%The OTBC Meetus{a3 33JtPortland Business Alliance Presents Business Leads ExchangePortland Business Alliance presents Business 4/I3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Focus on Networking 1) Bori Prasavanh ofKforce Professional Staffing will teWi3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to . 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:46:36 @2009-09-30 03:30:00   naging Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by T2IW3 33JvWest Side PDX Job Search GroupTheme: Focus is TBA 1) To be announced\s3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, click here . 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:47:21 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 earn, you'll get advice About the Presenter David Kellerman is CEO of Northlake Software, and an Entreprene3[M3]33JvSweet Sixteen Lunch 2.0 at ISITE DesignUpdate: The date has changed due to a conflict with O[3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, click here . 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:49:16 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 <fRtW K33K\ԡ];3U333OENFG3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.occa.org 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:50:45 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 tempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications ifB?3333Jx* Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.occa.org 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:52:44 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 > The OTBC Meetup Group We invite you to RSVP here (so everyone can see who is coming) but please Register and pre-pay on the OTBC website OTBC/SAO/OEN Lunch and Learn: What Emerging Growth Companies Should Kno u3333Jx* Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:53:31 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 tempted to mimic the "black phone" of decades past, providing cheaper basic phone service. However, VoIP has the potential to significantly improve real-time communications if it i= 53333Jx* Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this link to http://www.occa.org. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:54:33 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 ng Director of the Energy Ventures Group, a member of the Technology Ventures Group and Chairman of the Solar Group. This Lunch and Learn event is being presented jointly by O> 73333Jx* Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this link to http://www.occa.org/. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:55:26 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 tarting an OTBC tradition: Founders Friday. Who should attend: Founders of Startups What is it: Food, Beverage, networking time -- and a chance for each attendee to briefly dB ?3333Jx* Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.occa.org/. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:56:32 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 rom some of the biggest names on the web. Centered on the world's most popular blogging platform - Wordpress - this is THE event to learn about the blogging tool used byC A3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.occa.org/. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 14:57:50 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz [q3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.meetup.com/itpro-70. 2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 15:03:43 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 xj9xrs, will replace them. These people were raised on differ{3?33JtUltimate Search Eng|AY13s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value throua @YS3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collabor_?YI3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close col]>YC3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close [ =YQ3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboY<YE3s33JxCertified Scrum Product Owner TrainingScrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close cUnd managing your cap table Startup and early-stage companies often exchange equity for capital. They also use it to incentivize employees and contractors. However, few entrepreneurs map out a comprehensive plan to manage their capitalization table through multiple rounds of capital or to maximize the efficiency of equity incentives. This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand how to create a capitalization plan that will serve the company today, as well as through potentially dilutive transactions in the future. It will be presented in an interactive case-study format and will be limited to ten participants. Speaker: Doug Morris, Ater Wynne Date and Time: Tuesday October 13, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Location: Ater Wynne, 1331 NW Lovejoy Ste 900, Portland, OR 97209 Cost: OEN Member - $30, Non Member - $125 (includes a one-year OEN individual membership and the workshop fee is waived) 2009-10-13 23:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1042009-09-02 18:51:52 ?2009-10-14 01:30:0006-24 03:00:00ing business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! When registering 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free The Certified Scrum Product Owner course is interactive and highly experiential. Participants gain practical tools and techniques for engaging with software delivery teams. The training includes the following:
        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User Stories
        • Estimation and prioritization
        • Acceptance criteria
        • Working with teams
        • Scaling
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
        Who should attend: Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders. Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.2009-09-30 16:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7432972009-08-27 21:03:32 @x2009-10-02 00:00:00onential-growth">Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
        4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
        5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
        6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
        7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
        8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
        9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
        10. this text link to http://www.meetup.com/itpro-70.2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 21:59:14 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 mmr topics suggested by you! Leave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cash pay-G3 33Jx-Rose City SPIN seminar: Estimation - Understanding Project Environmental EffectsNetworking from 6-7, Seminar from 7-8:00 PM Event is open to anyone - this is a free talk. Come in early for free pizza provided by the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference! Abstract: Estimates are required multiple times in a project. Project members need to make estimates for a variety of reasons, these include: • The amount of time for a task; • The cost for resources; • The cost of software, hardware and other materials; • The time required to finish a task. However, there are many problems with estimates. Th JJave a comment here with your question or area of interest and I'll try to address as many as possible during the evening. How much is the workshop fee? That's up to you. No fee will be collected beforehand... attend the workshop and then choose how much to donate afterwards. We'll be able to accept cas2%3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - Oregon Computer Consultants AssociationFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To see specific topics and reserve your space at this event, go to .2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 22:01:14 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 ~~is Flickr. Power Flickr is a 2-hour discussion on using Flickr for all sorts of purposes beyond simple image hosting. We'll talk about a wide range of tips and tricks, aimed at both folks wanting to promote their photography as well as those looking to find the best material on Flickr. There will be a focus on Flickr's community features including how to ~=3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - Oregon Computer Consultants AssociationFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To see specific topics and reserve your space at this event, go to .2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 22:03:35 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 Gand dynamic 3-daQ3a33Jx.Innovation Road Show for Inventors“Antiques Roadshow” for Inventions September 19th, 2009 features Doug Hall’s Corporation from ABC TV’s American Inventor Sponsored by the US Department of Commerce NIST/MEP and Society of Manufacturing Engineers in collaboration 5+3333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - Oregon Computer Consultants AssociationFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To see specific topics and reserve your space at this event, go to this text link to http://www.meetup.com/itpro-70/.2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-03 22:05:22 @2009-09-30 03:30:00 idea could be worth over $1 million! The USA National Innovation Marketplace, a program from the Department of Commerce NIST/MEP, gives American inventors a fair shot—enhancing their credibility by providing a fact-based innovation research report and sales forecast that investors can understand in 60 seconds. For buyers or investors, the Marketplace provides a virtual R&D resource that can triple innovation success rates and speed to market. The Marketplace uses an open innovation strategy, which involves partnering, licensing, and co-developing innovations with partners outside of a company instead of traditional, internal research and development. It connects innovation sellers, buyers, investors and distributors in all industries through a three-pronged approach: 1) Translation Training; 2) Valuation Forecasting; 3) Access to Buyers, Investors & Distributors. More information at PlanetEureka.com.2009-09-19 15:30:00http://mipooregon.org/local_events_58.html2009-09-03 22:59:452009-09-19 23:00:00with the Micro-inventors Program of Oregon The national tour of the PlanetEureka.com Innovation Roadshow stops in Oregon on Sept 19th, providing a one-day workshop for local inventors to find out the fair market price for their ideas. Innovation guru Doug Hall has created a comprehensive one day workshop that teaches entrepreneurs how to translate their idea or technology into a customer focused product or service description that can be easily understood by a businessperson who doesn’t have scientific training. The inventor can then list their idea compliments of NIST/MEP in the USA National Innovation Marketplace and receive a fact-based innovation research report and sales forecast that investors can understand in 60 seconds – based on the same sales forecasting methodology companies use to screen their internal innovations. The report answers the age old question, “What’s my idea worth?” At the recent roadshow in Orlando, Doug revealed to one inventor at the end of the session that his 6'Xvention From The Expepԡf}=3 333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative XL}93w33Jp3 Powerful Ways to Differentiate Your Tech\i9333Jx,Fall Splendor Multi Media Art Show & SaleMulti Media Art Show & Sale Saturday, Sep 12th 2009 9:00 am - 4:00pm Free Admission Open House---Open to the Public Sales Booths, Raffle Items, Demonstrations, Door Prizes, Snack Bar and More! Location: Gladstone Christian Church Reception Hall 305 E. Dartmouth, Gladstone, Oregon 97027 Easy / Hwy I-205, Gladstone exit Presented by the Oregon Society of China Painters Show chairman: Joy Williams 503-662-3826 The flyer and driving directions are attached to this file and also located at http://picasaweb.google.com/FallSplendor/FallSplendorMultiMediaArtShow Email: fallsplendor@gmail.com2009-09-12 16:00:00http://picasaweb.google.com/FallSplendor/FallSplendorMultiMediaArtShow2009-09-03 15:37:47Jx+2009-09-12 23:00:00DB. I will give an overview of some of them, discuss the pros and cons of each, and show how these libraries make working with CouchDB easier. Along the way I will talk about the particular types of problems that CouchDB is good at solving. Jesse Hallett has been designing web applications with Ruby for nearly three years now. He has worked on administrative / record-keeping applications, CMS and Ecommerce platforms, and various other pieces of software. He spends as much time as possible with his fellow geeks in organizations like the Portland Ruby Brigade and the Portland JavaScript Admirers. Jesse has developed a strong interest in the evolving state-of-the-art of client-side JavaScript technology and next generation databases. Jesse is currently developing JavaScript technology at Jive Software. 2. "Testing iPhone apps with Ruby and Cucumber", Ian Dees This talk begins with a survey of the landscape of iPhone UI testing. In particular, we’ll discuss the groundbreaking work done by Matt Gall JJare passing the savings to you. Join OEN on September 24th for a premier evening of networking, heavy hors d'oeuvres and no-host bar while helping us recognize the best and brightest of entrepreneurship in Oregon. Companies will be recognized for the following categories: OEN Development Stage Company of the Year OEN23333Jx*Favorite Software Tools - OR Computer Consultant Association MeetingFree and open to the public the September meeting of the OCCA will be a panel discussion, presenting some useful and time saving programs by four speakers. Also, the whole group is encouraged to come to the meeting ready to share a little something about their favorite software tool. Come and contribute to what will be a very interesting and lively discussion. To see specific topics and reserve your space at this event, go to The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.
        PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them JJue with their customers, employees and partners. Keith is currently Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, providing overall vision, leadership and direction for clients and the company in relation to trans-media brand stewardship. Prior to Opus, Keith was a founding member of MAGNET magazine, Director of Strategic Se&  3333JwPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: CouchDB, iPhone + CucumberThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs. PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby Persistence with CouchDB", Jesse Hallett There are several libraries out there that provide high level interfaces between Ruby and Couchhy you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in. 2. ...more may be added. Propose your great talk idea today!2009-10-07 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-09-04 16:34:05 @2009-10-07 04:00:00  stacks up against other nonprofits? M+R Strategic Services and NTEN released a new eNonprofit Benchmarks Study for 2009 (Download the report at http://www.e-benchmarksstudy.com/2009.html). We've analyzed online messaging, fundraising, and advocacy data from 32 leading nonprV!W'3333Jx0Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs. POSSIBLE PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, w. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in. 2. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today!2009-10-07 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-09-04 16:45:39 @2009-10-07 04:00:00 selationships, and sharing your story. Agenda: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation with Q/A 7:00 More Networking Karen Matheson isF%iQ3W33Js5SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamentg$iQ333Js4SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101This workshop answers three fundamental  #S_3]33Jx1Lunch 2.0 at Elemental TechnologiesElemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-10-21 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4409951/2009-09-04 21:36:26 @;b2009-10-21 21:00:00questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-05 04:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-09-05 20:25:16 >H2009-01-05 05:00:00al questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you? Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand. Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each. This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert. 2009-01-07 16:00:00http://www.scorepdx.org/workshops.php2009-09-05 20:25:16 >H2009-01-07 19:30:00we gain further clarity o$ arier a Microsoft MVP, coming down to Corvallis to give us a presentation on PDC '08! Want to hear about the coolest stuff that came out of the Professional Developers Conference 2008? Come to the November CDNUG meeting! This is a "save the date" announcement as we want to get as many people there as w?-a333JpSCollaboration: Working Toward a Shared WinLearn how to build long term relationships with your stakeholders and peers while enjoying a midsummer's}333Js}SCORE: Business Basics for the Small Business OwnerThis full day workshop is designed for those who have made the decision to go into business and need an overview on topics such as: understanding the ramifications of selecting a legal struc&C)333Js{SCORE: Internet Marketing IThe Internet is being used more and more to provide better, faster customer service and communication as well as give you another outlet through which to move your products and services. This workshop will cover Internet basics and how your small business can benefit by using the Internet. We'll look at how to perform searches, use of your browser and bookmarks, handling e-mail and why your small business should develop a web site. We also cover the basics of web site design. Discover how to lessen the disadvantage that your small business faces when competing with larger businesses. Your small business web site can be effective virtual marketing collateral that you can update on demand with little or no cost. Your presence on the Internet can be a useful marketing tool by providing richer pre-sale information or post-sale support and service. This can differentiate your product or service from the competition. Sample Content: * Electronic Media * Introduction to the Internet * The basics of Web Site design * Introduction to Internet Marketing * Search Engine Basics * E-mail basics 2009-01-13 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-09-05 20:25:17 >H2009-01-13 20:00:00 U6'33G'KEEN Sgg3U33JrTCorvallis .NET User Group: PDC2008 HighlightsThis](]I333JsSCORE: 5 Essentials of Effective SellingYou're Open For Business. Now Let's Sell Everybody is a small business is in sales! What does that mean to you? In this workshop you will develop your "elevator speech" - the powerful ability to explain what business you are in and what value you deliver. You will learn how to listen for the ways the prospect is buying and what to do about it. Learn how to ask the right questions. * Discover the power of walking in the shoes of your customer. * Discover your active listening habits and leverage the good ones and change the bad ones * Learn the secrets of building successful business relationships. * Find out how to establish instant rapport with a stranger. 2009-01-28 16:00:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-09-05 20:25:18 >H2009-01-28 20:00:00ture for the business; payroll, accounting, record keeping and taxes; alternatives for securing financing; business risks and insurance requirements; developing a business plan that will sell the entrepreneur's idea; and developing and implementing a successful marketing plan. The presenters for this workshop come from the local business community. They are practicing attorneys, accountants and insurance brokers. This is one of the most important days that the beginning entrepreneur can spend in a workshop. Sample Content: * Learn to move a business from concept to profitable operation * Simple record keeping and controls * Managing your people and resources * Choosing the right tax-saving legal form of business * Researching your customers and markets * What kind and how much insurance do you need * Where and how to find financing * Introduction to creating a business plan 2009-01-21 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-09-05 20:25:17 >H2009-01-22 00:00:00 Pes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Woԡ(i 3-33Let'6ԡ K#3]333SAOpdx: rV1 3)33JvPortland Dentevent"Dentevents" are meetups of)MQ3u33JsSBA Small Business Loan BriefingAttend a FREE SBA Loan Briefing on Thursday, January 15, 2009 from 11:30am - 12:30pm at the ODS Building, 601 SW Second Avenue, Portland, OR. The briefing will be held by an SBA Loan Specialist. If you are seeking financing to start a business or grow an existing business, you should attend. You will learn about the SBA Guaranteee Loan Program, credit requirements, use of proceeds, how to approach a lender, where to find loan proposal assistance. Pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Portland District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration at (503) 326-2682. 2009-01-15 19:30:00http://web.sba.gov/calendar/public/index.cfm?rc=10862009-09-05 20:25:19 >H2009-01-15 20:30:00 : +{w3#33JtuSCORE: Are You Positioned for Success in a Down Market?This is a fast-paced, interactive workshop for those who have beeH*i333JsSCORE: Business Plan - Your Roadmap to SuccessThis workshop is designed for those who are ready to start their business plan or who are in business but need to build a business plan. It covers all aspects of building a business plan including: how to get yourself organized, avoiding writers block, required content, focusing on what is important and tips on how to make your plan represent you in the best light. Although there is no one way to write a business plan, attendees will be taken through a simple structure for building their plan. In addition, participants will be exposed to business planning software that will assist them in completing the financial portions of the plan.2009-01-22 16:30:00https://s07.123signup.com/servlet/SignUp?P=153123600&PG=15312361823002009-09-05 20:25:20 >H2009-01-23 00:00:00n in business at least two years. You will leave with several tools that will help your new business right now and on an on-going basis. Learn: Why should anyone buy from your new business? What will make you special? How do you determine that? How will you describe your product or service in a way that compels people to want it? Learn about the secret of the product (service) experience. Determine the best product/service description - from the customer's perspective. This workshop will provide you tools to help you answer questions such as: * What is the dominant paradigm for your target market and how you leverage the positives and overcome the negatives? * Just what do customers really need? * How do I position my product/service in the market? * What drives buyer behavior? * How does an understanding of customer needs and solutions help drive compelling benefits? 2009-02-20 16:00:00https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1531236182300&P=1531236002009-09-05 20:25:20 >H2009-02-20 20:00:00 y 23. Our full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 26, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 28, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validatf,E;3Q33JvOEN's Venture Northwest 2009OEN's Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is an annual conference that draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the Western U.S. who are interested in emerging Northwest businesses and the region's growth segments. It's a great way for investors to connect with the area's hottest emerging Northwest businesses. Northwest businesses that have presented at Venture Northwest have raised over $1.3 billion in venture capital since 1996 and over $68 million in angel investment.* *Not all Northwest businesses that presented had investments reported in Venture Source.2009-10-29 15:00:00http://www.oen.org/events_vnw.aspx2009-09-05 20:33:10 <2009-10-30 00:00:00 YAYace" and "seekwatcher" by \/]K3 33Jx2CEO Leadership Exchange - Launch MeetingDATE/TIME: 9/9/2009 4:00:00 PM GMT -7:00 WHERE: eROI Office 505 NW Couch Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97209 CONTACT: Ryan Buchanan If you are a CEO, or top local J.]M33Jx2CEO Leadership Exchange - Launch MeetingDATE/TIME: 9/9/2009 4:00:00 PM GMT -7:00 WHERE: eROI Office 505 NW Couch Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97209 CONTACT: Ryan Buchanan If you are ae-Y3u33JwxSustainable Industries Economics ForumFeaturing Paul Hawken CEO, Pax Engineering Group, Author of "Ecology of Commerce" and "Natural Capitalism" Moderated by: Becky Brun, Editor, Sustainable Industries Panelists Dave Williams, CEO, Shorebank Pacific Rob Harmon, Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Vice President, Bonneville Environmental Foundation2009-09-16 14:00:00http://www.sustainableindustries.com/forums/portland2009-09-05 20:35:37 :2009-09-16 17:30:00 CEO, or top local executive, of a growth company in the area we would be pleased to have you attend the first CEO Leadership Exchange Discussion. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Come to the preliminary meeting to discuss the format of the group, potential topics and how this group can be beneficial for the area's top tech executives. Participation is limited to Technology Executive only so service providers are not able to attend Space is limited so you must RSVP. If you have questions about the group please contact Ryan Buchanan, CEO of eROI at: ryan (at) eroi.com Ryan is serving as an admin for the group while it launches with a few other leaders in the community including: - David Childers, CEO EthicsPoint - Gerald Massey, Retired CEO and current Board member FIOS - Buzz Kross, SVP Autodesk - John Geffel, SVP Sage Software - Tisson Mathew, CEO Aivea2009-09-10 06:00:002009-09-05 21:54:52 @;bexecutive, of a growth company in the area we would be pleased to have you attend the first CEO Leadership Exchange Discussion. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Come to the preliminary meeting to discuss the format of the group, potential topics and how this group can be beneficial for the area's top tech executives. Participation is limited to Technology Executive only so service providers are not able to attend Space is limited so you must RSVP. If you have questions about the group please contact Ryan Buchanan, CEO of eROI at: ryan (at) eroi.com Ryan is serving as an admin for the group while it launches with a few other leaders in the community including: - David Childers, CEO EthicsPoint - Gerald Massey, Retired CEO and current Board member FIOS - Buzz Kross, SVP Autodesk - John Geffel, SVP Sage Software - Tisson Mathew, CEO Aivea2009-09-09 23:00:002009-09-05 21:56:15 9;b2009-09-10 00:00:00 he tests on CPAN. Its limitations become everyone's limitations. It's done a very good job adapting the last seven years,[1mi3]33Jx4Basic Introduction to Yahoo Pipes (fee required)Your customers are talking about you, your competitors are revealing information that you want to know and you need to keep tabs on your industry in the most strategic way possible. Can you find the conversations and information quickly and efficiently now? This Yahoo Pipes training0[e3]33Jx3Portland Werewolf - September GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-09-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413518/2009-09-08 04:52:32 ; ;b2009-09-10 01:00:00 course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes and want to learn how this tool can give you an edge. In 1.5 hours, we will cover the basics of why online tracking is so important for your business, how to build your first Yahoo Pipe and what are some more advanced uses that can be employed to impress your boss and your clients. This class is ideal for bloggers, public relations and marketing professionals, as well as community and content managers or anyone involved in customer care. This course will teach you how to create your first Yahoo Pipe. It is a pre-requisite to the Monitoring Conversations Using Yahoo Pipes. Early Bird (ends Sept 16, 2009): $75 Late registration: $100 Visit the Basic Introduction to Yahoo Pipes page for prerequisites, a course outline, and more details. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/basic-introduction-to-yahoo-pipes/2009-09-23 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413872/2009-09-08 14:00:02 ;;b2009-09-23 17:30:00itor social media websites and fine-tune techniques. In 2.5 hours, we will also review the basics of building pipes using lists of keywords and filtering to find the content most interesting to you.You should know how to build a basic pipe and have experience using the following modules: fetch feed, filter, and sort and know how to use the debugger to inspect feeds. If you are new to Yahoo Pipes or want a refresher, you should take the Basic Introduction to Yahoo Pipes class first. This class is ideal for bloggers, public relations and marketing professionals, as well as community and content managers or anyone involved in customer care. Early Bird (ends Sept 25, 2009): $125 Late registration: $175 Visit the Monitoring Conversations Using Yahoo Pipes page for prerequisites, a course outline, and more details. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/introduction-to-yahoo-pipes/2009-09-30 16:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413875/2009-09-08 14:02:53 ;;b2009-09-30 18:30:00 M4Pectives, and much RcW3Q33Jv Summer Coders Social 2009 [postponed]--Postponed due to rain - please check the upcoming page for further info.-- Summer Coders Social is the outdoor, sunny, sibling of Winter Coders Social. The goal is a very casual, geek social event. BBQ, games, and conversation. This is a family friendly event so be sure to bring the kids and significant other. We have plenty of space so all user groups are welcome. If you can, be sure to sign up for the potluck though it is optional. You can RSVP A93O33Jx<Portland Drupal User GroupSeptember meeting: * Paris Reports: We'll hear from the  and VP of Product Jason WIlson will talk about mobile mapping at Mobile Portland's June Meeting. Di-Ann's description of their topic was so good that we're quoting it verbatim: "My daug,D{W3 33JxABuilding Systems That Enforce Measurable Security GoalsThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: [Note the Friday date, instead of the usual Tuesday slot!] * Date: Friday, September 18th, 2009 * Title: Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security Goals * Speaker: Trent Jaeger * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/10/jaegermeasurablesecurit/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-09-18 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/10/jaegermeasurablesecurit/2009-09-11 06:52:41 ;2009-09-18 18:30:00 mingling. TO APPLY: Email your presentation idea by 9/21 to Lisa Holmes, AIGA Portland Sustainability Chair, at sustainability@portland.aiga.org and include: * who you are * where you work and what you do * your presentation idea * your contact info * optional: send up to 3 images in a PDF Obligatory side notes: This is not an opportunity to solicit your company’s version of the Snuggie, or anything else that isn’t relevant to sustainable design. By applying, AIGA Portland is allowed to record and post your presentation on their site and other materials. MISSION of the AIGA PORTLAND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE AIGA Portland’s Sustainability committee provides on and offline environments for designers and thought leaders to discuss sustainability, green practices, the future role of visual communications, and beyond. Ticket Info: FREE Members/$5 Non-Member 2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/11/345942382009-09-12 00:07:46 @2009-09-12 02:00:00 eb services and iPhone. About Platial Platial, The People's Guide to Who and What's Nearby, is a free resource where people around the world share an9F5U3m33JxCSHIFT: A Green SalonSHIFT: A Green Salon sharing and inspiring sustainable design Calling all designers: Obsessed with finding an earth-friendly Super 77? Geek out on just how much you can fit on a press sheet? Recommend Celery Design’s “Green Graphic Design” to everyone you meet? Stoked you made that direct mail piece all digital AND got a better response rate? Believe our ultimate client is the Earth? We want YOU to share your green ideas/solutions/materials with other hungry designers and creatives that are making communication better and more sustainable. Submit your 5-minute presentation idea by 9/21 and we’ll select 10 of the most inspiring and interesting ones. Each designer/team will present on November 5th. The night concludes with questions and  s not going to stop him from speculating about it in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of the new work he’s done with the Oregon Council for the Humanities, and get all frothy about his newest client, Wikipedia. You’ll be anything but disappointed. So be sure to join us, to engage with Jelly and others, and consider what has passed and what may come. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot now. Cost: Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door Non-Members: $18 in advance/$20 at the door Students: $5 A selection of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. ID required for beer and wine. About Jelly Helm Jelly Helm is a writer, designer, film director, creative director, and teacher. His clients include Imperial Woodpecker, Oregon Humanities, Infectious Diseases Research Institute and Wikipedia. He is formerly an executive creative director at Wieden + Kennedy, and founder of W+K 12. About Designspeaks The Designspeaks series, developed by Portland AIGA and in partnership with 52 Limited, showcases the most intriguing designers in the Pacific Northwest. Some of our guest speakers in this quarterly series will be stars and some will have managed to maintain a lower profile, but we can assure you; all will challenge you to think a bit differently about design and its impact on community. We’re continually tweaking this series as an intimate venue for the creative community to connect to others, to see what they are doing and how they’re doing it. There is no specific format for Designspeaks. Basically, it’s a small talks gathering intended to inform, inspire and engage. Laugh. Cry. Ask questions, please. But whatever you do, join us! Won’t you?2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/09/346761172009-09-12 00:17:58 @2009-09-12 02:00:00 DD innovation, inspiration, and imagination flourish. With more than fifteen years of experience working with technical professionals, Diana brings focus to the human side of organizations, teams and projects. Diana co-authored Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great! and is current chair of tNHEo3m33JxDDesignspeaks with Jelly HelmAIGA Portland and 52 Limited invite you for an evening with Jelly Helm. What’s happening with the business of advertising? What will the post-consumer economy look like? What is going on in sustainability? Jelly Helm is the first to admit that he doesn’t know. But that’NGEo3m33JxDDesignspeaks with Jelly HelmAIGA Portland and 52 Limited invite you for an evening with Jelly Helm. What’s happening with the business of advertising? What will the post-consumer economy look like? What is going on in sustainability? Jelly Helm is the first to admit that he doesn’t know. But that’ s not going to stop him from speculating about it in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of the new work he’s done with the Oregon Council for the Humanities, and get all frothy about his newest client, Wikipedia. You’ll be anything but disappointed. So be sure to join us, to engage with Jelly and others, and consider what has passed and what may come. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot now. Cost: Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door Non-Members: $18 in advance/$20 at the door Students: $5 A selection of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. ID required for beer and wine. About Jelly Helm Jelly Helm is a writer, designer, film director, creative director, and teacher. His clients include Imperial Woodpecker, Oregon Humanities, Infectious Diseases Research Institute and Wikipedia. He is formerly an executive creative director at Wieden + Kennedy, and founder of W+K 12. About Designspeaks The Designspeaks series, developed by Portland AIGA and in partnership with 52 Limited, showcases the most intriguing designers in the Pacific Northwest. Some of our guest speakers in this quarterly series will be stars and some will have managed to maintain a lower profile, but we can assure you; all will challenge you to think a bit differently about design and its impact on community. We’re continually tweaking this series as an intimate venue for the creative community to connect to others, to see what they are doing and how they’re doing it. There is no specific format for Designspeaks. Basically, it’s a small talks gathering intended to inform, inspire and engage. Laugh. Cry. Ask questions, please. But whatever you do, join us! Won’t you?2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/09/346761172009-09-12 00:18:47 @2009-09-12 02:00:00s not going to stop him from speculating about it in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of the new work he’s done with the Oregon Council for the Humanities, and get all frothy about his newest client, Wikipedia. You’ll be anything but disappointed. So be sure to join us, to engage with Jelly and others, and consider what has passed and what may come. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot now. Cost: Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door Non-Members: $18 in advance/$20 at the door Students: $5 A selection of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. ID required for beer and wine. About Jelly Helm Jelly Helm is a writer, designer, film director, creative director, and teacher. His clients include Imperial Woodpecker, Oregon Humanities, Infectious Diseases Research Institute and Wikipedia. He is formerly an executive creative director at Wieden + Kennedy, and founder of W+K 12. About Designspeaks The Designspeaks series, developed by Portland AIGA and in partnership with 52 Limited, showcases the most intriguing designers in the Pacific Northwest. Some of our guest speakers in this quarterly series will be stars and some will have managed to maintain a lower profile, but we can assure you; all will challenge you to think a bit differently about design and its impact on community. We’re continually tweaking this series as an intimate venue for the creative community to connect to others, to see what they are doing and how they’re doing it. There is no specific format for Designspeaks. Basically, it’s a small talks gathering intended to inform, inspire and engage. Laugh. Cry. Ask questions, please. But whatever you do, join us! Won’t you?2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/09/346761172009-09-12 00:20:31 @2009-09-12 02:00:00 Igreed to offer their brain power for a higher calling. This is a test run of what we hope will convert into an live help desk. More than that, a place for two incredibl L 3 33Jx4Postponed: Basic Introduction to Yahoo Pipes (fee required)2009-09-23 16:00:002009-09-13 16:02:51;b2009-09-23 17:30:00K 3 33Jx5Postponed: Monitoring Conversations Using Yahoo Pipes (fee required)2009-09-30 16:00:002009-09-13 16:01:58;b2009-09-30 18:30:00AIGA Portland and 52 Limited invite you for an evening with Jelly Helm.
        What’s happening with the business of advertising? What will the post-consumer economy look like? What is going on in sustainability? Jelly Helm is the first to admit that he doesn’t know. But that’ -llaborative installations, and LRIo3]33JtMobile Love, Android Style #10A meetup for android developers and android power-users. We usually discuss the latest applications that we like using, as well as give s ))Stablevenue_versionsvenue_versionsCREATE TABLE "venue_versions" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "venue_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "version" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "description" text DEFAULT NULL, "address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "url" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL, "street_address" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "locality" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "region" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "postal_code" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "country" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "latitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "longitude" decimal DEFAULT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "telephone" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "source_id" integer DEFAULT NULL, "duplicate_of_id" integer DEFAULT NULL) VV • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical pointers in evaluating which options best fit your company?s strategy Who Should Attend? Business leaders in companies that acquirQ-cEI3+ :YBailey's Taproom20 Rotating Taps of Craft Ales and Lagers. Pacific Region Wines. Artisan Chocolate and Cheese. Free Wi-Fi. Mexican restaurant across the street will deliver to Bailey's. 213 SW Broadway, Portland ORhttp://www.baileystaproom.com/2008-10-12 04:37:53213 SW BroadwayPortandOR97205US@F\ W^bS1cEI3+ :YBailey's Taproom 220 Rotating Taps of Craft Ales and Lagers. Pacific Region Wines. Artisan Chocolate and Cheese. Free Wi-Fi. Mexican restaurant across the street will deliver to Bailey's. 213 SW Broadway, Portland ORhttp://www.baileystaproom.com/2008-10-12 04:37:46213 SW BroadwayPortandOR97205US@F\ W^b YY strategy team at Wilson Sonsini, Kent advises clients on patent development, sales and licensing. Andy Scott, VP of Business Development, RPX Andy spent the first part of his career in various startups and in venture capital. He subsequently cofounded a patent brokerage firm and recently joined RPX, a defense patent aggregator. Moderator: Bill Birdwell, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP As lead counsel in pateN{k3333JvPortland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (pdxruby)The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Joi$/}G3Q! ' <OTBC (Greenbrier)OTBC is a non-profit corporation that helps startup companies succeed with office infrastructure and coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton , OR 97006http://www.opentechcenter.com2008-11-10 22:44:0015455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210Beaverton OR 97006US@FA̅^`3971-223-4660 ;b` Zf-'Zey actually entail, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly croIR9; 3 ' = Ambridge Event Center Moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. 300 NE Multnomah Street2008-12-17 00:56:30PortlandOregon97232US@Fb^]< 503-239-9921QW - 3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 300 NE Multnomah2008-12-17 00:54:24PortlandOR97232US@Fb^]<}PW # 3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 1375 NE MLK2008-12-17 00:52:46PortlandOR97232US@Fb^]<ցOW _ 3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 1375 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard2008-12-17 00:52:31PortlandOR97232US@Fb^]<ցNW U 3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 1375 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard2008-12-17 00:51:55PortlandOR97232US@Fb^]<ցMW U 3  =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 1375 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard2008-12-17 00:51:48PortlandOR97232US@FV^5Z l? • Available options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key considerations and practical poi)-cc337 % <OTBC (The Round)OTBC's current lease ends on October 31, and we've been looking at multiple options. And you may have seen the earlier post where we summarized our market survey results. We asked our target audience what location was the best for attending events. And the answer was - The Round. As of November 1, [2008] The Round in central Beaverton is where we'll be. We'll be easier to get to (especially via MAX light rail) and we'll have a great partnership with the Beaverton Round Executive Suites. For more details and background on our thinking and the changes to the OTBC business model, check out today's OTBC newsletter. 12725 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97005http://www.otbc.org2008-10-12 16:42:1512725 Sw Millikan WayBeavertonOR97005US@F>!^971-223-4660 8,8a somewhat altered (and improved, we hope) fqk y_31 ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingSW College Street and SW 4th Avenue, Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 16:59:571930 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FJU^FBЅQ/[}G3Q! ' <OTBC (Greenbrier)OTBC moves away from Greenbrier as of Nov 1 2008
        And now, it's official - OTBC will be at its new location at the Beaverton Round as of November 1. And with a new business model. It's a very positive move, and will open up new opportunities for us. Here's some additional background. OTBC is a non-profit corporation that helps startup companies succeed with office infrastructure and coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton , OR 97006http://www.opentechcenter.com2008-11-10 22:44:0015455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210Beaverton OR 97006US@FA̅^`3971-223-4660 ;b` $ $ategyg~Y3g33JvPersonal Telco Project Monthly MeetingAt this Monthly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project, we'll be nominating people for an opening on the Board of Directors, as well as review existing and consider future projects and directions.2009-06-25 01:30q k y_31 ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingSW College Street and SW 4th Avenue, Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:01:061930 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F =q^FBЁqk y_31 ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingSW College Street and SW 4th Avenue, Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:00:451930 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F^FBЁqk y_31 ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingSW College Street and SW 4th Avenue, Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:00:261930 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FJU^FB /q/rom past months. We're moving the? ig_3S ;rPortland State University Engineering BuildingThis building is located at SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue1930 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:05:29SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^@ kg_3S ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingThis building is located at SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue1930 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:04:05SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^I ky_3S ;rPortland State University, Engineering BuildingThis building is located at SW College Street and SW 4th AvenueSW College Street and SW 4th Avenue, Portland OR 97201http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/new_building.html2008-10-12 17:02:21SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^ J!lable options for selling and licensing patents, and associated trade-offs • Patent transaction events from an investor-owned company perspective • Key conh3 <OGI School of Science and Engineering, Wilson Clark Center 2008-10-13 14:46:17?C YK3-! <CenterPointe Community Bank2500 Cascade Ave. Hood River, OR 97031http://www.centerpointebank.com2008-10-12 23:51:492500 Cascade AveHood RiverOR97031US@Fp~^bV]!E Y 3-! <Center Pointe Community Bank2500 Cascade Ave. Hood River, OR 970312008-10-12 23:50:062500 Cascade AveHood RiverOR97031US@Fp~^bV]HE3 <Center Pointe Community Bank2008-10-12 23:49:51w+ 3C <OHSU Auditorium2008-10-12 17:25:383181 SW Sam Jackson Pk RoadPortlandOR97239US@F'^)c;+3 <OHSU Auditorium2008-10-12 17:24:54w  3  <Fariborz Maseeh Building at Portland State University - Room FAB 86-012008-10-12 17:06:25 ;r :ihԡ[Y0OU333JrcSAO Internet Marketing ConferenceDate: Mon, Dec 8th Time: 12:00pm-7:00pm Location: Portland State University Market Square Bui13- <Portland Center for the Performing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-10-15 17:09:361037 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F3!^<;b} <ʁ/3- ;jPortland Center for the Performing Arts - Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-10-15 17:09:361037 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205@F0U2a|^$;b <ʁRE kG3- ) <Best Western Agate Beach Inn3019 North Coast Highway, Newport, Oregon 97365http://www.agatebeachinn.com/2008-10-13 14:58:043019 N Coast HwyNewportOR97365US@FT+0/r_i1-541-265-9411HE3 <Best Western Agate Beach Inn2008-10-13 14:56:56C [ 31 <OGI School of Science and Engineering, Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR 970062008-10-13 14:47:0220000 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(N ^X^we read and how we read it is shaped by who we know and the broader communG- +3- ) <Las Vegas Hilton3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 89109http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/LASLHHH-Las-Vegas-Hilton-A-Resorts-International-Destination-Nevada/index.do?cid=OM,HH,USA,LasVegasHilton2008-10-15 18:01:553000 Paradise RdLas VegasNV89109US@Bd0+@\>1-702-732-5111<-3 <Las Vegas Hilton2008-10-15 18:00:598% WE3- ) =OpenSourcery711 SE Ankeny St., Portland, OR 97214http://www.opensourcery.com/2008-12-10 20:54:05711 Se Ankeny StPortlandOR97214US@F 52^"h(503) 777-70338%3 =OpenSourcery2008-12-10 20:54:05{3I 3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:19;b <=G3- <Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall2008-10-19 01:35:321037 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F(V`^^_;b <7<3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b7;3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b7:3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b793 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b783 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b773 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b763 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b753 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b743 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:23;b sI t:sg a bell? How about @
        mediaChick? Yep, VNa3 =Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach2008-10-20 02:07:27mM3+ ;dJace Gace2008-10-20 02:53:182045 SE BelmontPortlandOregon97214US@F-p^A,;b߈$I}? 73-1) <Portland State University - Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)Computer Science coll"IHY 31  <Portland State University, Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 155http://psas.pdx.edu/Room155Directions/2008-12-12 20:04:231900 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FMk2^*EM;bށG3 U 3/ <>Blackbird Wine Shop3519 NE 44th Ave. Portland, Or 972132008-10-19 01:38:583519 NE 44th Ave.PortlandOR97213US@F9^_ô;F3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:18;b <;E3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:18;b <;D3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:17;b <;C3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:22;b <oquia for the 2008-2009 academic year will be held in FAB 86-01 on Mondays from 10AM to 11:30AM, unless otherwise noted. Portland State University is located on the Southern edge of downtown Portland. It is approximately bounded by Market Street on the North, I-405 on the South and West, and 5th Avenue on the East. The Fourth Avenue Building (FAB), which contains the Computer Science Department, is east of the main campus at 1900 SW 4th Ave., Portland, OR 97201. It is just north of the City of Portland's tower at the same address. The underground parking garage entrance is just south of the tower, on the right side of the street; you encounter it first, about a block from the I-405 exit. Many of the streets in this area are one way. 4th is one way Northbound, 5th is one way Southbound as is Broadway to the West of 6th.http://www.cs.pdx.edu2008-10-19 09:43:501900 SW 4th Ave.PortlandOR97201US@FMk2^*EMcmps at cs.pdx.edu(503) 725-4036tland.beerandblog.com2009-06-24 05:59:26 ; 2009-06-27 01:00:00 T7T Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions. * Modules 101: A 5h3 3I  < webinarplease don't delete2008-10-24 17:25:33placeholder for on-line events :u+ 35  =3IronStone Bank 2008-10-24 15:14:13309 SW Sixth Avenue PortlandOR97204US@F¿ʅʰ^XK#97204I 35 =3Ironstone Bank Conference Room2008-10-24 15:12:31309 SW Sixth Avenue PortlandOR97204US@F¿ʅʰ^XK#JI3 =3Ironstone Bank Conference Room2008-10-24 15:11:51zo331 =#Stepping Stone Cafe2008-10-22 18:37:132390 NW Quimby St.PortlandOregon97210US@FC^;bqP3+ =Jace Gace2008-10-20 02:53:192045 SE BelmontPortlandOregon97214US@F-p^A,;b ;d Oa i39 % =Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach909 N. Hayden Island Drive, Portland, OR 97217http://redlion.rdln.com/HotelLocator/HotelOverview.aspx?metaID=772008-10-20 02:08:49909 N Hayden Island DrPortlandOR97217US@Fb,Ei^9d503-283-4466 r*

        Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

        Post your Idea
        If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some information about what it is (even if yGlC3 =Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen2008-10-27 19:18:59Fk7 o333 ' =Old Spaghetti Factory0715 S.W. Bancroft Street, Portland, Oregon 97239http://www.osf.com/2008-10-27 16:23:52 715 Sw Bancroft StPortlandOR97239US@F D^8K503-225-0433 Aj73 =Old Spaghetti Factory2008-10-27 16:22:55|i+ 35 % =3IronStone Bank 2008-10-27 15:47:37309 SW Sixth Avenue PortlandOR97204US@F¿ʅʰ^XK#503.276.6000E 33- % >Antoinette Hatfield Hall (formerly the Newmark Theatre Building)http://www.pcpa.com2009-05-22 18:05:061111 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F"P&^ ء503.248.4335;bֵ ]3/ ??Portland State University - Hoffman Hall2009-04-22 21:25:271833 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOR97201US@Fnz1^Pm֝;b \1P\T]fox#,5>GPYbkt}6u!3 =Blitz Ladd2008-10-28 15:50:347rI W93#) =The Leonardo at Library Square209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111http://theleonardo.org2008-10-28 15:41:09209 E 500 SSalt Lake CityUT84111US@Da[[2.JqI3 =The Leonardo at Library Square2008-10-28 15:39:50~p -3- % =Northhttp://north.com2008-10-27 20:46:001515 NW 19th AvePortlandOR97209US@FOLnm^3?l503-222-4117o A3- % =Northhttp://www.north.com/blog/2008-10-27 20:44:501515 NW 19th AvePortlandOR97209US@FOLnm^3?l503-222-4117n 3-7% =North2008-10-27 20:43:401515 NW 19th AvePortlandOR97209US@FOLnm^3?lhttp://www.north.com/503-222-4117KmC UE3- 3 =Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen1038 SW Stark St, Portland, OR 97205http://www.kennyandzukes.com2008-10-27 19:20:521038 Sw Stark StPortlandOR97205US@F@-^Xy=503.222.DELI (3354) -*|/ a 37 % =Aivea Corporation14631 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 970062008-10-28 20:52:5614631 Sw Millikan WayBeavertonOR97005US@FY ^^ 503-520-9999={/3 =Aivea Corporation2008-10-28 20:51:03Ezm G37 ) =University Place Hotel & Conference Center (PSU)http://cegs.pdx.edu/stay/upl/2008-11-28 23:51:37310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^(503) 221.0140;b#GyK SA31 % =Westminster Presbyterian Church1624 NE Hancock, Portland, OR 97212http://www.westprespdx.org2008-10-28 17:05:211624 Ne Hancock StPortlandOR97212US@FĴJ^m+503-287-1289KxK3 =Westminster Presbyterian Church2008-10-28 17:04:05w! Y 3- % =Blitz Ladd2239 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 972142008-10-28 15:52:232239 Se 11th AvePortlandOR97214US@Fu"^v503-236-3592yv! { 3 % =Blitz Ladd2239 SE 11th Ave, 2239 SE 11th Ave Portland, OR 972142008-10-28 15:51:55503-236-3592 public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetr@53 =Oregon Stamp Society2008-10-29 19:13:147 37  <Oregon Humane Society2008-10-29 03:18:441067 NE Columbia BlvdPortlandOregon97211US@F:/^Ɨ(;bÁtMAgK3- ' 9Portland Business Alliance (PBA)Portland Business Alliance200 S.W. Market Street, Portland Oregon 97201http://www.portlandalliance.com2008-10-29 03:18:10200 Sw Market StPortlandOR97201US@F| Yy^nL 503.224.8684 ;b`A I 3/  =Portland Business Alliance200 Market Street, Portland OR2008-10-29 03:17:18200 Market StreetPortlandOR97214US@FcrD^|ᛑ 9~A I 3/ 9Portland Business Alliance200 Market Street, Portland OR2008-10-29 03:17:17200 Market StreetPortlandOR97214US@FcrD^|ᛑF}A3 9Portland Business Alliance2008-10-29 03:17:17 >,`

        Then SpeedDating for Startups is for you.

        Post your Idea
        If you have an idea for a startup and are looking for cofounders post some2 s93y =NetDesk111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204http://www.netdesk.com2008-10-29 19:45:19US Bancorp Building, 111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100,  93 =NetDeskUS Bancorp Building, 111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204http://www.netdesk.com2008-10-29 19:44:2733 =NetDesk2008-10-29 19:42:08CE u;3+ =Schwabe, Williamson, & Wyatt1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1900, Portland, OR 97204http://www.schwabe.com/2008-10-29 19:25:071211 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97204US@F8^>HE3 =Schwabe, Williamson, & Wyatt2008-10-29 19:23:39>5 KO3- ' =Oregon Stamp Society4828 NE 33rd Ave., Portland, ORhttp://www.oregonstampsociety.org2008-10-29 19:14:534828 Ne 33rd AvePortlandOR97211US@Fn&NHb^W503-284-6770 Qq_or and sunny successor! Now, we're having a second Winter Coders' Social. Good and geeky times will be had by all. Come join us. 7#3 =White Eagle2008-12-18 19:25:22A 5 3' =Tom McCall Waterfront ParkNaito Pkwy at Salmon2008-10-30 01:27:31Sw Naito PkwyPortlandOR97204US@F,^FA3 =Tom McCall Waterfront Park2008-10-30 01:27:01E G _73/ % =Multnomah Athletic Club (MAC)1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97205http://www.themac.com2008-10-29 22:01:271849 Sw Salmon StPortlandOR97205US@F¦Ka^N503-223-6251 + e 33# =Mentor Graphics8005 SW Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, OR 970702008-10-29 19:56:178005 Sw Boeckman RdWilsonvilleOR97070US@Fz}^; +3 =Mentor Graphics2008-10-29 19:55:15+  s93) =NetDesk111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204http://www.netdesk.com2008-10-29 19:45:38111 Sw 5th AvePortlandOR97204US@F9m ^;XR wwpanel of Portland’s creative professionals for the second White Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative City. Come to the White Stag Block at 70 NW Couch St. on Wednesday, July 22 at 6 p.m. to hear from some of Portland's design and communication leaders and get connected in our creative community. Portland's smaller scale makes it both imperative and possible to finesse big things from many small parts. At every level — between institutions; between professions; between people — we build our best work here through collaboration, because we have to. White Stag Block Talks brings together three of the city's most seasoned practitioners of this craft — Randy Gragg, Linda K. Johnson, Kevin Cavenaugh — for a frank, pragmatic discussion about building the collaborative city. All are welcome with no cover. Complimentary beer and refreshments will be served# G 3- =White Eagle836 N Russell St, Portland OR2008-12-18 19:25:22836 N Russell StPortlandOR97227US@F8^:? //FWould Your Startup Do With $250,000M-%UC3%%% <Village BallroomThe Village Ballroom is a community gathering space for performance, dance, special events, conferences, classes and workshops. A wide variety of events, shows and classes are currently hosted and more diversity is encouraged! The Village Ballroom is located at 700 NE Dekum, Portland, Oregon. Built in 1909 in the Woodlawn neighborhood of northeast Portland, the Village Ballroom (formerly the Rose City Ballroom and earlier the Woodlawn Community Hall) has an open ballroom, a lower level studio, a kitchen, a greeting room and a lounge. Host to a number of ongoing classes and events, the Village Ballroom is designed to comfortably and smoothly accommodate special events from weddings to small conferences. Parking is convenient as is access via public transportation.NE 7th and Dekum, Portland, OR 97211http://villageballroom.com/2008-10-30 17:30:46700 NE DekumPortlandOR97211US@F(ٺ^awm@leler.com503-283-1100 F@ace! Th<w [ 31 <OHSU West Campus (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR 970062008-11-01 00:16:5420000 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(N<w [ 31 <OSHU Campus West (formerly OGI), Wilson Clark Center 20000 NW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR 970062008-11-01 00:16:1620000 Nw Walker RdBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(N [ C3/ =Portland State University - Cramer Hallhttp://www.pdx.edu/map.html2008-10-31 05:58:001721 SW Broadway PortlandOR97201US@FБ}k^"S[3 =Portland State University - Cramer Hall2008-10-31 05:56:20,9 _3=  :sBagdad Theater and Pubhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=92008-10-30 23:46:583702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F\$^ A|;bբ6) QK3' ' =Ohm Night Club31 NW 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97209http://www.ohmnightclubpdx.com/2008-10-30 17:33:2531 Nw 1st AvePortlandOR97209US@Fl ^i^503.241.2916 v{UvOEN & CareersPDX no-host happy hour/workshop. The happy hour/workshop will be presented by nation[!k ;3S5% ;r Portland State University Engineering Buildinghttp://www.pdxLinux.org2008-11-03 19:51:05SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^dmandel@pdxLinux.org541-730-5285D k 3S5% ;r Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 19:51:05SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^dmandel@pdxLinux.org541-730-5285[k 3 ;r Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 19:51:05e3 ;r Portland State University Engineering Building SW College Street and SW 4th Avenue Portland Oregon 97201 US2008-11-03 19:51:05"3 O33 ) =Clinton Corner Cafehttp://www.clintoncornercafe.net/2008-11-02 00:53:582633 SE 21st AvenuePortlandOR97202US@Fzk^A,(503) 230 8035?33 =Clinton Corner Cafe2008-11-02 00:52:26 t 10% ofy'3 =OTBC - 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101 - Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA2008-11-03 16:19:25;b UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:23:19M-O3 =HOTLIPS Pizza - 2211 SE Hawthorne2008-11-04 22:42:47, Y 33 =Kveton's2822 SW Boundary St, Portland OR 972392008-11-04 17:57:582822 Sw Boundary StPortlandOR97239US@Fكu^3/uK(+k 3S  = Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 19:51:06SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^ ;r$*k 3S ;r Portland State University Engineering Building2008-11-03 19:51:05SW College Street and SW 4th AvenuePortland oregon97201US@F- ^o)3 =Hotel deLuxe - 729 SW 15th Ave - Portland, OR 97205 - USA2008-11-03 16:23:10;b :Vk(3 :VHotel deLuxe - 729 SW 15th Ave - Portland, OR 97205 - USA2008-11-03 16:23:10;b 8QO8 of OEN’s Seed Oregon: http://ww|63 :`OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:56;bՍ !^971-223-46600M =31  ;HMultnomah County Central Libraryhttp://www.multcolib.org2008-11-07 19:40:29801 SW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97205@Fu%F ^E;b+/K e 31 >UKelley Engineering Center (OSU)2500 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA2009-01-07 19:23:192500 Nw Monroe AveCorvallisOR97330US@FHty^r| WHJW/>
        If you are invol ԡlKi3s333OTBC: Speed Datiq>3 ;OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:59;bE <|=3 ;OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:59;b <|<3 ;OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:59;b <|;3 ;OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:58;bտ <|:3 ;OTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:58;bվ <893 :OTBC2008-11-10 22:43:57;bձ <|83 :bOTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:57;bՏ <|73 :aOTBC - 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Suite 210 - Beaverton, OR 97006 - USA2008-11-10 22:43:56;bՎ < %d the implications for our region's economy at a Greenlight Ambassadors Breakfast Friday, March 27, 2009 7:30-9:00 a.m. Two World Trade Center, Mezzanine 2, 3 & 4 25 SW Salmon Street (A parking garage is located on Taylor StreetT533K33JwPortland Business Alliance Presents ShopTalk Showcase at Susan G. Komen for the CureShopTalk Showcase is a bi-monthly networking event presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by local member businesses. Wear pink to Susan G. Komen and receive a pin! With events like Race for the Cure, Su @C37 <OTBC in the Beaverton Round2008-11-10 22:44:0012725 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97005US@F>!^;b <ށW?c3S ;Open Technology Business Center - Suite 2102008-11-10 22:44:00Commons Building - Cornell Oaks Corporate Center 15455 N.W. Greenbrier Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97140BeavertonOregon97140;b\ < g'g for a team above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get OTBC moves away from Greenbrier as of Nov 1 2008

        And now, it's official - OTBC will be at its new location at the Beaverton Round as of November 1. And with a new business model. It's a very positive move, and will open up new opportunities for us. Here's some additional background. OTBC is a non-profit corporation that helps startup companies succeed with office infrastructure and coaching, advising, networking, entrepreneurship education, and consulting services. 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton , OR 97006http://www.opentechcenter.com2008-11-10 22:44:1515455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210Beaverton OR 97006US@FA̅^`3971-223-4660 ;b` < *My*t techniques, socinV; ? 3 >^St. Francis Dining Hall1182 SE Pine, Portland OR2009-01-19 01:05:26US@BeAW7|U3G =Oracle2008-11-13 03:01:041211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;b <xT3G <Oracle2008-11-13 03:01:031211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;boS; 3%  >^St. Francis Dining Hall2009-01-19 01:05:261182 SE PinePortlandOregonUS@F¨^toR; 3%  >^St. Francis Dining Hall2009-01-19 01:05:261182 SE PinePortlandOregonUS@FV^5ZoQ; % 3 >^St. Francis Dining Hall1182 SE Pine2009-01-19 01:05:25PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z_Ps3 >^St. Francis Dining Hall, 1182 SE Pine, Portland, OR2009-01-19 01:05:25/OQ S 3) ) <CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis725 SW 26th St, Corvallis, OR 973332008-11-12 00:58:23725 SW 26th StCorvallisOR97333US@FGUO^hĵ(541) 737-2351 WCm above and beyond coding, yet it's still one of the hardest XP practices to get into. Ping Pong pairing is a lot of fun and is my favourite way to pair. It has a game-like style that instils good pairing and TDD practices. So comeC];3 =Secret Society Ballroom2008-11-16 15:24:50\O3) =Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-11-14 20:34:43928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F W^L[V;b ; [O3) ; Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2008-11-14 20:34:42928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F W^L[V;bvZ= 3/ =Powell's Technical Books2008-11-13 14:53:0933 NW Park AvenuePortlandOR97209US@FG^{cM2DY=3 =Powell's Technical Books2008-11-13 14:52:45tX; 3% >^St. Francis Dining Hall2009-01-19 01:05:261182 SE PinePortlandOregon97214US@F¨^toW; 3%  >^St. Francis Dining Hall2009-01-19 01:05:261182 SE PinePortlandOregonUS@F¨^t 00ve focused this introductory class on monitoring conversations. Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/350105174 Costs: * Early Bird: $124.99 * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed Early Bird: $34.99 * Late Registration (After June 18): $199.99 L^;O)E37% =Secret Society BallroomJoin us November 30th from 10 am - 6 pm for the Secret Society Sale, located at 116 NE Russell. There will be 35 talented artist with their handmade treasures. All of the vendors will be donating 10% of their sales to the Oregon Food Bank, because no one should be hungry! We also encourage non-perishable food donations. This year the Secret Society Lounge will be open from 4-6 pm for drinks. Help us make a difference and have a little fun shopping and socializing! Admission is free! For more info go to: secretsocietysale.com 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 15:27:07PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526 zIexperts in our site lab and joE3S33JvIntroduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren’t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool thr`;)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:40:59PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526_;;)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:40:09PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526 ics (CCRMA) where began to develop the electronic musical instruments he is presenting today. The RT (radio trowel) uses a capacitive sensor array based on MaxPtWi3]33Ju Ignite Corvallis 2 (Postponed to Oct)IMPORTANT: The original event on April 3rd wb;;)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:45:00PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526aa;y)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:43:53PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526 9hhy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou hasrc oo3 % =Embassy Suites Portland - Washington Square9000 SW Washington Square Road, Portland OR 97223http://embassysuites1.hilton.com/en_US/es/hotel/PDXBVES-Embassy-Suites-Portland-Washington-Square-Oregon/index.do2008-11-19 03:34:41US@BeAW7503-644-40008qS kE3 % =Embassy Suites at Washington Square9000 SW Washington Square Road, Tigard OR 97223http://www.embassysuites.com2008-11-19 03:30:19US@BeAW7503-644-4000MpS E3 % =Embassy Suites at Washington Square9000 SW Washington Square Road, Tigard, Oregon, United States 97223http://www.embassysuites.com2008-11-19 03:29:43US@BeAW7503-644-4000CoS AE33% =Embassy Suites at Washington Square9000 SW Washington Sq Roadhttp://www.embassysuites.com2008-11-19 01:10:12TigerdOR97223US@F^[-M@sallyb@rtcgroup.com503-274-8005 y will be at Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a d;;)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:46:04PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526c;=)E3  7% =Secret Society Ballroom 116 NE Russellhttp://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:45:28PortlandORUS@FV^5Zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526 XuXly Farnham: Dorkbot Dorkbot Dorkbot + Seattle I am that rare combination ng3- 9CubeSpace2008-11-18 02:11:07622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;b(f;) ?3) ) = Secret Society Ballroom http://secretsociety.net/2008-11-16 17:02:31116 NE RussellPortlandOR97212US@F6>^z]z(503) 493-3600e;; E3)7% = Secret Society Ballroom http://secretsocietysale.com2008-11-16 16:58:29116 NE RussellPortlandOR97212US@F6>^z]zinfo.sssale@yahoo.com503.804.2526 7;t Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The OnS3 =Embassy Suites at Washington Square2008-11-19 01:09:043m o 3E % =Iovino's136 SW Washington Ave # 102 , Corvallis, OR 973332008-11-18 22:49:16136 SW Washington Ave # 102 CorvallisOregon97333US@FG<}^и541-738-90154l3 =Iovino's2008-11-18 22:48:07Uk3 =TBD2008-11-18 07:34:16?CorvallisOregonUS@FHȼ^ћF;bxjWK/ 3/ =An amazing space at SE 10th and AlderIt is a complete mystery what the actual space is. However it is apparently "an amazing space".SE 10th and Alder2008-11-18 04:56:37SE 10th and AlderPortlandOregon97214US@FKvb^{QiW3 =An amazing space at SE 10th and Alder2008-11-18 04:55:22rh3- =CubeSpace2008-11-18 02:11:08622 SE Grand AvePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;b 9 wzwOur full summer schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation zv;3) <Fuller's Restaurant2008-11-20 20:27:42136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209US@FZY^V5;bu cU31 ) <Portland State University, Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 135-02Datalab, the Data and Information Management Laboratory, conducts theoretical and applied research related to database management.1900 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97201http://www.cs.pdx.edu/user/contactus2008-12-12 20:04:151900 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FMk2^*EM(503) 725-4036kt 3 <Portland State University, Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 135-022008-12-12 20:04:15sc o3E % =Embassy Suites Portland - Washington Squarehttp://embassysuites1.hilton.com/en_US/es/hotel/PDXBVES-Embassy-Suites-Portland-Washington-Square-Oregon/index.do2008-11-19 03:35:479000 SW Washington Square RdPortland OR 97223US@FS^NΚ,503-644-4000 /YInfl}W C3/ =Portland State University Cramer Hallhttp://www.pdx.edu/map.html2008-11-21 15:12:181721 SW Broadway PortlandOR97201US@FБ}k^"|U3C =Mc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2008-11-21 15:11:274045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮv;b" ;{U3C ;Mc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2008-11-21 15:11:264045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮv;b"ez/ ae37+% =Aivea Corporation14631 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97006http://www.aivea.com/sharepoint-training.htm2008-11-21 05:19:1514631 Sw Millikan WayBeavertonOR97005US@FY ^^ sales@aivea.com503-520-9999Qy3% =TBA2008-11-20 20:29:36TBAPortland, OROregon97205;b :AMx3% :ATBA2008-11-20 20:29:36TBAPortland, OROregon97205;b ~w;3) =Fuller's Restaurant2008-11-20 20:27:43136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209US@FZY^V5;b < L4#LOur full summer schedule is as follows: * TuesdS ] 37 Please don't delete or modify this venue. This venue is a placeholder for events whose venue is yet to be determined. Instead -- if this is the venue for your event, and your event gets a real venue:

        • create a new venue, or
        • change the event's venue to an existing venue
        2008-11-26 17:13:18placeholder for TBD locationsPortlandOregon;b{f)3 :ATBD - Portland2008-11-26 17:14:06PortlandPortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z;b'y 539 % =PNCAhttp://www.pnca.edu/2008-11-26 16:29:501241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOR97209503.226.4391 ;s /u/">Inflation   N) SE3+7% =The Crown Room205 NW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.thecrownroom.net/2008-11-28 23:55:12205 NW 4th Ave.PortlandOregon97209US@F*Ϸb^/finfo@thecrownroom.net503-222-6655Im G37 ) ;University Place Hotel & Conference Center (PSU)http://cegs.pdx.edu/stay/upl/2008-11-28 23:51:39310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^(503) 221.0140;b# =فW) SW3+7% =The Crown Room205 NW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.myspace.com/the_crown_room2008-11-28 21:19:14205 NW 4th Ave.PortlandOregon97209US@F*Ϸb^/finfo@thecrownroom.net503-222-6655:)3 =The Crown Room2008-11-28 21:10:48 937' =University Place Hotel2008-11-28 18:34:41310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201United States@F$tT^Q;b+K3+ =Blitz bar in the Pearl District2008-11-28 01:15:03110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209US@F-^ ;b( ; T0dT("$().?¸°°µµ³°¸È8-*)+0>UƼ·³µ²ª¥ Ÿ¡¤²í  3/ <Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 86-012008-12-12 20:04:141900 SW 4th Ave. Portland Oregon97201US@FMk2^*EMi3 <Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 86-012008-12-12 20:04:146g U 35  =The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center1000 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 972322008-12-01 22:12:411000 Ne Multnomah StPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4 :2g U 35 :The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center1000 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 972322008-12-01 22:12:381000 Ne Multnomah StPortlandOR97232US@F4^f4Yg3 :The Doubletree Hotel Executive Meeting Center2008-12-01 22:12:38yW 7 3 3 =KBOO 90.7fm / Streaming @ www.kboo.fmOn the air and online2008-11-30 23:03:16skidmarc@riseup.netQW3 =KBOO 90.7fm / Streaming @ www.kboo.fm2008-11-30 23:02:34 W2TqWtual user conference will help ISVs gain a competitive advantage. );3A =Lucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-12-08 21:38:07915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);b7 ; (!3u-! :$Oregon Zoo2008-12-08 21:38:13five minutes west of downtown Portland on Highway 26Portland, OregonWashington;b8';3A ; Lucky Labrador Brew Pub2008-12-08 21:38:07915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);b7V#3) =Online2008-12-07 21:55:23oen.org/eventsPortlandOregon;b0 :R"3) :Online2008-12-07 21:55:22oen.org/eventsPortlandOregon;b0!K3- =Block 15 Restaurant and Brewery2008-12-07 18:19:32300 SW JeffersonCorvallisOregon97330US@FG=3g^µ;b/J - {C3+ % =Monsoon Software520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97209, USAhttp://www.monsoonworks.com2008-12-06 19:57:58520 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F#^>>E503.239.1055 Iw9AIeak-oil">Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes);?3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:22;b <;>3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:22;b <;=3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:21;b <;<3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:21;b <;;3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:20;b <;:3 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:19;b <;93 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:19;b <;83 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:18;b <;73 <FAB 1552008-12-12 20:04:18;b <6cU31 ) =Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building - FAB 135-02Datalab, the Data and Information Management Laboratory, conducts theoretical and applied research related to database management.1900 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97201http://www.cs.pdx.edu/user/contactus2008-12-12 20:04:171900 SW 4th AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FMk2^*EM(503) 725-4036 < ^p"N^'s Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, mn/% 3'  =Peacock Lane2008-12-10 20:44:38SE Peacock LnPortlandOregon97214US@FL@Jr^ʫ\;b>|.A3' =The Lights on Peacock Lane2008-12-10 20:44:07SE Peacock LnPortlandOregon97214US@FL@Jr^ʫ\;b>P-9 uC31 % =Food Innovation Center1207 NW Naito Parkway Suite 154, Portland, OR 97209 http://fic.oregonstate.edu/2008-12-09 14:16:491207 Nw Naito PkwyPortlandOR97209US@F#^s503-872-6680M,W IC39 % =Hotlips Pizza SE Hawthorne (at 22nd) 2211 SE Hawthorne, Portland ORhttp://www.hotlipspizza.com2008-12-09 14:15:102211 Se Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOR97214US@F^*nhg503.234.9999z+?3I =Portland State University2008-12-12 20:07:161515 SW 5th Avenue, 10th FloorPortlandOregon97204;b= *!3u-! =Oregon Zoo2008-12-08 21:38:14five minutes west of downtown Portland on Highway 26Portland, OregonWashington;b8 :$ v5">Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
        11. 2009-09-11 03:00:00Jitfalls. By avoiding these situations, estimates become more representative of the project and more variation more predictable. Controlling both of these, help the Project Manager avert trouble. This a very interactive and fun presentation. It has a short exercise and throughout the presentation, attendees are asked to make estimates on doing the exercise again under a number of situations to help better learn from their own behavior. Speaker Bio Mr. Williams has thirty years experience as a Project Manager, Architect, entrepreneur and businessperson. He has spent twenty of those years recovering red projects. From this experience, he has developed a process to make the recoveries more efficient. His experience also provides a plethora of invaluable knowledge on avoiding project failure. He has worked in manufacturing and service industries for products used internally and externally to the companies developing them. The projects include large-scale system integration of manufacturing systems, equipment Vz7n+bV@v-33;becreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:542009-01-08 10:32:54@u-33;bdcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:502009-01-08 10:32:50@t-33;bccreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:492009-01-08 10:32:49@s-33;bbcreated 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:472009-01-08 10:32:47@r-33;b`created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:432009-01-08 10:32:43@q-33;b^created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:402009-01-08 10:32:40@p-33;b]created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:362009-01-08 10:32:36@o-33;b\created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:332009-01-08 10:32:33@n-33;b[created 1 events2009-01-08 10:32:312009-01-08 10:32:31@m-33;bZcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:282009-01-08 10:32:28@l-33;bՉcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:262009-01-08 10:32:26@k-33;bեcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:242009-01-08 10:32:24@j-33;bճcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:222009-01-08 10:32:22@i-33;bՑcreated 0 events2009-01-08 10:32:192009-01-08 10:32:19 'K'Xvention From The Expepԡf}=3 333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's Creative Community in 30 Minutes3BY10 is a monthly presentation xԡe/)3M333WordCamp Seattle WordCamp is coming to Seattle! Bloggers from all over the Northwest will meet to network, share knowledge and experiences, all while le~ ԡd?[3]333Mobile Portland -- PhoneGap: Build cross-platform mobile apps w/ HTML, CSS and JavaScriptJoin us for a special presentation from the Pԡc/3E333Puppet User GroupCome learn about Puppet and help get this user group going! Teyo and Luke will give a 45 minute introductory talk and tutorial about Puppet, with a bit of Q&A afterward. We'll have some conversation about what these user group meetings should look like -- what people want to talk about or learn, etc. And there will be free beer! E-mail beth@reductivelabs.com for more information.2009-09-30 02:00:00http://www.reductivelabs.com2009-08-18 21:55:392009-08-18 21:55:39 @02009-09-30 04:00:00to the app store. * How to create a single codebase that works with iPhone, Android and Blackberry. Avoid the heresy of Objective-C or Java and return to the sanity of the open web. In this presentation, Brian LeRoux guides you through the creation of a mobile web application that is app store ready , and will discuss future platforms for PhoneGap and XUI. About Brian LeRoux Co-creator of XUI and contributor to the open source PhoneGap project, Brian LeRoux believes that the future of the Internet is mobile and will rely on web standards, open source and developers like you. Brian works at Nitobi Software , a leader in user experience and all things JavaScript. PhoneGap Videos We've posted a couple of videos about PhoneGap on the Mobile Portland web site for those who want to see more about what PhoneGap provides.2009-08-25 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4229011/2009-08-18 23:55:462009-08-19 00:10:56 9;bؿ2009-08-25 01:00:00 GG'09BKT]fox#2ԡGc3]333POSSE: The Business of Open Source SoftwarePlease RSVP here on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. Brian Jamison and other members of POSSE will be leading a discussion about how to run an open source business. We'll also have plenty of time for you to hang out and talk to each other on this topic or anything else. This is a monthly meeting of POSSE (Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs) that is open for anyone to attend. POSSE is dedicated to helping businesses in the Portland area and beyond reduce costs, mitigate risk, and make software choice easy by utilizing open source software. POSSE members meet once a month to network with other open source software entrepreneurs, engineers and enthusiasts.2009-09-17 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4226199/2009-08-11 15:58:372009-10-29 20:00:10 =;bع2009-09-17 03:00:00NVancouver, B.C. based PhoneGap developers. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about building cross-platform mobile applications. Want to build device neutral mobile web apps with HTML and JavaScript? PhoneGap makes building iPhone and Android applications a snap with regular HTML, CSS and JavaScript. XUI is a nifty JavaScript microframework designed for building mobile web applications. If you're a developer who doesn’t want to take the time and effort to learn the Objective-C programming language to build iPhone or other mobile applications, you’ll discover how to create mobile applications with HTML and JavaScript and still take advantage of native device features, like GSP, accelerometer and local storage, etc. * Which development options are available for building mobile apps, particularly for the iPhone. * How to use the open source PhoneGap framework and XUI to build mobile applications in JavaScript and HTML and deploy them  archive information in an accessible way to help us be the best grantmakers we can be. But we've been approaching this task with a bigger end in mind. Why, we asked ourselves, would we set up a system that only MMT ԡI5u3]333Pecha Kucha Night #6The energetic, casual Pecha Kucha Night, a concept originated in the design community of Tokyo, squeezes a series of concise presentations into a short amount of time. Join students from the brand new MFA program in Applied Craft and Design, off ered jointly by Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft, as they are challenged to describe their studio work in three minutes or less. This lively program allows the students to provide new fodder for creative conversation and breaks them out of the confines of the academy, introducing them to the greater Portland community.2009-10-22 00:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4226746/2009-08-11 23:10:542009-08-14 17:47:30 ?;bػ2009-10-22 00:30:00 ee given the readiness for change among the project champions; and, -- Using the principlԡH]M3]333POSSE: Open Source Software in the CloudPlease RSVP here on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. The topic for this month is open source software in the cloud (specifics still TBD). We'll also have plenty of time for you to hang out and talk to each other on this topic or anything else. This is a monthly meeting of POSSE (Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs) that is open for anyone to attend. POSSE is dedicated to helping businesses in the Portland area and beyond reduce costs, mitigate risk, and make software choice easy by utilizing open source software. POSSE members meet once a month to network with other open source software entrepreneurs, engineers and enthusiasts.2009-10-22 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4226210/2009-08-11 16:02:102009-08-11 16:02:38 :A;bغ2009-10-22 03:00:00ges on a day to day basis. This event shows the dynamic variety that will help shape Oregon’s economic future. Date and Time: Wednesday September 09, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: 1313 NW Marshall Portland, OR 97209 Registration: OEN Members - $15, Non Members - $25 Participants: OEN Revelation WeoGeo WickedQuick DesignMedix Mercy Corps NW Sweet Elevens Plywerk Heart in Oregon Waste Away Marine Services Learn More Click Here 2009-09-10 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=592009-08-12 17:25:302009-08-12 17:32:48 :62009-09-10 02:00:00 SS we not only produce Internet solutions including high-quality We3 7 33 White Stag Building70 NW Couch, Portland2009-03-30 21:41:102009-04-14 00:43:15PortlandOR97209US@F($ԡU3C333Beer and Blog -~ԡ^=A3]333Blogging for non-techies[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1492082/ ] So you've decided to incorporate a blog into your marketing, you're ready to make the leap, ,ԡJo{3U333OEN Pub Talk - The Many Faces of EntrepreneurshipJoin OEN at Bridgeport Brewpub and see the many faces of entrepreneurship in Oregon. This event highlights a sampling of companies that have been active in the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network programs as well as companies that have been through Mercy Corps NW programs. Successful start ups come from a wide range of backgrounds - and might receive $100K + angel or a $10K micro finance loan - but all add to the diversity and strength of our business community and all face many of the same challenS jjcom/ on global outsourcing strategies: outlook and challenges in a changing global economic ԡLMc3U333Willamette Innovators Night 2009A Compelling Convergence of creative talent from across the Willamette Valley coming together to share ideas, see what's happening and just maybe *spark* that million-dollar award-winning new product or service. 1pm - Sponsor and Partner Association Luncheon 3pm - Welcome & Keynote Speaker (Alumni Center) 4pm - Guest Speaker (Alumni Center) 5pm - Guest Speaker- Regional Economic Development Director, John Sechrist (Alumni Center) 3-7pm - History of Innvoation Dynamic Display (Alumni Center Foyer) 4-8pm - Open Innovation Exhibit Hall (La Sells Stewart Center) 4-7:30 - Social Networking (Beer-n-Blog, Corvallis Young Professionals, general) 4-7:30 - Innovative Research & Industry Mixer 7:30pm - IGNITE! Corvallis 2009-11-05 21:00:00http://www.willametteinnovators.com/2009-08-13 00:05:542009-08-13 00:05:54 <2009-11-06 06:00:00 I2Ihigh-quality Web sites, but create fully integrated custom applications that meet 8ԡ"C'333Morning Meetings: MarketingCome into CubeSpace between 9 and 10 a.m. on weekdays to chat for free with the professional-in-residence about your needs. The Friday topic is:

        Marketing, including web 2/ԡO/93W333HTML5-PDX MeetingTopic to be determined2009-08-18 01:30:00http://calagator.org/venues/2023916002009-08-13 22:27:432009-08-17 02:04:21 @0;bؼ2009-08-18 03:30:00,ԡN53s333PDX Weekly HackathonJoin us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. 2009-08-14 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon2009-08-13 18:50:122009-08-13 18:50:12 ; 2009-08-14 05:00:00GԡM'3K333Beer and BlogHave beer with geeks. Well-mannered dogs welcomed on patio.2009-08-14 23:00:00http://portland.beerandblog.com2009-08-13 04:26:492009-08-14 06:02:13 ; 2009-08-15 01:00:00Xthe weirdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude with the national premiere of Punchcut’s newest installment of the Typophile Film Fest, a collection of typographic film shorts. Cancel any existing plans – this event is not to be missed! August 25, 2009 7:00pm Died Young, Stayed Pretty. by filmmaker Eileen Yaghoobian “Died Young, Stayed Pretty” (http://www.diedyoungstayedpretty.com/) is a candid look at the underground poster culture in North America. This unique documentary examines the creative spirit that drives these indie graphic artists. They pick through the dregs of America’s schizophrenic culture and piece them back together. What you end up with is a caricature of the black and bloated heart that pulses greed through the US economy. The film gives us intimate look at some of the giants of this modern subculture. * Directly after the film, Eileen and the following panel of local rock poster designers will field questions from the audience, led by moderator, Tim DuRoche: Art Chantry, Dan Stiles, Guy Burwell, Mike King and Lloyd Winter Film venue: Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st Ave., Portland, OR Cost: (members/non-members/students) Regular Price: $8.00 Student: $7.00 62+Senior: $5.00 Child: $5.00 Advance tickets available at http://www.cinema21.com/#diedyoungstayedpretty After-party venue & bands: Slabtown 1033 NW 16th avenue Portland, OR Old Growth: www.myspace.com/oldgrowthmusicpdx Science of Yabra www.myspace.com/scienceofyabra2 NO COVER CHARGE Many thanks to our gracious sponsors… * Cinema 21 – http://www.cinema21.com/ * Art Institute of Portland – http://www.aiopen.com/portland/ * Partners on Demand (sustainable printer) – www.partnersondemand.com * Professional Sign & Graphics - http://www.thesignpros.com/2009-08-26 02:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events2009-08-14 17:47:382009-08-24 20:57:45 @r2009-08-28 04:00:00scaling software services. Cloud Services are being offered in different flavors and for different segments by a variety of vendors. TiE Oregon is hosting a Cloud Computing flyby, with a panel of evangelists, experts and entrepreneurs representing the key providers as well as usage and deployment perspectives for a spectrum of service layers including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Panelists include: - Arne Kainu, President & CEO, CenterStance - Jason Mauer, Senior Developer Evangelist Microsoft - Jinesh Varia, Technology Evangelist, Amazon - Ryan Williams, Senior Software Engineer, AllMed Healthcare Management Join us on Sept 16th, to learn, explore and get answers to your questions regarding the technical and operational issues, financial trade-offs and business risks and opportunities offered by cloud computing. 2009-09-17 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3603&from_where=chapter_homepage2009-08-18 06:21:392009-10-01 18:16:14 @2009-09-17 04:00:00elected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, November 12th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: November 12th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership ($26 savings), and the Seed Oregon application fee 2009-11-13 01:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=842009-08-18 17:37:552009-08-26 16:53:16 :62009-11-13 03:00:00 Jwԡlm3]333Online Community Manager: Yes, It's Really A Job[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1505004/ ] Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) of the Portland tech community will be giving a talk about online community managers. Description: Online community managers are being hired in more and more companies and organizations. In this presentation, Dawn will talk about how communities are managed and why companies need community management. I'll also provide some specific job requirementpԡ\[3U333OEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 1 OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, September 18 at 5:15 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to^ fRtW K33K\ԡ];3U333OEN SwapMeet - October Meet. Greet. Repeat. In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort. Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow. There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there. Date and Time: Thursday October 22, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Someday Lounge 125 NW 5th Ave Portland, OR 97209 Registration: No Cost 2009-10-23 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=962009-08-18 17:29:252009-08-19 07:56:45 :2009-10-23 02:00:00or to 6pm when the building elevator locks and someone will need to leave the meeting to retrieve latecomers. Deborah Bryant will be leading a discussion about the relationship between government and open source software: benefits, challenges, and what you can do. We'll also have plenty of time for you to hang out and talk to each other on this topic or anything else. Rough Agenda: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking 6:00 - 6:30 Deborah Bryant 6:30 - 6:45 Introductions 6:40 - 7:30 Networking This is a monthly meeting of POSSE (Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs) that is open for anyone to attend. POSSE is dedicated to helping businesses in the Portland area and beyond reduce costs, mitigate risk, and make software choice easy by utilizing open source software. POSSE members meet once a month to network with other open source software entrepreneurs, engineers and enthusiasts. RSVP to bryant-dot-deb-at-gmail-dot-com2009-08-20 00:30:002009-08-17 23:59:232009-08-18 00:01:26 @W2009-08-20 02:30:00 $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, October 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: October 14th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 2009-10-15 00:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=602009-08-18 17:24:482009-09-30 22:55:06 :62009-10-15 02:00:00 ssh2-33MOTBC (The Round)2009-05-27 18:08:022009-05-27 20:38:2912725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@FQ^F ;bW <v~mG 33+ Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design ShopThe Industrial Design shop for the Art Institute1ԡp?%3]333Shizzow Developers Me~ԡ^]13U333 OEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 2 OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, October 16 at 5:00 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total will be sZby Evan Gardner, is an integrated set of teaching techniques that creates fluent speakers in a language without resorting to textbooks or homework.  You can play the game anywhere, anytime, with anyone, so long as you have a single fluent speaker of the target language.
 Because "Where are your Keys?" is a game, learning how to play the game also trains you to teach the game.  You can take your level of fluency and teach another person up to your level.  It is a way for a community to rapidly teach themselves a language by making every learner a new teacher.
 "Where are your Keys" teaches not only language, but principles of learning that can be applied to any skill or field of knowledge.
 Rather than presenting a lecture, Evan Gardner and Willem Larsen will actually run and debrief the game so everyone will have a hands-on experience (and a spankin' good time!).2009-08-20 01:30:00http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xpportland/2009-08-15 17:05:192009-08-15 17:05:19 @92009-08-20 05:00:00will be selected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, January 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: January 13th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership {$26 savings}, and the Seed Oregon application fee)2009-01-14 01:15:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1012009-08-18 17:55:042009-08-18 17:55:04 :62009-01-14 03:00:00 == The Android G1 is a TMobile phone whose ope]ԡXc13 333 POSSE: Open Source Software and GovernmentPOSSE: Open Source Software and Government Wednesday August 19, 2009 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm OSU Foundation 707 SW Washington St # 500 Portland, Oregon 97205 Please RSVP if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. Please also try to arrive pri]PԡW=e3]333Community Manager MeetupWe're having a meetup where online community managers can talk about best practices with other community managers. If you are managing online communities, feel free to join! Here are a few topics we'll be discussing: * Free vs. fee content ... if / when / how? "Separation of church & state" * DRM issues... * Constituent management (database used, other processes, etc.) * Your topic here2009-08-20 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4233315/2009-08-17 19:38:322009-08-17 19:38:32 ; ;b2009-08-20 04:00:00g has a drink in one hand, business cards in the other, and an elevator speech at the ready, and ready to move on once s/he has gotten your card. But is that what networking really is? Networking is creating meaningful, and helpful relationships where everyone wins. Forget all the hype about social networking or chambers of commerce or the stereotypical networker. Networking isn't just about online social networking sites such as twitter and linkedin. And it doesn't just involve going to a chamber meeting or other type of in-person networking event. Networking involves learning how to create relationships with all the people you know, so that you can help all of them, even as they help you! In this workshop, you'll learn how to make networking fun, my process for organizing and matching your connections in your network, and learn to shift your thinking from what you can get for yourself to how you can give and help others and be very successful as a result! In this class youened since they last hosted Lunch 2.0 back in April 2008, including the launch of their new event registration service, eROI Event . To showcase their new system, eROI wants your suggestions on what they should raffle off at their Lunch 2.0. So, head over to the Lunch 2.0 event , register and suggest something. You'll get a chance to test-drive eROI Event, and the winner will be selected from those who register there. If it's not too much trouble, please also RSVP here or only here, if you don't want to win free stuff. As if. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-09-16 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4230647/2009-08-15 19:55:212009-08-27 22:19:08 9;bؾ2009-09-16 21:00:00 m/event/1186884/ ] The event is on again after some climate obstacles in december. Please RSVP again at http://dn.dnweb.net/Tbird Global Technology Trends Offshore Development Strategies and Global Tech Marketing A speaker and networking gathering by The Thunderbird Alumni Network (TAN) Portland Chapter The global high-tech sector has gone through a series of profound changes in the past couple of dec'ԡKQ3_333HacPDX: Portland Haskell HackathonHacPDX is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. If you've never been, Hackathons are typically not only a good opportunity for experienced devs to work together but also a great way for newcomers to get involved in the community. Visit this website for complete details: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX2009-09-25 22:30:00http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX2009-08-12 18:25:282009-09-25 21:32:03 >2009-09-28 01:00:00 <g M@ڿ_eԡZE 3E333TiE Oregon - Cloud ComputingCloud Computing ties hardware virtualization and software innovation to offer economic choices for deploying and Y=ԡYI]3;333WhereCamp PDX Planning MeetingCome help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX! Planning meetings occur weekly leading up to the event in late-September/early-October. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". We need help with all aspects of planning the event, from recruiting attendees, to finding sponsors, to ordering food and other on-site needs. This is a great time to step in and see how you can help.2009-08-21 02:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-08-18 01:45:372009-08-18 01:46:26 ;2009-08-21 03:00:00 will learn: * What networking really is and what it means to give. * How to recognize a networking opportunity in any conversation. * to mesh your natural network with your business network and have everyone benefiting from it. * How to listen and make connections between the people who need something, and the people who can help them. * How to shift your think from me to we. * Fun techniques you can use to liven up your networking groups Date: Friday, September 11 2009 Time: Noon to 2pm Price: $35, LUNCH included Location: Bravo! Publications 630 B Avenue Lake Oswego OR 97034 To register please rsvp with Taylor Ellwood at Imagineyourreality@gmail.com or register at http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html Checks or paypal only please2009-09-11 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4235120/2009-08-18 19:35:222009-08-18 19:35:22 @E;b2009-09-11 21:00:00  JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics slated for this meeting include: * SproutCore - An overview )ԡQg3K333Design à Trois - "Died Young, Stayed Pretty"Design à Trois Design à Trois is a three night event exploring rock poster design, book cover design and type design. We’ll kick things off with acclaimed rock poster design documentary, “Died Young, Stayed Pretty.,” by filmmaker, Eileen Yaghoobian. Next up will be “You SHOULD Judge a Book by Its Cover” – an insightful and amusing presentation on 50+ of WQԡP'3I333PDXPUGJoin the Portland PostgreSQL Users' Group for our monthly meeting! Where: FreeGeek When: 7pm 20 August, 2009 Who: Jim Cser What: Metro simulation database Drinks afterward at the SE Lucky Lab.2009-08-21 02:00:00http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx2009-08-14 00:08:042009-08-14 00:09:34 92009-08-21 04:00:00 s a muGԡb#w3]333PDX IPhone Demo of new product to make In-App purchases easier. 2009-08-19 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone2009-08-18 19:42:082009-10-25 19:47:29 @|2009-08-19 02:30:00ԡa=a3]333Are you networking effectively? How to turn your natural network into your referral teamThe stereotype of the networker is a person whocmԡ`] 3W333 OEN PubTalk™ - Seed Oregon - Round 3 OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, December 4 at 5:00 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total a 8Y>
        We recently realized that we've outgrown the Jive breakroom, anjԡ)}3333The Sexesode 2Join CamiKaos, MissBurrowsm Melissa Lion and Kami Kveton for some frank discusswԡ3?333Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free eventJoin Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy ofPԡMU3]333SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange MeetingIf you are tech entrepreneur or startup executive we would be pleased to have you attend the StartUp Exchange Meeting. The meetings are meant to be a discussion amopeԡ13]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kinoeԡ13]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kinneԡ~13]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kinleԡ}13]333SAOpdx: ConnectPDXSAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kinmffort. We will cut through the mysteries and arm your company with simple strategies to succeed. With traditional media audiences rapidly declining, this class is a must for business owners. Speaker: Ryan Lewis Ryan Lewis is considered a leader in the social media marketing field. He has built marketing campaigns for small businesses, individuals; all the way to fortune 500 companies and teaches classes on the best practices for businesses to interact online. His work has increased revenue, optimized inter-office communication, and built positive branding initiatives for businesses across the U.S. Date and Time: Thursday, Novembers 5, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Location: Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy Portland, OR 97209 Registration: OEN Members $30, Non Members - $125(Includes one year membership and workshop fee is waived) To Learn More Visit: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1052009-11-06 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1052009-09-14 20:35:102009-09-30 22:57:28 ?2009-11-06 01:30:00d that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-10 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253274/2009-08-21 23:31:442009-08-27 22:16:06 ;;b2009-09-10 23:00:00ittle more about the tech scene in Boise!2009-02-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:46:292009-01-29 05:54:37 >;bט2009-02-07 07:45:00d that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-03 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253269/2009-08-21 23:29:282009-08-27 22:13:45 ;;b2009-09-03 23:00:00gis.2009-05-21 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis/2009-01-29 03:29:582009-04-15 23:32:23 =2009-05-21 03:00:00d that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-17 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253277/2009-08-21 23:32:352009-08-27 22:18:25 ;;b2009-09-17 23:00:00epShizzow: Why it's your BFF at SXSW2009-03-07 06:00:002009-01-29 04:57:122009-01-29 22:05:44 >;bטJt2009-03-07 07:45:00d that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!2009-09-24 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253278/2009-08-21 23:33:272009-09-16 19:11:56 ;;b2009-09-24 23:00:00.gs/RqzyBR2009-02-17 17:00:00http://www.uie.com/events/roadshow/2009-01-30 15:54:212009-01-30 15:54:21 <(2009-02-18 00:30:00ng peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some of the attendees are likely going through the same issue and have ideas to share, and many of the folks who attend have started many companies so have wisdom to share. Participation is limited to tech entrepreneurs or startup executives only so service providers are not able to attend We have plenty of space but we ask that you now RSVP so we have an idea of how many cups to bring for the beer. If you have questions about the group please contact Dave Howell, CEO of Avatron at: dave (at) avatron.com Dave is serving as an admin for the group while it nears its one year anniversary. A few other leaders in the community are as well including: - Brian Jamison, CEO OpenSourcery - Lee Harding, VP Software SunStone Circuits2009-09-08 23:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253279/2009-08-21 23:36:422009-08-27 22:12:11 <;b2009-09-08 23:00:00 presentation of motion design, typographic animation, short stories, mockumentaries and interviews. About Typophile : Typophile is an international collaborative community of visual designers, typographers and type designers. Typophile is driven by sharing and the idea that we’re always learning. Now in its seventh year, it is one of the oldest design communities online. Typophile is a Punchcut brand. Watch the award-winning Typophile Film Festival 4 Opening Credits at www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHPvHwqmPFk Venue: Art Institute of Portland, 1122 N.W. Davis Street, Portland OR Cost: $10 at the door (members/non-members/students), cash or check only2009-08-28 02:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events2009-08-24 21:20:232009-08-24 21:20:23 ;2009-08-28 04:00:00 }}izers and drinks. The evening will feature entertainment by Portland's own Lions of Batucada - a Brazilian-styl|ԡa3]333Portland Open Source Geospatial User GroupWe meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] This month's meeting: - Jacob Colie from MercyCorps will present a case study (held over from July's meeting) and solicit ideas about how to plan for the gathering of geolocative data for their organization. - Maybe an awesome demo. -Good community! Join us, won't you? Homepage and forums: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis2009-08-27 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4344895/2009-08-24 22:39:262009-08-24 22:39:26 =;b2009-08-27 03:00:00 qq release. The DemoCamp is an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. The format of a DemoCamp is pretty informal. The idea is for a group of Eclipse enthusiasts to meet up and demo what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be of resemԡ#U3]333Beer and Blog's 5th Friday Flame Fun[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1744700/ ] The 5th Friday of the month finds us getting our Beer and Blog on at the Green Dragon as usual. And just like lԡ_=3K333Design à Trois - "Typophile Film Fest 5"Typophile Film Fest 5, produced byadd yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.2009-10-03 16:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-08-25 16:49:482009-09-29 11:12:37 @2009-10-04 01:00:00box-office/fertile-ground/vitriol--violets.aspx2009-02-01 11:46:372009-05-22 18:05:18 >;bד2009-02-02 00:00:00ding, reproducing, documenting, prioritizing defects and validating fixes. We need to move to preventing defects. Ian will introduce a quality-based strategy that reduces total quality costs, increases profit, and makes QA work fun and rewarding based on work by Juran, Crosby, Deming, Krasner and his own experiences. Presenter: Ian Savage, McAfee Ian Savage, CSQE, has 30 years experience in software – as a developer, QA engineer, manager and executive in the manufacturing, financial services, construction, and software security. He is a quality evangelist who readily adopted structured methods in the 1980s, process characterization and modeling in the 1990s, and agile methods this decade. He serves on various SAO and PNSQC boards and committees and wants you to share his excitement about our industry’s future.2009-09-10 18:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4355989/2009-08-25 22:47:212009-08-25 22:47:21 ?);b2009-09-10 18:00:00242009-02-02 07:17:24 >2009-02-05 04:00:00hout the Pacific Northwest. We’ll be showcasing early-to late-stage investment opportunities pre-screened by an investor-led panel. Attendees will learn about the region's growth segments, explore new technology and research, and connect with entrepreneurs from the area's hottest emerging companies including nanotech, microtech, bioscience, sustainability and more. This event highlights the best and brightest investment opportunities in the Northwest and is the place to network with exciting emerging businesses, investment firms, and business development representatives. Early bird Registration to attend Venture Northwest Register for OEN's annual investment conference, Venture Northwest 2009 at the early bird price of $420 by September 15th. Registration increases to $495 after that date. Early bird Registration to attend: $420 by September 15th. Regular registration: $495 2009-09-03 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=882009-08-26 15:49:062009-08-26 15:49:06 >2009-09-03 00:00:00 D

        Critical Mass is:

        - A leaderless, spontaneous bike ride through the streets of Portland (`ԡ/)K33333Wiki WednesdayThe second Wiki Wednesday of 2009! This is theԡUY3=333WhereCampPDX weekly planning meetingA meeting to plan WhereCampPDX. All are welcomed, ev{ԡS%3s333Portland Pythoneers monthly meetingSocialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. 2009-09-09 01:30:00http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup2009-08-26 20:48:582009-08-26 20:48:58 
        Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

        In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

        The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamicsimple as it may sound, the task is complicated because not only do these records need to serve the patients they also need to serve doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurers, pharmacists, hospitals, clinics and government regulators. Join us on Sept 17th for a discussion of this important field of healthcare and the entrepreneurial opportunities. Panelists include: • Grad Conn , Senior Director Microsoft HealthVault, Microsoft • Phil Marshall, VP of Product Strategy, WebMD • Will McKinney, Vice President, Consumer Directed Health Systems Regence, Regence Panel will be moderated by Malcolm Costello, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Relations, Kryptiq 2009-09-18 01:00:00http://oregon.tie.org/chapterHome/events/viewListEventPagePT?event_view_slot=true&id_event=3611&keyword=health&from_where=search&from_search=true&batch_start=0&from_val=calendar2009-08-31 01:39:282009-08-31 15:48:00 @g2009-09-18 04:30:00 lobal markets. This event will introduce you to key strategies and success stories for increasing international revenue. This event is the first in a series of "Go Global" programs put on by the SAO in 2009 designed to educate firms on how to take their companies international. We've gathered three experts with experience in Asia, Europe and North America to share best practices and anecWԡq33o333TiE Oregon - HealtCare IT - Patient Health RecordsEven though the field of healthcare has made great technological strides in the past few decades the typical patient record still looks like the patient record of 50 years ago. As part of the Obama administrations effort to modernize this field of healthcare several incentives are being offered to improve this field of healthcare. Patient Healthcare Records – what does it involve? PHR involves putting patients in control of their health information, store it in a central location, and make it easy to share and update. As ~ill focus on how the “war room” or actual physical space that the team inhabits can help the success of the design and foster great team relationships. In this shared space is where designers can give their ideas shape, and explore solutions together. Gretchen Anderson is the Director of Interaction Design at Lunar Design in San Francisco. Her experience working in firms that do both industrial and interaction design has taught her that getting ideas through the concept phase is a difficult yet crucial stage to successful product design. Gretchen was educated at Harvard and has worked in the design industry for 13 years creating unique products and experiences—from medical products and consumer electronics, to enterprise software applications and consumer websites. Her clients include Starbucks, Virgin Records, HP, Microsoft, Intel, SanDisk, and Johnson & Johnson.2009-09-03 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4230392/2009-08-31 17:24:102009-08-31 17:24:10 @{;b2009-09-03 04:00:00 e webinar on the new Software Association of Oregon Healthcare insurance plans that are available for new enrollment effective March 1, 2009. You can participate in this valuable online presentation thorough the convenience of the internet on either of the following dates and times. Webinar Topics * Regence Health Plans for SAO groups with 2 or more employees * Regence Health Plans for SAO sole practitioners (1 person firms) * Regence Prescription Drug Plans * Regence Vision Plan * RegencrԡO3]333CHIFOO Meeting: Making and Sharing Space: Design Success for Interaction and Industrial DesignersPresented by Gretchen Anderson, of Lunar Design. When designing products with both form and function aspects to them, a team of people with varied talents is required. Industrial designers and interaction designers must come together to create something that is holistic and cohesive. But our education, focus, and areas of expertise can be very different. This presentation w iisome unknown feature or historical accident. The history lesson continues all the way into the roots of Unix in some cases, but also often leaves me thinking "So?". And now I am quickly approaching my 40th CPAN distribution. In this talk, I will share my own experiences in developing with Perl and explore the idea of the "Modern" or "Enlightenedԡ}%3]333Open Source to Venture Capital - Portland Web InnovatorsLuke Kanies from Reductive Labs will tell about his experience starting an Open Source Project (Puppet), building a company around it and raising venture capital. Some questions Luke will answer: * How do you make money when anyone can download your source code? * Is venture capital necessary? * Why did he choose to move his company to Portland? Of course, if you come, Luke will answer your questions, too.2009-09-03 02:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4223295/2009-08-31 17:24:422009-09-01 16:33:04 @|;b2009-09-03 02:00:00rogram managers don't usually tell you. And it will help you decide whether you can create a competitive proposal.


        Workshop Details: This half-day workshop will be interactive with opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will learn:

        • Pre-qualification questions: Is SBIR/STTR right for your firm? Do you have a true innovation? Will your team be seen as credible?
        • The nuts and bolts of program rules, eligibility requirements, and general differences among agencies -- beyond what the program managers tell you
        • How can you avoid learning the hard way?
        • How to hone your story themes and approach that then become the crux of your Phase I proposal
        • The ins and outs of producing a competitive Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal
        • How to avoid losing
        • And critical dos and don'ts of electronic submission

        The Instructor: Mark Henry is nationally known as an SBIR/STTR expert, and in the past three decades he has worked on some 1,800 proposals and has given more than 50 presentations at national SBIR conferences. Mark has also provided training in more than 30 states. While managing the government R&D marketing effort at Bend Research (Bend, OR) for 17 years, the firm won 175 of 350 SBIR/STTR proposals. Mark also has had an 83% win rate on 72 Phase II prototype/demonstration proposals.

        When: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

        Time: Registration/networking: 8:00 am. Workshop: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

        Where: Portland State Business Accelerator (directions below)

        Cost: $75.00 - General Public

        $60.00 - Members of sponsor organizations


        • Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA). (Note: All Oregon University System members eligible for discount.)
        • Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC)
        • Oregon Bioscience Association (OBA)


        Location: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

        Directions:< For GPS and online mapping directions to PSBA, use "SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade St, Portland, 97201" or click here for detailed driving instructions.

        Parking: In PSBA lot at no charge.

        Questions: call 503-725-2312 or email PSBA office.

        2009-09-22 15:00:00http://sbirworkshop.eventbrite.com/2009-08-27 16:48:052009-08-30 14:28:06 92009-09-22 19:30:00 ractive and engaging sessions. We will assist you in building companies that are attractive to investors, customers, partners and employees via a series of focused, interactive educational sessions. Session I – Sales and Marketing - Presented by Bill Etheredge, WCE Consulting Session II – Understanding Cap Table Dynamics - Presented by Brent Bullock, Perkins Coie Session III – Understanding Financial Statements - Presented by Jared Holum, Perkins & Co. Session IV - Ask the Expert Panel Dates and Times: October 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7:30 am – 9:30 am Location: Perkins Coie, 1120 N.W. Couch Street, Tenth Floor, Portland, OR 97209-4128. Parking in building garage will be validated. Cost: The course is $200 for OEN members for the entire Executive Series and $325 for non-members (includes a one year individual membership), and is available for a maximum of 20 participants. 2009-10-06 14:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx2009-09-02 18:49:192009-09-02 18:49:19 >c2009-10-06 16:30:00ences, and resources to promote geographic inquiry and support women working in GIS and related fields. WIGIS is a Special Interest Group of the Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter of URISA. Several WIGIS members (including a local social media guru) have been brainstorming about new directions for WIGIS that include expanding our network, opening channels of information, and more actively encouraging participation from all members. We're thinking Twitter, Facebook, a wiki page perhaps. We invite you to join us for Happy Hour on September 30, where we hope to continue discussions in this vein. Please come if you want to bounce around ideas, learn more about social media, or just get to know other local folks who share an interest in GIS. All are welcome. - Marcelle Caturia, Sarah Beecroft, Christina Friedle, Justin Houk, Molly Vogt2009-10-01 00:30:002009-09-01 02:28:212009-09-01 06:06:50 ;2009-10-01 02:00:00 I have often read the source of a core module and asked "Why?" only to disings, Sprint Retrospectives, and much more. Who should attend: All software team members, including project managers, team leads, development managers, product managers, architects, developers, testers, as well as executives (e.g. CIOs and CTOs). Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance. PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute. Cost:$1200 per student 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by October 10th, 2009 Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free! 2009-11-10 17:00:00http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=7606812009-08-27 21:38:452009-10-29 19:04:24 :A2009-11-12 01:00:00 h4ԡ3e33333SAO: Enterprise Technology Employee Adoptionhttp://www.sao.org/2007-12-06 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:142008-07-13 04:30:30;bձ2007-12-06 17:00$ԡ3==3-333Portland Java User GroupThis month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmԡ>Ow3?333PDMA Panel Speaker Learning eventOregon Chapter of the PDMA Announces July 16, 2009 Lea ԡ=Os3?333PDMA Panel Speaker Learning eventOregon Chapter of the PDMA Announces July 16, 2009 Lea )February 12, 2009, have events to gather people to have fun, raise awareness, and raise funds for charity:water.

        By rallying together globaluԡ"Q3]333Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter, and EcadDԡ!%33333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution PRESENTATION Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution  ~~rm that develops products and services for rapid rich Internet application (RIA)/AJAX development on a service-orien{ԡ,iY3333Fall Splendor Multi Media Art Show & SaleMulti Media Art Show & Sale Saturday, Sep 12th 2009 9:00 am - 4:00pm Free Admission Open House---Open to the Public Sales Booths, Raffle Items, Demonstrations, Door Prizes, Snack Bar and More! Location: Gladstone Christian Church Reception Hall 305 E. Dartmouth, Gladstone, Oregon 97027 Easy / Hwy I-205, Gladstone exit Presented by the Oregon Society of China Painters Show chairman: Joy Williams 503-662-3826 The flyer and driving directions are attached to this file and also located at http://picasaweb.google.com/FallSplendor/FallSplendorMultiMediaArtShow Email: fallsplendor@gmail.com2009-09-12 16:00:00http://picasaweb.google.com/FallSplendor/FallSplendorMultiMediaArtShow2009-09-03 04:12:012009-09-03 15:37:47Jx+2009-09-12 23:00:00 44çoÏëçÝÀ»7ǯ6:w4,@@ÕÏÓÙ¿ÁWLUoÑο¹»ÊwI.2/=Iカ³·®ÇYJ_88Q¸o´±ÂwÎÿHC3GÆÀµ¹¶Ã¿ËWB8746>U÷ÎÎÿÏËÕßÕÆ^ԡA!3/333Portland Lunch 2.0 at soukThe Portland Lunch 2.0 saga continues at flex term office space provider this text link to http://www.meetup.com/itpro-70/.2009-09-30 01:00:00http://www.occa.org2009-09-02 22:36:442009-09-03 22:05:21 @2009-09-30 03:30:00logical and psychological aspects of doing estimates. It teaches attendees the environmental issues that affect estimates and how to deal with their impact. Through class interaction, it shows both the psychological and sociological factors that affect how estimates are given and provides leaders with tools to help avoid the common pitfalls. By avoiding these situations, estimates become more representative of the project and more variation more predictable. Controlling both of these, help the Project Manager avert trouble. This a very interactive and fun presentation. It has a short exercise and throughout the presentation, attendees are asked to make estimates on doing the exercise again under a number of situations to help better learn from their own behavior. Speaker Bio: Todd Williams has thirty years experience as a Project Manager, Architect, entrepreneur and businessperson. He has spent twenty of those years recovering red projects. From this experience, he has developed a process to make the recoveries more efficient. His experience also provides a plethora of invaluable knowledge on avoiding project failure. He has worked in manufacturing and service industries for products used internally and externally to the companies developing them. The projects include large-scale system integration of manufacturing systems, equipment integration, web-based collaboration tools, thick clients with automated update via the internet and large-scale business systems integration. The projects have been in Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, the United States and Israel. The teams have been dispersed in as many as five countries, three continents and countless time zones. Some of these projects were captive in-house time and materials projects while others were outsourced fixed-priced projects. Mr. Williams is the President of eCameron, Inc., located in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, and specializes in recovering red projects. He is a published author and regularly publishes a Project Management Technique eZine. Directions: Room 86-01 is located between the Engineering Building and the Fourth Avenue Building on the PSU campus. Enter through the Engineering Building at 1930 SW Fourth Avenue, go down the stairs and through the hall directly ahead. Street parking is available. Rose City SPIN: The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. Questions? Contact Rhea Stadick at rhea.d.stadick@intel.com2009-09-11 01:00:002009-09-03 19:34:392009-09-03 19:37:00 >2009-09-11 03:00:00rogram of Oregon The national tour of the PlanetEureka.com Innovation Roadshow stops in Oregon on Sept 19th, providing a one-day workshop for local inventors to find out the fair market price for their ideas. Innovation guru Doug Hall has created a comprehensive one day workshop that teaches entrepreneurs how to translate their idea or technology into a customer focused product or service description that can be easily understood by a businessperson who doesn’t have scientific training. The inventor can then list their idea compliments of NIST/MEP in the USA National Innovation Marketplace and receive a fact-based innovation research report and sales forecast that investors can understand in 60 seconds – based on the same sales forecasting methodology companies use to screen their internal innovations. The report answers the age old question, “What’s my idea worth?” At the recent roadshow in Orlando, Doug revealed to one inventor at the end of the session that his idea could be worth over $1 million! The USA National Innovation Marketplace, a program from the Department of Commerce NIST/MEP, gives American inventors a fair shot—enhancing their credibility by providing a fact-based innovation research report and sales forecast that investors can understand in 60 seconds. For buyers or investors, the Marketplace provides a virtual R&D resource that can triple innovation success rates and speed to market. The Marketplace uses an open innovation strategy, which involves partnering, licensing, and co-developing innovations with partners outside of a company instead of traditional, internal research and development. It connects innovation sellers, buyers, investors and distributors in all industries through a three-pronged approach: 1) Translation Training; 2) Valuation Forecasting; 3) Access to Buyers, Investors & Distributors. More information at PlanetEureka.com.2009-09-19 15:30:00http://mipooregon.org/local_events_58.html2009-09-03 22:59:442009-09-03 22:59:442009-09-19 23:00:00 led by Real Wealthԡ/aY3]333Portland Open Source Geospatial User GroupMonthly meeting of the Portland area open source geospatial user group. We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]2009-09-24 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-osgis2009-09-04 08:31:022009-09-04 08:31:02 =2009-09-24 03:00:000ԡ.Q3a333Innovation Road Show for Inventors“Antiques Roadshow” for Inventions September 19th, 2009 features Doug Hall’s Corporation from ABC TV’s American Inventor Sponsored by the US Department of Commerce NIST/MEP and Society of Manufacturing Engineers in collaboration with the Micro-inventors Ping open source community. Why is the Pre so good? There are many reasons why the Pre is a good development platform. The big reason is potential. While the SDK only allows web coding with additional API's, the core of the system is Linux, which already has a large community. What do I need for a Pre Development Workshop? Please bring a laptop with the SDK already installed. The SDK can be downloaded from http://developer.palm.com I also recommend installing the eclipse platform with the Mojo plug-in. Instructions can be found here: http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1639 Why only six tickets? The space we are using at Souk has space for six people. If tickets sell out, then we will add more tickets. Contact Jordan Gensler (@kesne) for more information.2009-09-05 17:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4404341/2009-08-31 17:30:292009-08-31 17:30:29 ?;b2009-09-05 19:00:00 Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: • The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them • Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site • What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website • Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future • Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in October. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at http://www.sea-oregon.com/upcoming-workshops/ 2009-09-12 21:00:00http://www.sea-oregon.com2009-08-22 19:48:212009-08-22 19:49:49 ;2009-09-12 22:30:00 development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in. 2. "MapProjection, a geographical projection library for Ruby", Duncan Beevers Duncan is a wrangler of many technologies, primarily Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and ActionScript these days at Kongregate. 3. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today! 2009-10-07 02:00:00http://pdxruby.org/2009-09-04 16:34:042009-10-06 20:27:53 @2009-10-07 04:00:00 $cŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÇRԡL]53q333CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers' GroupThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly mԡ(e3W333OEN Workshop - Selling Stock in Your CompanyEarly-stage companies - understanding and managing you2ԡ'o3I333OEN Executive Series – Practical Education for Challenging timesBusiness leaders need to be exposed to the latest trends, as well as core business ideologies. So, OEN has developed the 2009 Executive Series curriculum to provide entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to make critical business decisions. This four-week educational series is designed to offer entrepreneurs access to industry professionals via inteUԡ&'733333WikiWednesdayJoin the group of a wiki enthusiasts (or the merely curious) for our monthly meetup. 2009-09-03 00:30:00http://pdx.wiki.org2009-09-02 17:00:292009-09-02 17:00:29 92009-09-03 03:00:00 +9in robots. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.

        The PARTS yahoo group is a lively forum for ԡ ;?3 333Women in GIS Happy HourWomen In GIS (WIGIS) is a network of people sharing ideas, experikԡQ3U333OEN Seed Oregon - Round 1 DeadlineSep. 18 is the deadline to submit an application for Seed Oregon Round 1 2009-09-19 00:00:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=602009-08-31 23:06:462009-08-31 23:06:462009-09-19 00:00:00FԡGG3]333Palm Pre Development WorkshopJoin us on Saturday the 5th for the Portland Pre Development Workshop. Everyone is welcome to attend, no prior programming experience is needed. What is a Pre? The Pre refers to the Palm Pre, a new competitor in the Smartphone market. Why develop for the Pre? The pre offers a simple but comprehensive SDK that is easy to build on but is also powerful. The Pre has a flourish : Oregon State Capitol, Room 350 Street: 900 Court St City/Town: Salem, OR 97301 Website or Map: http://www.leg.state.or.us/... Contact Info: 503-999-5849 Event Type: advocac<ԡHYS35333Beer and Agile: XPDX September meetingWe're going to talk about some of the best new stuff to come out at the Agile 2009 conference in Chicago. Oh, and drink beer, which is why we're setting the meeting at a brewpub. Depending on the interests of those who show, those of us who went may reprise parts of the talks we gave that worked, sections of other peoples' sessions in which we learned something cool, or quick info-dumps about new thoughts expressed in hallway conversations. Certainly, we'll spur conversations - this won't be a 90-minute talking head. Topcis could include testing (end-to-end and otherwise), real options (and feature pricing), kanban planning, metrics, or really just about anything.2009-09-17 01:30:00http://www.xpdx.org/2009-09-14 18:32:482009-10-01 18:09:34 >T2009-09-17 05:00:00 %%2 Lԡ0Wu33333Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meetingThe Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs. PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on toolin the area we would be pleased to have you attend the first CEO Leadership Exchange Discussion. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Come to the preliminary meeting to discuss the format of the group, potential topics and how this group can be beneficial for the area's top tech executives. Participation is limited to Technology Executive only so service providers are not able to attend Space is limited so you must RSVP. If you have questions about the group please contact Ryan Buchanan, CEO of eROI at: ryan (at) eroi.com Ryan is serving as an admin for the group while it launches with a few other leaders in the community including: - David Childers, CEO EthicsPoint - Gerald Massey, Retired CEO and current Board member FIOS - Buzz Kross, SVP Autodesk - John Geffel, SVP Sage Software - Tisson Mathew, CEO Aivea2009-09-09 23:00:002009-09-05 21:54:522009-09-05 21:56:15 9;b2009-09-10 00:00:00 by K Lars Lohn Nothing exercises the limits of software like turning it over to the end users. While in-house testing is invaluable, the end users can often find the neglected edge cases or subtle race conditions in a more reliable manner. However, once the software is in the end user’s hands, postmortem crash information is usually lost. By taking the Google Breakpad project and enhancing it with Mozilla’s own Socorro project, Mozilla has a solution to this problem. When Firefox goes down, in a last ditch effort, it lobs a packet of crash information over the wall to Mozilla's Socorro servers. Socorro Servers, written in Python, can handle millions of these crashes per day. Using Google Breakpad libraries to reconstitute useful stack traces, Socorro Server saves its work in a PostgreSQL database. There statistics are gathered and displayed under the Socorro UI, a PHP web application. With this suite of tools, the Mozilla developers can track trends and even drill down to look at specific instances of Firefox crashes. WARNING: during this talk, Firefox will be intentionally crashed live on stage. Those of delicate constitution may wish to retire to the lobby prior to the spectacle. about Lars Trapped at the triple point between a geek, a hippie and a biker, Lars is a self proclaimed Cowboy Programmer at the Mozilla Corporation. Unintentionally specializing in programming as performance art, Lars frequently jumps into projects on the Thursday prior to a Monday deadline. Lars is proud of being the only member of the Web Development team that does absolutely no Web development. Lars prefers Python, PostgreSQL and Harleys, but is versed in C++, MySQL and Subarus. 2009-09-04 02:00:00http://pdxLinux.org2009-09-01 04:05:532009-09-01 04:05:53 >2009-09-04 04:00:00 build a "Sanguino" on a breadboard, add the core to our arduino environment, and program it. Then we will look at the next step of putting it on a protoboard. For more information on the "Sanguino" you can look at xԡ6MO3;333WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening PartyIMPORTANT: Please RSVP for the Opening Party so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference. VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs.2009-10-03 01:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-09-08 17:25:472009-09-29 11:14:54 @2009-10-03 04:00:00 8ou ahԡ[y3)333Biznik Bowling for Food & Dollars Food Bank Food DriveJoin independent professionals and solopreneur$ԡ5 3 333Postponed: Monitoring Conversations Using Yahoo Pipes (fee required)2009-09-30 16:00:002009-09-08 14:02:522009-09-13 16:01:57;b2009-09-30 18:30:00ԡ4 3 333Postponed: Basic Introduction to Yahoo Pipes (fee required)2009-09-23 16:00:002009-09-08 14:00:012009-09-13 16:02:51;b2009-09-23 17:30:00ԡ3[e3]333Portland Werewolf - September GatheringCome play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.2009-09-10 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4413518/2009-09-08 04:52:322009-09-08 04:52:32 ; ;b2009-09-10 01:00:00 BB'/Kª¡ŸŸŸ¥¹ã<(%$).7Ì·®¨¨ª®¶ïI>2.+&'(*)2ëïÅ«³º¯­«¶ÕYÈ·±¹ÊÿLMOE<.,**.=ʶ®³¿ßABDGFQ¸­§£§°ëB1((')*,Hέ§¦ ŸŸ§¯È0'" (.9ß½°§¥£ŸŸŸ©³Ä;-% 'E×¹§¤£¨­¼E2+%$%.;]®§ ŸŸ£®ºÊE6.($"! "(.CÙ¹«§£¡£¥¯µ¹ÊÛïgwßÿYGGԡS=[3[3'ԡ--y3 333Rose City SPIN seminar: Estimation - Understanding Project Environmental EffectsNetworking from 6-7, Seminar from 7-8:00 PM Event is open to anyone - this is a free talk. Come in early for free pizza provided by the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference! Abstract: Estimates are required multiple times in a project. Project members need to make estimates for a variety of reasons, these include: • The amount of time for a task; • The cost for resources; • The cost of software, hardware and other materials; • The time required to finish a task. However, there are many problems with estimates. This presentation focuses on the socio talks about creating multiple streams of income. This module not only shows how to do that but we also talk about the different 'quadrants' of income you need to develop in order to stabilize you income. Stabilize your income | What does that mean? What do you do when clients don't want to buy 'services'? It happens. The market tends to be cyclical. When it's down (like now) clients hold onto their money. They want to try to do it themselves. Where does that leave you if you're a service provider? We're going to show you! There are experts right here in our own community that are doing fine earning a living by creating multiple income streams. SECP has pulled together a stellar panel who will share with you what they're doing to make it work. They'll give you some real examples of what they're doing and then they'll answer your questions. Visit our site to check out our panel: www.SECPpdx.com2009-09-18 02:00:00http://www.SECPpdx.com2009-09-08 20:59:072009-09-08 21:00:03 =2009-09-18 04:00:00 ss ԡ%I3;333Linux ClinicThird Sunday of the month, we meet at Free Geek to help each other with Linux problems. Bring your computer or laptop. We have power, desk space, wired and wireless ethernet, keyboards and monitors. We have coffee, cookies, and Penguinos, the premier penguin themed Mexican cupcake.2008-09-21 20:00:00http://www.pdxlinux.org2008-09-05 02:26:482008-09-05 02:26:48 92008-09-22 00:00:00Eԡ;w3=333PLUG: Linux Advanced Topics Talk -- OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymoreSpeaker: Russell Senior Topic: OpenWrt - It's not just for Linksys Routers anԡU+3 333Portland Data Visualization Group #2The last Portland Data Visualization Meetup occurred @ԡie3;333Crush It! - a Gary Vaynerchuk Book - Book TourCome over to Powell's City of Books and meet Gary Vaynerchuk! Pick up Crush It! and have Gary autograph it.2009-10-20 02:30:00http://crushitbook.com/2009-10-19 23:42:442009-10-19 23:42:44 @;b2009-10-20 05:30:00 BB * Steve Sandstrom from Sandstrom Partners * Sean O’Brien from W+K * Ryan Buchanan from eROI * Kirk James from Cinco * Mary Kysar from Makelike * Steve Potestio from 52 Ltd. * Scott Niesen Branding & Marketing Specialist TIME: 8 – 8:15 AM | Breakfast and Networking7ԡ9i3]333PDXPHP September Meeting : Overview of PHP 5.3Meeting Desc: High level overview of PHP 5.3 which is a major milestone in PHP releases. This discussion will center around: # Support for namespaces # Late static binding # Lambda Functions and Closures Also, Peter Schmalfeldt will give a tour of a project he is working on and looking for developer help. He is looking for a few PHP developers to help build http://www.localreuse.org, the next generation of the current non profit site http://www.gigoit.org.2009-09-16 01:30:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4414444/2009-09-08 22:30:462009-09-09 15:23:02 @0;b2009-09-16 03:00:00 ffh Hendrickson will be coming to facilitate our February meeting. Here's her description: >>> UPDATE: SolutionsIQ are sponsoring pizza for twenty - arriving at 6:30 <<< "It will essentially be a shorter preview of the Agile2009 demo I proposed at http://agile2009.agilealliance.org/node/641 Here's the blurb: Agile teams practicing Acc ԡU3333Scott Hanselman - .NET 4.0, VS 2010 Scott Hanselman is coming to CDNUG in September! Scott is a Principal Program Manager atqԡI 3s333Certified ScrumMaster TrainingSolutionsIQ Certified ScrumMaster Training gives you all the tools and information you need to get started with Scrum and Agile. Delivered by SolutionsIQ’s world-renowned Certified ScrumMaster Trainers, this course shares time-tested practices for managing Product Backlogs, planning your releases and iterations (Sprints), and tracking and reporting progress. You’ll learn how to lead Sprint Planning meetings, Daily Scrum meetings, Sprint Review meet  a sponsor presentation, small group break-out sessions of focused networking, and facilitated group discussion on various business-relevant topics. It is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. With approximately 50+ members, Business Leads Exchange is an effective means for participants to grow their business. Members: online $5.00, $8.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. Advance registration is highly recommended at www.portlandalliance.com. Registration will close at 3:00 February 9th, 2009 for this event. NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 9TH. We encourage you to become a member of the Alliance so that you can receive 4ԡo3K333FREE Redux: Win hosting for life at Beer and BlogLast Friday at Beer and Blog @evacatherder's name was chosen from a pitcher stuffed full of the names of people hoping to win a 4G Sprint network card with a one year data plan. http://www.adafruit.com/index.php?main_page=*ԡ8o39333SECP September | Creating Multiple Income StreamsOne of the most popular modules of our new Self-Employed Academy (www.SelfEmployedAcademy.com) is the one thatEԡ7Cs3;333WhereCampPDX 2009: Game DayWhereCamp is a free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. The game day is a chance to get out around town, and try out different locative and urban games and activities. Last year we did Pac-Manhattan, Cruel 2B Kind, and a disaster preparedness mapping activity. Check our website for details on this year's game schedule. If you'd like to host an activity in connection with the event, please contact us via the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/wherecamp-pdx We will base at Backspace, and games will issue forth from there.2009-10-04 17:00:00http://wherecamppdx.org2009-09-08 17:31:292009-10-04 00:24:52 :H2009-10-04 23:00:00my * . What social bookmarking is and how you can use it to improve your SEO * . How to get clients and business from these sites. * Why e-newsletters and Blogs are part of social media and how to incorporate them into your strategy * The value of podcasts and internet video If you're frustrated or overwhelmed by social media and wonder what the ROI is for using it, Taylor will explain how social media works and how you can get started developing a strategy for using it. When: TWO dates Sept 14th 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30Pm EST and September 22nd 3pm to 4:30pm PST 6pm to 7:30 Pm PST Where: The comfort of your home and office Cost: $35.00 (normally a 150 dollar class) To Register please RSVP with imagineyourreality@gmail.com or via http://www.imagineyourreality.com/Events.html2009-09-22 22:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4406424/2009-09-01 21:13:232009-09-02 23:47:55 >I;b2009-09-22 23:30:00  8¬¥¡­×*'(;cÀ¨¢ ¤«·/  W¾±¤ ŸŸ µ-%%&"$(,½¯© Ÿ¡ªºÝCA;B9-)('"-C7Xԡ^gC3m333Career Tools Breakfast S~ԡ<AS3O333Portland Drupal User GroupSeptember meeting: * Paris Reports: We'll hear from the folkDԡ;YE3Q333UX Book Club PDX: "Subject to Change" Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people,ԡ:;u3o333GitHub Meetup: PortlandWhether you use Python, Ruby, Clojure, or good ol’ C, we want to see you at the GitHub Meetup in Portland tomorrow, September 9th at 7pm at Rontoms. It’s a short, free bus ride (or a short walk) from the Dobuletree (google map). Come mingle with other DVCSers and drink one down in honor of the Octocat. See you there! (Look for the guy in the Fork You shirt.) 2009-09-10 02:00:00http://github.com/blog/487-github-meetup-portland2009-09-08 23:30:332009-09-08 23:30:33 @2009-09-10 04:00:00s who attended the Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions. * Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal module. The module is TBD. If you'd like to choose and present let us know in the comments. * DrupalCamp PDX Roundup: An update on the schedule of events October 9 - 11, as well as an opportunity to pitch in and help with the remaining details. Logistics We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you! After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink. No need to RSVP, the meetings are open to all. We're also on IRC in #drupal-pdx on freenode.net2009-09-10 01:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/portland2009-09-09 23:14:382009-09-09 23:18:46 =2009-09-10 02:00:00-30 15:00:00http://portlandcodecamp.org2009-02-11 04:00:502009-05-23 01:26:27 ?92009-05-31 01:00:00 dcebooLԡA{y3 333Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security GoalsThe next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: [Note the Friday date, instead of the usual Tuesday slot!] * Date: Friday, September 18th, 2009 * Title: Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security Goals * Speaker: Trent Jaeger * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/10/jaegermeasurablesecurit/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok2009-09-18 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/10/jaegermeasurablesecurit/2009-09-11 06:52:402009-09-11 06:52:40 ;2009-09-18 18:30:00ԡ@'_3 333PDX HackathonDo stuff with a computer, while drinking.2009-09-11 02:00:002009-09-11 01:20:382009-09-11 01:20:38 ; 2009-09-11 03:00:00 l provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year. We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as: * What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's ԡ}]3K333Design à Trois - "You SHOULD Judge a Book By Its Cover"Design à Trois Design à Trois is a three night event exploring rock poster design, book cover design and type design. We’ll kick things off with acclaimed rock poster design documentary, “Died Young, Stayed Pretty.,” by filmmaker, Eileen Yaghoobian. Next up will be “You SHOULD Judge a Book by Its Cover” – an insightful and amusinYԡ!3_333PDX DjangoPDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having their first event that doesn't entirely revolve around beer or lunch. We'll have a few presentations and discussions.2009-08-26 02:00:00http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/2009-08-24 17:37:592009-10-25 19:47:30 @|2009-08-26 04:00:00 sPes, and other organizations to come together to meet-up and most -uԡk]'3G333Woԡ(i 3-33Let'6ԡ K#3]333SAOpdx: Quality Cost ManagementThe software quality industry needs to move away from finwvԡ Y3w333Washington High Community Center Design Comment Open HousePortland Parks is putting forward design options for a community center (with pool and gym, perhaps flex presentation spaces) on the Washington High School site (double-block bounded by SE 12th and 14th, Stark and Alder; next to the vegan strip mall; Linus Pauling an alumus). This close-in southeast location might serve residents all of southeast industrial, Buckman, Hosford-Abernathy, Sunnyside, Belmont and Hawthorne areas, if there is public support enough. The open house will begin with a presentation, then discussions around the schemes.2009-08-26 02:00:00http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/index.cfm?c=495312009-08-25 17:02:562009-08-25 20:16:30 @u2009-08-26 03:30:00> Email your presentation idea by 9/21 to Lisa Holmes, AIGA Portland Sustainability Chair, at sustainability@portland.aiga.org and include: * who you are * where you work and what you do * your presentation idea * your contact info * optional: send up to 3 images in a PDF Obligatory side notes: This is not an opportunity to solicit your company’s version of the Snuggie, or anything else that isn’t relevant to sustainable design. By applying, AIGA Portland is allowed to record and post your presentation on their site and other materials. MISSION of the AIGA PORTLAND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE AIGA Portland’s Sustainability committee provides on and offline environments for designers and thought leaders to discuss sustainability, green practices, the future role of visual communications, and beyond. Ticket Info: FREE Members/$5 Non-Member 2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/11/345942382009-09-12 00:07:462009-09-12 00:07:46 @2009-09-12 02:00:00 LYLŸ£´Éc;:8;;852//8?ÏÁwQ÷§Ÿ w85À¯±C.-HƳ²½Û3*%(0~ԡ2]q3 333CEO Leadership Exchange - Launch MeetingDATE/TIME: 9/9/2009 4:00:00 PM GMT -7:00 WHERE: eROI Office 505 NW Couch Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97209 CONTACT: Ryan Buchanan If you are a CEO, or top local executive, of a growth company  ԡ1So3]333Lunch 2.0 at Elemental TechnologiesElemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.2009-10-21 19:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4409951/2009-09-04 21:36:262009-09-16 19:13:48 @;b2009-10-21 21:00:00 }ytrunzg 1k[XK`HcUPMGA<:83.2)  @  l -srk^jK`/oYV\+GPDB:<>742-,   u  @ u t a p Z { ~ ` V [ \ R X P T i N < I k D L = F # 0  &           ? *rashcourse/chapter-3-exp ã5ԡ%=3 333OIF and OEN Big BBQ BashIf you’re an entrepreneur or part of a start-up, you’re invited to mingle and network at the Big BBQ Bash, hosted by the Oregon Investment Fund and Oregon Entreprenuers Network. Food and drink will be provided. Event is free. Please RSVP to laurend "at" mackenzie-marketing "dot" com by Monday, September 21st.2009-09-29 23:00:002009-09-02 16:41:052009-09-02 16:41:05 @2009-09-30 02:00:00/ԡ$O?37333Linux Fund 10th Anniversary EventCome celebrate Linux Fund's 10th anniversary with free drinks, food and entertainment during LinuxCon! The venue is Club 915, just a few blocks from the Marriott where LinuxCon is taking place. There will be awesome raffle and auction items from ThinkGeek, Qi Hardware, O'Reilly and No Starch Press. Thank you SourceForge and iXsystems for making this event possible! 21 and over - bring photo ID!2009-09-23 03:00:00http://linuxfund.org/2009-09-02 06:35:522009-09-22 07:54:01 @2009-09-23 06:59:00  at CubeSpace! Thanks to CubeSpace for donating the space. If you can, please bring a little cash donation to cover the cost hԡC53m333SHIFT: A Green SalonSHIFT: A Green Salon sharing and inspiring sustainable design Calling all designers: Obsessed with finding an earth-friendly Super 77? Geek out on just how much you can fit on a press sheet? Recommend Celery Design’s “Green Graphic Design” to everyone you meet? Stoked you made that direct mail piece all digital AND got a better response rate? Believe our ultimate client is the Earth? We want YOU to share your green ideas/solutions/materials with other hungry designers and creatives that are making communication better and more sustainable. Submit your 5-minute presentation idea by 9/21 and we’ll select 10 of the most inspiring and interesting ones. Each designer/team will present on November 5th. The night concludes with questions and mingling. TO APPLY:6--.29IßÕÌÁ½¼¿ÇÛF;5//3?QÿÊÀ»´?ԡuO3333World Affairs Council Young Professionals discussionYoung Professionals discussioncreativvԡ#Q3]333Why do I need Social Media WebinarSocial Media is a hot topic in businesses today. Many of us are not sure how it helps grow our business or get us clients, and where do we have the time to add one more thing to our hectic lives? In this webinar, Taylor Ellwood will explain what social media is and why it is important for your business. He'll also explain why setting up a marketing strategy for your social media use is essential for your online business success. You will learn: * What social networking is and why it's important to be on Linkedin, Facebook, Biznik, Twitter, and Ecade }tland's Chamber of Commerce Date: March 5, 2009 Time: 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: 200 SW Market Street, Lobby Conference Room. Title}ԡGI53]333Mobile Love, Android Style #15The Google Phone, the Open Source Mobile Operating System. The one and only Android.2009-09-15 01:00:00http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4225653/2009-09-14 18:17:182009-09-14 18:17:18 ; ;b2009-09-15 01:00:00LԡE-w3]333HTML-PDX MeetingReid Beels is going to cover webkit 3D transforms.2009-09-15 01:30:00http://groups.google.com/group/html5-pdx2009-09-12 21:25:382009-09-12 21:25:38 @02009-09-15 03:00:00pԡDE3m333Designspeaks with Jelly HelmAIGA Portland and 52 Limited invite you for an evening with Jelly Helm. What’s happening with the business of advertising? What will the post-consumer economy look like? What is going on in sustainability? Jelly Helm is the first to admit that he doesn’t know. But that’s not going to stop him from speculat Microsoft and is always up on the latest tech coming out of Redmond. He also has a popular Podcast called Hanselminutes and blogs at http://www.hanselman.com/blog/. This month is sponsored by the Business Solutions Group (BSG) at OSU and will be hosted on campus. Go to room 1003 in Kelley Engineering. Hope to see you there! Time/Place: Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM Location: Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon RSVP here! (Or you can email: cdnug.info@gmail.com (helpful for food ordering)) Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!) 6:30 - 7:30: Scott Hanselman, Microsoft ".NET 4.0, VS 2010" 7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion 7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff! Please invite any other .NET professionals that may be interested! Website: http://corvallisdotnetug.ning.com/ 2009-09-16 01:00:00http://corvallisdotnetug.ning.com/events/scott-hanselman-net-40-vs2009-08-30 18:58:242009-08-30 18:58:24 >U2009-09-16 03:30:00g presentation on 50+ of the weirdest book cover designs – by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli. And, last but certainly not least, we will conclude with the national premiere of Punchcut’s newest installment of the Typophile Film Fest, a collection of typographic film shorts. Cancel any existing plans – this event is not to be missed! You SHOULD Judge A Book By Its Cover presented by NYC designer/comedian, Patrick Borelli Come hear Patrick Borelli, NYC designer and comedian, present to you 50+ of the strangest book cover designs he could get his hands on – with a unique, comic spin only he can deliver. Patrick’s presentation includes video cameos from such book cover design legends as Stephen Heller and Chip Kidd (among others). You’ll see book cover design in a whole new light. Cost: $10 at the door (members/non-members/students), cash or check only2009-08-27 02:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events2009-08-24 20:59:342009-08-24 21:21:05 ;2009-08-27 04:00:00s formerly an executive creative director at Wieden + Kennedy, and founder of W+K 12. About Designspeaks The Designspeaks series, developed by Portland AIGA and in partnership with 52 Limited, showcases the most intriguing designers in the Pacific Northwest. Some of our guest speakers in this quarterly series will be stars and some will have managed to maintain a lower profile, but we can assure you; all will challenge you to think a bit differently about design and its impact on community. We’re continually tweaking this series as an intimate venue for the creative community to connect to others, to see what they are doing and how they’re doing it. There is no specific format for Designspeaks. Basically, it’s a small talks gathering intended to inform, inspire and engage. Laugh. Cry. Ask questions, please. But whatever you do, join us! Won’t you?2009-09-12 01:00:00http://portland.aiga.org/events/2009/09/346761172009-09-12 00:17:572009-09-12 00:20:31 @2009-09-12 02:00:00  /> Registration, networking, and announcements at CubeSpace

        7:00 pm
        Program followed by questions and answers, and the rafffle.

        CHIFOO is the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon. We are the local chapter of the ACM, the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group devoted to computer usability. We usually meet the first Wed. of the month at Cubespace, but always check the schedule at
        Ticket Info: FREE for CHIFOO member; $5 non-members. Membership is only $20 and offers benefits galore!
        Date and Time: Tuesday October 13, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Location: Ater Wynne, 1331 NW Lovejoy Ste 900, Portland, OR 97209 Cost: OEN Member - $30, Non Member - $125 (includes a one-year OEN individual membership and the workshop fee is waived
        ) 2009-10-13 23:30:00http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=1042009-09-02 18:51:512009-09-02 18:51:51 ?2009-10-14 01:30:00 m/mowledgeable event planners can assist you in creating the perfect experience. Whether it’s a co;ԡ{!3C333Next PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 8/27 7pm @ Lucky Lab West Side[by: dsal]2009-08-28 02:00:00http://www.pagdig.org/?p=882009-08-27 20:17:062009-08-27 20:17:06;b2009-08-28 04:00:00:ԡq3S333SBIR/STTR - Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal

        Take your understanding of the federal SBIR/STTR program to the next level. This half-day workshop will teach you the critical requirements for creating a competitive Phase I proposal for the federal innovation grants program that sets aside $2 billion annually to fund technology commercialization. This workshop will help you decide if you have an SBIR/STTR proposal that can win.

        Defining Your Winning Phase I Proposal will take you to the next level in determining if this is the opportunity to help fund your innovation. It will go over program details that ping about it in public, to anyone willing to pay for it. In the spirit of Designspeaks, Jelly’s presentation will be full of cockamamie theories, wishful thinking and (at least some) poetry. He may also give us a sneak peek of the new work he’s done with the Oregon Council for the Humanities, and get all frothy about his newest client, Wikipedia. You’ll be anything but disappointed. So be sure to join us, to engage with Jelly and others, and consider what has passed and what may come. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot now. Cost: Members: $8 in advance/$10 at the door Non-Members: $18 in advance/$20 at the door Students: $5 A selection of beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. ID required for beer and wine. About Jelly Helm Jelly Helm is a writer, designer, film director, creative director, and teacher. His clients include Imperial Woodpecker, Oregon Humanities, Infectious Diseases Research Institute and Wikipedia. He i &&ore empowered than ever beJ-]3 33Jx-Rose City SPIN seminar: Estimation - Understanding Project Environmental EffectsNetworking from 6-7, Seminar from 7-8:00 PM Come in early for free pizza provided by the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference! Abstract: Estimates are required multiple times in a project. Project members need to make estimates for a variety of reasons, these include: • The amount of time for a task; • The cost for resources; • The cost of software, hardware and other materials; • The time required to finish a task. However, there are many problems with estimates. This presentation focuses on the sociological and psychological aspects of doing estimates. It teaches attendees the environmental issues that affect estimates and how to deal with their impact. Through class interaction, it shows both the psychological and sociological factors that affect how estimates are given and provides leaders with tools to help avoid the common pit hat they actually entail, explore ways to stand out in this increasingly crowded space, and give some hints to agencies and consultants who ar`*53 33JwFree Culture: Creati:H=M93G <Oracle (Downtown Campus)Oracle is on the eighth floor of the Pacwest Center, across the street from Portland City Hall. We sometimes have trouble getting the elevators unlocked after-hours, so if you are going to a user group meeting after 6pm and the elevator will not go to the eighth floor, just talk to the security guard right next to the elevators in the upper lobby.1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Room 8005, Portland, OR 97204http://www.oracle.com/2008-12-15 22:07:421211 SW 5th Avenue, Room 8005PortlandOregon97204US@F',^jzG+37 ;\Kingstad Center2008-12-18 19:23:1515450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97006US@F^2K;bEyF131 =White Eagle Saloon2008-12-14 16:32:30836 N. Russell St.PortlandOregon97227US@F8^:?;bDfalls. By avoiding these situations, estimates become more representative of the project and more variation more predictable. Controlling both of these, help the Project Manager avert trouble. This a very interactive and fun presentation. It has a short exercise and throughout the presentation, attendees are asked to make estimates on doing the exercise again under a number of situations to help better learn from their own behavior. Speaker Bio: Todd Williams has thirty years experience as a Project Manager, Architect, entrepreneur and businessperson. He has spent twenty of those years recovering red projects. From this experience, he has developed a process to make the recoveries more efficient. His experience also provides a plethora of invaluable knowledge on avoiding project failure. He has worked in manufacturing and service industries for products used internally and externally to the companies developing them. The projects include large-scale system integration of manufacturing systems, equipment integration, web-based collaboration tools, thick clients with automated update via the internet and large-scale business systems integration. The projects have been in Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, the United States and Israel. The teams have been dispersed in as many as five countries, three continents and countless time zones. Some of these projects were captive in-house time and materials projects while others were outsourced fixed-priced projects. Mr. Williams is the President of eCameron, Inc., located in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, and specializes in recovering red projects. He is a published author and regularly publishes a Project Management Technique eZine. Directions: Room 86-01 is located between the Engineering Building and the Fourth Avenue Building on the PSU campus. Enter through the Engineering Building at 1930 SW Fourth Avenue, go down the stairs and through the hall directly ahead. Street parking is available. 2009-09-11 01:00:002009-09-03 19:35:48 >2009-09-11 03:00:00 >c>quot;Palatino Linotype";"> The TransitionLW U 3   =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 1375 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard2008-12-17 00:51:03PortlandORUS@FV^5Z KW K 3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) NE Martin Luther King Boulevard2008-12-17 00:49:55PortlandORUS@FV^5ZQJW3 =Ambridge Event Center (new building) 2008-12-17 00:48:53EI=M93] <Oracle (Downtown Campus)Oracle is on the eighth floor of the Pacwest Center, across the street from Portland City Hall. We sometimes have trouble getting the elevators unlocked after-hours, so if you are going to a user group meeting after 6pm and the elevator will not go to the eighth floor, just talk to the security guard right next to the elevators in the upper lobby.1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Room 8005, Portland, OR 97204http://www.oracle.com/2008-12-15 22:08:021211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Room 8005PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j 51;@5 k33= Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-hig$=ie3w33JjWhat PR can Do for Your Startup - A Case StudyEntrepreneur Meetups > The OTBC Meetup Group The Presentation Title: What PR can Do for Your Startup -- A Case Study Public Relations efforts (PR) can be a very affordable method of realizing a number of benefits, including increasing company awareness and brand identity, and can help prospective customers and partners find out about your company. We'?<om3%33JiWest-side Open Technology Center (WOTC) ReceptionWOTC is a facility at the OTBC in Beaverton (http://www.opentechcenter.com/) for open source and open technology developers to use without charge (i.e., not for proprietary development). We can use it as a quiet work environment or as a meeting place. The OTBC presentation room is also available when it's not scheduled for other uses.
        We are having an organizing meeting fo 88CHINA BUSINESS NETWORK PRESENTS "Sustainable Development Business Opportunities in China" by Bob Wise, Team Oregon, LLC ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This presentation will address major challenges facing China, China resource consumption trends, how China is addressing sustainable developmen44i3q33JqSPIN Seminar: Culture, Structure, and PoliticsThis is a FREE event sponsored by Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) and the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC). To register for this seminar, please check the box in the upper left hand corner of this Web page. Since there is no cost, you will NOT have to provide credit card information. Software process improvement efforts often focus on the common methods of process assessment, redesign, development, and deployment. Often overlooked - or, perhaps more accurately, not openly discussed - are the cultural, structural, and political forces that can have a significant impact on the success of th~  5pm until at least 7pm at Block 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes `!Y/3=33JqSeven Steps Business Planning WorkshopThe Existing Business Resource Team of Portland SCORE invites you to a workshop to help existing business owners survive and grow profitably in a down economy. What to expect:

        • Planning — A planning process is a necessity for an existing business.
        • Customers — Do you understandw3O3q33JqPortland CocoaHeadsThe Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone.2008-11-13 03:00:00http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html2008-10-28 22:19:52 92008-11-13 05:00:00 )_) 5:30 - 6:45: Net23/U3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp is an unconference for creative industries professionals (per the Wikipedia definition of creative industries, this includes software). It is an ad-hoc gathering for participants to learn, network and share in an open environment with discussions, demos and interaction all led by the attendees. Cre8Camp is a non-profit event affiliated with the Portland Creative Conference (Cre8Con). Registration Fee: $102008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-29 19:04:41 ;bJq2008-11-15 23:00:002A3S33JqDrupalPDX November Meeting2008-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-29 19:04:03;bJq&2008-11-13 04:00:00 1A3S33Jq&DrupalPDX November Meeting2008-11-13 02:00:00http://groups.drupal.org/node/157262008-10-29 19:04:03;b2008-11-13 04:00:00x05 3533JqPMUG General Meeting2008-11-11 02:30:00http://www.pmug.org/2008-10-29 18:57:32 :,2008-11-11 05:00:00 ng techniques, spaces and technologies that extend growing seasons, increase yield, increase opportunities for local food production and bring the harvest to new places and spaces. Mark your calendars now and please join us! General Forum Info: The Springboard Social Innovation Forum offers a monthly event designed to support those interested in creating a better future. Our focus is to help practitioners or potential practitioners of social projects push beyond discussion and debate into action.y7Y333JqWinning International Customers OnlineLearn from area companies with successful multilingual websites how to effectively plan, deploy and maintain a website in more than one language. The opportunities are greater than ever for those who do it right. Learn to avoid the pitfalls in order to take full advantage of the fact that the Web is truly worldwide.2008-11-19 19:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/08b2008-10-29 19:21:36 < 2008-11-19 21:00:00 &Lrnd how we read it is shaped by who we know and the broader communities we belong to. With that in mind, Cathy Marshall from MicrkV; 333Jq:General & Team Meetings2008-12-03 03:00:002008-10-19 01:37:04 <;b2008-12-03 07:00:00kU; 333Jq9General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:002008-10-19 01:37:03 <;b2008-12-10 07:00:00kT; 333Jq8General & Team Meetings2008-12-17 03:00:002008-10-19 01:37:03 <;b2008-12-17 07:00:00kS; 333Jq@General & Team Meetings2008-10-22 02:00:002008-10-19 01:37:01 <;b2008-10-22 06:00:00kR; 333Jq?General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:002008-10-19 01:37:01 <;b2008-10-29 06:00:00kQ; 333Jq>General & Team Meetings2008-11-05 03:00:002008-10-19 01:37:00 <;b2008-11-05 07:00:00kP; 333Jq=General & Team Meetings2008-11-12 03:00:002008-10-19 01:36:59 <;b2008-11-12 07:00:00kO; 333Jq<General & Team Meetings2008-11-19 03:00:002008-10-19 01:36:58 <;b2008-11-19 07:00:00 9ow to get clients and business from these sites. * How to automate your online presence so are spending minimum time and effort, yet getting maximum returns. * What a status bar is and why it’s a good idea to update it regularly. * How these sites ca O 3Q33JqPDXFCPUG Nov. 5th Meeting AgendaAGENDA: "AN EVENING OF COLOR"
          If you’ve been struggling with or wondering about the amazingly cool software, Color (that comes with the Final Cut Studio 2), this is the meeting for you! Jack Chavez has been working with it for years (*see below), and will be traveling here to share some of his expertise and enthusiasm. That is the main reason why we are starting a bit earlier and getting under way at 6:30 for his presentation. Please note, this month’s present 7 y3Y33JqMicrosoft Brings Free IT Expertise to Portland, OregonThe Microsoft Across America team will be in Portland, Oregon delivering three seminars demonstrating how to drive yoess networks, upgrading desktop software and understanding server security considerations are the key focus points of this seminar.

          MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
          Presented by Microsoft developer experts and designed for professional developers, this event is packed with intense, how-to technical information. Attendees will be able to get answers to their tough questions and have an opportunity to exchange ideas with other developers in their local community. The event includes live demos and code samples. In addition, attendees can download session information immediately following the event for more hands-on learning and easy reference

          These seminars are offered at no charge but seating is limited. Attendees are encouraged to register by visiting www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica.

          Attendees may also register via telephone by calling 1-877-673-8368.
          2008-10-28 15:00:00http://www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica2008-10-28 20:41:44 9;b2008-10-29 00:00:00ur business. These educational events are free of charge and specially designed for business owners. Through demonstrations and face-to-face interaction with Microsoft Technology Specialists, attendees will learn how to save time and money while driving efficiency and profitability.
          TS2 – Target Audience: Microsoft Partners
          Microsoft’s TS2 seminars teach attendees how to increase revenue with Small Business Accounting, Point of Sale, and compelling sales tools. During this seminar, Microsoft Technology Specialists also will discuss enhancements made in Small Business Server SP1 and cover Windows Server Update Services.

          TechNet – Target Audience: IT Pros
          This event dives deep into the technical aspects of Microsoft’s solutions providing participants with a detailed knowledge of product offerings and operations. TechNet briefings are presented by technology specialists with real-world implementation experience of Microsoft products and technologies. Deploying wirelireless networks, upgrading desktop software and understanding server security considerations are the key focus points of this seminar.

          MSDN – Target Audience: Developers
          Presented by Microsoft developer experts and designed for professional developers, this event is packed with intense, how-to technical information. Attendees will be able to get answers to their tough questions and have an opportunity to exchange ideas with other developers in their local community. The event includes live demos and code samples. In addition, attendees can download session information immediately following the event for more hands-on learning and easy reference

          These seminars are offered at no charge but seating is limited. Attendees are encouraged to register by visiting www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica.

          Attendees may also register via telephone by calling 1-877-673-8368.
          2008-10-28 15:00:00http://www.microsoft.com/acrossamerica2008-10-28 20:41:27;b2008-10-29 00:00:00e your business. These educational events are free of charge and specially designed for business owners. Through demonstrations and face-to-face interaction with Microsoft Technology Specialists, attendees will learn how to save time and money while driving efficiency and profitability.
          TS2 – Target Audience: Microsoft Partners
          Microsoft’s TS2 seminars teach attendees how to increase revenue with Small Business Accounting, Point of Sale, and compelling sales tools. During this seminar, Microsoft Technology Specialists also will discuss enhancements made in Small Business Server SP1 and cover Windows Server Update Services.

          TechNet – Target Audience: IT Pros
          This event dives deep into the technical aspects of Microsoft’s solutions providing participants with a detailed knowledge of product offerings and operations. TechNet briefings are presented by technology specialists with real-world implementation experience of Microsoft products and technologies. Deploying wSurvival. Metaphorically, we frequently think of things as surviving where there's no real threat to life. Companies survive. Products, and the teams that produce them, survive. Individual members of the team continue to be a member of the team by virtue of their ability to survive. In all these activities we see the same lively dance of competition and cooperation, of adaptation and evolution, within a constantly changing environment. Michael Kelly, a survivor of numerous software campaigns, will bring together the insights of famed survival writer Laurence Gonzales, some rather surprising research into the neuroscience of decision making, and some hair-raising personal experiences to illuminate the importance of agile methodologies and suggest some potential new directions. This is our usual monthly meeting for the month of November. Remember the location and time for future meetings! Third Wed of the month, at CubeSpace.2008-11-20 02:30:00http://www.xpdx.org2008-10-28 17:19:02 92008-11-20 05:00:00 U' (1ԡs3333OSCONhttY5)3Q33JqThe Ethics of eWasteElectronic waste or "e-waste" is broken or unwanted electrical or electronic devices. Many components of e-waste are considered toxic. Due to the difficulty and cost of recycling used electronics as well as lacklustre enforcement of legislation regarding e-waste exports, large amounts of used electronics have been sent to countries such as China, India, and Kenya, where lower environmental standards and working conditions make processing e-waste more profitable. Oso Martin, President of Bear eCycling, will discuss the ethics of ewaste, and what is being done in Portland.

          Bearecycling will also have a collection truck if you want to bring used electronics. Donation fees will apply.
          2009-01-04 17:00:00http://www.westprespdx.org/adulted2008-10-28 17:04:06 =;b2009-01-04 17:00:00 performance problems for large enterprise customers across the globe. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in Software Engineering but still has a blinking VB5)3Q3JqThe Ethics of eWasteElectronic waste or "e-waste" is broken or unwanted electrical or electronic devices. Many components of e-waste are considered toxic. Due to the difficulty and cost of recycling used electronics as well as lacklustre enforcement of legislation regarding e-waste exports, large amounts of used electronics have been sent to countries such as China, India, and Kenya, where lower environmental standards and working conditions make processing e-waste more profitable. Oso Martin, President of Bear eCycling, will discuss the ethics of ewaste, and what is being done in Portland.

          Bearecycling will also have a collection truck if you want to bring used electronics. Donation fees will apply.
          2009-01-04 17:00:00http://www.westprespdx.org/adulted2008-10-28 17:01:51;b ;;m*aԡ8_e3]333Portland Java9+ 3733JpCyborgCamp 2008CyborgCamp is a simulcast unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We'll discuss topics such as social media, design, code, inventions, web 2.0, twitter, the future of communication, cyborg technology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy.

          CyborgCamp's aim is to have many communication channels such as Twitter, Flickr, UstreamTV, Video and Audio recordings and live chats displayed on the screen. In this way, the conference attendees can exist in three places at once -- Vancouver, Portland, and Cyberspace.

          Half of the conference will be organized BarCamp style, and the other half will have structured experts on various topics.

          Classrooms, individuals and businesses are encouraged to attend the event remotely. It will be livestreamed through multiple channels and will be archived and tagged for future viewing. Details on remote conference access will be available a week before the conference begins.

          What is a cyborg? A cyborg (shorthand for “cybernetic organism”) is a symbiotic fusion of human and machine. Join in our pre-conference discussion and help organize the event at
          http://www.cyborgcamp.org and faster updates on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/cyborgcamp.

          CyborgCamp is open to sponsors. We're interested in cutting edge companies or non-profits who are interested in education/technological development. Please E-mail caseorganic@gmail.com if you or your organization/business is interested in this. Your logo will be added to any paper brochures, the website, and will be included in live Twitter streams during the event.
          2008-12-06 17:00:00http://cyborgcamp.org2008-10-28 17:01:06 9;b֤2008-12-07 02:00:00s:

          * Previous Ignite Events - http://ignite.oreilly.com/see_it.html
          * Ignite Portland #1 Videos - http://www.igniteportland.com/watch/
          * Why Deutschland Loves David Hasselhoff - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZmxxG8dDkI&feature=related
          * Ignite Portland #3 Videos - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=IP3+ignite&search_type=&aq=f

          We hope to see you at Ignite Corvallis!

          2008-11-13 22:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1192008-10-28 16:58:59 <;b2008-11-13 23:45:00nites:

          * Previous Ignite Events - http://ignite.oreilly.com/see_it.html
          * Ignite Portland #1 Videos - http://www.igniteportland.com/watch/
          * Why Deutschland Loves David Hasselhoff - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZmxxG8dDkI&feature=related
          * Ignite Portland #3 Videos - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=IP3+ignite&search_type=&aq=f

          We hope to see you at Ignite Corvallis!

          2008-11-13 22:30:00http://www.sao.corvallis.or.us/drupal/node/1192008-10-28 16:58:41;b2008-11-13 23:45:00d automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Topics range all over the map - from straight-up tech to creative arts to hobbies to general knowledge topics. This will be the first official Ignite Corvallis and we invite you to be part of it.

          We need your help to make Ignite Corvallis a fantastic event. Here's what you can do...

          1) If you plan to attend, please add yourself to the Ignite Corvallis Upcoming page as an attendee. This will help us get a more accurate attendance count and plan accordingly:


          2) Are you interested in being a presenter? Please submit you ideas! The deadline for proposal submission is Thursday, October 23rd.

          email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

          Not sure what to present? Watch some presentations from other ig s also worked as an IT consultant for Accenture, and as a researcher for Accenture's Palo Alto research and development lab. He studied computer science and philosophy, and iK-3i33JqIgnite CorvallisI hope you'll join us for Ignite Corvallis in November at High Tech After Hours.

          Ignite Corvallis
          Thursday, November 13th, 2-3pm
          CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (Across from Reser Stadium)

          NOTE: Submission deadline for presentation proposals is Tuesday, November 4th.

          email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

          Ignite is coming to Corvallis! Share burning ideas.

          If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotateӁgsK3 33JqThe semi-un-not-so-official Wordpress Upgrade PartyWe saw the demo at WordCamp, now lets get together for the grand launch of WordPress 2.7!
          2008-11-11 01:00:002008-10-28 16:56:46 9;b2008-11-11 05:00:00 ((ew language for the Java Pc~sK333JqThe semi-un-not-so-official Wordpress Upgrade PartyWe saw the demo at WordCamp, now lets get together for the grand launch of WordPress 2.7!
          2008-11-11 01:00:002008-10-28 16:56:29;b2008-11-11 05:00:00}[3 33JqUbuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Install PartyCelebrate the release of Ubuntu 8.10, the Intrepid Ibex. Get a copy of the .iso file without waiting for the long download. Get a burned CD or burn one of your own and pass on the free software love. Get installation help and talk to local linux experts.
          2008-11-01 22:00:002008-10-28 15:58:34 :H;b2008-11-02 01:00:00i|[33JqUbuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Install PartyCelebrate the release of Ubuntu 8.10, the Intrepid Ibex. Get a copy of the .iso file without waiting for the long download. Get a burned CD or burn one of your own and pass on the free software love. Get installation help and talk to local linux experts.
          2008-11-01 22:00:002008-10-28 15:56:49;b NN with a July challenge meeting, and either Jonathan or I will post the final challenge on Monday. A lot of incredibly fun solutions have been proposed to Michelle's suggestion, and unless something more compelling comes along:

          "I like the idea of a challenge! If I can suggest one that might be fun, and that .{-c3I33JqIgnite Salt LakeIgnite Salt Lake

          Hosted by The Leonardo at Library Square
          209 East 500 South
          Salt Lake City, Utah

          If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.


          2008-11-14 02:00:00http://www.ignitesaltlake.com/2008-10-28 15:39:50 =;b2008-11-14 06:00:00! Agenda We will cover the following agile practices: Preventing Defects ("No Bugs") Ten-Minute Build and Build Automation Continuous Integration Incremental Requirements Customer Tests Test-Driven Development Refactoring Simple Design Incremental Design and Architecture Exploratory Testing We will also discuss: Pair Programming Ubiquitous Language Stand-Up Meetings Coding Standards Iteration Demos "Done Done" Version Control Collective Code Ownership Documentation Slack Spike Solutions Performance Optimization This training opportunity is funded, in part, with Employer Workforce Training Funds administered by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development. Contact Rachel Kjack for more information at rachel.kjack@sao.org or 503-228-5419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008-10-29 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/29/08ta2008-10-27 16:29:53 :2008-11-01 00:00:00ne who's part of an agile team (or wants to be) will benefit: programmers, designers, and architects; on-site customers, product managers, domain experts, business analysts, interaction designers, and testers; coaches, technical leads, and project managers. But don't worry: we have an innovative course structure that ensures plenty of technical depth for programmers... without boring everyone else! No prior Agile experience is required, but even experienced practitioners will learn new skills. Attend this course if: Your stakeholders have strong opinions... and they're all different Testers are overloaded at the end of each iteration or Sprint Your build takes too long or breaks more than once per month You finish stories, find bugs, finish them again, find bugs, finish them again... You have to schedule stories for refactoring and technical infrastructure You wonder how pair programming could possibly be a good idea You aren't experiencing any of these problems... and you want to keep it that wayts; using test-driven development and refactoring; involving customers and writing customer tests; how incremental design and architecture really work; involving testers, conducting exploratory testing, and creating code without bugs; automated builds and continuous integration; delivering software that's "done done" and ready to ship. James is joined by Diana Larsen, Agile Alliance chair and co-author of the acclaimed Agile Retrospectives. Together, they provide the highest level of agile experience and expertise. This course isn't just for programmers! Agile development works best with a cross-functional team, so we built a cross-functional course. During some segments, we'll have everyone work together in cross-functional teams. During others, we'll split into functional groups and take a deep dive into issues like test-driven development and product management. Who Should Attend/Prerequisites This course isn't just for programmers! Agile development is cross-functional and so is this course. Everyo ttcomputing called Fleet. Fleet accepts the limitations to computing imposed by physics: moving data around inside a computer costs more energy, more delay, and more chip area than the arithmetic and logical operations ordinarily called “computing.” Fleet puts the programmer firmly in charge of the most costly resource, communication, instead of in charge ofp;%3533JqOCCA: VOIP for BusinessDescription: Current survey of the Telephone/VOIP solutions available to small business. For the first time, everyone can access features formerly reserved for only the largest institutions. Mini-call centers, auto-attendants, voice to text applications, follow me services, and (now) plain old Unified Messaging. We will also address implementation details, weighing the merits of building an Asterisk box vs buying one. We will also compare the features and benefits of Hosted VOIP, vs having your own local system. 2008-10-29 01:00:00http://www.occa.org/2008-10-27 16:22:55 =2008-10-29 03:30:00 nomic landscape. Hugh Heinsohn – Senior Associate, PriceGain AB – http://www.pricegain.com on pricing technology products for international markets. Ste7oo 3y33JqAMA: Interactive Trends - Where to Place Your Bet2008-10-29 00:30:00http://www.ama-pdx.org/event/archive/event20081028.htm2008-10-27 16:20:07 ;72008-10-29 02:30:00an]3Q33JqPortland Open Coffee Club - October 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

          The Portland Open Coffee Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at Backspace at 10 am.

          Read more at http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/
          2008-10-29 17:00:00http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/2008-10-27 15:50:55 :H;b2008-10-29 18:00:00 \neJm]3Q3JqPortland Open Coffee Club - October 2008Portland Open Beer Club and Portland Open Coffee Club are monthly meetups offering a low key, agenda-free format centered around meeting like-minded individuals and talking about technology, the web, and startups.

          The Portland Open Coffee Club meets the last Wednesday of every month at Backspace at 10 am.

          Read more at http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/
          2008-10-29 17:00:00http://portlandopencoffeeclub.com/2008-10-27 15:49:40;b lq3-33JqSocial Network Spaghetti - Portland Web InnovatorsScott Kveton will tell us where he thinks we with the state of current social networks and how we're actually on our way to the promised land.

          Kveton is a digital identity promoter, open source contributor, and VP of Open Platforms for Vidoop.
          2008-11-06 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-10-27 15:45:14 :x;b2008-11-06 05:00:00 `PԡuC%3333SBDC: Business Plan Writing503-978-50802008-02-28 02:30:002008-05-20 00:21:112008-07-13 04:30:03;bձ2008-02-28 jq3-3JqSocial Network Spaghetti - Portland Web InnovatorsScott Kveton will tell us where he thinks we with the state of current social networks and how we're actually on our way to the promised land.

          Kveton is a digital identity promoter, open source contributor, and VP of Open Platforms for Vidoop.
          2008-11-06 03:00:00http://pdxwi.com2008-10-27 06:37:13;b1M3733Jp-DorkbotPDX MeetingCome join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.2008-10-28 02:00:00http://dorkbotpdx.org2008-10-26 18:12:48 :;bl2008-10-28 05:00:00 n management systems. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open sourcewԡ*m3]333Startup Workouts- Work/life balance for foundersStartup Workouts is a new open-enrollment series of 75-minute “workouts” where founders develop and strengthen founder “muscles”— the fundamental business skills and problem-solving abilities they need in order to manage their ventures well and keep their projects above water. Workouts are led by Portland Ten staff, who actively work with a team of tech founders working toward the $1MM in revenue goal and deal with these t{wG'3 33JqWestSide Polyglot ProgrammersA programming group that espouses no specific language or methodology. We're hoping for the group to cover a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) software development (desktop, web, other), AI, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. Come add to the discussion.2008-10-31 02:00:002008-10-27 22:50:06 <2008-10-31 06:00:00 ck 15 in Corvallis, OR. Bloggers/Twitter folks from the local scene show up and we help each other with our blogs. Sometimes we’ll arrange for a special guestR7e3 33Jq Calagator Code SprintJoin us to work on adding features and improving Calagator! We have a full-day code sprint on Saturday at CubeSpace starting at 10am and ending around 6pm. You don't have to be there for the full day, join us for however much time you'd like to contribute. Some possible tasks for the sprint include adding creation and editing of recurring events, improving Google Calendar compatibility, and other bug fixes and improvements. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about Ruby and Rails, agile programming, and finding ways to work better with other technical people in a friendly environment while making a genuine contribution to a community project.2008-10-25 17:00:002008-10-26 07:06:07 92008-10-26 01:00:00 ..be held 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tuesday, DO| 333JqAeA: Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the FutureFinance Networking Event Date: Nov 12, 2008 Please Note: This is the October 15th event that was postponed. Energy Costs - Managing Today and Planning for the Future Energy costs have increased dramatically over the past year and experts widely agree energy costs will become a key business consideration as worldwide demand continues to increase. Many supply-chain strategies are now obsolete as the landed cost of goods has risen sharply. The time is now to understand the trends, evaluate the impact on your business and develop an awareness of practices to avoid a setback in your business. Our panelists will discuss the trends we are seeing today and discuss strategies for addressing a changing business environment as it relates to energy.2008-11-12 15:30:00http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR1108062008-10-24 15:26:23 :2008-11-12 17:00:00ion's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We'll discuss short and long term effects of the current economic crisis on entrepreneurial companies. Hear from other CEO's about what their plans are to survive and eventually prosper after the events on Wall Street. We will explore different business challenges and approaches so that participants come away with some ideas to enhance their processes to help their companies succeed. Network and have a private conversation with business leaders who are in or have been in your shoes, running, growing and leading a start up company. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 2008-11-12 19:30:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=362008-10-24 15:11:52 =32008-11-12 21:00:00 tist has 10 minutes to draw 8 frames of animation. They leave their last frame as a starting place for the person who comes after them, who draws 8 more frames and leaves their last one... repeat all evening. Anyone can participate- artists, animuԡ -)3{333Trek in the ParkAtomic Arts is presenting a LIVE free performance of the classic Star Trek episode “Amok Time” at the Woodlawn Park amphitheater. Witness Mr. Spock undergo the bizarre and brutal Vulcan marriage rity3 33JqMThe Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies

          The Early Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars & Galaxies (Dr. Aparna Venkatesan, University of San Francisco, Dept. of Physics/Astronomy & Dr. Todd Duncan, PSU - Aparna had a family emergency so Todd will be delivering her talk at the scheduled time on Saturday ) (October 25, 10 am, Hoffman Hall, PSU)

          2008-10-25 17:00:00http://oregonteacherscholars.pbwiki.com/Our%20Cosmic%20History2008-10-25 12:19:18 =4;b2008-10-25 18:30:00 SS jԡuq3U333CEO Roundtable - Funding Your Company in Tough TimesPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs dri:{Gk3E33JqLOEN CEO Roundtable - NovemberPaul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organizat]z u3E33JqKOEN: Webinar - Getting Social 101: Quick and easy ways to get your social media bearings, with Rick Turoczy of Silicon FloristToday, big businesses are all chasing "user generated content" and "social media" strategies. But how does that apply to startups? How do you participate with limited resources? Where should you be? What should you do? Go everywhere or focus? Get everyone involved or just a spokesperson? There are a ton of questions. And the antomatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Topics range all over the map - from straight-up tech to creative arts to hobbies to general knowledge topics. This will be the first official Ignite Corvallis and we invite you to be part of it.

          We need your help to make Ignite Corvallis a fantastic event. Here's what you can do...

          1) If you plan to attend, please add yourself to the Ignite Corvallis Upcoming page as an attendee. This will help us get a more accurate attendance count and plan accordingly:


          2) Are you interested in being a presenter? Please submit you ideas! The deadline for proposal submission is Thursday, October 23rd.

          email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

          Not sure what to present? Watch some presentations from other igniteswers only come with experience. The good news? Gaining that experience is easier than you might think. Join Rick Turoczy as he shares some quick tips on how to start participating in social media, getting your bearings, and understanding how you can become a valued member of communities that match your startup's goals. Speaker: Rick Turoczy Rick Turoczy has helped Portland-area startups with traditional and Web-based communications activities for more than a dozen years--from spectacular dotcom IPOs to working with some of the best and brightest Web companies in Portland, today. A blogger for nearly a decade, Rick currently follows the startup tech scene throughout the Silicon Forest on his blog, Silicon Florist, and covers Web 2.0 news for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. He is most easily reached via Twitter as @turoczy2008-11-06 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=422008-10-24 15:06:362008-11-06 19:00:00fining Your Recruitment Strategy Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Many industries will be affected by labor shortages ad the ability to fill vacancies. By 2012 our workforce will be reduced by 3.3 million workers. Outsourcing and difficult economic times add an interesting component to attractions, selections and the securing of talent. What actions can you implement to help your business prosper? This webinar will help establish a plan to address talent needs: Out of the box thinking for attracting talent. Knowing and promoting your competitive advantage. Use difficult economic times to enhance your human capital. Presenter Jennifer Paauwe-Riffe, SPHR, Senior Human Resource Consultant, AmeriBen/IEC Group ***To register email Jennfier Olsen or phone toll free 800-536-1444.*** *Further log-in instructions will follow your initial registration.*2008-10-24 16:00:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/24/082008-10-24 17:25:32 :2008-10-25 05:30:00freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]tube porn tube porn[/url] ebony porn mature asian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]ebony porn mature asian porn[/url] pokemon porn gay lesbian porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]pokemon porn gay lesbian porn[/url] paris hilton naked paris hilton desnuda [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]paris hilton naked paris hilton desnuda[/url] paris hilton sex paris hilton jewelry line [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]paris hilton sex paris hilton jewelry line[/url] anime porn bareback gay porn [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]anime porn bareback gay 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          ԡ(]3C333#Twicnic by The Sandy River: Post-Independence Day EditionEvery Sunday, our proud Portland tradition of lounging about the lawn is taking place. Some call it Twicnic: a picnic put on by Twitter users who just happens to like hanging arsUY3 33JqDia de los Muertos Breakfast TweetupThe spookiest breakfast of the year takes place at Kenny & Zukes this Thursday. Join Portland Twitter friends for amazing latkes and awesome chats. This is a buy-your-own affair that often spills over into coworking time afterward.

          This week, you are invited to bring a story about honoring the dead; loved ones who have passed, DIY shrines to lost friends, and the power of narrative to continue the memories and ideals of those who have come before us. To keep it from being too heavy, you are also invited to come in costume.
          2008-10-30 16:00:002008-10-27 19:19:00 =;b2008-10-30 17:00:00 Canada when he was 18 to study for a Bachelors and Masters degree in Mathematics. He now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. An early adopter of Java, Slava wrote the popular jEdit text editor, then went on to design and implement the Factor programming language. At his day job he hacks on web apps, optimizing compilers, garbage collectors, and everything in between . Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. 2008-10-30 17:30:00http://www.galois.com/blog/2008/10/24/factor-an-extensible-interactive-language/2008-10-27 21:22:29 ;2008-10-30 18:30:00 ;schedule is as follows: * Tuesday, June 23, 10 am: Revenue generation * Thursday, June 25, 4 pm: Basics of sales for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountabipw_;3K33JpSmalltalk Users Group meeting [tentative]pdx.st is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.2008-10-29 01:30:00http://pdxst.pragmaticraft.com/2008-10-23 17:43:02 <:2008-10-29 03:30:00BvEq3U33JqJPDX Critique monthly meetingShare your creations and get constructive feedback2008-10-28 02:00:00http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/2008-10-23 17:37:51 92008-10-28 04:00:00 ttes for startups * Tuesday, June 30, 10 am: Extreme bootstrapping * Thursday, July 2, 4 pm: Market validation basics * Tuesday, July 7, 10 am: Keeping your ego out of the product * Thursday, July 9, 4 pm: Work/life balance for founders * Tuesday, July 14, 10 am: Founder/team accountability * Thursday, rUY33JqDia de los Muertos Breakfast TweetupThe spookiest breakfast of the year takes place at Kenny & Zukes this Thursday. Join Portland Twitter friends for amazing latkes and awesome chats. This is a buy-your-own affair that often spills over into coworking time afterward.

          This week, you are invited to bring a story about honoring the dead; loved ones who have passed, DIY shrines to lost friends, and the power of narrative to continue the memories and ideals of those who have come before us. To keep it from being too heavy, you are also invited to come in costume.
          2008-10-30 16:00:002008-10-27 18:52:18;bs only come with experience. The good news? Gaining that experience is easier than you might think. Join Rick Turoczy as he shares some quick tips on how to start participating in social media, getting your bearings, and understanding how you can become a valued member of communities that match your startup's goals. Speaker: Rick Turoczy Rick Turoczy has helped Portland-area startups with traditional and Web-based communications activities for more than a dozen years--from spectacular dotcom IPOs to working with some of the best and brightest Web companies in Portland, today. A blogger for nearly a decade, Rick currently follows the startup tech scene throughout the Silicon Forest on his blog, Silicon Florist, and covers Web 2.0 news for ReadWriteWeb, one of the most popular blogs in the world. He is most easily reached via Twitter as @turoczy2008-11-06 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=422008-10-24 20:08:03 :2008-11-06 19:00:00 |b|08-08-29 16:00:20 <2008-05-21 03:00:00%ԡz}U3_333IDSA 3BY10 - Portland's[ 3533Jq;Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-26 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:12:02;b2008-11-26 07:00:00Z 3533Jq:Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-03 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:11:44;b2008-12-03 07:00:00Y 3533Jq9Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:11:27;b2008-12-10 07:00:00#X 3533Jq8Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-17 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:10:59 <;b2008-12-17 07:00:00uWy93533Jq7Portland State Aerospace Society: Introductory MeetingIntroductory meeting for people interested in PSAS (Portland State Aerospace Society).2008-10-22 01:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:08:44 <;b2008-10-22 02:00:00  and products. With software businesses , especially web based services, the ability to evolve is much more rapid, and coupled with the availability of qua uW 3533Jq Starve Ups: Making Profits From Worm Poop – A Keynote From Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle (tentative)2008-11-18 02:00:00http://www.starveups.com/starveups/index.asp?s=entrepreneur-network-portland_events&2008-10-23 17:22:49 92008-11-18 04:00:00@t+C333JqSAO Poker NightSAO Poker Night Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $25 for members $35 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: SAO Poker Night Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Bigger - Better - Higher Our First Poker Night was such a huge success that we've made the poker tournament a monthly event! Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddiesmphasis on interactive testing, and meta-programming. Factor also brings modern high-level language features such as garbage collection, object orientation and functional programming familiar to users of languages such as Lisp, Smalltalk and Python. Finally, recognizing that no programming language is an island, Factor is portable, ships with a full-featured standard library, deploys stand-alone binaries, and interoperates with C and Objective-C. In this talk, I will give the rationale for Factor’s creation, present an overview of the language, and show how Factor can be used to solve real-world problems with a minimum of fuss. At the same time, I will emphasize Factor’s extensible syntax, meta-programming and reflection capabilities, and show that these features, which are unheard of in the world of mainstream programming languages, make programs easier to write, more robust, and fun. Biography: Slava was born in the former USSR and emigrated to New Zealand at the age of 7. He moved to Ottawa, n9ԡI3 333West Side PDX Job Search GroupMonday July 27th: 12:00 to 1:30 PM Beaverton Public Library Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Theme: Leveraging Sales Skills in Your Job Search 1) Adding Sales@y+C333JqSAO Poker NightSAO Poker Night Date: Wed, Oct 22nd Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204 Cost: $25 for members $35 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/22/2008 Topic: SAO Poker Night Register for this Event Back to Event Calendar Bigger - Better - Higher Our First Poker Night was such a huge success that we've made the poker tournament a monthly event! Join us every 4th Wednesday for a fun night of Texas Hold'em! Each night will have prize winners. Bring your poker buddies I'09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyԡvԡwԡxԡzԡ}ԡԡԡԡ(uK333JqNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment StrategyNiche Recruiting: Refining Your Recruitment Strategy Date: Fri, Oct 24th Time: 9:00am-10:30am Location: Webinar Cost: $30 for members $30 for non members Registration Deadline: 10/24/2008 Topic: Niche Recruiting: Re,{3E33JqOEN Webinar - Quality Market Research on a Shoestring, with Mike RileyMike Riley, with 30 years in the research industry, will walk through the essential elements of conducting accurate and credible market research. With research budgets tight (or non-existent), Riley will outline the elements necessary for conducting good research on the cheap. He will highlight the best methods for study design, audieneo365
          [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video365[/url] video221 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video221[/url] video196 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video196[/url] soft16 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft16[/url] soft20 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft20[/url] soft302 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft302[/url] video171 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video171[/url] 2008-10-23 00:30:00http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/2008-10-22 19:41:01 =$2008-10-23 03:30:00"http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html">soft268 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft268[/url] soft235 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft235[/url] video156 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video156[/url] video293 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video293[/url] soft302 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft302[/url] video133 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video133[/url] video158 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video158[/url] vid6 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft96[/url] soft211 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft211[/url] video341 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video341[/url] soft96 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft96[/url] video35 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video35[/url] soft177 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft177[/url] video21 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video21[/url] video343 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video343[/url] video219 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video219[/url] soft284 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft284[/url] video291 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video291[/url] video365 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video365[/url] soft13 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft13[/url] soft361 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/]soft361[/url] video90 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video90[/url] soft9ities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video357[/url] video79 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video79[/url] soft208 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft208[/url] video236 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video236[/url] video122 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video122[/url] soft122 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft122[/url] video86 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video86[/url] video184 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]ideo207 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video207[/url] video325 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video325[/url] video128 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video128[/url] video216 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index4.html]video216[/url] soft168 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft168[/url] video43 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index2.html]video43[/url] soft246 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft246[/url] video357 [url=http://www.geocce selection, and fair reporting of the data, along with a list of "Do's & Don't" for effect research on a shoestring budget. The Speaker: Mike Riley This webinar is presented by Mike Riley, President & Research Director, Riley Research Associates. Mike Riley's expertise is in both quantitative and qualitative methods of public and special audience opinion polling. Riley is adept at incorporating both primary and secondary information into the research process and analysis. He is a public relations research practitioner, accredited by the Public Relations Society of America (APR), and has been recognized by the Marketing Research Association with a Professional Researcher Certification (PRC). Details: Date and Time: Nov 19, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Purchase Non-member Price: $30.00 2008-11-19 18:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=402008-10-24 17:25:32 :2008-11-19 19:00:00 JJ with Flex and Java Outline: Intro to Rich Internet Applications # RIA as the next generation of Software # Back to the Client-Server Model # Adobe's RIA Software Development Platform Intro to building software with Flex # What is Flex? # Open Source SDK # ActionScript & MXML Languages # Components # How do you use Flex? # Compiler # Debugging Intro to BlazeDS (Java Integration) # Installing BlazeDS into a Web App (WAR File) # Remoting (RPC style object invocations over HTTP) # Pub/Sub Messaging # Spring Integration ---------- Speaker: J2zKw3%33JqYoung Professionals of PortlandJoin in for some great social & professional networking at the brand new Blitz Ladd. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail or two while checking out the new spot decked with 50 high def plasmas, shuffleboard, pool tables, and lots of great food.
          2008-10-29 00:00:00http://youngprofessionalsofportland.com/yp/index.asp?f=eventdetail.asp&e=2592008-10-28 08:35:15;b2008-10-29 03:00:00 r the overpass on Morrison would be ideal Enter the building from Morrison and go up the stairs Go up the freight elevator to the 7th flVqIO333JqSAO: The Art of Agile DeliveryThe Art of Agile Delivery Date: Wed, Oct 29th Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Location: Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Cost: $299 for members $299 for non members Registration Deadline: 09/27/2008 Topic: The Art of Agile Delivery This class is full. Another class may be scheduled. Please email graham@sao.org to be placed on the waiting list. THREE DAY CLASS: October 29-31, 2008 Public employees are not eligible to attend this class. Please contact Rachel Kjack for more information. Course Overview James Shore, Gordon Pask Award recipient and co-author The Art of Agile Development, is bringing the practical wisdom of his best-selling book into the classroom. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know about agile delivery: incrementally exploring requiremen "ԡ|M3=333Portland Linux/Unix Group: Some Random Thoughts on Open Source Philosophy David Mand dBԡ{k3o333Personal Telco Project November Monthly MeetingOur November Monthly Meeting was delayed a week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so this time the November meeting is in December!2008-12-04 02:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingNovembhԡa3U333OEN PubSs+)3W33JqSAO Poker Nightsoft336 [url=http://www.geocities.com/uiouoiuiuoi/index3.html]soft336[/url] vfr7+33JqIPDX Tweetup BreakfastPDX Tweetup Breakfast rolls to a new destination this week at the suggestion of @pdxflaneur. BYOB (buy your own breakfast) and chat with Portland tweeple at this (increasingly common) Thursday breakfast occurrence. We're like the Elks only no awesome hats. Yet!
          2008-10-23 16:00:002008-10-22 18:37:13 =#;b $$LC5ԡI4Y~=13E33Jq OEN Webinar - Building Brands and Managing Reputations via Social Media, with Kent LewisDo you Twitter? Have you updated your LinkedIn or Facebook profile? If not, you should, as your constituents are highly engaged in the Web 2.0 world via social media Web sites. Today's consumers rely on social media networks to find and develop a sense of identity, as well as research and validate the reputation of other individuals and businesses. Kent Lewis with Anvil Media will outline the why and how of developing a social media marketing strategy for your organization, including critical success factors, 7 steps to get started and how to measure effectiveness. Details: Date and Time: Oct 21, 2008 10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online For Purchase: Member Price: $20.00 Non-Member Price: $30.002008-10-21 17:00:00http://www.memberservicecenter.org/irmweb/wc.dll/orporntw?id=orporntw&doc=events/event&kn=372008-10-24 17:25:31 :2008-10-21 18:00:00g the voters of the metropolitan region.Under David's leadership as Council President, the Metro Council has undertaken new initiatives to preserve natural areas and protect water quality, support thriving neighborhoods, create jobs and economic prosperity, and improve our transportation network. He's a native Portlander.

          Bellypalooza consists of members from local belly dancing troupe Tigerlillys and solo-dancer Miriam. They enjoy shiny objects, phat beats, and womanly forms.

          Back Fence PDX is the kissing cousin to San Francisco's Porchlight Storytelling Series.

          Back Fence PDX is an evening with six people telling their true eight-minute stories based on the month's theme. The stories must not have been performed publicly prior to their Back Fence PDX telling. We are also a blog with a weekly story by a writer, blogger, or someone with an unusual story about the topic.
          2008-10-23 03:00:00http://backfencepdx.wordpress.com/2008-10-22 18:36:28 :;bous and inspiring. She loves sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.

          Dave Jarecki founded Breakerboy Communications to provide strategic messaging, copy and grant writing services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Writing workshops started in 2005. He likes working with kids because they're smarter and funnier than adults. Recently, a student in one of his workshops said, I have three weekends between now and next Sunday.

          Sadie Medley has her finger in a whole bunch of pies. By day, she is a freelance graphic designer and creative thinker-chick. By late afternoon she can be found teaching people to stay calm while standing on their heads. In the early evenings she sings opera, and lately, she is obsessed with becoming a voice over actor. Her mutable, and restless personality make this type of life feasible.

          David Bragdon became the Metro Council's first regionally elected President on Jan. 6, 2003, representinransition to the dotcom world looks prescient in retrospect. Now she works from home managing financial blogs for AOL and writes away the wee hours after her three little boys fall asleep.

          Slim Moon still thinks of himself as a punk rocker, after all these years. After 17 years at record labels as founder of Kill Rock Stars and later briefly working as an "A&R guy" for the Warner Music Group, Slim is happy to now be pursuing his true calling in life - helping artists he loves - in the way that best suits him - artist management. Notable artists that Slim has worked with in his life include Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, Elliott Smith, Miranda July, The Decemberists, The Gossip, and Deerhoof, among literally hundreds of others...

          Tina Newton is the founder and color genius behind Blue Moon Fiber Arts, the company that makes the perpetually popular sock yarn, Socks that Rock. Tina has a fertile imagination and the practical creativity to support it. This energy is contagi KPdԡhԡPԡ<U_3S333PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census DataWebb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR/3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference with a creative twist--it is for
          creative industries professionals. Registration required.

          Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the web site for more information.

          To see photos from the last Cre8Camp, click here.
          2008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-28 20:34:24;b2008-11-15 23:00:00 '09BKT]fox#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyDԡ.)3-333Portl(ԡ4I#3K333Beer and Blog: What the Shit? I'm TOTALLY excited about the fun in store for the Beer and Blog community this Friday, July 10. Back by popular demand is What the Shit, that Twitter dramatic readO-3i33JqIgnite CorvallisI hope you'll join us for Ignite Corvallis in November at High Tech After Hours.

          Ignite Corvallis
          Thursday, November 13th, 2-3pm
          CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (Across from Reser Stadium)

          NOTE: Submission deadline for presentation proposals is Tuesday, November 4th.

          email proposals to ignite [DOT] corvallis [AT] gmail

          Ignite is coming to Corvallis! Share burning ideas.

          If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated au aJԡ}3]3338p5 3533JqGPortland Java User Group (PJUG) Monthly Meeting: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java CodeTopic: Using Groovy to Unit Test Java Code As you know, Groovy is a slick scripting... er, dynamic language that integrates very well with the Java platform and Java technologies. This presentation will go over a way to introduce Groovy into your organization and programming environment via unit testing. After a brief introduction to the language, we'll go over why Groovy can make unit testing easier. Speaker: Howard Abrams Howard jumped on the Java bandwagon during the last millennium and has been working with Groovy off an on for a few years. He currently works for Cordys supporting their business automation process software. 2008-10-22 01:30:00http://www.pjug.org/2008-10-21 17:04:33 <2008-10-22 03:30:00 nies. And ensuring that our public finance system is stable, adequate and efficient enough to meet these goals. No other state has anything like the Oregon Business Plan and the Oregon Leadership Summit. O|x+y3Y33JqSAO Poker Nightfree paris hilton sex video new paris hilton pic [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]free paris hilton sex video new paris hilton pic[/url] soft porn full porn movie [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]soft porn full porn movie[/url] nude paris hilton paris hilton britney [url=http://parishiltonsextaper.u.yuku.com/]nude paris hilton paris hilton britney[/url] midget porn teen porn star [url=http://freetuberealityporn.u.yuku.com/]midget porn teen porn star[/url] porn bloop Hԡ!A13333SAO: IT Service Managementhttp://www.sao.org2008-05-19 15:30:002008-05-20 00:21:0720+ԡw93 333White Stag Block Talks: Building a Collaborative CityJoin the UO Portland programs and aVԡIe3]333MagicSeth: The Online MagicianCheck out Seth Raphael, the Magician of the Future, as he blows your mind with magic featuring Google, cellphones, and time machines. This show is usually only seen by his corporate audiences, and will appeal to anyone who has ever searched on the internet. It will fry anyone who has ever dotos33G33JpIxDA Portland F2F Gathering (Interaction Designers)Come out to rant, rave, engage and connect with fellow Interaction Design practitioners and people interested in Interaction Design. We meet up bi-monthly to network with each other and become inspired together.2008-10-22 01:00:00http://www.ixda.org/local.php2008-10-20 23:11:07 ;2008-10-22 04:00:00 q:ԡP753333OCCA: The ASIS EEE PChttp://www.occa.org/2008-02-27 02:00:002008-05-20 00:21:102008-07-13 04:29:56;bձ2008-02-27 04:00:00"/ԡc 3Y333Portland Functional Programmers Study GroupJulian Blake Kongslie will present an introduction to state-space search, followed by some examples of various search methods in Haskell, with examples of both how to use search and how to write search code. pdxfunc is a study/ }{333JpRFrom Pointy Hair to Curly Tie... Surviving Project ManagementThis presentation will take a light-hearted approach to the challenges a QA Manager faces while illustrating techniques that can improve product quality and communication from management to testers. Speaker Keith Meyer, Lab Director, nResult, Inc. Thank you to our 2008 Series Sponsors: McAfee & nResult. 2008-08-21 19:00:00https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=6448702008-10-24 17:25:31 :2008-08-21 20:00:00 Levitin’s sweeping study incorporates wisdom gleaned from interviews with icons ranging from Sting and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell along with classical musicians, poets, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists.


          These six musical forms enlighten human nature in a way you will never forget.

          Blending cutting-edge scientific findings with his own sometimes hilarious experiences as a musician, Levitin showcases how the brain evolved to play and listen to music in six fundamental forms.

          Dr. Daniel

          McGill University In Montreal

          Dr. Levitin runs the laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University. Before becoming a research scientist, he was a record producer and professional musician.

          2008-10-24 02:00:00http://isepp.org/Pages/08-09%20Pages/Levitin08.html2008-10-20 18:28:20 <;b2008-10-24 04:00:002008-12-02 13:57:35 :W2008-12-04 06:00:00 11ent “Competitive Analysis for Prod3 y3Y33JqMicrosoft Brings Free IT Expertise to Portland, OregonThe Microsoft Across America team will be in Portland, Oregon delivering three seminars demonstrating how to drivˆ/3]33JqCre8Camp PortlandCre8Camp Portland is a BarCamp-like unconference with a creative twist--it is for
          creative industries professionals. Registration required.

          Participants drive the session topics and lead the discussions. Visit the web site for more information.

          To see photos from the last Cre8Camp, click here.
          2008-11-15 18:00:00http://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampPortland2008-10-28 20:34:41 ;b;b2008-11-15 23:00:00 *0ԡqg3W333PBA DECEMBER FORUM: "2009 Economic &ԡ}Ys3g333Personal Telco Project Monthly MeetingMontly Meeting of the Personal Telco Project. We'll be electing one position on the Board of Directors this month.2009-07-30 01:30:00http://wiki.personaltelco.net/MeetingJuly20092009-06-24 04:37:372009-06-24 04:37:37 >2009-07-30 03:00:00Oԡ|E31333EsoZone: Mutant UnconferenceEsoZone is a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include: portlandsun hangs around because, personally, I want my cake (on the patijMg3G33JqDLegion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.

          Since this is the last meetup of the year (it doesn't make sense to have a 4th Thursday meetup in Nov/Dev to conflict with the holidays), we wanted to do something a little different ...

          Thanks to a sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous we will be having the meetup at Jace Gace. Our sponsor will cover the fee to rent the space for the evening, but you will be on your own to pay for drinks / waffles. Have you ever been to Jace Gace? They have the most amazing waffles and they have beer / wine! Mmmm, waffles and alcohol. Heaven.
          2008-10-24 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-10-19 23:49:49 =;b2008-10-24 02:30:00 mmHSU/OGI Principal, Roger Hicks Consulting LLC Don Roupe Owner, Advanced Market Concepts Event Details Thursday, July 16th 5:30 – 6:00 pm Networking 6:00 – 7:30 pm Presentations and Q&A Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (888) 444-0401 $20 at the door Includes hors d'oeuvres, non-hodG;3K33JpSmalltalk Users Group meetingpdx.st is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.2008-10-29 01:30:00http://pdxst.pragmaticraft.com/2008-10-28 17:44:33 <:2008-10-29 03:30:00m#3333JqXPDX - Agile Methodologies: A Matter of SurvivalIn October, SolutionsIQ organized an entertaining, educational, and well-attended panel on Incremental Architecture. In November, Michael Kelly will present our next evening meeting topic, Agile Methodologies: A Matter of  Zj@mediaChick? Yep, I write there too. But Conciousness Expans#a 3533Jq9Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-12-10 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:40:35 <;b2008-12-10 07:00:00` 3533Jq@Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-22 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:14:11;b2008-10-22 06:00:00#_ 3533Jq>Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-05 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:13:48 <;b2008-11-05 07:00:00^ 3533Jq?Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-10-29 02:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:13:32;b2008-10-29 06:00:00] 3533Jq=Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-12 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:12:44;b2008-11-12 07:00:00#\ 3533Jq<Portland State Aerospace Society: General & Team Meetings2008-11-19 03:00:00http://psas.pdx.edu/2008-10-19 07:12:25 <;b2008-11-19 07:00:00 ppgd/1p6Fz Supporters will meet outside the 4th street entrance to City Hall starting at 2:45, and will walk in as a group at 3:05 for the 3:15 meeting. "The development of the 5-year Portland Economic Development Strategy has been a community effort and we’re grateful for everyone’s input. This strategy to create 10,000 net new jobs and build the x-c333JqIgnite Salt LakeIgnite Salt Lake

          Hosted by The Leonardo at Library Square
          209 East 500 South
          Salt Lake City, Utah

          If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.


          2008-11-14 02:00:002008-10-28 08:28:13;b2008-11-14 06:00:00 ~ cos8n[3s33Jq*Music and The Mind: How They Co-Evolved

          Blending cutting-edge scientific findings mMg3G33JqDLegion of Tech Happy Hour MeetupThese are super informal meetups where we hang out, talk about geeky stuff (wikis, open source, new technologies, openid, ...), and wind down with like-minded people over beverages.

          Since this is the last meetup of the year (it doesn't make sense to have a 4th Thursday meetup in Nov/Dev to conflict with the holidays), we wanted to do something a little different ...

          Thanks to a sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous we will be having the meetup at Jace Gace. Our sponsor will cover the fee to rent the space for the evening, but you will be on your own to pay for drinks / waffles. Have you ever been to Jace Gace? They have the most amazing waffles and they have beer / wine! Mmmm, waffles and alcohol. Heaven.
          2008-10-24 00:30:00http://legionoftech.org/blog/2008-10-20 02:53:19 ;d;b2008-10-24 02:30:00 - you don't have to be an SAO member to play! Poker Details Bigger Prize payout: 1st place: 40% of pot* 2nd place: 15% of pot* 3rd place: 5% Better Structure: We are using software tools to make blind raising, table consolidation, registration smoother. We can now track player rankings for the whole year! Higher Anticipated turnout: About 50 Rebuys: Allowed in the 1 1/2 Hour @ $25 (3 max) Tables: 8 players + dealer; 6 tables Bonus: If you work for a software company you get 5% extra chips. *Prize payout includes initial buy-in's only - rebuys are not added to the prize pot. **You must be 21 or older to play! Thank you to our Chip Sponsors: Intel, WebTrends, ViaWest, and Edgelink. For more information about sponsorship or play, please contact Bryce Yonker at bryce.yonker@sao.org or 503.228.5443.2008-10-23 00:30:00https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=10/22/08b2008-10-22 20:46:39 :L2008-10-23 03:30:00 \`, - 7C33- Maitripa College1119 SE Market Streethttp://www.16guidelines.org2009-03-25 15:22:092009-03-25 15:24:49PortlandOR97214US@Fs^R_ciamas@yahoo.comv -qU1333 )Tart Dessert BarFrozen yogurt is served as a fat-free alternative to ice cream. We have fresh real soft serve frozen yogurt (with active live cultures), both classic and unique selection of toppings. For those of you feeling a bit more naughty we have Frozen Custard Decadent and Delicious. Come in for a taste and see.2128 SE Division, Portland, OR 97202http://tartpdx.com2009-03-25 06:31:372009-03-25 06:36:202128 Se Division StPortlandOR97202US@F;^5e(503) 233-4333 %33K'ISITE Design2009-03-24 16:52:102009-03-24 17:12:59115 NW First Avenue\, Suite 500PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^m;b > r3rg high-quality Web sites, but create fully integrated custom applications that meet the current needs of your business--while developing strategies for the future. Naturally, our take on our relationships with customers, partners and vendors is different too. We strive for synergy, so it's important that everyone share honesty and a mutual respect for one another. Working as an extension of your team, our experienced strategists, designers, developers and network specialists act as your single-source for effective Web solutions, providing our expertise every step of the way. This dynamic combination of p;! 33I BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) Theater 2009-04-02 18:20:312009-08-31 15:48:013181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road Portlandor97239US@FN&Ԁ^ud @gG  ]O333! TransCore11000 SW Stratus St Beaverton, OR 97008 http://transportationsoftware.com2009-03-31 20:01:462009-04-01 19:28:0911000 SW Stratus StBeavertonOR97008-7113US@FK}|^^ S*SS we not only produce Internet solutions including high-quality We3 7 33 White Stag Building70 NW Couch, Portland2009-03-30 21:41:102009-04-14 00:43:15PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q ?e?  33I! %OHSU Old Library Building3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road , Portland, Oregon, 97239-30982009-03-30 15:56:032009-03-30 15:57:573181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road PortlandOregon97239-3098US@FN&Ԁ^ud503-494-322233 Muddy Waters Coffeehouse 2908 SE Belmont Portland, Oregon 97214 2009-03-28 08:22:142009-03-28 14:02:56 ?Q= Q33+E%Muddy Waters Coffeehousehttp://www.muddywatersportland.com2009-03-28 08:21:342009-03-28 13:38:152908 SE BelmontPortlandOregon97214US@F^ info@muddywatersportland.com503-233-1923P1Y ;33+7 Slate TechnologiesTechnology services for small businesshttp://Slatetechpdx.com2009-03-27 23:29:552009-03-27 23:31:546315 SE HolgatePortland OR97206US@F^D*"Info@slatetechpdx.com Internet solutions including high-quality Web sites, but create fully integrated custom applications that meet the current needs of your business--while developing strategies for the future. Naturally, our take on our relationships with customers, partners and vendors is different too. We strive for synergy, so it's important that everyone share honesty and a mutual respect for one another. Working as an extension of your team, our experienced strategists, designers, developers and network specialists act as your single-source for effective Web solutions, providing our expertise every step of the way. This dynamic combination of personal service, goal-oriented focus, and innovative Internet technology, ensures your business's success as it grows and adapts to the rapidly changing, global market.Empire Group, Inc. 930 NW 14th Ave Suite 280 Portland OR 97209http://www.empiregn.com2009-03-27 17:53:052009-03-27 17:53:05930 NW 14th Ave Suite 280PortlandOR97209US@Fз=^Binfo@empiregn.com503-922-348 !O5!%1 ;33?/#Empire GroupEmpire Group, Inc. is a full-service Web development and Internet business development firm based in Portland, Oregon. Since day one, back in 1998, our goal is to approach every business problem holistically. So we not only producec[ [Y33+ White Stag Block (University of Oregon)70 NW Couch St., Portland, Oregon 97209http://pdx.uoregon.edu/leed/index.html2009-03-27 16:34:492009-08-15 18:15:3570 NW Couch St.PortlandOregon97209US@FON^Pr"133G'Souk Meeting Space2009-03-27 06:11:172009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue\, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209United States@F@N^C%;b ?7 33) SmartPark 33 NW Davis2009-03-26 20:19:312009-08-30 14:36:5633 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209US@F1w^-+! _ 33= Ater Wynne1331 NW Lovejoy, Ste 900 Portland, Oregon2009-03-26 20:02:092009-03-26 20:02:471331 NW Lovejoy, Ste 900PortlandOregon97209US@Fضڻ^g@ EZYE.? O 33- BridgportBrewpub + Bakery1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon2009-03-26 19:57:442009-03-27 13:48:481313 NW MarshallPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH :62 s 33E OEN309 SW Sixth Ave., Suite 212 Portland, Oregon 972042009-03-26 19:22:082009-03-26 19:23:07309 SW Sixth Ave., Suite 212PortlandOregon97204US@F¿\E^XBs"3 M33) Mama Mia Trattoria http://www.mamamiatrattoria.com/2009-03-26 17:56:102009-03-26 18:26:33439 SW 2nd AvePortlandOregon 97204US@F}Ȗ^˵33''MacForce2009-03-26 17:54:432009-03-26 18:22:52100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^\(;b ;nk33200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 17:39:272009-03-26 18:23:14 > ] 331 200 SW Market St. Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 17:32:362009-03-26 18:23:13200 SW Market St. PortlandOregon 97201 US@F| Yy^nL > eVW9_wI3W ' =Ambridge Event Center This is currently at 300 NE Multnomah. Ambridge Event Center is moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. On MLK between NE Halsey and NE Clackamas. The Google map shows what Google thinks is the future location. 1300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR http://www.ambridgeevents.com/2008-12-17 01:40:471300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@F i,^X 503-239-9921V9 3W ' = Ambridge Event Center Ambridge Event Center is moving soon to a couple of blocks north of current location. On MLK between NE Halsey and NE Clackamas. BTW, the Google map on this page does NOT show correct location. 1300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR 973322008-12-17 01:34:081300 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@F i,^X 503-239-9921 kl ck ^=3U 9Oregon Convention Center2008-12-18 23:46:26777 NE. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.PortlandOR97232US@Få^YD;bUd]m3 =PNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR2008-12-18 19:26:09;bl ;s \# G 3-  =White Eagle836 N Russell St, Portland OR2008-12-18 19:25:23836 N Russell StPortlandOR97227US@F8^:? =[33] =Portland City Grill2008-12-18 19:23:22111 SW 5th Ave #3000, Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204US@F3^;R);bT ;~Z+37 =Kingstad Center2008-12-18 19:23:1715450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97006US@F^2K;bE ;\`Ym3 ;sPNCA, 1241 NW Johnson St, Room 205, Portland, OR2008-12-18 19:26:09;blX33] ;Portland City Grill2008-12-18 19:23:21111 SW 5th Ave #3000, Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204US@F3^;R);bT UkUBc9 a3C! ' ;4McMenamins on Broadwaytesthttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=322008-12-19 15:39:141504 NE Broadway St Ste 900PortlandOregon97232-1407US@F|AC^_(503)288-9498DbE a3C! ' ;4McMenamins on Broadway Nowayhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=322008-12-19 15:38:501504 NE Broadway St Ste 900PortlandOregon97232-1407US@F|AC^_(503)288-9498>a9 a3C! ' ;4McMenamins on Broadwayhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=322008-12-19 15:38:381504 NE Broadway St Ste 900PortlandOregon97232-1407US@F|AC^_(503)288-9498B`9 a3C! ' ;4McMenamins on Broadwaytesthttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=322008-12-19 15:38:231504 NE Broadway St Ste 900PortlandOregon97232-1407US@F|AC^_(503)288-9498_=3U =Oregon Convention Center2008-12-18 23:46:27777 NE. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.PortlandOR97232US@Få^YD;bU 9 I;UIh937 =University Place Hotel2008-12-19 17:12:54310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^;b =فg937 =University Place Hotel2008-12-19 17:12:53310 SW Lincoln StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FS^^;bbf; s=3=# = :KCCC Wilsonville Campus 29353 Town Center Loop E Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 http://www.clackamas.edu2008-12-19 15:41:1029353 Town Center Loop EWilsonvilleOR97070US@F[=_^-#O503-657-6958, ext. 4609 [e; s=3=# = :KCCC Wilsonville Campus 29353 Town Center Loop E Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 http://www.clackamas.edu2008-12-19 15:40:4929353 Town Center Loop EWilsonvilleOR97070US^-#O503-657-6958, ext. 4609 bd; s=3=# = :KCCC Wilsonville Campus 29353 Town Center Loop E Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 http://www.clackamas.edu2008-12-19 15:40:1529353 Town Center Loop EWilsonvilleOR97070US@F[=_^-#O503-657-6958, ext. 4609 ,93,pC33 =McMenamins | Kennedy School2008-12-21 22:00:425736 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211US@FAy^L ;bY ;yo3E ?souk2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž'ӻ^8wH;bV ;bnC33 ;McMenamins | Kennedy School2008-12-21 22:00:375736 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211US@FAy^L ;bY|m137 ; Lucky Lab Brew Pub2009-01-22 02:05:25915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);bXul3E ?souk2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž'ӻ^8wH;bV_k' 3   =TBD Corvallis2008-12-20 17:25:43?CorvallisOregonUS@FHȼ^ћF;b(j1 EI3+ >ZRed and Black Cafe400 SE 12th Ave Portland, ORhttp://www.redandblackcafe.com2009-01-12 04:31:43400 Se 12th AvePortlandOR97214US@F‹i;^ >i13 >ZRed and Black Cafe2009-01-12 04:31:43 MYMM|xK 3- =Rogue Distillery & Public House2008-12-29 01:37:151339 NW FlandersPortlandOR97209US@FLWg2^$KwK3 =Rogue Distillery & Public House2008-12-29 01:36:481u m93) % =tbd loft856 nw bond street, suite 2, bend, oregon, 97701http://www.tbdloft.com2008-12-27 01:43:04856 Nw Bond StBendOR97701US@Fhyk^T`541.388.7558{t135 =American Red Cross2008-12-24 18:37:483131 N Vancouver AvePortlandOregon97227US@Fз=^ ܭ;b^Js+YQ73/ =Google Fremont Google's Fremont office in Seattle Wa.651 North 34th St Seattle Wa 98122http://www.google.com2008-12-23 23:05:03651 North 34th StSeattle WA98122US@G)gVn^p;r+3 =Google Fremont 2008-12-23 23:03:53#q? a33 ;McMenamins Kennedy Schoolhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=572008-12-21 22:01:185736 N.E. 33rd Ave.PortlandOR97211US@FAy^L 2cB93 >Rose Quarter Rose Room2009-02-03 22:24:38~; A 3 >Rose Quarter Rose Room 2 Center Court, 4th Floor 2009-02-03 22:24:38PortlandOregon97227US@FįEAS^ C};3 >Rose Quarter Rose Room 2009-02-03 22:24:38|Q / 3 =Banner Bank in the Pearl District 910 NW 10th Ave. 2008-12-30 00:15:35PortlandOregon 97209US@F(^\QN{Q3 =Banner Bank in the Pearl District 2008-12-30 00:14:04}z% % 31 ;rRoom 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)Room 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)2009-01-07 19:29:45SW 4th and CollegePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^yy%3 ;rRoom 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)2009-01-07 19:29:45 z2U;? S 3  % =Ruth's Chris Steak House 309 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 972042008-12-30 02:32:36US@Fha^>Yl503-221-4518s? - 3  =Ruth's Chris Steak House 309 SW 3rd Ave. 2008-12-30 02:31:52Oregon 97204US@Fha^>Yl m 3m >200 SW Market St., in the Lobby Conference Room 2008-12-30 00:46:52200 SW Market St., in the Lobby Conference Room PortlandOregon 97201\m3 >200 SW Market St., in the Lobby Conference Room 2008-12-30 00:46:24{? - 3 =Ruth's Chris Steak House 309 SW 3rd Ave. 2008-12-30 00:41:00PortlandOregon 97204US@Fha^>YlE?3 =Ruth's Chris Steak House 2008-12-30 00:39:279 3A >Rose Quarter Rose Room2009-02-03 22:24:382 Center Court, 4th Floor PortlandOregon 97227US@FÁ'q^+g/ cX^Xc8R%3 >HODS Building2009-09-05 20:25:21bQy3 >HODS Bldg., Room 2030, 601 SW 2nd Ave, Portland,Oregon2009-09-05 20:25:21R 3  >Chez Ian2008-12-30 20:21:36AlohaOR97006US@Fj㣨^0H@R  3 >Chez Ian2008-12-30 20:20:13AlohaOR97006US@F>^4 3 >Chez Ian2008-12-30 20:19:43w ! 3C >CH2M HILL 2008-12-30 16:51:382020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 300PortlandOregon 97201US@Fgx^<6 !3 >CH2M HILL 2008-12-30 16:49:55| 3 3; >Community Warehouse2008-12-30 16:31:182267 N Interstate Ave. PortlandOregon 97227US@Fh^;:h?33 >Community Warehouse2008-12-30 16:29:05$? Q 3) % =Ruth's Chris Steak House 309 SW 3rd Ave., Portland OR 972042008-12-30 02:33:14309 SW 3rd AvePortland OR 97204US@F«NP^$y|503-221-4518 WgX8Y-Uy33M % <OTBC (The Round)Before November 3, 2008, OTBC was located at 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 210, Beaverton OR 97006. 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 101, Beaverton, OR 97005http://www.otbc.org2009-01-05 03:58:2012725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@F>!^971-223-46603X 3 >IWebinar2009-01-05 03:49:523W3 >IWebinar2009-01-05 03:49:35V= U 31 >HODS Building - Suite 950601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon2009-01-05 03:41:20601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@FdD^1.DU=3 >HODS Building - Suite 9502009-01-05 03:40:31%T% k 3G >HODS Building601 SW Second Ave., Room 2030, Portland, Oregon2009-09-05 20:25:21601 SW Second Ave., Room 2030PortlandOR97204US@FdD^1.%S% k 3G >HODS Building601 SW Second Ave., ROom 2030, Portland, Oregon2009-09-05 20:25:21601 SW Second Ave., ROom 2030PortlandOR97204US@FdD^1. 'L9m'Ca;3 >MStrega Restaurant & Bar2009-01-05 23:40:30H`5 ]S33 % >LOregon State Capital900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301http://www.leg.state.or.us/capinfo/2009-01-05 22:56:06900 Court Street NESalemOR97301US@Fx2y{^u503-986-1388Y_5 3 >LOregon State Capital2009-01-05 22:53:28SalemORUS@Fw2^D"@^53 >LOregon State Capital2009-01-05 22:53:16q]33 9CubeSpace2009-01-07 19:17:55622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;bbC\) q=3I >HPortland SCORE601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950, Portland, OR 97204http://www.scorepdx.org/2009-01-05 05:56:36601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl"[)  3 >HPortland SCORE Portland SCORE 601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950, Portland, OR 972042009-01-05 05:55:25PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>YlDZ3 :ATBD2009-02-24 02:50:17TBDPortlandOregon;ba >Evh?3? >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:03Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bf{g333 >PDavis Street Tavern2009-01-06 22:30:36500 NW Davis StreetPortlandOregon97209US@F#3^:T;b wf9 35 >OHopworks Urban Brewery2009-01-06 19:00:242944 SE Powell Blvd PortlandOR97201US@F]θ^yJoBe93 >OHopworks Urban Brewery2009-01-06 18:59:561d7 c 3M >NDavis Wright Tremaine1300 SW Fifth Avenue,Portland,Oregon, 972012009-01-06 01:50:121300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300PortlandOregon97201US@F@W^{_JAc73 >NDavis Wright Tremaine2009-01-06 01:49:12>b; YA3' % >MStrega Restaurant & Bar517 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis, OR 97333http://streganorthwest.com2009-01-05 23:41:20517 Sw 2nd StCorvallisOR97333US@FG1M^֩a541.257.2910 55p% +C3 >SFez Ballroom316 SW 11th Avehttp://www.fezballroom.com/2009-01-07 07:08:09PortlandOR97205US@FŸ^E4v8o%3 >SFez Ballroom2009-01-07 07:06:20n? 3?  >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:04Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331@FH&^ؾr;bgvm?3? >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:04Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bgl? 3?  >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:03Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331@FH&^ؾr;bfk? 3?  >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:03Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331^ؾr@FH&;bfvj? 3?  >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:03Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bfvi? 3?  >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:03Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bf y;ux33 >KCubeSpace2009-01-07 19:17:56622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214US@FVŘ^I}+;bb 9 w_ 3/ >200 SW Market St., Lobby Conference Room 2009-01-07 19:12:18200 SW Market St.PortlandOregon 97201US@F| Yy^nL vu?3? >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 10:32:59Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bf"t+ _ 3+  ) >TAmnesia BrewingNorth Mississippi Avenue and Beech Street2009-01-07 08:06:33832 N. Beech StPortland OregonUS@FT%^7;(503) 281-7708ys+ + 3 ) >TAmnesia Brewing832 N. Beech St2009-01-07 08:02:10Portland OregonUS@FV^5Z(503) 281-7708;r+3 >TAmnesia Brewing2009-01-07 07:57:08q% C3+ >SFez Ballroomhttp://www.fezballroom.com/2009-01-07 07:08:46316 SW 11th AvePortlandOR97205US@Fb^lU grig~% a 31 >HODS Building601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 972042009-09-05 20:25:21601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOR97204US@FdD^1.f}y3 >HODS Bldg., Room 2030, 601 SW 2nd Ave, Portland,Oregon2009-09-05 20:25:14 >G/|K e 31  =Kelley Engineering Center (OSU)2500 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA2009-01-07 19:23:202500 Nw Monroe AveCorvallisOR97330US@FHty^r| >UD{3 Qu3+ RKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:06Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331@FH&^ؾr;bg >U y? 3?  >QKelley Engineering Center2009-01-07 19:18:04Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331@FH&^ؾr;bf >U VS)K Y 31  >UKelley Engineering Center (OSU)2500 Nw Monroe Ave. Corvallis OR 973302009-01-08 15:40:292500 Nw Monroe AveCorvallisOR97330US@FHwwg^tz ;bf; A 3  >Rose Quarter Rose Room 2 Center Court, 4th Floor 2009-02-03 22:24:38PortlandOregon97227US@FįEAS^  =739 >WEverett Street Bistro2009-01-07 21:43:101140 NW Everett StreetPortlandOregon97209US@F/E =Ӂ! 3#  <PSU Market Square Building- Room 1054 1515 SW 5th Portland OR 972012009-01-07 19:30:301515 SW 5thPORTLANDOR97201US@F{^u%F =ӂ% % 31  =Room 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)Room 103, Engineering Bldg., Portland State Univ. (SW 4th Ave & College St.)2009-01-07 19:29:46SW 4th and CollegePortlandOregon97201US@F- ^ ;r ! Pq$! I3+ >]Pacific Crest Community School2009-01-12 03:41:17116 NE 29th AvePortlandOregon97232US@FhI^j/I;bnz I 3+ >]Pacific Crest Community School2009-01-12 04:31:35116 NE 29th AvePortlandOR97232US@FhI^j/IJ I3 >]Pacific Crest Community School2009-01-12 04:31:35[ 5a 3+ >[St. Francis Che RoomAcross the street from the Red & Black, enter on the 1st set of stairs on the right as you enter the park.2009-01-12 02:23:041131 SE Oak St.PortlandOR97214US@F› i^HE0@53 >[St. Francis Che Room2009-01-12 02:21:35v13+ >ZRed and Black Cafe2009-01-12 01:49:25400 SE 12th AvePortlandOregon97214US@F‹i;^ ;bmv?3? >UKelley Engineering Center2009-01-14 18:38:02Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bfx3G <Oracle2009-01-21 23:40:081211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;ba xzH6x:G k 3G >aSmall Business Administration601 SW Second Ave., Room 2030, Portland, Oregon2009-01-12 04:29:22601 SW Second Ave., Room 2030PortlandOregon97204US@FdD^1.IG3 >aSmall Business Administration2009-01-12 04:28:32BG s 3M >`Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite A, Hillsboro, Oregon2009-01-12 04:13:425193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite AHillsboroOregon97124US@F +l^fb4IG3 >`Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce2009-01-12 04:12:58e + 3 >_Portland State University School of Business615 SW Harrison2009-01-12 04:08:48PortlandOregonUS@FV^5ZXe3 >_Portland State University School of Business2009-01-12 04:08:17 I3+ >^St. Francis Church Dining Hall2009-01-12 03:46:131182 SE Pine StPortlandOregon97214US@F¨^Ɛr;bo G7 Qo3)  >bMission Theater & Pub1624 NW Glisan, Portland, OR 97209http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=72&id=1682009-01-13 18:53:181624 NW GlisanPortlandOR97209US@FZ^  <% { 3M >cPerkins Coie1120 NW Couch Street, 10th floor, Portland , OR -97209 2009-01-13 17:37:241120 NW Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandOR972098%3 >cPerkins Coie2009-01-13 17:36:27C7 Qo3) <Mission Theater & Pub1624 NW Glisan, Portland, OR 97209http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=72&id=1682009-01-13 18:53:161624 NW GlisanPortlandOR97209US@FZ^ A73 <Mission Theater & Pub2009-01-13 18:53:16,1 EI3+  =Red and Black Cafe400 SE 12th Ave Portland, ORhttp://www.redandblackcafe.com2009-01-12 04:31:45400 Se 12th AvePortlandOR97214US@F‹i;^  >Z~I 3+  >\Pacific Crest Community School2009-01-12 04:31:35116 NE 29th AvePortlandOR97232US@FhI^j/I >] v[+ v K35' >dFireWorks Restaurant and Bar‎2009-01-14 19:13:201115 SE Third StreetCorvallisOregonUnited States@FFA^\);buz?3? >YKelley Engineering Center2009-01-14 18:38:07Kelley Engineering CenterCorvallisOregon97331;bf >U!- ] 3E >cPerkins Coie PDX1120 NW Couch Street, Portland OR 97209 2009-01-13 19:24:531120 Nw Couch St, 10th FloorPortlandOR97209US@FU^6m- ] 3- >cPerkins Coie PDX1120 NW Couch Street, Portland OR 97209 2009-01-13 19:24:271120 Nw Couch StPortlandOR97209US@FU^6m- ] 3M >cPerkins Coie PDX1120 NW Couch Street, Portland OR 97209 2009-01-13 19:23:311120 NW Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandOR97209!- y 3M >cPerkins Coie PDX1120 NW Couch Street, 10th floor, Portland , OR 97209 2009-01-13 19:23:011120 NW Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandOR97209 2{Tdl27)#3 <Career Fair2009-01-15 21:04:20i( 3/  >fjax bar2009-01-15 19:45:56826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\- :'3I' <Oracle2009-01-21 23:40:071211 SW 5th Avenue\, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204United States@F-^tj~;bw >X&3I' <Oracle2009-01-21 23:40:081211 SW 5th Avenue\, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204United States@F-^tj~;bwe% 3/ :jax bar2009-01-15 19:45:55826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\-e$ / 3 :jax bar826 SW 2nd Avenue2009-01-15 19:45:55PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl3#3 :jax bar2009-01-15 19:45:55"33)' >eFuller's Restaurant2009-01-15 18:06:11136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^Q;bv <ׁ!33)' <Fuller's Restaurant2009-01-15 18:06:03136 NW 9th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^Q;bv 88D*S'E35; <Professional Technology Career FairThis career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org OHSU School of Science and Engineering - Wilson Clark Center http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 21:04:2020000 NW Walker RoadBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(Nrcook@pacificnwtech.org 242-; M 3 =Monsoon Works offices, Suite 300, 520 NW Davis Street, 2009-01-16 20:32:45Portland OR97209US@F(^\Qv,3 =Monsoon Works offices, 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR, 972092009-01-16 20:32:45H+S'E35;  >hProfessional Technology Career FairThis career fair is an open forum in which NW technology companies, entrepreneurs, and small to medium business owners are seeking experienced professionals to fill hundreds of their jobs. IEEE Oregon Section, OHSU-OGI, and the Software Association of Oregon are co-sponsoring this high-tech career fair. The Fair is FREE to professionals who are seeking jobs. Employers and career seekers for information visit us online at: www.pacificnwtech.org OHSU School of Science and Engineering - Wilson Clark Center http://www.pacificnwtech.org2009-01-15 21:04:2120000 NW Walker RoadBeavertonOR97006US@F;-^!D(Nrcook@pacificnwtech.org < Pwa%r+Pr6; + 3   >l3 Friends Coffee House 201 SE 12th Ave2009-01-18 23:02:57PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Zc5+  3 >l3 Friends cafe SE 12th 2009-01-18 23:01:29PortlandOregonUS@FV^5ZD4=3 >l3 Friends cafe (SE 12th)2009-01-18 22:59:22/2' ]G3- >jPolara Studio614 SE Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon 97214http://www.polarastudios.com/2009-01-17 16:48:14614 SE HawthornePortlandOR97214US@F.܌^76g91'3 >jPolara Studio2009-01-17 16:46:45 0; 3M  >iMonsoon Works offices, 2009-01-16 20:32:46Suite 300, 520 NW Davis Street, Portland OR97209US@F(^\Q =ށ/; 3M =Monsoon Works offices, 2009-01-16 20:32:45Suite 300, 520 NW Davis Street, Portland OR97209US@F(^\Q.; # 37 =Monsoon Works offices, Suite 300, 2009-01-16 20:32:45520 NW Davis Street, Portland OR97209US@F(^\Q kc\kt>; 3+ >l3 Friends Coffee House 2009-01-19 01:01:57201 SE 12th AvePortland OR97214US@F¸M^6w=; Q 3 >l3 Friends Coffee House 201 SE 12th Ave, Portland OR 972142009-01-19 01:00:52US@BeAW7w<; Q 3 >l3 Friends Coffee House 201 SE 12th Ave, Portland OR 972142009-01-19 01:00:34US@BeAW7 ;;31' ;McMenamins Ringlers Pub2009-01-19 01:11:101332 W Burnside StPortlandOregon97209United States@F64^ =p;b}':c3E' =Intel\, HF3-Auditorium\, Hillsboro\, Oregon2009-01-19 01:06:075200 NE Elam Young Parkway\,PortlandOregon97124United States@Fg^S;bCx8'3%' >mJive Software2009-01-19 00:04:33915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUnited States@F͞&^Q;by ;t7'3%' ;Jive Software2009-01-19 00:04:31915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUnited States@F͞&^Q;by KEcKE33' >qCubeSpace2009-01-19 18:45:56622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214United States@FåS^M;b~ 9D+ W 3+ :Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 972052009-01-19 18:46:36614 Sw 11th AvePortlandOR97205US@F¢.w^d9`Cu3 :Governor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 972052009-01-19 18:46:36|B33' 9CubeSpace2009-01-19 18:45:55622 SE Grand AvenuePortlandOregon97214United States@FåS^M;b~ A;31' >pMcMenamins Ringlers Pub2009-01-19 01:11:111332 W Burnside StPortlandOregon97209United States@F64^ =p;b} ;ˁ+@c3E' >oIntel\, HF3-Auditorium\, Hillsboro\, Oregon2009-01-19 01:06:085200 NE Elam Young Parkway\,PortlandOregon97124United States@Fg^S;bC =x?; 3%  =St. Francis Dining Hall2009-01-19 01:05:291182 SE PinePortlandOregon97214US@F¨^t >^ Fh'yFMLs a+35 >vOregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME)4134 N. Vancouver, Portland, Oregon 97217 http://oame.org2009-01-20 02:00:334134 N Vancouver AvePortlandOR97217US@F^^z_Ks3 >vOregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME)2009-01-20 01:58:24zJ-3!' >uStepChange Group2009-01-20 00:53:29500 NW 9thPortlandOregon97209United States@Fg l^Q;b׀I)3=' >tThe Lighthouse2009-01-20 00:29:312111 S.E. Madison StreetPortlandOregon97214United States@F (^7KƧ;b#H1 W 3C >sAnt Hill Marketing1325 NW Flanders, Suite 200, Portland2009-01-19 21:06:111325 NW Flanders, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209US@FQX'^ҕc>G13 >sAnt Hill Marketing2009-01-19 21:05:11F+ W 3+  >rGovernor Hotel 614 SW 11th Avenue Portland, OR 972052009-01-19 18:46:37614 Sw 11th AvePortlandOR97205US@F¢.w^d9 : :nP:R/  3'  >xKerney Hall (OSU)14th and SW Campus Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331 United States2009-01-20 22:44:11United States@BeAW7;bׂ.Q+  3'  >xKerney Hall 11214th and SW Campus Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331 United States2009-01-20 22:43:20CorvallisOregon97331United States@FH:J_^|v;bׂ@P+  31'  >xKerney Hall 11214th and SW Campus Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331 United States2009-01-20 22:42:351491 SW Campus WayCorvallisOregon97331United States@FHY^2zЁ;bׂO+ 31'  >xKerney Hall 1122009-01-20 22:38:221491 SW Campus WayCorvallisOregon97331United States@FHY^2zЁ;bׂN+3U' >xKerney Hall 1122009-01-20 21:39:01Kerney 112\, Oregon State UniversityCorvallisOregon97331United States@FHNU^R;bׂMA33' >wCloud 9 Restaurant and Bar2009-01-20 21:38:25126 Sw First StreetCorvallisOregon97333United States@FH ě^Гtj;bׁ ~b:X;3A' >zLucky Labrador Brew Pub2009-01-21 21:19:37915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^lD;bׅ ; W;3A' ; Lucky Labrador Brew Pub2009-01-21 21:19:36915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^lD;bׅVG3)' >yGreen Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2009-01-21 16:56:55928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214United States@Fs^ I^5;b׃ ; UG3)' ; Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub2009-01-21 16:56:54928 SE 9th AvePortlandOregon97214United States@Fs^ I^5;b׃ T/ 35!'  >xKerney Hall (OSU)2009-01-20 22:45:27SW Campus Way & 14thCorvallis Oregon 97331 United States@FH_^ou٠;bׂS/ 3A!'  >xKerney Hall (OSU)2009-01-20 22:45:05SW Campus Way west of 14thCorvallis Oregon 97331 United States;bׂ tT^137 =Lucky Lab Brew Pub2009-01-22 02:05:27915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F:uF^,);bX ; ]; ;3A  ; Lucky Labrador Brew Pubhttp://www.luckylab.com2009-01-22 02:04:40915 SE Hawthorne BoulevardPortlandOregon97214@F ^lD;bռ!\[39' >{Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)2009-01-21 23:48:561241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@FD^Ƨ;bׇ ;s[[39' ;sPacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)2009-01-21 23:48:551241 NW Johnson StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@FD^Ƨ;bׇ|Z3G >XOracle2009-01-21 23:40:101211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j;ba <Y3I' >gOracle2009-01-21 23:40:081211 SW 5th Avenue\, Suite 800PortlandOregon97204United States@F-^tj~;bw < Vk5Vd93)' >~First Unitarian Church2009-01-24 19:56:02SW Main & 12thPortlandOregonUnited States@FJL^lC;b׌8c 93+ >_Portland State University School of Business Administration (SBA)http://www.pdx.edu/sba2009-01-24 19:45:26615 SW HarrisonPortlandOregon97201US@Fm^IbS39' >}Portland State Business Accelerator2009-01-23 22:52:472828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon97201United States@FXy=^33333;b׊ 9aS39' 9Portland State Business Accelerator2009-01-23 22:52:462828 SW Corbett AvenuePortlandOregon97201United States@FXy=^33333;b׊`C37' >|OTBC in the Beaverton Round2009-01-22 05:12:0812725 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97005United States@F2X^E;b׈ <ށ_C37' <OTBC in the Beaverton Round2009-01-22 05:12:0712725 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregon97005United States@F2X^E;b׈ OAGOj+3S' 9AboutUs offices2009-01-26 18:01:19107 SE Washington St.\, Suite 520\,PortlandOregon97214United States@Fh ԕ^\(;bא ik3/' :The Doubletree Hotel (Executive Meeting Center)2009-01-26 18:02:571000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b׏:h3K' 9Portland Center Stage in the Gerding Theater at the Armory2009-08-14 18:03:49128 NW Eleventh Ave at Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F ^S;b׏yg%3'' <Thirsty Lion2009-01-26 17:56:0971 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@F"h ԕ^ I^;b׏{f-3-' >Hawthorne Bridge2009-01-25 20:52:22Willamette RiverPortlandOregonUnited States@Fu^;dZ;b׍;e9 Y33' % >~First Unitarian Churchhttp://www.firstunitarianportland.org/2009-01-25 17:51:161011 SW 12th AvenuePortlandOregon97205United States@F\g*^D503-228-6389;b׌ @:@$rk3/' >The Doubletree Hotel (Executive Meeting Center)2009-01-26 18:02:581000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b׏ :q+3S' >AboutUs offices2009-01-26 18:01:24107 SE Washington St.\, Suite 520\,PortlandOregon97214United States@Fh ԕ^\(;bא 95p3 >Chime2009-01-26 17:57:51 <}o%3'' >Thirsty Lion2009-01-26 17:56:1171 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@F"h ԕ^ I^;b׏ <}n- 3''  >Hawthorne Bridge2009-01-26 17:46:46 5 SE MadisonPortlandOregon97214United States@F'^Ŋ,;b׍1m3 <Chime2009-01-26 17:57:51;l9 35 >LaSells Stewart CenterLaSells Stewart Center,875 S.W. 26th Street, Corvallis, Oregon2009-01-26 15:31:23875 S.W. 26th StreetCorvallisOregon97333US@FG6M^MPkU3 >Construction and Engineering Buiding2009-01-26 15:30:17 fQ4xU39' >The Blue Room at the Scottish Temple2009-01-28 06:54:321525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205United States@F© ^1&y;bד}w)3-' >Governor Hotel2009-01-28 02:06:37614 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOregonUnited States@F¦L/{^E;bג :v)3e' >Chime Software2009-01-28 02:06:31215 SE Morrison\, 7th Floor Portland\, 97214PortlandOregonUnited States@F½<64^-V;bג <݁u)3e' <Chime Software2009-01-28 02:06:29215 SE Morrison\, 7th Floor Portland\, 97214PortlandOregonUnited States@F½<64^-V;bגyt)3-' :Governor Hotel2009-01-28 02:06:36614 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOregonUnited States@F¦L/{^E;bגs?3Q' >Multnomah County Building2009-01-27 16:45:09501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd\, Room 315PortlandOregonUnited States@FR<6^M;bב &w1Y&#1 ] 3E >cPerkins Coie (PDX)1120 NW Couch Street, Portland OR 97209 2009-01-28 23:11:131120 Nw Couch St, 10th FloorPortlandOR97209US@FU^6mO 37  >McMenamin Cornelius Pass Roadhoue2009-01-28 21:45:2422115 N.W Imbrie Dr. HillsboroOr97124US@Fl&ǽ^痾 ;~O 37 ;McMenamin Cornelius Pass Roadhoue2009-01-28 21:45:2322115 N.W Imbrie Dr. HillsboroOr97124US@Fl&ǽ^痾M}O3 ;McMenamin Cornelius Pass Roadhoue2009-01-28 21:45:23z|% ! 3; >cPerkins Coie10th floor2009-01-28 23:12:031120 N.W. Couch Street Portlandor97209US@FU^6m8{%3 >cPerkins Coie2009-01-28 23:12:03 z5 39'  >Scottish Rite Temple2009-01-28 16:22:571525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205United States@F© ^1&y;bדy+ 39'  >Scottish Temple2009-01-28 16:22:211525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205United States@F© ^1&y;bד &tiV Y3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:38;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:37;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:35;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:35;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:33;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:32;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:31;bטVY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 04:46:20;bט~% ! 3;  >Perkins Coie10th floor2009-01-28 23:12:061120 N.W. Couch Street Portlandor97209US@FU^6m >c @J3y@|Y Y3  >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelivehttp://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 17:52:52;bטZY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:38;bט >ZY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:37;bט >ZY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:36;bט >ZY3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:35;bט >Z Y3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:34;bט >Z Y3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:33;bט >Z Y3 >http://www.mogulus.com/strangelovelive2009-01-29 05:54:32;bט >2 ? AA3? >Strange Love Live StudiosStrange Love Live World HQhttp://strangelovelive.com2009-01-29 04:49:42PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Zstrangelovelive@gmail.com X|^5XGC3 >Lucky Labrador Public House2009-02-02 07:17:24U39 >The Blue Room at the Scottish Temple2009-05-22 18:05:171525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205US@Fª^b;bדC3E' >Multnomah County Board Room2009-01-31 20:12:09501 SE Hawthorne\, 1st FloorPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^M;bל > ? 3; '  >Multnomah County Building2009-01-31 20:11:04501 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregonUnited States@FR<6^M;bב93+' >St. Francis 'Che Room'2009-01-31 20:07:031131 SE Oak St.PortlandOregonUnited States@F\(^"`;bכ >[C3E' >Multnomah County Board Room2009-01-31 20:12:08501 SE Hawthorne\, 1st FloorPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^M;bל93+' >[St. Francis 'Che Room'2009-01-31 20:06:571131 SE Oak St.PortlandOregonUnited States@F\(^"`;bכ O~Om"7 3# >Roots Organic Brewing2009-02-03 17:43:181520 SE 7thPortlandOR97214US@F/^(@IA!73 >Roots Organic Brewing2009-02-03 17:42:54x -33 >Euphoria Studios2009-02-02 18:52:501235 SE Division STPortlandOregon97202US@FO\^$;bמ} 31  >Portland State University (PSU) - Fourth Avenue Building2009-02-02 17:35:211900 SW 4th AVENUEPortlandOR97201US@FMk2^*EM <} 31 <Portland State University (PSU) - Fourth Avenue Building2009-02-02 17:35:201900 SW 4th AVENUEPortlandOR97201US@FMk2^*EMd}3 <Portland State University (PSU) - Fourth Avenue Building2009-02-02 17:35:20]CM3c33 >Lucky Labrador Public HouseA Lucky Labrador pub with Pizza.7675 SW Capitol Hwyhttp://luckylab.com/html/menu.html#pubhouse2009-02-02 07:19:087675 SW Capitol HwyPortlandOregon97219US@FiK^i/n  P- %g+ 37 >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College, room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 18:57:202050 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FJW<&^Fe$g+ 37 >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College, room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 18:56:041930 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@FJW<&^Fe,# 3 >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building ,4th and College, Room FAB 86-012009-02-03 18:52:29 jG(g7+ 3S >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 19:06:21approximately 2006 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^U=G'g7+ 3S >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 19:05:40approximately 2000 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^YG&g7+ 3S >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 19:02:33approximately 2000 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^Z <o<0? + 3! >Rose Quarter - Rose Room 2 Center Court 2009-02-03 20:33:014th Floor PortlandOR 97227US@FS^<}E/?3 >Rose Quarter - Rose Room 2009-02-03 20:32:24d.} 3 >200 Market St. Lobby Conference Room Portland, OR 97201 2009-02-03 22:22:58d-}3 >200 Market St. Lobby Conference Room Portland, OR 97201 2009-02-03 22:22:58[*W7 3+ >Portland State University, FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement2009-02-03 19:18:564th and CollegePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^-VG)g7+ 3S >Portland State University, Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building Room FAB 86-01On 4th street at College (east side of the street) Room FAB 86-01 is in the basement4th and College2009-02-03 19:06:40approximately 2006 SW Fourth AvenuePortlandOregon97201US@F.0^-V <*-G<8; A 3  =Rose Quarter Rose Room 2 Center Court, 4th Floor 2009-02-03 22:24:38PortlandOregon97227US@FįEAS^  >~7? 3) >Rose Quarter - Rose Room 4th Floor2009-02-03 22:24:062 Center CourtPortlandOR 97227US@Fez^b~ h6} 3  >200 Market St. Lobby Conference Room Portland, OR 97201 2009-02-03 22:22:59 >x5A 3- >Wilf's Restaurant and Bar 2009-02-03 22:20:42800 NW 6th Ave. PortlandOR 97209US@Fð4^?{u4? 3) >Rose Quarter - Rose Room 2009-02-03 22:19:412 Center CourtPortlandOR 97227US@Fez^b~ 3? 3A >Rose Quarter - Rose Room 2009-02-03 22:19:072 Center Court, 4th Floor PortlandOR 97227US@FÁ'q^+g/x2A - 3 >Wilf's Restaurant and Bar 800 NW 6th Ave. 2009-02-03 20:49:55PortlandOR 97209US@F(^\QX1e3 >Wilf's Restaurant and Bar - 800 NW 6th Ave. 2009-02-03 20:49:17 <v?+"<DG G 3+ ;Olde Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis226 NW Davis St, Portland, OR2009-02-06 16:04:46226 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F$<|^ICG3 ;Olde Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis2009-02-06 16:04:46B A35 % >EastBurnhttp://www.theeastburn.com2009-02-05 17:57:371800 E. Burnside St.PortlandOregon97214US@F}w^m~503.236.2876;bסkA33 >EastBurn2009-02-05 16:53:35E 18th and BurnsidePortlandOregonUS@F^qO;bס=U3G' =Rogue Ales Distillery & Public House2009-05-01 16:25:131339 NW Flanders St (at 14th)PortlandOregonUnited States@FP{^ =p;bנ9< 3  >Free Geek2009-02-04 01:58:06 95; 3 9Free Geek2009-02-04 01:58:054:3 9Free Gee2009-02-04 01:58:0599 3A  =Rose Quarter Rose Room2009-02-03 22:24:392 Center Court, 4th Floor PortlandOregon 97227US@FÁ'q^+g/ > Fb3LF`Ku3 >Urban Grind East, 2214 NE Oregon, Portland, OR 972322009-02-09 19:43:42J7 Q33  >Macadam's Bar & Grillhttp://www.macadamsbarandgrill.com2009-02-09 17:37:195833 SW Macadam AvePortlandOregon97239US@Fyh^$;bקVI73 :ATBA (Portland Oregon)2009-02-24 02:50:19TBAPortlandOregon;bת H=331 >Macadams Bar & Grill2009-02-09 08:01:455833 SW Macadam AvePortland, OR 97239Oregon97239US@Fyh^$;bקG9 E35 >OHopworks Urban Breweryhttp://www.hopworksbeer.com/2009-02-08 04:36:432944 SE Powell Blvd PortlandOR97202US@Fyh^;B-FE =3+ ;Old Town Pizza, 226 NW Davishttp://oldtownpizza.com/2009-02-06 16:05:43226 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209US@F$~5^vgEG G 3+  >Olde Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis226 NW Davis St, Portland, OR2009-02-06 16:04:46226 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F$<|^ ; mO }Q131 ;Urban Grind Coffee2009-02-09 20:26:192214 NE Oregon St.PortlandOregon97232US@Fè>^+Z ;bp >BP)3 :Urban Grind NE2009-02-09 20:26:19;bղ >BO)3 :Urban Grind NE2009-02-09 20:26:19;bղ >BN)3 :Urban Grind NE2009-02-09 20:26:18;bղ >M-iMM3) >Urban Grind EastCoffee House with free WiFi (from the Personal Telco project); rooms for rent during or after business hours http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/2009-02-09 20:25:442214 NE OregonPortlandOR97232US@FènA^+X޾gL- U 3) >Urban Grind Easthttp://www.springboardinnovation.org2009-02-09 19:44:422214 NE OregonPortlandOR97232US@FènA^+X޾g 'f'wW- 9 3 >Interstate Lanes6049 N Interstate Ave 2009-02-09 23:43:26PortlandOregon97217US@FˡT^\dInterstate Lanes2009-02-09 23:43:00AUW o 3?  >McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd., Hillsboro, OR 971242009-02-09 23:37:064045 Nw Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOR97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮv ;=TW o 3? ;McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse 4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd., Hillsboro, OR 971242009-02-09 23:37:054045 Nw Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOR97124US@F;ՙ$)^ޮvQSW3 ;McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse 2009-02-09 23:37:05BRGe1M31?! :Urban Grind Coffee - EastsideCoffee House with free WiFi (from the Personal Telco project); rooms for rent during or after business hours2214 NE Oregon St.http://www.urbangrindcoffee.com/2009-02-09 20:26:232214 NE Oregon St.PortlandOR97232US@Fè>^+Z info@urbangrindcoffee.com5035460649 > ox$9_'3 >The Good Foot2009-02-11 04:52:53A^73 >Lewis & Clark College2009-02-11 04:00:50]W 3/ >Elephants Delicatessen, Garden Room 2009-02-11 00:23:45115 NW 22nd Ave. PortlandOR97210US@F{[^=}\W # 3 >Elephants Delicatessen, Garden Room 115 NW 22nd2009-02-11 00:22:25PortlandOR97210US@FŲB ^5)xtQ[W3 >Elephants Delicatessen, Garden Room 2009-02-11 00:21:28vZ%3I :ISITE Design2009-02-10 17:04:54115 NW First Avenue, Suite 500Portland@Fs^ I^;be >{Y%3I >ISITE Design2009-02-10 06:30:11115 NW First Avenue, Suite 500PortlandOR97209US@FB& ^ul;bױ X- 9 39 >Interstate Lanes6049 N Interstate Ave 2009-02-09 23:43:496049 N Interstate Ave PortlandOregon97217US@FȔ+^)M# vg\vne'3% ;Jive Software2009-02-12 22:40:57915 SW StarkPortlandOregon97205US@F4 ^?c;b׶rd! 37  ;COld Church2009-02-11 16:38:221422 S.W. 11th AvenuePortlandOregon97201@FY}^lC;b(c% ];3- >Goodfoot Pub2845 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 97214http://thegoodfoot.com/2009-02-11 15:49:352845 Se Stark StPortlandOR97214US@F! ^Lj<,b- ];3- >The Goodfoot Pub2845 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 97214http://thegoodfoot.com/2009-02-11 15:48:142845 Se Stark StPortlandOR97214US@F! ^Lj<+a7 q 3; >Lewis & Clark College0615 SW Palatine Hill Road, Portland, Oregon 972192009-02-11 15:45:29615 Sw Palatine Hill RdPortlandOR97219US@F֘i^ E`- ] 3- >The Goodfoot Pub2845 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 972142009-02-11 04:53:482845 Se Stark StPortlandOR97214US@F! ^Lj<  >o13 >Legin Banquet Hall2009-02-14 23:16:552nQ U 39! >aU.S. Small Business Administration601 S.W. Second Avenue, Portland, OR2009-02-15 00:03:42601 S.W. Second AvenuePortlandOregon97204-3192US@FdD^1.NmQ3 >aU.S. Small Business Administration2009-02-15 00:03:42"j3 e 31 >Morton's Steakhouse213 SW Clay Street, Portland, Oregon 972012009-02-14 22:35:48213 SW Clay StreetPortlandOregon97201US@FȟA^e~+?i33 >Morton's Steakhouse2009-02-14 22:35:089h'3 >TBD Beaverton2009-02-13 06:40:01rg'3% >Jive Software2009-02-12 22:40:59915 SW StarkPortlandOregon97205US@F4 ^?c;b׶ ;~f735 >The Writer's Dojo2009-02-12 21:29:167518 N. Chicago Ave.PortlandOregon97203US@FBP^ML;b׷  Vd Ju- eA3; % >Legin Restaurant8001 SE Division Street,Portland, OR 97206http://leginrestaurant.com2009-02-15 00:06:428001 SE Division StreetPortlandOregon97206US@F ,^+IY%503-777-28286tQ U 39!  >U.S. Small Business Administration601 S.W. Second Avenue, Portland, OR2009-02-15 00:03:43601 S.W. Second AvenuePortlandOregon97204-3192US@FdD^1. >a8sG m 35# >aSmall Business Administration601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204-3192 2009-02-15 00:02:39601 SW Second Ave., PortlandOregon97204-3192 US@FdD^1.(r; c 35 <OGI Wilson Clark Center20000 NW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 970062009-02-15 00:10:4620000 NW Walker RoadBeavertonOregon97006US@F;-^!D(NCq;3 <OGI Wilson Clark Center2009-02-15 00:10:46&p1 e 3; >Legin Banquet Hall8001 SE Division Street,Portland, OR 972062009-02-14 23:17:358001 SE Division StreetPortlandOregon97206US@F ,^+IY% I2I6{!3 >The Agency2009-02-15 23:28:43,w; c 35  >OGI Wilson Clark Center20000 NW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 970062009-02-15 00:10:4820000 NW Walker RoadBeavertonOregon97006US@F;-^!D(N Legin Restaurant8001 SE Division Street,Portland, OR 97206http://leginrestaurant.com2009-02-15 00:07:438001 SE Division StreetPortlandOregon97206US@F ,^+IY%503.777.2828 WW%|!5W3 % >The AgencyThe Agency Ultra Sport Lounge is a new genre of entertainment right outside PGE Park on 19th between Burnside and Morrison. Come watch the game in a plush atmosphere on one of 50 HD TV's or play games on one of our XBOX360s or Wiis. Watch live games or play recorded ones right off of our system. We have a great selection of high end sports bar food and also great bistro, healthy or international options. We promise you that The Agency Ultra Sport Lounge will change your mind about what a Sports Bar should be. 1939 SW Morrison St.http://www.theagencyentertainment.com2009-02-15 23:31:04PortlandOregon97205US@FŸ^E4v503-548-2921 VV&}! W37 % >The AgencyThe Agency Ultra Sport Lounge is a new genre of entertainment right outside PGE Park on 19th between Burnside and Morrison. Come watch the game in a plush atmosphere on one of 50 HD TV's or play games on one of our XBOX360s or Wiis. Watch live games or play recorded ones right off of our system. We have a great selection of high end sports bar food and also great bistro, healthy or international options. We promise you that The Agency Ultra Sport Lounge will change your mind about what a Sports Bar should be. http://www.theagencyentertainment.com2009-02-16 01:00:221939 SW Morrison St. PortlandOregon97205US@FR$^EGM503-548-2921 GGG{333 ;KPortland Art Museum2009-02-17 21:01:161219 SW Park AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@FzG^e;b׼E3) >Substance World Headquarters2009-02-17 04:45:121551 SE PoplarPortlandOregon97214US@F;^nEW;b׻5~? W37 % >Agency Ultra Sport LoungeThe Agency Ultra Sport Lounge is a new genre of entertainment right outside PGE Park on 19th between Burnside and Morrison. Come watch the game in a plush atmosphere on one of 50 HD TV's or play games on one of our XBOX360s or Wiis. Watch live games or play recorded ones right off of our system. We have a great selection of high end sports bar food and also great bistro, healthy or international options. We promise you that The Agency Ultra Sport Lounge will change your mind about what a Sports Bar should be. http://www.theagencyentertainment.com2009-02-16 01:01:211939 SW Morrison St. PortlandOregon97205US@FR$^EGM503-548-2921 a~(x<a8'cS 3- >The OregonianEnter through Loading area on ground floor.1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 972012009-02-18 05:35:571320 Sw BroadwayPortlandOR97201US@Fn^ǁ 'c_ 3 >The OregonianEnter through Loading area on ground floor.1320 SW Broadway Conf Room A, Portland OR2009-02-18 05:33:47 'cY 3 >The OregonianEnter through Loading area on ground floor.1320 SW Broadway Conf Room A, Portland2009-02-17 23:02:329'3 >The Oregonian2009-02-17 22:59:35,[ U 3- >Portland Center for the Performing Arts1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 972052009-02-17 22:25:171111 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@F^Z)AS[3 >Portland Center for the Performing Arts2009-02-17 22:24:06333 >Portland Art Museum2009-02-17 21:01:181219 SW Park AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@FzG^e;b׼ ;K Rvd R3A W93#) =Leonardo at Library Square209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111http://theleonardo.org2009-02-20 17:18:53209 E 500 SSalt Lake CityUT84111US@Da[[2.J! SE3+7% =Crown Room205 NW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.thecrownroom.net/2009-02-20 17:18:18205 NW 4th Ave.PortlandOregon97209US@F*Ϸb^/finfo@thecrownroom.net503-222-6655 I 39  >Scottish Rite Temple Blue Room2009-05-22 18:05:181525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205US@Fª^b;bד 93= >Bagdad Theater and Pub2009-02-20 17:15:313702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F[84^ C*!<;b׿ :s 93= :sBagdad Theater and Pub2009-02-20 17:15:303702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214US@F[84^ C*!<;b׿ 733'! >Microsoft Building 1,2009-02-20 08:20:371065 La Avenida St,Mountain ViewCalifornia94043US@B!^0;b׾ He MO3 >Piano Gallery inside Sherman Clay2009-02-22 16:36:24B13 >Microsoft Office, 2009-02-21 16:12:58 :+>13 :+Microsoft Office, 2009-02-21 16:12:57! E3='  >tLighthousehttp://www.lighthousepdx.org2009-02-20 17:27:442111 S.E. Madison StreetPortlandOregon97214United States@F (^7KƧ;b4cS 3- >OregonianEnter through Loading area on ground floor.1320 SW Broadway Portland, OR 972012009-02-20 17:19:281320 Sw BroadwayPortlandOR97201US@Fn^ &=3U 9Oregon Convention Center2009-02-23 00:30:06777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232US@Få^YD;bz/33 >TechShop Portland2009-03-03 22:43:5210100 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Fb|^ZJ1;bÅVO+3Y3I >Piano Gallery inside Sherman ClayWe're throwing a party to kick off a new Relay For Life of Portland year. Come join us for an evening of celebration. Enjoy a performance by Shelly Rudolph, sample delicious treats from our in-kind sponsors Byways Cafe, Distinguished Events, Hotel Vintage Plaza, La Corian Chocolates, PF Changs, Southpark, Sweet Masterpiece, The Observatory Lounge, and learn more about Relay For Life of Portland. Relay For Life of Portland Kick Off Party February 26,7:00-8:30 pm Piano Gallery (Sherman Clay) 131 NW 13th Avenue 131 NW 13th Avenue http://www.relayforlife.org/portlandor2009-02-22 16:37:53PortlandOR 97209US@F(^\Qpsingleton@sonitrolpacific.com ;4;]o3 >1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 972012009-02-23 08:07:24=3U >Oregon Convention Center2009-02-23 00:30:06777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.PortlandOregon97232US@Få^YD;b 9H3 Ys3 ) >Sherman Clay Pianos131 NW 13th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209http://www.shermanclay.com/@moesp/portlandstore.htm2009-02-22 19:24:39PortlandOR 97209US@F(^\Q(503) 775-2480 ~~~o;3K#% >Portland State University Professional Development CenterThe Professional Development Center(PDC) is part of Portland State University's School of Extended Studies and serves as a primary provider of continuing business education programs in the Portland metropolitan area. Founded in 1982 in response to the needs of the business community for quality professional development programs, our expertise and the extensive resources available to the Center have enabled us to serve as a comprehensive provider of business training for management, supervisory, front-line, and other personnel in the business, industrial, government, and nonprofit communities of the Portland Metropolitan area.1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 97201http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-02-23 08:10:281515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 PortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832 Aq_?A"A3+' >LOregon State Capitol Steps2009-08-07 19:06:44900 Court St NeSalemOregon97301United States@Fx1&x^R;bq!)3' :ATBD - Portland2009-02-24 02:50:18PortlandPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bǁ K37' :Doubletree Hotel (Lloyd Center)2009-02-24 02:48:411000 NE Multnomah St.PortlandOregonUnited States@FJ^lD;bǁ ?3-' 9Portland State University2009-02-23 23:37:021825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207United States@Fb}^Ƨ;bn3' :Online2009-02-23 23:35:35DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;bǁ?3_' >The Standard (Auditorium)2009-02-23 18:56:121100 S W Sixth Avenue Portland\, OR 97204PortlandOregonUnited States@FA [^=p ;bǁ G3)' ?Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-04-29 20:12:45112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^nP;b LZpL )?3-' >Portland State University2009-02-23 23:37:021825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207United States@Fb}^Ƨ;b 9(G3)' ?Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-04-29 20:12:39112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^nP;b :Lr'3' >Online2009-02-23 23:35:36DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;b :r&3' >Online2009-02-23 23:35:35DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;b :i%' 3%   ;Jive Software2009-02-23 23:34:02915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUS@F͞&^Q;bWE$ %C3EM! ;Mr.MIKE Jacksonhttp://www.woundedemail.com2009-02-23 21:37:53831 Beacon Street Number 273PortlandOregon02459US@F4 ^?ctye.Jackson8622@who-got-mail.com6178309324;bWn#3' :Online2009-02-23 23:35:36DowntownPortlandOregon97204United States@F ^C%;b t"}#tO1S3 >Peppermill Restaurant, Aloha Oregon2009-02-24 13:03:23Z073 >TBA (Portland Oregon)2009-02-24 02:50:19TBAPortlandOregon;bת :Au/)3' >TBD - Portland2009-02-24 02:50:18PortlandPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b :AH.3 >JTBD2009-02-24 02:50:18TBDPortlandOregon;ba :A-K37' >Doubletree Hotel (Lloyd Center)2009-02-24 02:48:411000 NE Multnomah St.PortlandOregonUnited States@FJ^lD;b :!,? 3]'  >The Standard (Auditorium)2009-02-24 02:42:361100 S W Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204United States@F ^͙{g;bn+3' >MacForce2009-02-24 02:41:25100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214US@F׷Y^>gC;b ;j*3' ;MacForce2009-02-24 02:41:24100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214US@F׷Y^>gC;b Kj-wK+7S 3]'  >Standard Insurance Plaza Auditorium2009-02-25 00:17:061100 S W Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204PortlandOregon97204United States@F ^͙{g;bz6/ 35  >Writer's Dojo2009-02-25 00:13:457518 N. Chicago Ave.PortlandOregon97203US@FBP^ML;b׷Z5) 3  >TBD (Portland)2009-02-25 00:13:11PortlandORUS@FV^5Z :AV4) 3 :ATBD (Portland)2009-02-25 00:13:11PortlandORUS@FV^5Z:3)3 :ATBD (Portland)2009-02-25 00:13:1127# 3=- >Peppermill Restaurantlocal diner2009-02-24 13:05:5117455 SW Farmington RoadAlohaor97007US@FX^ $ potvarc@gmail.com P]PJ;I3 >The Fresh Pot on N Mississippi2009-02-26 18:15:42<9%y% 3G   :ATBD PortlandPlease don't delete or modify this venue. This venue is a placeholder for events whose venue is yet to be determined. Instead -- if this is the venue for your event, and your event gets a real venue:

          • create a new venue, or
          • change the event's venue to an existing venue
          Portland, OR2009-02-25 01:59:58placeholder for TBD locationsPortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z;b{8%y% 3  :ATBD PortlandPlease don't delete or modify this venue. This venue is a placeholder for events whose venue is yet to be determined. Instead -- if this is the venue for your event, and your event gets a real venue:
          • create a new venue, or
          • change the event's venue to an existing venue
          Portland, OR2009-02-25 01:59:46PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z;b{ kLWk#@9 )13;! >University of PortlandMago Hunt Hallhttp://www.up.edu/2009-02-27 17:08:035000 N. Willamette BlvdPortlandOregon97203-5798US@Fɜߤ^zS4B?93 >University of Portland2009-02-27 17:05:58>53= >McMenamins on Monroe2009-02-27 16:55:252001 NW Monroe Ave # 106CorvallisOregon97330US@FHy/^њ/;b̂k=I3eC3? % >The Fresh Pot on N MississippiA nice neighborhood coffee shop on North Mississippi Avenue. Also, a longtime Personal Telco node, often filled with laptop-using coffee drinkers.4001 N Mississippi Avenue, Portland OR 97227http://www.thefreshpot.com/2009-02-26 18:19:424001 N Mississippi AvenuePortlandOR97227US@Fưcz)^@ 503.284.89280<I e 3? >The Fresh Pot on N Mississippi4001 N Mississippi Avenue, Portland OR 972272009-02-26 18:16:504001 N Mississippi AvenuePortlandOR97227US@Fưcz)^@  rC3 =Monsoon Inc offices 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR 972092009-02-28 17:03:31Ba c35 >Central Portland Workforce Training CenterThe Central Portland Workforce Training Center, a 31,000 square foot facility, is located near OMSI in central eastside Portland. The three-story structure was built in 1996 for $4.4 million thanks to the passage of a bond measure in 1992, and it traditionally serves more than 10,000 students in day, evening and weekend course offerings every year. The facility also has a 158-space parking lot and is near many of Portland's largest streets and freeways.http://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/central/2009-02-27 17:16:351626 SE Water AvenuePortlandOregon97214US@FU.r^e/VAa3 >Central Portland Workforce Training Center2009-02-27 17:15:08 5[c5J+ S 31 >Brooks Brothers921 SW Morrison, Portland, OR 972052009-02-28 17:10:34921 Sw Morrison StPortlandOR97205US@F–N~N^<;I+3 >Brooks Brothers2009-02-28 17:08:47%H5 o 3+  >Monsoon Inc offices 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR 972092009-02-28 17:03:31520 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F#^>>E =ށ.GW a 3/ ;Intel - Ronler Acres Campus - RA1 2501 N.W 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 971242009-03-24 08:48:502501 NW 229th AveHillsboroOR97124US@FűH^y 'FI a 3/ ;Intel - Ronler Acres - RA1 2501 N.W 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, or 971242009-03-24 08:48:502501 Nw 229th AveHillsboroOR97124US@FűH^y JEI3 ;Intel - Ronler Acres - RA1 2009-03-24 08:48:50!D5 o 3+ =Monsoon Inc offices 520 NW Davis Street, Suite 300, Portland OR 972092009-02-28 17:03:31520 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F#^>>E flf*QG ;3' % >NedSpace(between Taylor & Salmon)http://www.nedspace.com2009-03-01 16:50:29920 SW Third PortlandOregon97204US@F"^Ew503.334.1860;btP3a >NedSpace2009-03-01 05:41:38920 SW Third (between Taylor & Salmon)PorlandOregon97204;b΁]NS iA3? % >Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread)5209 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222http://www.naturebake.com/2009-02-28 17:24:185209 Se International WayPortlandOR97222US@FfN+^`503-335-8077OMS3 >Nature Bake (Dave’s Killer Bread)2009-02-28 17:22:28fL_ Ug3- + >Pyramid Breweries (MacTarnahan's Taproom)2730 NW 31st, Portland Oregon, 97210http://www.pyramidbrew.com/alehouses/portland2009-02-28 17:20:102730 Nw 31st AvePortlandOR97210US@FO*^@1Hw(503) 228-5269 UK_3 >MacTarnahan’s Taproom (Pyramid Brewery)2009-02-28 17:17:58 W-3/' >Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 18:37:253790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005United States@FFt^$;bwV-3/ >Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 22:43:413790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Ft^<;bӁ0UY ;3+#% =PSU Market Square Building, Room 1054 http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-03-24 16:38:501515 SW 5th AvePortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832`T} C;31#% =1515 SW 5th Street, Room 1054 PSU Market Square Building1515 Market Square Buildinghttp://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-03-24 16:38:501515 SW 5th StreetPortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832`S} C;31#% =1515 SW 5th Street, Room 1054 PSU Market Square Building1515 Market Square Buildinghttp://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-03-24 16:38:501515 SW 5th StreenPortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832dR}3 =1515 SW 5th Street, Room 1054 PSU Market Square Building2009-03-24 16:38:50 aqfUap_! 5 3   < NW Natural220 NW Second Avenue2009-03-03 22:47:54PortlandOR 97209US@FHZ ^^> >~^/33 >TechShop Portland2009-03-03 22:43:5310100 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Fb|^ZJ1;b >]53;' >Portland Expo Center2009-03-03 22:43:472060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217United States@F?^tj;b ;{\-3/ >Home Town Buffet2009-03-03 22:43:413790 Sw Hall BlvdBeavertonOregon97005US@Ft^<;b >[!37' >NW Natural2009-03-03 22:38:44220 N W Second AvenuePortlandOregon97209United States@F,zxl^ I^;bځZ/33' >TechShop Portland2009-03-03 22:07:5510100 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOregon97005United States@F?^"`;bÁ Y53;' ;Portland Expo Center2009-03-03 22:43:462060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217United States@F?^tj;b u<Bf93 >Austin Hilton Downtown2009-03-04 19:04:58*e! SA31  >East Burn 1800 E. Burnside, Portland OR 97214http://www.theeastburn.com2009-03-04 01:18:491800 E Burnside StPortlandOR97214US@F}w^m~ >|d#31' >Nemo Design2009-03-04 01:17:561875 Se Belmont StPortlandOregonUnited States@F䎊^hr ;b :vxc#31' :vNemo Design2009-03-04 01:17:551875 Se Belmont StPortlandOregonUnited States@F䎊^hr ;b܁&b! SA31 >East Burn 1800 E. Burnside, Portland OR 97214http://www.theeastburn.com2009-03-04 01:18:481800 E Burnside StPortlandOR97214US@F}w^m~6a!3 >East Burn 2009-03-04 01:18:48`A 35  ;Northwest Natural Building2009-03-03 22:47:55220 NW Second AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@F1)˫^A;b7 > ]]Zoe33' >Two World Trade Center\, Mezzanine 2\, 3 & 42009-03-12 18:17:0325 SW Salmon StreetPortlandOregonUnited States@F.H^"`B;b :>ne33' :>Two World Trade Center\, Mezzanine 2\, 3 & 42009-03-12 18:17:0225 SW Salmon StreetPortlandOregonUnited States@F.H^"`B;bvm31' >Chow2009-03-11 17:30:28NW 14th and GlisanPortlandOregon97209United States@FdZ^ =p;bk137' >Lucky Lab Brew Pub2009-03-09 20:25:48915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregonUnited States@FsP^ I^5;b ; j137' ; Lucky Lab Brew Pub2009-03-09 20:25:47915 SE Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregonUnited States@FsP^ I^5;bwh%3-' >Joe's Cellar2009-03-04 19:54:481332 NW 21st AvePortlandOregonUnited States@F"h ԕ^j~#;bށg9 [ 35 >Austin Hilton Downtown500 East 4th Street Austin, Texas 787012009-03-04 19:07:47500 East 4th Street AustinTexas78701US@>CLPrXoEgD <{/z/g$<dI O3+ + >Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre1088 Burrard Street · Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2R9http://www.sheratonvancouver.com/2009-03-14 19:02:191088 Burrard StVancouverBCV6ZCA@Ho?^)(604) 331-1000 @5 3 >Sheraton Wall Centre2009-03-14 14:28:34@53 >Sheraton Wall Centre2009-03-14 14:28:06G 33 >USGS on Portland State campus2009-03-14 04:24:072130 SW 5th Avenue PortlandOregon97201US@Fy^֘HE3 >USGS 2130 SW 5th Avenue, PDX2009-03-14 04:15:211~G 3! >Lindquist College of Business1208 University of Oregon, Gilbert Hall, Eugene, OR 97403-12082009-03-14 00:36:53Gilbert StEugeneOR97402US@F5^/{SI}G3 >Lindquist College of Business2009-03-14 00:35:23p!3;' >food carts2009-03-12 21:36:32SW 9th Ave and SW AlderPortlandOregon97205United States@FœwkQ^$;by6b6;@EJOTY^chmrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|0*$ hfg_fWeQdJcCb@  3 B!N#$l%u&|'()*+,-!.'/.061>2@3N4V5]6^7`8b:d;g}?@A BCDE)G/H5F?IEHLRU W!^"c#h$p%x&'(R)Y*a+h,p-x.~/0 123 4)5*6-768>9E:L;Rd?j@rAxBC DEF"G%H(I0J8KDLKMQNWO_PeQoRuS{T|U}VWXYZ[\]"^)_1`7a;x06<BHNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|0*$ B<73.,TcCdJeQfWg_hfiojm nop"q*r1s9tAuKvRw\yazf|i}m~qw  &,39=KP9FPUZ{!$'19@FLRY_bdkpx~  $+4@GOXbjvŒ}ÍčōƍǍ&ȍ+ɍ0ʍ5ˍ9̍A͍G΍MύVЍ[эbҍiӍrԍwՍx֍y׍z؍{ٍڎێ ܎ݎގ ߎ(,.37<BI ${E$T  ;33- >iterasiCorporate headquarters for iterasi. Offices are on the 8th floor.https://www.iterasi.net2009-03-16 18:59:42715 SW Morrison St.PortlandOregon97205US@FX^D$info@iterasi.comQ  135- >iterasiCorporate headquarters for iterasi. Offices are on the 8th floor.http://iterasi.com2009-03-16 17:53:39715, SW Morrison St.PortlandOrregon97205US@FX^D$info@iterasi.com2 S 135- >iterasiCorporate headquarters for iterasi.http://iterasi.com2009-03-16 17:52:59715, SW Morrison St.PortlandOrregon97205US@FX^D$info@iterasi.com:S313- >iterasiCorporate headquarters for iterasi.715 SW Morrison St.http://iterasi.com2009-03-16 17:51:398th FloorPortlandOrregon97205US@Fu^k<info@iterasi.com33 >iterasi2009-03-16 17:44:1693!' >LaSells Stewart Center2009-03-16 23:07:33OSU CampusCorvallisOregon97333United States@FBn^tj~;b nOw9 3'! >LaSells Stewart Center2009-03-16 23:10:02875 SW 26 St,CorvallisOR 97331-3101US@FHBP^(& 9 Y 3! >LaSells Stewart Center875 SW 26 St, Corvallis, OR 97331-31012009-03-16 23:09:20CorvallisOR97331-3101US@FH:J_^|v49 ! 3! >LaSells Stewart CenterLaSells Stewart Center, 875 S.W. 26th Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-31012009-03-16 23:08:26CorvallisOR97331-3101US@FH:J_^|v93!' >LaSells Stewart Center2009-03-16 23:07:34OSU CampusCorvallisOregon97333United States@FBn^tj~;b > 3Y' >NedSpace2009-03-16 23:05:37920 SW Third (between Taylor & Salmon)PortlandOregon97204United States@F#9^C%;b > 3Y' >NedSpace2009-03-16 23:05:37920 SW Third (between Taylor & Salmon)PortlandOregon97204United States@F#9^C%;b sd$m<-3 >Ristretto Coffee2009-03-19 23:27:03'3=' >Cyan showroom2009-03-18 14:45:37333 SW Harrison (at 4th)PortlandOregonUnited States@FXbM^Q;b3/1U 3/ ) >My Father's PlaceOld school eatery.523 SE Grand Ave Portland, OR 97214 2009-03-17 21:11:38523 SE Grand Ave.PortlandOR97214US@Fjd^Nğ(503) 235-5494=/3 >My Father's Place2009-03-17 21:10:19{3=' >Mint/8202009-03-17 20:55:47820 North Russell StreetPortlandOregonUnited States@F<64^33333;b 3G!' >iterasi2009-03-17 18:48:29715 SW Morrison St. 8th FloorPortlandOregon97205-3122United States@F{m^Q;b > 3G!' >iterasi2009-03-17 18:48:29715 SW Morrison St. 8th FloorPortlandOregon97205-3122United States@F{m^Q;b Te)DT:")3 ?Pinpoint Logic2009-03-23 20:31:44!+37' ?Kingstad Center2009-03-23 18:39:2015450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregonUnited States@Fo^O;dZ;b ;\+37' ;\Kingstad Center2009-03-23 18:39:1915450 SW Millikan WayBeavertonOregonUnited States@Fo^O;dZ;b#% ] 31 % ?Jake's Grill611 SW 10th Avenue, Portland, OR 972052009-03-20 22:44:33611 SW 10th AvenuePortlandOregon97205US@F¡U^M503.220.18508%3 ?Jake's Grill2009-03-20 22:43:43&' ] 3/ ) ?Reser Stadium104 Gill Coliseum, Corvallis, OR 973312009-03-20 16:35:57104 Gill ColiseumCorvallisOregon97331US@FGڭ`^9_J(541) 737-25479'3 ?Reser Stadium2009-03-20 16:34:49- [ 33 >Ristretto Coffee3808 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 972132009-03-19 23:27:353808 N Williams AvePortlandOR97213US@FqJ^i V_ V2*W a 3/  >Intel - Ronler Acres Campus - RA1 2501 N.W 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 971242009-03-24 08:48:502501 NW 229th AveHillsboroOR97124US@FűH^y ;)%  35  ?Monsoon Inc.Suite 3002009-03-24 08:48:39520 N.W Davis StreetPortland or 9720997209US@F#^>>E =ށ (/ C 3+ ?Ater Wynne OfficeLovejoy Building, Suite 9002009-03-27 13:45:341331 NW LovejoyPortland or 97209US@Fضڻ^g@='/3 ?Ater Wynne Office2009-03-27 13:45:34}&%  35 =Monsoon Inc.Suite 3002009-03-24 08:48:38520 N.W Davis StreetPortland or 9720997209US@F#^>>E8%%3 =Monsoon Inc.2009-03-24 08:48:38p$) 37 ?Pinpoint Logic2009-03-23 20:33:201104 NW 15th Ave #400PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Qp#) 7 3 ?Pinpoint Logic1104 NW 15th Ave #4002009-03-23 20:32:26PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q ,ef,1a % 3% ?Portland State University Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 16:40:071914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akU#0a % 3%5 ?Portland State University Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 16:39:521914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akUjdcohenesq@gmail.com4/Y ;3+#% >PSU Market Square Building, Room 1054 http://www.pdc.pdx.edu/2009-03-24 16:38:511515 SW 5th AvePortlandOR97201US@F{^u%Fpdc@pdx.edu503-725-4832 =y.5 % 3% ?PSU Shattuck Annex 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 16:32:251914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akUx-3 % 3% ?Shattuck Annex PSU 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 14:57:221914 SW ParkPortlandOR97201US@FLaJ^akUM,O3 ?Shattuck Annex PSU - 1914 SW Park2009-03-24 14:56:55+] 3A  =Intel, HF3-Auditorium, Hillsboro, Oregon2009-03-24 14:31:105200 NE Elam Young ParkwayPortlandOregon97124US@F@^_7;bC VqV[9k3 ? 1119 Market St, Portland (near Ladd's Addition)2009-03-25 15:22:10g8-qU133 ) ? Tart Dessert BarFrozen yogurt is served as a fat-free alternative to ice cream. We have fresh real soft serve frozen yogurt (with active live cultures), both classic and unique selection of toppings. For those of you feeling a bit more naughty we have Frozen Custard Decadent and Delicious. Come in for a taste and see.2128 SE Division, Portland, OR 97202http://tartpdx.com2009-03-25 06:36:212128 Se Division StPortlandOR97202US@F;^5e(503) 233-4333<7-3 ? Tart Dessert Bar2009-03-25 06:31:373%3K' ? ISITE Design2009-03-24 17:12:59115 NW First Avenue\, Suite 500PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^m;b > 2%3K' >ISITE Design2009-03-24 17:12:59115 NW First Avenue\, Suite 500PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^m;b i_w_iyA3'' ?MacForce2009-03-26 18:22:53100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^\(;b ;w@3 1 3 ?Mama Mia Trattoria 439 SW 2nd Avenue 2009-03-26 17:56:48PortlandOregon 97204US@Fha^>Yl??33 ?Mama Mia Trattoria 2009-03-26 17:56:11u>3'' ;MacForce2009-03-26 18:22:52100 SE SalmonPortlandOregon97214United States@F ^\(;b[=k3 >200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 18:23:14 <] 31 >200 SW Market St. Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 18:23:13200 SW Market St. PortlandOregon 97201 US@F| Yy^nL T;]3 >200 SW Market St. Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 18:23:13:- 7C3- ? Maitripa College1119 SE Market Streethttp://www.16guidelines.org2009-03-25 15:24:49PortlandOR97214US@Fs^R_ciamas@yahoo.com ,k r@.,`Ku3 ?Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy, Ste 900 Portland, Oregon2009-03-26 20:02:10J? O 3- :6BridgportBrewpub + Bakery1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon2009-03-27 13:48:481313 NW MarshallPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZHhI3 :6BridgportBrewpub + Bakery 1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon2009-03-27 13:48:48#H s 3E ?OEN309 SW Sixth Ave., Suite 212 Portland, Oregon 972042009-03-26 19:23:08309 SW Sixth Ave., Suite 212PortlandOregon97204US@F¿\E^XBs/G3 ?OEN2009-03-26 19:22:09D3 M3) ?Mama Mia Trattoria http://www.mamamiatrattoria.com/2009-03-26 18:26:33439 SW 2nd AvePortlandOregon 97204US@F}Ȗ^˵_Ck3 ?200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 18:23:14 >B] 31  ?200 SW Market St. Lobby Conference Room 2009-03-26 18:23:14200 SW Market St. PortlandOregon 97201 US@F| Yy^nL > !`[!R? O 3-  ?BridgportBrewpub + Bakery1313 NW Marshall Portland, Oregon2009-03-27 13:48:491313 NW MarshallPortlandOregon97209US@F ^ZH :6Q13G' ?Souk Meeting Space2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue\, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209United States@F@N^C%;b ;bP/ C 3+  ?Ater Wynne OfficeLovejoy Building, Suite 9002009-03-27 13:45:351331 NW LovejoyPortland or 97209US@Fضڻ^g@ ?O13G' ?Souk Meeting Space2009-05-14 14:01:54322 NW 6th Avenue\, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209United States@F@N^C%;bNC = 3) ?Meet in front of SmartPark 33 NW Davis St, Portland2009-03-26 20:19:5533 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209US@F1w^-GMC3 ?Meet in front of SmartPark 2009-03-26 20:19:32L! _ 3= ?Ater Wynne1331 NW Lovejoy, Ste 900 Portland, Oregon2009-03-26 20:02:481331 NW Lovejoy, Ste 900PortlandOregon97209US@Fضڻ^g@ l-*$ln\3 ? Muddy Waters Coffeehouse 2908 SE Belmont Portland, Oregon 97214 2009-03-28 14:02:56D[=3 ?Muddy Waters Coffeehouse2009-03-28 08:21:35AW1Y ;3+7 ?Slate TechnologiesTechnology services for small businesshttp://Slatetechpdx.com2009-03-27 23:31:546315 SE HolgatePortland OR97206US@F^D*"Info@slatetechpdx.com>V13 ?Slate Technologies2009-03-27 23:29:56wU%1 ;3?/# ?Empire GroupEmpire Group, Inc. is a full-service Web development and Internet business development firm based in Portland, Oregon. Since day one, back in 1998, our goal is to approach every business problem holistically. SoxT- M 3+ ?White Stag Block70 NW Couch St.,Portland, Oregon2009-03-27 16:35:1870 NW Couch St.PortlandOregon97209US@FON^Pr|o-3/' >Urban Grind East2009-04-05 05:35:082214 NE Oregon StPortlandOregonUnited States@Fâwk^&x;b_nuCCY3)Q% ?"Downtown Corvallis Riverfront Corner of 1st & MonroeCorvallis Artisans Market is an outdoor public market located on the downtown Corvallis riverfront featuring local artists and live music. The Corvallis riverfront comes alive on April 18 with the opening day of the Corvallis Artisans Market, plus the Corvallis Albany Farmers'Market Opening day and the Corvallis Environmental Center Earth Faire.Corner of 1st and Monroe Sthttp://www.corvallisartisansmarket.com2009-04-04 18:37:11100 Monroe StCorvallisOregon97333US@FH+^ЏGdovers@corvallisartisansmarket.com541-752-2787 *?*EwS a3E ) ;McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhousehttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=132009-04-09 17:30:184045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd.HillsboroOR97124US@F;,^O;(503) 640-6174$vO3K' ?'The Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center2009-04-09 17:29:151000 Northeast Multnomah StreetPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b : uO3K' :The Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center2009-04-09 17:29:141000 Northeast Multnomah StreetPortlandOregon97232United States@F1&y^lD;b|t'3+' ?&Columbia Park2009-04-07 21:42:514339 N. LombardPortlandOregon97203United States@FY}^$/;b s!S;3/-% ?%USquaredUsquared is a networking and workshop space, with some catering available.1562 SE Tacoma St Portland or 97202http://www.usquared.biz2009-04-06 19:05:431562 Se Tacoma StPortland0r97202US@FgMN^wczoe@usquared.biz503.719.54444r3 ?%USquared2009-04-06 19:02:24 (t}(RY3 ?,Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing2009-04-09 20:56:19~K 3 33  ?*Iron stone bank conference room309 SW Sixth Avenue2009-04-09 20:42:23309 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F¿\E^XBs =3}[ 3+ ?+New Columbia Community Education Center2009-04-09 19:41:454625 N. TrentonPortlandOR97203US@FXs0y^vS|[3 ?+New Columbia Community Education Center2009-04-09 19:40:52{K 3 33 =3Iron stone bank conference room309 SW Sixth Avenue2009-04-09 20:42:23309 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F¿\E^XBsKzK3 =3Iron stone bank conference room2009-04-09 20:42:23yK3/' ?)Standard Insurance - Auditorium2009-04-09 17:40:23900 SW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97204United States@F:)y^dZ;bx;3/' :Doubletree Lloyd Center2009-04-14 20:59:011000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@FJ^lD;b TJ T5)G 3 ?-CINEMA PROJECTMISSION Cinema Project is a collectively run, nonprofit organization committed to promoting innovative film and video art from the past and present. Through screenings and lectures we work to foster an informed viewing public that will support the wider circulation and critical appreciation of film and video art.11 N.W. 13th Avenue, Portland2009-04-10 14:08:41PortlandOregonUS@FV^5Z:)3 ?-CINEMA PROJECT2009-04-10 14:06:032Y!oE3? % ?,Powell's Books at Cedar Hills CrossingIt's Powell's, but in Beaverton! Wacky. This store has a lot more open space than downtown, so its where they like to have big events.3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 USAhttp://www.powells.com/info/places/beavertoninfo.html?header=Sub:%20Cedar%20Hills%20Crossing2009-04-09 20:58:253415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd.BeavertonOR97005US@FRu^Ԧ503-228-4651  n K)G 3/ ?-CINEMA PROJECTMISSION Cinema Project is a collectively run, nonprofit organization committed to promoting innovative film and video art from the past and present. Through screenings and lectures we work to foster an informed viewing public that will support the wider circulation and critical appreciation of film and video art.11 N.W. 13th Avenue, Portland2009-04-11 23:50:2511 NW 13th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FIØ^Vځ93=' ?.Bagdad Theater and Pub2009-04-10 23:55:123702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214United States@F`A^bM;b :s93=' :sBagdad Theater and Pub2009-04-10 23:55:123702 S.E. Hawthorne BlvdPortlandOregon97214United States@F`A^bM;b u1kuD =3 ?1Widmer Brothers Gasthaus2009-04-13 16:06:09+ = E3?# ) ?/Crowne Plaza Lake Oswegohttp://www.cplakeoswego.com/2009-04-13 14:24:5414811 SW Kruse Oaks DriveLake OswegoOR97035US@F1^R@1-503-624-8400|= ? 3# ?/Crowne Plaza Lake Oswego14811 SW Kruse Oaks Drive2009-04-13 04:44:09Lake OswegoORUS@F,s&^n)D=3 ?/Crowne Plaza Lake Oswego2009-04-13 04:42:55K)G 3/ ?-Cinema ProjectMISSION Cinema Project is a collectively run, nonprofit organization committed to promoting innovative film and video art from the past and present. Through screenings and lectures we work to foster an informed viewing public that will support the wider circulation and critical appreciation of film and video art.11 N.W. 13th Avenue, Portland2009-04-12 02:27:3711 NW 13th AvenuePortlandOregon97209US@FIØ^V >2&A3)' ?7The Lotus Card Room & Cafe2009-04-13 21:41:18932 SW 3rd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@F䎊^C%;b x)3!' :Someday Lounge2009-04-14 00:03:55125 NW 5thPortlandOregon97253United States@FnP^C%;by39' ?5Disjecta2009-04-13 21:40:068371 N. Interstate AvePortlandOregonUnited States@Fʳg ^lC;b G3+' 9Gerding Theater at the Armory2009-04-14 00:03:18128 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^S;b33/' ;aPaddy's Bar & Grill2009-04-14 00:03:3065 SW Yamhill St.PortlandOregonUnited States@Ftj~^"`B;b ;3+' ; Jimmy Mak's Bar & Grill2009-04-14 00:07:49300 Nw 10th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F9^$;b> = Q73- ) ?1Widmer Brothers Gasthaus955 N Russell St Portland, Oregon http://www.widmer.com2009-04-13 16:07:10955 N Russell StPortlandOregon97227US@F@ ^OȺ(503) 281-3333 m21|)3!' ?6Someday Lounge2009-04-14 00:03:56125 NW 5thPortlandOregon97253United States@FnP^C%;b :33/' ?3Paddy's Bar & Grill2009-04-14 00:03:3165 SW Yamhill St.PortlandOregonUnited States@Ftj~^"`B;b ;aA37' <McMenamins Mission Theater2009-04-14 21:01:171624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F]cA^1&y;b! ;9G3+' ?4Gerding Theater at the Armory2009-04-14 00:03:18128 NW 11th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^S;b 9j% 3/ ?9Reed College2009-04-13 23:24:173203 SE WoodstockPortlandOR97202US@F ^^8%3 ?9Reed College2009-04-13 23:20:06A37' <McMenamins Mission Theater2009-04-14 21:01:221624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F]cA^1&y;b! cxc\$c=  S;3/-% ?%U-Squared1562 SE Tacoma St Portland or 97202http://www.usquared.biz2009-04-14 19:21:321562 Se Tacoma StPortlandor97202US@FgMN^wczoe@usquared.biz503.719.544453 ?%U-Squared2009-04-14 19:21:32y3 7 3  ?White Stag Building70 NW Couch, Portland2009-04-14 00:43:15PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q ?)37' ?:Pinpoint Logic2009-04-14 00:41:291104 NW 15th Ave #400PortlandOregon97209United States@FA [^lC;b" ?)37' ?Pinpoint Logic2009-04-14 00:41:291104 NW 15th Ave #400PortlandOregon97209United States@FA [^lC;b" ;3+' ?2Jimmy Mak's Bar & Grill2009-04-14 00:07:50300 Nw 10th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F9^$;b ; 9 3)'  ?7Lotus Card Room & Cafe2009-04-14 00:04:56932 SW 3rd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@F䎊^C%;b p;p &U 3/  <McMemanins Mission Theater & Pub2009-04-14 21:04:251624 Nw Glisan StPortlandOregon97209US@Fa^ ;b%A37 ;9McMenamins Mission Theater2009-04-14 21:01:221624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209@F]cA^1&y;b <$A37' ?8McMenamins Mission Theater2009-04-14 21:01:181624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F]cA^1&y;b! <#A37 ;McMenamins Mission Theater2009-04-14 21:01:171624 NW Glisan StreetPortlandOregon97209US@FZ^ ;b3 < ";3/' ?(Doubletree Lloyd Center2009-04-14 20:59:011000 NE MultnomahPortlandOregon97232United States@FJ^lD;b :A! S;3/-% ?;U-Squared1562 SE Tacoma St Portland or 97202http://www.usquared.biz2009-04-14 19:21:331562 Se Tacoma StPortlandor97202US@FgMN^wczoe@usquared.biz503.719.5444 ?% Hr0pH$,+ _ 3+ ) >TAmnesia BrewingNorth Mississippi Avenue and Beech Street2009-04-15 05:17:08832 N. Beech StPortland Oregon97US@FT%^7;(503) 281-7708<+3K K3+ ) ?<Helser's on AlbertaBreakfast and lunch restaurant.http://www.helsersonalberta.com2009-04-14 21:43:261538 NE AlbertaPortland OR97211US@Fǐ[,v^Mg(503) 281-1477<*3K K3+ ) ?<Helser's on AlbertaBreakfast and lunch restaurant.http://www.helsersonalberta.com2009-04-14 21:43:221538 NE AlbertaPortland OR97211US@F{bv^\R(503) 281-1477<)3K+K3 ) ?<Helser's on AlbertaBreakfast and lunch restaurant.1538 NE Albertahttp://www.helsersonalberta.com2009-04-14 21:42:35Portland OR97211US@F{bv^\R(503) 281-1477?(33 ?<Helser's on Alberta2009-04-14 21:40:50 'U 3/  <McMenamins Mission Theater & Pub2009-04-14 21:05:201624 Nw Glisan StPortlandOregon97209US@Fa^ ;b U_@353 ?@Tualitin High School2009-04-17 21:24:242[3-' ??Portland State University Hoffmann Hall2009-04-17 18:06:041833 SW 11th AvePortlandOregonUnited States@F'RTa^;b&011%a 3; ?>Buffalo Wild WingsBar a Grill. 327 SW Morrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-04-16 21:29:32 327 SW Morrison StreetPortlandOregon97204US@FXyD^@.,i03 ?>Buffalo Wild Wings 327 SW Morrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-04-16 21:28:25/3o' ?=Webtrends2009-04-15 20:32:08Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOregon97204United States@FQ_^"`B;b$ TAmnesia BrewingNorth Mississippi Avenue and Beech Street2009-04-15 05:18:32832 N. Beech StPortland Oregon97227US@FT%^7;(503) 281-7708 XNc*XN9; [m33 ?AFifth Quadrant (Lompoc)3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227http://www.newoldlompoc.com/5thquadranthome.html2009-04-20 18:49:553901 N Williams AvePortlandOR97227US@FƇ^c|8; [ 33 ?AFifth Quadrant (Lompoc)3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 972272009-04-20 18:07:393901 N Williams AvePortlandOR97227US@FƇ^c|7% [ 33 ?A5th Quadrant3901 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 972272009-04-20 18:07:123901 N Williams AvePortlandOR97227US@FƇ^c|86%3 ?A5th Quadrant2009-04-20 18:06:51,55 k3= ?@Tualatin High Schoolhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:58:3122300 SW Boones Ferry RdTualatinOregon97062US@FŨ]^Udb.45 Ak3 ?@Tualitin High School# 22300 SW Boones Ferry Rdhttp://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/tualatin-high-school/2009-04-17 21:26:02TualatinOregon97062US@F/^ͳ} Ju=5 3Q  ?BPerkins Coie offices2009-04-21 01:08:441120 N.W. Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandor97209 >cq<5 3Q >cPerkins Coie offices2009-04-21 01:08:431120 N.W. Couch Street, 10th floorPortlandor97209@;53 >cPerkins Coie offices2009-04-21 01:08:432:5/ M3;  ;Portland Expo CenterJust Between Friends is the nation's leading Children's and Maternity Consignment Sale! Once you discover this sale, you will never want to miss one again! SHOP to get incredible deals on everything related to babies, kids, pregnancy and nursing! SELL your gently used items and earn 70%. Pre-registration required. VOLUNTEER and earn a pre-sale pass to shop before the public! Portland Expo Center. Open to the public: Friday, April 24 at 6pm Saturday, April 25 9am-8pm Sunday, April 26 9am-3pm HALF PRICE DAY!http://www.portland.jbfsale.com/2009-04-20 19:34:162060 North Marine DrivePortlandOregon97217US@F͡LA^Um;bj CCBfC@K53 ?IRose Quarter Commons2009-04-24 19:10:22\J' 933= ?HWallace Park NW 25th & Quimby 97210http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=839&action=ViewPark2009-04-24 15:14:09NW 25th Ave & Raleigh StPortlandOR97210US@FZ^vSCtIIG3 ?HWallace Park NW 25th & Quimby2009-04-24 15:12:34 HY 3/  =4Portland State University Hoffman Hall2009-04-22 21:25:281833 SW 11th Ave.PortlandOR97201US@Fnz1^Pm֝;b ??'G[ 93/ % ?GNorthwest China Council Conference Roomhttp://www.nwchina.org2009-04-22 20:56:12127 NW 3rd AvenuePortlandOR97209US@F&^kvp503 973-5451SF[3 ?GNorthwest China Council Conference Room2009-04-22 20:54:52vA7 3 3 ?DBig Al's in Vancouver16615 SE 18th Ave. 2009-04-22 15:36:28VancouverWA98683US@F͛D^ւÔ?A@73 ?DBig Al's in Vancouver2009-04-22 15:35:20  9P'3 ?Kmt tabor park2009-04-25 15:38:14hO3GMw3)  ?JLucky Lab Beer HallRestaurant/pub in NW Portland1945 NW Quimby, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.luckylab.com/html/directions.html#beerhall2009-04-24 20:02:491945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon97209US@FI4&x:^HFUN :dN3GMw3) :Lucky Lab Beer HallRestaurant/pub in NW Portland1945 NW Quimby, Portland, Oregonhttp://www.luckylab.com/html/directions.html#beerhall2009-04-24 20:02:481945 NW QuimbyPortlandOregon97209US@FI4&x:^HFUN?M33 :Lucky Lab Beer Hall2009-04-24 20:02:48rL5QM 3) ?IRose Quarter CommonsThe event will begin in the large commons area between the Rose Quarter and the Memorial Coliseum.Area between Rose Qtr & Coliseum2009-04-24 19:12:331 Center CourtPortlandOR97227US@Fez^b~ YwY 9q33' ??Portland State University\, George C. Hoffman Hall2009-05-09 01:55:401833 SW 11th AvenuePortlandOregonUnited States@F'RTa^;b18;3/' ?Candy Bistro Burger Bar2009-04-28 06:29:59904 NW Couch Ave.PortlandOregon97209United States@Fu%^Q;b0j7 _3-7% 9Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, Third Floor http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit2009-05-22 18:05:271825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207US@F ^OKEnuintara@clfuture.org503-294-2889{6)3 9Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, Third Floor, 1825 SW Broadway2009-05-22 18:05:27Q) 333 ?KMt. Tabor ParkBetween 82nd and 60th Avenue Between SE Division and SE Stark Streethttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=275&action=ViewPark2009-04-25 15:41:14SE 60th & Salmon StPortlandOr97215US@F}^ś DDFQ 3 3 <2Hilton Portland & Executive Towers921 SW Sixth Avenue2009-05-01 16:18:15PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>YlNEQ3 <2Hilton Portland & Executive Towers2009-05-01 16:18:15[>IOA3);% :LKell's Irish Restaurant & Pub 112 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97204http://www.kellsirish.com/2009-04-29 20:12:46112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@F5^ 1)portland@kellsirish.com503 227 4057 ?=G3)' >Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-04-29 20:12:39112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^nP;b ? <W3) ;Kell's Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-04-29 20:12:39112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOregon97204US@FCk^ݏ;bL ?;E G 3) ?Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub112 SW 2nd Ave., Portland, OR2009-04-29 19:09:20112 Sw 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@FCk^ݏH:E3 ?Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-04-29 19:08:53 <z;~<PO 39# ) ?/Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom2009-05-01 16:15:1614811 Kruse Oaks DriveLake OswegoOR97035US@F1^R@(888) 444-0401EO?3 ?/Crowne Plaza, Lake Oswego2009-05-01 16:15:16~NmiO 3##=% @EBravo Portland 630B Street Lake Oswego, or 97035Bravo conference room for classes and meetings630B Street Lake Oswego, or 970352009-07-30 23:12:04630B StreetLake Oswegoor97035US@FN>^denise@bravoportland.com503-675-1380\Mm3 @EBravo Portland 630B Street Lake Oswego, or 970352009-07-30 23:12:04Yl 8y;U[ U53+ ;sPNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art1241 NW Johnson., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:331241 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97206US@F]9^߁;T[ U53+ ;sPNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art1241 NW Johnson., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:331241 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97206US@F]9^߁BS[ [533 ;sPNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art1241 NW Johnson St., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:321241 NW Johnson St.PortlandOR97206US@F]9^߁BR[ [533 ;sPNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art1241 NW Johnson St., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:321241 NW Johnson St.PortlandOR97206US@F]9^9Q'3 ;sPNCA Room 2052009-05-01 16:13:32 5(5HZ5 ]S33 % >LOregon State Capitol900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301http://www.leg.state.or.us/capinfo/2009-05-01 16:21:38900 Court Street NESalemOR97301US@Fx2y{^u503-986-1388YQ 33  ?Hilton Portland & Executive Towers2009-05-01 16:18:15921 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl <2XO 39# ) ?Crowne Plaza - Executive Ballroom2009-05-01 16:15:1714811 Kruse Oaks DriveLake OswegoOR97035US@F1^R@(888) 444-0401 ?/jW[cU53+  ?PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of ArtCaligator map is retarded...don't trust it.1241 NW Johnson., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:331241 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97206US@F]9^ ;sfV[cU53+ ;sPNCA - Pacific Northwest College of ArtCaligator map is retarded...don't trust it.1241 NW Johnson., Portland, OR 97209http://www.pnca.edu/2009-05-01 16:13:331241 NW JohnsonPortlandOR97206US@F]9^ lb`4{3 ?Galleria2009-05-04 23:18:41jyQ 3 @hTyesha's house (inner SE Portland)2009-08-30 14:27:29PortlandORUS@FV^5ZNxQ3 @hTyesha's house (inner SE Portland)2009-08-30 14:27:29-b/ +_39 ?MadAve Collective459 Madison Avehttp://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampCorvallis2009-05-02 00:27:07CorvallisOR97330US@FHȼ^ћFcorvallis@cre8camp.orgca{3 ?MadAve Collective - 459 Madison Ave, Corvallis OR 973302009-05-02 00:25:21 \U3G' >Rogue Ales Distillery & Public House2009-05-01 16:25:131339 NW Flanders St (at 14th)PortlandOregonUnited States@FP{^ =p;bנ =[K 53- =Rogue Distillery & Public Househttp://www.rogue.com2009-05-01 16:24:381339 NW FlandersPortlandOR97209US@FLWg2^$ V|vVp3+' :Online2009-05-06 19:19:09Portland OregonPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b=)K3a' 9Portland State University (PSU)2009-06-14 00:32:44Smith Memorial Building\, 1825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207United States@F^Q;b<8% 3 ?The Interweb2009-05-05 00:21:158%3 ?The Interweb2009-05-05 00:21:02 ~i 3- ?Tiger Woods Center, Nike campus, Beaverton, OR2009-05-05 00:11:371 Bowerman DriveBeavertonOR97005US@FJt^v8[}k3 ?Tiger Wood's Center, Nike campus, Beaverton, OR2009-05-05 00:09:41"|[wY 31 ?Galleria Downtown Shopping Office PlazaThe Galleria shopping center, now mostly empty. The main entrance is next to the Made in Oregon store on SW 10th Ave.921 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR 972052009-05-04 23:20:11921 SW Morrison StPortlandOR97205US@F–N~N^< }y4}39 Q13) ) :Jax Restaurant and Bar826 SW 2nd Ave, Portland, OR 97204http://jaxbar.com/2009-05-06 19:20:10826 SW 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\-(503) 228-9128B93 :Jax Restaurant and Bar2009-05-06 19:20:10B1umM31 % ?Emerge InteractiveEmerge is a full service user-centered interactive agency with expertise in integrated strategy, user experience design (UXD), web design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM). We develop experiences that amplify and extend brands and engage consumers across web, desktop and mobile environments.930 NW 14th Avenue Suite #280 Portland, OR 97209http://www.emergeinteractive.com2009-05-05 19:31:04930 NW 14TH AVENUEPortlandOR97209US@Fз=^B503-922-3483>13 ?Emerge Interactive2009-05-05 19:28:20 */7 WA3 ' ?DBig Al's in Vancouver16615 SE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98683http://www.ilovebigals.com2009-05-09 01:42:20VancouverWA98683US@F͛D^ւÔ?360-944-6118 *O ?3/ ' =Banner Bank Pearl District Branchhttp://www.bannerbank.com2009-05-09 01:39:56910 NW 10th Ave. PortlandOregon 97209US@F+$q^503-241-7805 p   3% % ?Bay 13 7012009-05-06 23:22:20NW 13th Ave PortlandOR97209US@Fêu[^́Mrz503.227.11334 3 ?Bay 13 2009-05-06 23:21:41 - 13/)) :Jax Bar (CLOSED)http://jaxbar.com/2009-05-06 19:20:50826 SW 2nd AvenuePortlandOregon97204US@F1=^^3aV\-jax@jaxbar.com(503) 228-912879 Q13) ) ?Jax Restaurant and Bar826 SW 2nd Ave, Portland, OR 97204http://jaxbar.com/2009-05-06 19:20:10826 SW 2nd AvePortlandOR97204US@F14^3aV\-(503) 228-9128 :t3+' ?Online2009-05-06 19:19:10Portland OregonPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b= : _]_<)i 3%#=% @EBravo PortlandBravo conference room for classes and meetings2009-07-30 23:12:04630 B AvenueLake OswegoOR97035US@FGU^t@ denise@bravoportland.com503-675-1380;)i 3##=% @EBravo PortlandBravo conference room for classes and meetings2009-07-30 23:12:04630B StreetLake OswegoOR97035US@F-^=Ć.denise@bravoportland.com503-675-1380\)iO 3##=% @EBravo PortlandBravo conference room for classes and meetings630B Street Lake Oswego, or 970352009-07-30 23:12:04630B StreetLake Oswegoor97035US@FN>^denise@bravoportland.com503-675-13807 A3- ' ?DBig Al's in Vancouverhttp://www.ilovebigals.com2009-05-09 01:43:3116615 SE 18th StVancouverWA 98683US@F̍2^{Z360-944-6118 7 WA3 ' ?DBig Al's in Vancouver16615 SE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98683http://www.ilovebigals.com2009-05-09 01:42:46US@BeAW7360-944-6118 ]B]i!' 3%   ;Jive Software2009-05-09 01:51:38915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUS@F͞&^Q;bWv A 3%   ;Jive Software Headquarters2009-05-09 01:50:35915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUS@F͞&^Q;bWu? 3%   ;Jive Software Headquaters2009-05-09 01:50:16915 SW StarkPortlandOregonUS@F͞&^Q;bWB1umM31 % ?Emerge InteractiveEmerge is a full service user-centered interactive agency with expertise in integrated strategy, user experience design (UXD), web design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM). We develop experiences that amplify and extend brands and engage consumers across web, desktop and mobile environments.930 NW 14th Avenue Suite #280 Portland, OR 97209http://www.emergeinteractive.com2009-05-09 01:48:16930 NW 14th AvenuePortlandOR97209US@Fз=^B503-922-3483 ZyZt$3 ?PHC Northwest – John Fryer Building, 5414 NE 148th Ave., Portland, OR2009-05-10 15:35:30$#q33' ?Portland State University\, George C. Hoffman Hall2009-05-09 01:55:411833 SW 11th AvenuePortlandOregonUnited States@F'RTa^;b1 ??"A 3;  :.Jive Software Headquarters2009-05-09 01:52:04317 SW Alder St Ste 500PortlandOR97204 US@FmHIE^84֡;bk e-e '% C39 ?Benson Hotelhttp://www.bensonhotel.com/2009-05-12 02:23:10309 Southwest BroadwayPortandOR97205US@Fl^oN8&%3 ?Benson Hotel2009-05-12 02:22:35O%W'A351! ?PHC Northwest – John Fryer BuildingThe 2009 Solar & Sustainability Science Fair is presented by PHC Northwest, host to the largest single-roof solar array in the Pacific Northwest. This FREE event challenges the minds of tomorrow and celebrates the people working towards a cleaner, more sustainable world today. It features “green” projects created by local students alongside exhibits from more than 35 solar and renewable energy organizations showcasing their latest programs and technologies. For more info visit http://www.phcnw.com/solar.PHC Northwesthttp://www.phcnw.com/solar2009-05-10 15:37:525414 NE 148th AvenuePortlandOregon97230US@FyQ?^ tgrayson@phcnw.com5032611266  <w13E ;isouk2009-05-14 14:01:52322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214@F@N^C%;b ?<03 :Old Town2009-05-14 14:01:52;bձ ?r/3E :;souk2009-05-14 14:01:51322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon@F@N^C%;bw ?<.3 :Old Town2009-05-14 14:01:51;b` ?*-Ce;3C+% ?soukHot desks + meeting rooms + community = souk. souk's operating hours are M - F 9 am - 5 pm + upon request, tours by appointment only. Thd,}3 ?souk, 322 nw 6th ave, suite 200 http://www.soukllc.com/2009-05-13 23:01:12+E I 3+ ?Museum of Contemporary Craft724 NW Davis, Portland, Oregon2009-05-12 23:36:51724 Nw Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F!x^dU V*a3 ?Museum of Contemporary Craft, 724 NW Davis2009-05-12 23:36:10e souk facility is 5000 square feet exuding a loft-like feel with its exposed brick and HVAC systems, restored original wooden beams, high ceilings and ample natural light. Herman Miller chairs and Design Within Reach pieces round out the open plan appeal. There are NO CUBICLES. There are two, closed conference rooms available, all with natural light, both holding about 10 people. Additionally, upon request, there is a large event space that is available for up to 150. It's used for everything from larger meeting groups to networking events and workshops. The remainder of the space is open plan and accommodates up to 24 hot desks, many of which can be adjusted for those preferring to stand. All hot desks have ergonomic Celle chairs, Herman Miller's "green" line of office seating. http://www.soukllc.com/directions.html322 nw 6th ave, suite 200 Portland OR 97209http://www.soukllc.com/2009-05-13 23:08:07322 nw 6th ave, suite 200 PortlandOregon97209US@FHH^Finfo@soukll.com503.517.6900 `M:`9) /=3+ % ?Henry's Tavern12th and Burnsidehttp://henrystavern.com/2009-05-14 17:42:4110 NW 12th Ave.PortlandOR97209US@F Cl^'#Zx503.227.5320{8) / 3+ ?Henry's Tavern12th and Burnside2009-05-14 17:42:0310 NW 12th Ave.PortlandOR97209US@F Cl^'#Zx:7)3 ?Henry's Tavern2009-05-14 17:41:06y6 3E  ;bsouk2009-05-14 14:02:05322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97209US@FHH^F;b ?513G' ?Souk Meeting Space2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue\, Suite 200PortlandOregon97209United States@F@N^C%;b ?y43E =souk2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž'ӻ^8wH;bV ?433 <9Souk2009-05-14 14:01:53 ?y23E ;usouk2009-05-14 14:01:53322 NW 6th Avenue, suite 200PortlandOregon97214US@Fž+ϑ^8;b ?  q7@#3 9Cube Space 2009-05-17 17:38:56z?? 33 ?Beaverton Resource Center2009-05-14 22:47:4912500 SW Allen BlvdBeavertonOR97005US@Fb ^c͚R&>73M' ?Willamette University2009-05-14 21:54:101120 NW Couch Street\, Suite 450PortlandOregon97209United States@Fu%^S;bM= 3 3 ?Beaverton Resource Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton, OR12500 SW Allen Blvd2009-05-14 20:48:08BeavertonOR97005US@Fb ^c͚R&j<3 ?Beaverton Resource Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton, OR2009-05-14 20:45:54v;? 5 3 ?Beaverton Resource Center 12500 SW Allen Blvd2009-05-17 17:38:27BeavertonORUS@FR)^tEAj:3 ?Beaverton Resource Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton, OR2009-05-17 17:38:27 eO,eCFW K3K'  ?Willamette University Portland Centerhttp://www.willamette.edu/agsm/2009-05-20 00:29:261120 NW Couch Street, Suite 450PortlandOregon97209United States@Fu%^S;bM*E5 C)3 >IWebinar-short coursethe internet--online coursehttp://www.infoq.com/zones/Virtual-Training/giving-and-taking-design-criticism2009-05-20 14:45:43@D53 >IWebinar-short course2009-05-20 14:45:431C# SQ3-  ?Cube Space 622 SE Grand Ave Portland, OR 97214http://cubespacepdx.com/directions2009-05-17 17:38:56622 SE Grand AvePortlandOR97214US@FVŘ^I}+ 9zB? 5 3  ?Beaverton Resource Center 12500 SW Allen Blvd2009-05-17 17:38:27BeavertonORUS@FR)^tEA ?-A# SQ3- 9Cube Space 622 SE Grand Ave Portland, OR 97214http://cubespacepdx.com/directions2009-05-17 17:38:56622 SE Grand AvePortlandOR97214US@FVŘ^I}+ N!sYLg3 ?Courtyard Marriott City Center (SW 5th & Oak)2009-05-21 19:57:55hK3' >Iwebinar2009-06-29 18:15:27onlinePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bP*J) A3+5% ;_Screening Roomhttp://www.screeningrm.com2009-05-20 17:30:17925 NW 19th AvePortlandOregon97209@Fa@O^9XbNjohn@screeningrm.com503-936-0676;b YIO  3M % ?OHSU School of Nursing Auditorium3455 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd. , Portland, Oregon, 972392009-05-20 17:00:583455 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd.PortlandOregon97239US@FV^ 503 494-7725MHO3 ?OHSU School of Nursing Auditorium2009-05-20 16:59:59.G5 C)3  ?Webinar-short coursethe internet--online coursehttp://www.infoq.com/zones/Virtual-Training/giving-and-taking-design-criticism2009-05-20 14:45:44 >I A RI 39  >Scottish Rite Temple Blue Room2009-05-22 18:05:191525 SW Yamhill StreetPortlandOregon97205US@Fª^b;bד >IQ 33- % &P+ Y3- % < Newmark Theatrehttp://www.pcpa.com/events/newmark.php2009-05-22 18:05:061111 Sw BroadwayPortlandOregon97205US@FY5^s5503/248-4335 >DMgo{#31 ?Courtyard Marriott City Center (SW 5th & Oak)hotel in what was once known as the "TN Building"Courtyard Marriott City Center (SW 5th & Oak, Portland)http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/pdxpc-courtyard-portland-city-center/2009-05-21 20:01:23550 SW Oak Street PortlandOregon97209US@FQ*^NKR H1|Y+3 ?Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design Shop, 722 NW Couch St, Portland, OR2009-05-26 04:28:59X53=' ?Whiffie's Fried Pies2009-05-24 19:24:31SE Hawthorne and SE 12thPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bUCV; 3 ?The Silicon Forest Blog2009-05-22 21:41:08CU;3 ?The Silicon Forest Blog2009-05-22 21:40:44BT#sm 33  9Alexander's23rd floor of the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, USA 972042009-05-22 18:05:52921 SW Sixth AvenuePortlandOR97204US <2nS _3-7% ?Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, Third Floor http://www.clfuture.org/events/2009summit2009-05-22 18:05:281825 SW BroadwayPortlandOregon97207US@F ^OKEnuintara@clfuture.org503-294-2889 9 AwAv_9 3%! >LaSells Stewart Center2009-05-30 17:29:27875 SW 26 StCorvallisOR 97331-3101US@FHBP^(& 9^M3' @The Reserve Vineyard + Golf Club2009-05-30 00:41:514805 Southwest 229th Avenue\, Beaverton\, Oregon 97007 97007BeavertonOregonUnited States@F($ x^~";b]]-3M ?OTBC (The Round)2009-05-27 20:38:2912725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@FQ^F ;bW <ށ\-3M <OTBC (The Round)2009-05-27 20:38:2912725 Sw Millikan Way, Suite 101BeavertonOR97005US@FQ^F ;bW [5 39'  ?Whiffie's Fried Pies2009-05-26 14:27:13SE Hawthorne & SE 12thPortlandOregon97214United States@F!Jc^Io;bUgZmG 3+ ?Art Institute of Portland Industrial Design ShopThe Industrial Design shop for the Art Institute of Portland.722 NW Couch St, Portland, OR2009-05-26 04:30:21722 NW Couch StPortlandOR97209US@F)^eY[ *E*4b]Is37% 9Oregon Convention Center Portland OregonRegister Now!  Hurry and Save! Time is running out... Keeping Out of Harm’s Way            Workplace Violence Potential Is On The Rise             Learn Proper Prevention From The Experts! SPECIAL OFFER:  REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 10, 2009             AND GET TWO DAY EVENT REGISTRATION AT $99.00*    * (Discount expires on June 10, 2009; Registration after June 10, 2009 is $270.00) Register now! Online at:  http://www.eventbrite.com/event/323498593 Use promotion code: CSSWPV2009 to obtain registration discount. More information at:  http://www.corpsecure.com/wpv-conferenTa]3 9Oregon Convention Center Portland Oregon2009-06-02 15:33:017`9 _359 ?Madison Ave Collectivehttp://www.cre8camp.org/Cre8CampCorvallis2009-05-30 17:31:24459 SW Madison Ave. CorvallisOR97333US@FH)(X^corvallis@cre8camp.orgce/index.html This conference is a must attend event for professionals that have responsibility to respond, manage and prevent workplace violence incidents.                                                                                    Location:  Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, June 15th and 16th 2009 Conference Highlights Understanding Workplace Violence Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Restraining orders Legal Aspects of Workplace Violence Forensic Psychology Applied to Workplace Violence Risk Management View in Workplace Violence Incidents Workplace Violence and the Media  Moderators:   Anna Song, KATU TV Award Winning News Journalist             Dr. Armando Estrada, Washington State University             Judy Clark, SPHR, CPC, Owner and President HR Answers Inc. Faculty:             Legal Expert: Paula Barran, PC, Barran Liebman Attorneys, LLP Employment Relations Expert: Dr. Armando Estrada, PhD, Industrial Psychologist Risk Management Expert: Victor Nolan, ARM, CSP Risk Manager, Clean Water Services Forensic Psychology Experts: Dr. Donald True, PhD, Dr. David Corey, PhD Law Enforcement: Police Chief Andrew Hamilton Corporate Security Experts: John J Posey, CPP, PSP James McClain, Director, Protective Services OSHA:  Michael Wood, Administrator, Oregon OSHA Investigative Reporter/Anchor:  Anna Song, KATU HR Expert: Judy Clark, SPHR, CPC, Owner and President HR Answers Inc. Conference Host:   Corporate Security Services Inc Contact:  John J. Posey, CPP, PSP                                                President Corporate Security Services Inc. 888-822-4277 jposey@corpsecure.com www.corpsecure.com  777 NE Martin Luther King Blvdhttp://www.corpsecure.com/wpv-conference/index.html2009-06-02 15:33:01Portlandoregon97232US@Fb^]Sherman Clay Pianoshttp://www.shermanclay.com/2009-06-26 18:50:36131 NW 13th AvenuePortlandOR 97209US@F(^\Q(503) 775-2480@0) kC3C @Keen Footwear 926 NW 13th Avenue, Ste 210 Portland, OR 97209http://www.keenfootwear.com2009-06-26 18:43:44926 NW 13th Avenue, Ste 210PortlandOR97209US@FƔ^*ʯ+,Ce;3C-% ?soukHot desks + meeting rooms + community = souk. souk's operating hours are M - F 9 am - 5 pm + upon request, tours by appointment only. The Nz2NM@O 3 >IIn the comfort of your own office2009-06-29 18:15:28M?O3 >IIn the comfort of your own office2009-06-29 18:15:288>?I}!3S % @'Glenn Otto Community ParkThis 6.38 acre park is the most heavily used park in the Troutdale park system. Access to the site is off East Columbia River Highway. It is bordered by the Sandy River on the east, Beaver Creek on the west, and a few residential properties on the south. Mr. Glenn Otto served the City of Troutdale for many years as a Planning Commissioner, City Councilor, and Mayor. During his tenure of service to the City he negotiated the purchase of Troutdale’s first park site located along the banks of the Sandy River and E=?3 @'Glenn Otto Community Park2009-06-28 16:47:06<137' ?Slate Technologies2009-06-29 18:13:516315 SE Holgate Blvd.PortlandOregonUnited States@F&I^E;btprovided leadership in the creation and improvement of the park. The City of Troutdale wanted to honor Mr. Otto’s illustrious career of devoted service to the City and his vision and guidance in acquiring and developing the riverside park site, so the name of the park was changed from Troutdale Community Park to Glenn Otto Park in 1995. Facilities at the park include a caretaker’s home, meeting hall, swimming beach, riverfront access, restroom building, picnic area, children’s playground, and an open play area. In addition to these facilities, there are several small buildings on the site that are used by community organizations. The Sam Cox Building and the covered picnic area can be reserved for parties, picnics, etc., by contacting Rooney Barker at 503-674-7262.1102 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060http://www.ci.troutdale.or.us/parks-facilities/documents/glennottopark.htm2009-06-28 16:50:071102 E. Historic Columbia River HwyTroutdaleOR97060US@Fĭt*^1d503-674-7262 :vM:3Ga ] 33 @Beaverton Public Library - Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR 970052009-08-07 18:48:3212375 SW 5th StreetBeavertonOR97005US@FϮ^v@YF+ ] 33 @Beaverton Public Library - Meeting Room A at 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR 970052009-08-07 18:48:3212375 SW 5th StreetBeavertonOR97005US@FϮ^v@|E+3 @Beaverton Public Library - Meeting Room A at 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR2009-08-07 18:48:32QDO 3  @(In the comfort of your own office2009-06-29 18:15:29 >IlC3' ?webinar2009-06-29 18:15:28onlinePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bP >IcB3G 3 >IWebinarPlease do not edit.placeholder for online events2009-06-29 18:15:11A137' @&Slate Technologies2009-06-29 18:13:526315 SE Holgate Blvd.PortlandOregonUnited States@F&I^E;bt ? %PZs*%OA%U339 @-Woodlawn Park AmphitheatreIt's a park.NE 13th Ave & Dekum St, Portland, ORhttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=865&action=ViewPark2009-07-03 04:39:44NE 13th Ave & Dekum StPortlandOR97211US@F1ڥ^j FNA3 @-Woodlawn Park Amphitheatre2009-07-03 04:38:27'M' W;3/ @,Watershed PDX5040 SE Milwaukee, Portland, OR 97202http://watershedpdx.com2009-07-03 02:19:565040 SE MilwaukeePortlandOR97202US@G/|_^hI9L'3 @,Watershed PDX2009-07-03 02:18:42zK33' @+EastBurn2009-07-02 20:54:15E 18th and BurnsidePortlandOregonUnited States@Fc ^hr ;by >vJ33' >EastBurn2009-07-02 20:54:14E 18th and BurnsidePortlandOregonUnited States@Fc ^hr ;by=I!= K3E5% @*SEA ChangeSEA Change is a gallery and community event space in Portland, Oreg>H13 @*SEA Change Gallery2009-07-01 05:00:53on, USA. SEA’s mission is to advocate for environmental consciousness, animal rights, and social justice via art exhibits and community events open to all walks of life. SEA Change seeks to unite progressive agents of positive change to foster cross-pollination that catalyzes an equal, peaceful, compassionate, and just future. By fusing evolutionary artists with community-based initiatives, we are putting the puzzle pieces together of how to harmoniously integrate nature and society. SEA Change aims to pinpoint the intersection of social and environmental issues. In addition to curating social and environmental art exhibits, SEA Change’s space is offered free of charge to community-based groups and individuals for events, lectures, gatherings, music, and performances intent on making the world a better place for us all to share.http://seagallery.wordpress.com2009-07-01 05:03:10625 NW Everett, Gallery #110PortlandOregon97209seagallery@gmail.com313.605.2924 ,pl,i,:X)3 @hTyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:29?W/Cg 3? @0Nedspace Old TownAbove Backspace in Old Town117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210, Portland, OR 972092009-07-08 04:43:21117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97214US@FT^:?=V/3 @0Nedspace Old Town2009-07-08 04:41:25%Se G 3+ @.City Council Chambers (City Hall, 2nd floor)1221 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR2009-07-06 19:41:001221 SW 4th AvePortlandOR97204US@Fz^kŶXXRe3 @.City Council Chambers (City Hall, 2nd floor)2009-07-06 19:40:43Q' ;37 @,Watershed PDXhttp://watershedpdx.com2009-07-03 14:56:425040 SE Milwaukie AvePortlandOR97202US@FA*2^iPA%U33; @-Woodlawn Park AmphitheatreIt's a park.NE 13th Ave & Dekum St, Portland, ORhttp://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=865&action=ViewPark2009-07-03 14:45:55NE Claremont & Dekum StPortlandOR97211US@F0^B j0 FbA 3 ?/Crowne Plaza - Lake Oswego2009-07-30 23:13:42FaA3 ?/Crowne Plaza - Lake Oswego2009-07-30 23:13:42`%39' @3OpenSourcery2009-07-10 00:06:521636 NW Lovejoy StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F =p^1&y;b؈ =_%39' =OpenSourcery2009-07-10 00:06:511636 NW Lovejoy StreetPortlandOregon97209United States@F =p^1&y;b؈n]Q 3  @hTyesha's house (inner SE Portland)2009-08-30 14:27:28PortlandORUS@FV^5Z @1_\) 3 @hTyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:29SoutheastPortlandORUS@FV^5Zd[) 3) @hTyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:29SE Powell BlvdPortlandORUS@FOB^"VZ) 3 @hTyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:29PortlandORUS@FV^5Z:Y) 3 @hTyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:29 $nQi$Bj93 @8Jason McArthur's house2009-07-12 02:31:04si) 3-  @7PacWest Center2009-07-11 21:58:041211 SW 5th Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@F',^j ;oh) 3- ;PacWest Center2009-07-11 21:58:021211 SW 5th Ave.PortlandOregon97204US@F',^jTg]3 ;1211 SW 5th Ave., Portland, Oregon 972042009-07-11 21:58:02Bf1 g 3?#A @6Page 10 Accounting607 Main Street Suite 240, Oregon City, 970452009-07-11 00:19:51607 Main Street Suite 240Oregon Cityor97045US@F4^Sdiane@page10accounting.com>e13 @6Page 10 Accounting2009-07-11 00:17:15Pd' U 3/ @5Meeting at PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building) Room 20912000 SW 49th Ave Portland, OR 972192009-07-10 04:32:4212000 Sw 49th AvePortlandOR97219US@FCh4^zc'3 @5Meeting at PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building) Room 2092009-07-10 04:32:11 re0T`ryv!3+' >NW Natural2009-07-20 23:43:54220 NW 2nd Ave.PortlandOregon97210United States@F,zxl^ I^;bؔou- 31 @?Port of Portland2009-07-19 21:59:33121 NW Everett St.PortlandOR97209US@FLzy^\ Gax3' :ATBD2009-07-20 23:46:20TBDPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bؘw3K' 9About Us2009-07-20 23:45:47107 SE Washington St. Suite 520PortlandOregon97214United States@Fd7^\(;bؗ cL=/3 @LDeschutes Brewery2009-07-27 22:54:24 Y 35 @KTektronix3025 SW Zworykin Ave,Beaverton, Oregon2009-07-27 16:51:473025 SW Zworykin AveBeavertonOregon97005US@F%1^_8.6!3 @KTektronics2009-07-27 16:51:0553O' @GTeleclass (portland)2009-07-26 07:41:00From the comfort of your own homePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bؠ13?#' @6page 10 accounting2009-07-30 23:19:20607 Main Street Suite 240Oregon CityOregon97045United States@F\(^";b؟13%#' @EBravo Publications2009-07-26 07:38:15630 B AvenueLake OswegoOregon97034United States@FoiDg^m;b؞~/3]' @0NedSpace Old Town2009-07-30 23:18:01117 NW Fifth Ave. (btwn Couch and Davis)PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^33333;b؜ J=j\JLM3 @PIntel Capital, Jones Farm Campus2009-07-30 20:41:31?U q 3E 9Portland State Business Accelerator SW Corbett Ave and SW Meade St, Portland, OR 972132009-07-30 23:48:05Sw Corbett Ave & Sw Meade StPortlandOR97201US@F`X^:T9 3 9Portland State Business Accelerator SW Corbett Ave and SW Meade St, Portland, OR 972132009-07-30 23:48:05 93 9Portland State Business Accelerator SW Corbett Ave and SW Meade St, Portland, OR 972132009-07-30 23:48:05 - !i3 @MBagby HotspringsTrail #544http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-07-29 19:41:30EstacadaorUS@F,^b< -3 @MBagby Hotsprings2009-07-29 19:39:59?/ UM3+ ) @LDeschutes Brewery210 NW 11th Ave, Portland, OR, 97209http://www.deschutesbrewery.com/2009-07-27 22:55:22210 NW 11th AvePortlandOR97209US@F&^|N/(503) 296-4906 5qF5JA 3  @4Crowne Plaza - Lake Oswego2009-07-30 23:13:43 ?/@)i 3%#=% ?Bravo PortlandBravo conference room for classes and meetings2009-07-30 23:12:05630 B AvenueLake OswegoOR97035US@FGU^t@ denise@bravoportland.com503-675-1380 @EK3+' @QBlitz bar in the Pearl District2009-07-30 23:10:46110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^$;bح ;ƁE3/' @RKells Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-07-30 23:09:32112 SW Second AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^ I^;bخ ? E3/' ?Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub2009-07-30 23:09:31112 SW Second AvePortlandOregon97204United States@FW^ I^;bخK3+' ;Blitz bar in the Pearl District2009-07-30 23:10:45110 NW 10th AvePortlandOregon97209United States@F'/^$;bحiM 3 @PIntel Capital, Jones Farm Campus2009-07-30 20:42:30HillsboroORUS@F/n^ 1=?1' [ 3S @PIntel Capital2111 NE 25th Ave., Hillsboro OR 97124 2009-07-30 23:56:24Jones Farm Campus 2111 NE 25th Ave.HillsboroOR97124 USp' 3S @PIntel Capital2009-07-30 23:55:42Jones Farm Campus 2111 NE 25th Ave.HillsboroOR97124 USCU q 3E  @OPortland State Business Accelerator SW Corbett Ave and SW Meade St, Portland, OR 972132009-07-30 23:48:06Sw Corbett Ave & Sw Meade StPortlandOR97201US@F`X^:T 913?#' @Fpage 10 accounting2009-07-30 23:19:21607 Main Street Suite 240Oregon CityOregon97045United States@F\(^";b؟ @6/3]' @DNedSpace Old Town2009-07-30 23:18:03117 NW Fifth Ave. (btwn Couch and Davis)PortlandOregon97209United States@FnP^33333;b؜ @0?/Cg 3? @0Nedspace Old TownAbove Backspace in Old Town117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210, Portland, OR 972092009-07-30 23:17:44117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97209US@FL^:}] C\C&)3A' @WOSU Foundation2009-08-07 03:36:52707 SW Washington St # 500PortlandOregon97205United States@F¦L/{^tj~;bز % ?3+ % @TNorth 45http://www.north45pub.com2009-08-06 23:12:19517 NW 21st AvePortlandOR97209US@Fj;^q503-248-6317$533' =Oregon Stamp Society2009-08-07 18:47:194828 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211United States@FlC^bM;bذ#-3[%' @UVintner's Cellar2009-08-06 19:08:1715711 SE Happy Valley Town Center DriveHappy ValleyOregonUnited States@F7KƧ^lD;bد_" + 3 @TNorth 45517 NW 21st Ave2009-08-05 23:52:56PortlandORUS@FV^5Z4!3 @TNorth 452009-08-05 23:52:00n' 3/ @PIntel Capital2009-07-30 23:57:592111 NE 25th Ave.HillsboroOR97124 US@F$|^Ar' [ 3 @PIntel Capital2111 NE 25th Ave., Hillsboro OR 97124 2009-07-30 23:56:47US@BeAW7 - z-+/3Q' @0Old Town NedSpace2009-08-07 22:11:08117 NW 5th Ave Portland\, OR 97209PortlandOregonUnited States@FnP^33333;bص7*a ] 33  @)Beaverton Public Library - Meeting Room A 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR 970052009-08-07 18:48:3412375 SW 5th StreetBeavertonOR97005US@FϮ^v@ @ )533' @VOregon Stamp Society2009-08-07 18:47:214828 NE 33rd AvenuePortlandOregon97211United States@FlC^bM;bذ =!(SUq 3A >PSU Professional Development CenterClassroom with projector and two big screens! Donated by the Professional Development Center of Portland State University. Tenth floor of a fancy office building. Tell the lobby guard that you are there for the group meeting.1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 972012009-08-07 19:16:361515 SW 5th St, Suite 1050PortlandOR97210US@Fm]^>EO'S3 >PSU Professional Development Center2009-08-07 19:16:36 Ir rI}0E 3%  ;SplashCast [out of business]2009-08-07 19:21:43226 NW DavisPortlandOregon97209US@F$~5^vg;bd%/SUq 3A  @XPSU Professional Development CenterClassroom with projector and two big screens! Donated by the Professional Development Center of Portland State University. Tenth floor of a fancy office building. Tell the lobby guard that you are there for the group meeting.1515 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1050 Portland, OR 972012009-08-07 19:16:381515 SW 5th St, Suite 1050PortlandOR97210US@Fm]^>E >Ɂ.' 735 % ?PHC Northwesthttp://www.phcnw.com/2009-08-07 19:13:215414 NE 148th AvenuePortlandOregon97230US@FyQ?^ 503.261.1266f- 3- @PGE Park 2009-08-07 19:09:141844 SW MorrisonPortlandOR97205US@F=:^E ,A3+' >Oregon State Capitol Steps2009-08-07 19:06:45900 Court St NeSalemOregon97301United States@Fx1&x^R;b >L a+57 7A3 5 @ZBelle Vallee Winery, The Belle Vallee Winery has a meeting room upstairs which can hold 70 people, with a view of the winery and a kitchen attached. 804 NW Buchanan Ave. http://www.bellevallee.com2009-08-11 06:01:13CorvallisOregon97330US@FHȼ^ћF(541) 757 WINE. • A473 @ZBelle Vallee Winery, 2009-08-11 05:55:003/3Q' @YOld Town NedSpace2009-08-07 22:11:09117 NW 5th Ave Portland\, OR 97209PortlandOregonUnited States@FnP^33333;bص @062G m 31# >aSmall Business Administration601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204-3192 2009-08-07 22:10:08601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOregon97204-3192 US@FdD^1.1= 73?  :xVidoop [out of business]http://www.vidoop.com2009-08-07 19:23:56117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210PortlandOregon97209US@FUu}^:?;bը ff9y 5 3 ?University of Oregon, White Stag Block, Enter on Couch70 N.W. Couch Street2009-08-15 18:16:11PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q~8/3 ?University of Oregon, White Stag Block, 70 N.W. Couch Street, Portland, OR 97209 2009-08-15 18:16:11O73 ]A33 5 @ZBelle Vallee WineryThe Belle Vallee Winery has a meeting room upstairs which can hold 70 people, with a view of the winery and a kitchen attached. 804 NW Buchanan Ave,Corvallis, Or, 97330http://www.bellevallee.com2009-08-11 06:05:20804 NW Buchanan AveCorvallisOregon97330US@FIjy^ЬW`(541) 757 WINE. • '63 3A3 5 @ZBelle Vallee WineryThe Belle Vallee Winery has a meeting room upstairs which can hold 70 people, with a view of the winery and a kitchen attached. 804 NW Buchanan Avehttp://www.bellevallee.com2009-08-11 06:02:23CorvallisOregon97330US@FHȼ^ћF(541) 757 WINE. • |ei||A/3? @`Nedspace Old Town2009-08-14 17:47:25117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97209US@FL^:}];bؼ @0{?/3? @0Nedspace Old Town2009-08-14 17:47:23117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210PortlandOR97209US@FL^:}];bؼd>}3 Room 86-01 (downstairs) of the Fourth Avenue building, at Portland State University. 2009-08-15 18:07:47 <E3+' ?Museum of Contemporary Craft2009-08-14 17:47:30724 Nw Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F"`B^dZ;bػj;%3' @\Location TBD2009-08-11 15:58:37tbdPortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bع:y 35 ?University of Oregon, White Stag Block, Enter on Couch2009-08-15 18:16:1170 N.W. Couch StreetPortlandOR97209US@Fn ^EwU ZmVZ8G/ a]3 ) @bCharlie's Produce18332 NE San Raphael, Gresham, OR 97230 http://www.charliesproduce.com/portland/2009-08-15 18:03:17GreshamORUS@Fje^(503) 491-5974=F/3 @bCharlie's Produce2009-08-15 18:01:29>E3K' >Portland Center Stage in the Gerding Theater at the Armory2009-08-14 18:03:50128 NW Eleventh Ave at Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F ^S;b׏ 9hD}3 @_Webtrends 851 SW 6th Ave #1600, Portland, OR 97204-1343 2009-08-14 18:01:52 Standard Insurance Plaza Auditorium1100 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 972042009-08-15 18:19:081100 SW 6th Avenue PortlandOregon97204United States@F ^͙{g;bǁJy 35  @[University of Oregon, White Stag Block, Enter on Couch2009-08-15 18:16:1270 N.W. Couch StreetPortlandOR97209US@Fn ^EwU ?TI[ [Y3+ ?White Stag Block (University of Oregon)70 NW Couch St., Portland, Oregon 97209http://pdx.uoregon.edu/leed/index.html2009-08-15 18:15:3670 NW Couch St.PortlandOregon97209US@FON^PrH73 @^Room 86-01 (downstairs) of the Fourth Avenue building, at Portland State University. 2009-08-15 18:07:47 > K K{V) 3M @hTyesha's house2009-08-18 17:08:113237 SE Francis St., Portland ORPortlandOR97202US@FUP^prXLUM3 @h3237 SE Francis St., Portland OR2009-08-18 17:07:450T 3G @gOHSU - BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 2009-08-18 06:30:413181 SW Sam Jackson Park RoadPortlandor97239US@Fxh^u6 ;S- 3G @gOHSU Auditorium - BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 2009-08-18 06:29:493181 SW Sam Jackson Park RoadPortlandor97239US@Fxh^u6 }R-3 @gOHSU Auditorium - BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 2009-08-18 06:29:15QA 3; @fIntel - Ronler Acres - RA12009-08-18 06:22:23 2501 N.W 229th Avenue Hillsboroor97124US@F!%^D~orpP3 @fIntel - Ronler Acres - RA1, 2501 N.W 229th Avenue , Hillsboro 971242009-08-18 06:21:39 P%V[a3 ;Blitz, 110 NW 10th Ave, Portland, OR 972092009-08-30 14:27:15'ZM Ss311 @jAdobe Conference Center Seattle Adobe's Conference Center in Fremount neighborhood Seattle Wa 701 N. 34th Street Seattle Wa 98103http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pdfs/seattlemap.pdf2009-08-19 01:23:04701 N. 34th StreetSeattle WA98122US@G,^UDR?roberte3@gmail.comLYM3 @jAdobe Conference Center Seattle 2009-08-19 01:12:42 XOcQ 3/ @iW+K Portland Incubator Experimenthttp://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland-incubator-experiment-pie/1227 NW Davis Street, Portland, OR2009-08-18 19:44:301227 NW Davis St.PortlandOR97209US@F)ϯ^υMWO3 @iW+K Portland Incubator Experiment2009-08-18 19:42:08 B;b)3)' @mMt. Tabor Park2009-08-21 17:53:01SE 60 & SalmonPortlandOregon97215United States@FrGE^+ J;b ?K|_)3)' ?KMt. Tabor Park2009-08-21 17:53:00SE 60 & SalmonPortlandOregon97215United States@FrGE^+ J;b^33/ 3 @lPCC Sylvania CampusPCC Sylvania Campus12000 SW 49th Ave2009-08-20 21:53:41PortlandOR97219US@FQz^S?]33 @lPCC Sylvania Campus2009-08-20 21:52:50x\q+53 - ;BlitzBlitz was founded in February of 2007 with our Downtown Pearl District location. Our business plan was very simple. We wanted to create an environment where our customers could come in, enjoy our games, specials, drinks, and food; affordably.110 NW 10th Avehttp://blitzpdx.com/2009-08-30 14:27:15PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q(503) 222 - 2229 m\m5i3 @rCinema 212009-08-24 20:52:136h!3 @rcinema 21 2009-08-31 15:48:38g/W 3- @pPIEDirectly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs.1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 972092009-08-24 17:39:381227 NW Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F)ϯ^υf W 3- @pPIE1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 972092009-08-24 17:38:471227 NW Davis StPortlandOR97209US@F)ϯ^υ/e3 @pPIE2009-08-24 17:37:59$dU3C' @oMc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2009-08-21 23:34:094045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124United States@FBZc ^;b ; cU3C' ;Mc Menamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse2009-08-21 23:34:084045 N.W. Cornelius Pass RdHillsboroOregon97124United States@FBZc ^;b ;i- r) ? 3+! @uBuckman School320 SE 16th Ave, Portland2009-08-25 17:04:47320 SE 16th AvePortlandOregon97214-1484US@F©^ggq) ' 3 @uBuckman School320 SE 16 Ave2009-08-25 17:03:14PortlandOregonUS@FV^5ZIpG3 @uBuckman School, 320 SE 16 Ave2009-08-25 17:02:56o# 3 33# @tUmpqua Bank, 3606 SW Bond Ave.2009-08-25 01:42:37, 3606 SW Bond Ave. Portland, OR 97239US@F[l7`^yon# 3 3# @tUmpqua Bank, 3606 SW Bond Ave.2009-08-25 01:42:11 Portland, OR 97239US@Fc|^n]mo3 @tUmpqua Bank, 3606 SW Bond Ave. Portland, OR 972392009-08-25 01:41:44Aj+;3 @rCinema 21Cinema 21 is an independently-owned, locally-operated movie theater.616 NW 21st Avehttp://www.cinema21.com2009-08-24 20:53:59PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q BpPBw;3 9Portland State Business Accelerator, SW Corbett Ave. & SW Meade St., Portland, OR 972012009-08-30 14:28:07v93A <McMenamins Cedar Hills2009-08-30 14:27:222927 S.W. Cedar Hills BlvdBeavertonOR97005US@FP^8? ;b́ u) ? 3+! @uBuckman School320 SE 16th Ave, Portland2009-08-25 17:05:49320 SE 16th AvePortlandOregon97214-1484US@F\(^g t) ? 3+! @uBuckman School320 SE 16th Ave, Portland2009-08-25 17:05:41320 SE 16th AvePortlandOregon97214-1484US@F¦L/{^g s) ? 3+! @uBuckman School320 SE 16th Ave, Portland2009-08-25 17:05:31320 SE 16th AvePortlandOregon97214-1484US@F¬>B^g Uxauq_3q-% 9Portland State Business Accelerator (PSBA)The Portland State Business Accelerator is a business incubator and accelerator for high technology start-ups. It is sponsored by Portland State University as an economic development effort and a means of providing a Living Laboratory for faculty and students who want to work with entrepreneurial start-ups.SW Corbett Ave. & SW Meade St., Portland, OR 97201http://www.psba.pdx.edu/drivingdirections2009-08-30 14:28:07SW Corbett Ave. & SW Meade St., Portland, OR 97201PortlandOR97201US@F`X^:Tpsbainfo@pdx.edu503-725-2312 6yGcMG39' @xKinetic Technology Solutions Need a professionally designed Class A facility to conduct a training program or meeting? Kinetic classrooms and meeting rooms are available for rent by the day or the week. The classrooms have been designed to support the learning experience - specialized lighting and temperature control, high-end computers, color projection systems - high-speed internet, everything necessary to support your training needs. Your customers will enjoy all the amenities that Kinetic learners have access to each day – a full-service coffee/tea bar, morning and afternoon refreshments, and an unparalleled level of customer care.1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305 http://www.kineticoregon.com/2009-08-27 20:38:00PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Ylinfo@KineticOregon.com503.520.0555. izGcuG3K9' @xKinetic Technology Solutions Need a professionally designed Class A facility to conduct a training program or meeting? Kinetic classrooms and meeting rooms are available for rent by the day or the week. The classrooms have been designed to support the learning experience - specialized lighting and temperature control, high-end computers, color projection systems - high-speed internet, everything necessary to support your training needs. Your customers will enjoy all the amenities that Kinetic learners have access to each day – a full-service coffee/tea bar, morning and afternoon refreshments, and an unparalleled level of customer care.1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305 - Portland, OR 97204http://www.kineticoregon.com/2009-08-27 20:49:011001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Ylinfo@KineticOregon.com503.520.0555. i{GcuG3K9' @xKinetic Technology Solutions Need a professionally designed Class A facility to conduct a training program or meeting? Kinetic classrooms and meeting rooms are available for rent by the day or the week. The classrooms have been designed to support the learning experience - specialized lighting and temperature control, high-end computers, color projection systems - high-speed internet, everything necessary to support your training needs. Your customers will enjoy all the amenities that Kinetic learners have access to each day – a full-service coffee/tea bar, morning and afternoon refreshments, and an unparalleled level of customer care.1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305 - Portland, OR 97204http://www.kineticoregon.com/2009-08-27 20:49:241001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 305PortlandOR97204US@F ZV^,'info@KineticOregon.com503.520.0555. c) 3  @1Tyesha's house2009-08-30 14:27:30SoutheastPortlandORUS@FV^5Z @hn~Q 3  ?Tyesha's house (inner SE Portland)2009-08-30 14:27:29PortlandORUS@FV^5Z @h}93A @vMcMenamins Cedar Hills2009-08-30 14:27:232927 S.W. Cedar Hills BlvdBeavertonOR97005US@FP^8? ;b <||q+53 - @kBlitzBlitz was founded in February of 2007 with our Downtown Pearl District location. Our business plan was very simple. We wanted to create an environment where our customers could come in, enjoy our games, specials, drinks, and food; affordably.110 NW 10th Avehttp://blitzpdx.com/2009-08-30 14:27:15PortlandOR97209US@F(^\Q(503) 222 - 2229 ;  t7 3) ?SmartPark 33 NW Davis2009-08-30 14:36:5633 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209US@F1w^-U 3/'  ?)Standard Insurance Center Auditorium2009-08-30 14:29:24900 SW 5th AvenuePortlandOregon97204United States@F:)y^dZ;bYauq_3q-% @wPortland State Business Accelerator (PSBA)The Portland State Business Accelerator is a business incubator and accelerator for high technology start-ups. It is sponsored by Portland State University as an economic development effort and a means of providing a Living Laboratory for faculty and students who want to work with entrepreneurial start-ups.SW Corbett Ave. & SW Meade St., Portland, OR 97201http://www.psba.pdx.edu/drivingdirections2009-08-30 14:28:07SW Corbett Ave. & SW Meade St., Portland, OR 97201PortlandOR97201US@F`X^:Tpsbainfo@pdx.edu503-725-2312 9 )A)i 3 @gBICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 2009-08-31 15:47:59}/ i3 @MBagby Hot Springshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-08-30 14:57:30US@BeAW7}/ i3 @MBagby Hot Springshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-08-30 14:56:56US@BeAW7}/ i3 @MBagby Hot Springshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-08-30 14:53:07US@BeAW7- i3 @MBagby Hotspringshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-08-30 14:51:36Road 70EstacadaOR00070US@F{k;=^׃- i3 @MBagby Hotspringshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagby_Hot_Springs2009-08-30 14:49:24Road 70EstacadaOR00070US@F{k;=^׃; U 3/ @5PCC Sylvania Campus - TCB (Technology Classroom Building)12000 SW 49th Ave Portland, OR 972192009-08-30 14:37:4512000 Sw 49th AvePortlandOR97219US@FCh4^ :YC:+ 3I  @zBICC theatre OHSU ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road ,Portland2009-08-31 15:48:003181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road POrtlandOR97239US@Fxh^u6 @g' I 3  @yBICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road 2009-08-31 15:47:59PortlandORUS@FV^5Z @g+  3I  @gBICC theatre OHSU ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road ,Portland2009-08-31 15:48:003181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road POrtlandOR97239US@Fxh^u6 ?!'  3I @gBICC theatre OHSU ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road ,Portland2009-08-31 15:48:013181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road POrtlandOR97239US@Fxh^u6 h 3 @gBICC theatre OHSU ,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road ,Portland2009-08-31 15:48:01#  I 3 @gBICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) theatre 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road 2009-08-31 15:47:59PortlandORUS@FV^5Z lPc$l4-UU 3# @The Louisa Patiobetween Couch and Davis in the Pearl123 NW 12th, Portland, Oregon, 972092009-09-02 16:42:09123 NW 12thPortlandOregon97209US@Fx^jy5<-3 @The Louisa Patio2009-09-02 16:41:05E3)' >IImagine Your Reality Webinar2009-09-02 23:47:56home or officePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;bӁS3-' @|Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE)2009-08-31 17:24:421227 NW Davis StPortlandOregon97209United States@F ^Ƨ;bЁ Y3#' @{University of Oregon White Stag Blocks2009-08-31 17:24:1070 NW CouchPortlandOregonUnited States@F'/^m;b:!3 @qcinema 21 2009-08-31 15:48:39 @r, 3I  ?!BICC (Biomedical Information Communications Center) Theater 2009-08-31 15:48:013181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road Portlandor97239US@FN&Ԁ^ud @g \]\ E3)' @}Imagine Your Reality Webinar2009-09-02 23:47:56home or officePortlandOregonUnited States@F ^C%;b >I@ _M31 % =Aquariva0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland OR 97239http://www.aquarivaportland.com/2009-09-02 23:43:25470 Sw Hamilton CtPortlandOR97239US@FfQ^ 503 802 5850 @,= K3; ' @Aquariva Italian Kitchenhttp://www.aquarivaportland.com2009-09-02 23:42:320470 SW Hamilton Court Portland OR 97239 US@FQ?^503 802 5850 -? K3; ' @Aquariva Italian Kitchen,http://www.aquarivaportland.com2009-09-02 22:41:530470 SW Hamilton Court Portland OR 97239 US@FQ?^503 802 5850 }= 5 3 @Aquariva Italian Kitchen0470 SW Hamilton Ct 2009-09-02 22:37:45Portland OR 97239 US@Fc|^no3 @Aquariva Italian Kitchen, 0470 SW Hamilton Ct, Portland OR 97239 2009-09-02 22:36:44 BuBR(+ q=3I ) >HSCORE Portland 601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950, Portland, OR 97204http://www.scorepdx.org/2009-09-05 20:23:47601 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 950PortlandOR97204US@Fha^>Yl(503) 326-3441'3 e3/ @lPCC Sylvania Campushttp://www.pcc.edu/about/locations/sylvania/2009-09-05 20:16:0812000 SW 49th AvePortlandOR97219US@FCrE^W8&9 U3I'  @Elemental Technologieshttp://www.elementaltechnologies.com2009-09-05 20:04:43620 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 400PortlandOregon97204United States@Fu%F ^S;bՁ%93K' @Elemental Technologies2009-09-04 21:36:26620 SW Fifth Avenue\, Suite 400PortlandOregon97204United States@Fu%F ^S;bv# 3 @Visit calagator.org or linuxfund.org the day of the event for venue info!2009-09-03 06:46:52v"3 @Visit calagator.org or linuxfund.org the day of the event for venue info!2009-09-03 06:46:46 gg, I3- % ?Bay 13 http://www.bay13restaurant.com2009-09-07 19:45:11701 NW 13th Ave PortlandOR97209US@FÒlh^lT503.227.1133*% a 31  >GODS Building601 SW Second Ave., Portland, Oregon 972042009-09-05 20:25:21601 SW Second Ave.PortlandOR97204US@FdD^1. >Hf)y3 >FODS Bldg., Room 2030, 601 SW 2nd Ave, Portland,Oregon2009-09-05 20:25:15 >H XHXl.9 wI3W ' =Ambridge Event Center 1333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland OR http://www.ambridgeevents.com/2009-09-07 19:51:141333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdPortlandOregon97232US@F'1]^XO 503-239-99214-? W35 % >Agency Ultra Sport LoungeThe Agency Ultra Sport Lounge is a new genre of entertainment right outside PGE Park on 19th between Burnside and Morrison. Come watch the game in a plush atmosphere on one of 50 HD TV's or play games on one of our XBOX360s or Wiis. Watch live games or play recorded ones right off of our system. We have a great selection of high end sports bar food and also great bistro, healthy or international options. We promise you that The Agency Ultra Sport Lounge will change your mind about what a Sports Bar should be. http://www.theagencyentertainment.com2009-09-07 19:48:011939 SW Morrison St.PortlandOregon97205US@FR$^EGM503-548-2921 S*N3Y%_ 39 % ?>Buffalo Wild Wings (Portland Downtown)Bar a Grill.327 SW Morrison Street Portland, OR 972042009-09-07 20:06:48327 SW Morrison StreetPortlandOregon97204US@FXyD^@.,503-224-1309 21 3%#' % @EBravo Publications2009-09-07 20:04:31630 B AvenueLake OswegoOregon97034United States@FoiDg^m503.675.1380;b؞ 1 E3/  ;Bossanovahttp://www.eastburnside.com/2009-09-07 20:01:49722 E Burnside StPortlandOregon97214US@F$'^O3;b&0) M33  ;Blue Dragonflyhttp://www.bluedragonflypdx.com/2009-09-07 19:59:241195 SE Powell BlvdPortlandOregon97202US@F$5inY^ǒ(|;b')/O ?3- ' =Banner Bank Pearl District Branchhttp://www.bannerbank.com2009-09-07 19:53:41910 NW 10th Ave.PortlandOregon 97209US@F+$q^503-241-7805 =+fJ= 7Oo #31 % ?Courtyard by Marriott City Centerhotel in what was once known as the "TN Building"http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/pdxpc-courtyard-portland-city-center/2009-09-07 20:27:53550 SW Oak Street PortlandOR97209US@FQ*^NKR 503-505-50006mo #31 % ?Courtyard by Marriott City Center (SW 5th & Oak)hotel in what was once known as the "TN Building"http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/pdxpc-courtyard-portland-city-center/2009-09-07 20:27:37550 SW Oak Street PortlandOR97209US@FQ*^NKR 503-505-5000A5 ;3+ @rCinema 21Cinema 21 is an independently-owned, locally-operated movie theater.http://www.cinema21.com2009-09-07 20:23:44616 NW 21st AvePortlandOR97209US@FÀ7*^q>́Q4/ a]35 ) @bCharlie's Produce18332 NE San Raphael, Gresham, OR 97230 http://www.charliesproduce.com/portland/2009-09-07 20:11:3918332 NE San RaphaelGreshamOR97230US@Fje^(503) 491-5974 ?+<= K39 ' @Aquariva Italian Kitchenhttp://www.aquarivaportland.com2009-09-07 20:41:310470 SW Hamilton CourtPortland OR 97239 US@FQ?^503 802 5850 ;Oo #3/ % ?Courtyard by Marriott City Centerhotel in what was once known as the "TN Building"http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/pdxpc-courtyard-portland-city-center/2009-09-07 20:41:10550 SW Oak StreetPortlandOR97209US@FQ*^NKR 503-505-50007:31 ;3+' % >Cyan Leasing CenterApartment buildinghttp://www.cyanpdx.com/2009-09-07 20:39:591720 SW 4th AvePortlandOregon97201United States@FXbM^Q503-802-1041;b-9- _33 ) ;6Crystal Ballroomhttp://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=22009-09-07 20:33:501332 W. Burnside StPortlandOregon97209@FC,^ =p(503) 225-0047;b=87 3E%i' @;CresaPartners Office 2009-09-07 20:30:44One SW Columbia St. Ste 1610Portland, OROR97258US@FAK^;ʸhttp://www.cresapartners.com/offices/portland/503.598.3900 wR@$B3 O33 % >PDavis Street Tavernhttp://www.davisstreettavern.com/2009-09-07 21:04:10500 NW Davis StreetPortlandOR97209US@F#3^:T503 505 5050;b A/ I3 @M Bagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-09-07 20:52:52NFD 70 RdEstacadaOR00070US@F{k;=^׃@/ I3 @M Bagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-09-07 20:52:09NFD 70 RdEstacadaOR97023US@F{k;=^׃?/ I3; @M Bagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-09-07 20:50:37National Forest Road 70EstacadaOR97023US@Fi U ^gB& >/ I3) @M Bagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-09-07 20:49:12Forest Road 70EstacadaOR97023US@F%^~^=/ I3)  @MBagby Hot Springshttp://www.bagbyhotsprings.com2009-09-07 20:45:04Forest Road 70EstacadaORUS@BeAW7 "d#wCX"3I3 @Rontoms2009-09-08 23:30:33gH7g]C3/ @Metro Regional CenterThe offices of the Metro Regional Government.600 NE Grand Ave. Portland OR USA 97232 http://www.oregonmetro.gov/2009-09-08 17:22:38600 NE Grand Ave.PortlandOregon97232US@FÆ+'^EX1G3 @Metro2009-09-08 17:20:00(FQ G3- % >Elephants Delicatessen NW 22nd Avehttp://www.elephantsdeli.com/2009-09-07 21:11:42115 NW 22nd Ave.PortlandOR97210US@F{[^=503.299.6304)EQ G3/ % >Elephants Delicatessen NW 22nd Avehttp://www.elephantsdeli.com/2009-09-07 21:11:03115 NW 22nd Ave. PortlandOR97210US@F{[^=503.299.6304D ;39 '  ?5Disjectahttp://www.disjecta.org2009-09-07 21:08:058371 N. Interstate AvePortlandOregonUnited States@Fʳg ^lC;bC7 13M >NDavis Wright Tremainehttp://www.dwt.com2009-09-07 21:06:031300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300PortlandOregon97201US@F@W^{_J Z@_'Z~TG 3 3 @The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel403 SW 10th Avenue 2009-09-12 00:19:29Portland OR97205US@FŸ^E4vISG3 @The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel2009-09-12 00:18:475R 3 @Ace Hotel2009-09-12 00:18:08IQG3 @The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel2009-09-12 00:17:57P; I 3+ @Pop Art Community Room 718 SW Alder Street, Suite 2202009-09-12 00:08:08718 Sw Alder StPortlandOR97205US@F‘^}NtcO{3 @Pop Art Community Room (718 SW Alder Street, Suite 220)2009-09-12 00:07:46vL / 3/ @Rontoms600 E Burnside St2009-09-08 23:35:21600 E Burnside StPortlandOr97214US@F<[^3vK / 3/ @Rontoms600 E Burnside St2009-09-08 23:33:22600 E Burnside StPortlandOr97214US@Fs^R_eJ / 3 @Rontoms600 E Burnside St2009-09-08 23:30:56PortlandOr97214US@Fs^R_ VG K 3+ @The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel403 SW Stark, Portland OR 972052009-09-12 00:20:50403 Sw Stark StPortlandOR97204US@F¡c^;;&GkU 3 @The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel, 403 SW Stark, Portland OR 972052009-09-12 00:20:31~ytoje`[VQLGB=83.)$ ysmga[UOIC=71+% }wqke_YSMGA;5/)#Jx܃ڃك؂ׂ~ւ}Ղ|Ԃ{ӂz҂yтxЂwςv΂u͂t˂rɂqȂoƂmłlÂjihgedc`_[F1 ~{xvtsrqponkhec_YVTRPNLI~4}-{,y*w)v(u't&s%r#q!onmlkjih e da`y_x^w[qZmYlXjWiUfTeRdN[MULTKSJR>O8M2L,K&J IHGF A > 9 5 320+(&# kt m /[Gindexindex_versions_on_item_type_and_item_idversions&CREATE INDEX "index_versions_on_item_type_and_item_id" ON "versions" ("item_type", "item_id")Zindexindex_taggings_on_tag_id_and_taggable_id_and_taggable_typetaggings&CCREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_taggings_on_tag_id_and_taggable_id_and_taggable_type" ON "taggings" ("tag_id", "taggable_id", "taggable_type")_1indexindex_tags_on_nametags&!CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_tags_on_name" ON "tags" ("name") =//indexunique_schema_migrationsschema_migrations& CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version") [tableversionsversionsCREATE TABLE "versions" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "item_type" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "item_id" integer NOT NULL, "event" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "whodunnit" varchar(255), "object" text, "created_at" datetime) 1*3EventJxFcreate2009-09-14 07:33:05U _3EventJxFdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 07:32:22 Z title: test event - updated rrule: venue_id: 202390594 url: http://website2 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457670 version: description: description2 source_id: start_time: 2009-09-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-14 09:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 07:31:57 Z 2009-09-14 07:32:54H G3EventJxFupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 07:31:57 Z title: test event rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://website duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457670 version: description: description source_id: start_time: 2009-09-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-14 09:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 07:31:57 Z 2009-09-14 07:32:22*3EventJxFcreate2009-09-14 07:31:57 $|$U _3EventJxFdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 07:32:22 Z title: test event - updated rrule: venue_id: 202390594 url: http://website2 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457670 version: description: description2 source_id: start_time: 2009-09-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-14 09:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 07:31:57 Z 2009-09-14 07:40:22*3EventJxFcreate2009-09-14 07:40:01U _3EventJxFdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 07:32:22 Z title: test event - updated rrule: venue_id: 202390594 url: http://website2 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457670 version: description: description2 source_id: start_time: 2009-09-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-14 09:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 07:31:57 Z 2009-09-14 07:33:11 ; -3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457541 version: 1 description: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-15 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-15 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z 2009-09-14 16:32:00r 3EventJvGdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-05-01 22:40:35 Z title: Startupalooza II rrule: venue_id: 202389907 url: http://www.legionoftech.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457159 version: 1 description: Save the date! More info later. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-05-01 22:40:35 Z 2009-09-14 09:09:51 B> 33EventJx update--- updated_at: 2009-09-08 17:23:21 Z title: WhereCamp PDX rrule: venue_id: 2; -3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 16:32:00 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457541 version: 1 description: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-15 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-15 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z 2009-09-14 16:34:2102391687 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457609 version: 3 description: "WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks \xE2\x80\x9Cwhere am I\xE2\x80\x9D or feels the need to \xE2\x80\x9Cknow their place\xE2\x80\x9D.\r\n\ \r\n\ An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation \xE2\x80\x93 this event is free and it is driven by the participants." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-25 16:49:48 Z 2009-09-14 17:09:15 * 3Venue @create2009-09-14 17:10:49N S3EventJx7update--- updated_at: 2009-09-08 17:31:29 Z title: WhereCamp PDX Game Day rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457655 version: 1 description: |- WhereCamp is a free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. The game day is a chance to get out around town, and try out different locative and urban games and activities. Last year we did Pac-Manhattan, Cruel 2B Kind, and a disaster preparedness mapping activity. Check our website for details on this year's game schedule. If you'd like to host an activity in connection with the event, please contact us via the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/wherecamp-pdx source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:31:29 Z 2009-09-14 17:09:52 H G3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 17:10:49 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Gallery Homeland region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391694 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-14 17:10:49 Z 2009-09-14 17:13:15v #3EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z title: WhereCamp PDX Opening Night rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: WhereCamp PDX is an free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. Join us for our opening night party to mingle and discuss topics for Saturday. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-14 17:10:50 2|2G E3Venue >Tupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 18:32:48 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Amnesia Brewpub region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391695 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-14 18:32:48 Z 2009-09-14 18:37:34*3EventJxHcreate2009-09-14 18:32:48*3Venue >Tcreate2009-09-14 18:32:48*3EventJxGcreate2009-09-14 18:17:18} 13EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 17:10:50 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Night" rrule: venue_id: 202391694 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: WhereCamp PDX is an free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. Join us for our opening night party to mingle and discuss topics for Saturday. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-14 17:14:24 E A3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 16:34:21 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457541 version: 1 description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-15 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-15 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z 2009-09-14 18:44:44 < /3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 18:44:44 Z title: "Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Slate Language and more" rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457541 version: 1 description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his Slate programming language. * ...and more great talks and open discussions at the meeting. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-15 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-15 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z 2009-09-14 18:45:23 \\ 93EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:32 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule: 3 3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 18:45:23 Z title: "Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Slate and more" rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457541 version: 1 description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his Slate programming language. * ...and more great talks and open discussions at the meeting. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-15 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-15 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 10:03:03 Z 2009-09-14 18:51:39venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456240 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD


          PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

          It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

          Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

          Twitter: @pjug
          Web: pjug.org
          (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
            source_id: 996333392 start_time: 2009-09-16 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-16 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:32 Z 2009-09-14 19:19:30Speaker: Lyle Harris Lyle Harris is a Software Engineer working in World Wide Operations at Sun Microsystems, where he develops internal Java applications for automation and customer-facing web applications. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) source_id: 996333392 start_time: 2009-09-16 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-16 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:32 Z 2009-09-14 19:21:39 kGk  O3EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 19:22:51 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule:  93EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:43 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule: . 3EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 19:19:30 Z title: "Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java" rrule: venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456240 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: Grid Packet Computing for Java (GPC4J) GPC4J is a computing paradigm that breaks a partitionable problem into GridPackets, which are routed, processed and re-assembled into the solution to the original problem. This presentation will cover the use of the system and design of the project's web application. The application is built using REST (Jersey), Maven, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL and GlassFish. ---------- venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456241 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD


          PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

          It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

          Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

          Twitter: @pjug
          Web: pjug.org
          (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
            source_id: 996333393 start_time: 2009-10-21 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:43 Z 2009-09-14 19:22:51venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456241 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) source_id: 996333393 start_time: 2009-10-21 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:43 Z 2009-09-14 19:23:02venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456242 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD


          PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

          It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

          Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

          Twitter: @pjug
          Web: pjug.org
          (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
            source_id: 996333394 start_time: 2009-11-18 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-18 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:05:01 Z 2009-09-14 19:23:21 $*#3EventJxLcreate2009-09-15 22:39:18_" s3EventJwdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-08-21 22:57:29 Z title: "SAOpdx: Poker Night" rrule: ve*!3EventJxKcreate2009-09-15 20:38:28 c3EventJxJupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 21:12:47 Z title: "CEO Roundtable - Go to Market Strategies: Reaching your customers with limited resources" rrule: venue_id: 202390835 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=108 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457674 version: descrip*3EventJxJcreate2009-09-14 21:12:47*3EventJxIcreate2009-09-14 20:35:11 93EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2008-12-15 22:05:17 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule:  93EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2008-12-15 22:05:01 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule: venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456243 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD


          PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

          It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!

          Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).

          Twitter: @pjug
          Web: pjug.org
          (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
            source_id: 996333395 start_time: 2009-12-16 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-16 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:05:17 Z 2009-09-14 19:23:39tion: |- Paul Gulick, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of developing sales strategies and options you can employ to reach customers with limited resources. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Date and Time:Wednesday November 18, 11:30 am - 1:00pm Location: Iron Stone Bank Conference Room 309 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Registration: OEN Members - $46, Non Members - $80 source_id: start_time: 2009-09-14 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-14 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 21:12:47 Z 2009-09-14 21:13:50nue_id: 202391475 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4166739/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457594 version: 1 description: |- Bring your friends, or come make new ones! We always have a great time, so even if you're the world's worst or the world's best poker player, it's going to be time well spent. Onsite Payment We accept credit card and cash onsite. Sorry, no checks. Who can play Anyone over 21 the law allows. Any industry, any skill level, and you don't have to be an SAO member to play. Substitutions Substitutions are allowed if made by noon, day of play (close of online registration). You must contact Stephanie El-Hajj to make your substitution. Substitutions are not allowed onsite. Time Registration opens at 5:30. Grab what you need from the bar downstairs and join us upstairs. Play starts at 6:00pm sharp. If you're registered but arrive after 6:00pm, your seat might be given to a walk-in! Play to win - some games last til 10:00pm. Rebuys A maximum of three (3) rebuys are allowed. Rebuys are $25 each and can only be purchased once ALL of your chips are gone. We do not allow chip add-ons. Rebuys are not added to the prize pot. Prize Payout (Minimum Guarantee)* 1st Place - $300 2nd Place - $150 3rd Place - $50 4th-10th Place - Bragging Rights Small Print *Final payout is based on total buyins. Winners will be awarded Visa Gift Cards. We will not have prizes night-of. Poker winners will be notified when the Cards are available for pickup at the SAO Office. Thank you to our volunteer dealers - Poker Night wouldn't be possible without your help! Poker Night Sponsors: Edgelink, Intel, ViaWest, WebTrends. source_id: 996333742 start_time: 2009-09-24 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-21 22:57:29 Z 2009-09-15 22:39:15Speaker: Lyle Harris Lyle Harris is a Software Engineer working in World Wide Operations at Sun Microsystems, where he develops internal Java applications for automation and customer-facing web applications. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) source_id: 996333392 start_time: 2009-09-16 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-16 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:32 Z 2009-09-15 22:54:58 G*&3EventJxMcreate2009-09-15 23:43:50*%3Venue @create2009-09-15 23:43:50.$ 3EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 19:21:39 Z title: "Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java" rrule: venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456240 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: Grid Packet Computing for Java (GPC4J) GPC4J is a computing paradigm that breaks a partitionable problem into GridPackets, which are routed, processed and re-assembled into the solution to the original problem. This presentation will cover the use of the system and design of the project's web application. The application is built using REST (Jersey), Maven, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL and GlassFish. ----------  99{( -3Venue =update--- updated_at: 2009-08-11 15:58:37 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5118 title: Location TBD region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391644 version: 1 street_address: tbd description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.676 source_id: 996333753 address: email: created_at: 2009-08-11 15:58:37 Z 2009-09-16 06:54:30F' C3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-15 23:43:50 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Mercy Corps NW region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391696 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-15 23:43:50 Z 2009-09-15 23:45:14 F^F`+ w3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-10-06 23:20:07 Z title: "Marketing with web 2.0, Part II: Social networks" rrule: venue_id: 202390595 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455805 version: description: source_id: 996333261 start_time: 2008-10-07 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-10-07 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-10-06 23:20:07 Z 2009-09-16 15:03:54**  3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-09-15 21:47:05 Z title: "Marketing with web 2.0: Connect and share to build community" rrule: venue_id: 202390595 url: http://w) s3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-12 00:19:28 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.5205043 title: The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391692 version: 2 street_address: description: "" locality: "Portland " telephone: "" longitude: -122.707349 source_id: address: "403 SW 10th Avenue " email: "" created_at: 2009-09-12 00:18:46 Z 2009-09-16 15:03:07ww.mercycorpsnw.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455739 version: description: |- What is web 2.0 and why is it important for your organization? Why and how should you share content and collaborate online? To blog or not to blog? How can social networking and social bookmarking help promote your business or cause? An introduction to social media for nonprofits and microbusinesses.

          Presenter: Peter Korchnak, Semiosis Communications, holistic and sustainable marketing solutions helping socially responsible organizations differentiate themselves and cultivate community support. More at SemiosisCommunications.com.

          RSVP: Sarah Chenven, schenven@mercycorpsnw.org or Peter Korchnak, info@semiosiscommunications.com.
          source_id: 996333231 start_time: 2008-09-16 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-09-16 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-09-15 21:47:05 Z 2009-09-16 15:03:54 qEE0 A3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-21 23:33:27 Z title: "SAOpdx: ConnectPDX" rrule: venue_id: 202390470 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4253278/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457600 ver*/3EventJxPcreate2009-09-16 18:21:49*.3EventJxOcreate2009-09-16 18:21:35*-3EventJxNcreate2009-09-16 18:21:13 , O3Venue  and have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-25 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-25 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-17 00:04:04 Z 2009-09-17 00:04:35  *53EventJxRcreate2009-09-17 00:12:27p4 3EventJxQupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-17 00:04:35 Z title: Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457681 version: description: Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-25 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-25 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-17 00:04:04 Z 2009-09-17 00:06:27 DpD*93EventJxUcreate2009-09-17 23:46:07*83EventJxTcreate2009-09-17 20:22:20*73EventJxScreate2009-09-17 18:32:5856 !3EventJx$update--- updated_at: 2009-09-03 06:46:46 Z title: Linux Fund 10th Anniversary Party rrule: venue_id: 202391683 url: http://linuxfund.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457636 version: 3 description: |- Come celebrate Linux Fund's 10th anniversary with free drinks, refreshments and entertainment during LinuxCon! The awesome venue is close to the downtown Marriott where LinuxCon is taking place and will be revealed at www.linuxfund.org on the day of the event. LinuxCon attendees can pick up an invitation and directions at our table. We can squeeze in a few more sponsors! Contact general@linuxfund.org for more information. See you there! source_id: start_time: 2009-09-23 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-23 06:59:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-02 06:35:52 Z 2009-09-17 06:39:51 i=*>3EventJxXcreate2009-09-19 02:12:03*=3Venue @create2009-09-19 02:12:02*<3EventJxWcreate2009-09-18 22:12:54*;3EventJxVcreate2009-09-18 04:18:58h: 3EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 17:14:24 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Night" rrule: venue_id: 202391694 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: |- WhereCamp PDX is an free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. Join us for our opening night party to mingle and discuss topics for Saturday. VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-18 02:47:16 *A3Venue @create2009-09-19 02:13:426@ #3EventJxXupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z title: Software Freedom Day 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391697 url: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457688 version: description: |- Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place! source_id: start_time: 2009-09-18 07:00:00 Z end_time: created_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z 2009-09-19 02:13:16K? M3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Anywhere you please region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391697 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z 2009-09-19 02:12:09 _2_*F3EventJx[create2009-09-19 19:40:36*E3EventJxZcreate2009-09-19 19:39:56*D3EventJxYcreate2009-09-19 19:37:34LC O3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:13:42 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Anywhere you please! region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391698 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-19 02:13:42 Z 2009-09-19 02:13:48KB M3EventJxXupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:13:16 Z title: Software Freedom Day 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391697 url: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457688 version: description: |- Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place! source_id: start_time: 2009-09-19 15:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-19 18:59:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z 2009-09-19 02:13:42in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Three E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:41:12 KKG k3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Three E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:41:32 KKH k3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:41:12 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Three E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minutes)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:48 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:41:47 CC"I {3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:41:32 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes "in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Thr#ee E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minut$es)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:4%8 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:41:57 QQJ _3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:41:47 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes !(in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Thr)ee E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minut*es)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:4+8 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:42:12 MMK g3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:41:57 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes '.in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Thr/ee E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minut0es)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:418 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:37:34 Z 2009-09-19 19:42:31 AA$L 3EventJxYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:42:12 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4154 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457689 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes -4in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Thr5ee E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minut6es)
          4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:478 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-10-29 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-29 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:40:35 Z 2009-09-19 19:42:52 KKM k3EventJx[update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:40:35 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4156 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457691 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes 3:in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three“E’s"--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy.

          Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris’s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story.

          In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company.

          The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the “Thr;ee E’s,” and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.

          Shown in Three Parts

          All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.  

          To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.

          September 30th

          1. Three Beliefs   (1:46 minutes)
          2. The Three "E"s    (1:38 minutes)
          3. Exponential Growth    (6:20 minut 4. Compounding is the Problem    (3:06 minutes)
          5. Growth vs. Prosperity    (3:40 minutes)
          6. What is Money?    (5:55 minutes)
          7. Money Creation    (4:19 minutes)
          8. The Fed - Money Creation    (7:13 minutes)
          9. A Brief History of US Money    (7:14 minutes)
          10. Inflation    (11:4=8 minutes)
          11. How Much Is A Trillion?    (3:28 minutes)
          12. Debt    (12:32 minutes)
          13. A National Failure To Save    (12:06 minutes) 

          October 28th

          14. Assets & Demographics (13:41 minutes)
          15. Bubbles (14:10 minutes)
          16. Fuzzy Numbers (15:52 minutes)
          17a. Part A: Peak Oil (17:52 minutes)
          17b. Part B: Energy Budgeting (12:15 minutes)
          17c. Part C: Energy And The Economy   (7:05 minutes)

          November 18th

          18. Environmental Data  (16:22 minutes)
          19. Future Shock   (8:02 minutes)
          20. What Should I Do?  (19:48 minutes)


          source_id: start_time: 2009-11-19 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:39:56 Z 2009-09-19 19:43:01 K*O3EventJx\create2009-09-19 19:46:04N k3EventJxZupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:39:56 Z title: Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4157 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457690 version: description: |

          The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.

          Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes 9@ont-family: "Palatino Linotype";">face of climate change, rising energy costs and economic decline.  Building on work started by many organizations, we will put into action energy descent planning around a variety of aspects; neighborhood organizing; coalition building with partner groups; and a holistic vision of how we can cope with major changes in our lives.  In the process we will create stronger communities and more satisfying lives based on sharing and cooperation. 

          You’re welcome to come whether you are already committed or just curious about the possibilities.   If you’re working with a neighborhood or a group with a related mission, we invite you to come and explore how differentA groups and communities can network and link together in a shared effort to build a lower-carbon future.  Also, we urge you to circulate this notice to your group and anyone else you think should be there. 

          Heres the program: 

          • Keynote speaker Friday evening, September 25, 7:30 pm.  Karen Lanphear s a co-founder of the Sandpoint Transition Initiative in Idaho.  She believes that within each community there lies an enormous pool of power that can be unleashed when people start working together on a common vision, and that education and building strong community coalitions can change the world.  Her presentation will include what is unique about the Transition model, Sandpoint’s experience in developing it, and their main challenges and how they came up with solutions.  Karen’s talk will be followed by a social in the church dining hall downstairs.  $10 donation, no one turned away.



          • Location:  St. Francis Church, 1182 S.E. Pine Street, Portland (map)

          What we choose to focus on is up to you.  The Open Space format enables the people who come to create the agenda.  Anyone can suggest a topic to discuss on Saturday based on the theme of creating resilience.  If people choose to show up and discuss that topic, and to create an action team, it will become a part of the overall project. Some examples of projects that have emerged in other Transition Towns are  

          • Food
          • Transportation
          • Housing
          • Health and wellbeing
          • Arts and Music
          • ReSkilling - (re)learning the low tech skills of our forebears
          • Neighborhood organizing and support
          • Outreach and publicity
          • Heart and soul - learning and helping others to cope with the psychological, spiritual and social sides of change
          • Local currency
          • Working with local government
          • Administrative tasks such as Training and Finances 

          Later Saturday you will have a chance to sign on for any projects you have energy for and begin work toward crafting and implementing Energy Descent Action Plans.  There will also be an opportunity to connect with others from your neighborhood.  

          We are very excited about moving toward a more cooperative and joyful future.  The knowledge of what to do already exists; it’s just scattered throughout the community.  This is the beginning of our tapping and integrating that knowledge, making it available to everyone, and putting it to work in a plan for resilient communities.

          So please pass this on to anyone you think should be there.  There’s a lot needing to be done to create a resilient future in our region for ourselves and our children.  Please join us and help shape that future. 

          And thanks to our cosponsors: 

          • Bright Neighbor
          • Center for Earth Leadership
          • City Repair
          • Common Good Finance
          • Portland Permaculture Guild
          • Portland Peak Oil
          • ReCode Oregon
          • St. Francis of Assisi Church
          • Transition Sunnyside
          • TLC Farm
          • Washington County Peak Oil
          source_id: start_time: 2009-09-26 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-27 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 19:46:04 Z 2009-09-19 19:47:26 *R3EventJx]create2009-09-19 23:02:32*Q3Venue Acreate2009-09-19 23:02:325P 3EventJx\update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 19:46:04 Z title: Transitioning to a Resilient Portland, Sept. 25-26 rrule: venue_id: 202391134 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4112 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457692 version: description: |

          The Transition Initiative in Portland invites you to meet with us to begin planning and organizing an effort to build community resilience in the

        • Scrum Overview
        • Roles and responsibilities
        • The product backlog
        • User
        • Release planning and tracking
        • External relationships
        • Metrics and reporting
          • How Can We Build a Resilient Portland?  An Open Space Day, Saturday, September 26, 9:00-5:00.  Bring your ideas, passions and enthusiasm and participate in designing the movement – suggesting what is needed and discussing how to make it happen.  This powerful process will enable us to walk out at the end of the day with a road map for creating our future.  Coffee, tea and snacks will be available.  Lunch will be brown bag or at nearby cafes.  No charge for the day but donations appreciated. 
        \r\n\ \r\n\ Who should attend:\r\n\ Product management, product owners, project managers, business analysts, ScrumMasters, Executive management, stakeholders.\r\n\ \r\n\ Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.\r\n\ \r\n\ PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.\r\n\ \r\n\ \t\r\n\ Cost:$1200 per student\r\n\ 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by August 30th, 2009\r\n\ Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free!\t" source_id: start_time: 2009-09-30 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-27 20:40:27 Z 2009-09-22 21:39:45 |P$*w3EventJxncreate2009-09-22 23:37:23*v3EventJxmcreate2009-09-22 23:15:53*u3EventJxlcreate2009-09-22 23:06:44*t3EventJxkcreate2009-09-22 22:58:36*s3EventJxjcreate2009-09-22 22:51:51*r3Venue @create2009-09-22 22:51:50 yx )3EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-18 02:47:16 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Night" rrule: venue_id: 202391694 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: "WhereCamp PDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks \xE2\x80\x9Cwhere am I\xE2\x80\x9D or feels the need to \xE2\x80\x9Cknow their place\xE2\x80\x9D.\r\n\ \r\n\ We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-23 00:13:30 %%Xy g3EventJx]update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 23:04:07 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' September Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391699 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457693 version: description: |- The September Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. This month we will be hosting a server-side JavaScript shootout. We will have presentations on frameworks implemented in JavaScript such as Narwhal and the Joyent Smart Platform . Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333798 start_time: 2009-09-24 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-09-23 06:00:31 5b5*3EventJxqcreate2009-09-23 20:43:13D ?3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 18:22:34 Z postal_code: latitude: title: seven planet region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391706 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-23 18:22:34 Z 2009-09-23 18:23:18*~3EventJxpcreate2009-09-23 18:22:36*}3Venue @create2009-09-23 18:22:34| m3EventJxodestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 07:07:31 Z title: Give them the edge they need for school! OC Teen Boot Camp rrule: venue_id: 202391705 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1836297/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457711 version: description: "Teens are under more pressure than ever before. Peer pressure and other external influences are at its highest, and self esteem is at its lowest. How do web*{3EventJxocreate2009-09-23 07:07:31*z3Venue @create2009-09-23 07:07:30 combat these social pressures and media images? We at OCTeenBootCamp are here to help your teenager through these growing pains by offering a fun, challenging and educational fitness program, that also infuses values into them that help them combat these vulnerabilities. Our training program will impact teens by increasing their self-esteem and self-image that a healthy, fit body breeds.\n \n Turning them so early on in their young lives on to good nutritional and fitness habits is a stepping stone towards a lifetime of healthy motivation. By a small investment in their today, you are making a massive investment in their tomorrow. \n \n We are looking for teenagers, beginners or advanced, to become a positive team participant in this teen-only program. Our commitment is to your teen\xE2\x80\x99s tomorrow! Let's get them on the right track today!" source_id: 996333809 start_time: 2009-09-23 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 07:07:31 Z 2009-09-23 07:09:07storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. The SC conference is also respected as the premier global networking event for stakeholders throughout the HPC ecosystem. SC09's exhibition hall will be second to none - featuring exhibits from many international participants representing industry, academia and government research organizations. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-09-23 20:43:50 =*3EventJxrcreate2009-09-23 23:27:147 %3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z title: RNA Network to Attaend Supercomputing '09 rrule: venue_id: 202389921 url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 version: description: |- RNA networks is the leader in memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, c 1{N!* 3EventJxwcreate2009-09-24 03:52:19* 3EventJxvcreate2009-09-24 03:50:16* 3EventJxucreate2009-09-24 03:47:53*3Venue @create2009-09-24 03:47:53X g3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z postal_code: latitude: title: 111 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR. region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391707 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z 2009-09-24 03:27:37*3EventJxtcreate2009-09-24 03:26:56*3Venue @create2009-09-24 03:26:55 c3EventJx]update--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 06:00:31 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' September Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391699 url: httf*3EventJxscreate2009-09-24 00:47:17p://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457693 version: description: |- This will be our long awaited server side JavaScript shootout. * Dietrich Ayala will present Joyent's Smart Platform * Jesse Hallett will present Helma NG Who will win? You decide! It is also likely that there will be pizza. The doors and elevators will be locked so we will have people on duty to let arrivals in. If you have any trouble getting in please send a tweet mentioning @pdxjs (not a direct message), or call or send a text message to 503-928-6714. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333798 start_time: 2009-09-24 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-09-24 01:09:40Portland chapter mailing list: https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-portland NOTE: For future notices on events, be sure to join the mailing list. About OWASP =========== The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software. Our mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license. The OWASP Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization that ensures the ongoing availability and support for our work from Individuals, Organization Supporters & Accredited University Supporters. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-30 22:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-30 23:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z 2009-09-24 05:43:22 H* 3Venue @create2009-09-24 18:26:10, 3EventJxtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z title: Portland OWASP - SQL Injection! rrule: venue_id: 202391707 url: " http://www.owasp.org/" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457716 version: description: |- SQL Injection This talk provides a brief introduction to SQL injection and continues with a discussion of advanced exploitation methods. The presentation concludes with coverage of various prevention and mitigation strategies. Outline - History & Background - Basic Examples - Common Exploitation Methods * Exfiltration * Escalation - Prevention, Avoidance & Mitigaiton * Encoding * Data Validation * Deployment Configuration ----- Event details: Date: September 30th, 2009 Time: 03:30PM - 04:30PM PST Location: US Bank Tower Plaza 111SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR. More information will be provided shortly on the OWASP g mm5 !3EventJxxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 18:26:11 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391709 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546546/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457720 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333817 start_time: 2009-09-29 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-29 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 18:26:11 Z 2009-09-24 18:43:41*3EventJxycreate2009-09-24 18:26:45*3EventJxxcreate2009-09-24 18:26:11 dd*3EventJxzcreate2009-09-24 20:37:58k  3EventJxyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 18:26:45 Z title: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee" rrule: venue_id: 202391709 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4546549/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457721 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour.\n \n See you Tuesday morning!" source_id: 996333818 start_time: 2009-10-06 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 18:26:45 Z 2009-09-24 18:45:00 B*3EventJx|create2009-09-24 20:48:01*3EventJx{create2009-09-24 20:43:37: +3EventJxdupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-21 19:37:32 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457700 version: description: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-21 19:37:32 Z 2009-09-24 20:39:06  : *3EventJx}create2009-09-24 20:51:33B ;3EventJx|update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 20:48:01 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Portland Classical Chinese Garden " rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457724 version: description: |- Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, presents ShopTalk Showcase, a morning networking program featuring member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. Tuesday October 6, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Portland Classical Chinese Garden (239 NW Everett St). Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759 to come as a guest. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-06 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 16:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 20:48:01 Z 2009-09-24 20:48:33 oB*3EventJxcreate2009-09-24 20:59:35*3EventJx~create2009-09-24 20:55:27  Q3EventJx}update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 20:51:33 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents Maximize Your Membership " rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457725 version: description: "Maximize Your Membership is a FREE event to showcase the numerous benefits of membership with Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. \r\n\ \r\n\ Thursday, October 8, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm. at 200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-08 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 20:51:33 Z 2009-09-24 20:51:44 qq  M3EventJx}update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 20:51:44 Z title: Portland Business Alliance presents Maximize Your Membership! rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457725 version: description: "Maximize Your Membership is a FREE event to showcase the numerous benefits of membership with Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. \r\n\ \r\n\ Thursday, October 8, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm. at 200 SW Market St. in the Lobby Conference Room. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-08 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 20:51:33 Z 2009-09-24 21:01:12 %%W e3EventJx~update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 20:55:27 Z title: "Grow your business with speed networking! Join Portland Business Alliance's Business Leads Exchange " rrule: venue_id: url: "http://www.portlandalliance.com " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457726 version: description: "Make valuable business connections at Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event! Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. \r\n\ \r\n\ Tuesday October 13, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at hte Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court, on the 4th Floor. \r\n\ \r\n\ Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance online/$20 at the door. \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers: call Peggy, Scott or Eric to attend one time as a guest. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-13 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 16:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 20:55:27 Z 2009-09-24 21:02:29tworking! Join Portland Business Alliance's Business Leads Exchange " rrule: venue_id: url: "http://www.portlandalliance.com " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457726 version: description: "Make valuable business connections at Business Leads Exchange, a fun bi-monthly speed-networking event! Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce. \r\n\ \r\n\ Tuesday October 13, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at hte Rose Quarter Rose Room, 2 Center Court, on the 4th Floor. \r\n\ \r\n\ Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: $5 in advance online/$8 at the door. Non-members: $15 in advance online/$20 at the door. \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers: call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503.552.6759 to attend one time as a guest. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-13 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 16:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 20:55:27 Z 2009-09-24 21:03:46 d7*!3EventJxcreate2009-09-24 21:36:26O U3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Deutsche Bank Aditorium region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391710 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z 2009-09-24 21:23:01*3EventJxcreate2009-09-24 21:22:09*3Venue @create2009-09-24 21:22:08g 3EventJx~update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 21:02:29 Z title: "Grow your business with speed nep 2_2*#3EventJxcreate2009-09-24 21:41:39" q3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 21:36:25 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at EcoDryCleaner " rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457729 version: description: "Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase, a morning networking program featuring member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. \r\n\ \r\n\ Tuesday October 20, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at EcoDryCleaner: 16205 NW Bethany Court, Suite 116.\r\n\ \r\n\ Register in advance at www.portlandalliance.com. Members: FREE in advance/ $5 at the door. Non-members: $5 in advance/ $10 at the door. \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers: Call Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759 to attend one time as a guest. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-20 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-20 16:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 21:36:25 Z 2009-09-24 21:36:54 e% 3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z title: DrupalCamp PDX 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://groups.drupal.org/node/24602 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457473 version: 1 description: PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. See the wiki for up-to-date planning information. Once the start and end times, registration details, etc. come together, we'll update the event, but we want to make it available to people's calendars now. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-12 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z 2009-09-25 07:22:47*$3EventJxcreate2009-09-24 21:51:25 I& I3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 07:22:47 Z title: DrupalCamp PDX 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://groups.drupal.org/node/24602 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457473 version: 1 description: |- PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. Website is up and taking registrations, sponsorships, and sessions! http://drupalpdx.org source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 15:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-12 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z 2009-09-25 07:24:13 l' 3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 07:24:13 Z title: DrupalCamp PDX 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://groups.drupal.org/node/24602 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457473 version: 1 description: |- PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. Website is up and taking registrations, sponsorships, and sessions! http://drupalpdx.org @drupalpdx on twitter #dcpdx source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z 2009-09-25 07:28:44 ( 93EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 07:28:44 Z title: DrupalCamp PDX 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://drupalpdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457473 version: 1 description: |- PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. Website is up with information and taking registrations, sponsorships, and sessions! is a free unconference put on by the Portland Drupal User Group. @drupalpdx on twitter #dcpdx source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z 2009-09-25 07:29:21 ) 73EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 07:29:21 Z title: DrupalCamp PDX 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://drupalpdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457473 version: 1 description: |- PDX DrupalCamp will be held the weekend of October 9 - 11 at NedSpace Old Town. Website is up with information and taking registrations, sponsorships, and sessions! DrupalCamp PDX is a free unconference put on by the Portland Drupal User Group. @drupalpdx on twitter #dcpdx source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-24 20:50:42 Z 2009-09-25 07:30:06storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. The SC conference is also respected as the premier global networking event for stakeholders throughout the HPC ecosystem. SC09's exhibition hall will be second to none - featuring exhibits from many international participants representing industry, academia and government research organizations. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-09-25 17:32:27 >>6* #3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:50 Z title: RNA Network to Attend Supercomputing '09 rrule: venue_id: 202389921 url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 version: description: |- RNA networks is the leader in memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, xin memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. RNA Network is attending the STAC Performance Summit in New York. Attendance from end-user firms (sell-side, buy-side, exchange/ATS) is unlimited, and those end-user firms that are not already members can attend by becoming Observer Members (follow the links from the meeting registration page above). Vendor members can send two representatives (sponsors can send more). source_id: start_time: 2009-10-27 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z 2009-09-25 17:35:13 UU, ]3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 17:35:13 Z title: RNA Networks at STAC Performance Summit rrule: venue_id: 202391710 url: http://w|+ 53EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z title: RNA Networks at STAC Performance Summit rrule: venue_id: 202391710 url: http://www.stacresearch.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457728 version: description: |- RNA networks is the leader zww.stacresearch.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457728 version: description: |- RNA networks, the leader in memory virtualization software, is attending the next STAC Performance Summit in New York City on October 27. RNA's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. Ed Bugnion, CTO of Cisco's Server Access and Virtualization Business Unit and former co-founder of VMWare will provide the opening keynote address. The meeting will cover topics in trade execution, messaging, and market data, as well as how Council members are putting STAC Benchmarks into practice. And, by popular demand, we're bringing back the Innovation Roundup, a "speed dating" service in which vendors have 5 minutes to present a new product or case study. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-27 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z 2009-09-25 18:20:04 --O- U3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-15 18:07:47 Z title: "HacPDX: Portland Haskell Hackathon" rrule: venue_id: 202391198 url: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457547 version: 2 description: |- HacPDX is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. If you've never been, Hackathons are typically not only a good opportunity for experienced devs to work together but also a great way for newcomers to get involved in the community. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX source_id: start_time: 2009-09-25 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-28 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-12 18:25:28 Z 2009-09-25 21:31:22 -yL*43EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:38*33Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:38*23EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:38*13Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:37*03EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:37*/3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:36O. U3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 21:31:22 Z title: "HacPDX: Portland Haskell Hackathon" rrule: venue_id: 202391198 url: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457547 version: 2 description: |- HacPDX is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. If you've never been, Hackathons are typically not only a good opportunity for experienced devs to work together but also a great way for newcomers to get involved in the community. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HacPDX source_id: start_time: 2009-09-25 22:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-28 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-12 18:25:28 Z 2009-09-25 21:32:03 OyLk>]0|O*I3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:48*H3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:47*G3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:47*F3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:46*E3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:46*D3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:45*C3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:45*B3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:44*A3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:44*@3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:43*?3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:43*>3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:43*=3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:42*<3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:42*;3Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:41*:3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:41*93Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:41*83EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:40*73Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:40*63EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:39*53Venue @create2009-09-28 03:54:39 r\L m3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z title: Liz Painter Band rrule: venue_id: 202391712 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457733 version: description: Indie, Alternative, Folk Rock source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-11 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z 2009-09-28 03:56:19]K o3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:37 Z title: Island Earth rrule: venue_id: 202391711 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457732 version: description: Contemporary and Classic Rock Trio source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-10 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:37 Z 2009-09-28 03:55:38*J3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 03:54:48 "x"RN Y3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:39 Z title: Duke Davis and Buckshot rrule: venue_id: 202391714 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457735 version: description: Western Folk source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-18 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:39 Z 2009-09-28 03:57:00M =3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z title: Two Man Gentlemen Band rrule: venue_id: 202391713 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457734 version: description: Re-scheduled for Feb 2010 American, Acoustic, Swing, Old Time source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-17 07:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-17 08:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z 2009-09-28 03:56:43 P ?3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z title: Andreas Kapsalis and Goran Ivanovic Guitar Duo rrule: venue_id: 202391716 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457737 version: description: Chicago acoustic-experimental guitar duo source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-20 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-20 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z 2009-09-28 03:57:28^O q3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:40 Z title: Primal Mates rrule: venue_id: 202391715 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457736 version: description: eclectic cello, vibes and voice duo source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-19 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:40 Z 2009-09-28 03:57:13 QQUR _3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z title: Kelly Joe Phelps rrule: venue_id: 202391718 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457739 version: description: acoustic country blues source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-23 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-23 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z 2009-09-28 03:58:10RQ Y3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:42 Z title: Unkle Monk rrule: venue_id: 202391717 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457738 version: description: indie acoustic, bluegrass source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-22 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-22 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:42 Z 2009-09-28 03:57:46 44WT c3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:44 Z title: Ryan Kirkpatrick rrule: venue_id: 202391720 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457741 version: description: Acoustic, Folk Rock, Pop source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-25 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-25 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:44 Z 2009-09-28 03:58:37mS 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z title: Open mic hosted by Clyde Tullis. rrule: venue_id: 202391719 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457740 version: description: Acoustic folk to rock and more source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-24 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-24 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z 2009-09-28 03:58:23 $$V 93EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:46 Z title: Nouveau Antiquarians featuring Mark Dudrow with Kim Treiber and Chipper Thompson rrule: venue_id: 202391722 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457743 version: description: "" source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-31 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-31 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:46 Z 2009-09-28 03:59:12RU Y3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:45 Z title: Claude Bourbon rrule: venue_id: 202391721 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457742 version: description: Acoustic, Folk, Blues source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-10-30 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:45 Z 2009-09-28 03:59:00 M*Y3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 05:01:14X c3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:47 Z title: Nasca -Tipton rrule: venue_id: 202391723 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457744 version: description: Guitar, vocal Chapman Stick Duo Traditional roots and blues covers, sprinkled w/ originals. source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-11-07 04:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-07 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:47 Z 2009-09-28 03:59:54/W 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:48 Z title: Boulder Acoustic Society rrule: venue_id: 202391724 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457745 version: description: American Roots Music with guitar, fiddle, string bass, marimba, ukulele, percussion, banjo and mandolin. source_id: 996333819 start_time: 2009-11-20 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:48 Z 2009-09-28 03:59:38 Often overlooked in the United States, SMS and MMS huge businesses. In 2007, SMS/MMS accounted for $100 billion in revenue worldwide. That is more than Hollywood box office receipts, dvd sales and rentals, video game industry revenue, and music industry revenue all combined. How will usage of the iPhone change with this capability? How can businesses utilize SMS and MMS as part of their marketing efforts? How can developers incorporate SMS or MMS in their applications? We'll explore the opportunities and challenges associated with SMS, MMS and short codes. Please RSVP. Photo credits: Short-messaging Luke Skywalker http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3f4n/3476036180/ Biden Text Message Announcement http://www.flickr.com/photos/26687393@N05/2789581440/ source_id: 996333796 start_time: 2009-09-29 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-29 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-17 23:46:07 Z 2009-09-28 05:01:34 1^1*_3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 19:44:14*^3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 18:20:21*]3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 17:10:05*\3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 16:47:40*[3Venue :wcreate2009-09-28 16:47:40bZ y3EventJxUdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-17 23:46:07 Z title: Mobile Portland -- SMS, MMS & Short Codes rrule: venue_id: 202389972 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4422549/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457685 version: description: |- --Placeholder Description. More details soon.-- On September 25th, iPhone users will finally have access to MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allowing users to send and receive photos, video, and audio files.  surprised. SMS and MMS are often overlooked in the United States.\n \n In 2007, SMS/MMS accounted for $100 billion in revenue worldwide. That is more than Hollywood box office receipts, dvd sales and rentals, video game industry revenue, and music industry revenue all combined. BMW Germany turned a $70k MMS campaign into $45 million in revenue .\n \n SMS and MMS are big businesses right now and the focus on them is likely to increase now that the iPhone gains access to MMS.\n \n How will usage of the iPhone change with this capability? How can businesses utilize SMS and MMS as part of their marketing efforts? How can developers incorporate SMS or MMS in their applications?\n \n At Mobile Portland this month, Jonathon Karon will provide a brief introduction to the technology and explore the opportunities and challenges associated with SMS, MMS and short codes .\n \n About Jonathon Karon \n \n Jonathan began his long term relationship with mobile platforms in 1997 while developing location-aware mobile collaboration applications for the US government. After a brief departure into the world of immersive video games he resurfaced to co-found Animus Rex, a web and interactive agency where he served as technical director for 6 years.\n \n Envious of the Pacific Northwest lifestyle, he departed for Portland Oregon where he co-founded Higher Function in 2006. There he invented pioneering social networking infrastructure and developed the first SMS-based Business To Social\xC2\xAE platform, Pincushion, which provides full lifecycle customer communication and CRM to virtually any cell phone in the world.\n \n Jonathan currently serves as the Higher Function CEO and provides product consulting services focusing on SMS, smart phone, and web application design, user experience, and implementation." source_id: 996333820 start_time: 2009-09-29 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-29 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 05:01:14 Z 2009-09-28 19:45:53 Nc{N*c3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 20:12:57mb 3EventJxmupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-22 23:15:53 Z title: "SAOpdx: StartUp Exchange Meeting" rrule: 0a 3EventJxsupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 00:47:17 Z title: Demolicious! - Portland Web Innov ` Q3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 05:01:14 Z title: "Mobile Portland -- SMS, MMS & Short Codes: Existing Technology & New Opportunities" rrule: venue_id: 202389972 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4422549/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457746 version: description: "On September 25th, iPhone users will finally have access to MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allowing users to send and receive photos, video, and audio files. What new opportunities are available now that this service is available?\n \n When Barack Obama decided to announce his Vice-Presidential candidate via text message to his supporters, many Americans wereators rrule: venue_id: 202391676 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4424087/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457715 version: description: |- Come see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. There will be several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * Lucidium - A Platform for Enterprise Application Development (Rob Neild) * Tweeybot - Phone calls from Twitter (Travis Spencer) * Dashrep - A new descriptive programming language (Richard Fobes) * Simler - Online conversations around topics (Dane Hesseldahl) * OMGFriends - Twitter thing to see mutual followers/friends (Mickey Slater) Find out more about showing off *your* project at a future Demolicious: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious source_id: 996333813 start_time: 2009-10-08 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-08 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 00:47:17 Z 2009-09-28 19:48:06venue_id: 202390749 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481229/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457709 version: description: |- If you are tech entrepreneur or startup executive we would be pleased to have you attend the StartUp Exchange Meeting. The meetings are meant to be a discussion among peers about relevant topics that will both educate and help with problem solving. Some of the attendees are likely going through the same issue and have ideas to share, and many of the folks who attend have started many companies so have wisdom to share. Participation is limited to tech entrepreneurs or startup executives only so service providers are not able to attend. We have plenty of space but we ask that you now RSVP so we have an idea of how many cups to bring for the beer. REGISTER: http://www.sao.org/events/event_details.asp?id=78505 source_id: 996333805 start_time: 2009-10-20 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-20 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 23:15:53 Z 2009-09-28 19:51:26ting rrule: venue_id: 202391576 url: http://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457648 version: 2 description: "The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.\r\n\ \r\n\ PRESENTATIONS\r\n\ \r\n\ 1. \"Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs\", Luke Kanies\r\n\ \r\n\ Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees.\r\n\ \r\n\ Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in.\r\n\ \r\n\ 2. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today!" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-07 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-07 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-04 16:34:04 Z 2009-09-28 20:45:19 :e +3EventJxdupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 20:39:06 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457700 version: description: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-21 19:37:32 Z 2009-09-28 21:04:503d 3EventJx0update--- updated_at: 2009-09-04 16:45:39 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly mee ;h;*h3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 21:49:31*g3Venue @create2009-09-28 21:49:30gf 3EventJxdupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 21:04:50 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457700 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-21 19:37:32 Z 2009-09-28 21:14:03 *k3EventJxcreate2009-09-28 22:00:13.j 3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-25 17:32:27 Z title: RNA Network to Attend Supercomputing '09 rrule: venue_id: 202389921 url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 version: description: |- RNA networks is the leader in memory virtualization software, is attending SC 09 one November 14-20 int RNA's hometown, Portland OR. RNA's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlBi ;3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 21:49:30 Z postal_code: latitude: title: ON Gallery region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391726 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 21:49:30 Z 2009-09-28 21:51:38enecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. Make sure to look for RNA Networks while you're there! source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-09-28 21:53:51ication bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA's products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA Networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. Ed Bugnion, CTO of Cisco's Server Access and Virtualization Business Unit and former co-founder of VMWare will provide the opening keynote address. The meeting will cover topics in trade execution, messaging, and market data, as well as how Council members are putting STAC Benchmarks into practice. And, by popular demand, we're bringing back the Innovation Roundup, a "speed dating" service in which vendors have 5 minutes to present a new product or case study. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-27 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 22:00:12 Z 2009-09-28 22:02:49 @(m@*n3EventJxcreate2009-09-29 11:11:16/m 3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 21:53:51 Z title: RNA Networks to Attend Supercomputing '09 rrule: venue_id: 202389921 url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 version: description: |- RNA Networks is the leader in memory virtualization software, is attending SC 09 one November 14-20 int RNA's hometown, Portland OR. RNA's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlLl O3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 22:00:12 Z title: "RNA Networks Sponsoring STAC Performance Summit " rrule: venue_id: 202391710 url: http://www.stacresearch.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457753 version: description: |- RNA Networks is sponsoring the next STAC Performance Summit in New York City on October 27. RNA Networks is the leader in memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates applenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. Make sure to look for RNA Networks while you're there! source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-09-28 22:07:31le: venue_id: 202391687 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457609 version: 3 description: "WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks \xE2\x80\x9Cwhere am I\xE2\x80\x9D or feels the need to \xE2\x80\x9Cknow their place\xE2\x80\x9D.\r\n\ \r\n\ An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation \xE2\x80\x93 this event is free and it is driven by the participants." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-25 16:49:48 Z 2009-09-29 11:12:37 No S3EventJx update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 17:09:15 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Sessions" rru CC9p )3EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 00:13:30 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Party" rrule: venue_id: 202391694 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: "RSVP at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4426507/\r\n\ \r\n\ WhereCamp PDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks \xE2\x80\x9Cwhere am I\xE2\x80\x9D or feels the need to \xE2\x80\x9Cknow their place\xE2\x80\x9D.\r\n\ \r\n\ We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-29 11:14:27 //Mq Q3EventJx6update--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 11:14:27 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Party" rrule: venue_id: 202391694 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457654 version: 1 description: |- IMPORTANT: Please RSVP for the Opening Party so we can plan accordingly. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference. VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-03 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:25:47 Z 2009-09-29 11:14:54 VV&r 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 11:11:16 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner Hackfest" rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://wherecamppdx.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457754 version: description: |- IMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat. WhereCamp PDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 11:11:16 Z 2009-09-29 11:16:15st" rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://wherecamppdx.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457754 version: description: |- IMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat, but you're welcomed to hack with us even if you don't buy dinner. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 11:11:16 Z 2009-09-29 12:07:17 gs 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 11:16:15 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner HackfePortland chapter mailing list: https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-portland NOTE: For future notices on events, be sure to join the mailing list. About OWASP =========== The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software. Our mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license. The OWASP Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization that ensures the ongoing availability and support for our work from Individuals, Organization Supporters & Accredited University Supporters. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-30 22:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-30 23:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z 2009-09-29 15:38:03  Tt _3EventJxtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 05:43:22 Z title: Portland OWASP - SQL Injection! (Open Web Application Security Project) rrule: venue_id: 202391707 url: " http://www.owasp.org/" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457716 version: description: |- SQL Injection This talk provides a brief introduction to SQL injection and continues with a discussion of advanced exploitation methods. The presentation concludes with coverage of various prevention and mitigation strategies. Outline - History & Background - Basic Examples - Common Exploitation Methods * Exfiltration * Escalation - Prevention, Avoidance & Mitigaiton * Encoding * Data Validation * Deployment Configuration ----- Event details: Date: September 30th, 2009 Time: 03:30PM - 04:30PM PST Location: US Bank Tower Plaza 111SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR. More information will be provided shortly on the OWASP Open Web Application Security Project) rrule: venue_id: 202391707 url: " http://www.owasp.org/" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457716 version: description: |- SQL Injection This talk provides a brief introduction to SQL injection and continues with a discussion of advanced exploitation methods. The presentation concludes with coverage of various prevention and mitigation strategies. Outline - History & Background - Basic Examples - Common Exploitation Methods * Exfiltration * Escalation - Prevention, Avoidance & Mitigaiton * Encoding * Data Validation * Deployment Configuration ----- Event details: Date: September 30th, 2009 Time: 03:30PM - 04:30PM PST Location: US Bank Tower Plaza 111SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR. More information will be provided shortly on the OWASP Portland chapter mailing list: https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-portland Additional recently posted: https://lists.owasp.org/pipermail/owasp-portland/2009-September/000007.html NOTE: For future notices on events, be sure to join the mailing list. About OWASP =========== The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software. Our mission is to make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license. The OWASP Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization that ensures the ongoing availability and support for our work from Individuals, Organization Supporters & Accredited University Supporters. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-30 22:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-30 23:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-24 03:26:55 Z 2009-09-29 15:38:26 dd*v3EventJxcreate2009-09-29 16:52:37>u 33EventJxtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 15:38:03 Z title: Portland OWASP - SQL Injection! (g inventors the real deal. \r\n\ \r\n\ Understanding the difference \r\n\ between a good idea and a marketable idea. Why investing too much money at the outset can sink you. Plus the effective investor \r\n\ pitch, questions to ask a prospective manufacturer, 14 licensing land mines to avoid, \xE2\x80\x9Clooks-like\xE2\x80\x9D versus \xE2\x80\x9Cworks-like\xE2\x80\x9D prototypes, 10 things not to tell a potential investor, and how to protect your invention once it\xE2\x80\x99s on the market. \r\n \r\n Louis J. Foreman is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for innovation. He started his \r\n\ first business from his college fraternity room and, for the past 20 years, has been starting and building successful companies. He is the publisher of Inventors Digest magazine and executive producer of the Emmy\xC2\xAE award\xE2\x80\x93winning PBS show Everyday Edisons. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-10 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 16:52:37 Z 2009-09-29 16:53:17 E*x3EventJxcreate2009-09-29 19:11:29/w 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 16:52:37 Z title: "MIPO: From Napkin Idea to Product in Market" rrule: venue_id: 202390060 url: http://www.mipooregon.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457755 version: description: "From scribble on the napkin to product on the market, Louis Foreman will share knowledge from THE INDEPENDENT INVENTOR\xE2\x80\x99S HANDBOOK and explain everything a potential inventor needs to know from raw concept to market reality. \r\n \r\n\ On October 10th join us in Oregon as we engage with the Publisher of Inventors Digest Magazine and executive producer of the PBS \r\n\ Emmy\xC2\xAE award-winning Everyday Edisons in a 3-hour workshop that will cover protecting, prototyping, licensing, and more. \r\n \r\n Scam companies run rampant in the industry and inventors need to get real advice from real inventors. LOUIS FOREMAN, THE CO-AUTHOR OF INDEPENDENT INVENTOR\xE2\x80\x99S HANDBOOK gives aspirin { W3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 21:45:05 Z title: Beaver Barcamp 4 rrule: venue_id: 202391727 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550804/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457757 version: description: |- BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Please register on the site so that we have an accurate count. We will be posting updates via our twitter account @beaverbarcamp, and don't forget to join the Google group to get important notifications about the event! Connect on live chat via IRC - irc.freenode.net, #BeaverBarCamp (click here if you don't have an IRC client) source_id: 996333822 start_time: 2009-10-17 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 21:45:05 Z 2009-09-29 21:46:11*z3EventJxcreate2009-09-29 21:45:05*y3Venue >Ucreate2009-09-29 21:45:05 tG*~3Venue ;create2009-09-30 04:44:15*}3EventJxcreate2009-09-29 22:17:10| G3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 21:46:11 Z title: Beaver Barcamp 4 rrule: venue_id: 202391727 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550804/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457757 version: description: |- BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Please register on the site so that we have an accurate count. We will be posting updates via our twitter account @beaverbarcamp, and don't forget to join the Google group to get important notifications about the event! Connect on live chat via IRC - irc.freenode.net, #BeaverBarCamp (click here if you don't have an IRC client) source_id: 996333822 start_time: 2009-10-17 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 21:45:05 Z 2009-09-29 21:46:28 e8 J K3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 15:34:55 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Intel Ronler Acres region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391729 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-30 15:34:55 Z 2009-09-30 15:35:59*3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 15:34:57*3Venue @create2009-09-30 15:34:56j  3Venue ;update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Galois, Inc 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland OR region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391728 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z 2009-09-30 04:45:14*3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 04:44:15 \/*3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 17:19:33C =3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 15:46:01 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Mercy Corps region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391730 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-09-30 15:46:01 Z 2009-09-30 15:46:38*3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 15:46:01*3Venue @create2009-09-30 15:46:01  w3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 15:35:59 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.532687 title: Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391729 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Hillsboro telephone: "" longitude: -122.93804 source_id: address: "2501 N.W 229th Avenue " email: "" created_at: 2009-09-30 15:34:55 Z 2009-09-30 15:37:04 #P#* 3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 18:42:18, 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 17:19:33 Z title: "10/5 Mercy Corps NW: Blogging for your Small Business" rrule: venue_id: 202391696 url: http://www.mercycorpsnw.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457762 version: description: |- Blogs are powerful and cost-effective marketing tools any microenterprise can use. In this seminar, you will learn how to use a blog to attract clients, build your reputation, and showcase your expertise. You will leave with tips and advice on setting up a blog, managing and promoting it efficiently, and writing engaging content. With presenter Peter Korchnak, principal of the local sustainable marketing consultancy Semiosis Communications, blogger at the Sustainable Marketing Blog, and speaker. For more information: www.semiosiscommunications.com source_id: start_time: 2009-10-06 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 17:19:33 Z 2009-09-30 17:20:31 ryr*3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 22:49:41N S3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 22:07:31 Z title: RNA Networks to Attend Supercomputing '09 rrule: venue_id: 202389921 url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 v* 3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 20:15:44* 3EventJxcreate2009-09-30 18:45:42* 3Venue :>create2009-09-30 18:45:41ersion: description: |- SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon, RNA's hometown, for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. Look for RNA to learn about our memory virtualization platform. RNA products scale across commodity hardware, leverage existing data center resources, deploy in hours, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance and transactional throughput. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Make sure to look for RNA Networks while you're there! source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-09-30 20:28:5810 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Online registration for this event closes Tuesday, October 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: October 14th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership ($26 savings), and the Seed Oregon application fee) source_id: start_time: 2009-10-15 00:15:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-15 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-18 17:24:48 Z 2009-09-30 22:55:06 q 3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-26 16:52:40 Z title: "OEN PubTalk\xE2\x84\xA2 - Seed Oregon - Round 1 " rrule: venue_id: 202390070 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=60 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457564 version: 2 description: | OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk - Call for Applications - Due Friday, September 18 at 5:00 PM OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2009-20 00L O3EventJvupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-05 20:33:09 Z title: OEN's Venture Northwest 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202390761 url: http://www.oen.org/events_vnw.aspx duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457285 version: 4 description: |- OEN's Venture Northwest (formerly Venture Oregon) is an annual conference that draws institutional investors and investment bankers from across the Western U.S. who are interested in emerging Northwest businesses and the region's growth segments. It's a great way for investors to connect with the area's hottest emerging Northwest businesses. Northwest businesses that have presented at Venture Northwest have raised over $1.3 billion in venture capital since 1996 and over $68 million in angel investment.* *Not all Northwest businesses that presented had investments reported in Venture Source. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-29 15:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-06-06 17:00:53 Z 2009-09-30 22:56:36ies and arm your company with simple strategies to succeed. With traditional media audiences rapidly declining, this class is a must for business owners. Speaker: Ryan Lewis Ryan Lewis is considered a leader in the social media marketing field. He has built marketing campaigns for small businesses, individuals; all the way to fortune 500 companies and teaches classes on the best practices for businesses to interact online. His work has increased revenue, optimized inter-office communication, and built positive branding initiatives for businesses across the U.S. Date and Time: Thursday, Novembers 5, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Location: Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy Portland, OR 97209 Registration: OEN Members $30, Non Members - $125(Includes one year membership and workshop fee is waived) To Learn More Visit: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=105 source_id: start_time: 2009-11-05 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-05 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 20:35:10 Z 2009-09-30 22:57:28 G U(tG*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:06*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:06*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:05*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:04*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:03*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:03*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:02*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:02*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:01*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:00k  3EventJxIupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 20:35:10 Z title: "OEN Workshop: Social Media with Ryan Lewis" rrule: venue_id: 202391317 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=105 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457673 version: description: |- How do I get my company up to speed with this new social media thing? What is a Tweet? Why should I care? In this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra effort. We will cut through the myster OyLk>]0|O*13Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:19*03EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:19*/3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:18*.3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:18*-3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:17*,3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:17*+3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:16**3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:15*)3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:14*(3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:14*'3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:13*&3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:13*%3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:12*$3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:11*#3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:11*"3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:10*!3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:09* 3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:09*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:08*3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:07*3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:07 OyLk>]0|O*F3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:31*E3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:31*D3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:30*C3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:29*B3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:28*A3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:28*@3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:28*?3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:27*>3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:27*=3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:26*<3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:25*;3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:25*:3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:24*93Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:24*83EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:23*73Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:23*63EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:22*53Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:22*43EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:21*33Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:21*23EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:20 OyLk>]0|O*[3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:43*Z3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:43*Y3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:42*X3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:42*W3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:41*V3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:40*U3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:39*T3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:39*S3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:38*R3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:37*Q3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:37*P3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:37*O3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:36*N3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:35*M3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:35*L3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:34*K3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:34*J3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:33*I3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:33*H3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:32*G3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:32 %y%P_ U3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:22 Z title: Oh Solomillo! rrule: venue_id: 202391749 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128551053404 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457784 version: description: "Que no te amargue la vuelta al trabajo y sobretodo no pierdas el apetito: ven a conocer nuestro men\xC3\xBA especial al alcance de todos los bolsillos.\n\n\ Saludos\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128551053404" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-09-02 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-05 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:22 Z 2009-10-01 14:09:29*^3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:45*]3Venue @create2009-10-01 08:01:44*\3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 08:01:44 1` 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:01 Z title: "Regalo Bicicleta de Monta\xC3\xB1a" rrule: venue_id: 202391732 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=146748842092 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457767 version: description: "Promoci\xC3\xB3n Final de Octubre\n\n\ Abatible Coffer de Madera Relax + Colch\xC3\xB3n ( en cualquier medida)\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=146748842092" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-01 07:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-31 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:01 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:08 O8Opc 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:05 Z title: FIESTA VOLEIBOL FIESTA MOJITOS Fnb 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:03 Z title: "concierto de presentaci\xC3\xB3n del discoDa =3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:02 Z title: LA NOCHE DE LOS MONOLOGOS rrule: venue_id: 202391733 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140229252435 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457768 version: description: |- Con Christian http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140229252435 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-02 04:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 06:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:02 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:09 Alice III" rrule: venue_id: 202391734 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=137254544188 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457769 version: description: "ABABOL PARTY TE INVITA A LA PRESENTACI\xC3\x93N DEL DISCO DE ALICE\n\n\ El 1 y 2 de Octubre en Zaragoza podremos disfrutar de la presentaci\xC3\xB3n oficial del disco de Alice III. \n\n\ Info en http://ababolparty.blogspot.com/2007/09/concierto-de-presentacion-del-disco.html\n\n\ El 1 ser\xC3\xA1 en el BAR EL PARAMO (bolonia 28) donde tambien podremos disfrutar de una sesion de KLS BEATS DJ de funky 70\xC2\xB4s 80\xC2\xB4s.\n\n\n\ escucha on line su set http://www.klsbeatsdj.com/2009/02/funk-and-soul.html\n\n\n\ El d\xC3\xADa 2 en el REFUGIO DEL CRAPULA (c/mayor 56)\n\n\n\ http://www.myspace.com/mundoalice\n\n\ http://www.ababolparty.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=137254544188" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-02 05:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 06:55:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:03 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:10IESTA UNIVERSITARIA rrule: venue_id: 202391735 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157416031664 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457770 version: description: "JUEVES 1\n\ BARRA LIBRE GRATIS SI GRATIS DE 23:00 A 00:00 de cerveza San Miguel y calimocho\n\n\ VIERNES 2\n\ REGALAMOS ENTRADAS PARA EL PARTIDO DE SUPER COPA ENTRE EL CAI VOLEIBOL TERUEL - UNICAJA ALMERIA\n\n\ ADEM\xC3\x81S TE REGALAMOS UNA CAMISETA ORIGINAL MOJITO TATTOO by RON HAVANA CLUB CON CADA MOJITO QUE TE PIDAS\n\n\ JUEVES 1 VIERNES 2 Y S\xC3\x81BADO 3 LA FIESTA COPA-LUZ\n\ NOS SABES DE QUE VA?? PUES VEN A DESCUBRIRLO\n\n\ Promocion solo para mayores de 18 a\xC3\xB1os. Bebe con moderaci\xC3\xB3n es tu reponsabilidad\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157416031664" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-02 05:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 12:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:05 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:10os. Un planeta sin ning\xC3\xBAn tipo de frontera, ni real ni virtual, un continente unido. Esta es precisamente la filosof\xC3\xADa de la noche de los jueves, una noche dedicada a la mezcla de culturas que fusiona el reggae, el hip-hop, la rumba, el R&B, el drum & bass, los balkan beats y ritmos latinos. Noches llenas de arte, baile y mucha diversi\xC3\xB3n. Un lugar perdido en el centro de Zaragoza donde todo lo que pens\xC3\xA9is puede acontecer.//\n\n\ IMPORTANTE:\n\n\ AQUELLAS PERSONAS QUE QUIERAN ASISTIR GRATUITAMENTE TAN S\xC3\x93LO HAN DE APUNTARSE EN EL MURO DE -ESTE- EVENTO. (no del facebook del plata club ni por correo)\n\n\ LA LISTA SE CERRAR\xC3\x81 A LAS 20:00 H DEL JUEVES.\n\n\ NOMBRE, APELLIDOS Y N\xC3\x9AMERO DE ACOMPA\xC3\x91ANTES.\n\n\ Un cordial saludo a todos los fans de Pangea!\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144449980998" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-02 06:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 12:55:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:06 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:10 md 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:06 Z title: "PANGEA STYLE WITH MAMAY\xC3\x89!!!" rrule: venue_id: 202391736 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144449980998 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457771 version: description: "There's fun sex & beats!\n\n\ //La noche de los jueves, la noche universitaria por excelencia, tornar\xC3\xA1 los viejos espejos del Plata en un punto de encuentro de las tendencias m\xC3\xA1s bizarras de los Global Beats y la World Music. Toda una oferta alternativa de diversi\xC3\xB3n y multiculturalidad para el p\xC3\xBAblico m\xC3\xA1s risue\xC3\xB1o e inquieto de la ciudad.\n\n\ Pangea fue, en la antig\xC3\xBCedad, una gran masa de tierra que abarcaba la totalidad de los continentes conocid ie 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:07 Z title: Recitales de Octubre rrule: venue_id: 202391737 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143107291325 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457772 version: description: "2 Octubre - Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza)\n\ 3 Octubre - Alpartir (Zaragoza)\n\ 13 Octubre - Zaragoza (Carpa del Ternasco de Arag\xC3\xB3n)\n\ 24 Octubre - Huesca (Festival Periferias)\n\ 31 Octubre - Madrid (Festival Mundo Idiota)\n\n\ *Iremos ampliando informaci\xC3\xB3n conforme se acerque el recital.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143107291325" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-02 07:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-31 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:07 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:11 -6-ug 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:10 Z title: Manaki Brothers rrule: venue_id: 202391739 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122446984360 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457774 version: description: "\n\ The International CinemFf A3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:09 Z title: 20 DE KOPAS y LOS INESTABLES rrule: venue_id: 202391738 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=162814276018 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457773 version: description: |- En concierto http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=162814276018 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-03 04:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:09 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:11atographers Film Festival \xE2\x80\x9CManaki Brothers\xE2\x80\x9D in Bitola is organized by the Macedonian Film Professionals Association (MFPA).\n\n\ Founded 21 May 1950, MFPA represents the interests of film professionals and film authors in our country. Besides looking after its members\xE2\x80\x99 rights and interests, MFPA fosters the professional development and growth of film creativity in the Republic of Macedonia. The Association aims to strengthen Macedonian cinematography and to ensure its continuity amid different activities. From year to year, MFPA offers significant contribution to Macedonian cinema and affirms world film art here in our country. One of the main activities of MFPA is the International Cinematographers Film Festival \xE2\x80\x9CManaki Brothers\xE2\x80\x9D\n\n\ Each year, the ICFF \xE2\x80\x9CManaki Brothers\xE2\x80\x9D is held in Bitola under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Macedonia and is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia. The Festival\xE2\x80\x99s remarkable profile, whose mandate is enriched from year to year, is attractive to both film professionals and film aficionados from all over the world.\n\n\ The main part of the Festival\xE2\x80\x99s program belongs to Camera 300 \xE2\x80\x93 the Official Competition of Long Feature Films from the most recent European and world production. The cinematographers of these films contend for the Golden, Silver and Bronze Camera 300, awarded by the Festival\xE2\x80\x99s International Jury, currently composed of five members.\n\n\ Beside the Official Competition, the Festival shows a Short Film Program that is non-competitive and presents outstanding films from the latest production year. In addition, the Student Program \xE2\x80\x9CManaki Brothers\xE2\x80\x9D is dedicated to young, talented filmmakers. Within the frame of the festival program are also workshops, seminars, and roundtables.\n\n\ The Festival is renown for its Life Achievement Award \xE2\x80\x93 a Golden Camera 300 awarded to outstanding and leading world cinematographers. Up to now, our laureates in the \xE2\x80\x9CClub of Greats\xE2\x80\x9D are the following: Vittorio Storaro, Vadim Yusov, Raoul Coutard, Tonino Delli Colli, Miroslav Ondricek, Henry Alekan, Freddie Francis, Jerzy Wojcik, Sven Nykvist, Branko Mihajlovski, Ljube Petkovski and Milton Manaki.\n\n\ The Festival espouses strong relations, cooperating with other festivals from the region and beyond. Since 2002, it is a member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals (ECFF). Through the years, ICFF \xE2\x80\x9CManaki Brothers\xE2\x80\x9D has gained many sincere friends from the sphere of film from all over the world. Today, it enjoys a unique reputation as one of the few festivals specifically honoring the art and creativity of the cinematographer.\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122446984360" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-09-27 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:10 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:12 1h 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:11 Z title: Concierto Supersquad !!! rrule: venue_id: 202391740 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=267307925153 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457775 version: description: "Llegan con temas nuevos y diversi\xC3\xB3n asegurada\n\n\ La mejor Banda Almeriense de versiones Rock contempor\xC3\xA1neo\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=267307925153" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-03 06:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 08:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:11 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:12 Ji I3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:13 Z title: OKTOBERFEST rrule: venue_id: 202391741 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186857164408 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457776 version: description: "CERVEZA A MARES!!!!!!!!\n\n\ YA ESTA AQUI LA FIESTA MAS ESPERADA DE OTO\xC3\x91O. LA NOCHE EN LA QUE SE ACABAN LAS REVERSAS DE CEBADA. OKTOBERFEST EN EL CADILLAC!!!!!\n\ PONTE HASTA EL OJETE DE BIRRA POR INCREIBLE PRECIO DE 2 EUROS LA JARRA.\n\ Y TE INVITAMOS A UNOS MONTADITOS DE SALCHICHAS (HASTA AGOTAR EXISTENCIAS).\n\ Y ENTRE LA MUSICA HABITUAL, GRANDES EXITOS DEL FOLKLORE ALEMAN.\n\ OS ESPERAMOS!!!!!!\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186857164408" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-03 06:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 11:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:13 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:13\n\n\ El p\xC3\xBAblico de Lightroom hace tiempo que viene disfrutando de sus sesiones llenas de ritmo y lujuria. \xC2\xA1Ha llegado el momento de que los viernes se baile a su son!\n\n\ Este viernes Vlada estar\xC3\xA1 acompa\xC3\xB1ado de Lorenzo Navarro, quien pronto presentar\xC3\xA1 su \xC2\xBFbic\xC3\xA9falo? sello discogr\xC3\xA1fico Vegetal/Animal Label.\n\n\ Por el contrario, si a ti lo que te gusta es causar estragos los s\xC3\xA1bados, \xC3\xA9sta es la tuya. Vuelve nuestro Play Boy franco-italiano: SR. WAYANN. \n\n\ Sus ritmos balearicos vuelven a Zaragoza tras una temporada veraniega non-stop. Muestra de ello es la sesi\xC3\xB3n de 4 horas que llevar\xC3\xA1 a cabo el pr\xC3\xB3ximo s\xC3\xA1bado 3 de octubre. No os la perd\xC3\xA1is.\n\n\ Bienvenidos una vez m\xC3\xA1s a El Plata Club.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=172533911396" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-03 06:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-05 14:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:14 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:14 !j w3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:14 Z title: EL PLATA CLUB -HOUSE NITE SESSION- rrule: venue_id: 202391742 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=172533911396 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457777 version: description: "There's fun sex & beats!\n\n\ La buena acogida que han recibido las noches de house music en Lightroom han obligado a la direcci\xC3\xB3n del club ofrecer la posibilidad de disfrutar de ellas a todos sus incondicionales tambi\xC3\xA9n en viernes.\n\n\ Manteniendo su compromiso de ofrecer un producto diferente y de la m\xC3\xA1xima calidad, El Plata Club ha designado a Vlada Asanin como Dj Residente. Miembro del selecto grupo de artistas que publican sus trabajos en Pacha Records, Vlada es todo un referente tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.eid=126741703701 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457778 version: description: "Participa y gana \xC2\xA1\xC2\xA1UNA IMPRESION GRATIS!!\n\n\ Este mes apostamos por un tema que deja un poco m\xC3\xA1s de espacio a la creatividad. \n\n\ El ser humano ha transformado el mundo. Sin embargo la naturaleza es poderosa y se ha adaptado a nuestro entorno. Capta estos peque\xC3\xB1os detalles del mundo natural que han sido capaces de adaptarse a nuestros entornos artificiales con tu c\xC3\xA1mara, comp\xC3\xA1rtelos con todos nosotros y gana una impresi\xC3\xB3n sobre lience \xC2\xA1\xC2\xA1 COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS !!\n\n\ Para competir, a\xC3\xB1ade por ti mismo las fotos a nuestro evento o m\xC3\xA1ndanoslas a \"facebook@hotmail.com\" y nosotros las subiermos por ti.\n\n\ \xC2\xA1\xC2\xA1 SUERTE Y QUE GANE EL MEJOR !!\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=126741703701" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-09-03 22:40:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-03 22:40:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:15 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:14 ee3l 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:17 Z title: Republikfest (concierto de Rock) rrule: venue_id: 202391744 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134896553033 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457779 version: description: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134896553033 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-04 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:17 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:15Xk e3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:15 Z title: "CONCURSO MENSUAL DE FOTOF\xC3\x8DA \"HELLOCANVAS\". TEMA: \"NATURALEZA URBANA\"" rrule: venue_id: 202391743 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php? 88Dm =3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:18 Z title: Ruta nocturna por el barrio de Santa Cruz rrule: venue_id: 202391745 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148161441089 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457780 version: description: "Una visi\xC3\xB3n historico-literaria de la parte m\xC3\xA1s visitada de la ciudad, con la magia de la noche como tel\xC3\xB3n de fondo, en un marco incomparable que desde el a\xC3\xB1o 1929, es uno de los mejores embajadores de Sevilla.\n\n\ En este paseo se descubre c\xC3\xB3mo esas calles han marcado hitos importantes en la historia de Sevilla, o c\xC3\xB3mo los poetas inmortalizaron aquellos rincones tan singulares y pintorescos (se leer\xC3\xA1n fragmentos po\xC3\xA9ticos a lo largo del recorrido).\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148161441089" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-04 04:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:18 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:15 1250457781 version: description: "THE RIZILLOS LAST CONCERT!!\n\n\n\n\ Concierto de despedida de los Rizillos junto a Novedades Carminha (Santiago-Madrid) y Coprolitos (Madrid). Sala Arena Rock (Plaza Utrillas- ZARAGOZA). S\xC3\xA1bado 3 de octubre a las 21:00\n\n\ \xC3\x9Altima oportunidad para ver a los Rizillos, que estar\xC3\xA1n presentando su flamante nuevo y \xC3\xBAltimo lp en Bowery Records ( http://www.myspace.com/boweryrecords ), \"La rapidez sin potencia no es control\", junto a otros superh\xC3\xA9roes del punk-rock como Novedades Carminha que tambi\xC3\xA9n presentan lp tambi\xC3\xA9n en Bowery Records \"Te vas con cualquiera\" y Coprolitos que tambi\xC3\xA9n presentan su \xC3\xBAltimo ep en Blondes Must Die Records, \"Miss Melilla ep\".\n\n\ Si te lo pierdes es que est\xC3\xA1s TO LOKO.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161103513798" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-04 04:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:19 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:16 v+v1o 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:20 Z title: CHARTER rrule: venue_id: 202391747 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142426813004 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457782 version: description: |- En concierto http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142426813004 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-04 04:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:20 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:16In G3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:19 Z title: ULTIMO CONCIERTO RIZILLOS!!! rrule: venue_id: 202391746 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161103513798 duplicate_of_id: id: --%q 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:23 Z title: RADIO PULP. INTERFERENCIAS IN THE HEART rrule: venue_id: 202391750 url: http://www.facebook.com/eʄp q3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:21 Z title: "LES LL\xC3\x80GRIMES AMARGUES DE PETRA VON KANT" rrule: venue_id: 202391748 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140640584043 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457783 version: description: |- ... Venid a ver a estas bellezas!!! Las he dirigido (o eso me han hecho creer). http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140640584043 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-05 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-05 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:21 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:17vent.php?eid=142749890333 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457785 version: description: "Tras el verano, vuelve a Zaragoza el espect\xC3\xA1culo de Alfonso Desentre y Lord Sassafras.Esta vez en una versi\xC3\xB3n especial para una \xC3\xBAnica actuaaci\xC3\xB3n en el pub Interferencias: Radio Pulp. Interferencias in the heart.\n\n\ Un falso programa nocturno de radio en el que Lord Sassafras crea los ambientes y cu\xC3\xB1as sonoras y los desquiciados personajes de Alfonso Desentre intervendr\xC3\xA1n como \" oyentes\" confesando lo inconfesable: historias delirantes, al tiempo que extremadamente reales, comicas y tragicas, romanticas y sanguinarias, tiernas y feroces... Junto a ellos, textos propios y robados , poemas y exabruptos, ficciones y confesiones en un c\xC3\xB3ctel \xC3\xBAnico e irrepetible ,\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142749890333" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-09 04:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:23 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:17 cr {3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:24 Z title: "Gira Espa\xC3\xB1a Fiasco total' tour Oct09" rrule: venue_id: 202391751 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134389154425 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457786 version: description: "LIGA Quintana\n\n\ \xE2\x98\xA0\xE2\x98\xA0\xE2\x98\xA0\xE2\x98\xA0\xE2\x98\xA0\n\n\ 8 de octubre 2009 Le Robot Rockz \xC2\xABMary\xE2\x80\x99s place \xC2\xBB - BARCELONA (Espa\xC3\xB1a)\n\ (Casanova 171, BCN)\n\n\ 9 de octubre 2009 Sala Serjos \xE2\x80\x93 MONZON \xE2\x80\x93 HUESCA (Espa\xC3\xB1a) \n\n\ 11 de octubre 2009 Peque\xC3\xB1o Caf\xC3\xA9 del Rock \xE2\x80\x93 ZARAGOZA (Espa\xC3\xB1a)\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134389154425" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-09 06:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-12 07:55:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:24 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:18resas todav\xC3\xADa se aferran a las t\xC3\xA9cnicas del pasado para promocionarse a si mismas o su productos... Buzoneo, carteles publicitarios, anuncios de TV\xE2\x80\xA6 no han dejado de ser \xC3\xBAtiles, sin embargo, las tecnolog\xC3\xADas de la informaci\xC3\xB3n est\xC3\xA1n quitandole mucha relevancia a estos medios. La publicidad ya no es lo que era, el p\xC3\xBAblico ha cambiado y la respuesta es INTERNET.\n\n\ Te invitamos a conocer las posibilidades del Marketing con Video, 2.0, y as\xC3\xAD puedas convencerte por ti mismo de c\xC3\xB3mo funcionan ahora las cosas...\n\n\ Inscribete y reserva plaza en info@natinformatica.com, o llama al +34 976740521 +34 635211323\n\n\ LA ASISTENCIA ES GRATUITA Y EL AFORO LIMITADO\n\n\ Ver programa: http://www.natinformatica.com/images/marketing_video.jpg\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=268270745031" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-09 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 19:45:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:25 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:18 t ;3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:27 Z title: "IL CUESCO en INTERPE\xC3\x91AS" rrule: venue_id: 202391753 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163942260907 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457788 version: description: "Concierto para las Fiestas del Pilar\n\n\ Despu\xC3\xA9s de Boney M.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163942260907" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-10 06:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-10 09:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:27 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:18?s 33EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:25 Z title: Marketing con Video 2.0 rrule: venue_id: 202391752 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=268270745031 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457787 version: description: "Te invitamos a conocer las posibilidades del Marketing con Video 2.0\n\n\ Algunas emp II3u 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z title: I carrera popular puerto venecia rrule: venue_id: 202391754 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=288702175384 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457789 version: description: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=288702175384 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-11 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:19 lv  3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z title: FLOID MAICAS & ALVARO DACOSS @ ELPLATA CLUB rrule: venue_id: 202391755 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141677447734 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457790 version: description: "HOUSE SESSIONS SATURDAY\xC2\xB4S\n\n\ DOMINGO 11 VISPERA DEL DIA DLE PILAR EL PLATA CLUB PRESENTA HOUSE SESSIONS SATURDAY\xC2\xB4S BY FLOID MAICAS & ALVARO DACOSS\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141677447734" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-12 06:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-12 15:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:19 w A3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:30 Z title: La Pantera Rosa rrule: venue_id: 202391756 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=166706497165 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457791 version: description: "Juega y disfruta con nosotros !!!\n\ \xC3\x81rea Infantil de Juegos con Audiovisual.\n\ Exposici\xC3\xB3n, Photocall con visita de la Pantera Rosa\n\n\ Podr\xC3\xA1s llevarte una magn\xC3\xADfica fotograf\xC3\xADa regalo del Centro.\n\n\ Horario.: De lunes a Viernes de 17.30 a 21.30\n S\xC3\xA1bados de 11 a 14 y de 17 a 22\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=166706497165" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-01 00:45:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-13 03:45:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:30 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:20 5x 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:31 Z title: CONCIERTO DE FRUTAS Y VERDURAS rrule: venue_id: 202391757 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140138469908 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457792 version: description: |- NUEVO DISCO "PARAM ALL STAR" YA A LA VENTA EN C.INGLES Y LA FNAC GIRA DE PRESENTACION DE SU 3 DISCO "PARAM ALL STAR" http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140138469908 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-14 04:45:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-14 07:45:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:31 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:20 EE7y #3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:32 Z title: ACTUACION DE FRUTAS Y VERDURAS EN FIESTAS DEL PILAR 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391758 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=146494720666 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457793 version: description: |- CONCIERTO OFRECIDO AL GRUPO POR LLEGAR A LA FINAL DEL CONCURSO DE MAQUETAS DE RADIO ARAGON 2009. GRACIAS "FRUTER@S" POR VUESTRO APOYO INCONDICIONAL!!!!! NUEVO DISCO "PARAM ALL STAR" YA A LA VENTA EN C.INGLES Y LA FNAC http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=146494720666 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-16 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:32 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:20 !![z k3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:33 Z title: IL CUESCO en el ARENAROCK rrule: venue_id: 202391759 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144574391725 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457794 version: description: |- Concierto para las Fiestas del Pilar http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144574391725 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-16 05:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:33 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:21 aa{ k3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:34 Z title: Kike House - LJ Edu - Floid Maicas @ LA DIOSA dance club rrule: venue_id: 202391760 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163761743222 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457795 version: description: "Kike House - LJ Edu - Floid Maicas - Javi Movement - Esco Dj\n\n\ Ultimo s\xC3\xA1bado de PILARES en LA DIOSA dance club.\n\n\ En Cabina:\n\n\ KIKE HOUSE\n\ LJ EDU\n\ FLOID MAICAS\n\ ESCO DJ\n\ JAVI MOVEMENT\n\n\ + info en:\n\ www.ladiosadanceclub.com\n\ www.myspace.com/kikehouse\n\ www.myspace.com/lightjockeyedu\n\ www.myspace.com/djfloidmaicas\n\n\ Te lo vas a perdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer?\n\ !!Os esperamooooooooooooooooos!!\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163761743222" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-18 06:55:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 15:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:34 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:21 `| u3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:35 Z title: "Presentaci\xC3\xB3n en Logro\xC3\xB1o de la novela BANU QASI" rrule: venue_id: 202391761 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=158527381248 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457796 version: description: "Presentaci\xC3\xB3n en Logro\xC3\xB1o de la novela BANU QASI, de Carlos Aurensanz en ESPACIO Fundaci\xC3\xB3n Caja Rioja-Santos Ochoa\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=158527381248" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-21 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:35 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:22 y} '3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z title: "Presentaci\xC3\xB3n en Zaragoza de la novela BANU QASI" rrule: venue_id: 202391762 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170182003031 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457797 version: description: "Presentaci\xC3\xB3n en Zaragoza de la novela BANU QASI, de Carlos Aurensanz, en FNAC Plaza de Espa\xC3\xB1a.\n\ Presentar\xC3\xA1 el acto el tambi\xC3\xA9n escritor Santiago Morata, y posteriormente ambos podr\xC3\xA1n firmar ejemplares.\n\ Colabora el foro literario \xC3\x81BRETE LIBRO.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170182003031" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-23 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-23 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:22 bb~ i3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z title: "Exposici\xC3\xB3n Fotogr\xC3\xA1fica de Carlos Mata" rrule: venue_id: 202391763 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136941217947 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457798 version: description: "\xC2\xBFHay vida despu\xC3\xA9s de la Expo?\n\n\ Exposici\xC3\xB3n de mis fotograf\xC3\xADas. La mayor parte de las fotos han sido elegidas por mis amigos de Tuenti y Facebook.\n\n\ La inauguraci\xC3\xB3n ser\xC3\xA1 el d\xC3\xADa 22 de octubre jueves a las 20:00 en el bar MA\xC3\x91ANA (C/ Almagro, 15, Zaragoza) y durar\xC3\xA1 hasta el 15 de noviembre.\n\n\ Os espero a todos y todas. Por favor reenviar el evento a vuestros amigos de Zaragoza.\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136941217947" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-23 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-16 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:22 CC9 '3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:39 Z title: Batacas.com Groove Meeting'09 rrule: venue_id: 202391764 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121202891315 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457799 version: description: "Batacas.com Groove Meeting'09 es la VI Concentraci\xC3\xB3n de Bateristas y Percusionistas del portal Batacas.com\n\n\ La estancia de los foreros y donde se realizar\xC3\xA1n todas las charlas, workshops, etc.. Ser\xC3\xA1 en el albergue rural \"La esgaravita\".\n\ Las masterclass se realizar\xC3\xA1n en el Auditorio Paco de Luc\xC3\xADa.\n\n\ Y contaremos con la presencia entre otros de:\n\n\ -Toni Mateos\n\ -Alfred Berengena\n\ -Xavi Reija\n\ - Benny Greb\n\n\ +artistas por confirmar!!!\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121202891315" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-10-23 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-26 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:39 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:23 >>> 13EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:40 Z title: SALSAGOZA 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391765 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124733749422 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457800 version: description: "5\xC2\xAA Concentraci\xC3\xB3n Mundial de Salsa\n\n\ En esta 5\xC2\xAA edici\xC3\xB3n hemos puesto especial atenci\xC3\xB3n a la participaci\xC3\xB3n de Compa\xC3\xB1ias de Baile, y la presencia de todos los estilos de salsa: Cubana, Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, New York, Cale\xC3\xB1a, fusi\xC3\xB3n Contempor\xC3\xA1neo Salsa, fusi\xC3\xB3n Deportivo Salsa. Por eso ESTE ES TU SITIO, por que en esta Concentraci\xC3\xB3n de Salsa verdaderamente encontraras lo que te gusta porque esta \"todo concentradoen el mismo lugar\".\n\n\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124733749422" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-11-21 06:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-24 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:40 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:23 II3 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:42 Z title: III maraton internacional zaragoza rrule: venue_id: 202391766 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=92428598567 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457801 version: description: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=92428598567 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2009-11-22 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-22 22:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:42 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:23estos d\xC3\xADas para albergar el Sagrario. \n\ Esta obra singular est\xC3\xA1 formada por veintitr\xC3\xA9s lienzos y un sagrario, que componen un espectacular templete montado durante decenas de a\xC3\xB1os en los d\xC3\xADas de la Semana Santa.\n\ Tal como marca la tradici\xC3\xB3n este monumento se usaba \xC3\xBAnicamente para guardar el cuerpo de Cristo tras la eucarist\xC3\xADa del Jueves Santo y ante \xC3\xA9l se mantiene la tradici\xC3\xB3n de velar hasta el Viernes Santo. Para adornarlo aun se colocan las cabelleras largas plantas de trigo banco crecidas en bodegas en se\xC3\xB1al de luto. Otra tradici\xC3\xB3n que se mantiene es poner la cabeza dentro de la arqueta tras la misa del Viernes y rezar unas oraciones con la creencia de que por haber sido un lugar sagrado cura los dolores de cabeza. \n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=80054876432" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2010-04-03 18:00:00 Z end_time: 2010-04-04 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:43 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:24 Z i3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:43 Z title: "El \"Monumento de Semana Santa\" en Biscarru\xC3\xA9s." rrule: venue_id: 202391767 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=80054876432 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457802 version: description: "Semana Santa, festivos y fines de semana de abril y mayo\n\n\ Biscarru\xC3\xA9s alberga uno de los pocos Monumentos de Semana Santa que ha sobrevivido en Arag\xC3\xB3n.\n\ Gran monumento eucar\xC3\xADstico, muestra de arquitectura ef\xC3\xADmera y del arte popular del siglo\n\ XVIII, es colocado en el interior de la parroquial en  | -3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:45 Z title: FV NOMINADOS PARA LOS PREMIOS LEVIS FAMOUS MUSIC AWARDS rrule: venue_id: 202391769 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141792001863 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457804 version: deރb y3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:44 Z title: Miercoles Magicos, para el primero en reservar, OPORTUNIDAD rrule: venue_id: 202391768 url: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=291599325523 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457803 version: description: |- miercoles http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=291599325523 source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2010-09-29 07:00:00 Z end_time: 2010-09-29 10:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:44 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:24scription: "Buenas querido amigo-a del grupo FRUTAS Y VERDURAS, nos ponemos en contacto con tigo para que nos eches una mano, veras.\n El grupo Frutas y verduras se a apuntado a: LEVIS FAMOUS MUSIC AWARDS Simplemente utiliza este enlaze para ir a la pagina de votaciones http://www.levisawards.com/#/home \n\ Acontinuacion debes utilizar el buscar de bandas y escribir Frutas y Verduras y enter, pincha en votar a este grupo y directamente te aparecer\xC3\xA1 una pantalla para registrarte, solo te pedir\xC3\xA1n:\n\ NOMBRE DE USUARIO EMAIL CONTRASE\xC3\x91A \n\ El paso siguiente es autentificar el registro desde tu email por medio de un correo que te enviaran, una ves abierto pinchas en participar y nos votas, as\xC3\xAD de f\xC3\xA1cil.\n\ Prometemos estar siempre agradecidos por tu colaboraci\xC3\xB3n.\n\n\ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141792001863" source_id: 996333826 start_time: 2010-09-29 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-09-29 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:45 Z 2009-10-01 14:11:25 u k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:02 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "El peque\xC3\xB1o Caf\xC3\xA9 del Rock, San Antonio Maria Claret 54-56, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391733 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:02 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:43 C3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:00 Z postal_code: latitude: title: WWW.OfertaColchonesAznar.com, Ctra Valencia Km 7,800, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391732 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:00 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:43uqqv{  %*/49>CHMRW\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|   #&(+02 3   #&(+02 3 5 9 > AFGH I&J,K2L8M>OJRKSLTMUN[RdTeUfWiXjYlZm[q^w_x`yade h ijklmnoq!r#s%t&u'v(w)y*{,}-~4ILNPRTVY_cehknopqrstvx{~ 1F[_`cdeghiÂjłlƂmȂoɂq˂rsNNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|߃  ΂uςvЂwтx҂yӂzԂ{Ղ|ւ}ׂ~؂كڃ܃݃߃   "$&(.269;=?ACEGIKM O RTVXZ\]^_ b#d$e%f&h'j+v/z2|5~7:;<= ?AEI&M.R0S1T4Y7Z;[<\>_@fAgCiEjGkLlNmTqYr`sbtguivlwoypzq{r}s~tuvwx  g 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:04 Z postal_code: latitude: title: TATTOO DISCO TERUEL, C/ SAN ANDRES, 4 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391735 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:04 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:44u 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:03 Z postal_code: latitude: title: El Paramo y El Refugio del Crapula, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391734 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:03 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:44 b y3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:07 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Todos los que pone ah\xC3\xAD!" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391737 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:07 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:45{ +3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:06 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "El Plata Club, 4 de Agosto n\xC2\xBA23, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391736 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:06 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:45 ad }3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:09 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bitola, 8 `` Mart ``4, 1000 Skopje region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391739 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:09 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:47 k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:08 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "El peque\xC3\xB1o Caf\xC3\xA9 del Rock, San Antonio Maria Claret 54-56, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391738 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:08 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:46 z  M3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:12 Z postal_code: latitude: title: CADILLAC ROCK, AVDA. ANSELMO CLAVE, 37-45. LOCAL INTERIOR, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391741 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:12 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:47 93Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:11 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Caf\xC3\xA9 Classic, Pedro Mu\xC3\xB1oz Seca, Aguadulce, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391740 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:11 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:47  93Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:14 Z postal_code: latitude: title: HelloCanvas, Ribera del Loira - 46 28042 - Madrid, Madrid, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391743 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:14 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:49{ +3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:13 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "El Plata Club, 4 de Agosto n\xC2\xBA23, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391742 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:13 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:48  | o 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:17 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Puerta del Palacio Arzobispal, Sevilla, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391745 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:17 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:50 53Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:16 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Parque de la Paz (Rep\xC3\xBAblica Independiente de Torrero)" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391744 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:16 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:49  k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:19 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "El peque\xC3\xB1o Caf\xC3\xA9 del Rock, San Antonio Maria Claret 54-56, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391747 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:19 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:51t 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:18 Z postal_code: latitude: title: SALA ARENA ROCK, Plaza Utrillas 3, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391746 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:18 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:50  q3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:22 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Taberna Mar\xC3\xADa Morena, Plaza Jos\xC3\xA9 Mar\xC3\xADa Forqu\xC3\xA9, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391749 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:22 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:52_ s3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:21 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Teatre del Escorxador. LLEIDA region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391748 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:21 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:52 m 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:24 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Barcelona/Monzon/Zaragoza - Espa\xC3\xB1a" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391751 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:24 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:53s 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:23 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Interferencias, BENAVENTE 11 ( JUNTO A AVDA GOYA) region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391750 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:23 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:53 jl  3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:26 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Carpa Interpe\xC3\xB1as, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391753 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:26 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:54 Y3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:25 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Centro Empresarial Parque Roma, Vicente Berdusan, Blq D-1 Bajos, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391752 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:25 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:54 }r 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z postal_code: latitude: title: EL PLATA CLUB, Cuatro de Agosto, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391755 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:28 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:56 33Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:27 Z postal_code: latitude: title: pinares de venecia(parking enfrente al IKEA), Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391754 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:27 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:55  a3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:31 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Peque\xC3\xB1o Cafe del Rock, San Antonio M\xC2\xAA Claret 54-56 , Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391757 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:31 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:57O S3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:29 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Plaza Central region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391756 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:29 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:56 _ 53Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:33 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Sala Arena Rock, Plaza Utrillas (Las Fuentes), Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391759 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:33 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:58 o3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:32 Z postal_code: latitude: title: CARPA DEL TERNASCO DE ARAGON. FIESTAS DEL PILAR 2009, PLAZA DEL PILAR, S/N, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391758 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:32 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:58 {%" 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:35 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "ESPACIO Fundaci\xC3\xB3n Caja Rioja-Santos Ochoa, Doctores Castroviejo, 19, Logro\xC3\xB1o, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391761 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:35 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:59! 73Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:34 Z postal_code: latitude: title: LA DIOSA dance club, Avda Cesario Alierta 133, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391760 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:34 Z 2009-10-01 14:17:59 s$ 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Bar Ma\xC3\xB1ana, Almagro, 15, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391763 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:37 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:00p# 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:36 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "FNAC Plaza de Espa\xC3\xB1a, Zaragoza, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391762 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:36 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:00  y i& 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:39 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Parque de Atracciones , Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391765 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:39 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:02% ;3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:38 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Auditorio Paco de Luc\xC3\xADa, Alcal\xC3\xA1 de Henares, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391764 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:38 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:01 ( =3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:42 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Iglesia de Biscarru\xC3\xA9s (Huesca) , Biscarru\xC3\xA9s, Spain" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391767 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:42 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:03s' 3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:41 Z postal_code: latitude: title: zaragoza, paseo de la indepencia, Zaragoza, Spain region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391766 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:41 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:02 * *. o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z title: Portland Functional Programming S*-3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 14:30:04*,3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 14:29:01*+3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 14:28:10z* )3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:44 Z postal_code: latitude: title: FV NOMINADOS PARA LOS PREMIOS LEVIS FAMOUS MUSIC AWARDS. region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391769 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:44 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:05^) q3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:43 Z postal_code: latitude: title: WWW.OfertaColchonesAznar.com region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391768 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333826 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-01 08:01:43 Z 2009-10-01 14:18:04tudy Group rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457807 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z 2009-10-01 14:30:14 G2 U3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 16:47:40 Z title: "CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers Group" rrule: venue_id: 202391725 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4549606/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457747 version: description: |- The Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their[1 k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:36 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391711 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:36 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:03*03EventJxcreate2009-10-01 16:49:56*/3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 14:30:45 projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instructions for entry. If you don't have a phone, someone will come down to the main entry on SW 1st Ave to let folks in at exactly 7:00pm. Or you may call 503-998-8873 and someone will come down to let you in. We'll go around the table to introduce ourselves and mention what we're working on or what we're interested in. Then, the floor will be open to anyone with a 10-minute demo or presentation topic. We'll also have a general Q&A discussion. A projector and wifi will be available. source_id: 996333821 start_time: 2009-10-01 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 16:47:40 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:35 nak6  3EventJxhupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-22 03:16:22 Z title: "Refresh Portland September: Benton Barne_5 u3EventJx^update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 23:16:01 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' Oct4 [3EventJx]update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 01:09:40 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' September Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391699 url:3 S3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 16:47:40 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5101 title: Extensis region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391725 version: street_address: 1800 SW 1st Ave\, Suite 500 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.678 source_id: 996333821 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 16:47:40 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:36 http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457693 version: description: |- This will be our long awaited server side JavaScript shootout. * Dietrich Ayala will present Joyent's Smart Platform http://www.joyent.com/products/joyent-smart-platform/ * Jesse Hallett will present Helma NG http://dev.helma.org/wiki/Helma+NG/ Who will win? You decide! It is also likely that there will be pizza. The doors and elevators will be locked so we will have people on duty to let arrivals in. If you have any trouble getting in please send a tweet mentioning @pdxjs (not a direct message), or call or send a text message to 503-928-6714. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333798 start_time: 2009-09-24 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:44ober Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391699 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428542/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457694 version: description: |- The October Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Howard Lewis Ship will give a presentation on Cappuccino , a rich JavaScript framework based on Cocoa . Howard will also be talking on Cappuccino at the No Fluff Just Stuff Java Conference . Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333799 start_time: 2009-10-29 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-29 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:13:48 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:45tt on How You\xE2\x80\x99re Getting Fired This Time" rrule: venue_id: 202391699 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4438752/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457704 version: description: "Freelance work is getting harder to find, jobs are more competitive and clients are choosier then ever. So how can you make sure that your clients are happy with your work, you\xE2\x80\x99re happy with your work, and that you\xE2\x80\x99re first in line for the next gig?\n \n This September, join Benton Barnett as he share his experience from both hiring programmers and designers to working as a contractor himself, on to avoid common business mistakes, increase your perceived value, keep your clients happy\xE2\x80\x94and charge them more for the privilege.\n \n Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement." source_id: 996333800 start_time: 2009-09-25 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-25 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 03:16:22 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:45 ?b?09 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 04:45:14 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.520812 title: Galois, Inc region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391728 version: street_address: 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.67791 source_id: address: 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland OR email: "" created_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:56a8 y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z title: "Galois Tech Talk: Roll Your Own 7 k3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.5218 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391699 version: street_address: 915 SW Stark St.\, Suite 400 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.68 source_id: 996333798 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:46Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience" rrule: venue_id: 202391728 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457759 version: description: |- The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 * Title: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience * Speaker: Lee Pike * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/29/pike-haskell0/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok source_id: start_time: 2009-10-06 17:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z 2009-10-01 18:03:55 BB[; k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391713 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:38 Z 2009-10-01 18:04:32[: k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:37 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391712 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:37 Z 2009-10-01 18:04:21 BB[= k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:40 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391715 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:40 Z 2009-10-01 18:04:53[< k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:39 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391714 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:39 Z 2009-10-01 18:04:42 BB[? k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391717 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z 2009-10-01 18:05:18[> k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391716 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:41 Z 2009-10-01 18:05:06 BB[A k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391719 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:43 Z 2009-10-01 18:05:39[@ k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:42 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391718 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:42 Z 2009-10-01 18:05:28 BB[C k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:45 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391721 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:45 Z 2009-10-01 18:06:01[B k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:44 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391720 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:44 Z 2009-10-01 18:05:50 BB[E k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:47 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391723 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:47 Z 2009-10-01 18:06:23[D k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:46 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391722 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:46 Z 2009-10-01 18:06:12 HHUG _3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-12 00:18:07 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: Ace Hotel region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391691 version: 2 street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-12 00:17:57 Z 2009-10-01 18:06:54[F k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:48 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bongo Billy's Salida Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391724 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333819 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-28 03:54:48 Z 2009-10-01 18:06:40   I Q3EventJxHupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 18:32:48 Z title: "Beer and Agile: XPDX September mqH 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-21 23:24:36 Z postal_code: 97030-7420 latitude: 45.5003369 title: 4th Street Brewing Company, region: OR url: http://www.4thstreetbrewing.com/ duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391701 version: street_address: " 77 NE 4th Street " description: Corner of 4th and Roberts in Downtown Gresham locality: Gresham telephone: (503)-661-9200 longitude: -122.4297701 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-21 23:23:24 Z 2009-10-01 18:08:02eeting" rrule: venue_id: 202391695 url: http://www.xpdx.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457672 version: description: |- We're going to talk about some of the best new stuff to come out at the Agile 2009 conference in Chicago. Oh, and drink beer, which is why we're setting the meeting at a brewpub. Depending on the interests of those who show, those of us who went may reprise parts of the talks we gave that worked, sections of other peoples' sessions in which we learned something cool, or quick info-dumps about new thoughts expressed in hallway conversations. Certainly, we'll spur conversations - this won't be a 90-minute talking head. Topcis could include testing (end-to-end and otherwise), real options (and feature pricing), kanban planning, metrics, or really just about anything. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-17 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-17 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-14 18:32:48 Z 2009-10-01 18:09:34 bb]K q3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:09 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: Anywhere you please region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391697 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-19 02:12:02 Z 2009-10-01 18:10:579J )3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 18:37:34 Z postal_code: "97227" latitude: 45.54944 title: Amnesia Brewpub region: Or url: http://www.yelp.com/biz/amnesia-brewing-portland duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391695 version: street_address: 832 N. Beech description: A quiet neighborhood brewpub. Good for hanging out after a meeting, or holding a get-together. Good beer; kitchen is grill-only. locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.675238 source_id: address: 832 N. Beech email: "" created_at: 2009-09-14 18:32:48 Z 2009-10-01 18:09:35 ~M 13EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 22:02:49 Z title: "RNA Networks Sponsoring STAC Performance Summit " rrule: venue_id: 202391710 url: http://www.stacresearch.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457753 version: description: |- RNA Networks is sponsoring the next STAC Performance Summit in New York City on October 27. Catch RNA's presenter in the Innovation Roundup. RNA Networks is the leader in memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates appl_L s3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-19 02:13:48 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: Anywhere you please! region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391698 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-19 02:13:42 Z 2009-10-01 18:11:23ication bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA's products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA Networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. Ed Bugnion, CTO of Cisco's Server Access and Virtualization Business Unit and former co-founder of VMWare will provide the opening keynote address. The meeting will cover topics in trade execution, messaging, and market data, as well as how Council members are putting STAC Benchmarks into practice. And, by popular demand, we're bringing back the Innovation Roundup, a "speed dating" service in which vendors have 5 minutes to present a new product or case study. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-27 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 22:00:12 Z 2009-10-01 18:13:44 wSO ]3Venue >update--- updated_at: 2009-03-24 08:48:50 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.54448 title: "Intel - Ronler Acres Campus - RA1 " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: 202390416 country: US id: 202391259 version: 1 street_address: 2501 NW 229th Ave description: "" locality: Hillsboro telephone: "" longitude: -122.913638 source_id: address: 2501 N.W 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124 email: "" created_at: 2009-02-27 22:38:10 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:09N ?3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 21:23:01 Z postal_code: latitude: 40.756054 title: Deutsche Bank Aditorium region: NY url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391710 version: street_address: description: "" locality: New York telephone: "" longitude: -73.986951 source_id: address: 60 Wall Street email: "" created_at: 2009-09-24 21:22:08 Z 2009-10-01 18:13:581:30am
        \n\ Location: \tIntel - Ronler Acres Campus Auditorium 2501 NW 229th Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97124

        \n\ Cost: \t$0 for members
        \n\ Registration Deadline: \t07/24/2008
        \n\ Topic: \tSAO Social Network Celebration

        \n\ Speaker: Timothy Chou, Author, \xC2\x93Seven\xC2\x94, Software Business Models
        \n\ Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a Service (SaaS). Seven is a follow on book to The End of Software which predicted the rise of software delivered as a service. Now that this transition is happening Seven provides a framework for the producers and consumers of software to take the next steps.
        " source_id: 996333092 start_time: 2008-07-24 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-07-24 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-07-04 16:59:32 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:10 080|R /3EventJtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-03-24 08:48:49 Z title: "TiE Oregon: Solar Directions - Future of Solar " rrule: venue_id: 202390416 url: =3EventJoupdate--- updated_at: 2008-07-13 04:32:27 Z title: Illuminating the Ongoing Revolution in the Software Industry rrule: venue_id: 202390416 url: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=7/24/08 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455488 version: description: "Illuminating the Ongoing Revolution in the  iP  3EventJoupdate--- updated_at: 2008-07-13 04:32:26 Z title: SAO Social Network Celebration rrule: venue_id: 202390416 url: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=7/24/08 duplicate_of_id: 1250455488 id: 1250455476 version: description: "SAO Social Network Celebration

        \n\ Date: \tThu, Jul 24th
        \n\ Time: \t9:30am-1  Software Industry\r\n\ Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008\r\n\ Time: 9:30am-11:30am\r\n\ \r\n\ As a Celebration of the SAO Social Network Millennial Milestone and to Thank all of our Members, SAO and Intel present Dr. Timothy Chou, Author, \xE2\x80\x9CSeven::Software Business Models\xE2\x80\x9D and \xE2\x80\x9CThe End of Software\xE2\x80\x9D\r\n\ \r\n\ The software industry is a little over 25 years old, barely a blip in the history of science and technology. Yet in that short time major companies like SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, eBay and Amazon have evolved. Seven is the story of the seven major business models we\xE2\x80\x99ve seen in the software industry. More importantly, Seven is a story told from the experiences of some of the major players to inform those in the industry of lessons learned. Successes and failures, triumphs and defeats, Seven is focused on helping everyone in the software industry be prepared for the next major shifts in this dynamic and important industry.\r\n\ \r\n\ Timothy Chou, Author, \"Seven; Software Business Models\" & \"The End of Software\"\r\n\ Timothy Chou (the former President of Oracle on Demand) has over twenty-five years of experience in the technology business. Chou has been recognized as an industry visionary on the evolution of the software industry from the traditional model to Software as a Service (SaaS). Seven is a follow on book to The End of Software which predicted the rise of software delivered as a service. Now that this transition is happening Seven provides a framework for the producers and consumers of software to take the next steps.\r\n\ \r\n\ Read Tim\xE2\x80\x99s blogs @ www.theondemandjournal.com\r\n\ \r\n\ Tim will be available for book signings after the presentation. Order your copy today: www.lulu.com/activebookpress\r\n\ \r\n\ Program Sponsor: Intel \xC2\xAE Software Partner Program" source_id: start_time: 2008-07-24 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-07-24 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-07-07 22:45:26 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:11homepage duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456769 version: 3 description: | The emergence and explosive growth of the Solar Industry since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect has been nothing short of phenomenal. How did it get here? Where is it headed? How do you get engaged in it? What business opportunities are there? If you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities, or an executive from an adjacent space looking for expansion into solar or someone who wants to join an existing solar company or someone who wants to understand the basics of the industry; this event is for you! Participate with and meet notable solar industry entrepreneurs and executives. No prior knowledge of the industry is assumed and the insights you will gain may excite you into becoming engaged in this dynamic and growing renewable energy sector. source_id: start_time: 2009-03-18 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-03-19 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-02-27 22:38:11 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:13 YxT '3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-18 06:33:26 Z title: TiE Oregon - Cloud Computing rrule: venue_id: 202391654 url: http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3603&from_where=chapter_homepage duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457562 version: 3 description: | Cloud Computing ties hardware virtualization and software innovation to offer economic choices#S }3Venue ;update--- updated_at: 2008-07-04 16:59:32 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.54448 title: Intel - Ronler Acres Campus Auditorium region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390416 version: street_address: 2501 NW 229th Ave description: locality: Hillsboro telephone: longitude: -122.913638 source_id: 996333092 address: email: created_at: 2008-07-04 16:59:32 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:14 for deploying and scaling software services. Cloud Services are being offered in different flavors and for different segments by a variety of vendors. TiE Oregon is hosting a Cloud Computing flyby, with a panel of evangelists, experts and entrepreneurs representing the key providers as well as usage and deployment perspectives for a spectrum of service layers including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Panelists include: - Arne Kainu, President & CEO, CenterStance - Jason Mauer, Senior Developer Evangelist Microsoft - Jinesh Varia, Technology Evangelist, Amazon - Ryan Williams, Senior Software Engineer, AllMed Healthcare Management Join us on Sept 16th, to learn, explore and get answers to your questions regarding the technical and operational issues, financial trade-offs and business risks and opportunities offered by cloud computing. source_id: start_time: 2009-09-17 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-17 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-18 06:21:39 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:14 ^"V {3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 15:37:04 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.532687 title: Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391729 version: street_address: "2501 N.W 229th Avenue " description: "" locality: Hillsboro telephone: "" longitude: -122.93804 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-30 15:34:55 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:58U s3Venue @fupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-18 06:22:23 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.546439 title: Intel - Ronler Acres - RA1 region: or url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391654 version: 2 street_address: " 2501 N.W 229th Avenue " description: "" locality: Hillsboro telephone: "" longitude: -122.910447 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-08-18 06:21:39 Z 2009-10-01 18:16:15nue our tradition of celebrating excellence in technology education with the 2009 Uncork-ED Wine Tasting and Charity Gala. Join us for a night of celebration, wine tasting, fine food and fun! We are proud to welcome local television news personality Steph Stricklen of KGW's "Live @ 7" as the evening master of ceremony. We will kick off this year's event with a keynote by esteemed guest, Ron Pernick, co-founder and managing director of Clean Edge. Uncork-ED will feature Mediterranean fare, an exciting live auction, "Best of Live" raffle and wines from the Pacific Northwest and around the globe. Interact with students who are thriving today thanks to TechStart programs and see their projects first-hand! Purchase Tickets: http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=765179 Sponsorship Opportunities Uncork-ED is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your company's support for K-12 technology education and to receive recognition among industry professionals and the public. There are still several sponsorship opportunities available including table sponsors with seats for 8 and hosting special teacher and student VIPs, and individual seats. Wine Partner Opportunities Your winery's contribution to Uncork-ED is an exciting way to introduce and build relationships with high tech and education leaders in the community and to help support the future of technology education and access for students in Oregon and SW Washington. There is still time to sign up as a wine partner for this event! Event Updates Want to be kept up to date on this event? Check us out on Twitter @pdxtechstart and #UncorkED09. Or sign up for email updates at info@techstart.org If you have questions about this event and how you can get involved, please contact Natasha MacDonald. source_id: 996333801 start_time: 2009-09-27 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-27 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 22:41:00 Z 2009-10-01 18:20:19 ;X -3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-22 22:41:00 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5118 title: "Portland Art Museum: Kridel Grand Ballroom" region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391703 version: street_address: 1219 SW Park Ave Portland\, OR 97205 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.676 source_id: 996333801 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-22 22:41:00 Z 2009-10-01 18:20:22W k3EventJxiupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-22 22:41:00 Z title: "Uncork-ED 2009: Nurture. Flourish. Progress. THRIVE." rrule: venue_id: 202391703 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4480267/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457705 version: description: |- TechStart is thrilled to contiFind Yourself Unemployed\n Presented by Michael Hoffman\n \n Networking @ 6:00 PM; Seminar 6:30-7:30 PM; This event is free and open to the public.\n \n Abstract:\n The unexpected happened to me on November 17, 2008\xE2\x80\xA6 I was laid off. I was 20 years out of college, a seasoned software industry engineer, and leader, and was suddenly thrown into the pool of \xE2\x80\x9CUnemployed Hi-Tech Professionals\xE2\x80\x9D that numbered in the tens of thousands in the Portland area. A few months later, I was employed again, the results of a job search that involved techniques and technologies relevant to seeking employment given today\xE2\x80\x99s hiring practices.\n \n This presentation/discussion will focus on:\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Company hiring attitudes/practices\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Key technologies and techniques for job searching\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Considerations when working through recruiting companies\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Right and wrong ways to apply\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Effective approaches to getting that first interview\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Making yourself stand out\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Preparing ahead of time for when it happens to you\n \n Speaker Bio:\n Michael Hoffman is a 20-year veteran of the software industry. He has filled a variety of development and quality engineering, strategist, and leadership roles at companies such as Jeppesen Sanderson, Hewlett-Packard Company, Insight Distribution Software, Sharp, and GTE Government Systems. Mr. Hoffman\xE2\x80\x99s experience spans the realms of communications systems, factory control/integration, embedded systems, PC applications, and web-base solutions. Additionally, he teaches various software engineering courses for Oregon Institute of Technology.\n \n Mr. Hoffman recently found himself involuntarily seeking employment at a time when many companies were downsizing and few were hiring. As a result, he developed strategies and techniques that proved effective in today\xE2\x80\x99s job market for identifying opportunities, applying voluntarily for positions, interviewing, and following-up. Mr. Hoffman continues to mentor unemployed colleagues, sharing advice and best practices based on his experiences.\n \n Rose City SPIN:\n The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN" source_id: 996333825 start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 18:45:42 Z 2009-10-01 18:22:55 mm(Z 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 18:45:41 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.5159 title: The World Trade Center\, Portland\, OR region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391731 version: street_address: 121 SW Salmon St description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.675 source_id: 996333825 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-30 18:45:41 Z 2009-10-01 18:22:56SY ]3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 18:45:42 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Effective Job Seeking" rrule: venue_id: 202391731 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550691/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457764 version: description: "Rose City Software Process Improvement Network seminar in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org):\n \n Effective Job Seeking \xE2\x80\x94 How To Cope, Prepare, and Move Forward If You  \0\ 3EventJpVupdate--- updated_at: 2008-08-18 23:22:59 Z title: "Offshoring Application Development: The Real-Life Experiences of Three Software Professionals" rrule: venue_id: 202390540 url: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/17/08 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455638 version: description: | International SIG Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members Although offshoring application developm [ w3Venue < update--- updated_at: 2008-08-19 03:26:52 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: "US Bank Tower " region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: 202390540 country: id: 202390541 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: Ground Floor Conference Room 111 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204 email: "" created_at: 2008-08-18 23:24:20 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:25ent is commonplace now, success is not by any means guaranteed. In many cases, the gains made by lower labor costs are more than offset by the difficulties in managing such projects. Finding the best partner, implementing advantageous terms and then managing the project to success are the essential elements to ensure a solid return on investment. The International SIG of the Software Association of Oregon is pleased to offer a panel discussion that will explore best practices on the sourcing of offshore resources and the management of offshore development projects. Moderator David Parker, Director of Product Marketing, Blazent Speakers Will Claridge, Director of Quality Assurance, Tripwire Adam Simantel, Director of Development, Iovation John Gasper, Director of Development, Sabrix Thank you to our Program Sponsor: CorSource Technology Group source_id: start_time: 2008-09-17 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-09-17 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-08-18 23:22:59 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:25: description: "Developers SIG\r\n\ Cost: $10 for members $30 for non members\r\n\ \r\n\ The Continuous Integration process is often summed up as \"don't break the build,\" but there is a lot more to it than that. Continuous Integration done properly is all about shortening the feedback loop between developers so that any changes that affect other developers are dealt with as quickly as possible. Continuous Integration is valuable to any software organization \xC2\x96 legacy or new product development, IT, Consulting, and R&D. This talk will cover how CI works in practice, example implementation tools for Java and .NET, as well as the theory behind reducing integration times and increasing developer productivity and code health that CI enables.\r\n\ \r\n\ Speaker: Patrick Cauldwell, SoftSource Consulting\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Series Sponsor: Corillian Corporation" source_id: start_time: 2008-09-18 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-09-18 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-08-18 23:24:20 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:26 ] W3EventJpWupdate--- updated_at: 2008-08-19 03:26:52 Z title: "Continuous Integration in Your Environment: Theory and Practice" rrule: venue_id: 202390540 url: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=9/18/08 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455639 version ''U^ a3EventJqupdate--- updated_at: 2008-11-18 17:46:34 Z title: "SAO: Winning International Customers Online " rrule: venue_id: 202390540 url: https://db.sao.org/calendar2/event_description.htm?eventID=11/19/08b duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456035 version: 2 description: Learn from area companies with successful multilingual websites how to effectively plan, deploy and maintain a website in more than one language. The opportunities are greater than ever for those who do it right. Learn to avoid the pitfalls in order to take full advantage of the fact that the Web is truly worldwide. source_id: start_time: 2008-11-19 19:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-11-19 21:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-10-29 19:21:36 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:26p://www.eventbrite.com/event/350105174\r\n \r\n Costs:\r\n * Early Bird: $124.99\r\n * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed Early Bird: $34.99\r\n * Late Registration (After June 18): $199.99\r\n * Students, Freelancers, or Unemployed (After June 18): $49.99\r\n \r\n Prerequisites\r\n * You will need to bring a laptop to the training class\r\n * You must have a Yahoo account (Flickr / Upcoming) and confirm that you can access Pipes with that account\r\n * You will also need to create a Google Spreadsheet with 5-6 keywords formatted like this prior to the class.\r\n * No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required\r\n \r\n Visit the Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training page for the course outline and other information about the class. http://fastwonderblog.com/training/" source_id: 996333647 start_time: 2009-06-26 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-06-26 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-05-20 17:43:05 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:27 c_ }3EventJvupdate--- updated_at: 2009-06-26 00:00:48 Z title: "Introduction to Yahoo Pipes: Monitoring Conversations (Fee Required)" rrule: venue_id: 202390540 url: http://fastwonderblog.com/training/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457222 version: 4 description: "My next Yahoo Pipes class is scheduled for June 25th. For those who aren\xE2\x80\x99t familiar with Yahoo Pipes, it is a tool that I use to monitor conversations happening across various social media sites. While Yahoo Pipes can also do so much more, I have focused this introductory class on monitoring conversations.\r\n\ \r\n\ Register: htt l2l*b3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 19:02:09a _3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-03 06:46:51 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: Visit calagator.org or linuxfund.org the day of the event for venue info! region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391683 version: 2 street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-09-03 06:46:45 Z 2009-10-01 18:25:06J` K3Venue < update--- updated_at: 2009-06-26 00:00:17 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.5228 title: US Bank Tower (Big Pink), Ground Floor Conference Room region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390540 version: 1 street_address: 111 Sw 5th Ave description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6762 source_id: address: 111 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204 email: "" created_at: 2008-08-18 23:22:58 Z 2009-10-01 18:24:27" blog 2:00-3:00pm; * Session 4 - How to promote your blog 3:00-4:00pm; * 4:00-5:00pm will be an open help time to ask help with anything you'd like. What to expect We are focusing on WordPress blogs for this workshop. We chose WordPress so that if your blog is going well enough and you need to graduate to a hosted blog, you're data and experience will be compatible. By the time you leave the workshop, you'll have a blog that is ready to go and some direction on how to connect with other local bloggers. We are expecting people from all skill levels, including the technically challenged. Everyone will be treated with respect and will be encouraged. We'll be hosting the event at Webtrends. There are some computers available to use, but we highly recommend bringing your laptop if you have one as there likely won't be enough computers for everyone. Help us get the word out! Most of the people we're hoping to reach are either to far outside of our social circles or are offline completely. We could use your help in letting people know about this free workshop to get a blog up and running. We don't care if your motivation to blog is personal, professional, or political; we'll help you get one up and running. * Tweet the link to this page http://bit.ly/ufsYL * Email this page to a friend * RSVP on Upcoming and Calagator * Tell someone in real life using your voice. Crazy, huh? Why is this free? We're hoping to make new friends and be good citizens. We don't want to be an insular group, so we want to enable others to join. And, because we're Portlanders inspired by other Portlanders to DIY and that Yes We Can. :) Help out If you have experience with installing WordPress, we'd love to have you help answer people's questions. Please leave us a comment below if you're interested in helping! source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-05 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 19:02:09 Z 2009-10-01 19:03:09 A*d3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 19:03:33/c 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 19:02:09 Z title: End Bloglessness 3 rrule: venue_id: 202390594 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4552556/?ps=7 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457810 version: description: |- That's right, time to End Bloglessness, AGAIN! Whoo-Hoo! Gather up your friends, family, or any one else you can think of who has been looking to start a blog and come join us! Sunday, October 4th from 12:00-5:00pm Format Each session will be 1 hour: 15 minute presentation and 45 minutes of assisted help. During assisted help, attendees can raise their hands to get help from one of our assistants. Assistants are folks from the Portland tech scene that have done this process before who can help you with your questions. Agenda * Session 1 - Sign up for your blog 12:00-1:00pm; * Session 2 - Dial in the settings for your blog 1:00-2:00pm; * Session 3 - Intro to posting on your! Se ]3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 19:03:33 Z title: "Adobe User Group PS + AI: Season opener!" rrule: venue_id: 202391241 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457811 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-01 20:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-01 21:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 19:03:33 Z 2009-10-01 19:04:54 ++Qf Y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 19:04:54 Z title: "Adobe User Group PS + AI: Season opener!" rrule: venue_id: 202391241 url: http://groups.adobe.com/groups/0d0064b0a7/summary duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457811 version: description: | For experienced users of Photoshop and/or Illustrator. Season opener demonstration: Construction of a fantasy landscape and calligraphy. Network with other users and enter to win a full Adobe Creative Suite 4 (provided by Adobe -- but only twice a year!) User group meets regularly.... see website for details. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-09 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 19:03:33 Z 2009-10-01 19:06:03 O|O*h3EventJxcreate2009-10-01 23:15:24g 73EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 19:11:29 Z title: "Portland Linux/Unix Group: BSD Virtualization" rrule: venue_id: 202391198 url: http://pdxLinux.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457756 version: description: " \r\n PRESENTATION\r\n \r\n BSD Virtualization\r\n\ \r\n by\r\n\ \r\n Michael Dexter\r\n \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 19:11:29 Z 2009-10-01 19:09:49 [/[Pj W3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 23:15:43 Z title: WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting (last one!) rrule: venue_id: 202390451 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457812 version: description: Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX, starting this Friday! We're looking for volunteers and suggestions. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 23:15:23 Z 2009-10-01 23:16:31Mi Q3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 23:15:23 Z title: WhereCamp Planning Meeting (last one!) rrule: venue_id: 202390451 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457812 version: description: Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX, starting this Friday! We're looking for volunteers and suggestions. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-02 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 23:15:23 Z 2009-10-01 23:15:43)Stack: Soup-to-Nuts Implementation in Practice" rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481934/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457710 version: description: "Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Developers Forum\n \n In today's software development projects there are more tools and technology choices than ever before but few are seamlessly integrated. Although significant advances have occurred in the last 20 years, it remains a challenge to build an efficient, cost effective and integrated development tools stack that enables rapid development, testing, and release. Efficient use of a full spectrum of tools is crucial to any company for productive high quality development. The newest tools can make significant productivity gains possible when used effectively. \n \n Panel members will demonstrate working tools they've integrated in their development environments, and offer practical advice for adoption, benefits, challenges and usage. \n \n * Code Health: Alex Kriegel, an Enterprise Architect for the State of Oregon, Alex has recently helped to introduce a software factory approach to software development at Public Health Division of the Oregon State Department of Human Services. This led to investigation of a wide variety of efficiency-inducing tools. He will provide a quick demonstration of code health tools including static code analysis (PMD, CheckStyle, FxCop), code coverage (NCover, EMMA) and an integrated code review process.\n \n Continuous Integration: Tom Waterhouse, a software architect at Sabrix Inc, the leading provider of transaction tax management, has been at Sabrix for over 8 years overseeing the technological growth of the company. Tom will demonstrate a continuous integration scenario where a checkin to subversion triggers a build in Bamboo via Maven which triggers a success or failure email upon build completion, and checkins are reconciled against stories in JIRA. \n \n Developer Integration Testing: Andrew Wright, a Principal Engineer at Blackbox Republic, has been building software for companies such as Jive and Iovation for over a decade. He\xE2\x80\x99ll demonstrate a repeatable dataset generation system for databases as well as other data stores such as lucene, enabling developer oriented integration testing to occur in development. This solution utilizes maven, hibernate, and groovy.\n \n Even if you don\xE2\x80\x99t use any of the tools listed, there are best practices to be had that you could apply to your tools stack. Come loaded with questions for these panel members to get ideas for optimizing your development tools stack.\n \n Series Sponsors: Cascade Technical Services, EthicsPoint, OpenMake Software" source_id: 996333806 start_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 23:37:23 Z 2009-10-02 19:06:20 `"nA`*v3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 23:11:30*u3Venue @create2009-10-02 23:11:30*t3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 21:19:52*s3Venue :6create2009-10-02 21:19:51*r3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 21:10:59*q3Venue :Vcreate2009-10-02 21:10:58*p3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 21:08:13*o3Venue ?create2009-10-02 21:08:13*n3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 19:07:59*m3Venue :Acreate2009-10-02 19:07:58}l /3EventJxndestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 19:06:20 Z title: "An Integrated Development Tools,ck }3EventJxnupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-22 23:37:23 Z title: "An Integrated Development Tools (- Stack: Soup-to-Nuts Implementation in Practice" rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481934 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457710 version: description: "Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Developers Forum\r\n \r\n\ In today's software development projects there are more tools and technology choices than ever before but few are seamlessly integrated. Although significant advances have occurred in the last 20 years, it remains a challenge to build an efficient, cost effective and integrated development tools stack that enables rapid development, testing, and release. Efficient use of a full spectrum of tools is crucial to any company for productive high quality development. The newest tools can make significant productivity gains possible when used effectively. \r\n \r\n Panel members will demonstrate working tools they've integrated in their development environments, and offer practical advice for adoption, benefits, challenges and usage. \r\n . \r\n Code Health: Alex Kriegel, an Enterprise Architect for the State of Oregon, Alex has recently helped to introduce a software factory approach to software development at Public Health Division of the Oregon State Department of Human Services. This led to investigation of a wide variety of efficiency-inducing tools. He will provide a quick demonstration of code health tools including static code analysis (PMD, CheckStyle, FxCop), code coverage (NCover, EMMA) and an integrated code review process.\r\n \r\n Continuous Integration: Tom Waterhouse, a software architect at Sabrix Inc, the leading provider of transaction tax management, has been at Sabrix for over 8 years overseeing the technological growth of the company. Tom will demonstrate a continuous integration scenario where a checkin to subversion triggers a build in Bamboo via Maven which triggers a success or failure email upon build completion, and checkins are reconciled against stories in JIRA. \r\n \r\n Developer Integration Testing: Andrew Wright, a Principal Engineer at Blackbox Republic, has been building software for companies such as Jive and Iovation for over a decade. He\xE2\x80\x99ll demonstrate a repeatable dataset generation system for databases as well as other data stores such as lucene, enabling developer oriented integration testing to occur in development. This solution utilizes maven, hibernate, and groovy.\r\n \r\n Even if you don\xE2\x80\x99t use any of the tools listed, there are best practices to be had that you could apply to your tools stack. Come loaded with questions for these panel members to get ideas for optimizing your development tools stack.\r\n \r\n Series Sponsors: Cascade Technical Services, EthicsPoint, OpenMake Software" source_id: 996333806 start_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 23:37:23 Z 2009-10-02 19:07:51 zMIz I3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 23:27:20 Z title: "Selling Your Services Doesn't Ha0*y3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 23:27:20*x3EventJxcreate2009-10-02 23:21:13Uw a3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 23:11:30 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Monarch Hotel in Clackamas " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391774 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-02 23:11:30 Z 2009-10-02 23:12:31ve to Be Stressful " rrule: venue_id: 202391681 url: http://www.occa.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457819 version: description: | Frustrated by this year's sales numbers? Stressed out wondering which of your many skills and talents the prospect needs and will pay good money for? Come learn THE EASY WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SALES AND KEEP YOUR SANITY while running a computer consulting business at the monthly meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association on October 27th. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Networking 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Meeting Aquiarive Italian Kitchen, 0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland 97239 Meetings are free and open to the public. No host dinner. Registration is not required. A full desciption of event and a bio on the speaker, Arleen McClean of Work Smarter, is available at www.occa.org source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 23:27:20 Z 2009-10-02 23:30:36ignment. Come to hear valuable lessons learned from two leading CIO\xE2\x80\x99s and to get a framework for IT innovation from a thought leader on IT processes. The objective is to help you innovate in the context of your own organization\xE2\x80\x99s needs.\n \n You will learn that by answering nine questions you can determine your organization\xE2\x80\x99s Value Type. To get a head start, we invite you to complete the questionnaire before the sessions. The questionnaire can be found at: http://www.itpi.org/itarchetype.php.\n \n Sessions : Tickets are required for each session.\n \n Session A: 7:30 breakfast session w/ networking and panel presentation\n Session B: 9:30 presentation with Kurt Milne of IT Process Institute\n Purchase tickets for both and get $5 off! \n \n Who should attend : Business Leaders, CIO\xE2\x80\x99s, IT Managers, Managers of IT Functions" source_id: 996333828 start_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:10:59 Z 2009-10-03 03:09:02   t| 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:10:58 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Hotel deLuxe @ 729 SW 15th Ave, Portland, Oregon US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391772 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333828 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-02 21:10:58 Z 2009-10-03 03:09:04o{ 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:10:59 Z title: "SAOpdx: IT Innovation and Strategic Alignment ft. Kurt Milne of the IT Process Institute" rrule: venue_id: 202391772 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558295/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457815 version: description: "Presented by the SAO\xE2\x80\x99s CIO/IT Manager\xE2\x80\x99s Forum\n \n Early online registration is encouraged. In the event of a sell-out, preference will be given to members, business leaders, and CIOs.\n \n On October 28, you have the opportunity to learn from two related sessions on the subject of IT Innovation and Strategic Al14rule: venue_id: 202391771 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558266/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457814 version: description: |- Bring your friends, or come make new ones! We always have a great time, so even if you're the world's worst or the world's best poker player, it's going to be time well spent. Onsite Payment: We accept credit card and cash onsite. Sorry, no checks. Who can play: Anyone over 21 the law allows. Any industry, any skill level, and you don't have to be an SAO member to play. Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed if made by noon, day of play (close of online registration). You must contact Stephanie El-Hajj to make your substitution. Substitutions are not allowed onsite. Time: Registration opens at 5:30. Play starts at 6:00pm sharp. If you're registered but arrive after 6:00pm, your seat might be given to a walk-in! Play to win - some games last til 10:00pm. Rebuys: A maximum of three (3) rebuys are allowed. Rebuys are $25 each and can only be purchased once ALL of your chips are gone. We do not allow chip add-ons. Rebuys are not added to the prize pot. Prize Payout (Minimum Guarantee)* 1st Place - $300 / 2nd Place - $150 / 3rd Place - $50 / 4th-10th Place - Bragging Rights Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant and Pub Dealers: We always need volunteer dealers - if you're interested in dealing, please contact Stephanie El-Hajj. We treat our dealers right - your drinks + food are on us! Small Print: *Final payout is based on total buyins. Winners will be awarded Visa Gift Cards. We will not have prizes night-of. Poker winners will be notified when the Cards are available for pickup at the SAO Office. Thank you to our volunteer dealers - Poker Night wouldn't be possible without your help! source_id: 996333827 start_time: 2009-10-28 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:08:13 Z 2009-10-03 03:09:42 }~ 13Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:08:13 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Kell's @ 112 SW Second Avenue, Portland, Portland, Oregon US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391771 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333827 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-02 21:08:13 Z 2009-10-03 03:09:43} ]3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:08:13 Z title: "SAOpdx: Poker Night : October" r3on the forehead and promise to steal the idea the next time you can. The Software Association of Oregon's Marketing and Sales Forum (MSF) brings together seven of Portland's top deal makers to each share one creative closing technique. You'll leave the event with a new angle on how to close that stalled deal. Do you have a closing trick of your own? The panelists will also field ideas from the audience, give feedback, and award prizes for the most innovative ideas. The Marketing and Sales Forum consistently gathers local thought leaders to share success stories and strategies that help bolster the entire community. Don't miss this opportunity to learn something new and hobnob with Portland's most creative marketing and sales professionals. Join us after the program (7:00-8:00) for extended networking and a meet + greet with the presenters. source_id: 996333829 start_time: 2009-10-30 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:19:52 Z 2009-10-03 03:10:15 __ A3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:19:51 Z postal_code: latitude: title: BridgePort Brew Pub @ 1313 Nw Marshall St, Portland, Oregon 97209 US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391773 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333829 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-02 21:19:51 Z 2009-10-03 03:10:16  O3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 21:19:52 Z title: "SAOpdx: I Wish I\xE2\x80\x99d Thought of That: Creative Approaches to Closing Deals" rrule: venue_id: 202391773 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558299/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457816 version: description: |- Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Marketing + Sales Forum All the best new ideas have one thing in common: they make you ask, "Why didn't I think of that?" And when you finally get wise, you can only slap yourself 69ll demonstrate working tools they've integrated in their development environments, and offer practical advice for adoption, benefits, challenges and usage. \n \n Code Health: Alex Kriegel, an Enterprise Architect for the State of Oregon, Alex has recently helped to introduce a software factory approach to software development at Public Health Division of the Oregon State Department of Human Services. This led to investigation of a wide variety of efficiency-inducing tools. He will provide a quick demonstration of code health tools including static code analysis (PMD, CheckStyle, FxCop), code coverage (NCover, EMMA) and an integrated code review process.\n \n Continuous Integration: Tom Waterhouse, a software architect at Sabrix Inc, the leading provider of transaction tax management, has been at Sabrix for over 8 years overseeing the technological growth of the company. Tom will demonstrate a continuous integration scenario where a checkin to subversion triggers a build in Bamboo via Maven which triggers a success or failure email upon build completion, and checkins are reconciled against stories in JIRA. \n \n Developer Integration Testing: Andrew Wright, a Principal Engineer at Blackbox Republic, has been building software for companies such as Jive and Iovation for over a decade. He\xE2\x80\x99ll demonstrate a repeatable dataset generation system for databases as well as other data stores such as lucene, enabling developer oriented integration testing to occur in development. This solution utilizes maven, hibernate, and groovy.\n \n Even if you don\xE2\x80\x99t use any of the tools listed, there are best practices to be had that you could apply to your tools stack. Come loaded with questions for these panel members to get ideas for optimizing your development tools stack.\n \n Series Sponsors: Cascade Technical Services, EthicsPoint, OpenMake Software" source_id: 996333806 start_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 19:07:59 Z 2009-10-03 03:11:05 SS q3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 19:07:59 Z title: "An Integrated Development Tools Stack: Soup-to-Nuts Implementation in Practice" rrule: venue_id: 202391770 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4481934/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457813 version: description: "Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Developers Forum\n \n In today's software development projects there are more tools and technology choices than ever before but few are seamlessly integrated. Although significant advances have occurred in the last 20 years, it remains a challenge to build an efficient, cost effective and integrated development tools stack that enables rapid development, testing, and release. Efficient use of a full spectrum of tools is crucial to any company for productive high quality development. The newest tools can make significant productivity gains possible when used effectively. \n \n Panel members wi8 _ u3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-02 19:07:58 Z postal_code: latitude: title: TBD @ TBD, Portland, Oregon US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391770 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333806 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-02 19:07:58 Z 2009-10-03 03:11:05  zM *3Venue :$create2009-10-05 15:38:32*3EventJxcreate2009-10-04 17:43:58*3EventJxcreate2009-10-04 08:10:34U a3EventJx7update--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 17:09:52 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Game Day" rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://wherecamppdx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457655 version: 1 description: |- WhereCamp is a free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. The game day is a chance to get out around town, and try out different locative and urban games and activities. Last year we did Pac-Manhattan, Cruel 2B Kind, and a disaster preparedness mapping activity. Check our website for details on this year's game schedule. If you'd like to host an activity in connection with the event, please contact us via the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/wherecamp-pdx source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-08 17:31:29 Z 2009-10-04 00:24:52 +wX+* 3Venue >create2009-10-05 15:41:45 ventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:33 Z title: 3 Ways to Triple Your Revenue rrule: venue_id: 202391775 url: http://www.techamerica.org/ebctriplerevenue duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457822 version: description: | Several of the area's top-level executives will discuss what types of changes they made within their companies to successfully achieve fast growth. They will share their unique experiences and explore issues and expertise in overcoming the challenges they have faced and the sometimes hard choice>X g3Venue :$update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:32 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391775 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:32 Z 2009-10-05 15:38:53*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:38:34s they have had to make in order to achieve growth. This is your opportunity to learn what worked and what didn't as you pursue aggressive growth in your own business. Attendees will gain insight into growth-related challenges and solutions in areas such as: - Marketing - Sales - Cash flow - Corporate governance - Operations - Product engineering Panelist - all have gone through 3X revenue in under 2 years at least once (most more): - Sudhir Bhagwan, Bhagwan Enterprises, LLC - Mike Cook, Chief Executive Officer, MTI - Bryan LeBlanc, Chief Financial Officer, Jive Software - John W. Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, HemCon - W. Michael Wright, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wellpartner Moderator: - Robert E. Wiltbank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Willamette MBA source_id: start_time: 2009-10-08 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-08 16:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:33 Z 2009-10-05 15:39:50 S&*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:47:45J K3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:18 Z postal_code: latitude: title: The Heathman Hotel region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391777 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:18 Z 2009-10-05 15:44:44*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:44:18* 3Venue @create2009-10-05 15:44:18O U3Venue >update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Mortons' The Steakhouse region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391776 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z 2009-10-05 15:42:15* 3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:41:45icate_of_id: id: 1250457823 version: description: "How are you and your company going to come out of this recession? What has changed during the past two years? Where are things headed for your business? Companies are reinventing themselves in a variety of ways - through diversification of products and markets; by shifting more manufacturing and sourcing to Asia; by hiring or contracting for staff whose skills weren\xE2\x80\x99t even mentioned in job descriptions at the turn of the century (10 years ago!) With all of this change, what\xE2\x80\x99s happening to the engineering jobs in Portland, and how does the role of the Engineering Executive need to change and adapt?\r\n\ \r\n\ This dinner forum is available to CTO and Engineering Executives from member and nonmember companies.\r\n\ \r\n\ Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-14 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-14 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z 2009-10-05 15:52:21 o*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:54:14q 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 18:20:21 Z title: "TechAmerica: Patents - an In DepC[ m3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:18 Z title: "CFO Forum: Shifting Gears \xE2\x80\x93 Balancing the CFO\xE2\x80\x99s Role in an Economic Uptick" rrule: venue_id: 202391777 url: http://www.techamerica.org/cfoforumshiftinggears duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457824 version: description: |- After spending the last year on defenseB*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:52:25q 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z title: "CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the Engineering Executive " rrule: venue_id: 202391776 url: http://www.techamerica.org/ctoforumoctober09 dupl@, companies must be able to quickly shift gears and get back on offense - how quickly and what are the tripping-points for spending? Special guests, Scott Gibson, Chairman of the Board, RadiSys Corporation and Brian Bronson, Chief Financial Officer, RadiSys Corporation will share how they are altering plans to take advantage of the economic uptick. Discussion Points: - Dealing with pressure from the Board to stay ahead and be ready to EMERGE NOW - How to emerge responsibly without spending too much (for private companies - risking your opportunity to be an IPO candidate) - What to spend money on - hiring, marketing, development - How to manage your team - employee retention, moral - Strategic Planning with uncertainty What expectations does the Board currently hold for the CFO Thank you KPMG LLP for sponsoring this event! source_id: start_time: 2009-10-22 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-22 16:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:18 Z 2009-10-05 15:52:53th Primer" rrule: venue_id: 202390052 url: http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR100905 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457749 version: description: |- This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to create strong patents as valuable corporate assets. During the first hour of the workshop you will learn: Why the US has an intellectual property system How patents relate to other forms of intellectual property How patents are used both offensively and defensively In addition, three small-group sessions will provide access, in a non-threatening, teaching environment, to industry veterans who will answer questions specific to your industry or business. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 18:20:21 Z 2009-10-05 15:54:02If you're either starting a company or revisiting your business strategy, defining your market and figuring out how big it is are important first steps. A clear market definition focuses your effort. Sizing the market tells you how big your opportunity is, which is important preparation for building a budget and a forecast -- and it tells you something about what sources of financing might be possible. Understanding your market's segments is the first step in deciding which segment makes the most sense to target. Defining, sizing, and segmenting your market is the first step in putting together a company strategy and a business plan. At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will walk you through the process. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-05 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-05 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:54:14 Z 2009-10-05 15:54:44  qD*3Venue @create2009-10-05 18:21:08*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:58:11*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 15:56:32 ventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:54:02 Z title: "TechAmerica IP Workshop: The PaHQ Y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:47:45 Z title: "IP Workshop: The Patent System \xE2\x80\x93 An In-depth Primer" rrule: venue_id: 202390052 url: http://www.techamerica.org/ipworkshop duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457825 version: description: "TechAmerica's Technology and IP Committee presents a workshop on patent basics. \r\n \r\n\ This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to creatF C3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:54:14 Z title: "OTBC: How to Define, Size and Segment a Market" rrule: venue_id: 202390750 url: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/11501497/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457827 version: description: |- DGe strong patents as valuable corporate assets.\r\n\ \r\n\ During the first hour of the workshop you will learn:\r\n - Why the US has an intellectual property system \r\n - How patents relate to other forms of intellectual property \r\n - How patents are used both offensively and defensively \r\n\ \r\n\ In addition, three small-group sessions will provide access, in a non-threatening, teaching environment, to industry veterans who will answer questions specific to your industry or business.\r\n\ \r\n\ SMALL GROUP BREAK-OUT SESSIONS: \r\n\ Steps to take before filing a patent application (led by Matthew Rabdau, Tektronix and Thaine Allison, MTI, Inc.)\r\n - When and how to document inventions \r\n - How to decide whether a patent application should be filed \r\n - How to work with inside or outside patent counsel \r\n\ \r\n\ How to draft a patent application (led by Jim Stewart, Ater Wynne LLP and Rick Boyd, Ater Wynne LLP)\r\n - How to develop an application that will ultimately issue as a patent \r\n - Why are claims so hard to read (and how to read them) \r\n\ \r\n\ How to successfully navigate an application through the Patent Office (led by Kevin Ross, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC and Joe Makuch, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC)\r\n - How examiners use \"Prior Art\" \r\n - How to best respond to Patent Office rejections \r\n - How to prosecute a patent that will withstand an invalidity attack \r\n\ \r\n\ Finally, participants will take home a packet of valuable materials specific to developing an in-house patent system.\r\n\ \r\n\ Who shoud attend:\r\n - Engineers new to the patent system \r\n - Engineering managers \r\n - Managers having IP responsibility \r\n - VCs who seek in-depth knowledge about the patent system \r\n - Small business owners and entrepreneurs \r\n\ \r\n\ Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:47:45 Z 2009-10-05 15:55:17tent System \xE2\x80\x93 An In-depth Primer" rrule: venue_id: 202390052 url: http://www.aeanet.org/events/EventsCatalog.cfm?Product_Major=OR100905 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457749 version: description: |- This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to create strong patents as valuable corporate assets. During the first hour of the workshop you will learn: Why the US has an intellectual property system How patents relate to other forms of intellectual property How patents are used both offensively and defensively In addition, three small-group sessions will provide access, in a non-threatening, teaching environment, to industry veterans who will answer questions specific to your industry or business. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-28 18:20:21 Z 2009-10-05 15:55:46 HyLAHn& 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:29 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391781 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:29 Z 2009-10-06 18:32:45*%3EventJxcreate2009-10-06 18:32:30*$3Venue @create2009-10-06 18:32:29*#3EventJxcreate2009-10-06 03:51:02a" y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:03:55 Z title: "Galois Tech Talk: Roll Your Own L2! 3EventJx0update--- updated_at: 2009-09-28 20:45:19 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeJ* 3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 18:36:37*3Venue @Ecreate2009-10-05 18:36:37*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 18:26:08*3Venue @create2009-10-05 18:26:07*3EventJxcreate2009-10-05 18:21:09Kting rrule: venue_id: 202391576 url: http://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457648 version: 2 description: "The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.\r\n\ \r\n\ PRESENTATIONS\r\n\ \r\n\ 1. \"Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs\", Luke Kanies\r\n\ \r\n\ Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees.\r\n\ \r\n\ Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in.\r\n\ \r\n\ 2. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today!" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-07 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-07 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-04 16:34:04 Z 2009-10-06 01:25:02Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience" rrule: venue_id: 202390439 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457759 version: description: |- The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 * Title: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience * Speaker: Lee Pike * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/09/29/pike-haskell0/ An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to levent.erkok@galois.com if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok source_id: start_time: 2009-10-06 17:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-06 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 04:44:15 Z 2009-10-06 01:32:24 /d\/*.3EventJxcreate2009-10-06 20:52:31&- 3EventJx0update--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 01:25:02 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391576 url: http://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457648 version: 2 description: "The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland OO*,3EventJxcreate2009-10-06 19:36:37*+3Venue @create2009-10-06 19:36:37**3EventJxcreate2009-10-06 18:42:49G) E3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 18:33:07 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Buffalo Gap, " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391782 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-06 18:33:07 Z 2009-10-06 18:33:36#( }3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:30 Z title: ABPMP Round Table rrule: venue_iN*'3Venue @create2009-10-06 18:33:07d: 202391781 url: " http://bit.ly/oMW70" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457834 version: description: | Cost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: please e-mail: nechamakatan@gmail.com Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-20 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-20 15:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:30 Z 2009-10-06 18:33:07Pregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.\r\n\ \r\n\ PRESENTATIONS\r\n\ \r\n\ 1. \"Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs\", Luke Kanies\r\n\ \r\n\ Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees.\r\n\ \r\n\ Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA, Linux.Conf.au, and FOSS.in.\r\n\ \r\n\ 2. \"MapProjection, a geographical projection library for Ruby\", Duncan Beevers\r\n\ \r\n\ Duncan is a wrangler of many technologies, primarily Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and ActionScript these days at Kongregate.\r\n\ \r\n\ 3. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today!\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-07 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-07 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-04 16:34:04 Z 2009-10-06 20:27:53
      • Renegade Metaphysics
      • Radical Psychotherapy
      • Aliens
      • NeoShamanism
      • Temporary Autonomous Zones
      • Body Modification
      • Alternative Sexuality
      • Fringe Culture
      • Human-Dolphin Communication
      • DIY Media
      • Cybernetics and Systems Theory
      • Pranks
      • Atheism
      • Zen
      • Martial Arts
      • Recession Hacking
      • What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow @esozone for updates RSVP at Upcoming source_id: start_time: 2009-10-10 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-06-24 03:31:43 Z 2009-10-06 23:42:53 *03EventJxcreate2009-10-06 23:57:15a/ y3EventJvupdate--- updated_at: 2009-07-03 02:20:39 Z title: EsoZone Portland 2009 rrule: venue_id: 202391596 url: http://esozone.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457340 version: 5 description: |- EsoZone is a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include:
      • Outsider Art
      • Discordia
      • SubGenius
      • The Occult
      • Satanism
      • Conspiracy Analysis
      • Life Extension
      • Intelligence Enhancement
      • Space Migration
      • Psychedelic Futurism
      • Conciousness Expansion
      • R/evolutionary Living
      • Q ++Q1 Y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 23:57:15 Z title: "10/14 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - How to Make a Great Presentation " rrule: venue_id: 202391696 url: http://www.mercycorpsnw.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457838 version: description: |- It's time to come out from behind your desk and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations, whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of potential investors. Discover how to give presentations that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Topics include how to: -Structure the content of a presentation -Use clear language that avoids jargon and paints pictures -Manage nerves and anxiety -Handle inevitable mishaps with ease -Rehearse like a pro source_id: start_time: 2009-10-15 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-15 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-06 23:57:15 Z 2009-10-07 00:06:24 4 53EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-07 16:21:56 Z title: Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP) rrule: venue_id: 202391320 url: " http://bit.ly/oMW70" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457840 version: description: "Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an \"operating system\" for your business. \r\n\ \r\n\ Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impU*33EventJxcreate2009-10-07 16:21:56*23EventJxcreate2009-10-07 03:38:52Vact on business both in the \"office\" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. \r\n\ \r\n\ Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP\xE2\x80\x99s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager).\r\n\ \r\n\ Association of Business Process Management Professionals (ABPMP.org)\r\n\ The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. \r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. \r\n\ Please RSVP: Linked-in (http://bit.ly/2jDQUp) \r\n\ Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program.\r\n\ Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-07 16:21:56 Z 2009-10-07 17:36:02X the \"office\" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. \r\n\ \r\n\ Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP\xE2\x80\x99s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager).\r\n\ \r\n\ Association of Business Process Management Professionals (ABPMP.org)\r\n\ The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. \r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. \r\n\ Please RSVP: Linked-in (http://bit.ly/2jDQUp) \r\n\ Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. http://aim.uoregon.edu\r\n\ Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-07 16:21:56 Z 2009-10-07 17:36:24 *73EventJxcreate2009-10-08 12:38:02*63Venue @create2009-10-08 12:38:015 c3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-07 17:36:02 Z title: Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP) rrule: venue_id: 202391320 url: " http://bit.ly/oMW70" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457840 version: description: "Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an \"operating system\" for your business. \r\n\ \r\n\ Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both inW T *;3EventJxcreate2009-10-08 16:24:15*:3Venue @create2009-10-08 16:24:14D9 =3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 12:38:01 Z postal_code: latitude: title: utissarrime region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391784 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-08 12:38:01 Z 2009-10-08 13:42:01(8 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 12:38:02 Z title: tadalafil rrule: venue_id: 202391784 url: http://itadalafil.name duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457841 version: description: |- tadalafil tadalafil source_id: start_time: 2009-10-08 13:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-08 14:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-08 12:38:02 Z 2009-10-08 13:41:42 G< E3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 16:24:14 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Mt. Hood Winery region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391785 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-08 16:24:14 Z 2009-10-08 16:24:45 > a3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 18:36:37 Z title: How to Take Your Networking to th]d= 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 16:24:15 Z title: Gorge Angel Conference rrule: venue_id: 202391785 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457842 version: description: "Join us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D\xE2\x80\x99 oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine\r\n \r\n\ Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River\r\n\ October 27, 2009\r\n\ 5:30-7:30 PM\r\n \r\n\ RSVP: Nick.Kraemer \"at\" co.hood-river.or.us, 541-387-7012" source_id: start_time: 2009-10-27 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-27 18:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-08 16:24:15 Z 2009-10-08 16:25:09^e next level rrule: venue_id: 202391780 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559973/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457832 version: description: |- Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be really connected, always giving and getting referrals, an expert at what they provide, and effortlessly attract more clients, while also building stronger relationships with everyone they network with? What are they doing that you aren't doing? Believe it or not, they probably are only doing a couple of things differently than you do, but what makes it EASY for them to do it is cultivating a certain mindset about networking that allows them to become problem solvers. How you help others when you network impacts how often they will think of you and whether they will work with you. If you're only thinking of yourself, this will become apparent to others quickly. If you turn your thinking from me to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused network, where everyone collaborates to succeed! Here's How: * What: How to Take your networking to the next level * When: 3 hours 2-5pm PST, November 5th * Where:Bravo Conference Room 630 B Avenue Suite 205 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 * How much: Not much at all! Just $65 gets you my attention, guidance, and support, as we work on taking your in-person networking to the next level. You WILL walk away from this workshop knowing how to become a problem solver for others, as well as how to turn your thinking and networking from me into we, so that you make a positive, powerful, and memorable impression on your network. As an Extra Bonus, you will get: Your own copy of my Social Media Etiquette Tips for your Networking Success E-book All this, for $65. What a deal! source_id: 996333832 start_time: 2009-11-05 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 18:36:37 Z 2009-10-08 18:22:42 l8@ '3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:45 Z postal_code: "97219" latitude: 45.4746809 title: Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391781 version: street_address: 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.672003 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-06 18:32:29 Z 2009-10-08 18:23:26? W3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 18:36:37 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bravo Portland Conference Room @ 630 B Avenue Suite 205, Lake Oswego, Oregon US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391780 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333832 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-05 18:36:37 Z 2009-10-08 18:22:43aols. You feel discouraged because you know social media is becoming more important for marketing a business but don't how to use the technology or you do know how to use it, but wonder why no one ever responds to your posts. Why isn't social media getting clients in your doors? The three magic reason you might be stuck! Notice if any of these fit you. 1. You feel intimidated by the technology and don't know where to start. You're getting lots of invites to social networking sites and you don't know what to do with them or what sites to be on. You've also been told you need to integrate blogs, radio, and other social media into how you promote yourself, but you feel scattered and unsure of where to start. 2. Your social media marketing plan is lame, or you don't have one. You are on some social media sites, but nothing you do seems to work and you don't have a clear goal in how to integrate social media into your marketing. It can feel like throwing ab dart and hoping that you hit the bullseye, but you're spending a lot of time and money on your marketing and not getting the clients you want from it. Poor planning equals poor results. 3. Your doubt about social media's effectiveness for your business sabotages you. You've become convinced that social media doesn't work for promoting your business and you feel it's a waste of time, but you also wonder why your fellow business owners or colleagues are getting business from using social media sites. Your attitude is holding you back from capitalizing on social media. Can you relate to any of the above? I could and still do sometimes. You might have a wonderful product or be an excellent service provider, but if you don't understand social media, you could be missing out on lots of people who could use what you have to offer. The first step is to admit this so that you can fix it, learn new skills, and move on. What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forcward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked self-employed person to a business owner who recognizes what resources s/he needs from social media, and then learn how to automate those resources, so your only spending as much as time as needed on social media. 2. Accept that you either don't have a marketing plan for your social media presence, or that the existing one is lame. You can easily learn the eight simple steps to setting up a social media marketing plan that works. You were able to master the skills of your profession or trade, so you can master the technology and marketing for social media. 3. Let go of being negative about social media. Social media is here to stay. Become empowered and unstoppable in your use of it. Decide to do whatever it takes to learn and integrate it into your business. A change in attitude can provide the right push toward bringing ydou success with social media. How does the Eight Steps to a successful Social Media Marketing Plan webinar work? We meet twelve times over four months and will go through the 8 steps to a success social media marketing plan. You'll work on setting up your social media presence and gradually develop a successful social media marketing plan. You'll be part of a powerful group of entrepreneurs who own businesses, just like you, who want to get unstuck with social media. You'll learn the technology AND the marketing together. The sessions will be a very focused combination of teaching, sharing, feedback, and support. At the end, everyone will have a completed social media marketing plan and presence to take into 2010! Begins October 30th and ends January 22nd (no class December 25th and January 1st) We meet Fridays 11:30-1 PST on the phone and website. Every class will be recorded, but you can call in from anywhere and access the website from any place with an interneet connection. This seminar includes: * Training on the technology for the social media sites. You'll learn how to optimize and automate your social media presence. * The Social Media Marketing Plan handbook. * One individual 30 minute coaching call with me. * 12 group sessions over four months. * Seminar Discussion Blog where you can share information and ask question with each other. * Feedback from other professional, motivated business owners. You know you need help with your social media marketing presence, and you are also smart enough to know that all successful people get help! With a social media marketing plan developed through my seminar you will get: * A powerful social media marketing plan that puts you in touch with the audience you want to reach. * An understanding of how social media marketing works. * Training on the technology, with a focus on automating it, so that it works for you, without you having to work on it all the time. * Focused language you can use on your website and to engage your audience. * How to use social media marketing to funnel people to your services and products. Think about it. With your new training and skills, you'll be getting more clients, and it will only cost one client to pay for this course! But Wait! **Save $51 dollars off the top and do one easy payment and get the whole seminar for only $399!! Or choose three easy monthly payments of only $150. Your choice. Sign-up now while there is still space. As soon as you register you will be directed to a link with a sign-up form. Fill out the sign-up form and then you will get my letter with all the details of the webinar, including a beginning questionnaire to help you start the process of creating your social media marketing plan.256 source_id: 996333831 start_time: 2009-10-30 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 18:26:08 Z 2009-10-08 18:25:57 rA 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 18:26:08 Z title: Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan rrule: venue_id: 202391779 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4559955/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457831 version: description: |- Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan This is a 12 Week Webinar for Business Owners who are great at what they do, but feel overwhelmed when it comes to Social Media Marketing If you're like most business owners you're frustrated by social media technology and having to fit it into your already busy schedule. Additionally having to learn how to market yourself on social media can be intimidating because it also involves learning the correct social media etiquette as well as the to` xC k3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-09-23 07:07:30 Z postal_code: "92672" latitude: 33.3962 title: Oc Teen Boot Camp region: California url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391705 version: street_address: Linda Lane Park description: locality: San Clemente telephone: longitude: -117.561 source_id: 996333809 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-23 07:07:30 Z 2009-10-08 18:31:27B =3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 18:26:07 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Imagine Your Reality Webinar @ home or office, Portland, Oregon US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391779 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333831 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-05 18:26:07 Z 2009-10-08 18:26:11icate_of_id: id: 1250457823 version: description: "How are you and your company going to come out of this recession? What has changed during the past two years? Where are things headed for your business? Companies are reinventing themselves in a variety of ways - through diversification of products and markets; by shifting more manufacturing and sourcing to Asia; by hiring or contracting for staff whose skills weren\xE2\x80\x99t even mentioned in job descriptions at the turn of the century (10 years ago!) With all of this change, what\xE2\x80\x99s happening to the engineering jobs in Portland, and how does the role of the Engineering Executive need to change and adapt?\r\n\ \r\n\ This dinner forum is available to CTO and Engineering Executives from member and nonmember companies.\r\n\ \r\n\ Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-14 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-14 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z 2009-10-08 18:32:06 ccE S3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:42:15 Z postal_code: "97201" latitude: 45.505603 title: Mortons' The Steakhouse region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391776 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6882145 source_id: address: 213 SW Clay St. email: "" created_at: 2009-10-05 15:41:45 Z 2009-10-08 18:32:06D 53EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:52:21 Z title: "TechAmerica: CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the Engineering Executive " rrule: venue_id: 202391776 url: http://www.techamerica.org/ctoforumoctober09 duplh  r bG {3Venue ?update--- updated_at: 2009-05-22 21:41:07 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: The Silicon Forest Blog region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391547 version: 2 street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-05-22 21:40:44 Z 2009-10-08 18:37:55 F K3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:44 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.516869 title: The Heathman Hotel region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391777 version: street_address: 1001 SW Broadway description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.68118 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-05 15:44:18 Z 2009-10-08 18:35:28 +oX+*L3EventJxcreate2009-10-08 23:31:40*K3EventJxcreate2009-10-08 21:28:37*J3EventJxcreate2009-10-08 19:19:459I )3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-06-12 15:39:21 Z postal_code: "97007" latitude: 45.4856 title: The Reserve Vineyard + Golf Club region: Oregon url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391552 version: 2 street_address: 4805 Southwest 229th Avenue description: "" locality: Beaverton telephone: "" longitude: -122.914 source_id: 996333661 address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-05-30 00:41:51 Z 2009-10-08 18:38:50 H Q3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-24 03:47:53 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5164 title: The Rocking Frog region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391708 version: street_address: 2511 SE Belmont St. description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.64 source_id: 996333814 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-24 03:47:53 Z 2009-10-08 18:38:22 MMN ;3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 23:31:40 Z title: "SubGenius Devival: Cyclone of Slack (EsoZone afterparty)" rrule: venue_id: url: http://pdxdevival.com/?page_id=26 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457845 version: description: "CYCLONE OF SLACK is not only a night of true SubGenius mutation- it\xE2\x80\x99s also the afterparty for Esozone Portland 2009, a free \xE2\x80\x9Cunconference\xE2\x80\x9D dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality." source_id: start_time: 2009-10-11 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-11 06:59:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-08 23:31:40 Z 2009-10-08 23:32:18*M3Venue @create2009-10-08 23:32:17 Y,ST ]3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:22:55 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Effective Job Seeking" rrule: venue_id: 202390078 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4550691/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457764 version: description: "Rose City Software Process Improvement Network seminar in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (www.pnsqc.org):\n \n Effective Job Seeking \xE2\x80\x94 How To Cope, Prepare, and Move Forward If You n*S3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 05:40:13*R3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 05:37:52*Q3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 01:30:31*P3Venue @create2009-10-09 01:30:31IO I3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-08 23:32:17 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Ash Street Saloon region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391786 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-08 23:32:17 Z 2009-10-08 23:32:40oFind Yourself Unemployed\n Presented by Michael Hoffman\n \n Networking @ 6:00 PM; Seminar 6:30-7:30 PM; This event is free and open to the public.\n \n Abstract:\n The unexpected happened to me on November 17, 2008\xE2\x80\xA6 I was laid off. I was 20 years out of college, a seasoned software industry engineer, and leader, and was suddenly thrown into the pool of \xE2\x80\x9CUnemployed Hi-Tech Professionals\xE2\x80\x9D that numbered in the tens of thousands in the Portland area. A few months later, I was employed again, the results of a job search that involved techniques and technologies relevant to seeking employment given today\xE2\x80\x99s hiring practices.\n \n This presentation/discussion will focus on:\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Company hiring attitudes/practices\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Key technologies and techniques for job searching\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Considerations when working through recruiting companies\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Right and pwrong ways to apply\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Effective approaches to getting that first interview\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Making yourself stand out\n \xE2\x80\xA2\n Preparing ahead of time for when it happens to you\n \n Speaker Bio:\n Michael Hoffman is a 20-year veteran of the software industry. He has filled a variety of development and quality engineering, strategist, and leadership roles at companies such as Jeppesen Sanderson, Hewlett-Packard Company, Insight Distribution Software, Sharp, and GTE Government Systems. Mr. Hoffman\xE2\x80\x99s experience spans the realms of communications systems, factory control/integration, embedded systems, PC applications, and web-base solutions. Additionally, he teaches various software engineering courses for Oregon Institute of Technology.\n \n Mr. Hoffman recently found himself involuntarily seeking employment at a time when many companies were downsizing and few were hiring. As a result, he developed strategies and techniques that proved effective in today\xE2\x80\x99s job market for identifying opportunities, applying voluntarily for positions, interviewing, and following-up. Mr. Hoffman continues to mentor unemployed colleagues, sharing advice and best practices based on his experiences.\n \n Rose City SPIN:\n The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN" source_id: 996333825 start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 18:45:42 Z 2009-10-09 14:41:30 za4z*Y3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 20:05:26\X o3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-09 19:18:32 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Miller Nash, 3400 U.S. Bancorp Tower region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391788 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-09 19:18:32 Z 2009-10-09 19:20:32*W3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 19:18:32*V3Venue @create2009-10-09 19:18:32U k3Venue @hdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-08-18 17:08:10 Z postal_code: "97202" latitude: 45.4947979 title: Tyesha's house region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391656 version: 2 street_address: 3237 SE Francis St., Portland OR description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6318632 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-08-18 17:07:43 Z 2009-10-09 17:36:54 4a4*`3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 23:29:11*_3EventJxcreate2009-10-09 21:05:27*^3Venue tadalafil tadalafil source_id: start_time: 2009-10-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-09 01:30:31 Z 2009-10-09 20:28:44DZ =3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-09 01:30:31 Z postal_code: latitude: title: CERevefeheS region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391787 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-09 01:30:31 Z 2009-10-09 20:28:32 R*b  3Venue ;update--- updated_at: 2009-10-10 00:25:54 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524005 title: Blitz region: Oregon url: http://www.blitzpdx.net/ duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390470 version: street_address: 110 NW 10th Ave description: "" locality: Portland telephone: 503-222-2229 longitude: -122.681148 source_id: 996333139 address: "" email: "" created_at: 2008-07-23 00:14:23 Z 2009-10-10 00:26:19*a  3Venue ;update--- updated_at: 2008-07-23 07:52:17 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524005 title: Blitz region: Oregon url: http://www.blitzbar.net/ duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390470 version: street_address: 110 NW 10th Ave description: "" locality: Portland telephone: 503-222-2229 longitude: -122.681148 source_id: 996333139 address: "" email: "" created_at: 2008-07-23 00:14:23 Z 2009-10-10 00:25:54 [.*g3EventJxcreate2009-10-12 20:31:52*f3Venue 9create2009-10-12 20:31:51*e3EventJxcreate2009-10-12 19:07:23>d 13Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-09 20:56:10 Z postal_code: latitude: title: sdsds region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391789 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-09 20:56:10 Z 2009-10-10 07:48:482c 3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-09 20:56:10 Z title: dsdsds rrule: venue_id: 202391789 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457851 version: description: dsds source_id: start_time: 2009-10-09 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 22:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-09 20:56:10 Z 2009-10-10 07:48:41 /i 3Venue @|update--- updated_at: 2009-08-24 17:39:38 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524718 title: PIE region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391664 version: 3 street_address: 1227 NW Davis St description: Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs. locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.683706 source_id: address: 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209 email: "" created_at: 2009-08-24 17:37:58 Z 2009-10-12 21:32:06yuuyu http://khmyzszs.com [url=http://khmyzszs.com]yuuyu[/url] source_id: start_time: 2009-10-15 18:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-15 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-15 17:19:17 Z 2009-10-15 17:45:20*3EventJycreate2009-10-15 17:19:17 ]3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-14 23:09:45 Z title: PDXPUG rrule: venue_id: 202389965 url: http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457860 version: description: |- PDXPUG monthly meeting. Where: FreeGeek When: 7pm 15 Oct, 2009 Who: Selena Deckelmann What: Bucardo: Replication with tiny little goats Drinks afterward at the SE Lucky Lab. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-16 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-16 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-14 23:09:45 Z 2009-10-15 09:22:46 "y"S ]3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-15 23:17:45 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Pour Wine Bar and Bistro " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391794 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-15 23:17:45 Z 2009-10-15 23:19:11*3EventJy create2009-10-15 23:17:46*3Venue @create2009-10-15 23:17:45*3EventJycreate2009-10-15 18:41:48on the forehead and promise to steal the idea the next time you can. The Software Association of Oregon's Marketing and Sales Forum (MSF) brings together seven of Portland's top deal makers to each share one creative closing technique. You'll leave the event with a new angle on how to close that stalled deal. Do you have a closing trick of your own? The panelists will also field ideas from the audience, give feedback, and award prizes for the most innovative ideas. The Marketing and Sales Forum consistently gathers local thought leaders to share success stories and strategies that help bolster the entire community. Don't miss this opportunity to learn something new and hobnob with Portland's most creative marketing and sales professionals. Join us after the program (7:00-8:00) for extended networking and a meet + greet with the presenters. source_id: 996333829 start_time: 2009-10-30 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:19:52 Z 2009-10-15 23:27:08 # }3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z title: Winter's Coders Social rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-10-16 03:11:56* 3EventJy create2009-10-16 00:04:45 O3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-03 03:10:15 Z title: "SAOpdx: I Wish I\xE2\x80\x99d Thought of That: Creative Approaches to Closing Deals" rrule: venue_id: 202390070 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558299/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457816 version: description: |- Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Marketing + Sales Forum All the best new ideas have one thing in common: they make you ask, "Why didn't I think of that?" And when you finally get wise, you can only slap yourself  N! U3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-15 08:28:25 Z postal_code: latitude: title: AboutUs offices @ 107 SE Washington St., Suite 520,, Portland, Oregon 97214 US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391793 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333837 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-15 08:28:25 Z 2009-10-16 15:58:24* 3EventJy create2009-10-16 14:42:35. 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-16 03:11:56 Z title: Third Annual Winter Coders Social rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-10-16 03:12:12 CC9 )3EventJxqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-30 20:28:58 Z title: Supercomputing '09 in Portland OR rrule: venue_id: url: http://sc09.supercomputing.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457713 version: description: |- SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Make sure to look for RNA Networks, leader in memory virtualization software, while you're there! source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-23 20:43:12 Z 2009-10-16 19:12:36\ \r\n\ To help entrepreneurs and innovators in the Portland area learn more about smart grid opportunities and collaborate with others the TiE Oregon is hosting an event with industry experts and capital providers who have an interest in growing smart grid businesses. \r\n\ \r\n\ Panelists include:\r\n\ \r\n\ * Bill Campbell Principal at Equilibrium Capital \r\n\ * Bobby Kandaswamy, Investment Director, Intel Capital \r\n\ * Jeff Hammarlund, Adjunct Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow at PSU's Mark O. Hatfield School of Government and the Executive Leadership Institute.\r\n\ \r\n\ By attending this event you will hear about the policies shaping the smart grid movement, learn about various technology and application opportunities and meet others who are already working in the smart grid or have an idea that could turn into a new business. " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-22 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-22 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-12 19:07:23 Z 2009-10-16 20:00:46 XX*3EventJy create2009-10-17 03:49:32*3Venue ?create2009-10-17 03:49:32*3EventJy create2009-10-16 20:33:23 _3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-12 19:07:23 Z title: "TiE: Demystifying the Smart Grid" rrule: venue_id: 202391729 url: http://www.oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3602&from_where=chapter_homepage duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457854 version: description: "The idea of an intelligent electricity network is being promoted by many as a way of dealing with the increasing problems of global warming, energy independence and electric grid resilience. This so called \xE2\x80\x9Csmart grid\xE2\x80\x9D will create opportunities for new technologies and businesses which will emerge to satisfy the demands for improved communications, smart appliances, distributed power generation, demand response, transportation electrification and many more applications.\r\n 3`3*3EventJycreate2009-10-17 12:05:00*3EventJycreate2009-10-17 10:42:04T _3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:49 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: White Stag region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391795 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:32 Z 2009-10-17 05:29:57E A3EventJy update--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:32 Z title: Home Movie Day rrule: venue_id: 202391795 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457869 version: description: |- "I make home movies B ;3Venue ?update--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:32 Z postal_code: latitude: title: White Stag region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391795 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:32 Z 2009-10-17 03:49:49therefore I am. I am, therefore I make home movies." ~Jonas Mekas, Walden (1969) As a film programmer, my one hard and fast rule was to actually watch anything before screening it. A lot of movies sound really great on paper and are really crap on the screen. This Sunday, we're going to take that one little rule, fold it up like a paper airplane, and toss it out the window. Home Movie Day is an international celebration of the art of amateur movie-making on 8mm and 16mm film. Whether it's footage of grandma blowing out candles at her 80th birthday party or a cops-and-robbers movie made by grade-school kids, this is an opportunity to share, preserve and celebrate old films. For this event, community members are encouraged to bring their home movies for inspection and potential exhibition. Local film experts, along with archivists from the University of Oregon Libraries, will assess the physical condition of the film before projecting movies for viewing. They will also offer advice on how to best preserve and protect these film formats from damage. The enduring success of Home Movie Day lies in the thrill of uncovering original film footage of places, people and events -- both familiar and strange -- that may have rested unseen in household closets for decades. At a 2006 Home Movie Day event in New Haven, Connecticut, amateur film maker Robbins Barstow shared his 1956 travelogue "Disneyland Dream," which captured his family's visit to the Magic Kingdom in its first year of operation. Also captured in the background is a fleeting glimpse of future comedian Steve Martin selling guidebooks in a top hat and striped pink shirt. See the clip below for a preview. Screenings and education will take place on Sunday, Oct. 18, from noon to 5 p.m. at the UO Portland's White Stag Block, 70 NW Couch St. Admission is free. ~Michael Neault source_id: start_time: 2009-10-18 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-17 03:49:32 Z 2009-10-17 05:29:56  E3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 12:05:00 Z title: levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457871 version: description: cheap levitra buy levitra buy levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org cheap levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]buy levitra[/url] levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-17 13:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-17 14:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-17 12:05:00 Z 2009-10-17 15:11:57 *3EventJycreate2009-10-17 23:22:44z )3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 10:42:04 Z title: cheap levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457870 version: description: levitra levitra levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org buy levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]levitra[/url] levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-17 11:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-17 12:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-17 10:42:04 Z 2009-10-17 15:12:07 *3EventJycreate2009-10-18 15:15:22 A3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-17 23:22:44 Z title: levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457872 version: description: levitra buy levitra buy levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org buy levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]cheap levitra[/url] buy levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-18 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-17 23:22:44 Z 2009-10-17 23:45:09 * 3EventJycreate2009-10-18 21:39:26*3EventJycreate2009-10-18 21:23:34 E3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-18 15:15:22 Z title: cheap levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457873 version: description: buy levitra levitra buy levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]cheap levitra[/url] buy levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-18 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-18 15:15:22 Z 2009-10-18 17:05:40 ! Y3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-18 21:23:34 Z title: levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457874 version: description: cheap levitra buy levitra cheap levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org cheap levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]cheap levitra[/url] cheap levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-18 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-18 21:23:34 Z 2009-10-18 21:52:11 >>d% 3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 01:00:37 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Avalon Hotel & Spa | Aqua Riva Restaurant " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391796 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-19 01:00:37 Z 2009-10-19 01:02:02*$3EventJycreate2009-10-19 01:00:37*#3Venue @create2009-10-19 01:00:37|" -3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-18 21:39:26 Z title: levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457875 version: description: levitra levitra levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org cheap levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]levitra[/url] cheap levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-18 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-18 23:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-18 21:39:26 Z 2009-10-18 21:52:25 *(3EventJycreate2009-10-19 03:27:27|' -3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 01:30:27 Z title: buy levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457877 version: description: buy levitra levitra levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org buy levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]levitra[/url] levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-19 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 01:30:27 Z 2009-10-19 01:48:24*&3EventJycreate2009-10-19 01:30:27 **3EventJycreate2009-10-19 06:04:23) U3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 03:27:27 Z title: buy levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457878 version: description: levitra cheap levitra buy levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org cheap levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]cheap levitra[/url] cheap levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-19 04:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 03:27:27 Z 2009-10-19 03:44:45 *,3EventJycreate2009-10-19 10:43:45+ Q3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 06:04:23 Z title: cheap levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457879 version: description: buy levitra buy levitra levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org cheap levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]buy levitra[/url] cheap levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-19 07:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 08:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 06:04:23 Z 2009-10-19 07:18:58 SS*23EventJycreate2009-10-19 20:36:06*13Venue 9create2009-10-19 20:36:05g0 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 18:04:40 Z title: Patterns for Sustainable Test Automation rrule: venue_id: 202391797 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4763241/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457881 version: descrip*/3EventJycreate2009-10-19 18:04:40*.3Venue ?create2009-10-19 18:04:39- 93EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 10:43:45 Z title: levitra rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://www.buylevitracheap.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457880 version: description: buy levitra buy levitra levitra http://www.buylevitracheap.org levitra [url=http://www.buylevitracheap.org]cheap levitra[/url] buy levitra source_id: start_time: 2009-10-19 11:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-19 12:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 10:43:45 Z 2009-10-19 14:01:19tion: |- You're invited to the QA Forum's annual end of year dinner! Join us for a night of networking, learning, and great food. A panel will provide practical solution patterns for evolving a sustainable test automation framework in your environment. Efficient product teams find cross functional design and ownership of integrated test frameworks provides optimum return on automation investments. Each panel member will offer practical advice and on how to create sustainable automation framework, commonly owned by development and QA, producing a test automation environment that is sustainable and maintainable as the product evolves. Presenters Patrick McEnany, Sr. QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Ward Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer, AboutUs.org Kevan Dunsmore, Software Architect, Sabrix Inc. Daniel Thom, Expert Engineer, Hewlett Packard source_id: 996333839 start_time: 2009-11-06 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 18:04:40 Z 2009-10-19 18:05:45ignment. Come to hear valuable lessons learned from two leading CIO\xE2\x80\x99s and to get a framework for IT innovation from a thought leader on IT processes. The objective is to help you innovate in the context of your own organization\xE2\x80\x99s needs.\n \n You will learn that by answering nine questions you can determine your organization\xE2\x80\x99s Value Type. To get a head start, we invite you to complete the questionnaire before the sessions. The questionnaire can be found at: http://www.itpi.org/itarchetype.php.\n \n Sessions : Tickets are required for each session.\n \n Session A: 7:30 breakfast session w/ networking and panel presentation\n Session B: 9:30 presentation with Kurt Milne of IT Process Institute\n Purchase tickets for both and get $5 off! \n \n Who should attend : Business Leaders, CIO\xE2\x80\x99s, IT Managers, Managers of IT Functions" source_id: 996333828 start_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 14:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:10:59 Z 2009-10-19 21:38:03 MzM*73EventJycreate2009-10-19 23:42:44*63Venue @create2009-10-19 23:42:4495 '3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 22:50:53 Z title: CANCELED 10/20 Mercy Corps NW Ses4 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-13 18:48:40 Z title: 10/20 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - Ino3 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-03 03:09:02 Z title: "SAOpdx: IT Innovation and Strategic Alignment ft. Kurt Milne of the IT Process Institute" rrule: venue_id: 202390102 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558295/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457815 version: description: "Presented by the SAO\xE2\x80\x99s CIO/IT Manager\xE2\x80\x99s Forum\n \n Early online registration is encouraged. In the event of a sell-out, preference will be given to members, business leaders, and CIOs.\n \n On October 28, you have the opportunity to learn from two related sessions on the subject of IT Innovation and Strategic Alsurance for Small Businesses rrule: venue_id: 202391696 url: http://www.mercycorpsnw.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457858 version: description: |- Michael Henry from Country Financial Insurance will help address insurance issues for small business owners. Topics will include: * Which types of insurance and coverage does your business need? * When do you need insurance? * Explanation of terms. * Can I provide benefits to my employees? * Pitfalls to avoid. $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check/cash). At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy Contact Anu (asamarajiva@mercycorpsnw.org or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website (www.mercycorpsnw.org) day of the event for any cancellation notices. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-21 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-13 18:48:40 Z 2009-10-19 22:50:53minar - Insurance for Small Businesses rrule: venue_id: 202391696 url: http://www.mercycorpsnw.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457858 version: description: |- Event canceled due to insufficient attendance Michael Henry from Country Financial Insurance will help address insurance issues for small business owners. Topics will include: * Which types of insurance and coverage does your business need? * When do you need insurance? * Explanation of terms. * Can I provide benefits to my employees? * Pitfalls to avoid. $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check/cash). At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy Contact Anu (asamarajiva@mercycorpsnw.org or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website (www.mercycorpsnw.org) day of the event for any cancellation notices. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-21 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-13 18:48:40 Z 2009-10-19 22:51:04 f8 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 20:36:06 Z title: "IxDA Portland: Design Jam Session" rrule: venue_id: 202391798 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765654/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457882 version: description: |- Join us for a design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the rest of the meeting attendees. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks for yourself or to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/). source_id: 996333840 start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 20:36:06 Z 2009-10-20 00:24:14 vI*<3EventJycreate2009-10-20 19:09:09*;3EventJycreate2009-10-20 16:13:17*:3EventJycreate2009-10-20 02:45:059 C3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 20:36:05 Z postal_code: latitude: title: About Us @ 107 SE Washington St. Suite 520, Portland, Oregon 97214 US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391798 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333840 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-19 20:36:05 Z 2009-10-20 00:24:15 *>3Venue @create2009-10-20 19:33:57%= 3EventJx;update--- updated_at: 2009-09-09 17:47:55 Z title: "UX Book Club PDX: \"Subject to Change\" " rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457659 version: 1 description: |- Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland's fourth UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday October 20. For this session, we're reading "Subject to Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World" by Peter Merholz et al http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596516835 source_id: start_time: 2009-10-21 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-09 17:47:55 Z 2009-10-20 19:33:29s fourth UX Book Club meeting on Tuesday October 20. For this session, we're reading "Subject to Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World" by Peter Merholz et al http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596516835 Directions: The Portland UX book club moves West this month to 4150 SW Washouga in Council Crest, PDX. The best route is: 1. Barbur to Capitol Highway 2. Sunset Blvd to Dosch Road 3. Hamilton to Altadena and then to Washouga. http://bit.ly/1gd7kJ It is also possible to come down Dosch from the Council Crest Shell station, accessible from Hwy 26 and NW Portland. Best to park on Washouga between the house and Altadena, toward Twombly the street has limited parking. The address is on the mailbox; there is no driveway, just head up the steps. If you get off course, phone 503-784-8197 for directions. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-21 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-09 17:47:55 Z 2009-10-20 19:33:57 ,=Y,*C3Venue @create2009-10-21 03:56:32*B3EventJycreate2009-10-20 23:16:49 A O3EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 19:23:02 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule: D@ ?3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-20 19:33:57 Z postal_code: latitude: title: UX Book Club region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391800 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-20 19:33:57 Z 2009-10-20 19:34:137? %3EventJx;update--- updated_at: 2009-10-20 19:33:29 Z title: "UX Book Club PDX: \"Subject to Change\" " rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://www.uxbookclub.org/doku.php duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457659 version: 1 description: |- Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer? Join us for Portland'venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456241 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) source_id: 996333393 start_time: 2009-10-21 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:04:43 Z 2009-10-20 22:13:38 Mm@*L3EventJy#create2009-10-21 21:27:23*K3Venue @create2009-10-21 21:27:22KJ M3Venue @0update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:19:21 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "NedSpace Oldtown " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391802 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-21 21:19:21 Z 2009-10-21 21:20:14*I3EventJy"create2009-10-21 21:19:22*H3Venue @0create2009-10-21 21:19:21*G3EventJy!create2009-10-21 21:16:51zF +3EventJy update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 03:58:34 Z title: Eat Out for Africa! rrule: venue_id: 202391801 url: httzE +3EventJy update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 03:56:32 Z title: Eat Out for Africa! rrule: venue_id: 202391801 url: htt*D3EventJy create2009-10-21 03:56:33p://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457888 version: description: |- Support Bola Moyo's youth and adult education programs in Malawi while supporting local African restaurants in Portland! On the night of Tuesday October 27th, dine at or buy takeout from one of the participating restaurants, and 25% of your bill will be donated to Bola Moyo! Why not get a group of friends together and make a night of it! Make sure you mention Bola Moyo's Eat Out for Africa night and write it on your bill so we receive the proceeds. Please book in advance through the restaurant to avoid disappointment. Participating restaurants include Cafe Flame Lily in Lake Oswego, and Dalo's Kitchen, Horn of Africa, and Safari Restaurant in North Portland. Visit http://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa for more details. Please eat generously! source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-21 03:56:32 Z 2009-10-21 03:58:34p://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457888 version: description: |- Support Bola Moyo's youth and adult education programs in Malawi while supporting local African restaurants in Portland! On the night of Tuesday October 27th, dine at or buy takeout from one of the participating restaurants, and 25% of your bill will be donated to Bola Moyo! Why not get a group of friends together and make a night of it! Make sure you mention Bola Moyo's Eat Out for Africa night and write it on your bill so we receive the proceeds. Please book in advance through the restaurant to avoid disappointment. Participating restaurants include Cafe Flame Lily in Lake Oswego, and Dalo's Kitchen, Horn of Africa, and Safari Restaurant in North Portland. Visit http://www.bola-moyo.org/eat-out-for-africa for more details. Please eat generously! source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 06:59:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-21 03:56:32 Z 2009-10-21 03:59:16 |O*Q3EventJy%create2009-10-21 21:31:38EP A3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:30:02 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Ernst & Young region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391804 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-21 21:30:02 Z 2009-10-21 21:30:42*O3EventJy$create2009-10-21 21:30:04*N3Venue @create2009-10-21 21:30:02SM ]3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:27:22 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Absorbent Technologies, Inc region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391803 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-21 21:27:22 Z 2009-10-21 21:27:59 7 *T3EventJy&create2009-10-21 21:38:21*S3Venue :6create2009-10-21 21:38:20ER A3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-13 05:17:50 Z title: Portland Presentation Camp rrule: venue_id: 202390594 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4421423/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457852 version: description: |- Story. Content. Presentation. Presentation Camp is an all day collaborative event that is focused on improving presentation content, delivery and storytelling. Giving an effective presentation is tough, but Presentation Camp offers insights from the experts, peer-to-peer collaboration and tips for improving presentation skills. source_id: 996333834 start_time: 2009-10-21 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-22 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-09 21:05:27 Z 2009-10-21 21:33:56 CX+wJCN_ S3EventJy)update--- updated_at: 2009-10-23 03:49:54 Z title: "CocoaHeads: Cocoa Programmers Group" rrule: venue_id: 202391806 url: http://cocoaheads.org/us/PortlandOregon/index.html duplicate_of_id: *^3EventJy,create2009-10-24 03:15:53*]3EventJy+create2009-10-24 02:56:00*\3Venue 9create2009-10-24 02:55:59*[3EventJy*create2009-10-23 17:57:20*Z3Venue @|create2009-10-23 17:57:20*Y3EventJy)create2009-10-23 03:49:54*X3Venue :wcreate2009-10-23 03:49:53*W3EventJy(create2009-10-22 23:44:48*V3EventJy'create2009-10-22 19:47:25JU K3Venue :6update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:20 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Bridgeport Brewpub region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391805 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:20 Z 2009-10-21 21:38:52id: 1250457897 version: description: |- The Portland CocoaHeads group is devoted to discussion of Apple's Cocoa Framework for programming on Mac OS X. During monthly meetings, members present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming topics. Developers using any Cocoa-related language (Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.) are welcome, as well as related platforms like iPhone. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. There will be a CocoaHeads sign on the door at the main entrance to the building for instructions for entry. If you don't have a phone, someone will come down to the main entry on SW 1st Ave to let folks in at exactly 7:00pm. Or you may call 503-998-8873 and someone will come down to let you in. This month, Steven Osborn from Urban Airship will join us to talk about in-app purchasing for the iPhone. source_id: 996333844 start_time: 2009-10-29 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-29 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-23 03:49:54 Z 2009-10-25 16:21:36 oo ` Q3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-23 03:49:53 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5101 title: Extensis region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391806 version: street_address: 1800 SW 1st Ave, Suite 500 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.678 source_id: 996333844 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-23 03:49:53 Z 2009-10-25 16:21:39 Aaron Schliem set off for Chile, where he began his first language company with a focus on writing and editing scientific journal submissions for Chilean scientists and on developing unconventional language learning plans for motivated professionals.\n\n\ Upon his return to the United States, all roads led to Seattle where Aaron joined two linguists and a software developer to launch Glyph Language Services in 2001. As CEO, Aaron drives Glyph\xE2\x80\x99s strategic vision that is oriented toward mobile application localization, social games localization, and specialized terminology consulting and data development (MT-oriented dictionaries plus metadata).\n\n\ Glyph has emerged as an industry leader in mobile localization, having most recently given a practical training on iPhone app localization at the localization industries flagship event, Localization World." source_id: 996333846 start_time: 2009-10-27 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-27 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-24 02:56:00 Z 2009-10-25 16:22:22 jj a K3EventJy+update--- updated_at: 2009-10-24 02:56:00 Z title: "Mobile Portland: iPhone App Localization \xE2\x80\x94 Practical Advice for Successful Global Applications" rrule: venue_id: 202391808 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457899 version: description: "As demand for iPhone applications grows outside the United States, so too has the need for localization. Join us Aaaron Schliem from Glyph Language Services as he maps out the successful localization of Appigo\xE2\x80\x99s \xE2\x80\x9CTodo\xE2\x80\x9D application. \n\n\ Get a front row seat for the whole ride \xE2\x80\x94 target market strategy, internationalization for iPhone OS/Objective-C, localization tools and engineering, translation strategy, and iTunes App Store Top Ten results\n\n\ About Aaron Schliem\n\n\ After completing degrees in international relations and molecular biology at the University of Wisconsin,.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457900 version: description: "Note: We've moved the November meeting from its normal date to accommodate Dan's travel schedule.\n\n\ As developers, we bring a certain set of skills, biases and preferences to business. \xC2\xA0These act as a double edged sword; we make great business people when we play to our strengths; we fail when we try to be something we're not.\n\n\ There are sweet-spots in the iPhone market that will sustain, on a continual basis small, developer run, 1-3 person iPhone companies.\n\n\ This is a talk about identifying those market opportunities. \xC2\xA0\xC2\xA0This talk is about capitalizing on them in a way that plays to our strengths and mitigates our weaknesses. \xC2\xA0This talk is about the choices we make when we start our own developer run iPhone businesses. \xC2\xA0Topics include:\n\n\ * Choosing the type of business: are your customers iPhone consumers, companies that need iPhone apps, or other iPhone developers?\n\ * Data-informed app price and product-category strategy.\n\ * Marketing from code.\n\ * Contract wages and the $10,000 problem.\n\n\ About Dan Grigsby\n\n\ Dan runs Mobile Orchard, the #1 iPhone development podcast and community site. \xC2\xA0As the rare programmer/business type guy, he's as happy running marketing hacks as he is hacking iPhone code. \xC2\xA0He's happiest giving talks that incorporate elements of both, so speaking about developer-run iPhone businesses is pretty much the rapture. \xC2\xA0Previously, Dan founded/ran startups, including one that was acquired by Microsoft and another that was the only-ever successful competitor to PayPal.\n\n\ Dan is visiting Portland to teach a two-day Beginning iPhone Development class." source_id: 996333847 start_time: 2009-11-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-13 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-24 03:15:53 Z 2009-10-25 16:22:23 b'bd ]3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 01:00:37 Z title: PDXfX Annual Food & Wine Pairing Event rrule: venue_id: 202391796 url: http://www.pdxfx.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457876 version: description: |- Choosing a bottle of wine to offer guests at a business"c {3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-24 02:55:59 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.5188 title: AboutUs offices region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391808 version: street_address: 107 SE Washington St., Suite 520, description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.665 source_id: 996333846 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-24 02:55:59 Z 2009-10-25 16:22:23Ib I3EventJy,update--- updated_at: 2009-10-24 03:15:53 Z title: "Mobile Portland: Warm, Clothed, and Fed\xE2\x80\x94Developer run iPhone businesses" rrule: venue_id: 202391808 url: http://mobileportland meal should not be a stressful event. Join PDXfX at Aqua Riva restaurant for an educational and mouthwatering multi-course evening designed to delight and educate your taste buds. Aqua Riva's chefs will use fresh local and seasonal ingredients to serve up a succession of mouthwatering morsels, while St. Josef's Winery explains the how and why of successful food and wine pairing from appetizer to dessert. You will move through a multitude of food and wine pairings throughout the evening and walk away with tips to conquer your fear of wine lists and an understanding of the various elements that influence the pairing of food and wine. Reserve your place now for a delightful, delicious, and informative evening - space is limited, and this annual member favorite fills up fast! Online registration for this event. Members: $40.00 | Non-members: $55.00 source_id: start_time: 2009-10-21 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-21 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 01:00:37 Z 2009-10-25 16:23:27 Ve c3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 01:02:02 Z postal_code: "97212" latitude: 45.489772 title: "Avalon Hotel & Spa | Aqua Riva Restaurant " region: OR url: http://portlandfemaleexecutives.com/index.php?view=details&id=4%3Ayearly-food-a-wine-event&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=46 duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391796 version: street_address: 0470 SW Hamilton Court description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.671682 source_id: address: 0470 SW Hamilton Court, Portland, OR 97212 email: info@pdxfx.org created_at: 2009-10-19 01:00:37 Z 2009-10-25 16:23:28nce, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. Three companies will compete at each of the preliminary rounds, with the audience voting for the winning presentations to move to the championship round. Apply to OEN's Seed Oregon PubTalk! Application & Guidelines Page Seed Oregon FAQ Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, January 13th. Please register at the door after that time. Date and Time: January 13th, 2009, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshall, Portland, Oregon Registration to attend: OEN Member: $15, Non-member: $25 Price to submit application: Member: $75 (includes entry at one PubTalk and the Seed Oregon application fee) Non-Member: $174 (includes entry at one PubTalk, a discounted one year OEN individual membership {$26 savings}, and the Seed Oregon application fee) source_id: start_time: 2010-01-14 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-14 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:21 Z 2009-10-25 16:24:26 if  3EventJy&update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:21 Z title: "OEN PubTalk\xE2\x84\xA2 - Seed Oregon - Round 3" rrule: venue_id: 202391805 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=101 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457894 version: description: | OEN's Seed Oregon is a unique competition held during four consecutive PubTalk events. The competition is for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round will move on to a championship round, where a finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. Nine presenting companies in total will be selected to compete in the 2009-2010 Seed Oregon tournament. Each will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audie kqkzh +3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 18:05:45 Z title: "SAOpdx: Patterns for Sustainable Test Automation" rrule: venue_id: 202391797 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4763241/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457881 version: description: |-  g M3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:52 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.5324887 title: Bridgeport Brewpub region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391805 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6864005 source_id: address: 1313 NW Marshall email: "" created_at: 2009-10-21 21:38:20 Z 2009-10-25 16:24:27 You're invited to the QA Forum's annual end of year dinner! Join us for a night of networking, learning, and great food. A panel will provide practical solution patterns for evolving a sustainable test automation framework in your environment. Efficient product teams find cross functional design and ownership of integrated test frameworks provides optimum return on automation investments. Each panel member will offer practical advice and on how to create sustainable automation framework, commonly owned by development and QA, producing a test automation environment that is sustainable and maintainable as the product evolves. Presenters Patrick McEnany, Sr. QA Manager, McAfee, Inc. Ward Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer, AboutUs.org Kevan Dunsmore, Software Architect, Sabrix Inc. Daniel Thom, Expert Engineer, Hewlett Packard source_id: 996333839 start_time: 2009-11-06 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 18:04:40 Z 2009-10-25 17:14:58 pC*n3EventJy1create2009-10-25 18:29:17*m3EventJy0create2009-10-25 18:23:45*l3EventJy/create2009-10-25 18:23:31*k3EventJy.create2009-10-25 18:23:16*j3EventJy-create2009-10-25 18:22:58 i O3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-19 18:04:39 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub @ 112 SW Second Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204 US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391797 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333839 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-19 18:04:39 Z 2009-10-25 17:14:58rTKTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|nprtąvŅxDžzȅ{Ʌʆ͆Ά !%(*,278<>CLQT_`adefhnprtąvŅxDžzȅ{Ʌʆ͆Ά҆ԆՆֆ׆ن چ!ۆ"܆#݆$ކ&*+15689:;?BHNTV\bdefhj l p rstwy{|} !!"&#*%,'.*0+2-4.6081>3@4A5D6G8J9K:L;Q=S?T@XAYB[CdIgJj R"R@p 73EventJy"update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:19:22 Z title: "OEN Business Concept Review Workshop " rrule: venue_id: 202391802 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=114 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457890 version: description: "Calling all entrepreneurs, just in time for OEN's Seed Oregon and OEN's Angel Oregon! \r\n\ \r\n\ Ready to turn your business idea into reality? We can help. \r\n\ \r\n\ OEN\xE2\x80\x99s Business Concept RevieZo k3Venue @0update--- updated_at: 2009-07-30 23:17:44 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.5241274 title: Nedspace Old Town region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391600 version: 3 street_address: 117 NW 5th Ave. Suite 210 description: Above Backspace in Old Town locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6754688 source_id: address: 117 NW 5th Ave, Suite 210, Portland, OR 97209 email: "" created_at: 2009-07-08 04:41:24 Z 2009-10-25 19:39:28w offers you a non-threatening, honest critique of your business model, or the the basis of your new business idea. Look at it as a right-priced litmus test from experts who\xE2\x80\x99ll challenge your assumptions and answer perplexing questions you have about making your idea a reality. \r\n\ \r\n\ This review gives you one hour with two experts \xE2\x80\x93 where you can pose your business model for feedback, discussion and advice on next steps. \r\n\ \r\n\ It's one of the best ways to prepare you for that next step: creating your business plan and applying to angel investor events. \r\n\ \r\n\ What You Take Home\r\n\ Renewed focus on the strengths of your business concept \r\n\ \r\n\ Awareness of gaps in your model that need more work before you\xE2\x80\x99re investor-ready \r\n\ \r\n\ New ideas for expanding or refining your business model \r\n\ \r\n\ Leads on where to go for resources you need \xE2\x80\x93 legal, financial, marketing, etc. \r\n\ \r\n\ Tips on how to take advantage of other helpful OEN venues\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Interested? Pre-registration is required and will be first-come, first-served, with only 5 slots per hour, 10 slots total. \r\n\ \r\n\ Please follow the application instructions to register for this event: \r\n\ \r\n\ Step 1 - Register online by selecting the OEN/NedSpace member or non-member rate below and complete the credit card purchase process. \r\n\ \r\n\ Step 2 - Once done, you will receive an email from OEN with a link to the Business Concept Workshop Review Form. Complete the form and click \"Submit\". An OEN representative will contact you once OEN receives the form. \r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: $30 for OEN members, $125 for non-members (price includes a one year membership to OEN and the workshop fee is waived). SPECIAL FOR NEDSPACE MEMBERS: $30, even if you are not yet an OEN member. \r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-05 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-05 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-21 21:19:22 Z 2009-10-25 19:39:48 rr A3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:53 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.523875 title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391775 version: street_address: description: "" locality: "Portland " telephone: "" longitude: -122.670399 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-05 15:38:32 Z 2009-10-25 19:42:14 q K3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:20:14 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.5324887 title: "NedSpace Oldtown " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391802 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6864005 source_id: address: 117 NW 5th Ave email: "" created_at: 2009-10-21 21:19:21 Z 2009-10-25 19:39:49 2t 3EventJy*update--- updated_at: 2009-10-23 17:57:20 Z title: Finance for Startups 101 rrule: venue_id: 202391807 url: http://piepdx.com/2009/10/finance-for-startups-101 duplicate_o>s 33Venue @|update--- updated_at: 2009-10-12 21:32:06 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524718 title: PIE region: OR url: http://piepdx.com duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391664 version: 3 street_address: 1227 NW Davis St description: Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs. locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.683706 source_id: address: 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209 email: "" created_at: 2009-08-24 17:37:58 Z 2009-10-25 19:45:23f_id: id: 1250457898 version: description: "Come listen to Steve Babcock and Craig Vagt talk about finances, taxes, and money for startups and small businesses. There will be a 30 minute talk, followed by an open Q&A. All are welcome.\n\n\ The details:\n\n\ When: 6pm, October 29th, 2009\n\n\ Where: PIE (1227 NW Davis)\n\n\ Who: Anyone who wants to know more about small business finances, taxes, and startups.\n\n\ RSVP at Upcoming\n\n\ Bios:\n\n\ Steve Babcock\n\n\ Steve has more than twenty years experience providing financial management and consulting services to privately held companies and an additional eleven years as a CPA and senior audit manager with KPMG and predecessor firms.\n\n\ Steve has served as a consultant to small and medium size businesses since 2001. In so doing he has assisted several start-ups in software and traditional business. He has assisted Fisher Farms, prominent in Oregon\xE2\x80\x99s wholesale nursery industry, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owner, an acquisition and several financing and real estate transactions.\n\n\ Steve was the CFO for Papa Murphy\xE2\x80\x99s, a 20-plus state privately held pizza concept, from 1995-2000. He functioned as CFO of Springtime Inc. and Oregon Garden Products for five years and for two years as Vice President and Regional Controller for a cable television company in Portland.\n\n\ Steve is currently serving as Past President and Board Member of the Portland Chapter of Financial Executives International (FEI) and as Treasurer and Board member of the Oregon International Air Show.\n\n\ Steve has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon and did post-baccalaureate study in accounting and finance at Portland State University.\n\n\ Craig D. Vagt, CPA\n\ Partner\n\n\ Craig joined Talbot, Korvola & Warwick LLP as a partner in 2001 when he merged his practice with Talbot Korvola and Warwick LLP. He is currently the managing partner at TKW. Craig began his career in the San Francisco Bay area and eventually was a partner with an international accounting firm. Returning to his hometown of Portland in 1991, Craig joined a local accounting firm as a partner. Over his years in public accounting, he has worked with a wide variety of clients in an equally wide variety of industries\xE2\x80\xA6 Craig brings his experience in many areas of tax including ownership structures, multi-state and international planning, as well as general tax matters to his clients. His current practice has a major focus on the tax issues and opportunities affecting closely held companies, primarily pass through entities, and their owners.\n\n\ A graduate of the University of Oregon with a degree in finance, he also has a law degree and a Masters in Taxation from Golden Gate University, where he also taught in the Masters in Tax program." source_id: 996333845 start_time: 2009-10-30 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-23 17:57:20 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:28 (Z(.v 3Venue @iupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-12 21:32:20 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524718 title: W+K Portland Incubator Experiment region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: 202391664 country: US id: 202391657 version: 2 street_address: 1227 NW Davis St. description: http://siliconflorist.com/2009/08/05/creative-wieden-kennedy-wk-launches-portland-incubator-experiment-pie/ locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.683706 source_id: address: 1227 NW Davis Street, Portland, OR email: "" created_at: 2009-08-18 19:42:08 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:29"u {3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-23 17:57:20 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5244 title: PIE, The Portland Incubator Experiment region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391807 version: street_address: 1227 NW Davis St. description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.684 source_id: 996333845 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-23 17:57:20 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:28 GjGx u3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-24 23:45:16 Z title: PDX Django rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457603 version: 4 description: PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having their first event that doesn't entirely revolve around beer or lunch. We'll have a few presentations and discussions. source_id: start_time: 2009-08-26 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-08-26 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-24 17:37:59 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:30w [3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-12 21:32:20 Z title: "PDX IPhone " rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxiphone duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457570 version: 1 description: "Demo of new product to make In-App purchases easier. " source_id: start_time: 2009-08-19 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-08-19 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-18 19:42:08 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:29st" rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://wherecamppdx.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457754 version: description: |- IMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat, but you're welcomed to hack with us even if you don't buy dinner. WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place". Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-04 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-04 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-29 11:11:16 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:30 z 53EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-15 18:41:48 Z title: PDX Django rrule: venue_id: 202391664 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457864 version: description: PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having it's second meeting. The content is still evolving; check the mailing list for updates. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-22 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-22 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-15 18:41:48 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:31gy 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 12:07:16 Z title: "WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner Hackfe ^{ s3Venue @pupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 19:45:23 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.524718 title: PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) region: OR url: http://piepdx.com duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391664 version: 3 street_address: 1227 NW Davis St description: Directly north (across the street) of the North Face store. Stairs lead up to the door. Big windows on the SE corner with brown leather chairs. locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.683706 source_id: address: 1227 NW Davis St, Portland, OR, 97209 email: "" created_at: 2009-08-24 17:37:58 Z 2009-10-25 19:47:32 6ic6*3Venue Acreate2009-10-25 22:20:23*~3EventJy2create2009-10-25 22:18:21U} a3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 19:51:33 Z postal_code: "97005" latitude: 45.490231 title: The Business Center region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391783 version: street_address: 12725 Sw Millikan Way description: "" locality: Beaverton telephone: "" longitude: -122.807346 source_id: 996333833 address: 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US email: "" created_at: 2009-10-06 19:36:37 Z 2009-10-25 19:52:38| ]3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-06 19:36:37 Z postal_code: latitude: title: The Business Center @ 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391783 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333833 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-06 19:36:37 Z 2009-10-25 19:51:33 yLk>]0 e3EventJy2update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 22:18:21 Z title: pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk User*3EventJy>create2009-10-25 22:24:07*3EventJy=create2009-10-25 22:22:49*3Venue >create2009-10-25 22:22:49* 3EventJymupdate--- updated_at: 2009-01-19 00:04:32 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5219 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: 202390474 country: United States id: 202391149 version: 1 street_address: 915 SW Stark description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.68 source_id: 996333433 address: email: created_at: 2009-01-18 23:22:48 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:10 S3Venue <1update--- updated_at: 2008-09-12 19:57:29 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.519341 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: 202390474 country: US id: 202390577 version: street_address: 915 SW Stark description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.656523 source_id: 996333209 address: email: created_at: 2008-09-08 06:43:45 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:10 m# }3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:03:46 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.5218 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: 202390474 country: United States id: 202391699 version: street_address: 915 SW Stark St.\, Suite 400 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.68 source_id: 996333798 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:12 U3Venue >update--- updated_at: 2009-02-12 22:40:58 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.522223 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: 202390474 country: US id: 202391217 version: 1 street_address: 915 SW Stark description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.680374 source_id: 996333494 address: email: created_at: 2009-02-12 19:42:12 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:11 Zj  3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-09-12 19:57:29 Z title: Refresh Portland rrule: venue_id؅" {3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-07-31 00:37:58 Z title: iPhoneDevCamp - Portland rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://iphonedevcamppdx.pbwiki.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455558 version: description: iPhoneDevCamp Portland is a satellite event to iPhoneDevCamp 2 in San Francisco. This is an opportunity to get together with other iPhone developers and develop apps for the web and natively using the iPhone SDK. There will be streaming content from S.F. as well as a chance to submit apps for the hackathon.
        source_id: 996333143 start_time: 2008-08-02 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2008-08-04 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2008-07-25 22:12:30 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:12: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455700 version: description: "Refresh Portland is a monthly talk (held every 2nd Wednesday) about design, front-end development, usability and web standards.

        \n\ Our first session will feature Tyler Sticka, an award-winning designer, artist, speaker and educator specializing in identity-driven new media.

        \n\ Our topic: \xE2\x80\x9CThrough the Looking-Glass: How the web is and ought to be.\xE2\x80\x9D This presentation will establish the current state of the web, it\xE2\x80\x99s successes and limitations, and a bright future rooted in ever-expanding openness and community

        \n\ Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
        " source_id: 996333209 start_time: 2008-09-11 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-09-11 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-09-08 06:43:39 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:13 , 3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-09-16 01:15:04 Z title: Refresh Portland rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455740 version: description: "Refresh Portland is a monthly talk (held every 2nd Wednesday) about design, front-end development, usability and web standards.

        \n\ We\xE2\x80\x99re in the process of choosing the speakers, so please watch this space and our twitter account (http://twitter.com/refreshportland) for future developments.

        \n\ Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
        " source_id: 996333232 start_time: 2008-10-09 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-10-09 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-09-16 01:15:04 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:14 *!  3EventJpupdate--- updated_at: 2008-09-17 17:42:55 Z title: Refresh Portland rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250455754 version: description: "Refresh Portland is a monthly talk (held every 2nd Wednesday) about design, front-end development, usability and web standards.

        \n\ We\xE2\x80\x99re in the process of finalizing the speaker. Please watch this space and our twitter account (http://twitter.com/refreshportland) for future developments.

        \n\ Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.
        " source_id: 996333243 start_time: 2008-11-13 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2008-11-13 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-09-17 17:42:55 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:15 uu" E3EventJsupdate--- updated_at: 2009-01-19 00:04:31 Z title: "Refresh Portland January: Carlos Rodriguez on Git" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456540 version: 4 description: "Welcome to Refresh Portland 2009, a monthly meetup (held every 4th Thursday) on design, front-end development, usability and web standards.\r\n\ \r\n\ Join Carlos Rodriguez, a Rails developer at Planet Argon, on our kickoff session, as he introduces you through Git, a distribution source control program. If you\xE2\x80\x99re looking for a way to incorporate the testing of new features or designs in your workflow, this may be the solution.\r\n\ \r\n\ Refresh Portland is part of the Refreshing Cities Movement." source_id: 996333433 start_time: 2009-01-23 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-01-23 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-01-18 23:22:49 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:15 c# }3EventJtfupdate--- updated_at: 2009-02-12 22:40:57 Z title: "Refresh Portland February: Hajime Kobayashi on Inside The Web In Japan" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456678 version: 2 description: "Refresh Portland is a monthly meetup, held every 4th Thursday, on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It\xE2\x80\x99s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement.

        \n\ Our February session will feature Hajime Kobayashi, a front-end engineer at LUNARR, Inc., who will talk about Japan\xE2\x80\x99s unique ways of interacting with the web, and designing interfaces and features based on people\xE2\x80\x99s behavior and cultures.
        " source_id: 996333494 start_time: 2009-02-27 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-02-27 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-02-12 19:42:13 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:16 Y$ i3EventJtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-03-03 18:06:22 Z title: Demolicious - Portland Web Innovators rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://pdxwi.com duplicate_of_id: 1250456784 id: 1250456782 version: 1 description: source_id: 996333520 start_time: 2009-04-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: created_at: 2009-03-03 16:07:34 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:17 <<^& s3EventJuupdate--- updated_at: 2009-04-23 21:10:00 Z title: "Refresh Portland April: Buck Wil߆Q% Y3EventJtupdate--- updated_at: 2009-03-03 16:36:37 Z title: Demolicious - Portland Web Innovators rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456784 version: 1 description: "[Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1908530/ ] Come see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. Several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * I Need to Read This! (Benjamin Stover) * MioWorks (David Abramowski) * Black Tonic (Jason Glaspey) * Avatari (Sam Grover) * You? Find out more about showing off *your* project here: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious" source_id: 996333522 start_time: 2009-04-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-04-02 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-03-03 16:36:37 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:17son on Designers Love jQuery" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2357565/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457028 version: 1 description: "Refresh Portland is a monthly meetup on design, front-end development, usability and web standards. It\xE2\x80\x99s part of the Refreshing Cities Movement, and held every 4th Thursday of the month.\n \n Our April session will feature Buck Wilson, a designer and developer at Jive Software. He\xE2\x80\x99ll talk about the history of JavaScript on the web, why jQuery has seen so much success, and how jQuery speaks the language of designers.\n \n Interested in speaking at Refresh Portland? We\xE2\x80\x99re looking for your ideas. Email hello@refreshportland.org" source_id: 996333612 start_time: 2009-04-24 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-04-24 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-04-23 21:10:00 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:18l on The Dawning of the Age of Experience" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2564279/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457203 version: 1 description: "Join us for a special installment of Refresh Portland May with Jared Spool! We\xE2\x80\x99re going to move the meeting a week back to May 21.\n \n ---\n \n Experience design is no longer a nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and exceptional visionary management. It\xE2\x80\x99s become commonplace for organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and quickly becoming a key performance indicator for many businesses.\n \n However, you can\xE2\x80\x99t just hire a couple of \xE2\x80\x9Cexperience designers\xE2\x80\x9D and tell them, \xE2\x80\x9CGo do that voodoo that you do so well.\xE2\x80\x9D Today\xE2\x80\x99s business environment forces us to build multi-disciplinary teams, compiling a diverse group of skills and experiences to handle the many facets of the technical, business, and user requirements.\n \n In his usual entertaining and insightful manner, Jared will talk about what it takes to build a design team that meets today\xE2\x80\x99s needs.\n \n He\xE2\x80\x99ll demonstrate how successful Experience Design:\n * Must integrate the needs of the users with the requirements of the business\n * Is learned, but not available through introspection\n * Must be invisible to succeed\n * Is cultural\n * Is multi-discplinary\n * Thrives best in an \xE2\x80\x9Ceducate and administrate\xE2\x80\x9D environment\n \n You\xE2\x80\x99ll see examples of designs from Apple\xE2\x80\x99s iPod, Netflix, the Mayo Clinic, and Southwest Airlines, to name a few." source_id: 996333620 start_time: 2009-05-22 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-05-22 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-05-13 22:41:50 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:18 "N'* 3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-06-25 16:27:11 Z title: "Refresh Portland June: Sheetal DH) G3EventJvupdate--- updated_at: 2009-06-23 23:45:53 Z title: "CHIFOO: Reading and Collaborating in a Digital Age" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://www.chifoo.org/index.php/chifoo/events_de ( M3EventJvupdate--- updated_at: 2009-07-11 22:37:46 Z title: Lunch 2.0 hosted by Pacific Real ' W3EventJvsupdate--- updated_at: 2009-05-13 22:41:50 Z title: "Refresh Portland May: Jared SpooEstate Partners at Jive rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2763770/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457240 version: 2 description: |- Pacific Real Estate Partners will be hosting the July installment of Portland Lunch 2.0 on July 15. The lunch will be held at Jive Software , one of their clients.Thanks to Kristin Hammond (@ FzMcFadden ) and Mark Friel of Pacific Real Estate Partners for connecting all the dots. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks. source_id: 996333652 start_time: 2009-07-15 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-07-15 21:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-05-24 18:16:38 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:19tail/244/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457339 version: 2 description: |- Reading is an inherently social experience: what we read and how we read it is shaped by who we know and the broader communities we belong to. With that in mind, Cathy Marshall from Microsoft Research will take a fresh look at the future of eBooks and how we get there from here. In particular, she will share some findings from a body of studies of reading-related activities (such as annotation and clipping) and will draw on her experiences with several generations of eBook products, including Microsoft Reader, ePeriodicals (a reader for magazines like The New Yorker and Esquire), and the Times News Reader (an RSS-based reader for The New York Times). Registration begins 6:30 pm. Program followed by questions from 7 - 9 pm. CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members pay $5 to attend the meeting. source_id: start_time: 2009-07-09 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-07-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-06-23 23:43:41 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:20ube on User Experience and Healthcare" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2750969/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457345 version: 1 description: |- Blogs, wikis, social networks and other web2.0 tools are being used increasingly to share information and connect with others, in the healthcare industry. While this is significant for an industry that has not taken advantage of digitization until now, how does the new technology work with the user needs? Join Sheetal Dube, a Senior User Experience Consultant at Evantage Consulting, to talk about designing healtcare products, applications and experiences that could benefit us all. Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement. source_id: 996333683 start_time: 2009-06-26 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-06-26 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-06-25 16:27:11 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:20 ``+ o3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-07-01 16:42:30 Z title: Demolicious! - Portland Web Innovators rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2373351/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457371 version: 1 description: |- Come see the great stuff your fellow Portlanders have been working on. There will be several ten minute demos of new products and side projects. Confirmed lineup: * BrowserMob (Patrick Lightbody) * MobSpot (Benjamin Jacobsen) * Total Event Manager (Mike Shkolnik) * Yak Theater (Matt Garland) * iAte (George DeCarlo) * SMART@znmeb (Ed Borasky) Find out more about showing off *your* project at a future Demolicious: http://www.pdxwi.com/demolicious source_id: 996333688 start_time: 2009-07-02 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-07-02 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-01 16:42:30 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:21Your CSS with SASS by Thomas Reynolds" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://refreshportland.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457389 version: 2 description: "What\xE2\x80\x99s SASS?\r\n SASS is a CSS-preprocessor that automatically implement common CSS idioms and keep you from repeating yourself.\r\n \r\n In other words, SASS is a way to implement grids, sprites and browser-specific tweaks in a fraction of the time it normally takes with CSS.\r\n \r\n This month, join us as we explore SASS with Thomas Reynolds! Thomas is an experienced front-end web developer who\xE2\x80\x99s into Ruby, jQuery, HTML5, & web standards.\r\n \r\n Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement." source_id: 996333693 start_time: 2009-07-24 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-07-24 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-07 06:06:50 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:21 /"/k1  3EventJxhupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:03:45 Z title: "Refresh Portland September: Benton Barne_0 u3EventJx^update--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:03:45 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' Oct/ [3EventJx]update--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 18:03:44 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers' September Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url:w. %3EventJw9update--- updated_at: 2009-07-17 21:53:57 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers Augu>- 33EventJw8update--- updated_at: 2009-07-17 21:22:57 Z title: Portland JavaScript Admirers July|, /3EventJw-update--- updated_at: 2009-07-07 06:07:31 Z title: "Refresh Portland July: Simplify  Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069078/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457400 version: 10 description: |- The meeting will be at Jive Software, 915 SW Stark St., Suite 400. The July Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333702 start_time: 2009-07-23 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-07-23 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-08 20:29:59 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:23st Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3069088/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457401 version: 3 description: |- The August Meeting of Portland's JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks and features, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Topics will be announced on the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs. If you would like to give a presentation, or have a suggestion for a topic, please send a message to pdxjs@googlegroups.com. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333703 start_time: 2009-08-27 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-08-27 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-07-08 20:38:06 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:25 http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428541/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457693 version: description: |- This will be our long awaited server side JavaScript shootout. * Dietrich Ayala will present Joyent's Smart Platform http://www.joyent.com/products/joyent-smart-platform/ * Jesse Hallett will present Helma NG http://dev.helma.org/wiki/Helma+NG/ Who will win? You decide! It is also likely that there will be pizza. The doors and elevators will be locked so we will have people on duty to let arrivals in. If you have any trouble getting in please send a tweet mentioning @pdxjs (not a direct message), or call or send a text message to 503-928-6714. Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333798 start_time: 2009-09-24 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-24 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:02:32 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:25ober Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4428542/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457694 version: description: |- The October Meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We will discuss topics ranging from client-side web frameworks, to functional and prototypal programming theory. Howard Lewis Ship will give a presentation on Cappuccino , a rich JavaScript framework based on Cocoa . Howard will also be talking on Cappuccino at the No Fluff Just Stuff Java Conference . Feel free to join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/pdxjs if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at http://pdxjs.com/. source_id: 996333799 start_time: 2009-10-29 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-29 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-19 23:13:48 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:26tt on How You\xE2\x80\x99re Getting Fired This Time" rrule: venue_id: 202390474 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4438752/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457704 version: description: "Freelance work is getting harder to find, jobs are more competitive and clients are choosier then ever. So how can you make sure that your clients are happy with your work, you\xE2\x80\x99re happy with your work, and that you\xE2\x80\x99re first in line for the next gig?\n \n This September, join Benton Barnett as he share his experience from both hiring programmers and designers to working as a contractor himself, on to avoid common business mistakes, increase your perceived value, keep your clients happy\xE2\x80\x94and charge them more for the privilege.\n \n Refresh Portland is held every 4th Thursday of the month, and is a part of the Refreshing Cities movement." source_id: 996333800 start_time: 2009-09-25 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-25 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-22 03:16:22 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:27 wJ*53Venue Acreate2009-10-26 20:51:284 ]3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-03 03:09:42 Z title: "SAOpdx: Poker Night : October" *33EventJy?create2009-10-26 17:57:442 A3Venue ;update--- updated_at: 2009-05-09 01:51:38 Z postal_code: "" latitude: 45.5219 title: Jive Software region: Oregon url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390474 version: 6 street_address: 915 SW Stark description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.68 source_id: 996333143 address: "" email: "" created_at: 2008-07-25 22:12:30 Z 2009-10-26 03:06:27rrule: venue_id: 202391475 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4558266/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457814 version: description: |- Bring your friends, or come make new ones! We always have a great time, so even if you're the world's worst or the world's best poker player, it's going to be time well spent. Onsite Payment: We accept credit card and cash onsite. Sorry, no checks. Who can play: Anyone over 21 the law allows. Any industry, any skill level, and you don't have to be an SAO member to play. Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed if made by noon, day of play (close of online registration). You must contact Stephanie El-Hajj to make your substitution. Substitutions are not allowed onsite. Time: Registration opens at 5:30. Play starts at 6:00pm sharp. If you're registered but arrive after 6:00pm, your seat might be given to a walk-in! Play to win - some games last til 10:00pm. Rebuys: A maximum of three (3) rebuys are allowed. Rebuys are $25 each and can only be purchased once ALL of your chips are gone. We do not allow chip add-ons. Rebuys are not added to the prize pot. Prize Payout (Minimum Guarantee)* 1st Place - $300 / 2nd Place - $150 / 3rd Place - $50 / 4th-10th Place - Bragging Rights Location: Kell's Irish Restaurant and Pub Dealers: We always need volunteer dealers - if you're interested in dealing, please contact Stephanie El-Hajj. We treat our dealers right - your drinks + food are on us! Small Print: *Final payout is based on total buyins. Winners will be awarded Visa Gift Cards. We will not have prizes night-of. Poker winners will be notified when the Cards are available for pickup at the SAO Office. Thank you to our volunteer dealers - Poker Night wouldn't be possible without your help! source_id: 996333827 start_time: 2009-10-28 00:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-02 21:08:13 Z 2009-10-26 20:48:26 j6  3EventJxRupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-17 00:12:26 Z title: Digital Journalism Social Hour rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://journopdx.wordpress.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457682 version: description: Digital Journalism Portland and Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-30 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-17 00:12:26 Z 2009-10-26 20:51:29 *83EventJy@create2009-10-26 22:14:33J7 K3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-26 20:51:28 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Rose & Thistle Pub region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391815 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-26 20:51:28 Z 2009-10-26 20:51:59 f9 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-20 00:24:14 Z title: "IxDA Portland: Design Jam Session" rrule: venue_id: 202389972 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765654/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457882 version: description: |- Join us for a design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the rest of the meeting attendees. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks for yourself or to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/). source_id: 996333840 start_time: 2009-10-28 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-28 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-19 20:36:06 Z 2009-10-26 22:34:54 -: 3EventJy-update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 18:22:58 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457901 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333848 start_time: 2009-10-27 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-27 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-25 18:22:58 Z 2009-10-26 23:06:56 -; 3EventJy.update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 18:23:16 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457902 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333849 start_time: 2009-11-03 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-03 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-25 18:23:16 Z 2009-10-26 23:07:30 u_? u3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 02:51:58 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Residence Inn Portland West / Hillsboro region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391816 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-27 02:51:58 Z 2009-10-27 02:53:22*>3EventJyAcreate2009-10-27 02:51:59*=3Venue Acreate2009-10-27 02:51:58-< 3EventJy1update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 18:29:17 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457905 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333852 start_time: 2009-11-17 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-17 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-25 18:29:17 Z 2009-10-26 23:07:55 vv$B 3EventJyBupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 18:38:45 Z title: Multnomah Food Initiative rrule: venue_id: 202391817 url: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4331 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457922 version: description: "At Multnomah County we are asking the question \xE2\x80\x9Cwhat is next for the local food movement?\xE2\x80\x9D There\xE2\x80\x99s no doubt that Mult Co and Portland region are at the epicenter of a growing national interest in local food. Currently, we have over 20 farmers\xE2\x80\x99 markets, approximately 65 community-support*A3EventJyBcreate2009-10-27 18:38:45*@3Venue >^create2009-10-27 18:38:44ed agriculture farms, and a plethora of restaurants and grocery stores that feature local food.\n\n\ So the question is: have we arrived or have we just started? Multnomah County believes that we have just started. That is why Multnomah County has launched the Multnomah Food Initiative \xE2\x80\x93 a public engagement process that will bring the community together to create a shared vision, shared goals, and the first comprehensive community food action plan in the nation. \n\n\ Early next year, Mult Co will be hosting a Food Summit to bring together business interests, the health industry, local governments, and the community to create a 15 year roadmap that will do two things: (1) relocalize our food system and (2) make the healthy choice the easy choice for all of us. Multnomah County would like to hear your thoughts on the Food Summit and Food Action Plan." source_id: 996333867 start_time: 2009-11-12 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 18:38:45 Z 2009-10-27 18:52:35 =]0=hH 3Venue :update--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:04 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Lloyd Center Doubletree Executive Meeting Center region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391818 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:04 Z 2009-10-27 22:57:59*G3EventJycreate2009-10-27 22:57:05*F3Venue :create2009-10-27 22:57:04*E3EventJyDcreate2009-10-27 22:54:24*D3EventJyCcreate2009-10-27 20:41:13C u3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 18:38:44 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.5207 title: St. Francis Church Dining Hall region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391817 version: street_address: 1182 SE Pine St description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.654 source_id: 996333867 address: email: created_at: 2009-10-27 18:38:44 Z 2009-10-27 18:52:36 9Kf9*N3EventJyIcreate2009-10-27 23:09:35*M3EventJyHcreate2009-10-27 23:06:36*L3EventJyGcreate2009-10-27 23:04:18ZK k3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:05 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Managing Virtual Teams" rrule: venue_id: 202391818 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457925 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-01 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:05 Z 2009-10-27 23:02:24*J3EventJyFcreate2009-10-27 23:00:271I 3Venue :update--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:59 Z postal_code: "97232" latitude: 45.5295528 title: Lloyd Center Doubletree Executive Meeting Center region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391818 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6463158 source_id: address: 1000 NE Multnomah Street email: "" created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:04 Z 2009-10-27 22:58:25 'y'T [3EventJyIupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:45:01 Z title: Agile Scrum Product Owner Certification rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/agile-product-owner duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457929 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:09:34 Z 2009-10-27 23:46:32*S3EventJyMcreate2009-10-27 23:46:08 R M3EventJyIupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:09:34 Z title: Agile Scrum Master Certification rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/agile-scrum-master/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457929 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:09:34 Z 2009-10-27 23:45:01*Q3EventJyLcreate2009-10-27 23:15:48*P3EventJyKcreate2009-10-27 23:13:04*O3EventJyJcreate2009-10-27 23:11:24 NV Q3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-08-26 15:52:35 Z title: Portland Angel Network - Nov. meeting application deadline rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.oen.org/programs_pan.aspx duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457615 version: 1 description: "Companies interested in applying to present at the November 19th PAN/OAF meeting need to apply by 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 8th.\r\n \r\n\ PAN and the Oregon Angel Fund only consider companies to present in front of investors who are headquartered in the state of Oregon or SW Washington (Vancouver, Camas, Ridgefield, Longview). " source_id: start_time: 2009-10-09 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-09 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-26 15:52:35 Z 2009-10-28 17:26:44*U3EventJyNcreate2009-10-28 06:05:35If you're either starting a company or revisiting your business strategy, defining your market and figuring out how big it is are important first steps. A clear market definition focuses your effort. Sizing the market tells you how big your opportunity is, which is important preparation for building a budget and a forecast -- and it tells you something about what sources of financing might be possible. Understanding your market's segments is the first step in deciding which segment makes the most sense to target. Defining, sizing, and segmenting your market is the first step in putting together a company strategy and a business plan. At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will walk you through the process. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-28 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-29 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-05 15:54:14 Z 2009-10-28 18:34:58 @'@\\ o3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:21 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391819 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:21 Z 2009-10-29 00:12:44*[3EventJyPcreate2009-10-29 00:12:22*Z3Venue A create2009-10-29 00:12:21*Y3EventJyOcreate2009-10-28 21:59:442X 3EventJy*update--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 19:47:28 Z title: Finance for Startups 101 rrule: venue_id: 202391676 url: http://piepdx.com/2009/10/finance-for-startups-101 duplicate_oW C3EventJxdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-05 15:54:44 Z title: "OTBC: How to Define, Size and Segment a Market" rrule: venue_id: 202390750 url: http://www.meetup.com/otbc-events/calendar/11501497/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457827 version: description: |- f_id: id: 1250457898 version: description: "Come listen to Steve Babcock and Craig Vagt talk about finances, taxes, and money for startups and small businesses. There will be a 30 minute talk, followed by an open Q&A. All are welcome.\n\n\ The details:\n\n\ When: 6pm, October 29th, 2009\n\n\ Where: PIE (1227 NW Davis)\n\n\ Who: Anyone who wants to know more about small business finances, taxes, and startups.\n\n\ RSVP at Upcoming\n\n\ Bios:\n\n\ Steve Babcock\n\n\ Steve has more than twenty years experience providing financial management and consulting services to privately held companies and an additional eleven years as a CPA and senior audit manager with KPMG and predecessor firms.\n\n\ Steve has served as a consultant to small and medium size businesses since 2001. In so doing he has assisted several start-ups in software and traditional business. He has assisted Fisher Farms, prominent in Oregon\xE2\x80\x99s wholesale nursery industry, in planning and forecasting, resolving an earn-out with the prior owner, an acquisition and several financing and real estate transactions.\n\n\ Steve was the CFO for Papa Murphy\xE2\x80\x99s, a 20-plus state privately held pizza concept, from 1995-2000. He functioned as CFO of Springtime Inc. and Oregon Garden Products for five years and for two years as Vice President and Regional Controller for a cable television company in Portland.\n\n\ Steve is currently serving as Past President and Board Member of the Portland Chapter of Financial Executives International (FEI) and as Treasurer and Board member of the Oregon International Air Show.\n\n\ Steve has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon and did post-baccalaureate study in accounting and finance at Portland State University.\n\n\ Craig D. Vagt, CPA\n\ Partner\n\n\ Craig joined Talbot, Korvola & Warwick LLP as a partner in 2001 when he merged his practice with Talbot Korvola and Warwick LLP. He is currently the managing partner at TKW. Craig began his career in the San Francisco Bay area and eventually was a partner with an international accounting firm. Returning to his hometown of Portland in 1991, Craig joined a local accounting firm as a partner. Over his years in public accounting, he has worked with a wide variety of clients in an equally wide variety of industries\xE2\x80\xA6 Craig brings his experience in many areas of tax including ownership structures, multi-state and international planning, as well as general tax matters to his clients. His current practice has a major focus on the tax issues and opportunities affecting closely held companies, primarily pass through entities, and their owners.\n\n\ A graduate of the University of Oregon with a degree in finance, he also has a law degree and a Masters in Taxation from Golden Gate University, where he also taught in the Masters in Tax program." source_id: 996333845 start_time: 2009-10-30 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-23 17:57:20 Z 2009-10-28 18:36:53 (yU(*b3Venue ?/create2009-10-29 19:01:51,a 3EventJyGupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:04:18 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Get New Business In A Challenging Market" rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/get-new-business/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457927 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-04 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-04 20:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:04:18 Z 2009-10-29 18:57:46p` 3Venue =update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 14:21:52 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Embassy Suites Portland \xE2\x80\x93 Washington Square" region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391820 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-29 14:21:52 Z 2009-10-29 14:22:56*_3EventJyRcreate2009-10-29 14:21:54*^3Venue =create2009-10-29 14:21:52*]3EventJyQcreate2009-10-29 00:16:27 [Yd i3Venue ?/update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 19:01:51 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Crowne Plaza Portland Lake Oswego region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391821 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-29 19:01:51 Z 2009-10-29 19:02:37!c y3EventJyDupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 22:54:24 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Consultative Selling Skills" rrule: venue_id: url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/consultative-selling-skills/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457924 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-05 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:54:24 Z 2009-10-29 19:01:51 RR*e  3EventJyDupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 19:01:51 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Consultative Selling Skills" rrule: venue_id: 202391821 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/consultative-selling-skills/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457924 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-05 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:54:24 Z 2009-10-29 19:03:12r\n All software team members, including project managers, team leads, development managers, product managers, architects, \r\n\ \r\n\ developers, testers, as well as executives (e.g. CIOs and CTOs).\r\n\ Note: This course provides a Scrum Product Owner certification through the Scrum Alliance.\r\n\ \r\n\ PMI Credits: This course can be claimed for 14 PDUs with the PMI institute.\r\n\ \r\n\ \t\r\n\ Cost:$1200 per student\r\n\ 20% Early Bird Discount if registered by October 10th, 2009\r\n\ Also, 5th Seat Free! Register 5 or more, registration for 5th student is free!\t" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-27 21:38:45 Z 2009-10-29 19:04:24 )f  3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-27 21:39:37 Z title: Certified ScrumMaster Training rrule: venue_id: 202391672 url: http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=760681 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457624 version: 3 description: "SolutionsIQ Certified ScrumMaster Training gives you all the tools and information you need to get started with Scrum and Agile. Delivered by SolutionsIQ\xE2\x80\x99s world-renowned Certified ScrumMaster Trainers, this course shares time-tested practices for managing Product Backlogs, planning your releases and iterations (Sprints), and tracking and reporting progress. You\xE2\x80\x99ll learn how to lead Sprint Planning meetings, Daily Scrum meetings, Sprint Review meetings, Sprint Retrospectives, and much more.\r\n\ \r\n\ Who should attend:\ `Kh M3EventJyDupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 19:03:12 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Consultative Selling Skills" rrule: venue_id: 202391821 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/consultative-selling-skills/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457924 version: description: Use promo code SAODISC for 15% off. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-05 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 00:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:54:24 Z 2009-10-29 19:55:19g m3Venue @destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 03:56:32 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Cafe Flame Lily in Lake Oswego, & Dalo's Kitchen, Horn of Africa, & Safari Restaurant in N Portland region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391801 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-21 03:56:32 Z 2009-10-29 19:54:20 Yj _3EventJyRupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 14:21:53 Z title: "Free MATLAB and Simulink Seminar: Data Analysis and Signal Processing Systems" rr #i }3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 19:02:37 Z postal_code: "97035" latitude: 45.419333 title: Crowne Plaza Portland Lake Oswego region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391821 version: street_address: 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive description: "" locality: Lake Oswego telephone: "" longitude: -122.741556 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-29 19:01:51 Z 2009-10-29 19:55:20ule: venue_id: 202391820 url: http://bit.ly/x3DsM duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457938 version: description: |- Join the MathWorks for this special complimentary event comprised of two sessions. In the morning session, MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how you can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face in Excel. In the afternoon session, they will demonstrate workflows for the design and verification of signal processing and communications systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Please join us for one session or stay for the full-day. However, seating is limited for this special event, so please reserve your seat today. Previous knowledge of MATLAB and Simulink is not required to attend either of the sessions. For more information or to register please visit: http://bit.ly/x3DsM source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 16:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-11 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-29 14:21:53 Z 2009-10-29 19:56:13 pp l O3EventJwupdate--- updated_at: 2009-08-11 16:00:27 Z title: "POSSE: The Business of Open Source Software" rrule: venue_id: 202391644  tk 3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 14:22:56 Z postal_code: "97223" latitude: 45.4312294 title: "Embassy Suites Portland \xE2\x80\x93 Washington Square" region: "OR " url: http://www.portlandwashingtonsquare.embassysuites.com/ duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391820 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Tigard telephone: "" longitude: -122.7714861 source_id: address: 9000 SW Washington Square Road email: "" created_at: 2009-10-29 14:21:52 Z 2009-10-29 19:56:14url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4226199/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457543 version: 2 description: |- Please RSVP here on Upcoming if you plan to attend. We'll be using the number of people to plan snacks, space, etc. Brian Jamison and other members of POSSE will be leading a discussion about how to run an open source business. We'll also have plenty of time for you to hang out and talk to each other on this topic or anything else. This is a monthly meeting of POSSE (Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs) that is open for anyone to attend. POSSE is dedicated to helping businesses in the Portland area and beyond reduce costs, mitigate risk, and make software choice easy by utilizing open source software. POSSE members meet once a month to network with other open source software entrepreneurs, engineers and enthusiasts. source_id: 996333753 start_time: 2009-09-17 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-09-17 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-11 15:58:37 Z 2009-10-29 20:00:10 0*p3EventJyUcreate2009-10-29 22:16:05*o3EventJyTcreate2009-10-29 22:14:17*n3EventJyScreate2009-10-29 21:07:49Lm O3Venue @\update--- updated_at: 2009-09-16 06:54:30 Z postal_code: "97209 " latitude: 45.5118 title: "OpenSourcery " region: Oregon url: http://www.opensourcery.com duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391644 version: 1 street_address: "" description: "" locality: Portland telephone: (503) 777-7033 longitude: -122.676 source_id: 996333753 address: 1636 NW Lovejoy at NW 17th email: "" created_at: 2009-08-11 15:58:37 Z 2009-10-29 20:00:13 -Z-*r3EventJyVcreate2009-10-30 17:57:00"q {3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-15 06:32:06 Z title: Westside Proggers rrule: venue_id: 202390750 url: http://calagator.org/venues/202390750 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457861 version: description: |- This month Markus will be presenting his response to Matt's programming language presentation from last month. If previous presentations by Markus are any indication, a good time will be had by all.

        A polyglot programming group meeting in the heart of The Beave. We seem to talk a lot about oddball programming languages and their features. And the usual geekery you'd expect from a programmer's group.

        We're out on the west side but all are welcome.

        Sometimes there's beer. Feel free to bring some to share!

        source_id: start_time: 2009-10-30 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-15 06:32:06 Z 2009-10-29 23:42:26 candle light in our Garden Room that is filled with fresh flowers weekly. Our in house catering upholds the gourmet standards Elephant\xE2\x80\x99s guests have trusted for almost thirty years. From sustainable buying practices to biodegradable left over containers, you are guaranteed a phenomenal event while impacting the earth as little as possible. Our event planners are happy to assist with theme decorations, live music or a DJ, entertainers or custom party favors. The Garden Party Room can accommodate 50 guests seated and 75 guests for a standing reception \r\n\ \r\n\ Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. \r\n\ \r\n\ Admission: \r\n\ Member online: Free \r\n\ Member at the Door: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member online: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759.\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-03 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-03 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:00 Z 2009-10-30 17:57:26 ss 3EventJyVupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:00 Z title: Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Elephant's Delicatessen rrule: venue_id: url: http://portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457942 version: description: "Shop Talk is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. \r\n\ \r\n\ About Elephant's Delicatessen: A warm intimate event space with a retractable roof and a grand fireplace, the Garden Party Room is ideal for any special occasion, business meeting, social luncheon, or private dinner party. Bask in sunlight or candle light in our Garden Room that is filled with fresh flowers weekly. Our in house catering upholds the gourmet standards Elephant\xE2\x80\x99s guests have trusted for almost thirty years. From sustainable buying practices to biodegradable left over containers, you are guaranteed a phenomenal event while impacting the earth as little as possible. Our event planners are happy to assist with theme decorations, live music or a DJ, entertainers or custom party favors. The Garden Party Room can accommodate 50 guests seated and 75 guests for a standing reception \r\n\ \r\n\ Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. \r\n\ \r\n\ Admission: \r\n\ Member online: Free \r\n\ Member at the Door: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member online: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759.\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-03 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-03 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:00 Z 2009-10-30 17:57:42 |t /3EventJyVupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:25 Z title: Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Elephant's Delicatessen rrule: venue_id: url: http://portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457942 version: description: "Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. \r\n\ \r\n\ About Elephant's Delicatessen: A warm intimate event space with a retractable roof and a grand fireplace, the Garden Party Room is ideal for any special occasion, business meeting, social luncheon, or private dinner party. Bask in sunlight or candle light in our Garden Room that is filled with fresh flowers weekly. Our in house catering upholds the gourmet standards Elephant\xE2\x80\x99s guests have trusted for almost thirty years. From sustainable buying practices to biodegradable left over containers, you are guaranteed a phenomenal event while impacting the earth as little as possible. Our event planners are happy to assist with theme decorations, live music or a DJ, entertainers or custom party favors. The Garden Party Room can accommodate 50 guests seated and 75 guests for a standing reception \r\n\ \r\n\ Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. \r\n\ \r\n\ Admission: \r\n\ Member online: Free \r\n\ Member at the Door: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member online: $5.00 \r\n\ Non-Member at the Door: $10.00 \r\n\ \r\n\ First-timers, RSVP by calling Peggy, Scott or Eric at 503-552-6759.\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-03 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-03 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:00 Z 2009-10-30 17:59:41 *w3EventJyXcreate2009-10-30 18:11:17*v3EventJyWcreate2009-10-30 18:06:55u 73EventJyVupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 17:57:42 Z title: Portland Business Alliance presents ShopTalk Showcase at Elephant's Delicatessen rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457942 version: description: "Shop Talk Showcase is a networking program of roughly 55 attendees hosted at the locations of different Alliance member companies. The programs feature a networking session, member introductions, a brief host presentation, and a door prize drawing. \r\n\ \r\n\ About Elephant's Delicatessen: A warm intimate event space with a retractable roof and a grand fireplace, the Garden Party Room is ideal for any special occasion, business meeting, social luncheon, or private dinner party. Bask in sunlight or C9y )3EventJyLupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 18:13:42 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Integrating Sustainability Into Your Business Practices" rrule: venue_id: 202390578 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/sustainability/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457932 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-14 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:15:48 Z 2009-10-30 18:14:009x )3EventJyLupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:15:48 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Integrating Sustainability Into Your Business Practices" rrule: venue_id: 202390578 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/sustainability/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457932 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-18 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:15:48 Z 2009-10-30 18:13:42 &S&*{3EventJyYcreate2009-10-30 18:20:15)z 3EventJyKdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:13:04 Z title: Understanding Energy Measurement & Management For Your Company rrule: venue_id: 202391818 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/energy-management/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457931 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-14 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:13:04 Z 2009-10-30 18:14:43 EE7| %3EventJyYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 18:20:15 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours - relaxed, open networking. " rrule: venue_id: url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457945 version: description: | Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, November 11th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Candy Ultra Lounge & Bistro Bar, 904 NW Couch Street. Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. source_id: start_time: 2009-10-30 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-10-30 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 18:20:15 Z 2009-10-30 18:20:58 ((T} _3EventJyYupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 18:20:58 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents Business After Hours - relaxed, open networking. " rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.portlandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457945 version: description: | Presented by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours offers an opportunity to create new business relationships by networking in a relaxed setting that offers delicious appetizers, door prizes, and refreshments from the no-host bar. Wednesday, November 11th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Candy Ultra Lounge & Bistro Bar, 904 NW Couch Street. Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Members: online $8.00, $10.00 at the door. Non-Members: online $15.00, $20.00 at the door. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-12 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 18:20:15 Z 2009-10-30 18:21:35 gyLg4 3EventJy]update--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 19:47:33 Z title: "Free Talk: What It Takes to Make a Website" rrule: venue_id: 202391668 url: http://www.vanadia.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457949 version: description: "This informative \xE2\x80\x9Cbig picture\xE2\x80\x9D presentation is for anyone who wants to start their own website but has no idea where to begin. Should you hire someone? Can you do it yourself? Learn the difference between HTML, WYSIWYG, CSS and CMS. Find out about hosting. Learn how to get a domain. Bring your questions!\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 19:47:33 Z 2009-10-30 19:48:28*3Venue Acreate2009-10-30 19:48:28*3EventJy]create2009-10-30 19:47:33*3EventJy\create2009-10-30 18:39:09*3EventJy[create2009-10-30 18:37:38*~3EventJyZcreate2009-10-30 18:35:44 vv*3Venue Acreate2009-10-30 19:50:43Y i3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 19:48:28 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Umpqua Bank in the Pearl District region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391822 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-30 19:48:28 Z 2009-10-30 19:50:09 HH4 3EventJy]update--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 19:48:28 Z title: "Free Talk: What It Takes to Make a Website" rrule: venue_id: 202391822 url: http://www.vanadia.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457949 version: description: "This informative \xE2\x80\x9Cbig picture\xE2\x80\x9D presentation is for anyone who wants to start their own website but has no idea where to begin. Should you hire someone? Can you do it yourself? Learn the difference between HTML, WYSIWYG, CSS and CMS. Find out about hosting. Learn how to get a domain. Bring your questions!\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 19:47:33 Z 2009-10-30 19:50:44 }P# U3EventJyaupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 20:31:01 Z title: "Portland Business Alliance presents Green Hour Hosted by Snyder Roofing " rrule: venue_id: url: http://www.porltandalliance.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457953 version: description: | Green Hour, ho* 3EventJyacreate2009-10-30 20:31:01* 3EventJy`create2009-10-30 20:24:35* 3EventJy_create2009-10-30 20:18:37*3EventJy^create2009-10-30 19:55:55R [3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 19:50:43 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Umpqua Bank Pearl District region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391823 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-30 19:50:43 Z 2009-10-30 19:51:50sted by Portland Business Alliance, Greater Portland's Chamber of Commerce, showcases innovative companies and promotes sustainability practices for the region's businesses. About the host: Always wanted a green roof or wanted to know how they are installed and maintained? Snyder Roofing is the region's largest installer of vegetated roofs. Attendees will not only network with other sustainability-minded professionals, but also learn the details behind vegetated roofs. The event space will overlook one of Snyder's projects, the Machine Works building in the Pearl District. Green Hour hosted by Snyder Roofing Location: Machine Works - showcasing Roof Top vegetated garden 1455 NW Northrup Portland, OR 97209 Register online at www.portlandalliance.com. Admission: Members - $10 online/$15 at the door. Non-members - $20. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-30 20:31:01 Z 2009-10-30 20:31:31 QI~Q*3EventJyccreate2009-11-01 04:08:45m 3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-31 23:53:06 Z postal_code: latitude: title: St. John the Apostle Catholic Church, Oregon City, Or region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391824 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-10-31 23:53:06 Z 2009-10-31 23:54:25*3EventJybcreate2009-10-31 23:53:07*3Venue Acreate2009-10-31 23:53:063 3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 19:50:09 Z postal_code: 97209-3423 latitude: 45.5324887 title: Umpqua Bank region: OR url: http://www.umpquabank.com duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391822 version: street_address: description: | locality: Portland telephone: (503) 288-5610 longitude: -122.6864005 source_id: address: "1139 NW Lovejoy St " email: "" created_at: 2009-10-30 19:48:28 Z 2009-10-30 20:47:35 tramadol codeine " rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://portland.beerandblog.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457955 version: description: buy xanax online zoloft xanax , buy tramadol online tramadol cod imitrex diet pill , buy paxil seroquel mixed with paxil is okay , buy fioricet online soma tramadol fioricet , buy inderal about inderal , buy valtrex valtrex and nursing , buy valium online mix maxalt and valium . source_id: start_time: 2009-11-01 05:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-01 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-01 04:08:45 Z 2009-11-01 05:21:07 <_2i<*3Venue Acreate2009-11-03 01:05:20*3EventJyfcreate2009-11-03 00:04:42b {3EventJyeupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-02 20:21:44 Z title: "Portland Linux/Unix Group: Unit  *3EventJyecreate2009-11-02 20:21:44*3EventJydcreate2009-11-02 19:03:22. 3EventJy0destroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-25 18:23:45 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457904 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333851 start_time: 2009-11-24 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-24 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-25 18:23:45 Z 2009-11-01 06:56:46 73EventJycdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-01 04:08:45 Z title: "fedex overnight delivery ultramTest Your Database!" rrule: venue_id: 202391198 url: http://pdxLinux.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457957 version: description: " Given that the database, as the canonical repository of data, \r\n is the most important part of many applications, why is it \r\n that we don't write database unit tests? This talk promotes \r\n the practice of implementing tests to directly test the \r\n schema, storage, and functionality of databases.\r\n \r\n David E. Wheeler, Founder of Kineticode and Co-Founder of \r\n PostgreSQL Experts hacks Perl, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, and Ruby. \r\n I believe David is also the lead developer and maintainer \r\n Bricolage which is a well known CMS. \r\n David lives in Portland.\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-02 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-02 22:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-02 20:21:44 Z 2009-11-02 20:22:47 :zM l:.! 3EventJyjupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:00:28 Z title: Unfolding News rrule: venue_id: url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457962 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-03 21:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-03 22:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-03 20:00:28 Z 2009-11-03 20:04:36* 3Venue <create2009-11-03 20:04:36*3EventJyjcreate2009-11-03 20:00:28*3EventJyicreate2009-11-03 02:06:04*3Venue @create2009-11-03 02:06:03*3EventJyhcreate2009-11-03 02:05:07*3Venue @create2009-11-03 02:05:05U a3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 01:05:20 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391825 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-03 01:05:20 Z 2009-11-03 01:06:32*3EventJygcreate2009-11-03 01:05:21 X+*&3EventJylcreate2009-11-04 01:11:04_% u3Venue 9update--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:08:54 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Portland State Business Accelerator " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391829 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-03 20:08:54 Z 2009-11-03 20:09:44*$3EventJykcreate2009-11-03 20:08:55*#3Venue 9create2009-11-03 20:08:54w" %3Venue <update--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:04:36 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Stoel Rives, Suite 2600, 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland or 97204 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391828 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-03 20:04:36 Z 2009-11-03 20:05:08 l|* /3EventJyjupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:04:36 Z title: Unfolding News rrule: venue_id: 202391828 url: http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3908&from_where=chapter_homepage duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457962 version: description: | News is in the news. The last few years have seen significant changes in patterns of consumption and propagation $*)3EventJyncreate2009-11-04 06:24:28*(3EventJymcreate2009-11-04 01:15:036' !3EventJyldestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 01:11:03 Z title: test event rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457964 version: description: test source_id: start_time: 2009-11-04 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-04 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-04 01:11:03 Z 2009-11-04 01:13:20of news content. Increasingly, the influence of online search, aggregation and community sites, niche blogs, specialized classified lists, combined with the demand for measurable advertising and audience engagement is putting pressure on traditional business models. Add in the growth of mobile internet, and we have the makings of a perfect storm. - What is the future of printed news? - Who will invest in investigative journalism? - Will micro-payments, subscriptions or pay-walls work? - Where is the technology or platform opportunity? Steve Woodward, CEO Nozzl Media will provide an overview of how Nozzl helps publishers, readers and advertisers with real-time, local news streams on mobile devices. Peter Bhatia, Executive Editor, The Oregonian will join Steve for an informative and insightful discussion with TiE members and entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-12 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-03 20:00:28 Z 2009-11-04 18:28:38 898u, !3EventJyiupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 02:06:04 Z title: "Portland Ten Field Trip: Sales Training #3: Getting The Appointment" rrule: venue_id: 202391827 url: http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/committies/businesmattersseriesinfo.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457961 version: description: |- Our friends Scott & Al at the Olsen Group are doing sales trainings hosted by the Beaverton Chamber, free for members, $5 for attendees. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings for the next 3 months. &C+ =3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:05:08 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.517143 title: Stoel Rives, Suite 2600, 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland or 97204 region: or url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391828 version: street_address: 900 SW Fifth avenue description: "" locality: portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.678114 source_id: address: Suite 2600 email: "" created_at: 2009-11-03 20:04:36 Z 2009-11-04 18:28:39 http://www.beaverton.org/chamber/contact_us/index.html They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We will take the MAX up together, if you'd like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=117+NW+5th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 We'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and back as well, so if you need some creative inspiration on all things revenue, please feel free to come along.256 source_id: 996333871 start_time: 2009-11-04 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-04 18:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-03 02:06:04 Z 2009-11-04 18:29:19 O. U3EventJyhupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 02:05:07 Z title: "Portland Ten Field Trip: KEEN, I(|- /3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 02:06:03 Z postal_code: "97005" latitude: 45.4909 title: Beaverton Round Training Center, 3rd floor, 12725 SW Millikan Way - Coldwell Banker Bulding region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391827 version: street_address: 12725 SW Millikan Way - Coldwell Banker Bulding description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.806 source_id: 996333871 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-03 02:06:03 Z 2009-11-04 18:29:21)nc: Start a Business, Create Your Own Job" rrule: venue_id: 202391826 url: http://zcommunitycenter.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457960 version: description: "Start a Business, Create Your Own Job\n\n\ Have you always been curious about starting your own business? Are you looking for work after being laid off or caring for family? Are you retired but not finished working? Or did you recently graduate? This panel of entrepreneurs has been there (and is there) and has advice for you.\n\n\ With unemployment over 12% in Oregon, many talented people are exploring their entrepreneurial urges and developing a healthy curiosity about starting their own business. With any venture, it helps to get advice from folks who have \xE2\x80\x98been there, done that\xE2\x80\x99 and are willing to share their hard-earned wisdom.\n\n\ ZCC presents a panel and moderator composed of seasoned business owners and founders who are generous with their advice and expertise. Randy Miller will moderate panelists Michelle Cairo (In the Black), Robin Jones (88 Inc.), Otto Papasadero (Marto Consulting) and Sarah Shaoul (Black Wagon). Panelists will answer questions from the moderator and from the audience.\n\n\ We will have resources that serve small business and start-ups available.\n\n\ Mark your calendar for this great, supportive and interactive event!\n\n\ WHEN: NOVEMBER 3, 2009 from 7:00 PM \xE2\x80\x93 8:30 PM\n\n\ WHERE: KEEN, INC.'s GREAT ROOM at 926 NW 13th Ave. #210\n\n\ Cost: This event is free and open to the public. Invite those you know with the same or similar questions for where ever they are in their life and career.\n\n\ To accommodate our guests, we recommend that you RSVP to nancy@zcommunitycenter.org or by calling 503.224.4636.\n\n\ QUESTIONS: Please contact ZCC at 503.224.4636 or nancy@zcommunitycenter.org for questions about this event." source_id: 996333870 start_time: 2009-11-04 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-04 06:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-03 02:05:07 Z 2009-11-04 18:32:10 `0 ?3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:44 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5234515 title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391819 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6762071 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:21 Z 2009-11-04 18:36:01/ o3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 02:05:05 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.5296 title: KEEN Footwear region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391826 version: street_address: 926 NW 13th Avenue, Suite 210 description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.684 source_id: 996333870 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-03 02:05:05 Z 2009-11-04 18:32:11 }?}>2 33Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 18:38:04 Z postal_code: latitude: 37.09024 title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room region: url: http://www.oregonzoo.org duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391819 version: street_address: description: "" locality: telephone: 503-226-1561 longitude: -95.712891 source_id: address: 4001 SW Canyon Rd., Portland OR 97221-9704 email: "" created_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:21 Z 2009-11-04 18:39:31=1 13Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 18:36:01 Z postal_code: latitude: 37.09024 title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room region: url: http://www.oregonzoo.org duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391819 version: street_address: description: "" locality: telephone: 503-226-1561 longitude: -95.712891 source_id: address: 4001 SW Canyon Rd. Portland OR 97221-9704 email: "" created_at: 2009-10-29 00:12:21 Z 2009-11-04 18:38:04te_of_id: id: 1250457963 version: description: |- The current economic climate has limited access to capital and has left companies across the healthcare industry struggling to determine the best way to fund and fuel growth. Our experienced panel, drawn from investors & executives with experience in Healthcare IT ventures both from a funding and entreprenuerial perspective, will address questions like: - What products, services, and technology sectors in healthcare are investors most excited about now? - What do investors want to see regarding company growth and exit strategy? - Which investors are best positioned to support my company in this current environment? - How should one approach valuation and other funding strategy discussions? Panelists include: Bill Newman, Managing Director, NW tech ventures Jim Plymale, CEO, Clinicient source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-03 20:08:54 Z 2009-11-04 18:42:18 2294 )3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:09:44 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5234515 title: "Portland State Business Accelerator " region: or url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391829 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6762071 source_id: address: intersection of SW Corbett Ave & SW Meade Street email: "" created_at: 2009-11-03 20:08:54 Z 2009-11-04 18:42:183 A3EventJykupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-03 20:08:54 Z title: Challenges in Securing Funding for your Healthcare IT Venture rrule: venue_id: 202391829 url: http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3856&from_where=chapter_homepage duplica, ^^26 3EventJy3EventJyqcreate2009-11-04 22:02:16e= 3Venue :#update--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 21:31:16 Z postal_code: latitude: title: PCC Portland Community College Cascade Campus region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391830 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-04 21:31:16 Z 2009-11-04 21:33:37*<3EventJypcreate2009-11-04 21:31:17*;3Venue :#create2009-11-04 21:31:16*:3EventJyocreate2009-11-04 20:36:499 e3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-10-21 21:27:59 Z postal_code: "97008" latitude: 45.4618042 title: Absorbent Technologies, Inc region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391803 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Beaverton telephone: "" longitude: -122.7999141 source_id: address: 8705 SW Nimbus Ave email: "" created_at: 2009-10-21 21:27:22 Z 2009-11-04 18:56:20er charge o Steps you can take to bill what you are worth * Create Measurable Goals-Metrics that Make Sense o Why a set of business metrics is important o How to develop them o How to use them Jackie Babicky Peterson is a consultant, writer and speaker whose practice focuses on helping creative entrepreneurs achieve business success. Jackie herself is a serial entrepreneur whose first business was a CPA firm. Now Jackie is an advisor for the Small Business Development Center of Portland Community College where she teaches business skills to small business owners and provides one on one business advising to her clients. She is the author of Better, Smarter, Richer, 10 Steps to Business Success for Creative Entrepreneurs which will be available as an MP3 on her web site www.jackiebpeterson.com in January, 2010. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-04 22:02:15 Z 2009-11-04 22:03:12 *@3EventJyrcreate2009-11-04 22:59:46=? 13EventJyqupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 22:02:15 Z title: "SECP: Develop a Cash Flow Mindset - A Key to Solo Business Success" rrule: venue_id: 202390946 url: http://www.SECPpdx.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457969 version: description: |- Practical tools for the Busy Creative Professional * Understand Cash Flow o Tips for billing, collections and credit policies to facilitate cash flow o Managing your cash flow- an anticipatory approach * Charge Enough Money for Your Work o Why creatives often und2 ??=A 13EventJypupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 21:31:16 Z title: "Archives of the Fantastic Screening at PCC " rrule: venue_id: 202391830 url: http://club.pcc.edu duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457968 version: description: | PCC/Cascade Campus 705 N. Killingsworth St., MAHB Room 104 Portland, Oregon 97217 A charity event to benefit p:ear! All ages are welcome and costumes are encouraged. Tickets are available at the door for $3.00/ea. 2010 calendars are also available as well as DVDs of the showing movie. Ticket Info: 3.00 source_id: start_time: 2009-11-21 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-04 21:31:16 Z 2009-11-05 00:32:32 +*D3EventJyscreate2009-11-05 00:51:08*C3Venue Acreate2009-11-05 00:51:07QB Y3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-04 21:33:37 Z postal_code: "97217" latitude: 45.5834096 title: PCC Portland Community College Cascade Campus region: Oregon url: http://club.pcc.edu duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391830 version: street_address: description: | A charity event to benefit p:ear! All ages are welcome and costumes are encouraged. Tickets are available at the door for $3.00/ea. 2010 calendars are also available as well as DVDs of the showing movie. Ticket Info: 3.00 locality: " Portland" telephone: "" longitude: -122.6835887 source_id: address: "705 N. Killingsworth St., MAHB Room 104 " email: wonderwindy77@yahoo.com created_at: 2009-11-04 21:31:16 Z 2009-11-05 00:32:33 D/G 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-16 03:12:12 Z title: Third Annual Winter Coders' Social rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-05 16:03:19F o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:14 Z title: Portland Functional Programming S7IE I3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 00:51:07 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Hall Street Grill region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391831 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-05 00:51:07 Z 2009-11-05 00:51:54tudy Group rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457807 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z 2009-11-05 06:33:52 ^^*J3EventJyucreate2009-11-05 18:16:55*I3EventJytcreate2009-11-05 18:15:31DH ?3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 16:03:19 Z title: Third Annual Winter Coders' Social rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-05 16:03:38 eeK e3EventJyuupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 18:16:55 Z title: PDX Weekly Hackathon rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457973 version: description: Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-06 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-05 18:16:55 Z 2009-11-05 18:26:55 66FL C3EventJyuupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 18:26:55 Z title: PDX Weekly Hackathon rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457973 version: description: |- Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on other's projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-06 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-06 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-05 18:16:55 Z 2009-11-05 18:27:31 3)`3*Q3Venue @create2009-11-05 22:43:54*P3EventJywcreate2009-11-05 21:10:38*O3EventJyvcreate2009-11-05 21:09:22N o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:45 Z title: Portland Functional Programming SJoin programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs.
        source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:45 Z 2009-11-05 21:08:40 ||SS ]3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:54 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Aquariva Italian Kitchen " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391832 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:54 Z 2009-11-05 22:45:16*R3EventJyxcreate2009-11-05 22:43:55on investment and increase performance. Jeremy Sherwood has extensive experience in sales and technical support. He sees his role as one of an expert problem solver. "We don't put customers into a cookie cutter" he says, "We strive to give them the individualized interactive solutions they need so their business can grow." If you're a computer consulting looking to grow your business and your clients' business in 2010, you won't want to miss this presentation! When: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dinner / Networking 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Meeting / Presentation Where: Aquariva Italian Kitchen 0470 SW Hamilton Ct. Portland, OR 97239 www.aquarivaportland.com Take advantage of the restaurant's free valet parking, or you can find an unreserved slot in the upper section of the parking lot. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-25 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-25 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:55 Z 2009-11-05 22:46:01 fT 3EventJyxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:55 Z title: 5 Things You Didn't Know Were Possible with Virtualization rrule: venue_id: 202391832 url: http://www.occa.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457976 version: description: | At the November meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association, Jeremy Sherwood of Opus Interactive, Inc. will share specific examples of how current virtualization technology can provide solutions for computer consultants and their clients. For example, if you have a client with multiple servers operating on older hardware who wants to upgrade without spending a great deal of money, Jeremy will show you how virtualization technology may be the answer. Virtualization technology has made huge advances in the past four years and may be the tool you're looking for to help your clients maximize their return > qD*X3EventJyzcreate2009-11-06 17:24:29*W3EventJyycreate2009-11-06 00:00:17*V3Venue Acreate2009-11-06 00:00:16 U M3EventJyMupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:46:07 Z title: Agile Scrum Master Certification rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/agile-scrum-master/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457933 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-11-09 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:46:07 Z 2009-11-05 23:29:00 LY O3EventJyzupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-06 17:24:29 Z title: PDXPHP - Topic To Be Announced rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxphp.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457978 version: description: | The PDXPHP user groups meets every 3rd Tuesday. This Meeting topic is still to be determined. Our Mission: The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. source_id: start_time: 2010-01-20 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-20 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-06 17:24:29 Z 2009-11-06 17:26:03 G*[3EventJy{create2009-11-06 18:06:335Z !3EventJyzupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-06 17:26:03 Z title: PDXPHP - Topic To Be Announced rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxphp.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457978 version: description: | The PDXPHP user groups meets every 3rd Tuesday. This Meeting topic is still to be determined. Typically this posting will be updated with the meeting details a few weeks before the meeting Our Mission: The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. source_id: start_time: 2010-01-20 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-20 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-06 17:24:29 Z 2009-11-06 17:42:40 .yL .wd %3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-09 18:36:53 Z title: "Portland Functional Programming Ec o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 06:33:52 Z title: Portland Functional Programming SDbb {3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-07 22:44:36 Z title: "Mobile Love, Android Style #17" rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457983 version: description: |- Meet other android fans and learn about new apps and developments. Join the mailing list at: http://groups.google.com/group/androidpdx source_id: 996333876 start_time: 2009-11-10 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-07 22:44:36 Z 2009-11-07 22:45:09*a3EventJycreate2009-11-07 22:44:36*`3EventJy~create2009-11-07 01:28:48*_3Venue Acreate2009-11-07 01:28:48*^3EventJy}create2009-11-07 01:23:33*]3Venue :^create2009-11-07 01:23:32*\3EventJy|create2009-11-06 22:49:25tudy Group rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457807 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z 2009-11-09 18:36:53FStudy Group: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell" rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457807 version: description: | Title: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell Abstract: Understanding how functional languages represent data structures is key to writing efficient programs in such languages. There are a number of new tools in the Haskell ecosystem for understanding what the compiler is doing: vacuum - for visualizing the heap, criterion - for statistically sound benchmarking, and powerful new type system features enabling new kinds of library design. This talk will introduce these tools, and we'll look at how they impact the way we develop new data structures in Haskell. Bio: Don is an Australian open source hacker, and engineer at Galois, Inc, in Portland, where he works on assurance in critical systems. Don is co-author of the book, Real World Haskell (http://realworldhaskell.org), and the XMonad window manager. He enjoys cycling and hoppy beer. Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z 2009-11-09 18:53:57HStudy Group: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell" rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457807 version: description: | Title: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell Abstract: Understanding how functional languages represent data structures is key to writing efficient programs in such languages. There are a number of new tools in the Haskell ecosystem for understanding what the compiler is doing: vacuum - for visualizing the heap, criterion - for statistically sound benchmarking, and powerful new type system features enabling new kinds of library design. This talk will introduce these tools, and we'll look at how they impact the way we develop new data structures in Haskell. Bio: Don is an Australian open source hacker, and engineer at Galois, Inc, in Portland, where he works on assurance in critical systems. Don is co-author of the book, Real World Haskell (http://realworldhaskell.org), and the XMonad window manager. He enjoys cycling and hoppy beer. ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:03 Z 2009-11-09 18:54:32 kdkug !3EventJxOupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-16 18:21:35 Z title: Portland Werewolf - November Gathering rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4420387/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457679 version: description: |- Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com). If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental. source_id: 996333793 start_time: 2009-11-12 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-16 18:21:35 Z 2009-11-09 19:27:40*f3Venue Acreate2009-11-09 19:27:39~e 33EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-09 18:53:57 Z title: "Portland Functional Programming G __*j3EventJycreate2009-11-10 01:57:35*i3Venue Acreate2009-11-10 01:57:35Ch =3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-09 19:27:39 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Vino Vixens region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391836 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-09 19:27:39 Z 2009-11-09 19:29:16 &k 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-10 01:57:35 Z title: Portland Pythoneers monthly meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391837 url: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457984 version: description: "Chris Pitzer has claimed November's Michel's Monthly Module (most likely: subprocess), Brett Carter is putting together a presentation all about Mercurial Queues, then Jason Kirtland will highlight a few of the differences between MQ and Mercurial Patch Branches. Jason also plans to share a quick bonus lightning talk about Emacs, PyFlakes and PEP 8. " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-11 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-12 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-10 01:57:35 Z 2009-11-10 01:58:33 *m3EventJyCcreate2009-11-10 09:21:44Bl 93Venue Adestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-10 01:57:35 Z postal_code: latitude: title: webtrends region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391837 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-10 01:57:35 Z 2009-11-10 01:58:52 ss n I3EventJyCupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-10 09:21:44 Z title: The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff Event rrule: venue_id: 202391690 url: http://bit.ly/3FCeUC duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457985 version: description: | First meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle source_id: start_time: 2009-11-10 10:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-10 11:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-10 09:21:44 Z 2009-11-10 18:14:55 sF*q3EventJycreate2009-11-10 18:21:29*p3EventJycreate2009-11-10 18:15:36 o I3EventJyCupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-10 18:14:55 Z title: The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff Event rrule: venue_id: 202391690 url: http://bit.ly/3FCeUC duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457985 version: description: | First meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle source_id: start_time: 2009-11-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-13 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-10 09:21:44 Z 2009-11-10 18:15:34 !t w3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 02:31:43 Z title: khmnhrzs rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://kimnhrzs.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457989 version: description: hgryu http://khmnhrzs.com [url=http://khmnhrzs.com]hgryu[/url] source_id: start_time: 2009-11-11 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-11 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-11 02:31:43 Z 2009-11-11 03:31:50*s3EventJycreate2009-11-11 02:31:43*r3EventJycreate2009-11-10 19:23:51 Mu Q3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 16:03:38 Z title: Winter Coders' Social, Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-11 03:43:57 *w3EventJycreate2009-11-11 04:37:18|v /3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 03:43:57 Z title: Winter Coders' Social, Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! This Years Sponsors: source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-11 03:44:32 ux !3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 03:44:32 Z title: Winter Coders' Social, Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-11 05:44:25 *z3EventJycreate2009-11-11 11:17:48By ;3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 05:44:25 Z title: Winter Coders' Social, Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        Nedspace And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-11 05:45:08 F[.F] q3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 19:42:24 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Caffe D'arte (NE 15th Ave & Broadway) region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391838 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-11 19:42:24 Z 2009-11-11 19:43:24*3EventJycreate2009-11-11 19:42:25*~3Venue Acreate2009-11-11 19:42:24*}3EventJycreate2009-11-11 17:50:52*|3EventJycreate2009-11-11 16:33:34!{ w3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 11:17:48 Z title: khmnhrzs rrule: venue_id: 202390283 url: http://kimnhrzs.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457991 version: description: hgryu http://khmnhrzs.com [url=http://khmnhrzs.com]hgryu[/url] source_id: start_time: 2009-11-11 12:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-11 13:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-11 11:17:48 Z 2009-11-11 14:46:34hp.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457993 version: description: "Trying a different format this month: Lightning talks. \r\n\ I saw it work well at the Python meeting this month so I thought we would give it a try.\r\n\ \r\n\ We will have 2 to 4 10-20 minute slots. The format is informal, It is completely acceptable to take a slot and discuss 'this cool PHP thing you found' \r\n\ \r\n\ So far we have:\r\n\
        • \r\n\ 1: Lise to talk about their experience with the ZCE Test. Why you\r\n\ should take it, where you take it, how to pass.\r\n\
        • \r\n\
        • \r\n\ 2: SamKeen to intro Doctrine: PHP Object Relational Mapper\r\n\
        • \r\n\
        • \r\n\ 3: Open\r\n\
        • \r\n\
        • \r\n\ 4: Open\r\n\
        • \r\n\
        \r\n\ \r\n\ If you would like to present in slots 3 or 4 just let me know\r\n\ sam.sjk at gmail " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-18 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-18 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-11 17:50:52 Z 2009-11-12 00:41:37 m@_25 3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:51 Z title: aewa rrule: venue_id: 202391840 url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458000 version: description: "" source_id: 996333877 start_time: 2009-11-27 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-28 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:51 Z 2009-11-12 18:41:09* 3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:51*3Venue A create2009-11-12 13:19:50*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:49*3Venue Acreate2009-11-12 13:19:49*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:48*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:48*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:47*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 13:19:46 E3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 17:50:52 Z title: PDXPHP - Lightning Talks rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxpU cc6 !3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:47 Z title: Downtown Meeting rrule: venue_id: url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457996 version: description: source_id: 996333877 start_time: 2009-11-15 02:21:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-15 02:22:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:47 Z 2009-11-12 18:41:27/ 3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:48 Z title: New Event rrule: venue_id: url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457998 version: description: source_id: 996333877 start_time: 2009-12-12 17:21:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-12 17:31:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:48 Z 2009-11-12 18:41:21,  3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:48 Z title: test rrule: venue_id: url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457997 version: description: "" source_id: 996333877 start_time: 2009-11-27 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-27 18:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:48 Z 2009-11-12 18:41:16 vv*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 20:24:40*3EventJycreate2009-11-12 20:23:37,  3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:46 Z title: hehe rrule: venue_id: url: duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457995 version: description: "" source_id: 996333877 start_time: 2009-11-20 00:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-21 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:46 Z 2009-11-12 18:41:32 f 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 20:23:36 Z title: PDX Weekly Hackathon rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458001 version: description: |- Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-13 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-13 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-12 20:23:36 Z 2009-11-12 20:25:00 VV& 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-10 18:15:34 Z title: The Portland After Effects User Group - Kickoff Event rrule: venue_id: 202391690 url: http://groups.adobe.com/groups/207d8e67d5/summary duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457985 version: description: | First meeting Agenda: 1st Hour Food & drink Build our contact list Discover what aspects surrounding AfterEffects and motion graphics people are most interested in learning about and sharing. Provide access to our working Portland Directory of individuals, firms , and resources surrounding the motion graphics industry. Introductions 2nd Hour - Speakers Nando Costa - http://www.nervo.tv/ Stephen Fitzgerald - http://www.monovich.com/ Red Giant Software raffle source_id: start_time: 2009-11-13 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-13 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-10 09:21:44 Z 2009-11-12 20:29:187993 version: description: "Trying a different format this month: Lightning talks. \r\n\ I saw it work well at the Python meeting this month so I thought we would give it a try.\r\n\ \r\n\ We will have 2 to 4 10-20 minute slots. The format is informal, It is completely acceptable to take a slot and discuss 'this cool PHP thing you found' \r\n\ \r\n\ So far we have:\r\n\
        • 1: Lise to talk about their experience with the ZCE Test. Why you\r\n\ should take it, where you take it, how to pass.
        • \r\n\
        • 2: SamKeen to intro Doctrine: PHP Object Relational Mapper
        • \r\n\
        • 3: Cularis, Inc. will talk about their new project: shopIgniter
        • \r\n\
        • 4: Open
        • \r\n\
        \r\n\ \r\n\ If you would like to present in slots 3 or 4 just let me know\r\n\ sam.sjk at gmail " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-18 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-18 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-11 17:50:52 Z 2009-11-13 00:34:46 %I]0R%*3Venue A create2009-11-13 21:08:48P W3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 19:15:00 Z title: Parot Virtual Machine Opcode Test^q 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 19:12:25 Z title: Parot Virtual Machine Opcode Test]*3EventJycreate2009-11-13 19:12:25*3Venue A!create2009-11-13 19:12:23; -3Venue =update--- updated_at: 2008-11-21 15:12:17 Z postal_code: "97201" latitude: 45.512415 title: Portland State University Cramer Hall region: OR url: http://www.pdx.edu/map.html duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390957 version: 3 street_address: "1721 SW Broadway " description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.683965 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2008-10-31 05:56:19 Z 2009-11-13 00:54:29+  3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 00:41:37 Z title: PDXPHP - Lightning Talks rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxphp.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 125045[ing Hackathon rrule: venue_id: 202391841 url: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/AllHackathons duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458003 version: description: | In preparation for Parrot VM 1.8.0 being released next Tuesday, there is a world-wide testing hackathon this weekend, to improve test coverage of our opcodes, i.e. tests that live in t/op/ in the Parrot repo. For info about how to get Parrot: http://www.parrot.org/download There is also a Parrot mirror on github: http://github.com/leto/parrot There are many Parrot hackers in Portland, so a group of us may decide to meet at a coffee shop or some other establishment. Follow @parrotvm on Twitter (@parrot on identi.ca) and @dukeleto on Twitter (@leto on identi.ca) for the latest updates. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-15 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-13 19:12:25 Z 2009-11-13 19:15:00ing Hackathon rrule: venue_id: 202391841 url: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/AllHackathons duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458003 version: description: | In preparation for Parrot VM 1.8.0 being released next Tuesday, there is a world-wide testing hackathon this weekend, to improve test coverage of our opcodes, i.e. tests that live in t/op/ in the Parrot repo. For info about how to get Parrot: http://www.parrot.org/download There is also a Parrot mirror on github: http://github.com/leto/parrot There are many Parrot hackers in Portland, so a group of us may decide to meet at a coffee shop or some other establishment. Follow @parrotvm on Twitter (@parrot on identi.ca) and @dukeleto on Twitter (@leto on identi.ca) for the latest updates. Useful links: http://wknight8111.blogspot.com/2009/06/parrot4newbies-test-suite.html source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 08:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-15 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-13 19:12:25 Z 2009-11-13 19:45:40 e; -3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:49 Z title: Protecting Your Markets from Unlawful Forgein Competitors rrule: venue_id: 202391842 url: http://www.techamerica.org/tipdec dupl`j  3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:48 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, Oregon region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391842 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:48 Z 2009-11-13 21:08:58*3EventJycreate2009-11-13 21:08:49aicate_of_id: id: 1250458004 version: description: "About the Event:\r\n\ In challenging economic times and as competition grows fiercer, many companies find that enforcement of their intellectual property rights is critical to their success. Knock-off products, often from companies outside the United States, eat into sales. But defending your intellectual property is not inexpensive. Three of Portland\xE2\x80\x99s leading companies will tell you how they defend their domestic and foreign markets quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively, and how to make these strategies work on any scale. \r\n\ \r\n\ What will you learn?\r\n\ - How to diversify your IP portfolio to put your company in the best position to defend your markets \r\n\ - How to use the laws of foreign jurisdictions to stop infringing products where they are manufactured \r\n\ - How to use the fastest, most cost-effective IP enforcement actions available \r\n\ \r\n\ Panelists:\r\n\ - Tom Evans, Corporate Patent Attorney atb Mentor Graphics will relate lessons from Mentor\xE2\x80\x99s patent infringement lawsuit in China and describe how Mentor uses its IP portfolio to defend its markets around the world.\r\n\ \r\n\ - Julianne Davis, Assistant General Counsel/Intellectual Property at Nike, Inc. will tell you why you should add design patents, trademark registrations, and copyright registrations to your IP portfolios, and how Nike uses its diverse portfolio to police its markets in the US and around the world.\r\n\ \r\n\ - John Motley, Associate General Counsel & Director of Intellectual Property at Columbia Sportswear, will talk about Columbia\xE2\x80\x99s successful use of Thai and other foreign patent and trademark law to combat infringement where products are manufactured.\r\n\ \r\n\ - Tigran Guledjian, a partner at Quinn Emanuel in Los Angeles, practices extensively in complex intellectual property litigation with an emphasis in high technology patent litigation. Tigran will discuss his efforts on behalf of Seiko Epson and other clients to use the International Trade Commission to obtain and use exclusion orders to stop infringing products at the border.\r\n\ \r\n\ Moderator:\r\n\ - Brenna Legaard is a partner at Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, an intellectual property law firm in Portland, Oregon. A seasoned trial lawyer, Brenna brings significant real-world experience to her patent prosecution and opinion practice and routinely helps start ups and publicly traded clients alike prioritize their IP budgets and cost-effectively enforce their rights against infringers.\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: $50 TechAmerica members and LES Industry members, $110 nonmember technology companies\r\n\ \r\n\ To Register:\r\n\ Call TechAmerica Oregon, (503) 624-4871.\r\n\ \r\n\ If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Kari.Naone@techamerica.org, (503) 624-5715." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 18:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:49 Z 2009-11-13 21:11:33 Please join us at this networking event to: - Learn what high-tech employers in Portland have implemented regarding austerity measures, and are planning to do with merit awards and compensation next year - Discuss how employers can effectively modify the total rewards package to help the company to survive during the economic downturn - Gain awareness of legal and compliance issues employers may face in modifying compensation plans - Obtain tips and guidelines on constructing a proposal to your company about compensation and incentive plans in the coming year Panelists: - Bill Erdle, President, William J. Erdle Compensation Consulting, LLC - Bryan Fix, Head of Human Resources, SolarWorld USA - Kirsten Solomon, Director of Compensation and Benefits, FLIR Systems Moderator: Paul M. Ostroff, Shareholder, Lane Powell PC source_id: start_time: 2009-11-17 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-17 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-29 00:16:26 Z 2009-11-13 21:11:59 T1TI I3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 21:11:33 Z title: TechAmerica - Protecting Your Markets from Unlawful Forgein Competitors rrule: venue_id: 202391842 url: http://www.techamerica.org/tipdec dupleC =3EventJyQupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 00:16:26 Z title: Employee Compensation - What Companies are Planning for in 2010 rrule: venue_id: 202390052 url: http://www.techamerica.org/hrcompensationevent duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457937 version: description: | The economic downturn has caused companies to deploy cost-saving strategies such as pay freezes, pay decreases, layoffs, forced vacations and reduced benefits amongst other initiatives. As companies recover from this downturn, many HR professionals are determining how best to address compensation needs given that introducing costs back into the business will be slower than expected while ensuring employee retention and engagement. cficate_of_id: id: 1250458004 version: description: "About the Event:\r\n\ In challenging economic times and as competition grows fiercer, many companies find that enforcement of their intellectual property rights is critical to their success. Knock-off products, often from companies outside the United States, eat into sales. But defending your intellectual property is not inexpensive. Three of Portland\xE2\x80\x99s leading companies will tell you how they defend their domestic and foreign markets quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively, and how to make these strategies work on any scale. \r\n\ \r\n\ What will you learn?\r\n\ - How to diversify your IP portfolio to put your company in the best position to defend your markets \r\n\ - How to use the laws of foreign jurisdictions to stop infringing products where they are manufactured \r\n\ - How to use the fastest, most cost-effective IP enforcement actions available \r\n\ \r\n\ Panelists:\r\n\ - Tom Evans, Corporate Patent Attorney atg Mentor Graphics will relate lessons from Mentor\xE2\x80\x99s patent infringement lawsuit in China and describe how Mentor uses its IP portfolio to defend its markets around the world.\r\n\ \r\n\ - Julianne Davis, Assistant General Counsel/Intellectual Property at Nike, Inc. will tell you why you should add design patents, trademark registrations, and copyright registrations to your IP portfolios, and how Nike uses its diverse portfolio to police its markets in the US and around the world.\r\n\ \r\n\ - John Motley, Associate General Counsel & Director of Intellectual Property at Columbia Sportswear, will talk about Columbia\xE2\x80\x99s successful use of Thai and other foreign patent and trademark law to combat infringement where products are manufactured.\r\n\ \r\n\ - Tigran Guledjian, a partner at Quinn Emanuel in Los Angeles, practices extensively in complex intellectual property litigation with an emphasis in high technology patent litigation. Tigran will discuss his efforts on behalf of Seiko Epson and other clients to use the International Trade Commission to obtain and use exclusion orders to stop infringing products at the border.\r\n\ \r\n\ Moderator:\r\n\ - Brenna Legaard is a partner at Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, an intellectual property law firm in Portland, Oregon. A seasoned trial lawyer, Brenna brings significant real-world experience to her patent prosecution and opinion practice and routinely helps start ups and publicly traded clients alike prioritize their IP budgets and cost-effectively enforce their rights against infringers.\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: $50 TechAmerica members and LES Industry members, $110 nonmember technology companies\r\n\ \r\n\ To Register:\r\n\ Call TechAmerica Oregon, (503) 624-4871.\r\n\ \r\n\ If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Kari.Naone@techamerica.org, (503) 624-5715." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 15:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 18:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:49 Z 2009-11-13 23:42:50 | /3Venue A"update--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:58 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, Oregon region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391842 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-11-13 21:08:48 Z 2009-11-13 23:42:51 33I I3EventJy}update--- updated_at: 2009-11-07 01:23:33 Z title: "SAOpdx: Building Applications for Mobile Devices" rrule: venue_id: 202391834 url: http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=76797 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457981 version: description: |- Presented by the Developers Forum What's driving mobile application development? Why should you consider developing mobile applications? Interested building an application for today's mobile devices? Come hear why companies are developing mobile applications. Learn from experienced developers about the platforms and how to get started. Speakers: Jason Grigsby Mobile Strategist, Co-Founder Cloud Four Steve Romero, President, Critical Path Software, Inc. Register: http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=76797 source_id: 996333874 start_time: 2009-11-19 19:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 22:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-07 01:23:33 Z 2009-11-13 23:43:13 ?l?*%3EventJycreate2009-11-15 20:43:34P$ W3Venue ;Hupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:18 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Portland Central Library region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391843 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:18 Z 2009-11-14 06:16:40*#3EventJycreate2009-11-14 06:16:18*"3Venue ;Hcreate2009-11-14 06:16:18b! {3Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-07 01:23:32 Z postal_code: "98686" latitude: 45.7086 title: WSU Vancouver region: Washington url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391834 version: street_address: Washington State University Vancouver, 14204 Ne Salmon Creek Avenue, Vancouver, Wa, 98686-9600 description: locality: Vancouver telephone: longitude: -122.641 source_id: 996333874 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-07 01:23:32 Z 2009-11-13 23:43:14 1& 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-15 20:43:34 Z title: "PDXPUG: Bucardo replication with tiny little goats" rrule: venue_id: 202389965 url: http://pugs.postgresql.org/pdx/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458006 version: description: |- PDXPUG monthly meeting. Where: FreeGeek When: 7pm 19 Nov, 2009 Who: Dan Colish What: Materialized Views (with cupcakes) Drinks afterward at the SE Lucky Lab. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-15 20:43:34 Z 2009-11-15 20:46:55nvestment and increase performance. Jeremy Sherwood has extensive experience in sales and technical support. He sees his role as one of an expert problem solver. "We don't put customers into a cookie cutter" he says, "We strive to give them the individualized interactive solutions they need so their business can grow." If you're a computer consulting looking to grow your business and your clients' business in 2010, you won't want to miss this presentation! When: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dinner / Networking 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Meeting / Presentation Where: Aquariva Italian Kitchen 0470 SW Hamilton Ct. Portland, OR 97239 www.aquarivaportland.com Take advantage of the restaurant's free valet parking, or you can find an unreserved slot in the upper section of the parking lot. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-25 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-25 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:55 Z 2009-11-15 23:44:33 f' 3EventJyxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 22:46:01 Z title: 5 Things You Didn't Know Were Possible with Virtualization rrule: venue_id: 202391832 url: http://www.occa.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457976 version: description: | At the November meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association, Jeremy Sherwood of Opus Interactive, Inc. will share specific examples of how current virtualization technology can provide solutions for computer consultants and their clients. For example, if you have a client with multiple servers operating on older hardware who wants to upgrade without spending a great deal of money, Jeremy will show you how virtualization technology may be the answer. Virtualization technology has made huge advances in the past four years and may be the tool you're looking for to help your clients maximize their return on il ==?( 53Venue Aupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 22:45:16 Z postal_code: "97239 " latitude: 45.4897996 title: "Aquariva Italian Kitchen " region: "OR " url: http://www.aquarivaportland.com duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391832 version: street_address: 0476 SW Hamilton Ct. description: "" locality: "Portland " telephone: "" longitude: -122.6720866 source_id: address: " " email: "" created_at: 2009-11-05 22:43:54 Z 2009-11-15 23:44:33 :) +3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:18 Z title: Keep Portland Weird! A Community Festival rrule: venue_id: 202391843 url: http://www.multcolib.org/events/kpw.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458005 version: description: |- Portland is a place of passionate people pursuing interesting, and sometimes strange, pastimes. Join us for a day of discovery as a wide variety of organizations share what they do and why they do it: * Nichole, America's smartest girl * Zydeco dancers * PDXYAR Pirates * Rose City Astronomers * Flash Choir * Knitters Guild * Spinerrati * Dill Pickle Club * Kumoricon anime/manga fans * Morris dancers * ... more! source_id: start_time: 2009-11-14 20:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-15 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:18 Z 2009-11-15 23:45:24 iF+ A3Venue A destroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:50 Z postal_code: latitude: title: home region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391840 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333877 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:50 Z 2009-11-15 23:48:25* ]3Venue A#update--- updated_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:40 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.519098 title: Portland Central Library region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391843 version: street_address: 801 S.W. 10th Ave. description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.682899 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-11-14 06:16:18 Z 2009-11-15 23:45:25 aH- E3Venue Adestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:49 Z postal_code: latitude: title: school region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391839 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: 996333877 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-12 13:19:49 Z 2009-11-15 23:54:00, m3Venue @update--- updated_at: 2009-09-29 21:45:05 Z postal_code: "97331" latitude: 44.566 title: OSU Kelly Engineering Center region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391727 version: street_address: SW Campus Way description: locality: Corvallis telephone: longitude: -123.311 source_id: 996333822 address: email: created_at: 2009-09-29 21:45:05 Z 2009-11-15 23:52:17 4a4*03EventJycreate2009-11-16 06:25:24W/ e3Venue ?update--- updated_at: 2009-05-05 00:21:15 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: The Interweb region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391516 version: 2 street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-05-05 00:21:01 Z 2009-11-15 23:55:08@. 73EventJvSupdate--- updated_at: 2009-05-05 00:21:02 Z title: Online chat on Portland's startup scene, with The Oregonian rrule: venue_id: 202391516 url: http://blog.oregonlive.com/siliconforest duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457171 version: 1 description: We'll be talking about the forces that helped revive tech entrepreneurship in Oregon, and their outlook. The discussion follows up on Saturday's article on Portland's startup culture. source_id: start_time: 2009-05-05 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-05-05 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-05-05 00:21:02 Z 2009-11-15 23:55:08 V3 c3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:27 Z title: pdxscala rrule: venue_id: 202391844 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458008 version: description: "It's about time we finally try to get people together to talk Scala, so we've decided to have an informal gathering at the Lucky Lab on Wednesday (Nov 18th) at 7PM. This will be a good opportunity to meet others who are interested in Scala and get a sense for what others might be using it for. Feel free to show up even if you're just casually dipping your toes in the\r\n\ water. " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-19 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:27 Z 2009-11-16 06:51:17*23EventJycreate2009-11-16 06:50:27*13Venue ; create2009-11-16 06:50:26 &&V4 c3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-16 06:51:17 Z title: pdxscala rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458008 version: description: "It's about time we finally try to get people together to talk Scala, so we've decided to have an informal gathering at the Lucky Lab on Wednesday (Nov 18th) at 7PM. This will be a good opportunity to meet others who are interested in Scala and get a sense for what others might be using it for. Feel free to show up even if you're just casually dipping your toes in the\r\n\ water. " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-19 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:27 Z 2009-11-16 06:51:34 d-d*83EventJycreate2009-11-17 03:52:51*73EventJycreate2009-11-17 03:52:03 6 O3EventJrupdate--- updated_at: 2009-09-14 19:23:21 Z title: Portland Java User Group rrule: vO5 U3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-16 06:51:34 Z title: pdxscala rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxscala duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458008 version: description: "It's about time we finally try to get people together to talk Scala, so we've decided to have an informal gathering at the Lucky Lab on Wednesday (Nov 18th) at 7PM. This will be a good opportunity to meet others who are interested in Scala and get a sense for what others might be using it for. Feel free to show up even if you're just casually dipping your toes in the water. " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-19 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 05:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:27 Z 2009-11-16 07:42:49venue_id: 202390558 url: http://pjug.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250456242 version: 1 description: |- This month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: http://mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=24 ). http://twitter.com/pjug http://pjug.org/ (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) source_id: 996333394 start_time: 2009-11-18 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-18 04:30:00 Z created_at: 2008-12-15 22:05:01 Z 2009-11-16 18:32:30 -9 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-17 03:52:51 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458010 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333880 start_time: 2009-11-24 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-24 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-17 03:52:51 Z 2009-11-17 04:00:44 :: +3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-17 04:00:44 Z title: Portland Ten Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458010 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333880 start_time: 2009-11-24 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-24 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-17 03:52:51 Z 2009-11-17 04:01:00 %uHR%*C3EventJycreate2009-11-18 04:15:06hB 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-18 03:33:17 Z title: PDX Django rrule: venue_id: 2023z*A3EventJycreate2009-11-18 03:33:17*@3EventJycreate2009-11-18 00:12:55*?3EventJycreate2009-11-17 16:53:02*>3EventJycreate2009-11-17 04:03:28*=3EventJycreate2009-11-17 04:02:37*<3EventJycreate2009-11-17 04:02:06-; 3EventJy1update--- updated_at: 2009-10-26 23:07:55 Z title: Founders Coffee rrule: venue_id: 202391792 url: http://www.portlandten.com/blog/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457905 version: description: "Founder\xE2\x80\x99s Coffee is a low-key, weekly get together for Portland entrepreneurs to connect with each other. No speakers, no pitches, just business founders gathering together to visit for an hour." source_id: 996333852 start_time: 2009-11-17 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-17 18:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-25 18:29:17 Z 2009-11-17 04:01:2091676 url: http://groups.google.com/group/pdxdjango/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458016 version: description: |- PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having another meeting. This month Joshua Drake will walk us through 10 things you can do to tune PostgreSQL for your web app. Here's his description: > * I am a Django Developer > * I know exactly snot about being a DBA > * What are the 10 best bang for the buck parameters I can change to > make PostgreSQL go zip and how do I decide what to change those > parameters to? Adam Lowry will warm up with a report about an experiment Brett Carter and I did using SQLAlchemy's connection pool with Django, and how it affects per-request latency. source_id: start_time: 2009-11-19 04:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-18 03:33:17 Z 2009-11-18 03:35:46 _2*I3EventJycreate2009-11-19 00:03:18*H3Venue A&create2009-11-19 00:03:18*G3EventJycreate2009-11-18 18:30:19CF =3Venue A%update--- updated_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:40 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Fiserv Cafe region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391845 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:40 Z 2009-11-18 15:58:19*E3EventJycreate2009-11-18 15:50:42*D3Venue A%create2009-11-18 15:50:40 33IJ I3EventJy}update--- updated_at: 2009-11-13 23:43:13 Z title: "SAOpdx: Building Applications for Mobile Devices" rrule: venue_id: 202390110 url: http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=76797 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457981 version: description: |- Presented by the Developers Forum What's driving mobile application development? Why should you consider developing mobile applications? Interested building an application for today's mobile devices? Come hear why companies are developing mobile applications. Learn from experienced developers about the platforms and how to get started. Speakers: Jason Grigsby Mobile Strategist, Co-Founder Cloud Four Steve Romero, President, Critical Path Software, Inc. Register: http://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=76797 source_id: 996333874 start_time: 2009-11-19 19:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-19 22:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-07 01:23:33 Z 2009-11-19 18:46:47 + X+*R3EventJycreate2009-11-19 19:33:49*Q3EventJycreate2009-11-19 19:31:34*P3EventJycreate2009-11-19 19:13:10*O3Venue ?create2009-11-19 19:13:09*N3EventJycreate2009-11-19 19:00:35M c3Venue :update--- updated_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:38 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Lloyd Center Doubletree & Executive Meeting Center 1000 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 97232 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391847 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:38 Z 2009-11-19 18:49:59*L3EventJycreate2009-11-19 18:49:40*K3Venue :create2009-11-19 18:49:38 \\ S w3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:40 Z title: Managing Virtual Teams - 50% off! rrule: venue_id: 202391847 url: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=80879 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458021 version: description: "In today\xE2\x80\x99s rapidly changing business environment, managers and employees alike are increasingly challenged to find new ways to get things done \xE2\x80\x93 better, faster, and cheaper. More and more companies today are embracing the concept of the virtual team work environment to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their people who often work remotely, whether from across town or on the other side of the world. \r\n\ \r\n\ READ MORE/REGISTER: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=80879" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-01 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:40 Z 2009-11-19 20:42:13 !^U s3Venue A$update--- updated_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:26 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub (SE Hawthorne) region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391844 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-16 06:50:26 Z 2009-11-19 20:42:57[T m3Venue A'update--- updated_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:59 Z postal_code: "97232" latitude: 45.530768 title: "Lloyd Center Doubletree & Executive Meeting Center " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391847 version: street_address: 1000 Ne Multnomah St description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.655583 source_id: address: 1000 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 97232 email: "" created_at: 2009-11-19 18:49:38 Z 2009-11-19 20:42:15chnology leader at your company, we would be pleased to have you participate in our panel moderated event with industry experts in the field of eCommerce. E-commerce and multi-channel selling is undergoing an accelerated evolution which has been driven by new technologies, rapidly evolving user behavior, and business model innovation. These trends are reshaping the market and the customer experience. Panelists Steve Gatto, Worldwide eCommerce Solutions, IBM Joe Davis, CEO, CoreMetrics Sean Wyrick, Commerce Business Unit Executive, Ascendant Craig Savio, Director eCommerce, Boeing Join us after the panel for hosted drinks and appetizers. Who should attend: Top Sales, Marketing, Technology, and Business Development Executives Sponsored by IBM and Ascendant Technology Tickets: $5*/$15 *member rate This event is closed to the press. source_id: 996333887 start_time: 2009-12-02 23:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 02:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-19 19:13:10 Z 2009-11-19 20:50:21 ]]]*Y3EventJycreate2009-11-20 17:22:42*X3Venue A)create2009-11-20 17:22:40"W {3Venue A(update--- updated_at: 2009-11-19 19:13:09 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.5218 title: Kell's Irish Restaurant and Pub region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391848 version: street_address: 112 SW Second Ave description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.672 source_id: 996333887 address: email: created_at: 2009-11-19 19:13:09 Z 2009-11-19 20:50:23V e3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-19 19:13:10 Z title: "SAOpdx: E-Commerce and Customer Centric Selling" rrule: venue_id: 202391848 url: https://sao.yourmembership.com/events/event_details.asp?id=84073 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458023 version: description: |- Presented by IBM, Ascendant Technology, and the Marketing + Sales Forum If you are a corporate executive, business owner, or teof& &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ & & & {%y"ډupljhfe߉X݉V܉SۉQ& &&&&&& & & LmMnNqOtPuQwRxSzTV W XYZ\_dhi j%k&m'n(o)p+q-r0s3t4u8w9x:yC{I|J}R~SUY]_`abcfgknopruvxz}   "É#ĉ(Ɖ*lj/ȉ2ʉ5ˉ6̉8͉9Ή:Љ?҉CӉHԉIՉK؉MډNۉQ܉S݉V߉Xefhjlp"ډu%y& {& & &  e8 *]3EventJycreate2009-11-20 21:43:21*\3Venue A*create2009-11-20 21:43:19V[ a3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 17:22:42 Z title: John Jacob Jingleheimer rrule: venue_id: 202391849 url: http://blah.com duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458026 version: description: "Testing " source_id: start_time: 2009-11-20 18:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-11-20 19:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 17:22:42 Z 2009-11-20 19:07:37=Z 13Venue A)update--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 17:22:40 Z postal_code: latitude: title: sonar region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391849 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-20 17:22:40 Z 2009-11-20 17:23:31 ..x_ '3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 urlJ^ K3Venue A*update--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:19 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Downtown Hillsboro region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391850 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:19 Z 2009-11-20 21:43:35: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: |- Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more. To Register: call Dan Smith at 866-638-1097 Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org Cost: FREE Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-20 23:15:56attainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Kauffman FastTrac\xC2\xAE LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac\xC2\xAE programs.\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ To Register: go to our website,\r\n\ call Dan Smith at 866-638-1097 \r\n\ Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: FREE\r\n\ \r\n\ Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-20 23:18:16 )`  3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 23:15:56 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 url: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: "Entrepreneur Programs Help Individuals \r\n\ and Businesses Survive and Thrive Amid Recession\r\n\ \r\n\ A program to help dislocated workers explore and expand their potential as entrepreneurs\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). \r\n\ \r\n\ GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Kauffman FastTrac\xC2\xAE LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac\xC2\xAE programs.\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ To Register: go to our website,\r\n\ call Dan Smith at 866-638-1097 \r\n\ Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: FREE\r\n\ \r\n\ Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-20 23:20:32 -a 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 23:18:16 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 url: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: "Entrepreneur Programs Help Individuals \r\n\ and Businesses Survive and Thrive Amid Recession\r\n\ \r\n\ --A program to help dislocated workers explore and expand their potential as entrepreneurs--\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). \r\n\ \r\n\ GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be und like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Kauffman FastTrac\xC2\xAE LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac\xC2\xAE programs.\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ To apply for the program, or to receive more information, please visit: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html Call Dan Smith at (866)638-1097\r\n\ Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: FREE\r\n\ \r\n\ Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-20 23:21:03 ||xb '3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 23:20:32 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 url: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: "Entrepreneur Programs Help Individuals \r\n\ and Businesses Survive and Thrive Amid Recession\r\n\ \r\n\ --A program to help dislocated workers explore and expand their potential as entrepreneurs--\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). \r\n\ \r\n\ GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who woul like to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Kauffman FastTrac\xC2\xAE LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac\xC2\xAE programs.\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ To apply for the program, or to receive more information, please visit: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html, Call Dan Smith at (866)638-1097\r\n\ Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: FREE\r\n\ \r\n\ Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-20 23:21:24 {{yc )3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 23:21:03 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 url: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: "Entrepreneur Programs Help Individuals \r\n\ and Businesses Survive and Thrive Amid Recession\r\n\ \r\n\ --A program to help dislocated workers explore and expand their potential as entrepreneurs--\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). \r\n\ \r\n\ GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who wouldrg/?page_id=1038&preview=true duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458015 version: description: |- Bola Moyo will have its annual fundraiser at Someday Lounge in Portland on Wednesday December 9. It should be a great night, with local musicians Leonard Mynx, Sean Flinn (of Y La Bamba) and Amy Seeley. DJ Doctor Funk will be dusting off some soul records as well if you feel like dancing! Tickets are $25 if you purchase in advance, and $30 on the door. Please buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment! They are now available at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/90410. Doors open at 7pm, and the bands start at 8pm. Proceeds will go towards Bola Moyo's youth and adult education programs in Malawi. For more info on our work, please visit our website, http://bola-moyo.org/. We hope you can join us to help create a better life for the youth and women of Balaka, Malawi! source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 08:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-18 00:12:55 Z 2009-11-21 01:07:17 v<v*f3EventJycreate2009-11-23 16:14:17e _3Venue =destroy--- updated_at: 2008-11-30 23:03:15 Z postal_code: "" latitude: title: KBOO 90.7fm / Streaming @ www.kboo.fm region: "" url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391003 version: 2 street_address: "" description: "" locality: "" telephone: "" longitude: source_id: address: On the air and online email: skidmarc@riseup.net created_at: 2008-11-30 23:02:33 Z 2009-11-22 23:55:338d '3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-18 00:12:55 Z title: Bola Moyo Benefit Show with Leonard Mynx, Sean Flinn, & Amy Seeley rrule: venue_id: 202390046 url: http://bola-moyo.o 44Hg G3EventJyzupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-06 17:42:40 Z title: PDXPHP - Monthy Meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxphp.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457978 version: description: | The PDXPHP user groups meets every 3rd Tuesday. This Meeting topic is still to be determined. Typically this posting will be updated with the meeting details a few weeks before the meeting Our Mission: The Portland PHP Users Group is a community forum for people to share, meet and learn about PHP and Open Source technologies. The group strives to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in PHP regardless of their skill level or background. Through sharing and communication we believe we can foster a creative and successful community of PHP developers. source_id: start_time: 2010-01-20 02:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-20 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-06 17:24:29 Z 2009-11-23 17:01:23 k ;3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-23 19:56:03 Z title: "Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff " rrule: venue_id: 202391845 url: http://portlandsilverlight.net/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458018 version: description: "This is the first meeting of the Portland Silverlight User Group - our keynote speaker will be Vertigo (www.vertigo.com) CEO Scott Stanfield. At its core, j G3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-23 19:55:04 Z title: "Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff " rrule: venue_id: 202391845 url: http://portlandsilverlight.net/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458018 version: description: "This is the first meeting of the  i I3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:42 Z title: "Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff " rrule: venue_id: 202391845 url: http://portlandsilverlight.net/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458018 version: description: "This is the first meeting of the P*h3EventJycreate2009-11-23 17:32:53ortland Silverlight User Group - our keynote speaker will be Vertigo (wwww.vertigo.com) CEO Scott Stanfield.\r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football(http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International(http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:42 Z 2009-11-23 19:55:04Portland Silverlight User Group - our keynote speaker will be Vertigo (www.vertigo.com) CEO Scott Stanfield.\r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football(http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International(http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:42 Z 2009-11-23 19:56:03Vertigo is a group of developers and designers working closely together to create amazing user experiences. \r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football(http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International(http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-18 15:50:42 Z 2009-11-23 19:56:31ke to take a different approach by creating their own business. Those who embark on that venture need a strong support network and mentoring to be successful. GSBA offers that and more.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Kauffman FastTrac\xC2\xAE LaunchPad initiative is being offered in response to the many workers who have lost their jobs and businesses that are struggling due to the current economic environment. It is a proven fact that entrepreneurship plays a key role in getting America back on the road to recovery. Over 300,000 entrepreneurs have participated in FastTrac\xC2\xAE programs.\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ To apply for the program, or to receive more information, please visit: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html\r\n Call Dan Smith at (866)638-1097\r\n\ Or e-mail: info@gsbaccelerator.org\r\n\ \r\n\ Cost: FREE\r\n\ \r\n\ Sponsor: The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-20 21:43:20 Z 2009-11-24 23:24:47 xK*n3EventJycreate2009-11-25 01:32:05*m3Venue =create2009-11-25 01:32:05|l /3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-20 23:21:24 Z title: Rediscover Your Future rrule: venue_id: 202391850 url: http://www.gsbaccelerator.org/future.html duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458027 version: description: "Entrepreneur Programs Help Individuals \r\n\ and Businesses Survive and Thrive Amid Recession\r\n\ \r\n\ --A program to help dislocated workers explore and expand their potential as entrepreneurs--\r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Building a strong business future in Washington County is the focus of a new business incubator located in downtown Hillsboro: Green Sustainable Business Accelerator (GSBA). \r\n\ \r\n\ GSBA offers a new approach to successful entrepreneurship. Instead of fruitless job searches, sending out dozens of resumes and experiencing the reality that a job might be unattainable in the present economy, we offer hope and help to those who would li |o /3Venue =update--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Intel Hawthorn Farms 3, 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Hillsboro, OR 97124 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391851 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-25 01:33:15t \xE2\x80\x94 one which has been successful for over twenty years.\r\n\ \r\n\ A cross-functional team of management undertook a project to improve significantly the processes related to requirements. This presentation describes the lessons learned while undertaking this project. Among these are:\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 A good implementation start is essential. Outside consultants are useful. Fully involve all stakeholders.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Different audiences have different needs. Find effective ways to communicate to each audience.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Be pragmatic when choosing what requirements to write and how much effort to put into describing the current system.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Leverage tool adoption to make changes that are more general to the software development process.\r\n\ \r\n\ Author Bio:\r\n\ Bill Baker is a software development manager at Sage in Beaverton Oregon. He has been involved in software development, project management, and process improvement for a number of years. While at Harland Financial Solutions, Bill led the improvements outlined in this paper. Bill has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and an excessive collection of other degrees from Washington State University and Michigan State University.\r\n\ \r\n\ About the Rose City SPIN:\r\n\ The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. " source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-25 01:34:59 Zp k3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems" rrule: venue_id: 202391851 url: "Register Here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4889899/ " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458030 version: description: "This is a free talk open to the public and presented by the Rose City Software Process Improvement Network. \r\n\ \r\n\ Talk: Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems presented by Bill Baker\r\n\ \r\n\ Abstract:\r\n\ Many legacy systems were created without documented requirements. Over the years, changes were made, often without adequate documentation. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide a case study of bringing requirements management and other related process improvements to a legacy software produc one which has been successful for over twenty years.\r\n\ \r\n\ A cross-functional team of management undertook a project to improve significantly the processes related to requirements. This presentation describes the lessons learned while undertaking this project. Among these are:\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 A good implementation start is essential. Outside consultants are useful. Fully involve all stakeholders.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Different audiences have different needs. Find effective ways to communicate to each audience.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Be pragmatic when choosing what requirements to write and how much effort to put into describing the current system.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Leverage tool adoption to make changes that are more general to the software development process.\r\n\ \r\n\ Author Bio:\r\n\ Bill Baker is a software development manager at Sage in Beaverton Oregon. He has been involved in software development, project management, and process improvement for a number of years. While at Harland Financial Solutions, Bill led the improvements outlined in this paper. Bill has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and an excessive collection of other degrees from Washington State University and Michigan State University.\r\n\ \r\n\ About the Rose City SPIN:\r\n\ The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. " source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-25 01:36:25 ~r 33EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:36:25 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Developing Requioq 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:34:59 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems" rrule: venue_id: 202391851 url: "http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4889899/ " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458030 version: description: "This is a free talk open to the public and presented by the Rose City Software Process Improvement Network. \r\n\ \r\n\ Talk: \r\n\ Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems presented by Bill Baker\r\n\ \r\n\ Abstract:\r\n\ Many legacy systems were created without documented requirements. Over the years, changes were made, often without adequate documentation. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide a case study of bringing requirements management and other related process improvements to a legacy software product \xE2\x80\x94rements for Legacy Systems" rrule: venue_id: 202391851 url: "http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4889899/ " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458030 version: description: "This is a free talk open to the public and presented by the Rose City Software Process Improvement Network.\r\n\ \r\n\ Logistics:\r\n\ Networking from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM\r\n\ Talk presented from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (doors close at 7:15) \r\n\ \r\n\ Talk: \r\n\ Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems presented by Bill Baker\r\n\ \r\n\ Abstract:\r\n\ Many legacy systems were created without documented requirements. Over the years, changes were made, often without adequate documentation. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide a case study of bringing requirements management and other related process improvements to a legacy software product \xE2\x80\x94 one which has been successful for over twenty years.\r\n\ \r\n\ A cross-functional team of management undertook a project to improve significantly the processes related to requirements. This presentation describes the lessons learned while undertaking this project. Among these are:\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 A good implementation start is essential. Outside consultants are useful. Fully involve all stakeholders.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Different audiences have different needs. Find effective ways to communicate to each audience.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Be pragmatic when choosing what requirements to write and how much effort to put into describing the current system.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Leverage tool adoption to make changes that are more general to the software development process.\r\n\ \r\n\ Author Bio:\r\n\ Bill Baker is a software development manager at Sage in Beaverton Oregon. He has been involved in software development, project management, and process improvement for a number of years. While at Harland Financial Solutions, Bill led the improvements outlined in this paper. Bill has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and an excessive collection of other degrees from Washington State University and Michigan State University.\r\n\ \r\n\ About the Rose City SPIN:\r\n\ The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. " source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-25 01:36:48 \\*u3EventJycreate2009-11-25 23:20:24*t3EventJycreate2009-11-25 18:57:14Fs C3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-11 05:45:08 Z title: Winter Coders' Social, Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-25 04:23:55 ev 3Venue :update--- updated_at: 2008-05-22 11:05:42 Z postal_code: "97232" latitude: 45.530768 title: Doubletree Hotel Portland-Lloyd Center region: OR url: http://doubletree1.hilton.com/en_US/dt/hotel/RLLC-DT-Doubletree-Hotel-Executive-Meeting-Center-Portland-Lloyd-Center-Oregon/index.do duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202390263 version: street_address: 1000 Ne Multnomah St description: "" locality: Portland telephone: 503-281-6111 longitude: -122.655583 source_id: address: 1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, Oregon, United States 97232 email: "" created_at: 2008-05-22 10:44:29 Z 2009-11-28 23:46:08 e9x )3EventJyLupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-30 18:14:00 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Integrating Sustainability Into Your Business Practices" rrule: venue_id: 202391818 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/sustainability/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457932 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-14 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-16 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:15:48 Z 2009-11-28 23:46:37w e3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:02:24 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Managing Virtual Teams" rrule: venue_id: 202391818 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/virtual-teams/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457925 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-01 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:05 Z 2009-11-28 23:46:37 Kz A3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:36:48 Z title: "Rose City SPIN: Developing Requi1y 3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 22:58:25 Z postal_code: "97232" latitude: 45.530768 title: Lloyd Center Doubletree Executive Meeting Center region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391818 version: street_address: 1000 NE Multnomah Street description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.655583 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:04 Z 2009-11-28 23:46:38rements for Legacy Systems" rrule: venue_id: 202391851 url: "http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4889899/ " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458030 version: description: "This is a free talk open to the public and presented by the Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN).\r\n\ \r\n\ Logistics:\r\n\ Networking from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM\r\n\ Talk presented from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (doors close at 7:15) \r\n\ \r\n\ Talk: \r\n\ Developing Requirements for Legacy Systems presented by Bill Baker\r\n\ \r\n\ Abstract:\r\n\ Many legacy systems were created without documented requirements. Over the years, changes were made, often without adequate documentation. Software quality suffers as the system becomes more and more complex. This presentation will provide a case study of bringing requirements management and other related process improvements to a legacy software product \xE2\x80\x94 one which has been successful for over twenty years.\r\n\ \r\n\ A cross-functional team of management undertook a project to improve significantly the processes related to requirements. This presentation describes the lessons learned while undertaking this project. Among these are:\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 A good implementation start is essential. Outside consultants are useful. Fully involve all stakeholders.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Different audiences have different needs. Find effective ways to communicate to each audience.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Be pragmatic when choosing what requirements to write and how much effort to put into describing the current system.\r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Leverage tool adoption to make changes that are more general to the software development process.\r\n\ \r\n\ Author Bio:\r\n\ Bill Baker is a software development manager at Sage in Beaverton Oregon. He has been involved in software development, project management, and process improvement for a number of years. While at Harland Financial Solutions, Bill led the improvements outlined in this paper. Bill has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and an excessive collection of other degrees from Washington State University and Michigan State University.\r\n\ \r\n\ About the Rose City SPIN:\r\n\ The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN. " source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-28 23:48:23 N{N*}3EventJycreate2009-11-29 14:55:18*|3Venue A,create2009-11-29 14:55:17T{ _3Venue A+update--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 01:33:15 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.533314 title: Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 region: OR url: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45.533314,-122.927465&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.976484,79.013672&ie=UTF8&ll=45.534161,-122.929072&spn=0.012055,0.038581&t=h&z=15 duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391851 version: street_address: "" description: "" locality: Hillsboro telephone: "" longitude: -122.927465 source_id: address: 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy email: "" created_at: 2009-11-25 01:32:05 Z 2009-11-28 23:48:24 3 3Venue A,update--- updated_at: 2009-11-29 14:56:39 Z postal_code: "97005" latitude: title: http://www.portlandtechshop.com/ region: OR url: http://www.portlandtechshop.com/ duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391852 version: street_address: 10100 SW Allen Blvd. description: "" locality: Beaverton, telephone: (503) 643-SHOP longitude: source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-11-29 14:55:17 Z 2009-11-30 02:02:09X~ g3Venue A,update--- updated_at: 2009-11-29 14:55:17 Z postal_code: latitude: title: http://www.portlandtechshop.com/ region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391852 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-29 14:55:17 Z 2009-11-29 14:56:39 e8 C =3Venue A-update--- updated_at: 2009-11-30 20:11:04 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Stoel Rives region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391853 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-11-30 20:11:04 Z 2009-11-30 20:11:47*3EventJycreate2009-11-30 20:11:06*3Venue A-create2009-11-30 20:11:04*3EventJycreate2009-11-30 18:09:36 e3EventJyEupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-28 23:46:37 Z title: "Oregon Training Network: Managing Virtual Teams" rrule: venue_id: 202390263 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/virtual-teams/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457925 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-01 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 22:57:05 Z 2009-11-30 16:26:38. Many of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products. \r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ Under Allen\xE2\x80\x99s leadership as President, CEO and Chairman for 10 years, Pixelworks has achieved many major accomplishments, including: \r\n\ \r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Growing Pixelworks into a global company with approximately 250 employees at offices in Portland, San Jose, Tokyo, Taipei and Shanghai. \r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2Leading a successful initial public offering in May 2000 raising $66.1 million which was the top semiconductor IPO of 2000. \r\n\ \xE2\x80\xA2 Exceeding $1 billion in cumulative revenue since founding in 1997 and $171 million in annual revenue in 2005. \r\n Join us on Dec 2nd to hear about Allen Alley\xE2\x80\x99s entrepreneurial journey. \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-03 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-30 20:11:05 Z 2009-11-30 20:16:32 NN& 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-30 20:11:05 Z title: Chat with Allen alley rrule: venue_id: 202391853 url: http://oregon.tie.org/TGS/EM/viewevent/viewEventPT?id_event=3933&from_where=chapter_homepage duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458035 version: description: "Over 30 years Allen Alley has built an experience base that spans multiple disciplines from engineering to marketing, venture capital, entrepreneurship and most recently, public service. \r\n\ \r\n\ In January 1997 he co-founded Pixelworks where he still serves as Chairman of the Board. \r\n\ \r\n\ Pixelworks (NASDAQ:PXLW), a fabless semiconductor company, is a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and computer graphics signals to produce high quality images FFa y3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-30 22:48:56 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third AnnG E3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 04:23:55 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-30 22:48:56ual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: | We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And Bring something to the potluck! http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tLpW3NFXcLuo6IQ_bNTmCNA&single=true&gid=1&output=html source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-11-30 23:25:04 VVq 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:38:24 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting rrule: v)  3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-10-01 14:29:01 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391576 url: http://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457806 version: description: "The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-02 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-02 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:29:01 Z 2009-12-01 02:38:25enue_id: 202391576 url: http://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457806 version: description: "Topics include:\r\n\ * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code.\r\n\ * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS.\r\n\ * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold\r\n\ * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions.\r\n\ * ...your great talk here!\r\n\ * And many other topics that come up at the meeting.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-02 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-02 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:29:01 Z 2009-12-01 02:48:27 again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And Bring something to the potluck! http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tLpW3NFXcLuo6IQ_bNTmCNA&single=true&gid=1&output=html source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-01 02:54:06  s3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:55:36 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the cw %3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:54:06 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portla. 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-30 23:25:04 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing itnd's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And Bring something yummy to the potluck, tell us what here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExwVzNORlhjTHVvNklRX2JOVG1DTkE6MA See what everyone else is bringing to the potluck: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tLpW3NFXcLuo6IQ_bNTmCNA&single=true&gid=1&output=html source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-01 02:55:36losing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring!

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And Bring something yummy to the potluck -- tell us what you're bringing. Come and eat with us -- see what others are bringing source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-01 02:55:59losing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Go to the form above and let us know what you can bring! Bring something yummy to the potluck -- tell us what you're bringing. Come and eat with us -- see what others are bringing

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-01 02:56:16 U(*3EventJycreate2009-12-01 19:29:30*3Venue A.create2009-12-01 19:29:27  M3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:48:27 Z title: Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting rrule: venue_id: 202391576 url: ht^ s3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:56:16 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it s3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:55:59 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the c again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Bring something yummy to the potluck -- tell us what you're bringing. Come and eat with us -- see what others are bringing

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-01 02:56:38tp://pdxruby.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457806 version: description: "Topics include:\r\n\ * Markus Roberts presents some particularly puzzling code.\r\n\ * Maher Hawash presents BrowseCMS.\r\n\ * Igal Koshevoy presents ActiveScaffold and home-brewed Snippets.\r\n\ * Other Ruby-based CMS/blog discussions.\r\n\ * ...your great talk here!\r\n\ * And many other topics that come up at the meeting.\r\n\ \r\n\ The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.\r\n\ \r\n\ VENUE: This meeting\xE2\x80\x99s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-02 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-02 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:29:01 Z 2009-12-01 03:06:00 88L O3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-25 18:57:13 Z title: "Portland Semantic Web Interest Group " rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://www.meetup.com/pdxsemweb/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458031 version: description: A new community for discussion of technology and philosophy topics related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data movements. The December meetup will be an informal one to gauge interest and decide on a plan for future meetups. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-03 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-11-25 18:57:13 Z 2009-12-01 20:49:53*3Venue A/create2009-12-01 20:49:52G E3Venue A.update--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 19:29:27 Z postal_code: latitude: title: University Club region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391854 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-01 19:29:27 Z 2009-12-01 19:30:40 TqD*3EventJycreate2009-12-02 04:32:28*3Venue :6create2009-12-02 04:32:27 o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-11-05 21:08:40 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Sp 3Venue A2update--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:24 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391856 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:24 Z 2009-12-01 23:17:48*3EventJycreate2009-12-01 23:17:25*3Venue A2create2009-12-01 23:17:24N S3Venue A/update--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 20:49:52 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Concordia Coffee House region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391855 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-01 20:49:52 Z 2009-12-01 20:52:51tudy Group rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457808 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:45 Z 2009-12-02 03:38:19 yy*3EventJycreate2009-12-02 15:56:53*3Venue A2create2009-12-02 15:56:52*3EventJycreate2009-12-02 06:39:10 Q~Q* 3EventJycreate2009-12-02 16:25:41~ 13EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 15:56:53 Z title: Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space rrule: venue_id: 202391858 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458040 version: description: |- Join the Halprin Landscape Conservancy for the release of a book celebrating the world-renowned Portland fountain plazas designed by Lawrence Halprin. Introduction by Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish Lecture performance by Ron Blessinger, violinist, Third Angle Ensemble, with dancer/choreographers Linda K. Johnson, Tere Mathern, Cydney Wilkes, and Linda Austin Screening of The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin - A documentary about the September 2008 performance in Halprin's Portland plazas . source_id: 996333899 start_time: 2009-12-05 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-06 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-02 15:56:53 Z 2009-12-02 15:57:22 venue_id: 202391857 url: http://www.ewbportland.org/node/225 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458038 version: description: |- It's the annual "meet-and-greet" social for the EWB Portland Professionals chapter. Bring some new friends, make some new friends, and get to know your fellow EWB colleagues in a casual, social setting. Come share and learn more about the work our local chapter is doing to improve the quality of life in developing communities through our current projects. In place of our monthly chapter meeting, we'll be enjoying some relaxing, mingling, and friendly conversation, along with the delicious offerings of the Bridgeport Brewpub. Eat, drink, and be merry! * Wednesday, December 2nd, 6pm-9pm * Bridgeport Brewpub - Old Knucklehead Room - 1313 NW Marshal Street, Portland, OR 97209 * Cash bar for brewpub fare source_id: 996333898 start_time: 2009-12-03 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-03 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-02 04:32:28 Z 2009-12-02 16:27:06 " g3Venue A1update--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 04:32:27 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.5309 title: BridgePort Brew Pub region: Oregon url: duplicate_of_id: country: United States id: 202391857 version: street_address: 1313 Nw Marshall St description: locality: Portland telephone: longitude: -122.685 source_id: 996333898 address: email: created_at: 2009-12-02 04:32:27 Z 2009-12-02 16:27:08J! K3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 04:32:28 Z title: Beer Without Borders 2009 rrule:  Lecture performance by Ron Blessinger, violinist, Third Angle Ensemble, with dancer/choreographers Linda K. Johnson, Tere Mathern, Cydney Wilkes, and Linda Austin\r\n\ \r\n\ Screening of The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin - A documentary about the September 2008 performance in Halprin's Portland plazas\r\n\ Between 1963 and 1970, Lawrence Halprin and Associates realized the Portland Open Space Sequence: a quartet of public plazas in Portland, Oregon, that redefined the city and set a bold new precedent for urban landscape architecture. Comprised of Lovejoy Fountain, Pettygrove Park, and Ira Keller Fountain), plus the lesser-known Source Fountain, the plazas are a collage of striking concrete forms, gushing water, and alpine flora that, in their seamless mix of nature and theater, created a playful metaphorical watershed coursing through the central city. \r\n\ \r\n\ Where the Revolution Began (Spacemaker Press, $29.95) is the story of how these plazas came to be. Born of the creative experimentation and collaboration between the late Halprin and his wife, pioneering choreographer/dancer Anna Halprin, the Portland Open Space Sequence came to life in the unlikely setting of the Portland\xE2\x80\x99s first scrape-and-rebuild urban renewal project. But Halprin defied the conventions of both American urban renewal and midcentury modernism, designing the kind of inviting, exuberant public space not seen since Renaissance Rome\xE2\x80\x99s Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. \r\n\ The book is an outgrowth of \xE2\x80\x9CThe City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin,\xE2\x80\x9D a performance that took place in the plazas in September 2008 as part of PICA\xE2\x80\x99s annual TBA Festival. The book\xE2\x80\x99s release, the performance, and screening is a celebration of Halprin, who passed away October 25 at age 94.\r\n\ \r\n\ For Lawrence Halprin, one of the 20th century\xE2\x80\x99s most influential landscape architects, the Portland plazas were the first step in a career-long exploration of sequential works of landscape design, from the Haas Promenade in Jerusalem to the Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C. For Portland, Halprin\xE2\x80\x99s work marked the beginning of a tradition of remaking the city around interactive public spaces, such as the famed Pioneer Courthouse Square. And for landscape architecture, the plazas laid the earliest foundations for the ecologically and socially responsive urbanism on the rise today. \r\n\ \r\n\ Replete with historic photographs and Halprin\xE2\x80\x99s notebook drawings, Where the Revolution Began is a historically complete document of how this pivotal moment in urban landscape history came to be, from concept to fruition. \r\n\ \r\n\ All proceeds from sales benefit the Halprin Landscape Conservancy, a nonprofit organization devoted to educating the public and preserving the Portland Open Space Sequence.\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-05 22:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-05 23:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:25 Z 2009-12-02 16:27:41 X# g3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:25 Z title: Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space rrule: venue_id: 202391856 url: http://halprinlc.org/events/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458037 version: description: "Join the Halprin Landscape Conservancy for the release of a book celebrating the world-renowned Portland fountain plazas designed by Lawrence Halprin.\r\n\ \r\n\ Saturday, December 5, 2pm\r\n\ Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium, 1044 NW Ninth Avenue\r\n\ Admission: Free\r\n\ \r\n\ Introduction by Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish\r\n\ \r\n\  cY,c*(3EventJycreate2009-12-02 22:27:26*'3Venue A create2009-12-02 22:27:25& o3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 03:38:19 Z title: Portland Functional Programming S*%3EventJycreate2009-12-02 18:39:06#$ }3Venue A0update--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:48 Z postal_code: "97209" latitude: 45.530519 title: Ziba World Headquarters Auditorium region: oregon url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391856 version: street_address: 1044 NW Ninth Avenue description: "" locality: portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.680287 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-12-01 23:17:24 Z 2009-12-02 16:27:44tudy Group rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457808 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:45 Z 2009-12-02 18:49:05 @@R* [3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:26 Z title: TechAmerica Oregon - SEC Accounting Upate rrule: venue_id: 202391859 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458043 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2010-01-15 03:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-15 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:26 Z 2009-12-02 23:04:14f) 3Venue A update--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:25 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391859 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:25 Z 2009-12-02 22:27:38 4ja4*/3EventJycreate2009-12-05 09:20:57*.3EventJycreate2009-12-05 09:18:29*-3EventJycreate2009-12-03 06:17:18+,  3Venue A.update--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 19:30:40 Z postal_code: "97204" latitude: 45.516964 title: University Club of Portland region: OR url: http://www.uclubpdx.com/ duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391854 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6732897 source_id: address: 1225 SW 6th Avenue email: "" created_at: 2009-12-01 19:29:27 Z 2009-12-02 23:06:24+ [3Venue A3update--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:38 Z postal_code: latitude: 45.5234515 title: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391859 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6762071 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-12-02 22:27:25 Z 2009-12-02 23:04:15 ;h;*23EventJycreate2009-12-07 21:49:09g1 3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-02 18:49:05 Z title: Portland Functional Programming Study Group rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://pdxfunc.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457808 version: description: |- Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-01 14:30:45 Z 2009-12-07 11:39:15*03EventJycreate2009-12-07 07:44:56xtremely flexible due to the fact it is a block device, and as such is used in a variety of situations. At the most basic level, you can replicate data between two servers to provide synchronously replicated storage redundancy for either failover or disaster recovery purposes. In active/active mode, you can also run GFS, OCFS2, or other clustered file systems. Topics that will be covered: - How it works, history, and future exciting news regarding mainline kernel inclusion - How it is used: HA-iSCSI, HA-NFS, Virtualization, Apache, Samba, etc. - Cluster Resource Manager options and recommendations, and news about the confusing changes in the Linux-HA / Clusterlabs communities. And the majority of the time will be spent on: - Example cluster configuration: hardware setup, installation and configuration, and cluster manager integration. Come with questions! source_id: start_time: 2009-12-17 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-17 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-07 21:49:08 Z 2009-12-07 22:01:23 %R%*53EventJycreate2009-12-08 06:07:19*43Venue A4create2009-12-08 06:07:18u3 !3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-07 21:49:08 Z title: "PLUG Advanced Topics: DRDB HA Clustering on Commodity Hardware" rrule: venue_id: 202391197 url: http://www.linbit.com/en/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458048 version: description: |- Using DRBD to Build High-Availability Clusters on Commodity Hardware Charlie Schluting of LINBIT will explain how DRBD works and how people currently use it, with enough information to get you started building your own clusters. DRBD stands for Distributed Replicated Block Device, and as the name implies, allows you to replicate block devices over TCP. DRBD is e K6 M3Venue A4update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 06:07:18 Z postal_code: latitude: title: 111 SW Harrison St. region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391860 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-08 06:07:18 Z 2009-12-08 06:09:00 *83EventJycreate2009-12-08 07:24:54F7 C3Venue 9update--- updated_at: 2009-06-13 18:52:24 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.518493 title: CubeSpace [out of business 12 June 2009] region: Oregon url: http://www.cubespacepdx.com/ duplicate_of_id: country: USA id: 202389907 version: 3 street_address: 622 SE Grand Ave. description: CubeSpace is an innovative workspace community in Portland, Oregon. We provide work stations, meeting rooms, and big office amenities to people who would otherwise be working from their homes, coffee shops, or wherever they can set up their laptops or use their cell phones. Our services are available on a monthly membership basis, or at hourly or daily rates. locality: Portland telephone: 503-206-3500 longitude: -122.660737 source_id: address: "" email: info@CubeSpacePDX.com created_at: 2008-01-20 14:56:24 Z 2009-12-08 06:21:56 e9 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 07:24:54 Z title: Calagator code sprint rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://calagator.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458050 version: description: |- Help us improve Calagator -- join us for a code sprint. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about creating software, agile development, Ruby and Rails, and finding ways to work better with others in a friendly environment, all while making a genuine contribution to an open source community project. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-12 18:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-13 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 07:24:54 Z 2009-12-08 07:27:38 m: 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 07:27:38 Z title: Calagator code sprint rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: http://calagator.org/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458050 version: description: |- Help us improve Calagator -- join us for a code sprint. Everyone is welcome to participate, even those that haven't been at a code sprint before. These events are great for learning more about creating software, agile development, Ruby and Rails, and finding ways to work better with others in a friendly environment, all while making a genuine contribution to an open source community project. We'll work incrementally throughout the day, so you can still help out even if you go to just part of the event. See you there! source_id: start_time: 2009-12-12 18:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-13 01:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 07:24:54 Z 2009-12-08 08:27:58g it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. Bring something yummy to the potluck: tell us what you're bringing. Come and eat with us: see what others are bringing

        This Year's Sponsors:

        And source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 07:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-09-30 20:15:44 Z 2009-12-08 15:52:24 4a4*?3Venue 9create2009-12-08 18:23:40[> m3Venue A5update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:00 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Aboutus 107 SE Washington Suite 520 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391861 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:00 Z 2009-12-08 18:22:13*=3EventJycreate2009-12-08 18:20:02*<3Venue A5create2009-12-08 18:20:00Z; k3EventJxupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-01 02:56:38 Z title: Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition rrule: venue_id: 202391600 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457765 version: description: |- We're dointe and we can chat about it in December.\r\n\ \r\n \r\n\ *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals.\r\n\ *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds)\r\n\ *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)\r\n\ \r\n\ We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector. \r\n\ \r\n\ You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009 \r\n\ \r\n\ ~*Snacks provided*~\r\n\ \r\n\ Location details:\r\n\ AboutUs \r\n\ 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That\xE2\x80\x99s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)\r\n\ \r\n\ (Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.) \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:01 Z 2009-12-08 18:23:41 )V)*C3Venue 9create2009-12-08 19:12:27*B3EventJycreate2009-12-08 18:27:24gA 3Venue 9update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:23:40 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Aboutus 107 SE Washington St. Portland OR 97214 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391862 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-08 18:23:40 Z 2009-12-08 18:24:17@ C3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:01 Z title: PDX WaveWednesday rrule: venue_id: 202391861 url: http://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BExjjazTkD.1 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458051 version: description: "People using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. \r\n\ \r\n\ The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a no U(*H3EventJycreate2009-12-08 20:40:01*G3Venue A8create2009-12-08 20:40:01*F3EventJycreate2009-12-08 20:09:44zE +3Venue 9update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "AboutUs 107 SE Washington St. Suite 520, Portland, Oregon 97214 " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391863 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z 2009-12-08 19:13:08*D3EventJycreate2009-12-08 19:12:27 kI  3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 20:40:01 Z title: "PDX Weekly Hackathon " rrule: venue_id: 202391864 url: "http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-weekly-hackathon " duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458055 version: description: |- Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 07:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 20:40:01 Z 2009-12-08 20:40:57 [m[K C3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:23:41 Z title: PDX WaveWednesday rrule: venue_id: 202391862 url: http://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BExjjazTkD.1 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458051 version: description: "People using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. \r\n\ \r\n\ The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a noփJ S3Venue A5destroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:22:13 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.5113506 title: "Aboutus " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391861 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6456739 source_id: address: 107 SE Washington Suite 520 email: "" created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:00 Z 2009-12-08 20:56:07te and we can chat about it in December.\r\n\ \r\n \r\n\ *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals.\r\n\ *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds)\r\n\ *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)\r\n\ \r\n\ We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector. \r\n\ \r\n\ You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009 \r\n\ \r\n\ ~*Snacks provided*~\r\n\ \r\n\ Location details:\r\n\ AboutUs \r\n\ 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That\xE2\x80\x99s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)\r\n\ \r\n\ (Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.) \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-10 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:01 Z 2009-12-08 20:57:54te and we can chat about it in December.\r\n\ \r\n \r\n\ *Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals.\r\n\ *Field Guide (we demo favorite finds)\r\n\ *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)\r\n\ \r\n\ We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector. \r\n\ \r\n\ You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009 \r\n\ \r\n\ ~*Snacks provided*~\r\n\ \r\n\ Location details:\r\n\ AboutUs \r\n\ 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That\xE2\x80\x99s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)\r\n\ \r\n\ (Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.) \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2010-01-14 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-14 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 18:27:24 Z 2009-12-08 20:57:55 YYM Y3Venue A6update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:24:17 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.518557 title: "Aboutus " region: "OR " url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391862 version: street_address: "107 SE Washington St. " description: "" locality: "Portland " telephone: "" longitude: -122.664242 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-12-08 18:23:40 Z 2009-12-08 20:57:56L C3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:27:24 Z title: PDX WaveWednesday rrule: venue_id: 202391862 url: http://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BExjjazTkD.1 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458052 version: description: "People using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. \r\n\ \r\n\ The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a noities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general.\r\n\ \r\n\ The atmosphere encourages just hanging out to chat and generally cavort with a group of like-minded about open sources and community. It\xE2\x80\x99s a monthly celebration of wiki in Portland, the birthplace of the wiki.\r\n\ \r\n\ ~* Yes, there will be snacks provided *~\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland wiki planning and development can be found at the Portland wiki page http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page .\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland wiki conference planning and development can be found at the (surprise: http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page)\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland Wiki Conference page.\r\n\ \r\n\ If you're not located near Portland, there are several other Wiki Wednesdays\r\n\ \r\n\ (http://pdx.wiki.org/Other_Wiki_Wednesdays)around the globe you can attend." source_id: start_time: 2009-01-07 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-07 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z 2009-12-08 20:57:57   hN 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z title: " Wiki Wednesday" rrule: venue_id: 202391863 url: http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458053 version: description: " \r\n\ People of all levels of interest around Wikis - expert to curious - are welcome to this open house of Wiki on the first Wednesday of each month.\r\n\ \r\n\ ***Note that the doors of the Oat Mill Building, where AboutUs is located, are locked at promptly at 5:30, so look for a note on the north-side door with a phone number to call if you are locked out.***\r\n\ \r\n\ Discussion is informal and takes a collaborative flair. It\xE2\x80\x99s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in commun a *Q3Venue A5create2009-12-08 23:11:06SP enue A8destroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 20:40:01 Z postal_code: latitude: title: "Lucky Labrador Brew Pub " region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391864 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-08 20:40:01 Z 2009-12-08 21:27:24O m3Venue A7update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 19:13:08 Z postal_code: "97214 " latitude: 45.518557 title: "AboutUs " region: " Oregon " url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391863 version: street_address: 107 SE Washington St. Suite 520 description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.664242 source_id: address: "" email: "" created_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z 2009-12-08 20:57:57 n)S  3Venue A5update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 23:14:03 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.5113506 title: "AboutUs " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391861 version: street_address: 107 SE Washington Suite 520 description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6456739 source_id: address: 107 SE Washington Suite 520 email: "" created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:00 Z 2009-12-08 23:17:15R S3Venue A5update--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 18:22:13 Z postal_code: "97214" latitude: 45.5113506 title: "Aboutus " region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391861 version: street_address: description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.6456739 source_id: address: 107 SE Washington Suite 520 email: "" created_at: 2009-12-08 18:20:00 Z 2009-12-08 23:14:03 *V3EventJycreate2009-12-09 00:55:53*U3EventJycreate2009-12-09 00:47:12"T y3EventJyUdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-29 22:16:05 Z title: "IxDA Portland: Design Jam Session" rrule: venue_id: 202389972 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457941 version: description: |- Join us for another design jam session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the larger group. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring snacks or drinks to share. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (http://www.ixda.org/). source_id: 996333869 start_time: 2009-12-16 02:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-16 05:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-29 22:16:05 Z 2009-12-09 00:47:05n the nonprofit technology field , this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics. About Holly: Holly has spent more than five years at NTEN, combing through all the technology fads and listening to the NTEN community to line up the webinars, conferences, and research that will help members use technology to make the world a better place. From ubiquitous access to technology leadership to social media trends, Holly brings the wisdom of the NTEN crowd to the nonprofit sector. Holly is also editor of "Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders," available from Jossey-Bass. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 03:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 00:55:52 Z 2009-12-09 01:00:45 (U(*X3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:18:01W u3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 00:55:52 Z title: Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission rrule: venue_id: 202390282 url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458057 version: description: |- Join us for a Happy Hour Holiday Celebration with your fellow nonprofits using technology for good. We'll have a short discussion of IT Planning based on the NTEN Book - Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission (http://www.meetyourmi...) with editor, Holly Ross. Agenda: 5:30 Networking 6:00 Presentation 6:30 - 7:30 Networking Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit leaders make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers advice for decision makers and staff alike, including those who often have little or no experience with technology. With contributions from the top experts i yLk>*e3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:30:39*d3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:29:02*c3Venue A9create2009-12-09 02:28:59*b3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:24:50*a3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:40*`3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:38*_3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:35*^3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:27*]3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:25*\3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:21*[3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:19*Z3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:22:17*Y3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:19:26 t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 " rrule: venue_id: url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458068 version: description: "* g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x *\r\n\ g g \r\n\ o / \\ \\ / \\ o\r\n\ a| | \\ | | a\r\n\ t| `. | | : t\r\n\ s` | | \\| | s\r\n\ \xC3\xA9 \\ | / / \\\\\\ --__ \\\\ : \xC3\xA9\r\n\ x \\ \\/ _--~~ ~--__| \\ | x \r\n\ * \\ \\_-~ ~-_\\ | *\r\n\ g \\_ \\ _.--------.______\\| | g\r\n\ o \\ \\______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \\ | o\r\n\ a \\ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a\r\n\ t /\\ | C ____)/ \\ (_____> |_/ t\r\n\ s / /\\| C_____) | (___> / \\ s\r\n\ \xC3\xA9 | ( _C_____)\\______/ // _/ / \\ \xC3\xA9\r\n\ x | \\ |__ \\\\_________// (__/ | x\r\n\ * | \\ \\____) `---- --' | *\r\n\ g | \\_ ___\\ /_ _/ | g\r\n\ o | / | | \\ | o\r\n\ a | | / \\ \\ | a\r\n\ t | / / | | \\ |t\r\n\ s | / / \\__/\\___/ | |s\r\n\ \xC3\xA9 | / | | | |\xC3\xA9\r\n\ x | | | | | |x\r\n\ * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x *\r\n\ \r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:24:50 Z 2009-12-09 02:38:01 _f s3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 02:24:50 Z title: "* g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 x * g o a t s \xC3\xA9 * g o a \_-~ ~-_\ | * g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o a \ . 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1250458065 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:22:35 Z 2009-12-09 02:38:56x8B\xC2\xBE\xC3\xA3F\xC3\x8C\xC2\xAD\xC2\xA3\xC2\xA4\xC2\xB3F()7\xC2\xA5\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC2\xA2\xC2\xAE=.-E\xC3\x86\xC2\xAE\xC2\xA3\xC2\xA5\xC2\xAB\xC3\xA7?-\x1F\x1F\x1F\x1F &\xC3\x93\xC2\xAB\xC5\xB8\xC2\xA7\xC2\xA0\xC5\xB8\xC2\xAE\xC3\x97B* \x1F%/G\xC2\xA9\xC2\xA8\xC3\x88\xC3\xA3\xC3\x8A\xC2\xA0\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8=!\x1F\x1F'K\xC2\xA3\xC5\xB8\xC2\xA0\xC3\x932\"\x1F\x1F)c\xC2\xBE\xC2\xAE\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC2\xA90\"\x1F\x1F\x1F-9\xC3\xAB\xC2\xA8\xC2\xA5\xC2\xA4\xC2\xAA\xC2\xAF\xC2\xBAE1)\x1F!#1=J\xC3\x9B\xC3\x86\xC2\xBB\xC2\xAE\xC2\xAD\xC2\xAD\xC2\xB5\xC2\xBB\xC2\xBC\xC2\xBB\xC2\xBE\xC3\x8DF?<=<.,\xC2\xAF\xC3\x8B\xC3\xAB\xC3\xAB\xC3\x9F+6\xC2\xB7\xC2\xA6\xC5\xB8)\x1F\x1FM\xC2\xAC\xC2\xA2\xC2\xBC<,8\xC2\xB1\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB8\xC5\xB89 \x1F 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source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:30:38 Z 2009-12-09 02:42:35";ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vvdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"vdsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''"dsafjkkjsafkl;jsdafkl;jfdsal;jfl;ksdjafkl;sdafasdf3523532''""''" 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rrule: venue_id: url: "" duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458059 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-06 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:19:26 Z 2009-12-09 02:43:01 <i<*u3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:45:17$t {3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 02:43:42 Z title: "\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3\xDA\x9B \xDA\x9C \xDA\x9D \xDA\x9E \xDA\x9F \xDA\xA0 \xDA\xA1 \xDA\xA2 \xDA\xA3" rrule: venue_id: url: "" duplicate_%*s3EventJycreate2009-12-09 02:43:42er ݢ}3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 02:29:00 Z title: 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source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:17 Z 2009-12-09 02:46:09rtigo is a group of developers and designers working closely together to create amazing user experiences. \r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International (http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:37 Z 2009-12-09 02:46:15 r{ 93EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:41 Z title: Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff rrule: venue_id: 202391845 url: http://portlandsilverlight.net/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458074 version: description: "This is the first meeting of the Portland Silverlight User Group - our keynote speaker will be Vertigo (www.vertigo.com) CEO Scott Stanfield. At its core, Ve& z 93EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:37 Z title: Portland Silverlight User Group Kickoff rrule: venue_id: 202391845 url: http://portlandsilverlight.net/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458073 version: description: "This is the first meeting of the Portland Silverlight User Group - our keynote speaker will be Vertigo (www.vertigo.com) CEO Scott Stanfield. At its core, Ve&rtigo is a group of developers and designers working closely together to create amazing user experiences. \r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International (http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:41 Z 2009-12-09 02:46:26rtigo is a group of developers and designers working closely together to create amazing user experiences. \r\n\ \r\n\ Scott will discuss how Vertigo uses Silverlight, Blend, SketchFlow and a handful of development techniques (\xE2\x80\x9CBlendability\xE2\x80\x9D, MVVM and View State Manager) to enable our design and development teams to move quickly and build great apps like the Winter Olympics (http://www.vertigo.com/Olympics.aspx), Sunday Night Football (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26393211/), and Hard Rock International (http://www.vertigo.com/hardrock.aspx). \r\n\ \r\n\ If you\xE2\x80\x99re an interaction designer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll see what\xE2\x80\x99s possible with Silverlight. If you\xE2\x80\x99re a developer, you\xE2\x80\x99ll learn better techniques to enable the designers to dial-in the fidelity they want. Or if you're just plain curious, please join us!" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 03:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-09 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 02:45:45 Z 2009-12-09 02:46:44  rEd7 *3EventJycreate2009-12-09 22:49:36*3Venue A=create2009-12-09 22:49:36*3EventJycreate2009-12-09 22:38:00*3Venue Acreate2009-12-10 00:16:476 !3EventJydestroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 22:13:52 Z title: Real incest gallery rrule: venue_id: 202391866 url: | http://www.andrewdabeka.ca/picture_library duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458076 version: description: "Download videos and read stories about incest: Mothers And Sons Having Sex , Son Mom Incest , Mom Son Hardcore Fucking , Family Gangbang Incest Sex , Mom And Son Fucking , Child Incest With His Own Mom , Sibling Incest And Family Conditions , Father Son Porn , Family Incest Toon , Father Young Daughter Incest " source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 23:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 00:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-09 22:13:52 Z 2009-12-09 22:50:58 ^ s3Venue A>update--- updated_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391870 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z 2009-12-10 00:17:38 bb k3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z title: Galois Tech Talk rrule: venue_id: 202391870 url: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/12/09/tech-talk-john-launchbury-presents-conal-elliots-beautiful-differentiation/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458080 version: description: "The December 15th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by John Launchbury. He will present Conal Elliot\xE2\x80\x99s 2009 ICFP paper entitled Beautiful Differentiation for those of us who were not able to attend this wonderful talk in-person." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z 2009-12-10 00:18:43 EE7 %3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-10 00:18:43 Z title: "Galois Tech Talk: Beautiful Differentiation" rrule: venue_id: 202391870 url: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/12/09/tech-talk-john-launchbury-presents-conal-elliots-beautiful-differentiation/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458080 version: description: "The December 15th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by John Launchbury. He will present Conal Elliot\xE2\x80\x99s 2009 ICFP paper entitled Beautiful Differentiation for those of us who were not able to attend this wonderful talk in-person." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z 2009-12-10 00:19:58 TA 73Venue A:destroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-09 22:13:50 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Pushinka region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391866 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-09 22:13:50 Z 2009-12-10 06:31:03( 3Venue A>destroy--- updated_at: 2009-12-10 00:17:38 Z postal_code: "97205" latitude: 45.520812 title: Galois, Inc. region: OR url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391870 version: street_address: 421 Sw 6th Ave description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.67791 source_id: address: 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR email: "" created_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z 2009-12-10 00:20:30 oo  O3EventJyIdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-10-27 23:46:32 Z title: Agile Product Owner Certification rrule: venue_id: 202390081 url: http://oregontrainingnetwork.com/training-topics/agile-product-owner duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457929 version: description: "" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-09 17:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-10 17:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-10-27 23:09:34 Z 2009-12-10 19:08:01ities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general.\r\n\ \r\n\ The atmosphere encourages just hanging out to chat and generally cavort with a group of like-minded about open sources and community. It\xE2\x80\x99s a monthly celebration of wiki in Portland, the birthplace of the wiki.\r\n\ \r\n\ ~* Yes, there will be snacks provided *~\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland wiki planning and development can be found at the Portland wiki page http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page .\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland wiki conference planning and development can be found at the (surprise: http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page)\r\n\ \r\n\ Portland Wiki Conference page.\r\n\ \r\n\ If you're not located near Portland, there are several other Wiki Wednesdays\r\n\ \r\n\ (http://pdx.wiki.org/Other_Wiki_Wednesdays)around the globe you can attend." source_id: start_time: 2009-01-07 01:30:00 Z end_time: 2010-01-07 04:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-08 19:12:27 Z 2009-12-10 19:08:47   h 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-08 20:57:57 Z title: " Wiki Wednesday" rrule: venue_id: 202389972 url: http://pdx.wiki.org/Main_Page duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458053 version: description: " \r\n\ People of all levels of interest around Wikis - expert to curious - are welcome to this open house of Wiki on the first Wednesday of each month.\r\n\ \r\n\ ***Note that the doors of the Oat Mill Building, where AboutUs is located, are locked at promptly at 5:30, so look for a note on the north-side door with a phone number to call if you are locked out.***\r\n\ \r\n\ Discussion is informal and takes a collaborative flair. It\xE2\x80\x99s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in commun& ;Ah;*3EventJycreate2009-12-11 05:27:22*3EventJycreate2009-12-11 05:26:33*3Venue A?create2009-12-11 05:26:31s 3EventJwdestroy--- updated_at: 2009-08-19 07:56:53 Z title: "OEN SwapMeet - December " rrule: venue_id: 202&; -3Venue =update--- updated_at: 2009-03-24 14:31:08 Z postal_code: "97124" latitude: 45.5309671 title: Intel, HF3-Auditorium, Hillsboro, Oregon region: Oregon url: "" duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391018 version: 2 street_address: 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway description: "" locality: Portland telephone: "" longitude: -122.9316754 source_id: 996333379 address: "" email: "" created_at: 2008-12-14 16:26:06 Z 2009-12-10 19:31:48390046 url: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=97 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250457567 version: 3 description: " Meet. Greet. Repeat.\r\n\ \r\n\ In these tough economic times, Oregon's economy needs innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities for economic growth. SwapMeet is a great way to meet the people who are the drivers of this effort.\r\n\ \r\n\ Join us at the OEN SwapMeet, a networking program specifically for people looking to connect with entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, and the people who can help Oregon businesses grow.\r\n\ \r\n\ There's no entrance fee, and no pressure. Just networking, connecting, and a no-host happy hour! We hope to see you there.\r\n\ \r\n\ Date and Time: Thursday December 10, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm\r\n\ Location: Someday Lounge\r\n\ 125 NW 5th Ave\r\n\ Portland, OR 97209\r\n\ Registration: No Cost\r\n" source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 01:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 03:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-08-18 17:42:30 Z 2009-12-10 22:19:12 {4{[ m3Venue A@update--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 16:13:49 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Seattle Center NW rooms, Seattle WA region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391872 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-11 16:13:49 Z 2009-12-11 16:32:10*3EventJycreate2009-12-11 16:13:51*3Venue A@create2009-12-11 16:13:49. 3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 05:26:33 Z title: Digital Divide Radio Looks at the&Y i3Venue A?update--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 05:26:31 Z postal_code: latitude: title: KBOO 90.7 FM and streaming online region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391871 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-11 05:26:31 Z 2009-12-11 05:27:39 Science of Climate Change rrule: venue_id: 202391871 url: http://kboo.fm/node/18134 duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458081 version: description: |- As global leaders and community activists convernge in Copenhagen, we take a step away from the politics to look at the science behind studying climate change. While global warming has risen in the past decades from being viewed as a crazy idea from the environmental left to a global concern unifying the nations of the world, skeptics still claim that "bad science" is being used to support this effort. We hear from Andrew Rice, a professor of physics at Portland State University, to learn exactly what concepts and techniques scientists have used to produce data that supports the evidence that climate change is occurring in direction that will negatively impact the planet. source_id: start_time: 2009-12-11 19:00:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-11 20:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-11 05:26:33 Z 2009-12-11 08:33:42&st.org duplicate_of_id: country: US id: 202391872 version: street_address: description: |- Announcing Agile Open Northwest 2010! This Agile Open Space event will be held February 9th and 10th, 2010, in the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Please see http://www.agileopennorthwest.org for registration information and further details. We invite you to our fourth annual Agile Open Northwest conference. Alternating each year between Portland and Seattle, AONW conferences bring together practicing members of the Northwest Agile communities to explore the latest developments in agile software development. We held our third annual event last year in Portland and enjoyed another great success. Registration is $125.00 for both days, including light breakfast and lunch. This low-cost regional conference is a great opportunity to connect with the local agile community, experts and novices alike. Please join us this year as we host 125 experienced, collaborative, committed agile practitioners from the Northwest U.S. (and beyond) in tackling the issues around our recurring theme "Agile for Real." As in past years, attendance is limited to a predetermined number in order retain the many advantages a small conference has to offer. Here is a comment from a previous attendee: "These two-day Agile Open Northwest conferences are an extremely good value. ..[Y]ou learn directly from practitioners in the agile community what works and what doesn't. I attended the first two of these conferences, they were stunningly good... loads of practical, useful stuff and stimulating discussions." -- Ian Savage, PNSQC Program Chair More information can be found at http://www.agileopennorthwest.org. Registration is open now. We look forward to seeing you there. locality: "Seattle, " telephone: "" longitude: -122.3456919 source_id: address: 305 Harrison Street email: info@agileopennorthwest.org created_at: 2009-12-11 16:13:49 Z 2009-12-11 16:33:10 &: &t 3Venue AAupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 16:34:30 Z postal_code: latitude: title: Seattle Center Northwest Rooms, 305 Harrison St., Seattle WA region: url: duplicate_of_id: country: id: 202391873 version: street_address: description: locality: telephone: longitude: source_id: address: email: created_at: 2009-12-11 16:34:30 Z 2009-12-11 16:37:08: +3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 16:13:51 Z title: Agile Open Northwest 2010 rrule: &*3Venue AAcreate2009-12-11 16:34:306 #3Venue A@update--- updated_at: 2009-12-11 16:32:10 Z postal_code: 98109-4623 latitude: 47.6288591 title: Seattle Center NW rooms, Seattle WA region: WA url: http://agileopennorthwe&& venue_id: 202391872 url: http://agileopennorthwest.org duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458083 version: description: |- Announcing Agile Open Northwest 2010! This Agile Open Space event will be held February 9th and 10th, 2010, in the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Please see http://www.agileopennorthwest.org for registration information and further details. We invite you to our fourth annual Agile Open Northwest conference. Alternating each year between Portland and Seattle, AONW conferences bring together practicing members of the Northwest Agile communities to explore the latest developments in agile software development. We held our third annual event last year in Portland and enjoyed another great success. Registration is $125.00 for both days, including light breakfast and lunch. This low-cost regional conference is a great opportunity to connect with the local agile community, experts and novices alike. Please join us this year as we host 125 experienced, collaborative, committed agile practitioners from the Northwest U.S. (and beyond) in tackling the issues around our recurring theme "Agile for Real." As in past years, attendance is limited to a predetermined number in order retain the many advantages a small conference has to offer. Here is a comment from a previous attendee: "These two-day Agile Open Northwest conferences are an extremely good value. ..[Y]ou learn directly from practitioners in the agile community what works and what doesn't. I attended the first two of these conferences, they were stunningly good... loads of practical, useful stuff and stimulating discussions." -- Ian Savage, PNSQC Program Chair More information can be found at http://www.agileopennorthwest.org. Registration is open now. We look forward to seeing you there. source_id: start_time: 2010-02-09 16:00:00 Z end_time: 2010-02-11 02:00:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-11 16:13:51 Z 2009-12-11 16:34:31 E* 3EventJycreate2009-12-12 19:17:41*3Venue ABcreate2009-12-12 19:17:397 %3EventJyupdate--- updated_at: 2009-12-10 00:19:58 Z title: "Galois Tech Talk: Beautiful Differentiation" rrule: venue_id: 202390439 url: http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/12/09/tech-talk-john-launchbury-presents-conal-elliots-beautiful-differentiation/ duplicate_of_id: id: 1250458080 version: description: "The December 15th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by John Launchbury. He will present Conal Elliot\xE2\x80\x99s 2009 ICFP paper entitled Beautiful Differentiation for those of us who were not able to attend this wonderful talk in-person." source_id: start_time: 2009-12-15 18:30:00 Z end_time: 2009-12-15 19:30:00 Z created_at: 2009-12-10 00:16:47 Z 2009-12-11 17:42:24 s`M:')20090912082129)20081115190515)20081011193124)20081011181519)20080705164959)20080705163959)20080604210521414133 12 1 11 5 10158629716 T&=<9K&l_Ie}4T`&2'Qsearch engine optimization classes_&.0cpersonal telco skypilot metrofi dismantlingw&B5silicon forest forum&#Asearch engi&1 round 2q&3'Qstart-up sales webinar andrew_rowet#Iprogramme&/'portland tech&&-color managementV&6 marioh license&+!investmentV&:!Etechnology commercialization&A'social changeX voip&7 voip4 review&(#educational&'djB&@ cpanJ%&" aigat pdxpmns&h&5!twitalyzer( 's&,;oregon state university&#!bartendingA&4'lewis & clarkGer &0pub pizza&) events&; wifim&8%office space?&>!multimedial -ca&% chifoo &<%ignite pitch&*help&?'goldman sachs' &9 founder,&-;ypdma panel learning event product development managers&$3business counselingI 4 '?M`u (0>K[hy &6BR\l# #p!afganistan#"amy hsuan"N123 "234"#advertising^%aftereffects:#"amy hsuan"N)"an oen event""b" foods="china business network"*1"nw china council") "o"foods'"open source"'+"tech business"M##healthcare #perl #saopdx'#saopdx #arra%#saopdx #cio?#saopdx #golf #networking&O#saopdx #intel #webinar #workshopW .net 100m 3by104g{ 501 tech 501tech7!@thesquarex aboutus#aboutus.org abpmpR abroad1acceptance testing!accountingacm acore%actionscript activism$ adobe+advanced topics@%adverstisingaea!afganistan africa5!afterhours agile!agile 2009)agile adoptionD#agile gamesY5agile learning games]=agile project managementC)agile training'agile xp apln>#agriculture3 9$-:GSp~*3>P^p}$2<LXhy analysisanalytics#andrew_rowe android^)android mobi#allen alley all agesh bankTaleO!Ealternative exchange economyama amateurr amazing amazone;american cancer society 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