package com.xruby.runtime.lang; //import com.xruby.runtime.lang.*; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.*; //import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyKernelModule; public class RubyKernelModule_Methods{ public static void initMethods( RubyModule klass){ klass.defineMethod( "taint", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.taint(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "untaint", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.untaint(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "methods", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objMethods(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "===", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objEqual(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineMethod( "send", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.send(receiver, args, block);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.send(receiver, block);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.send(receiver, arg, block);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.send(receiver, arg0, arg1, block);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.aliasMethod("__send__","send"); klass.defineModuleMethod( "sprintf", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.sprintf(receiver, args);} }); klass.aliasMethod("format","sprintf"); klass.defineMethod( "open", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return, args, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "lambda", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.lambda(receiver, block);} }); klass.aliasMethod("proc","lambda"); klass.defineMethod( "public_methods", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.publicMethods(receiver);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "at_exit", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.atExit(receiver, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "puts", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.puts(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.puts(receiver);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(1, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg); return RubyKernelModule.puts(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(2, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); return RubyKernelModule.puts(receiver, args);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineMethod( "frozen?", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.frozen(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "instance_eval", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.instanceEval(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineMethod( "instance_of?", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.instanceOf(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineMethod( "clone", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objClone(receiver);} }); klass.aliasMethod("dup","clone"); klass.defineModuleMethod( "eval", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.eval(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.eval(receiver, arg);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.eval(receiver, arg0, arg1);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "in `"+ this.getID() + "': wrong number of arguments");} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineMethod( "class", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objRubyClass(receiver);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "untrace_var", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.untrace_var(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineMethod( "singleton_methods", new RubyNoOrOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objSingletonMethods(receiver);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objSingletonMethods(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "sleep", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.sleep(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "require_java", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.requireJava(receiver, arg, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "require_java", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.requireJava(receiver, arg, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "exit", new RubyNoOrOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.exit(receiver);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.exit(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "method_missing", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.methodMissing(receiver, args);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "const_missing", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.constMissing(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "binding", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.binding(receiver, args);} }); klass.defineMethod( "inspect", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objInsepct(receiver);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "caller", new RubyNoOrOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return;} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "sub", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.sub(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineMethod( "raise", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.raise(receiver, args);} }); klass.aliasMethod("fail","raise"); klass.defineModuleMethod( "trace_var", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.trace_var(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "gsub!", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.gsubBang(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "catch", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.catchMethod(receiver, arg, block);} }); klass.defineMethod( "kind_of?", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.kindOf(receiver, arg);} }); klass.aliasMethod("is_a?","kind_of?"); klass.defineMethod( "to_s", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.anyObjToS(receiver);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "throw", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.throwMethod(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.throwMethod(receiver);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(1, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg); return RubyKernelModule.throwMethod(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(2, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); return RubyKernelModule.throwMethod(receiver, args);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineMethod( "==", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.opEqual(receiver, arg);} }); klass.aliasMethod("equal?","=="); klass.aliasMethod("eql?","=="); klass.defineModuleMethod( "loop", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.loop(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "Float", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.toFloat(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "printf", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.printf(receiver, args);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "block_given?", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.blockGivenP(receiver, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "block_given?", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.blockGivenP(receiver, block);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "gsub", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.gsub(receiver, args, block);} }); klass.defineMethod( "tainted?", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.tainted(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "extend", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.extend(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.extend(receiver);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.extend(receiver, arg);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(2, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); return RubyKernelModule.extend(receiver, args);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "gets", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.gets(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "object_id", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objectId(receiver);} }); klass.aliasMethod("__id__","object_id"); klass.aliasMethod("hash","object_id"); klass.defineMethod( "respond_to?", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.respond_to(receiver, args);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "print", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.print(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.print(receiver);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.print(receiver, arg);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(2, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); return RubyKernelModule.print(receiver, args);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineMethod( "freeze", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.freeze(receiver);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "p", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.p(receiver, args);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.p(receiver);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.p(receiver, arg);} public RubyValue invoke(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block ){ RubyArray args = ObjectFactory.createArray(2, 0, block != null? block.createdByLambda() : false ); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); return RubyKernelModule.p(receiver, args);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { throw new Error("we overided invoke, so this method should never be called");} }); klass.defineMethod( "method", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.objMethod(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "Integer", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.toInteger(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "Array", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.toArray(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "String", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyKernelModule.toString(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "srand", new RubyNoOrOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyRandom.srand(receiver);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyRandom.srand(receiver, arg);} }); klass.defineModuleMethod( "rand", new RubyNoOrOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyRandom.rand(receiver);} protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return RubyRandom.rand(receiver, arg);} }); }}