module QueueDispatcher module ActsAsTask def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end class Config attr_reader :task_queue_class_name def initialize(task_queue_class_name) @task_queue_class_name = task_queue_class_name.to_s.underscore end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_task args = {} # Include number-helper for number_to_human_size method include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper include QueueDispatcher::ActsAsTask::InstanceMethods extend QueueDispatcher::ActsAsTask::SingletonMethods @acts_as_task_config =[:task_queue_model] || :task_queue) belongs_to acts_as_task_config.task_queue_class_name has_many :task_dependencies, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :task_id has_many :dependent_tasks, :through => :task_dependencies has_many :inverse_task_dependencies, :class_name => 'TaskDependency', :foreign_key => 'dependent_task_id', :dependent => :destroy has_many :inverse_dependent_tasks, :through => :inverse_task_dependencies, :source => :task validates_presence_of :target, :method_name, :state serialize :target serialize :args # Add dynamic associations to task_dependency and task_property according to the class name TaskDependency.instance_eval %Q{ belongs_to :task, :class_name => '#{}' belongs_to :dependent_task, :class_name => '#{}' } end end module SingletonMethods def acts_as_task_config @acts_as_task_config end end module InstanceMethods def acts_as_task_task_queue self.send(self.class.acts_as_task_config.task_queue_class_name) end # Add task_id to the args def args a = super a[-1] = a.last.merge(task_id: if a && a.instance_of?(Array) && a.last.instance_of?(Hash) a end # This method updates the task state according to the return code of their corresponding command and removes it from the task_queue def update_state(rc_and_msg, remove_from_queue = false) rc = output = error_msg = nil if rc_and_msg.is_a?(QueueDispatcher::RcAndMsg) rc = rc_and_msg.rc output = rc_and_msg.output error_msg = rc_and_msg.error_msg elsif rc_and_msg.kind_of?(Hash) rc = rc_and_msg[:rc] output = rc_and_msg[:output] error_msg = rc_and_msg[:error_msg] end output ||= "" if rc.nil? || rc == 0 self.update_attributes :state => "successful", :perc_finished => 100, :message => output.truncate(10256) else self.update_attributes :state => "error", :error_msg => error_msg, :message => output.truncate(10256) end self.update_attributes :task_queue_id => nil if remove_from_queue rc end # Update the attributes perc_finished and message according to the args def update_message args = {} msg = args[:msg] perc_finished = args[:perc_finished] self.update_attribute :message, msg if msg self.update_attribute :perc_finished, perc_finished if perc_finished end # Is this task new? def new? state == 'new' || state == 'new_popped' end # Is this task pending? def pending? acts_as_task_task_queue && state == 'new' end # Is the task_queue in state config_reload? def reloading_config? acts_as_task_task_queue && acts_as_task_task_queue.reloading_config? && acts_as_task_task_queue.tasks.where(state: 'new') == id end # Is this task pending? def acquire_lock? acts_as_task_task_queue && acts_as_task_task_queue.running? && state == 'acquire_lock' end # Is this task running? def running? acts_as_task_task_queue && acts_as_task_task_queue.running? && state == 'running' end # Was this task finsihed successful? def successful? state == 'successful' || state == 'finished' end # Had this task error(s)? def error? state == 'error' || state.blank? end # Was this task aborted? def aborted? state == 'aborted' end # Is this task waiting until the queue is initialized? def init_queue? state == 'init_queue' end # Was this task already executed? def executed? successful? || error? || aborted? end # Are all dependent_tasks executed? def dependent_tasks_executed? state = true dependent_tasks.each{ |dt| state = false unless dt.executed? } state end # Check recursive, if one or more of the tasks, which this task is dependent on had errors def dependent_tasks_had_errors error = false dependent_tasks.each do |t| error = true if t.state == 'error' || t.dependent_tasks_had_errors end error end # Placeholder. Please override it in your model. def prosa end # Calculate md5-Checksum def md5 attr_str = "" Task.attribute_names.each{ |a| attr_str += self.send(a).to_s } Digest('MD5').digest(attr_str) end # Execute task def execute! target.send(method_name, *args) end end end end