# # Author:: Mike Dodge () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 Facebook, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" class Chef class Resource # Use the launchd resource to manage system-wide services (daemons) and per-user services (agents) on the macOS platform. # # @since 12.8 class Launchd < Chef::Resource resource_name :launchd provides :launchd, os: "darwin" default_action :create allowed_actions :create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :enable, :disable, :restart property :label, String, identity: true, name_property: true property :backup, [Integer, FalseClass] property :cookbook, String property :group, [String, Integer] property :plist_hash, Hash property :mode, [String, Integer] property :owner, [String, Integer] property :path, String property :source, String property :session_type, String # StartCalendarInterval has some gotchas so we coerce it to help sanity # check. According to `man 5 launchd.plist`: # StartCalendarInterval # ... Missing arguments are considered to be wildcard. # What the man page doesn't state, but what was observed (OSX 10.11.5, launchctrl v3.4.0) # Is that keys that are specified, but invalid, will also be treated as a wildcard # this means that an entry like: # { "Hour"=>0, "Weekday"=>"6-7"} # will not just run on midnight of Sat and Sun, rather it will run _every_ midnight. property :start_calendar_interval, [Hash, Array], coerce: proc { |type| # Coerce into an array of hashes to make validation easier array = if type.is_a?(Array) type else [type] end # Check to make sure that our array only has hashes unless array.all? { |obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) } error_msg = "start_calendar_interval must be a single hash or an array of hashes!" raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, error_msg end # Make sure the hashes don't have any incorrect keys/values array.each do |entry| allowed_keys = %w{Minute Hour Day Weekday Month} unless entry.keys.all? { |key| allowed_keys.include?(key) } failed_keys = entry.keys.reject { |k| allowed_keys.include?(k) }.join(", ") error_msg = "The following key(s): #{failed_keys} are invalid for start_calendar_interval, must be one of: #{allowed_keys.join(", ")}" raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, error_msg end unless entry.values.all? { |val| val.is_a?(Integer) } failed_values = entry.values.reject { |val| val.is_a?(Integer) }.join(", ") error_msg = "Invalid value(s) (#{failed_values}) for start_calendar_interval item. Values must be integers!" raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, error_msg end end # Don't return array if we only have one entry if array.size == 1 array.first else array end } property :type, String, default: "daemon", coerce: proc { |type| type = type ? type.downcase : "daemon" types = %w{daemon agent} unless types.include?(type) error_msg = "type must be daemon or agent" raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, error_msg end type } # Apple LaunchD Keys property :abandon_process_group, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :debug, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :disabled, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ], default: false property :enable_globbing, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :enable_transactions, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :environment_variables, Hash property :exit_timeout, Integer property :hard_resource_limits, Hash property :inetd_compatibility, Hash property :init_groups, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :keep_alive, [ TrueClass, FalseClass, Hash ] property :launch_only_once, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :ld_group, String property :limit_load_from_hosts, Array property :limit_load_to_hosts, Array property :limit_load_to_session_type, [ Array, String ] property :low_priority_io, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :mach_services, Hash property :nice, Integer property :on_demand, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :process_type, String property :program, String property :program_arguments, Array property :queue_directories, Array property :root_directory, String property :run_at_load, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :sockets, Hash property :soft_resource_limits, Array property :standard_error_path, String property :standard_in_path, String property :standard_out_path, String property :start_interval, Integer property :start_on_mount, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :throttle_interval, Integer property :time_out, Integer property :umask, Integer property :username, String property :wait_for_debugger, [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] property :watch_paths, Array property :working_directory, String end end end