require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "Bond" do describe "start" do def start(options={}, &block) Bond.start({:readline=>valid_readline}.merge(options), &block) end before { M.instance_eval("@started = @agent = @config = nil"); M.expects(:load_completions) } it "prints error if readline doesn't have all required methods" do capture_stderr { start :readline=>{ def self.setup(arg); end } }.should =~ /Invalid/ end it "prints error if readline symbol is invalid" do capture_stderr { start :readline => :blah }.should =~ /Invalid.*'blah'/ end it "prints no error if valid readline" do capture_stderr { start }.should == '' end it 'prints no error if valid readline symbol' do capture_stderr { start :readline => :ruby }.should == '' Bond.config[:readline].should == Bond::Ruby end it "sets default mission" do start :default_mission=>lambda {|e| %w{1 2 3}} tab('1').should == ['1'] end it "sets default search" do start :default_search=>:anywhere complete(:on=>/blah/) { %w{all_quiet on_the western_front}} tab('blah qu').should == ["all_quiet"] end it "defines completion in block" do start { complete(:on=>/blah/) { %w{all_quiet on_the western_front}} } tab('blah all').should == ["all_quiet"] end it "sets proc eval_binding" do bdg = binding start :eval_binding => lambda { bdg } Mission.expects(:eval).with(anything, bdg).returns([]) tab("'blah'.").should == [] end it "status can be checked with started?" do Bond.started?.should == false start Bond.started?.should == true end after_all { reset } end describe "start with :gems" do before { File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) M.stubs(:load_file) } it "attempts to load gem" do M.stubs(:load_dir) M.expects(:gem).twice start(:gems=>%w{one two}) end it "rescues nonexistent gem" do M.stubs(:load_dir) M.expects(:gem).raises(LoadError) should.not.raise { start(:gems=>%w{blah}) } end it "rescues nonexistent method 'gem'" do M.stubs(:load_dir) M.expects(:gem).raises(NoMethodError) should.not.raise { start(:gems=>%w{blah}) } end it "prints error if gem completion not found" do M.stubs(:load_dir) M.expects(:find_gem_file).returns(nil) capture_stderr { start(:gems=>%w{invalid}) }.should =~ /No completions.*'invalid'/ end it "loads gem completion file" do M.expects(:load_dir) M.expects(:load_dir).with(File.join($:[0], 'awesome', '..', 'bond')) M.expects(:load_dir) M.expects(:gem) start(:gems=>%w{awesome}) end after_all { reset } end it "prints error if Readline setup fails" do Bond::Readline.expects(:setup).raises('WTF') capture_stderr { Bond.start(:readline=>Bond::Readline) }.should =~ /Error.*Failed Readline.*'WTF'/ M.debrief :readline=>valid_readline end it "start prints error for failed completion file" do Rc.stubs(:module_eval).raises('wtf') capture_stderr { Bond.start }.should =~ /Bond Error: Completion file.*with:\nwtf/ end it "reset clears existing missions" do complete(:on=>/blah/) {[]} Bond.agent.missions.size.should.not == 0 reset Bond.agent.missions.size.should == 0 end describe "restart" do def start(options={}, &block) Bond.start({:readline=>valid_readline}.merge(options), &block) end it "deletes previous config" do start :blah=>'' Bond.config[:blah].should.not == nil Bond.restart({:readline=>valid_readline}) Bond.config[:blah].should == nil end it "deletes previous method completions" do start complete(:method=>'blah') { [] } MethodMission.actions['blah'].should.not == nil Bond.restart({:readline=>valid_readline}) MethodMission.actions['blah'].should == nil end end end