@import grid.sass @import compass/utilities/general/float.sass // Main layout grid, override these constants to build your grid and container sizes. !blueprint_grid_columns ||= 24 !blueprint_grid_width ||= 30px !blueprint_grid_margin ||= 10px !blueprint_grid_outer_width = !blueprint_grid_width + !blueprint_grid_margin !blueprint_container_size = !blueprint_grid_outer_width * !blueprint_grid_columns - !blueprint_grid_margin // Columns // Note: If you use this mixin without the class and want to support ie6 // you must set text-align left on your container element in an IE stylesheet. =container width= !blueprint_container_size margin: 0 auto direction: rtl +clearfix // The last column in a row needs this mixin or it will end up on the next row. // TODO add this to span mixin when we have optional arguments =last margin-left: 0 =column-base(!last = false) +float-right @if !last +last @else margin-left= !blueprint_grid_margin * html & overflow-x: hidden // Mixin to a column to append n empty cols. =append(!n) padding-left= (!blueprint_grid_outer_width) * !n // Mixin to a column to prepend n empty cols. =prepend(!n) padding-right= (!blueprint_grid_outer_width) * !n // mixin to a column to move it n columns to the left =pull(!n, !last = false) position: relative @if !last margin-right= (-!blueprint_grid_outer_width * !n) + !blueprint_grid_margin @else margin-right= -!blueprint_grid_outer_width * !n // mixin to a column to push it n columns to the right =push(!n) +float-right position: relative margin: top: 0 left= -!blueprint_grid_outer_width * !n bottom: 1.5em right= !blueprint_grid_outer_width * !n // Border on left hand side of a column. =border padding-left= !blueprint_grid_margin / 2 - 1 margin-left= !blueprint_grid_margin / 2 border-left: 1px solid #eee // Border with more whitespace, spans one column. =colborder padding-left= (!blueprint_grid_width - 2 * !blueprint_grid_margin - 1)/2 margin-left= (!blueprint_grid_width - 2 * !blueprint_grid_margin)/2 border-left: 1px solid #eee // Usage examples: // As a top-level mixin, apply to any page that includes the stylesheet: // +rtl-typography // Scoped by a presentational class: // body.blueprint // +rtl-typography(true) // Scoped by semantic selectors: // body#page-1, body#page-2, body.a-special-page-type // +rtl-typography(true) // Deprecated: // You can pass the body selector as the first argument when used as a top-level mixin // +rtl-typography("body#page-1, body#page-2, body.a-special-page-type") =rtl-typography(!body_selector = "body") @if !body_selector == true html & font-family: Arial, sans-serif +rtl-typography-defaults @else html #{!body_selector} font-family: Arial, sans-serif @if !body_selector != "body" @debug "[DEPRECATED] To specify a the selector \"#{!body_selector}\" to +rtl-typography, pass true as the first argument and mix it into #{!body_selector}." +rtl-typography-defaults @if !body_selector == "body" body +rtl-typography-defaults =rtl-typography-defaults h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 font-family: Arial, sans-serif pre, code, tt font-family: monospace p img.right +float-left margin: 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0 padding: 0 img.left +float-right margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em 1.5em padding: 0 dd, ul, ol margin-left: 0 margin-right: 1.5em td, th text-align: right