# Determinator A gem that works with _Florence_ to deterministically calculate whether an **actor** should have a feature flag turned on or off, or which variant they should see in an experiment. ![Determinator](docs/img/determinator.jpg) Useful documentation: - [Terminology and Background](docs/background.md) - [Local development](docs/local_development.md) - [Example implemention in Rails](examples/determinator-rails) ## Usage Once [set up](#installation), determinator can be used to determine whether a **feature flag** or **experiment** is on or off for the current user and, for experiments, which **variant** they should see. ```ruby # Feature flags if determinator.feature_flag_on?(:my_feature_name) # Show the feature end # Experiments case determinator.which_variant(:my_experiment_name) when 'control' # Do nothing different when 'sloths' # Show some sloth pictures when 'velociraptors' # RUN! end ``` Feature flags and experiments can be targeted to specific actors by specifying actor properties (which must match the constraints defined in the feature). ```ruby # Targeting specific actors variant = determinator.which_variant( :my_experiment_name, properties: { employee: current_user.employee? } ) ``` ## Installation Determinator requires your application to be subscribed to the a `features` topic via Routemaster. The drain must expire the routemaster cache on receipt of events, `Routemaster::Drain::CacheBusting.new` or better. Check the example Rails app in `examples` for more information on how to make use of this gem. ``` # config/initializers/determinator.rb require 'determinator/retrieve/routemaster' Determinator.configure( retrieval: Determinator::Retrieve::Routemaster.new( discovery_url: 'https://flo.dev/' retrieval_cache: ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new(expires_in: 1.minute) ), errors: -> error { NewRelic::Agent.notice_error(error) }, missing_features: -> feature_name { STATSD.increment 'determinator.missing_feature', tags: ["feature:#{name}"] } ) ``` ### Retrieval Cache Determinator will function fully without a retrieval_cache set, although Determinator will produce 1 Redis query for every determination. By setting a `retrieval_cache` as an instance of `ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore` (or equivalent) this can be reduced per application instance. This cache is not expired so *must* have a `expires_in` set, ideally to a short amount of time. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/deliveroo/determinator. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. Any PR should include a new section at the top of the `CHANGELOG.md` (if it doesn't exist) called 'Unreleased' of a similar format to the lines below. Upon release, this will be used to detail what has been added. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).