* Copyright 2005 ThoughtWorks, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
passColor = "#cfffcf";
failColor = "#ffcfcf";
errorColor = "#ffffff";
workingColor = "#DEE7EC";
doneColor = "#FFFFCC";
var injectedSessionId;
var postResult = "START";
var debugMode = false;
var relayToRC = null;
var proxyInjectionMode = false;
var uniqueId = 'sel_' + Math.round(100000 * Math.random());
var seleniumSequenceNumber = 0;
var cmd8 = "";
var cmd7 = "";
var cmd6 = "";
var cmd5 = "";
var cmd4 = "";
var cmd3 = "";
var cmd2 = "";
var cmd1 = "";
var lastCmd = "";
var lastCmdTime = new Date();
var RemoteRunnerOptions = classCreate();
objectExtend(RemoteRunnerOptions.prototype, URLConfiguration.prototype);
objectExtend(RemoteRunnerOptions.prototype, {
initialize: function() {
isDebugMode: function() {
return this._isQueryParameterTrue("debugMode");
getContinue: function() {
return this._getQueryParameter("continue");
getDriverUrl: function() {
return this._getQueryParameter("driverUrl");
// requires per-session extension Javascript as soon as this Selenium
// instance becomes aware of the session identifier
getSessionId: function() {
var sessionId = this._getQueryParameter("sessionId");
return sessionId;
_acquireQueryString: function () {
if (this.queryString) return;
if (browserVersion.isHTA) {
var args = this._extractArgs();
if (args.length < 2) return null;
this.queryString = args[1];
} else if (proxyInjectionMode) {
this.queryString = window.location.search.substr(1);
} else {
this.queryString = top.location.search.substr(1);
var runOptions;
function runSeleniumTest() {
runOptions = new RemoteRunnerOptions();
var testAppWindow;
if (runOptions.isMultiWindowMode()) {
testAppWindow = openSeparateApplicationWindow('Blank.html', true);
} else if (sel$('selenium_myiframe') != null) {
var myiframe = sel$('selenium_myiframe');
if (myiframe) {
testAppWindow = myiframe.contentWindow;
else {
proxyInjectionMode = true;
testAppWindow = window;
selenium = Selenium.createForWindow(testAppWindow, proxyInjectionMode);
if (runOptions.getBaseUrl()) {
selenium.browserbot.baseUrl = runOptions.getBaseUrl();
if (!debugMode) {
debugMode = runOptions.isDebugMode();
if (proxyInjectionMode) {
LOG.logHook = logToRc;
else if (debugMode) {
LOG.logHook = logToRc;
window.selenium = selenium;
commandFactory = new CommandHandlerFactory();
currentTest = new RemoteRunner(commandFactory);
var doContinue = runOptions.getContinue();
if (doContinue != null) postResult = "OK";
function buildDriverUrl() {
var driverUrl = runOptions.getDriverUrl();
if (driverUrl != null) {
return driverUrl;
var s = window.location.href
var slashPairOffset = s.indexOf("//") + "//".length
var pathSlashOffset = s.substring(slashPairOffset).indexOf("/")
return s.substring(0, slashPairOffset + pathSlashOffset) + "/selenium-server/driver/";
//return "http://localhost" + uniqueId + "/selenium-server/driver/";
function logToRc(logLevel, message) {
if (debugMode) {
if (logLevel == null) {
logLevel = "debug";
sendToRCAndForget("logLevel=" + logLevel + ":" + message.replace(/[\n\r\015]/g, " ") + "\n", "logging=true");
function serializeString(name, s) {
return name + "=unescape(\"" + escape(s) + "\");";
function serializeObject(name, x)
var s = '';
if (isArray(x))
s = name + "=new Array(); ";
var len = x["length"];
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++)
s += serializeString(name + "[" + j + "]", x[j]);
else if (typeof x == "string")
s = serializeString(name, x);
throw "unrecognized object not encoded: " + name + "(" + x + ")";
return s;
function relayBotToRC(s) {
// seems like no one uses this, but in fact it is called using eval from server-side PI mode code; however,
// because multiple names can map to the same popup, assigning a single name confuses matters sometimes;
// thus, I'm disabling this for now. -Nelson 10/21/06
function setSeleniumWindowName(seleniumWindowName) {
//selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()['seleniumWindowName'] = seleniumWindowName;
RemoteRunner = classCreate();
objectExtend(RemoteRunner.prototype, new TestLoop());
objectExtend(RemoteRunner.prototype, {
initialize : function(commandFactory) {
this.commandFactory = commandFactory;
this.requiresCallBack = true;
this.commandNode = null;
this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults = null;
nextCommand : function() {
var urlParms = "";
if (postResult == "START") {
urlParms += "seleniumStart=true";
this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults = XmlHttp.create();
sendToRC(postResult, urlParms, fnBind(this._HandleHttpResponse, this), this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults);
commandStarted : function(command) {
this.commandNode = document.createElement("div");
var cmdText = command.command + '(';
if (command.target != null && command.target != "") {
cmdText += command.target;
if (command.value != null && command.value != "") {
cmdText += ', ' + command.value;
if (cmdText.length > 70) {
cmdText = cmdText.substring(0, 70) + "...\n";
} else {
cmdText += ")\n";
if (cmdText == lastCmd) {
var rightNow = new Date();
var msSinceStart = rightNow.getTime() - lastCmdTime.getTime();
var sinceStart = msSinceStart + "ms";
if (msSinceStart > 1000) {
sinceStart = Math.round(msSinceStart / 1000) + "s";
cmd1 = "Same command (" + sinceStart + "): " + lastCmd;
} else {
lastCmdTime = new Date();
cmd8 = cmd7;
cmd7 = cmd6;
cmd6 = cmd5;
cmd5 = cmd4;
cmd4 = cmd3;
cmd3 = cmd2;
cmd2 = cmd1;
cmd1 = cmdText;
lastCmd = cmdText;
if (! proxyInjectionMode) {
var commandList = document.commands.commandList;
commandList.value = cmd8 + cmd7 + cmd6 + cmd5 + cmd4 + cmd3 + cmd2 + cmd1;
commandList.scrollTop = commandList.scrollHeight;
commandComplete : function(result) {
if (result.failed) {
if (postResult == "CONTINUATION") {
currentTest.aborted = true;
postResult = result.failureMessage;
this.commandNode.title = result.failureMessage;
this.commandNode.style.backgroundColor = failColor;
} else if (result.passed) {
postResult = "OK";
this.commandNode.style.backgroundColor = passColor;
} else {
if (result.result == null) {
postResult = "OK";
} else {
var actualResult = result.result;
actualResult = selArrayToString(actualResult);
postResult = "OK," + actualResult;
this.commandNode.style.backgroundColor = doneColor;
commandError : function(message) {
postResult = "ERROR: " + message;
this.commandNode.style.backgroundColor = errorColor;
this.commandNode.titcle = message;
testComplete : function() {
window.status = "Selenium Tests Complete, for this Test"
// Continue checking for new results
postResult = "START";
_HandleHttpResponse : function() {
// When request is completed
if (this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.readyState == 4) {
// OK
if (this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.status == 200) {
if (this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.responseText=="") {
LOG.error("saw blank string xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.responseText");
var command = this._extractCommand(this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults);
if (command.command == 'retryLast') {
setTimeout(fnBind(function() {
sendToRC("RETRY", "retry=true", fnBind(this._HandleHttpResponse, this), this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults, true);
}, this), 1000);
} else {
this.currentCommand = command;
// Not OK
else {
var s = 'xmlHttp returned: ' + this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.status + ": " + this.xmlHttpForCommandsAndResults.statusText;
this.currentCommand = null;
setTimeout(fnBind(this.continueTestAtCurrentCommand, this), 2000);
_extractCommand : function(xmlHttp) {
var command, text, json;
text = command = xmlHttp.responseText;
if (/^json=/.test(text)) {
if (json.rest) {
return json;
try {
var re = new RegExp("^(.*?)\n((.|[\r\n])*)");
if (re.exec(xmlHttp.responseText)) {
command = RegExp.$1;
var rest = RegExp.$2;
rest = rest.trim();
if (rest) {
else {
command = xmlHttp.responseText;
} catch (e) {
alert('could not get responseText: ' + e.message);
if (command.substr(0, '|testComplete'.length) == '|testComplete') {
return null;
return this._createCommandFromRequest(command);
_delay : function(millis) {
var startMillis = new Date();
while (true) {
milli = new Date();
if (milli - startMillis > millis) {
// Parses a URI query string into a SeleniumCommand object
_createCommandFromRequest : function(commandRequest) {
//decodeURIComponent doesn't strip plus signs
var processed = commandRequest.replace(/\+/g, "%20");
// strip trailing spaces
var processed = processed.replace(/\s+$/, "");
var vars = processed.split("&");
var cmdArgs = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
cmdArgs[pair[0]] = pair[1];
var cmd = cmdArgs['cmd'];
var arg1 = cmdArgs['1'];
if (null == arg1) arg1 = "";
arg1 = decodeURIComponent(arg1);
var arg2 = cmdArgs['2'];
if (null == arg2) arg2 = "";
arg2 = decodeURIComponent(arg2);
if (cmd == null) {
throw new Error("Bad command request: " + commandRequest);
return new SeleniumCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2);
function sendToRC(dataToBePosted, urlParms, callback, xmlHttpObject, async) {
if (async == null) {
async = true;
if (xmlHttpObject == null) {
xmlHttpObject = XmlHttp.create();
var url = buildDriverUrl() + "?"
if (urlParms) {
url += urlParms;
url = addUrlParams(url);
url += "&sequenceNumber=" + seleniumSequenceNumber++;
var postedData = "postedData=" + encodeURIComponent(dataToBePosted);
//xmlHttpObject.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xmlHttpObject.open("POST", url, async);
if (callback) xmlHttpObject.onreadystatechange = callback;
return null;
function addUrlParams(url) {
return url + "&localFrameAddress=" + (proxyInjectionMode ? makeAddressToAUTFrame() : "top")
+ getSeleniumWindowNameURLparameters()
+ "&uniqueId=" + uniqueId
+ buildDriverParams() + preventBrowserCaching()
function sendToRCAndForget(dataToBePosted, urlParams) {
var url;
if (!(browserVersion.isChrome || browserVersion.isHTA)) {
// DGF we're behind a proxy, so we can send our logging message to literally any host, to avoid 2-connection limit
var protocol = "http:";
if (window.location.protocol == "https:") {
// DGF if we're in HTTPS, use another HTTPS url to avoid security warning
protocol = "https:";
// we don't choose a super large random value, but rather 1 - 16, because this matches with the pre-computed
// tunnels waiting on the Selenium Server side. This gives us higher throughput than the two-connection-per-host
// limitation, but doesn't require we generate an extremely large ammount of fake SSL certs either.
url = protocol + "//" + Math.floor(Math.random()* 16 + 1) + ".selenium.doesnotexist/selenium-server/driver/?" + urlParams;
} else {
url = buildDriverUrl() + "?" + urlParams;
url = addUrlParams(url);
var method = "GET";
if (method == "POST") {
// DGF submit a request using an iframe; we can't see the response, but we don't need to
// TODO not using this mechanism because it screws up back-button
var loggingForm = document.createElement("form");
loggingForm.method = "POST";
loggingForm.action = url;
loggingForm.target = "seleniumLoggingFrame";
var postedDataInput = document.createElement("input");
postedDataInput.type = "hidden";
postedDataInput.name = "postedData";
postedDataInput.value = dataToBePosted;
} else {
var postedData = "&postedData=" + encodeURIComponent(dataToBePosted);
var scriptTag = document.createElement("script");
scriptTag.src = url + postedData;
function buildDriverParams() {
var params = "";
var sessionId = runOptions.getSessionId();
if (sessionId == undefined) {
sessionId = injectedSessionId;
if (sessionId != undefined) {
params = params + "&sessionId=" + sessionId;
return params;
function preventBrowserCaching() {
var t = (new Date()).getTime();
return "&counterToMakeURsUniqueAndSoStopPageCachingInTheBrowser=" + t;
// Return URL parameters pertaining to the name(s?) of the current window
// In selenium, the main (i.e., first) window's name is a blank string.
// Additional pop-ups are associated with either 1.) the name given by the 2nd parameter to window.open, or 2.) the name of a
// property on the opening window which points at the window.
// An example of #2: if window X contains JavaScript as follows:
// var windowABC = window.open(...)
// Note that the example JavaScript above is equivalent to
// window["windowABC"] = window.open(...)
function getSeleniumWindowNameURLparameters() {
var w = (proxyInjectionMode ? selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow() : window).top;
var s = "&seleniumWindowName=";
if (w.opener == null) {
return s;
if (w["seleniumWindowName"] == null) {
if (w.name) {
w["seleniumWindowName"] = w.name;
} else {
w["seleniumWindowName"] = 'generatedSeleniumWindowName_' + Math.round(100000 * Math.random());
s += w["seleniumWindowName"];
var windowOpener = w.opener;
for (key in windowOpener) {
var val = null;
try {
val = windowOpener[key];
catch(e) {
if (val==w) {
s += "&jsWindowNameVar=" + key; // found a js variable in the opener referring to this window
return s;
// construct a JavaScript expression which leads to my frame (i.e., the frame containing the window
// in which this code is operating)
function makeAddressToAUTFrame(w, frameNavigationalJSexpression)
if (w == null)
w = top;
frameNavigationalJSexpression = "top";
if (w == selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow())
return frameNavigationalJSexpression;
for (var j = 0; j < w.frames.length; j++)
var t = makeAddressToAUTFrame(w.frames[j], frameNavigationalJSexpression + ".frames[" + j + "]");
if (t != null)
return t;
return null;
Selenium.prototype.doSetContext = function(context) {
* Writes a message to the status bar and adds a note to the browser-side
* log.
* @param context
* the message to be sent to the browser
//set the current test title
var ctx = document.getElementById("context");
if (ctx != null) {
ctx.innerHTML = context;
* Adds a script tag referencing a specially-named user extensions "file". The
* resource handler for this special file (which won't actually exist) will use
* the session ID embedded in its name to retrieve per-session specified user
* extension javascript.
* @param sessionId
function requireExtensionJs(sessionId) {
var src = 'scripts/user-extensions.js[' + sessionId + ']';
if (document.getElementById(src) == null) {
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.language = 'JavaScript';
scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptTag.src = src;
scriptTag.id = src;
var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
Selenium.prototype.doAttachFile = function(fieldLocator,fileLocator) {
* Sets a file input (upload) field to the file listed in fileLocator
* @param fieldLocator an element locator
* @param fileLocator a URL pointing to the specified file. Before the file
* can be set in the input field (fieldLocator), Selenium RC may need to transfer the file
* to the local machine before attaching the file in a web page form. This is common in selenium
* grid configurations where the RC server driving the browser is not the same
* machine that started the test.
* Supported Browsers: Firefox ("*chrome") only.
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doCaptureScreenshot = function(filename) {
* Captures a PNG screenshot to the specified file.
* @param filename the absolute path to the file to be written, e.g. "c:\blah\screenshot.png"
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doCaptureScreenshotToString = function() {
* Capture a PNG screenshot. It then returns the file as a base 64 encoded string.
* @return string The base 64 encoded string of the screen shot (PNG file)
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doCaptureEntirePageScreenshotToString = function(kwargs) {
* Downloads a screenshot of the browser current window canvas to a
* based 64 encoded PNG file. The entire windows canvas is captured,
* including parts rendered outside of the current view port.
* Currently this only works in Mozilla and when running in chrome mode.
* @param kwargs A kwargs string that modifies the way the screenshot is captured. Example: "background=#CCFFDD". This may be useful to set for capturing screenshots of less-than-ideal layouts, for example where absolute positioning causes the calculation of the canvas dimension to fail and a black background is exposed (possibly obscuring black text).
* @return string The base 64 encoded string of the page screenshot (PNG file)
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doShutDownSeleniumServer = function(keycode) {
* Kills the running Selenium Server and all browser sessions. After you run this command, you will no longer be able to send
* commands to the server; you can't remotely start the server once it has been stopped. Normally
* you should prefer to run the "stop" command, which terminates the current browser session, rather than
* shutting down the entire server.
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doRetrieveLastRemoteControlLogs = function() {
* Retrieve the last messages logged on a specific remote control. Useful for error reports, especially
* when running multiple remote controls in a distributed environment. The maximum number of log messages
* that can be retrieve is configured on remote control startup.
* @return string The last N log messages as a multi-line string.
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doKeyDownNative = function(keycode) {
* Simulates a user pressing a key (without releasing it yet) by sending a native operating system keystroke.
* This function uses the java.awt.Robot class to send a keystroke; this more accurately simulates typing
* a key on the keyboard. It does not honor settings from the shiftKeyDown, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown and
* metaKeyDown commands, and does not target any particular HTML element. To send a keystroke to a particular
* element, focus on the element first before running this command.
* @param keycode an integer keycode number corresponding to a java.awt.event.KeyEvent; note that Java keycodes are NOT the same thing as JavaScript keycodes!
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doKeyUpNative = function(keycode) {
* Simulates a user releasing a key by sending a native operating system keystroke.
* This function uses the java.awt.Robot class to send a keystroke; this more accurately simulates typing
* a key on the keyboard. It does not honor settings from the shiftKeyDown, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown and
* metaKeyDown commands, and does not target any particular HTML element. To send a keystroke to a particular
* element, focus on the element first before running this command.
* @param keycode an integer keycode number corresponding to a java.awt.event.KeyEvent; note that Java keycodes are NOT the same thing as JavaScript keycodes!
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!
Selenium.prototype.doKeyPressNative = function(keycode) {
* Simulates a user pressing and releasing a key by sending a native operating system keystroke.
* This function uses the java.awt.Robot class to send a keystroke; this more accurately simulates typing
* a key on the keyboard. It does not honor settings from the shiftKeyDown, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown and
* metaKeyDown commands, and does not target any particular HTML element. To send a keystroke to a particular
* element, focus on the element first before running this command.
* @param keycode an integer keycode number corresponding to a java.awt.event.KeyEvent; note that Java keycodes are NOT the same thing as JavaScript keycodes!
// This doesn't really do anything on the JS side; we let the Selenium Server take care of this for us!