require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') unless defined?(POSTGRES_DB) POSTGRES_URL = 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/reality_spec' unless defined? POSTGRES_URL POSTGRES_DB = Sequel.connect(ENV['SEQUEL_PG_SPEC_DB']||POSTGRES_URL) end INTEGRATION_DB = POSTGRES_DB unless defined?(INTEGRATION_DB) # Automatic parameterization changes the SQL used, so don't check # for expected SQL if it is being used. if defined?(Sequel::Postgres::AutoParameterize) check_sqls = false else check_sqls = true end def POSTGRES_DB.sqls (@sqls ||= []) end logger = def logger.method_missing(m, msg) POSTGRES_DB.sqls << msg end POSTGRES_DB.loggers << logger #POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@server_version, 80100) POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test do text :name integer :value, :index => true end POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test2 do text :name integer :value end POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test3 do integer :value timestamp :time end POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test4 do varchar :name, :size => 20 bytea :value end describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should provide the server version" do @db.server_version.should > 70000 end specify "should correctly parse the schema" do @db.schema(:test3, :reload=>true).should == [ [:value, {:type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"integer", :primary_key=>false}], [:time, {:type=>:datetime, :allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"timestamp without time zone", :primary_key=>false}] ] @db.schema(:test4, :reload=>true).should == [ [:name, {:type=>:string, :allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"character varying(20)", :primary_key=>false}], [:value, {:type=>:blob, :allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"bytea", :primary_key=>false}] ] end end describe "A PostgreSQL dataset" do before do @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test] @d.delete # remove all records end specify "should quote columns and tables using double quotes if quoting identifiers" do == \ 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"''COUNT(*)'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "test"' == \ 'SELECT max("value") FROM "test"' == \ 'SELECT NOW() FROM "test"' == \ 'SELECT max("items"."value") FROM "test"' @d.order(:name.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC'' AS item_name'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT AS item_name FROM "test"''"name"'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"''max(test."name") AS "max_name"'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT max(test."name") AS "max_name" FROM "test"' @d.insert_sql(:x => :y).should =~ \ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("x"\) VALUES \("y"\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/ if check_sqls, 'hello')).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(\"abc\", 'hello') FROM \"test\"", 'hello')).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') FROM \"test\"", 'hello').as(:x2)).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') AS \"x2\" FROM \"test\"" @d.insert_sql(:value => 333).should =~ \ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("value"\) VALUES \(333\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/ @d.disable_insert_returning.insert_sql(:value => 333).should =~ \ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("value"\) VALUES \(333\)\z/ end end specify "should quote fields correctly when reversing the order if quoting identifiers" do @d.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC' @d.reverse_order(:name.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC' @d.reverse_order(:name, :test.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC, "test" ASC' @d.reverse_order(:name.desc, :test).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "test" DESC' end specify "should support regexps" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.filter(:name => /bc/).count.should == 2 @d.filter(:name => /^bc/).count.should == 1 end specify "should support NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST" do @d << {:name => 'abc'} @d << {:name => 'bcd'} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.order(:value.asc(:nulls=>:first), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[abc bcd bcd] @d.order(:value.asc(:nulls=>:last), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd abc bcd] @d.order(:value.asc(:nulls=>:first), :name).reverse.select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd bcd abc] end specify "#lock should lock tables and yield if a block is given" do @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "#lock should lock table if inside a transaction" do POSTGRES_DB.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'); @d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "#lock should return nil" do @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')}.should == nil POSTGRES_DB.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE').should == nil; @d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "should raise an error if attempting to update a joined dataset with a single FROM table" do proc{POSTGRES_DB[:test].join(:test2, [:name]).update(:name=>'a')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error, 'Need multiple FROM tables if updating/deleting a dataset with JOINs') end end describe "Dataset#distinct" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:a) do Integer :a Integer :b end @ds = @db[:a] end after do @db.drop_table?(:a) end it "#distinct with arguments should return results distinct on those arguments" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.insert(30, 10) @ds.order(:b, :a) == [20, 30] @ds.order(:b, :a.desc) == [30, 20] @ds.order(:b, :a).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [20] @ds.order(:b, :a.desc).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [30] end end if POSTGRES_DB.pool.respond_to?(:max_size) and POSTGRES_DB.pool.max_size > 1 describe "Dataset#for_update support" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id Integer :number String :name end @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:items] end after do POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:items) POSTGRES_DB.disconnect end specify "should handle FOR UPDATE" do @ds.insert(:number=>20) c, t = nil, nil q = POSTGRES_DB.transaction do @ds.for_update.first(:id=>1) t = do POSTGRES_DB.transaction do q.push nil @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim') c = @ds.first(:id=>1) q.push nil end end q.pop @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:number=>30) end q.pop t.join c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>30, :name=>'Jim'} end specify "should handle FOR SHARE" do @ds.insert(:number=>20) c, t = nil q = POSTGRES_DB.transaction do @ds.for_share.first(:id=>1) t = do POSTGRES_DB.transaction do c = @ds.for_share.filter(:id=>1).first q.push nil end end q.pop @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim') c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>20, :name=>nil} end t.join end end end describe "A PostgreSQL dataset with a timestamp field" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @d = @db[:test3] @d.delete end after do @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = false if @db.adapter_scheme == :postgres end cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for Time objects", :do, :swift do t = @d << {:value=>1, :time=>t} t2 = @d[:value =>1][:time] @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t) t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000 == t.usec end cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for DateTime objects", :do, :swift do t = @d << {:value=>1, :time=>t} t2 = @d[:value =>1][:time] @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t) t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000 == t.strftime('%N').to_i/1000 end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres specify "should handle infinite timestamps if convert_infinite_timestamps is set" do @d << {:time=>'infinity'.cast(:timestamp)} @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 'infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 1.0/0.0 @d.update(:time=>'-infinity'.cast(:timestamp)) @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:time).should == '-infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:time).should == -1.0/0.0 end specify "should handle conversions from infinite strings/floats in models" do c = @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float>'infinity').time.should == 'infinity'>'-infinity').time.should == '-infinity'>1.0/0.0).time.should == 1.0/0.0>-1.0/0.0).time.should == -1.0/0.0 end end end describe "PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN and ANALYZE" do specify "should not raise errors" do @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test3] proc{@d.explain}.should_not raise_error proc{@d.analyze}.should_not raise_error end end describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should support column operations" do @db.create_table!(:test2){text :name; integer :value} @db[:test2] << {} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111} @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == '000' @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.drop_column :test2, :xyz @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] @db[:test2].delete @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 'qqqq'} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.rename_column :test2, :xyz, :zyx @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx] @db[:test2].first[:zyx].should == 'qqqq' @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :float @db[:test2].delete @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 56.78} @db.set_column_type :test2, :xyz, :integer @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == 57 end specify "#locks should be a dataset returning database locks " do @db.locks.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @db.locks.all.should be_a_kind_of(Array) end end describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.drop_table?(:posts) @db.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table?(:posts) end specify "should support resetting the primary key sequence" do @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a} @db[:posts].insert(:a=>20).should == 20 @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db[:posts].insert(:a=>10).should == 10 @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == 21 @db[:posts].insert.should == 21 @db[:posts].order(:a).map(:a).should == [1, 2, 10, 20, 21] end specify "should support specifying Integer/Bignum/Fixnum types in primary keys and have them be auto incrementing" do @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Integer} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Fixnum} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Bignum} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 end specify "should not raise an error if attempting to resetting the primary key sequence for a table without a primary key" do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :a} @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == nil end specify "should support opclass specification" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; integer :user_id; index(:user_id, :opclass => :int4_ops, :type => :btree)} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text, "user_id" integer)', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_user_id_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("user_id" int4_ops)' ] end specify "should support fulltext indexes and searching" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; full_text_index [:title, :body]; full_text_index :title, :language => 'french'} @db.sqls.should == [ %{CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text)}, %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_body_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))))}, %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))))} ] if check_sqls @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x') @db.sqls.clear @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['yowsa', 'rails']).all.should == [:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'scooby', :language => 'french').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x'}] @db.sqls.should == [ %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'rails'))}, %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'yowsa | rails'))}, %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('french'::regconfig, 'scooby'))}] if check_sqls @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).call(:select, :n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).prepare(:select, :fts_select).call(:n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] end specify "should support spatial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){box :geom; spatial_index [:geom]} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("geom" box)', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_geom_index" ON "posts" USING gist ("geom")' ] end specify "should support indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'hash'} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING hash ("title")' ] end specify "should support unique indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'btree', :unique => true} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("title")' ] end specify "should support partial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')' ] end specify "should support identifiers for table names in indicies" do @db.create_table({varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}} @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')' ] end specify "should support renaming tables" do @db.create_table!(:posts1){primary_key :a} @db.rename_table(:posts1, :posts) end end describe "Postgres::Dataset#import" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test){primary_key :x; Integer :y} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test) end specify "#import should return separate insert statements if server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80199} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'INSERT INTO "test" ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2)', 'INSERT INTO "test" ("x", "y") VALUES (3, 4)', 'COMMIT'] if check_sqls @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should a single insert statement if server_version >= 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80200} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'INSERT INTO "test" ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)', 'COMMIT'] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys for server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80199} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys for server_version >= 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80200} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys with :slice option for server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80199} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key, :slice=>1).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys with :slice option for server_version >= 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80200} @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key, :slice=>1).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly with an arbitrary returning value" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80200} @ds.returning(:y, :x).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [{:y=>2, :x=>1}, {:y=>4, :x=>3}] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end end describe "Postgres::Dataset#insert" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5) end specify "should work with static SQL" do @ds.with_sql('INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (10)').insert.should == nil @db['INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (20)'].insert.should == nil @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}, {:xid=>2, :value=>20}] end specify "should work regardless of how it is used" do @ds.insert(:value=>10).should == 1 @ds.disable_insert_returning.insert(:value=>20).should == 2 @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80100} @ds.insert(:value=>13).should == 3 @db.sqls.reject{|x| x =~ /pg_class/}.should == [ 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (10) RETURNING "xid"', 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (20)', "SELECT currval('\"public\".test5_xid_seq')", 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (13)', "SELECT currval('\"public\".test5_xid_seq')" ] if check_sqls @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}, {:xid=>2, :value=>20}, {:xid=>3, :value=>13}] end specify "should insert correctly if server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80100} @ds.insert(:value=>10).should == 1 @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}] end specify "should insert correctly if disabling insert returning" do @ds.disable_insert_returning.insert(:value=>10).should == 1 @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}] end specify "should insert correctly if using a column array and a value array and server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80100} @ds.insert([:value], [10]).should == 1 @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}] end specify "should use INSERT RETURNING if server_version >= 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80201} @ds.insert(:value=>10).should == 1 @db.sqls.last.should == 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (10) RETURNING "xid"' if check_sqls end specify "should have insert_select return nil if server_version < 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80100} @ds.insert_select(:value=>10).should == nil end specify "should have insert_select return nil if disable_insert_returning is used" do @ds.disable_insert_returning.insert_select(:value=>10).should == nil end specify "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record if server_version >= 80200" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){80201} h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10) h[:value].should == 10 @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].should == 10 end specify "should correctly return the inserted record's primary key value" do value1 = 10 id1 = @ds.insert(:value=>value1) @ds.first(:xid=>id1)[:value].should == value1 value2 = 20 id2 = @ds.insert(:value=>value2) @ds.first(:xid=>id2)[:value].should == value2 end specify "should return nil if the table has no primary key" do ds = POSTGRES_DB[:test4] ds.delete ds.insert(:name=>'a').should == nil end end describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables" do before do POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SCHEMA schema_test" POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@primary_keys, {}) POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@primary_key_sequences, {}) end after do POSTGRES_DB << "DROP SCHEMA schema_test CASCADE" POSTGRES_DB.default_schema = nil end specify "should be able to create, drop, select and insert into tables in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].insert(:i=>1).should == 1 POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == {:i=>1} POSTGRES_DB.from('schema_test.schema_test'.lit).first.should == {:i=>1} POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:schema_test__schema_test) POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test.qualify(:schema_test)){integer :i} POSTGRES_DB[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil POSTGRES_DB.from('schema_test.schema_test'.lit).first.should == nil POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:schema_test.qualify(:schema_test)) end specify "#tables should not include tables in a default non-public schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} POSTGRES_DB.tables.should include(:schema_test) POSTGRES_DB.tables.should_not include(:pg_am) POSTGRES_DB.tables.should_not include(:domain_udt_usage) end specify "#tables should return tables in the schema provided by the :schema argument" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} POSTGRES_DB.tables(:schema=>:schema_test).should == [:schema_test] end specify "#schema should not include columns from tables in a default non-public schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} sch = POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains) cs ={|x| x.first} cs.should include(:i) cs.should_not include(:data_type) end specify "#schema should only include columns from the table in the given :schema argument" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:domains){integer :d} POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} sch = POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains, :schema=>:schema_test) cs ={|x| x.first} cs.should include(:i) cs.should_not include(:d) POSTGRES_DB.drop_table(:domains) end specify "#schema should raise an exception if columns from tables in two separate schema are returned" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:public__domains){integer :d} POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} begin proc{POSTGRES_DB.schema(:domains)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) POSTGRES_DB.schema(:public__domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:d] POSTGRES_DB.schema(:schema_test__domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:i] ensure POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:public__domains) end end specify "#table_exists? should see if the table is in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:schema_test__schema_test).should == true end specify "should be able to get primary keys for tables in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} POSTGRES_DB.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i' end specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test".schema_test_i_seq' end specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){primary_key :i} POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."schema test_i_seq"' end specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.kseq" POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>"nextval('schema_test.kseq'::regclass)".lit} POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test".kseq' end specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do POSTGRES_DB << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.\"ks eq\"" POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>"nextval('schema_test.\"ks eq\"'::regclass)".lit} POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."ks eq"' end specify "#default_schema= should change the default schema used from public" do POSTGRES_DB.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} POSTGRES_DB.default_schema = :schema_test POSTGRES_DB.table_exists?(:schema_test).should == true POSTGRES_DB.tables.should == [:schema_test] POSTGRES_DB.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i' POSTGRES_DB.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test".schema_test_i_seq' end end describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables and eager graphing" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB "DROP SCHEMA s CASCADE" rescue nil "CREATE SCHEMA s" @db.create_table(:s__bands){primary_key :id; String :name} @db.create_table(:s__albums){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands} @db.create_table(:s__tracks){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :album_id, :s__albums} @db.create_table(:s__members){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands} @Band = @Album = @Track = @Member = def; :Band; end def; :Album; end def; :Track; end def; :Member; end @Band.one_to_many :albums, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name @Band.one_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :order=>:name @Album.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name @Album.one_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :order=>:name @Track.many_to_one :album, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name @Member.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name @Member.many_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :join_table=>:s__bands, :right_key=>:id, :left_key=>:id, :left_primary_key=>:band_id, :right_primary_key=>:band_id, :order=>:name @Band.many_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :join_table=>:s__albums, :right_key=>:id, :right_primary_key=>:album_id, :order=>:name @b1 = @Band.create(:name=>"BM") @b2 = @Band.create(:name=>"J") @a1 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM1", :band=>@b1) @a2 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM2", :band=>@b1) @a3 = @Album.create(:name=>"GH", :band=>@b2) @a4 = @Album.create(:name=>"GHL", :band=>@b2) @t1 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-1", :album=>@a1) @t2 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-2", :album=>@a1) @t3 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-1", :album=>@a2) @t4 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-2", :album=>@a2) @m1 = @Member.create(:name=>"NU", :band=>@b1) @m2 = @Member.create(:name=>"TS", :band=>@b1) @m3 = @Member.create(:name=>"NS", :band=>@b2) @m4 = @Member.create(:name=>"JC", :band=>@b2) end after(:all) do "DROP SCHEMA s CASCADE" end specify "should return all eager graphs correctly" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with previous joins" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select(:s__bands.*).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).from_self(:alias=>:bands0).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with joins with the same tables" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select(:s__bands.*).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with self referential associations" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []] members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:members).all members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]] members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:band, :members=>:band).all members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]{|x|}.should == [@b2, @b2, @b1, @b1]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b2, @b2], [@b2, @b2], [@b1, @b1], [@b1, @b1]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with a from_self dataset" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from_self.eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []] end specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of aliased from tables" do bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(:s__bands___tracks).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from( bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from( bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from('tracks')).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] end specify "should have eager graphs work with join tables with aliases" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums___tracks, :band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, :band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join('tracks'), :band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, :band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)}, :table_alias=>:tracks).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)}, :table_alias=>'tracks').eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>:id.qualify(:s__bands)}, :table_alias=>:tracks.identifier).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of qualified from tables" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(:bands.qualify(:s)).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(:bands.identifier.qualify(:s)).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(, 'bands')).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] end end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 80300 POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test6 do text :title text :body full_text_index [:title, :body] end describe "PostgreSQL tsearch2" do before do @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:test6] end after do POSTGRES_DB[:test6].delete end specify "should search by indexed column" do record = {:title => "oopsla conference", :body => "test"} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search(:title, "oopsla").all.should include(record) end specify "should join multiple coumns with spaces to search by last words in row" do record = {:title => "multiple words", :body => "are easy to search"} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record) end specify "should return rows with a NULL in one column if a match in another column" do record = {:title => "multiple words", :body =>nil} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record) end end end if POSTGRES_DB.dataset.supports_window_functions? describe "Postgres::Dataset named windows" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :group_id; Integer :amount} @ds = @db[:i1].order(:id) @ds.insert(:id=>1, :group_id=>1, :amount=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>2, :group_id=>1, :amount=>10) @ds.insert(:id=>3, :group_id=>1, :amount=>100) @ds.insert(:id=>4, :group_id=>2, :amount=>1000) @ds.insert(:id=>5, :group_id=>2, :amount=>10000) @ds.insert(:id=>6, :group_id=>2, :amount=>100000) end after do @db.drop_table?(:i1) end specify "should give correct results for window functions" do @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id, :order=>:id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win, :order=>id){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, {}).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id, :frame=>:all){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] end end end describe "Postgres::Database functions, languages, schemas, and triggers" do before do @d = POSTGRES_DB end after do @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>%w'integer integer') @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) @d.drop_table?(:test) end specify "#create_function and #drop_function should create and drop functions" do proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) args = ['tf', 'SELECT 1', {:returns=>:integer}] @d.send(:create_function_sql, *args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE FUNCTION tf\(\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+AS 'SELECT 1'\s*\z/ @d.create_function(*args) rows = @d['SELECT tf()'].all.should == [{:tf=>1}] @d.send(:drop_function_sql, 'tf').should == 'DROP FUNCTION tf()' @d.drop_function('tf') proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) end specify "#create_function and #drop_function should support options" do args = ['tf', 'SELECT $1 + $2', {:args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer], :replace=>true, :returns=>:integer, :language=>'SQL', :behavior=>:immutable, :strict=>true, :security_definer=>true, :cost=>2, :set=>{:search_path => 'public'}}] @d.send(:create_function_sql,*args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tf\(a integer, integer\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+IMMUTABLE\s+STRICT\s+SECURITY DEFINER\s+COST 2\s+SET search_path = public\s+AS 'SELECT \$1 \+ \$2'\s*\z/ @d.create_function(*args) # Make sure replace works @d.create_function(*args) rows = @d['SELECT tf(1, 2)'].all.should == [{:tf=>3}] args = ['tf', {:if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer]}] @d.send(:drop_function_sql,*args).should == 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tf(a integer, integer) CASCADE' @d.drop_function(*args) # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_function(*args) end specify "#create_language and #drop_language should create and drop languages" do @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql' @d.create_language(:plpgsql, :replace=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 proc{@d.create_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE plpgsql' @d.drop_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000 proc{@d.drop_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql, :replace=>true, :trusted=>true, :handler=>:a, :validator=>:b).should == (@d.server_version >= 90000 ? 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b' : 'CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b') @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE IF EXISTS plpgsql CASCADE' # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 end specify "#create_schema and #drop_schema should create and drop schemas" do @d.send(:create_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'CREATE SCHEMA "sequel"' @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'DROP SCHEMA "sequel"' @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "sequel" CASCADE' @d.create_schema(:sequel) @d.create_table(:sequel__test){Integer :a} if @d.server_version >= 80200 @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) else @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :cascade=>true) end end specify "#create_trigger and #drop_trigger should create and drop triggers" do @d.create_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.create_function(:tf, 'BEGIN IF NEW.value IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION \'Blah\'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;', :language=>:plpgsql, :returns=>:trigger) @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON "test" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf()' @d.create_table(:test){String :name; Integer :value} @d.create_trigger(:test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true) @d[:test].insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}] proc{@d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}] @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>3) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>3}] @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity).should == 'DROP TRIGGER identity ON "test"' @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity) @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :after=>true, :events=>:insert, :args=>[1, 'a']).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity AFTER INSERT ON "test" EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf(1, \'a\')' @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS identity ON "test" CASCADE' # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres describe "Postgres::Dataset #use_cursor" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test_cursor){Integer :x} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test_cursor] @db.transaction{1001.times{|i| @ds.insert(i)}} end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test_cursor) end specify "should return the same results as the non-cursor use" do @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all end specify "should respect the :rows_per_fetch option" do @db.sqls.clear @ds.use_cursor.all @db.sqls.length.should == 6 @db.sqls.clear @ds.use_cursor(:rows_per_fetch=>100).all @db.sqls.length.should == 15 end specify "should handle returning inside block" do def @ds.check_return use_cursor.each{|r| return} end @ds.check_return @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all end end describe "Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES[:interval] = lambda{|v| v.reverse} @db.reset_conversion_procs end after do Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES.delete(:interval) @db.reset_conversion_procs @db.drop_table?(:foo) end specify "should look up conversion procs by name" do @db.create_table!(:foo){interval :bar} @db[:foo].insert('21 days'.cast(:interval)) @db[:foo].get(:bar).should == 'syad 12' end end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG && POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000 describe "Postgres::Database#copy_table" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test_copy){Integer :x; Integer :y} ds = @db[:test_copy] ds.insert(1, 2) ds.insert(3, 4) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test_copy) end specify "without a block or options should return a text version of the table as a single string" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy).should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n" end specify "without a block and with :format=>:csv should return a csv version of the table as a single string" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv).should == "1,2\n3,4\n" end specify "should treat string as SQL code" do @db.copy_table('COPY "test_copy" TO STDOUT').should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n" end specify "should respect given :options options" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :options=>"FORMAT csv, HEADER TRUE").should == "x,y\n1,2\n3,4\n" end specify "should respect given :options options when :format is used" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv, :options=>"QUOTE '''', FORCE_QUOTE *").should == "'1','2'\n'3','4'\n" end specify "should accept dataset as first argument" do @db.copy_table(@db[:test_copy].cross_join(:test_copy___tc).order(:test_copy__x, :test_copy__y, :tc__x, :tc__y)).should == "1\t2\t1\t2\n1\t2\t3\t4\n3\t4\t1\t2\n3\t4\t3\t4\n" end specify "with a block and no options should yield each row as a string in text format" do buf = [] @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"] end specify "with a block and :format=>:csv should yield each row as a string in csv format" do buf = [] @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1,2\n", "3,4\n"] end specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following copy_table" do buf = [] proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"] end specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following regular query" do buf = [] proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] @db[:test_copy].select_order_map(:x).should == [1, 3] end end describe "Postgres::Database LISTEN/NOTIFY" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should support listen and notify" do notify_pid = @db.synchronize{|conn| conn.backend_pid} called = false @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid ['', nil].should include(payload) called = true end.should == 'foo' called.should be_true called = false @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar')}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'bar' called = true end.should == 'foo' called.should be_true @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}).should == 'foo' called = false called2 = false i = 0 @db.listen(['foo', 'bar'], :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar'); @db.notify('bar', :payload=>'foo')}, :loop=>proc{i+=1}) do |ev, pid, payload| if !called ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'bar' called = true else ev.should == 'bar' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'foo' called2 = true break end end.should be_nil called.should be_true called2.should be_true i.should == 1 end specify "should accept a :timeout option in listen" do @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001).should == nil called = false @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil called.should be_false i = 0 @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001, :loop=>proc{i+=1; throw :stop if i > 3}){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil i.should == 4 end unless RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.2' && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # Ruby freezes on this spec on this platform/version end end describe 'PostgreSQL special float handling' do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test5){Float :value} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5) end if check_sqls specify 'should quote NaN' do nan = 0.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => nan).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('NaN')} end specify 'should quote +Infinity' do inf = 1.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('Infinity')} end specify 'should quote -Infinity' do inf = -1.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('-Infinity')} end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres specify 'inserts NaN' do nan = 0.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>nan) @ds.all[0][:value].nan?.should be_true end specify 'inserts +Infinity' do inf = 1.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>inf) @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should > 0 end specify 'inserts -Infinity' do inf = -1.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>inf) @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should < 0 end end end describe 'PostgreSQL array handling' do before(:all) do Sequel.extension :pg_array @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extend Sequel::Postgres::PGArray::DatabaseMethods @ds = @db[:items] @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve integer and float arrays of various sizes' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i2, 'int2[]' column :i4, 'int4[]' column :i8, 'int8[]' column :r, 'real[]' column :dp, 'double precision[]' end @ds.insert([1].pg_array(:int2), [nil, 2].pg_array(:int4), [3, nil].pg_array(:int8), [4, nil, 4.5].pg_array(:real), [5, nil, 5.5].pg_array("double precision")) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:i2=>[1], :i4=>[nil, 2], :i8=>[3, nil], :r=>[4.0, nil, 4.5], :dp=>[5.0, nil, 5.5]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs @ds.delete @ds.insert([[1], [2]].pg_array(:int2), [[nil, 2], [3, 4]].pg_array(:int4), [[3, nil], [nil, nil]].pg_array(:int8), [[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]].pg_array(:real), [[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]].pg_array("double precision")) rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:i2=>[[1], [2]], :i4=>[[nil, 2], [3, 4]], :i8=>[[3, nil], [nil, nil]], :r=>[[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]], :dp=>[[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve decimal arrays' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :n, 'numeric[]' end @ds.insert(['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')].pg_array(:numeric)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:n=>['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs @ds.delete @ds.insert([['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]].pg_array(:numeric)) rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:n=>[['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve string arrays' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :c, 'char(4)[]' column :vc, 'varchar[]' column :t, 'text[]' end @ds.insert(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'].pg_array('char(4)'), ['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'].pg_array(:varchar), ['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'].pg_array(:text)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:c=>['a ', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :vc=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :t=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c']}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs @ds.delete @ds.insert([[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]].pg_array('char(4)'), [[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]].pg_array(:varchar), [[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]].pg_array(:text)) rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:c=>[[['a '], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :vc=>[[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :t=>[[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use arrays in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'int4[]' end, {:i=>[1,2]}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == [1, 2] @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,2]).should == {:i=>[1,2]} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,3]).should == nil @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'text[]' end a = ["\"\\\\\"{}\n\t\r \v\b123afP", 'NULL', nil, ''], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>a.pg_array) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>['', nil, nil, 'a']).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id column :i, 'integer[]' column :f, 'double precision[]' column :d, 'numeric[]' column :t, 'text[]' end c =[:items])) c.plugin :typecast_on_load, :i, :f, :d, :t unless @native o = c.create(:i=>[1,2, nil], :f=>[[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]], :d=>[1,'1.000000000000000000001')], :t=>[%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']]) o.i.should == [1, 2, nil] o.f.should == [[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]] o.d.should == ['1'),'1.000000000000000000001')] o.t.should == [%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']] end specify 'operations/functions with pg_array_ops' do Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'integer[]'; column :i2, 'integer[]'; column :i3, 'integer[]'; column :i4, 'integer[]'; column :i5, 'integer[]'} @ds.insert([1, 2, 3].pg_array, [2, 1].pg_array, [4, 4].pg_array, [[5, 5], [4, 3]].pg_array, [1, nil, 5].pg_array) @ds.get(:i.pg_array > :i3).should be_false @ds.get(:i3.pg_array > :i).should be_true @ds.get(:i.pg_array >= :i3).should be_false @ds.get(:i.pg_array >= :i).should be_true @ds.get(:i3.pg_array < :i).should be_false @ds.get(:i.pg_array < :i3).should be_true @ds.get(:i3.pg_array <= :i).should be_false @ds.get(:i.pg_array <= :i).should be_true @ds.get({5=>:i.pg_array.any}.sql_expr).should be_false @ds.get({1=>:i.pg_array.any}.sql_expr).should be_true @ds.get({1=>:i3.pg_array.all}.sql_expr).should be_false @ds.get({4=>:i3.pg_array.all}.sql_expr).should be_true @ds.get(:i2.pg_array[1]).should == 2 @ds.get(:i2.pg_array[2]).should == 1 @ds.get(:i4.pg_array[2][1]).should == 4 @ds.get(:i4.pg_array[2][2]).should == 3 @ds.get(:i.pg_array.contains(:i2)).should be_true @ds.get(:i.pg_array.contains(:i3)).should be_false @ds.get(:i2.pg_array.contained_by(:i)).should be_true @ds.get(:i.pg_array.contained_by(:i2)).should be_false @ds.get(:i.pg_array.overlaps(:i2)).should be_true @ds.get(:i2.pg_array.overlaps(:i3)).should be_false @ds.get(:i.pg_array.dims).should == '[1:3]' @ds.get(:i.pg_array.length).should == 3 @ds.get(:i.pg_array.lower).should == 1 if @db.server_version >= 90000 @ds.get(:i5.pg_array.join).should == '15' @ds.get(:i5.pg_array.join(':')).should == '1:5' @ds.get(:i5.pg_array.join(':', '*')).should == '1:*:5' end == 3 if @db.server_version >= 80400 if @native @ds.get(:i.pg_array.push(4)).should == [1, 2, 3, 4] @ds.get(:i.pg_array.unshift(4)).should == [4, 1, 2, 3] @ds.get(:i.pg_array.concat(:i2)).should == [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] end end end describe 'PostgreSQL hstore handling' do before(:all) do Sequel.extension :pg_hstore @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extend Sequel::Postgres::HStore::DatabaseMethods @ds = @db[:items] @h = {'a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil, 'd'=>'NULL', 'e'=>'\\\\" \\\' ,=>'} @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve hstore values' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :h, :hstore end @ds.insert(@h.hstore) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:h] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should == @h @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use hstore in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, :hstore end, {:i=>@h.hstore}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @h @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>@h.hstore).should == {:i=>@h} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>{}.hstore).should == nil @ds.delete, {:i=>@h}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @h @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>@h).should == {:i=>@h} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>{}).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id column :h, :hstore end c =[:items])) c.plugin :typecast_on_load, :h unless @native c.create(:h=>@h.hstore).h.should == @h end specify 'operations/functions with pg_hstore_ops' do Sequel.extension :pg_hstore_ops Sequel.extension :pg_array Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops @db.create_table!(:items){hstore :h1; hstore :h2; hstore :h3; String :t} @ds.insert({'a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil}.hstore, {'a'=>'b'}.hstore, {'d'=>'e'}.hstore) h1 = :h1.hstore h2 = :h2.hstore h3 = :h3.hstore @ds.get(h1['a']).should == 'b' @ds.get(h1['d']).should == nil @ds.get(h2.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3 @ds.get(h2.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3 unless @db.adapter_scheme == :do # Broken DataObjects thinks operators with ? represent placeholders @ds.get(h1.contain_all(%w'a c'.pg_array)).should == true @ds.get(h1.contain_all(%w'a d'.pg_array)).should == false @ds.get(h1.contain_any(%w'a d'.pg_array)).should == true @ds.get(h1.contain_any(%w'e d'.pg_array)).should == false end @ds.get(h1.contains(h2)).should == true @ds.get(h1.contains(h3)).should == false @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h1)).should == true @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h3)).should == false @ds.get(h1.defined('a')).should == true @ds.get(h1.defined('c')).should == false @ds.get(h1.defined('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.delete('a')['c']).should == nil @ds.get(h1.delete(%w'a d'.pg_array)['c']).should == nil @ds.get(h1.delete(h2)['c']).should == nil @ds.from({'a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil}.hstore.op.each).order(:key).all.should == [{:key=>'a', :value=>'b'}, {:key=>'c', :value=>nil}] unless @db.adapter_scheme == :do @ds.get(h1.has_key?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.include?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.key?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.member?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.exist?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.has_key?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.include?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.key?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.member?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.exist?('d')).should == false end @ds.get(h1.hstore.hstore.hstore.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.keys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.from({'t'=>'s'}.hstore.op.populate(, :items))).select_map(:t).should == ['s'] @ds.from(:items___i).select({'t'=>'s'}.hstore.op.record_set(:i).as(:r)).from_self(:alias=>:s).select('(r).*'.lit).from_self.select_map(:t).should == ['s'] @ds.from({'t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b'} == %w'a t' @ds.get(h1.slice(%w'a c'.pg_array).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.slice(%w'd c'.pg_array).keys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.slice(%w'd e'.pg_array).keys.pg_array.length).should == nil @ds.from({'t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b'} == %w'b s' @ds.get(h1.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 4 @ds.get(h2.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.values.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.values.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.avals.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.avals.pg_array.length).should == 1 end end if POSTGRES_DB.type_supported?(:hstore)