/** @namespace */ ChromeDriver = {}; /** * Array of all information about currently loaded tabs (where a WebDriver * window is probably a tab) * Entries of form: * {Int tabId, String windowName, Port mainPort, Boolean isFrameset, FrameData[] frames} * FrameData ::= {[Int frameId], String frameName, Port framePort, FrameData[]} * frameId can be undefined, if it has not yet been looked up, but should be * added once it is known * @type {Array.} TODO(jmleyba): Type info */ ChromeDriver.tabs = []; /** * Port to the currently active frame (or tab, if the current page is not a * frameset). * @type {?Port} */ ChromeDriver.activePort = null; /** * ID of the currently active tab. * @type {?string} */ ChromeDriver.activeTabId = null; /** * Whether we should switch to the next tab which opens. Should be set if the * last active tab was closed. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.doFocusOnNextOpenedTab = true; /** * Place to temporarily store the URL currently being loaded, so that we can * retry if needed, because opening a URL is an async callback. * @type {?string} */ ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded = null; /** * URL we believe we're currently on. * @type {?string} */ ChromeDriver.currentUrl = null; /** * Whether we are loading a new URL that difers from the current URL only in * fragment. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.isGettingUrlButOnlyChangingByFragment = false; /** * Whether we are currently executing a {@code ChromeDriver#close()}, and * accordingly should send a success response when the tab closes. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.isClosingTab = false; /** * Whether we have sent a response to the {currently, most recently loading * page. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.hasSentResponseToThisPageLoading = false; /** * Whether we believe a page is open to which we have no content script. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.hasNoConnectionToPage = true; /** * Stores the remaining frames to traverse when switching frames. * @type {Array.} */ ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath = []; /** * Port to the frameset or main content page we currently have loaded, so that * we can probe it for information about its frames. * @type {?Port} */ ChromeDriver.portToUseForFrameLookups = null; /** * The last request we sent that has not been answered, so that if we change * page between sending a request and receiving a response, we can re-send it to * the newly loaded page. * @type {*} TODO(jmleyba) */ ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet = null; /** * Whether the plugin has the OS-specific window handle for the active tab. This * is called HWND rather than window handle to avoid confusion with the other * use of window handle to mean 'name of window'. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.hasHwnd = false; /** * THe last XMLHttpRequest we made (used for communication with test language * bindings). * @type {?XMLHttpRequest} */ ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest = null; /** * URL to ping for commands. * TODO(danielwh): Get this from the initial URL - see http://crbug.com/11547, * the ChromeDriverInternals wiki page. * There is a patch to fix this on the Downloads page of the Selenium project * @type {string} */ ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequestUrl = ""; /** * @type {number} */ ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber = 0; /** * @type {number} */ ChromeDriver.getUrlRequestSequenceNumber = 0; /** * Prefix prepended to the hopefully unique javascript window name, in hopes of * further removing conflict. * @type {string} */ ChromeDriver.windowHandlePrefix = '__webdriver_chromedriver_windowhandle'; /** * Whether we will not execute any commands because we are already executing * one. * @type {boolean} */ ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; /** * It's possible that the page has completed loading, * but the content script has not yet fired. * In this case, to not report that there is no page, * when we are just too fast, we wait up to this amount of time. * @type {number} unit: milliseconds */ ChromeDriver.timeoutUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading = 5000; /** * How long we are currently waiting for the content script to load * after loading the page * @type {number} unit: milliseconds */ ChromeDriver.currentlyWaitingUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading; //Set ChromeDriver.currentlyWaitingUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading; resetCurrentlyWaitingOnContentScriptTime(); /** * How long we wait between poling whether we have a content script, * when loading a new page, up until * ChromeDriver.timeoutUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading * @type {number} unit: milliseconds */ ChromeDriver.waitForContentScriptIncrement = 100; chrome.extension.onConnect.addListener(function(port) { console.log("Connected to " + port.name); // Note: The frameset port *always* connects before any frame port. After // that, the order is in page loading time ChromeDriver.hasNoConnectionToPage = false; var foundTab = false; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId == port.tab.id) { //We must be a new [i]frame in the page, because when a page closes, it is // removed from ChromeDriver.tabs //TODO(danielwh): Work out WHICH page it's a sub-frame of (I don't look // forward to this) ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames.push({ frameName: port.name, framePort: port, frames: [] }); //Loaded a frame. Pushed it to the array. We don't know which page it's // a sub-frame of, in the case of nested frames, if they have the same // names. It would be nice to think people didn't use frames, let alone // several layers of nesting of frames with the same name, but if it turns // out to be a problem... Well, we'll see. foundTab = true; break; } } if (!foundTab) { //New tab! //We don't know if it's a frameset yet, so we leave that as undefined ChromeDriver.tabs.push({ tabId: port.tab.id, windowName: ChromeDriver.windowHandlePrefix + "_" + port.tab.id, mainPort: port, frames: [] }); } if (ChromeDriver.doFocusOnNextOpenedTab) { ChromeDriver.activePort = port; setActiveTabDetails(port.tab); //Re-parse the last request we sent if we didn't get a response, //because we ain't seeing a response any time soon if (ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet != null) { if (ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded != null) { ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet = null; } else { ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; console.log("Re-trying request which was sent but not answered"); parseRequest(ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet); } } } if (ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded != null) { //This was the result of a getUrl. Need to issue a response sendEmptyResponseWhenTabIsLoaded(port.tab); } port.onMessage.addListener(parsePortMessage); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function disconnectPort(port) { console.log("Disconnected from " + port.name); var remainingTabs = []; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId == port.tab.id) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].mainPort == port) { //This main tab is being closed. //Don't include it in the new version of ChromeDriver.tabs. //Any subframes will also disconnect, //but their tabId won't be present in the array, //so they will be ignored. continue; } else { //This is a subFrame being ditched var remainingFrames = []; for (var frame in ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame].framePort == port) { continue; } remainingFrames.push(ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame]); } ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames = remainingFrames; } } remainingTabs.push(ChromeDriver.tabs[tab]); } ChromeDriver.tabs = remainingTabs; if (ChromeDriver.tabs.length == 0 || ChromeDriver.activePort == null || ChromeDriver.activePort.tab.id == port.tab.id) { //If it is the active tab, perhaps we have followed a link, //so we should focus on it. //We have nothing better to focus on, anyway. resetActiveTabDetails(); } if (ChromeDriver.isClosingTab) { //We are actively closing the tab, and expect a response to this sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false) ChromeDriver.isClosingTab = false; if (ChromeDriver.tabs.length == 0) { chrome.windows.getAll({}, function(windows) { for (var window in windows) { chrome.windows.remove(windows[window].id); } }); } } }); }); //Tell the ChromeCommandExecutor that we are here sendResponseByXHR({statusCode: 0}, false); /** * Sends the passed argument as the result of a command * @param result object encapsulating result to send * @param wait whether we expect this command to possibly make changes * we need to wait for (e.g. adding elements, opening windows) - if so, * we wait until we think these effects are done */ function sendResponseByXHR(result, wait) { console.log("Sending result by XHR: " + JSON.stringify(result)); if (ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest != null) { ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest.abort(); } ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = handleXmlHttpRequestReadyStateChange; ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest.open( "POST", ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequestUrl, true); ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader( "Content-type", "application/json"); //Default to waiting for page changes, just in case //TODO(danielwh): Iterate over tabs checking their status if (wait === undefined || wait == null || wait) { setTimeout(sendResult, 600, [result]); } else { sendResult(result); } } /** * Actually sends the result by XHR * Should only EVER be called by sendResponseByXHR, * as it ignores things like setting up XHR and blocking, * and just forces the sending over an assumed open XHR * @param result String to send */ function sendResult(result) { //TODO(danielwh): Iterate over tabs checking their status ChromeDriver.xmlHttpRequest.send(result + "\nEOResponse\n"); console.log("Sent result by XHR: " + JSON.stringify(result)); } /** * Sends the response to a request, which has been parsed by parseRequest * Should be used only from within parseRequest (or methods called from it), * because it adheres to the blocking semantics of parseRequest */ function sendResponseToParsedRequest(toSend, wait) { if (!ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse) { console.log("Tried to send a response (" + toSend + ") when not waiting for one. Dropping response."); return; } ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet = null; console.log("SENDING RESPOND TO PARSED REQUEST"); sendResponseByXHR(JSON.stringify(toSend), wait); setExtensionBusyIndicator(false); } /** * When we receive a request, dispatches parseRequest to execute it */ function handleXmlHttpRequestReadyStateChange() { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status != 200) { console.log("Request state was 4 but status: " + this.status + ". responseText: " + this.responseText); } else { console.log("GOT XHR RESPONSE: " + this.responseText); var request = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (request.request == "quit") { //We're only allowed to send a response if we're blocked waiting for one, so pretend console.log("SENDING QUIT XHR"); sendResponseByXHR(JSON.stringify({statusCode: 0}), false); } else { console.log("Got request to execute from XHR: " + this.responseText); parseRequest(request); } } } } /** * Parses a request received from the ChromeCommandExecutor and either sends the * response, or sends a message to the content script with a command to execute * @param request object encapsulating the request (e.g. * {request: url, url: "http://www.google.co.uk"}) */ function parseRequest(request) { if (ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse) { console.log("Already sent a request which hasn't been replied to yet. " + "Not parsing any more."); return; } ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = true; setExtensionBusyIndicator(true); switch (request.request) { case "get": getUrl(request.url); break; case "close": //Doesn't re-focus the ChromeDriver.activePort on any tab. chrome.tabs.remove(ChromeDriver.activeTabId); ChromeDriver.isClosingTab = true; break; case "getCurrentWindowHandle": if (ChromeDriver.activePort == null) { // console.log("No active port right now."); // Fine. Find the active tab. // TODO(simon): This is lame and error prone var len = ChromeDriver.tabs.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[i].selected) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: ChromeDriver.tabs[i].id}, false); } } // Hohoho. The first argument to tabs.getSelected is optional, but must be set. chrome.windows.getCurrent(function(win) { chrome.tabs.getSelected(win.id, function(tab) { var len = ChromeDriver.tabs.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[i].tabId == tab.id) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: ChromeDriver.tabs[i].tabId}, false); return; } } }); }); } else { // Wow. I can't see this being error prone in the slightest var handle = ChromeDriver.activePort.sender.tab.id; sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: handle}, false); }; break; case "getWindowHandles": sendResponseToParsedRequest(getWindowHandles(), false); break; case "switchToDefaultContent": switchToDefaultContent(); break; case "switchToFrameByIndex": switchToFrame(null, request.index); break; case "switchToFrameByName": switchToFrame(request.name, null); break; case "switchToWindow": ChromeDriver.hasHwnd = false; if (request.windowName !== undefined) { setActivePortByWindowName(request.windowName); } else { sendResponseToParsedRequest({ statusCode: 3, value: { message: 'Window to switch to was not given' } }, false); } break; case "screenshot": getScreenshot(); break; case "clickElement": case "hoverOverElement": // Falling through, as native events are handled the same case "sendKeysToElement": if (typeof(request.keys) == "object" && request.keys.length !== undefined) { request.keys = request.keys.join(""); } sendMessageOnActivePortAndAlsoKeepTrackOfIt( wrapInjectEmbedIfNecessary(request)); break; case "getCurrentUrl": case "getTitle": if (hasNoPage()) { console.log("Not got a page, but asked for string, so sending empty string"); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: ''}); break; } // Falling through, as if we do have a page, we want to treat this like a // normal request case "findElement": case "findChildElement": if (hasNoPage()) { console.log("Not got a page, but asked for element, so throwing NoSuchElementException"); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 7, value: {message: 'Was not on a page, so could not find elements'}}); break; } // Falling through, as if we do have a page, we want to treat this like a // normal request case "findElements": case "findChildElements": if (hasNoPage()) { console.log("Not got a page, but asked for elements, so returning no elements"); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: []}); break; } // Falling through, as if we do have a page, we want to treat this like a // normal request case "deleteAllCookies": case "deleteCookie": if (hasNoPage()) { console.log("Not got a page, but asked to delete cookies, so returning ok"); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}); break; } // Falling through, as if we do have a page, we want to treat this like a // normal request default: var sequenceNumber = ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber; ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber++; sendMessageOnActivePortAndAlsoKeepTrackOfIt({ request: request, sequenceNumber: sequenceNumber }); break; } } function getScreenshot() { chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, getScreenshotResult); } function getScreenshotResult(snapshotDataUrl) { var index = snapshotDataUrl.indexOf('base64,'); if (index == -1) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 99}, false); return; } var base64 = snapshotDataUrl.substring(index + 'base64,'.length); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0, value: base64}, false); } function sendMessageOnActivePortAndAlsoKeepTrackOfIt(message) { ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet = message.request; try { ChromeDriver.activePort.postMessage(message); } catch (e) { console.log("Tried to send request without an active port. " + "Request will retry when connected, but will hang until then."); } } /** * Parse messages coming in on the port (responses from the content script). * @param message JSON message of format: * {response: "some command", * value: {statusCode: STATUS_CODE * [, optional params]}} */ function parsePortMessage(message) { console.log( "Received response from content script: " + JSON.stringify(message)); if (!message || !message.response || !message.response.value || message.response.value.statusCode === undefined || message.response.value.statusCode == null || message.sequenceNumber === undefined) { // Should only ever happen if we sent a bad request, // or the content script is broken console.log("Got invalid response from the content script."); return; } var toSend = {statusCode: 12}; ChromeDriver.lastRequestToBeSentWhichHasntBeenAnsweredYet = null; switch (message.response.value.statusCode) { // Error codes are loosely based on native exception codes, see // common/src/cpp/webdriver-interactions/errorcodes.h case 0: case 2: //org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException [Cookies] case 3: //org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException case 7: //org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException case 8: //org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchFrameException case 9: //java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException [Unknown command] case 10: //org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException case 11: //org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException case 12: //java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException [Invalid element state ] case 13: //org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException [Unhandled error] case 17: //org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException [Bad javascript] case 19: //org.openqa.selenium.XPathLookupException case 99: //org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException [Native event] toSend = {statusCode: message.response.value.statusCode, value: null}; if (message.response.value !== undefined && message.response.value != null && message.response.value.value !== undefined) { toSend.value = message.response.value.value; } sendResponseToParsedRequest(toSend, message.response.wait); break; case "no-op": //Some special operation which isn't sending HTTP switch (message.response.response) { case "clickElement": try { if (document.embeds[0].clickAt(message.response.value.x, message.response.value.y)) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, true); } else { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 99}, true); } } catch(e) { console.log("Error natively clicking. Trying non-native."); ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; parseRequest({ request: 'nonNativeClickElement', elementId: message.response.value.elementId }); } break; case "hoverElement": try { var points = message.response.value; if (document.embeds[0].mouseMoveTo(15, points.oldX, points.oldY, points.newX, points.newY)) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, true); } else { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 99}, true); } } catch(e) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 99}, true); } break; case "sendKeysToElement": try { if (document.embeds[0].sendKeys(message.response.value.keys)) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, true); } else { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 99}, true); } } catch(e) { console.log("Error natively sending keys. Trying non-native."); ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; parseRequest({ request: 'sendElementNonNativeKeys', elementId: message.response.value.elementId, keys: message.response.value.keys }); } break; case "sniffForMetaRedirects": if (!message.response.value.value && !ChromeDriver.hasSentResponseToThisPageLoading) { ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded = null; ChromeDriver.hasSentResponseToThisPageLoading = true; switchToDefaultContent(); } break; case "newTabInformation": var response = message.response.value; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { //RACE CONDITION!!! //This call should happen before another content script //connects and returns this value, //but if it doesn't, we may get mismatched information if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].isFrameset === undefined) { ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].isFrameset = response.isFrameset; return; } else { for (var frame in ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames) { var theFrame = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame]; if (theFrame.isFrameset === undefined) { theFrame.isFrameset = response.isFrameset; return; } } } } break; case "getFrameNameFromIndex": var newName = message.response.value.name; if (ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath.length != 0) { newName += "." + ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath.join("."); } switchToFrameByName(newName); break; } break; } } /** * If the plugin doesn't currently have an HWND for this page, * we need to get one by injecting an embed */ function wrapInjectEmbedIfNecessary(requestObject) { if (ChromeDriver.hasHwnd) { var sequenceNumber = ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber; ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber++; return { sequenceNumber: sequenceNumber, request: requestObject }; } else { var wrappedObject = { sequenceNumber: ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber, request: { request: "injectEmbed", followup: { sequenceNumber: ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber + 1, request: requestObject } } }; ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber += 2; return wrappedObject; } } /** * Gets all current window handles * @return an array containing all of the current window handles */ function getWindowHandles() { var windowHandles = []; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { windowHandles.push(ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].windowName); } return {statusCode: 0, value: windowHandles} } function resetActiveTabDetails() { ChromeDriver.activePort = null; ChromeDriver.hasHwnd = false; ChromeDriver.activeTabId = null; ChromeDriver.doFocusOnNextOpenedTab = true; ChromeDriver.hasSentResponseToThisPageLoading = false; ChromeDriver.portToUseForFrameLookups = null; ChromeDriver.currentUrl = null; resetCurrentlyWaitingOnContentScriptTime(); } function setActiveTabDetails(tab) { ChromeDriver.activeTabId = tab.id; ChromeDriver.activeWindowId = tab.windowId; ChromeDriver.doFocusOnNextOpenedTab = false; ChromeDriver.currentUrl = tab.url; resetCurrentlyWaitingOnContentScriptTime(); } function switchToDefaultContent() { ChromeDriver.hasHwnd = false; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId == ChromeDriver.activeTabId) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].isFrameset) { ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; parseRequest({request: 'switchToFrameByIndex', index: 0}); } else { ChromeDriver.activePort = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].mainPort; sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); } return; } } } function switchToFrame(name, index) { ChromeDriver.hasHwnd = false; for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId == ChromeDriver.activeTabId) { ChromeDriver.portToUseForFrameLookups = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].mainPort; break; } } if (name !== undefined && name != null) { switchToFrameByName(name); } else if (index !== undefined && index != null) { getFrameNameFromIndex(index); } else { sendResponseToParsedRequest({ statusCode: 9, value: { message: "Switching frames other than by name or id is unsupported" } }); } } function switchToFrameByName(name) { var names = name.split("."); for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId == ChromeDriver.activeTabId) { var frame; for (frame in ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames) { // Maybe name was a fully qualified name, which perhaps just happened to // include .s if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame].frameName == name) { ChromeDriver.activePort = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame].framePort; ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath = []; sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); return; } } for (frame in ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames) { // Maybe we're looking for a child, see if this is the parent of it if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame].frameName == names[0]) { ChromeDriver.activePort = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].frames[frame].framePort; ChromeDriver.portToUseForFrameLookups = ChromeDriver.activePort; names.shift(); ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath = names; if (names.length == 0) { sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); return; } else { switchToFrameByName(names.join(".")); return; } } } } } //Maybe the "name" was actually an index? Let's find out... var index = null; try { index = parseInt(names[0]); } catch (e) { } if (!isNaN(index)) { names.shift(); ChromeDriver.restOfCurrentFramePath = names; getFrameNameFromIndex(index); return; } ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; parseRequest({request: 'switchToNamedIFrameIfOneExists', name: name}); } function getFrameNameFromIndex(index) { var message = { request: { request: "getFrameNameFromIndex", index: index }, sequenceNumber: ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber }; ChromeDriver.requestSequenceNumber++; ChromeDriver.portToUseForFrameLookups.postMessage(message); } /** * Closes the current tab if it exists, and opens a new one, in which it * gets the URL passed * @param url the URL to load */ function getUrl(url) { ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded = url; var tempActiveTagId = ChromeDriver.activeTabId; if (url.indexOf("#") > -1 && ChromeDriver.currentUrl != null && ChromeDriver.currentUrl.split("#")[0] == url.split("#")[0]) { ChromeDriver.isGettingUrlButOnlyChangingByFragment = true; } else { resetActiveTabDetails(); } ChromeDriver.currentUrl = url; if (tempActiveTagId == null) { chrome.tabs.create({url: url, selected: true}, getUrlCallback); } else { ChromeDriver.activeTabId = tempActiveTagId; if (ChromeDriver.isGettingUrlButOnlyChangingByFragment) { chrome.tabs.update(ChromeDriver.activeTabId, {url: url, selected: true}, getUrlCallback); } else { // we need to create the new tab before deleting the old one // in order to avoid hanging on OS X var oldId = ChromeDriver.activeTabId; resetActiveTabDetails(); chrome.tabs.create({url: url, selected: true}, getUrlCallback); chrome.tabs.remove(oldId); } } } function getUrlCallback(tab) { if (chrome.extension.lastError) { // An error probably arose because Chrome didn't have a window yet // (see crbug.com 19846) // If we retry, we *should* be fine. Unless something really bad is // happening, in which case we will probably hang indefinitely trying to // reload the same URL getUrl(ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded); return; } if (tab == null) { //chrome.tabs.update's callback doesn't pass a Tab argument, //so we need to populate it ourselves chrome.tabs.get(ChromeDriver.activeTabId, getUrlCallback); return; } if (tab.status != "complete") { // Use the helper calback so that we actually get updated version of the tab // we're getting setTimeout("getUrlCallbackById(" + tab.id + ")", 10); } else { ChromeDriver.getUrlRequestSequenceNumber++; if (ChromeDriver.activePort == null) { if (ChromeDriver.currentlyWaitingUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading <= 0) { ChromeDriver.hasNoConnectionToPage = true; sendEmptyResponseWhenTabIsLoaded(tab); } else { ChromeDriver.currentlyWaitingUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading -= ChromeDriver.waitForContentScriptIncrement; setTimeout("getUrlCallbackById(" + tab.id + ")", ChromeDriver.waitForContentScriptIncrement); return; } } setActiveTabDetails(tab); } if (ChromeDriver.isGettingUrlButOnlyChangingByFragment) { ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded = null; resetCurrentlyWaitingOnContentScriptTime(); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); ChromeDriver.isGettingUrlButOnlyChangingByFragment = false; } } function getUrlCallbackById(tabId) { chrome.tabs.get(tabId, getUrlCallback); } function sendEmptyResponseWhenTabIsLoaded(tab) { if (tab.status == "complete") { if (ChromeDriver.activePort) { ChromeDriver.isBlockedWaitingForResponse = false; parseRequest({request: 'sniffForMetaRedirects'}); } else { if (!ChromeDriver.hasSentResponseToThisPageLoading) { ChromeDriver.urlBeingLoaded = null; sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); } } } else { chrome.tabs.get(tab.id, sendEmptyResponseWhenTabIsLoaded); } } function setExtensionBusyIndicator(busy) { if (busy) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: "icons/busy.png"}) } else { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: "icons/free.png"}) } } function setActivePortByWindowName(handle) { for (var tab in ChromeDriver.tabs) { if (ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].windowName == handle || ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].mainPort.name == handle || ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId.toString() == handle) { ChromeDriver.activePort = ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].mainPort; chrome.tabs.get(ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId, setActiveTabDetails); chrome.tabs.update(ChromeDriver.tabs[tab].tabId, {selected: true}); sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 0}, false); return; } } sendResponseToParsedRequest({statusCode: 3, value: {message: 'Could not find window to switch to by handle: ' + handle}}, false); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether there is currently no active page. */ function hasNoPage() { return ChromeDriver.hasNoConnectionToPage || ChromeDriver.activePort == null || ChromeDriver.activeTabId == null; } function resetCurrentlyWaitingOnContentScriptTime() { ChromeDriver.currentlyWaitingUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading = ChromeDriver.timeoutUntilGiveUpOnContentScriptLoading; }