# Geoblacklight [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/geoblacklight/geoblacklight.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/geoblacklight/geoblacklight) | [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/geoblacklight/geoblacklight.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/geoblacklight/geoblacklight?branch=coveralls) GeoBlacklight is a world-class discovery platform for geospatial (GIS) holdings. It is an open collaborative project aiming to build off of the successes of the Blacklight Solr-powered discovery interface and the multi-institutional OpenGeoportal federated metadata sharing communities. We are currently in a collaborative design phase and we're actively looking for community input and development partners. More coming soon! ## Features * Text and spatial search with scoring formula * Facet by institution, year, publisher, data type, access, format * Facet by place, subject * Sort by relevance, year, publisher, title * Results list view icons and snippets * Detail map view for WMS features * Detail map view feature inspection * Slugs * Results list map view of bounding boxes * WMS/WFS/WCS links * Download Shapefile * Download KML * Download Metadata (for Stanford) * Built-in sample Solr 4.10 index * Search history ## TODO * See https://github.com/geoblacklight/geoblacklight/issues * See https://github.com/geoblacklight/geoblacklight-schema/issues ## Development To install a development instance of GeoBlacklight follow these instructions. Clone the repository (using `--recurse`) git clone --recurse git@github.com:geoblacklight/geoblacklight.git Download and configure `jetty` to run Solr rake jetty:download jetty:unzip rake geoblacklight:configure_jetty Create a test app (created at `/spec/internal`) rake engine_cart:generate Boot `jetty` rake jetty:start Boot GeoBlacklight test app cd spec/internal rake geoblacklight:solr:seed # to load sample documents into jetty Solr instance rails server Note that if you're using Rails with Spring enabled, we've found the the `rails generate` commands will stall. The workaround is to kill the spring daemon process. You will will probably not need to run this generator regularly. Run tests rake ci ## Installation To bootstrap a new GeoBlacklight Rails application $ rails new app-name -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geoblacklight/geoblacklight/master/template.rb To install Solr (with jetty) $ cd app-name $ rake jetty:download $ rake jetty:unzip $ rake geoblacklight:configure_jetty ## Usage For a non-development instance: 1. Populate a Solr 4.7 index with geoblacklight-schema documents 2. Configure your GeoBlacklight application's `config/solr.yml` to point to the Solr index 3. Configure your `config/environments` and `app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb` 4. `rails server` to run GeoBlacklight ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/my-github-username/geoblacklight/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request Also, if you wish to ask questions or participate further, email the [GeoBlacklight Working Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/geoblacklight-working-group) at geoblacklight-working-group@googlegroups.com.