module Fastlane class LaneList # Print out the result of `generate` SWIFT_FUNCTION_REGEX = /\s*func\s*(\w*)\s*\(\s*\)\s*/ SWIFT_DESC_REGEX = /\s*desc\s*\(\s*"(.*)"\s*\)\s*/ def self.output(path) puts(generate(path)) puts("Execute using `fastlane [lane_name]`".yellow) end def self.generate_swift_lanes(path) return unless (path || '').length > 0 UI.user_error!("Could not find Fastfile.swift at path '#{path}'") unless File.exist?(path) path = File.expand_path(path) lane_content = current_lane_name = nil lanes_by_name = {} lane_content.split("\n").reject(&:empty?).each do |line| line.strip! if line.start_with?("func") current_lane_name = self.lane_name_from_swift_line(potential_lane_line: line) lanes_by_name[current_lane_name] = nil, name: current_lane_name.to_sym, description: []) elsif line.start_with?("desc") lane_description = self.desc_entry_for_swift_lane(named: current_lane_name, potential_desc_line: line) unless lane_description next end lanes_by_name[current_lane_name].description = [lane_description] current_lane_name = nil end end # "" because that will be interpreted as general platform # (we don't detect platform right now) return { "" => lanes_by_name } end def self.desc_entry_for_swift_lane(named: nil, potential_desc_line: nil) unless named return nil end desc_match = SWIFT_DESC_REGEX.match(potential_desc_line) unless desc_match return nil end return desc_match[1] end def self.lane_name_from_swift_line(potential_lane_line: nil) function_name_match = SWIFT_FUNCTION_REGEX.match(potential_lane_line) unless function_name_match return nil end unless function_name_match[1].downcase.end_with?("lane") return nil end return function_name_match[1] end def self.generate(path) lanes = {} if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift? lanes = generate_swift_lanes(path) else ff = lanes = ff.runner.lanes end output = "" all_keys = lanes.keys.reject(&:nil?) all_keys.unshift(nil) # because we want root elements on top. always! They have key nil all_keys.each do |platform| next if (lanes[platform] || []).count == 0 plat_text = platform plat_text = "general" if platform.to_s.empty? output += "\n--------- #{plat_text}---------\n".yellow value = lanes[platform] next unless value value.each do |lane_name, lane| next if lane.is_private output += "----- fastlane #{lane.pretty_name}".green if lane.description.count > 0 output += "\n" + lane.description.join("\n") + "\n\n" else output += "\n\n" end end end output end def self.output_json(path) puts(JSON.pretty_generate(self.generate_json(path))) end # Returns a hash def self.generate_json(path) output = {} return output if path.nil? ff = all_keys = ff.runner.lanes.keys all_keys.each do |platform| next if (ff.runner.lanes[platform] || []).count == 0 output[platform] ||= {} value = ff.runner.lanes[platform] next unless value value.each do |lane_name, lane| next if lane.is_private output[platform][lane_name] = { description: lane.description.join("\n") } end end return output end end end