
Interface Summary
AppAdmin The application administration interface to App Engine.
AppAdminFactory.PasswordPrompt Callback that is invoked to prompt the user to enter a password.
CronEntry Describes a single cron entry.
UpdateListener A listener which receives events during a long running operation that involves interaction with the server.

Class Summary
AppAdminFactory Creates a new AppAdmin for a designated App Engine application.
AppAdminFactory.ConnectOptions The options used to connect to the remote App Engine administration server.
Application An App Engine application.
UpdateFailureEvent Received by an UpdateListener.
UpdateProgressEvent Received by an UpdateListener periodically during an operation to indicate progress.
UpdateSuccessEvent Received by an UpdateListener.

Enum Summary
AppAdmin.LogSeverity The severity levels for App Engine application logging.

Exception Summary
AdminException Thrown when an unrecoverable failure occurs while communicating with the remote administration console.