# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # image_gps.rb $Revision: 1.1 $ # # 概要: # # # 使い方: # 絵日記Plugin(image.rb)とおなじ # # Copyright (c) 2009,2010 kp # Distributed under the GPL # =begin ChangeLog 2010-04-21 kp * スマートフォン対応 * Google Maps API Keyが設定されていない場合はStaticMAPを生成しない * リンク先をGoogle Mapsに統一 2009-06-03 kp * first version * fork from image_gps2.rb =end begin require 'exifparser' rescue retry if require 'rubygems' end def tky2wgs lat,lon lat_w = lat - lat*0.00010695 + lon*0.000017464 + 0.0046017 lon_w = lon - lat*0.000046038 - lon*0.000083043 + 0.010040 lat = lat_w lon = lon_w return lat,lon end def image( id, alt = 'image', thumbnail = nil, size = nil, place = 'photo' ) if @conf.secure then image = "#{@image_date}_#{id}.jpg" image_t = "#{@image_date}_#{thumbnail}.jpg" if thumbnail else image = image_list( @image_date )[id.to_i] image_t = image_list( @image_date )[thumbnail.to_i] if thumbnail end if size then if size.kind_of?(Array) size = %Q[ width="#{size[0]}" height="#{size[1]}"] else size = %Q[ width="#{size.to_i}"] end else size = "" end show_exif_info = @conf['image_gps.show_exif_info'] show_exif_info = '' if show_exif_info.nil? google_maps_api_key = @conf['image_gps.google_maps_api_key'] google_maps_api_key = '' if google_maps_api_key.nil? if (@conf['image_gps.map_link_url'].nil? || @conf['image_gps.map_link_url'].empty?) map_link_url = '"http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?q=#{lat},#{lon}"' else map_link_url = '"'+@conf['image_gps.map_link_url']+'"' end exif = ExifParser.new("#{@image_dir}/#{image}".untaint) rescue nil google = "http://maps.google.co.jp" if exif #GPS Info begin raise if exif['GPSLatitudeRef'].value.length==0 raise if exif['GPSLongitudeRef'].value.length==0 lat = exif['GPSLatitude'].value lat = lat[0].to_f + lat[1].to_f/60 + lat[2].to_f/3600 lat = -lat if exif['GPSLatitudeRef'].value == 'S' lon = exif['GPSLongitude'].value lon = lon[0].to_f + lon[1].to_f/60 + lon[2].to_f/3600 lon = -lon if exif['GPSLongitudeRef'].value == 'W' datum = exif['GPSMapDatum'].value if exif.tag?('GPSMapDatum') lat,lon = tky2wgs(lat,lon) if datum == 'TOKYO' rescue lat = nil end # show exif info sep=' ' # ToDo: separator to config param. detail =%Q[

] show_exif_info.split(' ').each{|e| detail += "#{exif[e].to_s}"+sep if exif.tag?(e) } unless lat.nil? unless (google_maps_api_key == '' || @conf.smartphone?) map_img = %Q["http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?format=gif&] map_img += %Q[center=#{lat},#{lon}&zoom=14&size=200x200&markers=#{lat},#{lon}&] map_img += %Q[key=#{google_maps_api_key}&sensor=false"] end map_link = %Q[] map_link += %Q[MAP] map_link += %Q[] if map_img map_link += "" detail += map_link end detail += "

" end img = %Q[#{alt}] img_t = %Q[#{alt}] url = '' if @conf.mobile_agent? url += %Q[] unless lat.nil? url += thumbnail ? img_t : img url += %Q[] unless lat.nil? else url += %Q[
] url += %Q[] url += thumbnail ? img_t : img url += %Q[] url += %Q[#{detail}] if detail url += %Q[
] end url end add_header_proc do if @mode !~ /conf$/ and not bot? then <<-HTML HTML else '' end end add_conf_proc('image_gps','image_gpsの設定','etc') do if @mode == 'saveconf' then @conf['mage_gps.google_maps_api_key'] = @cgi.params['image_gps.google_maps_api_key'][0] @conf['image_gps.show_exif_info'] = @cgi.params['image_gps.show_exif_info'][0] @conf['image_gps.map_link_url'] = @cgi.params['image_gps.map_link_url'][0] end <<-HTML

Google Static Maps API Key

Show Exif Info


exp.)Model FocalLength FNumber ExposureTime ExposureBiasValue

Map Link URL




HTML end