Cypress C32 Patient Test Record: <%= patient.first %> <%= patient.last %> 202 Burlington Rd. Bedford MA 01730 <%= patient.first %> <%= patient.last %> <% if (patient.race) %> displayName="<%= patient.race['name'] %>"<% end %> codeSystemName="CDC Race and Ethnicity" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"/> <% end %> <% if (patient.race) %> displayName="<%= patient.ethnicity['name'] %>"<% end %> codeSystemName="CDC Race and Ethnicity" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.238"/> <% end %> <% languages = patient.languages languages = ["en-US"] if languages.nil? or languages.empty? languages.each do |language|%> <% end %> Cypress 202 Burlington Rd. Bedford MA 01730 <% if patient.allergies.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'allergies', :locals => {:entries => patient.allergies} %> <% else %> <%== render :partial => 'allergies_no_current', :locals => {:entries => patient.allergies} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.medications.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'medications', :locals => {:entries => patient.medications} %> <% else %> <%== render :partial => 'medications_no_current', :locals => {:entries => patient.medications} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.results.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'results', :locals => {:entries => patient.results} %> <% else -%> <%== render :partial => 'results_no_current', :locals => {:entries => patient.medications} %> <% end %> <% if patient.conditions.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'conditions', :locals => {:entries => patient.conditions} %> <% else %> <%== render :partial => 'conditions_no_current', :locals => {:entries => patient.conditions} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.procedures.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'procedures', :locals => {:entries => patient.procedures} %> <% else %> <%== render :partial => 'procedures_no_current', :locals => {:entries => patient.conditions} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.encounters.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'encounters', :locals => {:entries => patient.encounters} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.vital_signs.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'vital_signs', :locals => {:entries => patient.vital_signs} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.immunizations.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'immunizations', :locals => {:entries => patient.immunizations} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.care_goals.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'care_goals', :locals => {:entries => patient.care_goals} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.social_history.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'social_history', :locals => {:entries => patient.social_history} %> <% end -%> <% if patient.medical_equipment.present? -%> <%== render :partial => 'medical_equipment', :locals => {:entries => patient.medical_equipment} %> <% end -%>