# frozen_string_literal: true

module Upgrow
  # This module offers helpers to work with the collection of Actions loaded in
  # the application.
  # Actions are created with a concrete, predefined interface. This allows them
  # to be uniformly instantiated in the context of an application, which is
  # helpful to prevent duplications.
  module Actions
    extend self

    # Convenience method to retrieve an Action based on a key name optionally
    # namespaced.
    # @example Retrieve Action based on a global key name
    #   Actions['show'] #=> ShowAction
    # @example Retrieve a namespaced Action
    #   Actions['articles', 'show'] #=> Articles::ShowAction
    # @param names [Array<String>] one or more names, the last one being the
    #   name of the Action without the "Action" suffix, optionally lowercased.
    # @return [Action] the Action specified by the names.
    def [](*names)
      action_class_name = names.map(&:capitalize).join('::') + 'Action'