# Contributing This project is MIT licensed and welcomes outside contributions. ## Reporting issues Report issues using the [Github issues tracker](https://github.com/Shopify/statsd-instrument/issues/new). When reporting issues, please incldue the following information: - Your Ruby interpreter version. - The statsd-instrument version. **Note:** only the latest version is supported. - The StatsD backend you are using. ## Pull request 1. Fork the repository, and create a branch. 2. Implement the feature or bugfix, and add tests that cover the changed functionality. 3. Create a pull request. Make sure that you get Travis CI passes. 4. Ping **@jstorimer** and/or **@wvanbergen** for a code review. Some notes: - Make sure to follow to coding style. - Make sure your changes are properly documented using [yardoc syntax](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/yard/file/docs/GettingStarted.md). - Add an entry to the "unreleased changes" section of [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md). - **Do not** update `StatsD::Instrument::VERSION`. This will be done during the release prodecure. ## Release procedure 1. Update the version number in `lib/statsd/instrument/version.rb`. 2. Move the "Unreleased changes" items in [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) to a new section for the release. 3. Commit these changes. 4. Run `bundle exec rake release`.