module Webpacker::Helper # Returns the current Webpacker instance. # Could be overridden to use multiple Webpacker # configurations within the same app (e.g. with engines). def current_webpacker_instance Webpacker.instance end # Computes the relative path for a given Webpacker asset. # Returns the relative path using manifest.json and passes it to path_to_asset helper. # This will use path_to_asset internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same. # # Example: # # # When extract_css is false in webpacker.yml and the file is a css: # <%= asset_pack_path 'calendar.css' %> # => nil # # # When extract_css is true in webpacker.yml or the file is not a css: # <%= asset_pack_path 'calendar.css' %> # => "/packs/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e122.css" def asset_pack_path(name, **options) if current_webpacker_instance.config.extract_css? || !stylesheet?(name) path_to_asset(current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(name), options) end end # Computes the absolute path for a given Webpacker asset. # Returns the absolute path using manifest.json and passes it to url_to_asset helper. # This will use url_to_asset internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same. # # Example: # # # When extract_css is false in webpacker.yml and the file is a css: # <%= asset_pack_url 'calendar.css' %> # => nil # # # When extract_css is true in webpacker.yml or the file is not a css: # <%= asset_pack_url 'calendar.css' %> # => "" def asset_pack_url(name, **options) if current_webpacker_instance.config.extract_css? || !stylesheet?(name) url_to_asset(current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(name), options) end end # Creates an image tag that references the named pack file. # # Example: # # <%= image_pack_tag 'application.png', size: '16x10', alt: 'Edit Entry' %> # Edit Entry # # <%= image_pack_tag 'picture.png', srcset: { 'picture-2x.png' => '2x' } %> # def image_pack_tag(name, **options) if options[:srcset] && !options[:srcset].is_a?(String) options[:srcset] = options[:srcset].map do |src_name, size| "#{resolve_path_to_image(src_name)} #{size}" end.join(", ") end image_tag(resolve_path_to_image(name), options) end # Creates a link tag for a favicon that references the named pack file. # # Example: # # <%= favicon_pack_tag 'mb-icon.png', rel: 'apple-touch-icon', type: 'image/png' %> # def favicon_pack_tag(name, **options) favicon_link_tag(resolve_path_to_image(name), options) end # Creates a script tag that references the named pack file, as compiled by webpack per the entries list # in package/environments/base.js. By default, this list is auto-generated to match everything in # app/javascript/packs/*.js. In production mode, the digested reference is automatically looked up. # # Example: # # <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # => # def javascript_pack_tag(*names, **options) javascript_include_tag(*sources_from_manifest_entries(names, type: :javascript), **options) end # Creates script tags that reference the js chunks from entrypoints when using split chunks API, # as compiled by webpack per the entries list in package/environments/base.js. # By default, this list is auto-generated to match everything in # app/javascript/packs/*.js and all the dependent chunks. In production mode, the digested reference is automatically looked up. # See: # # Example: # # <%= javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar', 'map', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # => # # # # # # # DO: # # <%= javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar', 'map' %> # # DON'T: # # <%= javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar' %> # <%= javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag 'map' %> def javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag(*names, **options) javascript_include_tag(*sources_from_manifest_entrypoints(names, type: :javascript), **options) end # Creates a link tag, for preloading, that references a given Webpacker asset. # In production mode, the digested reference is automatically looked up. # See: # # Example: # # <%= preload_pack_asset 'fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2' %> # => # def preload_pack_asset(name, **options) if self.class.method_defined?(:preload_link_tag) preload_link_tag(current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(name), options) else raise "You need Rails >= 5.2 to use this tag." end end # Creates a link tag that references the named pack file, as compiled by webpack per the entries list # in package/environments/base.js. By default, this list is auto-generated to match everything in # app/javascript/packs/*.js. In production mode, the digested reference is automatically looked up. # # Note: If the development server is running and hot module replacement is active, this will return nothing. # In that setup you need to configure your styles to be inlined in your JavaScript for hot reloading. # # Examples: # # # When extract_css is false in webpacker.yml: # <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # => # nil # # # When extract_css is true in webpacker.yml: # <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # => # def stylesheet_pack_tag(*names, **options) if current_webpacker_instance.config.extract_css? stylesheet_link_tag(*sources_from_manifest_entries(names, type: :stylesheet), **options) end end # Creates link tags that reference the css chunks from entrypoints when using split chunks API, # as compiled by webpack per the entries list in package/environments/base.js. # By default, this list is auto-generated to match everything in # app/javascript/packs/*.js and all the dependent chunks. In production mode, the digested reference is automatically looked up. # See: # # Examples: # # <%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar', 'map' %> # => # # # # # DO: # # <%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar', 'map' %> # # DON'T: # # <%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'calendar' %> # <%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'map' %> def stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag(*names, **options) if current_webpacker_instance.config.extract_css? stylesheet_link_tag(*sources_from_manifest_entrypoints(names, type: :stylesheet), **options) end end private def stylesheet?(name) File.extname(name) == ".css" end def sources_from_manifest_entries(names, type:) { |name| current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(name, type: type) }.flatten end def sources_from_manifest_entrypoints(names, type:) { |name| current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup_pack_with_chunks!(name, type: type) }.flatten.uniq end def resolve_path_to_image(name) path = name.starts_with?("media/images/") ? name : "media/images/#{name}" path_to_asset(current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(path)) rescue path_to_asset(current_webpacker_instance.manifest.lookup!(name)) end end