This option provisions instances from pre-existing Google Compute Engine images. Currently only supports debian-7 and centos-6 platforms (Google Compute Engine available images) Pre-requisites: * A Google Compute Engine project. * An active service account to your Google Compute Engine project (Service Accounts Documentation), along with the following information: * The service account private key file (named xxx-privatekey.p12). * The service account email address (named * The service account password. * A passwordless ssh keypair (SSH login without password, Setting up Google Compute sshKeys metadata). * Name the pair `google-compute` * Place the public key in your Google Compute Engine project metadata * `key`: `sshKeys` * `value` is the contents of your with "google_compute:" prepended, eg:
google_compute:ssh-rsaAAAABCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDeeeeeeeeFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiiJJJJJJJJKKKKKKKKKlllllllllllllllllllMNOppppppppppppppppppQRSTUV123456789101010101101010101011010101010110/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP+AB user@machine.local### example GCE hosts file### HOSTS: debian-7-master: roles: - master - agent - database platform: debian-7-wheezy-xxx hypervisor: google centos-6-agent: roles: - agent platform: centos-6-xxx hypervisor: google CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 gce_project: google-compute-project-name gce_keyfile: /path/to/*****-privatekey.p12 gce_password: notasecret gce_email: ********* Google Compute cloud instances and disks are deleted after test runs, but it is up to the owner of the Google Compute Engine project to ensure that any zombie instances/disks are properly removed should Beaker fail during cleanup.