
    This file is part of the Arachni-RPC project and may be subject to
    redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni-RPC
    web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.


require_relative 'message'

module Arachni
module RPC

# Represents an RPC request.
# It's here only for formalization purposes, it's not actually sent over the wire.
# What is sent is a hash generated by {#prepare_for_tx}. which is in the form of:
#     {
#         # RPC message in the form of 'handler.method'.
#         'message' => msg,
#         # Optional array of arguments for the remote method.
#         'args'    => args,
#         # Optional authentication token.
#         'token'   => token
#     }
# Any client that has SSL support and can serialize a Hash just like the one
# above can communicate with the RPC server.
# @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@arachni-scanner.com>
class Request < Message

    # @return   [String]
    #   RPC message in the form of 'handler.method'.
    attr_accessor :message

    # @return   [Array]
    #   Optional arguments for the remote method.
    attr_accessor :args

    # @return   [String]
    #   Optional authentication token.
    attr_accessor :token

    # @return   [Proc]
    #   Callback to be invoked on the response.
    attr_accessor :callback


    def transmit?( attr )
        ![ :@callback ].include?( attr )

