require_relative 'pact_helper' require 'pact_broker/client/webhooks/create' RSpec.describe "creating a webhook", pact: true do include_context "pact broker" include PactBrokerPactHelperMethods let(:params) do { http_method: "POST", url: "https://webhook", headers: { "Foo" => "bar", "Bar" => "foo"}, username: "username", password: "password", body: body, consumer: "Condor", provider: "Pricing Service", events: ["contract_content_changed"] }.tap { |it| Pact::Fixture.add_fixture(:create_webhook_params, it) } end let(:body) { { some: "body" }.to_json } let(:request_body) do { "events" => [ { "name" => "contract_content_changed" } ], "request" => { "url" => "https://webhook", "method" => "POST", "headers" => { "Foo" => "bar", "Bar" => "foo" }, "body" => { "some" => "body" }, "username" => "username", "password" => "password" } } end let(:success_response) do { status: 201, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _links: { self: { href: Pact.term('http://localhost:1234/some-url', %r{http://.*}), title:"A title") } } } } end let(:pact_broker_client_options) { {} } subject {, broker_base_url, pact_broker_client_options) } context "when a valid webhook with a JSON body is submitted" do before do pact_broker .given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook with a JSON body for a consumer and provider") .with( method: :post, path: '/webhooks/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor', headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with(success_response) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject).to be_a PactBroker::Client::CommandResult expect(subject.success).to be true expect(subject.message).to eq "Webhook \"A title\" created" end end context "when a valid webhook with an XML body is submitted" do before do request_body["request"]["body"] = body pact_broker .given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook with a non-JSON body for a consumer and provider") .with( method: :post, path: '/webhooks/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor', headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with(success_response) end let(:body) { "<xml></xml>" } it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject.success).to be true end end context "when an invalid webhook is submitted" do before do params[:url] = nil request_body["request"]["url"] = nil pact_broker .given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("an invalid request to create a webhook for a consumer and provider") .with( method: :post, path: '/webhooks/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor', headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body). will_respond_with( status: 400, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: { errors: { "request.url" => Pact.each_like("Some error") } } ) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = false" do expect(subject.success).to be false expect(subject.message).to match /400/ expect(subject.message).to match /Some error/ end end context "when one of the pacticipants does not exist" do before do pact_broker .given("'Condor' does not exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook for a consumer and provider") .with( method: :post, path: '/webhooks/provider/Pricing%20Service/consumer/Condor', headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body). will_respond_with( status: 404, headers: pact_broker_response_headers ) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = false" do expect(subject.success).to be false expect(subject.message).to match /404/ end end context "when only a consumer is specified" do before do params.delete(:provider) request_body["consumer"] = { "name" => "Condor" } mock_pact_broker_index(self) pact_broker .given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook with a JSON body for a consumer") .with( method: :post, path: placeholder_path('pb:webhooks'), headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with(success_response) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject.success).to be true expect(subject.message).to eq "Webhook \"A title\" created" end end context "when only a consumer is specified and it does not exist" do before do params.delete(:provider) request_body["consumer"] = { "name" => "Condor" } mock_pact_broker_index(self) pact_broker .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook with a JSON body for a consumer that does not exist") .with( method: :post, path: placeholder_path('pb:webhooks'), headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with( status: 400, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: { errors: { "" => Pact.each_like("Some error") } }) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject.success).to be false end end context "when only a provider is specified" do before do params.delete(:consumer) request_body["provider"] = { "name" => "Pricing Service" } mock_pact_broker_index(self) pact_broker .given("the 'Pricing Service' and 'Condor' already exist in the pact-broker") .upon_receiving("a request to create a webhook with a JSON body for a provider") .with( method: :post, path: placeholder_path('pb:webhooks'), headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with(success_response) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject.success).to be true end end context "when neither consumer nor provider are specified" do before do params.delete(:consumer) params.delete(:provider) mock_pact_broker_index(self) pact_broker .upon_receiving("a request to create a global webhook with a JSON body") .with( method: :post, path: placeholder_path('pb:webhooks'), headers: post_request_headers, body: request_body) .will_respond_with(success_response) end it "returns a CommandResult with success = true" do expect(subject.success).to be true end end end