- Run a command or interactive session on multiple remote hosts
knife ssh QUERY COMMAND (options)
, --attribute ATTR
, --concurrency NUM
, --manual-list
, --ssh-password PASSWORD
, --ssh-user USERNAME
The ssh sub-command opens an ssh session to each of the nodes in the search results of the QUERY. This sub-command requires that the net-ssh-multi and highline Ruby libraries are installed. On Debian systems, these are the libnet-ssh-multi-ruby and libhighline-ruby packages. They can also be installed as RubyGems (net-ssh-multi and highline, respectively).
knife ssh
integrates with several terminal multiplexer programs to
provide a more convenient means of managing multiple ssh sessions. When
the COMMAND option matches one of these, knife ssh
will create
multiple interactive ssh sessions running locally in the terminal
multiplexer instead of invoking the command on the remote host.
The available multiplexers are:
* interactive
A built-in multiplexer. `interactive` supports running commands on a
subset of the connected hosts in parallel
. ~/.screenrc will be sourced
if it exists.macterm
(Mac OS X only)knife-search(1)
Chef was written by Adam Jacob with many contributions from the community.
This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
Knife is distributed with Chef.