require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') include ActionDispatch::TestProcess #dummy migration for testing. #class TestMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # create_table :images, :force => true do |t| # t.string "filename" # t.datetime "created_at" # t.datetime "updated_at" # t.string "content_type" # t.integer "phocoder_job_id" # t.integer "phocoder_input_id" # t.integer "phocoder_output_id" # t.integer "width" # t.integer "height" # t.integer "file_size" # t.string "thumbnail" # t.integer "parent_id" # t.string "status" # t.string "upload_host" # end # end # # def self.down # drop_table :images # end #end # ##dummy class that can become phocodeable #class Image < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_phocodable #end describe ActsAsPhocodable do # the ImageUpload class in the dummy app # is wired up with acts_as_phocodable #before(:all){ TestMigration.up } #after(:all){ TestMigration.up } before(:each) do # @attr = { # :file => # :tempfile=> + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg', 'image/jpeg'), # :filename=>"big_eye_tiny.jpg" # ) # } ImageUpload.destroy_all @attr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg') } @vid_attr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/', 'video/quicktime') } @txt_attr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/test.txt', 'text/plain') } end it "should default into local mode" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode.should == "local" end it "should be able to go into offline mode" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "offline" ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode.should == "offline" end it "should default into automatic processing mode" do ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode.should == "automatic" end it "should be able to go into offline mode" do ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "resque" ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode.should == "resque" #reset for later tests ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "automatic" end it "should default to the url in the config" do ActsAsPhocodable.base_url.should == "" end it "should take a new base_url" do ActsAsPhocodable.base_url = "" ActsAsPhocodable.base_url.should == "" end it "should default to the normal config file" do ActsAsPhocodable.config_file.should == "config/phocodable.yml" end it "should take a new config file" do ActsAsPhocodable.config_file = "new_config/phocodable.yml" ActsAsPhocodable.config_file.should == "new_config/phocodable.yml" #reset it so we don't screw up other tests ActsAsPhocodable.config_file = "config/phocodable.yml" ActsAsPhocodable.config_file.should == "config/phocodable.yml" end it "should read the config file" do ActsAsPhocodable.config_file == "config/phocodable.yml" ActsAsPhocodable.config = nil ActsAsPhocodable.config.should be_nil ActsAsPhocodable.read_phocodable_configuration ActsAsPhocodable.config.should_not be_nil ActsAsPhocodable.config.to_json.should_not == "{}" #iu = #iu.phocodable_config.should_not be_nil end it "should read actual configs" do ActsAsPhocodable.config_file == "config/phocodable.yml" iu = iu.phocodable_config.should_not be_nil # these values are based on a config in spec/dummy/config/phocodable.yml # it is currently excluded from git since it contains an API key # this will fail for any one other than me. # what to do? iu.phocodable_config[:phocoder_url].should == "" iu.phocodable_config[:base_url].should == "" end describe "create_label_from_size_string" do it "should transform 50x50! => 50x50_crop" do ImageUpload.create_label_from_size_string("50x50!").should == "50x50crop" end it "should transform 50x50> => 50x50_preserve" do ImageUpload.create_label_from_size_string("50x50>").should == "50x50preserve" end end describe "create_atts_from_size_string" do it "should return the right hash" do atts = ImageUpload.create_atts_from_size_string("100x200crop") atts[:width].should == "100" atts[:height].should == "200" atts[:aspect_mode].should == "crop" end end it "should create phocoder params based on the acts_as_phocodable :thumbnail options" do iu = phorams = iu.phocoder_params #puts phorams.to_json phorams.should_not be_nil phorams[:input][:url].should == iu.public_url phorams[:thumbnails].size.should == 2 end it "should create phocoder params based on input thumbs that are passed in" do iu = phorams = iu.phocoder_params([{:label=>"test",:width=>60,:height=>60}]) #puts phorams.to_json phorams.should_not be_nil phorams[:input][:url].should == iu.public_url phorams[:thumbnails].size.should == 1 end it "should create zencooder params based on the acts_as_phocodable :videos options" do iu = zenrams = iu.zencoder_params #puts zenrams.to_json zenrams.should_not be_nil zenrams[:input].should == iu.public_url zenrams[:outputs].size.should == 2 #the first thumbnail variant :thumbnails => { :number => 2, ...} zenrams[:outputs][0][:thumbnails][:base_url].should be_nil #the second thumbnail variant :thumbnails => [{...},{...}] #we removed this for now - only 1 thumb is being generated, automatically #zenrams[:outputs][1][:thumbnails][0][:base_url].should be_nil end it "should create zencooder params with base_urls in s3 mode based on the acts_as_phocodable :videos options" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "s3" iu = zenrams = iu.zencoder_params #puts zenrams.to_json zenrams.should_not be_nil zenrams[:input].should == iu.public_url zenrams[:outputs].size.should == 2 #the first thumbnail variant :thumbnails => { :number => 2, ...} zenrams[:outputs][0][:thumbnails][:base_url].should_not be_nil #the second thumbnail variant :thumbnails => [{...},{...}] #we removed this for now - only 1 thumb is being generated, automatically #zenrams[:outputs][1][:thumbnails][0][:base_url].should_not be_nil ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" end it "should return some thumbnail options" do ImageUpload.phocoder_thumbnails.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.phocoder_thumbnails.size.should == 2 end it "should return attributes for a specific thumbnail" do ImageUpload.thumbnail_attributes_for("small").should_not be_nil end it "should be phocodable" do @image = @image.phocodable?.should be_true end it "should get the right file name" do iu = iu.filename.should == "big_eye_tiny.jpg" end it "should save the file to a local storage location" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_not_receive(:create) expected_resource_dir = "image_uploads/1" iu.resource_dir.should == expected_resource_dir expected_local_url = "/image_uploads/1/test.txt" iu.local_url.should == expected_local_url expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) iu.local_path.should == expected_local_path iu.local_url.should == "/image_uploads/#{}/#{iu.filename}" File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true iu.destroy File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end # it "should call phocoder for images" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record iu.destroy ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should call phocoder for images and be able to add new thumbs" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true # phocode is called after save in this mode #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"test","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>2}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding iu.phocode([{:label=>"test",:width=>60,:height=>60}]) ImageUpload.count.should == 3 # now to make sure that it doesn't try to recode exsiting thumbs iu.clear_phocoding iu.phocode([{:label=>"test",:width=>60,:height=>60}]) ImageUpload.count.should == 3 iu.destroy ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should call phocoder for images and be able to add new thumbs on the fly" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true # phocode is called after save in this mode #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record #this thumbnail doesn't exist yet lambda{ nt = iu.thumbnail_for("new_test") }.should raise_error(Exception) Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"anothertest","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>2}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for({:label=>"anothertest",:width=>60,:height=>60}) at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 3 # now to make sure that it doesn't try to recode exsiting thumbs iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for({:label=>"anothertest",:width=>60,:height=>60}) at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 3 iu.destroy ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should call phocoder for images and be able to add new thumbs on the fly with no label" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true # phocode is called after save in this mode #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record #this thumbnail doesn't exist yet lambda{ nt = iu.thumbnail_for("new_test") }.should raise_error(Exception) Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"60x60","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>2}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for({:width=>60,:height=>60}) at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 3 # now to make sure that it doesn't try to recode exsiting thumbs iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for({:width=>60,:height=>60}) at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 3 iu.destroy ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should call phocoder for images and be able to add new thumbs on the fly with just a size string label" do iu = Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true # phocode is called after save in this mode #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record #this thumbnail doesn't exist yet lambda{ nt = iu.thumbnail_for("new_test") }.should raise_error(Exception) Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"60x60","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>2}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for("60x60") at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 3 Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"80x","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>3}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for("80x") at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 4 Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"x90","filename"=>"test-test-file.jpg","id"=>4}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for("x90") at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 5 Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>2, "inputs"=>["id"=>2], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"","filename"=>"test.jpg","id"=>5}] } })) iu.clear_phocoding at = iu.thumbnail_for("100x100!") at.should_not be_nil ImageUpload.count.should == 6 iu.destroy ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should call zencoder for videos" do iu = Zencoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Zencoder::Response,:body=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "outputs"=>[{"label"=>"mp4","url"=>"http://someurl/","filename"=>"small-test-file.mp4","id"=>1}] })) #iu.should_receive(:create_zencoder_image_thumb).and_return(nil) expected_local_path = File.join('/tmp','image_uploads',,iu.filename) File.exists?(expected_local_path).should be_true #iu.phocode ImageUpload.count.should == 2 #it should have created a thumbnail record #iu.reload #make sure it knows aobut the thumbnail iu.destroy #puts "ImageUpload.first = #{ImageUpload.first.to_json}" ImageUpload.count.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_local_path).should_not be_true end it "should update parent images from phocoder" do iu = :phocoder_input_id=>1) Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) ImageUpload.update_from_phocoder({:input=>{:id=>1,:width=>10,:height=>20,:file_size=>30}}) iu.reload iu.width.should == 10 iu.height.should == 20 iu.file_size.should == 30 iu.phocoder_status.should == "ready" iu.destroy end it "should update thumbnail images from phocoder and donwload images in local mode" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" iu = :phocoder_input_id=>1) Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[] # don't auto create thumbs since we'll make one below } })) thumb =>1) #Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ # "job"=>{ # "id"=>1, # "inputs"=>["id"=>1], # "thumbnails"=>[] # } #})) stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => webmock_file("octologo.png"), :headers => {}) ImageUpload.update_from_phocoder({:output=>{:id=>1,:width=>10,:height=>20,:file_size=>30,:url=>"" }}) thumb.reload #expected_local_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)),'..','dummy','public','ImageUpload',,thumb.filename)) #puts "thumb.local_path = #{thumb.local_path} - #{}" File.exists?(thumb.local_path).should be_true thumb.width.should == 10 thumb.height.should == 20 thumb.file_size.should == 30 thumb.filename.should == "octologo.png" thumb.phocoder_status.should == "ready" thumb.destroy File.exists?(thumb.local_path).should_not be_true iu.destroy end it "in delayed s3 mode it should save the file to an AWS S3 storage location, call phocoder, then destroy" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "s3" ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "delayed" ImageUpload.establish_aws_connection iu = Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>[{"id"=>1}], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-thumbnail.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) #This save will work since we're in delayed mode # No thumbnail should be created yet iu.thumbnails.size.should == 0 # Mock the AWS reqeust for storing AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:store).and_return(nil) # Mock the AWS request for checking file size AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:find).and_return( mock(:size => 19494) ) iu.save_s3_file # Now we should have a thumb iu.thumbnails.size.should == 1 # Mock the AWS reqeust for deleting the file and it's thumbnail AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:delete).twice.and_return(nil) iu.destroy end it "in automatic s3 mode it should save the file to an AWS S3 storage location, call phocoder, then destroy" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "s3" ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "automatic" ImageUpload.establish_aws_connection #puts "=======================================" iu = Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>[{"id"=>1}], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) # Mock the AWS reqeust for storing AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:store).and_return(nil) # Mock the AWS request for checking file size AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:find).and_return( mock(:size => 19494) ) #now store in S3 + phocode #puts "=======================================" #puts iu.thumbnails.to_json iu.thumbnails.size.should == 1 iu.destroy end it "in spawn s3 mode it should save the file to an AWS S3 storage location, call phocoder, then destroy" do # In testing we use the spawn :yield strategy, which is really just the same as # automatic (inline) processing. It works for testing, and hopefully works in production. # Hopefully... ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "s3" ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "spawn" ImageUpload.establish_aws_connection iu = Phocoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>[{"id"=>1}], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) # Mock the AWS reqeust for storing AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:store).and_return(nil) # Mock the AWS request for checking file size AWS::S3::S3Object.should_receive(:find).and_return( mock(:size => 19494) ) #now store in S3 + phocode iu.thumbnails.size.should == 1 iu.destroy end end