class Grandstand::Image < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :gallery belongs_to :user default_scope order('position, id') has_attached_file :file, :convert_options => Hash[*(Grandstand.image_sizes.keys + [:grandstand_icon, :grandstand_medium]).map {|key| [key, '-gravity North']}.flatten], :default_url => "!", :path => '/images/:gallery_id/:padded_id-:style.:extension', :styles => { :grandstand_icon => '16x16#', :grandstand_medium => '200x200#' }.merge(Grandstand.image_sizes), :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => Grandstand.s3[:credentials], :bucket => Grandstand.s3[:bucket] delegate :url, :to => :file validates_presence_of :gallery validate :file_attached class << self # Returns the image sizes available for embedding in the public-facing pages. Sorts by potential pixel dimensions, # so icon sizes (75x75) return as smaller than page-width sizes (500x500 or whatever). Also adds a fun description # for the WYSIWYG editor, so '1024x768#' becomes '1024 x 768 (cropped)' in the event that the user is unhappy with # whatever goddamn sizes they're intended to accept. def sizes return @sizes if defined? @sizes sorted_sizes = Grandstand::Image.attachment_definitions[:file][:styles].reject {|style, dimensions| style.to_s =~ /^grandstand_/ }.inject({}) do |sizes, style_definition| style, dimensions = style_definition width, height = dimensions.gsub(/[^0-9x]/, '').split('x').map(&:to_i) width ||= 0 height ||= 0 if description = "#{height} pixel#{'s' unless height == 1} tall; width to scale" elsif description = "#{width} pixel#{'s' unless width == 1} wide; height to scale" else description = "#{width} x #{height}" end additional = [] clean_dimensions = dimensions.gsub(/[0-9x]/, '') if clean_dimensions =~ /\#$/ additional.push('cropped') end description << " (#{additional.join(', ')})" unless additional.empty? sizes[style.to_sym] = {:description => description, :dimensions => dimensions, :size => ( ? height : width) * ( ? width : height)} sizes end.sort {|a, b| a[1][:size] <=> b[1][:size] }.each do |key, value| sorted_sizes[key] = value end sorted_sizes end end protected def file_attached errors.add(:file, 'You must upload a file!') if file_file_name.blank? end end