# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'trace_eval/version' # Use trace point to print lines of code during eval. A randomized # sigil value is used to only print lines from this invocation of eval, # but nonsense could still ensure if this eval also evals. # module TraceEval def trace_eval(code) __wzpxmnrjafemvlrwflblbbyenywk__ = rand lines = [ "__wzpxmnrjafemvlrwflblbbyenywk__ = #{__wzpxmnrjafemvlrwflblbbyenywk__}\n" ] + code.lines tp = TracePoint.new(:line) do |tp| next unless tp.path == '(eval)' next unless tp.binding.local_variable_get( :__wzpxmnrjafemvlrwflblbbyenywk__ )==__wzpxmnrjafemvlrwflblbbyenywk__ $stderr.print lines[tp.lineno] rescue NameError end begin tp.enable eval code ensure tp.disable end end end