# SFTP file output plugin for Embulk [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/embulk/embulk-output-sftp.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/embulk/embulk-output-sftp) Stores files on a SFTP Server ## Overview * **Plugin type**: file output * **Load all or nothing**: no * **Resume supported**: no * **Cleanup supported**: no ## Configuration - **host**: (string, required) - **port**: (int, default: `22`) - **user**: (string, required) - **password**: (string, default: `null`) - **secret_key_file**: (string, default: `null`) [see below](#secret-keyfile-configuration) - **secret_key_passphrase**: (string, default: `""`) - **user_directory_is_root**: (boolean, default: `true`) - **timeout**: sftp connection timeout seconds (integer, default: `600`) - **path_prefix**: Prefix of output paths (string, required) - **file_ext**: Extension of output files (string, required) - **sequence_format**: Format for sequence part of output files (string, default: `".%03d.%02d"`) - **rename_file_after_upload**: Upload `file_ext` + ".tmp" first, then rename it after upload finish (boolean, default: `false`) ### Proxy configuration - **proxy**: - **type**: (string(http | socks | stream), required, default: `null`) - **http**: use HTTP Proxy - **socks**: use SOCKS Proxy - **stream**: Connects to the SFTP server through a remote host reached by SSH - **host**: (string, required) - **port**: (int, default: `22`) - **user**: (string, optional) - **password**: (string, optional, default: `null`) - **command**: (string, optional) ## Example ```yaml out: type: sftp host: port: 22 user: civitaspo secret_key_file: /Users/civitaspo/.ssh/id_rsa secret_key_passphrase: secret_pass user_directory_is_root: false timeout: 600 path_prefix: /data/sftp file_ext: _20151020.tsv sequence_format: ".%01d%01d" ``` With proxy ```yaml out: type: sftp host: port: 22 user: embulk secret_key_file: /Users/embulk/.ssh/id_rsa secret_key_passphrase: secret_pass user_directory_is_root: false timeout: 600 path_prefix: /data/sftp proxy: type: http host: proxy_host port: 8080 user: proxy_user password: proxy_secret_pass command: ``` ### Secret Keyfile configuration Please set path of secret_key_file as follows. ```yaml out: type: sftp ... secret_key_file: /path/to/id_rsa ... ``` You can also embed contents of secret_key_file at config.yml. ```yaml out: type: sftp ... secret_key_file: content | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ABCDEFG... HIJKLMN... OPQRSTU... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... ``` ## Run Example ``` $ ./gradlew classpath ``` Use `vagrant` to start a remote sshd server: ``` $ vagrant up ``` Run: ``` $ embulk run -Ilib example/sample.yml ``` ## Build ``` $ ./gradlew gem # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously $ ./gradlew bintrayUpload # release embulk-output-sftp to Bintray maven repo ``` ## Note This plugin uses "org.apache.commons:commons-vfs" and the library uses the logger "org.apache.commons.logging.Log". So, this plugin suppress the logger's message except when embulk log level is debug. ## Contributors - Satoshi Akama (@sakama) - Rudolph Miller (@Rudolph-Miller) - Naotoshi Seo (@sonots)