# encoding: utf-8 ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear! 'rails' require_relative '../config/environment' require 'rails/test_help' require 'rails/generators' require 'mocha/setup' # No need to add cache-busters in test environment Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:use_timestamp] = false class ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :all include ActionDispatch::TestProcess def setup reset_config reset_locale stub_paperclip end # resetting default configuration def reset_config ComfortableMexicanSofa.configure do |config| config.cms_title = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine' config.admin_auth = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth' config.public_auth = 'ComfortableMexicanSofa::DummyAuth' config.admin_route_redirect = '' config.enable_fixtures = false config.fixtures_path = File.expand_path('db/cms_fixtures', Rails.root) config.revisions_limit = 25 config.locales = { 'en' => 'English', 'es' => 'EspaƱol' } config.admin_locale = nil config.upload_file_options = { } config.admin_cache_sweeper = nil config.allow_irb = false config.allowed_helpers = nil config.allowed_partials = nil config.hostname_aliases = nil end ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth.username = 'username' ComfortableMexicanSofa::HttpAuth.password = 'password' end def reset_locale I18n.default_locale = :en I18n.locale = :en end # Example usage: # assert_has_errors_on @record, :field_1, :field_2 def assert_has_errors_on(record, *fields) unmatched = record.errors.keys - fields.flatten assert unmatched.blank?, "#{record.class} has errors on '#{unmatched.join(', ')}'" unmatched = fields.flatten - record.errors.keys assert unmatched.blank?, "#{record.class} doesn't have errors on '#{unmatched.join(', ')}'" end # Example usage: # assert_exception_raised do ... end # assert_exception_raised ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do ... end # assert_exception_raised Plugin::Error, 'error_message' do ... end def assert_exception_raised(exception_class = nil, error_message = nil, &block) exception_raised = nil yield rescue => exception_raised ensure if exception_raised if exception_class assert_equal exception_class, exception_raised.class, exception_raised.to_s else assert true end assert_equal error_message, exception_raised.to_s if error_message else flunk 'Exception was not raised' end end def assert_no_select(selector, value = nil) assert_select(selector, :text => value, :count => 0) end # Small method that allows for better formatting in tests def rendered_content_formatter(string) string.gsub(/^[ ]+/, '') end def stub_paperclip Comfy::Cms::Block.any_instance.stubs(:save_attached_files).returns(true) Comfy::Cms::Block.any_instance.stubs(:delete_attached_files).returns(true) Paperclip::Attachment.any_instance.stubs(:post_process).returns(true) end end class ActionController::TestCase def setup @request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = "Basic #{Base64.encode64('username:password')}" end end class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def setup host! 'test.host' reset_config reset_locale stub_paperclip end # Attaching http_auth stuff with request. Example use: # http_auth :get, '/cms-admin/pages' def http_auth(method, path, options = {}, username = 'username', password = 'password') send(method, path, options, {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => "Basic #{Base64.encode64(username + ':' + password)}"}) end end class Rails::Generators::TestCase destination File.expand_path('../tmp', File.dirname(__FILE__)) setup :prepare_destination, :prepare_files def prepare_files config_path = File.join(self.destination_root, 'config') routes_path = File.join(config_path, 'routes.rb') FileUtils.mkdir_p(config_path) FileUtils.touch(routes_path) File.open(routes_path, 'w') do |f| f.write("Test::Application.routes.draw do\n\nend") end end def read_file(filename) File.read( File.join( File.expand_path('fixtures/generators', File.dirname(__FILE__)), filename ) ) end end