# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Mongo module Protocol # MongoDB Wire protocol Update message. # # This is a client request message that is sent to the server in order # to update documents matching the provided query. # # The default is to update a single document. In order to update many at # a time users should set the +:multi_update+ flag for the update. # # If an upsert (update or insert) is desired, users can set the +:upsert+ # flag in order to indicate they would like to insert the merged selector # and update if no document matching the update query currently exists. # # @api semipublic class Update < Message # Creates a new Update message # # @example Update single document # Update.new('xgen', 'users', {:name => 'Tyler'}, {:name => 'Bob'}) # # @example Perform a multi update # Update.new('xgen', 'users', # {:age => 20}, {:age => 21}, :flags => [:multi_update]) # # @example Perform an upsert # Update.new('xgen', 'users', {:name => 'Tyler'}, :flags => [:upsert]) # # @param database [String, Symbol] The database to update. # @param collection [String, Symbol] The collection to update. # @param selector [Hash] The update selector. # @param update [Hash] The update to perform. # @param options [Hash] The additional query options. # # @option options :flags [Array] The flags for the update message. # # Supported flags: +:upsert+, +:multi_update+ def initialize(database, collection, selector, update, options = {}) @namespace = "#{database}.#{collection}" @selector = selector @update = update @flags = options[:flags] || [] end # The log message for an update operation. # # @example Get the log message. # update.log_message # # @return [ String ] The log message # # @since 2.0.0 def log_message fields = [] fields << ["%s |", "UPDATE"] fields << ["namespace=%s", namespace] fields << ["selector=%s", selector.inspect] fields << ["udpdate=%s", update.inspect] fields << ["flags=%s", flags.inspect] f, v = fields.transpose f.join(" ") % v end private # The operation code required to specify an Update message. # @return [Fixnum] the operation code. def op_code 2001 end # Available flags for an Update message. FLAGS = [:upsert, :multi_update] # Field representing Zero encoded as an Int32. field :zero, Zero # @!attribute # @return [String] The namespace for this Update message. field :namespace, CString # @!attribute # @return [Array<Symbol>] The flags for this Update message. field :flags, BitVector.new(FLAGS) # @!attribute # @return [Hash] The selector for this Update message. field :selector, Document # @!attribute # @return [Hash] The update for this Delete message. field :update, Document end end end