shared_examples_for "a configurable" do before(:all) do Videojuicer.configure!(:foo=>"custom", :bar=>"not overridden") end before(:each) do Videojuicer.exit_all! end after(:each) do Videojuicer.exit_all! end describe "scope control" do before(:all) do @configurable_a = @configurable_a.configure! :foo=>"a" @configurable_b = @configurable_b.configure! :foo=>"b" @configurable_c = @configurable_c.configure!({}) end it "moves the configurable's local scope to the global scope stack" do Videojuicer.current_scope.should_not == @configurable_a.config @configurable_a.scope do |config| config.should == Videojuicer.current_scope end Videojuicer.current_scope.should_not == @configurable_a.config end it "supports nested block behaviour" do @configurable_a.scope do |config_a| config_a[:bar].should == "not overridden" config_a[:foo].should == "a" Videojuicer.scopes.length.should == 2 @configurable_b.scope do |config_b| Videojuicer.scopes.length.should == 3 config_b[:foo].should == "b" config_b[:bar].should == "not overridden" end Videojuicer.scopes.length.should == 2 #raise "ALL SCOPES: #{Videojuicer.scopes.inspect} \n\n\n CURRENT SCOPE: #{Videojuicer.current_scope.inspect} \n\n BLOCK CONFIG: #{config.inspect}" config_a[:foo].should == "a" end end end it "gets the configuration defaults from those already set on the Videojuicer module" do obj = obj.config[:foo].should == "custom" end it "can override defaults from the Videojuicer configuration hash" do obj = obj.configure!(:bar=>"overridden") obj.config[:bar].should == "overridden" end %w(host port consumer_key consumer_secret token token_secret api_version seed_name protocol).each do |attr| it "provides a direct access method for the #{attr} given in the configuration" do obj = obj.configure!((attr.to_sym)=>"#{attr} was set") obj.send(attr).should == "#{attr} was set" end end end