begin require 'rake/tasklib' rescue LoadError raise 'Rake is not installed and you are attempting to execute Rake tasks with Puppet Check. Please install Rake before continuing.' end require_relative '../puppet-check' # the rake interface for PuppetCheck class PuppetCheck::Tasks < ::Rake::TaskLib def initialize desc 'Execute all Puppet-Check checks' task puppetcheck: %w[puppetcheck:file puppetcheck:spec puppetcheck:beaker puppetcheck:kitchen] namespace :puppetcheck do desc 'Execute Puppet-Check file checks' task :file do, Dir.glob('*')) end # rspec and rspec-puppet tasks begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require_relative 'rspec_puppet_support' desc 'Execute RSpec and RSpec-Puppet tests' do |task| # generate tasks for all recognized directories and ensure spec tests inside module dependencies are ignored spec_dirs = Dir.glob('**/{classes,defines,facter,functions,hosts,puppet,unit,types}/**/*_spec.rb').reject { |dir| dir =~ /fixtures/ } task.pattern = spec_dirs.empty? ? 'skip_rspec' : spec_dirs task.rspec_opts = '-f json' if PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] == 'json' end rescue LoadError desc 'RSpec is not installed.' task :spec do puts 'RSpec is not installed. The RSpec/RSpec-Puppet tasks will not be available.' end end # beaker tasks begin require 'beaker/tasks/quick_start' desc 'Execute Beaker acceptance tests' task :beaker, %i[hypervisor] do |_, args| args[:hypervisor] = 'vagrant' if args[:hypervisor].nil? Rake::Task["beaker_quickstart:run_test[#{args[:hypervisor]}]"].invoke end rescue LoadError desc 'Beaker is not installed.' task :beaker do puts 'Beaker is not installed. The Beaker tasks will not be available.' end end # test kitchen tasks begin require 'kitchen/rake_tasks' desc 'Execute Test Kitchen acceptance tests' task :kitchen do Rake::Task['kitchen:all'].invoke end rescue LoadError desc 'Test Kitchen is not installed.' task :kitchen do puts 'Test Kitchen is not installed. The Kitchen tasks will not be available.' end end end end end