# Copyright (c) 2011 Blue Pines Technologies LLC, Brad Carleton # www.bluepines.org # Copyright (c) 2012 42 Lines Inc., Jim Browne # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. default_ttl = 60 import copy from boto.exception import TooManyRecordsException from boto.route53.record import ResourceRecordSets from boto.route53.status import Status class Zone(object): """ A Route53 Zone. :ivar Route53Connection route53connection :ivar str Id: The ID of the hosted zone. """ def __init__(self, route53connection, zone_dict): self.route53connection = route53connection for key in zone_dict: if key == 'Id': self.id = zone_dict['Id'].replace('/hostedzone/', '') else: self.__setattr__(key.lower(), zone_dict[key]) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.name def _commit(self, changes): """ Commit a set of changes and return the ChangeInfo portion of the response. :type changes: ResourceRecordSets :param changes: changes to be committed """ response = changes.commit() return response['ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse']['ChangeInfo'] def _new_record(self, changes, resource_type, name, value, ttl, identifier, comment=""): """ Add a CREATE change record to an existing ResourceRecordSets :type changes: ResourceRecordSets :param changes: change set to append to :type name: str :param name: The name of the resource record you want to perform the action on. :type resource_type: str :param resource_type: The DNS record type :param value: Appropriate value for resource_type :type ttl: int :param ttl: The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. :type identifier: tuple :param identifier: A tuple for setting WRR or LBR attributes. Valid forms are: * (str, int): WRR record [e.g. ('foo',10)] * (str, str): LBR record [e.g. ('foo','us-east-1') :type comment: str :param comment: A comment that will be stored with the change. """ weight = None region = None if identifier is not None: try: int(identifier[1]) weight = identifier[1] identifier = identifier[0] except: region = identifier[1] identifier = identifier[0] change = changes.add_change("CREATE", name, resource_type, ttl, identifier=identifier, weight=weight, region=region) if type(value) in [list, tuple, set]: for record in value: change.add_value(record) else: change.add_value(value) def add_record(self, resource_type, name, value, ttl=60, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Add a new record to this Zone. See _new_record for parameter documentation. Returns a Status object. """ changes = ResourceRecordSets(self.route53connection, self.id, comment) self._new_record(changes, resource_type, name, value, ttl, identifier, comment) return Status(self.route53connection, self._commit(changes)) def update_record(self, old_record, new_value, new_ttl=None, new_identifier=None, comment=""): """ Update an existing record in this Zone. Returns a Status object. :type old_record: ResourceRecord :param old_record: A ResourceRecord (e.g. returned by find_records) See _new_record for additional parameter documentation. """ new_ttl = new_ttl or default_ttl record = copy.copy(old_record) changes = ResourceRecordSets(self.route53connection, self.id, comment) changes.add_change_record("DELETE", record) self._new_record(changes, record.type, record.name, new_value, new_ttl, new_identifier, comment) return Status(self.route53connection, self._commit(changes)) def delete_record(self, record, comment=""): """ Delete one or more records from this Zone. Returns a Status object. :param record: A ResourceRecord (e.g. returned by find_records) or list, tuple, or set of ResourceRecords. :type comment: str :param comment: A comment that will be stored with the change. """ changes = ResourceRecordSets(self.route53connection, self.id, comment) if type(record) in [list, tuple, set]: for r in record: changes.add_change_record("DELETE", r) else: changes.add_change_record("DELETE", record) return Status(self.route53connection, self._commit(changes)) def add_cname(self, name, value, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Add a new CNAME record to this Zone. See _new_record for parameter documentation. Returns a Status object. """ ttl = ttl or default_ttl name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) value = self.route53connection._make_qualified(value) return self.add_record(resource_type='CNAME', name=name, value=value, ttl=ttl, identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def add_a(self, name, value, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Add a new A record to this Zone. See _new_record for parameter documentation. Returns a Status object. """ ttl = ttl or default_ttl name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) return self.add_record(resource_type='A', name=name, value=value, ttl=ttl, identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def add_mx(self, name, records, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Add a new MX record to this Zone. See _new_record for parameter documentation. Returns a Status object. """ ttl = ttl or default_ttl records = self.route53connection._make_qualified(records) return self.add_record(resource_type='MX', name=name, value=records, ttl=ttl, identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def find_records(self, name, type, desired=1, all=False, identifier=None): """ Search this Zone for records that match given parameters. Returns None if no results, a ResourceRecord if one result, or a ResourceRecordSets if more than one result. :type name: str :param name: The name of the records should match this parameter :type type: str :param type: The type of the records should match this parameter :type desired: int :param desired: The number of desired results. If the number of matching records in the Zone exceeds the value of this parameter, throw TooManyRecordsException :type all: Boolean :param all: If true return all records that match name, type, and identifier parameters :type identifier: Tuple :param identifier: A tuple specifying WRR or LBR attributes. Valid forms are: * (str, int): WRR record [e.g. ('foo',10)] * (str, str): LBR record [e.g. ('foo','us-east-1') """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) returned = self.route53connection.get_all_rrsets(self.id, name=name, type=type) # name/type for get_all_rrsets sets the starting record; they # are not a filter results = [r for r in returned if r.name == name and r.type == type] weight = None region = None if identifier is not None: try: int(identifier[1]) weight = identifier[1] except: region = identifier[1] if weight is not None: results = [r for r in results if (r.weight == weight and r.identifier == identifier[0])] if region is not None: results = [r for r in results if (r.region == region and r.identifier == identifier[0])] if ((not all) and (len(results) > desired)): message = "Search: name %s type %s" % (name, type) message += "\nFound: " message += ", ".join(["%s %s %s" % (r.name, r.type, r.to_print()) for r in results]) raise TooManyRecordsException(message) elif len(results) > 1: return results elif len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return None def get_cname(self, name, all=False): """ Search this Zone for CNAME records that match name. Returns a ResourceRecord. If there is more than one match return all as a ResourceRecordSets if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ return self.find_records(name, 'CNAME', all=all) def get_a(self, name, all=False): """ Search this Zone for A records that match name. Returns a ResourceRecord. If there is more than one match return all as a ResourceRecordSets if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ return self.find_records(name, 'A', all=all) def get_mx(self, name, all=False): """ Search this Zone for MX records that match name. Returns a ResourceRecord. If there is more than one match return all as a ResourceRecordSets if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ return self.find_records(name, 'MX', all=all) def update_cname(self, name, value, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Update the given CNAME record in this Zone to a new value, ttl, and identifier. Returns a Status object. Will throw TooManyRecordsException is name, value does not match a single record. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) value = self.route53connection._make_qualified(value) old_record = self.get_cname(name) ttl = ttl or old_record.ttl return self.update_record(old_record, new_value=value, new_ttl=ttl, new_identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def update_a(self, name, value, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Update the given A record in this Zone to a new value, ttl, and identifier. Returns a Status object. Will throw TooManyRecordsException is name, value does not match a single record. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) old_record = self.get_a(name) ttl = ttl or old_record.ttl return self.update_record(old_record, new_value=value, new_ttl=ttl, new_identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def update_mx(self, name, value, ttl=None, identifier=None, comment=""): """ Update the given MX record in this Zone to a new value, ttl, and identifier. Returns a Status object. Will throw TooManyRecordsException is name, value does not match a single record. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) value = self.route53connection._make_qualified(value) old_record = self.get_mx(name) ttl = ttl or old_record.ttl return self.update_record(old_record, new_value=value, new_ttl=ttl, new_identifier=identifier, comment=comment) def delete_cname(self, name, identifier=None, all=False): """ Delete a CNAME record matching name and identifier from this Zone. Returns a Status object. If there is more than one match delete all matching records if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) record = self.find_records(name, 'CNAME', identifier=identifier, all=all) return self.delete_record(record) def delete_a(self, name, identifier=None, all=False): """ Delete an A record matching name and identifier from this Zone. Returns a Status object. If there is more than one match delete all matching records if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) record = self.find_records(name, 'A', identifier=identifier, all=all) return self.delete_record(record) def delete_mx(self, name, identifier=None, all=False): """ Delete an MX record matching name and identifier from this Zone. Returns a Status object. If there is more than one match delete all matching records if all is True, otherwise throws TooManyRecordsException. """ name = self.route53connection._make_qualified(name) record = self.find_records(name, 'MX', identifier=identifier, all=all) return self.delete_record(record) def get_records(self): """ Return a ResourceRecordsSets for all of the records in this zone. """ return self.route53connection.get_all_rrsets(self.id) def delete(self): """ Request that this zone be deleted by Amazon. """ self.route53connection.delete_hosted_zone(self.id) def get_nameservers(self): """ Get the list of nameservers for this zone.""" ns = self.find_records(self.name, 'NS') if ns is not None: ns = ns.resource_records return ns