// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #ifndef UPB_MINI_TABLE_INTERNAL_ENUM_H_ #define UPB_MINI_TABLE_INTERNAL_ENUM_H_ #include // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" struct upb_MiniTableEnum { uint32_t mask_limit; // Limit enum value that can be tested with mask. uint32_t value_count; // Number of values after the bitfield. uint32_t data[]; // Bitmask + enumerated values follow. }; typedef enum { _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_ValueIsInEnum = 0, _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_ValueIsNotInEnum = 1, _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_CannotCheckFast = 2, } _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_Status; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif UPB_INLINE _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_Status _upb_MiniTable_CheckEnumValueFast( const struct upb_MiniTableEnum* e, uint32_t val) { if (UPB_UNLIKELY(val >= 64)) return _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_CannotCheckFast; uint64_t mask = e->data[0] | ((uint64_t)e->data[1] << 32); return (mask & (1ULL << val)) ? _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_ValueIsInEnum : _kUpb_FastEnumCheck_ValueIsNotInEnum; } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_MiniTable_CheckEnumValueSlow( const struct upb_MiniTableEnum* e, uint32_t val) { if (val < e->mask_limit) return e->data[val / 32] & (1ULL << (val % 32)); // OPT: binary search long lists? const uint32_t* start = &e->data[e->mask_limit / 32]; const uint32_t* limit = &e->data[(e->mask_limit / 32) + e->value_count]; for (const uint32_t* p = start; p < limit; p++) { if (*p == val) return true; } return false; } #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #include "upb/port/undef.inc" #endif /* UPB_MINI_TABLE_INTERNAL_ENUM_H_ */