window.GOVUK = window.GOVUK || {} window.GOVUK.Modules = window.GOVUK.Modules || {}; (function (Modules) { function ExplicitCrossDomainLinks ($module) { this.$module = $module } ExplicitCrossDomainLinks.prototype.init = function () { this.attribute = 'href' this.attributeValue = this.$module.getAttribute(this.attribute) this.eventType = 'click' if (!this.attributeValue) { this.attribute = 'action' this.attributeValue = this.$module.getAttribute(this.attribute) this.eventType = 'submit' } this.handleEvent = this.handleEvent.bind(this) this.handleCookiesAccepted = this.handleCookiesAccepted.bind(this) // Listens for the 'submit' event if the element is a form, and the 'click' event if it is a link this.$module.addEventListener(this.eventType, this.handleEvent) } ExplicitCrossDomainLinks.prototype.decorate = function (element, param, attribute) { var attributeValue = element.getAttribute(attribute) if (!attributeValue) { return } if (attributeValue.indexOf('?') !== -1) { attributeValue += '&' + param } else { attributeValue += '?' + param } element.setAttribute(attribute, attributeValue) } ExplicitCrossDomainLinks.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) { // prevent default: we want the link href and/or form action to be decorated before we navigate away e.preventDefault() var cookieBannerEngaged = window.GOVUK.cookie('cookies_preferences_set') var cookieConsent = window.GOVUK.getConsentCookie() if (cookieBannerEngaged !== 'true') { // If not engaged, append only ?cookie_consent=not-engaged this.decorate(this.$module, 'cookie_consent=not-engaged', this.attribute) } else if (cookieConsent && cookieConsent.usage === true) { this.handleCookiesAccepted() } else { this.decorate(this.$module, 'cookie_consent=reject', this.attribute) } // remove the event listener to avoid an infinite loop this.$module.removeEventListener(this.eventType, this.handleEvent) // if the element is a form, submit it. If it is a link, click it if (this.eventType === 'submit') { this.$module.submit() } else { this.$ } } ExplicitCrossDomainLinks.prototype.handleCookiesAccepted = function () { // If the cookie banner was engaged and usage cookie accepted, append ?_ga=clientid if available and cookie_consent=accept var element = this.$module var attribute = this.attribute this.decorate(element, 'cookie_consent=accept', attribute) if (! { return } () { var trackers = if (!trackers.length) { return } var linker = new window.gaplugins.Linker(trackers[0]) var attrValue = element.getAttribute(attribute) element.setAttribute(attribute, linker.decorate(attrValue)) }) } Modules.ExplicitCrossDomainLinks = ExplicitCrossDomainLinks })(window.GOVUK.Modules)