Given(/^an existing emtpy invoice$/) do @invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice, label: nil, customer: nil, payment_term_id: nil) @invoice.due_date = nil! end Given(/^(\d+) existing invoices$/) do |count| create_list(:billing_machine_invoice, count.to_i) end Given(/^an existing invoice$/) do @invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: @customer) @invoice.lines.create!(quantity: 1, unit_price: 9.99) end Given(/^an existing invoice with a "(.*?)"% VAT rate$/) do |rate| @invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice) create(:billing_machine_invoice_line, vat_rate: rate, invoice: @invoice) end Given(/^an existing paid invoice$/) do @invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice, paid: true) end Given(/^billing machine in single vat mode$/) do ::Dorsale::BillingMachine.vat_mode = :single end Given(/^a bunch of existing invoices$/) do c1 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Bidule") c2 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Machin") c3 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Chose") i1 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Oh") i2 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Ah") i3 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Eh") create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: c1, date: Date.current, paid: true) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: c2, date: Date.current) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: c3, date: Date.current) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: c1, date: Date.current - 2.days) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: i1, date: Date.current - 3.days) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: i2, date: Date.current - 3.days) create(:billing_machine_invoice, customer: i3, date: Date.current - 3.days) end Given(/^an existing unpaid invoice$/) do @invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice, paid: false) end Given(/^its due date is not yet passed$/) do @invoice.update!(due_date: (Date.current + 1)) end Given(/^its due date is the same day$/) do @invoice.update!(due_date: Date.current) end Given(/^its due date is yesterday$$/) do @invoice.update!(due_date: (Date.current - 1)) end Given(/^its due date is (\d+) days ago$/) do |days| @invoice.update!(due_date: (Date.current - days.to_i)) end Given(/^existing "(.*?)" invoices with "(.*?)" amount$/) do |n, amount| n.to_i.times do create(:billing_machine_invoice_line, quantity: 1, unit_price: amount) end end When(/^(?:the user|he) goes to the invoices page$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_invoices_path end When(/^he creates a new invoice$/) do find(".link_create").click end When(/^he fills the reference, the date, the vat rate and the payment terms$/) do fill_in "invoice_label", with: @label = "My reference" fill_in "invoice_date", with: @date = "01/01/2014" fill_in "invoice_vat_rate", with: "20" select @payment_term.label end When(/^he chooses the customer$/) do select end When(/^the user goes to the invoice details$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_invoice_path(@invoice) end When(/^wants to copy it$/) do find(".link_copy").click end When(/^he fills a line with "(.*?)", "(.*?)", "(.*?)", "(.*?)"$/) do |label, quantity, unit, unit_price| expect(page).to have_selector(".line") within all(".line").last do find(".line-label textarea").set label find(".line-quantity input").set quantity find(".line-unit input").set unit find(".line-unit_price input").set unit_price end end When(/^he goes on the edit page of the invoice$/) do visit dorsale.edit_billing_machine_invoice_path(@invoice) end When(/^changes the label$/) do @new_label= @invoice.label + " Edited" fill_in "invoice_label", with: @new_label end When(/^he changes the VAT rate to "(.*?)"$/) do |new_rate| fill_in "invoice_vat_rate", with: new_rate end When(/^he changes the commercial discount to "(.*?)"€$/) do |arg1| fill_in "invoice_commercial_discount", with: arg1 end When(/^he adds a new line$/) do click_link "add-new-line" end When(/^he saves the invoice$/) do find("[type=submit]").click end When(/^he set the invoice as paid$/) do find("[href$=pay]").click end When(/^he marks the invoice as unpaid$/) do within "" do select "No" end end When(/^he changes the advance to "(.*?)"€$/) do |value| fill_in "invoice_advance", with: value end When(/^he goes to the newly created invoice page$/) do @invoice = ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.last_created visit dorsale.edit_billing_machine_invoice_path(@invoice) end When(/^he filters by date on today$/) do select "Aujourd'hui" find(".filter-submit").click end When(/^he filters by one customer$/) do within(".filters") do select("Bidule") find(".filter-submit").click end end When(/^he filters by status on paid$/) do within(".filters") do select("Payée") find(".filter-submit").click end end When(/^the user download the pdf$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_invoice_path(@invoice) find(".link_download").click end Then(/^he should see (\d+) invoices?$/) do |count| expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice", count: count end Then(/^the invoice is displayed correctly$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".tracking_id", text: @invoice.tracking_id end Then(/^the total excluding taxes is "(.*?)"$/) do |total| expect(find(".total_excluding_taxes input").value).to eq total end Then(/^the VAT due is "(.*?)"$/) do |vat| expect(find(".vat_amount input").value).to eq vat end Then(/^the total including taxes is "(.*?)"$/) do |total| expect(find(".total_including_taxes input").value).to eq total end Then(/^he fill the commercial discount with "(.*?)"$/) do |value| find(".commercial_discount input").set value end Then(/^it's added to the invoice list$/) do step("the user goes to the invoices page") expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice .date", text: @date # There are no other invoices for this test so we should get the right number tracking_id = ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.first.tracking_id expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice .tracking_id", text: tracking_id expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice .customer_name", text: expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice .total_excluding_taxes", text: "180,00 €" end Then(/^the commercial discount is "(.*?)"€$/) do |discount| expect(find(".commercial_discount input").value).to eq discount end Then(/^the invoices's label has changed$/) do visit dorsale.edit_billing_machine_invoice_path(@invoice) expect(page).to have_field("invoice_label", with: @new_label) end Then(/^the VAT rate is "(.*?)"$/) do |rate| expect(find(".vat_rate input").value).to eq rate end Then(/^the new line total is "(.*?)"$/) do |value| within all(".line").last do expect(find(".line-total input").value).to eq value end end Then(/^the invoice is marked paid$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".paid" end Then(/^can't set the invoice as paid again$/) do expect(page).to_not have_selector("[href$=pay]") end Then(/^the invoice is marked unpaid$/) do expect(page).to_not have_selector ".paid" end Then(/^the invoice status is set to unpaid$/) do expect(@invoice.reload.paid?).to be false end Then(/^the invoice status is set to paid$/) do expect(@invoice.reload.paid?).to be true end Then(/^a message signals the success of the update$/) do expect(find(".alert-success")).to be_visible end Then(/^a message signals the success of the creation$/) do expect(find(".alert-success")).to be_visible end Then(/^a message signals that the invoice is set to paid$/) do expect(find(".alert-success")).to be_visible end Then(/^the advance is "(.*?)"€$/) do |advance| expect(find(".advance input").value).to eq advance end Then(/^the balance is "(.*?)"$/) do |balance| expect(find(".balance input").value).to eq balance end Then(/^the invoice line shows the right date$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".date", text: I18n.l( end Then(/^the invoice line shows the right traking-id$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".tracking_id", text: @invoice.tracking_id end Then(/^the invoice line shows the right total excluding taxes value$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".total_excluding_taxes", text: "9,99 €" end Then(/^the invoice line shows the right total including taxes value$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".total_including_taxes", text: "11,99 €" end Then(/^the invoice line shows the right customer's name$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".customer_name", text: end Then(/^the invoice default date is set to today's date\.$/) do expect(page).to have_field("invoice_date", with: I18n.l(Date.current)) end Then(/^the invoice default due date is set to today's date\.$/) do expect(page).to have_field("invoice_due_date", with: I18n.l(Date.current + 30.days)) end Then(/^a new invoice is displayed with the informations$/) do expect(page).to have_field("invoice_label", with: @invoice.label) end Then(/^he can see all the informations$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".invoice-label", text: @invoice.label end Then(/^only the invoices of this customer do appear$/) do expect(page).to have_selector(".customer_name", text: "Bidule", count: 2) end Then(/^only the invoices of today do appear$/) do expect(page).to have_selector(".invoice", count: 3) end Then(/^only the invoices paid do appear$/) do expect(page).to have_selector(".invoice", count: 1) end Then(/^the invoice paid status should not have a color$/) do expect(find(".invoice")[:class]).to_not include("paid", "late", "onalert") end Then(/^the invoice status should be "(.*?)"$/) do |color| expect(find(".invoice")[:class]).to include(color) end Then(/^data total amount is "(.*?)"$/) do |text| expect(page).to have_content text end When(/^he send invoice to customer by email$/) do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear Dorsale::BillingMachine::PdfFileGenerator.(@invoice) @invoice.customer = create(:customer_vault_corporation, email: "")! find("[href$=email]").click fill_in :email_subject, with: "abc" fill_in :email_body, with: "def" find("[type=submit]").click end Then(/^an invoice is sent to customer$/) do expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 1 email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect( include "" expect(email.subject).to eq "abc" expect( eq "def" expect(email.attachments.count).to eq 1 end When(/^he filters invoices between two date$/) do fill_in :filters_bm_date_begin, with: I18n.l(Date.current) fill_in :filters_bm_date_end, with: I18n.l(Date.current) find(".filter-submit").click end When(/^he click on the preview invoice button$/) do @invoices_count = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.count controller = Dorsale::BillingMachine::InvoicesController expect_any_instance_of(controller).to receive(:preview).and_call_original expect_any_instance_of(controller).to_not receive(:create) expect_any_instance_of(controller).to_not receive(:update) find("#preview-button").click end Then(/^he see the invoice preview$/) do expect(windows.count).to eq 2 end Then(/^no invoice is created$/) do expect(Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.count).to eq @invoices_count end